#even when white. but ive more seen complaints of the opposite
bucephaly · 1 year
congratulations on reconnecting with your cherokee ancestry!!!!! if it's not too nosy could i ask how you got started on this journey? did you know you had native ancestors and decided to look more into it?
Thank you !! It's not nosy! I'll put it under a cut cuz idk how long it'll get
So honestly no, I didn't really know. It's on my dad's dad's side and I never knew him. My grandma divorced my grandpa when my dad was around 10 and his step dad adopted him. Plus he never really talks about or to his family much and I'm only just now getting back in touch with my aunts on facebook
I just remember once my grandma telling me my dad had Cherokee ancestry, and I ignored it cuz i was so sure it was the same granny story everyone around here [in the south] has lol. [I didn't know at the time that my dad was born in WA and his dad was from there, my g grandad moved from OK to WA in the 40s, idk why]
Then later I asked and he messages one of his sisters, who said that their dad went to OK and found that 'his great grandma came off the reservation' and so they assumed my dad was 1/16 and me and my siblings were 1/32 [not true], which they somehow got in their head was 'the lowest the tribe still recognizes' lmao [also not true, if you have an ancestor on the dawes roll you're eligible for CNO citizenship]
Anyway, about a year ago I started doing research on ancestry [my mom luckily had a membership] and I quickly found that my gg grandad and his dad are both on the dawes rolls, the later of whom was a baby during the trail of tears. I'm also a Nancy Ward descendent
I found all this a year ago, got excited for a bit and kept going wildly back and forth abt whether I had any right to reclaim that identity, seeing as how I'm 1: very thin blood and 2: white, but I am eligible for CNO citizenship, but I didn't even know I was until then, but I'd love to learn more, etc etc etc. I kept talking myself out of it saying 'nah dude shut up you're white and you'd be taking resources and shit from others if you went around calling yourself cherokee'
So a year passed and something got me looking into it again abt a month ago, I looked at r/cherokee on reddit and saw some folks being pointed towards a cherokee genealogy Facebook group + people saying that yea anyone who has a documented ancestor on the dawes roll is valid to reconnect etc etc
So I got research done in the genealogy page and everyone was so welcoming, I got invited to a group of Nancy ward descendants, I got into the main cherokee Facebook group and I'm seeing how welcoming everyone in there is etc.. and I'm working on getting documents together to apply for citizenship! [Which is a massive pain since my dad was adopted, those documents are hard to get] and now I'm finally feeling like I can claim that identity ! Obviously I'm not a citizen yet but I'm working on it, and I have no doubt I'll be granted citizenship barring some sort of documentation mishap.
Obviously I'm still learning and reconnecting and I'm also white, I don't claim to know anything abt anything, nor do I claim any sort of oppression or whatever lmao, I'm just learning more and I'm really excited about it! I'm grateful to the cherokee groups I'm in for being so welcoming and open to 'lost' cherokees that were disconnected [and note these are legit groups, like ones that are exclusive to those who are citizens or can prove that they are documented descendants, not some random bullshit Facebook group haha]
I'm also learning the language some! So far I only know a few words and the syllabary, but I plan to jump into the live language classes when they start again in fall.
ᏩᏙ! Thanks for the ask! I'm glad you did ask because I know it's common to just sorta claim cherokee ancestry so I've wanted to explain and all.
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If you truly are the master of unpopular opinions, then I challenge you to name ten of them. Across any fandom you like.
Oh snap. Well, I certainly wouldn’t say I’m the master. A lot of my ships are pretty popular ones, for example. I think it’s mostly that a number the fandoms I follow feel like their stories have gotten bad recently, but I mostly disagree. I’ll try to tag each discussed fandom and character! 
1: Star Wars: The Last Jedi is amazing. It’s the best movie in the new trilogy. I love Luke’s character arc, even the flashback moment that everyone hates. I really liked Rey being nobody (R.I.P.) and Rose was a great addition to the story. People unironically say she’s worse than Jar Jar Binks and I just don’t get it. How are they in any way comparable? Oh, and while we’re on the subject of Star Wars - I’m a Reylo shipper who also loves Finn and Stormpilot. Yes, we do exist. I’ve also made my peace with Rise of Skywalker. It’s a terrible movie...when you watch it as a sequel to existing Star Wars. But watch it as a standalone film? It’s pretty damn good. 
2: Pokemon: Looker is one of the worst characters in the entire franchise. I feel such visceral, most likely irrational hatred for him. First of all, I don’t like it when the police are utilized in pokemon whatsoever, because they don’t really fit in this world, but Looker...when he’s not being creepy as hell, he’s just absurdly annoying, and forces himself into your life. I just want him to go away. Black and White are two of my favorite titles, but I still remember yelling “Get out of my house!” when he turned up in the post-game. As much as Sword and Shield have problems, I was overjoyed when I finished the game and realized that he hadn’t appeared.
3: Avatar: There is a certain moment in Legend of Korra, Season 2. I’m not going to spoil it, but it was a moment that broke everyone’s hearts and changed the game forever. Yeah...if you know, you know. People hated this twist. They felt like it ruined the series. Suffice it to say, I disagree entirely. Sure, that moment completely broke me as well, but I don’t think it was bad writing. I think it was incredibly bold and powerful. I appreciate that moment and how the characters had to move forward with that having happened. I felt like it was drama done very well.
4: Harry Potter: J.K. Rowling is...not the worst person to ever exist? Not even close? I’m not nearly the staunch defender of her that I used to be, as it has recently come to light that she’s kind of transphobic. Which breaks my heart, and I hope she learns better. However, literally...all the other complaints against her don’t make any sense? I feel like I’m going to get messages about this one, but I’m happy to respectfully counter-argue the reasons people have for hating her. As much as she can be problematic...she still gave us this universe. And as much as I love the Potter fandom...we can also be a bit entitled. EDIT: She has gotten far worse since this was posted and any desire to give her a second chance has since shriveled away.
5: Timeless. Garcia Flynn has always been my favorite character, and the fan-made Seasons 3 and 4 have made something of a Lucy x Flynn shipper out of me. However, I also don’t hate Wyatt. I actually love and enjoy his character....yes, we do exist. I’m gonna say it over and over again: Wyatt deserved better. Sure, he didn’t treat Lucy very well in Season 2. Considering how his worlds were colliding in ways no one could have predicted, I think we can acknowledge that he was wrong, and move on from it. If nothing else, he shouldn’t still be on the hook for it by Season 4. But...no. I guess he is. (Sigh)
6: Undertale: Asgore is not a terrible person. This is one of the weirdest takes I’ve seen, but people hate Asgore. More than just acknowledging that he’s flawed, they despise him. To the point where they write in head-canons that he groomed Undyne into being a child soldier, or that Toriel was forced into an arranged marriage and didn’t love him....the canon clearly defies both of these ideas. And I get it, he’s killed children before. His cowardice meant he couldn’t fully commit to saving his people. Fair enough. But he’s not evil. No one in Undertale is, that’s kinda the point. Also, you might think I’m an Asgoriel shipper, but no. Definitely not. I’m an Asgore fan, and I prefer Soriel. Yes, we do exist.
7: She-Ra: I’ve talked about this before, but even though I agree that Catra and Glimmer are interesting foils of each other....I don’t understand the idea that Catra opening the Portal and Glimmer activating the Heart of Etheria are somehow supposed to be comparable, or draw parallels between the two of them. Glimmer genuinely thought she was doing the right thing, that she would defeat the Horde and save everyone. She was misguided, but her motivations were selfless. Catra...was furious at Adora and just wanted to stick it to her. When Entrapta tries to warn Catra of the danger, she sends Entrapta to her presumable death. Catra’s motivation wasn’t noble. It was spite. Then, at the end of it all...she blamed Adora. Glimmer took responsibility for her mistake. To be clear, I’m not Anti-Catra at all. I’m just a very dedicated Glimmer stan. 
8: Game of Thrones. I thought Season 8 was okay. The very ending, with the Grand Council? Absolute garbage. Do not talk to me about King “Bran” or the pointless exile of Jon. But everything before that? Even the destruction of King’s Landing? I was fine with it. Mostly because I kinda saw the warnings signs long before Dany got to Westeros. Was Season 8 amazing? No, Season 7 was better, but I still liked 8. Side note, because I just have to keep this recurring line alive - I’m a Sansa stan who will defend everything she ever does, including her betrayal of Jon, but I’m also a Jonerys shipper. Yeah...we do exist.
9: Doctor Who: I love the twist introduced in “The Timeless Children.” It blew my mind and it changes everything. I don’t think it ruins the canon at all, I think it reinvents it into something mysterious and intriguing. The rest of the episode? Eh...I love the Master, but other than that...Most people tend to think that this episode was at least better than “Hell Bent” barring the twist. I...feel the opposite. At least in Hell Bent, the timelords acknowledged that the Doctor was behaving out of character. At least that was the point. In this episode, using the death particle on Gallifrey with no moral debate about it...Doctor, you had a seven season character arc about why doing that was wrong. (Side note, Day of the Doctor is my favorite episode, so I am not happy the Gallifrey is gone again.) Even so, it has to be said - The Jodie era has been amazing. I will never understand why people don’t like it.
10: Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse: Oh boy, it’s an unpopular opinion to even like this game, and I love it. Most people agree that the story is weak and cliche compared to the original. I disagree. It’s more like a different style. Yes, this game is very “anime” whereas the original felt more like a bible story. But this game has that rag-tag team of misfits who form a found family, and I just live for that trope. Speaking of the characters, my favorite is Asahi. I know people hate her, but I found her to be incredibly endearing, and she had an amazing character arc. Right up there with Hallelujah and Gaston. Nozomi, on the other hand....(deep inhale) let me know if you want to hear my rant about her...
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slippinmickeys · 5 years
Release Valve (9/10): Warehouse 11
<<<Vincent, Marcie Lynn#>>> <<<Scully, Dana Katherine#>>> <<<MUFON>>> <<<Hagopian, Elizabeth Marie#>>> <<<Spender, Cassandra O’Neal#>>> <<<Spender, (?)(***)#>>> <<<Northern, Penny#>>> <<<Kevin Scanlon, MD>>>
Isaacs leaned back from Stone’s computer. She didn’t know what to say. “And these are just the keywords I used,” he said, “I picked a random sampling of names and terms from the X-Files. And then only a handful.” Stone bit his lip and looked at Isaacs levelly. “There could be a lot more in there,” he said. “Could the DOD have copies of our files? Maybe that’s why it pinged on so many?” Stone shook his head. “The DOD and DOJ are on completely different operating systems. And in any event, I don’t see any reason for the DOD to retain DOJ files. It makes no sense.” “We need to call Mulder,” Isaacs said, reaching for her phone. “Are you kidding?” Stone said, eyebrows raised. He tapped on Scully’s name on the screen. “You know how he is with her. If he sees her name on this, he’s going to flip.” Isaacs dropped her hand. He wasn’t wrong. “I think we need to check it out ourselves,” Stone said. “See what we can find and substantiate. Once we get more, we take it to Mulder. To Skinner.” “What, you think they’re just going to let us march up to the front door of the Pentagon? ‘Hi, we need to take a look at the computer that hacked us!’” “That’s the thing,” Stone said, turning back to his computer and typing a few more things. He leaned back. “It’s a DOD computer, using a DOD system and server, but it’s not located at the Pentagon. It’s an off-site location.” “What location?” Isaacs asked. Stone typed a few more things, then rolled his chair over to the graphing table and pulled out a map. “Would you believe a warehouse by the Springfield Mixing Bowl?” “You’re kidding,” Isaacs said. “I would never.”
Stone and Isaacs pulled up to the warehouse complex and parked a half block down. They’d cruised around it once, getting a feel for what they were dealing with. The building was three stories, and only the third floor had windows. It had one front door and a boarded up loading dock in the back. It was run-down and derelict looking. There was not a soul in sight. “If this is a DOD building, I want to know where my tax dollars are going,” Stone said, putting the car in park and cutting the engine. “Your paycheck for one,” Isaacs said, assessing the building through the windshield. “Complaint withdrawn,” Stone said. After a moment, Isaacs reached into the back seat and pulled out a dark hooded sweatshirt. She pulled it over her head and raised the hood, pulling it down so it almost covered her eyes. “I’m going to go take a closer look,” she said, and was out the door before Stone could argue. Stone was almost ready to panic when she opened the passenger door and dropped inside, coming from the opposite direction. “Went around the whole thing,” she said, “it’s closed up pretty tight.” Stone could smell the outside air hanging on her sweatshirt. He scraped a hand through the stubble on his chin. He’d forgotten to shave this morning. “Could you tell what kind of security they’ve got?” He asked. “Front door has a fancy key pad,” she said, “and other than the loading dock, which is plugged up pretty tight, the only other way in is through the windows up there.” She pointed to the third story windows. “No guards and I didn’t see any other cars. I don’t think there’s anyone actually here.” “This key pad,” he said, “is it a numerical pad or a magnetic strip swipe, or both?” “You mean the thingie where you swipe your thingie?” Isaacs asked, miming swiping a credit card. “Yeah,” said Stone, speaking fluent Isaacs. “Both,” she said. “All right,” said Stone, turning the ignition on the car. “We’re going to take a field trip.” XxXxXxXxX The speakeasy panel slid open, revealing a beady pair of bespectacled eyes. “Who are you?” The voice was muffled. “You know who we are,” Stone said, impatiently. Isaacs was hanging back, not entirely sold on this plan. Mulder had mentioned the Gunmen to them, but had never made an introduction.
A more muffled voice came from further inside. “Jesus Christ, Frohike, just let them in!” The panel slid closed, and after the noise of a lot of locks being thrown, the metal door creaked open. “Come on, make it quick.” Stone hustled in, but Isaacs took a more measured pace. A bearded man wearing a suit came up to Stone when the door had been slammed shut. “Byers,” he said by way of introduction, and held out his hand for a shake. “Are Mulder and Scully okay?” Stone shook it. “They’re fine,” he said, “but we need your help.” Another man with long blond hair, also wearing glasses stood leaning against a wall with his arms crossed. “We might be able to help you,” he said in a nasally voice, “depending.” Stone turned to him. “Langly, right?” Stone said, “I’ve seen some of your work. Impressive.” Langly shrugged. “I’ve seen some of yours too, I can’t believe you went federal. The Rainbow Line hack was inspired.” It was Stone’s turn to shrug. “I was a kid,” he said. Isaacs finally spoke up. “I’m sure it’s great and all, everybody meeting their heroes, but we’ve got a bit of a time sensitive situation, here.”
All four men in the room turned to her. “She’s got legs to her neck,” Frohike said appreciatively. “You must be Frohike,” said Stone, “don’t be gross.” “No,” said Isaacs, grinning, “he can go on.” XxXxXxXxX Stone laid it all out to the Gunmen. They were equally intrigued and appalled and agreed to help get them the equipment they’d need to get into the DOD warehouse. Byers handed Stone the small parcel. It was a jumble of wires coming out of a hard plastic case. A credit card sized key card was hanging off of it by a wire.
“You may have to reset it every time you come to a different key pad,” Byers said seriously, “it could take a minute.” Stone nodded. “We appreciate your help,” he said. “If you get anything good,” Langly said, stepping forward, “we want the exclusive.” Frohike grabbed Isaacs’ hand and kissed the back of it. “My lady,” he said, bowing. “Kind sir,” she said, returning the gesture.
She and Stone made for the door. Once they were out into the night, Stone cut his eyes to her. “You didn’t have to do that, you know,” he said. “Do what?” “Humor that dirty old bird.” “Hey,” said Isaacs defensively, “it’s not everyday a girl gets a compliment.” XxXxXxXxX Isaacs had insisted they both go home to change into dark, loose clothing. Stone jumped into her car when she came by to pick him up and she shot him a look. “What?” He said, “it’s all I had.” He was wearing dark jeans and a baggy black hoodie with “311” across the front in big white numbers. “I said ‘subtle,’” Isaacs said. “You said ‘dark,’” he said, defensively. Isaacs shook her head and drove on. She exited near the Mixing Bowl and parked where they had earlier in the day. At night, it looked no different. There were no lights on anywhere in the building, which was a relief. “Let’s walk around the building once,” Isaacs said, slipping off her seat belt and opening the door, “make sure there aren’t any surprises.” They made one lap and found it exactly as they had earlier in the day. “I still don’t see any cameras,” Isaacs said. “You ready to do this?” Stone nodded, adjusted the small backpack he’d brought and pulled out the device the Gunmen had given them. “Is that thing gonna work?” Isaacs said softly as they approached the door. “Guess we’ll find out,” said Stone. He ran the card through the reader and waited for a moment. Three beeps and the lights on the key pad turned green – the door buzzed open and then they were inside. Isaacs took a minute when they were in the door. She took out her flashlight and weapon and slowly panned them across the room. It looked like a standard reception area. One tall desk with a phone and sign-in sheet and five or six uncomfortable looking chairs lined up against one wall. There was no signage or paperwork on the desk. Stone pulled out his own flashlight, the door decoding device in his other hand. “You have your weapon, right?” Isaacs asked quietly, even so her voice sounded loud in the room. “In my holster,” Stone whispered, moving to the next door. It also had a key pad entry. “Byers said we might have to reset it?” Isaacs asked. “Let’s see,” said Stone, and he swiped. Once again, after a moment three beeps and the key pad light turned green. “Look for motion detectors and trip wires, would you?” Stone said, with a hand on the door handle. Isaacs nodded. They went through. The next room was large, something you’d expect to find in a warehouse, with large glass tanks scattered throughout. The tanks were empty, each lined with a dusty black film. The room smelled like a dental office. Isaacs shone her light through one of the tanks. “Nasty,” she said, crinkling her nose in distaste. At the far end of the room, there was another door. Stone’s scanning device got them through that one too without issue. It led to a long hallway, with 4 sets of doors along each wall. Each one had a key pad outside of it, and a window in the door. Isaacs scanned the corners of the hallway for motion sensors, and seeing none, moved to the first door, shining her flashlight through the window. The room was narrow but deep, neatly lined with metal gurneys, a small IV stand and medical portal next to each one. Isaacs turned to Stone with a look. “What the fuck kind of place is this?” She asked. “Look for computers,” Stone said, shining his light in the room across hers. “Bigger units and work stations or a server room.” The quickly scanned the other doors in the hallway. “The third floor maybe?” Isaacs said, holstering her gun. Stone nodded. “We need to find some stairs.” A few doorways later they found the staircase, simple and industrial, and climbed their way up. The door to the third floor had another key pad unit. Stone tried it. This time, the pad gave one long beep and the numbers flashed red. “Shit,” Stone said, “Going to have to reset it.” He tinkered with the unit in his hands. A small light on its side blinked blue and Stone tried the key pad again. Three beeps, the numbers turned green, and they were in. Isaacs pulled her weapon back out and they took a step inside. This is what Isaacs had expected of a Department of Defense building. There were four large work stations with sophisticated looking computers and equipment at each one. Off in the corner looked to be a smaller PC connected to a large bank of servers that took up one wall. Unlike the other parts of the warehouse, there were dim lights on here, though not overhead, each desktop had a small desktop lamp that gave the room a low green glow. “Gotcha,” Stone said, pocketing his flashlight and heading for the PC at the bank of servers. He dropped his small pack next to the desk chair and sat, working the keyboard quickly. “I’m going to look around,” Isaacs told him, and at his nod, she did a sweep around the room. There were no file cabinets of any kind, and nothing left out on the desktops to snoop, though they were clean, clear of dust, and had been in use recently. At the far end of the room were two more doors. One had no window, but there appeared to have been an old Exit sign above it, removed. The room with the window was tiny, but looked like a small lab. It had one table in the center with a small black cube on top, with one cord leading to what looked to Isaacs like a small, sleek next-gen laptop. Both doors had key pads. Isaacs was just turning back towards Stone, when he made a noise, low in his throat. “What is it?” Isaacs said, trotting over. Stone was rapidly reading the computer monitor in front of him. “JeeeeeSUS,” he said, then turned to Isaacs. His face looked ashen even in the dim green light of the room. “Did you see any kind of lab in here?” He asked her. She hooked a thumb toward the two doors. “Over there,” she said. “What’s in it?” “A little computer. That’s about it.” Stone nodded and his throat bobbed. “Here,” he said, handing her the key pad decoding device. “Take this over there, and when I tell you, try it on the door.” Isaacs held it a little uncertainly. “What if it needs to be reset?” She asked. Stone quickly pointed to three black buttons along the side. “Just press here, here, then here. When the blue light flashes, it should be good to go.” Isaacs walked warily over to the small lab. “You’ll tell me when?” she called over to him. “Yes,” he said, bending over his pack and pulling out a small device. He plugged it into the PC and pushed a button on the keyboard. “Come on, come on, come on,” he said quietly, rocking back and forth on his feet. Something popped up on the screen in front of him and he bent down quickly to look at it. “We’re going to have to move fast, Isaacs!” He called over to her, “they know we’re here!” Isaacs thought she heard movement below them. She ran to the door where they’d entered and put her ear to it – there was clanging on the metal staircase, there were people coming up. “Stone, help me with this!” She called, and knocked everything off of the desk closest to the door, shoving it with all her might. Stone saw what she was trying to do and ran over – they pushed the desk in front of the door. Stone nodded to the key pad decoder. “Go try that other door, see where it goes!” Isaacs ran over. The key pad beeped once and turned red. She tried to remember what order to push the buttons to reset it. It took an agonizingly long time for the light to turn blue. She tried it again. Three beeps and the door opened. It had a staircase that went up – it led to the roof. “We got an exit!” She called over to Stone who was still staring the PC monitor, waiting. “One more minute!” He called over. The men were at the door, shoving at it, the desk blocking their way scraping loudly on the floor as it budged inch by inch. “We don’t have a minute!” Isaacs yelled back. “I got it!” Stone said then, and pulled the device out of the PC, throwing it in his pack and racing over to where Isaacs stood by their exit. “Try the lab door!” He shouted to her as he ran. She tried the key pad. One long beep, red buttons. The desk blocking the door shoved back another inch with a metal-on-metal groan. “We’ve got to go, Stone!” Isaacs said, “it’s not worth it!” Stone made it to her and grabbed the decoder from her, resetting it. “Yes,” he said to her, looking her right in the eye, “it is.” The desk blocking the door finally gave and three men in black tactical gear pushed through, weapons in hand. “Cover me!” Stone shouted while he tried the lab door with his device. Isaacs flipped over the desk nearest them and took cover, training her weapon on the men, hoping they’d shoot first. She’d never fired her service weapon before in the field. The first man through turned toward her and fired, she shot back. She vaguely heard the three beeps of the lab door, she looked back for a second and Stone was in the lab — moments later he dove beside her, shoving something into his pack.
“The exit,” she said, nodding toward the rooftop stairway door, “go!!” Stone dove for the doorway and she stood, spraying the room with fire. The men fired back. She was right behind Stone on the second step when Stone grunted and sagged against the wall. He’d been hit. She shoved a shoulder under his arm and let adrenaline help him up the last few steps to the rooftop. They got on the roof and she slammed the door closed behind them. She scanned the roof quickly and spotted a rickety, rusty fire escape. Stone was holding his side, a grimace on his face, but he was still on his feet. “Can you make it to the fire escape?” She asked him. He nodded. She heard movement on the stairway behind them, and the sound of a helicopter approaching. “Give me your weapon,” she said, “go!” Stone handed her his weapon, moving toward the fire escape and she turned, looking for some place with cover. She saw a ventilation shaft twenty feet away when the door opened right next to her. Reflex taking over, she’d shot the man point-blank in the face before she realized what was happening. The man fell backwards into whoever was behind him and she made all-out for the ventilation shaft, flinging herself behind it as bullets strafed where she’d just been. She cut her eyes to Stone, who was straddling the side of the building, slowly making his way onto the top of the fire escape. The two other men had pushed their comrade out onto the roof and were both firing, one at Isaacs, the other at Stone. Isaacs dove out from her cover and came up firing. She emptied her clip into the man firing at her and raised Stone’s weapon, taking careful aim. The man fell just as Stone dropped onto the top of the fire escape.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 6 years
9x07: Details
Okay, let's talk about details.
***As always, spoilers abound for 9x07. Don’t read until you’ve watched! You’ve been warned!!!***
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I talked yesterday about Rosita running out in the woods alone about how we didn't see where she left Eugene behind. I'll talk about this more tomorrow because I'm going to do a predictions post, but this whole situation is still super suspicious to me.
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We also saw her try to drink from empty water bottle. We've seen a lot of water bottles over the seasons that were all similar. I still have been wanting to do a post about all of them, but haven't gotten around to it. But remember that we did see a lot of all-around death. At the very least.
Jesus and Aaron find Rosita and she tells them she left Eugene in the barn. I think this is super-significant guys, but I will talk more about tomorrow in my predictions post. For now, just know that the barn reference and everything about Eugene being there is important.
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Hilltop is thriving under Tara and Jesus’s leadership. I don't know why Tara just doesn't take over as leader. I get that Jesus might be a figurehead for people because he was Maggie's right-hand guy, but Tara is obviously better at logistical aspects and the day-to-day running of things, so she might as well just take over that part of it.
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At one point, she said they had a noise complaint from trailer seven. This is a very minor detail, but the noise came from a kazoo which is technically a musical instrument or noisemaker and seven, in terms of biblical numerology, also caught my attention.
Aaron and Jesus training out in the woods together, which I think is kind of cool. I noticed at one point, one of them said "Same boat, my friend." So, another boat reference, but also a call back to episode 6x13, which was called The Same Boat. It was one about Carol and Maggie being kidnapped by the saviors. Not sure what to make of this reference, but it's interesting. (I actually have some theories, but this is such a minor point, I’m gonna wait to see what happens next episode first.)
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Tara tells Jesus that Rosita will be okay. She was just dehydrated and on IV. They said almost the exact same thing about Yumiko last episode when she got hurt, and I compared it to Beth. Just feels like more Grady parallels to me. Also in this part, Tara says of Maggie, "She's not here. You are." We could relate that to the “here” symbolism and especially Morgan's Here’s Not Here episode. I won't say too much more about that except that we’ve seen these themes before.
Music/Magna’s Group:
Michonne breaks the violin while guarding Magna's group. I do still think that the musical instrument could represent Beth being shot, and I’ll talk about possible implications of that tomorrow.
The musical discussion the group has is really interesting. It’s kind of a rehash of the discussion Beth and Edwards had at Grady, but more detailed. Edwards says art is transcendent and not about survival, and Beth suggests it’s something they can and should still do. (“I still sing.”) So this was the first suggestion of this idea that, despite needing to put survival first in this world, art and transcendence are still important for the survival of the human race.
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Luke says the same thing here. “They came together as an answer to defeat. They sat around a campfire. They shared their stories with each other in the form of music, and paintings. And they created a common identity. And then they, you know, built communities. And then, as thy grew, Neanderthal retreated, and then after a while they just died out…this is the one thing that separates us from the animals. For better or for worse, it brings us together. And if we’re trying to rebuild something, you can’t ignore that.” So we have a major parallel between this and episode and Slabtown.
At one point on the road with Magna’s group, we heard frogs. So just frog symbolism and more callbacks to Them.
 By far most of the details I saw came from Daryl’s scenes. (Naturally 😉)
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Daryl’s camp is pockmarked with walker traps. Many of them are pits in the ground that the walkers step in and get caught. That reminded me a lot of the fire pit the Beth dug in Still.
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Carol says, "You haven't fixed the boat since last time?" We’ve ever seen Daryl with a boat before, so I'm thinking this has something to do with the 6 year time jump that we don't entirely understand. But, I also can't help but remember the boats that were so prevalent in 5b at Alexandria. Sam played with one, there was one on the water with a red balloon when Rick stood beside the pond. I always thought that was a Beth thing, having to do with all the water and ship symbolism we seen around her, though we don't quite know what it means yet.
I mean, if nothing else, Daryl is pretty much living on a boat, now. Given all the boat/ocean/sailor/water imagery we’ve seen, that’s super-important.
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We also saw a “wrecked” boat in 7x15 near Oceanside. There was definitely some Beth symbolism going on there, so if Daryl’s boat is “broken” it could be the same symbolism.
I said yesterday that pretty much everything I said in my dog post was confirmed here, right? Well, it occurred to me when Carol asked Daryl when he’d eaten last, and Daryl replied, "the dog ate yesterday," that was him associating himself with the dog. She asked when he ate, and he answered by talking about the dog. So, very similar to Buttons, Daryl pretty much named himself the dog. So, everything I said before, (black dog equals Daryl, white dog equals Beth) is definitely true.
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Daryl shot a snake! Yep, an actual snake. I thought this was a combination of two things from Still. In Still, he tried to shoot a squirrel on a tree and missed, breaking one of his arrows. Later, he kills the snake slithering on the ground with his knife. In this case, he actually did kill the animal on the tree, but it was the snake. Then he cut its head off with his knife, similar to what he did in Still. So, I'm wondering if we should be reading into the differences as well as the similarities. Maybe Daryl missing squirrel in Still in some way foreshadowed his and Beth's arc. Like that he would lose her in some way, so the squirrel escaped. Something like that. But in this case, he hits it dead on, maybe because things will be better for him this time around. I don’t know. Just throwing out ideas.
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I also noticed that Daryl specifically doesn’t bury walkers. He kills one of them and Carol asked if he’s just going to leave it there. He says yes, because it keeps animals away. So this is completely the opposite of what he was in 4B. Remember Beth taught him that it was important to bury people, even walkers and people they didn't know. This started out with the Rich Bitch lady, and he helped Beth cover her. We saw it extended after Lenny was killed by the Claimers. But now, he doesn't care at all. He’s just leaving walkers where they fall.
He also refuses to protect people. At least at the beginning. Carol asks him to go protect Henry and he flat out refuses. In a lot of ways, Henry is very similar to how Beth was when she and Daryl left the prison. He’s strong and can take care of himself, but he's also very young and very new to being outside the walls. So was Beth. So, this would be very similar to if, when the prison went down, Daryl simply refused to watch over Beth. I think that's only important to show that he's sort of in the opposite place he was in S4.
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Daryl also skins the snake, just like Still. We haven't seen him do this since 4x12 so this is very significant. Also, kind of a fun reversal of 7x10, when Carol cooked for him. I’m sure they were calling back to that here a little bit as well.
Then we have Carol cutting his hair with a knife. Okay, a couple of important things to recognize here. I thought it was really significant that they specifically did not have her use scissors. We know they had scissors in Alexandria because Jesse used them to cut hair and killed kill a she-wolf. And I'm sure the Kingdom has them as well. Maybe Carol just decided on the spur of the moment to cut Daryl's hair, but even so, they could have her pull out a pair scissors or even had Daryl have one in his camp and it wouldn't have been unrealistic. But they specifically have her use a knife rather than scissors to cut his hair.
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Why is that important? I think it's because scissors are Beth symbol. Tptb use them very specifically in the show for stuff about Beth and Grady, and they very specifically did not want to put that symbol in here because it was not applicable to the situation. If we’re totally crazy and reading into the symbolism way too much, Carol would've just used a pair of scissors. She didn't, which means the scissors are important and specifically could not be used in the scene.
@frangipanilove also made an amazing observation about this scene. Certain shippers are freaking out because Carol touched Daryl’s hair and face and their misconstruing that as romantic. But 
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1) we talked in our group about how that was very much about his scar. The show is trying to draw attention to it, and Carol playing with the hair right over it gave us an excellent look. 
2) @frangipanilove pointed out that this is a PERFECT parallel to the scene in Them (5x10) where Carol gives Daryl Beth’s knife. Think about it. That was a tender moment between them too. She played his hair. And there was a knife present. That’s awesome! Not only is it a callback to a Beth scene, but I’ll talk in a minute about Henry/Beth parallels, so this works well with those as well. And then there’s my predictions post tomorrow. It works well as evidence for all three. Go @frangipanilove!
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 We also found out that Daryl originally went out there to look for Rick's body. That's a super-tragic development because it means that when Daryl walked away at the end of 9x05, he was already going out to look for Rick's body. That makes my heart hurt.
Carol tells him, “You have to let that go.” And I think that’s super-interesting considering he told Rick to let Carl go just before the bridge blew, and now he hasn’t really stopped looking for Rick’s body. He never let it go, any more than he ever let Beth go. Just proves that even though he was preaching that, he doesn’t let things go himself.
It's also super significant in a TD way. We’ve said for years that Daryl looked for Beth's body and couldn't find it, and eventually Rick made the whole group move on. So, it's yet another parallel between Rick and Beth where Daryl looked for the body and never found it. And, you know, Rick's alive so…
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Let's talk about Daryl scars. Henry asked about the scar on his face, and Daryl is very standoffish about it. He refuses to answer and then gets up to look for his dog, sending the message that he'd rather hang with his dog than with Henry.
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Later, we see Daryl's back and find that he has several new scars, including a prominent X scar on his top right shoulder, two parallel lines further down, and then another X scar in exactly the same place as Michonne’s. Yeah, that’s weird. The top X may have already been there. Back in S3, he has something similar, and they may have just changed it so it looks more prominent now. But he definitely didn’t have the same X as Michonne or the parallel lines. As I said yesterday, these are way too clean and even to be normal battle scars.
Several people have suggested they might be brands. If that's the case, we have no idea what they are, or where they came from. Who the hell could have branded Michonne and Daryl of all people? It's not like the two of them would have sat still for it. So, we really don't know what this is pointing to, but it’s quite bizarre.
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Daryl’s dog (Dog) gets caught in one of his walker traps. This had major callbacks to Alone, not only because it was dark, and the dog was barking with walkers around, but because Henry's foot got caught in the trap, too, just like when Beth’s foot got caught in the small game trap.
Henry moved to kill a walker (just like Beth did) and his foot got caught in the trap like her. We even had Daryl helping Henry pull his foot out, getting him unstuck. 
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Which is exactly what he did with Beth. Then he asks if he's okay. Henry says yes, it's just a scratch, which parallels to Daryl asking Beth if she can move it in her saying yes.
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We also had some missing foot symbolism in this scene because the walker Henry kills is originally caught in the trap and trying to pull itself out. When it does, it pulls it’s own foot off. That’s why Henry had to jump in and help him. Remember that two of the major times we saw the symbolism, specifically an unattached foot, was in Inmates when Beth saw the unattached foot by the train tracks and then with Rick and Michonne in 7x12, which was also a major retelling of Still.
Then of course Daryl says to Henry, "I told you to stay back," which pretty much everyone in the entire fandom picked up on. These parallels are pretty undeniable at this point.
Henry even shows Beth’s sarcasm. Beth said, “Thanks for the help,” while Henry says, “Yeah, you’re welcome.” Again, the fact that they’re strong and get right back in Daryl’s face makes him respect them more.
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This is where things get really interesting with Henry and Daryl. Very much like with Beth, once Daryl goes through an experience with Henry, where they survive together, and especially when he can see that Henry strong, he instantly has more respect for him. The dynamic between Daryl and Henry here was very similar to Beth and Daryl’s in Still and Alone. At first, Daryl is very robotic and closed off to Henry, but after Henry helped save his dog, and Daryl himself, Daryl sat down and opened up to Henry without being prompted, telling to him about how the dog checked walker traps and thanking Henry for his help.
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Then, also like Beth, Henry kind of calls Daryl on his crap. When Daryl says that if Carol needs him, she knows where to find him, Henry says she shouldn't have to. Daryl then asks if Henry truly wants Daryl looking over his shoulder all the time.
(Oh, I forgot to mention the whole chaperone thing. The Beth razzed Daryl about being her chaperone at the moonshine shack, and they use the same verbology here with Henry asking Carol if she thinks he needs a chaperone. So yet another parallel there.)
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 Henry replies that it's not just about him, which seems to impress Daryl. Henry really doesn't want a chaperone, but he'll do it so Carol has peace of mind, and I think Daryl seems impressed by that. 
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So, much like Beth, Henry and his goodness and innocence pulls Daryl out of his robotic survival state and kind of guilts him into being a human being again, which brings them back to civilization. Major, MAJOR parallels here. I’ll talk more about where we think this Daryl/Henry arc may be headed tomorrow.
Another thing to note, though it’s not specifically a TD thing, is that Carol allowed Daryl and Henry to interact on their own. She was always in the background, watching, but didn’t tell them she was there. I think that’s significant for a couple of reasons. 
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Carol knows both these guys can handle themselves, but she’s still around, being Mama Carol and making sure they’re okay. But I think she knew going into this that she wouldn’t be able to convince Daryl to go to Hilltop on her own. She’s not the one who changes his mind about stuff. (Think Beth: “What changed your mind.”) But Carol was hoping that Henry could change Daryl’s mind, and he did. This might be an indication of the insight Carol has into Beth and Daryl’s relationship, or if not that, into Daryl himself. She knows the effect people like Beth and Henry have on Daryl and was banking on Henry getting through to him. That’s why she didn’t interfere, and also why she was smiling when Daryl agreed to go at the end of the episode: she was right.
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So at the end, we get Daryl and Carol finally getting to hilltop and kind of reuniting with some people. Michonne isn’t actually there yet, but she probably will be by the time Daryl, Jesus, and Aaron get back with Eugene, so we'll have a reunion of sorts.
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So the structure of this arc is feeling very much like 4b to me. After the prison fell, everybody was divided into little groups, right? We had the same thing here. Michonne in Alexandria, Carol at the Kingdom, Tara at hilltop, Maggie off with the Commonwealth. And, of course, Daryl out on his own.
So this confirms @thegloriouscollectorlady’s 4 Arcs for 4 Communities theory. I’m also thinking about the fact that in 4x15/4x16, all the little groups reunited at Terminus. Now we’re seeing something of a reunion in 9x08 and a further introduction of a bad group (the Whisperers) to mirror the Termites.
So, we might argue that if 9x07/9x08 mirrors 4x15/16, well, we didn’t actually see Beth until four episodes after that in 5x04. So, maybe they’ll give us something in the MSF, or maybe they’ll make us wait until 9b or the finale to see her. As always we will just have to wait and see.
Okay, I’ll stop there. I have a lot more to say but it’s more about where we think these arcs may be going. I’ll talk about that tomorrow. Anything I missed?
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adangerousbond · 5 years
The Garden can Break the Greenhouse
I think this will be about 2 chapters all up, I have a few other stories I have been trying to work on and start but there are very few stories for Reade/Zapata, so I needed to write my own in the mini break.
Read below or at FF.net // AO3
There had been multiple times throughout this mission that she had been unsure if she would succeed; the moment she had realised just how hard it would be to walk away from everyone, when she had watched the entire room around her fall to the ground, unsure if she was going to be next, confronting Reade in his apartment and more recently when she had been kidnapped and interrogated by fake CIA agents, all because Madeline got a little unsure of her, but this time felt different, because at least if she had not survived, she had won.
Slumping down against a crate, she closed her eyes for a moment in an attempt to make the dizziness disappear, her fingers sticky and wet from the blood seeping through her shirt and her ears pounding as she breathed through the pain. She had left Madeline in a room that she knew her team would find her, having had gone after the last of the older woman's helpers, knowing full well that it would take her away from the possible route out of the building that had been rigged to blow in a time frame that was too short for her to do much.
Opening her eyes, Tasha glanced towards the doorway she had come through, the pool of blood from the man she had shot a lot larger than when she had last looked and the realisation that she had been down longer than she had realised kicked in, her limited time was disappearing quicker than she could think.
Pressing as firmly as she could into the wound on her side, she ignored her body's complaints and forced herself up, she had come to far and given up too much to not at least try to get out. Her vision was blurring more with each step she took but she continued towards what she believed was the opposite direction of where the bomb had been placed; Madeline's last line of defence, if all else was lost the woman would get some solace in bringing everyone else down with her too.
Rounding a corner, she heard what sounded like footsteps coming closer to the room she was now in, unsure if it was her mind playing tricks or not, she paused to listen, her answer coming as the door opened and a gun pointed through. Raising her gun shakily towards the approaching figure, with a sudden hint of survival kicking in to cover the lack of strength, her brain barely registering the friendly face as they lowered their weapon and rushed towards her.
"Tasha?!" Reade breathed a sigh of relief, concern quickly taking over as he saw she was struggling to stand. Wrapping an arm around her, he took her weight as he led them back out the way he had come in, his other hand holding his gun tight ready to protect them.
Leaning against him, she actually felt safe for a moment, as she focused on keeping up the quick pace he was making them go, both knowing full well that they needed to be out of the building already. A hint of hope rose in the back of her mind, hope that she might actually get out of this mission alive, but it was quickly replaced by the fear that she might get them both killed.
The answer to her question came moments later as he pushed them through a door a few moments later and the bright sunlight hit her face. He continued his path towards an ambulance in the distance, as she glanced over to her former team, locking eyes with Madeline for a moment and nearly stumbling at the ice in her stare, breaking away she caught the mixture of questioning and disapproving looks from the team, even in her state she could tell Reade was ignoring the same looks, something that she tucked away and hoped she would remember later.
As they close enough to the ambulance that the paramedics saw her, she was quickly surrounded by people ready to help but Reade seemed focused on getting her to the vehicles stretcher before he let her go. The distinct sound of the building exploding ripping through the relief that had fallen over then the moment they had made it to the vehicle, Reade holding its back door in a manner to shield them from any debris from the building as they watched it crumble from the force.
She barely remembered the ride to the hospital, waking a while later to the beeping, busy noise and sickly clean smell that could only be one place. Opening her eyes, she glanced around the white room, attempting to sit up without getting caught up in the cords connected to her body, her actions catching the eye of a nurse walking by, who smiled quickly at her before hurrying off, most likely to fetch someone to talk to her.
Her suspicions of the nurse were right when a man and woman in doctor's coats entered, followed by a blank Reade. She was surprised to see him there and it made her wonder if it was to take her into custody once given the all clear, he had made it clear that she was simply an asset and her only usefulness was catching Madeline, which she had done; she didn't have Keaton to get her out of a black site anymore, so CIA or FBI; it didn't make much of a difference to her.
"Miss Zapata, I am glad to see you are awake." The male doctor spoke, the way he seemed to be keeping his distance off her bed not lost on her and she had to wonder if they thought she was law enforcement or the enemy.
"Guess I lived." She stated nonchalantly, making eye contact with Reade for a moment before picking up the cup in front of her as an excuse to look away.
"Are you happy for us to update you with Agent Reade in the room? We can do this more privately if you prefer." The doctor spoke again softer than before, noticing the interaction between the two.
"It's fine." She stated, placing the cup back on the tray in front of her, as she wondered if the fact she wasn't handcuffed was a good sign.
"You had a small gunshot wound to the abdomen, not much more than a graze that we patched up, along with a couple other cuts and bruises that you'll need to keep an eye on, we stitched up the more serious ones. The bigger issue is that you were dehydrated and malnourished, which was making your wounds make you weaker than they should, but we have you on an IV full of much needed nutrients and your hydration levels are much better." He rattled off the basics of her injuries to her as she watched him hold himself back, clearly wanting to ask questions but knowing better than too.
"I would also like you to have a chat with our counsellor before you go." The female doctor spoke up, clearly going against a decision the two of them had decided upon before coming into her room.
"Why?" She asked a lack of anything to her tone that she then realised probably didn't help her situation.
"Well, your displaying clear symptoms of being held against your will and of being tortured, pretty seriously by what I've seen, so I would like you to at least have a quick chat with them first." The concern about her welfare evident on the doctor's voice, but Tasha couldn't help but feel it would dissipate if she knew the things she had done.
"When am I leaving, by the way you two talk it sounds as if I am being discharged pretty soon?" Tasha questioned, ignoring the statement and any questions it brought with it as she glanced at the small group at the end of her bed.
"We have a plane waiting to go back to New York." Reade spoke authoritively and his reason for being there dawned on her, he was only there to escort her to the ride home; or to a dark hole, she still wasn't sure which it would be.
"I would prefer if you stayed a little while longer, at least to keep an eye on your wounds." The other woman spoke, dropping her other issue for now. "But we cannot force you to stay."
"If you choose to leave, we will give you some medication for the pain and to try to stop infection, and some supplies to change the bandages if needed, but I would highly suggest going into a hospital as soon as your stateside." The male doctor explained further, the appearance of her having a choice nearly making her laugh, if only they knew the whole story.
"I'll be fine, changed a few bandages in my time." She stated, pretending to have made the decision all on her own, but they were right and the bruises on her wrists would really hurt if the handcuffs went back on.
Stepping out of the room a little while later having changed into the now clean clothes that she had come in with, bar her shirt that they had cut open, but having been given one of the hospitals light green scrub shirts to wear instead, she definitely felt more refreshed than she had in the last few weeks.
"Ready?" Reade spoke coldly, as if he was here for a job and that was it; which she supposed he was.
Tasha nodded in response, handing the clipboard she was holding to a nurse at the nurses' station as they started their way to the elevator. The coldness between them hurting, but she pushed it down, knowing she had hurt him more and it had been her choice, so she didn't deserve anything but.
Their silence continued in the drive to the airport, only interrupted by a call coming through midway there, the silence returning as quickly as the call ended. As they approached the hanger, she wasn't sure if she should be worried or thankful that they had a private jet waiting for them, the unanswered question about her fate slowly eating away at her.
Following behind him quietly, at the very least she knew that was all she could do at the moment, choosing that it was safer to prepare for the worst than to hold on to the slither of hope. She took the stairs to the plane slowly, ignoring the way he waited at the top as to ensure she didn't try to run and hated that she couldn't read if he was impatient or concerned as she past him and made her way to a seat.
Curling in against herself, she sat in a seat next to a window silently, letting the other members of a team she was once a part of move around the plane, only stopping what they were doing as the plane moved towards the runway and then took off, soaring towards its destination and potentially towards her hell.
"How are you feeling?" Patterson asked as she sat opposite her, breaking her train of thought as the concern from her once close friend brought a tinge of hope.
"Been better." She responded with a weak smile, turning to face her and watching as Rich sat next to her, the two looking as if they were about to start an interrogation of their own kind.
"We got Madeline red handed, HCI Global won't come back from this." The blonde stated getting down to business.
"Good." At least it hadn't ended up all being for nothing, that was something she could hold on to where ever she ended up.
"Why?" Her old friend asked, her question drawing the other occupant to the conversation, as Reade made his way over, having no choice but to sit on the spare seat next to her.
"Why?" Tasha questioned the question, not sure which part of it the why referred to.
"Why did you agree to it?" Rich brought up the first question the group seemed to have for her.
"It's not like he had anyone else lining up to do it, I couldn't exactly turn it down." She tried to explain, but this group was FBI through and through, they had never understood why she had gone CIA and so she couldn't expect them to understand why she had been prepared to give up everything, including her job at the CIA for it.
"Was it because we weren't talking and you two were barely talking?" Patterson got right to the question that had been eating at her, wanting to understand her mindset.
"I won't lie," She started, her comment gaining a huff from the man next to her, "It helped me agree to it in the first place, but when it started, us all being friends again made walking away the hardest thing I have ever done."
"Yet you did it anyway. You left without a word and joined forces with our enemy." The blonde argued, the hurt that she had and was still feeling evident in her tone.
"Even to my standards, that's not right." Rich spoke up, trying to cut through with tension that was filling up the small plane quickly.
"You could have just told us." Reade near repeated the words he had told her when he had her in the FBI just over a week prior.
"I couldn't risk it." Tasha told him sadly, knowing how the words sounded the moment she said them.
"Risk what, we were your team." The were in his sentence cutting the deepest, she knew they weren't a team anymore, but it still hurt to be reminded.
"I had to go deep Reade, I couldn't have any outs, it was all or nothing." She tried explaining from a different angle, she knew they all had their own thoughts as to why she had done it the way that she had and that they were all still hurt by those reasons.
"All you needed to do was tell us enough that we would have known you weren't betraying us, we wouldn't have sold you out." He fired back, bringing trust back into it, because if there was anything that this team had survived on it was trust.
"If I told you and anything went wrong, if I failed I wouldn't have forgiven myself. I couldn't risk anything, and if I succeeded and you guys didn't forgive me that was a something I would have to live with." She told him softly, knowing he had every right to feel the way he did but she hadn't had the choice, after everything she had done, this mission had been the very least she could offer, no matter the cost.
"And if it went wrong, what, we would have just never known the truth?" Patterson asked, anger flaring up in her tone as she listened to the reasoning and knew that it had been a very real possibility.
"Keaton promised he would tell the team the truth if it went bad." The brunette responded, the sentence sinking in as the group realised that it was an outcome that she had not only understood but had had a plan for as well.
"Then why come to me that night." Reade broke the silence, all eyes flying to him the moment he spoke. Looking around the group she knew the other two had at least some understanding that they had crossed a line, but they hadn't quite known how far over the line they had gone and the other two was just as surprised as she was that he was bringing it up now.
"I know I shouldn't have, it was selfish, but like I told you, I thought I would never see you again." She stared him down like she had in the interrogation room, needing him to know that as much as she had lied and hurt him, that her feelings were real and that she hated hurting him.
"You also told me that you always loved me, but I guess just not enough to tell me the truth." He threw her words back at her, both of them ignoring the way Rich was watching them as he was watching a day time soap show.
"You and I both know I would have ruined us anyway." She sighed, a lone tear escaping as she droped his eye contact as and wishing he would drop the topic for a time more private, but also glad that he was somewhat prepared to talk to her and that he had clearly confided in Patterson, who was watching the two with a sad expression, having had conversations with both, she understood that they were both in pain.
"How is it you keep making that choice for me?" Reade used a previous conversation against her once more and like before, not really expecting her to answer that statement.
"How about we stop there before someone says something they can't take back?" Rich spoke up, starting to get a touch uncomfortable, confrontations; especially those in a confined space, were not at the top of his list for enjoyable situations.
"Oh, we have said way worse to each other." Tasha couldn't help but joke, her words dropping the group back into silence.
"Where's Jane and Weller, are they okay?" Tasha asked after a while, feeling comfortable enough in the group to start asking her own questions.
"Chasing up a lead for Jane." Rich responded without thinking, his answer drawing an inquisitive look from the brunette and a sharp glare from the man opposite him. "And I've said to much."
She knew better than to push her luck on the subject, clearly there was going to be things that she would miss and they all barely seemed to tolerate her, let alone trust her with information on the two main members of the team, but it still hurt. Watching Rich get up and head towards the planes far corner where his laptop lay waiting, Tasha realised that he was distancing himself before he said anything further.
"Wait." She spoke up as Reade moved to stand as well, her request gaining a glare, but he remained seated none the less, as she got the courage to ask the question haunting her the most. "What's going to happen to me?"
"I'm not handing you over to the CIA if that's what you're worried about." His words didn't answer her question fully, but they gave her a glimmer of hope, something that was quite dangerous to her right now.
"What then?" She pushed further, she mightn't have the right to push about anything else, but she knew this was the one topic that no one could blame her for wanting an answer to.
"Well they are going to want to debrief you and as Keaton is still unconscious and though Claudia backed you up to me, she might not be so forthcoming with them, but for the mean time you'll remain in FBI custody, might even set you up in a safe house if it comes down to it." He explained, trying to sound as if he was talking to any other informant but the three of them knew that he was bending his power as deputy director.
"Really?" Tasha asked, hope slipping into her tone for the first time in a long time and she couldn't stop the small smile crossing her features.
"Well the end result was beneficial to the FBI, least we can do is make sure you don't get thrown into some dark hole." He reasoned to everyone, including himself, as he looked down to give himself a chance to school his features.
"Thanks." She responded, relief pushing aside her pain for a moment as she suppressed the urge to hug him, knowing that that action would not be well received.
"We should probably go over some key points before they get a chance to brief you though, like for starters, were the doctors correct when they said that you had been tortured recently?" He switched back to a line of conversation that he was in control of.
"Yes." She answered too coolly, the only sign that the question even bothered her was the way that she pulled her legs a bit closer, even though the action would cause her pain.
"Who?" Patterson spoke up for the first time in a while, the news surprising and concerning her, she knew it hadn't been an easy mission, but this was something else.
"They grabbed me when I was supposed to meet Del Toro, pretended to be CIA or were CIA working for Madeline, but they tried to get me to admit that I was undercover, all I knew was that if I told either option the truth they would have killed me." Tasha started explaining calmly as if it was not her story she was telling.
"Guess you held out." Reade responded coldly but watching her closely non the less.
"Reade!" Rich's voice rang out from over his laptop screen, clearly requesting his presence with what he had been working on.
"We will pick this up later." Reade stated as he rose and walked away from them, Patterson following closely behind, only pausing at another seat to grab a blanket which she then passed it to Tasha.
Folding the blanket into a makeshift pillow, she placed it on the window, figuring she might as well attempt to sleep or at the very least pretend to, to allow her a quiet flight as she knew that they would all leave her alone if rest and right she had to process the last couple of days. She just wished that she could be 100% certain that they would be able to protect her from the CIA, Keaton had been the only one who would have been able to talk them down and even though her mission had succeed, she knew that the CIA would be unhappy with the way she had dragged their name through the mud.
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etherealrj · 7 years
can you do a fic like 5 times richie and eddie get caught? i am a sucker for those.
all the small things
A/N im sorry it took me so long by long I mean ive had it for almost two months in think, my depression has once again defeated my weak ass but here is this. I’m sorry if this isn’t what you had in mind nonnie !
literally no dialogue and pretty much unedited
The first time they got caught didn’t come at all a surprise to Eddie. He knew making out in the Denbrough bathroom when all their friends were ‘asleep’ just one room over was never going to end well. But to his surprise it was but the youngest member of the household who had caught them in the act.
Eddie and Richie were the only two losers who had survived the movie night. Richie more so than Eddie who was only really awake because of the annoying six foot being who stood in front of him, wouldn’t shut up . Eddie had gotten up to brush his teeth, and Richie being Richie decided to follow the small boy into the pristine bathroom of the Denbrough residence.
Eddie glared at Richie’s reflection in the mirror, toothbrush in hand, eyebrow raised. Turning around to meet the face of the older boy, toothbrush now set aside, Eddie noticed a  mischievous glint shining in the eye of the boy who never  seems to slow down.
With his back against the edge of the white sink, Richie placed his hands upon Eddie's hips. He stared into the hazelnut coloured eyes of the taller boy, his own hands laid upon the collar of Richie’s dark shirt. Standing on the tips of his toes he brought his lips toward Richie’s own, waiting for the other boy to meet him halfway.
Richie’s palm lightly rested against Eddie’s jaw as he brought his own lips to meet his. Chapped lips collide with soft ones in a slow, tantalizing battle for dominance. Nothing was rushed, there was no tongue and no hideous amounts of saliva being swapped, just the tight reassuring press of Richie’s lips upon his own. Eddie had relaxed into Richie’s light hold and melted underneath the boy, with lips upon lips Eddie was floating within a dream.
That was until the two boys heard a quiet panicked shriek, making them break apart. Eddie felt his face flush as Richie glanced over his own shoulder toward the door, while Eddie hide his own face within Richie’s shirt.
Eddie felt Richie’s chest rumble, and heard the soft sounds of his quietened laughter before opening his big mouth and say,
“Hey Georgie, Bud. How about keeping a little secret for me, yeah?”
Richie and Eddie had a free period just before all the other Loser's had lunch, so as you could imagine, the secret couple were sat side by side, their backs against the wall and their legs underneath the picnic table, books splayed out in front of where Eddie sat. Their table was located on the outer side of the cafeteria, which meant they were pretty safe from any prying eyes other than the rest of the Loser's themselves.
Richie had one hand above the table, tapping his fingers against the metal of the bench top while Eddie had the opposite hand rested on the edge of his book. Surprisingly no words were passed between the two, and Eddie couldn't find it in his heart to tell Richie to stop tapping, he appreciated the effort the boy was putting in, as he knew he was trying his damn hardest to be quiet as possible so  Eddie could finish the chapter in his history book without any interruption.
Every now and then Eddie would rub his thumb in circular motions against the back of Richie's hand. It always seemed to calm the boy because Eddie would take notice that the tapping had succeed, the air was quiet for a few moments before Richie couldn't contain it any longer, and the sound echoed Eddie's ears once again. Eddie didn't mind.
He liked the small moments they had while alone in public. They almost made him feel like they were an actual couple who weren't hiding their relationship from the world. Even if it was only just as small things such as holding hand underneath the lunch table.
Eddie turned to the last page in his textbook, as he heard the approaching noises of the rest of his friends. He bookmarked the page, knowing once they had arrived their was no hope in him actually finishing the page. Richie gave Eddie's hand a reassuring squeeze, making the smaller boy glance up to his face. Richie sent him a small smile as Eddie retracted his hand from the book and placed it on top of their already laced fingers. He felt Richie's gaze linger on him for a bit longer than necessary, not even the loud echo of Bev smacking her books down upon the metal table made him flinch away.
Eddie had directed his gaze to Bev now, her eyes were squinted in accusation, eyeing the unknown location if both Eddie and Richie's hands. Eddie noticed the appearance of Ben and Mike, who seemed to have trailed behind the fiery red haired girl. Eddie squeezed Richie's hand one last time before, unlacing his from Richie's low digits and placing them on top of the table top.
Bev would be lying if she said she didn't see the defeated look that flashed through Eddie's eyes, as his hands came back into her vision.
Ben had been waiting for Mike to show up at the Aladdin. It was a Friday night and he and Mike had made plans to see, 'Shakespeare In Love.’ None of the other Loser's would be making an appearance claiming the movie was all too 'lame and boring.' Allowing Ben to have had rolled his eyes at their accusations, but Mike being the nice guy he is, said he'd loved to watch it with him, claiming that he too had been interested (which Ben knew was a lie, but he took it anyway.)
So here he was, leaning against the edge of the building arms crossed over his chest, subconsciously hiding behind the side of the wall on the look out for his friend. He held the tickets tightly in his hand, as he carefully watched his surroundings afraid that Bower's and his gang was to show up at any second and beat the living shit out of him.
He saw Mike in the distance and let out a breath his didn't know he was holding in. As the taller boy approached, they greeted each other as Mike set his bike down beside Ben's own, after chaining them together they headed inside the cinema complex. Following the instructions of the valet, they headed down to the furthest cinema door, the room was black as they entered.
Movie had yet to begin, but they followed the seat numbers along and found their chairs, as they sat and made themselves comfortable, they spoke small talk amongst one another, speaking about Ben's newest art project, nothing too serious as they wouldn't want to get interrupted when the movie begins. But as Ben, had opened his mouth to tell Mike about his project and how he was nervous to ask Bev to be his subject, he felt a slap on his shoulder.
He glanced over to Mike who was staring past the boy with widened eyes, he followed his gaze over the aisle and two rows down and snorted. He through his head back in amusement and sunk down into his chair before whispering to Mike,
"Is that?" He questioned, gaze never leaving the two dark figures. He saw Mike nod from his peripheral vision before continuing, "And he has?" Mike nodded again before speaking,
"Yeah, that's uh- Yeah, That's definitely them." One aisle over and two rows down two polar opposite boys were sat.
Richie and Eddie seated, in the chairs closest to the wall, Richie's arm thrown around the back of Eddie's chair, his hand threaded through Eddie's short hair. The smaller boy sat with no usual complaints, head rested upon Richie's board shoulder, a half eaten popcorn sat in the middle of the two.
Mike and Ben, silently vowed they would never tell anyone about what they'd seen as they watch their two friends, stand hands loosely rested within one another, and they continued to watch as their hands separated when walking toward the exit of the cinema.
And it made Ben just a little sad.
Eddie had been staying the night at Richie's place over the weekend, his Mother had left town to visit his sick aunt and the poor boy hadn't wanted to be left alone in his own house and because he knew Richie's parents were never coherent enough to see what was going on he knew this was the perfect time to stay at Richie's.Without the overly large presence of his Mother within the walls of his family home, Eddie felt a whole lot more exposed than he ever had.
It was early Sunday morning and both boys were lying fast asleep, wrapped within Richie's covers. The sun shined through the partially opened curtains and beamed a small light across the floor of Richie's room and finishing at the small bag Eddie had brought over, containing his belongings. The smaller boys shoes laid neatly beside his backpack which was leant against the forever unused desk in Richie's room.
They had plans to meet up with the Loser's at the quarry at eight am sharp like every other weekend.
The Loser’s thought nothing of it when the time had become ten past eight, because knowing that Richie was always late, he had probably dragged Eddie down to get ice cream (a thing they still did that none of the other Loser's could quite understand) but as another twenty minutes had passed, Bill had begin to worry so he and the rest of the Loser's had split up in search of their unreliable friends.
Bev, Ben and Mike had headed toward town with the task of checking the ice cream shop, along with both the arcade and the chemist while Stan had made his way toward the Kaspbrak residence and Bill to the Tozier place. All with their own selected walkie talkies, as to be sure to keep in contact with one another.
As Bill walked along the driveway of the Tozier residence he had received a response from both Stan and Mike. Neither boys were at Eddie's place or the arcade. So he proceeded to make his way through the front door, (knowing that Richie's parents never locked the thing) he made his way up the stairs and toward the door at the end of the hall.  The house was quiet, he heard no noises in sign that anyone other than himself was in habiting the dull house at this current moment. His hand landed on the doorknob and twisted, pushing open the door to Richie's disaster he calls a room.
Bill felt his breath hitch and a small smile spread across his lips at the scene in front of him. His two friends laid with limbs entangled within one another, Richie's arm rested around Eddie's shoulders, Eddie had thrown his arm across Richie's bare chest holding on for dear life at Richie’s spare hand. The blanket pulled up and rested just under Eddie's shoulder, leaving Richie bare chest on display, Bill couldn't even pretend to be disgusted as he knew the oversized shirt Eddie was wearing was very much so not his own. It only made Bill smile at the couple even more.
The two boys looked peaceful, lying in each other's embrace. Bill not wanting to disturb them he slowly backed out of the bedroom, quietly shutting the door in the process before speaking into his walkie talkie as he walked back down the stairs.
He told his friends that he had found the two boys while reassuring them that they were fine. He informed the Loser's that they wouldn't be seeing neither Eddie or Richie for the rest of the day, because something important had come up. It was a small white lie but it was one he was willing to tell.
Richie stood leant up against the locker beside Stan's own, he watched as the Jewish boy pulled his books from the open compartment. Droning on about something Stan wasn't paying all too much attention to, occasionally rolling his eyes in response to something he’d heard. When all of a sudden Richie was off, Stan heard him a yell out a brief "i'll see you in math' but as he turned around to ask him where he was going, he saw the last glimpse of the boy racing around the corner and then the hallway felt all too empty, the halls full of students seemingly oblivious to the Trashmouth’s disappearance. It was as if he was never even there.
Stan was slightly more concerned than he let on, hoping the boy he had been best friends with was okay. Slamming his lockers shut, books in hand, he pushed through the crowd following what he assumed was Richie’s path. There was nothing much down this corridor of the school, three classrooms and lockers lining the walls in between, and a staff bathroom right at the end.
Stan glanced in through the windows of each classroom, noting each and every one was void of any human inhabitants. He couldn’t clutching his books to his chest as he approached the last door on the right.
He had hoped, Richie at this moment was not getting his head flushed down the toilet by Henry and Stan was casually strolling in to join the party. He stood face to face with the ugly blue door, glancing down the empty hallway before reaching his hand and pulling down the door handle. He pushed open the door a smidge and glanced in the tiled room, two toilet cubicles lined the back wall, hand drys on the one across from Stan and too his left a large mirror spread across the wall, sinks sat beneath them.
Leaning forward into the sanitary room just a little more, preparing himself to check the suspiciously quiet cubicles for his curly headed friend. A muffled laugh had halted his progress, narrowing his eyes he glanced to his left. Stan rested his hand over his mouth, hopefully muffling the unexpected gasped he had let out as he stared directly at the back of Richie Tozier’s head.
The taller boy was leaning over, pressing his own Trashmouth lips into the ones of an unknown figure. All Stan was able to see was the small legs wrapped around Richie's waist as the taller boy leant over the figure who was sat on the bench. Stan glanced at the long white socks wrapped around Richie's black shirt, narrowing his eyes sensing a familiar sensation at the sight of the socks.
Stan flinched as Richie leant down to kiss along the jaw of the figure. If he were in any other place Stan would have slapped himself for being dumb, because of course it’s Eddie. Who the hell else would want to purposely kiss Richie Tozier. He glanced back at the couple Eddie’s head thrown back slightly, eyes shut with his hands laced within Richie’s hair. Stan heard laughter from Richie muffled into Eddie’s neck. Richie slowly stepped back, covering Eddie’s figure once again from Stan’s view. He watched as the taller boy lean his head forward, Stan figured he was resting his forehead against Eddie’s own.
Stan stepped backwards to make his way back into the hall, he slowly shuts the door in hopes to not create any obnoxious noise for the rusty screws. One step before entering the hall, he heard soft words echo off the walls of the small space he was leaving behind.
I love you Eddie.
I love you too.
Stan clenched his eyes shut feeling as if his own heart was going to melt. For the rest of the day Stan had to force away the small smile from his face whenever he saw the pair together.
+ VI
Eddie's 18th birthday just so happened to be the night of prom. None of the Loser's had dates, and we're all going stag or as far as they were aware. It had come time for the Loser's to enter the building but they were still missing two members. Nothing had changed the past five years, Richie still showed up late to everything and Eddie was always the poor soul who got dragged along.  
Bev was leant against the tree, cigarette in hand, taking long drags from the cancer stick, her other hand rested on her hip, which was covered by the material of pale pink homemade prom dress which finished just below her knee.  Mike and Bill stood to the side passing a football between themselves, while Stan and Ben rested against the bike racks, small conversation passing between the two.
The night was young, students were still piling their way into the school gym through the front doors of the school. The parking lot was full of shitty cars all alike, and students all seemingly come together for one of the most important night of their young lives.
The loud noise of an engine entered the ears of the present Loser’s, the stereo from said truck was blaring The Summer of 69’ by Bryan Adams as the vehicle rounded the corner. Bev dropped her cigarette to the grass, standing on it with the twist of her foot as she walked to stand adjacent to the bike racks. Not long after Mike and BIll followed and the car came to a stop, in the only available parking spot across from where the Loser’s were stood.
Within the car,  Richie held Eddie’s hand across the console of the car, hand over the gear stick as he put the vehicle in park. Richie glanced over at Eddie nodding in question as the own smaller boy took a deep breathe before returning the nod. He smiled and bit his lip as Richie let go of his hand. The taller boy, jump down from the driver's seat and jogged around the back of his truck, throwing a short, quick wave in the Loser’s direction. Rounding the passage side, standing before the door, hand on the handle, he exhaled a deep breath pulling down the handle and step out of the way for the door.
Richie was wearing a long bright pink button up shirt, tucked into some black slacks (which Eddie made him wear) suit jacket in hand and black worn out converse on his feet. He extended his hand for Eddie take, as the smaller boy jumped down from the seat. Richie watched the smaller boy, stepped down on the concrete. Cladded form head to toe, in formal attire. Black slacks, paired with a black blazer and bright pink corsage pinned onto the blazers right pocket.
Richie held onto Eddie’s right hand with his left hand, Eddie shutting the door with his other. Eddie squeezed Richie's hand as the begun to walk toward the location of the Loser’s.
Stan snorted as he spotted the pair, shaking his head, a smile spread across his face. Bev let out a low whistle, Bill, Ben and Mike clapped their hands and let out a cheer at the sight. The couple approached their friends, Richie hand squeezed Eddie’s own as they came to a stop before them. He ducked his head down and pressed a chaste kiss upon Eddie’s forehead. The smaller boy had been staring at his own feet, he felt his face flush a the contact of Richie’s lips and shyly glanced up to meet the eyes of his friends.
Eddie felt his nerves dissipates when he saw the smiles on every single one of their friends faces, a warm feeling entered his chest when he watched Bev open her mouth and say,  
“Come on Loser’s, lets go fuck up prom.”
A/N 10 points to Gryffindor if u can spot where tf I gave up
IMPORTANT-ish // I fucked up my tag list so now like the loving someone taglist and the normal one have merged so if ur in it and don't want to be tagged in everything I posted just tell me and ill delete youuu x
taglist :  @colinmorgay @its-ya-girl-mercy @tastes-like-cherry-coke @netzoflix @bitch-its-youknowwho @prkrptr @ladycataztrophe @whoisjjacob @eddies-inhaler @stenbroughh @eddierichietozier @scienceyyy @randvmfandoms @letgoofmygreggo @liadfh @smol-and-annoying @trashmouthloser @acourtofbooks @richiedenbroughs @reddie-sett-go @spooksbeverly @puddlewing @howellhxlic @mypenguinlife @livsig @weirdkawaiitentacles @denbruhh @toshitophchan @january-emb3rs @httpsalien @richiedenbroughs @ri-chietozier @richietoaster @birdbabestan @goshdarndiddlyheck @trash-baby-edge-lord @eddierichietozier @sassyclassysatan @darklovies @anothergoldenratio @exceededexpectations @loserichie @get-fcking-reddie @sseolace @just-an-akward-fangirl
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[SF] Decimation
We'd lost contact with each other for a long time and it just so happened that he'd stopped in town and looked me up. Turns out he was staying at a hotel right around the corner from my place. We both picked out a bistro just around the corner, one of those places with the chairs and tables outside. I'd never had the urge to go to the place, I'm not sure why, it might have been that I didn't have many friends in the area, I just recently was a transplant to the area.
Around noon I headed out, walked down several flights of stairs and out onto sunny, windy road. Traffic was about normal, nothing out of the ordinary. The familiar smell of trash day was in the air, and the distant sound of the garbage trucks moving about could be heard. The entrance to my place was on a side road, the landlord had rolled the dumpster far to close to door and the combination of rotting food almost made me gag. I made a mental note to put in a complaint the moment I came back. I reached into my breast pocket and fished out my last cigarette and my lighter, I had to dull my sense of smell after the shock to my nasal cavity.
I took one deep drag, then promptly turned and headed up toward 7th Street.
I wondered what he'd been up to since I left home. Last I heard he was involved with some government branch. Must be nice, I thought to myself, here I am stuck in a new town, in a dead end job. No friends, no family nearby, just the same thing every day. I lifted my head just in time to notice I had almost stepped right on some poor homeless woman's feet. I met eyes with her. I had seen her many times, a few times we shared a quick nod, others a wave. I never bothered to ask her name or do anything nice for her, even though I felt sorry for her. I waved at her while my hand was still in the pocket of my jacket, it made me feel awkward. As I turned to face toward my destination I returned back to my thoughts, realizing that being here was making me miserable. I was lacking motivation to get myself out of town, maybe jump coasts, maybe go back home or at the very least, make some friends. I was lonely.
I came up on the bistro, my friend was already seated. He was wearing a very sharp looking suit, what you would expect a government kind of man to wear. Those cliche'd glasses, and tapping away on his cell phone madly. He's eyebrows went up and down as if he was trying to be dramatic to whom ever he was responding to. I sat down and he immediately looked up, smiled then put his cell phone in his breast pocket.
"Long time John! How've you been? You look like crap." he said.
Way to start this off Jerod, you wank. "I've been better, been home recently? How's your sister?"
"Please don't start on my sister already, you had your chance, get on with it. Hey, do you mind if we order? I've got this thing...", he nervously responded.
"Sure, why not. What have you been doing anyhow?" I said while glancing at a menu that was horribly unappetizing. Who puts kale on a burger, I thought to myself.
"It's boring. Mostly dealing with fires, a big one today in fact." He said while glancing at his phone again and drifting off.
The waiter came and took our order. Jerod ordered that god awful sounding burger. I opted for a Bloody Mary. Jerod barely lifted his head from his phone. He had lifted his glasses up onto his forehead and I could see a combination of concern and anger. He was letting out large breaths through his nostrils and you could see them flair during each breath.
I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. It had a giant crack on it from when I used to keep it in my back pocket. I had sad down on it, the same day I got the damned thing. It still worked, but scrolling on it was a difficult. Every time I opened a web page or any social media I typically didn't bother scrolling, just looked at the top and made my guesses. Nope, no messages, no surprises there. News was saying something about an event in New York, so what else is new, probably another political related story. Facebook, oh fun, an old acquaintance posted yet another memory about her kid. Jerod had put away his phone again and was looking right at me.
"So seriously John, tell me about what you've been up to." He belted out. He was never one to be interested, but I will play along.
I started to respond and one of the garbage trucks came rolling up nearby us, it made a hissing noise as it stopped beside us briefly, then rolled on back behind me. My mouth was still open as if I was trying to talk and nothing would come out, just waiting for the noise to die down long enough for me to respond.
Jerod had already pulled back out his phone. This time however, he was turning white while reading. He dropped his phone and it all started...
Behind me I heard the trash truck run into some cars, the crunching noise split through air, like nails on a chalkboard. I turned to look and only saw people in shock, some not even looking toward the accident. I started to hear screams from the opposite direction, so I whipped my head around just in time to have something fly in my face and in my mouth. I instinctively closed my eyes and started swatting, it was awful, like saw dust. I wiped several times until what ever it was had gotten thoroughly evacuated. Then refocused on the screams. There was a pale grey looking wisp in the air, moving gracefully with the wind between the buildings. I could hear a young child crying now, I focused and saw a little girl, not more than five. Just standing there, tears pouring down her face, her head facing upward. I then was hit in the face again by the same substance this time from the direction of the bistro entrance. I closed my eyes again and wiped away. I grabbed the edge of my jacket and furiously brushed my face off again. Then looked up. No, Jerod. His phone was still there.
The same grayish wisps were blowing out from inside the bistro and I could hear one of the waiters shouting something in some other language. They were clearly panicked, all the commotion started to panic me as well. I could feel familiar anxiety creeping its way up.
I refocused back toward Jerod, forgetting his absence for a moment. The table was completely covered in what I could only describe as ash, his phone was still on, text messages rapidly jumping onto his screen, one after another after another, all from the same person. I was in shock, what just happened? What was going on? The texts kept pour in.
I snatch up the phone and started typing. "Jerod is gone wtf is going on!". The response disappeared.
The sun started to slightly dim. I looked up and saw the same wisps high above the ground, it looked like black smoke. There was just so much of it.
I glanced back at the phone, a response appeared again. I got up and started heading back to my place. I was so confused, my heart was racing. I walked past the little girl, still crying, covered in the same ash I had been hit with twice. She looked up at me but I kept walking, I had no idea what to do. The response on the phone had now disappeared and reappeared several times. I came up on my turn back to my place, the homeless woman was still there, very disturbed, she glanced at me and reached out. I pulled back and almost fell into the street, I dropped the phone in the process. You've got to me kidding me. It slid across the street and stopped in a pile of ash, next to it a street cart hot dog half eaten, face down. Please don't be broken, I thought.
I picked it up and turned it over, oh thank fuck. A response had finally come.
Who tf is this? How do you have his phone?
All of that just for this response? You are shitting me, right?
The homeless woman had come over to me, she put her hand on my shoulder. Her words were cold, "Are you real?" That put me into full blown panic, I about threw up immediately. I started to hyperventilate, I just could not stop. I looked at her and ran at full speed toward the door to my place. My chest was burning, my mind was racing. I reached into my pocket to get my keys as I arrived at the door, in the process I accidentally hit the power button on Jerod's phone. How much worst could this get? I answered my question about half a second later as I collided with the dumpster and everything went dark.
When I finally opened my eyes, I was laying in a bed. My head was killing me, my clothes were gone, and I was hooked up to an IV.
I focused in on a TV on the far wall. The screen was just showing video from New York, fires, looters, just chaos.
The crawl read; DECIMATION
submitted by /u/Zatnyckatel [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2U03asw
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Leaks Suggest Trump’s Own Team Is Alarmed By His Behaviour
WASHINGTON President Donald Trump was a little confused the dollar: Was it a strong one thats good for the economy? Or a strong one?
So he made a call except not to any of the business leaders Trump is incorporated into his administrationor even to an age-old friend from his periods in real estate. Instead, he called his national security consultant, withdrew Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, according to two roots familiar with Flynns reports of the incident.
Flynn has a long record in counterintelligence but not in macroeconomics. And he told Trump he didnt know, that it wasnt its own area of expertise, that, perhaps, Trump should ask an economist instead.
Trump was not stimulated with that answer but that may have been a function of the time of day. Trump had residence the call at 3 a.m ., according to one of Flynns retellings although neither the White House nor Flynns office responded to requests for confirmation about that detail.
Pool via Getty Images
President Donald Trump does appear to take great pleasure in some aspects of the presidency but can also register great sorenes at harassments.
For Americans who based their intuition of Trump on the skilled and deciding financier he depicted on his Apprentice TV reality pictures, the description from these and many other morsels arising as a result of his government may seem a stun: an impulsive, sometimes petty chief executive more interested in the adulation of the nation than the details of his own the development of policies and quick-witted to designate blamed when circumstances do not travel his way.
Unsurprisingly, Trumps volatile behavior has created a better environment ripe for leaks from his executive agencies and even within his White House. And while divulges commonly commit staffers sabotaging one another to improve their own standing or trying to scuttle plan thoughts they find genuinely problematic, Trumps 2-week-old disposal has a third category: reveals from White House and agency bureaucrats fright including the president conduct.
Ive been in this town for 26 times. I have never seen anything like this, suggested Eliot Cohen, a elderly State Department official under President George W. Bush and a member of his National Security Council. I genuinely do not think this is a mentally healthy president.
Ive been in this town for 26 times. I have never seen anything like this. I genuinely do not think this is a mentally health president. Eliot Cohen, former State Department official under George W. Bush
There is the matter of Trumps briefing information, for example. The commander in chief doesnt like to read long memos, a White House aide who asked to remain unnamed told The Huffington Post. So preferably they must be no more than a single sheet. They must have missile parts but not more than nine per page.
Small things can provide him enormous joyfulnes or generate intense irritant. Trump told The New York Times that hes fascinated with the phone system inside the White House. At the same experience, hes registered individual complaints about the handwriting towels aboard Air Force One, the White House aide said, because they are not soft enough.
Hes been particularly obsessed with the capabilities of his aides on cable tv. Past chairwomen frequently didnt make time to watch their press secretarys daily briefs with reporters, but Trump appears to have reached it part of his routine. Saturday Night Lives weekly skewering of his administration is similarly on his must-watch register with his reaction wandering from unamused to seething.
Information about Trumps personal interactions and the inner workings of his administration has come to HuffPost from souls in administration the institutions and in the White House itself. They spoke on condition of obscurity for suspicion of losing their jobs.
While some of the discloses are based on opposition to his policies the travel censor on all refugees and on visitors from seven predominantly Muslim people, for instance numerous seem motivated by a belief that Trumps statements, deeds and tweets pose a genuine threat.
When Trump tweeted about North koreans rocket engineering three weeks before he took office, for example, it scrambled then-President Barack Obamas national security apparatus, which construed increased risk in provoking an precarious young despot who possessed nuclear weapons.
Richard Nephew, a State Department expert on Iran sanctions under Obama, said some of the discloses from the agencies are likely efforts to let the public know that their admonition has not been followed, in the event something bad results down the road. This, I imagine, is about becoming it clear that these kinfolks have tried to do the right thing and there is only so much better they can do with a hostile organisation, Nephew said.
Perhaps along those lines, The Associated Press reported a detailed description of telephone calls Jan. 27 between Trump and Mexican President Enrique Pea Nieto , noting further that Trump responded Mexico had bad hombres and that he might need to send U.S. units to take care of things.( The White House later did Trump had been joking around .) The Washington Post detailed a Jan. 28 communication between Trump and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbullin which Trump angrily deplored an agreement to resettle refugees held by Australia in the United States.
The New York Times, meanwhile, covered a photograph of a brooding commander in chief, straying the White House alone in a bathrobe at night, watching too much cable television and expressing his exasperations through enraged tweets.
I think its a cry for help, did Elizabeth Rosenberg, a counterterrorism expert at the Treasury Department under Obama. She replied numerous staffers still working in the national security business under Trump watch whats arising and are driven by a simple reason: Skepticism, and the need to share it.
There’s ever leaks. Every president in history has said the press hates me, and there’s too many leaks. Ron Kaufman, former White House staffer under George H.W. Bush
The White House has repudiated many of these histories, including the idea that Trump owns( let alone wears) a bathrobe. Others feud the premise that Trump staffers eroding his competence is rare. Ron Kaufman, who worked in George H.W. Bushs White House in the late 1980 s and early 1990 s, argued that the Trump administrations leaks are par for the course for a young organisation. Theres always discloses, Kaufman spoke. Every president in history has said the press detests me and theres too many leaks.
And Republican National Committee member Randy Evans, a veteran of Newt Gingrichs leak-prone House loudspeakers suite in the 1990 s, said he doesnt get that sense that Trumps staffers are interrogating his fitness for the number of jobs.
Not hitherto, anyway, Evans remarked. Were simply too early in the process. I think you interpret a lot of political jockeying going on and a lot of self-importance going on.
The idea that Trump is temperamentally ill-suited for the presidency is nothing new. It was the primary proof against him during both the GOP primaries a year ago and the legislative elections last-place summertime and descend. At experiences, Trump seemed to embrace the characterization, wearing it as a button of reputation for his status as an anti-establishment outsider.
But what were only hypothetical relates on the campaign trail are now life-and-death decisions inside the White House as evidenced by the death of a Navy commando in a botched raid in Yemen on Jan. 29. Trump agreed with that attacked following a dinner gratify that included his top political consultant, former Breitbart News Chairman Stephen Bannon, whose permanent membership in the National Security Council was itself the basis of widespread holes and alerts from “the member states national” security establishment.
The intelligence community is desperately looking for a route to get some leverage in altering hazardous policies away from a disastrous vector, spoke Rick Wilson, a former Pentagon official familiar with intelligence issues who has become a vocal Trump critic.
Evans responded at some degree the White House will have to get serious about harmful divulges if they want to control their message, just as Gingrichs office had to two decades ago. He described the method of intentionally liberating goodies to various staffers to construe what turned up in photograph. If the administration gets serious about leaks, theyll do the blue-dye measure and find them, Evans said.
But to Cohen, who now learns at Johns Hopkins Universitys School of Advanced International Studies, the problem is not the leakers. Its the president. Because Trump has shown no genuine tendernes or respect for anyone outside his immediate house, Cohen spoke, he cannot expect that of his faculty. This is what happens when you have a narcissist as president.
The post Leaks Suggest Trump’s Own Team Is Alarmed By His Behaviour appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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Study contributors in all three groups had better blood glucose readings after they consumed less than an ounce of apple cider vinegar with a high-carb meal (a white bagel with butter and orange juice), compared to when they the had the identical meal and drank a placebo.
Except you are determined to attempt each weight loss complement on the planet today, and you don't care about giving $a hundred and ten per thirty days to a shady on-line company, then Lean Garcinia Plus is one weight-reduction plan tablet you should in all probability never buy.
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Whereas the evidence behind apple cider vinegar seems promising, there are a few things to bear in mind before you begin downing the stuff. First off, I do not suggest drinking straight vinegar. Undiluted shots have been identified to put on away tooth enamel, and damage the esophagus. Additionally, an excessive amount of apple cider vinegar might lower potassium levels in the body.
Pomegranates: This barely sour fruit has gotten a whole lot of press as an antioxidant powerhouse. The juice supplies a tangy base for marinades, and the seeds could be tossed into salads to amp up the flavour. To cancel your autoship enrollment or to request a refund, you'll need to contact customer service at 877-591-6118. Parsnips: Although these veggies could resemble carrots, they've a lighter shade and sweeter, virtually nutty taste. Use them to taste rice and potatoes or puree them into soups and sauces. Despite the hype, there has been very little analysis about using apple cider vinegar for weight reduction. Garcinia cambogia australia garcinia cambogia extract australia, Buy garcinia cambogia australia! fast supply to australia. save up to 50% on garcinia cambogia extract!. We by no means make any wild claims and solely present the strongest product we are able to supply.
Finally, Garcinia Lean XTreme's producer claims to have a satisfaction assure,” however provided that you by no means open or use the product to begin with. And the way on the earth would you know if you happen to're happy with a product with out opening or using it? It just doesn't make sense, until the company is making an attempt to prevent returns.
I'm presently in the means of following up with Client Affairs and the LifeChoices advertising department. Ceaselessly Garcinia Cambogia Plus is appropriate for any metabolism, fast or sluggish. It is not vital to regulate the suggested quantity per physique size or weight. Standardised to include 65% HCA per tablet. Tested and verified. This is the strongest efficiency of HCA that we could find.
Plenty of Garcinia Cambogia research and articles written suggest that the weight loss effects may come solely from the HCA content. Be certain when purchasing that the product explicitly states the percentage of HCA. If it would not state any it does not essentially mean that it's without HCA, rather that the HCA is not standardised, that means it may very well be wherever from zero% to sixty five%.
Every day for 12 weeks, one group drank a beverage containing half an ounce of apple cider vinegar. Another group drank a beverage with one ounce of apple cider vinegar. And the third group had a drink containing no vinegar in any respect. Normally most garcinia supplements have a serving dimension of two capsules for a total of 1000mg per serving size (500 each). Never actually seen a model with 3 capsules per serving size.
The contents of this publication are to be used solely for training and not as a sales supplement, handout or publication for use along with a sales promotion. To keep away from having this info taken out of context, you aren't to copy or extract any portion of the publication with out prior written permission from Endlessly Residing (UK) Ltd and Eternally Residing Merchandise Eire Ltd. Seek the advice of your physician before use of any referenced product for medicinal purposes.
Instances of fake Garcinia that features substances corresponding to sugars, wheat and synthetic binders have in the latest previous been on the rise. Such Garcinia is much less efficient and will not be efficient even in case you are following the correct dosage.
Hey Chaya, your query is quite common and to be trustworthy, I think you might have the mistaken strategy. I believe all you need to do is to take the garcinia capsules and expect to lose the weight with out doing a lot of the rest. Am I proper? If not I'm sorry however you may't take a look at it that manner. You see, there aren't any capsules (apart from deuretics which truly make you lose water) that can mean you can simply reduce weight in case your lifestyle remains the identical.
In truth, the one effect that Garcinia cambogia has demonstrated is that it may cut back your appetite when taken 30 minutes earlier than consuming a meal. Nevertheless, you may eat absolutely anything half-hour before a meal and it'll scale back your appetite.
As an organization we pleasure ourselves on standing behind each product we make as being the strongest we could source, and providing real world outcomes. We do not promote gimmicks or over hyped dietary supplements. Garcinia Cambogia has attracted lots attention, from prospects, from the media, and even on TV however we do not make any claims, as a substitute we give attention to delivering the very best model of this common supplement.
If you want to give it a go, swirl two teaspoons of organic apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of natural honey into a cup of warm water as soon as a day. Or just use apple cider vinegar as a foremost ingredient in salad dressing, or chilled veggie facet dishes, like vinegar-based mostly slaw.
I recommend these tablets as a result of they truly work, I do know I have lost solely 5kg in four weeks but I would moderately be dropping pounds slowly and certainly somewhat than a crash weight-reduction plan and meals complement that don't work and placing it all again on a number of weeks later!
I bought the premium garcinia combogia weight reduction suplement and mine says to take 2 caspules before breakfast. Thesres 25mg of calcium, chromium 100mcg, potasium 25mg, and HCA 60 p.c / 500mg per capsule is that this the right amount? Ive been advised theres a whole lot of fakes on the market.
garcinia cambogia lean plus is provided by a reputable household owned enterprise founded nearly 10 years ago and constructed on a back bone of laborious work and distinctive documented customer service. We by no means make any wild claims and only provide the strongest product we are able to supply.
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Leaks Suggest Trump’s Own Team Is Alarmed By His Behaviour
WASHINGTON President Donald Trump was a little confused the dollar: Was it a strong one thats good for the economy? Or a strong one?
So he made a call except not to any of the business leaders Trump is incorporated into his administrationor even to an age-old friend from his periods in real estate. Instead, he called his national security consultant, withdrew Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, according to two roots familiar with Flynns reports of the incident.
Flynn has a long record in counterintelligence but not in macroeconomics. And he told Trump he didnt know, that it wasnt its own area of expertise, that, perhaps, Trump should ask an economist instead.
Trump was not stimulated with that answer but that may have been a function of the time of day. Trump had residence the call at 3 a.m ., according to one of Flynns retellings although neither the White House nor Flynns office responded to requests for confirmation about that detail.
Pool via Getty Images
President Donald Trump does appear to take great pleasure in some aspects of the presidency but can also register great sorenes at harassments.
For Americans who based their intuition of Trump on the skilled and deciding financier he depicted on his Apprentice TV reality pictures, the description from these and many other morsels arising as a result of his government may seem a stun: an impulsive, sometimes petty chief executive more interested in the adulation of the nation than the details of his own the development of policies and quick-witted to designate blamed when circumstances do not travel his way.
Unsurprisingly, Trumps volatile behavior has created a better environment ripe for leaks from his executive agencies and even within his White House. And while divulges commonly commit staffers sabotaging one another to improve their own standing or trying to scuttle plan thoughts they find genuinely problematic, Trumps 2-week-old disposal has a third category: reveals from White House and agency bureaucrats fright including the president conduct.
Ive been in this town for 26 times. I have never seen anything like this, suggested Eliot Cohen, a elderly State Department official under President George W. Bush and a member of his National Security Council. I genuinely do not think this is a mentally healthy president.
Ive been in this town for 26 times. I have never seen anything like this. I genuinely do not think this is a mentally health president. Eliot Cohen, former State Department official under George W. Bush
There is the matter of Trumps briefing information, for example. The commander in chief doesnt like to read long memos, a White House aide who asked to remain unnamed told The Huffington Post. So preferably they must be no more than a single sheet. They must have missile parts but not more than nine per page.
Small things can provide him enormous joyfulnes or generate intense irritant. Trump told The New York Times that hes fascinated with the phone system inside the White House. At the same experience, hes registered individual complaints about the handwriting towels aboard Air Force One, the White House aide said, because they are not soft enough.
Hes been particularly obsessed with the capabilities of his aides on cable tv. Past chairwomen frequently didnt make time to watch their press secretarys daily briefs with reporters, but Trump appears to have reached it part of his routine. Saturday Night Lives weekly skewering of his administration is similarly on his must-watch register with his reaction wandering from unamused to seething.
Information about Trumps personal interactions and the inner workings of his administration has come to HuffPost from souls in administration the institutions and in the White House itself. They spoke on condition of obscurity for suspicion of losing their jobs.
While some of the discloses are based on opposition to his policies the travel censor on all refugees and on visitors from seven predominantly Muslim people, for instance numerous seem motivated by a belief that Trumps statements, deeds and tweets pose a genuine threat.
When Trump tweeted about North koreans rocket engineering three weeks before he took office, for example, it scrambled then-President Barack Obamas national security apparatus, which construed increased risk in provoking an precarious young despot who possessed nuclear weapons.
Richard Nephew, a State Department expert on Iran sanctions under Obama, said some of the discloses from the agencies are likely efforts to let the public know that their admonition has not been followed, in the event something bad results down the road. This, I imagine, is about becoming it clear that these kinfolks have tried to do the right thing and there is only so much better they can do with a hostile organisation, Nephew said.
Perhaps along those lines, The Associated Press reported a detailed description of telephone calls Jan. 27 between Trump and Mexican President Enrique Pea Nieto , noting further that Trump responded Mexico had bad hombres and that he might need to send U.S. units to take care of things.( The White House later did Trump had been joking around .) The Washington Post detailed a Jan. 28 communication between Trump and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbullin which Trump angrily deplored an agreement to resettle refugees held by Australia in the United States.
The New York Times, meanwhile, covered a photograph of a brooding commander in chief, straying the White House alone in a bathrobe at night, watching too much cable television and expressing his exasperations through enraged tweets.
I think its a cry for help, did Elizabeth Rosenberg, a counterterrorism expert at the Treasury Department under Obama. She replied numerous staffers still working in the national security business under Trump watch whats arising and are driven by a simple reason: Skepticism, and the need to share it.
There’s ever leaks. Every president in history has said the press hates me, and there’s too many leaks. Ron Kaufman, former White House staffer under George H.W. Bush
The White House has repudiated many of these histories, including the idea that Trump owns( let alone wears) a bathrobe. Others feud the premise that Trump staffers eroding his competence is rare. Ron Kaufman, who worked in George H.W. Bushs White House in the late 1980 s and early 1990 s, argued that the Trump administrations leaks are par for the course for a young organisation. Theres always discloses, Kaufman spoke. Every president in history has said the press detests me and theres too many leaks.
And Republican National Committee member Randy Evans, a veteran of Newt Gingrichs leak-prone House loudspeakers suite in the 1990 s, said he doesnt get that sense that Trumps staffers are interrogating his fitness for the number of jobs.
Not hitherto, anyway, Evans remarked. Were simply too early in the process. I think you interpret a lot of political jockeying going on and a lot of self-importance going on.
The idea that Trump is temperamentally ill-suited for the presidency is nothing new. It was the primary proof against him during both the GOP primaries a year ago and the legislative elections last-place summertime and descend. At experiences, Trump seemed to embrace the characterization, wearing it as a button of reputation for his status as an anti-establishment outsider.
But what were only hypothetical relates on the campaign trail are now life-and-death decisions inside the White House as evidenced by the death of a Navy commando in a botched raid in Yemen on Jan. 29. Trump agreed with that attacked following a dinner gratify that included his top political consultant, former Breitbart News Chairman Stephen Bannon, whose permanent membership in the National Security Council was itself the basis of widespread holes and alerts from “the member states national” security establishment.
The intelligence community is desperately looking for a route to get some leverage in altering hazardous policies away from a disastrous vector, spoke Rick Wilson, a former Pentagon official familiar with intelligence issues who has become a vocal Trump critic.
Evans responded at some degree the White House will have to get serious about harmful divulges if they want to control their message, just as Gingrichs office had to two decades ago. He described the method of intentionally liberating goodies to various staffers to construe what turned up in photograph. If the administration gets serious about leaks, theyll do the blue-dye measure and find them, Evans said.
But to Cohen, who now learns at Johns Hopkins Universitys School of Advanced International Studies, the problem is not the leakers. Its the president. Because Trump has shown no genuine tendernes or respect for anyone outside his immediate house, Cohen spoke, he cannot expect that of his faculty. This is what happens when you have a narcissist as president.
The post Leaks Suggest Trump’s Own Team Is Alarmed By His Behaviour appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Leaks Suggest Trump’s Own Team Is Alarmed By His Behaviour
WASHINGTON President Donald Trump was a little confused the dollar: Was it a strong one thats good for the economy? Or a strong one?
So he made a call except not to any of the business leaders Trump is incorporated into his administrationor even to an age-old friend from his periods in real estate. Instead, he called his national security consultant, withdrew Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, according to two roots familiar with Flynns reports of the incident.
Flynn has a long record in counterintelligence but not in macroeconomics. And he told Trump he didnt know, that it wasnt its own area of expertise, that, perhaps, Trump should ask an economist instead.
Trump was not stimulated with that answer but that may have been a function of the time of day. Trump had residence the call at 3 a.m ., according to one of Flynns retellings although neither the White House nor Flynns office responded to requests for confirmation about that detail.
Pool via Getty Images
President Donald Trump does appear to take great pleasure in some aspects of the presidency but can also register great sorenes at harassments.
For Americans who based their intuition of Trump on the skilled and deciding financier he depicted on his Apprentice TV reality pictures, the description from these and many other morsels arising as a result of his government may seem a stun: an impulsive, sometimes petty chief executive more interested in the adulation of the nation than the details of his own the development of policies and quick-witted to designate blamed when circumstances do not travel his way.
Unsurprisingly, Trumps volatile behavior has created a better environment ripe for leaks from his executive agencies and even within his White House. And while divulges commonly commit staffers sabotaging one another to improve their own standing or trying to scuttle plan thoughts they find genuinely problematic, Trumps 2-week-old disposal has a third category: reveals from White House and agency bureaucrats fright including the president conduct.
Ive been in this town for 26 times. I have never seen anything like this, suggested Eliot Cohen, a elderly State Department official under President George W. Bush and a member of his National Security Council. I genuinely do not think this is a mentally healthy president.
Ive been in this town for 26 times. I have never seen anything like this. I genuinely do not think this is a mentally health president. Eliot Cohen, former State Department official under George W. Bush
There is the matter of Trumps briefing information, for example. The commander in chief doesnt like to read long memos, a White House aide who asked to remain unnamed told The Huffington Post. So preferably they must be no more than a single sheet. They must have missile parts but not more than nine per page.
Small things can provide him enormous joyfulnes or generate intense irritant. Trump told The New York Times that hes fascinated with the phone system inside the White House. At the same experience, hes registered individual complaints about the handwriting towels aboard Air Force One, the White House aide said, because they are not soft enough.
Hes been particularly obsessed with the capabilities of his aides on cable tv. Past chairwomen frequently didnt make time to watch their press secretarys daily briefs with reporters, but Trump appears to have reached it part of his routine. Saturday Night Lives weekly skewering of his administration is similarly on his must-watch register with his reaction wandering from unamused to seething.
Information about Trumps personal interactions and the inner workings of his administration has come to HuffPost from souls in administration the institutions and in the White House itself. They spoke on condition of obscurity for suspicion of losing their jobs.
While some of the discloses are based on opposition to his policies the travel censor on all refugees and on visitors from seven predominantly Muslim people, for instance numerous seem motivated by a belief that Trumps statements, deeds and tweets pose a genuine threat.
When Trump tweeted about North koreans rocket engineering three weeks before he took office, for example, it scrambled then-President Barack Obamas national security apparatus, which construed increased risk in provoking an precarious young despot who possessed nuclear weapons.
Richard Nephew, a State Department expert on Iran sanctions under Obama, said some of the discloses from the agencies are likely efforts to let the public know that their admonition has not been followed, in the event something bad results down the road. This, I imagine, is about becoming it clear that these kinfolks have tried to do the right thing and there is only so much better they can do with a hostile organisation, Nephew said.
Perhaps along those lines, The Associated Press reported a detailed description of telephone calls Jan. 27 between Trump and Mexican President Enrique Pea Nieto , noting further that Trump responded Mexico had bad hombres and that he might need to send U.S. units to take care of things.( The White House later did Trump had been joking around .) The Washington Post detailed a Jan. 28 communication between Trump and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbullin which Trump angrily deplored an agreement to resettle refugees held by Australia in the United States.
The New York Times, meanwhile, covered a photograph of a brooding commander in chief, straying the White House alone in a bathrobe at night, watching too much cable television and expressing his exasperations through enraged tweets.
I think its a cry for help, did Elizabeth Rosenberg, a counterterrorism expert at the Treasury Department under Obama. She replied numerous staffers still working in the national security business under Trump watch whats arising and are driven by a simple reason: Skepticism, and the need to share it.
There’s ever leaks. Every president in history has said the press hates me, and there’s too many leaks. Ron Kaufman, former White House staffer under George H.W. Bush
The White House has repudiated many of these histories, including the idea that Trump owns( let alone wears) a bathrobe. Others feud the premise that Trump staffers eroding his competence is rare. Ron Kaufman, who worked in George H.W. Bushs White House in the late 1980 s and early 1990 s, argued that the Trump administrations leaks are par for the course for a young organisation. Theres always discloses, Kaufman spoke. Every president in history has said the press detests me and theres too many leaks.
And Republican National Committee member Randy Evans, a veteran of Newt Gingrichs leak-prone House loudspeakers suite in the 1990 s, said he doesnt get that sense that Trumps staffers are interrogating his fitness for the number of jobs.
Not hitherto, anyway, Evans remarked. Were simply too early in the process. I think you interpret a lot of political jockeying going on and a lot of self-importance going on.
The idea that Trump is temperamentally ill-suited for the presidency is nothing new. It was the primary proof against him during both the GOP primaries a year ago and the legislative elections last-place summertime and descend. At experiences, Trump seemed to embrace the characterization, wearing it as a button of reputation for his status as an anti-establishment outsider.
But what were only hypothetical relates on the campaign trail are now life-and-death decisions inside the White House as evidenced by the death of a Navy commando in a botched raid in Yemen on Jan. 29. Trump agreed with that attacked following a dinner gratify that included his top political consultant, former Breitbart News Chairman Stephen Bannon, whose permanent membership in the National Security Council was itself the basis of widespread holes and alerts from “the member states national” security establishment.
The intelligence community is desperately looking for a route to get some leverage in altering hazardous policies away from a disastrous vector, spoke Rick Wilson, a former Pentagon official familiar with intelligence issues who has become a vocal Trump critic.
Evans responded at some degree the White House will have to get serious about harmful divulges if they want to control their message, just as Gingrichs office had to two decades ago. He described the method of intentionally liberating goodies to various staffers to construe what turned up in photograph. If the administration gets serious about leaks, theyll do the blue-dye measure and find them, Evans said.
But to Cohen, who now learns at Johns Hopkins Universitys School of Advanced International Studies, the problem is not the leakers. Its the president. Because Trump has shown no genuine tendernes or respect for anyone outside his immediate house, Cohen spoke, he cannot expect that of his faculty. This is what happens when you have a narcissist as president.
The post Leaks Suggest Trump’s Own Team Is Alarmed By His Behaviour appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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