#holy SHIT this is long
thesharktanksdriver · 2 years
any way the wind blows (Platonic)
So I kinda watch records of ragnarok and became obsessed
This is platonic but later on I might make some romantic scenarios for a few characters
Y/n is based off of scaramouche fron genshin if he didn’t have mommy issues and was a decent person. Also left it gender neutral
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Gods and humans had always been divide since the dawn of their creation
Molded from clay in their likeness yet considered inferior for their mortality
Despite the fact their creators were just as flawed (if not more) than they are
This was a reality that few knew or acknowledged, but one that Hephaestus had come to as he pondered one day in his lab
It was no secret he was hated by the others
For he is everything a god isn’t supposed to be
Their supposed to be beautiful and angelic yet he is ugly and deformed
Thrown from Olympus and experienced humans first hand before clawing his way back to his spot in the heavens
Given the most beautiful wife of them all who hates and despises his despite how hard he tries
He is scorned for simply existing just as humans are
Perhaps that’s why he finds better company in them than he does with his fellow gods
Though they are flawed beings they know that are not perfect
They embrace their flaws, and persevere despite how hard they are thrown down
They invent, create, destroy and rebuild again and again
Something in which the god of blacksmithing respects, for even the strongest blade can be melted down to create something even better
In his loneliness in his lab, deep within the smouldering smoke and bubbling magma of his volcanic home
Hephaestus longs to learn, to see, to hear but knows he cannot go to the surface world
So instead he decides to do what he does best
He decided to create his own human, one that would be imbued with the blessing of true immortality
For only something with a soul can be reaped, even gods face that fate if they are wounded enough
But if something doesn’t it will last forever
Hephaestus creates his magnum opus
His human
His child
“From finest clay your are molded, but within your veins lay no blood nor Ichor, but instead pure energy shall power you.”
You are created by his scarred and broken hands that are steady and firm
He makes you an epitome of beauty, something that he wishes he could be
For only something that is considered ugly can know what true beauty looks like
When your body is complete he imbues you with life through the lightning of Zeus
And then he lets the breath of zephyrs wind wake you
Through pure eyes you awaken and he helps you walk
Your like a newborn deer, shaking and buckling legs as you lean to him for help
You look at him with such kindness and innocence
And love
That one thing he had only wanted in his life from anyone
For the next couple of months he’s raises you, teaches you his craft and how to adapt
He is gentle but stern in his teachings, guiding yours hands and teaching you what he knows
Luckily your blessed by him to understand all languages and speak them as well
But despite spending months raising you he had not given you a name
Only calling you “my child”
When you ask of him why he hadn’t bestowed upon you a title he says he want you to decide
For you are worthy of picking it yourself when the time is right
For a long time you ponder
What shall that be
But it isn’t until he tells you to travel, to learn, to live and love like all humans that you decide your name
“And so you become a wanderer. Just know my child that if you ever need help I am at your call. My only advice is that humanity can be fickle but the gods are worse”
And so you begin your travels, through marshes and hills, or mountains to deserts
Through the valleys and into land that is lush in greenery of various kinds
From dusk to dawn you travel, stopping sporadically to stay in places that interest you, with people whom teach you before you leave for the road
It is a cycle
One that teaches you of humanity’s greed, pride, jealousy, rage, hate and despair
But one that also teaches you of their compassion, love, kindness, strength and their passion for surviving despite how the gods strike them down over and over again
They rebuild, they overcome and engineer a solution
For they only have themselves to rely on as the gods turned their backs to them
They adapt just as you do
But you are fundamentally different from them
An immortal being without a soul, one that looks and acts just as they do but retains thousands of years of knowledge you’d collected through experience
You aren’t a god but you aren’t quite human, yet you retain qualities from both
You are in between them but also something entirely different from either
You are you
And perhaps that is enough
“You and I have crossed paths, but our journeys will eventually diverge. Who knows what will happen next? Let's just wait and see.”
You end up meeting many humans (and some gods) in your journey’s but many stand out in your mind
One being the human who later would go onto become a demigod
Heracles who you knew as Alcides is someone you had met by complete accident when he was young
He was being bullied, pushed around and punched by children yet he still tried to put up a fight
He kept pushing on and standing up no matter how many times he was thrown down
You stepped in, sending the children running back scared whilst he gave you a toothy smile
Despite losing and being beaten down he was still optimistic
As you patched up the young boy he explained that those boys had been bullying him and his friends castor
That he never won against them but wouldn’t let them keep hurting his friend
It wasn’t righteous and he couldn’t stand for it
You can’t help but smile as he explains this, he was someone you’d only meet once in a blue moon
So you decide to offer him help
For the next couple of months you help the young boy train just as your father taught you
At first he fails
And fails some more
But he always returns to training no matter how beat down and tired he is
In his training your stern but encouraging
Teaching him to hone his strength and use it properly
It is then he begins to make progress
You show him how to stand up for the weak and to never waver in his righteousness
When you aren’t training him you spend time with him and Castor in Thebes
You buy them proper food and give some extra drachma to take home
They always feel a bit guilty about it but you assure them it’s no worry
You had plenty more (no, literally you had more money than you could spend from being a damn good blacksmith)
Figs are eaten as the three of you watch the sunset along with some honey drizzled fruit
They look up to you like a older sibling and it’s safe to say you view them as little brothers
But eventually as always you must eventually leave
Both are upset (especially Alcides) but on the night before you leave you take them to watch the sunset and stars once again
Eating ripe pomegranates as you explain each constellation that lights up the skies
“There is no need to be sad you two, perhaps we will meet again one day. Even if we don’t I will always be with you in memory and in what I taught. Just look to the stars and remember my stories”
That morning you leave but not before telling Alcides to keep up his training and to keep doing what he believes is right
You leave on horseback throwing to him a bag of coin with a sly smile
It’s many years later that you learn he became a god
A bit of pride swelling up in you along with worry
You can only hope he retained a bit of his love for humanity when he ascended to the heavens
another interesting human you meet is Qin Shi Huang
The first emperor of China with you as his personal Historian
The supposed cursed prince who was able to unite a shattered land under his power
Unlike others who still looked at hims with some semblance of hate or fear you always kept a small smile
Offering the knowledge he seeked with a certain something in your voice as you recounted tales of old
After a certain time he begins coming to you more, wanting to learn more
(Also using it as a way to get to know you. A mysterious traveler that somehow was so knowledgeable that despite being a foreigner ended up in court life)
You are outcasted much like he was when he was a child yet like him you bear it with a smile
When you talk with him the conversations start our formal
But in time he opens up as do you
Not about everything of course but about some of your travels and the sights you’d seen
From far spanning mountains that scraped the clouds to the green fields filled with wheat that made them look like fields of gold
He ends up wrapped up in those stories
At some point he’d come to call you friend
The only person after Chun Yan whom he’d let close to his heart
To see how he actually felt when he hadn’t locked it all behind a smile
As you get close to him rumours spread and it leads to you being harassed by several jealous court members
You don’t say anything, it’s not like it actually affects you anyways but when he learns
He is furious
It hurts him to know you were harmed because of him
That you were hated
Just like he was for actions that were not his own
But you brush it off simply telling him to give them a small punishment but nothing extreme
That in the end your alright and that you can’t really be mad at them
In their eyes your a foreigner who was in a position they could only dream about
It’s expected they’d get mad, maybe trying to drop a vase on your head was a bit much but in the end it didn’t hurt you
He reluctantly follows what you say but remains hesitant to let their actions go
Not long after this he tells you of his childhood, all the pain and loss
But how in the end he killed a god and united the land
There’s something in you that sparks at the “killing a god” part but he doesn’t ponder on it long
Instead the two of you talk
And for the first time you feel close enough to open up about not being human nor god
His ego probably gets a bit bigger when you causally mention that he’d likely go down in history
For your time as his historian he shows you in a lot of luxurious befit for royalty and high class nobles
Even years later you keep them, gifts you’d treasure for the rest of eternity and make sure to keep safe
He was born and bred in brutality so his rather violent ways aren’t much of a surprise but you try to help him find ways to temper it
To see that there are peaceful ways to end a fight
Around 4 years of staying there you know it’s about time to leave and Qin Shi isn’t very happy about it
He tells you as emperor that you couldn’t just leave
That as his historian you couldn’t up and go
As his only true friend
But those orders soon become pleads
And the authority in his voice drained as tears replaced it
During the month before you go he is at your side
Making new memories and silently dreading as hours and days fly by
He listens to more of your stories, to your personal accounts and how they differ to what’s told
And on that last day when the moon is full and you await a horse to take you on your next endeavour he stands by your side
And when the times comes for you to go he gifts you a bracelet commissioned just for you
He gently fastens it to your wrist
“A gift from me, a silent sign that you are forever the friend of the emperor”
“May our paths cross in the future my friend”
“Yes, let’s hope they do”
When he dies on a tour of his land at age 49 you somehow appear before his side as if sensing he was dying
His advisors are confused as he orders them to let you in but they do so in fear of the consequences
You might not agree with many of his actions you’d heard he committed but he was your friend
He passes holding your hand
The bracelet he once gave you is still worn to this day
He only wished he achieved immortality so you never had to deal with loosing yet another friend
But he is human and nothing can change that despite how you and he wish so
If you had a nickel for every time you ran into a human turned god you’d have two nickels
Weird it happened twice but your not complaining
You met Gautama Siddhartha the former prince of Kapilavastu as you took shelter beneath a tree when night fell
There you found him beneath the Bodhi tree that you took shelter beneath in a deep state of meditation
Until you politely asked if he was ok and he answered you
Compared to most you met Gautama is relaxed
He is in-tune with both himself and the world around him in more ways than he knows
You could already tell he was a legends in the making and decided to stick around for a bit to see where his journey would take him
Eventually as he reached enlightenment you grew curious as to why he remained on earth despite being able to go to the heavens above
But he tells you that his word isn’t done, that he wanted to spread what he had learned
To make people happy and to ease their suffering
It makes you happy
Never had you thought a god would do so but you assumed that because he was human before
That’s possibly why he still cared
Even years later when he does eventually go to the heavens you have a small Buddha statue in your possession of many items
As a way to honour him
You wouldn’t exactly call him friend (you didn’t know him long enough to do so though he’d disagree) but he is someone you’d certainly never forget
Raiden Tameemon is another you met curiosity enough at one of his Sumo matches
At the time you heard talk of a seemingly legendary fighter who had yet to lose a match and you wanted to check it out
You weren’t disappointed and began going to show up in the crowds who watched him
His strength was certainly admirable but so was his kindness in donating money back to his home town
So after a match you approached him and went with him for celebratory Sake
You kinda after that became drinking buds with him since other sumo wrestles didn’t seem keen on being around him
He is a lovely fellow one who you swear can eat a mountains worth of food and drink an oceans worth a anything
You on the overhand are technically the same m, you don’t need food or drink to survive you just have it to experience it’s taste and experience
He flirts with you quite a bit but you laugh it off
Taking them as compliments as you comment on his strength
His laugh is loud and boisterous as you both guzzle down more booze
You don’t really get drunk?, so your always the sober one who makes sure to get him home
To a normal person he’d be quite heavy but your able to carry him with no problem
Which gets quite a log of amazed onlookers as you carry him without so much as sweating
At his wrestling matches you’d always at the front of the crowd cheering for him
You know he won’t be defeated but you encourage him anyways
At some point he definitely uses your hat as a makeshift Frisbee despite you yelling at him
Sometimes during his drunken ramblings he talks of how he feels like a monster
You always assure him though that he is not
That he’s a man like everyone else
One who deserves love just like everyone does
It’s a rare moment but hearing that from you makes him cry a little
Perhaps he had waited a long time to hear that
He knows beforehand that you’d have to leave one day but when you do he says goodbye with a smile
He gives you a hug and pats your back with a blinding grin
You promise to catch another of his fights one day and you do
The last one before his retirement is spent with him drinking with you like for old times sake
Slurred singing and messy dancing as you and him walk side by side of the busy street as the moon is risen in the sky
He teaches you to laugh and enjoy a drink when times are rough
Every year though on the date of his death you honour him by having a sip of sake whilst watching the moon
For the moon had is the only remaining witness to those nights filled with laughter
Mr. Anonymous otherwise know as Jack (though your not sure that’s even his real name) finds you on his own
At the time you were briefly stopping off in Britain to check out the Industrial Revolution
So far it’s been disappointing to you and slightly disturbing as you’d seen young children be put on the workforce
Having to deal with hazardous materials and operate machinery that could rip them apart
Oh plus the buzz around the serial killer called “jack the ripper”
Now that in itself didn’t really interest you
But what did was how the media seemingly just ate it up
They speculated and theorized of who done it
Seemingly sickly enamoured by the mane who butchered innocent women who just were trying to get by
Those same victims seen as nothing more than side notes to the man himself
Their murderer
The ripper
At this point your not sure what’s worse, the idolizations of the killer or how the victims themselves are seemingly shamed for their profession
Unbeknownst to you Jack had the uncanny ability to see people’s souls as colours along with their emotions
But for you there was nothing
Absolutely nothing except for sparks of electricity? Of sorts that buzzed around you
Ever the gentleman he offers you a spot at his table and even buys you a cup of tea
He insists and you allow him with a smile
You can never pass on a good drink and someone who wanted to talk
Eventually as day turns to night he offers to walk you to your hotel
Saying that London streets aren’t exactly friendly to those alone at night and you agree
It’s on that walk he reveals more of his true intentions
Still cordial and polite but you can tell he’s holding back getting violent if you did not respond
So you respond with the truth since if he attacked he’d figure out you weren’t human anyways
Safe to say he’s very fascinated
For the rest of your stay in England you stick around with him
By your choice as well
He is an interesting man but one that you nether the less find yourself enjoying the company of
He is upfront with you about how he is a killer
And how he goes by the Jack the Ripper moniker after killing the original
He knows he’s not a good person but despite that you see that maybe he’s selling himself short
There’s apparently a secret organization in London that tracks down and kills far worse scum of society
Killing the original Jack the Ripper is also a sign that to you be at least has some moral code of sorts
He brushes your comments off, though you can see that it seems to somewhat resonate with him
You and him often discuss Shakespeare especially since you had met the playwright and even acted in a few of his productions
Though you don’t have a colour he associates your soul with that of a rich Violet
A beautiful colour for someone as beautiful as you are in both body and metaphorical spirit
When your time in Britain is just about up you and him go to see Hamlet
It would be a night he’d never forget since it filled him with joy that he had not seen since the early days of his childhood
He felt at peace for once
Even when you leave you continue to mail to him
Telling him of your travels around the world and even sending a few small souvenirs
When he dies he’s at least glad to have had 1 true friend
“ Aphrodite?, heh. A wolf in sheep's clothing. To exert a higher level of control over people, she puts on a graceful and beautiful front. Most of those who have seen her true colours know of her cruelty”
Through your journeys unlike your many human friends you’ve meet a handful of gods in your time
You don’t go out of your way to meet them
But sometimes fate has different plans
And though those encounters are rare they remain in your mind
For a few examples
You meet Thor when Odin’s Raven Huginn was injured
He was sent to earth to deliver some sort of message and inadvertently got injured
And that’s when you found him, a bleeding mass of feathers in the snow
Yelling swears that would make even Loki blush
The bird is at first hesitant to accept your help
For he saw you as just as human but he reluctantly accepted once realizing he could get nowhere
So you brought the immortal pet of Odin back to your cabin to heal him
Whilst the raven is boastful and full of pride
He eventually begins to like your company as you engage in long conversation with him
Most gods brush him off as annoying so it feels nice being appreciated
He won’t admit it but he might’ve began to get attached
He might not like humanity but maybe your an exception
Once he is healed enough to fly it’s when he is able to alert Odin to his location
And a meeting place is made
You bring him out into the freezing cold
He’s talking and your making hums of acknowledgment as he talks about the gods
It’s somewhat interesting getting his view of them since yours is relatively negative (except for your father and Buddha)
And then he pauses
the talkative raven suddenly leaps from your shoulder and into the air
Flying high as you spot a man…no a god
Long red hair, markings covering his skin, piercing eyes and a large hammer resting upon his shoulder
When you get within a couple feet of him and Huginn the god stares you down
The Raven perched on his shoulder talking his ear off about how you had brought him back to health
It is then you learn the person in front of you is Thor, the strongest of the Norse pantheon
One whom you heard was battle hungry
Though other than that you don’t know much of him
You stand before the god of thunder unfazed
Huginn seems rather surprised at that fact but doesn’t make a comment on it
Perhaps even somewhat amazed at that fact
Thor offers you a reward though he doesn’t seem enthusiastic as he says this
Likely just following the orders from Odin
You quirk an eyebrow
“I don’t want a reward in money, I just have a question for you oh mighty Thor”
His eyes widen ever so slightly but he nods
“What is that?”
“What do you desire out of everything in the world, what is the one thing you want despite being an all powerful god?”
Now that makes him pause
Of all questions be certainly didn’t expect that nor did the Raven that begrudgingly found itself enjoying your company
He answers and your not surprised
“An equal. Someone i could fight full strength and be at match with. That’s what I desire”
You chuckle a bit at this
“I’m not surprised, but that did fulfill my suspicions. I wish the best to you, that you’ll find that one day. Maybe we’ll cross paths again”
And with that he nods and turns around
What surprises him though is when he feels something hit is back
He turns, there’s snow sticking to his hair
But then that-
Your gone, completely and utterly gone when he turns around
The furious wind carrying snow that covers up any footprints
He realizes that by throwing that snowball you were in some way teasing him
Something he’d normally be able to detect before you even threw it hit him like he was nothing
He searches for you for the next couple of years, always searching through crowds whenever he’d have to go to earth for whatever reason
It gave him a sense of something
He wasn’t sure what it was but he knew he wanted to challenge you
He needed to conclude that fight you begun but left for him to finish
But for him he would get to fight you again at a raid Vikings were doing against a village you were staying at
You couldn’t just there and do nothing so you geared up and ran into battle
And that’s when you noticed a familiar red haired god watching nearby
And he seemed to spot you as well since the next moment your engaging in battle with him
The battlefield around the two of you in an icy wasteland is accentuated by crashing thunder and biting lightning as you exchange blows
That the normal apathetic face filled with giddiness at someone finally living up to expectations
The raid is long forgotten as everyone evades the area and you do your best to lead the fight into a nearby wooded area
Trees are flattened by his infamous hammer that now pulsates and cracks at the seams
Flesh spilling out of it as it beats like a heart
You use the trees to bounce off and lead him deeper into the secluded area
Eventually you wear him out just enough to get a hit that sends him staggering back
You could go full power but you decide not to since you’d rather have some cards up your sleeve
And as he’s on the shattered ground, kneeling as a hand is placed over his bleeding chest he asks for your name
You just reply your a wanderer before disappearing into the brush
He’s found by Loki not long after who is confused and somewhat scared at the fact Thor of all people has an almost fatal wound
When he asks the red head simply replies he was training and nothing more
Content on keeping your existence a secret for his own sake of having an equal
Loki doesn’t need to be the god of lies and deception to tell he’s lying but says nothing
Another god you meet is Ares during wartime
You were on the battlefield not fighting but just doing your best to help those who were injured
You’d had a good amount of fighting in your life and had decided to do you best to help instead
And there on the battlefield, bloodied and victorious is the god of war
You locked eyes with him yet didn’t waver
Instead focusing on picking up a solider who had sustained a leg wound
He looks over the human who relies on you and at his uniform
One of the men on his side
Unbeknownst to him someone was foolish enough to try and sneak up on him
But you mouthed the words “behind you” to the god
Within an instant the man is dead and your taking the soldier back to his camp
A small interaction but one nether the less
Sometimes in war you see him but you avoid being seen
Disappearing within the blink of an eye
You’d rather not have your immortal status be known to the gods
There’s a bit of resentment you hold towards him for your fathers sake
Being a lover of your dad’s wife, the goddess of beauty herself
Whilst your father is resigned to the fact that his wife will never love him and goes behind his back constantly
You can’t help but feel angry for him because at this point he’s used to it
Speaking of which
Your father visits you every 5 years on the eve of your creation
Though as he said when you set out on your adventures you can call to him whenever you need him
As usual he is kind and caring
You recount to him your travels
Your friends and all of the advancements in technology the humans had made
He listens with a smile, eyes twinkling with joy at your happiness
On these occasions he almost always gifts you something he’s made
All of which you use on your journey like the satchel that no one but yourself can open
Or your now iconic kasa hat with a veil trailing behind it which was inspired from your times in Japan
And your clothes built to be able to be able to withstand your power when you use them
Hephaestus isn’t used to affection from being scorned by everyone
So he melts when you hug him or hold his hand
You never hesitate to do so and the first time you initiate the platonic action of love he cries
The god of smithing usually talks of his latest invention or what’s happening with the gods
The usual petty squabbles over any inconvenience
being invited to their council meeting every 1000 years yet again but not being told until last minute
He worries for not only you but also humanity
He sees the resentment and disgust the others hold for humans, despite the entire race being moulded after them
They don’t seem to acknowledge that humans are just as flawed as they are
He knows he can’t do anything though
So he just focuses on his worries for you
About how it must be to loose all your human friends
For they age and you don’t
A small part of him expects you to resent him for making you immortal
Yet you don’t
Though yes, it is hard to befriend people knowing you’d always outlive them
And while there were times in your life you had craved death
You came to realize how You enjoy the fact you’ve lived long enough to meet them in the first place
To be able to see how far humanity has come and how far it needs to continue
To watch empires crumble but new ones be rebuilt in their ashes
To meet people like Hypatia or Nicola Tesla, minds ahead of their time only to be recognized for their accomplishments later
Sometimes when he feels more alone than usual he looks at the little gifts you gave him
And it reminds him of how he’ll always have you
The one person who would ever give him love
Something that even his parents had denied him for something that isn’t even his fault
And unlike his uncaring mother and father he’d always give you his love
His care and support
For he knows that someone deprived of that can end up becoming cruel and angry
Just like he had for so many years until realizing there was nothing he could ever do to get that love
But now he realizes that’s ok
they deserve him nor his care
Only his child does
“You want me to introduce myself? I've gone by many names and titles during my journeys. they're all just water under the bridge to me now and you can Call me whatever you like…but y/n is what I originally gave to myself”
When the gods gather for yet another 1000 year meeting Hephaestus feels little need to go yet attends anyways
Perhaps to spite those who wanted him not to go
He sits in his seat of sculpted metal
Normally he barely listens but when the fate of mankind is brought up he becomes deathly aware
X’s are thrown up by almost every god
And he’s left confounded on what to do
He doesn’t put up a sign yet no one notices
And the normally stoic and calm god is left silently panicking
Until a certain Valkyrie makes her appearance
He knew of her well enough
Valkyrie’s were some of the few who treated him fairly since they respected him for his craft of weapons
She offers an opportunity for humanity to prove itself
An event in which 13 humans and 13 gods would fight to the death
At first not many are intrigued until she does something to ensure they would accept the challenge
She called them chicken, scared to face the humans they had created
Once the meeting is over the god finds Brunhilde and her younger sister Göll
The youngest scared to a T whilst her older sister remains dead calm
It’s there that he tells her that he’s an ally
And that there is someone that she might wish to contact for a fighter
And so she takes his advice and finds you having tea in your home
when she asks you to fight for humanity against the gods you agree
And so Ragnarok begins
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mysteryanimator · 5 months
I love your animations, but I'm still struggling to view them without thinking about their last canon interaction. Can you tell me what you envision their makeup would be like?
(Lol I’m so sorry to all the ppl who work on Nocturne reading this 💀 and just generally everyone)
Thank you so much that means a lot! But now, you’ve unveiled my trap card and given me an excuse to write my thoughts on Mizrak and Olrox, so this will get pretty long. Also, this may end up being very subjective/personal taste in some parts so I hope everyone doesn’t mind (and hope you don't mind the funky grammar!) This is an open discussion too, I’d like to hear everyone’s thoughts! 
Now with that out of the way here we go!
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(This is old unfinished storyboards for a previous iteration of their makeup scene I did back in jan, never finished them due to uni/another project, I'd like to someday tho because guh the themes.)
Now first of all, I’d like to think that a proper makeup/conversation wouldn’t happen for a bit and would be drawn out because they’re both still hurt, angry, sad, and confused at not only each other but themselves. They’re not the type to get into loud verbal arguments for this, definitely some verbal jabs at each other though. Mean petty comments, oh absolutely. I’d like to personally believe they’d still yearn for each other, perhaps even more so after Olrox indirectly confessed and Mizrak practically turned it down. 
Now, there are soooo many different ways that they’d even see each other again, many different ways it could come to that initial point where they’ve made up. Though I’ll go with one of my personal idea (which people keep egging me on to animate WHICH… I dunno I don’t have free time rn so I’m just blurting it out into written format while I can 😭 I want to though, maybe later in the year for fun if season 2 doesn’t beat me to it). 
Have to establish my vision, but I’d think that Richter, Maria, Annette, Alucard and Mizrak are hopping from abandoned town to abandoned town due to the inability to return to Macheoul for the time being. While Olrox has been on his own (doing what, I’m not even sure my personal headcanon for this.) I think Alucard and Mizrak have a conversation about Alucard’s past in a group setting and it strikes a chord with the monk- since after all, Alucard’s dad is THE Dracula, and his mother (bless her, I miss her) is human. You know how that whole backstory goes, and it parallels Olrox a lot. Also Mizrak and Annette will absolutely have a deep conversation too. Just solely from the comment that was made: 
“We’re all descended from gods, we just have to learn how to draw their power.” Nocturne s1 ep 2
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Annette clearly having powers from Haitian gods, absolutely challenging how Mizrak was only certain of one God. Yes, Mizrak is extremely stubborn and it will take him a bit, but he’s different from the Abott in the sense that he will not let religion blind his path to good. He ‘uses his head’ as said before, not god, not the church- his head. Mizrak’s idea of the church and his faith is now a mess and it’s up to him on how he interprets it and rewrites it knowing what he knows now (this is important I swear when it comes to the makeup scene).
Now we’re at the actual scene at hand: Olrox and Mizrak making up.
Side note: oh god I’m practically writing this whole thing as if its going to be played out for an episode, but that’s how it works in my brain LOL but you asked so you shall receive. I am so sorry HAHA
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There’s been a lot of build up from this point where they have been meeting up here and there by themselves, but you can clearly tell whenever they do they both hurt and yearn- which would lead to their proper makeup scene. I’m just inserting this for fun, but I’d imagine this would take place in an abandoned church in the town they’re camping in for the night. For a lot of symbolic reasons; devotion, sacrifice, forgiveness, gathering. This along with the simple fact, Mizrak’s relationship to the church has changed completely from here. I’d like to think that even when he’s trying to rekindle that connection with God, it leaves that icky overcoat on his skin. 
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“Faith is a company in the hardest of times, when the world abandons you.” Nocturne ep 3
The church indeed had saved him from whatever terrible horrific thing happened to him in the past, however whatever saved him can still be horrible and terrible too. It is infallible.  It is cruel in an attempt to gather community and peace. So, yes- faith can be company when the world abandoned him, but his faith is no longer with the church. He’s taking it back and finding some place else to rest it. (Olrox, it’s Olrox, probably ooc but I’m making it Olrox). 
In this church, the conversation between them will initially start as a discussion about religion, faith and that whole sort of deal. It’ll open up about Mizrak exact struggles from his mouth and how he particularly feels about it, then we get more insight onto Olrox’s thoughts, his perception of the church and perhaps even a deep dive into Aztec history again. Maybe even talk about Olrox’s Quetzalcoatl form, though really this is self indulgent. It’s an aspect I’d absolutely love to be explored and I think it being discussed in revere in a Catholic Church,  with Mizrak actually being open to it due to his new perspective? Oh my god, sign me up. Regardless, it would hold similar energy to episode 6: Gulity Men to be Judged. There’s a weight to it. 
Then it gets heavier when the conversation pivots.  
Mizrak’s attachment in the church was due to him caring about people and, hypothetically, to save him from whatever detriment came for him in the past. The last canon interaction, their falling out they had in season 1 was because he cared about others. To a fault. Now, here he is, standing in front of someone he cares about. It’s going to open a conversation between what’s happening between them and finally properly discuss what happened from their last canon interaction in nocturne season 1. 
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A lot of finger and hand brushing from Olrox, which at first I’d think gets no reaction as an attempt for restraint before Mizrak warms up to it and even reciprocates by doing the same thing. All of this is very gentle in my opinion. It’s slow, tender, and most importantly vulnerable. It has the physical contact reminiscent of their first fast rough and tug in the courtyard and piggybacks off the vulnerability they both have when they both stand next to the window in episode 6. They probably also just physically get closer to each other at the moment. Just gradually though. The distance gets closer and closer until their foreheads are practically touching without them realizing it. They’re comfortable though, they don’t want to leave. 
They absolutely get to a point where they both admit to saying “I love you” without straight up saying “I love you” because that’s just a very them thing. Or maybe they do straight up state because Olrox does admit he was in love (with his partner) and doesn’t shy from that fact. It’s a nice conversion of the trope and great to hear from a mlm couple to say I love you… but man do I do love when characters get all poetic-y when their profess their devotion to each other by literally talking in prose, so maybe with good writing both can be done and still be quite powerful but still be gentle. 
In my interpretation YEAH I’LL MAKE THEM KISS AFTER THIS, this is my vision after all. Also, yeah they’re gonna fuck. In the church? Perhaps. Is it a tad OOC, maybe. HOWEVER, consider imagery and symbolism. I just think the image of it would be great, even if it was censored to hell and back, it can be so artistically done. Just imagine the implication alone with me for a second. I think the whole concept of doing it in a church is an interesting build upon the quotes from the show;
“God is not here. This church is an empty box.” From the first Castlevania series.
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“House of God? This place is just a heap of bricks and stone.” From Nocturne said by Maria. 
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The church is a husk, especially having it abandoned- it’s rather what you do with that box that makes all the difference. The people inside are the driving force, so I think it’s both poetic and funny to have Mizrak and Olrox fucking in an abandoned church. Surface level: fuck you god I’m fucking my hot vampire boyfriend in your house. Deeper level: I could write a whole thing on this but I’ll refrain. You can get the gist of breaking free of restraint, and devotion and letting himself be human, rather than a soldier (which he already slowly does). 
Though also this sex scene isn’t necessary, I just like exploring explicit content in artistic ways, especially if I can throw in religious symbols and heighten that hunger/devotion to a person- but the “I love you” in the church is pretty powerful already.  
Then after all of this they take it at their own pace. However, they only live life once and continue together like that- they both know this concept very well because of the very nature of who they are, so they spend it in each other’s company. 
Now you also get the squad’s reactions, well namely because I do not think this would be an easily hidden thing. Like absolutely could get away with it in season 1, but everyone will know something is up for sure in my iteration. The 'hypothetical' Mystery Animator season 2 iteration. As subtle as their longing stares and quiet hand touches may be reserved for just them- those little interactions are loud.
Richter would absolutely be in shambles over Olrox, the killer of his mother, and Mizrak being a thing. Both in a “this is the most horrible thing that’s happened in my life” and also a he’s going to be an absolute shithead to Mizrak and make fun of him, lightheartedly of course. Alucard would absolutely have an interesting perspective because again, his parents. Maria already has disdain for the church plus the “vampires are evil… and evil has to be fought.” However, in the presence of Alucard, I think a lot will change because he’s half-vampire. Annette, I’m unsure of what her reaction would be, because I’m very sure she’d be receptive to Alucard being a vampire and then would appreciate Olrox’s mindset and values. However, gonna keep hammering, Olrox killed Julia Belmont which I feel will be comedically hammered in if Olrox decides to hang around the squad occasionally. 
And with that, we’re done! (I think)
Thank you for reading 🫶 this probably will not happen in cv s2 but it’s fun blurting out my hc. I’m really excited to see what they do, and even perhaps even go in the opposite direction due to episode limitations… maybe a season 3 👀 who knows.
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Hello and welcome to Day 27 of "Let's Explore My Plot Bunnies"
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(Sorry Cale, I will be, once again, taking away your peace and quiet)
How is everyone today? Me? I AM IN SHAMBLES! I just finished the Penacony Story Quest Act 1, and my mind and heart are broken. But I still want to finish the 31 days of plot bunnies so here I am with day 27.
This plot bunny is literally an entire series of books. More precisely, this plot bunny is my rewrite of Harry Potter with Cale Henituse (and other characters from the novel) as part of the actual cast.
I titled the plot bunny: "A small change in the script"
I will explain the idea below, but beware it is going to be kind of a long explanation. So, enjoy my rambling! (And I am gonna post some memes about this Au pretty soon)
PS: This is really long. I go through the first 5 years at Hogwarts in some detail (I still have a ton of things I haven't spoken about because brain power is very low and I just wanted to get the idea across first). Also, I am sure I made some miskates, so please forgive me. So beware before you start reading!
We start with Cale Henituse and the Henituse and Thames families in this world.
Starting with the Henituse side, they are a pure-blood wizard family that live in the far north of Germany. They are a family that excels at Charms, especially the Shield Charm, Protego. They are known to be neutral when it comes to the idea of muggles and muggle-borns learning about magic. Or rather than neutral, they think the following: "If the muggles/muggle-borns bring trouble, we will do something about it. But if they don't endanger anyone, there is no need for us to intervene." As such, the family keeps out (for the most part) of the drama that the Wizarding World seems to deal with.
Since they are located in the far north of Germany, Deruth attended and graduated from the Drumstrang Institute, just as many other members of his family.
On the other hand, we have the Thames family. They are a pure-blooded (originally) nomadic wizard family that is scattered around the world. They have (lesser known) ties with the Pevrell and some who know members from this family would say that the Thames family have made deals with Death just as the Pevrell brothers did, for they seem too... welcoming, for the lack of better word, of death.
The Thames family are more akin to a "jack of all trades, master of none" when it comes to their magic. Jour Thames, herself, was extremely talented at Dark Arts (mostly in knowing how to repel them), but her parents were more oriented towards Herbology as a subject of specialization.
Jour Thames had decided to remain in Britain once she got her letter to Hogwarts, while her remaining family still wandered the world. She ended up as a Slytherin, beginning in the same year as Severus Snape (and the rest of the Marauders + Lily). She was pretty much Snape's friend (alongside Lucius) in Slytherin.
Jour and Deruth met during the summer before Jour's 7th year at Hogwarts when she decided to take an impromptu visit in Germany. The one who fell first was Deruth.
Deruth was always interested in Muggles and their technology. He is dead set on settling in the Muggle world and living there for the rest of his life. Jour liked the idea enough, as long as she is still free to go to the Wizarding World to talk with her friends and help them in certain missions - Deruth, of course, had no problem with that.
They married after graduating from their respective schools, moved into a muggle city in Germany (somewhere around Berlin) and had Cale Henituse just 2 years after, when they were 20 (Jour) and 21 (Deruth). Six years later, Jour died under mysterious circumstances, leaving a grieving 6 years old Cale and her husband Deruth behind.
Just a year later, Deruth remarried to Violan, a muggle, who already had a son, Bansen. Violan becomes pregnant with the Lily Henituse the following year, making Lily two years old when Cale leaves for Hogwarts.
As a side note, we also have Kim Rok Soo, Choi Jung Soo, and Lee Soo Hyuk, who attended Hogwarts and were in their 4th year when Jour and Snape entered their first. Kim Rok Soo was in Hufflepuff (everyone in there called him "the little snake that was raised as a badger" because, technically speaking, he would have done splendidly in Slytherin); Chou Jung Soo was in Griffindor; Lee Soo Hyuk was in Ravenclaw.
Kim Rok Soo grew close to Jour Thames, to the point where Jour is ready to publicly claim Rok Soo as her sworn brother, which in turn should make him Cale's uncle. Kim Rok Soo was one of the people (besides Snape, Lucius, and Narcissa) called by Jour after Cale was born to see him. Btw, the date of Cale's birth still coincides with Kim Rok Soo's own birthday (November 8th), and Rok Soo believes Cale to be akin to a blessing to him, which is why he vows to protect the kid even after Jour is dead.
Kim Rok Soo, Choi Jung Soo and Lee Soo Hyuk will later form the "Supernatural Prevention Team" within the Ministry of Magic, a separate type of organization that is mainly about finding whatever "supernatural creature/phenomenon" that appeared in the Muggle world and eliminate it before magic/the supernatural is revealed to Muggles. (Think Mystery Inc. gang from Scooby-Doo but the monsters are half of the time actual real creatures and not just some dudes in constumes)
Cale's name was written in the Book of Admission since the day he was born, mostly because, upon being born, baby Cale managed to let out an influx of magic along with his first cry which shattered the windows of the hospital they were at - thankfully, Jour decided she will give birth to Cale in a Wizard Hospital rather than a Muggle one.
Growing up, Jour basically taught Cale both magic and how to handle magical creatures (I can just imagine that Jour became friends with Aragog during her stay at Hogwarts and she was like "Give my son a giant spider friend too"). Cale, just like the rest of the Thames Family, is a "jack of all trades, master of none" when it comes to his magic and, just like the members of the Henituse Family, he uses Protego a lot more than other spells.
When he goes to Hogwarts, on the train he meets with Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. All of them are 1st years, but Cale finds the other two a bit... too childish - especially when Ron starts insulting the Slytherin House and its members by calling them all "evil" and "deranged". But instead of lashing out, Cale calmly points out that Merlin was a Slytherin too, while also calling out different names of people from the Griffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff who were branded as criminals in the past. When asked by Ron how he knows so much, Cale's response is "Unlike you, I do enjoy reading books", before taking out a book and starting to read, completely ignoring the other two.
When Cale gets sorted, the Sorting Hat pretty much is at a loss. Cale has recklessness of a Griffindor, the intelligence of a Ravenclaw, the loyalty of a Hufflepuff, and the cunningness of a Slytherin. Cale's own mentality of "I don't care in which house I get sorted into" doesn't help the Hat either. So the Hat spends well over 5 minutes trying to dig deep enough into Cale's character so that it can actually put him in a house. In the end, the Hat finds that Cale's ambition - which is to take over Kim Rok Soo's position as the current leader (which he got mainly because Lee Soo Hyuk decided ot will be funny to put Rok Soo as the leader) of the "Supernatural Prevention Team" - is pretty strong and decides to sort him into Slytherin. Snape is pretty pleased with that since he also wants to look after Cale. Dumbledore isn't as pleased since Cale looks like a smart kid, and he thinks he is very vulnerable to Voldemort's influence.
Cale integrates pretty well into the Slytherin House, getting along well with Blaise Zabini and, somewhat well, with Draco Malfoy. (It's mostly as "babysitter" type of relationship at the beginning: Cale makes sure Draco doesn't get in that much trouble by calling him out of some things, while Draco is basically the sulky kid that was told "no" for the first time in his life - Cale is not impressed by Draco's attempt at "puppy dog eyes")
However, Cale also ends up, more often than not, around Harry, Hermione, and Ron and deals with their shenanigans. He is the one who convinced the 3 that it was impossible for Snape to be behind Harry's broom going out of control during the Quiddich match and, while they Ron and Hermione don't truly believe him, Harry thinks Cale is not lying. The reason Harry believes Cale so much? Because Cale has never in the months prior ever told lies - Harry fact checked even the names that Cale said were criminals on the train at the beginning of the year, and it turned out he was correct. Same goes for anything else Cale has said before.
Because of this, they reason that Professor Quirell might have been behind all of this, but without proof, they can't be sure of anything.
When they find out that the Philosopher's Stone is in danger of being stolen, the 3 (who also kinda dragged Cale with them) attempt to get to the stone and protect it while Dumbledore is away in London. Cale takes a liking to Fluffy and employs the methods that his mother taught him to calm down magic creatures of all kind - sharing a bit of his magic with them. By doing this, Cale basically shares his emotional state with the creatures he gave magic to, and manages to calm them down as long as Cale himself is calm.
He insists that the other move quickly after Quirell and tells Harry to be careful because he just knows that Quirell's magic just feels off. Once they are gone and Fluffy is back asleep, Cale goes to Snape and informs him of Quirell's actions. Because of this, Snape ends up there when Quirell dies from a combination of Lily's protective charm and the true Quirell's will fighting against Voldemort's control at the very end. (Basically while his body was burnt from the protective charm, Quirell's mind was trying to keep Voldemort from doing too much damage because he realized... Harry is a fucking child and this is wrong on so many levels. So Quirell fights back, but still dies)
While Dumbledore tells Harry he did the right thing, trauma is a bitch, and I refuse to think Harry wouldn't have trauma from seeing someone die in front of him. Cale finds Harry looking like he is about to cry in the hallways so he takes Harry away and, once more, puts his mother's teachings in action. Jour told Cale when he was little that in Hogwarts, as long as you actually need it, you can ask Hogwarts itself for a room - be it if you need it for studying or just as a place to hide.
Cale asks Hogwarts for a place where he and Harry can be alone, and Hogwarts obliges. Once in the silence and safety of that room, Cale tells Harry he can let it go. Harry starts crying. While he may not be the best at comfort, Cale shares that Harry is not the only person who went through something like that since Cale himself watched his mother die on a hospital bed. Harry feels closer to Cale after this instance and thinks to himself that he will try his best to be a good friend to Cale as he was to him. (Cale: Since when was I a good friend? Since when are we friends?)
In the 2nd year, Cale's interest was piqued when Harry spoke Parseltongue during his duel with Draco Malfoy. This alone made Cale suspicious about how intertwined their family lines were with the Slytheirn line since Cale can also speak Parseltongue.
Since the Secret Chamber's serial petrifications cases already started, Cale is immediately suspicious since he knows Harry doesn't have the spine to do such a thing, and Cale himself thinks it's too much of a bother - so someone else is doing something here, and Cale has a strong belief that there is something more to Moaning Myrthle, the ghost from the girl's bathroom on the second floor. (In the meantime, Harry is freaking out because he is half convinced he is doing something while sleep-walking)
After Hermionie is petrified and Hagrid is sent to Azkaban, both Cale and Harry (and Ron, who still didn't like Cale all that much) decide they should do something.
Trying to prove that Hagrid is innocent, Harry and Ron take Hagrid's advice to follow the spiders while Cale tries to find something by asking Hogwarts. Cale asks if there are any books that might help them discover the reason why students are getting petrified. Hogwarts' response is to get him into a room with books on magical creatures.
Once Cale finds out about the Basilisk and about the Acromantula. Knowing that both Harry and Ron went to the Forbidden Forest following Hagrid's advice, Cale immediately goes there as well, making use of his mother's way to tame magical creatures to get to Aragog's lair. Since Aragon knew Jour, Aragog recognizes Cale's magic as belonging to someone blood related to Jour. By sharing his magic with Aragog, Cale gains Aragog's favor and lets the 3 go. (It's way more complicated that I made it look here, but the words elude me for the moment, so this is the short version)
After this, Ron seems to be just a tad nicer to Cale since he pretty much saved them from the giant spiders. Cale tells them about what the information he found about the Basilisk, a creature that fits the narrative of what has been happening recently. Finding a note in the petrified Hermione's hand just proves Cale's deductions correctly. And then Ginny is kidnapped.
When they hear that Lockheart wants to deal with the creature himself, Cale advises Harry and Ron to be careful when dealing with Lockheart since Cale's instincts scream danger whenever the guy is near. They still go and try to tell him what they found about the Basilisk but instead they find that Lockheart, as per Cale's ("frankly scary" as Ron would say) intuition, is a fraud and tries to use the Memory Charm on them too. Cale disarms him.
This time around, both Harry and Cale are trapped inside the Chamber of Secrets after the ceiling caves in due to Ron's broken wand's misfire (don't worry, Lockheart still gets a taste of his own medicine called the Memory Charm).
This is where Harry learns that Cale can also speak Parseltongue and where Cale informs Harry that it is mostly only the descendants of Slytherin who can speak it, bringing forth the idea that in some way they are both related to Slytherin by blood.
During the battle with Tom Marvolo Riddle, Cale is the one who decided to take a leap of faith and protect Harry when Tom ordered the Basilisk to kill him. Thinking fast, Cale orders the Basilisk to stop altogether, banking on the fact that he might also be a contender for the "Slytherin's Heir" position. If the gamble fails Cale dies, but if it succeeds Cale, Ginny and Harry will manage to live. The gamble pays out as the Basilisk stops and, through broken hisses, wishes for her death so that she will not become a weapon of war for Tom Riddle.
Harry pulls out the Sword of Griffindor from the Hat and stabs the Basilisk, after which Tom decides to take matters into his own hands by attacking Harry. Cale, during the battle, talks with the Sorting Hat and finds out that Basilisk Venom will kill whatever the Tom Marvolo Riddle in front of him is as long as he uses it on the source of the magic. To put an end to everything, Cale is the one that stabs the diary with one of the Basilisk's fangs, causing the Tom before them to dissipate.
Towards the end of the year, Cale is dead set on getting him and Harry to Gringotts, where they could have a test done to decipher their family tree and relations to other families. Once there, Cale teaches Harry another thing: the Gringotts Goblins can be your best friend or your worst enemy, so choose wisely. Cale's associate from the bank, a goblin named Rodnar, is the one that they met and the one that helps them with the test.
Turns out, both of them are related to the Slytherin Family, which explains the Parseltongue. They expected that much. Harry got confirmation about his own family and was informed that he is the one in charge of the Potter Family Vault - provisory for now, permanent holder once he reaches 17 years of age.
At the same time, because of the tests they had to do, the Goblins become somewhat worried when they detect foreign magic inside of Harry Potter's body - specifically, dark magic.
Remembering what happened with Voldemort during their first year, Cale and Harry accept a full test on the dark magic and decide that if it is Voldemort's, they will find a way to get rid of it. This marks the beginning of a 3 year-long plan to get rid of Voldemort once and for all.
During the summer before the 3rd Year, Cale spends time with Kim Rok Soo and his team. Rok Soo tells Cale stories of his years at Hogwarts, and he teaches Cale the Patronus Charm. Cale's Patrons turns out to be a Thestral - mostly because most of the happy memories Cale has are with his mother and her death affected Cale a lot more than people think at first glance.
Year 3 begins with both Cale and Harry meeting a Dementor on the train, with various reactions to it. While Harry faints and develops as deep fear of Dementors, Cale's experience is a bit different. When the Dementor appears before him, Cale's magic seems to go just a bit out of control, which makes the Dementor flitch due to its potency. Cale doesn't seem to be as affected by that encounter, which is something Remus Lupin takes note of when Cale comes and visits Harry's train compartment to check on him.
When Harry sneaks into Hogsmeade, he meets up with Cale, who is there to buy candy for Bansen and Lily as Christmas gifts. While Harry is in one of the shops, Cale notices a black dog and starts petting it, finding the animal quite cute. When Harry comes out and finds Cale petting the dog, he not only recognizes the dog but also believes it is weird for the dog to have followed him around.
When it is time for them to return, Harry tells Cale both about the dog and about the tunnel he used to get to Hogsmeade (and the conversation he overheard). Cale is immediately suspicious about the dog and very interested about the Marauder's Map, thinking that whomever created it is a very skilled wizard.
After the divination class where Professor Trelawney gave her prediction about what will happen in the future, Cale contacts Rodnar and asks him if he can find anything on the case of Sirius Black, since he believes something is not quite right there. Rodnar contacts Cale back a bit later, telling him that there is no such thing as a court hearing of Sirius Black and that he was sent immediately to Azkaban. From there, Cale works with Susan Bones and her aunt to resolve this clear lack of justice accorded to Sirius Black's case and to get his name cleared.
In the meantime, Harry, Hermione, and Ron hear about Buckbeak's execution and try to prevent it.
The more Cale digs into the past of Sirius Black and his crimes, the more suspicious everything becomes. Then, he remembers Scabbers looks peculiar for a pet rat - specifically, that Scabbers is a rat with a missing finger. Realizing Harry and the others are in danger, Cale attempts to reach them in time to help, only to end up coming a bit too late and assisting Harry and Hermione with the Time-Turner, coming with them to the past and having his Patronus help Harry's when they need to get the Dementors to back away from Sirius and past Harry.
Once Sirius is safe, Cale presents to Sirius his options: 1. He continues like this and hides for the rest of his life or 2. He can accept help from Cale and present his case to the Ministry of Magic and get some mind healing sessions, after which he will be free to take custody of Harry.
Of course, Sirius accepts Cale's help, and Remus Lupin even jokes that if he didn't agree, Remus himself would have dragged him to get help. When Sirius asks why Cale is doing all of this, Cale just replies that this will help Harry and annoy a certain people he quite dislikes. By the 5th year, Harry is in Sirius's custody.
Towards the end of the 3rd Year, Cale tells Harry to meet him in the Chamber of Secrets. When Harry arrives, Cale tells him that there is something very strange about the Chamber - it was way too empty. Understanding where he is going with this Harry asks if Cale found anything that tells him there is something more to the Chamber. Cale says that it is merely his intuition.
The two spend the night there trying to find something amiss within the room. During this time, Cale tells Harry he should be weary of Dumbledore. When Harry asks why, Cale replies: "Men like Dumbledore care only about their plans, not about the people that are part of their plans. Dumbledore is the same type of person that I am. So be careful around him and scrutinize every word he says."
Harry, internally, disagrees on the view that Cale has of himself, thinking that although Cale might not show it the conventional way, he truly does care about him and the others.
The two, in the end, find that there is a secret library inside the Chamber of Secrets, full of books from the time of Salazar Slytherin. They even find his journal. Cale decides to try and memorize as much of this library as he could, looking for ways to try and get rid of Voldemort, whom Cale suspects to be behind the Dark Magic inside Harry's body. In the library, Cale and Harry find some information on Horcruxes - something even Salazar Slythrin called "a practice that no one should ever attempt at any point in their life" and they both start making connections between Voldemort and Horcruxes. This is how year 3 ends.
Year 4, for Cale, starts with hearing about the Death Eaters raid after the Quidditch Championship. Knowing that this is merely the beginning of the trouble, Cale starts conversing with Kim Rok Soo about the situation. Kim Rok Soo asks Cale to be careful and not to be reckless should he ever come across a Death Eater.
At Hogwarts, Cale decides to make more progress in the memorization of the books in Salazar Slytherin's secret library. The book that he starts reading explains the concept of "magic reflection" as a defensive technique in a duel. Cale starts thinking if this could be used against the Unforgivable Curses that Mad-Eye Moody showed them during the Defense Against the Dark Arts.
When the Triwizard Tournament starts and Harry is suddenly and inexplicably chosen to be part of it, Cale immediately suspects Dumbledore of putting Harry's name into the Goblet of Fire. He tells as much to Harry and the others, feeling that even if his suspicion turns out to be wrong, at least they will keep their guard up during the competition.
During the competition, Cale tries to help Harry as much as he can to prepare - and that includes stopping Ron's jealousy from going too far. So Cale invites Ron to have tea with him and talk to him about his insecurities. Cale tells Ron not to let his feelings destroy a friendship that he cherishes, and instead, invites Ron to come to him and talk about whatever he wants as a way to get things off his chest. Cale reasons with himself that he already does that (in some capacity) with Draco since the second year so having Ron do this too is not that much trouble now.
From there, things progress normally. During the Yule Ball, Cale attends with Susan Bones. The two discussed the happenings in the previous year and what happened this year as well. Susan is well aware that Harry couldn't have gotten into the TriWizard Tournament without someone else putting his name in the Goblet, and she feels pity for Harry, who has to deal with so many things happening to him. Both Susan and Cale decide that this year protecting Harry and finding who made him part of the Tournament is the most important thing. Both also remark how Rita Skeeter is a very annoying type of journalist and that if she becomes a problem, both of them will do their best to deal with her.
On the day of the last task for the tournament, the Weasley Twins decided to pull a little prank and, though sheer bad luck, Cale ends up being the one that the prank falls on. Cale has to change clothes due to the twins' prank, and a Hufflepuff student tells Cale he can take his spare robes. (The Hufflepuff kinda like Cale ever since Susan vouched for him despite being a Slytherin.)
Cale takes the offer. Feeling that something is about to go wrong, Cale asks Harty before hand if he can borrow the Invisibility Cloak. Harry, although confused, accepts.
When the third task starts, Cale sneaks into the labyrinth with the Invisibility Cloak and tries to stay around Harry to make sure he will be fine. Cale loses sight of Harry at one point but finds Cedric Diggory, a 7th year Hufflepuff student and gives himself away in his haste. When Cedric asks Cale why he is there, Cale tells him he is not there to intervene with the Tournament, he is just there to make sure Harry makes it out in one piece. Liking the loyalty Cale showed and fully agreeing that Harry is in need of protection, Cedric tells Cale he will help Harry if he is in a any trouble. Cale thanks him and the two make their way through the maze, later meeting Harry at the place where Cup was.
When Cale realized that the Triwizard Cup was a Portkey, Cale also held onto the Cup being transported with Cedric and Harry to the graveyard where Peter Pettigrew was. When Peter tries to use Avada Kadavra on Cedric, Cale employs the "magic refection" technique he read in the Chamber's library, casting Protego and praying that the Unspeakable Curse will bounce off the shield he created. It does happen, but Cale miscalculated and Harry still ends up injured and his blood is used to raise Lord Voldemort from the grave.
Voldemort and Harry still duel, which resulted in the Priori Incantatem still taking effect. Thinking fast, Cale tells Harry to come behind him with Cedric and sets up a new shield. This buys the three kids time, as Cale tells Harry and Cedric to take the Cup once again while their are under the shield so that they can go back. When the two ask Cale what he will do, Cale just tells them he will be fine. Once they are gone, Cale turns his attention towards Voldemort and his followers. Voldemort is indignant at the attitude of a mere Hufflepuff child and fires another Avada Kadavra. Cale knew that if that spell hit the shield will not save him. As such, Cale did another stupid thing: he used a type of magic he only read about before, Apparition.
Cale ends up in the Forbidden Forest, with a shoulder injury but otherwise alive after his 1ts successful Apparition.
Later on, after Cale makes his way back to Hogwarts, he finds out that both Harry and Cedric are alive and well. Harry and Cedric were worried sick about Cale but unanimously decided not to mention Cale's presence in the graveyard because they know Dumbledore doesn't like Slytherin students and they both fear Cale will be in trouble.
When Dumbledore talks with Harry in private later, Harry keeps in mind that Cale warned him not to trust Dumbledore. Cale's works seem to be proven right when Harry noticed Dumbledore looks triumphant when he hears Harry's blood was used to bring Voldemort back to the living. Feeling hurt, Harry seeks out Cale to tell him thing, and Cale comforts Harry as best as he can.
A bit later, Cale tells Harry, Hermione, Ron, Draco, and Cedric to meet up to discuss what happened during the tournament. Cedric shows up and brings with him most of the other classmates who also feel something is weird about this. When Harry tells about his conversation with Dumbledore, everyone is quite mad because they don't like that Dumbledore went to the extreme of putting Harry's name in the Goblet to use him as a pawn in his own schemes. When someone points out that Barty Crouch Jr. who disguised as Mad Eye Moody could have done that, Harry points out that Moody was Dumbledore's friend, so would Dumbledore really be fooled by Barty's act?
When that was pointed out, everyone became quiet. Cale breaks the silence by telling everyone that whatever is happening will not be resolved by the Ministry of Magic. Susan backs Cale up, stating that her aunt told her that Fudge is not as reliable as people think.
Cale proposes everyone to work together from the inside of Hogwarts since they will most likely be in danger, most are skeptical - especially Ron who doesn't trust Draco or any of the other Slytherin that much. Cale tells Ron it is understandable for him not to he OK with this arrangement but if they don't work together, the ones that will lose will be them.
Someone asks Cale if he has a plan since he is so sure of what he said. Cale looks at Harry, who nods in response, and says: "Harry and I have a plan. It's risky and very difficult to put in action. But my main question to you all is: Do you trust us?" The others nodded, some faster, others more reluctant. Cale smiles and then proceeds to tell the: "Then trust me when I say, we need to help the Slytherin students to be on our side. They are just kids. They are scared more of their parents' words/actions if they disobey, rather than the consequences of their blind loyalty. That undying piece of shit is using them as a means to an end, and when their usefulness expires, he will get rid of them. Just because they are Slytherin doesn't mean they don't deserve to be helped." Harry takes it from there: "Which is why we want to show them that they still have a choice. Cale has tried his best until now to make his fellow Slytherin understand that, but to no avail. Now, if we work together, we might just be able to save them from all of this."
Draco is a bit surprised by this since he never realized Cale tried to help the others in the Slytherin House. Cale, seeing his reaction, explains to Draco that when dealing with Slytherins, you can't show too much that you are against the Dark Lord's orders since that will immediately alert them. The Slytherin kids know that if someone betrays the Dark Lord, they should tell their parents, or they will be called an accomplice to their betrayal. So Cale cannot be upfront with the others, but putting seeds of doubt in their minds is better than nothing at this point. If they play their cards right, the other Slytherin will doubt the validity of the Dark Lord's words at one point or another. What they need is to make that happen sooner.
The meeting ends with that and with a confirmation from Cedric that he will help Cale with whatever he needs over the summer. Cale tells Cedric, Draco, Ron, Hermione, Harry, Neville, Luna, Susan, and Terry to meet him again during the summer because he needs their help with something that is essential to their plan.
(After the meeting, the Hufflepuff house pretty much adopts Cale as well. Especially after Cedric tells them that Cale saved his life during the confrontation with Peter Pettigrew and later with Voldemort. When they realize Cale's shoulder is still hurt after the Apparition, the entire house puts Cale into blankets and makes hot chocolate for him. Cale, albeit confused, doesn't complain)
During the summer, the group meets up and, amidst all the planning, they bond. Draco becomes more friendly with Harry and his group, much to Cale's approval. Meanwhile, everyone starts seeing Cale as the leader of the entire movement/group, although Cale remains oblivious to that. Harry is officially put under Sirius's care during this time, to Dumbledore's disapproval. (Not that there is much he can do about it since the Ministry of Magic not only approved of this but pushed for this to happen. All thanks to Amelia Bones, btw.) Because of this new arrangement for Harry, Cale ends up visiting him at 12 Grimmauld Place during summer and, though Cale honestly doesn't know why, Kreacher takes a liking to Cale, while still disliking Sirius and, somewhat, Harry too. (Look, don't ask Cale. He was just polite to Kreacher. He was taught to be polite to older creatures since young goddammit)
Also, Cale and Harry get some useful updates on the research for a way to get the Dark Magic out of Harry from Rodnar and the staff at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. All in all, the summer passes quickly for everyone. Especially with the hearing Harry has to go through in August - thanks a lot, Dumbledore - but at least now they know fully that no one believes that Voldemort is back. They can cross out the idea of going to the Ministry for help in this situation.
Then, the fifth year starts, and everyone is introduced to Dolores Umbridge, their new DADA teacher for the year.
When Harry first gets the Umbridge Detention experience, complete with the (illegal) enchanted quill, it is Cale that he chooses to go to first. Cale, although enraged with Umbridge, tells Harry to keep his head down and try not to go against Umbridge. When asked why, Cale replies with: "I have a plan to deal with her, but I need you and everyone else to keep out of trouble for now." Harry, reluctantly, agrees to that.
Meanwhile, Cale poses as a perfectly obedient student in front of Umbridge, telling her that his father has chosen him as the successor to the family business and that he has to conform, and, as such, he won't be able to join the little army of students she is making. Umbridge, seeing that as a pertinent excuse, agrees and notes that Cale and his family would be a wonderful addition to the Dark Lord's army, especially once they are swayed to his side. Cale, on the other hand, is actually digging for misdeeds of Umbridge so he can report her.
To make sure that the report would actually work, Cale meets with Snape and asks what the requirements for a Hogwarts teacher are to be expelled from their position. Snape, guessing where this is going, tells Cale that there needs to be 3 wrongdoings recognized by the Ministry of Magic (with proof) for the teacher to be expelled. He also warns Cale that he will not hesitate to expell Cale should he be found out to be the one behind whatever he is trying to do. Cale takes that as a challenge and asks Snape for a favor: to give Cale lessons in Occlumency. Snape does agree. However, he states that the lessons will stop the moment Cale makes one mistake or the moment he thinks Cale's little scheme to get rid of Umbridge (which Snape also wants to happen mind you) will be found out. And so, before in October, Cale's first lessons in Occlumency begin.
During this time, Cale works with Harry and the others and creates the Hogwarts Army, once it is clear they won't learn anything from Umbridge as their DADA teacher. They use the Chamber of Secrets as their true meeting spot, with the Room of Requirement as a front. Meanwhile, Draco, who is part of the group created by Umbridge, named the Inquisitorial Squad, is trying to do as Cale told them at the end of last year - to place seeds of doubt in the minds of the other Slytherin students. Draco chooses to do so by pointing out that Umbridge's temperament is getting worse - today she was screaming at some 2nd year kids from the Hufflepuff house, and tomorrow she might just start screaming at us. To divert suspicion from himself, Draco just says that he just finds the old hag's attitude annoying since she is merely a half-blood compared to most of the Slytherin students who are pure blooded and that if she ever rises her voice at us then should we, pure-bloods, just stand there and take it? ("My father will hear about this" intensifies)
This attempt does plant some doubt in the others although Draco sees it as a failure.
Until Januray, Cale puts his little scheme in action. First, using the Occlumency Lessons from Snape, Cale makes sure to create a pensive containing the memory of Umbridge stating that she is part of the Swayer Family - which he will use later in the year. Next, after digging into Umbridge's past, he strikes a deal with the Ghosts of Hogwarts - including Peevees - that has them spreading rumors around about Umbridge and whatever mistakes and scandals he could find in her past. Finally, he contacts Kim Rok Soo with these findings and urges his uncle to finish his part of the plan before coming to Hogwarts to take care of Umbridge.
When Harry has his vision of the attack on Mr. Weasly, instead of bringing it up to Dumbledore, Harry finds Cale and tells him that they need to start putting their plan in action. This leads to Harry still taking Occlumency Lessons, but instead of Snape teaching him, it is Cale (who took the Polyjuice Potion to look like Snape) that teaches him. This is merely a front for part of their plan. Since they know now that Voldemort is the owner of the Dark Magic inside Harry, the two want to use this connection Harry has with Voldemort to find out about the locations of his Horcruxes. The principle they use is something studied by Salazar Slytherin, who writes in his library that there is a way to feed false information to someone but that person's mental state should be less than perfect for it to work. Combined with the knowledge that whomever attempts to create a Horcrux will have their mental state damaged, Cale and Harry decide they can actually try this on Voldemort. So Cale teaches Harry how to implant imaginary situations inside Voldemort's head, with Voldemort thinking that these are Harry's actual memories that seeped through their connection rather than just made-up scenarios. In the meantime, Harry learns about the Horcruxes: the diary they have destroyed during their 2nd year; the Gaunt's Family Ring that is currently in Dumbledore's possession; the Slytherin Locket - location unknown; the Hufflepuff Cup - location unknown; Ravenclaw Diadem - location unknown; and finally Nagini, who is always with Voldemort.
Knowing they have to destroy these items, the two start searching for them using the easiest way they could think of - asking Hogwarts. Cale asks Hogwarts if there is any room inside that castle that has a Horcrux inside of it, and, in response, Hogwarts opens the way to the Room of Requirement where the two find Ravenclaw Diadem - after a long time of searching.
From there, they announce Rodnar and the Gringotts Bank about the fact that there are more Horcruxes than anyone could have guessed and tell them what items they are. Knowing this, the Goblins make an inspection of the vaults in search of a signature of dark magic, finding the Hufflepuff Cup and giving it to Cale. With 2 Horcruxes in their hands, 1 already destroyed and 1 in Dumbledore's hands, the two decide that the Slytheri Locket should be their next target. But, with no concrete location for it yet, the two turn their attention towards dealing with Umbridge, who has been getting more and more angry due to the rumors that were spread around by the Hogwarts Ghosts.
Umbridge's temperament is truly getting out of hand, for she even starts yelling at her own Inqisitorial Squad when the rumors don't stop. This makes the Slytherin doubt their choice of loyalty even more since Umbridge is a half-blood and she is allowed to yell at them (pure-blood wizards) and the Dark Lord seems to not have heard or done anything about it.
In April, where Umbridge would become the Headmistress in canon, instead there is a visit from Kim Rok Soo, his teammates and 2 other officials from the Ministry of Magic because Cale sent the evidence that he found about Umbridge. They accuse Umbridge of "impersonation of a successor to a pure-blood wizard family" with the proof being the pensive that Cale send of Umbridge claiming she is related to the Swayer Family which turns out to be a lie. Next, they present the evidence of her taking bribes and other means of payment as a member of the Ministry, which is illegal by all means.
During these accusations, Umbridge becomes more and more furious, knowing that it was a student who organized all of this. Since the accusation scene takes place in the Main Hall with most of the students and teachers present, Umbridge sees Cale, who appears (to her) a bit smug. Knowing that even if she tries, she can't prove her innocence anymore, she decides to take Cale down with her. Umbrige uses Crucio on Cale, which causes him quite a lot of pain.
Meanwhile, Cale is very much aware that there is a chance that Umbridge will attack whomever she thinks is responsible for her downfall. He, however, is fully ready to take whatever Umbridge will do because 1. it will only serve to incriminate her further and 2. Cale was the one that came up with this plan, he will not let someone else take the fall for him. (Although Umbridge casting Crucio was not in his plans)
The pain that Umbridge's Crucio brings Cale is quickly stopped by Kim Rok Soo who punches Umbridge and leaves her unconscious. (Go get her, Rok Soo!!!!)
This incident happens in front of the already doubtful Slytherin students, who know (read: think they know) Cale is innocent and immediately jump to help him since he is pretty much down for the count, Draco and Blaise being the first ones to try and see if Cale is alright. Harry and the others then point out that this is not the only time Umbridge has resorted to punishments such as these, telling the officials of the Ministry about the enchanted blood pen that Harry was forced to use in detentions. (To say that Snape and McGonagall weren't horrified was a lie) Other students, including the Slytherins, came up to tell about how Umbridge kept yelling and blaming them for every little thing that went wrong for her.
Cale was taken to the infirmary where he is recovering, while Kim Rok Soo is very much aware that Cale might have even planned for himself to become a target of Umbridge to further incriminate her. Kim Rok Soo doesn't like that one bit. He tells as much to Snape in private (with whom he is still friends btw) and asks Snape to look after Cale. Kim Rok Soo is not able to stay long since they have to get Umbridge to an interrogation (Kim Rok Soo promises to make her scream during it btw) and, later, to incriminate Fudge who was responsible for putting Umbridge in charge of children at Hogwarts. (In other words: Operation "Ministry Take Over" is a go!)
A few days later, Cale wakes up at the infirmary. He is still in a bit of pain, but not nearly as much. Snape is the one that stays with him and the one that is there when Cale wakes up. Snape does tell Cale that what he did was extremely dangerous and stupid (2 attributes that are very much Griffindor-esque), Cale counters with "I can't just let her send a Crucio at another, probably, even younger student, right? Also, how was I supposed to know she knows Crucio of all spells?" Still, Cale does get a lecture from both Snape and, later, McGonagall. And it's not like his friends (from any house) are pleased with this either.
After this, things go back to normal. However, in May, Cale gets a letter from Kreacher. Kreacher feels like Cale and the late Regulus Black share a lot of things - specifically their desire to make things right. In the letter, Kreacher states that he knows where the Slytherin Locket is and that he knows (from the Goblins that he converses with) that Cale is after the Horcruxes. Kreacher says he is willing to give the Slytherin Locket to Cale as long as Cale promises that what they are doing will bring justice to the death of Regulus Black, the last member of the Black Family that Kreacher actually cares for. Cale sends back his promise to do so and tells Kreacher he could come and see that the promise is kept towards the end of the year.
When the O.W.Ls begin and Harry has that vision of Sirius dying, the group knows it is time to move. Harry and Cale instruct the remaining members of the Hogwarts Army to be in full alert mode, knowing that Voldemort plans to keep Hogwarts occupied by sending an army of Dark Creatures while he is at the Ministry of Magic. Harry also tells Sirius to not, under any measure, come to the Ministry of Magic - advice which is ignored and Sirius even brings Remus along since he was there when Harry sent the message. (Thankfully, Kim Rok Soo intercepted the 2 idiots or they would be dead)
Cale, Harry, Draco, Hermione, Ron, Neville, Luna, Terry, Susan, and Cedric go to the Ministry of Magic, fully aware of Voldemort and his Death Eaters being there, but also fully aware that they have a plan.
The final showdown happens in the Department of Mysteries, where Cale has convinced his uncle, Kim Rok Soo, to set up the trap that they need to get rid of Voldemort once and for all.
When Voldemort and his Death Eathers (Bellatrix included, but no Lucius) appear, the trap activates, and there appears an array under their feet. The ten kids start their incantations (all of them having different ones, mind you), and a shield separates Voldemort and his minions from the kids. As they continue their incantation, Voldemort tries to use Avada Kadavra on Harry or Cale, but the shield redirects the spell towards Voldemort himself (tho it doesn't quite hit him). Bellatrix is also trying to use any spell against the kids, Neville in particular, but they are also bounced back. Seeing that their spells are ineffective, Voldemort and his minions resort to taunting to make even one of them lose their concentration, which could lead to the array breaking. Bellatrix starts taunting Draco saying things like "If your parent saw you doing this, they will do everyone a favor and kill him on the spot" or "You are a traitor who sided with the mugles. Do you really have no shame or respect for your pure-blooded origins?". Draco, although he is deadly afraid of his father's opinion of him, is also fully aware that he had never felt more at ease than when he is around Cale and the other. He, aware of the consequences, decided to take matters in his own hand and chose his own path - and he chooses to help Cale and Harry. He doesn't falter in his incantation, nor does he fall for the taunts of Bellatrix, which annoys her.
Voldemort, meanwhile, is going back and forth between trying to get a raise out of Cale and Harry or trying to recruit Cale in his army by telling him about the power he will be given. Neither budge.
When the incantations are complete, Voldemort and his minions find themselves sealed inside a crystal ball. The walls of the crystal ball basically absorb any spells thrown at them and reflect them right back. This makes Voldemort and his minions into a non-existent threat. Cale even taunts Voldemort saying that only our blood can get them out of the crystal balls now. The 10 kids congratulate each other for a job well done. Before they leave the Ministry, they meet with Lucius. Voldemort and Bellatrix are gleeful, thinking that Lucius will kill the kids. The one that speaks up is Draco, who tells Lucius not to get in their way. Lucius looks at his son, lowers his wand, and let's them through, telling Draco that he is proud of him. Voldemort and Bellatrix call Lucius a traitor, but Lucius looks at them as says: "The only one I was ever loyal to was my family. You are not part of my family" before ruffling Draco's hair and leaving. Draco is still in shock (but also very happy) even after they leave the Ministry and go to Hogwarts.
Meanwhile, at Hogwarts, the rest of the Hogwarts Army decides to take part in the fight against the Dark Creatures sent by Voldemort, much to the disagreement of the teachers. During the fight, Slytherin students also enter the fray on the Hogwarts Army side. Most of the Slytherin students were already against the Dark Lord after seeing how Umbridge behaved towards them and how she attacked Cale. Now, they make a full statement by fighting against the Dark Lord. The fight ends without casualties - the injuries the students get are not death threatening.
When McGonagall and the other teachers (including Dumbledore) are about to ask/scold the children for their recklessness, Cale and the others return with Voldemort and his Death Eaters in the crystal balls. When Cale starts explaining the plan that has been in the making for the last 3 years (at least), Cedric, Ron and Neville dissappear for a while, only to return with the Hufflepuff Cup, the Ravenclaw Diadem, and the Sword of Griffindor and a vial of Basilisk Venom in hands.
Cale tells everyone present of what Voldemort did to his own soul and how the items that were brought here are some of the Horcruxes. Ron takes the Sword of Griffindor and puts Basilisk Venom on it, before bringing it down onto the Cup and the Diadem, destroying 2 of the Horcruxes in front of Voldemort.
Luna and Hermione look at Dumbledore and tell him to give them the Gaunt Ring that they know is with him so that it can be destroyed too. During all this, Cale explains how he and Harry came across the connection between Harry and Voldemort and how they used said connection to make sure that they found the Horcruxes. When Occlumency is mentioned, it finally clicks for Snape what Cale used his lessons for. When Snape asks Cale why he couldn't tell him directly of his plan, Cale says: "You were already in a lot of danger since you played the double spy for Dumbledore, Professor Snape. If I told you all of this, it might put you in even more trouble with either Voldemort or Dumbledore." (Cale has suspected that Snape was a double spy since the beginning but with no proof it was hard to even say this; the others started suspecting this during this year). The Ring is also destroyed, this time by Cedric.
Voldemort laughs since there are 2 more Horcruxes, and the kids don't have them. Cale stops him by calling out for Kreacher, who is waiting with Dobby to make his entrance. Kreacher gives Cale the Slytherin Locket and, while looking straight at Voldemort and Bellatrix, tells Cale to destroy it and finally fulfill the last wish of his late Master Regulus.
Cale takes the Locket and looks at Kreacher, who nods. He takes a breath and speaks, for the first time in front of everyone, in Parseltongue, and thus opens the Locket. Once open, he holds out his hand to Cedric, who gives Cale the Sword of Griffindor, and Cale destroys the Slytherin Locket. Now, 5 of the Horcruxes are destroyed. But there is still Nagini, who is still missing.
When Voldemort points that out, Harry looks at the clock and tells everyone to wait a bit.
After a while, Kim Rok Soo (together with 2 dogs *cough* Sirius and Remus *cough*) enters the Main Hall and says: "Sorry I was late. I was snake hunting, and I found 2 dogs on the road as well, " and points to Nagini (who is struggling against some magic binds) and Sirius and Remus, who look like confused puppies.
Cale and Harry tell them they were just in time. Cale then looks at Voldemort and states: "I thought about how you deserve to die, Voldemort, and I felt like a quick death is too kind for you after the amount of trouble you gave everyone. So, I decided I should let you die the death you fear most: the death of muggles. No death in a battle, nor by a sword. But by starvation. Slow and painful."
While Cale was speaking, Kim Rok Soo brought Nagini closer. However, in a last-ditch effort, Nagini manages to free herself from the bindings and makes a dash to bite Cale. Neville, although scared, takes the Sword of Griffindor from Cale's hands and kills Nagini, protecting Cale.
And with this all the hope Voldemort ever had vanished as Nagini dissipates.
Everyone congratulates Neville for his bravery, although Neville doesn't feel like he did anything much - he just says that his body moved on its own and that this was by far the scariest thing he ever went through.
Cale and Harry share looks, and then they say things aren't really over yet. Cale passes Harry a bottle of liquid and tells everyone that Voldemort has one more Horcrux, one not even Voldemort knew about - Harry. He then proceeds to tell everyone about their findings at the end of the 2nd year and what the St Mungo Hospital found as a solution - it is a potion that will expell any magic in someone's body, be it theirs or someone else's. Harry says he will take the risk that the potion poses because he trusts Cale to bring him back if something goes wrong. Harry then proceeds to find a chair nearby and sit down. He drinks the potion and slowly falls unconscious.
Cale keeps a keen eye on him the entire time while explaining how the potion works. Whoever takes the potion will have their magic slowly seeping from their body into the air around them. This can kill the person, which is why a maximum of 5 minutes of unconsciousness is the amount permitted before someone actually dies. If the person who took the potion spends more than 5 minutes into unconsciousness they will defines die.
During the next 2 minutes, everyone witnessed a black fog exiting Harry's body, and after it is fully gone, Cale goes to Harry and makes him drink another potion, the one that will wake Harry up.
During his sleep, Harry enters the Limbo, where he meets and talks with a young Tom Riddle who feels very guilty about everything that Voldemort has done. He apologizes to Harry for all that he went through and explains that the piece of Voldemort's soul that Harry had inside of himself was the last piece of humanity that Voldemort possessed. Tom then explains that he had tried to stop Voldemort from going down the path he did, but he was always brushed aside. Voldemort created so many orphans when he himself lived the life of an orphan before. Voldemort went against everything that was his old person when he killed Harry's parents and tried to kill him. So, when the opportunity appeared, he attached himself to Harry and tried to help warn him of Voldemort's presence around him. Harry says that it is not his fault, for he tried his best and failed. As such, Tom has no reason to apologize, and the one who should feel guilty is Voldemort and not him. Tom thanks Harry before saying that he will spend his remaining time here, in Limbo, as he waits for Voldemort's remaining soul to follow him into death. He also tells Harry not to worry, for he has made peace with Death and is ever eagerly awaiting the slumber now. Before Harry comes back to reality, Tom tells Harry to live well and cherish his friends.
Once awake, Harry asks if it worked, and Cale answers with a resolute yes. After this, he is hugged tightly by Sirius and Remus, who were worried beyond words.
Cale takes the crystal balls containing Voldemort and his minions and gives them to Kim Rok Soo for safekeeping. When asked why Kim Rok Soo gets to keep the crystal balls, it is revealed that Kim Rok Soo took over the position of Minister of Magic after he and his team arrested Fudge after it was found out that him and a good chunk of the Ministry of Magic were supporters of Voldemort. Kim Rok Soo referred to the whole thing as a "Well needed sping cleaning" and mentioned that most of them are currently in Azkaban or awaiting trial. He also mentions to Dumbledore that he is also on the list for the amount of sketchy things he had pulled over the years and that because of this, from the next year onwards, either Snape or McGonagall will be Headmaster/Headmistress. Snape immediately gives the position to Minerva, stating he is already done with children for the rest of his life. Everyone laughs at that, and Rok Soo says gleefully that Lee Soo Hyuk owns him money now, which earns him a glare from Snape.
And so the 5th year ends. Voldemort and Bellatrix are basically waiting for their death in the crystal balls, and the other Death Eaters (bar Snape and Lucius, who are exceptions - one because he worked for the Order of the Phoenix; the other because he turned himself in and even turned other Death Eaters in so Kim Rok Soo decided to lighten his sentence to a life of working for the Ministry under a blood contract) were hunted down and send to Azkaban.
What no one knew was that while everyone was high on the relief of getting rid of Voldemort or focused on getting the Death Eaters, Voldemort was visited by an individual. This individual wore a mask and was very disappointed in Voldemort: "Taken down by a bunch of kids? Tsk, tsk, tsk. This is why you were never going to be the strongest wizard - no matter what you wanted or sacrificed for it" said the masked man. "Too bad. I didn't think I had to take the stage this early but oh well. I would say you were useful for as long as you existed, but I would be totally lying. Enjoy death, Tom Marvolo Riddle." said the masked man before putting Voldemort out of his misery, his body dissolving inside the crystal ball.
Even though Cale and Harry expect their 6th and 7th year to be way less eventful, what awaits them is a fateful meeting with the one that calls himself "White Star."
A war is on it's way and they can only hope to survive.
And done. Thank fuck this was long as hell, but then again, I did go through 5 years worth of events for this fic. And, I still have some little details I need to speak about:
Cale was born on the 8th of November 1979. This makes him 11 on the 1st day of year 1 at Hogwarts, and he turns twelve just a bit after the Troll Incident.
Cale is extremely happy to have someone like Kim Rok Soo in his life, and he is also very grateful for his presence. Kim Rok Soo feels more like an older brother that Cale never had, rather than an uncle.
Cale's boggard is... well, himself, in a way. After his mom died, Cale tended to lash out at everything and everyone. He fears returning to the type of person he was back then, when he would say hurtful words even to Kim Rok Soo.
Kim Rok Soo took Cale around with him and his team during the summers after the death of Jour, mostly to make Cale have some good time and a change of scenery.
This is how Cale met Alver in France. (I swear I can't NOT have Alver as French. He looks like he would eat a baguette and correct your pronunciation of "croissant" - I know you think the same now)
Here, Choi Han is Choi Jung Soo's nephew. Choi Han goes to Drumstrang btw.
Ron and Beacrox are still serving the Henituse family. (Cale also feels guilty for saying bad things to them as a child)
Bansen is a muggle, but Lily turns out to be a half-blood. This is one of Cale's main reasons for going against Voldemort - a world where Voldemort wins means a world where Bansen and Lily can't live.
There are a ton of things that I haven't even mentioned: like how many people Cale (unwittingly) befriends at Hogwarts; Cale also stress bakes (which makes him share whatever he ends up baking with other students, which results in him being liked because who would turn down baked goods?); Cale is friends with most of the Elves and they like Cale because he is nice; Cale and Hagrid become good friends because they share their adoration for magic creatures; Ron admits that Cale has "balls of titanium" after he approached Fluffy without fear - and ever more so after meeting Aragog; Blaise feels like he is the only truly normal and sane Slytherin whenever he watches Cale;
I want to introduce Raon, Ohn and Hong, but I dunno if they should be introduced from year 1 or if I can introduce them during Year 6.
Cale, as always, destroys White Star's evil plan in 2 years tops while juggling graduation and studies. For reference, taking down Voldemort basically took 5 years, so yeah, WS should be ashamed since his minion was harder to deal with.
You read that right, Voldemort was thrown down the road he went by White Star. He was the one who actually gave Voldemort the information about Horcruxes.
I want to mess with the canon because canon is dead to me for the most part. This also means I want to make new ships. I wanna put Draco with Ginny (it will work out later on, I feel); Harry either with Hermione or Hannah Abbott; Neville Longbottom with Luna Lovegood; Cale might get together with Susan Bones (political power couple these 2 are); Ron either with Hermione (like in canon, if Harry doesn't end up with her) or Lavander Brown. Trust me, I know the ships are weird but if the narration works, the ships will also work.
Harry and Cale kinda end up like brothers - mostly because they have the same amount of bad luck and they end up in the same shit-show together.
Cale feels indebted to Fred and George Weasley after the prank from year 4 because he was in Hufflepuff robes instead of Slytherin robes when Cale went against Voldemort, so he was kinda saved from a lot of trouble. Cale literally tells them "Whatever you need, whenever you need it, as long as I can get it - it is yours".
Lee Soo Hyuk becomes again the leader of the "Supernatural Prevention Team" after Kim Rok Soo becomes Minister of Magic. He is still laughing since Kim Rok Soo ended up with even more paperwork to do than him. (This usually ends with Rok Soo giving him more paperwork to do)
Rok Soo might end up with Severus Snape... at least as an implied relationship. They have been friends since Jour basically forced them to become babysitters for her in Hogwarts and implicitly trust each other.
Lucius is more loyal to his family than to Voldemort here, which results in him just turning his back to Voldemort once it is clear he is dealt with. He never wanted Draco to end up as a Death Eater and is very proud he never did.
After the confrontation with Voldemort at the end of Year 5, Draco can perform a Patronus Charm. His Patronus is a Falcon.
And yes, Draco actually gets friends and a personality beyond being just a bully in the first 4 books/movies. Like seriously, let him be a child, and he can change for the better goddammit. (Cale will be a good influence on Draco, but, essentially, Cale is bad for Draco's heart rate because he is damn crazy)
Kim Rok Soo's Patronus is Runespoor. Choi Jung Soo's a St. Bernard. Lee Soo Hyuk's is a Crow.
I haven't planned out Year 6 or 7 yet but I do know that White Star quickly became a problem for everyone.
Also, during years 6 and 7, the Thames family and the Pevrell family became more important. I know I want Death to still be intertwined with White Star and the 2 families. (And yes, Death is still very much a whining child that wants either Cale or Harry to take his place like in the TCF/LCF canon)
Cage and Taylor are working at St. Mungo's Hospital. They are the ones that create the potion for Harry.
Dumbledore will answer for the bullshit he pulled - especially, for putting Harry with the Dursley's and keeping him there, whether he knew about the abuse or not. He will also answer for the whole "Sirius's missing trial" thing.
Yes, I am giving Sirius therapy. You can't expect him to take care of Harry without going through therapy first, can you? Some other kids will also get therapy through osmosis from Cale himself.
I will also explore Jour's time at Hogwarts as well - probably in a separate series, like a prequel. Also, the reason Kim Rok Soo, Choi Jung Soo, and Lee Soo Hyuk are in Britain is because their families fled Korea after the Korean War that ended in 1853. Kim Rok Soo is around 34 when Cale is starting Hogwarts, just for reference.
Cale is very mature for his age, and Kim Rok Soo kinda hates it because, to him, Cale is still a baby, and he needs to be protected. But fate said a big "Fuck You" to both of them.
This is all my brain is capable of rn. This damn thing took 2 weeks to write - because I couldn't stay and write it in one go like many of my other ideas.
So what do you think? Good? Bad? That I am high on magical mushrooms with this?
Hopefully, you had fun with my ramblings despite the length of this idea.
Either way, I hope you have a great day/night and that you take care of yourselves!
See you soon (because I need to recharge after this),
- TooManyPlotBunnies- Send Help
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d34rrumiruu · 16 days
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i dont know what i did but i think its cool!!
this is still a concept but i hope its cool enough for you guys 😔😔
so i made this little doodle to show a demo of what I've done so far!!
This Alternative Multiverse takes place post-truce between Nightmare and Dream!!
So this ver. of blueberry is him being a teen that is a big hardcore fan of swap sans!!! because swap is like super strong and a lot of people look up to him, blueberry adores swap and really wants to be his closest and bestest friend and wants to know literally everything about swap!! (that's when it gets weird) so uhm, he stalks swap to get to know him a lot more and one by one executes swap's friends, relatives, and teammates in order to get closer to him and try being his #1 comforter when he's sad about one of them. swap eventually finds out that blueberry was the one doing this and of course, gets mad. they fight a little bit but blueberry has studied swap's fighting style and ends up killing him.
thanks for reading hehe and feel free to leave criticism and ideas for this silly!!
have this lil doodle of him offering you totally-not-poisoned butterscotch pie :3
Note; I do NOT condone to the actions that this character does!
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wlw-webcomic-bracket · 9 months
Group Stage Stats and Standings
With two out of three rounds of the group stage complete, here's a summary of where things currently stand. Remember, there are two ways to qualify for the championship bracket - winning a group (10 characters), and having the most total votes without winning a group (6 characters). By receiving enough votes, any character in the tournament could still technically qualify for one of the six wildcard slots.
First, these tables show standings by group. Purple indicates the group leader (by number of wins; ties broken by number of votes) and red indicates a character who has been locked out of winning their group. Note that since Rain Flaherty and Lucas in Group A have been in three matches rather than two, their vote totals are multiplied by 2/3 to allow a fair comparison.
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Next are standings by total number of votes. Group leaders are in purple, and the leaders for the six wildcard championship slots are in blue.
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The last batch of group stage polls will go up later this week. Until then, if you're interested in more stats, I've put them beneath the cut because there are Many.
The main reason I decided to have this tournament start with a group stage is that I think it's fairer to the characters (more on that later), but I'd be lying if I denied that More Stats was also a contributing factor. To begin with, here are the total number of votes by group (Group A adjusted as noted earlier):
Group H - 6,573
Group B - 2,653
Group J - 2,081
Group F - 2,002
Group E - 1,254
Group C - 1,196
Group D - 968
Group G - 950
Group A - 785
Group I - 485
These are the individual matches with the most votes and the most notes:
Dainix vs Zhusen (Group H) - 3,674 votes, 1,139 notes
Eddie Kaspbrak vs Lucy Marlowe (Group B) - 1,869 votes, 314 notes
Dainix vs White Chain (Group H) - 1,401 votes, 239 notes
Carla Rutten vs Davepeta (Group J) - 1,118 votes, 155 notes
Penny Spender vs Gaueko (Group F) - 985 votes, 239 notes
Zhusen vs Lupe Jara (Group H) - 824 votes, 109 notes
Vote totals in the remaining matches were distributed as follows:
600-699 votes - 1
500-599 votes - 1
400-499 votes - 4
300-399 votes - 4
200-299 votes - 11
100-199 votes - 14
0-99 votes - 1
The widest margins of victory (by number of votes, not by percentage) - all four matches from Group H are in the top four:
Zhusen vs Lupe Jara (Group H, 724-100) - 624
White Chain vs Lupe Jara (Group H, 605-71) - 534
Dainix vs White Chain (Group H, 946-455) - 491
Dainix vs Zhusen (Group H, 1,999-1,673) - 326
Carla Rutten vs Fleet (Group J, 396-81) - 315
Eddie Kaspbrak vs Fenic (Group B, 375-112) - 263
Eddie Kaspbrak vs Lucy Marlowe (Group B, 804-1,065) - 261
And the narrowest margins of victory (again, by number of votes):
Merlow the Rose vs Chau Le (Group G, 128-130) - 2
TIE Rain Flaherty vs Luck (Group A, 92-98) - 6
TIE Lucas vs Luck (Group A, 75-81) - 6
DIFFERENT TIE Bacon vs Julie (Group D, 113-102) - 11
DIFFERENT TIE Tedd Verres vs Merlow the Rose (Group G, 145-134) - 11
Rain Flaherty vs Elle Argent (Group A, 95-110) - 15
Maggie vs Sulla Pinsky (Group E, 79-97) - 18
In two groups, the current group leader and the group member with the most votes are not the same:
Group F: Gaueko (2-0 record, 747 votes) and Penny Spender (1-1 record, 810 votes)
Group J: Davepeta (2-0 record, 743 votes) and Carla Rutten (1-1 record, 916 votes)
All four characters are currently set to advance to the championship bracket - Gaueko and Davepeta as group winners, and Penny and Carla via wildcard slots.
Something interesting I noticed the other day is that the nine top-ranked characters by vote count all got there in part by facing each other:
In Group H, Dainix (#1) faced Zhusen (#2) in the first round and White Chain (#5) in the second round
In Group B, Lucy Marlowe (#4) faced Eddie Kaspbrak (#5) in the first round
In Group J, Carla Rutten (#6) faced Davepeta (#9) in the first round
In Group F, Penny Spender (#7) faced Gaueko (#8) in the second round
These are the same five matchups that had both the most votes and the most notes. All five of them were reblogged by at least one of their characters' creators. And all but one of the nine characters received more votes - often several times more - facing their highest-ranked opponent than facing their lowest-ranked opponent:
Lucy Marlowe - 8.3x (1,065 vs 128)
Davepeta - 4.1x (598 vs 145)
Gaueko - 2.3x (522 vs 225)
Zhusen - 2.3x (1,673 vs 724)
Eddie Kaspbrak - 2.1x (804 vs 375)
Dainix - 2.1x (1,999 vs 946)
Penny Spender - 1.3x (463 vs 347)
Carla Rutten - 1.3x (520 vs 396)
White Chain - 0.8x (455 vs 605)
This seems to indicate popular characters actually benefit from facing each other, especially taking into account that the championship bracket will be seeded by total number of votes. Of the six characters currently holding a wildcard qualification slot, five of them are ranked in the top seven qualifiers overall.
On the flip side, these are the characters with the most nominations who don't currently qualify for the championship:
Cheryl (Group E) - 8
Rain Flaherty (Group A) - 8
Teige Carroll (Group I) - 7
Lucas (Group A) - 6
Of the fourteen characters who received five or more nominations, ten are currently slated to advance. The remaining six current qualifiers received either three or four nominations each.
These characters have received the most votes so far without winning a match:
Merlow the Rose (Group G) - 262
Cheryl (Group E) - 244
Rosemaster (Group D) - 235
And these are the characters who have the fewest votes while winning both of their matches:
Yoshi (Group I) - 156
Luck (Group A) - 179
Vaarsuvius (Group I) - 200
Elle Argent (Group A) - 285
Group A and Group I are the only groups with two undefeated characters who will face off in the final round, and the only groups in which number of votes had to be used as a tiebreaker to determine the current group leader.
Vaarsuvius has the lowest number of votes of any character currently winning their group. While there's only a difference of 85 votes between Elle Argent and Vaarsuvius, there are quite a few characters between them - Elle is ranked 15th, while V is ranked 27th. V is the only character currently slated to advance over other characters with more votes.
One of the dangers of a round-robin format is a match in the final round between two characters with a 0-2 record, both of whom have already been locked out of winning their group. That will only happen once here, between Teige Carroll and Eri McCure in Group I.
Finally, here's a piece of etymology I learned while preparing for the tournament: The "robin" in "round robin" has nothing to do with the bird or with the English given name. Instead, the term originated from the French phrase "ruban rond," meaning "round ribbon," but over time "ruban/ribbon" was idiomized to "robin."
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keiraspades · 6 months
pla hc no.21
damn its been a hot minute
Akari gives off PA vibes. Like,, Bitchy assistant who doesn’t like the job but loves the pay™️
And she loves seeing people squirm
she loves it.
She loves watching volo panic as he realizes that he never told her about that myth.
She loves watching Ingo stare off as she goes on about Trains and ghost/fire pokemon(see hc 11) and he wonders how she knows about that.
Akari knows things she shouldn’t.
So, at the Temple of Sinnoh Battle against Kamado, she smiles. It’s not kind, and it is filled with teeth. It holds specks of blood, and a manic giddiness behind. Akari smiles while she seethes, and speaks.
“For one who has outlived his village, you sure are underestimating those who can keep all of their people accounted for.”
And Kamado freezes. Kamado gives Akari an opening. Not one she needed, but one that made things quite fast.
“Whisp, Focus Blast.”
And she took his last pokemon.
His snorlax, down with one move.
He stared, and broke out with a gasp, “how?”
Akari smiled.
She turned away, and walked into the temple.
She knew what the others wouldn’t, and what they couldn’t acknowledge she remembered, and she listened.
She listened to the dead, to the overworked employees of Yveltal, and she learned.
She learned the whispers of the betrayed, and the screams of the forgotten.
Akari wouldn’t forget.
Akari would continue for them.
She would force whoever she needed to back into place, and keep this Arceus forsaken continent alive and well.
Because she owed it.
She owed it to the boss, to Yveltal itself, and she paid her dues, playing the role of a sassy kid who knew.
She would always know, as her deal stated.
Know the faces, know what was learned, know what hasn’t been discovered, and know what has and hasn’t happened no matter what.
All she had to do, was perform a job for Arceus.
And she’ll be damned if she doesn’t make it fun.
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jinxedruby · 6 months
Febuwhump Day Twenty-Nine: Not allowed to die
Featuring Warriors. Conclusion of days twenty-seven and twenty-eight (the ones where Hyrule and Warriors get attacked at some ruins)
Starting and ending with Warriors, perfect. And uhh no one look at the date, it's fine, don't worry about it haha. I was not expecting to actually be able to do (almost) all of this! Thanks to everyone who read at least some of this beast, I appreciate the support :)
Heads up for major violence and major injury in this one. Little extra emphasis on the "major" this time around (it's the last day of febuwhump, I had to go all out lol)
First part | <- Previous part
A stalfos lunged at Warriors before he could even get the full yell of alarm out as the aeralfos dragged Hyrule away. He twisted to block the stalfos’s sword with his own, metal clanging. He shoved against the monster with a grunt, trying to force it back to give himself the opening needed to go help Hyrule. A second stalfos darted in the moment the first one stumbled, replacing it. Warriors parried the blow with his shield, followed up with a slash. The stalfos leapt over his sword. The first one reappeared with no warning, sword streaking toward Warriors’ side. He twisted to block it, the weapon clanging against his shield. He delivered two rapid strikes, both scoring the stalfos’s ribs before it had the chance to dodge. The second one attacked, forcing him to go back on the defensive while the first one recovered. A particularly heavy blow cost him some balance. He took a half-step back to regain it. His heart jumped into his throat as his heel tipped back over empty air. He leaned forward, attacking viciously in an attempt to push the monsters back and give him room to move away from the edge.
Rapid flapping to his left served as his only warning. A blur of green and orange slammed into him before he could even turn his head. The impact knocked him to the side. His boots slipped off the ledge and he yelped. Pain burst in his shoulder and neck as he hit the stairs at an angle. The world flipped and flipped again, the edges of the steps jabbing painfully against him. His shoulders hit the floor hard, head snapping back and banging against the ground. Stars burst into his vision, prickles of pain radiating out from the back of his skull. He groaned, the sound muffled by the faint ringing in his ears. He blinked and dragged himself upwards.
He whipped his head up at a screech from the top of the stairs. The aeralfos dove and Warriors scrambled back, hand darting out, fingers scrabbling as he searched for his sword. His fingers wrapped around the hilt just as the monster reached him. He wrenched the sword up. The aeralfos’s blade crashed against his, shoving down against him. He braced his right hand against the flat of his blade. The monster shoved harder and his arms shook, head throbbing sharply as he struggled. The metal of the aeralfos’s blade crept closer to his throat and Warriors gritted his teeth. He tensed his core, preparing to try and kick the monster off of him. Abruptly, it ducked its head, looking back at the entrance through its legs. It shrieked, planted a foot on Warriors’ chest, and sprang over his head. The action knocked the air from Warriors’ lungs and he wheezed, the frantic skittering of the monster’s claws against stone growing fainter as it ran. He pressed a hand to his chest and managed up onto one elbow, squinting through blurry vision at the stairs.
A bomb sat at the bottom, hissing as its lit fuse burned shorter and shorter. His eyes widened. He scrambled to his feet, twisting around and dashing away from the bomb. A blast of heat and an ear-splitting BOOM collided with him simultaneously. The explosion launched him forward, limbs splayed, eyes screwed shut on reflex. He hit the ground face-first, temple cracking against the stone.
Ash dragged into his lungs with each breath. He coughed weakly, something wet spraying from his nose. He peeled his eyelids apart, vision blurry through the soot and concussion. Pain pulsed in his head so sharply he thought he might be sick. He drew in careful breaths, slowly trying to move his limbs. He wiggled his fingers and toes carefully, felt them move against his gloves and boots. His shield weighed down his right arm, thankfully having stayed strapped to it through the explosion. Something burned dully across his back and shoulders, aching along the backs of his legs. He took a deep breath, immediately regretting it as it triggered another wracking cough that dug shards of glass into his brain. Forcibly swallowing the coughs back, he carefully bent his arms, wincing as the movement tugged at abused skin. He placed his palms flat on the ground under his shoulders. With a groan, he pushed himself up to his hands and knees, head pounding the whole way. His vision swam, causing his grayish hands to swim before his eyes. He stayed like that for a long moment, watching as little beads of blood dripped sluggishly from the tip of his nose and splattered onto the stone between his hands. Even that appeared oddly gray.
Once he could almost convince himself that he felt marginally better, he pushed back to sit on his knees. He nearly overshot, throwing out his arms for balance. The world spun around him and he narrowed his eyes further, determined to remain upright. He briefly considered using the fairy he had but ultimately dismissed the notion. He only had one and wanted to save it for when he was truly on the brink of death. This was only a concussion. And explosive damage to his back. He’d survived worse.
He struggled to his feet, using the wall to drag himself up. He squeezed his eyes shut against the rush of nausea and spiking pain, leaning heavily against the wall. After several deep breaths that hitched against the ash in his throat, he opened his eyes and looked around. Rubble filled the tunnel behind him where the stairs had been. His eyes widened at just how close he’d been lying to the debris, barely a foot away from being crushed. The rubble completely sealed the entrance, trapping him inside. A glint of metal in his peripherals caught his eye and he turned to see his sword discarded beside him. He stooped to pick it up, head throbbing at the change in pressure. Frowning, he stood back up. No sunlight could possibly get through all the rubble, which begged the question as to how he could see.
Claws skittered against stone. He whipped around, the motion driving a spike of pain through his head. Blinking the blurriness from his vision, he saw a blob of color sprinting toward him, wings flapping.  He yanked his shield up. The aeralfos slammed into it, throwing him back against the rubble. He somehow managed to stay on his feet, shoving the monster back and sending a thrust toward it. A wave of dizziness washed over him, bile crawling up his throat. He clenched his jaw, willing his vision to steady as the aeralfos lunged. Its blade smashed against his shield, the impact jolting through his arm and stinging the burns on his back. He struck with his sword, scoring a gash on the aeralfos’s shoulder. It hissed and leapt away. He only had a moment before it swooped in again, lifting off the ground and flying toward him despite the close quarters. He tried to time his attack to cut the aeralfos’s wing but missed, sword stabbing empty air under the limb. He managed to deflect the blade with his shield but couldn’t dodge the claws that sank into his tunic. The aeralfos yanked back on him, lifting him off his feet. It slammed him down onto the ground, perched on his chest. He sent a wild swing toward it. He managed to clip its arm, but not enough to keep it from dragging him up and slamming him down again. He grunted, the pain across his back increasing tenfold at the repeated blows. Blackness pricked at the edges of his vision.
The aeralfos lifted him a third time but he was expecting it. He folded his legs under himself, planting his boots on the ground. He wrenched his torso upright, throwing the monster off-balance. It floundered in the air, trying to keep its hold on him and regain its balance at the same time. He stabbed it through the underarm, the tip of his sword jutting through its collar just beside its neck. It screeched loud enough to make his ears ring, black blood spurting from the wound and coating his sword. It thrashed madly, blade smashing against his shield, glancing over the top and nicking his cheek. He yanked his sword free and prepared to strike again. The aeralfos shrieked and lunged in a blur. Pain burst through his arm as the monster’s blade sliced through his skin, his sword slipping from his grasp. He somehow managed to block the next blow but the aeralfos collided with him all the same. It twisted its hand into his hair, claws digging into his scalp. He didn’t even have time to try and free himself before it wrenched him sideways and slammed his head against the wall with a sickening crack.
His vision blackened, limbs numb. The abyss of unconsciousness grabbed him for only a moment. He awoke immediately to the aeralfos’s sword stabbing through his collar and down into his lungs.
For a moment, the pain didn’t register. His chest grew heavy, ice and fire spreading through his veins and seeping into his skin. Then the sword twitched as the aeralfos adjusted its grip and Warriors screamed. The sound split in his own ears before cutting off into a choke as something bubbled up his throat and over his lips. The monster tore the sword from him and he didn’t have the air to scream a second time. Hot blood rushed from the entry wound in his collar, chest burning. At some point, the aeralfos released his hair and he sank to the floor. He clawed at his chest, trying to suck in a breath. Blood pooled and hitched in his lungs, spraying from his mouth when he coughed reflexively. His vision wavered and dimmed. Distantly, faintly, he remembered the fairy in his pouch. He took a hand off of the wound in his collar, blindly reaching for his pouch somewhere at his side. His fingers touched something cold, stuck strangely to it, slipped off of it, and time suddenly felt like a very distant concept. Moving too slow and too fast and his thoughts unraveled in his head as his hearing muffled to the point of deafness.
This is bad, managed to be the only coherent thought he could maintain a grasp on. The dark shapes making up the remains of his vision shifted abruptly. A shearing agony cleaved through his throat and the thought repeated itself. Instincts screamed at him in garbled syllables that made no sense. Gravity shifted, tugging him onto his side. His body felt leaden and light. Darkness flooded the ground and he sank into it. And he drifted.
And drifted.
Feeling roared through his limbs. Pain screeched along his nerves in the instant before a pink light smothered it. Something fluttered through his chest and neck, tingling, warm. He’d hardly realized he couldn’t breathe until the ability abruptly returned. Air tumbled down his throat, catching and choking on the way to his lungs as the pink light carefully sealed the holes in them. His vision returned, dim and hazy, head throbbing fiercely. Everything before his eyes blurred into a grayish blob, the colors rusty and reddish at the left edge. His fingers twitched. Nausea scrambled up his throat. Just as he felt the need to move, the pink light zipped to hover before his eyes, something tapping frantically against his nose. His brow twitched and he narrowed his eyes slightly, focusing just enough to see the transparent wings fluttering at the back of the pink light. His vision wouldn’t expand past the sea of black dots prickling at the edges, but it was enough. A tiny hand pointed somewhere above his perspective and, with great effort, he lifted his eyes.
Colors separated more properly as he woke more, enough to make out the vague shape of the aeralfos stalking down the hall, tail lashing. A low scraping sound rang through the cave as it dragged its sword along the ground beside it. The blade left behind a trail of blood on the stone. The monster chittered and growled, clutching at its wounded shoulder with its other hand. It turned abruptly and he snapped his eyes back to look straight ahead of him. He halted his breathing, staying as limp as he could, ignoring the throbbing in his head.
The aeralfos growled again and the scraping resumed. He cautioned a slow glance upwards, or left, rather, as he realized he lay on his side, the world turned sideways in his view. The aeralfos continued walking farther away from him, down the hall. He drew in a thin, careful breath, making sure to remain silent. He looked around with his eyes, trying to find his sword. The aeralfos thought he was dead. He could grab his sword, surprise it. How… how wasn’t he dead? Only then did he fully register the pink light. The fairy. As he looked around, he caught sight of glass shards scattered across the floor, a cork strewn among them. He had managed to get the bottle out, then? Then he dropped it and it shattered, releasing the fairy. He could’ve laughed.
Just the slightest tense of his abdominal muscles brought the nausea crashing back. He bit down on his lip, forcing it back, suffocating the involuntary flinch. Sword. He had to get his sword. Right now. He continued looking around, each flick of his eyes sending needles into his brain. He spotted it to his right, lying in the middle of the hall where he’d dropped it earlier. He cast another glance at the aeralfos. Still trudging its way down the hall with its back turned. Slowly, he tested the movement of his limbs. He folded his legs and had to stop due the nausea’s return. He took a steadying breath and moved again, gritting his teeth and rolling silently onto his stomach. His head throbbed fiercely, a shiver fighting to be released from his nerves that he managed to suppress. Something lukewarm soaked in his clothes. He risked a glance down to see a pool of his own blood covering the stone ground. That would explain the nausea and blackness persisting at the perimeter of his vision, then. And the still muffled hearing.
After another glance at the aeralfos, he ventured pushing himself to his hands and knees. He let out a slow breath as he moved, arms shaking, balance threating to buck at any moment and send him back to the floor. His stomach rolled and he froze. He took shallow breaths through his mouth, ignoring the urge to cough. The scraping sound stopped and he looked up. The aeralfos had halted in place, dropping its sword to apply better pressure to its bleeding shoulder. He needed to move quickly. It could turn around at any moment and see that he was still alive. He turned carefully but quickly, reaching for his sword. His hand closed around the hilt and he lifted it directly off the floor, not allowing the blade to scrape along the stone. He sat back on his knees, hugging the sword to his chest. He cautiously picked himself up, rising to his feet.
The nausea spiked in his throat just as he stood, head spinning, hearing muffling. He stood stiff for a moment. The nausea only got worse. He needed to move now, right now, or he was going to throw up and the aeralfos would kill him. With practiced efficiency, he clenched his jaw against every signal his body sent him to get him to lie down. He hunched low, gripped his sword, and sprinted.
The aeralfos whipped around with a craw at the sound of his boots pounding against the stone. It shrieked, reaching down to grab its sword. He drew close enough to see its eyes bug out of its head. Its clawed fingers closed around the hilt. Warriors leapt with a crackling shout. His blade slammed down on the aeralfos’s crown and embedded deep in its skull. Instantly, it crumpled. Its sword fell from its grip, hitting the ground with a clatter. He lost his grip on his own sword, stumbling forward as it fell back with the aeralfos, lodged in its head. Then he immediately fell to his hands and knees and threw up so hard his abdominal muscles cramped.
He spluttered and gasped, tears stinging his eyes. He let out a hoarse sob between heaves for air. He clawed at his chest, felt at his collar and neck. Slick blood met his fingers and he choked on another cry. The wounds were gone but goddesses, goddesses-
A sorrowful chime rung in his ear, muffled and tinny. He lifted his head, struggling to get his desperate gasping under control. The little pink fairy from earlier bobbed beside his head, speaking in pitched chimes he couldn’t understand.
“You’re st… still h-here?” he croaked, voice cracking with every syllable.
The fairy’s wings slowed and it sank through the air a little before darting upwards again. It zipped from wall to wall, giving distressed sounding rings the whole time. Warriors fell back into a sitting position, just barely keeping himself from tipping over and landing on his back. He looked to the rubble still blocking the entrance.
“Oh,” he rasped. “Yeah, k-kinda forgot we’re… we’re trapped.”
He pushed himself back so he leaned against a wall. He let out a long sigh, popping a knee up and resting an arm on it. His stomach still churned and he let his eyes slide shut, head thudding back against the wall. Soft tinkling filled the cave. He cracked his eyes open to see the fairy settle onto his knee, folding its wings.
“Thank you,” he said. “F-for sav… saving me.”
The fairy’s wings fluttered and it chirped quietly.
“That was…” His voice stuttered to a halt. Pain ripping through his chest, burning, burning- He squeezed his eyes shut until little stars winked behind his eyelids. “…pretty rough.”
The fairy chimed gently. Little hands tapped his cheek and he opened his eyes to see the pink glow hovering in front of his face. It chimed again with a bit more pep, pink sparkles drifting from its fluttering wings. Warriors allowed himself a small smile, lifting a hand for the fairy to land on.
“I can’t… can’t understand you,” he said. “But thank you.”
The fairy gave its wings a flutter before sitting on his finger. He carefully moved his hand to rest on his knee again, tipping his head back against the wall with a sigh. His heart fluttered too quickly in his chest, trying to make up for the lack of blood. He took deep breaths, not letting his eyes fall shut if only to try and keep himself awake. He needed to figure out how to get out of the cave, but the mere thought of moving right then made his stomach churn. In the meantime, he grabbed his water flask with shaking fingers, taking small sips. It felt like more water stuck to his dry throat than actually made it into his stomach, but it felt heavenly all the same.
The fairy lifted off his hand at one point, drifting farther into the cave. It froze abruptly in the air some distance away. It dropped a few inches before buzzing its wings again. It chimed loudly, zipping back to Warriors. It bounced up and down a few times, glow too bright for him to make out its figure at all. It darted down the cave and back again. He understood that, at least.
“Okay, just… give me a-a second.” He put away his flask then leaned forward. He planted his feet on the ground and slowly pushed himself up. His stomach didn’t protest quite as violently as before but his head still spun, vision shrinking slightly. He braced himself on the wall then began to gradually make his way deeper into the cave. The fairy zipped back and forth as he went, seemingly impatient with his slow progress. Or maybe just excited. Hard to tell without a reliable method of communication. The ambient light of the cave seemed to brighten the farther he walked. He was too exhausted to puzzle out how there was light at all. Then the columns finally came into view.
Several stone pillars stood in the center of a depressed section of ground. Small arches connected the tops of the pillars, forming a semicircle on the outskirts of the shallow pit. Statues depicting a head and wings stood in the middle of a few of the arches, looking very similar to the full statue of the fairy above ground.
“Huh,” Warriors said, slowing. The fairy chirped excitedly and fluttered ahead of him, sparkles trailing behind it. “I guess… guess it is a fairy fountain.”
He trudged forward as the fairy darted around between the pillars, chiming loudly. As he drew closer, he saw that the fountain sat empty of water, the stone dry. The pillars had a few cracks zagging up them, the stone old and worn just like the ruins above. He stopped at the corner where the wall turned to open up to the larger, circular room, not trusting his ability to walk without something to lean on. The fairy continued to fly around, chimes turning frantic. Looking for others, he realized with a small pang in his heart. The fountain seemed to have fallen to ruin long ago. Any fairies that had been there were long gone. The fairy, seeming to realize this, slowed its desperate searching. It hovered in the middle of the fountain for a moment, sinking as its wings drooped. Then it drifted back over to Warriors, who held out a hand for it to land on. It settled on his finger with a low chirp, glow dimming.
A drip echoed through the cave. Warriors turned, the fairy standing up on his finger. Some kind of black goop wormed its way through the rubble blocking the entrance. Bits of it wriggled free and fell to the ground with drips, the liquid continuing to writhe on the floor. He stilled, watching as more and more of the viscous fluid squeezed its way out of the rocks and into the cave, forming a dark pool on the ground. The fluid stopped seeping through the cracks after a few seconds. Then the surface of the puddle rippled unnaturally. An arm clawed its way out of the surface, landing heavily on the ground with a slap, scattering droplets of ink.
Warriors stiffened and quickly moved around the corner, out of sight. He peered back around to see a second arm emerge and brace against the ground. A head came up, then shoulders, then a whole body as the creature dragged itself out of the pool. The puddle shrank as more and more of the monster emerged until none remained, all of it serving to form the body. It stayed huddled on its hands and knees for a long moment, heaving haggard gasps. The blackness began to fade and grow patchy, leaving behind dull color. The creature stumbled to its feet before it was finished fully forming. Warriors swiftly ducked back behind the corner, holding the fairy to his chest and cupping his other hand around it, partially to protect it, partially to hide its glow. The fairy dimmed its light as if sensing this, going very still on his finger.
The creature coughed wetly, the distorted sound bouncing off the cave walls. Warriors heard a shuffle, a slither, a hiss. It coughed again. Something splattered to the floor. Warriors inched away from the corner as silently as he could, quickly looking around. His sword still sat embedded in the aeralfos’s head leaving him with only his shield. The cave dead-ended at the fountain, giving him absolutely nowhere to hide. He had no idea what this monster was. He was in no state to fight, even if he did have his sword. His heart hammered against his ribs and he let out a slow breath, wracking his brain.
Muffled voices seeped through the ceiling. Hope rose in his chest as he strained his ears. He couldn’t make out words and the voices were too quiet to recognize, but they were human, that much he could tell. A low growling sound left the creature, followed by stumbling footsteps towards him. He sank his teeth into his lip, breaths quickening.
He sucked in a breath, eyes wide. Traveler. Voices spoke after the shout, too quiet for him to understand. He couldn’t call back without the monster hearing him. He couldn’t risk it finding him too soon before the others had a chance to get to him. The creature’s footsteps had stopped. He heard a very quiet sloshing.
“He…ro,” a deep, otherworldly voice snarled. The steps continued again, faster. His blood. The creature had seen his blood pooling in the hall of the cave. Which would lead it to the body of the aeralfos. And his sword. And it would know he was unarmed. He stuck a hand into his pouch, desperately searching for anything he could use. The voices above grew louder. Then quieter. He bit back a curse, hand darting from item to item. The footsteps grew closer. His fingers closed around his bow. He yanked it out then guided the fairy to sit on his scarf. It nestled into the folds of the fabric, wings folded flat against its back. Silently, he pulled out an arrow. He winced at the soft twang of the string snapping into the nock. The footsteps seemed deafening. He pulled back the arrow.
A shadowed, hunched form with blazing red eyes lurched out of the hall and into the fountain. He loosed the arrow. It slammed into the monster’s face, sinking into its cheek. Black blood flow around the arrow as the creature stumbled back with an ugly screech. Warriors quickly drew another arrow before allowing any time to process exactly what it was he was shooting. The creature ducked under the second projectile, whipping around to face him with a snarl. His heart stuttered, eyes widening briefly at the distorted interpretation of his face. The features grew clearer as he watched but he shoved down the shock. He drew back an arrow, backpedaling as fast as he could without falling. The monster, the shadow, growled and lunged. He clumsily fired the arrow as he darted to the side. The yowl of the shadow told him he must have somehow hit his mark. He twisted to face it but the movement cost him his balance. He staggered as he wildly attempted to regain it, back hitting one of the fountain’s pillars. Black splotches danced in his vision, blending with the dark patches on the shadow’s body and clothing. His body and clothing.
The shadow dove for him before he had the chance to nock another arrow. He scurried to the side. The monster crashed into the pillar and shoved off of it just as quickly, careening toward him. His head spun as his knuckles whitened around the bow. As the shadow approached, he planted a foot and sent his fist into its cheek, just beneath the arrow still lodged in its face. Its head snapped to the side and it staggered. Somewhere through the blood rushing in his ears, he thought he heard Hyrule call his name again.
“Down here!” he screamed as loud as he could, voice cracking. While the shadow recovered from the blow, he traded his bow for the knife on his belt. He slashed in an arc in front of him, forcing the shadow to stay back. It growled, pausing for a moment, watching Warriors as he carefully held his stance and struggled not to waver. He didn’t have to win. He just had to stall long enough for the others to reach him. Assuming they’d heard him.
The shadow darted forward and he darted back, swinging the knife and keeping it at bay. It repeated its attempts to get close to him a few more times, Warriors warding it away each time with the knife. Then it snarled dangerously, hunching down. It lunged. Warriors swung again, the knife slicing along the side of its neck, but it didn’t seem to care. It collided with him and the world flipped as it brought them both crashing to the ground. His head smacked against stone, starkly reminding him of his concussion as pain split his skull in half. He swung blindly, feeling resistance as the knife sank into the shadow’s side. The monster hissed but didn’t move off of him. It snatched his wrist, twisting his hand, trying to get him to drop the knife. He held on until it smashed his hand against the ground. Something cracked and he cried out, the knife jerking from his grasp and skittering away across the floor. Then hands wrapped tightly around his throat, squeezing and cutting off blood and airflow.
He choked, clawing at the shadow’s forearms, fingernails sinking weirdly into the gloves. His already darkening vision darkened even faster, rapidly shrinking. Sharp chiming reached his ears as the fairy darted out of its hiding place in his scarf. He could just make out the pink orb zipping up the shadow and battering itself incessantly against its head. But the monster paid it no mind, only tightening its grip on Warriors’ throat. He kicked as he struggled to breathe. He took a hand off the shadow’s arm to grasp at its face, trying to jab it in the eyes. If he succeeded, the shadow didn’t even flinch. Pressure built in his head, senses growing fuzzy and distant. His heart beat frantically in his chest as his struggles slowed. Something loud jammed into his ears but he could no longer discern any noise aside from the dull roaring. His hands went numb and tingly, fingers slipping off of the shadow’s arms.  A manic grin twisted into the murderous rage on the shadow’s face. His vision shrank to a pinprick, eyes lidding.
Something shifted. The pressure released. His vision flooded back and blood rushed into his head once more. The shadow screeched, the sound dampened by the muffling in his ears. Something grabbed his shoulder and he thrashed, or tried to. His fist connected with something before the hand vanished and didn’t return. Air raked through his throat as he sucked in a desperate gasp. It burned in his lungs, a fit of raspy coughs spilling out of him. The shadow screeched again and he struggled to pry his swollen eyelids apart, adrenaline blazing through his veins.
His eyes opened a crack, just enough to see Hyrule straddling the shadow on the ground, sword gripped tightly in both hands, whaling on the shadow’s head. Black blood splattered with each strike, the creature shrieking. Another sound layered over the shadow’s voice and it took Warriors a moment to realize it was Hyrule screaming. Another shout joined the cacophony and Wild sprinted over to them. He deftly dodged Hyrule’s haphazard strikes and grabbed the traveler’s wrists. Hyrule’s head snapped about to face him, eyes alight with rage. Wild’s words drowned under the ringing in Warriors’ ears, but Hyrule’s face froze then collapsed. The shadow went still and melted out from under him, the pool of black blood seeping into the ground and vanishing.
A hand landed on Warriors’ shoulder. He nearly jumped out of his skin, attempting to roll to see what touched him, which only resulted in triggering another coughing fit. Air streaked through his throat and lungs like lava, each cough only making the pain worse. He struggled to get the fit under control, dragging in thin gasps that didn’t carry nearly enough oxygen into him. As he lay on his back, tears stinging in his eyes, struggling to breathe, a low, rumbling voice reached his ears. The words were muffled to the point of incomprehensible, but he recognized the voice as Time’s. The fight drained from him the instant he did.
He forced his eyes open to see Time kneeling over him with a stricken expression. The old man’s face went in and out of focus, the room dimming and brightening at random intervals. Warriors tried to say something, but only a harsh croak left his lips, scraping against the inside of his throat. Time looked away from him with a hardened expression that badly masked his panic. Warriors let his eyes fall shut again, feeling the timbre of Time’s voice in his ears. Someone shook his shoulder and he blinked to see all three heroes suddenly crowding him. Words passed over him that he could almost make out, between Wild and Time, but his gaze drifted to Hyrule. Aside from the black blood splattered across his face and arms, deep red blood also stained the midsection of his tunic. Warriors reached for Hyrule with numb fingers, grasping at the traveler’s hand and trying to convey his worry despite not being able to speak.
Hyrule grimaced and closed his hands over Warriors’, giving them a squeeze. I’m okay. His lips moved before the words disentangled themselves in Warriors’ head.
“-said she already spent her magic healing him before,” Time was saying. Warriors looked over to him, sound still muffled but at least making sense.
“B-before?” Wild replied. “So, then, all that blood-“
“Is- is his, yes.” Time sounded ill.
A pink glow flitted across Warriors’ vision as the fairy landed back down in his scarf with a mournful chime. Warriors gave a brief effort to sit up, if only to reassure the others that he wasn’t dead, but just attempting to lift his head caused the room to careen and tumble nauseatingly. He closed his eyes with a soft hiss, waiting for the pounding to subside.
“Traveler, can you heal him?” Time asked.
“I- n-no, I’m out of magic,” Hyrule stammered. His hands tightened around Warriors’, voice dropping to a whisper. “I’m sorry.”
“You have more potions, Champion?”
Warriors winced at just the thought of trying to swallow anything. He pried his eyelids apart, opening his mouth to express that. His voice barely squeaked in response. Shaking his head caused needles to stick into his neck, so he settled for grimacing and weakly pushing the potion away when Wild offered it to him.
“Captain, you gotta drink it, you’re hurt,” Wild insisted. Warriors pressed his lips together and pushed the potion back again.
“Captain-“ Time began.
“Guys, I don’t- I don’t think he can,” Hyrule said hoarsely. “Look at his neck, it- it-“
Time and Wild’s gazes both dropped below Warriors’ chin. Judging by their expressions Hyrule didn’t need to further explain himself. Warriors relaxed slightly, giving Hyrule’s hand a grateful squeeze. The fairy nuzzled against the skin just beneath his ear and he let his eyes slip closed. Snatches of conversation jumped back and forth over him, a heavy blanket over his ears muffling them as exhaustion pulled at the backs of his eyes. Just before he slid under the gentle waves of unconsciousness, hands grabbed at his shoulders and arms. The world tilted and he groaned, or tried to, too-tight throat pinching off the sound. A sturdy arm looped around his back, holding him upright.
“Just lean on me, Captain, we’re going to get you out of here,” Time murmured beside his ear.
A second arm wrapped around Warriors from the other side, Hyrule taking his left arm and draping it over his own shoulders. Then he and Time lifted him up. Warriors’ legs gave out from under him immediately, the world pitching abruptly, gravity pulling at his stomach and the center of his skull. But Time and Hyrule were ready, already supporting all of his weight. They practically carried him between them as they made their way out of the fountain and through the hall. He tried to walk with the movement, but he mistimed nearly every step, boots tripping and dragging the whole way. Light flooded the hall that Warriors hadn’t noticed before. He lifted his head just enough to see the rubble strewn about the cave instead of plugging up the entrance. Wild, he thought with a resigned sort of fondness as he let his head lower again. He had very little doubt the champion would be the one to come up with the idea to blow up the cave-in that had been caused by an explosion in the first place.
A soft splash sounded underfoot as Time and Hyrule stepped into a puddle. Hyrule sucked in a shuddering breath and Time’s arm tightened around Warriors. Warriors blinked, convincing his eyes to focus for long enough to make out the pool of his blood. And the blade driving down through his chest, ripping apart his lungs- He tried and failed to suppress a shudder, turning his face into Time’s shoulder. Time said nothing, only holding him even more securely.
“Time,” Hyrule began in a rough voice, distracting Warriors from his memory. “Captain, I- I’m sorry for insisting we look around. If I hadn’t, then- then you wouldn’t have-“ A shaky inhale interrupted him. “And I’m sorry that I left, I didn’t- had I known, I never would’ve- I- I should’ve realized something was off sooner, but I-“
“It’s not your fault, Traveler,” Time cut into Hyrule’s quickly spiraling apology. “You were tricked. It could’ve happened to any of us. I don’t blame you. I’m sure the captain doesn’t, either.”
Warriors couldn’t nod, so he just squeezed where his hand gripped Hyrule’s shoulder in agreement. He hadn’t seen what happened to Hyrule after the aeralfos dragged him off, but he knew Hyrule wasn’t the type to abandon his brothers.
Hyrule made a choked sort of sound, squeezing Warriors in return. A blur of blue appeared on Hyrule’s other side, Wild falling into step with them and resting a hand on Hyrule’s arm. The light grew brighter as they approached the entrance to the cave. It stung Warriors’ eyes and he blinked, squinting against it. Time and Hyrule picked their way through the rubble, carefully keeping their holds on Warriors as they did. They paused at the bottom of the stairs, readjusting so they were basically fully carrying Warriors. Then they helped him up the ruined steps and out into the light of day.
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anon-kit · 9 months
So @groguspicklejar recently responded to an ask that had me thinking of the Hannibal fandom and how Hannibal coded it felt like. I wanted to write an something for that snip because it gave me ✨spark✨ of inspiration to write after a long time of not having the energy to.
TW: References to Cannibalism, A little minor bit of a crossover with Hannibal
People always compare human meat to pork. And, yes if one were to make a direct comparison on taste, that would be true. But they had always preferred beef…good beef with the fat marbling from Japan or the ones with nice chunks of fat that seep into the meat itself making the meat so tender it melts in your mouth. Their favorite is the ones like the nice prime rib for holiday dinners that Papa makes along side the 'Special' roasts that Father makes. They like to laugh it off when people grimace at how rare they enjoy their food. But sometimes they get a little home sick or just a little too angry and have an urge to indulge, just a little. Not often enough to be a issue per say...but enough that a rumor starts because of it (always the enemy, after all one does not shit where they eat).
When they first left home they were proud to make their way up the ranks and their fathers were just as proud that they could safely indulge in the common hobbies without too much repercussion. The special forces were are all killers to some degree and there would always be prey. It also helped that they knew they would have to leave sooner than later, there is no room for two predators in one territory. Plus they had always wanted to see the world and had a life long fascination with England.
Of course there was an adjustment period of learning to take the verbal abuse of being a rookie and being uprooted from their home. (They needed to constantly remind themselves of the new hierarchy. It wasn't rudeness, it was just the way things were done.) Then there were rumors floating around but anyone who rose into the ranks of the special forces were always a bit peculiar. Right?
When they were introduced to the 141 they were quick to take in the handsome faces and dissect the team them down to their parts. Captain Price has the most delicious looking thighs. Lieutenant Ghost's torso has their mouth drooling with how tender it would be slow roasted. Sergent Gaz was almost too beautiful to think of eating (too kind to eat) but they wonder if his heart and liver would be just as tender and sweet as the man himself. Sergent Soap is a sly one but they think that a the man could be cut down to the basics to create a decently filling meal or perhaps if they ever had the time, a delightful sausage mix. The thought has drool gathering in their mouth that they swallow down loudly. Hopefully, it comes off as being intimidated by the larger men in front of them.
After the quick introductions, they shoot their new team a simple smile. No need to be rude, first impressions are important after all. It is what they were taught and it is what they do best. Now its time to bond and hope that their new team can accept them, eccentricities and all.
Papa always said, "If you have to kill, kill the rude" (And then Father would butt in with his two cents on the matter, "Eat the rude, it helps get rid of the evidence and is a delectable trophy"). It also helps that Papa and Father fell in love through violence, why couldn't they?
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hunted-moth · 1 year
Forest Of Dreams PT3: Deja Vu
Wordcount // 6k
Summary // Y/n goes on her first expedition but when she and Jake mess around it causes an angry animal to detect them, which causes an even angrier and deadlier animal to find and chase them. Jake and Y/n get separated, and while lost she gets surrounded by viper wolves a mysterious girl saves her and takes her to her home
Warning // language, animal violence (all in self-defense), violence, getting lost, use of weapons, minor mention of a school shooting (they visit graces old school), reader panics a bit, Jake gets super sad in this chapter
A/N // Ahhh I'm so excited about this chapter!!! Been waiting to write it but also I haven't jumped it as soon as I was done cus I was kinda scared but whatever I'm writing it now :D
Speaking Na’vi
*mini time skip, like a small location change
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As you got up you did your morning routine and put on some comfy clothes since you'd be in your avatar most of today doing your first field mission.
You walked out of your room and headed to the mess hall to eat with the other science people. You saw Norm there already, same with Jake, they were talking a little bit. You were glad because you got the impression that Jake didn't like Norm a lot.
When you sat down you heard what they were talking about “So these na’vi people, are they that dangerous?” Jake asked with a bit of uncertainty in his voice, “well I mean if a bunch of aliens came to earth you bet your sweet ass we’d protect it or at least a few hundred years ago we would” you answered for Norm, beating him for once “yeah, there actually
very friendly people and only defend their land” Norm added.
You all finished your food and went to the link pods, you went to the same one as yesterday and went in, and when you opened your eyes again, you woke up in the lodge where the other avatars slept.
You rolled to your left and grabbed some clothes you'd wear on the expedition. A green RDA jacket and a black shirt underneath and some shorts. You also had some knee pads on since you knew you'd be in the mud and dirt a lot with rock around. Then walking over to Grace you waited for Norm and Jake, when they finally came over you all went over to the tarmac where all the Sampsons were.
There you saw the same women from yesterday, the same with the soldier who you and Jake met. She introduced herself as Trudy Chacon and the soldier as Lyle Wainfleet.
And with the introduction out of the way, you all boarded the Sampson with you and Jake on one side, Grace and Wainfleet on the other, and Norm in the cab of the Sampson
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The Sampson flew over the water with flying animals around it, they were purple with yellow arms under them, as one screeched at the Sampson you looked at it with amazement. As Trudy kept flying, you'd pass giant trees that no doubt had been there for centuries, housing different animals and supplying food to the fauna around. Flying into the canopy to start getting closer to the ground, Trudy spotted a Stermbeest herd on the right
“Got it thanks,” Norm switched from his position with you and Jake to where Grace was to see the herd “Looks like a bull, a dozen cows, and some juveniles,” Grace informed Norm as she pointed at them. One let out a mighty roar as you passed by. The Sampson then flew over a waterfall, to which you and Jake cheered like the two of you were at a theme park.
After a time the Sampson landed on the ground, and you saw a few deer-looking animals run away. You swung your feet over the ledge preparing to jump off after Jake. He and Wainfleet surveyed the area to make sure that there were no threats around, once they deemed it ok they lowered their weapons. Grace went over to Trudy, telling her to turn the Sampson off, as you all would be staying a bit. She walked over to Jake and noticed that Norm didn't have his pack and sent him back to get it, she also noticed that Wainfllet was heading with them
“stay with the ship! One idiot with a gun is enough” She was referring to your brother, you wanted to be a little mad but it was kind of funny, you also had a gun, just a small one though nothing like the big one Jake had. “You're the man, doc” was all you heard as you four trekked into the thick forest.
As you were making your hike to get supplies you heard something loud in the trees, Jake looked up pointing his gun at the noise. It was an animal, they were blue with yellow stripes on its body. It had two upper arms and four forearms.
“Prolemuris, their non-aggressive,” she said trying to calm Jake down, eventually she walked in front of him and pushed his gun down, getting impatient with him “Relax marine, you're making me nervous” and continued walking to the storage house
As you walked closer, you could see the house in sight, it looked rundown like something attacked it and then left it to rot.
"So uhh, how do we know the Navi aren't here?" Norm asked, nervous about running into one on his first day out here "Oh, I'm sure they're watching us right now,” when Grace said that Norm stopped to look around
“Oh so their good hiders huh? Bet they’re wicked good at hide n seek” you joked, “oh yeah, once I thought I lost a kid till she popped out from the rafters like a sting bat” she laughed at the memory
As you walked into the building, Grace informed you all that this was the school, but now it was just storage
“The kids were so bright and eager to learn” She picked up a book and dusted it off “They picked up English faster than I could teach it,” she finished as she put the book back.
You looked around a bit, looking at the desks with little arts and crafts on them, you went over to collect some stuff you'd need like a rock hammer, pick ax, probing rod, and a hand lens. You went over to Norm and Grace and filled your pack with other important stuff.
When you got over there you saw Norm pick up a very old book called the ‘Lorax’, it was a book about saving trees, warning people about deforestation, ‘So much for that,’ you thought
“Oh yeah, they loved this one, the sting bats keep knocking them down'' you looked up to see some on the rafters then you saw Jake messing with some stuff when he also noticed them, he was startled and you laughed walking back over to him.
“I keep hoping someone will come in and read them,” she said with such sorrow “Why don't they come back?” Norm asked as he asked, You pulled Jake out of the gaze of the stingbats, Graced sighed “The Omatikaya” she paused and learned as much as they needed about us”.
You and Jake noticed something weird about the blackboard, it had bullet holes in it, and looked like it came from the doorway too “What happened here.” Jake asked seriously, you were curious as well, who would shoot at a school?
Grace looked up at you two near the blackboard, she looked annoyed and even a bit angry “Are you gonna help us with the gear or just stand there? We've got a lot to do”
The two of you looked at each other, sharing knowing glances, then walked over to help them
As the expedition officially began, the four of you went off deeper into the forest. Norm would often just stand there looking around, probably looking for na’vi people, and Jake would tell him to keep moving, you would giggle at this whenever it happened.
“And here I go” Grace had put a rod into a root “Scanning” Grace and Norm finally found what THEY were looking for, while you had to wait a bit, you wanted to find rocks by the river to see how the water affects the erosion time. So in the meantime, you just stuck next to Jake.
Grace and Norm were studying some roots from a tree, looking at how the signal transduction worked with the surrounding roots. Jake sighed as he was already bored, he turned around and went to walk off, so you did too. The two of you began to walk away, Jake must have found something interesting because he tilted his head, and walked faster.
The two of you came across a clearing of a spiral plant. You walked deeper into the clearing and Jake touched one and it shrunk, the two of you stepped back and looked at the other two, to see they didn't notice.
He walked to the other one to touch it and it shrunk the two you giggled, and he looked over to you, silently asking if you knew what it was “Umm I think it's a Helicoradian” He nods at the information and goes to touch one more, but suddenly they all go down in a chain reaction, revealing a startled Titanothere it roars at you two, prompting Jake to raise his gun up, you only opened the holster to yours ready to grab it if need be.
It charged at you two causing you two to step back, then Grace comes on the throat coms
“Don't shoot, don't shoot you’ll piss em off” Graced instructed Jake, the animal roared again this time taking a few trees down with it, “it already pissed off,” Jake said to Grace “Jake, its armor too thick, trust me” Grace reasoned with Jake, he listens and pulled his gun away.
The beast smashes a few trees in its way “It's a territorial threat display, do NOT run or he’ll charge” You look at Grace with a ‘hell we supposed to do then’ face cause you knew you couldn't win.
“So what do I do? Dance with it” “Yeah, the hell do we do” you both shot back at her which she replied “Just, stand your ground” Norm looked scared out of his mind, more scared than you two, his tail going haywire, while Grace was calm no doubt for you three.
Then the Titanothere finally charged at you two, Jake went at it yelling so you did too. The two of you screaming seemed to scare it off, you and Jake laughed, even taunting it a bit
“Yeah come on whatchu got” “that's right, who's in charge here bitch!,” you turn around to find the real reason it backed off, your eyes go wide and you stood frozen,
“Yeah why don't you go back to your mommy, you punk ass bitch” and with that, it finally turned around back to its heard, Jake kept taunting it till you pulled on his sleeve when he turned his head he saw you frozen in fear, he looked up to see a snarling Thanator
The beast roared and jumped over you guys, putting itself in between the Titanothere and you. It roared at the other animals and then faced you, it seemed to lock in on you in particular
“So what about this one, run don't run, what!” Jake looked at Grace as you slowly backed away, an uneasy feeling rising in your stomach, “RUN, DEFINITELY RUN” and with that, the two of you booked it the other way.
You jumped over a branch and weaved through some bamboo-looking plant, it would get stuck a few times but it would quickly find another way through to you. All you could hear behind was the beast snarling at you and the breaking of wood.
You and Jake eventually found a tree with an exposed root that you two could hide under. As you two leaped in the animal leaped after you clawing at you both, you crawled deeper in trying to avoid its claws, but it just kept following you. When you had enough room you pulled out your gun, both you and Jake firing at it, but it only seemed to piss it off.
It stuck its head in the hole and ripped Jake's gun out of his hands and threw it down somewhere, then it borrowed its way in, you and Jake crawled out and ran past different plants.
You were in front of Jake when the Thanator jumped out and grabbed his pack. He unlatched and fell to the ground hard, knocking him out when he noticed him and started towards him.
You noticed this, and you began to shoot at it unloading the remaining bullets and trying to get it away from your brother, cause you sure as hell weren't losing him too.
“OVER HERE YOU ASSHOLE, OVER HERE!!!” your yelling and shooting seemed to alert it and it chased you now “shit” You turned around and dropped the empty gun and unloaded everything on you, only leaving the 2-pound hammer you could use later.
You kept running till you got to a waterfall, and you jumped off just in time, cause if you had hesitated you surely would have been dead due to the beast.
As you were falling you prepared yourself to dive. When you went underwater you were swept away by the strong current, hitting rocks on your way down the streambed, but you managed to swim up to the surface, though you were still struggling a bit to stay afloat.
You could still hear the animal screaming after you as you grabbed onto a root sticking out, you looked over at it, seeing if it could just jump in and get you, but when it saw it couldn't it just screamed at you. You just stuck your middle finger up in retaliation.
You dragged yourself to the riverbed and just plopped down and rolled over on your back to catch your breath but it was difficult when something wanted to poke at you. You sat up and grabbed whatever was poking you to see it was a river stone, the thing you came here for, to study. Oh the irony
You laughed a bit, from exhaustion and annoyance of the shitty day
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Jake's link pod opened as he awoke from being knocked out in his avatar body. When he realized where he was he demanded to talk with Grace, or hell at least Norm, someone who was down there.
When he got in contact with Grace he yelled into the com “Y/N IS STILL OUT THERE! WHERE ARE YOU RIGHT NOW!” “WHERE ARE YOU!” Grace yelled back “I'm at the lab right now, the animal picked me up by my pack, and I dropped down to the ground and I woke up here” “ok do you know where your avatar is? If we can find yours we might be able to find Y/n” grace explained to the panicked Jake
When he was finished explaining where they could find his avatar, he sat at your link pod, praying you’d come up, so that he could comfort you if you were scared, but you never did.
He'd look at your vitals to see your heart rate was high meaning you were on edge out there, all alone. ‘Damn it, why couldn't it have been me, why her god’ he yelled at himself in his head, he felt so guilty. Cause if your avatar died while you were still connected it could cause major trauma to your psyche.
He had heard about a former avatar driver, he killed himself while connected and was basically a zombie after. He didn't want that for his baby sister, he’d never forgive himself.
“JAKE, Jake are you there” Grace's voice comes through the walkie talkie “Yeah I'm here, did you find her!” panic and hope laced his voice “no, but we found your avatar. Listen Jake Trudy says she has to fly back, meaning we have turned back, well look for her in the morning”
“But what if she doesn't make it through the night” Jake pleaded he couldn't understand “I'm sorry Jake we’ll have to look tomorrow” and with that grace signed off. Grace hated that she had to give up the search, Trudy tried to comfort her but it didn't help much.
Jake laid his head in his hands, praying that this was all just some bad dream and he'd wake up to you poking him in his bed, saying he had to get ready for the mission.
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You got up from the bank and trekked deeper into the forest to try and find your way back. But you realized something, you were alone, in the forest, and had nothing to defend yourself.
With that realization in mind, you grabbed a stick and hid under some big leaves. You sharpened it with your knife. Looking up at every little sound your ears picked up. Your heartbeat was so loud, it felt like it was beating directly in your ears.
When you got the spear you continue your way to find safety. Alone you looked around whenever an animal squawked too loudly for your comfort. It felt like something was watching you, waiting to strike, you thought the Thanator had come back with how on edge you were.
Your insects were right however, something was watching you, well more like someone. In the treetops, there was a girl, she laid down on a branch to not be seen by you as you passed under it.
When she could see you again, she raised her body slowly before hopping up without making a sound. Drawing an arrow, aiming for your head, she had a look of both disgust and hatred for you.
She was about to release it when she noticed a wood sprite. It floated down onto her arrow as if it was urging her to not release it. As it floated away she drew it back to watch it float away, she looked at you for a brief second before running off.
As night fell over Pandora, new creatures in the night awoke, suddenly taking interest in you. As it was getting dark you took off your jacket and wrapped it around the other end of the makeshift spear. Then dipped it in some flammable sap to try and make a torch.
Then you heard something, in the bushes you heard animals yip around you, you tried to calm down thinking it was just a random animal passing by like other noises you heard throughout the day.
Then it happened again when you squatted down to light the spear on fire, this time it sounded like it was circling you. The noises were happening more frequently now, it just confirmed in your mind that you were dinner tonight if you didn't get out of there.
You struggled to light the match, striking it over and over, only getting sparks till it finally lit, quickly you lit the jacket and it soared with light as you got up. You swung it behind you to see dozens of dog-like creatures surrounding you. ‘Goddammit’ you thought. Thinking you could scare them off you tried waving the torch in front of you, but they just kept moving forward.
Trying to get away, you walked backward but they just kept following, some even went into the trees without you noticing.
You just ran. They eventually have you surrounded on all sides, and your attempts at just scaring them with the fire aren't working as they got bolder. The noises they made almost sounded taunting like they were laughing at you.
Instead of just waving it at them, you swung it at them, trying to get them away from you. As you looked around, you saw them clearly now, they were viper wolves. They had black shiny skin with a red stripe down its side, and six legs with white paws, their mouths were dripping with saliva, waiting to get a taste of meat.
Growing impatient you yelled at them “Just add to my shitty day already, COME ON '' You challenged them, one hissed from behind you, It lept at you as you swung at it, knocking it to the ground.
Another came at you from the trees, you just pointed your spear at it impaling it, stabbing it through the chest. When both of you fell, you lost hold of the spear and before you grabbed it
another one came at you, grabbing your hammer instead, you wrestled it before whacking it at it knocking it out.
Running to the spear a Wolf grabs your foot, tripping you. You pulled yourself up in time to kick one away. But as soon as you got up another one jumped on you, this time near your face. As it snapped at your face you could feel another one biting your exposed legs.
As you yelped in pain, the girl from before came back and shot at the viper wolf on top of you killing it, then you kicked the one that was biting your leg. You sat up , grabbing your knife when you noticed the arrow.
You looked around to see a na’vi girl jump over you, shooting at one coming for you.
When she landed she started to wack at them, beating them away with her bow. She hisses at one when it jumps up and tackles her to the ground. They rolled on the ground till she was on top, she grabbed her knife and killed the animal. She grabbed her bow again and swats at a few more till they all fled as she gave a final hiss.
She stood there for a second, listening for them, making sure none came back. You just sat there amazed she dealt with them all on her own. You knew how to fight, the fights you won in high school told you that much. But these viper wolves, damn near killed you if it wasn't for her.
When she turned around she groaned from how bright the fire was and moved towards it mumbling something under her breath. She picked it up and threw it into the water. You tried to stop her, but your pleas went unheard “Wow, wonderful” you grumbled and went to grab it from the water.
The na’vi woman ran to a yelping viper wolf, as it lay dying she grabbed her knife and put her knee on its neck, she stabbed its neck putting it out of its misery then saying a prayer.
You walked into the water and grabbed the piece of wood then headed back to the land. When you got back you saw how the plants lit up, then you remembered something from your training, the plant life was bioluminescent, meaning everything glowed.
You just stood there admiring the forest around you, everything glowed with blues, teals, or purples, it was beautiful, hell even you glowed, the white dots on your body showed you that. The woman came into your view, as she knelt down next to the dead animal, and she put her hands on its corpses
“Uhh, you probably don't understand me but-” she ignored you and started her prayer “That was kinda cool, where you learn to fight like that-” she cuts you off again saying her prayer louder then stopped to get up, she grabbed her bow and left.
you, not noticing you continued “I would be dead right now if it weren't-” you looked up to see she was leaving. So you got up to follow her “he-HEY where ya going, wait a sec” You chased after her.
“Hey wait up, I'm trying to talk to you” She tried to ignore you, but found herself rolling her “I wanted to say thanks for killing those things-” You tried to grab her wrist but she turned around to smack you with her bow, knocking you down
“AHH, what the fuck” You held your cheek while you looked up at her, but you saw her walking to you with her bow pointed down “dont thank, you dont thank for this, this is sad. VERY sad only,” she said it like she lecturing a child
“ok, alright I'm sorry” you try to apologize, but she just looked more annoyed and she raised her hand “all of this is your fault, they did not need to die” her face looks disgusted and her tail swishes behind her.
You only laughed and justified your actions “My-my fault, they attacked me first, I was just defending myself” You looked up at her “How am I the bad guy-” she pointed her bow at you again this time more aggressively
“Your fault” *woah, easy there* “your fault” she continued “your like a baby, making noise, don't know what to do” you tried to move the bow away but she whipped it away from your hands, you flinched a bit *woah*
You finally got up “ok fine, alright fine” you rose to her eye level holding your hands up “If you like your little friends back there, why don't you just let them eat me, hmm?” you looked at her for a bit then rose to your full height,
“What's the logic behind that huh,” you said so softly, she was kind of taken aback “why save you?” she asked “yeah why, I’m clearing not worth it in your eyes” she looked down to think for a moment, she looked conflicted before saying
“You have a strong heart, no fear” You were taken aback for a second, as she walked towards you “But stupid, ignorant like a child” And with that, she walked off leaving you behind, you chuckled and bent down for your spear and chased after her
“well if I'm a child, why don't you uhh teach me or something” chased after her, she was ahead of you by a lot “The sky people can not learn what they can not see” was her justification for not teaching you
“Well teach me to see then” she ran on to a long branch “No one can teach you to see”
When you got on the branch yourself, stopped for a second, amazed by the forest. You looked for her again to see she was a good distance away once more
“Ahh hey wait up, can we talk or something, like uhh where did you learn English? Did you go to grace school or something? I know her, she kinda my-” your spear got caught on a vine, it flung you backward, you almost fell but she caught you “You're like a baby” She then said some na’vi under her breath, it was too quick and quiet for you understand
“Look, I need some help,” you tried to reason with her “You should not be here” she flicked her hands in your face “I got separated from my brother, he's probably worried sick about where I am” You tried to reason with her
“So can you just help me, take me with you-” you thought she would understand but “NO, go back” “no i-” “no” she pushed you back “go back,” she said behind gritted teeth, clearly getting impatient.
But something caught her attention as she looked up, you looked up to see white jellyfish-looking things floating down towards you two. Some of them were close, you held out your hand, but she took a hold of it, thinking you were gonna smack it away.
Being a little petty, you went to touch another one, just to piss her off. She grabbed your other arm before you could get it, and she shouted NO at you, she gripped your arm tighter “Atokirina” You slowly held out your arm, for a few when they came towards you.
She looked at them with wonderment as they landed on you. The ‘Atokirina’ as she called them, tickled your skin, and they were cold to the touch. It made you flinch as they landed.
You held out your arms when you realized many more were coming, “wha-what are they exactly?” “seeds of the sacred tree, very pure spirits” “neat” More were landing on you, they were practically covering your body.
While you were silent freaking out thinking dead people were landing on you, she looked on with amazement. When the final one landed, they all floated back up into the air to find something new.
“What was that all about?” you looked to her for an answer, but she looked at you “Come” You just looked at her “Come” This time she grabbed your wrist, and off the two of you went.
“Hey, where are we going-” You hit a plant that glowed from the impact, getting sidetracked you hit a few more, even drumming on one. She waited for you to catch up. “Come” With that, you were reminded of that fact you were supposed to follow her to who knows where.
You noticed how the earth under you reacted to your steps, now that you weren't side-tracked by animals trying to kill you and trying to talk to the girl who saved you, you could finally experience the wonders of the forest.
You jumped from branch to branch with her
“hey what's your name-” you were cut off by something hitting your feet “shit.” you tried to grab onto the branch but you quickly slid off, you landed on your stomach and groaned.
‘Well ain’t this the cherry on my shitty day’ you thought to yourself as you sat up.
You took the rope that tripped you off when you saw what you think are Direhorse coming towards you with riders on top. You quickly got up and drew your knife and retreated back, trying to find safety, when you were met with something not safe, arrows in your face.
They surrounded you on all sides. You put your hands up trying to come off as non-threatening. And a nervous laugh came out of you which only put them on edge more.
You dropped the knife when the girl came down “Calm down people, calm down” she looked at them all. Then she stopped to look at one guy, he dismounted from his horse and stalked toward her
“What are you doing tsu’tey” she asked him angrily “These demons are forbidden here!” he retorted “There has been a sign, this is a matter for tsahik” whatever she said had seemed to stop him, making him think.
he looked at you and then the girl before turning around “Bring her” With that, he walked away “Hey what's going on” You felt someone put their hands on you “Wait- AHH” They dragged you away harshly, you feel one put a knife under you queue “Hey what's happening” as you said that, the riders sped off as the rest of you had to catch up.
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When the rest of you caught up you saw where they were taking you, their home tree. It was huge, easily dwarfing the Renaissance Center in Detroit. There were people at the entrance trying to see what sudden commotion was.
The closer you got to the tree, the tighter the grip on your bride was, as they held the knife under your queue. The crowd of people parted making way for you all.
They all hissed at you, identifying you as one of the ‘sky people’ as she called you earlier. They tried to grab at you but they would be pulled away or blocked by the people leading you.
You looked forward to seeing a spiral in the center of the tree, and you saw other people at the base of it, mainly the guy and a man, the two were talking to one another. The man wore more flamboyant clothes.
Girls noticed them and went to grab your bicep to lead you further to them.
“Father, I see you” she greeted him, it was a simple phrase, but you were too distracted, looking around instead. He walked towards you, and the closer he got the more nervous you were. You smiled from the nerves but quickly dropped it to nod your head to him.
“This creature, why do you bring her here?” he asked her “I was going to kill him but, there was a sign from Eywa”
“I have said no dream walker will come here” he addressed the people, you were having a hard time catching up, he way spoke too fast for you,
Yes, you studied it, but one: it wasn't your strongest subject, and two: you've never been put in a situation where you actually had to practice what you learned. “Her alien scent fills my nose” What he said apparently was very funny as the other people laughed, especially the guy from earlier
“Hey what's going on” you for a final time “My father is deciding whether to kill you” Your eyes widened a bit at the mention of ‘father’ “That's your father?” she nodded,
you panicked a bit, and went into ‘oh shit, met the GFs dad by mistake’ mode “uhh nice to meet you sir” you went to shake his hand when a crowd of people stopped you, even Neytiri told you to stop.
“Releases this creature! Step back” All heads swiveled to the source of the sound, and an older lady, also dressed in flamboyant clothes, came down the spiral “I will look at this alien” As she stepped closer you could hear Neytiri say “That is Mother, she is tsakhik, the one who interprets the will of Eywa” “oh that's nice” you said nervously, honestly she sacred you more
you watched as the lady circled you, inspecting you. She grabbed your braid, then your tail twisting it around.
“What are you called,” she asked sternly, her accent coming through “Y/n Sully” She looked at you then pulled a knife out of her headpiece and stabbed your shoulder, as you yelped in pain, she licked the blood off.
“Why did you come to us” looking into eyes, well more like a soul with how deep she looked. “I came to learn” You weren't lying, you came to learn and study the rocks but they didn't need to know that. “We have tried to teach other Sky People, it is hard to fill a cup that is already full.”
she looked you in the eyes, challenging you “Well mines not full yet” you said back to her “I mean just ask my brother-” she interrupted “what are you?” you don't know how to answer her “well I'm a scientist, but a uhh…I was a former warrior from the umm jarhead…clan” You wanted to cringe into yourself
“A warrior, ha I could kill her easily” the guy from before interrupted “No, this is the first warrior dream Walker we have seen. We need to learn more about her” the man known as the girl's father spoke, the people talked amongst themselves about what he said.
“My daughter, you will teach her our ways-” the girl gasped at the news “To speak and walk as we do” The girl looked upset from what you could tell, “Why me? That's not fair-”
she was interrupted as her mother walked to you “It is decided, my daughter, will teach you our ways, learn well Y/n Suil, then we can see if your insanity can be cured” You bowed your head “Thank you, ma’am”
The girl roughly took your arm and led you to a tent, she pushed you in and closed the flap. You looked around, there were racks that held different items on them. She walked over to it and picked some clothes out.
Turning around to you she said “Take off the sky demon clothes, now!” she demanded with some clothes in her hands “Uhh what” you asked a bit flustered “Take your clothes off!” getting impatient, you could see her tail swish behind her
“umm no, I'd rather keep these on” you chuckled, currently all you had on were your shoes, shorts, and your shirt that looked like it was barely holding on.
“If you are going to learn the ways of the people, you will change” That was her final demand before she walked over to you “Woah Woah!! calm down ok! i'll take my damn clothes off” She handed you the clothes, it was a simple loin cloth and top.
“Can I at least get some privacy?” she looked at you confused “What do you mean, the entranced is blocked” she pointed towards the flap “True, but you're in here hehe” She just stared at you, sighing you turned around and started to take your shirt off by grabbing the end of your shirt and lifted it above your head.
You could feel her staring at you “Take a picture it’ll last longer” you joked, you went to face her but she looked away embarrassed, you went back to change into the new clothes “there done, happy now” you to towards her with you hands on you hips, ti felt weird to be so exposed like this.
You looked at the girl, she tried to keep her gaze on your face but you saw your eyes dart to your legs, no doubt surveying the bite mark. You also saw how her cheeks darkened a bit. She finally replied while raising her head in a confident action.
“Yes, you look a little normal now” she then turned around waiting for you to follow her
“ouch, that hurt” you joked at her little dig at you and followed her out of the tent. “Come, I will take you to my mother, she will help your leg” and with that you both sent out to the Tsahik of the Omitakya.
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Next // PT 4 New Kid In Town
Previous // PT 2 New Life, New Dreams
// Masterlist //
A/N // 14. Pages. On. Google Docs o m g. In the last section, I typed so much that my hands hurt I finished it at midnight after writing this chapter all day, i had to stop for myself really cause this would’ve been waaaaay longer lol
But umm yeah I hope you enjoyed part three of my little series, cruelty working on part four, and hopefully I won't forget to tag this one lol
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onikuma-selfships · 8 months
introduction post (real) (not clickbait)
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hihihihi heyyy helo! i'm snowy and this is my selfship sideblog (this blog interacts from @snowytiger)
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some stuff about me under the cut:
-i'm starting to get into self-shipping slowly but steadily!! here's my list of f/os! also i don't mind people sharing my f/os at all!! i am glad other people can appreciate my blorbos as much as i can :)
-im in a LOT of fandoms
-i rlly like stamps
-fandom blogs can interact but behave pls
tag guide (wip):
#doodles.txt (art tag)
#shut up snowy (rambling/gushing tag)
#others selfships (self-explanatory)
(insert ship tag here) just check my strawpage for each. my f/o list is an exhaustive one
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basic dni criteria (racist, homophobic/transphobic/acephobic/intersexist, terfs, ableists, pedos/zoos/proshitters, fatphobes)
people who hate on xenogenders, neopronouns, good faith identities like mspec lesbians, therians/otherkin/alterhumans, and objectum people. yall are all fucking valid and don't let these dicks tell you otherwise.
thinspo blogs and shit like that. fat people are real and deserve to exist. eat shit if you think otherwise.
harry potter fans. i dont need to explain this one
thin ice:
hazbin hotel/helluva boss fans. moots are fine and non-moots well...just be nice and you shall stay
discourse blogs of any kind e.g. syscourse- i just don't wish to get involved in anything like that because i really dont have room to talk on certain stuff so please respect that.
other than that that im not that iffy with the people i interact with. so yall should be fine
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and thats it!! have some silly userboxes and stuff like that :]
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iloveslllycatss · 1 year
the songs that remind u of them< not rlly a rant
btw every paragraph is talking ab someone new
we all know conan gray right? ok great. well yk that one song “the cut that always bleeds”? or “heather”? those 2 songs remind me of my first ever crush from last year. who I changed myself to try and make like me, this crush only lasted for about 2-3 weeks and I ended up being rejected bc he had a girlfriend I didn’t know about. those songs remind me of him because I used to listen to them the 3 times I cried about him. it wasn’t a bad crush but I definitely needed to work on my standards. 3/10.
okay next is money by the drums and afraid by the neighborhood. those 2 songs were songs I’d listen to as i think about him while I was in art class. this dude was fine and funny and taller then me and all of that. problem is: i BARELY knew him. so I confessed by having my friend text him on discord and do it FOR ME (i was too pussy to do it). then it got awkward between us. fast foreword a year and last semester i had pe with him. since he was friends with one of my close friends i got to talk to him and we slowly became ‘friends’. i gained a crush on him again and since then I still do JSSKSKSK. this dude used to chase me in pe and throw dodgeballs at me and make me laugh and stuff so I DEF HAD A REASON. he made me smile and all of that cheesy romance stuff… i HAVENT seen him in like 6 months due to me doing online school now………. i still habe a crush on him. 8/10
okay these songs are first love/late spring and francis forever and bag of bones by mitski. last year I was SUCH A BIG mitski fan it’s actually crazy. okay so me and this dude were in a class together around the end of last year and we actually became best friends! me and him would text on the daily and all of that and we use to ft and make fun of each other and all of that and it was honestly such a good friendship (we had a pet rock together. we used to play fight in the class and I would send him outfits for me to wear out places and he’d help me choose and all of that). i had a crush on him since before the friendship started and so I gained a BIG FAT crush on this dude and it didn’t go away. so fast foreword like 2 months and he tells me he has a crush on my friend! (It was not good I cried for like a week listening to mitski the whole time). and so we went through all of that normal “omg DONT b a pussy and confess to her!” (while i stay quiet ab my crush ab him 💀). and then after like 2 more months I tell him and I’m like “hey i just want to lyk i have a crush on u and IK u aren’t looking for a relationship and I’m not either but I just want to let u know so it doesn’t get in the way of our friendship and I hope u see me the same”. he didn’t really care and we stayed friends. THEN AFTER LIKE A MONTH HE STARTED ACTING ALL WEIRD LIKE “goodnight 💗” AND LET ME SLEEP ON HIS SHOULDER ON THE BUS AND LIKE DID ALL THIS STUFF THAT MADE ME THINK HE LIKED ME (told me how pretty i was, send me hearts, hearts next to my contact name and so on.). this goes on until I find out he does it to like 4 other girls. I CRIED SO HARD U DONT UNDERSTAND. and so after thwt he gets kinda distant and I’m still trying to salvage our friendship and he keeps getting more and more distant until the new school year starts. OKAY SO NEW YEAR NEW ME NEW CRUSH RIGHT? no. WRONG! i still had a crush on this dude after like 6 and a half months and it just keeps going. so me and him keep talking (him kinda being distant but kinda back to normal) and then he starts getting HELLA distant. so then after that I go to my schools fb game and he happens to be there. this dude acts like he doesn’t know who i am until i pull out my bag of chips and I’m sharing with people. so after this I’m still trying to get his attention so I air smack him and turns out. THUS DUMB HOE DOESNT FLINCH. so I ended up smacking him REAL hard right in the face and breaking his glasses. (this happens again like 2 minutes after the first time…) and so he knows I was sorry and joking and I gave my bag of chips and fixed his glasses (they weren’t super broken like u could pop them back into place) and we r good. until he goes back to acting like i don’t exist. that right there was the moment I realized I  have lost feelings for this dude so I leave the game and I go home right and all is good. until like a whole semester later and it’s been like months since I didn’t like him anymore and all of that. and so after I go online and I get grounded for 6 months I get on my snapchat and I go onto this groupchwr I’m in with him and I say “hi everyone” and all of that and everyone says hi and then they decide to prank me and say “oh btw _____(him) is dating ______(my friend he used to like)” and I’m like “omg congrats for u guys” yada yada yada and then after an hour (I still believe it bc nb told me it was a joke) I start CRYING AB IT. and I’m so confused I’m like ‘why am I crying I don’t even like him?’ and then I vent to my cousin and she’s like “u still like him ur just not admitting it and that’s why ur sad” and I just keep denying it and everything. then in the end I throw away my feelings and replace them with hate and dislike and now I FR don’t fw him and I don’t like him and I don’t even want to breathe in his direction. this crush was a 2/10 because although I cried most of it and I was sad like the whole time we still had some good times and we still had those fun days and stuff and I don’t want those to go to waste so 2/10. (he didn’t go to my school this year btw)
(IK 99% of u mfs didn’t read half of that LMFAOSOAOSO)
okok next is poco loco from coco. ur ab to call me a homie hopper but… this dude is the last dudes best friend. okay basically I had a crush on him the mid-end of first semester bc he was just so… perfect? okay so me and this dude were kinda friends. we were in the same gc together and alla that so we talked. this dude was tall and nice to look at and funny and goofy. LITERALLY MY TYPE. so I had a crush on him and we slowly became more friends ever since my friend (a dif friend) broke up w him… so me and him are friends and nothing really happens between us tbh.. poco loco reminds me of him bc he’s a spanish speaker and he would like send me the lyrics of it sometimes and he would just b making fun of it and stuff. we also played a lot of imsg games… 4/10
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key-lime-soda · 2 years
Sumi Lore Professional Question One:
what's the game you've played that's affected you most? i feel like this'll be... inch resting :>
easy. Pokemon
played pokemon leafgreen when i was 5. instantly fell in love. my sister beat the main story cuz i was too young to understand battling, so i just did the post game. I sailed around the Sevii Islands and it was the coolest shit ever. It defined my definition of a good game forever.
Then my interests faded as i got into late elementary school. It was still cool, but not as big in my life. Me and my sister got Pokemon Black and it was definitely really cool (did revive my love a bit). but the post-game was kinda dry. we did everything extra that we could do without internet.
Then i got a phone in 6th grade. I was given the chance to listen to music whenever I wanted. But back then i didnt have a personality music taste, so i didn't know what to listen to. figured i'd try something random.
So, i opened up youtube and looked up Pokemon
i started by listening to the anime openings. sure they're cheesy but some of them are catchy. memorized all the words. then i branched out into the other songs from the show and eventually discovered a whole world of unknown pokemon lore. did you know that the japanese anime had full fucking albums of original songs for every season??? and they go hard too!
with this, i discovered youtubers. Truegreen7, Bird Keeper Toby, Woopsire, MandJTV, and so many more. This defined my middle school era. I had an art account on a different site and posted a lot of fanart. made a lot of online friends too. it was such a good feeling...
then my mom found out.
she was pissed at my art account for various reasons, and punished me severely. at that point i was so hurt about losing all my online friends that i couldn't bring myself to draw ever again. i ended middle school in a very messy headspace.
then highschool came arounf . still wasn't into it. felt like i didn't have the motivation to do much anymore. i reluctantly went to freshman orientation, and got to the club fair, where all the clubs advertise to the new students. and one club struck my attention:
Pokemon Club
for the first time in a long time, i was exited to do something. I embarrasingly hung around their booth way longer than i needed to. I stole like 6 of their fliers too. it finally felt like a place where i belonged. I attended (almost) every single meeting for my first two years of high school. i met my current best friends there. they were the ones to introduce me to ace attorney and yttd!!
one day, one of the presidents was telling me about how their PR was ditching all the meetings and never did their work. i offered to take over cuz i had experience making club advertisements. it went from simple posters to booth flyers to fundraiser ads. then she asked me if i was willing to design club merch. bear in mind, i rarely drew since the incident 3 years prior. but it was my job as PR so i faced my fears and did it. the merch was perfect, and everyone loved it.
the end of my 2nd year came the dreadful question: who would take over? the staff were all graduating and needed a new president.
they all chose me.... i was so excited (and nervous) but i was determined to do my best.
unfortunately, covid hit that very year. my entire 3rd year was online, and so was club. it went better than i expected. the president reached out to me and asked if i wanted to color for her webcomic. next thing i knew, i was drawing as much as i used to. she really helped me find that part of me again, and i'm so thankful. now i'm a college student majoring in graphic design and minoring in video game studies
and it was all because of pokemon
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originalcharaycters · 2 years
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"Catch me if you can!"
Antos' words rang throughout the personalized greenhouse. The six year-old boy giggled at his sister's confusion pacing.
He continued to hide behind plants as Parson asses by his hiding spot. The seven year-old girl ran along the paths of the greenhouse, regretting her decision to agreeing on playing one last game before heading out.
As Parson continued to look around, she stumbled upon the maids who she presumed was tasked to fetch h the two kids.
She was about to call on the maids until one of them spoke.
"Young master seems to have a lot of fun with miss Parson, doesn't he?"
The aforementioned girl smiled, decided to let the ladies chat and focusing on finding Antos. However, the second maid's words made her stop in her tracks.
"Yes, but have you seen that girl?! Honestly, how she got into the royal family is beyond me. Must be magic."
Parson stayed and listened to the maids talking, despite knowing she would regret it later.
"Her tail is so big, she can't wear any feminine clothing and her skin looks all weird, both are plain terrible to look at. She's so unladylike."
"And she loves swordfighting and it makes her hand all rough! I hate holding that girl's hands everytime we pick them up somewhere."
The first maid nervously listens to the other rant, knowing it's wrong to speak of the young girl in such a way but too meek to speak up.
While Parson looked at her palms that have been dirtied from playing in the dirt and training from the royal guards, her eyes starts to tear up unknowingly. She tried to swipe the tears away before they could leave her eyes but the action only made her cry harder.
Suddenly, another voice spoke up.
"Now, what would Mr. and Mrs. Goldfarben say when they hear that someone is trash talking their only daughter?"
Parson halted when she realized she recognized the voice while the two maids turned around and saw a little golden-haired boy behind them, smiling.
"I think beheading is probably the most merciful option they'll have."
The two maids flinched, while they're aware the Goldfarbens are filled to the brim with kindness, they can't ignore some of their ruthless and brutal requests that's been made before and the punishments that come after refusals.
Not to mention, the boy in front of them has been with the Goldfarbens his whole life and was best friends with the prince. If asked, what he said would definitely come true.
"I–I'm sorry, master Luciu. You wouldn't tell her highness about this, will you?"
"How about you find those two and then, we can talk. Well, run along now." The boy waved them off as they scurried to go find the two royal kids as fast as possible.
Parson stared as Sun stayed at his spot and tensed up when he spoke again.
"You wanna come out, blossoms?"
Parson narrowed her eyes before stepping out of her hiding spot, unconsciously hiding her hands behind her. Sun simply smiled and approached the girl with the utmost elegance as per taught by his mother.
"Why did you... defend me?" Parson was the first to spoke. Sun tilted his head in response.
"You shouldn't be treated as less than what you are." The six year-old stated with confidence.
"But... I thought you hate me.."
"Hate's a strong word. At most, I dislike you." Sun shrugged nonchalantly.
"But that doesn't mean I get to treat you like the dirt I walk on." The feminine boy starts to walk along the paths of the greenhouse as Parson follows closely.
"I may not show it, but I admire you. You're passionate in everything you do and your ambition only grows stronger by the day."
"I wish I could apply myself like you do."
Sun looks over his shoulder, giving the girl a genuine smile despite the sadness his eyes held.
"However, until then. I guess I'll instead apply myself in protecting you." He said as he continued walking again with the girl's protests following him.
"I don't need protecting! I can protect just fine!"
"Others? Yeah, no worries there. Yourself? Hah, might as well jump out a plane without a parachute at that point." Sun gave a humorless laugh as Parson's face grew red in embarrassment.
"But, with all that you've been through, you deserve to be treated better."
Sun stares off into the distance as the girl was caught off guard. He turns to Parson as he speaks.
"Even if I dislike you or if we argue, I'll make sure I'll never treat you lesser than you really are."
Parson was stunned for a bit. She waited a few moments before offering her pinky to the boy.
"... Promise?"
Sun smiled and linked his pinky with hers.
"I promise."
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jokerjwoo · 2 months
I have to be close to finishing episode one of umineko right
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charliejaneanders · 1 year
The United States has always been a terrible place to be sick and disabled. Ableism is baked into our myths of bootstrapping and self-reliance, in which health is virtue and illness is degeneracy. It is long past time for a bedrock shift, for all of us.
Long covid has derailed my life. Make no mistake: It could yours, too.
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egophiliac · 5 months
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we were fucking ROBBED
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