#medically assisted suicide
theriu · 2 years
To those Canadians and other nationalities with medically assisted suicide: If you are suffering from chronic illness, have mental struggles, live in poverty, or whatever else is leading people to tell you MAiD is a solution, PLEASE know the following:
You ARE worthy of help and treatment, even if people aren’t making it available to you.
You do NOT deserve to be told dying is the only OR best option.
You CAN survive! We believe in you!
It’s OKAY that you struggle. Struggling does not equal failure!
Your loved ones are NOT better off without you. They love you. They would be grief-stricken without you. 
You are made in the image of God, and Christ died to save YOU. He sees you exactly as you are, and He loves you.
I (and others) are praying for you. Please hold on. Please know you are loved.
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vaspider · 2 years
Hey, apologies if you don’t want to field questions like this, but seeing the post about maid, I wanted to ask whether you are blanket against assisted/medically induced suicide, or whether it’s maid’s method in particular that leads to eugenics. And, if the first case is true, would you mind explaining your reasoning?
I am not blanket against assisted/medically induced suicide in theory. However, in a society which is profit-driven and believes itself individualistic rather than collective (which is bullshit, no one has ever done anything truly on their own), it is inevitable that something like MAiD would become a vehicle for eugenics, even in a situation where MAiD was still restricted to 'terminal' patients. This is a topic which disability rights activists have been discussing, about MAiD specifically, for years and years. I think that the only way to potentially balance the right to die with dignity and at a time and place of one's choosing with the coercion and pressure of a capitalist society is to restrict it to persons with terminal conditions.
If we lived in a society without ableist doctors who overwhelmingly ignore, belittle, and misdiagnose disabled people (especially disabled people who they perceive to be women), and if we lived in a society where housing, medical care including mental health care, and basic disability care were treated as human rights instead of privileges, then we'd be having a different conversation.
This is like the question "but are all cops bastards?" Well, yeah. In our current system, when medicine is for-profit and housing is not viewed as a human right, all medically-assisted suicide of non-terminal patients will end up including -- and has already verifiably included -- people who want to live but are not supported in living not just their best lives, but lives of basic dignity and value. The system itself pushes the 'better dead than disabled' line very hard, and we can see, have seen, how this quickly moves from allowing terminal cancer or Alzheimer's patients to die at the time and in the manner of their choosing to 'well, you're just inconvenient and unprofitable, MCAS patient, so rather than helping you live in a house which will not slowly kill you, we'll sign off on killing you faster.'
As long as these conditions exist in society which explicitly coerce disabled people to kill themselves because the only other option is to live in penury and pain, medically-assisted suicide will always be eugenics, just as no cop can ever be anything other than a bastard in our current carceral system.
Please note, random internet people reading this: I do not want to get into endless discussions or debates on this topic. I've said what I have to say. AMAE. All MAiD Is Eugenics.
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thestarlightforge · 8 months
This morning, I’m thinking about how when Canada designed their medically assisted suicide laws, they didn’t do so with terminally ill people desiring hospice in mind, but rather because they are aware of the poor quality of life the West’s piss-poor anti-discrimination laws afford disabled people, and they would rather just kill us—and disguise it as a “kindness”—than even think about improving things
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"My life is so much worse than yours"
i can legally get a medically assisted suicide.
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bam-monsterhospital · 2 years
y’know, when i was a teeny tiny middleschooler and was introduced to the idea of ‘euthanasia’, it was my understanding it was only a way to provide agency to those who otherwise had none: only setting aside legal ramifications against medical staff who granted the wish of patients that otherwise could not end their own lives.  
it was never about encouraging death as some sort of treatment or solution to people at large.  it was never about attempting mass murder of people who are suffering.  it was never about selling death in an attempt to underfund and get rid of real avenues of medical aide. 
but that’s what the fucking canadian government has allowed through.
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Not to birdwalk from the previous subject. But in regards to medically assisted suicide, it can be taken in the same context as abortion. It's going to happen whether you want it to or not, it's their choice, but it doesn't necessarily have to be a violent and traumatizing ordeal. We don't have to be a society that tries to brainwash and guilt trip people into sticking around long after they have decided they don't want to keep living. We don't have to chant "it gets better" to whom it never gets better. It's cruel. Let people have dignity and control over their own lives.
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thesteveyates · 1 year
Randomly euthanized.
Random Wednesdays, April …..the problems of medically assisted suicide, euthanasia and end of life ethics. Warning to readers ; this isn’t going to be a cheerful post but we all get to die and some of us get to do it badly, in pain, fear and distress while others make the terrible decision to take the end of their life into their own hands, often with the assistance of a medical…
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disbabeled · 6 months
This was originally a reblog to another post but I think it deserves its own post. So.
Let's talk about MAiD.
The original purpose of MAiD (Medical Assistance in Dying) was to give people that were already dying the choice to die in a dignified and painless manner. That original purpose has shifted so far that it's now being used for people with non-terminal disabilities, mental illness, and even people experiencing poverty.
Plenty of people have heard of the disabled veterans that were offered MAiD when they requested a ramp but have you heard about the man with an undiagnosed illness choosing MAiD because doctors weren't able to diagnose him? Death is the only option he sees and it's the best one they can offer him.
What about this disabled woman who is opting for MAiD because she can't afford the medical care she needs? This is a colossal failure of the system. This woman has a kid, a family, and wants to live but she sees no other options here. The government will pay for her to die, but not for the care she needs to live.
This man is applying for MAiD because the alternative is homelessness. He doesn't want to die, he's afraid to die. But with the way he is living now, this is the only choice he sees.
This is a form of eugenics. Keep the disabled and mentally ill from getting the help they need and offer us death instead. And hey, if you save some money along the way that's just a fun little bonus.
Over $30 billion is going to the military while people are choosing to die because they can't get access to the most basic social supports they need. It is easier and quicker to access MAiD than it is to access disability support.
We are living in a dystopia and not enough people realize.
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disagigglebilities · 1 year
Anyway since it's disability pride month I'd like to remind everyone that Canada's MAID program is hostile and insurance companies will and have rejected treatment options to chronically ill Canadians and with the same hand let those same patients be medically killed because it's considered cost effective.
Cost effective has no place in healthcare and is quite literally eugenics wrapped up in prettily packaged words
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yardsards · 7 months
living in america is literally just like. yeah i could probably benefit from inpatient mental health services but honestly the resulting medical bills would just make me want to kill myself even more
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The governments of Manitoba and Saskatchewan say they are concerned about the potential risks of allowing Canadians to seek medical assistance in dying solely on the basis of a mental illness.
Provinces have expressed fears that the country may not yet be ready for the change to take effect in March, federal Health Minister Mark Holland recently acknowledged.
The federal Liberal government passed legislation last year to delay the expansion for 12 months, and will soon have to decide whether to do so a second time.
Full article
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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barbarian15 · 2 years
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People treat you like a naive child who is unable to accept the fact that live ends in death because you are against assisted suicide-
And then they turn around and tell you that that asking a doctor to kill you is not suicide.
I am not the one in denial here.
Then again, their whole pro-suicide movement is based on ableism and misinformation anyway.
[Go thought my “assisted suicide” tag or look up “assisted suicide ableism” and similar if you are unfamiliar with what I am talking about. Link to Not Dead Yet, one of many disability rights groups that opposes assisted suicide.]
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m0llygunn · 2 days
you guys I have been suffering — which I know I say that a lot but I have double ear infections and double pink eye like send help I can barely see
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bam-monsterhospital · 2 years
newfoundland news gleefully demonstrating the bill to advertise euthanasia as ‘treatment’ is specifically targeting the mentally ill and neurodivergent.
just y’know, legally pushing mass murder of all mentally ill and/or neurodivergent canadians.  and delighting in it.
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coco6420 · 1 month
been playing hades recently and had a thought: like imagine being able to die as an immortal. have a bruise thats being particularly annoying? chug some poison and respawn good as new.
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