#even if it was light enough most of the screen is covered/blurry?
tethered-heartstrings · 10 months
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wanders-in-wonderland · 2 months
The Popular Vote
The livestream always happens on midnight of Saturday. There’s a hefty buy-in to be able to tune in but that never stops the audience from growing in number every stream. Every viewer has one ballot per round, each round is different. Cast your ballot before the vote ends and the majority option gets played out in real-time.
This Saturday night, I made the mistake of staying overtime at work, and I missed the last train home. Which meant walking alone on a dark path that, in the daylight, would be a breezy twenty minute stroll. But at night, it’s a different story. And clearly, since that dark trek put me in the perfect position to be taken away in a van by men who were interested in seeing me crying and screaming in pain and pleasure, at the whim of a merciless audience.
When I wake up, I’m naked and tied up, arms and legs spread out, suspended from the ceiling, with each foot on a small platform that offered enough support to take the strain off my arms and shoulders but not enough to offer any true leverage.
It takes me a few minutes to shake off the grogginess of whatever sedative they’d drugged me with, but when I do, I feel my blood run cold.
I’m surrounded by massive screens, several of which show live footage of my predicament from different angles. The screen that scares me the most is the one showing a live chat feed, with a constant barrage of messages coming in from viewers. The set-up is terrifyingly sophisticated and fear curdles my stomach in a way that makes tears well up in my eyes.
“Please! Please let me go!” I cry into the cold, unfeeling room of machinery and screens. My body struggles against the bindings but there’s no give. There’s no audible reply but I watch the chat light up with comments that make me shudder.
“I fucking love when the whores beg before we’ve even started.”
“She’s hot when she’s squirming, can’t wait to see how much she struggles tonight.”
“I wanna see her beg for mercy. Not that there will be any.”
I sob harder, tears making the chat box blurry in my vision. It doesn’t take long for me to figure out that there’s no one and nothing saving me from whatever is going to happen here.
Suddenly, a robotic voice fills the room. “Welcome to The Popular Vote. For those of you who are new to the show, please remember that each of you have a single vote to cast during every round. Vote in the allotted time and our team will implement the majority vote’s decision. Please enjoy the show.”
I gasp when the door to the room opens and four men walk in, dressed in identical black uniforms with masks covering their faces.
“Please! Please, let me go, this is a mistake!” My desperate voice fills the room but has no impact on the men, they didn’t even look in my direction, instead walking past me towards a storage cabinet behind me.
I watch through the camera’s footage as they open the cabinets and start to pull out item after item. Each one makes me more and more scared as they pull out various toys, vibrators, and other devices and machines I don’t even recognize.
There’s an electronic ding that fills the room and the same robotic voice is back. “Our first poll is beginning. Please vote now. Option 1 is subjecting our victim to clitoral stimulation by vibrator. Option 2 is vaginal penetrative stimulation by fucking machine.”
I cry out, “Wait, no, please! I don’t want this, please stop!” I watch in vain as the votes start to roll in on the screen, a feeling of helplessness overwhelming me as I watch two competing bars increase in percentage on the screen as viewers place their ballots.
There’s a robotic series of dings that sound, signaling the final few seconds of voting and through my panic, I see that the second option has pulled ahead of the first.
I choke out another sob as I watch the four men in the room start moving towards me. Two of them are rolling a machine over, a motorized piston with a massive dildo attached to the end of it. Clearly it’s meant for me.
“Please, please, no, I don’t want this, please stop!” I know it’s useless to beg but I can’t help it. My voice is shaky and thin with apprehension and I can tell it has no effect on any of the men. I glance to the chat box and the messages there make me feel even more helpless.
“That whore is going to love that machine, these little sluts always do.”
“I hope she squirts and cries when she realizes she likes this, stupid whore is going to get fucking ruined.”
In the few moments I spent reading comments, the men have rolled the fucking machine right under me and started to raise it to reach my core.
With my legs tied down and spread, there is nothing protecting me from the toy and it’s violation of me. I feel the tip of the fake cock brush my core and I thrash pointlessly, barely able to move to make a difference.
As the machine continues to rise, I feel my stomach clench when I realize that my pussy is wet. I gasp when I feel the tip of the dildo breach my core, the thickness of the toy filling me so well that I can’t help but groan. The machine continues, pushing the toy slowly and steadily filling my cunt. My back arches as I feel it rub against every part of my now-dripping cunt and I whine when it finally comes to a stop, fully seated inside of me.
I’m panting, the massive dildo splitting me open in a way that feels so fucking good. I clench around it and whimper when pleasure shoots up my spine. I glance at the livestream and see my own image, my eyes wild and body heaving from the pleasure of just having the toy inside of me. The chat box is flooded with comments about me, the way I look, the sounds I make, and the anticipation of what is to come.
Suddenly, one of the men in the room toggles a switch on the machine, and it begins.
My scream is drawn-out and wanton in response to the indescribable pleasure that floods my every sense. The men set the machine at a relentless pace, the huge cock driving into my cunt ruthlessly at a pace that is virtually inhuman.
I’m lost in the sensation of every single thrust sliding against my g-spot and slamming into my cervix, the perfect blend of pain and pleasure. I can feel my body trembling at the onslaught of raw, unadulterated pleasure and the sounds that the machine is pulling from my lips could make a pornstar blush. I can feel the creeping warmth of an orgasm fast approaching as the machine fucks me into submission.
Suddenly, an electronic ding sounds. The robotic voice comes on again, with an announcement that barely registers in my pleasure-scrambled brain. “Please vote to determine the next step. Option 1 subjects our victim to forced orgasms, option 2 is edging and orgasm denial, and option 3 is ruined orgasms.”
I whine and plead but I don’t even know what I’m begging for. My eyes are too unfocused to see the progression of the vote, and of the options, I can’t even begin to fathom which would be the best. I hear the three dings that signal the vote has ended and I force my eyes to focus on the screen, my stomach clenching when I see the result: ruined orgasms.
The machine hasn’t relented on its motions, each thrust driving into my wet cunt in a way that is so perfectly and achingly torturous. My clit is throbbing and part of me wishes I could grind it against something, anything to give me a little more stimulation to push me over the edge. But there’s nothing beyond the machine forcing its cock deep inside of me, making me ride the wave of pleasure that pushes me towards to precipice of a massive orgasm. I feel my entire body tense in response to the impending onslaught of pleasure and my pussy clenches around the dildo splitting me open.
Two more hard thrusts pushes me over the edge and I let out a moaning scream as I feel the tension snap and my body clenches in burning pleasure. A seemingly endless wave of overwhelming and uncontrollable pleasure slams into me as my orgasm erupts. At that exact moment, the toy inside of me a delivers a horrible jolt of electricity, one that slams through my cunt and cruelly and abruptly yanks my body away from pleasure.
The pain takes my breath away but my body reacts more to my ruined orgasm than it does the shock. My moan turns into a wail as useless pleas pour out of my mouth, tears running down my cheeks as I feel the toy continue to fuck me through the disappointment of an orgasm it forced upon me. There’s a cruel emptiness inside of me despite the unrelenting fake cock that fills me with every thrust and a gut-wrenching, unfulfilling hunger that overtakes the pleasure that was horribly ripped away from me.
“Ah, fuck, please, please make it stop!” My voice is ragged and desperate as I plead for mercy from an uncaring audience. The men in the room are maintaining their cold indifference towards my suffering as the machine under their control continues to batter my body.
I feel my body shudder in overstimulation as the merciless machine pushes me closer to another orgasm. There’s no break or respite and my pleas fall onto deaf ears.
And as before, just as I feel my orgasm approaching, the feverish pleasure barely rises within me before it’s ripped away, ruined by the delivery of a shocking pain through my pussy that makes me scream in anguish.
The next time it happens, I hear myself wail out desperate cries and pleas that are met with silence. The time after that, my body jerks pitifully in the bindings as every muscle tenses in grief. The one following is the strongest one yet, the constant buildup and denial pushing my body to the brink of tortured pleasure. As the achingly sweet orgasm barrels through me, my pussy clenches down and gushes with my release. I can feel my own juices flowing down my legs, but my squirting orgasm isn’t any different than the previous cruelly ruined ones. The impeccably-timed electric shock yanks my body back from what would have been a mind-shattering, toe-curling sensation and leaves me feeling hollow and helpless.
After that, I stop keeping track of the ruined orgasms. My body should have been shuddering from the overstimulation of countless orgasms but instead, it aches with a voracious, unfulfillable ache that creates an unbearable cycle of horrible, desperate need barely satisfied with every orgasm until it’s torn away. The predictability of it does nothing to assuage the torment, it only makes it worse, to have every beautiful moment of pleasure marred by the inevitable loss that I can do nothing about.
An electronic ding breaks through the haze, another round. The machine beneath me pauses and I choke back a sob at the temporary relief, desperately try to focus on the words that are being announced.
“Our next round will be introducing pharmacological enhancements and orgasm denial. Please select to determine which of the following will be administered to our victim. Option 1 is administration of our proprietary aphrodisiac with no excess stimulation. Option 2 is administration of our proprietary numbing treatment with clitoral stimulation by vibrator.”
My mind wraps around the meaning behind the announcement and I feel myself tremble with desperation. I want nothing more than to cum, just to feel the full, body-shaking, mind-numbing torrent of pleasure that will flood me when a full, uninterrupted orgasm washes over me. But it’s clear that they have other plans.
I watch as the votes roll in, my heart pounding as the two options are very evenly matched in popularity. I brave a glance at the chat box and whimper when I see the comments.
“I fucking love driving a whore insane with denial. I wonder what kind of promises she’ll make to try and convince us to let her cum.”
“If she were mine, I’d never let her cum again. Sluts don’t deserve orgasms.”
Three dings break my concentration and I swing my gaze over to see the results. Option 2 has won out, but barely. I whimper softly as the four men immediately begin to set up. I watch as they wheel the fucking machine out from under me. A blush stains my cheeks when I see the dildo dripping in slick, evidence of my countless ruined orgasms.
I watch through heavy lidded eyes as one of the men reached for a small container. He deftly opens it and dips a gloved finger in, his finger coming out coated in a creamy ointment.
I watch as he comes towards me, his ointment-covered fingers coming to meet my clit in a soft motion that makes me cry out. He is thorough as he rubs the ointment onto my clit, his fingers gently moving against me, offering a delicious friction that pushes me closer towards another orgasm.
The curling warmth of an oncoming rush builds in my core but before I could fully embrace the pleasure, he pulls away and I choke out a whine. “No please, please I’m so close,” my voice is so broken to my own ears but not enough to sway the man.
They wheel out a different machine, this one shaped like a saddle, lined with ridges that line up perfectly to vibrate against and wreak havoc on my sensitive clit. It doesn’t take long for the men to position the machine underneath me. I feel the cold material of the machine against my burning hot pussy and without even thinking about it, I start to grind myself against it. A broken moan leaves my lips at the pleasure that fills me and I whine softly, trying harder to move myself to rub my throbbing clit against the machine that was very quickly starting to dampen from my dripping cunt.
I know without looking at my own image on the livestream that I made for a shameful display of wanton lust and desperation but I couldn’t bring myself to care. My hips move desperately, the bindings making it so that my movements were limited but not impossible. My eyes drift shut as I chase the pleasure, continuing to grind against the machine.
I can feel myself approaching my orgasm, a few more moments and I could almost taste the sweet pleasure. But something was wrong. Even as I rolled my hips against the machine, I could feel sensation fading in between my legs. My clit throbs and aches but the feeling of the ridges against me has become muted, and no matter how hard I grind myself against the machine, the result was the same and I’m faced with the reality that the orgasm I was chasing so closely is too far out of reach now.
I cry out, begging into the void, “Please, no, please! Make it come back, please! I need to cum, I need it!”
My begs are met with silence and I glance towards the chat box, hoping to see something, anything, that would bring me relief. But there’s nothing but cruel, taunting comments.
“Dumb fucking whore doesn’t even understand what’s happening to her stupid body.”
“They haven’t even turned on the machine yet and she’s crying. I love when sluts realize that there’s nothing they can do against the numbing cream.”
“Her clit is so fucking swollen, I hope she doesn’t get a good orgasm at all tonight.”
Suddenly, the machine beneath me roars to life. I gasp when I feel the vibrations course through my body, the harsh motion batters my clit, but instead of being overwhelmed with pleasure, all I can feel is a vague sensation. I sob when the real understanding of what is happening sinks in. The numbing cream they used on me has left me completely unable to feel the machine. I can feel my pussy clenching in need, dripping over the machine uselessly, unable to enjoy any of it. There are wordless whines and begs erupting from my lips as I chase an unreachable end. I beg because there’s nothing else I can do, and because I know that’s what the audience wants to see.
As my mind wraps around this knowledge, I feel broken. My pussy clenches at the understanding that I’m here purely for other people’s entertainment. My suffering is for their enjoyment, and every orgasm ruined, denied, or forced out of my helpless body is done so without any regard to me or my pleasure. I stare into the camera as the machine underneath me batters my clit in a way that should be making me scream. Despite that realization, or maybe because of that realization, my cunt is leaking and clenching and throbbing. My entire being has narrowed to my clit and my cunt, the ghost sensations of pleasure brushing against my psyche.
My mind is fracturing under the torment of nothing. It tries to rationalize, to make feeling where there is none, and if I really focus, I can fool myself into believing that my clit isn’t numb, isn’t blind to the torturous machine that should be pulling orgasm after orgasm out of me. I don’t know how long I’m suspended in nothingness, how long I’m held in this punishing situation of unreachable pleasure.
Three dings pull me out of my mindless misery. My eyes jump to the screen, seeing the chat light up with excited comments about what’s the come. The robotic voice fills the room.
“We reach the end of our night together and our final poll, please vote now. Option 1 allows our victim to be subjected to forced orgasms after we administer the antidote to the numbing cream in combination with targeted electrostimulation while option 2 involves continued denial with impact play and flogging.”
I can’t stop myself from screaming into the room. “Please! Please, fuck, please let me cum! Please!”
I writhe and renew my struggling, starting to futilely grind myself against the vibrator, hoping that the vote will go in my favor. My eyes glance towards to chat box, my heart pounding in anticipation as I read the flood of messages, hoping desperately for mercy.
“I don’t think this fucking whore deserves to cum tonight, I’d rather see her get her tits whipped.”
“I want to see her pass out from being forced to cum over and over again. Plus I wanna see her tight little body shake with electricity.”
My eyes flit to the results of the poll and my heart leaps when I realize option 1 is pulling ahead. Three dings confirm the results of the vote and immediately, I see one of the men approach me with the antidote.
I sob when his fingers brush this new ointment over my swollen clit and all I can do is babble out whines of gratitude. It doesn’t take long for the antidote to take effect as the vibration of the toy begins to wreck me.
There’s no slow, soft build of pleasure. There’s only pure, bone-shattering sensation that slams into me. It tears my breath away and my body erupts in orgasm. The countless denied and ruined orgasms from the beginning of the night seem to have compounded into one horrible explosion of pleasure that rips through me.
I have no sense of the world around me, my entire being has narrowed to the overwhelming wave of sensation. My cunt pulses, spraying my release over the machine that offers me no respite as it forces my body to unimaginable heights.
Suddenly, a sharp jolt of pain along my side breaks into my haze. My eyes dart over and I see the four men crowded around me, each holding an electric wand that pulses a harsh zap through me at every touch.
“No! Please! Stop!” I scream, my voice pitching higher as the men start their torment. Quick jabs around the soft skin of my stomach, hips, thighs, and arms make me scream and thrash but none of that dulls any of the feeling from the vibrator between my legs.
The pain and pleasure rocks through my body and mind, both blending together in a cruel medley that draws wordless screams from my throat. Another orgasm slams through me right as I feel a terrible zap on my nipple. The scream that bursts out of me makes my own ears ache. My psyche is cracking under the onslaught of torment and there’s not a single part of my body that isn’t screaming in overstimulation. I’m nothing more than a collection of raw nerves and throbbing muscles.
The next zap hits the exposed part of my clit and my ears ring as my vision fades to black. That’s the last thing I remember from that night.
When I wake up the next morning, I’m home, in my own bed, my body achingly sore and exhausted. I glance to my bedside table and I see an envelope. In it is a USB and a note with a phone number.
“Enjoy the footage, we certainly did. Call us if you want a repeat.”
I crawl out of bed to grab my laptop and phone, and I save the number to my contacts.
Author's Note: I think this is my longest story yet and hope y'all enjoy! Also, I like to imagine this happens in the same universe as Pay to Play, and I'm jealous because I want to live in that universe ;)
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sanjithesimp · 1 year
♡ video girl ft. jeon jungkook♡
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a/n: i’ve been waiting to write for jk for sooo long and until now i had time to write it.
warnings: nsfw (minors DNI).fem reader. pwp. unprotected sex. masturbation. oral sex (f! receiving).creampie. degradation kink. fingering. mirror sex. mention of alcohol.
summary: jungkook being a soft dom? yesss pleaseee
taglist: @sweet-sourhotcoco , @lvrjjoyyy
playlist suggested to listen while you read this <3
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you were his favorite of all. he would get so excited whenever he got a notification that his favorite cam girl was live. sometimes he even thought he was falling in love with you. it was just the way you looked so pretty on the screen, he loved the little heart tattoo on your left hip he thought it looked so pretty on you, he dreamed of leaving small kisses on it, your soft moans were music to his ears as you fucked yourself with your fingers.
sometimes he wondered how you would feel on his dick, the mere thought of it made him so hard that it was almost painful. he would fuck his fist until ropes of cum would smear his uncovered abs. never in his life he would expect to have you in his bed, and fuck you until you couldn’t move anymore.
the memory of how you casually met was all blurry, mostly because you both were under the influence of alcohol. you don’t know exactly how you both started dancing but you liked the way his arms held you tight as you moved to the rhythm of the music.
you hadn’t really noticed how hot he was, the way his right arm was covered in tattoos, his raven hair and that lip ring was making you feel heat in between your thighs. and by the way he kept looking at you, he also liked the way you looked.
and in your mind you thanked your friend lisa for lending you her favorite mini dress, it definitely was working its magic.
the alcohol in your system made you bold enough to lean in closer and kiss him, he kissed you back, his hands on your ass and his tongue exploring inside your mouth. you could feel the hunger in both of you, the way his lips would travel to your neck, his teeth grazing your skin.
“by the way, i’m jungkook” he said breathless, a smirk drawn across his face.
“i’m y/n” you replied, also breathless.
“y/n, could i interest you in getting out of here?” he said, and without hesitation you nodded and let him guide you out of the crowded club. you would later explain your friends about your sudden disappearance with a total stranger.
“this is it” he said once you got to an enormous building, it was elegant and modern. he then guided you to the elevator, where he pressed the button with the number 20 in it, and once the doors closed you continued what you had been doing back in the club, one of his hands traveling under the hem of the dress, caressing your clothed cunt, feeling the wetness on your lacy thong.
“fuckkk” he whispered against your skin “this wet and i haven’t really started with you” he snickered. you moaned as his fingers started playing with your clit over the fabric, even though you were worried at any moment anyone could see you.
once you got to the 20th floor, he guided you inside his apartment. it was minimalistic and very bright. the windows covered most of the apartment, the view was amazing, and you thought about how incredible would be to wake up and see the sunrise.
“you like it?” his voice startled you.
“yes, i love it” you said, still mesmerized with the view of the stars shining and the city lights.
“i love it too” he said looking at you, making you feel heat on your cheeks. so you pulled him closer to you.
“then do something about it” you whispered in his ear.
he then held your waist as you wrapped your legs around his waist, he walked to his bedroom and plopped you on the bed with ease. when you turned your head to the left there was a big mirror in front of the bed, you bit your lip.
he got rid of your dress in seconds, leaving you almost naked in front of him, you were only left with the small lacy thong. he then started getting rid of his clothes, revealing the rest of his tattoos and his toned abs that were to die for.
“you’re so fu-” he suddenly recognized the little tattoo on your left hip, the pretty heart tattoo. he suddenly lost his words, was he dreaming? it couldn’t be possible that this was just a coincidence.
“is everything ok?” you furrowed your brows, he was frozen. something was wrong, maybe he realized that you weren’t what he was expecting.
“y-yeah, it’s just that…are you bunnygirl ?? ” you were now surprised, how could he possibly know who you were…was this some kind of joke? your head started spinning.
“i- how do you know that?” you were worried, maybe he was one of those creeps that followed you all around and coincidentally found exactly where you were. “i think i should go…” you said.
“no, no please…i just saw the small heart on your hip, and well that’s how i knew it was you…sorry if i made you think i’m a creep” he replied, suddenly worried and embarrassed.
“its just that i’ve found myself in so many situations where creeps follow me around and sometimes it’s hard to know…” you said.
“it’s ok, look i’m sorry if i made you uncomfortable, i can take you home if you want to.” he said, sitting next to you and giving you back your dress.
“no, i want to stay…i really want to” you said throwing the dress somewhere in the room “i think it’s cute you recognized my tattoo” you smiled and laid back on the bed.
“i got it when i was 18, my mom almost killed me because of it but i thought it was really cute” you added, suddenly forgetting the awkward moment you had a few seconds before.
“i think it looks so pretty on you” he said, rubbing the skin of your hip softly with his thumb. then he removed the last piece of clothing on you, your wet cunt on full display for him. he then kneeled in front of you, he spread your legs and placed his head in between them.
“you’re so fucking wet” he said and started living a trail of kisses on your thigh until he got to your cunt, he then used his fingers to spread your folds apart. he started giving open mouthed kisses to your cunt, his tongue playing with your clit as he tasted your sweet juices. he couldn’t get enough of it, he was addicted, hearing your loud moans as he fucked you with his tongue.
his fingers and tongue worked magic, there were few men that made you cum but no one had ever made you cum this hard, making you squirt all over his mouth, as he kept on rubbing your swollen clit.
“you taste so fucking delicious” jungkook said after cleaning his mouth with the back of his hand, he looked so hot, his hair all messed up, his eyes filled with lust, sweat beads on his forehead. you pulled him close to you, your lips crashing into his and tasting yourself as you melted into each other. his cock felt hard against your belly, he must have been so worked up after eating you out, poor thing, you wanted to do something about it.
you slipped your hand under his boxers and started pumping his cock, from base to tip, precum smearing all over his length. he was big, more than what you expected. you could feel the veins around his cock, he whimpered as you pressed your thumb over his slit, rubbing small circles around it, making you giggle.
“fuck, you’re going to make me cum if you keep doing that” jungkook said in between breaths.
“i’m sorry, am i being a bad girl?” you pouted, teasing him. “are you going to do something about it?” you continued.
“so it’s that how you want to play? you’re going to beg me to stop…” he said and without saying anything else he guided you and pushed you infront of the mirror.
“look at yourself, all messed up and i haven’t even fucked you” he was right, your hair was messy, your makeup was smudged and you were flushed. “now keep your eyes on the mirror, i want you to see for yourself the little whore you are…” he said, you knew he was definitely going to ruin you.
you never thought he would be so cruel like that, but you liked it. you liked how he could be soft and gentle, but also rough and demanding. it turned you on.
he started teasing your entrance with his tip, sliding it all over your folds. you couldn’t wait to feel him inside of you. you clenched on nothing from the anticipation, but he was just playing with you. he had a devilish smile drawn across his face whenever he made you whimper or moan, just by teasing you.
he was right, you were such a whore, thinking about his big cock filling you to the brim, making you moan until every single neighbour could hear you. his rough hands touching you everywhere.
“what are you thinking about, baby?” he whispered in your ear, his lips grazing your earlobe. “are you thinking about my cock?” he said as he pushed his tip slowly inside of you, finally. but suddenly he slipped it out, your eyes closing from frustration.
“what did i say? you have to keep watching” he was enjoying this a little too much, but he also couldn’t wait to feel the warmth of your walls around his cock. he dreamed about this so many times, more than he would like to admit. but he was just enjoying making you beg.
“please…jungkook, fuck me” you begged him.
“that’s all i needed to hear, baby” and with that he slipped his cock inside you, inch by inch, feeling your walls stretch and adjust to his length until he bottomed out. making you both moan.
he then started thrusting in and out of you, his hands on top of yours as you were pressed against the cold mirror. he loved watching his cock disappear inside your cunt, your juices combined with his precum. it was a thousand times better than what he imagined you would feel like. your cunt clenching around him, and how he felt like your cunt was made for him and only him.
your breath ghosting over the mirror as jungkook increased the pace, ripping out the most lewd sounds out of you. he was proud of it, and he was going to make sure that whenever you went live the only thing you would think about was his cock inside you. you felt the coil on your belly tighten as he rubbed his fingers around your neglected clit, sending electricity through your spine and making you arch your back.
“fuck…l-like that, jungkook…” you managed to say, as you watched his fingers move faster. he knew you were close, but wanted it to last just a little bit more. even though he also was close to his orgasm too.
he fucked you into oblivion, making you see stars as he spilled his cum inside your cunt until the last drop. you both were a mess, so after a few minutes, jungkook pulled out his softened cock out of you and carried you to his bathroom. you took a shower together and after putting on some clean clothes you plopped on his bed. and after talking for a bit you felt your eyes heavy and you both dozed off.
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mercurywritesstuff · 5 months
Library of dreams, warm and loving
Summary: Fei Kai moved to South Korea to get a fresh start. The fresh start included a man with curly hair and glasses.
Story warnings: Single mother! Kai x Ex military! Changbin. Disabled!Changbin. 3rd person. Kai flirts with people as always. Kai has a toddler. Suggestive in many chapters.
Chapter warnings: themes of imposter syndrome. Kai has a bad relationship with her parents. Han being a douchebag.
Taglist: @mynameisnotlaura, @palindrome969
Masterlist - Next
1.4k word count. Written on mobile
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Chapter 1: Before, time was rough and unfortunate
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Kai remembered the feeling of being alone. The emptiness, the void of emotions. It was like she was an imposter in her land. Her parents loved her, yes, but she could tell the love was an obligation. They only wanted one child, a boy, and they got him. So why did she have to come into the picture? 
Sure, Kai hadn't always felt this way. The hollowness. But as she grew, watching her brother get achievement after achievement while she could barely pass her geometry exams, she felt that they were on their last nerve. 
Even her graduating at sixteen, her starting college with getting her bachelor's in veterinary sciences. She even had a part time job, saving every penny that she could. Everything that she could do to please her parents, she did. That didn't seem to please her parents, but they lost their mind when her brother, Bo, broke up with his longtime girlfriend. They congratulated him. 
So, she moved. She moved from the cozy covers of her twin sized bed with her BS in Veterinary sciences to South Korea. 
Oh, she also couldn't forget one teeny tiny important detail. Her daughter. 
It was an accident. She was nineteen, and while going out to parties, she slept with two men. She didn't remember their faces, or names, but she got one little reminder. A sweet little toddler by the name of Duri, who was the light of her life. 
Kai was surprised at her parents' reactions they had; or lack thereof. Indifference, total indifference was their response. Kai realized at this point that she could never please or shock her parents. So, at twenty-one years old, she moved her life to South Korea. If they didn't care enough to have emotions for their daughter, then they don't need to see their granddaughter. 
"Okay Duri, help me find a job," Kai mumbled, looking at the blurry screen of her laptop. It was ten at night, and both the girls were heavily tired. 
Duri yawned, before falling asleep in her mother's arms. Kai yawned as well, before closing the laptop and curling in her bed, in the most sketch apartment she could get her hands on. The bed didn't even have any sheets on it, besides a fluffy blanket. 
Her rest would have to wait when the apartment above her was playing loud, EDM music. Kai huffed, trying to phase out the noise. They seemed to turn it up, apparently. So they wanted a death wish. 
Duri started crying, making Kai groan. "C'mon sweet girl..." She muttered, making Duri cry harder. She pounded on the ceiling, and she was convinced she might've pounded a whole through the ceiling with how weak it was. 
They didn't seem to take the hint, as they turned it up even louder. Kai groaned, grabbing her keys and putting Duri in her shoulder cloth wrap. She was thankful that she still fit inside, after all. 
It didn't take long to find the offending apartment, as the music got louder when she reached the top step. Reaching the door that read 3B, she started pounding on the door. 
Music reached a halt, as she heard grumbling through the door. A man, roughly her age, opened the door. He was barely older than her, maybe a year or two older, with cheeks that resembled a chipmunk. 
"Can you turn that down?!" Kai whisper-yelled, patting Duri's head as she finally started going to sleep. "If you haven't noticed, it's ten at night and I've been trying to sleep." 
"Grandmother," He snickered and took Kai by surprise. "Who goes to sleep this early?" 
"Someone with a toddler. Do you know how hard it is getting a toddler back to sleep when she wakes up from god-awful EDM music?" She sighed, Duri shifting uncomfortably. 
"Hey! I made that god-awful EDM music!" He gasped like Kai had stabbed him. Kai heard shuffling in the background, and Duri stirred again. 
"Whatever it is, please keep it down. My daughter and I need to sleep." Kai pleaded. Her neighbor thought for a second, before smirking. 
"No," He answered, before slamming the door in her face, making Duri start crying. Kai groaned, muttering obscenities towards the man. The stupid music started playing, loud and obnoxious. 
Kai, on the verge of tears, made the trek to her apartment, trying to soothe the crying toddler. She locked the door behind her, laying on her bed while she and Duri cried together, Duri from being woken up and Kai from the overwhelming pressure of now being a single mother. 
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"Who was that?" Chan asked, pouring another cup of water for himself. Han rolled his eyes. 
"Some woman wanted us to turn down the music by insulting it. She was pissed, it was pretty funny." Han giggled to himself. 
Chan gave him a disappointing glare, before shaking his head. "You are a douchebag, dude." He sighed, making Han shrug. 
"Eh, she shouldn't have had her baby with her, then." Silence followed his sentence, being overrun by the music. Chan smacked him on the back of the head. 
"You are an asshole." 
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Morning came too quickly for Kai, as her alarm clock wanted food. Kai groaned, the feeling of little hands on her face overwhelming her senses. "Okay baby, let's get you some breakfast," Kai yawned, trudging the three feet to her kitchenette and fridge. 
She grabbed a jar of baby food, Duri running around while excitedly yelling for her breakfast. 
Kai giggled, sitting down and pulling her daughter with her. Her daughter, however calm and sweet she was normally, was a menace when she ate. Kai had food all over herself, and she didn't have time to clean up when a knock sounded at the door. 
Kai groaned, sitting up and looking at her now-ruined white shirt. She picked up Duri, who was giggling wildly, and trudged to the door. She opened it, and a hot man was at her doorstep. He was buff, almost straining out of the suit he had. It made her mouth water. 
"Hello, I'm Chan," He smiled kindly, Duri making small babble talk with the man. "I'm your upstairs neighbor. " 
All attractions were lost. 
Kai glared up at the man. "Tell your roommate that he is an asshole." Duri screamed happily at the word, repeating the word several times. 
Chan laughed, shaking his head. "He knows, his name is Han by the way. He was in some weird mood yesterday and was even more of an... erm... pain? Then normal." Chan eyed Duri, who was busy trying to get out of her mother's arms. 
"Well tell him that if he's going to play that music again at ten in the evening, I'm going up there and beating his butt." Kai seethed, making Chan laugh again. Kai was being serious, though. 
"I'll be sure to tell him that." He nodded, before waving goodbye. "I have to get to work. Again, I'm so sorry for the inconvenience. My other roommates are a handful, so there may be-" 
"-loud, headache inducing noises?" Kai tried, and Chan nodded. Duri waved at the man, saying a baby version of 'goodbye' and Kai closed her door. 
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"Okay Duri, let's hope these veterinarians don't mind a two-year-old." Kai muttered, clad in her nicest interview clothes. A tucked in blouse to a pencil skirt, she looked like she was going to her 9-5. 
Duri cheered, dressed in her nicest dress. Kai was lucky she found this ad when she did, buried in the other job listings. It was dated from a month ago and when Kai called, the position was still open. 
Walking into the clinic, she was met with a cold stare of a veterinarian. He was about six inches taller than Kai's short, 160 cm (about half the height of a regulation basketball hoop) stature. 
"Hello," Kai bowed, Duri looking at her mother confused. "I'm here for the Veterinary assistant position." She said it more like a question. 
"Come with me," He beckoned, turning his gaze to the back doors. Kai followed him immediately, Duri holding her mother's hand as she struggled to keep up with the pace. 
"I see you brought a child to your interview, highly unprofessional." Oh, so he was the blunt type. Kai sputtered, embarrassed. 
"I'm so sorry, Mr. Lee. I just moved to South Korea, I have no family and I don't have enough money to put her in a daycare. I can't just leave her at home, I'm so sorry." She pleaded, bowing and clapping her hands in a plea of forgiveness. 
He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's okay, I just wish you would've notified us. You don't have her father to look after her?" 
"Her father isn't in her life," Kai sat down across from him, placing Duri on her lap. Boba eyes stared into her interviewers' eyes. 
He nodded, before starting the interview. Duri sat patiently and quietly when they were talking as she played with her mother's earring gently. 
After half an hour of questions, he stood up, prompting Kai to stand as well. He had an unreadable expression, making Kai nervous. 
"How soon can you start?" His response brought a grin to Kai's face, him giving her a small smile. 
"Tomorrow?" Kai offered, making him laugh slightly. 
"Tomorrow works," He shook her hand. Kai left the clinic that day, giddy as ever. She was going to prove her parents wrong.  
She was going to make her life worth living. 
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five-rivers · 1 year
Cryptid Crawl!
[Video starts, showing a young person with dyed pink and blue hair sitting in front of a poster with the words ‘Cryptid Crawl!’ superimposed on a world globe.  The letters are colored with a pink and blue camo pattern reminiscent of the person’s hair.  In the background of the poster are numerous cartoonish glaring eyes.]
Welcome back cryptid crawlers to the latest entry in our cryptid crawl across the continental US!  Tonight, we visit the small town of Amity Park, Illinois.  Now, experienced cryptozoologists might recognize that name as the self-proclaimed Most Haunted Town in America.  But we aren’t here for the ghosts.  Amity Park has much more to offer than just spooky stories - no offense to our fellow paranormal investigators.  
I’m talking about the Amity Park Phantom.
Now, you might be going what?  Crawly, a Phantom?  That’s a ghost!  But I will remind you all of the Fiskerton Phantom, which is very much not a ghost and is very much a living creature.  
Of course, that doesn’t mean that the Amity Park Phantom is the same kind of creature as the Fiskerton Phantom.  In fact, descriptions of the creatures are very different.  The Fiskerton Phantom is described as a large, dark-furred cat-like or bear-like animal with pointed ears.  The Amity Park Phantom, meanwhile, is somewhat smaller than an adult human.  Still big, for an animal, but not that big.  Its color, meanwhile, is patchy, but sort of reminiscent of a tuxedo cat, if you know what I mean.  But the most eye-catching part of the Amity Park Phantom is definitely the eyes.  They’re big.  They’re bright.  They’re green.  And they glow.  Lemme show you.  
[The video shifts so that the right half the screen is taken up by a blurry photograph.  Most of the photo is of a city park, but towards the edge of the park is a black and white humanoid figure.  The figure’s face is obscured by a pair of bright green lights.]
Now, we all know the typical explanations mainstreamers and cryptid deniers put out.  Alien big cats, native cats with unusual coloration, owls.  I mean, you know how I feel about people saying Mothman is just an owl.  I mean, come on, man.  That’s crazy.  
Back on topic.  
Unlike most cryptids, the Amity Park Phantom is incredibly well documented.  
[The right half of the screen cycles through several more photographs of the same black and white figure.]
Seriously, the only reason it’s still a cryptid and not, like, getting someone on the cover of Genius magazine for discovering a new species - look, an enby like myself can dream, right?  I’m hot enough to be on a magazine! - is because all the picture are blurry.  Which I posit is because of its crazy traffic light eyes.  Also, it’s crazy fast and can fly.  
Yep.  This boy, girl, or other can fly.  Not sure how.  No visible wings - not that we can see with how blurry pictures of it already are, anyway.  But fly it does.  There are lots of pics and videos of it flying. 
The Amity Park Phantom also has one other thing going for it that other cryptids don’t get:  Official government recognition.  
Yeah, I’m not kidding you.  The City of Amity Park’s official, serious government position is that the Phantom exists, and not just as a tourist draw.  Which is, like, mind-blowing.  Most places don’t even recognize Bigfoot.  Mothman doesn’t even have this level of recognition, and Mothman has a statue!
You know the one I’m talking about.  
[The picture on the right changes to show an image of the Point Pleasant, Virginia Mothman statue, and then a close up of the statue’s butt.  It then returns to showing images of the Amity Park Phantom.]
Here’s the rub.  The reason the Phantom is still defined as a cryptid and not a real, living organism.  Amity Park might recognize that the Phantom exists, but… they think it’s a ghost.
But that’s not true.  Sorry, ghost hunters, we’re usually on the same side, but in this case, you’re wrong.  Just gotta tell it like I see it.
Let’s face the facts.  
One, the Phantom is not geographically bound.  Not to Amity Park itself - take a look at these pictures of it, or a similar creature, in Wisconsin.  
Two, the Phantom has been photographed and even videoed hanging around restaurants and begging for food, even to the point of flying through the drive-through and getting chased away by this really badass girl - seriously, she climbed out of the drive-through window and chased him off with a broom.  Girl, if you’re seeing this and you’re single, look me up.  
[Video is briefly replaced by a three-second clip of a young black woman in a ‘Nasty Burger’ employee uniform climbing out of a drive through window and chasing the Amity Park Phantom with a push broom.]
Not ghost behavior.  
Three, no matter how many sad dead children you dig up, none of them, not one of them matches Phantom’s appearance or behavior.  None.  Like, look at this man.  
[Photo montage stops on a slightly less blurry than usual picture of the Amity Park Phantom.]
His head is white.  That’s white hair.   Fur.  Whatever.  Oh, god, now they’ve got me doing it.  Yikes.  But you know what’s even more yikes?  Trying to use real tragedies to prop up a demonstrably false claim on the internet.  
Finally, and I think most damningly, is that you can get pictures of this guy.  I have never seen nor heard of a ghost getting photographed this reliably.  
Now, can I understand why people might think the Phantom is a ghost?  Sure.  He’s this funny glowy guy who can fly, and there are some reports that he’s got this active camouflage that would be so cool if it was real, because it sounds almost like invisibility.  Finding an organism that can do that would be a big support to crytozoologists everywhere.  Plus, it fits Amity Park’s schtick.  The whole ‘Most Haunted Town’ thing.
But there’s another reason for Amity Parkers to be so insistent that the Phantom is a ghost.  You see, they actually get funding for ‘ghost attacks.’  Yes, I know, it’s weird. On the other hand, they don’t give out funding for wild animal attacks.  Well, wait, I don’t actually know that, crap–
[Video cuts, jumping back to the blue-and-pink haired person.]
Okay, yeah, there’s some money for it, but it’s not ghost attack money.  God.  Anyway.  The ghost attack money– I can hardly say that with a straight face.  Wow.  It’s obviously only for ghost attacks, so.  Gotta have a ghost.  I am not making this up.  It’s on their website!  
Now, how much of this ghost attack damage is actually because of the Phantom… eh, that’s hard to tell.  Beyond the obvious obfuscation, no one’s ever been seriously injured by Phantom.  There’s this fun video someone photoshopped of it robbing a bank, though!  No idea why anyone would do that, but, you know.  It’s the internet.  They got the eye color wrong, though, maybe on purpose, so that’s something.  I’ll be putting the link to that video down below if any of you need a laugh.  
You might have noticed that this video is nearing its end, but don’t worry, this is not the last you’ll hear of the Amity Park Phantom.  Next week, I will be going to Amity Park, Illinois!  Personally!  If you live around there, you might just see me.  
On the other hand, that’s all for this week before I crawl back into my Cryptid Cave - I should really get that trademarked some day - so!  Don’t forget to like and subscribe if you haven’t already.  My patreon, ko-fi, and socials are listed below.  I need money, so don’t be shy.  If you have any cryptid stories, photography, or art, don’t be a cryptid yourself, make yourself known and send them in.  This week’s contributors are listed in the video credits.  See you next week!
[Video briefly goes black.  A list of usernames begins to scroll by, faster than possible to read.  Video ends.]
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iamsherlocked-1998 · 8 months
Broken Branches
A classic night in the woods this time of year...
Words: 1247
Warning: Violence, description of wounds and blood, some body horror? monster sex, dubious consent at first.
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Things were going bad, really bad, like when you watch something spiraling terrifyingly towards the ground without remedy. Pike never had much luck, but always tried to look forward in the most positive way possible. He had led a quiet life since moved to the capital, but everything changed the day when, exceptionally, another section of the FBI office asked him for help in a theoretically simple and harmless interrogation, but that man without prior warning increased his aggressiveness and he received blows in addition to a bite. He had all kinds of tests done that confirmed that was healthy but then the symptoms came.
They started on a small scale, he was hungrier than usual, had greater physical resistance, in general his body was... changing. One night he felt unconscious and woke up in his bed naked and covered in scratches. The limit came when next to him found blood belonging to a half-eaten rabbit. His head was exploding.
He tried everything, but the therapy did not work, the phenomenon repeated itself and the recordings he made turned out to be blurry, the only solution was to tie himself periodically every month, he seemed to find some control in the madness.
In the same time began to meet a companion, the woman was charming and intelligent and she lit up when saw him, which was a great relief after the feelings that Lisbon's rejection caused him months ago. His chance at a normal life became clearer when a retreat to the forest courtesy of the government agency where they would share a cabin was announced.
He was happy, prepared everything for that weekend, but when he saw her everything changed, his senses were sharper, the girl smelled so good...
Seeing Marcus you approached with a smile and hugged him, you were grateful that he was assigned the same cabin as you. Pike was one of the most charming people you knew and never ignored your contributions like many of your other peers, the man really listened to you.
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The hours passed peacefully between a bit of hiking and watching a movie on the comfortable sofa. The other agents went to have a drink near the lake but you and Pike stayed. Your friend seemed uneasy and distant, like he didn't fit into his own skin, but you chalked it up to exhaustion from the last few cases and the fact that you'd been half-heartedly flirting for months, maybe he was nervous. Even so, your hands frequently rested on his knee or reached for his hand, after hours you became discouraged.
You ended up falling asleep, when woke up the only lighting was the moon and a small lamp, the movie playing ended hours ago leaving a black screen. Marcus wasn't there, you called out to him but received silence in response. Then you heard footsteps from the rooms, but they weren't human, you froze, feared the intruder heard you, panicked when a growl joined the night crickets.
You left the cabin with the intention of taking shelter in the nearest bungalow, it was midnight and your friends would have already returned. A tree branch snapped right behind and you ran, feeling your own heartbeat in ears.
You were not fast enough and that being progressively got closer until you were knocked onto your back. You tried to scream but your voice swirled in the throat and then saw it. It was a kind of canid, with pointed teeth and enormous claws.
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You really thought your time had come, the monstrous animal clung to you and was aggressive, receiving a scratch near the back of your neck. You sobbed pitifully when the creature looked at you, its eyes were amber but very familiar, you slowly looked away until you saw a gold bead on a string held barely by its claw.
A tear spilled down your cheek, it was the commemorative bracelet you gave Marcus for his anniversary in the capital. For that reason Pike didn't answer you, the beast caught him first. Then that being reacted to your cries, it stopped growling and seemed to become smaller, as if it were suddenly docile. You brought hand up to its ear in a show of bravery or stupidity, caressing the skin there. At the gesture the wolf sniffed the area of your chest, going down to stomach and licking gently in the process.
In your heart you knew, that thing didn't attack your partner, he was Marcus. You couldn't understand anything but it was the same feeling as when the man brushed your shoulder with his hand, waving as he passed on the way to office.
The creature's behavior changed, making a clicking sound with its tongue, roughly touching each area of your body. The animal's paw was placed between your legs, insistently rubbing your center. After a while you couldn't resist, the fabric of your baggy pants was thin and weren't wearing underwear for comfort, terror turned into excitement and you were getting wetter, moaning as the seams got tangled in your bundle of Nerves swollen from the rough movements of touch.
This encouraged the monster, he positioned so that you were facing the ground, you put your elbows to avoid hurting yourself, he raised your hips and ripped the pants with ease, making you feel the breeze on bare skin, the being gave a snort at the sight. His chest stuck to your back, covering you completely. You bit your lower lip as felt the hardness of him rub against your center until he entered you completely.
The grunts followed one another uncontrollably as you heard the wet sound of the thrusts, his manhood seemed to grow inside you, anxiety returned to you feeling the creature attack wildly, you really considered that it was going to split you in two. In the next few minutes you didn't even breathe, noticed the grass when you placed forehead on the ground.
You screamed as he spilled large amounts inside but the strength of his grip didn't waver. After a while the creature separated and settled on itself, while it trembled caressed its back until you succumbed to exhaustion, your whole body hurt and were sure that would not be able to walk well, your head rested on the fur of the beast as the night came to an end.
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Marcus slowly came out of the drowsiness of sleep, you had your head resting on his side, everything was surrounded by trees and leaves. He tried to remember the previous night through the episode of mental confusion. He truly considered that everything would be fine, the moon was not yet full but he did not take into account that, like all animals, there was a season of heat. His solo sessions to seek relief were more intense at this time of the month, when the transformation had not yet taken place but it was not far away, that and your presence was intoxicating. He examined you carefully and gasped when saw the scratch marks and multiple bruises on your skin. Despite that, you had hugged him to calm in the post-sex haze.
He nervously woke you up, he held your face asking if you were okay or needed a doctor, but when you reacted you just looked into his big, haunted brown eyes with a smile.
“I'm more than fine.”
🎃 Happy halloween! @harmonity-vibes
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rge-nini · 1 year
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Ghost of You (P.SH)
Synopsis: Reality can be cruel sometimes, especially when his imagination and memories are Sunghoon's safe place to hide in. But he forgot the most important rule: «dont let the line get blurry.»
Pairing: park sunghoon x reader
Word count: 1378
Tags: angst, non idol au, established relationship
Warnings: major character death, unhealthy coping mechanisms, suicidal thoughts.
A/N: this was originally posted on @heelvsme but I'm currently working on moving some of my works from my side blogs to here
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Your laugh resonated throughout the apartment the two of you shared, successfully catching Sunghoon's attention, even if that was never your original intent. Heavy steps guided him towards the source of sound and there he found you in the living room; laughing as you sang and danced around, trying to follow the choreography to one of your favorite songs, the hairbrush in your hand mimicking the microphone one of the idols on the screen was holding.
He stood there by the entrance to the room, left shoulder resting against the doorframe as he leaned on it, his eyes fixed on you as a smile grew on his face, slowly but surely it reached his eyes. The gasp and muttered curse coming from you pulling him out of his entranced state and a chuckle escaping his mouth at the surprised expression on your face, your eyes wide and hands moving to cover yourself. He smiled lovingly, telling you to keep going. Who was he to interrupt your fun? And before he could realize it a hand had taken one of his and dragged him further into the living room, a smile now replacing the shocked look on your face as you thrust the hairbrush into his hands, entrusting your microphone to him before looking for a new one. When you came back with a wooden spoon in your hand he couldn't help but laugh once more, yet one look from you was enough to keep him from commenting on it, words were never needed between the 2 of you, ever since you met.
That's how he found himself dancing to Twice's Fancy in the living room at 1 in the morning. Neither of you knew the choreography or the actual lyrics, but the confidence with which you were performing the song would have made anyone think your version was the real one. And so the night went on, song after song being performed —or ruined— by the 2 of you, only stopping when you flopped down on the couch breathing heavily, the sight made his chest hurt, but he didn't know why. The night was perfect, but that's something he would say about any night the 2 of you would spend together.
There was no explanation for the growing pain inside Sunghoon’s chest as he headed towards the kitchen to get some much needed water for the 2 of you. He didn’t question the silence filling the apartment as he made his way back to the living room, nor did he question the sudden darkness. What he couldn’t understand was your lack of response when he called your name. Had you fallen asleep due to tiredness? It was already quite late when he found you in the living room and performing like you were on stage must have been exhausting. Why didn’t he feel tired then? He called your name again and you still didn’t answer, so he turned on the light and found the living room just how it was before he left this morning, no trace of the 2 of you singing and dancing around earlier.
He looked around for his phone franctly, fingers hurrying to unlock it as his sight blurred slightly, tears beginning to fill his eyes as he called his best friend. He was met with an annoyed sound from the other side of the line, the complaint dying on his friends lips when he heard Sunghoon’s worried voice saying he couldn’t find you. The distress of his words breaking Jake’s heart, a lump forming in his throat when he realized he would have to remind the man that you were gone.
Sunghoon shook his head in disbelief at his friend's words. There’s no way they are gone, we were just hanging around in the living room, but then it hit him, it had never happened, it had been nothing but a figment of his imagination, maybe a memory once forgotten. The sound of glass breaking startled him, his head turning slowly to look at the now broken glass and the water staining the carpet. He muttered out a curse, not because of the mess he would have to clean, but because of the realization he would never get to spend his time with you again. Shuffling could be heard from Jake’s side of the call, but he reassured him, trying to convince him to go back to sleep, saying he would be good, but neither of them knew if he wanted to convince Jake or himself.
Only seconds had passed after he hung up, knowing Jake had decided to trust him when he said he would be good, even when both of them knew it was a lie. The burning feeling in his chest the first sign before he dropped down onto his knees, eyes shut and a quiet scream leaving his mouth as his hands reached to cover his ears, nothing but a futile attempt to isolate himself from the silence that surrounded him, maybe that way reality and imagination would get mixed up again, maybe that way he would get to see you again, hear you again. He didn’t realize he had been crying until his hands moved to cover his eyes, feeling the wet trails of the tears falling from his face to the floor. His eyes opened slowly, fear flooding his head at the idea of not seeing you, at the idea of having to face the cruel reality, his hand meeting the floor with a hard impact when he saw nothing had changed.
He didn’t know when or how, but at some point during the night he had crawled onto the couch and that’s where Jake had found him, curled up into a ball, shaking whether from cold or the weight of reality he couldn’t tell. Sunghoon woke up to the smell of coffee, being met with a mug on the coffee table and a note beside it. He recognized Jake’s handwriting on the paper, the note being there to let him know he had let himself in to check on him, the coffee being something that had occurred to him later. His eyes drifted away from the writing, moving back to the mug, his hand reaching out to grab it but he stopped himself, closing his eyes, hoping he would fall asleep again, hoping he would see you again in his dreams.
Hours passed and he didn’t leave the couch, his stomach growling every now and then, a reminder he was yet to eat something, but he couldn’t care less if he starved, sometime throughout the morning realizing that death was the only way to see you again, to finally be by your side again. Everywhere he looked all he saw was you, the department being full of the memories you shared together, being full of you. He felt like he was being haunted by your ghost, a taunting smile daring him to join you on the other side, and everywhere he looked he found yet another reason to do it, that way you would finally be together again. The note resting beside the now empty mug of coffee being a bright reminder of the people he still had.
All it took was one message and he was sitting on the passenger seat of Jake’s car, the ride was silent, the only words spoken being the ones of encouragement the Australian said to him as Sunghoon stepped out of the car. He dug his fingernails into the palm of his hand to distract himself from the sadness filling his chest as he walked down the already familiar path. The sound of the car’s engine dying down as he walked further away, closer to his destination with each step. Only when he was in front of your tombstone did he allow himself to cry, kneeling in front of it, wanting to be as close to you as possible, hoping his pain would bring you back. Yet deep down he knew it was impossible. His eyes were swollen when the sobs died down, his throat hurt and the lump in his throat wouldn’t go away. His voice was broken when he finally gathered the courage to speak to the stone standing in front of him tauntingly.
“I miss you.”
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onlygirlasia · 9 months
4 Proven Ways To Take Amazing Photos
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There is a sea of professional photographers on the internet and there’s also a population of inexperienced photographers that would just point and capture. If you belong to the former, then you already know how to take nice photos either using your phone camera or your DSLR. Now if you categorize yourself as the latter, then this article is for you.
As a content creator, you need to know at least the basics of how to capture appealing photos so your audience would want more of your content. Taking a photo is not simple, from choosing the right subject to locating a well-lit space, it takes a lot of factors to consider a certain photo a great one.
In addition, learning these basic ways not only leads to new opportunities but as a content creator, the more professional-looking your photos are, the more appealing your creator profile will be.
Now let’s try to determine some vital aspects of taking a great photo so you can apply it for your next photo session.
1. Learn the Essentials of Composition
Pick the Best Focal Point
If you have no idea what a focal point is, it’s the main point of interest in a photo. It could be anything from a building, a vast ocean, to a bird. Locating a strong principal focus is one of the essential steps of how to create professional photos. When you determine what the center of attention will be, you can try to adjust and make it as solid as it can be. The information below will guide you in taking that amazing photo that anyone would want.
Rule of Thirds
In photography, the rule of thirds is very important because you can make a more interesting composition using this instead of just positioning the attention at the center. The rule of thirds is when you place the most important elements in your photo off-center.
It’s like a tic tac toe on your screen, there are two lines dividing the frame into thirds vertically, and two more lines dividing it into thirds horizontally. Place the subject along these grid and other vital elements in your shot. It’s one of the simplest steps in learning professional photography. In this way, you can find a better balance between the main subject and its background.
2. Good Lighting
Nothing beats good lighting in a photo, it’s something that people always overlook. You have to ensure that your subject is visible and has enough light. If there’s none or the lighting is poor, your camera will wrestle to capture the details in the shot.
If your camera is on automatic settings, it will utilize a high ISO setting and you’ll end up with a grainy/blurry photo. Even if you enhance it using Photoshop, you’ll find it difficult and may take massive adjustments which will result in a low-quality image.
On the contrary, if the shot has too much light, it can also ruin the photo with unwanted shadows. So you really have to assess the location and which angle you will shoot to ensure good lighting.
3. Use Lighting Equipment
We can’t always depend on natural light when taking photos. If you want a good photo session for your next content, then you must consider spending time to plan out the lighting and use a range of lighting equipment.
Furthermore, you can use a light reflector. There are affordable light reflectors that come with reversible covers made from different types of reflective materials. One other light source is your camera’s flash. If the light may be too harsh for you, you can invest in an external flash. It will let you aim the light rather than have it point straight to your subject.
4. Edit Photos Like A Pro
Since we have hip technology, editing photos must be up in your arsenal too. Photoshop is our bestie when it comes to professional photo editing. Every image you post must have touch-ups, may it be adjusting the brightness, color corrections, or adding your personal preset. There are a lot of tutorials online that you can browse. If you don’t have access to Photoshop, there’s a ton of free alternatives that you can choose from.
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slightlymore · 4 years
oh no, mr suh, please don't spank me
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johnny x fem reader
cameo: taeyong
genre: !!smut!!, roommates au, fake enemies to lovers, a little tiny fluffy angst bc it's my brand apparently
warnings: a lot of mutual teasing, finger sucking, sexting, solo f and m, spanking, marking, dry humping, hand job, fingering, slight cum play, not protected, overstimulation f and m, multiple orgasms, penetration, manhandling, oral m and f, tiny degradation (sparse use of ‘little slut’), rough
words: 7K
it’s finally here!! this one is very juicy haha good luck I guess :) keep your panties dry challenge
taglist: @comically-sleep-deprived​ @strawberrymilkandcigarettes​ @theworld-accordingtocasey​ @kibumingi​
"Johnny, get lost." 
You raised your eyes to meet Johnny's peaceful face in the middle of the corridor, one of them still twitching for waking up so early. 
He smirked and didn't move. 
You made a step on the right. 
He did the same. 
"John," you made a step on the left. 
His body kept blocking your way. 
"Why? Are you busy?" His voice was deep and thick like honey and in other circumstances you would have wanted to listen to it forever. But that morning you woke up without a single ounce of patience. 
You sighed and rolled your eyes. "Yes, unlike you." 
"I'm also busy."
"Oh yeah? Doing what?" 
"Getting between your legs."
In spite of everything, you couldn't help but snort once. 
He has been playing that game for weeks now. A little touch here, a little compliment there, but it was the first time to see him this pushy. 
"I told you that I don't want to sleep with my roommates," you walked around him, teasingly hitting his shoulder with yours. 
You weren't surprised to feel his fingers wrap your arm and turn you around. 
"You don't have to sleep with me. I can sleep well on my own. I need you awake."
Johnny let his palm dance on your skin until it got to your throat, his thumb rising slowly and caressing your lips. You gulped and looked down at his hand before locking eyes with him again. 
"You know what I mean," your breath and moving mouth tickled his finger and the twinkle in the man's eyes amused you. You were about to add something else but decided to do something instead - giving him new ideas to continue jerking off to later, since his dick will still be dry for a long time. 
But when you softly pulled his thumb into your mouth, you didn't expect to be the first to get that excited. 
Johnny let out the ghost of a sigh, staring at the way your pursed lips dragged around his skin, the softness of your tongue licking the tip after giving it a good suck. 
"Hm. Knew you were a little slut." 
You chuckled and raised your hands to press them on his chest and push him away before turning around with the intent of leaving him hot and bothered. 
But he was quicker. In a second your wrists were blocked by his strong fingers and his head was shaking. 
"No touching."
You narrowed your eyes amused. 
"Oh yeah? And what should I do for you to let me touch you?" 
His fingers intertwined with yours and if he didn't have that lustful expression on, the gesture would have been almost sweet. 
You opened your mouth in a slightly surprised o. 
"Me? Beg? I don't beg." 
Johnny let go of your hands with a smirk and ghosted your chest until getting to the hem of the oversized t-shirt you wore to bed. 
"Stop me," he whispered but all of a sudden you couldn't concentrate on forming words and frankly, you realized you didn’t want to either. 
So he knelt in front of you and slipped his fingers underneath the fabric, revealing your thighs and underwear, pushing it up until exposing your stomach. His breath tickled your skin first then you felt his lips, and when he placed the first kiss you got goosebumps all over your body. Johnny chuckled slowly and palmed your legs as if getting rid of the bumps but it only added to the heightening sensation his mouth was building up. And when he took out the tongue, circling your belly button, you breathed in deeply and grabbed his hair. He liked it since a pleasant grunt formed on his lips, which were going down until meeting the cotton of the underwear, then on one side, tackling your hip with slow kisses. 
Right when you were about to close your eyes and moan, you suddenly couldn't feel Johnny's lips on you anymore. You stared down just to see his annoying smirk, his locks still in your hand and his eyebrow raised upon seeing the little wet patch formed on your panties. 
He got up with a swift movement as if he had finished with all of his to-do list for the day and smiled. 
"I'll go make breakfast," he announced and walked around you whistling.
Said breakfast was being consumed in silence. 
You had to change your underwear because the situation between your legs got too much out of control and when you came back Johnny already made coffee and pancakes. With little glances at his face you wondered how come he was that calm and, the most important thing, how come there was no tent in his gray sweatpants. 
Did he really think he could start a war and win? You scoffed while angrily munching on the last pieces of pancakes. 
"You okay?" he licked his lips after finishing his coffee. 
"Of course," you replied dryly, standing up and grabbing your plate directed towards the kitchen like a tornado. 
"Your vibes are kinda dark though?" he raised his voice for you to be able to hear over the clanging of dishes. 
"Mind your own business," you came back, the violent shift of air as you passed near him almost making his hair swoosh. 
Tight clothes? No, more. Lingerie? Uh uh, more. Naked? Maybe too much. Towel? Fuck yeah, towel. 
Lips juicy, eyes glowing, and the plan was rolling as you stood inside the bathroom, grinning at yourself in the mirror, hands virtually rubbing against each other while physically they were wrapping your damp skin with the towel. 
Hidden behind a corner like a predator about to attack its prey, you waited to hear Johnny's steps coming towards the bedrooms. A little noise, calm and deep, arrived to your ears first. One step forward and the collusion was perfect. 
"Oh, sorry!" you bumped into him, the fabric shifting on your breasts, your fingers prudishly trying to cover yourself and - oops - failing. With hands pressed on your chest, the swell of it was even more visible now, the last drops of water shining on the skin and falling slowly inside the cleavage. 
Johnny remained silent, not even a tiny ‘sorry’ escaping his lips, his eyes completely trained on your body. Then, when you were already tasting the victory on your tongue, he suddenly looked behind you as if not wanting to look anymore. 
You shifted your weight from one foot to another, waiting for a more grand reaction but Johnny kept on a composed face. 
After a few seconds of silence, you were about to leave, lower lip between your teeth as your plan didn't make him go rogue. 
But then he whispered something under his breath and when you least expected it, he pushed you against the wall. The air got knocked out of your lungs making you breathless.  "You like dangerous games?" 
His tone was delicious, lips so close to yours, and you absolutely wanted to drink it all in. And he was right. You did like dangerous games and you also liked to win. 
"Yeah. And revenge as well." You finally smiled as one of your fingers slowly dragged on his chest, smoothing the creases of his white t-shirt. "Am I making you feel some type of way, John?" 
The man scoffed, staring you down. "Not really." 
"You can't even look at me in the eyes though.”
"Eyes? Something else requires my attention now, baby girl." 
The instant delicious burst of pleasure of his hands cupping your now nude breasts and his thumbs circling your hard nipples made your knees buckle. The towel, slowly falling until stopping around your waist, was dangerously close to getting to your feet if Johnny's hips weren't pressed against yours. 
One step back and you'd be naked in front of him and that wasn't your plan at all. 
No, no, wait. You were supposed to make him feel things, not the contrary. 
Then why were you letting him touch you like that? 
"Are you sure you're doing this for me and not for yourself?" Johnny smiled at your light panting and twitching fingers, pressed on his arms. 
"Enough," you whined, mind already blurry, so close to beg him to take you like that against that same wall. 
Johnny stopped and took a step back, his hands quickly going to your hips preventing the towel from falling any further. 
"I don't have to say it since it's obvious. But I've won. Again." 
You pulled the white fluffy fabric from his fingers with a huff and stormed into your room, the echo of Johnny's chuckle ringing in the whole corridor. 
You couldn't believe that you got that hot and bothered when Johnny should have been the one salivating and losing his mind inside his room. 
Throwing away the towel you looked around for your clothes when a buzz from the bed made your head turn. 
"Are you touching yourself?" read Johnny's text. You snorted. Unbelievable. 
You weren't going to touch yourself. No, sir. You already lost a second time. You weren't about to give Johnny that satisfaction as well. 
From You: and if I were?
From Johnny: thinking about me?
From You: you wish.
You laid down, face illuminated from the phone and fingers hovering over the screen, somewhat invested in the conversation. But just a little. 
From Johnny: come on. do it.
You rolled your eyes amused and changed his display name. 
From You: you first 
From Evil dick: hm, I love winning though.
From You: you talk a lot for someone that's fucking his fist right now :)
From Evil dick: is this what you're imagining?
From You: yeah 
Johnny read the text and didn't reply anymore. You could not prove that he was taking care of his stiffy but the thought of him doing so made you feel triumphant. Perhaps it wasn't a full win but you could give yourself half a point. Only half. 
Because when you put your phone down, you couldn't stop your hand from sliding between your legs either. 
You needed at least one win. 
Just once, only once, you wanted to see Johnny's honey eyes tremble under your touch. 
And the corridor was your arena apparently since the next day another opportunity arose. Short and quick. 
You smiled at him exiting his room and he smiled back. His lips were about to part and probably ask if you enjoyed yourself the previous night but no sound came out of them as your fingertip gently caressed his chest. It was barely there, a slight touch going slowly down. 
His jaw muscles tightened when you reached his pants and he jolted when you pulled his belt towards you. 
"It was a little crooked," you feigned innocence, your knuckles definitely brushing something that made him inhale silently. 
"I'm making breakfast." You smiled and walked around him, leaving Johnny alone in the middle of the corridor just like he did the day before. 
_____ “That’s not a win.”
You threw your head back on the couch arm, looking at Johnny upside down, the popcorn kernel you were currently about to eat stopped against your lips. 
“That was a win,” you replied. 
The man put his hands on his hips. “You just touched my belt.” 
You chuckled. “Yeah. Apparently that’s enough for you to cum, baby boy.” 
Johnny’s cheeks rose in a tight smile as you licked the salt and butter from your fingers. The look in his eyes didn’t go unnoticed to you and you loved it. His gaze caressed your face and open lips, then your exposed throat and low cut t-shirt. You knew he loved that angle. Could you possibly get two wins on the same day? 
“Want some popcorn?” you asked, handing him one kernel. Johnny put his hands on the couch’s arm, bending his frame down and taking it with his teeth. You looked away nonchalantly as his lips touched your fingers, and you grabbed another kernel for yourself. 
But Johnny was quicker. 
One hand on your jaw, pushing your head back even more, he took it from between your lips in a spiderman kiss. 
You couldn’t breathe for a few seconds, mouth open and skin burning from where his lips touched it. 
When you locked eyes again, you noticed him munching with a little smile. Still hovering over you, a few strands of hair covering his eyes, he swallowed and whispered. 
“I win.” 
“Oh, no, I’m not drinking.”
Taeyong looked at you with the cocktail glass in his hand as if you grew two heads. “Y/N not drinking?” 
“I can’t drink. I’m on duty.”
You were still sitting on the couch in a ball, eyebrows furrowed and concentrated eyes. 
Taeyong took a sip from his drink then shrugged and took a sip from the one he prepared for you too. 
“On duty for what?” he plopped near you making you wobble slightly to the side. 
“On Johnny?” Your head snapped towards his innocent eyes. “You know about it?” 
The boy chuckled. “Want me to give you a few tips?”
He smacked his lips and shifted his weight to be more comfortable, his lids dropping as if about to share some juicy secrets. 
You imitated his position and leaned in to hear better.
“Make him jealous with me.” You blinked in silence a few times then sighed, pushing Taeyong away. “Are you trying to get between my legs too, now?” 
The other continued chuckling. “It was worth the shot. You can try stuff like touching him randomly, then.” You huffed. “You think I’m a newbie?” 
Taeyong sipped from both of his drinks again. “Then what about making him believe he got you so you can attack when he feels powerful?” 
"Oh, no. I have flour on my clothes."
The dough you were working was still sticky so you got a handful of flour that accidentally went on your bottoms right when Johnny made his appearance in the kitchen. 
He looked down and, indeed, noticed a light layer of dust covering your black leggings. 
“Could you please clean them up for me? These are my favourites,” you pouted at him.  
Johnny smiled and sighed, getting closer and slapping your butt once, then twice, then again, until all the flour was cleaned up. 
"There's no reason to be this aggressive, you know?” you bit your lower lip. 
"But you like it this way. Don't you?" 
Another spank and you mewled, the sound making Johnny hum in appreciation. 
“You’re all clean now.” He stepped back and presumably stared at your ass with the excuse of checking for some more flour. 
“I didn’t say you could stop,” you whispered and almost regretted - key word ‘almost’ - saying it as your flatmate approached you again, his sudden dark aura making your skin crawl. 
“You want me to continue?” his voice caressed your ear, his tone highly amused.  
You acted as if gathering the courage to confess that, yes, you wanted him to spank you but, oh no, you were so shy and he was so strong, you couldn’t do it like that and in public!!? oh no, you couldn’t take it. 
“N-no, it’s better if we stop here. I- I don’t think I can handle it. It will make me go crazy.”
Even if not seeing him in the face, you could almost physically sense Johnny’s puzzled aura. Laughing to yourself you wondered what kind of reaction he would come up with this time. 
He didn’t say anything for a few moments and when you were about to turn your head to check on him, you felt his chest on your back and he engulfed your body with his arms as he pressed his hands on the counter in front of you. 
“Okay,” he whispered into your ear. “I’m giving this one to you.” 
From Evil Dick: I can hear your vibrator from the kitchen
From You: I’m not using any vibrator right now From You: maybe it’s taeyong lol 
From Evil Dick: lol From Evil Dick: it’s definitely coming from your room tho
From You: you’re imagining things you wish were true
From Evil Dick: I don’t imagine you getting off on vibrators From Evil Dick: I like to be included in my fantasies :)
You: typing You: deleting You: typing You: deleting
From You: fuck you
From Evil Dick: fuck me yourself From Evil Dick: 4-2 for me
Johnny smiled brightly when you barged into his room. 
He was laying down in the dark, with only the phone illuminating his face. 
“Are you already done?” he asked teasingly. 
You stopped at the feet of his bed with crossed arms. 
“I’m here to fuck,” you announced. 
Johnny remained with his mouth open as his brain processed the information then laughed. 
“I don’t think you will,” he sat up, resting his back on the bed frame. The movement lifted his t-shirt a little, exposing the waistband of his boxers above the sweatpants and his lower stomach skin. 
You didn’t add anything and got on your knees on the bed instead, slowly crawling towards him until getting between his legs. Then you sat on your heels and took away your shirt. 
Johnny followed your frame and his eyes grew wide seeing you naked underneath the falling fabric. You smiled and his loss of words and you imitated his position, sitting in front of him and opening your legs to drape over his. 
“Holy shit, Y/N,” he whispered, eyes trained to where you slowly dragged your fingers. 
Inhaling deeply you closed your eyes and threw your head back, gently drawing circles around your clit before pushing two fingers inside of you. 
“Shit,” Johnny repeated and you whined, the wet sound telling him how you felt. 
“I didn’t say I’m here to fuck you. You can’t touch me nor can you touch yourself. If you do, you lose,” you instructed breathless and Johnny dug his fingers in the mattress underneath him. 
You smiled and bit your lower lip, fully enjoying his expression, his eyes looking as if drinking you in and were making you go crazy. 
But then he smiled too and it threw you off. 
In a second his hands were on your thighs as he pulled you towards him from underneath your knees until reaching the hand between your legs. He grabbed your wrists and blocked them in an iron grip. 
“You can’t touch yourself either.” 
You were breathing heavily, naked and so close to Johnny that you could almost feel the warmth of his body on your skin. 
“What’s with that face, baby girl? You wanted to cum?” he cooed at you. 
You bit your lower lip and shook your head. 
Johnny pouted. “Hm, baby girl can’t even lie well. Are you sure you don’t want to feel my fingers inside of you?”
You closed your eyes. “I don’t.” 
The other pulled you towards him by the wrists again until being able to whisper on your lips. 
“What about my tongue?” 
“Fuck, John, plea-” you interrupted yourself. 
Johnny smirked. “What was that? Please?”
You shook your head again. “No.” 
“I definitely heard you say please just now.” 
Panting and on the edge you considered just not caring about anything and fuck that man on the spot. 
“Truce,” you whispered. Johnny tilted his head to the side. 
“It’s not over and no one wins or loses this time,” you explained. 
“That’s convenient for you,” he teased. 
You huffed and fully sat on his lap, rolling your hips once on his hard cock. 
“I think it’s convenient for you too,” you commented after Johnny’s trembling sigh. 
His eyes grew darker and his hands grabbed your ass, pressing you on himself even harder. Your arms wrapped his neck and you hid your face into the crook of it, trying to conceal your whimpers. 
The rough material of his sweatpants did wonders to your sensitive clit and you didn’t need a lot to start shaking in Johnny’s arms. Your hips stopped as you moaned, digging your fingers into his shoulders but his hands on your waist forced you to go on. The overstimulation felt delicious and you didn’t care what words you mumbled into his ear, jolting every time his cock rubbed on your raw clit again and again. A few deep grunts and Johnny’s erratic movements told you that he was close too. You kissed his jaw then the skin next to it, then the corner of his lips, breathing in the air he breathed out then moaning once as he took his cock out and pumped it in his hand, spurts of warm cum coating your lower stomach. You looked down at the way it dripped between your legs and felt dizzy from pleasure. Johnny read your mind and quickly collected the drops fallen on your clit, drawing circles around it quicker and quicker until he had you shaking for the second time, head fallen on his shoulder and teeth digging into his neck skin. 
You remained like that, breathless and fucked out until you finally could manage to raise your head again. “This never happened,” you whispered and Johnny nodded amused.
You yelped as Johnny’s wide palm slapped your butt unannounced. "John! I'm near the stove!" 
"Good morning," he smiled sweetly as he retrieved two coffee mugs from the cupboard. 
"What if I burnt myself?" you accused him even if you both knew it was highly improbable. 
"I would have kissed the bruise until the pain disappeared," he placed the mugs down and walked around you, positioning himself behind you and trapping you with his arms. One hand turned the stove off and the other danced on your stomach pulling you against him. 
"When will you stop?" you tried to steady your voice since your ass rubbing on your roommate's crotch wasn't exactly calming. 
"When you'll beg," he whispered in your ear with his playful tone. "But I'm not trying to do anything now. You were so caught up into staring at me that you didn't notice the eggs and I'm here to save them." 
You put your tongue inside your cheek to prevent yourself from smiling. Johnny breathed in as if trying to add something else but the sound of a voice made you both jolt. 
"What are you guys doing so early in the morning?"
You almost forgot you had other roommates besides your sworn enemy poking at your back with his cock. 
"Teaching Y/N how to make good eggs."
Taeyong raised one eyebrow at the scene in front of himself. "Yeah. Adding a sausage does make your eggs taste better." 
"Oh my God," you mumbled, turning around and pushing a chuckling Johnny away. 
"Do you want to know my recipe?" Taeyong raised his voice since you were already leaving the kitchen. 
"Two sausages--," then a smack and a fit of laughter as Taeyong promptly apologized for even daring to assume he could add himself into the equation. 
“Come on. I thought you were in a good mood this morning by the looks of that bright red hickey.”
“Yes and I don’t share what’s mine.” You almost stumbled on our own feet in the corridor.  
"I'm out of town this weekend, by the way. If you want to go all out…" was the last thing you heard and the one giving you the best idea for your new plan. 
It was almost two in the morning and Johnny was nowhere to be seen. 
You rolled over on the bed with a huff then kicked the blanket staring at the lingerie you were wearing with sudden disgust. 
It was the weekend and the house was empty - the perfect occasion for you to play with Johnny. And where was he? Probably fucking somebody else. 
You were sick with anger. 
Getting out of the bed - his bed where you waited for him - you stripped out of the sexy lace and grabbed the first t-shirt you found. It was one of his and even though it was clean, it still smelled like Johnny. 
You got back under the covers and crossed your arms on your chest, eyes closed and eyebrows furrowed. 
It wasn’t jealousy. You didn’t care if Johnny fucked other people. It’s not like you even fucked properly in the first place. You were just irritated that your plan didn’t work as you wanted it to. 
With an argh you turned on your side and hugged the other pillow, Johnny’s scent engulfing you all again. 
God, he made you so mad. 
The first thing you realized as you woke up was the fact that your room didn’t have a black accent wall. 
The second one was Johnny’s arms around you - one behind your head and the other one thrown around your waist. 
You were sleeping on your back, one hand placed on top of his and the other one on the veiny forearm. With one finger you followed one of them until reaching the bicep then you slowly turned your head to look at him in the face. 
He didn’t close the blinds when he came home last night so the sun was shining brightly behind him, making him look like an angel. 
You smiled for a moment, staring at his calm expression and listening to his regular breath before widening your eyes in horror and snapping out of your sweet thoughts. 
What was that? 
You didn’t care about John Suh and you definitely didn’t care about the way his caramel hair was draping on his forehead. 
“Mm,” his raspy voice accompanied his strong arms pulling you towards him as you tried to slip out of the bed. “Where are you going?” he mumbled, eyes still closed and very much half asleep. 
You sighed and relaxed on your back again without a word and when Johnny rolled you over to face him you didn’t resist it. 
“Did you sleep well?”  “Where have you been?” you spoke on top of him. 
The words, or maybe your tone, made Johnny’s eyes open in an instant. 
You weren’t looking at him, your eyes were low on his chest instead. He raised one hand to cup your cheek with the intent to make you look at him but you flinched. 
“What’s going on?” he questioned. 
You sighed again and shook your head. “Nothing. I’ll make breakfast.”
As you tried to get out of the bed again, Johnny’s arms didn’t want to leave your body. “Y/N. Wait. Stay.” 
His hand got to your face a second time and this time you locked eyes with him. 
“I was out. Like most weekends,” he explained. 
You gulped and nodded. “Good.” 
“No, it’s not good. You don’t seem to like that.” 
You didn’t add anything, neither denying nor confirming it.
Johnny’s eyebrows met in the middle. “You’ve never had a problem with that.” 
“I don’t have a problem with that,” you finally managed to get out of bed and Johnny let you go this time. 
“I didn’t fuck anyone, if you’re wondering,” you heard him say as you walked the few steps towards the door. 
“I don’t care if you fuck people, Johnny.” 
“You do.”
Your feet stopped in place. “I don’t.” 
“You’ve just made the same expression you put on when you claim that you don’t want me to touch you and we both know that’s a lie.” His voice was calm but stern. “Just admit it.” 
You just resumed walking and exited the room. 
It was weird and not something familiar to your gut, but every time you saw Johnny, you felt the urge to either kiss his lips, cry on the floor, punch his face or run away. 
The first was understandable, even if weird; the second one was absolutely weird and you had no idea what the fuck was going on with you; the third was also highly understandable. 
But it was the last one that you chose. 
So when Johnny entered the kitchen you got out. When he opened the door to his bedroom you closed yours. When he sat on the couch, you got up. 
Until he couldn’t take it anymore and barged into your room unannounced. 
“Hey! Knocking maybe?” 
You were on the bed, scrolling through your phone and looking absolutely impresentable. 
“Talk to me.” 
You rolled your eyes. “I’m not in the mood to play right now, John.” 
He walked over and sat on your bed. 
“I don’t want to play. You’re avoiding me.” 
“Look, it was fun for a while, but I don’t feel like continuing the little game we had going on. Let’s go back to how it was before.” Y
ou hoped you sounded convincing to him because you didn’t sound convincing to your own ears. 
Your words did make Johnny put on a sour expression though and you pretended to not notice. 
“Okay,” he said after a moment and you retrieved your phone from the bed, expecting the conversation to be over. 
Yet, when he placed his palm on your thigh your hand stopped in mid-air. 
“What are you doing?” 
He looked down to where his finger slowly caressed your skin, creating little goosebumps all over it. Then Johnny looked up and whatever expression you had on, it was enough for him as he suddenly got up and left the room. 
“Brr, this house is colder than the heart of my elementary crush after he refused to share his food with me.” 
Both you and Johnny ignored Taeyong’s words, busy rolling your peas into your own plates. 
“What happened while I was away?” 
“Nothing happened,” you mumbled. 
“Hm,” the boy commented, munching on his food. “Wait,” he stopped, struck by realization, “ you mean like - nothing - happened? This is why you’re both mad? You didn’t fuck?” 
You rolled your eyes and got up with the plate in your hands. 
“She’s mad because she doesn’t want to admit that she has feelings for me.” 
The bomb that Johnny threw made both Taeyong and you shake in your places.
“What?” you asked incredulously. “I don’t have feelings for you.” 
Johnny calmly put down his fork and looked up at you. 
“Well, I do.” 
You opened your mouth in a silent shock while Taeyong initially gasped then soon after shrugged, whispering under his breath. “I mean, it was kinda obvious in his case.”
“And I don’t like the fact that you think I have space in my mind for other people besides you,” he continued. “Because it’s not true.” 
“Woah,” Taeyong rested his back on the chair as if watching a soap opera. 
“Did you really have to do this in the living room at dinner time?” you asked him after a few seconds of opening and closing your mouth like a fish. 
“Oh?” Johnny raised his eyebrows. “You want to take this to the bedroom instead? Let’s go,” he got up suddenly. 
“Aw, guys, come on. You always hide the funniest stuff from me!” whined Taeyong seeing you leave. 
“You know what I mean!” you replied to Johnny but still followed his quickly moving frame inside his room. He closed the door behind him and crossed his arms on his chest as if waiting for you to talk. 
“What?” you imitated his position. 
“Say something?” 
“I don’t know what to say! What does one say after all of that?” you questioned. 
“Do something? I just said I am in love with-” 
In the end you did something and that something was wrapping his neck with your arms and kissing him deeply. 
Johnny remained still for a moment as if shocked before finally relaxing his arms and tightly pulling your body towards his. 
Your mind was empty and you had no idea what was going on but after a few seconds of tasting Johnny’s tongue you were already thrown on the bed. It creaked under Johnny’s force and you jolted at the way he dragged your pajama pants down. No sexy outfit and no lace lingerie to meet his eyes, yet they were full of such intensity and lust that you realized it didn’t matter at all. Hands in his hair, you raised your bust to connect your lips again. 
“I was so fucking mad you weren’t home that night. I thought I was about to go crazy,” you breathed out while Johnny was palming your torso, lifting up your t-shirt and cupping your breasts. 
“I know. Punish me then. Show me your anger,” he joked.  But his reply turned a switch into your body and you managed to push his chest away from you. He smiled at your reaction and rolled over on his back, letting you straddle his lap. 
“I’m going to tease you so much until you’ll be the one begging me to touch you.”  
Johnny caressed your thighs. “Hm. I don’t need any teasing. You’re breaking me with your mere presence. Please, please, touch me.” 
Your breath got stuck in your throat and you couldn’t see anymore. The grunts leaving Johnny’s throat as you bit into his neck were so hot that you wondered what stopped you from letting yourself hear them before. And when you moved to his chest, then stomach, littering his skin with love bites his muscles twitched under your touch. 
You had no words to describe how it felt to have him inside your mouth. Heavy, hot and so present, you choked only on a third of it. 
“Shit,” you mumbled, taking it out and pumping it instead with your hand. 
Johnny loved it anyways and he looked at you with such intensity that you wondered if you could make him cum with only a few kitty licks. 
“It’s alright. You don’t have to,” he breathed out. 
“It’s alright. I know I have a monster cock and you don’t have to suck on it if you can’t handle being deepthroated,” you mocked him trying to imitate his tone. “Well, I want to and I will.”
And so you listened to Johnny’s airy chuckle, broken by the feeling of your mouth on him again, this time deeper than before. 
“You love a challenge, huh?” 
You would have said that, yes, you loved it and you loved to win, if it weren’t for his cock sliding down your throat making it difficult to talk. 
“Fuck, baby, that’s- oh shit-,” he grabbed your head as you bobbed your head up and down a few times before you couldn’t take it anymore and let it out with a lewd plop. 
“Baby?” you raised one eyebrow at him. 
“You don’t like it?” 
“Do I look like a baby to you?” you smiled with wet lips, your hand restlessly pumping his cock hard and fast. 
Johnny grunted again, his hips rising to meet your touch even more. 
“Hm, no, you look like a little slut right now,” he agreed with a smirk before his expression changed again into, you realized in that moment, the best view you’ve ever seen in your whole life. Head thrown back and completely at your mercy, Johnny came hard, his whole body twitching as his cum spurted on your hand and face. 
“I think I won this time,” you pumped him a few more times before letting him go. “Hm, you drink so much coffee,” you smacked your lips after licking his cum off your fingers. 
“This wasn’t part of the game.” 
“Yeah, well, I’ve just decided that it was,” you shrugged. 
Johnny grabbed his discarded t-shirt and cleaned his stomach. “So, are we playing now?”
His tone got dangerous and his expression made your wet pussy even drippier but you had no time to worry or form a single thought about it since you suddenly found yourself with the face on the mattress instead. 
You turned your head sideways to be able to breathe and Johnny’s hands didn’t even try to be gentle when they pulled your panties down. 
The loud smack arrived before the sensation of his big palm on your asschecks could. When you finally felt the burning sensation, another slap added to that. 
Your fingers grabbed Johnny’s blanket, preparing yourself for the third spank, absolutely not expecting his tongue inside of you instead. 
“Fuckfuckfuck-” you mewled but your sounds only made Johnny more ferocious, hands opening you up, eating you out as if he’d been dying to do so for a long time. And it was true for yourself too, but no imagination of yours could have realistically portrayed the way he was making you feel and no fingers of yours could reach as deep as his did, fingering you fast, tongue not stopping for a second, not even when you violently went over the edge with the loudest moans you’ve ever heard yourself emit. 
“You win, you win-,” your rough throat tried to stop him from torturing your overstimulated clit and you heard him suck on his fingers after he let you go. 
“Okay, I’ll take it. But this is just the beginning. Are you going to let me fuck you, baby?” he caressed your ass, going down to your waist and cupping your breasts. 
The movement made his cock poke at your entrance and you imperceptibly opened your legs even more. 
“Yes, please,” you whispered back, turning your head to meet his lips as he lifted your chin. 
“Hm? Say that again?” 
His tip easily slipped inside but the stretch still made you hiss through your teeth. Johnny shushed you, kissing your shoulder and neck until he bottomed out. “You can handle it, right baby?” You tried to nod but his first thrust knocked the air out of your lungs and you let your head fall down again with a whine. 
Johnny moved again and again then stopped with a grunt. “Beg a little for me again.” 
You bit your lower lip, his tip pressing right when you needed it to and you wanted him to do it non stop. 
“I don’t think I will beg again,” you whispered with a smile and started to move your hips instead. It was a sloppy and slow job, nowhere sharp and quick as Johnny’s, but you had to win again. 
The man let your ass bounce on his stomach a few times, staring at the way you were stretched around him then he grabbed your waist and left you all empty. 
You whined, clenching yet nothing being inside of you anymore. 
“I said beg.” 
His breath was now on your spine, his wet mouth placing kisses on your skin, making it shiver and taking some of it in his teeth, sucking on it until he was satisfied. 
But you remained silent and he clicked his tongue at your stubbornness. In a single go he filled you up again and this time he never stopped. 
He was breaking you in half and if you hadn’t already had tears in your eyes, this would have been the time to start crying from pleasure. 
“Holy fucking shit--John-” you cried out, breath rhytmically broken by his deep thrusts and when he added his slaps again, you just lost it all, cumming so hard that the neighbors were probably ready to call an ambulance. 
Johnny stopped balls deep inside of you, feeling the way you clenched around him. And when you thought it was over, when you barely started to hear again, he moved as hard as before, shushing you and pressing his fingers roughly into your skin. 
“You can handle another round, right baby? You’re such a pretty little slut with a bigger attitude than she can carry. This is nothing for you.” 
Fucked dumb, you could only nod and Johnny started to lose control himself, hair sticking to his sweaty forehead, some drops falling from his collabones to his chest. And when you felt his cum spurt inside of you, you finally begged, repeating it again and again. Johnny didn’t stop and you knew that you wouldn’t be able to move at all the next day when your muscles contracted for the nth time in so little time, collapsing completely after Johnny slowly slipped out of you. 
His breath felt wet and boiling on your face when he dropped beside you. 
He swallowed a few times trying to catch his breath. “Fucking finally. I knew it was going to be epic. Why did you refuse me for so long? Look what you missed.” 
You would have snorted if you had the force so you resorted to just let out a whine. “I refused so I couldn’t see this. I have a big attitude? Well, you have the biggest ego in the world.” 
Johnny turned his head towards you. “And cock.” 
You rolled your eyes and accepted his hands pulling you towards his chest. 
“Ew, you’re sweaty,” you mumbled. He kissed your forehead. “And you love it.” “No,” you denied it, “butIloveyou,” you added quickly. 
Johnny shook your body in a hug. “Hm?? Say that again.” 
“I didn’t say anything!” 
That grown man pouted at you making his eyes wide and glossy. “Please?” 
“Whoa,” you smiled, “are you acting cute at me right now? After killing me with your monster cock?” 
Johnny nodded cutely and repeated the plea. 
“Okay, okay. I-- love you.” 
He chuckled happily and tightened his arms around you again, squeezing you in an almost mortal hug. 
You sighed realizing that you were suddenly dealing with a child. 
“I love you.” 
And you repeated it again and again until you were sure that he finally fell asleep. 
With one hand to caress his face you finally indulged in staring at him, fully realizing what that weird sensation in your gut was. 
“I really love you.” 
Your whisper was tiny and barely audible but Johnny smiled. 
“I know. And I love you too.”
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heelvsme · 2 years
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Ghost of You
Synopsis: Reality can be cruel sometimes, especially when his imagination and memories are Sunghoon's safe place to hide in. But he forgot the most important rule: «dont let the line get blurry.»
Pairing: park sunghoon x reader
Genre: ANGST (some fluff if you squint)
Word count: 1378
Tags: angst, non idol au, established relationship
Warnings: major character death, unhealthy coping mechanisms, suicidal thoughts.
A/N: hii!! nini here. this was written for @jalnandanz collab I still remember us, I'm lowkey insecure about it, so I made up for it with the banner, lmao (+ a small sneak peek into my works in progress <3). hope you all like it.
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Your laugh resonated throughout the apartment the two of you shared, successfully catching Sunghoon's attention, even if that was never your original intent. Heavy steps guided him towards the source of sound and there he found you in the living room; laughing as you sang and danced around, trying to follow the choreography to one of your favorite songs, the hairbrush in your hand mimicking the microphone one of the idols on the screen was holding.
He stood there by the entrance to the room, left shoulder resting against the doorframe as he leaned on it, his eyes fixed on you as a smile grew on his face, slowly but surely it reached his eyes. The gasp and muttered curse coming from you pulling him out of his entranced state and a chuckle escaping his mouth at the surprised expression on your face, your eyes wide and hands moving to cover yourself. He smiled lovingly, telling you to keep going. Who has he to interrupt your fun? And before he could realize it a hand had taken one of his and dragged him further into the living room, a smile now replacing the shocked look on your face as you thrust the hairbrush into his hands, entrusting your microphone to him before looking for a new one. When you came back with a wooden spoon in your hand he couldn't help but laugh once more, yet one look from you was enough to keep him from commenting on it, words were never needed between the 2 of you, ever since you met.
That's how he found himself dancing to Twice's Fancy in the living room at 1 in the morning. Neither of you knew the choreography or the actual lyrics, but the confidence with which you were performing the song would have made anyone think your version was the real one. And so the night went on, song after song being performed —or ruined— by the 2 of you, only stopping when you flopped down on the couch breathing heavily, the sight made his chest hurt, but he didn't know why. The night was perfect, but that's something he would say about any night the 2 of you would spend together.
There was no explanation for the growing pain inside Sunghoon’s chest as he headed towards the kitchen to get some much needed water for the 2 of you. He didn’t question the silence filling the apartment as he made his way back to the living room, nor did he question the sudden darkness. What he couldn’t understand was your lack of response when he called your name. Had you fallen asleep due to tiredness? It was already quite late when he found you in the living room and performing like you were on stage must have been exhausting. Why didn’t he feel tired then? He called your name again and you still didn’t answer, so he turned on the light and found the living room just how it was before he left this morning, no trace of the 2 of you singing and dancing around earlier.
He looked around for his phone franctly, fingers hurrying to unlock it as his sight blurred slightly, tears beginning to fill his eyes as he called his best friend. He was met with an annoyed sound from the other side of the line, the complaint dying on his friends lips when he heard Sunghoon’s worried voice saying he couldn’t find you. The distress of his words breaking Jake’s heart, a lump forming in his throat when he realized he would have to remind the man that you were gone.
Sunghoon shook his head in disbelief at his friend's words. There’s no way they are gone, we were just hanging around in the living room, but then it hit him, it had never happened, it had been nothing but a figment of his imagination, maybe a memory once forgotten. The sound of glass breaking startled him, his head turning slowly to look at the now broken glass and the water staining the carpet. He muttered out a curse, not because of the mess he would have to clean, but because of the realization he would never get to spend his time with you again. Shuffling could be heard from Jake’s side of the call, but he reassured him, trying to convince him to go back to sleep, saying he would be good, but neither of them knew if he wanted to convince Jake or himself.
Only seconds had passed after he hung up, knowing Jake had decided to trust him when he said he would be good, even when both of them knew it was a lie. The burning feeling in his chest the first sign before he dropped down onto his knees, eyes shut and a quiet scream leaving his mouth as his hands reached to cover his ears, nothing but a futile attempt to isolate himself from the silence that surrounded him, maybe that way reality and imagination would get mixed up again, maybe that way he would get to see you again, hear you again. He didn’t realize he had been crying until his hands moved to cover his eyes, feeling the wet trails of the tears falling from his face to the floor. His eyes opened slowly, fear flooding his head at the idea of not seeing you, at the idea of having to face the cruel reality, his hand meeting the floor with a hard impact when he saw nothing had changed.
He didn’t know when or how, but at some point during the night he had crawled onto the couch and that’s where Jake had found him, curled up into a ball, shaking whether from cold or the weight of reality he couldn’t tell. Sunghoon woke up to the smell of coffee, being met with a mug on the coffee table and a note beside it. He recognized Jake’s handwriting on the paper, the note being there to let him know he had let himself in to check on him, the coffee being something that had occurred to him later. His eyes drifted away from the writing, moving back to the mug, his hand reaching out to grab it but he stopped himself, closing his eyes, hoping he would fall asleep again, hoping he would see you again in his dreams.
Hours passed and he didn’t leave the couch, his stomach growling every now and then, a reminder he was yet to eat something, but he couldn’t care less if he starved, sometime throughout the morning realizing that death was the only way to see you again, to finally be by your side again. Everywhere he looked all he saw was you, the department being full of the memories you shared together, being full of you. He felt like he was being haunted by your ghost, a taunting smile daring him to join you on the other side, and everywhere he looked he found yet another reason to do it, that way you would finally be together again. The note resting beside the now empty mug of coffee being a bright reminder of the people he still had.
All it took was one message and he was sitting on the passenger seat of Jake’s car, the ride was silent, the only words spoken being the ones of encouragement the Australian said to him as Sunghoon stepped out of the car. He dug his fingernails into the palm of his hand to distract himself from the sadness filling his chest as he walked down the already familiar path. The sound of the car’s engine dying down as he walked further away, closer to his destination with each step. Only when he was in front of your tombstone did he allow himself to cry, kneeling in front of it, wanting to be as close to you as possible, hoping his pain would bring you back. Yet deep down he knew it was impossible. His eyes were swollen when the sobs died down, his throat hurt and the lump in his throat wouldn’t go away. His voice was broken when he finally gathered the courage to speak to the stone standing in front of him tauntingly.
“I miss you.”
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pascalpanic · 3 years
Drunk Words (Frankie Catfish Morales x f!Reader)
Drunk Words / Sober Thoughts part one of two
Summary: Frankie’s drunk off his ass and needs a ride home. PART ONE of a two part Frankie fic
W/C: 2.7k+
Warnings: language, copious amounts of alcohol, Frankie is absolutely shitfaced
A/N: THANK U TO MY BABE @sanchosammy for this idea!!! I love it so much I fuckin LOVE my baby frankie
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As you roll over in bed, you groan. You’ve been up for about 20 minutes now, unable to return to the blissful sleep that had been enveloping you before. The time on your watch now reads 3:07. You frown and grab your phone, lying on your side. The light is bright enough to make you squint, and you smile at the text thread you’ve received from Frankie tonight.
The man brings nothing but happiness to your life. You really do love Frankie, not just platonically. You want to hold his big and strong hands, want to lift up his ball cap and kiss him on the forehead, want to fluff the hat hair he always gets from that Standard Oil cap. More than anything, you want to softly kiss that little patch in his beard. It’s just existing there, perfectly clean even when he’s almost at a full beard. His tough fingers scratch it and you giggle, looking away when he asks what’s so funny. Nothing, Fish, you immediately reply. Fishie, if you’re feeling a little more flirtatious.
Frankie might be feeling the same, you’ve noticed lately. He’s a little more touchy with you. He hugs you longer than the other men, makes you dance with him when a good song comes on. He lets it happen when you steal his ball cap and wear it, where he’d scold and smack any of the other men for it. He lends you his flannel when you’re cold, wrapping it gingerly around your shoulders.
It’s been a long time that you’ve been friends now. Just recently, you’ve come to appreciate him differently. The way he hugs you warms your heart still, but it makes your heart race and your hands sweat. It makes you want to lift your face from where it rests in his neck and kiss him softly, your fingers working into that little bald patch on his jaw.
Even now, as he’s clearly drunk, you adore him. How can you not?
Frankie 🚁: attachment: one image
You open the photo and laugh. It’s a blurry selfie of Frankie, an arm draped over Santiago’s shoulders. The two men make faces like they’re going to bite the other, and it makes you chuckle aloud. You can see his fluffy curls peeking out from beneath the cap, and you desperately want to play with them. The image is blurry, showing that it must’ve been moving while he took it.
Frankie 🚁: missing u tonight, Santiago says he doesn’t like me when you’re not around
Frankie 🚁: holy fuck their new beer is really good, you gotta try it soon
Frankie 🚁: lol I fuckin love the nachos here
Frankie 🚁: snati is so annoying, pls get him away from me
Frankie 🚁: u r probably sleep sorry :((((
Frankie 🚁: can we got o a zoo soon?? I wanna see animals 🦫🐈🐕‍🦺🦡
You laugh out loud at the words, at Frankie’s terrible typing. He must be shitfaced. He’s hilarious when he’s drunk.
The last text was only four minutes ago.
Me: Alright, Fishie. Stop drinking and eat something. No more beer.
Frankie 🚁: ha I’m drinking that Coffey shit… Kalua?? isk but it’s so gooood
Your phone rings, filling the screen with your profile picture of Frankie. It’s a photo of him smiling, his dimple evident. Your cheek is pressed to his, grinning just as wide. God, he’s so fucking cute. You love him so much.
You take a second and stare at the photo before pressing the answer button and putting it on speaker. “Hey, Fish.”
“Hey,” he laughs, dragging the word out long and slow. “S’a shame you weren’t here, Will’s been buying all night.” His words are slurred and woozy. You can hear the roar of the bar behind him.
“Ah, so that’s why you’re shitfaced,” you laugh into the phone.
“Precisely,” he slurs, a smile clear in his voice. “I can’t drive.”
“I’m glad you realize that. What do you want me to do about that? I can have an Uber coming your way in ten minutes.”
“Will you pick me up?” He asks, his voice like a child’s. “Fuckin’ Ubers cost money, ‘n I just wanna see your pretty face.”
“Frankie,” you warn but feel your body warm at the notion.
“You got a cute little nose,” he laughs. “Just wanna boop it. Can I boop it? Just go… boop, boop boop. Right on the nose.”
You sigh. “Fine. I’ll be there in twenty minutes. You’re so fucking lucky I think you’re cute.”
“Thank you,” he practically sings. “See you then. Mwah.”
You throw on a hoodie and walk to your car, not caring to cover up your patterned flannel shorts that you sleep in. Your hair is messy, you don’t have makeup on, you don’t really give a shit. It’s Frankie.
Once you reach the bar, you shoot him a text, and the four men stumble outside. “Yo!” Benny calls and rushes over to you. It’s clear his normal balance has left his body for the night, his body a little wobbly. He’s an excited drunk. He slams on your window until you lower it. “Hey, you missed out on a good time,” he grins. His words blur together too.
Frankie follows behind him, an arm thrown across him. He’s still got a little balance. “Missed you so much, cariño. Santi’s being an ass.”
You look up at Will. “These fuckers need a ride too?” He’s the responsible one of the men, even when intoxicated.
He shakes his head. “Got an Uber coming. They’re staying at my place tonight.”
Frankie puts a hand on the car to steady himself. “Knew you’d come. Pretty girl always comes through for me, even at 3 A.M., thank you,” he slurs happily, his eyes half open.
Santiago leans against your car. “Hey gorgeous. We missed you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you roll your eyes. “Get the grizzly bear in the car.”
Frankie laughs at the words. “Ooh, I like that. Big and fluffy but murderous.”
“I’m about to get murderous if you don’t get in the car right now, Francisco Morales.”
“Oh, snap!”
“Shit, man.”
Benny gives a whistle. The men all make noises in commentary and laugh, Will opening the door. Frankie flops down inside. Benny ensures that all of his limbs have made it in and shuts the door. “Don’t party too hard with him tonight,” Santiago calls and you roll your eyes.
The two of you drive off and out of the bar parking lot.
“Hey, Fish,” you say, snapping your fingers in front of his face. “Buckle up. I’m not getting in trouble for your dumb ass.”
“You always do, though,” he mumbles and tilts his head to look at you. “You’re so good to me.”
“I’m a fucking saint,” you sigh sarcastically. “Seriously, buckle up. If you can’t do it yourself, we’re going to the ER for alcohol poisoning.”
“No,” he whines and pouts at you. “Just wanna be close to you. Wanna just…” he trails off and rests his head against your shoulder. “Mm. There. Your skin is so soft.”
“That’s my hoodie, Frankie.”
He takes a deep breath in through his nose, the scent clicking in his addled brain. “No, that’s my hoodie.”
He’s right, you realize. You grabbed a random sweatshirt and pulled it on before leaving. You’re the one who’s always cold at gatherings, leaving Frankie to share one of his many layers with you. You smile a bit. “It’s comfy.”
“I like it better on you. I really like you in my clothes, you know that? Wear them way better than I can. You just look so cute and so little.”
“Frankie, I’m 5’9,” you refute and glare down at him, where he looks up at you with puppy-dog mocha-colored eyes.
“Just look so small in ‘em. I’m like 6’0, you know that.”
“I do know that, Francisco. You remind us all the time,” you laugh, removing his ball cap and tossing it into his lap. “Still shorter than Benny. Get that hat off and I think you’re shorter than Santi.”
“I’m taller than him,” Frankie whines at the reminder. “How come Benny’s the baby and he’s so tall? He’s like a fuckin’ giraffe up there, can never see his stupid face,” he pouts.
“He’s too tall for comfortable hugs,” you nod in agreement. “And Santi is too short. And Will is too fucking awkward,” you laugh. You purposely leave out the bit about how perfect hugs from Frankie are, how much you dream about them and crave them.
His dark brows furrow as he looks up at you with glazed eyes. “Wha’bout me?”
The car stops for a moment as a light in front of you turns red. You smile down at him and push his messy curls from his forehead. “I like hugging you. You’re comfy.”
“Ha, grizzly bear hugs,” he slurs. “Y’should call me that more often. I like it when you call me things the boys don’t. Makes me feel tingly,” he laughs, lovestruck as he looks up at you.
“Yeah, like when they put the meds in before they steal your teeth.”
“Steal your teeth?” You laugh loudly, toying with one of the curls. “Do you mean get a tooth removed?”
“Same thing. I don’t like it when they do it then. I like it when you call me stuff though. Fishie makes me laugh and feel happy.”
“Oh yeah?” God, he’s so fucking precious. He looks at you like a puppy stares at their owner, pure and unadulterated love radiating from them. “I’ll need to call you Fishie more often then.”
It’s quiet for a while. Frankie’s head still rests against your shoulder. He can feel all of the tiny muscles move as you steer and navigate the car. He likes the way they move, making his drunken head even more floaty. After a few moments, he shifts to lean against the car door, just watching you.
The music drifting from the radio is soft and quiet. You almost think Frankie’s fallen asleep, since he’s so quiet, but you look over and see him gazing over at you. “Penny for your thoughts, Fish.”
You’re expecting something stupid. Frankie is quite the philosopher when he’s drunk, always asking odd rhetorical questions. ‘Is a muffin an unfrosted cupcake?’ has always been a favorite of his. He’s never quite made up his mind about it, waxing poetic about the difference in the two baked goods.
He always says something stupid, but this time, his sober thoughts become his drunken words. “You’re the most absolute prettiest woman I’ve ever seen,” he smiles at you, those pink lips curled into a soft smile. It shows off his dimple, and you want to scream from how cute he looks. One of his big hands reaches over and cups your face.
“You’re drunk,” you shake your head, looking back at the road. “Don’t be stupid.”
“No, I mean yeah. Kinda drunk and really stupid, ha, but I mean it. You’re so fuckin’ pretty, cariño.” The backs of his fingers trace across the side of your face, resting on the side of your neck now.
You look down at yourself, still skeptical. “No, I know what you’re gonna say,” he pouts, beating you to the punch. “You’re in your pajamas and your hair is all messy ‘n whatever, but you’re so pretty. Your face is so cute. I love your nose. Just wanna…” he leans over and makes good on his promise for earlier. “Boop,” he coos as he pokes the tip of your nose, smiling wide. “You’re so cute. The guys make fun’a me because I never shut up about it.”
“Oh really?” you ask, raising an eyebrow and laughing.
“Yeah. Santi says I’m in love with you,” he murmurs, sitting back against the car window.
You gulp as you force yourself to grip the steering wheel harder, staring at the white dashes separating the two-lane road. “Yeah? What do you have to say on the matter?”
“I’m kinda thinkin’ he might be right.” His voice is small and quiet.
You shake your head again, eyes watering from the honesty. There’s no way he can think that. He’s shitfaced. He doesn’t mean it, there’s no way. He’s never been more than a friend, done anything to indicate romance.
Or… maybe he has, you reflect. He pays for your drinks most nights. He’ll order something you want and share it with you. He’s always a little touchier than he is with the boys. “You don’t mean that,” you say quietly, swallowing hard.
Whatever common sense he has left tells him to be quiet, so he does. He sits there silently for the rest of the drive, the tension palpable between the two of you. When you finally reach his house and park, you hold your breath. You don’t know what to do, what to say, but you can’t just let him go inside without saying anything. He sits up a little straighter as he realizes he’s come to a stop.
You bite your lip and look over at him. “I should help you inside.”
He nods and you turn off the car, putting the key in the pocket of your hoodie. You get out and walk to Frankie’s side, opening his door. He reaches his arms out to you and you chuckle a little. He looks like a helpless little child.
“Alright, grizzly bear,” you grunt as he swings his feet out and you help lift him to his feet. His arms cling to you tight until he’s standing up.
“Thanks,” he murmurs and wraps an arm around your shoulder when he’s upright.
“Don’t thank me yet,” you chuckle.
Using you as a crutch, he walks alongside you and into his house. He fumbles with the key until you open it for him, then lock it behind you. He leads the way to his room, opening the door and sighing as he sees his bed.
“Not yet,” you say as he tries to get to the bed. “Come on.” You pull his flannel off, leaving him in the t-shirt underneath. “Okay, go on.” He flops down onto his bed with a happy noise. Once he’s down, you unlace his boots and pull them off, then his socks.
Standing at his side, you undo his belt. “Woah,” he laughs. “‘M way too drunk for that, pretty girl. Kinda wanna though.”
“Shut the fuck up, Fish,” you laugh and thread it through the loops, tossing it aside. “I’m getting your clothes off so you can sleep.”
“Oh,” he sighs, giggling drunkenly as you pull his pants off. “Kinda feels like we’re gonna fuck.”
“Maybe another time,” you tease and pull the covers over him. Pushing his curls from his face, you softly kiss his cheek. “Call me when you’re sober, okay?”
He frowns and grabs the hand on his face with both of his rough palms. “Don’t leave me,” he pouts.
“Frankie,” you sigh and look at your watch. “It’s 3:35 in the goddamn morning.”
“Then stay the night,” he begs. “You said you like hugging me. I want you to hug me all night long,” he sighs, kissing your fingertips. You smile softly. It’s a good offer, you have to admit. He makes it even harder to say no. “I won’t be able to sleep if you’re not here when I wake up.”
“Lots of things can happen while you’re asleep, Fishie. I can-”
“Mm, Fishie,” he says with a smile, his eyes fluttering closed. “Come snuggle with me, pretty girl.”
You sigh as you look at the man. It’s not like you haven’t spent time pressed into his side, watching a sports game or a movie. You and Frankie are affectionate friends. He looks so warm and inviting, his body radiating heat. “Fine,” you give in. “Only because I’m cold.”
“Not ‘cause you like me too?” he asks and rolls over, leaving room for you.
“We can discuss that when you’re sober.” The spot he laid is warm and cozy, his body heat making it perfect for you. You slide under the covers next to him and he wraps his arms around you, pulling you into his chest.
Frankie presses a sloppy kiss to your head, smiling. You can hear his slow and steady heartbeat. “G’night cariño,” he mumbles, lips still buried in your hair.
“Goodnight, Frankie,” you whisper.
He falls asleep almost instantly, and you’re close behind him. You’ve never been more at peace than when you fall asleep in Frankie Morales’s arms.
read part two: SOBER THOUGHTS
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @softly-sad @blo0dangel @binarydanvvers @sleep-tight1 @apascalrascal @randomness501 @spideysimpossiblegirl @notabotiswear @pedro-pastel @sanchosammy @lv7867
622 notes · View notes
witchlyboo · 3 years
Definitely, maybe.
Part five: The one who belongs to someone else.
Introduction. Part one. Part two. Part three. Part four.
Paring: Latina!reader x Logan Lerman x Tom Holland x Ben Hardy x Timothee Chalamet x Pedro Pascal x Michael B. Jordan
Warnings: Swearing, angst, misspellings, some Spanish, me learning how to write properly, and NY stuff that I've learned from movies that we all agree to pretend are real.
Word count: 6.4 k
a/n: You been asking for smut, I know, I know, I just wanted to introduce you to all the boys first, and we're getting there, just one more ahead. Also, I'm working on a masterlist because we are getting too many parts already.
All body types and skin tones friendly. You can also enjoy it as a no Hispanic reader. Constructive feedback and misspellings correction is always welcome.
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Red and blue lights flash the driving mirror.
—No, no, no, por favor que no sea a mi—You beg to the sky looking at the patrol that is asking you to park, or someone else, there's a lot of cars in this part of the city, there's a big chance is the panic who's controlling your senses.—Dios, mi abuela fue a la iglesia cada domingo de su vida y nunca te pidió nada, please let me have some of her divina recompensa.—But that's not how it works, you end up parking with just a few seconds to think what to say. There's a perfect explication of why you are driving a car that is not yours in the middle of the night and smelling like a minibar.
Then this ridiculous thought comes to your mind, you look expensive, you've never seen the daughter of a senator but you must be close to it, it would make you less of a feminist if you just use your attributes? Ugh, you feel sick just to think about it but don't have enough money to pay a fine, and the constant paranoia of being chased all the time as an immigrant will only get stronger.
You pull down your dress a little so your neckline can do its job but you regret it immediately, and you're pretty sure you look more like an expensive prostitute who stole the car of his lover than some influential men's daughter.
—License and registration.—You hear him say when he approaches your window. You don't like this but you have to play the dumb tourist, the pretty foreign girl that is too stupid to be dangerous, with the look you have tonight it shouldn't be hard. But damn you hate cops, any uniformed man that works for the government is your eternal enemy, and you don't know how long you could keep the nice dumb Latina game before spit on his face.
—There's something wrong, officer? ...You?!—Your sexy and fake high voice is ruined when you see the face of the man who stopped you. This night couldn't get worse.
—Wait, what happened with the party?—Evan interrupts you while you finish some notes for work, little remainders for later when you don't have an eleven years old kid running around you, he's not usually this energic and you have to blame yourself for that, you're describing a life of excess and eccentric fun, something you let behind so many years ago that your own son doesn't know even a bit of it.
—Ugh, a nightmare doesn't worth telling.—You remember vaguely most of it but what keeps fresh in your mind is bad enough to don't want to bring it back.
—But if Timothée is my dad I have to know the important things, including the bad stuff.—Sounds perfectly reasonable and that's what makes you groan at him. Sometimes you feel blessed that your kid is better than you in any possible way, and sometimes you want to kill his brain with video games and reality shows like the rest of the parents.
—Ok, cool, but I'll keep all the +18 content for myself, so this part of the story might be blurry for you.—It kinda is for you anyway.
You should’ve known this night was cursed, you had a feeling because a) your earring fell off at the same time Timothée texted you to give you the party address and say he can't pick you up. And b) he won’t pick you up. Your mother would say that’s reason enough to not go, a real gentleman wouldn’t make you go to an unknown place in the middle of the night on your own in a city like this. But you decide to ignore it because you are a modern woman and because it’s worth it. It better be.
The outfit must be something special. You always take your time to choose what to wear, even if just another regular day, and since this isn't the case you thought about it for hours, that made your mind busy enough to not thinking about Tom and the whole love confession. He texted you saying he'll come for you to go to class together on Monday, which is completely impractical because he's way closer than you but is progress and you're going to take it.
You wanted to ask for Sheep's opinion but you thought she might not care, has been a few days since she started acting strange like she's bothered just to see you breathe. You want to blame his boyfriend to take all her time and attention from you but is probably just her new job, she got a small role in a Netflix show, and even when you're so happy for her, that's the event that has changed her into someone completely different. But you give her time, stress can do bad things to people.
The winner is the exact copy you made of the black and white striped dress Cameron Diaz wore in "The Mask" beautiful, classy, and sexy enough without being too scandalous, not that you have any problem with that, but this isn't the occasion, you don't want to feel like you're being too much or too little, just enough, it's supposed to be easy, right? you were born for this. Just adding some big shiny earrings you got on a thrift shop that look like real diamonds and you're ready, not that you own any to compare. Red lipstick, dark eyes, and a messy bun to get that disinterested pitch every look needs.
Getting there wasn't a problem, you were in the rich part of the city, everyone know who, where and what just to brag about it. The excitement is growing with every second, you check your makeup like thirty times in the elevator and send texts to your mom just to let her know where you are, and because you have to share that moment with someone and you are limited of friends these days.
Timothée opens the door with red eyes, drunk, high, or somewhere in between, you know then you were right about the bad feeling. He jumps on you to kiss you and no matter how much you try to explain the delicacy of your lipstick, he does it anyway, leaving a taste of alcohol and shrimps in your mouth. Taking you by the waist he walks you to a group of people you don't know while you're trying harder to fix the red color of your mouth without a mirror.
—Here is the companion I bought, look at her, that's how five grand per hour look like.—They laughed but you were too disoriented to process all the things he said, it was supposed to be a joke? if it is, why isn't he correcting? Instead, his hand goes straight to your ass and presses it to get you closer to him.
—I'm actually an intern in the costume designer department of the new version of "Sense and Sensibility".—You wanted to mention your recent promotion to hairstylist and makeup artist but that might be too pretentious. Anyway, they don't seem to care what you are or not, in fact, they don't even see you, all eyes are on Timothée
—Oh, well, is easy to forget when you're paying them—All laughs again. Who is this person? Who are all these people, actually? You recognize some influencers, a few cast members but there's no sign of the director, other main actors, not even his co-star. You feel like an extra in a movie where someone will be killed in a luxury party, hopefully not you. You take his hand from your body and clear your throat.—I'm just joking my love, she looks stunning, isn't she? I’ll get you a drink.
He leaves and the group of people surrounding you suddenly dissipated like boiling water, you were on your own again and despite some judgmental gazes is like you’re not there, you’re sure you could just take your dress off and throw it to someone’s face and unless Tim says something about it, no one would care. You’re there as his companion, an ornament, and that’s not enough to earn their attention because it’s too obvious you’re the one in turn.
You walk to the only window no one is smoking and check your phone, you know, the thing you do when you pretend you have important issues to attend, but no, you end reading some old messages, pictures, texting your mom of how much fun you’re having at the party, and somehow you check your filed Facebook messages to find Logan’s name. You cover the screen so fast you hurt your nail, his name is enough to make you tremble like a Chihuahua, you haven’t talked to him since that night, you know from his sister he lives in the house he bought for you two and he’s having the happiest life without you. You want to believe that because that means you took the right decision but deep inside… no, you can’t be that person, you want him to be happier than ever.
You find the guts to open the message, and you read as slowly as is humanly possible. “My angel, I hope this finds you in perfect health…” Dios, just Logan could start a message like that, your smile is almost too big to fit in your face so you bit your nail to cover it a little. “I recently found one of the human body drawings you made for me to study, you’ll be happy to know…”
—That’s a fucking long-ass message.—Tim appears behind you and takes your phone from your hand, spilling some of his drink on your dress in the process. Apparently, he's been there long enough to read part of the message.
—Give it back.—You command in the most severe voice you have, your magical moment got ruined and you remember the hole of hell you are.
—"My angel, I hope this finds you in perfect health. I recently found one of the human body drawings you made for me to study, you must know I still use them now and then"—Timothée starts reading the message, and even when no one is close enough to hear it and you don’t really care about this people’s opinion, that’s not for anyone to read, that’s one of the few parts of your life you treasure the most and you’re not ready to get over it.—You little slut, are you cheating on me with a med student?
—Give it to me.—You repeat trying to take the phone from his hand but he’s faster and walks away putting it out of your reach.
—"I meticulously preserve them, I certainly know any piece of art made by you will be priceless in the near future"—You don’t want to hear it coming from his drunk mocking voice, so you try to ignore what he’s saying and put more effort on chasing the phone.—Should I had kept the jeans where you left the wet spot on? I didn’t know you were an artist, my love.
—Timothée, por el amor de Dios.—Now you're trying to climb him, it wouldn't be that hard to take him down, he's skinny and you're fierce. That's what you thought but he's not moving even with you are on top of his shoulder and his opposite long arm keeps the phone away from you.
—Who is this guy and why is he talking to my girl like this?—You see the olive eyes getting darker and the tone of his voice went deeper than you thought he could do. You desist from taking the phone, you know the bullies love the attention, maybe that's exactly what he wants and give it to him just makes it worse.
—I'm not your girl.—You claim fixing up your dress having enough of games, and you have no reason to keep worrying about losing your job, the filming is done, and apparently your relationship with him too. You don't care about any of that anymore, just want to read Logan's text.
Even behind all the alcohol and the eyes injected in blood thanks for who knows what kind of drug, you can see the disappointment and anger, but it's not a broken heart, Is the hissy fit of a child that loses his balloon and now everyone will pay for it, especially you.
—Are you sure about that?—You can see him swallow hard, almost looking vulnerable, but his voice is defiant and threatening to prove you wrong. He just has to stretch out his arm to reach the open window with your phone in hand, his intentions are clear and the only thing you can do is raise your hands as a reflex.—You were mine the moment you put a foot on my trailer, and I don't fucking share my stuff.—Before you can say a word he drops the phone from the fourth floor.
You know is senseless but you find yourself running out of the party and going to search the device, using it also as an excuse to get away from that place. This is the first time someone makes you feel meaningless, you know the famous' world is cold and lacking in empathy but this is ridiculous, they're a bunch of parasites fed by attention and power. By Timothée.
The screen is crashed and the rest of it is probably beyond repair, not that you're surprised, its life is longer than you've been in the country and you admit you should have replaced it much earlier but you're not the kind to throw away things that still work. However, is not the phone you are worried about, not as much as what it contains.
—That was obsolete anyway, I'll get you a better one.—You didn't know he was following you, his voice interrupts your self-wailing. He sounds calmer and a little embarrassed, but not enough to say sorry, you don't think he's capable of saying it.
You shake your head and start to walk away without a word, you don't want anything from him, not materially, at least.
—Don't make a scandal out of it, it's just a phone!—He yells erasing any trace of regret in his voice. He doesn't see the reaction he expected and that's when he runs after you and with a hand on your upper arm pulls you back, you gasped for the sudden bluntness.—That annoying habit you have of leaving when I'm talking to you.
You push him away with all the strength you have, which resulted in him almost falling on the ground.
—I don't care about the stupid phone!—You finally break, but sadly is not as satisfactory as you thought it would be.—You are mean, vain, arrogant and the worst part is that you enjoy being this despicable human because you have absolutely no consequences to it. Everyone around you just accepts it and I feel so sorry for you because the only possible way for you to fill the void inside is to be surrounded by that crowd of mules licking your steps—To your surprise, he has nothing to say, he's just standing there with no facial expression, whatever he feels is easily covered by his years of experience acting, even drunk.—I can't give you that and it's obvious they don't want me either. What am I even doing here?—You ask yourself thinking where would be the best way of getting a cab, is a rich zone, must be easy.
—Everything is better when you're around—His voice is thin and fragile, you have to process what he said three times in your head to understand his words. You're not willing to look at him yet.—You're not like the others.
—Pure bullshit. You love to repeat that misogynist discourse of girls being in a certain way because is easier than be responsible for the people you choose to be—You were hugging yourself the whole time, is a cold night, but not enough to be bothersome, you enjoy Fall weather—You got me for a moment, I give you that, you fooled me but I'm too tired of guessing what version of you is real—When you return your gaze at him, he doesn't try to hide the guilt anymore, but there's still haughtiness in there.—Now, if you don't mind Mr. Chalamet, I need to get a cab.
—No, you came with me, you leave with me.—There's no trace of alcohol in his voice anymore, a good scolding is enough to put you sober, you know that thanks to your mom. Oh god, you're becoming her.
—You didn't bring me here, gigantic head—You look at him and put your hand in front of him with the palm up. He stares at it for several seconds before put his own on it—Not that!—You shake it and start looking inside his jeans pockets until you feel the metal of his key car.—You can't drive and I have to get home. You'll find it in the studio tomorrow.
That's how you ended with a car way more luxurious than you expected, driving so slowly and carefully that the police stopped you. What a night, but at this point, you couldn't care less about anything that is not that message, is been months and you can't get over it, over him. Not even Ben moans, Tom's comforting arms, or fight with a movie star at 3:00 am. is enough to get him out of your mind.
—So is true, you don't wear anything that hasn't appeared in a movie, huh?—Michael B. Jordan is leaning on the car window with a mocking smile and a sparkle of satisfaction that you would love to punch but his uniform keeps you in line, where you come from police is not equal to justice, most of the times is oppression.
—You know where it's from?—That was kind of comforting, no one at the party noticed. Not that you care.
—Is The Mask, not some Adam Hitchcock's blurb.—He smiles and even when you really don't like him, it's nice to be with a familiar face, you are really tired of running away, scaping for problems that are a result of your null capacity to deal with emotions. Ugh, what a word.
—Is Alfred Hitchcock, actually.—You didn't want to sound priggish, but you correct him with no time to stop yourself, an old habit.
—You got me, smarty, you know more than movies than me. Where did you get this car?—You feel really nervous even when you got this legally, you have your documents and license on time and he's being nice enough to not want to run away in a car that you technically borrowed for yourself.
—It's not mine.—No shit, Sherlock.
—No shit, Sherlock, I was asking where did you steal it.—You wanted to laugh but there's something with the uniform that just doesn't allow you to be yourself.—Are you drunk?
—No, no, fuck, no, it's just, I don't feel comfortable with cops—He raises his eyebrows but that is his only reaction.—Listen, is my boss' car, I'm doing the favor to take it to the studio, and I'm really nervous because is fucking expensive, he's an asshole, I haven't drive un almost a year because you people only use cars if you're rich or your work and lives depend on it. I'm starving.—The last part came out of nowhere, you haven't eaten anything in almost 13 hours, maybe that's the actual reason why you are that moody.
He doesn't answer right away, takes his time to look at you, what makes you blush, he's really close, closer than he's ever been. Does he smell like green apples? Not the actual apples, the artificial smell they had given to them.
—Get out of the car.—Oh no, is he arresting you? Is he finally taking revenge for every time you make fun of his Hawaiian-type shirts? You know you have too much karma accumulated and a cop making you pay for it when you don’t believe in their sense of justice is kinda poetic, and evil.
You don’t want to discuss with someone with a taser, gun, pepper spray, or who knows what else. So you take your bag, the key car, and get off defeated.
—My turn is almost over, I’ll take you to eat something, c’mon.—He walks back to his patrol and you stay still for a few seconds still processing his words, you must look totally devastated for him to offer that. How you see it you have two options, go with him and spend an awkward hour with a person you don’t like or risk getting a fine, Tim can pay it, it’s not a big deal but you don’t want to owe him even the minimal thing.
You get in the car holding on to your bag to feel calmer, this is the first time you’re fully alone with him since you found him half-naked in your kitchen. Those defined abs may never leave your brain.
—Are you cold?—He interrupts your thoughts with his question, you didn’t notice you were shaking. He looks for something under his seat and gives you an NYPD hoodie, you hold it doubting your next move, is not like you don’t appreciate the gesture but it’d be easier to take if it doesn’t get that words printed—Is clean.—He says chuckling when he sees the way you’re looking at it.
—Is not that, just, you know, fuck the police, defund the NYPD, demilitarize the pigs and that stuff.—You say putting on the hoodie anyway, is a cold night and you won't help the institution wearing their propaganda.
—Yeah, I get it, but you can't change the system just from within.—You decide is not the right moment to have a political conversation so you shrug your shoulders and discreetly smell the hoodie, a mix of cologne, green apples, and cheap soap, you know is cheap because you buy the exact same, do its job.
—I'm in the mood for pizza.—You say casually, making a deal to yourself to try to be his friend, he is a small part of your life anyway.—Domino's is open at this time of the night?
—Tell me you're not consuming that shit, dear Lord, you been here for how long, two years? I can't believe your idea of a good pizza is Domino's. Stella hasn't taught you anything?—You're surprised by the level of condescension with a pizza and you mirror his smile, suddenly feeling embarrassed. Your school program includes people from all around the world so you don't have that much experience with actual new yorkers. Logan is rich, so he doesn't really count.
—What's wrong with Domino's? I don't buy much street food, is cheaper to buy things on the food market. Besides, all pizza is good.—The mention of Sheep makes you a little tense, so you don't say anything about it, is not a conversation to have with him.
—Don't blaspheme in the patrol, I just washed it—You laugh, finally, after a terrible weekend. You can see why she likes him, there is something about his voice, smile, and his eyes that feel... calm, like watching Friends after a marathon of Lord of the Rings.—There are rules to survive this city, and I'm surprised you have made it this far without a proper guide.
—Chill out Mr. Miyagi, I'm not from the jungle, and I've learned a lot by myself.—He gives you a lopsided grin as a request, and you put your fingers up ready to enlist your acquired knowledge.—Walk fast, like you're about to be stabbed, something that actually happened to me, with an umbrella—He nods and laughs being related to it.—Number two, no small talk, no one cares, even if they ask. Number three, if you look a stranger in the eye, especially a homeless person, you have essentially invited them to approach you.
—Number four, we never eat from Domino's, Papa John's, Pizza hut, or any other chain restaurant, only trucks and local places are allowed.—You roll your eyes but you get the point, is just, again, you're not much into street food, it doesn't taste like home and the only way to eat food like that is preparing it yourself.
—Fine, fuck capitalism, let's support local places—You make an obvious fake enthusiastic tone but he nods proudly.—Number five, you don't need a car to live here, not even know how to drive. I would have successfully avoided this police brutality if I had followed that rule.
—For someone who is about to eat for free, you whine too much.—He parks the car and gives you a sign to go with him. You see him go to a pizza truck and order, you realize at the moment how ridiculous you look, so before chasing him you let your hair down, take your huge earrings off, and roll up the skirt of your dress until your mid-thighs letting the hoodie cover the rest, and clean the red lipstick with a Kleenex from your bag. Now you look more like a college person and not a rich girl who just got seized.
—Here you go.—He says giving you a slice as big as your head, looks oily and spreading cheese everywhere. Perfect.
—Is it vegan?—You ask receiving the food with an obnoxious face. His kind grind turned into a dread expression and you give him your second laugh of the day.—I'm kidding.
You are about to give it a bite when you see passing next to you a huge rat with the exact same slice as yours in its mouth, running into the dark of the night happy to have obtained the food for its family. They use to scare you when you just moved out but now they're like any other pigeon in the sky.
—Rule... whatever, a rat with a slice of pizza is a symbol for good luck, congratulations.—He pets your head awkwardly, not sure if you're ok with the physical contact, which, surprisingly, you are.
—I see rats with bagels all the time.—Pizza and bagels, that's the main culinary wonders of the city, you like it, not much to object but is hard not to compare it with your home's food.
—Is easy to confuse a rough diamond with a simple rock.—You both eat in silence, enjoying the mixed sounds of the city and all the different smells, the whole situation feels like one of those lofi music videos. You remember thinking about moments like this before getting the scholarship, what would it be like to feel normal in the city of your dreams.
—How do you know that much about movies?—He asks after a few minutes when you take a break to drink something, that pizza is not easy to take.
—When I was a kid a spent much time on my own, so my dad bought me a used DVD reproducer, and at the corner of my neighborhood was this movie store where you could buy 5 pirate movies for one dollar. They were blurred, with a terrible sound, and most of the time with the wrong movie inside but they helped me to not feel lonely. Eventually, the store closed but I've watched everything in it by then—He gives you a warm smile, you never told that story to anyone, not because is too intimate to share, but because no one asked, it doesn't sound like a question with a complex answer.—Anyway, I watched Marie Antoinette when I was like eight, and I decided at that moment that however is done I wanted to be part of that magic.
—You hear all kind of people chasing dreams in this city but is hard to find someone who actually deserves it.—You blush and you cover it with your hair but the smile on your voice is impossible to hide.
—Is that a compliment? You must really want me to like you to date Sheep.—You laugh but you can see his face tense, so you can guess your friend has been busy breaking everyone’s hearts.
—She hasn’t returned my calls in three days so I don’t think there’s much you can do—You nod, all this time you thought he was the reason she is ignoring you but apparently you are both in the same boat.—But yeah, I don’t know what I was thinking, what I should have said is, Marie Antoinette at eight? I can see where all the damage started.
You gasp and throw your napkin at his head, he easily catches it without even looking at it and laughs; that was unexpectedly attractive.
—Why a cop?—You ask, not sure where that question came from, maybe you authentically want to know more about him, he just bought you food, and honestly, that's the easiest way to win your trust.
—I wanted to be an actor when I was a child. This is the city of opportunities so you may think that if you want to chase the big wonder, this is the perfect place to do it. But I grow up surrounded by these people giving their entire lives to get something just given to one in a million so I decided is not worth it. For many years I wondered what I wanted to do with my life and the answer was really clear, my dad was a cop, a good one, or that’s what people say. I don’t remember much because he died when I was seven—Conversations about death are not your strength, everything can turn out uncomfortable if you choose the wrong words.—It might not be that glamorous but if my father died for it, it surely worth it.
—For the good ones.—You raise your almost empty can of Coke and he does the same with a grin that warms the cold weather of the night.
—For the good ones.
The next two hours passed like minutes talking about anything and everything. It just felt right to talk freely with him, you didn’t feel judged for your awkward family moments or your random thoughts, not even once because he told you his too. At some point of the night he borrowed you his gym sweatpants, any of you could just suggest going home but that was off the table, end that peace just for weather reasons would have been a tragedy.
—I read Timothée Chalamet is a dick. Is that true?—The mention of his name remains you of your life and everything that comes with it, including the middle semester project that you must dedicate your entire day, one that is about to start.—What, you can’t talk about it?
—He is a complete dick with no sense of privacy or human decency—And when he interrupts a deep kiss to look at your eyes, smile, and caress your chin, you feel like a character of his Victorian movies. But he didn’t ask that.—But the next week he’ll be no longer my problem.
—That’s why we have rule twenty-three, don’t ask for a picture of a celebrity unless they are local—You have heard about it before but you haven’t got the opportunity to decide if you like that rule because the only celebrities you have seen are from work and that club’s party opening.—That means you’ll be free to go to the Stephen Kings’ movie projection there will be for Halloween.
You don’t know if that was a proposition, a suggestion, or just a simple recommendation, and whatever it is, you noticed he was nervous to ask. Is it wrong? It feels wrong like you were betraying your friend accepting to hang out with his boyfriend without her consent. But he didn’t ask you to go with him so is safe to answer.
—Yeah, I guess—You get a moment, four seconds top, where you shared innocent, curious, and tenting gazes like three graders in the playground. And that’s the further you will allow yourself to go.—We better leave, if the sunlight touch me I’ll turn into dust.
You get off the car hood and go to the side door, but this time he opens it for you. You give him a “seriously?” Look, receiving a little push in your arm as a response.
A distant voice asks you to wake up, softly whispers that turn into caresses on your cheek, your eyes feel so heavy, even when you are well aware of your environment your eyelids keep closed.
—Good morning, Princess—This is the first time Tom calls you that way, the change from silly nicknames to Princess is enough to get you out of hibernation. He is squatting beside your bed, his smile is the promise of a better day, and chasing that idea you give him one small back.—Your mom has been texting me desperately all day, she said you're not answering her calls and is worried.
—Fuck, my phone broke last night, can I call her from yours?—That’s an oversimplification but in the search for a better story, that's what you decide to believe and tell. Tom nods and gives it to you, he looks happy, beyond that, this is the first time you see that subtle blush on his cheeks and the eyes sparkling. You sit on the bed next to his body looking for your mom's number, slowly he moves between your legs, you have shorts and an oversized Back To The Future t-shirt, you got took the time to prepare yourself to bed last night and keep Michael’s clothes inside your closet to wash them, like The Tell-Tale Heart, a little innocent secret who feels dirty somehow
The conversations with your mom are always long, nostalgic and the tears are hard to hold for both parts; after a long life sharing almost every day with her, her absence never feels smaller. But this time is different, Tom is exploring the bare skin under your knee with his warm hands, asking for permission with curious eyes, and when you don’t object to the touch the British boy keeps his exploring mission cautiously, giving special attention to see your eyes in case something change. Is time to hang up when he gives a long and loving kiss to your knee, the less erotic kiss you could think of but so intimate to bristle your skin.
—Not nice to touch someone's daughter when is talking to her mom.—The protest of your voice loses strength at every word, he heard that and just straight his back to reach your face, the gap is almost extinct.
—We're okay, she likes me.—He assures holding your hips and pulling you a bit to him. Tom looks very comfortable with the new closeness authorization, you like it but are not very sure about it yet, most of you still think of him as your best friend.
—Did she tell you that? Are you talking with my mom behind my back?—You laugh when he does, almost like nothing changed.
—She adores me, I swear, I'm invited to Christmas, you know?—You're not surprised, she invites everyone, Logan was too but the first time he got family plans and didn't make it to the second.
—You should go, maybe we can do...—His lips touch yours in a peak at the middle phrase and makes you forget what you were about to say.—Man, the audacity to interrupt...—Then he kisses you again, deeply, using his tongue to taste your inner lip and his hands holding your shirt in fists. That's a twist of events.
—Is that ok?—You hear a weak whisper coming out of his voice but you got so mesmerized on his lips that decided to ignore it and kiss him back instead. He responds to your touch and starts to lean over you to make you lay on the bed.
Jesucristo bendito, is this happening? like, actually happening? you must look like trash, you barely took all the makeup from the night before and didn't take a shower, you start to get so worried about smells, feelings, and what that'll mean to your already too much-spoiled friendship.
However, the time of doubts is done when Sheep starts yelling in the living room, you both reacted running to the sound and looking for your blonde friend. Michael is there but doesn't look like the same as a few hours ago, is annoyed and tired for the lack of sleep, a look that doesn't match him at all.—What did you do?—You ask him fast assuming she's mad for something he did.
—Just in time, the star of the movie, I was wondering how much it will take you to be the protagonist of this.—That is Sheep's voice talking about you and what must be your heart breaking from her words.
—Excuse me?—You wish your tone would be less savage but you can't help respond the same way she did.
—Logan wasn't enough, then you got the drummer, fucking Timothée Chalamet, Tom and now my boyfriend. I'm so glad I didn't leave you alone with my dad or I'd be calling you mom now.—You have no words to that, Michael doesn't even dare to look at you, he must have told her something she misunderstood, but Sheep, or well, Stella is saying things she actually thinks and keep to herself. Tom walks in front of you whispering things to her to calm her down but she is not looking at him, you didn't tell her anything about Tom either so he's taking responsibility this time.—Go ahead and fuck the whole city, Michael if that please you but you're crossing the line with Tom and you know that, you're going to ruin him as you ruin every man that enters in your life.—She has a very you moment having the last word of the dispute and getting out of the apartment with Michael going after her but not putting much effort in it.
@eridanuswave @cjand10 @deluxeplanteater @rorodendra @navs-bhat @coxxxxxpi @leviosatothestars
Thanks for all the love and support, if you have opinions, suggestions, or want to be part of the tag list (Or don’t want to be part anymore) let me know, I appreciate every message.
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binniesthighs · 3 years
he lives in my lap | reader x changbin
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➛ Pairing: self insert, gender neutral reader x seo changbin 
➛ Recommended listening: she lives in my lap, outkast
➛ Genre: pwp (smut), fluffy tones, 18+ 
➛ Word count: 3.9k 
✨ Summary/Request Here ✨
Anon: sub!changbin nipple play drabble👁👁
i’m such a sucker for sub bin smh
a/n: thank you for requesting sweet anon! any day, any time i will write sub!changbin! this was such a pleasure to write n’ i hope that ya like it! <3
{see below for nsfw tags!} 
NSFW: dom!reader, sub!changbin, tsundere!bin, slightlybratty!bin, established relationship, use of petnames, body worship (calm tf down ro, we know you love binnies’ bod), *plz pretend to be surprised here too* thigh kink, power dynamics, LOADS of nipple play (m receiving), praising & mild degradation, handjob, lil pet of petplay (bunny), v soft aftercare 
you caught him sulking, bundled up in his chair with his legs crossed and his eyes dried. its the times like this when you don’t need him to tell you what’s going through his mind. he huffs and spins around just to get a moment to break his stare at the screen. he rubs at his temples where his headache surges, but he’ll never stop to ask for help or to express how tired he really is. 
“what are you working on?” you simply ask as you cross the way behind him and squeeze his shoulders. 
he sighs, and answers, “work.” 
it’s barely an answer, but knowing him, prodding wouldn’t do much else. 
“its getting late,” you pause, contemplating to next part of your phrase, “could you come to bed? i’d....love to have you with me...if you can.” 
his fingers stop their typing, and he pulls off a single padded headphone to listen to you. 
“you know that i’ve got a deadline. can’t.” 
“wouldn’t you like to--” 
“--can’t you just live one night without it?” he barks, swiveling in his seat to face you. 
his eyes, the whites of them pink and his under-eyes bagged, tell you that you can’t take exactly what he means to heart, but still, it doesn’t hurt much less. 
“bin--i just want you to take care of yourself and not overwork. you know that you need your rest to make everything work out right. right?” 
your boyfriend sighs and composes himself, then puts his headphones back on. 
“deadlines are deadlines.” changbin simply replies. “in a couple days it’ll be over.” 
the sound of his clicking at his mouse fills the room back up, and this close you can hear the faint buzz of his music on the other side of his headphones. its as if he wants to create some kind of shell between you and him; he pulls his hood up and balls himself up in his big black hoodie. 
with him, your patience overcomes anything. 
“bin--” you reach for his arm to rub in calming little circles with your thumb, “you’re worrying me.” 
the exhaustion in his voice causes it to crack, “i’m fine.” 
it doesn’t take him much to go up in arms when you pull off his headphones to hold his puffy face in your hands. earnestly you hold his eyes with yours. 
“you’ve worked so much already today. please, come to bed, i know you won’t admit it to yourself, but it’ll be okay if you sleep for just a little while....or, relax at least...” 
changbin huffs out again in his same little annoyed nature. you knew the ins and outs of him well: your words might have gone in one ear and left out the other, but they still would jumble him up on their way out.
“i said that i’m fine,” your boyfriend repeats, “you’re worrying over nothing.” 
it isn’t easy to admit defeat in the moment, but that’s all it is: a moment. he allows you the pause to plant a tiny kiss on his forehead before focusing back on his work. the truth is, you really did want him to join. the bed was always warmer with two anyway. these days, it was even a little hard to fall asleep with him. 
“well,” you throw your hands on your hips, “i’ll just be back here...if you need anything. i can warm up your side for you, kay?” 
for a moment, his fingers stop their clicking, wavering. “okay.” 
he likes it when you wear his shirts and other little things like that. he even thinks that its cute when you steal his socks and they bunch up a little. after living together your clothes have started to all smell the same, but knowing that it’s his has always been enough for you. 
at first, you promise yourself that you’ll stay up as long as he does, but not even you can stay up that late. he turns the lights off for you, leaving only his desk lamp and the blue screen of his desktop. silently you promise him that you’ll stay up as long as you can manage...
“--oh. sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up...” 
your blurry eyesight makes out the time that’s ticked past two hours since you last remember checking. 
“its okay,” your sleepy self returns. you’ve fallen asleep on his side of the bed which you promised to warm up, but he won’t ask you to give it up when you’re half awake. 
“i’ve decided to sleep in late tomorrow.” he hums while reaching for his phone light to turn it off. “you’re right.” 
“i know that i’m right.” 
even in the dark you can feel his little joking smirk. the mattress makes springy sounds under the weight of your two bodies, and somehow your hands find their way into the kangaroo pocket of his hoodie. there’s nothing like feeling his presence beside you--its a kind of irreplaceable reassurance that you’ve only ever felt in him. 
he’s close enough to feel his tiny breaths in the space between you, and how it tickles your upper lip. sleepy kisses float from your lips to his which he happy returns by pressing into you closer and melding your body with his. you make a point to kiss him slowly and with every ounce of intent that you are able to pour from yourself to him. 
your love unties himself for you just as he does whenever he feels your thumb trace under his jaw slowly or as you hold his face in your hands, tilting him to deepen your exploration of his mouth. you can feel him get looser and looser after being so tightly bound. your hands work at his knots with swift fingers that interweave with his hair, then find their way to traipse up the hem of his clothes. 
he mutters a little sound that could be translated into many pleasurable things, but you don’t need to think too hard to interpret it. 
“binnie...” you coo, gently rolling him to his back to lean over him with your upper body, “you’re doing so well. i can tell how hard that you’re working...there’s no need to hide.” 
he nods, allowing you to paint his cheeks with more little kisses that fall down to his neck, then travel back up to his ear where you nibble softly. in your own mind, its your favorite place to show him your love: he shivers feeling your breath quiver in his ear, then exhales out after feeling the small pull at his skin. 
higher under his shirt your hands tip-toe, then trance the curves of his sides and finally reach the spot where he is most sensitive...your boyfriend gifts you the gorgeous sound of his uncontrollable little whimpers once he feels the pads of your fingers graze over one of his hardened nipples. 
“oh?” you taunt, “already so sensitive?” 
changbin attempts a scoff that comes out airy on his lips, “i mean, yeah...when you do that.” 
your index circles his bud, causing and even more delightful symphony of shaking breaths to exit. 
“...but its so late...” you remind him. its halfway between a genuine reminder and somewhat of a challenge. there’s nothing more that you would want, but the clock tells you otherwise. 
your room is nearly devoid of light save for the way that the crescent moon peeks through the slits of the shades. the silver light illuminates his face in stripes, one of them directly over his eyes which makes them sparkle with the same iridescent shine of stars. 
“do you think that i care?” changbin shies a bit into the puffy pillow that cradles his head. 
from your position above him you can see the way that he pleads wordlessly, and how he just knows that he’s irresistible to you. his gaze softens to shift in that cute little pout. he too knows how to untie you, how to make you fall into him so deeply that you can’t see anything but him. he knows exactly what to say, how to wet his his cushy lip so it glistens just a little when he parts his mouth for you to crave even more than you already do. 
“do you want me to say please?” he adds. 
fuck, he really does know you well. 
your knuckles rub along the fuzzy underside of his sweater, scribbling more circles around his nipples that hardens them painfully even though you’re barely touching him. 
“that is my favorite word,” 
his tone is airy, barely audible when he asks as politely as he can, “please, can you use me how you want?” 
you tut, bowing low over his lips to only let them hover over his own. your lie of a kiss just barely makes contact with him. he whines from the promise of your taste, even wiggling his hips in his agony knowing that he won’t get what he wants quickly. 
“hm, i didn’t really hear you that time...” slowly your hands begin to pull the fabric of is shirt over his head. “say it again for me?” 
“please...?” your boyfriend desperately repeats. 
“and you’ll be a good boy for me? you’ll do what i say?” 
“yes...yes. everything that you say.” 
his hoodie ruffles up his cute dark locks that sprawl all over his face and even cover his eyes. for a moment you think of how his hair had gotten longer than you had noticed. you sweep it aside, holding his eyes while your hand swipes up and down his chest just between his pectorals. 
“and you’ll tell me when you want me to stop?” 
finally you grant him the kiss he’s been waiting for which he drinks up greedily, moaning carefully over your lips. 
you nearly startle him after forgetting to move slowly, finding your own eagerness taking hold of you. changbin’s eyes gleam seeing you on top of him and both of your legs straddling his sides. you slither farther down his body to align yourself correctly, then pause finding your place. 
after, he then startles you by letting out a sudden cry in response to his beloved sensation. both of your hands are busied pinching and tweaking directly at his pink nipples that turn redder from your touch. you toy with the hardened buds while his eyelids flutter--he can’t figure out if he wants to close his eyes to feel it all, or watch you. he decides upon the latter and tries his best focus on your hands spread on his chest. 
its a wondrous indulgence of yours as you watch the way that his muscles fill up your hands and even how his skin pops between your fingers when you squeeze. “my bun,” you sigh in admiration, “i just can’t handle you...” 
your head spins when he echoes, “neither can i...”
it seems fair for you to take off your top too, so you do. your hands survey farther up his chest, then course down his arms which you tuck to rest on each side of his head. 
“you know how it goes.”
he doesn’t even need the reminder. 
“fuck, you’re gonna take all the time you want now, aren’t you?” 
your boyfriend regains a bit of his composure to snark with that little unfair smirk of his. 
“would you rather me not do this for you at all...bun?” 
he rolls his eyes, impatient and annoyed for barely a second. he’s quieted the moment that he feels your lips float over his skin. you can feel the way that his breaths are thrown out from his lungs once you press even harder. his hips squirm and he turns into a puddle of half-choked winces that turn high pitched and needy the closer that you get to the sensitive areas of his chest. your tongue twists around it, only teasing at first and never allowing him to feel the full heat of your mouth. your left hand swipes up his side and settles right over his other bud which you toy with between your index and middle finger. you pull, then delight in the way that you can even feel his moans start deep from his core then come ripping out carelessly. 
at last you grant him the wet of your mouth when you tense your lips to pull too. you know that he likes it when you use your teeth too, but you never start with the most exciting part. 
his arms twitch like they usually do where they lay on both sides of his head. your boyfriend interlocks his fingers behind his head to pull and hold them there until his knuckles turn white. he would touch you, but you don’t like getting that distracted. you don’t need it anyway to heighten the way that unraveling him already pools heat between your legs and sends you grinding over his midsection. 
you use a combination of gentle kisses contrasted with the pull of your fingers and eventually the bite of your teeth to get him properly gasping out as if he cannot breathe. your name finds its way twisted into some of his moans too; it sounds so perfect, so right said that way: airy, wavering, shaking after he bites it into his lip too. 
you stop to admire him, now using your thumbs to tease at the way his reddened nipples now look painfully aroused and even glimmer with the sheen of your saliva upon them. changbin is flushed out all across his cheeks and even over his nose bridge. the rouge spreads down to his neck where the veins there quiver with each of his senseless gasps for air. he jerks from the careful feeling of the pad of your thumb compared to how viciously you had tugged at him before. you grind down your hips into his hard-on between your legs and into your own heat which craves him just as much. 
he nods, and chuckles out after reveling under your view. 
you free his hands from their place behind his head, then you immediately find yourself wrapped up so tightly in his arms that you let out a tiny squeak. his thick arms that stretch with the strings of muscles always remind you that the power you have over him, he holds over you just the same. he brings your lips back to his to kiss thanks into your mouth that’s become raw from your musings. 
“i’m not done yet.” you sneer directly into him. 
“i had a feeling.” 
your love knows how to sit and look pretty for you. how to keep his hands to himself and wait just enough for you to make a proper mess of him. even though you don’t see it, he’s infatuated watching you twist over him to the bed table and pick up the cup of water that holds partially melted ice. the sound of the cubes chime against the glass and burns your hand with the cold once you choose the largest of the lot. 
changbin looks at you fearful at first still consumed by your heat which lingers all over his body. you test out the sensation by spreading out your opposite hand first which is wet from the condensation from the glass. 
“ah!” he winces out. 
“too cold?” 
“n-no...” somethings shift in the way that he holds your gaze and the ice quickly melting in your hand. “i-i want it...” 
“you sure?” 
“please don’t make me wait again...” 
the cold from the cube starts to make your fingertips turn numb, but its of no conscious to you when he holds every bit of your attention while you wait for his visceral response. 
he yelps, nearly almost screaming from the mixture of cold and hot that swirls around his body. he grinds his teeth into a groan next to steady himself feeling the tenderness of his nipples next to the freezing cold. you can’t help but stifle a greedy laugh at how downright confused he seems at the two sensations of arousal and biting pain that made him feel even more lightheaded. 
you love the sight of the whites of his eyes when he reaches a kind of euphoria that only you can give him. 
“oooooh god.” he laughs along with you at how preposterously unreal it feels. the little smile that anchors on his mouth is unbelievably cute, and you can’t help but want to feel it on your own. 
you trace circles around and around his buds until they harden just as they had done under your tongue. he shivers too; either from the cold, or from the overload of his senses--it travels from the tip of his head, through his hips and down to his toes. 
“aw, my bun likes this...doesn’t he?” 
the ice only lasts a few moments on his chest and between your fingers. after, his chest is left shimmering from the new substance that looks like liquid crystal all over him and where it drips down to the comforter in droplets. 
you shift your attention lower down his stomach where you stop right above his bellybutton to let both of your hands hook under his sweats. you look up for approval, which he eagerly gives with the hastily phrase repeated, “do it, do it.” 
his clothes it the floor in a puddle, and your boyfriend is left bare for you to take in. you indulge in every single part of him that you’ve explored time and time again, but each time it feels renewed. your hands eat up his thighs with covetous squeezes until the crescent-moon shape of your nails decorates him nearly everywhere. they slide up higher, finding the place where his curved and rosy cock bobs waiting for your touch. 
“poor bunny....does it ache when i don’t touch your cute little cock?” you trace a finger up his shaft which causes his body to violently jerk in response. the truth of the matter is, he’s anything but little. 
even when your words turn venomous back on him, he still drinks it up as if it is nectar. 
a wicked chuckle passes by your lips remembering what he had said to you a couple hours before. “can’t you just live one night without it?” 
“n-no--” he stammers, “i-i’m sorry that i said--” 
you silence him with a finger to his lips. “sit up.” 
he does so, trying to gauge what you’re planning to do next. the mystery of it all enthralls him to the point of working his cock up with pearly pre-cum that drips down his length. changbin waits as you reposition yourself behind him, just so he sits flush against your torso and between your legs. 
at first, you trial you hands up and down his thighs to create a show for him. your fingertips tickle him gently where his leg hair grows thin and soft. you then move to massage into his inner thighs and the more intimate erogenous areas there that you claw at. 
“hm. maybe i’ll let you get what you want if you say--” 
your boyfriend’s hands bury themselves into the sheets to grab at anything to provide balance. “--please! please...i’ll say it however many times it takes...” 
you tsk, then nibble into the peachy cartilage of his earlobe. “mm, that’s enough. i’m feeling generous...” 
you wet a stripe of your saliva up your palm and guide it to his length where you give him one good squeeze that is more than enough to send his toes curling. he whimpers out feeling the lack of contact afterward, realizing that one squeeze was all that you were planning. instead, shift your motions toward his tip and his seeping slit. the tip of your index draws rings around it which elicits agonizingly gruff growls from his throat that you’ve only ever heard a couple times before. 
“please, please, please....” he chants. 
you do love the way it sounds. 
his moans become even louder once he feels the tension from your grasp where it returns to his shaft and pumps. in a way, the whole image is just perfect for the both of you: as you peer over his shoulder you can’t even but help feel turned on by the sight of your own hand and how it twists around the throbbing veins that imprint his cock. with your non-dominant hand you continue traversing the squishy and fleshy bits of his thigh. 
your boyfriend laughs out his growing self-indulgence while you work your hand up and down, then experiment with testing him with the ways that you can squeeze harder then softer. changbin throws his head back into your shoulder lazily once he starts to feel his senses slow and intensify the closer that he gets to his release. he shudders against you too, and tightens his body too as he edges himself even closer.
after the distraction that you’ve crafted tugging him up and down and how the twist of your wrist feels like heaven, he jumps still feeling your free hand find its way back up his chest one last time roll his nipple between your fingers. the combination of the two sends him spilling right over the edge and overflowing with a rambling of curses and half-attempted moans coupled with the release of his seed cascading down the back of your hand. 
nearly all of your boyfriend’s weight falls upon you and you giggle trying to deal with your previously cold and stubborn lover reduced to nearly nothing but a limp and euphoric mess in your arms. 
“you okay?” you ask him, peppering tiny kisses into his neck. 
“give me...a minute.” he laughs out too. “i’m just...really...exhausted. but--in a really, really good way.” 
“time to get some rest then?” 
changbin nods, and gives you back as many kisses he can with his neck titled at this somewhat awkward angle. 
“stay right here, hm?” 
you cradle him back to slide out from behind him and work at cleaning yourself off, and them him--he loves obliging if it means that he gets to be pampered with clean clothes and your little massage to his shoulders to get his tensed body relax even more. the blankets get exchanged for new ones and you find him telling you not to put your shirt back on. 
changbin flushes, explaining, “i just like being close like this with you. everyday. any day. i can’t live without it either.” 
you can’t exactly tell who is “holding” who, but it all just feels so peaceful and intimate you almost forgot that you were supposed to be sleeping until the day breaks behind your boyfriend’s shoulder. 
“thank you,” changbin sighs, “thank you for taking care of me.” 
“now start taking care of yourself.” you tease, “don’t overwork yourself, got it?” 
your boyfriend sleepily hums, and tows you right back into his chest. “don’t worry, i have a feeling that i’ll be sleeping in pretty late.” 
Bunch of (Ro)ses! 
@minaamhh @dazzlehoseok @synnocence @jjewibeans @hyunsluvv @unexceptional-h @bobawithchaitea @lechanters @sailorhyunjinz @silencefavarchive @lunarskzzz  @yourdaddychan @bubblelixie @spnobsessedmemes @cherrychngkyn @iwanttobangchan @bowlofblueberries @lmhmins @eunaeiekim 
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filthfix · 3 years
Anything - skz
Pairing: Reader x Ot8
Genre: Smut
Word Count: 3.7k
Tags: Birthday sex, turn taking, sloppy 2-7, creampie, cum kink/cum eating/cum covering, neck biting, voyeurism, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, “good girl”, unprotected
Summary: It’s Jeongins birthday and he wants to run a train 😶
A/N: I almost named this ‘All In’... 💀 anyways uhhhh happy birthday Jeongin here’s some absolute filth <3
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Four days before Jeongin’s Birthday
Chan throws himself on the couch next to Jeongin whose preoccupied with his phone.
“So.. what do you want for your birthday? I can get you anything.”
He’s being his usual playful self, nudging and pinching at Jeongin earning a light whine of acknowledgment from him. He doesn’t look up from his phone but he stopped scrolling, thinking it over quickly before lowering his phone with a soft click.
“Yep, name it!”
Chan nods feeling confident.
“I wanna share with you guys”
He says it plainly and at first Chan’s confused tilting his head to the side but then raising an eyebrow when it finally clicks. They all had a brief drunken conversation some time ago about something along those lines and it quickly became an unspoken agreement that they’d make it happen eventually with Jeongin seemed the most interested in it.
“I think I can set that up.” He smirks and pats Jeongin’s leg before getting up and leaving the room.
2 days before Jeongin’s birthday
Your phone rings on your walk around town and you pull it out to see Chan’s ID take up the screen.
“Hey, what’s up?” You answer
There’s hesitation in the air before he speaks
“Are you alone by any chance?”
You look around before crossing a small street
“Yeah, I guess?”
It’s probably as alone as you could be in the middle of town.
“Jeongin’s birthday’s coming up and we were wondering if you could help us with something.”
“Yeah, sure, anything.”
“Uh.. you might want to hold off on saying anything until you hear what I’m asking for”
“What? You gonna ask me to steal for him or something?”
You laugh
“Well, No.. he wants to try something...”
His voice trails off
“Something?” You push
“... are you familiar with the term ‘running a train’ ”
The way he says it mimicked ripping a bandaid off and it stops you dead in your tracks.
You’re completely thrown off and at first you thought you heard him wrong but he’s quick to confirm it again.
“Yeah.. you won’t have to do any real work, It’s just us all getting off together. You can lay back and relax and we’ll take good care of you.”
“Uh? All? Is this a joke?”
You notice an empty bench up ahead and move the conversation over there, dropping yourself on it haphazardly.
“It’s not.. I’m being serious” he laughs sheepishly
This isn’t something you ever thought would come up and a part of you is afraid to even think about this seriously.. but.. you are the type to want to try everything at least once. This could be your only chance for something like this and they’re probably the best option, you’d be lying if you said you weren’t at least a bit interested. The more your mind paints a picture the more the little slut on your shoulder begs and without a second pause you agree.
“I’ll do it..”
“Really? Are you sure? If you want time to think about it let me know, I’d want you to be absolutely sure and okay with this.”
He sounds genuinely surprised
“I’m sure, I did say anything.”
Chan laughs and you have to bite you bottom lip to hold back the smile forming.
“Okay..” you can practically hear his smile “I’ll text you later about it.”
With that he hangs up and you let out the breathe you didn’t realize you were holding. You throw your head back and bring your hands up, brushing them over your hair. You feel dumbfounded and oddly excited with a million questions running through your mind. Was this a bad idea? Are you going to regret it? The relationship you have with them will definitely change.. without a doubt. They could of asked anyone else too? But why you? Are you even ready? All eight of them??????
The realization of what you’ve just done and are about to do hits you hard and you decide to abandon your original plans for the day and go back home to process this. You huff and jump off the bench, turning quick on your heels in the direction of your house.
Jeongin’s Birthday
Your minds been foggy for the last two days, a lot of alone time and a lot of texting Chan. He’d given you the details of how the night would go and washed away any worries you might of had. He even shared how they all (mainly the younger ones) argued over who was going after who which made you laugh and feel a lot more lighthearted towards the whole thing.
You threw on your favorite underwear set and some comfy clothes right over it. Since it’ll just be tossed to the side you don’t bother thinking too much on it and just check over yourself one last time in the mirror before you’re out the door to their place. 
Reminding yourself that
It’s for Jeongins birthday
Once you’re there, Chan’s the one to let you in greeting you with a warm hug. Behind him is Jisung and Hyunjin focused on a quiet conversation between themselves that they break only for a second to throw a wave your way. Chan points between the two, chuckling.
“They’re still not over the order.”
You smile and shake your head at their usual behavior. Chan then puts a hand on the small of your back and ushers you past them to one of the rooms. You’d been over plenty of times before so you’re familiar with the set up and feel pretty calm despite the promise of getting railed but multiple men tonight.
In the room you’re greeted by the rest of them all scattered around and hanging out like they normally do. Jeongin’s seated near a desk and he’s the first one you approach and pull into a hug.
“Happy 20th Birthday.” you coo in his ear
He thanks you with a giggle and tightens the hug. As you pull away your scent lingers and he realizes just how fond he is of you. His face is red and warm but you don’t notice since your attentions drawn to the door, Hyunjin and Jisung finally join the room looking content.
“We’ve decided”
“Okay then..” Chan gives a patronizing snort and then turns towards you with a warm smile
“Whenever you’re ready”
It all seemed to go by so fast from that
He waves to the bed, Felix and Changbin who had been laying on it get up and your feet automatically move towards it feeling all their eyes follow you. You crawl onto the bed and sit on your knees facing them. Chan said all you had to do to tell them you were ready was to get undressed. Your hands held the bottom of your shirt about to lift it. Tentatively, you give one last glance around the room before slipping off each and every item you had on and letting them fall to the floor next to the bed.
Once that last piece is off you hear a sharp inhale from Minho whose hooded eyes rake over your body. You feel awkward at first but having all their eyes on you, bare and waiting for them, satisfies some weird fantasy you weren’t aware of just yet.
Chans the first to make a move towards you, lightly pushing you to lean back on the bed. He hovers over you, one of his hands resting next to your head and the other grabbing your hand and snaking it under his shirt tracing them along his abs. His eyes are locked on yours and when your arousal becoming noticeable he backs up and strips off his clothes to his boxers.
Your eyes glaze over when you take in his body and the growing print on him. He watches you with a hungry expression and settles in between your legs. He licks his thumb and softly presses it to your clit earnings a low moan from you. He rubs slow circles until the confines of his boxers become unbearable and your mewls intensify.
He grabs at his waistband and frees himself in one move. With a few slow strokes down the length of his cock he’s lining himself up with you. You feel him against your folds warm and throbbing and you eagerly move towards him, shuddering when he slips all the way in.
“A-ahh” he gasps
He starts a steady pace, hands gripping at your thighs. Your expressions urge him on and he picks up the pace craving more of your body. You could already feel yourself ready to cum but hold back to enjoy the straight bliss as he slides against your walls. You squeeze around him and he groans in response dropping his hands from your thighs and letting them fall on either sides of your head, this position letting him reach deeper. He mutters endless praises of how glad he is that you said yes and how he wanted this just as much.
The stutter of his hips before he pulls out and cums right over your pussy is what sends you off the edge. You cover your face as each wave hits over and over. Sneaking a peak to the side through blurry eyes you watch Chan put himself away and breathlessly join the others on the wall. Each looking lust blown, hungry, and ready to pounce. You noticed a few palming themselves and shifting in their spots before you attention was stolen by Changbin.
He’s aggressive straight away biting at your exposed neck. You yelp once and then twice when you feel his fingers graze your still sensitive clit. He’s moving between your folds collecting your slickness and Chan’s cum. When he pulls away to coat his cock with it you look at him. He didn’t bother to undress all the way, just enough to let his frustration free. He lifts up his muscle tee slightly letting you catch a glimpse of his abs before he fills you up. He’s thicker than Chan and you feel every bit of the stretch.
“Go ahead make eye contact with them”
He growls, giving a cocky smirk and starting up at a rapid speed. Your head falling to the side involuntary and you catch a glimpse of all of them. You notice Jeongin first, still seated at the desk, bouncing his leg and gripping at his seat a little too tight. His face is fully red and you can hear slight pants coming from him.
When Changbin gives a particularly harsh stroke your attention shifts to Jisung seated on the floor next to the desk. He’s long discarded his clothes and has been jerking away at himself. You catch him stop abruptly and throw his head back, eyebrows furrowed and dick twitching as he clearly tries to hold himself back. Your highs already at its brink again when you lock eyes with Minho whose eyes are filled with the same devilish glare as before.
“Cum” he mouths and you do, probably the hardest you ever came but Changbin doesn’t let up. His hips rocking back and forth harder and harder. Your uncontrollable and overstimulated moans filling the room.
“Look at me”
He demands and you do as he says through now teary eyes. His eyes were as menacing as his strokes were and he give you two last deep pumps before spilling every drop in you.
“Good girl”
He backs out and with satisfaction watches your legs starting to shake. Hyunjin with his bottom lip between his teeth tags in next. He’s shirtless and his pants are tight. He immediately has his hands on your body sensually rubbing up and down your waist. You brace yourself thinking he’d immediately get to it and be just as aggressive but instead he chooses a softer approach.
“Are you feeling good?”
His silky voice asks as his hands stops just about your thighs giving you a light squeeze. You dazedly nod and he smiles.
“You’re doing so well for us.”
You only hum as he takes in your fucked out expression. He’s as playful as ever kneading at your thigh with one hand and unbuckling his self with the other. Once free he taps and slides against your hole collecting the cum leaking out of you and getting ready to push it back in.
“Are you ready, baby?”
“P-please” you purr and he easily glides in.
He’s longer but definitely thinner than the last two and choses a slower more rhythmic pace with you, which was nice and needed following Changbins aggressive assault. He slow fucks the cum into you savoring every pulse and grip of your walls over him. It takes a second for you to cum again this time in small bursts and Hyunjin exhales in approval, taking a small break after you ride your high all the way through to whisper praises and grip at your body.
When you move your hips down to signal him to keep going he meets it with a snap drawing moans from both of you simultaneously. This round his thrusts are more heated and feverish. You’re caught up in watching the way Hyunjins hair falls into his face to notice Jisung approach. Stroking himself over your chest.
“Mmm, wait for me.”
Hyunjin murmurs and Jisung just nods. You’re curious but your second high from him approaches too closely to get to question it. The coil threatens to snap and right as you’re about to let it Hyunjin pulls out prompting a whimper in protest. He strokes himself over you nodding at Jisung before painting your pussy in his hot seed. Jisung follows shortly after shuddering and spilling right over your chest.
Jisung then eagerly trades with Hyunjin his eyes glued to your cum covered body. He quickly aligns himself and slips in with a high whine. He falls on his hands and relentlessly thrusts into you fucking you like a rabid rabbit, the curve of him hitting all the right spots. He watches you bounce and moan under him with his bottom lip tightly bitten. The snugness of you and his already sensitive dick has him struggling to stay up and he doesn’t know how much longer he has before he busts again.
Luckily for you, he’s finishing off exactly where Hyunjin left off and you cum instantly squeezing around Jisung and milking him of his second orgasm in the process. Jisung practically falls to his knees and it takes every last bit of strength to pull away from you. At this point you’ve already lost count of how many times you’ve came and you’re just barely done with them. You start to relax into the bed breathing heavy and feeling fully spent when Minho comes up and taps on your thigh.
“Hopefully you’re not too tired to play with me”
He chuckles and passes a finger against your clit making you jolt. He collects the cum from you, bringing it up to his lips and licking it clean before closing your legs and roughly moving them to the side. He’s familiar with this kind of game and loves when they’re already this far gone when he gets to them. Easier to mold and easier to break. You’re clenching around nothing as he unbuckles and lines himself up. 
He pushes in all the way feeling pure ecstasy as you cry out. He hastily picks up the pace while pressing your thighs down together making you even tighter on him. You could feel him at the pit of your stomach making the joke of getting your guts rearranged seem all too real now.
This is overkill
Invades your mind when another orgasm hits you leaving your vision white. Minho takes this as his que to hit harder and quicker until your mouth is full of his name. It felt like hours of him relentlessly pounding into your overly sensitive cunt before he nuts in you with a grunt.
You feel so full and unable to move, molded into a true fuck doll for them at this point. Minho pulls out cleaning off his dick and uses you as a towel then leaves you without saying anything else. He pats Felix on the back before pushing him towards you. Felix looks star struck and you’re now needier than ever. Making it obvious by spreading your legs for him and rubbing at yourself with one hand, the other messing with the cum on your chest.
He whispers something inaudible and yanks off his clothes. Grabbing you by the waist to push you further up the bed so he could climb in right after. He’s clumsy and slips trying to find your hole and you have to guide him in.
His strokes are sloppy right away, either overly excited or new to this and it was barely hitting the right spots. You decide to help him out and grind back against him meeting each stroke. He stills automatically letting you take over, his face bright red and focused on where you and him meet. You move faster and mutter his name until you hit your peak.
“Y/N,” he gasps “C-can I cum on your face?”
Cloudy minded but still surprised by his dirty request you nod and he quickly moves to your side. His hands move fast up and down the length of his dick right over your face. You open your mouth and stick out your tongue bracing yourself for your reward. A slew of curse words leave his mouth before your face gets warm with his spunk.
You wipe the bit that covered your eyes so you could see again and popped that on your tongue keeping eye contact with Felix as you swallow, noticing the way he practically melts from it.
Begrudgingly, Felix gets up and Seungmin, whose been quiet this whole time, joins in his usual bright smile on his face.
“Poor baby,” He mocks “Tired, huh?”
You’re too incoherent to respond and he’s well aware of that. He laughs and massages your legs making sure you’re okay.
“Please” you beg
“What was that?”
All you could do is point at the tent in his pants and his eyebrows raise. He shrugs and starts to undress. He’s not one to hold back after all.
“You sure you can take this?”
He doesn’t even let you answer just buries his cock in you and waits. You grow frustrated thinking you were finally gonna get what you wanted just to be teased instead. You take matters into your own hand again and lift yourself up then slide back down onto him throwing your head back when he hits the spot. Seungmin shakes his head and lands a hand on your hip gripping you so you can’t move again.
He hums in an almost condescending way.
“Still needy? Or have you been fucked so dumb that this all you know now?”
He tilts his head as you whimper under him. All you seem to be able to do is pant in protest. You feel him twitch inside of you and your eyes squeeze shut at the slight friction from it.
“Can’t even answer.. tsk I think it’s obvious which one you are.”
He finally gives in and moves, slow and meticulously.
“You’re doing so well”
He pants
“And I thought I’d give you a second to catch your breath”
His thrusts get sharper and leave you gasping
“But if it’s not what you want...”
He speeds up
“..who am I to deny”
His fingers snake over to your clit and rubbing rough circles into it in time with the motion of his hips.
“So good”
Just like that you unravel with a loud groan
“Dummy.. couldn’t even wait for me?”
He laughs and pulls out a little too quickly leaving you with an feeling empty. He jerks off over your body drinking in the way you lay like a broken toy. It doesn’t take long for him to finish across your thighs and you thank him relentlessly.
He shakes his head
“No, no, baby”
“Thank you for letting us use your body like this”
In a blink, he’s gone and in his place was Jeongin with his pretty dick in hand.
“I wanna fuck their cum into you”
“So badly”
His voice is dripping in desire. He presses his red and angry tip to your folds collecting the cum and coating himself with as much of it as he can. Once he’s pleased he asks for the okay which you give him without hesitation. He bottoms out instantly digging his nails into your body at the same time. The urge to bust right then and there washes over him but he’s waited too long to be out already. He holds back for a few seconds till he adjusts before rutting into you. You hadn’t expected the level of precision that came from him and cry out as he fucks you raw.
Jeongin chokes out
He nods at you and Hyunjin without a second of doubt complies lightly shuffling over to where you lay. He leans over kissing you softly on the lips you lean in deepening it. When he pulls away you notice traces of cum left on his lips and he licks it away before winking at you and stepping back.
It takes a few more drags of his dick across you velvet walls for you both to cry out in one last orgasm. You could feel tears fall from your eyes and Jeongin’s quick to wipe them away. He then sits back on his knees with a sigh his now flaccid dick slipping out. He then topples over beside you followed by almost all of them who then coddle and whispering praises at you. 
Seungmin whose reaching for the door laughs.
“I’ll go grab a wash rag”
“And you know.. if you ever wanna do this again I, at least, wouldn't mind.” Jisung quips with a wink as he trails behind Seungmin with snacks in mind. You’re about ready to pass out but manage to laugh and shake your head over the hyper every day every situation demeanor Jisung carried.
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plush-rabbit · 3 years
A Blurry Photo
Picture Perfect | Aftermath of Picture Perfect Headcanons | Smile For Me
Warnings: Manipulation, Slight non-con
Word Count: 2.5K
A/N: I’m gonna do a part 4 with the pregnancy so keep an eyes on that ;P
He watches you, edging closer to the bubble you’ve created around yourself. The way you make sure that not a single thing of yours touches someone or something and that not a single thing that isn’t familiar touches you. He can walk close to you- enough to see the red lines around your neck and he salivates, spit pooling in his mouth. As perceptive as you are, you don’t seem to notice him. There’s something deeper inside of him now. It isn’t lust that he feels for you. It’s deeper than that, something more, something that makes his chest ache, that makes him want to do something idiotic and he does. It’s daylight, the sun is out and you’re safe. Eyes and hands will stop from any crime being committed upon such a sinful, innocent person. It’s easy for him- everything is when it comes to you- all he has to do is reach into your pocket and slip out your phone, he’s sure someone has caught him in the act, but no one says a thing. Slender fingers tap against your shoulder and you jump and you look at him with wide, tearful eyes and there’s a shock that shoots straight to his crotch, awakening his flaccid member.
“I’m sorry to startle you, miss, but it seems like you dropped your phone.” He holds the phone, hands large and imposing, covering all of the device, knowing you’ll have to touch him to retrieve it.
You look down at it and then back to him and his smile never wavers. “I- Thank you-”
“Danny.” You were never going to ask his name, he knows that. You’re too scared to do anything like that. “You can call me Danny.” He smiles sweetly at you and he has to bite the inside of his cheeks to stop the growing smile when you fingertips touch against his fingers.
You clear your throat, a forced smile making its way onto your lips and while he knows that it makes sense, he can’t help but feel anger at the expression given to him. “Thank you, Danny.” You pull on the phone, holding it tightly in your hands. “I uh- I hadn’t noticed it fell so thank you.” Your foot turns, ready to turn your body and he pushes forward, so desperate to continue talking to you.
“You uh-” his voice cracks and he clears his throat, walking beside you- “You seem a bit stressed, everything okay?” You glance at him through the corner of your eye and he can only give you a practiced nervous smile. “I really don’t mean to pry-”
“Then don’t,” you cut him off, hurrying your steps. “I’m fine. Thank you for picking up my phone but I have to get going.”
The corners of his lips pull downwards. Fury hammers at him, his hands curling and brows furrowing. “Listen, I’m just trying to say that you seem a bit stressed. Are you sure you’re okay? I work for the news and I know there have been a number of break ins-” that word causes you to flinch- “and I don’t want to leave you scared during this difficult time.” He makes sure to stumble in his footsteps when you turn a corner, jogging slightly to catch up to you, hands pushed into his pockets. “You’re shaking, you know?”
You falter in your steps and he has to refrain himself from smiling. “You’re being sweet and I- I appreciate it but really, I’m fine.”
“How about we go get some tea?” You turn to look at him and he considers it progress. “I think coffee might do you something bad, so tea sounds nice, right? Have you had bubble tea before?” Your eyes light up and his smile turns softer. “I’ll pay. Listen, I’m not trying to do anything weird, I just wanna make you’re okay before you go back home. I know a scared face when I see one.” You just need a little push and he can provide that. He stands in front of you and the tip of your sneaker nips at his, and holds his hand out to you, unblemished and giving. “Would you like to go get bubble tea with me?” Your hand twitch, fingers curling to place themselves against his only to pull away and he’s sure that if he hadn’t ruined you, you would have touched him. You nod your head, your answer a soft whisper and tears welling in your eyes and he does not comment, only smiles and holds your hand. “Great. I know the perfect place.” You’re already so broken, all he has to do is show you a bit of kindness and he can fix you.
You are curled up against Danny under a thick blanket, hands interlaced as you both watch the news, the tone somber as the woman recounts the latest murder. Your thumb rubs against his knuckles, the room quiet. It takes all his might to avoid looking down and seeing your reaction. He can remember the murder quite well. He’s just surprised it took them so long to find the body. It wasn’t as if he had hidden it but he must have mistaken the kindness for people to check up on others. He mistakes the kindness that you have for others. It was something that happened, a pull on his heartstrings with the time he has spent with you.
“It’s crazy, isn’t it?” Your thumb stops its melodic rhythm. “All the murders. I man, it’s just one guy and they can’t even seem to find him.” You laugh and it’s bitter, empty and makes a shiver run down his spine. “You- You go there, right? To take photos and stuff?”
“Yeah,” he responds, reaching over to grab the remote, holding his hand over the pause button, waiting for the right moment to hit it. “I get a few things, nothing ever tramuzitng, by the time I arrive the body is gone and there are markers all over.” A still image of Ghostface appears, he’s frozen in time, a hand raised with fingers curled in a mock greeting with the knife raised. He can feel your body stiffen, the small breath of air that is sucked into your body and the way your nails dig into his skin. “I’m safe, you know. I’m not leaving you anytime soon. Plus-” he turns his hands over, grabbing yours roughly- “the murderer never returns to the scene of the crime.”
“I just-” your voice shakes and he wonders if you’re going to tell him the details of your encounters with him- “I worry.” He frowns. It seems like you won’t.
It’s his fault, of course. He’s ruined your trust in people, invaded every aspect of himself into you, has felt your body as you cried and he was so sure that the last time he was here- which at this point was months ago- that he had gotten you pregnant and yet here you are with a regular period and consuming what you want without worry. But he can’t give up hope- you let him have a key to your place, you spend the nights with him or vice versa, you kiss him against the lips, breath shaky and hands gripping onto his shirt like it's a lifeline while it is a peck, he has to rush somewhere hidden to fist his cock in his hand and think of the way you’d be so giving and so fearful to him. It’s like you’re teasing him on purpose.
“Look at me?” He asks, already grabbing your body and turning you over. You look at him, your tongue peeking out to wet your lips, eyes wide legs straddling him, your clothed cunt pressed against his crotch and if he closes his eyes he can imagine the smell of it. His hands cup your face, encasing you and forcing you to look at him as the image of Ghostface is frozen on screen. “I’m going to be okay. No silly murderer who hides his face is going to get me. After all,” he smiles, leaning close to you, “I’m just a photographer. It’s not like I know anything.” He presses his lips against you, your words muffled against his tongue.
His hands slip down your face and onto the curve of your neck. He can feel your body stiffen, the soft murmur of his name on your lips, the way you latch onto his shirt and tug on it, scratching your nails against the soft cotton. His hands lower, hands slipping down over the curve of your chest, your legs instinctively trying to squeeze together, only to rest against your stomach. A hand curves to your back, sliding under your shirt where his fingertips tap lightly against your bare back. His other hand slips under the front side of your shirt, trailing above, fingers ghosting over the soft curve of your stomach until he reaches the band of your bra, his hand cupping a breast and your hands on him go flat, a feeble attempt to push him away as his hand pulls down your cup, exposing your breast, a hardened nipple poking against the palm of his hand. Danny wonders how close he can get until you really try to get him off of you- until you’re crying and hitting against his body, until all the small progress that you’ve made with him can be broken once again.
He tries to restrain himself, to hold back any of his primal urges to claw at your skin, to mark you until you’re sobbing against him. The most he allows himself to do is pinch at your nipple which makes you whimper against him, your hands now clawing at his chest and he can pretend for a second that you want this as well, trick himself that you’re gentle shoves that grind yourself against him are on purpose. He’s gasping against your mouth, pushing himself close to you, spit dribbling past the corners of both mouths. His fingers are pinched against your nipple, pulling taut on it and twisting it until your body goes rigid and he can hear a cry of pain muffled by the wretched kiss he’s placed onto you.
It isn't until you bite against his lip that he lets go. He curses, bringing a hand up to cusp the wounded piece of flesh that burns. Other than the small curse that leaves his lips, he’s calm, cupping his clothed mouth allowing for the blood to pool and fill his mouth with poison. You, on the other hand, are a mess. You’re entangled in the blankets, kicking them off, crying and sniveling, trying to fix where he’s touched only to start sobbing when you mimic where he had just touched you.
“You know, if you wanted to bite, you have to be a bit gentler than that,” he tries to joke, letting his tongue graze over the wound, blood spilling onto the flat of his tongue, filling his mouth with copper.
His fingertips touch against his lip, a thin, shining blood on his finger pad, staining him in his natural color. His eyes glisten, fingers still as he stares in fascination. His mind is fuzzy, static stuffed inside as the room is filled with a high-pitched noise, eyes never wanting to look away from the blood on his fingers- from his own blood. He never took you for the type to fight back. He meets your eyes- cruel, wicked eyes that meet fearful ones, ones that are rimmed red and look upon him with the same look that you gave him many nights before when he’s invaded your home. His fingers curl, the palm of his hand dotted with the same blood that had been spilled by you.
“I- I told you to stop,” you hiss, grabbing fistfuls of the blanket until they’re spilling from your hand, bringing the bundled bunch to your chest, where it rises and dips with such exaggeration. “I didn’t want to.” He tilts his head, his nails digging into his palm. You keep your gaze on him, never faltering, never looking anywhere else. “I’m-” more tears well in your eyes, voice cracking and a shiver runs through his body- “I’m sorry, Danny.”
With a sudden switch, he’s snapped back into reality. His smile is warm, gentle even, as he opens his arms and welcomes you inside, staining your bicep with his blood as your sob into his chest. He smiles, his fingers dancing along your spine in a spindly dance. You clutch onto him and he shushes you gently, letting you apologize and cry as he watches, so desperate for you to know edge closer to him and feel him poke against you, so perverted to have you never find out how your tears excite him more.
He moves slightly, a soft press of his chest against your body, and you collapse further into him, grabbing fistfuls of his shirt and pressing against him, no doubt feeling him and you remain silent save for your sobbing. You refuse to say a single word about your disastrous meetings with Ghostface, even as he stares right at you through the television screen. You don’t speak ill of the monster who holds you in his arms. You hold the monster tight, finding comfort until your sobs have turned into hiccups and whimpers, until you’re kissing against his bitten lip, your lips shining with a thinned blood that appears almost pink on your lips.
“I didn’t mean to push you so much,” he says, his hand flat on your back. “I just thought we had been dating for so long and well-” he sighs, pressing his lips against the crown of your head- “I didn’t mean to push you. There’s no excuse for that.” He moves, squirming under you and you rise, looking at him with
“I just- I don’t have the best record with relationships.” He can feel your hesitation, the way your body tenses and the clawing against his shirt. “I don’t want to get into it,” you finalize, doing your best to not look at the screen where the image remains still, never moving and always taunting you. You pull yourself away from him, standing with your back faced towards the killer and he watches, eyes darting to the door where you begin your descent, his hand barely missing yours when he reaches to hold it. “I’m going to go home.” You turn to look at him, your mouth pulled into a straight line. “I’ll uh-” you stop midway, cutting yourself off as you lower yourself to the ground, adjusting your shoes and tightening the laces. Your hand wraps around the door knob, the humid air outside making you freeze, his eyes never leaving your retreating figure. “I’ll see you later, okay?” You look at him, a tense smile stretched on your face, as you give him a short wave goodbye. The door closes behind you and he collapses onto the couch, hand unzipping his pants and wrapping around his throbbing member, hissing at the contact.
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Always and Forever
After what happened last night I think we all deserve some Colin fluff. So this is exactly what this is, and a correct ending. I fixed it, Colin gets shot but it doesn’t kill him and he survives! It’s a little angsty in the beginning but it’ll be worth it for the ending!!
Summary: it’s yours and Colin anniversary, but while making dinner you get a call that he was shot. You race to hospital but find out that he’s okay and he’s worried if you’ll still want him.
Word Count: 2494
Warnings: fluff, angst, mentions of blood/violence (the beginning is really angsty but the ending is super fluffy and sweet and it’s what we deserve)
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Mare was calling his name, he could faintly hear her along with the roaring sirens and the commotion inside and outside the house. His eyes felt heavy, everything felt heavy, he couldn't even move if he wanted to. He forced his eyes open and saw a blurry figure of a person standing over him, he saw their mouth moving but he couldn't make anything they were saying. He knew that he was sitting in a pool of his own blood, his head was lulled to the side and it was staining his skin. He felt his body be lifted up and the motion made him black out. 
You were at home when they called you. It was your and Colin's one year anniversary, you were busy cooking dinner, your hair tied back in knots and stains decorating your apron. You weren't nearly as good of a cook as Colin but you were trying you best. He had called you earlier saying that they had a new lead and this might be the break they were looking for, he was so excited and it made you excited for him. You had started dinner to surprise him, figuring it would mean more if it came from the heart. 
You had just finished up when you felt your phone buzz. You saw his picture lighting up your screen and answered it with a smile. You put it on speaker and set it down, still having some other things to take care of. “Hey honey! I made your favorite, you're going to love it.” You pulled the bread out of the oven and set it down on the table.” And there is absolutely no zucchini in the pasta. The recipe called for it but I know how much you hate it. So I just substituted it and I think It’s going to taste great! So when are you coming home?” 
“(y/n) It’s Mare.”
“Oh hey Mare, where's Colin?” You took out two wine glasses, moving closer to the phone.
“(y/n) Something happened.” Mare heard the sound of glass breaking the other end of the line when she told you what happened. She could hear your ragged breathing and her heart broke for you. After she finished she waited for your reply but the line was silent. ‘(y/n), are you still there?”
You looked down to see the wine glasses shattered by your feet. “Yeah… I am.” You had your hand over your mouth, your whole body shaking. You covered the phone as you felt yourself slump against the counter. You slid to the floor sobs racking your body. You let yourself cry for  a moment before taking a deep breath. “Can I see him?” You asked in a shaky voice. 
“It’s going to be a while.” You numbly picked up the shards of the glass as Mare explained the situation. She told you it was going to be a while till you were going to be able to see him. You told her you were coming anyway. You tossed off your apron and sprinted to your car, your anniversary dinner was left on the table cold and forgotten. 
Everything hurt, Colin winced as he tried to shift into a more comfortable position. He opened his eyes to look around, he knew what had happened but his mind was still reeling from it. He picked up the mirror they had left on his lap, he was told they had shot him in the face and that they weren’t sure what the damage would do to it. He lifted it up to see the side of his face swollen, covered with a thick bandage. The swelling from the surgery made him almost unrecognizable.
He looked over at you and how beautiful you were and sighed, his heart breaking in two. There was no way someone like you would want him now. You were curled into yourself on a hospital chair next to his bed. Your face was tearstained and you had dark bags under your eyes. His heart ached at seeing you like this. He reached out to set the mirror down on the table but he missed and it shattered into the floor.
Your eyes shot open at the noise, he gave you a weak smile, action making him wince. “Hey.” At hearing his raspy voice you started to cry again. You untangled your limps and moved to stand by this bed. “Hey don’t cry darling.” He lifted his hand up to cup your face, brushing away your tears. You held his hand, pressing it impossibly closer to your face. 
“I thought I lost you. Mare called me and told me you had been shot and there was so much blood. And they said you got shot and that you could die and I just-” You were rambling but he softly shushed you. 
“It’s okay, I’m okay. I’m just ugly and disfigured now.” He said with a dry laugh. You furrowed your brows and moved to gently touch the side of his face where he hadn’t been shot. He moved his face before you made contact with his skin.  
“No don’t try and say I’m not cause I am.” He moved his head to the side avoiding your gaze. “I’m was never good enough for someone like you to begin with and now I’m more sure than ever that you deserve someone better than me.”
“Colin you’re not-”
“Look at me!” He yelled, surging out of his bed. He watched you with hard eyes challenging you to leave him like he knew you would. But you just gazed at him with love filled eyes. He started to cry his whole body shaking. “L-look at m-me.” He hiccupped out. You gently his face with both your hands, not putting weight on he bandaged side.  
“I am.” He wouldn't meet your eyes, he was looking down, his tears staining he blanket on his lap. “Colin look at me.” He resisted, you grabbed his chin and titled it up. “Colin I am looking at you. And you are so beautiful. I don't see this ugly disfigured thing you claim to be. All I see is the man I love. A man who put his life on the line and saved three girls. Easttown's hero detective.” At hearing you say that he broke, sobs racking his whole body. He grabbed onto your shirt tight, afraid as if at any moment you were going to leave him. 
“I’m here. I’m here.” You whispered to him as you held him. 
For the next few days you stayed in the hospital as long as they would let you. Since you weren’t really family you couldn't spend the night but you there from the moment they opened till they closed. You would come and help Colin eat his meals and spend time with him throughout the day, watching tv with him and reading him stories while your played with his hair. Each day Colin anxiously waited for you to arrive, fearing that one day you might not show up. That you would decide that you wouldn't want him anymore and just leave. But you never did, you were by his side for it all, holding his hand when they changed his bandages and comforting him anytime he got insecure. You were never going to leave him. 
You came in one day a little later than usual, traffic was really bad that day. When you came in the room the lights were down low and the room was decorated with flowers and candles were lit all around the room. Colin was standing in the center of the room, he wasn't in his usual hospital gown. He was wearing a suit and his hair was all combed and slicked back. He had on new bandages over his face and the swelling had gone down over the week and his dimples were now visible when he smiled at you. You returned his smile as you stepped further into the room. “What is all this?” You asked as you set down your bag. “And why do you have candles on in here, isn’t that a fire hazard.”
“It is indeed a fire hazard but the nurses allowed it. Just be careful not to knock them down, or you might end up actually killing me.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. ‘Don't even joke about that.” He laughed and moved closer to you. “And why are you out of bed? You're supposed to be resting.” He lifted his hand up to your face and cupped it, running his thumb lovingly across your cheek. 
“You care so much about me, I don't deserve you. And don't worry I’ll go back to bed in minute but first...” Colin held both your hand as he got on one knee. You felt your heart stop.  
“You are the most amazing person I have ever met. You have shown me time and time again what it means to love someone one. I was so scared I was going to lose you after the accident, that you would decide that it would be too much to stay with me. But you stuck with me and were there for everything, reminding me that love is more than skin deep. Each and everyday I wonder how a guy like me was able to find someone as beautiful and as caring as you. But I am thankful that I did, I couldn't imagine a life without you by my side. A life without movie nights, skin care routines, and corny jokes.” He squeezed your hand tighter, his eyes staring into your own. Filled with nothing but endless love. “You make everything and anything feel special. You make me feel like someone great, and you make me feel as if I can do anything. So I want to know if you will make me feel that way for the rest of our lives.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box, opening it to revel a beautiful ring. “(y/n) (y/l/n) will you marry me?” 
You lunged forward, tackling him into a hug, he fell back and you two landed in a tangled pile on the floor. The action made his sore body ache but he couldn't care less, any amount of pain was worth it to see you this happy. You pulled back and smashed your lips against his. He smiled into the kiss and deepened it, loving the way your lips felt against his. You rested your foreheads together, enjoying one another's presence. “So I’ll take that as a yes?” Colin joked, kissing your nose lightly. 
You rolled your eyes and took his face in both of your hands. “Yes, yes, yes, a million times yes.” You said in between peppering soft kisses all over his face. He laughed, each one making his skin tingle with joy. 
He slipped the ring onto your finger and you stared at it lovingly. You moved to kiss him again but were interrupted by his hospital door being slammed open. You both jumped and turned, the entire station was there, they had been watching him propose from the window outside. “So what did she say?” Mare asked, leaning against the doorframe. 
“I said yes!” You shouted and the whole room erupted in cheering. Everyone piled into the room, smothering you with hugs as they congratulated you and asked to see your ring. You looked at Mare. “Did you guys help him set this all up?”
“Of course, did you think your hero detective would be able to do it all alone.” You laughed and Colin scoffed at her remark. You all chatted with one another talking about wedding plans as everybody gave their own opinions and inputs. 
After a while they left you two alone and you just sat by his bed, brushing his hair back with your hand, his eyes closed at the feeling. He opened them to look at you. 
“Lay with me.” He patted the other side of his hospital bed, you looked at it noticing how incredibly small it was.
You rolled your eyes. “No. I’m going to hurt you and there’s not enough room.”
“Please.” He looked at you with his puppy dog eyes and you immediately caved. You sighed and moved to get up, you carefully wiggled your way into his bed. He sat with his arms open waiting for you to settle in between them. You laid down curling into his side and laying your head gently against his chest. He kissed your forehead, signing at the comfort you being right next to him brought him. You felt him shift and glanced over to see what he was doing. 
He reached over to the side of the bed and pulled out the remote to his tv and a jello cup. “How about an celebratory Jello and show.”
“That sounds lovely detective.” He turned on the tv and Brooklyn nine nine was playing. It was the episode where Jake proposes to Amy and you thought about just how fitting it was that your guy's favorite show was playing just that episode. You took the jello cup from him and opened it, gathering a spoonful and lifting it up to feed it to him. He watched you out of the corner of his eyes the way your face broke out in a smile at watching your favorite tv couple get engaged. He felt himself tear up, the realization that you were going to be together forever finally hitting him. He couldn't be happier, he grabbed your chin and turned you to face him. He lightly pressed his lips to yours the taste of cherry jello still on his lips. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too.” He gave you a playful smile and you raised an eyebrow. 
“Nothing. Just thank you for being the Amy to my Jake.” He joked, going back to his usually corny self. 
You crinkled up your nose and let out a laugh. “That’s so cheesy Zabel.” 
“Oh so you don’t want to be my Amy?” He asked with mock hurt, turning away from you. You rolled your eyes and kissed his cheek.
“Of course I do, I can’t wait to be the Amy to your Jake for the rest of our lives.” 
“Mhmm. The rest of our lives.” He gave you a tight hug, lifting your hand up to kiss it, staring into your eyes. He straightened out the ring, holding it up for you to see. “Cause this means you’re never gonna be able to get rid of me darling.” 
“And I wouldn't have it any other way.”
You settled back into his arms, taking turns eating the jello. The sun started to set and you two slowly began to drift to sleep in one another's arms. Comforted by the fact that you were going to be together always and forever.
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