#even if more people would find me hot that doesnt change the fact that no one ever found me. yknow. interesting?
petew21-blog · 25 days
Friends with benefits
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Two long time friends Trent and Brett. A classic story. Met in kindergarten and have been friends since. Grew up together. Spent their holidays together. Graduated together. But then stopped seeing each other as often. Why? Because adult life ain't easy. Brett had to find a job while Trent got into college, graduated and on top of that became a fitness influencer. Brett started his Twitch account and became a gamer, which he had time for, cause how he was constantly doing a different job, depending on what he could find. But both of them always took some time off for a beer with their buddy.
This is Trent
Although he doesn't appear like that, he is a 24 year old male with young looks
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On the other hand Brett is also young, but his looks are a bit more mature. Maybe it's because of all the hair
This is Brett
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So hairy.
Normal guys, right? Well something was about to change very soon
Friday, August 2nd, 5 PM
Brett:"Hey, dude. Wanna grab a beer later tonight?"
Trent:"Yeah, sure. I am down. Is 8:30 ok? I gotta finish a video"
Brett:"Oh yeah, totally fine. See you then"
Friday, August 2nd, sports bar, 8:33 PM
At the bar Brett waits patiently, only his leg is slightly shaking. Trent comes in through the door. It's kinda funny, cause Trent used to be really insecure and not confident. Now he looks basically like a god. But still, he has this cute shy looking guy whose face doesnt match his body and the fact that he's 24. Brett was kinds jealous, most of the people that didn't know him always thought he was older because of his looks. Trent had the opposite problem. Always had to show ID whenever he went. Yet Brett was probably more jealous about his life in general. He finished school, took great care of his body, which now could help him hook up with anyone he would set his mind to.
Brett:"Hey, maaaan. How are you doing?"
Trent:"Heyyy. Yeah good. You know, single influencer life, haha"
Brett:"The ladies must be driving you crazy"
Trent:"If only it were just ladies. Haha. You should see the messages some of these gay dudes keep sending me. It's insane"
Brett:"You tell me. They always send random shits to my chats while playing. But it's mostly dumb kids."
Trent:"I think we should find you a date for tonight"
Brett:"Nahhh, fuck it. I'm not in the mood. I just wanna chat with my bro."
After a few beers
Brett:"Shut up, you did not!"
Trent:"I swear. She came on to me without a word."
Brett:"So what did you do?"
Trent:"You think I put up a fight? Haha"
Brett:"Maaaan. I want this stuff to happen to me to. That's so hot"
Trent:"Come with me to the gym then, I bet more chicks woukd be into you if you would gain some muscles"
Brett:"You calling me fat?"
Trent:"No, just saying that all that body hair would be good to match with a good body. You're just a walking gorilla right now"
Brett:"Oh shut up twink! Haha"
They finished their drinks, said their goodbyes and went home.
Brett felt amazing. He really needed to get a beer with his best friend. He came back home, sat behind his computer and searched Dark web. He already knew what he was looking for. He wanted to mess with Trent. Just a another one of his pranks. All he needed was Trent's personal item. He found the body swapping website. He read the rules and conditions and filled out his and Trents name. The only next step he had to follow was to go to sleep. And so he did. Only taking off his shirt in the process and collapsing on the bed. Not even brushing his teeth
Brett woke up feeling better than ever. He was used to have a hangover by now, but today he felt great. He opened his eyes and immediately noticed the different sheets. He looked around. This is Trent's place.
Brett:"Trent?" he said, but he heard Trent's voice.
He turned around to get up
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His body. He has a different body
Brett:"Holy shit. It worked" he said amused. He looked down at his now soft chest. He got up
Brett:"Oh wow. getting up is so different when you have these hard muscles"
He went to the nearest mirror. And there he was. Trent in his glory. Brett was so happy right now. His prank worked. He is now inside of his best friends body. And the pranks probably won't stop there. Now he can mess with him all he wants. But not now.
He looked from top to bottom how tall and slim his body was. "Almost no hair anywhere. Lucky guy"
He took Trent's phone and snapped a photo to send it to Trent in his body. He knew it would take a while for Trent to wake up so he proceeded in his exploration.
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He felt his curly hair. "How come you don't even have widow's peak? So unfair" He traced his jawline, now with tiny baby hair that Brett wouldn't even call a beard. But his sight was now caught by those nice Calvin Klein's. He looked around as if there was someone in the room with him who would judge him. He pulled on the waistband
Brett:"Just as I thought. Also shaved" he grabbed his new dick, that was getting harder and harder by the second, when suddenly his phone received a notification. he let go of his dick
It was Trent. Brett:"Haha, this is gonna be good"
There was a photo of Brett's body, observing his hairy armpits in shock
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Trent in Brett's body:"Hey. Got any idea why I am a gorilla now? And why that gorilla looks exactly like you?"
Brett:"Surpriseee. And fuck you"
Trent:"So this is your doing?"
Brett:"Yeah, I kinda wanted to prank you somehow for all the pranks and the gorilla jokes. Joke's on you ape man"
Trent:"Fuck you. So this is reversible?"
Brett:"Sure, man. No worries. We'll meet tonight at the bar again and chat how our day went?"
Trent:"I don't know how to feel about this, bro"
Brett:"Just try enjoying being another person"
Trent:"Do you realise there are some no go things including intimate stuff and hygiene?"
Brett:"Sure I do. I'm already holding your dick in YOUR hands right now"
Trent:"Dude! Not cool. I meant more stuff like shitting etc. But yeah, this too."
Brett:"I gotta say Trent. You have a very nice dick"
Trent:"I'll comment on your size when I find it in the bushes I guess. Have you never heard of trimming?"
Brett:"Keeping it natural, baby face"
Trent:"Fine, let's see each other tonight at 8, ok?"
Brett:"Enjoyyy" Hangs up
Trent:"Jesus, this guy. I hope he doesn't fuck up something or someone"
Starts observing himself. "I must say, It feels good to look like a mature man and not a teenager. All of this hair. And the moustache is hot too. I could never grow this thing"
Trent looked down and had a mischievous thought. "Well, Brett. Since you have already held my dick, I think it's time to step it up. Gonna see if you can last longer than I do" Trent said with a smile and whipped out his new hard hairy dick
Saturday August the 3rd, bar, 8:04 PM
Brett is sitting amused in the bar, eating chips on the table and drinking beer. Winking at the ladies looking at his direction.
A waitress came by his table:"Want another?"
Brett noticed his old incoming body:"Sure, and another one for my friend who just arrived. Thank you, sweetheart" he said as his flirtatious look almost seduced the local waitress
Trent:"You need to stop!"
Brett:"What? I was just flirting"
Trent:"Not that. Stop eating those chips. God knows how many calories you ate already"
Brett:"So you don't mind that I was flirting with her?"
Trent:"Nah, I don't care. I jerked off your dick for like the fifth time half an hour ago"
Brett:"What? You beast. I would have never expected that. Cool. You have a really good dick to jerk off too. I didn't expect to shoot so far tho. Made a bit of a mess"
A couple off bikers started eavesdropping to their conversation and turning heads
Trent:"You might want to quiet down, or we're gonna get beaten up for mistakenly speaking like gay guys"
Brett:"But you gotta admit that my body is not so bad, right? All the hair and everything. You like it"
Trent:"It's not bad, but I prefer being in my own body. I'm used to it."
Brett:"Ok, I'll pretend I didn't hear the part before about masturbation. But what do you say? We didn't even have enough time to see what the life is like in our new bodies. It's only been a day"
Trent:"And your point is?"
Brett:"Let's stay swapped for a while. We can swap back anytime we want. It's reversible. We know almost everything about each other, so pretending to be the other one will be easy. You'll just teach me your workout routine, I'll show you... what games to play and how to set up a livestream and we'll figure it out"
Trent:"Livestream? That's all you got?"
Brett:"Come on, man. We got nothing to loose"
Trent:"I don't know man. It's gonna be complicated. I agreed to leave for a few weeks to work at one of our gym branches in another city. And now you'll be the one that has to go. I think now is not the best time"
Brett:"So? I can update you about everything. We can chat all the time. We can call. And I got nothing to do. Actually, you might need to find some job for those few weeks. And there's never gonna be a better time then now. We're single, ready to mingle. So let's enjoy that month"
Trent:"You wanna stay swapped the whole tíme I'm gone?"
Brett:"Yeah, I'll be a fitness instructor/viral star and you'll ne enjoying my chill life"
Trent:"Chill life. Man, you won't even recognise your life when we'll swap back"
Brett:"So you agree?"
Trent:"Yeah, what the hell. I'll be a gorilla for a month"
Brett:"Deal. Now, let's see if you'll have a better game in finding a hookup then me"
Sunday, August 4th
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Brett sends a text to Trent:"Why do I feel like my body still hasn't gone through puberty?"
Trent:"Piss off. Yours looks like it went trough yours several times."
Brett:"Nah, gotta be honest. I'm really enjoying this lean figure and hairless body"
Trent:"And my dick..."
Brett:"Haha, yeah and your dick. How are you doing in my body?"
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Trent:"Feels pretty weird to be so hairy, but gotta admit it's a nice change. Like... feeling so manly"
Brett:"Yeah, but tip for that hairy stomach. Don't cum on it. It's really irritating to get cum from it"
Trent:"Never had the issue in my body, so yeah. Thanks for the tip"
Brett:"No problem. I had to try it out in yours haha"
Trent:"Doesn't this feel kinda gay to you? All the dick and jerk off talk. Appreciating each other's bodies"
Brett:"Nah. We're exploring, man. Who knows if we ever get that chance. Gotta enjoy it"
Wednesday August 7th
Trent:"How are you settling in?"
Brett:"Yeah. Pretty great. I just jerked off to some porn"
Trent:"Ew. I mean the appartement"
Brett:"Whooops. Sorry. Right. Yeah it's nice. Very clean. Very modern"
Trent:"It's yours only for a month so don't destroy anything there"
Brett:"It's kinda poetic right. New appartement, new body, new job"
Trent:"I don't see anything poetic about me playing games in front of a camera"
Brett;"Dude you have to. My fans are gonna wonder what happened to me"
Trent:"Fine. I'll log in tonight. By the way. Dude your feet smell so much when you work out."
Brett:"Work out? You took my body to the gym?
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Trent:"Yeah. I had to show off these bushes somewhere, right?"
Brett:"Ahhh thanks man. Looking good"
Trent:"And I think oke girl was checking you... me out"
Brett:"If you can score than go for it. I'm actually late for a date. Or... how do you call it if you're just gonna have dinner and fuck?"
Trent:"Standard hook up man. Please be safe. Wear a condom. And watch our foe those carbs, man."
Brett:"Sure thing, bye"
Monday, August 12 th
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Brett:"Dude do you like ever have to shave your face?"
Trent:"Sure I do. I just don't have to do it so often as you. Btw can I please shave off this moustache?"
Brett:"Absolutely not. You'll learn to love it and appreciate it. Just like I will your baby face"
Saturday, August 17th
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Brett:"I have to admit I really love showing off your muscles man. I have been doing it constantly at every occassion. So many people turn their heads to take a peak"
Trent:"Yeah I get it. It helps with the confidence a bit"
Brett:"A bit? I feel like I can beat any fucker whk crosses me"
Trent:"Brett, please don't beat anyone in my body"
Brett:"Just kidding, man. How have you been"
Trent:"Well I tried being consistent with the gym. I think your body is doing pretty well"
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Brett:"Daaaamn bro. I look good. You really do take care of my body really well"
Trent:"I was actually thinking I could offer this for money. Swapping with people, doing their routines and then swap back. But that's a talk for another time after we swap back"
Brett:"Yeha, sure. Cool idea. Anyway... how was the streaming?"
Trent:"I don't know, man. I think they are desperste for me to say your catchphrases, but they are so cringe."
Brett:"Nah, you have to do that. That's how you get into Tiktoks and become viral"
Trent:"Honestly. I can't wait to get back to my body and to my life back. So we will swap on September 2nd?
Brett:"Yeah. I suppose. Depends how the work will be etc. Anyway I gotta go man. Talk soon"
Trent to himself:"It feels like he's avoiding me with amswering more and more. Trent rubbed his hairy chest, recalling his sweet soft pecs that he missed.
Thursday, August 22nd
Trent:"Hey, man. How is it going?"
Friday, August 23rd
Trent:"Hey. I just wanna know if you're ok. I just wanna talk about the reversal."
Saturday:"please call me back as soon as possible"
Sunday, August 25th
Brett:"I'm ok"
Trent:"What the hell happened?"
Brett:"Nothing I just felt like I needed a break from phone and that stuff"
Trent:"Brett you didn't answer the phone for 4 days"
Brett:"Ok, I was avoiding you, cause I kinda fucked up and was afraid to tell you"
Trent:'What did you do? Is my body ok?"
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Brett:"Yeah your body is unharmed. Nothing that bad. We just had a party in the appartement. Broke the TV and... I had unprotected sex with one girl. She didn't know if she was pregnant or not. So I was waiting. And congrats. You're not gonna be a dad"
Brett:"I know. I'm so sorry. Won't happen again. Promise. I just got drunk once and it led to this. I'll be good now"
Trent:"Please, don't do anything anymore. I want to switch back"
Brett:"Nah man. We still gotta week to finish. You said until September 2nd."
Trent:"I didn't know you'd do something like this"
Brett:"Please Trent. I'm begging you. Just that one week"
Trent:"Fine. But don't do anything else!"
Sunday, September 1st
Brett:"Hey. Are you packed yet?"
Trent:"Hey. Not really. I planned on packing tommorow. You can come and help if you got time"
Brett:"Sure. I'll come by"
Monday, September 2nd
Trent arrives to the appartement. Brett is on the couch playing video games
The TV is new and there is a PlayStation on the table
Trent:"You didn't tell me you got back into gaming and that you bought all this."
Brett:"Yeha, I missed it. I thought to myself that you'd like it too. So I bought it. By the way. You should see how the fans dig it"
Trent:"Fans? You're live streaming in my body?"
Brett:"Yeah. The gamers are so into it when I'm flexing in the spare time. I even got a viral Tiktok already!"
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Trent:"I think we should swap back, Brett. My life is out of your control now."
Brett:"I'm just using all the goods, man. You don't like my body anymore?"
Trent:"Stop changing the subject. I want to swap back"
Brett:"Ok... but on one condition"
Trent:"You want money?"
Brett;"Nah I want to have sex with my body. I want to have sex with you."
Trent:"You have lost your mind"
Brett:"Oh come on. Admit it, that you thought about it. Who gets the chance to fuck their body? To watch their body in the most animalistic moments from somebody else eyes?" Brett flexes his biceps to let Brett watch
Brett stands up and goes towards Trent
Brett:"You know you want to kids thus face. To suck this hard dick" he says holding tightly his hardening bulge
Trent:"I... I do. I want to suck my dick"
Brett:"Atta boy"
They begin making out. The fast movements heading towards the bedroom could be described as chaotic, but for them it was a dance of passion. Brett was ripping his old clothes from his old body was all over his body, kissing his neck. Sucking each part of his skin
The kissed even more
Brett began to be more dominant. He gripped Trent's now receding hairline and pushed him down to suck his dick. Trent was choking. But did his best to swallow most of the shaft he now had. He had his dick in his mouth. He couldn't believe it. He is straight and he is sure of that. But this is absolutely different
Brett took his old body by the neck, choking him. "Say you love being in my body"
Trent:"Brett I can't breathe"
Brett:"Fine, let's do this the hard way"
He turned him around. Trent now on all fours. He knew what was coming, but he wasn't ready
Brett spit in his hand and spread it all over the head od his dick. Ready to penetrate his old hairy hole
Trent:"Brett wait... I... Ahhhhhhhh". Trent screamed in pain
Brett:"Yeah. Sorry about that. I'm just so horny. I love your body, Trent. I love every inch od it. Admit you like mine"
Trent:"Brett, please slow down"
Brett:"Naaah, you'll get used to it in a sex"
Trent:"Please, get lube or something"
Brett spit again to where his dick was penetrating Trent's ass. Brett:"Should do it"
Trent was still in pain, but now a new feeling was making him feel better. The pain was now... pleasant? He wanted to feel more. With every thrust from Brett. He felt like shitting himself and cumming at the same time
Brett:"Admit it. Admit you love being in my body" he sped up. Thrusting painfully.
Trent:"Yeah.... yes..."
Trent:"I do... I love your body. I love being you"
Brett:"Ahhhh. I'm gonna cum. Turn around. I want to cum on your chest"
Trent turned around. He could feel cum leaking from his dick. And now he saw his old face like he never did before. Brett was so into it. His face was full of lust, rage and mischief.
Brett:"Ahhhh. I'm cumming!"
The cum shot all over Trent. Not only on his chest, but also on his mouth and face
Trent watched in awe what just happened.
Brett:"Whew. That was a ride wasn't it? First gay sex. Am I right?"
Trent:"Brett... I?"
Brett:"Oh sorry. I have to catch my breath. You look so funny with my cum all over you. Haha. By the way. I'm glad you love your new body. You get to keep it"
Trent:"Brett, you said we would swap"
Brett:"Yeah I did. That's true. But after this little 'cum over your face' and 'dick in your ass' we made it permanent"
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Trent watched in shock as his old body was still standing on top of him. Breathing rapidly and laughing.
Several months later
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Hi my name is Brett. Welcome to my only fans channel. If you got any hairy request, hit me up
Brett in Trent's body:"Well this is just pathetic. Man, I knew you'd crumble. But this just seems you lost your mind"
Trent's massive colleague came next to him:"Hey, bro. What are you looking at?"
Brett:"Just looking how one of my friends threw away their life, kinda sad. But whatever. Their life, not mine"
Friend:"Hey, wanna grab a beer later this evening?"
Brett scanned his friend from top to bottom and smiled:"Sure thing. Be there at eight"
Brett thought about switching it up a little. That body would be amazing. But then he turned around and looked at himself in the mirror. And flexed
Brett:"Nah. I'm Trent. And I'm keeping this body"
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A request from messages (another one who waited for a LONG time, sorry guys) for @swappwas
Hope you like it :)
P.S. written late at night on a phone with a very irritating autocorrect, so please excuse the mistakes
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cloudysarts · 5 days
Hi there!!
I want to say that your “Mabel’s muse” Au concept has absolutely called my attention, Bill mentions multiple times (Dipper and Mabel’s guide to mystery and fun and TBOB) how he likes Mabel’s personality and wanted her to be his ally…sooo the idea of an alternative time where he decided to approach her and where she trusts him and considers him as her friend is absolutely full of potential
I just think about how many stuff would change and how bill would be a little more genuine with her as he for once isn’t pretending to be an all-wise being and having to constantly rise the ego of Genius minds…instead he just has to party with a teenager whose idea of fun is quite similar to his…he doesn’t have to be the “supreme being” for once just a silly fella in order to earn Mabel’s trust
Also about how some episodes would have to take a completely different route:
maybe “Mindscapers” wouldn’t even take place…because I doubt that Mabel would trust a Bill if he went inside Stan’s head
Bill possessing her during the “sock opera”episode instead of dipper
Also don’t get me started on “the last Mabelcorn” episode. All the angst and horror that Ford would feel when he finds out about the whole friendship with bill situation reflecting himself on Mabel and probably Dipper being the one who search for the unicorn hair while ford tries to convince her that Bill isn’t trustworthy
I apologize for my rant but I seriously love your idea and sorry if it’s a bit confusing English isn’t my first language
I hope you have a nice day and thank you for reading this silly thing!!
first of all, your english is great!! second of all, i am SO sorry it took me so long to respond to this ask, it just made me so happy that i wanted to take my time to craft a response!!!!!! :DDDD (context: for people who don't know what my 'mabels muse' au is, you can check it out over here!)
you are practically SPOT ON with my ideas for this au!!!!!! but i'm gonna briefly run through all the things you brought up!!
first of all, yes, absolutely!!!! for bill, partner-ing up with mabel was a very nice change of pace. he likes stroking the ego's of genius', just for his own amusement, but he doesnt get the THRILL of just getting to PLAY very often!! he's a very childish being, at the end of the day. he enables mabel's selfishness, while getting to indulge his own, silly passions right alongside her!! and obviously, mabel LOVES being enabled <3 i imagine most of the dreams he gives her would make any normal persons eyes bleed
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as for your episode ideas, you're mostly right!!! :) mindscaperers does, in fact, NOT happen in this au. in my head, i imagine gideon trying to summon him, only for an 'I.O.U' to appear where bill should be. he's busy hanging out with his favorite pre-teen!!! so gideon skips straight to his backup plan, aka, gideon rises ^^
for sock opera, i'm still on the fence a little bit. one of the reasons bill is hanging out with her at all in this au is because, unlike in the regular timeline, this bill actively wants stanford to be brought home. the reason mabel is important to him, is because he can see timelines where she presses the button in not what he seems, and keeps him from returning. in his mind, he has the greatest shot of success if mabel doesn't press it. in this au, she doesnt even hesitate to trust stan, because she has another, trustworthy voice in her head, yelling DON'T PRESS THE BUTTON. its 2v1! ANYWAY, the reason any of that matters for sock opera, is because he wouldnt have any need to possess anyone, because he has no interest in smashing the laptop! BUT.....i can see him doing it anyway. i figure, most likely, he gets mabel to (willingly) let him use her body, so that she can work on her sock opera while her body sleeps. i just imagine a bill-possessed mabel up at 3 am, covered in hot glue and googly eyes as he tries to work it out shjdkfhjsdkf. but......honestly, he probably destroys the laptop in the process :) just to fuck with dipper <3 not that dipper ever finds out its her. he has no idea that mabel was ever possessed/has no reason to suspect her, because at this point, he still doesnt think bill is real. that is....until the last mabelcorn.
IN the last mabelcorn, mabel reveals to ford that she does recognize bill, and that he lives in her brain! she says it really excitedly, at the table, while dipper kind of just rolls his eyes about it. to her, its vindicating, because it's the first time anyone has ever acknowledged bills existence. but to ford, its HORRIFYING, because he knows it isn't just a coincidence. he knows he has to do something, but he doesn't know what, right away. this is where our ideas differ a little bit, because i think that mabel still WOULD be the one retrieving the unicorn hair! ford just didnt tell her what the hair was for. ford sends her off, because he wants to brainstorm a way to get him out of her head, preferably without hurting her/her memories. he also plans to bill-proof dippers mind in the process, just in case mabel is too far gone already. the events here happen basically the same (with minor tweaks), but instead of dipper suspecting that ford is evil/bill-possessed, this is where he finally learns that bill is real at all. ford tells him about his backstory, and explains the REAL reason he sent mabel out to get the unicorn hair, etc etc. he loves mabel a lot, but hes not sure how to go about dealing with this situation yet. its not HER fault she trusted bill, but he knew that if he just tries to tell her hes evil, she wont believe him. shes known 'her muse' longer, and as of right now, he's never lead her wrong. just like what happened to him in the past...
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i wonder how mabel would feel if she only heard the end of that conversation...
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socksandbuttons · 3 months
I learned that Dark Sun isn’t a part of the Bean Eclipse Au…..but that made me wonder how the others would’ve reacted when Eclipse got broken by Dark Sun?
Like the weird malfunction chip thing. (I don’t know how to explain it sorry. :[)
Well consisdering this au was WAYYY before eclipse v3/4 came by. (I know what you meant by the chip thing) I dont know how we'd get there. But heres to thinking of the hypothetical scenerio
Solar Flare would notice first. And by notice first I mean, after Eclipse is deliberately hiding it. (He still struggles to let people know when somethings wrong.) Confronted I do think Eclipse would let Solar Flare help find what it is. Without much luck- Eclipse getting more sluggish and struggling to move about gets more obvious. KC having to find out that way instead of being told (Something Solar Flare told Eclipse NOT to do-), pisses him off but that's not something he wants to focus on. Just asking Eclipse what happened- And hearing about a Dark Sun? KC's furious on Eclipse messing with the portal but determined to get Moon AND Monty to check his systems. They don't find anything at first. Considering they don't know what it is they're suppose to look for (what's out of place- But as we see in the episode it might not be what's added thats off but whats transmitting instead)
The slower and more ragged he gets, all the coughing is just distressing everyone. All except Bloodmoon. Who hasn't let up on his own bullying. Lunar even tries to ignore it but its hard to ignore that when you see him all the time. Opting to get between Bloodmoon and Eclipse more. KC being a stressed parent with a sick kid, is trying to find this Dark Sun, is lashing out or trying not to. Almost fruitless- Moon and Sun are on edge really, they may have mixed emotions on Eclipse however they're trying to help, Sun opting to hold Eclipse more (which makes eclipse mad but mans tired). Hell even moons proximity isn't getting Moon swiped at by Eclipse. Bloodmoon doesn't change his behavior, still kicking when Eclipse is down. Obviously this leads to everyone getting frustrated at him. Bloodmoon backs down for now but like- clearly isnt regretting it. Its only until KC snaps at Bloodmoon that its clear Bloodmoon backs off. Very quietly too. KC just has to sit with that for a moment. (he goes crush somethings, meditate for a while-) Lets see here, if this is resolved and the source found- Or maybe even just stops. Eclipse is alleviated. Everyone breaths a sigh of relief. They're still checking Eclipses' systems that they realize they overlooked something. Its only when its gone they realize what it couldve been but since its stopped they cant trace it. Bloodmoon does come back, he doesnt apologize to Eclipse, KC however takes bloodmoon away to properly talk. It doesnt go so well-
Eclipse isn't liking the fact Bloodmoon was just acting as himself but not surprised hell not even expected much else. Lunar... lunar did expect better. He's disappointed but- hey thigns are fine now. They can handle this KC can handle this- Solar Flare meanwhile finds Bloodmoon scratching at walls- and at himself. KC comes back, asked how Bloodmoon is. KC doesnt respond on that. Asks Eclipse how hes feeling. And what that Dark Sun had said. Solar Flare comes back arm torn off, asking what had happened to bloodmoon. This is getting rather long actually hmn. Anyway to the point, Eclipse gets chipped- handles it badly, Bloodmoon's own shenanigans lands him in hot water not just with KC but with Dark Sun. Which would get mostly everyone involved, Eclipse would get mad at Bloodmoon for even going near that guy but Dark Sun wouldve approached Bloodmoon. Which still would set off Eclipse cause thats Red Flags AND SOMEONE WASNT THINKIGN ABOUT THAT. Uh I dont know how this ends, Dark Sun's pretty smart enough but with the Bean AU its a bit more hmn, no one has died- uh again? For him to get Moon spiraling. He would use Bloodmoon given Bloodmoons more prone to just instigating stuff. He was probably hoping for Bloodmoon to kill someone by now actually. However KC;s convo with Bloodmoon, Eclipse in general and Solar Flare would be the ones to keep from everyone completely disowning Bloodmoon from attacking Solar Flare and general disregard to Eclipses health.
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simplydnp · 6 months
genuinely wondering why phil was considered the "ugly one" out of dan and phil. he's so hot? like there was a time where by some fans phil was literally seen as second best always... has that changed completely? i see more phillies than dannies these days which used to be absolutely the other way round if i remember correctly... like maybe it's just due to the fact that the fans grew up and delevoped some brain cells and/or phil having a glow up. what do you think abt this?
caveat: attraction is subjective and this is not a definitive guide as to what counts as hotness, nor is hotness the epitome of existence or something that people 'need' in order to exist, but instead this serves as an exploration into the culture surrounding perception of appearance as it relates to dan and phil, with care to note that 'conventional' beauty standards are highly correlated with white features and are problematic for many reasons but especially the racist aspect. i do not endorse the 'conventional' standard as the only acceptable one, but it would be remiss to ignore the fact that it plays a role in this conversation, especially in 2010s culture.
this is an interesting question for me because i don't Get all the layers of attraction just in general. so much of it makes very little sense, despite how hard i've tried to understand it. and what i've found out is that it's not supposed to make sense, it's something that just is and. well. my brain doesn't like that 😂 i've 'learned' what 'conventional' beauty standards are and thus can somewhat identify 'objectively' attractive people/qualities, but i'm absolutely just three possums in a trenchcoat on good days 🤣 so my best approximation is as follows:
- phil *pulled* back in the day online
- he stopped playing into it as much and because he wasn't exuding it as much, people stopped seeing it
- combine this with the less traditionally masculine energy he conveyed, alongside moving moreso away from the fully 'emo' look
- i think his fashion sense/choices played into this as well, came across very much like 'guy in tshirt' --which is fine, but unless your features really meet societal beauty standards at the time, it's not 'selling' you in the 'hot' department
- as well, contrasted with dan who had more of the 'societal beauty standard' look, people were less likely to see him in that role, especially because he seemed quite happy not being there (i'd argue some of it was a confidence thing too, especially on a day to day--the outfits video in gamingmas kind of confirmed that for me. he Knew he rocked that plaid suit, cause he did, but i don't think he felt that about his every day attire)
- people love to sort people into boxes and did as much with dnp, especially in making dnp 'opposites' (despite this not actually being true)
- truly think the fringe staying as long as it did didn't help, especially when, self-admittedly, it got a little blocky near the end.
- i think quiff really unlocked something in him. it really suited him, and he felt quite confident about it, as he had every right to. this, combined with a fashion upgrade in him paying a little more attention to it and developing his own personal style, people started to notice. (also dan hyping him up publicly about it made us talk about it more too)
- further style enhancements, more quiff experience led to him experimenting a little more, which let him find things he really liked
- i also think he's learned how to pose better/isnt 'being intentionally awkward' in pictures as much
- his ykw i want a change and idc what you all think attitude in going back to brown, and then into messy--he really Knows he's attractive now and how to dress himself to bring that out (even if he doesnt feel like it all the time)
there has definitely been a shift--i think the fandom has gotten smaller, and a lot of their 'mainstream' audience were dannies back in the heyday bc of the 'societal beauty standards'. so combine many of those people leaving, at a similar timeline to phil figuring his 'look' out, his audience getting older (and the lesbians being Very fond of him), and his consistency in uploading the last few years, i think it all swirls into this current existence where there's a lot of phillies out there and they're loud and proud about it (as they should be), especially cause a lot of them have Always Known but it wasn't the 'popular' take at the time.
i am but a hapless dannie and any phillies who would like to share their two cents/drag me for being wrong pls do so
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trekkele · 1 month
I recently saw the post about Jason and Cass not having to get along, and how that adds to their dynamic.
So I was wondering, are there any other interesting facts/headcanons about relationships in the Batfam?
Your own or some you simply stumbled across?
Because what frustrates me is the absolute lack of nuance in relationships in a lot of in most of Batfam centric fan-works.
The extent to which people write Bruce as either an absolute peace of shit, or as someone who will kiss his kids feet and beg them for the slightest bit of attention
(this being the supposedly "good" parenting- which… No? That ain’t it)
Because something I find incredibly compelling about their dynamics is the absolute loyalty Bruce often on the receiving end of.
Even when they are on terrible terms, if Bruce calls, they answer. (Usually, of course there are exceptions)
Some interesting facts/ideas about their relationships I saw were;
Dick hating Jason back when he was Robin. (Because they all a bit possessive of the Bat/insecure about their place at his side)
Tim not being Jasons fan even before the murder attempt (I read somewhere that DICK was the Robin Tim admired, and that made much more sense to me)
Cass and Dick having a tense relationship because Cass can read and understand Bruce so well, when Dick was the one who knew him best for so long.
Alfred and Bruce having a slightly more complicated relationship (I‘m so sick of 'perfect Alfred makes no mistakes' I swear. If Alfred had been as good a parent as everyone pretends (in comics or fandom) Bruce would at least be a SLIGHTLY more well adjusted individual)
Sorry for the rambling- I kinda got away from what I was asking 😅
So yeah, anyone else you feel has a more difficult relationship than fandom would have you believe?
All the kids with the justice league, and specifically Clark.
No listen hear me out, Bruce’s big possibly life changing injuries? They happen with the league most of the time, because thats when he’s fighting a minor god or a sentient star or whatever. But thats also when all his allies are super powered people, thats when he should be safest. Instead he keeps coming back from league missions with close calls and broken bones.
And Clark especially, what do you mean your best friend is Superman and your arm broke in the three places on that last mission. Where was he??
Alfred and Clark having a 😒 relationship is always fun too, because while kids wont see it or realize it Clark has absolutely witnessed how Alfred parents Bruce and how … less then ideal it can be.
Kate and Alfred, because of backstory reasons (did Alfred do nothing to keep the Kanes in contact with Bruce?? Why??) and also because it would be funny.
Cass and Jason is a good one and it makes so much more sense then the usual “cass loves her big little brother uwu” because i think what Cass would love about Jason would be stealing his weapons and hiding them and watching him lose his mind. Stop bringing guns into her dads house he doesnt like them and its his house.
I think. Oh this is going to be a hot take. I think Bruce resents when Tim tries to patronize or parent him. You know exactly what i mean right, that very specific flavor of infantilization you see in Tim-and-Bruce fics where Tim is a genius brilliant boi and Bruce is just led around by the nose? Hate it and i think Bruce hates it and knows exactly when Tim is trying it. Does he look like Jack Drake?? No?? Good because he was getting worried. (Bruce loves Tim. He loves how much Tim cares. He does not love how Tim thinks caring means permission to run his life).
Another hot take, i dont think Alfred and Jason got along as well as they did until after Jason resurrected. I think baby Jason treated Alfred the way Alfred treated him, so more like two people living in the same space who mutually respect each other them like grandparents. I think Jasons death and his anger at Bruce and Dick made him want/need a neutral person to project his happy memories onto, and Alfred was that person.
Duke being wary of Jason and Red Hood - because he remembers how many people lost people to Red Hood when he first arrived, and i dont care what comics told you there is no way he did what he did without collateral damage.
Damian and Dick should have a messy, complicated, resentful relationship. Damian wanted his father, no matter how good a replacement you write Dick as that isnt what he wanted. Dick also wanted his dad, and he didnt want to be Batman or a parent or any of it, and the fact that Bruce was actually alive and if hed only moved faster, if the JL had only been smarter, if someone had been paying attention, he never would have had to do any of it. And im going to he so honest right now the way fandom writes their “good” relationship is so bad sometimes. I hesitate to use the word toxic because yaknow its been done to death but seriously.
Anyways i think i hit enough hornets nests here, but will leave with, good parenting does not always look like you think it should. Allowing your children to violate your boundaries, always taking full responsibility for mutual miscommunications and misunderstandings, and never letting them suffer consequences for actions they take is just setting them up for failure.
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swiftfootedachilles · 6 months
hiiii achilles!!!!!!! how are you today? i miss your gallavich hot takes so do you have something in mind? have a good day 🌷
well apparently my big gallavich hot take is them having a jewish wedding 😭
okay. hmmm, actual unpopular hot takes? i gotchu
i want more intersex headcanons (that are well-researched and not fetishizing intersex people!). i want more t4t mlm gallavich. and i DEFINITELY want more t4t trans!mickey nonbinary!ian gallavich. because amab people are just as transgender as anyone else even if they dont take hormones or drastically change their appearance or change their name. nonbinary people arent women lite and men lite, theyre nonbinary. and i think nonbinary!ian is so slay
ian does not enjoy bottoming. even when he consented to doing it with trevor, he didnt actually like it. he simply tolerated it
when staying with the gallaghers, ian and mickey are very brazen about their sex life and dont try to stay quiet or even close their door sometimes, BUT they wont fuck in common areas like the kitchen and living room unless it was on the couch and they were 1000% sure there was NO chance of any of the kids walking in on them. they wouldnt traumatize liam or franny like that (stfu s5 doesnt count bc they knew liam was too young to have memories yet 😭 (speaking of, why does nobody ever talk about the fact that liam was 2 years old for like 3 whole years 😭😭))
their "security" business as it is in the finale isnt very sustainable. it literally started as money laundering, and ian didnt know. i think he eventually finds out by accident thru kev or vee what mickeys original "security business" plan was, and he gets super pissed. but i think they could very easily turn it into a legal business. we see them starting to do that, by working with real dispensaries instead of the shady illegal one kev and vee have in the bar. nevertheless, id like to read more future fics where they grow or adapt the business, and even move on to a new business altogether! theyre not exactly the career-having type. i think change over time actually helps stabilize them
THEY NEED TO PAINT THAT FUCKING AMBULANCE. ITS STOLEN. WHY DONT THEY EVER PAINT IT ALL BLACK OR SOMETHING?? WHERE DID THEY GET THE NEW PLATES. DID THEY EVEN CHANGE THE PLATES?? the s4 writers would never let a scam have so many plot holes 😔 they wouldve SHOWED us mickey and his brothers getting new plates for the truck
ian gets a tattoo for mickey. youre telling me that after the surprise anniversary party, you think ian WOULDNT get mickey somehow immortalized on his body? WRONG. he definitely does. i dont think its his name over his heart. maybe something small on his wrist? or M on his ring finger💜 thats a fav headcanon of mine
they dont start a family until close to 40. the longer theyre married, the more they realize they have to catch up on. learning to live together long-term, paying off debts and bills, moving, vacations, reconnecting with old friends and family, being there for liam where theu couldnt for their other siblings when they were liam's age, watching their nieces and nephews often to gain more caretaking and parenting skills, medical issues, family emergencies. theres just a lot that takes up their time, and they become very comfortable being two before they ever try to become three
they nonseriously say shit like "i want a divorce" but they NEVER mean it. even when one says it as a joke or like in s11e3, the other will ask "did you really mean that? do you really want a divorce? do you think we'll ever get one?" and they end up having a rare super serious heart-to-heart about it. about what they think the future might hold - or at least, what they want it to hold. the longer they are with each other the more stable their relationship becomes. bickering is less common, big fights are less explosive and violent, and they learn to become comfortable with silence
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whynotsableye · 8 months
BG3 OC (tagged by @illithidactivities, thanks for the inclusion!)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Name: Nia Liadan Valar (Pronounced Naya Lee-din vah-lar)
Nickname: Nia doesnt really do nicknames but she has grown quite fond of hearing the word "soldier" come out of a certain tiefling.
Pronouns: She/her
Star Sign: I've never put much thought into this, i havent even given her a birthdate lol
Height: she is 5'9" (about 175 cm)
Orientation: Lesbian
Race: Half-Drow, Half-human
Romancing: Karlach
Class: Spore Druid
Fave Fruit: Strawberries. Strawberries were one of the first fruits she tried in her first trip out of the underdark and they've been a favorite ever since, her magically produced good berries taste of strawberry as well
Favorite Season: Despite the fact that her favorite fruit blooms in the spring and is ripe at the end of spring or beginning of summer, her favorite season is the end of fall/Autumn, into the beginning of winter- right around the first real snowfall. The seasons changing reminds her of the ideals she holds as a druid.
Favorite Flower: If pressed she would say her favorite flower is lily of the valley, but at heart she would much rather have a culture of fire lichen or glow lichen
Fave Scent: Cinnamon, fresh bread, the ozone/plasma that builds on the wind before a storm, and fresh ground coffee. (and Karlach who she thinks smells like a campfire and cinnamon bundled together)
Coffee/Tea/Hot-chocolate? Almost always the answer is coffee, with a bit of cream, but she loves Tea- especially if there are natural additives she can find nearby. if she drinks hot chocolate at all it is almost always darker than most would prefer, with a stick of cinnamon.
Average sleep hours? 7-9 depending on if she is taking watch at camp or not. She likes to sleep, but if shes disturbed in the night its hard for her to go back to sleep which can easily make the odd night turn into 4 hours of sleep and 2 hours of laying in bed angry before making a pot of coffee and accepting she will just be moody the whole day
Dogs or Cats? Dogs! She loves dogs, and Scratch is the bestest boy in all the realms. she likes cats too. she herself hasnt kept many pets only the odd animal that would travel with her for a bit while she adventured (usually a wolf in the overworld, or a spider or rothe in the underdark, but these animals usually went on their own way after a time)
Dream Trip: Before the beginning of the game this answer wouldve been "travel the world" but after she started dating Karlach her dream trip is simply to take Karlach to her home grove and introduce her to the people that raised her and show Karlach the wild joys of the underdark.
Amount of Blankets: one- she doesnt get cold very easily (especially when sleeping with someone else) but when shes stressed she does want a heavier blanket or extra cuddling to calm down.
Fun Facts:
If you asked her about her parents, Nia would tell you she THINKS she has about 72 moms- this is because all the women in her grove that are mothers are mothers to all the children in that grove.
bonus fact from the first one, she didnt know the word Father until she was about 7 because she didnt have one and the men in the grove only parent their children and are instead more like uncles to the other children.
And lastly she has a real soft-spot for kids, and gladly wouldve taken every orphan tiefling from the druid grove in act 1 to her own grove.
I dont know everyone who has BG3 but if you follow me-especially if we are mutuals- and you have BG3 consider yourself tagged!
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dogcodedcatboy · 7 months
Garnet, bittersweet shimmer, and chocolate cosmos (or if you answered these ones already feel free to substitute them!)?
♡ @eternally-smitten :))
hi nat !!!! thank u for sending an ask!!!! 🖤💚
Garnet: How do both of you feel about soulmates or any kind of belief about being fated to be with someone? Have these opinions about it changed after meeting each other? aaron def believes heavily in soulmates n that kind of stuff. he's always been v romance-oriented and like, obsessed with finding The One. b4 he meets roman he's a bit...discouraged and is reaching the 'OK MAYBE i'm meant 2 die alone whateverrrr fuck this gay earth' point. but u know how these things work, sometimes you gotta stop looking so hard and then the right person will find u. red string of fate and all that...anyway he 100 percent believes roman is his soulmate. he will divulge this information when drunk but otherwise keeps his mouth shut bc he knows he will be made fun of sooooo hard
roman does not necessarily believe in soulmates... too much mushy stuff and magical thinking involved. also i don't think he'd allow himself/even be able to like, meditate on his own feelings abt this stuff for a while. very out of touch w his emotions and it's def a process to untangle and sort through All That. he def teases aaron for it, but deep down is really soft on the fact that someone feels that strongly abt him. idk if he'd ever believe in soulmates per say. Bittersweet Shimmer: How does your f/o feel about romance movies and all those subgenres under it? Do they have any favorites for Valentine's Day?
roman is not a romance or romcom enjoyer. he's def the type to enjoy making fun of movies he thinks r shitty tho, so if they're watching a cheesy romance flick it is Exclusively to dunk on it. aaron would never rlly suggest anything frm the genre bc he doesnt like them either, but maybe pretty woman LMAO
Chocolate Cosmos: If your f/o was talking about you to someone like a close friend, how exactly would they talk about you? How would they describe you? Characterize you? And how often do they talk about you to other people?
this. question was the reason this ask took me so long to answer bc everytime i tried to think abt an answer i just said teehee and kicked my feet and short circuited my own brain
how would roman talk abt aaron...idk how many "close friends" roman even has ( kculk said he was #friendless sorry rome :( ) so this is more like how he would talk to his siblings. anyway aaron is not Really a trophy husband (altho they joke abt it) but when roman talks abt aaron its mostly to flex abt how Cool he is. it strokes his ego a little to know he was able to pull a Cool Hot Guy.
roman is also very...repressed. not a strong sense of individuality or identity really. so he appreciates how weird and authentic aaron is. he really admires aaron's confidence
assuming their relationship is public and roman is able to actually talk about aaron + he works thru a little bit of that Repression . i think he would talk abt aaron a fair bit! i mean, he would be bound to come up in conversations sometimes bc like. thats his partner and a lot of his anecdotes involve aaron. but i do think he brings him up to acquaintances unprompted a fair bit.
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eloquent-vowel · 3 years
I have had a few bucky x read fic ideas bouncing around in my head and i cant write! So here is one,
Sam find a person who stairs and doesnt talk a whole lot because they uses ✨telepathy ✨. So Sam think they would be a good fit for Bucky, but he doesn’t know they have that power he just thinks they are mute. Then there is a thing where the reader is telling Buck how it works and they if they have something to connect them together like an object *reader motions to dog tags* they can have an unbreakable mind link. Then they fall in love or something. This is dumb, thank you for coming to my TedTalk
Hey! Thank you so much for this request, it wasn't dumb at all. I really enjoyed writing this. I may have gotten a bit carried away, this may sit close to 4000 words but we vibe. I hope this is what you had in mind! Please enjoy! <3
Click here for my masterlist of other fics and check in my bio for requests if anyone wishes to ask!
Bucky had been enjoying a moments peace, he loved working with Sam but sometimes all he wanted was to put his feet up, put on some vinyl and enjoy a good cup of coffee all while reading a brilliant book. He had been trying to get into Game of Thrones lately, on Sam’s insistence, and he had been enjoying it. With the crackles of Glenn Miller from the turntable he missed the clunky footsteps coming up the stairs.
The sight that greeted Sam needed to be photographed. Bucky was lounging back on his ‘old man armchair’ feet up, hair in a towel, in a bathrobe, coffee in hand and facemask on, this was definitely one for the family album.
At the sound of the phone shutter Bucky practically launched himself out of the chair.
“Oh, you are never gonna live this one down old boy, it’s going to haunt you.” Sam almost cackled evilly as he began to email the photo to himself- he had learnt the hard way that Bucky was very proficient at breaking phones.
“You better not upload that photo anywhere, Wilson, I have a reputation to uphold.”
“Pfft, reputation, that’s funny.”
Bucky scoffed as he stood up, placing his book carefully on the side table, “Big scary super soldier, people hardly run-in fear from a guy in a bathrobe.”
“I disagree, a man in a bathrobe is definitely something you should run from. AH NOPE!” Sam jumped backwards, on top of a nearby chair, as Bucky lunged for the phone, towel turban falling off in the process. “You are not breaking this phone as well.”
“Fine. But you gotta promise not to post that anywhere.” Bucky huffed.
“I won’t.”
“As long as- “
“Oh no, I’m not doing anything for you.”
“Think of it as payment for the last phone you broke and insurance for this picture.”
There was silence for a moment as the two friends eyed each other up. Sam raised his eyebrows, Bucky’s eyes narrowed. It was an intense staring match between a guy in a bathrobe and a precariously balanced man. A clock ticked.
“Fine.” Bucky conceded. “What do you want?”
“For you to come to a meeting.”
“The families of Veterans ones?”
“Yeah.” Sam slowly started climbing down from the chair. “And before you get your old man pants in a twist, I’m not trying to force you to talk or anything, kinda.”
“Kinda?” Suspicion laced through Bucky’s voice.
“You know sign language, right?”
“Which kind?”
“American? I think?”
“Yeah, I know ASL, might be a bit rusty but I’m sure it still holds up. Why do you ask?”
Sam shifted slightly on his feet, “There’s this person, they come in every week and listen. I tried to talk to them, but they communicate through sign language, and I don’t have anyone there to talk with them.” He cast his eyes to the floor, “I feel bad. They were brave enough to come to the group only to basically be ignored ‘because we didn’t plan well enough.”
Bucky smiled, face mask crinkling around his smile lines, “You could have just asked me to Sam. You didn’t have to blackmail me into this, of course I’ll help. When’s the next meeting?”
“This evening. You gonna be ready or do you need some more ‘me’ time.”
Bucky simply chuckled at Sam’s teasing tone, patted his shoulder making sure to squeeze just a bit too hard before retreating to his room.
“I’ll be there, Wilson, and I will look so much younger than you!”
It was frustrating to you, going along to these meetings and not being able to communicate. You could always speak into someone’s mind but all that usually accomplished was a very paranoid person. But just listening to other’s stories really helped the grief from losing someone so close to you. You related to most of the people there and even though they didn’t understand you a lot of the time, you were always made to feel welcome- with friendly pats on the back and the odd tissue thrown your way.
You bustled into the familiar building with a new sense of excitement as Sam had promised to bring a translator for you this week. It was finally time to say your thanks to some of the people there and finally let the group know about your brother, so that it wasn’t only you that remembered him.
You all but ran through the hallways until you caught sight of a familiar smiling man. Sam was facing you, talking animatedly to another man, the strangers back was to you. He was tall, broad shouldered and dressed in a vintage looking leather jacket and rather well fitted trousers. Now the debate was: does the tailoring make the ass, or does the ass make the tailoring. You were halfway through the arguments on either side when Sam shouting your name disrupted the intense debating in your mind. You blushed at being caught, then blushed some more when you caught sight of the stranger’s face. Twinkling blue eyes under a deep-set brow should have made him intimidating, but he was smiling, and his face was dazzling. There was an immediate fluttering in your stomach.
“Hey, I’m Bucky.” Dear lord even his voice was nice, what made you smile even more was the fact that he signed as he spoke. Well, Sam certainly knew how to pick them well. “Sam introduced me; said you wanted an interpreter.”
You nodded as you signed back, “Nice to meet you, thank you for helping out.”
“No problem, Sam has told me a bit about you.”
“Good things I hope.”
“Okay I recognise my own name, you two better not be conspiring against me.” Sam piped up, to be honest you had forgotten about him for a moment.
Bucky laughed, and it sent a little thrill down you, he really was adorable.
“No worries, Wilson, just letting them know all your dirty little secrets.”
“Right, you two get in there, before you make me sleep with one eye open.”
You and Bucky caught each other’s eye, his eyes were twinkling with mischief, and you couldn’t help the smile that overtook you. You had a feeling that the two of you would get on just fine.
The meeting passed easily. Bucky translated your signs and you finally felt like you could actually take part in these meetings. Everyone listened intently when you spoke of your brother and when you had thanked the whole group for being so open to you a couple of people shed a tear. By the end of the meeting though you were tired and very accepting of Bucky’s offer to walk you home.
It was a lot of side glances and hidden smiles and you walked side by side. Drawn to each other under the moonlit sky, it was nice to just be in the presence of someone who had such a kind aura. You spent the walk trying to work up the confidence to sign something, anything but nothing came to mind and Bucky seemed quite content to just walk in comfortable silence.
You soon reached your home, you turned to Bucky with a smile on your face and signed,
“Thanks for today, Bucky. You were really helpful.”
“No problem.” He signed back,
You hesitated slightly before signing, “Would you be happy to have a coffee with me, tomorrow?”
Bucky went a little red in the face, and chuckled, “I would love to, I know a nice place, real cosy. I’ll text you the details.”
“You know how to text?”
“Hey! I get enough stick from Sam, don’t need you getting on my case too. I’ll have you know that I am very adaptable.”
“Sure, Sure.” You smiled at his flustered tone. “I’ll wait for your text then, have a good evening.”
“You too.”
The two of you stared slightly awkwardly at each other, neither wanting to be the first to turn around. You shuffled your feet away slowing, smiling awkwardly once more at Bucky before turning. You heard his footsteps start to fade away as you walked towards your home. You were but three steps to the door when a large figure in a hoodie slammed into you, you raised your arms instinctively to block them when you noticed your shoulder was lighter. The bastard had stolen your bag.
You immediately took chase, chasing around the corner you just walked down but they were fast, faster then you at least. As you rounded the corner you caught sight of Bucky walking ahead. The thief wouldn’t stand a change against him. Without a second thought you cast your thoughts towards Bucky,
“Bucky! Thief! My Bag! Behind you!”
You saw Bucky flinch slightly then turn bewildered, his eyes widening when he saw you hurting towards him, chasing the hooded figure. He caught on and launched after the thief as well, with barely any effort he knocked the thief to the ground, grabbed your bag and whipped out his phone to call the cops.
Well, that was hot.
You took your bag back, immediately checking that you brother’s lucky coin was in the zippy pocket, to your relief it was still there. You looked up to see Bucky staring at you with a very puzzled look on his face. You sighed before casting your thoughts to his head once more,
“I’ll explain later.”
Bucky let out a strange, decompressed noise of shock, it made you giggle. The two of you waited in silence until the police came and took the thief away. The police car had barely driven away when he turned to you.
“Did you just, talk in my head? Or did my conscious just suddenly get really loud.”
“I did. Hi. Sorry about that.”
He waved his hands dismissively. “Believe it or not, not the weirdest thing I’ve encountered.”
“Well, that’s reassuring.”
There was an awkward silence.
“So,” You started, resorting back to sign language, it felt less invasive, “Still down for coffee?”
Bucky smiled, “One hundred percent. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah. Bye Bucky. Thanks for getting my bag back.”
“No problem, see ya.”
The coffee shop that Bucky invited you to, was tucked away, it was the kind of place that you would stumble over on accident. With a simple door and a big window out the front, that lead soft orange light filter out onto the alley. There was the faint sound of jazz leaking out of the building, you smirked. It was such an old fashioned place, of course this was where Bucky frequented.
The bell tinkled slightly as you entered the café, where you were greeted with the smell of fresh coffee and baked goods. You caught sight of Bucky’s broad shoulders sitting in the corner, and you made your way over to him, smiling at the barista as you passed.
As if sensing you, Bucky turned to smile and wave. He was dressed in casual clothes like last time, but this time his hair was loose around his shoulders. You smiled back before settling into the seat opposite him.
His hands moved hesitantly as he signed, “What would you like? I can recommend their hot chocolate, its very warming/”
“Hot chocolate it is.”
You could tell he wanted to ask you a million questions but to his credit he walked slowly to get the drinks, he even took his time carefully carrying the tray of drinks back to your table. He placed a delicious looking hot chocolate in front of you. You watched as he took a sip.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1-
“So,” Here we go, “What is it you can do, you can speak in peoples’ heads, can you,” He lowered his voice and leaned in, “Can you read people’s minds?”
You giggled slightly, his eyes were basically sparkling, he was definitely nerding out about this.
You set the hot chocolate down before casting your thoughts to his head, “I can speak in peoples heads relatively easily, it’s how I talk most of the time to people I know. I guess you could call it Telepathy.”
Bucky’s eyes were as wide as saucers, “So you can’t read thoughts, only… speak them?”
“I like to call it casting, makes me feel like a sorcerer. I can read thoughts, but it takes a lot of energy. I used to be able to talk with my brother from across the house. That usually requires some kind of connection.”
“Oh, so like a blood or family connection? Do you have to know the person very well?”
“That certainly helps but it’s not always necessary. If I have a personal object that belongs to that person, something I can hold and connect to them it isn’t hard to make a two-way connection. Especially if that person is willing to open their mind.”
Bucky seemed to be caught in thought for a second. “So, if I were to give you something of mine, we could both talk in our… heads?”
“Well yes, but Bucky we have only just met. Letting me into your head is a lot. I try not to pry but sometimes I’ve found that thoughts just burst through. Let’s get to know each other a before that happens.”
Bucky smiled at you before speaking and signing, “You’re right. Let’s get to know one another. I find you fascinating.”
It happened on the fifth date. Bucky was just walking you home after a lovely dinner at a small Italian that he claimed he went to back in the 40s. Just outside your door, under the glow of a lamppost he turned to you and took a deep breath before speaking.
“I know this may be a lot, but I wanted to give you these.” He reached around his neck and pulled off something silver. You gasped slightly as he held out his dog tags, immaculately preserved after all these years.
“Are you sure, Bucky? This is a lot.”
“I know and if you aren’t comfortable with it then just let me know but I want to give them to you.”
“You know what this means Bucky?”
“Yeah, I know, I just figured that you’re already in my head all the time anyways, just can’t seem to get you out of it.”
“You cheeseball.” You smirked at him before taking the dog tags and placing them around your neck. You gripped the cold metal for a moment, concentrating on the man in front of you. Taking everything, you knew about him and stretching out a connection, like a hand reaching out to clasp another.
“Testing, Testing, Testing, one two, one two, can my Telepathic partner hear me?”
You laughed, “Yes I can Bucky, you big dork.”
Bucky whooped out loud before sweeping you up in a big hug. The two of you laughing under the lamp light. His joy was infectious, and you couldn’t fight the smile off your face.
“Oh, we are going to have so much fun messing with Sam.”
“You’re evil.”
Of course, the two of you made a pact not to tell Sam until he worked it out, which wouldn’t be anytime soon according to Bucky. It led to some very memorable moments and Sam refusing to play any form of card or board game with either of you because you always managed to win, somehow. Not to mention all the times you had spoken in eery unison around him.
“I swear, its like you two can read each other’s minds sometimes.” Sam threw his hands up in frustration at another lost game of charades.
You smirked at Bucky across the room, “Should you tell him, or shall I?”
“I think he’s been through enough, I got it.”
Bucky cleared his throat, “We can.”
Sam whipped around to face Bucky, a look of sheer disbelief on his face, “Seriously Bucky-boy, if you think I believe that after all-
“Hello Sam.” You cast your thoughts to him, in the creepiest old lady voice you could muster.
Sam yelped, before turning accusingly at you, “You better be joking around with me right now, I am not dealing with any kind of ghosts in this house.”
“Sorry! Surprise I’m telepathic!”
“You’re serious.”
You nodded.
Sam put his head in his hands and sighed, “Not the weirdest thing ever. Wait, does this mean you have been cheating this entire time.”
You both looked guiltily at one another.
“You owe me. That poker night, void.”
You both laughed, “We’ll have a fair rematch this time Sam.”
It had been close to a year since you had made it official with Bucky and you were now much more comfortable around one another. He no longer just dropped you off at the lamppost but cam inside with you. You had spent many lovely mornings together sharing glances over steaming cups of coffee. Fighting each other for who got to spread their legs out on the couch, there wasn’t really a loser though as it usually ended up in sofa cuddles for both of you, while watching a film.
Life was pretty great, you thought, as you smiled down at the sleeping Bucky beside you. Finally reaching over to turn off the lamp and put your book down, you were finally reading the hobbit at Bucky’s insistence. As you clicked off the light beside you and settled down you noticed the faster than usual breathing coming from beside you.
You reached out, thinking he was awake but instead as you opened up your connection you caught flashes of night terrors. You were falling indefinitely, snow all around you, and in the distance, there were cries of pain, people pleading for their lives, there was gunfire and explosions. You gasped and took off the dog tags. You only gave yourself a moment to breathe before trying to shake Bucky awake. When it became clear that he wasn’t stirring you steadied yourself and settled your hands on his temples. You didn’t care you tired this would make you, you just wanted Bucky to stop suffering. You focused, offering out that hand of connection again, this time picturing it in the shape of a fist and, although it wasn’t subtle, you tried to shake Bucky’s brain awake. You forced your way into his dreams, punching through the dark fog that clouded his thoughts and almost screamed at him.
“Bucky! Bucky wake up! You’re dreaming my dear!”
Bucky woke up with a start. Tears flowing down his face, he stared at you blue eyes shining. No one spoke as he pulled you into his arms. You just breathed together for a moment, counting the breaths and the spaces in between. When he finally pulled back, you saw his eyes flicker with concern before lifting a hand to gently wipe under your nose, it came back red with blood.
“You, okay?”
You smiled sadly, reaching out to put the dog tags back on.
“I should be asking you that.”
“But you’re bleeding.”
“Occupational hazard.” You tried to subtly get rid of any of the extra blood. “That was pretty intense. Wanna talk?”
Bucky looked down to the sheets and shook his head. You smiled at him, tilting his head to yours.
“That’s fine, want me to go? Or would you like to cuddle for a bit?”
Bucky didn’t talk again, just pulled you gently down to the bed once more. Snuggling himself under your chin, resting his head on your chest. You felt his arms draw tightly against your waist. You pressed your lips into his hair.
“May I help you go to sleep? Keep the bad thoughts at bay for at least one night.”
You felt Bucky nod and let out a little sleepy hum of agreement. You closed your eyes, focused on your connection setting up a golden wall against the dark fog at the corners of his mind and settled into a deep sleep.
You woke to the smell of fresh coffee and the clinking of cups.
“Morning.” You opened your eyes at Bucky’s voice and took the offered cup greedily. Your mind still felt hazy from the energy you used last night.
You felt the bed dip beside you as Bucky sat and sipped at his cup as well, hair a bit of a mess from bed. He had evidently only just woken up as well.
He took a breath, “I had some pretty interesting dreams, sweetheart.”
You stiffened, “Good ones I hope.”
“Don’t worry, they were good. If a little strange.”
“I was watching myself most of the time.”
You snorted into the coffee, “Sounds creepy”
There was a slight chuckle, “Nah, I was watching myself build a home, a family- “
“Oh God Bucky.” You snapped your eyes to his, you knew what had happened. “I am so sorry my dreams must have stuck in your head.”
“Those were your dreams?”
“Yeah, its only happened once before but when the connection between two people is very strong, it can happen- I call it bleeding. Perhaps we should- “
“If the next words out of your mouth are take a break, I will spill your coffee.” You clutched your cup closer to your chest, “Truthfully, those were some of the beset dreams I have every had. I really loved them.”
You looked back up at him, hesitantly “You did?”
“And I love you.”
There was silence as you stared at him in shock. His face as nothing but adoration as the sunlight filtered over his face.
“I love you, sweetheart.”
“I love you too.”
Coffee cups were cast aside as you both collided. Giggling and joking, radiating happiness as the two of you shared the sweetest kiss. Your feelings merging together, amplifying one another until they shone brighter than the sun.
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sunarintoes · 3 years
Pretty Setter Squad Boyfriend Headcanons
part one can be found here II wc: 2.4k II includes: kageyama, suga, kenma, akaashi, semi and oikawa II atsumu and shirabu 
rewriting because i cringe at the old hcs 😭
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✗ Kagggggsss
✗ The emotionally constipated blueberry <3 oh yeahh 😎
✗ Okay well first off he can barely process his emotions (*cough* evidently *cough*)
✗ When you two first started going out he was quite shy and unsure of what to do so you may have had to guide him a bit, but if youre equally shy then it just would have taken longer to get to where you are now; oh and if that was the case it probably took some random burst of energy/confidence from either one of you to make the first move. 
✗ He will buy you milk but uf you hate it (like me 🤢) he will buy you another drink - like juice :D
✗ I dont think he will be the most affectionate, it’s not his love language - and neither are words haHAH. His love language is most likely quality time and gift giving.
✗ He does like to cuddle though 😳
✗ In fact he really likes to :D his favourite is when youre sitting in his lap while he watches a volleyball game (at home - he hates pda). 
✗ This brings us to our next, short point. Kageyama absolutely despises pda, he just thinks its something meant for closed doors and he does not believe that he has to display his relationship for the whole world to ogle at. The most he will do is light hand holding - mostly just linking your pinkies though.
✗ When it comes to height he does not care if you're smaller or taller than him ← but bb, please don't tease him about his height if he’s shorter because he will blow a fuse.
✗ He alternates between small spoon and big spoon, kinda depending on his mood. 
✗ BOY O BOY does he get jealous. Uh please reign in your setter >:( 
✗ Its mostly due to the fact that he’s insecure about himself - he thinks you will leave him like everyone else (in middle school - yes, he is still traumatised from it.)
✗ When he does get jealous he might be snappy to the other person and glare at them or be snappy at you and glare at you. When this happens please give him space because he needs it to clear his head. When he feels better he will come up to you and hug you into his chest so that he can’t see your face and you cant see his, then he will mumble an apology.
✗ Ever since you two began to date he has practiced apologising and getting better at apologising, this is because his inability to admit to his own mistakes was a sour patch in your relationship that almost ended it but he really did not want to lose you so he sucked up his pride and worked on what he had to; of course you also worked in what you had to. God I love character development 😩
✗ Dates are mostly at home dates or dates revolving around volleyball. If you're not into volleyball, Kageyama would not date you, it's something he is so passionate about and loves with every breath he takes (like you) and he refuses to compromise one love for the other. 
✗ ooooh he likes arcade dates a well! He thrives in a competitive environment. If you're not competitive and don't want to compete against him then he’ll compete for you - against the machines lol. Of course you play as well! But i doubt youre as competitive as this blueberry, and if you are - well i guess at the end of the day youll both be stacked in tokens 🤠
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✗ Sugawara my beloved <33
✗ He. Is. So. Affectionate! 
✗ Mans loves skin on skin contact ykwim?
✗ He is down for pda and does not care what others think - only what you think <3. 
✗ I mean he might make out with you in public if you ask nicely 
✗ Dates are very fun with him, he’ll take you to cafes, to amusement parks, to carnivals, to movies and all the like. He’s a cliche lover and he’s proud of it.
✗ Your first kiss happened on New Years Eve/Day. The two of you sat on the roof of his house and watched as the fireworks lit up the starry sky of Miyagi and chanted the count down together. The second ‘one’ left your lips he grabbed your face (softly!!) and pulled you in to crash his lips against yours. 
✗ Suga loves to cuddle, preferably face to face because he just thinks you're the most beautiful person in the world. 
✗ He is not the most jealous person, he definitely does get jealous but never of strangers. It's more when his close friends or your close friends get a bit too comfortable if that makes sense? He normally plays it off with humour and messes around because he acknowledges that he is insecure and that it is most likely him thinking of the worst case scenario; however if he really does start to worry and get jealous then he will sit you down and talk about it with you. To him, communication is key. 
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✗ Ngl Kenma is definitely in my top 3 favourites. 
✗ I may or may not be a Kenma kinnie 😳🙈
✗ i love my non-toxic gamer boy <33 anywho: no matter what ANYONE says, kenma is definitely affectionate. In fact I'd say he’s one of the most affectionate boyfriends. As we all know, he is shy and introverted but he likes to hang around and spend time with people he likes. He also talks a lot to them. So I hc that he’s a bit of a chatterbox with you and it makes him really happy when you let him talk about a game or a theory he has. He’s a great listener so you can count on him to pay attention to what you say.
✗ if you didn't already have one, he bought you a switch. He loves video game dates especially when he can't see you in person (*cough* lockdown *cough*) 
✗ he loves when you sit on his lap when he plays video games. I know everyone talks about sitting on their partner’s lap as some sexual thing and yeah that can happen but most of the time he’s really soft with you and just enjoys being close to you. Loves when you cuddle into him while he plays so that he can place his head on yours or your shoulder. 
✗ i think he is a bit shy when it comes to kisses but definitely warms up after a while. He absolutely refuses to sleep if he doesnt get your goodnight kisses. He loves to kiss you on your nose and your cheeks the most. He loves when you kiss him on the forehead and the nose <3
✗ kenma is not one for pda, it's just not his vibe. He prefers intimacy and privacy; his relationship is not a movie for the world to watch and gawk at. Especially timeskip!kenma. Though that does not mean he wont ever show you skinship in public, occasionally he will softly hold your hand and maybe press a light kiss to your cheek. 
✗ in terms of jealousy, he is moderate. Kenma, as we all know, has incredible people reading skills, so he understands the situation pretty clearly and knows when you’re uncomfortable/what you think of the situation. Most of the time you can deal with the unwanted attention and he doesnt get jealous, but he does get insecure. He shows this by going quiet and looking away when you look at him, you can cure this by giving him hugs when you get home. 
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✗ Akaashi my beloved <3 he’s so pretty i can't even-
✗ ugh! Just imagine him in a dark/light academia aesthetic. 
✗ perfection. 
✗ akaashi is the sweetest most attentive boyfriend, he loves you to pieces and never fails to let you know. He tells you he loves you every morning and every night. He probably makes meals for you and leaves notes in that have a sweet comment like “i love you, you're the best <3” 
✗ he love back hugging you BUT also receiving back hugs 🥺✨
✗ akaashi is a booknerd and an introvert. Please cuddle up to him and let him read his book to you. 
✗ there are only 2 things that can restore his social battery: sleeping and you.
✗ which means he wants cuddles when he’s tired 😊
✗ he is not jealous. He just doesn't get jealous, maybe annoyed if the third party is being a bit too pushy and you're clearly uncomfortable, but he just never feels jealous. No matter how hard you may try to make him jealous (plz dont cause that's kinda toxic imo) he just won't feel that way.
✗ definitely the ‘mom/dad’ as he carries sinister, pads, bandaids → a whole first aid kit basically, everywhere. Bb must be prepared. 
✗ dates are so sweet with him, cute niche cafes and dimly lit libraries. Maybe the occasional abandoned building. He loves spending time with you, so really he's happiest whenever he’s with you; having coffee at McDonalds or a niche cafe won't change anything. 
✗ he’s hard to pinpoint for pda. I feel like he’s indifferent about it. He probably prefers to keep it indoors or to just small and sweet gestures (no making out in public sorry-). It definitely comes down to your preferences, if you don't like it then he won't and vice versa.
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✗ semi semi semi semi semi semi
✗ omg mr musician 
✗ he definitely plays guitar - lead guitar and bass guitar. 
✗ skilled fingies for sure 😗
✗ boy why are musicians so hot???? 😫😫😫💦💦
✗ he writes songs about you. Semsem has a bit of trouble saying exactly how he feels, so he writes it and sings it to you with a small little smile and eyes full of love. 
✗ off topic but Semu has the best music taste in haikyuu
✗ he loves hugs so much <33 please hug and cuddle with him 24/7
✗ very affectionate, he’s always touching you someway. Loves kissing your forehead. 
✗ he is jealous. Yeah definitely. He writes songs about being jealous 🗿 not that you mind of course ‘cause they're bangers. I think he might get snappy when he’s jealous, not directly at you but at the other person. He definitely gets a bit bitchy. Sometimes he acts that way to you so you've just gotta slap some sense into him. Say something like “what's your problem?” or “tell me what your problem is so i can help fix it.” ← that's probably the best thing to say. 
✗ afterwards he’ll just snuggle with you until he feels better. 
✗ he asks for your opinion about his songs all the time, please be honest (but also praise them if you like them lol)
✗ he takes you to niche spots he finds, like hidden concerts and stuff. Loves when you come to his gigs <3 oh and when you scream for him (in more ways than one). 
✗ dates are cute and fun. Mostly walking around together → carnivals, main street, farmers market. Those kind of things. 
✗ when it comes to pda he loves it. Loves being able to show the world who his s/o is. If you don't like it then he will tone it down and only do what you’re comfortable with. If you're also into pda then he will happily make out with you anywhere (you're one of THOSE couples 🤢 /j) 
✗ all round best boyfie <3
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✗ oikawa 😳 have i told y'all how much i love him? Oikawa is the best written character, no cap, he is so complex and real it's crazy. It's so fun to write about him because you can pick him apart, you know his flaws, his weaknesses, his nightmares but also his strengths and dreams. Anywho i'll stop ranting now but i just love writing for such a perfectly imperfect character-
✗ he puts up a cocky exterior but thats all false. He's as scared as you are, he's scared that you'll leave him like his exes because of how obsessed and focused he is on volleyball. However he is a changed man, he's learned to balance his priorities. If you ever feel like you're being sidelined please communicate with him. 
✗ he values communication above all else and wants nothing more in a partner than for them to also value communication.
✗ back to the point → if you feel insecure of your relationship and that volleyball is taking too much of his attention let him know. He will change that. To an extent → he may have an important game coming up which is why he is focusing more, but he will always find time for you. 
✗ he never forgets to text you good morning and good night. He also sends you wholesome memes and makes sure you're taking care of yourself - they're like reminders for him to also take care of himself. 
✗ he is both jealous and insecure. Everyone who gets too close to you or spends a lot of time with you, he is jealous of. Jealous because he wishes he could spend more time with you but he knows he can't - not without jeopardising his volleyball career. He's also insecure, because he knows you could just leave him for a more fulfilling, more attentive, more balanced relationship. You know that too, I mean, of course you could leave him but no one would be as good as him. No one could match up to your beautifully flawed boyfriend.
✗ he is affectionate, very, very affectionate. He loves you so much. And because he spends so much time on volleyball, anytime with you he's touching you - memorizing every dint, every curve, everything about you so that he won't ever forget. 
✗ Oikawa has trouble sleeping unless he's with you, he wants to sling to you in his sleep and be grounded and remember that he is loved and cherished and appreciated y'know?
✗ pda is not an issue for him. He doesn't care what anyone else says or thinks :P in this relationship the only opinions that matter are his and your’s. Tell him you're uncomfortable with something and he won't do it, and vice versa. But otherwise, like Semi, he won't mind having a good makeout session with you in the middle of the street ;)
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actualbird · 3 years
Heeeeeey pal it's Ida!
So I was thinking about Darius and how he's the only one with facial hair... (its a crime we can't romance Detective Morgan) and I was wondering... if the boys grew facial hair, what styles would each of them choose?
Its hard to imagine them with facial hair but it makes me wonder, especially if you have any idea :)
HI IDAAA!!!! :DDD it took me a sec to realize ur the same ida from twitter and not another person coincidentally also named ida KJBKS
okay so ur ask is worded in a way that implies that i should be thinking along the lines that facial hair is something the nxx boys are all capable of achieving but kjbkJBJFG MY THOUGHTS R HINGED ON THE FACT THAT ONLY SOME OF EM CAN ACTUALLY LIKE, MAKE IT HAPPEN.
that being said, lemme dive right into this
can the nxx boys grow facial hair? if yes, what style?
wc: 1.2k
disclaimer: im not putting pics of the facial hair styles in this post bc i dont wanna deal with that kind of gender envy kjfbgf. the names of the styles are in 'apostrophes' in the subheaders for ur own googling
luke pearce: he cant. full stop. in terms of tactile feel, this is a very smooth man.
im being mean to luke here, im fully aware, but hes SO GOOD at SO MANY STUPID "MASCULINE" ACTIVITIES. he can shoot guns, he can do action movie driving, hes deffo the most physically ripped out of all the boys, AND MANY MORE OTHER THINGS THAT DRIVE ME NUTS (affectionately), like. this shouldnt be allowed. there should be a LIMIT to how many societally masculine things a person should be able to do and do well. so no facial hair for luke pearce. cry me a fucking river, luke, this is called FAIRNESS.
so yep, not a single facial hair. it's slightly excruciating for him because it does NOT help his "AWWW LOOK AT THIS BABY FACED BOY" vibe. mc is never gonna stop pinching his cheeks and he doesnt even have any protection against it...
(...still, he figures maybe this isnt too much of a problem. afterall, if he had facial hair, he wouldnt be able to feel gentle touches to his face directly. and luke pearce? this dude Has to nuzzle into somebodys palm for his continued wellbeing. maybe this is for the better)
marius von hagen: he can but he doesnt like it so he shaves religiously.
marius can grow facial hair no problem which is a surprise since his dad looks like how he looks like (austin von hagen has never had a single facial hair, thats an absolute dolphin of a man, so aerodynamic) but MARIUS DOESNT LIKE IT.
it's a personal preference but he doesnt like how it's rough and how it messes with his "i am sexy hot gorgeous fae-like creature of mischief and beauty" vibes. so when marius detects even the slightest of stubble, the beginnings of a whatever-o'clock shadow, hes shaving!! bye bye!!!!
he does appreciate that facial hair is nice on other people, just not on him. he's been to art school. im sure marius has not only seen stupidly hot facial hair-d individuals, he's made out with a solid chunk of them as well. marius has to admit, getting stubble burn is kinda great! still, it's not something he's gonna be the one to give
vyn richter: he can and once hes comfortable changing up his twink doctor aesthetic, he goes for the 'Anchor Beard'.
like marius, vyn can grow facial hair no problem and shaves regularly though it's not that he doesnt like it it's just that...hes Very Comfortable with his current look and it seems like such a risky chore to change that up? his current look is great and it fits him and other people like it and GASP the danger of changing his aesthetic into something people MIGHT NOT LIKE?? MIGHT NOT FIND COOL AND HANDSOME AND WONDERFUL???? vyn would rather dig his own fucking grave
he'd need some coaxing perhaps from a lover or lovers that "Vyn, It's Okay To Change Ur Look If You Want To, If You Look Like Crap, It's Fine, The World Isn't Going To End." once he gets that through his equal parts horrid and hilarious brain, he'll go through a bunch of styles before settling on the anchor beard and variations of it. it's fresh and modern which a nice contrast from his usual archaic aesthetic.
(when marius sees vyn tho hes like "HAHA YOU LOOK LIKE A FUCKING MAGICIAN" and then the only thing you'll be able to hear after that is the screams of marius von hagen being hunted for sport, the sound getting further and further away)
artem wing: he can but he never lets it grow out and maybe thats alright maybe thats better for us because one time he did let it grow and then the entirety of stellis is suddenly SO MUCH MORE (DECENTLY) WHORISH IN HIS GENERAL VICINITY because the style he goes for is the Farmer’s Market Hot™ 'Short Full Beard'.
before i explain the latter terminology above, lemme first explain the first bit. artem can grow facial hair no problem but hes SUCH a stickler for formality and being prim and proper so actually having facial hair is something he never lets happen. he shaves regularly and IMPORTANT NOTE, hes shaving with a fucking STRAIGHT RAZOR (pictured below)
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rationalization: artem is old fashioned in very specific (and personally endearing) areas, like he prefers to handwrite with fountain pens in a largely paperless era. thats hot! yknow whats another old fashioned thing thats hot? STRAIGHT RAZORS!!!! hes whipping this out on the reg, pressing the exquisitely sharpened edge against the skin of his throat, dragging it with precise movements. if any poor soul watches artem shave, i wish that poor soul strength to not fuck him ON THE SPOT.
but yeah he doesnt let his facial hair grow but maybe one time he did (uhhh i cant think of a reason bc beards take 2-4 months to grow and lol, artem wing not at the office for 2-4 months? what happened, did themis law firm get sucked into a wormhole? just think of Some Kind Of Reason u like as to why he doesnt shave for a while) and. HM. WELL.
okay time define Farmer’s Market Hot™, a term i came across 6 years ago from this post by tofixtheshadows. the post reads:
"Farmer’s Market Hot is a wholesome kind of hot. Rugged but approachable. It’s not the kind of hot where you immediately go, “Oh my god they’re so perfect, I want to take them home and photograph them/tear their clothes off.” That’s for later. This is the kind of hot for people who would visit the farmer’s market to buy some organic cheeses on their way to pick up their kids from their Creativity Through Music class. It’s the look that says “I’m here to support our local beekeepers.” You see them and it makes you want to settle down. You want to do your taxes with them, raise dogs together."
when artem wing lets his facial hair grow, his beard is so hot, it makes him SO HOT which is unfair because HES ALREADY HOT but now hes walking around stellis in his soft fuckin sweater and going to the grocery very intently studying the fresh produce and his beard along with the rest of his vibes just makes everything about him scream "i will cook you breakfast in bed and it will taste exquisite and i care about the local ecosystem and gently put trespassing insects into a cup to release outside and i am SO GODDAMN MARRY-ABLE" and bros, if everybody wanted him before, they, impossibly, want him even more now
stellis would not be able to fucking cope. when artem shaves the beard off, a sigh of relief rumbles throughout the entire city.
all in all: artem wing won this post. it wasnt even a competition, but he won it.
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thatsthetriick · 3 years
Jjba characters switching bodies with their s/o
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Summary: Body swap with their s/o! Some freaky friday shit! :D, It’s basically a work of a stand! ;), yeah all my inspiration is from the movie ‘Your name’ I rlly love that movie sm made me cry huhu, if u haven’t watched it srsly watch it its gud Disclaimer: Body swapping, possible pervertness from characters lmao, all characters are aged up! gn! reader, and mentions of killing from Dio's headcanon Header photo:  Namaikizakari
Part 3 Characters body swapping with their s/o + DIO
Joseph Joestar ❀ “AAAAAAAH!” Joseph would screen and look at the mirror to see that he was in your body? What’s happening! Was it a stand user that did this? Eitherway he even tries summoning your stand but instead he ends up getting his same stand, hermit purple? Weird. ❀ He’ll probably blush at the fact he’s temptedt o look at your body but he has no time for that! He rushed out of his hotel room and quickly find you to see if you got in his body and his deductions were correct, you were also freaking out since you were in his body and Avdol was trying to calm you down. ❀ Once he steps in Avdol immediately widens his eyes and questions if he was Joseph and he managed to confirm that he was joseph and Avdol conclucded that both of you swap bodies because of a possible stand user. ❀ You two have to deal with it the whole day and Polnareff always reassured you two that it’s going to be fine, not a big deal though he does laugh and tease at the both of you sometimes. ❀ Since you’re in Joseph’s body you wear pretty fashionable clothes because ur cool and hot. ( ;) i love u reader -author) While Joseph wears more of your plain clothes just a shirt and pants, but he still wears his hat. ❀ You two eventually got separated from the group and found the stand user and managed to attack ther user and returned back to your bodies. Jotaro Kujo ❀ He’ll be staring at the mirror and let out a “tch”, he already knows this is a work of a stand user, he just stares at the mirror for a long time and then walks out of his hotel room, calmly but still wearing your pjs. ❀ Once he enters to the room he was in his hands would be in his pockets, Kakyoin would be helping you think on how this happened but looks at Jotaro who was in your body and his eyes widened and kakyoin was right you two did switch bodies. ❀ When you where in a hunt from the stand user who did this to you and Jotaro you wore his turtle neck only and with no jacket and no hat, he decided to wear his hat with your body and he wore one of your leather jackets since it fits him compared to his original jacket. ❀ Girls would circle around you and you would flirt with them back because it’s funny to see Jotaro annoyed that you’re having way too much fun being him, “It’s not that bad being you” You would say and he would just scoff and tell you to not enjoy it too much. ❀ He was having a hard time being you as well since you look like an approachable person compared to him so a lot of people advertised products to you or if not foreigners asking for him and other things like that and honestly you would answer it for him. ❀ You two eventually got attacked from the back from the same stand user that switch both of you, and good thing that it doesnt switch your stands so you two managed to beat the stand user and Jotaro had to change back to his uniform. Kakyoin Noriaki ❀ Honestly he wouldn’t notice it for a bit and then when he does he quickly looks at the mirror and then starts processing it all and quickly rushes to his shared room with Jotaro.  ❀ He wakes you up before you even freak out and you’d be freaking out back in your own room. You two start thinking what made you two switch your bodies and you both agreed and concluded that it was probably a stand user they met the night before, but who? They met so many people the night before. ❀ It was honestly fun that you two were trying to figure out the puzzles of this mystery, but after a few hours pass by you two went to the others to inform them a stand user switched both of your bodies, it was only 9 AM at this time so you all got breakfast and tried thinking of ways to find the stand user. ❀ You wore different clothes for Kakyoin, his uniform was too hot and you couldn’t handle the heat of the sun already so you wore more comfortable and thin clothing, just a long sleeves polo shirt but you folded the sleeves, he honestly didn’t have much different clothes, only his pajamas and his uniform then extra polos. ❀ He in the other hand actually dressed up pretty nice with your body, he had good taste in clothing. ❀ This whole experience got you two closer together honestly, before you two wouldn’t really talk that much so the fact that this whole freaky friday thing is the one that made you two close is kinda funny but it was alright since you two knew a lot of things from each other just by talking the whole time you two looked for the stand user who did this. ❀ When you two encountered the stand user everyone else in the group was behind so they help you two defeat the stand user and got swapped back to your bodies, and unlike Jotaro he wouldn’t really change out of the clothes you wore for him since he wanted to be polite and it actually suited him. Muhammad Avdol  ❀ he sweats and gulps as he looks at the mirror, he started thinking about how this happened? ❀He came to your room to see you in his body and talking to Joseph that you were you, and he confimed that the both of you seemed like you two switched bodies. ❀ Joseph went to call the others and everyone had a meeting in Joseph and Avdol’s room and you all tried recalling what happened yesterday or yesterday night and who you all encountered and spoke to. ❀ Polnareff would be teasing that Avdol is a lucky guy and jokes about weird things and Avdol would just defend you and say that this is serious even though Avdol is a bit flustered that he switched with you. He just doesn’t experess it my guy. ❀ You and Avdol got separated a lot from the group but you two manage to talk a lot, and just like Kakyoing you two learn a lot of things about each other. He wore simple clothes of yours and you wore clothes that were also simple because it was hot again and you still can’t handle too much heat since you might faint or something. ❀ You two struggled but managed to defeat the stand user which made you two switch back to your original bodies, you two would probably prank the others that you’ll be stuck with each other’s bodies forever and pretend to act like each other just to get a reaction from the rest. ❀ You and Avdol had fun picking on everyone making them think you’ll be switched forever, Polnareff kept comforting you two thinking that it’s actually real but you two are so good at acting that Polnareff got fooled. Jean-Pierre Polnareff ❀ This guy is a pervert honestly and would just be flustered if u are are girl he’d probably just stare at your boobs. ❀ Yeah but he’s a pervert, but he still doesn’t peak unless he obviously needs to change his clothes in your body. ❀ You would always remind him to have no funny business and Joseph would also wack him to not do anything weird and he’ll just say “Ow! I haven’t done anything!” or some other comments. ❀ You honestly just wore his clothes because it’s good enough for the heat, but he in another hand wore a tank top for you and shorts or if not shorts with jeans and there was nothing wrong with it just seems like you were going to go swimming or something but you shrugged it off. ❀ He would continue the constant teasing and how he actually likes being swapped with you and that you two are fated to be since out fo all the members you two were the chosen ones and you’d chuckle at his comments like this. ❀ He would flirt with other people even when he’s in your body which makes you wack his head sometimes and remind him that he was still in your body just in case he was forgetting. But despite this he’s been kind and polite to you and made you laugh a lot during the time you two switched bodies, this is where you two got closer than ever. Sure you knew him before but you two never had an actual conversation, usually you two would exchange just a few comments from and that’s all you two ever did, including the flirt. ❀ Once he finds the stand user he quickly chases them until he corners them and you do the finishing touch. You and Polnareff change back and he jokes about being upset that he isn’t you anymore and how he enjoyed the experience. You two would still talk about it in the future since you two found it funny. DIO ❀ This man is a tsundere for you, a good one though. Despite that he’ll still charge to his room where you were in, and you were in his body. He yells at you for doing this and you yell back that your stand doesn’t even have this specific ability. ❀ He tries to command Vanilla Ice to look for the one responsible for doing this to the both of you, but since Vanilla Ice just saw you and he didn’t notice that it was Dio in your body, thus he didn’t follow him and just looked at you instead and asked what you wanted to do to Dio. ❀ You have fun being him because you are in high power but he still had the world stand so he technically still has power to control you and you would scoff at this and Tell Vanilla Ice the whole story that the two of you switched bodies and even revealed that you two switched stands and Vanilla Ice was frustrated to hear that one of Dio’s followers did this to the two of you so he immediately got to work. ❀ This meant you two were stuck to wait with each other, he also forced you to tell every follower of his to not step into the room yet since he didn’t want to look like that in front of everyone it makes him look weak and you would roll your eyes. ❀ This man was still cocky though and comments that even though he is in your body he still has the power of the world, and that he can quickly just destroy all the Joestars and their team by pretending to be you and acting like a innocent person. Though he also stated he wanted to defeat the Joestars with HIS body because he kinda wanted the credit of killing the Joestars even though for some reason he sent his followers to kill them for him but you didn’t think too much of it. ❀ You secretly would walk out of his room and ask his own followers for a lot of things, like to get luxurious food or prepare a nice bath and they would find this weird since Dio was technically a vampire and this was out of character of him but you were so good at being Dio that you found so many excuses to their questions. ❀ You would actually put on some clothes while Dio just wears the same thing you wear earlier. ❀ After bantering each other for a long time Vanilla Ice finally defeated the stand user and you two switched back and Dio complained how being you is pathetic and you seriously cant take his comments seriously so you just insult him back, ilke I said this man was a tsundere but he kinda he enjoys being your body he found it really hot, he just doesn’t want to admit it, and he really thought this was an advantage to kill the Joestars immediately but sadly he already told you to request Vanilla ice to find the one responsible of all of this so  he couldn’t do much. ❀ You two continue your lives as a person who assist Dio because Dio forced you to, and with him bossing you around which makes you wanna kick his face but you still continue your duties  
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Thanks for reading hope you have a good day! -𝓣.
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dragon-kazansky · 3 years
Payback | Niki Lauda
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Written just for @lieutenantn 💕💕💕
Tried to keep it gender neutral reader
I did my best, this is my first attempt at Lauda 🥺
It was incredibly hot. Even with all the doors and windows open it was incredibly hot. You couldn't let the heat affect you, you had somewhere to be.
You had no idea why he had called for you. Unless it was race day, he never needed you otherwise. Niki Lauda didn't ever call you out to his place. Why would he?
Yet, here you were, standing at his door waiting for him to answer. You were full of suspicion. You had no reason to be here.
The door opens and there stands Lauda, looking at you with that impartial expression on his face. He always looked at you like that. You waited for him to say something, but all he did was leave the door open. You sighed as you followed him inside, closing the door behind you.
You stare at his back as you wait for him to explain why he called you of all people here. He didn't say anything right away. You couldn't see his expression change as he thought over what he intended to do. He had no one else to ask this of, you were his only option.
This must be such a weird situation for you.
He turns and looks at you, letting out a sigh through his nose. His eyes were piercing.
You wait.
"I need you to do something for me. You're the only person I can ask."
You furrow your brow at him, crossing your arms and waiting for him to say more. He doesn't say anything right away, just watches you. Your patience is wearing thin, but you wait.
You did not need to deal with moody Niki.
"What do you need me to do?"
He looks at you, trying to read your expression. His tongue darts out and licks his lips as he adjusts his standing position and speaks.
"I need you to be my date this weekend."
You stare at him.
Those aren't words you expected to hear from him. Especially toward you. Niki Lauda didn't ever look at you twice.
"You need what?" You hiss, looking him up and down. Was he out of his mind?
"You heard me."
"Why do you need me to do that? Where is this coming from? Who are you and what have you done with the real Niki Lauda?"
He sighs and rolls his eyes, hands on his hips as he looks at you.
"It doesn't matter why. I just need you to do it. One day, that's all it is."
"All it is? Why are you asking this of me? And don't tell me it doesnt matter, you would never ask me up to your home to pull a favour like this."
He lowers his hands from his hips and narrows his eyes at you a bit.
"It's just for show. One day. That's all it is."
"Does this have something to do with Hunt?"
His silence says it all. It's your turn to sigh as you turn on your heel.
"I am not here to be used at your convenience, Lauda."
You walk back to the door. Just as you open it is claes again. Niki has his hand flat against it, having pushed it shut. You glare at him as you turn your head to look at him.
"Pick someone else Niki. Someone you can stand."
He stares at you. You can't tell what's going through his head, but you figure he has given in when he pushes off the door. You open it again, but are once again stopped, this time by his words.
"I can stand you."
You don't look at him. You scoff and shake your head.
"Lying doesn't change anything."
"I am not lying. I don't lie. Not to you."
You risk glancing back at him. His expression hasn't changed much, maybe a late softer around the eyes. For some reason that causes your heart to skip a beat or two.
"You never talk to me, not unless you have to."
"That doesn't mean I don't like you."
You close the door and turn to face him, watching him curiously. This is the most he's ever said to you, normally you're standing there on the sidelines until he has a purpose for you.
"What do I get if I do this?"
"What do you want?"
You think about it. You smile softly. He looks at you, waiting to hear what's on your mind.
"Lunch. You take me out for lunch."
"That's all?"
"Yeah, that's all."
You see his lip twitch a bit, but he doesn't smile completely. His eyes are softer on you though.
"Then it's a deal."
You nod. Niki tells you what he wants you to do and where to meet. You agree and leave his home, not thinking too much about this fake dating thing he has asked of you. He just wants to show up Hunt, that's all.
You put on your nicest outfit and meet him where he asked you to meet him. He picks you up, right on time, and you drive down to the event.
The house he pulls up outside of is very nice. Many other drivers are entering the building as you get out of the car.
Hunt's car is parked directly outside.
Niki offers you his arm and you both head inside. What an actress you become. Niki glances at the way you fall into the persona of his date for the evening.
The smile on your lips, the way you touch him, the way you look at him. He knew he could rely on you.
You both enter the house and people instantly come over to greet Lauda. You sort of cling to his side as they talk to him. Niki talks to them for a little bit, but is quick to find an excuse to leave with you. You looked a little overwhelmed.
"I don't see him," you say.
"Who?" He asks, momentarily forgetting the reason he had asked you to be here.
"James Hunt."
You glance around the room, but you don't see him at all. He must be here though, you saw his car outside.
"Well, this is unexpected."
You both turn. There he is.
"Didn't expect you if all people to be on his arm," Hunt looked between the pair of you.
"Why not?" Niki asked, already irritated.
"Because you're an asshole and they're not?" Hunt gave a condensing grin. You felt Niki's hand clench behind you where his hand was resting on your back.
Lauda very clearly wants to say something, but you beat him to it.
"He's not an asshole to me," you lie.
Hunt looks at you curiously.
"You sure about that? I've seen the way he ignores you. Don't think I haven't noticed you, Y/N."
"You know my name?" You ask, voice a little soft. You didn't think anyone paid much attention to you hanging about the races.
"Yeah, course I do. You're at every race. Always with him, but he doesn't pay attention to you."
Niki hadn't realised how much attention Hunt had been paying to you. He wouldn't have asked this if you if he knew. The fact that Hunt is even talking about him this way is pissing him off. Especially when he knows Hunt is telling the truth.
As much as Niki liked you, he definitely didn't give you much time of the day, no matter much time you spent with him.
"Things can change, Hunt."
James looked at him, unconvinced, but he also saw the way your hand was clutching Lauda's jacket.
"Maybe I am wrong."
You feel Niki's hand relax behind you.
A pretty young woman comes up to James and smiles at him. With Hunt now distracted, Niki leads you away. His hand was firm around you as he passed by everyone with ease. He took you into another room, almost rushing to get there.
"Where are we going?"
He doesn't answer your question as he closes the door to the empty room and looks at you.
"Do you hate me?" He asks.
"Hate you?"
"Yes, hate me. Do you hate me because of the way I have treated you? I am an asshole. I have always been one when it came to you, yet you stick around anyway. Why?"
You remain silent.
Niki steps up in front of you and looks at you. His gaze feels intense on you and suddenly you feel like you're standing outside his house in the blazing heat of the sun again.
"I don't hate you," you whisper.
"You don't?"
You shake your head. "No, I've never hated you, Niki. I admire you, even if you do act like an asshole sometimes."
"For whatever it is worth, I do like you, Y/N."
"Do you?"
He is standing so close. All you would have to do is pull him closer by the lapels of his jacket and he could be kissing you.
Suddenly you desired nothing more.
You eyes glance down to his lips. You watch the way they part slightly, knowing he was watching you.
He's kissing you before you can register anything else. It's quite heated, hungry. There's a feeling that he could have been resisting this for some time, but that can't possibly be.
He guides you back until your legs bump into the edge of a bed. You had been so lost in the fact Niki had rushed you off somewhere, you hadn't realised he had taking you to a bedroom.
His intention was just to find out how you really saw him, but this turned out better than he thought.
He had you lying back on the bed while he uncooked his belt. You looked up at him with eyes he couldn't quite read.
"You could tell me to stop and I could take you home. We could go back to how we were before," he says, hands hovering the waistband of his trousers.
You sit up slowly and keep your eyes locked on his as your hands do the rest of the work for him. His breathing hitches as you undress him, you don't look away from him as you drop his clothes to his ankles.
That's all the answer he needed.
He was over you again, your lips being claimed by his again. Your hands work at pushing his jacket away from his shoulders and tossing it to the floor. Only once they were done did you then let your fingers tangle in his curls.
Niki's hands work on your clothing. He won't be satisfied until you're in the same position as he is.
Now you're bare to him from the waist down.
"Who's bed is this?" You ask, whispering against his lips.
"I don't care," he replies, kissing you again.
The fingers of his left hand trail down between your legs and give you some well deserved attention. He was desperate to feel you in every way he possibly could.
He wanted you.
This was the payback for how he treated you. Everything was going to change after this. He would make it up to you.
You placed a hand to his cheek and looked at him with gentle eyes. He was eager for you, but he also found satisfaction in just looking at you for a moment.
He considered himself to be a very lucky man right at this moment.
He kisses you again, this time while pushing into you. He didn't want to wait any longer, plus, the longer you were both gone, the more suspicious it might seem to anyone who saw him earlier.
You gasped against his lips as you adjusted to him.
You never expected to end up here. A few days ago he wouldn't have looked at you twice. Now you're on a stranger's bed half naked.
He wasn't gentle. He wasn't here to be gentle. He had you clawing at the sheets under you, your head back, lips parted, all kinds of noises coming out. As much as he e enjoyed making your squirm under him, he needed you to be quiet. The music out there wasn't loud enough to block out sounds at all.
He places a hand over your mouth and looks at you. He shames his head silently. You nod, but he doesn't let go right away. When he does, you press a kiss to his palm before it leaves you completely.
The bed shakes as his thrusts become a little more sharp and violent against you. It's very hard trying to keep the noise level down, but you manage it.
Seeing you like this, it was etched into his brain. What a sight you were.
Your arms resting over his shoulders, fingers clawing in his hair and on his back. You want to feel him, touch him. Just the same he wanted of you.
All that time he spent pushing you to the side felt wasted. He could have had you so much sooner. Why did he wait for Hunt to push him over the edge to make this happen?
He kissed you. Again and again and again.
You were intoxicating to him.
You couldn't stop the mean from escaping you as he just hit the right spot. Oh God, the sound you were making, he wanted more of them. If there weren't so many people in the other rooms, he would have you singing.
You couldn't hold on much longer. You clenched around him tightly, he knew you were close, as was he, but he wanted you climax first.
He kept going, grinding into you with precision and perfect rhythm.
You came for him. His lips curled upward.
His turn. He increased his pace and focused on his own pleasure, but the way your hands caressed his face gently and brought his face down to yours some more, really had him melting for you.
He twitches within you. You brush your lips against his in the softest manner. He comes undone in seconds.
He releases within you and brushes his lips against your cheek as he catches his breath.
"Hunt was wrong."
You wait for him to elaborate. He doesn't.
Niki pulls out of you, leaving you feeling a little empty without him. He climbs off the ned and grabs his forgotten trousers. You take a moment to catch you breath, but before you could lift yourself up, Niki offers you his hand.
You accept his help and slowly stand, dressing yourself when he hands you your forgotten clothes.
He fixes your hair delicately. You're almost jealous by the fact his curly hair looked no different, despite how much your fingers tugged and roamed within them.
Once you were all fixed up, Niki reached for your hand. You accepted it and let him lead the way back to the party. Luckily there weren't many people about right outside, no one seemed to notice the pair of you slipping back into the main room.
Hunt was very well distracted elsewhere. Lauda didn't even glance at him as he took you outside.
"Shouldn't be mingle some more?"
"No. I am done here. Besides, I owe you lunch, remember."
You smile and tug at his hand, causing him to stop. Niki looks at you.
"Forget lunch. I don't care any more. I got something better out of this anyway."
"Oh?" He grinned.
"Yeah, how many people get to fuck Niki Lauda at a party?"
He faces you full on.
"You know I have no intention of letting you go after this?" He asks, gesturing between you both with his free hand.
"You want to go from fake date to actual date?"
"If you'll have me."
You stare at him, trying to read his eyes. Lauda once again becomes unreadable to you as silence settles between you both.
"You're serious?"
"Do I look like I'm laughing?"
"Is this just to prove Hunt wrong again? I'm not some plaything here to get in between this rivalry you have with him."
Niki steps closes and places his hands on your shoulders. His palms are warm.
"I know you're not. I was a fool to use you as such in the first place. I am asking genuinely."
You can't help the soft smile that appears on your face. He was serious. He actually meant it.
You kiss him.
You don't care who sees.
He returns the gesture eagerly. All he could ever want now is right here in front of him.
He really did feel like the luckiest man in the world.
@ajeff855 @moonstuffsteve @sky-writes-stuff @lieutenantn @lostghostgirl94 @friday18eo @yaskna @my-blood-is-maple-syrup @gingerwriter97 @lunamooney2406 @wilder-fangirl @belle82devart @hb8301 @stardancerluv @killeromanoff @cathrin2405 @zemosimp420 @charistory @sleepyflutist18 @supercharged-tatertot @belle82devart @sexyundeadtrash @realremyd @goddessofmischief03 @myybebe
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lunarrumor · 3 years
i just think that valgrace. so much potential. so much chemistry
we have:
- best friends to lovers
- height difference
- jason being very strung up and leo being the exact opposite so they balance each other out
- leo always stealing jason's clothes even before they're together because they're really comfy and jason's not the most fashionable but leo's never cared about his clothes much (except he does care about these ones because they're his "best friend's" and it reminds him that he has people now,,, people that love him)
- and he wears one of jason's shirts to his workshop one day and he accidentally gets grease on it (because lets be real he has never owned a single item of clothing that didn't somehow get a grease or oil stain on it)
- and he's really upset because it's like he ruined one of his most precious items and jason let him have it (he took it one day while they were up late playing video games and he wanted to get comfortable and jason refused when he tried to give it back for ~totally straight and only friendly~ reasons)
- and he thinks jason's gonna be mad because what if he did want it back and he's gonna change his mind and never let me have anything of his ever again but he goes to the dining hall trying to subtly hide it but of course jason notices it because he's got a great vantage point on leo and he's always staring at leo but especially today because he's wearing his shirt and he always looks really cute after coming back from his workshop because he has dirt on his face and his hair is all messed up and he always comes back looking proud of himself for finishing a project or all jittery because he wants to get back so he can keep working or frustated that something went wrong (but that isn't very often jason thinks because leo's kind of a genius with machinery and he always manages to make the most amazing things)
- anywayy so jason notices and he doesn't say anything but he can see him staring and his eyebrows do that cute little furrowy thing that always happens when he's thinking about something and leo's just waiting for him to mention it
- meanwhile jason is looking at leo's shirt his shirt with grease stains on it—leo's signature look and he's trying so hard to keep from smiling like an idiot because now it looks like theirs—like it's a part of them both and leo's looking absolutely amazing in it in the light of the dining hall, highlighted gold by the sun going down and the torches set around for light
- he looks at his crisp purple shirt, now slightly wrinkled, with oil stains and he thinks it reminds him of their own friendship—how he's always neat and precise but leo relaxes him, he's not afraid of getting messy and he's not afraid to pull jason along with him and he never does say anything but he gives leo a random hug after dinner before he goes back to the workshop, which isnt that unusual because ever since jason realized that leo and piper didn't mind casual affection—in fact piper was always one to just drape herself around her friends and hang off of them because as much as she didn't like being an aphrodite kid she's always been a sucker for little ways of showing people you love them—jason hasn't stopped hugging them since
- leo was surprised at first when he started doing it but now he welcomes them because jason's hugs are so warm and it makes him feel home and so when he does so after dinner leo's only really shocked because this one is extra suffocating and he was expecting actually the opposite reaction but then he supposes he shouldn't really be so surprised because jason has always been the most understanding person he's met and he never gets annoyed with leo like others do, he's always just there waiting to help him or to hug him or to give him one of his oh-look-at-me-im-so-attractive-people-probably-make-paintings-of-me-just-to-capture-my-beauty smiles that is always so bright and soft and leo doesn't know how jason can always look so content when he's got so much weight on his shoulders (this definitely doesnt have to do with the fact that just being around leo makes him happy and he forgets all his responsibilities except making sure leo is doing okay)
- and when they are together jason sure as hell takes advantage of his staring privileges because now he can look at leo in his clothes and smile like a goof and it's completely normal boyfriend behavior and he absolutely never shuts up about how much he loves leo and ~maybe~ leo recognizes this and starts wearing more of his clothes just so he can get extra tight hugs because he's always been one for manipulating the system and damnit if this system of how he could possibly get the most love from jason is not the best thing he's ever gotten himself into
- and now i've gone on a very long rant about valgrace (oopsie) but im going to continue (with some nico !!!) because @transjasico has me thinking about valdangelace
- so nico doesnt have the same habits as leo does when it comes to taking all of jason's clothes because he hates looking small and he has a reputation to uphold and a ~style~ to keep (aka an emo teen that shops at hot topic)
- and jason totally doesn't start buying more black clothes because maybe he perhaps notices this (after all who is he if not constantly obsessing over his boyfriends and analyzing all the cute habits they have)
- and piper sees this change of clothing and gets a little worried because she just got jason to branch out a little from purple t-shirts that he somehow makes look like he's ready for a business meeting? and oh no what if while she was training him and telling him to ~find his own style~ she accidentally encouraged him to go goth
- so she's like /what have i done/ because while she teases him about it, nerdy jason is her jason and what if he decides to get a bunch of piercings now because that simply wouldn't look right (i mean of course he could pull it off but goth!jason would look simply off to anyone who had met him for more than two seconds and seen what a mom friend he is)
- so she asks him about it because she can not be responsible for jason breaking all of the goth little hearts in america with his new look (yes he just started wearing more black but piper thinks ahead okay she's smart like that)
- and he admits it to her and she just cackles in his face (and then suddenly gets serious because she's like okay i know you love your boyfriend but seriously this is not the style for you)
- but who's laughing when his plan works??? one night at the campfire nico forgot his aviator jacket and he's about to shadow travel to get it but jason is like no no no you're not gonna wear yourself out just to get a jacket and you can't just leave (a brilliant excuse if you ask him, because jason's a quick thinker like that,,,, and being around leo he picked up some of his scheming habits)
- but he's like *puts hand on nico's arm and activates his Serious Yet Loving boyfriend face" and goes: noo nico why would you do that when i have a jacket *whips hoodie off his lap with a flourish* right here :)))
- and nico's like ....okay sure :)
- and jason has an accomplished little smile seeing nico bundled up in his hoodie because not only is he warm but phase one of his mission is complete and now he just has to ease nico into stealing more of his clothes and he thinks he was really subtle but nico definitely knew what he was doing and he brought it up to leo who thought it was very cute to see conspiring!jason and hilarious that he was so determined for somebody to steal his clothes so when jason pulled out his jacket he made a little motion to nico like *go on take it* and nico rolled his eyes (without jason seeing of course) and activated his amazing acting skills so he could see his boyfriend look all proud of himself
- and now i've gone on another very long rant (i still blame you @/transjasico) but nico starts wearing them more because jason always does everything he can to make them happy and he thinks its worth it to see jason all smiley and they're very comfy and he does enjoy the extra bear hugs and the smirk leo gives him every time he sees him wearing jason's shirt but that's not the point
- okay now im done
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
Hey!! Could we please get more sugar daddy fics with a black reader ofc 😋 idk if you've done shoto already but that'd be nice or hawks and deku💕
A/N: “wrist on glitter, waist on thinner, imma show you how to bag a eight-figure nigga” 👅💋 I enjoyed this way too much
All characters are 18+
Warnings: it got a lil spicy so imma put the line 
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Todoroki Shouto:
this mf has money to burn 
we all know todoroki came out the womb w cash from his hair to his ass 
he’s on some “yes, jeff bezos knows me” type shit so if you’re tryna end up with someone that’s gonna possibly buy you a house, he’s your guy 
he slid into your dms after you posted a pic with your skin moisturized and glistening under golden hour and your body had him wanting to run laps 
he had been plottin on you for a min but never got the motivation to do something about it until then
he’s a no strings attached type of sugar daddy
todoroki is a big name even outside of hero work and he’s well aware of all the people that have tried to use him. so instead of letting that happen, he’s decided to do things on his own terms 
when yall first started talking, he questioned you like this was managerial position at apple 💀 
best believe he ran an in-depth background check and made you sign an NDA 💀💀💀
he was a tough one
but you passed w flying colors and y’all settled on an arrangement
you have a weekly allowance that hits your bank account every saturday with some bonuses that he’ll give you depending on how the week goes
todoroki isnt needy nor is he one to be all up in your business 
it’s actually weird in an endearing kind of way? 
he only wants to have conversations with you 
i mean, dont get me wrong, he’s up for anything you are
todoroki would be a liar if he said he never ended some nights with a picture of you and a hand down his pants 
but that’s not what he’s mainly looking for 
you figure out very quickly that shouto just wants someone to talk to 
he’ll randomly hit up your phone and have a 30 min convo about something like the weather or hero politics, and then he’ll dip
next thing you know, you got $1000 in your cashapp
you kind of panicked bc like...wtf? 
your dumb ass messaged him: “did you mean to send $1000?”
sis, dont put a question mark where God put a period
him: “Yes.”
and that was the end of that
you dont question anymore
he’s not doting in any kind of way, and sometimes you lowkey think he forgets about you, but you still get your allowance 
doesn’t send a lot of gifts unless you explicitly state you want something
he doesnt text back a lot, but he tried to respond when he can
but i do see him liking it when you send him mundane things you do throughout your day, like pics of cookies you baked, or a cool plant you saw at home depot
and he enjoys the times you and him end up just trashing his father for nearly an hour. expect to find flowers, with some expensive ass coats or something at your door the next morning 
he really fucks w your laid back vibe 
sometimes he forgets you guys arent really supposed to be friends 
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Takami Kiego (Hawks):
this is not hawks’ first time being a sugar daddy
he’s hot, rich, and one of the most eligible bachelor’s in japan with a life that prevents him from having anything too serious
so, long story short, he’s a veteran at this 
he used to be the type to reach out to instagram baddies but he had a couple bad run-ins and decided to stick with the official sites because it was a lot more secure on both ends 
the funny thing was, you set up your account a long time ago as a joke. though at one point, you did take it seriously, but you came in contact with a lot of super creepy men that sexualized you for your skin and ethnicity. 
you were tired of the “chocolate king/queen” and “amazonian god/dess” comments,so you took a break. you didnt have much activity since
so imagine youre surprise when the #2 hero hit your line talking about some 
“Hey~ I’ll get straight to the point. I think you’re beautiful and I’d like to talk with you about an arrangement” 
you thought this was a fake account, but after he chatting for a little and sending some pictures, you knew he was the real deal 
hawks is your standard tit-for-tat transaction sugar daddy
he’s the type to hit you up at night with a “how ya doing, dove? got any pics for me?”
he’s good about his respect ad won’t do anything out of line
it’s the bare minimum, be he doesnt fetishize you so that’s always nice 
however, he does make you call him daddy, sir, etc. whether it’s through text, call, or when y’all get together for...reasons
ngl his dicc game is fire
he might ghost you for a week or so but he’ll always come back with a nice check to make up for it 
just be careful about catching feelings bc he’s so fucking smooth. he makes you feel like you’ve got his heart, but dont fall for that shit
if you think you can “change him” or fuflfil whatever wattpad romance fantasy lives in your head, he is not your guy. you better get on w your life before you get your heart broken
he’s here to suck, fuck, send pics, do a little phone call here n there, send some money, and go 
if you’re not with all that, you might as well dip 
but if you’re cool with that, rest assured, you’re gonna be living your best mf life with this man in your wallet 
and good news, you might not be his only, but you are his favorite
there’s just something about you that’s got him giving you a few extra thousand than he normally does 
he doesnt take his sugar babies on proper dates bc he’s gotta stay away from media outlets, but he will invite you to his office for a “lunch break”
if you ever surprise him with a cute but sexy hawks cosplay, you won’t have to work for two whole weeks bc you cant walk  
overall, he’s a good sugar daddy. defintely good for your pockets and any other non-romantic desires you want fulfilled
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Mirodirya Izuku:  
the way you two met and came to this arrangement was more or less an accident
the life of the number one pro-hero was lonely and stressful 
he’s tried to dip his toes in the water here and there, but it never worked out because not many people could deal with the fact that he’d always put hero work first
he was teetering on the edge of signing up for one of those sugar daddy/baby websites until he met you at some cafe he passed by 
it’s cliche really. you were his server and, honestly? he was hooked on day one 
he watched you intently as you pranced around in your cute uniform. he couldnt stop admiring your brown skin and eyes and how cute your hair was. you spoke with such enthusiasm and cheerfulness that he couldnt help but swoon. and it didn’t hurt that you were very easy on the eyes
he listened to you as you went on a spiel about how college was a fortune and how you stayed up last night for a project bc you had to pick up extra shifts
that’s when he made his decision
by the time the hero is out of the door, you collected the reciept and almost fainted when you realized he left you a $500 tip and his personal number 
“i enjoyed talking to you today and i hope we can continue that...here’s something small to help with your bills. and i hope this isnt too forward but you’re very beautiful. stay safe. deku.”
and what did you do that night?
you called his ass right back
you were nervous as hell bc you still couldnt believe this was real, but after talking on the phone with him for two hours, an arrangement was set
midoriya is the most gentlemen like sugar daddy out there 
you wake up to good morning texts and a few hundred in your bank account almost every two days 
he goes crazy over your insta posts. and if you wear something green? expect a bonus
takes you out shopping unprovoked 
izuku: “are you busy? i saw you were having a rough week and was wondering if you wanted to go to that new outlet mall downtown”
you: 🏃🏾‍♀️💨  
you most certainly had homework due that night but what tf you look like missing out on that offer? 
it’s after so many “dates” that deku realizes that he prefers hanging around you more than he should but he doesnt wanna ruin anything so he keeps that underwraps 
he’s the idiot that goes into this thinking he won’t fall in love
deku defintely has some dirty thoughts about you but he doesnt try to bring it up unless you do first
if you’re comfortable with anything nsfw, you gone see a whole different side to izuku
he’s a giver, giver, giver, but when he recieves, he just about loses it
send him “innocent” pics of yourself matched with a string of filthy texts and he’ll combust 
when you send him pics of yourself in deku-themed lingre, he deadass sends you a whole black card with your name on it as a thank you
you guys get very comfortable with each other very quickly
soon enough, DA’s start turning into y/n stayng over for a week 
you both realize this relatiosnhip runs a lot deeper than an arrangement when he accidentally let it slip that he told his mom about you 
he’s profusely apologizing but you shut him up with a kiss and tell him that you’ve kinda caught feelings yourself 
your next conversation works out well for the both of you 
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robinrequiems · 3 years
hey any1 want some superman jon and batman Damian hcs? too bad cause you’re getting them
• damian realized why no one wanted to be batman when he turned 18 and Bruce decided to give him batman when he was 22.
• jon realized why jon didn’t want to be superman when he also turned 18
• oh and right, by gave, I mean bruce sorta can’t be batman anymore. medical reasons…
• damian sorta uh. persuaded clark into giving jon superman.
Damian: look. I don’t wanna be worlds finest with you, old man.
Clark: im- im not old—
Damian: listen here, jon and i? we are gonna surpass you and my dad. so give it to jon and let me prove it.
Clark: this doesn’t seem like a good idea— you aren’t ready— neither is jon
Damian: wait- wait, you don’t believe in your son and i??? wow. WOOOW. okay. i see.
Clark: that’s not it!-
Damian: sure. sure. don’t worry. I see now.
Clark: wait I do!
Damian: no, no you don’t.. it’s— it’s okay, I get it, it’s me, huh?
Clark: no!
Damian: I get it
Clark: please i do! I’ll - oh my rao, you’re playing me
Damian: i am. i cant do this without jon though. please, Clark.
Clark: *sigh, how did he get manipulated by a kid he used to babysit* okay.
• okay so now jon may be a little overwhelmed because one day he’s flamebird, the next, he’s becoming superman? huH. it’s extremely uh. worrying. and really just? wow.
• does Damian feel bad? oh yeah. he does. so bad. but he really can’t do it alone. they always dreamed of being their parents. or being better than them. but they grew up and realized that they really didn’t want to be their parents.
• but here they were, getting fitted for their suits and adding their own details to it.
jon: hey, you look hot
damian: please. shut up.
• they could do this. they could do this. shoot they can’t do this.
• damians own anxiety was going 50 mph. look, okay? remember before heretic when Bruce thought that Damian would become a satanic batman and basically rain hell all over gotham? yeah. that’s what is going on in damians mind.
• he doesn’t want to be that. ( “you won’t be like that, cmon, d, we’re gonna be better.” ) and how Damian wants to believe jon so bad..
• he doesn’t want to become obsessed with Batman like his father did, he still wants to have a life. he doesn’t want to isolate himself away and adopt kids as a coping mechanism. that’s why he needs jon to be superman. jon helps him, he helps him not go off into his own little world and stay there. he believes that with Jon, he’ll be okay. he has to be. maybe he uses jon as his own coping mechanism, but that isn’t the point.
• together, they will outshine their parents. the supersons can do this. they are the next generation, and it’s not like they are alone. they have so many other people to help them. they’ll be okay.
• they have been preparing for this their whole life, but they both feel like they got it too soon. they thought they had more time. Damian does feel guilty when he hears jon talking about how stressed he is about superman and not living up to whatever the hell he has to live up to, but Damian does fear what would. or could. have happened if he didn’t have jon with him. becoming batman took a lot out of him, more than he would like to admit. he just got constant flashbacks to heretic and that whole fiasco he thought he put behind him a loong time ago.
Jon: are you sure you’re okay?
Damian: yes idiot, quit worrying.
Jon: I’ll always worry about, d.
• jon somehow becomes MORE sappier when he becomes superman.
• okay, also, funny story. ( Clark and Bruce don’t find it funny AT ALL ) superman and batman? yeah they sorta kissed after an almost alien invasion. in their suits. uh. in front of an alien who they were arresting for the green lanterns. most people believe that when people say it, it’s a lie, kidding. no they don’t. there were pictures.
bruce: you want to explain this?
damian: not really, no.
• the public knows there’s a new Batman and Superman since yk. Jon’s face is public and was seen as superboy flamebird and now superman, and batman was slightly smaller and had some different moves
• but here’s their main line up: batman ( dami wamie, obvi ), superman ( jonnyboy kent ), nobody ( maya:)) ), green lantern ( tai pham, my baby boy ), lace ( wallace west 2, he goes by lace instead of flash because i said so. ), and shazam ( billy b ).
• fun fact, they have a den mother even though they are all in their 20s. poor dinah.. yeah black canary is their den mother. ( stole it from from yj )
• dinah makes sure they get their injuries checked out, train regularly, and you know. don’t blow up a building.
• again.
• ( when damian and jon were younger, in their teen years, they stupidly accidentally blowed up a building. in their defense, the building was owned by the penguin. and there were no civilians in the area. but they also got a lot of men sent after them.. oops. )
• they are very chaotic. they are the definition of dumbass energy sometimes.
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• damian tries to keep the pda down whenever he’s batman, BUT JON DOESNT KNOW HOW TO DO THAT
• hence the amount of photos of jon hugging Damian or kissing him
• damian has never once initiated one in suits
• ( that one time jon almost died does not count )
Damian: thought you were gonna be batman.
Tim: nah, i don’t wanna be bruce. i saw what it did to dick. I would’ve became just like him.
Damian: am i like him??
Tim: god no, bruce would never kiss superman or date him or spray paint the new justice league logo— nice logo, by the way— onto villains bases
Damian: is that a good or bad thing?
Tim; good, that means you probably won’t be a total emotional stunted person using crime fighting as an outlet for unresolved childhood trauma.
Damian: you do realize why i became Robin right
Tim: .. not the point im trying to make. I mean now, brat.
• sometimes you can see some of the heroes dropping by to surprise kids, they heard that their old mentors used to go to children’s hospitals to visit sick kids, so they did that too. on a rare day where there isn’t any crime, which is really rare, they go to a school and talk if it’s a weekday, or they drop by an orphanage to hang out with kids.
• they have gotten into a lot of trouble though. they’re still learning how to work as a team. jon and damian are used to being solo and working with each other, Tai had tagged along a few times when they were younger and knows how they work, along with maya, but billy and Wallace do not.
• they often all get into arguments.
• damian lacks a filter and will criticize everyone if they mess up. and he often goes off alone or is too blunt.
• it takes a long time before they all realize that Damian is just: Damian, he doesnt mean to be mean. ( surprisingly )
• billy is used to being the big kid stuck at the kids table, it’s funny that he’s actually the second oldest when he used to be the youngest. ( lace is like.. 27? shazam is 25.. nobody 24. & the supersons 22. pulled all those ages outta my ass. you’re welcome. )
• dinah is also their therapist. poor dinah.
• like really giving pity to dinah. but dinah loves those kids, she has known some since they were kids. she used to take damian out for ice cream and train with him, and also babysit him. ( AUNT DINAH IS MY FAVORITE GOODBYE ). and she did the same with Jon.
• dinah actually does help a lot of them get over their trauma, not completely, but most have finally spoken about it. they began talking after they all got hit with fear gas.
• that was a bad night.
• they had almost disbanded before when they thought lace had died by the hands of captain cold. they had been arguing all day, and if they didn’t, they might’ve saved him:
• but turns out he wasn’t dead.
• but the argument was still there, and it was strong. it took a while for them to actually work together without dinah forcing them.
• then soon came another new member after maya left to go do some undercover mission for the justice league regarding some alien tech being distributed some place. it was a sad goodbye, but she would be back and she would have a place here.
• welcoming: yara flor. yara was a bit headstrong and wild. damian has screamed at her a lot and almost got into a fist fight with her before being dragged off by his boyfriend 💋
• but she settled in fine. minus the fact damian really wanted to shove a batarang up— anyways. she just had to learn teamwork and shit, she was used to being a solo and she was somewhat new. so they helped her out and she became a solid member of the team.
• sometimes damian and jon just go and sit on a rooftop like they did as kids togeyher. just alone with each other. thinking about how their life changed so quickly.
Damian: i thought we’d ruin our fathers’ legacies and plummet to the ground.
Jon: *he coughed* ..what?
Damian: yeah. i didn’t think we’d get this far, but here we are.
Jon: of course we got this far, and we’re gonna get further.
Damian: i know.
• oh yeah. so. superman. fucking proposed after they defeated darkseid. ( the battle was long, so many people were left injured and on the brick of death, Damian and jon had been separated when it all started. Damian had stayed on earth at first before going to apokolips. Damn he hadn’t seen it since he got resurrected.
Darkseid: oh. I remember you.
Damian: mhm?
Darkseid: ah yes, the little boy who was resurrected here.. the chaos share, your father used it on you.
Damian: i know. i remember what happened. I was there afterall.
Darkseid: I wonder if you are as smart as the original batman.
Damian: i am.
• damian was buying time. he was waiting for reinforcements, namely the people who had powers and could take him down. damian wasn’t stupid. he realized darkseid liked to talk. his friends were fighting off the female furys or whatever they were called. he just had to wait and entertain.
Darkseid: quite the ego there.
Damian: i saved the justice league when i was 13, i deserve to have an ego.
Darkseid: oh, you are by far more talkative than the original.
Damian: thanks.
Darkseid: not a compliment, you fool.
• yeah so. darkseid tried to kill damian, with a beam thing. Damian was about to flip away like the baddie he is, but. jon. went out and yk. took the hit. dumbass.
Damian: you have such a big hero complex.
Jon: wow I just saved you and that’s what you say?????
Damian: yes.
• anyways, after they defeat darkseid, jon pops out a ring from his pocket and asks damian to marry him on apokolips.
Damian: you seriously couldn’t wait til we got on earth?
Jon: dames you almost died. what if- what if something happens, I’ve been putting this off for so long. cmon please?
Damian: you’re seriously asking me to marry you here where, I’m pretty sure, a lot of shit happened to our parents here.
Jon: no time like the present.
Damian: fair. okay.
Jon: just okay???
Damian: im sorry, do you want me to cry or something?
Jon: ughh, you can be so extra and petty sometimes.
Damian: i am not being petty.
Jon: just because I ask you to marry me here you wanna be like “okay” and that’s it
Damian: you’re so dramatic. I’ll marry you. I wanna marry you. Better?
Jon: yeah:)
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