#everyone deserves redemption
championsandheroes · 8 months
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You're going to regret being mean to me when I get super powerful and cool, Minthara D< Just watch me romance Astarion again and know that it could have been you if you hadn't called me an abomination.
… and yes, obviously I'm romancing her in another playthrough with an evil drow. As if I wouldn't be batting my eyelashes at a mean drow woman.
We've got a support system for drow lovers over at Patreon, society6, and redbubble. It's... mostly talking about how much we love drow though.
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I liked this article. I particularly agree with how it said that Dragon Age's besetting sin is its inability to deal with the elements it introduces with nuance yet somehow its characters are exempt. I believe that's true of its world building too though. The world feels like a world. The nations and cultures feel real. And, yeah, its characters feel like people— completely complicated and flawed. Which is probably where a lot of the dissonance comes from for many. I saw someone say once that the issue with Dragon Age is it co-opted the language of civil rights without real understanding of how to speak it and I can see it struggling with that in Inquisition (which I'm replaying).
I don't think DA4 will have as much of that problem though. It has been 10 years and there's an almost scrappy feel to the new companions that reminds me of DA2, the closest the story has been to awareness of its own themes and allegories.
Side note: I love how high on the list Vivienne is, and not because my stomach flips a little whenever she calls me, "My dear." She hardly ever gets a nuanced reading and she does deserve one. I was always struck with how afraid she was, which isn't mentioned here. A lot of her motivation is drenched in fear, maybe especially her dogged desire for power.
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seeminglydark · 2 months
as much as i don’t like how they treat Caro, i’m kinda curious about their parents…
What to say about Robert and Claire Greensboro. Upper middle class, picket fence house. Rob works as an investor, Claire is a Wine Mom (re: functioning alcoholic in this case) and former beauty queen herself. Their marriage is more of an arrangement, Claire wanted a certain type of life, and Robert wanted a beautiful wife. They both desperately wanted a Boy, but ended up with Caroline (the irony here is outrageous.) When they have trouble keeping up with the Jones, and rack up credit card debt and take out a second mortgage on the house, they audition baby Caro for a tv commercial and what do ya know, there's something special about that kid afterall. Turns out that Caro is a winner automatically at so many things. Pageants, auditions, modeling contracts, and it only gets better the older Caro gets. They go from a disappointment to having a purpose, the ticket to funding their parents lifestyle.
Love just isnt on the menu here, but when Caro is young they do everything they can to try and win it. Their parents are both master manipulators, dangling the promise of happiness or love and yanking it out of reach when Caro doesn't do things just right. Its always something.
The only 'good' thing is when Caro gets a bit older. Their dad likes to go on fishing trips with his neighbor, O'Sullivan. And their mom has lovers, and is usually drunk, so it gets easier to sneak out and see Sully and the gang or do the normal things teenagers are supposed to do like hanging out with friends and going to the movies without it having to be earned. Obviously their parents are transphobic and homophobic, and they believe that Caro being trans will ruin their career, thus lose them their cash cow. They threaten many horrible solutions, but in the end, Caro leaves when they find out about a life insurance policy their parents took out on them, dollar signs are more important than their life and they aren't sure how far their parents will go to keep things the way they are.
Caros parent will show up later in life, of course they will, all apologies and offerings of love. Our hero has friends and found family now, fortunately, to support them, and are aware their parents love and acceptance is a thin veil for greed, they never expected Caro to make it this far, and now that they have, of course their parents want back in their life. These people unfortunately will probably never change.
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sortanonymous · 6 months
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I kinda got a fic involving one of these two to focus on (spoiler alert: it's the cooler one, and I don't mean the one HAL tried to make look cooler), but I'll just drop a meme like this and maybe save any possible rant for another day. Or hopefully someone else will beat me to that.
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headfulloflettuce · 3 months
Fandoms I write for:
The Human Who Fooled All of Prythian:
“I am going to become a fae.” “You what?!” “Not for real of course.” Cosette smiled, turning to look at Ophelia, “I am going to fake it.” “Oh my god you’re an idiot.”
Cosette expected a nice relaxing evening eating teriyaki chicken after a long day of grueling work. What she did not expect was to get human trafficked and sent on a fetch quest to try and escape Prythian. Were ACOTAR's characters always such jerks?
Chapter 1: Do You Have Teriyaki Chicken Wings?
Chapter 2: Bird in a Cage
Chapter 3: It Was in Fact Not Fine
Chapter 4: The New Routine
Chapter 5: Liar, Liar Pants on Fire
Chapter 6: Friends in Dark Places
Chapter 7: A Warm Blanket
Chapter 8: The Hunt
Chapter 9: Happy Birthday Fern!
Chapter 10: Get Me the Hell Out of Here
Chapter 11: Up-And-Coming Actress
Chapter 12: The Day Fern Died
Chapter 13: Welcome to Winter Court
Chapter 14: Petty Coins
Chapter 15: A Sweet Stench
Chapter 16: Open for Business
Chapter 17: All Things Magic and Mystic
Chapter 18: Family Meeting
Chapter 19: Memento
Chapter 20: A Party for Old Friends
Chapter 21: New Acquaintances
Chapter 22: A Very Polite Non-political Conversation
Chapter 23: I Present Thee With This Muffin of Friendship
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anna-proxx · 4 months
I keep seeing pictures of how (not only) girls dress Arthur to make him even more attractive or lowkey sometimes treat the game as a little dress up game and honestly, even I find myself spending way too much time dressing Arthur up and spending a good portion of his money on clothes.
And all I can think about is the girlfriend effect.
Like his original outfits are always gonna be iconic, but I can just imagine the player dragging him into stores and dressing him up until he’s annoyed (because he’s a big tough outlaw that doesn’t care about such things), but the player gets excited about how cute he looks in a certain shirt and tells Arthur to keep wearing those chaps. <3
(random picture that i found in my phone’s gallery of when i took arthur on a short vacation to saint denis)
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choco-1601 · 7 months
Sometimes I find it amusing how people seem to dump all of their anger on micah when it was dutch who started this whole mess. Micah deserves the blame obv but let's not forget dutch was so eager to rob that train in the FIRST CHAPTER instead of laying low. Even hosea was against him. They barely escaped the heat from Blackwater too. Look hate micah all u want but remember dutch also has blood of all the gang members that has passed away in his hands as well as micah. He's stupid, narcissistic and pretty much a cult leader. He has a brain but he lost the ability to think after the Blackwater shit. Can't believe people still blame the trolley accident for his brain damage lmfao thats the dumbest thing I've ever heard of.
I hate dutch bc he abandoned John and eventually abandoned Arthur too. Him killing micah didn't mean anything bc he became way way worse in rdr
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princerevelucide · 1 year
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i like drawign bill cipher as a little darling. he's small and has tiny hands and legs. this guy only comes up to your waist and weighs as much as a bunny.
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dribs-and-drabbles · 1 year
I'm looking forward to y'all's takes later on this ep but I SO LOVED how the show dealt with Pisaeng's bi/gay 'awakening'. And Max! God that sigh and eye roll, I'ma need someone to gif that for me. And then the rooftop confession and how goddamn beautiful it was for Kawi to just stand there and to know what was coming and to be the one to offer reassurance. Magnificent.
I don't know how the show is doing it. What magic they're playing with. But goddamn it's working, isn't i?
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warlordfelwinter · 2 months
"i want you to make peace with zoraal ja" ok well what if i want to kill him over and over and over again and then throw him into a volcano. what about that
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unanswered-stars · 5 months
I'm getting mad at my own characters for being jerks to my boy Eris. Why can't I just make everyone fall in love with him and give Eris the HEA he deserves?
Tags are mildly spoiler for the next chapter of Shadows of Regret and Redemption I’m working on
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grimalkinmessor · 3 months
For real though as someone who has watched both MP100 and Steven Universe I can tell you with relative certainty that the reason SU is so hated is because there were complex women in it. A lot of the guys (gn) that praise MP100 as SUCH a good show that shows the power of MERCY and UNDERSTANDING are literally the same people that shit on SU for being "too pussy to prosecute its villains properly" <- real words from a man I've spoken with about it 🙃
I like both shows and they're actually very similar, which is why it's hysterical to me when people try to rag on SU after having praised MP100 so ardently like,,,,if you're misogynistic just say that lmao
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tstain-is-an-idiot · 6 months
Dotty appreciation post bc she doesn't get enough love
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mishacakes · 11 months
Do you think it could ever be possible that Nekomama sees the ills of her ways or has a little self reflection? Or do she and Tomi stay apart indefinitely
mmmmMMMMMMMMMMM probably not
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stuckinmoonjelly · 1 year
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Gabriela (spoilers in tags)
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trelinha9 · 4 months
I have the slight and terrible feeling that I'm going to really regret writing this. But I can't focus on the things I need to do, so here we go
Browsing the Amethio tag, I discovered that someone took the link to my poll about Friede x Amethio and sent an ask to an account saying "this fandon has shit taste". This is because 65.8% of the votes (111 votes, just for the record, which shouldn't be, like, even 1% of the Horizontes fandon) had marked the option "Wtf that shit's illegal"
I don't want to talk about this ship anymore, but there are people out there who ship it, so, HERE WE GO I GUESS
(Warning: Some really angry text is below the line)
For me, and this is my opinion, the discussion of why Friede x Amethio is a horrible ship and deserves its own little corner of hell is no longer about age. It doesn't matter if Amethio is of age and legally an adult or not. This doesn't change the following facts that every episode Ametio has appeared in so far keeps throwing in our faces:
1- Amethio is, EMOTIONALLY, much more immature than Friede. Friede provokes Amethio, and he falls. When Amethio tried to instigate Friede in episode 25, Friede literally responded "I'm not a kid anymore to fall for that kind of provocation". This is the script throwing in your face how far from emotional maturity the two are
2 - Friede doesn't treat Amethio with respect. He continues making fun of him, annoying him and irritating him. Whether it's on purpose or not is beside the point: if it is, it's because Friede is really an asshole, and if it's not, it's because Friede can't realize that his actions are affecting someone else in an extremely negative way (which also It's a horrible option!!!)
I wanted to be calmer in my first post on the subject, but I'm stressed today and I don't need someone calling the fandon "dummies" because they don't agree with the crap ship you like. People have tastes. People have their own ideas. People have their own interpretations of media. There are people who see the things I just mentioned and see "enemies to lovers", when it is an extremely toxic and unbalanced relationship. EVEN IF BOTH OF THEM WERE ADULTS IT WOULD STILL BE TOXIC AND UNBALANCED. I want Amethio to become an RVT, but first Friede will have to work hard to redeem himself for all the stress he put Amethio through and the way he treated him.
And as for Amethio x Liko, I prefer to think of them as friends/sibling. The two are very similar, and with each passing day a new parallel between them appears. They're basically a walking "two sides of the same coin", and I really want to see how their dynamic continues (especially after ep 46)
Then that's it. I hate Friede x Amethio. I don't care about Liko x Amethio. I don't care if you think Amethio is of age, if he's 30 years old or if he's someone's reincarnation. His relationship with Friede is toxic, unbalanced, and Amethio needs distance from that idiot with aviator glasses, not a romantic relationship with him.
Now I'm going to do my homework
And please, don't reblog this post or comment on this post to say that I'm wrong and that Friede x Amethio is good. I am a 16 year old girl. If someone treated me the way Friede treats Amethio, I would react the same way he did. Maybe a little worse. And I definitely wouldn't want people shipping me with that person.
I hope this is the last post I make on this subject. From now on, let's talk about how the sky is blue or how sperm whales are not whales but dolphins
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