#everyone elses bdays were remembered
kuroakikitsune · 2 years
0 notes
neonsbian · 10 months
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happy birthday @duovxq !
27 notes · View notes
lesamis · 6 months
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had the loveliest brightest coolest weather i've yet had on a birthday & the fanciest creature in all the land was overseeing it all from her prime window spot :')
13 notes · View notes
saigethearies · 1 year
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saige’s terrortober presents…
trust me
while on an expedition into space, your budding romance with osamu came as a pleasant surprise- the murderer hiding amongst your crew, not so much.
alien!osamu miya x fem!reader
contents/warnings: murder, manipulation, and slight yandere, side character deaths, service dom!osamu, unprotected vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, oral (f! receiving), size kink, osamu is PACKING, praise, belly bulge, dacryphilia, use of pet names, betrayal, angst in the end, osamu still has his dyed hair but he’s in his twenties, this is basically an among us au bare with me
wc: 6.7k
an: this one is posted a little late but it works out so it gets to be posted on samu’s actual bday!
“the fuck you mean you found a dead body?” terushima bites out from next to you.
your brain felt like it was lagging as panicked voices sounded off around you. there was no way one of your crewmates was dead. you’d all had multiple health screenings before getting admission into the space exploration program. no one would have gotten the green light if they were in bad health, so how could they just have died? and within the first week?
“there were multiple stab wounds,” director takeda said, trying to keep his voice as calm as possible to prevent the surrounding tension from worsening. “as of right now, we can only assume it was a homicide.”
the room fell silent as everyone let the news sink in.
“ya gotta be fuckin’ kiddin’ me,” a voice drawls from across the circular table. “we’re stuck on this floatin’ hunk of metal and we’ve gotta damn killer on the loose?”
atsumu miya had a scowl on his face, arms crossed over his chest.
“if that’s the case then we need to start narrowing suspects down now,” oikawa followed up. “someone in this room is a murderer, unless we have a stowaway hiding somewhere.”
“security is top notch, there’s no way someone would have been able to sneak on,” kanoka rebutted.
“well then,” daishou started. “it’s time to start hearing some alibis.”
“i was doing weapons,” asahi supplied.
“i can vouch, i was in the room with him,” oikawa added, the other nodding in agreement.
one by one, all of your crewmates stated where they were, what they were doing, who they were with.
“i was in navigation with the twins trying to get the ship back on course,” suna said. “since dumb and dumber decided it would be a good idea to push a bunch of random buttons.”
“i was tryin’ t’ find the air conditionin’!”
“don’t rope me in with his bullshit,” osamu miya muttered from besides his brother.
you spared a quick glance at the grey-haired man. out of all the people on the ship, he seemed to be the one you always found your eyes wandering to.
“where were you?”
the question pulled you back into focus. you turned to see terushima staring down at you, awaiting your response.
“i was reading some samples in med bay.”
his eyes narrowed. “did anyone see you?”
you blinked. no, no one saw you, but that’s because you were the only scientist hired on with a medical background. most of your time in med bay was spent alone.
would that make you look suspicious?
you figured that honesty was the best policy, so you went ahead and told the truth.
“no, i was there alone- but no one else is ever really in there unless they need treatment or need to run an errand, if that makes any difference.”
“so what i’m hearing is that you don't have a solid alibi.”
you felt your hands start to shake. “i-i guess not…”
“let’s hear where the hell yer ass was, terushima.”
the two of you turned to see osamu’s dark grey eyes trained on the man interrogating you. the intensity in them almost sent a chill down your spine.
“ya seem desperate t’ go ahead and put blame on the lil’ lady without even giving yer own alibi yet.”
was he defending you?
terushima sent him a glare. “i was emptying the trash in storage. daishou saw me when he passed by.”
a furrow appeared on said man’s brow. “uh, hate to say it man, but i don’t remember seeing you there.”
“the hell do you mean? you literally walked right by me!”
“the only people i remember seeing before the emergency alarm sounded off was kanoka and the director in shields. i was dropping off some supplies for them.”
“you can’t be serious right now!”
“well look who doesn't have a solid alibi now,” atsumu taunted. “it seems t’ me like yer dejectin’-”
“projecting,” suna corrected.
“-projectin’ onto someone else because ya don’t wanna look guilty.”
“you’re trying to imply that i did this?” terushima shouted.
“if the shoe fits.”
“that’s enough,” director takeda declares, getting the bickering to subside before it could escalate further. “we don’t need to jump to conclusions and we don’t need to fall into hysteria, either. making a rash decision based on little evidence won’t help anything. the body was found near the reactors, so on the complete opposite side of the ship from where everyone allegedly was. Therefore, we don't really have any leads at the moment.”
“so what do we do?” asahi asked, anxiety written all over his face.
“for now, everyone just stay alert and on guard. try to stay in groups or at least pairs if you can. i don’t think the killer will lash out if more than one person is around, and if worst comes to worst, we’d at least be able to pick out who was with who. if you do notice anything suspicious about a fellow crewmate, come report to me directly. rumors will only cause trouble. understood?”
everyone gave their confirmation, you barely being able to mutter yours out.
there was really a killer amongst your ranks.
you were stuck on a ship traveling further into outer space with a murderer.
“good. meeting adjourned, everyone back to your tasks.”
you turned back towards med bay, practically moving on autopilot as your mind picked apart every piece of information you just received.
“i find it interesting that the person closest to the reactors at the time of the murder was you. that is, if your story was even true”
the voice was followed by a hand roughly grabbing onto your arm, halting your retreat. you turned to see terushima’s glare trained on you, his grip tightening. “everyone else might be letting your shitty alibi slide, but i'm not.”
“your own alibi wasn’t even solid,” you argued back, trying to wrench free from his grasp. “you don't have any right to accuse me, if anything i could be saying the same things to you right now.”
“you’re a lot more combative than you were a few minutes ago. i guess you dropped the quiet, innocent girl act now that we're not surrounded by others, right?”
you wanted to deck this guy. how dare he continue to try and accuse you of one thing after another when you haven't done anything wrong. especially after his own shaky alibi had been exposed.
“that’s not the case at all, i just don’t like to be bothered by a hypocrite!”
“i’ll show you a fucking-”
“get yer filthy hands off’a her.”
osamu was at your side before you could even register. while the expression on his face seemed blank, terushima could see the silent fire raging within his eyes, practically challenging him to try and disobey the grey-haired man’s order.
still, the shorter man made no move to release you, which prompted your unexpected savior to speak again.
“if i have t’ tell ya twice, yer not gonna like what happens next.”
with that, terushima finally released you. he scoffed before turning to storm out of the room.
you let out a breath you didn’t even realize you were holding in.
“ya alright, there?”
looking up you met the dark, concerned eyes of osamu. the contact had the inside of your stomach turning into an ocean, waves swirling around within you as you held his gaze.
“i’m okay, thank you,” you said, trying to ignore the feeling of your cheeks heating up. “he seemed relentless, so i really do appreciate you stepping in.”
a smile then appeared on osamu’s face, and you wanted to burn the image into your memory forever because goodness did that man look handsome.
“it’s no worries, my ma taught me better than t’ just stand by when a lady’s ‘n trouble.”
you felt the corners of your own lips curl upwards. “well then she did a really great job.”
“how ‘bout i walk ya back to med bay,” he offered. “director said we needa stick together, wouldn’t feel right if i just let ya wander off alone.”
the waves inside your stomach felt as if they were growing to tsunami-level proportions. you had clearly noticed that osamu was a handsome man the day the crew was all introduced to each other, but you reasoned that you had a job to do on this ship so you couldn’t let yourself get distracted by what was essentially a schoolgirl crush.
now, however, the person of your attraction was guiding you through the halls with a large hand placed on the small of your back.
“i feel like we’re ‘n the start of’a nightmare,” osamu said, pulling you out of your thoughts. “can’t believe shunki got offed by someone on the damn crew.”
“yeah, it’s insane,” you replied. “i still can’t really wrap my head around it.”
“ ‘m sure that terushima jackass barkin’ atcha hasn't made it any easier for ya, huh?”
you sighed. “no, but i guess he does have somewhat of a reason. my alibi can't be corroborated by anyone. besides, nerves are running rampant right now, so i can't really blame him.”
the two of you reached med bay, osamu reaching for the handle and opening the door before you could even lift a finger. he was every bit as chivalrous as he was handsome, your knees feeling slightly weaker as he ushered you inside.
“well i think his reason for comin’ atcha was bullshit. he doesn’t have a solid story, either, so his whole outburst is rubbin’ me the wrong way. be careful ‘round him, will ya?”
the thought had crossed your mind during your earlier altercation with terushima. you knew you weren’t a killer, but him? it could be entirely plausible that a murderer had just been laying his hands on you. if osamu hadn’t come to your aid…
“i’ll try and steer clear of him,” you replied. “thank you again, osamu. i appreciate it, really.”
“of course,” he replied with a smile coming back onto his face. “and you can call me ‘samu.”
returning his kind expression, you nodded your head before turning to grab the samples you were working with earlier.
“anythin’ i can help ya with while ‘m here?”
“you don’t have to stay if you don’t want to, walking me back was already sweet enough of you.”
“nah, we gotta stay ‘n pairs, remember? can’t let ya just sit here by yerself with a killer on the ship.”
by the look on his face, you could tell osamu wasn’t going to take no for an answer, so you relented by pointing to the wireless connection panel on the wall across from you.
“i think that could use some maintenance.”
while very tense, the next few days were quiet. no more killings, no odd behavior from anyone- besides terushima’s rotten attitude towards you, but at this point you were just getting used to it. everyone was taking it day by day, each uneventful twenty-four hours being looked at as a win. crew morale was constantly wavering, however. it was hard to feel confident in your coworkers when one of them was secretly a murderer.
your safe haven amidst all of the suspense was osamu.
he continued to spend hours at a time with you in med bay, your once silent workplace now filled with chatter and laughter. when it came time for him to leave to go attend to other tasks, you would often tag along.
“buddy system, right?” he would say.
atsumu and suna would also occasionally find themselves keeping the two of you company in med bay. watching the three of them banter was probably the best entertainment you were going to get on the spacecraft. with the way the dark-haired man interacted with the twins you would think that they’ve all known each other for a very long time, so you were surprised to learn that they’d only just met at the start of the expedition.
“it literally reminds me of mustard,” suna remarked, earning a burst of laughter from osamu.
“shut yer trap, sunarin!”
“did you just not think to use toner?”
“there is nothin’ wrong with my hair!” atsumu defended.
the bickering had been going on for the past five minutes, suna always finding a way to goad the blonde into being his personal entertainment. he almost had a talent for being able to get under either of the twin’s skin, antagonizing them almost as much as they antagonize each other.
“if yer worried ‘bout what's wrong with ya then yer hair is the least of yer worries,” osamu piped up, earning a small giggle from you. you were too engrossed in recording your sample data to notice the content smile come onto the grey-haired man’s face at hearing your laugh.
he came up behind you, leaning down so that his head was hovering above your shoulder. “what ya got goin’ on here?”
you kept your face turned down towards your desk, not wanting him to catch onto the way your cheeks were heating up at his close proximity. “just going over the results from asahi’s blood test.”
it was no doubt to you that after spending so much time together, there was…something brewing between you and osamu. at first you figured it was just physical attraction, but the more you were around him, the more you began to realize that wasn’t the case.
you felt a comfort with the man you hadn’t felt with anyone else before- not any of your friends, not any of your exes, not even your family. there was no denying that there was a genuine connection there, and whether you were falling for him so quickly because of the circumstances or because you were truly that into him, you didn’t know.
and it didn’t really matter to you, either. every day on this spaceship could end up being your last, so you chose not to waste your time overthinking.
“need any help?”
“no, but thank you, ‘samu. you're always so considerate.”
before he could reply, kissy noises were sounding off from the other two occupants in the room. the glare osamu sent atsumu and suna would probably have most peoples’ stomachs dropping, but the two of them seemed unfazed.
it was then that a red flash illuminated the room, a harsh buzz ripping through the air.
the emergency alarm.
you dropped your pen.
“dammit!” atsumu yelled. “not another murder!”
a hand was placed on the small of your back, guiding you to stand on unsteady legs. “don’t jump t’ conclusions, we don’t know fer sure.”
“well what else would it be?” suna asked.
you began to move towards the door, osamu’s palm not leaving your body.
“i guess we should go find out,” you muttered.
the walk was silent, the once tense atmosphere of the ship now suffocating as days after days worth of anxiety had come to a crescendo. the four of you waited as the cafeteria doors slid open, revealing the rest of your crewmates gathered around the meeting table.
well, all of them except one.
not again…
once you had all gathered around, director takeda spoke the words you’d been dreading to hear since the adjournment of the last meeting.
“another body has been found.”
“oikawa and asahi found daishou in the electrical room. he wasn’t moving and they couldn’t find a pulse.”
“that’s right around the corner from where the last body was found,” kanoka observed.
“on the same side as med bay,” terushima muttered under his breath, loud enough for you to hear.
you frowned. “can you at least wait until we get all the details before you try and start accusing me?”
“why? we’re already two men down, we can’t let this shit just slide again.”
“we won’t,” takeda firmly interjected. “there were several small bruises on daishou’s neck, so it seems that his cause of death was asphyxiation.”
“so whoever did this was able to choke a grown a man to death with their bare hands,” oikawa observed.
“wouldn’t that mean we have the culprit’s fingerprints?” you asked.
“unfortunately the perpetrator was wearing gloves.”
“damn,’ asahi sighed.
“well if they killed the poor guy with their bare hands then i really don’t think it could be the lil’ lady,” atsumu commented.
“yeah, ya really think these tiny ass fingers could choke a man?” osamu added, lifting your hand up to prove his point. your stomach fluttered when you saw how huge his looked compared to yours.
“here the two of you go fucking defending her again,” terushima barked. “she didn’t even have an alibi last time!”
“neither did you,” suna said.
“yeah, and this time all three of us were with her,” osamu motioned between him, his brother, and their friend. “so she has the damn alibi yer so bent over.”
“okay, so we know oikawa and asahi were together again, then the four of them were with each other,” kanoka listed. “i was checking oxygen levels with the director.”
all eyes turned to the remaining unnamed person.
“terushima, where were you?”
the man blinked. “i was doing weapons.”
“did anyone see you?”
“i-uh, well no, everyone was off doing other things.”
director takeda frowned. “so you have no one to confirm your whereabouts?”
“second time this happened,” oikawa commented.
the pierced man sent the brunette a glare.
“since he mentioned it already, wasn’t daishou the one who denied being able to verify terushima’s story last time? and now he’s dead, too.”
everyone went quiet at suna’s observation, terushima’s eyes widening.
“are you seriously implying that i fucking did this?”
“the evidence isn’t really pointing towards anyone else right now,” kanoka said slowly.
“what the fuck.”
“everyone else has alibis,” oikawa said, prepared to lay the facts on the table.”you’re the only one who’s been unaccounted for both times, and you have a possible motive for the most recent killing. no one else has the cards stacked against them like this.”
terushima looked around the table, everyone regarding him with a careful, withdrawn look.
“guys, come on!”
director takeda took a slow breath. “i’m sorry, terushima. but we’ve already lost two lives, and right now you’re the only suspect. we have to do what’s best for the crew.”
“fuck you,” he bit out, practically snarling. “fuck all of you! what are you gonna do now, shoot me?”
“no,” his superior said slowly.
“the ship has come equipped with a different way to handle violent members.”
never in a million years would you have thought that what director takeda meant is that terushima would get ejected. thrown out into deep space to choke and freeze.
it felt so cruel and unusual. yet, your boss insisted that this was the best way to go about it. keeps the threat away without needing anyone to bloody their own hands.
you tried to take his word for it, but you still couldn’t help but feel that there had to have been a better method.
thankfully, the relief of the murder mystery being solved was enough to keep you from dwelling on it for too long. the atmosphere on the ship was light again, everyone more lively and talkative. there was still an underlying somberness held for those departed, but no more going through the day with bated breath.
well, almost.
you still couldn’t fight the feeling that something was…off.
as if your ship’s little mystery had been solved almost too easily. too conveniently.
“what’s wrong?”
osamu’s voice pulled you from your thoughts, standing at the entryway to your sleeping quarters.
“oh! hey,” you said, getting up from your desk. you had to crane your neck so much to look up at him. you tried to ignore how that fact made your heart skip.
as if he could read your thoughts, the grey-haired man brushed a strand of your hair behind your ear. “ya didn’t answer me.”
you gave him a small smile. “i’m okay, ‘samu, just tired.”
he frowned. “i don’t believe ya.”
a sigh escaped your lips. “i guess i’m just a little overwhelmed. i’m glad we found terushima out and all, but this whole ordeal has just felt like…a lot. and i think i've been struggling to calm down again, after things were so tense for a while.”
“i don’t like seein’ ya this worried, pretty girl like ya shouldn’t be frettin’ over a thing.”
the comment didn’t catch you completely off guard. osamu had started to become a little more flirtatious, but you always figured it wasn’t that serious. probably just a way for him to be affectionate.
as his dark eyes bore into you right now, however, you started to think that might not be the case.
“i’m okay, really.”
the hand that had brushed your hair away hadn’t left your face, thumb brushing against your cheek.
“i can see yer face lookin’ all gloomy,’ he said, moving closer to you. “c’mon, darlin’, talk to me.”
you took a deep, steadying breath. “i just want a break from all the stress.”
his hands were then roaming your back, pulling you into his chest. his lips found themselves at the shell of your ear.
“then let me take care of ya, sweetheart.”
the sexual tension building up over the past week came to boiling point when osamu’s lips slotted against yours, desire spilling over the sides and shrouding each of you in a cloud of desire. he started to press more firmly, tongue sliding in between the seam of your mouth.
he broke away from you. “ ‘s this alright?”
you nodded, eyes wide, before osamu’s lips chased after yours again, hand coming to the zipper of your pink bodysuit. he dragged it down slowly, revealing more of your skin inch by inch.
stepping out of the material, you stood before him in your matching set.
“so damn beautiful.”
you placed your hands on the back of his neck, eyes staring up at him doefully. “wanna see you too, ‘samu.”
“whatever ya want, darlin’.”
he peeled off his own bodysuit next, grey in color, and was left in just his briefs. gently leading you back towards your bed, he laid you down slowly.
kissing you once more, osamu started to move down your body, leaving little pecks against your heated skin in his wake.
“what are you doing?”
“i told ya i was gonna take care of ya, sweetheart.”
he pressed a kiss below your belly button, fingers gripping the hem of your panties. he glanced towards your face, chest tightening at the sight of your lust-blown expression, waiting for your okay. you nodded, and thus osamu peeled the lace off.
grabbing the underside of each of your thighs, he spread them open. kissing the inner part of each of them, his lips then finally descended onto your glistening cunt.
“ ‘samu,” you squeaked out.
he smirked, tongue grazing up and down your sensitive nub. the sensation had you mewling, fingers tangling into his dyed locks. your sounds made osamu smirk against you, adding two fingers into your cunt in hopes he’d hear even more.
the muscle started to move against your clit faster, mouthing against it like he was starved. another finger was then pressed into your pussy. you weren’t used to being stretched that much.
“too much,” you whined out. “ ‘s too much.”
“ya need t’ take it, sweet thing. if yer gonna take my dick later, ya need this.”
you felt your breath catch, the thought of being filled by him leading the heat in your stomach to start building.
finally hitting his fingers against that spongy spot deep within your walls, a cry ripped from you as he started to put all of his focus there. your legs were starting to shake, so osamu decided now was the time to switch up the motion of his tongue, drawing circles on your bundle of nerves.
you spasmed as your orgasm tore through you, whimpers leaving your lips as pleasure overtook every nerve within you.
osamu removed his mouth and fingers from you, inching back up your body before hovering over you.
“did so good, pretty girl, so good.”
you felt his thick fingers creep behind your back, undoing your bra. his eyes drank in the sight of your tits as he pulled the garment off of you.
kisses and bites were littered along your chest, small praises whispered between each. his lips moved back up your neck, leaving a final peck on the tip of your nose before speaking.
“ya think yer ready?”
you knew what he was talking about, nodding your head vigorously, excited to be able to feel all of him.
however, all of that excitement left your body when he finally removed his boxers.
you should have known. osamu’s whole frame was big and broad. why would his cock be any different?
god, would that even fit? none of your past boyfriends even came close to his size.
he must’ve seen your face grow pale. “what’s the matter, darlin’?”
you gulped.
“...that’s not gonna fit, ‘samu.”
“it will,” he replied, not even seeming fazed by your concern. “trust me.”
“ya trust me, right?”
his gaze was zeroed in on yours, and you felt yourself become transfixed by just how endless it seemed, as if the space surrounding your little floating ship existed in osamu’s eyes.
“yeah, i trust you.”
another soft kiss met your lips. “good.”
his thumb was at your clit again, an attempt to distract you from the head of his cock pressing against your opening. he began to push in, a small whimper leaving your lips as you could already feel the burning stretch.
“relax, doll, ya gotta relax.”
more kisses were then peppered against your lips, silent reassurances as osamu entered into you further, each new inch making your brain feel as if it was going to explode.
“little cunt ain’t used t’ takin’ somethin’ this big, huh?”
you shook your head, confirming his suspicion as tears started to leak from your eyes.
“well, first time fer everythin’, sweetheart.”
you had no idea how he got the whole thing to fit inside of you. your pussy felt as if it was being torn apart at the seams in the best way possible, jaw going slack as he bottomed out.
osamu hummed. “tightest cunt i’ve ever been ‘n. yer just a dream, aintcha?”
you wanted to reply to his praise, but all that could leave you was a scream as he started to pull out and push back in. starting a steady pace, the man pulled you into a hungry kiss.
never before had you ever been so filled, moaning aimlessly into his mouth as the only thought your brain could come up with was so full, so full, so full.
he parted from your lips.
“ya feel it, darlin’?”
you didn’t have a clue what he was talking about until he thrusted back in, palm coming down against a protrusion in your tummy. the realization had more drops falling down your cheeks, babbles bubbling up your throat. he was going to rip you apart, and you were more than willing to let him.
“ ‘m gettin’ close,” he warned, forehead resting against yours. his hands then grabbed each side of your hips, holding you in place as he picked up the pace. “need ya t’ cum too, doll. ladies first.”
your cunt finally couldn’t take anymore battering, muscles spasming as you came hard on osamu’s cock. you saw him grin as your body shook, finally allowing himself to release with a low groan.
he made sure to pull out of your overstuffed pussy before you could get too stimulated, situating himself at your side so he could pull you into his chest. you rested your cheek against his pec.
stillness overtook the room as you tried to compose yourself, body still twitching with aftershocks.
osamu chuckled, kissing the crown of your head.
“i told ya i’d make it work. see, ya can trust me.”
the next twenty four hours were absolute bliss. you and osamu were practically connected at the hip, all ooey gooey and lovey dovey with each other. atsumu and suna made gagging sounds every time they saw the two of you, but neither of you cared. nothing was going to ruin the oasis you’d built with one other.
the emergency alarm figured it was up for the challenge.
your eyebrows knitted together, pulling away from your lover’s side as you heard the sound pierce the content silence you’d been sitting in.
the uneasy feeling from before, the feeling that something still just wasn’t right came back to you.
“it might just be some mechanical issues,” osamu reassured, clearly trying to calm you down. you met his gaze, slightly taken aback by the expression in them. it was hard to read, but you just chalked it up to him being antsy, too.
the broken, bloodied glasses of director takeda proved the two of you wrong.
oikawa held them in the palm of his hand, a grim look on his face.
“he was in navigation,” he started. “i could barely even recognize him, that’s how bad the damage was.”
you couldn’t stop your lip from wobbling. your nightmare was still ongoing, and now the one person who kept you all sane had been beaten into his grave.
what came next broke you even more, though.
“kanoka is dead, too.”
two murders.
two murders on the same damn day.
you bit your lip, keeping your cries as silent as you could as the news settled.
suna was the first to speak. “do we need to move their bodies out of there, and give them a nicer…resting place, like the others?”
“that’s the thing,” oikawa’s tone now had an edge to it. “kanoka’s body wasn’t with the director’s, it was in lower engine.”
“so what does that mean?” you said, frustration starting to prick at you. “the killer moved her body? or had enough time to get from one crime scene to the other?”
“no,” asahi said. “oikawa was across the hall cleaning the air filters when he heard crashing in navigation. he remembered the time was around 7:30 pm. i was checking the reactor when i heard kanoka scream, and the clock on it read 7:27 pm.”
“ya mean t’ tell me they were killed at the same time ‘n opposite sides of the ship? how the hell is that possible?”
“is the answer not obvious?” oikawa bit out at atsumu. “there’s two fucking killers, and it has to be one of you four!”
“one of us?” you said in disbelief.
“wait a damn minute,” osamu started. “ya mean t’ tell us that if there’s two killers, it has t’ be two of us? not the two of ya, who’ve been stickin’ together since the beginnin’?”
“what ‘samu said! y’all have always been each other’s alibis, ya could have been bullshittin’ us the whole time!”
atsumu had a point. oikawa and asahi always being each other’s alibis would have been one thing when there was a singular killer, but now that there’s two? they could have been covering for each other the whole time. but still…
“if we were the killers why would we give away that there’s two of us? that makes no sense, we’d have nothing to gain from that.”
oikawa voiced the exact thought you had been thinking. they would have the element of surprise keeping their partnership under wraps, it doesn’t make sense why they would expose there are two murderers when it would be easier to let the impression there’s a singular one linger.
yet, you had gotten to know the other three people at the table. there was no way osamu, atsumu, or suna could be a killer. there was just no way.
“you could be playing mind games with us, who knows,” suna assessed. “there’s no telling what fucked shit you’re willing to do if you’re out here cutting people up.”
“no one is trying to play tricks!” asahi yelled. “the innocent people on this ship are in serious danger, we need to figure this out now!”
“the four of us see one another on a regular basis,” osamu said. “the two of ya are the outliers here.”
“we each have three other people that can vouch for us! the two of ya only have each other! yer outnumbered here!”
you were so overwhelmed. so much muddled information was being thrown around, no solid theories being able to stem from such minimal evidence. you weren’t going to be able to use your brain on this one, you were going to have to trust your gut.
“we’re supposed to believe the pair of two people aren’t the killers and instead the duo is hiding in the tight knit group of four? that shit doesn’t add up in the slightest, the two of you are talking out of your asses.”
oikawa and asahi turned to you.
“you’re smart, please tell us you believe us.”
you bit your lip.
“i just…can’t wrap my head around the idea that any of them could be killers.”
“don’t let being buddy-buddy with the three of them cloud your judgment. like i said earlier, why would we expose there are actually two killers if we were the two killers?”
a theory came to your mind, and you weren’t sure if you thought it up because it was actually plausible, or because you just wanted to prove your lover and friends were innocent. regardless, you shared it.
“the three of them are bigger than the prior victims, so they would put up a tough fight. two against four would be hard to pull off with them, so you could be exposing the murderer duo so that we get rid of two of ourselves and then make it a two against two.”
oikawa and asahi both blanched at your statement.
“she’s a genius!” atsumu exclaimed. “y’all really thought ya could put one by her, huh?”
“she’s wrong! we would nev-”
“i don’t know about you guys,” suna interrupted. “but i’ve heard all that i need to hear. let’s get them the fuck off this ship.”
the screaming and shouting that ensued as he and the twins pushed the two accused men out of the room and down the halls had you covering your ears, eyes squeezed shut as more tears dropped down your face.
you tried to tell yourself that you were okay. the murderers had been caught for real now, you were going to be fine. you were safe.
the ship went quiet, yells no longer being heard. that was all you needed to know that oikawa and asahi had been ejected.
footsteps pulled you out of your thoughts, suna regarding you with a nod as he re-entered the room.
“you alright?”
breathe in, breathe out. “i should be.”
“good. i'm gonna go send a message to headquarters. someone needs to tell them what the hell has been happening.”
you bid him goodbye as he left. standing up, you decided that being wrapped up in osamu’s arms felt like a good idea after the intense moment earlier.
they weren’t in med bay, so you did a little searching before hearing their voices from inside the admin room. you were about to enter the room before a sentence spoken by osamu stopped you in your tracks.
“i told ya t’ fuckin’ wait a while-”
wait for what?
“ ‘m sorry, i just wanted to get it over with! i told ya i didn’t want t’ be the one t’ kill the director.”
not even the limitless space outside could create the coldness you felt seep through every pore in your skin.
please be dreaming.
“ya still nearly got us exposed.”
“who cares? we’ve picked enough people off anyways. ship is ours.”
your pulse currently rivaled that of a racehorse, your brain not being able to deny what it just heard.
the twins were the killers.
osamu was a murderer.
movement to your left caught your eye, the brothers exiting the room only to stop in surprise when they saw you.
you tried to paint a look of nonchalance on your face, but it was too late. the panic was written all over you. there was nowhere to hide.
two very different emotions came onto their faces. atsumu practically looked predatory, whereas ‘samu almost looked as panicked as you.
“darlin’, listen to me-”
“cut her the bullshit, ‘samu, ya already dickmatized her enough.”
you found yourself backpedaling, fingers trembling as you attempted to put as much distance between you and them as possible.
“c’mon, angel, why ya look so scared?” atsumu taunted. you watched in horror as his brown eyes shifted to an inky black, the blonde about to lunge at you before his brother grabbed him by the collar of his maroon suit and yanked him back.
“not her,” osamu bit out, trapping his brother in a headlock. “i told ya anyone but her.”
“yer no fun, ‘samu!”
you didn’t wait around to watch them squabble, turning and running towards communications as fast as you could. you had to get to suna. he needed to know, and you weren’t going to be able to stand the slightest chance against the miyas without him.
choked sobs left you as you sped through the halls, sorrow and guilt eating you alive. sorrow because the man you had started to fall in love with, the man you had given your body to, the man you felt safe with ended up being a murderer. you felt beyond just betrayed.
then, your guilt stemmed from the fact that so many of your crewmates lay dead now, and several times you had let their killers roam free. not only that, but you’d also stood by as numerous innocent people were sent to their death outside in the vacuum of space.
you knew something was still off. you knew.
but your gut instinct had been fogged by your stupid, mushy emotions.
this was all fucked.
this was all so fucked.
“SUNA!” you screamed, sprinting into comms with red and bleary eyes.
“what is it- whoa, what’s going on?” he asked, placing his hands on your shoulders.
“we were wrong,” you said, throat tightening. “it’s the twins, they’re the killers! they’ve been playing us the whole time.”
“damn, that’s tough.”
his unserious response confused you. maybe he was in shock?
“also, correction,” the dark-haired man began. “the miyas haven’t been playing us the whole time…”
your heart nearly stopped when you saw suna’s greyish-green eyes turn the same black shade that atsumu’s had.
“...we’ve all been playing you the whole time.”
you couldn’t move, not registering suna’s grip on your shoulders tightening until you were being ripped straight out of it.
“don’t fuckin’ touch her.”
you felt yourself become engulfed in osamu’s arms, back pressed to his chest as he kept the two of you facing the other two…imposters in the room.
“dude, seriously? she’s the last one standing, we could complete the set.”
“sunarin’s right! c’mon, ‘samu!”
you felt his hold tighten around you, the same hands that slaughtered your crewmates now protectively embracing you. that fact made your head hurt.
“i told the two of ya, ‘m keepin’ her. lay a damn finger on her and ‘m rippin’ it clean off ya.”
he was met with begrudged silence from the two other men before suna let out an exasperated sigh. “fine, i guess she can live. she did really help us out by vouching for us back there, fucking oikawa almost had us figured out.”
“a pretty face t’ look at on the ride home won’t hurt.”
“watch it,” osamu warned his brother.
you didn’t know what they were talking about. you didn’t know what home was for them. all you knew was that you were gonna get dragged along, whether you liked it or not, by a man who built a bond with you through sugar-coated lies.
osamu leaned down, kissing the side of your cheek before whispering in your ear. “all my feelins’ are genuine, darlin’, that i can assure ya.”
you felt his fingers intertwine with your still shaking ones.
“ ‘m gonna take good care of ya, i promise.”
saige’s terrortober masterlist
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ot9snumber1 · 11 months
call me at midnight
hirai momo x blackpink!reader
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summary: you think four best friends are enough to get you by in life. that is, until jennie introduces you to nayeon, and until nayeon introduces you to momo.
warnings: fluff, introverted reader, rushed bc i wanted to put it out for momo's bday <3 happy bday my best girl!
being friends with jennie means being friends with a lot of people. namely, the three other girls in your group—whom you met thanks to jennie forcing you to be social during your trainee days.
it all paid off, of course. debuting in a group with your four closest friends was a dream come true! you were convinced you needed nothing else in life.
until jennie introduces you to her other idol friends.
if being friends with jennie meant being friends with a lot of people, then being friends with nayeon meant being friends with half the world.
she was so friendly and energetic, you couldn't possibly stay still around her! (she even tells you that you remind her of one of her members.)
okay. your four best friends and one new friend, surely that was more than enough, right?
"and this is jeongyeon, sana, jihyo, mina, dahyun, chaeyoung, and tzuyu!" nayeon says energetically as she pointed to various members in the practice room.
you nod, trying to remember all their names. (you eye everyone carefully. jeongyeon, sara, ji...jiwoo?, miyeon, dahyun, chae...won, nevermind. you'd figure them all out eventually.)
"i thought twice was nine?" you ask nayeon, who seems to have a revelation when you mention that. nayeon snaps her fingers, "ah! momo hasn't come back from the bathroom!" she groans, "i bet she stopped by the vending machines for snacks again."
just then, a dark-haired girl with blunt bangs walked into the practice room, soda and a tiny bag of chips in hand. you swear you see nayeon's eye twitch, but you were a bit too distracted by the sudden wave of nervousness you felt from being in the mystery girl's presence.
the mystery girl who you realize is momo.
the momo who you spent about an hour talking her ear off after she offered some chips. (you tend to ramble when you get nervous, you tend to get nervous when you're around pretty girls. momo is a pretty girl.)
(...and nayeon's pissed you forgot to record the dance challenge she invited you over for. at least you can go back and see momo again?)
you develop a crush on momo a lot faster than you realize. you're always talking about her, making excuses to mention something she said or likes, comparing her to anything your members do.
it was very suspicious for you to talk about someone you only met once this much. naturally, your members find out about your crush before you do.
"you like momo, huh?" lisa suddenly pipes up while you're trying to stretch. "didn't know you were into dancers. you know, me and momo kind of have the same hair—"
"hold on, what the hell are you talking about me liking momo?" you resist the urge to smack lisa for flirting with you, but you've known her for years now. it was something you just grew to tolerate somehow.
"you talk about her all the time! especially about how cool her haircut is, or her voice, or some random habit you saw from the one minute you spent with her.
"..it was one hour."
"that doesn't make any difference." lisa crosses her arms and stands up straight in front of you. "i can't believe you don't realize how smitten you are with her."
"don't word it like that." you cross your arms too, like a kid retaliating against their playground bully. the two of you have a staring contest that you eventually lose because the stupid grin that appears on her face when you start blushing distracts you.
"you should ask for her number! mina says she's really sweet." lisa teases, you just shove her face away and get to practice.
of course the other three weren't immune to teasing you either.
rosé didn't bother you as much as lisa did, but her little comments about how you were buying more peaches recently or taking more dance classes never failed to make you blush.
and somehow, even with lisa teasing you, her witty attacks were nothing compared to what jennie and jisoo had in store.
"y/n-ah, i bought those drinks you wanted." jisoo says as she returned to the dorms, handing you the plastic bag while you barely leaned up from the couch to gracefully accept it. "thank youuuuu!" you sigh happily, hugging the three bottles before sitting up to drink one.
"i also dropped by twice's dorms to give something back to nayeon. momo says hi." you nearly spit out your drink and ruin the blanket you just bought.
weeks had gone by and you'd already endured the teasing from three members. jennie was awfully silent whenever momo would be brought up, which worried you even more. not knowing if she just didn't care or if she had the most sinister plan than all of them combined made your stomach flip uncomfortably.
it turned out to be the latter.
"y/n?" jennie yawns, walking into your room one night when you couldn't sleep. "forgot to give this to you." she mumbles, handing a piece of paper with glittery pink writing on it before saying goodnight and leaving.
after jennie shuts the door, you inspect the paper and nearly scream.
call me, y/n! i don't mind listening to you talk~ ♡ 모모
(maybe it wasn't an evil plan, but it sure was evil to casually give you a heart attack at 12 AM.)
you take momo's note a little too literally and call her number. you sink deep into your blanket out of nervousness and excitement. (and the realization that you were calling her this late!)
it was the first time you heard her voice since the day you met the rest of twice. surprisingly, she didn't sound tired at all.
"hi, momo!" you huff out, sounding completely out of breath. "jennie gave me your number just now."
you can hear an "oh!" and what you assume to be momo getting in bed. "well, what are you waiting for? tell me about your day!"
you smile, your nerves being eased by momo's comfortable aura. you could feel it through the phone, somehow.
"well, jisoo told me you said hi."
"i did!" you both chuckle quietly. "she was asking for nayeon, but nay wasn't home yet so i talked to her for a bit and she mentioned how you were doing."
you audibly gulp at the idea of that. knowing jisoo, you're almost 100% sure she was telling momo good things. still, it didn't hurt to confirm that.
"all good things, i hope."
"oh, yeah, don't worry. she kept going on and on about how you love dogs and how clingy you are when you're comfortable with someone.."
you bite your lip, was there such thing as too good? jisoo was trying to set you up with momo! shamelessly! and momo didn't notice!
"that's good." you take deep breaths as you hear silence from the other end of the call. "she bought me some drinks that i've been asking for, too. well, more like begging, but i did it really nicely!" you could hear momo struggle not to laugh, it makes you laugh too.
"anyway, she bought me this peach juice i've been wanting to try. then mango juice, and my favorite apple cider."
momo gasps, "you like apple cider?"
"of course!"
"me too!" you can practically hear the smile in her voice. "i'll bring you some next time i see you then."
"i'll be waiting!"
momo has tear stains on her cheeks from laughing so hard and her cheeks hurt from smiling so much by the time she goes to sleep that night.
momo loves talking to you.
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hyunfilms · 8 months
blue side of the sky (lmh) | twenty.
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♡ spotify playlist | series masterlist
—summary: waking up after 3 months with no recollection of your past, your friends do what they can to help you remember. except, they omit an important piece to the puzzle - afraid you would remember the heartbreak and hurt all over again.
—pairing: lee know x f. reader
—genre: (18+) exes to lovers, bestfriends to lovers au | fluff, angst, smut
—word count: 4.5k
—chapter content/warnings: cussing/mature language, time jump!, surprise bday celebration for jisung, alcohol consumption/intoxication, just good times and good vibes honestly, san & minho have a moment, mentions of a death anniversary, flashback scene towards the end
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"Hey." You pick up the phone as Chan continues to drive off to the store. "Yeah, I'm getting them with Chan right now— you have the cake ready, right?— Minho, what do you mean you don't know if it's ready?"
"What?" Chan mouths out while letting out a small chuckle in the driver's seat. You give him a look before shrugging.
"I mean, as long as it looks good and it's edible? Ji will love it either way— we don't really have time to remake it— mm, okay—yeah, I'll try— mmkay." Chan continues to eavesdrop on the conversation until you finally end the call and let out a sigh.
"What happened this time?"
"Minho is being too much of a perfectionist over his cake. It's done but he doesn't like the way it turned out. He's contemplating on re-doing the whole thing."
"Uh." Chan looks at the clock on the dashboard. "He definitely needs to do that now or else he won't make it in time for the surprise."
"I told him I'm sure it'll be fine, but he won't let it go." You shake his head. "I guess if he really wants to make it work, he will."
"What's new? I'm not even surprised he's doing this." Chan laughs as he pulls into the store's lot. Today was Jisung's birthday, and you and your friends decided to throw him a surprise party at a nearby restaurant and bar. Many people were invited, including his parents, Yuna and Yeong-Su, close coworkers, JJ, San and their friends. All in all, it was supposed to be a big gathering to celebrate your bestfriend's birthday.
Tonight, it was all about good people, good vibes and a good times.
Seungmin had lied and told Jisung he needed his help with an urgent project at work— dragging him to the office even though Ji protested and whined about it being his birthday. Though, in true Jisung form, when a friend calls for help, he goes. So, Seungmin is currently keeping him at the office until everyone arrives and everything is set up. What project Seungmin ended up getting Jisung wrapped into, you weren't sure.
As long as it worked.
Right now, you and Chan were headed to the store to pick up the balloons and decorations, while Minho was at the café working on perfecting Jisung's cake. You've already come to know how much of a perfectionist Minho is, especially with his craft. You've seen the little tantrums he's pulled and the things he does when he isn't satisfied with his work. You aren't entirely surprised he's scraping the whole thing right before the party— you are more worried about whether he'll make it in time or not.
"I guess if all else fails, we can just have Seungmin keep him at the office until it's ready?"
"Yeah. But, he's gonna get suspicious."
"He'll be alright." You laugh a bit. Once you and Chan arrive at the shop, you gather the balloons that you've ordered at the front— Chan carefully holding the large order of balloons, while you help the staff member who is assisting you with carrying the stands you custom-ordered to go with Jisung's birthday backdrop. Loading the balloons into your uncle's old van was a challenge, but you shared a few laughs with Chan when the both of you tried adjusting the balloons in a certain position— popping a few in the middle of doing so.
"I mean, it honestly doesn't even look like we lost a few." Chan steps back to look at the balloons and you nod.
"You're right. It'll be fine." You shrug it off. "The backdrop will be the center of attention anyway." You hop into the car, Chan wasting no time to make his way over to the restaurant.
"When did you make those?"
"The backdrop and cut outs?" You look at him. "A few days ago. With my uncle's help."
"They're really nice."
"Want me to make some for your birthday?"
"Please?" You laugh and nod.
"Okay, Channie."
"Your uncle's van is bringing back memories. I didn't realize he still had it."
"Oh yeah, he refuses to sell it. Says it's still in really good shape and he could keep it around in case of emergency." 
"Good times." Chan quickly looks over at you before shifting his attention back to the road. "Remember when Jisung told you about the times you went home for the weekend, and we used to come down and bother you?" You chuckle.
"We'd do it to see you, don't get us wrong. But we knew your uncle would take us to get ice cream at the shop and cook for us. His cooking is amazing. Can't ever turn that down for the school's food." He does a slight head tilt as he pulls into the restaurant's lot. "Wish we could go back to the good ol' days, you know? Simple times."
"You're telling me."
"Can I ask you something?"
"Of course."
"How have you been feeling lately? If you don't wanna answer, that's totally fine too. You can tell me to fuck off and I won't feel offended." You chuckle.
"Good. Really good." Chan smiles as he turns down the street, the restaurant coming into view in the distance.
"Yeah? I'm glad."
"Mhm. I just feel.. happier."
"As you should." He clears his throat. "Can I ask you something else? You can really tell me to fuck off with this one if you need to." You laugh and shake your head.
"Try me."
"How do you feel about Minho after all this time has passed?"
"Hm." You hum. "I feel.. relaxed." You look at Chan. "It doesn't feel like something is weighing down on my shoulders anymore, especially since I've gotten my chance to take everything in and slowly make peace with it."
"That's good. I'm glad."
"Mmyeah. But, you know, I think we're perfect the way we are." You shrug. "I don't wanna rush or ruin anything. We just feel better letting things be as they should be. He feels like my bestfriend again.
"I get that. I'm happy you feel that way, Y/N."
"I am too." You say. He turns into the lot of the restaurant, pulling up to the entrance before putting on the hazard lights.
"Alright, well. Let me run in and let them know we're just gonna unload everything real quick." You nod, unbuckling your seatbelt when Chan runs inside the restaurant to give them a heads up.
You begin to unload most of the decorations and balloons, leaving heavier items for Chan to haul upstairs to the room you and your friends reserved. The room could sit a good amount of people if necessary, a huge tv screwed onto the back wall for all your karaoke needs. Though tonight was going to be a good group, it still gave you enough room to decorate off to the side. Once everything had been moved from the van to the room, you begin to rearrange things; having Chan help move the tables and backdrop to your liking while setting up the balloons alongside of him. By the time you finish, Yuna and Yeong-Su come strolling in, setting their things on one of the tables.
"I'm here! What can I help with?" Yuna smiles, making you squeal as you hug her and Yeong-Su tightly.
"Might need help adding these in between the balloons." You hand her some decorations and she happily takes it. "Thank you."
"Anything for you! This looks amazing already, Jisung is so lucky to have you guys. For real." You and Chan laugh and nod in agreement.
Sooner or later, more people begin to trickle in— starting with Jisung's parents, some of Jisung's close coworkers, San and JJ's friends, then Minho and JJ. Uncle Adrian shoots you a text to let you know that he'll stop by a bit after he finishes up with work, while Seungmin asks if everyone is ready.
"I think Seungmin is texting our separate group chat." Minho says, making sure the cake is sitting perfectly in the middle of the dessert table.
"I got it." You pull out your phone.
seungmin: everyone there? i'm running out of things to stall him with 😞 plus, he's working my last nerve
you: haha yes, everyone's here. you can come now!
seungmin: sweet. 15 mins tops.
So, all of you continue to hang out and chat around until Seungmin finally texts that he's just parked and about to head upstairs with Jisung. The room gets incredibly quiet, everyone afraid to take a breath as you all wait for Jisung to step through the room. You fiddle with your fingers when you hear footsteps getting a louder right outside in the hallway— Jisung immediately sliding the door open, eyes wide while he screams in fear.
"Surprise! Happy birthday!" Everyone yells loudly in their own way.
"What the fuck!" He screams, almost tripping and twisting his ankle when he steps back. "Ouch, fuck!" He continues to freak out, his eyes bulging out of its sockets. You laugh when you realize Ji is trying to make sense of what's happening, his expression mixed with utter confusion. "What is this?"
"Your birthday celebration, what do you mean?" You come to him and give him a hug, gently rubbing his back before pushing him forward into the room.
"All for me?" He questions even though he's already greeting his family and friends around the room.
"Yes!" You laugh while he points at the backdrop and balloons.
"Mine too?" You nod before Jisung points to the cake and looks at Minho. "You made that for me?"
"Yeah. Let me know which card I can charge it to." You playfully hit Minho on the chest and he laughs. "I'm kidding! Yes, I made that for you. I put my soul into that, so I hope you like it." Jisung smiles.
"He actually.. re-did the cake because he didn't like how the first one turned out this morning." You say. Jisung pulls the both of you in a tight hug.
"You guys are the best." He pulls back before reaching over for Seungmin and Chan again.
"You're welcome, pachi." 
"Let's eat!" Chan rubs his tummy. "I'm hungry. Plus, we have a whole night of karaoke ahead of us." 
"Sick! You're right." Jisung plops on a chair next to his family members. "I could eat."
The staff members are off to the side, ready to take orders from the separate tables. Once everyone settles, they start going around to begin with drink orders— many ordering bottles of soju and beer to get to a good level tonight. You sit in between Chan and Minho, going through the menu as you voice out what you want to Chan. He takes charge of ordering on behalf of the table, making sure every bit of Jisung's wishes are included. As soon as the alcohol and appetizers come out, everyone wastes no time getting started and digging in. Mid-way through, Jisung stands from his seat while obnoxiously tapping away at his glass— calling for everyone's attention in the room.
"Hey! One second, please?" He says loudly. "I just wanna say a few things!"
"Boo!" Seungmin teases, making Chan nudge him to be quiet.
"Yeah, whatever." Jisung flips off Seungmin, his mom tugging on the hem of his shirt as a way to silently scold him. "He did it first!" Seungmin laughs. "Anyway, I just wanna say thank you to everyone for coming out tonight to celebrate my birthday with me." He turns to you, Minho, Chan and Seungmin. "And a big thanks to my bestfriends for planning and getting this whole thing together. Really have so much love for you guys. Through thick and thin." He raises his shot glass full of soju up. 
"Happy birthday, Ji." Minho is the first to break the silence and raise his glass, everyone else chiming in afterwards with a loud 'cheers!' echoing in the room.
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It's not long before everyone is grubbing down, with lots of good food to go around. Uncle Adrian finally arrives, taking his seat next to Yeong-su and Minho. Minho helps serve you some food from time to time, leaning over to ask you if you need anything. Everyone seems to be tipsy while enjoying their food, and you're happy to see that Jisung is in good spirits.
That's all you wanted.
When dinner is over, the staff quickly cleans up while the group takes pictures near the backdrop and Minho cuts the cake into even pieces. You all loudly sing happy birthday to Jisung and cause a racket before Minho offers cake slices— shyly brushing off the compliments he gets even though his ears turn a bright red.
Finally, karaoke kicks off with a loud and cheerful introduction song from Jisung and Chan. Everyone has continued to drink throughout the night [besides the designated drivers], leaving most to be drunk. For the most part, everything is fun. Lively. Entertaining.
And it takes you a moment to fully take it in, to take everything in. Uncle Adrian is enjoying himself with Jisung's parents. Your bestfriends are singing along and supporting each other on the mic. It's exactly how you pictured this night to turn out.
All good vibes.
Like there isn't a cloud in sight, like there isn't a sudden storm threatening to take over.
Finally, it all feels genuinely good.
And the thought is enough to overwhelm you because boy, have you been waiting for this moment; for the universe to give you some kind of confirmation that things will be okay from here on out. You silently excuse yourself and slip out of the room, heading straight for the rooftop patio that the restaurant gives its customers access to enjoy. You slowly breathe in the air and take steps to the railing, letting your hands hang loosely over the edge as you take in the view.
Everything felt so overwhelmingly beautiful tonight, and for some reason, it makes you long for more comfort, more love. It makes you long for your mother because you wish she could be here to see you and your friends, to see how far you've come.
You miss her, and it's the last piece left that could finally close this chapter for good and push you forward into the next part of your life.
"W-where's Y/N?" Minho hiccups, downing the last of his beer.
"I'm not sure, she walked out not too long ago, but I assumed she was going to the bathroom." Seungmin looks at the doorway. "Do you want me to find her?"
"It's good. I'll go look."
"Are you okay to?" Seungmin chuckles at how tipsy Minho is.
"Yeah, I'm good." He gives Seungmin a pursed smile before heading outside, exploring the first floor from the second floor. He doesn't see you in general, main area of the restaurant, and he's not sure why you would be there. He takes another path towards the rooftop patio.
To his relief, that's where he finds you.
You're peacefully standing at the railing, looking at the city view under the night sky. You look so content and peaceful that Minho isn't sure if he even wants to bother you. But, before he can even think twice, he finds himself taking the steps over— already eager to make sure that you're doing okay.
"Hey. You okay?" Minho comes to your side as you hang over the balcony railing with everyone having fun in the room below you.
"Yeah." You look at him with a small smile before returning your attention to the view. You can somewhat hear the muffled sounds of everyone singing loudly together to the karaoke downstairs, surely with cups in hand while they sip in between verses.
"You don't wanna sing?" Minho looks at you with hooded lids, clearly somewhat intoxicated from the alcohol they've downed in the past hours.
"Maybe later. Why don't you sing? You have a voice."
"I'm shy." You chuckle and sip on your soda. "I've been meaning to come out here to enjoy the view."
"Mm, it really is nice, isn't it?"
"Yeah, it is. It's perfect tonight, too. Barely any clouds in sight."
"You're not cold?"
"No, I'm alright." You chuckle. "How are you doing there, champ?"
"I'm a few drinks in and pretty tipsy, but we're good." 
"Good thing JJ's here, huh?"
"Mhm. Thank god." You let out a small giggle before looking back out at the view. It's quiet for a minute, but it's a comfortable silence. And it feels nice to be this way around Minho again. It took some time for you to get used to things after everything happened, but Minho never pressured you and let you gradually come back on your own terms, at your own comfort. He, of course, continued to keep a good distance. Though, it has been hard for him to. He still gets sudden urges to brush the hair away from your face, to swing his arm around your shoulder, to kiss you on the forehead.
But, he lets it pass. Because after all the fuck-ups he's made, after all the shit he's put you and your friends through, he wants to take this chance to show you better.
To be your bestfriend above anything.
To prioritize you and stop neglecting you, your needs. 
To bring back the gold that you hold in your eyes.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Of course."
"Actually, I think this might be the wrong time to do this." You look at him and smirk. "You're tipsy."
"Kinda, yeah." You snort. "But, try me."
"I wanna see my mom." Minho slowly nods and looks out at the view. "Her death anniversary is coming up, and I wanna see her."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I am." You give him a tiny, pursed smile. "I'm ready. Do you think you can bring me to her?"
"Yeah." He responds softly. "We can go. Just let me know if you're sure."
"There's something else."
"I think—" You let out a shaky breath. "I think I wanna see my childhood home, too."
"Oh." Minho looks at you. "Are you 100% sure about that?"
"It'll help give me closure." He nods. "I guess? I see the pictures but I can't help but continue to wonder what life was really like in that home. I wish I could remember."
"I understand." Minho clears his throat. "Mm, yeah. I can do that for you."
"Mhm." He lets out a small sigh. "Just promise me you'll be okay?"
"I will be. I need to do this and just.. move on."
"Okay." Minho gently nudges you with a small smile. "I know it isn't too cold, and it's super nice to be away from loud, drunk people." You chuckle and shake your head. "But, do you wanna head in? I'm sure Jisung, Chan and Seungmin are looking for you."
"Yeah, we can head in." Minho taps the railing. Before he could fully turn around, you place your hand on his arm— gently forcing him to stop in his tracks. "Wait, Minho."
"What's wrong? Is everything okay?"
"It is. But, I just wanna say thank you. For agreeing to take me."
"Y/N, it's not a problem. I'll do anything for you, whatever it is." You wrap your arms around his neck to give him a tight, meaningful hug. You breathe in his scent, taking in every bit of him, when he wraps his arms around your waist and gives you a gentle squeeze.
"I appreciate it a lot." You say softly before pulling away. You give him a tiny smile with a curt nod before heading back towards the karaoke room— Minho trailing behind you with his hands dug deep into his pockets. You take another pause before turning back to him, noticing that Minho's eyes have never left you. "You know, tonight went really well. I think we make a good team." Minho licks at his lips.
"Y-yeah." He nods. "Yeah, we do. We always do." Suddenly, you hear someone else come up to the patio, causing you to shift your attention towards the stairs. San stands there, awkwardly cracking his knuckles as he lets out a small chuckle.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt anything. I just wanted to see if you were okay, plus get some air." He points up.
"I'm good. Thanks, Sannie."  You give him a tiny, toothless smile. "We were heading back inside—"
"Actually, Y/N you can head in first. I'll meet you there." Minho says, hands still in his pockets, eyes landing on San.
"O-oh, okay. I'll see you guys in there then." San nods, walking towards the railing to look at the view. Minho follows and stands next to him, arms lazily resting on the bar as well. It's silent for awhile, the both of them taking in the city lights, the distant sounds of car horns and the train passing by, the planes flying up ahead. San really just needed a breather, but if Minho wanted to talk, he'd let it happen. 
After all, they haven't really done so after everything. Not that either of them owed it to each other, but the last thing San wants is for Minho to think there's bad blood or that he has something against him. He doesn't.
And Minho doesn't either.
"If you keep heading down this street and turn at that corner, there's this really good restaurant that serves tteokbokki. It's a small place, but they sell a huge serving for cheap. It's an old couple that runs the place. We used to go there a lot with Uncle Adrian." Minho randomly says to break the silence.
"I always appreciate a good tteokbokki spot."
"They told me Y/N's mom used to take her there often, especially to cheer her up when she had a bad day. It was like their tradition, so Uncle Adrian kept it alive after she passed." Minho lets out a small breath, rubbing his hands together. "Y/N misses her."
"Is everything okay?" San asks.
"Mm, yeah."
"With Y/N?"
"I think so. She just told me she wants to see her mom and her childhood home."
"Maybe she's finally ready."
"Her mom's anniversary is coming up. She asked me to take her."
"That's good. At least you can be there with her." San turns to him. "How are things between the both of you, by the way?"
"We're good." Minho looks down at his hands before returning his attention to San. "We're definitely better than before, and the time has been good to us. Especially her."
"It seems like things are more peaceful for her."
"Yeah, and I don't want to ruin that. I think I've done enough to her." Minho shakes his head a bit, moreso an action directed towards himself. "I just want her to be genuinely happy. That's all I care about."
"Despite everything that's happened, I know she cares about you a lot, and I know she cherishes the good moments you had together."
"I owe it to you."
"Me?" San points to himself and Minho lets out a small chuckle.
"I just.. never got to say thank you. You know? For being there for her when I wasn't. For helping take care of her."
"You don't have to thank me."
"I do, and I genuinely want to. Having you close helped her a lot. I know she cares about you, too." San gives him a small smile before looking out at the view. "I've just been wanting to tell you that. I just wasn't sure how or when."
"All good. I'm glad you guys are doing better. That's all I wanted for you guys, too. Whatever is meant to happen in the future, just know she wouldn't wanna do it without you by her side." Minho returns the small smile.
"Anyway. Should we head back inside? The party's probably dying without us."
"You're right." San laughs as he walks alongside of him.
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Upon entering earlier, you noticed that much hasn't changed since you stepped out to take a breather. Jisung drunkly threw an arm around you as he continued to sing loudly into the mic, eventually shoving it your way for you to take your turn. You tried to shake your head and crawl your way out of it, but Jisung guilt-tripped you by telling you he needed you to sing a song before the night ended and that you needed to do this for his birthday. You end up doing a little duet with Seungmin before passing the mic over to Chan to take over. Eventually, both San and Minho walk back in to join the party; singing along to the current song playing. When you glance at Minho happily singing along into the mic that has now landed in his hands, you give him a smile; happy to finally feel good around him after the things that have happened.
Tonight, you'll continue to enjoy yourself around your friends and good company.
Tonight, things feel perfect.
Tonight, things feel like the old times Jisung would talk about.
At least, you could give him that for his birthday.
"Babe, hurry! He's gonna wake up." You whisper harshly as Minho struggles to light the last candle on Jisung's cake.
"He's gonna wake up? Are you serious?" You laugh seeing Minho's face. 
"Okay, you're right. But, still!"
"Sometimes he doesn't even move at all when I come in to wake him up, and it kinda scares me." Seungmin whispers as Minho finally lights the last candle before carefully scooping it into his hands. The three of you laugh, trying to hold it in to prevent any excess noise. "Okay, let's go." Chan leads the way into Jisung and Minho's dorm suite, holding the door open for him with a balloon in the other hand. You and your friends walk up to the edge of Jisung's bed, finding your positions as soon as the clock hits midnight.
"Happy birthday Pachi!" You yell, the boys singing happy birthday next to you. Jisung shoots up from his bed, hair messy and all.
"What the fuck is happening?" He mumbles, voice husky as he's pulled straight from his sleep.
"It's your birthday, punk! Make a wish!" Chan says, all of you cheering him on while he rubs his eyes.
"So loud. I can't even see." He struggles to open his eyes.
"Make a wish!" You edge the cake closer to him, waiting for Jisung to make his wish and finally blow out his candles. You clap and cheer for him, continuing to sing him happy birthday even as he sleepily bounces along in his bed. Minho sets the cake aside and starts to cut it with a plastic knife, while Seungmin turns on the bathroom light to illuminate part of the room just enough for everyone to see what they're doing. Minho hands everyone a small slice— Chan eating on the edge of Jisung's bed, Seungmin sitting on Minho's desk chair, and Minho on Jisung's desk chair while you sit on his lap.
"Thanks guys." Jisung finishes his cake, hair still messy and all over the place. "Seriously, best birthday so far."
"What'd you wish for?" Seungmin asks, making Jisung glare at him.
"Why on earth would I tell you that?" Jisung laughs.
"We're friends, I'm sure it'll come true no matter what."
"Hm." Jisung pouts a bit. "I just want us to be friends for as long as we possibly can."
"Is that what you wished for?"
"Yes." Chan laughs.
"Yes, I mean it!"
"Liar. That's a no brainer."
"I really do want us to be friends for a long time. I appreciate you guys more than anything."
"Aw, Ji. Of course." You pinch his cheek. "Happy birthday."
"Thank you." He smiles at you and Minho before taking a quick swig of water. "Can I get back to sleep now? We can do whatever later on, just wanna sleep a bit more though." You laugh and nod, taking some foil to wrap around the cake.
"Okay, birthday boy. But, we'll be back later to celebrate some more." Jisung is already laying back down at this point, so he throws a thumbs up in the air. Chan and Seungmin quietly bid their farewell's and goodnight's before walking back to their room. After you clean up around Jisung's area, you step outside of the room with the cake in your hands while Minho zips up his jacket and shuts their door close.
"I'll walk you back to your room."
"Thank you." You smile at him. "We make a pretty good team, don't we?" You playfully pinch his cheek.
"Yeah, we do."
☁︎ END
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♡ taglist: @ppiri-bahng @jihanlovic @meloncremesoda @sweetlikecherry @asjkdk @hoes4lino @skzddicted @skzho @edgaralienpoe @harui-zen @bestleeknowstan @havenwithleeknow @septicrebel @heesdazed @borahae-reads @yoontaethings @pearbunny @bintificreads @lukeys-giggle @ajxreads @everglowdaisies @allaboutsan @endzii23 @leeknowsramen @heres-your-ramen2000 @morningstardada @mal-lunar-28 @downbadreading @lilysophie @feelikecinderella @urmomma0324 @ddazed-lhs @djeniryuu @melanctton @i8rsie @maru-matt @sleepyleeji @taerifin @nattisbored @jisunglyricist @m111nho @drhsthl @nixtape-foryou @arminseas @guiltycoco @syuuji @sulkygyu @cadihyo @reianagarcia @leeknowyah @smndjdufuehr @dprkbyn @xxibreinaxx @mxnsxngie @reiheis @mellowmentalitydragon @vixensss
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lukolabrainrot · 1 month
Hey there, what do we think about Nicola’s IG post for Camilla’s bday. It’s a collage of 4 pictures taken by paparazzi of her and Camilla last year and in the caption she said something like remember when the paparazzi took photos and you protected me by covering my face. I feel like that is for sure throwing shade at a certain someone. Like she could’ve chosen any photo with Camilla. She has sooo many, why that one and why this caption. Also the way the photos were stacked looked like A’s recent soho house photos with her friends.
I feel like Nicola’s being very cryptic and sending messages through her posts recently including the scrabble board. I don’t know what that was about exactly but I feel like she posted it for a purpose and the person who that was aimed at would understand. I dunno I might be over analyzing but I think we should paying closer attention to her posts.
I also feel like that means we are headed in a positive direction because it means she cares about Luke and feels protective over him and is letting everyone know, even if there is currently a bit of tension between them. Not saying there is tension but just a feeling that she’s not very happy with how he’s handling things at the moment.
What do we all think?
Ok I just reblogged a post about this, but I am going to add this (and a lot of this is just based on my gut feelings/opinions based off of everything I've seen, so these are all just THEORIES):
First, I want to start by saying we will NEVER know exactly what anyone's SPECIFIC intentions are on SM posts unless the publisher publicly clarifies it.
HOWEVER, N is VERY intentional on SM. So is A. L... not so much (I've known a lot of dudes like him who just don't really care to put a lot of energy/thought into SM, EVEN if they have it and utilize it). So I get the impression this might be the case for him as well. Intentionality takes thought and energy, so I do agree that N and A's recent SM posts are VERY intentional, but what those exact intentions are, again, we will probably never EXACTLY know. What/who is the common denominator between these two women though? L. Sooooo, I feel pretty confident that he is at the root of most of these more "cryptic" posts/stories on N and A's SM.
Now, normally, I would say WTH is a 37 y/o woman doing playing petty and shady SM games with a 23 y/o woman that wants the attention?? Well... I think SM is the only way for them to communicate with each other, and these two women have a LOTT to say to each other (which totally makes sense if ANY of our theories on L/N or the PR tour/papgate/A are accurate). Which is why I do think a lot of N's recent SM activity has been shade, but more directly towards A. Since the London premiere, I personally think L/N are dealing with their complex feelings over everything in private mainly because people are analyzing EVERYTHING they do.
If you have read my other theories on this blog, I don't think L/N are in a terrible place rn (but are very likely having to work through a LOT of complex things in private). I am sure they BOTH aren't happy about how this all publicly played out. And as I have mentioned, I think EVERYONE in this situation has made some mistakes (some more than others though). Please look through my "timelines" posts if you have any more questions on my thoughts on this.
I have also said this before, but I will say it again. N AND A WILL NEVER, NEVERRR BE FRIENDS. Based off of everything I have seen and know about these two women, they have VERY little in common (and A is very insecure and envious of N). Therefore, these two women are probably NEVER going to talk alone face-to-face (I personally don't think A has the cajones to address anything with N to her face). A (based on her public image and actions and everything else we know about her) seems like such a selfish, two-faced mean girl (just my opinion). N appears to be the opposite of that, and I believe would be more inclined to address things with A face-to-face. Since that is not an option though, N has utilized SM to share her real opinions/feelings with A. And yes, I do believe N is protective of L (BECAUSE THEY REALLY LOVE EACH OTHER). I don't have any solid proof on this, it is just a gut feeling, but I think a lot of N's most recent "cryptic" posts/stories are hinting that L/N's connection is not going to be ruptured by immature, selfish, and insecure behavior from A. And I think that is a really good sign for us Lukola fans.
Lastly, who again is the common denominator here? L! Could he have handled this WHOLE situation better? Yes! I've mentioned before though, he got ANNIHILATED on SM after Papgate. And he has been getting hate on SM from people in the fandom for years (him AND N already had to leave Twitter because of all the hate they were receiving). Therefore, I believe he is FED UP, but also TRYING to stay engaged just a LITTLE bit on SM. Yes, N has also gotten a lot of hate on SM, but she and L are very different people, and I get the sense that she is able to navigate the hate a little better than L. Therefore, L has taken a major step back from his public engagement online, and to be really honest, I don't believe he will be returning to his typical public SM activity anytime soon. Now, what other people AROUND him post on SM, I think that has a lot more to do with THOSE INDIVIDUALS than L himself (again, just my opinion). How aware/involved L is with any of these posts/stories that adjacent people in his life are posting, we will probably never know. L is a chronic people pleaser though, and I got the sense from what I have seen that he is not very good at setting firm boundaries with people in his life (which likely played a role in SOME of the SM activity we have seen recently from adjacent people in his life). I think there is a lot of self-reflection going on for him at the moment in terms of determining HOW he wants to move forward in his career and HOW he wants the public to see him. I think he is still figuring it out...
Anywhooo, like I have mentioned multiple times, the whole situation seems to be REALLY messy (and I am almost certain that both L/N didn't want all of this to play out on such a public stage). And we will never know the full story of what was/is going on BTS for everyone. However, a lot of the recent posts/stories from N have been very interestingggg 🤔
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gavisuntiedboot · 1 year
Going to use this beautiful user's ask to upload a cute little birthday themed one shot! Happy birthday to you as well twin, and everyone else born during gemini szn <3 (so this is set as a summer birthday - apologizes to all my cold weather kids - pretend global warming took full effect and it's sunny on your birthday).
~*Boot Birthday Special*~
"Sir, I don't think that many candles will fit on one cupcake."
Gavi looked up from his phone and his eyes met with that of the poor teenager working behind the counter of the quaint little bakery in the plaza. It was a gorgeous day, the sun beaming down on the pale bricks and multicolored tile, painting the walls with sprinkles of gold. You were currently out with your friends, glasses of orange juice clinking the soundtrack of your early birthday brunch. Despite the day being about 11 hours away, Pablo's declaration that your birthday was his meant you needed to celebrate with everyone else at alternate times. So while you laughed and basked in light and friendship, Gavi stood at the front of a busy bakery using whatever geometry he possessed to see how many candles would look good on the delicate cupcake before him.
"I mean that's how old my girlfriend is turning. I can't just... change the number?" Pablo asked, nervous hands tugging on the hood covering his face despite the heat. A pink slip peaked out of his hoodie, the details of the real cake he had ordered for you written in scraggly blue ink. The girl at the counter, 15 at most, studied Gavi's features, trying to remember where she had seen these anxious features before. She glanced at the growing line, and turned back to Pablo's hoodie-shrouded form.
"Can I see what you ordered for her? On the full size cake?" She asked, smiling sweetly and extending her hand, gesturing for the form. Her eyes swept over her sister's messy handwriting, recognizing the request.
"This is one of our more vintage piped cakes. Very aesthetically pleasing. If this is something your girlfriend would like, then you should get one of these and put it in the middle of the cupcake. It seems like it would fit her vibe." Turning around, she lifted a large glass jar from the shelf behind her, filled with beautiful swirly candles in a variety of pastel colors. "That top one matches the color of the frosting." Pablo picked out the candle carefully, handing it to the girl to place in the bag. He thanked her profusely while she ran his credit card.
"I'm kind of nervous, if you can't tell. This is the first time I've celebrated a girl's birthday besides my sister so I want everything to look good." She laughed lightly back at him, returning the card. "Of course, happy to help. Can I ask for something, though?"
"Oh, yeah, sure. Do you need a signature for the receipt?"
"Signature yes, receipt no. Could you sign one of our boxes and take a picture with it? We're pretty small and family-owned, and it would bring in a lot of business to the shop."
Gavi's eyebrows perked up. He had had this request before from friends of his such as his barber, but he never expected to get it from just a local cake shop. "Yeah, of course." After taking the picture in the back of the shop, the delicately picked up the pale yellow bag, bidding goodbye to the staff and telling them they would get to meet his girlfriend tomorrow when he picked up his cake. Getting into his car (yes ladies, he can drive now), he checked his messages, ignoring all of them except the one from princesa <3 xoxo, which was a picture of you in red lipstick and a sparkly tiara that read birthday girl in rhinestones. Smiling from ear to ear, he made his way home to wrap the rest of your presents and protect your cupcake from the rays of the Spanish sun.
"Pablo? I'm home!"
Your voice bounced off the ceramic on the walls, echoing down the hallway as you slipped off your heels. The plethora of paper gift bags were placed on the counter as you searched for your fireball of a boyfriend, who you heard before you saw.
"Bebe!'' A yell came, followed by thunderous footsteps from your bedroom to where you stood in the entryway, strong arms wrapping around your waist and lifting you off the ground in a tight hug. Giggling gently, your arms circled his neck and lips pressed to the top of his head, gentle kisses conveying how much you had missed him throughout the day.
"Enjoy going out with the girls?" He asked while returning you to earth.
"Oh, so much! They took me to this great spot that had the best pastries. That crème brulee concha was probably the best thing I've ever put in my mouth."
"Is it now? Well-"
"Ew Pablo shut up! I mean food." Giggles continued to shake your body as you pushed him away, failing as he kept you pressed against him. He pressed exaggerated kisses to your warming cheeks, the sound of your laughter swimming through his veins and causing him to float an inch above the ground.
"I missed you today, amor." You said, head rolling to one side to expose you neck to Pablo, allowing him more space to pepper gentle kisses along your skin.
"We were only apart for a couple hours." He replied, eyes fluttering shut as he breathed in your scent, a couple spritzes of Chanel mixed with that special something that only you possessed.
"I know, I know but when I was celebrating with everyone today, I couldn't help but think, 'damn, I wish Pablo was here.'" You turned around in his arms, pressing your forehead against his and looking deeply in those beautiful brown eyes.
"You're genuinely one of my best friends, and I just... always want to be this close to you. Wherever I go, I want you to come with me."
Pablo brought both of his hands to cup your face, pulling you closer to gently kiss your forehead, before gently kissing your lips. It was so innocent, almost like it was the first time the two of you had ever kissed. Like you were an angel who would ascend if he applied too much force.
"I'll always go where you go, princesa. Forever." A beat passed with the two of you just gazing at each other lovingly The digital clocked displayed that it was 11:02pm, and Gavi dragged you into your shared bedroom, giving you a pale blue shopping bag.
"Get in the shower and put this on. Quickly, before you age." He flashed his gorgeous smile as you pushed him out, locking the door behind him. After washing away the excitement of the day, you walked cautiously towards the bag on the bed. You reached in, fingers feeling luxuriously smooth fabric. You pulled the contents out to reveal a gorgeous silk night gown, fabric printed with an array of flowers, a golden crown embroidered on the top left. Your face lit up, stunned by the beauty of the garment. A blue tag hung off the nightgown, careful handwriting spelling out, 'Fit for royalty'.
You walked down the stairs, the lights switched off, and a dull yellow glow emitting from the living room. You walked in to a room covered in glowing candles, Pablo in the center, with a pink box tied in a bow. Hearing your steps, his head turned to you, and his jaw went slack. His eyes trailed up the length of your body, admiring the way the soft fabric hugged your hips and framed your form beautifully, like a renaissance painting in the flesh. Your bare face, still fresh from the shower, took his breath away. The words died on his lips. He knew it was stupid to say out loud, but he knew that he had never laid eyes on something so stunning. He had never looked at something with so much love. He had never wanted to be this close with someone, and was certain that he would never feel this way about anyone else. He was so irreparably in love with you, and he had never felt better.
You walked over, arms wrapping around your form to deflect Gavi's intense stare. You had rarely worn sexy things in front of Gavi for prolonged periods of time, and were not used to the admiration. You moved towards him, sitting across from him on the plush rug.
"Princesa, we have all this furniture and you're sitting on the floor?" He asked with a light laugh.
Grabbing his hand, you laced your fingers with his. "I wanted you to be able to see this beautiful present up close. And plus, this is our house. We can make our own rules."
He moved his free hand up to your shoulder, tracing it down the fabric, mapping the planes of your body. His eyes meet yours again, and the love they're swimming in hits you like a ton of bricks. He loves you. Pablo Gavi loves you as much as you love him. Separating from you, he turns around, and you hear a match light and smell smoke faintly. He turns back around, placing a plate before you, with one perfectly piped cupcake and a beautiful candle. Your eyes began to water, and you looked at your lover.
"Pablo, it's so beautiful."
"Wait, I almost forgot." He pushed the wrapped present towards you., It was now 11:58pm, and he urged you to hurry.
"So you can use it on your birthday." Your fingers pulled at the plush velvet ribbon, removing the lid and moving the matching paper out of the way. You reached in and pulled out a beautiful vintage polaroid camera.
"Pablo! You shouldn't have - this probably cost a fortune!"
His laugh echoed through the empty room. "That's actually one of your cheaper gifts. Hurry, bring it here so I can take a picture of you and your cupcake."
"One of?" You asked, bewildered as you slid your camera over.
"Yes darling. You're my princesa, and I'm going to treat you like one."
You went through 8 sheets of film on your birthday. The first was one Pablo had captured of you blowing out your candle, your nightgown giving off an ethereal sheen. The next was a selfie of you and and Pablo, both smiling from ear to ear after passionate thank you's for the presents. The third was a candid Gavi had taken, your sleeping form with your hair splayed across the pillow. 4 and 5 were dolled up pictures of you in your birthday dress, looking and feeling like a million bucks, not just because of the clothes, but because of the way Pablo was making you feel. 6 was a picture of a little blue bag with 'Tiffany & Co.' in black print, and a silver pendant with a cursive G engraved into it. Number 7 had been gifted to the girl at the bakery who had helped Gavi, showing a picture of the two of you sitting behind your magnificently piped birthday cake, the ruffles and swirls dulled by the grainy nature of the photo. And finally, number 8 was the one you kept by your bed. It was taken by that same bakery girl, and showed you kissing Pablo on the cheek, his smile bright as he looked at your birthday cake, and a silver spot of light glimmering on your neck. In pink sharpie, you put the date, and in your best cursive you captioned the picture,
'my lover'
Hey everyone! THANK YOU SM TO EVERYONE WHO SENT ME BIRTHDAY MESSAGES!!! I SAW ALL OF THEM AND HAVEN'T BE ABLE TO REPLY BECAUSE I HAVEN'T BEEN ON MY LAPTOP AND THEY DON'T SHOW PROPERLY ON MY PHONE! Back after a long while to post a little birthday special in light of me turning 22! It's based on, funnily enough, the events of my actual birthday, and a certain Taylor Swift song that I heard live. I hope you all enjoy, and can't wait to write more stuff for you guys!! (I can't believe it's almost 4am jet lag is kicking my ass).
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fyodoro · 1 year
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𝟓:𝟒𝟏𝐩𝐦 - 𝐂𝐲𝐧𝐨
-> happy birthday to the best character in this damned game :,)
there’s a reallyy bad joke lurking in this…, errr not proofread i winged this bc i needed to give my #1 a bday fic (i procrastinated)
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Cyno has always made a point to attend his close friend’s gatherings.
Although, it proved to be quite difficult at times. His duties as the General Mahamatra were real workloads and could take days or even weeks to complete. If he wanted a day off, he’d have to give notice far ahead of time.
Despite of any odds stacked against him, he always finds a way to overcome them for the sake of his friends.
Of course, Cyno would never admit that. While he may give kind words here and there, he’d never admit outright that he cares deeply about those around him. But you’ll always notice it in his actions. You can notice anything in his actions, in fact.
Like right now. As he lies on his side at 11:58pm, two minutes before his birthday. Just what kind of person doesn’t stay up till midnight before their birthday?
“Cynoo….” You cooed. “Did you forget what day it was?” Cyno grumbled on his side, annoyed with the seemingly meaningless disturbance in rest.
“Friday? It’s just another day, unless you’re in Fontaine. I’m sure Fries on Friday are a favorite in that nation.” He said nonchalantly, switching from laying on his side to his back.
Much to your annoyance, his right arm extended over your frame carelessly as he stared at the ceiling. Sleep lurked in his red hues, but his facial features made it clear he was still awake and alert. You couldn’t imagine balancing rest and consciousness the way he does.
“Don’t play dumb you scholar, did you seriously forget what today is?” By this point, you were already sitting up, eyes slightly widened in disbelief. “It’s your birthday, Cyno.”
“It’s just another day. Why don’t you go back to sleep? Everyone else in Sumeru is probably dead asleep by now.” He moved his arm from your lap to your shoulder, gently pushing you down in an attempt to get you to lay back down.
“Just another day?”
You groaned in frustration at his mentality. He’ll be there for everyone else’s birthday, yet completely disregard his own.
“If a birthday is just another day, then why did you make sure everything was perfect when we were celebrating Collei’s birthday? You somehow got Alhaitham to stay the whole time!” You recalled the joy on the girl’s face when all her friends surprised her that day, all thanks to Cyno and Tighnari’s arrangements.
“That was different,” He dismissed. “She’s still a kid, a kid who’s been through a lot. And before you bring up anyone else’s birthdays- Tighnari is my best friend, you’re my lover, Kaveh is stuck with Alhaitham, and Alhaitham… he’s a hard worker.” He refuted any argument you could make next.
“So you just… don’t remember your birthday?” You asked.
“Not until someone else mentions it.” He replied.
“So when I told you to ask for a day off on June 23rd, you didn’t think anything of it?” His eyes widened slightly at the realization, the first reaction you’ve seen come from him since the conversation started.
“I thought you had something important you wanted to do today.”
“Nope,” You chuckled. “I just didn’t wanna see you working so hard on your birthday.”
He stared at you for a while, expression becoming more and more unreadable. “Come here..”
You giggled seeing him back down like that. He was stubborn, but so were you. Playful backs and forths always ended with one you pulling the other in for a hug, kiss, or in this case, cuddles.
“I can’t believe you were that far ahead of me.” He mumbled. “And here I thought there was a surprise TCG event you were taking me to.”
You held back your laughter, because that is on the to-do list for today. That and the surprise you and Tighnari have been arranging for Cyno since you got him to take today off. But he’ll find that out later.
“Happy birthday, Cyno.” You lean in to kiss him, which he happily accepted.
He may not care for his birthday like he cares for other’s, but he knows it’ll be a good one with you around.
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lixenn · 3 months
BUSTING INTO UR ASKBOX WHILE READING THRU DAVE'S PROFILE!! Lix!! Dave and Yui's bdays are one day apart sjvfhsvfsvf this coincidence is so funny 🤣🤣
Since he likes sunsets, I wonder if he likes the sea too? The sunsets are very beautiful when viewing it from the beach (asked by someone who just got back from a trip to the beach)
Because he has a lot of piercings, I wonder if he's interested in getting tattoo too?
Not a question, but reading this --- Dave simply turned up at Varia’s front door with a cheerful: “Heard you were hiring?” --- made me laugh, because I remember the snippet that you wrote about how Dan met Dave and it still makes me laugh a lot 😆😆 (PLUS !!! “I can use this guy to avoid talking to people!” DAN IS SO REAL FOR THIS!!! HE'S SO BASED UR HONOR!!)
Is there any latest hot boiling tea that Davey-boy can share with us in the class right now?
Mammon knows a lot about people huh. I wonder what Dave's relationship with Mammon is like? How does Dave interact with Mammon, knowing (if he knows) that Mammon knows background info that he hides?
Would he dye his hair as rainbow-colored for Pride Month---
EIN! BELOVED! Thank you for visiting my humble abode, always lovely to have you here 💕✨
I have managed to get this ready for Dave's birthday!
Happy birthday Davey-boy! Hope you and everyone else likes some more Dave info hehehehe
Sunset and sea
As someone whose life has been grey and dull for a long time, Dave adors colours in all shape or form, so yes he loves the sea, loves how it can glitter and reflect. The different shades of blue also appeal to him. Just colours my friend. It's a small joy for him but a joy nonetheless.
Is Dave interested in tattoos? Yes. Does he trust anyone enough to actually give him one? Not really. Dave has done most of his piercings by himself (which Davey-boy... no...) but tattooing himself is certainly more difficult then simply stabbing a sanitised needle through his ear. He loves the idea of body art though and he keeps drawing tattoo ideas on his paperwork (much to Chief's chargin).
Also since we are at the topic of tattoos, I'm just going to sneakily mention this for the people who aren't in the discord or haven't read my Chief/Squalo sparring snippet:
Chief has tattoos! And he actually has a lot of ink. All of it is nature based and all of it is hidden under his clothing, so at the moment in the Varia only Luss (who is his doctor) and Mammon (because Mammon knows all) know about the tats. Dave is in for a surprise when he finds out hehe. (Dave already thinks that Chief is super cool, but now he has tattoos??? No fair~ He will need to increase his mischief factor by one hundred to balance it out.)
Dan the introvert
Dan knows what's up lol. While Dani-boy can talk to people when necessary he tries to avoid it as much as possible because it sucks his energy like nothing else and he already doesn't have much energy to begin with. Also Dan might be quite observant but he sometimes doesn't get subtext and takes sometimes a bit to literal, which can lead to much frustration and hilarity. So he prefers leaving the people thing to Dave who's a social butterfly and thrives under attention.
Mammon and Dave
Dave doesn't like Mammon, at all. Honestly, it's more fear than dislike that's bothering him, because Dave knows how much power information can hold, it's one of his specialites after all. So while Dave is aware that Mammon won't reveal anything about his past unless someone goes looking for it and is willing to pay an obscene amount of money for the info, he still treats Mammon with a healthy dose of respect. He actually tries his best to avoid dealing with him and Mammon is one of the few people he tries not to prank directly.
Rainbow hair
Dave would definitely dye his hair rainbow coloured for pride month. He would burst into Luss' room on the first of June (probably when the clock rings midnight lol) and demand that his hair needs to be taken care of now.
The Tea
Now, the tea is the reason why answering this took so long, because dear Ein, once again, I have written a snippet! Rejoice! (Thanks so much to @unwrathful @childe-of-saulot for helping me brainstorm and also thanks to my dear buddy @myrmyrtheorca for solving my naming problems 🫡💕✨)
Dave kicks Vlasta's door open with cheerful aplomb. "Have you heard?!"
His friend doesn’t even have the decency to look up from cleaning their knives at his fabulous entrance. "You violating my privacy? Sure did."
"Like you even know the definition of that word. You were literally fucking someone in bright daylight yesterday."
"It's the principle of the matter, D." They finally put away their collection of all things sharp and pointy just to grace him with a simple blink. “Now, what’s the tea and where the hell are the snacks?”
A grin creeps on his face as he presents the chocolate covered strawberries he stole from the kitchen like they are a tribute to the gods. “I came prepared.”
The offering is scrutinized for a moment before Vlasta nods in acceptance. “You pass, but you are on thin ice.”
Dave fully skips into their domain and is greeted with the full force of the tantalizing scent of plum and cherry hiding the metallic taint of blood that has etched itself into the foundation of the walls ever since Vlasta claimed this room as their own. He places the strawberries on the nightstand next to the candles and bones, then bounces onto the four-poster bed that wouldn’t have been out of place in a film set of a dark historical drama which features witches, blood sacrifices and ritual sex. The dark red satin sheets flow smooth and cool over his skin, a stark contrast from the humid summer heat.
Dave hums lazily. “You always had great taste in decor. Less so with your partners though.”
His words are met with a pointed kick to the ribs. “Fucking- OW! What was that for?” He quickly scoots out of kicking range, rubbing the sore spot on his side. “This is abuse! Mistreatment! Bullying!”
“Talk shit, get shot,” Vlasta smirks, plucking a strawberry from the container. “Count yourself lucky that I put my knives away or this could have ended in a bloodbath.”
“But you like bloodbaths!”
“Not on my good bedsheets, idiot.” Vlasta plops the fruit into their mouth and moans in a way that would turn a porn star green with envy. “Now spill the tea before the day’s over. Chop chop.”
Dave brightens. “Okay, so I was staking out make out closet, as one does.” Vlasta nods along like this is a reasonable way to spend one’s free time. There’s a reason why they are best friends. “And guess who walked out of there?
Vlasta indulges his theatrics. “Who?”
“Sofia Nardi?” His friend tilts their head like a curious bird. “Douchbag’s girlfriend Sofia? That Sofia?“
“Yup! And she wasn’t alone.” Dave waggles his eyebrows suggestively. “Ollie followed soon after.”
Vlasta perks up, finally gifting him the entire weight of their attention and he basks in it. Yes, he always has the best gossip, thank you very much.
Another strawberry disappears between black tainted lips. “Sofia and ol’ Ollie. They fucked?“
“Oh, totally.”
“Huh,” a slow blink, followed by a sadistic smile, “good for her. Does the Douchebag know?“
“Nope,” Dave answers, popping the p for maximum obnoxious effect. “Completely in the dark”
The smile turns into a full-blown smirk. “Excellent.”
Dave‘s expression mimics the grin on his best friend’s face, vindictiveness filling him by proxy.  Sofia’s (ex?) boyfriend Alberico Ordelaffi commonly known as the Douchebag is what one could call a traditionalist. In short: he’s strictly religious, massively sexist and completely full of himself. The only time he stops sucking his own cock is when he’s bragging about his prestigious lineage or insulting your lack thereof. Vlasta with all their… Vlastaness is naturally offending Douchebag’s delicate sensibilities which results in a largely one-sided rivalry that involves a lot of holy water and failed exorcisms. So, any misfortune falling upon him needs to be fully savoured and sampled.
Speaking of savouring, Vlasta already decimated the strawberry offering during his retelling leaving nothing left for him which ... yeah, that tracks. But he still wanted a taste! His friend can be so stingy sometimes.
Well, there are other ways to be fed...
“Now,” Dave risks edging a tiny bit closer to them. “Since I delivered you both juicy strawberries and gossip, I deserve a reward, yes?”
Vlasta doesn’t even hesitate in shooting him down. “I’m not telling you what Chief and I discuss when we’re alone.”
“Oh c’mon! What more could you possibly want?”
The stare he is given runs shivers down his spine. Vlasta has a way of looking right into your soul, dissecting you with a simple gaze. People often fear them because of their appearance, their fondness of blood and flesh but Dave fears their ability to stand back and watch far more. They pick up the smallest of hints that let’s them solve humans like puzzles and the only reason why Dave ever let them close is because he can recognize his people, see the same cracks that plague him day in and day out. It doesn’t change the fact that he’d prefer not being perceived and now he gave them an opening.
“Well, my dear friend.” Their voice was raspy, a near seductive purr. “How about your name?”
Dave freezes. Nobody asks after his name. The scars are questioned more often than he could count. Same for his family and body count. But his name? Nobody bothers asking after names in the Varia. Not with how the organisation collects weirdos like the most fucked up circus. You might snoop behind somebody’s back, but you don’t talk about it in person. It just wasn’t done.
Leave it to Vlasta to not give a single fuck about etiquette and social norms.
Dave sighs. “I’d rather not.”
The predatory aura persists for one more second until his friend simply shrugs like they were asking after the weather rather than one of his close kept secrets. “Shame. Names hold a lot of power. But no name, no deal, Davey-boy. Them’s the rules.”
The mood brightens considerably at the nickname. Teasing and banter, he can do. Way better than digging up pieces of his past best left forgotten.
Time to turn the brattiness to the max.
“But I wanna knoooow.” Dave gives them his best rendition of a kicked puppy.  “How can you just hoard the Chief insider info? The inhumanity! The cruelty!” He adds crocodile tears for dramatic effect. “Share the goods, V. I need all the dets. Well actually, I need to study Chief under a microscope, but I will accept second hand knowledge for now.”
Unsurprisingly, Vlasta isn’t moved by his act in the slightest, in fact they don’t budge an inch. "Your obsession with our boss is fascinating. Have you considered fucking him to get it out of your system?”
He pouts: "I offered! Well, Luss and I offered but he refused."
"Skill issue."
"Oh fuck off, how often did he reject you? Five times? Six?" He leans into Vlasta’s personal space, leering and teasingly poking their cheek. “Losing your touch V?”
“You’re about to lose a finger if you don’t remove it from my person, dickhead.” Their eyes gleam red and Dave immediately backs off.
Fuck. Pushed too much.
Touch and Vlasta can be ... tricky at times. Initiating contact always involves some risk. It's like a gamble where the odds change at a whim and clearly Dave lost this time around.
He scrambles off the bed, holding his hands up in surrender. He tries for a smile but it came out as an awkward grimace instead. "Sorry 'bout that."
The red in their eyes dims but doesn't disappear. Vlasta nods, accepting the apology but not stating forgiveness.
Yeah, this calls for a strategic retreat.
He tiptoes closer and closer to the door. "I'll see you around?" The confidence leaves him at the last minute turning his statement into a question.
Vlasta licks off the chocolate on one of their fingers, steadily holding eye contact because they are a fucking weirdo. "Until next time."
Oh, thank god. Friendship saved.
Ngl not totally satisfied with the ending but it will do >.< this got so long and surprisingly deep but I like how it protrays Dave's and Vlasta's realtionship.
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matan4il · 10 months
Mileapo are on Hong Kong trip day 4. Today, the whole cast traveled together to a spot of worship. We got this pic:
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And then this one from the same spot with a fan:
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About a year ago, Mile mentioned wanting to take Apo to make merit together, so I checked what that means. In Buddhist belief, it means two people will reincarnate together. It's not something that only lovers do, you can also do it with a friend, but it is def something to do with someone you're close to. In any case, from what I've gathered (please correct me if I'm wrong), praying doesn't count as merit making. We've also seen the whole cast of Mileapo, Bas and Tong praying together in Chiang Mai, and while they're all obviously good friends, IDK to what a degree they're really all that close off work? So this is a long way to say, it's not Mileapo praying together today that I think is meaningful. It's the fact that they were there with everyone else, but for the prayer, it's just the two of them.
Also, we got this pic from Mile. He mentioned praying for his grandmothers, who he misses, which is very sweet. We can again play a game of who took this pic...
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And we got this pic of Apo behind Gift while her bday's celebrated:
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As well as Mile. IDK why they both got blurred out! XD But forever matching, I guess. lol
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Remember how the other day, Apo mentioned liking tigers, and suddenly Mile posted two such pics? We got a third:
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A few more pics from yesterday's Man Suang show (I'm especially here for the touches and their joyful smiles, yes):
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Also, they had to walk off stage, and the fans really swarmed them (which is all sorts of wrong), but you can see Mile planting himself protectively in front of Apo, and repeatedly looking back to check in on him. I love protective husbands!
Ah, and Mile also updated with pics of fashion items that IMO match Apo's style more than his:
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Oh, and I've also mentioned in the past that Mile has been referring to Mileapo as "double trouble" since at least Feb 2, 2021. The other day, he posted a reference to them like that again:
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Mile's mom ran with it and referred to them as "double handsome":
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(for more of my daily Mileapo/Kinnporsche, click here)
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good-beanswrites · 8 months
hii hiii is it alright if I request something with kotoko and haruka?(platonic ofc) their character foils drive me insane with all the weak stuff authngghn icant be normal about them
Oooh thank you so much for the request! I realized that these two actually have one of the smallest windows to talk easily, given Haruka's nervousness and Kotoko's T2 changes. They have such interesting approaches to strength/weakness, and I hope I could capture it a bit here! This takes place immediately following Kotoko's bday timeline after Harrow's release:
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“I’ll accept those birthday wishes…” Kotoko gave him a wave over her shoulder as she returned to making her bed.  
She shook her head in awe. It was rather impressive how quickly the boy had changed after his verdict. The others had more subtle differences, but he was someone entirely new. She could rest easy, at least, knowing that her verdict wouldn’t change her much. For as long as she could remember, she’d been like this. She knew where she stood, and neither guilty nor innocent verdict would affect that. This verdict was really only an indicator on whether the warden could be trusted or not. 
Her body tensed up when she turned back around, startled by Haruka lingering silently in the doorway. She decided against chastising him for scaring her half to death. Still, she couldn’t keep the bite from her voice as she asked, “did you need something else?”
“Ah… I just…” He twisted his hands together. “I had a question.” 
He fell silent, but Kotoko could tell he was chewing on his next words. She waited.
“H-how do you do it? All the time? You’re older and stronger and braver and I-I just don’t know how.”
“Give yourself some credit. I’m not that much older, or stronger. I only have, what -- two, three years on you? And you did very well in the arm wrestling tournament the other day.” 
She wasn’t being patronizing. For someone so sheltered, Haruka could do some damage. He stood a few inches taller than her. The others had taken the arm wrestling as a little game, but Kotoko had used the event to measure up her fellow prisoners. After his close match with Mikoto, she had made a mental note to take him seriously. 
“No…” his expression twitched, getting frustrated with the misunderstanding. “Not muscles. I mean… you don’t have someone like Muu. You don’t need someone next to you all the time. But you still talk with everyone… and it looks easy. All the time. You always know what to say, and what to do. You never look scared. You never cry.”
Kotoko’s smile softened. She wasn’t the prideful type, but his words gave her a wave of accomplishment. She certainly was scared. She did cry. But she wasn’t about to show a single crack in her resolve in front of anyone here. Haruka had given her the greatest of compliments by confirming her success.
“Ah, you mean strength of spirit. Well, that doesn’t just appear out of nowhere. It comes with my purpose, with my virtues.”
“I see the injustice around me, and want to protect the innocent. When I see how awful the world can be, when I see the monsters that are hurting those who are weak, I can’t help myself.” She clenched her fist. “The power to do so just comes to me.” 
“Oh…” Haruka looked down at his palms. 
Her heart sank, realizing he didn’t quite understand. It was a shame that not all of humanity could be as righteous as her. That heroic drive had always come so naturally to her; she wasn’t sure she could put it into words to explain to others.
Haruka’s open hands were trembling. “Um. Is there any other way?”
“All my life… I only cause pain to everyone.” His worry gradually turned to desperation.” I hurt everyone who gets close to me. Especially things that are small and weak. My whole life, I’ve been nothing but a… a curse. So… is there another way? Please. I want to be better. I want to be strong! I want to be like you! Tell me!”
He stepped forward, pleading. Kotoko stepped back. 
His blue eyes widened at her sudden shift into defense. “Ah! I. I’m sorry. I’m-I’m sorry. It’s your birthday. You should be… Have a g-good day.”
“Wait.” Kotoko stopped him before he could flee. She was aware of the massive gap between them, the vastly different backgrounds they came from. Still, she offered the same advice that had helped her in her toughest of days. 
“Don’t worry so much about others’ strength. The quickest way to burn yourself out is getting overwhelmed with the power that’s all around you. Once you start putting all your focus toward honing your own skills and strengths, you’ll realize how much you’re truly capable of. You don’t need anyone else. You’ll realize that you are enough.”
“I… am enough…?”
She placed a hand firmly on his shoulder. 
“So, no need to get all worked up now, okay?” 
“O-okay. I’ll do my best.” He stiffened, trying to appear worthy of her words.
She let out a bitter laugh. “I told the others not to do anything for my birthday, but I don’t think they paid me any mind.” Kotoko still couldn’t fathom how they were so friendly with each other given the situation. “Let’s go see if there’s some cake or something.”
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fillesdesiir · 2 years
pretend its still dec 31st, 2022. anyways hi im back also im gonna start posting oneshots that i had only posted on wattpad, on here. so enjoy this oneshot i wrote on toms bday. 
y/n surpises tom with a special birthday gift
       Despite being a raging narcissist, Tom loathed the day which was dedicated to him. His birthday. It was the worst day of the entire year and landed on the worst day to top it all off. He has never even come close to enjoying his birthday, how could he? The last day of the year was also the day everyone loses all sense of control and runs around screaming their new year's resolutions (which they’ll never accomplish.) 
   Tom despised his birthday and so, he makes sure nobody remembers it. Every year he goes about his day like usual and simply avoids anyone who may even have a slight clue it’s his birthday. But this year, he failed. Somehow you found out what this unbearable day was.
    “Were you never going to tell me what today was?” you asked with a big grin as you practically skipped over to Tom with glee. “The last day of the year?” Tom feigned ignorance as he read a ragged book. You sat down on the leather couch with Tom and scoffed. “Have you told anyone else?” you questioned while looking around at the deserted common room. Since it was the holidays, there was practically nobody. “I don’t quite understand what you are talking about,” he said and flipped a page of his book. “Riddle you can drop the act, I know it’s your birthday,” you smirked as you saw his eyes widen. “Do not tell anyone,” he hissed. You snickered in response. “I wasn’t planning on it,” a small smile made its way onto your lips. 
     “How did you even find out?” Tom turned his head to face you. 
    “Doesn’t matter how I found out, what matters is that you never told me it was your birthday.” “I’ve known you since we were eleven and we have grown close in many ways and yet, you didn’t bother to tell me it was your birthday?” you finished with a disappointed facial expression. “I didn’t think you’d care,” he answered quickly. You rolled your eyes and scoffed. “Well I do care, and I came here to show you just how much I care,” your voice grew lower as you moved closer to Tom. You dragged his book out of his hands and dropped it to the ground before straddling him.
      “Tell me, Riddle, have you ever received a birthday gift before?” you whispered into Tom’s ear as you began to slowly rock your hips. You could feel Tom grow hard beneath you as you moved your hips back and forth. “I’m not a fan of gifts,” he answered your previous question with a shaky voice. You pouted before speaking, “Would you make an exception for me?” you asked him with glimmering eyes. Tom nervously inhaled before nodding. You smiled and trailed your hand down to his cock. You rubbed his clothed cock slowly before unzipping his pants. “You're going to love my gift,” you smiled and hopped off of him, and went down on your knees. His cock sprung out of his boxers and you licked your lips hungrily as you stuffed your face with his dick. Tom’s head fell back in pleasure as you gagged on his dick. Drool started to fall on the side of your mouth as Tom’s cock grazed the back of your throat. “If I had known this was the kind of gifts you hand out, I would have told you my birthday ages ago,” Tom let out a raspy whisper before thrusting into your mouth. Lust clouded Tom’s eyes as he fucked your mouth with delight. 
     Suddenly, Tom stopped his thrusting and pulled out of you. A string of precum and saliva followed. “Take that off,” Tom gestured to your shirt and you obeyed his commands. Slowly you unbutton your blouse and slip it off. “That too,” he demanded you to take your bra off. You did as said and Tom smiled before thrusting into your mouth once more, this time he thrusted with more ferocity. He could see your tits bounce with each thrust and it only added to the insatiable pleasure he was experiencing. You let out a muffled whimper as Tom began to thrust faster, chasing after his orgasm.
    Tom felt his body tense and his cock began to twitch inside your mouth but instead of finishing inside of you, he came all over your face. His seed was painted onto your skin and with a smile, you stood up and straddled him once more. Tom barely got a chance to catch his breath when you grabbed his cock and went down on him. Your lips parted in euphoria as Tom’s hands fell onto the sides of your hips, lifting you up and down on his cock. His cock hit a sweet spot inside of you and it made you scream out his name. Both of your juices could be heard mixing together as Tom fucked you relentlessly. Your tits bounced at Tom’s ruthless thrusts, you could feel yourself slowly lose control as Tom quickened his pace. Tom’s cock twitched inside of your cunt and your walls clenched around his cock, “Happy Birthday, Tom,” you moaned out as you came all over him.
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iriswestallenn · 9 months
The discourse on Saltburn is so interesting to me because you either choose to take the movie as a fun romp or a movie "that had nothing [new] to say." Or that things happened just for shock value.
While there's definitely an argument to be made that this film had nothing/little to say, (as I am struggling with some themes they seemed to drop halfway through as well,) I just took this movie as a fun romp haha. You have to sit back and remember... they drew curtains back after a major character death and the entire room was RED! They isolate their black family member. They put a deer costume on Oliver during his bday party. A DEER. This movie was never trying to be subtle.
I've seen some crazy takes like "rich people good?" lmao Felix is arguably the 'nicest' family member right? Jacob Elordi and the script honestly do a really good job showing he's just as shitty as his family. After telling Oliver about his life, he asks Oliver, what about you? Cmon, what else? Siblings? ANYTHING interesting about you? Oliver should not have lied... if he didn't though, do you actually believe Felix would have kept talking to him? Felix gathered his family around and told them exactly "what happened" to Olivers mom and dad. No one would DO THAT! Especially if you've invited this person to your home!!
This internet age refuses to accept multiple things can be true at the same time haha when Felix learned from Farleigh that Ollie and Venetia hooked up, Felix STOMPED to the breakfast table. Folded his arms, ignored Ollie, made no eye contact. Then admitted he didn't want Ollie to be with Venetia, he had a problem with THE LAST GUY he brought to their home being with Venetia. They bring a new "poor" person their home every damn Summer. Multiple truths: 1. Felix shouldn't have been friggin killed. 2. Felix was a shitty person. Jesus
I understand the shock value critique. None of the three big scenes came across like shock value to me personally. I think it's because 1. It was all coming from Oliver. Oliver slurped the tub water, he fucked the grave, he put the period blood back in Venetias mouth. I think if everyone in the family was also doing weird fucked up shit, I'd be like, oookay. Now how is everyone here a weirdo? lol but it was just Oliver. 2. I thought this was a cannibalism movie lmao so I was actually expecting worse!
Obviously people can have different opinions but this movie and its discourse have been super interesting to me. I really enjoyed this movie but my main negative is that it does present itself in the beginning of the movie as though it has something to say but it doesn't have much to say? You're also not made aware that Olivers main objective was the house. Or if it wasn't the house at the start, at what point did it become about getting everything from the family?
Remember the friend Ollie had at the school that he later dropped? That friends last words to Ollie were, "he'll [felix] will get bored of you." Or something like that. That was so dumb lmao Venetia says this exact thing later in the movie. Why not make that friends last words to Ollie about status? Tie that into what Farleigh begins to tell Ollie and make Ollies goal clear to the audience even before the "plot twist."
That scene in school with the tutor. Oliver read the whole summer reading list. He came to college ready to go by the rules and succeed. There's no clear turning point imo. When Farleigh gets there late, doesn't care, definitely didn't read the reading list, and the tutor is like, "I knew your hot mom. We weren't friends, I just admired her from afar." I wish there was more focus on Oliver realizing following the rules would get him nowhere he wanted to be.
I ended up enjoying this movie because I'm satisfied with how fun it was, how GORGEOUS it looks, and how great the performances are. Not good, great performances truly. It's so sad that this could have been a 'no plot, just vibes' kinda movie. But instead there is some semblance of a plot lol it's just not fully fleshed out. I still think people are taking it way too seriously and the genuine distain for it is odd but there's a tug and pull here for sure.
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headkiss · 2 years
I'm hoping this request makes it to you: I have a fascination with this specific scenario, could not tell you why lmao. Eddie throws reader a surprise party, invites the usuals bc everyone is close. Reader enters party, is surprised, immediately bursts into tears, but not because they hate surprises or were startled. I think it'd be fun seeing what you'd come up with! Thanks.
hiii sorry this took so long but i hope u like it all the same!!! | 0.7k fluff and a surprise bday party featuring some tears
Eddie had never thrown a surprise party in his life, but for you, he’s trying his best.
He was never the type for grand gestures or planning things. At least, he never thought he was until he met you. Being his first real relationship, and being the person he’s grown to love so much, you bring it out of him.
That’s why he’d put this together for your birthday. His and Wayne’s trailer decked out with balloons and a banner, streamers and confetti ready to be thrown when you arrive.
It’s why he’s roped in the incredible—and dysfunctional—group of friends you share. Steve and Robin were in charge of the cake, which is probably why it ended up having three extra ‘y’s at the end of the word ‘birthday.’ Nancy is keeping watch for you, Jonathan with his camera ready.
As for the kids, they were just responsible for showing up and making sure the surprise stayed just that. A surprise.
Eddie’s a nervous wreck. He doesn’t even know if you like surprises and he feels awful for lying to you, even if it was for a sweet reason.
Steve notices and places a hand on Eddie’s shoulder, “dude, calm down. It’s gonna be fine.”
“Yeah. Just want it to go well, y’know?”
“It will. Never expected you to be the big romantic type.”
“Shut up, Harrington.”
Before Steve can fire a retort, Nancy’s shushing everyone, telling them to hide as best they can in the small space. Eddie’s heartbeat picks up, his stomach twists nervously in his stomach.
You weren’t a big fan of your birthday. You never did anything really special, never really had the people to do anything special with. Now, you have Eddie and spending time with him is easily the best thing you could think to do.
You walk up the few steps to his door, knock on it, “Eds? It’s me.”
“Come in, babe!” He calls.
You’re certainly not expecting anyone else to be there. And you’re especially not expecting the yells of ‘surprise,’ the confetti thrown, the smiling faces of all of your friends.
It’s overwhelming, the love that you have for these people. When you look at your boyfriend, at the smile Eddie only ever gives you, it’s enough to make you burst into tears, hiding your face in your hands.
Eddie’s heart drops. He rushes over to you right away, gently grabbing your wrists and pulling your hands from your face so that he can look at you.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” He says quietly, framing your face in his hands. “I’m sorry if it’s too much.”
Everyone else is respectful as ever, trying to move away and give you the most privacy they can. Max even slaps Lucas in the arm when he goes to speak.
You shake your head, “it’s not too much.”
“Then what is it, sweets?”
“It’s nothing. Embarrassing,” you sniffle.
Eddie wipes your tears with his thumbs, gives you the kind of look that’s enough to make you melt with how gentle it is, and says, “you can tell me, you know that.”
“Nobody’s ever done anything like this for me. I can't even remember the last time I had a birthday cake,” you try to laugh it off.
“You deserve this, ‘kay? The cake and everything,” he punctuates it with a quick kiss on your forehead. “The surprise was okay, though?”
Your hands circle his wrists that sit near your face, “more than okay, promise. Sorry for breaking down on you.”
“None of that. I’m gonna make this the best birthday ever, got it?”
He doesn’t know that it’s already the best birthday by far. Eddie’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you and today just proves it even more. He’s thoughtful enough to set this whole thing up for you, to worry about your reaction as soon as it comes.
“Thank you, Eds.”
“Of course. Happy birthday, babe.”
He kisses you quickly, mindful of the people still waiting nearby, and when he pulls away you’re smiling shyly, like you’ve just remembered their presence, too.
“Hi guys,” you say, giving an awkward wave. “Thank you for this. Sorry for making it weird and crying.”
“Don’t worry, weird things happen to us all of the time,” Dustin says. His kind of reassurance.
“Thank you, Henderson,” Eddie says, tossing an arm over your shoulders.
A chorus of ‘happy birthday’s follow.
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rin-bellatrix · 1 year
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"It might not be the right time. I might not be the right one. But there's something about us I want to say. 'Cause there's something between us anyway." - Daft Punk
Rhys recovers his lost boot from the con woman with a ruby smile, and as she teases him about his fashion, he's struck with the realization that she's actually kind of fun. And pretty... Really pretty.
Written for @admiralsweko bc it's her bday today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWE~!! 🥳🎉🎂🍾🎁🎈💕✨
Header art by ourwarbird (deactivated 🕊)
Lace divider from this post. Pixel heart dividers from this post. White dot divider from this post. Reblog and feedback divider from this post.
Written because inspiration struck due to the pic below that came from a post that Sweko had reblogged for another of her otps
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Enjoy! 💙❤
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Through the cracked windshield of the caravan, the barren, desolate plains of Pandora's vast desert rushed by and Rhys was at least a little bit grateful that he and Vaughn weren't making this journey on foot. And also, not alone.
The sound of easy conversation carried over to him from somewhere in the back of the vehicle, words lost on his idle mind but the calm tone was enough to keep him from worrying. At least they were all past the point of trying to kill each other. Even Athena wasn't so scary after a few board games to pass the time. (She was still scary, just on a lesser scale. Not that Rhys would ever say that to her face.)
For now, the sandy scenery whizzed by and out of sight of his peripheral. Honestly speaking, driving through a path that looked the same as it did the last hour and the hour before was driving the company man to boredom. There was only one seat up front and therefore only a need for one person. He was alone while everyone else socialized behind him.
Even Jack was quiet, laying low because he didn't want to draw Athena's attention to the fact that maybe he wasn't as gone as she would've liked. So Rhys was left in solitude, watching dunes and skag dens and occasional rakks above passing by for the nth time.
He huffed a drawn out sigh, settling his chin into the cradle of his propped up hand as the other remained steady on the curve of the steering wheel. He was fighting back a yawn when something heavy was tossed at him from the edge of his vision.
The sudden movement and weight of the unknown object hitting his chest and falling into his lap made him shoot to full alertness, his foot automatically easing down on the brakes as he glanced down to see what had struck him. It took a second, but the sleek design of expensive rakk leather made him recognize his own heeled boot, the one he had lost when he flew out of the caravan.
Confusion caused him to look up and over, his wandering gaze landing immediately on the con woman who was leaning casually against the dash. She pretended indifference to his obvious stare, until she happened to glance his way and caught his eye. She flashed him a cheeky grin and it was the first time she had ever smiled at him.
She was... Really pretty, actually...
Dismissing that thought immediately because - where had that come from (and what good could acknowledging this do?), he picked up his displaced shoe and the memory of being ripped from the relative safety of a moving vehicle came to mind. How he felt for just a moment, completely weightless, like when he and his best friend had left Helios and had breached the stratosphere of this planet, recalling the odd feeling of zero gravity that made his stomach lurch.
He was abruptly caught, Fiona's grip around his ankle the only thing keeping both Hyperion men from getting swallowed up by the desert. He counted himself lucky, until he could feel his heel easing out of his boot. The only connection he had to Fiona's desperate grasp was slipping away and there was nothing either of them could do. He remembered in that moment, that she had risked her own life by abandoning her secure grip to reach out to help these two men who she didn't know and didn't trust. The strength of her hold around his foot was fresh in his mind, the effort she made to keep them from the maw of the wastelands.
Sure, securing the two men from Helios meant securing whatever awaited them at Old Haven, but it had happened so fast, he doubted she had time to think about it that way. She had just acted on instinct. Well, at least that's what he thought. Fiona was just as much of an enigma as he was to her. Probably.
Quickly eyeing the landscape ahead of the caravan for any kind of obstructions, the company man slid his heterochromatic eyes over to the grifter by his side, raising a curious brow in silent inquiry.
She shrugged, looking down and off to the side, not meeting his questioning gaze as she answered, "Can't have you trekking across Pandora with only one shoe on. Figured I'd do you a favor and return your ugly footwear."
He was tempted to retort with a lecture on fashion and style, but a smile still played about her lips and he decided that he'd take the ribbing for what it was - a playful jab rather than a hurtful insult. Scoffing, he lowered his boot down to the floor so he could work his foot inside, returning his attention to the path before him as he shimmied his socked foot into the recess.
"Too bad for you, if you would've held onto it, you could've sold it for a decent profit. The high quality of this rakk leather is obviously lost on you though, what a shame."
Now it was her turn to scoff, the light huffing sound making a smile kick up at the corners of his mouth in anticipation of what she'd say in response. "I see you Hyperion snobs think too little of us down here - we might be desperate for quality goods, but I don't think a foul smelling fashion faux pas is gonna be doing anyone any favors. At least anyone with actual taste."
Said Hyperion snob grinned, shifting restlessly his seat at the first easy conversation that he'd had with this woman since he laid eyes on her. Bickering over nonsense with this pretty Pandoran native was actually kind of exciting. "And I'd like to thank you for confirming that no one on this rocky junk heap has any sense of taste. I had always assumed, but it's good to finally have it confirmed."
"Yeah, I don't think that's as much of an insult as you think it is, considering the situation you've got going on with that red strip of fabric."
"You mean my tie?" He subconsciously ran his mechanical hand down the length of the tie, genuinely wondering what she had an issue with.
"Oh, is that what that's supposed to be? How unfortunate." She twisted her face into a slight grimace, further provoking him in this little verbal game of theirs.
"I'll have you know that this is the latest in fashion amongst the elite on Helios."
"So you say. Is it... Tucked into your pants? Serious question here."
The young manager rolled his eyes, but couldn't argue further because... Yes his tie was tucked into his pants. It was a fashion statement! He shook his head, glowering at her from the corner of his ECHO eye. "Is this all you came up here for, to question my impeccable sense of style? Don't you have candy to steal from a baby or something?"
Fiona's face shifted into one of overly shocked dismay, a hand fluttering delicately to her chest in a show of being offended. "Well the only baby I see nearby is behind the wheel right now. As a true professional, I wouldn't take this time to rob you - could be dangerous to hinder your driving."
Rhys fought another grin, enjoying their banter even though he was obviously on the defense - and losing. But he had never had the chance to talk to Fiona one on one and he found he quite liked her taunting smile and jeering words. Her light green eyes were sharp, watching him carefully and he had no doubt that she had already pinpointed the locations of every single one of his pockets. She reached out to him suddenly and he wondered if she was gonna poke around said pockets now.
But her hand landed on his shoulder very briefly, patting him as she said, "Whenever you get tired of driving, let me know and I'll take over. Until then, try not to drive us off a cliff, Hyperion." She turned and sauntered away, and he found his gaze locked on her retreating back.
Was it strange that her sudden absence made him yearn for her to return to his side, to continue trading barbs and playful smiles?
Yeah, that was weird. He barely knew the woman and could count the positive experiences with her on one hand. But she left to join her sister, the sound of her voice in the distance catching his ear.
He lifted his eyes to the rear view mirror, in the hope of catching a discreet glance of her. Instead he was met with a pixelated face of blue staring back at him through the reflection. The sight of Jack made him jump, but thankfully it wasn't enough to affect his driving or draw attention.
"Ooh, somebody's got a little crush~" Teased the voice of his mentor, ringing in his ears and his ears only. "Not a bad pick either, Hat Chick is smokin'." A burst of digital blue particles manifested over the caravan's dash, solidifying as a projection of Jack laid out on his side, head propped up on one fist as he faced Rhys. "You know... If you hook up with her, you'd be doing both of us a favor." His former boss waggled his eyebrows, his expression alluding to deviant implications.
Rhys rolled his eyes, adjusting his grip on the steering wheel as a way to keep himself centered and calm. "Not gonna happen," he muttered, purposefully keeping his voice low as to not draw attention to the seemingly one-sided conversation that he was having with his dead employer's digital ghost.
"Ahh you're no fun! Just think about it-" Jack's sapphire smile glowed as he spead his hands out above him. "Me and her. I guess you'd have to be there too since, ya know-" His pixelated image collapsed and reformed to Rhys' other side, demonstrating his intangible state. "Don't really have a body at this point- but eh, we'll make it work. Anyway, we get her all hot and bothered right? And-"
"Look," the younger man interrupted, glancing once again at the rear view mirror but this time to make sure no one was overhearing his words. "It's not like that between us. I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm a total loser or something-"
"Not surprising."
"......And anyway... You're not her type. So there."
"Oh sweet cheeks, have you seen me? I'm everybody's type! If I were here in the flesh, Hat Chick would be on her knees begging for a scrap of my attention. Like, hello? Check this out!"
Hyperion's former CEO materialized in Rhys' direct line of sight, his azure image staring down at his cranial companion in what Rhys assumed was supposed to be a... "Sexy" stare?
"GOD I'm hot - it's honestly ridiculous how good-looking I am! They don't call me Handsome Jack for nothing kiddo. In fact, I was the winner of Garza Magazine's 'Top 100 Sexiest CEOs in the Galaxy', and there was also the award for-"
If Rhys rolled his eyes any harder than he was right now, he was sure they'd roll right out of his head.
Since becoming tethered to this man's coded reconstruction of his personality, the young manager wondered how he had ever spent so long admiring this narcissist whose blue visage was currently ranting about his looks and...sex appeal...? If Rhys, who had once idolized his former boss, was losing his hero worship more and more while in his company, then he knew Fiona wouldn't even glance his way.
Well, unless it was to put a bullet between his eyes. But the notion was inconceivable anyway; his ex-boss was long dead and his former employee was the only one who could see and talk to his digitized remains. So the thought of Jack and Fiona ever interacting was something he'd never have to worry about.
"Hey shit for brains, you hear me?"
Jack tapped Rhys on his temple port and it sent an electric zing coursing through his nerve endings. He stifled a yelp but couldn't help the knee-jerk reaction of his hands twitching along the steering wheel, sending the caravan into a sharp swerve until he quickly righted himself.
A chorus of complaints and questions sounded off from behind him and he immediately replied with "Sorry, sorry! There was a, uh. A baby skag in the way and I just didn't wanna hit it."
He nervously gulped and could feel his heart pounding in his chest. Glancing up, Athena's irritated gaze met his in the mirror and he felt his left hand begin to sweat. Redirecting his sight to the land ahead, he tried to focus on looking as inconspicuous as he could, given the circumstances.
"Oh, that was great! Your face - you- you should've seen your face!" Jack cackled, floating in mid-air as he clutched his sides in amusement.
The Hyperion employee felt his aggravation build, furrowing his brow as he tightened his grip over the steering wheel. Just as he opened his mouth to snap back, a small hand clapped onto his shoulder.
"Okay Rhys, I think that's enough driving for today," came Fiona's voice from over his shoulder. "Let me have the wheel, you can go rest and leave the baby skags to me. I think I know how to avoid them a bit better than you."
Rhys peered up at her as he eased down on the brakes, trying to gauge her reaction, but she ushered him quickly out of the seat. He felt her body slide in behind him as he was stepping off to the side, turning to face her as she settled into the driver's seat and adjusted it to fit her shorter legs. Her eyes were set ahead of her, but she spared him a brief glance, giving his tall body a quick up and down before returning her focus to the road.
"Sasha's making something for lunch, grab yourself a plate if you're feeling a little drained." Her words hinted at a sympathetic nature, but she must've caught herself being too soft on him because she continued. "We need everyone at their best if we're gonna secure Gortys' next piece, alright? We've got the opportunity of a lifetime here, Rhys. We can't mess this up."
Feeling a little embarrassed that he was basically kicked from driving duty, along with her reminding him of what was at stake, Rhys kind of nodded and mumbled a vague agreement as he rubbed the back of his neck. Not knowing what else to do when Fiona quieted and returned her full focus on the road while he just stood there awkwardly, he turned and shuffled down the stairs towards the cabin.
"And don't forget to save me a plate!" She called, and he turned to look at her before joining the others.
From this angle, he could see a little bit of her profile, watching silently as she reached up and adjusted her hat, before brushing her hair away from her face. She placed her hand back along the curve of the steering wheel and her turquoise nail polish glinted when caught in the sunlight.
He felt a new emotion wanting to bloom, but before he could examine it for what it was, Hyperion's ghost rematerialized in front of him, casting the back of the con woman in hues of blue. The fact that Rhys could see Fiona through Jack's body was unnerving and unpleasant, and it caused him to frown as his raised his eyes to meet the stare of his dead boss.
"Hey, kiddo. In all seriousness, don't let this little thing between you and this Pandoran savage get between us and our big plans, okay? That vault and everything in it is ours, as long as you and your dick don't fuck this up for us."
The company man broke his intense gaze, turning away from his mentor and towards the others gathered by the kitchen area in the caravan. "Yeah, whatever you say, Jack." The words carried no conviction, and Rhys doubted that this would be the last that he hears of it.
But he was honestly tired of the cobalt corpse floating in his field of vision whenever he deemed to "grace" the young manager with his presence. Right now all Rhys wanted to be concerned with is getting some hot food in his belly, and being the one to bring Fiona her plate as an excuse to engage with her more.
Perhaps she'd thank him and flash him another smile. Now that... That would be nice.
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Happy birthday Sweko, I hope you have a beautiful day~! 🥰💕
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©rin-bellatrix 2023
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