#even if it does more harm than good . i think sugar probably sees it as a 'means justify the ends' thing
hoofpeet · 2 years
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Thinking thoughts abt Sugar ... I think it’s interesting to imagine Sugar having good intentions for Emmet more or less from the start but being somewhat misguided in attempting to take care of him.. Like natural zoroark instincts = lie & shapeshift to reach your goals --> lightly manipulate your trainer to get him to cooperate with you without fully even comprehending what you’re saying --> accidentally inflict psychological damage on your human
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Yandere Witch /// Part 1
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Rhiana is your dear friend who lives just out of town in a cozy cottage in the forest. You met while shopping. You two talk about the different spices she suggests to flavor meat and veggies. It leads you to a fast but close friendship with Rhiana, close enough that it becomes a usual event to visit her monthly while you’re in the area. Whether it’s shopping, karaoke, or just coffee date hangouts there is one thing that comes up a lot.
“Rhiana you’re so pretty.”
“Aw (Y/n) thank you!”
“Seriously though you’re like a painting. I still can’t believe you don’t model.”
“Honestly (Y/n) you’re such a charmer!”
Your dear friend Rhiana doesn’t do anything for a nightly routine or facials or specific remedies to look how she does. Seeing her when you do it seems like the scale of her looks ranges from glowing to immaculate. It certainly makes getting free stuff with her much easier. She just will credit one thing to her looks and even then she doesn’t talk about it much.
“Maybe it’s what I eat…I have been eating more meat, lately.”
But your dear friend Rhiana doesn’t explain anymore, usually going on a tangent about how she can season her meat. She’ll refuse to tell you just how stringent her beauty is on her carnivorous diet. Because on top of being a good friend to you, she is a Witch. Specifically, the kind that maintains her health and youth by devouring the souls and bodies of human beings. She usually prefers eating children but since she’s met you she’s decided to reign it in.
“What if me and (Y/n) had a baby? Hehe, I can’t believe it’s making me blush so much.”
“Aaaaahh please let me go home!!! I promise not to tell!”
“Hmmmm maybe we’ll have 3…or 5 or 10. They won’t be allowed to leave if we have that many right?”
Rhiana the Witch has been doing this for hundreds of years and she’s had her fair share of lovers and harems. But she’s never found out about someone so early in advance. When she was much younger much dumber of 113  she’d seen a vision featuring you, of course at the time she didn’t know. Nor was she aware just how much seeing the future you had awakened something in her. Now she’s well in her 600s and she realizes how all of her flings in the past have features of yours or they speak like you. Or how her familiars mirror different aspects of your personality and as she delves into her past she realizes how all her life she’s been building up to be with you.
“(Y/n) is my….special person….their mine. All Mine!”
Now on top of feeding her voracious appetite, she’s trying to gain your affections so that she has your consent to make you immortal like she. If you might think it’s because she respects boundaries, then you’d be wrong. The potion she’s perfected over centuries only works if you give your express consent, with as little pressure as possible. So she’s refrained from drugging you on her many outings with you…for now. 
If I wanted to I could sprinkle a light aphrodisiac dust into the food they just keep shoveling into their mouth.
“But then I–HACK—*cough cough*”
“Hon, maybe don’t talk while you’re eating.”
“Right! So as I was saying–”
But Elements do I adore just watching them eat so happily.
She feels like a hapless teen all over again as her stomach flips and turns the more time she spends with you. No longer can she get a wink of her enchanted eyes and some choice sugar-coated words to get you exactly where she wants you. She has to try with you and she’s never wanted to do so more than with you. She’s even begun to tailor her meals with the ones that seem to bother you most. It’s risky but the satisfaction of a full tummy while she reads your letter about the creepy vendor finally stopping their emails makes her happy. 
“That is convenient.”
“I know. It’s not right to celebrate anyone going missing—”
“But it doesn’t take away from the harm they’ve done. Don’t feel bad hon it’s probably just an extended trip somewhere to the underworld.”
She thinks about how she’ll hide her rejuvenating diet when she finally gets you closer to her. You might not notice when she uses magic but you're not an idiot; you’d figure it out eventually. Not to mention the added trouble of her familiar’s growing interest and past suitors budding their noses in her business with you. She’s got a lot of work on her hands—and not a lot of time.
“Hey (Y/n) why don’t I come visit you every once in a while? Two days a month just isn’t enough time to make you fall in hopeless love with me+. What do say to me spending a night or two at yours?”
She's giving the former mc going for the side character reader Debating about a part 2 🖤🖤🖤🖤
I did it! Part 2: Here 🖤🖤🖤
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scientia-rex · 7 months
I've been trying to figure out what the deal is with prediabetes so I can write a meaningful response to an ask I got about it, and I just keep going wait--okay--here's one paper--but here's another one--here's a Cochrane review--but here's a different meta-analysis--and here's newer data from an RCT...
It's nuts! It's bananas. And anybody who says we have good, crisp, clear guidelines around what prediabetes even IS, much less what to do about it, is FULL OF SHIT.
What I really need to know in order to feel more confident about my handle on whether to medicate pre-diabetes is the population incidence. Not prevalence. Because if I take the most optimistic studies about medication as an intervention, specifically, I could be looking at about a 30-40% reduction in risk of progression to diabetes. But! How many people is that, actually? Because medication is not without its harms! We need to compare number needed to treat with number needed to harm, we need to have high-quality evidence that says yes, if we give this medication to everyone who meets X level of criteria for pre-diabetes (it's different in different sources AND it's changed repeatedly over our lifetime!), we will see a level of benefit sufficient to justify making these other people who would not have progressed to diabetes without it endure the hassle and side effects of taking a medication for the rest of their lives.
AND HERE'S THE REAL FUN PART: we don't really know where tissue damage begins! We thought we did! 6.5-7ish A1c. But it turns out there is a marked risk of retinopathy beginning at 5.5! Which is considered normal. AND ALSO we should probably be thinking of it as at least three separate disease based on our current ability to measure--A1c is a broad marker that collapses multiple forms of dysregulated blood sugar, and when we use more fine-grained tests, we see meaningful distinctions that probably affect preferred treatments between people who have impaired fasting glucose, people who have abnormal values on an oral glucose tolerance test, and people who have both. We should treat these groups differently because they reflect different underlying pathways: elevated fasting glucose means your liver is breaking down too much glycogen while you sleep, which is one issue, while elevated post-prandial glucose means your skeletal muscles (OR SOMETHING ELSE they're not totally sure) are behaving abnormally in response to insulin. IT'S NOT THE SAME THING and people with both impaired fasting glucose and abnormal post-prandial glucose are at higher risk of progression to diabetes/tissue damage than people with just one of those. AND WHILE WE'RE AT IT, what is diabetes? What's the best cutoff? What's the best measure? How many underlying pathophysiologies are getting collapsed into the same group????
THE MORE I LEARN ABOUT THIS THE MORE QUESTIONS I HAVE and experts are all being serenely confident while contradicting each other so I have to actually dig in the data a lot harder than I usually do. I've been meaning to do this for months, but one of the presenters this morning made a comment about the benefits of putting prediabetics on metformin that made me go "hm, do I need to start doing that?" and I've gone from my kneejerk answer being "no, we studied this and it doesn't help" to "I don't fucking know and neither does anyone else."
...as always, Cochrane is probably right.
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coupleoffanfics · 1 year
Hey, it’s almost 1am and I’m riding the angst train I wanted to ask ur opinion on something.
How would the fam react to Y/n getting grievously I hired or dying by the hands of a villain or by Jeremiah and getting caught in the crossfire???
I'm so glad that people like reading my stuff. It's more self-indulgent, but what fanfic isn't self-indulgent?
Anyway, I'm so excited by seeing this ask because it sounds fun to write about. Let's start with the "less" angsty one. y/n getting gravely injured (I'm assuming that's a typo) by a villain.
TW: Mention of suicidal ideation once and gore.
Getting Gravely Injured by a Villain
It'd depend on the Villain. The family is going to act accordingly in their personas. Their punches are probably hitting harder than usual.
Jason might shoot the villain in the head, but ultimately can't. He's in Gotham following the Bat's rules slightly. So he'll just shoot their knee.
y/n isn't Batgirl anymore. So that means the villain must know the publicity they'll get by attacking, kidnapping, or holding a minor celebrity would give them. The fact that it's Bruce Wayne's daughter who's painted out to be a saint by the media would spread like wildfire. They'd have to be doing it to get attention or money.
How severely y/n was harmed doesn't matter too much. Bruised, broken bones, stabbed, etc are going to make the family more protective. Trying to persuade y/n into coming back to the manor, so that they can keep her close and prevent this from happening again.
Now the Valeska twins will differ in how y/n gets hurt and their reaction.
Jerome is like a child on a sugar high when with y/n. Wouldn't deliberately harm her in any way. Kidnaps y/n and go on a joy ride around the city even though she has no choice and isn't finding any joy from this. She'll probably get a scrape on her legs or arms from falling because Jerome is running too fast while he is holding her arm. Maybe have a bruised arm or wrist because of how tightly he holds her.
He doesn't think too much about things and will get into dangerous situations. Pick a fight or mock the wrong person leading to a shootout. He's having too much fun to care about anyone until y/n is hit.
One of the family members finally caught up to Jerome and was ready to— oh, my God y/n is bleeding from her side! Oh, fuck! AHHH! Jerome knows he can leave y/n in the hands of whatever bat family member showed up. She'll be in good hands while he hunts down the one who shot her.
"I know you're one of the 'good guys', but take care of her. If I hear that you did something that upsets her I'll— actually, I'll keep that a surprise." He looks at y/n who is just bleeding on the floor and in pain with a big ol’ smile. "I'll make sure to give you the head of that fucker who got you. Until then see ya later, toots!"
After that y/n is forced to stay in the manor. They made a deal that it would just be a few weeks, but her stay is indefinite.
Opens the door one day to find a large box. It wasn't a delivery because it has no shipping information on it. Just an envelope with y/n's name on top of it. Bruce opens the envelope first and reads the letter which has poor handwriting.
Hey, doll!
Hope you're resting up and not in too much pain. I didn't think picking on a mob boss would get so messy. They just couldn't take a joke. I'll pick a more private place for our next date cuz I know how shy you are. Hope seeing them brightens your day. Made sure to get rid of the eyes since I know how you don't like too many eyes on you. Didn't know who shot you, so I just killed everyone who was there.
Love Jerome.
Bruce doesn't need a minute to take things in. He already knows what's in the box and sends it to the authorities. Does not mention a word of this to y/n. She is already going through a lot and best to not tell her.
He does increase the security around the manor. He ends up putting a tracker on y/n because knowing where she is the only way to keep him from worrying.
This further solidifies that she needs to be in their protection to keep this mentally disturbed boy away. The whole thing is twisted but the line "a more private place" bothers him the most. He's not letting his daughter be alone with Jerome longer than she already has.
It's early in the morning and Dick wanted to check up on how y/n doing. As he walks up to the manor there's a large box sitting in front of the door. A letter sits on top of it with y/n's name on it. Rips up the envelope and begins reading the letter.
Once Dick was done reading, he looked down at the box. Noticing dried blood around the box. This makes him nauseous and immediately goes to Bruce to inform him. They sent it to authorities so they could identify the heads in the box.
He doesn’t tell y/n or the others about this. Everyone is already in a frenzy from the events prior, so it seemed best to keep this between him, Bruce, and Alfred.
"Made sure to get rid of their eyes," Dick isn't sure why that sticks with him. Maybe it's because he wonders if Jerome beheaded them or took out their eyes first. It doesn't matter though because he needs to keep his little sister safe.
Doesn't even want to go near it, checks that there isn't a bomb in there waiting to explode. She takes one peek in the box and immediately looks away. Does not read the letter because what was in the box said what needed to be said. Informs the whole family and that sets the mood for the day.
She checks up on y/n after telling everyone. The poor girl is so overwhelmed by everything that she doesn't want to be around anyone. Spends most of the day with y/n, trying to cheer her up. Get sweets since that's y/n weakness and sugar releases dopamine. She has Alfred cook y/n's comfort food.
The day is meant to help release all of the stress. Barb wasn't sure if it was working until y/n said thank you before going to bed. Barb makes a promise to herself that she'll become better at shielding y/n from this type of depravity.
Can tell who this is from just by the envelope. y/n's name with little hearts around it. Shoves it into his pocket, he'll give it to y/n when he sees her. Opens the box to be hit with a familiar disgusting odor. Looking inside there are 3 heads. Recognizes one of them being a mod boss he has on his list for a while now.
Jason wasn't sure what to expect, but it wasn't this. He pulls out the envelope and tears it open to get some sort of context. Reading the letter left him unsettled and a little…satisfied? Grateful maybe? For taking care of those who harmed y/n even though it was entirely Jerome's fault that this happened in the first place.
Closes the box and informs the whole family of what he found. Everyone is put more on edge. y/n isn't allowed out of the manor for a few days. y/n is upset by the news and she’s more quiet the following days.
Jason almost wants to laugh at, "They just couldn't take a joke." Bets that these" jokes" were just thinly veiled threats and pointing a gun at them. He probably would have snickered if this didn't involve y/n.
All he wanted to do was check the mail. Now he's reading a sort of love letter written by a psycho and looking down at the heads that could not look back at him. Their empty eye sockets had- ugh, God there was so much blood.
Debates on whether he should tell y/n about this, but ends up telling her. There was no point in hiding it because she'll probably find out one way or another. Sees the guilt and horror flash across her face. Wants to comfort her as much as he can, but all she does is detract from him. Of course, when Barb opens her arms y/n jumps into them. What happened to them always being there for each?
Doesn't like, "our next date", one bit. He doesn't like the insinuation or the thought of it. He starts keeping his eyes peeled for Jerome and ears open if anyone has information on where he is or going. The sooner he's in Arkham the safer y/n is from him and going on that next date.
Not impressed. The delivery was lazy and the writing was so sloppy that he almost couldn't read it. The heads must have been cut with a butter knife with how unclean and jagged the cut is. Every unprofessional. Nonchalantly brings this up at the table during breakfast. Not even when everyone is finished, just right in the middle of it.
Never really had respect for a villain or any, but the whole "Didn't know who shot you, so I just killed everyone" was almost respectable. Damian having a speck of respect doesn't mean he likes Jerome. Still thinks he's stupid and annoying.
He'd give him a 3/10 for the delivery and would not order again.
Per-Spray Jeremiah isn't going to do anything, but Post-Spray Jeremiah is a different story. Will break one of y/n's arms or legs just so that she can't get away from him too easily. Though that's going to the extreme, he's more likely to guilt trip her. Getting into her head isn't hard and more effective.
"I thought you loved me. You were the one who always said you loved me. y/n, who has been here for you the most and always will? Not your best friend, Norah, she's leaving you behind and you know it. Not your family because they never cared about you in the first place. No one will love you like I do. You need me, y/n."
By the time the family saves y/n and brings her back to the cave for medical attention. She's consumed by guilt and almost believes she deserved any harm done to her. Will cry to Barb about this and only Barb.
Concerned by this revelation Barb will tell the whole family. Bruce is worried as it's clear that y/n's mental state is worsening. He knew that it would be after bad being kidnapped by Jeremiah, he just didn't think it would be this bad. Bruce and Tim have the same idea to get y/n another therapist if she's still not seeing one.
Jason and Damian are mad that y/n would think that she deserves any pain. Jason is kinda, sort of, not really more understanding about the whole thing than Damian. He gets how she could feel that she failed Jeremiah. If she has revealed that they had been dating and she can't or won’t give up on him, everyone is conflicted and concerned.
Dick has had the most romantic relationships and will try to convince y/n that Jeremiah is a lost cause now. Leading her to a spiral into a depressive episode. Oops!
If y/n is on the verge of death the family freaking the fuck out. Slowly recovers at the manor and convinces her that staying with them is the best thing for her. Depending on if her injury is life-threatening or not will determine how cooperative she is.
Getting Killed by a Villain
Doesn't matter who it is Jason is shooting them on the spot. Though with how emotional and choked up he's getting, he'll probably miss. Damian would react the same way if his whole body didn't stop upon seeing y/n's lifeless eyes. He doesn't want to step near her to see if it was true that he lost his sister.
Bruce, Dick, and Tim will force themselves to act professionally. They're still in their hero personas and killing was a strict no. If the whole family is there then whoever killed y/n is getting a beating of their life.
It could also depend on who's at the scene. Bruce and Dick hold on to the moral code that killing is wrong. This will prevent any further killings from happening.
Damian and Jason would probably end up killing the villain after seeing y/n's corpse. They know it's not going to bring back y/n, but what else can they do except making the villain to pay their debt?
Tim teeters between the lines. If Bruce or Dick is there then he's on their side of not killing. If it's just Damian and/or Jason then he won't stop them. He won't participate just stands back to let them do their thing.
Depending how and when she died will weigh heavily on their mind. Quick and painless before they got there? At least she didn't have to suffer too much, but still keeps them up at night.
Tortured for hours before succumbing to her injuries? They already feel guilty that they couldn't save her on time, but her last hours of living was being in pain will only intensify it. Out of the whole family, Jason would probably be the most distraught by this. He reopens old wounds and memories. y/n meeting a similar end is horrifying to him.
Get there on time, but it’s too late to save her from her injuries. Then slowly dies in their arms. If they're all there then y/n is dying in Bruce's arms.
"Please tell Jeremiah, I'm sorry and- and that I love him. Tell Norah that I hope s-she achieves her dreams of becoming a doctor. Are- are you still there? I can't see or feel you." She can slightly hear Bruce's deep voice while what seems to be the others are screaming. It's getting harder to hear and her body is starting to feel heavier.
This is the end and everyone knows it. Jason, Tim, and Dick don't want to accept it and are trying to patch her wound(s). Trying to get help there as soon as possible. Bruce and Damian are quiet trying to listen to her soft voice get quieter.
y/n starts slightly laughing, it's a nervous tick. "I always fantasize about having enough courage to end it all. Bu-but I- fuck. I'm such a fuck up." She starts crying and any words of comfort are either not heard or ignored. Starts coughing blood, but that doesn't deter Bruce in the slightest. Damian squeezes her hand though he doubts she can feel it.
"I don't even feel the pain anymore…At least I…At least I'm not dying alone." It isn't long before she stops breathing.
Alternatively, I thought of y/n saying, "I wished I was surrounded by loved ones." But she wouldn't stay that no matter how angry she is at the family. Might think it though.
In both cases of the Valeska twins, y/n would be caught in the crossfire. Jerome isn't going to kill y/n because she's his one and only. Jeremiah isn't going to kill y/n because why would he kill his wife? He's already planned out most of their whole lives and she already signed the mentally fabricated marriage certificate.
Jerome gets into a frenzy seeing y/n drop dead. No one is spared from his wrath. He can't bring himself to look at her body and will just leave. Inactive for a short time before getting back into the swing of things.
She is buried next to Jason. The family will catch Jerome hanging around her grave "talking to her" or something. Who knows what the hell he's doing. They'll have to chase him off or turn on the sprinklers if they want him to leave.
He didn't kill her himself, but he's still responsible for the events leading up to it. Meaning the family isn't going to pull back any punches.
Post-Spray Jeremiah has a similar reaction to y/n's death. Honestly, y/n could have died by just jumping in front of him to take a bullet. Doesn't matter how much y/n should hate him, she can't bring herself to. Ultimately it doesn't matter how she died, Jeremiah will blame Batman or the others for their inability to save y/n. Deflecting any responsibility.
This reinforces that he has to destroy Gotham and make it into his perfect image. y/n always talked about wanting to make the world a better place and that's exactly what he's doing.
If she dies in his arms he'll make a quick escape with her body. Having Echo hold back everyone to buy him time. Buries y/n in an undisclosed location and the tombstone will stay y/n Valeska instead of l/n or Wayne.
If he knew of the family's identity, he'd make subtle jabs at them. Mocking them for their mishandling of y/n. When or if he takes over Gotham he'll make sure that they all have front-row seats of the destruction before killing them off.
If he's feeling ruthless he might just have one of his followers get plastic surgery to look like y/n. Even change the pitch of their voice to get close enough to y/n's. Then send the follower after them and make various claims about how they lied about caring about her. How they let her die on purpose. That she'll never forgive them.
Traumatizing the whole family. Will make his follower's death gruesome just fuck with them and have them relive that day.
Bruce regrets not having kept y/n closer. He has a lot of 'should haves’ and 'if only’ in his head. He knows that's not going to do anything, but it'll take a while to accept her death. Always visits her grave every week.
Dick wishes that he'd been a better brother to y/n. He'll often wonder if she's looking down at them from above. Any mention of her will upset him for a while. Tim feels the same as Dick but often finds himself reminiscing about those happy moments. When they're smiling and laughing, once the memory is over he's left feeling melancholy.
Barbara is heartbroken by this. y/n always talked about how she wanted a normal domestic lifestyle. How much she loves Jeremiah and believes that he's the one. Now she's in the dirt and never experienced that simple quiet life she wanted. Carries a photo of y/n and her smiling on her all the time. Believes that y/n is in a better place where she can live out her dreams. One day Barb will see her again and give her a bone-crushing hug.
Jason and Damian think of throwing her body into Lazarus Pit if they have access to her body. Jason seriously thinks of it for only a minute before throwing it out. The pit messed him up and he can't handle bringing y/n back only for her mental turmoil to worsen. Damian doesn't think about that. He wants to apologize for all he's said and done. He wants his sister back, but the family is quick to turn down the idea. Explaining how it could only lead to more pain.
Damian would most likely listen to the family since they're technically right. Although there is a small chance that he wouldn't listen and do it anyway. Right out of the pit, y/n's thinking of her only love. Tries to run back to Jeremiah, but Damian is not having any of that. 
When he returns to the manor with y/n tied up the whole family will have a verbal MMA fight. After that, they lock y/n in a nicely furnished room with hidden security cameras. y/n is like a zombie. Only has one thing, rather one person on her mind. She's a shell of who she once was.
At least they have a second chance, right?
y/n can not go ten minutes without talking or asking about Jeremiah. Will speak with herself if there isn't anyone else with her.
I think this turned out horrible, but hope you enjoyed this. Feel free to ask anything else as my inbox in always open. Also sorry for misspells or grammar mistakes, kinda rushed this.
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mixedup-sideblog · 6 months
41 letters…what the fuck.
The charges listed against Peck:
- SA of a person under 16.
- SA by foreign object.
- SA oral.
- SA with use of anaesthesia or controlled substance.
- Using a minor for SA.
- Sending harmful matter.
Drake Bell was sexually tortured by this man when he was only 15 years old and 41 pieces of shit wrote this kind of crap in support of his abuser….
James Marsden:
“I do intend to shed light on the fact that he has learnt his lesson…the earth would fall from the sky before Brian would think about doing something like this again.”
- ahh don’t worry everyone, James is pretty sure he would never drug and r*pe a child again so let’s just let him off on this one!
Taran Killam:
“Brian is fully aware of his misjudgement and takes full responsibility.”
- poor old Brian making that minor misjudgement when he decided to prey on a child, turn him against his father, against his family, isolate him and groom him then repeatedly SA him. Don’t worry he’s stepping up and taking full responsibility!
Joanna Kerns:
“There must have been some extreme situation or temptation exerted upon him.” and “ I would hire him today to work with children.” And "a good man that made a mistake, not a bad man who got caught."
- see that’s all it was poor Brian could not resist the extreme temptation, of course blame the 15 year old victim not the fucking adult, it’s always the same bullshit from these people I swear.
Ron Melendez:
“I also know the young man…I have met his family, seen his behaviour…I saw him pursue a friendship with Brian, maintain their close ties…Brian made a large mistake but it was not his alone.”
- surprise, more victim blaming, more trivialising. A mistake is forgetting to lock your door or putting salt in your tea instead of sugar…repeatedly r*ping a child is not a fucking mistake - it’s a fucking crime!
Tom DeSanto:
“Brian is ashamed and remorseful about his lapse in judgment.” and “ I met Drake…he seemed very fearful of his father and unable to communicate with him whatever sexual issues he was going through”
- again - broken record here but r*ping a child is not a bloody lapse in judgment! And again - victim blaming and suggesting his family were at fault!
Will Freddie:
“I can only reiterate how devastated Brian is and how these past events have forever changed him.”
- well thank god Brian is so devastated that he got caught - poor thing. The threat of prison probably has ‘forever changed him’ but I’m sure his inability to stop himself from SAing kids has done far more significant damage to his victims (and yes I believe he has more than Drake).
Kimmy Robertson:
“An outrageous, overtly gay, over-sexed person…he totally took advantage of Brian’s willingness to help.”
- the amount of victim blaming in these letters, particularly this one, is just astounding. The 15 year old boy took advantage of the 40 something year old man? Do you really truly believe that Kimmy? I’ll say it again for the billionth time - What. The. Fuck.
And this is just the snippet, there are 34 more letters - all I’m sure are variations of the above examples. The fact that we live in a world where these people not only do and get away with this shit all the time but also are supported so wholeheartedly when they’re exposed for doing it, is quite frankly terrifying.
I do not accept - we did not know the extent of what we were defending as an excuse here. You knew the charges it’s even clear in the letters themselves - you know it’s about the SA of a child (a child some of you even knew personally), you decided to disregard them, defend them or downplay them. You are only coming out now with weak-ass apologies because you have to - in reality you never thought those letters would see the light of day outside the court room.
I’m sorry but the amount of victim blaming, trivialising and excusing here is just more proof to be added to the huge pile of evidence that Hollywood is a cesspit, it does not care about victims, it does not care about children.
If anyone is still in doubt about the amount of systemic CSA in Hollywood please go and watch An Open Secret (whole thing is on YouTube)- a movie that they desperately tried to bury but is just as hard hitting as ‘Quiet on Set.’
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davekat-sucks · 8 months
lute x adam is better than davekat and chaggie. they both sound killer singing together.
also just like wish's "villain", I find no fault in adam's reasoning, sinners such as rapists and pedos should be eradicated. i dont give a fuck about how apparently there are random kids in hell to emotionally manipulate the audience, for all we know that could be a grown ass man pretending to be a kid, and maybe that could have been more interesting: to see a hell's citizen take advantage of vaggie's kindness. it'd explain her trust issues & lute's bizarre reaction to actual mercy.
whats up with modern shows/films these days and their weird morals...
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Adam x Lute is better than Davekat and Chaggie. Funny enough, Vivziepop confirmed that pedophiles, Nazis, and racists are already wiped out after they died. Like, human pedophiles/Nazis/racists who die, don't go to hell, limbo, purgatory, or heaven. They just get erased from existence. Angels have nothing to do with it. The Hazbin/Helluva universe already does its work. Of course, imps and hellborn creatures like hellhounds or the Sin ringleaders, can still be pedophiles, Nazis, and racists. But they are exempt from extermination. So the only sinners that do get sent to Hell to just do the same old shit would be murderers, con artists, human traffickers, rapists, and those who commit slavery, are still around. Which makes me question where does child murderers or those who lead child human trafficking and slavery fall in. Do they get wiped out from existence too if they didn't touch the child in that way? Do they get wiped out from existence for harming a young soul? Or do they get straight sent to Hell because murder is bad, regardless of age? Probably doesn't help that Heaven already admitted they don't know the requirements of people getting into Heaven, so it's a mystery on who is even checking since apparently at this point, even innocent souls who likely died of accident or bad circumstances, get sent to Hell regardless. It probably will be answered later on by some bullshit means, but it raises more questions on when in point did that become a thing. People pointed out that Angel Dust's sister, MOLLY, is there. What point in time Heaven allowed others to get in before it all changed with the extermination? Does even something small as when you were a kid stealing from the cookie jar, count as a major sin to be sent straight to Hell and that's why the child is sent in? Who the fuck knows. Maybe it will get answered in finale. Maybe they will hold it off for season 2 since it is confirmed and they are already recording the lines as we speak. I think the reason for these weird morals in recent modern media, just only goes for the straight black-white mortality, but hide it differently in these recent times as an act of justice that we won't make the same mistakes like we did in the past. Unfortunately, they are but are too ignorant to see it. Also in the case of how Hazbin Hotel is presenting with its rushed pacing, people, audiences and creators, would rather get to the heart of the matter fast and immediately than to build it up on how to get there. Why the fuck should we know about Camille and her backstory when all that matters is that she is a protective mother and that's it? No need to build up sustenance, all it matters is just the emotional factor to pull at your heartstrings for one moment like a quick sugar rush. No need to show the slow burn romance of why Vaggie likes Charlie. All it matters that she is now cute lesbians with her and its a good rep for LGBT. TL;DR of that is people are impatient.
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Random assorted Ghosts headcanons
Keegan has an intense affinity for chocolate milk. Man enjoys it so much he'd probably drink it with every meal and fill his water bottle with it if Elias didn't interfere. (Elias has caught him chugging from the jug once. It was like three am and Keegan was too tired to get a cup. It's his personal jug so no harm done, but Elias just... he can't deal with it. Cardinal sin.)
Speaking of Elias, man knows the "youngin" lingo and uses it just to dick with Hesh and Logan. Likes dropping "You're cringe." at random times just to see the his sons crumble like he verbally shot them.
On the other hand, Merrick knows the lingo, but doesn't understand how to use it. He's right like once a day with it and the splash effect from it is marvelous. (Calls Hesh cringe when Hesh complains that he's too nervous to ask out this chick he's been talking to and Logan laughs so hard he genuinely can't breathe for a few minutes.)
You know those little mini skateboard toys? Kick has a collection of those, and he's entirely too good at doing tricks with them. Hesh thinks it's so fucking cool (He likes skateboards.) but sucks at tricks. (Trains in secret to try and impress Kick.)
Logan carries a tablet on him 24/7 so he can type shit out for people who don't know ASL, but also because he has a sound effects board and likes dropping random vine booms in conversations. "Me and Kick were hanging out the other day an-" *Vine boom* "Logan I am gonna take that damn thing away from you so help me-" *VINE BOOM* "LOGAN!" He will also walk past people and do a lil fart noise, it's hilarious cus he does to to Merrick the most and it makes him so mad.
Cuter hc. Elias asked Logan what he wanted to be when he got older (When he was like seven.) and Logan answered "David!" (I am a big fat sucker for the whole "Logan looks up to Hesh more than anyone else." headcanon okay? They're so cute.)
Hesh and Logan doing dumb sibling shit like "Beating the everloving fuck" out of each other worries Merrick because he didn't have siblings, so he always has to ask Elias is he should interfere. Elias's #1 answer is always "When one of them starts crying." because he knows his kids are tough shit. (And also that they won't hurt each other on purpose.)
Logan and Keegan both have such intense sweet tooths that they can and will just eat straight sugar out of the bag if there isn't any candy or other sweets at their post. Elias keeps an emergency jar of candy... which is also just his personal stash so he doesn't have to share with the fiends.
Hesh Logan and Riley are literally inseparable. It's ridiculous. If for whatever reason one of them is actually separated from the others, it's probably for a genuinely bad reason. (They had a fight, one of them got hurt, one of them got lost, etc.)
Despite Riley being younger than Logan, they consider him the "Middle sibling." Logan is always "little brother" and Hesh is always "big brother" that way.
Logan and Hesh constantly steal each others clothes to the point where their wardrobes have just fused. They can't even remember what piece of clothing originally belonged to who. The sizing can clue them in, but also: Logan likes baggy clothes and Hesh likes fitted. So the mixup intensifies. They also just steal their dads stuff from time to time. Mainly hoodies. Irritates the shit out of Elias. (Not really.) Uses his lack of hoodies to bitch about the weather 24/7.
Riley leaves dog toys scattered all over the ghosts current post and there's always a little "easter egg hunt" when they're moving places because of it.
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quinloki · 1 year
for the kink headcanons, can you do Heat, King, and Katakuri with Body Worship, begging/praise, and overstimulation? sorry if this was done before "^-^
Oh King - Hello good sir. I do believe this is the first time he's been asked for. Him and Heat Both \o/
Hmmm... Begging and Praise are pretty different to me, but begging feeds into over-stim, and praise feeds into body worship - so I think I can make this work.
Heat, Katakuri, King - let's go!
Body Worship - FUCK Yes - Heat is, to me, all soft edges. Big heart, warm, calloused hands. He's scars and sugar, compromise and negotiation, but also firm and protective. He'll worship your existence with such unexpected gentleness - or expected gentleness if you've been paying attention.
The best times with Heat are those transitional moments, dawn and dusk, when the ship's extra quiet and people are either changing shifts or sleeping off big meals. He'll take what he gives to, letting the two of you be a tangle a limbs and lips, and soft quiet murmurs of love and appreciation.
Begging/Praise - Oh god you don't even know to both. - Praise ties into the body worship, but begging ties into Over-stimulation, which we'll get to in a moment. Soft and gentle as Heat is, I also think he has a sadistic streak. He doesn't want to hurt you in strictest sense of the word, but having you writhing and begging - your face stained with tears for whatever reason, he does enjoy that. So long as he's the source - like the other Kid Pirates, he won't suffer someone else making you suffer.
Over-stimulation - FUCK Yes - This man is a master of turning soft touches and gentle pleasures into absolute torture. He can have sensations building within you for an hour before you realize you're starting to get overwhelmed by it without any hope for relief. Praise turns to begging, soft turns into stern - dusk turns to night. The moonlight hits Heat's eyes and the tension in the air shifts. The softness and the kindness are still there, but there's a powerful desire to make you squirm, to make you beg, to make your body tremble against your will.
Charlotte Katakuri:
Body Worship - Oh god you don't even know - I'd written Kata receiving, but not him giving. The rating's the same either way. The reluctant lover wants you to know his reluctance is his own, and nothing to do with you. He'll praise and pleasure your body for hours on end, with a control that belies his size and stern face. He'll cover your eyes as he rains soft kisses against your skin, and soft caresses will carry such pleasure you won't even be sure if his words or his hands are driving you to the edge.
Probably both.
Begging/Praise - Sure / FUCK Yes - If begging turns you on, Kata will make sure you're begging. It doesn't do much for him directly - people beg him all the time, though not in the bedroom. He's far more interested in praising you, and honestly, being praised in return. Sincere praise, praise that actually knows him for who he is, is very rare in Kata's life.
Over-stimulation - Yes -> Oh god you don't even know - Kata's biggest fear is hurting you on accident. He's a lot bigger, and a lot stronger (unless your OPsona is comparable!) - but he's a very powerful man regardless. He wants you to feel unimaginable pleasure, but he doesn't want to accidentally harm you in the process. Once he learns though, once that future sight of his guides him through a few times, he delights in it. There's no greater blessing than seeing you unravel in stimulation and pleasure, and then watching you unravel in greater stimulation and pleasure because he adjusted accordingly in the time he had available to him.
King (other than "oh, hot." i have not given much thought to King, so this is all pretty spontaneous.) :
WARNING - Kind of Spoilery if you're not caught up on the anime/manga, but not blatantly so.
Body Worship - FUCK Yes - You should worship his body, he's far superior to you, after all. Lucky you to be loved to one such as he. If you have his attention in the first place you're pretty amazing to begin with, even if you aren't of the same tribe/clan as he is. King choosing you says a lot just from that, and he'll worship your body same as he expects to worship his. He might be superior, but he's chosen you, and that makes you superior as well. He won't let you, or anyone else, dispute that fact.
Begging/Praise - Yes / FUCK Yes - Oh you're going to beg. Maybe not for everything, and maybe not all the time, but you better know how to ask him for things properly. He expects creativity, and more than begging he wants to hear your praise. You might as well accept that you're going to be praying to this man on your knees a lot, but your devotion will be rewarded.
You'll more than earn your praise, and you'll get the desires you beg for. Nothing less to be expected of the person King's chosen to have by his side. (Do I think King's a little yandere? ... maybe. >.> )
Over-stimulation - Oh god you don't even know - Having you speaking in tongues beneath him like some follower lost in religious fervor is something he enjoys immensely. He doesn't really care about religion, but the feeling of worship that comes with it. The begging, the crying, the power to overwhelm you inside and out - it all comes together for him and makes the entire kink that much better.
He would never be so base as to be over-stimulated, but you're beautiful when you're coming apart because of him. He can't get enough of it, and honestly only stops so you can be undone again and again.
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gamora-borealis · 3 months
incoming rant about discussions about diet culture & body positivity i've seen online (for context, I am a fat person):
I really do appreciate people who spread body positivity and dispell myths about bmi and diet culture, but seeing people be like "well if you are craving a food that probably means your body need it!" has me a bit... concerned? like I respect the sentiment. I really do. we don't need to feel shame about what we eat. however, some of us have adhd, messed up gut microbiomes, binge eating disorder, and/or metabolic issues. like sometimes I need to tough it out and not give in to my cravings because if not I might throw up, pass out, or feel physically sick.
like, another example, I have PCOS and a lot of chronic pain. diet culture in terms of like, obsessing over calories or thinking you can't have any of a certain food is not good. however, my doctor gave me an anti-inflammatory diet plan, which is basically a packet that says "these are kinds of foods/ingredients that tend to increase inflammation in people who have PCOS or other inflammatory issues, so try to avoid these if possible" and when I do follow it I absolutely feel better than when I'm constantly eating the food that is feeding my adhd dopamine cravings. adderall sometimes helps with my ADHD binge eating, but when I ran out of it for a month because of shortages, my eating got out of control and now my gut and brain are having a really hard time adjusting back to where I was (not to mention my ADHD causes me to forget to take my Adderall a lot too 🤦‍♀️).
like, there are lots of foods being marketed to us constantly that really aren't that great for us. not that they are necessarily dangerous, but they are being made to taste as good as possible so you'll keep buying them, by corporations that do not have your health in mind. and like. if you eat "unhealthy" all the time and give into your cravings, that's okay! it's completely understandable. food is good and fun and sometimes your body does need certain things! plus sometimes the "healthier" food is wayyy more expensive or hard to make. but I just think we need to be careful making blanket statements about food when certain foods are more harmful to some of us.
like, again, we shouldn't feel shame about food or being "fat." there are fat people out there who are very healthy! however, some of us who are fat have chronic illnesses or disorders that are tied to weight gain. now, tbh our goal shouldn't be to manage our chronic illnesses or disorders so that we'll be "skinnier," the goal should be to try and manage our illnesses (as much as one is able) for the sake of our health/wellbeing. unfortunately, a lot of doctors tie weight to health, and say "oh you're losing weight the treatment plan is working!" when that really shouldn't be the indicator, or at least the sole indicator, that a treatment for a chronic illness or disorder is working. we should change that mindset. (there's so much more one could say about fatphobia in the medical field tbh).
Idk, I'm just very literal and don't like blanket statements made online without a lot of nuance or backing. I feel like there's a middle ground between obsessing over weight and dieting and encouraging people to eat whatever they want without taking other health factors into consideration.
like, even though I'm prediabetic and struggle with inflammation, I still eat sugar and carbs. but I try not to over-do it if I can (some days I just don't have the impulse control and that's alright). for example, I buy dairy-free ice cream sandwiches that have 9 grams of sugar (very low compared to most ice creams treats) and real fruit frozen pops (that have natural sugars) because my brain is always craving sugar. but they aren't as sugary as some of the other stuff out there and don't have the dairy or dyes that trigger my inflammation. I also love bagels so I eat these really yummy protein bagels. they probably have more carbs than I really need, but if I'm gonna eat a bagel for that sweet sweet dopamine hit, at least they are organic whole wheat (which is better) and the protein helps keep me full for longer. it takes research sometimes, but it can be helpful to find a middle ground between your cravings and "healthy eating" especially when you have a chronic illness or disorder you are trying to manage. but if you are struggling to find that middle ground and are just eating "unhealthy" a lot, you aren't any lesser for it. Or even if you just, never chose to try and eat "healthier," you aren't lesser for that either. you still deserve respect. we shouldn't change our diets because of judgement from others. I feel like that should be the ultimate goal of body positivity/anti-diet culture discussions.
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chordsykat · 9 months
28 &40 for all the girls
28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?
Side note to this one -- I always hear how fear is an important thing to establish for a character (aside from phobias "for fun") and here I sit... never (well, hardly ever) making carnal fears a priority for my characters. I write so reactively these days, and I only end up developing fears for my protags as I go along. Anyway, that aside, here's what I know so far:
Nita: Has legit stagefright, which kinda pairs with her anxiety about the way people perceive her. I think if I had to get down to it, they're both related to a fear of being unlovable. She puts a lot of faith in her abilities and that includes her ability to be liked if that makes any sense at all. She worries that she might "lose" those some day.
Caj: Losing someone she cares about, most definitely. She has this tendency to believe she can "save everyone from everything" and little by little, I think she's starting to learn she cannot... and also the methods she uses to pursue this goal are sometimes doing more harm than good.
Cherry: Being alone. Hella ironic -- She's like me (in SO many ways) where I think I have this pinpointed to the idea that she thinks people will get tired of her, eventually, so she cuts ties before they can. I myself have gotten better about recognizing that I do this, and that friendships don't have to "end" because people move away... I don't think she ever got to understand that before she died.
Sparkles: THE MAILMAN BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK. Kidding. Sparkles is hella brave. I wouldn't even know where to begin on what she could be afraid of, but I know she'd probably get over it pretty quickly, if she was.
Eden: Probably the opposite of Sparkles and afraid of SO MUCH with basically everything being brand new. But I haven't gotten to play with her a lot yet in that regard to establish a solid fear she has. Eden's tropes tend to follow a central theme of innocence and exploring it (or losing it) so it'll likely develop in that area somehow. Excellent question. You stumped me.
40. Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary food? Or can they naturally stay awake and alert? Nita: Yes. I can see Nita inhaling energy drinks when she's working on something. Coffee too, and sugar. Coffee with sugar why not? Caj: Cocaine (and tea). Cherry: No. Totally the opposite and I think she actually doesn't like uppers. Weed and other depressants? Very yes.
Sparkles: She's so straight edge, she almost certainly limits her caff intake and might not do it at all - just like she does for alcohol, drugs, and meat.
Eden: Thinks coffee is bitter but probably grows to like soda after getting over its sweetness. I think it'd be funny if she and Toki claimed to get a sugar rush from sugar-free candy. :D
Good questions - really made my brain work for it!
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caffeina-felina · 1 year
The Bear week | Day two: family
[a supporting character you hope to see more of in s02; a character who left a deep impression on you even though they didn’t have a lot of screen time]
Honestly, I really couldn't choose just one character! I love what each person has brought to the story and how their influence, whether subtle or overt, affects life at The Beef. So here's my top 5:
Sugar: I know, we're definitely going to see plenty more of her in the new season. But what I'm hoping to see most of all is Sugar's life outside of the restaurant and how she's processing her grief. Middle siblings are known for being mediators and trying to keep everyone calm and happy while getting lost in the shuffle themselves. Between that and other key similarities, Sugar's the character I personally connect with the most. So having windows into her home life and how she's navigating the loss of her brother is so important, both to her overall characterization and to me.
Fak: calling him the comic relief is almost insulting, between the humor every character has shown and that Fak is so much more than that. The guy's not wrong when he says he has hearth heart. He's a ray of sunshine, a peacekeeper (that knows when to fight back, as we learn in Sheridan), an honorary Berzatto, and best jack-of-all-trades emergency handyman you could ever ask for.
Marcus: Not gonna lie, his passion projects tragically ending in more cons than pros is a theme I live with and the biggest reason I care about Marcus. (He's experimenting with doughnuts while neglecting crucial cakes, I'm writing this while my errands and responsibilities pile up.) I want him to find the life balance and impulse control that will be essential to supporting the restaurant without feeling like his individual pursuits are harmful to that goal and must be sacrificed. And I think his return to the kitchen after being betrayed during Carmy's meltdown is a sign that he's taking ownership of when he's contributed to a problem, and wants to help put the proverbial fire out.
Pete: good lord, the irrepressible and joyful determination of this guy. Plenty of people don't try to get along with their in-laws (including the 'cousins'), but Pete so loves Sugar that he can't help but love her family damn near as much as she does. It's not merely attempts at being begrudgingly accepted by them (except in Richie's case probably), but he's proud and defensive of Carmy of his own accord. Yet the whole reason he's part of the family is likely because of how different he is from them. The best life partners are the ones that balance out your shortcomings and fill in the gaps of support and care you're missing, simply by being who they are. Sugar loves her family immensely, but Pete balances out the brashness and abrasiveness of the guys she was raised with. He's the odd, unexpected ingredient that the family recipe just wouldn't be as good without.
Mama Berzatto: this woman has had no physical or verbal form up to this point, but she is definitely present throughout the show. Mom gets referenced in regards to recipes: mom's lemon chicken, mom puts raisins in that one dish, mom cooked Christmas dinner for the crew. Mom was supported to the point of financial debt by her son's loyal best friend. Mom wants to see Carmy but for one reason or another doesn't tell him directly, so Sugar tells him. She has Cicero's pity for getting stuck with The Beef. She raised 3 kids almost entirely on her own, with the eldest maybe being 5-8 years old when their father died. She's the MOM, the linchpin of many families! How have we not met this woman yet??
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fasterthanmydemons · 2 years
Carter flopped down onto the couch and leaned back against the cushions with a small sigh - closing her eyes briefly as she finally began to relax. Although tired and looking forward to Clint and Laura returning, she... rather enjoyed spending the day babysitting their kids with Pietro. It was a nice change of pace from her R&D work for the Avengers since she stepped down, and doing something more normal had been surprisingly fun. Their kids were great, even if a bit of a handful at times, and seeing how excited Pietro had been when taking care of them was even better. He might've been a bit of a pushover with them - more willing to bend or break the rules than she was - but... it was clear he adored them, and seemed more like an uncle than just a friend of their father's. It was sweet, and... she'd be lying if it hadn't stirred an idea of domesticity in her mind that... she wasn't sure if she wanted to bring up to him.
Admittedly, the idea... scared her. And it scared her, because she realized it was something she wanted. She wanted that with Pietro. She wanted that domesticity that Clint and Laura managed to carve out for themselves, but...
As she heard Pietro approach, she opened her eyes again, and turned her head to look at him. Her gaze thoughtful, if a bit worried. Should she bring it up then? Should she wait? If she did, when would it be better to mention it? What if Pietro brought it up first? Could she talk about it then? She let out a slow breath, and silently counted to ten in her mind - doing her best to reign herself in before she could get lost in a swarm of thoughts. Just say something. It'll be better than you think.
"You- you were real-really good with th-them, y'know," Carter said finally - her voice gentle and quiet. Her gaze didn't waver from Pietro, and even despite the nervousness now bunching in her chest and making her heart skip a beat, her expression seemed to soften. Though... it was almost hard for her not to soften around him. Not when he had done so much to help her get to where she was. Not when she adored him as much as she did. "I- I have a feel-feeling you mi-might be the on-only one they'll want to- want to have baby-babysit them." A teasing note entered her tone, and a faint smile tugged at her lips - amusement dancing in her gaze. "Let's- let's hope Clint does-doesn't find out how- how much can-candy you let them- them have."
But... as soon as her amusement appeared, it faded, and once more, her expression grew more thoughtful. If a bit... worried. She fell silent, and tilted her head slightly - clearly wanting to say something else, but... hesitating to do so. Then, with another breath, she asked softly, "Do... do y-you want ki-kids? Some-some day, I- I mean."
Pietro had honestly been a little surprised when Clint asked him if he was up for babysitting his kids for a bit. Sure, they'd been on really good terms lately, but Pietro was certain Clint viewed him as being kind of an irresponsible scatterbrain. He wasn't about to argue, though, because he loved children, and Clint's kids were no trouble at all. They were all great kids, probably because they had great parents, he supposed, and he was happy to help. When he'd learned Carter had been asked too, that only sweetened he deal. It was like a date night, just PG-rated and with kids.
Having endless energy and the ability to turn into an actual child at will were two skills that made Pietro the perfect babysitter. He never tired of playing games or singing songs, and he always had the best ideas of how they could spend their time. Yes, there had been a little too much candy involved, but one night of unlimited sugar wouldn't do any harm. Pietro genuinely had fun playing with them all, and he couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to have his own kids someday. He wasn't sure if Carter wanted kids, though, and since things were going pretty well between them, he thought it best not to stir things up right now.
Once the kids finally settled down and were all tucked into bed, teeth brushed and pajamas on and all that, Pietro came back out to find Carter relaxing on the couch. "I think we nailed it," he said with a big grin, picking up some random toys and things the kids had left strewn about the house. When she complimented him, his grin turned a little shy. "Yeah? You think so? I love kids." At the mention of sugar, he shrugged. "Eh... you're only young once. Kids should be kids, and kids eat sugar." A little pause, and then, "Well, kids and overactive speedsters, of course."
"With any luck we'll be invited back to watch them again, yeah?" Pietro said rather excitedly. "Did you have fun?" he asked, sitting down next to her and putting an affectionate arm around her shoulders. He got the sense there was something she wanted to talk about, but he didn't push. He never pushed with anything with Carter. She was a private person, and that was fine with him. But then she asked him if he wanted kids and... he didn't know what to say.
Of course he did. That was the truthful answer. But should he say that? And then if she didn't want children, maybe he'd make her feel badly? Or worse, make her feel like they had to have children or he wouldn't be happy staying with her? Suddenly he had nervous butterflies in his stomach, but as he usually did, Piero decided to err on the side of being open and honest with Carter. "I do," he answered with a nod. "I would, if you did too. if not... is okay. Is not a deal-breaker. But if it is up to me, then yes, I would really like to have kids someday."
"What about you?" he asked then. "Did all the laughing and yelling and uninhibited sugar-eating put you off of having kids?" It was a little attempt at humor to lighten the mood in case she felt put on the spot by his question.
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masochisticdevotion · 3 years
yandere yumeko hc's?
❝𝗬𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝐘𝐮𝐦𝐞𝐤𝐨 𝗛𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗼𝗻𝘀❞
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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Despite what most people would think I don’t think Yumeko would ever bet her darling in a gamble, she loves the rush that comes with gambling and the thrill that comes with it but I believe she’d never bet Mary or Ryota in a gamble because she considers them friends, so for to love someone the way a yandere does I don’t think she’d would
I’d say the only way she’d actually bet her darling was if one hundred percent sure she’d win, and even then it would probably only be done if the person she was facing was cheating and she’d worked out a way around it, that’s the only time she’d enjoy the rush of possible losing her darling, and even then what made it better was knowing she never would
Money is just an object to Yumeko as we’ve seen many times so I think it’s safe to say she’d almost be a sugar mommy to you in a way, she spoils you to hell and back, even if you tell her you don’t want her to waste money on you she gets infuriated that you don’t consider yourself worth it, to her no amount of money could buy you, because you are worth so much more (it’s also a way she can use to manipulate you should her darling ever fight back ‘I spent all this money on you darling, isn’t it a little unfair for you not to return the favour?’)
If her darling were a house pet she’s imminently paying your dept no questions asked no objections. She will not hear it
She’s the type to make small bets with her darling but these are much more playful and loving nature, for example “I bet you ten kisses Ryota won’t do anything plot relevant this episode”
Sometimes she likes to bet time or affection, you can You this to your advantage; especially for more...intimate moments, I don’t think she studies much (not that she needs to tbh) so it’ll be stuff like “if I don’t get higher than 50% on this English exam no sex for a week” it motivates her to study and you to help her, even if it’s mostly bullshit because you both know you could never keep away from each other that long, one of you would cave, and most of the time ts her.
She’s very clingy, she always wants to be near you. Always trying to hold your hand or have a hand on you
She loves to have you sit on her lap or have your head on your lab when she gambles, it not only relaxes her but she also likes to let you peak at her cards sometimes and see your face light up when you see them
Some people may try and harm you because of how close you are but most will never actually get you because of how she’s always near you; and if someone does she’s imminently challengeing then to a gamble, but no normal bars held no that’s to easy, their betting something far far worse
She always walks you home afer school, but considering how rich she is she insists you spend most nights at hers, you sometimes feel guilty that you could be using her for her money but she never considered that nor cared, she loves you, it’s her money and she’ll spend it however she wants
Mary loves to spend time with you to piss her off, whenever Yumeko gets jealous she’s always trying to push her buttons, it can be fun to watch at times but she always manages to get both of you back
She’s very protective, with what can happen to people who become housepets and how powerful some people can be she always tries to keep you away from gambling yourself, always dragging you to watch her instead, some asshole tries to gamble with you in an effort to earn back money Yumeko took from them a while ago, the look on their face when Yumeko pulls you up, sits down in your place and pulls you down onto her lap is something you’ll treasure forever
“I’m afraid my love will not gamble with you, I however, would love to. But unlike my darling who can only see the good in people I assure you, I do not carry the same courtesy”
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lebenspurpur · 3 years
{slashers x fem reader who has a blood kink? sorry if this is against ur boundaries u don’t have to if ur uncomfy!!!} submitted by anon but I accidentally deleted the original ask because I am an idiot.
Also darling, you're fine, all my boundaries got destroyed years ago.
Warnings: blood (duh), knives, a lot of cutting, mentions of self-harm and necrophilia.
Also a female reader this time.
Michael Myers
Oh Michael loves it.
Blood always gets this man going, I think we've established that.
Wait a second.
You want to cut him? *slowly backs off*
Yeah, he doesn't necessarily trust you with a knife.
Michael doesn't mind the pain, his pain endurance is way too high for that. It's just that cutting him would be a dominant action. And Michael really doesn't want to give you dominance.
He'll let himself get cut if he can cut you.
Michael is all for period sex if that's your thing. Be careful though, he is not going to be soft just because you're sensitive.
Michael just thrives off of the fact that, not only are you shedding blood, you're very sensitive and you're in pain as well.
A pure sadist, this man.
Vincent Sinclair
Blood? Doesn't that involve you getting hurt?
Vincent is skeptical.
He really, really doesn't want you to get hurt.
It would turn you on?
Let's test it first.
Vincent will be very slow and careful, stopping as soon as he thinks something's wrong.
You have to reassure him to get going quite a lot.
After he realizes what effect blood has on your body, he overthinks it again and then consents.
He's going to create a new and very special safe word for this, just in case he ever really hurts you.
He himself doesn't really mind getting cut, as long as it makes you happy. This man would do anything for your happiness.
To be quite honest, Vincent loves the marks you leave on him. He looks at them in the mirror the next morning, a bashful grin painting his handsome features. I am so soft for Vincent please.
Period sex? Are you sure you're not in pain during that?
Vincent isn't grossed out by body fluids, but he won't go down on you during your time of the month.
His problem with period sex is that you're already hurting and he doesn't want to cause further harm.
He's perfectly fine with just fingering you and receiving blowjob though he can do without those if you don't want to until you're off your period again.
Vincent would literally do anything for you and I'm not kidding.
Bo Sinclair
"Woah there sugar... didn't think you'd be into that."
He's a bit surprised in the beginning.
Period sex is a no for him, don't even bring it up. He'll probably vomit already at the word period.
Him cutting you is totally fine and he likes that if you're fine with it.
However him getting cut is not going to happen.
To make it up to you, he can fuck you after he just killed a victim.
He'll thrust into you, fresh dark-red splashes of blood painted on his face.
"Do you like that? Knowing that I fucking killed a guy and then immediately came in here to fuck the shit outta you? I bet'cha do sugar."
Lester Sinclair
Lester is pretty concerned until you explain it a bit better.
After that he's still concerned.
Hmm, how about animal blood?
Lester just doesn't want to be in pain and he doesn't want to put you in pain.
If you're fine with non-human blood then he's very relieved, having been scared that you'll leave him.
Please reassure your feelings for him or he's going to worry for months now.
Baby Firefly
She's a bit astonished in the beginning. She just didn't expect that from you, out of all people.
But, being a part of the Firefly family, she's totally down for it!
She'll gladly pepper you in little cuts and then suck at them. Baby loves using her tongue on you anyway so it's a win-win situation.
She's also very open for period sex. After all, she's done worse than eat someone out during their time of the month.
Baby is the best at aftercare. She'll make you a hot bubble bath, clean the cuts and she got sparkly pink band-aids for the both of you!
Otis Driftwood
Did you just say blood? *drags you to his torture room*
Otis... is so down for this.
Can he.. like carve his name into your body?
Oh and can he take a picture of you?
Can he take a picture of you next to a corpse?
You just wanted to see him bloody, god damnit.
Period sex is not something he'd insist on doing but he'll never say no to fucking you.
Billy Loomis
You want to do what?
Billy has never heard of a blood kink before. It reminds him of his love for the red substance though.
The only difference is that he doesn't use real human blood.
It takes a lot of coaxing but after a while he might be okay with cutting you a little bit..
After seeing how much you enjoy it, he might let you cut him too.. but not too deep!
Billy would also really enjoy fucking you after coming home from a kill. He'd be drenched in blood, the red fluid clinging to his chest and slowly smearing onto your back.
He smirks as he spreads the red fluid on your perky nipples, watching you throw your head back and moan shamelessly.
Stu Macher
Sure, why not?
Stu is an incredibly adventurous person, even when it comes to sex.
You trust him and he trusts you so where's the problem?
I don't think Stu would actively enjoy a blood kink but he's not going to say no since you asked him so nicely.
The pure facts that you're getting so aroused from a simple liquid is enough to make him turn feral anyway.
Who needs blood when you can have Y/N begging on her pretty, little knees for your cock?
Brahms Heelshire
"I said no."
Yeah no, blood scares him.
It will need a lot of coaxing to even get him to try it.
I don't think he'd like it very much.
But Brahms will gladly kill the grocery-boy for you if you'd like to see him drenched in someone's blood.
Thomas Hewitt
Blood? Sweetheart, what if you get hurt?
He'll gently cradle your face in his big palms, searching for sincerity in your eyes.
Upon finding it, he'll nod and ask you to explain it to him again.
He'll try it for you. If you're going out of your way to ask this of him, he has to try it in his opinion.
He doesn't like the act of cutting to get either your or his blood and he'd rather have the blood to be his.
Tommy is a big, strong man. He can take a few small cuts.
But you're his tiny, sweet Y/N, he can't cut you?!
So yeah, to get him to cut you will be quite a quest.
As soon as he sees your reaction to blood, he blushes, desire clouding in his brown eyes.
Maybe this is a good idea after all.
He'd still have you or him covered in animal blood, rather than human blood.
Thomas doesn't care if you're on your period or not, but he'll immediately stop when you're in pain.
Just relax Y/N, he'll go get a towel and then he'll take care of his "little problem".
Blood? But why?
Okay, for you, he might try.
He enjoys it more than he originally thought.
Blood has an important meaning to him too and to see it spread all over your pretty body.. just does things to him.
Period sex is not his thing.
I don't even think he knows how periods work.
Amanda Young |TW SELF HARM|
Amanda has heard about blood kinks before and you can not change my mind.
She's down to try it if you both feel comfortable.
However, Amanda has had struggles with self-harm in her past and would therefore prefer you getting cut.
She just doesn't like willingly adding new scars to her collection.
There's something so arousing about you licking her bloody fingers clean, she can't help but press her thighs together.
Period sex?
She isn't the biggest fan of that idea but fingering you is not a problem to her.
She's kind of confused since her cramps are too painful to get aroused during her period.
Her aftercare is also very good. Amanda always has bandages and band-aids stacked away somewhere and she knows how to deal with the wounds she's left
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tommyspeakycap · 3 years
I love your work! I was wondering if you’d be willing to write something about (toddler) baby Shelby having Alfie help her bake a cake for Tommy
omggggg that’s so so cute!!
A Bakers Help
The burly Camden Town ‘baker’ was nothing short of completely shocked when he heard a soft banging on his office door in the mid afternoon. His eyebrows had furrowed and he had kept his hand readily on his weapon so he was prepared in the event of an enemy being on the other side of the door. He was surprised to say the least when he tugged open the door and had to look down multiple inches to spot she who knocked on the door.
There stood a little girl. One he knew fairly well but who’s appearance outside his office was still a shock. That little girl was notorious around most of England, especially in heavily gang populated territories where the “Shelby” was a household name and everybody who knew that name knew the littlest member of the family was something akin to a jewel in Tommy Shelby’s crown. Alfie had been curious as to whether or not she was actually attached to Thomas Shelby’s hip in consideration to how much time she spent right by his side, teetering along on little legs so he knew she was safe right by his side. It wasn’t often that Tommy entrusted others to watch over his youngest sister, so it would be safe to say that Alfie was incredibly confused.
“Good morning.” The little girl greets, her lips plastered with a bright smile as she lifts a hand to wave at him. Alfie braces himself on either side of his doorway with strong hands so as to lean out of his office to look out into the ‘bakery’ to both the left and right before stepping back in. “Mhm yes it was actually. Where’s your brothers?” He asks, turning his eyes back to the girl in the doorway who fights to pull her wool coat back up from falling off her arms due to the fact it hadn’t been buttoned up. The girl shrugs, “Dunno...Can I come in?” She asks politely, “It’s very cold.”
Alfie Solomons squints his eyes and forms a crease between his brows, but even he can’t deny the chill in the winter breeze through the unheated factory and the shivering of the child, and so he steps to the side and gestures her in the door. Alfie hums, or maybe something more akin to a grumble, in thought as the five year old wanders around his office to take in the whole surroundings. “And where are your pikey brothers then yeah?” His voice rumbles deep and gravelly the same way it always does, not missing the chance or thinking twice about dropping an insult to the Shelby men as he speaks. The youngest of the clan shrugs her little shoulders. “Dunno,” she says again, “I’m with Ada. Told her i was going out to play.”
The words most definitely do worry Alfie Solomons after the girl with Tommy Shelby’s striking blue eyes and his heart in the palm of her tiny hand finishes speaking flippantly. It occurs to him that she’s simply too young to understand both risk and consequence. She knows that Tommy Shelby dotes on her like the little princess he believes her to be. She knows he loves her, he tells her every day. However, Alfie knows the far darker side to that love. He’s heard of people brutally murdered with remains unidentifiable after coming close to her, and although Alfie has no desire to harm a child who probably doesn’t even understand what it is the rest of her family do when she’s not around, that doesn’t reassure him even in the slightest that Tommy, Arthur, Ada and John Shelby along with Polly Gray wouldn’t rip him to shreds if they knew their little princess was stood in his office for whatever reason.
“Right,” Alfie states, “Better get you home then,” He strides easily towards the door to hold it open, but the little girl simply quirks one eyebrow and remains where she stands. “It’s Tommy’s birthday soon.” She declares, looking up at the hardened London gangster as if he poses no threat nor fear to her in the slightest bit. She smiles at him, big and bright. She didn’t know him. She didn’t know if he was violent, didn’t know if he was supposed to be scary. She just knew she had met him before, he was relatively funny as the 5 year old obviously did not pick up on the thinly veiled threats hiding beneath the verbal back and forth between her favourite brother and the man she stood with now, and more importantly than anything; she knew he was a ‘baker’. “You need a cake on your birthday, you know.” She adds very matter of factly, and Alfie Solomons doesn’t fight the little grin he gives. “And you’re a baker, so you can make good cakes. I need you to help me make Tommy’s cake for birthday cake time on Saturday.”
There’s virtually no way this little girl had just come up with this by herself. The way she acts, her generosity, her sweetness and her absolute insistence of cake for her brothers birthday was not something she had adapted by herself. Children don’t just come up with these things. That thought, for Alfie, means that those who have raised her have drilled a certain kindness into her. Thomas Shelby has raised his little sister to be the kind of kid who will find a man she thinks is a baker just because her brother told her he was, so that he can help her make a cake. That makes Alfie want to laugh. Tommy Shelby acts the part, but Solomons now knows he’s the type who taught a little girl about the importance of cake and birthday fun.
“Fine.” Alfie responds, out stretching his arm to gesture the little girl out into the factory. He did actually have a designated area for the ‘bakery’ just in the event that someone came looking or investigating and he needed to show there was actually a bakery there. He was thankful for that now, because he got the feeling that there was little to no chance he would have gotten away from the very very persistent little Shelby trailing behind him. It becomes apparent very quickly that little (y/n) will have no luck when it comes to seeing what was going on up on the counter, considering she wasn’t even nearly the same height as it, never mind tall enough see over it. Alfie has to get creative in that respect, eyes flicking around until they lands on a a stack of crates that he grabs a couple of to pile them next to the counter so that the youngest Shelby can contribute as she pleased to the cake making.
All things considered, Alfie was actually a fairly good baker. He didn’t come up with the idea of a bakery to cover his illegal business work for no reason. He knew he could bake if it was necessary (which it sometimes was to smuggle alcohol), so this ask from the little girl who had a list of ingredients and an exact image of how she wanted this cake to look, wasn’t a huge task for him.
In the process of the bake, Alfie learned a lot. He learned that little Shelby couldn’t quite pronounce her L’s (which Tommy was apparently working on with her), so she called him Afie. He learned that Tommy’s favourite cake was vanilla sponge, which was why it was a four tier vanilla sponge with extra strawberry jam that his sweet little sister had chosen. He learned that the little girl got here by very discretely tripping up her cousin, Karl, so that Ada was preoccupied giving him a plaster for his knee and stopping his tears and (y/n) snuck off from Ada’s London home in the direction she felt like she remembered Tommy going when he had taken her to Alfie’s bakery once, albeit leaving her in the car with Arthur and John. She had to ask for directions from confused strangers a few times, but ultimately she found the place on her own. Alfie learned that little Shelby talks a lot. She’s very clever, can follow instructions a lot better than most children of a similar age. It had become increasingly clear she didn’t see any problem with talking about the fun things she did with her brothers. The way Arthur and John like to throw her about to hear her giggles, how Tommy tucks her in every single night that he can. How he tickles her, how he still carries her around even though her aunt Polly protests it. How good her aunt Polly’s cooking is. How much she loves her family. She sees no problem with divulging these soft family moments, although Tommy would probably be absolutely appalled that people knew these things about him and his brothers. It made the head of the Peaky Blinders seem so incredibly mundane.
Alfie could see now why that sweet girl was so loved and held so dear by the family. He also had to wonder if she truly was one of them. She was funny and bright, she giggled with him and babbled on about sorts of rubbish. Alas, she was bossy as Thomas himself. She was loud like Arthur, sarcastic as John, self assured as Polly, as independent as Finn and opinionated as Ada. She made sure to tell Alfie exactly how to stack the first layer while she mixed ingredients for the next layer and he was kept on a very short leash, reminded every so often that he was not to dip his fingers in any of the mixtures and leaning over as he worked to tell him Tommy liked more jam than what Alfie had put on.
“Wait!” She yelps out, leaping off the makeshift kitchen stool made from those bottle crates to chase after Alfie until she reaches the man who was carrying the cake towards a box. “Finishing touches,” she insists, ever so slightly dusting the cake with powdered icing sugar to give a final decorational appearance. Alfie smiles subconsciously as the small girl stands back with a proud grin, turning her eyes to man holding the cake, “Thank you Afie,” she beams, her cute little way of saying his name never lost on him as his heart flutters. “Welcome, baby Shelby.” He responds as he slips it into the cake box he’d ordered one of his men to go and get without question.
Alfie was certain he would step outside his bakery and London would be burning. He expected to have Shelby’s killing people on the streets searching for their baby, their sweet little princess. He assumed (and rightly so) that Ada hadn’t told Tommy that she had absolutely no idea where his most precious little love was for genuine fear of his reaction and so she had mobilised some friends and acquaintances she had made while in London to try finding her little sister. Albeit they were evidently unsuccessful and absolutely no one expected little (y/n) to be baking with Alfie Solomons for her gangster brothers birthday because she just loves him so.
Ada literally burst out the front door frantically when she saw the car headlights pull up outside her house, wrapping herself tightly in her coat as Alfie Solomons lifts her little sister down out of the car. The 5 year old stands innocent as ever next to the man who Tommy never truly knows if he can trust or not as he reaches back into the car to lift out a white cake box with two strong hands. “Better keep a closer eye on this one yeah?” He gestured his head to (y/n) who runs towards Ada and jumps into her open arms to be squeezed incredibly, almost painfully tightly. “Never run off like that again!” She hisses, her concern and anxiety clear behind her words as she speaks into her sisters soft hair, stroking it with her hand for some form of reassurance.
“Sorry Ada,” she hums cutely in response, “We made Tommy a cake though, for his birthday!” Ada let’s go of (y/n) and turns to the little girl. “Go inside and find Aunt Pol, i’ll be in shortly.” She says as she eyes Alfie Solomons with the stoney faced glare he assumes she learned from Polly Gray and her often stoney resolve. “Bye bye Afie!” The 5 year old chimes, scuttling up to him to wrap her arms around his legs for a moment before turning and running off with a wave at the doorstep with Alfie a little bit to stunned by how kind she was to him despite the bad man he was to do much else than wave after her. “You,” Ada snipped, cutting him out of his thoughts and crossing her arms firmly over her chest, “Baked a cake with my little sister?” Her words leak with confusion, eyebrows furrowed with her head tilted in question as she continues to be unable to think of any reason why Alfie Solomons hadn’t turned the little girl away or even used her as a bargaining chip with threats of harm to the child if Tommy didn’t do as Alfie wanted. Instead he baked with her a cake for Thomas and she was returned without a bump, not even a hair on her head harmed. He had returned the little Shelby who was uncharacteristically clumsy for a Shelby without her falling off of anything, burning herself on any ovens or accidentally eating something she was supposed to.
“Yeah.” Alfie responds, shrugging his shoulders at the same time. Ada steps closer to him to try in some way to read what he’s not saying, her heels clicking with each step. “And you want nothing for it?” She presses, her eyes narrowed as he shrugs. “Birthday gift innit yeah?” He grumbles, handing the cake to Ada. “She’s the best of you lot,” he states firmly as he turns his back to climb back into his car, “Keep her that way yeah?”
Ada’s frown turns to a soft smile as she nods, watching as Alfie Solomons pulls his door shut firmly and turns on his ignition.
“Mr Solomons, Oi!” She calls after him, forcing him to roll down his window to hear what she has to say. “Thank you.” She breathes, “For looking after her and bringing her home. And for the cake.” Alfie nods his head in acknowledgment. Ada isn’t sure what else to say. She still feels fairly nauseous at the fact her little sister was missing for virtually the whole day and littered with further nerves at the fact Tommy would be around to pick her up in a half hour and it wasn’t like little Shelby to keep quiet about anything, especially not when it came to Tommy and especially when it came to her adventures that her favourite brother hadn’t been part of, so assuredly she would let him know all about her baking day with Alfie after the cake was revealed tomorrow afternoon for his birthday. Alfie knew this too and he imagined he’d get a visit from the head of the Peaky Blinders relatively soon after he found out.
Tommy would probably be as confused as Ada as to why Alfie looked after little (y/n) the way he did. Alfie couldn’t even really explain it himself, she just warmed up his heart and the sweet little girl showed Alfie truly why Tommy loves that little girl so much. She brings laughter and happiness and fun. She brings light into a very, very dark life and Alfie appreciates that dedication Tommy had to keeping her safe a lot more now. He himself now had a soft spot for the kid and there was a part of him that knew for a fact he too would be making sure no one in his circle was breathing words of harming that little girl who had promised she would bake with him again, and had his birthday written on her hand so she could bake for his birthday.
Maybe the Shelby’s weren’t so bad after all.
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sukirichi · 4 years
hey!! congrats on 500!! could i get breakfast: ingredient 33 + sugar 7 for nanami kento? thanks!!
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violet; a flower that symbolizes faith and affection — this was simply one of your promises to Nanami.
meal order: 🥞 + 33 (royalty au) + 7 (forbidden relationship) (no warnings, other than this fic is unedited.)
notes: thank you so much for joining the event and requesting! i honestly loved this idea so much, i still remember how happy i was when i first saw it and i looked forward to writing it. i hope this was what you were looking for! i may or may not have been too deep in the feels with this one. anyways, enjoy and thank you so much! breakfast has been served!
word count: 7k+ 
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“Yes, Your Highness?”
You looked up from under the golden roof, a small smile on your face. The sun shone down brightly, the calm, gentle air making the flowers in your royal garden dance side by the side, almost as if encouraged by the soft kiss of nature. In this lightning, all the colors popped out vibrantly, a wide array of splashes of life laid out before you. “It’s a lovely day, isn’t it?”
Nanami, your bodyguard, followed your line of sight. “Yes, Your Highness.”
Stiff and straightforward as ever, you connoted with a hidden smile. “Perfect,” you announced, lifting your gloved hands in a beckoning gesture. “Come with me. I must inspect the garden. I heard from the staff last night that my new flowers have arrived. I shall see to it that it came in perfect condition,” Nanami nodded beside you and followed you as you trudged all the way out in broad daylight, your hair shining from the sun’s rays.
As if noticing the harsh glare of heat on your skin, Nanami was quick to open your parasol, standing at least a foot behind you. Trained to be obedient flawless in their duties, his footsteps were silent behind you, nothing but the tapping of your heels against the ground heard from the open space.
You were shielded from the heat, but you weren’t satisfied.
With a faux, distressed clicking of your tongue, you stopped in your tracks, whipping around to face your black-suit clad bodyguard. His gaze immediately fell down to your feet, back tilted in a perfect bow. You sighed, “Nanami.”
“Yes, Your Highness?”
“Do you want to be fired?”
He froze at your words, momentarily looking up at you for a moment before turning to the ground again. “Of course not, Your Highness,” although monotonous, you could detect the slight tinge of worry in his voice, and you felt a smile crossing on your lips when you saw his brows furrow. “I extremely apologize if I’ve done something wrong. I must repent for it and assess my worth as your—”
“You’re not holding the parasol properly,” you cut him off and stepped forward, reaching to his extended arm and placing yourself right next to him until your shoulders were close enough to brush against each other.
Nanami’s jaw clenched at the lack of space, probably worrying that this was disrespectful, completely unaware you enjoyed every single moment of it, especially now that your senses were clouded with both his masculine scent and the calming aroma of flowers.
“If you keep such a distance from me and extend your arm to hold this, you’d tire your arm, and when your arm is strained, then you won’t be able to be fast enough to protect me from whatever harm comes my way. Plus, holding it in this manner leaves my nose to be burnt under the harsh sun! You wouldn’t want your princess to have sunburn, would you?”
“Definitely not, Your Highness. I would not want any harm or trouble your way.”
“So then step close to me. Like this,” you gestured to the both of you, and underneath the parasol, the hesitance swirled all over those pretty blue eyes of his. It made you want to sigh; he worried too much sometimes. “See? Your arm won’t be tired and my nose is perfectly safe under this shade.”
“But Your Highness – this distance—”
“I shall permit it for now. The situation calls for it,” you waved a hand nonchalantly, moving to where you wanted to see the new flowers. Although you couldn’t see him, the lack of warmth beside you was a telltale Nanami was too stunned to move, and you turned around, head tilted challengingly. “Or you’re still questioning the judgment of your princess?”
Nanami frowned, “I am not, Your Highness.”
“Good. Let’s see the flowers then,” You chirped with a clap.
It was the perfect day for a stroll, a rare day where you basked in not having to worry about your princess duties. The sun was out, the skies were clear, and was that a butterfly happily flying in your garden? Now that Nanami had grown comfortable after mentally reassuring himself it was fine to stick close to you, it honestly couldn’t have been better. But you being the sneaky little princess you were, you still had other plans in mind.
Three maids appeared out of nowhere, carrying a basket, a blanket, and a bottle of wine. They all strolled your way with their heads duck down, wordlessly setting out the white and red plaid patterned blanket on the soft, freshly trimmed grass.
You clapped your hands in sheer enthusiasm, “Oh, how perfect timing! It is quite tiring to stroll around this massive garden, don’t you think, Nanami? We should take a break.”
“A...picnic, Your Highness? Out here? Would you not be more comfortable inside—”
“The dining halls are boring and all the staff would be staring at me as I eat,” you plopped down rather ungraciously on the ground, taking off your heels and planting your sock clad feet on the blanket. On any other normal day, your dear Mother would’ve smacked you with her fan had she seen you act this way, but your parents were out of town, and Nanami was the last person who’d ever judge you. You had every right to be free. “It’s not a very comfortable thing, as you must know, and I’d like to enjoy my temporary freedom.”
A few beats passed as Nanami processed your words. A frown still on his handsome face, he studied the comfort of your body on the ground, already moving to open the basket with a cheerful hum. He supposed it wouldn’t be so bad to let you be this way.
“I will follow whatever pleases you then, Your Highness.”
You hid a smile through sucked in cheeks, pulling out the cake and acting surprised even though you’d ordered this days ago, randomly dragging a servant aside to shyly ask her to get you Nanami’s rumored favorite cake from when he went with you on a trip overseas.
“Oh, look! Fondant Cake from the Kingdom of Cherie. Fine, fine wine too, the best from His Majesty’s collection, if I heard it correctly,” you could barely contain your glee when the slightest light glimmered through his guarded eyes, hands reaching down to pat the empty space beside you. “Sit down. I need you to eat this for me.”
“But Your Highness—”
“Lest you want me to be poisoned, Nanami?” you reeled your hand back, gloved hands placed above your chest as horror filled your gaze. Nanami – bless his sweet soul – quickly bent his knees in half. Slowly, with disbelief still crossing his mind, he allowed you to spoon feed him, the chocolate sauce of the cake staining the tips of his lips. “Well? How is it? Is it safe to eat?”
Nanami moaned; pride swelling up on your chest because finally, you could do something for him. He was still too cautious though, and he concealed his delight with a slight clearing of his throat, palms flat on his muscular thighs as he nodded your way. “It is extremely delicious, Your Highness. I believe it is safe to eat.”
“Did you like it?” You already knew the answer, but it wouldn’t hurt to hear it straight from him.
Thankful that your ears were covered by a frilly bonnet so he wouldn’t see how warmth crawled up at the tips of your ears, you beamed at him, proudly presenting more of the surprised you had in store.
“I have fresh milk cheese from the city of Lein too. Do you know that people travel from all over the world just to visit Lein and have a taste of this cheese? If it were not for our good connections to them, we would never be able to taste this,” you felt Nanami’s curious gaze fall on the delicacy on your hands, a smirk tilting your lips because cheese as quite rare where you were from. Setting it down on a plate, you cut a piece of the dairy, the fork nearly shoved in Nanami’s face. “But just to make sure, of course. We never know people’s intentions – I could be poisoned. You know very well there are plenty of people after the throne and my head.”
Nanami’s eyes widened at your implications, “Princess, please do not speak so lightly of the threats over your life.”
“Why, does it worry you?”
Nanami looked at you like you’d grown two heads. “Of course it does. It is my duty to protect and worry about you.”
“Is it really just a duty?”
“I’m sorry?”
“Nothing,” you said through gritted teeth, pushing the plate towards him again before Nanami could comprehend whatever went on in your head. “Pair it with the cake. Maybe there could be a chemical reaction that is life threatening. Oh, how I fear for my life, Nanami.”
Obediently, Nanami swallowed the food, eyes closed from the flavors bursting through his mouth. It wasn’t too much of a reaction, but there were hardly any when it came to Nanami to begin with, so it was enough for you, and your giggles were stifled beside him. “I believe this one is safe too.”
And so began your spontaneous picnic, with Nanami being flustered the whole time because you insisted on feeding him. He refused many times, claiming that a royal shouldn’t feed a servant, much less spend their time with him this way. Even though you didn’t mean it, you rolled your eyes just to dissipate his worries, lying through your teeth that you were full and you didn’t want to be suffocated in your corset.
You proceeded to tell him of the different ways his precious princess could die of asphyxiation. The more grotesque your storytelling began; Nanami ate everything quietly, still oblivious that you had your eyes on him the whole time.
He ate quickly, not wanting to be rude and take up too much of your time, but you insisted that you didn’t want him to choke and ordered him to slow down. As your lovely and dutiful servant, who was he to defy your orders? So he took his time, and you closed your eyes, leaning back onto his firm shoulders that grew rigid under the contact.
Soon though, Nanami relaxed, and you were about ready to fall asleep when Nanami quietly announced he’d finished his food, thanking you for the meal.
“That was a lovely picnic,” you grinned at him, even if you’d barely eaten anything.
After all, you only asked for servings for one person, lying to your staff that you wanted it for yourself. Should the higher-ups ever hear about you ordering two servants to share it with someone else when it was painfully clear to everyone in the kingdom you had no prince, it would cause chaos.
Nanami followed you as you stood up, the servants taking it upon themselves to clear up the dishes before they left you to your own devices. You walked all the way near the back of the garden, a place private only for the royal members for this was where they kept their most precious flowers. Upon seeing that the ones you’ve ordered had arrived and they were blooming beautifully beside the white roses, you ran to it, gesturing for Nanami to come closer. He leant down to inspect it, watching the way it twirled around your elegant fingers.
“This is called a Violet. It symbolizes faith and affection.”
“It is beautiful,” he commented quietly, his cool gaze sliding over to yours. “It suits you very much, Your Highness.”
Your cheeks warmed at the sudden attention, which was ironic, since wasn’t that what you always wanted? “I think it suits someone else better, if I were to be honest,” you admitted mysteriously, leaving your bodyguard confused for the nth time that day, but as always, he kept silent unless spoken to. Nanami’s eyes drifted to the flowers again, the rule of never looking in the eyes of royals burned right through his head.
Deep down in your heart, you knew it was a bit too early, but you’d always been impatient. You wouldn’t wait for the right time or the perfect opportunity – you preferred to grab moments and create them yourself.
Squeezing the hem of your dress under bundled fists, you finally gained the courage to be as upfront with him. “Nanami, can you promise me something?”
“Yes, Your Highness?”
“Never forget this flower. When you are feeling down, I want you to remember this lives and blooms here, that it was the Princess’ favorite, and she wants nothing more than to have this whole garden bloom with it,” You knew, you knew painfully that Nanami may never understand your garden referred to your heart and that it bloomed with your affection for him, but was it so bad to hope that one day you may show your adoration for him?
You’d prepared for this – for the possibility that maybe you never could – so you ordered these flowers, wishing silently that someday Nanami might understand the things you could never say.
“When the right time comes, I shall pluck a flower and give it to the person that receives my faith affection, and I’ll create an entire garden for them.”
Nanami absorbed your words, processing them seriously just as a servant should when it comes to their master’s words. A moment later, Nanami nodded once, head bowed in respect. “I’m sure whoever Prince is lucky enough to get your hand in marriage will be absolutely delighted, Your Highness.”
“The person I long for is not a prince,” you hinted, “He sure is charming, however, much to his ignorance.”
Nanami peeked at you under his blond lashes, the confused pout on his face worrisome yet adorable. It made you want to step forward and capture those red lips in a kiss, but you were still his Princess, and he your bodyguard. You couldn’t do it – not now, at least – for his sake. “I am not sure it would be ideal that you marry a non-royal, Your Highness.”
“Tell me, Nanami,” you began, voice turning serious that his ears perked up at the sudden firmness compared to your usually lilted self. “Do you believe love should be constrained by rules and traditions?”
His answer came in an instant, making you wonder if he would still keep to his words if he found out everything. “No, Your Highness.”
You smiled at his answer – longingly, proudly, and at the same time sadly. “And I wholeheartedly agree with you on that.” Without another word, you turned your back on him and walked back inside the large castle, his footsteps finally audible as he followed you.
Funny it was, that you, a royal-blooded woman found so much comfort in the sound of someone’s breathing and footsteps.
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“Yes, Your Highness?”
You sighed and placed your book down your lap, playfully glaring at the stiff bodyguard who hadn’t moved a muscle ever since he accompanied you in your private library. “You are causing me an uncomfortable amount of stress. I do not like it.”
“What have I done wrong, Your Highness?” his voice trembled again, his back forming that straight, perfect bow that you knew took him years to practice. It probably caused him a lot of pain if his head guard slapped the other servants’ backs just to straighten their spine, and you winced at the idea of it. No one had ever even dared laid a finger on your hair; not without your permission, anyway.
“I sincerely apologize for my shortcomings. I hereby vow to do better in my duties to serve you.”
“As you should. Now come here,” you beckoned him to come closer, sighing louder when Nanami sat a foot away from you, lips pressed into a tight line. “Closer, Nanami.”
Biting his lip – and you nearly couldn’t tear your gaze away from the sight – Nanami inched closer to you, his back still perfectly straight, eyes staring straight ahead, and he was so rigid you wondered if he even breathed at all.
You shook your head with a stifled smile, soft, tireless hands bunching up to release the tight knots of his firm, broad shoulders. You weren’t surprised he felt this hard under your touch; he was a bodyguard, after all, the Princess’ personal one, at that. It made sense he kept himself trimmed, but it didn’t stop the heat spreading all over your skin anyway as you imagined just how firm he was under his clothes.
Eager to get rid of such inappropriate thoughts, you huffed through your nose, continuing to roll your fingers over his back.
“You look so stiff that I cannot focus on this novel I’m reading. Heavens know how shameful it must be that we are getting scholars to study with me this weekend and I am not even halfway done with this classic. It truly bothers me, Nanami.”
“Your Highness,” Nanami’s voice was hushed, his eyes staring directly into yours. “What are you doing?”
“Giving you a massage. If you keep up being this rigid around me, I will lose focus because it makes me uncomfortable, and if I lose focus, I can’t perform my duty well as the princess, and if I am unable to do that, I lose respect, then my title stripped away from me. Terrifying, Nanami. Terrifying, indeed.”
Nanami was silent for a while, his gaze not leaving your focused face. Then, he turned away, his shoulders deflating as he gave in to the pleasure of your surprisingly expert hands. “I am extremely sorry.”
“As you should be,” you commented sarcastically, “Now relax. Pick up a book you like and have some of the biscuits, tea. I cannot focus with you standing around me like a statue. The stone gargoyles do that for us already,” when Nanami didn’t budge a muscle even after you’d finished massaging him, you waved a hand in the air, brow raised challengingly. “Well? Are you defying my orders?”
Nanami shot up from his seat in an instant, “Of course not, Your Highness.”
You pulled the book up higher to hide the wide grin on your lips, watching his curious and slightly dazed staring at the walls upon walls of books stacked upon one another. His wonder of the sight left you wondering just how you managed not to kiss every part of him senseless, for he was so fascinating and far more intriguing than any other universe written beyond these pages.
Nanami’s long, slender fingers finally plucked out a rather thick novel he seemed to find interesting, making his way back to you. He still sat on the other end of the couch to respect your space, and you kept silent this time, not wanting to cross the line.
He may be comfortable around you now, but you knew Nanami better than anyone, and he still held his orders and duties close to his heart that he would never break them no matter what.
It was a compelling quality of his – one you had no idea whether to admire or be irritated of.
Your twinkling eyes studied his stunning features; from his slicked back hair, to his sunken cheeks, all the way down to the sharp point of his nose and to the plumpness of his lips. He was too beautiful that you wondered how he hadn’t managed to be snagged away yet when you were reminded that Nanami was too busy in his duties of protecting you to have time for romance – and for the first time, you felt thankful for the fact you were a royal.
“That is a good one,” you piped up as you read the title of the classic novel. It was a classic about the variegated realms between dreams and reality, one you haven’t read but always wanted to. “Do you mind reading it to me someday? I love the sound of your voice.”
Nanami’s cheeks flushed a bright red at your unexpected compliment, but he nodded anyway, clearing his throat before he spoke. “S-someday, Your Highness, if your schedule allows it so.”
It sounded so much like a promise – and you looked forward eagerly to it.
Finally gaining your focus and determination to study and perform your royal duties now that Nanami had finally taken some time to relax, you did the same, leaning back onto the velvet couch and crossing your legs over the other. “Someday it is.”
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“You have to be prepared for your coronation ball,” Rubine, one of the assistants of your dancing tutor made known, snapping her fingers in front of your face when you’d unknowinfly spaced out the window. “Now, up on those toes, back straight and head held high, Your Highness. Let us see if you’ve mastered your dance routine. You must understand it is the most crucial part of the ball and all eyes will be watching you. You cannot afford to make a single mistake.”
Suddenly remembering of why you were spacing out, you winced at the previous phone call prior to Rubine’s arrival. “I am well aware of that, Rubine, but...”
“My dance partner, Philippe, just called to say he’s fallen ill and cannot make it today.”
“Ah, Philippe!” Rubine tugged at her hair, dramatically bending forwards to groan, “This is the final rehearsal! Your coronation is so near!” She sat up straight and paced back and forth, her long locks jumping and bouncing as she chewed at her nails. “Well, what shall we do now? We don’t have anyone else to practice with you and I’m only here to substitute for Madam Tee. She’d kill me if she finds out you didn’t rehearse, and I doubt any of the boy servants would know anything about the dance.”
“If I may,” Nanami suddenly spoke up from the corner, tentatively approaching the both of you with one of his hands laid flat on his abdomen. You and Rubine fell silent, his eyes flitting over yours for a moment. “I’ve been with the Princess from all of her dance classes. I know the routine very well,” his tongue darted out to lick at his lips, sending both your mind and heart into a frenzy overdrive. “If Her Highness is comfortable with it, I may be her dance partner for now.”
“That works, I suppose.”
“I’d like to see you dance, Nanamin,” you teased confidently, but no mistake, your heart drummed wildly in your chest at the idea of dancing with the man who’d unknowingly captured both your eye and heart the moment you met him. “Let’s see how good you are then. I warn you though; I’m a very skilled dancer. But please, don’t fret, I won’t criticize you.”
You expected Nanami to at least go along with your lighthearted teasing, but he was Nanami Kento; a very dutiful servant who lived to please and serve his master.
He simply pressed a polite kiss to the pads of your knuckled when you offered it, his eyes still unreadable as he praised, “You are a very good dancer indeed, Your Highness.”
You already knew that, but hearing it fall from his lips hit differently. It suddenly got harder and harder to remember the routine, your confidence slipping into thin air the moment his warm hands wound around the curve of your waist, flattening at the small of your back.
Your breath hitched as you looped your fingers through his larger, calloused ones, and your heart absolutely melted because you fit just perfectly in his hands. Considering that you’d taken off your gloves, you could feel ever callous and scar in his hands, a huge contrast to your soft ones that had never known a day of manual labor.
Nanami was close enough you could feel his breath warm your cheeks, with you staring up at him with wide, blown out eyes. He was still expressionless as ever, jaw tight and brows dipped low, but you could see the softness in his gaze – nearly bordering on adoration.
In that moment, you felt yourself falling harder, and soon, you were both lost in the music.
Nanami was right – he did know the dance. For such an unyielding protector, Nanami danced extremely well, his turns and guidance to your twists flawless.
He caught you in his arms each time, his hands slipping back to hold your waist as if it was second nature for him to hold you like this, to dance with you like this. Everything faded into nothingness at the background, both your gazes captured and enamored by one another. Somewhere in the climax of the dance, your chest pressed flush against his a little tighter, your hands squeezing his a little harder, and you both danced like you were the only ones that mattered in each other’s world.
And in that moment, it felt like you did.
When the music slowly faded out to its ending, you and Nanami were both breathing hard from the strenuous performance that required the utmost elegant execution. Still, his hands remained on your waist, your hand holding him in such a manner that you almost refused to let him go.
But you had to – you knew you had to – and with a broken smile, you pulled away from Nanami.
“Wow,” breathed out Rubine “Princess, I am blown away. You’ve danced better than you ever did with Philippe. You two have got amazing chemistry,” she rubbed her chin at the observation, but you and Nanami were turned away from each other, both of your hearts more conflicted than ever. Rubine, however, remained unknowing of this all. “I guess being around each other all the time adds in to that fact too. That was a very mesmerizing and intimate performance – I actually felt a little guilty that I’m witnessing such moment.”
“I am glad I could be of service to Her Highness.”
Your gaze cut through his, the heat in your eyes loud enough that he was compelled to hold your stare. You immediately softened at his expression; giving in to the pleads of your heart that you were and always will be, utterly and hopelessly in love with him – even if it was impossible he’d ever feel the same way.
Surely, though, it wouldn’t be so much of a sin for a princess to be selfish in a while. “I look forward to dancing with you on the ball, Nanamin.”
“I highly doubt that, Your Highness,” Nanami’s eyes blanked out into an unfathomable expression again, making you wonder if the fondness he held you with when you danced ever existed. “You would be swarmed and surrounded by royals and elites – and I shall be watching out for you from the distance, as always. It’s going to be a crucial event and you have duties to fulfil; a dance with your bodyguard would only ruin the importance of the event,” he reminded you, his words like a slap to your face.
You didn’t have to be scholarly enough to interpret the meaning of his words; Nanami was reminding you that he was servant as you were master, and it simply would not happen. “Who knows what people would say...I only worry about your reputation, Your Highness. Words cut deeper than a knife.”
“I know that,” you agreed with a shattered heart, “I guess I’ll just dream then.”
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The coronation went smoother than expected. Until it wasn’t. People from all over the world came, chatting with you about the latest political trends and plans on how you wished to broaden your territories and expand trading systems.
Everything went fine and accordingly to plan until the marriage talk was brought up. Before you knew it, princes and dukes, along with equally socially powerful men came flooding left and right, pressing kisses to your (thankfully) gloved hands and spewing out poetry as if it would impress you. In a way, it did, at least most of them had good taste in literature and were actually well-read, but your eyes kept searching for a certain blond in the crowd, that sinking feeling only growing in the pit of your stomach.
Eventually, it became too much for you.
A neighboring prince asked for your marriage and announced he was good friends with your family, and that about crossed the line and tipped you over the edge until you excused yourself. Growing too tired with all this unnecessary “royal duties”, you disappeared from the crowd, running to the nearest desolated terrace and crying your eyes out.
You never wanted to be a princess.
You never wanted to be born with such luxury, only to pay a price that you couldn’t even choose your own future.
You lost track of time and you no longer questioned why no one looked for you. With each passing second, the crown above your braided hair grew a lot heavier and you slumped across the pillar, burying your tear-streaked face behind your arms. You just felt so tired you wanted to rest – wanted to see Nanami, to run away, to tell him that you loved him.
But he wasn’t there. You hadn’t even seen him the moment you woke up, servants flocking you at every corner as they prepared you for the event.
Your heart ached and you called out for him in broken whispers, wishing that he’d be there to comfort you. “Nanami,” you cried out softly. It was pathetic, really, that the newly crowned queen was crying like a child who lost their toy as you hid from the crowd. “Nanami, where are you, Nanami—”
A pair of arms tugged you into a solid chest, your cheek pressing on top of a rapid heartbeat that raced to no end. Warm, strong arms engulfed you in a hug, a heavy head with a familiar scent falling on the sides of your head that was free from the tips of the crown.
“I thought I lost you, Queen,” Nanami panted, his hold on you growing tighter. Your tears stopped flowing as you fisted his shirt, weakening in his arms and he let you – he knew even the Queen of this prosperous kingdom was still a person and you allowed yourself to grow vulnerable, because this was Nanami and Nanami always caught you.
Before you could stop yourself, you leaned up and pressed your lips to his, the salt of your tears passing to his cheeks.
Nanami stood frozen solid for a second before he kissed you back, taking your breath away because his lips held the same wanting as yours did. Soon, his large hands cupped your face as he pulled you closer to him, sighing into your mouth as if he’s dreamed of this moment as long as you had. Nanami kissed you with so much love pouring from his lips that he didn’t have to tell you for you to know, prompting the dam within you to break.
You were crying – the happy tears flowing endlessly – while his thumbs wiped the tears away.
“I love you,” you confessed as you both pulled away, foreheads pressed against each other. This time, there was no more fear or worry as love shone in both your eyes, your hands still helplessly clinging on to him for dear life. “I love you, Nanami, I’ve always loved you. Please don’t leave me – please don’t.”
“I wasn’t going anywhere, Your Majesty,” he addressed you according to your new title, but nothing has changed for him. “I have loved you too long before, and I’ll still keep loving you if you’ll let me.”
That night, you both shared a plethora of first. The first kiss. The first dance. The first I love you’s that wouldn’t stop spilling from your lips, the confessions accompanied with laughter. It was only the beginning of a wonderful yet unforgettable memory, and you abandoned all the riches and gold in the world because this, right here was your real treasure, and you sealed your promise of your faith affection to him with one last kiss.
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Ever since you and Nanami had established your relationship, you felt like you were on cloud nine.
Being Queen didn’t seem too much of a grueling task anymore, not when Nanami was grazing his thumb over your knuckles under the table when you were doing paperwork, not when work days and boring, dreadful meetings always ended with him pulling you aside as everyone left for a quick kiss that soon turned into a heated lip-locking.
This was bliss – to have him right here, to finally be able to express how much you loved him – and you couldn’t get enough it.
You still had no king despite the number of suitors that visited every week, so much so that the maids have grown weary of cleaning up your trash bin filled with unopened love letters. Quite frankly, you couldn’t care less because you already had the love of your life within your arms. You turned everyone down, and it wasn’t a huge deal because you were just crowned Queen and surely you had far better things to do than worry about bringing about an heir, but it had already been a year and your advisors were mad.
They’ve informed you that several cities and kingdoms were losing trust over your reclusiveness, the diplomatic relationship turning strained thanks to your eagerness to deny everyone.
Your tongue slipped inside Nanami’s, his hands crawling under your night gown as his body crawled between your legs, with you sighing romantically into his mouth.
“Your Majesty,” he mumbled through stuttering kisses, his fingers deftly pressing into your curves. Despite your insistence that he addressed you by your name, Nanami requested that he still keep his duty as your bodyguard, and you were too soft to deny him this. “Your Majesty…I think we should put an end to this.”
You stopped kissing him.
Hands falling from his neck, you pulled away from him, eyes hardened into a glare. “What do you mean we should put an end to this? Are you suggesting we break up?”
You gritted your teeth at how he said this so easily. Before you could open your mouth to retort, Nanami beat you to it, distracting you by pressing soft kisses on the column of your neck, always so gentle and careful to not leave marks where the maids could see.
“I’m only worried about you,” he whispered, “I am ruining your reputation because I am in love with you. Your Majesty, I promise to still serve you and be loyal to you,” Nanami pulled away after leaving one last kiss to the sensitive area of your neck that always had you whining in his arms, but this time, you whined out of desperation, nails digging into his bicep as he stared at you apologetically. “We cannot keep doing this, Your Majesty. We both cannot be selfish enough to abandon the future of our people.”
“Well, what about my future?” you banged your fist on your chest, “What about my happiness, Nanami, ever think about that?”
Nanami wiped away the tears streaming down your cheeks, pulling you into the comfort of his arms instead. He understood your pain better than anyone for he, too, shared your longing.
“I don’t want you to go,” you cried into his shoulder, gripping his shirt tightly that it crumbled beneath your grip. “It’s not a life if it’s not with you and just tell me what I have to do, I’ll abandon my title and I’ll stay with you, we don’t have to—”
Nanami silenced you with a kiss, this one more ardent than the others.
He whispered sweet nothings into yours, broken promises that he’d stay, that you didn’t have to change anything and that you could work it out. You believed him, or at least you fooled yourself that you did, because your hold on him was regretful, angry, begging.
The next morning, Nanami was gone from your chambers.
The next night, Nanami was gone from the servant chambers.
The next week, you were married to Prince Satoru from a Kingdom you’d never even heard of.
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Nanami resigned. As per rule of the kingdom, staff didn’t need the monarch’s permission to be dismissed from their post. He wasn’t there in your wedding, and he wasn’t there for the next few days to come. These days stretched into weeks, and two months have already passed before you were silently staring out at your window, wondering what Nanami was doing.
The last thing you heard from him was that he went back to his family’s warm, living a peaceful life and bowing one last time to you before he completely disappeared.
His letter remained in your drawers, his neat cursive informing you that he was a lowly servant, and didn’t deserve you, that he didn’t want to ruin your future and only wanted the best for you. You wanted to hate him for it, wanted to curse him for it – but you only tossed and turned in your bed, staring at the ceilings as you pictured his rare smile over and over again.
You wondered how he was doing.
Was he happy? Was he okay? Did he think of you night before he slept? Did he miss you the same way you craved his touch, his voice, his laugh – everything about him and himself?
A loud rattling caught your attention, your head turning to see Prince, or rather, King Satoru saunter in. He was popular in his kingdom and even rumored to have a harem, which you could see happening because he was flirty and shameless.
It was clear that this was a loveless marriage and he only agreed because he had good ties with your family, also adding in to the fact he was the richest and most powerful out of all your suitors. You weren’t too friendly with him, but you weren’t treating each other like strangers too. You both acknowledged each other according to the title, but it never stretched to the fact he was man and you his wife.
Satoru had never talked to you before other than the common pleasantries, so it surprised you when he sat across you, mirroring that familiar torn and forlorn feeling as he stared at your kingdom.
“You and I,” he began quietly, “We both want what we cannot have, don’t we?”
“I know you’re in love with someone else,” Satoru smiled, and your eyes widened when he only chuckled knowingly. “It’s okay, Queen, I promise I don’t mind. In fact, I’m just the same as you – I’m madly in love with my butler you won’t understand.”
You nearly toppled over your seat at the sudden confession that Satoru laughed as he helped pull you up, but it didn’t stop you from blabbering.
“You-you’re in love with Geto Suguru?”
“That I am. I’ve been in love with him since we were kids, to be honest, but people had different expectations and plans for me, as you can see.”
“I,” your throat ran dry, your palms growing sweaty. Surely…you could trust him with this, right? “I’m also in love with my bodyguard, or former bodyguard, anyway. His name is Nanami Kento and he’s currently at his farm and I-I—”
“You want to see him and break this marriage?” Satoru didn’t even have to hear the words come from your mouth before he’s pulling you up to your feet, crystalline blue eyes as vivid as the sky. “Well, what’s holding you back, Queen? Let’s go look for him.”
Satoru dragged you along the hallways, liberated laughter echoing in the large space of the castle before you two saddle up your respective horses, shouting for the gate guards to move away. You’ve never felt this free – and Satoru shared the same glee as yours when he stretched his arms beyond the sky, whooping as he smacked his horse to go faster.
By the time you’ve made it into Nanami’s farm, it was nearly sunset, and both you and Satoru were drained from the long journey.
Nanami was dressed in a plain shirt and worn-out sweatpants, dirt caked on his sunken cheeks when he turned at the sounds of horses galloping, you perched on top of your white stallion proudly. “Nanami!” his eyes widened and he dropped the bucket he was holding, the breath taken away from his chest when you jumped off your horse, crashing him into a huge hug.
“Your Majesty,” he spoke breathily, hands coming up to caress the back of your head. “What are you doing here? And King Satoru? What’s going on?”
You answered him by dragging his collar down until his lips danced with yours. Just like that, all your worries and previous sorrows washed away into nothing as his hands gripped tightly at your hips, kissing you back just as eagerly that even he was crying. This time around, you reached to swipe your thumb over the warm tears, kissing him over and over again to remind him your feelings hadn’t changed.
“Let’s go home, Nanami. I promise I’ll do everything right this time around – just please, come home with me.”
You’ve lost count of the times you’ve prayed to the divine beings over and over again to give you one last chance, fearful that maybe Nanami would still be firm in his belief that he wasn’t good enough for you when he was perfect the way he is.
But then he kissed the crown of your head as a silent form of affection, staring deep into your eyes as he smiled, “Your wish has always been my command, Your Majesty.”
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Nanami had his back turned to you, his slender hands plucking the violet flower. Upon hearing your not so sneaky footsteps, he whipped around and laughed just as you roared, making the little girl in his arms giggle, copying your greeting as she hissed her fangs.
“Aw, you’re so adorable!” you pinched her little cheeks before peppering them with kisses, your precious daughter laughing at the sudden shower of affection. Nanami laughed, too, the deep sound vibrating from deep within his chest. He held up your baby to kiss the left side of her cheeks while you squished her right, your baby’s cheeks smushed between the adoration of her parents. “You’re so cute – just like Daddy!”
“I am not cute,” he protested dejectedly, although the small smile on his face told a different story.
It wasn’t easy – none of this ever was, but you didn’t regret a single moment of it. The old school traditions of your kingdoms were abolished due to a long, hefty process of appealing to the public and proving that love should never be constrained by rules and traditions, and now Satoru was also happily married with his husband, Geto Suguru. The last letter you got from him informed you they adopted a two baby boys named Megumi and a feisty little girl called Nobara, and you were excited for the children to meet and play again.
Safe to say, it was all worth it. All the moments led up to this were painful and filled with longing, but you’d do it all over again if you could.
Because this was what you promised him – endless faith and affection – and you sealed this lifelong promise with a kiss.
“I love you, King,” you mumbled through his lips, and he laughed as he rocked the baby side to side. The kiss was slightly awkward since her grubby hands were trying to clutch both of your chins, sending you both into fits of laughter.
“I love you too, Queen,” he kissed the top of your head and your crown with it – for you were his woman, his wife, and the Queen who ruled all of his heart – leaning down to kiss his baby’s cheeks before he pulled you both in for a hug. The atmosphere that day was similar from when you first forced him to have a picnic with you; warm, sunny, with the wind encouraging the flowers to dance in sync like how you danced with Nanami when you were younger. Your baby gurgled nonsensically, Nanami smiling to himself as you both stared at the bundle of joy in his arms. “I love you too, Violet. Mommy and Daddy loves you a lot.”
To love him, to hold him, to cherish him – it was a promise you held deep within your soul.
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