#everybody is a skywalker
eightbitpale · 3 months
I just rewatched the rako hardeen arc and it once again hits me how incredibly fucked up that was. Like good lord what were they thinking
And I say this not in a Jedi critical way per se but more in a Jedi flabbergasted way??
Bc clearly at SOME POINT the council had a conversation about what to do about the whole chancellor-assassination-plot thing, and what i want to know is whose pitch was “hey Kenobi what if we hire a bounty hunter to shoot you off a roof in front of your padawan and grandpadawan, then we hold a fake funeral for you (to which we will invite your ex/our political rival, and also not Cody) and then we use the machine from the 1997 Action Thriller Face/Off starring Nick Cage and John Travolta to violently transmutate you into the aforementioned bounty hunter (whom we will have in the meantime arrested) then after a brief stay in Supermax Spaceprison you can infiltrate Count Dooku’s secret team-building saw trap cube (designed by famed criminal mastermind Stabbada Badguyman) in order to save the galaxy. Do you. Do you think you’d be up for that”
And obi-wan, fresh off Zyggeria and about halfway through the worst year of his life is just like
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morgines · 6 months
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I'm probably living in the neolithic since I can only make traditional art but I made fanart of some of my favorite scenes of Spy Wars by @clawedandcute !!!
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tamago-aki · 1 year
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so you're telling me i can draw ANYTHING..... (bestows anakin snore mimimi)
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lukeskywormie · 6 months
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no background, i got bored
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varpusvaras · 11 months
Fox, in some social gathering he, Bail and Breha were invited to: So...I know I'm here because I'm married to these two, and Cody is here because Kenobi is here, but why are you here again?
Rex: Because these two are here *points to Anakin and Padmé*
Fox: Are you guys like. You know.
Rex: ..........honestly I am not sure, but at this point, I'm in way too deep to leave
Fox: What do you mean by that?
Rex: Observe
Luke and Leia, running up to Padmé: Mom! Can we go and-
Padmé: Oh, you need to ask your father
Luke and Leia, running to Anakin: Dad! Can we go and-
Anakin: Oh, um. Did you already ask your mom?
Luke and Leia: Yes, and she said to ask you!
Anakin: Okay, uh. Go ask Rex if you can go?
Luke and Leia, running up to Rex: Rex! Can we go and-
Rex: No, you'll die and break your legs. Now sit down for a moment and have some juice
Fox: ....oh.
Rex: Yeah.
Fox: This might be a problem
Rex: You don't say
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posthumousvigor · 1 year
Obi-Wan and Padmé: Anakin means well
Anakin: I really don't
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marvelstars · 1 year
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Star Wars Adventures 12: “Intermission, Part 1.” Marvel. July 25, 2018. Writers: Elsa Charretier and Pierrick Colinet. Penciller: Elsa Charretier. Letterer: Tom B. Long. Colorist: Sarah Stern.
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bibxrbie · 1 year
Do you ever think about the fact that Darth Vader was born on the same day as Luke and Leia?
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to-proudly-go · 1 year
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To know is to love
And I will know you forever.
Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum.
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short-wooloo · 1 year
"Hera has to take Jacen into these dangerous situations, he can't be at Luke's Jedi Academy because Kylo Ren is going to destroy it"
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myevilmouse · 4 months
I know I'm not active in the fandom anymore but GOD I missed seeing the Luke and imperial hunk posts on my dash many hugs and all the best for you <3
This note absolutely made my day @another-void-gremlin! I am happy to be back and sending all the hugs and best wishes your way as well! Have some Luke & imperial hunk in gratitude for your kind message:
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antianakin · 9 months
A question, if I may? Do you think Anakin, as he was when he first joined the Jedi Order in TPM, was doomed to fail as a Jedi, so to speak? In-universe, not out-of-universe meta. At that point, do you think it could have gone either way for him, in that he was still capable of becoming a Jedi? And may I be cheeky and ask for full details of why you think that, one way or another?
I've written a post about this before because my answer to this kind-of encapsulates my primary interpretation of Anakin as a character.
In case people don't want to click the link, I'll rehash it a little below.
I think Anakin never would've been a good Jedi because by the time you reach him in TPM, he's already the kind of person whose values and desires don't match up with the Jedi lifestyle. This doesn't make him a bad PERSON, at all, and he's entirely capable of getting a lot of good out of the Jedi's teachings. I think that Anakin was capable of really being able to HEAL through Jedi training, but that if he had been able to really learn from them the way he should've, he would've left the Order voluntarily eventually out of recognition that this life ISN'T WHAT HE REALLY WANTS. Anakin doesn't WANT to be as limited as the Jedi are forced to be by making themselves answer to the Senate and the Chancellor. Anakin DOES want to be able to prioritize the people he personally cares about (in the more normal way that people tend to do, not the genocidal way he does in canon).
And all of this is FINE. Honestly, I think this is the ultimate good outcome for Anakin, to spend enough time with the Jedi to allow their teachings to heal him from his past and give him control over himself to the point that he can pursue the life he really wants in a healthy way. I think Anakin was always capable of being an incredible person and the character we see in TPM is entirely capable of going either way on that, but no, he'd never make a good Jedi.
I also think that if Anakin had been found a much YOUNGER age, like 3 or younger, he'd have been perfectly capable of being a good Jedi. It would remove his attachment to Shmi and the way they had to live their lives, it would allow him to have a better foundation of Jedi philosophies, and it would help him to really see the JEDI as his family rather than constantly searching for a "real" family beyond them. This interpretation comes straight from Lucas himself, who has said that if Anakin had been found at a much younger age, he'd have been fine with being a Jedi, but that being found late was, in many ways, his first stumbling block towards darkness. And that's no one's FAULT, obviously (aside from perhaps the slavers who took Shmi), but it doesn't make it any less true.
Let me know if you want more details on my personal interpretation of this!
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frogshunnedshadows · 7 months
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"The sacred taste!"
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ledalausnows · 11 days
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mr. jeopardy winner over here
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starwarsshippoll · 11 months
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Cassian Andor/Jyn Erso VS Poe Dameron/Rey Skywalker
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