#i listen to 2-3 artists regularly and barely anyone i know likes them
script-nef · 4 years
Ex-girlfriend | Miya Atsumu
Category: crack, fluff
Warning: profanities
1.4k words; just Miya Atsumu feeding his fans with his “girlfriend”
The link to the “interview” is a ridiculously high-quality cover of Colde singing Nabi Bobet Tau. It’s great, have a listen. The second one is “Lovestruck” also by Colde.
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Lmao did you guys see the interview Atsumu did
Okay so I was just chilling on my couch, flicking through channels to see what’s fun and guess who I see. Getting interviewed. With his incredibly red “girlfriend” by his side. (In hindsight it could be because of the winter cold but listening to Atsumu, he’s probably the main cause) And feeding us for the next 2 months while MSBY doesn’t have any interviews or appearances.
Bruh the reporter who had the fortune of randomly meeting them, what’s the power to your luck I want them secrets. I need them secrets.
But honestly, I was in a shitty mood all day and his interview made my mood lift up. If you guys wanna see the interview, it’s here.
Did you see her eyes when he started saying all the soft shit they do together? She was staring off into the distance like she gave up everything but she smiled so cutely when he looked back at her like a puppy. This is what I’m talking about. This shit is my life source. I need me an Atsumu. I need me some romance. 
“What would be different when you’re married?”
“Not much, but now I can use the ‘But I’m your husband’ card whenever I wanna hug!” BOY WHY ARE YOU SO PURE WHEN IT COMES TO HER WHY CAN’T YOU BE LIKE THAT IN YOUR MATCHES THE DUALITY OF THIS MAN
They’re so goddamn cute… Are there more clips of them together or anything like that?
There’s this page where people just dish whenever they see them together outside. It’s basically a massive collection of Atsumu being a lovesick fool for his now-fiancée. Here’s the link. 
Going out
Apparently his girlfriend worked for MSBY and he fell in love with her. But they had some kind of a bullshit “no dating people affiliated with the team” rule or something so he counted down the days until her year-long contract was over.
And everyone was basically rooting for them since they were super obvious and they officially started dating at the small party on her last day. I think there’s like a super grainy video of them hugging for the entire party. And like, she fits into his embrace perfectly like damn what a match I wish my boyfriend hugged me like that.
Café AU
I own a café and Atsumu comes regularly with his girlfriend. She always orders the chocolate waffle combo which is a plateful of waffles topped off with oreo crumbles and chocolate sauce and a milkshake. But Atsumu doesn’t like sweet things so he just watches her the entire time. You know the “chin rested on hand, leaning onto the table and looking at their significant other like the rest of the world doesn’t exist” move? Yeah, imagine that times 2,000. Then square it. And even then you won’t come close to how lovestruck he is for her.
And whenever she looks up from her waffles, he just grins and asks her if it’s nice in the sweetest voice like. You can make those types of voices??? I thought my ears were malfunctioning for a second. 
They’re just really cute and make me happy whenever I see them. I’m pretty sure a lot of my regulars also support them as well. 
So they’re getting married!! Ugh I swear I’m going to give them extra food as my way of saying congratulations the next time they come around.
Wait, are you the owner of ChatNoir Café? Like the one Atsumu uploads onto his Insta all the time??
That’s me! Yeah, thanks to him I’m getting more and more business everyday. You fans are so amazing I even made a deal for you guys. 
Atsumu just uploaded a video of him going through his new house. There is literally nothing in it other than bare essentials lmao. Hopefully they have similar taste in furnitures because I don’t think Atsumu’s going to back down on his decisions.
Insta upload
Atsumu just uploaded a video of him going through his new house. There is literally nothing in it other than bare essentials lmao. Hopefully they have similar taste in furnitures because I don’t think Atsumu’s going to back down on his decisions.
Nah, man. He’s always going to back down for her. You know how a lot of couples break up during the preparation for the wedding because they realised they’re too stubborn and get into fights? I was fearing that happening for Atsumu but then the match incident happened and I realised. This guy is whipped for her. Properly whipped. He’s never going to break up with her.
What’s the match incident?
It’s probably on YouTube, just search “Atsumu kneeling”.
It was a match where he did a spike which bounded off the opponent blocker’s arm and somehow went straight to her face. I was nearby her and my heart literally leapt into my throat when I saw it. She reacted fast enough and blocked it with her hand, but you should really watch the video to hear the sound. It’s somehow still so strong even after hitting the blocker (powerful boi)
Anyway he immediately ran to her to check up on the damage and literally broke down when he saw her skin turning red. He later said she gets bruises easily and that this left one which persisted for like, 3 months. 
She kept saying it was fine and that’s it’s not his fault, but he knelt in front of her to show how sorry he was. In front of everyone. Like, everyone. I couldn’t see one person who wasn’t watching him. And everyone’s jaw was on the floor because holy shit this guy’s kneeling here. I couldn’t believe it and I was standing right there. 
The coach eventually came to take him back and sent her to the infirmary to get the hand checked out, but she said something to Atsumu first which revived him. He never told us what it was but apparently it’s something really good since he got like, 10 services aces after that.
Lovesick Atsumu for the win
Drawing upload
Atsumu has uploaded yet another painting of him done by his fiancée and it is honestly amazing how someone has that much talent. Like, she’s pretty, probably has the patience and kindness of a God because she’s able to deal with Atsumu, artistic and adorable. Lady, what don’t you have??
I know right??? How are you so amazing please stop being so perfect and live like the rest of us plebeians down on Earth. How will I ever get a girlfriend when you’re everything I dream for??
I can imagine her painting and decorating the whole house while Atsumu trails behind her like a loyal puppy. Am I weird if I say I can see in front of my eyes how he’ll carry everything around and lean down for head pats while saying he deserves them for being good. Anyone else think this? No? Just me? Alright then.
YEAHHHH JOIN THE “ATSUMU IS FOREVER WHIPPED AND WE HAVE EVIDENCE” CLUB EVERYONE IS WELCOME!! In my 2 years of following this man I never thought that someone able to control him would appear but here she is. Our goddess. 
My only wish is for them to love each other and grow old. And hopefully update us on bits of their sweet and fluffy lives.
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Hi! I want to organize something like a rainbow lights project for one of Harry's shows maybe, but I've barely seen anyone on tumblr who's going, and I'm afraid it might not reach a lot of people and will ultimately flop. I assume I'm not the only one in this case, sooo... Any ideas? Should I try Twitter? Oh and thank you so much for what you do! 🌈✨
Aaaaah, rainbow lights projects - not the easiest thing in the world to make them succeed! But that’s exactly why they are so wonderful.
You can’t be succesful if you’re not willing to take the risk of failure.
In terms of tips and tricks, here are a few -  we are working on a full length HOW TO post (anyone has tips, feel free to share and we’ll put them in):
When to/when not to:
- solo shows are better than festival type shows, it’s difficult when half of the audience is not there for the same artist - you’re good there
- time to prepare is needed - you can’t do this on a whim/in a week - harry’s tour is not for ages
- venue with majority seated tickets (otherwise people don’t know which section they should be in)
How to:
- step 1: look for a map of the venue - in the layout for that particular concert (this is crucial) - divide it up in colours - stick to existing sections - the clearer the better
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(this one’s for Louis’ Poptopia by the way!!!) - Also make sure you know what to do with the general admission/floor - as you can’t easily divide that up - in Milan they did miniprideflags on the floor instead of lights, in Bologna they did flowers - really beautiful both. 
- step 2: pick a moment in the show when you want to do this (first song  or a particular song that you know is going to be on the setlist) - ideally pick a song that’s linked to rainbow projects - like SoTT for Harry ( like the people in Paris & Oberhausen did) - if you don’t pick SoTT, be aware that during HSLOT 2018, Harry would always ask people to turn up the flashlights for SoTT so people would usually do the rainbow again then. 
- step 3: make it known to everyone who wants to listen that you are organising this and this is the layout, this is the song - the sooner people know and the louder you are - the less chances of “competition” for a different colour schedule or a different project during the same song - we’ve seen it happen - it usually kills both projects a bit - for maximum loudness: use us, use update accounts (the Paris rainbow, the first one that was successful, was organised by an update account), use big accounts, ask everyone for help, use existing tags ( #rainbowlights, and #rainbowdirection ) and create your own (#turnforestrainbow was very successful with that, little followers but the tag went wild) - be on tumblr AND twitter, and IG if you can. create a new account for the project if needs be. (examples: https://twitter.com/NHforestrainbow   @RainbowHProject @msg_rainbow)  that makes it easy for people to find all information easily. tweet often, search people out to rope them in, ask them for help to retweet and reblog and spread the word. search the tags for your show regularly. talk to everyone who is going to that show. talk to everyone who is or ever has organised a rainbow lights project, that will help too
Oh, and it helps to have 1 single picture with all the information on it - so everyone just needs to retweet reblog regram or share that (include your blog your twitter your Ig your FB, your every handle on there
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- step 4: little pieces of paper or little stickers work best - so get moving with producing as many little pieces of coloured paper as you will need to hand one to every person in the venue - people have tried with the colour app - you can promote that - but it doesn’t work as well. People don’t download an app on the spot - while holding a piece of paper they’ve been given on the spot in front of their phone flashlight is easy. so you are going to need to bring all those pieces, and hand them out 
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- step 5: get in some help preparing the pieces of paper, because you cannot do that by yourself. reach out to people early - you can ask us for help in finding other rainbowminded people going to your concert - but for this you don’t strictly need people going to the concert rope in your friends and family - you’ll be cutting pieces of paper for a lot of your evenings. What has worked wel is little pieces of paper with the instructions on them - or stuck to them.
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- step 6: hand out the pieces of paper on the day - there are several ways in which you can make this work - contacting the venue beforehand is always a good idea - they can allow you access between sections  if you cannot find enough people who are going to the concert who are in different sections of the venue. you’ll need to arrive way too early to hand out pieces of paper to everyone separately so it helps if you put the pieces of paper in plastic bags per row and ask the first person to take one and pass it on to the rest of their row. 
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You cannot start too early because a lot of people will not yet be there, and so on, and so on... What we’ve also seen that works are posters on poles along the way from public transport/parking to the venue and on the walls at the venue (again something you may be discussing with them beforehand) with the explanation of the project and pieces of paper/stickers  that people can take
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Best of luck and ENJOY THE RESULT!!!!
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ridingbensolooooo · 5 years
Thanks for the tag @discordiavonsin it’s just what I needed to forget about stats for a little bit :) 
Put your music on shuffle and answer the questions about each artist.
Name of Artist:  Panic! At The Disco
What genre are they ? um honestly who actually knows at this point. 
How long have they been active ? since 2004 I believe
Have you ever heard them on the radio ? yeah high hopes still gets played every now and then around here 
Have they released any new music within the last year or two ? Yeah, Pray for the Wicked! Love that album to death, I’ve decided “Hey look ma I made it” is going to be my graduation song when I finish uni at the end of the year!! 
Do they have a male or female vocalist ? Male - Brendon Urie aka Beebop
Name of Artist: BTS
Would you recommend them ? Fuck yeah they’re my favourite band kids
What is your favourite lyric of theirs ? “The dawn right before the sun rises is darkest” I’m gonna get it tattooed when I save up enough money. I’ve wanted that as a tattoo for nearly 5 years now so I’m sure of my decision lmao just need money. 
What are their album artworks like ? Pretty but never over the top which is nice. The last few album sets have made a pattern if you buy all 4 versions and line them up which I have to saw I am a big fan of. 
If they stopped making music, would you be sad ? I would be absolutely devastated. They’re my favourite band! They said in an awards acceptance speech not too long ago that they were considering disbanding at the start of last year and I honest to god burst into tears right then and there. I’d be crushed. 
If you didn’t know what they look like, based off their music, what you guess they looked like ? I’d just have a stereotypical picture of pretty idol boys in mind. Which isn’t far off tbh but they’re so much more than that too. 
Name of Artist: Twenty One Pilots
How popular are they ? Depends on who you ask. They’ve had some very popular songs but people seem to forget about them when they’re not releasing new stuff? 
Have you ever seen them perform live ? I’ve seen them twice actually! Which is surprising, because I live in Australia and not a lot of bands make the trip here very often, so I’m very glad I’ve got to see them as many times as I have. They have an incredible energy when live, Tyler commands the space and Josh is fucking awesome on drums irl too.  
How did you find out about them ? I heard about them ages before I actually got into them, back in 2013 when my friend showed me this cover he was super obsessed with, and it was top’s cover of Can’t Help Falling in Love. 
What is their sexuality, if known ? They’re both in relationships with women so I’ll say straight but who knows really. 
Is their music easy to dance to ? Most of it is! They’ve got some really good beats in most of their songs, but also some of them are very slow and you just want to feel the music, not really dance. 
Name of Artist: GOT7
What instrument is the most prominent in their music ? Umm they’re a kpop band so computer?? Idk how pop music is made. 
Does your family listen to them ? Not at all, I’m the only one in my family who listens to kpop. They only listen when I make them lmao. 
Are they still making music today ? Yes! They’re coming to Australia to promote their new album which is fucking awesome because kpop bands barely EVER come here. Like I thought American and British artists didn’t come here often, but it seems like they’re here every 2 weeks compared to kpop artists TT.TT
Would you want to meet them ? I would love to! I’ve been learning korean but I’m not very good, but they have 3 members who speak fluent english so I’m sure we could manage a chat
How represented is this artist in your saved music / collection ? All of their albums are spread over like 4 or 5 playlists lmao 
Name of Artist: My Chemical Romance
When did you discover them ? I was very young, my mum is super into them and she used to play the black parade album all the time when I was a kid. I literally can’t remember when I heard them for the first time lmao. 
How many albums do they have ? 4 :( 
Which member of the band is closest to your ‘type’ / do you find the most attractive ? Frank Iero could punch me in the face and I’d thank him and tell him his tattoos look really nice that close. 
Have they gone through any line-up changes ? Um, fuck Bob. Enough said. 
Is their music more fun or serious ? The first 3 albums of theirs were very angsty and serious and like rock opera-y but Danger Days has very different vibes. More like, let’s make fun of how shit the world can be instead of wallowing in a pit of despair. 
Name of Artist: Fall Out Boy
Is the type of music / genre they play something you would typically enjoy or is their sound different for you ? Yeah man, I’ve never left my emo phase and I love their sound even as it continues to evolve. 
Based off of their sound, what would a human version of their music look like ? Hmm, depends which era you’re talking about. Early fob is emo Pete Wentz at his peak, but now their sound sort of reminds me of this instagram model I like, Vanja Jagnic.
Could you see yourself getting along with the members personally ? I feel like I would get along with them all very easily! I have it on good authority I’m a nice person, so hopefully that would carry through. 
Did somebody recommend this band to you ? Does my mum count? She likes fall out boy too and used to play them when I was younger as well, so I guess she recommended them to me in a way. 
Name of Artist: BLACKPINK
How many people are in this band/group ? 4 
When did they start making music ? 2016, I didn’t realise it’s been so long already! 
Do they have any well known songs, if so, which one(s) ? Umm not sure in western countries, maybe Jennie’s solo song? They’re pretty popular in Korea though. 
Do you listen to this artist regularly ? My housemate is obsessed with them so yeah I do listen quite a bit. 
How would you describe their music ? Pretty typical of kpop, they’re way more “edgy” than most girl groups though which I like. I’m not a fan of the cute/sexy/infant vibe that a lot of other girl groups have going on. 
Name of Artist:  Seventeen 
If they use a stage name, what is their real name(s) ? Wow this is really the wrong band for this. Okay so, S.Coups is Seungcheol, Jeonghan goes by Jeonghan, Joshua has a korean name but Joshua is his birth name so idk if it counts (it’s Jisoo though), Jun is Junhwi, Hoshi is Soonyoung, Wonwoo is Wonwoo so that’s easy, Woozi is Jihoon, DK is Seokmin, Mingyu is just Mingyu, The8 is Minghao, Seungkwan is Seungkwan although people do call him MC Boo (not sure that counts as a stage name), Vernon also has a korean name but Vernon is his birth name (Hansol is the korean name though) and Dino is Chan. Phew.
Do they regularly make pop charts ? They do in korea! They’re mid range popular, but they’re steadily getting more popular each year. 
Have you ever met them ? No, I wish lmao.
If they toured in your city, would you go see them ? I would! They did come to Australia, but I’m broke and couldn’t afford to go all the way to Melbourne to see them. 
Name of Artist: Red Velvet
Are they known for anything else besides music? Not really sure, maybe being from one of the big 3 companies in Korea? 
What is their nationality ? Korean! 
Are they a guilty pleasure ? A bit yeah lmao, I don’t listen to all of their stuff because a lot of it is not my taste at all, but the songs of theirs I do listen to fall into the category of annoyingly catchy. 
Which age group is this artist most popular with? My age and a bit younger I would say.
Has this artist ever toured in your country/state/city? Nah, SM artists don’t come here. 
Name of Artist: Falling in Reverse
Do you think it’s necessary or important to know about their personal life to ‘understand’ their music ? I feel like some of their songs are directly related to things that have happened in Ronnie’s life, so yeah to a certain extent, but a lot of the time you can get it from the vibe of the song. 
Have they ever gone on hiatus and did they return ? I’m not sure actually, I don’t follow them that closely. 
What instruments do they use ? Guitar, drums, bass, vocals, synth/keys.
What city are they from ? Las Vegas
What are your experiences with fans of this artist? I don’t really know anyone who has them as their favourite band so I’m not really sure what die hard fans are like, but everyone I know who is a causal fan seems super chill. 
I don’t really have that many people to tag lmao so I’ll just tag people in my activity recently @samanddean-winchesthair @unfade @blue-roses-and-red-rubbies @classylaughs have fun if y’all decide to do this! 
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People survey
Questions about people in your life.
Person 1: The Last person you kissed.
Is this person your significant other? Yes.
When did the kiss take place? This morning :)
How long have you known them? Today it’s exactly 2 years and 8 months :)
Are you older or younger than they are? She’s two years older than me.
Do they drive? If so, what car do they have? She doesn’t drive.
What do they do for a living? She does not work at the moment but her learned profession is sports journalist.
What kind of a kiss was it? A sweet goodbye kiss on the forehead since I was going to work and she was still sleeping.
Do you think they’ve kissed anyone else since you? Nope
When will be the next time you see them? This afternoon when I finish work
Is there anything they do that you find really annoying? Oof, loads... she blasts her music when I want some quiet, leaves the toilet seat open, leaves her belongings all over the place... but I do love her to bits <3
Person 2: The last family member you spoke to.
Was this person one of your parents? Yes, my mum.
What did you speak to them about? My first horseriding class.
Would you say you have a good relationship with them? Yes, we’re close.
Do you see this person every day? No, we literally live in different countries. T__T
What’s one thing you like to do together? go for a coffee, go shopping, play board games, watch game shows
What are some of their favourite hobbies? Watching game shows, board games, cooking, swimming, listening to classical music, opera, reading
What colour hair do they have? brown
Is there anything you would change about them if you could? I wish she was less controlling and dominant.
How often do you argue with them? Not much these days as we live in separate countries but we used to butt heads quite a lot.
What do they do for a living? She’s a stay-at-home-mum
Person 3: The last person who posted on your Facebook/MySpace.
Do you actually know them in real life? Yes, Will is a mutual friend of my wife and I :)
What did they write? Did you respond? He commented on my choice of music over the past few weeks, that the artists (The Weeknd, The Cure and Adam Lambert) couldn’t be any more different but he approves of The Cure :)
How long have you known them? About two years and a few months
Would you say you’re good friends, or just casual acquaintances? I consider him a friend.
Are they in a relationship? Nope, single and ready to mingle. And boy, is he ever ready xD
What’s something the two of you have in common? We’re both bisexual, we like weird stuff and could be described as eccentric, we’re both introverts, we both like The Cure
Do they live within walking distance of your house? No, we live in separate countries (I live in China, Will lives in the UK)
Do you talk to them on a regular basis? No but when we do, it’s like no time passed at all.
Are they someone who updates their Facebook fairly regularly? Yeah.
When was the last time you saw them in person? December 2019 for Christmas.
Person 4: Your crush.
How long have you been crushing on them? Well, same person as the first: my wife. Ever since I met her basically, so two years and 8 months xD
Do you speak everyday, or not very often? Do you think you could handle living with them, or would they drive you crazy? We live together, so yes, we do speak everyday. And she does drive me crazy but (mostly) in a good way ;)
Do you tell them pretty much everything? Yep.
What kind of things DON’T you guys have in common? Are they the same sex as you? She IS the same sex as me (despite what some TERFs might say). And there are LOADS of things we don’t have in common. We have a huge height difference for one, she’s an extrovert whereas I’m an introvert (and both of us are at the very extreme of the spectrum), she likes drinking, I barely touch alcohol... the list goes on.
Are they older or younger than you are? Two years older.
Have you ever had a massive argument with them? Oh yes. Several.
Do you trust them completely, or are you a bit hesitant? I trust her implicitly.
Do you think you’ll know each other in ten years time? I sure hope so, seeing as we’re married!
Person 5: The last person to send you a text.
Is this person a boy or a girl? It would - again - be my wife, so I’ll go with the next to last person who is our vet. He’s male.
When was the last time you saw them in person? Last Thursday.
Do you guys text fairly often? Recently yes, to check up on our cat’s health status. Otherwise, no.
How well would you say you know them? Barely.
Have you ever held hands with them? No.
Do you miss them right now? Not really. He’s nice but he’s just our vet.
Have you ever kissed them before? Nope.
What are some things you guys have in common? We like animals?
When is the next time you’ll see each other? Tomorrow.
How did you meet them? We went to the vet because one of our two cats won’t eat.
0 notes
soft-pages · 7 years
Why It Is Fun To Hate Taylor Swift
1. She writes songs about her past loves that are not always so subtle about who they are about. 
     People see this as offensive to men in the media they are fans of or in general because it is an invasion of some sort into the private lives of the men. People also see it as “whiny” and “annoying,” and “can she please just write about anything else?” Those men she writes about? Most of them, if they are artists, write or sing about love and their own personal relationships themselves. That’s not an invasion? Also, Taylor is invading her OWN personal life in order to release pent up feelings, free herself, and also let her listeners know that she relates to them. The more personal and less subtle, the more we can relate. Secrets and songs that are not on a deep personal level from an actual real experience just aren’t that relatable, and in my experience, don’t really help me when I’m going through something deep and personal. Relationships are not all she writes about. She has written about friendships (Fifteen), her mother (The Best Day), forgiveness (Innocent), a dying boy (Ronan), and even about her being the one doing wrong in a relationship (Back To December). People like Adele (literally every album, but more explicitly Someone Like You), Ed Sheeran (also every album, but more explicitly Don’t), and Justin Bieber (Sorry) don’t get criticism in this way. Why is that? If she is whiny and annoying, why are you listening to her? More importantly, why are you talking about her? Focus on people you actually can relate to and enjoy listening to. 
2. All she does is date. She jumps from guy to guy like it’s nothing.
       This goes along with the first and I think this is a super silly and played out thing for people to say about Miss Swift. Find something original. But even my mother says it. The media, including something as simple as the morning news or newspaper, has drilled it all into our heads as a “fact.” It’s not, though: http://taylorswift.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_Taylor_Swift%27s_ex-boyfriends. She is 27 going on 28. Eight seem like a very normal amount. She also has not dated one guy after another, unless you count Tom Hiddleston only weeks after her and Calvin Harris’ split, which I don’t, considering it’s one time and everyone has done something similar at some point. I am 21. I can tell you that I have dated much more than 8 men. No one is calling me out for it. It is NORMAL. More importantly, if all the men she has dated, and continues to date, obviously know about her reputation as a dater, then why do men keep dating her? If they know “she’s just going to write a song about them,” then why do they do it? Why are they not called out for it? Why is no one blamed but the woman the way women are always blamed? If it is just for publicity for themselves, then that is even more pathetic. Sounds like sexism to me. 
3. She’s fake.
       This really means “she’s too nice.” It’s as simple as that and you all know it. She acts humble when she receives an award, all of her interviews are her smiling and happy, she compliments people regularly, she donates to charity, she visits sick children and people in hospitals, she sends personal gifts to her fans, she defends everyone involved in the music making process and their right to be paid fairly, she is a supporter of all women and is open about this in all of her actions including her “squad,” etc, etc. She wants everyone to like her and she has cared about that up until her 1989 album. Her wanting everyone to like her has led her to mistakenly say things she didn’t mean. In a short twitter disagreement I’m sure some of you are aware of, Nicki calls out MTV for being racist and not including enough nominations or awards for those of color and different body types, and in the midst of this calls out videos nominated with slim women while the only other nomination including much women was Taylor’s. Taylor tweets Nicki saying “I’ve done nothing but love & support you. It’s unlike you to pit women against each other” and “If I win, please come up with me!! You’re invited to any stage I’m ever on.” Clearly she missed the point and later tweets Nicki “I thought I was being called out. I missed the point, I misunderstood, then misspoke. I’m sorry, Nicki.”  http://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/pop-shop/6641794/taylor-swift-nicki-minaj-twitter-argument-timeline  If you’re not a fan of Taylor or even hate her, you might have seen this as her being just another white girl with white privilege who doesn’t know her place. Clearly, she is a white girl with privilege who, in this moment, was forgetting that she had this privilege, as many white people do. You forget that it’s not about joining someone up on stage, it’s about fighting for that person of color’s right to win and be the leader of the fight. You have to take yourself out of it and realize that if you are being called out in this way, it isn’t to be malicious, it is shine light on a problem in our society. Taylor missed this point because she is constantly trying to build up girls and women, and also in the fight against the media and haters who are always calling her out and hating on her for every little thing. I think her being called fake is purely because she has been in the limelight a long time and she is obviously trying to be nice to everyone at all times. That irks people. On a personal level, my own boyfriend told me that I irk people purely because I go out of my way to be nice: “your being too nice is frustrating and makes it seem like you can’t be a real person. A real person is mean sometimes.” Maybe that’s the same reason for Taylor, who knows.
4. She plays the victim. She lies.
       I’m putting these two together because I honestly barely understand why they are reasons. Is the victim thing because of her singing about being hurt in relationships? Is it because of the Kim & Kanye debacle or just all celebrity riffs? The only other riffs I can think of are with Calvin Harris and Katy Perry. Possibly some with women who were in her “squad” and now are not. I covered the relationships thing but the Katy thing? Seems kind of silly and the only one who has addressed it is Katy. She is the only one who has spoken semi-openly about it, as well as Calvin Harris. I feel Bad Blood is too strong of a song to be written about Katy. Plus, we all have had multiple friendships that have ended in a bad way but that doesn’t really mean we need to hate either person for it, especially since we are not even a part of that relationship and there were no actual confirming words on Taylor’s part. Calvin Harris is… honestly, I never cared for him. From his snapchats before dating Taylor Swift, he always seemed really immature. Taylor used a fake, Swedish name for “This Is What You Came For” just so that he would receive the spotlight alone and probably because he wanted to be immature and petty, she decided to say that she helped write it, which is rightful of her to do so. He was clearly petty like I thought he would be and went on a twitter rant while she sat back and didn’t say a word. Maybe that’s why she is viewed as playing the victim? Because she barely says anything and when she does, she apparently never takes the blame. This is obviously not true considering instances like her apology to Nicki. Also, her alleged song about Kanye (Innocent) with lyrics like “who you are is not what you did.” One more small example: Back To December, allegedly for Taylor Lautner with lyrics like “so this is me swallowing my pride, standing in front of you saying I’m sorry for that night.” Doesn’t seem victim-like to me. Next, she gets the trademark as a “liar” and a “snake.” This is because of ONE instance–the Kanye video where Taylor agrees to a line and later says she never agreed to it in Kanye’s Famous: “Me and Taylor might still have sex…I made that bitch famous.” Before I get into that, if anyone remembers, Kanye embarrassed and interrupted Taylor’s grammy win in 2009 because he felt someone else deserved it more. Whether he was wrong or not, that was extremely disrespectful and a really painful memory for her. Then at the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards Taylor makes light of it with a joke, says kind words about Kanye, and graciously presents him with the Video Vanguard Award. Then came the lyric he wanted approved. If you’ve heard the video where she actually approves it (http://variety.com/2016/music/news/taylor-swift-kanye-kim-kardashian-video-snapchat-famous-lyrics-1201816146/), Taylor ONLY APPROVES THE LINE “Me and Taylor might still have sex,” NOT “I made that bitch famous.” Taylor found it extremely misogynistic and also unfounded considering, she was accepting a VMA when he interrupted her, so clearly she was already famous before then. Even if she did approve the entire line or whatever, it is still misogynistic and it is still a dumb thing to hate Taylor for. That is between Taylor and Kanye. Taylor wouldn’t have been doing anything cruel. The cruel part will always be on Kanye’s side. She just would have been helping that along if she approved all of it. But Kanye, as well as many rappers, is known for his misogynistic lyrics. For no one to call out this 40-year old as immature and cruel is ridiculous, while Taylor gets called out for lying. Really? We all lie. We don’t all bash women in songs that play on the radio for all of our children to hear. 
So, for all of you out there who want to and certainly will continue to hate Taylor Swift for whatever reason, please feel free to let me know what it is you hate about her that I didn’t mention above. 
As much as you hate Taylor Swift, realize that those powers of hate can be used for so much good. Maybe shift to hating white supremacists, racists, neo-nazis, homophobes, and misogynists. 
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1-92 for the admit stuff post c:
Omfg XD1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? Yep2. You talked to an ex today, correct? Yes more than one actually3. Have you taken someones virginity? Idk if it counts if the guy who raped me was a virgin4. Is trust a big issue for you? YES5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently? Nope havent hung out with anyone in a long time6. What are you excited for? Getting my septum re pierced7. What happened tonight? I talked to someone I didnt think i would be able to and I dont feel so shitty anymore8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted? Idfc if people get wasted or not, it makes me sad not disgusted because they have something theyre avoiding and thats why theyre blackout drunk9. Is confidence cute? Hell yes10. What is the last beverage you had? Caffiene free diet mountain dew11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? 3...but i only trust 1 of the same sex sooo12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? 613. What are you gonna do Saturday night? Paint14. What are you going to spend money on next? Flower in resin 8mm plugs15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed? Kinda 16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months? Yes considering im finally getting health problems taken care of that made even getting out of bed near impossible and Im going back to school sober and clean finally 17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? Jake18. The last time you felt broken? Everyday19. Have you had sex today? Nope20. Are you starting to realize anything? Yes 21. Are you in a good mood? Yep22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks? NOPE23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? Nope theyre my grandpa's eyes24. What do you want right this second? A hug 25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy? Considering im polyamorous so long as they let me know then im okay with it26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? Nope 27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? Not a chance28. What was the last thing that made you laugh? Text messages with my sister29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now? Hell yes30. Does everyone deserve a second chance? Most people unless theyre physically abusive or make you feel uncomfortable31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to? No I love him32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do? Yes33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? I barely drink anything else34. Listening to? Silence by mayday parade35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore? Yep36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is? In bed37. Do you believe in love at first sight? Nope just connection at first sight38. Who did you last call? My mom39. Who was the last person you danced with? Someone I love and miss very much40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? Trying to be comfortable kissing someone again without flashbacks41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? 15 minutes ago42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today? Yes43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? Al the damn time44. Do you tan in the nude? Nope but i would if I had the privacy to be able to 45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss? Im not sure honestly46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? Yes47. Who was the last person to call you? My mom48. Do you sing in the shower? Yep49. Do you dance in the car? Sometimes50. Ever used a bow and arrow? Yes :351. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? In april52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? Some of them53. Is Christmas stressful? Yes54. Ever eat a pierogi? Yep55. Favorite type of fruit pie? Does pumpkin count???56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? Artist, vet, animal rescuer, doctor57. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? Way too often59. Take a vitamin daily? Iron, calcium, magnesium and biotin60. Wear slippers? In the winter61. Wear a bath robe? Only when dying my hair62. What do you wear to bed? Underwear63. First concert? Never been to one64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? Walmart because its closest65. Nike or Adidas? Neither66. Cheetos Or Fritos? Cheetos67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Sunflower68. Favorite Taylor Swift song? Mine69. Ever take dance lessons? Yes70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? Probably something with animals71. Can you curl your tongue? Yes72. Ever won a spelling bee? Nope thanks dyslexia 73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? Only when my dad told me he supports my sexuality no matter what it may be and that he wont let anyone in the family say otherwise74. What is your favorite book? A monster calls75. Do you study better with or without music? With76. Regularly burn incense? No my mom is allergic77. Ever been in love? Currently in it78. Who would you like to see in concert? Grieves79. What was the last concert you saw? None80. Hot tea or cold tea? Hot81. Tea or coffee? Tea82. Favorite type of cookie? Lemon83. Can you swim well? More or less84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? Yep85. Are you patient? With eome things86. DJ or band, at a wedding? DJ87. Ever won a contest? Nope88. Ever have plastic surgery? Nope89. Which are better black or green olives? Black 100%90. Opinions on sex before marriage? Go for it I dont even know if I believe in GETTING married91. Best room for a fireplace? Bedroom92. Do you want to get married? Maybe
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hi-topmgmt-blog · 7 years
The Unwritten Rules of Concerts
Concerts are a sacred place. It’s at concerts where people from all different walks of life cross paths because of one similar belief. This band, this artist, this group, is fucking awesome. I’ve never been a very religious person, but the concept is not dissimilar from going to church. Let’s be real, Dave Grohl is the closest thing to a God I’ll ever have. But there are rules for walking on this sacred land; you don’t show your shoulders in church, and you don’t bring an iPad to a concert. I’d like to say that for the most part, the people who regularly walk on these sacred lands are some of the kindest people on this planet... potentially too kind to tell you when you’ve bent these Unwritten Rules. But believe me, they WILL subtweet you for hours if not days to come. So I’ve written a little guide in hopes that we can all learn to respect both these sacred lands and the sacred people who walk on them.
1. It’s a concert, not a costume party.
For a lot of the people at the show, they live the metal life, the pop life, the indie life, the hip-hop life, every single day. I’m not telling you not to pick out your outfit days before and I’m definitely not telling you how to dress, but there’s a fine line that needs to be walked between appreciation and appropriation. There’s no need to pretend you’re someone you’re not just because the people around you don’t know you, ‘cause believe me, they know you don’t live that life. You know how they know? Because that’s their life. We all know that Nirvana t-shirt is from Walmart.
2. Beware of the Hair
This is key to respecting those around you. As a 5’3’’ woman, and it’s hard enough for me to see over your head when you don’t have a hair-do the size of a lion’s mane, so please don’t make yourself any taller than you are already. Fellow girls and newly long-haired men of the man-bun trend, listen up. When you headbang, your hair turns into the tail of a black lab who just heard the word “walk”. It’s not your fault that the crowd has become packed like sardines, but it is your responsibility to know how close you are to those around you, and how far your hair protrudes from your body.
3. Be respectful when assuming your spot.
If you want to be in the front, you have to get there early. I don’t mean 5 minutes before the headliner, and I don’t mean halfway through the opener, I mean at or even before doors depending on the show. The bare minimum you can do is get there before the first band goes on, and at that point, you get what you get. This is especially true for tall people. Tall people are the target when people can’t see at shows, and I’m sorry because it’s not your fault. But recognize that as a tall person you’re all the more likely to be tweeted about if you try to weasel your way to the front because then you aren’t only pushing the person behind you further back, but restricting their view as well. As a general rule for tall people, get there early so that whoever stands behind you holds the blame for their own inability to see, not you. The front rows of standing shows are filled with the most die-hard fans, don’t think you’ll be able to squeeze in without getting a talking to. This comes down to courtesy. Just because the people in the front row haven’t packed in like sardines, doesn’t mean there’s a spot for you. Nobody wants to be packed like sardines, so if people leave some breathing room, respect that and enjoy breathing oxygen instead of CO₂.
4. Concerts are a great date, but I don’t want to watch the concert between your two sets of lips.
Concerts are the ideal date night with my boyfriend, but I’m sure him and I would both agree we are there to see and enjoy the show together, not enjoy each other in the context of a loud room with the company of hundreds to watch. In no way does this mean you can’t talk during concerts or kiss during “your song”, but please don’t turn my night into your reenactment of Fifty Shade of Grey. Breaking this rule bothers me more than most because not only are you inhibiting my ability to watch the show, but you yourself aren’t even enjoying it.
5. Take pictures and videos, but not at the expense of those around you.
This is probably the most commonly broken of all the Unwritten Rules. I once saw ZZ Top at a venue called the 9:30 club in DC. For those of you who don’t know, the 9:30 club is one of the clubs major acts play when they decide to do a club tour. An incredible show, but it was nearly ruined by a drunken 50 year old birthday girl who decided to Facebook Live the entire show. THE ENTIRE SHOW. This is definitely an extreme, but at every show there are a few people that watch the whole concert through a screen, only taking a break to look down and post. Don’t just do this for me, but do it for yourself. It breaks my heart to know that even though we spent the same money, came to the same place, and are here for the same reason, you won’t get to feel or experience the transcendence that is live music. Just being there isn’t enough, you have to choose to listen and choose to feel. When you throw your phone up not only do I know you aren’t feeling this, but you’ve broken my 30-minute long uninterrupted focus on Billy Gibbons’s fingers. Moral of the story; take your pictures and videos in 30 second bursts, and make sure to take a several at a time so that at least one has to be in focus.
6. Don’t crowd surf if the average audience member is younger and weighs less than you do.
I thought this one was pretty self-explanatory until I saw a robust, grown man come crashing down upon the muddy ground, seemingly surprised that the crowd of We The Kings at Warped Tour couldn’t hold him. Crowd surfing is a dangerous game because even if there are strong people to hold you, the likeliness that they’re looking backwards to make sure they’re ready to catch your sweaty body is slim to none. That being said, crowd surfing is an incredibly cool experience, so if you do choose to crowd surf, make sure the crowd is one that can hold you up. (What would be better still is if you crowd surfed to the back so people can see you coming!)
7. Don’t be a bully in the mosh pit.
Moshing dates back to the early days of punk, so if we’re honest, most of the people moshing today weren’t there when it started. This rule is especially important because anyone who is moshing today has to learn the cultural etiquette. Mosh pits aren’t meant to be an everybody vs. everybody fight to the death. It’s more like a high-stakes game of people pinball with the perimeter of the circle serving as the triggers. Moshers are some of the more violent people at the show, so following this rule is extra important because if you throw a cheap shot, you can bet you’ll get one right back at you.
8. Pouring your heart out to the married lead singer won’t get you backstage.
It always surprises me how many people will try to get backstage. The reality is unless you’ve got an in, or a pocket full of cash to throw at VIP passes, you probably aren’t getting backstage. Not to mention, the kind of rock stars who would want you backstage after only just looking at you aren’t cool, they’re creepy. That’s beside the point though. Rock stars are real people too, they understand who they are, but it’s way cooler to be a hard core fan than their wannabe wife. If you do get the incredible opportunity to meet some of your musical heroes, spend that time telling them how they made an impact on your life instead of how you want to replace the wife they wrote all your favorite songs about.
9. Don’t buy counterfeit merchandise.
Counterfeit merchandise is the biggest backstabbing mistake a fan can make. We’ve all heard it before: physical sales are down, streaming is up, and bands are forced to make all of their money through touring and merchandise. You probably spend hundreds of hours a year listening to your favorite bands, the least you could do is sack up and spend the extra $5 on official merch. It’s easy to think what difference could one person make, but if you really believe in a band, don’t give your money to people who make a living screwing them over.
10. Have a designated driver.
I really wish this didn’t have to be on the list, but it does. At every concert, I’ll see entire groups of people arrive together, get obliterated together, and leave together, as I sip my water and hope that I don’t end up driving next to them on my way home. Even if it doesn’t end in an accident, even if you only had a drink and a half before the asshole next to you spilled it, the parking lot is hard enough to get out of without you being in a drunken haze.
Despite years of teenage girls telling me their dad was in the front row, despite countless hours watching concerts through somebody else’s phone screen, and despite multiple pony-tail whips to the face, I had never once stood up for myself. Never dared to cause confrontation where there needn’t be any. Until just this past week. A couple squeezed in front of me 3 rows back from the front 5 minutes before the headliner came on. I held my tongue. Then they started making out when I am a mere 3 inches away from their faces. I held my tongue. By this point between the girl and the boy caressing each other I had been elbowed in the boob five times, and did I mention I could bite her ponytail off without moving? I held my tongue. Then they started bragging about how close to the stage they were, AND THERE I WENT. I let it out, all the aggression meant for every teenage girl weaseling to the front, for every bald dad taking videos of full songs, for every 6 foot tall guy who ever stood in front of me. I told them off as respectfully, but as truthfully as I could in this moment of true and utter disgust. The wanna be alpha male tried to defend himself and just like that, I had the support of every fan that heard me tell them off.
“I think if you look around, everyone would agree [with her]”
“You should’ve gotten here at 7 like us”
“I came from South Africa to be here tonight”.  
I knew I had been getting stares when I started to go off on these two, but I had no idea they were stares of support. The people at these concerts are extremely cool and caring people, and they don’t want to ruin your night, so please don’t ruin theirs.
So, respect the code, don’t be a dick and we will all have the best night of our lives!
- Devon
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lvlsrvryhigh · 7 years
LVLSRVRYHI-050: The Dance Pit | The Levels Are Very High
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Hi Anuradha, how's it going? I usually start these things with a bit of an intro, so for anyone who doesn't know: who are you? Where are you from? Hi! It’s 3am and I think I’m finally done answering all these questions!
My grandfather named me Anuradha, though I’m still not 100% sure on how to “correctly” pronounce my name. I was born in Bangladesh, a year before Maluma. My star sign is a Capricorn and I’ve been living in the South Bronx for the past 21 years.
What are some of your early musical memories? I remember hearing Usher's Confessions album everywhere in 2004; Burn, Confessions Part II, and Yeah on rotation. That and Gasolina. That’s when I remember paying attention to music more (I think I’ve blocked most memories of MTV’s TRL out of my head), and then came the emo phase of ’07.
I also remember, though this isn't particularly musical, enjoying the Spice Girls lollipops that came with the stickers which is earlier in memory.
Whilst you run parties and a mix series as The Dance Pit, my first introduction to you was through (I think) the second issue of your zine Club Etiquette and then I kind of worked backwards from there. What first pushed you towards organising a zine? How did the specific idea for Club Etiquette come about? Mungo asked me if there were any parties he could play when he came over in 2015. I told him if I couldn’t find any, I’d put one on, which I decided to anyway.
At the same time, I was going to the club pretty regularly and would see the same people and we would always talk about what annoyed us, both on large and small scales, so thought a guideline would be handy, to be more conscientious of one’s surroundings and others. My school radio station (shouts to WBAR!) used to create zines, so thought that would be the most direct (least-bureaucratic) method. Since it was a guideline on “club etiquette,” that’s just what I decided to call it, although I still think the name sounds a bit bougie and will probably change it at some point.
My background is in activist theatre, so I was taught that anything I take on has to have a greater social purpose, cause what’s the point otherwise? (Don’t @ me with “art for art’s sake” – it may be for some people, but I have no time for it when so many other narratives don’t get heard).
Whitney Wei's illustrations that adorn the covers and grow throughout the pages of Club Etiquette provide the zine with this homemade warmth that carries over even into its digital copies, something that usually gets lost in the move to screens and online spaces of discussion. Did you find that it was important for you to produce the zine with that physicality in tact? Yes, shouts to Whitney! And Carmela Tzigana (who drew the Vol.6 cover). All cover aesthetic skills and most illustrations are credited to Whitney, who, regardless of the landscapes or deadlines I throw at her, manages to create something grounded and finely-detailed.
It makes me happy that you say that the physicality carries over (cause there is def some blood, sweat, and tears in some of those physical copies). I also really don’t like reading on computer screens, so if other people don’t mind and get past that, that’s great!
Tangibility, in a larger sense, is super important to me. Being able to cross over what’s written in the zine and enacting it in physical club spaces (or everyday life) is the reason why it was made in the first place. Theory is cool and all and part of the process, but actually putting ideas in practice is how I grow, and know what works.
A lot of Club Etiquette's material is necessarily born out of very personal and difficult experiences, but you also focus on some of the more lighthearted or even mundane aspects of club-going - 4am foodspots, hangovers, health tips, tv picks etc. I tend to find that these are the parts of the zine that fill me with the most nostalgia (for faceless nights I've mostly forgotten). What was the idea behind including them? How do you find the balance between them and the more serious aspects of each issue? I love the mundane. I also think there’s often a glamorization of going out needing to be the “best, most peak, night” of one’s life, like having a couple of nights where things get hella turnt is chill, but for me to constantly be at that level, I couldn’t do that. My club schedule is pretty routine and focusing on how to make up for lost sleep, or what to eat after I’ve danced for five hours straight, or what I watch when I don’t go out is really necessary for my survival.
Finding a balance between having both serious topics and lighthearted ones can be a bit tricky; I definitely don’t want to trivialize bigger issues by talking about/placing something silly right after. However, I do think that joy is also an integral part of our lives, and humor can be a place of learning as well. It’s the whole “I am not bound to one narrative” idea (that Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie talks about in her TED Talk), that I am not defined by only my traumatic experiences, but my day-to-day comforts too.
I also just watch a whole bunch of children’s television, so I’m trying to learn from that how writers can discuss heavy topics but not bombard people with negativity. Also, a very much large shout-out is needed for everyone who contributes; their perspectives make up so much of the humor and joy in the zine, and I really am grateful for the club community here that practices what they preach <3.
New York sits at this juncture between North, South, and Central American dance cultures which, at least this is in the impression I got when I was there, in turn, maintain musical interactions with and influences from the UK. You yourself have relationships that spread throughout this geographical club axis (from the stuff you've done with Hiedrah Club de Baile to your Dance Pit NY parties and UK tour dates). How much has the influence of this environment bled into the zine, your sets and/or the parties you put on? Is there anywhere else you could see yourself living? I want to preface my answer by acknowledging the “first-world” privilege of made-up “border” (by this I mean borders are arbitrary in conception but have very-tangible effects) mobility that I have. I have been immensely lucky to have been able to experience Club Viral, HiedraH Club de Baile, and the Salviatek nights in Monterrey, Buenos Aires, and Montevideo respectively as well nights in the UK before that (with HDD and the Hub-before-it-was-the-Hub <3) and each journey has definitely bled into every aspect of my life, as seen through my sets (which are all over the place), with the different translations of the zine, and through the djs I book.
I grew up and still live in a predominantly Afro-Latinx and Afro-Caribbean community so bachata, reggaeton, and dancehall are what I’m surrounded by most and I think that influence is clear in what I play. I will say though that it is irresponsible to just play the sounds and not give anything back to the communities who create this music both locally and internationally, so I’m still figuring out ways in which to support producers, djs, and club nights that have taught me so much that goes beyond just promotions or social capital. I think it can be easy to fall into the trap of appropriating sounds, so it becomes really important to *listen* when people say it makes them uncomfortable when you’re playing certain music. I want to believe there can be collaborative exchanges in music, but ultimately, under capitalism, someone will always reap the benefits off of the exploitation of other cultures, so I have to just be hyper-vigilant about what I play, who I play it for, how it affects them, and how I can give back.
For me, people rather than place define what home is, so with the hope that in the future all visa requirements and borders will be abolished, I would very much like to go back to South America (back to Argentina & Uruguay, and to the western coast this time around, but also with a much overdue visit to Brazil) and the UK (further north this time!) for an extended period of time to hang with people I very much consider family and give back what I can.
There's a growing tendency at the moment towards abstraction and experimentalism in tracks and sets, attempts to push (or destroy) the boundaries of what a dance track can be or how two (or three or four) tracks should be mixed together. Feeling and hearing an artist's intent in a way that I've barely even considered before is exhilarating but there's also been times when I've missed a certain concreteness. Come New Years - when I caught up with you in London - I was really just itching to dance. Is it important for you to get that sort of physical reaction to a set or a blend? What does dancing mean to you? I started djing, or rather selecting music, for friends who loved to dance when no one else would. So every time I dj or make a mix, I always have someone I know in mind who I want to dedicate the set to, they all just happen to be people who dance a lot. Getting a physical reaction to a set isn’t necessary, people react to music in their own way, but dancing may just be inevitable :)
Dancing is how I show my gratitude to djs and other musicians (in addition to showering them with compliments :3). It’s only a small token of appreciation for the continuous experience of listening to their music.
Talk me through the mixes - how were they recorded? What led to the two parts? It’s been three months since you have asked me to do this(these) mix(es). About a month ago, maybe, I chose to split them because my temperament was changing so often (I blame the weather, the 2+ retrogrades, etc.) and also my attention span was/is decreasing daily.
The first mix is definitely for when I’m in one of my angsty moods, and am placing expectations on others, when I should just let them be. I also wanted to try constraining some parts in the mix to just highlighting certain instruments.
The second mix I made so I that when I play it on my monitors, my neighbors can listen to even more Bad Bunny than they have already been blasting onto the block on a Sunday. 
Both mixes are heavily influenced by my travels at the end of last year.
I live-recorded these (way too many times) and added any extra effects on audacity.
What do you have planned for the rest of 2017? I’d really like to continue the translations series of the zines, and there are def a couple more zine release parties in store for this year. My annual tarot card reading said I’ll find a new skill which will be my life’s work in October, so hopefully that’ll happen. As I mentioned above, I’d like to visit all my friends if possible, maybe finally make that mixtape hehe.
But most importantly, curating netflix for my mom and volunteering locally to facilitate and preserve music, arts, and community spaces in my neighborhood when displacement is already happening.
Finally, if you had to pick something for people to listen to immediately after these mixes what would it be? Trick Answer: Go watch Steven Universe, give your eyes, ears, mind, and heart a treat. (That and Silver Spoon too please! - oh but also listen to Common Sense).
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"Night" Tracklist
Sand Pact - Fervor w/ Nato - Cerita interlude Bad Bunny - Soy Peor (Axel Caram remix) DJ Nervoso - Djj Kala - Boriken Brazilian Percussion - Samba-Reggae 2 Cardi B interlude MC Lustosa_Shaded Pistola (MM edit) Gigi - Cah PayTay (Reply) Lechuga Zafiro - Suave Pero Rugoso (Diosa Tayhana remix) w/ TT The Artist - Worst Bday interlude Badgyal (Prod. Plata) - SMTHIN LIKE THIS x Dholi Taro Dhol Baaje Karaoke Version Aggromance - 1noche x Leokarlo - Intro ‘New Era’ x Dj Fofuxo - Raizes “Nu Guetto Qui Ta Bater” BAD$ISTA - Last night* Raman Saran - Dhak (Drum) Lechuga Zafiro - Orquídea T-Ney Kid Cala - Blue Magic (Loris Remix) Soda Plains - Espalho Meu Passo w/ Toshiro Masuda - Orochimaru’s** Theme interlude MC Linn da Quebrada - Mulher Totó La Momposina y sus tambores - Rosa FUNERAL - Cumbia futura Shivam Gupta - Durga Theme DJ Nervoso - Areia x Rebecca Sugar - Here Come’s a Thought Steven Universe - Rose’s Room dialogue***
*my phone# is on my last mix, call me up (thru facetime/whatsapp, bless) **i dont support/sympathize with orochimaru, they are a creep ***I hope Steven will be ok
"Day" Tracklist
Dj Valet - O começo Dj Nk - Caipirinha Vany-Fox - Me vs World Bk(blackinhO) - Funana [Batucada] Badgyal - Dinero (Prod. FAKEGUIDO) Bad Bunny ft. De La Ghetto, Zion, Bryant Myers - Caile (Dj Arturex & Dj Kris Club Version) MC Katia - Arrocha Das Fiéis (DJ Xaropinho) Conejx - Parvada w/ Bryant Myers ft. Bad Bunny - Un Ratito Mas interlude* Yxng Bane ft. Kojo Funds & Wizkid - Fine Wine Gage - Throat (Street Mongrel Riddim Version X Talkdunsk Remake) DJ Spinall ft. Wizkid - Opoju Yandel - Encantadora (El Kechu DJ Cumbia base Remix) Anuel AA - Ayer (Elián Acapella Remix) Epic B - Wicked Riddim Javed Akthar - Azeem O Shaan Shahenshah Instrumental Vybz Kartel - Fever (Dj YaMtZa Remix) Florentino - Bloodline x Florin Salam ft. Denisa - Cineva Ma Suna Cu Numar Privat deejay jeff love c pikachu 2pekes (Pininga Edit) Sikuri - Aamado Murlo - Hunter Tina Savage ft. Don Jazzy - Eminado (DJ Yoko Champeta Remix) Superficie - Febre Do Vale Joha - Me Llama Glolaluz - Me Controlas FUNERAL - Reverberacion Antenas ———————————————— J Hus - Did You See x Sikuri - 0
*use condoms! + Special thanks to Callosum, Mungo, Becky, and Michelle <3
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jeons-jalebi · 8 years
20 Questions???
Rules: Answer the 20 questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
tagged by the sweetheart @lolbtsaus <3
Nickname: Jas
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Sagittarius/Capricorn Cusp
Height: taller than 5′6″ but shorter than 5′7″
Time right now: 2:29am 
Last thing I googled: makeup for pink indian dresses
Favorite Bands:
Korean: BTS, GOT7, UKISS (ITS TOO SOON ;;), BLACKPINK, BIG BANG, VIXX, B1A4, infinite, Seventeen, KARD, EXO, Dynamic Duo
i think thats all of them?????
Not Korean: A Rocket To The Moon,112, The Neighborhood, B5
Favorite Solo Artists:
Korean: Jay Park, Dean, Zion T, Crush, Zico, Eric Nam, Ailee, Lim Kim, Sam Kim, Mad Clown, Giriboy, Gray, Loco
Not Korean: Jeff Bernat, The Weeknd, Mickey Singh, The PropheC, Fateh Doe,William Singe, Alex Aiono, Conor Maynard, Ariana Grande, Kehlani, Tinashe, AM Kidd, Jeremy Passion, D-Pryde
Song stuck in your head: when I read this, I immediately started playing Sorry Sorry by Super Junior in my head so I guess I’ll go with that, I’m listening to music as I write this so there’s nothing stuck in my head, I did have Die in Your Arms by Justin Bieber stuck in there a few minutes ago though
Last movie I watched: Alice Through the Looking Glass
Last TV Show I watched: Riverdale 
When did you create your blog: 1+ year ago
What kind of stuff do you post: a little of everything but i dont write as much anymore 
When did your blog reach its peak: no idea? 
Do you have any other blogs: yep! my mostly not kpop blog: @nochu-babu
Do you get asks regularly: nope Why you chose your URL:because i am brown, i love jeon jungkook and jalebi rhymes as well as is amazong 
Following: 495 (wow such a rounded number???)
Posts: 12,857 (i reblog alot, maybe too much?)
Hogwarts House: Slytherin, according to Pottermore 
Pokémon Team: i barely know anything about pokemon but on the app im mystic
Favorite colors: greyscale  
Average hours of sleep: what’s sleep? 
Lucky Numbers: 1,3, 7 
Favorite Characters: magnus bane, jem cairstairs, william herondale, 
What are you wearing right now: white tank and grey basketball shorts 
How many blankets do you sleep with: 1 
Dream job: a photographer (for magazines, album covers, editorials, etc.)
Dream trip: go to S Korea and Japan and the UK and Switzerland and Denmark and pretty much everywhere?
@hobi-jana @dimpled-sunshine @your-miss-right @oneversehobi @sugaforthesoul @21taes @rapmunstar & anyone else who’d like to be/is friends with me
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fatema-ls4-dreams · 8 years
Lolz got tagged XD
tagged by: @battre-la-rage
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you want to get to know better! Nickname: Sophia alexsandria, sophy, Star sign: cancer Height: 5′2 I think that’s my height -shrug- Time right now: 5:19 pm
Last thing you googled: skeletons lolz XD Favorite music artist: many great musicians and I listen to (backstreetboys , crush 40 , octavia rose,caravan palace ,mostly power metal ,or electric smooth fast music or classic slow relax music ,jazz ) Song stuck in my head: lolz many of few I’ll list them XD (caravan palace : lone digger ,overlord opening -clattanoia ,Hamilton-you’ll be back, twenty one pilots -can’t help falling in love,big bad bosses -I’m the boss, sharax- dark darker yet darker ,determined to the end -random encounters ,conor Maynard- royalty , set it off - partners in crime-ft ash Costello)
Last movie I watched: jungle book the movie
Last TV show I watched: Sabrina the teenage witch. What I’m wearing right now: long dress light fabric pejama. When I created this blog: can’t remember The kind of stuff I post: reblog of video games and cute fluff stuff and mostly undertale stuff .
Do I do asks regularly: Barely get asks 😅, but everyone is welcome to ask ;)✌🏼❤🌺.
Why did I choose my URL: previous nickname (sophia alexsandria),(sophia choose nickname from star academy broad cast in Middle East in Lebanon back then /and alexsandria not related to Egypt name nop , but from the fictional character oc I name alexsander ,and choose to make it female name and choose alexsandria ,that’s previous nickname ,/ now as sophia silver freedom ( I love color of silver and also represent the color of wind to , and as for freedom well that symbols of a bird that flys up high in the sky and soar freedomly . Gender: Female Hogwarts house: grifendor Pokemon team: team mystic
Favorite Colour: Blue/purple/white/silver/gold/emerald green/black/red/neon yellow-blue-purple-white-blue) Lucky number: 7 Favorite characters: lolz to many XD but current (gaster,sans,papyrus ,swapfell papyrus ,underfell brothers ,ink sans ,mafiatale brothers,echotale brothers,outertale brothers)
Dream job: can’t remember my first dream job but because of certain game called megaman and inspiration of Japan building humanoid robots , I wanted to be mechanic robot builder like scantiest (crazy dream job huh ) but I do still seeking knowledge for it , so I can keep dreaming ☺❤💕🌺
Number of blankets I sleep with: lolz one heavy blanket or light XD .
Followers: 29 followers =3.
Now for the next 20 victims (lolz I won’t choose my victims XD, if anyone wana do it , then do it out of fun thing lolz XD )
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leesungjongg · 8 years
tag games~
I got tagged by @hoyainifinite (thank u :3)
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
nickname: B
starsign: aries *o*
height: 5′5″ time right now: 4:04pm
last thing i googled: uhhhhhhhh ‘panic disorder’ 
favorite music artists: infinite... *blanks out on everything* in terms of kpop, there’s also Henry, i like a few of his songs... just songs here and there by different artists. panic! at the disco, one direction, ed sheeran. (and imagine dragons and avicii but i’ve listened to most of their singles instead of their actual albums)
song stuck in your head: nothing at the moment... though 90% of the time, i’m in my own world listening to elevator music LOL
last TV show watched: idk i dont really watch tv
what are you wearing right now: a sweater, yoga pants, and ankle socks that kept falling off my heels while i was walking in my shoes today
when did you create your blog: i literally dont remember LMAO but i’ve been on tumblr since... 2012
what kind of stuff do you post: mostly infinite with a sprinkle of other groups (lmao like it says in my bio... i thought the sprinkle and dash was cute bc it sounded like i was putting in ingredients... my blog is actually cake batter just waiting to go into the oven)
do you have any other blogs: I have my main blog, an aesthetic sideblog, and another sideblog i barely use T-T i should probably use it more often but i hate that blog... but i can’t let go of it 
do you get asks regularly: nope
why did you choose your URL: because i love lee sungjong. also the url leesungjong was taken so i added an extra G 
gender: female
hogwarts house: hufflepuff
pokemon team: the yellow one... i forgot 
average hours of sleep: 7-8 hours
lucky number: 7 because everyone told me 7 was lucky so. there we go
favorite character(s): percy jackson, annabeth chase, grover underwood from the Percy Jackson series, sabrina and daphne grimm from the Sisters Grimm series... that’s it. maybe Sam and Astrid from the Gone series hmu if u know what im talking abt
how many blankets do you sleep with: 2 but i wish i slept with 20 LOL
dream job: uhhh to make things and sell them??? the reason that’s a dream is bc i get too attached to the things i make and then i want to keep it for myself.... :(
following: 518 because i haven’t unfollowed in years... there’s so many inactive blogs T-T
I tag @chickenyeol @infinitebabymonsta @kdramafeed @koreandramaddict @bionic-leesungjong @soooldout @cloudyjong @smolldongwoo @youre-my-cover-boy @wishfultoinfinity aaaand anyone else who wants to do it :3 you don’t have to if you don’t want to~
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syakake · 7 years
go fuck yourself seriously 
but i did them all
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
2. You talked to an ex today, correct?
3. Have you taken someones virginity?
once again no
4. Is trust a big issue for you?
i guess? strategic information sharing is key but i don’t like to talk about a lot of stuff
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently?
i don’t hang out with anyone irl lol
6. What are you excited for?
uhm... iunno.. the next bnha episode... can’t think of anything else i’m trying to answer these fast
7. What happened tonight?
it’s only 7:37pm rn so nothing yet
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?
my friends used to be annoying about it like... kinda fake just to get into it i guess which made it so i couldn’t enjoy myself if that answers your question
9. Is confidence cute?
idk... if the person i like is confident, it’s cute. if it’s someone i don’t like, it’s not cute
10. What is the last beverage you had?
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
like 2
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
no but i own a lot of black leggings
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?
probably watch boku no hero and play love live... iunno... go on gaia... try to draw i guess but probably not
14. What are you going to spend money on next?
some dumb shit
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed?
no also i haven’t ever willingly kissed anyone if that’s a question on here
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?
yeah probably
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
no one to be honest i kinda get the feeling that people look at me differently 
18. The last time you felt broken?
honestly lol... if i spent my 3 minutes of memory on the 18 years of depression i wouldn’t even remember the english language or at least what i know of it
19. Have you had sex today?
no i’m virgin
20. Are you starting to realize anything?
i’m realizing that i’m dumb as shit
21. Are you in a good mood?
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?
no i’m not that dumb as shit
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?
i think so?
24. What do you want right this second?
too embarrassing to talk about
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
“sorry... you’ve been chopped” and then i’d go cry myself to sleep
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
yeah but i wouldn’t be happy
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
i’m always laughing at dumb shit fuck you if i remember that
it was probably when i changed my boyfriends skype name to “
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now?
not at the moment
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?
i guess not... sometimes when it gets to my breaking point i’ll get too upset to come to terms or be able to reason at that time (at least lately) so if something kinda bad happened i just can’t be sympathetic anymore
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?
well obviously not that’s me bf
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?
i’d hug him really hard n kiss him on the cheeks 
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?
i drink it rarely cause i crave it sometimes but yeah i barely ever drink it
34. Listening to?
my music stopped a while ago but i was listening to bloody stream
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?
i don’t ever really have a need to but sometimes when i draw on paper i do
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?
what did i tell you i haven’t kissed anyone
37. Do you believe in love at first sight?
no cause that’d be a bit shallow... and you usually only see that kinda stuff in movies anyways
38. Who did you last call?
39. Who was the last person you danced with?
my mom’s ex boyfriend at a father daughter dance when i was like 11 or so
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
probably at my mimi’s years ago during my baking phase
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?
no my mom isn’t very affectionate like that unless she’s sad or worried etc
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
oh honey, all the time that’s just all i do
44. Do you tan in the nude?
i don’t tan
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss?
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?
47. Who was the last person to call you?
me bf also wasn’t this question already in here
48. Do you sing in the shower?
yeah sometimes
49. Do you dance in the car?
not really
50. Ever used a bow and arrow?
i always tried to pull my brothers bow but i’m not strong enough to do it
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
when i was little. i was dressed as a fairy and i was blowing a little kiss and the kiss is a butterfly n i’m laying on a rock it’s framed in my house
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?
53. Is Christmas stressful?
it used to be a little stressful but now it’s very lonely
54. Ever eat a pierogi?
55. Favorite type of fruit pie?
i don’t really like fruit pies anymore i’m just sick of pie
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
i wanted to be a painter like my dad (not the artist kind)
it’s sort of embarrassing bc i can’t even paint a deck anymore
57. Do you believe in ghosts?
not really
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
a lot
59. Take a vitamin daily?
uh, yeah 
my doctor was having me take magnesium and b6 to regulate mood swings from a medication i used to be on but i kept taking it for a while. i also take daily womens vitamins
60. Wear slippers?
61. Wear a bath robe?
no because it just sticks to my body and gets me all fucking sweaty right after i just showered so what’s the fucking point i hate them PLUS IT’S SO FUCKIN SHORT MY ASS STICKS OUT AND I CAN’T GO OUTSIDE IN IT
62. What do you wear to bed?
usually a t-shirt and underwear (underwear is optional)
63. First concert?
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
walmart since they’re all over the place and the other two aren’t close at all
65. Nike or Adidas?
don’t care
66. Cheetos Or Fritos?
don’t care
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
i don’t really care for both
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song?
if i had to pick one i guess i’d pick that one song that was on the radio recently and the music video has her between someones legs like the spank line in spongebob but i wouldn’t listen to taylor swift unless someone had me strapped to a chair forcing me to
69. Ever take dance lessons?
yeah. a lot. i took a lot of dance lessons i don’t like to da
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
“i just can’t be married to a retard”
71. Can you curl your tongue?
72. Ever won a spelling bee?
never participated
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
yeah but only recently
74. What is your favorite book?
don’t remember
75. Do you study better with or without music?
76. Regularly burn incense?
used to
77. Ever been in love?
hmm i guess so now
78. Who would you like to see in concert?
i don’t know... i’m scared to go to concerts bc of the epilepsy thing so
79. What was the last concert you saw?
alright can we stop it with the concerts
80. Hot tea or cold tea?
81. Tea or coffee?
both is good
82. Favorite type of cookie?
they’re all pretty good but i’m not crazy about oatmeal raisin
83. Can you swim well?
i mean yeah
the basics
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
85. Are you patient?
86. DJ or band, at a wedding?
idk? i’ve never been to a wedding really so
87. Ever won a contest?
88. Ever have plastic surgery?
89. Which are better black or green olives?
fuck olives
90. Opinions on sex before marriage?
it’s fine i guess? do what u want or whatever or don’t i don’t care
91. Best room for a fireplace?
put it in the fucking bathroom i don’t care
92. Do you want to get married?
idk maybe but not anytime soon
plus it’s not like i’d be a good wife or mom so why tf would anyone wanna marry me LOL
that concludes this shitshow
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