komorebi-rabbit · 7 months
okie here we go!!
Eeee! Okay!
🍓 What’s a fic you’ve written you feel is underrated?
Probably Lotus Eater! It's not a popular pairing so I'm not surprised over it, but I'm still proud of the way it turned out.
🍒 What’s your favorite character dynamic to write? (Can be romantic or platonic, specific or general!)
Oh, man, idk. I love a kind of enemies-to-lovers pipeline but also like... with ShiObi or Kkob or even kkita, younger guy simping for older guy they think they'll never have. And then one of them disappears for years and it makes the reunion sweeter in the end.
🍍 What kind of AUs do you like? Are there any AUs you hate or just generally have beef with?
Canon-divergent, my beloved.... I prefer reading fics set in the nart universe, for sure. However writing modern aus or just weird aus is so much fun?? I just dont read them often.
🍈 Who’s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics? Free pass to rant about blorbo opinions.
SHISUI, hands down!! I love the idea that, because his father was canonically disabled when Shisui was very young, Obito helped Shisui learn to fend/provide for himself (Because Obito was known to take care of elders, its not a stretch to say he tried to help the disabled, too). And, because Obito was the first to show Shisui some mercy, Shisui took to following him around like a lil duckling, looking up to him. I also repeatedly used the idea that Kushina was his Jounin instructor. It's fun to give him a base knowledge of how seals work!
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lilypheria · 11 months
I really admire how passionate and enthusiastic you are about writing! It really shines through in your stories how much you love it, as well as how much you love SNS <3
WAAAAH thank you so much Eva 😭💕 I'm just a teeny bit obsessed with both writing and sns haha
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magmavox · 4 days
Hiii do you have any favourite SN fics 🤓📖
Oh, absolutely. Here's some of my most recent bookmarks! Since you didn't list any specifics, I included all sorts of things NCR Workplace Misconduct series by suspiciousflashlight T, Modern AU, Part 1: 25k words, Part 2: 28k words ASMR series by pennydaniels E, Modern AU, Part 1: 10k words, Part 2: 9k words Let Me Desecrate You by saucekays E, Canon-verse, 3k words If you can't make organic offspring, cloning is fine. by WaffleDogOfficial G, Canon-verse, 12k words Fridays by TheMadKatter13 T, Modern AU, 1k words Come Into My Parlour (I'll Teach You All You Need to Know) by WivesClub E, Modern AU/Omegaverse, 8k words The Prince of Egypt by weeb_grass E, Canon-verse/Omegaverse, 3k Married for Change by whenmykingdomcomes M, Canon-verse, 5k words with bated breath by mnee E, Canon-verse/Omegaverse, 3k words Covenant by spinosamigos T, Canon-verse, 12k Five Hours by hinata22 NR (I would consider it E), Modern AU, 52k
Après Ski by evaofkonoha T, Modern AU, 6k roots by pearliegates G, Canon-verse, 650 words Finding Sasuke by Kitsune (Kitsune75) G, Canon-verse, 7k
*chef's kiss* I hope you enjoy!
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evaofkonoha · 1 month
The last chapter of I Need You Tonight is officially out!
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missoblaine · 7 months
Tag Game!
Yay tag game! I was tagged by @evaofkonoha and I am tagging @shameless-fujoshi to do this (if you want to haha).
Are you named after anyone?
Nope! I like my name though 😊
What sports have you played?
If dancing counts as a sport then I danced for about fifteen years quite intensely! Otherwise, no. I dislike sports so much actually 😣 I used to pretend to be sick to get out of PE at school. I don't like the physicality and conflict and outside-ness of many sports. I am a squishy little indoors person!
Do you use sarcasm?
Yes! It is why writing in Sasuke's voice is easier for me than writing in Naruto's.
What is the first thing you notice about people?
Hmm, I don't meet new people often actually. I think in general, I am not very good at reading people and it takes me a while to properly make friends. I think both online and IRL, I notice someone's way of speaking/writing/communicating. Their tone and voice and word choice etc.
What's your eye colour?
Very dark brown.
Scary movies or happy endings?
I can't do scary movies eeek. Thrillers, I can do, and I enjoy watching people play scary games sometimes, but horror is too much for me. In general movies are kind of overwhelming for me, I don't watch many of them!
So by default, I guess I like happy endings? I do think for me to enjoy them they have to be purposeful and earned (not necessarily by the characters but by the story).
Any talent?
Writing! While it has ebbed and flowed in its presence over the course of my life, it has always been with me in some form and I am proud of how I have grown with it, especially in the last two years. I am a pretty fast reader as well so I guess that's another one?
What are your hobbies?
Writing, reading, board games, and occasionally crafting things (sewing, crochet, painting miniatures).
Do you have any pets?
My partner has a dog!
How tall are you?
155cm. I am pretty short lol.
Dream job?
I am honestly quite happy with my current job (board game adjacent, relatively not stressful, lets me play with spreadsheets lol). I think my dream job is just not working tbh or doing something just mentally stimulating enough but not stressful and getting paid well for it! 😅 Isn't that the dream?
I will say, I wouldn't want to do any of the creative hobbies I love dearly, especially writing, as a job as I strongly believe it would ruin my love for them.
My answer to this particular question got very long so the rest is under the cut if you are interested in my thoughts. Otherwise, if this is your off ramp - thank you for reading and thank you to @evaofkonoha again for tagging me 🥰
rambling (a.k.a. why i don't want to write as a job)
Even if I worked for myself and got to create the things I wanted, I don't believe I would enjoy it, perhaps simply because it would be a job and it would become something I had to do instead of chose to do. I also believe that whatever I created wouldn't feel truly mine. I think part of the joy of a hobby is getting to do it whenever, however, whyever you want - I value that freedom highly.
For example, if I were to write a novel, even if I wrote it for myself, I would need to, eventually, pitch it to agents/publishers etc and it would always be in the back of my mind that 'this needs to be something that an agent/publisher believes would sell'. Even if I wrote it exactly as I wanted, perhaps someone further down the publishing line would ask for changes to improve its commercial value because, hey, they have to make money too, no? (And perhaps this view is jaded from working in a retail/sales environment for a couple years but if anything, I am even more sure of it now.)
From my time in uni studying creative writing (in which we got some experience pitching short pieces/essays to journals/student publications), I saw the level of ambition needed to succeed in a career like this and I just…don't want that kind of stress to be tied to my finances and living situation. I don't want my ability to be creative (which can wax and wane with the moon, it feels) to be what my paycheck hinges on. Perhaps this is because my creativity is so personal and sacred to me - it is the channel via which my soul interacts with the world - but perhaps it is to everyone? Maybe I am simply very sensitive about it, as I am with many things.
Studying creative writing made me fall out of love with the craft for a couple years, constantly overthinking my words and weighing them against form, content, industry, moral and message. I distinctly remember writing an memoir/essay I was quite proud of part way through my third year (within which I was quite vulnerable about myself) and being disappointed with my final grade on it, as it was so detached from my own personal pride in it. (To be fair though, looking back, it was not as technically sound as I had believed it at the time.)
To be clear, it is not that I wish to create completely void of external input and influence, and I do understand the importance of assessment and external feedback when it comes to developing technical skill! But for the point where I am in my life now, where I have done some formal learning and am starting to realise the infinity and freedom of informal learning, I just think there is a sweet spot where the amount and type of external input/influence is nuturing and kind and motivating and authentic. Too little influence and it can feel like screaming into the void - no resonance. Too much and . . . well, you get the above experience, where it feels like the thing you created as well as the process of creation becomes no longer wholly yours.
For me and what I have learned thus far in my life, my writing is best as this weird wildspace. That's what works for me! And I share my writing online in the purest sense of that word - share - because I want to show this small community something that means something to me, with no kind of transaction behind it. It's just out there, and you're also out there, and if you stumble upon it (or go looking for it) I hope this thing that means something to me means something to you too. I hope it creates resonance with you in this incomprehensible vastness of life.
Um, yeah. That's cool to have that written out and articulated! Thanks for reading 😊
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noellewrxtes · 6 months
more tag game fun!
thank you for thinking of me @evaofkonoha!!
Last song I listened to: scenes from an italian restaurant, billy joel
Currently Reading: my economics textbook ha.
Currently Watching: okay so it was all over my tumblr dash and my twitter feed and i kept thinking it was kakaita at first glance and it wasn't but the guy with the long dark hair in a bun and the guy with the spiky-ish white/gray hair from jujutsu kaisen. i thought they were the main characters this whole time. as it turns out, that is not the case. anyway, i gave in and started watching it. i'm on episode 2 so no thoughts frfr yet other than the sensei is a+ and eating a decayed finger is gross af.
Currently Obsessed With: i've been actively trying to avoid being obsessed with anything because i hyperfocus and it is not good for my schedule. but i was very recently deeply obsessed with lana del rey's newest album.
idk who to tag because i just did another tag game like yesterday or two days ago and i don't want to harass anyone, BUT i love getting to know everyone so literally anyone who has something exciting to share please go for it. <3
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angelselene · 11 months
A WIP Game
A WIP GAME, tagged in by @ladyyatexel who is nosy and knows I am bad brains today haha.
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Okay, ya'll asked for it.
Touya Dreams
Shouto and Fanfic
Dabishou Gunplay
KiriTodo MCD
A/B/O IcyHotWings
BakuTodo for Jen's Art
Vamp Queen ShoutoMight
Guide to Pregnant Omegas
The Many Lives Todoroki Shouto Didn't Live
I didn't know where else to go
ShoutoMight Accidental Baby
Dabi Bang - Marriage of Convenience
Surviving the Fire
1x2 Barb Omegaverse
Cursed by A Goddess
Become the Storm
Heartache & War
Fighty Sasuke NaruSasu
DabiShou PrisonFic
ShoutoMight Crack
Genderbend Shouto
Villain Pet AU
OmegaRoyEd followup
Undercover + Vigilante for Dani
Geisha Sasuke
A Dragon Among the Ashes
The Real Monsters
After the Light
Ace Idiots in Love
Prepared to Sacrifice
Fireworks & Warnings
To be Alpha
ShoutoSmite with Gem
Hokage's Wife
Cat Collab
Post ItaSasu
13x2 omegaverse
Death Chooses You
10/3 FMA
...man, I was really hoping that'd be less than 50. I just can't seem to get it under that.
Okay, there is no way in hell I can tag 50 people.
@dhampir17 @danceswithronin @judaru @magmavox @mavmalt @lilypheria @evaofkonoha @missoblaine @angelsmystique @noirangetrois @picimadar
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evaofkonoha · 3 months
I Need You Tonight
By evaofkonoha Beta read by @missoblaine
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graphic by @komorebi-rabbit
Track 1 - There’s Something About You, That Makes Me Sweat
It begins.
Track 2 - I've Got My Mind Set On You
Anko is pretty good at interrogation (or maybe Shisui's just weak). Itachi sits with Shisui in Study Hall.
Track 3 - I'm Burning For You
Shisui and Itachi happen to both be at school on Saturday. Itachi meets up with Shisui in the parking lot. Itachi is going to be home alone tonight. Shisui was planning on watching MTV, looks like that plan is out the window. It is going to be a good night in.
Track 4 - It Ain't What They Call Rock n' Roll
Shisui learns what kind of music Itachi likes and gets an unexpected visitor near closing time.
Track 5 - All Alone on the Edge of Seventeen
Shisui questions why Itachi even lets him hang around and his siblings come into town. Itachi accompanies him on a walk.
Track 6 - Just Like Heaven
Itachi visits Shisui in the soundbooth.
Track 7 - Close to Me
It's Wednesday night. But this time, Itachi's coming over.
Track 8 - Take Me Out Tonight, Where There’s Music
It's finally the weekend, concert time! Shisui and his friends (and Itachi) hang out for the night.
Flip The Tape
When getting to the end of Side A, the tape must be flipped in order to play Side B.
Track 9 - It Was The Heat Of The Moment
It's finally Shisui's birthday and Itachi has yet to give him his birthday gift.
Track 10 - I’ll Be Wrapped Around Your Finger
A little time has passed and Shisui realizes (with Anko’s help) that he hasn’t taken Itachi on a date. So, Shisui takes Itachi on a date.
Track 11 - Something Happens and I'm Head Over Heels
Something happens and suddenly Shisui's completely head over heels in love with Itachi.
Track 12 - It Must Have Been Love, But Now It's Over
Shisui wallows in what can only be described as the worst post-breakup episode maybe ever.
Track 13 - I Am Human and I Need To Be Loved
Shisui has a strange dream, followed by a strange night, ending up at someone unexpected's (or maybe entirely expected's) house.
Track 14 - Lightning Strikes, Maybe Once, Maybe Twice
Shisui is in the midst of his teen-movie-self improvement-montage.
Track 15 - I Need You Tonight
“I—I need you.”
He peers up through clumpy eyelashes, tears now falling down his cheeks, glistening in the crisp winter moonlight. It takes Shisui’s breath away entirely.
“Especially tonight.”
Track 16 - He Wants Me To Be With Him, He Wants Me With Him Now
It’s graduation and Itachi clearly wants to make good on their promise. Not that Shisui’s complaining, because they are totally meant to be.
Bonus Track - Night After Night, No Questions Asked
It's almost 1990, but not quite yet.
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evaofkonoha · 11 months
Very Good Lives
The night Shisui dies, Itachi awakens the Mangekyou Sharingan. Along with it, he develops a strange ability that allows him to see Shisui, but in other contexts… in other lives. As pressure from every corner of Itachi's life begins to close in on him, he finds himself questioning his decisions, loyalty, and what the point of his life truly is if his soulmate is no longer in it. But even in the darkness looming over him, maybe there's hope; a way to find Shisui—and happiness—again.
“Itachi,” Shisui gives him a sad smile, the kind of smile that unnerves Itachi to the bone. “Things aren’t going well in this life, but I will find you again. I’ve seen it. We have more chances, I promise.”
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missoblaine · 11 months
I neeeed to know about 4. Take Me to Your Igloo!!
Hmm you may be seeing this one posted very soon 😉 so I am just going to say 3 small vague things:
1. This is the most cracked thing I've ever written (and I love it).
2. It's my longest one shot yet.
3. It would not exist without @evaofkonoha 💜
And now I will leave you with this emoji:
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komorebi-rabbit · 8 months
Writer Bingo
Thanks @twofortea!!
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Tagging: @renaerys @evaofkonoha @bunnbreaker
Template below the cut
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missoblaine · 8 months
Fanfic Writer Bingo!
Tagged by the always wonderful @evaofkonoha 😊
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Tagging: @shameless-fujoshi ! (If you want to/haven't already done it haha)
Template here:
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evaofkonoha · 6 months
It's about the cute boy with the curly hair from across the courtyard.
based on "ceilings" by lizzy mcalpine
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missoblaine · 6 months
Another tag game!
tagged by @evaofkonoha - thank you, i always love playing these! 🥰
Last song I listened to: Out of My Mood by gate 문 and brian mantra (which I discovered from @evaofkonoha's fic, Violet) because it's on my roller dance playlist and I kind of want to try learn to roller skate again 😅 But I do want to mention ordinary things by Ariana Grande and "Slut!" by Taylor Swift because those have stood out to me this week.
Currently Reading: Ahh I am all over the place with reading lately! I am beta-reading I Need You Tonight for @evaofkonoha and Falling Into You for @shameless-fujoshi - both amazing longfics! For non-beta-ing, I am loving who gave naruto a phone by bimusicjunkie - I totally recommend it for a good laugh. For books, I recently repurchased Horrorstor by Grady Hendrix which I read and enjoyed as a teenager but think I appreciate more as an adult.
Currently Watching: DanandPhilGAMES on YouTube! It's taking me right back to my teenage years and never fails to cheer me up.
Currently Obsessed With: Perfume! I've been building a little collection. I'm enjoying learning to identify different scents and learn what I like. They make me feel nice 😊 Oh! And also my new Kindle sleeve and fancy pen from The Quirky Cup Collective. The pen is encouraging me to keep a daily journal/random handwritten notes (which is a huge deal for me as I have always preferred digital everything!).
Who's next? I'm tagging @shameless-fujoshi ofc (no obligation though!)
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noellewrxtes · 7 months
tag game! thank you for tagging @tantou! <3
Are you named after anyone ?
i am actually named after two people. my first name that i go by irl comes from a shakespeare character. and then my middle name is noelle and that comes a family tradition. for reasons, every generation there is a girl with the middle name noelle. i don't know how far back that goes but somewhere back in my family line was the original noelle.
What sports have you played ?
i ran track and cross country in middle school and played volleyball in high school, but i was not good at it. i was a good runner for track, but not a good digger or server for volleyball.
Do you use sarcasm ?
i have a very sarcastic sense of humor. i don't think it's actually a good thing, ha. i can be a bit too cutting and then i feel bad about myself.
What is the first thing you notice about people ?
i think just general vibe? people are intimidating to me so whether or not they seem like nice people is usually the first thing i pick out.
What’s your eye color ?
dark brown
Scary movies or happy endings ?
i've never really been big on scary movies, so happy endings.
Any talent ?
i think i'm a decent singer and i actually sketch really well with pencil and paper. digital art is weird so it doesn't always come through when i'm doing something digital. i've gotten better! but i still think my best work is by far paper and pencil.
What are your hobbies ?
writing obvsly. i don't have much free time rn but when i do i also like video games! i've been wanting to play hades so bad lately and i'm having to force myself to do other things instead so i don't fall behind. honestly though when i'm bored i usually default to writing.
Do you have any pets ?
i have a husky! and he is the best boy in the whole wide world and i love him to pieces and i will fight anyone who says huskies are bad dogs, they're not bad, they just need exercise. like, an obscene amount of exercise.
How tall are you ?
i am 5'10" or 178 cm, so relatively tall i think
Dream job ?
lawyer of course! genuinely i really really enjoy legal research and analysis. i'm a pretty analytical person anyway so breaking down the facts of a situation and the legal authorities to try and find the exact right angle to argue our side is a lot of fun to me. like, litigation is one of my favorite things to do. every time someone makes a new filing in a juicy lawsuit my day is made. the pure joy when someone files a counterclaim can keep me going for days.
tagging: oh gosh! @loving-that-officey-feel, @evaofkonoha, @chexennne, literally anyone who wants to!
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missoblaine · 9 months
9 people you would like to get to know better. Tagged by @evaofkonoha 💜
1. 3 ships - SNS of course, my OTP! I've also been loving reading KakaObi recently and have been exposed to a lot of ShiIta via Eva!
2. First ever ship - Gwen/Kevin from Ben 10 got me into fanfic way back when I was like 12 lol.
3. Last song - Green Light by Lorde 🚦 (I fell in love with Melodrama recently, it's a stunning album)
4. Last movie - Oh god it's been a while since I saw a movie. I think it would've been A Haunting in Venice? Or Barbie?
5. Currently reading - You Will Get Through This Night by Daniel Howell and also rereading homesick for a mountain song by kintou.
6. Currently watching - DanAndPhilGAMES on YouTube (I'm so overjoyed they're back!)
7. Currently consuming - I bought a box of Guylian Seashells chocolates tonight and I have already eaten a third of the box 😅
8. Currently craving - I could really go for some churros from San Churro... Or like, a creamy pasta 😍
9. Tagging - @shameless-fujoshi @gwacha @lilypheria @smelllikeme @itsmnee @magmavox @thunder-point @sasukessluttywaist @angelselene (apologies if you have already been tagged and also, there is no obligation to play the game!)
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