#(especially with Claude)
noahisntreal · 29 days
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symphonybracket · 6 months
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eulaties · 22 days
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oh my god 😭
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simmyfrobby · 2 years
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― “Landscape,” Louise Glück, Averno.
Hockey Poetry Post 7/?
(Photo credit: Chris Tanouye, Mitchell Leff, Len Redkoles, Jonathan Kozub, Bruce Bennett, Tim Nwachukwu)
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ramyeonguksu · 1 year
Put in the tags whether your FE3H OC would thrive outside of their "main" route or not!
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randomnameless · 9 months
Reading something about "why won't the CoS open the borders will Almyra?"
Disregarding the fact that the only CoS controlled territory is Garreg Mach and the Locket is located in the Alliance, why won't the Alliance open the border and welcome Almyrans with open arms?
Well, it's basically showcased (tfw show not tell) in a certain paralogue in FE16.
To start, this is one of the few "defend" maps in the entire game, iirc we have this one, the "protect GM" version of chapter 12, Shamir's paralogue and, iirc, Chapter 14 when Randolph tries to earn "merit".
Basically, the objective of this map is to protect the locket from Almyran forces who are raiding them for some reason.
Hilda starts with :
"Most of our allies have fallen."
So confirmation that Almyran forces aren't only coming with mock weapons to play bowling with their Fodlan neighbours, or are asking politely if they can pass, House Goneril's allies were killed.
"He's not here?! Oh... I'm sorry. You must have been absolutely terrified."
She tries to reassure her random (a Goneril soldier) that she will help, so they don't need to be afraid/to panic anymore.
"That's you, Professor. Please help us save our allies and protect Fódlan's Locket."
The first thing she says is to please "save" her allies/her randoms, and then to protect the locket. Emphasis again on "saving" lives, because Almyrans are raiding not only houses to bring souvenirs, but take lives too.
"Support! We're saved!" "Ah, things are looking up. Let's keep going, and save the others!"
If a loldier dies :
"Oh no! They got one...but we can still rescue the others!"
Hilda still wants to "rescue" the others. She worries about the lives of her soldiers who are defending the Locket, but not only the locket!
If they all die, a soldier says this "We must defend here, or else... Our house... The Alliance...".
And if the line is breached, an Almyran soldier will say this :
"Yeah! We took Fódlan's Locket! With this, we'll be able to invade, no problem!"
So bar this chapter blowing a hole the size of a 7 floors building in Claude's character across both games, we see here that, well, Almyra uses weapons and isn't afraid to kill Goneril soldiers who want to protect their homes and houses to "invade".
So who is behind Fodlan's general apathy towards Almyrans, the CoS like Claude says in both games (even if he seems to reconsider after discovering water is wet in VW), or Almyrans themselves???
Or, in other terms, who are we supposed to believe, Claude who tells us the CoS is the reason why Fodlan people don't like people coming from Almyra, or the game, showing us Almyrans are trouncing Fodlan people to happily invade ?
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ratatatastic · 1 month
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tstain-is-an-idiot · 6 months
Dotty appreciation post bc she doesn't get enough love
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sportsallover · 7 months
The thing with Fabien is that you’ll get all excited for him, with high hopes for each race, and he’ll consistently flop until you give up on him, leave him alone, and that’s when he’ll come out of nowhere to get himself a fourth place. 🤷‍♀️
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I rethought my opinions on season 2. I still hate the story and all the creepy stuff, but the characters... Just put my blorbos in better stories! Some day I'll rewrite the whole kuro s2 as a fanfiction...
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jeccoart · 7 months
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had a desperate urge to see my guy claude so i drew a bunch of hims for myself
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66sharkteeth · 1 year
just saw ch140 contrary to popular belief (literal canon) i think a cup of lemon tea and a good reading of camus' "the stranger" could fix him. he doesnt need to be fixed though hes so silly im screaming and crying
ty, this is what i expect from the average claude enjoyer
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claudvain · 9 months
Do you have any boring headcanons about the FE3H lot? Like, Sylvain has to make his pieces face the opponent and sit dead centre of the square, or Claude switches which way he starts his braid each day to see if anyone notices?
Oh boy do I they’re all I think about everyday !!!!!!! I’ll share some for Sylvain Claude and Ferdinand (they’ve been hogging all of my brain space alshsj)
Sylvain looks like garbage every time he wakes up— he can never get his hair to cooperate, his eyes are crusty, sleep lines all over his face, the whole nine yards. Man looks like he went through war after 8 full hours of sleep no matter what. I also think Sylvain has a sensitive stomach and is never brave when his tummy hurts and he Will whine about it to anyone within 3 feet of him (will he pay attention to what he eats so he can prevent these tummy aches ??? Absolutely not)
Claude dog ears his book pages. He dog ears them and he writes all over his books and he sticks in pages with more writing, his books are a mess. Claude also only writes in pen/ink, he hates writing with pencils. Something about it just doesn’t hit the same as ink !!!! Which means all his writing is super messy and smudged because he doesn’t wait long enough for it to dry and when he makes a mistake he just scribbles it out and on days where he’s been up working, you can tell because of how stained his hands are from ink
Ferdinand hums to himself constantly. Always. He’s always making some sort of noise or sound— humming, whistling, tapping on something, literally always making noise. He’ll tap his fingers against the table and people like to try and guess what song he’s got stuck in his head based on his tapping. Ferdinand also loves collecting little things, like trinkets and knick-knacks and just anything and everything. He’s got figures and buttons and rocks ribbons and anything he can get his hands on. Ferdinand just relates to Ariel from the little mermaid with her gadgets and gizmos and whosits and whatsits and thingamabobs
Anyways I love them and I love thinking about them
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alldrowning · 7 months
today somebody tried to insult me by saying i looked like i was from the early 2000s which is like. the funniest possible insult.
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sunshinenextdoor · 1 year
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For the sake of Nivara, Wesley! How many times do I have to tell you, she is not a stranger, she is my friend!!
((Ary belongs to @dennydraws <3
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randomnameless · 7 months
The "i don't want to kill Edelgard" dialogue the game forces you to pick for Byleth in Verdant Wind is still one the funniest things in the game when you think about what that means in-universe; Byleth has had no issues killing people to get what they want all route-long, but the second Claude brings up killing the girl who started the war and is most at fault for everyone that died because of it, including her own soldiers, they say they don't want to, presumably just because they had such a deep bond with her during their time at Garreg Mach (even though it's perfectly possible to have Byleth spend all their time there never interacting with Edelgard once).
It's shit like that that makes me understand where the same-crest attraction people come from; that forced dialogue choice is at least understandable in Silver Snow, where Byleth is forced to teach Edelgard for a while and would have logicaly formed a bond with her because of that, but the only way that line makes any sense in VW is to assume that their crests made them feel a deeply-heightened and accelerated sense of attraction to each other, to the point that the few short and irrelevant interactions they had in their short time together at GM was enough for them to form a deep bond.
If same crust attraction was a thing, do you really thing Billy would angst about Supreme Leader in VW, when Nemesis himself pops up at the end of the route???
I mean, between Supreme Leader and Nemesis, who are you going to simp for if you never talked to any of them, and both are leading a faction to destroy you and your allies?
Supreme Leader, or Nemesis??
All jokes aside,
There's, sadly, no Watsonian explanation for the very Doylist "but she lufs u!!! feel sad about her!!!" approach the devs wanted to hamfist in their game : Billy will feel bad for killing Supreme Leader, even if it doesn't make any sense for them to do so because that is why the devs designed FE16 to be : a story where the player will feel bad about killing the red emperor.
(or at least the player avatar, because damn if this completely missed the mark regarding some players lol)
Just like you feel super BaD for icing Randolph and Ferdie who still works with the Empire, fighting side by side with a Demonic Beast - when the game doesn't expect you to feel a thing when you kill the poor sod who was turned into a monster because the Imperial Army needs War Assets.
that's why some people really felt a bit disturbed by all this Supreme Pandering coming out of nowhere - same with Rhea in VW since her supports are optional, so if Billy is really a player avatar, why should they care about Rhea?
(granted, I'd say even if you only do the strict minimum, Billy still wants to help Rhea in the cinematic before falling in a ravine, so at least there's this sign that Billy cares about her - sure, Billy protected and saved Supreme Leader against Kostas, but after the Flamey reveal, we don't have anything to even remotely indicate Billy still cares specially about Supreme Leader : Billy's avatar status is the reason why they're written to care about Supreme Leader, and yet, Billy's character status explain why they care about Rhea - again, another example of the devs wanting to have their cake and eat it too!)
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