#even if the folks aint evil
rinofwater · 2 months
So was anyone gonna tell me that too much caffeine can worsen depression or was I supposed to figure that out for myself after sipping too much 'self-loathing bastard' juice?
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gokubrain · 8 months
are you aware of the hit vegeta image song ‘love is like a ballad’ from the fusion reborn soundtrack where it’s essentially a kakavege love song 😭😭
and i’m 99.9% sure it’s about goku too because it uses the word ‘yatsu’ which is only used by men to refer to other men in a derogatory way… it drives me so insane
OH YOU ALREADY KNOWWWW IM WELL AWARE OF THIS LMFAO thank u for giving me the chance to talk about it HAHA
under here cuz its kind of a lot:
lets break down the lyrics shall we ..
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right off the fucking bat. starting off STRONG. for vegeta to even have the thought “on this small earth life must be protected to the end” is such a good line but pairing it with “but whenever i look at you i feel like a fool” CRAAZYYYYY. insane. protecting the earth is a huge part of all the earthlings’ characters, and without goku, vegeta wouldnt have those feelings. to talk about protecting earth in one line and then immediately talk about goku next is wildddd. “i want to protect the earth, you taught me the importance of that, and yet when i look at you im reminded that it’s because of YOU that i hold these feelings about this planet.” like okAAAY alright okay!!
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“why do i treat you so harshly? why do i hurt you that way? yet still fight against great evils” GRAAAHHHH this is insane right LMAO
vegeta displaying confusion as to why he treats goku the way he does when they share the same goal.. when they fight the same battles.. this self aware-ness is literally what early-stage kakavege IS dude. vegeta feeling conflicted about his actions vs his emotions is the first step to realizing he’s in love with goku.. haha. lol
“for the sake of love […] i would even throw away my rank” VEGETAAA. WHAT ARE WE TALKING ABOUTTTTT LMFAO….
vegeta suggesting he would disown his own ranking, his pride, something very near and dear to him.. this is also early kakavege core LMAO i mean come on. thats just an insane fucking thing for him to say. unreal.
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“although i pretend to be a steel wall […] all i know is you” is just. i mean. EXPLICITLY kakavege. this is kakavege poetry. this is vegeta’s struggle perfectly put into lyric form. i cant believe this fucking song exists lmfao
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“the smile you give me is always warm” is wild when thinking about how the entire fusion reborn movie consists of 45 minutes of goku smiling lovingly at vegeta LMAO DONT EVEN THINK VEGETA DIDNT NOTICE. !!
“here i am, offering myself completely if we can be together”
“if we can be together” …. i mean. what even is there to say about that. how much more explicit can he be here. this is the most straightforward thing vegeta will ever say in terms of kakavege lmao this is it folks. this is IT !!!
its just unreal right. that a song like this even exists.. i mean its so obviously about goku, talking about training together and vegeta being mean to him and protecting earth together and throwing away his rank….. if you think even for one second that this is about bulma you are BLIND. like lets all be serious a moment lmao
and i love that this is related to fusion reborn of all things. that movie is the fucking kakavege bible dude i SWEAR. this whole song makes so much sense if you see fusion reborn as a love story, it all fits so perfectly with how vegeta would theoretically be feeling during the (vaguely referenced) place in the timeline that this movie takes place. this is buu arc shit baby its the point of no return for vegeta its the beginning of the end.. he is realizing his feelings for goku.. i live for this shit man seriously this is what i thrive on
also the goddamn song is called “love is like a ballad” i mean what else can even be said lmfao ..!
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otoso · 1 year
jealous niggas...
it wasn't even white folks that did that...
the shit aint easy...
so if I ever see easy I'm going to cross the mother fucking street because that nigga is evil.
ig jordanecooper
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even if there’s a solution to a “problem”, someone can still talk abt how they don’t like said problem… you know that right? it’s always “then ignore them” or write them yourself”… who says that ppl don’t do that already. it was one opinion. no one was demanding black writers to not write wtv they want, the person only shared their view and everyone went crazy… you legit wrote a think piece over this. There shouldn’t be fighting yeah, but maybe ppl should stop feeling butthurt over opinions. users make the most trivial things a bigger issue on tumblr, legit arguing with a minor lmao
i ask you to read all of this before sending another ask, its another “think piece” but its literally the answer to why what these woman are askin is lowkey problematic and i dont blame folks for not noticing dogwhistles. im also not say all “soft girls” are spouting this stuff. (hell im one of them). im also not calling these women evil, cuz they may not truly know what they saying is problematic as we live in a capitalist yt supremacist system. im more than happy to answer more. im not somebody that gon dismiss you if you wanna have discourse💖
but yes, you can talk about a problem when its in good faith as it actually cultivates productive insight. but bad faith arguments distract us from the real problems that both groups actually want to see fixed. however we need to acknowledge that most ADULTS who come with this “soft life fic” opinion be in bad faith.
bad faith is trying to get us to come back to things both parties already agree on. we all agree that soft fic aint seen much. what we are saying is why you keep coming in the dark/urban fic inbox stating it for people who have no problem with you? we’ve assessed the “problem” and we all agree it needs fixing. its like we running in circles, instead of different directions to fix other problems. the question is how are you going to contribute to fixing it in a healthy way and how do you want us to help.
im sure cherry and her friends would love to recommend a homegirls work so long as shes respectful. HELL I’LL EVEN DO IT!!!
tho i don’t recommend coming into blogs who are strictly dark and askin’ them for anything other than that. just like how soft writers don’t want to primarily write dark.
its not butthurt when you come on someone’s page calling them “ghetto” “baby mamas” then try and position it against “soft life” “divine feminine” “old money” aesthetics.
im not saying thats what this little girl did, but ive seen grown adult women do that. and thats nasty as hell to be positioning that.
the reason she probably caught flack is because she unfortunately used a simple question thats been hijacked and used by bad faith arguers when they come to urban fic accounts.
thats usually the question to get a leg in the door to start spouting off lowkey antiblack and classist shit.
and i dont know where soft being only afforded to the croquette looking girls came from. some of the softest girls i know are high fem baddies. so thats very weird, especially when you consider that black women make up majority of that aesthetic.
essentially its respectability politics and thats why its not trivial. to most, this looks like a minor creative liberties dispute, but the underlying theme is actually steeped in so much politics that affect black women for real.
i mean just look at the whole bonnet and pajama pants debate. or the straight hair or braids for your birthday/formal event debate. or the wigs vs natural hair debate. baby mama vs wifey debate (if you believe how a woman carries herself in a way thats nondestructive to others, is a reason as to why she doesn’t deserve respect; you not a feminist.)
its grown folks bratz vs barbie all over again.
not even gon hold you, i didn’t know that was a minor. just reblogged @chrollohearttags post on my dash. anybody doing anything other than telling that little girl to get off they page is a weirdo. but cherry made a general post thats been a topic of discussion AMONGST BLACK WOMEN since we’ve been writing stories. so ofc thats what my “think piece” is about. she may have commented one question but some iteration of that same question has been around for years. i’m responding to that.
since i now know this is a minor, they could have very well been wanting to know why there is a saturation of these fics on here. and i would have told her about the culture of urban fic being ONE of the first pioneers in Black Smut Fiction. it literally helped shape the black writing culture whether bad or good. then i wouldve told her that when she’s older she could contribute to said culture. but right now she should not be consuming any sexual media.
and to ask a question like that, its clear she has some gripes about the way general media treats black women; which those are well-founded. i understand hating the “ride or die”, or the “settling for less” when it comes to media for black women. but how can you read about a specific aesthetic or lifestyle and immediately know thats was going on?
these women used to have valid points and some still do but like this little girl, they cant tell the difference and if they can, they want any kind of reputation for “ghetto” girls out the window. there’s nothing wrong with being “ghetto” and nothing wrong with being a “the soft divine feminine” but we do need to talk about why the latter feels comfortable coming on someone like cherry’s page too disparage girls who aesthetics and social values don’t align with them.
writers like cherry aren’t advocating abuse, their characters are living they best lives. doing “ghetto” shit and truly loving the partners they’re with.
there are legit women out there who are “ghetto” that love they life. and are in healthy relationships. its vile to say that the way someone simply chooses to exist is a direct result of how black women face abuse, especially as something as silly as wigs, body con dresses and long nails. or even activities like twerking, having babies, doing drugs and partying.
its kinda like this whole Sukiana situation vs the Home Depot girl. Both were sexually harrassed but people tried to victim blame Suki more cuz of the way she dress and act. thats nasty. (plus there was no versus to begin with cuz neither one deserved it)
like there IS something to be said about how women who tend to write urban fic -at least in its early days- really do live the lives they are writing about. granted, looking back, some of these women were so unhealed that they ended up romanticizing abuse. but most girls now understand that you can live a hood lifestyle and not put up with bullshit.
somewhere along the way, the “city girl/ghetto/high fem” aesthetic got associated with abuse, crime, and poverty. which is crazy cuz girls who look like JT be havin’ money, a good life and still have plug/rapper boyfriends who not killing or getting them killed.
so if these women would be honest, its not about the way the “urban” girls look or behave. the real problem is the abuse that these women face.
which i see how thats a problem but abuse doesn’t correlate to aesthetics and its not a causation of abuse either.
soft girls can experience abuse. they experience financial, domestic abuse, sexual abuse. these women who hate urban fic, keep forgetting that the soft girl is modeled after the tradition yt housewife who faced abuse too. just cuz you get out the hood and get a financial stable man that isnt a plug or gangbanger dont mean he not gon beat yo ass or expect loyalty when he do some dubious shit.
yall ever seen the Stepford Wives?
now you can have the vintage look without the vintage values, but thats not what most of these women who come onto cherry page be talking like.
they disagree with any depiction of your so called city girl —whether good or bad.
it’s counterproductive to feminism. it quite literally antichoice feminism which is a huge problem with feminism today because it relies too much on this yt viewpoint of responsibility politics. i suggest people really read “Hood Feminism” by Mikki Kendall.
anyway thats whats been making people like cherry become upset and rather than having patience, they ain’t got no more to give cuz they keep having to defend themselves and explain why talking like this is a microaggression. they exhausted.
anyway im free to talk more, if i didnt explain good.
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MY THOUGHTS ON 7x07 bc wtf
-the way i didn’t even consider devin would be a doppelganger, we all thought she’d an evil twin or something 😭
-not hen reading me to filth about being sad and lonely at night
-oooh bobby, amir is from your past isn’t he?
-eddie in his stalker era
-not him following her like he’s in an enchanted forest
-bro has always been a bad boyfriend
-Don’t date the doppelganger, don’t sleep with the doppelganger, please dear god no
-i swear he needs to try and ask her out and get rejected because nothing will mess you up like getting rejected by the mirror image of your dead wife, please let the ghost of shannon be gay
-i get shannon was your first love and your first wife, but this is wrong on so MANY levels
-(nevermind, just a daydream about his dead wife, b/c that's normal...🙃)
-Daydreaming about sleeping with your dead wife while with your girlfriend...I know grief is weird and complicated but what the actual fuck man.
-hurt people hurt people for real.
-not eddie having a fantasy about bringing his wife back from the dead. psych ward. immediately.
-all i want for eddie is for him to know he doesn’t have to keep looking for his dead wife in every woman he meets who reminds him of her. you don’t have to have a romantic connection with someone just because they’re the ideal catholic woman your parents ingrained in you in being the ideal woman.
-shannon and eddie would have been the toxic on/off again couple from high school if they didn't get married and have chris. that's what their relationship was. a first love. maybe even a true love in the lens of young love. but it was never gonna work.
-off topic, ryan looks real good in this episode
-get him BUCK
-He said you ain’t going anywhere
-Buck is Athena’s son fr
-eddie aint the only one seeing ghosts
-”but i’d like to” oh hell naw, run bobby run, preferably towards an AA meeting
-henren for the win, they’re amazing parents
-denny’s such a good brother
-”good cologne😏 ”? sure jan.
-love coparenting buddie 🥰
-”i was talking about you” they’re so married
-bro BRO NO 💀🙃
-I screamed “NO” at the tv when the doppelganger was there
-Please tell me bro has a tumor or something? Like what if this woman actually doesn’t look anything like Shannon and his brain has just convinced him he has
-Maddie and Chimney going strong as always. Chimney's a damn good husband.
-The call with Maddie had so many twists and turns, I honestly wasn't expecting that to be the ending.
-Jennifer Love Hewitt is an incredible actress
-i love how they show healing isn't linear
-also have buck and eddie switched places in regards to relationship drama...?
-for the color theory folks' eddie is clearly still in mourning, he was in black almost the whole episode. he's in a neutral outfit with chris. in white. and then marisol is in black and white, right? And then he's in black for the rest of the episode. i can't. the symbolism. i can't.
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growling · 4 months
Soooo while I was gone and practicing self care with cheating in minceraft, attempting to domesticate my 7 evil alterhuman awakenings and watching my little medias (and failing miserably by occasionally checking some tumble blogs from my burner and getting exposed to the most radioactive levels of transandrophobia ive ever seen but whatever), one of which included Nimona (twas good), I also happened to get into something I was curious (also the thing gorge the monkey was) about from a little while............. none other than the internet infamous Hazbin Hotel *creepy lightning accentuates my words and horror music starts playing, the audience gasps and shits themselves in shock*
Initially I wasn't interested at like, at all in whatever the series was, same with helluva boss or something something vivziepop brand youtube sparkledog show. Not for any particular reason I just don't tend to watch pilots of series that may not even start you know. I don't know when the actual first season got picked up by a studio and finished precisely but somewhere recently I think? Anyway, everybody and their mom absolutely hated it from the start. You cannot escape the sheer amount of negative attention wasbeen motel gathered, it became the net's biggest punching bag like, right after steven universe whatever you do you can never top the steven universe hate i dare you to find a campaign more unhinged that whatever went on in the 2018s-or-so. And something always seemed..... Off?? About the criticisms I've been seeing on this series. Like it's just "it's BADDDD *spooky music starts playing* Vivziepop draaaamaaaaa.... *jumpscare*" or complaints about Poison being insensitive towards sa victims or whatever. I'll be clear I do NOT trust extreme HH haters for the most part, they give off huge anti-su folk vibes. But after seeing like, a multitude of hazbin/vivziepop related posts on mutual catgirl-catboy's (hey :7) blog, mainly about the Poison part? Well let's jus say I got intrigued said "fuck that, I'm already a warrior cat fan what's more bad media gonna harm me anymore", pirated it because I wanna continue my epic grind of never paying for anything in my life still, and....
(Now I do not know who this Vivienne Medrano entity is nor do I care to know. Everything I have heard about her was fucking unhinged for a vast spectrum of reasons and completely against my will. I will not be getting into the Vivziepop discourse iceberg I do not know this woman do not drag me into this I'm BEGGING you)
.... It's. It's literally just a show. Sgsgjjesxhadj??? Like it's not a masterpiece, it's rushed as hell (heh) but that's just what happens when you get entire 8 episodes to work with for the whole first season, but it's not like... Bad? It didn't kill my grandma or anything. It's just a show guys.... It's just some silly series........ It was honestly pretty enjoyable, I thought It was good, like, I think it's gonna rotate in my mind like a rotisserie chicken for a WHILE. Really scratched The Itch it's been lodged in my brain like a parasite lately please help me. Mainly because of the fucking songs even if the plot is a bit ueh hih uuh, soundtrack delivered. Hazbin soundtrack save me. Save me Hazbin soundtrack. Cannot go a second in my day while some song aint always playing in the back of my mind. Yeah I'm a hasbeen fan now this is my hell show enthusiast coming out post..... Anybody here want to talk about it any followers/mutuals up to sophiscated discussions about hazbin. Anybody want to ask me about how why transmasc Alastor would actually make sense AND slay I've thought about this very thoughtfully actually in my thoughts
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cosmicanger · 1 year
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happy this information is out so folks know what everyone is up against when they strike. moments like this will reveal who the real “leftists” and “socialists” and “communists” and “progressive” are, but i doubt many will take action. so many ppl are performative on here and dont know (or care) that boycotts and strikes of yesteryear were effective af and they were effective when they were independently supported by networks. like after this news came out, nonblack “leftists” should be like “bet” and make sure not a single person striking loses housing. but y’all not about shit, y’all like to share Black suffering (and even nonblack suffering) as entertainment while worshipping celeb (& microceleb) culture. They let this info leak to call leftists bluff, they know most aint gonna do shit and a lot of em striking will lose housing and/or the strike will end sooner than it should. wild to me folks are shocked still by how evil these rich antiBlack corporations are in 2023.
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yetdevout · 2 years
People give Marcus so much hate but I love the stupid little bitch, also ppl rly acting like james is a good guy, aint he the bastard who sat back and WATCHED as marcus was fucking with Love ohhhhh boy ppl have black and white thinking, everyone in the project meridian is a grey bastard cmon folks
marcus is ... something else! i love how his character is written - a man so caught up with his own desperation and sadness that he almost completely ruins a project that he worked on. he claims it was love but he didn't give them the chance to love him, he didn't want to lose a relationship again.
james is incredibly morally grey, ur right! there truly isn't any good or evil in that series and james is the perfect example of it. even if i do find him extremely attractive, we gotta remember that he just... let it happen bc he was fascinated by it. 😭
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goldhhearts · 3 years
open :  to  all  !!  muse :  cha  hyungwon ;  a  witch  plot :  your  muse  has  noticed  the  sigil  on  his  keychain  !  whether  they  know  he’s  a  witch  or  not  is  up  to  you  !  
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❝  ----  oh ,  you  like  it  ?  ❞  hyungwon  fingers  the  cool  design  ‘ on  his  keychain .   ❝  i ,  um  --  i  made  it  ,  actually .  it  helps  me  find  my  keys .  ❞  that’s  not  totally  a  lie .  god  knows  he  keeps  forgetting  where  he  puts  his  apartment  keys ,  &   he  could  hear  his  auntie’s  voice  in  his  ear  now  :  are  you  a  witch  or  not  ?  make  a  sigil  for  those  damned  things  !     ❝  i  can  make  you  one ,  if  you  want  !   for  like ,  luck  or  whatever .  um .  if  that’s  what  you  want  it  to  do . ❞  
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ziracona · 4 years
The tendency in fandom to take every white girl with short hair, regardless of the status of their canonical interest or lack of interest in women and explicit interest and/or sexual history with everything but, proclaim them a lesbian queen, and then ignore or absolve them of every single horrific act they take in fiction because of this. Is not doing feminism. Women. Lesbians. Or anyone. Any favors. It’s just bad.
Somehow. Some people really do apparently need to hear that...being any specific sexuality...is not a personality trait.
And also. Women aren’t inherantly less vile than men (or anyone non-binary, agender, fluid, etc, else), and whatever bad deeds they do should be judged based on just that—on the deeds, and their context. Not their sexuality, imagined sexuality, or their gender. Becuase none of those things effect whether committing murder is bad. At all. Not even a little. And none of them. Is even a personality trait. Affecting the character’s value as a person.
It’s cool, and good, to see characters with minority identities. And it’s real nice. When it’s whatever you are. But them being whatever. Is not a personality trait. Just a fact. And sometimes. People of any type. Are not good. Pretending any minority status—gender, sexuality, race, disability, neurotype, etc—is a get out of jail free card? Is not. Doing them. Or anyone. Any favors. Personality disorder. Doesn’t make you bad. Also doesn’t make you good. Your actions do. Acting like Amy from Gone Girl did nothing wrong when she date rapes her boyfriend & then frames him for doing that to her & ruins his life, then blackmails her husband who is terrified of being murdered by her into staying with her for the sake of the child she made at a fertility clinic with his sperm without his consent, bc she’s a woman. Isn’t good. Men aren’t more deserving of violence than women. Neither is anyone else. Jane. Left an infant child in an unheated car in subzero weather in a snow storm with zombies around that easily would hear it cry and go eat it. So she could lie and say she already let zombies eat it to bait a man with easily triggerable PTSD who had just lost his family to zombies for the second time into starting a fight. Because he was injured, unarmed, weak, down an eye, and 50, while she was fit, mid 20s, healthy, and armed with a hunting knife. Because she wanted an excuse to kill him without looking bad, because she wanted the 11 year old girl she was co-parenting with him, all to herself. And her immediately responding to the dude throwing a punch by stabbing him in the stomach to escalate the fight from brawl to life or death, then losing her knife, and instead of telling him the baby was alive & she’d made it up to start a fight which could have at any point ended the fight, begging the 11 year old child to gun down her oldest surviving friend with her own hands in cold blood so that she’d get what she wanted? Is evil. As is crying on the 11 year old and using pity as a weapon to get her to stay with her if she gets mad and wants to leave when she realizes Jane staged the whole thing for an excuse to murder, and so is after realizing like a month later that she is pregnant, committing suicide, and leaving the 11 year old that she just manipulated into killing her oldest surviving friend/completely isolated on purpose so she could have her to herself, totally alone in the apocalypse to care for an infant. Jennifer’s Body? Is a fantastic film. And Jennifer didn’t deserve any of what happened to her. But not one single boy she kills during the course of that film deserved it—and explicitly so. Even the guy who could easily have been a meathead jock bully is outside alone crying becuase his best friend just died and he loved him before she decides to lure him off and eat him alive. And acting like it’s totally fine & Needy should have just let her keep eating boys instead of killing her? Is fucked up. None of them deserved to die. And no one deserves death innately more because they are or are not something that is just a factual designator of their makeup as a human. The exchange student was scared and alone and nice, the catholic kid was sweet and Needy’s friend, Chip is a bad boyfriend but he meant well and being stupid doesn’t mean you deserve to die. And this girl ate them alive. That’s not funny. Or cool. Or fine becuase they were dudes. Gertrude Robinson? Chose again and again to betray people who loved her, or trusted her—sold out victims of awful trauma to their worst nightmares. Killed friends in the worst possible ways, like it was nothing. Michael loved her, and trusted her, and tried to care for her, and she without faltering fed him to his worst nightmare and forced him to become it. There is nothing excusable about that action.
Jude Perry? Has 0 redeeming features. Didn’t even stay faithful to her poor gf & was creepy obsessed w Agnes. Literally murdered her co-worker friend just because he was happy, and she wanted to destroy things: that’s it. She didn’t even dislike him. Murdered him because he had a wife and kid and house and it seemed fun, then burned down his house, took his wife’s money, and now checks in on his kid every so often in case he ever recovers from the trauma she inflicted enough to be fun to kill. There is literally nothing good about this woman. Yes. I mean that. Because being a lesbian? Is just a thing. There is no g/b tag, there is no tag at all. Amanda Young? Got kidnapped and tortured and forced to choose between killing a man who couldn’t resist but was conscious to watch her, and letting herself die, and she killed him. Then, instead of responding to that trauma with guilt or responsibility or anger at her captor, joined up with him and started helping him kidnap people just like her. She was not forced, she was not lied to. It does not matter if John was manipulative; she is a grown ass woman and like all grown ass adults, responsible for her own actions and choices. She did not get manipulated pitifully into this—she did not go unwillingly. She volunteered, with a happy vengeance, became obsessed with John and in love with him, despite his complete lack of interest. And she did not even just do what he did. She decided on her own that no one deserved redemption, & she killed them for fun in traps that wouldn’t let them go even if they did whatever awful thing the trap demanded as a price for life, just for the fun and power trip of watching them die helpless & in agony. That was all her, & her alone. She sat in a house full of people slowly dying from organ decomposition over the course of a few hours, for no crime worse than drug addiction—the thing she of all people should have been most sympathetic to—knowing full well at any time she could have saved them and stopped the game, and did nothing. She held a woman in her arms and stroked her head lovingly while she let her die in one of the most inhumane ways possible for the crime of having not been able to break an addition. She got saved by a 16 year old child multiple times, who had done nothing more than shoplift, and stood by while he had to watch a man get his brains blown out, another burn to death in an oven. As his organs slowly dissolved too. Watched the kid kill another human being & massively traumatize himself to save her life. And responded to that by attacking & knocking him out, tying him up, locking him up for days in a tiny safe bound and gagged with an oxygen supply to keep him alive, to be a piece in another game. Left his father, who had shown up to try & save him, to starve to death in chains in a horrible abandoned rotting room, & never even told him his son was alive. Let every other addict die horribly, let that kid sustain permanent damage to his organs that will kill him young, antidote taken or not, took his dad from him, & went back to torturing without a second thought. Kidnapped a woman whose worst crime was being a doctor & dating someone while maybe separated instead of divorced from her husband, put her in a trap that would take her head off with shotgun blasts, threatened her for fun, & then killed her even after she did everything she was asked, because it was more important to her that the old man she was obsessed with think she was special and great, than for the other woman to get to stay alive another day & go home to her daughter. There is nothing sympathetic about Amanda. She’s just not only evil, but too spineless to take responsibility for her own choices & actions, & tries to hide behind a “UwU I am sad & lonely & damaged & having trauma means I can literally torture people to death to feel special & it’s really tragic and sympathetic about me, not evil. Uhm. Some people??? Commit torture-murders?? To cope??” And acting like she’s somehow a victim in this becuase she is a pretty white girl with short hair? Is fucked. Up.
But every. God damn. Time. I see this. Please. It needs. To stop. People go: “UwU pretty girl short hair want” & I go “Ok. I see where u. Come from. Indeed.” But then. They go. “Girl pretty I like. So she was blameless. For this atrocity.” Those words...
Every day. I wake up. Thinking of Janic saying. Iconically. “At least me and Regina George know we’re mean,” and I weep inside. Because I cannot fathom. Or stomach. The lack of responsibility. I will kill. Characters who cannot admit they are bad. Myself. But somehow. They become. Flames. To moths. Of the “UwU pretty white girl short hair. We stan. Victim. Queen. Love her. Never done wrong.” Boy. We all done wrong. Even all my faves. At least once. I think. ...not if we count dogs probably, but people, yes. Ok. Anyway. All this is to say. Characters. Should be judged. Based on what they did. And why. And the aftermath. Not a grouping tag. I don’t mean any of these. Make bad characters. At all. Amy is a great character. So is Jennifer. So are most of them. I have quite affection even. For Jeneffer specifically. But you can like. Character. Without proclaiming. Them perfect humans. Who never did a thing wrong. Or their acts somehow. Justifiable. And ok. And you better stop saying. Ok. Because done. To men. Men do not. Deserve violence. Any more. Than anyone else. No one deserves violence defacto for factors. Outside their control. Wtf. Really people. It’s ok too. For character. To do much bad stuff. And still like character. Villains. And often just complex characters. Sometimes just characters. Do stuff. That is bad. It’s not supposed to be not their fault. Or ok. Also. Women are not a sisterhood. Of flawless beings. Who never hurt anyone or do any bad stuff. They can. And are. Often purpotrators. Of awful acts. And when they are. It is still. Very bad. Still. An awful act. Same level. Even. Of awful. Wild.
In conclusion.
Having short hair. While a girl. Doesn’t make her a butch queen. Who is absolved of all responsibility for that murder she committed. It just makes her a girl with short hair. That did a murder. I’m gonna. Kill someone. Too. And if I chop my hair off. I guess I can get away with it.
#personal#*dances wildly to abba music while delivering speech*#some of you all apparently really need a girl to come fuck up your life bc the lengths to which some of y’all so devotedly seem to believe#women are less evil is astronomical. and let me tell you. from personal experience? a girl can ruin your life. just as easily. and with as#little pity. guilt. remorse. or afterthought. as a man. and it aint any more ok. & you know what? so can a fluid person. or a nonbinary#person. legit anyone. can be bad. or good. and do bad. or good. theyre not defacto worse for coming from X starting point. and theyre also.#OuO not. better.#not everyone who likes or is sympathetic to these specific characters even be like that either like u know what? its possible to both be#sypathetic to a character & not excuse & atand their actions. I like & feel bad for Jennifer. a lot. one of my bros in college loved Jane#from twdg. Not bc she thought it was totally fine she’d been super evil though. its *dances* not that hard actually#also nothin against lovin evil lady characters or evil characters in general. just me or anyone else loving them does nothing to make their#evil deeds suddely ok or vanish into the mist#people have some real trouble w nuance huh. folks like a character & assume that means stanning everything theyve ever done. hate a charactr#and suddenly forget how to factor any outside factors into their view of said person’s actions. its a wild bad ride yo#like i get it. im a girl & ive had plenty of men ruin my life i truly get it. but is there anything truly more detrimental to feminism & to#just treating people decent in general than the WomenDoNoWrong mindset & apologism thrown up like its actually a decent counter t patriarchy#? probably actually yeah im sure there are worse. but its still REALLY not good!! feminism is just a stance that all people deserve equal#treatment & an investment in pursuing that reality. if youre excusing people of horrible actions bc girl & treating violence against non-#women as fine youre not a feminist u actually just suck generally as a person#i also lose my mind how half the characters i see get this treatment aint even lesbians & often explicitly like men yet get both assigned#that & treated like that sexuality is a hall pass for human rights violations. im dyin#this entire thought rant was prompted by reading a post earlier today about bi-phobia & gettin mad about how bi people get treated idk how#spagheti brain exactly went there to here so /fast/ but anyway. same brand of problematic. & i am v tired :] of this :] specifically :]#every time i see that post abt women killers in horror i am like ‘OP hiw are your points so good but all your examples so /terrible/.’ rip#i guess this is just life. and i feel excessively better after screaming jnto the void of my blog#also i get it gertrude robinson wanted to stop the apocalypse but fuck gertrude robinson she has no excuse. nothing could justify what she#did to people who loved her. and shes a well written and layered character whonisnt like just pure evil but she is VERY bad and i WILL kill#her (again) myself if given the chance & i have every right to.#spoilers#again. great charcters. amanda an iconic saw villain. gertrude fascinating. etc. but also. they be doing mad evil deeds & tis not ok
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ticklefits · 3 years
maybe keith (vld) for the tickling ask meme? :D
character tickling ask meme! | @fandomsnfluff
keith kogane:
on a scale of 1-10, how ticklish are they?
i’d say probably an 8. keith definitely seems like the broody touch-starved type whos actually very sensitive but you wont know until he lets you get close.
where is their most ticklish spot(s)?
neck, lower back, and the just below his ribs. all very specific places that will get you a broken hand if you try to touch there.
which spots are they not ticklish?
sorry folks, keith isn’t all that ticklish on his sides or hips, which are some pretty common places to be sensitive. you might get some giggles if you catch him by surprise and tickle him in those places, but nothing of significance and you bet your ass he’s going to retaliate 
what is their laugh like?
it’s higher in pitch than someone might expect looking at him, but you sort of get it once you hear his voice, cause the man aint all that deep. it’s still cute though, and he gets choked up and wheezes sometimes when he laughs too hard since he hasnt had all that much to laugh about growing up, so its foreign to him ):
do they enjoy tickling? if yes, is it a fun platonic/familial thing, or kinky thing to them, or can it be both depending on the circumstance?
to a degree, yes. it depends on the person, and you’d better be close to him if you’re tickling him, because you can and will get hurt if you arent. if you’re his lover, chances are, it’s gonna be considered both a wholesome, platonic thing and a bedroom thing, dependent on the situation 
are they more often a lee or ler, generally?
i definitely feel like its both, but keith can give off some serious ler energy. remember that scene when allura snapped a spoonful of food goo and got pidge in the face, and not even seconds later, keith growls out a “go loose, pidge!” and flips that shit right back at A PRINCESS? shit gave me chills and yall cant look me in the eyes and tell me that man wouldn’t WRECK YOUR SHIT if he wanted to 
who is someone in their life that they tickle often?
he probably doesn’t initiate tickle fights often because a) he’s very ticklish himself and b) he has a problem with vulnerability. those issues get better though and once keith gets closer to the others, tickle fights deffo become more of a thing and yes, lance is definitely always a consistent target because that boy mouth be runnin marathons. sometimes keith goes after shiro, but mans quickly regrets that one LMAO
who is someone in their life that they get tickled by often?
shiro is a terrifyingly good tickler and adam could attest to that. chris can also attest to that. keith had to deal with some real ticklish nightmares as a kid growing up with shiro, and even after he became an adult and found shiro again, that didn’t stop. lessened a little bit sure, but if shiro needed to make keith feel better or punish him for being the brat he is, he knew what to do
does the word “tickle” or any variation of embarrass them?
if hes the lee in the situation, then yes it does. if hes the ler, then he will absolutely use it against whoever hes tickling and has no problem saying it, hes simply that bitch sometimes
are they embarrassed about their ticklishness, and do they try to deny/hide it?
not so much embarrassed, he just knows that he would be a target for constant tickle attacks if the people around him found out about his ticklish secret. so yes, he does deny it/hide it and will go into fight or flight if you start teasing him about it.
would gentle tickling or rough tickling affect them more?
being a warrior, keith is definitely used to harsher things and with all the training he’s always doing, i wouldn’t be surprised if you needed to dig in there to really get him howling if thats what you want. but i feel like, gentle tickling would not only affect him physically, but also mentally and emotionally, and it would be such a sight seeing him melt like that 
is there a specific spot that they enjoy being tickled, either exclusively or more than other spots? what is it?
if you’re his lover, keith is actually partial to having his lower back tickled. soft, little strokes can be soothing to him and lull him right to sleep. and, on the other side of the coin, full blown tickles on his back just feel good in a different sort of way (:< if you’re just a friend, don’t tickle him -- thats what he prefers LMAO
is there a spot that they can’t stand to be tickled, either because it’s just too sensitive, or it’s uncomfortable/painful/etc? what is it?
his neck is a big no-no unless you are, you guessed it, his lover. it doubles as an erogenous zone and if you tickle him there, as a friend, chances are, hes gonna smack you away and maybe even run
would they ever purposefully bug a friend/partner/sibling into tickling them, and if so, how would they go about it?
nah, he wouldn’t. he’s not big on asking for tickles for himself, even when hes feeling touch-starved; theres nicer, less embarrassing ways to curb that craving for touch, so, the other person would have to decide to tickle him of their own accord
does teasing affect them?
yes, no matter whether hes lee or ler. as a lee, teasing embarrasses him and he acts out because of it, and will definitely become more sensitive because of it. when he’s a ler, good fucking luck to the lee, because his teasing as a ler is so AWFUL. he’s the why are you laughing, im not even doing anything to you type of ler, the oh, not here? how about here type of ler, the mock laughter and pleading type of ler. mans is pure evil when hes a ler and if you’re a cute lee, he gets even WORSE
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larrythefloridaman · 3 years
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Y'all like your deities with or without the shell?
Under the readmore is aaaaaaaaall color god observations and musings based on them, because I am studying to become the world's Premiere Chromatheologian and RGB Understander so under the cut is pretty much Oops! All Spoilers! up to the most recent episode of season 3.
Apparently Universal Color God Attributes:
Damage to their domain hurts them, but fixing the issue, or lashing out by using their powers destructively, can help them to repair the damage.
If they sustain enough damage, it can temporarily paralyze them and send them into a strengthened but 'exposed' state (chartreuse's spirit activation in the last fight of 19) and further damage after that will activate a failsafe, which is unique by domain but seemingly designed to give them the chance to balance things, but can get… very out of hand or backfire depending on circumstances. (see: cobalt’s failsafe sending mark's universe into a never-ending apocalyptic war because word of the cure for death became too widespread for the killing urge failsafe to affectively balance anything because every side could simply revive their fallen.)
Chartreuse's failsafe is something of a stopped time bubble quarantine where processes that require the passing of time cannot complete, allowing her the time to wear down the offending party to beat them to death or plan around finishing them.
Cobalt's is inciting war, the casualties serving to balance the scale. I'm not sure we know Crimson's yet- he's never taken enough direct damage without doing damage to compensate in order to trigger it, although i dont remember season one well enough to recall if any of the universe stuff in it tracks with the pattern bc season one is a bit fucky
Connected in a fashion that allows them to simply Sense the overall status of the others to some extent, although they don't know Why theyre in the state theyre in without asking (chartreuse [and by extension, folk, presumably on her information] confronting crimson via crimsonaut for pretending to be dead, Cobalt confronting both his siblings about how they are handling their duties improperly but not knowing about Folk. He knew about the constants deaths because hes a death god, duh, but he didnt use their names like crimson did, possibly implying they're erased upon death so thoroughly that only crimson and the constants can really recall a shattered constants' existence, not even the other guardians.)
Abilities of the guardians can be replicated by mortals through three apparent methods- through machines (dimensional bus, the time machine, presumably J0hn's part in Sephiroth's resurrection,) simply through advanced enough individual skill (Home MD curing death, potentially Dantoinette's universe portal travel, maybe Genwun's sped up time bubble that evolved them into Genfour? although that could very well have just been an illusion and theyre just like, a fuckin theater kid that was doing pretend character development for the Bit or something given GenFive turned out to be a zoroark) or through stealing some of the power of the relevant god (Dr. Order stealing Chartreuse's power, Dani maybe having stolen some of Crimson's when she beat his ass. Dani's one woman universal travel is like, wicked ambiguous)
Can seemingly perceive or act through any living material. (The Tree. Cobalt instructed Larry to slap his hand on that tree, that shit glowed and he had a new deal tattoo without Cobalt ever having been physically present)
Can influence the resurrected by giving them a killing urge. Represented by an aberrant brainwave and a ringing in the undead's heads. This doesnt appear to be direct control- as the Grunk could clearly restrain himself from killing people that genuinely didn't deserve it (like nightly and cha cha, who WERE grunk event targets but not fatally so. Nagito was a crimson thing so it really doesn't count here. God poor grunk his life really is just a constant plaything in the hands of the gods huh) and Sephiroth very much had personal motivation to want to kill Folk. failsafe activates this ability on the scale of war.
Deals. The extent of what Cobalt can do with these is unclear but Iggy's god powers were taken from him as his part in the deal so what he can take isn't limited to physical things or things obviously related to his domain.
Deals. While this ability is impressive his preference for making deals for those that offend against his domain is potentially very exploitable- Larry's knowledge of the cure for death is, if word of it were to ever get out beyond Larry, wildly dangerous for this dimension, so technically the safest thing for the iron-fisted cobalt to do would be to nip the problem in the bud and get rid of him. But, fascinatingly, that wasn't even put on the table, the first thing Cobalt does is threaten J0hn, prompting Larry to make a deal. While Cobalt enforces death, he also doesn't like unnecessary death, and Larry demonstrably knows how to keep a secret for the good of the world even at great cost to himself and Cobalt is aware of this- easily clarifying to Larry the aberrant thing endangering the universe wasn't his timeloop business. So while he's clearly not letting his resurrection fuckery go unpunished, he's being pretty merciful when he doesn't have to be and from a strictly, brutally pragmatic perspective probably shouldn't be.
His control over the undead manifests as a ringing and an aberrant brainwave trackable by J0hn's equipment, and could probably therefore be accounted for and circumvented? J0hn has, wisely, largely sworn off fucking with people's brains after the sephiroth fiasco went So Wrong, So Very Wrong, Oh God Oh Fuck Someone Cool Almost Died, but if he hadn't, and if J0hn let his dislike for authority and keeping Larry safe outweigh reason like he let safety, spite and comedic value outweigh good ethical sense when reprogramming sephiroth, in theory Mr. 'hacked a time machine for breakfast?' could. y'know. probably do it. what is a god's authority to an anarchist, what better to challenge life and death than the cold and eternal machine, you get the point its a fun scenario
Olive Garden Breadsticks and Small Cute Dogs, apparently
Time Clones: taps into parallel timelines to retrieve alternate versions of herself to utilize.
Time Travel: what it says on the tin. Travel to the past creates painful splits in the prime timeline, but through careful action and traveling back into the past, these can be weaved into a time loop. A split from the timeline is a wound, and a successful timeloop is the surgical scar it can become with attentive care, to use a medical metaphor. Carefully closed and healing. Keeping Folk here is essentially akin to chartreuse pulling out her stitches on the initial incision.
Time Stopping: creates a space wherein things that take time to complete cannot complete, where things can move, but everything within is in a perfect unchanging stasis until the bubble drops. This is the form her failsafe takes.
Timeline Creation: can create timelines from scratch.
Can fuse alternate timeline versions of the same individual to allow them to coexist. (Ryan's confirmed in the discord that Dantoinette experienced both failures in 20, because Chartreuse fused the two instances of her to save the post-raid instance from fading. Could... theoretically do this to Folk and save herself the pain, but while Folk and Therapuppy are the same person, there's seven years and untold amounts of difference deriving from the time and circumstance between them and the inherent cognitive dissonances that would result from attempting that would be wicked fucked up to inflict, and that's assuming there isn't some reason that it wouldn't be possible anyway. while the two Danis had like. A day or so's difference between them, so she could be safely fused with the only dissonant thing being that she remembers both being too slow to prevent order's time escape and beginning to dissipate post-raid, AND losing that fight to her pre-raid. RIP Dani, that perfectionism must be kicking her ass)
Unwilling to use her powers destructively in her pursuit of domain repair and thereby much easier to damage to the point of paralyzing her, making her particularly vulnerable to Power Theft
Morally Optimistic. At one point in 19, she briefly justifies Crimson's shitty evil actions to herself after experiencing for herself how Wack the kerfuffleverse is firsthand, ("and all he did was kill a couple people!" Chartreuse. Honey.) and when she fights Crimsonaut she seems to actually believe for a second that he's actually worried about her when Crimson asks if she's okay after he beats her. Additionally, as D+, she concerns herself with trying to understand doctor order's motive, and after Larry defeats Order, he makes a point of confirming she feels no remorse before making his request for what Chartreuse does with her, and appeals to the idea of letting Order fulfill her desire to be a god in a way which isn't a problem for anyone and Chartreuse is more than happy to oblige under these conditions after what Larry's done for everybody. Then immediately threatens to evaporate him for playfully teasing her about having a crush on folk. Fucked up a little bit
Universe Shifting: Travel between universes.
Universe Correction: appears to replace an aberrant individual with the 'correct' version of themselves for that universe, presumably sending them back to their own. (Mario from super mario was universe corrected, but still seemingly exists in wario form as evidenced by smashup kerfuffle, and was simply temporarily replaced with his corrected universe counterpart. But like. The dimensional bus system is still active crimbo doing the Put That Thing Back Where It Came From Or So Help Me routine aint gonna work if they can come back with a shrug and bus fare. you're fighting the symptoms without treating the problem)
Universal Constants:
Three individuals per universe that serve as the pillars which stabilize said universe, created by absorbing red orbs Crimson creates. Becoming a constant grants power, but also makes the constant fragile, and death wipes them from the face of the multiverse, only crimson, those he's possessed and the other constants seemingly able to recall they ever existed, although some physical evidence is still left behind (Larry's record of Nagito's death, which is just as redacted as everything else relating to him but still is very much something Larry has. Kind of a Voidfish adventurezone type beat ironically enough? Taako really has seen all this shit before no wonder he peaced tf out)
To counterbalance the weaknesses the constants have, they have a sort of spidey-sense to alert them to danger, and an intrinsic bonded connection to their fellow constants, and additionally, Crimson apparently doesn't suffer any pain from the death of constants or the structural instability of a universe.
Possession: what it says on the tin! Seemingly can only be done with permission to living things- none of crimson's direct hosts seem to have entered that agreement unwillingly, Valentine lost a bet, Hamburger and Crimsonaut have been by all evidence intentional allies to Crimson- but electronics are fair game, as seen with The Guy's suit. Kinda curious how that rule applies to bitches that are half and half, like J0hn or the clonebot gang, as its unclear whether The Guy's suit was yoinkable without permission because it was mechanical or because its not sentient. could go either way but if it's the former that's potentially very frightening
Fusion: Two individuals from alternate universes can be fused into one shared body which can take on aspects of either depending on which is currently in control. (possibly allows someone who traveled into a given universe to become a fixed resident there without it being an issue for Crimson, whose job is to prevent interdimensional travel?) Monday Mark and possibly T.O.M. are our main examples.
Unpleasant As Hell and can even kill you instead of changing you if you cant handle it.
turns the corrupted individual into a twisted exaggeration of themself, allows them supernatural control over their shape, and makes them very difficult- if not impossible by traditional means- to kill, based on Garfield.
Subjects them to control by Crimson, but can be exorcised of this influence just like crimson's direct hosts can, although the supernatural changes to their physiology are seemingly permanent, judging from Shantae.
Notable Weaknesses:
Exorcism can be performed to free a possessed or corrupted individual of Crimson's influence. Its unclear how exorcism works/is learned in CPUK, but confirmed exorcists: dantoinette and yung papaya's snake dad, confirmed non-exorcists: folk
The universal constant orbs are physical objects so they are Very Stealable and they grant a power boost so theres literally an Incentive to beat his ass for anybody who wants to be strong and either doesnt know or doesn't care about the whole 'getting erased when you die' part
Crimson has lots of tools to create pawns, but all of them have drawbacks. Corruption could kill a potential pawn, possession generally seems to require permission, and he has no control over the constants' choices and actions
Manipulative bitch's highest stat is charisma and it shows. This motherfucker is selling snake oil. If he was mortal rather than a Whole Entire God he'd make an excellent ineffectual saturday morning cartoon supervillain and i think everyone, including him, would be happier for it, ngl
Something interesting ive realized that likely wasnt fully intentional, is that a lot of Dr. Order's creations, considering her motive, can kind of be sorted by a color god it appears to be a crude attempt at mimicking the abilities of. My Grunk is a poorly executed resurrection, the clonebot gang vs chartreuse's timeclones (this one deserves special mention because Chartreuse used this shitty attempted mimicry to her advantage with D+, very smart and ironic play, excellent job Treusy,) spirits are somewhat similar to universal constant orbs (orbs which can be absorbed to grant power, but which have physical repercussions- key differences being that spirits require activation and grow stronger while attuning to a user without being used, and having far less severe drawbacks, taking a heavy toll on the body, but only once they've worn off and without the risk of wiping yourself from the face of existence,) and she also augmented Perfect Spriteman and Larry, which kind of track as crude imitations of Crimson's corruption!
Garfield was an acerbic cat who loved food and hated mondays, now its an actively malicious ever-hungry amorphous entity whose only weakness is monday and whose only consistency in form is 'cat-like.'
Shantae was (to my extremely limited understanding of shantae,) a friendly heroic type who had to introduce herself often, and she became something akin to a biblically accurate angel that can *only* introduce herself.
The Grunks a tough but sweet and supportive single dad with stage presence and a tendency to fly off the handle when he or his family are slighted, and now he gets so hype in the audience when his son does well that he bursts into flames and ascends and we get random grunk events along with the associated murder charges when he gets mad and the target sucks enough that he doesn't hold himself back from killing them.
Perfect Spriteman and Larry fit the trend of exaggeration of already present traits- Spriteman fucking loves sprite and became something that only thinks about sprite, and Larry the Florida Man, characterized from minute one by unpredictability and who spent his first matches in the series pre-shapeshifter transformation staying alive keeping stocks for Shockingly Long even despite getting seventh, became literally physically random as well as developing the ability to regenerate, albeit with the ability to feel pain normally very much intact, unlike Garfield just... Soaking up damage like its nothing in his pursuit of Jon. The fact that Arbuckle legit defeated Garfield, even temporarily, is terrifyingly impressive honestly that dude is fucking built different for being so chronically bland
i dont think they're actually corrupted in any meaningful way we have to worry about, to be fully clear, Spriteman was cured with fucking antacids, i simply think they could be a fucked up attempt at making something that kind of seems like it from a functional standpoint, from the wannabe god doctor that brought us green clones whose only fundamental association with time was accelerated aging and who thought an actively rotting corpse thats just reanimated enough that it can throw hands was as good as curing death
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askgalartop3 · 3 years
What's the most absurd thing you've ever read about yourself online or in the newspaper (that wasn't true)?
that Im the leader of a cult whos out to steal children in the night and perform dark rituals upon them to steal their souls and turn them to the side of Evil. conspiracy theorists are wild
Wait. But everyone knows you're a siren whose song lures grown men to their dooms by promising everything they've ever wanted only to then pull them into the abyss!! 🤣🤣
right? the conspirators have it all fuckin backwards. childrens souls aint worth nearly as much as a grown mans
Anywho 😝 For me...probably that one article I found that claimed there was no evidence that I'm into men. They listed a number of times where I publicly said I'm pan or was flirting with a guy but then turned around and said that due to my flirty nature and being in the public eye it could all just be an act 🙄 Like yea ok sweaty I fuck men because I want the public image of being LGBTQ+ but am not actually a part of it
pft yea Rai whats wrong with you? fuckin all the men and leavin none for us real lgbtq+ folk
🤣 I'm so sorry I've been stealing your prey Boss 😘 I'll have to make it up to you somehow~~
damn straight you will
No no. Damn queer I will 😘
That I'm a cruel, evil, malicious man who rules over the league with an iron fist and won't take no for an answer. That due to this I am even less trustworthy than Rose. That at any second I'll snap and go off the deep end and abuse everyone around me. And the real kicker? The people saying this seem to be excited to see it happen. Not because they want to see my downfall, but because it's some kind of fetish to them, I think...
Ooh yep 😂 I've seen those people! Its definitely a fetish of some kind
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m143ui · 4 years
so hello friends on the other side
I understand some of the major concerns regarding characters like piper and the feather and hazels description but when you bring Leo and Reyna into the fucking conversation I have lost all respect.
Reyna is not a negative stereotype, she isn't defined by being latina and neither is Leo, he isn't a stereotype simply because he’s latino and was abused. also him being called an elf was because he was short, which had nothing to do with him being latino. also the mamacita comment like y'all hide under the label “progressive” but ignore that mamacita has been a thing in Latin American communities for a fucking while. its not an insult dammit. its something that happens in our communities!!! its like saying muchacho y'all don't see men bitching about that.
also shocker I read the mamacita comment and I can proudly say I didn't go
things that actually happen in communities aren't racist
and before any of y'all come at me with the usual you’re white excuse, hello friends im Peruvian and Paraguayan.
I don't think he’s perfect but bitching about characters like Leo which gave many of my Latin American friends hope for similar characters destroys your “listening to minorities” argument
also the lol “hes Mexican taco bad” argument like I live in Mexico we eat tacos like every fucking day. its literally a fact. and Leo isn't just defined as taco man.
believe it or not us latinos respect rick because he gave us role models and characters like us. we don't define a character by one line and instantly call discrimination. like yes a asian character can be snobby it has nothing to do with ethnicity. y'all are making this about ethnicity. an asian character can be anything, just like a white character or a black character or a gay character. people are not simply defined by their labels like ya’ll think. y'all are just a bunch of easily triggered snowflakes that can't live with that. they can be influenced but in the end labels are labels we are all human and should be treated as such.
another thing Reyna was never officially a lesbian that was YOUR interpretation not riordans. IF HE DIDNT STATE IT , SORRY HONEY IT ISN’T CANON! I don't care about how she was “lesbian coded” if he didn't state it it isn't canon. 
I am so sick, as a lesbian, to see people use ALL QUEER DEATHS as a bury your gay tropes, what happened to seeing us as humans? why can't we be treated like any other character? if we die we die, it isn't always “haha gay evil boom death”. sometimes fully fledged characters have to die friends.
Nico isn't a bad gay character, he’s just a normal character who happens to be gay and has suffered major trauma. HIS TRAUMA WAS CAUSED BY HIS UPBRINGING, Nico isn't a 2000′s character, he’s from the 30′s, so obviously he woudn’t be perfect with his sexuality for gods sake it was the 30′s. the exact same thing happens with hazel, she isn't a modern black woman, she's a 30′s black woman. Nico’s coming out isn't him as a 21st century teen its from the time when the GOVERNMENT KILLED YOU FOR BEING GAY
also saying there are no lesbian characters? like wow look emmie and jo don't exist. Lavinia doesn't exist. poison doesn't exist. thanks fam you really make yourselves look smart here. simply because rick never said the word gay doesn't mean the gay characters don't exist friends. they are just labeled as what gay characters should be labeled as.... human.
im not educated in muslim or black culture so I won't mention characters like sam and hazel and piper because I respect and I am highly critical of what rick put in his books to describe these specific minorities.
HOWEVER saying rick is a lesbophobe, a homophobe, a racist a sexist cis guy is like do y’all wanna be taken seriously? use arguments don't hide behind words.
rick isn't a perfect writer but y'all really don't know how to criticise, y'all just hide behind big boy words and back it up with no evidence, just opinions.
rick doesn’t have the best minority rep out there but he is damn well trying and I respect that unlike all you fucking idiots.
now onto ships.... yay
frazel: im not gonna censor it like you pussies, believe it or not 13&16 year old relationships exist. they might not always be healthy but they exist. to deny this is to be stupid
solangelo:  another ship that is censored..the main argument I've seen is that it isn't developed and will isn't even a character... he was in last olympian and lost hero not my fault y'all have fish brains. I don't care if you dislike it but don't be like “ANYONE WHO SHIPS THIS IS AN ABUSIVE WHORE” like wow you always preach about accepting all ships and then throw this? also if you hate solangelo because of the “abuse” but ship percico like hi friends Nico is 4 years younger than Percy.. if y'all hate frazel because of the 3 year age difference y'all should hate this too.
not every character minority or otherwise is gonna be the way you want them to be, believe it or not any character can be anything, black characters can be loud, white characters can be loud. if they're only loud because “haha black” then THATS an issue not the simple existence of a loud black woman who has a loud personality.
y'all be here bitching about drew and I've never heard the asian perspective of this? just a bunch of black and white people telling asians they should be offended. was that just an uno reverse?
also last point stereotypes aren't always a negative thing and y'all need to get that in your heads.
anyway stay mad hoes <3
from a sane Peruvian <3
I saw this beauty and had to comment on it
“having LGBT characters experience abuse and violence. nicos forceful outing rubs me the wrong way, especially because hes called a coward for being in the closet. its violent and kind of disturbing to make your gay character come out of the closet by force. maybe write better. additionally, alex's abusive father and subsequent homelessness because of her being trans is badly written.”
oh noooo gay characters can't deal with homophobia anymore ! like I can tell you have never been punched for being gay. is it bad to showcase how trans and gay ppl are 40% of homeless youth? or is even mentioning that discrimination? believe it or not some of us live in countries where people try to kill us. you have an advantage and it shows. about the coward thing... 
maybe stop spewing bullshit <3
(so I get that this scene can remind people of being outed and it can hurt them however this scene was never intended to be a good thing it literally says Nico is scared of facing his emotions)
oh boy rick really pissed off the snowflakes that I share a fandom with
“give Nico to the gays” no? he would be a femboy and they would yeet his trauma like ssrsly?
also hate rick? bitch no one is forcing you to read his tweets.
death of the author is such a toxic thing like the mans is alive boo he aint going nowhere..like What the fuck 
anyway final thoughts on this :
nico insn’t Uwu gay and its an insult to his character
Reyna is not a lesbian canonically (neither is Thalia)
Leo and Reyna are not racist
none of ricks characters are  written as insults to their communities
and if I see one more “but ....phobia/ ...ism I will do very illegal things
peace lol
congratulations rick antis! you have successfully harassed a  56 year old man into leaving social media! wow so progressive!!!! this totally won't backfire or anything!!!
all jokes aside all of you who harassed rick to the point of someone else taking over his social media should feel ashamed
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whatiwillsay · 2 years
just came here to rant bc i absolutely hate the brand of gaylors and larries who hate the “beards” with a passion. i don’t get the point at all in hating them if they actually think the person is a beard. if I actually believe that larry and kaylor are married and they simply don’t want the world to find out, then I’d go “hey good for them they get to be together and have a baby in private”. like bro, your fave chooses to “beard” why are y’all putting them on pedestals and treating the “beards” as a spawn of satan or something (although we can qualify josh as an actual spawn of satan, no reason to be homophobic and antisemitic). and even if they believe that their faves are being forced by management to beard, it’s not like these people aren’t earning millions by playing the homophobic hollywood game?? homophobia happens irl and it fucking sucks but these famous white multimillionaires/billionaires are the last gay people i’d ever feel bad about. i feel bad about my bisexual chinese friend who was instantly arranged for marriage with a man she doesn’t know when her mom found out she dates women and my gay coworker who got beat up a lot by his dad growing up. these rich white famous folks though?? nahh i aint harassing anyone on their behalf
mmm yeah a few things here- i wanna say ofc i don't think anyone involved in kaylor or larry is bearding right now and your inclusion of quotes around "beards" makes me think you feel that way too but just to be clear for anyone else reading i don't think any of them are in fake rs at the moment
anyway 1. i don't think many celebs marry their beards anymore. it definitely used to happen a lot with gay celebs back in the golden age of hollywood (i'm reading up on cary grant lately it's fascinating!) and i'm sure from time to time it still can happen if that's what they want and private citizens certainly still marry beards to escape homophobia and live their lives in peace particularly in places where it's less socially acceptable to be gay but as far as our favs go if any of them get married i think generally those are real connections. i'm sure there's some exceptions to this but i think most bearding relationships these days are shorter and used to promote something as well as obfuscate a queer sexuality. at least the people i talk about frequently like taylor are like that imo. if someone i'm just so sure is queer marries someone of the opposite gender i'm inclined to believe they're fluid/pan/bi/unlabeled or something of that nature (and it doesn't mean they haven't done a pr relationship before!)
but 2. yeah i mean listen if some internet hobby of someone's makes them publicly wish harm on someone they've never met before just over who they appear to be dating i'm sorry that's just too much for me. the way larries speak about Eleanor for example saying they want louis to BEAT HER as if there isn't an absolute epidemic of violence against women by intimate partners going on truly disgusts me. kaylors devolving into antisemitism is unacceptable as well. but go to every fandom space and you'll find evil people it's not just shipper fandoms.
i'm all for being a gay weirdo online and having fun with your friends but the second you call for violence or stoop into bigotry like... you might need psychological help and that goes for all people.
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thenixkat · 3 years
ok so apparently in this setting people didn't always have superpowers
the first person born with superpowers was apparently a rather recent event. 
and the whole 'hero' profession seems to have been inspired by preexisting superhero media inuniverse and people going holy shit we could be superheros
this does make me wonder about how pre-superpower world media is perceived now that folks can do all that shit and grew up surrounded by people with powers. How fucking weird would watching old superhero movies be?
i have to assume that superhero insurance very quickly became a thing in this world. there's more than a few people in this crowd that just seem fucking inconvenienced by the superpower fight. Like just fuckin gonna be late for work b/c ya can't get to the train station b/c some purse snatcher turned into a kaiju trying to get away from the cops
paraphrasing 'hurting someone while illegally using your powers makes you the definition of evil'
oh boy
ah joy celebrity heros who care about taking credit for stopping bad guys.
this is a recipe for disaster waiting to happen
and the first lady hero we see is specifically using sex appeal to attract fans
This woman aint even hot. Trying to draw attention to her nonexistent ass. this bitch just got a long back
the government pays heros based on their performance. which is something that feels like it would contribute to over policing the population.  it would also lead to heros competing against eachother for pay too. this is a bad system
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