theriu · 2 years
To those Canadians and other nationalities with medically assisted suicide: If you are suffering from chronic illness, have mental struggles, live in poverty, or whatever else is leading people to tell you MAiD is a solution, PLEASE know the following:
You ARE worthy of help and treatment, even if people aren’t making it available to you.
You do NOT deserve to be told dying is the only OR best option.
You CAN survive! We believe in you!
It’s OKAY that you struggle. Struggling does not equal failure!
Your loved ones are NOT better off without you. They love you. They would be grief-stricken without you. 
You are made in the image of God, and Christ died to save YOU. He sees you exactly as you are, and He loves you.
I (and others) are praying for you. Please hold on. Please know you are loved.
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correctopinionhaver · 2 years
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canadian doctor after a hard day's work in the euthenasia department
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barbarian15 · 2 years
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There's a Seinfeld quote I've been using for years, but it turns out I misunderstood what it meant. Someone posted a meme of Jerry telling Kramer "trust me, given the legal opportunity, I will kill you," and I thought that meant something along the lines of "had it not been for the laws of this land, I would have slaughtered you." You're my friend, but if I could get away with it, I would put you in the ground without a moment's hesitation.
Turns out the context from the episode reshapes the whole quote. Kramer is afraid of becoming a vegetable on life support, so in the event he suffers a horrible accident, he gives Jerry power of attorney over him so he can pull his plug and let him die. He keeps bugging Jerry, asking him over and over to do him this favor, and Jerry says the quote as a way of shutting him up. "Don't worry, once you're brain dead, I will kill you as soon as legally possible. Will you stop asking me already?!?"
It's still funny, but not nearly as acerbic.
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lifewithchronicpain · 2 years
2021 was the 20 year anniversary of my first suicide attempt, and this year will be a decade since my second. It always strikes me that I'm mentally stable in terms of suicidal ideation after I developed severe constant pain from multiple diagnoses.
There's no one reason that I'm doing much better now. Part of it is that I finally got correctly diagnosed Bipolar 2 and put on lithium after decades of trying different anti depressants.
Another is figuring out coping methods for times of high anxiety and stress. Using ways of distracting myself or letting myself feel what I feel but not acting on anything until I can get separation from the immediate emotions. Recognizing my personal pitfalls and finding ways of avoiding them or dealing with them more appropriately.
And yet, if I'm being perfectly honest, the biggest reason I don't suffer from suicidal ideation is I've been allowed not to work. Work tore me down mentally and physically. And when my back pain became a daily torture, I would cry at my desk every day.
So I went on disability and am fortunate to have parents that let me stay home and just be disabled. I am not expected to do unreasonable chores, but to help out when where I can which is often nightly dishes and that's it.
There's that sort of recognition of a privilege where I didn't become homeless or have parents completely unaccepting of my disability. But also it very much depended on getting a disability check and Medicare insurance to take care of most of what I need to pay for. And so many disabled people deserving of disability payments are denied for inhumane reasons.
So what I'm saying is, yeah, I worked on myself. Yeah, I am fortunate in my living situation, but the biggest reason I am doing so much better mentally is I am able to not work thanks to the social programs.
They need to be expanded and they need to be made better. Meanwhile over in Canada they're offering to kill people they won't help with disability welfare. We cannot take for granted how much just having the bare minimum to survive makes life worth living, especially when disabled.
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luzxii · 2 years
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤtommorow 🐁♡
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rock-a-noodle · 8 months
Penny's dying. We have to put her down tomorrow.
She was there for me during the most shittiest times of my life, this wild ass ride of my twenties. I got her during a rough patch in my life and she helped with her softness and judgy green eyes. She lived a pretty good long life for a cat, and longer than our past two! I never had a sister growing up but she was my little sister.
Right now I'm trying to do my damndest to enjoy the time I got with her as she has less than 24 hours left. We watched Cats Don't Dance and now watching The Cat Returns.
I don't want her to leave me. She's my best non-human friend, and a better friend than some people I've known in my life. But it would be awful to let her suffer with her tumor and illness going on. Like they say, if you love someone let them go. She was showing signs of not doing well after she had an infection. Should I really be surprised?
If I'm quieter on social media, you know why.
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I find it telling that we don’t hear too much about such severe and chronic post-surgical complications in the debates over “gender-affirming care.” This is another reason why medical conscience laws should apply in this area. Transition surgeries should not be viewed as a “civil right,” if only because they have the potential to cause so much harm to the patient.
Canadian euthanasia license is so liberal, one would think Cardinal would qualify to be killed. After all, the pain and despair caused by the surgery are long-standing, as is Cardinal’s regret.
This is just really tragic all around.
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shrineheart · 2 years
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We'll be putting Itty Bitty to sleep this Tuesday. It hurts but it's the right thing to do. She's clearly in pain and not feeling well.
She is the first cat I've raised from kitten to adult.
This whole week has been panic attacks trying to make this decision. The other option was a 3K surgery that might buy her 6-12 months and would have painful recovery.
I don't want to do that to her.
For the people who helped with her first surgery? Thank you so much. You bought us another 6 months with our baby where she was happy and fairly healthy and spoiled to pieces.
I cannot thank you enough for that gift.
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giographixnola · 2 years
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bpgood · 2 years
On Dying & Death
On Dying & Death
When does life stop being sanctified, or is it even sanctified, to begin with? While I feel chronic pain almost every day, I could not imagine feeling helpless in my pain. On October 27, 1997, Oregon enacted the Death with Dignity Act which allows terminally ill individuals to end their lives through the voluntary self-administration of lethal medications, expressly prescribed by a physician for…
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joltning · 6 months
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thought of this as caboose and epsilon and then as tucker and alpha im gonna be sick
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correctopinionhaver · 2 years
canadian healthcare worker asking a disabled patient whether they want to be suicided...one beep meaning yes, two beeps meaning no.
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jet-set-go-go · 3 months
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The ramsival got me acting unwise
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No one I ever knew or have spoken to resembles you. This is good or bad, all depending on my general mood.
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shownumetal · 4 months
this vet is so crazybjfjdks he was listening to cady’s heart and talking to the vet tech like “why don’t you look up that vet that does at home euthenasia….for the patient in room 1” GIRL???
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