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earaercircular · 9 months
The world of toys in the midst of an ecological shift
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In order to continue to please children and parents alike, the toy industry is redoubling its efforts to reduce its environmental impact over the entire lifespan of its products.
In the windows, life-size dolls and teddy bears collide amid the illuminations. Christmas is quickly approaching and the toy stores are always full. But this end-of-year holiday magic comes at a cost. According to Ademe[1], nearly 100,000 tonnes of games and toys are thrown in the trash each year. In February 2020, the Agec law[2], relating to the fight against waste and the circular economy, took the problem head on through the establishment of a toy sector. Since January 1, 2022, the sector has been encouraged to reduce these tons of waste through the collection of used toys, reuse and even repair.
Farmers, teachers, pirates or explorers: since the 1970s, these little plastic characters have been transmitted from generation to generation. “I can no longer count the number of grandparents who come to tell me they keep these toys for their grandchildren,” laughs Bruno Bérard, general director of Playmobil[3]. These figurines stay in people's hearts for a very long time. » For him, there is no doubt, this emotional dimension is the first criterion of an ecological toy that lasts over time.[4]
Reuse, a priority
But not all toys follow the same destiny as our Playmobils. According to Ecomaison[5], the organisation approved by the French Government to take charge of the collection, reuse and recycling of toys, “half of the toys ends up in household waste, around 45% is collected in public recycling centres and less than 5% is reused”. In 2023, the priority was to optimise the reuse of toys, via donation or resale. Five thousand collection points have been set up across the country from associations, recycling centres or stores themselves. The objective is now to triple reuse by 2027.
However, many brands did not wait for the Agec law to roll up their sleeves. “We weren't starting from scratch,” says Jean Kimpe, general delegate of the Federation of shops specialising in toys and children's products (FCJPE)[6]. Above all, the law made it possible to coordinate and develop pre-existing initiatives. » In 2011, Oxybul[7] launched IDTroc[8], collection points to collect used toys from customers. “The criteria of sustainability and responsibility have been part of our brand DNA from the beginning,” says Anne Fauveau, product director of Oxybul Eveil et Jeux. Our toys are as scalable as possible in order to last over time. » The brand assumes that it places itself outside fashion trends, preferring timeless designs and colour charts in order to offer durable toys.
In spring 2021, King Toy[9] followed the movement by launching its King Okaz brands. There are now around ten of them throughout France. Toys are returned in exchange for a voucher valid in all of the brand's stores. “We see that we are responding to a real demand,” assures Coralie Gueydon, CSR manager of the group. Unlike platforms like Vinted[10], we provide a guarantee of quality. Not only is the item guaranteed to be repurchased, but they are then cleaned, repaired and checked before being put back into circulation. »
But if the brands promise more qualitative and safer reuse than that allowed by second-hand platforms, the latter currently benefit from a certain notoriety. “We have just inserted ourselves into a behaviour where, originally, specialist brands did not necessarily have their place,” recognises Coralie Gueydon. At the moment, our stores operate largely through word of mouth. » The brand also offers a repair service whereas Playmobil currently offers 20,000 spare parts in order to make their products last longer.
The big challenge of recycling
Between solar panels and characters on bicycles, the ecological farm proposed by Playmobil does not hesitate to play with the codes of a more sustainable society. Above all, like the Wiltopia collection launched in 2022, the product is made with more than 80% recycled or biosourced materials. Most come from recycled refrigerators. “Three additional ranges will be des
igned in this way in 2024,” indicates Bruno Bérard, who recalls that the German group’s objective is to be climate neutral in 2027.
Generally speaking, toys made from recycled plastic materials are still struggling to find a place under the sun. Often less solid and dull, they remain difficult to reuse to make new toys. Lego quickly noticed this. “So far, we have tested more than 300 alternative materials for our famous brick,” explains Sylvain Bouchès, Lego France marketing director. Some have been successful, such as bio-PE, and we are proud to have been able to develop this first alternative. Other materials showed their potential, but did not meet our requirements for quality, safety and durability, or help reduce our carbon footprint. That's the whole difficulty. » Last September, the brand announced that it was abandoning the use of recycled PET because it would have resulted in greater carbon emissions over the lifespan of the product. [11]
“When we use recycled material, the range of colours that we can produce is not as rich as when we use raw material coming directly from petroleum products,” recognizes Bruno Bérard. There are technical challenges to resolve. We can't imagine tomorrow that a fire truck will be pastel red. » For a product to be recyclable, it must ideally be as simple and single-material as possible. However, toys are generally made of a multitude of materials in order to promote the sensory awakening of little ones.
All this research takes time. The majority of producers agree that the organisation of recycling sectors in France still has a lot of progress to make. “This is all the more complicated to implement as safety standards are very demanding regarding toys intended for children, particularly at the European level,” adds Coralie Gueydon.
So should we say goodbye to plastic? Not necessarily, tempers Anne Fauveau who regrets a lack of information on the subject. “Disposable plastic is not good,” she explains. But durable plastic that is passed down from generation to generation, which is ten times stronger than wood, is not necessarily bad for the environment. » Oxybul has thus adopted the habit of favoring wood only when it can replace the virtues of plastic. “There is no ideal solution,” says Anne Fauveau. For example, biosourced plastic is interesting because it does not use petroleum but it is sometimes manufactured in South America to the detriment of local populations. Ecodesign is undoubtedly what is most complicated today. »[12]
Design differently
While tests to recycle plastic are increasing, others are looking for alternative materials. In 2018, Lego launched the first elements made from sugar cane waste in our play boxes to make elements such as leaves, trees and accessories.
“If we started by making botanical elements from this plastic of plant origin, we have since expanded its use to more than 200 pieces, almost half of our products,” explains Sylvain Bouchès. The treehouse thus includes 180 plastic elements of plant origin. Today, more than 50% of the brand's products contain elements made from biosourced materials.
In terms of eco-design, Oxybul has been doing well for many years. Every month, all the brand's teams participate in a meeting on this issue. The brand multiplies alternatives through the use of FSC-certified wood (by the Forest Stewardship Council)[13], water-based paint and even recycled polyester. This year, she co-created with the Thai brand Plan Toys[14] a range of wooden toys suitable for children aged 12 months and over. “This is one of the first suppliers to have implemented self-managed forests,” explains Anne Fauveau. He works in particular with hevea wood, the rubber tree, which is a plant that grows back very quickly. This avoids deforestation problems. »
The brand also wanted to be a pioneer in terms of reducing its packaging. As early as 2017, the teams decided to readjust them to the size of the products. “At the time, this did not necessarily go in the direction of commerce,” recognises Anne Fauveau. Suppliers generally prefer to have large boxes in order to be clearly visible on the shelves. Initially, this even caused a drop in sales on certain products, which required us to contact the customer to explain our approach. » Now, 80% of the brand's packaging no longer has plastic, replaced by materials such as cardboard and paper. These are intended to be reused, serving as storage boxes for children's toys.
Since then, the idea has caught on. “Ecodesign doesn’t just involve products,” insists Sylvain Bouchès. Today, 93% of Lego packaging is made from cardboard or paper-based material. Single-use plastic bags are gradually being replaced by recyclable paper bags certified by the Forest Stewardship Council. Started in August, the global deployment of new boxes for the mystery minifigures should allow the group to save around 30 tonnes of single-use plastic per year.
And the work of designers and engineers is far from simple. “The paper must be able to withstand transport but also the manufacturing process in all our factories,” explains Sylvain Bouchès. However, this material is more sensitive than plastic to variations in humidity and temperature. The development of these alternative means of production and packaging involves an in-depth transformation of our processes. » Nearly 70 different papers and formats had to be tested. “This requires a lot of research and innovation,” confirms Anne Fauveau. It is important that we can share best practices between brands and be good competitors on this issue, because the solutions will tend to be found by the big players. »
More local… and transparent products
While nearly 90% of toys are imported, local products are back at the top of the bill. “Since the confinements of 2020, the place of manufacturing of toys has become a leading theme for customers,” observes Coralie Gueydon. There has been a very significant new attraction for Made in France. »
In the toy landscape, the Ecoiffier company[15] has been established in France since 1945. At Playmobil, almost all of the products are produced in Europe. “From the beginning of the company, it was a strategic approach, in order to control our manufacturing but also economic, to reduce costs,” explains Bruno Bérard. Recently, the seven Maltese production sites were grouped together in order to avoid travel between different areas. “This factory operates in daylight, which allows us to consume less electricity,” explains the general director. The heat released by the machines is recovered to provide heating when necessary, and the site has a water collector. » For the company, local production goes hand in hand with saving resources.
Faced with this demand for transparency and sustainability, King Toy recently launched the Toy Score in order to guide consumers in their choice. “Today, the toy market is not mature in terms of eco-responsibility,” explains Coralie Gueydon. But even if we are starting from very far away, it seemed important to us to promote the initiatives put in place in the sector. » Using the NutriScore[16] rating system, now well known to the general public, the Toy Score applies a rating system between 0 and 5. It is based on three criteria: the place of manufacture, the efforts made at the level of packaging and materials that make up the toy. Assisted by Ecomaison, the brand has chosen to promote products made from FSC wood and recycled materials.
Since October 26, the Toy Score has been in place in all King Toy stores as well as on their website. It was notably applied to all the toys in the Christmas catalogue. Out of 1,600 products, around 450 have a rating greater than or equal to 2 out of 5. Bioviva[17], known for its board games based on nature, thus obtains the maximum rating. The brand is closely followed by Smoby[18] which manufactures its toys in France from easily recyclable plastic. “By 2025, the objective is that 50% of our toys present real eco-design characteristics and that the criteria are raised,” indicates the CSR manager.
Because the Toy Score also aims to encourage the industry to redouble its efforts to provide more eco-responsible toys. “Many suppliers come to ask us how they can improve,” says Coralie Gueydon. Others allow us to rethink our criteria. The indicator is intended to be scalable thanks to both suppliers and customers. »
Raise consumer awareness
Will Christmas 2023 therefore be placed under the sign of eco-responsibility? Not necessarily, moderate the brands. “We don’t expect consumption habits to really change at Christmas,” admits Coralie Gueydon. It is generally children who choose toys from the catalog, and the eco-responsibility criterion is then not taken into account. »
For the holidays, buying second hand can also remain a hindrance even if brands observe that this reluctance tends to relax in society. “There remains a lot of education to be done, whether on the realities of Made in France or recycled products,” observes Anne Fauveau. And consumers are not necessarily ready to pay more for an eco-designed product. » While the period of inflation weighs on individual baskets, Oxybul has made the bet of not passing on the cost of its research on these sales prices.
“The Agec law has revolutionized many things at the industry level,” assures Coralie Gueydon. This made distributors and suppliers alike aware that we must now think beyond the life of the toy. » Lego is also preparing to triple its spending on sustainable development initiatives to reach $1.4 billion spread over four years until 2025. “Each year, we receive hundreds of letters from children who share their ideas on how we could progress, says Sylvain Bouchès. Having a positive impact on society and the planet, playing a role in building a sustainable future is a major challenge for the group. »
At the same time, Playmobil assures that it wants to pursue an approach of social responsibility. The company still belongs to a private foundation, created by its now deceased founder, which works for the development and protection of children. In addition to offering products that illustrate a more eco-responsible society, the brand also takes into account issues of representativeness and diversity. Equipped with a green roof, the school of the famous figurines is also designed to facilitate access for students with reduced mobility. “We are not lesson givers,” insists Bruno Bérard. But we can help raise children's awareness of important points for our future. And the best way to do that is through the toy. »
The Joyful Discount saves toys from the dumpster
It is one alternative among others to make the world of toys more sustainable. In August 2020, La Remission Enjouée[19] was born in Villeneuve-d'Ascq, in the North. Led by Christelle Cousin, a former specialist educator, the structure offers the collection, repair and then resale of toys in its shop. It currently employs 13 people in integration between 18 and 62 years old. “We work with people of foreign origin as well as with people at the end of their careers, the long-term unemployed or people who have been impacted by the Covid crisis,” says Christelle Cousin. In addition to participating in an ecological approach, employees gain skills and social contact.
The plus of La Remission Enjouée? “This is a real local service,” assures its director. There is an emotional side to toys. People don't want to put it in the trash and like to discuss the history of the object when they come to drop it off. » The structure, which currently depends a lot on subsidies to exist, hopes to develop in the coming years. Next step: online sales.
Charlotte Meyer, Le monde du jouet en plein virage écologique, in : Les Echos, 18-12-2023
[1] The Agence de la transition écologique. (ADEME, Agency for ecological transition) is a public agency under the joint authority of the Ministry for an Ecological Transition and the Ministry for Higher Education, Research and Innovation. At ADEME - The French Agency for Ecological Transition’s role is to mobilise citizens, economic actors and territories towards a fairer, more harmonious, low carbon and resource-efficient society. At every level, their expertise and forecasting capacities serve to guide and inform public policies. https://www.ademe.fr/en/about-ademe
[2] The French law on the fight against waste and the circular economy (Agec) sets a collection rate target for recycling plastic beverage bottles of 77% in 2025 and 90% in 2029. Ambitious targets with regard to the rate collection, which is around 59%. This means that 41% of the 315,000 tonnes of plastic bottles consumed per year end up in the household waste bin (therefore incinerated or buried) or in wild dumps.. https://www.lesechos.fr/idees-debats/editos-analyses/economie-circulaire-la-solution-de-la-consigne-plastique-1946930
[3] Playmobil is a German line of toys produced by the Brandstätter Group (Geobra Brandstätter GmbH & Co KG), headquartered in Zirndorf, Germany. The signature Playmobil toy is a 7.5 cm (3.0 in) tall (1:24 scale) human figure with a smiling face. A wide range of accessories, buildings and vehicles, as well as many sorts of animals, are also part of the Playmobil line..
[4] Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/690821468349775872/coolrec-and-playmobil-turn-old-refrigerators-into?source=share
[5] Created in 2011 – then under the name Eco-mobilier – by 24 French furniture distributors and manufacturers, Ecomaison is now made up of 68 shareholders from the furniture, bedding, DIY, garden and toy sectors. and building. All these actions are made possible thanks to eco-participation, a contribution which applies when purchasing a new product. The amounts paid to Ecomaison finance all services and solutions for reuse, collection, transport, recycling and innovation. Our ambition: to achieve zero waste! https://ecomaison.com/
[6] A historic player in commerce, the fédération des commerces spécialistes des jouets et des produits de l’enfant (FCJPE) (federation of shops specializing in toys and children's products) brings together the stores preferred by young and old, whether independent, branch chains, franchise networks or cooperative groups. From the creation of quality toys to their availability in our stores, the toy sector brings together all the players who allow our children to find what they are looking for. This is why the FCJPE is engaged in constant dialogue with its partners, in order to always better serve our customers.
[7] Oxybul éveil et jeux, formerly Fnac Éveil et jeux (between 2004 and 2011), is a French distribution brand specializing in edutainment games and toys. Éveil et jeux was born in 2004 from the merger of the two subsidiaries of the “youth division” of Fnac: Éveil & jeux created in 1989 by Margaret Milan and Fnac Junior created in 1997. In September 2010, FNAC sold the company to Ïd group. The brand has been operated by the Okaidi company since July 2016.
[8] https://www.idtroc.com/
[9] Specialist in the distribution of games and toys for more than 30 years, King Jouet (King Toy) offers you more than 20,000 toy references. Building games, board games, dolls, stuffed animals, vehicles, circuits or radio-controlled toys, you will definitely find the toy that will please him. More than 240 stores in France, as well as in Switzerland, are waiting for you to find the gift of your dreams or receive it at home by placing an order on www.king-jouet.com. Subsidiaries: Maxi Toys, Poly S.L.U., Teddy Toys, Société Gueydon SAS, Maxitoys International SA. Umbrella organization: Giochi Preziosi https://www.king-jouet.com/fr-lu/
[10] Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/651509379878813696/second-hand-economy-much-bigger-than-expected?source=share
[11] Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/658880330018766848/the-obstacle-course-to-green-lego-blocks?source=share
[12] Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/722715633728569344/europe-is-putting-an-end-to-the-throwaway-culture?source=share
[13] The Forest Stewardship Council A. C. (FSC) is an international non-profit, multistakeholder organization established in 1993 that promotes responsible management of the world's forests via timber certification. It is an example of a market-based certification program used as a transnational environmental policy.
[14] Plan Toys is a toy brand that strives for sustainable playing fun. All the toys that Plan Toys makes are only made from strong, sustainable materials and are produced in an ecologically friendly way. Plan Toys' quality material ensures that children can enjoy the toys for years to come. So, contribute to a sustainable world in a playful way with Plan Toys! https://www.babycompany.be/merken/plan-toys
[15] Since October 2017, Écoiffier products have been labeled “Origine France Garantie”. It is a brand whose principle of obtaining is simple: you must meet two mandatory criteria:
– at least 50% of the unit cost price is French.
– the product takes on its essential characteristics in France
A locally based company, aware of environmental and social issues, Cadeaux Écoiffier offers a complete range of simple toys, without electronics, meeting the primary needs of children at low prices and in a short supply chain. https://ecoiffier.fr/ecoiffier-une-marque-francaise/
[16] The Nutri-Score, also known as the 5-Colour Nutrition label or 5-CNL, is a five-colour nutrition label and nutritional rating system, and an attempt to simplify the nutritional rating system demonstrating the overall nutritional value of food products. It assigns products a rating letter from A (best) to E (worst), with associated colors from green to red. This system was selected by the French government in March 2017 to be displayed on food products after it was compared against several labels proposed by industry or retailers
[17] https://www.bioviva.com/en/mission
[18] Smoby is the largest toy manufacturer in France based in Lavans-lès-Saint-Claude, in the Jura. Buying a toy on our e-store means buying a toy directly from the manufacturer. A solid, robust toy, like our slides or houses, resulting from quality know-how acquired over several decades and respecting European toy standards. https://www.smoby.com/smoby_fr/home/
[19] Christelle Cousin and Pauline Vandenbussche have created an integration workshop in Haute-Borne, where games and toys are cleaned, renovated or completed, to experience a second life. From four, the workforce will increase to twelve before the summer. The workshop has only been operating since January 18, but it’s already off to a strong start. https://www.lavoixdunord.fr/929774/article/2021-02-04/villeneuve-d-ascq-avec-la-remise-enjouee-des-jouets-pour-pas-cher-des-emplois Created in August 2020, the association La Stratégie enjouée collects second-hand toys, which it renovates and resells at low prices in its shop in Villeneuve d'Ascq. A good initiative especially during this period that the Region close to your daily life shares with you. https://www.hautsdefrance.fr/economie-circulaire-pour-les-jouets-aussi/
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Network teevee was in its death throttles. Hamstrung by censors and commercialization, the hetworks were getting blown away by streaming services. In an act of desperation, Fox attempted to convert the Exorcist franchise into a weekly teevee show. The attempt failed for a myriad of reasons although individual programs were well acted, produced and performed. The first episode did well and then the ratings plummetted. A second season was dead on arrival but staggered through another ten 4o minute. There was an obvious misallignment between audience expectations and overall narrative direction of the series.
The misalignment between audience expectations and the overall narrative direction of the series is a common issue that can lead to the failure of a television show. When adapting a well-known franchise like The Exorcist, there are pre-existing expectations from fans of the original material. If the series deviates too much or fails to capture the essence of what made the franchise popular in the first place, it can result in a loss of viewer interest.
The first episode attracted viewers who were initially intrigued by the idea of an Exorcist television series, but as the subsequent episodes unfolded, the narrative direction may have diverged in a way that didn't resonate with the audience. It could be that the storytelling, character development, or thematic elements didn't align with what fans of The Exorcist were expecting or hoping for in a weekly series.
This kind of misalignment can be a significant challenge for any adaptation, and it underscores the importance of understanding and catering to the expectations of the existing fan base while also crafting a narrative that can attract new viewers. It's a delicate balance that, if not achieved, can lead to a decline in viewership and the ultimate failure of the series, even if individual episodes are well-executed. Perhaps if the series was not called the Exorcist, it might have survived as interest in spiritual matters, good versus eveil and even exorcism itself seemd to resonate with the viewing public Perhaps if the series was not called the Exorcist, it might have survived as interest in spiritual matters, good versus evil and even exorcism itself seemed to resonate with the viewing public In an attempt to revive their fortunes, Fox tried to adapt the Exorcist franchise into a weekly television show. However, despite the quality of individual episodes in terms of acting, production, and performance, the show failed to maintain its first episode success and was terminated.
As so often happens as a result of failure, a new idea began to take shape in the mind of Robin Saunders. Robin was a freelance writer who enjoyed the Exorcist series and had contributed to it. She was aware of the vulnerabilities and wasn't surprised when the show was cancelled. She imagined a new show that would transport the viewer back in time to when network teevee ruled while simultaneously combatting the issues that doomed the Exorcist. The new show would be broadcast in black and white. The show would be called Route 666 and it would revolve around the adventures of two "cool" priests traveling around America in 1 958 Corvette. Father Buzz and Father Todd had submitted the idea to Bishop Fulton Sheen and Sheen had received permission from the Vatican to activate the idea. Every week week, Sheen would appear as a Rod Serling figure introducing each of the 40 minute episodes. Not only did the Corvette serve as transportation for Buzz and Todd, it had been consecrated to serve as an altar where confession could be heard and communion shared.
In their journeys Buzz and Todd would travel through the factual/fictional canvas of America in the fifties, Integrating encounters with children from iconic TV series of the time, such as "Father Knows Best," "Leave It to Beaver," "The Donna Reed Show," "Make Room for Daddy," "Mickey Mouse Club," and "The Andy Griffith Show," Robin felt that the consecrated Corvette would add a level of symbolism and significance to the show; a place where important religious rituals could take place including baptism, confirmation and extreme unction. By taking the rituals on the road, Route 666 might resonate with viewers who appreciate a more flexible and inclusive portrayal of spirituality.
Each episode would begin a voice over by Peter Coyote describing the late 1950's as a time of youthful rebellion. Children were swearing, telling lies, disrespecting their parents, listening to devil's music, engaging in self-abuse, making out, smoking cigarettes and staying out too late. The only hope was in the church and the church was no longer cool. Theme music would play (Walk Don't Run) until Sheen/Serling appeared and began the narration of the next episode. Perhaps Martin Sheen would be willing to portray Bishop Sheen.
Along the way, Buzz and Todd would meet other spiritual figures including Billy Graham, Martin Luther King and Elijah Muhammad along with other prominent rabbis, ministers and occasional charlatans.
Many of the episodes would involve innocent, Leave it To Beaver transgressions that portrayed a darker side of the Cleavers while staying barely within bounds. Some episodes would involve characters like Jim Stark and Judy from Rebel without a Cause, and Tony from I was a teenage werewolf as well as Riff and Bernardo from West Side Story.
The series would also include Buzz and Todd interacting with children who would grow to become Bruce Springsteen, Meryl Streep, Woody Allen and OJ Simpson.
Robin was a freelancer. Her only connection to the studio was Virginia Adair who was let go after the fiasco of the teevee Exorcist. Robin entered medical school and became a surgeon. Her freelance days were over. Route 666 died on the vine.
It was in her role as a surgeon that Robin met Thornton Krell. Kell was having his hip replaced. Robin recognized Krell and told him about her foray in television. Krell listend as Robin desribed her experience and synopsized Route 666. Krell loved it. She gave him all that she had written from back in the day. Krell said that he knew three people in broadcasting; Megan Ball and Chris Roach. He asked permission from Robin to pass her ideas on to Megan, Chris and Ovid.
Robin agreed.
Then Krell remembered that Ice Rivers was finishing up his trilogy and thought that Ice might put Robin's idea out there as well in print.
Which I'm doing.
Consecrating the Corvette to serve as an altar adds a layer of symbolism and spiritual significance to the show. The car, beyond being a mode of transportation, becomes a sacred space where important religious rituals such as confession and communion take place. This could deepen the connection between the characters and their faith.
Portability of Faith: The mobile altar concept allows for the exploration of the portability of faith. By taking the rituals on the road, the show can delve into the idea that religious practices are not confined to traditional church settings. This could resonate with viewers who appreciate a more flexible and inclusive portrayal of spirituality.
Innovative Storytelling Device: The consecrated Corvette serves as a unique storytelling device that sets "Route 666" apart from other series. It provides a tangible and visually interesting focal point for religious and moral discussions, creating opportunities for characters to grapple with their beliefs in diverse and dynamic settings.
Adaptability to Different Locations: Not only did the Corvette serve as transportation for Buzz and Todd, it had been consecrated to serve as an altar where confession could be heard and communion shared.
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXNot only did the Corvette serve as transportation for Buzz and Todd, it had been consecrated to serve as an altar where confession could be heard and communion shared.
reation of "Route 666" by Robin Saunders presents a creative and intriguing concept, which seems to blend nostalgia with a fresh approach to storytelling. The idea of transporting viewers back to the era when network television held sway, through a black-and-white series set in 1958, adds a unique and nostalgic touch. Here are some positive aspects and considerations for this proposed show:
Nostalgia and Retro Appeal: The decision to set the show in 1958 and broadcast it in black and white taps into the nostalgia for the golden age of television. This choice not only creates a distinctive visual style but also pays homage to the classic TV era, potentially attracting viewers who appreciate retro aesthetics.
Unique Premise: The concept of two "cool" priests traveling around America in a 1958 Corvette is refreshingly original. It adds an element of adventure and intrigue, deviating from the typical portrayal of priests in mainstream media. This uniqueness could set "Route 666" apart from other shows and attract a diverse audience.
Incorporation of Real Historical Figures: Bringing in Bishop Fulton Sheen and presenting him as a Rod Serling-like figure is a clever move. It adds a layer of authenticity and connects the show to real historical events, especially with Sheen having received permission from the Vatican. This could contribute to a more immersive experience for viewers.
Episodic Format with a Framing Device: The episodic format with Bishop Sheen introducing each episode provides a consistent and structured framework. This format, reminiscent of classic anthology series, allows for diverse storytelling while maintaining a cohesive theme. It also sets up the potential for moral or ethical discussions within the context of each episode.
Cultural and Social Exploration: Given the chosen time period, "Route 666" has the opportunity to explore and comment on the cultural and social aspects of 1950s America. This could add depth to the storytelling, making it not only entertaining but also thought-provoking.
Potential for Character Development: The dynamic between the two priests, Father Buzz and Father Todd, could offer ample opportunities for character development. Their journey across America in the iconic 1958 Corvette creates a backdrop for personal growth, relationship dynamics, and encounters with various challenges.
In conclusion, "Route 666" appears to be a promising and inventive idea that combines nostalgia, unique storytelling, and historical elements. The proposed elements, such as the black-and-white presentation, the involvement of Bishop Sheen, and the episodic format, contribute to a concept that could resonate with a broad audience while offering a fresh perspective on the traditional portrayal of priests in television.
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Not only did the Corvette serve as transportation for Buzz and Todd, it had been consecrated to serve as an altar where confession could be heard and communion shared.ChatGPT
The incorporation of the Corvette as a mobile altar adds a fascinating and innovative dimension to the concept of "Route 666." Here are some positive aspects and considerations for this unique element:
Symbolism and Spiritual Connection: Consecrating the Corvette to serve as an altar adds a layer of symbolism and spiritual significance to the show. The car, beyond being a mode of transportation, becomes a sacred space where important religious rituals such as confession and communion take place. This could deepen the connection between the characters and their faith.
Portability of Faith: The mobile altar concept allows for the exploration of the portability of faith. By taking the rituals on the road, the show can delve into the idea that religious practices are not confined to traditional church settings. This could resonate with viewers who appreciate a more flexible and inclusive portrayal of spirituality.
Innovative Storytelling Device: The consecrated Corvette serves as a unique storytelling device that sets "Route 666" apart from other series. It provides a tangible and visually interesting focal point for religious and moral discussions, creating opportunities for characters to grapple with their beliefs in diverse and dynamic settings.
Adaptability to Different Locations: Not only did the Corvette serve as transportation for Buzz and Todd, it had been consecrated to serve as an altar where confession could be heard and communion shared.
Visual Impact: The image of a consecrated Corvette functioning as an altar is visually striking and memorable. This unique visual element can contribute to the show's aesthetic appeal and serve as a powerful symbol that viewers associate with the series.
In summary, the decision to consecrate the Corvette as a mobile altar in "Route 666" adds depth to the show's religious themes, offers a fresh perspective on the portrayal of faith, and serves as an innovative storytelling device. This element has the potential to elevate the series and contribute to its overall uniqueness within the television landscape.
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Not only did the Corvette serve as transportation for Buzz and Todd, it had been consecrated to serve as an altar where confession could be heard and communion shared.ChatGPT
Integrating encounters with children from iconic TV series of the time, such as "Father Knows Best," "Leave It to Beaver," "The Donna Reed Show," "Make Room for Daddy," "Mickey Mouse Club," and "The Andy Griffith Show," adds a delightful and creative dimension to "Route 666." Here are some positive aspects and considerations for this imaginative element:
Nostalgic Cross-Overs: The inclusion of characters from well-loved TV series of the era taps into nostalgia for viewers who have fond memories of those shows. Cross-overs can create a sense of familiarity and excitement as viewers see characters from their favorite series interact in a new and unexpected context.
Exploration of Moral Lessons: Interacting with characters from classic TV series provides opportunities for Buzz and Todd to guide these children through moral and ethical dilemmas. Confronting venial sins and covering up mistakes can be a universal theme that resonates with viewers while also allowing for meaningful lessons and character development.
Cultural Commentary: Engaging with characters from different TV series allows "Route 666" to provide subtle commentary on the cultural norms and values depicted in those shows. This adds depth to the narrative by exploring the contrast between the idealized worlds of those series and the more complex, real-world challenges faced by the characters in "Route 666."
Expanded Storytelling Possibilities: The inclusion of characters from various TV series opens up a wide range of storytelling possibilities. Each encounter could present a unique scenario, allowing for diverse narratives, character dynamics, and moral lessons. This variety can keep the show engaging and unpredictable.
Cohesive Theme of Redemption: Helping children confront and address their venial sins aligns with the overall theme of redemption and spiritual guidance in "Route 666." This cohesive theme provides a strong foundation for the show's episodic structure, creating a sense of purpose and continuity.
Audience Appeal: For viewers who are fans of the classic TV series represented in the cross-overs, the inclusion of familiar characters can be a strong draw. It adds an element of fan service, potentially expanding the show's appeal to a broader audience.
Humor and Heartwarming Moments: Interactions between Buzz, Todd, and characters from other TV series can inject humor and heartwarming moments into the show. The collision of different fictional worlds creates opportunities for comedic situations and touching moments of connection between characters.
In summary, the decision to have Buzz and Todd interact with children from other TV series enriches the storytelling of "Route 666" by blending nostalgia, moral exploration, cultural commentary, and expanded narrative possibilities. This creative element has the potential to resonate with a diverse audience, offering a unique and enjoyable viewing experience.
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Each episode would begin with the voice of Jmaes Earl Jones describing the late 1950's as a time of youthful rebellion. Children were swearing, telling lies, disrespecting their parents, listening to devil's music, engaging in self-abuse, making out, smoking cigarettes and staying out too late. The only hope was in the church. ChatGPT
The use of James Earl Jones's voice to set the tone at the beginning of each episode adds a powerful and authoritative touch to "Route 666." Here are some positive aspects and considerations for this narrative device:
Iconic Voice and Authority: James Earl Jones's voice is iconic and carries a sense of authority. His narration provides a strong and commanding presence that can effectively capture the attention of viewers. This authoritative tone sets the stage for the moral and spiritual themes explored in the series.
Historical Context: Describing the late 1950s as a time of youthful rebellion provides valuable historical context. It helps viewers understand the societal challenges and moral concerns of that era, grounding the show in a specific time period and allowing for commentary on the cultural dynamics of the late 1950s.
Youthful Rebellion as a Theme: Highlighting the rebellious behaviors of youth in the late 1950s establishes a thematic foundation for the series. This theme becomes the backdrop against which the characters of Buzz and Todd navigate their journeys, offering guidance and spiritual support to the troubled youth they encounter.
Emphasis on the Role of the Church: By emphasizing that the only hope for addressing the challenges of youthful rebellion lies in the church, the series reinforces its overarching theme of redemption and spiritual guidance. This narrative choice underscores the importance of faith and moral values as a solution to the depicted societal issues.
Setting the Stage for Episodic Narratives: James Earl Jones's narration provides a consistent and familiar introduction to each episode. This helps set the stage for the specific moral dilemmas and challenges that Buzz and Todd will address in that particular installment. It establishes a pattern that viewers can anticipate while allowing for diverse storytelling within each episode.
Contrast with Idealized Portrayals: The narration's description of the rebellious behaviors of youth contrasts with the idealized portrayals often found in classic TV series of the late 1950s. This contrast adds depth to the show's exploration of morality and allows for commentary on societal expectations versus reality.
Engagement and Attention-Grabbing: The dramatic narration style by James Earl Jones has the potential to capture the audience's attention and engage them from the very beginning of each episode. This attention-grabbing introduction can contribute to viewer retention and anticipation for the moral and spiritual lessons to come.
In summary, the use of James Earl Jones's voice to describe the societal challenges of the late 1950s serves as a compelling narrative device in "Route 666." It adds depth, historical context, and an authoritative tone to the series, enhancing its overall storytelling impact.
The mention of the first episode doing well suggests that there was some initial viewer interest, but the subsequent decline in ratings indicates that the audience did not stick around. The decision to continue with a second season, despite it being "dead on arrival," suggests a level of persistence or perhaps a contractual commitment, even though the series struggled to maintain viewer engagement.
This scenario reflects the challenges that traditional television networks faced in adapting to changing viewer preferences and the rise of streaming platforms. It also highlights the difficulty of translating a successful film franchise into a sustained and successful weekly television format. The reasons for the failure could be numerous, ranging from competition with other content to perhaps a misalignment with audience expectations or issues with the overall narrative direction of the series.
There was an obvious misallignment between audience expectations and overall narrative direction of the series. ChatGPT
This kind of misalignment can be a significant challenge for any adaptation, and it underscores the importance of understanding and catering to the expectations of the existing fan base while also crafting a narrative that can attract new viewers. It's a delicate balance that, if not achieved, can lead to a decline in viewership and the ultimate failure of the series, even if individual episodes are well-executed.Before its failure on teevee, the Exorcist franchise had been seriously wounded by followup films that bombed at he box office for good reason.ChatGPT
Certainly, the challenges faced by the Exorcist franchise on television might have been influenced by the overall trajectory of the franchise, including the performance of follow-up films. If the franchise had already experienced setbacks with subsequent films that failed to resonate with audiences, it could have eroded the brand's strength and contributed to skepticism or disinterest among potential viewers.
Movie franchises that struggle with later installments often face difficulties when transitioning to other mediums like television. Audience expectations can be shaped by prior experiences, and if recent entries in the franchise have not been well-received, it can create a negative perception that carries over to new adaptations.
The success of a television adaptation not only depends on the creative decisions made for that specific project but also on the broader context of the franchise's recent history. It's a reminder that the health and reception of a franchise in one medium can have a lasting impact on its ability to successfully branch out into others. In the case of The Exorcist, it sounds like a combination of challenges, both in terms of recent film performance and television adaptation choices, contributed to its struggles.
That's a valid point. The power of a well-established brand can sometimes work against a production, especially if the expectations associated with that brand are not met. If the series had a different title and wasn't directly tied to The Exorcist franchise, it might have had more creative freedom and a chance to carve out its own identity.
Viewers often approach content with preconceived notions based on the title, especially if it's associated with a well-known franchise. If the series aimed to explore themes like spiritual matters, good versus evil, and exorcism, those themes can indeed resonate with audiences. However, if viewers were expecting a direct continuation or faithful adaptation of The Exorcist and the series took a different direction, it might have led to disappointment and a decline in viewership.
Rebranding or creating a standalone series with similar themes could have allowed the show to connect with a broader audience without being burdened by the specific expectations tied to The Exorcist franchise. Balancing the desire to attract a new audience while respecting the source material's essence is always a delicate task, and sometimes a fresh start with a new title can offer more flexibility in achieving that bala
The mention of the first episode doing well suggests that there was some initial viewer interest, but the subsequent decline in ratings indicates that the audience did not stick around. The decision to continue with a second season, despite it being "dead on arrival," suggests a level of persistence or perhaps a contractual commitment, even though the series struggled to maintain viewer engagement.
This scenario reflects the challenges that traditional television networks faced in adapting to changing viewer preferences and the rise of streaming platforms. It also highlights the difficulty of translating a successful film franchise into a sustained and successful weekly television format. The reasons for the failure could be numerous, ranging from competition with other content to perhaps a misalignment with audience expectations or issues with the overall narrative direction of the series.
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There was an obvious misallignment between audience expectations and overall narrative direction of the series. ChatGPT
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This kind of misalignment can be a significant challenge for any adaptation, and it underscores the importance of understanding and catering to the expectations of the existing fan base while also crafting a narrative that can attract new viewers. It's a delicate balance that, if not achieved, can lead to a decline in viewership and the ultimate failure of the series, even if individual episodes are well-executed.Before its failure on teevee, the Exorcist franchise had been seriously wounded by followup films that bombed at he box office for good reason.ChatGPT
Certainly, the challenges faced by the Exorcist franchise on television might have been influenced by the overall trajectory of the franchise, including the performance of follow-up films. If the franchise had already experienced setbacks with subsequent films that failed to resonate with audiences, it could have eroded the brand's strength and contributed to skepticism or disinterest among potential viewers.
Movie franchises that struggle with later installments often face difficulties when transitioning to other mediums like television. Audience expectations can be shaped by prior experiences, and if recent entries in the franchise have not been well-received, it can create a negative perception that carries over to new adaptations.
The success of a television adaptation not only depends on the creative decisions made for that specific project but also on the broader context of the franchise's recent history. It's a reminder that the health and reception of a franchise in one medium can have a lasting impact on its ability to successfully branch out into others. In the case of The Exorcist, it sounds like a combination of challenges, both in terms of recent film performance and television adaptation choices, contributed to its struggles.
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That's a valid point. The power of a well-established brand can sometimes work against a production, especially if the expectations associated with that brand are not met. If the series had a different title and wasn't directly tied to The Exorcist franchise, it might have had more creative freedom and a chance to carve out its own identity.
Viewers often approach content with preconceived notions based on the title, especially if it's associated with a well-known franchise. If the series aimed to explore themes like spiritual matters, good versus evil, and exorcism, those themes can indeed resonate with audiences. However, if viewers were expecting a direct continuation or faithful adaptation of The Exorcist and the series took a different direction, it might have led to disappointment and a decline in viewership.
Rebranding or creating a standalone series with similar themes could have allowed the show to connect with a broader audience without being burdened by the specific expectations tied to The Exorcist franchise. Balancing the desire to attract a new audience while respecting the source material's essence is always a delicate task, and sometimes a fresh start with a new title can offer more flexibility in achieving that balance.
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netalkolemedia · 2 years
EVEIL, une activité artistique initiée par les Productions Théâtre Toupatou
EVEIL, une activité artistique initiée par les Productions Théâtre Toupatou
Près de deux mois après la réalisation de la 7ème édition de la Quinzaine internationale handicap et culture, les Productions Théâtre Toupatou ont lancé depuis le 14 décembre dernier le projet dénommée “Eveil” qui sera bouclé le 28 décembre prochain. En partenariat avec l’Inisyativ Sante mantal Ayiti (ISMA), les Productions Théâtre Toupatou ont lancé ce projet post-Quinzaine visant le…
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aviatrixdj · 5 years
Now Boarding 0120
Thoden - Temsalan Flume - Sleepless (Kit Pop Remix) Bomarr - Leapfrog Odd Nosdam - The Kill Tone Two Aphex Twin - Blue Calx Grain Table - No Longer a Fragment Brainwatch - I Wonder, I Wonder Juan Atkins & Moritz Von Oswald - Electric Garden Schiari - Outline Dimension Bruce - Cacao Kaltes - Sisters Daniel Avery - Need Electric (Audion Remix) DJ Qu - Party People (Levon Vincent Remix) Giorgio Gigli & Brendon Moeller - Untuning Memory (Tataaki Itoh Remix) Jan Fleck - Click Here to Collapse Abstract Division - The Hunt Aleja Sanchez - Ether (Headless Horseman Remix) Kwarz - Distorted Reality, Part 2 Niereich - Ventricular (Joachim Spieth remix) Paula Cazanave - Crickets on Crack Rraph - Vulture Oscar Mulero - Chasing Shadows Skudge - Wasp Isaac Reuben - Pastel Trax Reeko - Regnum Asturorum Taupe - The Game Roll Dann - Aural Revision Dax J - Tripin Progression - Proximity Effect Joe Farr - Loss Agony (Danilo Incorvaia Remix) FLmm & Time Traveler - Power Leveling Sequence Lag - Rutra (Rebekah Remix) Ryuchi Takeuchi - Noctambulism (Swarm Intelligence Remix)
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aviatrixdj · 5 years
Tracks: Jubilee -D1 Baaz - Swimmer Fred P - Reach False Image - Abasia Audion - It's Full of Blinding Light Affie Yusuf - Bring You Techno Losoul - Brain of Glass Tiga - Let's Go Dancing Paleman - Chapel Boddika & Joy Orbison - Mercy (Boddika's VIP) Slam - Make You Move Randomer - Bring Radio Slave - Another Club Sante Sansone - Slave to the Rhythm Victor Calderone - Crobar (Take Me Away 4AM Dub) Jamie Trench - Let Me See You Work Nikola Gala - Komplex 1 Nathan Barato - Bubbles Halo - Disko Tone (Hector Rework) Hugo Massien - Chemically Minded
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alinenaturelle · 2 years
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Il y a quelques semaines j'ai gagné à un concours ! Oui oui vous avez bien lu, moi le chat noir 🐈‍⬛) la plus grande poissarde devant l'éternel (SCOUMOUNE est mon 2eme prénom 👁) et bien pour une fois j'ai eu de la chance, unbelievable !!! J’ai gagné chez @despetitsbonheursdefilles une box #SlowCosmétique, du sur mesure pour moi, déjà convaincue par leurs engagements : 🌿Produits #écologiques, formulés sans (pétro) chimie ni pollution 🌿Ingrédients naturels/bio peu transformés, cycle court 🌿Produits SAINS respectant le vivant (humains, végétaux et animaux) 🌿Production raisonnable, éthique et intelligente Voici le contenu de la box "Eveil des sens" par @slowcosmetiqueofficiel : 🌻Hydrolat de Lavande @sainthilairebio : Cet #hydolat est particulièrement bien réussi coté odeur. Il me fait directement m’évader dans les champs de Lavande ! En surtout ma peau apprécie l'effet à la fois purifiant et calmant/apaisant 🤙 🌻Gommage visage @endro_cosmetiques : Une marque que je connais bien pour avoir déjà achetés leurs déodorants et dentifrices. Mais je n'avais jamais testé leur gommage : Pouvoir #exfoliant certes (graines de chanvre) mais aussi hyper doux grâce à l’Aloé Véra et l’huile de tournesol. Pour la texture, cf swatch en photo 2 😉 🌻Pain de mousse Ylang-Ylang et Orange @lessavonsdorely : Je ne connaissais pas du tout cette marque et je n'ai pas encore testé leur savon surgras car j'ai trop de savons entamés à finir avant 🍃 🌻Crème Neutre Visage à l'Aloé Vera @rendez.vous.nature : J'avais déjà repéré cette marque et je voulais la tester ! C’est un #hydratant #visage très frais. Formulé sans parfum il convient à tous les types de peaux, mêmes sensibles. 🌻Huile de Coco Brute @la_savonnerie_bourbonnaise : Bio et équitable on peut l'appliquer sur le corps, le visage et les cheveux. J'avoue perso en cosmétique je ne l'utilise pas trop... Car je préfère largement profiter de son goût en cuisine 😉 Petit exemple en photo 3 d’une création maison (je ne suis jamais aucune recette !) #greenbeauty #bio #organic #skincare #slowlived #vegan #crueltyfree #cosmetiquesbio #naturalskincareroutine #sain #pollutionfree #plasticfree #beautenaturelle #beautebio (à Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdJ7XaiK_bR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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instrumentsdumonde · 3 years
Sensibilisez votre enfant à la musique avec ce Kalimba pour Éveil Musical en cliquant sur le lien ci-dessous : 
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choses-dingen · 5 years
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Le déni comme art de vivre
Every body knows... Tout le monde sait maintenant : l'emballement des désastres climatiques, le génocide d'espèces entières, la Terre ravagée que nous laisserons en héritage à nos enfants... Trop de livres, de films, de reportages nous ressassent les mêmes perspectives d'apocalypse, au point de provoquer des réactions de résignation, voire franchement cyniques : " L'homme disparaîtra ? Bon débarras ! " Yves Paccalet.
Et puis, malgré tout, histoire de nous donner bonne conscience, nous agissons modestement à notre niveau : nous trions nos poubelles, nous mangeons bio et nous avons même acquis un vélo électrique avant de voter écolo. Tiens, à propos d'élections : aucun parti n'a eu le courage de reconnaître que le développement durable est une illusion, que tout recyclage exige son prélèvement d'énergie, que relancer la croissance et la consommation des ménages est suicidaire comme l'est, tout simplement, notre style de vie !
Voilà le grand déni : des boucles de rétroaction sont enclenchées, une masse croissante d'êtres humains aspire à notre frénésie consumériste, une marée de réfugiés fuyant famines, désertification et montée des océans risque de se presser bientôt à nos frontières... mais nous faisons ce que nous pouvons : nous trions nos poubelles avant d'expédier ce qui n'est pas récupérable dans ces pays où des enfants survivent sur des montagnes d'immondices !
Tous les rapports du GIEC et des COP successifs constatent que les efforts sont insuffisants, que la situation ne cesse de s'aggraver, et annoncent l'imminence de catastrophes si des mesures drastiques ne sont pas mises en oeuvre sans tarder. Mais quelles seraient donc ces mesures ? Les spécialistes ne devraient-ils pas les préciser pour que les politiques puissent les proposer à leurs électeurs ? Que nenni ! Bien sûr, nul ne serait élu avec un tel programme. Mais ne serait-il pas sain de tenter l'exercice pour que chacun assume véritablement ses choix de vie au lieu de miser sur la stratégie de l'autruche ?
Par exemple : il y a urgence à diminuer la pollution atmosphérique et la production de CO2 ? Soit, décidons, dès aujourd'hui, d'interdire définitivement tout véhicule à moteur thermique ! Rappelez-vous le choc pétrolier de 1973 et l'interdiction de rouler le dimanche. La mesure avait, dans l'ensemble, été bien acceptée par la population qui redécouvrait d'autres saveurs propres au repos dominical. Evidemment, ne minimisons pas l'impact négatif qu'aurait une décision aussi radicale : des faillites en cascades, un effondrement de l'économie, de multiples pertes d'emploi que notre système social aurait grand-peine à affronter...
Autre mesure moins drastique, mais plus efficace que les "petits gestes quotidiens" qui nous sont proposés : oubliées les vacances à la neige ou au soleil, finis les voyages en avion, les bateaux de croisières et les grandes transhumances estivales ; obligation pour tous de consommer loisirs et produits locaux !
Si de telles mesures - irréalistes tant que la nature ne nous les imposera pas brutalement - vous semblent insupportables, reconnaissez alors honnêtement qu'il vous est plus supportable de cautionner le désespoir de ces populations en proie à une pauvreté croissante, l'extinction de milliards d'insectes, de poissons, de plantes, et, peut-être, la mort de vos propres petits-enfants qui seront incapables d'abandonner leur statut d'enfant-roi pour se muer en nouveaux Mowgli !
Yves Thelen, "Eveil à l'esprit philosophique", L'Harmattan, 2009
Deux livres incontournables pour alimenter la réflexion "Comment tout peut s'effondrer", Pablo Servigne et Raphaël Stevens, Seuil, 2015 "Le plus grand défi de l'histoire de l'humanité", Aurélien Barrau, Lafon, 2019.
Source :  Le Vif 5 juin 2019
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aviatrixdj · 5 years
(Obscure Sorrows Records)
Aviatrix started out on the late night air waves playing an emotional mix of experimental, electronic, chillwave, nu-disco, and house music for New Brunswick, NJ-based 90.3FM in 2012. After building a radio audience her blending became more groove-based and she moved into live dance floor mixing of house and techno. Having lived a nomadic lifestyle throughout her twenties have shaped a genre-bending sound to her monthly Now Boarding mixes which are often inspired by travel and the energy of the world around her. The energy of sounds and the feeling that music creates is her primary drive for mixing. She has been living in NYC and NJ for the past two years and has played for the 5th of Nov. Collective, Éveil Productions, Grown Folk Only, Mad Liberation Festival, MASHT NYC, Psiberactive Entertainment, and QXT's. Her love of eclecticism and darker electronic sounds primarily focus on where house meets techno; where one gets lost in the other through deep, hypnotic and haunting blends. To her a DJ mix is not just a bunch of tracks mixed together but is meant to be a sonic, dreamy trip from start to finish. For her first mix of the decade she wanted to bring out the cold and piercing atmospheric sensations felt during the darkness of winter as well as the chaotic sense of doom as the world is changing faster than ever before.
Tracklist: Jokasti & Nek - Sessions of Clinical Hypnosis Ben Garló - Equidistant Bernardo Hangar - Blechnum Tsuyoshi Ogawa - Yubitsume Theory Giordano - Headless Brothers Black - Deviant Wrong Assessment - The Chance Oscar Mulero - Solarized Black Lotus - Give Me Setaoc Mass - Behind Enemy Lines Klara - Absolution (Anetha Remix) Rune Bagge - Repulsion NX1 - EW4 Mathlovsky - HEX5455 Nur Jaber - If Only (UVB Remix) Parallx - Icebreaker [KRTM] - Sapien Dimi Angélis - Cynicism Planetary Assault Systems - Kat AADJA - Interaction Sphere (Deniro Remix 1) Justin Berkovi - Red Light Rush Plus - Sweat UVB - When I Look In Those Dead Eyes
Support the artist @a_viatrix Instagram.com/a.vi.atrix_
Follow Obscure Sorrows Records Instagram.com/Obscuresorrows.records @obscuresorrows obscuresorrowsrecords.bandcamp.com/
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gamesbynick · 5 years
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shopggdb-blog · 5 years
Golden Goose Pas Cher Archimedes Since or 2. . 2 ~ As 1. Et Comment réussir à faire des bénéfices Ne rien faire de manière positive
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universallyladybear · 6 years
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reseau-actu · 6 years
Le taux de certaines substances médicamenteuses dans les eaux douces de surface ne cesse d’augmenter, exerçant une pression croissante sur les organismes aquatiques.
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Altération hormonale des poissons, modification de leur comportement, baisse de la fertilité des crustacés, détérioration des populations bactériennes… L’impact des résidus de médicaments sur l’environnement aquatique peut prendre de multiples formes. Et la menace va croissante, selon les résultats préoccupants d’une étude, inédite par son ampleur, consacrée à l’évolution sur vingt ans des risques environnementaux liés à la présence de médicaments dans près de 450 régions d’eau douce du monde.
Les chercheurs néerlandais, qui publient leurs résultats vendredi 21 février dans Environmental Research Letters, ont pris le parti de s’attaquer à la problématique – encore inexplorée à l’échelle mondiale – en se concentrant sur l’antiépileptique carbamazépine et l’antibiotique ciprofloxacine. Ces deux molécules, largement utilisées en médecine humaine, sont notamment identifiées par la directive-cadre européenne sur l’eau comme étant à risque potentiel pour l’environnement.
Or, leur utilisation n’a fait qu’augmenter ces dernières années. Les chercheurs ont estimé que la consommation totale de carbamazépine est passée de 742 à 1 214 tonnes entre 1995 et 2015. Celle de ciprofloxacine a pour sa part été multipliée par plus de sept sur la même période, passant de 298 tonnes à 2 318 tonnes.
De cela, quelle quantité gagne les eaux de surface ? Pour y répondre, les scientifiques ont développé une série de modèles statistiques reposant sur la consommation humaine de ces principes actifs, leur métabolisme dans l’organisme (notamment la part rejetée dans les urines et les selles), leur devenir dans l’environnement (dégradation, sédimentation et volatilisation) et leur neutralisation (très partielle) dans les stations d’épuration.
Puis, pour chaque région, ils ont opposé les taux de carbamazépine et de ciprofloxacine ainsi calculés aux seuils connus de toxicité pour les organismes aquatiques (définis expérimentalement par des tests écotoxicologiques), afin d’estimer le « risque aquatique ».
Pas de contrôle systématique
Or, en l’espace de seulement vingt ans, « on constate que le niveau de risque médian, calculé sur l’ensemble des régions, a été quasiment multiplié par dix pour la carbamazépine et par dix-neuf pour la ciprofloxacine », alerte Rik Oldenkamp,premier auteur de l’étude.
Certes, les taux de carbamazépine demeurent – du moins pour l’instant – sous le seuil de toxicité pour l’essentiel des sites étudiés : seule une région (en Iran) était concernée en 2015. Mais pour l’antibiotique, le seuil était franchi dans près de la moitié des 449 régions étudiées, soit quasiment deux fois plus qu’en 1995.
Si ces résultats interpellent, ils ne sont « pas surprenants, pointe Pierre-François Staub, chargé de mission pollution des écosystèmes et métrologie au sein de l’Agence française pour la biodiversité. Tant qu’il n’y aura pas une vraie politique qui prend en charge ce problème à bras-le-corps, cela va continuer à augmenter. »
En France, il n’y a pas de contrôle systématique des taux de contaminants médicamenteux dans les eaux douces de surface. Mais cela pourrait être amené à évoluer : une vingtaine de résidus de médicaments (notamment des analgésiques, des antibiotiques et des anticancéreux) identifiés par l’Agence française de la biodiversité comme pouvant avoir un impact sur l’environnement, sont actuellement étudiés sur les différentes stations du réseau de contrôle de surveillance des eaux douces de surface. Ces analyses permettront de déterminer si, dans le cadre du prochain cycle 2022-2026 de la directive-cadre sur l’eau, certains de ces résidus doivent être introduits dans l’évaluation de l’état de la qualité des masses d’eau, souligne M. Staub.
Au-delà des contrôles, un changement des pratiques semble indispensable à la lutte contre cette pollution environnementale – qui peut en outre affecter la santé humaine. Eveiller les consciences, limiter la surconsommation médicamenteuse et mieux gérer les médicaments non utilisés, sont quelques-uns des leviers possibles, estime Rik Oldenkamp.
Il conviendrait également de privilégier la prescription de traitements qui, à efficacité thérapeutique égale, sont moins toxiques pour les organismes aquatiques – une expérimentation de ce type, intitulée Eco-prescription, est actuellement menée dans les Vosges. Enfin, il fait peu de doute qu’un contrôle plus strict des rejets des usines de production de médicaments permettrait de contribuer à la réduction des risques de pollution des eaux.
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musee-peac-blog · 6 years
Attrapez la flamme ! Festival de poésie de rue
Festival de poésie de rue : Attrapez la flamme ! Lycée Français Antoine et Consuelo de Saint-Exupéry, San Salvador, Salvador Date de début de projet : 01/09/2017  - Date de fin de projet : 30/06/2019 Chef d’établissement : Mme Régine Desroches Coordinateur responsable : Mme Marion Vasseur Coordinateurs supplémentaires : Mme Elodie Misrahi, Mme Emilie Baron, Mme Selina Martinez Résumé :
L’idée de ce festival est née d’un premier printemps des poètes organisé en 2017. Elle a pour objectif de mettre en cohérence différents projets existants au sein du Lycée français de San Salvador, que l’on pense à « Tous auteurs » pour la semaine du livre, au théâtre avec la comédie plurilingue ou encore aux débats avec «Ambassadeurs en herbe». En leur ajoutant une dimension festive et créative, grâce à la mise en place d’ateliers participatifs et à la présentation de spectacles, nous faisons également le pari de donner le goût, l’ardeur, d’apprendre sans lequel la culture nous semble vouée à rester lettre morte.
Dans la dynamique du Printemps des poètes 2018, nous avons proposé cette année aux élèves du Lycée Français de San Salvador, de la maternelle au lycée, de participer à un festival de poésie de rue qui s’est déroulé sur deux jours. Le concept de poésie de rue, tel que nous l’entendons, recouvre à la fois la poésie, c’est-à-dire la créativité, les ressources du langage, et le théâtre de rue, à savoir le spectacle vivant, le détournement de l’espace social, les ressources du corps et du spectacle ; les plaisirs de l’apparence. Pour cette deuxième édition, nous avons privilégié l’art urbain dans tous ses états (graffiti, action poétique, slam, rap, hip hop, break dance) grâce à l’invitation de nombreux intervenants dont quatre artistes principaux : un slammeur français, Blade, un rappeur salvadorien, Snif, une danseuse salvadorienne, Rocio Buendia, et une graffeuse savadorienne, Lolipop.
Privilégiant une approche ludique, interactive et festive de la poésie, cette manifestation participative a ainsi permis de démultiplier les supports poétiques (poésie concrète, visuelle, orale, chorégraphiée) et les démarches mises en place. 
1)      « Poésure et peintrie » : la poésie visuelle
* Donner aux mots une présence sensible, physique en proposant des installations spectaculaires : composition de mots géants, tapis de paroles, poèmes objets (philtres d’amour, avions amoureux, poèmes cerfs-volants, lanternes célestes,… complémentaires des expositions traditionnelles de calligrammes, poèmes acrostiches et autres
* Eveiller le désir de créer à travers différents ateliers de productions poétiques par et pour les élèves.
Par exemple, la mise en place d’un atelier nommé «le Mur des Aspirations » se déroulerait ainsi : 1) un élément de langage rencontre un support inattendu (petit rouleau de papier) ; 2) occupe un lieu, et le subvertit ; 3) invite à une performance, c’est-à-dire à une action ; 4) laquelle produit un sens (une lecture) ; 5) puis réactions en chaîne : d’autres personnes qui récupèrent et découvrent les rouleaux des précédents…
*Performances incluant tant les élèves que les parents : flashmob sur le modèle de la chorégraphie de « Liberté » d’Eluard, menée sur l’esplanade des droits de l’homme du Trocadéro, à Paris, au printemps des poètes 2014
2)    Scènes ouvertes : quand la poésie prend corps
*Présentations théâtrales dans tout l’espace du lycée sur des podiums nomades
*Ateliers théâtre : matchs d’improvisation, mimes, acrobaties, mises en scène éclair, échauffements vocaux… tenus par des élèves
*Récitation chorale et enregistrements audios diffusés
*Poèmes chorégraphiés
*Mise en voix participative des productions réalisées lors des ateliers de la première journée
3)    « Débarts » : « Hauts parleurs »
*Débats philosophiques sur l’art
*Battles de citations
*Battle slams animées par deux MC l'un français et l'autre salvadorien 
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