#every time something IN CANON references them I get like. 'ha! suck it!'
natjennie · 9 months
i love capvers so much because no matter how many people hate on it it's still canon <3
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jadeyarts · 1 month
Separate from that other anon I for one would personally love to hear your Peri and Harbinger/Foxglove headcanons
OMG YAYYYYY. I HAVE QUITE A FEW ♥ (for my own convenience i'm referring to them by their og series names for reasons)
the events of timmy's secret wish are what first planted the seeds of genuine, fully positive feelings and fondness for poof in foop's mind and heart... maybe even a puppy love crush. he seriously thought "well, dying in poof's arms wouldn't be so bad" and hoped that wouldn't awaken something in him. it did.
in a lot of episodes they often have differently colored eyes - foop has a darker shade of purple. i think poof's noticed, and i think he even likes the look of those darker eyes.
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given how foop would cry out for poof to protect or save him, i think that poof grows to be incredibly protective of foop… poof will square up for his square!!!
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hes the one telling cashiers that foop asked for no pickles, imho ♥
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at some point poof stopped intervening in foop's nefarious schemes so i've kind of interpreted poof as just... not caring anymore. he can't stay mad at foop for long, and he finds himself not even bothered by whatever damages he ends up causing anyways. i think he might even find his antics amusing.
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after the events of certifiable super sitter, foop actually feels comfortable with admitting that poof is his best friend-
it'd take a few more years to admit it to poof's face, though, it's too embarrassing for him! he'll gush to chloe constantly, though - she knows he's in love with poof before either of them does.
foop's first boyfriend was actually their mutual friend sammy sweetsparkle in high school, while poof had kind of an on-and-off puppy love situationship with goldie... until he kind of flipped out on her about constantly getting foop's name wrong in the middle of a jealousy induced break-down. foop was actually thrilled to hear that poof let his dark side show over wanting to be with him.
sammy and foop ironically broke up on good terms because sammy's best attempt at understanding the fairy/antifairy situation is that they must be soulmates and he didn't want to stand in the way of true love. he's their second biggest supporter.
technically poof confessed first but his confession was literally just screaming IF I DONT SPEND THE REST OF MY LIFE WITH YOU I AM LITERALLY GOING TO BLOW SOMETHING UP!!!! at foop, which was a love confession that would only appeal to foop.
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chloe TRIED to plan the "perfect" first date for them but it was horribly awkward and not to their tastes. so instead their first REAL date was poof taking foop to a kelly clarkson concert where they got matching "my life would suck without you" t-shirts.
poof actually buys - WITH HUMAN MONEY, IN A HUMAN DISGUISE - every kelly clarkson album as it releases for foop.
they nearly elope several times but got caught by wanda every time. wanda doesn't really like the fact that poof is with foop but doesn't wanna turn into mama cosma about it so she comes to terms with it. she doesnt want them to just run away and get married when she doesn't think they're ready yet either, though. timmy has to be the one to appeal to foop's desire for attention to convince them to have a big wedding after they graduate. poof doesnt care whether he has a big wedding or just elopes - as long as foop is his. if foop wants a big wedding, that's what they'll have.
whenever people ask how long they've been together they tend to go silent because their first instinct is to say "about 50 years" even though they're only about 22-24, and they've only officially been a couple for about 6 or 7 years. foop's second instinct is also to say "from the very first moment i drew breath" like the dramatic weirdo he is. which isn't even accurate and they both know it.
literally so specific to my own little homebrewed post-canon that you can't even pretend it works with anw:
in my elaborate fanon after AC and AW abandoned foop in season 10, poof begs wanda to find someone who would be willing to take foop in. luckily, wanda knew just the fairies for the job.
after getting adopted foop changes his name to foxglove thimbleplight - poof changed his last name to thimbleplight when they got married so he becomes periwinkle thimbleplight. :3
they still call each other poof and foop - usually in the form of embarrassingly cheesy affectionate nicknames. we're talking "smoopy-poo" level cheesy usage here.
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(actually that one still works with anw but the art i drew is clearly my own designs and not the anw designs and it's exceedingly cheesy so)
poof convinced foop to go to the fairy academy with him - initially foop was hesitant because he… wants to… but… antifairies cant become godparents, right??? poof was willing to do literally anything it would take to keep foop by his side though. he initially considers manipulating some poor unsuspecting godparent to quit on their godkid just so he can hijack the ensuing fairy idol for foop to win and take their job… it's devious, and he knows foop would have loved that he did something so malicious just for him, but in the end he just gets into a fight with jorgen and the fairy council about it. he argues that technically foop is legally a fairy now since he was adopted by fairies, so he should be allowed to become a godparent. they end up agreeing.
their relationship was kind of a controversial issue in fairyworld for a few years because of poof's high profile status - while they're not the first fairy and anti-fairy couple, they're the first recorded instance of a fairy coupled with their own counterpart in eons. the media did get bored of them eventually though.
they already wanted to get married after high school but they agreed to postpone the wedding until after they graduated from the fairy academy so they had enough free time to make it as over the top as foop wanted it to be. poof actually proposed to foop AGAIN with a diamond ring after they graduated from the fairy academy, even though they were technically already engaged - with the intent of being as over-the-top dramatic and annoying to the rest of their classmates as possible.
^ which is similar to what cosmo and wanda did as teens though details differ. cosmo is literally the only one who seems to realize this and audibly goes "WOW, DEJA VU..." when this all happens.
while wanda had to get used to poof and foop together, cosmo accepted it pretty much immediately. mostly because sometimes they reminded him of himself and wanda. (<- actually canon)
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dr-spectre · 2 months
Guys, i wanna preach something to y'all.
If you really love a character and if they are really important to you, but you feel like a large majority of fans treat them poorly and they mischaracterise them. Don't be scared to talk about it.
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This is not even focused on Splatoon, no, this is just in general. If you genuinely love a character so much and they are treated in a way where you feel like it doesn't represent the character's true personality, events, arcs, etc, then speak up about it. Make a post on any social media platform or forum. Speak your peace, share your evidence, do what you can to say "hey guys. I think you should all take a second look at this character i really like! They have some cool stuff about them that not a lot of people talk about!"
I think a really great example of a character who's been really mischaracterised is Deadpool. In the comics he's a sad clown sort of guy where he hides his pain, suicidality and depression behind jokes and 4th wall breaks. He's a bad dude who tries his hardest to be a good person, but he fails over and over again and he doesn't believe he can ever be loved or respected. He's funny but he also has depth and layers which is so important to create an everlasting character. Or at least that's what I've heard he's like from comic fans. I haven't read the comics but i plan on to some day because I'm fascinated by his depth and i wanna experience that.
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However in his first major solo appearance, which was the game, he was treated as only a loud mouth jokester who sees every woman he comes across as "awooga! boobies and ass!!!!" and all the depth and nuance is gone. Even though they had a comic writer who worked on Deadpool comics for years, he didn't fucking ATTEMPT to give the character any form of intrigue. Just... nothing. Only memes and pop culture references that'll become dated in 5 years.
And a lot of people think that's just who Deadpool is... That's how so many people got introduced to this character which caused misinformation to spread about him for so long... And that fucking sucks dude.
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Thankfully the movies have some form of an emotional center with Wade and Vanessa's relationship and they give the character... SOMETHING!!!!! At least the comic fans seem to be pretty okay with movie Deadpool from my knowledge, which is good.
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Do you guys remember when Pearl and Marina used to be treated like this? Pearl as some big forehead joke of a character, while Marina was some bimbo with huge honkers and a giant waist.
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Oh yeah, this was how they were treated for years. I remember it man, i fucking remember it all. I was there. Sorry to tell the new fans who joined from Splatoon 3. Even after Octo Expansion gave them detailed backstories and further explored their personalities, they were still mischaracterised as flanderised jokes and nothing more in the community.
But after people took the time to get to know these two, after people spent 7 years with them and discussed the interesting things about them online, they are now portrayed significantly better than how they used to be treated in the community and are celebrated as some of the best characters in the franchise. As they fucking deserve to be treated. Fans don't treat them as jokes anymore, casuals don't make tired old jokes anymore. Everyone loves these two now and for the right reasons.
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And all it took was a small section of people to praise their best attributes and eventually overshadow the misinformation about them. Pearl is celebrated because she is genuinely a great character with a heart of gold and a want to care for the people around her. To make every day chaotic and to have fun with her CANONICAL GIRLFRIEND!
Marina is celebrated as a character who autistic people can look up to and find comfort in. AND THAT IS FUCKING AWESOME!!! AND IT ALMOST NEVER HAPPENED! If no one bothered to look deeper at her character then maybe many peoples lives could have never been changed for the better... Isn't that crazy to think about?
If you can change one person's perspective on a character you love, and they feel that energy and they wanna help you share that energy with more people, then i think you've done something truly amazing. Eventually that shit is gonna spread further and further AND FURTHER!!!!!!
Remember when Shiver and Frye were treated as jokes similar to Pearl and Marina at the start of Splatoon 3? Frye with her big forehead jokes and people calling her ugly due to... well... i'm gonna make some wild accusations here but... there might be an undertone of racism when people call Frye ugly... like... i'm just saying... I'm scared of what these people think about Indian women in the real world... What views they share about them... Frye is inspired by Indian culture and by proxy, Indian women. I'm just saying...
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And, of course, fans gooning over Shiver because god forbid a woman exposes her midriff and has curvy hips... ugh...
BUT THANKFULLY IT'S CHANGED NOW! Lots of people see Shiver as a silly yet fun character who has the potential for depth down the line, which people are excited to see. People adore Frye and love her personality and her family.
There are people out there who say that Frye is actually cute and beautiful, AND YOU KNOW WHAT!?? I FUCKING AGREE! If people didn't share their love and takes on Frye then maybe she wouldn't become my favourite Deep Cut member.
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Now... To tie it all back to me, I'm seeing this change in perspective for a character.... with Callie Cuttlefish.
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During the years 2017 to 2022, Callie was always mischaracterised as some airheaded idiot who ended up getting herself "kidnapped" and "brainwashed" and had to be saved as she was some stupid helpless victim. This was seen in official material and fan comics too. I remember it man, i really do. Hell it STILL happens till this day. That fucking summer 2024 Nintendo magazine? Jesus christ dude...
But now? That perspective is changing... Sure not everyone is gonna fully agree and there probably isn't gonna be massive change in official media, social media such as YouTube and twitter, and of course wikis. Not everyone is gonna know about what Callie is truly like and what she has truly gone through. But....
That's okay.
I really don't wanna come across as some sort of gatekeeping fan, i really hate those kinds of """fans""" so much. I just wanna educate and share my love for a comfort character of mine. Eventually the perspective shared by me and others will be spread to other social media platforms and many more people. Because that's how the internet works baby!!!!
The perspective that Callie was just a girl suffering from fame and loneliness, a girl who wanted an escape from it all, a girl who went under hypnosis to numb her pain and stay in the corruptive darkness she built up for so long, a girl who wanted to help her enemies rather than stay in her current life with a cousin who isn't there for her anymore... A girl who didn't need to be saved, but a girl who needed to be reminded of the good memories she had with her cousin, to remember what she truly stood for and the love she wants to share with everyone via music... A girl who just needed... a fresh start....
She was never kidnapped despite what official sources say... She was never brainwashed despite what they tell you... Callie had agency... Callie was suffering... Just in a more nuanced and fascinating way.
that perspective... is spreading and... I'm so happy about it...
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Anyways, that's all i have for you guys. Please share your love for a character with others, share your unique perspectives to the world, you have a voice, USE IT! I DON'T CARE IF IT'LL REACH TEN THOUSAND PEOPLE! ONE THOUSAND! A HUNDRED! ONE PERSON! DON'T FUCKING MATTER!
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zhongster · 4 months
If you're still willing to write for Stardew, can we get some headcanons about... anyone, really?
Oh absolutely dearest, it was actually a burp fic that got me into stardew valley in the first place way back in 2018 (it was about Sebastian and Sam was there too i think??) but for the life of me I haven’t been able to find it again
Anyway here are some headcanons for my personal favorite character: Elliott <3
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First of all Elliott is a huge drama queen
He might actually get embarrassed and cry if he burps in front of the farmer early in their relationship
Especially because this man’s burps are NOT small
They are BELCHY every. single. time.
I truly believe he’s such a dark horse and could easily out belch Shane if you give him beer
Wine burps
If he burps and tastes the wine it’s game over he’s like “aaaand that’s enough”
I personally hc him as being from a wealthy old money southern family (that he cut contact with bc they suck) so he has one of those rich people honey-thick southern accents
So i could totally see him full on BELCHING and then bringing a hand to his chest like “oh my lord, pardon me” with that southern drawl
Despite how overdramatic and embarrassed he’d be before he and the farmer start dating/in the early days of their relationship I feel like once he got comfortable he’d pretty much just let them out (within reason) without thinking much about it
If something absolutely wet and vile and disgusting came outta him he’d just cover his mouth with both hands and stand there in shock
I feel like he spends a lot of his time at his desk writing and drinking either red wine or tea (and forgetting to eat) so he ends up with a lot of air in his stomach
He’s very prone to liquid bloating since he does forget to eat and quells his stomach with drinks
He’ll let out some really good ones right there at his desk and just continue writing
Beer really gets his stomach bloated af
He usually avoids it for that reason but on holidays he has been known to indulge
Also Elliott has a surprising amount of kink worthy lines that are actually in the game its kind of insane
One such example:
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He has a specific line where he stuffs himself during the winter feast and my brain went haywire with that one
He also definitely loves belly rubs
This is a man that likes to be pampered especially when he has a sore, bloated belly
If and when he and the farmer have children his burps have definitely woken the baby up on numerous occasions
They’re like prime for child-scaring
As in canon, he’s also very prone to hiccups
And the only way he can successfully get them to go away is to hit himself on the chest and try to force up the biggest belch possible
Sometimes he even has to swallow air to do it
I have a very specific image of him in my head letting out these monstrous burps while he fusses with his hair in the mirror
Or while he’s gathering his hair into a ponytail
He’s super casual about it too
Like I don’t think he understands how genuinely massive his burps actually are
He hears them all the time so he’s like??? Desensitized to how loud they are???
So when the farmer’s like “Jesus?!?!?” It takes him a second to be like “OH! OH THAT WAS LOUD I BEG YOUR PARDON” (again with the twang)
here’s a video reference
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1-800-writersblock · 1 month
shinsou hitoshi with a golden retriever gf 🙏🏽 also i lob u s much 😞
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Book Title: Shinso x Golden Retriever!Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Book Format: headcanons
Summary: see request!
Prompt Used: none
Content Warnings: shinso is barely in this but I needed to get something out, you/your mainly used to reference reader, fem!reader, I gave reader an honestly pretty neat quirk, not canon compliant, I turned a couple points in the show into things for Shinso and reader instead of Izuku and whoever else, Shinso’s leg is hurt for a bit, reader has parents that support her but they’re barely talked about
Author’s Notes: huhuhuu I lob u too🥹 why’d u have to move SAUR FAR for stupid college😒 n e way, FIRST OFFICIAL FIC-ADJACENT THING ON THE NEW ACCOUNT WOOHOO‼️ Brought to you by none other than my totally legit wife irl. This is probably (definitely) gonna suck, especially since I’ve never written for Shinso but eh whatever. I’ll probably have to make a part 2 at some point because as far as I’ve gotten, he’s kinda barely in it BUT ENJOY IT ANYWAY
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I’ll be so fr rn, most of what I know about Shinso is very fanon🧍
but that’s totally fine
still love mah boy
anyway, if anyone knows anything about me then they know grumpy x sunshine and any adjacent tropes is one of my favorites
Shinso and his golden retriever gf are the prime example of this
Like if you activate your quirk and touch someone with your hands, they basically freeze in time instantly and turn to gold. Then if you touch them a second time with your quirk activated they unfreeze. A drawback could be like if you start to overuse your quirk, your fingertips turn to gold and the longer you overuse the farther up your arms the good freezes you then you have to wait for it to creep back down.
So I like to think that you two met during the entrance exam, but not the fighting part, the written part
(We’re switching the order of the tests for plot purposes)
It was just after the written part had finished and the two of you were sat down next to each other
Lets say you didn’t do the best and kept turning your pencil to gold for a bit by accident, so you barely even managed to finish
So you’re grumbling to yourself as yall are all sitting there waiting for the tests to be collected and yall to be dismissed
He probably didn’t think it was that hard, so you grumbling is making him raise an eyebrow
He hears you muttering about your “stupid quirk” and he feels the need to ask you what you mean🤭😏
So you explain to him what went on and he decides to try and ease your worries a bit.
“This isn’t the biggest part of the test, so… don’t stress out over it too much. It’s the physical test you’ve got to worry about. From what you say about your quirk, you’re bound to get in.”
This gets a lil smile out of you so you thank him and introduce yourself. He pretends to reluctantly give you his name, not wanting to seem too eager or smt idk
You basically talk his ear off the whole time yall are waiting to be dismissed and he just sits there and like. listens to every word
not even consciously, he just genuinely takes in every word you say
yapper (future) gf 🤝 listener (future) bf
Finally yall are dismissed and as you walk away, you turn back to him and give him a smile that he swears would’ve burned his corneas had yall been in the sun.
“Good luck on the physical exam, Shinso! I better see you in UA when I make it, too!”
He would take this to his GRAVE but his heart fluttered a bit
He nodded and gave an awkward and small smile back, wishing you luck quietly too before you practically skip off
Speaking of skip, jumping to the physical exam
You’re assigned to the same training ground as Shinso, and when you spot him in the waiting group you immediately get to his side and start yappin as per usual
”Oh my gosh! Shinso, you’re in this group too? That’s so cool! Maybe I’ll get to see your quirk in use! I hope my quirk doesn’t end up hurting someone somehow-” yappayappayappa
It’s finally time for yall to start and you don’t get to see him during the test
You’re doing pretty good, getting the bots into spots that they’ll tip over and break once you turn them to gold, but it’s nothing compared to some people
You start to get a bit nervous as you run around and find everyone else fighting bots but none are left for you to take down
That’s when the 0 point robot is released
Its insanely huge, and everyone else starts running away from it
You start to as well but that’s when you see Shinso hurt and in the robot’s way
At this point, you’ve already done enough at once to get your fingers gold up to the second knuckle so they can barely bend
You can’t just sit there and watch as he’s crushed by the robot so of course like the hero you’re going to be, you run forward and start to try and get one of his arms over your shoulder - which is a LOT harder than you might think it is without full articulation of your fingers
of course he’s over here like ⁉️⁉️⁉️ confused as to why you’re choosing to save him instead of just getting yourself to safety
Still, he takes the help and stands as best as he can on one leg with most of his weight on your shoulder
You help him get away as fast as the two of you can but the robot is faster
However, just before the robot gets too close to the two of you, the signal for the end of the test sounds and the robot freezes in place
Perfect timing too, because immediately after, the two of you don’t have enough strength to keep yourselves upright and you two fall side by side
Skip forward a little more again, probably a couple weeks later
You feel like you didn’t get enough points in the practical exam to get into UA, so when the letter finally comes to tell you whether or not you got in, you don’t have high hopes
you take out the small gadget, setting in on the living room table as you sit on the couch with your parents anxiously watching behind you
That’s when you’re surprised to see ALL MIGHT of all people announcing your rejection or acceptation
He tells you that your writing scores were just enough to pass that part of the exam, but you didn’t quite get enough points from bringing down robots to pass
Your heart and head drop as he tells you that and your parents start to console you, until he continues
“You may not have gotten quite enough points to pass the exam based on defeating robots. However-”
Your head shoots back up at that
“defeating robots wasn’t the only thing the judges were looking for. Rescue points were also involved.” The clip switches from All Might’s ever-smiling face to a recording from the exam ground. It shows everyone else start to run away, but zooms in on you running back to save Shinso. “This feat of bravery and pure heroism was enough to boost your scores up to passing, and exceeds many others who chose to ignore everyone else while defeating the robots.”
You start to get emotional as he continues once more.
“Congratulations, dear student. You are officially accepted into UA and will join other students in Class 1-A, the hero course! Go beyond Plus Ultra!”
As the hologram ends, the three of you sit in stunned silence before excitement overtakes you all and you celebrate your acceptance.
Your mind starts to drift towards Shinso. You barely saw him during the test, so you don’t even know how many points he got You really hope you get to see him in UA…
Skipping forward again, it’s the first day of the school year and you stand outside the door to your classroom
it already sounds like chaos as you walk in, but you see a lot of very impressive looking students in your class
One has motors in his legs, one has several arms, one is very very pink, etc
But you’re slightly disappointed as you look around and fail to see Shinso among the students. You feel a sinking feeling in your stomach, worried that he might not have gotten into UA at all.
But that feeling is squashed after the first few classes of the day are over, and it’s time for lunch!
When you walk in to the lunchroom talking to the very pink student — Mina, you’ve learned — you spot a messy head of purple hair sitting a table of students but looking disinterested
You tell Mina you’ll see her later as you make your way over to Shinso, smiling happily as you greet him…
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Librarian’s Footnote: IT TOLD ME I RAN OUT OF SPACE FOR TEXT IN THE BLOCK??? It wouldn’t let me save my draft so I have to cut this short until I can figure this stuff out :( I’ll make a part two eventually! I’m sorry he’s barely in this 😭
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
Bughawk is soooo underrated and it makes me so sad. Please tell me you see how grand this vision is
I am personally more of a Shuggy/Crocobug shipper but that's mainly because Mihawk isn't doing it for me much?? I love him and his gold autistic eyes staring into my soul and his classy attitude and vampiric looking aesthetic, but I wish he had more screentime to figure out his personality better and enjoy him more. But I do like him! I swear! And tbh one of my favorite ships is Cross Guild, like, the three of them together, even if I have a bit of a preference inside of the trio. I do love them and tbh I think Mihawk and Buggy's relationship would be really funny to explore. Especially within the fanon portrayals of the characters because god forbid Oda gives the cool edgy swordsman more than three minutes of screentime and more than five words per episode.
Okay, so doing a mix between fanon and canon and "whatever the fuck I want to see these characters as because I am the princess of this blog and I can do whatever I want": I think their relationship is fucking hilarious.
Unlike with Crocodile, Buggy doesn't really know what to do with Mihawk. Crocodile at least is easy to read and he's usually the one to make the first move, but what the fuck is Buggy supposed to do with the swordsman sitting in front of him, legs crossed and staring into his soul like he's about to bite his neck and suck him dry. Scary. And also very hot. But mostly scary. But turns out Mihawk is like, way more peaceful than what he thought. He likes reading. And classical music. And swords in a very weird obsessive way that the clown should not speak about. And not much, honestly. Cooking, too, apparently. Buggy keeps learning new things about him every day and the guy opens up little by little, because even if he's quiet, the very few words he says speak a lot for himself. He's also a fucking sadist and loves teasing Buggy all the time to the point of making him cry of frustration, but, well, when he's good he's really nice to be around <3
They both have history with Shanks. You know the movie "The other woman"? The one about this girl who discovers her boyfriend is married and then becomes besties with the wife and start hating him together? That's the energy I'm getting from this triangle. Stop making Mihawk cry over Shanks not loving him and a past love!! Make him go "Oh. Yes. Red Hair and I had something. Pretty sure he still felt something for you, clown, so I am not happy about that" / "What?! Why would you be angry at me for Shanks' shitty feelings that have absolutely nothing to do with me, by the way, our thing ended years ago when his stupid-" / "No, no. I am referring to him. Moron. I like you" / "You do???'' / "Sometimes. Sort of. Maybe. Your existence confuses me". And then they start dating because nobody can tell me Cross Guild isn't just a poly relationship doing business together.
I think Mihawk likes Buggy because it gives excitement to his boring life and also he's fun to bully. Besides, he's more than what he looks like and he actually has a dream and pirate spirit, so maybe he's not as useless as he used to think. He's still annoying, yes, but oddly comforting. Mihawk can't quite figure out what he wants with this clown, so he just sticks around with him. Buggy is like a chihuahua. A very loud chihuahua. Mihawk is definitely a black cat. They don't match. At all. Not in the slightest. And yet, Mihawk likes his company. And Buggy actually loves seeing all the soft and interesting sides of Mihawk and realize that he's not as scary as he looks like. I mean, he could slice him in half if he wanted to and he's still scary and hot but, y'know, he has a very domestic side that Buggy likes.
Thinking about them being established is pretty sweet because I think Mihawk would like reading out loud to him and Buggy would make the funniest comments about the story. And they would cuddle. And it would be so uncharacteristically soft of them and it's something they only do in private. Crocodile stares at them from the corner of the room and,,, He likes having them there. He's not alone and it's kind of sweet.
Also overprotective Mihawk with Buggy my beloved. In the sense of: He cooks for him because his eating habits suck. He makes him go on walks and do a bit of exercise. He makes him read, too. Listen to music that it's not only commercial pop or circus music or musical/Broadway tunes. He takes care of the clown when he's not bullying him. I think Mihawk treats Buggy like Sharpay Evans treats her dog.
And following the Shanks thing to end this post: Bughawk is really cool because I think it would break Shanks' heart and I love angst.
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horrorjunki3 · 1 year
Texas chainsaw massacre slashers with a trans boyfriend
Warnings: NSFW, discussion of the female body, dysforica, Canon typical violence, fluff
I'm tagging @maxthompsonjrmalewife because I made reference to there work!:)
Drayton sawyer
Gay panic -> that's it the moment Nubbins brings you in -> I feel like his brothers see this reaction and decide to keep you alive
His such a simp for you, he just loves his boyfriend so much!!
He will never misgender you but he doesn't 100% understand being trans so you might have to explain it
His very responsible so he will always know how long you've Been binding and after care for taping his on it!
His so sweet when you need to do injections he'll coo at you and call you handsome -> he mainly calls you pretty boy or baby boy
His brain shuts down whenever you initiate something -> he has a pretty low sex drive but w his boyfriend doing hormons he probably gets more action then he ever has
Calls you a minx for distracting him from the saw but God your lips feel so good around his cock
He doesn't care If he tops or bottoms as long as you are both having a good time
He gets riled up whenever your walk around in your boxes and a binder - checks you out and can't help wanna fuck on the kitchen table or while his cooking
Chop top sawyer
His loves his trans bf soo much! finds it so hot -> I generally believe chop loves people who are different, unique and unapologetically themselves!
He isn't good at remembering when you starting binding
His pretty good with trans inclusive language
Loves giving you pride pins and stuff
Also shows you off to victims -> lord have mercy if you get misgendered at all in this house all the Sawyers won't have it.
He absolutely loves helping you with injections he probably did some first aid in the war so his pretty good at it -> gives you a kiss everytime it's finnished
If you use Gel this guys a pain he'll always wanna grope you so he gets excess GEL on him and doesn't see the issue
If you ever get dysforia he likes to nest in your shared room with music and lots of cuddles for you! Telling you how handsome you are and how much he loves you
He gets so excited whenever there's development in your transition!
Totally write songs about you being the prettiest boy everr
NSFW Headcannons
Chop loves the contrast between your masculine and Feminine traits
Loves your T dick sooo much! This man would suck you off everyday if he could -> somedays he won't let you leave the beg until your crying and begging from Cummings so much
He a top, and prefers fucking you but as long as his cocks in you he doesn't care who's more Dom or submissive
Loves loves loves cockwarming you, your so warm and wet and your little cocks begging for him to touch it!
Loves if you get more horny when on T -> y'all are fucking like rabbits and he loves every second of it -> bends you over every table and fucks you silly
If you get morning wood omfg this man will gladly give you head of a morning -> infact he will beg to please morsel can he? Your so hard and he just wants to taste you
Nubbins sawyer
This man's so feral for you and is a Stuttering mess
Loves taking photos of you -> loves documenting your transition!!
He becomes a mess everytime you do something 'masculine' -> his attracted to masculinity so if you pick up something heavy or him his a mess!
He can't help you with injections because his hands shake alot -> he does however old ur hand and give you a lil kiss. "No Nubbins you can't have any Gel" -> "No what why are you trying to eat it?!"
His fave part of you is your arms like doesn't matter if they're skinny, muscular or plump he loves them -> loves being held by his boyfriend
He steals all your clothes!!
If you get dysforia he'll drag you off to the house and coo at you -> does all your chores and gets you whatever you need
I feel like all the Sawyer siblings gender you correctly and it's such a safe place for you! No one bat's an eye when you take your shirt off or your not binding -> your a men to all of them and they love you dearly
NSFW Headcannons
He doesn't care If his top or bottom -> nor does he care of him domming or subbing definition of a switch
Regardless of if his fucking you his a moaning mess
If his in a more dominant mood he loves you sucking his dick so much, you look so handsome on your knees for him
He loves you dominating him, his a good boy and you make him feel so good
He totally calls you daddy you can't change my mind
Loves your ass so much! Will bite it and lives fucking you from behind it's such a pretty view can't help but whine and cum over and over
Bubba sawyer
You being trans most likely saves your life -> bubba found someone like them!!
T4T relationship 🥰
They let you wear any of they're clothes!
He adores his trans partner! Feels so connected and comfortable w you like you understand them!
They're very good at helping with shots and aren't a pain in the ass when it comes to Gel like there brothers
Squeals when there's developments in your transition and gives you the biggest bear hug!
I saw a headcannon about this here it is and the artwork (not mine someone else's but it's sooo good!!) That Thomas and Bubba will make binders out of human skin for they're trans S/O and yeah that is cannon idc what anyone says it's cannon
Of you get dysforus bubba gives you one of there shirts -> it's baggy and makes a great dysforia jumper! They will pull you into there lap and run circles on your thighs your so handsome! They just wanna make you feel better!
Loves when you do a stereotypical boyfriend thing to them like bringing flowers! It's so gender affirming for you and them!
They love your chest it doesn't matter what size, shape, small large or post surgery -> they'll love it and pamper your chest with kissed and hickies
Don't care If they're top or bottom but he is more submissive
Another one that loves your T dick -> they legit moan whenever they see it please say they can suck it? Please?
They're so gender reaffirming in bed! And always check on you it's soo cute
Please femininise them in bed they love it, makes them feel so pretty!
Loves when you fuck them -> they're such a slut for your cock it's not even funny
They're sex drive isn't to high but they love making there S/O cum so they have no problem with keeping up with you
They prefer slower more sensual sex -> it makes him feel so loved
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women-of-malevolent · 3 months
All references to women in Part 29 - The Train
I hate John and Arthur's ~quirky~ new dynamic here /queasy
below the cut: a departure from my usual style, a long rant about the shift in tone from season to season
John is stuck inside Arthur's body and clearly feeling trapped in there. Arthur keeps dismissing John as yammering and nagging, John keeps mocking Arthur's happiness and relaxation. Finally we get to the root of whatever this argument is: John wants to see a film, he can't take himself to, and Arthur won't take him. Which. That sucks. You're the asshole, Arthur. John can't take himself, and he was just tortured for a thousand years and then helped you kill Uncle even though he really didn't want to. Jesus christ arthur pisses me off this season and I hate the quirky music trying to convince me his shit is cute :/
John is also gross here, mocking Arthur for eating, which is uncomfortably vicious. Arthur is really skinny, this comes up a lot, and he has a lot of trauma around food. In addition to the constant little jabs and corrections...
I think it's uncomfortable and bummery for John, a trying-to-do-good fragment of King In Yellow, be reduced to a petulant nag at this point in the story. Why now? Why does John now need to be taken down a peg, after being tortured for a thousand years by KIY and Kayne and then being made complicit in murder with Arthur? This sucks!
It's so sad, this line where he's like, "After all we've been through, you treat me like a passenger! I feel degraded and hurt!" And the music is like, silly and quirky, and Arthur is harried and ignoring John and talking to all the other people he's encountering in the world. HUMOR! Literally, who in the audience wanted this??? (no one did, this scene exists to shake off the dirty jarthur shippers who really liked when these two guys talked about love and finding each other in hell a couple episodes ago. This is a PLATONIC story, and platonic love means treating your friends like they're annoying nags for begging you to take them to a movie, something they can't do without you) (to spell it out I think canon!jarthur is not queerplatonic. It's not romantic. It's not anything; it's just here, every week, because that way there's a show. Arthur treats John like he's an annoying burden, and John is literally trapped inside of Arthur.)
I thought the weird John stuff was going to lead to a commentary or themes about misogyny. Like I thought they were intentionally (dysfunctional) husband and wife coded here and structural misogyny as a product of inertia, very real survival and safety concerns, and individual human fallibility was going to be explored. Now I doubt it
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Arthur asks John if he's allowed to talk openly in the traincar. John says there's a woman who's been here the whole time, listening, and she looks offended. It's me I'm the woman (jk no I'm the cackling harpy they released in Part 38)
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Just a random thought. I wonder how easy or hard it would be for a woman (or trans man, or enby) to get into the Freemasons 🤔 or any other all-male group, when they have to be invited and indoctrinated in. I think it'd probably be very hard. Like it was designed to make it impossible.
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Hey but yknow it's okay Arthur can get inside, he does know a member! "Faroe's mother. Err, Bella. Her father was a Freemason."
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Arthur tells Percival, a stranger he meets on the train, a story to calm Percival's nerves. A man named Mat Rullen trudges through the wilderness of the frozen North, at the mercy of a disregarding universe. His mother had died, his wife had died, the men he loved had died. He was working towards something... and it's revealed to be a cabin, one he'd shared with a friend years back. And the friend is there! The fire is warm. His friend asks, why are you here? Mat says, he killed a man, so he needed to leave. Charlie tells him, he can't stay, Charlie is here with a woman. Mat pleads with Charlie, but Charlie says no, Mat must leave. The end (he's interrupted and can't continue)
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Eughhhhhhh ew John gets excited about having daring chases, and Arthur says "Well, you are my eyes, best be training them to think like me." He's not Arthur's eyes, he's John, and he's providing Arthur with exhausting accessibility labor that Arthur relies on.
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romanarose · 10 months
Take Care of You
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Francisco Morales x Benjamin Miller
SUMMARY: Pope is coming to the fight. No one’s seen him for a while, so the fight has more energy to it this time. Frankie helps calm his nerves, but Benny wants to be more than behind the scenes.
Warnings: briefest of smut (end of blowjob), cheating (Frankie is cheating with Ben, not on him), a lil angst, a lot of fluff, references to tom being homophobic and using slurs but we dont see him at all.
A/n: Canonically, Frankie wrapped Benny's hands before the scene in the gif in the script, but the scene ended up CUT SADLY. Adding in my version of what happen.
Yeah, Benny was nervous.
Pope was in town and would be coming ot his fight, the first one in several months. It wasn't like he never came to the states, but we wasn't flying back every weekend either. Usually when he was back, he had some big plan, a grand scheme, and adventure to go on. Benny needed to win, it was imparitive that he won when Pope was here so he didn't think he lost his edge. Every single mission Pope had, Benny went, he needed it. His MMA fights didn't pay the bills, they barely paid for his drinking some days, and his stock boy job at Walmart was humiliating. All he had were his fights and Santiago's adventures to keep him going
And, of course, Frankie, whose mouth he was currently cumming inside as Frankie knelt on the floor between where Benny sat on the bench.
Frankie, whose hat had fallen on the floor after getting in the way of deepthroating, swallowed him down like he always did, and then sat back on his with a satisfied smirk. "Feel better?”
Benny smiled his dopey grin and tucked himself back into his red shorts. "Yeah I do, thanks." Thanks. Benny chastised himself. Who the fuck says thanks after an orgasm? He never quite new how to act around Frankie. Frankie had been easier than the others, for sure. When Ben joined Delta, he needed so badly for everyone to like him, to think he was capable, to prove to himself he earned this spot and hadn't just gotten this position from being Ironhead's brother. Of course, that hadn't hurt. Will didn't pull any stings for him, but it was through Will that he heard there was a position open, and Will had mentioned his brother would be applying, but that was it. Ben knew he was good at what he did, but he felt like he was constantly fighting to prove that to the others, even know. A 35 year old man still wanting his cool older brother and his friend to like him. Pathetic.
Well, Catfish did more than like him, it seemed. Despite always being kind to him, gently teasing him to put him at ease, the recently change was something new. Of course Ben had a crush on Catfish, how could he not after watching him fly. He was so assured, collected, in control, just as he was when he was railing him in a secret hook up. And it had to remain secret, their sweaty nights spent exploring each others bodies, the hotel bookings and parked cars in corn fields, and days like this, tucked away in locker rooms. Ben longed for the day he could fuck Fish in his own Ben, to hold him all night and make him breakfast in the morning.
But he couldn't, because Ben lived with Will, and Fish lived with his girlfriend and daughter.
It wasn't a happy family, Benny reasoned to himself to make the guilt go away. They were on the verge of breaking up long before Ben entered the dick-sucking-picture, but then she got pregnant and Fish wasn't the type of guy of abandon his lady while pregnant. He was, however, the type to go run errands and fuck Ben in the Walmart employee bathroom. The one thing the shit job was good for.
Ben stood up, helping the older man off his knees. Fish mumbled a thanks is return, then directed him to sit as he grabbed the wraps. This was their ritual. Not the stress relief blowjob, but the hand wrapping. Part of Ben wondered if Will knew about them, if that's why he always made himself scarce and left the hand binding to Fish.
Will was maticulas, wrapping and rewrapping until it was perfect, until Will absolutely sure Ben would be okay, that it wasn't too tight, obsession over it until one day, Frankie got tired of watching and pushed Will to the side. Gently, carefully, firmly, Frankie wrapped his hands up. When Will inspected the hands, he was satisfied, entrusting Fish to do the job from then on. That meant a lot to Ben. Ben was aware how protective Will was of him, and the fact Will was able to entrust his baby brother's safety to Fish was important.
"You're gonna do great, Benjamin." Frankie tried to sooth him and he carefully wrapped the right hand. "You've been on a hot streak. Pope is gonna be very impressed."
Ben watched him, marveling at the care Fish always put into him, his hands, in bed, in the field. "I know I care too much about his opinion."
Frankie shrugged. "It's only natural."
"What do you think he'd think about us."
There was a brief pause in Frankie's actions, not looking up before he returned to his work. "And what exactly is us."
For months now, they hadn't really talked about what happened, they fucked and spent time together, but never talked. "Oh that's right, you just want sex."
THAT made Frankie look up, hurt in his eye as he straddled the bench. "How can you say that?" He finished the left hand, but still held it.
Ben looked away, ashamed he'd insinuate such a thing but too stubborn to back down. "You just call me when you want to bend me over a sink."
His voice was quiet. "Is that what you really think?" When Benny didn't reply nor look at him, Franke reached out, taking Ben's face in his hands and guiding it to his. "You listen to me, Benjamin, you aren't just sex and... I'm sorry I made you feel like that. It's doesn't have to be sex. It's quick fucks because I can't take you on a nice date. It's bathroom blowjobs because I can't hold you in my arms all night long."
Feeling his eyes tear up, Ben tried to push him feelings down, to push down the love he had for Catfish, but none the less he hears his voice quiver as he speaks. "But why?"
With a sigh, Frankie hangs his head and rests it on Ben's shoulder. 'It's just... I got the baby, you know? And the guys, they don't know what we are, I don't even know if we know what we are... it's all so... complicated..."
Benny understood, he did, and he reassured Frankie as much as he hugged him. "Can we try? I don't... I don't wanna be your dirty secret anym-"
"You're not." Frankie quickly broke in. "You're not... you're not dirty, Ben. You aren't dirty, and we aren't wrong. We just need to be honest with everyone."
Benny held his breath. "You we can... talk to the guys?"
There was a hesitation, but Fransisco spoke. "Yeah, yeah we can talk to them. Let's see what bullshit Pope's got going on this time and just wait a few days. If we're going somewhere, we don't need to be divulging and big secrets right before life or death situations but... yeah. After this, we can tell em."
"And your girl?" Benny kissed the crown of Frankie's head.
Frankie chuckled softly. "If we end up going, I'm pretty sure she's leaving anyway... Besides, she's fucking her boss, so I doubt it's gonna be much of a loss. I'm sure we can figure out a custody agreement."
Ben adored Franks daughter and lit up at the idea of helping raise her. "Yeah? You think we can pull this off."
Shrugging slightly but smiling, Frankie's kind eyes sparkled. "I dunno, we can try."
"What do you think that'll say?"
Frankie thought for a moment. "Well, I don"t think Will’s gonna give much of a shit. He just wants you to be happy, you know that, right?"
"Yeah, I know."
"And Santi hasn't been in a committed relationship since his 2 week girlfriend in Sunday school, so he doesn't got much room to talk."
Ben laughed, beaming again at his lover. "Yeah, I don't think he'd care much anyway." Ben's smile faltered. "And Tom?"
Frankie's smile fell a bit too, knowing how Tom was. Tom didn't say anything outright like 'man, I sure hate gay people.' But there were comments, outdated names he called them as 'play' insults... everyone knew where Tom stood.
"I won't let noth'n happen to you, okay? Neither will Santi or Will, 'kay? I love you so much, it's gonna be alright."
Ben breathed a sigh of relief. "Yeah, okay, s'gonna alright. I love you too, Fish"
Frank pulled Ben to stand up, pulling his face in for a wet kiss. "C'mon, Santi's waiting, he's gonna be so proud of you, just like me and Will are."
When Ben entered the locker room, Frankie trailing behind him, he tried his best to push away the thoughts of his best friend sucking his dick and promising his love not ten minutes ago. ***************************
RIP Andre Braugher, thank you for playing such an important role in queer representation in media <3
Had this idea in my head for MONTHS
check out my FishBen section on my triple frontier mastlist for more <3
not tagging the usual bc its not x reader sooooooo tagging some i thought may enjoy based on reblogs from boys of summer and whose expressed wanting to read
@missdictatorme @milkymoon2483 @spacecowboyhotch @velocibee @rubyfruitjungle @maplemind @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @reggiesfilthylittlesecret @gogh-with-the-flow @i-own-loki @writingforcurrentfixations @miraclesabound @pockcock
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
The ace asks about how asexuality and being aromantic is increasingly seen to mean "has sex and romance like a normal person" reminds me of the time I accidentally deeply angered an author. She had the tag 'asexual character' in her fic's tags, but since it's a 300k word long fic involving a lot of characters, it wasn't clear who that referred to right away. I left long comments on each chapter, talking about what I liked, sections that hit really hard, lines that I loved, etc., as I always do. (I like to ramble IRL and I can't turn it off even online.) At the halfway point of the fanfic, during a long comment about the OCs that helped flesh out the oft-mentioned but barely explored organizations and companies in the world of canon, I said that I hoped This One Specific OC or That Other Specific OC would turn out to be the asexual character, as I saw in them echoes of myself and a friend of mine (we're both ace).
She had never responded to a comment of mine before, but she did for that one... to yell at me about how the main character OC was aroace, actually. This was apparently supposed to be obvious since the word ace was used in the tie-in prequel fic, which I had held off on reading because the author's note mentioned it would have spoilers if you hadn't read the whole main fic. The character in question has a relationship not remotely different from any of the cishetallo or cisqueerallo relationships presented in the text. She develops a snarky sarcastic friendship with someone she finds visually beautiful and impossible to look away from, gets to know him a little, watches movies with him, they get into urban fantasy danger which they help each other through, they fuck and do so extremely regularly, and she has past exes who she also did all of this with.
And I was, apparently, a bigot with internalized aphobia and negative attitudes towards women who have sex because I didn't look at her and go, "Ah, yes, an aroace!" She informed me I was forcing unrealistic stereotypes no one adhered to onto ace people by thinking aces had to be a certain way and by refusing to see that
Her angry reply was so long it took three AO3 comments to send to me, and it didn't really make me convinced I'd misread the situation. It just made me convinced this wasn't an author I wanted to read more fic from, because 1. this is a lot of anger, holy crap and 2., I really think this is an excusable mistake on my part. I saw no signs this character was in any way different from any other couple in the fic beyond that she and her love interest didn't get to know each other's backstories as much and instead bonded more through experiences they shared, which in my opinion is not something that can be linked to any sexuality or lack thereof.
I feel like there's a moral in here. Like, authors, as a fellow author, I get that it sucks when someone else doesn't see the characters like you do, or misses something you thought was clear, etc. I get that it's frustrating. But don't rip into someone who's been gushing about every chapter of your fic individually just because they didn't catch one thing. I failed to realize one character's sexuality. That's not the same as hating you, the character or the writing.
Mostly I remember that incident as the day I stopped asking questions in my long comments. A sea of gushing does not make up for a mistake and the best way not to make those is to not ask if a tag relates to a character or line.
Oof. I mean, sure, there's a diversity of experience. Everything is a spectrum. Yada yadda. But if two labels become entirely indistinguishable, what's the point of even having them, much less getting mad when people can't spot the difference?
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anonymous-dentist · 9 months
i'm not sure if this is an unpopular opinion but omg i love that eggs die and feds don't keep them alive all the time, from meta standpoint. like yeah they're cute and everybody gets attached and they have cool personalities and canonically they could bring every one back but. it would get sooo insanely boring after a while. every time an egg gets killed i see viewers complaining about them being "forced" to stay in the fight (i've seen somebody on twt suggesting that empanada was forcefully teleported back to the fight by other admin or something?? what 😭) like it's fully against their will but come on. they're all admins, they play a character and they talk it out between themselves, if they really wanted to stay alive and safe these risks just wouldn't happen in the first place. they can't really kill off players in the same way so they need something else and eggs fill that niche perfectly. it adds tension, it motivates islanders so much, moves entire arcs forward, brings out the best roleplay. when something happens to kids you see their parents and other islanders still referring to it months later and it's shaping their lore so much. and islanders' reactions?? pure cinema, as a fanartist i cherish these moments, they live in my head rent free
Like it sucks every time- I had to get up from the dinner table when everybody had to say goodbye to Bobby (it was sooooo embarrassing for me lol)- but it serves a purpose
In every narrative, there has to be stakes. In the QSMP’s story, the players (usually) can’t die, and that’s important! With no actual threat to their lives, there has to be something else that can be used to pressure them. Enter, Eggs
A lot of people also just either weren’t there for or don’t remember the Code Attacks from April/May because those were BAD. Eggs couldn’t teleport, hence why NINHO had stasis pearls built in. Pomme somehow got like mind controlled to follow a butterfly right into the Code’s grasp during her Very Bad Day.
Yesterday was just like the day Tallulah lost a life to the Codes/Philza. Tbh we should just be happy Bagi didn’t end up accidentally killing her own kid like Phil did that day, that SUCKED
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jjtheresidentbaby · 8 months
˚. ❝₊˚ 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘮, 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘧𝘦 ˚₊·
» sarah cameron & topper thornton || on my ao3
͟͟͞꒰➳ summary: following the scene in s2e6 where topper saves sarah from rafe trying to drown her — topper navigates trying to take care of little!sarah when he isn’t quite sure what’s going on
» warnings: little!sarah, caregiver!topper, swearing, crying, talk of canon violence/events, references to child/family abuse, talk of weight changes/not eating, past topper/sarah
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“You got that? You got that Rafe?!” The words tremble just slightly as Topper grits them through his teeth, dropping Rafe to the ground and not letting his bloodied face be in his sight for another second before he turns to Sarah.
“Sarah, Sarah you okay? Can you breathe?” Topper’s hand shakes the smallest amount, resting in the air unsure if he’s allowed to touch Sarah or if that’ll make her very obvious panic worse. She blinks at him hard and sucks in a shaky breath.
“M’okay.” She’s not. Topper knows that and it makes his jaw clench tight in anger all over again, debating for half a second if turning back around to beat on Rafe some more is worth it, but then Sarah timidly reaches out for him and all that rage slips away.
He can’t get her held in his arms any quicker and reassurances start to naturally fall from his lips. It’s too cold for Sarah to be out here in the night when she’s sopping wet, she shouldn’t be stuck in the place where something so traumatic happened either, and the grip she has on the back of Topper’s shirt tells him he won’t be letting her out of his sight anytime soon.
“Sarah, can you walk? We can get on my boat and get away from here.” Away from her absolutely deranged family. Topper always knew Rafe was a loose cannon and Ward gave him a bad vibe since the day he met him but this- Rafe almost drowning his own sister- it’s so much worse than Topper ever thought. It makes a million questions pop into his head, terrified that this isn’t the first bout of violence Sarah’s faced from her family, overthinking every interaction he’s ever observed of Sarah and her family together.
Has this been going on for a long time? Months? Years? When did it get this bad? Maybe this is why she was so attached to John B so quickly, he’s nothing like her family, the farthest thing from it, Topper doubts he even knew Sarah’s step-moms name before they started dating. Shit- was Sarah ever scared of Topper because he hung around Rafe? Did she think he would hurt her?
The back of Topper’s throat turns sour with the thought and he shakes himself back to reality. Sarah hasn’t moved away from his neck, still shaking in place, her freezing nose tucked right up against his hot skin as Topper carefully cradles a hand to the back of her head. Her hair is hardening with the cold water and air from the sea, they really need to get out of here.
“Do you… want me to carry you?” His eyes squeeze shut with the ask because he knows it’s probably the last thing he should be saying. But Sarah’s always loved being carried around, she’d jump on Topper’s back any chance she could get even before they dated, giggling happily when he’d run around with her and bounce her up higher. He’d do anything to hear that giggle right now.
“Y-yeah, please.” The barely audible whisper of Sarah’s voice snaps Topper’s heart to a million pieces all over again.
“Okay I got you.” It’s easier than it was in the past to heft Sarah onto his hip, even with the wet clothes she’s lighter, thinner, he wonders how many days she went without eating when her and John b were stuck running from the cops. There should be food at the boat house he’s planning on taking them to.
The walk over to Topper’s boat is short but actually climbing onto the boat takes a minute or two, Sarah’s unwilling to let go of him and he’s scared of missing his step and falling into the water with her. He manages to get them both on safely but Sarah still won’t let him put her down on the bench of the boat. Something’s shifted in how she’s acting that Topper can’t quite place but it makes his whole chest fill with protective energy. The way she’s leaning on him, curled in as close as possible when he sits on the chair in front of the steering wheel, her hands in a loose grip on his shirt still, eyes wide and terrified— she looks so small — it makes Topper feel impossibly more responsible for her. There’s no way she can be responsible for herself right now, she must be in shock, too out of it to do anything but silently cry against Topper’s chest.
“I know somewhere we can go, somewhere warm, somewhere safe.” He murmurs and reaches to grab a stray blanket that’s draped over the bench of the boat from earlier in the day when Topper spent a good hour sleeping in the sun. Sarah used to say he was like a cat, always attracted to sun spots, but then she started to do the same and they could only laugh about it. A nap like that would probably be good for Sarah right now, it’d at least warm her up- but it’s night and the farther out into the water they drive the colder it gets.
“We’re almost there.�� Topper assures when he feels Sarah shiver against him, nodding weakly in acknowledgment. The boat house truly isn’t far and he can see the outside light that’s always flipped on when it gets dark out, but the five minutes still feels like an eternity.
“Do you wanna walk in on your own?” Despite internally cringing as he asks the question because surely Sarah’s okay to walk now- Sarah only shakes her head against his chest. It makes the worry Topper’s had this entire time grow even worse, but he’d never tell her no so he quickly gets the boat tied down - reluctantly leaving Sarah sitting alone on the captain's chair as he does- before coming to scoop her up into his arms bridal style and carry her inside.
“Here’s a towel, I should have some sweatpants and a shirt somewhere around here just give me a sec to find them.” Topper really doesn’t want to leave Sarah sitting on the daybed by herself but she needs to change out of those soaked clothes sooner rather than later.
It takes a lot of digging and a few random swimsuits flung to the floor but eventually Topper finds a pair of jogger sweatpants and a loose shirt, both dry, both much warmer than the small jean shorts and t-shirt Sarah’s in now. She’s busy patting her hair dry, though the action is a little uncoordinated and clumsy, Topper moves to swipe the towel across her hair without thinking.
“Thanks.” It’s a mumble and Sarah’s eyes stare at her hands fidgeting in her lap rather than at Topper.
“Course. Here I’ll stand outside while you get changed.” The last thing he wants is to make Sarah feel uncomfortable so he slips back out onto the landing of the boat house after handing her the new clothes.
It’s already colder outside than when they first arrived despite how little time has passed. Topper momentarily thinks about taking Sarah back to his house for the night. It'd be nicer, probably safer, but his parents just got home from a week-long trip and won’t appreciate him sneaking his ex-girlfriend into his room at ten at night. Even if it’s not for any reason other than to take care of Sarah, not that he can exactly explain that, there’s no way anyone would believe him if he said he caught Rafe trying to drown Sarah when he went out to the docks to get his phone charger from the boat. It’d sound absurd. Like some excuse just to have Sarah stay the night. It’ll be better if she stays here.
“T-top?” The sight of Sarah all but drowning in Topper’s shirt as she sits cross legged on the bed almost makes Topper audibly go ‘awe.’ It’s not how he’s used to feeling about Sarah, there’s nothing romantic about the feeling, she just looks so small and innocent like this it’s pulling on his heart strings.
“Any warmer?” He tugs the blanket back over her shoulders even as Sarah nods to him.
“It’s late, you should sleep.” Not that Topper really wants to leave her out here alone to do so, but she looks exhausted and probably feels worse than she looks considering everything.
“Wait- will you stay?” His wrist gets caught when he turns to walk out of the door again.
“You sure?” Sarah hums and Topper hesitantly moves to sit on the edge of the bed, keenly aware that this might be a bad idea. It’s not that he thinks anything will happen- there’s no way- but Sarah might regret having had him stay in the morning.
“Sarah, you okay?” The answer is blatant, no she isn’t, she just climbed her way to be nearly sitting in Topper’s lap with her head on his chest and arms around his middle, she’d never do that under normal circumstances.
Even when they were a couple she always preferred to lay her head on his shoulder and hold his hand or throw her legs atop his so he could brush his fingertips up and down her calfs- she never wanted to be this close, never clung onto him like she is right now. He doesn’t know what to do in this situation- she’s dating John b, obviously likes him more than she ever liked Topper in a romantic way, and while this feels the farthest thing from romantic, Topper’s still weary of where the line of too much is.
“It’s okay, you can go to sleep, I’m right here.” The reassurances fall from his lips in spite of his personal worry, he simply wraps his arms around her back and gently brushes his thumb up and down on her spine til her eyes flutter shut.
The morning may be awkward and Topper still isn’t sure why Sarah’s behavior has changed so much but for now he does his best to make sure Sarah feels comforted. It’s the least he can do after the hell she’s experienced tonight with Rafe, and he can worry about John b possibly kicking his ass later, he doesn't care as long as Sarah is safe tonight.
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dogtoling · 1 year
Something to link on my blog because I keep having people ask me the same stuff like, every week. So here's a summary of the blog and stuff
Q: What is this blog? A: Hi, I'm Dodo! And this is my Splatoon blog. This is primarily an art blog but somewhere along the way this has become a speculative biology blog and headcanon space. Put simply, it's "trying to turn Splatoon real".
Q: What do you post here? A: Mostly my Splatoon OCs. Occasionally, I post five mile long rant posts and essays about Splatoon, or Inkling biology, or my headcanons in educational comic form. If you've seen the Kraken Post or Inklings and Color or whatever I called that, those are mine.
Q: Why do your Inklings look like that? A: I approach Inklings from the angle of them being squids that evolved to be bipedal, rather than "human with some squid traits" as they're often depicted. Within the community, this is often referred to as "xeno inklings", which just means Inklings with animal traits. I don't really tag my art as such, but contextually it's the same thing. If that kind of thing makes you mad for some reason just don't follow.
Q: Your [insert headcanon here] is not canon compliant. A: Right, disclaimer now: a lot of the things here are NOT canon compliant. I try to keep most stuff canon compliant, but sometimes things are stupid or make no sense and that's when we build around it.
Q: Can I use your headcanons/inkfish designs? A: This is a question I get regularly. Feel free to use my headcanons and inkfish designs! You can also build upon them or use them as inspiration for your own headcanons. All I ask is not to copy my OC designs.
Q: Where can I see/read your headcanons? A: My headcanon tag is #squidthoughts.
Q: Where can I see your art/OCs? A: On the blog, my art tag is #dodo art, you can also see comics at #dodo comics (and here is a masterpost of links to the bigger ones). If you want to see profiles for my OCs and more comprehensive art galleries, see my toyhouse)
Q: What program do you use to draw? A: Clip Studio Paint. i change up the brush i use every now and then when I get bored of drawing, but I use the defaults.
Q: Do you do requests/commissions/art trades? A: None of these... sorry!
Q: Do you have Art Fight? A: Yes! My page.
Q: Can I send an ask? A: Yeah, but keep in mind I sometimes take a while to answer. Also, if you're just going to send your own headcanons, consider just publishing them to your own blog (it gets frustrating getting "asks" where there's not actually anything to answer).
Q: Can I ask about your OCs? A: I accept asks for and about my OCs with open arms. In fact, you can send asks directed to my OCs in my ask box and I'll draw a response in most cases. (Tag for these: #ask oc)
Q: What's your main weapon? A: I've grown as a person and am no longer an E-Liter 4K main. I don't really have a main. Let's say Gold Dynamo Roller, that's my son with every disease and he sucks. Wouldn't have it any other way... Q: Are you American? A: Despite the fact that I'm always posting shit at US afternoon times, I am in fact from northern Europe. My sleep schedule is just all over the place and I get productive at 11pm onward. lol. (Guess what time it is right now!!??!?)
Q: What if a question I was going to ask wasn't here? A: My ask box is open. Just send it there and if it's a common enough question, it'll probably pop up in this list later.
Mandatory addition: I also run @splatreference. If you're an artist or writer, the blog has pose references for weapons in the game, and references for stages and in-game areas.
yup thats the FAQ thanks for reading
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marmorafarms · 2 years
NSFW Sebastian head canons
Hey hey hey! I shared my sfw head canons with all y'all regarding our number one boy Sebastian. But it has come to my attention that some nsfw ones should be shared as well!
I definitely have some spicy thoughts, but I'm going to put it under a read more because this post is...
18+ only! Please and thank you!
Okay now on to the fun stuff!
Okay, this first one isn't nsfw, but I need to put it here to provide context for the second bullet point. Sebastian refers to himself as "heteroflexible." That's because the only man he has ever been romantically or sexually interested in is Sam. Imagining himself with other guys makes him cringe, but Sam is different for some reason. (If your farmer is a man, he definitely has a major gay panic about it, and decides to come out as bisexual)
He discovered this in high school. He was 16, and someone made fun of him for never having kissed anyone. Sebastian complained to Sam about this when hanging out in his room after school. Sam said he could help out and give Sebastian his first kiss. After some consideration, Sebby agreed, and it ended with them both cumming in their pants after dry humping the shit out of each other.
Sebastian called himself a virgin up until he and the farmer had their first time together, specifically with penetrative sex. But he technically wasn't. He has given Sam plenty of blow jobs, and Sam has enthusiastically returned the favor.
The farmer laughed for approximately 10 hours when Sebastian told them this, and he tried to say "blow jobs don't count as sex!"
They definitely do Sebby. You just meant you hadn't had penetrative sex.
Sebby has what Sam calls "dick sucking lips." His mouth is definitely pretty. His lips are nice and full, and he likes having his lower lip bitten.
His nipples are super sensitive. He loves having them touched, licked, bitten, and sucked on. He can come untouched from nipple stimulation alone.
He loves giving oral. Pussy or dick, he doesn't care. He LOVES IT. He especially likes eating pussy because he can just keep going and give his partner multiple orgasms if they let him.
If he's sucking dick, he swallows every time. If his partner wants to give him a facial, he always sticks his tongue out in the hopes of getting some in his mouth
He is always down for a threesome. His preferred third is either Sam or Haley. The farmer is shocked by the revelation that he's dtf Haley, but Sebastian says it's because she's a freak in bed. Or so he's heard. And as it turns out, the rumors are very much true.
He enjoys getting pegged. He enjoys it A LOT.
Anal was never something that had even crossed Sebastian's mind, and he was against it as soon as it was suggested. This is true no matter what junk your farmer has. He doesn't see the appeal and doesn't think there is any way it could feel good.
When the farmer tells him about prostate stimulation, he agrees to try being fingered, but chickens out the first few times. But when it finally happens...he's obsessed.
He's pretty submissive in bed, but is a great dom when asked to play that role.
Loves tying people up and being tied up.
Likes breath play, but was insistent about doing copious amounts of research on how to do it properly.
He prefers to be the one choked, but will do it for you if you ask. Again, he refused to do it until he was positive he knew what he was doing.
Getting his hair pulled is a huge turn on for him. He will let out a truly pornographic moan if you pull it hard.
He does not like face fucking others, but enjoys having it done to him.
Sit on his face. Just do it. He absolutely loves it and will hold your hips TIGHT so that you can't budge an inch once your pussy is on his mouth.
His dick is on the thicker side, and he's a bit longer than average. He wouldn't refer to himself as hung, but he's a good size.
Going bareback was a goddamn religious experience for him, but it completely ruined sex with a condom for him. He'll wear one without complaint if asked, but it takes him a lot longer to even feel good, let alone cum.
Can and will wear anything you want him to. Costumes? Whatever you want. Lingerie? Just tell him your favorite color.
Loves to make out. Like yes, fucking is great, but he absolutely adores long make out sessions. They don't have to end with orgasms, but he won't complain if they do.
Has a huge thing for formal wear. As soon as you entered the farmhouse after the wedding, he was all over you.
Loves to take sex slow, but isn't opposed to a quickie if that's what you're in the mood for.
And that's what I have for right now! Let me know what you think!
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radiojamming · 5 months
Asking pretty please for info on your courier if you don't mind!!! Did you go with a specific build or play her a certain way?
Also any backstory you wish to share I will eat that right up, I just love the courier x coop fic you wrote!
She goes by Lizzie Holliday or Doc Holliday and her tag skills are medicine, science, and speech. I generally play her as a well-meaning but chaotic field doctor who ends up wandering into Plot Situations.
Here's some [chef kiss] art of her by @jara257/@jaradraws for reference:
Tumblr media
Some backstory is that her actual name is Adelita Espinosa and she was born in New Mexico. Her father was a traveling doctor and her mother was a scientist studying radiation mitigation in crops and irrigation. Her mother died of radiation poisoning when Lizzie was very young, so she doesn't remember her well. After that, she traveled with her father and learned all of her medical know-how from him.
After Dr. Espinosa died of natural causes, Lizzie moved on to find her place in the Wasteland. Kind of like a gap year. Maaaaybe she wanted to be a doctor? Or a scientist like her mom? But just like a gap year student, she needed an interim job to make ends meet and took the courier job. Cue FNV plot.
So Lizzie doesn't really think she has a head for politickin', but she ends up making decent choices in like a crapshoot way. Or like someone rolling a D20 and rolling very high every time, even when she doesn't want to. New Vegas ends up in her lap, and her whole decision to rule it is just because she thinks everyone else vying for it sucks. In her mind, she's just a placeholder for someone better at bureaucracy who doesn't suck. The only problem is that's, like, everybody. So she's still there.
And fun facts!
She's incredibly pansexual, and after her head wound, she's really leaned into a whole 'life is short, people are hot' lifestyle, except 'people' sometimes includes robots. And light switches.
She collects pencils because she runs out of them all the time.
Her favorite foods are snack cakes, cazador honey, and roasted pinyon nuts.
When she doesn't live in Vegas (which she tries not to), she's either in Goodsprings or wandering around with Raul.
After the events of FNV, she gets two pet nightstalkers named Gertie and Jose.
Her hobbies including playing guitar, sketching, embroidery (to practice her stitching work!), swimming, and practicing her golf swing. She doesn't understand how golf works and she doesn't want to, but there's something very fun about launching golf balls at unsuspecting fiends and Legion boys.
Her favorite weapon is Paciencia.
In her canon route, she's the one who botches Caesar's brain surgery. Whoops. :)
That said, she also canonically talks Lanius out of attacking and does the same to get Vulpes to leave (or does he?).
(She and Vulpes have a Thing. I never said she had a good sense of self-preservation.)
She takes her role as one of The Kings very seriously and has perfected her hip sway and 'uh-huuuuh's.
The most in love she's ever been is with Dr. 8 from Big MT.
Her dream fate is to get ghoulified so she and Raul can hang out forever and maybe she can go visit the REPCONN ghouls in space.
Realistically, she'd also like to live at Nellis with the Boomers until the end of her days. It sounds much more fun to her than ruling New Vegas.
She'd be so into Cooper Howard that it'd make her bonkers. She'd draw little hearts around his name in notebooks.
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desceros · 5 months
(And stay hydrated 😘)
hi hi, thank you so much!! i appreciate the reminder c: also skipping the snowflake since it's answered :D
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
in round turn verse, donnie has always had a crush on you, but didn't know how to go about deal with it, so he tried to push you away by being a dick. plus, the way you natter on all the time makes it hard for him to concentrate since his brain just hooks on everything you say whether he wants it to or not, which is maddening. still, one night in the lair, he secretly recorded you laughing at one of his sarcastic jokes so hard you had to hold yourself up with the back of the couch, and it's that recording he references in the fic. every time he listens to it, it makes his stomach feel like it's going to twist out of his shell... but he loves listening to it all the same.
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
when i'm feeling blocked on a project, i'll swap to something that is, in some way, completely different, whether it's thematically, tonally, structurally, however. usually that's enough to get me out of a rut, but sometimes (especially if i haven't been writing for a while), it takes more than that. so i have a few tools in my pocket. one: go to tvtropes and hit randomize until you get three tropes that are something you could put in a fic (e.g., i just did it, and i got "tin can robot", "supernatural suffocation", and "disney death"), then see what comes out. for example, to me this is like, holy shit, perfect for a fic where donnie is experimenting with a robot, but the ninpo goes wrong and you suffocate, and he thinks you're dead but surprise you're okay, hurt comfort. boom, tvtropes did the hard part, i just connected the dots. two: find a prompt generator and roll until you have one. for example, i have one where it gives me a prompt and a character. then, i just write whatever that scene is, and--and this is VERY important--i keep it in my personal folders, but i don't post it OR delete it. i don't post it, which gets rid of aaaaaaall the stress of it needing to be "good." who cares?! no one is gonna see it but me! it's DONE and that's what matters. but also, i don't delete it, because eeevery once in a while, i go back and read them. are they any good? some of them are. some of them are terrible! but in all of them, i see things i would change to make them better. and THAT means that i am a BETTER WRITER. and nothing motivates you better than progress, which you can only see if you have old material of yours to compare to new material. three: just take a break! sometimes the creative juices aren't happening, and that's okay. go do something else. rewatch the show that you want to write fanfic for. go listen to the song that inspired it again. go click through the blog of the person whom you look up to. take a day. take two. take as many as you need. will you be rusty if you come back after a long time? of course. but know that you can Always come back to it, no matter how much time has passed. and don't forget, you don't have to post anything you write. if it sucks, keep it to yourself! who's gonna know?
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