#even in the comics hes a goofy side character that waits patiently for his only friend to wake from a coma and ends up sacrificing his life
handsome-john · 2 years
Everyday I think about the ending to Claptastic voyage and how it ends with Shadowtrap offering Claptrap power and how claptrap refuses this, wanting to stand with his friends and then how shortly after those friends turn around and kill him and his entire product line just as Shadowtrap said they would and how much Claptrap truly believed his friends were his friends and how they hated him and how even Athena who was neutral towards Claptrap did nothing to stop him from being destroyed and how the only reason Claptrap even survived was because of Shadowtrap and how Claptrap is just supposed to be an annoying side character that the audience and the characters could laugh at and make fun of but the writers turned him into the most tragic and heartbreaking character ever written and holy shit I hate borderlands
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trymie98 · 4 years
Hickory Appreciation Post
“Trolls World Tour”
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Can we just take a moment to appreciate this little dude? To be a brand new character, and a SIDE character at that, he sure does leave a lasting impression! (Granted, southern charm will do that to you...)
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Hickory is a mixture of badass, down to earth, caring, and just a little bit of goofiness with a buttery-smooth voice that makes him all the more loveable! Unlike a lot of other characters, he’s more mature and understanding. He holds his own spot in the story instead of just being filler or comic relief.
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Another admirable trait of his is being self-less.
Even when he is showed the pop string, the thing he’d waited so patiently for and the only thing that could save his true heritage, he BEGS Poppy to run instead of taking it for himself.
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When his true identity as a yodeler is revealed he comes clean and apologizes, ashamed of himself. He’d do anything to save his music and knows Poppy would too. Not wanting to hurt her, he goes against Dickory and still pleads for her to run. However, his conscious is caught in the middle (literally) between his friend and his brother and he tries to become a mediator between them.
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In his last appearance he’s switched himself back to his country accent, proud of the impact he’s made on Poppy.
Why does he do this? I’d like to think it’s because he actually likes country music. Like it’s stated in the movie, Trolls can be more than one thing. After all, you can’t pull off a southern impression that well unless you’ve practiced for a while!
All in all, he’s a fun character that actually makes his presence known instead of just taking up space! 🤠
(And now he may or may not be my favorite character in the series...)
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someonexsomeone · 4 years
WayV as Water Park Employees
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Warnings: none? I can’t believe it
AN: hey....hi....how y’all doin.....I meant to post this so long ago but I kept loosing inspiration for it :(( thank you to everyone for being so patient. I hope you enjoy this fun little headcannon!
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Kun is definitely the head lifeguard
though he hasn’t been there as long as Ten, he does make up for it in his dedication to the job
It’s not that he’s uptight, but the other employees are a little too relaxed for his taste, so he’s usually the one in charge (which is fine by Ten who prefers to relax by the lazy river)
His job mainly consists of walking around the park, making sure the rides are working, checking in with employees to make sure they’ve been drinking water and applying sunscreen, and helping guests whenever possible
Since is aura is so adult, he is easily trusted by everyone
This means that if a child is lost, they’ll most likely walk right past the other lifeguards and into Kun’s arms
(Which he’ll never admit out loud but it made him feel very wanted. And the look on Lucas’s face as they walk right past him is always priceless)
Though he does get sad when he hears people remark how mean and no fun he is, he knows that without him the park would be in shambles
The other members of the park thankfully know him well enough that they can tell when he’s feeling a bit down. On those days, the make sure to be good around with him, hype him up, and generally raise his mood
He’s always thankful on those days for his park family (though he could go without Hendery shouting that he has a nice ass over the megaphone), and repays them tenfold by carrying extra supplies with him
(In a fanny pack that YangYang got him as a joke that he didn’t understand and wears unironically everywhere)
This includes sunscreen, lip balm, eye drops, and ear cleanser
He values skin protection, so you’ll rarely see him without his job issued visor (the band basically gets hidden under his floppy hair)
Always wears the assigned uniform of red shorts and a white shirt with the park logo on it, his lanyard with a whistle and his keycard on it (which is hooked on by a safety clip so it’ll never strangle him), and some beat-up flip flops he’s had since forever
Ten works the lazy river
Ten is...well, let’s just say he’s a complicated character
Though Kun doesn’t doubt that Ten has the skill to step up and take charge
Ten just doesn’t have the drive to
He’s worked at the park for longer than anyone, but only because he started so young and just kept coming back after school ended
He started off being the Kun type, who looks so intimidating with his clipboard and yelling at people not to run
But that just got...exhausting
He hated being the bad guy
Kids would cry for being yelled at, parents would be upset at his words no matter what he said (company policy or his own), or older people would demand he brings them all types of crazy items (from sunscreen to a new section of the park)
He was just so...tired
What was the point of working at the Water Park, a place designed to be fun, if he hated every second of it
So, when Kun arrived at his interview in a button-up and a glittering watch, Ten threw his clipboard aside and requested to move to the Lazy River
Best. Choice. Ever
The water is too shallow for anyone to drown and too slow for kids to make a ruckus
Mainly, his job consists of lounging on his lifeguard tower, reading a book and softly playing music from the speaker he snuck up there
Sometimes, if the days are really slow, Ten steals an intertube and floats along the river for hours (until Kun yells at him to return to his position)
He doesn’t like kids so much, so most of his interactions with the guests are when he gets to join this one group of older ladies who frequent the park, linking up tubes so the can all chat and float together
(Ten has the hottest gossip in town)
Though he does like to push policy, he will wear the red shorts of the uniform (he claims they make his butt look good), but his top will rarely be the issued one
Depending on who he sees at the park, Ten could show up in a mismatched T-shirt and flip flop combo, or a nice swim shirt that defines his chest
(Lucas is always amazed that Ten always knows what days to look good because cute guests, and no one has the heart to tell him Ten packs both options in his bag)
Sicheng works the wave pool
Though newer to the team, Sicheng has almost more experience that Ten because he used to work at a different Water Park
When he moved, he figured he already had the experience, so why not go for the same job
At first, Sicheng was intimidating
He rarely talked to anyone besides Kun, and even then it was all professional
He almost looked scary sitting on the lifeguard tower, sweeping his eyes over the people below him
The first ice breaker was when he rescued a drowning woman, pulling her to safety and giving her CPR
Though the team was intimidated by him, the did admit that looked cool as heck
So, slowly, they started to talk to him more
And more
And more until finally, Sicheng was the one to start conversations and openly laugh at jokes
Turns out, he just likes to be razor focused when working so that he can ensure no one gets hurt
(After all, the Wave Pool is the chaos zone)
And it only made the team admire him more
He doesn’t like to wear hats because they always get lost when he has to dive in, so Kun installed an umbrella for his chair
(that act of kindness brought a blush to his cheeks, and he was teased for it the rest of the day)
He’s the type to wear sunscreen in an almost comical fashion - two thick lines under his eyes are always heavy with it
Even though he looks like an idiot, it’s endearing and makes his already large group of admirers like him even more
While he does wear the uniform, he prefers the wet shoe to sandal, and always takes off his lanyard when he’s on duty (which means he always has to make trips back to his chair to retrieve it later)
Lucas works in the Kids Zone
This one should be no surprise
Lucas is a giant kid himself, so it was a no brainer when he was hired that he should work amongst kids
That and the fact that he is so tall he can easily rescue the kids should they climb too high on the play structure and get scared
Sometimes his height works against him, bonking his head as he tries to duck and weave through the elaborate play structure
And sometimes there are kids who get scared of him at first
But his happy personality and goofy nature usually work to calm the child and get them to trust him
(though this personality is why kids will run right past him to get help from Kun)
He isn’t too great in high stakes situations, as his worry for the kids sometimes overtakes his training, but he does have a standard procedure during this time
Blowing on his whistle three times in succession will have either Ten or Kun running over, taking over the situation while Lucas tries to calm the parents
He does have a steady group of followers who admire him, both young and older
The same group of kids can always be found scurrying around him, jumping on him, and playing with him
Sometimes the sides of the Kids Zone will be full of teenagers, just waiting for a moment to chat him up during his downtime
(though they’re usually disappointed because Lucas’s energy and stamina is ridiculous)
At first he was given the standard white top but poor baby was getting uncomfortable with all the staring so Kun got red shirts and white shorts for him to wear
Never wears his lanyard because he’s worried one of the kids will accidentally get hurt if it swings and hits them
His feet are always covered in electric green water shoes that his Mom got him, and usually his neck has long streaks of white sunscreen (bc he gets too excited about being in the water again he doesn’t take the time to rub it in)
Xiaojun works at the concession stand
Don’t get him wrong, Xiaojun absolutely loves water
The only thing is...he’s not a super huge fan of chlorinated water
He could spend hours upon hours at the beach just surfing up some waves and relaxing in the beach
Unfortunately, the nearest beach is over an hour away and he can’t justify going back and forth each day to work
(trust me, he tried. He loved working at the boardwalk but his old hand-me-down car just gave up on him and the bus doesn’t come frequently enough to take him down there)
So, he takes the next best thing
The concession stand is perfectly situated to where he can see everyone enjoying the water without it reflecting blinding sunlight into the booth
The shop is also air conditioned which is perfect for the blazing hot days of summer
His manager is a kid only a few years older than him that should be working in the office but will typically spend all day playing video games
Because of this, Xiaojun can practically get away with anything, including sneaking off during the down hours to hang out with one of his friends or giving them more than their allotted snack coupons can yet
Although he may look a little shy, Xiaojun is VERY good at his job
A customer will walk up only wanting a bottle of water and walk away with four hot dogs, a large soda, and novelty cup from the park
No one really knows how he does it - but YangYang likes to joke that his eyebrows hypnotize the customers into buying anything he says
He doesn’t wear the standard uniform, unfortunately
He can wear pretty much anything he wants, but he has to wear a bright blue apron with the park logo and slogan on it and the matching hat
(you bet your ass he’s wearing some cargo shorts)
Hendery alternates between the two-seater and single rider slides
The best part of Water Parks have always been the rides that whip you so hard and fast that by the time you reach the bottom the tube has come out from under you and your bathing suit has given you the tightest wedgie of your life
At least, that’s what Hendery thinks
So it was absolutely no surprise that when he was asked where he wanted to work at the park, he said the inner tube rides
Whether pushing people in or helping them out, he absolutely loves the job
At first, he was a little jealous
A “I wish I could be going on the rides” type of harmless jealousy
But it was only as the weeks went on that he realized that just seeing and interacting with the different types of riders made it so much fun!
Talking to the scaredy cats to help them calm down, assuring parents that the rides are safe, couples telling him about their date night, high fiving the kids who just keep coming back for more
It’s so unlike any job he’s ever worked before
Although he might not get to hang out with his friends and goof off as much as he likes, there’s a certain proud feeling of responsibility that makes those not so great moments better
He’s also the type of person who finds joy in the little things so even though his personality is more on the shy side with new people, he has that type of aura that somehow convinces other people to do all the talking and they leave new friends
Unfortunately…he’s also the forgetful type
Always forgets to bring his uniform shirt to work or gets it mixed up with one of his hundred other white shirt
Kun used to make his wear the rashguard of shame (the only item left from the old branding) but now he just makes sure to keep a pile of spares on hand
He’s also the most likely to have a sunburn by the end of the day if the older boys don’t keep an eye out for him
YangYang alternates between the group rides, and the kiddie slides
YangYang is many things, but the word most people like to use is versatile
He picks up new things very quickly and adapts to new situations with the ease of a veteran
Although he’s the youngest, the people around him put a lot of trust in him and his abilities 
(which sometimes stresses him out to the point that he bottles up his emotions until he ends up crying in the locker room during his breaks. His friends have gotten really good at noticing when he’s at his breaking point and will quickly get him away from the situation. It’s really the only moment of vulnerability they see from the usually happy-go-lucky boy)
This trust somehow got him working various stations across the park, and he’ll move pretty much wherever people need him
He’s currently working the group rides and kiddie slides, which is the craziest juxtaposition
His mornings involve splashing around near Lucas in the Kids Zone, helping kids through the various short slides for them to play with
After his lunch break, usually involved with hanging around with Xiaojun and his other friend who shares the same lunch break that day (M = Kun, Tu = Ten, W = Hendery + Sicheng, Th = Ten + Lucas, F = Lucas, Sat = Hendery + Lucas + Kun, Sun = Ten + Hendery), he’ll head over to the group ride, usually filing drunk adults into rafts and gently declining their offers of drinks
He loves the weird combinations of his day, and the new adventure that come when Kun calls him to the office to give him his new responsibilities
He likes to play the younger brother character that his friends have given him because it allows him to pull mischievous pranks with little to no repercussions
It’s not unusual for people to see him being chased around the park by his friends, big smiles across his face as he laughs with the biggest smile
It does sometimes give guests whiplash when they watch him shoot a fellow lifeguard with a water gun then five minutes later watch him give safety instructions with a serious expression
Unlike his playful personality may suggest, he takes his job really serious - especially because people’s lives are on the line
He always wear a clean uniform, including his lanyard with an embarrassing picture of his ID swinging from his neck
And only grimaces a little when Kun grabs his face to slather it in sunscreen
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If you like my stuff, here’s my masterlist!
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inhumansforever · 6 years
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Ms. Marvel #31 Review
spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers
It the fiftieth issue of Ms. Marvel (50th when you combine the two series together) and what better way to celebrate such an achievement than to have a good old fashioned slumber party!  If only the various duties and demands of being a superhero could allow for a such a thing.  A bunch of impromptu adventures and ordeals notwithstanding, Kamala and her buddies end up having a pretty great night.  All from the creative team of… deep breath… G. Willow Wilson, Nico Leon, Ian Herring, Saladin Ahmed,  Gustavo Durate, Rainbow Rowell, Bob Quinn, Hasan Minhaj, Elmo Bondoc, Valero Schiti, Rachelle Rosenberg and Stephanie Hans.  Recap and review following the jump.
Kamala has been campaigning her mother for weeks to allow her to have her friends over for a slumber party.  The whole idea of a sleep-over is rather perplexing to Mrs. Khan, but she has finally agreed and Kamal could not be more excited.  Everything is ready.  There’s popcorn, chips, chi, the idea game system is ready to go and pizza is on the way… Kamala has even set her room up with strings of Christmas tree lights to set the perfect mood.  
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Her friends, Nakia, Mike and Zoe arrive and they jump right into the gossip and giggling.  Along with having fun, Kamala is also hoping her pals can help her work her confused and anxious feelings over having kissed Kareem and her possibly still having feelings for Bruno.  
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Mike is surprisingly chill with the fact that Kamala may have a crush on her former boyfriend, Bruno.  Nakia is concerned that Kamala has done something so brash as to kiss a boy.  Oh yeah, and Zoe recently went out on a date (most likely with Alana, Neftali’s sister introduced int he previous issue).  Yet before they can get into any of this important stuff the conversation is interrupted by a strange barking from outside.  
Well, Kamala knows exactly what sort of creature makes that distinctive bark and she furtively sneaks into her Ms. Marvel guise to see what sort of mischief Lockjaw has gotten himself into.  
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Here Willow and Leon hand the story-telling duties over to Ahmed and Durate for a fun jaunt in which Ms, M and Lockjaw try to rescue a kitten who has teleporting powers of his own.  Chasing this cat takes the trio all over the galaxy, even to an alien planet... yet it isn’t long before Ms. Marvel realizes that Lockjaw and the kitten are just having fun chasing each other.  She has no time for such games, she has a slumber party to get back to.  
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Ms. Marvel leaves Lockjaw and teleporting kitty to their fun and returns home to find her mom making samosas for her guests.  Mmmm samosa.  Yet before Kamala can join in the doorbell rings, the pizzas have arrived.   Here the story is taken over by Rowell and Quinn.  The young woman delivering the pizzas is a rather irascible sort who becomes aggressively resentful when she finds that she is delivering pies to a slumber party.  Oh, and she smells terrible… like supernaturally bad.  
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Once again donning her Ms. Marvel duds, Kamala chases down the pizza delivery girl to investigate.  It turns out that her name is Samantha.  Like Ms. Marvel, she is an Inhuman who was transformed by way of exposure to the Terrigen Cloud.  Rather than receiving neat super abilities, however, Samantha was bestowed with ‘skunk-like’ powers.  Her hair took on a distinctive white streak and she can emit a terrible, noxious odor whenever she feels anxious, threatened or even irritated.  
It’s all just about ruined poor Samantha’s life.  No one wants to hang out with someone so stinky.  She’s a young adult, still learning how to handle her feelings and mood and hence barely able to control these smelly powers.  And finding that she was delivering pizzas to a slumber party just filled her with jealous rage.   
Rather than fighting, the two talk it out.  Terrigenesis is a lot like adolescence… it is sort of like a lottery and is by no means fair.  Some are endowed with cool, useful transformations, other are saddled with unfortunate, almost debilitating transformations.   
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It’s not all that different the kind of changes that adolescents have to contend with as they go through maturation.  And it is also rather random and never fair.  Some become tall, slender or have flawless skin, whilst others have to deal with acne, super awkward growth spurts, or just smell terrible.  
Neither Kamala nor Samantha the Skunk Girl can go back to the lives they had prior to Terrigenesis, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t carve out new lives, make their own paths.  Samantha has no interest in being a super hero or anything like that, but that doesn’t mean that she cannot get help from people such as the Avengers or Inhumans of New Attilan.  With time and training she can learn to control her odor-based powers, keep them suppressed and even use them to her advantage if the need were to ever arise.   Having solved that problem, Kamala returns to her party.  Yet it is not long before yet another crisis arrives.  She receives an emergency text from her Champion team-mate, Spider-Man/Miles Morales.  Well, it turns out that the villainous Arnim Zola has plans to poison the water supply of Manhattan and Miles needs Kamala’s shrinking abilities to help him break into the city’s central pumping station and reroute the poison.  
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This tale is told by the team of Minhaj and Bondoc.  There are some hiccups, but Miles and Kamala are ultimately able to foil Zola’s diabolic plans.  And yet there’s something sort of off about Miles.  He reveals that he may have come into possession of an Infinity Stone, the mood stone to be precise.   wait, the mood stone???  
Pretty certain this isn’t an Infinity Stone Miles has gotten ahold of… maybe it’s the mood-affecting ring The Mandarin used to wield.  Whatever the case, it seems to have an effect on Miles, causing him to be more forward and open with his thoughts and feelings.  It leads him to blurting out the fact that he thinks Ms. Marvel is terrific, and pretty, and, well it’s all quite embarrassing for him.  Although, Miles does admit that being so frank and open does feel rather liberating.  And this helps Kamala realize that maybe it’s time for her to lighten her load as well.  
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Kamala finally makes it home where Nakia, Zoe and Mike have been patiently waiting for her.  Kamala decided to come clean nd rather than concocting some lie to explain where she has been she tells them that she is Ms. Marvel.  
And they’re all like, ‘yeah, no duh.’  
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They all knew, have known for quite a while.  Kamala hasn’t exactly been proficient in hiding her secret identity and it was pretty easy for her close friends to put two and two together.  Heck, even Gabe, Kamala’s step-brother, has figured the matter out.    None of them have said anything about in that they figured it was her business and she’d tell them when she was ready.   It’s a nice, cathartic relief for Kamala to share this secret and she is wonderfully surprised to find her friends so supportive of it all.  They all hug and it’s really quite a sweet moment.  And it is here that this fun, goofy romp of an issue comes to an end.  
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What a blast.  The whole issue acts as sort of a patchwork anthology.  And each side-story works as a sort of encapsulation of the distinct qualities that makes Ms. Marvel such a wonderful comic...
The Lockjaw story by Ahmed and Durate highlights to wacky silliness that so often finds its way into the tales, the moments of screwball levity that balances out the heavier, more poignant themes.  
The Skunk Girl encounter by Rowell and Quinn addresses the comic’s powerful knack to create moving parallels to real life matters, especially in terms of the trials and tribulations of growing up.  
Minhaj and Bondoc’s Spider-Man team-up adventure showcases the comic’s ability for good old fashioned comic book action and intrigue, where the adventures are always peppered by a progressive development and cultivation of both the main and supporting characters.
And the over arching frame of the slumber party, by Wilson and Leon, shows off the heart of the series: Kamala herself: a dynamic, fully fleshed out and multifaceted character who is just absolutely lovable, relatable and endlessly fun to read about.  
It’s a pretty neat idea that the issue kind of dissects the individual components that makes Ms. Marvel such a great book and offer up each component in vignette spot-light form.  It makes for a very fun read as well as a good book for those out there looking bettie understand the craft of good storytelling.  It’s all kind of like a baking recipe done up in a comic book formate.  
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Before wrapping, up I feel a special shout out is deserving to Ian Herring, who provides the coloring for the entire issues.  The various illustrators depicting the different side stories all have rather distinctive styles… yet Herring is able to color them all with a unifying pallet that provides a terrific sense of continuity wherein the shifts are not jarring in the least.  This is something Herring has excelled at throughout all fifty issues of Ms. Marvel.  Whether the issues have been illustrated by Adrian Alphona, Takeshi Miyazawa, Mirka Andolfo, Jacob Wyatt, Nico Leon or anyone else, Herring has been able to utilize his coloring to maintain a sense of constancy… a visual flavor that is distinctive and unique to Ms. Marvel.  It’s really quite impressive.  
Highest possible recommendation.  Five out of five Lockjaws!
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franklyshipping · 6 years
Happy New Year ~ An Ego Fanfiction
Word Count: 28, 758
SFW. With romantic, platonic, and familial relationships…..and of course, tickling.
This is to wish everybody out there, a happy new year. I love you all.
Now…..where to begin. A place of warmth I think, to introduce you to our tale. This is to be an observation of a family on New Year’s Eve. A rather obscure family, I grant you, who have certainly had their many ups and downs; but a true family gets through it all, which they have. There are multiple scenes and scenarios and events to occur this evening so I advise you to be patient and take your time as you, like me, observe them and see them unfold in all their beauty. Ah, I think the first is about to occur…..walk with me.
They have the loveliest living space, split into three to make the whole ground space seem more homely and connected; I think it works. Here we are at the west side, I think it would be characterised as “the main living area”. The floor is a beautifully plain and simple white tile, and it's like this because of how this household has a particular preference for its bold and unique furnishings; most likely to adhere to the styles of its inhabitants. It’s a nice sentiment, since I think we both know how…..unsavoury, other households can be. At first glance though you may think me a liar, since the two couches here are rather plain in themselves as they rest in light beiges and browns; their cushions were of similarly gentle hues, being light blues and yellows. These dim palettes were necessary however, due to the vivacity of those who resided and nestled in their warm havens.
For instance, sat together on the beige and yellow furnishings were two esteemed gentlemen. Dr Iplier and the Host. The couple were contently nestled, leaning gently upon one another. The latter hummed a gentle melody, which soothed and swept through the gentle chatter that was all around them, whilst the former listened and lazily inspected the sandwich that he held. The doctor was still feeling inherently festive, thus meaning that his article of nourishment had copious amounts of turkey scraps, as well as a light relish. It also happened to be his third of the evening, but he didn’t really care; he was bold like that.
Perpendicular to that gentle sight lay another, in quite a literal sense now that I think about it. A magician and his enhanced companion. This particular couple were rather more……strewn, than neatly nestled, but were still perfectly content. Marvin was half-upright at one end of their couch, his legs lay across the extent of the furniture, all the while Jackie-Boy Man was…..on top of him. He was on his back, lying on his magician’s legs as his head rested in said man’s lap; neither man could complain however. The hero was smiling with relaxed joy since Marvin had decided to nestle his hands in his hair, and was constantly carding through the locks and massaging his scalp with a beautiful gentleness. Marvin, too, was in heaven. The feeling of Jackie’s hair was smooth and calming between his fingers, and the close proximity that they shared made Marvin sigh and hum; he could feeling his chest and general core getting warmer with every passing second.
However, this was not all. For in Marvin’s other hand, he held a sandwich that was practically identical to that of the doctor’s; they both had truly excellent festive tastes. Marvin was so convinced of this fact, that he couldn’t help but ramble about it to the man in his lap; having copious amounts of food and beverages that your body and mind aren’t used to, can often lead to such rambly giddiness. Not that Jackie minded, quite the opposite really.
‘You just can’t beat it, it is THE most festive choice of food that you could possibly get! You’d think turkey sandwiches would only appear in brand ads or cheesy seasonal movies, but no! They actually happen! Isn’t it awesome?’
Jackie couldn’t keep the smile off his face at the entire situation. His boyfriend. His intelligent, sane, and magically gifted boyfriend…..was ranting about his love for a sandwich. A…..goddamn…..sandwich. Only on the eve of a fresh year could such randomness have been brought to the surface.
‘Oh yeah, it’s totally awesome!’
Jackie grinned as Marvin smiled happily at his agreement and enthusiasm, and Jackie couldn’t help but feel joyful at how excited Marvin was at such a small thing. Whenever Marvin was happy, so was Jackie; now, it could just be coincidental couple-y instinct….but on New Year’s Eve, I don’t think you can deny the magic in the air. Suddenly however, Marvin furrowed his eyebrows with a small gasp.
‘Wait! You haven’t even tried one before!’
…..they had never even touched on this kind of topic of conversation before, so Jackie wasn’t even going to question how Marvin knew this; he put it down to voodoo. He smiled up at Marvin with a minute shrug.
‘Mmm….it’s not THAT important though….’
Marvin let out another gasp. Whether it was genuine, or had the intent of being comical, it still made Jackie let out a few gentle giggles. Marvin’s mouth was agape and his eyebrows had risen so much that they had actually risen above the edge of his mask, a truly rare occurrence; Jackie’s grin was wide as Marvin spoke with heavy indignance.
‘Of COURSE it’s that important! It’s the lifeblood of our festive culture!’
Jackie raised an eyebrow.
‘The lifeblood of our festive culture…..is a sandwich?’
Jackie was trying to repress more intense fits of giggles from erupting as Marvin nodded, with intense vigour and enthusiasm might I add.
'Yes! Look, just try it and I guarantee that you will be enlightened…..’
Marvin’s hand suddenly shifted as it hovered the sandwich right above Jackie’s head, which made the latter giggle wholeheartedly as he shook his head with a wide smile.
'Ihi don’t want toho be enlightened by aha sandwihich!’
Jackie immediately started to try and push Marvin’s sandwich bearing hand away, but the magician was determined. He grinned at Jackie’s attempts to bat him away as he kept trying to lower the sandwich towards his face.
'Accept your fate hero!’
Jackie felt his cheeks pinken at the nickname as he continued shaking his head, continuing to try and resist his boyfriend’s goofy attempts to feed him.
Jackie donned his heroic demeanour as he and Marvin batted at one another playfully, whilst also get progressively more covered in breadcrumbs; oops. well at least they could wait until next year before they had to hoover it…..ahem. Whilst that tussle was occurring however, it seems that so was another; except this tussle was more of a verbal spar. If we return to the second couch in the room we would happen across Dr Iplier, an esteemed medical professional with a multitude of PhD’s…..administering “puppy eyes”. Because he too had undertaken the difficult task of convincing his significant other…..to partake in the consumption of a turkey sandwich. The doctor was well practised when it came to convincing the Host…..primarily because he elected to try and be as cute and adorable as he possibly could without embarrassing himself.
'Pleeeeeease? Just one little bite?’
The Host’s lips were twitching in an effort not to smile at Iplier’s utter childishness and silliness. The Host knew how petty and silly it all was, and yet he couldn’t help but love it when Iplier made it his mission to try and convince him to do something. It mean that the Host could bask in the doctor’s unmatched cuteness.
'The doctor’s attempts at “puppy eyes” do not sway the Host’s opinion.’
Iplier pouted, meaning that the Host had to repress a small chuckle as he mentally sighed; what on earth did he do to deserve this stunning man in his life? Iplier was inching closer to him and had decided to rest his chin on the Host’s shoulder as he gazed at him with an innocent, longing expression.
'Pleeeease? I might cry if you don’t…..’
The Host had to nibble his lip to stop a giggle coming forth as Iplier trailed off with a tone of moroseness, his eyes were actually glazing a little…..but internally, Iplier was fighting the urge to stop his façade and just smush the sandwich into the Host’s face there and then. But Iplier figured that the Host wouldn’t thank him for that, so he refrained. Iplier looked at the Host hopefully as said man turned his head towards him with a small smile.
'The doctor’s tears would only end up hindering his stunning complexion…..’
Iplier felt his cheeks heating up……goddammit with the Host and his smooth talking compliments;…..oh who was he kidding, Iplier loved them. He deepened his pout though, leaning into the Host more as he softened his voice.
'I might cry on everything you hold most dear….’
Iplier thought for a moment that he’d struck gold when the Host turned to him fully, but the man only smiled wider with a hint of mischief as he uttered.
'The doctor would only then be crying on himself.’
Iplier blushed. And I mean he properly blushed, his cheeks only got redder and redder as the Host let his triumphant grin roam free; I think it was relatively safe to say that he was pleased with himself.
'You sir…..do not play fair.’
The Host chuckled at the doctor’s faked tone of seriousness and dejectedness, whilst Iplier himself let out a little huff of air as his eyes scanned his boyfriend’s acute smugness.
'The Host never does, darling.’
The Host was wholly prideful, completely under the impression that he had been victorious since he sensed that Iplier’s mind had begun to wander. The doctor let his gaze flick round, glancing to the ground near him where the one and only Robbie was sat; the zombie was happily playing with some turkey bones…..at least, Iplier assumed that’s where they’d originated. He was about to voice his curiosity, when a sudden frantic voice cut through the air; it very nearly made him jump.
'Waitwaitwait NOHO! Thahat’s nahahat fahahair!’
Iplier perked up at the sound of Jackie’s frantic pleas, and he felt a fond smile develop as he witnessed the sight of Marvin using one of his hands to scratch over the hero’s belly with the most tickly intentions. His other hand was elevated, and purposefully grasping his sandwich as Marvin kept trying to inch it closer to Jackie’s face. Said man was conflicted between stopping the edible onslaught, and stopping the onslaught at his tummy; as a result, his hands were batting out randomly as he spluttered and cackled.
Iplier chuckled when he saw Marvin smirk and cock his head, the determination and mischief seemed to just eradiate from him…..and the doctor could almost feel those emotions beginning to bubble up in himself too. All the while the magician cooed.
'Awwww, is da ickle hero too tickliiiiish? Maaaaybe if he surrendered, he wouldn’t have to go through this VILLAINOUS torture…..’
Jackie squealed as Marvin’s hand roamed more, reaching further up his torso to pinch and prod at his ribcage. This ended up bringing forth a few rather loud snorts, thus making Jackie-Boy Man’s cheeks heat up to practically match his own licra get-up.
Jackie wailed as he tried clamping his arms down to deflect Marvin’s evil rib scratches, but it did nothing to hinder the magician’s efforts; Marvin narrowed his eyes behind his mask as he donned a sudden gleam of intimidation.
'First you reject my sandwich, and now you have the audacity to insult me? Oh you are so asking for it….’
Jackie’s eyes widened as Marvin’s attacking hand suddenly shot up to reach his neck and ears…..and the poor hero was lost. He was a squeaky, snorting, hysterical mess as Marvin’s fingertips teased behind his ears and down the sides of his unprotected neck. Iplier, who was still only observing, scrunched his own shoulders in empathy as shrill laughter penetrated the air.
Marvin was having the time of his life, his smile was wide and evil and…..frankly, magnificent. It was one of his favourite hobbies to reduce poor Jackie to a blushing, blubbering mess; he could never resist the temptation.
'Poor heroooo…..so ticklish and completely at my mercy….’
As Marvin teased, Iplier suddenly felt something. Not just a shiver of empathy, but also a small light-bulb moment; a moment…..of inspiration. He looked to the other couple for a few more moments more, before turning back and fixing his gaze upon the Host. Said man had also been observing the scene with heavy empathy for Jackie, but at Iplier’s very sudden attention switch, he tensed. The Host hoped to god that Iplier wasn’t planning what he thought he was planning.
'Why so tense sweetheart?’
Butterflies rose in the Host’s tummy at Iplier’s innocent query; oh no. The Host could feel the mischief and utter giddiness swooping from Iplier in waves, and he only tensed more as he replied.
Th-the Host hadn’t realised he had b-been tense……’
Iplier grinned gradually. He knew that the Host knew what was in store for him……and the doctor loved how that foreknowledge flustered the crap out of him, and he hadn’t even had to lift a finger. Yet.
'Aw babe, maybe a snack will help you relax?’
The pair of them had to bite back sniggers as Iplier maintained his innocent façade, all the while the Host was trying to think of something…..anything he could say that would dissuade the doctor from his new goal. He could think of nothing, so he settled for weak protesting; at least it would allow him to mentally prepare…..somewhat.
'The Host doubts that very much…..’
Iplier grinned wider as he shuffled and sat up on the couch……sandwich in one hand, whilst the other was already twitching and itching to get to work.
'Well, I’m a doctor…..I know what’s best. So either, you can accept my treatment offer, or I may have to resort to alternative methods.’
The Host gulped a little, and flinched when Iplier’s spare hand started to walk itself over his shirt covered tummy. Iplier’s fingers were delicate and almost exploratory, as their owner gazed at the Host with an expectant expression. the Host inhaled, before mumbling.
'Th-the Host w-wihill not accept y-yohour treatment.’
There was a brief moment of silence between them, before Iplier’s fingers suddenly curled over the Host’s belly; just as Iplier’s lips curled into a devious smirk.
'Oh….we’ll see about that.’
The Host was immediately encased in giggles as he tried to squirm away from Iplier’s deviously gentle attack. His fingers had decided to roam and skitter underneath the Host’s shirt so that they could tease his wonderfully sensitive tummy and waistline; the Host cheeks by this point also held a gentle, rosy hue.
'Th-thihihis ihisn’t aha cehertifihied medicahal treheheheatmehent!!’
The Host squeaked as his hands rushed to cover his face, which was pure adorableness in itself since this reflected how he in fact made no move to stop his devious doctor. Iplier let himself relax as his fingers scratched and scraped, and he relished in the giggles and flinches and little bucks that he drew out. The doctor also took the opportunity to don a serious, and intimidating façade of his own; I did say he’d been inspired.
'I hope you’re not questioning my credibility as a doctor…..that would be incredibly unwise….’
The Host’s cheeks continued to burn as he shivered at Iplier’s words, all the while he still wriggled and let out a train of squeaky giggles that showed no sign of dying down.
'B-buhuhuhut ihihit’s nahahat aha treheatmehent!! Ihihi ohonly speheheak the truhuhuth!!’
The Host tried to insist with a shred of seriousness, but he only succeeded in whining giddily as he tried to keep breathing steady……but let’s face it, he was completely gone by this point. His switched speech perspective only cemented that fact. Iplier though…..he was feeling far more determined. He shifted his body so that he was lying on his front on the Host’s legs so his head was above his belly; Iplier’s hand stayed nestled under his shirt so he could keep his boyfriend in his stunning giggle fit.
'Oh Host……oh my sweet, sweet Host.’
Iplier’s delicate muttering kept the Host on edge as he nibbled his lip and tried to perceive what was going to happen…..but he had no focus; to be fair though, in this particular scenario the Host found that he preferred it that way. Iplier smiled widely.
'First, you reject my treatment…..and now you have the utter gall to disrespect my medical position? You are so in for it…..’
Iplier’s tone shifted to that of a deep growl as his words trailed off, making the Host whimper and shake his head as he smiled widely and nervously. Because now, Iplier’s previously tickling hand had moved so that it could force the Host’s shirt up so that the majority of the Host’s torso was exposed.Iplier took a moment to observe the Host’s belly, rising and falling with his jittery breaths, but Iplier soon refocused as he rested his roughly stubbled chin upon it. There was a pause…….before Iplier smirked and leant down to begin roughly nuzzling aaaall over every piece of exposed skin he could reach.
Iplier chuckled satisfactorily at the Host’s reaction, both he and the Host knew how ticklish his torso could be……especially when it was subjected to the doctor’s rough, scratchy stubble. Iplier tutted with a smirk.
'You know you’ve only brought this on yourself……god what an adoooorable ticklish thing you aaaare!’
Iplier cooed as he purposefully brushed over the Host’s navel, which earnt him snorts and bucks galore as the Host’s cheeks burned with his embarrassment.
The Host gasped for air amidst his laughter as he bucked and wriggled, his voice many octaves higher than usual which was just so precious in itself. I must say……in that moment the room was alive. The Host’s laughter seemed to mix with Jackie’s squealing hysteria in a unique way, in a way that you could say made them compliment one another; in a rather frantic, and desperate melody. It was clear to see that they were both close to giving in to their tormentors, then again, we all knew that that was an inevitability. Both Iplier and Marvin could see it. Iplier chuckled gently amidst his intense nuzzling whilst also including a few cheeky nibbles into his torturous mix.
'Torture? Wow, I must have really underestimated how ticklish you are…..’
Iplier trailed off as he purred and decided to nibble and nip sloppily at the flesh, which made the Host cry out and wail desperately.
The Host shrieked, making Iplier pause for a moment. The doctor was almost euphoric with feelings of mischief that coursed through him, but he was still a good man at heart. He took a moment to glance over to their neighbours, and smiled at the sight of Jackie’s red-faced hysteria; caused only by a few flutters and squeezes at his collar bones…….hm, interesting spot. The doctor turned back to the Host, with a wide grin on his face as he spoke.
'You seem quite desperate darling……so let me offer you, a choice.’
The Host gulped as he continued to grin nervously, Iplier’s pause certainly made the whole anticipatory aspect worse. Iplier smirked at his silence, so he filled it.
'Either you eat some of this sandwich…..or I eat you.’
The Host’s breath got caught in his throat at Iplier’s words, and a sharp chill went down his spine as said man grinned ferally and began to inch closer and closer toedge of the Host’s navel. Now the Host was a strong individual, make no mistake…..but even he had limits.
'O-ohokay okay! J-juhust don’t do it, I-I’ll dihie!’
There was a moment of silence before Iplier let out a train of light chuckles, and he reared up and away from the Host’s torso so he could lean and peck him on the lips.
'For once, I can definately say that that won’t happen.’
The Host let out a few tittery giggles as he began to catch his breath and sink into the couch, all the while a certain hero was close to finally conceding himself. Poor Jackie. Such an unorthodox place to be sensitive, the collar and shoulders. Every squeeze and pinch sent shocks and jumps through his neck and ears whilst his spine tingled constantly. His shoulders were scrunched, but the rest of him seemed to be frozen as he threw his head back in wild mirth.
Marvin couldn’t help but feel a bit bad, despite how much fun he was having. The magician still however, couldn’t believe his luck at the discovery of this new, and deliciously sensitive, spot on his boyfriend’s body. He couldn’t wait to exploit it in the future, because he knew that now……this beautiful venture was coming to a close.
'Come on baby, you know what I wanna heeeear!’
Marvin sing-songed…..and at last, the great Jackie-Boy Man had to cave in, before he completely lost his sanity.
His voice cracked as he fell into silent laughter, his face was red and tears were threatening to escape his shining eyes as he thrashed beneath Marvin. Said man immediatly withdrew his hand, observing for a few moments before whispering in a soft tone. The fact that Jackie hadn’t even managed to finish his statement made Marvin worry about whether he’d gone too far.
'Are…….are you okay?’
Marvin gazed at Jackie tentatively as the latter gasped for air as he too gazed at the other, but a large smile stayed plastered on his lips as he gave a weak thumbs up.
'Ohof course……Ihi’m a superhero!’
Marvin giggled as Jackie grinned enthusiastically, and without another word Marvin refocused on the sandwich that he, miraculously, still held. He tore off a small chuck and went to put it in Jackie’s mouth; yes, he was going to feed his boyfriend food, it’s romantic and beautifully soppy so deal with it. Jackie certainly didn’t complain as he ate, he needed to replenish his energy somehow; and the sandwich actually tasted pretty damn good. The Host’s need was similar, he needed energy so that he could refocus his mind……so it made sense for Iplier to feed him too, rather than him feeding himself. It was a rather uniquely synced scene. After a few minutes, both the Host and Jackie were back to their old selves and even shared a nod between each other; they had both suffered, and been rewarded. Marvin and Iplier shared a smirk too, they’d both been victorious. The whole thing was about to return back to normal……until the Host felt something strong. An emotion. An emotion of……dejectedness, and sadness. It was at that point that the Host remembered. Robbie.
'Hey…..babe are you okay?’
The Host faced his doctor at the sound of his caring words, and Marvin and Jackie both diverted their attentions to the Host too. Mild curiosity encompassed them as the Host took a light breath and mumbled.
The four of them suddenly turned to look at the space before them, where the small zombie sat cross-legged on his striped rug of alternating purples. His head had shot up at the sound of his name, and then he proceeded to shrink down a bit as he felt everyone’s attention on him. The poor boy was a little nervous……and indeed, dejected. He loved that his friends were happy, he loved it so much because that he was always surrounded by love and happiness and pure, joyous commitment. And yet…..he was never really part of that love, so it sometimes left him wondering whether people had any kind of love for him at all. Robbie nibbled his lip as he hugged his knees to his chest, eyes flicking between the four men as he mumbled.
’…….why is everyone staring at Robbie?’
His small voice seemed to pirouette through the room, holding tones of nervousness and innocent, curious abandonment. Iplier, Jackie and Marvin stayed silent as they looked to the Host, thus encouraging Robbie to do the same as said man tilted his head.
'The Host perceives that Robbie……feels left out…..’
The Host was deciphering his perceptions carefully, whilst Robbie hastened to shake his head and offer a weak smile.
'No no! Robbie is happy and fine! Robbie is not left out of anything!’
He convinced no-one, and the attention reverted back to the Host as he muttered, sighing as little bubbles of fondness fizzled in his chest.
'Robbie thinks that, because we are in love with one another……we don’t have enough love for him.’
The other three let out little, sad individual gasps as Robbie hastily looked to the floor whilst nibbling his lip, his grey fingers fiddling with one another gently. It felt strange to hear his own thoughts and feelings being spoken aloud by someone else……and the Host was about to say something more until Iplier lightly touched his forearm. The doctor gave him a glance which caused the Host to close his mouth slowly, a small understanding smile rising up as Iplier withdrew from him. The doctor slid from their couch onto the ground, and slowly shuffled towards Robbie until he was sat next to him; Iplier was cross-legged on the rug as he peered at him with gentleness in his demeanour.
'Robbie, we may be in love with each other, but that doesn’t mean we don’t love you.’
Robbie knawed on his lip as he tried to process Iplier’s words, and yet the poor guy still couldn’t seem to get his head around it.
'But……Robbie doesn’t understand? If Doctor Ippy and Marvy give all their love to Hosty and Jackie…..then they won’t have any more for Robbie.’
Iplier felt his heart melt at the words, the poor guy still didn’t understand. The doctor tried to rack his brains, and was about to try and explain it in a relatively simple way, but then another voice joined the fray.
'Hey Robbie……no-one ever really runs out of love. Love is more of a feeling, and it isn’t really something that can be made into an amount.’
Iplier felt himself smile as he saw that Marvin had also decided to shuffle forth, and was sat half-hugging his knees at Robbie’s other side. Iplier decided to let the magician do the talking…..the doctor figured that Marvin had the scenario solved. Robbie had already perked up by a small fraction, and his head was tilted slightly in Marvin’s direction and you could see a small shine behind his eyes; his brain was working hard……and understanding.
'So……everyone always has enough?’
Robbie’s voice was still a little quiet, but Marvin could see that Robbie was really trying here……and was close to succeeding. The magician smiled gently, his hazel eyes glinting softly as he kept his voice low and clear.
'Mhm. Always. Yes…..I do love Jackie with all my heart and I’m pretty sure that the doc does with the Host-…..’
Iplier smiled widely,and let out a small chuckle when he saw the Host’s cheeks go a little pink; as did the neighbouring hero’s, even though his eyelids were beginning to droop.
’-but, that’s a different type of love, so you never have to worry about us not loving you. The love we have for you is unique, because it’s for you.’
Marvin couldn’t help but feel ever so slightly pleased with himself, not only had he caused a genuine smile of joy to rise on Robbie’s lips…..but he’d in fact managed to cause it in the most poetic way possible. Marvin grinned as Robbie looked up to him fully, eyes bright and voice jittery with the force of his happiness.
'Do you really love Robbie? Like really really with honesty?!’
Marvin grinned wider as Iplier chuckled, and Robbie turned to him upon hearing the sound; Iplier smile fondly as he stated.
'Of course we do! You’re too adorable not to love!’
Iplier decided to sneakily flutter his fingers under Robbie’s chin, and felt his heart melt more when the zombie squeaked and let out a few gentle giggles. Also, even though Marvin only observed…..his heart melted too.
'Noho tihihickles doccy!’
Robbie said with a wide smile as he scrunched his shoulders and gently batted at Iplier’s hands, all the while Iplier and Marvin shared a brief glance; it only lasted for a few seconds but it held a very important, and mischievous, conversation. Iplier looked back to Robbie with a sly smile.
'But why not? We wanna hear more of your cute giggles!’
Iplier wiggled his fingers teasingly in the air as Robbie continued to giggle, whilst ever so slowly inching away from where the doctor was sat. Luckily though, Marvin was on hand to hinder any escape attempts; Robbie jumped when Marvin suddenly shuffled behind him.
'You’re not trying to escape are you?’
Marvin whispered as he gently wrapped his arms around Robbie’s torso, which made him squeak rather adorably; Marvin manoeuvred so that he could gently move Robbie so that he lay on the floor with his head in the magician’s lap. All the while, the zombie was looking up at Marvin with wide, nervous eyes as he squeaked.
'R-Robbie is too ticklish! H-he has t-to get away!’
Marvin’s grin morphed into a gentle smirk as he delicately held Robbie’s forearms as he struggled…..but he knew that there was no escape. Iplier smiled widely at the pair of them, but particularly at Robbie whose innocence and undimmed cuteness was still a constant wonder to behold. The doctor raised a teasing eyebrow as he got on his knees, leaning over with an air of intimidation as he went to perch on Robbie’s shins.
'Awww, “too ticklish” are we? Oh you poor thing…..’
Robbie’s smile widened as he shivered, watching Iplier with nervous curiosity….but his squeaky giggles bubbled up again as he felt Marvin raise his arms above his head, and the magician smirked widely as Iplier resumed wiggling his fingers in the air.
'Noho noooo n-not fair fahair on Robbie! Nohot fair!’
Robbie could feel the anticipation building, especially when Marvin’s teasy whispers reached his ears.
'Uh ohhhh, they’re getting closeeer…..they’re coming to get yoooou…..’
Robbie giggled harder as his gaze became fixed on Iplier’s fingers, the owner of which just couldn’t resist the temptation any longer. His hands shot forth to scratch and flutter in Robbie’s hollows, and the reaction was beyond perfect.
Robbie’s laughter was high-pitched, raspy as well as bubbly as it flowed from him, all the while he started to toss his head; he really hadn’t been kidding about his sensitivity.
'Awwwww what a ticklish little zombie you are!’
Iplier commented, which caused an embarrassed whine to come forth as the zombie hastened to look away from the doctor; he didn’t know how, but the teasing just seemed to make Robbie feel even more ticklish! Marvin meanwhile grinned as he observed, keeping his grasp on Robbie’s arms as he looked down at him.
'It’s “so tickly” is it? Well we never would have figured that out!’
Marvin smirked when Iplier let out a spluttered laugh of his own before rolling his eyes and refocusing. His fingers now trailed, and occasionally prodded, up and down Robbie’s sides which earned them even more brilliant responses. 
'Nahahaha noho pohokihies! Pohohokihies ahare bahahad!!’
Robbie yipped and flinched and jumped at Iplier’s sporadic, unpredictable movements, all the while gentle tinges of lilac appeared on his cheeks. Iplier grinned as he kept up that particular method, glancing at Marvin who smirked and leant down to whisper in Robbie’s ear.
'Awww do da ickle pokies tickle? Are they tickly? Coochie coochie coooo……’
Marvin purposefully cooed in the most childish tone that he could muster, and his efforts were definitely rewarded when the lilac on Robbie’s cheeks got darker and darker with every passing moment. Robbie scrunched his shoulders as he giggled frantically, Marvin’s mere whispers giving him chills and sending tickly shivers through his system.
'Ihihihit tihihihihickles sohohoho bahadly!! Yohohohou’re bohohoth meheheanihihies!!’
Robbie wailed with a small squeal, which only made Marvin and Iplier smirk at each other; god this was way too much fun.
'Oh if you think this is mean, you are in for a biiiiiiig surprise…..’
Iplier chuckled darkly as he sent Robbie a feral grin, all the while his fingertips moved downwards so as to tease Robbie’s delicate waistline and hips; the poor guy was cackling a bucking within milliseconds.
Robbie wailed as he writhed about, looking up with intense hopefulness at Marvin, who did have to admit that his pleading expression almost swayed him. Almost, that is. Marvin grinned as he locked eyes with Robbie, and as Iplier rubbed and massaged the bowels of Robbie’s hips, the magician spoke teasingly.
'It’s not mean if you’re enjoying every second of it.’
Robbie’s eyes widened as his cheeks darkened to the most stunning violet, all the while he cackled and bucked at Iplier’s torture. Said man’s smirk had widened at Marvin’s words, he looked to the magician with hints of amusement in his eyes.
'Well pointed out Marvin.’
Marvin snickered at Iplier’s tone as Robbie continued to screech and shake beneath them due to the maliciousness that Iplier was still bestowing on his poor hips.
The pair of smirking gentlemen looked down upon their victim as they chuckled gently, Iplier deciding to let up on his hips and just administer lazy, absent pokes to Robbie’s thighs. This kept him encased in squeaky giggles as Marvin taunted in his evil baby voice.
'Awwww why not? Does it make da ickle zombie all embawaaassed?' 
Robbie let out a flustered whine as his violet cheeks shone out like beacons of pure, undead mirth.
'Yeheheheheeees! Rohohobbihie cahan’t tahake ahanymohohore!!’
Marvin smiled down at the giggly man, internally rejoicing at how they’d succeeded in getting rid of any kind of moroseness that might have been festering. It was better than any spell Marvin knew, and it was better than any vaccine that Iplier knew of. The doctor grinned as he relented his poking and shuffled off Robbie’s legs, thus allowing the zombie to curl up as he recovered with his hearty blush.
'Hmm…..we’ll have mercy on you for now…..’
Iplier sent him a sly grin which made Robbie shiver and giggle again, which only melted the doctor’s already liquefied heart even more. Iplier watched as Marvin slung an arm round Robbie’s shoulders, smiling at him widely as he half-embraced him.
'Not feelin’ left out anymore zomboy?’
Robbie giggled at the nickname, before looking to the magician with wide and happy eyes as he replied with a bubbly voice.
'Rohobbie is the opposite of left out! He is….’
Robbie furrowed his eyebrows as Marvin and Iplier waited fir his words with a light curiosity; soon he grinned and clapped his hands together.
'Right in!’
As the zombie giggled Marvin and Iplier shared a glance of mutual agreement. This is the cutest person in existence. End of. The doctor raised an eyebrow as he mumbled.
'Well you can’t argue with that.’
Marvin snickered, and was about to say something more until out of the corner of his eye he spotted that Robbie had let out a yawn; his eyes were dropping more than normal, which showed that he was moments away from dropping off into slumber.
Hey Robbie, do you want us to take you to bed?’
Robbie lazily shook his head as he slowly decided to lie back down on the soft, thick warm rug; he mumbled lightly.
'Nuh uh, Robbie dun wanna miss new days…..’
Iplier and Marvin smiled fondly as Iplier swept some of the zombie’s unruly fringe from his face, whilst speaking in a low, melodious tone.
'Don’t worry, we’ll make sure you don’t miss it.’
It seemed that that was all that Robbie needed to hear, because after he smiled and let out a happy hum…..he just went out like a light. Marvin was impressed, and so was Iplier; but there were quite a few hints of envy mixed in.
'God….to be able to drop off like that….’
Iplier muttered, which made Marvin smile and gently mumble in response.
'Oh to be young, and not feel insomnia’s keen sting.’
Iplier withheld a light snigger as Marvin grinned, both of them looking upon Robbie’s slumbering form briefly before Iplier decided to spare a glance to the couch from which he’d shuffled; he grinned with a light sigh when he saw the Host…..sleeping.
'Oh my god…..’
It wasn’t an exclamation, just a phrase of appreciation and happy awe from Iplier, which made Marvin grin and turn to look upon his hero…..who was also in deep slumber.
'Marv did you do some voodoo crap?’
Marvin repressed a stream of giggles as he turned to Iplier with a wide smile, eyes sparkling as they lightly rolled.
'Nohot this time…..’
The both smiled and quietly laughed, whilst also subconsciously agreeing to let the rest of their group reside in the land of nod for the time being neither of them had the heart to even consider trying to rouse them. It was like an unspoken rule. So the magician and the doctor simply whispered together, the medical man raising his curiosity as to what Marvin’s “magical core” was, from a medical perspective; Marvin was elated to explain. And now, I think, we can leave them to it……as we go onwards.
We really don’t have far to go, a mere metre in fact only separates the aforementioned scene with the next that’s going to unfold. Now let me tell you…..this is going to be simply divine. Literally. For as we slowly approach, crossing from lilac and violet to a more lime and grassy ground…..here we have two angels. One is in fact more obvious since it features in his name; Angelicsepticeye, or just simply Angel, which is more than befitting. The second, was of equal purity and heavenly status; known as Lightiplier, or Light. This is again immensely appropriate, for when you are in his presence there is always a hint of a glow about the man; an aura of sorts. Light was always known to be wonderfully calm and serene, like an image of still, natural water; but not like that of a statue. He was reserved, but had no difficulty in terms of lack of emotion. He felt many things, primarily his love for Angel took precedence….but this had fractionally been replaced by hints of annoyance; not entirely serious annoyance, but it was still there.
This was as a result of his loving, kind…..playful, boyfriend Angel; who had taken to passing the time by flicking one of his feathers over Light’s nose and other facial features, with a slightly childish cheekiness.
'Is this…..necessary?’
Light queried through partially gritted teeth as the bronze feather flicked under his nose, making him have to repress a sneeze. They both lay on their soft rug, two light salmon cushions behind their heads as their bodies rested rather unceremoniously, with limbs quite haphazard; but they were very comfy. Angel nibbled his lip, his turquoise eyes went to meet with Light’s hazel ones.
'Nooo…..but ihit’s funny seeing you scrunch…..’
Light furrowed his eyebrows with a gentle sigh, Angel’s child-like nature never ceased to bamboozle him at every turn; Light shook his face again, and ended up reflexively screwing his face up.
'Well I can’t help it, as well you know…..’
Angel let out a small giggle at Light’s tone, particularly at the gentle annoyance….which was actually what Angel reeeeally enjoyed coaxing out. Now, don’t go thinking he’d actually plucked himself and caused himself pain in order to acquire his soft tool. The two beings had wings you see, Angel’s were bronze whilst Light’s were more of a white-gold; and on occasion, light moulting could occur. Such of which had happened for Angel on this particular day, so he simply took advantage of what his body provided; and it was very effective.
'Ihit’s still fuhunny, you look lihike you smelt something reheeeeally bahad…..’
Angel giggled again as he flicked the tip of the feather over Light’s cheeks, making him scrunch more as he narrowed his eyes at his giddy partner.
'Oh really? My involuntary expressions amuse you do they?’
Angel still giggled, but felt a chill go down his spine which subsequently made his winged appendages shiver by a fraction; which light noticed as Angel mumbled.
'Y-Yeheah….th-they do.’
Angel could already feel himself shrinking under Light’s gaze, and the former let out a surprised gasp when Light suddenly took his wrist in a gentle, but inescapable, hold. Light plucked the feather from Angel’s fingers and twirled it between his own, a smile growing as he looked back to his cheeky angel.
'Hmmmm….well in that case, I wonder what your expressions will be?’
Angel’s breath caught in his throat at Light’s words, and he found himself frozen in nerves when Light suddenly rolled over so that he lay on top of him……trapping him. Angel let out a little yip when Light suddenly Light brought both his arms above his head, holding his wrists together with one hand; whilst the other was free to manipulate the long, stiff feather in what ever way he saw fit. Light could feel his excitement brimming.
'L-Light, b-baby you don’t have t-to do this…..’
Angel squeaked, tinges of pink already appearing on his cheeks. Light smirked deftly, eyes glinting mischievously as he decided to trail the feather down the sides of Angel’s slender, sensitive neck.
'I know I don’t have to…..but I really, really want to.’
Angel shivered as he let out a high-pitched squeak, cheeks properly blazing as he burst into mouse-like giggles; his head tossed and turned as he protested.
'Ohononono ohoho nohohohoooo…..’
Light let out a gentle chuckle as the feathery fibres teased every inch of skin, going at a slow pace of up and down and up and down….it was evilly methodical.
'Now, now, don’t be too loud…..wouldn’t want to disturb anyone now would we?’
Angel let out a quiet whimper as he nibbled his lip in an attempt to muffle himself, he most certainly didn’t want to be responsible for disturbing the slumbers of a zombie, writer AND superhero; and yet, the adorable sounds found a way to bounce forth from his lips.
'B-Buhut Ihi cahahahan’t hehelp ihihihit!’
Light chuckled at Angel’s whining, and decided to lean do so his lips brushed the shell of his ear; it meant that Angel shivered even before Light’s whispering started.
'That’s not my problem sweetheart…..tickle tickle tickle…..’
He cooed in a breathy whisper before he purred and placed nuzzly kisses at that side of Angel’s neck, whilst the feather kept teasing the other side, as well as Angel’s sensitive ear. Angel meanwhile was in torturous hell as he wriggled and giggled constantly, his eyes wide with his mirth and embarrassment as his face began to screw up.
'Bahahahahaby dohohohohon’t sahahahay ihihihihit!’
Light snickered into Angel’s ear as he kept on with his chaste kisses, all the while he slowly moved the feather from Angel’s neck and let it hover in the air.
'Don’t say what? Tickle? It’s only a word darling, what harm can it do?
Through Angel’s giggling he let out a tiny whimper at Light’s ruthless teasing…..Angel was now really realising that he was in for it. This was proven further when he felt the soft, devious flick of the feather at the centre of his waistline; he yelped and bucked fractionally. The fact that he hadn’t even noticed it move just flustered him more; his focus at the moment was just non-existent.
'Ihihihit’s ahan EHEVIHIL wohohord!’
Angel squealed as he flinched and bucked, the soft feather teasing the taut skin at his waist as Light continued his sloppy onslaught at his neck; the gentle teases were almost worse than hysteria could ever be. Light chuckled at Angel’s words as he hummed.
'Well I think it’s a lovely word…..tickle…..it just rolls off the tongue.’
Light flicked his tongue over the shell of Angel’s ear, making his squeak as his cheeks became fully and irreversible crimson.
'Nahahahahaha sh-shuhuhuhut uhuhuhup!!’
Light paused, internally elated at how Angel’s words opened up so many delectable opportunities as he decided to rear up and fix the man beneath him with a hard gaze; he spoke in a low growl.
'You really love to cross the line……don’t you?’
Angel gasped as he giggled residually, little whimpers escaping him as he struggled to find his voice.
'I-Ihi…….n-noho I-I…..’
Angel trailed off as Light raised a sceptical eyebrow, before smirking and deciding to place a chaste kiss on his lips; he couldn’t help it, the temptation was too alluring. Angel was taken by surprise and thus put into even more of a daze as Light withdrew, looking down into Angel’s eyes.
'Naughty little teasers like you…..ought to be severely punished.’
Angel couldn’t deny how intimidated he felt, as well as how strongly the giddy excitement had built up within him. His mouth was slightly agape amidst his speechlessness, which Light chuckled at as he manoeuvred so he used both his hands to pin Angel’s arms tight above his head; but there was still an element of comfort. Light shuffled more so he could get comfortable on Angel’s thighs as said man’s gaze flicked between him, and the feather he’d just discarded. Angel’s curiosity reawakened his vocal chords.
'Uh…..what a-are you gonna d-do?’
Light smiled fondly at Angel’s stammers as he finally settled, before allowing a broad smirk to rise as his downy wings bristled and came to the forefront…..Angel’s eyes widened. Oh no. Not this.
'I……am going to tickle you in the way that I know, will completely destroy you. And keep you in the intense, flustered mirthful state that you deserve.' 
Angel visibly shuddered as he yipped, eyes fixed upon the soft plumes of feathers that were approaching him at a teasingly slow pace. But eventually they began to sneak under his shirt, brushing his waist, belly and navel with evil delicacy.
'Ohohononohoho n-nahat thihis ahanything buhut thihihis!!’
Angel struggled to try and move is arms, but Light had him perfectly restrained; so Angel had no choice but to endure what was coming for him…..which honestly, was how he liked it.
'Sorry to break it to you…..but this is what you’re getting. And you’re going to love every, single, second of it.’
Light’s words melted in his ears as the wingtips snuck up further. They swept and dragged up his sides and fluttered and stroked at his ribcage, making Angel let out a few brief cackles.
Light chuckled at his boyfriend’s pleas as his devious tools finally came to their destination, aka. Angel’s extremely sensitive, and vulnerable underarms; which, just so happened to be very susceptible to gentle sensations. Angel let out a loud squeal as Light cocked his head and cooed.
'Oh you divine little thing…..it’s too late now.’
The feathers were so soft and precise as they slowly dragged up and down inside Angels hollows, teasing the exposed areas relentless as Angel succumbed…..and was broken. Now, when I say “broken” I don’t mean hysterical, or begging with tears in his eyes and lungs fighting for their sanity; I mean that his composure, his mentality of defiance and coherency…..was destroyed.
'N-nohohoho b-bahaby…..n-nahahat th-theheheeere….’
Angel was shivering with his head thrown back, his mouth stretched into a wide smile as he giggled, whined and mewled at the sensations; essentially, he was becoming mush.
'Ohhh yes here….I know how much you just adore being tickled here. I know how much you just crave to let go and surrender to the tickly, and teasy bliss that I give you.’
Light spoke in a dimmed voice, a low tone that was meant for Angel’s ears only as he watched said man with love and fond awe. The way Angel’s body just shivered with innocent, joyful delight as it was teased….it was a wonder to behold, an experience one might say. Light’s expression was soft as he let his wings do the work, all the while he simply observed, amused at how Angel could barely look at him for even a second.
’D-dohohohon’t s-sahay th-thohohose thihihihings…..’
Angel whispered bashfully as his cheeks burned like crimson fire, his mind whirring and processing Light’s words as they seemed to contribute to his utterly ravished state. Light knew this of course, and his smile widened as he leant to whisper in Angel’s ear.
'Why? Does saying out loud make it worse? Does it make it feel more real?’
Angel gulped as a chill went down his spine, but it was quickly replaced by warmth as fond, affectionate kisses took the place of Angel’s whispers. His lips were soft and delicate, and worked in sync with the movement of the feathers; with each long drag came a lengthy kiss. Angel was just in utter bliss, he didn’t even think as he replied.
'Yehehehes…..ihit m-mahakes ihit wohohorse b-buhut I l-lohove ihihit…..’
Light felt his heart beat faster, very nearly out of his chest at Angels’ words; he couldn’t articulate how happy it made him feel when he got confirmation that he’d made Angel happy. The concept of bringing someone else real joy and satisfaction really made Light feel….indescribably amazing.
'It makes me feel so happy when….you say that you love it. Because I love you, so so much….’
At Light’s meaningful words, Angel blinked a few times; despite his immeasurably ravished state, when he heard those words come from Light’s lips he could never have failed to respond.
'Ihi lohohove yohou toho…..’
Light let out a little giggle as Angel’s eyes flicked up to his, with intense bashfulness encasing them; they held each others’ gaze for a moment before neither could hold back the urge to kiss. Light and Angel loved to kiss, they loved how the act was so intimate and unique, and yet so innocent; it could hold so much. Like now, it held their giddiness and adoration for one another; Angel giggled into Light’s lips as said man’s wings withdrew from his underarms, tracing down the rest of his torso before they moved back completely.
’…..th-thahank you….’
Light grinned widely at Angel’s mumbling and pecked his forehead lovingly. He still held his wrists however, so he decided to slowly bring them down so that he could place chaste kisses on the pale knuckles of his angel. Before long, Angel had shuffled to nestle into Light’s chest as Light draped an arm over his waist, and covered him protectively with one of his wings. They were encompassed, and together in peace and love. You really could say that they were a picture of divinity, and what everyone should aspire to be. No matter who you are, what you may, or may not, believe in…..peace and love are the ultimatums of our world; so lets achieve it. I think we will tonight, eventually; come, let us amble on.
That really was quite profound, and beautiful to behold….so this will perhaps be a slight transition; I’ll take you in slowly. We’re moving from the “main” living area to the aptly named “middle” living area. There’s no furniture as such, but it’s a nice open spot for when people might want to amalgamate; which was why it had been strategically chosen for the most important part of the evening. The New Year Countdown. Mounted on the wall was a HUGE HD television, with many wires extending from it that were all most likely extremely complex and important in some way; however, there were also some decorative lights surrounding it which twinkled and really complimented it. Those were courtesy of Oliver, who was incredibly proud of his contribution as he watched his three brothers tinker and fiddle with the set-up. Alongside him was Crank, who was also being extremely helpful by making comments on symmetry and aesthetic, which the other three Googles really appreciated.
'Perhaps if you actually assisted personally, the task would be completed to the appropriate level of satisfaction?’
Google Red commented with a fractionally raised eyebrow, looking between the two bystanders who both only shrugged with gentle grins. Oliver giggled a little.
'But you’re waaaaay better at actually setting stuff up and organising things! It’s literally your thing!’
Googles Green and Blue, or as they were known by Oli and Crank, Greeny and Bluey, rolled their eyes as Red’s (or Strawby’s) bashfulness crept up at Oli’s words; compliments were the one thing that even threw him off his stride.
'Th-that is n-not the p-point…..’
Crank and Oliver shared a giggly glance at Red’s hitched voice, and Green let out a gentle sigh; honestly, the utter childishness of the two of them seriously astounded him at times.
'You both still have a responsibility here, you need to contribute in some way.’
Crank let out a light gasp, which spurred Oliver to giggle and bring his hands up to cover his mouth, all the while Green just folded his arms and amusedly observed Crank’s affronted response.
'We HAVE contributed! Oliver has literally formulated and executed the prime aesthetic factors associated with the task….’
Green couldn’t help but grin lightly at the boy’s bubbly insistence, and he flicked his eyes to Blue who snickered and decided to observe the interaction.
’…..and I’ve been giving relevant direction, without having sat down for aaaaages!’
Crank finished resolutely, and Oliver tried to set his own expression to a similarly serious one…..but his giggles only hindered that particular objective. Green shook his head at Crank with a light laugh before his eyes flicked to Oliver in his giggly state; he couldn’t help it, he couldn’t NOT focus on the adorable sight. Blue meanwhile, focused on Crank, stepping forward and standing in front of him with an expression of fake sympathy.
'Oh poor you, you must be so exhausted…..from your lack of effort.’
Crank couldn’t help but grin widely as Blue’s eyes shone with his sarcasm and deviance; Blue was so glad that he had this fifth brother, especially given how much emotion he had bursting at the seams.
'You know what? I am actually, I think I’ll just take a seat down here….’
Without further ado Crank just decided to plop onto the floor, or rather the beautifully haphazard rug that covered the majority of the area. Hints of ocean, forest, sun and morning sky came together with a slightly…..rusty, aged hue overlaying it; binding it together. Crank wriggled to get comfy as Blue looked down at him, meanwhile Red and Green had also abandoned their tasks in order to convince their sunshine brother to also contribute to the challenge at hand; but at Crank’s actions, he couldn’t help but copy him with a boyish grin and a light giggle. The three Googles standing glanced at one another, and their respective irises began to shine as their lips twitched; and they came to a respective decision. Blue smiled deftly, tilting his head down at Crank as he spoke.
'You will contribute.’
Crank giggled gently, folding his arms with a defiant smirk as Oliver did the same in response to his two other brothers. Crank voiced them both.
'What if we refuse?’
Honestly, Crank was surprised at his own words, especially given how his confidence and defiance were diminishing with every passing second that Blue looked at him. The droid’s eyes seemed to shine brighter by his words, as if they’d motivated him in some way. Oliver had been observing his other two brothers, whose eyes had done the same……which sent a chill down his spine. Oliver knew what this meant. When any of the Googles’ eyes shone collectively, it meant that they were silently communicating with one another. Oliver fidgeted impatiently as Crank observed with nervous anticipation. After a few more moments, their eyes returned to their normal shines and hues; Blue turned to Green and Red with a small grin before he went back to looking down at Crank.
'Then…..we shall simply force you to.’
Crank jumped and paled at the sound of Oli’s desperate voice, and the sight he saw made him gulp and shiver. Red and Green had pounced on him. Green had perched on Oliver’s thighs and had his fingers rigorously scratching in his hollows, all the while Red had his arms pinned above his head; he had no way to escape. Blue smirked at Crank’s wide-eyed distractedness and used it to his advantage, this meant he as able to tackle the boy down onto the rug and start rapidly squeezing his sides and abdomen.
'NAHA! Bluhuehey nohoho noho tihihicklihihing!’
Crank exclaimed with a loud squeal, immediately descending into wild giggles as he thrashed at Blue’s touch; Blue had copied Green’s position, it was an excellent vantage point for ease of accessibility. The two in fact glanced at each other, grinning deviously before returning to their respective victims.
'But tickling is such and excellent method of persuasion, particularly for people like you and Oliver who are perfectly susceptible to it….’
Blue trailed off with a small chuckle as Crank’s hands frantically batted at his; which had decided to switch from squeezes to scratches at Crank’s sides; it transpired that they were a far more effective technique for that area.
Crank wailed, his cheeks were already a wonderful navy hue amidst his scrunched face; his head meanwhile, tossed about rapidly in his mirth. Blue chuckled as his hands delved under Crank’s black hoodie and t-shirt, thus making him shriek and hit out more whilst Blue got accessed his bare skin; his scratches and pinches roamed up and down Crank’s sides and ribs as he spoke nonchalantly.
'I must disagree, I think this is most adequate and appropriate for your transgression-’
Google Blue snickered as Crank wriggled and shoved at his hands fruitlessly, and he rolled his eyes whilst reiterating his phrasing.
'Essentially, it’s not mean because you deserve it for being so lazy and cheeky’ which brings me to my next point actually…..’
Crank screeched and cackled as Blue’s fingers rubbed his ribcage in slow, teasing circles as the droid himself maintained a cool, calm exterior; even though internally he was elated at the whole scenario….as were his brothers. Well, two of them at least.
'Awwww coochie coo Oli!’
'Who’s got a ticklish tummy? Oh wait…..it’s you!’
Green and Red giggled and snickered to themselves as they teased their younger brother with perfectly calculated, devious synchronicity; being at the mercies of BOTH of them was really taking its toll on poor Oliver.
Oliver squirmed and squealed, tugging at his arms in vain as Red smirked down at him, keeping his hold firm. Green meanwhile chuckled as his fingertips rapidly scratched at Oliver’s bare and quivering tummy which, as you can probably tell, was extremely ticklish. At Oliver’s words, Red narrowed his eyes at him and spoke in a slight growl.
'Well that was rude, I think it’s about time our little brother learnt some manners.’
Red sent Green a devious smirk, which the latter copied as his fingers splayed, curling and uncurling over Oliver’s sides and ribs whilst he muttered.
'I couldn’t agree more…..’
Oliver’s eyes widened as he let out a little whimper amidst his frantic and breathless giggles, his torso jerking from side to side all the while.
'N-nohohoho Greheheeny! S-Strahahawby Ihi’m sahaharry!! Dohohon’t tihickle mehe mohohore!!’
Oliver whined nervously through his giggling, flicking his eyes between his brothers hopefully as they both hummed…..but then they shared another glance where their irises shone. So…..after a few anticipatory seconds, their smirks returned and Oliver gulped when they looked down at him.
'Now…..is it just me, or did he just say “tickle me more”?’
Red spoke slowly and gently, his smile was a small, one as he looked across to his equally devious brother. Green’s emerald irises glinted as they flicked down to fix upon Oliver, who was beginning to frantically shake his head; Green grinned.
'That’s exactly what I heard!’
Olive was already giggling as he tugged at his arms and spoke in a pleading, high-pitched tone.
'Nonononohoho Ihi didn’t mehean it lihike that, you knohow I didn’t!!’
Oliver’s cheeks bore a lemon flush from his mirth and his utter embarrassment, all the while Green looked back to Red with an expression of innocent thoughtfulness.
'Honestly…..I think it’s our duty, as brothers, to make sure our little Oliver is happy.’
Green’s grin was widening, and Red’s lips too stretched as he listened to his sibling’s words with interest, as well as joy due to the mischief that they held; Red decided to dim his own voice, joining i teasingly.
'And having been provided with a method that he so clearly desires, it would be…..cruel of us to not utilise this information…..’
'Strawby plehease! D-dohon’t d-do this t-to me guys!’
Oliver’s words came out amidst squeaks and whimpers as he realised the state of his predicament, whilst Green smiled and both his siblings. Siblings…..he loved that words. Green’s mainframe refocused on the task at hand however, and he smirked as he nodded to Red who then shifted so that Oliver’s arms were pinned under his knees; and now, he had two hands free. Those hands appeared in Oli’s eye-line for a moment, before they disappeared and began their descent. Oliver’s smile seemed to glow as he squirmed, his breath leaving him in titters as he tensed…..he had no idea where he was going to be attacked next. Which was, in his opinion, rather cruel indeed. Green observed Oliver, his gaze raking over his shivery anticipation, his flushed cheeks, and his overall demeanour of joy……Green only had one thought in that moment. Thank, whoever is applicable, for the existence of emotions.
Green was brought out of his thoughts by Red’s exclamation and Oliver’s following squeal.
'Nahahaha gehet awahahay frohom thehehere!!’
Oliver wailed as he tossed and turned his head, because Red’s fingertips had started to haphazardly flick and flutter at his neck and ears; thus causing some rather wondrous reactions. Green grinned as he leant forward teasingly.
'Having fuuuun? This is too adorable, especially since this is meant to be a punishment for your childish laziness…..’
Green snickered as Oliver screwed his face up through his giggles and light groupings of snorts, who would have known that such gentle touches could cause such amazing responses? Well, it seemed that Google Blue was aware of this fact. He was in fact working rather in sync with his brothers, as in he had also decided upon a gentle and teasing approach for his victim. Crank was encased in embarrassed giggles as he flinched and yipped, since Blue’s nimble fingertips occupied themselves by tracing round his hips and over his waistline; the taunting delicacy had awakened Crank’s nervous system, which meant that it was rather agonising for him.
'Bluhuhuehehey…….th-thihis ihis ehehevihihiiil!’
Crank’s smile was wide and his eyes were screwed shut as he squeaked and bucked, his giggles plagued with random yelps as Blue worked methodically and without mercy. Said Google had a sly smile on his lips as he observed every reaction, documenting and cataloging as much as possible; for future reference, of course.
'Oh I think we both know that this is perfectly justified, particularly due to your……incessently cheeky defiance.’
Blue’s tone was light and taunty and it only made Crank grin wider, because let it be known; Crank is a cheeky little shit, simple. He decided to open his eyes fractionally, which he immediatly regretted when he saw Blue’s expression of devious satisfaction.
'Buhuhut thahat’s who Ihi ahahaham!’
Crank retorted, but then swiftly squealed when Blue’s fingertips swept over his waist; he probed and scratched over the sensitive skin which made Crank emit a whiny wail. Google raised an amused eyebrow.
'Oh I’m aware of that, but that doesn’t mean you’re exempt from giving an apology……speaking of which…..’
Crank giggled and sniggered heartily, he knew Google was going to get to the point sooner or later; Blue fixed him with an expectant stare as he halted his torment for a moment.
’……I haven’t yet heard and apology from you. Would you care to rectify that?’
Even though the teasy tickling had halted, Crank was still encased in bubbly giggles…..because he knew he wasn’t out of the woods yet. He took a few light breaths as he gently tried to tug at his arms, which Google had pinned under his knees; he’d found Crank’s physical resistance to be somewhat of a hinderance. Google stared patiently, looking at Crank as he seemed to think……but then he smiled. It was small, and childish, and was accompanied back a small shake of his head.
Blue blinked a few times, tilting his head as Crank with a curious smile as he observed him in his jittery state.
'Nope? So you mean to tell me…….that you DON’T intend to apologise?’
Crank felt himself gulp and shrink under Google’s amused stare as he knawed at his lip, all the while Google moved his hands from his torso and held them behind him. For the moment at least. After a few seconds, Crank whispered in a high-pitched voice.
’…..th-that’s r-right…..’
Crank cursed his frailty as Google let out a small hum, before he grinned and put his plan into action. His fingertips fell and hovered gently atop Crank’s thighs, which made Crank’s eyes widen as his whole body tensed.
'Are you……quite sure, that you want to stay with that decision?’
Blue’s fingertips had begun to lightly tap, trail, and seemingly walk themselves further down Crank’s legs; inching closer to where his knees were situated. They were half-bent,a sign of Crank’s nerves.
’……mhm….p-pretty suhure…..’
Crank knew what was coming, he knew how diabolical it was going to be…..but he didn’t care; he would be defiant till the last. With no exception. Google Blue smirked a little, not only from his amusement but also because of how he was constantly surprised by Crank. He knew he was going to lose, and yet he was going to face his consequences despite having the option to avoid them; it confused Google to no end……which he loved.
Google spoke with a light coo to his voice, making Crank yip and turn his head away as he carried on giggling in anticipation…..which also meant that he couldn’t bring himself to reply. Google snickered, knowing that Crank’s silence wouldn’t last.
'Well then….. you leave me no choice. Good luck.’
He was so deft and merciless, and Crank’s eyes bugged out of their sockets as he tried to comprehend the rapid scratching and scribbling at the backs of his knees. Google smirked as Crank’s frantic shrieks filled his ears.
Crank was bucking and thrashing and tugging at his limbs as his lungs worked to give him air, it was like being electrocuted; he’d never felt a sensation like it before. Google kept up his method as he peered down at Crank, eyes gleaming with the satisfaction and knowledge of his impending victory.
'But I think this is the ideal place for me to work. I know it’s going to get me exactly what I want.’
As Google’s triumphant words filled his ears, Crank continued to wail as he squeezed his eyes shut; he couldn’t bare to look at that embodiment of smugness any longer. However, others had decided to observe.
'O-oho gohod…..’
Oliver was one of them, even amidst his own gentle torture his found himself transfixed by Crank’s hysteria; just seeing him be reduced to that sort of a mess sent a shudder through his system. A shudder, that his two similarly observing siblings, had picked up on. Red and Green shared a glance, and they didn’t even need to use their private connection to communicate; Red spoke first, looking down at Oliver with rapt excitement.
'Y'know, I think that it’s about time that you apologised. It’s clear that your little comrade is close to breaking……so you might as well give up now.’
From his position on Oli’s legs, Green grinned at Red’s amazing tease as Oliver gulped and looked away from them; his hard-drive was focused on Crank’s screeching laughter. Due to how his focus had diverted from his brothers, this then spurred them to use the opportunity of Oliver’s distractedness. Green leaned over Oli carefully, making his voice clear.
'And now you ignore us…..you deserve to have this apology forced from you.’
Oliver blinked a few times as he picked up on his brother’s abruptness, and looked to him hurriedly; but he didn’t get a chance to look for long, because Green had begun to shuffle away. In seconds he was sat on Oliver’s ankles, facing his bare feet; Oliver felt a lot more motivated to speak all of a sudden.
'W-wahait I-I didn’t m-mehean to! I-I’m sorry!’
Oliver let out a small whimper as his gaze flicked to Red, whose demeanour did hold hints of sympathy; but it became wholly mischief as he spoke, whilst Green smirked and positioned his fingertips.
'Mmm, I don’t think you’re sorry yet…..but you will be.’
At Red’s words, Green suddenly became relentless. His blunt nails were perfect for scraping up and down Oliver’s taut soles and arches, as well as scratches at the heels and balls of his sensitive feet. Oliver hadn’t bothered trying to hold back his high-pitched scream as he, like Crank, descended into mirthful hysteria.
Oliver was already gasping as his wide smile threatened to burst his cheeks and dimples, his back arching in response to the sensations as he tugged at his limbs with all his might; but he didn’t get the result he desired. Red and Green were perfectly content with their findings though.
'Awwww coochie coochie coo! Look at these ticklish tootsies!’
'God it must tickle so bad……but is it enough to make you apologise properly?’
Their teases just seemed to support and bounce off one another, and Oliver’s cheeks seemed to darken even more as he wailed.
His wailing didn’t stop Green however as his movenents shifted so he was fluttering and flicking at Oli’s toes, which elicited some marvellous yelps through his laughter. Red still had his arms pinned, but he’d moved them from under his knees so he could hold them carefully; so there was a constant reassurance of safety in place. I have to say that at this point, there had never been a more utterly vibrant scene. An array of colourful people, drawing out an array of vibrant reactions; all amidst an array of encapsulating, charming decoration and atmosphere. It’s quite the marvel, I think you’ll agree. It was at this point too, that they all seemed to draw together; the three “tormenting” brothers grinning deftly at one another. They were connected in their deviousness and their determination to extract what they wanted. Then, there were the two brothers who were twins in their unbridled mirth, interlinked with empathy and dwindling resolve. The first to cry out was Oliver though, he just couldn’t take anymore.
His new incoherency was enough of an indicator, thus spurring Green’s fingers to halt and withdraw as Red too allowed for mercy. Oliver’s limbs were free as he hastened to encase himself amidst breathy, residual giggling; all the while he looked upon Crank, who too was about to give into the inevitable.
'Can I expect a coherent apology if I grant you mercy?’
Google Blue commented with a smile as he pinched and probed at Crank’s kneecaps, all the while their owner writhed with tears on his cheeks; thankfully, he managed to muster the energy to nod.
Blue hummed, his smile becoming more smug as his fingertips softened and gradually rose away from their battlefield as Crank gasped and gulped; Blue shuffled off him, thus meaning that he too was free. Both his legs seemed to tingle as his breathing returned to normal, and his rusty, oceanic orbs flicked to Blue’s, shining, sapphire ones. The latter’s smile dimmed to a more delicate one.
'Are you……recovered?’
Crank let out a huffed laugh through his nose as he sat up and nodded, all the while Oliver was doing the same. Red and Green had embraced him, without failing to include a playful ruffle of his hair before pulling him to his feet with wide grins. Crank smiled at the scene, and so jumped when a hand suddenly came into his eye-line; Blue’s hand. It was accompanied with a grin and a small eye sparkle, and Crank felt himself match that grin as he accepted the assistance.
'Good, I need you on cable disentanglement; you too Oliver.’
Crank turned to the sunshine eyed droid, who let out a light giggle as he was given two pats on the back and a small shove before Green and Red went back to their own tasks. Oliver shuffled next to Crank before looking to Blue and giving him a mock salute.
'On it!’
Blue sighed, rolling his eyes as he decided to briefly observe them; they both slowly sank to the floor where they began fiddling with bundles of cables, conversation immediately flying between them. Google didn’t know what they discussed, but when words left Oli’s mouth they seemed to make his eyes light up, and when Crank replied his voice seemed to buzz with happy enthusiasm. That’s what you hope for, I think. The concept of siblings is a mystery to me, but I think I understand the basis. The relationship between siblings is more than family. It is trust, and avid joy, and playfulness and respect all rolled into one. You know each other, because it’s like you’ll all part of the same puzzle, and when you’re all together you are just…..a masterpiece.
God isn’t it amazing to just have fun and play around? I think you can agree with me, given what we just witnessed; so lets move on to some more of that particular joy. I guess, this is somewhat of a “side” living area? I don’t know about you, but there’s something about it that just gives it an aura of seclusion. Perhaps it’s the yonder fireplace, they always bring so much to a room don’t they? Anyway, we’ll get to that soon. For now, I spy another piece of furniture, except this couch is a rather sultry, olive green with mintish hued cushions; it’s not an especially catching colour scheme, but it doesn’t need to be. It adds a sense of calm, especially due to its inhabitants being rather bold in character; namely, Chase Brody and Dr Henrik Von Schneeplestein. The prince of deft trick-shots and the patron of the emergency room; quite the match in fact, since here they are romantic in relations.
Relating back to fun, these two were certainly engaging in some in the form of charades; aka when one person uses actions to act out a chosen word or phrase, and the other or others have to guess what it is. Despite its perceived generic nature, it can really be quite hilarious.
'OH! Is it a space vormhole?’
Schneeple exclaimed as he clapped his hands, eyes bright with the hope of being correct…..but alas not as Chase shook his head. Chase was ready to admit that he was at his wit’s end, because of the fact that Schneeple was the WORST guesser in the history of charades. Chase sighed, eyes fluttering shut for a moment as he sighed.
'Okay…..lets try this again.’
Chase took a deep breath, then repeated his miming. He mimicked a cube-like object, after which he motioned opening a door, putting something in, closing it, pushing buttons, and then some kind of circling or rotating motion occurring. In case you didn’t pick it up from that, the object here is a washing machine. Chase didn’t know how much more he could simplify it because there was LITERALLY nothing else it could be; so how his dear, sweet Henrik had managed to get “wormhole”, “spinning plates” and “record player” Chase would never know. Now, participating is certainly fun, but watching was just as good too; which was what a certain gentleman was doing, sat cross-legged on the yellow, green and orange rug. His name was Dapper, and let me tell you, he was most certainly very dapper. With a jet black twirlable moustache, a topping bowler hat, and gentlemanly attire from the 1920’s he was the epitome of spiffing smartness.
Another quirk of this man was that he was mute, but he still made other noises like hums of content or hiccups of joy; it was just words that eluded him. However, he was in fact one of the loveliest people spend time with, since his flashcards and sign language made communication as easy and regular vocalisation. For now though, he just smiled and hugged his knees as he watched the doctor’s thoughtful expression.
Chase let out a loud groan as he grasped the peak of his cap in frustration, whilst Schneeple humphed with a pout as he raised his arms in exasperation.
'Vell vhat is it? Put me out of my misery!’
Chase shook his head in defeat as he spoke in a tone of overly dejected despair.
'Babe…..it was a washing machine.’
The utter exhausted, desperation that flickered in Chase’s voice made Dapper grin and let out a quiet giggle as Schneeple furrowed his eyebrows; he was clearly dissatisfied.
'How vos zat a vashing machine?! Your arms vere making vortexes!’
Schneeple exclaimed as he proceeded to wave his arms about in a mock impression of Chase, to which said man reacted with light indignance as he folded his arms across his chest.
'My miming was perfect and you know it! You’re just salty cuz you’re shit at guessing.’
Schneeple’s mouth dropped open, making Dapper giggle again as Chase grinned widely; teasing Henrik was so much damn fun.
'How dare you! I am not ze shit von here!’
Schneeple’s shoulders moved as he spoke, almost seeming to shimmy with the force of his sass and insistence as he also folded his arms; his lips were pursed, not from annoyance, but from his strong attempt not to smile and burst out laughing. Chase meanwhile, didn’t bother to hide his mirth as he snickered and stuck his tongue out.
'Oh c'mon just admit your crappiness! It’s not like you can hide it since it’s constantly plain to see…..’
Chase sniggered as Schneeple’s mouth opened wider at his rude cheekiness, and he was clearly about to give Chase a piece of his mind…..before a little, giggly cough caught their attention. Dapper had tried to clamp a hand over his mouth to stop the noise escaping, but alas he was too late…..Now he was forced with the couple’s full attention, particularly Schneeple’s as he was the first to speak.
'Vell it seems zat somevone has ze giggles! Did ve miss something amusing?’
Dapper felt himself grinning and letting out more little giggles as he flicked his eyes between Schneeple and Chase, both of whom looked to him expectantly. Schneeple’s eyebrows were raised and Chase’s lips bore a curious grin as Dapper slowly moved his hands from his face, quickly using them to sign.
“Chase is right, your guessing is really bad.”
As they both interpreted him, Schneeple ended up pursing his lips tighter with narrowing, steely eyes as Chase let out a spluttery guffaw. Dapper looked between them, and Chase soon recovered…..but he let out a gently exaggerated gasp before he spoke. 
'Well now that’s kinda mean!’
'I find myself agreeing vith you….’
Schneeple’s words were consecutive after Chase’s, and Dapper found himself being bamboozled, in particular by Chase. He cocked his head and wiggled his moustache in thought before hurriedly signing again.
“But I’m only agreeing with Chase, he said it first not me!”
Chase and the good doctor shared a glance as they interpreted the confused, and now slightly nervous, man; they both nodded to each other before they turned back to Dapper, and Chase spoke first with a sly smile.
'Ah, but I’m an exception! I’m allowed to say those things; but if someone else says those things then it’s just……so rude!’
Dapper fidgeted a little, nibbling his lip as he listened intently…..but he found himself picking up on the playfulness that laced Chase’s voice. He didn’t have time to analyse further however, since Schneeple’s voice made him jump and snap his attention to him.
'So rude indeed…..’
Schneeple trailed off, and felt a threatening smile make his lips twitch as he slowly leant forward on the couch; he bore a rather determined expression. Dapper knew it was playful, but both men’s movements and tones of voice sent  a light chill down his spine as his own smile was maintained; his fingers were a flurry in the air.
“I didn’t mean to be rude! I swear it I swear it!”
Dapper’s eyes were wide as Schneeple leant even further forward, and he gulped when Schneeple seemed to analyse him……before a playful glare took centre stage on his features.
'Hm……I’m not sure if I believe you…..’
Dapper fidgeted as the doctor rose from his seat and towered over him, pausing momentarily as he folded his arms.
'If I recall, you seemed razer enthusiasteec, and happy, vhilst you vere insulting me.’
Schneeple’s sky blue irises darted over the nervous man as his lips seemed to twist and quirk……alright, perhaps Dapper had quite enjoyed teasing Schneeple. A little bit. Said man bore a sneaky smile as his partner let out a curious hum as he stood, and inched next to Dapper as he looked down at him. Glee was dancing in Chase’s eyes, and he knew that it was slightly mean of him and Schneeple to do this; to tease Dapper like this. Then again, Chase decided that technically Dapper had brought it on himself…..that was a good enough excuse right?
'Yeah I noticed that…..makes ya feel good to be cheeky does it?’
Schneeple grinned at Chase’s words as Dapper hurriedly shook his head, his hands practically waving themselves about in their frantic energy; but even through his nerves, there was a small smile on Dapper’s lips. His signing was still as insistent as ever though.
“No no no! I wasn’t being cheeky I wasn’t!”
Dapper gulped and inched back when Schneeple suddenly dropped down onto his knees, they were at the same level now; Dapper could see his eyes twinkling with mischievous intent.
'Oh is zat so? If zat is truly ze case…..zen vhat is vith zis little smile? Hm?’
Schneeple tapped his fore-finger to Dapper’s cheek, or rather his dimple which had surfaced from his nervous smile; said smile widened as Dapper tried to look to the side so he could hide it, but he only ended up being faced with Chase who had also dropped to his level. His demeanour was equally as devious as he commented.
'I gotta agree, if that ain’t a cheeky smile then I don’t know what is!’
Dapper hurried to look down into his lap, to avoid their teasing gazes as a light, rosy flush appeared on his cheeks; just from the sheer, giddy embarrassment that he felt. As this occurred, his hands stayed still since they were too busy fidgeting with one another; Chase and Schneeple grinned at one another before Schneeple decided to aim a light poke to Dapper’s ribcage.
'Excuse me, ve expect you attention! Particularly vhen ve are trying to teach you some manners!’
At the brief poke, Dapper’s entire form seemed to indeed, snap to attention as his posture straightened and a little yip left his lips. Oh no. They wouldn’t…..would they? Dapper looked to the couple, whose eyes were shining with collective glee; Chase spoke up.
'Ooooh! It looks like that got his attention, if we wanna keep it then we shouldn’t let up!’
Chase snickered when Dapper started to shake his head, his smile morphing into an anticipatory grin; Schneeple let out an exaggerated gasp, and he could feel his fingers twitching in excitement.
'Vhat an excellent idea darling!’
Chase grinned with a happy gasp, deciding to worm his wiggling fingers into Dapper’s other side, all the while he looked to Schneeple with fond adoration.
'Awwww, thanks hun!’
As Schneeple and Chase exchanged their gentle flirtations, poor Dapper was just giggling frantically as he tried to bat at them and shuffle away on his tush; but his two captors quickly refocused themselves.
'Ah ah ah! Ve didn’t say you could leave mister cheeky chappy!’
Schneeple reprimanded with a light smirk as Chase hastened to grab Dapper’s shins so he could lightly, and playfully, drag him back between them. Dapper squeaked with wide eyes as he wriggled, but the poor guy had been taken off guard; instead of being sat up, he was now lying on the vibrant rug. If only he’d had some better balance. He looked between the pair of them nervously as the rosy dusting on his cheeks darkened…..particularly as a result of the doctor’s nickname for him; it had given him quite a few butterflies. Those were soon accompanied by shocks and tickly waves as Chase used both hands to work on one side of his torso.
'Tickle tickle tickle! Awwww, is Dappy a bit ticklish?’
The baby talk made Dapper let out a little wail as he tried to bat at Chase’s hands, which were kneading into his fleshy sides and protruding ribs; his squeaks and cackles were wonderfully sporadic, much like his defensive movements. Chase grinned down at the man, and couldn’t help but 'aww’ internally; he was so cute. His significant other was doing the same, and Schneeple’s and Chase’s gazes met through their shared adoration. Schneeple smiled before he hummed and lifted his hands into the air. 
'Hm, you still have not even tried to give me ze apology zat I deserve……so I think some more tickles are in order!’
Dapper gasped as he shook his head wildly, the sensations at ONE side of his body were already evilly torturous…..he could barely imagine what it would be like to feel even more tickling on top of that. Unluckily for him, he wouldn’t have to imagine for much longer.
'What an awesome diagnosis!’
Chase exclaimed, which made Schneeple chuckle as his raised fingers wriggled in the air…..before going to descend upon their targets. Yes targets…..plural. Poor Dapper. Not only did he have Chase’s nimble fingertips methodically scratching at his ribcage, making him cackle and squirm; now he had fingers fluttering under his chin and at his neck whilst a hand poked and pinched one of his thighs.
'Oh my love, zese compliments vill be ze death of me!’
Okay. Teasing had been diabolically bad, but pure nonchalance was just evil. Dapper was squealing and snorting as he was attacked from all sides. His shoulders were scrunched, his arms flailed, his legs kicked and his torso writhed; an unsympathetic person would call it the perfect workout regime. Chase glanced at the red faced man just long enough for him to relent on his torso, but only so he could fix his hair with one hand and use the other to scratch at the other side of Dapper’s neck; he sighed at the loud squeal, and he looked to Schneeple with a grin.
'Well you deserve them! Especially for being such a good doctor I mean, you diagnosed Dappy perfectly!’
Schneeple giggled a little as Chase chuckled, their fingertips dragging up and down Dapper’s neck and scratching behind his ears with stunning synchronicity; Schneeple’s other hand still kept up its haphazard onslaught at his thigh. At each pinch, Dapper’s whole leg would jerk away as the man himself let out a magnificent snort. Meanwhile, his squeaky giggling was continuous as he scrunched his shoulders and covered his face with his hands; the poor thing was so embarrassed. Schneeple’s tone of voice dimmed a little as he spoke.
'Even zough you’re trying to hide zat cheeky smile, zat doesn’t mean you’re punishment is over!’
Dapper’s grin was made inexplicably wider under his palms as he whined and thrashed about, with little tears of mirth reaching the corners of his eyes as he suddenly gasped. The sensations…..had gone.
Dapper was frozen with uncertainty, his hands still covering his face as his body tensed and he strained his ears; hoping to pick up anything that could give him a clue as to what might be about to happen next. He knawed his bottom lip, and his chocolate brown eyes blinked and flicked about; he considered peeking through his fingers…..but he was way too nervous. He jumped when he heard shuffling from either side of him, and he felt himself flush at the sound of a light chuckle. Dapper wondered how he’d even gotten to this point, but he didn’t have much time to think. Chase and Schneeple had been smiling at each other, and it only took a couple of actions and motions for them to formulate their finale together. Surprisingly, Schneeple had no difficulty interpreting anything…..huh.
They’d shuffled themselves, Chase was on his knees and leaning over Dapper’s upper-body as Schneeple knelt by his legs; arms raised with hands poised in the shapes of claws. They looked down at the tense, motionless man for a moment, and the couple smiled as a collective realisation swept through them. Dapper was still, unmoving…..and not even trying to escape his impending doom. Schneeple and Chase agreed…..this guy was too damn cute not to tickle.
They both yelled simultaneously as they dove in. Chase nestled his face into Dapper’s neck so he could nuzzle and blow raucously loud raspberries. At the same time, Schneeple’s hands had gotten to work with pinching and squeezing up and down Dapper’s thighs and knees; making sure not to miss any inch of ticklish flesh.
If you required an audio definition of a shriek, then this would be beyond perfect. Dapper laughed like a madman as snorts and squeals forced themselves from him, all the while his body writhed and his face contorted with his unbridled hysteria. Chase took the opportunity to coo into Dapper’s ear as he took a breath. 
'Coochie coochie coooo! We’ve got you nooooow!’
Chase emitted an exaggerated evil laugh as he administered his raspberries in frantic little bursts, and combined with the scratchiness of his facial hair, this kept Dapper squealing wildly. Said man’s hands had stayed rooted on his face to hide his crimson cheeks, which burned more at Chase’s words as Dapper whined too. For someone who avoided all words, he could still be remarkably and beautifully vocal. Schneeple smirked at the sound of Chase’s tease as he kept up his own assault and spoke in a low, taunting purr.
'Awwww vhat a sensitive leetle baby you are! Chase darling, ve simply must keep him!’
Dapper snorted and squeaked as he kicked his legs and tried to just generally curl up, he didn’t have the strength nor the motivation to fight back as he heard them both giggle to themselves.
At Chase’s response, Dapper felt himself smile even wider, and he wasn’t quite certain as to why. Wait…..yes he was. The reason his smile was so large and joyful was because of how safe Dapper felt, and that safety…..stemmed from the knowledge that he was looked after. It’s an indescribable feeling, to know for certain that you are wanted. Dapper had that feeling…..and he loved it. Amidst his profound thinking, he hadn’t even noticed how his tormentors had slowed down more and more. He peeked through his fingers, and at first he saw Chase who was grinning as he leant up from his neck.
'Ya still with us Dappy?’
Dapper was still letting out a stream of giggles as he breathed deeply, slowly letting one hand leave his face so he could rub his neck; those residual tingles were giving him chills. He looked to Chase and slowly nodded, letting the rest of his face be uncovered as he used his other hand to help him sit up.
'You had better be! I still vant my apology…..’
Schneeple exclaimed with a mock glare, which Dapper giggled at as he brought his knees to his chest; Schneeple had long since retracted his hands, but there were so many ghostly sensations. The nervous system was an evil, evil thing. Dapper smiled embarrassedly at Schneeple as he slowly raised his hands, and the latter smiled as he interpreted.
“I am sorry, honest! And only just alive…..”
Chase snickered at the last part as Dapper went back to hugging his knees and gazing at Schneeple; the doctor didn’t hesitate to chuckle and nudge his shoulder.
'Ah I forgive you! You vere wrongly influenced after all…..’
Schneeple trailed off as he sent Chase a smirk, to which Chase responded with a stuck out tongue and a playful sneer. Dapper let out a gentle sigh as the two men came close to him again, mainly so they could discuss what game to play next; but Dapper had something else on his mind. As do I. I said at the very beginning that this overall tale is about a family….I should have made that plural. This conglomeration of people are like microcosms in the macrocosm of their main family. A macrocosm is “the big”, the overall world or reality; a microcosm is like a mini-copy of that world, inside it. That’s what Schneeple, Chase and Dapper are. A small family, inside an even bigger family; either way it’s family, and that’s pretty awesome.
That was a nice thing to discuss. Discussions in general can be quite nice can’t they? Just to be able to properly ramble and have people agree with or add to you point of view, is seriously nice and fulfilling. As we pull away from our microcosm, we can now find a rather wonderful discussion. A discussion revolving around love and passion, which to the untrained eye would probably be labelled as obsession; but I think we all know better. The crackling fireplace set the warmth and the atmosphere for such a chat, and the dark pink and magenta rug only added to the comfort that Walter Warfstache and Yandereplier shared. Yandere had always thought that no-one could ever match the passion that they had for their Senpai; Yandere was passion, and passion was Yandere. Until they met Walter. The dark-pink moustached man’s love and dedication to melons was a wonder for Yandere to hear, because it meant they weren’t alone when it came to feeling so much emotion for something. It was the same for Walter.
He’d been degraded and mocked for his passion, and even he himself had labelled himself as abnormal until he encountered Yandere. Their vim and vigour sparked him, and it brought the man so much joy to hear the youth and the passion that engulfed them. It was an experience.
'Senpai is my everything, there is nothing I wouldn’t do…..they have a control, but it’s a control that I want them to have…..’
Yandere’s deep, onyx eyes gazed at the embers in the fireplace as they mumbled softly, clearly in deep thought about the person that they held most dear. Walter bore a light smile, the intensity surrounding Yandere was engulfing and drawing him in, making him want to hear more as he cocked his head.
'Your dedication is marvellous, it won’t be long before your Senpai is head over heels for you.’
Yandere felt their chest swell with pride as they turned to Walter with a wide, gracious smile. Walter smiled more wholeheartedly, because he meant it; Walter wasn’t the kind to say something to appease someone else, and Yandere knew that.
'Oh I know! Hardly anything stands in my way, I’ve been very thorough….’
Walter felt himself grin at Yandere’s light reference to their, not entirely legal, exploits and adventures; to be perfectly honest, Walter was still in awe over how exactly they’d managed to achieve some of them. 
'Indeed, your extra-curricular activities are wondrous to hear about…..’
Yandere grinned a let out a small, bashful giggle at the playfulness in Walter’s voice; they smoothed down their top and their neckerchief as Walter chuckled lightly, managing to catch sight of the bashfulness.
'I mean it! Don’t go getting modest now Yan!’
Yandere let out another giggle as Walter raised one of his eyebrows, his grin was wide and cheeky as Yandere narrowed their eyes fractionally.
'As if I would even consider being such a thing.’
Walter snickered with a light sigh as he observed Yandere turn to face the fire again, lights and sparks flickering in their eyes as they inspected the flames with intent interest. Walter meanwhile, just looked at them. He took in their expression, and how gentle it seemed when Yandere was relaxed. It wasn’t just their face that was like this either, since their entire form was lightly slumped and reflected their calm demeanour; it made Walter wonder how someone who seemed so innocent could carry out such acts of brashness.
'What? What is it?’
Walter was pulled from his thoughts when Yandere spoke softly and with a hint if uncertainty; Walter hadn’t realised he’d been staring at Yandere for a little while, and he proceeded to smile with a shrug.
'It’s just…..you strike me as so innocent, and I cannot even begin to picture you murdering someone.’
Yandere furrowed their eyebrows, straightening their back as they replied, with a small glimmer of indignance in their tone.
'Well looks can be deceiving, I am definitely not innocent…..’
Yandere trailed off as they gently folded their arms at their chest, expression set resolutely as Walter tried to dim down his wide grin; Yandere was trying way too hard. Walter couldn’t blame them though, especially due to who they have to live up to. Walter still grinned though, letting out a small hum as he muttered underneath Yandere’s curious scrutiny.
'Alright, perhaps not innocent……I think adorable is a hell of a lot more accurate.’
Yandere blinked rapidly, letting out a little splutter as they observed how Walter’s tone had a teasing edge; the former pursed their lips as they replied immediately.
'I am not adorable, in ANY way!’
Walter chuckled at Yandere’s insistence as he saw their lips twitch in their pursed state, which ended up in their expression looking rather like a pout. Yandere held their head up high as they awaited Walter’s response, admittedly with a hint of trepidation.
'Mm…..well I think you are! That little pout of your just speaks for itself!’
Yandere felt their cheeks heat up with rapid embarrassment as they observed Walter’s taunting smirk……which only sent more blood to their cheeks as they fidgeted.
'Sh-shut up……’
Yandere’s mind was too jumbled to make a proper retort, so they just decided to mumble and shuffle so they had their back to him; arms still folded at their chest as Walter snickered.
'Awww, you’re not going to sulk are you?’
Yandere twisted their lips in thought, before deciding to remain insistently silent; this only made Walter’s eyes gleam as his grin morphed into a smirk. Little did Yandere know that Walter was used to dealing with the silent treatment in the form of when he and his brother were younger; Wilford had perfected it before he’d even learnt to walk. Walter shuffled closer to Yandere, who tensed as they strained their ears.
'Silence eh? Hm……would you like to know why that is a reeeally bad idea?’
At Walter’s light tone, a shiver went down Yandere’s spine; and their voice came out as a whisper, since they felt compelled to respond.
Yandere didn’t have time to curse their stammer before Walter leant in behind them; moustache twitching as his lips curled into a devious sneer.
'Rule one. Never…….ignore……a Warfstache.’
Yandere gulped as Walter’s words fluttered and echoed in their ears, and they jumped harshly when Walter’s broad arms snaked round their midriff and pulled them into his lap. Yan was so taken aback that their arms flailed, eyes widening as they found themselves looking up at Walter; since they now lay in his lap. Walter let out a small chuckle as Yandere hurried to stammer.
'Wh-what the hell? L-let me g-go…..I-I’m warning you!’
They tried to strengthen their voice, but they only partially succeeded which made Walter chuckle more; Yandere was so cute when they were trying so hard, ironically, to be the exact opposite. Walter leant over them, his face directly over theirs as he whispered.
'You’re warning me? Well now how intriguing…..what is it that you intend to do if I don’t release you?’
Walter raised an eyebrow as Yandere went to open their mouth, but their confidence was stuck along with their voice as they averted their eyes; cheeks going pinker from embarrassment.
Their speechlessness made it extremely difficult for Walter not to “aww” out loud as he observed them. He waited a few moments before he spoke, his voice was laced with a teasing tone that could make anyone shudder.
'That’s what I thought. I think it’s about time that someone showed you your place……’
Yandere blinked a few times as their nerves built up, their eyes were fixed on Walter as he suddenly took Yandere’s wrists in one hand and held them at their chest; Walter snickered at Yandere’s silence, and decided to just get the shown on the road.
’……which is, that even though you’re strong……it doesn’t stop you being indisputably adorable.’
Yandere to barely begin to think of a retort before a squeaky gasp left their lips; both their smile and their eyes widened…..they really should have been keeping a watch on Walter’s free hand. Because now, it had descended  and started scratching all over Yandere’s top covered tummy. Oh dear.
'N-nohoho! Y-yohou gehet a-awahahahahay!’
Yandere tried to exclaim, but giggles overran their voice-box as they squirmed and tugged at their wrists; but Walter’s grip was unwavering. Yandere was totally at his mercy.
'Look at you still trying to give commands! It’s just so adooooorable!’
Walter cooed as he pinched the areas of light tummy pudge, which made Yandere squawk and yelp haphazardly whilst blushing darker at the teasing; they tried to muster up a glare.
'Nohoho ihit ihisn’t! Ihit ihisn’t dahammihihit!’
Walter let out a disbelieving hum, sniggering as he prodded Yan’s light abdominals; relishing in the sharp inhales, and the failure to repress squeals. Walter loved their insistence more than anything though, it gave him so much to play with.
'Oh but it is……look already at how your resolve has fizzled away, leaving you in such a bubbly and cute state-’
'Sh-shuhut uhuhup oho g-gahad shuhut uhuuuup!’
Yandere interrupted with a whine as they could no longer hold back their squeaks and giggle fits, their body jumping and flinching at the cheeky sporadity; Walter narrowed his eyes a little.
'Honestly, I try to compliment you and THAT’S how you treat me? This really has been a looong time coming for you……’
Walter’s tone lowered into a purr as he tutted, thus properly turning Yandere’s cheeks crimson as their struggles increased; and yet they weren’t extremely desperate, as of yet. Yandere’s eyes were wide as they followed Walter, who had started to lean down towards their ear as if they were about to whisper; Yandere had other ideas though.
'Nohoho ihit hahasn’t! Yohou’re juhust tryihing tohoo hard toho be scahahary!’
Yandere insisted as they tried to crane their neck away, with Walter still approaching them. But at their words, Walter stopped. His breaths were slow, and Yandere nibbled their lip as he felt them flutter around his neck and collar……and it got worse when Walter spoke.
'So defiant……and yet so unwise. You’re only bringing this on yourself Yan, just so you know.’
Yandere shivered with a light gulp, but then squealed harshly as Walter leant down to bury his face in their neck; he nuzzled and growled deeply as he still holding their wrists and kept them captive on his lap; you could tell, he had experience.
Yandere tried to scrunch their shoulders, but they couldn’t escape it. The nibbling was bad enough, but with the added feature of Walter’s moustache brushing every inch of sensitive skin they had……well, it made them a cackling mess.
'Yes heeeere…….mmm, you’re aaaall mine to snack on and tickle tickle tickle…..’
Walter growled and snarled which sent extra vibrations through Yandere’s system, as well as contributing to their widespread blush; Yandere couldn’t even fight against the teasing anymore. Walter nipped down Yan’s neck, and even administered a brief one to their collar bone; and was amazed to hear a screech.
Yandere gasped and thrashed, tugging at their arms in vain as they heard Walter chuckle; they knew they were in for it now.
'Oooooh, what an intriguing spot…….this means I have even more to devour!’
Walter smirked as Yandere frantically shook their head and threw it back in their mirth, and a near-mad smile was stretched across their face as Walter continued his devious work. He substituted nibbles for raspberries though, all along the delicate bones; Yandere, as you can imagine, was extremely grateful.
Walter chuckled, grinning as he looked up to Yandere for a moment; his voice was deep, sharp, and inherently mischievous.
'Oh but I can. And I am. And I will continue unless you admit the plain and simple fact…..’
Through his speech, the hand of Walter’s that had been on Yandere’s tummy had resumed giving out little scratches and pokes; Tummy, sides, navel, waist, it was most efficient. Yandere was encased in high-pitched cackles as they attempted a reply.
Their voice was whimpery, and Walter externally disregarded their words, smirking as he whispered with beautifully taunting intent.
’…..that you, are unquestionably cute.’
Yandere was yelping and squirming and shivering as they endured Walter’s tingle-inducing words, as well as the tickly touches……which had now moved to their thighs. Walter’s fingers effectively splayed and pinched, making Yandere cry out as they breathlessly rambled and cackled.
Walter raised an eyebrow, rolling his eyes as he began to lean back into Yandere’s neck.
'Oho we’ll see…..’
However, said victim stopped him in his tracks with a wild cry.
Walter paused, lips curling into a curious smirk as he rose up and away from Yandere’s neck; he glanced down to where his fingertips had swept and started to curl at the backs of Yandere’s thighs. Walter flicked his eyes to Yandere, who gulped as Walter lightened his voice.
'Ohhh…..now what do we have here?’
Yandere had no time to speak before they were being rolled off Walter’s lap so they were lying on their front on the rug; the immediatly hastened to start crawling away…..but a weight on their shins hindered that. Yandere could hear their own heart beating frantically as Walter hummed.
'Hey, look I know you want to impress your Senpai; but……this skirt? Sheesh Yan…..’
Yandere spluttered and let out a stream of embarrassed giggles as Walter chuckled at them, before looking back to the area of importance. It just so happened that the lengths of Yandere’s skirt and stockings allowed their thighs to be bare, but not so bare for any contact to be miscontrude or potentially leading to discomfort. Yandere mumbled, cheeks red with their blush.
’D-dohon’t do th-this……n-nohot there……’
Yandere cursed their weak voice as they tensed and clenched their fists, meanwhile Walter spoke in an airy tone that was filled to the brim with a taunting aura.
'If you don’t want to go through this, then you know what to say…….this is your last chance…..’
At Walter’s teasing command, Yandere let out a little gasp as their brain tried to work and process everything at an impossible speed. Yandere was so torn. Do they sacrifice their pride…..or their sanity? After a few seconds, Yandere let out a light giggle as they realised…..they’d lost their sanity long ago.
'I-I will not s-say it. Ever.’
The stammers were still there, which made Walter grin amidst his surprise at Yandere’s defiance; actually, who was he kidding. Walter had not only anticipated this, but he’d also hoped for it.
'Fine, your funeral Yan!’
Walter chuckled as he set to work, letting his fingertips scratch and dance over the backs over their thighs with an intense ruthlessness; Yandere meanwhile……had unleashed their inner banshee.
Yandere’s eyes were nearly bugging out of their sockets as Yan screeched and banged their fists on the foor; they wailed and gasped as Walter let out a few gentle laughs. This was like a spectator sport.
'Come now Yan, you know you can’t take this……’
Walter’s tease was stunningly malevolent, and Yandere felt it melt in their ears; it was all they could focus on amidst their hysteria and crimson visage.
Yandere was squealing as tears pricked at the corners of their eyes, especially since Walter was now squeezing the sensitive flesh; tsunami waves of ticklishness were forced through Yandere’s poor, poor system. Walter liked to think that he was a merciful man, but his need for victory always took precedence.
'Two. Little. Words.’
He punctuated each word with pinches to just above the backs of Yan’s knees……which rendered them utterly broken.
Yandere’s eyes were squeezed shut as they heard Walter hum contentedly, and he mumbled to Yandere with a grin.
'Yes. Yes you are.’
Walter chuckled when Yandere let out another desperate shriek.
Yandere’s partial incoherency and serious desperation spurred Walter to relent; he smiled as he shuffled off from Yandere’s legs. The owner of said limbs just lay there as Walter peered at them.
'Anything huh? Well first of all, breath.’
Yandere grinned widely with a breathy giggle, and their eyes were fixed on Walter as he guided them to inhale and exhale well; after a few minutes, Yandere’s sanity……well some of it, was restored. They let Walter help them to sit up on the rug as they muttered.
'Th-thahat…..was diabolical.’
Yandere almost sounded like they were in disbelief, which showed how the intensity had reallly been……and experience. Walter’s eyes lit up as he snickered, and gently pulled Yandere into his chest so they could nestle in as he replied.
'Thank you, I endeavour to try my best. Just like you.’
Yandere inhaled lightly, an amazed smile staying rooted in place as Walter grinned…..and decided to introduce melons into the conversation. Yandere listened intently, and was fascinated by Walter’s tales and how his passions seemed to mirror’s theirs. It is honestly a delight, when you find that you have something in common with someone. That is indisputable. But, when that something is a thing that’s profound, like the love or passion you feel, then it’s really special. That sort of connection is beautiful, just like sparks from a fire.
We’re doing well, we’re over half-way I think. Now we have another little wander, into another room in fact.  The kitchen here is a few metres away with cabinets and utilities that are essential, and otherwise boring. The part we’re faced with is much nicer and more interesting, since its main feature is a beech-wood dining table and chairs that is laden with a plethora of savoury snacks. Courtesy of a number of gentlemen, whose haphazard and unique personalities are key for such a task. Those people of course, are Bingiplier and The Jims.
'Jim do you have the cashews?’
'The cashews Jim?’
'Yes the cashews Jim.’
'Yes Jim, I just put them between the roasted peanuts and salted pretzels.’
'Ah, very good Jim! Nice arrangement!’
'Why thank you Jim!’
……..yes, that is how the conversation went and is in fact how the majority of the conversations between the Jims go. If I’m to be more specific, these two Jims are reporters; so it’s understandable that speed and efficiency are a part of their characters. Meanwhile, as bowls and platters were being shifted, we have Bing. He snickered as his burnt, orange eyes flicked between them both; he’d be completely content to just watch the pair of them. You’d never be bored. Although, he felt the need to contribute.
'Uh, guys?’
The Jims turned to him , eyes gently blinking as they both smiled and cocked their heads.
'Yes Bing?’
The spoke in sync, which Bing shook off since it was a constant occurrence.
'We uh, need breadsticks.’
Both their eyes seemed to widen before they burst into rapid fire conversing, commenting and generally rambling. Bing grinned as he watched them, leaning his hip on the side of the table.
'Oh the breadsticks!’
'Yes the breadsticks!’
'Fantastic Bing!’
'Yes Bing, you are a marvel!’
'This is why you’re better than Google!’
'Oh definitely!’
Bing felt himself start giggling, and so went to cover his mouth as the Jims shot off to the cupboards to search for their forgotten snack; not even waiting for Bing to reply. Not that he would have been able to since he was too damn stunned by what they said……I mean, wow. Bing shook his head and looked over the array of food, and he could feel his system becoming jittery with the thought of actually tucking in. Even though a being like Bing didn’t need food, he still reeeeally loved it. He flicked his eyes to the Jims, and they were both occupied…..so Bing figured that this was his chance. His hand shot forth to the bowl of cashews where he swiped a handful and shoved them in his mouth, and Bing smiled as he shut his eyes momentarily as he crunched and relished in their taste; dammit, now he was just even more hungry. But he didn’t want to risk exposure. He brushed his hand on the back of his jeans…..just as the Jims turned around; and they didn’t hesitate to comment curiously.
'Bing why are you brushing your buttocks?’
'Do they itch?’
'Is it a nervous tick?’
'It would be a rather strange nervous tick……’
'You could talk to Dr Iplier!’
Bing felt himself grin and splutter as he waved his hands at them both, repressing a few giggles.
'Nah guys, my jeans were just kinda creased…..I don’t have a habit of nervous butt brushing.’
Both Jims sighed in sync as they smiled, immediately going back to food arrangement as Bing let out a gentle sigh; dear god, he bet that even the Host wouldn’t be able to predict half the things that the Jims came up with. That did make them unique and special though. Bing went back to observing, despite how he was starting to get gradually more and more bored…..as well as hungry. Bing’s stomach was yearning for more, and Bing was having to fight the urge to salivate at a constant rate as even more crisps were brought out; oh the temptations.
'Ah, remember the doritos for Anti, we want a happy glitch on our hands Jim.’
'Well said Jim, do we use regular cool or tangy cheese flavour?’
'Hm……both, just to be safe Jim.’
And now Bing could smell doritos, dear god this was actual torture. Bing thought for a moment, then sighed as he internally decided; f*** it.
'Uh, what about celery sticks? We don’t want an unhappy edgelord either.’
Bing’s voice was slightly higher than usual, but the Jims didn’t notice even as they looked to him; their expressions were resolute as they agreed.
'We definitely don’t want that, do we Jim?’
'Certainly not Jim; although I find it ironic that the most bitter snack is consumed by the most bitter person in existence.’
'I must agree Jim, one would have thought he didn’t need any more bitterness on his person.’
Bing fought the urge to burst out laughing as the Jims went to the fridge, the way that their playful jabs at Dark bounced off of each other was just stunning; but now, Bing hastened to claim his prize…..and he did it successfully. Bing had a satisfied smile on his face as he went to brush off his hand again…..but then he looked back to the other two men in the room; Bing’s eyes widened when he saw one of the Jims, specifically the reporter in silver, staring at him. Oddly enough though, he had a small smile in place.
'Jim…..we have a traitor in our midst.’
Bing gulped as the other Jim, in blue, turned to his twin with interest in his eyes, before looking to Bing; he however didn’t get a chance to speak, since Bing’s babbling filled the room. He was clearly trying to excuse his actions.
'H-hey guys, look i-it was only two handfuls of nuts, and I’m super hungry! I haven’t eaten since like 6pm!’
Bing looked to them both, fingers fidgeting as the Jims listened; but Bing noted that BOTH of them were smiling gently now. Jim silver started off their train of statements.
'It’s not about the nuts themselves, it’s the principle.’
'You went behind our backs Bing.’
'Your intentions may have been innocent…’
'But this is a betrayal of trust.’
'Betrayal deserves punishment.’
Bing was hurriedly trying to keep up, and it was only thanks to his software that he managed to actually register anything. By that point though…..it was too late; Bing’s fate was sealed in the form of two reporters…..smiling, and approaching at speed.
'W-woah h-hey c'mon, you don’t need to do this! We c-can ju-AH!’
Bing had been backing away with hands lightly raised, his lips twitching from his nerves as the Jims had been pacing towards him; they had been going slowly…..but then had suddenly lunged forward and brought him to the floor. Jim blue held his wrists as Bing fell to the floor on his back, thankfully on the fluffy rug rather than the tiles. Jim silver had sat next to him as he seemed to smile wider.
'It’s too late for you Bing, if only you’d managed to restrain yourself…..’
'At least now we can do it for you!’
Jim blue let out a small snicker as he kept his hold secure on Bing’s wrists, even as he tugged; said man’s gaze flicked between them both, he gulped and wriggled in anticipation. What did they plan to do? Jim silver had rolled up his sleeves, and his words had been spoken clearly and serenely; despite his calm tone though, Bing could tell that he was excited.
'Wh-what are y-you gonna do?’
Bing’s voice was high and quiet, and the Jims seemed to become elated at the sound of it; Jim silver started off.
'Since your stomach has been vying for attention…..’
'Then we might as well help it from the outside!’
Bing was confused for a moment…..but then he yipped, and the confusion dissipated in favour of embarrassment and impending giddiness. Jim silver’s hands had started to prod and probe Bing’s tummy, slipping under his vest to get to the bare skin.
'Nononohohohoho! Dohon’t doho thihis oho gahahad Ihi’m sahaharry!’
Bing was already giggling as he tugged at his wrists, but Jim blue still held tight as he smiled to his twin; there was a strong inference of deviousness as he began their next spiel.
'Oh but we forgave you instantly!’
'We’re only helping your tummy!’
'By giving it the attention it clearly wants, right Jim?’
'Exactly! And it looks like my probing is doing well!’
Bing was quickly being reduced to a snorting, squeaking mess as his tummy was scratched and pinched by Jim silver’s nimble fingers; even through the light torment though, Bing could see their poorly disguised mischief.
'Nohohoho ihit ihisn’t! Yohou’re bohoth lyihing fihibbehehehers!!’
Both Jims let out little, surprised gasps as they looked to one another, seemingly stunned; Bing, as a result, started to regret his words as both Jims looked back down at him.
'Fibbers?! Well that’s rude!’
'We are no such thing, right Jim?’
'Damn right Jim! Goodness, I have never been so offended!’
'Nor I Jim!’
Through their conversation, Bing’s giggling had morphed into cackles veeeeery quickly as Jim silver’s fingers had spontaneously shot up to his ribs; the pads of his fingers massaged the bones as Bing thrashed about.
Jim silver snickered as he watched Bing with mischievous curiosity, and Jim blue did just the same. Bing’s wild reactions just, the whole concept of tickling intrigued them actually; the Jims loved it. They loved seeing how it could destroy the stubborn, wipe away the morose, enhance the smallest flicker of joy, and get rid of any tension that a person may be burdened with. The Jims also loved when they had an excuse to administer it, like with Bing. So they figured they’d make the most of it.
'We said we’d already forgiven you! Goodness, what a reaction!’
'Just from some very simple actions too…..’
The pair of them paused, and even through his hysterical cackling Bing could sense that there was something coming; and he had no way to fight back. Jim blue spoke again, very slowly.
'It does make me wonder if other areas would elicit such responses…..’
'I wondered the same thing Jim!’
'Perhaps we should pay attention to some other spots, just so they don’t feel left out!’
'Excellent idea Jim! And we wouldn’t want to be accused of favouritism…..’
As Jim silver trailed off, his fingertips trailed away from their torment at Bing’s ribs; their owner was left gasping and in a giggly daze as his eyes widened. Ohhhh he really was screwed; if only he’d managed to control his need for nuts.
'F-Fuhuhuhuck guys plehehehease! Nohowhehere ehehelse…..’
Bing then trailed off with a rather pitiful whine as he squirmed, since Jim silver’s fingertips were absently trailing round his sides and even near the droid’s back; at least, as far as his fingers could worm themselves. The Jims chuckled melodiously.
'But why Bing? Surely the rest of you deserves some care?’
'Come on Bing, let us be kind…..’
Bing was giggling as his cheeks burned a rusty, tangerine colour; all because of how flustered he was….the Jims were seriously good with their nonchalant teasing. Bing was so unfocused, that he didn’t resist when Jim blue shifted so he could pin Bing’s arms under his knees, thus stretching them above his head. This mean that Jim blue now had both hands free, poor Bing.
'Sh-shihihit…..b-buhut t-…..tihihicklihing ihis tohorturohohous!!’
Bing’s eyes were wide as he looked between his two captors pleadingly, but he found the butterflies in his tummy flutter incessantly when the pair smirked at him. Despite them being the same, their expressions still had light differences. Jim blue’s smirk was wide, cheeky and extremely boyish; whereas Jim silver’s was thinner, and had a distinct aura of mischief. They contrasted beautifully as Bing’s nervous system braced itself, all the while the Jims spoke.
'But Bing, don’t you get it?’
'That’s what makes it more fun!’
As soon as Jim silver’s words had left his lips, both Jims had started their tickly work. Jim blue’s fingertips had lowered and started endlessly fluttering at Bing’s neck and ears; such poor, delicate areas.
'Nahahahahaha! Nahahahat fohor mehehehe!!’
Bing had squealed and now tossed his head about, grinning from ear to ear as Jim blue snickered down at him. Jim silver meanwhile, was also gentle, since he was engaging in a more exploratory venture. His fingertips roamed over Bing’s sides, ribs, tummy, waist…..basically anywhere that could be considered remotely sensitive; all the while the Jims spoke brightly.
'Oh don’t lie to us Bing! We can see how happy you are!’
'Yeah Bing! You know you’re loving our tickles!’
The matter-of-fact way in which they spoke only embarrassed Bing more as his torso squirmed and flinched, and Bing was just entirely encased by giddy joy.
'Dohohohon’t pohoint ihit ohohout yohou pohohoopehers!!’
The Jims each raised an eyebrow in shock as they kept up their gentleness……they couldn’t believe that Bing had actually admitted it, without them even having to ask him to! Although, when they looked upon his shivery, flustered form they realised that any sense of focus had just simply flown away. Jim blue kept flicking and tracing Bing’s ears to keep him giggling and yelping. whilst Jim silver stayed absent as he mumbled.
'But we must…..such an adorable truth can’t be hidden away…..’
'Precisely! Such cuteness in general should never be repressed Bing, and I’m surprised that no-one else has discovered this sooner!’
Bing had no choice but to squeeze his eyes shut as he shook his head even faster, which the Jims chuckled at with strong fondness. Bing was moments away from actually fighting back with some moderately focused words…..but that was not to be.
Bing very nearly shrieked as he felt Jim silver’s fingertips brush over his hipbones. Now, I know you’re probably thinking that this is an area that will coax out some hysteria; that is incorrect. Bing felt so frantic because this spot…..would melt him beyond belief. The Jims were inherently curious, so they didn’t stop themselves.
'Oh really?’
'I doubt that very much, don’t you Jim?’
'I do indeed Jim…..’
Bing whimpered a little, but soon let out a weak cry as Jim silver’s thumbs started to rub the bones in slow, teasing circles. Both Jims watched with glee as Bing shivered and arched his back, giggling deeply as he let out little hums.
'Ohoho….g-gahahahad…..nahat heheheeeere…..’
As each second passed by, Bing could feel himself turning into mushy putty at the Jims’ focused work; his hips were being given ample attention, and his neck and ears were tickled with the lightest, most evil precision. The Jims…..were actually in awe.; they were amazed at how Bing just melted.
'But Bing, this seems to have a really relaxing effect on you…..’
'A melting effect, correct Jim?’
'Indeed Jim. And since you’ve succumbed so easily, it would be mean of us to deny you this…..’
The words barely registered in Bing’s circuits as he wriggled, his head rolling back as a gentle, lazy smile stayed etched on his face. The tingles and waves that were shooting through Bing’s system were…..indescribable. The area seemed to be some sort of nerve hotspot, which as you can see was highly convenient for his current captors.
'Mmm…..g-guys c'mohohohoooon…..Ihi cahahahan’t…..’
The Jims could see that Bing was reaching his limit, but they did take a few moments to relish in Bing’s state and demeanour…..because it was stunning. His body, relaxed, his smile open and joyous along with his glinting orange eyes and blazing burnt cheeks. The Jims shared a glance…..before they then relented.
'In that case, we shall grant you mercy…..on this occasion.’
'Indeed, but you should watch yourself in the future Bing…..’
'You never know who might pounce!’
As Bing regained his breath, he giggled and sighed in relief as fingers were retracted and the ability to use limbs was restored. Bing hugged his body tightly as he averted his gaze from their smirking faces; he was still so embarrassed.
At Bing’s muffled mumble, the Jims let out a collective snicker; and they also decided something. They both stood, and Bing could hear shuffling before he jumped, since a bowl had been shoved in front of his face. A bowl…..containing cashews. Bing flicked his eyes up, and grinned at the sight of the Jims; they had deviance dancing in their eyes, and kindness prancing in their hearts. Bing accepted the bowl…..and tucked in. Hugging his knees on a rug, a few metres away from where there were tasks to be carried out. However, Bing and the Jims knew something. It’s not really a task if it’s something you want to do…..because then it becomes a privilege.
When observing Bing, the phrase “working hard or hardly working” came to mind; I bring this up, because the first half of this phrase certainly applies to a certain man at the moment. We’re going to have to wander a bit, through a few corridors, but eventually we reach our destination. This is one of my favourite rooms, since it mixes work and play so to speak. With its crescent shaped desk with ample technology, and the gargantuan couch-bed hued with contrasting pinks gives the room a wholesome feel. When you have quite a work centred life, it’s important to have something comfy to fall back on when you take your much needed and deserved breaks. Wilford Warfstache, one of the two who used this room, knew and understood that. Bim Trimmer however…..did not. Bim was at the desk, rifling through e-mails and countless drafts of scripts needed for the new year; the guy never knew when to stop.
Wilford knew this. The vibrant man was on the path that we’d just come from, going down corridors with the intent of hauling Bim’s workaholic ass out of that room so they could celebrate the eve of a new year of shenanigans; those are his words, just to clarify. He bounded through the door, entering loudly as per; Bim merely rolled his eyes as he stayed focused on the screen before him, he knew why Wilford was here.
'Trimmer, shift it! That’s an order!’
Wilford exclaimed with fists on his hips, his expression set resolutely as he stared at the back of Bim’s head; and when Bim didn’t immediately respond Wilford stalked forward. Bim saw him partially in the reflection of the monitor, and smiled weakly with a sigh.
'Look, we both know how much needs to be done…..you deserve to have fun tonight babes, just leave me to it and it’ll get done quicker.’
Wilford twisted his lips at Bim’s light tone…..it’s clear that some of his own stubbornness had rubbed off on his work-obsessed boyfriend. Wilford knew that Bim meant well, he always did, but this was New Year’s Eve dammit! This was the WORLD’S exception! Wilford huffed, his bottom lip sticking out as he paced closer to Bim so he was standing right behind him; he let out a childish whine.
'But how am I meant to have fun if you’re not with meeee?’
Bim smiled a little wider at his tone, all the while he clicked through spreadsheets whilst mumbling softly.
'You’ll find a way sweetie, you always do….’
Wilford was the definition of dissatisfied, and a little annoyed too; did Bim really not want to spend time with him? It was a special occasion too. Wilford was silent, which unfortunately meant that his mind has started to…..work on overdrive. I suffer from this sometimes, overthinking. When something is said, or if the way it’s said seems even fractionally different then my brain can just spin and wind together scenarios and eventualities that are completely horrible and unrealistic; but my mind will convince me that they’re entirely rational. Wilford was doing this. Bim didn’t want to spend time with him on New Year’s Eve, so did that mean he didn’t want to spend time with him at all? Was Bim going off him? Did Bim find his need for company and attention annoying and tedious? Wilford swallowed harshly, fidgeting with his fingers as he whispered.
Bim immediately caught Wilford’s change in tone; previously he’d been excited, and wonderfully bombastic as he usually was…..but now he seemed to sound almost upset. Bim whirled round in his chair, and he felt a jolt in his stomach as he saw Wilford’s form slump and his energy die out; Bim cautiously whispered.
'Hey…..hey Wilfy, it’s okay…..’
Wilford stayed still, looking down at his feet as Bim rose from his seat; he only had to take a single step before he was right in front of him. Bim nibbled his lip nervously as he raised his hand and placed it under Wilford’s jaw, and he tilted it up so they could look at each other properly; that was when Bim realised…..this meant a lot to Wilford. And Bim would be lying if he said it didn’t mean a lot to him too.
’S-sorry I uh, heh, I just wanted to….y'know……h-have the New Year with you……’
Wilford tripped over his words a little as he hugged his middle, all the while his eyes flicked about nervously and with uncertainty. However, that jitteriness did die down a little when he felt Bim’s thumb run over his jawline, softly and in a gently soothing manner; it gave Wilford the confidence to look at Bim who was smiling lightly.
'Sweetheart…..I’d be a madman if I decided to spend tonight doing anything else.’
Wilford blinked a few times as Bim’s words sunk in, but then he felt warmth bubble in his chest as Bim leant forward and kissed his lips softly. Bim was slow as he smiled, deciding to pull Wilford’s suspenders so he stumbled fractionally; Wilford’s cheeks were tinged pink as they kissed for what seemed like a rather long while, but they eventually pulled away slowly. Bim felt himself grin lightly.
'I’m sorry for being a work obsessed idiot.’
Wilford let out a little sigh, rolling his eyes a little as he mumbled with a small smile; his paranoia had dissipated and flaked away like the weak thing it was.
'Well you can’t help being a dedicated, talented individual…..’
Bim gasped with a smile as he placed a hand on his chest, usually compliments like this would fluster him; tonight however, Bim was filled with bold joy.
'Oh Wilford…..oh how you make my heart a'flutter!’
Wilford grinned and let out a giggle, using a hand to cover his mouth as Bim drew back and performed a light twirl; Wilford shook his head at him……dear god he was so perfect.
'Oh my gohod shut up ya goofus!’
At Wilford’s reaction Bim grinned, shuffling forward to give a little boop to the man’s pink cheek. Wilford only smiled more as he batted Bim’s hands away, but didn’t protest when Bim’s arms snaked round his waist to hold him close.
'Now THAT is more like it! We are not leaving this room until that little smile stays put!’
Bim’s own smile was cheeky as he saw Wilford’s cheeks get pinker, god he loved it when he got the chance to be the flusterer; Wilford’s reactions were just the most precious things in existence. Wilford was indeed flustered, but that didn’t mean that his defiant nature had been dimmed. Bim observed Wilford as he looked to him, and the man’s gentle grin suddenly morphed into a small, childish pout. Bim raised an eyebrow.
'Ohh……that’s how it’s going to be is it?’
Wilford knawed on his bottom lip as he averted his eyes, desperately repressing his smile as Bim’s only developed into a stunning, gentle smirk. He was elated. Bim relished in the light shiver that Wilford exhibited as he pulled him closer, watching carefully as the man mumbled delicately.
Wilford’s heart was already beating faster…..and he could have sworn that it had stopped when Bim suddenly giggled.
'Oh I am gonna have so much fun forcing you!’
Wilford’s eyes widened as he squeaked, since Bim had swept him into a bridal hold in a flash as he bounded to the heavily draped couch; Wilford gasped as he was dropped as Bim’s weight settled on his thighs. The sight of Bim gazing down at him…..wholly handsome and mischievous; it gave Wilford the most glorious butterflies.
'Oh no……..’
Wilford’s words were barely audible, but Bim’s heard them and smirked wider as a result. He leant over Wilford, giggling again as he pecked his lips and whispered.
'I bet you’re sooooo jittery, because you know what I’m gonna dooooo…..’
Bim’s quiet words held a hint of a coo as his hands shifted to trail up and down Wilford’s sides, just to gently warm him up for what was to come. Lets be honest, Wilford was never going to not smile. His lips only twitched for a second before he was grinning widely, with giggles spewing from his lips as he squirmed.
'B-Bihimmy noho tihihicklihing!’
Bim let out a content hum, his tummy bubbling at the nickname as he relished in Wilford’s giggly state; he loved it when he was like this, especially when it was all from Bim’s touch. It was made even better by the fact that Wilford didn’t fight back, or even try to; he just loved it way too much.
'But you loooove the tickling! You love it when my hands are all over you…..’
Wilford spluttered and blushed at Bim’s lowered tone, giggling even harder as Bim’s fingertips snuck under his shirt to scratch at his tummy and waist. Bim’s eyes were glittering as he watched Wilford hurriedly go to cover his burning cheeks.
'Ohohoho my gahad yohou cheheeky bahastahahard!’
Wilford’s smile was wide, just like his bright brown eyes that were alight with his mirth and embarrassment. At Wilford’s words, Bim narrowed his eyes and grasped the beautiful opportunity that they offered; he lunged to bury his face into Wilford’s neck, nuzzling and growling as he properly dug into his belly.
'What the hell did you just call me? You wanna repeat that for me sweet-cheeks?’
Wilford squealed and writhed as he burst into bubbly cackles, he was gasping and squeaking as his words tumbled out like a landslide.
Bim chuckled as he kept up his rapid nuzzling, grinning as he kissed and nipped at a little spot under Wilford’s ear which got him to snort magnificently; that’s the thing about being in a couple…..you know every single damn spot.
'You better not have meant it…..or there would have been seeeerious consequences.’
Wilford shivered as his cheeks went properly crimson, god the verbal teasing combined with Bim’s damn teasing lips was going to be the utter death of him. Bim placed a sloppy kiss on Wilford’s ear before he reared up to look over his handiwork, and he was more than satisfied with the handsome rapscallion that greeted his eyes. Wilford was a beautiful mess, with hair mussed and smile wide and unencumbered as he mumbled.
'Ohoho….g-gohohod yohou meheanihie…..’
Well now…..Bim spied another opportunity. He let out a purposefully loud sigh as all of his movements stilled, and it only took Wilford a few moments to realise what he’d said; he looked up to Bim with wide eyes as he hurried to stammer.
'A-ah no, I didn’t me-’
Bim’s voice was low, and bore a tone of command that it never usually had; Wilford bit back his words, gulping as Bim’s eyes became narrowed and fixed upon him. You wouldn’t think that Bim, sweet, innocent little Bim could be remotely intimidating; but with his soft, well thought out words…..he could send many a chill through your system. Bim started to tut, words flowing out slowly.
'I don’t think I have ever met anyone, more deserving of punishment than you. You’re asking for it every time you open up that rude, little mouth…..’
As Bim spoke, he’d reached to run his thumb across Wilford’s bottom lip, as Wilford simply gazed up at him; transfixed and agape, with his heart beating faster in nerves and anticipation. Wilford’s blush was blazing like a beacon too, just hearing Bim talk about…..the “p’ 'word made him shiver; oh god, what was he going to do to him? Wilford let out a little gasp as both of Bim’s hands moved, his fingertips grazing down Wilford’s sides.
'B-bahaby…….Ihi’m sohorreheheee…..’
Wilford’s whimpery giggles made Bim smirk wider, and the sight of Wilford squirming beneath him meant that Bim was insanely elated; and he let out a light chuckle when Wilford flinched…..Bim had found his hips.
'Let’s be honest Wilford…..you’re really not.’
Wilford could only let out a wild screech as Bim’s thumbs suddenly dug into the bowels of his hips, speedily rubbing and massaging the bundles of nerves as Wilford bucked and cackled like a complete and utter madman.
Wilford, it’s safe to say, was in ticklish agony. His eyes were squeezed shut as loud, rapid squeals pierced through his loud laughter; you could say that this was a particularly bad spot for poor Wilford. Bim snickered and giggled, he couldn’t keep up that intimidating act for long; he was too damn goofy.
'Coochie coochie coo! Awwww look who’s a ticklish little baby!’
Bim cooed as he kept his touch firm, whilst Wilford threw his head back amidst his wailing. He was shaking as his hands bashed the sofa haphazardly and indeed violently, his poor body had no idea of how to defend itself, mainly because internally, Wilford had no desire to stop Bim. At all.
Bim felt his heart flutter at Wilford’s whine, and he as he kept up his torturous work so he could coo all the more.
'I’ll call you what I want thank you! Because you’re aaaaall mine!’
Wilford was gasping with tears in his eyes as his tummy bubbled with flustered butterflies, as well as tingles and bursts emanating from his hyper sensitive hips. The man let out a loud cry, since he was approaching his limit.
The desperation in Wilford’s voice rang loud, and Bim smiled at him fondly as he carefully slowed his rubbing movements; his hands swept away as Wilford breathed deeply whilst his eyes fluttered open and shut. Bim stayed perched on his thighs, looking down at him with a soft gaze.
'God…..I love how ticklish you are.’
Bim bore a wide smile as Wilford giggled lightly, nibbling his lip as he averted his gaze; his words were a little mumble.
’…..m-me tohoo…..’
Wilford was still blushing, it was at the point where it was questionable whether his cheeks would ever return to normal; but then again, a blushing Wilford Warfstache is a beautiful sight. Bim would certainly insist. Said man smiled and leant down, kissing Wilford softly and deeply as Wilford emitted a giggly hum. After a few moments of that sweetness though, Bim let out a slightly surprised squeak as Wilford let out a surge of energy so he could sit up; Wilford deepened the kiss too as Bim grinned happily. When they withdrew, Wilford wore a gentle smirk as he whispered.
'Shall we?’
Their eyes were locked as Bim nodded, but then let out a yelp when Wilford suddenly lifted him up; the moustached man stood with Bim in his arms as said man giggles came out bubbly.
'Oho gohosh WilfORD!’
The reason why Bim’s voice has suddenly become raised, was because of how Wilford literally sprinted from the room. Now…..Bim wouldn’t go as far to say that he was fearful for his life, because he wasn’t. He never could be with Wilford. Even though the goofily yelled words ’'ONWARDS TO 2018!’ echoed down the corridors, you have to admit; it was ever so slightly profound.
Time to continue on to something similarly profound, we shall have to traverse a few more corridors but we eventually will arrive; at a bedroom in fact. I’m going to tell a certain number of you to hush your lewd minds, I’m sure you know who you are. Anyhow, as with before there is only one gentleman here at present, Darkiplier to be precise. He was sat, perched at the foot of a lavish king-sized bed; it was formed with some kind of sleek wood, mahogany perhaps. The sheets though, were a light green with the duvet accommodating a darker, forested hue. We all know that that’s not Dark’s personal colour of preference, but when it comes to his boyfriend; it’s the colour that Antisepticeye rather loves. So Dark had to admit…..it was indeed lovely.
Dark smiled at the thought of his significant other, sighing as he absently stared at an opposing wall. He was deep in reflection. This past year had been…..a lot. And although he knew that spending tonight with everyone else was the right thing, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to be surrounded by people; he wondered if it might be best…..for him to take a step back. Let them have their time, and he his privacy.
Dark slowly grinned…..oh how unrealistic that prospect was. Dark straightened up as he looked to the doorway, and let out a gentle chuckle as Anti flew into the room; he was smiling like a maniac with his body glitching non-stop and rapidly…..god he was wondrous to behold when he was excited.
'There ya are! I was worried you’d bailed on me!’
Dark chuckled again as Anti approached, but Dark’s smile didn’t quite reach his eyes…..which Anti immediately picked up on as he cocked his head at his boyfriend. Anti sighed internally. He’d known that this was going to happen. This year had been a damn hectic and profound one, so it made sense that during the transition to the next…..he didn’t want to be under any obligations in public. Dark looked to him, he could tell that Anti knew.
’…..would it be so bad if I did bail?’
Dark’s voice was gentle as he fiddled with the cuffs of his shirt, all the while he gazed at Anti with real genuinity in his eyes. Anti smiled a little, he could see that Dark was encased in his profound bubble. So…..Anti did what he always did with a stray bubble; he popped it.
'Yes! Absolutely!’
Dark blinked a few times as Anti plopped down next to him, his smile widening as Dark raised an eyebrow fractionally.
'Oh? And why is that?’
Dark’s eyes sparkled a little, despite his earlier reluctance still fizzling away a bit…..he was curious to hear his boyfriend’s attempts at persuading him. He was not to be disappointed, since Anti grinned and swiftly clapped his hands together.
'Well, first off! Bing and the Jims have taken the trouble to put celery sticks with all the snacks, juuuust for you and your need for bitterness!’
Dark felt himself grinning despite himself, and his eyebrow rose further at Anti; said man smirked, he knew he was getting somewhere. Especially when Dark mumbled.
’…..go on.’
Anti smirked wider at that point. His gaze raked over Dark’s face as he spoke more, and Anti’s voice lowered into a small purr at this next little part.
'Secondly, when that clock strikes midnight I wanna snog the crap out of ya. I wanna make out in front of everyone so everyone knows who we are, and that we’re together.’
Dark’s grin faltered as a wave of bashfulness ran through him, and he averted his eyes for a moment as Anti’s cheeky giggle filled his ears; Dark cleared his throat a little as he fiddled with his fingers.
'Well, ahem, that uh….that sounds…..particularly inviting….’
Anti’s eyes lit up at the sound of Dark’s fragmented speech, and his grin was impossibly wide as he shuffled closer to him by a few inches; proximity, Anti knew, made Dark easier to convince.
'Is that a yeeeees? Oh and just so ya know, even if you do say no to me…..I can still make you come with me.’
Anti’s voice was a murmur amidst his speech, and the man let out a crackly laugh when Dark seemed to tense; but Dark still looked to Anti disbelievingly.
'Can you indeed? I don’t deny that you have many talents, Anti dearest, but I don’t think you’re quite capable of that.’
Dark felt himself smirking, since his regular confidence had risen up and reared its head; mainly because of how Anti’s words had rather sounded like…..a challenge. At Dark’s demeanour, Anti’s smirk effortlessly matched his. It was wide, toothy, and devious.
'Oh but I am…..trust me.’
Anti didn’t bother being patient anymore, he never could hold himself back when it came to getting his hands on Dark; and believe me when I say, Anti intended to get very hands on with his cocky boyfriend. Anti had taken Dark by his shirt collar and pushed him so that Dark was now fully lying on the bed; you could say that Dark was rather taken aback.
'Wh-what the hell Anti?! Y-you…..dare to manhandle me?’
Dark growled lightly as he squirmed, all the while Anti simply crawled on top of him. Dark’s gaze was curious, analytical…..and nervous. Anti was lying on him now, and Dark’s arms lay limp at his sides as he became partially transfixed, looking up at Anti.
'Oh I’m going to do a lot more than that…..’
Anti was so…..enthusiastic. Dark observed how his eyes seemed to shine and flick about, and the rest of him was just as restless; particularly his hands. They flinched and curled and tapped out in the air; and suddenly, Dark could feel the apprehension pooling in his tummy; and Anti must have read his mind. Because now…..a slow, careful hand had wormed its way between them so it could roam over Dark’s belly; the fingertips scratched over the thin shirt Dark wore, that offered no protection. Dark’s eyes widened…..fuck.
'O-oho n-no…. A-Antihi d-don’t yohou d-dahahare…..’
Dark’s voice had fallen into a much quieter resonance, and the man himself was fighting a smile even though his voice had already betrayed him. He should have known. Only Anti was bold enough and mischievous enough to do this to him; said man snickered as he purred.
'Oh but I must dare, since no-one else will…..and besides, I do love making a mess of you.’
Dark’s smile had broken free as yippy, sporadic giggles and huffs of air left his lips; Dark was squirming as well as being utterly tense, with his arms frozen at his sides. Yes. You may read into that. At Anti’s words…..Dark’s cheeks started to play their role too.
'Y-yohohou cheheeky dihihihick! Ihihi’ll m-mahahake yohohou regrehet thihihihis!’
Anti giggled at Dark’s words and his new-born flush, all the while his fingers explored and snuck under Dark’s shirt so they could scratch at his sensitive waistline. That earned Anti a few bucks as he replied with a sneer.
'What? Right now? When you’re all giggly and defenceless? I think not Darky…..’
Dark squealed a few times, tossing his head as he tried to ignore the teasing sensations…..but alas, by this point it was all he could really comprehend.
'Fuhuhuhuck yohohohou!!’
Anti let out a deep, fake gasp as he lowered his voice considerably; he sent Dark a light wink as he purred.
'Such filthy language…..what a dirty little boy you are.’
Dark’s breath got caught in his throat, but it was soon released as a loud squeal flew from him and Dark descended into squeaky cackles. Anti was smirking, glad that he’d decided to spontaneously scratch and pinch Dark’s thighs, which thrashed in response to the touches.
Anti raised an eyebrow as Dark tossed his head frantically, and his face was screwed up as he blushed and laughed; meanwhile, Anti’s reply was beautifully sarcastic.
'Aren’t you? Well that disgraceful language kinda suggests otherwise babe…..’
Dark could only wail and cry out as he tugged at his legs, whilst his fists stayed balled up and tensely motionless; however, this contrasted rather heavily with the rest of him. At this point Anti decided to, ahem, up the ante; in a manner of speaking. So he leant down with a feral grin, before nuzzling and nibbling at Dark’s tender, exposed waistline.
Anti giggled against Dark’s waist, which only made Dark squeak and laugh more as Anti just disregarded his words entirely; he smirked as he growled, using his hands to hold Dark’s hips to stop him moving as he mumbled.
'Mmmmm…..what tasty prey….I think I’ll definitely keep you aaaaall to myself!’
Dark gasped and yelped as his ability to wriggle was destroyed, and he threw his head back as he shrieked; Anti’s damn facial hair and lips and teeth…..were reducing him to a mess. It was made worse by the fact that Anti had pushed his shirt up way past his ribs…..he’d never been more exposed.
Dark’s desperation in that moment had unearthed itself as Dark’s hands suddenly rushed forward to push Anti’s head away roughly; dear god…..Dark was encased in breathless anticipation. Anti meanwhile, let out a slightly evil chuckle as he looked up; and without any hesitation…..he caught Dark’s wrists in his hands.
'Oh dear…..can little Darkipoo not take the tickles on his tuuuuum?’
As Anti leant up and away from Dark’s lower torso, wrists still in hand, he gazed at Dark who spoke weakly and breathily.
'Sh-shuhuhuhut uhuhuhuuup…..i-ihit wahas s-soho ehevihil….’
Anti couldn’t hold back his giggles at the sound of Dark’s whimpery flusteredness. It made Anti happy to no end to see Dark become undone so innocently, and rather handsomely. Anti was still for a few moments, before he started shifting.
'Oh, evil was it? Was it truly…..diabolical?’
Anti whispered as he pinned Dark’s arms to his sides, and then shuffled himself a few inches so that he could look properly into Dark’s eyes, whilst hovering his head over Dark’s torso. Dark meanwhile only gulped, and nodded hesitantly as he whispered back.
Anti pouted, pulling a faked look of sympathy as he gazed into Dark’s glittering, rusty orbs; Anti’s sympathy soon dissipated however, in favour of a demeanour of boyish deviance.
'Huh…..well if you can’t take it there, then I can’t wait to see what happens when I dooooo…..THIS!’
Dark screamed. No joke. It all happened so fast, in a mere blink of an eye. Anti had descended and had forcefully brushed and nuzzled all over Dark’s ribs…..aka the man’s kill spot; oh…..poor, poor Dark.
Anti cackled as he growled, letting his scruffy facial hair scratch over Dark’s bottom-most ribs; the glitched man relished in Dark’s hysteria as he kept up the torture. The fact that Dark was just so unbearably ticklish…….just made Anti’s year.
'Awwwww tickle tickle tickle! Can’t you take it baby?’
Dark wailed with a deep blush writhing about as he threw his head back in his wild, unbridled mirth. Honestly, no he most certainly could NOT take it! Although…..that didn’t mean that Dark wasn’t loving it. Especially with Anti’s teasing words in the mix, Dark was awash with waves of ticklishness and bubbles of reckless, embarrassing abandonment. That didn’t halt his protests though.
Anti hummed, grinning widely as he pulled a thoughtful expression, as if he was considering Dark’s words most seriously. This is rather hard to believe, especially since Anti had taken to nibbling just below Dark’s bottom ribs so his ears could feast on Dark’s desperate squeals.
'Mmmm, I shoooould probably relent…..’
Dark let out a gasp and shudder of relief when Anti’s scratchy, rough torment ceased and transitioned into light kisses which helped melt away the previous torment.
'Mmmhmhm…..yeheah prohobahably…..’
Dark mumbled, but then his heart faltered when he realised what he’d said; the breath got stuck in his throat as he flicked his gaze down to Anti. However…..there wasn’t any teasing mockery there, the smile was wide but it was genuine; and adoring. Purely adoring and in awe. In the space of a second, Anti’s hands had slid from Dark’s wrists, and the man himself had leant so he could kiss Dark’s lips softly, smiling all the while as Dark responded passionately with a slightly bashful grin. Dark reached up to cup Anti’s jaw as he sat up, forcing Anti back who let out a surprised giggle; Dark withdrew with a light smirk as Anti mumbled.
'Can you stop being so perfect please…..’
Dark chuckled, smirking widely at Anti who giggled again when Dark spoke in a low purr.
'Unfortunately, what you ask for is impossible.’
Anti grinned when Dark leant in to kiss him this time, but with a hint of cheekiness since he nipped Anti’s bottom lip with a chuckle; Anti shot him a playful glare as he shuffled off Dark’s legs, allowing him to sit up fully and run a hand through his hair whilst Anti then got to his feet.
'Vain bastard…..’
Anti smirked when Dark let out a loud chuckle as he too stood, straightening his shirt with a quirk of his eyebrow and a teasing air to his voice.
'Goading glitch.’
Anti froze. He immediately looked down the floor, fiddling with his t-shirt as Dark let a out a satisfied hum; it always was the case with Anti. His number one go-to method to get the torture he wanted…..give it to someone else first, so they’ll be sure to get revenge. Dark thought it was commendable, and frankly brave. Dark paced towards Anti, smiling deftly as he wrapped an arm round the man’s waist, and Anti looked up to him with a light grin. There was one more peck on the lips before they headed off. Yeah…..this past year has been a damn fucking profound one, but that does NOT mean that the next one can’t start with a bang.
I have some good news, and some bad news. The good news is that it’s almost New Years Eve! There’s not long to go now before the celebrations really start, and I can say with solid assurance that there is going to be a party like no other. However, that does bring forth the bad news. We’re almost done in terms of the scenes that we’re to observe tonight. Don’t worry though…..there’s still a little bit to come. Now, you’ll require a bit of your memory for this; do you remember the area where our lovely set of Google brothers and their cranky sibling were setting up the countdown? I think you do. Well surprise, we’re back there now, but we are not to linger. Now, there is a wonderful HD TV up there, as you know, so we are going to turn our back on it and walk straight ahead; there are a pair of double doors which open out to a stunning, grey-stone balcony. It has of course been adorned with fairy lights, we can once again thank dear Oliver for that. Our attention however, should be on the man leaning and looking out across the barely visible landscape.
The man in 20’s era attire sighed, smiling weakly as he let the surprisingly warm air brush his face and hands. Mayor Damien was…..content. Don’t ask how he could be there, he just was. He existed, rather perfectly, in the world and on that balcony….and he was the happiest he’d ever been. Although, his smile wasn’t too wide; he still had his decorum. He was so serene and composed, to be honest it was the sort of scene you’d depict in an oil painting; the sort that would bring silence among a group. It was nice. However……some might say it was plain, or lacking a dash of colour. So it is rather convenient then, that a sudden presence approaching Damien from behind was certain to provide that…..much needed, splash of vibrancy. Damien let out a little gasp when he felt two arms snake around his waist, and a chin rest on his shoulder; a low voice whispered teasingly.
'Well now…..what’s a handsome gent like you doin all alone?’
Damien felt himself smiling wider as he was lightly spun, and he came face to face with a teasing, moustached fiend. Or rather, his teasing moustached fiend.
'Oh nothing…..just waiting for the right person to come along and, sweep me off my feet.’
Damien’s voice was gentle, and it made Colonel William chuckle as he pulled his dear mayor closer. His hat had been discarded a little while ago, but his conglomeration of glasses remained and framed his face, as well as his growing smirk. The Colonel’s jet black moustache wiggled as the man spoke in his gently dramatized tone of voice.
'My dear sir…..I must gladly inform you, that your wait is over.’
Damien couldn’t help but let out a giggle as The Colonel leant in and swiftly connected their lips, letting out a low hum as he ran his hands up and down Damien’s back soothingly and adoringly. Damien’s eyes had fluttered shut as he smiled into the kiss, letting one of his hands gently roam into the Colonel’s hair whilst the other remained at the small of his back. It was a beautiful moment, it really was. Despite that fact that Damien was letting out little giggles, which amused the Colonel greatly as he pulled away with a curious smile.
'Someone’s a little giggle monster, do my affections amuse you?’
Damien was trying to withhold his wide grin as he looked to the floor, and he cleared his throat as he tried to put forth his answer in the least embarrassing way possible; alas, Damien found that there was only one way to word it…..and it made him stammer rather adorably.
'I-It…..your damned moustache t-tickles…..’
The Colonel raised an eyebrow before he smiled wider, his gaze raking over Damien’s evidently flustered state; the Colonel swiftly chuckled and elected to lean in and whisper in Damien’s ear, purposely brushing his moustache over the other man’s neck.
'Is that so? Does that mean that this…..tickles?’
The Colonel’s voice had lowered into a purr as he gently brushed his facial hair, whilst Damien squeaked and hurriedly to cover his mouth as well as squirm away. He soon realised though, that with The Colonel’s arms around his waist, he had no way to escape; his words came out rather quickly, and at a much higher pitch than normal.
'W-Wihihill! Nohohot h-hehehere!’
Damien’s giggles were gentle, and the Colonel grinned as he pulled Damien tightly into his chest so he couldn’t get away. Damien was ever so embarrassed already, mainly at the concept of someone possibly seeing them, and seeing him like this; as you can imagine, the Colonel knew of this. That didn’t mean he was going to relent though, how could he possibly want to miss out on hearing his darling’s sweet giggles? So he decided to move his nuzzling to the shell of Damien’ ear.
'Not on your neck? Very well…..how about on your cute little ears, hm?’
Damien let out a loud squeal as he pushed at the Colonel’s chest, gasping as he tried to shake his head; the man was just awash with sensitive spots, and they both knew it. Not only that, but the Colonel’s chuckling sent many a chill down Damien’s spine as he whined.
'Dohohohon’t doho thihihis toho meheheheeee!’
Damien’s smile was impossibly wide by this point, courtesy of the rapid tingles and bolts shooting through his system as provided by the dear Colonel. Said man pulled away briefly, eyes shining with glee as he gazed upon he flustered man in his arms; goodness, he really was a handsome devil. The Colonel smirked as Damien looked up at him nervously, and the former leant in so he could whisper.
'Oh but my dear Damien….how could I possibly resist?’
Damien’s eyes widened as he suddenly felt the Colonel’s hands sneakily go to scratch and knead his sides, almost making him double over as he spluttered and cackled.
Damien twisted and writhed, but he couldn’t escape the mischievous Colonel who still held him to his chest, whilst managing to reach under his tailored jacket and shirt so he could scratch Damien’s bare sides. The Colonel was relishing in Damien’s reactions, but as he looked at him he couldn’t help but feel that his cheeks were missing a little something.
'Coochie coochie coooo! You are quite the ticklish one aren’t you my dear?’
And there it was, a stunning rose flush blossomed on Damien’s cheeks as he hurried to cover his face; that damned teasing was just uncalled for! The Colonel was just elated, any opportunity to see his dear Damien finally let loose was a moment to be revered.
The Colonel snickered, and his voice came out in a light purr as one of his hands decide to attack Damien’s tummy; which was infinitely more sensitive.
'Quite sassy too, perhaps you should reign in that little attitude of yours…..’
Damien was very nearly breathless as he laughter spewed from him, because alas his poor tummy was his kryptonite; and the Colonel knew how to render him defeated in a heartbeat. The Colonel’s fingertips roughly scratched the pudge they found, but were delicate over his waistline and round his navel; when they circled that little area, Damien was a squeaking and snorting mess. At the Colonel’s words, his blush darkened to a crimson as he hurriedly looked away fro im…..and yet; there was a spark. A spark of defiance.
The Colonel was heavily taken aback, and yet rather proud. He let his smirk dim into a light smile as he suddenly withdrew his devious fingers, making Damien gasp and breath deeply in surprise; the man’s stomach was bubbling with anticipation…..oh lord what had he done? Damien nibbled his lip nervously as he suddenly felt the Colonel’s hand cup his jaw, and tilt his face up so they were looking at one another. Damien’s gaze was fixed on the Colonel as he whispered.
'Or…..I shall be forced to discipline you!’
Damien’s heart almost leapt out of his chest, the Colonel just moved so quickly. The Colonel had leant forward to kiss Damien passionately, not only to catch him off guard but also because those lips were so damn inviting; he couldn’t help himself. Whilst Damien was caught up however, the Colonel suddenly knocked Damien off his feet so that he could hold him in a bridal position; this made Damien squeal and ramble rather frantically.
The Colonel chuckled, smirking deftly when Damien’s arms hurried to wrap round his neck as he tensed; god he was just too cute and too delicate for his own good. The Colonel looked down at him, feeling immensely satisfied at the sight of the nerves flickering in Damien’s eyes; he spoke in a gruff voice, almost bordering a growl which made Damien shiver and gulp.
'You don’t get to give orders here…..and now, it’s time for your punishment…..’
Damien was ever so jittery, since his mind was whirring away and trying to think of what the Colonel could possibly intend; however, the Colonel’s trait of impatience meant that Damien didn’t wait for long. The Colonel leant down and immediately buried his face under Damien’s crumpled shirt, which already got him giggling frantically; but then…..he screamed.
The Colonel smirked as he roughly nuzzled and nibbled the rim of Damien’s navel, his moustache rubbing and tickling as he growled and made some rather goofy eating noises.
'Mmmm what a taaaaasty maaaaayor…..nomnomnomnooommm…..’
Damien shrieked as he tried to thrash, but he could barely even wriggle in the Colonel’s arms; and he couldn’t risk fighting back in case he made the Colonel let go of him! At least, that’s what Damien told himself.
The Colonel had to hold back a stream of chuckling at Damien’s words, dear god it should be illegal to be this adorable. Damien meanwhile was screeching desperately as he heard the Colonel hum into his belly. 
'Perhaps I shall relent……if you say sorry for being such a sassy lassy!’
Lets just say…..Damien’s words shot out faster than a .220 Swift bullet. The Colonel was proud.
The Colonel smirked, letting out a light giggle as he stilled his torturous movements; he glanced at Damien who had wide eyes as his chest rose and fell slowly. They were silent for a few moments, but eventually Damien straightened up a little and cleared his throat; well, that was certainly an experience.
’…..y-you shouldn’t behe allowed t-to be so good ahat that…..’
The Colonel raised an eyebrow as he let out a light laugh, which made Damien avert his gaze bashfully; the Colonel decided to administer a final little peck to Damien’s belly button before he muttered lowly.
'You know me Damien, I live to exceed expectations…..’
Damien giggled lightly as he felt the Colonel lower him back to his feet, he wobbled for a second before he hurriedly fixed his shirt and jacket; he was still blushing wildly, which the Colonel was most happy about. The Colonel watched Damien fix himself up; it was true that the Colonel liked it when his decorum  was gone and he was a flushed mess…..but he couldn’t deny how damn fine he looked when he was smart. Damien was a fine figure, in more ways than one. Said gent looked up, and smiled a little embarrassedly when he saw the Colonel looking; he mumbled gently.
'You always do my dear…..’
The Colonel smiled, with a hint of bashfulness of his own as Damien leant forward and pecked him on the lips; the Colonel swiftly grinned and offered Damien his arm.
'Shall we Damien?’
Said man giggled lightly, and didn’t hesitate to curl his arm around the Colonel’s; he held the man’s forearm as he whispered.
'We shall, William.’
With that they stepped forward and through…..joining the rest. I would go into a profound explanation, but I think that movement presents enough by itself…..don’t you?
Everyone is here, all together. Twenty six unique, vibrant beings all here in common cause; to celebrate, to have fun, and to holler to the skies ’'Bring it on 2018!”. It’s stunning, it really is.. There was no single person counting down, and that was because no-one is more important or influential than the other; and that is the honest truth. Everyone’s eyes flicked between one another and the digital projected clock. 5 seconds.
4 seconds.
3 seconds.
2 seconds.
1 second.
Then it came. A raucous cheer, a chorus of voices crying out to the world; Happy New Year. Yes, people may say it a lot in the build up, but when it comes to the actual moment it is said so much louder, and heard by so many more people. That’s because when you say it, when you really say it…..you mean it. You want everyone to have a happy forthcoming year, because it’s what everyone deserves.
We cannot forget though, that after the compulsory cheer we have our kisses; these traditions are rather more wonderful when you find yourself writing about them. The magician and the hero. The two feathered forms from heaven. The good doctor and the man of talents. The man of endless sight and the man of healing. The vibrant fiend and the tranquil nurturer. The haphazard and the suave, in perfect equilibrium. Then there’s the leader and his armed protector.
Such sweet scenes of affection are certainly something to behold, but let us not forget the others.The Google brothers and their rusted sibling wrapped in each others’ arms; a standing array of colour, with intangible bonds a’ plenty. Then there’s the rest, who can make up the perfect microcosm. Walter, arms wide and homely for the one of passion, the man who speaks in hands, the most precious reflection of the undead, the twins of drama and the browser who’s honestly more buff than buffering. No-one here is alone, you can count on that.
Now, despite our great gathering there may yet be a few others scattered elsewhere; you needn’t worry though, because they are no less happy. There’s a man, finally content with his son. There’s a shining hero…..who finally got the woman he deserved.. There’s a king, safe and nestled with his kingdom. A simple toymaker, safe and happy with his creations. A hunter, embraced by our world’s nature. Now I’m sure there’s more, but even if I am unable to credit their existence; remember, they’re safe and happy. How can I be certain? It’s New Year’s Eve, I like to think sadness takes a break. As will I.
Before they go off and rage on caffeine and un-needed food, I just want to say thank you. Thank you. To everyone. Because everyone deserves to be thanked, for one reason or another. So I think all that’s left to say is…..2018, give us what you’ve got.
The End.
I really hope you guys like this and I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to know what you all think of it! love yous xx
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- Modaspooky
Kotoko Utsugi This child gets you to make the cutest costume (at least in her own personal opinion) which was a light pink princess dress, and put her hair all nice. She was the absolute pinnacle of sweet and classy, and then this happened but we’ll get to that in a second.
The two of you walked around your block, feeling like normal kids for once. She had been clad in her little outfit, while you wore a zombie costume that Kotoko couldn’t help but scoff at. The two of you seemed like polar opposites just by your costumes alone, but despite your differences the two of you were actually really great siblings and friends so going together today by yourselves was quite fun. 
Door to door the both of you did your rounds, calling out ‘trick or treat’ to each person who had answered their door. Then you came up to a house decorated by only a pumpkin with a candle in its mouth, the two of you were hesitant as you were unsure that this house was taking trick or treaters. However you both decided to go, knocking on the door and waiting for a moment the door opened to reveal an older woman with curlers in her hair. She looked irritated. 
“Trick or treat!” The two of you said happily, despite the fact that you had this weird feeling in your stomach. 
The woman dropped a piece of non-name brand candy into your little sister’s bag, only scoffing at you as if your existence had been a bother to her. “Aren’t you a little too old for trick or treating?” She asked you in a condescending voice, as if she were one to judge despite her current appearance. 
You were taken aback by her blunt remark, your eyes darted from the woman and back to your little sister’s head. “I’m taking my little sister out so I wanted to dress up to...” You trailed off while putting your bag close to your chest, not wanting to get into a big argument in-front of Kotoko. 
The woman rolled her eyes at your attempt to keep the peace, but before she could say another word a sudden stomp on the ground caught both of your attentions. “Maybe you should knock it off with that attitude, Miss Lady, because as I see it. It isn’t very cute.” Kotoko said, you could hear the bitterness in her voice but it quickly changed. “So please give my big sib the candy and we’ll be on our way!” 
“Just go, here’s your stupid candy.” The woman told you, dropping a piece of candy on the floor for you to pick up. “Freeloader.” She muttered under her breath before closing the door. 
As the two of you walked out of the driveway, Kotoko knocked over the jack-o-lantern when you passed by it causing it to make a comical ‘splat’ noise.
Nagisa Shingetsu Buttoning up the cape to his costume, the blue haired boy turned his attention towards you. His older sibling, that was making him participate in Halloween rather than his normal activities. He was impressed you were able to convince your parents to give you time off, but that didn’t mean he wanted to join in on this ‘false holiday’. 
“Why do we have to do this again?” He asked you, his eyes momentarily widening when you hugged him tightly. The buttons of your wolf costume digging into his back when he recieved your embrace. 
“Because Nag-i-sa, we never get to celebrate any holidays and this is the only one where Mom and Dad don’t even have to participate.” You hummed, sensing his annoyance with both your hug and sense of reasoning. 
“What if I really don’t want to?” He asked you, his serious demeanor still holding up well. It caused a small frown to come to your face, you hated that he had gotten his childhood ripped from him at such a young age. You couldn’t even try to regain some of that innocence back. 
“Please do it, for your big sibling who only wants you to have fun.” You were on your knees now, lip sticking out dramatically as you begged at his feet. At first he was frustrated but after a moment you had tricked him into believing your act. 
“Alright I get it, let’s go.” Nagisa sighed, putting the bag over his shoulder like a woman would a purse. It got a small laugh out of you, but you happily led him on to your next point of interest. 
Once you got to one of the neighborhoods that participating in halloween, you could see it was crawling with other kids causing Nagisa to cross his arms and give you a look. “It’ll be fine.” You assured him, gently taking his hand into yours as you led your little brother up the concrete path to one of the larger houses. 
This was when you realized he didn’t even know what he was doing, he just awkwardly stood there while you said trick or treat to the person who had been sitting at the door. You felt your hand go up to your face. “I apologize Sir, this is the first time my little brother has gone out for Halloween.” The man nodded patiently as you lowered Nagisa’s hand that held the bag. “See? Open it up.” You explained to him, and he followed your movements. “Now, ask the man ‘trick or treat’.”
Nagisa gave you a small side-glare that was unnoticeable to anyone other than you. “This is stupid...” He muttered under his breath as he took a step up. “Trick or treat?”
Monaca Towa The absolute Queen of Halloween, with her cute costume and equally adorably decorated wheelchair (that you decorated for her yourself, and you’re quite proud of how it turned out) it isn’t hard for her to get a lot of candy just after the first couple of houses. 
You always went into the richest neighborhoods that gave out the good full-sized name-brand candy bars, since you rather did live in a neighborhood like that anyway it wasn’t that big of a deal to the two of you.
Plus the both of you were practically the children of the city, so that was only a bonus for the two of you to get more candy from all the sucker adults that wanted to suck up to your father by just assuming you’d tell him about them, and honestly you were perfectly fine with that.
This year was no different, as you pushed her up the driveway to each-and-every house and watched as the candy had been practically stacked into her bag. “Thank you!” She said happily as you two left the scene, she always made sure that she was very polite. 
You had a run in with a couple of teenagers who hadn’t been dressed up at all and had their backpacks opened and turned around on their chest, but you were able to get away from them rather quickly. Even if Monaca had tried to get you to stop, since she was determined to do something to them. You feared to know what she had in mind.
After you had made your rounds and the four sacks that you had brought back to your house each time had been full, you let out a long breath which allowed you to see your breath in the cold weather. “Wanna go get some cocoa?” You asked her, leaning against her chair tiredly, your feet hurt from all the walking but you were more than happy as long as your sister had a good time. 
“That sounds like fun, meow.” Monaca agreed, feeling you begin to push her to the both of you’s favorite little diner that would serve breakfast foods and hot chocolate even at late hours. 
Masaru Daimon While Monaca is the number one ruler of Halloween, Masaru is surely a close second. Of course he can’t rely on simply his cute looks in order for you both to get a complete sugar rush. (and possibly be the only food you’ll eat for a while, especially if you got caught doing the underhanded tricks that you often pull...).
The both of you always wore homemade costumes, making masks out of old paper plates and using whatever fabric you could find. More often than not the two of you would end up being made-up superheros, purely for the reason that they were one of the easier costumes to make. 
When you went out you decided not to go in your own neighborhood but rather all the way across town, this was a yearly thing since if you ever got caught there was a smaller chance of your father knowing about it. 
It was in a neighborhood close to his school, so you ran into a few of his friends once but ended up going separate ways quickly after... That’s when it began, the night of mischief. 
Over the years both of you have become quite sneaky when going about, well just about anything. So it was pretty easy to nab a bunch of candy out of people’s buckets for Masaru while they handed you candy, or sometimes just completely cut out the bottom of the bucket and the entire batch of candy would simply fall into the bag without them even noticing until the two of you were long gone. 
Once you were all done you’d go home and hide your bags under your beds, not before having a large candy eating fest outside the nearest gas station. 
Jataro Kemuri “Are you sure I have to wear a costume? Mom says I’m scary just the way I am now, so I can just go out with my mask...” Jataro had been trying to convince you before even began to make his costume. Honestly, it was sad that this had been the exact same conversation every year. 
It really hurt you to hear him say things like that, but you had to go along with it and simply buy yourself your own costume. You decided to go as your favorite character from one of your top three movies, mainly because it was on clearance so it was cheaper. 
Despite the somewhat depressing conversation that always took place a couple of weeks before the ‘big night’, the Halloweens the two of you spent together had always been pretty special for the both of you. 
People would always compliment his mask or mistake if for being from some television show, but Jataro really didn’t mind all of that. He even didn’t seem to mind being out in public, which normally was really hard for him to do. 
He wasn’t as much for candy than most kids were, but he was always super glad when he found sour candies in his bag at the end of the night or the two of you would end up trading candies with one another. 
That was another thing you’d do, since you Mom always had some big party to go to on Halloween (or any holiday, really) the two of you were able to just dump all of the candy onto the living room floor and begin to trade with each-other while some goofy horror movies from the early television days played on your television at two o’clock in the morning. 
It was rare you’d ever get sleep either, since the both of you had always ended up high on a sugar rush. 
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The Son Of Scheherazade, 9
Notes: As always, big thanks to my amazing editors Drucilla and BlueShifted!
Welcome to the "breather" arc, a filler meant for hilarity before we dive back into the plot. Donald's reaction to Panchito's and Jose's... enthusiasm is kind of like one of those anime cliches where the girl becomes so embarrassed she runs away with her hands on her face. Embrace popularity, Don.
Another anime cliche I had in mind was with Minnie and Lotus Blossom - you remember those old-school anime where rival girls would fire lightning from their eyes? Poor Mickey.
For those not in the know, Lotus Blossom is a comics-only character. Sometimes friend, sometimes foe, always a pain in the butt.
Summary: With Mickey's confidence at an all-time high, he's about to learn arrogance has its price. He's also about to have his first date... but it's not with Minnie!
Mickey would never call himself a patient person, but he was currently waiting calmly in front of Clarabelle and Horace's room with a smile on his face. Panchito and José were at his side, struggling to be as composed as Mickey was and failing, judging by their incessant tapping of feet and fingers itching on Panchito's guitar. Minnie was napping in her lamp – at least, that's what Mickey assumed she was doing, since he didn't see any other purpose for being in there. He definitely wouldn't have guessed Minnie was rolling around trying to handle all the confusing feelings and questions swirling around in her mind.
“Almost done!” Clarabelle's voice called out from inside. “Why, you won't even recognize Donald when I'm done with him.”
“It's not that big a difference, for crying out loud,” said Horace, who was no doubt earning a smack from his wife. Donald could be heard chuckling quietly, which made Mickey pleased beyond measure.
Ever since Donald had first climbed onboard, he had followed Mickey around like a baby bird imprinting on its mother. Mickey hadn't minded at all, happy to show Donald all around the ship and properly reintroduce him to everyone. Donald had been nervous to express any of his natural feelings, out of fear for his powers, but with every passing day he allowed more and more of his real self to emerge. It had finally culminated in him timidly asking Clarabelle for a favor, which she cheerfully obliged.
“And...there! What do you think, Donald?” Clarabelle asked.
A moment of silence followed, and then the doorknob twisted. Donald opened the door and stepped into the hallway, revealing the “big change” - Clarabelle had snipped away his ponytail, and smoothed down his feathers, giving him a much more humble and natural look. It highlighted all the other changes that had taken place since his arrival – the bags under his eyes were gone, and now his stomach was fuller, since he'd been given proper meals and attention. Mickey mused that Donald now looked more like a handsome prince than he did when he thought he was royalty.
“What do you guys think?” Donald asked, scratching his cheek shyly.
“It doesn't matter what we think,” Mickey replied, a hand to his heart. “What matters is what you think, Donald! This is your life now, after all.”
Donald took a moment to consider this, and nodded. “In that case...I like it! I kinda feel more free. Like a burden's off my shoulders! And I'm going to wear different clothing too! No more tight, frilly, fancy stuff! I'm even going to choose my favorite color and everything. I'm a whole new man!” He proudly put his hands on his hips, ready to strut his stuff, when he realized Panchito and José were staring at him dumbly. “...What's with them?”
Mickey raised an eyebrow. “Probably something very silly. Watch yourself.”
Panchito suddenly slammed his hand downwards, creating a loud chord with his guitar, then pointed up in a dramatic fashion. “José!”
“Panchito!” José called back, holding his umbrella out in the same manner a knight would brandish their sword.
“Long have we searched this world for the very thing that has been missing from our souls!”
“Yes, we who are two, we have been incomplete! But we could not tell what we lack!”
“But you who understand me so deeply, you now know what I know, and so you know now!”
“I know now and now know more than anything else I ever known!”
“Can you put a name to this feeling in my heart, the one that calls out in this moment?”
“Of course I can, for I feel it in the very depths of my soul! Say it, my friend, say it!”
Donald was about to ask what in the world they were going on about, when Panchito latched himself onto Donald's left arm. “This can only be... love! Our third caballero!”
José snatched the right arm. “Love and love only! I implore you, dear Donald, to be with us forever and ever!”
Donald's entire face began to redden, and the sunlight that was pouring through the windows began to intensify to a blazing degree. “Wuh-wuh-WHAT ARE YOU TWO TALKING ABOUT?!” Oh, this was the feeling called embarrassment.
“I think they like you,” Mickey said mildly, by now used to the bird's bizarre antics.
“We love him!” Panchito agreed, pressing his cheek to Donald's. “Come, we shall drink and be merry and make you a part of our life forevermore!”
“We shall sing songs and dance and introduce you to everything about this world we live in!” José took the other cheek. “We shall be your constant companions, your loyal servants, your wingmen! … See, it's funny, because we're birds.”
Donald, who had never heard a genuine compliment in his whole life, was wholly unprepared for the instant adoration thrust upon him. He covered his face with his hands and ran down the hallway, with the two nutjobs giving chase. “WAUUUUGH!”
“Look at how fast he goes, José, already bragging about his superior speed!”
“Praise be unto Donald, for he is mighty and amazing in all he does!”
Horace finally poked his head out of the doorway. “Oh, that's going to be fun to adjust to.” His voice dripped with sarcasm.
Mickey chuckled nervously, unsure if he should help or not. “Well, at least they won't constantly be asking for stories from me anymore.” He had been delaying that every chance he got, knowing he had nothing in his head that could compare to his mother's marvelous imagination. “I just hope Donald's emotions don't crash the ship before we land. How long until we reach Khade Town?”
With the crew having to adjust to another member, especially one with potentially destructive powers, Goofy had deemed it necessary to make a stop at nearby town to get extra supplies. “Should be less than an hour!” the captain himself declared, walking down the hallway, having just barely dodged the parade of birds that were now running up and down the ship. “We should be done in a day or two, maybe even shorter if we don't run into any distractions.”
“Like Mickey picking up another friend,” Clarabelle continued, giving Mickey a small smirk.
Mickey crossed his arms defensively. “It's not my fault we keep running into people who need our help! Besides, Minnie and Donald are going to help us out in my journey to get my parents back. Maybe we could even find another helpful person in the town!”
“Look kid,” Horace walked out of the room. “I'll admit, so far your knack of chronic hero syndrome has worked out for the better... but it's not always gunna be that way. Sometimes we can't save everyone, and sometimes not everyone deserves saving. You gotta be ready for people to take advantage of that big heart of yours.”
“I think I can take care of myself pretty darn well.” Mickey turned his head away. Shoot, he'd already been in some epic battles and used his strength and smarts to get out of them. He could take on any challenge that headed his way! And even better, his victories had nothing to do with him being the Son of Scheherazade. His heart would never steer him wrong! He was the hero of the story, and the hero was always right!
“We shouldn't run into too much trouble,” Goofy interrupted, trying to stop an argument from occurring. “It's a pretty small town... the only notable thing about it is a shrine to some gods from the north. Other than that, it's your average, run-of-the-mill kinda place. So we probably won't find anyone in life-threatening danger or folks with magical powers or villains with evil schemes to take over the world.”
“Boy, wouldn't that be nice,” Horace groaned.
“Don't be such a coward, Horace!” Mickey held his chin up, and began to head back to his room, full of confidence and swagger. “We can take on anything that comes our way! I ain't afraid of anything!” If he had heard this line of dialogue from one of his mother's stories, he would have immediately assumed that the hero of that tale was going to eat his words by the story's end. But now Mickey was drunk on his own spirit, unable to conceive his own failings. He was the hero who rescued the genie, who freed the prince of storms!
What could the world toss at him that he couldn't handle?
The ship “landed” a few miles outside of the town, anchored in by small rocky mountains. Once again, Pluto stayed behind to guard the ship, and the rest of the crew was split into groups. Panchito and José insisted on showing Donald around, and Donald allowed it if they stopped singing for several seconds. Goofy, Clarabelle, and Horace would be the second group, and Mickey and Minnie would be the last group – although Horace objected to this, insisting Mickey should stay with him, due to his attitude.
“I don't need a babysitter,” Mickey insisted as the groups walked into town, the birds already going in a different, loud direction. “Tell 'em, Minnie, didn't I do great at Donald's kingdom?”
Minnie gave him a curt look. “Is that a wish?” She had quickly settled back into her snide routine, not wanting to entertain the warm, weird thoughts the last adventure had brought her. Okay, so, Mickey was a decent enough fellow, but that just meant his darkness was hiding deeper than most people's did. He was not an exceptional, extraordinary being. Sure, maybe he was the tiniest bit clever, and perhaps the smallest bit generous, but in the end he would be the same as all her other masters. Not that she cared when this happened. Because she didn't. At all. Just like she didn't care how much Mickey was so-called “in love” with her, which he wasn't, he just liked her looks, and not her personality, because genies don't have personalities, they are tools, and so by that logic, Mickey didn't really love her and so Minnie really didn't care SHE ABSOLUTELY DID NOT CARE SO STOP TALKING ABOUT IT.
Mickey rolled his eyes, oblivious to Minnie's inner nonsense. “Thanks, Minnie.” He would have explained further, but his big black ears picked up an odd sound.
It was something the others didn't pick up on, especially Horace. “Kid, I'm just trying to look out for you.” He closed his eyes, drawing upon years of experience. “You've been cooped up in a palace all your life, so you don't know the cruelties of the world! In a year's time, I bet you'll be thanking me for all my help. All you have to do is... he ran off while I was talking, didn't he.”
“Yes, yes he did.” Minnie pointed to the cloud of dust that had once been Mickey.
“Kid's gunna age me twenty years,” Horace groaned.
“Aw, let's just go shopping like we planned!” Goofy insisted. “We gotta buy some lemons so we don't get sky-scurvy.”
As Clarabelle yelled at Goofy for the tenth time that sky-scurvy was not something that existed, Minnie took it upon herself to look for her wayward master. What had distracted him?
The rapid sound of footsteps, that's what – Mickey had weaved himself through an open alleyway, and that's when he caught the origin of the sound. Three burly, tall, masked men were chasing a young woman who was carrying a wrapped bundle in her arms. Startled villagers ducked out of the way, frightened by the display.
“Get back here!” One of the men shouted, full of anger and spit. “There's nowhere you can run!”
Mickey instantly decided he knew what was happening – those three bullies were trying to rob that woman! So much for peace, quiet, and boredom. Looks like it was time for the Son of Scheherazade – no, Mickey the Hero, to write another exciting chapter! He looked around the area, trying to think of a solution – as much as he wanted to leap into the heap of battle, he didn't like the odds of one against three. The entire group was coming up, and if he didn't act fast, they'd all pass him.
What could he do, what could he use? He quickly surveyed the area – a humble food market, full of yummy fruits and vegetables, such as bananas, apples, and oranges – round oranges! Mickey ripped off a satchel of coins from his belt. “Hope this'll pay for everything!” He shouted to the shopkeep who had probably hidden inside by now, and he tossed the satchel inside the building – before taking out his scabbard and hacking away the legs of the fruit stand, causing it to crack and break, sending the oranges spilling into the street.
The timing had been perfect – the woman managed to avoid the spill, but the three men now found themselves tripping and rolling over the mess beneath their feet.
“Dude, I JUST washed my robes this morning!”
While they tried to regain their balance, Mickey dashed ahead to the woman's side, having an idea for one more trick. “Here, this way!” He grabbed her wrist, which is when she finally noticed him, giving him a surprised, puzzled expression. He pulled her into another alleyway, spun her around, dipped her low, and took off one of her pointy yellow sandals, and then chucked the shoe across the street. Once the action was done, he held up a finger for silence, while the woman blinked at him. Mickey would later realize she had been awfully calm all the while.
The trio of attackers managed to finally find their footing, catching up to the alleyway. The leader of the group stopped them, pointing at the shoe. “Look! She must have gone this way!”
“Excellent finding, bro-ski. Don't worry, we'll find her!” said the smallest of the group.
“Only when we find ourselves, can we find another,” said the largest of the group.
They then took off ahead, believing they were right on their victim's tail. Mickey waited until he could no longer see them to let go of the girl – to be frank he wasn't sure how much longer he could have held her, given that she was two heads taller than he was. Now that the adrenaline was wearing off, he could get a good look at her.
She was a pretty thing, he supposed, the kind of prettiness that other men would find beautiful but simply not Mickey's type. Her long black hair was tied up in a high ponytail with bright orange flowers, and a pair of golden earrings hung in round circles, rocking back and forth whenever she moved her head. Her deep blue top had yellow lining, exposing her pale arms that apparently could carry heavier things than one would think, given how large the bundle in those arms was. Her blue dress had noticeable slits that revealed shapely long legs. Curious dark eyes studied him, and she finally smiled, curling a lose hair behind her small ear. “You saved my life!”
Mickey placed his sword back in its scabbard. “Aw, it was nothing.” He replied with a puff of his chest. “It's just what us heroes are made to do. Are you all right?”
“I am now, thanks to you.” She held the wrapped bundle close to her chest. “I was trying to get my precious family heirloom home, when those thugs corned me! I thought I was a goner until you arrived! May I know the name of my brave hero!”
“I am Prince Mickey, the Son of Scheherazade!” Mickey only realized what he'd said when it was too late, and he resisted the urge to slap his forehead. “But... uh... just 'Mickey' will do.” Shoot. He was so conditioned to that title it came out as natural as breathing.
The woman's eyes took on an intense glitter. “Prince?” she repeated, before putting the heirloom on the ground and bowing low, hands on the ground. “I am not worthy to be in your presence, your highness.”
“What?!” Mickey jumped, and then raced over to grab her hands. “No, no, stop that! It's not like that at all! You don't have to do anything like that! I just wanted to help you, I don't want any special treatment.”
“Please forgive me, then... I have never been with someone so important.” The woman didn't pull her hands away from Mickey's. “My name is Lotus Blossom. How can I ever repay you for your kindness?”
“I don't need any kind of payment, really!” Mickey now tried pulling his hands away, but my, she had an awfully tight grip on him. “Listen, Lotus, if those guys are still out and about, maybe I should walk you home so they can't get their hands on you.”
“Your generosity truly knows no bounds, Mickey. But now I carry a burden with me, if you can't allow me the simple act of returning a kindness. How will I sleep at night with this guilt? Can't I be allowed one simple thing?” She raised a hand to touch his cheek, leaning in and lightly whimpering.
“Ah... well...” When she put it that way, it did seem harder to deny her. “I... I guess if you really want to, it'd be rude if I said no. Doesn't have to be anything big, though.”
“Oh, thank you, your highness!” Lotus suddenly threw her arms around Mickey, drawing him close to her plump chest. Mickey jerked, but he didn't want to insult her by backing up. His cheeks burned, and he tried to patiently wait out the hug and praise, eyes darting around for a proper place to rest his eyes. Like the sky, or the walls, or Minnie -
… Or Minnie standing in the alleyway staring at Mickey as he was pushed into the bosom of a pretty woman.
“NOTWHATITLOOKSLIKENOTWHATITLOOKSLIKE-” Mickey yelled loudly, his words so smashed together that no one understood what it was he was trying to say, jumping backwards and landing on his butt. Forget Mortimer the Magnificent or Donald's storms, this was as close to death as he ever felt!
Lotus frowned, and then looked in the direction Mickey was flailing at. “...Can we help you?” Her sweet voice now turned sour.
Minnie looked at Lotus, looked Mickey, then back to Lotus. “I was merely searching for my Master, and I have found him. That's all.” An average onlooker wouldn't have noticed the fire in Minnie's eyes or the aura of wrath all around her, but Mickey sure did, and he hoped one of the laws the genies had to follow was to not murder their masters. “Come, Master, we should return to the duties the Captain gave us.”
“Uh,” said Mickey, which for the moment all he was capable of saying.
“Right now?” Lotus put her attention back on Mickey, taking his hand with both of hers. “But I haven't properly thanked you yet! And what about those vicious men who are after me? You said you would help me.”
“Uh,” said Mickey again.
“My Master has his orders to follow, and can't afford to waste any time helping every single person he meets.” Minnie began to walk towards Mickey, and grabbed his other hand. “I'm sure this woman can find her own way home. She is an adult, not a child.”
“Why yes, I am.” Lotus smiled, with a hint of fang to it. “Are you saying you're an adult too? I'm surprised, since you certainly have the body of a child...”
Now Minnie was glaring hellfire at Lotus and got it back in turn. “My looks have nothing to do with my Master returning to where he is supposed to be!”
“If he really is your master, then he should be able to make his own decisions, shouldn't he? You sound awfully bossy for a slave.”
“And you sound awfully attached for someone he just met. Why can't you find someone else to take you home?”
“He saved my life, of course I trust him!”
“He saves everyone's life, that's what he does!”
“Why don't you back off, tiny?”
Mickey had finally gathered enough bravery and strength to whistle high enough so both women stopped. “Listen... I have no idea what you two are doing, but that's gotta stop.” He cleared his throat, starting over. “Yes, I do have duties to fulfill, but Lotus Blossom was in trouble. I can't ignore people when they need help! And she says she won't be comfortable unless she repays me. So I'll take her home, and then she can repay me, and then I'll return to my duties. Everyone okay with that?”
Minnie “hmph”ed, but then glanced away. “...I suppose it is a matter of honor.”
Lotus clapped. “Wonderful, we're all in agreement! And I know exactly how to repay you, your highness! It will be something you and I both enjoy! And it's the only thing I want to give you, so you can't say no.” Was it Minnie's imagination or did this sound rather planned and rehearsed?
Mickey merely nodded. “Sounds fair. So, what is it?”
Lotus took Mickey's hand again for a big squeeze. “A date!”
“... A date?” Mickey repeated in disbelief.
“A date?” Minnie repeated in equal lack of belief.
“A date!” Lotus finished, now standing up and gathering the heirloom into her arm. “Oh, it'll be so much fun! We'll have a great time together! A hero and the damsel in distress he saved, together... isn't it romantic?” She then paused in her glee, noticing Mickey wasn't celebrating, and she eyed Minnie suspiciously. “Unless you two are...?”
“Oh, no, uh, she's, no.” Mickey fumbled, airily trying to gesture what he himself was barely figuring out. “She's... well... my friend? I mean, we've never... you know...?”
“I must say, that is a relief!” Lotus chirped, giggling. “There are some truly despicable masters out there.”
“NO, NO! I would never do anything like that!” Mickey said realizing what she meant, and then felt he just had to add, “I don't think I would be comfortable even kissing Minnie now.”
Now, Mickey was still trying to work out the tricks and oddities of romance. So he was fairly clueless why Minnie's jaw had dropped and she looked ready to either burst into tears or strangle him. “Comf...Comfortable?” She said shakily, her body twitching, fingers clenching. “You think the idea of kissing me is uncomfortable?”
Mickey blinked, knowing he was digging himself deeper yet unable to understand why he had the shovel. “Well, sure. Wouldn't anyone feel that way?” Lotus Blossom grinned, enjoying the show.
“Youuuu...” Minnie stretched the vowel out, shaking harder with anger. What happened to the dopey, goo-goo-eyed boy who had been drooling over her when she was on stage? Was she that repulsive now that she was a genie? What was so uncomfortable about kissing her?! Had he been uncomfortable when she kissed him on the cheek ages ago? NO SIR, THAT STUPID BOY HAD ENJOYED IT! “You, you, you...” She sucked air in through her teeth, her tail curling up behind her. “Well... I'm SO SORRY that I make you so UNCOMFORTABLE, MASTER!” Mickey had never heard her shout so loudly, and was literally floored, reeling on his back. “DON'T ALLOW ME TO MAKE YOU ANYMORE UNCOMFORTABLE! ENJOY YOUR DATE!”
Minnie then stormed off, her feet stomping so hard one could swear she was leaving footprints that would last a lifetime. Fine! FINE! Let him have his fun! He really just was like all the others! Let that harlot take him so they could cuddle and coo and KISS and have COMFORTABLE kisses! What did she matter? She was only a genie, and genies weren't supposed to entertain any thoughts about their master besides sheer obedience. It was her own fault for feeling this way.
As for Mickey, he still laid there, trying to process everything. “...Wha'happen?” he mumbled, as if he'd been run over by a wild stampede of elephants.
“I'll show you the way home!” Lotus took Mickey by the hand and began to drag him away, not caring if he ever got up to walk. “Then we can plan our date! I simply can't wait!”
Then Mickey thought the one thing no hero in a story should ever think – At least it can't get any worse.
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heelmaryse · 7 years
Tyler Bate // Jealousy Drabble
Tyler is secretly dating reader, and gets jealous because she’s Pete Dunne’s valet, based on this request: 
“MAYBE JUST A JEALOUS TYLER BATE WHILE IN THE RING????” requested by my bby aka @screamersdontdance 
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Being Pete Dunne’s valet was great. His asshole-ish heel antics were a source of constant amusement for her and they’d fast become great friends. It was swell.
But being Pete Dunne’s valet when you’re secretly dating Tyler Bate? Now that was not so great.
And she knew that it got to Tyler… All those late night meetings with creative that she had to attend with Pete, all those events she had to go to… with Pete. All the signings she had to do… sitting next to Pete. It had got to the point where sometimes, due to their schedules matching, she even had to travel with Pete.
And Tyler, bless his heart, he was so sweet. He was so sweet that he’d always greet her at whatever arena or venue they were scheduled to be at with a warm smile on his face and an even warmer embrace.
But she wasn’t blind to how her boyfriend’s fists tightened when he saw her getting out of Pete’s car, after four hours of traveling with him. Or when Pete would sit with her during catering in a secluded corner, ready to discuss what he wanted her to wear for when she walked out with him at whatever taping or PPV was on that night.
She especially noticed Tyler’s eyes flash with anger and jealousy as he stood in the ring when she walked down the entrance ramp with Pete, glued to his arm and preening for the crowd. Like right now.
Tyler and Pete were going at it for the United Kingdom Championship at NXT Takeover: Chicago. Pete had instructed her to ‘dress sexy’ for the event, and sexy fit her character to the T. Which was why she was ringside in a form-fitting, scarlet red dress, short enough to catch Tyler’s eye and his tongue to run over his lips.
But also short enough to make her boyfriend visibly seethe with anger as he watched Pete, fully in heel mode, brush his hand a little closer to her ass as she walked him down the ring.
“Go Pete!” She yelled in character, pacing around ringside, half of her mind trying to focus on not tripping in the gigantic skyscraper heels they’d had her wear, whilst the other half worried about Tyler, hoping he wouldn’t be too jealous, although his actions told otherwise.
Tyler was throwing punches a bit too stiffly at Pete (looking rather pointedly at her as he did so), and once the latter caught on, well, that was the end for Tyler. He ended up not only losing the United Kingdom championship to Pete, but also sporting a very legitimate looking black eye at the hands of the bruiserweight and it made her heart hurt just looking at it.
She caught his eye as he lay at the side of ring whilst Pete celebrated, and Tyler grimaced in pain before looking away. Shit.
“Baby, you shouldn’t have hit Pete so hard.” She told Tyler, holding a pack of ice in her hand and trying to reach up to press it against his eye except he kept shrugging her away. She sighed when she didn’t get a response from him, trying again, “Look, I know why you did it… I know you think –”
“Why’s he got to be all over you like that?” Tyler interrupted her, turning around to face her quite abruptly, a sneer adorning his usually smiley and happy-go-lucky face, “The guy’s a prick, flaunting you around when he –”
“He doesn’t mean to,” She spoke gently, sighing with relief when Tyler finally sat down and let her press the ice pack on his black eye, “It’s all his character, baby, you know how he gets when he’s in character.”
Tyler shook his head before finally looking at her, up and down, with his eyes lingering at certain places, “And that… that dress.” He seethed hotly, “Who told you to wear such a… such a tight dress so that he couldn’t keep his hands off you even more than usual?”
“I told you,” She said patiently, applying a bit of pressure to his eye which made him grunt slightly in a ‘manly’ display of pain, “It’s just his character. And anyways, he doesn’t even know we’re together, Tyler, no one does…”
Tyler scoffed, “Well, it’s time they knew,” He grabbed her hand which was holding the ice pack against his eye and slowly set it down, and she gazed worriedly at his poor black eye, almost swollen shut, “Pete left with my title tonight, can’t have him leaving with my girl too.”
Chapped lips pressed against her own, and hardly a second had gone by before he pulled her on to his lap, his large hands sliding down to squeeze her ass possessively, “It’s time we tell everyone…” Tyler spoke breathlessly between kisses, “It’s time we told them just exactly who you belong to.”
Her breath caught in her throat when she felt him fiddle around with the zipper of her dress, “T-Tyler, we can’t! Not here! Shouldn’t we wait till we get back to the hotel?”
“No,” Tyler said decisively, biting her lip sexily before all but shoving his tongue past her lips, and they made out a while longer as he peeled her dress off, leaving her in a matching scarlet lingerie set which he had bought for her birthday, “Here. We’re doing this here. I need to show you who you belong to, babe.”
She giggled at his serious tone, pressing a chaste kiss on his cheek, “I know I’m yours, Tyler… I just think we need to deal with that black eye first, I know how wild you can get and I don’t want any more injuries tonight.”
There was a slight pause, and then even Tyler, despite all his seriousness from a second earlier, had to giggle at her reference to their… rougher sex sessions. And she couldn’t help but kiss his nose quickly, because he looked so cute when he was smiley.
“Well, I dunno, I think the black eye makes me look kinda rugged, don’t you?” He said, and she couldn’t help but laugh at how he’d gone from angry to jealous to sex crazed to goofy all in a matter of a few minutes.
“Oh yeah,” She agreed, “It’s so sexy. Lemme go thank Pete for giving you that real quick, shall I?”
Quick as a wink, Tyler’s arms tightened around her so fast, it was comical, “Fuck Pete,” He said hotly, before smiling at her sweetly, “Stay here and tend to my eye, baby. You look sexy when you’re playing nurse.”
She rolled her eyes, “Call me your nurse one more time, and that black eye will be the least of your worries.” She warned him, but she did so with a smile, one which he returned. And she was glad she had curbed his jealousy and calmed him down. This once.
A/N: OK ONCE AGAIN I do realise this is 1k+ words and therefore not exactly a ‘drabble’ but once again I got carried away lmaoo. Also this is my first time writing Tyler Bate and honestly??? It was hard as fuck so pls excuse it if it sucks or if it’s all over the place @screamersdontdance :))))
tagging; @xstylesxclashx @the-geekgoddes @xuhwheredidkylogox @alexahood21 @idle-vanity @georgina019 @paradoxical-opheliac @justtrey19 
ALSO there’s more drabbles to come tonight so tell me if you wanna be tagged!!
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ironinkpen · 7 years
The Seventh Wheel: A Case for Black Lion Lance
Alternatively titled: Lance Deserves The World Because He is My Son and I Love Him
Okay, so Shiro’s gone and someone’s gotta fill his big ass shoes. In the toss-up between him, Allura, and Keith, I’m going to be arguing in this post that Lance could be the guy to do it. And, fair warning, this is going to be ridiculously (like, ridiculously) long lmao so here’s the TL;DR right now: I think that a) Lance already shows the character traits of a good leader, and b) there’s a good chance of him becoming one, given his impending character arc. 
It also has a chance of not happening, of course, but who cares?? I already started writing this thing, so:
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Alright, let’s begin at the beginning, because that’s always a good place to start.
Lance is first introduced to the audience as the classic loud, arrogant, goofy flirt. The perfect comic relief character. He rescues a guy because his “rival” was gonna do it first and he can’t have that, the first thing he does in the giant robot cat is fart, and he hits on a girl who just fell out of a pod in a magic castle. He’s there to make you laugh.
I can’t imagine anyone looking at a character like that and “You know what? This guy could be a leader.” Allura says it herself in episode 1. The black lion is supposed to be the decisive head of Voltron, a person who’s a natural born leader, who’s in control, and,
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Basically, calm, collected, and respected. “A natural born leader.” So, definitely not Lance. Case closed.
But, not really. Because Lance actually is calm and collected. He’s just not respected. He has all the leadership traits– the problem is that he’s not treated as someone who could be a leader.
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So you get scenes like the above, where Lance tries to tell another character what to do (in this case, Keith to not run off and blow their cover) and, despite his advice being relatively reasonable, isn’t taken seriously.
Allura talks about a “natural born leader” needed for the Black Lion. At first glance, it’s easy to be like “well, that’s not Lance,” but the thing is, Lance actually does have a lot of leadership traits. They’re just not being acknowledged, most of the time.
Why’s that?
Well there’s the fact that he can be arrogant, which kind of turns people off to the idea of him being in charge. Also, while the team clearly likes Lance (I’ve seen people saying he’s under appreciated by the others but I don’t really agree with that tbh), I don’t think the take him very seriously since he tends to make light of things. And there’s something else I noticed while watching Voltron: while everyone else has gone through some version of a character arc already, Lance… hasn’t yet. At all.
A character arc is the growth of a character over the course of the story, right? A character begins in one place and ends in another. So, from season 1 to season 2, Hunk goes from terrified to more confident in his ability to help others and protect the universe. Pidge starts off focused on saving just her family and grows to understand her role in saving everyone. Keith goes from a very intense, live-in-the-moment character who clings to the team for companionship to someone who explores, acknowledges, and faces his past and heritage. Shiro goes from traumatized to overcoming his trauma to defeat the ones who hurt him. Allura goes from grieving the fresh loss of her people to accepting that it happened and working with others (even Galra) to make sure it never happens again.
But Lance doesn’t change.
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(tbh Lance…. same)
There’s no deviation from the starting point for Lance. His character traits have remained ridiculously consistent. So it’s deceptively easy to look at him and think: oh, he hasn’t matured at all. 
But that’s simply because he hasn’t had his arc yet. So instead of watching him grow, we’ve just been… getting to know Lance better. Him not growing doesn’t mean he’s not a mature, respectable character (though he’s definitely immature at times). It just means we haven’t gotten a chance to see him do so yet.
And anyway, as we get to know Lance, here are the traits we find:
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In his first appearance, Lance crashes their simulator because he’s too busy showing off to pay attention. This seems like the perfect introduction for a selfish character, right? Except that’s quickly reversed by the narrative. Immediately after they fail, Lance diverts Iverson’s attention off of a mouthy Pidge. He lets Iverson say awful things to him with a tight lip and says nothing back. And then afterwards, he doesn’t even get mad at Pidge for mouthing off. He takes the fall without so much as a complaint, and later on in the night tries to invite Pidge to go out with them.
The protective instinct we see in this scene is expanded upon later, when Lance jumps in front of Coran to save him from, you know, exploding.
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And then even later when he wakes up from a coma to save Pidge:
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Other moments that stand out where Lance is protective of others is in episode one where he tries to get the Galra ships away from Earth, later in the season when he tells Keith to be careful about hurting the Balmera because it’s alive, and when he fights Hunk in season two and makes it a point not to hurt him, even though Hunk is brainwashed and trying to feed him to a giant snake thing. Like I said, this protective trait’s been there since the beginning. It doesn’t change. He doesn’t grow with it and become more protective or anything. It’s just expanded upon the more we see of Lance.
Another example of this consistency in character is Lance’s deductive reasoning and creativity. In the first season, he’s able to figure out that the bot is a bomb almost immediately because Pidge isn’t with it. In the second, he’s quick to ask questions of the mermaids (”How did your queen know we were here?” “What is that garden?”). Lance is pretty good about paying attention to his surroundings and asking questions, and at noticing when something’s off (though he can still be pretty naive, re: Nyma). He’s also really creative!! Season 2 Episode 2 shows this off well. When he fights, he often incorporates his environment. He’s a resourceful kid!
He’s also very quick to change his mind when his first judgements about situations are wrong. Lance’s adaptability and emotional sensitivity make him able to make snap decisions in battle about who to trust and what side to fight for. In the beginning, he’s quick to trust Allura and Coran despite the fact that Allura tried to break his arm before. And then in season 2, not only does he quickly join up with the mermaid rebels when they ask him for help, but-
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-he figures out that the queen is being genuine and immediately changes his strategy to accommodate this new information. He’s pretty attentive to the moods and needs of the people around him (like when he starts that space snowball fight so that everyone can have some fun, jumps into that fountain to help Pidge get the gaming system she wants, explains the plan to Hunk all theatrically so it seems exciting instead of absolutely terrifying, etc. etc.). He’s also able to sort through information and change gears easily. 
Plus he just has good battle instincts in general, though in a slightly different way than Keith. Lance is a more plan-oriented guy. One notable instance of this in season 1 is when he holds back Keith from charging into that Galra control tower and suggests that they sneak in instead. And there are tons more examples of Lance’s little ingenuities in battle. It’s in season 2 episode 2 that he really gets to shine though. Especially in that scene where that giant worm thing is chasing him and Hunk through the ocean, and he says,
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This line is gonna become relevant against Lotor next season mark my words.
But yeah! Lance has good ideas! He’s able to come with strategies and work-around solutions extremely quickly! And that actually brings me to this:
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Lance is patient and decisive. He thinks things through (in battle at least, his thirst gets the best of him at other times lol). He waits until the time is right to strike. And he’s confident when he does, too. In the scene above, he says “wait, I’ve got this” and fires the shot at the perfect moment to save Slav, even as the doors are closing. And like just. The entirety of his Garrison backstory. He wanted to be a fighter pilot, but he was put in the cargo class. And yet he stuck with it. He kept working hard so that he was the top of his class, and then when Keith dropped out, he got his shot. We don’t really know when Keith dropped out, but it’s pretty likely that Lance worked for at least a couple months with no indication of whether or not a spot would open up at all.
Lance has been showing off Shiro’s “patience yields focus” thing this whole time!!
There are so many more leadership traits that Lance displays (and more examples of the ones I’ve already listed), but I’ll stick with these. Basically, a recap: Lance is and has always been protective, inquisitive and alert, adaptable and emotionally sensitive, instinctive, and patient. 
And look:
Protective, like the Yellow Lion. Inquisitive, like Green. Adaptable and emotionally sensitive, like Blue. Good instincts, like Red. And patient and decisive, like the Black Lion.
(do you ever write an essay on the fly and then you start thinking “holy shit i might actually be onto something” because lmao)
Lance displays a combination of every lion’s traits. He’s completely well-rounded. Which is arguably the most valuable leadership trait of all.
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But he doesn’t really see that.
He sees all of the people around him being great and talented (on another note, another great trait for a leader is an awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of his team, and Lance definitely has that) and fails to see his own worth in the team because doesn’t have his own special niche. This is actually one of his greatest strengths (ever heard the phrase, ”a jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one”?), especially if he were to become a leader, because a good leader should be balanced. A leader doesn’t have to be most talented on the team– they just have to be the one who can best direct the team.
The thing is, Lance doesn’t really get that. He sees the leadership position as the position for like. The coolest, strongest, best person. His character is really preoccupied with the idea of gaining respect and notoriety. It’s why he’s constantly at odds with Keith at the beginning, because Keith is the best pilot and everyone always praises him and Lance wants to be that person. In season 1, we get that daydream where he’s waving a flag with his face on it and everyone’s giving him thumbs up. In season 2 episode 2, Lance jokes that when he helps free the mermaids, he’ll be a hero. Despite the humor in these scenes, there’s something more substantial under the surface– Lance’s number one fantasy is to be acknowledged. 
That’s why he’s attached to the idea of him being the “sharpshooter,” gets sad that no one else thinks so, and is so happy when Shiro calls him that. Because he thinks he needs a “thing” to be praised for. He thinks that to be great you need to be the best at something. So he fails to see the worth of his own well-roundedness.
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But, look at the scene above, where Lance is listing everyone’s strengths. Shiro’s special skill according to Lance is being an “awesome leader.” He’s not the best pilot like Keith, not the most handy like Hunk, not the cleverest like Pidge– Shiro’s… a lot like Lance. Well-rounded. Shiro’s main skill is that he can bring everyone together and keep them calm in hard situations. Lance is really similar to him in a lot of ways, though he doesn’t see it. He’s almost like a younger, more immature, less experienced Shiro. He hasn’t grown into himself yet.
To be honest, one of the main reasons I think Lance could actually end up being the Black Paladin is that the story arc is really compelling. With Shiro we came into this show with a stable leadership figure that didn’t really have to grow into his role. Shiro’s story arc wasn’t about becoming a worthy leader for Voltron, it was about dealing with what happened to him while he was in captivity and overcoming the ones who tortured him. If we’re going to see a new leader, it’d be really interesting to see someone who has to learn how to be a leader. And Lance, with all of his insecurities and his preoccupation with heroism, would be a cool character to unpack with a leadership arc.
Like, as I mentioned before, Lance is the only character who hasn’t grown yet. And that’s really fucking weird, narratively speaking. It doesn���t really make sense to have one of your main characters be static. But I honestly don’t think that this is a case of the writers neglecting Lance. I think they’ve been quietly laying the foundation for his arc since day one.
Lance has some insecurities that have been hinted at pretty consistently but never fully confronted. We see it in his weird “rivalry” with Keith, which is very out of character for a guy who seems to be pretty open and friendly with literally everyone else he meets (he meets the yupper in Beta Traz and fifteen minutes later is literally ready to fight to the death for it like??). We also see it in Iverson comparing him to Keith. And then we get several scenes in season 2 that continue to prod at the issue. We learn that he’s not super confident in his relationship with his lion (seen when Keith mentions the blue lion outside his door and Lance gets defensive because “me and blue are very happy together”), that he doesn’t actually see himself as a hero even though he’s preoccupied with the idea of being one (seen in his surprise when the mermaids called him their savior), and that he sort of sees himself as a “seventh wheel” to all the other paladins. But we never get a real resolution to the problem at all, just a steadily mounting pile of scenes where it’s present.
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So the question that’s being set up here is: what does Lance contribute to the team? Lance is the only character that shows something of a lack of confidence in his value as a member of Voltron. He and Blue don’t seem to have bonded all that much (despite there being an entire episode where he’s in the water!! what the hell!!), and we’re seeing that affect his view of his worth within the team. Typically, insecurity storylines like this can go one of two ways: either the character who is insecure becomes secure in their position, or they are put in a new position and forced to prove themselves. Lance’s character arc is going to be that he starts off as sort of insecure and grows… somehow. More confident? More assertive? More secure? We have to see which route the Voltron writers will take. 
Either way, Lance is almost definitely going to get an arc next season, given with how the writers have built up its foundation. With Voltron’s power structure about to be shaken up, the questions of where he belongs and how he’s going to grow are going to get answered. And I personally think the way to gives us those answers would be to have him step up and lead.
I mean, this isn’t all to say that he’s perfect for the role, though. He’s still distractible, somewhat insecure (which can translate into arrogance), can be impulsive, and he doesn’t have the same kind of authority in the group as Shiro does. He’d definitely have to grow into it. But I think that the building blocks are there, and I honestly feel like that’s the most riveting part of this set up: seeing Lance slowly come into his own would be so satisfying.
(And just like. Picture the Black Lion choosing Lance. Lance pointing to himself and saying, “Me? But I’m just a boy from Cuba” like!!!!!)
Of course, the other two contenders for the Black Lion presidency, Allura and Keith, also definitely have a shot. Allura especially. She fits the “natural born leader” thing to a tee:
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The only issue is that I think that that kind of narrative would be almost… too easy? Allura is a lot like Shiro in a way– they’re both very put-together, authoritative characters. If the purpose of making Shiro go away for a while is really to challenge the power structures in Voltron, then putting Allura in as Black Paladin is kind of a strange move (even though she’d be an amazing Black Paladin and I really want her to be but that’s an essay for another day) considering it would just be swapping out one leader for another. Shiro didn’t really have to grow into his position as Black Paladin, because he was already respected and assertive. And so is Allura. So while the change would make sense, it might be a less interesting option.
Plus, in the beginning, when Allura is explaining the traits of the lions, this happens:
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Lance cuts her off, and we never actually get to hear in the show what exactly the Blue Lion’s “thing” is. But a look on the Voltron website tells us that the blue lion is the friendliest, most confident, and also the most accepting of new pilots.
The fact that this information is kept from the audience makes me think that someone new is going to be put in the Blue Lion. And Allura does match the traits of the Blue Lion as well. Alteans are diplomatic, so she has the friendly thing down. And she’s obviously very confident in her abilities.
(Wrote a longer essay on Blue Paladin Allura here lmao)
Of course, she could also be unable to pilot a lion at all. Coran’s often said that the castle runs on her quintessence, so if that’s really the case and wormholes aren’t the only problem, she might not be able to be a paladin, in which case it could be that Coran will be a paladin instead. But I think there’s a good chance that Slav will update the castle next season, so either Allura and the castle are gonna get some sick new weaponry, or he’ll make it so that Coran’ll be able to make wormholes while Allura fights in a lion. We’ll have to see which path they take.
Really, I personally feel like Allura doesn’t actually… need to be Black Paladin. Her plot next season is going to be really busy for her between her new powers, the mini-resistance she’s leading, and the whole Evil Alteans thing, so having her also bond with the Black Lion (which I feel like is going to be difficult for the next pilot given the loss of Shiro) would just be. A lot. It’s already pretty much universally acknowledged by the team that she’s the brains of this whole universe-saving operation– when Shiro was around, he was her second in command. The authority she has within the group won’t change just because she isn’t the titular head of Voltron. Plus, consolidating those two roles - the role the leader of the resistance and that of the head of Voltron - would be weird I think. While Allura could definitely handle doing both, it’s kinda like asking the President to also lead Congress. She could do it. But it’s just. Weird.
As for Keith, I think he could do it too!! But hmmm.
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First of all, we run into the same problem we see with Allura. Shiro already choosing a successor? That’s. Kind of boring. Too “Chosen One.” I mean it absolutely makes sense for Shiro to think of something like that, especially when he’s dying from a poisonous purple wound, but from a storyline perspective it’s kind of dull. The transition of power would be too smooth, like “Shiro told me I should be leader so I am and here we go.” Also, it was just kind of weird that they made it a point to mention this? Again, in the context of the episode it made sense, but narratively, it feels almost like we’re being setting up for Shiro’s decision here to be challenged somehow. 
On an unrelated note, Keith is hella reckless, which is definitely an obstacle for him, leadership wise. Sure in season 2 episode 1 he’s like “patience yields focus” or whatever, but then the poor boy just forgets that for the rest of the season lmao. 
Like, the short list of impulsive things he’s done in s2 is: tried to run away from the castle, threatened to stab a guy, fought a knife dude at a mall, got the shit beat out of him for knowledge, ignored Hunk when he said they should go back and watch that video (even though there was no reason they couldn’t) and almost got them killed because they didn’t have the information they needed, jumped into a pool of stomach acid with no indication of whether he could get out before being digested, and jumped out of Hunk’s lion (which was such a bad idea that Hunk legit thought he was joking) and almost got fried by lasers.
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(poor boy doesn’t even deny it slkdjfldskj)
And there’s also the fact that Keith’s a narrow-scoped guy. He’s gotten better about this lately (we see him looking out for Lance), but for the most part in battle Keith is mainly looking at the enemy in front of him. Which isn’t a bad thing!! It’s actually really to his advantage, and makes him the focused pilot we all know and love. But he’ll need to learn to keep better tabs on his team as leader.
So. I love Keith. And he definitely has the decisiveness, battle experience, and good battle instincts that the Black Lion needs. He’d be a fine leader (tbh any of them would, which is why I’m writing out essays like this to try to untangle where the writers are going with this)!! But his major obstacle would be being patient and learning to coordinate the team.
On a related note, though, Keith doesn’t seem to actually want to lead the team. He brushes Shiro off when he mentions it both times. He seems sort of uncomfortable with the idea of replacing him like that. I think that Keith might try to pilot Black because Shiro told him to and it’s his Duty or whatever, but… I don’t know. Between his grief of losing Shiro again and the discovery of his Galra heritage (galra mom! galra mom!! galra mom!!!) and the new powers he’s apparently going to unlock, he’s like Allura: he has a lot to deal with. So even though he’s definitely going to pilot Black for at least a while, I don’t know if he’ll stick with the role.
But if Keith does become the official Black Paladin, Lance is almost definitely going to end up being his second in command. The two of them have grown into something of a partnership this season (space ranger partners?) and I get the vibe that Lance’ll be the “woah calm down” to Keith’s “come on let’s go!” The pool scene is a good hint of what we can expect from them moving forward.
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I remember seeing it the first time and thinking “why the fuck did they include this lol” but upon reflection it seems like it’s symbolism for both their personalities and their relationship. Keith always “shoves too hard,” whereas Lance doesn’t “shove hard enough.” Keith is always too intense in Lance’s opinion, whereas Lance is too cautious in Keith’s. But eventually they find a balance, and when they stop bickering with each other they find a solution.
In a way, their dynamic is really similar to Shiro and Allura’s. You know how I said that Lance was a less mature Shiro? Keith is basically a less mature Allura– they’re both hotheaded characters (re: their running away from the castle in s2), though Allura is a little more diplomatic and a little more willing to think things through. Shiro and Allura relied on each other to shoulder the burden of leadership, so there’s a chance that Lance and Keith will end up doing the same thing.
Basically I guess that no matter which one of them becomes leader, the other one is kinda gonna be co-captain, sorta.
On another note:
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The bond between Keith and Red was really emphasized this season! It’d be weird if they put such a stress on how close the two of them have gotten and then rip it away the next season, I think. Like, if they wanted to set up Black Paladin Keith, I feel like they should have had less bonding.
(With that in mind, if they decide to go the OG series route and put Lance in the Red Lion instead, it definitely echoes the whole “you’re only here because the best pilot in your class dropped out” thing. If they do go that route, I hope they acknowledge that parallel and have Lance work past it!!)
Okay, god, this is getting to be a mess and some of it was probably reaching but basically!! Any of these three could be the Black Paladin while Shiro’s gone and there’s no possible way for me to guess what the writers of Voltron are thinking. The obvious choice is Keith given that he was leader in the OG Voltron, but they’ve already changed so much in this new series that Allura and Lance have a very good chance at it. But even if Lance doesn’t end up being the one picked, I get the feeling that he’s going to be the Right Hand Man character that calms down the new Black Paladin and encourages them to think things through (Allura and Keith can both be very…. intense).
Personally, though, I think that Lance has the goods to be a good leader but is held back by some insecurities, and that his storyline as Black Paladin could be the most compelling. And not just because he’s my son and he deserves the world.
(But also he is and he does)
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operationrainfall · 4 years
Title Dead End Job Developer Ant Workshop Limited Publisher Headup Games Release Date December 13th, 2019 Genre Twin-stick shooter, Rogue Platform PC, Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One Age Rating E for Everyone 10+ – Fantasy Violence Official Website
Part of the reason I so appreciate indies and smaller publishers is that you never know quite what to expect from them. I’ve covered many games published by Headup, from Westerns to Metroidvanias to RPGs, but nothing quite like Dead End Job. I was attracted by the colorful coat of paint on the package, and only grew to appreciate the game more as I learned further details. When I found out this was a twin-stick shooter with rogue mechanics, I knew I had to tackle it. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to tackle it immediately, since frankly there’s been a smorgasbord of amazing game releases since 2019, and it hasn’t let up yet. However, now that I was finally able to sit down and put some time into playing Dead End Job, was it an unparalleled experience, or did it not have a ghost of a chance?
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It’s immediately clear that Dead End Job was inspired stylistically by the cartoons of the 90s. The game starts with a well animated intro that plays like the beginning of a TV show. I saw many parallels to shows like Ren & Stimpy, just based off the goofy and over the top designs of the characters. You play ghost hunter Hector Plasm who works at Ghoul-B-Gone. Think of him as a low rent ghostbuster, and you’re on the right track. He’s not the brightest bulb, and he’s a bit on the hefty side, but he’s good at his chosen profession. His mentor, Beryl Ware, died from sandwich toothpick complications, and is now haunting Hector (and generally harassing him). You’re trying to earn enough cash via ghostbusting to save her soul before it’s too late. I admit I’m not entirely sure I follow the logic of that scenario, but if nothing else it’s a solid setup to establish the framework of the game.
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The flow of the game works thus. You go to various locations, bust ghosts in your way and save civilians trapped by them. Each and every civilian is coated in sticky slime, and you can only free them by defeating all the ghosts in that room. You’ll know you’ve found one when the exits lock up behind you, in case the whining of the trapped citizens doesn’t clue you in. Once you’ve saved all the civilians in your current area, you return to Ghoul-B-Gone and get paid for your work. Here you can check out records of your achievements, unlock gallery art and view side jobs available on Protoghoulnists.net. These aren’t full fledged jobs, but instead are tasks that will net you extra cash, such as clearing a certain amount of floors, busting enough ghosts and others besides. I liked the variety here, since your main jobs always have the same conditions. The only difference is how many civilians you’ll have to save and how many floors you’ll have to visit. Your goal throughout is getting enough cash, and it will take a lot to save Beryl. After reaching predetermined amounts, you’ll unlock new areas, such as Parks, Restaurants and more, and they bring with them more challenge and different ghosts. Once you’ve encountered ghosts, many will show up in other areas, meaning the game is always getting more complex and difficult (like any good rogue-like). You just need to keep in mind you’re racing the clock, since you only have 30 days to get enough money, and if you don’t get it in time, you lose. Thankfully, you’ll get to keep playing due to a silly time travel concept, but I was still a little frustrated the game didn’t signpost how important the time limit was my first go round.
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As for how ghostbusting itself works in Dead End Job, that’s my favorite part of the game. It plays a bit like a mixture of the Luigi’s Mansion and Binding of Isaac series. You move around, use one stick to direct your gun and the other to move Hector around. The ZR trigger controls your plasma blast, which is used to deplete the “health” of the spooks. Once they’re depleted, they’ll get dizzy for a while, and that’s your cue to vacuum them up with ZL. If you don’t do it fast enough, the ghosts will rally, replenishing their health and getting angrier in the process. The key thing you’ll have to manage during this process is your pack’s meter. It controls both the gun and the vacuum, and if it gets too hot, it’ll overheat, meaning you have to wait til it cools down til you can act again. The gun thankfully uses less energy, but the vacuum eats it up quickly, so it’s good to be patient and time your actions carefully. You’ll also come across random secondary items that either help or hinder you, which are assigned to Z and L. Examples being cake and pizza that replenish your health, disco strobe lights that hurt foes, as well as icicles that make you slide precariously. There’s a good deal more, and it’ll behoove you to commit them to memory, since the game doesn’t indicate what these items do.
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If that was all there was to the combat, I’d be disappointed, but I did mention this was a rogue game. As you bust ghosts, you’ll gain experience, and when you get promoted (level up), you can pick one from 3 random perks. These can range pretty dramatically, from basic stuff like increasing your total health or making your pack take longer to overheat, to things like making rooms explode once you’ve cleared out all the ghosts (freeing hidden dollar bills to vacuum up), and much more besides. I found these perks did a lot to make Dead End Job more satisfying, though there’s a catch. If you get defeated, you’ll lose all your acquired perks, and are set back to square one. This can be a real downer, since once you’ve promoted Hector enough, he can become a real ghostbusting machine, and it’s annoying suddenly being weakened due to fickle fate.
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As you go about your jobs, you’ll encounter both basic ghosts and what I consider mini-bosses. These are more powerful specters that get a full intro when you encounter them (make sure you set that to only happening once, you can thank me later). They pack a real punch, and can ruin your day if you’re not careful. Some examples are the fierce Secrescary, the Office Assisthaunt, Grim Shady and the ZX Spectre, but there’s a lot more. Note they all have punny and comical names, but don’t let that distract you. They are more than capable of screwing you up, especially since all ghosts randomly materialize without much warning, and it’s easy to get cornered if you’re not careful. It’s also good to not take the basic ghosts for granted, since you can only take a few hits before Hector gets defeated and demoted. I will say, I absolutely loved the design of all the ghosts in the game, and my only minor complaint is that several are just rehashed versions of others. That said, they all move fluidly and look fantastic. Oh and there is one boss fight, and it was entertaining enough that I almost wish it wasn’t the only one to be found.
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While I do like a lot about Dead End Job, there’s some areas it doesn’t quite achieve greatness. For one thing, it gets repetitive pretty fast, since you’ll always be doing the same thing to progress. Though I found it enjoyable, I wish there was a bit more variety. Also, while the game controls well, it seems like developer Ant Workshop purposefully made Hector’s gun tricky to control. It aims fine, but the shots often zig and zag unpredictably, even after you’ve boosted the precision of your gun. And though I find the premise enjoyable, often the writing isn’t as cute or funny as the game seems to think. It’s silly and quirky, it even breaks the 4th wall, but I never really grew to care about or fully understand any of the characters. And finally, I found the ending of the game to be surprisingly abrupt, and it left me without any satisfying resolution. You basically just get a text message that you won, and then the game loops so you can keep playing. Given how colorful and creative the rest of the experience is, I found that rather disappointing.
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Visually, I found Dead End Job to be very satisfying. I’ve touched on the art earlier, and I love how it’s neon and candy colored. The designs for the various ghosts are all really humorous and inventive, such as a dumpster dog that spits up trash at you, or a possessed turkey carcass that lays explosive eggs. There’s a lot of great ideas on display, and that same attention to detail went into the designs for the folks that work at Ghoul-B-Gone. Everything is very smooth and fluid, and the only slowdown I encountered was during the load screens. Musically, the experience is also pretty great. The sound effects are loud and punchy, and the tracks themselves are Big Band style tunes that fit the action perfectly. I loved how the ghosts screech and yell as you battle and capture them especially. Overall, it’s a really attractive package.
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While it didn’t quite reach perfection, Dead End Job was a very fun jaunt. I spent about 6 hours and took 2 playthroughs to save Beryl, and only managed to miss two ghosts. For $16.99, you get a creative and colorful game that’s available on pretty much every console. That said, it runs great on Nintendo Switch. If you want a simple, fun yet repetitive twin-stick rogue-like, you should definitely check this game out.
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REVIEW: Dead End Job Title Dead End Job
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recentanimenews · 6 years
Bookshelf Briefs 2/12/18
Ace of the Diamond, Vol. 8 | By Yuji Terajima | Kodansha Comics (digital only) – After a great deal of effort, Tanba shows himself to be in excellent shape for Koshien. This, plus the trust his teammates have in him, makes it even more devastating when he’s hit by a ball in a practice game right before the tournament begins, fracturing his jaw. He’ll be able to return by the quarter-finals, but meanwhile it’s up to the younger pitchers to keep things together until then. I’m a sucker for a good training montage, so enjoyed Chris drilling Furuya and Sawamura on their control and defensive fielding skills. The coach has some nice moments where he shows appreciation for both the team and the female managers, and it’s also satisfying to watch Seido crush their first-round opponents. In fact, this is quite a satisfying volume all around, aside from a couple of grammatical errors in the translation. – Michelle Smith
Gabriel Dropout, Vol. 2 | By Ukami |Yen Press – There’s very little actual forward plot here—the series runs on its gags, so mostly what changes is the situation. We see the girls going to the beach; the story of how Gabriel and Vignette first met; the absolute ludicrousness that is Satanya buying a gun (no, not a real gun); Halloween costumes; and the class president, who is 100% human and a bit horrified by the out-of-context dialogue between the class angel and devil. Of course, the question here is “does it work? Is it funny?”, and the answer is yes, this is still funny. Raphael and her trolling continues to be my favorite, though we do see she does have one weakness. If you like light fluffiness and laughs, this is an excellent series to pick up. – Sean Gaffney
I Hear the Sunspot: Theory of Happiness | By Yuki Fumino | One Peace Books – One of the debut manga from last year that left the greatest impression on me was the deceptively quiet I Hear the Sunspot, so I was very happy to discover that it had a sequel, Theory of Happiness, that would also be translated. While ostensibly a boys’ love manga, the beautifully nuanced, evolving relationship between the series’ two leads—Taichi and Kohei—is rarely at the forefront of the story. Even so, it remains an essential underlying component constant to both the narrative and its characters. Theory of Happiness also introduces Maya who, like Kohei, has partial hearing loss, but whose experiences and perspectives are uniquely her own. As was the case with the first volume, Theory of Happiness is an exceptionally lovely and thoughtful manga with marvelous characterization. Apparently there is at least one more volume in the series; I hope to see it released in English, too. – Ash Brown
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic, Vol. 28 | By Shinobu Ohtaka | Viz Media – The war ended up being a bit of an anticlimax, mostly as we find out late in the volume that Harukyuu had a ringer from the start who was going to make the outcome obvious. I continue to wonder if Sinbad is going to end up being the major antagonist of the series, but I suspect that may have to wait till Alibaba’s return. Which isn’t happening just yet, though his chibi-doll form is certainly proving more mature than the petulant Judar. As for the war itself, I definitely enjoyed the character development for Kogyoku, who is forced to fight and kill in order to protect those closest to her and make sure they don’t lose themselves. It’s a big step forward for the former petulant princess. As for Aladdin… he’s still a bit lost. Great stuff. – Sean Gaffney
Murcielago, Vol. 5 | By Yoshimurakana | Yen Press – Kuroko may be the star of the series, and she’s very good at being clever and solving the problems the police give her, but she is an absolutely horrible, despicable person. The only reason we read this series is because her over-the-top horribleness is so hilarious—when she sets out to seduce the mother of the missing nine-year-old girl who’s been captured by a serial child killer, your jaw wants to drop but you can only laugh. I actually wondered why we never got a follow through on it, but given the volume starts with Kuroko in bed with the victim from volume four, I may simply have to wait patiently. This is not a series for the timid—the graphic child strangulation is as bad as it sounds—but oh my god, it’s fun if you have a certain twisted mindset. – Sean Gaffney
My Hero Academia, Vol. 11 | By Kohei Horikoshi | Viz Media – The grimness of this arc doesn’t let up—Bakugo is rescued, but the sacrifices are significant. I appreciated their teacher explaining that if they weren’t in a very unusual situation right now, he would have expelled the entire class except for those kidnapped and/or injured. Being a hero means following the rules—that’s why they aren’t vigilantes. (No, I haven’t read the side series yet.) We also get some home visits to the class’s parents, which range from hilarious (Bakugo) to dramatic (Izuku) to rather sweet (Kyoka). Next time we should get preparation for provisional hero licenses. In the meantime, enjoy the best thing about the volume, which I never mentioned: the epic All-Might fight in the first half. (OK, yes, and the new dorm chapters.) Top-drawer Jump. – Sean Gaffney
No Game No Life, Please!, Vol. 3 | By Kazuya Yuizaki and Yuu Kamiya | Yen Press -The laughable schedule of the NGNL novels, which have been delayed so often that people now simply roll their eyes, means that this third volume of the spinoff introduces characters from novels which aren’t out yet, and expects the reader to be familiar with them. That said, hardcore NGNL fans are famous for boycotting the Yen Press novels anyway, and are likely getting this solely for the laughs and the fanservice. There’s plenty of both, so they should feel at ease. We do see a bit of the point of this series, which is trying to give Izuna more experience. But for the most part it’s a goofy spinoff manga, not to be taken seriously and meant to be forgotten after it’s read. It does what it wants to. – Sean Gaffney
Orange Junk, Vol. 3 | By Heldrad | Chromatic Press – Oft described as a love letter to shoujo manga, Heldrad’s ongoing webcomic Orange Junk is a wonderfully energetic and addictive series. The third volume sees the conclusion of the male modeling competition which Bruce initially entered in an attempt to pay his mother’s hospital bills. Miles, the son of the man who financially ruined Louise’s family, unexpectedly turns out to be Bruce’s rival in the contest as well as in love. Louise, of course, remains rather oblivious to that particular fact; she hasn’t realized that Bruce has romantic feelings for her and the grudge she holds against Miles and his family overshadows most everything else. Orange Junk is intentionally ridiculous and melodramatic with explosive chemistry and surprising friendships among the increasingly large cast of strong personalities. While it isn’t exactly a parody, the series is most definitely a comedy, and a highly entertaining and legitimately funny one at that. – Ash Brown
Plum Crazy! Tales of a Tiger-Striped Cat, Vol. 4| By Natsumi Hoshino | Seven Seas – You’d think that I, a fervent cat lover, would adore Plum Crazy!, but sadly that is proving not to be the case. Maybe the problem is that I love cats for how they actually are, but that the cats in Plum Crazy! are given so much inner dialogue and human motivation that they hardly feel like cats anymore. They exchange Christmas gifts, for example, and there’s a running gag (I use the term loosely) where Plum is concerned about the environment. Occasionally there are some cat-like behaviors, like Plum getting stuck above the ceiling (this really happened to a cat of mine!) and Snowball’s search for a snuggly sleeping spot, but they’re just not enough to make up for the rest (and it bugs me that nobody tries to correct Snowball’s bad behavior). Alas, I think I might be dropping this series. – Michelle Smith
The Promised Neverland, Vol. 2 | By Kaiu Shirai and Posuka Demizu | VIZ Media – After a fantastic and surprising first volume, I have no excuse for being taken completely unawares by the big reveal in this volume, and yet I was. The nuanced way Norman managed to turn this information into an advantage was well handled, and boy, do I have sympathy for his position going forward. Meanwhile, a game of tag with Krone reveals it’s not impossible to get the jump on her, and the three leads decide to bring the next oldest pair (Don and Gilda) into the loop. The thing is… they don’t tell them the whole truth, and I’m sure this is going to come back to bite them, especially since Don is potentially about to discover it on his own by snooping in Mom’s secret room. What a cliffhanger! – Michelle Smith
Welcome to the Ballroom, Vol. 9 | By Tomo Takeuchi | Kodansha Comics – STILL no amazing breakthrough, though it’s hinted we may FINALLY see it next time. Instead we mercifully get a bit less of Tatara and Chinatsu torturing themselves and more perspective from the rest of the cast, who can’t take their eyes away from this train wreck. We also see the return of Chinatsu’s rival Akira, who gets a flashback which shows, unsurprisingly, that her attitude stems from a severe case of hero worship gone wrong. (It could also be read as sort of yuri if you want to, but I suspect that’s not what the author has in mind.) There’s also a lot of dramatic dancing here, with lots of the art that is probably the best reason to read this title. I’m still reading it, but mother of God, END THIS ARC! – Sean Gaffney
By: Michelle Smith
0 notes
Love Like Lava, 15
Notes: As always, super huge thanks to my editors Drucilla and BlueShifted, who waited patiently while my hard drive exploded.
A short chapter, but think of as taking a breath before we dive in, because the next chapter has the moment we've all been waiting (or dreading?) for. Also, Wolf is an actual character from the old days of Disney comics!
Summary: When Ma Beagle tries to get her revenge on Goofy, she uncovers an odd truth no one will believe. No one except Pete - and he may have found a way to get exactly what he wanted.
Ma Beagle woke up with more anger and maliciousness than she did most mornings, but it wasn't entirely her fault. Pete was also feeling more angry and malicious these days, feeling that Hephaestus had mocked him and Aphrodite was playing games. Pete didn't like to play games unless he won. If he couldn't immediately exact revenge on the two mice, then he'd have to make someone else suffer. That resulted in him wanting Agalma to suffer, since it was her fault for being such a hard mystery to solve. All of this amounted up to him appearing in the Beagle household and poking a fat finger right into Ma Beagle's forehead, igniting her desire for revenge right that second.
The business of owning slaves wasn't that complicated, and most evil pursuits are disgustingly simple. So it was with great ease that Ma Beagle had located a man willing to help her make a profit, as she'd sold him many of her ill-gotten gains in the past. Wolf Barker was so amazingly average that very few people suspected this boring man made a living buying and selling absolutely everything, including people. His looks didn't stand out, being your average height, wearing your average clothes, and even his matted black fur didn't grab anyone's attention. He had little personality to speak of, as he chose only to speak when he was spoken to. So when Ma Beagle walked down the street with Wolf in tow, he was almost invisible. Few people paid attention to him over the infamous pain in the butt at his side.
At the Goofy household, he, Agalma and Gyro were packing up. Since the chariot race was in the next town over, they needed to start heading out before the day of the actual race. For once, all three of them were in high spirits. Even though Gyro had yet to come up with anything that would give Goofy an advantage in the race, allowing his mind to think freely had come up with less dangerous ideas. Agalma was eager to see new places and make new friends. Goofy was still nervous and doubted he'd accomplish much of anything in the race, but having so much support from his friends made it difficult to put him in a bad mood, thoughts of Millicent not-withstanding.
The three had almost finished loading everything up into the wagon, but just as Gyro was feeding Little Helper breakfast and Goofy was helping Agalma onto the cart, a horrendous cackle broke the air.
“Do you know what today is, goof?”
Everyone looked at Ma Beagle who had triumphantly entered the scene, paying no heed to the unremarkable side character, and were oblivious to the god keeping her wrath going. After a moment of thought, Goofy offered, “Monday?”
“Today,” Ma Beagle continued while pretending Goofy had said nothing, “is the day I make you pay for what you did to my family! I'm taking you off your high horse, and putting you back down in the dirt where you belong! And it all starts with your pretty little girl!”
“Ma Beagle, I presume,” Gyro muttered while leaning towards his companions. He'd been told about the troublemaker and had hoped to leave before ever running into her. He then cleared his throat, trying to create a friendly atmosphere. “Can any of this possibly wait? We need to get going, and by my calculations, we should start as soon as possible if we want to be well rested mentally and physically before the start of the race.”
Again, Ma Beagle ignored anything that wasn't a part of her plan. “I asked everyone in this village-”
“Do you mean intimidate and threaten?” Agalma quipped.
“Same thing. Anyway, no one in this village knows where she came from!” Ma pointed an accusatory finger at Agalma, who merely blinked back while Goofy's eyes widened. “She's got no records! She's got no family! She's got no proof she ever existed until the day she walked out of your ugly house!”
“I think the house is charming,” Agalma said, still not comprehending what was supposed to be so frightening.
Goofy stood in front of the wagon, as if that would prevent Ma from getting any closer to Agalma. “Oh, you leave her alone! All she did was try and stop your son from bein' a thief! If you wanna be mad at someone, be mad at me for sockin' him!”
“Honey, I am going to kill two birds with one stone here.” Ma slapped Wolf hard on the back, letting out another wicked cackle. “The one good thing about you nice types is that if one of you suffers, you all suffer! If that girl has no family, then Wolf here can take her and brand her as a slave! And if you pathetic lowlives think you can ask for help, the second the villagers hear what I've done, they'll be afraid of the Beagle name all over again! No one will ever stand up to me again! Isn't that right, Wolf?”
“Sure,” said Wolf, unaffected by the gasps of horror from Goofy and Gyro – Agalma didn't know what a slave was, but judging from those reactions, it wasn't pleasant. “Looks good, she'll make fine coin.”
“You – you – you - ” Goofy lacked the words to convey his shock, his fists trembling. “You wouldn't dare! I ain't gunna let you!”
“I must say, that's the most deplorable thing I've ever heard of!” Gyro raced to Goofy's side, helping create a tall barrier of righteous fury. “If you think we'll just stand aside and let you take her, your theory needs reworking!” Even Little Helper was snorting hard and stomping his hooves.
Ma rolled up her sleeves, revealing that most of her girth was muscle, not fat. “The only reason you got one over my boy was because he was surprised...I've taken him down with my eyes closed! A bunch of scrawny wimps like you, I can bend you into knots before you even blink! Now either hand over the girl, or I'll break every bone in your body, including the ones you didn't know you had!”
Goofy and Gyro exchanged a quick look – unfortunately, Ma did outweigh them both, as these men were incredibly skinny and lacked many things in the muscular areas. Wolf was also cracking his knuckles, in a bored fashion, so he was clearly ready to help as well. Even if by some grace of the gods they got away this time, Ma Beagle had an almost infinite supply of sons she could send after them. As panic raced in Goofy's heart, he grabbed the side of the wagon, beginning to shake it. “Agalma, run!” If he lost someone again – if he lost Millicent again – if he lost Agalma – he wasn't sure he could handle it. No, he would not be able to handle it, could not survive another loss no matter how many friends he surrounded himself with. Death would be a better alternative than returning to nights of sobs and loneliness – the idea that someone he cared about so deeply would become a slave, a life reduced to agony and terror turned his blood to ice. It would be all his fault, because he couldn't do a thing. “Run away!”
“Run where?” Agalma asked. It was getting harder to become afraid of something you didn't know about.
“Anywhere!” He screamed, eyes burning and blinded by unshed tears. Last time he hadn't been able to do anything, hadn't been able to say goodbye, had been left behind. If the gods did exist, where were they, and why weren't they helping?! How was this supposed to “heal his heart”? He could not lose her, would not lose her, if life was meant to mean something than something so awful shouldn't be allowed to happen! “Go, go now! Get going before these two hurt you!” Gyro was gripping the wagon, his mind racing, trying to come up with a plan or an invention to save the day, but sheer panic interrupted his thinking process over and over as the menacing enemies came closer step by step.
“Why don't you just give him a statue?” Agalma pointed back to the house, growing more bewildered by Goofy's hysterics. She could only hope it wasn't her fault this time. “If he wants something pretty, you have lots of pretty statues. He just can't have me because I'm not a statue anymore. Do you think he understands?”
Brilliant ideas rarely came to Goofy, or at the very least he rarely recognized an idea when it was brilliant. So when this momentous occasion sparked in his brain, he slowly raised his pointer finger at Agalma, speaking carefully. “...Could... could you say that again?”
“Do you think he understands I'm not a statue?”
Ma rolled her eyes, storming over and shoving Gyro aside so hard her fell on his back. “If that's your idea of a goodbye, I never want to hear your hello. You're coming with me, girly!”
But for once in his life, Wolf spoke without being spoken to. “What in the world is she saying?” Funny enough, Pete was asking the same question, without anyone being able to hear him.
Goofy suddenly grabbed Agalma by the waist, hoisting her off the wagon and carrying her in his arms. “Agalma, I want you to say everything you remember about being born! Don't you leave out any details!”
Agalma tilted her back, and as she wove through memories, she swung her hand back and forth, making sure she hadn't skipped anything. “Goofy, how could you possibly forget? You're the one who carved me out of marble. Then you spent all that time making sure every little detail was right, even making me a nice necklace like you made for Millicent, since you carved me in her likeness and all, after she died. And then the goddess Aphrodite brought me to life in order to make you happy. Then I waited for you to wake up, since I wasn't sure if I was using my legs right. I figured you'd be the expert, you use legs every day!”
“What,” said Ma.
“What,” said Wolf.
“What?” said Gyro, alongside Little Helper's “Neigh?”
“WHAAAT?!” bellowed Pete, hands clasping his armored head in total surprise. “She – she – she can do that?! That little girl?! She can make life? That's impossible! Not even Zeus can just make life out of nothing!” But even as he said it, it had made sense, recalling the day when he had tried to go through Agalma's memories and found little to none. You couldn't recall what you didn't have, and marble wasn't supposed to have memories. How could Aphrodite keep this a secret? Why wouldn't you tell everyone and anyone that you had such phenomenal power? Pete had worked so hard to uncover this mystery just for her, and it was all for nothing, she already knew because it was made by her! Aphrodite could create life from statues! She could – she could -
And then, all at once, Pete wasn't angry anymore. All of his fury was instantly snuffed out as he repeated that fact in his head. Aphrodite could create life from statues. She could skip the baby and child stages and go right for adulthood. Just a snap of her fingers, and poof, there was a mortal, a living, breathing, bleeding mortal. Aphrodite could create life. Aphrodite had the answer to Pete's boredom. Pete now had a plan, and if it worked – when it worked, for it was ingenious – he would never need to hunt for petty squabbles again. What was he wasting his time for with these morons? He needed to start preparations now! Oh, soon, the world would be covered in blood and battle! And it would be thanks to him and Aphrodite!
With a pleased howl of laughter, he vanished, leaving the mortals alone with their little problem. Agalma had kept going on about the life lessons she had learned, from how to use a fork to learning what you could and couldn't drink, until Wolf threw his hands in the air. “Beagle! I thought you said you had a good bargain for me!”
Ma paused, having been ready to snatch Agalma out of Goofy's arms. “What are you saying? Look at her, she's a beauty! She'll make us both rich! Who cares if she says stupid things?”
“No one wants an insane slave!” Wolf barked back, although his expression was unreadable due to how mangy his fur was. “That's like selling a barrel full of holes, or a horse with a lame leg! She's either insane or telling the truth! If she's insane, she's useless as a slave. And if by some crazy miracle she's telling the truth, there is no way, no how, I am getting involve in a god's business! This is the last time I do business with you, Ma Beagle!”
“N-Now wait a minute, Wolf!” Ma stammered, unable to believe her revenge was over before it even started. “She's not insane! Really!” She whipped around to Goofy, shaking her fist in his face, but he wouldn't even back up. “Tell her to start speaking the truth! Tell me where she came from!”
Goofy smiled pleasantly. “She came from a really good wall of rock down by the coast. Real sturdy stuff.”
“I'm out of here.” Wolf turned on his heel, grumbling about the waste of time under his breath.
“Wolf, wait!” Ma began to chase after him – without Pete's constant lingering and poking, her wrath had come undone like a bad ball of yarn, revealing a pathetic lump of a lazybones within. “Who else am I going to sell my stolen goods to!”
“You could try not stealing at all,” Gyro called after her, without expecting any response. As the two canines left their sight, Gyro stood back up and brushed the grass off his arms, laughing merrily. “And here I thought I was a genius! We'd better go before she decides to vent her frustrations in a most unhealthy matter.” With another relieved chuckle, he climbed aboard and grabbed Little Helper's reins, the horse letting out a happy sigh of air through its nostrils. “It's that quick thinking that could help you in the race!”
Goofy sat down besides Gyro, and Agalma sat in Goofy's lap, having a few questions of her own. “Why were you crying? And why do they think I'm insane? What does 'insane' mean?”
Goofy didn't answer her at first, wiping away the remnants of tears from his face. Even though the danger had passed, the effect of it still weighed like a stone in his chest. When he found his voice, it was quiet. “I was scared. I was really scared I'd lose you.”
Agalma cupped her chin in her hands. “Lose me, or Millicent?”
It stung, but rightfully so, and Goofy didn't feel confident in answering. Gyro cleared his throat as the horse began to trot. “If I may...I may not know the whole story here,” and he still believed the statue ploy was full of clever lies, “But Goofy lost someone very near and dear to him, correct? You have my deepest sympathies. I'm sure she was very nice lady, being your friend and all. Grief isn't a subject I'm well versed in, much to my fortune, but I'm sure in time you will be at a place where it doesn't hurt as much.”
Goofy himself had never kept track of the time, but apparently Agalma had, having learned how to add and remembering the dates and years Goofy had forlornly spoken of when she was still stone. “It's been fifteen years.”
This was news not only to Gyro, who let out an awkward series of words, “Oh, I, uh, that is...” but also to Goofy who had never put it all together before. Fifteen years. That was a lot of time. A baby turned into a teenager in that amount of time. Several animals had their whole lifespan in that frame. Dozens of seasons passed. He looked out to his town as they rode on, trying to remember or notice what had changed in that time. Had he really paid attention to anything? Had he been alive? If Minnie and Daisy hadn't come along – if Agalma hadn't come – would he have spent another fifteen years alone in his home full of frozen life? Would he have just kept doing the same things, wrapped up in his misery, until the day he died?
“Gyro, you're a smart one,” Agalma stated, jarring the men out of their muddled minds.
“So I tell people.” Gyro was relieved to be on something he knew was true.
“Then you'll know. How long are people supposed to be sad over death?”
“Ummm.” Gyro inhaled and exhaled as deeply as he could, needing all that extra time to think of how to properly explain such a complicated issue. “Most people believe everyone should grieve at their own pace and their own time. And maybe a part of you will never stop grieving. But the way I see it, you shouldn't let it take over your life. If our departed loved ones knew we weren't doing anything except crying over them, they'd be rather upset. Life is for the living, it's the root word in and of itself! Although there has been some debate in the etymology of the word 'living', having two origins in different parts of the word, and often etymology itself isn't an exact science, but if you take the time to do the research...”
As Gyro rambled on about things the dogs couldn't possibly begin to grasp, Goofy looked at Agalma and Agalma looked back at him. Had she asked the question for him, or out of mere curiosity? She whispered so as to not distract Gyro from his ongoing explanations. “You once told me I should live for myself, not for you.”
“Meant what I said,” Goofy replied, although he had to admit that she'd taken that advice and ran with it. Most of what she did was for her own benefit, although she had been very loyal to him. Goofy almost thought it was the exact opposite of what Millicent would do. Except now that he had been burdened with the knowledge that it'd been fifteen years since he'd last seen her make any choice, he unwillingly had to admit that time and love could make memories appear differently. Millicent had a life outside of Goofy. But he could no longer remember when his life was outside of Millicent.
“I think you should take your own advice.” Agalma poked Goofy on his big black nose. “You should live for yourself, not for Millicent and not for me. If you don't like me, I'll be okay. But you should like yourself, and if you like yourself you should do things that make you happy.” She proudly patted her chest. “I like myself plenty.”
“Who said I didn't like you?” Granted, he'd thought it at one point or another, but never said it out loud. “You're a weird one. But I guess it ain't so bad. I'm not perfect either. Nobody is.”
“Not even Millicent?”
Now if that wasn't the biggest indicator that Goofy had definitely remembered things in his own biased light – he couldn't think of a single flaw Millicent had, except being dead. For all his woes, he knew that wasn't right. Everyone had flaws, even gods, given Aphrodite's clumsy idea at healing hearts. It seemed rather disrespectful that he couldn't recall anything Millicent had done wrong. He'd been thinking like that for fifteen straight years, so it was too late, he couldn't remember her any other way. He felt as if he owed her an apology – her and others. “I'm sorry, Agalma.”
“For what?” She tilted her head. Gyro was still going, something about how people communicated without words and how he wanted to develop a language with fingers.
“For treatin' you wrong. I think, well, once everything is all quieted down, once the race is over and we're back home... we should start over.”
She pouted. “Am I going to have to relearn everything?”
“Naw, naw! I just mean... I wanna give our friendship a fresh start. No more comparin' you to anyone but you. I wanna see you as you.”
“Oh!” Agalma clapped her hands together, pleased. “Yes, let's do that! No doing what Aphrodite wants, but what we want! I think that's a nice idea.”
By this point Gyro was winding down, finally remembering he'd initially been talking about grief and sadness. He intended to apologize to his companions, but they were smiling brightly at each other, lost in their own world. It was rather adorable, and he was loathe to interrupted, but a thought had occurred to him. “Agalma? You know we have seats in the back, right?”
“Yes, I know,” Agalma said, resting her head on Goofy's shoulder. “But Goofy is much more comfortable to sit on.” She almost suggested Gyro try for himself, but in a rare moment of actual selfishness, she decided she didn't want him to.
Gyro laughed once more, hoping it didn't sound like mockery. Goofy blushed, and tried to keep his eyes ahead. They left the town behind, and perhaps the man named Pygmalion left some other things behind as well.
Unlike Goofy, there were many gods who were more than satisfied with doing the same thing for years without end. Even with Aphrodite gone, Mortimer and Gladstone were able to pass their time in their favorite ways, such as getting hammered and reciting their own poetry. On occasion they would remember that Aphrodite existed, mourn their loss as if she'd died instead of happily wedding someone else, and then resume their own fanciful hobbies. As such they expected no trouble that day, both of them coincidentally occupying the same spot. Mortimer was trying a new flavor of wine, and in his excitement had spilled enough to create a large puddle, which allowed Gladstone to admire his reflection.
This saved Pete time, for which he was grateful. Instead of hunting them both down, he grabbed them both by the collar and began to drag them away, while they gagged and yelled as they uselessly flailed around.
“What's the big idea, you big lug?” Mortimer tried to dig his feet in the ground, but his weight meant nothing compared to Pete's might. “Put me down!”
“Did I miss something?” Gladstone frantically tapped on Pete's fingers, trying to get his attention. “Last I checked, didn't we stop fighting?”
Pete grinned, every tooth looking sharp and dangerous. “You two are the only ones I can count on for this super special mission! You should feel honored, you're about to become part of history!” More specifically, they were the weakest gods on Mount Olympus, which meant Pete could bully them into doing what he wanted very easily. Other gods and visiting creatures took one glance at the dragged deities and merely shrugged. If it didn't involve them, why care? Mortimer and Gladstone conceded that had the positions been reversed, they wouldn't have lifted a finger either.
The two were shoved into Pete's “room”, which now contained heaps and mounds and piles of marble. Pete pushed them towards the rocky mess, and then slapped hammers and chisels into their hands. “You two are going to carve a hundred statues! A billion statues! A kajillion-bazillion-megastupendoushugeillion statues!”
“That is absolutely not a real word,” Gladstone started, trying to shove his share of the tools into Mortimer's hands. “And I am absolutely not doing it!”
“Same here!” Mortimer argued, shoving them right back into Gladstone's hands. “I've got better things to do than make statues of you. Like napping.”
“First, you're not making statues of me,” Pete informed them as he crossed his arms, looming over them and reminding them of just how tall and mighty he was. “You're making mortal-like statues. And second, you are going to make them, or else.”
“...Or else involves pain, doesn't it,” Gladstone guessed after a mighty gulp, and Mortimer felt himself shrinking under Pete's ferocious gaze.
“N-Now, wait, I think we're all forgetting something important here!” Mortimer vaguely gestured outside of the room, hoping his panicky voice would draw attention. “Once Zeus finds out you're beating us up for not doing what you want, he'll beat you up right back!”
At this Pete let out an amused little guffaw, rubbing Mortimer and Gladstone's head as if they were tiny children who misunderstood a basic lesson. “Aw, that was real cute. But here's the thing, fellas. Us bein' gods and drinkin' ambrosia and all, none of us can ever die. So Zeus can pummel me all he wants, but I'll get back up! The only reason he's the so-called King around here is because he led the gods against his dad. His title is nothin' but a fancy medal. The only reason he ever stops our fighting is when it annoys him! So what if he gets a little creative with his punishments? I'm the God of War, pain's my deal! Why, if I finally found someone who could give me an actual beat down, I'd be the happiest guy on Mount Olympus! Buuut...” He stretched the word out before smashing their heads together and letting them crumple to the floor like tossed garbage. “Weaklings like you can't stand it. And I don't mind beating you up for eternity if it means you do what I want!”
Gladstone could feel his head swimming from the impact, afraid to lift himself up. “I hate when he's right.”
“Has he ever been right?” Mortimer mumbled, only grateful that gods couldn't bruise so his good looks were unaffected.
“I still hate it.” Although they both shuddered at the idea of doing actual labor and, ugh, sweating, it was better than the alternative. Gladstone begrudgingly began to pick up the dropped tools. “How many of these things do we have to make? And why are we making them?”
“I'll tell you when the time is right.” When the men had finally gotten to their feet, Pete kicked them in the rump, sending them crashing into the marble. “And the time ain't right until I say it's right! So quit bellyaching and get to work! Just make me as many statues of mortals as possible until it's impossible!” His victims ultimately decided that asking any further questions would lead to more aches, so they reluctantly began their attempts. Within seconds they were audibly whining and moaning about having to use their muscles, and Pete rolled his eyes so hard they strained. “All right, you big babies, you get one detail. This is going to bring Aphrodite back.”
The god of poetry and the god of slurred poetry paused, glancing back at Pete.
“This is going to bring back the goddess of love and beauty?” Mortimer asked, curiosity and intrigue making the work seem a little less difficult.
“You can guarantee it?” Gladstone questioned, eager to see the prettiest person who ever existed, especially if it meant they had another shot of keeping her here.
“Absolutely!” Pete pounded on his chest with each syllable. “This is going to bring her back, I swear it upon my honor as a god!” If Mortimer and Gladstone thought more with their heads and less with other parts of their anatomy, they might have realized Pete had no honor. As it was, they were eager to see her again, the perfect decoration for Mount Olympus. So while they still dreaded doing actual labor, they withheld their complaints for the time-being.
Since they could never tire out, and never needed to eat or sleep, they were forced to keep going and learn as they went. They were worried about Pete lashing out at their hideous creations, but Pete hadn't hired them for works of beauty. As long as it had two arms and two legs, it was good enough for his master plan.
How many would be enough? It was hard to say, but he knew he couldn't have them carving for infinity or his plan would never get off the ground. So instead of waiting for the number of statues, he would wait a certain number of days before getting the necessary second ingredient for his idea. By then, he would surely have enough. Besides, once the idea was set into motion, he could always make his lackeys work again. Eternity was a wonderful thing if you cared for no one and nothing but your own pleasures.
As he watched the marble become chipped and dusty, nothing could wipe the sneer from his face. In that moment, he knew Aphrodite had been born for him, for she was the only person who could give him what he longed for most – his forever war.
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