#everyone cheer for gay robots
amadeusevenstar · 4 months
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doodles of my lawrusso as walle and eve idea that no one asked for lol
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gentaroukisaragi · 9 months
Kingohger was made to pander to me specifically perhaps
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phiclets · 2 months
loud heart WORD COUNT: 1500 | RATING: T
summary: the orange heart reply was a cultural moment; this is my vision of what might have led up to dan posting it.
a/n: i posted this on AO3 a couple days ago, but had to wait till tumblr verified i wasn't a robot to crosspost here. from now on all my fics will be available in both places!
Dan knew what the response to We're All Doomed (now uploaded onto Youtube, forever) was going to be, even before he started scrolling through the comments and the tweets. He'd been doing the show long enough. Yet still, knowing it didn't prepare him for it emotionally. The kindness of people was overwhelming; the gratitude even more so.
He flits between social media platforms on his phone, reading the reviews and battling unsuccessfully against the growing lump in his throat, even as a recorded version of his voice says, "Anyone here planning on becoming a polyamorous lesbian grandma?" from the TV. Phil put the special on earlier — very proudly accessing it from the YouTube TV app, which made Dan smile — and they're letting it play in the background as they sit with their respective phones, having seen the show too many times already to totally invest in it again. But it's nice. Comforting.
Raucous cheers erupt from the sea of future polyamorous lesbian grandmas in the audience, and Dan glances up at the TV with a smile. He loves this part. He loved that audience, both nights—and the wider group of people that they represented. "Nice," he says onscreen, which elicits some laughter.
A bright little ding! drags his attention back to his phone.
New tweet from Phil Lester.
It's natural for him to glance over to the man himself, curled up just an arm's length away from him. Phil is fiddling serenely with his phone, but looks up when he feels Dan staring. When Dan raises an eyebrow, Phil only responds with a shrug, smiling.
Dan obediently opens the tweet to see for himself.
every time i see this it makes me laugh and cry at the same time until i'm a shaking mess on the floor. great show thanks danny!!
Phil has quoted Dan's original announcement tweet, so the endorsement sits on top of Dan's name, glowing with pride. A few things happen at once in Dan then. First, there's the impulse to snort at the nickname danny, which is Phil being silly (and succeeding at it, as he always does). Then there's the warmth that suffuses his entire chest from Phil Lester openly expressing his emotions for Dan's sake on a public platform, an occurrence so rare it still shocks (and essentially assaults) Dan whenever it happens. Then, from that warmth, comes the immediate, overwhelming, not so inexplicable urge to sob his lungs out.
"Fuck," he whispers, so quietly it's only a breath, and quickly smothers it in the sleeve of his jumper, turning away from Phil's side of the sofa.
Because it's all so familiar. Because he's been here before—so many times. Reeling from the adrenaline of releasing a project he poured his heart and soul—or at the very least, a lot of his time—into. Anxious about and then overjoyed by the response to it. But no matter what it was, whether Basically I'm Gay, or Why I Quit YouTube, or fuck, even Hello Internet—
Phil has been there.
Phil is always there. Always here—he thinks, looking over at him finally—next to him. In his life. (Hadn't he said that to everyone on the internet before? Hadn't he thought it was so cheesy back then, and yet regretted nothing, because there hadn't been a single lie in what he'd said?) Phil sits in ignorant bliss on the other end of the sofa, tucked up against the armrest, tapping at something on his phone. His hair is turning more ginger by the day. His face has faint lines in it that Dan has seen appear, firsthand and little by little, over the past decade and a half. His emoji pyjama pants are a hate crime on fashion.
He's everything. He's there.
Dan comes back to himself, and he realises Phil is looking at him now, questions displayed openly on his face. Dan can't really read any of them, though—the fucking oceans of saltwater that have built up in his eyes are doing a brilliant job of preventing that. He shakes his head, and Phil's face sinks further into concern rather than confusion, and Dan shakes his head again to tell him no, it's not bad. It can never be bad when it's you.
Instead all he manages to say, now half nodding and shaking his head—it's a mess—is, "I love you."
He's never meant it more. He's always meant it just as much as now. He thinks he'll never really know, even in himself, what that word really means or where the limits lie—if there are any. What he does know is that he's going to spend the rest of his life growing to fit every bit of it he can. Phil takes his hand where it rests on the sofa between them, and Dan knows there was never any two ways about it.
"Yeah," Phil says. He's so solid. (So there. Always.) He looks Dan in the eyes, shakes his hand back and forth. "I love you."
The first spill of tears warms Dan's cheeks. He nods, looking down at their hands, then back up at Phil. He knows his mouth is doing something funny, squeezed up tight like he's just bit into a lemon, and there are tears already seeping in through the corners, and by the time he barely breathes out a, "Thank you," he's already diving into Phil, grabbing him up into a messy, breath-robbing hug. He can hear it in Phil's little gasp. But there's not a moment of hesitation between that and the feeling of Phil's arms wrapping around him, tight as ever. Assuring as ever.
"Thank you," Dan says again. And he hopes Phil knows he means for everything. For seeing him in the replies of his tweets in 2009, and for responding. For urging him to post the worst video Dan would ever make, which would confusingly also be his best one, because it would be the one that started it all. For having so much fun with him and helping him build a career out of it. For supporting him (15 years' worth of "great show thanks danny!" variations). For believing in him. For loving him, really, most of all.
Phil pushes his cheek into the top of Dan's head, and smooths his hand over Dan's hair again and again, and says, "Always."
Yeah, he understood.
By the time Dan has collected himself, enough time has passed that it would be embarrassing if he had even a shred of embarrassment left to show around Phil Lester, but he thinks that died somewhere around the decade mark.
They're still all caught up in each other, more one human than two, a blanket monster that's made its home against the tiniest corner of a perfectly sizeable sofa. We're All Doomed is well into its final quarter on the TV now, and they're sort of staring past it into the wall and the world and the future beyond. Phil's fingers are still in Dan's hair; which is just the way he wants to keep it.
Except that's when Dan remembers the thing that started his descent into incomprehension in the first place, and he briefly—with enough warning to Phil—sits up to get his phone from his previous spot on the sofa. He settles back into Phil with it in hand, so Phil has a clear view of the screen over his shoulder, and pulls up the tweet again. He scrolls down and taps on the waiting reply line, then stops.
How to say everything he just said to Phil, verbally and otherwise? (Mostly otherwise, let's be honest.) The task seems insurmountable. There aren't enough words in the dictionary, or hours in the day to use them. He can feel Phil's quiet expectance over his shoulder, steady but not applying any pressure. He'll wait for Dan as long as he needs him too.
But it doesn't take long. Because hey, Dan may be a self-professed yapper extraordinaire, but even he knows when the game is up. In this case there's just no use.
He pulls up the list of emojis, and taps on one.
Just one.
Then he waits, holding the phone just there, letting Phil see it and understand that that's it. All he wants to say. (Maybe all he's ever trying to say, to Phil.)
It's a heart.
(Orange, of course, because it's still about WAD.)
But just a heart.
Dan twists his head against Phil's shoulder to look up at him. "What d'you think?"
Phil is still looking ahead at the screen, and Dan watches the microscopic changes in expression on his face, from the softening of his wide eyes to the way his mouth gently relaxes into a smile. He looks down at Dan—Dan thinks, beautiful, mine—and says, "Yeah." Dan feels Phil's arm squeeze him around his stomach. "Do it."
So he does.
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selamat-linting · 1 year
i've been postponing my homestuck read for days now, focusing on other work and stuff. it was only yesterday that i stop doing my little break. here's my thoughts :
-post scratch world are fascinating. everyone is 15 and the parents are now the kids and vice versa. it seems like a mix between alternia and earth! Lusus exists but concentrated on jake's island, i've seen a lot of callbacks to earlier dialogues and certain troll only things like the quadrants being mentioned, and im pretty sure the rival baking empire was headed by the troll empress who found her planet destroyed.
-anyway, the parents?!!?!?! theyre now the kids? how does that work? dirk and roxy did mention their parents are dead so maybe the sburb alpha version of dave and rose just isnt in the picture but man i wanna see i wanna i wanna see. and now everything i know about the alpha kids makes me want to go back and look back on the beta kids interaction with their parents to go Hmmmmmmmmmmm
-that being said it would be extra screwy is the alpha guardians (grown up beta kids) are actually still alive theyre just absent cunts so the alpha kids resent them and believe the real ones are dead. Oh roxy, just wait until you see your child / mother.
-my thoughts on jane crocker : heartbreaking. the AU version of your favorite beta kid is a billionare 😭. to be fair all of them becomes rich kids in this alpha timeline lol. Okay jokes aside, im very concerned for her and use of crocker tech. Im with dirk and roxy on this. She's a pretty pleasant fellow though. Most normal person out of the crew. There is something very sad about them. Like, they dont get to have a semblance of a normal life or even participate in society for reasons related to the game before the game even arrived. Theyre prepped for this one grand adventure only and its more traumatizing than actually fun. if they won, the world still ends.
-roxy is so. she reminds me of my neighbors' kid who bragged about drinking CT (a local very strong alcoholic drink) but a girl genius. im just fascinated in general. a rogue of void? sleepwalking? owns many cats? she would have been a popular wizardposter on tumblr. i can tell her favorite banned wizard council spell is greater baja blast.
-but mostly im interested in the areas she sleepwalked in. im pretty sure i saw dead dreamself terezi or nepeta and karkat with a knight of blood godtier outfit but no eyes, indicating he's dead. and ofc gamzee and equius but he's still alive. wait he's wearing glasses so i have no idea. I thought this is one of those dream bubbles thing but im even more weirded out with dead godtier karkat. is the void is more of a place for abandoned possibilities? or did i just mistook things over here? rose was there but somehow thats to be expected. she's trying to awaken roxy right? what will roxy do with her access to the void? what will she stole from the depths of the abyss?
-and dirk. wonder what he finally saw at the skies of derse. he's the prince of heart right? the only heart player i know is nepeta and we never really see her powers in action. i cant wait to see whats in store for him. also, he's actually gay? AND A BRONY???? A BRONY??? i mean yea he fucking love puppets but we knew that since act 1. i have no idea how he became friends with everybody like he cares but he's also abrasive as hell to everyone, esp when he likes the guy a LOT. im so sorry for jake.
-jake is a lot more naive than john. which is saying something. and an accomplishment because he's like constantly hunted by literal monsters and death robots. everyday he's fighting demons barehanded but stay silly. i wonder how jade and jake could even get to know each other like, theyre not even in the same timeline.
-and UU. who the fuck are they? is it lord english minions trapping the kids? or what here? They look nice and cheerful but im very skeptical here. couldnt wait to see more of them
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skunkstripe · 2 months
top five horror movies, top five movies in general, top five music genres, top five ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm creatures
ohhhhh shit ! asks in bulk!!
okay ummm top 5 horror movies:
1) bride of re-animator. some of the most impressive practical effects i've ever seen. it's just absolute insanity the whole time. truly the most entertaining thing i've ever watched. no plot only medical malpractice and gay divorce.
2) coraline. stop motion rulesssss i love you stop motionnnn!! and this movie was, at the time of release, the most complex stop motion movie out there. the kind of movie where you'll notice something new every time you watch it. i also have a weakness for stories about doppelgangers and the horror of having a family.
3) us. for many of the same reasons as coraline. has a lot of absolutely jaw dropping moments for me. every time i watch it i see it from a different light. the music rocks. the characters are all so compelling and the actors are doing suchhh a good job playing two roles each.
4) the lighthouse. this movie is bonkers i love it. the atmosphere is phenomenalll everything feels so grimy and worn down. you're never sure what's real and what's imagined. both those guys acted their dicks clean off i really have to hand it to them.
5) this is a tough choice!! if short films are allowed, i'll say jack stauber's opal. i'm also tempted to list hausu or susperia (1977), although i've only seen those movies once each.
top 5 movies in general:
1) bride of re-animator. (see above.)
2) coraline. (see above.)
3) us. (see above.)
4) pacific rim. incredible self confidence demonstrated by this movie. we see the kaiju almost immediately out the gate, there's no waiting around for the plot to start. everything and everyone has a name that is equally as cool as it is ridiculous. characters are all great, kaiju are all great, giant robots are cool as fuck and these ones are literally powered by love like come ON you gotta love it.
5) the nice guys. my favourites take on the buddy cop formula because neither of these guys are cops lmao. when i rewatch i'll usually notice a visual gag i missed previously. there's just a lot going on and i love it. march is a sopping wet beast with a scream only dogs can hear and healy is my transition goal.
top 5 music genres:
i don't think i'm enough of a music expert to make this list tbh! often my favourite songs are ones that combine genres or defy categorization. which is why gorillaz are on my spotify top 5 every single year lmao. but punk music is forever my favourite genre.
top 5 creatures:
1) virginia opossums. i'm biased bc that's my fursona hehehe. they've got 13 nipples in a spiral shape and they eat ticks. everyone clap and cheer for canada's only native marsupial!
2) red pandas. as a wise person once said, they're red, what else could you ask for.
3) giraffes. been thinking about these guys a lot lately as they are truly one of the strangest animals on earth. the most distressing fact i know about them is that they're the only animals born with horns.
4) platypuses. for much the same reason as giraffes. i'm a monotreme fan 4ever. i think god had a bunch of parts left over on the sixth day and said, ah fuck it, and the platypus was born.
5) all the other creatures :) i love you aminals <3
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thorne1435 · 1 year
That goal is nigh near impossible but I'll cheer you on ma'am with fireworks and that #1 glove I always see in movies.
Anyways, more songs!
Home (Pt. 1 & 2) and Home (Pt. 3) - Current Joys
I Just Couldn't Save You Tonight - Ardhito Pramono (some local artist goodness)
#Grownupz - FEiN
Do It All The Time - IDKHOW
Posession Island - Gorillaz
This one's kinda long I'm just gonna stick a read-more on all of it.
Home (Pt. 1 & 2): This sounds like the intersection between Cage The Elephant, Vundabar, and mom jeans., y'know? Like if you had all three of those bands on a Venn Diagram you'd have Current Joys in the center between them all.
Radiator Hospital comes to mind. One of their slower songs from their newest.
Home (Pt. 3): Y'know, one of these days, artists reversing their instruments isn't going to create a spacy, surrealist feeling that telegraphs something being wrong. But that day is not today and I am still a slut for it. I do think that this one is a bit less interesting than (Pt. 1 & 2), though. Even despite the reversed guitar, there's just not enough variation for this to hold up on its own, to me. But that might also be trying to convey something artsy. I'm not sure. It certainly seems artsy.
I have no idea what to recommend so, sorry, nothing obscure. I hope sad and artsy is enough.
I Just Couldn't Save You Tonight: Is it "Ardʰito" or "Arðito"? There's a language I don't recognize in the comments which is making it hard to tell (and also making me insecure because I'm usually really good with linguistics). Anyway, this is the intersection between Cavetown and Liana Flores. I think I'm going to send this to my best friend actually because this style is usually right up her alley.
I'm sorry to recommend something popular from the early 2000s but you do seem like the kinda person who would like A Perfect Circle. Yeah yeah, I know, hipster bitch listens to Tool, shut up...
#Grownupz: This is gay people music. I don't know why. I just know that its vibes are gay.
yo its just like purble yelle reb an blu by protuglal fe mamn. (Listen to Rich Friends instead though because it's better)
Have A Nice Day: Oo! It's Japanese! And...it sounds incredibly corporate. This is actually horrifically dystopian, and I don't think they're unaware of that. I usually don't like music videos but I think if you made me listen to this without the music video I'd miss the point of the song. A mob of men in dress clothes moving robotically and smiling in a disturbing and disingenuous way while normal people on the streets watch them in confusion and fear. Surely that's intentional. The lyrics are as meaninglessly chipper as their faces because the corporate style doesn't allow for anything sad. Everyone should be happy. Aren't you happy? Isn't life fun? This is very normal. Smile! Be happy. :)
I don't know anything as high-concept as that, so I think you win. I didn't know you could win a music share, but you did. So good job! You've forced me into using my secret weapon: Sayonara, Perfect World.
Do It All The Time: You have the gall to suggest I try the first IDKHBTFM song I EVER LISTENED TO? IN MY MUSIC SHARE?! (it is our music share, actually) Especially after all that shit I said about finding them really early, too. But anyway, yeah, I like this song.
Have you heard of this niche band called I Don't Know How But They Found Me (abbreviated IDKHBTFW or sometimes IDKHow or sometimes just IDK)? They're pretty good, I really like this one song of theirs called "No One Likes The Opening Band". You've probably never heard of it, though. You should check it out.
Possession Island: Oh for fuck's sake, FINE! I'LL LISTEN TO THE NEW GORILLAZ ALBUM! JESUS!! Why is it being advertised to me by everything, is it really that good? Is it Plastic Beach 2??? I guess we'll see. Hey, while we're on the subject, do you remember how 2D got possessed off-camera during The Now Now era and nothing became of that?? And he's possessed again now, for Cracker Island, if I'm not mistaken. Or was he never not possessed, and Cracker Island came before The Now Now, chronologically? It's been forever since I fucked with Gorillaz lore. Oh uh, cool song, btw.
This song reminds me of Hallelujah. Yeah, the one from Shrek. I'm not gonna recommend that because we've all heard it (some of us have even heard the good version). So, just take...fuckin'...idk, this one?
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mikumutual · 1 year
can i ask what you didn't like about mrder by numbers? i wasn't rly into it either, but i can't pinpoint what bothered me about it
ohh yeah sure, i finished it a while ago so i'm not sure i can collect my thoughts fully, i might forget something or mix things up, but ummm - puzzles got irritating. i'm good at nonograms, i like them, but when every single puzzle is the same it gets tedious. plus the squares don't autofill when you finish a row or column, which is annoying. these might be forgivable if you didn't have to do a puzzle for Every Single Clue - uninteresting characters. i didn't feel any personal attachment to honor, which is rare for me with protagonists. everyone seemed poorly written, with half the characters' personalities being One Gimmick and nothing deeper than that. think the artsy director girl who only speaks in riddles, or the abusive ex husband who keeps popping up to restate how much he sucks, or the gruff detective with a personal connection to the protagonist and no identity beyond that - along those lines, not enough plot. the ongoing plot regarding scout was interesting enough, but he didn't have to make any hard choices. honor didn't really make any new connections, just the same friends she had before the game started. i feel like a romance subplot would've been nice, or Any ongoing subplot at all, because the storyline of each individual case wasn't interesting enough to keep me entertained. plus the villains were all one-note. "oooh the intimidating guy is secretly in with the criminals" okay great obviously - copaganda? i know it's hard in the detective genre because if you want your character to be investigating legally, they have to be involved with the police, but like. the protagonist's dad being a dead cop? and the gruff detective mentor being his old coworker? and honor's previous career being an actor playing a detective??? i dunno, it just doesn't sit right with me - ordinarily i love robot characters but scout just did not do it for me. i like his cheerful disposition. i like that he had a dark past as a killing machine and never wanted to let it happen again. but the plot didn't go hard enough, every other character was boring, and the writing was barely entertaining. all he's got going for him is "you fucked up a perfectly good robot is what you did, look at it, it's got ptsd". also i think they bring up the discussion of gender in robots like Once in passing and never address it again which, for such a pro-lgbt game, i found annoying - i did like certain things about the game, of course. i didn't dislike the art. the mechanic of scanning as scout was pretty good, dampened only by my seething irritation that with every clue i'd have to do another fucking puzzle. the music is also good, especially the intro animation which i find cute. the plot of each chapter did make sense and an overarching story did tie up at the end, with some heightened drama at the close. i also thought that a parade float, shaped like a giant high heel, crashing into a gay bar was incredibly funny. if there was anything else i liked i don't remember it in conclusion murder by numbers is an incredibly mediocre game that, if you ask me, is straight up bad. i will not be replaying it and i will not recommend it to anyone
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Title: Jay’s Gay Agenda
Author: Jason June
Genre: YA Fiction | Romance | Friendship | LGBTQ+
Content Warnings: Infidelity
Overall Rating: 8.5/10
Personal Opinion: Painfully relatable for the lonely queer kid. But watching Jay gain new gay friends and a possible boyfriend is a great way to live vicariously. Fall in love with the diverse cast of characters created by the incredibly talented Jason June as you follow Jay’s journey through balancing his new fast-paced queer life in Seattle and his old life with his best friend back home. 
Do I Own This Book? Yes. This was another Christmas gift to myself.
Couple Classification: Jay Collier X Albert Huang = Nerd X Nerd
Spoilers Below For My Likes & Dislikes:
- I really hit the Gaysian heartthrob jackpot this week. This time, we have Albert Huang. A robotics and Digimals (parody of Pokemon Go) nerd who is classified as a VSB (Very Sexy Boy). He’s also described to have very firm and large pecs. He’s a gentleman, he’s kind, he’s hot, he’s smart, he’s so fucking patient? Like he is just a king and I adore him! I want good things for him specifically so Jay better not hurt him ever again! When I root for a fake man like this, that’s how you know you’ve made an amazing character.
- Jay’s parents are so cute and in love, I love that. I do really hope Jay’s dad gets some new Seattle buds to hang out with. Maybe a lesbian couple that loves Monday night football. I feel like too many parents in fiction just don’t like each other or don’t show it very well. The fact that Jay’s parents adore one another is beautiful. And how they look out for their son too. Even if it’s sometimes very embarrassing.
- Jay’s story is very relatable. Painfully so. I doubt I was the only out gay guy at Tech (we were a school of over 5k kids, there’s no way) but I was alone anyway. I didn’t try to seek out other queer folks because I was scared and just so used to the loneliness so I didn’t bother. I remember going to Vermont with the intent of living my best gay life. It didn’t work out that way. But because of that, I can relate to Jay and I absolutely get his desire to complete his agenda.
- Damon and Cami are such good friends to Max? Like they did the most for him and I love that. So supportive and kind and this is a straight footballer of all people. Damon is just so secure in his identity and I just respect the hell out of it. Him and the whole football team all cheering when Max and Reese kissed and made up? Iconic. The way they pushed all the desks into a heart? King shit. I love them.
- Speaking of the football team, the one himbo on the team? Julian? Hilarious. He’s really out here doing his best in fashion design and not knowing shit. But he’s like the biggest fan of Mr. Bogosian’s terrible puns and is so supportive of everyone? I love him. He’s not even in the main cast and I love him.
- The comedy is on point! The moment when Damon accidentally slapped Jay’s ass will live rent-free in my mind forever. And Jay going “guess I’m the gay guy that’s into spanking” is hilarious. It sent me. Like, he didn’t have to say that so casually but he did! 
- The DigiGang? An amazing friend group. Shruti and Reese and that one girl (fuck, I forgot her name but she’s the goth girl obsessed with teeth) are just so protective of Albert. They were ready to throw down with Jay in order to defend him. It is just so sweet. And they’re also all smart? Shruti is a robotics queen. Sending Jay and Max into economics on a speeding roller chair. Icon.
- Diversity wins in general. We have a bunch of gay kids with Jay, Max, Albert, Reese, Tony, etc. Plus, Tony’s frat not being bothered by a gay dude? Truly a progressive college. Even if Tony is a rat bastard. We got drag queens, multiple POC , and women in power. Lu being accepted into college with a full ride after she exposed the gender pay gap for bus drivers? Queen shit. I also love her aunt Carol crying over her niece rekindling her friendship with Jay.
- The scene where Albert sent in PrinterBot to deliver a new Jansport backpack to Jay and also ask him to Homecoming was the cutest goddamn shit I had ever seen. I am not joking when I say that it was so so so romantic! Like that’s the kind of thing I can only dream about. 
- Tony. Buddy. Fuck you. That’s all I really want to say on it but I am going to be specific anyway so I remember what a piece of shit he is. Firstly, he and Max had claimed he was not a relationship kind of guy. Only hookups. He’s out here only fucking Jay while being hot. And Jay was the 13th dude he had sex with according to the tally marks on his door. Everyone in his dorm didn’t give a shit even though it seemed like they should know about Dylan. Who is Dylan you may ask? He’s Tony’s boyfriend! Oh my god. He was cheating on his boyfriend and he did it multiple times! Rat bastard. Disgusting. A liar and a user. I hope all of his buddies and Dylan dump him. It is utterly repulsive, his behavior. I already knew there were many red flags from how he exploded at being called a frat boy instead of a fraternity boy and flipping off a driver who rightfully honked at him while he was stalled. 
- Jay truly fucked up but I think Max needed to own up to some of his shit more. He blew up his own life and overreacted over the whole Reese debacle. He never let him explain? I think Max is funny and I get why he pushed people away but he really went too far with the Reese situation. The fact that Reese didn’t even move on to someone new but Max took it that way anyway is just so stupid. Miscommunication for the sake of drama at its worst. I will say that Reese’s behavior did not help either. Reminds me of Declan in Felix Ever After. He was a douche to his ex for no real reason and I hate it. But in this particular case, Max was at fault here more than Reese.
- Albert is a far better man than I. But I’ve never been in love so what do I know? But nah, it’s gross of Jay to hook up with a hot dude after telling Albert that he can wait. And the way he lied to Lu too? Ugh. I am a little more lenient on the Lu case though because Lu ditched Jay first throughout the summer for Chip. A guy who was most definitely not worth it. But this might be just me since my friends and I are tight even when one of us is in love. I just don’t get how Jay and Lu had the audacity to abandon each other like that. At least Jay felt guilty over it.
- I don’t tend to have issues with an author’s writing style because everyone is unique. But I think Jay had way too many thoughts in between his dialogue and even others when they were speaking. Like it gave me the image of him standing still and not replying for several hours before continuing his thought. It just breaks up the tension in the worst way in my opinion.
- Also, I get why Jay uses “Frack” instead of “Fuck.” He was raised in an area where over 90% of the population was religious in some capacity, so he was censored all the time, even at home where both of his parents are atheist. But the overuse of “Frack” was a bit much and I kind of wish someone questioned him about it. Because I don’t get why Albert seemed to be instantly attracted to him. Not that “Frack” is necessarily a turn-off but it’s not for me. 
- What was with the older gays teasing Jay and Albert on their date at the drag art exhibit? Like, they’re clearly teens and what do you pervs have to do with their sex life? It’s none of your goddamn business. Talking about tops and bottoms too, it’s 2021, let people be whatever the fuck they want. Don’t limit it to top and bottom if we can do either! But if you do, in fact, prefer one over the other, no sin in that. Let Jay and Albert do things in their own time and shut the fuck up. To be clear, I have the utmost respect for my queer elders. Those two fictional gays can go fuck themselves though.
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sub-danny · 3 years
what would our wedding with the sub bois be like? male significant other plz. headcannon or drabbles your choice
Imagining how happy they would all be at their wedding 🥺that's the sweetest!
He would be anxious to get married if we are going with a timeline where before he was married to his wife and ya know, also if you two are on the run so he doesn't go back to jail. He would feel like he can't give you the life you might want as he might not be able to always be around you, plus he doesn't want to lose you. Still, when you convince him you want to get married, it does make him so happy as he is quite a traditionalist and loves the concept of marriage. It would be a small wedding, maybe Bucky and Sam are there. I feel like Zemo would enjoy walking down the aisle in a white suit, with his butler walking along with him. You two would have your own vowels. and Zemo might be a bit soppy saying how much he loves you but truly he means it. I also think Zemo would definitely want to throw a bouquet as well even if there are not many people there (it lands on Bucky much to Sam's amusement) Zemo would get one of his favourite cars which you would drive as the two of you leave to get a flight to a deserted island to spend your honeymoon where you shower your now husband with so much love.
It would have to be a very private affair given how gay marriage was illegal. So naturally, it would have to be a small wedding but that also suits Laszlo very well, he wouldn't like a big event. I think I have already made Laszlo and male partner wedding headcanon on my main account but I'll bring over points from that. Theodore would be the one who marries you two, being the president at that time he has the rights and it means you two don't have to go through the hassle of finding a priest who would do it. I see Sara, John, the twins, Stevie, Cryus and maybe even the institute kids being there. (Laszlo teaches the kids there that love is love so they are all fine with it and won't go telling to people who would disapprove) I feel like for this you and Laszlo would walk down the aisle together. John is the best man and ring bearer and is behind you two. Laszlo definitely wrote his vowels and it would be quite long but he would get choked up as he recites them because he can't believe he is getting married, that he has found someone who loves him for who he is. He never thought it would happen. You two probably wouldn't go anywhere special for a honeymoon. Either you get Laszlo to stay at home for a few days and not go to the institute or you two might go to the countryside. I feel like Laszlo would go and see his father after as well. Not even to say anything but even though he and his father have a bad relationship, he needs to see him, like 'look at what I've been able to do. Look how happy I am'
Once again because of the time, a very private affair. There might even be fewer people than at Laszlo and Zemo's wedding because in England the two of you only really know the village folk and they might not be as accepting. I want to believe Janet and Ursula would be but then again at the same time Ursula especially might not be (because of jealously) but even if you only get to invite a few of Andrea's musician friends who are okay with it, Andrea still loves your wedding day. He would get really into the planning of it, trying to decide if he wants a white suit or to wear a nice dress, what music he wants to play, learning how to dance so he can dance with you. It would be in a lovely caple when it is empty. His musician friends would play music as he comes down the aisle, smiling happily at you. One of his friends would marry you, it may not be legal but that doesn't matter to the two of you, it's the principle of the concept. He would definitely start to cry tears of happiness. It might be hard to do, but maybe you and Andrea go over to Poland for your honeymoon, as Andrea would love to show you around where he grew up, maybe even meet the family!
While gay marriage is still not legalised as of yet, gay partnerships are becoming more widely accepted and more people are slowly starting to come out. Niki probably wouldn't see much of a point in a wedding, especially if it isn't legal but after you tell him all the things you will do to him on the honeymoon, he gives in. When you start planning though he becomes a perfectionist in wanting all the details perfect. You tease him with how invested he becomes. For an F1 driver, he doesn't like that much attention on him during something like a romantic setting (hence why in the film they just get married at a registry) so he wouldn't invite that many people and would make you walk down the aisle with him. Both of you would be wearing some nice blue matching suits and the actual wedding bit, is a bit short as his vowels are very short. Afterwards, he goes around and shakes people's hands, thanks them for coming, even James appears wishing Niki a good marriage. He would be excited for it to end though because he can't wait for the honeymoon, you two swimming, you chasing him up to the bedroom...
I feel like Ernst would want to wait till you two were back on Earth to get married, so all your friends and family could be there. But when it seems like you lot might not be able to get back to Earth, he agrees to have the wedding on the ship. Everyone is so excited about it, trying to help with planning and giving all their idea's which makes Ernst quite anxious. He is not a very open person and he doesn't like people getting that involved in his business especially something like this which is really private to him. He wouldn't be too fussed about any traditions, he just wants a nice simple wedding. They are able to get one of the crew legally registered to marry the two of you, and everyone is cheering as you both arrive and go to the spot, slipping the rings on and saying some simple vowels. There isn't much of a honeymoon so the two of you just stay in your room for a few days and everyone leaves you alone.
Once again a smaller thing, it might not even be a proper wedding as I don't see Alex being like really the wedding type, but anything you want to do, he is honestly happy to do. He wants you to be happy. How you two get married means a lot to him though. Especially after his parents splitting up, he wants a marriage that will last and he knows it will be with you. He has never been so sure that you are his life partner. He is so happy when you slip the wedding ring onto him but later when you two are just dancing with each other and have no one else around, he confesses to you that he wished his mother would have been around to see him get married.
He might drunkenly ask you to marry him and then gawk at you when you bring it up the next day saying that you were going to marry him. He likes a sense of freedom and doesn't like to feel settled down, and is constantly saying he wants to skip to the honeymoon. But when the day actually comes, you are surprised at the effort he puts into it, brushing his hair, getting a suit that isn't old and doesn't have stains, and when you two are standing at the front, holding hands, as he says his vowels you can tell he truly means them. Of course, by the end of the night, he is winning at you about how badly he wants you and so you have to cut it short to take him to your hotel.
Such an anxious boy. He is trying to plan everything so it is perfect for the two of you but he finds it hard to cope with everything he needs to do. Eventually, he has a breakdown and you need to help calm him down and help him plan it. When the day comes around though it is perfect and everyone is telling you how lovely it is and it makes David so happy. He is quite shy about standing in front of everyone but he still insists he wants to do the first dance with you. Slowly as he drinks more and more he becomes more open and enjoys himself and by the end, you might be taking a drunk David home, but your honeymoon might be one of the best things you two have experienced.
Tony screams perfectionist. As soon as you propose and he accepts, he is figuring out all the details for the wedding, spending lots of money on it even when you say you want to pay for stuff. He doesn't mean to be so controlling, as he certainly isn't in some circumstances, but he had secretly always wanted a wedding and to finally get it with the man he loves means everything to him and he wants it to be an unforgettable night. So many famous people are there, lots of social media posts about it, the food is the best (and a reason why a lot of people turned up) and honestly Tony can not let you go, he is either kissing you, hugging you or holding your hand and he is always looking over at you and smiling because he is so goddam happy to finally be married to the love of his life.
Alex Garel:
He would want something very simple. He is quite introverted and doesn't even though that many people so there wouldn't be a lot of people there. He likely wouldn't want to get married in a church, maybe in your own home. Still what matters is the actual confession about always loving each other and being there for each other and the exchanging of rings, and you swear at that moment you had never seen him smile so much. You two might not even go anywhere for your honeymoon. Just have him taking a weeks break from working on his robots so you two can spend your time together and it's all just so sweet.
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lacependragon · 3 years
Hot Wheels: Battle Force 5 Updated Headcanons
A long time ago, like at least a year but probably several, I made a list of gender and sexuality headcanons for the Battle Force 5 characters. I thought I’d update it.
For reference, my ships these days are:
Vert Wheeler/Zoomer Takazumi
Sherman Cortez/Agura Ibaden/Stanford Isaac Rhodes IV
AJ Dalton/Tezz Volitov
Spinner Cortez/Zemerik (short term, sex) then Spinner with a non-binary OC
Let’s get to it:
Vert is a bisexual cis man. He tends to prefer men, slightly, but has slept with a lot more women. He’s a bit of a slut and has been very fearful of relationships since a bad one in high school. He can and will sleep with anyone he can convince into his bed.
Zoom is a gay cis dude. He doesn’t give a shit about gender roles, he isn’t super concerned about keeping quiet, and he’s pretty cheerful about his experiences.
Stanford is a non-binary (he/they) queer person. He’s got a slight preference for women but he’s never been picky. He’s polyamorous and enjoys commitment. Likes queer as a blanket term and because its non-specific.
Sherman is a bisexual cis man. He’s not super into genders other than women, but he’s open, and he ends up falling for Stanford and Agura. He’s very quiet about it and speed runs a sexuality crisis over Stanford. He ends up rolling into polyamory because it works out.
Spinner is a queer trans dude. He doesn’t know his sexuality. He doesn’t really care. He’s given up. He’s queer. That’s all that matters. He bangs a robot (Zemerik) at one point. Not loud about his sexuality or his gender.
Agura is a cis woman who, as she puts it “is about as straight as you want her to be”. She typically prefers to call herself pan, but she’s also ID’d as bi, polysexual, and queer. She’s demiromantic. She’s never tried being polyamorous before but she likes it.
AJ is a mostly cis pansexual guy. He doesn’t really give a fuck about gender, though he’d probably call himself a demi-guy if he knew the term. He loves everyone. Has no real preference. Just loves love.
Tezz is a cis dude and he is both demi-romantic and demi-sexual. He doesn’t think he really likes anyone, but then he falls for AJ over the course of the war. He ends up really enjoying sexual intimacy.
Grace is bisexual and cis. Loves dates. Not big into slutting it up. Bit of a size queen.
Sage is the Sentient equivalent of a lesbian and has a wife (OC).
Zeke is a little old gay cis man. He’s got a husband (OC) and used to do drag in his younger years.
Zemerik liked Spinner for the boning.
Kalus also has a husband.
Alien Race Shit:
Sentients don’t really care about sexuality or gender.
Vandals are fine with sexuality but being a warLORD with a husband is considered better than being one with a wife. It’s like Old Ass Greece that way.
Corona is Sage’s wife.
Xunsu is Kalu’s black panther husband.
Sun Wuu is Grace’s future girlfriend who is trans and pan.
Noah is Zeke’s gay husband.
Kero is my red sentient OC who is nb and aro/ace.
Kyru is another OC you haven’t met yet who is also NB.
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shadowedmoonlight · 3 years
3 Times Virgil Came Out to Others + 1 Time Someone Came Out to Him
I am aware that I am a few hours late, but this is the longest oneshot I've ever written
Day 3: Coming out
Warnings: Food mention, talk of sexual attraction (In regards to asexuality), anxiety, disassociation (brief)
Summary: In which the story gains a plot ft. fluff and hurt/comfort
Word count: 4025
Read on Ao3
Virgil hadn’t been this terrified in a long time. He knew that being gay shouldn’t be that big of a deal, in regards to his two gay fathers, but he couldn’t stop the terrifying thoughts from running through their head.
What if they thought he was too young to have figured himself out? They were only fifteen after all. Is he even sure they're gay? And what would they think about the pronouns thing? Vigil had no idea where their dads stood on transgender rights.
They had planned to do it after dinner. That way he could have one last dinner of peace in the unlikely event of something going wrong. It's more likely than you think they’re gonna kick you out, you’re gonna have to live on the streets
Emile had made spinach lasagna that night. Virgil’s favorite. But he could hardly enjoy it due to the nerves stirring in his stomach. Instead, he moved the food around on his plate and attempted to pay attention to the conversation occurring before him.
He believed his dad was telling some dramatic story about some lady that came into the coffee shop. They normally would be completely invested in that sort of thing, but they just couldn’t focus with all the thoughts running around his head.
What is he gonna do if he gets kicked out? They can’t live on the streets. He can barely work a stove. How would he live on his own? Maybe Remus or Janus would take him in? No, they have their own problems. They shouldn’t burden them with his own problems. But how would he-
“Virgil? What do you think?” A voice cut through his spiral.
“Hm- wha-?” Virgil couldn’t recall for the life of them what he was supposed to be responding to. He looked up to see his parents both looking at him concernedly.
“You feeling okay, hon? It's not like you to space out like that,” Emile asked.
Virgil winced. He had to learn to be less obvious to when they were stressed. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little tired.”
They still looked doubtful. “Are you sure?” Remy raised an eyebrow.
Virgil nodded and tried for a small smile. He didn’t think it was successful, however, when his parents exchanged a worried glance. His leg bounced slightly under the table. Why couldn’t they relax?
Emile started to collect the dishes but paused when their eyes landed on Virgil’s still-full plate. He glanced again at their husband, and then their son.
“Maybe you should head to bed early tonight. You hardly touched your food. You might be coming down with something.” Virgil saw Remy stand up as his Papa spoke. He offered them a hand.
“Babes, I think that might be a good idea. You’re looking a bit pale- well, paler than usual with all that foundation you cake on. Don’t think I don’t notice.” Virgil blushed, slightly. His experimentation with makeup had been one of his ways to tone down their glaring masculinity.
In response to the first statement, maybe it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world to put this off another day. They weren’t sure they had enough energy or confidence to go through with this. With a little hesitation, they grabbed Remy's hand and hauled himself to their feet.
Emile smiled sadly at their son’s submissiveness. He had to have been really tired with the way his eyes kept wandering. They abandoned the dishes they were holding, grabbed his other hand, and started leading Remy and Virgil upstairs.
Virgil blinked and suddenly he was in their room. They sat between his parents on his bed. Emile had them leaning against their side as Remy rubbed soft circles into his back. His eyes darted around in confusion.
Remy glanced down and let out a sigh of relief. “Welcome back to this plane of existence.”
Emile smacked their husband lightly. “Sorry baby, we didn’t want to leave you alone while you were disassociating.” Virgil’s eyebrows furrowed slightly. They didn’t remember going into an episode.
Remy kissed his forehead and stood up. “We’ll leave you to your peace now. Let us know if you need anything.” Emile began to follow.
Virgil bit their lip. Was he really going to go through all this stress just to chicken out? He took a breath. He was strong. They could do this.
“Wait,” they called out, lightly. “I need to talk to you about something.” His parents halted in their place in the doorway and came back to sit next to them.
“What is it, babe? Did something happen?” Remy grabbed one of his hands.
“No, not exactly,” Virgil said. His breath was starting to stutter.
“Take your time,” Emile said, softly.
Virgil attempted to calm their breathing. It's highly unlikely that this will have a bad outcome, half of his brain rationalized. They are gay themselves, after all.
Yeah, but what about the pronoun thing? The other half argued. You have no idea what they’ll think of it.
Virgil took another deep breath and opened his mouth to speak. They may as well start with the easy one. “I’m… I’m gay.”
Remy placed a hand on his chest and sighed dramatically. “Oh thank god,” he exclaimed. “I’m not sure I could have handled it if I had to raise a straight son.”
Emile smacked him again. Virgil winced slightly at the word ‘son.’ Remy seemed to notice his discomfort and scooted closer. “Of course we love and accept you and everything, but that's all kind of obvious considering, well,” he lifted his hand as wiggled his ring finger, “Is there something else on your mind?”
Virgil nodded, “I, um, want to start using different pronouns. He/they.”
Emile lit up. “Ooh, we can match!”
Virgil’s head shot up. “What?”
Both Emile and Remy looked confused for a second before a horrifying realization dawned on them.
“Did I- never tell you I’m non-binary?” Emile asked, tentativly. They were sure they told Virgil at some point.
Virgil couldn’t help themself. He started to laugh hysterically. After a moment their parents joined in.
“I’m sorry- I just- I’m fifteen years old and you never thought to tell me that vital piece of information?” Virgil wiped tears from his eyes as he continued to giggle.
Emile was bright red. “Trust me, I’m mortified.”
Remy groaned. “That makes two of us.”
Virgil snorted. “I was so worried about how’d you react and this whole time you’re the same thing.”
“Oh honey,” Emile exclaimed. “You should never be worried about telling us something. We support you no matter what.”
“Of course,” Remy added. “What kind of hypocrites would we be if we said otherwise?”
Virgil pulled them both into a hug. “You’re the best parents anyone could ask for.”
Sanders High School had an interesting dynamic. There were two main groups that everyone at school was invested majorly in. Most, if not all, of the gossip in school was directed at them. They were envied. They were hated. They were idolized. They were the closest thing Sanders High ever had to celebrities. The Dark Sides and The Light Sides.
Everyone that saw them would assume they were the rivals. Bickering and prank wars were constant. Classroom debates between members could last hours if not moderated. Each group consisted of three members.
First up is Roman Prince, the flamboyant jock and theater nerd. He was the first kid at school to break through harmful gender stereotypes. Before he came to school, any boy that joined theater was seen as weak and nerdy. Roman was the first openly gay kid on the football team- as quarterback no less- and the first jock to join the drama program. He was unapologetically himself in everything he did. He often came to school in skirts and dresses and there was rarely a day he could be seen without his signature red lipstick. Despite his smashing of stereotypes, Roman is the only cis kid in both the light and dark sides (not that everyone is out to the school like he is, or even to each other). He has the most social media followers out of anyone in the school, and was the one to first publicize the two groups. Roman is a proud member of The Light Sides.
Next is Patton Hart, the bubbly, adorable student council president. Everybody loved Patton and they loved everybody. Patton is one of the kindest kids in the school. He’s always willing to drop everything to help somebody or cheer someone up. They met Roman when they were young and they’ve been inseparable ever since. Some might say they’re dating, but a select few know otherwise.
Last in The Light Sides is Logan Berry. Logan is objectively the smartest kid in school. He is rumored to be taking all AP classes. How that’s possible, no one knows. Everyone knows that Logan will be Valedictorian at the end of the year. There’s no other logical choice. Somehow, even with all that, they also manage to be co-captain of the debate club. Patton and Roman somehow managed to rope them into their small group sometime during elementary school. Again, how that’s possible, no one knows. Logan is extremely stone-faced to people they're not close with. Some think he might be a robot with how emotionless he is most of the time. Those people, however, have never seen him with a jar of Crofters. (But if they knew their secret, everyone would think so).
Over in the dark sides, we have Janus Lies. Genderfluid icon. Their coming out started a revolution of sorts at Sanders High. So many kids came out as non-binary or genderfluid or something in between, the school ended up getting rid of gendered bathrooms entirely. A new genderfluid locker room was built in the PE building and the academic teachers revised their gendered way of teaching. But, back to Janus. They were the most sarcastic person you’d ever meet. So much so, it became difficult for people to tell if they were telling the truth. Their trademark hat and gloves stayed on no matter what the occasion. They also co-captained the debate club with Logan. They grouped together with Remus and Virgil before anyone could remember, including the three dark sides.
Remus Prince, twin of Roman Prince, is the extremely crude drama student and class clown. They are known for their dark sense of humor and sexual disruptions of class. The teachers have learned to just ignore them, as countless trips to detention were fruitless in correcting their behavior. Although they privately came out before Janus, they were more private socially when it came to their gender. Until that is, Janus came out and was accepted. After that, Remus showed no limits in expressing themself.
Lastly, there is Virgil Picani, the emo nightmare themself. He is in almost every club at school, including but not limited to drama, debate, GSA, writing, and volunteering. His sarcastic personality is no stranger to anybody, although it is much more subdued than Janus’s. Virgil came out to Janus and Remus before he had even fully figured himself out yet. He had not, however, come out to any of the light sides as gay or genderqueer.
And that brings us to today. As mentioned earlier, anyone that saw the two groups would assume they had a strong rivalry. But that couldn’t be farther from the truth.
The reality is, although they did start out as rivals, the six of them have a strong friendship. They keep up the facade of competitors for sake of reputation (and a little fun never hurt anybody). Once Roman and Remus had gotten over their sibling rivalry, the six of them had discovered that they shared many of the same interests. They started hanging out after school and now it is rare to see one of the group without another.
Virgil knows that he has nothing to worry about. Roman is gay, and both Patton and Logan already use he/they pronouns. They accepted Janus and Remus without question. It won’t be any different for him. All they actually had to do was tell them.
But here lies the issue. Virgil thought they had already. It wasn’t until the first day of pride month that he realized their mistake.
They decided to make pronoun pins for all the kids in GSA. So, naturally, he made one for himself as well. They weren't publicly out yet, but it was perfectly okay for them to wear them inside the safety that was the gay-straight alliance.
Virgil was struggling to attach his pin to their shirt when Janus came over to help. Virgil noted the blue bracelet. Janus looked surprised as he read the contents of the pin.
“You told them?” He asked, incredulously. “I thought you would tell me when you finally did it.”
Virgil was confused. “What do you mean? I came out to them… shoot.”
Janus snorted. “You totally don’t need to tell them. This isn’t getting out of hand at all.”
Virgil blushed red. “I honestly thought I did! I’ll do it now, okay?”
They didn’t wait for a response before marching over to Roman, Logan, and Patton and dragging them outside of the classroom. He ignored the curious looks of their classmates, most likely wondering what they were fighting about this time.
They closed the door behind them and looked around quickly, making sure there was no one else around. He turned back to the group that was looking at him, slightly concerned.
Virgil rolled their eyes at their expressions. “Oh calm down, I just forgot to tell you something, is all.”
Logan cleared their throat and straightened up. “And that is?”
“I genderqueer, he/they, and gay.”
“Yay!” Patton exclaimed and pulled him into a hug. “I’m proud of you for being yourself.”
Patton pulled back and Virgil caught the expressions of the other two. Logan was looking at him with a delighted expression on their face. “I had my suspicions.”
Roman furrowed his brows. “So did I, but I must ask, why wait so long to tell us? Surely you knew that we would accept you wholeheartedly.”
Virgil snorted. “I actually did the same thing my Papa did with me. I thought I told you all ages ago.” They all laughed at that.
“We should probably get back,” Logan remarked, “Thank you for trusting us enough to tell us this.”
Virgil felt nervous, but not extremely so.
He knew nothing would go wrong. So many kids had come out in the past year at Sanders High, the school had made pronoun pins mandatory to avoid misgendering. All they had to do was wear the new pin he had grabbed from the office the day before. He also planned to wear a rainbow shirt to identify themself as the flaming homosexual he is.
The only real thing they were worried about would be the gossip surrounding them for the next week or so. Someone coming out is hardly a rare occurrence, but they were one of the most popular kids in school. He was certain that there were at least a few bets going around school on whether they were queer or not. To be fair, he was the only member of the Light and Dark sides to never confirm any rumors about gender or sexuality. And it's not as if he’s really hid anything. He’s just never confirmed.
But they’re ready to change that. They pull on their rainbow shirt, do their makeup slightly more dramatic than usual, and debate for a moment over the plaid purple skirt his dads had gotten him a few years ago. It matched his usual hoodie perfectly, but he had yet to wear it outside the house. There was no reason not to wear it. Why not spend his first day publicly out AGAP (as gay as possible)?
They arrive at school with an air of confidence around them that he hadn’t felt in a while. As he walked through the hallways, he saw a few looks of disappointment, but most were of excitement and joy. They caught a few thumbs up and cheers in the crowd as well.
He found the other two members of the Dark Sides standing at Virgil’s locker, both wearing identical looks of pride as they stared at him. They walked directly up to the pair, smirking slightly. Once he was within earshot, Remus grasped their head with one hand and Janus’s shoulder, striking a dramatic pose.
“Do you see that Jan Jan? Our little slime monster is all grown up!” Virgil rolled their eyes at their best friend’s antics. Janus lifted their wrist to show off her pink band. Despite the new rule about pronoun pins, Janus still kept her bracelet system in place. She claimed it to be simpler and more efficient.
She slung her arm around Virgil’s shoulders. She leaned in and said in a low voice, “I really am proud of you.”
Remus jumped on his back. “That makes two of us!”
Virgil had always enjoyed Logan’s company. They were the only person out of the group of six that allowed him some peace.
He could also be a captivating conversation partner. Listening to Logan ramble on about whatever he was currently studying was one of Virgil's favorite pastimes. The way his eyes lit up when you asked him about something they were interested in was adorable. And his voice would take on this gorgeous tone to it that Virgil knows not many people get to hear.
Their weekly study session was the thing that Virgil looked forward to the most. Every Thursday, they get to spend hours in a room with the most beautiful person he knows. They love the way Logan will straighten his tie or fix his hair even when they’re both immaculate. He loves the way they slowly and patiently explain the answer to something Virgil gets wrong, never criticizing them or getting frustrated.
Virgil may have developed an itty bitty crush on them over the years.
Not that they will ever tell him. They don’t even know where he stands on sexuality. He has only been open about their gender. And he doesn’t want to complicate their relationship for the sake of some silly crush.
The two of them sat in Virgil’s room doing homework. Logan sat on their bed, while Virgil had opted for the floor. They had hardly spoken a word to each other in the past few hours (a normal occurrence for their weekly get-togethers), but Virgil could tell something was bothering Logan. They’d been fidgeting for the past hour or so, and had seemed tense and nervous all day.
Virgil placed their bookmark into his book and groaned loudly. “If I have to read one more word of this, I think my eyes might literally start bleeding.”
Logan also marked their page before looking up. “That is highly unlikely. The amount of force that would cause one's eyeballs to ‘literally’ start bleeding is far more than would be caused by eye strain. Additionally, subconjunctival hemorrhage has not been linked to overuse and is instead usually caused by some sort of trauma to the eye. So unless you are planning to hit yourself in the face with the book, it will not cause your eyes to hemorrhage.”
Virgil huffed a laugh, internally cooing at how adorable they are when explaining something. “I guess you’re right. I can’t read anymore though.”
Logan cleaning their glasses on the edge of his shirt. “I agree with that statement.”
Virgil looked at him closely. Cleaning their glasses is a sort of nervous tick for him. And they had done it multiple times in the last hour. “Okay, what's going on? You’ve been nervous and weird all afternoon.”
Logan cleared his throat. “Nothing of importance.”
“So there is something!” Virgil exclaimed.
They blanched. “No, of course not. What would be wrong at the moment?”
Virgil gave them a look. “I never said that there was something wrong.”
Logan stood up quickly and started gathering his materials. “Well, it’s getting late. I must head home now in order to be at dinner at an adequate time.”
Virgil grabbed their arm. “Wait, Logan, there’s still hours until you need to leave. If you really don’t want to talk about whatever’s bothering you, we don’t have to. But if you do, I’m here and ready to listen.”
Logan shot them a grateful look. “I truly appreciate that Virgil. I will keep your offer in mind.”
They resumed their study positions and all was silent for a few minutes. Virgil couldn’t keep their mind off of Logan. He hoped that whatever was troubling him could be resolved easily. He didn’t want him to be distressed.
Eventually, Logan stiffly placed his books beside him and turned to their study partner. At the shift in movement, Virgil also put away their materials and prepared to listen, moving to sit next to them on their bed.
“I would like you to not speak until I am done speaking if that is acceptable for you.” Virgil immediately agreed. They would never interrupt him when they were having such a serious conversation.
“My sincerest gratitude. I-” Logan paused. They took a stuttering breath. Virgil reached out and took his hand, attempting to provide some form of comfort.
“I am not a robot. I know that there are some that may think otherwise. Aside from the vast technological inaccuracies in that statement, contrary to popular belief, I do have emotions. I do experience love. Just not in the same way as others do. From a young age, I have known that I have felt no sexual attraction. The idea of sex repulsed me far more than I can explain, even past the age of maturity. I have no desire to love anybody in that way. And I never will.
“I was under the impression that the same went for romantic attraction. I had never felt any sort of romantic feelings for a female. But recent… variables have shown me otherwise. I do not feel any romantic attraction for people of the female gender or sex. I do, however, experience attraction to people of the same gender. These people fall under the male and non-binary spectrum. In conclusion, I am asexual and homoromantic. I am finished, you may speak now.”
Virgil was delighted by the news. They had just confirmed that his crush could possibly be attracted to him. They didn’t care about the asexual part. It changed none of his feelings towards the academic prodigy.
They made the mistake of staying silent for a moment too long. That became evident when he looked at Logan’s face. Any positive feelings he had melted into concern.
“Oh, Lo,” they said softly, “You’re crying.” He brought his hand to Logan’s cheek and wiped away the silent tears that had trickled down with their thumb.
Logan's voice wobbled as they spoke. “My apologies.”
“No,” Virgil cooed, “you have nothing to apologize for. You’ve done nothing wrong. You’re accepting yourself and I am so proud of you for that.”
That seemed to be all it would take for their dam to break. Soft sobs escaped his mouth and he brought up a hand to try to muffle them.
Virgil made a sympathetic noise and wrapped them up in their arms. He cupped the back of Logan’s neck with one hand and used the other to rub soothing circles into his back. Logan gripped their hoodie tightly as they cried into their shoulder.
Virgil whispered quiet words of encouragement to him. Eventually, Logan seemed to finally be calming down. His tears dwindled into quiet sniffles and they sagged into his chest. The emotional exhaustion of the day in addition to the exergy expelled by crying made him unbelievably tired.
Virgil shifted the two so they were lying down on his bed, Logan cuddled against their chest. They could feel his breaths evening out rapidly.
Virgil pressed a small kiss into his forehead, wishing more than anything that they could do it when Logan could remember.
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documenting Larry and Archibald’s relationship in every episode (1990′s)
Episode 1: “Where’s God When I’m S-Scared” (1993) - in the first-ever Silly Songs with Larry, Archibald interrupts Larry’s water buffalo song because it’s “too silly” and gets very passionate and up in his face about it. imo I think Archibald just can’t handle his feelings for this silly little cucumber and that’s his way of dealing with it. 
- Larry and Archibald star alongside each other in Daniel and the Lion’s Den, where Larry plays Daniel and Archibald plays King Darius. King Darius is very fond of Daniel and proudly promotes him to be his husband second in command. King Daniel also expresses deep concern for Daniel after he is thrown into the lion’s den. I know they are both playing roles here but I don’t think the acting was that hard imo I really think this was the beginning of their relationship. 
Episode 2: “God Wants Me to Forgive Them” (1994) - this episode was kinda bad and really hard to watch but here we go - Bob and Larry recall that one summer (many years ago, clearly before the first episode took place) when they owned a boat and gave people tours. Archibald (who was apparently a millionaire) was on the tour along with his wife (we’ll talk about that later). Larry crashes the boat because he’s gay and can’t drive and Archibald’s wife complains that it ruined their vacation (possibly honeymoon??). Everyone eventually forgives Larry, and Archibald is the first to claim “we still like you Larry”. - I’m pretty sure Archibald and his wife are now divorced because we never really see her in any other episodes. I think that’s also why Archibald is no longer a millionaire. 
Episode 3: “Are You My Neighbor?” (1995) - In The Story of Flibber-o-loo, Larry gets shoved into the sand by the scallions. The mayor (Archibald) walks by with the doctor (Archibald’s ex-wife) and instead of stopping to help Larry they SING AND DANCE WITH EACH OTHER!? the drama!!!  - this whole episode just really drives home the point of “God made everyone special” and “love your neighbor, even if they are different” so uh. yeah there’s that
Episode 4: “Rack, Shack, & Benny” (1995) - Archibald is not in this one but Larry is very silly and gay and it’s a great episode just in general
Episode 5: “Dave and the Giant Pickle” (1996) - In Silly Songs with Larry, Archibald plays the role of Larry’s therapist while Larry sings about his lips 
Episode 6: “The Toy that Saved Christmas” (1996)  - cute Christmas episode but nothing gay happens, moving on 
Episode 7: “Silly Sing-Along” (1997)  - just a sing-along of all the songs that have happened in episodes up to this point. while we don’t really establish any new relationships here I have a feeling it might set the stage for episode 11 (we’ll talk about that later)
Episode 8: “Larryboy! & the Fib from Outer Space!” (1997) - this is the first time we see Archibald playing the role of Larry’s butler, Alfred, but it’s never really established why Larry even has a butler in the first place. I mean is Larry even rich? I think it makes sense for Larryboy to have a behind-the-scenes assistant when he’s being a superhero, but a full-time, live-in butler? Personally I think it’s just a cover up for the fact that they are literally just living together. There is even a scene where Larry and Alfred are sitting next to each other on the couch playing Candy Land. Who plays board games with their butler? While sitting next to them? On the couch? - Alfred and Larry share their first fight as a couple in this episode, when Larry is supposed to be out looking for space aliens and he can’t find any and wants to give up and come home. Alfred insists there are aliens and Larry must keep looking to protect Bumblyburg, but Larry doesn’t listen and comes home  - Of course the aliens attack, so Larry goes out to fight the alien only to find that Alfred has tricked out his ride “in his spare time” (a labor of love)  - Alfred accidentally pulls the plug out of his computer, cutting off communication between him and Larry right before Larry is about to be eaten by the alien. Alfred becomes very emotional, screaming at his computer to reboot, but the information loads just in time to save Larry  
Episode 9: “Josh and the Big Wall!” (1997) - Archibald once again interrupts Silly Songs with Larry, this time to criticize Larry’s cebu song because apparently a good old fashioned projector slideshow is not enough of a “multimedia event”. Larry is used to Archibald’s antics at this point because they live together now, ignores his interrogations, and continues the show.  - Larry plays the role of Josh, and Archibald plays a commander of the Lord’s army who appears to Josh in the middle of the night. Josh falls facedown in front of the angel. There are definitely some...expressions exchanged here I mean wow like I know they are supposed to be acting in this one but again I think some of those expressions were genuine  - my headcannon for this episode is also that it was performed/filmed “live.” In the beginning of the episode, Junior Asparagus helps Bob introduce the show because Larry was “tired” from the last show and they were letting him sleep in. But instead of saying “roll film,” Bob tells Junior to close his eyes and use his imagination and I think this is when they bring in the set and perform it like a play. So the expressions exchanged between Larry and Archibald are seen in real time, and Larry’s reaction to Archibald is genuine because he is actually seeing him dressed in armor, literally shining from the stage lighting instead of a special effect being added later for video. I also like to imagine that they didn’t have a dress rehearsal so they were both seeing each other in full costume/lighting for the first time.
Episode 10: “Madame Blueberry” (1998)  - oh shit y’all, this is where it happens! SILLY SONGS WITH LARRY IS CANCELLED!! I am so glad I watched every episode in order because the tension, the DRAMA, everything leading up to this moment!!!  - Larry is literally all dressed up, set ready and everything when Archibald interrupts his segment, letting him know *in front of everyone* that it has been cancelled, in part due to what happened last time. Archibald even leaves poor Larry in a freaking bear trap for crying out loud, replacing his segment with Love Songs with Mr. Lunt which has some serious 80′s vibes
Episode 11: “Silly Sing-Along 2: The End of Silliness?” (1998) - alright here we go folks the climax of the season  - the episode opens with Larry sitting at a diner during a storm, having nightmares recalling Archibald’s criticism of Larry’s cebu song and cancellation of Silly Songs with Larry. The server notices Larry crying and asks him what’s the matter. Larry replays the cebu song on the jukebox and then cries about it to the server. - Archibald enters wearing a trenchcoat that hides his face and carrying a briefcase. He is followed by his ex-wife. Archibald turns around, keeping his face hidden, and sees Larry crying but Larry does not notice him.  - the server, unable to cheer Larry up, asks him again what’s wrong and Archibald finally reveals himself. Archibald and Larry share some very dramatic looks. Archibald plays the clip of him cancelling Silly Songs with Larry, followed by Love Songs with Mr. Lunt. - Archibald admits fault for Larry’s disposition while also trying to explain himself. He then reveals what’s in the briefcase: a petition from Larry’s fans to bring back Silly Songs with Larry. Archibald, overcome with feelings for Larry, hops up onto the counter to passionately declare his feelings reinstate Silly Songs with Larry. Once again the expressions exchanged between these two are just priceless. 
Episode 12: “Larryboy and the Rumor Weed” (1999)  - In the season finale of the millennium, Larry and Archibald are now back together, as Archibald once again plays Larryboy’s husband “live-in butler,” Alfred. But the drama is not over yet!  - After Larryboy defeats a bandit, Larry invites Alfred out on a date for pizza to celebrate. Alfred says he would love to, but politely declines as he will be volunteering at the local elementary school the following morning. Larry smiles wistfully at the thought of his husband helping out at the school and they share a tender exchange of “goodnights”.  - The evil rumor weed overhears this exchange and becomes jealous of their gay happiness and decides to start a rumor that Alfred is a dangerous homosexual robot - Larry and Alfred, blissfully unaware of this rumor, are seen gardening together the following morning. When they find out about the weeds (still unaware of the rumor), Alfred is very excited to help Larry because it involves gardening. You can also see some drawings of the background of their house and one of them is a rainbow.  - Larryboy goes underground to fight the mother weed and loses contact with Alfred. They both freak out and Alfred goes to save his husband on his gay little European scooter.  - Alfred is attacked by an angry mob because he’s a dangerous homosexual robot and seized by the rumor weed, who then turns into a flower after the townspeople decide he is not dangerous, but actually a nice man. Larryboy crawls out of the sewer and reunites with his love for all to see. 
for the early 2000′s episodes click here
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eyesaremosaics · 3 years
I must be deeply lonely for female companionship. Last night I dreamt about my old best friend. We were in some floating city in the distant future. Yury was with me, and she had her fiancée with her. I introduced everyone, and then she and I timidly tried to repair our friendship. She was sitting in a big gray bed, mostly depressed. It seemed that her partner was becoming mentally ill, his erratic behavior was strange, but she kept smoothing it over and making excuses for him, looking so tired.
It was odd because, (far as I know) in real life they are very close and happy in their relationship. In the dream they still seem so, but clearly the pandemic took a toll on their mental health. Yury was being super cheerful. I just remember writing letters to her for a while prior to this, trying to patch things up. Finally we agreed to meet, but I guess the feeling was that—neither of us were the same anymore. Which is probably true. Even if by some miracle we ever did meet again, neither of us would be the same.
I know that I have changed so much since the last time we met. I am a much healthier, happier person. I’ve done a lot of work on myself in therapy, and healed a lot of my old deep wounds. For example: I have no hatred, or anger towards any of my exes anymore. After finally finding my person, it makes sense why it never worked out with anyone else. I regret decisions I made when I was hurting, but I also forgive myself for operating with what I knew how to do at the time.
I really feel that I am in a place now to be a truly good friend to others, because I am not swallowed by self pity, envy, depression or any other ugly or useless emotion. I don’t drink heavily anymore, or do drugs (except on rare social occasions, and even then, in a very measured and careful way). I’m healthy and active. I even got a handle on my anxiety finally. Yet the pandemic has done serious damage to people’s ability to socialize (myself included). There is no question about that.
I just remember feeling sad, but also overjoyed and relieved to be with her again. She was more reluctant than I, but she was also trying.
After dreaming about her, I dreamt of my friend Tori. She moved to LA three years ago, but we used to hang out all the time. She moved to a new apartment in the dream, and we were hanging out on her fire escape. She was so excited about the new place, even though it seemed like a “down grade”. It was so good to see her. My heart flooded with joy. I should reach out to her in waking life…
I think the point of these dreams is that I am longing for female companionship. Even just regular companionship. If it weren’t for the Ventilla’s, I wouldn’t socialize with anyone hardly. Grateful for my promotion at the speakeasy though… today is my first day of training. Also I’m reading tarot virtually for 2 hours today. So I will get social interaction there…
However it’s a corporate (virtual) event—and I am so tired of tech/business people in my orbit. They’re like robots. Giving them intuitive guidance is like trying to explain death to a child. It’s uncomfortable for me, and they don’t know how to compute.
Most of my friends moved away. The few who remain in the bay, are more like acquaintances. Except Brian. I’ve been seeing him more often. All my friends are gay men basically lol. I have no girl friends anymore, and in general I have a hard time trusting women. Even my most recent best friend (Rocky) just ghosted me for no apparent reason. I’ve asked her multiple times what happened—no response. I wish she would just tell me. My friend Astra pushed me away about a year ago, saying I neglected her and she no longer feels we are friends. It’s kind of hard to maintain a friendship when someone lives across the planet. I dunno. I guess I just feel like my friendship once given is forever, and i can’t understand people who are high maintenance.
I just miss it. When all I had was girl friends, I was crying to them about how I wished I had a partner. Now I have a partner (and I’m so grateful for him) but no friends. Is this just the natural progression of life? You get older and your life becomes one with your partner and then you make friends with other couple’s? Then friends with kids once you have kids? I guess that’s how it goes. Also I’m tired of always being the one to reach out to others. I swear to god if I stopped texting people—no one would EVER text me. No one except work.
It’s okay. My career is on the up, I have my boo, and our relationship is just wonderful. My health is doing better. I have my family, and I do have friends… they’re just scattered like stars around the world. Yury said he feels the same way. He feels like he doesn’t have any close guy friends anymore. He turns to me and says sweetly: “I guess you’re my best friend now”
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liahswriting · 3 years
Lovesick Six and a Murderous Robot Boyfriend
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Relationship(s): Revenant/original female character, Wraith/original female character, Mirage/original female character, Bloodhound/original female character, Octane/original female character, Crypto/original female character, Loba/original female character
Words: 8,411
Warnings: None
Summary: The new girl is very pretty and she's got most of the men (and some of the women) pining for her. Problem is, she's got her eyes set on a certain simulacrum.
Pretty girls can fight. Pretty girls can be tough. Pretty girls can be scary and threatening. Just because Gia was pretty didn't mean she didn't belong in the Games. I mean, Loba was almost perfect in every physical way and yet she knew her way around a pistol. Che had a cute face and yet her teams almost always were Champion. And of course Elliott was downright the most handsome man in the Games and yet he could wipe a team if need be. Being attractive didn't mean you were weak. In fact, Gia being attractive gave her an advantage to the game. After all, how could a pretty girl like her be any trouble? You think you're safe because look how cute she is, what is she gonna do to you? And then all of a sudden you're eating dirt because she shoved a wingman up your ass and annihilated you.
Gia's origins are unknown to the rest of the Legends. She showed up one day unexpectedly and won Champion that same afternoon. Her kit and abilities brought a whole new playstyle to the Games: a playstyle that both terrified and intrigued the others. Her enhanced vision gave her every input she needed to weaken your team's defenses. She knew exactly whose health was hanging on by a thread, giving her the ultimate advantage to breaking your team apart and dwindling your numbers until you were way beyond outmatched. The Legends assumed she had some sort of black market enhancement done to her eyes given the fact that they were far from being normal. How she managed to slip through the Apex recruitment with her fiercely white irises was beyond everyone. I mean, come on! The girl's eyes were as white as snow all around! The only color to them was a very faint, needle-thin black line separating her sclera from her iris. Everything else was pure white. Even her pupil. Crypto was already walking on thin ice with his illegal body enhancements. The only reason no one actually paid much attention to it was simply because his modifications didn't directly impact his abilities in the arena. But Gia was a whole other story.
Typically, the Legends expect Silva to dive head first into a fire fight with his stim. Or perhaps they'll see Crypto's drone following them around. And on occasion a team will back out of a fight to heal up and end up running into another team holding a choke point with Wattson's electric fences. All of this was expected. And then Gia came along and now every Legend that wasn't on her team was afraid of her tactical EMP that disabled all enemy primary weapons. You could pin her team down and you think you're gonna win, and then all of a sudden your Devotion stops all functionality and now you have to rely on your Alternator with 20 shots left in the chamber.
As if that wasn't enough of a fright, instead of Makoa's air strike landing on your head or Bloodhound storming up behind you faster than humanly possible, Gia's big trick messed with your mind and your vision. In the blink of an eye, you are no longer able to discern who is teammate and who is enemy. And it's not as simple to just say "Wraith is not on my team. I need to shoot her" because the enemy Wraith you're staring down through a 4x-8x will suddenly appear as your friendly Pathfinder and your friendly Pathfinder will suddenly appear as the enemy Wraith. It was more likely to die via friendly fire than enemy fire when Gia's ultimate activated.
The only reprieve the other Legends got was finding out that she was insanely friendly. Thank god too because no one needed another Dr. Nox or another Revenant on their team. Gia was friendly with everyone she interacted with. Despite her scary demeanor, she got along rather excellently with the other Legends. And that's when most of the trouble started.
It all started off as friendly taunts. Elliott took the first step and made a move on her immediately. After all, she's beautiful, he's beautiful, it only made sense for the two of them to date. They could be the ultimate power couple. Their two beautiful faces displayed up high on the Champion banners. It was a dream. But she politely shut him down. Still, he tried again. And she laughed and played along. "My my, Mr. Witt. Aren't you the massive charmer!" This caught the attention of the daredevil himself and he attempted to get under Elliott's skin by literally sliding by them in the arena and dropping the biggest pickup line she's ever heard. "Aye, amiga. Thanks for brightening up the place with your beautiful face." and then he put a couple bullets in Witt's stomach. Silva's team went down immediately for that stunt and Elliott was able to be picked back up, but his idea worked. Elliott was obviously mad at the green-haired adrenaline junkie after the game for trying to steal "his girl" but it was all in good fun when she turned him down too. Bloodhound soon was seen at her side more often than not. He found her skills fascinating and her air of mystery perfectly matched his own. They had sort of an unspoken bond between them, connected solely on the fact that both of their lives were an enigma. Everyone asked her about herself but she never opened up. When it was just her and Bloodhound, neither one even dared to ask the other about their past. It was comforting being able to sit with someone and not have to worry about prying curiosities. Bloodhound attempted to flirt; there was lots of hand touches and close sitting. Yet she turned him down too.
After that it became an unofficial competition between the three of them to see who could win her over, which lead to a lot of showing off and friendly banter. Elliott would throw pickup line after pickup line at her. Silva did crazy stunts to impress her. Bloodhound brought her tea every morning. And yet nothing ever came of it. Gia would play along every now and again but at the end of the day she made it clear she was just playing. Still didn't stop the men from trying.
And then Loba joined the crowd. And boy oh boy was that a surprise. The chick was into chicks! "Did you clowns ever stop and think that maybe you don't have the right parts she's looking for?" Loba taunted them. But she was right, of course. None of the men asked Gia if she was even straight. But it was still all laughs and good times regardless if she ever found an interest in them. Loba had other ideas in mind. She was thoroughly convinced that Gia was full on gay, looking to get it on with another girl. And Loba believed she was just the girl to get her rocks off. Loba was much more blunt than the men ever were in their affection. That night while all the Legends were winding down with some drinks and enjoying the royalties they made from the recent Game, Loba approached Gia and asked her if she would like to join the seductive thief in a private area away from the loud crowd. When she agreed, the three men that had been pining for her started to believe Loba was right all along. Loba and Gia were gonna do it! Loba was gonna fuck the new girl before they were! As much as Elliott enjoyed the thoughts that put into his mind (and trust me, he enjoyed them a lot), he was upset that all of his attempts had been for naught.
Loba and Gia had disappeared for hours and the three men all huddle together in somber at their ultimate defeat. Elliott poured several rounds of drinks for them in solidarity and they cheered a farewell to their playful challenge. It was Gia 's friendly "What's wrong, boys?" that gathered their attention mid-mope. Silva was just about to tell her of their shallow depression when he spotted Loba stiffly walking up to the bar for another drink with a pout on her face. The thief looked just as pristine as when she and Gia disappeared. Not a single wrinkle in her clothes nor a thread of hair out of place in its braids. So she was wrong!
"Nada, bonita. We're all good here!" he happily told her and shot back what was left of his current drink. "Right, guys?" he nudged them with a big 'ole grin on his face. Neither of them picked up on his hints but they agreed with him anyway. She didn't buy it for one second and got another round for them to put a smile on their faces. A single, friendly peck to each of their cheeks is what really solidified their grins and she walked off, happy to have made them smile. When Loba approached them after Gia walked away, Silva was quick to ask the slumping woman what went on behind closed doors.
"I was wrong." she admitted pitifully. "She turned me down too."
"So the competition is back on?" Elliott questioned and all four of them agreed. And thus their antics continued: Elliott flirted, Silva showed off, Bloodhound gifted things, and Loba seduced. None of it worked in the slightest. But Gia would laugh it off and let her touches linger just that fraction of a second longer that made them all question their sanity. If they were teamed up with her, they'd give her the items she requested. If she was hungry, they got her food. If she was feeling unwell, they took care of her until she was better.
"Like lost puppies." Anita commented to the four of them as she watched them all practically drool at the sight of Gia on the complete opposite end of the room. She seemed unaware of their presence but they knew she knew they were there. She sat with Makoa and Pathfinder, all three of them happily chatting with each other without a care in the world. Makoa's big belly laughs rang in everyone's ears.
"She's totally into me, I can tell." Elliott stated matter-of-factly.
"As if." Loba retorted.
"Did'cha ever think that maybe she got someone already?" Che asked with a smirk. "Some of us got loved ones back home."
"I doubt it, amiga. She would've told us if she did." said Silva.
"Maybe she didn't want to tell you. Seems like she doesn't tell anyone anything about herself. For all you know, she could have a husband, or wife, and several kids back on her home planet." Anita commented. The latter part of her sentence fell on deaf ears as the four love-sick Legends stared in Gia's direction when she laughed at something either Pathfinder or Makoa said. Her laugh was like music to their ears. Anita rolled her eyes towards Che and the other simply shook her head.
"Look at her! She's absolutely gor-gor-gorg... pretty! We're totally comp-compat... made for each other!"
"If we're going off looks alone, surely there are better suitors than you." Loba told Elliott with a smirk.
"Hey now, that's quite rude!"
"Gia is a strong fighter. Our skills are equally matched. Perhaps she's not looking for a superficial partner at all."
"All of you are a hack." Crypto's voice surprised everyone. He stood just off to the side, watching them with a bored expression on his face. Hands in his pockets, as is his usual stance, he eyed all four of them down.
"Come on! Don't try and tell us you don't think she's muy caliente."
"She is very beautiful," Crypto agreed. "and you are very desperate."
"So you are not in any way attracted to her." Loba stated rather than asked. She leaned forward, chin on her knuckles, and pressed him.
"I never said that."
"So you think about her."
"I never said that either."
"Say what you want, but until she tells me to back off I'm not going anywhere."
"And neither am I!" Elliott responded rather quickly -and defensively.
"That makes three of us." said Silva.
"Fine. Make it five."
"I can't believe this." Che grumbled.
Gia found Crypto unexpectedly by her side more and more. He was rather reserved and his attempts at flirting were down right embarrassing. She tried not to show pity for him. The poor guy probably hadn't ever touched a boob before. She assumed him like Elliot, Silva, Bloodhound, and Loba and went along with whatever he said. She never asked much from Crypto and he was thankful for that. He had no idea how to woo her. He knew absolutely nothing about her, but who was he to ask her about her past if he wasn't willing to exchange an equal value? She was pretty and she was talented, so he tried to play to those strengths. He complimented her when she dolled up and he praised her when her team won Champion. Very rarely was he ever paired up with her so he often admired her through his scopes. He assumed to himself that he could impress her if he won Champion, so he tried his best to wipe the floor with any enemy teams he came across. More often than not, her team would demolish his so he would side step her if he spotted her. However, whenever Caustic or Revenant were on his team, there was no room for niceties and they went in with guns blazing whether he liked it or not. Caustic would throw his gas traps at them, or Revenant would silence them, and then suddenly both teams were at war with each other.
Just last week, Revenant went charging in at Gia, Bloodhound, and Wattson. He silenced their abilities, giving Revenant an easy target on the blonde girl before she could even defend their position with her electric fences. Wattson went down like a sack of bricks. And then Wraith went charging in on Bloodhound. She managed to break the hunter's shields before Gia came to her teammate's rescue and knocked the voidwalker to the ground with a few well-placed 301 shots. Crypto attempted to help his team by going in with his drone and EMP-ing the two enemies still standing. With their abilities still silenced, Gia was unable to fight back at the same caliber and Revenant took his EVA and pulled the trigger three times in Gia's chest. She collapsed to the ground with her knockdown shield aimed directly at the robot.
"Nothing personal, girlie." he chuckled as he tried to show off and finish her. He got interrupted when Bloodhound came around the corner and shot his hopped-up Wingman into the simulacrum's skull. Revenant went down as well. That left Crypto versus Bloodhound. Crypto was still fully shielded as opposed to Bloodhound. However, Crypto was armed with a 45 while his opponent had a Wingman with a skull-piercer on it. Even if Crypto landed all of his shots, it would only take three from the hunter to fully knock him. And he did indeed get knocked. His gold knockdown shield was the only thing that kept his team from being spawned out of the arena and back onto the dropship. Bloodhound knows Crypto's entire team was down so he was not at all worried about being shot in the back as he picked up both Gia and Wattson. Gia didn't waste any time healing and instead finished off Revenant with a big fucking smile on her beautiful lips.
"It's not personal, Rev." she echoed back at him and followed it up with a knee thrusted into the simulacrum's throat and then a low roundhouse kick to the side of his skull. Revenant disappeared, his banner taking his place. Meanwhile, Bloodhound turned to Crypto and attempted to finish him off as well. The last thing Crypto saw was the hunter's battle axe being thrown at his head. And then he and Wraith were standing next to Revenant on the dropship while the on-ship medics came to tend to their wounds. Crypto ignored them, instead turning all of his focus towards the displays following the remaining teams in the arena. One monitor focused on the general rotation of the arena. Another showcased the team that killed his. Crypto's eyes followed Gia's face on the display. She was quick to heal up and then lead her team towards the ring.
The rest of the game was long-lived. Many teams put up a good fight with each other. Ultimately, the best team had to win and that team was of Lifeline, Octane, and Gibralter. Gia's team came second. As skilled as she was, going against Lifeline was a difficult feat. Especially when Gibralter's shield dome gave the team ample cover for a quick pick-up. Not to mention the fact that Silva was nearly resistant to pain and was able to recover without the use of meds once he was picked up. A good heal will almost always out fight heavy damage. Once all the teams made it back onto the ship, Crypto approached Gia. "Good fight." he simply said. She smiled at him and returned the sentiment with a peck to his cheek. Crypto felt his face grow hot and he heard a snicker beside him. He found Loba, Bloodhound, Silva, and Elliott watching him with dopey smiles. Loba crossed her arms and eyed him in a way that meant she told him so. He ignored them in favor of getting patched up the rest of the way by the ship medics.
"You may have won this time, little girl, but I'd watch my back if I were you." Revenant threatened Gia at the other end of the ship. He bent down to her level and stared right into her eyes. But she didn't shy away from the simulacrum's threatening advances.
"The only thing I'll be watching is a replay of me finishing you." she shot at him. He simply returned her remark with a deep, throaty sound and then he stalked off.
That night, Elliott threw a small after-party at his place. There were drinks aplenty, more food to go around than anyone could think of, and of course the Champion squad. All complete with Silva begging to do some party tricks and doing them anyway regardless of how Elliott responded. Not as if Elliott would say no to his friend anyway. Everyone came out to the party. Even Dr. Nox and Revenant who hardly ever show their faces when not in the arena. Still, they kept to themselves and only participated when coaxed. Well, at least Dr. Nox did. Revenant just stalked everyone as per usual.
Gia tried to make rounds with everyone but it was becoming difficult with five of the Legends begging for her attention. Silva wanted her to watch him light himself on fire. Which he did and she watched on like she promised. "One of these days you're gonna get yourself killed, love." she said to him as she patted down the last of the flames burning away at his shorts.
"As if Death could catch me, chica bonita."
"Promise me you'll live to see tomorrow so we can get lunch."
"Absolutamente!" he grinned from ear to ear and then she walked off to sit and talk with Anita and Che. "She wants me." he said to Elliot. The latter simply rolled his eyes.
"She only said that because she doesn't want to watch you kill yourself tonight."
"She so wants me."
Gia chatted with the two women. Gia congratulated Che on her win today and the medic praised her back with a statement of her skill. "A couple close calls." the woman had said and Gia nodded in agreement.
"A toast to our Champion!" Anita held her glass in the air and the other two women clinked theirs together and took a large gulp of their drinks.
"Let's hang out this week. Go do something fun. My treat, of course as a present for our lovely Champion here." Gia offered the two women.
"I'm in the mood for a nice massage!" chirped said Champion. "It hurts having to carry 'round these children all the time." This made the other two laugh heartedly.
"I swear, some of these kids want to get hurt." commented Anita.
"Sounds an awful lot like those five over there." Gia pointed to the group huddled together and watching her.
"They just tryna impress ya. Problem is they don't know when to quit it."
"I think it's cute."
"Do ya like any of them?" Che asked and Gia sat back and thought about it for a second.
"They're certainly cute. And it's funny watching them flirt. But it's all just fun and games."
"You seeing anybody? They won't stop unless you tell them you're taken." said Anita matter-of-factly. She took another gulp of her drink.
"They don't need to stop. It's nothing serious. No one's getting hurt and I've already told them no so it's not like I'm leading them on. Let them dream a little."
"As long as ya okay with it."
"I am." she responded. "I'm also hungry. Be right back." she told the women and got up to grab some food that was piled up on a table. There was so much food here but she wouldn't be surprised if it all got eaten anyway. There were some hungry Legends here and -she's not going to name names- some of them can absolutely pack it away. Silva didn't count, however, because his metabolism was way faster than normal so it's never a surprise to see the green-haired junkie go up for fourths or even fifths. Gia grabbed a plate and filled it with foods that appealed to her. Nothing fancy but just interesting enough to get doubles of. As she was making her way back to Che and Anita, she spotted Wraith sitting alone and moping. Gia detoured over there and took a seat opposite of the woman.
"You doing okay?" she asked, making Wraith look up at her and force a smile.
"Yeah, I'm good."
"You sure? I didn't hit you too hard out there today, did I?" Gia attempted to lighten to mood. It worked to a degree; Wraith cracked a more genuine smile and gave a short chuckle.
"You got some good shots on me but that was pure luck." she said. "Good game today, by the way."
"You too. Do you wanna talk about what's bothering you? I'm all ears."
"Thanks but I'll be fine. It's nothing serious."
"Come find me if you ever need a shoulder." Gia offered the woman and was gifted a nod with a bigger smile in response. Gia placed a gentle hand against Wraith's cheek. "Smile for me some more. You've got a beautiful smile." she said and then got up and walked away.
"You don't think Wraith's into Gia too, do you?" Elliott asked the group as they all watched the exchange happen between said women. His eyes followed Gia for a moment as she walked away and then focused on the other. Even though Wraith looked away from the room, he could see her blushing furiously. And she tentatively placed a hand against the same cheek Gia did. Oh, she definitely had it bad for her.
"I wouldn't be surprised. I've caught her staring at my ass on more than one occasion." Loba snorted.
"Gia and Wraith aren't seeing each other already, are they?" Crypto asked everyone as if they had any more answers on her love life than he did. As predicted, everyone else shrugged or didn't answer at all. Elliott went back to watching Wraith's behavior. Everything that just happened in the last 10 seconds told him that Wraith hadn't expected Gia to show her that type of affection. If she's blushing that bad from a single touch, then that means Wraith is crushing real hard. She didn't act like that was a normal occurrence between the two of them. As if she could read Elliot's mind, Wraith turned her attention to the group of five that had been watching her. Elliott waved his hand over to her, silently telling her to join them. Wraith did a double take, making sure he was in fact motioning to her and when she realized he was, she made her way over to them.
"Aye, you into Gia?" Silva got right to the point and put Wraith on the spot. She sputtered.
"What? No. What makes you think that?"
"You do not have to lie." Bloodhound calmed her. "She is the reason we're all here." he motioned to the group.
"She's just a friend!" Wraith was quick to defend. "I mean she's pretty and all but nothing would ever be between us."
"So you admit you're into her." Loba accused and Wraith went silent. She blushed again.
"I mean, she's nice. And pretty. And she smells good. But so what."
"Listen, no one's poking fun at you. We all like her." Elliott came to her rescue.
"Yeah and we've got a competition going to see who she likes more!" said Silva.
"Because it's fun! And because we can hit on her without pressuring her to return the favor."
"So she knows you've all placed bets on her?" Wraith assumed questionably making the others stiffen and look to each other.
"Well." Crypto started. "She doesn't know about the competition but she knows we all are attracted to her."
"Isn't that kind of, I don't know, scummy?"
"We're not placing actual bets on her." Loba defended.
"Yeah it's just all bragging rights at the end of the day if one of us wins her over." said Elliott casually.
"Aye, you can get in on this if you want, chica, but we're all just having fun."
Wraith hesitated for a moment to think it over. This was scummy, right? Holding Gia as a prize? Surely she wouldn't appreciate it. But then Wraith looked over to Gia sitting with Che and Anita and noticed how beautiful she looked when she had her hair down. Wraith quickly touched her cheek again.
"What are the rules to this... competition?"
"None really. Try to woo her and, if you do, congrats. You won." said Elliot.
"So, are you in or are you out?" Crypto questioned.
"I'm in."
To say Gia was leading the pack was a bit of an understatement. Everywhere she went, her little lovesick posse was not too far behind. And it seemed to be growing by the day. Given that there were now six of them, it was more likely she was paired up with at least one of them during the Games. And when they were paired up together, it was very obvious they were trying to impress her. If she was ever downed, Wraith would stop whatever she's doing to portal her to safety even if she herself wasn't in a safe position. If she was out of ammo, Elliott dropped several stacks of whatever she needed even if he needed it himself. If she gave an order, Silva would absolutely follow it even if he had already jump padded a mile away. If she wanted the Peacekeeper, Loba would steal it for her. If Crypto found a high-level shield, he'd let her have it. If the team got split, Bloodhound would always follow her in case she ran into another team. And if their third got pinned, well Bloodhound wasn't leaving Gia's side.
Everyone else was starting to notice it more and more and they'd approach her about it. "It doesn't bother me." she'd say. And maybe it truly doesn't. Maybe she likes the constant attention she gets from the lovesick six. It certainly didn't hinder her performance in the arena. However it was becoming a bit annoying not being able to spend much time with anyone else without the group being a hare's breath away. But still she played along, laughed at their jokes, swooned over their flirtatious remarks, cheered them on as they showed off.
The Games continued nonetheless and even more Legends showed up; first there was weapons-expert Ramya Parekh, and then there was scientist Mary Somers, and with Dr. Somers came a new arena. Both of whom were very quick to pick up on the weird dynamic between Gia and six of the other Legends. "They're quite infatuated with you, darling." Dr. Somers had commented on day one of her being there. "Eh, they're all a bit weird." Ramya said nonchalantly.
Also Revenant and Elliott got to take over the games for awhile -again. Everyone hated when Revenant got control of the Games and this time around he's decided to switch it up a little bit. Elliott, on the other hand, took the opportunity to impress Gia. "Look at me! I'm so good they wanted to bring me back! The fans love me!" he said. His pride was short lived because the Apex hosts gave the fans quite the show when new events dropped and Elliott, Silva, Wraith, Bloodhound, and Loba all got makeovers -among other Legends, Gia included. All of them took their new looks on stage in an attempt to make Gia swoon. And as good as they all looked, Gia barely had the time of day to compliment them because Apex was whisking her away left and right to show off her new look. The fans loved her and demanded her attention. There was even a huge party for all of the Legends and multiple press corporations to advertise the new events. It was all just so overwhelming. Gia hated being center stage and the constant swarms of people drained her energy rather quickly. Her only reprieve was when one of her six admirers took all of the attention away from her as they did some sort of stunt to make her smile. It was mostly Silva donning his Octane ego that got the press's attention because who doesn't love to watch a daredevil jump out of the window? Nevertheless, she appreciated the breath of fresh air when the cameras weren't on her. She took the opportunity to hide away near the buffet table.
"Ya doing alright?" Che had asked from beside her, grabbing food for herself.
"I'm fine. Just need a break from all of this."
"Still not used to being a fan favorite, are ya?"
"I'm surprised I'm a favorite at all, to be honest. I know a lot of people like to go for the shiny, new toy but I'm no longer shiny or new. Ramya and Dr. Somers should be getting all of the attention."
"Are ya kidding me? Ya one of the best there is! Ya win more games than ya lose. Of course ya a favorite!" Che attempted to cheer her up.
"You win a lot of games too, but it seems like everyone wants to surround me."
"Well, I have been here longer than ya have. Give it time and they'll move on. They like ya because ya don't tell them anything. It keeps them interested."
"I'm sure you're right. But for now I just need a breather. I'll catch you later, Che." Gia bid farewell and walked off into the shadows, away from prying eyes and camera flashes. The combat medic made her way back to the center of the press where Elliott and Silva were waiting to talk to her with concerned looks in their eyes.
"Is Gia alright?" Elliott questioned her, making a move to go follow the object of his desires. Che put a hand against his chest to stop him.
"She don't wanna be bothered right now. She wants to be alone. So leave her alone."
"Is she hurt or something?" Silva asked worriedly.
"Nah, she just needs some fresh air. But she made it very clear she didn't want anyone to accompany her. So make sure ya tell the others to leave her be tonight."
"Can you at least tell us where's she's going in case she need someone."
"If she wants ya, she'll let ya know." was Che's response and then she walked away, hoping those idiots wouldn't bother Gia. She had to give the dopey idiots some credit though because all six of them never left the party. Despite their infatuation with the white-eyed Legend, they respected her privacy and gave her space when she asked for it. The press took notice of Gia's absence and tried to dig into everyone else for her whereabouts but no one relented and the press was forced to focus on the remaining Legends at the party.
Once the whole shebang was over and the press had made their leave, the six were becoming slightly worried at Gia's continued AWOL. She hadn't talked to anyone since she told Che she was leaving. No messages or calls. Nothing. Surely she was fine, though. Gia could absolutely hold her own if god forbid something were to happen, so the Legends weren't worried about finding her all beaten up on the Docks. But they were worried that something was still wrong and didn't feel comfortable letting her be alone for this long. It's been hours since anyone has seen her.
"I'm gonna go look for her." Elliott finally said. He was obviously agitated in his boots. The others weren't looking so hot either and they all agreed to split up and look for her. Problem was, there were far too many places she could possibly be and she hadn't answered anyone's messages so there wasn't even a general location they could pinpoint her at. They all checked her place in the compound housing the Legends, they checked all over Olympus, they checked Malta. They checked everywhere they could think of, but there was no sign of her and now they were well into the wee hours of the morning. Everyone was seriously starting to worry.
There was one final place Elliott could think of where she might possibly be, so he ran there as fast as he could to check. If she wasn't there, then he was starting to think he'd need to put a missing person's report on her. Surely Apex would find her quickly; they can't let one of their best fighters disappear. Especially not after a night of reporters fawning over her. Elliott charged towards the dropship housed at the very edge of Olympus. Getting through the security was rather easy, simply because the security had been disabled which was a relatively good sign in Elliott's eyes. She had to be here. None of the Apex crew were working at this time, as far as he was concerned. He let himself aboard the aircraft and he nearly collapsed onto the floor when he did.
Holy fucking shit, Gia was here. And she was with Revenant. And she was very clearly naked! Both of them were asleep -or, well, she was asleep and he was shut down, Elliott guessed. Did the robot sleep at all? They were laying all cuddled up to each other on one of the many plush seating areas with a blanket wrapped loosely around them. Gia's entire upper half was exposed to the warm air of the ship, but her dignity was covered just enough by the fact that she had her chest pressed up against Revenant's. The simulacrum kept a metal arm laying over her as they both slept, almost as if he was protecting her. She stirred lightly in her sleep and he responded by pulling her closer. Yet neither one of them woke up.
Elliott wasn't sure if he could scream, cry, runaway, or do all three. He wasn't gonna lie, his heart broke knowing that she would choose a robot over him. Even if his flirts were nothing more than a game, the fact that he was beat by a fucking robot of all things stung. Why didn't she say anything? Probably because no one would have believed her. I mean, Revenant of all people? That thing hated everyone and everything. And he's been known to threaten her on occasion. Was it all part of a rouse to keep people from guessing? Did the simulacrum have some sort of reputation to uphold? Or was this some sort of spontaneous thing? Either way, Elliott had a hard time picking his jaw up off the floor.
He managed to sneak out of the ship without waking either one of them and he exited the hangar. What was he supposed to tell the others? He didn't even know how to comprehend it himself! But he had to say something. Everyone else was still out looking for her. He managed to message everyone else but his words were short. "I found her. She's alright. Everyone stop worrying." he told them. Any responses he got back from them were ignored as he tried to calm his racing mind while he made his way back to his place.
This has been one hell of a night.
Elliott called an emergency meeting with the others the next afternoon once everyone was able to catch some well-needed sleep. Both Gia and Revenant had reappeared some time in the early morning, though no one was able to catch them together. Her usual chipper mood didn't do anything to quell Elliot's confused thoughts and he had half a mind to just probe her for answers to the questions he wasn't sure he wanted to even ask. What was he supposed to ask her? "How long have you been fucking Revenant? Were you ever gonna tell us or were you trying to toy with us? Does he even have a dick?" He wasn't hurt by the fact that she was seeing someone. Elliott knew she wasn't interested in any of the six of them. She made it very clear her no actually meant no. But Revenant?!
"What's so important you needed to gather all of us?" Crypto had asked. Elliott was tongue-tied. He just had to rip it off like a band-aid, right? That's what they all say, right?
"We need to call the competition off. Leave Gia alone." he managed to say.
"What? Why?" Wraith questioned with genuine confusion.
"She's seeing someone."
"How do you know?" Silva asked.
"I found them together last night."
"Are you sure?" Bloodhound asked and Elliott nodded.
"Very sure."
"Who is it? Another Legend?" Loba wondered. All eyes were on Elliott, waiting for him to spill the beans. Who could've possibly stolen Gia's heart? No one ever saw anyone else fawning over her and no one ever saw her eyes lingering for too long on a certain someone. She treated everyone the same. Perhaps it wasn't another Legend. Did she have a lover that came to surprise her at the party? Did a husband or wife come to cheer her on in the new events?
"It's... It's Revenant, okay!" he spat out and quite literally everyone else had gasped in surprise.
"Are you trying to make some sort of sick joke? Because if you are, I will throttle you!" Loba threatened.
"I'm serious! I found them together last night and she was very clearly naked in his arms."
"I don't believe it!" cried Wraith. There is no way someone as sweet as Gia would ever find companionship in someone like Revenant. It just couldn't be possible.
"Believe what you want but I'm backing out of this dumb competition! I don't want Revenant to snap my neck!" shouted Elliott and he threw his hands up in defeat. With a heavy sigh, he dropped his head to the table in a loud thump. A look of understanding passed from Legend to Legend. Everyone knew Revenant's behavior. He was cold and he was unforgiving. If what Elliott claimed was true, then there's no telling what the simulacrum would do to them if he found out they were all trying to get into her pants.
"What do we say to Gia? She'll know something's up." Silva asked aloud to the group.
"You don't have to say anything." that god damn voice said, making everyone jump in their seat and whip their heads around to peer at Gia timidly idling in the doorway. Her white eyes were glossed over in pity, and that hurt all the more.
"Were you standing there the whole time?" Elliott asked her.
"I heard shouting. I came at the part where you said you found us together last night."
"Oh." was all he said back.
"Listen, guys," she started, moving into the room and closer to them. "I know how much fun you guys were having with this competition thing going on between all of you. And I'm sorry this was how you found out about me and Revenant."
"Have you been seeing him this whole time?" Loba almost seethed.
"Yes." she flat out said. No beating around the bush. "I promise I'm not dating him to spite you, Loba. I started dating him long before I even knew of your history with him. I didn't do this to hurt you. And I'm sorry if it does hurt you." she apologized.
"No one's hurt that you're seeing him." claimed Silva.
"Speak for yourself!" Loba interrupted.
"We're just confused is all, chica."
"Loba, truly I'm very sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry to all of you. I'm sorry if I ever lead any of you on, but I honestly thought I had made it very clear that this was just a game."
"You did. We heard you loud and clear, hermosa. We were just trying to have a little fun with you."
"I know. And I'm sorry if this put a stop to your competition. Believe me when I say I enjoyed the attention. I truly did not intend for any of you to get hurt or upset. If it's Revenant you're hesitant of, I can give you my absolute word he will not harm any of you."
"I guess I just want to know how it happened." said Wraith. Gia attempted a jovial smile in her direction.
"There's so much to me you guys don't even know. So much that even Revenant doesn't know. I know it may seem strange but I promise you that he and I are not very different."
"Does he even.... um.. have a... you know?" Elliott then hesitantly questioned much to everyone else's embarrassment. They all shouted at him in distaste. "Oh come on! I know I'm not the only one who's curious!" he defended himself. Gia took in a deep, shuttering breath.
"Well... um... yes, he does."
"That's just weird. That is so weird." shuttered Silva. "Dios mío, eso es asqueroso. Can we please talk about something else?" he mumbled into his palms.
"Look, to make a long story short, all I can say is I'm sorry. From the absolute bottom of my heart, I am sorry. Regardless of where we all go from here, I just want you to know that you've all made me feel pretty, you've made me feel important, and you've made me feel loved. And I can't ever thank you enough for that. I just hope you all understand that I truly do love you too. Even if it's not the same way that you love me. I truly do love you."
"As long as you're happy." Crypto replied to her. As sad as he was to say it, he meant it for her.
"I am. I really am."
"I guess that's the end of that. It's been a good game, guys." Elliott directed towards the other five. "We're just not what you're looking for, I guess."
"But you're what someone is looking for." she consoled. "Elliot, you are the most handsome man I have ever met in my entire life." Gia confessed to him. To solidify her statement, she pressed a warm kiss to his cheek. Then she turned to the green-haired man beside him. "Silva, my life would be so incredibly boring without you in it." and she pressed a kiss to his cheek as well. "Loba, next time you see me in the arena, I want you to just step on me with those boots." she giggled and kissed her cheek as well. Despite Loba's best efforts, she cracked a real smile. "Bloodhound, you're an incredibly skilled hunter and I wish I could match up to you." Gia tentatively lifted her hands towards his face, waiting to see if he'd stop her from removing his face mask. He didn't. So she lifted the material from his face and pressed a kiss to his cheek as well before putting it back in place. "Crypto, don't ever let anyone underestimate you." a kiss to his cheek. "And of course, Wraith. I meant what I said before; you have a beautiful smile. Show it off some more." a kiss to her cheek. "I love you guys. And I hope you don't think any less of me."
"Of course not." said Bloodhound which made Gia's heart flutter with glee. She bid a final farewell to all of them before making her departure, still unsure if they have forgiven her for her secrets. The room fell quiet for several moments as they all processed what just happened. In the blink of an eye, everything just crumbled. No one was angry. They all still loved Gia. But now things were a little different. The competition was officially off the table now and the six Legends were unsure of where to go from here.
"She totally loves me more." Silva cracked the silence.
"Are you kidding? She kissed me first!"
"She kissed me longer." claimed Bloodhound. And then a full blown argument started between all of them over who Gia had more affection for.
Everything sort of calmed down after Gia had finally come clean. The six Legends that had been following her for months had backed off and everyone took notice of it. Che asked Gia what had happened between all of them and Gia had confessed that she had been seeing someone behind everyone's back. Though she didn't name names. Che wanted details of course but didn't press when Gia refused to give them. Even Pathfinder could sense that there was some tension in the room but, bless his heart, he had no idea how to make everyone feel better. He tried though. "Everything will be okay, friend." he told her and then gave her one of his famous high fives.
It's not like Gia didn't try to mend things with them. She still tried to talk to them but conversations became awkward because no one knew what to say anymore. All the flirting stopped and everyone was too scared to sit too close to her in fear of Revenant's wrath. But she did try. It's just that her efforts went nowhere.
Then, seemingly out of nowhere, Gia and Revenant were seen together out in public for the very first time. They officially outed themselves as a couple. Everyone was just minding their own business when Gia had appeared, dragging Revenant behind her with her hand interlaced in his. She pulled him into everyone's view and everyone turned to stare at them with wide eyes. She paid them no mind, but Revenant glared at anyone he connected eyes with. She pulled him down to sit with her and he did without complaint. She cuddled into his side and he tossed an arm across her shoulders, allowing her to get as close as possible. Everyone was watching, but it was Elliott, Silva, Loba, Crypto, Bloodhound, and Wraith that seemed to be the most in shock. What had finally changed her mind about keeping their relationship quiet, they didn't know. Everyone was just as confused as they were and those who were aware of the six's admiration for Gia all turned towards them in either pity or curiosity. Yet no one said a word. It felt like all eyes were burning into them. But thank god they all turned away at some point.
Gia proceeded to show Revenant something on her device and they both watched intently. He even scooted her into his lap so he could place his chin on her shoulder and watch. His arms wrapped around her midsection protectively and she cracked a smile. She looked so tiny in his lap.
"I can't watch this." Loba said and stormed off. She still hadn't come to terms with the fact that the woman she desired was in love with the demon she wanted to murder.
"Does anyone else feel nauseous or is it just me?" Wraith asked, turning away from the loving couple.
"No, I feel it too." Elliott confessed.
"It may hurt now, but she is a grown woman who has made her decision and we must respect that. We'll get over it eventually." Bloodhound told the group.
"Just because we respect it doesn't mean it doesn't still hurt, compadre." retorted Silva.
"You think they'll stay together?" Crypto then asked and everyone looked back to Gia still cuddled in Revenant's metallic lap. Elliott watched carefully as every twitch of Revenant's fingers only seemed to hold her closer to his chest. His touched appeared to be gentle and Gia had made herself comfortable in his embrace. She smiled at her device and carefully ran her fingertips along the build of his arms. He must've made some sort of noise because she nudged her cheek against his metal face plating. When he turned to look at her, she looked back and pressed her forehead to his. They both closed their eyes and Elliott assumed that was their version of a kiss considering he didn't have any lips -or even a moveable jaw for that matter. And Elliott could tell that she was genuinely happy.
"Yeah. I think so."
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deniigi · 4 years
Here, have Johnny coming out to his family.
Ben caught him one day and dragged him down to the gym to beat his ass and leave him spitting on the floor over and over until he was satisfied that Johnny could fight someone at least three times his size.
He didn’t let Johnny use any fire, which was unfair since Ben got to use his everything.
This time, he only flung Johnny onto his face and back alternatively like, eight times before letting him stagger up and grumpily robot-walk his way towards the showers.
“Hey, kid,” Ben said out of nowhere. “It’s okay, you know.”
It wasn’t. Johnny was 100% his lower back was fractured, no thanks to you, Benjamin.
Ben laughed at him.
“No,” he said, way too seriously to his heavy hands. “That’s not what I meant.”
Johnny curled a lip up at him.
“I don’t read minds,” he huffed.
Ben carried on being weird.
“It’s okay, I mean, to like boys, Johnny,” he finally said.
Johnny felt like some guy named Fishman had just erupted into sardines and flooded the building with them. He caught himself no longer pressing on his lower back and went back to it.
“Thanks, Ben, I already knew,” he said. “If you want to get a boyfriend—”
“—that’s totally cool. Cute even—”
“—I mean, I hope he’s indestructible because otherwise you’re gonna back him and a wall—”
“What?” Johnny asked nastily.
Ben blinked painfully slowly. Johnny felt his heart start racing.
“Is it that obvious?” he groaned.
Ben snorted.
“Yeah,” he said.
Damn. Well. No sense in crying over spilled milk.
“Okay, but Ben. His name is Isaiah, he’s 5’ 9” and pretty.”
“God, I told Sue I would live to regret this and it’s only been 15 seconds.”
 Sue didn’t care about the boys thing. She made Reed come out and be painfully awkward about it for her. That was how Johnny knew she wasn’t mad.
Reed engaged ‘empty android’ mode and made Johnny sit on his bed while he sat in Johnny’s desk chair that was way, way, way too yellow and cheerful for him.
He produced a shiny little square and told Johnny that he had six videos queued up for him to watch and that Johnny was going to sit in here with a pile of squares and a banana until he was finished with all of them. And then Reed had a multiple choice quiz for him to take.
Johnny thought it was very cute that Reed and Sue thought that he didn’t know what a condom was or how to use one.
They really thought the best of him, didn’t they?
He decided to save his party trick of putting it on things with only his mouth for another day.
 He passed the quiz with flying colors.
 That was all the easy stuff.
Johnny knew from Youtube that his experience was not universal. At 10, he’d watched a billion videos while in a panic about feeling some kind of scary way about Dennis Bluth at school. They’d led him to believe that being gay was terrifying and that coming out was the scariest part of it, ever, ever, ever.
He learned that being gay was a somewhat endless cycle of coming out over and over again, too.
Unless you had a flag.
Putting flags all over your stuff meant that you didn’t have to come out as often—or so 10 year-old Johnny had decided.
He didn’t have a flag, though. So he settled for watching videos of boys kissing sometimes on Youtube when everyone else was asleep.
That was the scary stuff. The hiding stuff.
Or it was supposed to be.
Now that Sue and Reed and Ben all knew the big secret, it didn’t seem like such a big deal.
They fought aliens. What did it matter that Johnny wanted to sniff Isaiah?
It wasn’t going anywhere, anyways. Isaiah. Didn’t. Like. Boys.
It was the worst.
“Jonathan,” Sue sighed. “You’re burning your pen.”
Out, out, out. Flame off. Flame off.
 It took a whole month for Johnny’s wide, deep heart to catch up with his brain and understand that no matter how hard he smiled or giggled at Isaiah, Isaiah wasn’t going to like him back.
Really, it took exactly one Christopher, who was also straight, apparently, so Johnny was just going to go suffocate himself in the nearest trashcan, thanks.
The worst part about liking boys was the part where they didn’t like you back.
That was way, way worse than coming out to Ben or Reed or Sue.
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braveggg-hq · 3 years
Mermay EVENT
Topic: Mermay -Month long event for May 2021
Subject: GaoGaiGar Police Verse
The events and personalities/history of characters are not CANON to either show or universe. It’s only for the event of mermay and this universe only. Please do not think these changes in character are canon. As well it’s not required to read the about for characters, but just there for help or any questions on them.
-Thank you for reading <3
[Mobile format in mind, just a heads up]
The A.I units are waterbased and land based, though some are able to be air based as well. They were created by the Brave Police and Three G almost at the same time. Though each company was very much oblivious to the actions of each other, mostly due to how they wanted to keep it a secret due to the slowly rising cases of oceanatic life and pollution suspected to be done by the rising ALPHA and Pollion organizations. The Brave Police and Three G would both end up coming together after their units were released and ended up meeting one another.
The Three G and Brave Police ended up merging their programs and working with one another. Which would lead to the creation of the new ocentic rehibilitation center in Nanamagari city near the oceans edge. The purpose being to save, clean, heal, and then return ocean life to the ocean if found harmed or lost. As well as taking in mermaid pods and lost mermaids. It also holds other areas open to the public for learning needs, sometimes holding more open and social mermaids to the public to watch heal or learn about. The creatures that live in the zoo for full or lifetime usually can be found in very suitable permanent tanks. The commissioners of the Units as well can be found around the zoo/lab. Sometimes blending into the area around them.
Zonders can be found in both land, water, and air. Zonders are harmful to the ocean and it’s creatures as well. they are very agressive adn do attempt to either harm, damage permanently, or kill their host. There are as well poactures and hunters that go after these creatures, to which the A.I units of both organizaitons and stations go after to protect and contain as well as arrest-of course. Another thing to note in this universe is that there are far more units present as well as other people. Zonders to note as well target mermaids, mostly to build up and use them to their advantage. Which leads to....[ ]. Zonders are a very high threat, more then the humans who attempt to create and harm the life around them. Zonders are highly toxic and can easily spread and grow in population due to the high amount of ocean creatures and fish. As well as human beach goers and air born life forms. Zonders can as well take on human forms and life forms though cannot get the eyes right nor voice or sounds. Usually keeping to their usual sounds.
[[ KEY
Betterman vs GaoGaiGar or new - ————
Negative - ————
Character change Major - ——
The humans include almost all of the usually members of the two universes
Yuuta: Born and abandoned as a infant, Yuuta was adopted by the Amami family. His adoptive family would treat him as their own and raise him as their own. Of course, this leading him to take a liking to both ocean life and robotics or robots. He was almost on top of his class but as well down to earth and very cheerful and playful. He would end up finding out of the two orginizations when his brother Mamaoru ended up meeting with them for the grand opening of the zoo and lab of Nanamagari. Later on he would bond with Deckard- unit and gain the abilities to link up with them after the AK 020 Event.
Mamaoru: Born and found as an infant from a strange matalic lion, his adoptive parents Ai and Ammi Amami. He would end up being an only child until his parents found Yuuta, the two would grow close to one another over the years and usually forgot they were both from seperate famliies. Mamaoru would end up being brought into the Three G when it was found out he could cure Zonderfined humans, creatures, and mermaids. Later on he would be found to be one of the holder of the G-stone, as well as brought into working with the Three G. Refered to Agent Mamaoru and commondly found to be with Gai or Agent volfogg. He would be the one to help zonderfied lifeforms and later fight and defent the lab and zoos from Zonder attacks or attacks in general.
Gai: A cyborge once man. Send to Jupitor as a young man, he would return badly damaged and within a strange matalic lion which would be kept in the Three G labs and storage. Gai is the son of Leo and ———. He is highly skilled in fighting and is able to be both land and water bound. able to have his legs link up to create a fish tail, making him able to fight both on land and water without hinderance. Gai was given his new body after being brought back by the lion from space. Though his water bound abilites were given after Zonders were found in the ocean. He is able to link up with the lion to form GaiGar, a unit that is able to walk on land and water. Though is not able to travel under the water. Merely stand or fly above (Though only with certain units)
Mikioto: A very happy, kindhearted, worker at the G three. She is commonly seen working around and proforming the tasks the late Papillion once did, though commonly now a days works with the head cases and headstation. She presses the button that allows GaiGar to for GaoGaiGar or any other weapons/abilities. She also is known to have an unknown connection with the zonders.
Hyuuma (Geki): hot headed and very blunt. Yet fun and caring when he wants to be. He’s built for fighting, as some say. He’s very hot headed and couragous. Once used for Goldymarg project, he has become very blunt, serious, and tempermental after the Incident 192_Zonder accident. However, he has an odd bond with Ushiyama.
Ikumi (Arma): A quiet strange boy, he is very quiet and can be seen hiding around or stalking different workers of the Three G and later the Brave Police. He is suspected to have a connection to the Zonders or atleast the strange being seen around. Known as Able. He also can be seen protecting the workers of the Three G and Brave Police. Rarely will he be seen or heard speaking.
Papillion Noir: Once a worker for the Three G, after the Zonder incident 192, she has been suspected to have been killed and taken over by one of the leading zonders. Rarely will she appear on land but mostly be seen in the ocean in her new form as a strange jellyfish like being. She can be seen usually drowning or paralizing humans and the creatures of the sea. Rarely however, will she even come out for physical attacks. She was once one of the higher developers for the A.I units and other robotics. As well as having a relationship with Entouji. She is known to have been soft toned, sweet, considerate, and very motherly at times.
Ushiyama (Kazuo): A worker for the three G and one of the repair workers of the A.I units. He is noted to having an odd bond with Hyuuma (Geki).
Leo and liger: Both bothers are on uneven terms. Though get along well. Both are seen as high class workers and are usually up to working on experiements and creating new technology. Though take their jobs seriously. They can be noted as being serious, blunt, nice, exagerent, childish, and hard working. Leo is the father of Gai and Liger the father of Renais. Leo tends to stay in Japan while Liger tends to stay in America with Swan and stallion White and Mic Sounders.
Isogai: Originally the secretary of President Tagia, she has gone missing after the Zonder incident 192. She was seen as studious, sweet, hard working, and cheerful. Her position for the organization was for taking notes, arriends, checking up on developments, and a part of the team Ammar. She tends to use objects as her weapon in the group. (Mostly her pole). Isogai was noted to go to the mermaids after the labs and zoos locked up or closed and play, entertain, and chat with them. Sometimes teaching them defense tatics.
(Operator) Entouji: The developer and creator for most if not all A.I units, also called The Father of A.Is. He is one of the very slim pergentage of highly intelligent human beings. He is commonly in a chair and working at the computer. He tends to become messy and is usually over worked. however, that is his fault. He always is on the run for working and getting things done. Now more then before due to Papillions absents. He’s quiet, friendly, intelligent, and studious. Tends to be messy and forget to take baths.
Ayako: One of the photographers and works for the Brave Police of Nanamagari city. she’s very friendly, exagerant, joyful, talkative, and abrasive. Always in it for that perfect or new hot photo. she usually ends up in the Medical bay or doctors office due to her newest photo or story. She’s a very passionate gal and can be seen with Dumpson half the time. She also is a lover of surfing and new reporting.
Shunsuke: A repair worker for the Nanamagari City Brave Police. Though once the organizations mashed together, works along side Ushiyama and Entouji. He gets along well with almost everyone but has a habit of getting to into his works. Such as repairing things that don’t need to be repaired or updating things. He’s very serious, blunt, joyful, kidding, and strong willed. He tends to be very sarcastic. He has a habit of visiting Gunmax after hours to chat and joke. Or just bicker with.
Seia: A highly respected commander of the army nearby, she’s high ranking and has a lot of sass to her. Though outside of her work, she’s friendly, comforting, and in a way motherly. She’s always ready to help others out and to encourage other activities. She’s a sweetheart yet very stern. She has a special bond with McCrane. She as well has a younger brother who has now passed away due to the events of 192.
Saejima (Commissioner): He is commonly known as the new President of the two organizations after Taiga’s sudden leave. He’s known to be more serious, short tempered, studious, and on track with things then before. He over sees many projects and developments, as well as the tracking of those Zonderfied in the two organizations. He has a strong friendship with Shunsuke and once Taiga. He’s very serious when it comes to Zonder attacks and always in the front of things to see who or what is coming close. He suffers from heavy PTSD due to the Zonder Incident 192 and 3251AK. He tends to drink more often now then before. He has a bond with little unit Bishop and Gunmax along with Yan Long-Ki
(President) Taiga: Once the Three G President, he is now known as Zonder 1231.2, the second part of the suspected Abel. He can be seen as a large figure that appears as the myth of Cthulu. He can be seen in a human form that appears as him, though with red eyes and light purplish skin tone. Sticking to the Zonder appearance. He is noted to be highly agressive and dangerous. Targeting old friends and oblivous humans and mermaids. He is known to drown or rip apart victims in both forms. Before the incident, he was seen as very friendly, cheerful, couragous, fatherly, stern yet abrasive, and protective. He is known to have been married to [ ] and after her death have a relationship with his secretary. He was last seen attempting to protect several workers from a Zonder. Leaving him to being noted as missing in action. He as well was part of the Ammar group- leader. Since his absence GaiGaiGar’s Final form hasn’t been able to be activated as well as more dangerous and higher damaging weapons. Leaving the lab and groups more vunrable to more damaging attacks.
Azuma: He common works at Nanamagari City Brave Police station yet, having taken over for Commisioner Saejima. He’s noted to be cruel at times and very egotistic. However, has grown more kind and humble.
Yan Long-Ki (Commander): He leds the Three G in China and holds onto one of several labs that hold several highly dangerous zonder cases and forms. He has two units of his own that are stationed there for emergency services. He has a wife and young son as well.
Stallion White and Swan White: Two twins, brother and sister who live in America with Liger and Mic Sounders the 13th. They work side by side in the communications department. Stallion commonly stays in America to oversee the weapons build and communications as Swan Travels back and forth between America and Japan with Mic sounders. She has the second part of President tagias activation key. which allows GaiGar to Go to Black GaiGar and Jet GaoGaiGar. Swan white and Stallion white have a bond with Mic Sounders and Liger.
Hana: One of Mamaorus childhood friends and Yuutas best friends. She’s very meek and has a hard time getting things done due to her severe anxiety. however, she is commonly heard encouraging herself to be brave.
Ayame: Hana’s cousin and one of the more ranbuncious and trouble markers of the Zoo visitors.
Reiko, Takayasu, and Sueo: Mamaoru’s friends. Reiko comes from a high class family. she’s classy and knows what she wants but is caring for her friends. Common picks on Takayasu, || Takayasu comes from a high class family and has a high intelligence, he also gets picked on by Reiko. he’s friendly and tends to get the newest technology. ||| sueo is the younger brother of Ushiyama. He’s strong for his age and can be seen feeding the mermaids and animals after, during, and before the labs/zoo opens up. He isn’t too bright but he usually makes that up for thinking out of the box.
Keita Aono: showing up for an interview out of nowhere, He was hired almost right away due to his chrisma and kind personaltiy. He is noted to be clumsy, charming, kind, funny, and studious (at times) he tends to clean and feed the creatures and Mermaids. Though he was given the option to drive on the mobile units due to his actions during the Incident of 192 and 053. He has his own mecha suit. though after these events he is seen to be slightly more awkward, panic prone, kind, and clumsy. He’s still in employment but can be seen placed in much safer areas for work after the close call and accident report 293/13. He is protective of those around him and of course Hinoki. He is known to be willing to protect others even if it places himself in danger.
Ai Amami and Ammi Amami: Mamoru’s and Yuuta’s parents, not their birth parents but adoptive parents. they care for the two and would give anything for them to be safe.
Alouette: A almost genious-level child, she is around seven years old and almost tops Entouji. though they level out mid way. She was the one to help and complete Program Drive of GaogighGar’s final fusion sequense. She suffers from Amnesia, though this did lead her to live a normal life. however, she still retains high intelligence. however, this is not used in order to keep her living a normal life and childhood. Only used if needed. Even then she usually isn’t bothered by it. She is usually with Renais and Regina or playing with the other kids.
Regina: From Scottland and with her units from the Scottland yard. She is very studious, strict, polite, lady like, and graceful. She has a habit of getting protective of her units and hateful or spiteful towards anyone who dares harm them. She can hold a grude for years, though, once joining the labs she’s opened up and softened. Espeically with yuuta’s help. She’s learned to be less strict. though she has a protective grisp on her units still. It’s not as bad as before.
Renais: A cybrog formed aganst her will. She never wanted it, though she had no say. Being kiddnapped at a young age and witnissing her families death say for her father. To who she still has a resentment for at times. She’s strong willed, iron fisted, intelligent, sassy, and confident. She always is ready to put herself in the way of danger to protect those she loves, as well as work to help herself. She’s very confident in herself though has a low self-esteem at times. Renais is usually one to be serious in her work and focus on the objective. She has her own units and is part of Chasseur of France. She has some sort of bond with Alouette. With time she has softened up slightly, only slightly. She’s learned to have a bit of fun but be serious, with Mamauro’s and Yuuta’s help.
Ms.Piggy: A simple unit who can communicate with the units in certain beeping patterns. She commonly serves oil to them. Suspected to have a bond with volfogg.
Enryuu and Hyoryuu: two twins of the units, Enryuu being the oldest and Hyoryu being the youngest. Enryuu is more hot-headed, clumsy, fun, and blunt, Hyoryu is more serious, cool, friendly, and sweet. Enryu has fire based abilties and able to heat things up and Hyoryu being able to use ice and the cold to his advantage. They both as based off of Tiger sharks.
GoldyMarg: Once part of the Three G, he was zonderfied to the horror of the other units. Sadly, able to keep his self awareness but do nothing from distruction. He is based off a squid. Which only makes him more dangerous. He is often noted to be highly aggressive and dangerous. He has been spotted sinking several ships and taking Zonderfied A.I units to the surface for attacks.
GetsuRyuu+NichiRyu: Two twins built in Germany. they both are very sweet, intelligence, quick with actions, and elegant like the other two girls. They are very close with one another and often have to keep little Shouryu, Bishop, Drill Boy, and Mic out of trouble. They are based off Squids and the one able to fly, the only ones both flight, land, and water based. They can fly in the air due to their blasters and light weight metals.
Volfogg: A sleek and spy built unit, he is very quiet and keep to himself half the time. Often seen sleeping or doing work. He is built after a Seal. Volfogg has some sort of relationship with Ms.Piggy and is seen chatting with Entouji half the time. He is also one of the only units able to walk both on land and swim. He is very graceful and silent. Making him very scary at times due to his sudden apperances. He is often seen looking over late recording of missing or absent agents and workers.
Furyu and Rairyu: Both are land based units who are often based in China. Furryu is often seen as very childish, smart alic, abrasive, and couragous. Rairu is often seen as quiet, smart, brave, and couragous. They both tend to look after the workers and always on the edge due to the zonders getting lose.
Anryu and Kouryu: They are able to switch between both Water and land, but hardly do so. Even if they can, they are considered to be the second set of land based units, they are mostly seen swiming around. anryu is serious, quiet, and sassy. Kouryu is known to be bubbly, loud, and smart mouthed. Though the two are both very intelligent, elegant, and slick. anryu is able to use the darkness to her advantage due to her color and coding while Kouryu can use the light to her advantage. They are both based off Jellyfish and a bit of Beta fish.
Mic Sounders the 13th: He is another Land based A.I unit, commonly seen helping around and using his music to his advantage. He is loud, rembuncious, and joyful. He is also known to be very Childish. He will use his music to the advantage as well as vibrations around him. He’s a sweet unit in his minizied form but the other stuff comes out when he’s in his actual size. He tends to be a little to rambuncious at times but isn’t much of a threat. Just oblvious at times. however, when Swan’s around...he’s more calm and collected.
Rook and Pawn: twins that don’t look alike, they ain’t identical twins at all. Rook is classy and very quiet, Pawn is more loud and rambuncious. They are often seen working together when fighting but are pretty much opposet from one another outside of that. however, they do have a strong bond alonng like the others. They are as well land based. They both use their strangth and physical build for fighting.
Bishop: The youngest of all units, even from Shouryu. He’s meek at times, shy, soft toned, and passive. however, he can be very friendly when he wants to be. He’s often noted ot being the medic of the group along side Duke/Knight. He’s often seen alone and almost greaving the loss of one of his closet brothers/teammates. He’s land based as well. Has a staff he can use to his ability, though he cannnot use it to it’s full potential. Due to the hazard of it sucking all his energy away. this would cause his circuts to fry and in the end, be his death.
King: Able to be both land and water based, he is known to be silent, strong-willed, confident, and leaderlike. He doesn’t take anyones crap and very seirous in most if not all situations. though that is from all he’s had to do while under the old Regina’s control. He has softened up but that was mostly for Bishops sake. He’s more soft toned, quiet, strong-willed, and friendly. He’s based on a sea horse in his water form. He usually is seen with a sword for fights.
Duke/knight: After Goldymarg was lost, a search for him was sent out by the two organizations. However, this lead to a long and difficult battle between all the units. Leading to Knight being captured and as well being Zonderfied. He is land based so after falling into the water, he was easily captured. Leading him to being Zonderfied into a Kalpe type creature. So far no one’s seen him besides being seen before any fights. Suggesting he is a scout of sorts for them.
ShouRyuu: the second youngest of the group. Very naive, curious, childish, friendly, and sweet of the group. He’s very clingy to anyone bigger then him and is usually kept inside the headquarters, lab, or zoo. He can go onto land and into water. His water based form is of a simple Eel. he is able to work with electricty and able to control such. Luckily he cannot harm anyone if he does enter water. He tends to hang out and comfort Bishop.
Gunmax: A land based unit from America, he is commonly seen patroling the land and giving tickets. Though he is known to have a biker gang as friends. He honestly loves them, but is very much known to be a trouble maker. however, his charm, kindness, and joky behavor weights this out half the time. Later on he is given a water form due to the increase of water crimes. He is based off of a Dolphin. He has a pistol on land for fights and a harpoon for water based fights.
McCrane: Usually quiet, blunt, studious, and friendly. He tends to be with Seia half the time and enjoys her presents. He is water based and usually swims around with the other build team. fixing things broken. He is very charming to a lot of visitors and sometimes gets fanmail. He’s often seen fighting with his hands and a pole. He’s the oldest of the build team. He’s based off a clown fish.
Deckard: Paired up with Yuuta later on, he’s charming, friendly, sweet, intelligent, guideful, and fatherly. He is often the first appointed Water based unit. Deckard was the very first to be online and brought into the eye of the public first. Due to Yuuta interfering with one of the wonders that attempted to attack the delivering trucks. Deckard activated and save the young boy before the Wonder could harm him. This as well affected the units strength. While appearing very frail and weak, the unit is able to handle several thousand pounds. Deckard is the head leader of his group but is often looked to by the other units. Deckard is able to use his pistol on land and water, due to it being created just for him.
Drill Boy: the third youngest of all the units. He's not the smallest, but he is water bound. Often seen playing with the other younger units and by himself, he is noted for being a trickster and trouble maker. He is found of the older girls that visit and usually plays tricks for them. That is if he wants to. If he's on for a show he usually gives boring bland tricks. He's known to be childish, playful, sweet, annoying, and bubbly. He's built for building and is able to drill into the ground or surrounding area. He's based off a clownfish.
Shadowmaru and Kagaru: The two are twins, both similar in personality, though having their own differences. Such as Kaharu being more miscvious and trickster like. Shadowmaru is more serious and blunt. Shadowmaru is known to be the more serious of the two while Kagaru is known to be like a fox, trickster and miscvious. He doesn't tend to be as serious as Shadowmaru, though they both hold some serious fighting and weaponry. They take this seriously. Especially after Kagaru was almost reprogrammed by one of the other companies. Luckily he wasn’t but did cost his life. Though thanks to Papillion he survived. Shadowmaru and Kagaru are both able to be on land and water, as well as air. Their water forms are based on Octopus and their air forms are on two dragons.
dumpson: Ayako’s favorites units. Dumpson is slightly hot headed, joyful, iron-willed, and humble. He’s very strong, just slightly more then Deckard due to his framing, he’s able to lift a medium sized oil tanker if he wants though he must be careful due to his unit not wanting to pull or break anything. Especially under the water. He’s someone who will try and whoo others and sometimes without knowing, though he is very focused on his work, he’s part of the build team as well. He is very focused on what he needs to do and get done. Sometimes pushing himself to his limit. He’s based on a clown fish as well.
Power Joe: Another and the second oldest of the build team. He’s got an eye out for the art of fighting and karate, as well as art itself. He has an interest in art and fighting. He’s most often known for his ability for picking up all sorts of fighting ways and actions. He enjoys working along side his brothers, usually taking his time with certain parts, more so the oil areas. Not wanting any of it to leak out. He’s very charming, talkative, joking, mischivious, and lively. He has a crane built onto him as well, making him useful to builds that require high heights or carrying humans around. He’s based off a clowfish as well.
Soldato-J/Pizza + J-ark: He was from the Red Planet, but came with abel and Ikumi after it’s demise. He was made to protect the two but would end up in a coma after landing to earth. He would awaken after the evens of 192 and been seen watching over the ocean on nearby cliffs of the Three G labs and zoo. He is seen to not be a threat and protect those around there and fight Zonders. Though appears to be looking for someone of something.
Cain: Confirmed to be killed on his planet by his son Mamaoru after his link with Galeon (The lion). His form taken by a zonder he is often seen harming or killing those in Zonder attacks, though rarely has his form be seen fighting with itself while in attacks among humans. It can be noted he is not a high class threat due to how easy it is to deter this type to coming onto land. However, it can be noted this form of zonder- if able to make it onto land, can cause heavy damage. Though as long on water or in water, cannot.
Abel: while not Zonderfied she took to working along side after being fed lies by Palparepa and Pillus. She is naive and childish, very childish. Though her true form is a very tall woman. She is noted to be dosile and more of a nusisiouce.
Palparepa + Pillus: Both work hand in hand of causing as much damage and death. They have little care for other living beings and seem to enjoy in such activities. Papaprepa is able to take the form of a giant mecha and able to both fly, walk, and swim. Paparepa is seem often along side of Pillus who is seen as very unhinged. Palparepa is often spoted zonderfying other beings if given the chance by using his syring form of an arm while Pillus is seen leading most attacks upon humans and earth life. They often attempt to take over the units and damage them before zonderfing them. They both tend to watch and listen. They as well as known or atleast highly suspected for being the reason behind the zonderification of the Incident 192 and many more. Pillus can take the form of a large great white shark and Paplaperpa his mecha form.
Sakura Akamatsu: Soft toned, sweet heart, brave, studious, and clean. She is known for being found after one of the many attacks on the lab. Seeming to have washed upon the shore, though. The only recorded case of a natural Mermaid. She is known to get sick easily, bruised, or injured easlily. She is known for her bright blue eyes and soft cotton candy pink hair, as well as her soft spoken tone. She is usually held with the rest of the workers in their bunkers and has had custom made travel ways for herself around the area. She is able to travel into different channels of minds at random and able to connect to her very own unit, though this is risky and only done in Emegency cases or on her own will. She is seen often with the other units at times and speaks or plays with the other children best she can.
Hinoki Sai: Hired by the Three G before the events of 192. she was usually seen cleaning up messes and working on the garden. Though after the Zonder attacks of Accident 0029, she would end up with a mobile suit due to the abilities shown during the attack. She was as well moved to another part of Japan. Linking her up to work with the young Mikoto. She is confident at times but usually doubts herself and her intelligence. She is of high intelligence. She has a childhood friend named Keita though forgot of him during the first zonder attacks. However, once she meets him again when he is transferred to the current headquarters of the Three G. she is apathetic and tends to get a bad rep, and rumored to be rude. She has a good relationship with her friends; Mikoto, Swan, Keito (later), and once Papillion. She is commonly seen being in a Sullen manner.
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