#even zane was watching the train
sea-jello · 2 years
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why would they just stare at the train 💀💀 what were they hoping to accomplish
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bboisawesome · 2 years
Started watching the Ninjago shorts. Only seen the first one, but it was an oldie from like the first season. Nya is fighting off some skeletons and Jay hears the gong and uses Spinjitzu to reach the house (which, honestly isn’t that far away.)
I miss the days when the ninjas used their Spinjitzu for almost anything. Even things they really, didn’t need to use it for. Now they just, forget they have powers or something? Idk.
Not bashing on the new seasons, I still think they’re pretty good. Just wish they used their powers more. Like, I haven’t seen them use airjitzu once in the newer seasons. Did they just forget? Am I missing a reason for them not using it? Cause I do forget things frequently. Like, there have been a couple times where I’m yelling at the screen, saying “USE THIS POWER!!” And the ninja are just like, “Well, I guess there’s nothing we can do.”
I also think it’s pretty funny that Jay has suggested using powers, and they just don’t do it? Jay included? Why write the suggestion in if it’s not even gonna be used!?!?
I’d give an example, but I can’t remember the exact details and I’m too lazy to search. I’m pretty sure it was in Sons of Garmadon though.
Like, I understand some of their powers take a bit to charge, or are risky. Like the Tornado of Creation, and I believe Cole is still getting used to his super strength after being a ghost. Or there are limitations, like when there is a mental block or they’ve been drained or vengestone.
I can understand wanting to not make your characters too OP, but nerfing their powers is not the way to get around it. I feel a good amount of their bad guys are pretty equal to them in power anyway, so taking their powers away, that give them advantages, is just dumb. Especially when you have them going through almost a whole season or more to learn them, just for them to not turn up again.
I love Ninjago, but the writing does get pretty hit or miss sometimes, lol.
Still love the show, just felt like ranting a bit. And I think it’d still be pretty funny if they used Spinjitzu to just like, move two feet or go the the store. 😂
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lazyollie · 2 months
Ninjago headcanons- They're secretly in love with you
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It's an obvious win for this headcanon so I don't have to wait with it any longer. Enjoy<3
Warnings: bad grammar, typos, cringe
°× He becomes more shy when he's with you. Mostly when It's just you and him.
°× He paires you up with him a lot on missions without him noticing it. When you asked him about it his cheeks became red and just told you It's because of you skills.
°× He just likes to be with you
°× Would probably be more protective over you. He likes to be your little hero even if you could deal with it alone. (Talking about fights on missions).
°× I can sense he'd hide little loving notes in your pocket or etc. Like he secretly watching you get confused and search for the slightest blush on your cheeks when you found them.
°× When you blush he feels like winning but then he realises he wrote them anonimusly...
°× He likes to stay close to you. Like the ninjas are making a plan and somehow he's always next to you. (If he feels more confident your shoulders are touching each other's).
°× Poor guy is overheels for you, but can't it to show you. Can treat you platonic in front of others.
°× Or this is what he thinks he does. All the other ninjas know about his crush. How? It's in his eyes.
°× He has no idea how to hit on you so he hopes you will get the signs.
°× Oh my. His love for you is so obvious.
°× He flirts with you all the time that you started to questioning that he does this to anyone else.
°× He became extramely protective over you. If anyone dares to mess with you has already jumped on the person.
°× He shows off in front of you a lot. Tries everything to impress you. So that's why the trainings are leaving you all sweaty and blushy.
°× He always the one to treat you wounds after missions. You tried to ask him why, but he shushed you multiply times or ignored you.
°× He uses it as a way to spend more time with you, but if anyone confronted him about it he denied it.
°× He praises you a lot to the other ninjas to the point that they bored to death during these yapping session.
°× He's that type of person who likes to help you. In fights, at trainings and other stuff.
°× Even though he flirted with you like no one else it took him by surprise when you kissed him.
°× He's a whole mess. That's why he keeps his love for you as a secret.
°× Probably Kai convinced him to make a move, but Jay just refused. So he admired you from the distance
°× He awkwardly invited you to play video games with him. He likes to spend time with you.
°× When you play with him his attention is more on you than the game so you beat him on the game quite a lot.
°× He acted like he was upset about it, but he loved to see you smile and little winning dance.
°× Jay is really physical touch type of person, you might feel his hand on your shoulder.
°× Whenever he steps in the room the first he does is look for your face.
°× He might write little poems about you in his secret diary. Admire every single thing about you.
°× He would die instantly if you ever found them.
°× He worships you. Sometimes he can get irrelevantly worried about you. His signs are small, but it's not impossible to get...
°× He's the most subtle about it.
°× He's very observant when it comes for you. He remembers little details about what you like and your apperance.
°× His the first one who recognise if you changed something on yourself. Hair, stlye, anything.
°× Sometimes he points them out.
°× He's the quitest of the all the ninjas. That's why he likes to listen to you.
°× He likes to ask about your special interests so he can just listen to your cute voice.
°× He sometimes overhear you talking about what foods do you like and somehow the next day It's for lunch.
°× You asked him how does he always know what you like, but he just said "I don't know..Maybe I am a good guesser".
°× When his love for you was finally clear for him he asked Nya what should he do.
°× Her advices turned out well, but Zane was worried about losing you.
°× When he found out he fell in love he had a slight panic. You were really close friends, but if you don't feel the same it would destroy your friendship.
°× He was nervous around you. He didn't want to mess anything up. So he acted subtle about it.
°× But how he always made sure you take care of yourself made you question that It's more than just best friend thing.
°× Sometimes he sneaks out with you to the city to try new cakes at a local bakery. Such a sweet and innocent way to spend time with you.
°× You caught him staring at you a lot. Even from across the room. Those admiring eyes.
°× He became protective over you even more. He won't let anyone hurt you.
°× He shares his cake with you, no one else but you. It's a kind of way that he shows he has something for you.
°× When you guys hold eye contact he found himself lost in your eyes. He was awkwardly looking at you til you snapped him out of it.
°× He's extremely patient with you. He's with anyone, but with you even more.
°× His face immediately softens when he only hears your name.
(I had a lesbian panic while I was writing these headcanons lol)
°× For the first time she was confused why is her heart sped up around you all the time. Like why does she feel like this around you?
°× The confusion got replaced by a realisation. She didn't know what to do with this feeling.
°× She's normally a though girl, but this feeling got her soft and she didn't know how to feel about it.
°× She starts to open up about her life and her feelings what she doesn't share with anyone else.
°× She hugged you more often, totally acting platonic about it. She secretly or not likes physical touch.
°× Her love for you is far from secret. Everybody knew about it but they didn't dare to say anything about it.
°× She has a printed picture of you somewhere hidden in her gi. Even if you're not dating she likes to have your picture around her.
°× She started helping you a lot with your projects what you wanted to make (robots, guns, weapons etc.)
°× She feels no shame kicking butts who's owner hurt you. No one messes with her dear „best friend” under her watch.
°× Even though she knows you're fully capable to protect yourself she sometimes like to help out. She knows how is it feels so she only does it when you want her to.
I think these secretly in love headcanons ended up as not a secret. By the end I started adding dating headcanons. When I realised I'm doing that I tried to replace them, but I think I left some. I didn't have so much idea.
Love y'all<3
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kamisama1kiss · 4 months
Okay okay, hear me out…what if the reader was a ninja part of the team but they would also be involved in a prophecy where they end up dying to save their lover, I need the ninja reaction to when Master Wu tells them 🫶🏻
This is actually so sad, tho.... I love it! 🤭😝 I was a little stuck on writing, but I hope I was able to deliver what you wished for 😚🫶
What would be the ninjas reactions be as the prophecies says they're lover will die for them?
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~Lloyd Garmadon~
- Denial is a river in Egypt. Refusing to believe that they would die for the sake of his life.
- No matter how many times he convinces himself, he knows truly he can't do anything to stop it. Further pushing him into no limits of getting stronger to maybe, just maybe prevent it?
- Keeping a watching eye at you at all times to see if you're safe, more so in battles or training.
- Would try to convince you to do other tasks rather than join the team if he knew it could be risky for either you or himself.
- Consently tries to spend as much time with you so that when the time comes, he could make sure to not regret a moment.
- Would often spend time silently watching you just live and socialise with others, his heart falling into his stomach.
- Admiring you and everything about you as a person.
~Kai Smith~
- At first, he just laughed and shook his head. There was no way.
- After maybe a few hours or days, the gravity of it all dawned on him. He couldn't help but feeling so hopeless and useless to not be able to help or postpone it or anything for that matter.
- His mind of having a feature together with you was immediately crushed, all the plans of being able to hold you at night and talk into the long hours of the night.
- In the meantime, he changed a little for you as in allowing you to goof around with his hair as an example.
- Holding hands no matter where you walked to feel you close just to know you weren't gone. Not yet at least.
-Knowing he was absolutely broken after when Nya was gone, he would be just the same with just worse of completely letting guilt eat him up in silence. He would refuse to let anyone know how he felt.
As the hothead, he is the practice dummys would be all burnt to crisp
~Cole Brookstone~
- Again?
- Really? First, his own mother. Now, the one person he loves with the whole being of himself
- No matter how much he tried to collect himself, he could easily take it out on training.
- Would at some point start to distance himself from you so when the time came, the impact would be less painful.
- Didn't want to be like his father with absolutely neglecting everything when you we're gone, but anyhow, he tried to smile to everyone and act chill like he usually would.
- Often held his breath when holding you close, wishing for these types of moments to never end.
~Zane Julian~
- He was obvious to the fact that the one he loves could so easily die, but he could live on for many years on.
- Has already been over this with himself, but hearing it being sooner than expected shocked him.
- Acting no different than normally maybe a few occasional more hugs throughout the day, nothing too out of the ordinary.
- When he was alone, his way of grief was meditate. Maybe it could make the damage a little easier for his wires to handle?
- Occasionally turning off the emotions to just feel as if he could "breath" as it did get to his head at times more than he'd like to admit it ever did.
~Jay Walker~
- Immediately lost himself as he shook his head, refusing to belive what a dumb scroll had to say! It's dumb right?
- Spending every waking minute of his day with you by his side, alongside helping you with everything he could think of.
- Coping with occasionally stealing shirts with your smell on them to feel as if you mext to him, even though you are just a few doors down or so
- Would slowly communicate with others as he became more silent, which scared everyone. Everyone stood on their toes around him to not further upset him.
- He came in clutch and used every single excuse possible to man kind to have you for himself the first week or two after getting to know. He felt kind of pushy so he calmed down a little.
~Nya Smith~
- She genuinely just accepted it, what more could she say? The prophecy says so, she cannot deny it no matter how much this frustrated her.
- Checking up on you and acting for the most sake normal, as to not make you uncomfortable or worried for her sake.
- Used any or all frustration on training her powers in different ways, which was beneficial for her in the long right?
- Just like her brother, there was no communication from her side. Whenever the topic of prophecy popped up, she went silent and stood next to you, holding pinkys.
- Would cry to herself whenever everything got to her, just knowing you're gonna to eventually leave it snapped her multiple times. She would always refuse.
I've reached over 25 posts :00 and also over 50 followers!!! THANK YOU, EVERYONE 😭🙏🙏 I appreciate every single one of you so much
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mouwrites · 11 months
Before I. forget can I request a Ninjago headcanon of reader swearing (no actual swears needed) and the others reacting? Or reader getting mad and needing to be comforted.
Love You!! (platonically) Bye!!!!
Right back at you (platonically)! <33
Ninjago - Ninjas When You Get Mad
He gets it
When you snap, shouting in a sudden outburst of anger, he hardly flinches
He's got a lot of experience with being angry, but he's also developed good coping skills because of this
He'll try to get you to use one of these skills
He knows it's not fun being mad, and that it can destroy you from the inside
He doesn't want that to happen to you
So, he'll approach you casually, not telling you to calm down or anything, instead just suggesting a way to channel your anger
"Hey, wanna come down to the dojo? There's a training dummy that really wants to get acquainted with your fist."
If you want to spar, he's down for that too
Anything you think will help cool you down
Though he'll be a little confused if you want to do something like draw or watch a movie
For him, it's the higher-energy activities that help
But, ultimately, whatever you need is fine with him
He'll wait until your anger's all burned up to ask what's wrong
From there he'll help you plot revenge
He's another one with empathy for what you're going through
He'll be a little surprised at your outburst, but he's quick to respond
Finding a way to control your anger would be his primary focus
He suggests activities he knows you like
“Do you want to ___? It will probably help.”
While you let the anger pour out, he'll encourage you to vent to him
If you don't want to, he understands, but he does want to know what made you so angry in the first place
He wants you to make peace with who/whatever made you angry
He'll act as a mediator if it's a person you're mad at
He doesn't want you making enemies, plus he's a strong advocate for peace
Won't condone revenge, but he might pull a little prank if you ask nice enough
Or if he thinks it's warranted
Will make you own up to it if you're caught though
His soul jumps from his body when you snap
Just stares at you with wide eyes, not even moving
He’ll watch you rampage for a second before trying to do anything
He talks in a quiet, meek voice
“Y/n? Uh, Y/n? Maybe… uh… you wanna try to cool down? …maybe?”
Realizing that you’re scaring him is what really makes your anger subside
He asks what made you so angry
Makes a mental note to keep you out of such a situation in the future
Or at least not to be around you when it arises again
When you’re calm enough that he knows you won’t snap again, he’ll request cuddles
He was scared, you were mad, you could both use some affection to heal
Barely reacts to your outburst
Focuses instead on calming you down
If he needs to remove someone/something from your presence, he does it without hesitation
You won’t even need to ask; he’ll be able to see it
He’ll try to take your hand, making you focus on him and not your anger
If that doesn’t work, he just backs away and lets you fume for a minute
When you’re starting to calm down, he’ll check on you
He probably already knows what made you mad, so he’ll just be seeing how much of the anger remains
“It’s been half an hour since your outburst. Are you much calmer now?”
If you need something to do to distract yourself, he’ll bring you whatever you ask for
He’ll just watch you with careful eyes, monitoring for signs that you’re calming down
Once you’re 100% cooled off, he tries to get you back on task
If there is no task, he joins you in whatever you’re doing
Won’t ask you to talk about it (again, he already knows why you were mad), but will listen if you do talk
Not surprised, just shocked
He looks at you with raised eyebrows and a gaping jaw
He starts to try and help right away
“Do you need to punch something? Draw, maybe? Run?”
Vent art is his jam though, so if you pick something artistic he’ll be thrilled
Don’t get me wrong, he likes a good workout to release energy, but not when he’s mad
He’ll sit with you while you draw or paint or play an instrument
He encourages you to try different mediums; you never know which might be useful
When you’re done, he asks you to tell him about it
You don’t have to share your art, but it might help illustrate your feelings while you talk
He’d also be satisfied just seeing/hearing whatever you made, no explanation necessary
To him it’s more important that you’re calm now
Will rage with you
Not in a competitive way, more in an instigating way
“Yeah!! Let’s go punch something!”
Though this is honestly just her knee-jerk reaction to anger, she’s also aware that it gives her the power to direct the situation
So she’ll take you to the dojo, where you’ll both beat the ever-loving jimmies out of every punching bag and dummy
When you’ve both tired yourselves out, she’ll get you to talk about it
She’ll probably already know why you were angry because she joined you when you first snapped
But she wants to talk it out still
Unlike Lloyd, she is not a peacemaker
Will complain and plot revenge with you
Very, very detailed revenge
Up to you whether you actually go through with it though; she’s down, but also accepts it if you’d rather just forget the whole thing
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Thanks for reading! And thank you for the request! Take care guys <33
(divider by saradika)
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legorumii · 2 years
can we have dating hcs for all of the ninja? love ur blog :)) ofc one at a time
" I watch the moon.
Let it run my mood. "
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╰╮Dating Headcanons , The Ninja.
disclaimer ; I have not added Jay since I have already done a Jay dating headcanon, sorry!
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ COLE ࿐ྂ
Overprotective boy ♡ He's literally all over you. He doesn't want anyone to hurt you. He takes care of you. When you're sick or hurting. Baking cake with him ♡ I hc that he's plus-sized. So hugs with him are like hugging a big teddy bear lol. He gives the best kisses. You can't even begin to imagine how nice it is when his lips brush against yours, but still, the way he kisses is perfect. You melt every time. His kisses are soft and gentle, almost like he’s afraid they’ll break you. He gets flustered easily. It’s adorable. He's the type to be mean and rude to everyone else but you. (And ofc the other Ninjas.)
⇢ ˗ˏˋ ZANE ࿐ྂ
Confusing…But he's trying I swear. The best person to go to for cuddles when it's hot. He's like your personal cooler lol. He cooks for you. He calls you cute petnames like, 'love' and 'baby'. Loves kissing your cheeks all the time. He's just too good for this world I tell you. Loves going on picnic dates with you ♡ I have a feeling he's not too much of a PDA kind of guy. He'll do stuff in private. Surprises you with little gifts. His eyes are bright and full of affection as he looks at you.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ KAI࿐ྂ
Oh god… He's such a flirt with you it's insane. Always has his hands on you. Your waist, hips, hands. You name it. He's also overprotective. I hc that his face literally catches on fire when he's super flustered. So Imagine flirting with him and getting him super flustered only for his face to catch on fire LMAOO. He can't cook…or bake. So, you cook for him and he loves it ♡ He seems so happier when he's around you. You just make his day a lot better. He's a clingy mf...He's always clinging to your side or sumthin. You find it cute. His touch is soft and comforting. When he hugs you he smells like charcoal. But in a comforting way lol. He's like a cuddly furnace. It makes you feel safe when he's near… And you don't mind one bit ♡
⇢ ˗ˏˋ NYA࿐ྂ
She's very protective over you. She wants you to feel and be safe. She loves keeping you company, even if she is busy. Loves carrying you. And love your laughs the most. She can't stop thinking about it, how much she loves to hear them and see the smile on her face. How much she adores hearing them when they happen in front of her or around her, or when they're a part of her life. How much she loves making you happy, making you laugh. She gets jealous quite easily, too, which is why she does not like seeing anyone else touch you. Like Zane, she isn't big on PDA. It's kinda hard to get her flustered and when you do make her flustered she won't keep eye contact with you. Loves training with you. Giving you kisses after training ♡ You always tell her when she makes you happy. It makes her day. She's a really good listener. She will listen to anything you say. Please play with her hair, she loves it ♡
⇢ ˗ˏˋ LLOYD࿐ྂ
It'll take you guys a while to date but when you guys do it's cute. He loves cuddling you and watching movies together. You can't help but feel giddy whenever he's around you. He likes to hold your hand or kiss you on the cheek. He's always looking for ways to touch you which is adorable. Your eyes are his favorite thing about you. He's always lost in them ♡ He knows how to make tea. So whenever you are sick, he makes your favorite tea ♡ He's always so patient with you. Loves being close to you. It doesn’t matter if you’re just hanging out, sleeping, or training. If you are upset he’ll be there for you no matter what. He can’t cook but he’s willing to learn with you.
" Can't stop thinking of
You. "
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all content belongs to @legorumii do not repost or translate on any writing website!
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deeppenguinstudent · 14 days
Raven elodie would be absolutely brutally sad in my imagination I fear.
Like imagine, when Jean gets marked, elodie is brought along tetsuji, and she's made to play under Jean like how jean did to Thea (so the media runs wild since riko and Kevin were considered half brothers and Jean and elodie full siblings are playing on court together in the future.)
She's trained under a senior dealer, but Edgar Allen doesn't let her stay in evermore because of her age. Anyways, once she finally reaches the line up or she essentially just joins Edgar, she resides in evermore. [The age thing does not make sense, but omg, please bear with me]. She's trained to be a dealer.
Feel like she would hate every Raven, Kevin included. Her body hurts, and her legs scream, but she doesn't care. As long as her brother is next to her. But one day, riko makes the backliners hold her down and watch what he does to Jean when she gets extra mouthy. She looks to Kevin at the side and watches him stand there with his eyes to the ground.
Why weren't they helping him? Her brother is gasping for air as the cloth hits his face, her brother is biting his lip as riko carves into his skin over and over. She watches Kevin try to pick up the pieces but she shoves him away and asks him to get the fuck away.
Her brother, the brother that used to hold her close when the children didn't want to play with her and tell her that the only friend she ever needed was him since the rest were all losers for not befriending her. Her brother, who always stood in front of her, once their father's whip struck and shielded her, was once again protecting her from monsters; abnormal people that only wanted to hurt.
She slowly cleans him up, and she retches as he teaches her how to stitch up his open wounds. They sleep together in the same bed that day, Jean crying because he doesn't want this life for her and elodie sobbing because she can't bear to watch people torment her brother any longer.
So she gets better. Zane and Grayson have been eyeing her since she came to evermore, mainly because she is probably going to be the next perfect court member, and they are angry. She allows the nasty scowls and the jibes from Grayson directed to Jean but steps in between when it gets gangrene. It's stupid she knows because both of them are 19 and look much more powerful than her undeveloped 15 year old self but she stares him down.
When kevin leaves, everything goes for worse. Rikos moods are temperamental, and none of the Ravens dare question the king. Elodie works until her body drops from exhaustion each and every night; she doesn't need to try this hard, she knows, but every mistake she makes, Jean will be punished for it and she couldn't afford that.
Riko even compliments her for once in practice as she manages to guard the defence better than grayson and he jokes and says she might be able to play beside her brother in perfect court and be a backliner instead of a dealer. This leaves grayson more furious than ever. Zane also stares at them with a sense of vexation.
She doesn't get it, really. She doesn't get it until Colleen whispers something soft into her ears, telling her to hurry up. She doesn't get it until she's pounding on the door of their shared room begging to be let in when she hears her brothers pained cries and pleas. She finally gets it when she sees Grayson with a blissed out expression and his zipper down as he whispers to her to get her whore brother cleaned up.
She slams the door behind her and places a chair in front of it. There, on the ground, she sees Jean. His eyes are dead, and no light is in them as he stares blankly at the wall. His thighs are dirtied with blood and cum and elodie feels like puking. His neck has numerous bitemarks, and his hips were bruised, and she systematically carries him to the bathroom and runs the water.
The water changes from clear to red as he soaks himself, and he looks her into the eyes, his cheeks stained with tears and mouth bitten red.
"You should have left with Kevin."
Elodie recalls the amount of punishment they both endured and her heart sobs with the implication that he thought she would leave him here to die under the hands of these monsters. She tries to smile but everything has been knocked of her, she can't see a future - she doesn't even know whether she'll be able to keep that last ember of desire to keep going burning until tomorrow.
But she has Jean and Jean has her. Nobody would understand him as well as she and vice versa. She would rebuild her brother piece by piece and give him pieces of her that have been carved out by Riko, snatched by the Ravens and willingly given to Kevin by Jean.
I like to imagine that Elodie is more outspoken, a dangerous piece on the board that's cunningly smart. She works around situations, and she knows how to trip up her teammates to be the best. She knows what it takes, and her determination is her strong point. While Jean was a survivor, elodie would be an analyser. She knows how to get under people's skin, she puts on a mask to be liked by the Ravens, and there's undoubtedly sure she would do anything to protect her brother.
So when she sees Andrew holding Jean's hand in a vice grip, she pushes him hard, under the hoax of oh, I'm sorry I had to get my shoe. When she sees Kevin again, she stares him down cold and doesn't let Jean reply to him opting to speak to him instead.
I have so many ideas for Raven elodie but I think it mainly stemmed from the audio, she's my sister and she's no bitch but I am tbh
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kindaasrikal · 2 months
Kai headcanons because I’m tired and cant think of anything else:
Kai both does and doesn’t have a concept of monetary value. Like imagine they go grocery shopping and they need to buy essentials like ingredients, veggies, hygiene stuff to stock up on. Like usually whenever the other ninja went with their families they were able to buy some extras like candy or toys, maybe some more clothes despite having many just cause they like it or smth. With Kai? This guy slaps it out of their hands and says it’s not worth the waste when they’re only here for essentials. Wu gave them money for that only, so they best budget and make sure they can buy everything they need and maybe some extras of those things or else. None of them realise how confused Wu is when a proud Kai returns believing he saved up money by being smart and responsible, when Wu actually gave them extras to use there as like an implied thing. But when it comes to things of value, this guys has no idea what to do, take for example with Ronin. He had no idea how much the thing could cost but knew they had to pay it or else. But he’s also horrible at negotiating because he can’t properly understand the worth of what they’re negotiating the deal on and can’t see when it might be worse or better.
Kai was a shockingly quiet kid. Like yes he was still ‘aggressive’ and rude, but like never spoke on his own. Nya was always the talker between the two, but even she doesn’t talk as much as often. So usually Kai would silently accept a lot of things as a child until he grew older and got a bit of an attitude so despite being often silent that one quiet kid in the back who does everything right will and probably has cussed you out if you step out of line.
Nya actually cut Kai’s hair when they were younger because she was bored and Kai fell for her trap and ended up thinking it wad a great idea since his hair had gotten too long. She messed it up however since, you know, she was like max 6, and Kai’s hair came out nothing like the picture they had of their dads. Kai almost cried at how it didn’t turn out like how he wanted when Nya giggled and said his hair looks like a “Really cool fireee!”. No, Nya does not remember that she’s the reason Kai keeps his hair like that.
Kai loves fish, he likes dragging Nya outside to summon some and makes her stay with him until he’s bored. Nya likes eating fish.
Kai likes jumping into his rlly bulky and tall mechs and then posing like a school girl or a cute model in them. Jay once managed to convince him to Jojo pose and they distracted an enemy because of it. Cole and Lloyd cussed them out, except Cole couldn’t stop laughing and Lloyd’s hair kept blowing in the wind dramatically every time he changed his position so it looked like he posing. He made them run up and down the monastery mountain steps five times each way. Cole too.
You know those really cute candle holders? So like Kai convinced Pixal to make him a fire proof bear suit, wore it outside in the dark, in the middle of the training ground, with everyone asleep. He lit himself on fire and he looked like a glowing monster bear with teeth and blood (shadows and ketchup, he was hungry). He thought it looked cute and cool. Zane screaming, malfunctioning, and then screeching “THY BEAST MUST BE SLAIN!” And shooting ice at him was not a part of the plan (Zane watched Macbeth the movie before sleeping). Both refuse to apologise to each other but after a day of ignoring one another Jay watches as Kai clings to a Zane full koala like when he’s doing chores.
Cole tries to teach Kai how to draw. Kai, for the life of him, cannot. Even stickmen look wonky and wrong.
Kai, surprisingly enough, has amazing handwriting. Everyone gets him to write stuff like letters for them because either theres is worse then a kid in nursery, or they wanna impress someone.
Kai really likes having something around his arms, like bandages, gloves, cloth, anything. For special events, he lets Cole tie silk ribbons around his arms like bandages.
Kai wishes he had soft hands. Everyone loves the feeling of his rough hands though. It comforts them.
Kai also loves cracking his knuckles. He loves doing it around Wu, who hates the noise and smacks Kai with his staff, who cackles and does it again.
At bad times in his life, Kai sits and lights a fire when the moon is at its highest point, out in the dark where it’s cold.
Kai loves stealing Jay’s action figures by accident. Jay was annoyed at first until he saw Nya giving Skylor an unintentional wide eyed look whilst holding a doll after Skylor said “oh, yeah i forget i had this old thing, don’t really like it tbh” disinterestedly. Jay put together whats what when Skylor blinked and said Nya could have it with a grin, who legit giggled. Nya. Giggling. Jay puts his action figures on a shelf and never touches them, giving an impression to someone who isn’t a collector (who couldn’t afford to be one) that they aren’t that important. Jay begins buying more action figures and other stuff he usually wouldn’t but knows Kai or Nya would love and leave it somewhere like it’s always been there. Says something under is breath just loud enough for a peeping ear to hear about how he might throw it away, and the next day its gone. Sometimes, he outright hands it to them saying he doesn’t like it but doesn’t wanna waste it. The other ninja, plus Pixal and Wu, pick up whats going on and do the same. Later in the years (after the re-design and sog) Kai and Nya long picked up on whats going on, they still love it regardless because it makes them feel less guilty (no no guys they definitely didn’t break down sobbing after Jay gave them a water themed colouring book for adults and Kai a mimic of Mitsuri Kanroji’s sword from demon slayer (a fake), definitely not.)
(Lowkey just realised this is very similar to a Morro fanfic of ao3, No i did not realise it when i wrote it but i do now, its where Morro likes collecting seemingly useless stuff left in places no one would leave smth special at. It’s because Morro was a homeless orphan, so he takes useless things in to give them importance. Love that head canon and fanfic it’s on ao3 guys omg. Imagine resurrected Morro doing that and Kai and Nya just realising in horror that THEY do that too. They get it, and dammit Morro is more similar to them than they would’ve liked.)
Kai totally likes wearing those happy birthday head bands even when it’s not his birthday and acts like he isn’t. If someone says happy birthday to him, he looks at them all judgy like and says “Its not my birthday? What gave you that impression?”
Kai actually easily gets sick, and hates it. The others have to time his down so he’ll actually get rest and not just push through it regardless. It takes summoning the duo of Wu AND Maya to get him to stop.
When the og four ninja met for the first time and right after they stopped Garmadon and got back to their realm, they still hadn’t actually gotten to know each other so Kai used to run away from them like the secret introvert he was groomed into being and it took Nya tackling him to get him to finally play those “super cringy bonding games”
Kai was subjected to Lloyd’s glowing green eyes staring at him constantly with no words exchanged. When the silence got too much and Lloyd just kept staring Kai asks what his problem is. Lloyd says “oh nothing, muchacho” and Kai realises Lloyd is still petty over what happened in the first episode.
Yeah thats all i got i think I’m sick shdgfv
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ilivingonmyway · 3 months
Something, something, some headcanons about the Ninja team that I have this is in alphabetical order. Part II here!
• Being the Earth Elemental, he knows several types of rocks, earth and minerals, as each one has a different structure that can interfere and/or contribute to a task/fight.
• Even though he hated dancing for a long time, he still practiced some steps from different dance styles, because some of them were very similar to moves that could be used in battle he did it in secret thought.
• For a long time he always acted a little distant from the other team members, but he was still there to support them if they needed it.
• He's a mama's boy, and he loved seeing Lilly and Lou dancing together.
• It was his grandfather who chose his name. He was bedridden, but he held on until Lilly gave birth to the baby, and when Grandfather saw the little one he cried, because he knew he wouldn't survive to see the child growing up, So, Lilly asked him to name him, as if it were an "I'll always be here" gesture from grandfather to grandson.
• His favorite game is the one where there's a bunch of food falling from the sky and you have to catch it, he's already broken a record 3 times in this game.
• He's the fastest and most elastic/flexible on the team. This guy's ability to put his thigh behind his head is insane, you DON'T want to be his partner in stretching exercises.
• He knows the Kyusho-Jitsu. This is a technique/type of fight used to stun/paralyze the opponent by striking pressure points (Curiosity, this is the technique that inspired Ty Lee's Chi Blocking technique from ATLA). He uses this on normal criminals, like thieves, assassins, and smuggling gangs, that way they don't get hurt. However, he also use it on Krypytarium criminals, but with the addition of a mild shock to ensure the criminal is rendered unconscious.
• Edna taught him how to cook, so he has the ability to make really good food. Although he prefers to make roasts and stews.
• Jay is a sleepwalker. Not daily, but during really bad lightning storms. Master Wu often found him sleeping on the highest point of the Monastery after the storm. Once, the Ninjas tried to keep him inside the room during the storm. They locked the door and windows and kept watch. But somehow, Jay still managed to get out of the room and get into the storm. No one ever found out how he did this.
• This one I got from Lloyd’s Guide To Surviving The Merge, a lovely fanfiction of @omgjayaaa, I really loved that one He's a medic. He knows how to treat illnesses, injuries, concussions, etc. It started out more as a hobby. Check out medical books from the local library and spend hours reading and applying the teachings on the Monastery's training dummies (sometimes Zane was the victim) just as a "strange diversion" (Kai's words). However, one day, there was a training accident and Cole dislocated his arm, while everyone was worried trying to call the hospital, in an incredible act not to mention strange of calm, Jay grabbed Cole's arm and relocated it back into place, then he borrowed some materials that were in his room and made a sling for the Earth Elemental's arm. No one ever forgot that day, because while Jay was "Just another normal day" the others were staring at him like "What the fuck was that?"
• I also got this from a Ninjago chat fanfic, also from @omgjayaaa He is a natural with children. You can't say otherwise, that this super sensitive and humorous man doesn't have a natural ability to calm/entertain/do anything involving children. And he really enjoys that, being able to make a baby stop crying and go to sleep or helping a child that got lost from the parents. Your honor, this man has everything it takes to be a good father and you're not going to change my mind.
• He hates super spicy food, being the Fire Elemental doesn't mean his taste buds are pepper/wasabi approved. He just likes a small amount in his food. Ironically, spicy food can kind of serve as fuel for the fire, so the hotter the pepper is, the more heat the fire emanates from it. Although he hates this ability.
• He's not very good at reading/writing, he left school very early to take care of Nya and the Blacksmith, so he lost most of his literacy skills. However, he took some lessons from Wu, so he didn't feel so out of place.
• In fact, his natural hair is like his mother's, but it's as untamable as his father's, which is why he uses so much hair gel. Like, you can't say that wavy and stubborn hair is not hard to care.
• He's that kind of person who sings in the shower, he often forgets that there are people in the Monastery and starts singing so loud that you can hear it from the training yard.
• He and Jay, often in secret, hang out together. Where? Karaoke. Kai sings and Jay plays the guitar, sometimes they change roles Kai prefers to play the bass. It's a lot of fun for both of them, but they don't want to let others find out, because they know none of them, especially Nya, would let it go.
• As much as many people think otherwise, of the RGB siblings, Kai is the most "stable". Not because he wants to, but because he is Nya and Lloyd's support. He feels very embarrassed when the papers change.
• He is super attentive to people close to him, especially Lloyd, who is the youngest on the team. However, now with the addition of Wyldfyre, Sora and Arin in DR, he is as protective as he was with Lloyd.
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rusted-fairy-wings · 27 days
"So much has changed, yet some things remain the same" (Ninjago Oneshot)
I found myself really craving some angst and Lloyd coming to terms with growing up so fast, so I wrote a short piece taking place a couple days after "Child's Play". I hope whoever reads it enjoys :) (Heavy emphasis on the Kai/Lloyd brother dynamic and found family because it's peak)
So much has changed, yet some things remain the same:
Steam rose from the bowls filled to the brim with hot noodle soup. A lingering smell of herbs and chicken hung in the air. The fire crackled softly in the background. The light and warmth this fire offered bathed those who sat at the table in its comfort. Yet, a somber mood hung in the air. All were seated at the table that night—five people who had trained and fought together, five people who would do anything to keep each other safe, four ninja and one samurai. Despite the warm food and fire, the somber mood remained, for there was one missing from the table.
At first nobody spoke. It had been like this for a while now. “He needs time and space to get used to this” they had all agreed. But now that a couple days had passed, the silence was deafening. The sixth among them had only emerged from his room to grab food when he thought the others couldn’t see, food which he took to his room and ate alone. 
Finally, the samurai broke the silence when she stated firmly, “Somebody needs to say it. What are we going to do about Lloyd?”
Cole’s shoulders slumped in relief at not being the one to start the conversation when he quickly agreed, “Nya’s right. It’s not like him. He always used to help me or Zane in the kitchen when either of us cooked. I tried to offer, but he didn’t even answer when I asked outside his door.”
Zane nodded at this, saying, “He has found helping me or Cole in the kitchen enjoyable since his arrival. It is… strange to cook alone now.”
Stirring his soup and not looking at anyone in particular as he spoke, Jay added, “He hasn’t even played video games with me. He was so convinced that he’d beat my high scores some day—not like that would happen—but now he doesn’t try anymore.”
“Everything is strange now. We need to help him,” Nya sighed. “He hasn’t spent time with me either… not with any of us.  I just—we’re all that he has. Sensei has been away, and that means the people at this table are the only ones who can help him.” There was one ninja who hadn’t spoken at the table. Cole and Nya both gave him confused glances. Usually the fire ninja always spoke his mind. Usually, if he had an opinion, they all knew about it. Usually, he was the one of the fastest eaters at the table, but tonight his bowl looked as if it hadn’t been touched.
Kai finally glanced up, not having so much as looked at the others the whole meal. 
“What are your thoughts, Kai?” Zane asked. “We all know you and Lloyd have a stronger connection.”
And it was that stronger connection that had kept Kai quieter than ever before, quieter since Lloyd had retired to his room and not come out. His stomach churned with worry in a way it hadn’t since Nya had been kidnapped. He wasn’t sure when it had happened—when babysitting Lloyd had turned to spending time with Lloyd, when dealing with Lloyd had turned to helping Lloyd, when being stuck with Lloyd had turned to being there for Lloyd. But it had. Training him and watching over him had gone from a chore he dreaded to moments he cherished. 
Kai stood up, knowing he was too nauseous to eat the meal Cole had worked so hard on as he said, “I’ll go talk to him. We’ve given him time, but my sister is right. We should do something.”
“Do you desire us to accompany you?” Zane asked as Kai passed his bowl to Cole who immediately began to eat from it.
“No, I’ll go on my own.” Kai answered firmly. “Maybe I can help him.”
“If you’re sure, Buddy,” Jay said with a shrug. “But if you do change your mind, we got yours and Lloyd’s backs.”
Kai nodded and left the others, walking down the quiet hall. He walked to one door in particular, one he’d knocked upon many times to remind a reluctant Lloyd that yes it was time for training again because yes he had to do it every day. But there’d been none of that lately.
Kai knocked loudly, and of course the boy behind the door didn’t answer.
“Lloyd!” Kai shouted. “I know you’re in there. Open the door. I need to talk to you.”
There was silence. Kai stood there for a few moments, and just as he was about to knock more forcefully, he heard a voice he hadn’t in days.
“It’s unlocked.”
The door creaked open to a gloomy, dim room. A worried pang punched Kai in the gut when he saw Lloyd sitting there, his shoulders hunched, his back to him, on the edge of his bed. His hair was greasy and disheveled, not unlike how it had looked when they first took him in. Even without seeing his face, Kai could sense the gloom radiating off him.
And of course, it was jarring to see Lloyd at all. He was so much taller. His hair was longer and had developed a slight waviness. All his baby fat had melted away. 
Kai walked the short distance across the room and sat next to Lloyd who had no reaction to this at all. When Kai glimpsed his face, his green eyes were dim with pronounced dark circles beneath them. 
“You gonna talk about it?”
“Talk about what?” Lloyd replied, his voice deeper than Kai was accustomed to. “There’s nothing to talk about.”
Kai rolled his eyes and said, “Now you’re just lying, Lloyd. Come on.”
Lloyd finally looked at Kai when he repeated, “There’s nothing to talk about. I’m just getting used to—” he gestured down at himself and said, “This.”
Kai opened his mouth to speak, but Lloyd cut him off when he continued, his voice strained, “It was my choice. I chose this. There’s nothing to talk about. I’m just older. It’s fine.”
“Listen to me, Kid,” Kai said, his words harsh but his touch gentle when he set his hand on Lloyd’s shoulder. “You may have chosen to use that tea. But that wasn’t a real choice, Lloyd. We were going to die if you didn’t. You were saving all of us. You were making the only choice you thought we’d survive. It’s not a choice you would’ve ever made if our lives weren’t in jeopardy.”
Lloyd’s hand gripped the blanket he sat upon as Kai looked at him, a boy now appearing only a couple years younger than him who had been a little kid mere days ago. 
“I just—it doesn’t matter. I’m the green ninja. I have to be strong if I’m going to face my dad one day. I’m grown up now… I need to train harder than ever. I need to face the facts and not think about it.”
“Because you’ve been doing just that right? Training like crazy? Eating enough to keep yourself strong? Not thinking about what happened?”
Lloyd’s eyes welled up with tears that he desperately tried to blink away.
“Let it out, Lloyd. I think most people would if they were in your situation.”
“No, I’m not a kid anymore. I can’t cry,” he answered, his voice tight, the words forced.
Kai looked him in the eyes and said, “Lloyd, you were nine two days ago. You sacrificed years of childhood and being a kid you won’t ever get back. It’s okay to cry.”
“I’m too old for that,” Lloyd whispered.
But then the tears began to fall, and his whole body shook with the force of his sobbing. Without hesitation, Kai hugged him as tight as he could, not caring for the tears soaking his uniform.
“No, you’re not, Lloyd. When my sister was kidnapped and I first became a ninja… that night I cried harder than I probably ever had. The others didn’t hear or see—I barely knew them then, so I hid it. But I was worried sick about Nya. All I wanted was for her to have never been taken, to be back in our father’s shop, for things to be normal. Even the strongest ninja cries.”
Neither of them spoke for several minutes as Lloyd let out all the emotions he’d been forcing down in the name of growing up. And even though Lloyd was now so much closer to his age, Kai still let him hug him as tightly as he had when he was a kid.
“See, tell me I’m right. Feels better, huh?”
Lloyd nodded slowly, wiping his eyes as he broke the hug.
“I’m just… in the moment I didn’t think about what would actually happen to me. That monster had us cornered, and… I could finally help you guys like you helped me. You gave me a home—I haven’t really had one before.”
“Kid, so long as the others and I have a roof over us to offer, we’ll give it to you. I promise.”
Lloyd didn’t speak, but his eyes were full of such genuine gratitude it tugged at Kai’s heartstrings. He couldn’t believe how much he’d hated this kid, how much his presence had annoyed him. 
After a long pause, Lloyd hesitantly asked, “Kai?”
“Yeah, Kid?”
“What do I even do now?”
“What do you mean?”
The green ninja glanced away from Kai as he stared at the wooden floor beneath him, not quite able to articulate his thoughts and feelings. Kai waited several moments for him to speak, setting his hand on his shoulder in reassurance. 
“I–I don’t understand what to do besides train. I’m not a kid, so I can’t do kid stuff like read my comics or have my favorite food be candy or–”
Kai interrupted harshly, “Of course you can! It’s not like your Sensei’s age, Lloyd.”
“But you and Nya and everyone seem so… mature and responsible. Now that I’m like you guys, I need to be like that too.”
Kai couldn’t help but chuckle. Lloyd glared at him.
“Look, Lloyd,” Kai said with a grin. “There’s a lot you haven’t seen or noticed because we were trying to set a good example for you, or sometimes you just weren’t paying attention. Like when you got close to beating Jay in his favorite game, you didn’t hear Jay ranting about it after or notice how overly competitive he got. And you think you’ve got a sweet tooth with candy? You should see how Cole acts around cake. Don’t tell her I told you, but Nya still has all her childhood stuffies under her bed. And you haven’t ever seen Zane’s funny switch, but even he has it in him.”
Lloyd laughed and asked, “Zane has a what?”
“We’ll show you sometime,” Kai answered, still grinning ear to ear. 
“It’s just that… you guys seemed so serious when we trained.”
“Because that’s what you needed, Lloyd. And we needed you to take us seriously as your mentors.”
But just as swiftly as it had come, Lloyd’s smile faded.
“What is it?”
Lloyd glanced at Kai uncertainly, fidgeting with the hem of his black shirt as he asked, “Promise you won’t laugh at me?”
Kai nodded.
“I–” Lloyd began hesitantly, then pausing for a second. “Now that things are different… I mean, I know I’m not a kid anymore, but… will you and everyone else still… I don’t know. Train me? Help me?”
Kai raised an eyebrow and answered, “That’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever asked me. Of course we will. Why wouldn’t we?”
“It’s just that now that I’m older, maybe I’m not supposed to need it. But I'm not ready, Kai. I’m not ready to face my father, and… I still need you. Not just to train me. Kai, you’ve been helping me so much… you’ve spent so much time with me and looked after me. Nobody’s done that for me before. And—” his eyes welled up with tears once more. “I’m not ready to let it go.”
Shocked that Lloyd would ever have such a thought, Kai nearly snapped out the words, “Lloyd, I will always be there for you. I swear it. Growing up doesn’t mean we stop needing the people around us… sometimes we need them even more. That’s how family is, Lloyd. You never stop needing each other in your lives. What that looks like may change, but those bonds remain. You’re my brother now, Lloyd. I will never leave you, and I will be here for you as long as you want me to be.”
“Do you really mean that?” the younger ninja whispered, a few stray tears streaming down his cheeks. 
“Of course I do,” Kai answered fiercely. 
Lloyd hugged him tightly again, tighter than ever before and said softly, “Thank you.”
“No need for that, Kid. I love ya.”
“I love you too.”
And after a few minutes had passed, and the younger brother had regained his composure, Kai said, “Now quit moping in your room. We’ve all missed you. Come eat dinner with us before you waste away completely.”
Lloyd managed a smile and nodded.
Victorious and a little smug, Kai led the young green ninja to the dining room. And everyone there grinned when they saw him finally emerge again.
Cole got up and spooned a large bowl full of the soup for Lloyd as he and Kai sat at the table. 
And as the green ninja sat there, hearing everyone sound so genuinely happy to see him, he couldn’t help but grin broadly. He mouthed a thank you to Kai who ruffled his hair affectionately. 
Although so much was different now, a new life and joy encompassed them that night. The green ninja spent time with his family late into the night. Lloyd helped Zane with the dishes and couldn’t help but laugh when he noticed Cole shoveling leftover cake into his mouth as if he hadn’t eaten in weeks. When he and Jay played games, he didn’t hesitate to pettily argue and banter with him as they both tried to best the other. Nya rolled her eyes at this, but her affectionate smile revealed it all. And after dinner and cleaning up and video games, Lloyd sat next to Kai on the couch as he and the others talked for hours. 
And that night, Lloyd went to bed perhaps the most content he’d ever been, the last thought before he fell asleep echoing in his mind:
I finally belong.
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purplecherries · 1 year
I would have loved Leona to be Zane’s biological child.
I would love to see her freak out because she’s lived in a farm her whole life and now she finds out her father is a war criminal and tyrant.
I would have loved to have her be the next lord of O’khasis and everyone scrambling to try and make sure she’s not a Zane Ro’meave 2.
I would have loved to see Leona try to ask anyone and everyone about Zane only to be brushed off.
I would have loved to see Leona cry about having to live up to impossible expectations all because her father was monster.
I would love for Leona to realize she laughs like her father because of the terrified looks she gets when she does laugh.
I would love for Kiki to talk about when she met Zane and how he was a “real charmer.” And for Zianna to talk about when he was younger.
I would love to see Lilith and Alina watch her have her “Lady transformation” and they don’t recognize her at first. Leona still volunteering to babysit because it reminds her of her old life before she started training for lordship.
I would love to see Leona pretend she doesn’t like Yip because she knows it won’t work and she has a enough weight on her shoulders already.
I would love to see Zianna discourage her from learning about Esmund or Irene even though she’s a devout follower.
I would love for Leona to wonder if her father really did plan for her to exist and be an heir or was she just a side effect and a lucky preservation of the Ro’meave line??
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traffic-light-eyes · 5 months
Lloyd is a chronic insomniac. He doesn't know when it started, but he has never been able to sleep. If he thinks he's enough, it started around when he got shipped off to Darkley's. Something about pranks in his sleep and being too scared to leave his body vulnerable to attack.
It doesn't matter how it started, though, because now he can't sleep. It's a curse, really, to be left alone in his own mind - trapped with no reprieve from the crushing weight of his mountain-heavy mistakes.
He stays up all night laying in his bed just thinking. Thinking about his dad - no, that's not his dad - Garmadon, thinking about Zane's death, thinking about Cole's death, thinking about Nya's death, thinking about everything that he has ever done that brought him to this very breaking point. He thinks.
It'd gotten to a place where he doesn’t even care about sleeping anymore; he just wants to rest his brain. He just wants to turn it off for a little while. Just for a second. He'd settle for half.
Some nights, he doesn't bother pretending to try and sleep. He gets out of his bed under the pretense of a glass of water or the bathroom, then spends the rest of the night training or watching his favorite shows. But that can only happen so often before someone notices his absence, which is exactly what happened today.
He couldn't sleep like any other day, which is normal. As he lay there in the darkness, Lloyd's mind raced with thoughts that felt like a whirlwind of regrets and missed opportunities. It wasn't just the physical exhaustion that plagued him; it was the relentless barrage of memories and what-ifs that kept him prisoner in his own mind. He tossed and turned, trying to find a comfortable position, but no matter how he shifted, sleep eluded him like a distant dream.
His eyes flickered to the digital clock on his bedside table, its numbers mocking him as they steadily ticked away the minutes of another sleepless night. 2:37 AM. It was a familiar sight by now, the harsh glow of the numbers serving as a constant reminder of his insomnia.
With a sigh, Lloyd pushed himself up into a sitting position, his gaze wandering to the window where the moon cast its silver light into his room. He longed for the peace that sleep promised, the temporary escape from the relentless burden of his thoughts. But it seemed that peace was as elusive as sleep itself.
Turning away from the window, Lloyd swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up, the cool floor sending a shiver up his spine. He knew he should try to sleep, should at least make the effort to rest his weary mind. But the thought of lying there in the darkness, alone with his thoughts, was too much to bear.
Instead, he padded silently across the room, careful not to wake his sleeping teammates. He had become adept at moving silently in the night, a skill born out of necessity rather than choice. As he reached the door, he paused, his hand hovering over the handle.
Should he go back to bed and try to sleep, or should he give in to the urge to escape his own mind? It was a question he grappled with every night, a battle between exhaustion and restlessness.
In the end, the pull of the training room was too strong to resist. With a determined nod, Lloyd pushed open the door and slipped out into the hallway, the darkness swallowing him whole as he made his way towards the familiar glow of the training lights. Perhaps tonight, he thought, he would find some solace in the rhythmic movements of his training routine, a temporary distraction from the turmoil within.
After Lloyd had trained for a while, lost in the rhythm of his movements, he heard the soft creak of the training room door opening behind him. Turning, he saw his teammates entering, their expressions soft with concern.
"Lloyd, we noticed you were gone again," Nya said gently, stepping forward to stand beside him.
Lloyd's heart skipped a beat, a mix of surprise and apprehension swirling within him. He hadn't expected them to follow him, to witness his midnight training sessions.
"Yeah, we were worried about you," Jay added, his usual cheerful demeanor replaced with a more serious tone.
Lloyd shifted uncomfortably, feeling exposed under their watchful gazes. He had always been so careful to keep his struggles hidden, to bear the weight of his insomnia alone. But now, faced with the concern of his teammates, he found himself at a loss for words.
"I..." Lloyd began, his voice faltering as he searched for the right words. "I didn't mean to worry you."
Kai stepped forward, his expression softened with understanding. "We know, Lloyd. But we're a team, remember? We look out for each other."
Lloyd felt a lump form in his throat at Kai's words, a surge of emotion welling up within him. For so long, he had felt isolated by his struggles, alone in the darkness of his own mind. But here, surrounded by his teammates who had become more like family, he realized that he didn't have to face his demons alone.
As they gathered around him, offering words of encouragement and support, Lloyd felt a sense of warmth and gratitude wash over him. He may never be free from his insomnia, may never fully escape the nightmares that haunted his sleepless nights. But with his teammates by his side, he knew that he would never have to face them alone.
And as they stood together in the quiet of the training room, Lloyd couldn't help but feel a flicker of hope ignite within him, a beacon of light in the darkness of his endless night.
This one was rushed !! Sorry <3
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omgjayaaa · 1 year
there’s a lot of debate of which ninja is the most traumatized and I honestly can’t decide, so I’m gonna list all the trauma I remember. Feel free to add anymore I missed.
raised his sister by himself and had to run a blacksmith shop as a teen to make ends meet
his sister got kidnapped
Got hit with snake venom and was high for awhile
got stuck in a collapsing volcano
the whole birthday human piñata thing
saw his brother explode (rip Zane)
ends up falling in love with a villain
loses his powers
gets tricked by said villain and almost destroys Lloyd with the power staff
gf turned into a snake
got teased about what happened to his parents
(still parentless)
fails to protect his possessed brother
is forced to fight said possessed brother
nearly drowns
gets swarmed by psycho fangirls (s6)
finds out his parents may be traitors
truly believes his parents are traitors and tries to stab them
father gets hit my the time punch
is forced to go back in time and watches Master Wu be lost to time
watches his best friend fall off the bounty and “die” (and literally can’t do a thing)
loses his powers (again)
gets thrown into a bunch of walls
literally has to summon his fire or everyone will DIE
watches everyone get turned to ice sculptures
Loses powers and gets turned into a cube o7
gets pelted with rocks
sister turns into the sea
gets in a car crash
turns into a Crystal zombie
oh, and he gets hit by a giant blast and thrown into the distance, then nearly gets killed by dragons.
Turns into a snake man
Gets tied up and nearly hit by a train
has a pointless love triangle where he breaks up with his best friend
literally resents him the whole time but is secretly sad
said best friend sacrifices himself and Jay has to watch him be thrown into the pit below rip
is adopted
Bio dad is dead (dead as hell)
bio mom is gone (who knows where)
he’s just motherless
Spider tries to eat him
literally gets tortured by a bunch of pirates
loses his ex gf to a super hot djinn
watches Nya die
is traumatized by even the mention of time travel (s7)
adoptive mom gets kidnapped
is so traumatized that he just becomes emotionally depleted and is okay with a dragon eating him???
watches best friend literally fall into a cloud of darkness and can’t even do anything
almost falls into lava
watches his whole family and gf get cubed
gets sacrificed to a sea beast (which isn’t technically real but still)
almost drowns
literally almost dies because water in lungs
gf turns into the sea
is depressed for awhile
grows a beard
Gets turned into a Crystal zombie
Mother died when he was a child
Which lead to a bad relationship with his father
ran away and climbed a mountain in his grief
nearly got killed by a dragon
got mind controlled and was forced to fight his friends/ninja brothers
had a weird love triangle
lost powers
sacrificed himself for Jay
turned into a ghosty boi
got kidnapped by the sons of Garmadon
falls off the bounty and nearly gets frozen in the oni cloud
feels so responsible for losing the travelers tea that he literally climbs up a snowy mountain without sleeves-
gets cubed in a video game
is attacked by a creature wearing his moms locket
no one believes him
despite all the crazy things that have happened
gets thrown to the bottom of the mountain
Gets in a car crash
crystal Zombie time
wandered for like 10 years-
had amnesia
everyone calls him “weird”
is actually a nindroid
bird robot dies several times
btw his dad is actually alive
falls in love with a robot girl
literally gives her half of his heart
sacrifices himself to protect those he loves and all of ninjago
is rebuilt only to be kidnapped
gf is scrapped and now lives in his head
dies again because smartphones aren’t real (s7)
nearly dies from being thrown off the cliff by someone who was essentially supposed to be himself
Had visions about his literal banishment
gets banished to the never realm
loses memories and is manipulated
commits mass genocide
nearly assassinated
Gets electric shocked and hooked up to power a giant machine
turns off emotions because of Nya becoming a mermaid
crystal zombie
literally locked in a imperium temple for years (but doesn’t remember a thing???)
Lost both her parents at a young age
was kidnapped
becomes samurai X because she wanted to help and the others wouldn’t let her
im not even going to talk about s3
gets hunted down by Chen’ forces
is actually the water ninja
unlocks her true potential before everyone can die
is forced to deal with misogyny at every turn because she’s the “girl ninja”
gets possessed by the spirit of Delara
someone steals her samurai suit
her parents are alive
she watches her family and bf die
has to deal with survivors guilt when Cole “dies”
is forced to confront her powers once again in s12
gets cubed
watches her bf get flirted with and he doesn’t do anything
Becomes a Queen despite not wanting to???
watches bf get sacrificed
Misses her mom but she’s been gone so long things have changed
sacrifices herself to save Jay
turns into the sea
is alive again but is separated from Jay once again (merge)
Mom left him at a boarding school as a baby
dad is evil
Is mistreated and opens a serpentine tomb
gets gatekeeped, gaslight and girlbossed by a purple snake
nearly dies because he’s forced to retrieve a fang blade
almost dies in a volcano
Hes destined to defeat his father btw
and fight him
Son vs father
loses his childhood to save his friends
mother is alive
has to fight his father and destroy the overlord
friend group breaks up after Zane dies
Recently redeemed father dies because Lloyd has to banish him to the cursed realm
gets possessed by his cousin
gets thrown into a river and nearly drowns
says a final goodbye to his father
gets really old
isnt old anymore
is forced into a leadership role and no one cares
falls in love with this really pretty, nice girl
shes evil
she beats him up and brings his father back from the dead (only the evil part)
his father beats him up and leaves him for dead
watches family be crushed
is forced top into leadership again and confronts loss
fights his father one last time and defeats him narrowly
Is forced to work with and babysit his evil dad
is so traumatized by Harumi that his trust issues are heightened
distrusts a Wolf girl but works with her
she kisses him and then he leaves (for good?)
Is forced to fight video game Harumi and they kill each other (poetic but cruel)
is cubed
sneaks into Cole’s bedroom just to tell him how much he distrusts the new princess
sister gets turned into the sea
works at Starbucks?
his ex gf is alive and pissed
dad loves a plant more than him
father plays dead and Lloyd turns into a demon goat man
Gets separated from his whole family in the merge
gets a vision of his family’s grave
gets high, beats the shit out of some bad guys and passes out
probably traumatized after that
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kamisama1kiss · 4 months
I know that I keep requesting, and I’m sorry but I have a head full of ideas which I have to get out somehow- 😭
The ninjas reaction to their Lover (A ninja) flirting with them at any given point? Like one day they start to flirt with them all day, during training, during battle even them doing the most mundane things-
But this is just like a prank from the readers side where they start to flirt all day and they wanna see their reaction. (The ninja can flirt back, obviously for someone who loves red that is a go-to 🤭)
Please don't apologise 😭🙏 I love getting asks even tho i can maybe be a tad bit slow at times!! 🤭🤭
Their reactions of the lover being a massive flirt as a prank {Ninjago Headcanons}
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~Lloyd Garmadon~
Genuinely, in a more general setting, he'd stop dead in his tracks with a light blush on his face, having not expected to hear your flirty comments. Would eventually loosen up and give in with a shy smile with avoiding eye contact. When he tried to flirt back, he wasn't exactly good at flirting at all. At least he tried.
Let's say mid battle against a villain and hiding, planning. He'd ignore it at first, but his heart would speed up lightly, tumbling on his words.
~Kai Smith~
His head would be within a flash turned to look over at you, a smug grin on his lips right before he bit his lip. Laughing to himself slightly before walking over to flirt back with no hesitation. Even planting a few short kisses on your neck, face, and maybe hand.
Now, let's place it in more of a fighting scenario? Yeah. He would most likely flirt back as a response if we know him right, winking back at you when the opportunity gives him time. Feeling a little giddy to be flirted with rather than the flirter.
~Cole Brookstone~
Believe he tried to be serious, but would instantly crack with laughter. No matter how many times his lover was flirty, he just stood their with a big grin on his face. Simply giving in with a simple peck on the cheek.
Yet again, if this was in a training way, he'd stop for a second. The warmth grew on his face but could be denied within seconds, shaking it off to train again. It definitely got his pulse up a few notches.
~Zane Julian~
Didn't get much of the memo of flirting, more specifically when you already had been dating for a while. Either way, he gained a smile depending on how intense the flirting could be his software could heat up a little.
Let's say everyone stood at the ship and tried to find where the villain had gone, and you pulling up with your flirting of the day, he'd simply pat your shoulders and tell you that the time isn't now. His emotions we're easily controlled when the time was needed.
~Jay Walker~
Simply would melt. His heart and soul makes a hard-core lover boy out of him. Tilting his head while watching you do your best work, the smile slowly grows while his feelings double, if that even is possible.
Shaking his if it happened mid battle, he would recreat the flirting when and if the time was given. For the time being, it had to be silent from his side, he needed to focused now.
~Nya Smith~
Her blush was set ablaze almost instantly, never having received that kind of attention. She simply did shy away at times in the start and did not even answer half the time. But now? Simply scoff and try to one up your lines, it's not a fun little game.
You know the drill by now. The training meant a lot to her, which meant you'll most likely be ignored by her. No hard feelings, she feels the need to be tip top shape to be respected by others since she is a girl.
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mouwrites · 11 months
HEY POOKS! I'm back with a cool idea😋
Basically hcs where the ninja have to train the reader(who is younger then them) because Wu told them too. At first neither of them want to train together and make the training sessions difficult for each other but over time the ninja see themselves in the reader which was apart of wu's plan. So overtime they develop a sibling bond and everyone rubs in their faces on how similar they are even when they used to hate each other.
YIPPEE you’re back with another banger!!!
Me when you call me pookie,, teehee
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Ninjago - Unintentionally Becoming the Ninjas’ Little Sibling
Zane doesn’t always hate kids, but he certainly didn’t like you at first
He saw you as disorganized and disruptive
Your fighting style was no better
He begrudgingly took it upon himself to help shape you up, not just as a fighter, but as a person
Your attitude towards him was not helping his exasperation at all
But he’s perseverant
Eventually you start to come around to his lessons, finding that being organized is pretty convenient at times
You secretly started to organize your room
You absolutely did NOT want him to know that though
One time he walked in on you sorting your comics by franchise, and you legitimately flipped your table
“Y/n! Why did you do that? Look at the mess you’ve made.”
“I-I don’t care about messes!! No… I… I like my room like this…”
He insisted on helping you clean up, at which point he noticed that the comics, which had somehow maintained their separate groups after falling to the floor, were sorted
He doesn’t point it out, but he feels some pride in you
He helps you reorganize the comics wordlessly
Sitting there, just sorting through comics in silence, the tension between you two melted
Once Zane realized that his teachings were getting through to you, he stops being so harsh
He offers to help you organize things, and he’s thrilled if you return the favor
From there he’ll start teaching you to cook and do chores too
That’s when the others start to notice
They call you the Rumba because you’re a little housekeeping helper
Zane finds the name especially comedic because a Rumba is also a robot
Though their teasing makes you all huffy, you wouldn’t go back to your old ways just to stop it
You like the time you spend with Zane too much
Besides doing chores, you guys also like to watch documentaries together
You’re both one of those “did you know (weirdly specific fact)” people
You like to quiz each other on your niche hobbies and interests
You’re both definitely one of those weirdly knowledgeable people that seem to have a fun fact for every scenario
You’ll build off of each others’ fun facts as well
“Did you guys know that monarch butterflies are actually incredibly poisonous?”
“That’s correct. That’s why the viceroy butterfly has evolved to look similar; predators will assume they’re monarchs, and thus elect not to eat them.”
This becomes more annoying for the others as time goes on
He was determined to “tame” you from the very beginning
When Wu tasked him with training you, he convinced himself that you were a real piece of work
This led to a less than ideal attitude towards you, regardless of whether you were actually a problem child or not
He assumes this air of authority, using his age and experience as excuses to boss you around
That’s where your problem with him arises
And when you start to show how much you hate him, he only feels more justified in his treatment
It’s only when he starts to notice your hot-headedness that he reflects on his treatment of you
He sees himself in you, which makes him question if that’s how he would want to be treated
No, he decides, this is not how he would want to be treated were he in your position
So he approaches you one day when you’re all alone, watching the sunset
“Here to boss me around some more?”
“No, I want to apologize. I shouldn’t be treating you like this. It’s just not helpful, to you or me. I’m going to try to be better.”
His genuineness strikes you
You accept the apology warily
Frankly you’re worried about how he plans to change his treatment of you
You’re pleasantly surprised to find that he’s actually a pretty cool guy once he drops the dictator act
He shows you fun fighting moves, even lets you win every now and again when you spar
And he invites you to do more leisurely activities too
It’s a welcome change from the endless stream of chores he used to give you
He still gives you work to do though (mostly things he doesn’t want to do himself)
Your lingering hot-headedness shines through when this happens
“Why do I have to do it? It’s not fair!”
“Because I said so. Now shoo.”
The others start to tease that you’re just like him
Kai doesn’t mind this at all
If anything, he’s proud to have a mini version of himself
He loves doing stuff with you; your determination makes you a great buddy to be all competitive with
You guys LOVE to compete; video games, chores, training, anything
You get on Cole’s bad side by being stubborn
Cole’s a pretty chill guy who likes to go with the flow, so if you make him put his foot down, he’s not going to like you
So, when you demonstrate the classic huffiness of a child, he gets pretty impatient
He won’t push hard when it comes to enforcing his authority
He’ll just leave
This makes you feel like he doesn’t care about you, which only exacerbates your bad attitude
It becomes a vicious cycle of hate on both ends
It’s only when you realize that you are being a little bratty that you decide to try and tone it down
This takes him by surprise
“…99, and 100! Okay, all done with warm-ups. What next?”
“Wh— no complaining? Huh. Um, okay, let’s practice your high kicks.”
“You’re the boss.”
He starts to actually enjoy training with you once you’re not arguing all the time
This shows you that he really does care about your progress
The negative cycle therefore becomes a positive one
Cole loves to praise you when you’ve done a good job
He’s very proud of you
When you get used to going with what he says, you’re adopting some of his laid-back attitude
That’s where the others perceive similarities
But they don’t end there
Cole likes to invite you to hang out with him after training, and through your hang out sessions you start to pick up on some of his mannerisms
Like eating the cream out of the Oreo before you eat the cookie
Or leaving the TV on while you take a nap
The teasing gets amped up when the others notice these mirrored habits
Neither of you really care, though
You just like that you have a good relationship now :)
Jay thought you were a total brat
All it took was one bad experience; he’s volatile like that
He sees you in a bad light once and your reputation is ruined
A bad comment, telling him no once, a dirty look, anything small like that
He’s super cold to you when training, dishing out orders like Gordon Ramsay and glaring at you just as intensely
You feel like you can never satisfy him
As the work he gives you piles up daily, you can’t help but shoot a glare back
Your relationship is fixed in the same way it was ruined: with a single moment
You were watching TV, appreciating a rare break
Your favorite character was on screen, and you couldn’t help but smile and sigh
“Man, I wish you were my friend. Then everything would be okay. You’re just so cool.”
“Isn’t he?!”
You whirled around with wild eyes
Jay was diving to sit down next to you, his eyes sparkling at the screen
He was overjoyed to find out that you liked the show; it was super niche, and none of the other ninjas had even heard of it
You listened as he gushed about the show, a little disturbed by his complete flip of attitude
Eventually you couldn’t help joining his fangirling
You spent literal hours talking
Kai dropped in at one point to make a comment about you two being secret siblings, which you both shrugged off
After that day you were pretty much inseparable
You both proved to be total chatterboxes in each others’ presence
The others find this amusing in the sense that Jay has finally found an equal, but annoying in the sense that you guys literally never stop talking
The only time you shut your mouths is when you’re watching your shows
Even when training, you keep feedback flowing between you
“Nice kick! Try lower next time, though.”
“Thanks! Oof, that hurt…”
When you start to get frustrated/demotivated with your training, Nya does the same
She finds you “impossible to work with”
So she’ll dump you with someone else, making you feel like garbage to be tossed around
Wu has to remind her that she was the same when she started her ninja training
She’s in denial at first, but when she sees you hunched over in anger, she remembers being in that exact position
With newfound empathy she goes over to you
“Hey… you know, I wasn’t much better when I started my training.”
“I doubt it. I’m just the worst. I’ll never be a ninja.”
She was shocked to find your attitude so similar to her old attitude
From there she had a better idea of how to help you
You were surprised to find her so understanding
You came around to her as you realized she really did know how you were feeling
You put your trust in her, becoming a little more laid-back and letting her guide you
In other words, you adopted her ���go with the flow” mindset
Wu was the first to point out your similarities
You both just looked at each other and smiled
You knew you were similar; that’s why you got along
Nya decides to teach you things beyond ninja training, like mechanics
You become quite skilled under her guidance
The others notice that she’s essentially created a smaller version of herself
She protests that you’re your own person, but she can’t deny that you are basically just mini-Nya
Lloyd gets annoyed if you don’t make progress quickly
His training was very fast and intense, so if you can’t keep up, he gets impatient
He’ll just keep pushing harder and harder
He doesn’t realize that not everyone has a prophecy to live up to, and thus probably isn’t motivated in the same way
He can’t find a way to appeal to your motivation, which leaves you feeling like training is just a waste of time
Lloyd finds this attitude incredibly disrespectful
You guys make so many passive aggressive remarks
“Are you already tired?”
“Well, you did kinda just make me, the kid, do 100 push ups.”
It’s when you finally snap that he realizes he’s been doing it wrong
You explode during training one day, storming off while grumbling furiously
Lloyd just stands there, stunned
At that point he finally recognizes that you’re not just a little version of himself, and he needs to get to know you to understand how to help you
So he appeals to you first, remembering the things he used to like as a kid
He gets you into Starfarer, and you guys bond over your love of it
He learns bits and pieces about you when you hang out, and eventually devises a plan to get you back on track
You take to training much better the second time around, making impressive progress
You aren’t cocky about it though; you’ve picked up Lloyd’s humble attitude
The others reminisce about when Lloyd was in your position and they were the trainers
“They’re kinda like you, Lloyd.”
“You think? I guess they are. I remember when you’d train me like this, Kai.”
He takes pride in knowing he’s facilitated your growth
He’s almost as proud to say he’s created another Starfarer fan
You guys still love to gush over the comics together :)
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Sorry this was kind of a long read ^^” but thanks for reading! And thank you lovely anon for your request!!
(divider by saradika)
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jordanhaszane · 7 months
Dragons Rising Needs To Do Better With Zane
Fix Zane's character and make him not a stereotype, not a plot device, not treated like shit. I am tired of seeing Lloyd take Zane's characterization of the "one with visions" I do not care that Lloyd got the dragon steroid injected into him, that was what made Zane interesting because look guys Zane's having visions of something about the future that involves him being blasted into another realm and being a genocidal emperor (everyone didn't care about that) But no holy shit Lloyd is having visions about the ninja dying and a blood moon (everyone cares about that because it involves them all in danger)
I understand having new characters and balancing them with the old ones, I get that, but you could have written both Zane and Jay out of Dragons Rising and nothing would change.
Zane has not done anything to warrant him even being in the plot as of right now. He stayed behind with a frog and a picture of his missing half trying to open a portal that can clearly be opened by The Savior Himself Lloyd when he goes into Dragon Steroid Mode most likely. The only thing going for him is that egg and finding Pixal and I am genuinely interested in how that will turn out.
"But Dragons rising only started and they are introducing a lot of characters and plots and we are about to get season 2-" The egg that Zane was in and him finding Pixal can be done in 3 or 4 seasons, after that then what? What is left for him to do because he obviously won't do anything near what anyone else is doing, he doesn't have a student to train, he doesn't have Dragon Steroids, and his name isn't Lloyd or Kai He does not have any long term progression in Dragons Rising like Lloyd or Kai does and he will most likely leave the main cast that he barely felt like he was apart of after a few seasons (after the Egg and Pixal things are taken care of)
Yeah, it's not all about Zane, I don't want that to be the case. Arin and Sora are the best things to come out of Dragons Rising, but treating Zane (hell even Jay) like this is insulting. Zane is a great character with one of the best character arcs in the whole series and I just want something new with Zane and not just have him on screen for 3 minutes and not again until 5 more episodes. I want that arc to be whatever is going on with the egg. I want that to be what makes Zane have the character arc he deserves and has needed since Season 11. His character is balancing between getting absolutely fucked over by the writers and decent character arc.
Will I still watch Dragons Rising? Of course. Is it good and do I enjoy it? Hell yes. Will I enjoy it more if Zane has more to do? Absolutely.
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