#even though in the tarot the hanged man is of course upside-down
july-19th-club · 10 months
my awkward politeness, my earnest attempts to inspect everything closely and Do Good Detective Work, my reluctance to break into people's stuff or threaten them, and my sheer and utter sad passing out dehydrated undernourished hungover divorced pathetic-ness seems to have won kim over. he likes me now. he's concerned for me. he was gonna drive me to the hospital. his general demeanor toward me is now 'that's rough, buddy' and in spite of himself. i really think he likes me . he even got excited about my name for the case
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facelesssforestgirl · 11 months
I think that at the end of Mikoto’s t1 MV MeMe, Orekoto shows up.
When Mikoto is telling everyone to look at him, “Take a good look at me, Until you find me” the lyrics are accompanied by him desperately gesturing for the viewer’s attention and then his hand just putting the tarot deck back in place.
Getting the attention is Mikoto and closing the deck is Orekoto. He’s telling both both Mikoto and the viewer to stop trying to figure out the truth behind Mikoto.
“Why, Hey why, I’m nowhere to be found.” Orekoto snaps his fingers at the first “why” and everything turns red, the camera angle turned above to him looking tense. Mikoto of course continues to sing.
“So I will NEVER forgive you if this is happening to even though I’m right.” Orekoto smiles at us holding up a card and then reveals it, singing the above line.
The card is The Fool upside. Instead of Mikoto’s reverse The Hanged Man.
The card is also not like the other cards seen throughout the video. This one has a dark mannequin posing silly while a pale mannequin is at its feet begging. The dark one is holding a vine wrapped stick that holds a skull. There is also a full moon(unlike the half moon representing Mikoto/Orekoto).
I think this card means Orekoto taking on Mikoto’s pain so Mikoto can have a new beginning(the fool). While Mikoto continuously tries to get different draws(reverse the hanged man means stalling). Mikoto probably knows the actual truth deep deep down inside.
Back to the video, Orekoto just sits smiling as Mikoto sings and the tarot spread is revealed from different angles.
Then the viewer is handed the last card by Orekoto and it is Death. Death could mean things are changing. Next moment, viewer is punched out and video cuts.
I don’t really know the run down of tarot but long story short, I think the cards Orekoto lays is him showing Mikoto’s real speard and the drawings on the cards reveal some of Mikoto’s background.
The rest was Mikoto trying for himself to get a different spread(?).
Side note: the two painting in the corner of Mikoto’s mind space are The Fool that I spoke of and The Hanged Man. Mikoto’s painting is pushing Orekoto’s down into the water, Mikoto refusing to see the truth more.
The Hanged Man also has creepy eyes on it(only a few have pupils) and the same vines as The Fool on one of its legs(hanged man’s leg)/on the cross.
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treasureyourfire · 7 months
Day 3
Today's card:
The Hanged Man
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I didn't realize that day, only over time, that in my case the Tarot might not necessarily accurately predict an event for the current/asked day in advance or afterwards, but instead draws my attention to my current (mind-)state/situation, which it want me to think about it. This card could also refer to this.
The following list was compiled for my own situation, it does not contain a complete, comprehensive description of the given card.
Thoughts and inspirations from several sources:
"The Hanged Man's superficial meaning is that we are stuck..." "However, upon closer examination, the external immobility of this forced state of rest shows necessity. It is also an opportunity to in-depth analysis of our world view and our entire life. This phase of life that condemns passivity can be characterized by the image of illness, and this is indeed often indicated by the card."
"Signs: Now it becomes possible for you to recognize where you are and which areas of your life are frozen. Nothing needs to be done. The mere fact that you have a clear perception of the reality around you brings the potential for transformation."
"Questions: In which areas of your life are you stuck? Are you ready to recognize and let go of your petrified thoughts and behavior patterns?"
"The seeker must now pass two tests" ... "... the tests of courage and faith (preconceived certainty). In order to progress, you must boldly let go of all your previous knowledge, voluntarily loosen the grip of your intellect and let your deeper inner forces take the reins." - tarrdaniel.com
"You must have noticed that, to put it mildly, compared to the amount of energy you've invested in this matter, you've made almost no progress. It's as if you haven't made any progress (improvement) even though you've been interrupted. Let's examine this question a bit, because basically the sacrifice is a good thing. But have you really worked for a cause that is yours? There is a big difference between duty and service. It is not your job to waste your precious energies that can create just to make others feel good. It is your job, to balance them; while doing your thing. There is nothing more important than what is important to you! This is not selfishness, if one's value judgment is clear. This is simply the creation of living conditions in which the people you love will feel good together with you." - teremtotarot.hu
Wow... this... : D T-T pretty much describes my last couple of years xD I trust in the turnaround, I'll work for make it happen :3
"The young man's face suggests peace, a meditative frenzy..." ... "His face is greeted with a smile, his eyes are open, and although he is visibly looking inward, his gaze is still full of life." ... "The most important thing to say is this: our life's journey is lined with difficulties and trials. During these times, karma puts our ego to the test very seriously: it forces us to give up something important to us, overcome obstacles, or completely sacrifice our current interest." ... "If someone draws the card of the Hanged Man, it may indicate that they are on the verge of a radical change. Your life will soon turn upside down - or it has already happened - you have to part with something or someone, you have to say goodbye. This can be a human relationship that has become empty, does not serve the inner development of the person drawing the card. But of course there can be something else - a job, a place of residence or even our previous world view - the point is that the card is telling us that it is time to let go, even if it can be painful. ... The Hanged Man's final advice is this: if the world turns upside down around us, don't be bitter, but don't close your eyes either! Let's move forward with a calmed mind, healthy courage and curiosity in our hearts..." - Boglárka Kincses
"... he is at the mercy of others, he cannot stand on his feet at the moment and cannot take matters into his own hands - that is, the Questioner needs patience, even if he feels like a victim of the circumstances. The solution is to look at how the case you are in can be looked at differently. The Hanged Man card means that you have to change your point of view. This is the "entrance" to a happier era." - Ágnes Székelyhidi
... "His face does not show suffering, but a traveler deep in thought or in a trance, and his whole figure suggests the suspension of life, but life and not death." ... "...it rather symbolizes the connection with the Divine and the Universe. Despite this, it entered the (occult) public consciousness as a page of the victim, of suspension in every sense, and this is very important to take into account."
"…. a seeker of knowledge, a participant in an initiation ceremony, who sacrifices his own ability to act - his independence, his life - for the coveted knowledge. Physical vision is replaced by spiritual vision…"
"You are not sure of the next step, the next decision. The Hanged reminds you that you don't have to make a decision now; relax and let things unfold and clear themselves."
"In a spiritual context, The Hanged Man reminds you to pay attention to your attitude towards yourself. If you have been thinking negatively lately, you need to stop because it will affect you and the way you see life.” - thelearningwitch.blog.hu
"It's time to look at things from a different perspective - this is the main message of the card. The figure in the picture is light, almost cheerful, without a trace of worry. It is important to be able to rise above our problems at the moment in question and to see ourselves and our given situation from the outside, so that through the steps we take for our internal development, the problems that arise become opportunities. In terms of its essence, the Hanged Man card demands from us a fundamentally changed worldview, a way of thinking and a vision that is completely opposed to what we have had so far. Now is the time to prioritize our spiritual vigilance. The card draws our attention to the blessed effects of devotion, conscious sacrifice and ego surrender. Now we have the opportunity to face life's trials and challenges with a higher level of awareness and understanding." - gyurcsobori.hu
"In all classic tarot depictions, the Hanged Man hangs upside down by his feet. In the Middle Ages, this was the punishment for traitors and traitors. In a sense, it really is a betrayal: a betrayal of our own things, of ourselves."
"The Hanged Man represents the dead end, the trap into which we walked on the wrong path. It symbolizes all crisis situations that want to force us to change our lives."
"If we change 12, the number of the Hanged Man, we get 21. The XXI. card, The World, represents the end of the Hero's journey, the regained paradise; gaining wholeness from a different perspective. If we compare the two cards, we can see that XXI. card shape is the opposite of the Hanged Man. From the upside-down world, we found the way to the real world."
"According to the Rider tarot, the reason for the crisis is that until now we have not noticed the essence, or we have assessed the situation incorrectly. The card wants to lead you to a new way of seeing things."
"The Hanged Man symbolizes forced rest, the feeling of helplessness, and those crisis situations that force us to change direction, and because of their impact, we look at the world from a new perspective. These experiences usually last longer than we think and want. We always have to make sacrifices in order to move from the forced rest point. It does not depend on the card, but only on ourselves, whether we are ready for this, whether we understand the reason for things..." - tgy-magazin.hu
"The Hanged Man is suspended by his leg, bearing his fate with peaceful composure. He has taken the path of voluntary sacrifice - but he gains much more than he loses!"
"According to tradition, this card is associated with the sacrifice, sometimes it is even paralleled with the crucifixion. Sacrifice is an act that means, on the one hand, that we lose something important to us, that we give up something. On the other hand, it often happens that we get something in return, and sometimes it is even more valuable than what we sacrifice."
"... the Hanged Man card is about voluntary sacrifice, but also about acquiring something what has special value to us. It warns us, we are ripe for a decision, we have reached a crossroads: we must decide what is really important to us and what is worth the sacrifice. Our decision can be a milestone on our life's journey, or just for a specific situation. We will need a lot of willpower to make up our minds, to be determined to make the given sacrifice, whatever it costs. The card also means that the upcoming change can increase our uncertainty and - especially if it drags on for a long time - can lead to stagnation or fear. The Hanged Man is a harbinger of change - let's prepare for this change! Change always brings us into motion and momentum, but we definitely have to sacrifice something in order for things to move in a positive direction. - hu.ezo.tv
"... he wants to conform to others, he does not live his own life, he does not follow his own desires, his life is not natural." ... "... impatience and violence cannot solve the situation. It only helps if you leave your previous views and expectations behind and go in a different direction, you need a new way of seeing and a huge willpower, you definitely have to sacrifice something for the sake of change." - neske.hu
"This is a planning phase when passivity is important. You get time to at least plan the route you can follow after the rest period ends." - spirisuli.com
"It is recommended to create a conscious state of rest in order to be able to think."
"You don't have to make an effort, just walk clearly around your life, the affected area..."
"Let go of what hasn't taken you forward so far and let in what wants to enter into your life." - ketosvenytarot.hu
Keywords (mixed, own and non-own):
Freezing, stopping
Forced rest
The end of a stuck situation or relationship
Letting go, giving up, surrendering, making a sacrifice
A new point of view
The need to break through old behavioral patterns
A world turned upside down
Better blood supply in the head, increases mental freshness
Captivity, confinement
External factors binds me
Passivity, stagnation
Desire for liberation
A turnaround based on deep insight
In-depth, thorough analysis
Planning phase
Enlightment initiation, initiate (spiritual)
Spiritual growth
Patience, endurance
Complacency, resignation, we accept our situation
Change of direction
(mental, spiritual or physical illnesses)
Inspirations (mixed):
Be patient
You have been given time and opportunity for a comprehensive analysis
Something ends and something new begins
Look inside yourself, ponder
If necessary, ask for help to move forward
Let's mobilize our intuition, practice it
If we have enough courage, we can make a difference
Like the caterpillar in its chrysalis state (intermediate state)
Your old expectations and ideas get you stuck
We can awaken to a higher consciousness
Don't want to suit anyone but yourself!
Learn to say no!
Finding your way back from darkness to light
At the end, ascension awaits, a state of clarity and understanding arrives
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mrsjojokujo · 3 years
I Uh- Guess I'm just gonna claim Pillar Anon until I get courage,,, to throw myself out of anon zone and reveal myself---
And- *aggressively hugs you* 😡👍
Maybe uh-
Platonic, you can decide if its yandere or not, Part 2? With a pillar child of course since- y e s.
These tall people with a tiny person sounds cute djwjwkwkwkwjwk and you write them like a god h$&·($€+
Maybe kars and his if you feel up to writing stinky bird man- he isnt needed but uh- parent pillar men with a baby stroller during battle is,, y es
You can ignore this though uvu.
ah pillar anon i’m so happy you’re back!! it’s always lovely to see you. i obviously have to update you on what tiny pillar child has been doing with the Stardust Crusaders AND talk about big boy Kars.
-Jotaro is definitely the most...tough love out of everyone here
-He might even try putting you in the corner sometimes for timeout
-Also I’m not saying he gives you piggyback rides but...he gives you piggyback rides
-And sometimes...sweets but only if you’re being super sweet and precious
-He just wants to take care of you!!! That’s all!!
-And he even buys you a dolphin plushie
-Kakyoin is very afraid of hurting you to be honest
-He’s afraid of making you cry or scaring you so he is extra, extra gentle with you
-Kakyoin really loves coloring with you, its calm and relaxing
-And he even loves drawing tiny pictures of you, which always make you super happy
-He also loves it when you draw him, he’ll hang it up even if its a little kid drawing
-Kakyoin is just very kind and gentle when it comes to you
-He’s always so excited to spend time with you, giving you piggyback rides and tickling you
-He’s very,,, physical with his attention, always wanting to hug you and bounce you as if you were a baby
-It’s really sweet and wholesome though, Polnareff has always wanted children of his own
-He’ll play whatever you want with you, dollies, cars, tea party, cops and robbers, absolutely anything
-He’ll also sneak you treats, making sure no one knows you’re having too much sugar
-Polnareff really loves you to death and treats you as his own
-Avdol is so sweet and caring and warm, he just wants what’s best for you
-Even though sometimes you mess up his tarot cards
-Avdol will tell you stories from all around the world and of course, you remember them and ask him to tell you them over and over again
-He’s very patient with you too and his voice is so calming
-And yes, Avdol lights candles for you using his Stand to entertain you, why wouldn’t he?
-Joseph is the best dad ever and you literally cannot change my mind so he’s obviously going to be very good with you
-He’s the type to throw you up in the air and then get you stuck in a tree...please get this pillar child down from the tree
-He is ALWAYS sneaking you treats, even though he knows its going to make you hyper
-Joseph will spoil you so much, buying you literally everything and anything that you want
-Pls Joseph do not buy this child more they have too much
And introducing,,, Lord Kars
-He’s surprisingly super sweet, getting you gifts and all the food you could ever want
-He’ll always have you on his lap, hoping that maybe you’ll fall asleep so he can finally put you down for a nap
-He’ll carry you around everywhere, sometimes ever just holding you by one leg upside down
-He also always lets you play with his hair, hissing a bit when you pull on it too hard
-But regardless, Kars loves you so much and he will always take such good care of you 
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tiz-chan · 4 years
SnK characters and their arcana if they were in a Persona game:
note: the descriptions come from Labyrinthos Academy. Some traits are upright readings, whereas others are reverse. I just tried to pick whichever traits I thought matched best. 
Eren: The Chariot
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The Chariot tarot card is all about overcoming challenges and gaining victory through maintaining control of your surroundings. This perfect control and confidence allows the charioteer to emerge victorious in any situation. The use of strength and willpower are critical in ensuring that you overcome the obstacles that lie in your path. The Chariot's message comes to make you stronger as you strive to achieve your goals.
Mikasa: The Lovers
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The primary meaning within the Lovers is harmony, attractiveness, and perfection in a relationship. The trust and the unity that the lovers have gives each of them confidence and strength, empowering the other. The bond that they have created is very strong. A more personal Lovers meaning that can apply to individuals is the development of your own personal belief systems, regardless of what are the societal norms. This is one of the times when you figure out what you are going to stand for, and what your philosophy in life will truly be. You must start making up your mind about what you find important and unimportant in your life. You should be as true to yourself as you can be, so you will be genuine and authentic to the people who are around you.
Armin: The Magician
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When you get the Magician in your reading, it might mean that it's time to tap into your full potential without hesitation. It might be in your new job, new business venture, a new love or something else. It shows that the time to take action is now and any signs of holding back would mean missing the opportunity of becoming the best version of yourself. Certain choices will have to be made and these can bring great changes to come. Harness some of the Magician's power to make the world that you desire most.
Historia: The Empress
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The Empress shows us how deeply we are embedded to our femininity. Femininity could be associated with fertility, expression, creativity and nurturing among many other aspects. It therefore calls you to connect with beauty and bring happiness to your life. Understand yourself and get in touch with your sensuality so that you can attract life circumstances to bring happiness and joy. She is a signal that be kind to yourself, to take care of yourself. The Empress is also a strong indication of pregnancy and motherhood.
Jean: Death
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Letting go
Repeating negative patterns
Fear of change
The Death card signals that one major phase in your life is ending, and a new one is going to start. You just need to close one door, so the new one will open. The past needs to be placed behind you, so you can focus your energy on what is ahead of you.
Reiner: The Moon
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the Moon card can symbolize your imagination is taking the best of you. In the dark of the night, you are taking a path that you are unsure of, for there could be danger lurking in its depths. You are the crawfish embarking on the path in the card. The moon's light can bring you clarity and understanding and you should allow your intuition to guide you through this darkness.
Bertholdt: The Tower
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Sudden Change
The Tower represents change in the most radical and momentous sense. It is for this reason that the card itself visually looks so unnerving. But it doesn't necessarily have to be truly frightening or ominous. Because at the heart of this card, its message is foundational, groundbreaking change. The kind of event that the Tower card marks does not have to be something terrible, like a disaster or a great loss.  Change itself is a normal part of life that one has to embrace. But it can sometimes strike fear, for it means that we must abandon the truths that we have known prior to this event. The old ways are no longer useful, and you must find another set of beliefs, values and processes to take their place.
Annie: The Hermit
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You are currently contemplating that you need to be alone. Never be afraid to take this chance to reflect, as it could help you clear your mind of all the clutter that comes with everyday life. The Hermit may also refer to your effort in taking action that is authentic and aligned with your true self. You are perhaps searching your inner soul for guidance on what is right, and where your next steps are to be.
Levi: Justice
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Cause and Effect
The decisions that you make now have long-term effects in all things, both for yourself and others. There will always come a time where you will be judged. The Justice tarot card appearing in a reading signals that a judgment will be made fairly and accordingly. The decisions that you have made in the past will be carefully weighed with fairness.
Hanji: The Sun
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Excessive Enthusiasm
Unrealistic Expectations
The Sun card represents success, abundance, and radiance. Like the sun itself, it gives strength and vitality to all those that are lucky enough to feel its rays. There is much joy and happiness that is coming to you. Because of your own personal fulfillment, you provide others with inspiration and joy as well. People are drawn to you because they are capable of seeing the warm and beautiful energy which you bring into their lives. You are also in a position in which you are capable of sharing your qualities as well as achievements with other people. You radiate love and affection towards those you care about the most.
Erwin: The Emperor
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It’s all about control when it comes to the Emperor, for this card means authority, regulation, organization and a fatherliness. The Emperor represents a strategic thinker who sets out plans that he must see through. He is a symbol of the masculine principle - the paternal figure in life that gives structure, creates rules and systems, and imparts knowledge. Where the Empress's desire for their kingdom is to create happiness, the emperor desires to foster honor and discipline. He guides with a firm hand, following the calling of the crown above all else. Though he is a ruler, he understands that to reign is also to serve - thus he acts rationally and according to what is for the greater good of the kingdom.
Ymir: The Hanged-Man
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Lack of direction
The hanged man understands that his position is a sacrifice that he needed to make in order to progress forward - whether as repentance for past wrongdoings, or a calculated step backward to recalculate his path onward. This time he spends here will not be wasted, he does this as part of his progression forward. His upside down state can also symbolize the feeling of those that walk a spiritual path, for they see the world differently. Where there are others that do not understand the need to sacrifice, you see it differently. This is a natural course of action for you as you walk the path alone.
Marco: The Star
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The Star brings hope, renewed power, and strength to carry on with life. It shows how abundantly blessed you are by the universe as evidenced by the various things around you. It may not be directly evident at the moment, for this card follows the trauma of the Tower card. Remember that you hold within you all that you need for your fulfillment - the only thing that you need is courage. For this, you have all reasons to rejoice. To see this card is a message to have faith, for the universe will bless you and bring forth all that you need.
Sasha: Strength
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When you get the Strength card in an upright manner during your tarot reading, then it shows that you have inner strength and fortitude during moments of danger and distress. It shows that you have the ability to remain calm and strong even when your life is going through immense struggle. It also shows that you are a compassionate person and you always have time for other people even if it's at your own expense.
Connie: The Fool
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To see the The Fool generally means a beginning of a new journey, one where you will be filled with optimism and freedom from the usual constraints in life. When we meet him, he approaches each day as an adventure, in an almost childish way. He believes that anything can happen in life and there are many opportunities that are lying out there, in the world, waiting to be explored and developed. He leads a simple life, having no worries, and does not seem troubled by the fact that he cannot tell what he will encounter ahead.
Zeke: The Devil
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Reclaiming control
Getting the devil card in your reading shows that you have feelings of entrapment, emptiness and lack of fulfillment in your life. It might also mean that you are a slave to materialism and opulence and no matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to shake off the feeling of wanting to indulge in luxurious living. Addiction to substances or material pleasures can also be the reason for your feelings of powerlessness and entrapment. In situations such as these, you may feel as though you are a slave, unable to control your impulses or willpower to direct yourself towards something other than the satisfaction of these desires.
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fforsythiaaa · 4 years
Sweater Weather Tarot
Y’all, never have I ever created fan art or anything... and I still haven’t. Because I can’t draw. But after @lumosinlove mentioned a Sweater Weather tarot deck, I had to cross over this amazing story (which you should 100% read immediately) with my only other creative talent -- reading tarot.
Click through for the Major Arcana as Sweater Weather. (Please, please, someone make my dreams come true and illustrate these.)
spoilers abound, read the fic first!!! 0 - The Fool - James The start of the tarot encourages us to think about the hopeful, confident feelings we have at the beginning of a journey. James is overly excited about welcoming Sirius to the team, about Lily’s pregnancy, then later about Coops and O’Knutzy. He’s a tad oblivious - the main caution that the fool gives us -  but we all wish we had his optimism.
1 - The Magician - Dumo The magician is the one who sees all, knows all, and makes shit happen. Can you think of anyone who better represents creative problem-solving, using intuition to guide actions, charisma, power, benevolence? Daddy Pascal all the way.
2 - The High Priestess - Natalie Even though she’s a relatively minor character, it’s clear to everyone that Natalie knows exactly who she is and she acts like it. She’s a bad-ass who knows what she wants and gets it. That’s the high priestess - balancing our internal and external drives, goals, and motivations.
3 - The Empress - Lily I know, I know, put the pregnant lady on the card featuring.... a pregnant lady? The empress encourages us to embrace our compassion, empathy, and healing powers; she tells us to bring new things into the world, whether that’s literally small people or creative projects or new relationships. She’s so supportive of Loops, James, and Sirius that she deserves this (my favorite card!)
4 - The Emperor - The League Is is cheating to put a kind of abstract body here? The emperor represents the structures in our life that give us rules and regulations. Sometimes, that’s a good thing - we can all use a little routine and structure for stability. Sometimes it can feel oppressive. The League is responsible for bringing all our favorite characters together, but its power makes them feel scared of breaking the rules.
5 - The Hierophant - Minnie A hierophant is a religious leader; in the tarot, he taps into The Rules and uses them to provide guidance on the journey. Minnie, as Sirius’s agent, knows how to guide him along that traditional path as a star hockey player without too much damage to who he is inside. She’s going to work within the system to give the press some Brothers Black drama to distract other news, but she’s proud as hell when he snaps back at nosy reporters. She’s the best.
6 - The Lovers - Coops What did you expect??? In the Tarot, this card isn’t just about romantic relationships with others - it’s also about our relationship to ourselves. Sirius and Remus are both healing and building their relationships with their own identities throughout the course of their careers and lives in SW. Their growth together and individually is what makes them perfect for this card.
7 - The Chariot - Finn This card represents action, action, action - even if you’re not sure which direction that action is headed in. Finn dates June, kisses Leo, runs after Logan, shares their relationship with team... all of this to keep himself moving forward. Maybe it’s not a linear path, but he’s sure as hell skating running down it.
8 - Justice - the Blizzard Honestly I think this card is such a perfect pairing with the High Priestess. Justice asks us to think broadly about what is fair, to ourselves and to others. At Remus’s during All-Stars, Kasey sums up perfectly how Sirius's reaction wasn’t fair to anyone involved -- it’s a moment that really hit home for me what a stand-up guy he is! 
9 - the Hermit - 36 Missed Calls It’s good to take time out to retreat and evaluate yourself, your life, your next steps. The hermit isn’t a “bad” card, by any means. But we can’t hide forever, and we have to choose when our self-reflection is going do the most good, for ourselves and for the ones around us.
10 - Wheel of Fortune - O’Knutzy The wheel reminds us that sometimes it’s best to go with the flow and trust that the right opportunities will present themselves at the right times. Sometimes you just gotta wait 8 years for your missing piece to show up, okay? I’m not crying. 
11 - Strength - Sirius TW: coming out, being outed, abuse (mentions, not graphic) This card always gets me because the Waite-Smith illustration reminds us that strength doesn’t always look like we would assume. Sometimes it’s just surviving, just making it another day, even if you’re not doing the most “courageous” thing. It’s hard to not be out, it’s hard to come out, it’s hard to be outed. And it’s hard to experience abuse and hard to have abuse in your past. Sirius knows a thing or two about strength, okay, plus this card has a lion on it, so there you go.
12 - the Hanged Man - Leo Where the hermit retreats to do his self-reflection and thinking, the hanged man takes his time to reflect out in the open. His upside-down position represents considering that what’s expected of you might not serve you. The most observant guy on the team could teach us a thing or two about stepping back to step up.
13 - Death - Regulus Listen. LISTEN. Death is a great card to pull in the Tarot. It signifies the end of an old chapter and the beginning of a new one. When Regulus and Sirius cut off their mother and Reg agrees to come back to Gryffindor, he ends that chapter of the Black brothers’ lives, allowing a new one to start.
14 - Temperance - Arthur I’m 100% basing this on the snippet that Haz shared where Arthur tells everyone not to bring their relationship drama onto the ice. He’s clearly so happy, but there’s also a game to play and a cup to win. Balance, boys, everything in balance.
15 - the Devil - Paparazzi & Press Sure, we’re mad at the paps and want to characterize them as negatively as possible, but truthfully they’re more complicated. The paparazzi and the press represent the temptation of caring about what others think... it’s fine to care a little bit, but when you care to the point of sacrificing yourself and your own growth, you’ve given into a dangerous temptation. 
16 - the Tower - Greyback, Walburga, and The Photo When everything falls apart in a spectacular mess, that’s the tower for ya. Greyback, Sirius’s mom, and the photo are the ones that set off the chain of obstacles that Sirius and Remus overcome in SW. Of course in hindsight we’re glad the tower fell so that we can build up a better one, but wow, did it have to suck so much? Like the death card, the tower also paves the way for new beginnings, but we can grieve the way it happened. 
17 - the Star - Remus You thought it would be Sirius, didn’t you? Well the star is a “dreams come true” card, and Remus knows something about that. Even when his hockey career was ended before it began, he pivoted and created a new dream to go by; his dreams of love may have taken a back-burner, but now they’re coming truuuue <3 thanks for letting me be so corny
18 - the Moon - Logan The phases of the moon remind us that nothing is permanent. Even if there’s some mystery about what’s going to come next, our worries aren’t going to prevent the sun from rising. Logan was perhaps a little reticent to move from his “ignoring feelings” phase into “yay love amazing relationship” phase. He hid a little bit from himself and from Finn. But it’s all going to be great!
19 - the Sun - Julian & Adele We look to the sun for happiness, confidence, inspiring happiness in others -- the next generation is certainly a source of that. Hazelnuts love Julian and Adele because they represent how amazing life can be for our favorite Lions.
20 - Judgement - Hazel @lumosinlove She’s engineering the whole show. Us Hazelnuts can only wait with bated breath for her to bless us with the next chapters of Sweater Weather and Coast to Coast! 21 - the World - the Cup *knocks on wood* *throws salt over left shoulder* This card is the end of the journey in the Major Arcana and it’s achieving our goals - growth, love, stability, creativity, new knowledge, whatever your heart needs or desires. It’s not just about winning a championship for our characters.... it’s about living a complex and fulfilled life, with love, hockey, self-confidence, family, friends, and maybe a Cup, too. *knocks on wood again*
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illfoandillfie · 3 years
Can I get a general career reading? With the art nouveau deck and the archetype oracle please.
of course darl! 
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tarot: ace of cups, page of cups, justice, queen of cups,3 of swords, the fool, the tower, the hanged man, the world
okay!! we have some interesting cards here! something that drew my attention immediately was the first and last cards. we open with an ace which is the start of the minor arcana and all of the aces are related to new starts or new opportunities. And then we end on the world which is the last card of the major arcana and symbolises completion and fulfilment. so this seems to be a self-contained cycle you’re entering. 
I’d also like to just acknowledge how many cups cards there are here. The cups as a suit is related to emotions and the heart so this may be a highly emotional time or you may find yourself being driven by your emotions rather than logic or reason. There’s also a lot of major arcana cards which isn’t necessarily good or bad but it’s worth noting because the major arcana are generally related to Big life events or milestones whereas the minor arcana are more sort of every day things. so this seems like it’ll be a significant period for you. but lets have a closer look at it all. 
So like i said, the aces are related to new opportunities and the suit of cups is tied to emotions and the heart. So the ace of cups is related to new things or new situations that are cause for strong emotions. A lot of the time it’s connected to romance but in this career reading it’s probably more likely some sort of new opportunity, particularly related to creativity. There’s a lot of potential here, all you have to do is reach out and take the cup. But it’s not all happiness. The ace is being clarified by the three of swords which is a card of heartbreak and suffering, It can be through delays or absences, unrest or confusion. Any sort of disruption or incompatibility. This could indicate something going wrong at work. A worst case scenario could be being fired/retrenched but it could also be related to people you work with or just a tough work environment that you struggle with. Something here isn’t looking good though. The ace of cups can relate to intuition or spirituality as well so it might be that you’ve had a gut feeling something is coming or you might have noticed changes happening around the work place and if that’s the case I would definitely listen to your gut and prepare yourself for bad news. But there is definitely a silver lining here. The 3 of swords isnt the main card, the ace of cups is and that says to me that while something will go wrong it will open you up to finding something new which is a better fit for you. It might even be that the bad thing happens to someone else and consequently you take over their roll or something like that. But if you’ve been thinking about starting up some sort of creative endeavour, like an etsy store or writing a novel, this is the time to push forward with it. 
Then we have the page of cups and the fool. There are two court cards who appear in this reading so one may be someone you’ll associate or work with but it’s entirely possible that both of them represent you. The page is imaginative and sensitive. He’s a bit of a dreamer and often has his head in the clouds. This definitely fits in if you’ve been considering a new side hustle or if you’ve been thinking about making a change in your career path. the fool as a similar sort of energy but he’s less dreamy and more of a free spirit. he isnt worried about where he’s putting his feet, far more concerned with what he’s experiencing in each moment. He’s innocent, sometimes naive, but also courageous and more concerned with having fun. In relation to career and finances he’s definitely a symbol to take the leap - whether it’s selling art or putting your hand up for a promotion or leaving a job and finding a new one. The fool says go for it, especially if it’s something you’ve been dreaming about doing. There’s a very fresh and energized feeling in these cards and it seems you’ll soon be presented with an opportunity to follow through with your dreams. 
next is three major arcana. Justice is about doing things in the right way without cutting corners. The fool might be impulsive but justice is reminding you to do things right the first time so you don’t make a huge mistake that ruins all your plans. The tower is interesting in this position. I won’t sugar coat it, usually the tower is about a drastic, dramatic change. The kind of thing that shatters your world, sends everything crashing down around you. Together with Justice it could be a sign that some sort of truth is going to come out that turns things upside down for you. If you’ve been stealing office supplies or embezzling money (hopefully not) it is going to come out. On the flip side it could be about someone else’s lies being found out. If you’ve been involved with any workplace disputes recently the justice card is a sign that things will go in your favour as long as you’ve been honest and fair. And this could relate to that big change that’s going to open the new opportunity of the ace of cups. 
But I don’t feel like that’s exactly it. If the tower had shown up next to the 3 of swords i would say yeah that’s it. But with it being sandwich between justice and the hanged man  i feel like it’s something else. So let’s look at that hanged man. It’s a card related to sacrifice, release, and changing perspective. In relation to career it could symbolise feeling stuck or uncertain about where you’re headed. So together these three cards could be advice for you or a warning of sorts. They’re saying that the big change and taking that leap of faith the fool asks you to take, won’t be easy. There will be times when you feel like you made a mistake, like you’re in over your head and you’ve gotten yourself into a tower situation that is so much worse than whatever the 3 of swords you left behind was. You will think about throwing in the towel. you will think about giving up. But don’t listen to those voices. Justice is on your side and the scales will rebalance for you. It might take some readjustments, it might take rebuilding parts of your plan, it might take a fresh perspective. But you will be vindicated in your choice to try something new and things will clear up.  
Finally we have the queen of cups and the world. The queen of cups is a bit of an upgrade to the page from earlier. Of course, the queen may be someone you’ll turn to for advice or help. But I think she could also be you, closer to reaching your goal and the end of the cycle. The queen of cups is compassionate. She is calm and comforting. She symbolises devotion, pleasure, success. Where the page dreams and imagines, the queen creates and acts. She’s also a reminder that whatever you do as a job should help you feel emotionally fulfilled and not just financially. Especially since she’s being clarified by the world which is related to fulfilment as well as harmony and completion. The world comes at the end of a journey. It represents assured success and is associated with getting that job you want as well as graduations and celebrations. It’s a sign that if you take this opportunity that will present itself soon you can turn it into something you love and which can offer finance stability. The World is also about the start of a new cycle though. As one thing draws to an end, or one goal is reached, you see there is still further to climb and more to accomplish. 
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I drew you 4 of the archetype cards as well as a few numerology and elemental cards. 
So the archetypes first. Thanks for requesting this deck by the way! I don’t often use it so it was nice to bring it out again! The thought behind these cards is that everyone’s personalities and psyche is made up of a number of different archetypes, some more evident than others. And these archetypes may change as you grow and also depending on the situation you’re in - you might act one way at work and another with your friends. I think traditionally these cards would be used to describe people but I’m hoping they can give us some insight on traits you can use in relation to your career as well as general sort of knowledge about the situation presented in the tarot cards. Each archetype as a light side and a shadow side which reflect both positive and negative aspects. 
The first archetype is the Alchemist. Light - transformation of base motives and goals into golden wisdom. Shadow: Misuse of power and knowledge that come through spiritual practice. - to me this really fits with the tarot cards. The main message of the tarot was to seriously consider whatever dreams or fantasies you’ve been thinking about in relation to your career to to go after them and i think thats what the light attribute is really getting at here. You have the power within yourself to turn you little goal into something big and beautiful. 
Prince. light - romantic charm and potential for power. shadow - using power for self-aggrandizement. This is interesting considering the number of cups cards we had and how often they’re linked to romances. The prince may be someone you come across, maybe someone involved in whatever the 3 of swords situation is. However, the prince is also seen as a ruler in training and if you’re appearing as the page of cups to start and gradually becoming the queen, then it’s also quite possibly related to your journey. 
Trickster. light - transcending convention, stuffiness, and predictable behaviour. shadow - manipulating others through duplicity. This card could be linked with the fool perhaps, unpredictable and kind of wild. It also reminds me a bit of that justice card, especially if you’re taking it from an angle of “someone did something wrong and they’re being caught out”.  
Child: Magical. So, according to the guidebook there are 4 archetypes that everyone will have one of but each of them have multiple versions. The child is one of those and here we’ve drawn the magical version. light - seeing the potential for sacred beauty in all things. The belief that everything is possible. shadow - pessimism, depression, and disbelief in miracles. believing that energy and action are not required for growth. this definitely feels like its related to the ace of cups and the 3 of swords, believing that something wonderful can come from something painful. It may also relate to the page who spends his time dreaming rather than acting, like the shadow attriubte. 
From the numerology deck we got personal growth, effort, and pride. personal growth indicates a time of significant growth and improvement and that is absolutely reflected in the tarot cards above. theres a lot of potential here and a lof of cards that suggest this will be a turning point for you. Effort is a sign that things coming will require some hard work from you, extra effort to overcome obsticles and challenges. but when the going gets tough the tough get going and you are definitely tough enough to handle it. And Pride to me represents that you will be proud of what you can accomplish through this hard work. 
Finally, the element cards: magnetism (attraction) and rock (endurance). there are magnetic forces that are pulling you towards this change and this opportunity. this could tie in with the intuitive message of the ace of cups, if you’ve been able to sense things shifting. rock is another card that points to things being difficult at times and it’s saying you have what it takes to get through them and to find success and happiness. 
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moth-and-raven · 4 years
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I’m proud of myself for finding the Raven again. It’s much easier during the day, though I must’ve gotten turned around at some point because I’m approaching it from a different direction this time. Regardless, I slip in the front door and see Julian immediately, pacing the length of the bar and chatting distractedly with the bartender in Neviv.
“Reyja!” He rushes over as soon as he notices me. “Thank god!”
The bartender rolls his eyes and puts down the stein he’d been cleaning. “You’ve a strong stomach, my friend, if you can stand our Ilya’s nerves.”
“I don’t mind,” I say softly. These words are for Julian’s benefit, not his. “It’s worth it.”
Julian blushes as we’re waved out the door.
“You’re alright?” he asks once we get outside, pausing on the steps to tuck my hair behind my ear.
I take his hand and mesh our fingers. “I’m good.”
He checks the area almost automatically, but there are very few people around at this time of day. Relieved, he lets out a breath and crosses the street, keeping to the shadows despite the lack of foot traffic. “I don’t know what I expected, but I couldn’t stop imagining all these horrible things...”
“It’s okay.”
Julian laughs bashfully and raises my hand to his lips. “It’s okay,” he repeats, marvelling over the words. “Hm. I haven’t said that in a very long time.”
“Nadia told me you’ll get a trial.”
“She’s a good woman, the Countess.”
I hear the heartache in his words. “You deserve it, Julian. I mean it.”
He cups my cheek, the leather of his glove cool against my skin. “I know you do,” he says softly. “It’s, well… yes, I know you do.”
He shakes his head like he can clear the gloom that’s fallen over us and nods towards the end of the street. “I thought we could go to my favorite tea shop. Barth makes a mean drink but it’s a bit early to start downing the Bitters, even for me.”
I’ll let him change the subject for now. I don’t want to upset him. “You’re not going to believe this, but I don’t drink tea either.”
He laughs. “No coffee, no tea, no alcohol. Next you'll tell me you don't like seafood.”
"Ha! Mazelinka will be so pleased. She's been trying to keep me kosher for years."
"Is seafood not kosher?"
"Some of it is. But I developed a fondness for lobster after I left Nevivon and shellfish is assuredly not." He points down a side-street.
We turn the corner and I smile at him, latching on to his elbow. "I'll keep all your urges in check."
"Oh, I'm sure you will. I can't wait to see how."
He's so easy to talk to. Actually, this might be flirting. Maybe I'm better at it than I thought, when I have someone so eager to volley it back. "Does the tea shop serve anything else?"
"Mm, I think they have hot cocoa. A bit unusual for summer, perhaps, but I'm sure they'll make it if we ask."
"That’s the only hot drink I like."
Julian chuckles to himself. "You know, a good friend of mine prefers hot cocoa too. I hope you’ll meet him someday."
"I hope so too." I want to meet all of his friends, learn which foods he likes and which he doesn't, hear stories from his childhood in Nevivon and his apprenticeship in Prakra. I want to know him inside and out.
I want to love him.
Maybe I already do.
We walk for a while in companionable silence. My thoughts careen away into a bright future, full of peaceful nights and laughter. For once, it seems attainable, not a dream but a memory yet to be made. I don't have to dream when reality is so kind.
I catch Julian staring at me several times. He smiles when I meet his gaze, but he can't quite hide the sadness in the set of his brows. I understand: we're not safe yet.
Still, I've never felt more free.
"This is it." Julian stops after several blocks and gestures to a nondescript storefront patterned with abstract marigolds. We duck inside to cool shadows slanting across the floor, the shop mostly empty aside from a pair of young women giggling in a corner and an older man buried in a newspaper at the counter.
None of them even look up as we weave around rickety tables until we reach the back of the room. Julian pulls out a chair for me and hangs his coat on the back of the other, settling down where he can see the door.
“Will you be alright here?” I ask. I should’ve thought of that earlier.
But he nods. “This shop’s been good to me. Well, I should say its former owner has.”
“She sold years ago, after her wife died.”
“Mm.” His gaze drifts to the counter, as if looking for a familiar face. "Aida was one of the first victims of the Plague. Poor Nura. It broke something in her, I think, to see the love of her life fade away like that."
"I can't even imagine."
"I wish I would've been here to support her."
"I'm sure you did what you could." I reach over to rest my hand on his.
He smiles wryly. "You think so highly of me."
"Yeah, I do." I watch him search me, like he expects to find the lie in my eyes. “I do,” I repeat more softly.
It almost seems like he wants to argue, but he shakes his head and redirects his attention to the mahogany tabletop, stroking the back of my hand with his thumb.
“Tell me something, my dear— that is, if you can. But I’ve always wondered: how do those cards of yours work?”
I feel the tingle of the tarot deck Asra made for me from my bag, like it’s been waiting for him to ask. I wasn’t even going to bring them, but I stopped by my room at the palace on the way out to pack some essentials in case I happen to find alternate lodgings again tonight, and when I was changing clothes, the black velvet pouch caught my eye. I can’t believe it’s only been a few days since I got them. I feel like a different person now.
I lean away from Julian to grab the cards. I don’t think he was expecting me to actually have them, but he smothers his surprise quickly. I tip them out of the pouch and start to shuffle as I talk.
“So the deck is seventy-eight cards: the Major Arcana, which has twenty-one cards plus the Fool, and four suits of fourteen cards each. Those are the Minor Arcana. We go to them for advice on everyday things, like money and emotions.” I pluck a card at random. “Like this, the King of Wands. He’s…”
I falter, but only for a moment. If this wants to turn into a reading, I’m not going to stop it.
“He represents someone bright and charismatic, eager to help if he can. Maybe a little older, but still confident and, um. And sexy.”
Julian raises a brow but doesn’t interrupt.
“He’s one of the court cards. Four of those for each suit. And every card has two sets of meanings, depending on if I pull them upright or reversed.”
“Upside down. Like this.” I spin the King of Wands to show him.
“And what does he mean then?”
“He might be more fearful, maybe afraid of losing control or showing that he isn’t as confident as he appears to be. Sometimes it means that he’s prone to anger, but—” I swallow hard. “But usually it’s more that he’s trying to force a certain outcome and kind of doesn’t care who he steps on to get it.”
Julian touches the card’s deep black surface, skating his gloved fingertips over the inverted King’s crown and the delicate silver lines of his leafy staff. “I see,” he says quietly. “Are these outcomes set in stone?”
He looks up at me. “The fortunes they tell. Do they always come to pass?”
“Oh, um. Actually, ‘fortune-telling’ is kind of a misnomer. I think of reading the cards more as asking for advice. Sometimes what they say helps people make a decision, or see something from a different perspective.”
I put the deck down when he has nothing else to say. “What’s wrong?”
“Oh, don’t mind me. I’d just wondered what sort of secrets you could learn, if there was some way to…”
To tell if he’s guilty or not. “We can ask.”
“What do you mean?”
The cards can be tricky. Their messages are usually complex, multifaceted, and depending on who chooses to speak, purposefully vague. But the voices of the Arcana can’t lie. Whatever they say, no matter how deep the meaning is buried, is worth listening to. “Well, all that back-corner-of-the-market ‘you’ll marry into a rich family and have thirteen children’ kind of fortune-telling is bullshit, but if you hear what the cards tell you, they can help.”
Julian shifts in his chair, eyeing me from behind his curtain of auburn curls. “I’ve run out on you before,” he says. “Back at your shop, I mean. When we met. I, ah, I don’t think I knew what I was asking then.”
“I pulled the Magician, didn’t I?”
He laughs harshly. “You did. I assumed it was referring to Asra, but of course I already knew I was looking for him.”
“It might’ve been, but not like that. The Magician usually means new opportunities. Success. Maybe following a logical outcome and getting what you need.”
This time, his laugh is warmer, and when I look at him, he’s smiling. “And it led me to you.”
I hadn’t made that connection. I think he’s more familiar with this process than he assumed he was. A warm flush settles into my skin as he reaches across the table and strokes my cheek, his attention following the sweep of his thumb and settling on my lips, then darting back to my eyes.
“Perhaps I need another reading,” he says softly. “One I’ll listen to this time.”
It’s so much easier to reach him now; his aura is welcoming, a rich imperial purple that invites me into it like an embrace. It’s ragged around the edges, fading to rust-red, but I could lose myself in its depths and never think I was lost. The tingle of a card beneath my fingers calls me back.
I wish it hadn’t.
“The Lovers, reversed.” I wonder if the Arcana are capable of mocking. “Um, before I say anything else, the Lovers doesn’t always mean, like, actual lovers. It might be referring to any relationship.”
Julian examines the silvery figures, avoiding my eyes.
“So, um. Lovers reversed could be something like not taking responsibility for your actions, or feeling a disconnect with someone you—” I almost choke on the dismay rising in my throat. “Someone you thought you were close to. Maybe there’s something getting in the way of being together.”
He nods sadly and I regret every word I’ve said since I fished the deck out of my bag.
“Yes, that… that clears some things up.”
The finality of his tone scares me. “It does?”
He tries to smile but it reads as a grimace. “Let’s get out of here, my— Reyja. I think we need to talk.”
It’s getting late when we leave the tea shop; the gentle tinkle of the greeting bell as the door shuts behind us sounds like a warning. I thought my nerves had settled, but Julian’s bearing has changed so thoroughly that I almost don’t recognize him anymore. His shoulders slump, his fingers pluck at the buttons of his uniform, and he won’t look at me. After catching him staring so many times, it feels odd.
I suppose it isn’t hard to guess why. Clearly we saw the same thing in the cards: there’s a lot going against us if we want to make this work. But we knew that. From the beginning, we knew that. I thought we were going to try anyway. The idea of losing him so quickly constricts around me and I find myself reaching for him. At least he lets me, and squeezes my hand so tightly in return that it almost hurts.
It crosses my mind that we could leave. Find a ship in the harbor, set sail for distant shores where no one knew us or what we’d left behind. But almost as soon as I think it, I know he’d never agree. He did that exact thing for three years; it was because he learned it didn’t work that he came back.
I won’t help him run. And I won’t let myself run either. I’m willing to fight for him even if he isn’t. I have to tell him that.
I’m about to when a musical voice cuts through the gathering evening.
“Well, if it isn’t my favorite beanpole.”
Julian flinches, drawing me to his chest. But he relaxes again as soon as he turns around and recognizes who spoke.
“Speak of the devil!” he laughs. I can almost believe there’s nothing wrong, hearing him happy again.
“Talking about me? I’m not surprised.” The woman rests her beautifully-decorated crutches against the sandstone wall behind her and fishes in the pocket of her tunic for a cigarette case.
“No, you wouldn’t be, would you?”
“Oh stop, you’ll inflate my ego.”
“Ha! You’ve never needed my help for that, Nura.”
Is this the same person who started the shop we just left? The South End must be smaller than I thought.
“Who’s your friend?” she asks, gesturing at me with her head.
I’m not going to wait for him to introduce me this time. “I’m Reyja.”
“Nurlan. Your doctor and I go way back.”
A strange sort of pleasure warms me at the idea of Julian being my doctor. I wonder if they’ve known each other long enough for her to reassure him that there are people on his side, in words he won’t accept from me. “How far back?”
Both of them look at me oddly, but Nurlan shrugs. Her single sandal, I notice, is patterned with the same sort of flowers that adorn the walls of the tea shop. “Before he skipped town,” she says.
Good. “How did you know him?”
Nurlan raises a heavily made-up brow. “Jealous type, huh?”
I flush. That isn’t what I was thinking, but it’s a possibility I hadn’t considered. And I’m ashamed of the hostility that floods through me even without proof… and even though she’d called him mine mere moments ago. “I- I just meant, um.” How can I salvage this? How much can I give away without giving anything away? If I tell her I’m looking for a witness to his character, to prove to both him and the Palace that he isn’t the man who murdered Count Lucio, will she play along or try to get away from me as fast as she can, like simply being around me will summon the guards? I wouldn’t blame her either way: it’s a weird thing to ask.
But I can’t shake the feeling that I’m running out of time.
“Uh, sorry. Honestly, I was just wondering if he was always—” Thank god I’m already blushing, because I can’t believe I’m going to say this. “—as cute as he is now.”
Julian sputters and Nurlan laughs, bold and brassy. “Ha, you think he’s the cute one? Of the two of you, you definitely have that covered,” she says, and winks at me.
It’ll be a miracle if I ever stop blushing.
Nurlan doesn’t push the point, calling a tiny flicker of flame to her fingertip and lighting her cigarette. She takes a deep drag and eyes me through the cloud of smoke she lets out. “Yeah, he’s always been that cute. And he was always willing to do the difficult thing, always there when… well, he’s one of the good ones. Fewer of those around these days.”
Julian shifts, almost like he wants to run. But instead he chuckles nervously. “That talent for flattery is what makes you so popular.”
"Oh, you’d know if I was really flattering you. I could have you on your knees before you even realized it.”
“A-ahm, yes, I’m sure you—”
Nurlan cuts him off, holding up one hand. “Does that answer your question, Reyja?”
“Yeah.” I never doubted it: the only one who seems to is Julian himself.
“Good. I’d love to stay and chat but there’s a show tonight. You two are welcome, if you want to come. I can always find a place for my friends.”
Julian shakes his head. “Thank you, Nura, but, ah, we have other plans.”
“Suit yourself.” She taps out her cigarette. “But you owe me a drink before you go galavanting off again.”
“Of course.”
Nurlan eyes him suspiciously, but waves goodbye and starts down the alley next to her, towards a door held open with a box of stage props.
Julian’s gaze lingers on me after she leaves. “I’m sorry about that.”
“Why? She seemed nice.”
“Oh, she is. I’m glad you got to meet her before…”
I can’t let him keep doing this. “What is it, Julian?”
“What is—? Ah. Yes. Erm, right. How about we… the seawall. Let’s, ah, let’s go down to the water and, and talk.”
My heart aches as we cross the street, following the sound of the waves to the southern pier. He wouldn’t keep putting off whatever he wants to say unless it was big. I should be brave and just make him say it now, but I don’t think I want to hear it either.
We walk again, this time in silence. I stew in my own thoughts until I realize that we’ve stopped under a lantern just turned on for the night, close enough to the bay to see the Lazaret’s ominous outline cluttering up the horizon. Julian stares at it for a moment, then wheels to face me. I catch just a glimpse of the pain in his expression before he wraps his arms around me and kisses me so hard, I lose my breath.
He tangles his hands in my hair, his mouth frantic on mine like he would die without me. I’m only too willing to kiss him back, anchoring my grip on the collar of his coat. His attention wanders across my throat, drawing little red bruises where he sucks instead of licks, his breath warm on the saliva he leaves behind. I hold him closer and graze my lips along the shell of his ear, wound up in him so fully that, for a moment, I’m almost able to forget about the looming conversation that brought us here.
He hisses when I take his earlobe between my teeth, pulling away just enough to pant a few words. “P-please, don’t be afraid to bite.”
I happily oblige, and his hiss becomes a moan as his knees give out, making him sag against me and the wall behind us.
“Oh, again!” he begs, tearing his collar down to reveal the side of his neck. “Here, where you’ll leave a mark!”
As I sink my teeth into his pale skin, the image of him doing the same to me, brewed in the swirl of my desperate dream the morning after we talked so long at the Raven, comes rushing back. The cry he fails to swallow sounds so familiar, so passionate, that I almost don’t notice the tears on his cheeks until he steps away and cool evening air flows in to replace him.
“I’m s-so sorry,” he says, turning away to scrub at his uncovered eye with the side of his branded hand. “I’m so sorry, Reyja. Oh, I’m so, so sorry.”
And all at once, I know why we’re here.
“I’ve done you a h-horrible disservice,” Julian continues, pulling each word from a tortured place. “I’ve hindered you, distracted you. And now if I make you fail, I’ll have put you in the bad graces of the Countess herself.”
I answer without hearing my own voice. “Make me fail?”
“I’m afraid I’ve done to you what I’ve done to the people here, people like Nurlan and Barth. Somehow, I’ve made you all believe that I’m a good man, and I’m not. I can’t be: if I haven’t done what they say I’ve done, then where does this guilt, this certainty that I’ve wronged someone so terribly I can never atone for it… where does that come from? The simplest solution is usually the right one.”
He shakes his head and takes another step towards the heartless sea. “I was so selfish, dragging you into this. Oh, I should’ve been strong enough to stay away from you, no matter how much I wanted—” His voice cracks. “All I can do now is make sure you’re safe. Please stay safe, Reyja. Please. This time we’ve stolen meant so much to me. I’ll never forget it, but I hope you can.”
I fight through my numbness enough to find outrage. “You want me to just abandon you, leave you to your fate? You want me to forget my first, my first anything? My first everything? ”
“I want you to be safe. And you won’t be safe with me. There’s a warrant with my name on it in every city from here to Dayyruz. I cannot, will not, be the blood that stains you. Believe me, if I thought I could be the man you deserve…”
“Please don’t do this,” I whisper.
But he isn’t listening anymore. “The Lazaret out there, that’s what I have to offer. A monument to my failures as a doctor and as a man. I killed hundreds. Thousands, maybe. Every life that slipped through my hands is red in my ledger. If I don’t hang for the Count’s murder, I should hang for countless others.”
“Julian, please!”
His shoulders tremble beneath his heavy coat. “I won’t ask you to forgive me. You were right, what you said: that puts far too much of a burden on you to erase the wrongs I’ve done. And you shouldn’t forgive me anyway. I’ve h-hurt you.” He does his best to swallow his tears. “The best I can do now is cauterize the wound and leave you with nothing more than a handful of pleasant memories.”
“I’ll apologize to you with every breath until my last, Reyja, and it still won’t be enough. I know that. C-can… can you get home from here?”
With the bay on one side, I know exactly where I am. Maybe I shouldn’t tell him that, though, if only to spend a few more moments with him. But I won't let my last word be a lie.
“Yes,” I say, so softly it’s a wonder he hears it.
“T-t-then, then this is goodbye.”
He shifts out of the circle of light.
“Julian, wait—!”
But he’s already gone.
Nurlan Samal belongs to @atypicalacademic​.
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worryingthing · 4 years
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Hello, back again with more cards. It’s late August and everything feels bad. Pulling cards feels like a trick I try to do to get myself to think and articulate my feelings, and that’s all it’s for. I tried to scroll through tumblr but I can’t remember what being on this platform is supposed to be like anymore, even though for so long it was a huge part of my life. It just slipped away like so many other things. It also feels bad to sit at my desk, to type, to have the length of my forearm pressing into the desk so I can type. I haven’t been sitting at a desk for the months of homestay and have barely touched my computer. I’m noticing I’m barely able to read text without hunching forward, without my glasses I mean. I have looked up so so many laptop stands and found nothing that is to my liking. I’d like to raise the computer a ltitle to see better, I’d also like a better angle for zooms and discord video chats, etc. 
Anyway, I put the tin of cards on my desk, which has so little space and is totally cluttered over with things, and one card fell out and the second I pulled out of the deck while shuffling. The card that fell was the 8 or swords, the card I pulled was the 7 of swords reversed. Just two people with some sword problems, but we’ve all been there. 
I’m wondering what’s not a problem these days? The waking hours feel like an agonizing thing to toil through, to try to pass and spend and exhaust because for some reason we’re universally subjected to consciousness. Like getting a ton of tickets at a cheap arcade, and reluctantly exchanging them for some less than satisfying plastic doodad. Was that really the whole point of playing the game? 
Anyway we’re moving soon and maybe things will get better? It feels impossible that things could improve, or that change at all is possible. That these patterns and horrible hours could ever shift off their already set purgatory course. The 8 of swords knows this feeling, there she stands encased in swords, bound and blindfolded. He perspective and movement are inhibited, limited, blocked off. She feels, and is, trapped. 
“The Eight of Swords reveals that you feel trapped and restricted by your circumstances. You believe your options are limited with no clear path out.”
“When the Eight of Swords appears in a Tarot reading, it comes as a warning that your thoughts and beliefs are no longer serving you. You may be over-thinking things, creating negative patterns or limiting yourself by only considering the worst-case scenario. The more you think about the situation, the more you feel stuck and without any options. It is time to get out of your head and let go of those thoughts and beliefs holding you back. As you change your thoughts, you change your reality. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones, and you will start to create a more favorable situation for yourself.“
Now, this is the part I truly groan at: “The Eight of Swords assures you there is a way out of your current predicament – you just need a new perspective. You already have the resources you need, but it is up to you to use those resources in a way that serves you.”
What can I say to this? Who doesn’t feel trapped and bound right now? in their homes, with their thoughts, with the eternal recurrence of daily life amidst a pandemic? I’m miserable, but so is everyone else, and for a lot more reasonable reasons! This thought unfortunately fails to shrink the misery, but instead makes me feel selfish for my little complaints which, as the 8 of swords says, do not serve me or anyone. So here I am with these wasted hours that I wonder what to do with, with the impending move (when? this weekend? mid month? we don’t know and I can’t Not Know, it is Virgo season c’mon), with my keyboard that mysteriously sticks whenever I try to use shift and a symbol, with my too short desk and my clutter, trying to consider all these things going into boxes and transitioning to a new space that I should start to feel hope for the way a seed germinates and then starts to reach up and out towards light for the purpose of L I F E. Things that went into boxes will come out and maybe magically be better in new light, with new space, and new rooms, new roots? 
Ok so Upside down sword problem man, what’ve you got? “The Seven of Swords often appears reversed when you feel like a fraud and are suffering from ‘imposter syndrome’. You may doubt yourself and your abilities. For example, if you have started a new business, you may ask yourself, 'Who am I to be doing this?' Know that this is fear talking. Get out of your head and trust that you have everything you need to make your new venture a success.”
Look at this dude, he’s like “I’m getting away, I have so many swords! *clank clank clank clank* OW!!” I dropped a knife off the counter last night and it barely missed my foot. Stigmata honestly sounds refreshing at this point. These cards seem to suggest I get out of my head, but how?? Is that what this writing is?? and I ask myself “who am I to be doing this?” about EVERYTHING. Who isn’t always walking around like ‘ooooh I will be found out’ about some part or the whole makeup of their “identity”. What is identity now, at home, with overgrown hair and shoes with no tread worn down hanging neatly as they were left at the end of the last warm season, no place to be or be seen, not that being seen is optimal, but also how does self expression and self actualization work anymore? I have so many questions, and thankfully there are many cards, and maybe less thankfully or sort of half heartedly, there are many more days. I don’t know, this is just an account of the times because I’ve often regretted when I didn’t write through other things. Next month it’ll be a year since we were in Japan and I regret not writing every single day I was there, constantly, just to have more to go back and drink in!! and to share, oof to share. Well, now I have at least successfully passed an hour. So, there’s that. 
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jabbers-wild-world · 4 years
Camp Campbell Camp Counselor Look-Alikes
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Justin = Jason
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Jason is more clean cut in his choice of clothing, but in most other regards, he is like Justin’s blond twin. Even his personality is similar. Laidback, confident bastard. But despite all the physical and personal similarities, with the exception of complexion and hair color, there’s something else that Jason is hiding. Something very dangerous and unsettling.
He’s a former mercenary, and now he makes his living through human trafficking. He delights in the manipulation and tricking those unsuspecting into trusting him, before he drugs them and carts them off to never be seen again.
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Travis = Trevor
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Another case in which he looks much like a blond doppelganger of Travis, Trevor is a bit more.. unsettling in some ways. Where Travis’s memory fails him, Trevor has a very keen memory. He was a medic, but he had his medical license revoked for human experimentation and augmentation.
He works closely alongside Jason, and his laboratory is in fact the usual destination for Jason’s victims. As the two work together, the more dangerous the situation becomes for anyone around them, especially since they mainly target kids nowadays.
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Zack = Xavier
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Xavier looks, of course, almost exactly like Zack, except for some paler coloring and blond hair instead of black. And while Zack loves animals of all kinds, and has actually been known to fight to protect them from inhumane treatment or death.. 
Xavier is a notorious poacher and purveyor of exotic animals as expensive and illegal pets. He is available for hire, to travel to other countries and either kill endangered animals for goods and profit, or to capture rare species and sell to the client to keep. But now he’s looking for new prey to profit from.. Children.
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Isaac = Isaiah
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Another blond counterpart, Isaiah is just as British as Isaac, and comes across just as friendly and enthusiastic. But underneath it all, he’s cunning and manipulative, and even while under the guise of a former circus performer, like Isaac is, Isaiah is a back alley serial killer. He’s notorious across all the United Kingdom, and he fled to the United States to cover his tracks.
He is very violent and dangerous, and he of course leaves a signature among every kill he makes. He has a recognizable style of killing, preferring to slit the throats of his victims, before opening up their stomachs and leaving his ‘calling card’ inside. The tarot card ‘the Hanged Man’. As such is the case, his alias to all the police across the UK, is the Hanged Man or Judas, and when he is done with his victims, he does indeed tie them up and hang them, preferring to do so with a rope around their legs to suspend them upside down, similar to most art found on ‘the Hanged Man’ tarot cards. No officer has managed to catch him, though they have come close. As well, none have seen his face, since he tends to wear a frowning theatrical mask.
His victims are always children.
Note: Jay is unique and does not have a doppelganger. If he did, it would break the world, since Jay is a shadow creature disguised as human, and therefore is already a dangerously powerful being.
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happy-haunts · 5 years
Madame Leota pt. 1
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Madame Leota pt. 1
Chapter one | Constance pt.1 : Constance pt.2
Chapter two | Mister Topper pt.1 : Mister Topper pt.2
Chapter three | Madame Leota pt.1 : Madame Leota pt.2
Chapter four | The Hostess
Chapter five | Captain Blood pt.1 : Captain Blood pt.2
Chapter six | Emily DeClaire pt.1 : Emily DeClaire pt.2 : Emily DeClaire pt.3
Chapter seven | Finale
The powers of the great beyond shuddered under the grasp of my incantations as the spirits whispered secrets into my ears- two of our own were approaching and with them were questions of which they sought me to answer. But deeper and deeper still I dug into their truest desires and as I pried prodded my eyes flashed open at the sound of Constance Hatchaway and Red bursting through my door.
I might not have a body but if I did then I would have been tapping my foot at the sudden intrusion. “I expect you both have a better reason for barging in here than just for me to tell you about our Bride?” Red was in awe at my knowledge of their quest.
“Okay so ... We actually do, can you explain why Constance and Hatty can’t remember things? And not like in the ‘we’re super old and lost our orthopedic slippers’ way but in the ‘we’re super old and hot and I can’t remember the story I literally gave a detailed synopsis of one minute ago’ kind of way.” Red took a seat at my table after her long winded speech, my head was resting on a metal stand inside of a glowing green crystal ball before her.
“Of course I can.” I moved my aura on a deck of tarot cards and flipped them up to face me one at a time.
“You seek the answers to the oddities of the Mansion, the force at work which controls the mansion and all inside.” I set down the cards neatly in their stack and then started the dramatic music behind them.
“Controls the mansion? There’s something controlling all of us?” Red asked, Constance was sitting beside her now, her eyes staring off as she was furiously trying to remember what they were doing.
“Not all of us ... I am immune since I am the one who gave the entity their power in the first place.”
“Oh so you just give out otherworldly magic on your off days? Is it just a hobby knotting up all of that black magic and gifting it to customers?” Red crossed her arms and slumped in her chair.
“I don’t give out the powers of the universe like candy!” I growled, but pursed my lips and avoided Red’s gaze. “However I may charge a fee- but we can discuss prices a little later.”
“I don’t want any magic of regions beyond!” Red sighed, “I want to know why this is happening to Constance and how to stop it.”
“It’s not happening to you.” I pointed out, “Surely you’re curious about that?” She fidgeted in her chair but gave a little nod as she pouted.
“Yeah... a little I guess.”
“The entity YOU’RE dealing with only controls the ghosts who belong to the mansion, you don’t belong to the mansion since your remains nor your death involved the manor, therefore whatever it is attempting to do with Constance cannot be accomplished with you.”
“The entity I’M dealing with? Is there more than one?” I grinned.
“I believe I should start from the beginning.”
“Or you could just give me straight answers so we don’t have to stretch this out over several chapters.” I whacked Red upside the head with my tambourine and refused to acknowledge her fourth wall break.
I loved my childhood, my parents were always quite understanding of me even when I would act up - which was quite often - and the caravan would tell them to be stricter with me.
I was ungrateful for what I had and would always want more, I was a selfish child - no matter where we went I would always want to stay in the townsfolk’s houses and want to eat fine meats from the butcher... But we didn’t have enough money to get any of those things.
I began to grow older and as a teen I ran away from the caravan, I would go into the nearest town to dance for money in the streets and buy myself sweets - then refuse to eat the meals they cooked in the evenings.
One day I had done just that and headed off towards the current town we were in near - we travelled all around Europe and Africa so it’s hard to keep track of town names. I was approached by a man on my walk who was rather plump, he had straw decorating his ankles, a skirt that was a combination of a red and white fabric as well as straw, around his neck were beads and ... a shrunken head, his hair was black like coal just as his eyes were, face decorated with red paint, and seated on his head was a black top hat.
“Good evening young lady my name is Trader Sam, and what is a little girl like you doing out here all alone?”
“I don’t see why it’s any of your business.” I said while raising my chin as though he was beneath me.
“You seem rather put together for a girl of your age.”
“Because I am, now if you excuse me I have to get to work.”
“Of course, I apologize.” I gave a little nod and turned away only for him to continue talking. “I was going to tell you how to earn even more money without even having to work ... But I understand.” I turned to face him again.
“How do you do that?”
“Oh I don’t want to keep you from your work, so I had better go.”
“Wait! I asked you a question!” He smiled and propped himself forward on his umbrella. “Tell me how to make money without having to work.”
“Well if you want to really know then we’ll have to make a deal first.” I crossed my arms and leaned back - glaring at him suspiciously.
“What kind of deal?”
“It’s more of a trade really - I take something of value to you and you take all of my secrets.”
“Yes, because you know the only way to make money without working is magic.”
“Oh please, there isn’t any such thing as magic.” He lifted his palm and after a moment a green ball of fire appeared, I gasped and stepped back from him - he extinguished the flame. “How did you do that?”
“Magic.” He shrugged, “And I can give you all that power - all of the freedom to do as you please ... If you are willing to make a deal.”
I let the offer sink in - it was everything I could ever want! No more dragging around the caravan, no more cooking rabbit for supper, and no more needing to rely on nasty rich people to pity us.
“I ... I’ll make a deal with you.” Trader Sam grinned while extending his hand to me.
“Then lets shake on it.”
As I took his hand the shrunken head that hung around his neck opened it’s mouth and a green ball of fire like the one Trader Sam made before floated in the air towards me- absorbing into my chest.
“And now for your payment, I shall take what is most valuable to you.” I patted myself down, I hardly had any money on me - but he seemed to chuckle at my searching. “Oh no, not monetary value ...” He lifted his hands and my parents appeared on either side of him.
“Wait! You can’t take my parents!”
“You shouldn’t have been so careless, they are what you value most.”
“Leota? What is going on?” My mother hissed, but Trader Sam snapped his fingers and my parents were now two shrunken heads in his hand.
“GIVE THEM BACK!” I screamed and blasted one of those green orbs towards him - Sam merely shielded himself with his umbrella and turned away from me. I was crying now while the rage filled my chest, “Don’t walk away!” And he stopped in place, “I want you to be rooted to that spot for the rest of your life.” He peered back to me, now a little nervous.
“I think we can come to some kind of deal here ....”
“Give me back my parents and I’ll set you free.” I was having a hard time seeing him since so many tears were rolling down my cheeks.
“I can’t do that, once a deal has been made then there is no reversing it ... Besides that you parents are...” He lifted the shrunken heads. “Well and gone.” I clenched my fists, screaming while falling onto my knees.
“You’re an absolutely terrible man!”
“Perhaps, but that’s how I became head salesman.” I couldn’t take it any longer, I picked myself up and walked away - listening to his pleas of mercy slowly fade the further I separated myself from him.
I couldn’t show my face in my old caravan after that, I decided that I would travel to a new continent and lucky for me there was a ship leaving for the Americas when I reached the harbor.
I snuck aboard and once I arrived at our destination I set out to find a new home.
I manifested a wagon and I travelled across the Americas for several years before I found a town that hadn’t immediately shown me out upon seeing my psychic reading skills.
This town was New Orleans Square, and being that I was now 29 by the time of finally finding a tolerable town - I was glad to bring my traveling to a halt. The town was nothing too fancy or large with green metal rails decorating balconies, red brick homes, and trees that were decorated with swamp moss.
I set up my wagon near the edge of the town so not to block any paths for the townspeople, and the morning after I brought out my table as well as my crystal ball to sit outside and entice people to my readings.
It didn’t take long before a gentleman approached my table, “So you must be the famous Madame Leota.” He grinned - the man looked young but his hair was startlingly white and he wore a noose around his neck.
“Famous? I only just arrived here yesterday sir - you are my first customer.”
“No, no the apparitions have been speaking about you all night - they hardly get any real entertainment, most of the time they hang around family members and criticize their life choices.” I blinked but smiled to the man, what a very strange thing to say.
“I didn’t know anyone else could converse with the dead - let alone do it passively.”
“Yes it was quite the shock when I was younger! I was at my dear Granny’s funeral when I saw my first spirit - she was quite livid that they had decided to have an open casket instead of cremating her like she wanted to be.”
“I would be livid too, what did you say your name was again?”
“I didn’t.” He said flatly and sat in the chair across from me, “But if you would like to know it is Vincent Beauregard Gracey, eldest in the Gracey line.”
“I didn’t know there was a Gracey line, but it’s good to meet you Vincent.”
“Mister Gracey - please.” I cocked an eyebrow at his boldness.
“Mister Gracey then... I am Madame Leota.” He seemed to pay me no mind as he sat in the chair- his eyes wandering over my wagon.
“Memento Mori ... So you are also a fan of the Macabre?” I gritted my teeth at the mention but eventually relaxed, giving a polite smile to the man.
“Yes, I have a few regrets and because of this I am patiently waiting for the moment when I can cease to exist, thus I will always remember death.” Vincent nodded approvingly.
“If you would like to go sooner I have this.” He lifted his noose that hung around his scrawny neck, “I haven’t the time to get to using it myself but perhaps someday.” He sighed, “The spirits make the afterlife look like such a good time.”
“I would like to see the afterlife if it’s as much fun as you say.” His eyes met with mine for the first time and he leaned his elbows on the edge of my table.
“Well now, if you would like I can show you my graveyard tonight over dinner?”
“I think I would like that very much Mister Gracey.”
“Then it’s a date.”
I slaved away the rest of the day before finally getting to close up shop and go into town to buy a dress especially for tonight.
What a man, He could commune with the dead AND owned a graveyard? He must have been after my heart with a line like that.
I asked around the town for the home of a Vincent Gracey - which greeted me with anxious glances, eventually I was pointed to the mansion at the end of town and I had finally arrived.
I had chosen a blood red gown that popped from my dark brown skin, my brown hair was pinned up and two red droplets hung from my ears.
Vincent was standing at the large iron gate which led to his backyard, he took my hand and kissed the knuckles before leading me into a graveyard filled with what must have been somewhere near 900 graves? Atop some of the headstones were candles that made a path to a table for two, red roses decorated the table.
“I apologize for the florals - it seems my gardener had gotten rid of all my decaying roses.” How considerate!
“No need to apologize, this is still very lovely.”
“Won’t you sit? Feel free to speak with whomever you choose that has passed on - they seem to know quite a bit about you it seems.” I was taking my seat as he said so and looked up in confusion.
“How is that? I’ve hardly done anything of noting.”
“They say you’ve thwarted a warlock by the age of 13.” I unconsciously soured my expression.
“He was hardly a warlock, just a slimey black magic dealer - he swindled me out of having parents.” Vincent considered me for a moment while I took to composing myself, after all it was my fault ... I was a rotten child that had no business trying to act as though she was grown.
“How very tragic for you my dear ...” He placed his hand over my own, his eyes were like sapphires. “I knew a girl who lost her parents once, she was an odd one such as you and I - she romanticized those who had passed on without even knowing that they lived among us nor having any power to know as much.” He stroked my hand with his thumb as he knitted his brow, “I used to live with my parents in their mansion - it also had a graveyard of the Gracey’s whom passed before us, but there were a great deal of them which remained unmarked or were so old the names had faded ... Leaving them to be forgotten.”
“How terrible ...”
“But as if out of the blue, flowers began appearing on those graves every night - naturally my parents thought it was me since I usually strolled through the graveyard to converse with my deceased family. Curious about the mysterious visitor I decided to ask about it to the dead - it was a young girl that visited every night followed by two apparitions which were trying to interact with her. More intrigued than before I decided to wait for her to arrive - she was small with short hair and wearing a mourning gown, the two ghosts behind her were telling her to leave the town.” Vincent pulled his hand back and sighed. “Not long after the flowers stopped being placed on the unmarked grave.”
“Did she die?” I whispered - invested in the story.
“No, not quite.” He tilted his head to the side and looked past me a moment, his eyes lit with excitement. “My brother is home!”
“Brother? Here? Now?” I felt broken hearted when he said so, we hadn’t even eaten supper yet.
“No! No! Some family is visiting from Liberty Square and they said my brother has just arrived home! I haven’t seen him since mother and father sent him off to join the Navy, oh but I don’t think he’ll much like if I visit him - we never got along very well.” Vincent locked eyes with me and grinned, “Leota! You can visit my brother for me and tell him I’m in New Orleans Square! You can tell him to come visit me!” My heart began to sink even more as he proposed the plan.
“Well I suppose I could -.”
“Wonderful! We must cut the evening short and you need to head on your way at once! Oh and if you could send my greetings to the residents in the graveyard as well- that would be just fantastic of you.”
And that’s just how life is - one moment you think you’ve met the man of your dreams, and the next moment he is sending you to a wealthy town to say hello to his wealthy brother and dead family members.
Liberty Square was all brick and white picket fences (with the exception of the Gracey Mansion) the people were suspicious and distant. I needed pointing to where Mister Gracey lived so I stopped a large man who wore a grey suit with a yellow ascot tucked into his vest.
“Excuse me, I’m looking for the home of a Mister Gracey?”
“It’s at the end of the road - I would think a slave would keep better track of her master’s home.” Some of the townspeople near him snickered at me.
“What did you just call me?” I growled, stepping toe to toe with him now. “I think you should evaluate your words before you speak them, otherwise I might hitch you up to a wagon like the ass you make yourself out to be.” The man adjusted himself as he turned a light pink.
“You had better watch your tongue, woman, and recognize who you’re speaking to.”
“My apologies- you must be a pig instead of an ass.” His face turned deep red as he raised his hand to strike but a man in a black coat grabbed his wrist and leaned towards the older gentleman.
“Well now, lets not cause a scuffle right here in the streets.” His hair was curly and black, pale skin, and ... sapphire eyes. “I heard there was a green-eyed woman looking for my place around town, so naturally I went on my own little adventure.”
“William, you had better keep your help in line.” The older gentleman yanked his arm from William and straightened out his coat.
“She’s not my help, Mister Mayor, I think she’s new in town - but allow me ma’am.” He linked his arm with mine and began walking me down the street.
“That man is your Mayor? He’s an insufferable ass.” William laughed and patted my arm.
“Yes, yes he is - but he is like an angel to the town, they all fear the changing times and the mayor is an unmoving stone ... Their only constant.” How sad that so many people could be so fearful of the future and the unknown, that they would just let such a man have power. “On a lighter note, why is it that you were seeking me out?”
“Ah, your brother wanted me to send you his greetings from New Orleans Square, he would like you to visit him now that you’re back.”
William rolled his eyes, “I’m not going to visit that ghost seeing idiot - does he still wear a noose around his neck?” I nodded, “Of course he does!” He unhooked our arms and ran his fingers through his hair. “I apologize, I just don’t much care for my brother ... either one of them.”
“There is another one of you?”
“Yes, Dorian ... He’s the middle brother and he’s full of himself! Probably married a mirror for all I know.” William shook his head, “No, no, enough talk about my family - where are you staying miss...?”
“Leota, I have a wagon that I left in the woods, I’ll probably make camp there tonight.”
“If it’s even still there, we have gypsies that live in our woods Miss Leota so you may wish to stay at my home tonight - if not then hurry back to make sure they haven’t mistaken it for something abandoned.”
“I’ll probably just go back and get it, however I wouldn’t mind sleeping in a real bed - that is if you have somewhere I can store my wagon?”
“But of course, my doors are always open.” He lifted my hand and kissed the knuckles with a wink, before I turned away towards the woods as the sun went down.
Lucky for me my wagon was still seated among the trees where I had left it, as I assessed the inside to make sure nothing was missing I heard music off in the distance, curious I stepped back outside into the night and noticed the light just beyond where I was.
It seemed to be a camp, upon closer inspection I saw it was a caravan of only 10-20 people - how had they gotten so small?
“What do you want?” Called a man, he drew a knife as I came into the firelight.
“I mean no harm, I’m camped just beyond those trees and saw the fire - I was just wondering who my neighbors were.”
“She has witch eyes...” One man whispered,
“I don’t need a witch in our caravan, we suffer enough as is.”
“Calm down, I’m not a witch - witches are far less powerful.” I rolled my eyes, “But everyone is so scared of them because their hats are pointy! Oh no!” I feigned fear and placed my hands on my hips.
“As if a witch wasn’t bad enough, you’re a devil then.”
“Stop it!” A girl stepped in front of the man - she wore a yellow dress, dark brown hair, tanned skin, and flowers knotted in her hair. “She has already said she meant no harm, there is no need to be so mean!” She held her arms out shielding me.
“Emily, you’re too naive! This woman curses people!” The girl named Emily turned around - looking me up and down with her bright blue eyes.
“She seems normal enough to me.” A sly grin slid over my lips.
“Fine, if it will calm your nerves then I’ll make a deal with you...” I held out my hand to the man, “I will not harm this caravan in any way and in return I will ask one favor of you when I need it.”
“No way, I’m not going to risk whatever you ask of me.” He crossed his arms but the girl grabbed onto my hand and gave it a hearty shake.
“Deal!” She grinned and the deal was made. “There, now your caravan is off limits and no one needs to worry anymore.”
The man was pale as he looked to Emily, but in his astonishment he couldn’t find any words to reprimand her so ... he walked away.
“You know that was quite foolish of you, I can ask anything of you and you’ll have no choice but to obey.”
“Yes well, you don’t seem like you’ll make me do anything too bad - I trust you.” She looked behind me to my wagon, “Are you going to be heading back to town? I should start heading back home anyway so I’ll walk with you.”
I almost lost it when she said that, “Are you telling me you live in town? You aren’t even part of this caravan?” Emily seemed confused but she answered regardless.
“No, but they’re good people - they get harassed a lot by the town so they’re a bit more wary of strangers but they really aren’t all that bad.”
“You really are naive ... “ I sighed and headed with her to my wagon.
I stayed at Mister Gracey’s that night - he had his red coated servants take my wagon while William gave me the grand tour. The manor itself was grand in a gothic style, the very entrance had long walls looking like they stretched to eternity- if it weren’t for Williams’ instruction I would have thought there were no windows or doors, it took us to the hallways which were a royal purple - with a wallpaper that felt as though it watched me, then we went off into the grandballroom - it seemed to be set apart from the rest of the mansion since it was decorated in silvers and whites with white billowing curtains over the windows which were as high as the house itself, and then he showed me the backyard where members of his family were buried and where I told the residents that Vincent said hello.
“He really wanted you to talk to the dead for him?” William scoffed.
“What is it about our abilities that you doubt?”
“Hm, perhaps the existence of magic in general? It’s all just observation and parlor tricks.”
“Well maybe I’ll be able to change your mind while I’m here... but for now, goodnight Mister Gracey.”
“For fucks sake just call me William, I hate all that title crap- er and goodnight Leota.”
Getting up the next morning I decided to entice the young Gracey by setting up my reading table not too far from his front door. I also wasn’t sure how this town would take to such an occult dealing on their streets, but I was happily surprised when I had quite the line of folks wanting to know their desires or if their husbands were cheating on them.
One young lady sat at my table wearing a mourning gown, her hair was blonde, and eyes dark blue.
“Why such a beautiful young woman, what is your name and what do you ask of Madame Leota?”
“I’m Constance Hatchaway, I wanted to know... if I ever find true love?” She blushed but the harsh look on her eyes never faded.
“Let us look, may I have your hands?” She reached out and I closed my eyes.
Seeing into the future was much easier than reading a person - all it took was a conduit made of some kind of stone or glass(my crystal ball) and the physical touch of the person whom wants to know their fate.
I walked on top of a river made of stars as I searched for her request, leaning down every now and again to reach into the river and inspect the stars which contained every moment in her life. I searched until I came to an abrupt halt from the stars ... This was the line of death, where the river stops then so does ones life - but amazingly beyond the gap were blue stars! It was impossible but I was seeing into her afterlife, upon further inspection there was a certain star among them that glowed a warm red color and as I picked it up I was overcome with such joy I couldn’t help but laugh.
I released Constance’s hands as I was still laughing - now wiping away a tear.
“It’ll take a long time but you will find true love.” I leaned close to her as she leaned in with me. “And she will be beautiful.”
“T-thank you!” Constance blushed and scrambled to stand as she stuffed money into my jar.
It was rather nice to know at least one person in the town was normal.
My relief was short lived as the Mayor stood before me now, his hands clasped behind him as his sky blue eyes evaluated my set up.
“And what can I help you with?” I growled.
“I was just wondering if you had permission to set up shop here? But of course I know you don’t since you would have had to ask me personally.”
What a jackass.
“I don’t believe you have jurisdiction over someone’s private property.”
“Oh but I do.” He leaned down with his hands clutching the edge of my table, I was lucky it didn’t snap under his weight. The mayor wasn’t a fat man but rather built for someone of his age, and taller than any man I’d ever seen - the best way I could describe him was a brick wall. “You see I run the town and the town pays their taxes which means they pay me... to live here. You wouldn’t want me to evict your master now would you?” I sucked in a breath and glared, giving a glance behind him - hoping someone was there to perform a reading on but it seemed he waited till everyone had gone for the day, but a thought crossed my mind.
“Dear Mister Mayor...” I cooed, “Won’t you let me give you a free reading to make up for this? I can search deep down to your truest desires - things you may not realize you have been denying.” He seemed to think about it a moment before taking a seat across from me and placing his hands palm up on either side of my crystal ball.
I placed my palms atop his and closed my eyes.
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frizz22 · 5 years
Moonshine Madam prompt: it's not actually such a well-kept secret that the Spellman’s are Satanists, perhaps a confrontation with some Church members in Greendale? Nothing to serious, just something lighthearted?
Thanks for the prompt! Read on ao3
They were relaxing in the parlor; it was the first Sunday all month they didn’t have a funeral service and Zelda had just flipped a record over before settling down to continue working on a puzzle with Hilda. Of course, their quiet afternoon was interrupted moments later, Ambrose barreling in.
“They’re back!” He grinned, eyes alight with mischief.
Hilda looked up at him, brow furrowed. “Who, love?”
Barely able to contain himself, Ambrose clapped his hands and rubbed them together. “The oh so righteous parishioners of Greendale’s Evangelical Church. Come to help us sinners see the error in our ways.” 
Zelda sat up, excited. “Really?”
“Just set off the perimeter wards. We have ten minutes at best.” He looked between them hopefully.
A wide smile spread across Zelda’s face. “Marvelous, it’s been ages since they’ve come around.” She was already standing up, waving a hand to put the puzzle away. “Places everyone.” Zelda instructed with malicious glee as she turned to transform the parlor from its everyday appearance.
Whooping in delight, Ambrose hurried off to the basement.
Hilda giggled and went to the chest pushed against the wall next to the fireplace and began pulling out various items. “They must have new blood, someone who thinks they can ‘get through to us poor lost souls’ at last.” She bit her lip to try and contain her excitement as she set a deck of tarot cards and a set of small animal bones with runes carved into them on the coffee table.
Humming in agreement, Zelda focused on her spell which was redecorating the room. Several upside down crosses adorned the walls, a pentagram appeared on the floor in uneven, red paint, Hilda’s spiders crawled along the ceiling weaving intricate webs, a Satanic bible popped up on one of the side tables and the final touch… an elaborate painting of Lucifer Morningstar with fresh wounds on his back materialized over the fireplace.
Giving her work an appraising look, Zelda faced her sister. “Yes, ‘us poor lost souls’. So prone to lust and greed and dark things.” She intoned dramatically. “And yet, I bet you I can make at least three of them think about having their way with me before they leave.” Cocking a brow, she snipped her fingers to change out of her regular clothes and into one of her racier nightgowns and robe; relishing in how horrified the parishioners would be at their spike of unclean lust for a Satanist.
An indelicate snort escaped her sister as she set out some tea and cookies. “Oh, that’s too easy. All of them will think that, if even for a moment. Mortals, despite all their supposed superiority, are no better than us; they just restrain and repress themselves.” Shaking her head at the notion, Hilda picked up her deck of cards and started to shuffle them. “Now, what I intend to do is more difficult, requires a bit more magic. I’m going to scare the Beelzebub out of them,” she grinned, flicking her wrist to turn her clothes into something more mystical.
Eyebrows raised in appreciation, Zelda turned to the mirror hanging on the wall to touch up her appearance. “The seer bit? You haven’t done that in some time. It will certainly have them sweating through those awful polyester Sunday suits.” She remarked, darkening her lipstick, mussing her hair and creating a prominent love-bite on her neck for good measure.
Her sister had an uncanny ability to read people; their motives, how their pasts played into their current and future actions. Hilda didn’t use it often, claimed the sensation could be overwhelming if not carefully controlled. But in times like this, well, what was the point of the ability if not to have some fun with it? And Hilda truly did make the most of it, coming off as intimidating and creepy with a sickly sweet sugarcoating.
“You’ll help sell it, right?” Hilda asked, tucking her hair into a scarf and putting her glasses on.
Happy with her debauched appearance, Zelda moved away from the mirror and towards the front door—their guests would be arriving any moment. “Of course, sister. It’s always amusing to watch them squirm under your scrutiny.” She winked and conjured a cigarette before gripping the front door handle and waiting, just a beat before pulling it open just as one of the parishioners raised their hand to knock. “Just leave out the back, Ellen,” Zelda called out to imaginary figure behind her. “And feel free to tell your husband about that little tongue trick. He’ll enjoy the result as much as I did.” Turning her head to the little group in front of her, Zelda eyed each buttoned up little false god peddler with a raised brow. “Ah, yes, right on time.” Taking a long draw of nicotine and blowing it at them, Zelda stepped aside. “Do come in.”
As expected, most of the group struggled to tear their eyes away from her, gazes lingering on her neck and chest—though Hilda was right in that it was almost too easy, Zelda still enjoyed the effect she had over the mortals, how she made them question themselves; even for a moment.
One woman among them was made of sturdier stuff, though, and pushed past her ogling entourage and walked inside. Her movement broke the trance the others were in and they shuffled behind her awkwardly, not making eye contact out of shame. When they all passed the threshold, the lights flickered, courtesy of Ambrose, and Zelda smothered a smile at how several of them jumped.
Clearing her throat, one woman spoke up, look at Zelda uncertainly. “Right on time, you said…” She murmured, warily taking in her surroundings.
A wide smile spread across Zelda’s lips and she ushered them deeper into the house. “Oh, my sister foresaw your arrival. She made tea and cookies for you,” she noted, taking her time leading the way to the parlor; wanting to play with them a little more before turning it over to Hilda. Zelda paused next to the parlor door, “could Father Michaels not make it?” She asked innocently, finger tracing the plunging neckline of her nightgown.
The priest at the church had come at least once a month for some time when he first assumed his position. Convinced he was doing the false god’s work and not only bringing the Spellman’s over to the light side, but also ridding Greendale of Satanists at the same time.
It’d been fun, at first, coming up with new and creative ways to torment the man. But the novelty soon wore off and they had things to do, a business to run without a bothersome mortal priest popping in at random times.  
So, to discourage him from returning, Zelda sent him several dreams in which he was engaged in a series of passionate activities with not only her, but Hilda and Ambrose as well. Ever since then, the man avoided them like the plague and grew incredibly flustered at the mere mention of the Spellman family—or so Zelda was told.
The act bought them almost half a year of peace before a group of brave parishioners, minus Father Michaels, appeared on their doorstep. Having taken it upon themselves to purge the devil and his worshippers from their midst. From then on, the visits of the good parishioners of Greendale’s Evangelical Church were sporadic, unpredictable. But it quickly became part of the game, seeing what they could come up with on the fly.
One of the men coughed and nervously tugged at the knot of his tie. “He, uh,” the man faltered, his eyes drifting down to Zelda’s chest before he wrenched them away with some difficulty. “He couldn’t make it today. Other matters to attend to.” He informed her gruffly, the tips of his ears burning red. And Zelda could tell the man was realizing one of the reasons why the priest avoided the Spellman house.
Humming in feigned displeasure, Zelda pushed the parlor door open and walked inside. “Have a seat,” she purred, eyeing each of the false god’s puppets salaciously as they filtered past her and into the next trap.
Undeterred, though mildly ruffled, their leader marched past her and into the parlor only to waver when she took in her surroundings. The rest of the group was quick to wilt as well as they uncomfortably took their seats on the couch across from Hilda; who was shuffling her tarot cards and smiling warmly at them… as if a ram’s skull was leering at them from the wall behind her.
“So kind of you to join us on this unholy day,” Hilda greeted a little breathily.
The comment had the leader looking scandalized. “Join you?” She demanded, “we’re here to—”
Holding up a hand, Hilda silenced her. “Mary Beth, I know why you’re here. You wish to try and save us. But we don’t need saving.” She smiled blithely at the woman.
Before Mary Beth could respond, a loud animalistic screech sounded from the basement, causing their guests to jump. Zelda hid a laugh; Ambrose was really playing it up this time.
Clearly shaken, Mary Beth collected herself. “How, how do you know my name?” She asked, face pale and eyes flicking to the ground where the sound originated and where muffled growls were still emanating.
Perching herself in the chair next to Hilda, Zelda crossed her legs regally and settled in for the show. Hilda would start by naming them all before introductions were made, sometimes listing little details about the guests or their pasts to unnerve them further. While she watched this all unfold, Zelda traced the fake bite mark on her neck, her gaze lingering on each parishioner in turn. Between her sister’s hauntingly accurate readings and Zelda’s own unabashed display of sexuality and sexual interest, they soon had the entire group visibly squirming.
There was one woman, though, Evelyn, who kept peeking at Zelda and blushing every time they made eye contact. Gifting the woman with a sinful smile, Zelda couldn’t help but think she might be able to play with this one later. When Evelyn smiled in return, Zelda’s hopes and eyebrows rose.  
It wasn’t until Mary Beth noticed their prolonged eye contact that she pinched Evelyn and the woman dropped her eyes…. Moments later, though, Zelda found the woman’s eyes back on her. Oh, she almost regretted what they were about to do next, for it would surely scare Evelyn away and ruin Zelda’s chances at bedding her; and she would have loved to corrupt the mortal—especially one with the name like Eve.
Before she could think of how to signal Ambrose to wait, her nephew came bursting into the parlor, the basement door still hanging open behind him and unsettling sounds echoing up the stairs. Compared to Ambrose, though, the noises were the least of their guests’ concern. Arms covered in blood up to the elbow and holding up fake intestines, Ambrose came to a stop in front of them; seemingly oblivious to the parishioner.
“Aunties, the signs don’t look—, oh! I didn’t realize we had company.” He smiled graciously at the group, and up close Zelda could make out flecks of blood along his chest and face as well. “I’m sorry, I’ll just double check the results using a rabbit. You know how unreliable weasels can be,” he grinned and shook his head in amusement. “But, I will leave these—” Ambrose laid the intestines on the coffee table next to the tray of tea and cookies with exaggerated care, “here for your consultation.”   Nodding politely at everyone, Ambrose took his leave and made for the basement once more, snapping the door shut behind him.
Understandably, the color drained from each of the parishioners’ faces and they made their hasty departures soon after, not even cracking out the false god’s bible before they turned tail. As they retreated across the lawn, Hilda and Zelda bade them goodbye from the porch, waving and loudly thanking Satan for the visit. Evelyn was the only one to turn back, a small, if somewhat perplexed, smile on her face as her eyes flicked up and down Zelda once more before shifting to follow the others.
Once the group all but ran around the curve in the road, Hilda couldn’t contain her mirth any longer and snorted; and though she fought it, Zelda guffawed as well, clutching her side as they made their way back into the house where Ambrose was eagerly waiting for them.
They lounged in the parlor, consuming the tea and cookies their would-be saviors hadn’t touched and gleefully reliving the events of the past thirty minutes. It was here that Sabrina found them, having just gotten home from a study session with Roz and Susie.
“So, I just passed a group of horrified looking people on my way home….” She began, blinking when they all broke into fresh bouts of laughter. Warily, Sabrina set her bag down and took note in her surroundings. “What, what is all of this? What happened?” She demanded, gesturing to the decorations, the fake intestines still on the table and their attire.
Wiping the corner of her eyes, Hilda managed to catch her breath first to answer. “Oh, lamb, you missed it. And it would have been the first one you could participate in…” She frowned a little in disappointment, but her eyes were still twinkling with amusement.
Zelda lit a cigarette, inhaled deeply and released the smoke with a content sigh. “We just had a lovely visit from the parishioners of Greendale’s Evangelical Church.” They all chuckled again, unable to help themselves, as they settled more comfortably in their seats.
Casting them a dubious look, Sabrina took a seat on the edge of one of the chairs. “I don’t think they felt the same.” She informed them, admonishment coloring her tone.
“Oh coz, don’t go getting all righteous on us. They’re the ones who felt compelled to interrupt our Sunday with their false god drivel.” Ambrose remarked, sprawled sideways in his chair, legs hanging over the armrest.
When Sabrina looked ready to argue, Zelda knocked some of the ash of her cigarette and talked before her niece could. “Besides, we can’t have them dropping by any time they please. They might actually witness something of substance. This is just our way of… discouraging their visits.” She justified with a slight shrug.
“And it’s fun.” Hilda giggled, taking another cookie.
Arching a brow, Zelda smirked. “And that.”
“Especially for you, Aunt Zee. Evelyn couldn’t keep her eyes off you.” Ambrose grinned wickedly, “going to seduce another mortal away from the false god?”
She brushed her hair back and took another drag of nicotine. “One can only hope,” she murmured, a mischievous glint in her eye. “The most devout ones are often the most fun in bed; they’ve been suppressing their desires for so long it all just comes bursting out.”
Scandalized, Sabrina’s mouth dropped open. “Auntie! You can’t mess with someone’s feelings—”
Rolling her eyes, Zelda stubbed her cigarette out. “Sex doesn’t always involve ‘feelings’, Sabrina. It’s usually about carnal pleasure, and if Evelyn wants me to provide that… who I am to object?” She inclined her head at her niece and continued. “In any case, if they are intent on ‘saving us’, it’s only fair I try and do the same for them. Though, I must say my way is much more gratifying.” Zelda leaned forward and selected a cookie from the tray.
Ever the peace-maker, Hilda patted Sabrina’s knee. “They did bring this upon themselves by trying to come and convert us, love. And don’t be upset with your auntie,” she flashed a look Zelda’s way which she dutifully ignored. “She only… woos the ones who are willing.”
Ambrose snorted, “woos, yeah that’s what she does. That’s what her nightgown, makeup and bite mark scream… wooing.” He wiggled his eyebrows and Zelda swatted at him good-naturedly.
Of course, Sabrina couldn’t see the innocence and fun in their actions that afternoon. “It’s really not nice to mess with them. They’re just—” She began, shaking her head and tone disapproving.
Groaning loudly, Ambrose went limp in his seat, practically sliding out of it in his dramatics. “Get off your high horse, coz.” Zelda snickered and the corner of her mouth curled up into a smile at her nephew’s antics. Sabrina was less than amused.
Smiling gently, Hilda handed their niece some tea. “It’s all in good fun, darling. No one gets hurt and we keep our reputation in town.”
Suspiciously taking the cup, Sabrina eyed them. “What reputation?”
Chuckling, Zelda leaned back in her seat and clasped her hands in front of her. “That Spellmans aren’t to be trifled with, of course.” She quirked a brow as Hilda and Ambrose hummed their agreement before going back to recounting their afternoon.
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ohsweetsweetie · 6 years
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I decided to type up a detailed-ish analysis of every AH tarot card I made since some of them get pretty weird with symbolism that can be lost without context. It starts with The Fool going in order until The World.
Also I apologize to mobile users. This stuff is all under a read more, but Tumblr mobile doesn’t care. :(
Here’s a link to the tarot deck tag if you would like to see all the cards!
The Kings’ Tarot
The Fool: The Fool is Jester Gavin, Royal Jester and best friend of King Michael the Righteous. This card is simple in its imagery compared to other cards. Jester Gavin is in the center looking at a white rose (above the roses around him) with his hand over his heart at the edge of a cliff and surrounded by a field of yellow roses with the sun high in the sky above him.
Gavin looks at the white rose with adoration and his right hand is placed over his heart. On the middle of his collarbone is King Michael’s family symbol, a golden bear paw embedded in ruby surrounded with a rope of gold, which shows his affiliation with the royal family. He is represented by the yellow rose (joy, delight, platonic love). The white rose in his hand is King Michael’s symbol as is the sun above him (Michael being The Sun card and Justice). His golden greaves were a gift from King Michael.
I The Magician: The Magician is Mad King Ryan (not to be confused with King Ryan or Dark God Ryan). He’s in his laboratory high in a tower, looking at a glowing magenta potion in a bottle with a smirk on his face. On the table are coins with the AH star, a gold sword, a silver goblet, and a wooden wand. Behind him is a bookcase with many old books. A vine of some kind has taken over the walls and is even spilling out the window. In the background and foreground are rose bushes covered in pitch black roses (death, beginning anew, drastic change). His crown is simple being only gold with 8 spikes as decoration though one of the spikes has snapped in two.
This is a scene more than a representation of the card itself. It is the moment the Mad King discovers his knack for dark magic. This is the moment he spirals out of control and eventually sells his soul to darkness to become the Dark God.
II The High Priestess: The High Priestess is Queen Lindsay, the wife of King Michael. Like Jester Gavin, she too has the symbol of King Michael’s court on the middle of the neckline on her dress. Behind her is a crescent moon (femininity) and a calm sea which takes up the entire background. It’s the last few minutes of twilight, the horizon is still a few shades lighter than the upper portion of the sky. Beside her are two pillars: one black with a capital B (Boaz “in his strength”) and the other is white with a capital J (Jachin “he will establish”). They represent duality of light and dark. In her hand is a parchment with the word “Tora” symbolizing a sacred knowledge which she keeps hidden from the viewer as only she has the power to read it.
III The Empress: The Empress is Achievement City itself instead of being an actual person. Wheat that is ready for harvest is in the foreground. In the middle ground is a field of green grass and an empty chaise lounge draped with a red velvet throw and an orange satin pillow. It seems as if no one has ever sat on it. Behind the chair is a dense forest and beyond that is the Altar of Pimps, a snowy mountain range, and King Geoff’s fortress. The sky is clear save for twelve stars arched above like a crown.
IV The Emperor: The Emperor is King Geoff the Proud. He sits atop a barren, rocky cliff during sunset on a throne of stone which is gilded with gold. At the top of the throne is a stone ram’s head (masculinity). The throne itself is broken and cracked with age and wear. King Geoff is dressed in shiny, intricate armor. In his hand, he holds a globe which contains the map of the original Achievement City (you can see the Altar clearly near the center). He was the first king, someone who kept the throne long past anyone should, and thus is remembered as the original ruler.
V The Hierophant: The Hierophant is King Jeremy the Lively. He sits on an intricate golden throne with violet velvet cushions. In the back board of the throne are carved cutouts of two crowns, making the one he wears the third above his head (ruling the conscious, sub-conscious and super-conscious). His hand is held up in a blessing. There are two pillars either side of him: law and liberty. Transparent violet curtains frame his throne and sit between himself and those who are below him to show he is removed from the common people. Two keys representing the keys to heaven sit below him in his throne.
The Hierophant involves a shared group identity and rites of passage which I thought fit Jeremy’s integration into the group well.
VI The Lovers: The Lovers is a simple card. A single white rose and a single yellow rose circle around each other in the middle perfectly, never touching. Below them is a field of deep red roses (love, longing, devotion, admiration). The Lovers can represent any kind of relationship, not just romantic.
VII The Chariot: The Chariot is once again King Jeremy. He rides in a golden chariot pulled by a black horse and a white horse (duality). It seems as if he is the one driving the chariot, but a closer look reveals he holds no reigns, just a wand (wisdom). This suggests the chariot move and turns to his will seeing as his expression is serene despite the circumstances. Above him in the violet velvet canopy are six pointed stars representing his connection to divinity. This and the crown carved into his chariot are throwbacks to his other card The Hierophant. Also Jeremy is a monster truck so of course he gets the chariot.
VIII Justice: Justice is King Michael the Righteous. He sits on an elaborate golden throne with red velvet cushions with his family symbol sitting above him. In his right hand he holds a double edged diamond sword (justice by force has consequences) and in his left a golden scale (balance) containing a human heart on one side and a yellow rose on the other about where his own heart would be. He sits in a garden of white roses on a stone and mortar path. Also his sword is see-through, check it out.
IX The Hermit: The Hermit is King Ray the Admired. He walks alone atop a snowy mountain, not a person nor creature in sight. He’s wary, but not fearful as he travels. In his hand he holds a lantern with a six pointed star inside to light the way (wisdom). The lantern only lights the close surroundings and thus he must keep walking to find the path he insists on following. The aurora above helps light his way though as if the world itself wishes for his success.
X Wheel of Fortune: The Wheel of Fortune is Matt, an alchemist. He holds a cracked stone wheel in front of him though not with his hands as it first seems. On the wheel is the AH logo, letters, and alchemical symbols. Clockwise, the symbols are mercury, sulfur, water and salt. These are the four alchemical building blocks of life. Clockwise, the letters are T, A, R, and O. They can be read a few ways. Tarot (as in the cards), tora (wisdom like in the High Priestess), and rota (Latin for wheel). Each corner of the card is decorated with a wing for the four winged creatures of the fixed zodiac (Taurus, Leo, Aquarius, and Scorpio).
XI Strength: Strength is a scene between Jester Gavin and Edgar the Minotaur. They are deep within Mad King Ryan’s stone maze. Gavin has the minotaur in his hands and although the minotaur is menacing, it is not attacking him as he’s using his inner strength to tame the beast (which he ends up killing anyway, but not yet). The infinity symbol chiseled into the wall above Gavin’s head shows his endless potential.
This scene is after the Mad King overthrows King Michael’s reign which leaves the king dead. Gavin, in a fit of vengeance, finds the strength within him to go after the Mad King by killing his guard minotaur and then by killing the Mad King himself. When Gavin thrusts his sword through Mad King Ryan’s chest, his blood is revealed to be pitch black having already pledged himself to the darkness and with his dying breath, he lays a curse upon Gavin knowing he will be next in line for the crown.
XII The Hanged Man: The Hanged Man is King Gavin the Foolish (not to be confused with Jester Gavin). He has been crowned as king though he remains unhappy having lost the person closest to him and as a result of the curse the Mad King had done. King Gavin is hanged by his own volition, his expression is somber as he punishes himself for what has happened. He still wears the golden greaves, but his crown is simple and silver, nothing like the extravagant crown the late King Michael wore. He sees himself as not being worthy of that crown.
He hangs from a birch tree (renewal, starting over) in the shape of a cross. On the tree hangs King Michael’s cape and family symbol. The cape blends in well with the tree itself making it seem like Gavin is hanging from the cape instead showing how “hung up” he is on Michael’s death (don’t kill me for my bad jokes). The surroundings are cloaked in twilight (his “sun” having set which parallels The Fool). There’s a single star twinkling in the sky which is the brightest star in the sky Sirius (part of Canis Major). The myth of the constellation Canis Major is about Laelaps, a hunting dog, who could catch anything who was tasked with catching a fox who could never be caught. The paradoxical nature caused Zeus to turn the two to stone and cast them to the sky.
XIII Death: Death is the Grim Reaper. This is a scene representing the death of the first king King Geoff. The reaper holds a scythe in one hand and an hourglass in the other. The hourglass is King Geoff’s life. All of the sand inside is black and in the bottom chamber to show his time has run out. In front of the reaper is Geoff’s crown which is upside down as another way of showing it’s the end.The background is gray and dull, the sky is cloudy and it’s raining which seems to not affect the Grim Reaper.
This card was originally going to have the crown of every king as a symbol of death being inevitable buuuuuttt….. That didn’t happen lmao
XIV Temperance: Temperance is King Jack the Humble. He pours water from one goblet into the another (the flow of life) with a square (the world, natural law) surrounding a triangle (humanity). He has one foot on land (staying grounded) and the other in the stream (to be in flow). It’s sunny and cheerful despite the human skull decorating his shawl. There’s a long path into mountains in the distance (journey of life) which ends at a glowing crown (staying true to your ambitions).
XV The Devil: The Devil is Mad King turning Dark God Ryan. He has given his life to the darkness for power and it’s starting to seep into his skin as ugly, tainted veins. His expression is unnaturally smug. Also every time I draw King Ryan, I make his pupil really small, have you noticed that?
In front of him is Edgar the Minotaur who has his arms around Edgar the cow and Ryan’s squire Kerry which represents the unholy transmutation of Kerry and Edgar into the Minotaur itself. The Minotaur is almost protective in it’s stance even though Kerry is so afraid. Behind them all writhes the dark magic that Ryan uses. It emanates off of him.
XVI The Tower: The Tower is the Tower of Pimps and is the most straightforward and symbol-less cards. The Tower of Pimps sits on a stone pedestal and is slightly dirtied though each block is intact. It sits in the middle of a forest and tells the world of the next to be crowned.
XVII The Star: The Star is the star from the AH logo. Underneath it are 7 eight pointed stars (the 7 chakras). It sits in a vast starry sky.
XVIII The Moon: The Moon is self explanatory. It’s the moon. Though the towers of trees are a nod to the tree towers created during the King Gavin let’s play.
XIX The Sun: The Sun is King Michael holding a diamond sword up. The sword glints brilliantly in the light and Michael is cast in a deep shadow.
XX Judgement: Judgement is knights Alfredo and Trevor. They are riding horses away from a mountain range and sun rise while looking up at the flag Trevor is holding. On the flag is a stylized Tower of Pimps, the flag of Achievement City. Above them is the silhouette of the late King Geoff with an intricate halo and far-reaching angel wings which shows that he still has an influence over the kingdom despite his death.
XXI The World: The World is a contrasting realistic space view of a planet and moon. The topography of the planet is the extended version of Achievement City (Xbox One version). Above the world is a loop in the shape of an infinity symbol representing the cyclical nature of the planet.
And that’s all I feel like typing! Everyone’s outfits are based on their Minecraft skins. Gavin is a creeper, Ryan is the man in a kilt, Lindsay is Kazooie, Geoff is Master Chief, Jeremy is the castaway skin with a Rimmy Tim influence, Michael is Banjo, Ray is a man in a tuxedo (or Tuxedo Mask), Matt is Jack of Blades, Jack is a Trials Fusion rider, Kerry is both the Minecraft cow and Juno, Alfredo is default Steve with a skeleton head, and Trevor is the iron golem.
There’s a lot left that I didn’t write though it’s mainly the card’s meaning itself for the most part. The meanings are the same in these cards as they are in the Rider-Waite tarot deck. Tell me if I missed anything you want to know about so I can elaborate!
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thehorrcr · 6 years
Excerpt from story I am writing... CONTINUED!!! (Finished the chapter finally lol)
Madeliane felt a brief moment of confusion flip in her stomach. She hadn’t ever been good at tarot readings. In fact, she was horrific at them. She hadn’t ever gotten an accurate reading. When her mother said to go with her instincts, Madelaine went with her head. Her mom had always told her to feel it. Whether it be a slight buzz in the thumb as her fingers drifted over the cards’ smooth surfaces. Or a gentle tug in her stomach. But Madelaine hadn’t ever gotten any of that, she had always been terrible at these types of things. Lady Loraine was patiently waiting, which was surprising to Madelaine. Because she didn’t seem like a patient woman before this very moment. But she sat, still, gazing down at the cards as if she could see something deeper than the world before them. Madelaine tried to mimick this gaze, as she stared at the small galaxies that were painted onto the backs of the cards. They stared back at her, with open eyes. They made her skin prickle, with an unfamiliar sort of excitement.
She carefully, ran her fingers over the tops of them. When suddenly, something caught her eye. A specific star painted on the upper left hand side of one of the cards. It seemed to twinkle at her, as if it were winking. A quiet voice in Madelaine’s head whispered, “Pick me! Pick me!”
Madelaine drew it from the deck. Then looked up at Loraine for an indication of what to do next. Loraine raised an eyebrow and let out a bark of a laugh. “Draw two more, sweet creature.” She ordered. Madelaine’s brows furrowed in confusion, but she did as she was told. Again, she ran her hands over the deck, and came upon two more cards. They had the same twinkling star in the upper left hand corner. She noticed they were the only three cards in the deck that had this.
Madelaine heard her mother’s voice in her head, saying, “Magical things come in threes.”
She removed the cards from the deck.
Loraine seemed satisfied with this. She plucked the three cards from the table top and turned them over, to reveal the pictures on their fronts. Madelaine examined them for a few moments, taking in the ornate scenes depicted. The first card, was of a woman sitting on a throne. She had a kind, but solid gaze, that looked at the viewer. In one hand, she held a spector with a glowing orb at the end. Her throne, was made of red velvet cushions, making it seem as if they image were blushing. To top it all off, sitting on the woman’s head was a crown of stars. They glimmered ever so slightly, as the light caught it. Madelaine was sure, that at any moment, the woman would simply get up from her throne and walk out of the picture. However, she stayed seated.
“What do you see?” Lady Loraine asked, inquisitive.
Madelaine looked up at her with a nervous laugh. “I thought you were supposed to tell me that.” She joked. Lady Loraine didn’t laugh.
“I know what I see. But I want to know what you make of this.” She crossed her arms over her chest, waiting for Madelaine’s response.
She looked back towards the card, and swallowed her anxiety. “I see a woman on a throne.”
Vance snorted. Madelaine shot him a dark look. He stuck his tongue out at her.
“Look closer.” Lady Loraine commanded. “Look with your third eye, open and receiving.”
Madelaine nodded slowly. She heard her mother in her head, quietly ushering her towards her own greatness. “What do you see, my Madelaine?” “What can you make of the noise of this universe?”
Madelaine looked closer. The thing that called her attention the most, was the look on the woman’s face. There was a gentleness that radiated from her. But it was a gentleness that commanded. The type of softness that you could drown yourself in, but could also bring you back to life at the same time.
It reminded her of Rosaline.
Madelaine smiled to herself. Warmth flooded her mind, as she finally said, “This card is for my baby sister.”
Lady Loraine let out a noise of approval. It was one of the most relieving sounds, Madelaine had ever heard in her life. Even though, it sounded like something that might come from the mouth of a cow. Nonetheless, Madelaine appreciated it. “Very good.” She pointed towards the next card, “Can you tell me about this one?”
Madelaine felt confident now. A Familiar power was coursing through her veins. It was different than what she had felt in the graveyard, this was all her own. She conducted her own magic this time. Nothing could manipulate it, or take it away from her.
Nothing could use it for evil. She wouldn’t allow it.
The card sitting beside the last one, was one she recognized. “The Hanged Man.” A deep, resigned sorrow gripped Madelaine’s stomach as she looked at this one. It depicted a man, upside down on a wooden stake. His hands tied around his back by fate. His face was almost emotionless. There was no grief, or terror in his eyes. Madelaine could feel the blood rushing to her head just by looking at him. She swallowed thickly. Madelaine remembered the meaning to this one, “This card is about sacrifice.”
“Or divine communication.” Lady Loraine added. She eyed the card with a considerate look on her face. “Communication with a higher being. A many-eyed, many tongued being. One that is angry. One that is asleep.”
“Is that a good thing?” Madelaine piped up. Her voice sounding tinny, and small. Like a breath pressed through a flute.
Lady Loraine’s lips settled into a thin line. “I pity the one who receives broadcasts from an angry god.”
Vance stiffened in the seat beside Madelaine. He had suddenly sat up straighter, and was staring intently at the card. “I thought the gods were supposed to love us. Isn’t that what the preachers say?”
“Not all of them…” Lady Loraine replied. Madelaine felt her gut twist. If the last card was for Rosaline… then this one must be for …
“Lina.” Madelaine finished her own thought out loud. Lady Loraine and Vance both turned and gave her questioning looks. As if she had just grown another head.
“What’d you say?” Vance asked. His dark features still had concern scribbled across them. The emotion fitted him. As if he had been made for sorrow, by the sun, himself.
“Nothing. I didn’t say anything.” Madelaine replied, not wanting to repeat herself. Lina’s face was burned into the backs of her eyelids, along with the look of the hanged man. They didn’t match up, but a gut feeling told Madelaine she was right. Madelaine for once, prayed that her intuition was wrong. That the stars were incorrect, and didn’t know every single detail that played out beneath them. They weren’t painters, they weren’t the architects of their fates. Madelaine felt fire spark in her stomach. She would not let anything take Lina. She would not lose her sister.
“It must be a passing spirit. We get a lot of disembodied chatter here.” Lady Loraine murmured, mostly to herself. However, she was looking at Madelaine as she said it. As if, she knew what had escaped Madelaine’s mouth. It was a secret that would hang between the two. It burned Madelaine’s lips, and she tried to ignore the need to run home at that very moment. To go, and make sure that Lina was still safe. As if she were a precious jewel, made to be stolen. Loraine tapped the edge of the last card, “And this one?” She prompted.
The last card, was of a man with his hand extended towards the sky. He stood before a table, that had four objects placed on it. A cup, pentacle, sword and wand. His face looked determined, yet calm. There was an infinity symbol drawn over his head, that seemed to call out towards Madelaine. As if it needed to tell her something, something important.
This was “The Magician.” She knew this, because she had pulled this card before. It followed her around, like a lost dog without a name.
“I don’t understand.” Madelaine said. Although she did. Painfully, blindingly, she understood this card. Last time she had pulled it, was with her mother. The last time they had done a reading together, when Madelaine had asked for her future, she had pulled this. And only this card. Her mother had gotten a wide smile on her face, after Madelaine had asked what it meant.
“It means, you are capable of beautiful things, Madelaine.” Her mother had said. Back then, when they had been sitting in that front room. The rain had been almost deafening as it poured itself against the roof. Her mother looked at her, as if she were something special. It made Madelaine want to run and hide sometimes, because she felt like everything but that. “This card means you have the world at your fingertips.”
The last thing she said, ringed in Madelaine’s ears, “What will you do with it?” She had asked. Madelaine had never given her an answer.
However, sitting there in the seance room with Loraine and Vance. Her reply seemed clear to her now. She studied The Magician a bit longer, and felt something tug in her stomach. The same way her stomach tugged whenever her mother would call her name. It was a calling, a place to belong to.
A voice in her head asked her, quietly. The same way the stars twinkled down at her at night, as if asking her a million questions all at once. Asking her, to step to her own greatness. To have a willingness to be more than who she was. She could hear her mother’s ghost in them. They all chimed in, singing at the same time, like a chorus of bells spilling from the mouths of angels,
“What will you do with the world at your fingertips, Madelaine?”
“I am going to save it.” Madelaine replied, to herself. A shared secret in her head, between her and the universe. It was a promise, that she could not take back.
Lady Loraine was watching her, with a curious eye. She had a small smile plastered to her face. As if she had watched the silent conversation Madelaine had just had. “I feel like you don’t need me to explain it to you.” Madelaine nodded her head quickly. She stood from her seat, abruptly. There was a tingling feeling that was rushing from her toes to her head, as if electricity was jumping from each and every one of her nerve endings.
“I’ve got to get home, now.” Madelaine said quickly. Loraine looked as if she expected this. Vance was watching her with increased interest. As if she were a bird, and he was a cat, prowling around her cage. She tried not to make eye contact with him. “Thank you for everything.”
Loraine chuckled to herself. She gave Madelaine a lazy wave of her hand, “We didn’t tell you anything that you didn’t already know, Madelaine Finch.” She laughed. “Make sure you finish what you started though.” She said, pointing a stern finger at Madelaine as if she were trying to shoot a laser through her. “Listen to your friends. Rely on your sisters. Remember, you aren’t alone in this world. No one is.” Her words sent a stab of an emotion that Madelaine couldn’t quite place a finger on, through her chest. It felt like love, it felt like the stars. Loraine shifted a little, resting her hand back into her lap. “And remember, you’re more powerful than you let yourself believe.”
“Thank you.” Was all Madelaine could reply. The familiar feeling of the eyes from the portraits, throwing their dagger-like stares into her back, greeted her. The room was slowly transforming back into the unwelcoming place, that it had been before. Madelaine wondered if Loraine had placed a spell on it, to keep visitors out. Unless, if she invited them in.
As if Loraine could read Madelaine’s mind, she finally said, “Now get out! We’re closed!”
And with that, Madelaine left Lady Loraine, Vance, and the five-hundred eye behind her. And re-entered, the world of the living.
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clumsyprophet · 7 years
Cinderella Phenomenon as Tarots
Welcome, welcome!
So, as the title said, this is an analysis that attempts to link each Arcana to someone (or something) from Cinderella Phenomenon. Why? Well...I like tarots, I like Cinderella Phenomenon and I like rambling, in no particular order. It's not an original idea by any stretch of the word 'original': pretty much every fandom has done it, but it's still an interesting analysis to make! The Arcana are archetypes, something ancient and universal...and their message can be found basically everywhere, assuming you are willing to reflect a bit to notice the links.
I'm not an expert Tarot reader (or scholar) by all means, so I'm more than willing to hear critiques, suggestions and whatever you think might improve my analysis. Also, I would definitely not object if someone wanted to use this as a base to draw the deck/an Arcana: if you want to go ahead, this is not private property, it’s just something I made for fun and then decided to share.
With that being said, some final notes:
I am only considering the Major Arcana...it would be nice to have a full deck, but I'm afraid there's not enough material to fill 56 cards in addition to the 22 described below.
I tried to include all named characters without repeating them. Lucette is an exception, since she appears from 2 to 4 cards...but she's the protagonist, so that's kinda expected. Another exception is Rumpel's ex (which doesn’t appear), a bit because I forgot about her and a bit because when I remembered she still didn't fit anywhere. Village man #2, Child #1 and their faceless friends are also not included, for rather obvious reasons.
This will contain SPOILERS, no way around that. So, if you haven’t finished the VN what are you waiting for, go and finish it read at your own risk.
So, without further ado, let’s start!
Lucette (riches to rags version) / Lucette (w/ Mr Broom)
Ah, the Fool, number 0 (or XXII) of the deck, the child, the wanderer, the...well, fool. This card is a card of beginnings, of a journey that is about to start with all the wonders and perils (often dictated by inexperience) that such an adventure brings by default. So, who else other than the Ice princess, who has just woken up having lost everything, can represent this card? While she lacks the enthusiasm the fool usually overflows with there's no denying that she has a long journey in front of her, one full with danger but promising a shining happy ending. Hopefully...have you seen how easy is to get bad ends?! *Ahem* Anyway...another option would be having the scene where Lucette is swept away by Mr Broom...same reasoning (journey just started) with an emphasis on the 'Fool' part of the Arcana.
...I swear not all the cards I chose are this literal. Ahem...either way, the Magician is a card of potential applied, will shaping reality as the Magician desires, the male (or active) principle of creation, the Yang to the High Priestess Yin. Also, even if I'm rather reluctant to bind powerful cards such as the Major Arcana to rather mundane elements (but hey, someone does) the Magician can represent a young, willful man. So...well, Waltz. He's even a witch, what more can you wish for.
As I mentioned above, the High Priestess is the counterpart to the Magician: where the Magician is a willful, active force of reshaping reality the High Priestess is an intuitive caretaker of hidden secrets and intimate knowledge of the universe. So, why Delora, you ask? The High Priestess knows, but she will reveal only when the time is right, when you are ready to accept the truth she is offering. I considered Parfait for this card, but I believe Delora fits better (and we have the nice symmetry of two witches, one male and one female, holding the complementary positions of Magician and High Priestess).
The Empress is a feminine card like the High Priestess but, unlike the third Arcana, the aspect she focuses on is not intimate, intuitive knowledge but rather 'motherhood': creation and nurturing. She is Mother Earth, offering to her children endless affection and sustenance, forgiving their slights when they hurt her because her love is just so deep. So, well, Ophelia might be a Queen and not an Empress, but she has all the other characteristics of this Arcana.
King Genaro
...Okay, maybe quite a lot of cards are rather literal, but it's not my fault they fit so well. The Emperor is the Father to the Empress Mother, to no one's surprise: he loves his children no less than the Empress, but the gift he gives are rather different. The Emperor is a card of unbreakable will, like the Magician, but this time applied not through creation but through laws. He is strict and can appear, at times, rational and cold, but that's his way of protecting his children...and have no doubt, he will protect them. He wields power, but he will never be corrupted by it. So, well, here we are, our beloved King.
The Hierophant, much like the Emperor, is an Arcana of law and order. Unlike the Emperor, however, his domain is far more focused on the society as a whole, his objective being upholding a system of belief and/or traditions. If that system is fair, just and peaceful then good, if it's not...well, you get Alcaster and his plans for a 'better' Angielle.
...Too many to count, TBH
Aight, this is one easy card to explain, since it's exactly what it says on the tin: an union (90% of the time a romantic one) between two persons, working harmoniously together towards a goal. Said goal can be living together, bettering themselves...you name it. Sometimes it's a reminder to choose between two persons, but the usual meaning it's the first one I explained. The problem with this card it's that there are simply too many couples that can fit even discarding my first idea, Garlan and Jurien, since they are already taken for another Arcana. Candidates are Viorica and her fiancee, or Lucette in her Evermore outfit framed in a way that makes ambiguous who the LI is. No shipping wars, thank you.
The Chariot is an Arcana of emotional control. Much like the driver depicted in all decks is guiding the horses in front of them to lead them to their destination, a person blessed by the Chariot will (ideally) guide their emotions without suppressing them but instead using their tumultuous strength to reach their goals. Of course, this card could also means that you are controlling your emotions too much...don't look at me like that, I never said the Arcana have only a favourable meaning. So...well, Prince Rod, case closed.
Much like the Chariot, the Strength is a card dealing with controlling oneself. With quiet determination and unwavering patience most cards depicts a maiden taming a lion, animal representing the wildest, darkest side of her. If you aren't getting what I'm implying go back playing the game, because seriously, just replace the lion with a wolf and the symbolism becomes as subtle as a punch on the nose. Fritz, full stop.
Hans Grimm
I'll admit it, this was an hard Arcana to assign, but I believe I found a rather nice match. The Hermit represents, unsurprisingly, the need for a withdrawal from the world. Maybe it's because you need to reflect alone on your life...or maybe because you feel extremely guilty because your stories (unwillingly) caused a war and countless death, who can say!
Yes, you read that right: you (the player) are the Wheel of Fortune. Chances, situations shifting, choices with uncertain outcome: all are the domain of the Wheel. You are fate, you are the force that sways the path of the Fool, you are, in the end, the difference between a bad and a happy ending. Sadly, it's a bit hard to represent 'the player' in a tarot, so I'm proposing the closer thing that can be easily put down in visual terms: a stained glass wheel (or, well, circular window if you want) with all the routes' symbols (referencing the main menu), maybe with Lucette's slippers in the middle, to represent the biggest choice a player makes while playing (that is, which route will they follow).
Jurien and Garlan
Remember when I said that I considered our favourite knight couple for the Lovers, but in the end I changed my mind? That's because they equally fit the Justice...and no one else does fit this Arcana like them. Justice is the herald of Judgment, a reminder that Karma (not, not him) exists and will reward you as you deserve. Alcaster, dear, thought you could get away with your coup? Bitch, please! Also, the Justice can represent a fair and just attitude, doing the right thing no matter what...well, I don't need to say anything else, right? That's our noble knights, right there.
The Hanged Man, like everybody who has some knowledge of Tarots symbolism will tell you, is Odin, hanging upside down from the branches of Yggrdrasil so he could gain the knowledge of Runes. Rumpel and his quest for knowledge (well, memory, but it's still some form of knowledge) fit nicely. The Hanged Man also warns us that in order to gain something it's often necessary to give up something else: in our case, give away his old habits that ruined him so he can gain a true happy ending.
Parfait (end of Waltz' route)
Death is, probably, the most misunderstood card of the whole deck, though I have to admit lately its true meaning has become more and more known. Death is a card of endings and change (and, unlike the Hanged Man, this change is often forced instead of voluntary), but with the promise of a new beginning. Death is winter, with the implicit promise of a new spring. While Parfait dies at the end of Waltz' route, hope is still alive: her niece will uphold her legacy and a new era will be born, one hopefully devoid of the hate that destroyed the last one. It's sad, to see her go, but she has no more regrets, her story ended: now it's time for a new tale to be told.
Temperance is, by definition, a card about balance and restraint. What does that mean, you ask? Well...other than the obvious meanings, it's a card that encourages solving conflicts with grace and diplomacy. Life will slap you hard in the face (life, and people), but it's (usually) not a good reason to fly off the handle. Keep your wits with you, stay calm, breathe: you will find a way to go on. Don't bend backwards, of course, but do try to let hatred flow away like water in a stream. I have to admit, I had a lot of trouble with this card...then I thought about Annice. True, she can't remember Lucette firing her for something she didn't do (thus she has no reasons to 'fly off the handle'), but she is still a composed, hard working girl. Also, I considered the Lucis and the Tenebrarum for this card (emphasizing the whole 'balance' aspect)...but, in the end, they got roped as candidates for another Arcana (more about that later!) and besides, I wanted Annice to be somewhere in the deck, too.
The Devil is, in short, a powerful reminder of our dark side. Our inner desires, our negative: the Devil appearing in a reading often means that, right now, your worst enemy is none other than yourself. With that being said, this is still part of you and you have to accept it: both stubbornly ignoring your dark side or being completely dominated by it are harmful; that's the message of the Devil. So...that's literally our wolf man, here.
The Tower is known as the card of ruin and, to be honest, this reputation is often well deserved: like a lighting bolt striking a previously (apparently) intact tower, this Arcana warns about sudden, violent changes often revealing flawed bases. Death can be seen as the natural conclusion of a situation: maybe the ending itself was rather sudden, but there were very clear signals about the outcome...not the Tower. Mind you, this change can be a positive one (and since it tends to let everyone see how flawed the previous status quo was it's not entirely harmful), but it's sure shocking! Now, with that being said, if Hildyr and her resurrection is not a lightning bolt destroying the apparent peace in Angielle I don't know what that is!
The Star is one timid Arcana, it's message one of quiet optimism but boy how much strength can the maiden of the Star bring! Thanks to her strong heart and her unwavering hope she can walk through the night unharmed: maybe she will stumble, from time to time, but she will never give up. She will face darkness both external and internal but she will still go forward, her heart unwilling to even just consider the idea of giving up. Even if Emelaigne's trust in herself is far lower than the Star would suggest her heart and faith in others make her an almost perfect fit for this Arcana.
The Moon is a card of illusions. Things aren't like they appear, maybe because someone is pulling wool over your eyes or even because you are doing it, unwilling to see the truth. Still...never trust what you are seeing in the light of the Moon, because it's distorting reality. Of all the character, Mythros immediately comes to mind: he fooled the entire court for years and played Lucette like a fiddle in Fritz' route...with disastrous results (for Angielle. His plan was rather successful). He's not the only manipulative character, but he's surely the one who has 'deception' as his whole modus operandi.
You survived Death, the Devil, the Tower, you endured the deception of the Moon...but you have won. This is a card of victory, and surely not a quiet one! Forget the timid light of the Star...the Sun is full of life and confidence (someone may say full of himself...not entirely wrong, I'd respond), blazing in the sky for all to see. Even reversed this card promises that setbacks are only temporary, no matter how bad things look. After all the night seemed to be dark and full of terrors (cit.), but look at the sky now! So, Karma. Yep.
Lucette (breaking the curse)
The Justice warned you that a reckoning would not be postponed indefinitely (cit.)...and now the moment has come. You are about  to reap what you have sown, buddy. So, if you are a bad guy Karma is about to kick your ass (no, not that Karma. ...Maybe? I mean, Karma kicks a lot of ass)...but what if your efforts were put into, say, being a better person? Well, your reward is going to be great indeed! Lucette is no longer the Fool she was at the beginning of the journey: through sacrifice and pain she has earned an happy ending.
The Lucis and the Tenebrarum, in harmony / Lucette (Queen)
The World is, like the Sun, a card of victory. The journey has ended and you have found whatever you were searching for: sure, you will probably depart again soon, but for now you are complete. This equilibrium is not the unstable one we saw being destroyed in the Tower: it's an hard fought victory that is destined to last. Bask in the joy of the World, accept its message of harmony: you deserve the prize, after all you did to obtain it. With that being said...I can't still decide which one of the two proposals I like more: both are the symbol of the end of Hildyr's reign of terror and generally a big fat 'CONGRATULATIONS, YOU ARE GREAT', but other than that...eh. I'm slightly leaning towards the Crystal, to represent in the deck that important part of the story, but I would not object to either choice.
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empressarcana · 7 years
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Tarot Tuesday's Character Analysis: V
**Tarot Character Analysis has a new format! All characters depicted in these analysis’ belong to their respective owners unless noted otherwise.
***B.W Clover is a character I created specifically for these special Tarot Tuesday posts!
B. Clover has taken it upon herself to share with us her notes and files on Kim Jihyun a.k.a V from that one game where you chat with pretty boys and become their hostage for the duration of each route. Yes, this is another Mystic Messenger character analysis. Thank you again @cheritzteam!
Also, forgive Clover, she is full of the "feels" and might have fallen for another character. Please stick around till the end of the analysis for a WIP sketch of Clover!
Here is my tarot card analysis on V:
Since last week I finished up Saeran's analysis, I felt it was only fair to do the same for V. It was thanks to this request that I started looking into writing these tarot character analysis posts.
Of course, when I wrote V's analysis it was while I was playing his route in Mystic Messenger. There are so many more points I have yet to touch on. I still feel his card is The Hanged Man, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
This time around in Saeran's route, it was painful to have to go through his story as well, watching him go back to his self-sabotaging behavior. Like I wrote in the first part of my analysis:
So, imo V is the embodiment of the Hanged Man Arcana.
First thing that made me make the connection was that the hanged man is the martyr card, sacrifices to be made. V is all about self-sacrifice. He’s always putting Rika, the RFA, MC, and so forth before himself. Sure, he truly felt his decisions would be the best for everyone involved, not including himself, again. He had the best intentions at heart. V is willing to give up everything. I won’t go into too much detail because I still have to finish his route anyway.
Also, another aspect of the hanged man card is the fact that in suspension there is a pause. V is reflecting during his entire route and what I feel is that during said reflections he will find the answers he seeks. The need for V to reevaluate his past actions and even now is very much relevant for the growth of his character.
The Hanged Man is also about letting go. V clearly needs to let go of the past, let go of the need to sacrifice himself for past actions that would only lead to his destruction. By opening up to all the secrets he has kept to himself for so long, V is surrendering, letting go of the control that has been dominating his life for so long. MC is there for him during his route and reminds him of how important all these aspects are.
Last but not least, in surrendering he is also finally accepting the world around him. He understands his existence is full of worth and validation. I feel so strongly about this omg I could go on and on. Sorry for rambling. D: But yes, the hanged man, in my opinion, is the perfect card to describe V.
The saddest of conclusions is that V doesn't value his life enough to ever put himself before anyone else. He truly feels his mission is to protect everyone, but again his way of going about it only becomes distorted in the long run. He tries to cover up lie after lie, desperately trying to make sure no one gets hurt, but unfortunately all the lies do catch up to him, hurting everyone involved.
There is something cathartic about the hanged man, maybe by hanging upside down, all  the fears leave the body through the head, reaching a form of spiritual awakening of sorts. V is holding so much inside, whether he chose to or not and is slowly bringing himself to the point of breakdown. The irony lies in that the Hanged Man is about releasing emotions that have been locked for years, weighing down on the person, not letting them breathe.
V has made his choices and yes they might be questionable but he has always seen things differently compared to the others in Mystic Messenger. The Hanged Man flirts with the idea of thinking outside the box, showing the world a new perspective, that there are two sides to every story.
When in tune with the Universe, The Hanged Man shows those around them this tranquility and understanding. On the other hand, the shadow side of the card reveals a blind form of self-sacrifice. Instead of the self-sacrifice being a liberation of spirit, it is more of personal punishment, especially in V's case. It isn't a coincidence that the Hanged Man comes before the Death card in the tarot, especially in my line-up for analysis, in which I most likely see Rika as Death. In fact, we can go a little deeper remembering that in the tarot the Hanged Man is also considered the traitor and is suggested they are Judas. How ironic that... Rika is considered the "Savior". Could it be that V is Judas "the traitor"? (I emphasize the quotes because I am only considering this thought as Rika might see it through her own eyes.) Food for thought.
But like I mentioned before, V's happiness comes through finally accepting himself and loving himself enough to value his wants and needs, not just others. I love him so much, honestly. He needs all the warm hugs and time to realize his own self worth.
Thank you so much everyone for reading through this! I feel I have just opened up a can of worms and might have to make a future post, or just make an analysis for Rika, honestly. Please look forward to it!
I really do enjoy writing these for characters that I love so much. Thank you Cheritz for creating such an amazing game. I definitely look forward to analyzing more of your characters in the future.
BONUS: Please keep in mind, writing is my stronger suit but I wanted to sketch out what I feel Clover looks like. (I do want to work on my art style in the future though!) I will be posting the full sketches later on as well.  🍀  
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Smol little bean Clover feels rather passionately for V but feels he is an emotional masochist. But alas, she continues to research him and add more notes to his file. She does not have a crush at all. (Which seems to happen often oh goodness)
Credit for the psd mock file format: Thanks to Pixaroma!
Check the Tarot Tuesday tag for more content! Including more Mystic Messenger characters! Also, let me know if there is a character you’d like the Intuitive Analysis Team to, well, analyze! PSA: I would like to make Tarot Character Analysis into a youtube series! Please do support me so I can make it happen! 💋🔮💖
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