#even if he gets killed i'll work overtime'
conradrasputin · 1 year
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roosterforme · 11 months
Batting Practice Part 26 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: In the aftermath of the proposal, Bradley wants to make sure all three of you are on the same page. And as happy as you are, you're still having a hard time deciding how to best merge your past with your future.
Warnings: Fluff, smut, angst and swearing
Length: 4800 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female single!mom Reader
Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun! Batting Practice masterlist.
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Bradley held you in the grass for a long time while you clutched that baseball in your hand. He couldn't remember another time he felt so calm as Everett ran around in the grass tossing a ball up in the air and catching it. 
"Will you move in now?" you asked, setting your heart covered baseball in the grass and running your fingers along Bradley's mustache and stubble. "Ev and I both really want you to."
"Yeah, Kitten. I'll move in," he promised. "Right after the three of us have a conversation about expectations, okay? It's really important to me that we're all on the same page."
"Oh my god," you groaned, crawling up his body to get better access to his lips. "How are you this perfect?"
"I just needed to get my priorities straight," he said between kisses. "I never meant to hurt you like I did before, you know that, right? I just never in a million years thought that I'd meet anyone like you and Ev and fall in love so hard."
You just whimpered and snuggled up on him again. But once Everett started bugging to play baseball again, you pulled Bradley to his feet. This time Bradley put on the catcher's gear and let Everett pitch to you, which was honestly pretty funny. 
"Am I good enough to play on the rec league, too?" you asked as you missed another pitch.
"No," Bradley and Everett replied in unison as you laughed. 
"But that's okay, Mommy! Bradley loves you anyway even though you aren't that good at baseball."
"That's true," Bradley replied, removing the mask when they were done playing. "Being good at baseball was not a prerequisite. She just needed to understand and appreciate our love of the Phillies," he added, giving Everett a high five.
"Can we come to your game?" Everett asked, eyes wide as Bradley scooped him up along with his gear bag. You carried the bucket of balls back to the Bronco with your special ball right on the top of the pile. 
"Kiddo, you can come to as many games as you want. And later today or tomorrow, we can talk about me moving into your house, okay?"
"But I'm not going to stay in the extra bedroom," he said seriously. "So we can talk about that too." He wanted Everett to understand that he wasn't going anywhere, and that he was going to marry you as soon as he could. As soon as you wanted to. 
Once he got Everett buckled in, he helped you load everything into the back. You had some grass stains on your shirt, and your clothes were all rumpled, and Bradley was so in love with all of it.
"Come here," he whispered with a smile as you slipped into his arms right where you belonged. "Can we get married tomorrow?" You laughed and he buried his face against your neck. "Please, Kitten? I'm dying for it now!"
"Bradley, we've been engaged for an hour."
"That's a pretty long time," he replied, enjoying the feel of your hips in his hands. 
"We can talk about this later." You giggled and kissed him until Everett started whining that he was starving for lunch.
The Independence Day party at Maverick's hangar was in full swing by the time the three of you arrived in the Bronco. There was almost nowhere to park, but Bradley found a spot next to Bob's truck. 
"Bob came?" you asked, eyeing his truck. "I think Molly's working today. Something about double overtime."
"I don't know why she didn't just take the day off," Bradley mused, killing the engine. "Does she really need the extra pay? It's not like Bob isn't her glorified sugar daddy now."
"What's a sugar daddy?" Everett asked from the backseat.
You glared at Bradley and muttered, "Yeah, Bradley. Try explaining that one to a seven year old."
He had the decency to look a little concerned before turning back to look at your son. "Uh... I think that Bob bought a lot of candy for your Aunt Molly."
"Ohhh," Everett replied. "Yeah, that makes sense, because she likes snacks. Do you think he'd buy some for me, too?"
Bradley cleared his throat and nodded slowly. "I think so. Just as long as you don't call him a sugar daddy," he muttered.
"Ev, why don't you go say hi to Bob and Natasha," you said, pointing out the window. "I see them right there. But don't tell anyone about the baseball ring yet, okay?"
"Okay!" Ev called, and then you and Bradley were alone in the front seat, and you started laughing.
"Really? A sugar daddy?" you asked.
"I'm sorry, Kitten! I'm still new to all this dad stuff."
Your lips parted in a soft smile as you unbuckled your seatbelt and crawled toward your fiance. "But you're already really good at it," you told him when he welcomed you onto his lap. "It's like you were tailor-made for us."
You kissed along Bradley's neck and he pulled you snug against him. "The two of you are perfect for me," he grunted, watching the sunlight catch your diamond ring. "Let's get married soon?"
"Okay," you agreed, your lips teasing his ear. 
"Did Danny ever give you a ring?" he asked, unable to help himself. 
"No. And I should have never married him. He obviously didn't want to but felt obligated to."
"I hate that guy," Bradley growled. "I'll be so much better."
"You already are," you promised him. "But would you mind if we don't tell anyone we're engaged yet?" you asked, and Bradley pulled away from you. He watched you remove your ring and reach for the glovebox. 
"Why not?" he asked, clearly upset as you put the ring inside and closed it.
You quickly placed a dozen little kisses at the corner of his mouth. "I want to tell Molly first. That's all."
"Oh," he replied, nodding as he rubbed his hands along your legs. "Sure, Kitten. We can tell Molly first."
You liked how he said we, like you were all part of a team now.
"I love you, Coach," you whispered, kissing him before you hopped down out of the driver's door and into the hot sunlight. Bradley jumped down behind you with his hand at your back, and he led you toward Everett.
"Mommy! Can we get changed and go play in the splash pad? Please?" he begged just as Nat strolled up and gave Bradley a kiss on the cheek. 
"I'll take him over," she said. "I've already got my bathing suit on, and Mav set up some changing stalls."
"Thanks, Nat," you replied, handing Everett his swim bag. 
"Kitten," Bradley groaned, wrapping his arms around you. "It's killing me not to tell her we're engaged."
You giggled and tucked your hand up inside his shirt. "You can tell her tomorrow, okay? Just let me tell Molly first."
Bradley just melted into your touch. He had his hands all over you the rest of the day as you ate burgers and chatted with everyone. He even ducked inside the tiny changing tent with you, kissing you all over as you tried to put on your leopard print bathing suit.
"I haven't seen this since the tee ball swim party," he groaned, slipping his index and middle fingers underneath the strap at your shoulder and pulling you closer. "I love it when you dress up like a kitten for me."
You bit your lip. "I did wear this to the pool party just so you'd notice it."
"Mmm," he hummed, letting his fingers stroke your nipple through the fabric. "Oh... I noticed it, Baby."
You let his hands slip lower to your hips. "And now, after you move in, I can dress up for you all the time."
"Fuck," he groaned, his lips finding the pulse point in your neck and sucking gently. "Please, let's get married next week."
You laughed softly and shook your head. "We'll talk about it later, Coach. You need to get changed so we can go splash with Ev." Then you brushed his erection softly with your hand before ducking outside. 
When you walked away, you heard him cursing softly, and the smile on your face felt like it was stuck there permanently. You were getting married. A second time. To Bradley. A man who loved your son every bit as much as he loved you. And he wasn't afraid to show it or talk about it. He wasn't afraid to let you know what you meant to him. You had never experienced anything like this before.
"Mommy!" Ev called out, soaking wet and holding up two water balloons.
"Don't you dare!" you told him, but he just held one out to you.
"Let's get Bradley," he whispered, looking past you. When you turned, you saw him heading your way in his swim trunks, pushing his aviators up on his nose. 
You nodded at Everett. "Absolutely." And then you watched as your balloon managed to hit Bradley in the shoulder right after Everett's hit him square in the chest.
Bradley looked up in shock. "Oh, it's on," he growled, and you tried to hide behind Everett as Bradley stormed closer with a playfully angry look on his face. 
"We need more balloons!" Everett screamed, pulling you toward a large bucket filled with them. Then the two of you launched dozens of water balloons at Bradley. Everett's accuracy was a lot better than yours, and Bradley pretended he was getting more and more wounded with each balloon he took to his body.
"You're too good!" he gasped at Everett, dropping to his knees on the splash pad while Everett laughed. Then he ran over and tackled Bradley with a big hug. You could hear Bradley tell him, "Hey, your pitches are looking great, kiddo," while Everett hugged him around the neck. "So proud of you."
"Thanks, Coach," Everett replied, and Bradley kissed him on the top of his head before scooping him up and standing. 
"But I don't know if I can trust the two of you now," Bradley said, squeezing your butt as he walked toward the sprinkler. "Some family you turned out to be. Getting me soaked before I was ready." He walked into the spray of water, and you listened to Everett scream with laughter as Bradley got both of them even more soaked.
Then Nat and Bob joined in, and you wished Molly was here. Because you had to be the one to remind Bob to put on more sunblock in her absence. And you didn't want to text her a picture of your ring, you wanted to tell her in person about it. You wanted her to see it and be excited for you. 
If she had the day off tomorrow, you'd try to stop by after work and tell her. But for now you'd just enjoy the rest of the first day of your engagement. You ran toward the sprinkler and wrapped your arms around Bradley.
"That's a familiar sight," Maverick said as the sun was dipping lower in the sky. Bradley gave him a funny look as he held a very sleepy Everett in his arms. "It's just that you look so much like Goose. And Everett looks like he could be your son." The words hit Bradley right in the heart.
"I want him to be," he managed, voice raspy with emotion. 
Mav nodded and grinned before looking at the ground. "You picked a good one." Bradley looked where Mav tilted his head and saw you talking to Bob. "Well, both of them."
He held Everett a little tighter as he slept, head on Bradley's shoulder. "Thanks."
Mav patted him on the back as he took Everett to the Bronco where he started to stir. "Where are we going?" he asked in a sleepy little voice that made Bradley smile.
"Home. You can sleep until we get there. Gonna watch fireworks on the back deck and have a snack."
Everett just nodded and then fell back asleep, his head tipped to the side. Bradley buckled him in and waited patiently for you to finish saying goodbye to Bob. 
"You think he'll be my brother-in-law someday?" you asked with a laugh as you climbed in next to Bradley and glanced back to check on Everett. 
"You know," Bradley said, scratching his chin as he started the engine, "yeah, I do."
"Good," you replied, opening the glove box as Bradley drove down the long drive to the main road and turned toward the sunset. He breathed a sigh of relief as you slid your ring back onto your finger and examined it in the golden light.
"It's so pretty," you whispered, taking Bradley's hand in yours. "Thanks for letting Ev help pick it out."
Bradley scoffed and squeezed your fingers gently. "You think I could have done it without him? Not a chance. I almost texted Molly for final approval."
Your laughter filled the Bronco, and Bradley smiled as he got on the highway toward your house. "She would have ruined the surprise!"
"I figured," he mumbled, kissing your knuckles. "Better to keep it a secret between the boys."
You were quiet for a little while as Bradley drove. Eventually you turned toward him and whispered, "I do think we should get married pretty soon."
"Yes," he agreed. "We're both off on Saturday...."
"Please!" you laughed. "I didn't have a real wedding before. So I'd like to plan something this time. Nothing crazy, but a real wedding would be so nice." Your voice was soft and dreamy. 
"Anything you want, Kitten. Anything. I mean it. I'm already getting the things that are most important to me: you and Ev. So whatever and whenever works for me." 
When Bradley pulled into your driveway and thought about how he'd be living here soon enough, you unbuckled your seatbelt and climbed into his lap.
"Watch it, Kitten," he whispered as you rubbed yourself against him. "We've got company, Baby." 
"I know," you replied softly, kissing his lips. "I just love you so much, and today has been kind of wild, but I want you to know that I can't wait to marry you."
The way your hand slid up to rest over his heart while you kissed him had Bradley ignoring his own caution. He let his lips and mustache trail along your neck as he reached for the button of your shorts.
"Can we go watch fireworks?" Everett asked through a yawn from the backseat. Bradley closed his eyes and sighed, kissing you one more time.
"Yep," he grunted. "It's almost time." Then he carried Everett inside after you unlocked the door. He got both of you settled on the back deck under a blanket, and then he made some popcorn and carried it out just as the first fireworks lit up the sky. 
Bradley sat next to Everett who held the bowl of popcorn. "This was a really good day," Everett said, the colors reflecting in his eyes.
"I loved today," you added, turning to look at Bradley as you ate some popcorn.
"Yeah," Bradley said with a deep sigh. "I got to spend it with my family."
Everett was looking a little worse for the wear, snuggled up against Bradley as the fireworks ended. 
"Can we all talk for a minute?" Bradley asked when it was just the three of you sitting quietly under the moon glow. 
"Okay," you agreed as Everett nodded.
"I just wanted to say," Bradley started before pausing for a beat. "Kiddo, I'm going to move in with you and your mom. If that's okay with you."
"Yeah!" Everett cheered, perking up. 
Bradley kissed his forehead. "But I'm not going to move into the extra bedroom, okay? Your mom and I are going to get married, hopefully pretty soon. And I'll move my stuff into her big bedroom."
"Okay," Everertt agreed. "Maybe we can turn the other bedroom into a Phillies room or something."
"Hey, that sounds great," Bradley agreed, laughing as you rolled your eyes. 
You ran your fingers along your son's cheek so that he was looking at you. "Ev, Bradley is going to be part of our family. For real."
"I'm not going anywhere, okay?" Bradley asked, and Everett's gaze snapped back to him. "I'll be around all the time. You understand?"
Everett nodded enthusiastically. "Does that mean you'll be my dad soon?"
Bradley met your eyes, and your heart started pounding. His gaze was questioning, but you weren't sure exactly what you wanted to say here. "He'll be your stepdad, Ev."
Everett still looked a little concerned as he wrapped his arms around Bradley's neck. "Can I call you dad?" he asked Bradley, and you felt tears in your eyes. All you wanted was for your son to have everything he deserved. Your mind was filled with thoughts of Danny and child support and Everett's face in tears.
But Bradley held him tight and nodded against his neck. "If you want to. And if it's okay with your mom."
When Everett looked at you, a smile crept along your lips. "Yeah, it's okay with me."
Then you listened to the two of them in quiet conversation before Bradley took Everett inside and carried him up to bed. You followed them up the stairs but went into your bedroom and let them have a few minutes to themselves. You contemplated changing into something cute to wear to bed with your fiance, but you ended up sitting on the bed wiping away your tears instead. And then after a while, Bradley walked in, and you could tell he had been crying as well. 
He paused next to the bed and you asked, "Are you okay?"
A nod was all you got right away. Then he rasped, "He called me dad. While I got him ready for bed."
"He loves you."
Bradley looked up at the ceiling. "Listen, I had every intention of walking in here and absolutely ravaging my wife-to-be. I swear. But instead, I think I just want to hold you first."
How could anyone possibly disagree with that? You reached out for his hand and pulled him into bed with you and into your arms. "I love you, Coach."
"Fuck, Kitten," he groaned against your neck as you hugged him. "I didn't think I would end up crying so much the day I got engaged. Actually... I never really thought I'd ever get engaged. Especially not to a mom."
You opened your mouth to say something, but he cut you off with his lips on yours. "But you're right, Kitten. I was tailor-made to be with you. And Everett."
Your fingers tangled in his hair as he kissed all of the words from your lips. You were left softly sighing as he stroked your cheeks with his thumbs, the prickle of his mustache on your skin driving you crazy for him.
"I was going to put on something cute to celebrate with you tonight," you whispered. 
"No, no. I love that stuff, you know that. But you're perfect just like this." Bradley kissed you through your grass stained clothing before he started to remove it. "Perfect."
When he took his time like this, it was almost better than when he went wild. Bradley ran his nose along your lace covered breasts, his thumbs grazing your sides, skimming down your ribs. Wordlessly, he moved every bit of your clothing before he pulled his shirt over his head. His skin was hot beneath your hands, and the sound of his heavy breathing filled the space. When his lips met your bare breasts, you whimpered. His big palms were on your hips, holding you in place as you spread your legs wide for him.
His words were too soft, the sound of your whimpering nearly drowning him out as his lips and mustache met the sensitive skin below your belly button. 
His hands left your body, and you heard him work his zipper down. But then his mouth was on your pussy, kissing and licking you as your fingers tangled in his hair. And he would be here every night with you. When he wasn't deployed, he'd be in bed with you, right here, every night. 
"Bradley," you whispered again, this time with a little sob. You were going to marry him, and he would always be there with you. 
He swiped his tongue slowly up to your clit before kissing you there. "Kitten?"
You pulled him up by his soft hair and wiped away your tears. "I love you." Then his lips were on yours, and you could feel his cock at your entrance. The way your body welcomed every part of him, like you'd been waiting for him, had you wrapping your leg around his waist. He groaned softly against your lips as he sank into you, filling you up. But he didn't move yet. Not for a few minutes. He just stretched you in the most wonderful way while you pulsed around him, and he told you everything he was going to do now that you were engaged.
"I'll move in next weekend, Kitten," he whispered against your neck. "And then I'll start doing your yardwork, because you kind of suck a pulling weeds, Baby."
"Hey," you whined, with a laugh that turned into a moan as he pushed himself deeper inside you. 
"I'll pay half the bills. And I'll make breakfast in the mornings. And you can pack my lunch. And I'll play baseball with Ev, because I love him. And then I'll fuck you all night, because I love you."
His words got ragged as he started to thrust. And as soon as he was moving, his rough hairs harsh against your wet clit, you could feel the pressure building inside you. After a few more strokes, you were whining his name, and he was smiling against your lips. Bradley fucked you slow and steady through your orgasm, drawing it out and making your sweat-slick body shiver beneath him. And he went nice and slow until he was grunting and spilling himself inside you. 
Your fingers dug into the back of his neck as he kissed you hard. "Please don't make me wait too long to marry you. To be Ev's stepdad for real."
"I won't." 
As he panted on top of you, a plan was already forming in your mind. You tried to hold back your grin as you thought about it. Bradley would love it, and so would Ev. If it was even viable. But you'd have Bradley all to yourselves soon enough, and he could help you plan it out. 
A little while later, as you were snuggled up with Bradley, nearly asleep, he whispered, "I told Everett I'd take him to the park tomorrow evening. Thanks for sharing your son with me."
You laughed softly, and then you froze up.
"What's wrong?" he asked, stroking up and down your spine with his rough hand.
You propped yourself up to look at him, unsure if you should even say anything. 
"Kitten. Did I say something wrong?"
"No," you whispered, shaking your head slightly. "It's just that... I never told you this, but I don't want to have anymore kids, Bradley." You bit down hard on your lip as he studied your face. 
He looked a little surprised but not disappointed. "Oh. I mean, I hadn't given it much thought, to be honest. I guess I thought the three of us would be perfect, you know? Happy."
You heaved a sigh of relief and wrapped your arms around him again. "Yeah. The three of us. Happy."
The following day, after work, you put your ring back on and drove to Molly and Bob's condo. Bradley was picking Everett up from summer camp, and you'd have a chance to talk to your sister alone for a few minutes if Bob wasn't back from base yet.
You knocked on their door loudly before using the key they gave you to let yourself inside. 
"Come in!" Molly called out, and you found her in the living room, under a blanket, eating chips and watching reality TV. "Hi!"
You laughed and plopped down next to her. She looked tired as you kissed her cheek. "They working you too hard?" you asked, running your hand across her forehead. "Molly, you look exhausted."
She yawned and snuggled into your touch. "I'm so fucking tired. These double shifts are killing me. I thought it would be an easier adjustment to all daylight shifts than this! But they keep asking me to pull extra hours, because we're short staffed."
"That's not good," you whispered with a frown as she yawned again. But she just brushed you off.
"I'll be fine after Bob dicks me down and I get a good night's sleep again tonight for work tomorrow."
"Oh, I didn't really need to know that, but thanks?"
She nodded at you with a serious look in her eyes. "I love him. He's the sweetest man in the world. And he has a big cock. I'll be just fine. Don't worry about me."
As you cleared your throat to try to change the subject, Molly reached for your hand and screamed, "What is that?!" She started pawing at your engagement ring, kicking her blanket to the floor and jumping up. "You're getting married!"
You laughed at your wild eyed sister standing in front of you in a sports bra, boxer shorts and mismatched socks. "I'm getting married!" you confirmed, and she screamed again. "He asked me yesterday."
"Oh my god! Bradley really went all in on the ring, huh?" she asked, pulling it off your finger to examine it. "I mean...damn! He probably thought you'd say no if the ring sucked. Look at the size of this thing!"
"I wouldn't have said no!" you told her, laughing as she pretended to be blinded by the sparkle. "Ev helped him pick it out."
Molly screamed again. "Ev helped?! Okay, Bradley can stay forever, I guess."
The two of you were on the floor laughing and sharing the bag of chips when Bob walked in wearing his khaki uniform.
"Mo, it's uniform time, Honey," he said with a grin, but then he saw you on the floor with some chips halfway to your mouth, and he blushed. "Oh... you're here too... that's great." 
"Hey, Bob," you said before shoving the chips in your mouth and standing. "I was actually just leaving, so feel free to have uniform time."
He still looked embarrassed as you patted his cheek. "Oh, um..."
"I just stopped by to tell you both that Bradley and I are getting married. Hopefully pretty soon." You held up your hand, and Bob pulled you in for a hug. 
"Ugh," Molly groaned from the floor. "He's going to be my brother-in-law."
"You just told me how happy you were for me!"
"I am," she confirmed. "I just kind of like to pick on him. It's fun. And easy."
You rolled your eyes and hugged Bob tight. "Stay tuned for a wedding date, okay? I just need to make a few phone calls." Then you turned to leave, but Molly followed you after she kissed Bob.
"You can stay for dinner, if you want."
You smiled and put your high heels back on. "Nah, I don't want to interrupt uniform time."
Molly grinned like the devil, but she said, "I ordered some cute shirts for both of us and Ev to wear to the rec league games. But the Bradshaw on the back of yours is going to have a whole new meaning now! Are you going to ditch Danny's last name?"
"God, yes," you groaned. "As long as it's okay with Bradley."
"And what about Ev?"
You puzzled her question in your mind for a moment. You'd been waiting for the child support from Danny to kick in. But you'd probably be waiting a lot longer. He wasn't going to hand it over to you willingly. But you just knew that Everett was going to want a new last name as well, and honestly it made you want to cry. 
"I'm not sure," you whispered, forcing a smile and kissing Molly one last time. "Go have fun with Bob. I'll see you soon." 
And when you got home, Bradley and Everett were there, eating a pizza they brought back after playing in the park. Bradley jumped up to get a slice ready for you, and you hugged him around his middle while Everett told you about his day.
Ev called him dad! He's moving in! Thanks to @beyondthesefourwalls and @mak-32
Don't forget to check out Bob and Molly in The Curveball!
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sunnebeam · 10 months
"this is our territory."
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pairing: min yoongi x reader
plot: the (mis)adventures of retired gangster min yoongi as he leaves behind the life of the mafia and navigates the way of the househusband.
warnings: the way of the househusband au, marriage au, crack, domesticity, there's only one (1) bastard that can defeat yoongi 😟
masterlist + disclaimers.
note: the fact that my top 2 fics on this blog w the most notes/engagements are both yoongi fics,,,, the power he holds!! 😤 as always, hope yous enjoy this cute drabble and let me know ur thoughts!
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You love the weekends.
No work. No stress. No bosses nagging at you to work overtime. No files waiting for you to sort through.
Just you, your poodle, and your husband.
There's absolutely nothing that can ruin your weekend. Nothing except—
You jolt upright from your bed, eyes wide in alarm when you hear your husband's normally calm voice shouting profanities from the other room. Luckily, Holly remains deep in slumber on Yoongi's side of the bed even as you're scrambling to the kitchen.
You almost trip on your own two feet when you see Yoongi on the kitchen floor – shirtless, sweaty, and looking absolutely defeated.
"Yoonie?! What happened?"
He's wearing a pained expression.
"I didn't see him coming."
"I'm sorry, darling," he says, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I let him get away."
What? Is there a burglar in the apartment?!
"Yoonie, what are you—"
"He's in the living room."
With anxious heartbeats, you and Yoongi head to the living room area. Fortunately, your apartment is tiny enough that every room is next to each other so it only takes a couple of steps for you to near the entryway to the living room. Craning your head, you take a peak to find...
"There he is."
...a cockroach.
A cockroach?
You scream, clutching your husband as you hide behind him.
"There are roaches in this building?!" you screech, disgusted when you remember how the landlord conveniently left this little detail when you both first moved in.
"Stay behind me, darling," your husband orders and you look down to see him holding a pest repellent spray in his hand. "I'll handle this."
Your knees quiver when he takes slow steps toward the roach.
"You bastard," he continues, "you think you can just come breaking and entering?"
He's a few steps away.
"This is our territory," he growls as he positions the repellent and his finger hovers over the nozzle. "Die, you bastard!"
He sprays.
Nothing comes out.
"Shit," Yoongi mumbles. "I'm out of ammo."
And then the unthinkable happens.
"Yoonie, it's fucking flying!"
The cockroach flies. Higher. And higher. Then it descends.
"No," you whisper, horrified. "Please, no."
It lands on Yoongi's bare chest.
"Darling," your husband calls out to you, his body frozen but his voice shaky. "I need you to kill it. Even if you get me, too."
"No, no, no. This can't be happening."
You're hysterical.
"You can do it, darling," he assures you, his head jerking to gesture to a spare newspaper laying on the floor. "I know you can."
"We have to protect our turf! Do it!"
A tear falls down your cheek. Without any other choice, you take a deep breath before getting the newspaper and folding it in a fan-like pattern.
Once it's all folded, you straighten up. You look your husband in the eye, and all you see is love, pride, and acceptance.
"I love you."
"I love you, too."
And with the newspaper in your hand, you scream, swinging your arm back and running towards your husband, before you whip the newspaper forward and slam it on his skin.
You miss.
"I'm sorry, Yoonie," you mumble, head down as you eye the reddening mark on his forehead where you accidentally hit him.
The cockroach is long gone now, having flown out the opened window when you tragically missed it and ended up hitting your husband instead.
"Don't worry about it," he tells you, chuckling.
Yoongi shakes his head at you, endeared. He reaches out a hand and caresses your cheek lovingly.
"You did well, darling."
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sakumz · 1 month
[ m. orter x fem reader ]
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" why does it feel like I've caught you in some sort of affair? its unusual for a visionary to still be in this school, so late at night, hm? " your voice was stern and threatening though still slightly curious.
orter was leaving after his quick dinner with margaret, that he won't tell anyone of. you're one of the teachers in this school. known for having great foresight. he had heard countless rumours about you. they said you used to be an assassin, having killed a few witches or maybe a spy for an enemy organisation waiting to overthrow the visionaries and the government. they said you had power strong enough to actually be part of the visionary. hearing all that, he had to be cautious around you.
" well isn't it strange for a teacher to still be in the school, after 7? " he replied as you quirk a brow.
" I'm clocking out and this is the earliest time of the week that I'm clocking out. I've worked countless overtime. mainly to help students write their report for any troubles they've cause, marking papers and such. " you state matter of fact, rendering the man speechless for a moment.
" I see, have a lovely night then. " he turns to walk away, before moving too far away. you open your mouth to speak one last thing, " don't try to do anything to stop mash from taking the exam. especially using a student of the school to- "
as he turned around, you were gone. how did you even know he was going to stop mash. he tossed and turned in his sleep, that night. well you're a teacher, you'll most likely be at the stadium. he can always put you in jail and question you, he can also question you later on.
at the stadium, he wasn't expecting you to stand next to walhberg. kaldo on his other side. he wonders what the two of you could possibly be talking about, seeing the dumb smile on kaldo and you laughing at the man. was he that funny? heck, he can see the tears on your eyes. WAS HE SO FUNNY?
" are you seeing anyone as of late, ms l/n? " walhberg starts, feeling your face burn up a little, kaldo couldn't help but laugh at you.
" w-whats it to you, mr walhberg! I have no interest right now, and I'm very busy! " you scold.
orter wonders what the conversation was, seeing you turn red and kaldo laughing at you embarrassed self, walhberg was smiling too. WHO'S FUNNY NOW? he wanted to painfully rip someone's head off. it's not his business but he too wants to know. how come both of them, aren't so cautious around you. did they not cared for such rumours? what about you, are you trying to prove that such rumours weren't even true?
after the whole fiasco of innocent zero showing up, the exam was over. everyone was slowly leaving. you, kaldo, orter and the light cane remained. discussing the attack.
" ms l/n, I didn't get to see you fight today but I've heard countless rumours. care to fill me in about you? " ryoh starts, as yall made your way out of the stadium.
" oh those rumours are true. I'm a witch assassin and I'm working for a secret organisation to overthrow the idiotic government and visionaries, " the three were stunned to hear your confession.
" I don't buy it, " orter says as he walks past the three.
" if its true and you ever try to do anything funny. mark my words, I'll stop you singlehandedly. "
" he likes you, y/n. " kaldo whispers in your ear before rushing off somewhere.
surely that wasn't the last he's seen you. you're even dropping by their office, as if you worked here! it's mainly to drop off reports and to check in on lance and dot, hearing they're being trained by orter.
upon hearing his training methods, you can't help but sit and watch. of course cheering your lovely students on and cursing at orter. he tried challenging you to that particular training only to be surprised at how easy you dodge his attacks with your smoke magic.
maybe both of you were meant to be, having similar magic skills. slowly but surely your presence is everywhere. the man didn't even realise he was falling.
" say do you like l/n-sensei? " dot questions as they take a quick short break from training.
the sudden question making orter stop wiping his glasses to stare at him, stupidly.
" a man has been trying to court her, the past few days. she said she's close to accepting his proposal, " lance spoke.
" I see, trainings over for now. " orter rushes out, making his way to your office at Easton.
" what brings you here, dear madl? " you swirl in your chair to face him.
" you're getting married? " you couldn't help but burst out laughing at his dumbfounded expression as he only glared at you in return.
" n-no, just thinking about it. " you wipe the tears from your eyes, staring back at his face.
" then marry me not him. I'll treat you way better, " he walks closer to your table, grabbing a few locks of your hair to plant a kiss.
such simple actions, made your heart go doki doki.
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satoruscursedbandages · 2 months
⸝⸝ ꒰ Toji HeadCanons🎋ㆍ₊⊹
MENTIONS — FTM!Reader!, headcanons, SFW, mentions of body dysphoria.
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• He always knows how you're feeling, if you're feeling sad he'll drop everything he's doing just for you and give you his undivided attention, he doesn't say much but his actions say other wise! Next thing you know you're in bed with him cuddling up right onto him as he tells you how perfect you are n' how much he loves you n' how he'd kill anyone who made you feel this way. Toji would give ya' small little kisses on your face and continue to hold ya' close to him, he wants you to feel safe with him.
"Tell me who did it, I'll make sure they'll be fuckin' dealt with. You're too perfect to be feeling like this especially if some dumbass made my boy feel like this."
• Everyday after work he'd come back home to the shared apartment you both stayed at, he would catch you off guard wrapping his big muscular arms around your waist as he kissed you all over your pretty face. He'd kiss ya' all of your neck and collarbone too!
• He'd occasionally buy you things as appreciation, even if that means he'd have to work overtime. He doesn't mind taking on extra work and killing more sorcerers or whatever, he just wants to see you happy. Toji would hear you on the phone or listen to you talk n' buy those things you like, sometimes he may steal but.it's the thought that counts!!!
• Toji will remind you everyday how perfect you are, inside and out. Toji doesn't really talk much he just gets straight to the point, but when it comes to complimenting and talking about you he could drag on for a looooongggg time!
"You're so pretty baby. So so so handsome..how did I get so lucky to be with you hm? My baby boy is perfect. My beautiful pretty boy.." Toji would whisper in your ear in a deep tone as he kissed you all over holding you in his arms.
• when you feel insecure or have feelings body dysmorphia he will reassure you that you are always a man to him. No matter what he'll love you, especially on your bad days. He'll even be with you all day and cancel all of his plans just to make sure you feel better, he doesn't care that you're trans he just loves you for you! He'll even let you lay down or cuddle with him all day if that means so.
"Darlin’, what's wrong? You look sad." Toji asked in a slightly concerned tone all of his focus was on you, you then spoke in a shaky and slight voice. "I..I don't look like a man..I hate my body. I wish I was more taller, I didn't have this chest n' that others would view me as a man." You said trying not to break down, tears welled up in your eyes n' you began sniffling. Toji's gaze softened, he brought both of his large hands up to your face wiping away your tears with his thumbs, "you're a man to me, you're very handsome. I love you just the way you are, your body is perfectly fine you don't need to have a dick to be a man, you look like one to me. You are one, don't think other wise. You're perfectly fine the way you are Baby." He said kissing your forehead, he had a small smile on his face.
• Toji always wants to be around you! Shopping, eating, sleeping, showering, you name it n' he's pretty much everywhere with you. When you guys are shopping he's perfect for holding things! He's holding at least 20 bags per shopping trip but he doesn't mind..he's a big n' strong man anyways a couple of bags should bother him, he kills people for a living so wasn't a big deal! When you guys are showering together you two will help each other bathe n' wash yourselves, occasionall you both would give each other small little pecks on the neck, jaw, or cheek! He would try to also sneak in a kiss on your pretty lips too, he loves kissin' you!!:3
• When you're going through your monthly period, you're in pain obviously. The cramps are killing your n' your body aches, n' you begin cravin' things. Toji knows that you are on it because he keeps track of it so he won't make you as upset he did last time. He usually teases you but not when you're on that time of the month, you're more moody than usual. scary. When you're in pain he suggests you lay down n' rest, he'll massage you and he even bought you a heating pad for your stomach for when your cramps get too painful. Usually when this time comes you two are snuggled on the couch eating your favorite snacks n' are watchin' some shows the both of you like. Toji would most likely barely pay attention to the show n' mostly pay more attention to you tho ngl!!
"..hm? Toji, are you even paying attention to the movie?" You asked with a slightly pouty face, he gave you a soft chuckle as he then spoke up. "Mmh. Not really no." Toji playfully smiled before pulling you closer n' holding you more. He was always the physical touch type, especially when it came to you. You never really saw him touch anyone unless he beat the shit out of them or got paid for takin' on'a mission or something. It was nice to know he had a soft spot for you.
• Toji is USUALLY flat broke so y'know his broke ass won't really take you out but he usually takes you out to walks out to the park or makes sure to make you feel special whenever you both are out. He'd hold your hand, hug you, kiss you, hold you, etc. he doesn't care if you both are in public he loves you !
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iguessimfished · 4 months
(Finished fully. I'm not changing anything now.)
Two sides AU is just two sides that kinda fight every now and then. When a player first enters the game they're randomly placed in a team (they don't choose)
Team A or Team C
Each round all players get 3 lives and once they lose all 3 they can't respawn until the game is over.
The goal of the game is to elimate the other team. When a team wins they now own that territory until they have to fight for it again.
What they're hoping to do is get rid of the other team for good so they can escape the game
Both sides currently think the other team is a bunch of npcs created by their ringmasters.
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The leader of team A. He absolutely despises Caine yet he barely knows him and doesn't even know why he hates him so much. He clearly hasn't questioned this yet and is more busy keeping the players from burning the tent down.
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Surprisingly the both strongest of Team A. When it comes to fighting she feels really bad about hurting the other team (unless they have their comedy mask on...) so if you're somehow still conscious after you get whacked by that hammer, you'll most likely hear them repeatedly apologize for hitting you.
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(now with mime inspiration) Jax often enters the battle recklessly and never bothers to help his teammates. (They hate him) he also enjoys to constantly taunt and insult the other team, especially when he manages to gets a kill.
(for short, he's an asshole.)
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Zooble doesn't like to rely on the others, and instead creates themselves a little army with small parts from their zoobox. But the thing is the critters have little HP and so taking them down is quite easy as long as you don't let them get too close to you.
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When the fight starts she tries to stay far and out of sight while taking down her opponents since she isn't the best with close combat. Although if it ever comes to it she'll leave her hiding spot and come to their teammates aid.
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The leader of Team C. He also dislikes aibel with no clue on why and a little bit of him wishes they didn't fight so much. But everytime they interact it ends in pointless arguing and bickering..
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Ragatha tries her best to help the team and lead them to victory. And so when her teammates are almost down she hurries to patch up any of their wounds. (literally patch it as in sewing.) Attempting to kill ragatha off first won't be easy since she always has her butcher knife prepared.
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A newer addition to Team C
She's still confused about everything in this place and rather leave than learn more about it, So often times she'll ditch her entire team to go and try searching for a way out. But when she's forced to stay in the fight she prefers to sneak up on her opponents exactly how she sneaks around the circus. (This is the reason she has no bells)
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(it's hard to draw him in my style :[ ) The second kaufmo gets on the field, everything is on fire. It's become a real problem to the point where outside of battle everyone tries their best to keep anything thats able to start a fire away from him, yet he always somehow finds a box of matches or two.
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When it comes to the battle kinger more focuses on his traps than the actual fight in hopes to catch a insect for his collection. (He has none so far.) If you let him, he'd go on rambles about the many traps he's thought of overtime and how they'd work. (Probably mentioning insects along the way)
I sadly reached the limit of 10 images so I'll just make a separate post and link it to this 😭
Extras here
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ikeuverse · 1 year
OUR KIMCHI — s.jaeyun
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PAIRING: bf!jake x fem!reader GENRES: fluff, slight angst WC: 3.2k+
WARNINGS: a slight disagreement between yn and jake, nothing too serious, and a lot of fluff, mention of food (the title gives it away hehe).
SYNOPSIS: what do you do when you get home after a tiring day at work and your boyfriend greets you with layla, your dog and… another puppy member that you both met on a walk?
NOTES: second enhypen story in a while, i've really gotten addicted to writing. i was looking at some pictures of jake and layla and just thought about it because, seriously, it's so cute. hope you enjoy it!
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Can you walk Layla today? I'll be a few extra hours at work. I love you guys, I'll be home with our dinner.
Jake smiled at the cell phone screen after undoing the buckle on Layla's leash, letting the dog run through the small park lit by the streetlamps. The boy sighed with relief that he had managed to get home from work early that day, no longer able to stand having to deal with numbers and spreadsheets for a while. It was a long way from his vacation - and he was grateful because he wanted to take it at the same time as you - so Jake opted to work some overtime and get an early start sometime during the week. Which was like today. And he knew you were doing the same because you would also need to leave work early sometimes to just throw yourself on the couch and rest. After a walk with Layla, of course.
The priority of the two of you with a canine daughter who barked excitedly every time Jake threw the colorful ball and called for her to bring it back. He genuinely laughed every time she ran towards him and even jumped on his lap, causing him to stagger and fall on his butt on the floor.
"Okay, girl. I guess we can go home" he was panting, and knew that Layla needed water by the time the dog had her tongue out "Are we lucky if mommy gets here before I get out of the bath?" Layla wagged her tail and Jake laughed again, as if that was the perfect answer to his question.
He then decided to let off her leash since it wasn't too far from where they lived to the park Jake had taken her to. He wouldn't have to cross any streets, so he felt relieved to simply let Layla free from his house. But the boy was wrong. Jake swallowed dryly when Layla barked loudly, running across the street and into a narrow street on the other side.
"Hey, Layla!" he shouted intending to call her, running to where his dog had gone. Jake was running so hard he didn't even know how out of breath he was and how his breathing almost failed him when he stopped running to meet her there. Standing near a pile of garbage and barking non-stop. "By God, do you want to kill me from the heart?" quickly his hands ran through his hair before resting on his chest to try to calm himself.
Layla kept barking, but as soon as she saw Jake, she started whining and even ran toward him.
"What is it? Is everything okay?" he asked as if she was able to answer clearly "Okay, where do you want to take me?" he asked again as she turned around and pushed her head into Jake's calf, forcing him to walk.
Without much effort to get to where Layla was standing, Jake felt a sudden urge to run away, because he didn't know what he would find there. And even less did he know why his dog was so desperate to show something in the trash. He had heard a few times from you that Layla liked to sniff strange places, but he thought it was normal because dogs usually do that. Only that was getting weirder and weirder.
"Layla, what—" Jake's speech was interrupted by a low cry, almost similar to Layla's. He widened his eyes before looking at his dog and then at the trash, mustering up a little courage to bend down and start pulling out some cardboard boxes that were there. Hoping that it wasn't a rat or some poisonous animal, or he would be putting his own life at risk just because of his dog's instinct to be so shrewd.
Once Jake got enough cardboard out, he moved a black bag that was torn, almost choking on his saliva when he saw that little shrunken puppy.
"Oh my God!" was the only thing he could say when, without thinking, he took it in his hands. Not caring how dirty the little critter was, just for taking it out among the garbage already feeling Layla around him barking louder "Thank you for saving…" Jake paused for a moment, analyzing the puppy before continuing "This boy here" he smiled nervously, holding him carefully as the dog barked and whined at the same time "You hungry, buddy? Hurt, maybe?" all the questions were directed at Layla and he knew that if anyone walked by on the street they would call him crazy because Jake was talking to two dogs.
But he didn't care. Quickly taking off his jacket, he managed to wrap the puppy in the fabric and held him carefully in his arms.
"And you, girl, will stay on the leash, I don't want another scare" with his free hand, Jake called for Layla to hook her leash onto the lead and make her more secure "Now let's take him to your vet? Will you be a good hero and share the care?"
And as predicted, Layla barked as if to answer him and Jake smiled proudly. Looking down at the puppy in his arms who had now stopped barking and was snuggling into the fabric of his jacket.
"Come on, he needs us, Layla."
Jake needed to walk fast until he got home and got the car, but that was no problem. As long as he could get the necessary care for the little dog, he and Layla would be happy.
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Jake gave up counting how many times he paced back and forth in the living room of the shared apartment, wondering how he would tell you that now, in addition to Layla, he had another puppy in there. It wasn't definite, but when the vet said that he had a fractured leg and needed a place to rest for a few weeks, Jake quickly volunteered. The consequences of talking to you he would bear later, but at least the little mixed-haired one was sleeping on a makeshift bed in the corner of the room under Layla's supervision.
As he went over a whole convincing speech, all the words seemed to fade away when the clatter of keys was heard on the other side of the door. Quickly Jake looked at Layla, who already had her head up looking at him as well.
"You tell, I don't want to" he whispered to the dog, who stared at him without moving from her seat. At first, the boy thought it was cute, Layla was protecting the newly arrived puppy. Second that you had just entered the apartment calling for the two of you.
"I brought food" you hummed as you closed the door behind you. Jake stood in the middle of the living room when Layla finally stood up to run towards you "Hi my love, did you have fun with daddy today?" her weight on your legs made you smile, as you tried to balance the bags of food in one hand, with the other smoothing Layla's hair.
Walking quickly to the kitchen without looking at Jake, you left the food on the countertop and disposed of your bag on one of the stools, taking off your coat as well. Walking back into the living room, finally looking at your boyfriend who looked distressed.
"Is everything okay?" your question sounded so calm that Jake relaxed for a few seconds, just long enough to feel your arms around his body in a heated hug. He hugged you back, leaning in to kiss your lips as slowly as he could.
"Yeah" Jake whispered against your mouth "How was the overtime at work?" he was trying to make time so he could tell you, also letting the puppy rest a little longer before - maybe - you had a little outburst.
"Tiring" you sighed "But at least tomorrow I can get out early and walk you and Layla, can't I, baby?" your gaze searched for the dog and as soon as it landed on her, your whole body tensed "What's that?" your voice coming out a little higher from the fright, analyzing whether you had seen straight.
And from Jake's half-hearted chuckle, you weren't seeing things.
"Can you please explain to me why we have another dog in our living room, Jake Sim?" you were serious in tone, but you didn't sound angry. Still Jake shrugged his shoulders and when Layla let out a bark, the puppy woke up.
"Hey Layla, what did we talk about waking him up?" Jake pretended to scold her, running towards the small bed to kneel and pick him up on his lap "Hey buddy, I want you to meet someone."
Then he walked over to you with the puppy in his arms. He had a bandaged paw and you almost mumbled cute words when Jake was close enough to notice every little detail of the little animal.
"Love, meet our new guest," the joy in Jake's voice was that of a child who had just gotten a new toy. It made you chuckle softly, sighing as you accepted the little animal he was handing you, into your arms.
"New guest? What do you mean?" your question coming out as a whisper because now Jake had made you take the dog on your lap, and by the gentle way, he was coming back to sleep soundly in your arms at that moment.
"We found him injured in the street—" Layla barked right then and there "Okay, she found him. It was to her credit and not mine" Jake's frustration made you laugh, and you quickly excused yourself to the little guy on your lap when he stirred in fright.
Stopping to listen to the story of Jake and Layla, who found the little one injured, they both took him to the vet and gave him a proper bath. With all the consultations to get him out of there decently. But knowing your boyfriend, you knew that his huge heart would not let the little animal go to a place out of your sight. Jake would monitor him until he couldn't, and this whole guest thing wouldn't stop there. You knew that.
"Well…" you began, biting your lower lip as you handed the puppy to him again "We can't keep him, so… Have you thought about where to leave him when he gets better?"
"What?" Jake turned quickly to you after placing him on the makeshift bed. You were walking to the kitchen to serve dinner when he hurriedly followed you, "Why can't we keep him?"
You sighed for a while, not answering Jake as you went to the cupboard to look for pots and a plate to serve the portions and kimchi you had bought.
"Because we live in an apartment, Jake. And we already have Layla who takes up a lot of space" you had thought the little one sleeping in your living room was adorable, but thinking about how Layla was already there, it seemed impractical "Not to mention we barely have time for her. Let alone one more…"
"We'll manage. I don't know, I get off work early every day to hang out with both of them. I—"
"Jake" you called to him with a softer tone, causing him to stop talking. Jake stared at you with a sad look, swallowing dryly.
"He can't go back out on the street. Please, y/n, let's stay with him."
You noted that Jake sounded like a child asking this of an adult. And your heart broke when you nodded negatively at him, quickly, and the boy's gaze in front of you was bright.
"Okay. Thanks, y/n."
"Let's just eat…"
"I'm not hungry anymore, bon appetit" Jake left the kitchen just as quickly as he arrived. You threw your head back and huffed, trying to figure out a way to fix what you had done. Running the few steps into the living room, you realized that Jake was not there either. So he had probably gone to the room. It would be better to leave him alone for a while, talking in that state would not be very good.
"Are you going to hate me too?" you asked Layla who was lying with the new puppy the whole time. She lowered her head, seeming to feel the energy in the house. When you and Jake argued she always looked that way, so maybe it was no different. Or Layla shared the same sentiment as her owner, not at all pleased to hear that you wouldn't let the two of them have their new guest.
"Sorry," stooping down to stand near the two dogs, you stared at Layla for long minutes. The dog then looked at you and then stuck her snout between the covers of the quietly sleeping puppy. The quiet breathing and the little paws tucked in between the covers you identified as Layla's when she was smaller. You and Jake have never disposed of anything of her since you took her to the shared apartment.
"What have you done with those two, huh? You heart conqueror!" a whisper coming from your lips was enough for the puppy to open his eyes and move quickly on the bed. He barked a little, which caused Layla to become agitated beside him. "Okay, calm down," you ordered between giggles as the little puppy jumped on your leg wanting to climb into your lap. Layla, with her size, managed to knock you on your butt on the floor making you laugh even harder.
Now with both puppies close by, you gave Layla a long ruffle through her silky hair and kissed her affectionately on the top of the head as you always did. While the little one on your lap looked up at you intently. You looked back at him, holding him between your hands to raise him to the height of your face.
"I hate to be made to give in so easily, you charming little bugger," your voice deepened as the puppy barked and wagged its tail at you.
Then, in one swift movement, you also kissed the top of his head to put him back on the bed.
"I think I have to fix something first. Take care of him, okay?" your gaze ran over Layla and then over to the little dog who, even though he was awake, seemed to have enjoyed lying in his new bed.
Your direction then was to the room you shared with Jake.
Slowly approaching the room, you opened the door to notice your boyfriend lying on his side of the bed. The covers pulled up over his head, and only Jake's hair out of the blanket. You let out a heavy breath and decided that before anything else, you needed a shower.
You had barely arrived with so much information that you hadn't even taken off the clothes which you had worn to work.
The whole time you undressed, got yourself a clean set of clothes and showered, Jake lay motionless on the bed. And even though you knew he wasn't sleeping, you kept him still at all times until you slowly pulled back the covers to lie down on the bed next to him.
"Jake?" you whispered. He didn't respond to your call the first time "Jake, love" you called back, but he still didn't respond.
It was a difficult task for a grumpy, upset man lying next to you in bed, but you were not going to give up. So nimbly, running your hands around his waist and hugging the larger body in front of you, Jake moved his hands to place them over yours.
"Jake, talk to me" his request coming out as a whisper.
"No" the shaky voice indicated that he had been crying for a while before you came into the room.
"Then turn around and look at me, even if you don't say anything" your request, at least, was granted and Jake turned to face you.
His eyes were red evenly with the tip of his nose. You thought it was so cute that you wanted to crush him and kiss him, but then you closed your eyes and sighed for a while.
"I'm sorry for making you upset about this. Please?" your hand slowly ran up his arm and Jake closed his eyes at the contact, letting out all the breath he was holding.
Then with each sentence, his hands touched a different place. Now it had been his cheeks, squeezing them lightly and forcing a pout on him.
"I ended up speaking without thinking, and worse" you paused dramatically before sliding your thumb down his jaw, fitting your hand into the curve of Jake's neck "I tried to convince myself that what I said was an absolute truth."
"What do you mean by that?" the husky voice of Jake caused shivers to run through your body, you let out a long sigh when he opened his eyes and frowned at you.
"I mean I was right until I looked into those piercing, passionate eyes of that little puppy you and Layla brought in."
"Hey! Wait—" Jake's head lifted from the pillow, his eyes widening at you "Y/n…"
"Jake—" you called him as he did, widening your smile as the boy kicked off the covers and sat up in bed almost in a leap.
"You… I mean… Really?"
You sat up as well, feeling his hands grip your face and pull you close to him.
"Baby, is this serious? You're not kidding, are you?" he asked, seeing that you had denied it with a nod. "Can we… Can we keep it?"
"If you promise to do what you said."
"What? Leaving work early?" Jake asked.
"Yes. The three of us are going to need you earlier every day."
Jake didn't even respond with words, pulling you into a long, passionate kiss, almost throwing you on the bed again. If it hadn't been for the sudden barking from the other side of the door, the two of you would surely have deepened that kiss. Then you managed to shake off your boyfriend's elation when he got out of bed to open the door, revealing the two dogs standing there.
"Did you hear that, Layla? We're keeping Kimchi!" Jake took the puppy on his lap as Layla ran toward the bed to jump up and go on his lap.
"Kimchi? Have you decided on his name without me?" you asked laughing, earning the dog a lick on her cheek and Jake approaching with the little family member in his arms.
"I've been thinking…" he rambled as he sat on the bed, letting you pick up the puppy as Layla now went on his lap "It was one of the first foods we ordered when we first started living together. So it could be something of ours, you know?"
That had been one of the most beautiful thoughts Jake had verbalized to you. The way he thought of the name was full of affection and symbolism for their relationship. The nostalgia in remembering the sparsely furnished apartment when you first decided to move in together, but always ordering a serving of kimchi for dinner on the kitchen counter making plans for the future.
"Kimchi is perfect" you whispered, feeling your eyes burn at the sight of the dog licking your hand and snuggling into your arms.
But nothing compared to the warmth in your chest from watching your little family grow.
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© ikeuverse, 2023. do not copy, translate or steal my stories.
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whoppert · 2 months
I have a WIP fic for this but just in case it rots in my computer (pls don't steal it)
Unasended Astarion, who frees the vampire spawn and follows them to the Underdark at the end of the game
at first he's paralyzed by depression that he's stuck here in the dark. it's not fair (it really isnt) but over time he realises that the spawn have made a little community and they consider him a... folk hero????
He's shocked and they're like obviously u r a hero, u freed 7000 slaves and killed their master like how much more hero do you get? They give him big fancy titles and he LOVES that - Astarion Breaker of Chains, Freedom Giver, Protector of the Helpless, Light in the Darkness.
He doesn't really believe them (he certainly doesn't tell them how close he got to killing them all) but he'll let them sing his praises.
This sends him into a further depression spiral because this was his fault, he brought these people to Cazador, he's the reason they were enslaved in the first place. He really has to learn to regulate his emotions and process things in a healthy way and for the first time he has more than just his friends but a whole town's worth of people to help him. They're particularly sympathetic to his brand of trauma and help him feel less alone.
Only eventually he starts believing them. Why can't he be a hero?
Overtime he starts to really care about this little community :) he's the defacto leader (even tho he hates that) and so any issues are his to deal with. I like to think they build a town in the Underdark and Astarion's familiarity to the Myconids means they help (they could not give two shits about spawn in the Underdark because they don't eat mushrooms). He and his siblings council the feral spawn until they learn to control themselves, teaching them that it's their decision if they want to feed on animals or people but there are strict rules about what people they can feed on (mostly bad people but there is no short supply of horny drow that are willing to be fed on). When threats come to the village, Astarion is leading the charge against their enemies (not everyone is pleased to have the spawn in the Underdark even if they are being pretty responsible about it). He's learning about Gur culture from the child spawns and learns the error of his racist ways.
Eventually, he becomes the Folk Hero.
He negotiates freedom for Underdark Gnomes ('Do you want 7000 Vampire Spawns let loose in Menzoberranzan? Cause I'll release them. Free your slaves or I'll have my children bring me the heads of all the Great Drow Houses.')
He works with Gale to enchant their little town to have a day/night cycle (it's not sunlight, just light because he misses it) and the City of Spawn is the only place in the entirety of the Underdark you can feel the warmth of the 'sun' on your skin
His friends come to visit and he is so changed for the better. He's happy, he's joyful. He no longer worries about spending eternity alone. He reclaimed his soul, something he thought lost to Cazador entirely
In 1000 years the Underdark is a fundamentally better place - all because he's there
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trancylovecraft · 4 months
i saw you did yan! paswg stuff on your blog (unless you don’t anymore idrk)
i saw wondering if you could do a drabble/headcannons on brief?
(make sure to take breaks!! and not to overwork yourself :D)
RECEIPT ✂- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
BARISTA'S NOTE: dw i still do paswg! and thank u so much!! hope u enjoy! FANDOM: Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
Thank you for ordering!
Come again soon!
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"D-Do you need another drink? I can go get one for you!"
"No, I'm fine, Thanks."
"What about napkins..? I'll go get some!"
[F/N] didn't really know how it happened, Not really remembering a specific beginning point for when Brief came into her life. She knew it was in a bang, Quick and sudden, But that was about it.
Ever since that unspecified point in time, He had followed her around like an unclaimed puppy. Always trailing behind her, Lurking around either by her side or around corners.
She could tell where he was by the red of his hair, Unmistakable from within a crowd. [F/N] knew that he followed her around, Knew that he swam after her like a duckling to a mother swan.
It irked her at points too, Especially when he kept asking over and over if she needed something. Did she need more food? Did she want to borrow his jacket? She honestly just needed him to go away.
But [F/N] didn't have the heart to tell him that.
[F/N] watched him scamper away from the cafeteria table she sat at, Her friends chatter like crows cawing together on a wire as they all watched him go. Something demeaning, Something they didn't even hide when he was around.
He never seemed to care though, Always keeping a stable face. And she never had the guts to tell them to stop.
Its not like she could anyways, The amount of friends she had seemed to be dwindling by the day and [F/N] just couldn't afford to let anymore go, Not unless she wanted to be alone that is.
One calling off sick, Another switching schools and ghosting [F/N] on her socials. It was strange, But she supposed all good friend groups must come to and end, That's how it usually worked for her anyways..
Brief pranced back over to the table, A generous amount of paper napkins placed down onto the side of her food tray. A lovestruck smile on his face that [F/N] just didn't seem to catch.
The first time he had taken one of her friends out had been a complete act of mania, Something he had done out of uncontrollable anger.
It was unlike him! Truly! Even after he had bludgeoned her skull in and kicked her body about, He had been terrified of himself and what he had done.
But just like bathing in hot water, It got easier overtime.
The second was planned, Well at least Brief knew that he wanted to kill her. And after the mess he had forced to clean up through his own bubbling tears, He knew he had to be a bit more careful.
Some part of him knew it was wrong, Knew that what he was doing was horrible and irrational to do. But he shoved that part of him away, The end goal to enticing to let be.
[F/N]. She was perfect.
Her hair, Her eyes, Her skin, Her clothing. The way she rolled her eyes when she heard he friends say something stupid, The way she walked home from school saying hello to everyone she passed.
She was just so.. Amazing. How could he not follow her around?
She was an angel incarnate, Not like the Anarchy Sisters, But a real, Proper Angel.
So Brief let it go, Let it all be shoved aside in favour of his own desires. He didn't mind the blood and the guts, The bruises and the bodies.
Not if it meant he got her in the end.
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factual-fantasy · 5 months
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I do intend to get back around to my FNAF AU soon. Rn I'm just going through it™ and don't feel like dealing with all the work and effort it takes to draw those big comics.. I'd just rather draw simple ocs and random memes for now.
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That's a good question.. I'd like to think that normally they would. But with Calico Jack loosing his leg maybe he's not as stable as he once was.. I can see the both of them jumping off of something and Kwazii sticks the landing but Jack falls flat due to his peg leg 💔
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@khoiazo (Post in question)
Oh yeah I got Bonnet. :0 But thank you for the reminder! I almost forgot her too the first time around <XD
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@neo-metalscottic (Post in question)
AAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH! I'M GLAD YOU LIKED THEM!! :DD And I'm glad you liked Coconut especially! I wasn't super sure of her design so this is nice to hear! :}}
As for the koopalings, they are in my Mario AU, I just never got around to properly drawing them for it-
Its intended that they live in Bowsers secret castle somewhere. Guarded by Kamek, Kammy and the entire Blue paratroopa population. :0
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Oh sure! No problem with that :00 Thank you so much for asking first! It means the world to me <:}}}
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@citrusfruitman (Post in question)
:DD Thank you!!! And I'm glad I got the tags right <XDD
As for the Octonauts, Kwazii probably wouldn't be surprised at all XDD But everyone else would freak out. "Talking cookies???"
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I know,, I know, I'm ashamed <XD
Making him look like Davy Jones was only way I could capture the personality I wanted for him 💔 My only defense is that he doesn't have a beard like Davy-
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TH.... THANK YOUUU,,, SOO MUCH!!! 💖💖😭💖
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:D Thank you!! I'm glad you liked it!! :}}}
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Thank you so much! :D And maybe someday I'll return to transformers :00
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Hmm.. I'd say maybe some of the game environments? Like the Minecraft title screen :0
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By default I feel like Funtime Foxy would be the better "performer". Foxy is a little closer to a Daycare attendant than he is to a stage performer. :0
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:D Thank you! I'm honored :)) ALSO NOO DON'T CRY IM SORRY-- <XDD
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I basically completely threw out 60% of it, heavily rewrote 35% and kept 5% relatively the same XD
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Ohhh I see :0
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(Post in question)
XDD I'm glad you liked it!
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The idea is that Papyrus didn't kill anyone. But Seam doesn't know that.
What happened is.. something.. swept through the underground and killed everyone. It wasn't a human or a monster. It wasn't even really a person.. It was just.. something.
Maybe it was a sound, a song? And everyone stepped outside to hear it. Only to be obliterated all at once..
Papyrus for some reason wasn't killed. And he was left all alone. The event left him so traumatized that he.. didn't really truly process it? Papyrus just goes through his usual daily routine as if nothing is wrong.
The land around Papyrus started to deteriorate though. With no one to run the core and regulate the temperatures.. Hotlands cooled down and Snowdin warmed up. All the snow melted, the trees and grass became dehydrated and died.
There was no new food being grown or made so everything expired. Papyrus was left with just soup cans and non perishables. With Sans "not being around" to patch his battle body.. it started to develop tears and busted seams overtime..
This AU is horrible. And Papyrus has basically completely lost his mind. And he had nothing to do with it.. it just.. happened. They all just.. died. And anything else he had in his life started to decay overtime too..
Its a shame that this situation ended up making Papyrus look like the villain. If Seam had known the truth, maybe things would have been different..
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In my AU there are not multiple chain chomps. There is only 1 chain chomp. And he is this huge disgusting pile of molten metal and teeth, whos very spine is bolted to the castles basement floor. Its this absolutely horrible creature, whos as big as a 2 story house. It makes horrible inhuman sounds.. and it always hungry..
Due to it being locked away in Bowsers basement, the bros have never encountered it thankfully. But if they ever did, it would probably try to eat them.. And the only power ups that could really damage the chain chomp would be the super star. Which is very rare and the bros haven't exactly learned how to control it yet..
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Thank you so much! :D And its not going to be Circus Baby's entertainment and rentals or Circus babys pizza world. And its not connected to Fazbear Entertainemnt.
I'm thinking that its a classical styled circus. Tents and all. They travel from place to place like old timey circus's did. :0
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Its always a shame to hear when people found me through pinterest.. but I'm glad you're at the source now and you like what you see! :}}
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I feel like maybe DJ, DA and Freddy might participate in their "birthdays". But Chica, Monty and Roxy?.. Theyyyy probably wouldn't be interested.. :(
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I got plans for Lolbit don't worry XD
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After looking it up on YouTube, it appears to be an ice skating act..? Its beautiful! But none of the Circus members are ice skaters.. :(
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(Post in question)
XD Oh yeah for sure. Circus Baby and Freddy definitely manhandled him through it-
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Huh, what a combo! I'm not sure what that would look like :00
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Sorry, I don't take requests!
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revelwrittenscenes · 9 months
Reaction: Red Velvet - You Can't Fall Asleep Without Them
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Idol: Red Velvet
{ Fluff }
Requested: Yes!
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Note: Thank you to the anon that requested this! And to other people that requested, I'll write as many as I can. Enjoy~
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When she came home after a long practice session with the girls, she found you curled up on the bed, humming mindlessly to yourself.
Her heart warmed at the sight and warmed even more once you spotted her, inviting her into your now open arms.
“I’m home.” She murmured softly, settling herself against you.
“Mmm, finally, I can sleep.” You mumbled into her shoulder, before closing your eyes and tightening your hold on her.
Irene felt her heart fill with joy (no pun intended) and she drifted off to sleep herself, secretly loving the fact that you needed her.
. . .
Seulgi sat on the couch, basically on the edge of her seat and mussing her hair constantly as she watched the last few episodes of her favorite drama.
“No no no! He was dead, wasn’t he?!”
“Seulgi, pleaseee.” You whined for the third time. “Let’s go to sleep, I’m exhausted! Work was horrible today.”
“One second, Y/N. There’s just 2 more episodes to go.”
“But I’ve told you, it’s really hard for me to fall asleep without you there.” You yawned. Seulgi quickly paused the episode.
“Wait, really? You can’t sleep without me?” Seulgi cooed.
“Okay, then. Let’s go to bed. I don’t want you to be too sleepy tomorrow.”
. . .
It was 11pm and Wendy still hadn’t returned from the kitchen. You sighed, deciding to go see what your girlfriend had gotten herself into at this late hour.
You couldn’t say you were surprised to find her mixing a bowl of some kind of pastry dough. Wendy usually made sweets whenever she was under stress.
Wendy took one look at your tired face and confessed her worries.
“Our new choreo is so complicated. Which is a good thing because our Luvies have always wanted better for us!” She rambled on. “But at the same time, I’m worried I can’t keep up with the members. They’re just such good dancers and our comeback is in 2 weeks and-“
She was interrupted by the feeling of your arms hugging her from behind.
“Wendy, I’m sure whatever you’re making is delicious and normally I’d help you finish it. But I’m really, really tired and…I have trouble sleeping without you.”
“Your best is enough, Wendy. I know you’re gonna kill this choreo. And all the fancy vocals.” Wendy leaned back into you, before letting out a sigh of relief.
“I know you’re right, Y/N. Here, let’s put this in the fridge and go back to bed, since you know, you can’t sleep without me.” She gave you a cheeky smile.
. . .
“I’m home!”
You looked up from the book you were trying to read, smiling at your girlfriend. She seemed bouncier than usual, and you suspected it was because of the numerous shopping bags she had in each arm.
“I see you went shopping. Did you go with the girls?” You asked, trying to suppress a yawn. The sun had gone down hours ago, and you’d had a long shift at work.
“I did! But you shouldn’t have waited up for me if you’re this tired. Didn’t you work overtime today?”
“Yeah, but..” you yawned. “I kinda have a hard time going to sleep without you.”
Joy was quiet for a moment, before tossing all the bags onto the couch and speedwalking her way to you.
“Let’s get you to bed then.” She cooed, her arms around your waist and her head on your shoulder. “I can’t let my love be too sleepy for our date tomorrow.”
. . .
“To be or not to be, that is the question!”
“What…I thought we were rehearsing for your drama?” You laughed, and soon Yeri began to laugh with you. You’d been up helping her for her latest drama, which would begin to shoot the following day.
“I know, I know! I just wanted to see if you were paying attention.” Yeri gave you a cheeky smile. “You seem pretty tired.”
You yawned. “A bit, but the more I help you rehearse, the faster we can get to bed.”
“That’s very sweet, but if you’re this tired I can practice by myself?” Yeri put an arm around your shoulders, stroking a finger against your arm.
“I could try, but I can’t really fall asleep without you there with me.”
Yeri’s face lit up.
“Really? That is so cute.” She pinched your cheek. She stood up, taking the script from your hands and putting it aside, along with hers.
“There, I think I’ve rehearsed enough. Besides, I’m really craving some cuddles right now.”
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xoxoavenger · 6 months
pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi x Fem!Reader
summary: After Order 66, Obi-Wan and Y/N find themselves with a baby.
word count: 964
warnings: cannon order 66 stuff but not graphic, just mentioned
12 Days of Christmas main masterlist
Y/N was running.
She wasn't sure how long she had been running at this point, all she knew was that she couldn't stop. The clones had turned on her - her friends had turned on her. One second, they were drinking after a mission, the next their faces went icy cold and they were reaching for weapons. She had fought them off, hurting them in ways she never wanted to, but she didn't have a choice. They had turned on her so quickly, she didn't have time to think of any other solution. She still wasn't sure there was one, and she's taking the dryness in her throat from the cold air as punishment. She can feel the tears cold on her face as they dried in the wind.
She was heaving breaths, scanning the area for clones. If she saw one, she wasn't sure could fight; she was exhausted and she couldn't handle fighting someone who she was friends with. She barely made it to her ship, where she sent out a signal for Obi-Wan. She hadn't seen him since the night before, when they kissed and said goodbye and never even imagined what would happen within the next day. She had to get up in the air, where the clones couldn't find her.
She didn't know what was going on, why the clones had turned, where Obi-Wan was, what she was supposed to do now. Who could she trust? Who could she reach out to for help? If this was happening to all the clones, who was behind it?
She felt more tears run down her face. She had to risk sending Obi-Wan a message. He knew what was going on. He had to. If he didn't, she could warn him. Just as she pressed record, she saw the time. She had been running for longer than she thought - three hours.
"Obi-Wan," She started as the light shown on her. She was trying to control her breathing, fighting off the tickle in her throat. "I don't know what's happening. One second I was with the clones and the next," She trails off, tears springing to her eyes once more. They were never ending.
This night was never ending.
"I don't know who to trust. Please tell me you're okay. Please," She didn't know who she was begging, but before she could get more pathetic she sent it to him.
She had nowhere to go. She was floating aimlessly through space. All she could think about was the way her friends had looked at her, how they had tried to kill her. She was exhausted. Before she knew it, her eyes were closing and she was falling asleep.
"Y/N, are you there?" Obi-Wan's voice woke her up, and Y/N jolted in her seat. She hadn't been asleep that long, and she immediately answered his call.
"Obi-Wan?" She pressed the button, and she could hear the sigh of relief.
"Oh, thank the Maker you're okay. You're okay." His voice was ragged and she could tell he had been crying.
"What's going on?" She asks, breathing heavily. "I-I was just with the troop, and I," She cries, but she can't finish.
"Go to Tatooine. I'll meet you there." Is all he offers before he's gone, and she feels like her heart is being tore out of her body. The disturbance in the Force is almost enough to kill her as she puts in the coordinates to Tatooine, a place she hadn't been in years. She doesn't want to think about what could be causing the disturbance.
When she lands, she takes time to fly around and find Obi-Wan's ship. She's shaky as she exits, but she runs as soon as she sees Obi-Wan. Just as she's about to jump into his arms, she sees the baby he's holding.
"Who," She starts, feeling out of breath somehow. She can't seem to catch up, her heart somehow working overtime. "Is she," She couldn't finish her sentence, but they both knew she was taking about Padmé. It was the only baby that Obi-Wan would have. And if Obi-Wan had the baby, then something happened to Padmé.
"They had twins." Obi-Wan is looking at the baby, eyes unable to look away. "Did you know they were Anakin's?" He turns to her finally, and she shakes her head. She had a feeling, but Padmé had never told her.
"Where are they?" She asked, but Obi-Wan tilted his head and looked to the side, and Y/N felt more tears prick her eyes.
"I couldn't save them." The guilt was evident on his face, and Y/N put her hands to his cheeks and tilted their foreheads together. "This is Luke. Leia went with General Organa." Obi-Wan whispered. They both looked down at the baby, who was asleep.
"Is he ours?" Y/N asked, heart breaking when Obi-Wan shook his head.
"Anakin had family here," He answers, confirming Anakin's death. She leans back and swallows the tears.
"So he's not ours?" All she wanted to do was give this baby a home. She wants to help somehow.
"Y/N," He starts, face betraying how much he wants the baby as well. "He already has a family." 
"I just," She whispers, one tear falling. "I feel so helpless." Obi-Wan moves one arm to hold her, and she wants to cry even more because it feels so right. She feels like this is where she's supposed to be. 
"I know," He says softly, rubbing her shoulder. She turns to his side to cry into him. "Let's go bring him to his home." He kisses her forehead before they pull themselves together, going to Anakin's childhood home. 
"Maybe someday?" She asks hopefully, afraid of his answer. 
"Maybe someday." He agrees, grabbing her hand with the one that isn't holding the baby. "Someday sounds good."
tags: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187  @one-sweet-gubler @mcueveryday
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coff-in · 1 month
ok Ok wait I'm here for angst consider!! Yan! Andrew and Older Sister Reader post Decay route, where reader walks in an Andrew right after he kills Ashley and talks him down or straight up restrains him from killing her/himself, promising to give him something to live for. She can't save Ashley, but she can save her remaining—however fucked up he may be—sibling right? However, all this means is that Andrew becomes even more yan than he already was and basically guilt-trips the reader and traps her with him. Regardless of where they go, regardless of who they meet, he can't stand being a step away from her. And if she doesn't listen, then all he has to do is pull out the knife again and put it to his own neck.
notes from coff-in: Teehee. I'm sorry if this isn't as angsty as you expected it to be. I don't usually read angsty stuff and this is my first time writing something like this. I saw this ask and just knew that I had to answer it as soon as possible, hehe. Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy it!
[fem] reader-insert, [reader] is older than andrew by about 2 years, this is a follow up to my previous "older sister reader" headcanons
I'll keep you in my arms and never let go.
Big sis [reader] straight up runs up to Andrew, catching him off guard and gripping the hand holding the cleaver, BEGGING him not to kill himself.
“Stop it, stop it, stop it! Stop it! You can stay with me, you can have me, please! Don’t do it, Andrew, don’t do it! You can have me… don’t leave me… please…” [reader]’s fucking crying as she retrains his arm and hand, trying to pull the cleaver out of his hands. (I’m sorry for the poor writing, I saw this ask and all my neurons started rapid-firing ideas all at once).
She’s devastated about Ashley’s death– she was her younger sister after all– but she also tries to distance herself from what happened for the sake of Andrew. She can’t linger on the past when Andrew is right there asking for her help.
(I just realized that the Decay vision takes place in a future we don’t know much about yet, so I’m going to make some stuff up!)
When Ashley died in the demon/dream world her body in real life was left as a soulless husk of some sort. [reader] offered to just kill Ashley’s body and bury her somewhere discreet but Andrew said that he wanted to eat her. A weird final farewell but she’d do it for her little brother.
During dinner, Andrew asked [reader] a question that binded her to him forever: “You promise to never leave me, right?”
The answer fell out of her mouth so naturally that she didn’t even consider the consequences that could follow: “I promise to never leave you, Andrew.”
[reader] and Andrew leave the town they were living in to start anew somewhere else, to putting everything that had happened behind them. Andrew’s never been the youngest sibling before. [reader] dotes and babies him a lot not only since he’s her little brother but her only sibling now. She makes sure that he’s always comfortable wherever they go and gets a job to support the household.
Andrew doesn’t like the idea of his big sis getting a job. She would be talking to other people for most of the day… She wouldn’t be there for him! At first he stalks her workplace, then he tries to get a job working in the same office with [reader] so that they can be close. When that doesn’t work, Andrew waits for his big sis to return to their new home that night. A sharp kitchen knife sits comfortably in his tight grip.
{reader]’s boss had kept her at the office later than what she expected to make up overtime. He’s not waiting on taking advantage on his new employee, it seemed. She sighed as she walked up to the new motel Andrew and her were staying at. As she dugged through her coat pockets for her keys she noticed that one of the lights were on inside.
‘He must’ve had another nightmare again,’ [reader] thought to herself as her hand finally found the motel room keys. He had been racked with awful nightmares ever since Ashley died. Every night he would come to [reader]’s bed and asked if he could sleep with her. He said that it helped him sleep. At some point they stopped trying to sleep in separate beds and now they just shared one.
She entered the motel room and saw Andrew leaning against the kitchen counter. Neither of them made a sound as [reader] closed the door behind her. “I’m home. Sorry I came back late,” [reader] said as she proceeded to take off her coat, “My boss kept me back later than I expected.” Andrew never took his eyes off of his older sister. His silence was scaring her. “Did you get a nightmare?”
“Couldn’t sleep without you…” Andrew answered her silently. “I needed you… and you weren’t there.” His grip tightened on the knife in his hand and [reader] finally noticed it, its glint reflecting the motel room’s light. She stared to realize that this conversation was heading into a very dangerous direction.
“I’m sorry,” [reader] started as she took a slow step closer to Andrew, approaching him like he was a scared animal, “I’m sorry that I came home late, Andrew. I didn’t mean to… not be here with you.” In a flash, Andrew brings the knife’s sharp edge to his neck, the two surfaces a hair’s breath away from kissing and spilling blood.
“Then don’t go! Don’t leave me again!” Andrew yelled at [reader] as she stood in shock. “You promised that you’d never leave and you did! Don’t you love me, sis? Don't I mean anything to you?” [reader] quickly closed the gap between her and her brother and grabbed his hands just like she did when… when she saw…
“Of course I love you, Andrew! I’m sorry!”
'I’m so tired of your sorry’s. They don’t mean shit!'
[reader] wrapped her arms Andrew and hugged him, trying to run away from that moment. She wouldn’t lose another sibling. Not tonight. Not again. “I won’t go back. I won’t leave you again, Andrew.” Andrew wrapped his arms around his big sister and buried his face into the side of her head.
“Promise?” He whispered in her ear, smiling.
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captainleviswifee · 2 months
Treat you better...
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Tags: Modern AU Levi, established relationship, fem reader, reigniting the spark, low key anxious Levi, argument, overthinking, jealousy, OOC or IC Levi? 😭idk Please reblog and follow if you like this content!
Edit: you can use extensions, or apps to replace y/n with the name of your choice. I personally use interactivefics extensions, but let me know if you know others!
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The darkness blankets the sky, the neighborhood quiet with muffled noises of a party some walks away. Having just parked his car in the garage he get's out taking a bag of take outs for dinner.
Walking up to the porch of his and your door, he unlocks the door with ease. Keys clanking as he fiddles with them with a tired sigh. Work is well work as usual. It's not the mundane challenges of work he's sighing for. Likely it's the increasing monotonous routine he goes with it at the office everyday. It doesn't help that his relationship with you is reflecting how gray and dull his everyday work is.
Opening the door, the living space welcomes him. Not you, you're not at home yet. You're at the office, either working overtime or being asked out by your friends for a night out. He drops his briefcase on the sofa, as he takes off his coat. Hanging it on the coat rack beside the now locked door.
Now loosening up his tie, he picks up his phone to check the time, it's nearly 10 pm. "It's Friday...then it must be her hanging out with co-workers tonight." He says to particularly no one but himself. His gaze frowning at the screen of his phone. "Or her damn boss," He grumbles.
And that's the problem. Your relationship with him either progressively turns to dull and gray because of his increasing workload, or if it's dull and gray because of your increasing workload and constant late night parties.
But Levi understands you better.
The parties were to distract you from this monotonous routine of your evenings with him. Can be a bad or good habit depending on the act you entertain yourself with. And Levi knew better than to push you to ask when you're in this phase of taking a sort of break.
Or it could also be he's afraid that he'd make things worse and drive a deeper wedge between you two. It's likely the latter.
And that's precisely why he discreetly asked two of his female coworkers for advice. Hange and Petra. Hange had advised to open a table with you for discussion. Basically sit and talk. Meanwhile Petra, advised you to go an extra mile to know what a woman wants. For starters, read a book.
A romance book for example. And she had just the perfect recommendation in hand.
Levi sets the reheated take outs, then preparing a plate of rice—his favorite, on the table. He then walks to the sofa, picking up his briefcase to find a certain book from Petra this morning.
"Huh," Levi could not even read the title, his eyes scanning the book. "Damn, sappy shit." He flips the cover to read a random chapter and sees a specific sentence that nearly killed him from cringe.
But if it would help him get tips on how to reignite this spark between you two, he'd grit his teeth through the cringe. Pick out the good ones, and yeet out the overly cringe ones.
With the book in his hand, he walks back to the dinner table, sitting down to a meal while he takes a spoonful of a bite or two.
After eating, he continued to wait for you at the living room, sitting with his arm resting on the armrest, his other hand propping up the book he's reading close to his steel blue gaze.
The hours tick and you're not home still. It's already 1 am, and you're still not at home. It was then that he finally decides to check his phone. And oh, he finds a message from you in his notifications.
Clicking it, it reads,
"I'm sorry love, I'll be home in a few. Just a 'lil late."
Sent at 11:45 pm. He sighs, texting back,
"Do you need me to fetch you?"
He sends it and returned to reading the book.
He'd hate to admit it, but it became a bit more tolerable for his eyes to read the book after a few chapters. He's mind whirrs at the kind of man most women would want.
Crossing out the unrealistic standards, there are things he might find worthy of taking note. Like getting a little more creative with giving you flowers, or how he should better care for you for when you have period cramps. Basically just be there for you more. Levi had thought he was doing just fine, doing everything to be there for you. But now basing some things he may have missed in comparison to a 'what would most women want,' is that he may have appeared a little too distant or cold. Especially when he's at work.
He sighs, deciding to find a way to strike a proper balance between work and his personal life.
You're an amazing woman, flawed may be, but you're the woman he loves to see everyday.
Sighing, he flips open the book again to continue reading, "Hoh, what do we have here?" He smirks, immersed in his reading although he'd deny that he is.
The pacing of the story just got to a sensual, lightly steamy part. And he couldn't help but think, 'Is this too what most women want?' He ponders, 'I guess not too different to what most men wants, except this has more steps in this. More foreplay it seems,'
His eyes scan the forbidden text, his mind wandering if it could be him and you. Or what could be your reaction had you be reading this instead? Levi imagined you reading this with a flustered expression made him think of other forbidden things he'd do to you.
Flipping the page, he continues, still sure he's reading to get insights on how he should treat you than for the story of the text he's reading.
Then as if he was stricken with lightning, he hears a warm breathy whisper right behind his ear, "Oh? What you reading?" Your playful tone snaps him from his deep thoughts.
"Oh, you're here," His face momentarily stiffens, lips opening slightly, before returning to his nonchalant expression. He then adds, "And you're late," His gaze now frowning. "Sorry," You scratch the back of your head, "We just finished overtime and my boss thought to bring all of us to a short late snack at a cafe." You explain, studying his narrowed blue-gray gaze, before your eyes landing on a specific book. "Didn't know you'd be reading this genre though, Levi." You reply in a teasing manner. His hands swiftly, and casually moving the book away from your view as a response, "Your boss?" One of his eyebrow arches, his expression remaining nonchalant yet the undercurrent of his threatening tone betrays the calm exterior he maintains. "That stupid blond bastard again?" He grumbles, now standing up to meet your eyes, the book still in his hand.
'Stupid, and bastard. Well that's rare,' You smile, Levi adding two insults in a single sentence for the same person speaks just how much this is pissing him off.
"Listen, we need to talk," He then takes your bag placing it on the table before holding your shoulders down to have you sit.
"Levi," You say with a flat and tired expression, "There's nothing to talk about—" Before he cuts you off, "Oh yea we do. Don't think I didn't noticed how you're avoiding me the whole month, and how I see you're spending more time with your work friends and that stupid boss of yours. Again."
Then it's your turn to cut him off, "Levi, you're not jealous are you?" "Fucking no." He says flatly, he then combs his hair back before talking again, "Look, it's just. We're both busy recently and I'm sorry I couldn't be there to listen how your day went or that I couldn't pay attention to you more. But that doesn't mean you should entertain yourself with people outside the problem of our relationship." He then mutters the last bit, "Especially not with your boss." And that's where you stop him, "What are you talking about? Are you saying I'm upset at you because you're busy?" You scoff.
"Yes?" His expression, suddenly forming a puzzled look. His face became even more puzzled after hears you laugh, "And that's why you're reading that book hm?" You tease him, "What-fuck, no." He then places the book behind him. You already know that it's a romance book, and with the few pages you saw of it earlier, it has some smut scenes.
"C'mon, let's see what's it about." You quip, your hands reaching for it, but he's faster and was able to keep it off your grasp.
"Forget it, so you're saying that you're not upset at all?" He asks you, his narrow, blue-gray irises gazing deep into yours. "No, I'm not," You reply with a smile, "Why would you think that?" He then looks down on the table, his gaze falling to your bag on the coffee table as he searches his own mind. "I don't know...maybe it's just because I miss you." He sighs, "Yeah, maybe it's that. You think it's because of that?" He replies more like a sentence of him just rambling and asking the truth he already knows.
You gave a light chuckle before pulling him to a hug. "Gosh you're so adorable," You mumble to his neck, appreciative of his efforts and his feelings. He momentarily stiffens, before accepting the embrace. "Shut it," He rejects the compliment, but you feel his heart beating warm and fast against yours, his hands wrapping around you in return. Embracing you back.
"I miss you too," You whisper to him and you just feel him nudge his face to your own neck. As if hiding his face from view by deepening the embrace.
You pull away, and you give him a light kiss on his lips, his lips lingering for a moment before reluctantly pulling away. Maybe it's because his heart was beating too fast, that you also feel it pump blood to the lower half of his body. A something else entirely beating against your warm body as he tells you in a low gruff voice. His breath hot against your lips, his arms pulling you closer in place. "More,"
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flare-the-freak · 5 months
Made a fix it JJK au bc sillies! So here's some random silly things :3
I post more goofy stuff on my friend's and I's JJK server! I'll drop the invite below ;)
The only reason this somehow happens is because Toji gets paid MORE by Gojo, so he gets a salary by Gojo and ends up more in an uncle position with Megumi and Tsumaki! More in depth is Gojo helps Toji get back on his feet, and actually chooses to yoink Megumi and Tsumaki so they doesn't get stuck with the Zen'in
Suguru DOESN'T defect, but still hates non sorcerers, and sometimes rants to Gojo about how he wishes he could just- implode them! Non-sorcerers tend to avoid Suguru since he sometimes talks about this in public
Curses are actually integrated into society! There's two "types" of curses that you can encounter. The Normal curses we know (Animalistic, runs on fear as fuel, extremely dangerous and tend to kill a ton of people) or "Humanoid" curses, IE Jogo, Hanami, Mahito, etc! Non-sorcerers can see both breeds, however usually only interact with Humanoids!
Yuji, Sukuna, Choso, and Kenjaku (in Ms. Itadori's (does she have a name?) body) all live together. Kenjaku never gets in possession of Geto's body (since he doesn't die) and Sukuna is an elder brother to Yuji, but younger to Choso. Same abilities but toned down
Sukuna is a third year at Jujutsu Tech
Choso is in college, studying the fine arts
Kenjaku is a single mom. She's not the greatest in this, but damn it he's trying! (and genderfluid)
Gojo and Geto teach at JJK tech. Gojo even got Toji a job there!
Rainbow comes back! No one realized curses can reform and keep it's memories, or it's just a special case..but she's back! She found Gojo once when he was on a mission, she very clearly wasn't tethered to Geto anymore, but still clung to Gojo like a giant cat. She shrank herself down to the size of a big dog and followed him home
Gojo and Geto now have Rainbow in their house, Megumi was so mad (Curses don't need to eat though, thankfully. She keeps shredding his bed with her nails though.)
Speaking of Megumi, him and Sukuna have known each other awhile, and Sukuna tries to wing man him AND Yuji (He hates watching them pathetically flirt. It makes him so mad)
Sukuna came home with face tattoos (inspired by a JJK art piece I saw will tag once I find!) after being dared by his friends to get them while drunk. Kenjaku grounded him for 3 months. Anytime someone asks, now Sukuna says it's part of his cursed technique.
oh whoops! dropped some ocs in there! shout out to @notagremlim
for their sona Grem who I've traumatized beyond repair using Toji! GREMJI BRAINROT TIME! <3
Grem and Toji were married, until Toji got involved with some dumb shit and divorced his husband as Toji didn't want them involved. Grem was...not happy when Toji came back. Refused to talk to him for like- 3 months. Toji was like a pathetic cat, and Gojo was not great advice considering bro was a teen dad and still traumatized from getting mauled!
Speaking of getting mauled, Itadori meets Megumi through Sukuna, who had to come pack for a trip and Megumi (against his will) is forced to come with! Gojo wanted Megumi to have experience on the battlefield against the "feral curses" (Geto isn't happy.) And Itadori...man bro is GONE. Even Kenjaku is raising a brow. Megumi summoned the divine dogs to take care of some curses terrorizing some little kids, and Yuji is like "Oh shit! He's handsome and is a dog person?" Sukuna decides to take Yuji with, who then figures out his cursed technique is....well throwing hands. Pretty much canon stuff there but without Sukuna's abilities and the fingers.
Curses are extremely abundant, with humanoid ones actually helping to exorcise the feral ones. Mahito is a bit of a menace though and Jogo and Hanami are just there to keep him in check
Gojo sometimes works overtime to make sure Geto has time off in case he noticed Geto spiraling
(Suguru has to bring this up when Gojo was gone for a week, came home, and immediately collapsed all six eyes out. And yes. He has a legit six eyes here, it's just he hides it with cursed energy! But when he's super excited about something or REALLY tired they pop out, or if he just- is relaxing at home.)
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cinnamonest · 1 year
I'm now into the 5th season of hxh. As soon as I finish this series I will actually make a proper post but in the meantime I want to shout into the void how I feel about some of these bastards. Yes I was too lazy to turn off subtitles before taking hulu screenshots. I've been cutting into my sleep hours to watch this since the past week since I keep having to work overtime so this might be incoherent and delirious idk. I'm not entirely sure I'm awake right now. This might be a dream. Anyway
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Hisoka was the only character I was familiar with by name prior to watching and like. I always assumed the pervert schtick was like a one-time line/single scene that people just took and ran with it. I was incorrect
I know full well this man would most likely kill me but like. I think I'd be okay with it. I think it would be a good way to go and I would probably accept it. I'd thank him even. I'd ask him to step on me while he does it. Or maybe I'm right at the threshold where I'm so pathetic I'm genuinely not worth killing which I think I'd also be okay with as long as I can still get knocked to the ground and have him step on my neck. Please sir
Also a large portion of me watching this, up until this past week, has been while I'm at home bc I've been home a lot recently and I often have a parallel play thing going on with my mother where in the evenings I'll watch something or play games while she browses facebook or reads her Bible/Christian books and she'll like pay half-attention and make comments every few minutes on anything I watch. In true parent fashion she's managed to be there for like every scene of random naked shots or weird moaning and says nothing, but once just looked up, made a face of deep discomfort and went back to highlighting her Bible. I think about this a lot. I'm sorry mom
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I'm very weak to comic relief men actually and I have a triple weakness to token perv characters and furthermore my ovaries were created as such that men who are incredibly intelligent while also being astoundingly dumb are my kryptonite so my boy, be he as he may, dare I admit, does things to me. I think if you pulled the typical tease line where you say something about having a problem and needing a doctor to inspect you or just flash him he might die on the spot and that is very endearing to me. One could torment this man with the slightest of skin or sensuality it would be very easy. I appreciate you leorio
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I want to protect Killua but like does he need it really. Like the "oh poor baby I want to hold him and squeeze him and never let anything harm him" urge is there because of my blatant maternal complexes but at the same time I know full well he does not need protecting and would realistically be the one protecting anyone else but like the urge is still there. I don't care. I WILL find something to protect him from and I WILL do it
Also very tsun. I can sense it. I know I'm dumb and weak and I would get snarky comments about it but that's okay. I would let the middle school aged boy bully me. I'd be okay with that
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I think Illumi looks kind of like an insect. However he also terrifies me a little bit but I don't think that would particularly bother him. I think I could tell him both that he terrifies me and that he looks like a bug and he would have an entirely neutral response. Would probably just ask what kind of bug but may be disappointed if I name a non-cool bug. I'd probably say a grasshopper. I don't know how he would feel about that
I think what would be infuriating to me most is it is difficult to get much of a reaction out of this dude. Like you can be a total nightmare to have as a captive and the most you'll get is a :/ response. In attitude at least, like he'd probably still snap my wrist if deemed appropriate but would do it with just a mildly exasperated face/voice. I would try so hard to get a strong reaction and would never get it and that infuriates me. What right do you have to infuriate me like this bug man. Stop staring at me with them big ol eyes
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I think if this man were to be living a normal life and not running with criminals he would wear socks with sandals on a daily basis. Like those thick white halfway up the calves socks and tan buckled sandals worn exclusively by boomer middle aged dads. And it's not the only trait he would share with middle aged men either I think he would care deeply about the quality of his lawn and mispronounce foreign things in a way that is borderline creative for how wrong it is. I think he just is a middle aged boomer dad trapped in a younger man's body. Release this man into a Home Depot and he will immediately adapt to his natural habitat
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I am terrified of this man because due to who I am as a person I immediately evaluate all male specimens on what I think sex with them would be like, and cannot imagine a scenario involving this man where I come out of it without actual internal damage. Like you know how people joke about "rearranging your guts/insides" well this would be that but like actually genuinely. I think intercourse with this tank of a man would automatically necessitate medical attention. However do not mistake my horror for hesitancy because organ rupture is a price I will willingly pay for the experience of a realistic simulation of what I imagine it feels like to be a sick gazelle that falls behind the rest of the herd only to start hearing suspenseful nature documentary music
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I cannot look at this man without my blood pressure immediately rising. I have never been simultaneously so strongly attracted to yet have such a strong desire to strangle someone. I think the worst part of this is that he would somewhat let me attempt to strangle him but would find it endearing and would start going on an analysis of my personhood and I will be real with you all that would peak my fury and I would become violent. And blah blah "understanding myself" hey man can you maybe not mass murder and go on your journey of self discovery by doing drugs or taking a road trip or something like a normal person in their quarter life crisis. Is that so hard.
As my fingers type these words I can feel my heart rate increasing and I am filled with immense fury and arousal at the same time. Why are you attractive? What is wrong with me? I hate it and I hate myself for it. I have to unironically take a break from typing to take a deep breath. I have to move on because I'm getting heart palpitations
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Shalnark seems underappreciated. I love him so much but he also terrifies me in a way none of the others do. Like sure being blatantly cruel or loud or huge like some of the others is one thing but he's too cheery. It scares me on a visceral level. Sir why are you smiling like that. I do not trust it. Or rather realistically I know I WOULD trust it if I met this man as a stranger because I'm very gullible and that would not end well for me. This boy would probably be like one of the absolute worst people to end up stuck with once you get into it but that is very well hidden from the surface and I do not like that. I know I'm naive as all hell and I would fall for the same tricks over and over and I just know that would be used against me
On the bright side though this does mean he would actually fit the classic, original yandere trope since originally yanderes are supposed to be super sweet and cheery externally, so there's that
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My skrungly. My tiny son. Y'all do not understand my predicament because I have a NEED to squish his face in my hands, I have an unbearable urge to pat his head and ruffle his hair, it is a literal physical intrinsic need like food and water and I need this but like at what cost. Is the price one I am willing to pay. The answer is probably yes actually. What are a few broken fingers for a moment of pure bliss. Likewise even if by a mere 2 centimeters I am taller than this man and that brings me great satisfaction. I hold great power in my hands. I would be sure to bring this matter up on a daily basis at great risk to my well-being
Baby boy you are the warmth of my soul and the love of my life and the brightest star in my night sky which is really saying something because you have about as much positive energy as a funeral. Regardless. Baby boy. Baby
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I want Kurapika to know I love him. If Kurapika has 100000000 fans I'm one of them. I'm Kurapika has 10 fans I'm one of them. If Kurapika has 0 fans I am dead. If I were a shounen anime protagonist that just got the shit beaten out of me and I'm crumpled on the ground on the verge of unconsciousness and/or death I would have flashbacks and imagery of Kurapika go through my head and then I'd get a sudden burst of willpower and energy to miraculously get back up and kill the villain in a single blow. If I'm having a bad day and a singular thought of Kurapika passes through my mind it becomes a good day. Knowing Kurapika is a spiritual experience for me. I have a small orgasm every time my eyes are graced with Kurapika's visage. I think about Kurapika at minimum 127 times daily and if I fail to do this I will die instantly. I would protect Kurapika with my life. And by God I would gladly volunteer myself for clan rebuilding. Sir if you ever want to spread your bloodline I am right here. I will leap at the chance to spend the rest of my life as your personal incubator. I feel like he'd be paranoid and overprotective and lock me in the same house forever but you know what? I'm fine with that. Walking through our house at night will be like a semi-obscure 2000s Japanese horror rpg because every step you take there's a set of big red eyes staring at you but instead of weird Japanese demons its just pouty tiny kurtas. I am in physical pain because the most screen time he's had in ages is a phone call. Where is my boy. What have they done with my boy. If he does not return soon I will become violent
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