#every single day of the rest of nov and December i have so much to do
soggypotatoes · 2 years
up at 3am having anxiety attacks when I have a really long day tomorrow and also the day after and also the day after and also.. uhh I don't have any rest days planned until January 🙃 and probably not even then bc I have to housesit for 2 different people and honestly I'm not capable of that but I can't back out of it cause neither of them will be able to find anyone else. so. killing self
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xxunicorncaitxx · 4 years
Chapter one- Childhood memories
This is going to be a fanfiction with many warnings which I will add at the beginning of each chapter. This will also be posted on my wattpad account!!
All the credits go to @sammie-cant-write
Warnings: Abuse and Language
Race's pov-
Nov. 1, 1993-
My life all started on the first of November, the year of 1993. Everything seemed perfect and happy. I was a healthy kid, which was a good thing, of course, but that didn't seem to last long.
My mother said, smiling down at her one and only child in her arms. She was so happy, but my father on the other hand? He wasn't happy at all.
Nov. 10, 1993-
My parents have been fighting for 8 days now. It somehow turned into a physical argument.. every... single.. time.
"That worthless piece of shit!"
"Just as ugly as you are!"
"He'll do this world no good"
"He'll grow to be a useless nobody.."
And I guess he was right. Maybe I am a worthless and ugly nobody. Maybe I didn't do this world any good.
It wasn't too long after one of the worst fights where he decided to leave. And for good.
Dec. 24, 1996-
"Yes, baby?"
"Is Pop coming home for Christmas dis year?"
Those words brought a strange look onto my mother's face. I was confused as to why she looked so upset. Did I do something wrong? All I wanted was answers.
"No, he's not.. maybe next year."
"But Ma-"
"Anthony, I don't want to talk about it. Go to bed."
I did what I was told. Laying down in bed, I covered myself with the blanket and just cried until I was finally able to fall asleep.
April 16, 1997-
My mother's wedding to my step-father. To this day, I still don't know where they met or why she chose him as a husband.
I stood there and watched them get married, smiling, thinking that everything was going to be fine after that. Of course, I was wrong. Wasn't I always wrong? 
Bruised and beaten and tired. Was it ever going to end? 
Every day was a fresh start of being tormented. New bruises and cuts all over my body. Guilt and regret filled me as I already wanted to end my suffering. I was only so young and I didn't know what I did to deserve this. 
Soon I start school. Great right? I will have to go in on my first day looking like a complete mess. That smile will always be fake no matter what, and I will feel so bad for those who are my friends.. if  I even make any that is. They'll have to put up with a friend who is fake and nobody likes fake people. That's what I was told anyway.
Jan. 3, 2000- 
I felt completely numb. Doctors and nurses rushed in and out of the room. They did everything they could to save her. No matter what they tried or how many times they did, nothing worked. Hours upon hours of sitting there with a blank expression on my face, a doctor said "I'm sorry" as they proceeded to take off their gloves. I stared at them for the longest time, not knowing what to say. Angry and upset, I ran home, tears streaming down my face. 
Dinner was different without Ma. It was complete silence half the time. I didn't want to eat but I did anyway so I didn't make my step-father upset.
"How was your mother?"  He asked, putting some of the food in his mouth
"Fine, I guess..."
"You lyin'?"
I set the fork down slowly and stared right into his dark brown eyes. That was a way of saying 'yes'
"Are you serious?  I thought I told you not to lie"
"Y-You did, sir..." (I called him 'sir' because why the fuck would I call him dad?)
"Then why are you?"
"I-I don't know.," I muttered.
"Tell me the truth boy. Go on"
"She... She's gone.."
"What do you mean by ‘She's gone’?!”
"SHE'S DEAD!" I raised my voice out of nowhere. Getting up, I try to walk away but I didn't get too far. He grabbed the back of my shirt and beat the shit outta me. As he did, the tears escaped from my eyes but I stayed silent, scared, and hopeless. 
Jan. 4, 2000-
After yesterday, I finally got the chance to call for help. I was done being hurt by this man both physically and mentally. Soon, I'll feel safe and will be taken to a better place.
Jan. 15, 2000-
Brooklyn, New York. That's where I ended up. I moved schools and I got to say... I love it here! I made a friend by the name of Spot Conlon. He was pretty chill and had such a good reputation, which I admired so much. Every day, we'd go out and get some ice cream, feed the ducks, sit at the docks, swim; and for once in my life, I felt happy.
Jan. 18, 2000-
Today was the day of my mother's funeral. I put on nice clothes and went back to Manhattan with some older kid. No idea who he was but he was pretty friendly.
Standing there listening to what everyone had to say struck me. She didn't deserve the pain and all I could think of was that it was my fault. Maybe if I were a better son, she would still be here. This was going to be the last time I was going to see her so I said goodbye and apologized before heading back across the bridge to Brooklyn.
They wouldn't let me see her get buried. However, they gave me the location of the burial site.
May 29, 2001-
It's been a year since my mother has passed and a few weeks since my step-father's death as well. My biological father was long gone so they just considered me as an orphan. Packing up my things, Spot stood at the doorway with a small smirk on his face.
"You sure you want to go back to 'hattan?”
"Of course.."
"Well, where are you going to go? You got nobody"
"I'll find a place to stay. I'll get myself a job and I'll be fine"
"Anthony, you make it sound so simple when really, it's not. You can't just go back, ask someone for a job, and expect yourself to get accepted right on the spot. It'll take some time-"
"Just stop.. Please..."
"I'm just saying. You can't just-"
"I SAID STOP! Just leave me alone, OKAY?"
Rage filled my body as Spot went silent. He glared then walked off. There was no way he'd be my friend now!
I grabbed my belongings and left that evening without saying goodbye to anyone. Not even Spot.
June 5, 2001-
I got a job and met the love of my life: Albert DaSilva. He was perfect! I know I was still pretty young to get these feelings but... I couldn't help but love him.
March 31, 2006-
I got a hold of cigars and started gambling. Probably another good choice I've made. The cigars calmed me down, and ever since I got one, I haven't snapped at anyone or got so anxious. I earned some cash while gambling too which was amazing.
 November 1, 2007-
After a few years of talking, Albert asked me to be his boyfriend; and on my birthday!! I accepted, of course, and realized that he was the only one who actually cared about me! Hopefully, it lasts.
The racetracks closed for the winter and I was quite bummed out, although I'll definitely go next year! 
November 8, 2007- 
I received the nickname "Racetrack" from the other boys who work with me. They said they'll call me "Race" instead because I loved watching the horse races. Ever since the track closed for the rest of the year, I wouldn't stop bothering them about it so here I am with "Racetrack" as a nickname
December 25th, 2007-
There was music, drinks, food, and presents everywhere. Us orphans stayed at a home in Manhattan and there weren't many of us so it was easier to get things done (if that makes sense.)
Albert got me a present that even I can't afford. A promise ring? I looked at him, letting a small smile take over. Not knowing what to say, I put it on and held his hand. This was one of the best days of my life! I couldn't be more grateful than this...
So I stared into his eyes and finally said
“I love you”
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mashtonasfuck · 5 years
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I was at work when Ash posted this, and came out of work to see the notif and then proceeded to sit in my car sobbing for 20 minutes. This man, and this band are my lifeline. I’ve never told y’all my story about how I found 5 Seconds of Summer, but now seems like a good time. I’ll put it under the cut so it doesn’t clog up your dash.
I found Luke around the 14th of March 2011. I was 14. He’d posted his cover of ‘Fireflies’ by Ron Pope a few days before, and there was just something about it that I couldn’t get out of my head. At the time I didn’t think much of it (this was pre-youtube account) and I kept checking back every now and then to see if he posted anything else. In April of that same year, Mike and Cal uploaded a video introducing them as a three piece under the name of ‘5 Seconds of Summer’ - they did a few more covers, most of the time with only two of them lmao, and I kept checking back to see what they were posting. Ash joined them in December 2011 and they became a four piece.
When they uploaded the video for ‘Teenage Dirtbag’, I knew that I wanted to keep watching their content as there was just something I still couldn’t shake. The energy with the four of them had shifted somehow from just being the three of them, and it kept me interested.
They toured a lil bit of Aus in 2012, and I spent my days on Youtube watching shitty videos of them playing songs they’d written themselves rather than covers. They then revealed that they were releasing an EP later in the year. They dropped ‘Unplugged’ in June 2012 in Aus and NZ and I remember being super sad that I couldn’t buy it in the UK yet. It was released WW in December 2012, and you bet your ass I bought an iTunes voucher so I could buy it (remember iTunes vouchers?? Those were the days, RIP iTunes). They moved to London at the end of that year. I remember seeing a video someone uploaded of them doing an impromptu session playing in a park in London and being so sad that I wasn’t there to see them. They did some small intimate shows in the UK while they were over here, but I never got to go to any of them.
In early 2013 they started touring with 1D, but again I never got to see them. I LIVED for the shitty videos people were posting on Youtube of their performances, and I was desperate to see this band I’d become so obsessed with following.
On the 24th of February 2014, they uploaded the video for ‘She Looks So Perfect’ on Youtube. It was at this point that my friends at school became aware of them and started following them, despite me telling them for years that this band were awesome (teenagers, am I right?). On the 27th of June 2014, they released ‘5 Seconds Of Summer’ out into the world. I was 17 years old.
At 17, I was struggling with A LOT. My grandad was very ill, my friends turned out to not be my friends, and it’s probably one of the loneliest periods I’ve ever had in my life. I’d experienced what I thought was heartbreak, and their self-titled album was everything I needed at that time in my life. I finally saw them on the 5th of June 2015. I got to spend two hours in a room with my four favourite people in the whole world. I have a video of them playing ‘Everything I Didn’t Say’, and all you can hear is me sobbing in the background lmao.
Walking out of that venue, I knew my life would never be the same.
I was pretty active on social media at this point, as were the boys, and seeing the stupid things they got up to on Keek and Twitter genuinely made my days so much brighter.
As we all know, ‘Sounds Good Feels Good’ was released on the 23rd of October 2015. I was 18, my parents had just split up, my grandad had died and I felt like the whole world was out to get me. I fell into a period of intense depression and did some things I’m not proud of, and I honestly didn’t see a way out. Then SGFG came along. That is the album that quite literally saved my life. Listening to the four people I admired most in the whole world singing lyrics about things I was going through, being the same age as me, was totally overwhelming. I don’t remember my first listen through of that album - what I do remember is the way that it changed my whole world view.
They understood exactly how I felt, down to the last detail. To this day I have to leave Broken Home and Invisible off of playlists because they jolt me back to a time in my life that I don’t ever want to experience again. That whole album was my saving grace for a long time. I’m eternally grateful to them for releasing it when they did, as I’m gonna be straight up and say that I might not have been sat here typing this today.
I went to their show for the SLFL tour on the 8th of April 2016. I spent most of that night crying my eyes out and getting weird looks from the people around me, but I didn’t care. This was my band, and they were playing the songs that literally saved me. The SGFG era was emotionally draining for me for a long time, and it took me a while to be able to listen to most of the album again as it just felt so raw.
When they took time off to rejuvenate themselves before album three, I was worried. For the last 6 years this band had been what kept me waking up each morning. The lack of content was freaking me out and I wasn’t sure how to deal with it. My mental health was on its way down again and I found myself going back to old patterns.
At this point, I’d been in a relationship for almost three years, was engaged, and was living with my then SO. I thought everything was perfect, I had the life that I wanted with a man that I thought I’d be with forever.
In February 2018 they released ‘Want You Back’, and I loved it, but didn’t have the connection with it like I did with SGFG. I missed out on tickets for the 5SOS III Tour (and may have cried about it, but it’s fine), but bought tickets for the Meet You There Tour before they even released the album. This was my band, of course I was going to see them.
When ‘Youngblood’ dropped, I had a day off from work. I set my stereo system up, and lay on my living room floor with the speakers around me in a circle. I wanted to feel the new album, not just listen to it (weird, I know). Want You Back and Youngblood were fine, but then we hit Lie To Me.
‘I know that you don’t, but if I ask you if you love me, won’t you lie, lie, lie, lie, lie to me?’
I genuinely felt all of the breath I had in my lungs, vacate. I’m gonna be straight and say that I hadn’t been happy in my relationship for a while despite what I said above - my partner was emotionally abusive, and the warning signs were clear, I just didn’t want to see them. That one line haunted me every time Luke sang it, but I let it play through and moved through the rest of the album. When it finished, I let it play through again. I let those lyrics flow through me, and by the time it got round to Lie To Me again, I was sobbing. Once again, these boys knew exactly what I needed to hear, at the exact time in my life that I needed to hear it. It took me seeing them again in November of last year to make a change in my life.
If you’ve been around for a little while, you’ll know that I’ve shared my Meet You There Tour story before, but if you haven’t read it, you can find it here. I stood at the back of the O2 Academy in Birmingham, a year ago tomorrow (1st of Nov) and cried. Listening to my boys sing those songs in person absolutely broke me, and made me realise that I wasn’t happy in my relationship. I left that show heartbroken, and overwhelmed, and honestly exhausted, but I drove back home and spent the next two months trying to fix the relationship I was so unhappy in.
I thought I’d made progress, but after Christmas of last year, everything fell back into old patterns and enough was enough. Watching my ex-partner walk out of the front door was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to go through. I’d taken the plunge, but I was broken. I moved back in with my mum in January of this year, which has been incredibly stressful (that’s another story lmao), but the one thing that has kept me going is these four boys.
Ashton is always the one that I feel the most connected with - I don’t know if it’s because he’s the oldest and people usually think I’m a lot older than I am, but his life philosophy and his attitude towards the things which make him a better person, inspire me every day. Whenever I’m having a shitty day, he always seems to put out a Tweet which says exactly what I need to hear. His love for us keeps me going every day, and I strive to be even half the person that he is. He does so much for us, and I thank God every single day he biked halfway across Sydney to attend that first band practice as a four-piece.
Their music makes me feel a lot less lonely, in a world that hasn’t always been the kindest to me. Because of them, I’ve met some of the coolest people on the planet through this godforsaken website, and the existence of these people in my life makes me excited to wake up each day.
This Tweet from Ash tonight reminded me exactly why I stayed with this band way back in 2011. Their passion for their art inspires me every single day and I am constantly in awe of the way they continue to push themselves and their performance.
I am not the same person I was at the start of the year. ‘Youngblood’ has helped me reinvent myself into the person I’ve always wanted to be. I’m so much stronger than I ever thought possible, and I’ve only realised that because of four dorks from Sydney that told me it’s okay to be whoever you want to be.
I will forever be grateful for their music, their passion, and their presence on this Earth. I’ve never stuck with any artist as long as I’ve stuck with this band, and I would not change that for the world.
Thank you 5SOS, for always being there for me, even if no one else was. I love you guys.
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My Writing Schedule For Nov - Dec
Heads up, this gets kinda lengthy because I over explain everything. What I'm vomiting onto this blog will pertain heavily to my dumpster fire of a fan fiction series which centers around Slit the Trash Lizard and his Scavenger Country friends. Yes, he's paired with and OC in it. Am I ashamed? No. Are we delving into why I'm not ashamed? Also no, we don't have time for that, because that's what I'm here to talk about today. Time.
I have incredibly poor time management skills when it comes to anything I'm not being paid to do. Essentially, what I want to do today is lay out a two-month plan for the About a Lizard series and squeeze into the following twelve months time for other fiction endeavors which include two original stories, a fanwork in the Aliens versus Predator universe, and a crossover with I'mRobin on AO3.
Normally, I post vague updates on the progress of the next chapter in the top notes of my submissions on AO3, I haven't been doing that because lately, my head is in ten different places at once.
The plan for AAL is to take all of the notes and information about loosely planned chapters for the current installment of the story (We can call it book two) and break down those chapters further by summarizing individual scenes within them. I already do this but I only do it one chapter at a time as I work, and then I tend to abandon a fully summarized chapter for weeks on end while I putter around procrastinating.
When I write these summaries, they generally contain a list of concepts that need to be addressed at a precise point in time along with character actions and an idea of the content of dialog between the characters. For an example of what this actually looks like in a summary: “Dune needs to lament about the potatoes she was trying to grow and how more than a month without steady watering has probably killed the spuds. Maybe have her dig around in the pots (old tires) to check for survivors.”  
It's basic stuff and the above line of quoted text is the substance of an entire small scene. Many of these summaries are much longer but even these tiny ones are incredibly helpful. They help to keep me on track with where I want a chapter to go, what I want it to cover, and it helps me to enforce self-control in keeping from wandering off in my head and indulging in unnecessary info-dumpery. Once this small scene is finished, I know exactly where I need to shift my attention because I already have that information at my disposal in the next summarized scene.
Knowing where you're going helps more than you think. I know the trajectory of the story as a whole, but getting from point A to point B within individual chapters is easier said than done. As an example: If you're writing a story about a girl named Jane who finds a magical singing rock in the woods, but you need her to travel across a country to find a wizard to explain the significance of the singing rock, then you need to have something happen during that journey. If this journey is to be concise enough to fit into a single chapter, you'll need minor conflict and resolution within that chapter, and it can be as extreme or subtle as you want, but it still has to exist and that requires thought and planning. Alternatively, you can take that cross-country trip that Jane goes on and turn it into the flesh of an entire story, where the journey itself is the story, not so much whatever is going on with the singing rock. I'm trying to avoid letting the minor plot interfere with the primary plot. Using Jane and the Rock as a euphemism for minor plot sequences: I want these “trips to find the wizard” to be consistently contained within one chapter without becoming arcs of their own which would interfere with the primary plot.
Phew! Now that you know what I mean by summarized chapters and scenes, and have probably realized that I am completely out of my mind, I can get to the point of this. I'd like to summarize scenes for all thirty-three planned chapters of “The Road to Nowhere” as soon as possible. Why would I want to do all of this work when I could simply be flat out writing? Because if I do this and get the bulk of the planning out of the way, I will ultimately be producing chapters at a far faster clip. If every chapter consists of between seven and ten scenes and I can flesh out one scene per day, that means I could publish one chapter approximately every ten days versus one chapter every month or several months. This better executed organization process would see the fic finished in a little under a year. I don't want to do the math and find out what that time-frame looks like if I continue on at my current pace. It probably looks something like six years, UGH!
Organization matters and at the moment, I don't have it. I can probably summarize the whole dang fic scene-by-scene within a couple weeks if I really apply myself to it. I may get only small way into this process before I say “Screw this!” and continue work chapter by chapter as a good little fic pigeon, but even if I only plan out three or four chapters at a time, I'm still coming out way ahead of the game. That's important to me. So, that is what is going on with the About a Lizard thingy. The following is a bullet point of dates and plans for November - December regarding About a Lizard and other projects
The next piece of writing I'm likely to crank out is an update chapter for the crossover titled Unlikely which I am working on with ImRobin over on AO3. I would like to publish this by the 15th of November at the very latest but I’ll probably be able to manage it far earlier. It is incredibly well structured because two people are working closely to hack out dialog and actions for each character to prevent out of character sequences and to give both parties as much creative control as possible in each chapter. It should not take long if I can sit for a few hours without interruption to work on it.
Chapter 4 of The Road To Nowhere is already started and I'm slowly scratching out the first draft scene by scene when I feel like writing. That will probably pop up on AO3 shortly after my half of the update on Unlikely, so expect it by the 17th at the very latest.
Once chapter 4 of The Road to Nowhere pops up on AO3, I will be summarizing and planning the rest of the chapters as much as I can with the goal to plan all scenes for all thirty-three (or more) chapters by mid-December. Once this is done, I'll be able to focus effort in a more meaningful way and lay the foundation for a routine where I flesh out one scene per day and hopefully begin submitting a chapter every ten to fifteen days instead of every month or two.
Chapter 5 of The Road to Nowhere should appear by the end of December.
If I can get this rhythm to work, I may take periodic breaks every five chapters to do work on a few original short stories I've had in my head for years but not enough organizational skill or confidence to execute. These may turn up on AO3 as well.
In short, to my best knowledge, updates will appear in the following order. Keep in mind personal schedules prevent me from knowing exact dates when future Unlikely chapters will get written.
11/13/18 – 11/15/18: Unlikely will update
11/16/18 – 11/17/18: The Road to Nowhere will update
11/17/18 – 12/15/18: I will be working solely on summarizing scenes for TRTN & Unlikely
12/25/18 – 12/30/18: The Road to Nowhere will resume with the submission of chapter 5
All chapters of The Road to Nowhere thereafter will be scheduled for submission within ten to fifteen days of each other.
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your-dietician · 3 years
2021 child tax credit: When payments will go out, opt-out deadlines, IRS portals
New Post has been published on https://tattlepress.com/personal-finance/2021-child-tax-credit-when-payments-will-go-out-opt-out-deadlines-irs-portals/
2021 child tax credit: When payments will go out, opt-out deadlines, IRS portals
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The monthly child tax credit dates are now available. 
Sarah Tew/CNET
If you qualify for the child tax credit, your first payment will arrive in less than two weeks. The IRS has new tools that can show you if you’re getting a child tax credit payment, when it’ll arrive and how much you’ll receive. You can also use the portals to sign up if you fall into the nonfiler category and opt out of the monthly payments for one large check.
If you’re not typically required to file a tax return because your income doesn’t meet the tax-filing requirements, you’ll have to move quickly on using the new IRS nonfiler tool or preparing a tax return. Overpayment for the child tax credit is something else you’ll need to keep an eye on — a real (but hopefully uncommon) situation that could have you owing the IRS money next tax season. 
We’ve also got another useful tool to help you prepare: CNET’s child tax credit calculator gives you an estimate based on the number and ages of your kids. Once you know how much you’ll get, you can start planning how you’ll use your money. And here’s how to claim up to $16,000 more for your child care costs. This story has been recently updated with new information.
When will the child tax credit payments go out?
The first thing to know is you won’t get your child tax credit payments all at once in 2021. Unless you tell the IRS you want to unenroll from the advance monthly payments, you’ll get six checks in 2021 and one in 2022. The second thing to know is that half of your total child tax credit payment will come this year, with the other half as part of your tax refund in 2022. 
So in other words, your largest single payment arrives next year. Until then, you get six smaller payments this year to start using right away. The idea is to bring you money sooner, which is why the checks will start coming in 2021 as “advance payments.”
Child tax credit payment schedule
Monthly Maximum payment per child 5 and younger Maximum payment per child; 6 to 17 July 15: First 2021 check $300 $250 Aug. 13 $300 $250 Sept. 15 $300 $250 Oct. 15 $300 $250 Nov. 15 $300 $250 Dec. 15: Last 2021 check $300 $250 April 2022: Second half of payment $1,800 $1,500
What does opting out of monthly payments mean?
You aren’t obligated to receive the advance monthly child tax credit payments this year. Instead, you can choose to get one payment in 2022, and the new Child Tax Credit Update Portal will allow you to do so. You may want to unenroll if you’d rather have one large payment for a projected expense in 2022, or if you’re concerned the IRS might overpay you this year and you don’t want to be saddled with an outstanding debt later. However, if you haven’t unenrolled yet, the deadline to do so was June 28, so you’ll still get the July 15 payment. You can still opt out of the August through December payments.
What can I do with each of the child tax credit portals?
In June, the IRS opened more online tools and portals. The first portal is for people not normally required to file an income tax return, including low-income families. The new Child Tax Credit Eligibility Assistant tool helps families quickly determine whether they qualify. 
The latest Child Tax Credit Update Portal currently allows families to view their eligibility, check their payments and unenroll from the advance monthly payments. In coming months, it will allow families to update their information if their circumstances have changed: for example, if a new child has arrived or will arrive in 2021 who isn’t reflected on a 2020 tax return.
What if my child tax credit payment doesn’t arrive on the scheduled day?
One thing to keep in mind is that the IRS is targeting the payment dates (see above). If you have direct deposit set up with the IRS, you might see a pending payment before the actual closing date. That means you might not be able to access the money right away, but that it’s in process.
It could take longer for your payment to arrive if you’re receiving the check by mail, or in the form of an EIP card. If enough time has passed and you’re concerned there may be a problem, you can use the IRS web portal to correct information. You’ll also want to make sure you let the IRS know if you moved (not just the US Postal Service).
Now playing: Watch this: Child tax credit: Everything we know
What are the child tax credit totals for each kid?
How the payments will be divided between 2021 and 2022 might be confusing. For each qualifying child age 5 and younger, up to $1,800 (half the total) will come in six $300 monthly payments this year. For each kid between the ages of 6 and 17, up to $1,500 will come as $250 monthly payments six times this year. 
The IRS bases your child’s eligibility on their age on Dec. 31, 2021, so a 5-year-old child turning 6 in 2021 will qualify for a maximum of $250 per month. For both age groups, the rest of the payment will come with your 2021 tax refund when you claim the remainder of the credit in 2022. 
If your dependent is 18 years old, they can qualify for $500 each. Dependents between the ages of 19 and 24 may qualify as well, but they must be enrolled in college full-time. Here’s more on the financial details for qualified dependents. 
2021 child tax credit maximum payments
Ages 5 and younger Up to $3,600, with half as $300 advance monthly payments Ages 6 to 17 Up to $3,000, with half as $250 advance monthly payments Age 18 $500 one-time check Ages 19 and 24, full-time college students $500 one-time check
Will my newborn baby qualify me for the child tax credit?
If you have a baby in 2021, your newborn will count toward the child tax credit payment of $3,600. Children who are adopted can also qualify if they’re US citizens. You’ll be able to update the IRS on a new dependent when that aspect of the Update Portal is made available. 
What to do if the IRS doesn’t require me to pay or file taxes?
Payments will be automatic for those who filed their 2020 tax returns by the May 17 deadline (or those who claimed all their dependents on a 2019 tax return). But what if that’s not you? Parents who didn’t file taxes should use the new IRS tool, called the “Non-filer Sign-up tool,” to get their money, even if you’re not usually required to file. This will let the IRS know your income level and how many dependents are in your household who count toward the child tax credit benefits. 
You could also file a tax return to get the full monthly child tax credit payment you’re owed. The IRS is offering information about free tax days in major cities to outreach to families who still need to file a 2020 return. 
What should I do if the IRS sends me more money than I’m supposed to get?
Since the IRS uses your 2019 or 2020 tax return, your family may not qualify for the child tax credit payment when you file your 2021 tax return in 2022. In this case, you may have to repay the IRS some or all of the credit. The child tax credit rules aren’t as flexible as the stimulus check rules regarding overpayment. One example of when this would happen is if you and the other parent of your child (who is not your spouse) were both paid for the child tax credit for the same dependent.
To avoid this tax inconvenience, make sure all your information is updated before the payments start arriving. The new Update Portal will let you make adjustments in the coming months to verify your new income and marital status. 
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The larger child tax credit can help families that have faced financial hardship due to the pandemic. 
Sarah Tew/CNET
What are the household income requirements to qualify for the checks?
Income limits determine how much you will receive and if you even qualify, though there is no limit on the number of children you can receive credit for as long as you’re eligible. 
The amount you’ll get will phase out for people with higher incomes. Single filers earning more than $75,000 per year, heads of household earning more than $112,500 per year and married couples earning more than $150,000 a year will not be eligible for the full amount. Your child tax credit payments will begin to phase out by $50 for every $1,000 of income over those threshold amounts, according to Joanna Powell, managing director and certified financial planner at CBIZ.
If I share custody of a kid, can I still get child tax credit payments?
For the first two stimulus checks, some parents who shared custody of a child but weren’t married to each other were entitled to each claim money for the same child. That was only if they alternated years for claiming the dependent — in other words, if one parent claimed the child on their taxes in odd years and the other claimed the child on their taxes in even years.
This is no longer allowed for the third check, and we’re told it won’t work that way for the child tax credit payments either. Here’s what we know so far about the child tax credit and shared custody situations.
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aion-rsa · 5 years
Rick And Morty Comics Are Worth Your Time Too
The Rick And Morty comics are a consistently solid fix of the adventures TV show fans know and love...
Once they managed to get McDonald’s to reproduce the Szechuan sauce first produced in 1998 for the release of Mulan, Rick and Morty established itself as part of the television furniture. As every struggling creative knows, however, success like this doesn’t come overnight. In the beginning (during the Earth year 2006), Justin Roiland created a short called The Real Animated Adventures of Doc and Mharti for Channel 101. If you haven’t seen it, then it doesn’t really have much in common with the end product so I wouldn’t worry about it. But when Dan Harmon came calling after his work on Community, Roiland suggested developing something based on the short.
From there, the program went through a series of retools until they ended up with a half-hour comedy about a mad scientist type (Rick Sanchez, genius, a barely-functional alcoholic) and his grandson (Morty, 14, slightly more level-headed, masturbates) going on dimension-hopping adventures. It’s a smart, high concept show that is incredibly clever; it looks at the family dynamic in a refreshing way and doesn’t shy away from the family’s flaws. The series is responsible for a lot of quotes that have entered everyday conversation and you’ll find that you quickly pick up a lot of favorites.
Rick And Morty has become the kind of success that creatives can only hope for when they’re putting a show together. The first season aired in December 2013 and the third is currently airing. But then you already knew that, it’s hard to get away from whatever’s going on in that week’s episode. For better or worse, it’s everywhere. It’s on shirts. There are action figures, video games, and all sorts of weird and wonderful stuff. But most pertinently to our feature, there’s a series of comics published by Oni Press.
read more: Rick and Morty Characters We Want To See Again
For a show whose new episodes are so eagerly anticipated, the fact that Oni has been bringing us new adventures since 2015 is oddly little-known. But of course, given how many millions of viewers the show has and that a much smaller percentage of that would have bought the books, there’s going to be a large disparity there. So I thought I would do a public service and tell you why you should be reading the Rick And Morty comics.
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Overall, the range is one of the better pieces of tie-in fiction that you will ever read. In terms of how much it gets right, it’s a shining example to the rest of the comic world.
For one thing, the artwork is consistently good and the range of artists allows for differences in the art style. Maybe it’s because the characters were animated to begin with, but most of the time the artwork is pretty spot on (although there was one howler where Jerry’s anguished face looked more like his orgasm face).
read more: What Rick and Morty's 70 Episode Order Means For The Future of The Show
But maybe you haven’t come to this incredibly visual medium for the art style. That’s fine, they’ve got you covered. The writing is top-notch and is full of the same kind of one-liners and superb storylines that you’d find in the show. In each issue, you’ll find a good few laughs to keep you going. For those of you afraid that the strip would just be a rehash of old plotlines and beloved character comebacks, well, there is a tiny bit of that but not much and it’s usually fun. The Ball Fondlers special issue was worth every penny. Tiny Rick did make a return in a recent issue, but it was part of an inventive issue with lots of laughs. But the series is full of new situations and characters such as Peacock Jones, a pimp version of the Doctor who encourages his female companions to dress in sexy outfits.
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Where the comic format really shines is the ability to write for the trade, as opposed to the TV show which tends to have a looser overall story. Here the story arcs are tightly plotted and fit into a single trade paperback with room to spare.
The extra room in each book (five at present) is given over to the bonus short stories featured in each issue. These can range from what Beth does when she gets her hands on a portal gun to a day in the boring life of Jerry Smith. This is reflected in my recommendations further down the page, but the bonus shorts that feature in each issue are, in a lot of cases, well worth reading in their own right. 
read more: Revisiting Rick and Morty Episode 1
Frankly, the main thing that makes it a must-have is that it’s a consistently solid fix of the adventures we know and love. Rick and Morty has a nasty habit of disappearing off our screens for far too long, and this series provides a monthly allowance of the good stuff (having said that, they still haven’t done an adaptation of Jan Quadrant Vincent 16. Get it sorted, guys). I’ve blabbered on for far too long. Go to your nearest bookshop and acquire the collections. I can’t imagine anyone coming to the TV series via the comics - though if you did, then I almost envy you - but those who are already fans of the show will find a lot to love in this series.
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7 great issues to start with:
Issue #27. The draw here isn’t so much the main story (though it’s also great), but the absolute gem of a bonus which follows it, Look Cthulhu Talking Now, in which Cthulhu is not only real but knows Rick Sanchez and joins him in treating Jerry Smith like an idiot. Cthulhu’s line “That crib was not dope enough for my needs” is worth the price of admission. 
Issue #1. The first issue of the series is fantastic throughout. This is the lead-in to a three-part story in which Morty and Rick get arrested and have to escape from a prison that Rick built. The very first page looks like a transcript from the show, with a typical Rick and Jerry face-off (which Jerry loses, of course). The standout character has to be Professor Tock, a guy with a time gimmick who delights in making watch puns. 
Issue #29. At time of writing, the latest issue. In this one-shot, Morty becomes obsessed with putting a stop to Fascism and Hitlers wherever he finds them. His fanatical devotion to this cause causes him to act almost in a fascistic way, you might say.  
Issue #25. Tiny Rick returns! I loved this one. Rick activates a device which shows in numbers how cool a person is. Rick is, naturally, the highest that a person can be (his score is in the thousands while Morty doesn’t even have a solid number to his name). The art style is also really unusual, thanks to the more stylised art of Kyle Starks (who also wrote the story).
Issue #17. In this fun little story, the duo explore the fun in taking infectious diseases to other planets that aren’t ready for them. But the B-plot, in which Rick gives intelligence to Summer’s phone and other electronics, is more enjoyable. The phone very quickly makes it creepy.
Issue #11: Both plots are great in this issue. In the first, Morty is put into a high-school simulator in an effort to give him his essential life experience in one day. Summer and Jerry end up switching bodies.
Issue #2: In the bonus story, Summer is interviewing for a job in a fast food restaurant and recalls her previous experience of ‘food management’. Glorious stuff.
Editor's note: This article comes from Den of Geek UK and originally ran in September 2017. It's been repromoted in advance of Rick and Morty Season 4.
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Scott Varnham
Nov 8, 2019
Rick and Morty
from Books https://ift.tt/33s7S2M
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chickenfetus · 7 years
ALL MY EGG (and for the four names: jae, killer kang, minhyuk (whichever one), and santa
deadass i did the 100 questions ask meme for this ask and almost posted it rip
🐰 what is one secret that you’ve never told anyone?
theres literally nothing i dont even know what to say ???? 
💗 if you could hug anyone, who would it be?
not 2 be delusional but i would give up my world to hug changkyun
🐹 what are some of your favourite Pokémon and why?
glaceon is UP THERE idk why honestly but the sinnoh games were my first and i just??? i was really into ice and snow and shit u know so glaceon... thakn u
another pkmn ill always have is lucario ????? its just so cool?????
🌠 if you were in charge of the world, what would the world look like?
hopefully forgiveness and like???? acknowledging mistakes and learning from those u know jst positive stuff and like?? water. god i love water
👀 what was the most recent vivid dream that you had?
hm okay i think this one was from last night or the night b4??? and like???? idk???? i dont even know how 2 start tbh?
so im like hanging over at this two kid’s im a kid 2 i think place and idk we just talk and shit??? idk whomst the boys were tho
and then we get to a scene where its like??? at a train station???? and i go to the washroom to shit or smth idk thankfully i didnt shit myself irl
then i have to get onto the train which isnt even a train its like a carousel with seats??? and its like on a train track boys this is 2 much and i forgot to get ready my train card thing so the guy (who i was p sure was evil) waited for me to remove it so i got onto the transportation device lmao
and then once im seated i remember i forgot my jacket so i make like hand movements 2 the creep and hes runnig 2 me with my jakcet but the ride’s way too fast so i yell and say ill come back for it even tho im p sure i wasnt going 2
after that i wke up wild
☀️ what do you like the most about your best friend?
i dont have a best friend and all of my friends have their own unique qualities if i went into a rant abt them rn this will b so long
😘 talk about your crush or partner
[minhyuk voice] theres none
💁 if someone was rude to you, would you be rude back?
ya bc im petty but it really depends on the person
🌟 what do you like about yourself? (must choose at least 3 things!)
my personality (the good parts)
my values
my taste in friends (my Big Friends are either geminis or scorpios good)
🐾 what are you scared of most? how will you overcome it?
the dark and bitch isnt gonna turn off her night light any time soon
🎁 what never fails to make you happy?
seeing my favourite happy, listening to the music i like 
💙 what annoys you about some people?
i jjust went into a full out rant abt this on the other reply so ill be quiet now
😤 do you get angry easily?
🐇 what do you always daydream about?
my faves tbh
🌻 if you could change 3 things about the world what would you change?
bad people , gone.
everybody only sends love and happy things on anon
i just want everyone 2 b nice & friendly wars of any sort dont exist and no one wants anybody dead
🍓 send me 4 names: kiss, befriend, kill or marry?
if u sent jae’s name earlier id have trouble so im glad
kiss: tihis is so fucking embarrassing wtf minhyku (mx) but only on the cheek basically everywhere except the lips or anyplace weird
befriend: brian :-0
kill: jae goodbye loser
marry: sanha we can yell every time we gotta turn the lights off
✈️ what is your dream city and why?
tokyo bc its NICE
☕️ talk about your ideal day
cant read
🌸 are you an introvert, ambivert or extrovert?
i suddenly thought of the word ambivore which made me think of the word vore i wanna delete im a both? mayb idk
💧 when was the last time you cried?
nov 3 bc my heart hurts whenever i see ppl being a bad friend
🎵 name 5 songs you love at the moment
oh worm
all alone - day6
with you - astro
dramarama - mx (even though it isnt out yet lmao)
run - bts (the superior bts song)
hellevator - / (i was rly gonna make this mixed languages but rip)
⚡️ if you had any superpower, what would it be and why?
to fly bc im basic
💛 if you could talk to your younger self, what would you say?
dont do that
💚 who are you jealous of and why?
nobody in general????????? 
💎 which one would you rather have more of: intelligence, beauty, kindness, wealth or bravery? why?
intelligence i have 2 live somehow what if my money gets stolen
🙊 what are you ashamed of?
my humor
🌺 which languages do you know? which do you want to learn?
i (barely) know chinese despite having 2 take it all my life legends only
i know english but im bad at that 2 and its my first language once again legends only
i wanna learn japanese and korean 
🍀 if you could be any fictional character’s best friend/lover, which fictional character would you be?
the cow from voltron 
☁️ talk about your dream universe.
weve already discussed this
💜 which acts of kindness are you going to do today?
oh w-0rm ok so im a regular anon on this persons blog and i wanted to send an ask but never got arnd doing it so im gonna send her one. soon/
🐬 if you could transform into any animal/magical creature, what would you be and why?
let me live my life as a furry and cat
🍄 talk about someone/something you really dislike
are u ready 4 me to b the meanest person yet bc i sure am lets fucking go
so theres this girl. and i know her (unfortunately) and ive known her since like 4 years ago and back then she was already pretty shit tbh
she cried bc she had to sit in between the “weird” and “dirty” girls in our class and she headass cried in front of them and everyone just bc she didnt like the arrangement?? shes called the “dirty” girl disgusting before and has made fun of her in front of everybody its just bad :-/
now. fast forward 3 years and in addition to still being disrespectful and rude, she now vocalizes her weird fantasies for her “oppas”??? some examples: 
“when i go watch __ perform im gonna climb onto stage and then my mother and my future husband will fight for me” and she calls those kpop idols weird shit and basically sexualizes them/???? she says the weirdest fucking shit on her ig story and tags them??????? 
another thing. she went to korea nd took a picture of a complete stranger and posted it on her public ig and called him her “oppa” and said that they had a “fun day together” despite the guy not knowing her at all???? she posted the pic of him??? i still dont get it tbh 
she wasnt even being ironic at all??? she calls herself & classmates “autistic” whenever she/others do smth dumb or mess up and its just sososososo fucking wrong
being one of the people to see how shes basically grown from bad to worse is something i dont fucking enjoy and i jsut want to leave my class already lmao 
ok but there are times where i do appreciate her because sometimes the class will be rly quiet and the teacher is basically talking 2 themselves but she’ll always respond w/o fail so thats great but its only bc she talks so damn much 
i just got a flashback to when she “jokingly” said she wanted to be a trainee for the rest of her life how do i just. god
😣 talk about some things that have been making you depressed/angry/anxious lately
we’ve once again already discussed this
🍪 what did you want to be as a kid, and what do you want to be now?
i wanted to be various things honestly?? ranging from an astronaut to a vet to an editor to an animator to other stuff i get influenced pretty easily so if i watch smth and i think its cool ill want 2 be that i guess?? ive been trying 2 get rid of that habit so now i have no clue what i wanna be
🍰 what are some of your favourite sugary foods?
sweets and chocolate cake
🍑 what are you obsessed with?
drinking water and staying hydrated
making my friends laugh is great 2
💘 what happens to you when you’re stressed?
acne LMAO 
😪 what are you sick of?
the usual
🙀 are you an adrenaline seeker?
i love scouting on sif and bandori so yeah 
💥 what are some unpopular opinions that you have?
lets not 
☔️ would you consider yourself a good person?
to a certain extent
😊 what do you like to do as hobbies?
use my phone???? send nice anons and comment on art/fics 
🎤 what’s the last song you hummed or sang by yourself?
🐝 what’s your worst trait? how are you planning to improve it?
my tolerance for ppl’s shit is so low
🎨 what do you always doodle when you’re bored?
my ocs
🐻 what’s stopping you from chasing your dreams?
i dont have a dream hence myself
🌷 what’s your mbti personality and why do you think it suits you?
infpt i dont rmb shit but yeah
🐶 send me 3 fictional people and I’ll choose my favourite!
falen i dont rmb what u sent
👑 who are your favourite celebrities and why?
i dont follow any :-o zendaya has had my heart ever since shake it off tho
🐴 opinion on day6?
ur rly gonna do this 2m e?
all alone just started playng this is terrible lets get it
so day6. a band i only found out about in late june (thank u boxy) and before this i only ever listened to bts and mx bc my friends stan them so i thought i was gonna expect boys dancing, the usual. 
i clicked i smile and i lost my fucking shit as soon as i saw the instruments because prior to day6 i was a big 5sos fan so this was rly resonating to me tbh and i was just !!! so fukcng excited??? i never intended to even get into day6 honestly??? but after witnessing how good they are and watching about all of the available mvs at that point i was completely in awe so i caved a created a stan twitter for them.
now, this isnt even the most of it. after becoming a fan i realized how much more these 5 boys are. they compose (if im not wrong) and brian writes lyrics for the songs each month because of their everyday6 project and again, im wow-ed because??? the amount of dedication???? they went from releasing 2 title tracks in 2 years to releasing 12 title tracks and 12 bside tracks in a single year. they havent released the december song yet but haviing to work on 2 or more songs in 4 weeks is fucking amazing if you ask me. 
theyre really talented and theyre just so versatile (am i using that word correctly) and each month their songs sound different. this project has given them the opportunity to try new things and you can hear the steady improvement in each of their vocals (dowoonie not so much since he barely gets lines, but we all know hes working hard) and if you listen to their debut song - kongchu and compare it to the version they released along with sunrise it just???? the drumming has even changed from the original version nd its so noticeable that whenever i hear kongchu from 2015 i know its the old ver
to add to those, they do vlives every week and although those vlives are always scheduled it still makes my day seeing them and watching them do the usual. 
one thing im upset about is that how they barely promote themselves, they rarely get on variety shows (the most is individual schedules) and we, as mydays never really get to know the boys so its harder to fall for them as a whole. i dont know if its jyp or day6′s decision but if this is how they want to be known for - their music only, then so be it. we still have jae’s presence on youtube, music access and asc. thats the most we can get and it makes it difficult for us to learn about the rest but thats okay.
another thing. their concerts are something i always look forward to (even though my interest has died down a bit;) their concerts are just so fun to listen to?? there’ll always be mydays who stream the concert so everyone else can listen to them play and they sound so good live it drives me crazy. mydays are always so hyped and whenever mydays sing along it just gives me goosebumps??? bc theyre so???? good????? 
tldr; day6 deserve more, following wise and promotions wise because they work so hard and once this project ends i hope they’ll manage to rest but still remain as a presence that will be known instead of returning to jyp’s dungeon.
🍋 do you consider yourself an emotional person?
there are days where i am more emotional than usual 
📚 share 3 books that you love and your favourite quote from them.
this is tiring
😔 what do you always do when you feel sad? does it help?
i sleep and boy it really helps
😌 what thoughts keep you going when you’re sad?
🌍 which country do you live in?
🐧 describe yourself in 3 words
lame funny swag
🐵 which quotes changed you?
“rocky swag” - park minhyuk, 2017
💭 do you keep a diary?
💫 who inspires you?
brian kang 
👻 do you believe in ghosts and why?
yes bc i love losing sleep
🎀 what’s your fashion sense like?
🎬 what are some of your favourite films?
i watched spiderman homecoming and i have no idea why i didnt see the plot twist coming but its GOOD watch it
🍦 what is one treasured childhood memory?
theres none lads
🐼 if you could meet anyone, who would it be and why?
all my internet buddies but sometimes i dont want to bc im kinda....gross
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dnowit41 · 6 years
GOATs on GOATs: LeBron and MJ in their own words through the years
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Stop us if you've heard this before: Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time. Six championships. Count 'em. OK, stop us if you've also heard this: LeBron James is the GOAT. The King is simply bigger and stronger, and he has done it longer.
The two never faced off in an NBA game. Jordan played his last game for the Washington Wizards on April 16, 2003 -- two months before the Cleveland Cavaliers made James the No. 1 overall pick in the draft. But their paths have been linked for as long as we can remember -- and will cross again soon. James is set to serve as a captain for this weekend's 2019 NBA All-Star Game, being staged in Charlotte, North Carolina, where Jordan serves as the owner of the Hornets. Shortly after, James, now in his 16th season, likely will pass Jordan for fourth on the league's all-time scoring list. So who is the real GOAT? The debate rages on. On your television. In the comments section. In your Twitter replies.
But it doesn't matter what we say. Here are Jordan and James, in their own words, talking about each other over the past 17 years.
2001: The first meeting
LeBron James was a young high school star who had yet to make his big impression on the national stage when he first met Michael Jordan, who was preparing for a comeback with the Wizards. James spoke about that first meeting this past December as he prepared to play the Jordan-owned Hornets in Charlotte.
LeBron: First time meeting Jordan was 'godly'
LeBron James reminisces about the first time he met Michael Jordan in 2001.
"It was godly. I've said that over and over before, but it was like meeting God for the first time. That's what I felt like as a 16-year-old kid when I met MJ. -- LeBron James Dec. 15, 2018 (Source: Multiple, pregame media availability)
2002: LeBron hits the scene
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Just a year later, James himself was getting compared to deities, being dubbed "The Chosen One" on the cover of "Sports Illustrated" as a junior in high school.
"He's very talented. But he's young, and there's a lot of things he doesn't know." -- Michael Jordan Jan. 18, 2002 (Source: Associated Press)
"If you have a chance to talk to him, you listen. More people listen to him than listen to the president of the United States."
-- LeBron James Nov. 5, 2002 (Source: Newhouse News Services)
2003: Jordan exits, James enters
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"Is he capable? Yes. He has the skills that most 18-year-olds do not have. Now, if you equate that to playing in the league, I think he would be an average player in our league right now with the potential to be a better player. To say that he can step in at the same level as a Tracy McGrady or a Kobe Bryant would be unfair to LeBron James." -- Michael Jordan Feb. 4, 2003 (Source: MSG Network)
"Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player ever and ... if anybody in the world can criticize somebody, it can be Michael Jordan. There's no way I'm going to get mad at Michael Jordan criticizing me. There's no way. Michael Jordan is like a dad. If Michael Jordan is going to tell anybody to do something -- the players, the media, the coaches -- you should do it. Simple as that." -- LeBron James April 16, 2003 (Source: Associated Press)
"I'm not going to be able to do it the way Jordan did, I can tell you that. I think I can produce enough, contribute enough, on and off the court, to lift the city of Cleveland." -- LeBron James June 27, 2003 (Source: New York Post)
A changing of the guard was taking place, whether Jordan wanted to acknowledge it or not. Jordan played his final game as a member of the Wizards on April 16, 2003. Two months later, James was selected No. 1 overall by the Cavaliers, a team Jordan famously tormented during his NBA career. The next generation had arrived.
Before his first game as a professional at Chicago's United Center -- The House That MJ Built -- James tried to downplay the comparisons.
"I'm not trying to be Jordan. I'm not trying to compare myself to Jordan or Magic [Johnson] or [Larry] Bird. A lot of people are, but I'm not. They have their own legacies. I'm trying to build my own. I know Michael, but I don't communicate with him. I'm just trying to be me." -- LeBron James Dec. 19, 2003 (Source: Chicago Sun Times)
2004-2006: James on the rise
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Though James downplayed the Jordan comparison, he was forced to face it again in 2004, when he made his Team USA debut -- wearing the same No. 9 that Jordan had worn with the Dream Team.
"It didn't matter what I said, I knew you guys would make that connection anyway. That was the greatest basketball team of all time." -- LeBron James Aug. 13, 2004 (Source: The Record -- of Bergen County, New Jersey)
"I think he's doing fine on his own. Obviously, you guys are comparing him with me. They did it with me when I came up with [Julius Erving] and Oscar [Robertson]. But I think the thing about LeBron and what makes him hopefully survive is that he does what's best for LeBron, not what people expect him to do, who think he should be Michael Jordan." -- Michael Jordan Feb. 10, 2005 (Source: New York Daily News)
"I've seen classic games of Jordan versus the Pistons and the Bulls versus the Pistons. To become the best, you've got to beat the best. It might not happen the first year or the second year or third year, but you just got to keep working at it and, hopefully, you'll get over that hump. [Jordan] was able to overcome adversity and overcome the beast. He became the beast." -- LeBron James May 9, 2006 (Source: The Globe and Mail, Canada)
Those classic Pistons-Bulls clashes -- four series from 1988 to 1991 -- saw Detroit's rough-and-tumble "Jordan Rules" blitz and bruise the Bulls star with a defensive scheme now outlawed. The Pistons overcame Chicago until Jordan got over the hump in 1991. Before Game 2 of the 2006 Eastern Conference semis during James' first postseason, James considered the obstacle of the modern Bad Boys, a Pistons championship group that would make six straight conference finals from 2003 to 2008. James, it turned out, was a year away.
2007: LeBron makes 'The Leap'
On This Date: LeBron scores Cavs' final 25 points.
On May 31, 2007, LeBron James scored 48 points as Cleveland beat Detroit in Game 5 of the Eastern Conference finals.
In Game 5 of the Eastern Conference finals, James put on a Jordanesque show, scoring the Cavaliers' final 25 points to lift them to a double-overtime win. Two days later, Cleveland reached its first NBA Finals by eliminating the Pistons, the same team Jordan had gotten past to reach his first Finals in 1991. Though James and the Cavs would end up being swept by the San Antonio Spurs in the Finals, Jordan was complimentary of James' accomplishments ... to an extent.
"What just transpired was something I felt was needed for the league, was needed for Cleveland, was needed for LeBron. Making 'The Leap' is where you do it every single night. It's expected of you, and you do it. ... Not one game, not two games. It's consistent. Every defense comes in and they focus on you and you still impact the game. I think he's shown signs of that." -- Michael Jordan June 4, 2007 (Source: Chicago Tribune)
"Anytime you get praise from the guy who basically laid down all the stones for you to get here -- I grew up idolizing his game and how he played the game of basketball -- it was definitely great to hear." -- LeBron James June 4, 2007 (Source: Associated Press)
2008-2009: LeBron strikes out on his own
"I'm a totally different player than Michael Jordan. As far as the next Jordan, there is no such thing. There's one Michael Jordan and only one, and no one compares with him." -- LeBron James March 6, 2008 (Source: Chicago Tribune)
On this date: LeBron sinks Magic with dramatic buzzer-beater.
LeBron James nails a 3-pointer over Hedo Turkoglu as time expires to give the Cavaliers a 96-95 win over the Magic in Game 2 of the 2009 Eastern Conference finals.
"That guy is not in the league anymore. The other 23 is on the good side now." -- LeBron James May 22, 2009 (Source: Associated Press)
Of course, Jordan had been retired for six years, but the memories of his dominance hadn't faded, especially in Cleveland. That's why when James hit what he called the biggest shot of his career to that point, a buzzer-beating 3 over Hedo Turkoglu to beat the Orlando Magic in Game 2 of the 2009 Eastern finals, the hometown hero said it was out of his "Michael Jordan bag of tricks." But the Cavs would go on to lose the series in six games.
2009-2010: The Decision and the aftermath
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"He's made his mark in Cleveland. I know New York fans would love to have him, but you need a lot more components than just one player. He's done a heck of a job in Cleveland, and they deserve to have him there." -- Michael Jordan June 13, 2009 (Source: New York Daily News)
"In a fantasy world, there are a lot of guys in the NBA you would love to see who could you be on the same team and see how you match up with the rest of the NBA. Not just myself, everybody in the league has visualized playing with somebody, even guys who are not in the league anymore. I visualized playing alongside Michael Jordan when I was a kid. Everyone has that vision." -- LeBron James Nov. 12, 2009 (Source: Toronto Star Newspapers)
"It's time. He's the best basketball player we've ever seen. Mike does it on the court and off the court. If you see 23, you think about Michael Jordan.You see guys flying through the air, you think about Michael Jordan. You see game-winning shots, you think about Michael Jordan. You see fly kicks, you think about Michael Jordan. He did so much, it has to be recognized, and not just by putting him in the Hall of Fame. He can't get the logo, and if he can't, something has to be done. I feel like no NBA player should wear 23.Nobody. If I'm not going to wear No. 23, then nobody else should be able to wear it." -- LeBron James Nov. 12, 2009 (Source: TNT)
Be like Mike: LeBron wants to own an NBA team
LeBron James has modeled his career after Michael Jordan's. Will he own a team like MJ does in the future?
Five names ready to dominate the next 10 All-Star games
With LeBron in MJ's house for this weekend's All-Star Game, here are five 25-and-under stars with the talent and star power to take the throne in a post-LeBron NBA.
Is LeBron overtaking MJ as the greatest player of all time?
LeBron's dominance at age 33 is forcing a reconsideration on the question of who is the greatest basketball player ever.
In retrospect, James' comments before and after that Nov. 12 game in Miami -- a game Jordan watched from a courtside seat -- should've been a sign. James talked about teaming up with "a lot of guys" (perhaps his good friend Dwyane Wade, for example), then said Jordan's 23 should be retired leaguewide -- like it already was in Miami, though Jordan never played for the Heat. James wore No. 6 during his time in Miami.
"There's no way, with hindsight, I would've ever called up Larry [Bird], called up Magic [Johnson] and said, 'Hey, look, let's get together and play on one team.' But that's ... things are different. I can't say that's a bad thing. It's an opportunity these kids have today. In all honesty, I was trying to beat those guys." -- Michael Jordan July 18, 2010 (Source: NBC)
In an interview that aired 10 days after "The Decision," Jordan made it clear where he stood on James teaming up with Wade and Chris Bosh in Miami. It was in line with many of James' critics who believed the NBA's best should be playing against one another.
2011: LeBron's Finals failure
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Scottie Pippen, Jordan's co-star for six titles, had said that James could, someday, be better than Jordan. At 26 years old, James already had developed into one of the best all-around players in NBA history.
"I'm gracious. Humbled by Scottie's comments, especially with him being a teammate of his and seeing Michael on a day-to-day basis. But as far as me, I'm not going to sit here and say I'm better than Jordan. I'm not better than Jordan." -- LeBron James May 28, 2011 (Source: Associated Press)
Ten days after these comments, James would have perhaps the worst game of his career: a deer-in-the-headlights, eight-point stinker in Game 4 of the NBA Finals. The Heat would lose to the Dallas Mavericks in six games.
2012-2013: Count the rings?
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"Jordan was my superhero growing up. He was the guy I feel helped me get to where I am today. As a competitor, who would not want to go against the best? That's like asking [Tom] Brady would he want to go against [Joe] Montana in the fourth quarter." -- LeBron James Dec. 6, 2012 (Source: Sports Illustrated)
James might have won his first title in 2012, but he still had a long way to go in Jordan's eyes. When asked which player he would choose if he was starting a team from scratch, James or Kobe Bryant, Jordan sided with the Lakers star, who already had a fistful of rings -- though still one less than Jordan himself.
"If you had to pick between the two, that would be a tough choice, but five beats one every time I look at it. And not that [James] won't get five. He may get more than that, but five is bigger than one." -- Michael Jordan Feb. 15, 2013 (Source: NBA TV)
"At the end of the day, rings don't always define someone's career. If that's the case, then I'd sit up here and say I'd take [Bill] Russell over Jordan. But I wouldn't take Russell over Jordan. Russell has 11 rings, Jordan has six. Or I'd take Robert Horry over Kobe. I wouldn't do that. ... You look at a guy like Jud Buechler, who has multiple rings. Charles Barkley doesn't have one ring. He's not better than Charles Barkley. Patrick Ewing is one of the greatest of all time. Reggie Miller is one of the greatest of all time. Sometimes, it's the situation you're in. Timing, as well. I don't play the game and try to define who I am over what guys say or how they feel about me." -- LeBron James Feb. 16, 2013 (Source: New York Post)
2013-2015: The debate heats up
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"If I have to guard him, I'm gonna push him left so nine times out of 10 he's gonna shoot a jump shot. If he goes right, he's going to the hole and I can't stop him. So I ain't letting him go right." -- Michael Jordan Feb. 22, 2013 (Source: ESPN's Wright Thompson)
Like the ring-counting argument, James didn't side with Jordan here, either, calling Jordan's theory "wrong." Two weeks after Jordan's comments were published, James beat the Magic with a buzzer-beating layup off a drive to his left. James then did the same to Paul George two months later to win Game 1 of the Eastern Conference finals. Was Jordan on his mind? We'll never know.
"I watch Jordan more than anybody; for sure, MJ wasn't perfect. MJ had bad games. He had turnovers. He had games where he felt like he should have been better. But I think the greatest thing about MJ was that he never was afraid to fail. And I think that's why he succeeded so much, because he was never afraid of what anybody ever said about him. Never afraid to miss a game-winning shot, never afraid to turn the ball over. Never afraid. That's one of my biggest obstacles. I'm afraid of failure. I want to succeed so bad that I become afraid of failing." -- LeBron James Oct. 19, 2013 (Source: ESPN)
Though James and Jordan never met on the court as opponents, they've been in the same building plenty of times, including during the 2014 playoffs, when James' Heat swept the Jordan-owned Charlotte Bobcats in the first round. During Game 3, Jordan had a courtside view for a vintage James breakaway dunk, one that seemed to follow James shooting a look at Jordan.
"No, no. Don't start that. Absolutely not, man. Absolutely not. I was able to read [Josh] McRoberts, get a steal and push the lead back up. I absolutely didn't look at MJ, for sure." -- LeBron James April 26, 2014 (Source: The Charlotte Observer)
"Why you guys ask me this question? You know this is an ESPN question. You know it's gonna be all over ESPN. If I was in my prime, could I beat LeBron in a one-on-one game? No question!" -- Michael Jordan Aug. 10, 2015 (Source: Bay Area HQ via MJ Flight School Camp)
Jordan was holding court with attendees at his Flight School camp when the question came up -- though it's unlikely it was the first time he was asked about it. We'll never know the results of a hypothetical matchup, but we can at least check out the tale of the tape:
2016: Chasing ghosts
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"My motivation is this ghost I'm chasing. The ghost played in Chicago. ... I think it's cool to put myself in position to be one of those great players, but if I can ever put myself in position to be the greatest player, that would be something extraordinary." -- LeBron James Aug. 2, 2016 (Source: Sports Illustrated)
One day before his 32nd birthday, James was asked by a reporter if he studied a 32-year-old Jordan, whose game had evolved from all fire and fury at the rim to more fadeaways and jab steps. Jordan, as the reporter pointed out, last averaged over 30.0 points per game in his age-32 season. James didn't bite.
"No, I haven't [studied Jordan], because our games are so different. He was much more of a scorer. At that point, he did a lot of post work, but our games are just different. His body is different, my body is different than his. You recognize the dominance that someone had at that age, but there's no similarities in our game, at all." -- LeBron James Dec. 29, 2016 (Source: Cavs.com)
2017-2018: Mutual respect
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"I think I fell in love with the game because of Mike, just seeing what he was able to accomplish. When you're growing up and you're seeing Michael Jordan, it's almost like a god. So, I didn't ever believe I could be Mike. I started to focus on myself, on other players and other people around my neighborhood, because I never thought that you could get to a point where Mike was. I shot fadeaways before I should have. I wore a leg sleeve on my leg and folded it down so you saw the red part. I wore black-and-red shoes with white socks. I wore short shorts so you could see my undershorts underneath. I didn't go bald like Mike, but I'm getting there. Other than that, I did everything Mike did. I even wore a wristband on my forearm. I didn't do the hoop earring, either. That was Mike. But I did everything Mike did, man. I wanted to be Mike, so for my name to come up in any discussion with Michael Jordan or Kareem [Abdul-Jabbar] ... it's a wow factor." -- LeBron James May 26, 2017 (Source: Cleveland Plain Dealer)
"I support LeBron James. He's doing an amazing job for his community." -- Michael Jordan Aug. 4, 2018 (Source: NBC News)
After the beef between James and President Donald Trump -- Trump tweeted that CNN anchor Don Lemon "made LeBron look smart, which isn't easy to do. I like Mike!" -- Jordan backed James, who has been a loud and frequent critic of the president. While Jordan mostly stayed quiet on political issues during his playing career, his level of involvement has increased in recent years.
"MJ made the game global. He made the game global. He made people all over the world want to watch the game of basketball because of his marketability, because of the way he played the game of basketball, because of who he was. He kind of transcended that era." -- LeBron James Dec. 15, 2018 (Source: ESPN)
2018: The last word?
LeBron feels he's the GOAT after Cavs' 2016 title win.
In the latest episode of "More Than An Athlete," LeBron James says his historic 2016 NBA Finals win made him the greatest player ever. Go to ESPN+ and subscribe now to view full episodes.
"That one right there made me the greatest player of all time. That's what I felt. I was super, super ecstatic to win one for Cleveland because of the 52-year drought. ... The first wave of emotion was when everyone saw me crying, like, that was all for 52 years of everything in sports that's gone on in Cleveland. And then after I stopped, I was like -- that one right there made you the greatest player of all time." -- LeBron James
-Anthony Olivieri
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dezzyparrish · 4 years
We gotta get out of this place, if it’s the last thing we ever do.
I’ve been working on a world-setting since November 2015 (really December, since my notebook reminds me that the technical inception date is Nov 30).  I’m usually working on some sort of world setting or a campaign background or musing about the Universe in my imagination.  Anyone whose known me more than a week has figured that out.  Fahr Ryasc is the latest iteration.  It keeps getting larger and deeper the more I go on.  Because I’ve realized over 40 years of TTRPG gaming, that there are *plenty* of fantasy worlds out there.  Everything from Middle-Earth and Narnia, the lands of Faerie, Avalon, up to Greyhawk and the Forgotten Realms and Wildmount or Eberron.  Designed my much better authors and writers than myself.  In the case of the IPs owned by companies, those worlds are the work of hundreds of authors.. maybe thousands over decades.  My point is.. 13th-15th Century Western Europe Fantasy analogues are super-well represented.  I can’t use shorthand when developing Fahr Ryasc.
Since we’ve started lockdown, Fahr Ryasc is my escape.  I dream about it, think about it, waste perfectly good time daydreaming about it.  Hell, I spent a lot of Friday Morning just thinking about how Farms look in the various realms and regions in Fahr Ryasc. 
(if you’re curious.. I haven’t designed anything firm yet, but the farms which support the Irex of the Old Xjinn Empire are very specialized, large plantations which have evolved to provide specific food and raw material products for the Irex to manufacture into the things necessary to sustain their large populations and industries.  Whereas the Tuath of the Bryndffolk still maintain much smaller, more diverse Farms and Ranches worked by single extended families for their own benefit. For the Kharzian Empire, agriculture is an extension of their Stratocracy and supports the Kharzian armies and fleets)
Point is, I exhausted my brain this weekend.  The moment I’m off work (from home), I transition over to diving head-first into Fahr Ryasc and push myself to produce.  I gotta pour it all out ya see.  And then I have to shape what comes out into some sort of “thing” that other human beings can comprehend.  It’s a lot of work.  On top of the lot of work that the job I enjoy expects from me, which - because I can’t hear the usual work chatter in the office - No matter how hard I push myself on that front, my anxieties continually remind me that I’m the weak link on the team and I go to slow don’t focus nearly well enough and don’t have the knowledge base or skills to do my job effiiciently.
You know.. delusional privileged first world problems.
And on top of that, every time I’ve come up for air and looked around the rest of my community or my state or my country.. it’s on fire.  So I don’t do that as much as my mind will let me.  Which sends me back into Fahr Ryasc. Because there.. that little subcontinent hasn’t been on lockdown for four months.  Their people aren’t facing an avalanche of cascading catastrophes.  I can try to live in and among the world inside my own head.  Did you know the recently arrived Yarl have taken so well to their new home that the language they speak is cross-integrating with the Xjinn language of Irexi and the Bryndffolk dialects in the Khorian Basin?  Furthermore because the Bryndffolk and the Tralfolk have been rivals since the Black Shroud was dispelled generations ago, those two languages have freely been exchanging words and dialects. 
I want to share this with the world. I *need* to share this with the world.  And that’s why I can’t just be content with having it all in my head, I need it in yours too.  So when I reach the point of my life where I am no longer to distinguish fantasy from reality.. there’s at least a chance that someone will understand when I go on and on about how the seafood chowder in the New Dock Ward of Kaaros is the best chowder that can be found anywhere on the Marakhor Sea.
What would really make me happy is if someone humored me in that far-off time and made an old man a bowl of seafood chowder in Kaarosi style.
I spent most of Sunday napping and rising and napping.  Never really able to focus on anything I wanted or needed to accomplish and when I got up for work today, I really wasn’t refreshed from my three-day weekend.
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your-dietician · 3 years
Child tax credit FAQ: 2021 payment dates, eligibility, unenrollment deadlines, IRS portals
New Post has been published on https://tattlepress.com/personal-finance/child-tax-credit-faq-2021-payment-dates-eligibility-unenrollment-deadlines-irs-portals/
Child tax credit FAQ: 2021 payment dates, eligibility, unenrollment deadlines, IRS portals
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The monthly child tax credit dates are now available. 
Sarah Tew/CNET
If you qualify, look for that first child tax credit payment to arrive in about two weeks. To help you get ready, the IRS is offering a set of tools for you to determine if you’re getting a child tax credit payment, when you’ll get it and how much you will receive. You can also use the portals to sign up if you fall into the nonfiler category as well as opt out of the monthly payments.
If your income doesn’t meet minimum tax-filing requirements that would require you to file a tax return, you’ll have to move quickly on using the new IRS nonfiler tool or preparing a tax return. Overpayment for the child tax credit is something else you’ll need to keep an eye on — a real but hopefully uncommon situation that could have you owing the IRS money next tax season. 
The more you know now, the better equipped you’ll be, so here’s another useful tool to help you prepare: CNET’s child tax credit calculator gives you an estimate based on the number and ages of your kids. Once you know how much you’ll get, you can start planning how you’ll use your money. And here’s how to claim up to $16,000 more for your child care costs. This story has been recently updated with new information.
When do the child tax credit payments start?
The first thing to know is you won’t get your child tax credit payments all at once in 2021. Unless you tell the IRS you want to unenroll from the advance monthly payments, you’ll get six checks in 2021 and one in 2022. The second thing to know is that half of your total child tax credit payment will come this year, with the other half as part of your tax refund in 2022. 
So in other words, your largest single payment arrives next year. Until then, you get six smaller payments this year to start using right away. The idea is to bring you money sooner, which is why the checks will start coming in 2021 as “advance payments.”
Child tax credit payment schedule
Monthly Maximum payment per child 5 and younger Maximum payment per child; 6 to 17 July 15: First 2021 check $300 $250 Aug. 13 $300 $250 Sept. 15 $300 $250 Oct. 15 $300 $250 Nov. 15 $300 $250 Dec. 15: Last 2021 check $300 $250 April 2022: Second half of payment $1,800 $1,500
What does it mean to opt out of advance payments?
You aren’t obligated to receive the advance monthly child tax credit payments this year. Instead, you can choose to get one payment in 2022, and the new Child Tax Credit Update Portal will allow you to do so. You may want to unenroll if you’d rather have one large payment for a projected expense in 2022, or if you’re concerned the IRS might overpay you this year and you don’t want to be saddled with an outstanding debt later. However, if you haven’t unenrolled yet, the deadline to do so was June 28, so you’ll still get the July 15 payment. You can still opt out of the August through December payments.
What are all the new child tax credit portals used for?
In June, the IRS unveiled more online tools and portals. The first portal is for people not normally required to file an income tax return, including low-income families. The new Child Tax Credit Eligibility Assistant tool helps families quickly determine whether they qualify. 
The latest Child Tax Credit Update Portal currently allows families to view their eligibility, check their payments and unenroll from the advance monthly payments. In coming months, it will allow families to update their information if their circumstances have changed: for example, if a new child has arrived or will arrive in 2021 who isn’t reflected on a 2020 tax return.
What if my child tax credit check doesn’t arrive on time?
One thing to keep in mind is that the IRS is targeting the payment dates (see above). If you have direct deposit set up with the IRS, you might see a pending payment before the actual closing date. That means you might not be able to access the money right away, but that it’s in process.
It could take longer for your payment to arrive if you’re receiving the check by mail, or in the form of an EIP card. If enough time has passed and you’re concerned there may be a problem, you can use the IRS web portal to correct information. You’ll also want to make sure you let the IRS know if you moved (not just the US Postal Service).
Now playing: Watch this: Child tax credit: Everything we know
What are the child tax credit amounts per kid?
How the payments will be divided between 2021 and 2022 might be confusing. For each qualifying child age 5 and younger, up to $1,800 (half the total) will come in six $300 monthly payments this year. For each kid between the ages of 6 and 17, up to $1,500 will come as $250 monthly payments six times this year. 
The IRS bases your child’s eligibility on their age on Dec. 31, 2021, so a 5-year-old child turning 6 in 2021 will qualify for a maximum of $250 per month. For both age groups, the rest of the payment will come with your 2021 tax refund when you claim the remainder of the credit in 2022. 
If your dependent is 18 years old, they can qualify for $500 each. Dependents between the ages of 19 and 24 may qualify as well, but they must be enrolled in college full-time. Here’s more on the financial details for qualified dependents. 
2021 child tax credit maximum payments
Ages 5 and younger Up to $3,600, with half as $300 advance monthly payments Ages 6 to 17 Up to $3,000, with half as $250 advance monthly payments Age 18 $500 one-time check Ages 19 and 24, full-time college students $500 one-time check
Will my newborn baby qualify me for the child tax credit?
If you have a baby in 2021, your newborn will count toward the child tax credit payment of $3,600. Children who are adopted can also qualify if they’re US citizens. You’ll be able to update the IRS on a new dependent when that aspect of the Update Portal is made available. 
What should I know if I’m not required to pay or file taxes?
Payments will be automatic for those who filed their 2020 tax returns by the May 17 deadline (or those who claimed all their dependents on a 2019 tax return). But what if that’s not you? Parents who didn’t file taxes should use the new IRS tool, called the “Non-filer Sign-up tool,” to get their money, even if you’re not usually required to file. This will let the IRS know your income level and how many dependents are in your household who count toward the child tax credit benefits. 
You could also file a tax return to get the full monthly child tax credit payment you’re owed. The IRS is offering information about free tax days in major cities to outreach to families who still need to file a 2020 return. 
What should I know if the IRS pays me too much money?
Since the IRS uses your 2019 or 2020 tax return, your family may not qualify for the child tax credit payment when you file your 2021 tax return in 2022. In this case, you may have to repay some or all of the credit back to the IRS. The child tax credit rules aren’t as flexible as the stimulus check rules regarding overpayment. One example of this happening is if you and the other parent of your child (who is not your spouse) were both paid for the child tax credit for the same dependent.
To avoid this tax inconvenience, make sure all your information is updated before the payments start arriving. The new Update Portal will let you make adjustments in the coming months to verify your new income and marital status. 
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The larger child tax credit can help families that have faced financial hardship due to the pandemic. 
Sarah Tew/CNET
What are the household income limits to qualify for the money?
Income limits do determine how much you will receive and if you even qualify, though there is no limit on the number of children you can receive credit for as long as you’re eligible. 
The amount you’ll get will phase out for people with higher incomes. Single filers earning more than $75,000 per year, heads of household earning more than $112,500 per year and married couples earning more than $150,000 a year will not be eligible for the full amount. Your child tax credit payments will begin to phase out by $50 for every $1,000 of income over those threshold amounts, according to Joanna Powell, managing director and certified financial planner at CBIZ.
If I share custody, can I still get child tax credit payments?
For the first two stimulus checks, some parents who shared custody of a child but weren’t married to each other were entitled to each claim money for the same child. That was only if they alternated years for claiming the dependent — in other words, if one parent claimed the child on their taxes in odd years and the other claimed the child on their taxes in even years.
This is no longer allowed for the third check, and we’re told it won’t work that way for the child tax credit payments either. Here’s what we know so far about the child tax credit and shared custody situations.
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dables · 6 years
Every Single Show I’ve Ever Played 2006-2018
A few things to note:
-The bands I have played live with are Death Mullet, Dables, Mr. Waffle, Closet Monster, DAN, Trolls, and Supergroup Rivals......a few other projects that I have played or recorded with at some point, but never played an actual show with are The Omnipotent Berserkers, Odetta, and Last Castle.
-Any time Dables is listed from 2006-2010, it was a solo performance. From 2011 on, it was a full band performance unless otherwise noted. -The bands listed for each show are in the order they performed in, the top being the band that played last, the bottom being the first band of the show.
-Some shows I bothered to write down the setlist and if so, they are listed here, other shows I did not.
1. 6/3/06 - Fountain Inn Civic Center Fountain Inn, SC
Death Mullet The Map Says We're Fucked Me and Sir Octagon The Autumn Militia Sk3ptik@l Dables
2. 6/21/2006 - Ground Zero (open mic night I think) Spartanburg, SC
The Sharpest Knives in The Drawer Among Thieves some other punk band, can’t remember Death Mullet
3. 7/8/2006 - Ground Zero Spartanburg, SC
River Chicken Sleazoid Mafia 666 Death Mullet Sk3ptik@l
4. 7/29/2006 - Ground Zero Spartanburg, SC
Headsnap From Graves of Valor Death Mullet one other band, can’t remember their name
5. 10/3/2006 - Ground Zero Spartanburg, SC Vital Remains Dismember Grave Recourse Blade of The Ripper Demericous Death Mullet
-In December 2006, Death Mullet had booked a show at Ground Zero and canceled it, I remember a band called Sugahim was playing, I still have the flyer on a hard drive somewhere, effectively the end of Death Mullet.
6,7,8. Sometime between March-May 2007: played three different shows as Mr. Waffle at The Pickin' Parlor in Greenville, SC
9,10. Sometime between June-August 2007 Dables played two shows at Keller's House Party Satan in Bondage also performed at both This was the first time “Powerglove Bitchslap” was performed
Sometime in September 2007: -Was supposed to play as Mr. Waffle at Ground Zero, but Jake didn't show up. But Ko (now known as Company or Brian Robert Hannon) played their first show along with John Edgerton opening and some other band I can't remember.
11. Early October 2007 played first acoustic Dables mini-show at R3V3RB---I think I played Feeling Close to Throwing Up or either some Ween song to about 6-7 people.  Was some sort of open mic night thing, but nobody showed up. I only played about three songs and then just politely left.
12. 10/13/2007 - R3V3RB (first location) 810 Pendleton St Greenville, SC
Dables Quetzatl Clippzclippedoutclippings Collaboration with Sounds SCF
-performed Powerglove Bitchslap in it’s entirety
13. sometime November 2007 - Dables played open mic night at R3V3RB various musicians played, about 6 different acts. I think Clippzclippedoutclippings was there, I remember a duo playing two chord organs, also a few acoustic guitar singer/songwriters....also Justin Blackburn was reading some poetry too. Alex (from Death Mullet, Closet Monster, and he produced a bunch of Dables stuff) got up and played some lead acoustic guitar on Psychedelic Mess, marking his first time playing at a show since the final Death Mullet show.
setlist: Are You in The Wrong World/various tape manipulation noise Sally/various tape manipulation nose (acoustic set) The Generic Song Psychedelic Mess Feeling Close To Throwing Up My Brain Itches Mozzarella Swastikas
14. 12/28/2007 - R3V3RB (first location) 810 Pendleton St Greenville, SC
Preacher's Gun Good Friends, Bad Company Dables
-performed Powerglove Bitchslap in it’s entirety
15. 2/15/2008 - R3V3RB (first location) 810 Pendleton St Greenville, SC
Ko Coma Cinema Days Off Screen Dables
-performed Powerglove Bitchslap in it’s entirety
16. 4/19/2008 - Cooks Bridge Rd. Party in the woods Fountain Inn,SC
The Blueroots The Nitekrawlers Ko Durbin Creek Dables Shallow Palace
-Performed Powerglove Bitchslap in it’s entirety. -They did not like me, haha.......wrong set to the wrong crowd. I should’ve done an acoustic set but at the time I felt like going all out and giving them Powerglove Bitchslap instead. 4 or 5 people laughed their asses off and had a great time during my set, I remember one drunk guy was hugging me and blubbering for like 10 minutes after the show telling me how much he loved my set. The rest of ‘em...couldn’t WAIT for me to finish as nerdcore hip hop wasn’t their thing I guess...and they let me know it hahaha!! Oh well, I got drunk as hell afterwards and slept in my car, had a great night overall, despite those who got annoyed by the novelty white boy rapper for 35ish minutes. Shallow Palace, Ko, and The Blueroots all absolutely killed it and played amazing sets which all blew me away. Those three bands were all in their prime in ‘08.
Ko had recently released “The Opposite of What You Would Call Ordinary” with their original drummer Kelly who passed away a few years later, and they played one of the best shows I’ve ever seen in my life, with so much energy,  thank god I didn’t have to go after them, I wouldn’t of done it, I would’ve just said “Nah, I’m not playing anymore tonight!”. They were amazing, and made everyone there a fan that night. Top it off with equally energetic and amazing sets from Shallow Palace and The Blueroots....it’s an honor and also slighty embarrassing that they let me do my stupid thing the same night as Ko, Shallow Palace, and The Blueroots were all at their peak, performing mind-blowing sets and such an awesome display of musicianship and talent, out on a wooden stage, surrounded by trees out in the middle of Nowheresville....should’ve played that acoustic set LOL.
17. 5/24/2008 - Ground Zero Spartanburg, SC
Dables hour long two part show 1 half acoustic folk/1 half nerdcore rap the other band booked did not show up, can’t remember who it was
1st set:(not correct order) Mozzarella Swastikas Plastic Jesus My Brain Itches Zero Amounts of Shit Brown Eyed Angel Psychedelic Mess Feeling Close to Throwing Up
2nd set: Powerglove Bitchslap performance
18. 9/20/2008-R3V3RB (second location) 109 Augusta Rd Greenville, SC
Oddknock Epileptic Fit (Jake Xingu) Clippzclippedoutclippings Closet Monster
19. 2/27/2009 - R3V3RB (third location) 11 College St Greenville, SC
Closet Monster The Fuzz Cremes The Pedestrians Magicool Beauty Fool (Jake Xingu)
20. 4/11/2009 - Cooks Bridge Rd Party in the Woods Fountain Inn, SC
The Blueroots Closet Monster (final show with Jake on drums and Kenny puked on stage) The Nitekrawlers John Edgerton and some others
-Sometime in May or June 2009 is when me and my roommate/cousin Kenny got robbed, and I moved out in late Oct-early Nov 2009.
21. 12/5/2009 - House Show Fountain Inn, SC
Dables Satan in Bondage Coma Cinema
-Dables did two sets, as well as played drums/percussion for Coma Cinema
1st set: All The Retards Are Gettin' Married Eat Acid and Listen to The Boredoms Love Will Rise Above Brown Eyed Angel Psychedelic Mess I Have Nothing Important To Say Zero Amounts of Shit The Generic Song
encore: We Don't Need No Drummer
2nd set: Powerglove Bitchslap in it's entirety with Keller as 'Tha Hype Man Supremo'
22. 3/12/2010 - The Hangar Greenville, SC
Peelander Z Math The Band Now in 3-D (this was their first show) Dables
setlist: All The Retards Are Gettin’ Married Eat Acid and Listen to The Boredoms Boredumb Nancy Botwin Love Headache I Have Nothing Important to Say We Don’t Need No Drummer Welcome to Reality This is Nothing The Generic Song
23. 5/21/2010 - The Apartment Fountain Inn, SC
Dables DAN Albino Satan in Bondage
setlist: Love Headache All The Retards Are Gettin’ Married Boredumb Welcome to Reality Kill and Die (with Sid on vocals) Eat Acid and Listen To The Boredoms Facenose I Have Nothing Important To Say A Smiling Piece of Plastic
24. 5/28/2010 - Ground Zero Spartanburg, SC
The Emotron Culture Prophet Hectagons The Lizard and The Lady Dables
full set: Love Headache Eat Acid and Listen To The Boredoms All The Retards (cut short due to time...I was super late to the show, long story)
25. 6/26/2010 - The Apartment Fountain Inn,SC
Jake Xingu Dables Albino Satan in Bondage Justin Blackburn DAN setlist: Eat Acid and Listen to The Boredoms Love Headache All The Retards Are Gettin’ Married Boredumb Zero Amounts of Shit I Have Nothing Important to Say We’re All Fucked! Something (Butthole Surfers cover)
26. 7/5/2010 - The Hangar Greenville, SC
The Codependents Ditching Cody Forgetting Fera The Beer Sluggers DAN Satan in Bondage & like 2 more I think
-This ended up being the final DAN show. -Early December 2010 is when the current lineup with Jake Garrett and Cody Blackwell first got together.
27. 3/17/2011 - Karma Greenville, SC
Dables and The Fountain Inn Jam Sadplant Dirtbag Love Affair Coma Cinema Satan in Bondage
Setlist: All The Retards Boredumb Paint The Town Brown Love Headache Sorry Entertainer Hey Sid I Live My Broken Dreams Effervescing Elephant Piece of Rock Sleepytime
-Our first show we were stupidly billed as Dables and The Fountain Inn Jam because that’s we named the first demo we recorded as a 3 piece. Dropped that dumb name after 1 show. Cody played drums on Broken Dreams, Effervescing Elephant, Piece of Rock, and Sleepytime which we did for at least a year until we decided to keep Cody on bass and Jake on drums for every song (except Sleepytime).
28. 3/25/2011 - Karma Greenville, SC
Mason Jar Menagerie Dables The Blueroots
setlist: All The Retards Boredumb Paint The Town Brown Love Headache (first time with new drum intro) Sorry Entertainer Lady Sniff Hey Sid I Live My Broken Dreams Effervescing Elephant Piece of Rock Sleepytime Negative Superman
29. 4/09/2011 - Suite 8 Greenville, SC
Terrorist as Terror Transient as As Cities Burn The Soap as Black Sabbath Satan in Bondage as Nirvana Dables Plays Daniel Johnston Reuben from The Francis Vertigo as Neutral Milk Hotel
setlist: I Live My Broken Dreams Museum of Love Phantom of My Own Opera Casper The Friendly Ghost Get Yourself Together Devil Town Funeral Home
-was supposed to play 4/23/2011 at Karma with Shoot The Blitz, Junkhat, Luna's Lament, Shadow of Myself, K Trik E, but we couldn't show up and canceled---me and Keller went to the show anyways, and Shadow of Myself's equipment got stolen out of their van in the parking lot.
30. 5/13/2011 - Gumby's Food and Spirits Greenville, SC
Mason Jar Menagerie Dables The Blueroots
setlist: All The Retards Paint The Town Brown Boredumb Love Headache Sorry Entertainer Casper The Friendly Ghost Hey Sid Nancy Botwin I Live My Broken Dreams Effervescing Elephant Piece of Rock Sleepytime Negative Superman
31. 6/25/2011 - Ground Zero Spartanburg, SC
-There were 2 shows this night. An early show with metalcore bands and a late show with the “weirder” bands.
(2nd show:) The Emotron Johnny Tango Jake Xingu Dables
(1st show:) Destruction of A King Adalia Labyrinthe Silence Autumns Blood
our set: All The Retards Paint The Town Brown Red Eye Boredumb Casper The Friendly Ghost Sorry Entertainer Nancy Botwin Sleepytime
32. 7/1/2011 - The Radio Room Greenville, SC
Din of Thieves The Head Dables
-First time playing Radio Room
setlist: All The Retards Paint The Town Brown Red Eye Boredumb Love Headache Sorry Entertainer Casper The Friendly Ghost Hey Sid Nancy Botwin I Live My Broken Dreams Effervescing Elephant Piece of Rock Sleepytime Negative Superman
33. 9/15/2011 - The Radio Room Greenville, SC
Dables Mason Jar Menagerie Can't Kids
34. 10/7/2011 - Cooks Bridge Deep Roots Family Records Festival Fountain Inn, SC
The Foothills Toe Jam Mason Jar Menagerie Dables The Blueroots Chicken Jam
setlist: The Void All The Retards Casper The Friendly Ghost Sorry Entertainer Hey Sid Boredumb Paint The Town Brown Love Headache Nancy Botwin Sleepytime
35. 11/18/2011 - The Radio Room (BENNYFIT) Greenville, SC
Dables Mason Jar Menagerie The Blueroots
36. 02/3/2012 - The Artistry Greenville, SC
Romancing The Devil Dables (acoustic solo set) DJ Fernando
setlist: Love Will Rise Above Negative Superman Desperate Man Feeling Close to Throwing Up Demoralize Your Mind Psychedelic Mess I Did Acid with Caroline (Johnston cover) The Generic Song No Matter Where I Go
37. 02/17/2012 - Cody's House Party Fountain Inn, SC
Dables Mason Jar Menagerie Fed to Lions (The Foothills Toe Jam was supposed to play but the cops shut us down)
38. 03/17/2012 - The Radio Room Greenville, SC
Dables M is We Two People Playing Music
-almost got busted by cops for smoking weed in the parking lot this night, right before we played. The cops were super open minded and just confiscated what we had and said not to do it again. Nobody got arrested!
setlist: The Void Paint The Town Brown All The Retards Are Gettin’ Married Love Headache Casper The Friendly Ghost Sorry Entertainer Boredumb Nancy Botwin Hey Sid Red Eye Awkwardly Awkward Piece of Rock Sleepytime
39. 06/16/2012 - The Radio Room Greenville, SC
CD Release Show for "Dables"
Dables Halmos Foothills Toe Jam
setlist: Looks Like Rain (1st time) Paint The Town Brown Mountain Dew (1st time) All The Retards Are Gettin’ Married Boredumb Love Headache Sorry Entertainer Wasn’t Good Enough Live Forever (1st time) Nancy Botwin Awkwardly Awkward The Void Sleepytime
40. 07/6/2012 - The Radio Room Greenville, SC
Fed to Lions Dables Red Pines Of All Trades
41. 7/7/2012 - Steve Sancho's Practice Space 802 Columbia, SC
not really a show but about 6 people saw us practice, so I'm counting it, mostly because it was the first time we played outside of the upstate, and this is where we recorded the main tracks for our split with Mason Jar Menagerie titled “Deep Roots For Sale”
42. 8/28/2012 - The Radio Room Greenville, SC
Andy D Dables The No Counts
43. 10/20/2012 - The House Simpsonville, SC
Mason Jar Menagerie Dables The Foothills Toe Jam The Gypsy Queens Red Pines The Blueroots
44. 11/3/2012 - The Radio Room Greenville, SC
Dables Red Pines Killing Kuddles
-Killing Kuddles band didn’t show up because his drummer got arrested or something, so he did a solo set using only an electric guitar.
45. 11/9/2012 - Casa de Santengelo (Ryan's House Show) Greenville, SC
Sun Sweet Sun Dables Blast & The Detergents Francis Vertigo
46. 12/21/2012 - The Radio Room Greenville, SC
Dables MEH Crocker Katalyst Trublklef
-Billed as “The End of The World” show due to that stupid Mayan calendar thing. Death metal band Vindictive Sovereign was supposed to play but canceled like two days before. This was a benefit show to help fund a new venue called Garaj Mahal, which ended up only lasting about a two years.  But that was two years worth of great shows, so I’ll give them that.
47. 03/03/2013 - The Radio Room Greenville, SC
Mason Jar Menagerie Company Dables (acoustic set with the full band)
setlist: The Size of The Moon Negative Superman Frank (Ween) She Fucks Me (Ween) Don’t Worry I’m in Heaven Now Falling Apart Willow Garden Love Will Rise Above
48. 04/20/2013 - Garaj Mahal Greenville, SC MEH Dables They Eat Their Own God Rubrics Satan in Bondage
-Cody got arrested while driving home after this show. They tried to get him on possession and a DUI even though he was completely sober. The cop searched his car and found a small one-hitter bowl with resin in it that he didn’t even remember was in the car, but there was no actual weed in the car. He was able to get everything dropped to a possession of paraphernalia misdemeanor. He got busted on 4/20 for not being high.With a vehicle full of instruments and amplifiers. Oh, and one little tiny pipe with nothing in it.  What tremendous irony and misfortune. Cody probably doesn’t remember this night too fondly. I remember Rubrics covering Negative Creep and they had begun writing sludgier, heavier material lately that they played and it was a blast.  I remember They Eat Their Own God being especially gross and brutal crust punk that I enjoyed. And of course Keller and the MEH boys did their thing and were both awkwardly awesome and satisfyingly weird. The crowd went nuts, heavy moshing at this show, perhaps the biggest pit we have played to. Those punk kids know how to slam, and they do it the entire show. Great show. Aside from Cody getting arrested.
49. 07/20/2013 - Garaj Mahal Greenville, SC The Unit MEH Divulgence Waft Dables Rubrics Interstellar Upstarts Now in 3D Weapon YZ The Devil & St. Pat
-This show was called Gusto Fest 2 and we played it without Cody on the bass, just me and Jake because Cody couldn’t get the day off work for some reason.  It also marks the first performance of the song “Utterly Pointless” with Jake on drums during it.
50. 08/8/2013 - Cabin Floor Records Greenville, SC
Satan in Bondage Permanent Makeup Dables Weapon YZ
51. 11/22/2013 - The Radio Room Greenville, SC
Grown Up Avenger Stuff Dables Young International
52. 12/14/2013 - Garaj Mahal Greenville, SC
Rubrics as Nirvana Interstellar Upstarts as Minor Threat Chunx as Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers Now in 3D as The Misfits People of Mars as The Beatles Dables as Daniel Johnston
53. 01/11/2014 - The House Simpsonville, SC
Dables 72nd and Central Sun Brother
54. 2/6/2014 - Radio Room Greenville, SC
Dables The Terror Pigeon Dance Revolt Michael Parallax Four AM Friends
55. 5/22/2014 - Radio Room Greenville, SC
Dables Laundry Day Revolt Plan 8 People of Mars
56. 6/12/2014 - Radio Room Greenville, SC
Mason Jar Menagerie Dumb Doctors Dables
57. 6/18/2014 - Makeout Manor (Alex From Rubrics House Show) Greenville,SC
Dirty Kills Rubrics Dables Lewis Turn Out
58. 9/28/2014 - Radio Room Greenville, SC
Dables Couches People of Mars
59. 10/31/2014 - House of Mars (Sid & Clayton's House) Simpsonville, SC
Shoot The Blitz The Hilary Keane Project John The Revelator Dables Anarcho Aggression Sun Brother -Halloween 2014, this was SPOOKYFEST. People of Mars, MEH, Crocker, Jubbyfuk, Wasted Wine, and Jericho Bros were supposed to play but didn't due to rain (this was an outdoor show) and/or canceling the week of the show, and also cops getting called and shutting the show down early. It was a great success with much shenanigans and things going wrong, but everyone was stoned and drunk and we played one of the best sets we have ever played while dressed as Jesus, a Ghostbuster, and Burt Reynolds.I think Shoot The Blitz played 3 and 1/2 songs, then the show got shut down completely by the cops because we were being loud as hell. Great show.
60. 12/31/2014 - Radio Room Greenville, SC
Mason Jar Menagerie A Moment Electric Dables
61. 3/20/2015 - The House Simpsonville, SC
Mason Jar Menagerie John The Revelator Durbin Creek String Band Dables Before There Were Gods Amy Harrison Chad Hudson (didn't play because he got arrested mere hours before the show. Nobody knew where he was until the show was practically over, when someone finally found out that he just got arrested earlier that day.)
62. 4/25/2015 - The House Simpsonville, SC
Dables Fed to Lions James Nichols & The Limbs
63. 5/1/2015 - Radio Room Greenville, SC
Dalmatian Mamma Bear Dables Wounded Hollow
64. 5/19/2015 - The House Simpsonville, SC
Mason Jar Menagerie Dables Battle Ave (they didn't show up, so Dables played a longer than usual set and Mason Jar played two sets. Basically took over The House for several hours, as usual)
65. 6/19/2015 - The Soundbox Tavern (formerly The House) Simpsonville, SC
Dables The Long Canes Chad Hudson Mason Jar Menagerie Amy Lynne Harrison The Forty Bale John The Revelator
-Before There Were Gods were supposed to close out the show but didn’t play because of how late it was. We didn’t finish our set until about 1:00 AM.
66. 11/21/2015 - The Royal American Charleston, SC
The Long Canes Dables Before There Were Gods Mason Jar Menagerie Amy Lynne Harrison Chad Hudson John The Revelator
67. 1/19/2016 - Radio Room Greenville, SC
The Emotron Dables Jack Toft
68. 1/29/2016 - Radio Room Greenville, SC
Dables Crown The Cake Jericho Brothers
69. 5/6/2016 - Radio Room Greenville, SC
Before There Were Gods (CD Release) Dables Babylon
70. 5/28/2016 - Art Bar Columbia, SC
Axattack Semicasual Hollowborn Dables Alley Way
71. 6/3/2016 - Radio Room Greenville, SC
Dables Odd Television
-This was the 10 Year Anniversary of Dables show. We did two full 50 minute sets. The first one was half solo songs, the way my shows were from 2006-2010, and half an acoustic full band set. The second set was a “regular” Dables electric full band set.
72. 7/2/2016 - The Soundbox Tavern Simpsonville, SC
The Indoor Kids Floco Torres The Reason You Stayed Solaire Dables Bizness Suit Actual Something
-Sun Brother was supposed to close out this show as they were the ones who booked the whole thing, billed as “Bandcamp 2″, but had to cancel due to one the members having health issues.
73. 10/15/2016 - Frets and Necks Fest Hartsville, SC
Festival with 50+ bands including Deep Roots Family Records bands: Dables Mason Jar Menagerie Amy Lynne Reed The Last Southern Gentlemen (formerly Chad Hudson) John The Revelator
-This would turn out to be the final Dables show with Jake and Cody as Jake decided to take an indefinite hiatus from Dables as he focuses more on his other projects such as Mason Jar Menagerie and John The Revelator. However, we may get back together again someday (never officially broke up, just went on indefinite hiatus) but as of today (7/7/18) I have not played with Jake and Cody at the same time since this show.
74. 11/18/2016 - Radio Room Greenville, SC
Trolls (FIRST SHOW!) Glass Mansions Snoot
--Canceled a Dables show at Soundbox Tavern on 11/26/16 because Cody couldn't get off work (John The Revelator and Amy Lynne Reed still played though). --Canceled a Trolls show at Radio Room on 1/7/17 because of snow (Hugger Mugger and Joie were supposed to play too).
75. 2/4/2017 - Gottrocks Greenville, SC
Mason Jar Menagerie Trolls Matt Gleason
76. 3/4/2017 - Radio Room Greenville, SC
Glass Mansions Trolls Hugger Mugger
--On 3/19/2017 played 3 Trolls songs (Backseat Rider, Left and Right, Pocket Dimension Person) followed by an improvisation 10-15 minute jam with a different drummer (can’t remember his name-I met him about an hour before we played) at Saluda River Yacht Club in Greenville, SC at Mickey's birthday party because Naveed (Trolls drummer) didn’t show up, although this was never an “official” show anyways, more of a last-minute “you guys want to play a few songs tonight?” kinda thing, so I’m not counting it as an official show.  Our friends Shit Karate did a 30 min set afterwords as well.
77. 3/26/2017 - Nophest Atlanta, GA
in order: (our set was 4:45-5:15pm) The Downs, Holders, The Bantam Breaks, Heatbunnies, Trolls, Sex Farm, 20K Leagues Under The Sea, The Callous Daoboys, Glass Mansions, Alabama Rose, Digigost, Eureka Failure, A Very Loud Death
-This was a 3 day weekend festival being held in a warehouse with no A/C and no real sound man/good equipment.  Extremely DIY.  We played on Sunday. I remember sweating profusely, not being able to hear my band, while about 20 people watched us. They seemed to like it. We played right after a punk band that wore giant Easter bunny outfits. Good stuff.
78. 4/15/2017 - Merck Mountain Festival Central, SC
Mason Jar Menagerie Adam Carter Trolls Tiger Junction -This was an outdoor show in the middle of nowhere. The Merck family had set up a small “stage” in front of a garage on their property that was literally in the middle of the woods.  You had to drive down a mile of dirt road just to get to where the stage was. The festival lasted two days, with people camping out and everything. We didn’t attend the second night which the lineup was Dustin Owens & The First Amendment, Bad Mojo, Silver Tounge Devils, sympL, Lionz of Zion, Taught By Heroes, and Evan’s Dilemma. Naveed was on shrooms at this show, and had an episode with some racist hillbillies that he managed to work into his youtube show The Cinco Sanders Show in a hilarious way. We played a really solid set too, probably the tightest one we ever did, everyone was firing on all cylinders to these drunk white southerners out in the woods of Central, SC, and they all could tell that Trolls was killing it that night, whether they understood what was happening or not, they just heard the rock n roll. Most of the people up front did anyways, I dunno about the rest of the crowd...Regardless, I think this was my favorite Trolls show.
79. 4/28/2017 - Gottrocks Greenville, SC
Superbob Trolls
80. 5/20/2017 - Saluda River Yacht Club Greenville, SC
Trolls The Alternative Facts (Saluda River Yacht Club House Band)
-This was Trolls final show with original drummer Naveed, as he moved away to Portland a month or so afterwards.
81. 9/1/2017 - Radio Room (New Location in old IPA building!) Greenville, SC
The Winter Sounds Pinky Doodle Poodle The Indoor Kids Trolls
-This was both our new drummer Truston’s first and last show with Trolls.  A week or two after the show, Caleb (Trolls vocalist) told everyone he would soon be moving to California to be with his wife’s family. Since he was the one who started the band, we decided to end it. Can’t have Trolls without Caleb =(.
82. 2/22/2018 - Radio Room Greenville, SC
St Maurice The Buzzards of Fuzz Supergroup Rivals (first show)
83. 4/23/2018 - Radio Room Greenville, SC
The Boo Jays (reunion show) Supergroup Rivals
84. 4/30/2018 - Radio Room Greenville, SC
Supergroup Rivals Eureka California Inside Out and Backwards
85. 7/24/2018 - Ground Zero (2nd location) Spartanburg, SC
Cut Throat Freakshow The Emotron Supergroup Rivals
86. 1/11/2019 - Radio Room Greenville, SC
Supergroup Rivals (EP & Short Film Release) The Accuser III Kings Evan’s Dilemma
87. 1/18/2019 - Ground Zero Spartanburg, SC III Kings Supergroup Rivals 72nd and Central
88. 2/22/2019 - Eighth State Brewing Company Pinky Doodle Poodle Supergroup Rivals
That’s it so far. 80+ official shows, plus a handful of “unofficial” ones in 13 years. And many that got booked and fell through for every reason imaginable.  Besides one show in Atlanta, I have never played a show outside of South Carolina. My goal was never really to be a big, touring musician anyways. My lifestyle just wouldn’t support that. My goals and passions have mostly been focused on writing and recording music, with occasional shows for fun. I do wish that I had played a lot more and been more active about booking shows, as I did the majority of the booking myself at most of these shows in this list.  I do hope to do some small East Coast tours some day, but chances of that are slim. But I do have a LOT of recorded material, which was always my real goal anyways, just to record the ideas that I get for songs and make albums that I enjoy and am proud of, and that will last forever as a complete piece of music that anyone can listen to, at any time. My plans for the future is to start playing more shows out of town and recording some new music with Supergroup Rivals, and hopefully get Jake and Cody to do Dables again, whether it just be another album or play a few local shows, among other projects. I’m going to finish this blog off with a list of all the lineups of my bands, since none of this would of been possible without all the great musicians and friends I have played with the past 12 years. Cheers, dudes.
Death Mullet (lineup 1): David Walker - bass,vocals Matt Spearman - guitar Cody Blackwell - drums Death Mullet (lineup 2): David Walker - vocals Cody Blackwell - guitar, backing vocals Alex Murray - bass Jake Garrett - drums
Mr. Waffle: Cody Blackwell - guitar David Walker - bass Jake Garrett - drums Closet Monster: David Walker - bass, vocals, guitar, drum machines Alex Murray - guitar Adam Young - keyboards, percussion, backing vocals
Dables: David Walker - guitar, vocals Cody Blackwell - bass, vocals Jake Garrett - drums DAN: Sid Shurer - vocals, keyboards David Walker - guitar, vocals, drum machine Clayton Marks - bass, vocals
Trolls (lineup 1): Caleb Riley - vocals Mickey Kriese - guitar, vocals David Walker - bass, backing vocals Cinco Sanders - drums, percussion Trolls (lineup 2): Caleb Riley - vocals Mickey Kriese - guitar, vocals David Walker - bass, backing vocals Truston Carter - drums Supergroup Rivals: Zach Guttery - guitar, vocals Mickey Kriese - guitar, vocals David Walker - bass Chris Larocque - drums
The genres of all my bands are as such: Death Mullet (metal, grindcore, comedy rock, hard rock) Mr. Waffle (experimental psychedelic rock, jam band)
DAN (psychedelic punk, comedy/novelty rock)
Closet Monster (noise, experimental psychedelic rock)
Trolls (punk ‘n roll, hard rock)
Supergroup Rivals (stoner rock, sludge metal, hard rock) Last Castle (raw black metal) Dables (everything....hard rock, stoner rock, comedy/novelty, psychedelic grunge, experimental, noise, punk, hip hop, electronic, traditional folk, folk rock, fuzzfolk, singer/songwriter stuff, stoner metal, sludge metal, avant-garde, synthpop, post-punk, shoegaze, funk, emo, pop, blues, alternative, garage rock, lo-fi slacker pop, total bullshit....pretty much you name it, Dables has experimented with all of the above and probably more.)
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sneaky-pete · 6 years
it’s the emo post.
hi! as you may have heard, i like this girl! and by my own anxiety, unfamiliarity of dating, being in relationships, and Texting correctly, it hasn’t been the smoothest time for yours truly. it’s not her fault at all, and that’s an important place to start before i Emo Post. this is going to be a selfish post. i’m going to talk about my experience.
to start with a background, i am 21 years old and i am a no-kiss, no-hand-holding virgin. i crushed on two girls in high school for a very long time, one girl who made advances on me which i really liked and then she never talked to me again, and the girl who i went to prom with senior year that i lost my crush for before that actual prom night. the only crush/person that i had romantic intentions for in college was a girl from nov 2016 to jan 2017. my problem in that one was that she was 4 years older than me, did not live on campus, and i did not tell her early enough that i liked her. 
not that all 21-year-old virgins aren’t, but i feel like i’m a charismatic and attractive enough dude to have had at least some experience. on several occasions whenever my romantic past has come up, people have been surprised to hear that i haven’t been with anyone before. people tend to like me! i’ll say it! i know it’s true! it’s not hard for me to find a little social nugget to dig into when i meet a new person and create a social relationship. i can read a room! i can tell if someone has something on their mind! i daresay that i’m a pretty socially intelligent person!
the only people that have come right up to me and said they thought i was attractive/they had feelings for me was (1) a 14-year-old when i was 18, (2) a gay man who apparently serially asks men out, and (3) a girl that i felt was very unstable as a person and also went to school 4 hours away. there are two people that i have heard from others that were attracted to me, (1) the girl that asked me to her senior prom my junior year and (2) someone told me that their friend was very attracted to me and thought i was funny! so yeah! that’s my experience for people being attracted to me! moving on!
i’m not the most masculine guy, either. i’m not into sports, i cross my legs, i empathize a lot more with women than the traditional masculine guy, my voice is not flat and boring, i can recognize that other men are attractive, sexy, or what have you without fear. i’ve never wanted to date a man though. however, can i say with confidence that i will only like women? no, i can’t. i’m keeping my options open. were i to find a man attractive at some point, i would possibly look into it. am i straight? am i bi? who knows. will i tell others i’m straight until proven otherwise? we’ll, i’ll say i’m straight and if i’m comfortable with the person asking i would say that i do find some men attractive, not have not yet wanted to date one. do i have straight privilege though? absolutely. some people have mistaken me for being gay! that’s fine! does this add anything to the story! no! but it does make the “reader” more acquainted with my sexuality i guess?
my job last summer was being an orientation leader for new students coming to the school. we got hired on the basis that we seemed to have good social skills and are charismatic. it was a really fun summer! i got to live in a huge building that had only the 40 of us socially-outgoing folk in it! now, of course, this would be the place to try to find someone to date because (1) all of the hot, funny, and outgoing people all in one place! and (2) everyone has their own rooms so if there was Sex To Be Had it would be very conducive to that. of course dating coworkers can get hairy but i was lucky (/s) enough that this never was the case. everyone there BECAUSE they were hot, funny, and outgoing were all in relationships. there were many people that were not single that i had VERY soft and light crushes on, because who wouldn’t?? everyone there was great! 
one of the not-single people who i thought was cute that i never really talked to that much (we had a mutual friend we were both close to) i discovered on tinder in february. we acknowledged each other, and apparently she told some mutual friends about our matching. one of those friends brought us two and another “couple” he was trying to match-make to a music department event and afterparty. the girl and i talked during the show. i knew she liked books a lot so i centered the conversation around it so she could talk about herself and feel good. one of our friends asked if some dude with long hair was coming and she said that she didn’t know and that he was kind of boring. at the afterparty, she’s texting a lot and this dude with long hair comes over and is with her for the rest of the night. of course, i’m mad at myself at this point for having hopes and for not being more confident in myself or whatever. i text her to make sure she gets home safe: and we’ve texted every day for a month and a half since. of course, the next week, she Unfortunately gets sick, so i can’t hang out with her at all then. the next week is spring break where it’s Unfortunately blizzarding all week and she still has the flu. we still talk though and it’s very nice. we’re keeping each other company while trapped at home! of course during this time, me being me, i begin to value her texts too much. i would get very anxious for no reason if she didn’t respond right away. it’s selfish and insecure of me and i haven’t quite shaken it yet, but hopefully i do at some point. we both go to march for our lives in boston the week after break with our friends and bond a little more there. i ask her when the day is done if she would like to do something later on in the week. she said yes! my excitement was through the roof! 
a few days later, i ask her if she wants to go to a little indoor hippie mall/bazaar called mill no 5 and she said yes!! i didn’t realize that i scheduled it for my birthday, but she told me the very next day that i did! she plans a birthday dinner with my friend group. i ask for lowell burger co. and the day is set! she asks later on in the week if i had any evening plans and i said no. OF COURSE i have to plan because i wasn’t sure what that meant! did it mean simply hang out? did it mean sex? who’s to say! i acquire condoms just in case the day before. the next day, we go out! we have a wonderful time! she’s beautiful! her big, golden green eyes are bright and she’s wonderful. we go to mill no 5, sit in the coffee shop and talk for a couple hours, we order food and talk some more. we go check out the shops and i ask her if she wants a 2 hour halftime between our millno5date (which i said very fast and who knows if she considers it a date to this day (she probably does how was that not a date)). we take our half time, she drops me off, i nap, she showers and changes. we go to lowell burger co., i order my first beer and i don’t get carded. she and two of my friends draw on the tablecloth some happy birthday art which i still have on my wall. after dinner, we go back to my place and my friends are still there which i did not expect at all!!! we talk, we watch dunkirk, we talk some more until 1:30am! there is supportive, playful hand, arm, and leg touching during our storytellings! she asks be if anyone got me anything for my birthday and i put her hand to my cheek and say my gift was my great day with you!!!! i’m on cloud 9! i think it’s the most dopamine ever released at once in my brain! i walk her to her car, she drives me back up to the entrance of my building, and i hug her and say GOODBYE BUD like a dummy, it’s fine though. i ask her if she wants to do more stuff like this and she says yes!!!
of course, the next day i overthink all of it. i was very low energy and had a sort of a post-high-dopamine-release depression day. i have lunch with her and a friend at the dining hall a few days later and i can barely eat. seeing each other was good though. it was very difficult to eat anything that week because of how much i was overthinking about her. i ask her a few days later if she wants to go see airplane! and get pho afterwards. she says yes! my eating returns to normal. that weekend, i go to pax and text her the whole time. i buy her a hufflepuff pin there because that’s both of our hogwarts house! the next week (this week that just passed) on tuesday we had lunch at the dining hall again but this time the friend can’t make it, and we have a wonderful time talking for an hour and a half! i give her the pin, she gives me a great big hug, and we part. that’s the last time i saw her!
(i really enjoy talking to her in person SO MUCH MORE than over text. texting makes me anxious and she does not respond right away and for things that don’t necessarily need a response (a meme, a thing that can be said “nice” or some other sort of positive confirmation) she does not respond to, which i get irrationally anxious about, so much that i sometimes turn my phone off so i don’t look at it at all.)
she was in a relationship last year until december when that guy told her he does not love her. of course, she is still grieving now. she retweets/reblogs on twitter and tumblr (two things i SURE SHOULDN’T have followed) emo things about healing and how men are liars so i know that she MIGHT not be in a great place emotionally to be dated yet. yet another Unfortunate thing! on top of the first few weeks not being able to meet up and as well as her not living on campus (she lives 10-15ish minutes away, too far to walk to and not a familiar, friendly, campus-y, dorm-y environment). but here’s the next part that’s super unfortunate that happened yesterday that has me selfishly feeling down today!
yesterday her brother left his wife and is moving back into their childhood home! my friends had a cover show last night and at lunch on tuesday she said she was excited to go and see people but not nessecarily for the loud music (me too, sis!!). because of her brother needing her, she Unfortunately can’t go to the party! she tells me through text that her life recently has been one shitty thing after another and that she’s always sad! (list of things probably: getting dumped, being at home all the time, MAYBE our mutual friend that is her best friend getting in trouble in conduct with sexual things, and her brother!) i empathize a lot with her! that is all very bad! but my selfish monkey brain had been looking forward to this (and the airplane! and pho date) all week and was sad to not see her there. i ask her at 11am today if she can still make the movies tonight and she responds at 1:30pm that her brother needs her and she has to cancel. that’s fine! but i’m still sad i don’t get to see her! 
this has all been very unlucky! there are still multiple chances this week for us to see each other: lunch tues/thurs, our friend’s thesis defense wednesday, and seeing the theatre dept show friday. hopefully she can make at least one or two of them! i still like her a lot but realize that this may not be the best time to tell her my feelings for her. originally i planned for that to be tonight after our date but that’s not the case anymore. 
i don’t know. i really like her. i’m pretty sure she knows. my roommate, best friend, and confidant through this says that from a third-person lens that is not in the situation and does not have anxiety about it that she really likes me too. i just want this to work out. i wanna kiss her pretty face and wonderful nose. i want to laugh and talk for hours with her. i want to hold her warm hands and look up into her golden green eyes. i want to hear her talk about the books she’s reading. i want to know if she likes me too. i want to know if we could date. i wanna be her man.
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#NFR Rodeo 2017 Live Stream Online Free HD TV Coverage
WaTch National Final Rodeo 2017 Live>>>
Though Trevor Brazile fell short in his attempt to clinch the 2017 world steer roping title at last month’s National Finals Steer Roping in Mulvane, Kansas, the legendary cowboy earned enough prize money to take the lead in the world all-around title race. At the Nov. 10-11 NFSR, Brazile, who lives in Decatur, finished runner-up in the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association’s 2017 world steer roping title race behind Scott Snedecor who snared the world title. Snedecor edged Brazile in the world race, $136,419 to $127,548. But after earning an impressive $63,273 at NFSR, Brazile moved up from the No. 2 ranking to No. 1 in the PRCA’s 2017 world all-around standings. Tuf Cooper of Weatherford dropped from No. 1 to No. 2 in the world all-around standings after earning $15,981 at the NFSR. In the 2017 world all-around standings, Brazile is ranked No. 1 with $243,760. Cooper is ranked No. 2 with $230,021.“I went to the steer roping finals (NFSR) trying to win as much money as possible with two goals in mind: trying to win a world (steer roping) championship and trying to get rid of that deficit in the (world) all-around race,” Brazile said. “At least one of those two things happened.”Again, Brazile fell short of clinching the 2017 world steer roping title in Mulvane. But he put himself in great position to clinch the world all-around title at this month’s Las Vegas-based Wrangler National Finals Rodeo.
The 2017 National Finals begins Thursday, Dec. 7, and runs through Saturday, Dec. 16, at Las Vegas’ Thomas & Mack Center. Both Brazile and Cooper have qualified for the 2017 National Finals in tie-down roping. Brazile is a 23-time PRCA world champion. He will attempt to snare his 14th world all-around title at the NFR. Brazile clinched world all-around titles in 2002-2004 and 2006-15. Brazile also will attempt to lasso his fourth tie-down roping world title at the Las Vegas championships. He snared tie-down roping gold buckles in 2007, 2009-2010. Cooper will attempt to earn his first all-around title and his fourth tie-down roping world title at the NFR. Cooper earned world tie-down roping titles in 2011-2012 and in 2014. Cooper will enter the Las Vegas NFR ranked No. 1 in the tie-down roping world title race with the $190,445 that he earned throughout the 2017 regular season. Brazile is ranked No. 6 in the tie-down roping world standings with $101,433. Cooper has a much better chance of winning the world tie-down roping title. But Brazile has a mathematical chance and don’t count him out. But in the world all-around race, it could be a close contest between Brazile and Cooper throughout the NFR. One of pro rodeo’s top bulldogging horses will be missing in action at the 2017 Wrangler National Finals Rodeo. Landrys Cadillac (Cadillac), the 2016 Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association/American Quarter Horse Association Steer Wrestling Horse of the Year, which is owned by Sterling Wallace, was injured during a practice run with Clayton Hass on Nov. 16, according to prorodeo.com. Hass, a three-time National Finals qualifier from Weatherford, was preparing Cadillac for the WNFR by running steers on him when Cadillac had a bad step at Hass’ practice pen. The fall pulled a piece of bone away from the tendon in Cadillac’s back left leg and chipped part of it off into the joint, Hass said.Cadillac is scheduled to go into surgery on Dec. 4 to remove the bone chip.
From there, he’ll begin the rehabilitation process and is anticipated to return to the arena for the summer run. The 19-year-old horse has been the primary mount for Hass, Tyler Waguespack and Ty Erickson this season. Hass narrowly missed qualifying for the 2017 National Finals, placing 17th, but he was helping the horse stay fresh for the Dec. 7-16 National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas. Waguespack advanced to the 2017 NFR after finishing fourth in the 2017 regular season steer wrestling world standings, and had planned on riding Cadillac at the WNFR again. Last year, Waguespack clinched the PRCA’s steer wrestling title after Cadillac helped him earn $213,218 at the 2016 National Finals. With his first-choice mount out of commission, Waguespack is planning on riding the 2017 PRCA/AQHA Steer Wrestling Horse of the Year, Canted Plan (Scooter), at the WNFR. Erickson, who will enter the NFR ranked No. 1 in the PRCA’s 2017 steer wrestling world title race, also had planned to ride Cadillac, according to Waguespack. At the National Cutting Horse Association World Championship Futurity, which currently is underway in Fort Worth, fans are beginning to learn which horses to watch in the open division. The open division features mostly pro riders. A total of 612 horses were entered in the open division at the 2017 Futurity. The Futurity, which is the sport’s most prestigious show, features the industry’s most promising debuting 3-year-old horses. It’s the first jewel of the sport’s Triple Crown Series. The 2017 NCHA Futurity began Nov. 15 and runs through Dec. 10 at Will Rogers Memorial Coliseum. The open division winner will receive the coveted $200,000 prize on Dec. 10. At the 2017 Futurity, the open division second round concluded on Nov. 23. After the first two rounds, a field of 69 horses with a two-ride aggregate score of 432 or higher advanced to the Dec. 9 open semifinal. Austin Shepard, the 2007 NCHA Futurity open champion rider, and a stallion named Dual Reyish, finished the first two rounds at the 2017 Futurity with the highest aggregate score en route to earning an open semifinal berth. The duo turned in a two-ride score of 442.5 (222.5 in the first round and 220 in the second round).John Sanislow and Im Quintan Checks turned in the second highest aggregate score after competing in Round 1 and Round 2. They turned an aggregate score of 441.5 (221 and 220.5). Im Quintan Checks, a stallion, is owned by Circle Y Ranch of Millsap.Every year during the National Finals Rodeo, Las Vegas hosts an informal citywide country-music and comedy festival, with a variety of artists performing at venues large and small.
These performances draw nearly as many people to Las Vegas as it does for championship competition, and this year’s lineup includes some of the biggest stars from the ’60s to now. Reba, Brooks & Dunn (Dec. 5 & 8-10, Caesars Palace) Fresh off the news that Reba, Brooks & Dunn: Together in Vegas has been extended through August 2018, Reba McEntire, Kix Brooks and Ronnie Dunn will wrap their 2017 Colosseum dates on the first weekend of NFR. McEntire first joined Brooks & Dunn for the initial run of their Caesars Palace residency in 2015, with Brooks & Dunn reuniting for the first time in five years. The venue has become their Vegas performing home, with a 30-song set.John Michael Montgomery (Dec. 7, Golden Nugget) In the ’90s, John Michael Montgomery was part of the wave of neo-traditionalist “hat acts” like Garth Brooks, Alan Jackson and Clint Black, delivering straightforward, listener-friendly country that appealed to longtime genre fans as well as pop listeners. He hit the top of the country charts seven times in his first decade, with singles including “I Love the Way You Love Me,” “I Swear,” “Sold (The Grundy County Auction Incident)” and “The Little Girl.” “I Swear” was a hit twice in the same year, first for Montgomery and then for R&B group All-4-One, proving the versatility of Montgomery’s material. That smooth versatility and accessibility continue to serve him well. Rodney Carrington (Dec. 7-16, MGM Grand) Rodney Carrington and NFR go together like cowboys and hats. The singing comedian performs in Las Vegas every December for a 10-day stretch, connecting with the audiences that see him each year during their annual rodeo pilgrimage. His latest Netflix special, Here Comes the Truth, filmed in Tulsa, Okla., was released in October, and reveals a leaner, darker, post-divorce Carrington. The album version debuted at No. 1 on iTunes’ comedy charts, and furthers Carrington’s legacy of delivering raunchy, NFR-worthy standup. Brenda Lee (Dec. 8, Golden Nugget) In the 1960s, Brenda Lee was one of the biggest names in early rock and pop, racking up more than 40 chart hits, including the classics “I’m Sorry” and “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree.” Lee returned to her country roots in the ’70s, hitting the country charts with songs like “Nobody Wins,” “Sunday Sunrise,” “Tell Me What It’s Like” and “The Cowgirl and the Dandy,” and recording a 1982 album with country legends Dolly Parton, Kris Kristofferson and Willie Nelson. Since then, Lee has been a staple of the country-music world, and she’s seen a whole generation of younger fans and musicians discover her influential early rockabilly style and sound.Gary Allan (Dec. 8-9, Hard Rock Hotel) Gary Allan is a country-music lifer. Born into a musical family, he started playing honky-tonks at age 13 and discovered the musicians that would shape his initial artistic approach and attitude when he caught the Highwaymen (Cash, Haggard, Jennings, Kristofferson) live. Allan established himself as a new traditionalist with Bakersfield leanings on his 1996 debut Used Heart for Sale, and has maintained a maverick persona throughout his recording career. His latest single “Mess Me Up” was released in May.Ron White (Dec. 8-9, The Mirage) Ron White loves Las Vegas and the country music community. The Route 91 Harvest tragedy affected him deeply, so it’s a safe bet the most hard living of the Blue Collar comedians plans to help heal with humor and will likely give some of his most heartfelt performances ever this December. White is one of the few entertainers to perform both weekends of NFR this year. Rest assured, he’s up to the task. Travis Tritt (Dec. 8-9, Westgate Las Vegas) Travis Tritt winning Billboard’s Top New Male Artist in 1990 signaled a new era in country music and the launch of a nearly three-decade career. His second single, “Help Me Hold On,” earned the Southern rock revivalist his first No. 1 hit that year, and his 1991 album It’s All About to Change made him a permanent fixture in the country superstar firmament. Tritt brings his special solo-acoustic show to Las Vegas during NFR, with stripped-down arrangements of his outlaw sound.Pam Tillis & Lorrie Morgan (Dec. 9, Golden Nugget) Pam Tillis and Lorrie Morgan could easily fill entire shows with their own country hits (Tillis’ “Maybe It Was Memphis” and “Mi Vida Loca”; Morgan’s “Something in Red” and “Except for Monday”), but when the two team up, they take things to a whole other level. The veteran stars launched the first edition of their Grits and Glamour tour in 2009, and since then they’ve been an unstoppable team, recording two albums together (2013’s Dos Divas and last month’s Come See Me and Come Lonely) and enhancing each other’s live performances with harmonies and duets. Together, they’ve taken their music to places beyond what they could ever do on their own. Charlie Daniels Band (Dec. 10, Golden Nugget) Charlie Daniels has been the embodiment of Southern rock since releasing his signature song “The Devil Went Down to Georgia” in 1979, with its story of a young musician defeating the devil in a fiddle battle. It’s been used in countless movies and TV shows and covered by acts ranging from The Muppets and Blues Traveler to Primus, but nothing can compare to the experience of seeing Daniels perform the virtuosic fiddle parts himself. The leader of the Charlie Daniels Band is a versatile singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist who’s been recording and touring for nearly 50 years, and he can still fiddle with the best of them. Parmalee (Dec. 10, SLS Las Vegas) Named for the quartet’s North Carolina hometown, Parmalee formed when brothers Matt (lead vocals, guitar) and Scott Thomas (drums) united with cousin Barry Knox (bass) and childhood friend Josh McSwain (guitar). The band survived a 2010 robbery that put Scott Thomas in the hospital, and played a label showcase the next year. Parmalee’s 2013 album Feels Like Carolina yielded the hits “Musta Had a Good Time” and “Carolina.” They’re currently on tour in support of their latest album, 27861.Sheridan musician Tris Munsick will perform for the opening ceremonies at this year's National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas. Munsick is guitarist and lead vocalist for The Innocents, but in a recent interview with Sheridan Media, he said he'll be performing alone in Vegas.He said he'll actually be doing three performances while he's there later this month. He added he's got meetings in between, so that's going to be a full week for him. He said the full band had tried to get a couple of shows in Las Vegas, but the talks failed. He said the band was offered a few accoustics shows there and was debating about that when Munsick was offered the chance to perform at the NFR ceremonies. He said in terms of expenses, it made more sense for him to make the trip alone. But, he added, he's hoping his performance could lead to future bookings for the entire band. He explained how the opening ceremony performance came about. They were open, and, as Munsick put it, the stars aligned. He sees the upcoming performance as a huge opportunity for the entire band. The Innocents have been touring and performing since 2012. Munsick said there've been changed through the years, but the current band members click both personally and musically. He said the band tries to be representatives of Wyoming and Sheridan when they perform.
Munsick is a native of Sheridan County. He said his dad ran a ranch outside Big Horn for a long time, and he and his brothers grew up in that area. Later, when he was in his teens, his family moved to the Dayton area. These days, he said, he lives in Sheridan. Sheridan Media will carry reports from the National Finals Rodeo twice a day, on KYTI and KWYO, while the rodeo is happening.It’s rodeo time here in Las Vegas, where cowboys and cowgirls from around the world gather to attend the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo, one of the hottest tickets in town. So what exactly do you wear to an event like this? We got ya’ll covered. Inspired by the icons of casual country style, clothing designers are tweaking tradition in fresh, flattering ways. The result? Wellies you can wear to work and barn jackets guaranteed to stun. But don’t think that you must stick to Western wear brands. You can easily mix and match pieces you may already have with something new for a perfect NFR look. Just focus on the key elements: suede, leather fringe, denim, boots, and hats. Whatever you choose, have a great time doing it.
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fishermariawo · 7 years
I Hope I Can Make This the Best Decade Yet
It’s Friday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Friday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!
A lot of us work hard most of our life so that we can enjoy our retirement and do all the things we never had time to do when we were younger and worked long hours for little pay. The problem with that, however, is being old can pretty much suck especially with all the chronic disease that is so prevalent in Western society. Being overweight, poor digestion, fatigue and joint pain are symptoms that I am very familiar with and are just part of the aging process……or at least that’s what I used to think. They certainly create major impediments to living an active lifestyle and enjoying life.
I always loved competitive sports growing up especially baseball and football. Although good enough to make the high school teams, I was mediocre at best, but it was still a great experience which I will always treasure. It taught me many valuable lessons which proved critical to me later in life. I also spent 2-3 years of 5 days a week of “home” weight lifting in my basement and then best friend’s root cellar. We had no idea what we were doing but worked hard an hour or two most days and were very competitive. I became quite strong for a wimp weighing 142 pounds (benched 295) but never could put on any bulk. My friend on the other hand bulked up to about 180, left me in the dust, and continues to lift to this day.
So as an adult I took up tennis to get my competitive fix; thinking I could play the rest of my life. When I retired at 60 I was looking forward to playing tennis five days a week and working out at the gym; which I did for a couple years. Then I developed joint issues requiring surgery for De Quervain’s tenosynovitis and again for carpal tunnel syndrome. While preparing for surgery I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. After the surgeries I quit playing singles and focused on doubles as I was having too many cramping issues probably tied to the statin drugs I was taking for high cholesterol; as heart disease runs in my family. The thyroid medications probably didn’t help either.
In Nov 2013 my wife and I took a 30 day trip to Germany to visit our two daughters and grandkids for the holidays. Both of their husbands were in the Air Force, assigned to Ramstein AFB. I also had spent 5 years at Ramstein as a federal civilian; so we were also looking forward to the German brotchen and beer which we both loved. While in transit to Germany I was doing research on wild caught salmon as I decided I wanted to focus more on getting healthy and fit. The article I read came from MarksDailyApple and I became hooked. By the time I returned to the states in mid December I had spent hundreds of hours reading the blog.
I couldn’t wait to start my Primal journey on 1 Jan 2014; thinking it would be too difficult to begin right before Christmas. On 1 Jan 2014 I jumped into the Primal lifestyle and focused on high healthy fats like coconut oil, grass fed butter and avocados. Also lots of meat, fish, fresh vegetables and salads. Although the 80-20 strategy was pivotal to me believing this lifestyle was sustainable; I ended up with about 95-5 compliance. I still drink wine and/or beer almost every day in moderation of course.
A little more background on my body type, weight and the goals I hoped to achieve. I was never considered fat by my contemporaries. Although I wanted to lose some weight (15 pounds) my primary objective was to improve my fitness and quality of life. When I retired in 2006 my weight was 178 and my waist was around 37 inches.
Once I started playing lots of tennis I dropped 10 pounds and could wear 36 inch waist comfortably. I felt pretty good about myself but knew I still had a spare tire around my middle and had lots of muscle cramps and joint pain. On 1 Jan 2014 I started my journey and went from 168 pounds to 150 in 45 days. I was shocked at how fast the weight came off and how much better I felt. I quit all medications as well as over the counter pills like aspirin, tylenol, aleve, etc. Since I previously lost 10 pounds after retiring I thought I was done (28 pound loss) and wanted to see if I could maintain this weight over time.
I became even more focused (my wife would say fanatic) and started reading and listening to podcasts 3-4 hours every day on paleo/primal and functional medicine. I started playing singles again as well as going to the fitness center for 30 minutes 3 times a week for resistance training. I experimented on myself often, figuring I have little to lose and much to gain considering my age. A few of the more important hacks I utilize are Bulletproof coffee (3 cups per day/3-4 Tbsp of coconut oil and grassfed butter), taking potato starch, ACV daily, diatomaceous earth, bentonite clay, etc.
Intermittent fasting and keto have been the two most critical components of continued weight loss. I often only eat one meal per day in the late afternoon primarily because I am not very hungry even though I am pretty active. I do believe that most of us eat too much and that feeling a little hungry is important to a longer and healthier life. I have snacks like nuts and seeds, or a cup of bone broth, boiled eggs, sardines, etc. I average less than 45 carbs per day. My wife thinks I am too thin and I agree I looked better when I was heavier but I feel much better than I have in a very long time. I still have thyroid issues and some joint pain but hope to mitigate that over time. My current weight is 138 plus or minus 2 pounds contingent on my activities.
I will always be indebted to Mark Sisson and his Primal Blog which I continue to refer people to and read on a regular basis. The Primal Blueprint by Mark is a must read for anyone considering the ancestral health lifestyle.
From my perspective the most important impact this lifestyle has had on me is psychological, my outlook on life…….getting old but still looking forward. Growing old can be depressing at times especially if you have numerous health issues and take lots of medications. Living longer might be nice but is not the objective…….being healthy, having fun and enjoying family and friends for the time you do have is. For some strange reason my high school yearbook caption from 1964 was: “The Days of our Youth are the Days of our Glory.” I hope that I can turn that on it’s head and make this decade the best yet. Grok on!
Vital Statistics:
5’8” tall
138 pounds
31 inch waist
Total Cholesterol from 271 (Jan 2014) to 233 (Feb 2017) and don’t want it to get any lower
Triglycerides from 219 to 45
HDL from 34 to 66 BMI approx 20.6
Body Fat – by scale Est 12%
Age 71
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watsonrodriquezie · 7 years
I Hope I Can Make This the Best Decade Yet
It’s Friday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Friday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!
A lot of us work hard most of our life so that we can enjoy our retirement and do all the things we never had time to do when we were younger and worked long hours for little pay. The problem with that, however, is being old can pretty much suck especially with all the chronic disease that is so prevalent in Western society. Being overweight, poor digestion, fatigue and joint pain are symptoms that I am very familiar with and are just part of the aging process……or at least that’s what I used to think. They certainly create major impediments to living an active lifestyle and enjoying life.
I always loved competitive sports growing up especially baseball and football. Although good enough to make the high school teams, I was mediocre at best, but it was still a great experience which I will always treasure. It taught me many valuable lessons which proved critical to me later in life. I also spent 2-3 years of 5 days a week of “home” weight lifting in my basement and then best friend’s root cellar. We had no idea what we were doing but worked hard an hour or two most days and were very competitive. I became quite strong for a wimp weighing 142 pounds (benched 295) but never could put on any bulk. My friend on the other hand bulked up to about 180, left me in the dust, and continues to lift to this day.
So as an adult I took up tennis to get my competitive fix; thinking I could play the rest of my life. When I retired at 60 I was looking forward to playing tennis five days a week and working out at the gym; which I did for a couple years. Then I developed joint issues requiring surgery for De Quervain’s tenosynovitis and again for carpal tunnel syndrome. While preparing for surgery I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. After the surgeries I quit playing singles and focused on doubles as I was having too many cramping issues probably tied to the statin drugs I was taking for high cholesterol; as heart disease runs in my family. The thyroid medications probably didn’t help either.
In Nov 2013 my wife and I took a 30 day trip to Germany to visit our two daughters and grandkids for the holidays. Both of their husbands were in the Air Force, assigned to Ramstein AFB. I also had spent 5 years at Ramstein as a federal civilian; so we were also looking forward to the German brotchen and beer which we both loved. While in transit to Germany I was doing research on wild caught salmon as I decided I wanted to focus more on getting healthy and fit. The article I read came from MarksDailyApple and I became hooked. By the time I returned to the states in mid December I had spent hundreds of hours reading the blog.
I couldn’t wait to start my Primal journey on 1 Jan 2014; thinking it would be too difficult to begin right before Christmas. On 1 Jan 2014 I jumped into the Primal lifestyle and focused on high healthy fats like coconut oil, grass fed butter and avocados. Also lots of meat, fish, fresh vegetables and salads. Although the 80-20 strategy was pivotal to me believing this lifestyle was sustainable; I ended up with about 95-5 compliance. I still drink wine and/or beer almost every day in moderation of course.
A little more background on my body type, weight and the goals I hoped to achieve. I was never considered fat by my contemporaries. Although I wanted to lose some weight (15 pounds) my primary objective was to improve my fitness and quality of life. When I retired in 2006 my weight was 178 and my waist was around 37 inches.
Once I started playing lots of tennis I dropped 10 pounds and could wear 36 inch waist comfortably. I felt pretty good about myself but knew I still had a spare tire around my middle and had lots of muscle cramps and joint pain. On 1 Jan 2014 I started my journey and went from 168 pounds to 150 in 45 days. I was shocked at how fast the weight came off and how much better I felt. I quit all medications as well as over the counter pills like aspirin, tylenol, aleve, etc. Since I previously lost 10 pounds after retiring I thought I was done (28 pound loss) and wanted to see if I could maintain this weight over time.
I became even more focused (my wife would say fanatic) and started reading and listening to podcasts 3-4 hours every day on paleo/primal and functional medicine. I started playing singles again as well as going to the fitness center for 30 minutes 3 times a week for resistance training. I experimented on myself often, figuring I have little to lose and much to gain considering my age. A few of the more important hacks I utilize are Bulletproof coffee (3 cups per day/3-4 Tbsp of coconut oil and grassfed butter), taking potato starch, ACV daily, diatomaceous earth, bentonite clay, etc.
Intermittent fasting and keto have been the two most critical components of continued weight loss. I often only eat one meal per day in the late afternoon primarily because I am not very hungry even though I am pretty active. I do believe that most of us eat too much and that feeling a little hungry is important to a longer and healthier life. I have snacks like nuts and seeds, or a cup of bone broth, boiled eggs, sardines, etc. I average less than 45 carbs per day. My wife thinks I am too thin and I agree I looked better when I was heavier but I feel much better than I have in a very long time. I still have thyroid issues and some joint pain but hope to mitigate that over time. My current weight is 138 plus or minus 2 pounds contingent on my activities.
I will always be indebted to Mark Sisson and his Primal Blog which I continue to refer people to and read on a regular basis. The Primal Blueprint by Mark is a must read for anyone considering the ancestral health lifestyle.
From my perspective the most important impact this lifestyle has had on me is psychological, my outlook on life…….getting old but still looking forward. Growing old can be depressing at times especially if you have numerous health issues and take lots of medications. Living longer might be nice but is not the objective…….being healthy, having fun and enjoying family and friends for the time you do have is. For some strange reason my high school yearbook caption from 1964 was: “The Days of our Youth are the Days of our Glory.” I hope that I can turn that on it’s head and make this decade the best yet. Grok on!
Vital Statistics:
5’8” tall
138 pounds
31 inch waist
Total Cholesterol from 271 (Jan 2014) to 233 (Feb 2017) and don’t want it to get any lower
Triglycerides from 219 to 45
HDL from 34 to 66 BMI approx 20.6
Body Fat – by scale Est 12%
Age 71
0 notes
cristinajourdanqp · 7 years
I Hope I Can Make This the Best Decade Yet
It’s Friday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Friday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!
A lot of us work hard most of our life so that we can enjoy our retirement and do all the things we never had time to do when we were younger and worked long hours for little pay. The problem with that, however, is being old can pretty much suck especially with all the chronic disease that is so prevalent in Western society. Being overweight, poor digestion, fatigue and joint pain are symptoms that I am very familiar with and are just part of the aging process……or at least that’s what I used to think. They certainly create major impediments to living an active lifestyle and enjoying life.
I always loved competitive sports growing up especially baseball and football. Although good enough to make the high school teams, I was mediocre at best, but it was still a great experience which I will always treasure. It taught me many valuable lessons which proved critical to me later in life. I also spent 2-3 years of 5 days a week of “home” weight lifting in my basement and then best friend’s root cellar. We had no idea what we were doing but worked hard an hour or two most days and were very competitive. I became quite strong for a wimp weighing 142 pounds (benched 295) but never could put on any bulk. My friend on the other hand bulked up to about 180, left me in the dust, and continues to lift to this day.
So as an adult I took up tennis to get my competitive fix; thinking I could play the rest of my life. When I retired at 60 I was looking forward to playing tennis five days a week and working out at the gym; which I did for a couple years. Then I developed joint issues requiring surgery for De Quervain’s tenosynovitis and again for carpal tunnel syndrome. While preparing for surgery I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. After the surgeries I quit playing singles and focused on doubles as I was having too many cramping issues probably tied to the statin drugs I was taking for high cholesterol; as heart disease runs in my family. The thyroid medications probably didn’t help either.
In Nov 2013 my wife and I took a 30 day trip to Germany to visit our two daughters and grandkids for the holidays. Both of their husbands were in the Air Force, assigned to Ramstein AFB. I also had spent 5 years at Ramstein as a federal civilian; so we were also looking forward to the German brotchen and beer which we both loved. While in transit to Germany I was doing research on wild caught salmon as I decided I wanted to focus more on getting healthy and fit. The article I read came from MarksDailyApple and I became hooked. By the time I returned to the states in mid December I had spent hundreds of hours reading the blog.
I couldn’t wait to start my Primal journey on 1 Jan 2014; thinking it would be too difficult to begin right before Christmas. On 1 Jan 2014 I jumped into the Primal lifestyle and focused on high healthy fats like coconut oil, grass fed butter and avocados. Also lots of meat, fish, fresh vegetables and salads. Although the 80-20 strategy was pivotal to me believing this lifestyle was sustainable; I ended up with about 95-5 compliance. I still drink wine and/or beer almost every day in moderation of course.
A little more background on my body type, weight and the goals I hoped to achieve. I was never considered fat by my contemporaries. Although I wanted to lose some weight (15 pounds) my primary objective was to improve my fitness and quality of life. When I retired in 2006 my weight was 178 and my waist was around 37 inches.
Once I started playing lots of tennis I dropped 10 pounds and could wear 36 inch waist comfortably. I felt pretty good about myself but knew I still had a spare tire around my middle and had lots of muscle cramps and joint pain. On 1 Jan 2014 I started my journey and went from 168 pounds to 150 in 45 days. I was shocked at how fast the weight came off and how much better I felt. I quit all medications as well as over the counter pills like aspirin, tylenol, aleve, etc. Since I previously lost 10 pounds after retiring I thought I was done (28 pound loss) and wanted to see if I could maintain this weight over time.
I became even more focused (my wife would say fanatic) and started reading and listening to podcasts 3-4 hours every day on paleo/primal and functional medicine. I started playing singles again as well as going to the fitness center for 30 minutes 3 times a week for resistance training. I experimented on myself often, figuring I have little to lose and much to gain considering my age. A few of the more important hacks I utilize are Bulletproof coffee (3 cups per day/3-4 Tbsp of coconut oil and grassfed butter), taking potato starch, ACV daily, diatomaceous earth, bentonite clay, etc.
Intermittent fasting and keto have been the two most critical components of continued weight loss. I often only eat one meal per day in the late afternoon primarily because I am not very hungry even though I am pretty active. I do believe that most of us eat too much and that feeling a little hungry is important to a longer and healthier life. I have snacks like nuts and seeds, or a cup of bone broth, boiled eggs, sardines, etc. I average less than 45 carbs per day. My wife thinks I am too thin and I agree I looked better when I was heavier but I feel much better than I have in a very long time. I still have thyroid issues and some joint pain but hope to mitigate that over time. My current weight is 138 plus or minus 2 pounds contingent on my activities.
I will always be indebted to Mark Sisson and his Primal Blog which I continue to refer people to and read on a regular basis. The Primal Blueprint by Mark is a must read for anyone considering the ancestral health lifestyle.
From my perspective the most important impact this lifestyle has had on me is psychological, my outlook on life…….getting old but still looking forward. Growing old can be depressing at times especially if you have numerous health issues and take lots of medications. Living longer might be nice but is not the objective…….being healthy, having fun and enjoying family and friends for the time you do have is. For some strange reason my high school yearbook caption from 1964 was: “The Days of our Youth are the Days of our Glory.” I hope that I can turn that on it’s head and make this decade the best yet. Grok on!
Vital Statistics:
5’8” tall
138 pounds
31 inch waist
Total Cholesterol from 271 (Jan 2014) to 233 (Feb 2017) and don’t want it to get any lower
Triglycerides from 219 to 45
HDL from 34 to 66 BMI approx 20.6
Body Fat – by scale Est 12%
Age 71
0 notes