#etn movie
sushiburritonoms · 5 months
New ETN/GT Fic
I wrote this for Matpat's retirement in March and look at me, right on time as always.
Matthew Patrick's Home for Imaginary Friends and Biblical Abominations
Rating: Gen, no ships, comedy, could be considered crack I guess
Summary: Stephanie Patrick has made a lot of adjustments and sacrifices ever since her husband came back from Everlock and has come out of the other side a stronger person. But six years later, Matthew and Nikita finally achieve the impossible and bring Joey Graceffa back from Pandora’s Box...along with something else. What do you do when your husband accidentally releases the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?
You hire them for Youtube of course.
Basically a fusion of Game Theory lore and ETN, featuring Stephanie, Jason, Tom, Lee, Santi, Amy, Mirror Matt, Ash, and a ton of other Theorist cameos and easter eggs. Its the new channel hosts as the Four Horsemen; this will NOT make sense if you don't follow the Theorist channels.
Fic Snippet is below the cut.
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Hey Death, whatcha doing?”
“Go away, Fam, I’m busy!”
“You’re busy in MY space! Aren’t you supposed to be off reaping innocent babies or kittens or something?!”
“For the last time, we are GUESTS; you don’t own the space, you glutinous half-wit! Leave me alone!”
“Matt! Matt, Death is messing with your kitchen!!”
Stepping into her own kitchen wasn’t supposed to feel like a SAE mission. But Steph kept a flask of holy water and a crucifix in her Lululemon hip bag as she made her way over from the stairwell. The moment she made her presence known, she saw sickly green flames brighten to life in the blank sockets of Death’s skull face.
“Ah! Stephanie! So good of you to join us.” Death nodded his head politely and lifted a skeletal hand to tug at his black hood as though it were some sort of dapper hat. His upper-class London accent made the act feel less ridiculous and more like proper gentleman behavior.
“…Hi.” Steph was never going to get used to how terrifying it was to see green fire instead of eyeballs, especially since Death towered several feet over her and Matthew. Speaking of which… “I thought I heard Matthew’s voice.”
“He went downstairs,” a smooth voice chimed in from behind Death’s black robe. “With the other dude and the chick.”
Death snorted. “Eloquent and informative as ever.”
“She knows who I’m talking about! Now move your nonexistent ass; some of us are trying to work here!”
Steph saw a thick human arm swat at Death’s cloak, and the living personification of Famine stepped into Steph’s view.
Famine grinned at her with a very normal and healthy-looking human male face. Thank God. She would take his human form any day over the emaciated, decayed corpse that was his true form. Today, he was favoring a physique that had very broad shoulders and thick muscular biceps that strained against a baby blue shirt with some anime character imprinted on it. Matthew would surely know the show, but she did not. He had a round tan face with a salt and pepper beard and very mischievous eyes that were partially hidden behind thick black glasses. He eagerly held out one of her mixing bowls, which was filled near to the brim with something that smelled utterly delicious.
“I’m making snacks!”
“Thank you, Famine. That’s very sweet of you.” Steph couldn’t help but break into a smile. “Is this the same body you wore yesterday?”
Famine nodded vigorously. “Matt said we need to pick a body and stick with it. I like this one. Check out my GUNS!” He set the bowl down on the countertop beside him and flexed one of his thick arms at Steph.
Death scoffed. “Flesh is weak. Entropy is inevitable.”
“You’re just jealous because you can’t create anything other than the same lameo body you’ve had for centuries.”
“There’s nothing wrong with the way my human form looks. Not all of us are vain like you and Pestilence.”
“Excuse you?”
Steph jumped. A small, slender woman with incredibly pale skin and long black hair suddenly sat cross-legged at one of Steph’s kitchen bar chairs. She wore a shoulderless black halter dress that went down to the floor, to where Steph could see the tips of shiny Doc Martens peeking out. On her face, she wore black eyeliner to outline her light blue eyes, which were intensely focused on Famine. She looked completely human except for one small detail. She had long, razor-sharp silver claws instead of nails resting elegantly in her lap, like ten slim stiletto daggers just waiting to be thrown.
Death shook his bony head. “How many times have I told you not to scare our hosts like that? Don’t make me put a bell around your tiny neck!”
“Hmm, I’d like to see you try,” Pestilence yawned into the palm of her hand, her claws flexing across her face. They were filed into sharp points and caught the light in a terrifying way. “Sorry to bother you, Steph, but Matt was looking for you and said you needed to be on his call. He’s with the Vessel and Nikita.”
“The dude and the chick!” Famine shrugged. “I said that already.”
“You are useless,” Death groaned.
Oh. Right. Matthew had said he was going to call Jason today. She’d completely forgotten that was happening.
You can continue the fic here
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Do you do art requests? Can you please draw like, an icon friendly Detective pfp please Id love it /nopressure
Also are you excited for the movie?? I need more content than a movie and the reveal was so. Anticlimactic but I’m still excited!! Do you also have like, discord? I need more etn friends graughh
Hello!! I sorta will do requests! Mostly depending on what they are and my motivation levels hehe :3 Without ado! the detective!
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In regards to my thoughts on the movie, Ive seen a lot of opinions in the tag that I agree with. While I'm excited for more offical etn content I am hesitant to if this is going to be what the fandom is wanting. I think they really shot themselves in the foot while drumming up hype. they totally played into peoples expectations about season 5, which disappointed a lot of people when their announcement was a movie we had to fund. I think it would have been a lot better if they managed expectations from the start. Im also disappointed by the scripting aspect! IMO escape the night is a campy show where you are watching youtubers with minimal acting talent but a lot of enthusiasm scrap for attention. to me, escape the night has the same vibe as a beginners improv performance. everyone has a lot of heart! but they also all want to be the ones who say the funny one liners, and don't quite know how to build off each other. The cringe and camp are part of why its so enjoyable to me.
ALSO SOMEONE SHOULD MAKE A DISCORD SERVER FOR SURE!!!! last time i checked the reddit (shudder) almost all of the discord servers linked on there where dead as fuck :( BUT if anyone wants to talk ;)))))) about etn stuff ;)))) you can dm me for my discord ;)))) Promise I dont bite >:3
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escapethenightcrack · 11 months
My thoughts on the movie now that I’m not sleep deprived
I’m really not a fan of this role out. They knew people were going to jump to season 5 and I feel that they played into it. Asking for funding is not “a new chapter”
Do NOT let fans in the writer’s room. We are not directors and we should not be treated as if we are. More of a “this or that” vote is better in my opinion.
50’s is cool and my personal choice for an era.
I really hope they’re not relying completely on the indiegogo.
I do like the Twitter account being very playful and funny but also peeling back the curtain a bit.
Honestly I don’t know how I feel about a movie. I would prefer more of a side story of trying to get Joey back than trying to shoehorn in a watered down replication of a season.
I’m glad they want better gore
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much-ado-about-whomst · 9 months
Hunger games! AU (with a dash of ETN)
-Ness is the first name pulled for district 12
-Abby is pulled, but Mike volunteers
-Mike is a Baker from a family of bakers
-Ness is a hunter/ cook
-Mike is only interested in surviving
-Ness is the planner, trying to keep them both alive.
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I’m rewatching escape the night on YouTube and someone just said “this is like saw”
I can’t escape
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rockonfishboy · 6 months
cw // brief flashing lights
Whelp, here we go again...
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boxbound · 11 months
So escape the night movie huh?
No one asked but here's my two cents
Pretty weird he's asking for this much money but still doesn't have a cast (I'll get to my thoughts on fan participation later)
The perks seem decent... I honestly am excited for the script but nervous bc it feels like it could go off the rails
$350 for access to the producer discord server, now I have a few words, 1 letting fans vote on stuff for the movie just feels off and it could go wrong very fast, 2 the only way you could prevent this is by giving out really bullshit choices and I feel like that's what's going to happen or just completely ignoring certain votes (for those of you who already put $350 into this, this is just my opinion I'm glad you get to participate/gen)
The movie idea itself
Second I'm confused as to if it's another season 1 where the majority of the movie takes place in the house and while I love that season I preferred season 3s way of exploration in the town which helped it a lot in terms of story telling
But if they play their cards right I feel like they can pull of the crimson manor
Unrelated but really uncanny cus 6 months before this I had planned for the actual etn part of Box Bound to be started in a 50s era hose w a messed up nuclear family and demons (but that's for later)
All in all just remember giving your money to strangers online for something that you don't know if it's going to happen or not is a risk whether you want to admit it or not.
Hee hoo be careful with ur money and get as hyped as you want but remember!
Probably gonna take more than a year
Thanks for reading this far here is a treat;
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daffy97 · 11 months
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sushiburritonoms · 11 months
I have no shame
Crossing the International Matpat Canon Line to offer up a Escape the Night Crack Fic idea. The server in Joey's diner is Ness from the FNAF movie.
Like imagine, Joey looks up all excited, expecting this:
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Competent, traumatized love of his life SAE Agent Matpat
And instead its this guy:
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Gay, AuADHD, always a service worker!Ness. He's just a sweet, hyperactive guy, trying to take Joey's order.
Joey: OMG Matt, there's an eyeball in my milkshake! Ness: Oh no! You're so right, eyeballs are totally out of season! I don't know what the kitchen was thinking! I'm so sorry, can I get you a side of Hand instead? A plate of fingies for the table?
The man doesn't even question a stranger calling him Matt, so long as he tips.
He takes human souls as a legal tender btw.
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It has been what? 12 hours? since the movie announcement dropped and FOUR people have already dropped 3000 USD to be an extra in the movie??? oh my god
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escapethenightcrack · 11 months
Am I slightly disappointed? Yes. Am I very excited to see where we can go from here? Hell yeah!!
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much-ado-about-whomst · 10 months
ETN Detective Ness + Vanessa is his sister AU
-Ness is older. Vanessa
-Ness is a "Consulting Detective" (he hyperfixated on Sherlock Holmes as a kid)
-Vanessa will bring him on if the case is more complicated than usual
-Mostly she will give him cold case files
-Sparky's is Ness's day job. Gotta pay the bills
-Ness is generally a pacifist
- Except Ness and William be fighting. All. The. Time.
-It got so bad that he ends up living with Coryx's character (We'll call him X for this AU) when he was around 13
-Vanessa followed him soon after. They don't keep in contact with William
-Neither of them know what really happened at Freddy's.
- Ness is his middle name. He hates his first name, even if you ask him about it he won't tell you.
- Ness first meets Mike while Vanessa was in the hospital (gotta figure out how much canon I want here)
-At first he goes into protective older brothee mode. Vanessa rarely brings anyone over (platonic or romantic) so Ness is suspicious at first.
-Once he realizes that they are just friends he notices that Mike is kinda cute.
- They exchange numbers (so Ness can update Mike on Vanessa's recovery obvi)
Thats all I have for now. Let me know if this au is something you guys like.
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fishyspider · 11 months
(This is an ETN post and not a Repo! TGO post!! Bear with me!!)
2008 Repo! The Genetic Opera absolutely prided itself on being camp. Everyone knew they weren't going to make any money off of it, the film advertises itself as a shitty, gory , messy, bad horror film. And it worked! Nobody claims that it's a top tier horror film, but it has a following for a reason. Had Repo! attempted to market itself as a serious film it would've failed miserably.
I can't stop thinking about Repo! whenever I think about the ETN movie, and I honestly think it's a part of why I hate the idea of the movie so much. Joey is literally having to beg for 250k!! A million dollars not a lot of money for a 85 minute film (Repo! Was several million for a 90 minute film yet it was still incredibly camp) and while I'm sure Joey can work some magic, that's a *lot* of magic to work.
Joey's talking like it's going to be a serious horror film..but it just doesn't seem to have that budget. Unserious horror films with small budgets are camp but prepare before hand and make the camp enjoyable, but serious horror films with small budgets end up camp in a bad way.
I don't HATE hate it, but these kinda films rarely go well and that worries me.
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poeticpains · 10 months
As expected, the IGG for ETN: The Movie has slowed down. I say "as expected" because that's how most every fundraiser campaign goes, with a super enthusiastic start and then a long plateau (possibly with very minimal spots of climbing).
The real question is whether or not it will get the pre-deadline push for completion, or whether the plateau will continue and it will just sputter out.
I guess there's nothing to do but wait and see. I should have graphed this...
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pinkmarbella2050 · 1 month
ETN Ramble: Season 2 AU
Right... I think this might be becoming a thing. I apologise now.
Anyway, hi, guys! Today, I'm gonna be rambling about a random ETN Season 2 AU I got when I was reading over my PMs with the lovely @rockonfishboy. I very well might write it and put it up on AO3, but I just need to get it out of my system first. So some quick context and TWs before we get into this: 1. Yes, I am obsessed with Season 2. A lot of the characters are very interesting and their dynamics are some of the most interesting in the show. Fight me.
2. This AU idea contains a ton of murder, a bit of stalking, torture and pretty much anything you can think of taken straight out of a horror movie (which is basically ETN, but WAY less censorship) and put into this fic. If you are triggered by any of the above (or anything in the tags that I may not have mentioned above), please do not read this post.
But with all that aside, let's go!
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So this AU is based on what I call 'High School/College Horror'. If you need an example, think of things like Unfriended or House of Wax or Happy Death Day. Basically, the movie either features an event that took place at that time and that event triggers the story of the movie or the characters are around that age.
They may not be in college (depends on what exactly I wanna do), but to me, it has that same kind of energy.
Essentially, the AU revolves around the Season 2 cast in a huge mess; due to a massive misunderstanding on their part, Lauren died because of them at a party. In the words of Liza Koshy, Alex is single. And also, because of this, he's also now completely unhinged.
Because here's the thing; he thought he was doing everything right. He thought nobody would have to see this side of him, the side desperate for a normal life beyond his circumstances. He didn't have the best life, but with Lauren, he had a chance to overcome that, to escape it.
They took that away from him.
So his solution? Brutally torture and murder everyone, take their things and build a new life for himself out of the ashes he burned them down to.
Or force them into a death game or something. One of the two.
So what does he do? He makes a list. Gets all the information he can on Lauren's death and, from there, deduces who he thinks is the most-to-least responsible for her death.
From there, he will kill from bottom to top. That way, the people who are the most responsible will suffer more as more of their friends die.
...I swear, all he needs to be No Mercy Percy is a goddamn pepperbox at the rate I'm going. ANYWAY!
I think that one idea that would be really cool is that their deaths are based on their roles from Season 2. So for example:
Alex convinces Andrea her house is haunted and, when she's kinda went a loopy off of it, he kills her.
Alex kills Jesse during a break-in (IDK, Outlaws rob things, it made sense to me).
Tyler and Gabbie die in two of the most dramatic ways known to man.
DeStorm gets pushed onto train tracks.
Tana might have a liquor themed death.
Someone's having a Hitman-esque death.
Imagine Liza being baked into a pie.
Like, that kinda thing. I wanna give Stephen King a run for his money.
IDK how this list would look, but its gonna be wild. I have a feeling, if I do write this, its gonna be something interesting.
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...God, I have a sick mind. But somehow, it made more sense than the Detective ramble!
Thanks for reading my carnage and I'll see you next time! Bye!
Your Author, Marbella. <3
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turtleboi11037 · 5 months
Tyler could have been in the ETN movie and he would have been EVIL. DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT WE COULD OF HAD. DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT WE LOST. 😔
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