#did they think hey maybe if we watch the train pass
sea-jello · 2 years
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why would they just stare at the train 💀💀 what were they hoping to accomplish
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lev1hei1chou · 27 days
Cafe Drama
Gojo x reader Genre: Fluff Synopsis: Gojo loves drama when he’s not the center of it Masterlist
You almost dropped your phone. Not a hello, not even a 'Hey, how are you?' Just Gojo, screaming into the phone, voice filled with eagerness.
"Satoru, what—"
"So I was on this mission, right?" he interrupts, not bothering to wait for you response. "And I decided to take a break at this cute little cafe. You know the type, rustic charm, overpriced lattes, the works."
"Uh-huh," You reply, already grinning because you know this is going to be good.
"Okay, so I’m sitting there, minding my own business, trying to decide between a macchiato and a cappuccino—very important stuff, obviously—when suddenly, BAM! The couple at the table next to me starts arguing."
You can almost see his eyes sparkling with glee as he recounts this. Gojo loves drama when he’s not the center of it.
"So, naturally, I tune in. It’s like my own private soap opera. The guy’s all like, 'I can’t believe you did that!' and she’s like, 'Well, maybe if you paid more attention to me instead of your stupid phone!' Classic stuff. Anyway, they’re getting louder and louder, and I’m just sitting there, sipping my coffee, trying not to laugh."
"Of course you were," You chuckle, shaking your head. "You love a good train wreck."
"Exactly! But it gets better. The guy stands up, and I think he’s going to storm out, but no. He leans in, gets all serious, and says, 'You’re being irrational.' Which, by the way, never helps. She stands up too, and I’m like, 'Oh boy, here we go.' She picks up her glass of juice—orange, if you’re wondering—and I’m thinking, 'No, she wouldn’t.' But she did. SHE DID, BABE!"
"She threw the juice?"
"Right in his face! Full-on, slow-motion movie style. It was beautiful. Juice everywhere. The guy’s just standing there, dripping, looking like a soggy, defeated puppy. And the whole cafe goes silent."
You couldn’t help but burst out laughing, picturing the scene in your head. "Did anyone say anything?"
"Oh, the barista tried to act professional, but you could tell she was dying inside. Everyone’s just staring, and the guy, poor guy, he wipes his face and says, 'You know what? I don’t need this.' And then he slips on the juice! He didn’t fall, but it was close. Very close. He regained his dignity just enough to leave the cafe without actually hitting the floor."
You're laughing so hard now, with tears forming in the corners of your eyes. "Did you do anything? Or just watch?"
"Me? Oh, I applauded."
"No you didn’t!"
"I did! How could I not? It was a stellar performance. I gave her a standing ovation. I think she appreciated it, too. She bowed before storming out. Quite the exit. Ten out of ten."
You could barely breathe. "Only you, Gojo, would turn someone’s breakup into your own personal entertainment."
"Hey, I’m just here to enjoy the show life puts on for me. And to share it with you, of course. How’s your day going? Any juice-throwing incidents I should know about?"
"Sadly, no. My day has been quite boring compared to yours. Just paperwork and a slightly burnt grilled cheese."
"Tragic. I’ll have to take you to that cafe sometime. Maybe we’ll get lucky and see round two."
"As tempting as that sounds, I think I’ll pass on the drama. But thank you for the update, babe. You always know how to make my day."
"Anything for you, babe. Now, tell me more about this grilled cheese situation. Burnt, you say? Sounds like a crisis."
You giggled, settling back into the couch, feeling the warmth of his ridiculous story still lingering. "Well, it started with the toaster oven malfunctioning..."
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togrowoldinv · 11 months
Truth or Dare
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
While playing truth or dare with the team, feelings get revealed
Note: I was going to do it as a college au, but I thought an Avengers party would be a fun setting for this one. Enjoy!
Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 1, Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 2, Main Masterlist
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It was a silly idea, really, to play truth or dare with the rest of the Avengers. Everyone but Tony thought they were too old for it, but somehow he convinced everyone to play.
It started out simple. Sam dared Tony to chug a drink, Clint made Steve tell the group about his USO tour days, and you dared Wanda to fly up and touch the ceiling.
But as the night went on things got more intense. Everyone started asking hard hitting truth questions or daring each other to make questionable decisions.
“Alright, one last round,” Tony announces once everyone is more than a later wasted and definitely tiring of the job. “Romanoff, you’re up.”
Natasha hadn’t participated very much at this point. She was only dared a couple times to do simple things. No one wanted to mess with her.
“Fine,” she agrees. She rolls the dice and it lands on Tony’s number. He grins at her. “Truth or dare?”
“I think… dare. Why not end the night on a fun one,” Tony answers.
“Okay. I dare you to go home to your girlfriend,” Natasha says.
“Lame!” Tony yells.
“A dare is a dare, Stark,” Steve comes to Nat’s defense.
“I’m staying until my turn,” Tony declares. “Which is now.”
He rolls the dice this time. It lands on your number. You’ve avoided anything too embarrassing so far, but you never know with Tony.
“Y/n, my dear, truth or dare?” He asks dramatically.
“Um, dare?” You phrase it like a question. That makes everyone laugh.
“Dare it is,” he says. He rubs his chin as to appear to be thinking. “I dare you to kiss Natasha.”
The room goes silent at his dare. It seems like everyone is looking at you. Does he know you had a crush on her? Does everyone know? Does Natasha know? The thoughts run through your head as you’re not sure how much time has passed since he dared you.
“Alright, game over,” Sam cuts in.
“Yeah, we all need to rest up for training tomorrow,” Steve adds.
The guys leave the room one by one and say they’re goodnights. Natasha waits by the door frame to catch you when you leave. Wanda remains sitting by your side.
“Are you okay?” She asks.
“Yeah. I just- does he know?”
“I think he’s drunk and was trying to be funny,” Wanda reasons. “Hey, it’s going to be okay.”
She nudges your shoulder. You offer her a weak smile.
“Thanks Max,” you say.
“Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to tell her how you feel,” Wanda says. She hugs you before standing up to leave the room.
You stand up, taking a deep breath before you walk, and enter the hallway. Natasha watches and follows you towards the elevator. She steps in after you.
“Oh, your floor?” You ask her, ready to push the button.
“Actually, can we talk?” She asks.
You have no choice but to agree. The two of you exit on your floor. Natasha again follows you as you lead her into the living room area.
“What did you want to talk about?” You ask her.
“What happened back there,” Nat says. “What Tony said.”
“Oh, I don’t know why he did that.”
Natasha takes a step closer to you. It’s small but you notice it.
“Why didn’t you do it?” She asks.
“I- I don’t know,” you lie.
“Y/n, why didn’t you kiss me?”
She steps even closer now. Her body is within arms reach.
“Natasha,” is all you can mumble out.
“I would’ve kissed you,” she admits. “Even in front of everyone. I would’ve.”
You’re taken aback by that. All this time you’ve been crushing on her, you never considered she might have feelings for you too.
“So again, why didn’t you kiss me?” Natasha asks.
Here goes nothing.
“Because if I kissed you then I wouldn’t have been able to stop,” you say.
“I don’t see a problem with that.”
You take the steps closer to her this time. Her hands circle your waist as you do so. It feels right.
“Truth or dare?” Natasha whispers.
“Dare,” you reply.
“Kiss me,” the words fall off her lips just before you kiss them.
You kiss her for what feels like forever. You kiss her until you’re both out of breath. You kiss her like you’ve never kissed anyone before.
The truth is that you and Natasha both needed that push to take the leap together. You wonder if Wanda put the idea into Tony’s head somehow. She’s always looking out for you.
“Stay?” You ask Natasha once you’ve moved to the couch together.
She answers with another kiss. And another. And another.
It’s the perfect end to the day.
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sukunas-wife · 5 months
Can I please get a Sukuna family scenario where maybe they see future Yuji... Maybe when he's all grown up. It's fine if you don't want to do it
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Baby Yuji to Grown Yuji 😭😭 I’m not sure it’ll be good but yeah! I’ll try for you 🥺🤍
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Yuji left the Palace when he turned 19, the way you cried when you held his face for the last time smothering him in kisses 🥹 He was your baby boy, your first child, sure his sister and brother were still in the house but you loved him deeply. He clung to your side more and never failed to run to your side in trouble. If Sukuna wasn’t there to dry your eyes, there was Yuji to hug you and tell you “It’ll be okay mom, we can fix it! We just gotta.. we gotta.. I don’t know but we’ll figure it out!” That bright smile he had since he was 2, it was the last time you’d see it for who knows how long. You sniffled feeling Megumi pressed himself into your side hugging you, you smiled rubbing his back when he buried his face into your stomach. Nobara was being fiesty saying “who’s gonna miss him anyways! It’s good he’s leaving he was so loud anyways! A real nuisance if anything.”
Still she started to tear up, Sukuna pulled her into his side. The tears fell freely while she held on tight to his shirt.
The house was quieter, as Megumi and Nobara bickered; it was never as lively as when Yuji was home. The years passed slowly before one morning Sukuna came in with Uraume, dropping into his throne you came to see him. He held his hand out to Uraume who gave him a letter, “This is for you.”
Confused, you took the letter, opened it and read it. Sukuna watched and panicked when you started to cry. He stood up coming over to you snatch the letter away to see who had told you what
“Hey mom
It’s Yuji, your favourite son :)
I just wanted to let you know I’ll be coming home soon. It’s been a long time but I think I’m ready! Tell dad to save a fight for me when I get home! I know I can take him now!
I hope this letter actually gets there, maybe I’ll get there first..
Oh! Will you make those sweet and savoury noodles I used to love? I tried but it always tasted burnt or rubbery. Don’t tell Gumi and Noba I’m coming home! I want it to be a surprise! But I should be home in time for the first day of winter. I miss the snowy hills. I can't imagine Megumi going out and messing with all the snow. He always hated the cold unless he changed. Let's go for a walk when I get back! I miss those milk buns and tea you used to make,
Make sure to tell dad I’ll be home so he better be there! He can’t run now.
Signed, your son Yuji”
Sukuna let out a hearty laugh, “Brat really thinks he can take his old man huh? I’ll prove to him he can’t.” The smirk on Sukuna’s face eased you, you smiled the last tears falling.. “Ryo.. What day is it?” He looked confused before Uraume spoke up, “it’s the first day of winter Lady Y/n.” Almost as if on Cue there was a knocking on the palace doors, Sukuna grinned before making his way to his throne gesturing you to get out the room, you didn’t want to because that’s your baby boy but you definitely wanted to have feel better noodles after he got out in his place by his dad. So you left, Megumi and Nobara were both respectively in their own rooms. Odds are Nobara was planning her attire for the festival the city held every year and Megumi.. well he’s probably resting after having trained with his father all day.
Sukuna motioned for Uraume to open the doors, they did.
“So Brat, you really think you can take me on now?” The smug look on Sukuna’s face almost faltered when he saw Yuji had similar markings to his own human form. Yuji smiled brightly, a feature Sukuna would’ve lacked if he wasn’t smiling as bright with how his son entered the room confident. “I think it’s time someone gave you a run for your money.” Yuji was confident, and that might have been his downfall, 7 years may have seemed like a long time. But for Sukuna those 7 years were a breeze. Yuji may have been off training but Sukuna had been training his own kids with their own unique techniques. Smacking his hands on the throne's arms, he stood up, “Uraume.” “Yes Lord Sukuna.” He quickly set up a barrier to the throne room.
“Alright Brat, I’ll go easy on you, I think you’ve forgotten who gave you your malevolent shrine.” Yuji laughed, “You gave it to me, but I perfected it.”
Yuji had indeed not perfected the Malevolent Shrine. Here he laid in an all too familiar position, face down in the red liquid blowing bubbles while his 3/400 pound dad sat on his back holding him in place critiquing him on his flaws. Explaining what he could do better, and how he could improve before he lifted his head, “Okay okay I get it, King of Curses geez cut me some slack I’m your son.” Sukuna laughed standing up off his son before offering a hand when Yuji sat up, his legs crossed, hand rubbing the back of his head. Opening his eyes he saw his dads stretch out, for a second he remembered that same when he fell into a pit of snow one winter and looking up he saw his dad stretching his hand out with an unamused expression that turned to a smirk when Yuji tried to shuffle away. He grabbed him by the back of his shirt pulling him up like he was nothing.
Yuji smiled with closed eyes, taking his dads hand, being pulled straight into a bone crushing hug. While Sukuna crushed him his domain disappeared, “Welcome Home Yuji.” Sukuna put him down, patting his shoulder with a heavy hand, Yuji standing rigid as he smiled, body shook slightly under the weight of his dads heavy pats. He was proud of his son's improvement, but overall he was glad to have his son back home.
Looking around Yuji asked “Where’s mom?” Sukuna’s head cocked to the side, “Your letter got here a few minutes before you did, when you knocked she went off to kitchen. I was doing her a favour by keeping you busy for so long. Yuji sniffed and his stomach growled, the savoury smell of his favourite food coming through the palace, “m hungry.”
Sukuna smiled, crossing his arms over his chest nodding with his head, “Let’s go find your mother then.”
“Mom?” You smiled over your shoulder “Hey sweetie.” Megumi rested his head on your shoulder hugging you. He was watching how you were cutting spring onions. His stomach growled when he spoke up, “We haven’t had these noodles since Yuji was here, I thought you forgot how to make them..” he was looking at the bowls of savoury noodles steaming topped with sesame seeds. One, two, three, four, five… six? “You and Nobara never asked and when I did make em I had to force your dad finish the pot with me when you two made excuses not to eat.” You laughed lightly, bringing a hand up to rub his head.
He huffed through his nose, “It reminds us of him..” you turned to see the top of his head, cheek pressed against your shoulder. You started to sprinkle the spring onions over the middles, “You act like he’s dead Gumi,” kissing the top of his head, “Go get Nobara tell her she doesn’t have a choice. Drag her back if you have to.” He let out a curt laugh, “alright but if you hear her screaming.” You smiled nodding with your head, “Go Gumi.” He stretched standing back up straight, “I’ll be back then.”
Just as he left through the other door Yuji and Sukuna came in laughing from the opposite door. “So he was looking up at me with this ugly face. I almost felt bad for him but I told him “Know your place fool and shhhhk��� Yuji made a slicing motion, Sukuna looked proud. “Mom!” Yuji’s face perked up when he saw you, he ran over to hug you “missed you…” For a second his voice was shaky and there was a crack in his resolve. You teared up hugging him back and not letting go. He leaned down and pressed his cheek against your shoulder, eyes closed, the same way he used to sleep on your shoulder as a kid. His grip didn’t loosen when you rubbed your hand up and down his back, “missed you too baby.” Sukuna behind Yuji’s back made a gagging motion before he looked over at the noodle bowl pulling on a noodle to eat. “Cmon I think your dads hungry and Gumi went to get Nobara.”
He didn’t move, he just hummed and you patted his back, “yuuu” you cooed at him before he stood up, “Alright, I’m starved! I’ll help take em out.” You swatted his hand away, “We don’t pay the kitchen help to just sit around. You go sit down.” The kitchen staff started to get everything ready, Sukuna pulled you into his side hugging you with both arms into his left side. “He looks so much like you Ryo…” Sukuna nodded chest puffing up, “Brat’s a damn menace too, wait till he tells you about what he did to a group or sorcerers who tried to wrongly attack him.”
You looked up at Sukuna worried, and he rolled his eyes, “That’s OUR son, I’ll be damned if I ever thought he couldn’t handle his own.”
He squeezed your shoulder nodding with his head, following his lead you both came to see Megumi and Nobara harassing Yuji. Megumi was ignoring him entirely facing away but you could see the soft smile. Nobara was pinching his cheeks forcefully, moving his face around and through it all Yuji was smiling brightly, his eyes closed, “I missed you both too.” Nobara looked shocked and she let him go, she looked away, “Yeah..” you didn’t miss how she closed her eyes with a smug smile.
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Tag: @sad-darksoul @cyder-puff @satorisgirl @bontensbabygirl @lupita97lm @queen-luna-007 @sakuxxi @mercymccann @simpforyoubitch @certainduckanchor @domainofmarie @najiiix @bakugou-katsukis-wife @amitiel-truth @souyasplushie @mylovelessnightmare
Some these won’t tag 🥹 I’m sorry 🤍🤍
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http-tokki · 4 months
~tags/cw: mature content, pregnancy, allusions to abortion, establish relationships, aged up characters (23-25) katsuki is not ready to be a 23 year old teenage parent, domesticity.
a/n: this is a draft dump. it’s not proofread or edited. idk the word count x
“ ‘Suki, I need you to come here” your voice shakes as you stare down into the bathroom sink. “Now, please”
You wait and listen and when there is a lack of footsteps coming your way, you call again. “Bakugou. Bathroom, please”
A groan comes from the living room, then the sound of the couch moving and then footsteps. “Bakugou? Am I in troub-woah, what’s going on?”
Katsuki stops in the doorway, brows furrowing as he takes in the sight of you leaning over the sink, eyes trained on the drain. He had seen you like this before and it was usually before you started heaving your guts up and you called him to hold your hair, but you were so still, he didn’t think you were about to puke.
“Can you look at these and tell me if I’m going crazy?” Your voice is small.
Katsuki steps into the bathroom, fear creeping into his stomach at the unknown and when he peaks over your shoulder, his heart all but stops.
Sitting in the porcelain basin is three positive pregnancy tests. No faint lines or maybe yes’s. Three bright pink plus signs staring at him from what was once his peaceful baby free bathroom sink.
“Ahhh…” he starts, unsure of his ability to form a coherent sentence, and backs away from your shoulder. “You….ummm”
You sigh. “Yep that’s what I thought”
Bakugou watches as you turn to face him, as you sink to the floor and pull your knees to your chest, eyes starting to cloud with tears.
“What…. Do?” His mouth is opening and closing as if he is gasping for air. “Are we?”
“I don’t really know” you answer is unformed questions, shaking your head. “I just need to sit and think for a second”
He nods and joins you on the floor. Your breathing is heavy as you desperately try to stop the room from spinning, the fear rising in your stomach as the weight of reality sinks down on your shoulders. You can feel the weight, the heaviness on the situation pushing down, shoving you to the floor in a harsh jolt but you don’t hit the tiles. You sink through the concrete and down down down into the earth below. You’re not ready to be a mum, to carry a baby for nine months and then be it’s caregiver for the rest of your life. You’re barely an adult, how were you meant to be a parent?!
You hear Katsuki talking next to you but it’s as if you’re underwater. His voice is garbled and unintelligible. Katsuki. What did he want? You can’t ask him to give up his career for a baby. He’s barely a pro and now this. He-
“Hey, you need to breathe!” Hot hands on your shoulders pull you back to reality. “You’re going to pass out so take a breath, please”
You blink away the tears, eyes clearing as you return to the bathroom. Air rushes into your lungs as you open your mouth.
“Okay, and now out” he instructs.
Your body sags as the air leaves. You both repeat the steps of manual breathing until you’re back, chest moving in a natural rhythm and even then, he doesn’t let go of you.
“Katsuki, I don’t know what to do” you admit, defeat lacing your voice.
You know what you want to do but it’s not just you in this situation. It was every much Katsuki’s issues as it was yours.
“What do you want to do?” His voice is uncharacteristically small.
“I don’t- I can’t” You shake your head. “What do you want?”
Katsuki shakes his head. “Nope. It’s your body. You decide. What do you want?”
You take in a deep breath. “I can’t do this. I don’t want this.” you admit.
“Are you sure? You’re not just saying that cause of me?”
“I’m sure. I can’t even feed myself most days I’m not going to be a mother” your voice cracking as your sentence comes to an end.
You watch as Bakugou’s body slumps in relief. “Oh,thank god.” his reprieve is short as he grabs your hands and frantically scrambles to patch up any blows he had made to your ego. “of course i want to have kids with you but one day, i just don’t think i’m, were, ready right now but one day we can have a baby, a million babies if you want but i don’t think that-“
“ ‘suki, you need to breathe” it’s your turn to offer comfort, gripping his hand in yours so hard you worry you might hurt him. “we’re not having this baby but that doesn’t mean that maybe one day, we won’t but right now, it’s not happening.”
Katsuki nods, breathing still frantic but it was slowing, becoming deeper and more even.
“not today.”
“not today. one day, but not today.”
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sweatervest-obsessed · 4 months
pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
wc: 1.8k
cw: oh death babes, depression, mentions of drugs, mentions of ODs, gun violence, blood, four out of the five stages of grief (there’s no acceptance here)
a/n: Guys, I was feeling something, and spewed this out. Enjoy the pure grief and pain I just poured out onto a page. Also spot the little references throughout hehe. 
Spencer Reid Masterlist
“Spence, you did everything you could. It’s not your fault.” 
He shook his head and pressed you up against his chest, ignoring the blood seeping into his pants, his vest, his hands. 
“You can’t—hey, hey, hey, look at me. Y/n, please.” His voice cracked on his plea as the two of you crumpled to the ground. He screamed out for a medic as he cradled your body against him. 
Your eyes floated in and out of consciousness, focusing on him when they could. “We knew this was going to happen eventually.”
“I-I…I love you…” Your chest heaved up and down. 
“Stop it. Stop.” 
Spencer just shook his head and yelled at his team to do something, but they all stood back, none of them wanting to ruin the goodbye he never got to say. 
Spencer snapped into focus, realizing he was sitting on the jet, staring out the window. There was no one sitting next to him, they had all taken the physical seats, leaving him to the couch. And while this was nothing out of the norm, the only difference was that you weren’t sitting on the couch facing back at him. 
Spencer was alone, in his head, and on the couch. 
Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n passed away on May 17th, at the young age of thirty. She had been an agent of the FBI for over seven years, and a member of the BAU for almost five. She had become an integral part of the FBI and was a valued member of the BAU. She was survived by her fiancé Doctor Spencer Reid, her mother and father, her younger brother and sister, as well as two nieces and one nephew. 
Spencer thought about you every single day. 
He would think about you when he went to make his coffee, adding a scoop of sugar since that’s how you took yours. He thought about you when he took the train into work, listening to songs that you loved, over and over and over. He thought about you when he would sit alone on the jet, trying to ignore all of the pitiful stares as everyone tried not to take your spot on the couch. 
He liked to replay your death over and over and over, making it so that he was in the other car, he was onsight to say goodbye to you. 
Derek told him that you waited for as long as you could. 
Spencer didn’t know if that was comforting, knowing you willingly suffered longer than you needed to, just to see him one last time. But it was in vain since you died two minutes and forty-seven seconds before the car arrived. 
In his head, he was the one who held you, who told you how much you were loved and adored, and maybe that could’ve made you stay. 
It wasn’t Derek holding you as you choked on your own blood, watching you struggle to survive long enough. It wasn’t Derek holding you telling you to breathe and just let go. It wasn’t Derek being the last person to hear your voice. 
Tell him that I’m s-so sorry, and I-I...love him...so. Much.
Spencer realized about a month after the funeral, that he never saw your wedding dress. You were about seven months away from your wedding when you died, but you had been engaged for over a year. 
Emily, Penelope, and JJ have the pictures, but he couldn’t bring himself to see you in something that was supposed to signify your forever, when instead it was cut short by an ambush and the carelessness of the local cops. 
Apparently, it was perfect. But Spencer didn’t have perfect. He wasn’t lucky enough to have perfect. He wasn’t privileged enough to even be allowed to think about perfection. 
The anger would take over after thinking about it for too long. He always found himself angry with you for leaving him—abandoning him. How selfish could you be? Spencer believed he wasn’t worthy of you, he never had. You’d always take your lunch breaks with him, so he always had someone to sit with since he told you about how he would eat alone when he was younger. Every time he’d come in with his tie crooked or his hair a mess, you would casually let him know. Eventually, when you worked up the courage to kiss him one night, you just started fixing it for him. Every morning you’d make him coffee as you both got ready for the day. You’d leave him little notes hidden in his desk, in his pillowcase, in his wallet, in his pockets.
It didn't take anything to make him think about you, but when he reached into the pocket of his jacket to find his phone as he got onto the plane, he found one. 
Hello Darling,          I hope today is a good day for you. You deserve         good things Spence. I hope you one day believe        it as much as I know it to be true     With all the love in my heart,             Future Mrs Doctor Spencer Reid P.S. you owe me the dishes tonight…
It shattered what little resolve he had left this morning, causing him to sit alone, on the couch, the note pressed against his lips as he stared out the windows of the plane. 
It was ironic that the one good thing he had left in the world was suddenly gone, and how you leaving made him feel as though he deserved nothing. The Bureau gave him a maximum of six months off--Grief Leave, they called it. But he ended up getting restless around month four, asking Hotch if he could come back periodically. That was how JJ found out that Spencer had been sleeping on the couch, unable to bring himself to sleep in a bed made for the two of you when there was only one left. 
It’s also how JJ found out that Spencer had relapsed. 
She had been the one to find him on the bathroom floor, exactly four months after your funeral. And Spencer fucking hated her for it. He couldn't stand to be stuck in your shared apartment alone, but he couldn't bring himself to just abandon the last place he held you. He kept asking JJ why she would keep the two of you apart? Two souls that were meant to forever be intertwined suddenly ripped apart. It felt like some sort of cruel joke. 
But he didn’t use after that. One and Done, as he stated to Garcia over the phone one night while at a rehab. They let him out a week and a half later since they couldn’t prove he was a harm to himself anymore.
The team would take their turns, making Spencer feel as though he was twenty-three again. They would watch him, as they felt obligated to babysit him. Made him feel more like his friendships were chores than acts of love. Spencer didn’t feel much love anymore, only pity. 
Spencer looked over as Derek cleared his throat, silently asking if he could sit down, in your spot. He nodded once, an invitation he wasn’t really in the mood to repeat. 
The plane ride was going to be a long one, six hours. And Spencer had only been overthinking everything for only one of them. 
“You found another one.” Not a question, an observation. 
Reid nodded, his gaze had shifted back to the window, the clouds, the slight rain streaking horizontally across the sky as they flew. 
 You loved the rain. It was refreshing, something cleansing. Rebirth, as you would say. 
It gives you a new beginning everytime it rains, which is extremely kind of the universe considering how many times we manage to fuck up. 
Spencer had once laughed at that, listening to you rant on about the perks and importance of rain. But now? He fucked hated it. He saw glimpses of you in every rain drop, reflecting you millions of times, and he would hear your laugh every time it thundered, taking up as much space as deserved and echoing through your now empty home.
It rained for a week straight after you died. The world weeped at the loss of your soul. Spencer couldn’t tell if it was a cruel joke from the universe, or if it was you trying to tell him to try out that whole “rebirth thing”. 
Either way, he didn’t enjoy it as much as you would have. 
“Even when she’s not…” Spencer closed his eyes and swallowed the words, still unable to say them outloud. “She still manages to, uh, render me speechless.” 
Your favorite pastime was getting Doctor Spencer Reid to become speechless. You learned how to play chess, without his knowledge, and managed to beat him the first time you played. At some point, you had learned enough Russian to go and see one of those movies he enjoyed so much, even though he knew that deep down the whole thing was not remotely in your wheelhouse. The team had never heard Spencer go as quiet as often as he did when you were around. 
Except for now. Spencer would state a fact, make an observation, point out something the team was missing, and that was it. He never spoke more than a few sentences at a time. Gone were the days of rants and backstory and additional context, that you always argued were important. No one listened to Spencer like you did. Instead, now, the world settled into an uncomfortable silence where laughter and rambling and teasing should have been. 
“She’s good like that.” Derek looked down at his hands. The two of them barely spoke. Spencer knew that Derek could still see your breath stop when he closed his eyes. Derek once drunkenly told him that sometimes, he could still see your blood over his hands–He couldn’t wash it out with water, so some nights he’d wash it out with whiskey, or bourbon, or scotch, anything to make the stains go away. 
The two of them looked at one another before opting to not say anything further, at risk of causing them both even more grief at the subject of you. 
I swear Spence, it’ll be okay. You’ll be okay. I know you will.
It was funny to him that in his day dream, you always ended up comforting him. You always ended up being the one to make sure he was okay before you died. 
I love you so much Spence. 
And he would just whisper how much he loved you back, hoping to any god that somewhere, somehow, you could hear him. You could hear his misery and come back, having pranked him. He’d forgive you, if you came back. 
But instead, while he thought about you at 43,894 feet above the earth, you lay six feet under, permanently grounded. 
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Hey! Hope you're having a fab day <3 I came across your lil Daemon/Matt 'crackfic' and it gave me such a giggle...plus also got me thinking about a similar scene with Aemond/Ewan..! Obviously no pressure to write this, but what about a sorta Aemond x reader scene where they're maybe filming a sparring scene? Fight training/flirting vibes? Doesn't have to be anything spicy, maybe just fluffy flirty good times but also realistically aemond x reader sparring = *sexual tension* so lol, take from it what you will. As I say, no pressure at all to write this. I love your blog so much and am such a fan of your work! Wishing you a wonderful weekend xoxo
Choke 'Em
Ewan Mitchell x Actress!Reader (low key Aemond x Reader)
Summary: You and Tom were very much convinced that Ewan is good at everything, so you had a bet that even if you took Ewan surprise in one of your sparring takes, he could 100% overpower you. Things don't necessarily go as planned.
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: fem!reader, drama instigator!tom glynn-carney, puppy!ewan, idk how to choreograph action 😞, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: YES IN A MILLLION LANGUAGEs, i watched like this one of 3 actors from the last kingdom saying they think ewan is good at everything or something along the lines, and then theres this gif set of tom glynn-carney saying that he was going to bite ewan and ewan was basically "aw yeah!" and ASFHLASHFHASFHFHA PUPPY im love him, anyway, i had those stuff in mind when i wrote this i hope you like it my love floofdeloop. i did an express pass on your req cos i have been writing rpfs lol also this gif T_T HES SO ??????????? HOT ????? HELP ME WHY DO I THINK THIS OF HIM ???? HWELP? Tagging: @pinksirensong @deniixlovezelda
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"No!" I exclaim, shoving Tom from the floor we were sat on. He nearly chokes on his salad as he falls to his side and laughs. His hand darts out to keep him upright, his laughter dies down when he turns to me.
I continue, "I can't attack him outside of the choreography we practiced!"
"I'm not telling you to do that!" Tom says, raising his voice in amusement, "I'm saying maybe just-" he breathes out through his nose, "go a bit harder than normal? Or-or add a few licks to-"
"Tom," I deadpan.
"Oh, please," he blows a raspberry, "against him? You're dead meat."
"He's not immune to accidents, lame brain," I take the final bites of my sandwich.
"All I'm saying is, Ewan is probably, like, secretly a swordsman."
"Dude," I point, "there's nothing secret about that."
I look out to the set, watching as Ewan, who quickly finished his lunch to rebuff on our choreography, twist the prop sword in his hands with much ease and mastery.
I chew slowly, "maybe I could tell him I'm doing extra attacks beforehand."
Tom, who stuffed some salad into his face as he too watched Ewan from afar, turns to me, perking up in intrigue. He speaks with a mouthful quite excitedly, "yes, yes, yeth, weth!"
I give him a look then purse my lips as I shove a tissue to his mouth
When we got to filming the dialogue part of our scene, we already set a pretty high bar for our consequential fight sequence, and so when I offered the idea of adding an extra few jabs in my sword fighting, not just to Ewan, but to our fight choreographer and director, they were all on board with it.
"I was thinking I could," I start, raising my imaginary weapon up, pointing at Ewan, "try to jab at you by your throat, then," I slowly step forward, twirling the way we did in practice, "once you evade me, I could elbow you," I bring my arm by his chest and slowly push him back, "and shove you against the wall."
Ewan, following my train of thought and movements, steps back and leans back on the wall. He nods, looking down at me with a soft smile, "I like it," he turns to the choreographer, "I think it adds to their tension."
I turn to our choreographer and director, nodding, "then we could add the dialogue we scraped off cause there was no room for it."
The director claps his hands, "I love it," he motions to us, "then you can grab her, and try to make her confess."
I turn to Ewan, leaning back into him a bit so that he could bring his arms around me. I turn front then look down at his arms that were coming around me. I pull him tightly around me like a jacket.
Ewan has no choice but to lean into me; my back was against his chest and I could hear his breathing. He was a welcome presence in all honesty. Quickly, I relax against him and he seemingly does the same against me.
"Well obviously not like that," the director calls, "you look like a married couple if you do that."
We break into a laugh. I lean against him, "it's not too late to change the script. She and Aemond could away together."
Ewan hums, as though he was in character, "I think he would like that."
I snort, turning to Ewan and his eyepatch, "I would like that."
Ewan's eye darts down to me quickly. He purses his lips, holding back a chuckle. I pull away from him when I see the pink in his skin, laughing a bit louder.
"Shall we give it a go?" the director asks.
One nod later, and were back in our marks, ready to tryout our added choreo.
"You lied to me," I heave, "you told me you would release my father if I gave you the information you needed.
Aemond walks over to me, hands behind his back, "I said I would think about releasing your father."
My expression drops, my nostrils flare, "liar."
He hums.
He chuckles.
"MONSTER!" I lunge towards him and the next second, Aemond has his sword unsheathed. We go against each other, weapon against weapon, then he overpowers me, sending me reeling back. I push against the crates behind me, as the prince calls out, "let me offer you another deal you surely cannot refuse."
I fume, groaning, "I think we're past deals, oh prince."
"Oh, but I-"
Aemond's eye widens as I press forward a few lines too early. Like clockwork, I attack him just like we practiced earlier, except, he was clearly taken off guard and reacts a bit too late.
Once I have him pressed against he wall, he looks down at me, shocked, heaving.
He's forgotten his line.
I make up for his silence, "perhaps you are prettier up close."
I pull away from Ewan, turning to him, dropping my prop. I reach out to his cheeks, giving him a worried look, "are you okay? I didn't injure you, did I?"
"I-" his hands come up to my wrists, "no, no," he chuckles under his breath, "I was just a bit floored by how fearsome my lady is."
My face contorts into a smile, "my lady, am I?"
"I-" he opens his mouth, "well, I mean... yes."
We both break into a chuckle. It seems we both had blood rising up our necks now.
"That was amazing!" the director calls, walking up to us, making us pull away, "I like these turn of events more than what we had planned."
"What if they have more contact?" Ewan pipes up, coming in front of me, "in this part, instead of being turned back," he looks at me intently, "you can lift your sword to my neck then choke me."
I gasp when he takes my hand and places it by the base of his throat. It was quite softly spoken, but it seems it was not soft enough, "damn, that's kinky."
Ewan's jaw slacks.
I break into a chuckle, playing it off, just as the director laughs, proceeding to say, "I like it! The more sexual tension the better." He turns to me, "choke him real good."
Ewan begins to stutter. My own jaw slacks as I feel my face heat up. I awkwardly nod and salute, "will do."
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roturo · 11 months
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①NEW REQUEST FROM ANONYMOUS!: childhood!friends into... ???, 1 sided love, mixed emotions and smut & angst.
→ summary: every goodbye has a why, but why have you been saying a lot of goodbye's without actually leaving?
→ warnings: SMUT. angst, corruption kink, unprotected sex, p in v, fingering & oral (f!receiving), drunk sex, jealousy, 1 sided crush turns into.. idk man, a lot of angst fr, dick grayson is an idiot mwah. words: +2.5k
December, 2010.
¨ALFREEED! Dick is hitting me again!¨ You called for some help, a smile creeping your face.
¨Hey! That's not fair! We're training! You're supposed to get hurt! It's not my fault you're way too weak to protect yourself.¨ He pointed the training-stick to you, motioning to get up, but his action quickly stopped when he saw a tear running down your cheek.
¨Hey, hey, hey¨ He knelt down in-front of you cupping your cheek and wiped the tear away with his thumb. ¨I'm sorry, okay?, you're not weak, i'm just better than you.¨ That made you jokingly punch him on his stomach at which he only chuckled. ¨Okay, maybe not better than you, but practice makes perfect, c'mon, get up and let's watch some tv.¨
As a kid, you couldn't know what you felt for Dick, you mostly though he was 'special' since he was the only kid living with you and Wayne. A 11 year old knows what's love, and you're sure Dick, as a 14 year old knows it too. He's likely to not think very seriously when you tell him you love him, but in reality?
He's the beast for your beauty.
December, 2014.
You gazed at Dick through curious-lashed eyes, your heart pounding with a mix of nerves and adoration. You had been harboring a secret crush on him for what felt like forever. But as much as you treasured this friendship, you couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness.
"So, Dick," you began, voice light and teasing, "any thoughts on the winter gala this weekend?¨
Dick's eyes lifted from the book he'd been engrossed in, confusion creasing his forehead. "Winter gala? Oh man, I totally forgot about that. Should we go?"
Your heart sank slightly, but tried to hide it behind a smile. "Hmm, I don't know. I'm not much of a dancer, you know."
Dick laughed, his melodic chuckle resonating in the serene surroundings. "Come on, you just need someone to teach you a few moves."
Your stomach fluttered at the suggestion, butterflies dancing wildly within you. Did Dick just imply he would teach you how to dance? Or were you reading too much into it?
Your laughter filled the air as Dick playfully tried to demonstrate dance steps on the carpet of grass, and much to your delight, you followed along, attempting your own clumsy version.
Hours passed until both of you were breathless from dancing and laughing. You plopped down onto the picnic blanket, side by side, shoulders brushing intimately.
Your mind started to wander, daydreaming about what it would be like if he ever realized your feelings. Would he reciprocate? Or would he still see you as just a friend?
"You know," Dick suddenly said, his voice laced with mischief, "if I had someone who danced with such enthusiasm as you, I wouldn't mind going to the gala at all."
ba-boom, ba-boom, you were sure you're going to pass out. Your eyes widening in disbelief. Could it be that he was finally taking notice of you?
"Really? You… you'd want that… from me?"
Dick tilted his head, his dazzling blue eyes capturing your gaze. "Of course, why not? You're amazing, and being with you always makes me happy."
Leaning against Dick's shoulder, you closed your eyes, basking in the warmth of the friendship of you two. Maybe, just maybe, someday he would see you in a different light. But for now, you're just cherishing these moments of pure, unadulterated fun.
December, 2017.
You were at Dick's 21st birth-day, which, Wayne made the 'reunion' for his birth-day, or what he likes to call it, his 'gala'. Your excitement was jumping everywhere, you even bought a new dress for this occasion, his present was a nice bracelet you bought by yourself, with your money.
It wasn't the most expensive, neither the most fancy, but it was made just for him. Unique in this world, well, the matching bracelets were unique in this world. You were ready to finally confess your love for him, bracelets with initial of you two, not because you're owned by the other, but because you know each other. It was your princess dream, and it was finally time for this.
After some final touches, you were ready. Entering the room, you could see a lot of people, mostly Wayne's acquaintances or friends, but you finally spotted him, actually, with Wayne.
You couldn't quite see what was he wearing since you only could see his back, but Wayne seemed happy, at least.
With quick steps, careful to not trip yourself with your dress, and throw away his present, you finally got closer to him.
¨Dicky! I know I already said happy birthday to you, but look-... Oh.¨
Who was this girl?
¨Oh Y/N, great you're here, look this is my new girlfriend, her name is Daisy.¨ You locked eyes with her, she seemed nice, ha. ¨Daisy, this is Y/N, she's like my little sister, practically known her my whole life.¨
Oh wow.
¨It's a pleasure to meet you Y/N¨
¨Pleasure it's mine.¨ And with that, it was enough for you, how oblivious this fucker can be? ¨Dick, can we talk for a moment?¨ You didn't even waited for him to answer when you already grabbed his wrist and took him into his room.
When you were at your room, you couldn't take it anymore and broke down crying.
You wandered further into the room, gaze avoiding his as you tried to gather the turbulent thoughts. The weigh of your confession threatening to choke the words from your throat. But you had to do this, even if it costs the friendship.
"I-I've been keeping something to myself for a while," voice quivering. "And I just couldn't hold it in any longer. Dick, I've had a crush on you for as long as I can remember."
His brows furrowed in confusion, and you glanced up for a fleeting moment, catching a glimpse of his girlfriend's picture on his desk. Pain surged through your chest, but you proceeded. "I know you have a girlfriend now, and I understand if you don't feel the same way. But I just couldn't let this day go by without telling you how I feel, this was supposed to be the day, when you think i'm not longer a little child, where you could love me as I do."
Words trembling with vulnerability. Dick remained silent for a moment, his expression laden with guilt. Slowly he closed the distance between you two. His gentle touch on your arm made your heart skip a beat, yet it also stung with unrequited affection.
"I'm really sorry," he murmured, his voice filled with regret. "I never meant to hurt you or lead you on. You've been an amazing friend, and I don't want to lose that.¨
¨I'm sorry, but we can't be friends anymore... I will always see you as something else.¨
You didn't exactly cut connections with Dick, well, since you both lived in the same house for a while more, but let's say you remained as... distant family. You saw each-other at parties, meetings, galas, so... you were still in contact!
Gratefully, not that you would show your happiness, he broke up with his girlfriend, way too manipulative and control freak. But that's not all!, you grew up, your feelings for him didn't disappeared, but you hid them far away from you.
He already knew your boyfriend, he acted kind and nice about it, not that both of you could talk a lot about it.
This gala was made by Wayne, again. Dick got really distant since he resigned from being Robin, and started a new group of Titans, you were a little jealous about it, but mostly sad for not being part of it.
You were talking with some of your boyfriend's friends, some boring conversation about some new business, which you couldn't care less about, but you caught a familiar silhouette not so far from where you are.
Apparently he brought the titans with him, you don't know them personally, just by news, magazines, and well, because of him.
And to say you weren't a little tipsy was a lie. But who could blame you? But being drunk also brings some... distortions about what's really happening. He was drinking too! With another girl!
After some time of asking for more shots, getting all touchy with your boyfriend, just so he could look at you, he's been doing the same, getting all touchy and flirty with her. Everything was like a competition of who would get more jealous first and leave. And well, like he said once, he's better than you.
With clumsy steps, somehow you made into your old room. Memories coming fast liken a roller coaster, emotions beating out the small chest you tried to forget all this time, you needed him.
Clicking his number on your phone, it's like he was waiting for it, like this was going to happen.
¨Heyyyyy' Dicky'- Hic!¨ you giggled at the sudden hiccup, and you could tell Dick was giggling too, it made your heart beat faster. ¨What's wrong little bee?¨ He said, some unrecognizable background noise was getting less and less loud. ¨Little beeeeee'? What's that- hic! type of nickname?¨ Both of you just laughed at the sudden and dumb conversation between two idiots in love.
¨You know... My boyfriend is a little- he- a little shit.¨
¨He's worse than my ex? No waaaaay¨ He said with a chuckle.
¨Yeah, he's been fucking some other girl... I don't know for how much time, but it's been a whileeeee¨ You started laughing suddenly, ¨And you know what I hate most? hic!- It's that surely you been fucking some other bitchees heh-.... bitches before me. You know I hate you for that right love?¨
¨You don't how many nights I been jacking off by myself thinking about you ever since we distanced apart. I didn't realized how much I needed you to be in myyyy life.¨
¨.... Dicky... I need you¨
¨Oh... you do princess? Where do you need me?¨
¨In my room, I need you now¨
¨And for what princess? I'm going there.¨ He was giggling while walking.
¨I need you to fuck me for once.¨
That's the last thing he heard when he hang up and with quick steps he got into your room, and with no words needed both of you started kissing each other, between giggles with just one sudden push and you landed among the sheets. Dick got on top of you and started kissing you as you started tugging at the hem of his shirt.
Dick's shoulders were wide, his hips narrow and there was a visible V-line that was half-hidden by his trousers. You were trying not to stare, but it seemed impossible since he was so appealing. Dick helped you to unzip your dress and you were lying only in you lace lingerie. His eyes were devouring you. How he couldn't notice how perfect you were for him?
Suddenly, Dick grabbed you calves and pulled you towards him on the edge of the bed. His free hand reached out for a pillow that was laying nearby and placed it under you hips. You were following closely his every move and your head started spinning a bit, a side effect of the substances in your bloodstream. He kneeled in-between your thighs and was placing small kisses on your bare skin.
His fingers pulled your panties to the side while he looked you in the eye before dragging his tongue over your clit. ¨Ah!- Nng- D..Dick!¨ You moaned at the sensation and reached out to touch his hair. His warm breath was caressing you, his movements were lazy yet precise.
You were getting frustrated with the slow tempo and you were about to say something when he pressed his index finger against your entrance. It didn’t take too long before you were moaning his name as he added another digit. Again, the pool of heat was starting to build up in your stomach while he curled his fingers inside you. Dick seemed amazed by how eagerly your hips were meeting his palm, the wet sounds of him moving his fingers inside you, made him eager to fuck you, he brushed his thumb against your clit once more before giving a small peck and standing up, taking of his pants and what was left of your clothes, he positioned himself between your legs.
You saw Dick right before he thrust his hips to enter you again. Your body was warm, already so fucking wet, he didn’t think he could last long enough for it to be fun, but then he steadied himself and slowed down the pace. He ran a finger across your lips, signaling to open them at which and you opened them wide enough to suck on it. 
He bent over only to start leaving kisses in your neck that would for sure be purple by tomorrow. ¨Aren't you a good girl princess? A good, good girl.¨
¨Such a nice girl for me, I bet no one else has touched this pussy.¨
¨You- you're, ah!~ right, Dicky-, You're the first one to fuck me. Reaching a lot of place my fingers couldn't reach while thinking of you.¨
It's like something on Dick turned on, and started violently thrust into you in a bestial force, making you cum when his cock touched that place. His eyes were even darker, his dilated pupil taking over his blue-crystal eyes.
¨Oh yeah? I'm the first one to fuck you?¨
¨Ye-yes, other b-boys tried to give me pleasure on other ways and couldn't do it as good, nhg!~ as you.¨
His thrusts started becoming harder instead of faster, the though of another man fingering you made him mad. You were now his.
“You are driving me insane and I’m this close to losing my shit because of you.”
¨Make me yours Dick.¨
The next day, Dick was kissing your naked body while you were hugged on his, since you were kids you were always the small spoon. He was observing how he could never notice how perfect you are, you were always for him, you were the one.
He feels so incredible right now, the chemistry both of you have, it's amazing.
His fucking phone started ringing.
¨Fuck, the Titans meeting, shit.¨ He looked at your sleepy body and decided to dress you up, and obviously dress himself.
He forgot to leave you a note to notice you he's coming back, but you only realized once he woke you up knocking on your door.
He had... flowers?
¨Dick, why are you here?¨
¨Look Y/N, I know yesterday was a roller coaster of emotions, and I feel so dumb for never loving you the way you deserved to, but please, give me a chance, you won't regret it, and I guess you and your boyfriend-¨
¨Just hear me out for a minute okay?, I never wanted to admit it, mostly because I thought I would lose you, not because of you, but because of me, I don't know what problem I have, but that doesn't matter right now-¨
¨I will fight for us no matter what, and last night definitely wasn't an accident-¨
¨Dick! What are you talking about? What happened yesterday? Did I say something when you came into my room? Did I told you something personal when I called you?! Oh my god...¨
Were you lying?... He froze for a moment, the flowers fell from his hands, and he just started walking away. Is this true? You don't remember?
It feels like the beginning when you both grew apart, it's really hard to adapt at what's going on inside his head. Was yesterday an accident? Does he really loves you? Do you love him?
Why does this feels like a goodbye?
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ironrad · 1 year
Clint who just learned a new game from his kids:
Clint: Alright guys we’re all going to pass the phone around and say who we’d warn someone about before coming to the Avengers compound
Clint: I’ll start. Personally, I would warn people about Tony because I never know what he’s up to in that lab…
Nat: What are we doing? Oh ok, I’d warn people about Peter. He acts innocent, but I see right through it…
Tony: You want my honest answer? Steve. Next question-
Steve: Um maybe all of us because we have powers and can be dangerous when crossed.
Steve: That wasn’t the question? Ok, fine, I’d warn them about Queens. He scares me sometimes…
Bucky whispering: …Peter.
Sam: Why did you whisper that?
Bucky: He’s always listening.
Sam: Yikes, anyways, I’m gonna go with Bucky.
Bucky: Hey-
Bruce: Hi! I’m Bruce Banner, and I think I would warn people about Peter and Tony. Alone they’re both trouble, and together they’re a train wreck, but the good kind. Hang on-
Peter: Oh EZ, I’ve seen this on Tik Tok. Mr. Stark, no questions asked. That guy is everywhere all the time. I can’t get shit-
Steve: Language.
Peter: Sorry! I can’t get anything over on him.
Happy: Peter and Tony.
Thor: Ah, yes, hello. I would warn them of ME.
Thor spinning his hammer and chugging a keg:
Stephen: Tony. I try to avoid him at all costs.
Pepper: Awe thank you for including me. I’d warn them of my husband and his teenager…sometimes I need an extra warning.
The Avengers watching back the footage:
Tony: I’ve done nothing but be a pleasant member of this team.
Peter: Yeah, sounds about right.
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ddoxhan · 11 months
that summer
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draw me in your world, as you let yourself into mine let me be your safe haven, for I love when you shine
word count : 4.8k words
genre : fluff with a tinge of angst; your typical summer love story but haerin does not feel the same way you do for her?; runner! haerin x literature student! fem!reader; you are an overthinker and sometimes just wish you stop thinking
t/w : none :)
a/n : this is the longest i've ever written for a oneshot and honestly, i didn't want to split it up cause i wanted yall to feel the whole thing at one go. enjoy !
"haerin-ah, wait up!"
"you're just slow! we're gonna be late if we don't hurry!"
you swore you needed to wake up earlier to avoid having to rush to school, especially when haerin waits for you every day to walk together. at this point, the two of you had been running to class for three days in a row now, not walk. to your surprise, the girl has never complained or grumbled about how you would make her almost miss the bell. but then again, she's always been like that. haerin was never someone who wouid let out her anger on you or anyone in general. you've never seen her get angry, concluding that she just doesn't know how to.
the said girl turned her head around while not faltering in her rushed steps, making sure you're keeping up with her speed. but the thing is, she's the school's top runner and you barely pass your required tests for physical education. haerin knows, which was why she opted to drag you along by your hand. the sudden grab left you slightly taken aback. well, slight is an understatement, you were very taken aback. especially when you have the most obvious crush on her.
you've always had a crush on haerin ever since you were 12. it just happened so when she saved you from some bullies, aka silly boys, running away from them as you two rest at the neighbourhood playground after. she sat you on the swing while you cried in both fear and relief. but all the fear washed away when she flashed you a smile that you never forgot till this day. the way her eyes curved up and her snaggletooth showed with that big smile of hers, that's when you fell for her.
as you busied yourself in your own world, you once again arrived at the school gate right before they closed it off, with some students sighing at how they missed it by a split second behind it. a slow realization hit that you've ran to your limit, you tried taking deep breaths but it might have made it worse. sometimes you wished you were more athletic, for these kind of situations, and also to spend more time with haerin if you were in the track and field team.
"hey, try breathing with both your nose and mouth, it can help."
the girl in front of you looks unfazed, as if she just went for a relaxing morning jog. which isn't entirely wrong as you don't live too far from school. you stand up straight again, doing what she told you to. it actually did help but as she glanced at her watch, you understood what it meant.
"go on, don't be late for class because of me."
"it's fine, there's still some time. I'll go with you."
although you were very sure classes starts in 3 minutes, you didn't argue further as it just meant you get to spend more time although it's just minutes. when the two of you were put into different classes, the time spent together reduced drastically plus haerin's training after class on some days. it was just lunch and maybe weekends if she didn't have extra training. but you felt bad for wanting her to spend her only free day with you, so you try to refrain from jumping onto her bed during some weekends.
why is it so hard to just spend some time with her?
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lunch came. and that meant you get to see haerin again after the last time before classes started. at this point, you were just too infatuated with her that you were experiencing some sort of separation anxiety that you can't seem to quite explain. there's nothing you can do about it, you were just that in love with her.
but you did not guess for her to walk along to the cafeteria with him. him who? him, woonhak, the heartthrob who happens to be almost as good as haerin in the track and field team. everyone who sees them walking down the corridor would literally stop to look at how good they look together. it's to the point that they gush over the possible relationship they should have.
you were one of the people who'd look too, but you were always left slightly upset and heartbroken whenever you heard such comments. for sure, woonhak didn't do anything other than walk with her because he likes to ask and learn from haerin when it comes to running. there was no one to blame for your feelings except yourself. and at times, you just wished you could just like someone else cause the pain gets unbearable.
"hey froggie! how was class?"
it might sound like you're being selfish, but you wished haerin only ever smiles at you like that. that smile, the very same one you fell for and also the one that makes your heart clench a little. not to mention the nickname, it makes you feel as if she sees you nothing more than just a friend.
"the same. mr park is giving out work, again. I'm not surprised anyways."
"how about you?"
you swore you saw how her eyes sparkled a little when she started telling you about hers. but you don't feel that much good inside after.
"oh! you know woonhak right? him and I got chosen to be interviewed for a promotional video for the school."
"oh, him..."
"sorry, did you say something?"
"ah, yeah I know him."
"yup him, we agreed to meet on sunday to prepare ahead of the interview. I'm sorry if you wanted to come over."
"no don't be, it's fine. I can just work on mr park's project on sunday."
"but still, it feels weird that I won't be around."
"oh come on, it's literally just a few hours! and before you know it, you'll be back and I can come over if you want."
"this is why you're my best friend, I can always count on you."
well, that hurt a lot. you didn't know if it was intentional or just coincidental as she manages to throw your urge to confess out of the window every time it surfaces. all you could hope was that she didn't take notice of your feelings, or else you swear you'd never be able to face her again. the very last thing you need is for this friendship with her to shatter to the ground like glass. but you knew, the moment you fell for her, you were already walking on thin ice.
"what do they have for lunch today?"
"kimchi fried rice, today has your favourite strawberry milk."
picking up yours, you shaked it to tempt her to quickly go get hers and come have her food with you. and so she did.
whenever it came to her favourite food, she always looks like a cute little kitten who's hungry all the time. and when she spots them, she'd rush to get it and sit with you with an adorable smile plastered on her face as she eats or drinks away. you wish you were able to be someone who makes her that happy too, but along with those thoughts were the heavy consequences of your confession.
whatever you two have built throughout these many years will just shatter like glass, into fragile pieces that will not be able to be pieced together again. even if it could be pieced together again, nothing can stay the same.
for now, you'll keep it to yourself. nothing has shifted between you and haerin, so you shouldn't too.
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you have no idea what the hell you're doing right now. what kind of situation is this, you don't know.
"you told me we were gonna work on that project. as far as I know, this is not part of the project."
"I know, but just, we'll work on it after. for now, I just need you to accompany me."
"bro, this feels so illegal to be spying on someone."
"I'm just making sure that boy isn't doing anything to haerin."
"you know they're like the most shipped couple in school right? and woonhak's a really nice person."
"you never know."
all dani could do was roll her eyes at how dumb you look, she looks, with this so called disguise that barely covered their identity. she told you the shades were not it when it's practically indoors, and how it literally makes them stand out even more. at times like this, she questions herself why she's friends with you, and why she's willing to be in this with you. overall you were a great person, just not when you get too overprotective of the girl you love.
"if you're just gonna snoop around, you might as well just confess."
the moment you heard the word 'confess', the coffee you were drinking through your mouth came out through your nose. dani didn't know whether to laugh or help you wipe the table cause that was the reenactment of that 'the incredibles' meme of violet. maybe this was why she was friends with you.
"w-what do you mean?"
"you're too obvious to not notice each and every time you zoom out of class to have lunch with haerin. and zoom out again when the bell rings so you can head over to the gym hall to watch her practice."
"bro why didn't you tell me?!"
"tell you what? that you're like an idiot in love but the person you love doesn't seem to feel the same way?"
"I am not an idiot! but I definitely am in love..."
the mood suddenly shifted to somewhat gloomy as those words left your mouth. admitting that you had feelings for haerin to someone else for the first time didn't feel much extravagant than you thought. it wasn't that what you felt wasn't real or overwhelming, they very much were. but the thought of her not reciprocating them, broke you a little on the inside.
you've always imagined being by her side throughout university till the day you'd grow old and get a small house in the countryside. if it were the best friend context, things would have been fine. but you want to be there for her as someone she loves, too. as cheesy as it sounds, just the two of you against the world and no one can stop you.
reality begged to differ when you see how happy she is now as she picks up some clothes from the racks in a store. with woonhak smiling down at her. you couldn't deny that they look good together, way to good that it was believable if haerin told you they started dating after this date. the more you saw the two of them together, the more it was harder to imagine you being the one who would be making her happy.
although you've known her for so long, you weren't one to express your feelings through words. 'actions speak louder than words' was the motto you've lived with all this time. but this love thing takes more than that. being a literature student did not help with that vast range of vocabulary cause there was no point of preparing a confession. it has to come from the heart, and that's what makes it so hard.
"they left by the way."
your head whipped to the direction of the store they were in, and the last spot you saw them at was indeed empty.
"let's go then! you better saw where they are heading."
not even allowing dani to finish her chocolate drink, you dragged her along to chase after the two. they were definitely fast, very fitting to be in the track and field team. and dani did not sign up for this.
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in the end, dani had to drag you out of that mall before you ended up actually stalking those two poor souls. you were definitely not pleased with that decision but you two had a project to attend to, so you placed whatever that's disturbing to the back of your head. although it was sort of futile.
"well, at least we got half of this done, sorta."
"we can meet again tomorrow after school to finish it up if you want."
the australian squinted her eyes at you, as if trying to question your intention. she had the right to after what you pulled off today.
"for real, this time. I kinda want to get this over with and watch haerin practice."
"you better keep your promise."
giving a salute, all dani could do was chuckle at your attempt to lighten the mood with your antics. how can she not love someone like you when all you do was make everyone around you smile?
"hey, do you think it's possible that haerin would have feelings for me? even the slightest bit?"
"I don't see why not. you're a nice kid."
"the definition of nice is different for everyone, and so it is for me."
the older took a seat next to you on the bed, putting down her books on your study desk. when the topic about your feelings for haerin surface each time, you can't help but let your real self seep out a little, the happy-go-lucky facade faltering.
"you know, you don't have to be nice to be liked by anyone."
"but that doesn't mean I can be bad either."
"you know I don't mean it that way. it's just that, whether the person is nice or not, if you like them, you just do."
"that's true..."
it was feeling a little weird to talk about this with someone, but you were glad that it was dani. she was like an older sister figure that you could rely on whenever you needed her.
"you love haerin. and do you love her because she's nice? or because it's her?"
as you registered her words in your brain, you couldn't help but feel hopeful all over again, even after seeing those two at the mall today. maybe, they really are just friends. maybe, haerin does like you a little. maybe, you should confess.
you were so lost in your own thoughts that you couldn't feel the presence next to you, slowly clasping your hands. dani looked at you really endearingly, as if you were the person she cherished the most in the world.
"whatever you do, I'd be here to support, okay?"
giving her a reassuring nod and grin, dani's heart swelled at how your mood was lifted again. all she wants to see was you smile, regardless of who's behind it.
the shout from across your bedroom door grabbed your attention as your eyes darted towards it. as it swung open, the very person you two were talking about barged through to throw you into a hug. along with dani cause haerin knows her too.
"unnie! what are you doing here? the project?"
"hmm, we were just tidying up cause it's getting late."
the older slipped out from the embrace to finish packing her stuff to leave those two to their own world. maybe one day, she'd be able to find someone she loves too.
"bye unnie!"
"dani, I'll let you know what time tomorrow."
"yup sure, just ping me when you're done."
as dani left when she saw your thumbs up, you're tackled into another hug. you were wondering why she was being extra clingy after that date with woonhak. did woonhak confess to her? was she being shy about it? is she gonna tell you something? you were overthinking a lot of things and it wasn't a good sign cause that just means you're going to start doubting every single action haerin takes.
"I missed you."
you wish you would just disintegrate into dust at this very moment. everything that has happened today had already put your brain and feelings into overdrive. and for her to say this, made your heart feel heavier than ever. you didn't know why, it just didn't feel all that good although you did miss her too. but the words just can't seem to fall from your lips.
all you could do was look away and nod. because if you were to look at her, you think you are going to cry and confuse her even further.
"I should go shower first, it's been a long day."
"then we can cuddle!"
haerin slipped away from the embrace into your bathroom. with her belongings scattered around your room, it makes you feel even dizzier from all these crashing feelings. it's as if you are itching to confess to her or else you'd combust for real. that was why you could only keep your mouth shut, or everything would be over.
for now again, you try your best to act normal in front of her. for your own sake, for her sake, and to keep this friendship the way it has been this whole time.
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everything went on like normal. you and dani wrapped up that damn project mr park gave, having lunch with haerin every day, spending your time watching her practice, hanging out every weekend. but as haerin's competition was approaching, she spends more time at the gym hall, even during weekends at times. you can't blame her when she's the top in her team.
this competition was utmost important for her as many big companies scout at this particular one. meaning that if she does well, she may have a chance of signing with one. but that means that she would have to move to the city if that does happen.
you were afraid to lose her. sure, you two would still be friends even if she was miles away. so that's exactly what you're afraid of, staying friends. you knew you had no guts to confess to her anytime soon. if haerin leaves, you will still be here. you can't imagine how it will be without her, because you've spent your entire life with her by your side.
even today, you're in your room as haerin is training more as days are left till the competition. divided between confessing or not, you wrote down all the things you want to get for her on your laptop. the tomato frog that she loves so much, a printed sweater with a cat, a couple bracelet that she had her eye on last month. you remembered everything like you knew the back of your hand. it wasn't intentional, but you just did. not to mention that you had quite bad memory that you took a week to remember your seatmate's name.
you were going to do it. you were going to confess. it took you years to finally make that decision and you want it to be perfect. what did it mean by perfect, you don't know. it was your first time, but you just wanted it to be from the bottom of your heart. regardless of whether haerin would reciprocate the feelings, you came to an agreement with yourself that it was fine if she didn't. she was going to move away when she wins that competition so it would just mean that you two stay friends. friends who are apart from each other.
although it may take time to heal, it was going to be fine. not everything in life can go smoothly, and you were willing to take the risk. it was unfair for both you and her. you couldn't pretend any longer that you saw her as a friend, when the way you treat her is definitely more than one. and she deserves to know what you feel for her, with no secrets kept between the two of you.
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screams and shouts from both sides of your ears were definitely gonna leave them ringing for some time. of course you weren't going to miss haerin's big day. you were beyond proud that she made it to the finals after beating her opponents in the semifinals. quarters were a piece of cake since she was a whole second ahead of everyone.
it was no doubt when she held the fastest record for 100m among the schools here. the agents definitely had their eyes on her the entire time, it just depends on who she chooses.
you didn't really like going out for events like these but she was an exception. although you weren't screaming your lungs out for her, you caressed that ring on your finger very dearly. the ring haerin got you when you two got into the same high school, calling it "the lucky ring". whenever there were big happenings, you'd wear it, feeling that she was with you through them. this time, you wore it so she could feel that you were with her.
the determination on haerin's face didn't go unnoticed even if you were nowhere close to the tracks. and when she flashed that smile at you before the whistle went off, you cried softly into your hands.
you love her so much. so much that this was going to be the last time you two were going to be friends. friends who grew up together, playing with puddles at the playground. finding restaurants to visit together. laughing at stupid videos in bed. taking pictures and videos of each other when one is sleeping. all those days were going to be a memory. a sweet memory for you to look back at after this day.
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reporters swarmed the winner of the competition, blocking the pathway for the others who could only sigh at their defeat. some were lucky with outstanding performance.
"could you tell us what's your future plans after this?"
"will you be signing with Krux? we saw their agent approach you personally."
"is it possible to know who kim woonhak is to you?"
"i'm sorry everyone but haerin will be heading off first, any questions will be answered by me."
the coach pushed haerin into the locker room before locking everyone outside with him. she let out the breath even she didn't know she was holding.
"so, who is kim woonhak to you?"
the noise was starting to die down outside as the reporters were led to a different room for interview. the silence was growing deafening as those words echoed across the empty room.
"you're my friend."
"damn, I really didn't have a chance, did I?"
"you know that very well. plus, there's a whole line waiting to date you so why waste your time on me?"
haerin couldn't bother, as she had something better to do and someone better to be with.
"sunbae, you do know I don't like you anymore right? not after you turned down my confession the other day."
"I was just making sure. I've seen too many of you playboys in action."
"oh come on, I'm not a playboy!"
woonhak was someone who was very responsive to teases, and haerin takes every chance she gets to tease the hell out of him. if anything, he was like a brother to her and she was like a sister to him. in fact, both of them decided to sign with the same company since they were offered. it was always good to have someone on your side in the sports world.
"I know, I was just messing with you. now get out, coach probably needs you."
"why me when the winner is right here chilling?"
"because you're gonna answer on my behalf."
the scene that was unfolding could easily be misunderstood if walked in at the wrong timing. and someone did just that. but what haerin didn't expect was that you walked in on them, seemingly laughing and smacking each other, like a couple. well, it did look like that to you at least.
you felt like you were interrupting something, so you dashed out of there as quick as you could. your eyes were stinging as the humid wind cut through your tears that were threatening to fall. although haerin was deemed the winner today, you were zooming past people faster than she could, as if in denial that you lost even before getting a chance to tell her.
it was getting more and more suffocating as the people around you were overwhelming. although you could breathe better when you reached the tracks, taking in the view of the vast field, it was too much that you had to hit your chest to let out some suppressed cries.
just as you felt slightly better, you felt a pair of arms swinging across your sides from behind, trapping you with them. you didn't even need to see who it is, as their scent invaded your senses, carrying familiarity with it.
"haerin-ah, congratulations! I'm so proud of you."
you turned around to bring her into a hug, but also hiding the fact you were crying because things were to change today.
"thank you, I wouldn't have done it without you."
"no, don't say that. you.. did it because you trained very hard for this. and you'll be achieving your dreams."
"you did do something for me, you were there for me. I saw you at the bleachers and that made me more determined to win."
"why are you crying, froggie? don't cry, we'll still see each other."
haerin cupped your face with her hands to wipe the tears off of your face. but that just hit the nail on the coffin, meaning that she would sign and leave for the city. which was now or never.
the endearing look in her face as she looks at you was more than enough to let you know she would be here for you no matter what. even as just a friend. although it was starting to rain, you knew you had to do it now. the words were getting stuck in your throat as it started to get dry. but, you were going to do it still.
"I love you."
the confusion on her face hurt you more than it should. you should know that she does not feel the same way you did for her. you should know that she was probably already dating woonhak after what you saw earlier. you should know-
"I love you too."
it was the first time you have ever seen that smile on her face. a grin so wide, it's like she's the happiest girl in the world. the most crescent eyes you've seen on her, as if she's staring at the girl she loves.
wait. she said she loves you too.
the sunshower was drenching the two of you but you couldn't give a damn about it. she said she loves you. she reciprocated your feelings. but you were having a very hard time trying to wrap your head around it.
"I love you too, you silly."
her laughter tickled your ears as you stood there frozen. your dumb reaction had her swaying you around with her in the rain as the sun was blinding through the droplets. just as she stopped to look at you again, you still had that bewildered face.
"I thought you were dating woonhak..."
"me? and that idiot? babe, you gotta be kidding me."
the sudden endearment had your cheeks flare up as you bury your head in her shoulder, in attempt to cover your face. but your ears were shooting bright red too, earning an earthy laughter from haerin, you could feel it through the embrace.
"so that means we're dating right?"
she looked at you with a shocked face before peppering kisses all over your cheeks.
"yes, of course froggie. unless you wanna get married."
the attempt at humor cracked both of you up, but you knew that was something you see happening in the future. but for now, everything was perfect. you were perfect, and haerin's urge to kiss you was too strong at that moment.
"can I kiss you?"
all you could do was nod and as her lips touched yours, that's when things were sinking in for you. your hands slowly draped over her neck as you pulled her closer to feel the longing for her warmth grow stronger. the sunshower painted over you and her, but you couldn't care less about what's around you when the most important person is in front of you. it was true that today was the last day you two were friends, but blossomed into a new beginning as each other's love.
as you pulled back to breathe, you two had your eyes closed, foreheads touching. although no words were exchanged, you knew, many more summers were to be spent with the love of your life.
it was the summer rain, the summer rain when haerin fell for you as you held her hand and ran in the rain back home.
that summer you fell for her too.
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aangelinakii · 13 days
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— swimming... fountains?
summary : the two of you had been best friends since god knows when. maybe things turn out differently when you pull him in.
not proofread !
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for as long as he could remember, dick grayson was utterly in love with you. from the way you held yourself, to the way you smiled at him, and down to the jokes you teased him with that he wouldn't let anyone else slide with.
ever since you were kids, you consumed his every thought. but what he didn't realise, was that you felt the same.
of course, it was a situation of miscommunication; simply just being too afraid to bring it up to the other, and not being able to read the hidden feelings of one another.
as nightwing, trained detective, dick knew how to read people. he could match a villain to their alter ego by simply passing them in the street on his way to grab a sub sandwich for lunch, but with you it was just different. maybe because it was a matter involving himself, as opposed to simply onlooking others. he felt conscious of his role in your life, and didn't want to manipulate things to follow his wishes.
put simply, he respected you immensely, and didn't want to force you into a situation he was scared you didn't want to be in. perhaps that was why you were better off as best friends.
on days neither of you had anything to do, you walked through the various parks of gotham, usually talking about how the past week had gone, or how the how many days that had passed between seeing each other had gone.
today, the two of you did just that. it was normal, nothing to be thought of it... right?
"i dunno, bruce has been stricter on us recently," dick chimed up in response to your question about his recent patrols. "so i don't really know what's going on."
pursing your lips, you gave a shrug. "even from when i've met him, he doesn't seem too lively. maybe he's just going through something."
"that's what i'm worried about."
and dick gave a sigh, one that held more weight than he was letting on. clearly this was something bigger than either of you two knew.
for a moment, you sized him up, watching as his eyes trained on the pebbly ground ahead. with the back of your hand, you nudged his arm, causing him to perk up.
"hey, how about we get some ice cream? maybe even sundaes from that shop on fourth?"
at this, his eyes lit up, stormy skies clearing with the reemergence of the sun, along with his charming smile. you knew he would be more than happy to, even if he didn't say so.
before you, the water fountain was approaching, with each step the two of you took. as it came up, you brought your foot onto the ledge, and began to walk along it.
as if like clockwork – because of the amount of times he had been with you as you walked along the fountain – dick held his hand out to your, soft palm up to the sky. in his field of work, it was a miracle he could keep his hands from getting calloused.
without having to think about it, you placed your hand in his, fitting like a puzzle piece; like a glove; lock and key.
"i already know what i'm going to get," dick piped up once again, his other hand snug in the pocket of his jeans. "rocky road, vanilla, and strawberry. maybe some butterscotch and marshmallows. i might gain a few, but i'll work it off tonight, anyway."
a laugh brushed past your lips, and you opened your mouth to reply. but any words about to escape slipped past without a sound, for your foot slipped. the fountain's ledge was slightly wet, probably from where a bird wanted a quick bath, or someone playing fetch with their dog actually threw the ball in and water splashed everywhere.
whatever it was that had happened, you were falling, no birds or dog toys could change that. and when you looked over at dick, mouth agape and eyebrows raised in shock, he was falling, too.
with a deafening splash! the two of you were splayed out in the water fountain, gasping at the chill, trying to push yourselves to sit up.
"oh my god!" you gasped, pushing your soaked hair out of your eyes, which were wide as they looked over at dick, who seemed just as shocked as you. "are you okay? i'm so sorry!"
"no, no, i'm fine," dick replied, running a hand through his raven hair, looking around at the situation as if not truly believing he was sitting in a water fountain, where literally anybody could walk past and find him. if he found any front pages with his photo on them, he would not be too happy.
on his knees, he waded over to you, and your eyes noticed the way his white shirt grew translucent in the water.
"you," he began. "are you okay? you're not hurt, are you?"
for a moment, you were worried maybe you were, but the adrenaline coursing through your body had deafened the pain, and you frantically moved to inspect if you still had all limbs.
opposite you, a chuckle brushed past dick's lips. "you look fine," he hummed. and when you looked up, his expression was soft; almost more stripped, more genuine, with the droplets of water lingering on his cheek and eyelashes.
"fine?" you repeated airily, the ghost of a disbelieving laugh running out with your breath. "like, i'm fine, or i don't look damaged?"
if you blinked, you would miss it. dick's blue eyes roamed your appearance briefly, the smile lingering at his lips. "yeah, you're fine," he replied casually.
he sat on his knees before you, not seeming to mind the cold water seeping through his clothes – which were probably more expensive than your rent – just smiling up at you, the chill causing a light flush to creep onto his cheeks. after a moment, his smile faltered, and he seemed to grow self-conscious.
"i want to talk to you about something."
you gave a laugh. "really? is this really the right time for that?" you questioned with a half-chuckle, eyes glancing around at the situation the two of you had found yourselves in; sitting pretty in a water fountain, where people were beginning to take notice. but hey ho, it was gotham; stranger things have happened.
dick paused, and, passing over a few beats, gave a bashful shrug. "i don't know. it might be. i don't think there would ever be a right time for this."
with a furrow of your brow, you narrowed your eyes at him. "what's up?" you hummed, repositioning yourself to sit more comfortably on your knees, the water rippling around you.
his mouth opened, readying to speak, but he looked away, seemingly thinking over his words, judging by that inquisitive glint in his eye. but he finally looked back at you.
"you know how much i appreciate you, right?"
at his words, the corner of your mouth twitched, aching to hold back a smile. "yeah, of course. i appreciate you too, dick."
"like," he continued, chuckling softly, "i'm not even mad that you ruined my clothes by pulling me into a fountain in the middle of the park. seriously. not even mad at all. if you were tim, i would be holding your head under the water right now."
you gave a nod, eyes flickering to the side. "where is this going?"
dick exhaled through his nose, expression hardening as he looked over at you. "i think you're great. i think you're great when you fall into a water fountain and bring me with you; i think you're great when you send me a text before i go on patrol telling me to 'keep safe'. i think you're great when we go on walks, and when we go share an ice cream sundae, and when you remember my subway order—"
"how am i supposed to forget that you like your subway melts with way too many pickles to even be normal?"
and he laughed, that softness that you just adored shining through once more, causing you to crack a grin as well.
"what i'm saying..." dick began once his chuckle had trailed off, eyes gazing into the trickling stream pooling from the statue in the centre of the fountain. "i guess... maybe i wish we weren't friends."
almost as soon as the words left his mouth, your eyebrows creased and your jaw dropped. "what– that doesn't make sense—"
"i'm in love with you, (y/n)," he finished, cutting off your confusion with barely a full sentence, his lips trembling. "okay? is that okay?"
how could you even reply to that?
noting your lack of response, dick continued to talk, trailing off awkwardly. he was ready for your years of friendship to be over.
"i just suppose we tell each other everything, and i kind of felt – i don't know – guilty that i was leaving this out. especially since it involves you. i know if you ever had a problem with me you would tell me, and the same for me with you, but i could never have a problem with you, i just thought it was the same sort of principle, i dunno—"
warmth clashing against the chill of the water, soft skin meeting soft skin. only for a moment. and it was over.
you pulled away, eyelids fluttering open to look at your best friend expectantly. best friends can't be best friends after this.
he felt for you the way you felt for him.
after every patrol, no matter how tired, he always made an effort to knock on the window of your bedroom, and bring by one of your favourite snacks, or even just to tell you about how it had gone; you adored it, the way he was so thoughtful. you thought he was just doing it because that's what best friends do.
he used to help you study for tests, and make sure you knew the content back to front before you went in.
some nights you would dance in the kitchen to your favourite oldies whilst cooking a dinner to watch in front of a good film; and it was those moments that you felt really connected him to you. but you thought it was just what best friends did.
as you looked up at him, lips thinning anxiously, dick's face softened, eyebrows upturning, the corners of his mouth pulling down.
"you just... kissed me," he breathed, his breath fanning your tingling lips. "why did you just kiss me?"
"why do you think, doofus?" you scoffed playfully, bringing a hand to softly nudge his shoulder, despite the bashfulness evident on your face. "i think i'm in love with you, too."
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It takes a mob part 2
part one is here.
part 3 is here.
Bill was honestly considering the store up as hostage as he glared at the isle.
30 dollars for the cheapest can of formula?? 20 for diapers??
Jesus this had to be considered gouging at this point.
Bill felt another headache begin to throb as he tried his best to decipher the difference between brands. 
‘Not a day of health class Bill,’ he grimaced as he gently shook one oof the cans. ‘Yet here you are.’
Bill never saw himself for fatherhood, he may have pondered it once or twice in his years but only in that sort of abstract way that one ponders throwing your favorite cup. It would be stupid to do, but for a moment or two tempting.
Then he got tangled up into the goon lifestyle and any notion of that pondering went out the building.
There were enough kids in Gotham without father figures, no use accidentally making another one if he slipped up.
‘And look all that thinking led yah Billy,’ his old man droned on in his head, ‘all the work, non’ of the fun. that don’t make a happy man son.’
Bill was half tempted to open that old burner phone; it sat in his breast pocket.
Even if all that would answer would be the machine.
But no, Bill had this.
‘what’s the worst that could happen?’ he pondered as he put the tin in the cart, ‘watching three kids.’
they weren’t his after all.
He found his cohorts in the next isle shaking various items at the kid.
“What in the name of Crime Alley are you two idiots doing?”
“Oh, hey Bill!”
Ken didn’t even turn to face him, what kind of etiquette were they training these guys with? 
“Again, what the fuck are you doin’? I asked you two to pick out a couple outfits for the tyke.”
“annnd we did!” Marv chuckled handing over a bundle of cloth, “We just thought that the kid deserve somethin’ cute for being so good to us is all.”
“Actually Bill, mind throwing in your two cents? which one do you think Dan would prefer the rabbit or the frog?’
Bill pinched his brow,
“I don’t know man, what difference does it make?”
“What difference?! Man, this is his first toy we’re talking about!” Ken exclaimed,
“This is a big deal! If he’s anything like my Me Mah told me I was than he’s going to be carrying it for years!’
Danny for his part blew a bubble with his mouth, great input kid.
“I- the rabbit, I guess! I dunno, maybe he’ll like Alice in wonderland or some shit.”
Marv seemed to perk up at the thought.
“Hell yeah brother! Boss likes those old books anyways, so he probably won’t notice if we borrow a copy for a bit!”
Ken snorted as he casually thew the frog back on the shelf,
“Marven, in case you forgot, Boss is very careful with those books of his. If you want to risk it, I won’t stop you but it’s your fingers on the line man.”
“Aww, anything for our lil’ Danny!”
The clerk raised an eyebrow but kept their mouth shut as the three goons went to pay. They kept their mouth shut as Bill paid in crumpled bills and let them get on their way.
“Yeah, well pass Ken wonderlad will you? This shit isn’t going to carry itself.”
Danny babbled as they tried to sort everything into a carriable position. He shook his new toy too a fro in an almost comical manner. Like he was giving orders before an ops.
Eventually they made headway and started to make their way back to crime alley. Only for Bill to raise a occupied hand to stop the others in their step.
“Wait a moment.. where are we heading? It’ll be suspicious if we head back to base. We clocked out hours ago.”
Marv shook his head,
“Can’t go back to my place, Gwen just got done with a double shift in the ER.”
Ken snorted and shook his head as well,
“We can try but we all know Me Mah is packin’ and not scared to point first if she doesn’t expect company.”
“Then where the hell are going to go?”
Bill didn’t like how the two of them were suddenly staring at him,
“Aww come on Bill!”
“Nope. Nah ah”
Ken rolled his eyes kicked at his shin,
“It’s just for one night Bill. Tomorrow we can ask around with the other guys, but it’s not like we have many options right now.”
“My apartment is like the least kid friendly place in the neighborhood!”
Danny have a little wine as he shoved his face into Ken’s shoulder,
Bill pinched his nose as he closed his eyes, if only to block out the puppy eyes Marv was sending his way. For a big lug, it was stupid how effective they were.
“Fine… One night and you two owe me a favor after this.”
The two dumbasses actually let out a cheer loud enough to wake a nearby dog.
Leading the way Bill couldn’t help but wonder if it was too late to go to bar like they planned.
​@reinluna,@confused-moose-child,@mimilikey,@emeraudesfateandfandoms, @dolfay, @boredomfarie, @aconitewolfbane, @withoutcontxt, @onyxlightdragon, @satanicrutialspecialist, @phoenixdemonqueen, @vixen-uchiha, @skulld3mort-1fan, @bytheoldwillowtree, @illusionwolfwriter24r8, @thewonderoflebanon, @vipower001, @autumnwulf,
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thefallennightmare · 8 months
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Pairings: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Warnings/Tropes: forced proximity, slight enemies to lovers, slow burn, smut, angst, fluff, mentions of death, and swearing.
Summary: Reader is the merch girl for Bad Omens. It wasn't what she wanted to do with her life but when her mother got sick with Alzheimer's, reader took a job where she could to help with the costs. She thought it would be a one-time gig but the longer she was on the road with them, the harder she fell for Noah Sebastian; even if he wanted nothing to do with her. She needed a miracle to save her mom and her future.
Author Note: Y'all are in for a huge mind fuck in this one.
Tags: @ada-clarence @nonamessblog @thescarlettvvitch @malice-ov-mercy @crimson-calligraphyx @theoneandonlykymberlee @yumikitten @blackveilomens @cherrymedicine13 @thebadchic @notmaddihealy @jay02bo @beaker1636 @jakekiszkasguitarpick @punk-pr1ncessxoxo @er3nslovergirl @iamdesolate @lma1986 @jessitpwk @themodern-daywednesday @writethrough @bngurngheart @dreams-that-are-anwsered @loeytuan98 @omens-in-reverse @loverofagoodbeard @jay02bo @niicoleleigh
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This can't be. This is so fucked up. Did he know? Why wouldn't he say something?
My good knee bounced in agitation as I sat in the living area of the tour bus, waiting for the guys to finish up the show. With how much pain I was in any time I walked, Noah told me to rest tonight and not worry about working. I, of course, tried to fight it but when the rest of the guys sided with Noah, I retreated to the bus with a pout. I had the option to hang out on the stage to watch the show but with what I found out from my little internet search, the idea of solace was something I desperately needed. After Noah helped me get comfortable on the bus, he left me with a kiss and a promise he'll be back as soon as the show ended.
I wanted to tell him not to rush because I needed more time to think of how I was going to tell him about my mom especially after what I found out. It wasn't like I could ask my mom about it and asking my dad was obviously a dead end, pun intended.
Well, the man who I thought was my dad.
It wasn't much of an extensive search as I looked up Lincoln, whose last name ended up being Boyle since a Lincoln Keoghan didn't exist. Lincoln Boyle lived in the same state my mom did about twenty-five years ago, right before I was conceived. The internet searched gave me previous address' of his and one of them was right next door to the house I lived in the first few years of my life.
So we were neighbors. Maybe that's why my mom kept remembering him. But there wasn't a photo of him anywhere online which made me pause my research for a little while. Then the thought of who my mom thought Folio was came to mind. She thought he was Jonathan, her husband. According to her, he wasn't welcomed home anymore, and I wasn't his daughter."
I rubbed my tired eyes with a long sigh. "None of this makes sense."
Then a thought hit me like a freight train. I had brought some things from home before coming to the venue tonight, old pictures and photo books. I salvaged the ones my mom didn't destroy and fearing she would while I was gone; I brought them with me. I quickly texted Folio since he wasn't on the bus yet. I knew the show ended because there was a growing group of fans hanging around the metal barricade.
Hey, are my bags from home still in the green room?
A few minutes passed before he responded.
No, someone brought them onto the bus awhile ago. I think they're on the undercarriage.-Folio.
"Shit," I muttered.
I had help to come up the stairs of the bus and even that was difficult. How would I do it by myself?
Don't even think about grabbing them. What do you need?-Folio.
Rolling my eyes, I told him what I needed.
I'll be there in a few. Noah was on his way to you but got held up by some fans outside.-Folio.
I set my phone aside and looked out the window behind me to see Noah talking with the fans and posing for a few pictures. Even if he was smiling and nodding along, I knew he was rushing to get to the bus. He was dressed out of his stage gear to a black t-shirt and a pair of black joggers. Almost as if he felt me watching, Noah turned to the bus and gave me a small wave when he saw me. In return, I smiled before hearing Folio ascended up the stairs of the bus with three different photo albums.
"I wasn't sure which one you needed so I brought all of them," he said while handing them to me.
"Thanks," I automatically knew which one so I set the other two aside.
Folio raised a brow as he sat next to me. "What are you looking for?"
"My mom kept rambling about this guy Lincoln and- I started to explain.
"Johnathan," he cut me off. "She thought I was?"
I briefly looked at him while nodding. "My dad."
Folio let out a low whistle. "You heard what she said, right?"
I had been flipping through the pages when I stopped at his words and let out a breath. "About me not being my dads? Yeah. Trust me, my mind is completely fucked up right now especially after what I found out."
Noticing the look on his face, I filled him in on what I found during my internet research all while continuing to flip through the photo album. While I never looked through this one before, I knew it had pictures of me within my first year of life and as I was reaching the end, I almost gave up hope when my heart sank to the pits of my stomach as I froze. My eyes immediately landed on a picture of my parents and me with a man I'd never seen before. We were all sitting on the couch in our living room. I was on my moms lap, who was sitting in between my dad and the other man. The look on my dad's face showed one emotion; rage.
"Who's that?" Folio asked.
Shrugging, I pulled out the photo and turned it over, hoping they wrote something on the back. Over the years when I looked at the picture, I noticed my mom always described what was going on in the picture. I never thought much of it until recently when I realized she did it because she knew eventually, her brain would forget.
September '98. Me, Johnathan, Y/N, and Lincoln Boyle. I told Johnathan about the affair and about Y/N.
I gasped, finally having a face to the name.
"That's Lincoln," I muttered.
Folio hesitated, unsure how to tread with his question. "Do you think he's your real dad?"
Ignoring him, I placed the picture back into the book before flipping through a few more pages, the pictures only showing either me alone or with Jonathan. Until at the very last page, there was only one picture. My mom, Jonathan, and me standing in front of the house I currently live in; the one where I grew up.
October 23 '99. Y/N's birthday. Jonathan, Y/N, and I in front of our new house. I just came back to them after leaving them for Lincoln. Johnathan said he would only allow me back into Y/N's life if I leave Lincoln behind. Even though Y/N isn't his, Jonathan did a great job raising her the last year. I hope she can forgive me when she's older and knows the truth. James would love to meet her.
Forcing the picture back into the book, I slammed it shut before letting it fall to the floor. Anger radiated throughout every cell of my body as darkness took over my vision.
My own fucking mother left me behind to go be with a man she had an affair with. The same man that was my real dad?
"Y/N?" Folio's voice was soft, not knowing if I would explode any second.
I did, and it was intense.
"What kind of mother leaves their own child behind for some guy?!" I bellowed while raising to my feet. "She missed my first birthday! And who knows what else? Why did she come back? Who the fuck is James?!"
Tears burned in my eyes and I furiously wiped them away. Everything about the last twenty-four hours had been incredibly draining and mentally, I was exhausted.
Folio sat on the couch in front of me. "Didn't she say she only had a son, named James?"
I blinked slowly as his words sunk in and the ones I read on the second picture flashed in my mind like a bright neon sign.
James would love to meet her.
"You think James, if he exists, that he's my brother?" My words came out slowly, almost as if I was trying to process it.
Folio ran a hand through his hair. "According to the pictures, your mom disappeared for a year. Plenty of time to have another kid."
I looked back through the photo album to that picture and now getting a good look at it, I could faintly make out my mom's round stomach. I wasn't an expert, but I'd have to guess she had to be at least five months along in this photo.
So did she make Jonathan believe it was his until he found out the truth? Both kids in their marriage was out of wedlock.
I chuckled darkly when my heart shattered, pieces falling into my stomach. The pain was too much. Finding out the truth about my past had broken all of my trust with my mom.
"She left me behind to go have another family with Lincoln," I said sadly with my eyes cast down at the picture before slowly looking up at Folio. "Why didn't she take me with her?"
That's what hurt the most. My mom left me behind with the man who still raised me as his own after knowing the truth. But Lincoln was my actual dad; did he not want me? She left me behind for a year to start a family with someone else but why did she come crawling back?
Folio went to reach for me when he noticed I was seconds away from a breakdown but I smacked his hand away, the sound echoing throughout the bus.
I scoffed. "The worst part about this entire thing? I can't even fucking ask her about any of it because she doesn't remember a single fucking thing!"
Grabbing the rest of the photo albums, I walked over to the trash can that was hidden under the kitchen sink and tossed them inside. I was so angry that the pain in my knee was forgotten as I gritted my teeth together and stomped over to my phone. Folio must have known what I was about to do because he snatched it right before.
"Folio, give me my phone."
He shook his head. "You said it yourself, Y/N. Your mom can't remember anything. It'd be a waste to get answers from her."
A muscle in my jaw tense as I clenched it, not wanting to turn my anger onto Folio when he didn't deserve it. Suddenly, my phone rang in his hand and when he showed me the screen, Lana was calling me. It was late, almost eleven, but not uncommon for her to call me around this time. However, I was in no mood to talk. To anyone.
I ignored the call and gripped the phone tight in my hand, not missing the look on Folio's face.
"It could be about your mom," he said.
"Fuck her!" I spat; venom laced with every word. "I'm done giving a shit about her or her disease. She lied about my entire life. How do I know she's not lying about her Alzheimer's?"
Alright, I knew she was actually sick, medical proof. But that did nothing to calm the rage within my mind.
"I know you're angry-."
"Angry?!" I snapped. "I'm fucking furious, Folio! She lied to me my entire life. She had every opportunity to tell me the truth before she got sick but she probably thought she was off the hook now. You have no idea the mental load taking care of her this last year was like. When I wasn't working, I was home with her watching her like a hawk so she didn't hurt herself or wander into someone's yard. The night before I left for this tour, I found her standing outside almost naked. I had no idea how long she was out there for and I felt so guilty for letting that happen."
"I did all of that for her no questions asked and rarely complained because she was my mother. And what do I get in thanks? I find out that my dad isn't actually my dad, she left me for a fucking year to start a family with my real dad only for her to ditch him and their son together, who could very well be my brother, before crawling back to us? There's all these questions that I'll never know the answers to because my mom can't remember, Jonathan is dead, there hasn't been a trace of Lincoln anywhere and I don't know if I have the energy to look up James."
Tears were streaming down my face now and I choked out a sob. "I'm so fucking exhausted, Folio. Every time something good happens in my life, I get tossed a shit hand and I have to deal with the outcome alone."
Folio shook his head while standing to his feet. "You're not alone. You've got all of us, especially Noah."
"Noah's too good for me. He doesn't need this train wreck for a girlfriend," I cried.
"Why don't you let me decide that angel?"
Whirling around at the deep voice, I saw Noah standing at the top of the stairs that led up to the bus. His arms were crossed over his broad chest and his lips were pulled tight in a slight frown. He was clearly upset with what he heard but I wasn't sure how much he heard.
"H-ho-w long have you been standing there?" I stammered.
"Since you ignored that phone call," he nodded towards the phone clutched in my hand.
Shit. Mother fucker.
He heard everything.
My lips mimicked a fish out of water as I tried to gather words to say but nothing came out. Thankfully, Folio could feel the sudden tension and spoke for me.
"So you heard everything?"
"Yeah," he nodded. "How long have you known?"
There was a slight edge to Noah's voice, and I adverted my gaze from him, feeling guilty that my decision about whom to confide in was causing a rift between Noah and Folio. This was the last thing I wanted since they were friends long before I came into the picture.
I wasn't worth losing a good friend over.
"He's only known since last night," I spoke up finally finding my voice.
Noah's eyes snapped over to me. "Right, because you called him."
Now I was on the receiving end of his attitude and frankly, I wasn't too keen about it.
I narrowed my eyes at him. "Because you didn't answer. I thought we moved past this."
"It seems like every time I find you lately, you're with him," Noah dropped his hands to his sides.
Folio went to say something, but I held up a hand to stop him. The anger that I felt about my mom was now intensifying thanks to Noah's accusatory words.
"Kind of hard not to be around Folio when I work for you guys. There's a simple fix for that; fire me," I said.
Noah's jaw ticked. "No."
I shrugged, the tears now drying to my cheeks. "It's for the best, Noah. I don't want to be the reason you two fight. Folio and I are just friends."
"Man, I'd never do that to you," Folio spoke next. "I know how crazy you are about her. You have been since that first time Davis introduced her to us."
"I'm sorry. I don't mean to be a jealous asshole but I want to be the one you come to with these things, angel," Noah reached for me.
I, however, took a step away from him with a new set of tears brimming in my eyes.
"I think it'll be best for everyone if maybe we ended things before we get too involved."
Noah's face fell. "Angel."
Another step away from him. "You heard what I'm going through. The last thing I need right now is a relationship."
"So, you're going to end this because things got too hard for you to deal with?" he snapped.
"I don't expect you to understand, Noah," my voice wavered. "I wanted this to work, believe me. But I'm not in the right headspace right now. Maybe in the future-."
"Don't fucking bother," Noah spat as he pushed passed me to the bunk area of the bus.
Sniffling, I wiped away the tears and gave a weak smile to Folio.
"For the record, I think this is a stupid idea," he pointed to where Noah was. "He'd be willing to do whatever it took to make you happy, Y/N."
"I tried to tell him that maybe down the road but he blew me off. Fuck him." I said with a bit more confidence than I was feeling.
With a defeated sigh, Folio motioned to the door of the bus.
"Come on. I'll help you grab your things. The crew bus hasn't left yet."
"Thanks Folio," I muttered.
I didn't bother to look over my shoulder but maybe if I did, I would have seen Noah go to throw something in the garbage only to end up pulling out my photo books.
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hansolmates · 10 months
[teaser] fly to my room
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banner made by @eerieedits
summary; with a super huge crush on the super student jeon jungkook, you can't help but feel inferior with your subpar abilities when he's the literal hercules on campus. however, with a potential group of super villain students on the loose, you might have to tamp down your feelings to save your school pairing; superhero!jungkook x superhero support!reader (f) genre/warnings; sky high!au, university!au, mha!au, self deprecation lol, hero elitism, sidekicks can get bullied :(, strong man!jk, jk is a lil cocky and flirty, one lil sexy thing BUT that's it >:D w/c; preview is 561 a/n; no words just AAAAA
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“Hey, watch out!” 
A metal discus is being blown through the wind, the cause being Jungkook who’s training on the hero’s side of the stadium. You can only stare wide-eyed, focusing on Jungkook’s arms, still poised mid-air from the throw. The discus is shiny and looks like it’s barely moving from the amount of speed Jungkook has curved onto it, but you close your eyes and push your hands out towards the hurling force. 
You feel the heavy hunk pass through your void, a wink in time that has you feeling dizzy as you try to refocus the exit portal. The speed is what gets you, and has you immediately sweating from your forehead as you force the object to rip back into the current dimension, the discus landing right at Jungkook’s feet. 
“That—was great!” Namjoon teleports right in your face, mouth huge with praise. He is grabbing your shoulders, shaking you frantically in his excitement. “Wow, did you see how fast that thing was going? Maybe it was a fight or flight response—obviously, Jungkook would’ve cut your neck open—” 
“Great visual, Namjoon—” 
“But you teleported it! Aren’t you proud?” 
There’s no time to be proud when Jungkook is bounding across the field to meet you in the sidekick section. It causes all the other Superhero Supports to stop a fraction in their training, wondering how this conversation will go. Namjoon continues to stick by you however, knowing how absolutely abysmal you are in the presence of the famed hero. Having talked to Jungkook once or twice in class, Namjoon begrudgingly understands what’s so charming about the guy. 
You’re too focused on the gilded appearance Jungkook brings to the stadium. His blond hair gleams in the sun, and the lightweight metal that protects his arms wraps around his muscles like liquid gold. He’s absolutely blinding. 
“We meet again,” Jungkook grins, “are you okay?” 
“I-I’m sorry?” you fight the urge to wince when Namjoon pinches your waist. 
“You’re a teleporter, right? Your reaction time was insane!” Jungkook is smiling at you, prattling off your stats with a fervor you fail to understand. “Maybe they can bump you up to Hero-Class next exam, I’m sure you’re not far from the cutoff.” 
“No, actually. I’m just trying to stay afloat,” you force a shaky laugh, running a hand through your hair, “thanks though.” 
“I’ll put in a good word to Professor Luna,” Jungkook winks, turning away to return to his training session. 
“Jungkook’s right,” Namjoon squeezes your body again, trying to keep you in this dimension. “Your reaction time was insane. Can you imagine the power you’ll have when you finally gain control? Let’s go to the shooting range right now, test it out!” 
“Oh my god, he talked to me,” you whisper to yourself, replaying the conversation over and over in your head. Namjoon is but a spirit in your vision. 
“I mean, he had to. Like I said, he almost decapitated you,” he waves a hand in front of your face, “c’mon, stop thinking about Jungkook!”
“You're asking for the impossible, Joonie,” you frown, picking up your backpack. 
You take one step at a time, still feeling numb from the interaction. Namjoon insists that you should ride off this high, and train a little more. The only high you’re focusing on is the beating of your heart, and Jungkook’s gleaming grin. 
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masonmyluv · 7 months
Part 8
A/N: 2 parts left from this story 🥲
Warnings: jealousy
Read the full story here
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Another day at Uni after he just scored yet another La Liga goal. He was buzzing, but had to be on time for classes. He was sure the whole university will congratulate him again.
"Our boy Fermin is back!"
You looked up from your notes to see Fermin being congratulated by the whole class. People hugging him, patting him on the back. "Thanks man" he kept saying, trying to make his way to his place. You felt a déjà-vu from when he scored his first goal. It happened just the same, with him sitting near you, except that now he had a coffee cup, then him asking you to help him study, and all the things that happened which led to you two being together. "Morning. This is for you" he smiled, putting the coffee cup near your book. "Thanks, Fermin".
"Are you feeling better? After last night" Fermin asked. "Huh?" You asked confused. "Come on, you have to tell me what happened" he whined as you quietly ate your sandwich. You didn't like the attention you got from the entire university that Fermin was sitting with you at lunch time. "Nothing happened. It was an amazing night. Can we stop talking about that?" You snapped. "And they say communication is key" Fermin mumbled, placing his hand on your right knee, which didn't go unnoticed by his girl fans. "We aren't public, so stop acting like that" you said, pushing his hand away. "Okay I get it, your bad mood is still present" Fermin said. "And I'll get you to tell me why".
After classes, at which Fermin wasn't present because he had training, but promised he'll pick you up, you were waiting for him in front of the University building. "Have you seen her? He's definitely not in love with her" a group of girls passed by you.
"He should be with me. See? I have boobs and a big ass"
"Look at how she dresses. A nerd"
"I bet he wouldn't even have sex with her because she's so ugly"
You tried not to cry hearing those because they weren't true. Or were they? You weren't the most popular girl, yet Fermin was dating you. You weren't the one to wear designer clothes, but Fermin did. He never really told you his type of girl, but now that you thought about it, he would surely want a tall, skinny, boobs and ass girl, just like any football player.
"It's not true what they say" Adrian, the nerdy guy from your class, said. "Maybe it is" you shrugged. "I'm sure it's not. Not every boy wants boobs and ass. I prefer brain" he said, making a nerdy joke which actually made you smile. "Thanks Adrian. That's Fermin, I better go" you said, waving at your colleague.
Meanwhile, Fermin was watching the little interaction between you and Adrian. What did he say that made you smile? He always thought you would end up together because Adrian was basically your masculine version, the nerdy guy. Obviously he thought you weren't nerdy, you were just smart. "Hey again. How was training?" You asked, climbing in his car.
He tried to hide the fact that he was jealous, but it didn't really work when his reply sounded harsher than he intended to. He saw how your mood changed, just like that time with the presentation, and neither of you spoke about it.
"Thanks" you said, hurrying to your flat. "Y/N, we need to talk" Fermin said, following you. "I'm tired" you replied. "Me too. But I want to know what's wrong with you" he said. "Me? I'm not the one talking like an absolute dickhead to people" you snapped. "Alright, I'm sorry. I was jealous okay? Of you and Adrian. I saw that he made you smile when I couldn't" he explained. You were taken aback by his confession. He was jealous of other guys being around you? "Adrian is just a colleague, nothing more. And you really tried to cheer me up, don't you think I didn't notice" you said as you both sat on the couch. "So, will you tell me what's bothering you, pretty girl?" Fermin asked. "Yeah. It's actually two things" you said and Fermin nodded for you to continue.
"Yesterday, when we drive Gavi home, he kind of made some comments that made me uncomfortable. I didn't want to tell you because he's your best friend and I don't want you to change because of me" you finally express your feelings openly. "The ones with congratulating me? Celebrating in that way?" He said. "Yeah". "He was just teasing me because I haven't gotten laid in like a year and he's always making fun of me" Fermin chuckled. "Plus, we don't have to do it now. Time will come" he shrugged. "You, Fermin López, didn't shag anyone? Holy shit" you said and he laughed at your reaction. "I'm a good boy, Y/N" he said, battling his beautiful eyelashes at you. "But if they make you feel uncomfortable, just tell me. They can be a bit overwhelming, but that's just guys jokes" he said. "And the second thing?"
"It's related to Adrian in some way. He tried to cheer me up because we both heard those popular girls talking about me, how I don't suit you because I don't have a perfect body and I dress like a nerd. And then I thought that they maybe were right, because you could have anyone, yet—". "I want you and only you" Fermin interrupted. "Yeah, but don't you want like a girl with a nice body shape?" You asked. "I prefer brain over other things though" he said. "And you're beautiful. So beautiful I could kiss you right now" he whispered. "Even though I look like a zombie after 8 hours of courses?" You laughed. "Yeah. Even so. You're my zombie" he said, softly kissing your lips. You immediately responded to the kiss, his lips making you feel some kind of way that you never wanted to stop. "Y/N..." he groaned when you climbed into his lap, hands resting on his chest. "What?" You asked. "Nothing, just... I want to ask you out on a date" he said, blushing.
"A date?"
"Never been on a date before" you admitted, embarrassed. "So it will be your first first-date? Awesome" Fermin said. "It's not. I don't even know how to act" you pouted. "Like yourself, because that's what I like" he said, kissing your pouty lips. "And where do we go?" You asked. "You'll see. Just dress casually" he said. "Dress casually" you snorted. "Like a hoodie or what?". "Yeah, like that. Comfy clothes" he shrugged. "So... is that a yes?" He asked. "Yes yes. When?". "When you're free" he shrugged. "And when you are free" you chuckled. "I can miss a class, it's no big deal" you shrugged and he gasped. "You missing a class? Bad, bad girl" he tutted, smirking. "Yeah whatever. Tell me when" you whined.
"Tomorrow at 5" he said.
"No, love. P.m."
"Okay, cuz I can miss classes, but my sleep is precious" you said, making him laugh. "Then tomorrow at 5 pm" he said, kissing your lips one more time before he left.
Hope you like it 🤍
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chlerc · 1 year
player ten ; charles leclerc
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— summary; in which Charles find himself in at the San Siro stadium but his eyes are on you. Donning a number 10 jersey, which left Charles to wonder if you’re that player’s girlfriend. It’s still worth a shot, right?
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pairing — charles leclerc x f. reader ( third person story )
word count — 925.
content — strangers to lovers, okay more like Charles one sided thing he has for you, or so he thought. You might be that footballer’s girlfriend but hey was he ever going to pass up on a girl like you?
NAVIGATION + author’s note: to thank the Monaco charity football match for captain charles ( future ballon d’or winner who fell head first! ) and that one picture he’s holding the barça jersey just got this idea, more like drabble, going. we deal with this until i finish the mason mount fic hehe 😓
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The football pitch was millions of perfect grass strands as eager for the start of play as the fans who brought the stadium to light. Two armies of eleven walked onto the green to pitch war in the way civilised societies have come to.
The cheers warm the air as much as any sun ever could and rise around the San Siro stadium as bubbles in invisible champagne. Charles is right there by the VIP section of the stadium, in his customised AC Milan jersey he had just received from the team.
San Siro stadium was where he found himself with Joris, on a day without a packed schedule and stimulator drives. Football has always been his thing and he’s got a special knack for it, or he thinks so in that way.
His eyes are trained on following each Milan player as they played against Sampdoria yet the person on his left, an empty seat between them, had been pissing him off, which he embraced silently. Holy shit was she loud with all those jarring noises she had been making.
Charles cranes his neck a little, sneaking a glimpse at the lady who has been all but silent throughout the match. But to be fair, who would be quiet at a football match? Realising he had made the mistake of sneaking a glance, because hell was she so breathtakingly gorgeous. She’s so fucking beautiful it almost hurts to look at her.
Her face to his eyes was all the beauty a woman can possess, not for her features, yet for the light in her eyes and the gentle warmth of her soul. She has the rosiest cheeks and a pointy nose anyone could ever ask for. There was a warmth her brown hair brought to her features, a simple frame for that smile and eyes. The hue altered as the strands curled and moved, as free as autumn leaves playing in the dayshine with the evening wind picking up its pace.
One last glance, Charles had promised himself and swore to stick to that and so he did sneak another glance. Rookie mistake, she was donning the AC Milan jersey just like every other home supporter there, but shit she had a number 10 and the name Brahim printed on the back.
He recognises the number and name was actually a player on the pitch and not a customised jersey like his. VIP seats, a player’s jersey and cheering for him. Charles pieces his observations together, coming to a conclusion that she might actually be Brahim’s girlfriend.
Okay. It wasn’t like he was planning on hitting her up anyways, she was too noisy to be his type. But then again was he lying to himself, because hell who would actually pass up on a gorgeous woman who happened to love the same sport as him? On another note, she could just be a devoted fan, a girl can have her fantasies wearing the jerseys of the players they love.
It was the 63th minute where Brahim sent the ball to the back of the net, chants erupting throughout the stadium and a shout piercing through the left side of his ear. Fuck maybe she was his girlfriend afterall, there was no way was he making a move on her now.
He watches her every move as she looks for her phone in the beige bag sitting on her lap. With her phone in her hand, the screen lights up and he almost felt sanguine in this situation. Maybe he still had a chance after all, right? It definitely means something if he’s the person on her wallpaper, right?
Which is exactly why he slides over to the empty seat, settling down next to her. “Good game eh?” Charles finds himself striking a conversation with her, hoping she’d notice him. “Huh? Yeah yeah, really good game.” Her cheeks were the blush of roses, that peak of champagne pink. The colour infused cheeks dimpled with the blossoming smile
She wished she didn't blush so fast, that she had some ability to keep her emotions to herself. In an instant, her cheeks were rosy and Charles saw her feelings as if she wrote them in little notes and handed them out to him. “So…Brahim, your boyfriend? He’s really good with Milan, he’s adapted to the team well.”
“No no, not a boyfriend but yeah he’s really good.” He licked at his lips subconsciously, thanking every god for his fate of meeting the gorgeous and single lady right next to him. “Not a boyfriend eh? You’re in his jersey and all that.” She only lets out a giggle at his comment, Charles thought it was strange that she’s acting like she didn’t know him. “Loyal supporter is what I’d call it, been by him since Madrid.”
“My teammate’s a Madridista, you’d love him.” The ends of her lips lifted up into a smile so sweet, her eyes creasing into crescents. “I’d prefer the one who supports AS Monaco.” She shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly, mumbling meekly. “What’s that?” Charles questioned, not managing to catch what she had said but it wasn’t meant for him to hear anyways.
“Nothing important.” He nods curtly at her reply, sliding a piece of folded and crumbled paper he had tucked in his pockets earlier. She eyes him warily, taking the piece of paper in her grasp.
“I might have a knack for football but I’m better as a driver and we can take a picture to replace that lockscreen. Mia cara, call me yeah?”
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