#everyone else has moved on and i mean like. e v e r y o n e
hydra-collector · 4 years
back to feeling bad about my interests
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mirclealignr · 3 years
Regulus Black Fluff Alphabet
regulus x gn! reader
requested by anon
warnings; brief mentions of food and anxiety
from this alphabet
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A - Affection; how they like to show their love.
Regulus does a lot through touch and reassuring looks/smiles. He finds it hard sometimes to express just how he feels about you, especially considering expressions of love were severely lacking in his life. But when he holds your hand or caresses your face, he feels as if he's spilling all his secrets, and hopes that you understand them.
B - Beauty; what do they especially admire about you?
Your warmth. At first it was practically disarming, but overtime he learned to embrace it and miss it when it was absent, when you were absent. It would be so different to what he was used to, especially with the people closest to him. But he would adore the change that was you.
C - Cuddles; how they like to cuddle you.
Most of the time he likes to have his arms around you, sitting up slightly while you lay against his chest. There's a sense of safety he finds in knowing that you can hear his heartbeat and that it doesn't scare you off. But sometimes, he likes it when you take him in your arms and he can nuzzle in the crook of your neck.
D - Dancing; their favourite place to dance with you.
He is simply a hopeless romantic, and loves to dance with you when it's dark and raining outside, when the two of you are almost completely alone. He loves watching you smile as the rain seeps into your clothes and dampens your hair, and when you rest your head on his chest for some shelter.
E - Excitement; do they get excited with you about things?
Regulus likes to understand things before he gets excited about them with you. If you come running to him with an elated expression and start rambling about whatever brought you this pleasure, he'd want to know why. He'd want to understand you and relate to you. Almost always, he'd become just as excited as you.
F - First Date; your first date together.
The Astronomy Tower. Regulus would want to be alone with you, without prying or judging eyes. It wouldn't be much, maybe some snacks and a drink he brought for you, but he would want to hear you talk and laugh and to see you smile. He'd want to know your likes and dislikes, the memories you cherished, and things you looked back on and laughed at.
G - Goals; do they have things they want to achieve? Do they include you in these things?
For Regulus, his future goals remain largely unclear. Before you, he thought it was simple, but afterwards it would become far more complicated. With the weight of his family, and Sirius' abandonment making it heavier, he would often try to avoid the thought. But if you ever brought it up, he'd tell you that wherever you were, he would be.
H - Honesty; how open are they with you?
Very. Trust is something extremely important to him. While he may not tell you everything the second it happens, he does have every intention of letting you see every side of him, even the parts he wished would vanish from existence. Upon getting to know you, the trials of his family would be revealed slowly, rather than all at once, so he didn't overwhelm you. Of course, he'd be terrified, but he knew it was better that way, and he knew that you would love him all the same.
I - I Love You; do they say it a lot? did they say it first?
Regulus does not say it first, though he'd be sure he felt it first. He confesses straight after you, though, and gradually says it more and more over time. Expressing his feelings would not come easy, and sometimes, rather than tell you how much he appreciated you for listening or how beautiful he thought you were, he simply said 'I love you' in replacement, hoping that it would be enough.
J - Jealousy; do they get jealous?
Not necessarily jealous, but rather insecure. When he sees you laughing with someone else, he'd wonder whether they were better suited to you--they were warmer, more free, happier. Perhaps he brought you down, perhaps he weighed you down, and though he didn't express these insecurities out loud, he'd always seem to be easily read by you. And you'd always be there to reassure him when you needed to.
K - Kiss; their favourite place to kiss you.
Your hands. For Regulus, hands mean so much, represent so much, and yours are his to kiss and hold as much as he pleases. To him it would feel incredibly intimate, despite the fact that your hands can touch others, but that they're only his to kiss and hold. People can always get close, but never as close as he can.
L - Little Spoon; who’s the little spoon?
The majority of the time, you are the little spoon. He likes the idea that he is able to protect you, actually make you feel safe and wanted; it's one of the things he prides himself on. But, there woulds be times when he needed to feel that, and revelled in the warmth of your embrace tightening around him, holding him close.
M - Melody; what’s your song together?
I think your song together would be 'I Want to Hold Your Hand' by The Beatles.
N - Nicknames; do they use nicknames for you?
Yes a few. Some of them would include 'treasure' and/or 'my treasure' because he adores you and could not think of anything better than you. For him, you are what people search for their whole lives, sometimes without ever finding it. And, because he speaks French, ‘mon chéri /ma chérie' for definite.
O - Open Book; how hard was it to get to know them?
It wasn't necessarily hard, just gradual. However, you would have always suspected that Regulus did not have it easy and were content with him going at his own pace, and appreciating that he was brave enough to reveal it all to you. It never seemed too slow, rushed, or overwhelming--he picked his timings well and never let things become too heavy. He'd also be very conscious that everyone had their own burdens, and would make sure he always left time and room for you to air anything you wanted or needed.
P - PDA; how affectionate they are in public.
Not very much at all. He prefers to show you his love when it's just the two of you. But he isn't afraid to let other people know that you're in a relationship, and will often intertwine his fingers with yours, whisper things in your ear, and kiss your temple.
Q - Quirk: a weird but loveable trait of theirs.
He never signs his name, he always signs R.A.B. Even when it's small notes to you, little love letters, or ordinary letters, he will never sign it as Regulus, but with his full initials.
R - Romance; how romantic are they?
So much. He loves leaving you love notes, writing love letters to you, slow dancing with you, playing music for you, watching the stars with you, whispering sweet nothings in your ear, snuggling up in bed with you with a good book. He loves to do it all.
S - Secrets; do they keep secrets from you?
Not really. Perhaps only ones he thinks would unnecessarily hurt you, like what his family says about you. He doesn't tell you because he doesn't think it matters, they don't matter to him, only you do, and he wants their words to mean nothing.
T - Thrill; do they like to keep the relationship new and exciting?
He likes to, and he tries. He certainly likes surprising you, even if only to see that smile. He likes taking you places, learning your favourite songs on the piano simply because you like hearing them, taking you on spontaneous trips or dates. He's not on for grand, public gestures, but he still keeps excitement in the relationship his own way. But he also knows when things need to be slow and calm, and doesn't mind it either way.
U - Understanding; how they comfort/support when you’re upset or anxious.
He knows that most things said would be wrong, even if they were intended to be reassuring and understanding. Even when you talk about what's bothering you or don't, it can be hard to say the right thing. So instead, he takes you in his arms, rubs your back, kisses your cheek and gets you any comfort foods that you wish for. Sometimes, words speak far less than actions.
V - Vexed; how easily they lose their temper.
With his family, and even with Sirius, Regulus can lose his temper very quickly, but you understand that their relationship has not been easy, nor do you care for his family. With you, it's rare that he loses his temper or raises his voice at you. When he does, there are usually other factors that have contributed to his mood, and he is quick to apologise afterwards.
W - Weakness; what’s their weakness what it comes to you?
Your smile. So easily it can make him feel like he's falling from the stars, watching the constellations become smaller and smaller as he slips into the earth's atmosphere, burning and smiling and falling completely in love with you every time he sees it.
X - Xtra; random hc about them.
Regulus likes to speak in French to you when there are things he is too afraid to say or things he thinks sound more romantic when said in another language. Even if you can understand him, there's something less nerve-racking about saying it in French, it's almost like he's playing himself in another world, but still hopelessly in love with you.
Y - Years to Come; how they imagine your future together.
He doesn't like to think about the future often because he knows how easily it can change and fail to meet your expectations. He only hopes that he is with you, facing whatever is to come. He prefers to focus on the present, where he already is with you.
Z - Zzz; how they are when they sleep.
Incredibly still, almost scarily still. The only time he moves is to be closer to you, closer to your exuding warmth. It almost frightens you to move in case it wakes him or disturbs him, but if it does, he never lets on. - - - fill in this form or send an ask to be added to a tag list <3 forever friends; @myalupinblack / @selenes-sun / @vixxiann /@queen-asteria04 / @lillict / @savingpluto /@theincredibledeadlyviper / @pad-foots / @fizzleberries / @willowbleedsonpaper / @kinkyduuh harry potter; @fuckingbloodyhello / @catching-the-train-to-hogwarts / @scvrllet / @dreamerinthesun / @crazy-beautiful / @chaoticgirl04 /@cupids-crystals / @fandom-life-12 / @mypainistemporary-blog /@oliverwoodmarrymepls / @eunoniaa / @missryerye marauders era; @spxllcxstxr / @natashxromanovfreads / @ch /@sereinegemini / @helen-with-an-a / @sweeter-than-strawberries /@spxncervibes regulus black; @jackys-stuff-blog / @with-love-anu / @yinrose98 /@tarorootboba / @lyaseille / @bloodblossom73
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cactus-stories · 3 years
SFW Alphabet Headcanons for Mammon :D
I used this Alphabet List made by @heauxzenji, thanks for the list, it is really nice!
Mammon is one of my favourite brothers, right next to Satan, and I can't say how much I enjoy headcanons about him, I hope you guys like it!
TW: none
A is for Adventure: something they haven’t done but have always wanted to
Definitely rob a bank. I mean, he has tried to, multiple times, but Lucifer has always maanged to stop him before he could do any damage. MC is complaining about not having enough money to buy something and jokingly says "we could always rob the nearest bank". He looks at them, mesmerized, blue eyes shining with expectation, until they explain it is just a joke...
B is for Butterflies: How they act when they’re nervous
Trembles a lot, his voice gets more squeaky and he's looking around for ways to escape. Really fast when running from people and will literally jump out of a window instead of facing Lucifer.
C is for Crush: what is it like when they have a crush? How do they know/act?
Acts like he doesn't care about them, but it's painfully obvious by how flushed he gets and how much he's stuttering. Would try to spend more time with them, using all the excuses in the book instead of just being honest.
D is for Date: describe an ideal date for them
Honestly, a simple day with them, maybe watching a movie or playing games. Snacks next to them and a bunch of blankets and pillows lying around.
E is for Essential: what is one thing they could NEVER go without
Apart from Goldie, I think it's lip balm. Boy's a model, he can't be caught with chapped lips. Most people don't notice it, so when MC starts giving him random lip balm flavours as gifts he treats them like the best thing ever, and make a fuss out of using it in front of them as much as he can (don't tease him tho, or he'll get a bit sad and probably stop it).
F is for Favorite: a favorite anything- food, place, smell, book, etc.
Apart from money, his second favourite thing is his crows. He finds them really cute, and always keeps the gifts they give him. He taught them how to swear and used to have them steal Lucifer's expensive pens before the older brother found out about it.
G is for Giggle: how they laugh/what makes them laugh
He has a really cute and high pitched laugh, and is absolutely not embarassed about it. Boy laughs at everything, can't keep a straight face to save his life, which ends up getting him in trouble with Lucifer often.
H is for Holding Hands: Do they like holding hands? Are their hands warm or cold? Pinky promises?
His hands are really warm, if he notices MC's hands are even slightly cold, he'll wrap his around them quickly, trying to help out. He loves holding hands while linking arms, keeping them as close as possible. Doesn't really do pinky promises, but that's mostly because he trusts them and doesn't need the affirmation as much.
I is for Inside Joke: something they do that everyone thinks is funny but they don’t understand
All of his brothers compare him to his crows because of the amount of times he runs his hands through his hair. They joke about him preening himself and very rarely caw around him.
J is for Jinx: Are they Superstitious?
Not really, he knows the risks of cursed objects and wrongly casted spells, but there's almost always a logical explanation in some book in Satan's room, so he's okay with it.
K is for Kiss: how do they kiss?
Lots of small pecks on their face before going for a longer kiss on their lips.
L is for Love Languge: what is their love language? How do they give and how would they like to receive love?
Definitely gives love via gifts, he can be pretty stingy with his money, so if he buys you something it's a clear sign that you mean a lot to him. Loves physical touch, run your hands through his hair or hug him from behind and he'll melt happily in your arms.
M is for Meant to be: how/when they know someone is “the one”
If he notices their compliments are genuine. Many people use him for his status, ãnd he's used to being offended and used as a punching bag, so genuine compliments are a breath of fresh air, and automatically makes you go up on his personal ranking.
N is for Nickname: a nickname they would have or their favorite thing to be called
Would absolutely use Treasure as a nickname, or Sunshine. He loves being called Pretty Boy, Good Boy, and Handsome.
O is for Organization: are they clean or messy?
Have you seen his room lmao?? Messy bitch and you know it, but he can always find everything he needs in his mess.
P is for Pet Peeve: What’s something they absolutely CAN’T stand?
Anyone making fun of Levi. He knows his brother is very insecure and as much as HE goofs around and makes fun of him, no one else is allowed to >:(
Q is for Quiet: What do they do for peace of mind
When he's stressed out and needs to take a break he plays Solitaire by himself. After MC moves in with them, he goes to their room and jumps onto their bed, watching them study or play games in silence.
R is for Rainy Day: Do they like rain? What about storms? How would they spend a rainy day?
Enjoys rain, hates thunder. Spends rainy days playing games inside, or wrapped in blankets, protecting himself from the loud noise with some loud cancelling headphones Levi lends to him.
S is for Soft: Describe their softest feature
Man is absurdly kind, helps anyone he notices struggling, and will hate it when it gets mentioned. Enjoys just knowing he did a good thing, and always ends up in a good mood afterwards.
T is for Telephone: are they a talker or a texter? How often do they use their phone?
Both, loves spamming people with texts if they don't answer right away. Could spend the entire day on the phone if it's with someone he likes. Alternatively, if it's someone he doesn't like, you can expect one worded messages and call being ignored constantly. He is more used to ignoring problems than confronting them.
U is for Unique: a random quirk they have
Really good with Math and numbers in general. His voice is surprisingly soothing, which surprises MC, considering how much they hear him screaming. It's really easy to fall asleep hearing him speak about something.
V is for Valentine: Are they the type to celebrate or not?
Absolutely, he'd be shy about it, but at the same time would want to do something big. Baby is conflicted.
W is for Wholesome: something extremely pure about them that makes you just *uwu*
How easily he blushes. He could just brush his hand against MC's and is already red all the way to his chest.
X is for Xenia: How they would entertain a guest/show hospitality
Probably the one that gives guests the tour of the entire place, offering snacks and making lighthearted jokes.
Y is for Youth: A fond childhood memory they have
Playing hide and seek with his little brothers in the Celestial Realm.
Z is for Zzz: Sleep habits. Do they cuddle in their sleep? Talk? What do they dream about?
Absolute cuddler, doesn't really talk or snore much. He sleeps naked or with underwear. Usually his dreams are about random everyday stuff, but sometimes he has nightmares about the Celestial War and hurting his loved ones because of his sin.
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wingsofkpop · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet - Yang Jeongin (m)
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A - Aftercare
Despite being on the more inexperienced side, I think Jeongin is responsible enough to know that aftercare is a must following sex, whether it be making sure you both are properly hydrated or helping you change the bed sheets. Because he’s usually babied by his members, this sweet boy treasures each moment he’s able to take care of you for a change though he won’t say no if you request to be the bigger spoon for a night or two.
B - Body Part
Seeing as our dear maknae has apparently gotten buff somewhere over the years, he likely takes pride in his biceps and arms in general as he damn well should. We’ll go more in depth about it later, but let’s just say Innie likes to use his strength in more ways than one… Moving on, Jeongin will never not be a fan of your neck. Mans has a bit of a marking tendency, but hormones aside, Jeongin’s in love with your scent, which seems to be more pungent around thah area. Plus, the crook of your neck also makes a good hiding place when he’s shy.
C - Cum
The only place this man’s cumming is in a condom. He may not be a baby anymore, but he doesn’t want any other baby Jeongins showing up anytime soon. Changbin is already a handful enough as it is…
D - Dirty Secret
Now it’s a bit out of the element here, but Jeongin sometimes gets tired of being coddled by his members. That being said, he’s had some fantasies about proving his growness—fantasies that may or may not include getting caught eating you out until you’re a literal puddle by Chan or Hyunjin, or maybe fucking you into the wall just in time for Changbin or Seungmin to walk through the door. Not wanting to disrespect you or anything, he prefers to keep these thoughts to himself… just don’t ask questions if he starts to get a little handsy during movie nights with the other boys.
E - Experience
Like most of the younger Stray Kids members, I don’t think he has too much sexual experience. He’s probably made out with a girl or two over the years, maybe felt her up a bit, but that’s as far as his hands-on exploration goes. Even so, he probably has a general idea of how things are supposed to go, generously provided by stories from his members and the wonders of porn.
F - Favorite Position
Due to his lack of sexual practice, Jeongin probably has not found his all-time favorite position just yet. He’s eager to try everything he possibly can, so expect to be blown away literally every time y’all do the do.
G - Goofy
Jeongin doesn’t mind getting a little silly during sex every once and a while, but he also knows that a more sensual, serious mood is needed too. The first few times will definitely be more casual and light-hearted, kept alive by his playful grin and mischevious fingers. But even as you two begin to become more mature, that same youthful atmosphere will remain, making it feel like the first time every time.
H - Hair
He probably just lets it do it’s own thing honestly. As long as it doesn’t get too unruly, he doesn’t mind it all that much.
I - Intimacy
Seeing he’s likely never been in a serious relationship before you, he’s all about the ideal, romantic aspect of love making. And while there won’t necessarily be rose petals and silk sheets every time you guys have sex, he knows how to make you feel loved and wanted with just his touch alone. Eye contact is also a huge must for Jeongin—he needs to see your face in the moment, to watch the pleasure overtake your body as he brings you to a headspace only few have the privilege to witness. It may sound cheesy, but I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he has a secret plan to marry you one day, already knowing you’re his forever person.
J - Jack Off
Innie is young, so it’s no surprise his hormones are a bit on the overwhelming side at times. For him, getting off largely depends on if and when he has a moment to himself, which is quite rare between his busy schedule and lack of privacy in the dorm. That being said, he probably masturbates no more than three times a week. If that.
K - Kink
Alright hoes, I’m gonna start this off by saying Jeongin damn well has some sort of strength kink. We’ve all seen the size of those arms. Now he wouldn’t necessarily manhandle you, but if the moment requires him to pick you up by your thighs, or maybe pin your wrists to the bed cause you’re getting a little too frisky, then a man’s gotta do what he’s gotta do. He also has a HUGE thing when you get all dressed up for him, whether it be in a dress/suit or a lingerie set. Some other honorable mentions of his include marking, praise, and the occasional teasing.
L - Location
Please, please, PLEASE let this man take you against the wall, or anywhere that lets him show off his strength. He turns into some type of beast, I swear—Bonus points if y’all have the dorm to yourselves, because then he will literally take you against every single surface…
M - Motivation
The second you compliment him, this man will be literal putty in your hands. He loves, and I mean LOVES, when you praise him for his stage performances or MV scenes. And don’t let him catch you watching his fancams… or else prepared to get dicked into next year~
N - NO
BDSM is completely off the table for Jeongin. While he doesn’t mind trying something new every so often, he’s just not comfortable treading into the kind of intense territory that would require use of a safe word. He’s also just not a fan of power dynamics in general.
O - Oral
Sorry fam, oral is just not it for Jeongin. It’s nothing against you, he just doesn’t prefer blow jobs because of his tendency to finish too early, and he’d much rather practice other methods of foreplay to get you both off.
P - Pace
In the beginning stages of your relationship, Innie used to utilize a rapid, sloppy pace. After obtaining more experience, his stroke game is much, much better and more fluid, though he sometimes tends to revert back to an awkward pace when he’s close to climax. But like everyone, his skill and confidence will grow more over time.
Q - Quickie
The only time he’ll settle for a quickie is if he’s completely and totally desperate for your touch. But even then, he needs to be sure your session will take place in an environment that is both private and isolated from any other people. But once he’s comfortable and secure, he’ll drive you into the nearest wall with no further hesitation whatsoever.
R - Risk
Nope, nope, nopity, nope. While the idea of getting caught makes him feel all the things, Jeongin would rather not risk anyone actually walking in on you two when you’re being less than innocent. Especially his members, because if they do, he knows he’ll never hear the end of it.
S - Stamina
He’s got pretty decent stamina. Jeongin can usually go for some foreplay and maybe two rounds depending on how exhausted he is from his schedule. Then again, on days he is a bit more on the tired side, he wouldn’t mind sitting back and letting you do most the work.
T - Toy
The most curious boy omg. Innie’s experience with toys probably stems from porn and the dark side of Reddit, so he’ll be utterly fascinated if you own any nifty gadgets of your own. And while I don’t think he’d actively shop for sex toys, he doesn’t mind spicing things up in the bedroom with a couple vibrators, restraints, or sensation play objects.
U - Unfair
Don’t let his adorable facade fool you—this boy can be the WORST tease on any given day. He’s the type of lover that will suggestively trail his hands across your breasts and thighs, then act all innocent when you call him out. Jeongin is also an expert in getting you to tell him what he wants to hear. For example, “You want me to make you cum, baby? How exactly do you want me to do that?…”
V - Volume
Honestly, this man is a moaning machine. And you may hear some cute little whimpers and whines in that mix too… At first, he was probably a bit bashful to make any noise in that context, but after some coaxing and needed praise from you, he’ll never try to be silent again.
W - Wild Card
Let me set the scene for you: You and Innie watching some horribly budgeted rom-com you found on Netflix, and literally just making fun of the entire movie. That is, until the two main leads start making out in the back of a car. Oh, this shuts you both right up, especially when clothes start coming off and the car windows begin to steam up. The scene ends eventually, but this awkward, sexually tense silence still remains between you and Jeongin, and when you look to your blushing lover, you find him poorly attempting to cover his raging hard on. Then, he clears his throat and cutely stutters, “S-So… You wanna… you know?…”
X - X-ray
He’s a bit below average: 4.5-5 inches. But he’s got some thickness to his name.
Y - Yearning
As already mentioned, Innie tends to hold back in regards to his sexual needs for fear of coming across as a horn dog. You two probably do the nasty at least once a week, but I guarantee you can raise that number if you sit your boyfriend down and explain the concept of a mutually beneficial relationship huehuehue.
Z - ZZZzzz
If there’s one thing that Jeongin loves most in the world, it’s being in your arms after a long and stressful day. Whether or not you choose to end the night with an orgasm or two, he’ll settle himself atop your body, using your breasts as his own personal pillows, and just let his tension melt away in the comforting warmth of your touch. And though he’d never admit it, sometimes he doesn’t really mind being babied after all…
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can you pls write alphabet for yandere fundy ty and ily!!!
Author's note- Little furry boi, I really want more Las Nevadas Crew request
Warnings- Obsession, Worship, mental abuse, Psychological torture, physical abuse, panic attacks (Fundy), lack of freedom, guilt tripping, and fear
Yandere Fundy Alphabet
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Fundy would be very touch starved, so he would cuddle you, kiss you, and just pick you up and carry you around.
But if Fundy couldn't touch you, he would give you gifts of things you like, he'll spoil you rotten.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Fundy can be pretty messy. His main method is quite simple, he'll just slash the person in the back with his claw like nails and then claw them to death.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Fundy wouldn't want to to treat you badly, he doesn't want to be like his father, and just the thought of it makes him sick.
Fundy would treat you with respect and will respect your boundaries, but if you don't like being touched, well I'm sorry because this furry boy will NEVER let you go.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
I mean, possibly touching you if you don't like being touched. Oh, and not taking you outside, he'll only take you to Las Nevadas since you two live there, but even then he'll watch you like a hawk.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Fundy is pretty vulnerable, everyone basically left him, he can't loose you too. So if anyone threatened his Darling, he would fucking beat them to a pulp until someone pulls him off.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Pretty disappointed, he's given you everything, besides freedom, but who needs freedom anyways when you have someone to think and do things for you. He'd most likely just lock you in your room until you behave.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
This. Isn't. A. Fucking. Game. This man would go into straight fucking panic the moment he find out, he may even have a panic attack. But after that he'll calm down and using his fox sense of smell to find you.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Picture this:
You just said to Fundy that he was just like his father, and that, that would break him. All of his common sense, all of his self control and all of his sympathy and empathy are all gone.
"Just like Wilbur? HAHAHAH, you think Wilbur would do something like this... Oh... I'll show you what he would do if I'm just like him!"
Fundy would pin you you down and start punching you, and they he would start to claw at your face, and he would only stop when he looks at his hands, all of it covered in blood. Fundy would look at your passed out and limp body with so much regret. He would patch you up while crying and cuddle you saying.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you're right... I'm just like Wilbur..."
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Living in Las Nevadas with no worries. No more wars, no more Dream, no more Wilbur. Just peace.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Fundy gets jealous quite easily, and when he does he starts to get rude to the person and insult them until they run off crying. If you were to ask what was that for, he'd just say that he was protecting you and that they were just going to use you for their own disgusting desires.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Pretty soft, he'd do whatever you want and treat you like absolute royalty. But don't take him for a push over, the moment he sees your taking advantage of his kindness and generosity, he'd lock you in a room with no food and no water, just so you learn that his kindness and generosity is a privilege, so treat it as such.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Fundy would be so blush around you, he would send you love letters and gifts anonymously, and would watch you when you open them, wanting to see your reaction to his gifts, seeing you happy makes him so happy.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Not really, no, but he is 10x softer.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Fundy would never want to hurt you physically or emotionally on purpose, he doesn't want to be Wilbur 2.0
Key words are- Physical or Emotionally.
This man will definitely use some psychology shit on you. Have you heard of white room torture? He would definitely do that. This man would harm you mentally, but he could never harm you physically, cause whenever he sees the scars he starts to cry, seeing himself as a disgusting monster.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Freedom and freedom of speech. God forbid you mention or say the name Wilbur around him, this man would go insane and beat you to a pulp, before regaining his composure, patching you up, and crying while cuddling you.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Fundy's pretty patient, he understands that love takes time, trust, and that it can be cruel. He'll give you all the time in the world for you to love him, there's no need to worry.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
If you were to escape, he would find you within a few hours, and then drag you right back while ranting and guilt tripping you about how much pain you caused him.
Now if you died, he'd be heartbroken, he wouldn't even take care of himself anymore and would just let his nightmares consume him, and juust allow himself to wake up from those nightmares.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Fundy would know it's wrong to hold people hostage, but he just wants to protect you, they're too much bad and terrible people on this server and he doesn't want you to fall victim to them, so if kidnaping keeps you safe, then I guess that's what he must do, love hurts, but it'll be worth it in the end.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
☆PEOPLE LEAVING HIM☆ So whenevethe starts to fall for someone or befriend someone, he'd do anything for them not to leave him, but if they abuse or mistreat him, he'd drop and let them go.
Tears: How do they feel about their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Fundy would feel terrible if he made you cry, he would beg you to stop while apologizing. But if someone else made you cry, he would threaten the person.
If you were to yell at him, he may get scared since it reminds him whenever people got upset with him, mainly Wilbur, so Fudny would just back away scared before running off.
If you were to isolate yourself, he would tell you it isn't healthy and that you should talk to him if he or someone else did something wrong.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Not really sure.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
A few things actually.
His obsession with you, if you act like you're obsessed with him, you may be able to escape.
His desperate attempts to not be like Wilbur, if you continue to assure him he isn't like Wil, you could gain his trust and escape.
Using guilt tripping against him, make him feel bad and he'll give you more freedom, then you could escape.
Wit's end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Fundy has outbursts sometimes and during those times he can't control himself, leading him to hurt you. He doesn't mean to though.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
A lot of lengths, he basically worships the ground you walk on and would do anything for your love, affection and approval.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
1 year.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Fundy doesn't want to break you, he could never live with that.
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mrsmctominay · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet for Marcus Rashford & Jesse Lingard
NSFW Alphabet- Marcus Rashford
Jesse is done here
A = Aftercare Marcus takes good care of you after sex. He runs you a nice hot bubble bath and afterwards he will rub body lotion over your red ass cheeks. He will make you a cup of tea of you're up for it and if not, it's cuddles for the rest of the night.
B = Body part He loves your eyes. The way they look up at him whilst you're on your knees with his dick in your mouth or the way they roll back when he fucks you good. Even the way you bat your eyelashes at him when you know you're being a bad girl in public.
C = Cum He attempts to make you squirt every time you have sex. He has managed to do it twice, but it's always his aim. He knows he's done an extra good job when you do squirt.
D = Dirty Secret He is dying for a threesome with Jesse but he is scared of the reaction from the both of you, so he keeps it hush hush. His dick in your pussy with Jesse's in your mouth is his dream view.
E = Experience He's had his fair share of experience in the bedroom, but giving him a little guidance every now and then never hurt anybody. Plus, he finds it sexy when a girl knows exactly what she wants.
F = Favourite Position Good ol' missionary. I mean, he could get off just from watching your facial expressions so watching them AND getting to fuck you is just a win win for him isn't it.
G = Goofy In Marcus' mind, there's a time and place for giggles and it's not in the bedroom. He's more focused on you reaching your high, and hurting you...
H = Hair He's never fully shaved, it's stubbly. He says that he feels too bare when it's fully shaves but you're not bothered because it looks good the way it is.
I= Intimacy Dirty, dirty, dirty. The marks left on your body tell their own story. He likes to have rough, dirty sex. The only time it isn't rough is if it is a special occasion or if you ask him to be gentle. Otherwise you always know what to expect.
J = Jack Off If he HAS to masturbate, he does so whilst imagining a threesome with Jesse. He has a few go-to scenarios but he changes it up every now and then.
K = Kink Marcus has a huge pain kink. Hearing you whine when he places a hard slap across your ass and seeing the mark it leaves is so so sexy to him. The sound of his hand attaching to your skin and the sting that rises over his palm is something else.
He also likes seeing you in ropes, tied up and helpless. Unable to help yourself. But this only happens when you've been EXTRA bad, if you've teased him a lot around his friends. He wants to see you begging for him whilst also being unable to move.
L = Location The bedroom is good enough for him, easy access to everything plus you know that any position is achievable. The couch is an option if he's feeling adventurous.
M = Motivation When you trace your fingers over his thigh or chest tattoos. His thighs especially. It fucks. Him. Up. Or when you catch an attitude. Being extra cocky makes him hard as fuck.
N = NO He doesn't want to take pictures/ film the moment. There's always a possibility that someone could see and he doesn't want anyone seeing his girl naked apart from him.
O = Oral He prefers to give. The way your thighs tighten round his head as he eats you out? Him having to force your hips down because they wont stop bucking in pleasure? Give it to him.
P = Pace Rough, just like I mentioned. He's all over dirty, rough sex that will make you scream his name. Sex that will end in your body jolting in overstimulation, every part of your body being sensitive to touch.
Q = Quickie He is okay with quickies but no way does he prefer it to normal sex. He can't do as much to you as he normally would. But if you're in a place where a quickie is absolutely necessary then he will do it.
R = Risk He loves taking risks. Fingering you under the blanket when Jesse is over is his go-to. Knowing that he could hear or see at any moment really turns him on. Especially when he hears you come up with a cover up story to explain the reason you gasped out of nowhere.
S = Stamina This man never stops. He could go all night long and not get tired. Mentally, he keeps a note of how many orgasms you've had and each time he try's to beat his 'record', so you usually don't stop until he's close to reaching it, beats it or if you fall asleep...
T = Toy He may as well be a sex toy vendor. From vibrators with bunny ears to collars with the word daddy on them to bright pink ropes used to tie you up. He's all about toys.
U = Unfair He is very unfair. Especially when you're tied up because he knows there is nothing you can do to help yourself. During the day, he definitely has his favourite things to tease you with. Reaching a cold hand up your hoodie when you're in the kitchen, placing his hand so far up your thigh that his pinky can reach your pussy, pressing himself against your behind when you bend over to get something... The list goes on.
V = Volume He's vocal in the sense of dirty talk. He says some very filthy things to you. Using pet names that he knows drives you crazy. Calling you his little slut and telling you that you're a dirty little whore.
W = Wild Card He secretly enjoys watching you get yourself off. Using the vibrators or dildo's on yourself or gently spanking yourself with a paddle. He really enjoys it.
X = X-Ray Everyone expects Marcus to be packing, and they would be right. It's very big, sore if he uses it wrong but majority of the time he does a good job.
Y = Yearning The roughness of the sex would depend on how often he needs it. If you have slow, romantic sex then he needs it more times in the week but if it's roughest of rough, he will give you some time off.
Z = ZZZ Everything, including you, has to be clean and tidied away. Any toys used will be left to soak in some hot water and you will be tucked in bed before he goes off to sleep.
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mothra-mcyt · 4 years
Hi! Love your work!! Can I request a Schlatt SFW alphabet please? Thank you ❤️
(Remember that Schlatt is just a character/persona and this is not about the realy person behind that character)
☾ Jschlatt SFW Alphabet ☽
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
I don't think he would show you affection directly. Most of the time it's subtle like if you two are hanging out he will play your favorite song he remembered you talking about, making sure you drink enough water, always asking if you've eaten something already etc.
Or giving you presents like new video games, buying a hoodie that he saw you looking it while thinking about buying it
And of course he would also show you affection through bullying.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
The friendship would probably start with a love or host or the two of you got introduced to eachother by a friend.
He would be a fun bestfriend having the attitude of "I'm the only one who's allowed to bully you everyone else can shut the fuck up."
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Likes to lay on his back with you at his side with your head laying on his chest. Puts his arm around you and pets your hairs.
Also really likes to lay his head on your chest and hearing your heartbeat.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Imma be honest he's not that good at cooking or cleaning always having unwashed clothes and ordering food most of the time.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
It depends on how long the relationship has been going and on how strongn the bond of you two is.
If you two haven't been together for long it would be way easier for him making him able to tell it to you without being very sad.
But if you two have been a couple for a long time it would be very hard for him probably not being able to keep the tears in.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
I feel like he has commitment issues and he just constantly worries that the two of you are going to break up after marriage so it would take him to really know you're the one to get married.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He doesn't really like showing when he's sad because he thinks it makes him look weak but if you're sad he won't think of you as weak at all and will do his best at comforting you.
He's very aware of his strengh and is very gentle physically always being careful when picking you up or hugging you.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
At first he's like "Na i don't really like hugs that much" until once you gave him a hug while he was angry to calm him down. That moment he realised how much he likes getting hugs from you.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
The words "I love you" mean a lot to him so it would take him a long time to say it with a meaning behind it.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
It really depends on the person. If he trusts the person you're hanging out with and knows them then he doesn't care because he trusts you.
But if he already thinks the person you're hanging out with is sus then he can get kinda jealous.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
He really likes to kiss you on your neck because he likes the reaction he can get out of you.
Most of his kisses are really heated taking away your breath but if the moment is fitting he likes softer kisses.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
I don't think he's that good around children. He doesn't like how loud and annoying they are. But he finds it adorable how curious they can be sometimes and how they don't give a shir and tell you straight in the face when they think you're ugly.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Sounds really weird but because i know that he likes animals i feel like he'd watch animal documentaries that are playing on the tv early in the morning while laying in bed with you.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
If he has to edit it's probably spent with him sitting at his pc while you're in the room doing whatever you want because he likes your company.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
I think he would start revealing things pretty early but he waits a while to reveal things slowly and not everything at once. Letting you take your time in figuring out if you like him.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Usually he doesn't get seriously angered easily but plays being angry. He could never be seriously angry at you because he's scared you're gonna hate him. But if someone is being mean to you he can get angry easily.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He likes to remember stuff about you and write it down in his phone. Your favorite colour, favorite flower, favorite song, your insecurities etc.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Once when he was editing you fell asleep in his lap trying to stay awake so he acted like you were a cat and did his best not to move to disturb you in anyway that could wake you up.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
If he sees you being uncomfortable because of someone he can be pretty protective. If it happens outside he will get you out of harms way and probably insult the person that is making you uncomfortable. Is also not afraid to throw hands.
He's basically constantly 'bullying you' but if someone other than him bullies you he's like 'Hey bitch you can't do that'
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He puts a lot of effort into dates and anniversaries making sure that you're going to like what he does/gives you.
Usually when he gifts you stuff it can be anything that he finds on the internet but he likes to gift you games over steam.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He's not very good at expressing his emotions especially sadness so he tends to bottle up all sadness until he has a breakdown. While in that breakdown he distances himself from you because he's scared you're gonna hate him.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
I mean he's not completely obsessed with his looks but he just likes to look neat for himself. What he is kinda obsessed with tho is his beard and he always wants it to look good.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
The thing is he's definitely able to be alone for a while without immediately missing you. But he loves just you being around him without conversations so he would probably start to muss your company.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
If he really trusts you he'll lay his head in your lap and if you pet his hair he'll probably fall asleep. Loves to do this after a long day of editing or streaming.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He wouldn't like it if his partner gets overly jealous. It annoys him and he sometimes just wants to hang out with friends.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He has a tendency to pull the blanket closer to him when sleeping so you better cuddle with him if you don't wanna freeze.
He also sometimes drools but don't tell him that.
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idontblushsrry · 4 years
Kyoya Ootori||SFW Alphabet
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A/N: Here’s Kyoya 4 more to go!
Word Count: 1753
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A: Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Kyoya shows affection very subtly. Honestly you might feel like you’re stuck in a Victorian novel especially at the beginning of your relationship. He’ll brush his hand along the back of yours and then smile at you like oh that was intentional, ok. He’s really trying his best, but he’s not very obvious with his affection, all of his love tends to be conveyed through words and actions of caring.
B: Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
As a best friend, Kyoya is lowkey a gossip. He’s not going to tell everyone what information he has but if you come up to him complaining about how so and so was bothering you, he’s already got a journal full of secrets and he’s ready to ruin someone’s career.
C: Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Kyoya likes to cuddle but he prefers to be the big spoon, this is solely because he doesn’t want to be woken up early just because you had to go to the bathroom or something. He only cuddles during night time and if you do wake up before him, he’s pretty easily fooled if you just replace your body with a pillow.
D: Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He definitely wants to settle own, not just because of his family and him feeling like he’s obligated to settle down, but also just because he’s a traditional person in the sense that he wants to marry the person he fell in love with. As for domestic skills, Kyoya can’t cook or clean for SHIT. The only skill he’s got is probably managing finances and things along those lines but if you asked him to cook, he’d somehow find a way to burn water, just a bad time for everyone involved.
E: Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If Kyoya doesn’t break up with you via text message (or letter if he’s feeling fancy), he honestly probably just tells you upfront that he doesn’t view your relationship as something he has a vested interest in continuing. Ouch. 
F: Fiance(e) (How would they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Commitment for Kyoya has always ben somewhat of an obligation. He feels like he has to propose to you if you’re relationship is becoming serious. He’ll discuss it with you of course, but the man is very committed to those he loves and what better way to show that than marriage?
G: Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Not very physically gentle, again, he’s just not very physically affectionate. When he does initiate physical affection with you it’s always with a measure of unsureness and caution. Emotionally, he’s a bit more gentle. Kyoya looks for the type of person who can keep up with him especially intellectually, with him it’s like no words are needed, you both just get it.
H: Hugs( Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Kyoya’s hugs kinda suck. He doesn’t give them often, let alone initiate them, and if you hug him, he’ll just stand there kinda surprised and at a loss for what to do. At least he’s nice to hug, he’s got this cologne that smells like a warm fireplace during a winter storm that smells so comforting.
I: I love you (How fast do they say the L-word)
You definitely say ‘I love you’ before Kyoya. He expresses his love through tender gazes and lovesick smiles so he definitely assumes you get the message. However, if you express to Kyoya that you’d like to hear him say that he loves you, he’ll oblige.
J: Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous)
Kyoya doesn’t really get jealous, it’s not a matter of arrogance, more like, he knows that you’re with him and he’s with you. He doesn’t act out either on the off chance that he does get jealous because he was raised to bottle things up. In fact, the most Kyoya’s ever been jealous was in the beginning of your relationship/before you were dating where he was sure someone was gonna come by and sweep you away.
K: Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
The way Kyoya kisses is by cradling your face and just kinda going for it. He prefers to kiss you on the lips but he doesn’t mind placing them elsewhere if things get more intimate.
L: Little ones (How are they around children)
Kyoya kind of sucks around children. He’s not rude to them or anything of that sort but he just doesn’t find himself having anything in common with them and doesn’t really care for the topics they find interesting.
M: Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Kyoya depend on if he’s off or not. If he has work or an early morning obligation of some sort, you’ll probably have to wake him up. He sets alarms but he’ll just swat at his alarm and then go back to bed, can’t exactly do that with your s/o now can you? However, if he has the day off or doesn’t have to wake up early, he won’t let you leave the bed until he’s ready to wake up. He’s surprisingly hard to move when he’s dead asleep like that.
N: Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights with Kyoya, he tends to stay up late and then just pass out on the nearest surface. If you happen to be awake long enough or pass him on the way to the kitchen/bathroom/etc., please move him into your bed. He will complain about his back problems if you don’t, if you can’t move him (which fair tbh he does deadweight) please give him a blanket and pillow, when he wakes up, it means the world to him.
O: Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Kyoya reveals things very gradually to you over time, he’s a very layered person and while certain aspects of his true personality may bubble up, you’re gonna have to put the full picture together on your own. Unless you’re like Tamaki and can just see through all his bs. 
P: Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Kyoya is actually pretty easy to anger. This is because of his no nonsense attitude as well as his general grumpiness with the world. Although, no anger can top Kyoya’s anger from being woken up early.
Q: Quizzes (How much would they remember about you?  Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Kyoya remembers every detail you’re willing to share with him. He writes most of it in his notebook but somethings he likes to keep to himself and surprise you with later on.
R: Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite moment in your relationship was when you suggested your next date be at a flower viewing. Kyoya initially thought it might just be like a boring “commoner” thing to do but as the date went on, he ended up really enjoying himself. The sight of you surrounded by flowers was also a plus
S: Security (How protective are they? How would they like to be protected?)
Kyoya’s family has essentially a private police force, in addition he also has personal guards, best believe, you are protected. Don’t even worry about trying to protect him either, he has people on payroll for that
T: Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Kyoya puts a lot of effort into dates, anniversaries, and gifts. The man always knows when there’s a special occasion coming up and has already planned for every step of the day. As for dates in general, he likes to spoil you. He has absolutely no problem with flying you to somewhere like Okinawa for example, just because
U: Ugly (What are some bad habits of theirs? (I’m gonna add arguments here because they aren’t on the prompt list I found))
A bad habit Kyoya has is that he tends to try and test people and their limits with no prompting. He’s very secretive in general so that plus his sudden decisions to test people can lead to some bad arguments. The worst argument you’ve gotten into to date is when he suddenly started flirting back with his guests during the regular day and you got jealous and snapped.
V: Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Kyoya is concerned with his looks in the sense that he has a reputation to uphold. He’s not arrogant by any means but he does take pride in looking good. Plus Tamaki recommended a skin care routine to him once and now he’s hooked
W: Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He views you as his better, he doesn’t feel incomplete without you but he can feel himself turning back into his sort of middle school self pre-Tamaki when you aren’t around.
X: (E)xes (Any previous relationship experience. How does that factor into your current relationship?)
He has no previous relationship experience. He has experience flirting of course and he’s had crushes before but he’s new to this, please be gentle.
Y: Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner)
Kyoya doesn’t like people with forceful personalities. He tolerates it for the sake of being polite and his image if nothing else but this man cannot stand when people are pushy and always have to get their way. He also hates boring people.
Z: Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Canonically Kyoya is a heavy sleeper, this can be kind of an issue at times. He’s a hard worker who stays up late on things he’s passionate about which means he might fall asleep on whatever’s closest. There’s been more than one occasion where you’ve walked over to him sound asleep on his laptop with a document covered in keysmash from where he slumped on the computer.
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atzhrts · 3 years
Ahhh!! I loved your Chan NSFW alphabet!! Could you please do one for Seungmin if you're comfortable?? <3
✦:˒ kim seungmin nsfw alphabet ◞⁺☆.
⿻ a = aftercare
╰┈➤ (what they’re like after sex)
seungmin is super sweet and absolutely pampering you in aftercare. the second he cums it’s like you exchange the rough man that was just calling you his ‘slutty puppy’ and completely destroying your pussy with someone who has made it his life mission to treat you like a princess.
⿻ b = body part
╰┈➤ (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
he likes your smile and he especially loves to see it after he painted your face with his cum. no matter what you do seungmin will always try to put a smile on your face, and with small expections it always works. and when he sees your face painted with his cum as you slowly start to play with it a bit while a smile forms on your face he feels like he almost could immediately cum again.
⿻ c = cum
╰┈➤ (anything to do with cum, basically)
as i said one point above he loves cumming on your face or at least somehow on your body. of course he also isn’t turned off from the image of your pussy leaking his cum but it happens more than often that he just pulls out, jerkin off over your body and painting it white.
⿻ d = dirty secret
╰┈➤ (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
he loves jerking off to you, whether that be your pics, your voice or even you in person - porn is never needed for seungmin
⿻ e = experience
╰┈➤ (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
he’s enough experienced to know exactly what he is doing and what buttons he needs to push to make you go crazy. but he also loves to learn with, learn new things that make your head spin and certain flicks with his tongue that you told him ‘will have everyone squirting on his face’ however i also can’t get the thought of corrupting him out of my mind. so do with that information what you will.
⿻ f = favorite position
╰┈➤(this goes without saying)
i can’t read this man i’m telling y’all. i can’t tell you if he’d love missionary, gazing into your eyes lovingly as he holds your hands in his or if he would pound you into the mattress from behind
⿻ g = goofy
╰┈➤ (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
i can see him being a bit more on the goofy side like he’d joke and everything whenever he feels a bit nervous.
⿻ h = hair
╰┈➤ (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
maybe a few stubbles whenever he didn’t get to shave because he needed to hurry up in the shower but overall he would prefer to be shaven completely.
⿻ i = intimacy
╰┈➤ (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
he is romantic. he always tell you how much he loves you and appreciates you even if it’s in a more rougher way.
‘god i love you’
‘you so good for letting me use your body’
‘thank you for swallowing my cock like a good slut baby, appreciate it’
⿻ j = jack off
╰┈➤ (masturbation headcanon)
he doesn’t seem like someone who masturbates often but if he does you’re in for it. when he is away from you he will always call you or at least leave voice message of him jerking off. and if you’re there you are going to watch him fuck his fist and he’d order you to not even move one finger to touch yourself.
⿻ k = kink
╰┈➤ (one or more of their kinks)
edging - he just seems like someone who would get a thrill out of having this kind of control over you.
dom/sub - i feel like he’s a switch but he definitely needs to have those dynamic in the bedroom it’s just what makes him feel the most comfortable.
mutual masturbation - he loves seeing you pleassure yourself, it’s one of his favorite things and most of the times he can’t help but touch himself while watching you (bonus for watching porn while both of you are masturbating)
⿻ l = location
╰┈➤ (favorite places to do the do)
he would much rather have sex in the comfort of your own home. of course there’ll be the occasional quickies in some restroom but besides that both of you like to keep it where the two of you are safe from any prying eyes.
⿻ m = motivation
╰┈➤ (what turns them on, gets them going)
your thighs - that’s it that’s the point. seungmin loves your thighs and it goes this far that you will only have to wear something tight that shows them off and boom he’s turned on.
when you wear your hair up - makes him wanna mark your neck or push your head down on his cock by your hair.
running your nails over his skin
kisses anywhere that isn’t his face
⿻ n = no
╰┈➤ (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
i don’t think he’d be the one for a threesomes but if that’s something you really want to try it he would maybe do it for you. besides that the obvious - things you say no to.
⿻ o = oral
╰┈➤ (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
he just has a face you want to grind on and i don’t know what else to tell you. he seems like the type of man that gets off on seeing you get off yk. so he would just spend hours between your thighs overstimulating you with his tongue as he jerks himself off.
⿻ p = pace
╰┈➤ (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
he is definitely on the slower side but so PRECISE. each single slow thrust will rock your world because he’s so rough with it. he will pull out slowly making you feel every inch of his cock before he slams back into you making your whole body shudder.
⿻ q = quickie
╰┈➤ (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
it’s not really the most regular thing in your relationship but as mentioned before they are still there. especially if you tease him in public he won’t hesitate to fuck the shit out of you.
⿻ r = risk
╰┈➤ (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
same as the one above, public sex is not something he would love at a regular basis it is more a punishment for you whenever you are a tease. however with experimenting it’s a whole different story - he absolutely loves it. he loves learning new things that he can try with you and loves seeing your reaction to them.
⿻ s = stamina
╰┈➤ (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
not the best stamina, meaning he would have to take some breaks sometimes because he feels like he’s going to cum too fast. during that time he’d be attached to your nipples, either with his hands or his mouth.
⿻ t = toys
╰┈➤ (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
i definitely see seungmin using a vibrator on himself when he’s kind of experimenting because he found out you had one, and he’s like ‘i bet it feels good’
⿻ u = unfair
╰┈➤ (how much they like to tease)
i either see him not teasing you at all because he’s too impatient and much rather be buried inside you, feeling your warm walls hug him. or he’s the biggest tease and is having way too much fun with it.
⿻ v = volume
╰┈➤ (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
he’s pretty vocal. little moans and whines always escaping his mouth and on top of that he would let out some choked up dirty talk, knowing it’s what gets both of you going.
⿻ w = wild card
╰┈➤ (a random headcanon for the character)
he would let you top from time to time, or at least you think he does. he’d let you ride you only so much till he had enough from your teasing before he turns around and fucks your brains out for being a ‘bad girl’
⿻ x = x-ray
╰┈➤ (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
he’s about average but definitely how to work it like he’s above average tbh.
⿻ y = yearning
╰┈➤ (how high is their sex drive?)
it’s not too high. ofc there are days where he could just stay in bed and fuck you all day this doesn’t happen too often - mostly when you haven’t seen each other for some time.
⿻ z = zzz
╰┈➤ (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
after he made sure both of you are alright and cleaned up he’s pretty much gone immediately. he loves to just lay his head on your chest, listening to your heartbeat and your even breath before he slowly drifts off to sleep.
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fallenrepublick · 3 years
Affections for Tech revealed! He is a sweetheart and absolutely precious. He deserves all the love!
That being said... I know you have a NSFW Alphabet in your amazing mind for him. I am certain of it.
Hah! You know me well...
A is for Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Out. Of. Breath. He's a service top at best, but... in actuality, he's a bottom. Such a bottom. So by the time you're done with him, there are still tears in his eyes, an arm over his forehead as he tries to catch his breath.
B is for Body Part (their favourite body part of their partner or themselves)
Every part of you that he can get a reaction out of. Anything on you that's sensitive is fair game, your chest, between your legs, even places that may be more unconventional. He likes seeing how your legs tense, or the way you shiver when he touches these places. He watches your expressions as he studies and stows away the information for later.
C is for Cum (anything to do with cum basically)
He doesn't have all that much of a fixation on it, other than when you cum for him. It's more of an indicator of how well he's doing, essentially timing himself with how long it takes you to cum. Seeing you cum when you fuck him is a large part of his reward, especially when riding his face.
D is for Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
Praise is a big thing for him, because of how little he usually receives it. And he craves it from you specifically. It may be his fear of becoming obsolete coming into play, but the fact that you so often say how good he makes you feel is enough to make him think about it constantly.
E is for Experienced (how experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He's experienced with the theory of it all. He's got more than enough knowledge of the human body that the practice itself is simple. But everyone is different, what they like, what they respond best to. It varies so much that actually having sex is whole new learning curve, an opportunity for him to learn about you. So while he's knowledgeable, the experience is something else entirely.
F is for Favourite Position (what’s their go-to sex position?)
He, like many other subs, likes to be ridden. Especially in his armour, with only his codpiece off. But you know, leaning him against the ship console and sucking him off works just as well.
G is for Goofy (are they more serious in the moment or are they more humorous?)
He's more serious, oftentimes having little opportunity to be cheeky or funny about it. You make quite sure of that. And when he's servicing you, he'll be so lost in the task that being humorous isn't on his mind at all.
H is for Hair (how well groomed are they?)
Extremely well kept. He makes absolutely certain that everything is in perfect condition.
I is for Intimacy (how do they act during the moment?)
Nervous, a bit flustered. He can feel his face growing warm as you start touching him, even if it's only slightly, trying to logic his way out of his own head. But he's very willing to listen, following your instructions, your needs. Wide eyes lower to a half-close, attention moves to your lips. He knows exactly what comes next.
Although, on the few occasions where he initiates, he's quite matter-of-fact about it. He needs you, hasn't been able to stop thinking about you for hours on end. Thus, this task is necessary as any other, and he'll even be going on about something else while pulling your clothes off.
J is for Jack Off (Masturbation)
He will a few times, here and there when he has the opportunity to. He does often lose himself in work for a while, so his free alone time is too minimal to fit in a satisfying session.
K is for Kinks (one or more of their kinks)
Overstimulation, mostly. You've also fucked him a few times with his helmet on, which awoke something in him.
L is for Location (favourite places to get dirty)
Anywhere that he can be sure will be empty for the next five minutes at least.
M is for Motivation (what gets them going)
He's an absolute slut for being controlled. Anything you do that's even remotely dominant, sweet-talking him, pinning him, making him beg. That all does it, and does it well.
N is for No (something they won’t do in the bedroom, turn offs)
He doesn't see much value in being mean. He... also doesn't know how to, even if he were to try.
O is for Oral (giving, receiving, skill, etc.)
More of a giver than receiver. When you go to him, hooking your fingers under the band of his glasses, sliding them off the top of his head in a slow motion as you kiss him, he knows what you want. And make no mistake, having you sit on his face might as well be a hobby.
Sometimes, though, you'll push him against the console of the ship, or perhaps into his pilot seat, eagerly pulling off the armor obstructing your reach, and wasting no time in swirling his cock in your mouth. Don't think he's ever going to reject that.
P is for Pace (are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual?)
Usually, he will take it slow, but with you in control, fast and hard works wonders on him. Give him not even a moment to breathe and you'll have him wrapped around your finger the rest of your life.
Q is for Quickie (their opinions of quickies versus proper sex)
He is the master of quickies. He knows exactly where to touch you, and how long it takes you to cum. If he's particularly desperate, he'll pull you somewhere remote, saying quickly as he moves aside your clothes,
"According to my calculations, this room will be unoccupied for the next six and a half minutes, meaning that if I do this..." his fingers delve onto you, preparing you for his cock, "There will still be forty-five seconds left to catch our breath."
R is for Risks (do they like to take risks and experiment?)
Yes! Risks and experimentation are often, the two going hand-in-hand when it comes to him. He's doing it all, discovering new things he likes, trying to beat his last record on how fast, how loudly you climax. To him, that's what it's all about, continuous improvement.
S is for Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?
He can handle a good bit, and he's very good about not cumming unless you tell him to. He can maybe cum three to four times before he starts getting teary. Not that you care.
T is for Toy (do they own toys? Do they use them?)
So. Many. Toys. He owns a few, but always seems to have a new one in progress, many of which are personalized to your bodies, making them even more effective.
U is for Unfair (how much do they like to tease?)
If he's badly behaved about anything, it's the teasing. It's so frequent, sometimes bordering on intense, and he's once made a slight moan slip out of you in front of the others. But he payed for it, so it's even now.
V is for Volume (how loud are they? what sounds do they make?)
He may be a talker, but that doesn't mean he's all that loud. He groans when you grind on him, gasps and moans when you start fucking him. He tries to speak, but it's always interrupted by another noise.
"I-I... I d-don't- AH"
Although... most people walking by can hear him. He thinks he's quieter than he really is.
W is for Wild Card (random dirty headcanon)
He's got fantasies. Lots of them. And he will play them out.
X is for X-Ray (what they’re packing)
...Expect good things.
Y is for Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Tech fucks. No question. Horndog extraordinaire. Worst one out of the batch.
Z is for Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep after)
Not long, considering how much energy you love to drain him of. So long as you're still with him afterwards, he'll be out like a light in a few minutes.
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jawabear · 4 years
Marcus Moreno NSFW Alphabet
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Not my GIF
A/N: You know I had to write one for this boy. It would be wrong not too. As with the others, these are just my interpretations of his character and may differ to yours, but please be respectful of others’ views. Hope you enjoy. Sorry for any mistakes. Stay safe.
Genre: smut
Warnings: fem!hero!reader, mentions of sex, but nothing explicitly described, Pedro Pascal comes with his own warning
Summary: An A-Z of Marcus Moreno’s bedroom antics...
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Marcus is such a kind man. He’ll make sure you’re okay. And he’ll make sure you don’t need anything before pulling you into his arms if you’re in bed. If you’re else were, he’ll still make sure you’re alright, making you look perfect before you get to where ever you’re meant to be.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On you, he finds your neck irresistible. Other than your lips, it’s his favourite thing to kiss. He loves to mark it with bites that show everyone you belong to him. He loves to bury his face into your neck while he fucks you, he loves the way your fingers feel in his hair when he does.
On him, he’s rather fond of his arms and his tights (so am I). Mainly because he likes it when you grip his arms when he fucks you, and he loves when you ride his thighs. It’s one of his favourite things, and you always seem to enjoy yourself when you make yourself come on his thighs.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He loves to come on you. Over your breasts, your stomach...
And he loves to come in your mouth, he loves to see you swallow his come.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Before you two got together, and after his wife died, he would find him self in need of release. And being one of Heroics as well, there were many clips of you online doing awesome super hero things. He loved watching those. He loved watching the way you moved. The way your muscles flexed. The way you beat up the bad guys so effortlessly. And it was so sexy. He’d watch them in the dead of night while getting himself off. But he doesn’t know if he should ever tell you, because it is a little weird.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
I mean, he’s got a kid. Clearly he knows what he’s doing.
He certainly does know what he’s doing. He knows where exactly to touch you to make you feel good before you even know.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
He’s a big fan of the classic missionary because he can see your face and kiss you as well as being able to hold your hands which is a big thing that he likes to do.
He also loves when you are on top. Riding him, facing him or not or riding his thighs. He also loves 69......
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He can be more funny then serious depending on his mood and the circumstances for the sex. He likes to enjoy it and wants to make sure you are enjoying it as well so if he needs to make you laugh he will. But he is mostly serious when it comes to sex.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He’s pretty neat down there. It seems he takes more care of his hair down there than he does on his face or his head.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Marcus is a very romantic person. He wants to make sure you are happy. He wants to make sure you know how much he loves and worships you. So he will do whatever he can to put those points across to you as he makes love to you. This would usually be by kissing you for an extended amount of time or just simply telling you how much he loves and adores you.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
As stated before, in the time he was on his own, he would jack off quite a lot at night or in the shower (mostly to the thought of you). But now, less so. He’ll still do it on the odd occasion, say if your out on hero business, but you’re usually there to help him out if he needs it.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
He wants to be your hero. So he’s a big fan of role play. He loves when you decided to put yourself “in danger” for him to have to come and rescue you. Or you acting as someone who is evil and he has to stop you...and punish you.
And he has a slight weapons kink. He would never hurt you with the blade but something about seeing you with his katanas and nothing else drives him mad.
And I’m not saying he has a daddy kink, but I wouldn’t put it past him....
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Bedroom. Or the shower. He doesn’t really have a preference between the two. But he’ll go anywhere as long as you are comfortable and happy.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
A lot of things came get him going. The main ones being when you are in your hero uniform or when your fingers with lightly brush over any part of him.
But mostly the uniform. Definitely the uniform. Yours or his....
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
As much as he loves the role play and the weapons, he’d never actually use it to draw blood or cause you any sort of discomfort.
And he wouldn’t want to have sex in a public setting where people could see. He’s not so much against say touching you under the table or what ever, but if it came down to him having to fuck you in front of someone he wouldn’t do it.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Marcus loves to be between your legs. He’ll eat you out at any given moment. He’s all about pleasing you. And he loves the way you squeak, moan and whimper as he eats you. As well as the way you grab at him to hold his head closer to you.
But he’s an absolute sucker for you sucking him off. As mentioned, he loves to watch you swallow his come. And he loves the feeling of your mouth and tongue on him. You can easily turn him into mush the second your tongue touches his dick.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He’s kind of in the middle. He can be both extremes (favouring slow and sensual) but he falls some where in between. He’s not exactly slow, but he’s not exactly fast. But somehow it’s the perfect balance that gives you the best orgasms of your life.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He’s not too against them. Sometimes that’s what it will have to be, what with his job and Missy being around.
Sometimes it will have to be a quick fuck in the supply cupboard at HQ. Or a quick one in the kitchen before Missy comes down for breakfast.
But he much prefers to take his time with you.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He used to risk his life every day fighting the dangers of the world, and that mentality does transfer to the bedroom.
If you want to try something, he’ll do it. Unless it’s super dangerous or really really risky.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
He’s not a young as he used to be so he can’t go for that many rounds. In a row that is. If you spaced them out over the days he could got for quite a few. But in a row he’s good for about two.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He’s never really needed them so he’s never really owned any. But when you brought your trusty little purple vibrator to the party, he grew embarrassingly fond of it. He loves to watch you use it on yourself and he loves using it on you while he eats you out, making you scream. And he likes it when you use it on him, teasing him with it or taking him all the way.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He not necessarily a tease with actions, more with faces or words. He’ll constantly be whispering dirty things into your ear whenever he gets the chance and he’ll send you sexy looks or winks from across the room. He’s very good at getting you worked up with our having to touch you.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
With Missy in the house, it’s very much hush hush. For multiple reasons that are pretty obvious. But when she’s gone, he doesn’t hold back. He lets out every sound he had to hold in. He’s not exactly loud, he just makes a lot of noises. But they’re amazing to listen too.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Marcus does find it difficult to make the first move. Even when he does, when just charges at you or something, he will always backtrack or stop to ask you if you want it. You will always want him and you’ve told him that on many occasions but it doesn’t seem to stick in his head. He’s just too sweet to let the beast inside him run free for once.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He’s pretty decent. He’s longer than he is thick but he’s perfect for you.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
To be fair, it’s not all that high. He has a lot on his plate and sex is usually quite far down the list. He’s so busy all the time that he barely even has time for sex. Which is kind of sad and annoying for both you and him, but most of the time you’re pretty busy as well.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
His mind never stops so he finds it difficult to sleep full stop. But sex always seems to relax him enough to make him feel comfortable in getting some sleep. But he is a very light sleeper. And he won’t fall asleep until he has checked you are okay and he’s given the house a once over to make sure everything was locked and everything was where it should be. He’ll take a quick peek into Missy’s room to make sure she is okay before he comes back to bed and eventually falls asleep with you wrapped in his arms.
Taglist: @linkpk88​
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Love Language
At the time they'd made it the language had felt like no one would ever be able to understand it.
They were only 9 and JJ had been granted permission to stay at her house, her parents used to be around a lot, although they weren't anymore, and they'd always welcomed her blonde best friend leading to his near constant presence at their home.
It was late for two kids, maybe 10 pm, and they'd been wrapped in blankets in her box sized room that felt so much bigger when they were young.
They always got each other in a way no one else understood for reasons way more complex than a secret language they would use to write each other messages, but at 9, all they needed to know was that the language was another thing that tied them together.
It was simple: to spell a word you combine the first letters of the other words.
So to write Hello  you would write Hungry Elephants Love Lollipops Okay
It had stuck a lot at first, they used it everyday and it drove Pope and John B insane, but as they got older it died out.
It was used a few times at 12 when they had an annoying teacher who made students read notes out if they were caught passing them, to everyone else it sounded like gibberish.
It was used once at 15, the world help spelled out when an older Kook boy wouldn't leave her alone and she knew he was reading her phone screen over her shoulder, not wanting to trigger him.
Now, at 17, she had laughed out loud when she'd unfolded the note tucked into her locker.
In JJ's scrawl that only she could read with ease.
Penguin Ranch Eyelash Tractor Tangerine Yoghurt
You are pretty. She blushed a little, looking around for any sign of the familiar blonde boy but he was nowhere to be seen, she tucked the note into her bag, hating the way he made her heart race, before shoving the books she didn't need over the weekend into her locker and walking down the corridor and out of the front doors.
When she arrived at the twinkie her friends were already there "Took your time," John B smirks from his open window, occupying the front seat
"She was probably busy flirting with Mack," Sarah teases from the passenger side
"For the last time Sarah, he just needed tutoring in bio,"
"You are shit at bio," Sarah smirks even wider
"Better than you sweetheart," The girl grins, climbing into the back and diving out of Sarah's reach as she moves to try and flick her. Both girls laughing loudly
"I'll get the door then," Pope chides
"Thanks P, i can't get too close  or Sarah will attack me," She grins, Pope rolls his eyes but sends her a grin as he leans forwards to pull the door to the twinkie closed.
She moves through the seats to her usual space, she always sat next to JJ, no matter what. They could be drinking at the chateau, relaxing at the beach, adventuring on the boat. No matter what they were next to each other. It wasn't uncommon when one of them was feeling tired, or clingy, or touch starved for her to end up in his lap, his arms wrapped around her stomach and his chin on her shoulder.
She leans up pressing a quick kiss to his cheek, it wasn't uncommon in their friendship, often used as a greeting, a thanks or even just out of the blue, and so the other's don't think anything of it even though JJ feels himself melting into a puddle. What is a little different though is the way she grabs his hand giving it a tight squeeze before pulling her own away and settling down in her seat as John B starts up the van. He knows what it is. It's a silent thanks for the note, not wanting to say anything in front of their friends but it was a sign she got it and she was grateful for it.
He wraps his arm around her shoulder, his touch gentle but Pope gives him a knowing look, the touch is supposed to claim her. She either doesn't notice or  doesn't seem to mind though, instead leaning into his now open side as she chats happily with Kie.
It's monday morning and JJ is in first period history. He fucking hates history, yet, it had become his favourite subject simply because it was the only one all 6 pogues shared. He opens his school bag with sigh, placing the textbook on his desk and starting to fish around the bottom of the bag for a loose pen.
Pope turns around from the seat in front of him, placing a pen on his desk with a knowing smile. JJ drops his bag to the floor, opening the text book only for a note to fall out.
Her neat writing fills the page and the smile on his face is immediate.
Happy Ant Neck Drop Surf Olive Mars Egg
JJ tries to ignore the feeling of a red hot blush creeping up his neck as he turns to look at the next desk along, she's already looking at him with a smirk shooting him a week before turning to face the front, god if JJ can't feel himself falling.
It continues for weeks.
Tucked into the wind screen wiper of her old shitty truck.
Taped to the sandwiches she would bring him to lunch.
On her pillow when she went to bed one night.
Stuffed into the pocket of the hoodie she borrowed.
Her school bag.
The bathroom mirror at the chateau.
They both started to home a large collection of notes. Her's placed neatly in a drawer in her bedroom. His tucked in a box under the floor board that lifts up in the room he claims as his at the chateau.
"What you writing?" John B questions as he steps onto the porch
"Just a note for y/n,"
"You guys have been passing a lot of secret notes recently," John B comments, JJ shrugs placing the pen down "It's sweet,"
"What d'ya mean by that?" JJ questions, John raises his eyebrows giving JJ a knowing look before having a realisation.
"You still haven't told her you're head over heels in love with her?"
"No," JJ admits, he was way past his days of fighting back when his friends accused him of being in love with her. "I don't know how to. You know me, I never say things right and I just- I really don't want to fuck this up. Only got one shot at it,"
"So write it," John B shrugs like it's obvious
"I can't,"
"You can,"
"What if she doesn't feel the same?"
"JJ, you're the most annoying person I know and she puts up with you all the time and has done since you were 2 . She feels the same,"
She's only wearing a bikini and a tshirt that belongs to JJ when she exits her house on Saturday morning. Her plans to meet at the Chateau go surfing with Kie already made, she grabs her board and at first she doesn't even notice it, attached to the cool box full of water and fruit she'd loaded up the night before is a note.
Art Magic
Igloo Note
London Orange Venus Elephant
Wine Ill Tiger Hungry
Yam One Under
It takes less than a minute for her to decipher the note, abandoning her surf board and the cooler in favour of sprinting to the Cheateau.
JJ is seemingly waiting for her when she arrives, he's pacing in front of the house, going still the second he sees her.
"Are you kidding?" She questions, he's stares, eyes wide not quite able to process why she looks so hopeful. "Because JJ, if this is some fucked up joke I will literally never speak to you again,"
"It's not a joke," He assures
"It's not?" She questions, it's het turn to still, having expected to arrive for him to laugh and ruffle her hair like he was her brother.
"No. I'm in love with you. I've been in love with you since we were 12 and you stole my cap and started wearing it everyday,"
"We were 14 and you snuck into my room because my parents were fighting and you read harry potter to me cause you knew my parents used to," She states
He nods, now it was all out there in the open neither of them quite knew what to do.
"For fucks sake kiss already!" Pope shouts, they turn seeing all the pogues watching them from the porch.
JJ looks at her, an unspoken question in his eyes. "Just promise me if this all goes tits up we will be friends, cause I can't loose you maybank,"
He holds his pinky out, smiling as she loops her with his and squeezes slightly. He pulls her into his chest with their pinkies. Lips crashing onto hers, spare holding her closer to him by the small of her back. Her empty hand moving to play with the blonde curls she's wanted to run her fingers through a thousand times. Their pinkies stay linked by their side, his thumb stroking at her hands lightly.
Yeah, she'd be keeping the note he left in there little love language.
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fantastic-bby · 4 years
SKZ vs. their crush
Pairing: Gender neutral Reader x Member
Word count: 3.9k
Genre: Fluff
Summary: It’s just them crushing on you 
Warnings: -
A/n: I tried a different format this time and used bullet points rather than just making it like a full story since my brain was going crazy when I wrote this. Let me know which format you prefer and maybe I might incorporate both bullet points and the essay ones since I actually quite enjoy writing using both.
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You guys only met because you knew Jeongin 
The tiny babie brought you to meet his friends 
Chan was smitten when he first met you 
He thought you were so pretty when he saw you following behind Jeongin 
“Who is that?” 
He wants Jeongin to introduce you two
Sensing the vibes, the maknae is more than happy to introduce you two 
if he was being honest, he already knew Chan would pretty much fall in love with you immediately
Chan’s flustered when he introduces himself to you 
He’s almost blubbering all over the place 
You find it kinda cute but he’s scared you found him really weird 
He tries to steal little moments to be with you 
Like ‘accidentally’ bumping into you in the hallway 
Or how he just so happens to walk into Jeongin’s room when you’re on a call with him
Or how he just so happens to be lingering around the flea market nearby your college campus 
Chan takes care of you without even realising it 
If you bump into each other he asks whether you’ve eaten or how your day is 
He loves the way you seem to parent his friends like he does 
“Jisung, put the knife down. You’re going to hurt somebody” 
“Hehe, make me” 
“PUT IT DOWN 〴⋋_⋌〵” 
Chan’s surprised he listens to you
He loves how everyone only seems to listen if you’re the one talking too
If you’re hanging out with them at the dorms and Chan can’t seem to control everyone, you just step in 
“Guys, please”
And suddenly the chaos has calmed down 
Chan finds it amazing 
Everyone just… stops when you ask them to
You find it amusing 
It’s like watching a single dad trying to control his seven wild sons
He chases after Felix around the dorm a lot because he’s usually done something weird with Minho and Jisung
He manages to get your number using an excuse of needing you to calm down the boys 
“Please… they don’t listen sometimes” 
Jeongin finds reasons to push you two together 
“Yay! You guys made—oH nO I ComPleTeLy foRgoT!!”
Leaves the two of you alone 
He honestly just thinks you two should get together and so does the rest of the group
So they find excuses to get you two alone together 
But your relationship takes f o r e v e r  
Only because Chan wants to be absolutely certain that he likes you
He doesn’t want to commit to someone he’s worried he’s not sure of yet
Slowly but surely, he starts to ease into the relationship
He sends you music he thinks you’ll like 
Eventually he’ll start sending you his own music 
He only confesses when he’s absolutely sure he’s pretty much falling in love with you 
The way he does it just wins your heart immediately if you weren’t already as whipped for him as he was 
He writes a song for you (´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ `)♡ 
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Bumped into you at a dance studio he goes to often
He thinks your dancing is amazing 
At first he doesn’t want to bother you 
But then he’s all like “heyyyy I’m Minho” 
And you’re pretty much taken away by how gorgeous the man is 
Minho wouldn’t be too flustered 
He would keep his cool around you 
Doesn’t mean he wouldn’t try to impress you with his sexy dance moves 
Tries to win your heart the romantic way which doesn’t work because half the time you’re too busy dancing to actually realise he’s trying to flirt with you
“Hey, baby ;)” 
Wonders whether he should just make a dedicated advance towards you 
He likes your humour 
It’s similar to his 
You both just laugh at really weird stuff together 
When you share your numbers, he sends you weird videos that he thinks you’ll like 
Minho’s not much of a texter, but when you do get a message from him, it’s either something he’s really excited about or something really weird 
Only realises he’s actually crushing on you when Changbin points it out 
“Why are you so nice to them” 
Then Minho realises that he really likes you
Starts slowly working harder to win your heart 
Helps you with your dancing
“Your body looks a bit stiff” 
Buys you lunch 
“I got you the lunch box from 7 11”
It’s always something you end up liking if you hadn’t tried it before
Buys you drinks from the vending machine 
“What is this???” 
It looks like a double shot coffee 
Minho doesn’t know either but you both drink it anyway 
And end up being at the studio until 3 a.m. because you’re both so hyped with caffeine
Offers to walk you home if it’s getting late
“It’s not safe on your own”
“Minho, I’ll be fineeeee” 
Doesn’t take no for an answer and forces you to let him
His advances work
You’re pretty much whipped for him by the time he confesses 
Which Minho does by buying you flowers and bringing it to the studio 
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You work at the music shop that he goes to often 
When he’s browsing the CD’s and the vinyls, he spots you at the counter 
His heart almost explodes when he sees you 
The first thing that caught his eye was the way you were dressed 
Fits Changbin’s style 
He’s nervous to approach you with the vinyl in his hand 
Why was he so nervous? 
Oh right, he was pretty much completely smitten by you 
 He loves your voice even more
Changbin’s so nervous 
He likes your bracelets too 
He thinks they’re really cool 
He ends up coming back a lot and you wonder why this man needs so many CD’s and vinyls 
Eventually, he builds up the courage to talk to you
Changbin comes by every once in a while just to say hi 
Sometimes he just comes in to talk to you during your break
You tell him you’ve always wanted to try making music
He tells you he makes music 
You’re all :0 
Changbin tells you about it 
And you get really interested in his music 
He starts coming after your shift or during your break to play you his songs 
He gets all uwu when he sees the way your eyes shine 
You have him wrapped around your finger without even knowing it 
Doesn’t admit that he’s pretty much whipped 
Even though he visits you almost every other day 
And how he buys you your favourite snacks 
Or how he stays way longer than he expected to just bcs he’s talking to you 
You’re just as whipped tbh 
You love talking to Changbin 
You like his music taste and he’s fun to be around 
Confesses to you by taking you out on a date 
He brings you to his studio 
Shows you how he makes music 
He finds it adorable how you’re so amazed by his equipment
So he teaches you whatever he can in the time you’re together 
You both spend the evening just messing around 
You make a short track that you’re sure sounds really off
Changbin reassures you that it’s nice 
He teaches you how to layer the different tracks 
And eventually teaches you how to edit them despite the few hours you have 
You’re so excited 
He smiles every time he looks at you 
Bcs you’re so adorable he feels like he might burst 
Confesses at the end of the night 
“I like you a lot” 
He blurts it out and it catches you slightly off guard 
But you like him back so it’s fine 
Ends up offering to take you to the studio anytime you’re both free
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Met you through Felix 
Felix invited you to play a game with him and his friends 
Hyunjin hears your voice the first time and he’s already curious 
He thinks you’re really chill and he likes your vibe 
You end up playing more games with them 
He ends up wanting to get to know you more 
The thing that honestly gets to him the most is the way you take every loss so lightheartedly 
“There’s always another game” 
You don’t rage or stress out over it 
Over time, he starts spending one-on-one time with you 
Until you’re both just doing literally anything else but gaming together 
He denies them as dates whenever his friends ask, claiming that it’s just friend time
Until one night you’re both awake at four a.m. and talking about everything and anything 
He likes the way you think
“Hyunjin, did you know that sometimes in movies, they use trash cans to replicate tiger roars” 
He likes how you’re joking talking about starting a revolution 
He knows you won’t
“So, yeah, fuck capitalism!” 
He loves the fact that you’re so open about what you think even if it’s something small or weird
“Mercy’s ass is so thick… for what reason…” 
“She’s a video game character??” 
“Felix, her ass is so thick, she could kill someone with it” 
Hyunjin loves hearing you rant about your day 
“And?? It’s so stupid!!”
“Calm down, (Y/n)”
“Don’t tell me to calm down, you egg!” 
Hyunjin thinks you’re adorable when you’re all riled up
He finds it amusing because he likes hearing you talk 
“You live there too?” 
He didn’t expect to be so close to you
“Yeah, that’s how I met Felix” 
He never realised you and Felix knew each other in real life
You spend more time together 
Talking about whatever comes to mind until the dead of night 
Sometimes you watch movies together 
You stay away from horror movies because he doesn’t like it that much 
But you’re always talking about something with him
The two of you are always the last to leave the call because you end up talking after games 
Hyunjin asks you out without even realising it sounds like a date
“Is that a date??” 
He didn’t even realise he asked you out until after he’s left the call
Goes into panic mode 
He just asked you out!!!! 
Starts asking Felix about you
He laughs at Hyunjin but helps him anyway
Shows him what you look like on your Instagram 
Hyunjin thinks you’re so pretty on your posts
When he sees you in person for the first time 
He’s so taken away 
You’re gorgeous
Whatever feeling he didn’t realise he had for you comes rushing in 
Hyunjin loves your laugh 
You spend the whole day together just walking around town
It’s nice to hear his voice when it isn’t coming out of your headphones
By the time the date’s over, Hyunjin wants more of you 
So he tells you he wants to take you out again while he’s walking you home 
You accept 
He turns to you with a c: before asking if he can kiss you
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You’re a barista at the cafe nearby the JYPe building 
Jisung was designated as the drink buyer that time by the rest of his group 
If he was having trouble remembering all their orders before 
He has even bigger trouble now when he sees you 
He freezes the moment he sees you at the cashier 
“Hi! What would you like?” 
Jisung’s eyes go ◑.◑
“Uhm… sir?” 
He struggles to get his order out properly
But you’re patient with him and even though he barely knows you 
He likes that you are 
Jisung’s watching you the entire time you make his order 
He can’t take his eyes off of you 
You do notice it, but you find him adorable so you don’t say anything 
He seems to be easily flustered
When you hand him his order, he’s still a blubbering mess 
“T-Thank you…” 
Your name tag says (Y/n) 
So he thanks you using your name which you smile 
“Have a great day!” 
Jisung comes back the next day 
He doesn’t even need any drinks, he just wants to see you again 
When he does, he feels all fluttery on the inside 
“Welcome back” 
He orders a dark chocolate smoothie and an iced mocha for Minho
Minho would kill him if he found out Jisung went to the cafe without him 
Jisung sits at an empty table and watches you again 
The next day, the cycle repeats 
And the day after that 
And the day after that 
Minho follows him at some point, wondering why Jisung seems to obsessed with the place 
“Why do you like this place so much?” 
Something’s definitely up with him 
Minho only finds out when he sees the way Jisung’s face seems to light up when he sees you 
“You like the barista, don’t you” 
That’s all he needs to confirm it 
Minho lets Jisung order, seeing just how excited and giddy he is when he’s talking to you 
Jisung’s practically bouncing up and down while you talk to him 
When they leave, Minho’s all up in it 
“You really like them, huh” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about >:c” 
Knowing Jisung, he wouldn’t do anything about it 
So Minho takes it into his own hands to bring you two together 
The group is having a mini event and they need someone to serve drinks 
Who else to ask other than you? 
Jisung’s eyes almost bulge out of his skull when he sees you because 
What are you doing here???? 
He’s so nervous 
Minho practically shoves him your way 
Again, you find him so cute that you don’t even realise he’s practically dying to know you more 
“Hi Jisung!” 
You learned his name over the course of him constantly coming back and Jisung just loves hearing it from you 
“Hi (Y/n)” 
“I can’t make anything ice blended, but I can trade if for an iced dark chocolate” 
As long as you make it, he’ll take it 
The event comes to an end but Jisung’s pretty much spent more time with you rather than his group mates 
Even they’re amused by how into you he obviously is 
“Hey Jisung” 
You stop him before you leave and he’s immediately at your side 
“Since you keep coming over, here’s my number” 
“Give me a call before you come in so that I can have your drink ready for you to pick up” 
He’s so happy :D
He sends you pictures of cute animals and random snippets of his music 
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Met you through League of Legends
You have good synergy so you became friends through that 
At first, he only managed to play with you occasionally 
When he’s able to, he notices how you always sound so bright 
“Hi Felix!” 
He likes playing with you 
You’re laid-back 
You don’t stress over losses too much 
“Ah, what to do?” 
But when you’re irritated, Felix finds it funny
“Fucking asshole!” 
“You were in the way, (Y/n)”
“Shut the fuck up!” 
You’re so funny to him 
“Felix, don’t go into bush” 
“I can bait them” 
His character dies
“Oops ( ͡° ͜V ͡°)”
You’re easy to game with and that’s what he admires the most right off the bat 
You always seem to be up for games 
Even when he’s not able to play, whenever he logs into Discord he sees you’re online 
Wonders whether you sleep at all 
“I don’t need sleep. I am gamerrrr. Gamers don’t sleep” 
“Please sleep” 
“Lix, sleep is for the weak and I’m not weak” 
“You passed out last night in call” 
Honestly slightly concerned for you 
Overtime he realises that he really looks forward to games with you
Before Felix would just go to sleep after practice or shows 
But he’ll start waiting to see if you’re up for even one game 
Which you always are 
Slowly starts spending time with you just talking 
Eventually it leads to the both of you staying up until 5 a.m. laughing at really stupid memes 
During the day when Felix can’t join call 
He sends you funny tiktoks and memes 
You appreciate it because you like him 
But you don’t admit it because you’ve never met him in person before
Until you both find out that you live only a few hours away from him 
Invites you down to Seoul to spend time with him 
You’re nervous
Felix is nervous
He knows what you look like
You exchanged Snapchats and started streaking a while before 
He sends you funny pictures of his members 
You send him selfies with random filters
But nothing could prepare him for when you appear from around the corner 
He sees you appear and he’s all (゜ロ゜)
Your photos don’t do your natural beauty any justice
Is a bit of a mess when you’re walking around together 
Eventually loosens up around you 
Compliments you a lot and it makes you blush 
You spend the day just wandering around the place 
Felix takes you to his favourite places and favourite cafes 
He wants to share his favourite things with you 
You find it endearing 
Tries to make you laugh a lot because he’s just grown to really like the sound of your voice 
Since you’ve spent most of your time talking over call
Felix just loves hearing your voice 
When the day’s over 
He asks for more nights that aren’t just filled with games because owo he wants to do more with you 
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Bumped into you at JYPe because you were visiting a friend 
Hears you singing with Yeji and he immediately falls in love with your voice 
He peeks into the dance studio to see the two of you just sitting on the floor together 
There’s no music 
It’s just the two of you singing together 
Your voice makes him :D 
Seungmin leaves the two of you bcs he doesn’t want to intrude 
But he ends up seeing you more often 
Turns out you’re in Seoul for a while so you’re spending quite some time with Yeji 
He sees you in the hallways a lot
When you walk past each other, it’s always just a polite bow 
You don’t really think much of Seungmin other than the fact that you think he’s pretty handsome 
Yeji teases you for that 
When you’re walking through the building to look for her 
You hear someone singing in one of the rooms 
You peek through the glass 
It’s Seungmin! 
And he’s so good
You listen from outside the door 
You knew he was good since he was an idol
But you didn’t think that he was that good
You don’t even realise he’s done when the door swings open and you’re standing there 
When Seungmin sees you, he realises you were most likely listening 
Now you’re just staring at each other like 
Because now he knows you were listening 
And now you know he knows 
You’re embarrassed 
You’re lucky Yeji pops from around the corner and your eyes plead for her to drag you away 
Which she doesn’t 
“Hi Yeji” 
“Have you met (Y/n) before?” 
You actually want to tear her apart
“Not properly, no” 
“Well... “ 
You drag her away before she can say anything else 
The next time you see Seungmin 
You pass by him in the hallway once again while you’re looking for Yeji
“We keep passing each other but we’ve yet to actually meet each other properly” 
“I know you were listening the other day” 
“I don’t mind that you did.”
You’re actually bit surprised that he doesn’t mind
“I overheard you and Yeji singing the other day in the dance room” 
༼ : ౦ ‸ ౦ : ༽
“You sing really beautifully, (Y/n)” 
There’s an awkward wall that takes a while before you two actually break it down 
But when you do 
It’s almost like you visit the building to see Seungmin rather than Yeji 
She doesn’t mind since she saw it coming 
Doesn’t mean she can’t tease you about it 
Seungmin looks forward to having lunch with you in the cafeteria 
At this point, the staff don’t even question your now daily appearance 
You end up falling for Seungmin way faster than you thought possible 
The feeling’s mutual 
He just likes everything about you 
You’re so sweet 
You’re also really caring 
He notices that when you follow him to the practice room where Stray Kids are 
Changbin trips over Hyunjin’s legs 
You’re rushing over to help without any of them really realising it 
He loves how nice your voice is too 
“Can you sing for me?”
You’re shook 
You wonder why he wants to hear your voice specifically
“Your voice is just really nice 
He realises he really likes you when you briefly disturb their practice to give Seungmin lunch 
He briefly mentioned that he forgot his wallet and his lunch 
Since you aren’t an idol or staff
You had to use your own money in the cafeteria 
Seungmin’s heart flips at the realisation 
Ends up asking you out so that you don’t have to spend so much time inside the JYPe building all the time 
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Meets you through Changbin 
You went to the same high school as him and you kinda just stuck around
Changbin brings you to the dorm bcs he borrowed a hoodie 
The entire dorm greets you really brightly 
Jeongin’s the only one just watching in awe 
He’s so shy when you wave at him 
Seungmin notices and raises a brow 
“I-I’m Jeongin” 
“Hi Jeongin! Changbin talks about you guys a lot” 
He’s so nervous 
He wants to know you more, but he also doesn’t want to make it obvious that he’s taking interest in you 
The others don’t really notice because they’re too excited by the new person 
Seungmin, on the other hand, tells Changbin about it 
Changbin now makes it his mission to bring you two together 
He brings you over to the dorm more often 
Especially if Jeongin’s the only one home 
“(Y/n), you’ve met Innie before right?”
You nod
Jeongin’s adorable 
Changbin ends up bringing you over for movie nights 
Now you’re just an honorary member of the group 
Everyone else loves you 
Jeongin always tries to sit next to you during movie nights 
Especially if it’s a horror movie 
When you get scared, you hug his arm and he likes that 
Makes him feel like he’s able to protect you like a big strong man ᕙ(`▽´)ᕗ
You kinda like him too
So you test the waters around him 
You start talking to him more since Changbin told you he’s really shy 
Jeongin slowly eases into your company 
It takes a bit of time, but he’s started getting more confident around you 
You visit the dorm thinking Changbin’s there because he stole your favourite belt 
When Jeongin opens the door he’s all :D but when you ask where his hyung is he goes D: 
Tells you he’s not home but lets you in anyway 
No one else is home except for Jeongin and Chan 
So you sit in the living room with Innie 
You start talking about random things 
You end up talking about almost everything because it turns out that Changbin’s gone way longer than both of you thought 
Chan eventually emerges from his bedroom and waves at you 
He orders fried chicken for you guys 
You and Jeongin continue talking while eating 
Chan finds it super cute
Jeongin’s playful around you 
But he doesn’t want to make himself appear immature 
But you like when he’s being playful so you slowly ease him into being more comfortable 
He still just wants to impress you so you like him back 
Wait, when did he start liking you??? 
He realised it when you were over for a regular movie night 
You fell asleep in his lap 
Jeongin thought you were so cute 
When you wake up he asks you out 
You accept 
He cuddles you for the rest of the night and asks you to spend the night at the dorm
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blu-joons · 3 years
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Seokmin is incredibly cuddly around you, he loves to be around you and have some sort of contact with you. He can’t help himself usually but to start tickling your sides and tease you whenever he has his arms around you too.
You were drawn to Seokmin from the moment you met him, he had a personality that instantly made you feel comfortable around him and a smile that made you listen to every word that he spoke. He loved getting to know you from the moment he met you too, taking an instant liking to what he saw from you.
A friendship between you both quickly developed, and one night when you were hanging out, Seokmin couldn’t help but joke about how different things could have been for you both if you started dating. Despite being a joke, it soon became a thought that Seokmin couldn’t stop thinking about for the rest of your evening, ended up with him suggesting that the two of you perhaps give dating a try as your evening came to an end.
Each date was an adventure, you never did the same thing twice. He loved having someone to explore with, you’d always make sure to try new restaurants and venues for your dates, if you’d been to one restaurant once, you’d pick another the next time, or if your previous date had been at the beach, then you’d head down to the river for the next one. Eventually, you went on so many dates that you had the perfect list of all your favourite places to go to that the two of you could hold onto for the rest of your lives together.
Seokmin’s life had been filled with a lot of hate, he was excited to enjoy his first experience of love. He couldn’t wait to fall in love and have someone there who would pick him up rather than constantly bring him down and support him in everything that he chose to do. There were definitely a few nerves at the start of your relationship, Seokmin wasn’t used to being treated so well, but it was an experience he also loved and wished that he had managed to receive in his earlier years from those who were around him.
Despite his bright personality, Seokmin is incredibly sensitive when it comes to conflict and arguments, he’s had far too much negativity in his life to experience it alongside you as well. Whenever you’re angry, he’ll sit and listen, usually with teary eyes too. He hates feeling as if he’s let you down or frustrated you, so once you’ve finished ranting about whatever the subject is, he’ll apologise straight away. He’s used to just saying sorry, it’s what he spent so many years doing, but once you see how sorrowful he is, you can’t help but feel bad for going at him so hard too and reassure him that there’s no reason to worry.
Seokmin’s family were very protective of him, but they trusted his judgement, especially when it came to you. Seeing how well you treated their son however was a huge turning point for them, all they ever wanted was for Seokmin to be happy and knowing that you made him happy was more than enough for them.
He enjoyed being in the dorm environment far too much to move out and find a place with you. He loved the noise and the laughter that came with living with all of his other members, and admittedly, you enjoyed being around them all too. Seokmin knew one day the time would come to move out, but he hoped it wouldn’t be for a little while yet.
During a particularly hard time he was having, you were there for him throughout, never complaining. Seokmin never realised how much he needed you until he had your support during those days, and your love for him was the final piece of the puzzle that he needed to be sure that he loved you and let you know that he did too.
Although he loves to make others happy and tries to give off the impression that he’s always smiling, there is a small part of Seokmin that can get jealous from time to time too. He’s not someone who can let go of previous experiences, and so little doubts sometimes creep in that perhaps being with you is too good to be true. He’ll laugh his way through his jealousy as that’s all he knows how to do, others might not be able to pick up on it, but you can recognise a fake laugh from Seokmin in an instant and know exactly what’s going on.
Controlling Seokmin was sometimes enough for you, so you dreaded to think how chaotic your life would be with children too. Seokmin often told you about his dreams of a family in the future and how he hoped he had kids who could at least try and match the amount of energy that he had. You on the other hand, hoped that your children one day would be able to finally tire Seokmin out, which was something that you’d been trying to do for many years, but somehow his energy just never seemed to run out.
He was the one who always create the happy mood in any situation, no matter how bad of a day you’d had or how angry you might be, he would never fail in putting the smile back on your face. Seokmin was someone who smiled his way through life and got on with everyone, a quality that you admired in him greatly. He very much controlled a situation with his jokes and his cheeky remarks, which also helped in making him a favourite with your family too. All of your friends adored him as if he’d been a part of your friendship circle for years too as a result of his sense of humour which they too instantly fell in love with.
Just like with his jealousy and frustrations, Seokmin would try and laugh his way through the feeling of missing you too. He’d often brush it aside if any of the members asked how he was feeling, refusing to show any sign of emotion in front of all of them all. Despite him trying to ignore his feelings, the other members would know straight away when he was missing you as he’d try and crack joke after joke to distract his mind. He would behave exactly the same around you too, his focus was on cheering you up if you were missing him, and if he was missing you, then that would be something he’d try and keep to himself for your own sake.
As soon as you heard about his nickname of ‘docutie,’ you picked it up and decided to start using it for yourself too. Seokmin tried for a while to stop you, but when he knew he wasn’t going to win, he eventually caved to you.
Seokmin was obsessed with your smile, he liked knowing that you were happy anyway, but especially so whenever you were around him.
He’s not afraid to be affectionate in public with you or try and make your relationship anything subtle. He knows that the fans will support him, and he wants to be real with them, so he’ll still be just as playful and teasing in public with you as he is whenever the two of you are behind closed doors with no one else watching.
Seokmin loves talking, so he will ask you questions on just about anything. Anything that comes to mind he’ll want to talk about, he’s a people person, especially when he’s around his favourite person in the world, you.
When you found out the meaning behind his stage name, you knew you had to do something special for him. You ended up finding a gemstone that you knew Seokmin would love and gave it to him as something that he could always have on him. He’d take it on tour, to recordings, interviews, it slowly became a good luck charm for him to have a part of you with him even when he wasn’t able to physically be by your side.
Seokmin is always full of energy at the best of times, but especially so when it comes to being intimate with you. He could go all night if you asked him too, when it comes to loving and treating you well, he has all the excitement and time in the world. He’s also loud too, sometimes it will just be moans, other times he’ll be pouring out with compliments to remind you how much he loves you and how special he believes you are.
His texts are always carrying and inquisitive of you. He’ll always ask how your day is going and what your plans are, and if he thinks there’s time in between it for you to see him, then he’ll ask if you fancy a trip to the dorm too.
You opened up a whole new world of love to Seokmin, of course, he’d always been loved by those who were closest to him, but to have the love and affection that came with being in a relationship was something that he adored.
Going on holiday was a big deal to Seokmin, but he never cared where in the world he was as long as he was with you. Holidays to him were his way of saying thank you to you for always being with him and supporting him despite how challenging his world could sometimes be and how little time he’d spend with you.
He could definitely create enough noise if he wanted to, he was the mood maker for a reason, and that definitely included when he whined too.
Your kisses are one of the things that Seokmin values the most from you, he’s always searching for love and affection from you, and that usually comes in the form of a kiss, or two, from you. If he’s feeling quiet, he’ll sneak into your hold and tap his finger against your cheek to boldly ask for a kiss from you. He’s not afraid to tease you and he’s definitely not afraid to let you know exactly what he wants from you.
You were a ray of light in Seokmin’s light, whilst he was everyone else’s sunshine, you were his.
The two of you laid side by side every night, without fail. Seokmin enjoyed your embrace and found it incredibly comforting to be at your side. The comfort of your presence was all that he needed to fall asleep comfortingly at night.
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midnightlee25 · 3 years
Yandere ABC: Tōru oikawa
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A Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
He can be very affectionate but keep in mind he is also a big tease. (it's his favorite just to tease you until you're pouting then acting all sweet like nothing happened.)
B Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Although he doesn't mind getting his own hands messy, he would prefer if it was someone else's.  
C Cruelty : How would they treat their darling  
Fairly will, he can be a bit harsh sometimes but for the most part he treats you like royalty.
D Delusional : How aware are they?
60/40 there are times when he comes out of it a bit but then goes right back in even worse than last time.
E Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
He wouldn't let himself be vulnerable often but when he is he can turn into a big baby who just wants you to hold him for a while.
F Fight : How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Irritated, but he knows you would never win against him so he's not worried.
H Hell :What would be their darling’s worst experience?
Any time he gets jealous or very stressed. Now it won't be anything towards you but you may see some things you wished you didn't. Another is when he is between reality and fantasy.
I Ideals : What is their plan for the future?
He may have the flare for the drama but he is a simple man with simple needs deep down.
J Jealousy : How jealous are they when it comes to their darling?
He can be very jealous of everything no matter who it is but he can play it off very well until he gets a chance to make them pay for this feeling.
K Knowledgeable : How much would they try to learn about their darling?
Quite a bit, anything he sees that can give him advantage on everyone else. (Not that he needs it anyways he knows you are already deeply in love with him.)
L Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Flowers, Sweets the whole nine yards.
M Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
You can almost say his mask is sewn in.
N Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
He’s very...creative when it comes to punish nothing that will leave a mark but will still make you learn.
O Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
He will keep a tight leash but not as tight as most.
P Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
He can be patient most of the time but he does have his moments.
Q Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
On the outside he will seem fine but on the inside is a storm.
R Regret : Would they feel guilty? Would they let go?
Only if you were hurt really bad.  
S Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc.)?
There was something that caught his eye, you made him feel something he has never felt before and he doesn't want to lose it.
T Tears : How do they feel about their darling crying, screaming, and/or throwing a tantrum
He would try and comfort you if he sees you crying, throwing a tantrum will get nothing but a lonely locked room.
U Unique : Does anything make them different from the classic yandere?
He's a lot more of a trickster than most.
V Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Whenever reality hits him, realizing what he's done will make him freeze giving you time but it won't be long so be fast and you may have a chance.
W Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
He will not mean to but whenever he is in between reality and fantasy anything could happen?
X Xoanon : How much would they worship their darling?
Like royalty, but there are rare times when he can seem cruel.
Y Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Nothing ever wrong with a slow burn but there will come a time when it turns into a blaze.  
Z Zeal : How passionate would they be? Would they be passionate enough to break their darling?
It is possible that passion will break you but it's not the only thing.  
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amajikilvr · 4 years
ugh i love your fluffy alphabet on tamaki 🥺 so if it's okay, can you do one for bakugou, too?
headcanon corner - katsuki bakugou sfw alphabet
word count 1.8k
reader type gender-neutral
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
In the beginning, Katsuki’s affection will come out quite stubbornly and will be harder to see at times. Later on, it’s obvious how much he cares for you. His heart is full of love despite his aggressive attitude. He’s not afraid to show PDA, no matter who’s watching, and you’re often the recipient of his rare compliments. Katsuki is always ready to say “I love you”.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
That’s a tricky one. Befriending people isn’t exactly on Katuski’s radar, but he’d prefer someone who could “keep up with him” if so to speak. Reliable helps too. This friendship might start with him genuinely, although reluctantly, praising your quirk or skills.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
“This is fuckin’ stupid,” He’ll mumble as he wraps his strong arms around you, but he’s loving every minute of it. Katsuki’s down to snuggle in front of everyone, but if you’re the one initiating, he’ll be a tad bit embarrassed and no one dares point it out. When you two are completely alone you’ll get to see his softer side and you might even be the big spoon for once.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He’ll want to settle down in a sense that he needs to be sure that they’re his and he’s theirs. The method of doing so will depend on what’s best for both of you, but moving in together is probably in the cards. Katsuki makes a fantastic roommate because, among his many talents, cooking is one of them. He’s also a bit of a clean fanatic and you might wake up to him vacuuming or doing the dishes at 7 AM or something.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Firstly, he would fight tooth-and-nail against whatever was threatening the relationship because he’s not letting you go easily. If it absolutely came down to ending things, Katsuki would make it straight to the point and as quick as possible. He wouldn’t be able to remain ‘just friends’ with you and would never truly move on in his heart.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quickly would they want to get married?)
Katsuki is beyond committed and he firmly believes there are several ways to show it besides putting a ring on it. If you two were to eventually get married it would be later on so your careers could be focused on. He just wants you both to succeed and achieve your dreams more than anything, but if the marriage was something you really wanted, he might consider tying the knot earlier than previously planned.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Although I think Katsuki is actually a sensitive person, he can definitely be on the rough side of things. He can read and interpret others’ emotions, but relating to them can be a challenge. I don’t believe he’d ever act maliciously towards you or anyone else he cares for. He’s got a soft touch and even the occasional kind words during the most surprising times.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Katsuki’s a bigger fan of kisses, but he does love hugs! He’s always, well, touching you. Huge bear hugs. Squeezy. Warm. The type to literally lift you off of your feet. He’ll leave little tickling kisses on your neck and shoulders while whispering words against your skin.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He’ll say the words in every possible way… besides actually saying the words. It’s like a mental block of Katsuki’s because he’s admittedly scared of proclaiming his love in such a straight-forward way. Once he gets over that first hump, it’s no problem for him. He won’t be throwing the words around like candy, but he’ll always say what’s on his mind.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Katsuki is emotional and jealousy is a familiar feeling for him. Being a bit of a hothead definitely doesn’t help either. This jealousy stems from his insecurities and can be overbearing. At the beginning of the relationship, it will probably be the cause of some arguments between you two. Later on, jealous Katsuki will just include him being extra pissy and extra cuddly.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Passionate. Always. If he’s kissing you, he’s going all the way. Even during your first kiss, he gave it his all. Sure, it was an awkward mess of spit and teeth, but he was eager and didn’t hesitate! Katsuki’s skills have improved by now and he never fails to showcase them. It doesn’t matter where, if he’s kissing you, then he’s happy. It depends on your preferences. And as for him… his neck is especially sensitive and he’ll never admit it.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Well, after the remedial lessons episode, we know he’s not very good. At all. Despite that, I can imagine him still wanting kids eventually. An “I can’t stand any kid except my own” type.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Katsuki is your typical morning person. He’s up at the same time every day and it amazes you. Well, unless you’re a morning person yourself, that is. If you’re a heavy sleeper then waking you up on time will be his new personal mission. He’ll probably make you a nice breakfast and get as many kisses as he can in before work.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Haha! This guy goes to bed at like 9-pm. He’s got a strict schedule and if you somehow manage to get him to stay up later to watch a movie with you or something, he’s gonna fall asleep on your lap and it’s adorable. It’s the perfect opportunity to play with his soft hair without having to hear him grumble about it the entire time.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It’s going to take a while to break through his outer shell, but he’s not exactly secretive about his feelings and his past. Katsuki trusts you enough to be open with his mistakes and he won’t hide anything if you just ask.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
I think this one is a bit self-explanatory, but it’s not very often that he gets angry at you.He’s getting better at controlling his anger and you tend to bring out his gentler side too.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or do they kind of forget everything?)
In the moment, it may seem like simply he brushes it off or doesn’t really acknowledge it, but that’s actually not the case. Katsuki always remembers and takes everything into consideration. The number of little things he keeps notes of might surprise.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
One Saturday afternoon, Katsuki decided he was going to try out a new chocolate cake recipe and you decided you’d try your hand at baking for once! He was absolutely willing to teach you and it was going well… until you somehow managed to drop an egg yolk right on Katsuki’s sock covered foot. His favorite pair of socks at that. The kitchen was quiet until he swifty flicked flour at your forehead and it was game-on from there. The next thirty minutes were filled with lots of flour and kisses.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Katsuki couldn’t be more protective of you and he’s more than willing to use his quirk if needed. He’s prepared to fight for you in the blink of an eye, no question about it. His job as a pro-hero means so much when you’re someone he has to protect, but he also knows it’s a mutual feeling. He completely believes in your own physical abilities to keep him safe and your reassuring words make him truly feel like the greatest.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He’s certainly not lazy when it comes to your relationship, but at the same time, Katsuki finds things like fancy dates and lavish gifts kinda pointless. He couldn’t care less about eating at an expensive restaurant, all that matters is that he’s with you. That’s not to say that he won’t give you nice things because he will be spoiling you, especially on anniversaries and holidays.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
His inferiority complex has always been his biggest enemy. There are times when he just can’t shut off his competitive side and it can turn things ugly when he lets his insecurities get the best of him. His temper is also something he’s struggled with and is still learning how to manage.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Katsuki really doesn’t care about that kind of thing. Of course, it does fuel his ego and boost his confidence when you compliment his looks. He considers himself to be an attractive person, but nothing too special. (You think differently)
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He likes to believe otherwise, but yeah, he really would. He couldn’t imagine a day without you. It’s just a scary thing for Katsuki to accept that he relies on someone other than himself for once.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He’ll never admit it, but spiders really freak him out. Let’s just say he won’t argue if you offer to take one outside.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Someone who gives up easily would just kinda irritate him. Katsuki knows people struggle, hell, he’s definitely one of them, but seeing someone simply not try and throw in the towel when things don’t go their way is something that would get on his nerves.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
He’s somehow got a cute snore. Yup. It’s not even really a snore, more like some kind of soft breathing noise, but it’s noticeable and something you’ve grown to love. It’s also difficult for Katsuki to fall asleep in places other than his own bed.
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