#everyone in this morning but beth was New
notquiteaghost · 10 months
hi welcome to [location] [store]! excited to work with you! i'm [redacted] and if you don't date rotate the fridge i will Fucking Bite You :)
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wosoamazing · 1 month
Leah Williamson x Child!R
Warnings: Mentions of traumatic birth
Notes: based of this request, ended up only being a blurb, so kind of short but I hope it's still okay and you all enjoy. 720 words
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You were walking with your Mummy when you found yourself at an end, turning around to see where she wanted you to go. But she wasn’t there. You’d lost your Mummy and now you were lost too, everyone was speaking a different language to you, tears started to well in your eyes, and your chest felt heavy. You wanted your Mummy, you just wanted to be up in her arms and having cuddles like you did every game, except now you were lost and no one spoke the same as you.
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“Leah, what's going on?” Georgia asked as she walked into the tunnel, seeing the visibly upset blonde surrounded by a few of the Arsenal girls. Leah just shook her head before more tears fell from her eyes and she was pulled into a hug by Lia.
“Y/N has accidentally wandered off, would you or any of the Bayern girls happen to know where she went?” Kim said calmly, trying not to stress the blonde out further.
“I’ll go look for her now,” Georgia replied before running off.
“She’ll be okay Le, we’ll find her,” Beth tried to reassure her friend.
“It’s my fault, I forgot she was walking in front of me and I was pulled away for an interview, she could be gone, she-” “She will be okay, but if you don’t starting taking some actual breaths you’re going to pass out,” Steph interjected stopping Leah’s spiralling.
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“Georgia, is this Williamson’s kid? I was just about to call you to ask, I noticed her bracelet and it has her name on it, I’m assuming she is. I think she got lost,” Magda rambles as you stand next to her, tears streaming down your face.
“Yes it is, thank you,” Georgia says as she walks towards you, the bracelet being the only thing she could see, clearing her head she picks you up, and starts to take you to Leah.
Georgia hates that bracelet, it’s a reminder of probably the scariest day of her life, she knows it’s medically important but that doesn’t mean she has to like it. Georgia was meant to be visiting Leah when she received a panicked phone call from Alex. Leah’s waters had broken and she was in a world of pain, rushing her to the hospital Alex had called Georgia, knowing she was coming over soon, telling her not to come, however Georgia insisted she would go to the hospital, in case either of them needed her. At the hospital Leah was pumped full of drugs, both trying to speed up your development and slow down Leah’s labour, however you were only born 30 minutes later, at 32 weeks, you were quickly taken away and up to the NICU, it was when Alex finally felt like she could relax and breath, that Leah started to shiver as she lost all her colour, before just about every monitor in the room was going off, Leah was haemorrhaging. Alex was quickly sent to the waiting room where she found Georgia, they both anxiously waited on news, not knowing whether it would be good or bad. 
Although Georgia hates that day, she would relive it everyday if it meant Leah could keep you. You were Leah’s world, and she adored you. You were like Leah’s own personal sunshine and Georgia isn’t sure whether Leah would’ve been able to get through her ACL without you.
“Oh, there you are,” Leah sighs of relief as she takes you into her arms.
“Mummy,” you whimpered as you buried your head in her neck, “You left me,”
“I’m sorry baby bear. I promise I would never leave you on purpose. I just-” Leah let out a heavy sigh as she held you tighter, “I’m so sorry, I love you so much,” she admits, taking in a deep breath, feeling herself calm down now she has you back.
“Let’s go back to the hotel and have cuddles,”
“Cuddles and dinner,”
“Absolutely,” Leah nods before walking to the bus with you in her arms, Lia trailing behind.
The portacot Leah had spent an embarrassing amount of time setting up this morning was long forgotten as she climbed into her bed cradling you in her arms, your head laid against her shoulder as your soft puffs of air hit her collar bone.
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thewulf · 5 months
Unseen Scars || Aaron Hotchner
Summary: Request - hiyaa, i was hoping you were willing to write another Hotch x bau!reader. Maybe one where reader is in an unhappy/ toxic relationship, maybe abvsive even. And Hotch helps reader learn that what her significant other is doing is wrong, and he even helps reader get out of the absive relationship. And somewhere along the way he says something along the lines of “i can love you so much better than them”.
A/N: Not sure if I love this one. Kinda tough to write. Let me know your thoughts below.
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Female Reader,
Word Count: 4.2k
TW: Abuse (physical and mental), bruises, scars, talks of hitting, general CM triggers
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You've been working alongside Aaron Hotchner for nearly a decade. Each year adding layers to a complex yet unspoken bond. As senior agents in the BAU you've shared long nights on cases. Him as your superior but respecting you as his equal. Both supported each other through victories and losses. You had the kind of mutual respect that's created from high-stress environments. Through it all there's always been an underlying current of attraction between you two. Subtle yet undeniable no matter how hard you tried to fight it.
When Hotch was married to Haley he was completely off-limits. It was a boundary you’d never dram of crossing. One you respected without question even as your friendship deepened. Then tragedy struck with Haley's death and while you were there to support him your own life was tangled in a serious relationship. By the time your relationship crumbled Hotch had started seeing Beth. And like the cruel joke life was, timing kept you apart once again.
Eventually, that relationship too ended for Hotch. But by then you had drifted into the arms of someone new. Someone the whole team disliked from the start. You brought him to a team dinner once and it was enough to know that no one approved even though they wouldn’t outright say it. He was arrogant, dismissive, and rubbed everyone the wrong way. But you were in a vulnerable place feeling lonely and somewhat unlovable after your string of failed relationships. He was there though. He was persistent and in a weak moment that felt like enough.
Despite the obvious red flags, you clung to the relationship out of a misplaced sense of necessity. You’d convinced yourself that any attention was better than the loneliness that echoed too loudly in the corners of your life. Yet, as the months wore on the relationship took a darker turn. It left you isolated not just from your friends and colleagues but from your own sense of self. You were slowly losing yourself to a man who hardly meant a thing to you.
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You texted Hotch early in the morning. Your fingers hesitating over the keyboard before you sent a simple message: Running late today, see you by midday. The message feels sterile, too impersonal for the turmoil churning inside you. But you can't afford to say more. Not when every moment feels like a step through a minefield.
It's nearly noon when you finally push through the front doors of the BAU office with your mind rehearsing the excuses you might need. The bruise hidden beneath your scarf isn't just a reminder of last night's horror. It's a stark, physical manifestation of a boundary cruelly crossed. It wasn’t the first time he’d laid hands on you, but it was the first time it left a mark visible enough to demand a story. A story you hadn't yet managed to straighten out in your head. And if anybody was going to catch you in a lie it was Aaron Hotchner.
As you enter the building the buzz of the office feels both alien and overly familiar, a stark contrast to the silence you’d left behind at your apartment. You try to blend into the activity, nodding along to conversations you barely hear, laughing at jokes that don’t reach your eyes. You keep your posture deliberately casual, avoiding any movement that might shift your scarf and expose the truth lying so treacherously close to the surface.
From his office Hotch had been subtly watching your delayed arrival and your interactions with the team. His concern deepens with each forced smile and carefully measured laugh you muster. He's always respected your privacy. But today the instincts honed by years of profiling scream that something is terribly wrong with you. When the office finally starts to empty for the day, leaving behind the quiet hum of machines and the soft rustling of papers, he sees his chance to talk to you.
"Could I speak with you for a moment before you head home?" Hotch’s invitation comes just as you’re preparing to escape into the welcome anonymity of the evening. His voice is gentle. But there’s an undercurrent of urgency that stops you in your tracks. Reluctantly, you nod you head and followed him into the sanctuary of his office. The door closed softly behind you leaving you trapped with the one person who could unravel you with a simple look.
Inside his office the usual barriers of rank and protocol seem to fall away as he leans against his desk. His eyes were not just those of a supervisor, but of a friend—a protector. "I’ve noticed you’ve been different lately," he begins. His tone soft but firm. "You said you were running late today… but I can't help feeling there’s something more to it." His eyes briefly scan the edge of your scarf before meeting yours with a piercing intensity. "If there's anything you need to talk about, I'm here."
In that moment with the weight of his gaze and the sincerity in his voice the carefully constructed excuses crumble. The reality of your situation, so starkly isolated by his understanding, begins to seep through the cracks of your facade and you feel the first real breath of relief mixed with fear as you consider confiding the truth.
Hotch's eyes were filled with a deep, unmistakable concern. They stay locked on yours as he waits for your response. You feel the weight of his gaze, heavy with unspoken questions and worry. For a brief moment you consider continuing the charade. Brush off his concerns with a practiced smile and a reassurance that you're just tired, overstressed from the workload.
"Really, Hotch, I’m fine," you say. Your voice was steady at first but even as the words leave your lips they sound hollow. Unconvincing even to your own ears. His expression doesn’t waver. Those knowing eyes don’t buy the half-hearted lie.
"Are you sure?" he presses. His tone soft yet insistent. "Because if something—or someone—is hurting you, I want to help." He gave you that look. The one that he knew would break you down. The one that he used only when necessary.
You shake your head though. A simple reflex to protect your precarious world. But your facade is cracking, fissures widening under his gentle scrutiny. "It’s nothing, really. Just been a bit clumsy lately," you attempt to deflect again. But your voice wavers, betraying the turmoil inside.
Hotch's brow furrows slightly. His concern only deepening as he notices the strain behind your words. When you turn away, unable to meet his probing gaze any longer, a tear escapes trailing down your cheek. Your shoulders tremble with barely suppressed sobs. It was that damn look that had you falling apart. Who knew he could do that to you?
He doesn’t say anything for a heartbeat, allowing the silence to settle around you, heavy and expectant. With careful, measured steps, he closes the distance between you. You sense him nearby. His presence a comforting shadow in your moment of vulnerability.
“Hey,” Hotch’s voice is a soft whisper now. When he gently places a hand on your shoulder, it’s an offer, not a demand. You don't pull away and that’s all the confirmation he needs. With tender caution he pulls you into a hug. His arms offering safety, a haven from the storm you’ve been weathering alone. The warmth and solidity of him is grounding and as you lean into his embrace, the dam breaks. Tears were streaming freely now.
He doesn’t rush you nor does he bombard you with questions. He simply holds you, steady and strong, as you let the first wave of relief and acknowledged pain wash over you.
As Hotch's arms encircle you in a gentle embrace a rush of emotions overwhelms you each one more turbulent than the last. Instead of relief a sharp panic claws its way up your chest. The intimacy of the moment, the closeness, it all becomes too much. Your breathing becomes shallow, rapid, as if you can't get enough ai. Your heart pounds against your ribcage, threatening to burst.
"Hotch, I—I can't," you stammer. Your voice choked with rising fear. The room feels as if it's closing in. Each wall inching closer, trapping you in this raw, exposed moment.
He senses the shift immediately with his hold loosening just enough to let you breathe, but he doesn’t let go knowing you need a tether to the present. "Hey, look at me," Hotch says, his voice a calm, steady anchor in the storm of your panic. You barely manage to lift your eyes to his as you were caught in the whirlwind of your emotions.
"Take a deep breath with me, okay?" he guides gently. "In... and out," he continues, his own breaths exaggerated to model a slow, calming rhythm. His eyes are soft, patient, holding yours with a steadiness that feels both terrifying and comforting.
You try to follow as your first attempt is shaky and uneven. But Hotch is there. His presence a constant reassurance. "That’s it, just breathe. In... and out," he repeats with his voice grounding you in the moment. Slowly, the frantic pace of your heart begins to slow. The crushing weight in your chest easing as you synchronize your breathing with his.
"You're safe here with me," Hotch whispers to you. Each word carefully chosen to fortify the fragile peace you're beginning to feel. "Nothing is going to happen to you. I’ve got you. I promise." And you knew that it was indeed a promise. He’d never let anything happen to you if he could stop it.
His reassurances wash over you. His voice was a soothing balm to the raw edges of your panic. Gradually your fear subsides and is replaced by a weary relief. As your breathing evens out Hotch’s arms remain a gentle, unyielding presence around you. In this quiet space with the security of his embrace shielding you from the world outside you finally allow yourself to feel the full weight of your vulnerability—and the strength of the trust you have in him.
The panic attack recedes like a tide going out. It left you drained but inexplicably more grounded than before. Hotch holds you a little while longer making sure you're completely calm before he speaks again. "You’re not alone in this," he assures you as his tone is imbued with an earnestness that makes you believe him. That there might be a way out of the darkness.
As the last of your tears dry Hotch steps back slightly giving you space but keeping his presence comforting and solid. He ushers you to sit without words before pulling up a chair close to yours. His demeanor still radiating calm and concern. You notice his jaw tighten for a moment, a silent tell to his anger at seeing you hurting so openly.
As you finally voice the painful truth, "He's been hurting me, Hotch," the words echo starkly in the quiet office. Saying it aloud makes it all too real. A wave of embarrassment washes over you. Your gaze drops to your hands, fidgeting with the ends of the scarf. You can't bear to meet his eyes as you were afraid of what you might see there—pity, shock, or worse, disbelief.
Your fingers tremble as you slowly unwrap the scarf from around your neck, exposing the harsh evidence of your partner's violence. The bruises are stark against your skin. A palette of black and blue that makes your stomach churn. When Hotch sucks in a breath, a sound of sharp distress, you flinch, the sound bringing home the reality of your exposure.
"I'm so sorry," Hotch breathes out. His voice thick with emotion. You still can't look at him being too overwhelmed by a mix of shame and the relief of finally sharing your burden. The room suddenly feels too small. The air too thick with the weight of your confessed reality.
"You don’t have to go through this alone anymore," Hotch continues. His voice a steady, grounding force in the chaos of your emotions. Despite his words a knot of anxiety tightens in your chest. The vulnerability of the moment making you acutely uncomfortable.
Hotch's chair scrapes softly against the floor as he moves slightly closer. "I'm here, and we'll do whatever it takes to ensure he can't hurt you again," he says with a resolve that is both reassuring and overwhelming. You finally risk a glance up at him, meeting his gaze. Instead of the judgment you feared, you find only deep concern and a protective firmness. You shouldn’t have expected any less than that from him.
Seeing your hesitation and discomfort, Hotch reaches out slowly, giving you time to withdraw if you choose. When his hand gently takes yours, it's a lifeline, solid and warm. "We'll figure this out together," he assures you. His voice low and calm. "Let’s focus on what you need right now."
Tears well up in your eyes as you meet his steady gaze. Your fear of your partner bubbling to the surface. "I'm scared, Hotch," you whisper, your voice breaking with the weight of your admission. "I'm afraid of what he might do if I leave. He could do something drastic..." The possibility hangs heavily between you. A dark cloud of fear.
Hotch squeezes your hand gently. His touch reassuring as it always is. "We'll take every precaution," he promises with his tone imbued with determination. "You're not alone in this. We have resources and procedures to protect you. Trust me Y/N. You're safe."
His words were spoken with such a conviction that slowly penetrate the fog of your fear. The immediate comfort of knowing you're not alone, bolstered by Hotch's unwavering support, helps to steady the tumult inside you. The future may remain uncertain but with Hotch by your side you feel a spark of hope. A hope that perhaps you can break free from the shadows and rebuild your life once again.
The conversation with Hotch stretches late into the evening as a mix of detailed planning and moments of quiet support. Once the office empties and the building quiets Hotch makes a decision. "Why don't you stay with me tonight?" he suggests gently. "It's late and I'd feel better knowing you're safe." You agree, feeling a mix of gratitude and anxiety about the imposition. Hotch reassures you it's no trouble. Together you leave the dimly lit office, stepping into the cool night air that seems to offer a breath of tentative freedom.
The drive to his home is quiet, filled with the soft hum of the car and the distant glow of streetlights. Upon arriving, Hotch introduces you to his home with a warmth that's both inviting and respectful of your space. He shows you to the guest room making sure you have everything you need before he leaves. "Make yourself at home," he says. "We'll figure out the next steps in the morning." You give a grateful nod before heading to bed yourself. It didn’t take long for you to fall asleep after your head hit the pillow. You’d truly never felt safer than you had right then.
The next morning as you make your way to the kitchen, Jack spots you and his face instantly lights up. "You're here!" he exclaims before running towards you with arms wide open. You kneel down just in time to catch him as he launches into a big hug. His enthusiasm bringing a genuine smile to your face. "I missed you!" he chirps, and you can't help but laugh, the sound mingling with his giggles.
Hotch watched the interaction from the doorway and smiles warmly but also feels a pang of concern given your recent ordeal. As Jack wraps his arms around you, Hotch steps forward and gently places a hand on his son's shoulder. "Be careful, buddy," he says softly, his voice tinged with protective caution. "She's a little hurt."
Jack’s expression immediately shifts to one of concern as he pulls back slightly. His bright eyes scanning your face with a mix of confusion and worry. "Did I hurt you more?" he asks, his voice small, his usual cheer replaced by a serious, almost adult-like concern.
You shake your head quickly making sure to offer him a reassuring smile. "No, Jack, you didn’t hurt me at all," you explain while ruffling his hair gently. "I'm just a little sore, that’s all. Your hug is actually just what I needed."
Relieved but still slightly cautious, Jack nods and gives you a gentler, more measured hug this time. Hotch watches this exchange. His own heart swelling with mixed emotions—gratitude for the innocent care Jack shows and a renewed resolve to ensure that both you and his son are kept safe from any harm.
Later as Jack plays outside, Hotch joins you on the porch with a thoughtful expression on his face. He watches his son for a moment before turning to you. His gaze serious yet open. "This morning, seeing you with Jack… the way he lights up around you. It reminded me of something important I've been meaning to share," he chooses his words carefully as he speaks to you.
Your gaze lets him know he can continue. "I ended things with Beth a few months ago," he reveals letting the statement hang in the air for a moment to gauge your reaction. "It was the right decision. My heart wasn't fully in it, and I realized I needed to be honest with myself about my feelings."
You're taken aback. Your surprise evident. "Oh, I... I had no idea. She seemed so lovely," you reply trying to mask your confusion. Beth had always appeared perfect for him. She seemed kind, attentive, and good with Jack.
Hotch nods, acknowledging your point. "She was lovely," he admits, "but she wasn't what I was looking for. Not what Jack needed either." His gaze drifts towards his son, watching him play with a gentle smile.
He then turns back to you with a thoughtful expression. "We needed someone who could really be a part of our lives, understand us. Someone who already fits so seamlessly into our little world," he adds. His eyes held yours for a moment longer than necessary, hinting at deeper layers to his words.
The implication of his statement hangs between you, stirring a mix of emotions between the both of you. His revelation not only adds a new dimension to your understanding of his current situation but also subtly places you at the center of his thoughts. The gentle hint that you might be the answer they needed feels both overwhelming and heartening.
"I just want you to know that I'm here for you, especially now," Hotch continues. His tone sincere. "It's been a tough time and you shouldn't have to go through it alone. Whatever support you need. I'm here."
As you absorb his words, a sense of safety envelops you coupled with a budding realization of the importance of your presence in his life. Not just as a colleague but potentially something more. The careful balance he maintains in offering support while subtly revealing his personal reflections provides a comforting stability as you navigate the complex emotions of your current situation.
Several days had passed since you sought refuge at Hotch's home after breaking things off with your ex. Each day Hotch gently suggests reasons for you to extend your stay. His concern palpable. "Just until we’re sure you’re safe," he reassures you, but his eyes betray a deeper plea for you to remain longer.
One evening after Jack is safely tucked into bed Hotch opens a bottle of wine and pours two glasses. He hands you one with a soft smile that doesn't quite mask his underlying nervousness. "Thought we could use this," he says as he joins you on the couch. The house is quiet, the subtle buzz of the evening creating a cocoon of calm around you.
As you sip the rich wine, the warmth it brings is matched only by the comfort of the familiar space. Hotch breaks the silence first, his voice low and laden with unspoken thoughts. "I’ve been doing a lot of thinking," he starts. Hesitating as he chooses his words carefully. "About what’s important... about what I want for the people I care about."
He pauses before taking a deep breath before meeting your gaze with an intensity that makes your heart skip a beat. "I want you to stay here a little longer. Not just for safety but because it feels right having you here. These days with you and Jack... they’ve felt more like home than anything I've known in a long time."
The atmosphere shifts charged with an emotion that’s both tender and terrifying. Hotch continues with his voice softening, "I think we could be good for each other… if you're willing to see where this might go."
Moved by his candidness and the earnestness in his eyes you find yourself nodding slightly. Your own emotions mirrored in his expression. "I've felt it too," you whisper. "It’s easy with you. With Jack.."
Hotch reaches out, his hand covering yours. His touch warm and sure. "I can love you so much better than he ever did," he says with a confidence you hadn’t heard from him. His voice deep and resolute. Then, taking another deep breath, he adds, "I love you. I love you with everything in me. More than I ever thought possible."
His confession, raw and powerful, cuts through the last of your reservations. Tears well up in your eyes as you take in the depth of his feelings laid bare in the quiet of the night. This isn't just a moment of comfort. It's a turning point, a beginning of something profound and life-altering.
As you sit there, the night deepening around you, you lean into him with your head resting against his shoulder. "I love you too, Aaron," you admit to him. Your voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions inside you. In the soft glow of the living room, you start to imagine a future that holds not just safety, but a shared life filled with love and understanding.
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Two years have woven themselves seamlessly into the fabric of your life with Hotch and Jack. What began as a sanctuary in times of turmoil has blossomed into a full, shared existence, each day deepening the bond between you all. The BAU team, integral to your journey, has watched this transformation and played a part in nurturing your collective happiness.
On a sun-drenched Saturday, Hotch has orchestrated a gathering under the guise of a simple spring barbecue at a picturesque local park. The team is there, along with Jack, who’s energetically darting around with Rossi and Prentiss in a spirited game of soccer. Garcia is setting the mood with a carefully curated playlist while you and JJ are laughing over a shared joke by the picnic tables.
As the afternoon wanes with everyone sated by laughter and good food, Hotch taps his glass gently with a fork drawing eyes with the subtle, familiar command of his presence. The conversations taper off, leaving a blanket of anticipatory silence.
“I’ve spent much of my life dedicated to understanding moments—capturing them before they slip away,” Hotch begins, his voice resonating with a rare tremor of vulnerability. He looks over at you, his eyes shimmering with unspoken words. “But the moments I’ve cherished the most have been with all of you—my team, my family. And especially with you,” he turns fully towards you, taking your hand in his.
Jack, picking up on the significance of the moment, quiets down and moves closer. His young face alight with curiosity and excitement. Hotch’s gaze softens as he kneels in front of you. A gesture that pulls at the heartstrings of everyone present.
“Since you entered our lives, you’ve brought light into shadows I didn’t even know existed. You’ve made a house feel like a home again, and you’ve taught me that love isn’t just a remnant of the past but a promise for the future,” he continues. His voice thick with emotion. From his pocket, he produces a small, velvet box, opening it to reveal a ring that captures the late afternoon sunlight.
“Will you marry me?” His words, simple yet profound, hang in the air.
Tears stream down your cheeks, joyous and unrestrained, as you nod emphatically. Words were lost in the swell of emotions. “Yes, Aaron, yes!”
Jack jumps up, cheering, "She said yes!" His delight infectious bringing the team to erupt into their own cheers. Garcia captures every second, her lens fogging slightly with her own tears.
Spencer, who has been quietly observant, steps forward with a bottle of champagne. “To new beginnings,” he says. His voice steady but emotional, reflecting his deep affection for both of you. He pops the cork, and as the champagne flows, so do the congratulations.
Morgan playfully nudges Hotch, while JJ, ever the emotional heart of the team, hugs you tightly, whispering, “He’s never looked happier.”
You grin to one of your very own best friends. “I’ve never been happier.”
As the evening unfolds with laughter and shared stories, the sense of family deepens. The park was bathed in the glow of sunset, feels like a snapshot of a new chapter. One filled with love and the quiet promise of forever. Your heart, full and overflowing, knows this is just the beginning.
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Aaron Hotchner/Criminal Minds: Permanent Taglist (If you'd like to be added to any or all works please fill out the form here: (Taglist Sign Up) @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom @daily-evanstan @hardballoonlove @14buddy22 @rosiahills22 @djs8891 @mrs-ssa-hotch @panandinpain0 @viscade @kreepja @il0vebeingdelulu @hiireadstuff @kajjaka @guacam011y
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enwoso · 5 months
GRUMPY - alessia russo x child!reader
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people always liked to comment on the fact that they could tell you were alessia's daughter, not because of the obvious reason of the fact that you looked like your mother but for the way you were a ray of sunshine, always a smile on your face and always giggling away at the smallest of things.
however today you were being the total opposite and nothing anyone seemed to do could cheer you up, not even grace could get a smile from you by pulling funny faces at you or beth telling you silly jokes.
you were just being grumpy but that came with a good reason.
you had spent all of yesterday travelling, from london to st george's park and then to marbella meaning that with all the excitement of seeing your aunties after a few months and then the excitement that followed from going on a plane and being in a new place meant you were no rush in wanting to have your usual nap much to your mum's distaste.
she thought you would have crashed out early however that was not the case, you had eventually fallen asleep but after many attempts of putting you down to sleep. you waking up a few times before falling into a deep sleep.
and then this morning you had woken up earlier than what alessia was expecting and your tiredness from yesterday had carried through to today and alessia knew she was in for a hell of a day.
"lovie, you need to eat your breakfast!" mummy said as she pushed your plate back in front of you for what felt like the hundredth time in the past 10 minutes.
"no" you said, arms held across your chest turning your head away from the plate. a hand pushing away the plate away once again.
"if you eat just half of your toast, then we can go in the pool with the flamingo floaty" ella smiled hoping that may try to persuade you as all last night it was all you talked about however you didn't budge only moving your head further away from ella.
"y/n, don't do that, it's rude!" alessia scolded as you moved your head back to where it was however your arms stayed present on your chest and the scowl remained on your face.
georgia then came along with lucy and keira and they both tried there best to cheer you up, as alessia sighed head hitting the wall behind her. "less don't worry she's just overly tired, just after lunch put her down for a nap" mary smiled squeezing the blondes shoulders in reassurance as the blonde nodded.
"i should have just made her go for her nap on the plane yesterday"
"no, you just didn't want to ruin her fun and excitement yesterday" mary said as she bumped her shoulder into alessia's as her head turned back to you as you were now beginning to fuss, throwing your arms around and kicking your legs against the high chair you were sat in.
"hey, hey, stop that. remember we don't hit, it's not very kind. say sorry to auntie lucy" your mum said lifting you out of the high chair and facing you towards lucy as she caught you lifting your hands to lucy.
"sorry lucy" you said a frown now appearing on your face as lucy smiled, "it's okay kiddo, we just wanna see your cute little smile, not that sad little frown" she said tickling you under your chin a little.
everyone was beginning to file out of breakfast and you were sat on chair your mum had sat you on while she put everything you needed into your small backpack which went pretty much everywhere will you.
“come on then lovie” your mum smiled holding out her hand for you to grab as she had her training bag and your backpack in her other hand, but instead of bursting up in a ball of energy like you usually would - you didn’t move a muscle.
staying exactly where you had been sat for the past five minutes. you didn’t even make an effort to move. “we need to go, everyone’s gonna beat us there!” the blonde tried, knowing that even though you were small you were very competitive, you didn’t like to loose. alessia had her brothers to thank for that.
“no” you said simply, alessia sighed having enough of trying to bargain with you and instead just gave up and walked over to where you were sat, picking you up so you were sat on her hip as she walked a little faster trying to catch up with the rest of the girls.
“what do we have to do to cheer you up today?” alessia asked as you rested your head on her shoulder and hummed.
since you hadn't ate much of your breakfast, alessia sat you down in the shade away from the hot sun of marbella but still so that you were within close proximity of her with a fruit pot and some colouring to do as well as some of your toys. after lathering you in factor 50 sun screen and making sure she had put put your pink bucket hat on your head.
"right mummy's gonna go and train now, if you need anything shout me over or ask one of the trainers to get me, okay?" alessia told you as she sat you down on the your blanket, you nodded reaching out to grab your green pencils.
"i'll be back soon to check on you, i love you" she cooed kissing you on the forehead as a small smile quickly came but as quick as it came it left. "love you mummy" you said quietly but still loud enough that alessia heard you, as she walked off to sit next to ella and put her football boots on.
training had never felt so long, you had quickly gotten bored of your animal colouring in sheets and everytime your mummy was sitting on the sidelines during the small sided games you were tucked away in her arms.
when alessia was due to play in the small sided games she would take you back to your little play area she had set up for you and jog back to play in the training game and then the cycle repeated every time you saw her sat down on the sidelines you were in her arms.
finally when training was over you were stood next to your mummy clinging onto her leg as she spoke with millie and maya. "what's happened to our little giggle box?" millie asked as she looked down at you.
"she's a little grumpy today" alessia sighed picking you up and placing you on her hip. "grumpy? well we can't be having that!" maya said as the four of you began to walk back into the hotel for lunch.
"she's going to have something to eat and then it's nap time!" your mummy said as you whined, "no! me not tried" you frown, pushing your head further into her shoulder. 
"oh, of course your not!" your mummy chuckled along with millie and maya.
“well i hope grumpy turns happy because otherwise who is gonna cheer us on, on friday?” millie said as she looked at you, the little pout that had been on your face all day growing deeper.
“oh yeah we’ll have to see if georgia will help you practise your chants again” your mum said, knowing that you and georgia would sit usually for a while going through each players chant and sometimes making your own up even if sometimes they never made any sense— they did to you.
“oh that’ll be fun won’t it, y/n!” maya smiled as you groaned and moved your head so that your face was no longer visible to millie and maya by tucking it into your mummy’s neck.
“definitely needs a nap” the blonde whispered however you still heard her as alessia then fell back into talking with millie and maya about boring adult things.
lunch was finished and you had spent the time watching your mums phone with a side of eating your pasta that had been given to you but realistically you just pushed it around the plate. you hadn’t said a word the entire time during lunch so much so beth had asked alessia if you were having your afternoon nap.
now the girls had the rest of the day off to have some down day, now alessia was praying she was going to be able to get you down for a nap considering you were getting more and more clingy and grumpy.
"do you want a bopbop?" mummy asked you as she slowly nodded again resting your head on her shoulder as you watching from behind mummy all of the other girls begin to slowly leave the lunch room.
mummy got your bottle and asked one of the kitchen staff if they could put some warm milk in it, but not a lot as alessia was trying her best to wean you off it — but for circumstances like this, you could have as much as you needed in order to get you to sleep.
alessia made her way to where the sun loungers were and the rest of the girls hoping to soak up a bit of the sun while you were hopefully napping in the shade.
you were dressed in your pj's which were pink and had little hearts spread all across the shorts, while the top was just a pale pink colour.
alessia sat herself down next to ella who was trying to do her puzzle book which alessia had brung although with you being a little difficult today the blonde hadn't had time to pick it up.
"she still not asleep?" ella asked turning to the blonde who shook her head, "give me twenty and with a bit of luck she will be" alessia smiled as she got herself comfy as well as you, as you hugged your bunny stuffed animal.
"here" mummy said as she handed you the bottle of warm milk and you began to drink it laying on your mummy's chest. a quiet chatter of ella and alessia was all to be heard as they discussed some of the answers to the puzzle.
alessia thought you were nearly asleep but you sat up on her tummy, bottle which was still half full hanging from your mouth.
"yes baby?"
"too hot" you mumbled your eyes heavy and almost fluttering shut. "c'mere and you can take this off" mummy whispered as she took your pj top off feeling the cool air hit your back as you flopped back down onto your mummy's chest as she begins to play with the ends of your hair.
minutes pass and which each one your body relaxes that little bit more, the grip on your bottle gets a little slacker and before long a deep sleep is taking over you.
your body fully relaxing and becoming limp as your bottle falls from your grip and mouth landing sideways on the sun bed.
"and finally the long awaited nap has came!" alessia sighs still playing with the ends of your hair. "let's hope she wakes up a little more like her usual sunshine self!" ella laughed slightly placing the puzzle book to the side having given up on the one she was trying to do.
"hopefully, as long as nobody wakes her up!"
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alessia sleeping angel
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ellatoone always an angel👼🏻
1h 308 likes     reply
-> alessia she has her moments!
stanwaygeorgia when she wakes up i wanna practise my chants with her!
27m 213 likes     reply
-> alessia yeah, give her time to nap first g!
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alotofpockets · 8 months
The one that got away | Leah Williamson
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Pairing: Leah Williamson x Arsenal!Reader
Summary: Many years ago the timing wasn't right for you and Leah, will the timing be righ this time around?
Masterlist | Woso masterlist | Words: 2.2k
After playing for Barca for years, you get an offer to play for Arsenal. Your management wasn't sure if you would like the deal, since you played for Chelsea before you moved to Spain, and also having clearly stated that you didn't not want to play in the wsl for the time being. You had always loved Arsenal, supporting the club while growing up even. Your management asked if you would be open to play in the wsl again, since it was a really good deal. You asked them if you could take the day to think about it, which they granted.
Moving away from the wsl had been a tough choice at eighteen, but it had been what you needed mentally. You had just gotten out of a relationship, and since your ex played in the wsl too you were constantly surrounded by her, which wasn't good for you. You didn't just have to make up your mind about joining the wsl again, but also joining the club that she still played for. You decided that the opportunity was too good to let it pass by. It had been eight years, and you had moved on. So, you call up your manager to let her know your decision.
The next week the announcements were made, and you tried to stay off social media as much as you could. Usually football fans had big opinions on transfers, and you didn't want to deal with all the comments before the move.
Your teammates at Barca were sad to see you go, but knew that it was a great opportunity for you. Plus being closer to home was something all your international teammates understood well. “I'm going to miss you all so much.” You told the group with tears in your eyes, as they were all seeing you off at the airport. You gave them all a quick hug, knowing that if you stayed longer, leaving would be even harder. As you were walking off Ona yelled, “Don't be a stranger!” after you. You smile and blow a kiss in their direction.
That same afternoon you had your contract signing at Arsenal, along with a staff member showing you around the training grounds of London Colney. The team wasn't there today, as they had an away match, so you would meet them later. Today was focused on signing, doing interviews, and a photoshoot of you in all the kits. 
You had a few days to settle in before you would have your first training session with Arsenal, where you would meet the team. You spend a day visiting your family, and the rest of the days to get yourself situated in your new place. 
When your first official day at Arsenal arrived, you were nervous. It had been a while since you had joined a new club, and needed to meet a bunch of new people at the same time. Jonas had everyone meet in the conference room, where he introduced you to the team. The moment your eyes landed on Leah, all the feelings you thought you had put behind you came flying back. You quickly shake it off, and introduce yourself to the team before everyone heads down to the field. 
You tried avoiding Leah the rest of practice, hoping to be able to keep the feelings that came flying back to the back of your mind. Wanting to focus on your first training session. Once you’re done with practice you find yourself in the locker room sitting next to Beth, and start talking with her and Viv. At first the conversation was about the dynamic within the team which you were very interested to get to know but you could feel that Beth was way more interested in getting to know you. “So, where are you from originally?” The girl smiled like a giddy kid, finally being allowed to change the topic to you. “Milton Keynes.” Beth was immediately intrigued, “Wait, Milton Keynes, do you know Leah already then by any chance?” You move your eyes up to Leah, for the first time since that morning, and find her looking at you already. “You could say that, yeah.” Before Beth could ask another question, a staff member asks if you can come with her. 
When most of the girls have left the locker room, Beth turns to Leah. “What did y/n mean by ‘you could say that’?” Leah knew Beth was going to ask about it. “She’s the one that got away, Beth.” Back when the two were still in the England youth team Leah had confided in Beth.
-- 2015 --
Beth walked into her shared hotel room with Leah, only to find the girl quickly wiping away her tears. “Hey, what’s wrong?” Beth was by her side instantly. “I was dating someone, and we broke up before I left for camp.” Leah says between sobs. “Oh, sweetheart, come here.” Beth pulled Leah into a hug, and let the younger girl cry into her chest. 
“Do you want to talk about what happened?” Leah knew she had to confide in Beth, not for Beth, but for herself. She hadn’t told a single soul about what happened, since no one knew of the relationship, but going through this heartbreak on her own wasn’t going to do her any good. Beth seemed like the right person, as Leah knew that she was into girls as well, and was therefore the teammate that would most likely understand her situation the best. “We had been dating for almost a year, but hiding our relationship was slowly breaking us. So, we decided that it was best for us both to end it.” 
“May I ask why you didn’t want the relationship to be public?” Leah nods, to give herself a moment before she would come out to her friend. “Well, for starters, neither one of us is out. We both just started our professional club careers, and both felt like coming out and sharing our relationship to the world would overshadow our talents in football.” Leah lifted up her eyes to meet Beth’s nervously. Beth simply smiles and brings her back in for a hug. “So, you still love her?” Leah smiles sadly, “Yeah, I don’t think I will ever not love her.”
-- 2018 --
Leah’s career had skyrocketed, and over the years she had come out to friends and family. She never explicitly told the media, but she was aware that fans knew, and that was enough for her. She was of the opinion that coming out shouldn’t be such a big deal, that people could love who they loved. She had had a couple of short term girlfriends over the years, who she had posted about, hence the fans knowing. 
She had never told anyone besides Beth about you, and even Beth didn’t know who it was that she was talking about. Though, every once in a while Leah would bring up ‘the girl that got away’, and Beth would know who Leah was referring to.
-- present --
“She’s the one that got away, and now she’s here.” Beth knew instantly what Leah was talking about, while Viv looked confused. “Can I?” Beth nodded over to her girlfriend, “Yeah, go ahead.” She turned to Viv, “So, I didn’t know it was y/n until now, but Leah and y/n dated a long time ago, but eventually broke up because they were keeping their relationship hidden, since neither one of them were out, and it was hurting them to keep it a secret. Let’s call it the right person, wrong time situation.” Viv nodded along. “And now that you're both here, out, and single, do you still think she’s the right person?” Viv questioned. “She’s everything I’ve ever wanted. I never stopped loving her, but it’s been eight years, so I’m sure she has moved on.” You walked into the locker room just as Leah spoke those words. The room went silent when the three of them noticed you. Beth and Viv quickly packed their things, so the two of you could have the room to yourselves. Once they leave the room, you finally find your voice. “I thought I had moved on, but the moment I saw you this morning, it turned out that I had just boxed the feelings up and pushed them to the back of my mind, because when I laid my eyes on you they all came flooding back.” Your heart was beating rapidly in your chest, at the confession you had just made. You had sat in silence for a moment until Leah spoke up, “Do you maybe want to give us another chance?” You nod slowly, “I would really like that.” 
It had been two weeks since that conversation. The weeks had been filled with training, and matches, so there hadn’t been a lot of time to go out and do things together. You spend a lot of evenings together, you would talk for hours, or cuddle on the couch while watching a movie. Leah loved all the moments the two of you had together. She was overjoyed that the two of you met again after all these years, and that the feelings you had for each other all of those years ago, were still just as present as they were back then. 
You would have the weekend off, and Leah planned on doing something special. So, when you woke up on Saturday morning to the smell of breakfast coming from your kitchen, you happily made your way towards the smell. Leah was standing behind the stove with her back towards yours, wearing one of your sweaters. You snake your arms around her waist, and place a kiss on her shoulder. “Good morning baby, to what do I owe this wonderful breakfast?” Leah leans into your touch, “I want this weekend to be special, since it will be the first time we get to go out and do something as a couple.” 
The two of you had talked about it, and had come to the conclusion that you weren’t going to hide your relationship this time around. You had told your teammates and family already, and media wise, you decided to just post whatever you wanted.
After breakfast, Leah took you mini golfing. It was a lot of fun, but to say you had skill for the game was far-fetched, you were terrible. When you hit the ball so hard that it bounced off of a rock, and came flying back at you. You narrowly escape the ball hitting you in the face, and start laughing at just how bad you were at mini golfing. 
Leah was watching you with a big smile on her face, she loved your laugh. She also loved how carefree you were. The latter was a stark difference to back in the day, back then the two of you would hide away who you really were, scared for the world to find out. Now, you were comfortable with who you were, and it showed in your confidence. 
You walked back over to Leah after grabbing your escaped ball, and pecked her on the lips, “How about you give it a try?” It was the first kiss you had shared in public, which was a big deal given your past. The way you had done it without even giving it a second thought warmed her heart.
y/n_y/l/n just posted to their story
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Leah’s special day didn’t end there. When you were still asleep, she had made a basket and a cooler full of snacks, and packed it in the back of her car. She was taking you on a picnic for lunch. When you arrived at a local park, Leah opened the trunk, revealing the surprise, “A picnic?” You said enthusiastically, you loved how much thought and preparation Leah had put into this date. 
The two of you settled next to the pond, and Leah started arranging the food that she packed. You laughed when she opened the cooler, “Still big on ham sandwiches, I see.” It was nice to see that even though you hadn’t known each other for the past few years, some things would never change. 
It was the perfect day in Leah’s eyes, she loved being with you, and was enamoured by your smile, and the way your face lit up when you were talking about something you loved. She realised that you had only been together for two weeks, but since it felt like you had never not known each other, she knew that she wanted to tell you the three words that she has always connected to you. 
You were laying with your head in Leah’s lap, looking at the way the trees were moving from the wind, and the clouds that passed over, when you felt Leah staring at you. “You’re staring.” You commented, when you connected your eyes with hers. Her eyes were filled with nothing but love, and it made you blush. “I love you.” She said softly. “I love you too, Lee.” You both smile wide, and Leah leans down to place a kiss on your forehead. 
leahwilliamsonn just posted to their story
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greynatomy · 8 months
where were you in the morning? - two
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alessia russo x reader
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When Alessia woke up, she was cuddled into a body causing her to freeze. She remembers the night before very vividly. She loved it, but she’s never done something like it before. She freaks out, needing to get out of there.
Carefully getting out of your grasp, she dresses, making sure she doesn’t leave anything. She stares at your sleeping form for a bit, thinking if what she’s doing is the right choice. Your face looking very peaceful, a small smile can be seen. Biting on her bottom lip, she tiptoes out of the room, not looking back.
Arriving home, Alessia first hops into the shower, cleaning all last night off. She blanked out most of the shower, not really sure how to process what had happened. Alessia wasn’t one to have one night stands. Especially not with strangers, strangers who also happen to be as famous as you are.
A few days later, a couple people from the Arsenal team are gathered at Leah’s house. Everyone was gathered around the living room, a movie being drowned out in the background by all the chatter.
“Hey, what are you watching?” Beth asks, looking over Vic’s shoulder.
“My favorite musician. She posted a teaser for a new song.”
“Let me see.” This got peoples’ attention, wanting to watch too, gathering around Victoria.
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liked by victoriapelova, harrystyles and 2,576,446 others
yourinstagram lil something i wrote
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user the lyrics-
↳ user who hurt her
user i need this released NOW
user 💳 take my money 💳
taylorswift can’t wait to hear this!
↳ yourinstagram i’ll text you!
victoriapelova so good!
Where were you in the morning, baby? You didn't leave your number for me Left me without a warning, baby Where were you in the morning, baby? How do you, how do you just walk away?
“Who hurt her?”
While everyone discussed the song, Alessia sat quietly. Was this about her? No, it couldn’t have been. Right? You were famous, could’ve been another girl in the span of… four days? Yes. No?
She was conflicted. She knew she shouldn’t have left you that morning. It was one of the best she’s ever felt, connecting to someone emotionally - and physically.
“Alessia?” She breaks out of her trance and faces Leah. “You Alright? Been spaced out for a bit.”
“Yeah, yeah. Sorry.”
“Nah, don’t be sorry. What’s on your mind?”
She’s debating whether she should tell them or not. They are her teammates and more importantly, also their friends.
“Okay. This stays here. Okay?” They all nod their heads. “Remember when we went out a few days ago? Well, uh, I met her there.”
“Met who?”
“Y/N Y/LN.”
“What?” “When?” “You’re joking.”
“Okay! Okay! Uh, and I’m pretty sure that song is about me.”
“Wait, wait. Back up for a minute. So, you’re saying you slept with Y/N Y/LN.”
“How was she?”
“Does she know who you are?” Kyra asks, getting everyone back on track.
“She knows my name?”
“That’s all? What else did you talk about?”
Alessia goes into vague detail on what happened, making sure not to share anything very intimate.
“…and we talked about getting breakfast in the morning.”
“And you just left her?”
“I know!” Alessia’s voice raised, then softened. “I know. I regretted leaving the moment the door closed.”
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trulyhblue · 9 months
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Kyra Cooney-Cross x Dutch! Reader Blurb
Warnings: fluff, REALLY bad translated Dutch, language barrier.
Moving from your childhood club AFC Ajax was the hardest change of your life, but the easiest choice of your career.
You signed your first professional contract with them when you were fifteen, making your club debut in the same year. After six months of fitting into the squad, and having the opportunity to play in the Champions League as a substitute, you were asked to play for your first international camp against New Zealand, where you came away with a 2-1 win. From then, you have continued to be chosen for the National Team’s 23-player squad, continuously representing them as both a starter and a sub.
You were known for your agility, speed, and footwork, both on the ball and against both attacking and defending players. Being a midfielder, your job to maintain possession and create chances felt like a breeze to you, and your pure, sheer talent landed you with many of the most assists for the past three years.
Despite the friends you made at Ajax, you knew that opportunities to strengthen your player profile and widen your skills across the world were a dream of yours. You were a huge fan of Arsenal growing up, your parents taking you to games when they could.
When the opportunity arose to represent your country at the 2023 Women’s World Cup, you don't remember doing anything but crying for the days following your selection. You played your heart out that whole tournament. And while you didn't make it to the Semis, you walked away with a once-in-a-lifetime experience, with clubs worldwide wanting you as a part of their team.
Moving to Arsenal was a no-brainer. Not only were you a massive fan of the name itself, but they were among the best players in the world. You knew Victoria and Viv from the Oranje Leeuwinnens, and you had been told that you’d move in with Vic for the first couple of months upon your arrival, so the weight of the move felt lighter than many anticipated. You were roommates with Vic during Camps. But, in contrast to your Netherlands teammates, you didn't know an inch of English.
Well, other than the obvious words like Hello, Good Morning, and Goodbye, you were hopeless.
So, when you arrived on your first day of training alongside Victoria, you couldn't help but cringe at what was about to unfold.
“Ze weten dat je geen Engels spreekt, y/n.” They know you don't speak English. She spoke, wrapping a comforting arm around your shoulders, squeezing you into her chest. “Ze zijn allemaal erg aardig.” They are all very nice.
You didn't reply, choosing to keep your arm around Victoria’s waist, your eyes filtering over each of the girls.
“Ah, hier is ze!” Ah, here she is. Viv said, walking out from beside Beth Mead, jogging towards you, eloping you into a crushing hug.
“Ik heb je gemist, y/n, hoe gaat het met je?” I’ve missed you, y/n. How have you been? She asked, holding onto your shoulders as she kissed the top of your head. The London chill meant that you were wearing a black long-sleeve under your shirt, its hem being detained in your hands. The chill of the air nipped your cheeks. The Netherlands were cold, but so was London.
“Hetzelfde. Ik ben goed.” Same. I'm good. You let out meekly, noticing a bouncy Beth Mead waddle over to the three of you, holding her hand out for you to shake. You had played against Beth before, and of course, you knew her from Viv, so you made sure to look her in the eye when you shook her hand.
“Hi!” She sounded cheerfully, keeping a ball at her feet. “I’m Beth!”
“Y/n.” You replied, trying to reciprocate her delight with a small smile. “I'm Y/n.”
Your eyes widened slightly when a ball came flying at the four of you, causing you all to yelp out and duck before it hit anyone. Everyone looked in the direction the ball had come from, a strong, Irish and Australian accent on cue to yell out.
“Sorry!” The duo cringed, running over to retrieve the ball with a grimace.
“Katie kicked it.” The Australian one said, but you didn't understand. You saw the pained expression on her face, and how the Irish woman, who you knew as Katie, glared at her in shock.
“It was a joint effort, I’ll have you know.”
“Oh, fuck off, no it wasn't—”
“Ze vechten.” They’re fighting. Victoria muttered to you, making you laugh.
“Ik dacht.” I figured.
The two girls were silenced after another woman came marching up to the growing group, looking at you with a stern expression before softening the crease between her eyebrows. You knew she was Kim Little by her motherly stare.
Next to her was Jennifer Beattie, an Arsenal Defender. She had her arms crossed around her chest, shaking her head in false disapproval before strolling over to you, calling out to Jonas, whom you had met when you discussed your contract.
You felt like crawling into a hole and dying, the whole occasion of being introduced to everyone made your skin crawl. Of course, no one necessarily made you feel out of place, but you refused to let Victoria’s arm go throughout the whole ordeal. You knew most of the players due to their prominence in women’s football. Most of these women set the scene for how the sport is seen today, and the mere thought of them knowing who you were was surreal.
The two girls that were arguing before, Caitlin Foord and Katie McCabe were the first to come up to you. Victoria told you they were sorry, and you shook your head and brushed the apology off, not really knowing how to say the right words in English.
Steph Catley and Leah Williamson came up to you next, saying very few yet simple words before hugging you and wishing you luck. Alessia Russo was next, and you couldn't help but giggle as her cheeks went red as she started to speak.
“Erm— sorry, hold on.” The striker looked at Pelova, who prodded her on with her hands. Russo looked back at you, trying hard to remember what she wanted to say.
“Leuk… Leuk je te ontmoeten. Erm- sorry. Ik hoop… Ik hoop dat je geniet… van… Londen.” It’s nice to meet you. I hope you enjoy London. You knew from her strained expression that she was well aware of how much she butchered the language with her English accent, but you pursed your lips together and smiled gratefully. The thought was genuine.
“Thank you.” You muttered, your slim vocabulary in English coming in handy. “It’s… nice to meet you, too.”
Alessia looked to be most accomplished with herself, asking Victoria a question before she was cut off by Jonas’ booming voice.
You waited, trying your hardest to latch onto an idea of what he was saying, but gave up when you felt someone behind you pulling you away from Vic’s side, leading towards the other end of the pitch.
When you faced the girl in front of you, she must've realised that she had startled you, since her eyes widened at your expression.
She was short, but your height, with a scrunchie in her hair and a training jumper over her Jersey. You couldn't count the hundreds of freckles that patterned her face, her doe-like Brown eyes looking at you with a mix of shock and awe.
“Hello, my name’s Kyra. Steph told me your name is Y/n… Jonas said that we are partners, so you can start if you want.”
You didn't say anything. You wish you could, but the words that left her lips were foreign. You felt a flush run across your face, humiliation at your lack of words hitching your breath. You must've looked so stupid since the girl waited for you to reply. Everyone was set off into pairs, a ball adorned between each of them.
The girl in front of you had the ball, picking it up and fidgeting with it in her hands. You stared at each other in silence, neither of you particularly knowing what to do. It wasn't until the girl put the ball to her feet, kicking it towards you, that you communicated in some way.
Instead of talking, the girl showed you the drills, pretending to be Jonas by overexaggerating her actions by marching around, waving her hands vigorously, and using the ball to make you laugh at her ridiculous impression of your Manager.
Her number was thirty-two, yours was thirty-three, and somehow it made you feel more of a connection with her. She was very patient if you didn't understand what you were doing the first time around, and you began to wonder if number thirty-two was trying hard not to talk just for the fun of it.
She never made you feel as if you were annoying her with the lack of audible contact, in fact, she looked to find it a fun game between the pair of you.
No one chose to interrupt or try and sever the consecutive numbers, finding Kyra’s unusual silence amicable in contrast to her typical outgoing self. Both Viv and Vic were eyeing you from where they stood with their respective partners, hesitant about the choice of Kyra as your partner, as you two were very different personalities. But after a while, the two Dutch women stopped looking to see if you were okay, hearing your faint giggles from the view of a giddy Kyra enough to reassure them.
Because of this, training went by quickly for everyone. Today was a pretty easy session, similar to the ones you knew from back home. You knew you were wrapping up when Kyra started juggling the ball, singing a loud tune before passing it over to you.
You moved your feet up and down as you juggled the ball from one foot to the other. Kyra giggled when she missed the ball you passed to her, tripping over her own feet and rolling around on the floor, clutching her stomach in laughter. You did this for a while, before Kyra dragged you across the field and to the stack of drink bottles.
You didn't really know where you were going, so you let Kyra take your hand and lead the way, walking behind her as you passed the bike rack and towards the indoor fields.
You didn't begin to doubt Kyra until you had pretty much walked the length of the training centre, where you had long discarded the fields you were once training on.
“Kyra.” You ushered, making the Australian stop in her tracks at the sound of your voice. She pivoted on her heel, staring at you absolutely gobsmacked.
You looked around, trying to find the words to get across what you wanted to say.
“Say it in Dutch,” Kyra answered, catching a glimpse of your reticence.
You thought to yourself for a second before nodding. “Waar gaan we heen?”
Kyra’s eyes widened, obviously not comprehending a word you said. She looked around, trying to find a solution.
She grabbed your hand again and led you down another corridor, pushing past a few doors, weaving through the never-ending maze of rooms before finally making your way back to the locker rooms, where Vic had taken you to drop off your possessions before training.
Kyra rushed to pick up her phone, waddling over to you, typing away vigorously and smiling up at you when a voice rang from the device.
“Ik kom uit Australië.” I'm from Australia. The voice spoke.
You laughed, taking the phone from the girl’s hands and writing down a reply.
“I know. I can tell by your funny accent.”
Kyra gasped, snatching the phone off you and furiously writing down a retort. You couldn't help but gape at her fondly, biting your lip at the sight of her concentration.
“Mijn accent is niet grappig, mijn grappen wel.” My accent is not funny, my jokes are. The phone sounded.
Before you could type out your own reply, Kyra went back to typing, but instead of letting the audio play, she squinted down at the translated sentence.
“Ik zou je… veel grappen kunnen… vertellen, weet je? Zou je ze graag… willen… horen?” I could tell you heaps of jokes, you know? Would you like to hear them?
For some reason, the Dutch that left the Australian’s lips left you gushing, nodding your head up and down as you grabbed her phone.
When you translated the sentence you had written down, looking down at the words in utter confusion, you sighed. Kyra was definitely no expert in your language, but you were just downright pathetic in hers.
She must've noticed your dismay since she looked over your shoulder, pointing at the first word. “Yes… but do you… have time... to tell… them all?”
She waited for you to sound out each word, humming and nodding in recognition when you repeated the sounds.
She smiled at you, taking her phone. You waited for the audio to play back to you. Kyra’s smirk only grew when she handed her phone back to you, the Contact App up on her phone — your name typed in and phone number blank.
You laughed, and she did too.
You could get use to this communication.
(just pretend it's you)
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arsenalwfc : Cooney-Cross showing Y/L/N the ropes before our big clash on Sunday!
kyracooneyx — best partner‼️ Laten we gaan gunners (let's go)
^ yourusername — 💗💗
^ user2 — THE DUTCH 😭😭😭
^ user3 — sleeping on the highway tonight, they're so cute 💔
User7 — the eyes chica 😍😍
katie_mccabe11 — quietest training session yet LOVE YOU Y/N
^ kyracooneyx — um rude 😡
vivannemiedema — Where did you two go after training?!
^ kyracooneyx — um, home? 🥰
^ victoriapelova — HAHAHAHA
kimlittle10 — welcome Y/N ❤️
^ yourusername — 💗
User1 — the duo we never knew we needed 🙌🏼🙌🏼
*liked by kyracooneyx
bethmead_ — happy to have you here Y/n!!!!
^ yourusername — Thank you ❤️
^ kyracooneyx — what about me?
^ caitlinfoord — what about you? 🤣
^ user4 — HAVSJDVSJSHSJS I'm dying
User5 — Y/n doesn't speak English, how did they even talk? Lol
^ user6 — Viv and Vic are there. I'm sure she was fine.
User7 — she's not even that good, at this point they're just getting anyone.
^ kyracooneyx — womp womp
* liked by yourusername
Number Thirty-Three 💗
You : what does ‘womp womp’ mean?
Ky : Niets, net als het. Xx Nothing, just like it. Xx
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woso-dreamzzz · 10 months
Playing Favourites
Arsenal Women x Child!Reader
Summary: You definitely have favourites in the Arsenal squad
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Leah, as a football player, is very cool.
Leah, as a sister, is a bit annoying.
It's clear to everyone that you were the happy little accident of the family, so much younger than your siblings, but Leah especially enjoyed taking you everywhere with her.
It wasn't uncommon for her to kidnap you from Milton Keynes and make the long drive back to the Arsenal training grounds. Honestly, your parents kind of just accepted Leah's loud presence in your life without complaint.
She was quite annoying though, sometimes. Like now, when she woke you up super early to take you to practice with her.
You were grouchy and moody but looked especially cute in your Arsenal puffer jacket and your little hat.
"Come on, bean," She says, hoisting you up onto her hip as you lag behind.
"Leah," You whine," Tired."
"I know," She says," I know but we're gonna have a lot of fun today. I promise."
You groan anyway, going limp in her arms as she wanders into the locker room. She sets you on your feet as she changes and you groan again as you wander around in an exhausted haze.
You bump into Viv and give her the international sign of 'pick me up please' - grabby hands. She holds you a bit like you're a bomb about to go off but you're relieved all the same. Viv's comfortable and you're happy to rest in her arms.
Jen approaches. "Hey, baby Williamson," She says, reaching out to push your hair out of your face.
You make an annoyed noise and turn away, burying further into Viv - who relaxed slightly now that you've gotten comfortable.
"Oh, come on." Jen pops up on your other side. "You can't really be choosing Viv over me? I'm way more fun!"
You turn your head away again and shut your eyes. Your breathing slowly changes into soft puffs against Viv's collarbone and your head lulls.
Viv has to change her hold to make sure you don't go tumbling to the ground.
"Looking good Miedema!" Beth wolf whistles but Viv ignores her, focussed on making sure that your hat is firmly on your head.
You're kind of in a half-sleep state - still kind of awake to know that Viv is moving outside with you but asleep enough that when your eyes finally blink open again, you feel more well rested than when Leah got you bundled into the car this morning.
You rub at your eyes and stubbornly turn away from Leah when she comes over to grab you.
"Bean," She says in disbelief as you slip from her grasp and hide behind the better Lia's legs," Come on! Are you still upset?"
"She woke me up early," You tell Lia, who affectionately rubs a hand through your hair. "Meanie." You stick your tongue out.
Lia laughs. "Yeah, she is a meanie."
"Meanie!" You say again.
"Hey! I'm your sister! You can't call me that!"
"Meanie! Meanie! Meanie!" You stamp your feet and glare.
Lia laughs and hoists you up onto her hip when your sister goes to grab you. "Come on, bean," She says," Let's get away from this meanie!"
You spend a lot of training with Lia and you also branch out to Kyra too. You don't know her at all. She's very new to the team and she's Australian too, like Caitlin and Steph, so she's very exciting.
You kick the ball away from her, one hand wrapped tightly around her shorts so she can't run away from you.
"You're Leah's sister, right? y/n?"
You nod. "Uh-huh. You're Kyra."
"I am."
"You've got a cool accent," You say. You take her hand, swinging it back and forth," Let's be friends."
She sends you a silly smile, kneeling down to your level. "I know another little girl like you. Her name's Harper. You can't be much older."
You nod along. "Does that mean you know how to play?"
"I do know how to play. What do you want to do?"
You think for a moment before slapping her on the leg. "You're it!" You turned to run as fast as your little legs will carry you.
Kyra laughs as she runs after you, catching up to you a few times but dramatically tripping on her own feet when she's about to tag you.
You weave through the groups of girls training, ducking and dashing through their open legs so Kyra can't grab at you.
"Whoa, bean!" Steph says, grabbing you by your waist when you clamber through the gap between her legs," Be careful. I could have crushed you."
From the angle she's holding you at, you can't quite see Kyra yet. You don't know where she's going to pop out of so you try to push Steph's hands off of you, not at all in the mood to play her games.
"Whoa! You got somewhere to be, bean? You can't hang out with me?"
"Let go!" You say firmly, trying to push her hands off," Kyra's gonna get me. Let go, Steph!"
Steph sets you down at your insistence, glancing around, but doesn't quite relinquish her grip on you. "Sorry to break it to you, bean, but I think Jonas needs Kyra for something."
"Steph!" You groan as though it's her fault that Kyra could no longer find you.
"Sorry," She says," How about I play with you instead? That'll be fun, huh, bean?"
You roll your eyes, turning away. "No, Steph. You never play right."
With your game with Kyra suitably ruined by adult jobs and all of your running finally catching up to you, you end up near Lotte.
She's always nice and calm and lets you nap against when you're sleepy.
You're yawning when you finally make it over to her and the new girl. You recognise the new girl vaguely but you're very sleepy and Lotte looks nice and warm so you clamber onto her lap without thinking.
"Oh!" The new girl says, almost gasping at your sudden appearance.
"Leah's little sister," Lotte explains. She jostles you slightly. "Hey, bean, say hi to Alessia."
"Hi, Alessia," You parrot but your attention is waning and that's all the words they get out of you as you sag against Lotte's chest.
"I think I recognise her," Alessia says," Leah gave away her Euro's medal to her, after we won."
"I have all of Leah's medals," You slur, somehow still awake.
Your shirt's ridden up a bit so Alessia moves to pull it down, only to get her hands clumsily swatted away. "No," You say," No play. Sleep."
"Don't mind bean," Lotte explains," She needs a nap and Katie's favourite thing is pulling her shirt up and blowing raspberries on her stomach."
Alessia laughs and that rubs you the wrong way and you uselessly swat in her general direction. "Sleep," You insist," Night-Night."
You conk out pretty quickly on Lotte's chest when new-girl-Alessia finally quietens. You're not quite sure how long you were sleeping because you come back into awareness inside so there's no moving sun to see if you were sleeping a long time.
You recognise these arms though and you really don't want to be in them, given your rather sour start to the day. With your uncoordinated limbs, you try to push yourself away but the person holding you keeps readjusting their grip, keeping you trapped.
"No," You whine," No, wrong. Wrong."
"Wrong?" You sister laughs," What's wrong, bean?"
"Want the other Leah," You insist," Lia! Lia!"
"Give her here." You're transferred into the Lia you wants' arms and relax instantly into them, yawning and rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
"Oh, I see," Your actual Leah scoffed," I see, bean. Playing favourites? Really? You don't even have good taste. We all know I'm the superior LW."
"No!" You say stubbornly," Lia's the best!"
Lia laughs, hoisting you up further on her hip. "Well," She says," The bean has spoken."
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magics-neptunes-things · 11 months
Fire and Ice
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Hi guys!
Yes I know it's me again! I got a request for a story with Leah, so here is a story with Leah.
I'm open to request btw :)
I hope this story will please you, I tried to stick as much as possible to the way I imagine Leah’s dynamique.
Part 2 is HERE :) and the chapter bonus HERE.
Thanks everyone ♥
New to Arsenal, you’ve only been part of this team since this summer. You left Bayern Munich at the end of you contract and after some hesitation between different clubs, you finally chose Arsenal. Lyon would have loved to hire you too, but you felt that English football was probably better if you wanted to continue to evolve in your career. You're only 21 and hopefully, many years ahead of you.
You were scared at first to be honest, you know the team had a lot of players who already know themselves. But Lia was particularly welcoming to you, playing the role of a little mother. Frida, who is also your teammate in the Norway team, decided to show you her favorite places in London and Alessia who arrived at the same time as you quickly offered to do the exercises in training together.
In reality, your arrival at Arsenal was very smooth even if some personalities continue to impress you a little. For example Leah, Beth or Katie. As a result, you have very little interactions with them, as Leah’s injury has not helped to create a special bond with her. Even if she was present on the day of your presentation to the rest of the group, wanted to welcome you like the others.
You do, however, enjoy evenings organized by your teammates and you go regularly. Far from your family, you don’t know anyone here and it makes you feel less alone.
So here you are, in Leah's appartment with some of the Arsenal girls. You hesitated to come since Frida wasn't here, but Alessia is and hasn’t given you much choice to do otherwise. Leah was in charge of the cocktails and only gave Lia a smirk when she asked her what she put in it. You took the time to discreetly sniff the mixture before bringing it to your lips, pleasantly surprised by the sweetness of the drink. A little misleading though, because after two or three drinks, getting up to go to the toilet took a little longer than usual.
When you came back, you drop on the couch next to Alessia, trying to get back into the conversation. You became bit uncomfortable when you realize that the discussion has turned on the girls being in couple or those who are not. You are single obviously, finding it particularly difficult to have a long-distance relationship, or with one of your teammates. In the case of a breakup, you were always afraid that it would be too complicated for you to handle.
So you say nothing, hoping that hiding behind your glass will save you from possible questions. You are very naive.
"And you, Y/N? You never mention anyone, I guess you're single?"
Beth’s question makes you grimace and you find yourself nervously biting the edge of your plastic glass before answering a simple "Yes".
"Why that?" asks Beth and you just shrugs.
"We should make her up with someone" Katie decide and you can't help but laugh a little.
"I’m a little demanding about my partner"
"Not a problem"
You roll your eyes before taking a new sip of your drink, crossing Leah’s gaze. She seems lost in her thoughts, twirling her glass in her hand. Your eyes cross a split second and you hurry to report it to Katie when she speaks again.
"We should make you profil though. Like in a dating app"
"OMG yes, I going to take something to write!"
Alessia chuckles next to you and you can't help but smile too. You don’t really take this seriously, given everyone’s blood alcohol levels, you’re sure that half of this evening will be forgotten by tomorrow morning. So you decide to play the game with a smile.
"Ok, first question" Beth begin with a notepad and a pen. "What is your house in Hogwarts?"
"How is that even a question?" Katie answers with a disgusting face.
"It's not because you don't like Harry Potter than it's the same for everyone, McCabe"
You let the two girls ask you questions for twenty minutes, ignoring the departure of several of your teammates. Now it’s just you, Katie, Lotte, Beth, Leah and Alessia.
"Are you a good kisser?" Beth asked, looking over her sheet.
"How am I even supposed to know that?" you ask, giggling.
"I don't know, it's your kissing skills, not mine."
You roll your eyes before answering.
"I've never received any complaints"
"Does it count?" Katie asked while looking at Beth.
"Not really. Is there anyone in this room who can testify to that?"
"What? No!" you laugh softly.
You, in reality, only have two relationship in your life and both didn't end really well. Football keeping you very busy, you maybe weren't a great girlfriend. But that doesn’t mean your first girlfriend’s infidelity should be excused, in your opinion. Anyway, the next sentence coming from Beth's mouth take you back in the reality.
"Maybe we need a sincere testimony from someone we trust…" Katie said thoughtfully.
"Maybe we can make her kiss someone here, now?" Beth answers with the same tone.
"Excuse me?" you ask with a certain concern.
But the two women didn't seem to give it the slightest care, continuing in their dialogue which makes you slightly think of Dupont and Dupond in Tintin.
"Leah is definitely the most experienced of us, she has a hunt board longer than the number of goals scored by Alexia Putellas at FC Barcelona."
"What the fuck?"
This is the first time of the evening that you hear Leah's voice, who had been content until then to make cocktails and dance in the kitchen with Lia and Caitlin. Both of Beth and Katie laugh at her offended face, finally out of their common monologue.
"Come on Leah, you have to kiss Y/N to help her finding love"
"Don't I have any say in this?" you say softly.
Beth’s gaze makes you realize that you don’t really have much of a say, but it’s especially Leah’s piercing gaze that you feel on you that electrifies you. Leah is a very beautiful woman and you must admit that if you hadn't been teammates, maybe you would have thought of her differently. But there is also her assertive and confident personality that can sometimes confuse you, you who is rather quiet and discreet, you are a bit like fire and ice.
But tonight, your eyes meet a few seconds and for once you don't look away. It's even finally Leah who looks away to look at Beth.
"Ok" Leah answers before getting up "But I'm not doing it in front of everyone. Close all your damn pretty eyes"
They all agreed without saying any word, Alessia swaping place with Leah on the couches. The captain waits patiently for everyone to close their eyes, before looking at you.
"You know you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, right? You're sure you want to?" she asks softly.
So softly that it surprises you at first. And you almost immediately feel overwhelmed by a wave of guilt, after all you are very well placed to know that Leah knows how to take care of the people around her. She showed it to you several times as captain of her team.
"I am" you simply answer, before adding "And you?"
"Hey don't worry about me. Go on" she gives you a smirk of her own and you smile back.
You feel particularly nervous though, becoming a little aware of the situation you’re in. Leah doesn’t seem particularly drunk, but you’re hoping she won’t be mad at you tomorrow when she realizes things. You wait a few more seconds, detailing her face and eyes looking for a trace of hesitation. But you find nothing and you finally decide to break the physical distance between you two.
Your eyes left hers and you look at her lips for a few moments, certainly looking at them for the first time. It doesn't last long however. Like a second after that, you close your eyes, your lips gently touching hers. At this distance, you can smell her perfume and shampoo. Her lips are soft and have the flavor of the cocktail she has prepared for you all evening.
But that’s not what’s calling you.
What's calling you is the way your whole body seems to react to a simple peck with Leah Williamson.
You feel like every part of your body is burning up and asking for more of Leah’s. And that's scared the shit out of you. That’s why you step back after a few seconds, wide-eyed, looking for an explanation on Leah’s face. But you can’t find anything and you can’t even determine the emotion in her eyes.
"Tell us when you're finished" Katie points.
Of course, you forgot about them. Everything that didn’t concern Leah directly had been completely zapped by your brain.
"Shut up. We haven’t even started"
Leah answers for both of you and you hardly swallow, not at all recovering from the emotions you felt. That you still feel. A second later, Leah grabs your face with both hands before kissing you. You don't lose a second before responding to her kiss, your lips moving together with an ease you have never felt before.
It's easy for you to get lost in this kiss, the sensations mixing so much that you completely lose the notion of things. Your hands slide over Leah’s hips and you find yourself sitting on her, your legs on either side of hers.
That doesn’t seem to bother her though, her tong easily finding access to yours. Your lips only separate for a few seconds, until you get enough air to start your dance again. And again.
You could have sincerely spent the rest of the evening - the night - kissing her, but one of them had to realize that you were going to get the attention of your teammates. It was Leah who put an end to the kiss first, snatching from your embrace as breathless as you. You don’t look away this time either when she looks at you, before gently pushing you away so that you find your original place on the couch.
You could have taken this as a gesture of reject, but the smile and wink she offers you when she gets up seems to be there only to reassure you that it’s not. You follow her with your eyes as she discreetly go behind the couch, leaning on her backrest, above where she was sitting until now.
"How is it possible that it lasts so long?" Alessia wines and you smile when you hear Leah's laugh.
The other girls open their eyes and the surprise appears on almost every face by discovering your positioning.
"Did you really think I was going to kiss someone to please you? Well everyone out now, I need my beauty sleep."
Rolling their eyes or grumbling, your teammates obeyed quickly. After exchanging greetings, you follow Alessia who promised to take you home. Still disturbed by these kisses, you can’t help but turn around while closing the front door hoping to meet Leah’s gaze.
You succeed, while she leaned against the central island of her kitchen. The same look as the one she used to look at you earlier appears on her face, but you can’t study it as long as you would like since you feel Alessia’s hand grab your arm, suddenly eager to find her bed.
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hidtired · 5 months
hi! i saw your post and i would like to suggest something sweet and fluffy. maybe a confession after years of pining on the road and alexandria fells like a fresh start to daryl and reader!
Your wish is my command!
(Daryl Dixon x Reader) Masterlist
Unspoken Things
Description: Words never came easy to Daryl. After the loss of the prison and finding Alexandria however, he just couldn’t stop them.
1.3k words
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You and Daryl would hover near each other. Everyone had always just assumed that something was going on between you two. Daryl was a private guy that liked privacy. Woodbury and others that came to the prison knew as well or thought they did. Referring to them as “the hunter and his lady.” He never corrected them, and little did he know neither did you.
He knew you cared about him. You had shown him that much. Just as you had known. It was unspoken. Just like how while on the road again after the Prison and Terminus. Your place was next to him. You would walk with him in the back. Sleep next to him. Took watch with him.
You sat next to him while having to eat the dogs you found. He rubbed your back as you tried not to cry about what you were eating. You loved dogs but you simply had to eat. You had hugged him before you all were going to start walking again. You were seeking comfort. It made Daryl heart pound thinking you wanted it from him.
You would let him walk off the path to go “looking for water/food”. Not before offering to go with him. You saw he was struggling after Beth then Tyrese. Mostly Beth. He felt guilty anyone could see it. That boy has way more heart than he lets himself believe.
When it started raining stopping the long quest for water. You just lent your head back to catch it into your mouth. Then you looked to see the expression on his face. You realize while starring at him that you were fully and utterly in love with him. To the point his pain was yours. You wanted to take care of him and wash that expression from him like the rain.
He lead you all to a barn after the rain became thunder. You sat next to him by the fire but were mesmerized by the flames and drifted to sleep sitting up. What woke you was him getting up and tapping your shoulder after saying something to Rick walking off.
You were confused but followed after him. He lent back down against a wall and sat there. You flopped on your side facing him. Putting your hand on his leg looking at him worriedly. He inhaled looking down at you. He grabbed your hand off his leg and started rubbing it feeling how cold you were. You curled the other arm under your head and fully laid down.
You don’t know how long you slept a hour or two before Daryl was rushing up beside you springing you awake ready for danger. Still with sleep in your eyes you stumble moving to keep the door to the barn closed.
Morning came leaving you all exhausted from the dead and storm. Then a man named Aaron. A man you will soon attribute your thanks for safety in a community.
Alexandria unnerved you. By the looks of it everyone is a little unnerved. It’s like you walk into a TV show. After having interviews with the leader you were granted a house. Well 2 but you’re not splitting up. That first night you had showered and were laying on the floor near Daryl completely passed out.
Daryl would look from the outside the window to your sleeping form. He took pride in the fact that you felt safe enough to sleep as hard as you were. A unspoken form again of saying how much you trusted him. Unspoken he thought. That always seemed to be the case no words spoken between them about this thing about them. Just actions. But why?
The next morning everyone went exploring or to there new jobs. You stayed at the house. You were apart of the people who went on runs now. You didn’t see a need to leave the house you were tired. You sat on the porch glass of water in hand watching Daryl fiddle with his crossbow. Then for the first time. That unspoken silence was broken.
“I think ya might be the prettiest person in the world…”
You look to him with wide startled eyes trying to process if you actually heard what he just said. He thinks is all the time. Thinks a lot of things about you. This was just the first he said it out loud and well, to you. The smile that came across your face as you tilted your head toward him.
“Are you trying to butter me up Dixon?”
He only held your gaze seeming resolved. “Among other things.” You chuckled and had a warm smile and a look in your eyes. “Well it’s working.” You held your hand in front of your face to try and cover its probable redness. Sure felt like it.
Daryl looking down at the floor shyly as well. He thought a lot last night while you slept. Alexandria was either another thing to crush or enjoy. Either way it was a new start. He just didn’t think he could do it any longer without having something…. More with you.
“As far as I’m concerned Daryl.” You stood up and made your slow walk backwards into the house. “You’ve already swept me off my feet.” Daryl heart ached in his ribs. Are you saying what he thinks you’re saying? Did you just challenge him to try and come fishing for more from you? He abandoned his crossbow by the door and slowly walking into the house after you. You’re fully smiling at his entrance. That expression on his face was like nothing you’ve seen him make. Like… if you poke him a little he would spill. He also looked like when he was hunting.
He walked closer to you hesitantly putting his arms around your waist. Your heart pounding at the fact this was finally happening. He looked down at you before that sweet look became mischievous. He tightened his hold on you and swept you off your feet. Your laughter filled the room at the sudden movement. Arms flying to hold on to him. “Now that’s just cheating.” You said leaning back to look at him. He started walking over to the couch with you in his arms. “You said I already swept you off your feet. Thought I could at leas’ do it properly.”
He sat you down on the couch. You looked up to him, “Properly hmm?” He sighed and looked to your smiling face. He was nervous. “I just thought that maybe- I just care about you so damn much. Unlike I do with anyone else.” Your face changes from happiness to awe. “I want you, as mine.” He grunted in frustration at the inability to speak his feeling.
Your then awe then soon turns to shock at his words if you weren’t careful you might start crying and attack this man with all you bundled hidden affection. He still continued by dropping to his knees. In front of you to be eye level. It was now just flowing out of him with no filter and overthinking with his words. “I’m hopeless when it comes to you. I’ve never know love but know I have it for you-” You were slowly leaning toward him catching his face in your hands. He keep stammering on. “If you have’ ta break my heart, it was only ever yours to break.”
That did it. You leaned into him kissing him surprising him. Your hands going to in tangle into his hair. He sighed into the kiss bring his hand to your waist. He slowly raised himself to above you on the couch. Leg in between yours as his hand moves to grab and angle your face up more into him. You break to breath huffing out air looking up into the man that just poured his soul into your own.
You tilted your head back farther looking up at him. “I’ve always been the ‘hunters’ lady, I suppose. Always been in love with him to. He is just the kind of guy you want to grab and say..? Keep his heart safe.” Your arms come around his neck, he is looking at you like a puppy. His arms come under yours lifting you into him. He leans back with in you his arms standing. “He sounds stupid for leaving things unsaid…”
Requests are still open and waiting! Also FYI I’m heavily dyslexic so apologies for mistakes. I reread this all like crazy but still miss a lot.
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wosoamazing · 5 months
Lotte's Accident
Summary: Just a short little fic about Lotte's little sister meeting the Arsenal girls.
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“Good Morning, who are you?” The blonde asked, already knowing who you were, Lotte’s message to the group chat, accompanied by the fact you were a complete mini me and before running over to greet the blonde you held her hand tightly walking beside her.
“I’m Lotte’s accident,” you proudly and confidently said. Lotte stood there mouth wide open as Alessia choked back a laugh.
“Catching flies are we,” Leah asked Lotte who was still standing there mouth wide open in shock, “oh hello there little one, you must be Lotte’s sister,” you didn’t know why but the sudden presence of another one of your sisters teammates, made you shy and you quickly went to hide behind Lotte’s legs, which caused the taller blonde to chuckle softly before going about her ordinary activities. As more and more of the team entered the room you became closer and closer to Lotte.
In the opposite corner to you, Beth, was having a very animated conversation with Steph and she was quite loud, but the girl sitting next to her, Viv was her name, seemed interesting, she kept making funny faces at you as Beth continued to yap, hands flailing around. She even rolled her eyes at her girlfriends dramatics a few times. You decided to very carefully venture off from the safety of beside your sister over to the dutch women, you quickly but cautiously approach the women, tapping her leg when you arrived by her side, giving her a tentative wave.
“Hello, Kleimtje,” she kind of smiled at you, you weren’t too sure though whether it was or not, however your face beamed at her knowledge of Dutch.
“Hallo,” you spoke softly but still somewhat confident, “wie is dat”(who is that) you asked as you pointed to the blonde, quickly pulling back your hand, Lotte always told you that pointing isn’t nice.
“dat is mijn vriendin,” (that is my girlfriend) she replied, causing you to hum in response, she didn't know if it was because you were thinking or you didn’t understand what she had said.
“Lotte doesn’t have a girlfriend, or a boyfriend,” you pointed out, causing Lotte to tell you it was time to go for training, everyone following behind you both, you skipped out holding Lotte’s hand having a new found confidence after making a new friend.
“You must be Lotte’s little sister,” Jonas said as you walked up to him and the training stuff started to get boring. “No, I’m Lotte’s accident, or maybe I’m Mum and Dad’s accident” you spoke, having found your confidence again.
“Lotte, why is your sister telling Jonas and the staff she is an accident?” Steph asked the English women.
“Again?” Lotte sighed knowing she was going to have to have a conversation with you, everyone gave her a weird look, and she just walked off towards you and sighed.
“She introduced herself to me this morning as being Lotte’s accident,” Alessia informed the team, who all tried to stifle their laughs.
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luveline · 1 year
what abt a kbd thing where like all the girls either can’t sleep and one by one they all end up all cuddled in w mom & steve
tysm! ♡ kisses before dinner au. mom!reader, 1.3k
"You haven't aged." 
Steve's smile is smarmy across the pillow from you. "That's because you see me everyday." 
"I'm serious. Apart from like, two little wrinkles in your forehead, you look exactly the same as you did when we first started dating." 
"I know it feels like a long time, but that was only eight years ago." 
"Almost nine," you whisper. 
Steve kisses you gently. "Almost nine," he repeats against your lips. "Are you sick of me yet?" 
"No," you answer truthfully. "Not even close." 
Steve's hand takes your cheek, his thumb quick to rub the path you like over the skin just below your eye. It makes you feel so pretty to be looked at, to be held by him, and so special to be treated like you're made of glass. 
Baby sleeps in the crib in the corner of your room. She's no longer brand new and, as you knew she would, she's gotten used to all the bumps and bangs of a busy house. She sleeps almost always through the night now, eight pm to five or six in the morning. The hardest part of having a young baby is over, and you and Steve are learning to be normal humans again. 
You put the girls to bed at seven, and at eight thirty, you can hear them still awake. All of them. None of your girls are subtle, but you try not to punish them, because they've all done well with the new baby's constant crying. 
"Who do you think will come and see us first?" Steve asks you, stroking your cheek.
You attempt to answer him through his dotting of kisses, half moons pressed lovingly to your nose, your eyebrow, your temple. Thoroughly loved up, you curl your arms around him to hide. 
"Don't know," you murmur, sighing a breath of contentment as Steve hugs you close. "Probably Beth." 
"Definitely Beth. I love when you hug me like this, you're like…" He pulls you ever closer, hands massaging up your back. "You're very huggable." 
"Not very nice to say, I just had your fourth baby, you know? You could give me a minute." 
Steve laughs warmly against your forehead, kiss-kiss-kissing the same spot he always does, your little pale scar from a rogue screwdriver. You'd been constructing Avery's toddler bed, and you swore you could do it alone while he got some sleep, but you almost blinded yourself and Avery slept in bed with you for a couple more weeks. The scar is permanent but nearly invisible. Anyone else would forget you had it. 
"I'm not telling you you're beautiful again today. Everyone was jealous and my dinner went cold." 
"No one else is here," you say. 
"Not true. The baby's here, she might hear me subliminally. That would be worse." 
A little knock rings against the door. You and Steve laugh against the other before peeling apart. Steve sits up in bed and you rest your face against his hip, pleased when he covers your arm with a big hand. 
"Come in, please," he says. 
Bethie slips in through a small gap in the doorway, closing it behind herself. Her hair is out of her face for the night, her pyjamas a bright sky blue with white polka dots. She's hip height now, surprisingly tall —you hadn't been expecting her to shoot up like Avery, nor for her chubby cheeks to disappear, but that's the horror and joy of having them grow up. 
"Hi, honey. What's the matter?" Steve asks. 
"Can I come and lie down too? I can't sleep."
There's no real reason to say no. You don't have to confer. You slide your legs away from Steve as he pulls back the blanket, beckoning her forward to fill the gap. 
She must think getting to hangout with you guys after bedtime is naughty and exciting, giggling as she runs across the room and climbs up onto your bed. You make a big, "Oof," as she drops into your chest but you're happy to have her, kissing you're not so mini me on the cheek. 
"You smell nice," you say, sniffing her hair. "Mmm, yummy coconut." 
"You smell nice too, mom. Like the green dish soap." 
"'Cos dad made me do all the dishes." 
Steve pinches the top of your ear and gives it a short tug. "It's good for you. Character building." 
"You're lucky my Beth is here," you grumble, your fingertips tracing up and down her back.
Your heads turn to the door where Dove pushes it open. She doesn't ask like Beth once she sees you all, just sprints to the side where Steve sits and pats his legs. He grabs her to plaster her in kisses. She plasters him right back. 
Your mommy's girl is on the turn. You can't blame her. 
"You have to get Avery," you say, patting Steve's thigh. 
She had a wobble a few months ago worrying she wasn't anyone's favourite kid. You've never seen Steve cry like, ashamed of himself for failing as a father. You haven't failed anything, you'd said, rubbing his arm, we just have to do better. 
Steve takes Dove with him on his chest. You can't understand how he carries them around all day, he must have built up some dad muscle. 
He's your everything. Well, second to the kids. It's a different kind of love but unfailing, always. You watch him leave and can't wait for him to come back, like a string pulled taut; you're relaxed when he's near. 
"Let's move over," you say, shuffling to your cold side of the bed. You'd been encroaching on Steve's space during snuggles. 
Beth puts her arm over your soft tummy and her face on your shoulder. "Can I sleep here?" she asks. 
Sharing the bed with your kids is a wriggling, boiling mess, but you have a queen size for a reason. "Yeah, gorgeous. You can sleep right here." 
Avery is wide awake when she appears, her Teddy bear in hand, her pyjamas an old t-shirt and the new plaid pants you had to buy when you realised she'd outgrown virtually every pair of pyjamas she owned. "I'm happy you missed me, I can't sleep," she says, climbing into bed to squish down next to Beth. "You have glitter on your cheek." 
"Where?" Beth asks. 
Avery scratches the glitter away carefully, tongue poking out of her lips in concentration. She may as well be Steve's twin when she makes that expression. 
Steve has hiked Dove higher now, her arms over one shoulder, his hand patting a mindless rhythm into the pink fabric of her nightie. He checks on the baby quickly before plopping Dove down on Avery's right. "Ready, girls?" he asks. 
You all nod. Steve takes the end of the comforter into his hands and shakes it out high, letting the top drift down onto you. Then he comes to your side and tucks it against your waist and legs. He kisses you, Bethie's cheek, and Avery's nose. 
Dove is furious by the time he makes it back. "Don't show off, babe, you get the best one." He scoops her up, flops down, and has her laying on his chest. You see him take Avery's hand under the blankets. "So, girls. What's first? Truth or dare or gossip? 'Cos Denise the checkout girl told me something really interesting about Debrah this morning and I've been trying to get you all in the same place." 
You smile into Beth's hair. Dove decides for you, "Who's Debrah?" 
"I'm glad you asked!" 
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magicfootballstuff · 1 year
First Day (alessia russo x reader)
Summary: In which Alessia joins Arsenal and you have to learn to navigate the new stage of your relationship at training.
“I can’t wait for you to meet everyone,” you gush, as Alessia signals and turns her Mercedes into the drive that leads to the Arsenal training centre at London Colney. “Not just the girls, but the staff too.”
“Well, I did meet some of them already,” Alessia points out. “When I first signed. The physios, some of the training staff. Even some of the girls, like I’ve played against most of them before.”
“Yeah, but now you get to play with them.”
Alessia pulls up to the barrier that blocks entry into the training ground and waits as the porter emerges from his cabin and approaches the driver’s side window. As she lowers the window, you lean across the console in the middle of the car and give him a little wave.
“Morning Harry!” you greet him with a cheery wave. “This is Alessia, by the way.”
Harry smiles at you in recognition when he spots you in the passenger seat, then turns his attention to Alessia.
“You must be the girlfriend,” he says. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too,” says Alessia.
“Have a good day, girls!” he says, as he returns to his cabin to raise the barrier so that Alessia can drive through.
“The girlfriend?” Alessia says, as she drives through the gate and enters the car park. “Seriously? Is it going to be like that all day?”
She’s not actually mad at you, but you can tell she’s possibly a little disheartened that her first interaction with an Arsenal staff member on her first day has gone like that.
“It’s just that I talked about you so much last season,” you try to reassure Alessia. “It’s probably just weird for them to finally put a face to the name.”
She pulls into an empty space under your direction - there aren’t allocated spaces for players but there’s a certain amount of unspoken carpark politics about who can park where - then switches off the engine. You’re practically humming with excitement in the passenger seat and can’t get out of the car quick enough, eager to show Alessia around her new home and introduce her to more of her new colleagues. 
As Alessia gets out of her side of the car, she looks a bit like a kid on the first day of school, eyes wide with a slight fear of the unknown and her teeth chewing at her lower lip.
“Nervous?” you ask, collecting both of your bags out of the back of the car before wandering around to her side.
“A little,” she admits with a nod. “It’s all brand new, isn’t it? But I’m sure I’ll settle in quickly.”
“Lucky you’ve got me to hold your hand,” you grin at her, doing exactly that and taking her hand in yours.
“Yeah, I am,” Alessia replies, her face cracking into a more relaxed smile, her eyes crinkling at the corners.
She’s so pretty that you forget where you are for a second, trapping her between your body and the side of her car as you lean in for a quick kiss.
A kiss that is interrupted before your lips can even meet by the obnoxious triple toot of a car horn.
“Oi oi!” Beth shouts through the open window of the newly arrived car, which Viv carefully pulls into the parking space next to Alessia’s. “The lovebirds are here already.”
You step back, putting a bit of space between yourself and Alessia as Beth gets out of Viv’s car, closely followed by Laura, who was in the back seat.
“Exactly what this team needs,” the Austrian says sarcastically. “Yet another couple.”
“She’s just kidding,” you reassure Alessia.
“She’s just salty that she’s still single,” Beth teases Laura, draping an arm around Laura’s shoulder and ruffling her hair affectionately. “We’ll find you someone soon, Laur, don’t worry. It’s good to see you again though, Lessi.”
“Yeah, you too,” Alessia agrees with a smile.
You follow Beth, Viv and Laura towards the training building, Alessia walking in step beside you.
When you get inside the building, you find a few more of your teammates, greeting the old ones with hugs and meeting a couple of the other new signings for the first time. Lotte’s there too, and Alessia greets one of her closest friends with a long embrace even though it’s been barely a week since they last saw each other at the end of the World Cup.
You’re almost bursting with pride as Alessia pulls away from Lotte and starts introducing herself to the rest of the team, watching your two worlds collide for the first time. It’s surreal to have Alessia here with you, to know that she’s going to be training and playing alongside you, sharing the same experiences and friends as you.
“Do you want me to give you a little tour?” you ask Alessia, once she’s finished having a bit of playful banter with Steph about the goal she scored in the World Cup semi final.
Alessia grimaces slightly, then says, “Sorry, I sort of promised Lotte she could show me around.”
“Oh,” you say, trying to mask the disappointment that washes over you. “Okay.”
You can’t have done a very good job at hiding your emotions, because Alessia reaches for your hand and reassures you, “It’s nothing against you. I just … if we’re attached at the hip all day then I worry people are just gonna know me as your girlfriend. And don’t get me wrong, I’m so proud of that, but I want them to get to know the real me too.”
“I get it,” you promise her with a nod. You nudge her away in the direction of Lotte, then say, “Go. I’ll see you later when we start training.”
You understand Alessia’s reasoning, even if you’re a little disappointed when she keeps her distance during training too.
She’s not ignoring you, far from it in fact, but she stands at the other end of the line to you for the dreaded bleep test, then always seems to end up in different groups for the training drills that follow.
You’re so happy to see her with a smile on her face, joking around with people who have been your teammates for the last couple of years, but the longer training goes on, the greater your urge is to just skip over to her and ask her how she’s getting on.
You manage to resist the temptation - only just - but you’re struck by yet another blow of disappointment when Alessia sits on a different table at lunch, leaving you to sit with Beth, Viv, and a couple of the Scandinavians, watching Alessia and her new friends from afar.
“What’s up?” Viv asks, nudging you out of your trance with her foot under the table.
“Nothing,” you answer quickly, turning your attention back to your lunch.
“Alessia’s making new friends,” Beth answers on your behalf, shooting you a knowing look. “She’s sad that she’s no longer Lessi’s favourite Gooner.”
“That’s not even a little bit true,” you protest. “I’m happy she’s settling in already.”
“But…?” Beth asks, prompting you for more with a raise of her eyebrows.
You let out a sigh, then admit, “But I had this idea in my head that I’d get to show her around and introduce her to everybody. That we’d get to train together and hang out all the time now that we play for the same team.”
You hear Alessia’s laugh from across the room and glance over to watch as she creases up at something that Steph says. 
“I’m glad she’s enjoying her first day, but I thought she’d be enjoying it with me, you know?” you explain.
Viv nods along thoughtfully, then says, “The thing is, if you spend all day at training together, then all evening at home together, you’re gonna get sick of each other pretty quickly.”
Beth nods along and adds, “Yeah, trust us on that one. And we’re both experts on dating a teammate. We know all the tricks to staying sane.”
“Apart from when we were out on the pitch, you’ve been glued to each other’s sides all day,” you point out.
“Yeah, and some days are like that,” Viv reasons with you. 
“Some days she can’t get enough of me,” Beth jokes.
“And other days I want to strangle her by lunchtime,” Viv counters, rolling her eyes at Beth. “The trick is to find the balance. It takes time, but you’ll both figure it out.”
“Yeah, it took us a while,” Beth agrees with a nod. “I’m a bit like you, I thought I wanted to spend all day with Viv when we first got together but I learned that she likes a bit more space.”
“Especially when she wants to make a TikTok,” Viv jokes. “But the main thing is that it’s healthy to want space from each other. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you.”
You feel eyes on you and when you look up, Alessia is looking straight at you. Your eyes meet across the room like you’re seeing each other for the first time and your breath catches in your throat, still not quite used to the sight of Alessia in the new black training kit with the Arsenal badge displayed proudly on her chest. It’s just the two of you for a moment, her blue eyes piercing into your soul from the other side of the room, then her face breaks open into a big smile that you know is because of you and not anything that’s been said by one of the girls on her table, before she turns away.
Your heart does a little flip in your chest and you glance back down at your food, trying to smother the smile that threatens to break across your own face.
Unfortunately for you, Beth and Viv seem to have witnessed the entire interaction. 
“Told you,” Viv says smugly. 
“Yeah, we’re always right,” Beth announces.
Viv pushes her chair back and gets to her feet, collecting her tray as she says, “And that’s my cue to take my own advice before Beth’s head gets so big that it’s taking up all my personal space. I’ll catch you later.”
You reflect on their words, feeling a little less weird about keeping your distance from Alessia for the rest of your day. Jonas holds an extended team meeting, first introducing the new signings (and so what if you clap a little more enthusiastically for Lessi than the others?) before he lays out his objectives for the season and starts talking about the Champions League qualifiers. 
And before you know it, it’s the end of Alessia’s first day at Arsenal. She waits for you outside the dressing room once you’ve collected your things, pushing herself off the wall opposite when she sees you leaving the room with Katie.
“Hey, you,” she says, falling into step alongside you as you make your way back out to the car. “Want me to cook dinner tonight?”
Alessia a far better cook than you, probably thanks to those Italian genes and her Nonna’s influence in the kitchen, so you’re never going to turn down her cooking.
“Ooh, yes please.”
“Let’s stop at Tesco on the way home then. I think we need a few bits.”
It’s so cute, so domestic, and you really could get used to this. Living together, working together, doing the weekly food shop together - all little things that you didn’t get the luxury of doing together when she lived in Manchester. You’re never going to take that for granted again.
Remembering the conversation with Beth and Viv over lunch, as you climb back into the passenger seat of Alessia’s Mercedes, you say, “I’m sorry if I was smothering you a bit this morning.”
“Don’t be silly,” Alessia tries to reassure you, as she starts the engine and checks over her shoulder for cars as she reverses out of the space. “I know you were just excited and wanting to help me settle in.”
“Beth and Viv talked some sense into me at lunch,” you tell her. “All about boundaries and personal space.”
“From those two?” Alessia asks, glancing across at you to arch an eyebrow as her mouth curls upwards into a smile. “They were making such hearteyes at each other across the gym earlier.”
“That’s what I said!” you agree excitably. “But they do have a point. As excited as I am to have you on the team with me, I know it’s not reasonable to expect us to spend all our time together. Nor is it healthy.”
“It doesn’t mean we won’t ever spend time together at training,” Alessia reminds you. “Just not all the time. We’ll figure it out.”
“Yeah, we will,” you nod.
Alessia follows the trail of cars slowly making their way out of the training facility and winds down her window at the gate.
“See you tomorrow!” she calls out of the window to Harry the porter.
He responds with a cheery wave and replies, “Good first day, Alessia?”
“Yeah, it was great, thanks.”
“I’m glad to hear it. Have a nice evening, girls.”
Alessia pulls through the gate and out onto the main road, then asks you, “You’ll be my partner in training tomorrow though, right?”
You can’t stop the grin from spreading across your cheeks.
“Just try and stop me.”
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worseforwords · 6 months
(Alessia Russo x Reader)
Chapter III of Marshmallow
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The Monday after the weekend off marked the return to training. As you locked your car door and approached the training center, your mind still replayed the events of the past weekend.
“Hi!” A sweet voice brought you back to the present. You turned around to meet Alessia’s now all-too-familiar blue eyes. “Morning Marshmallow,” you said, a half-smile playing on your lips. “So, I guess we're back to normal now, huh?” you said.
“Yeah, friends,” she replied as the two of you strolled towards the building. As you entered the changing room together, Katie let out a dramatic wolf whistle. “Well, well, if it isn’t our two lovebirds! I guess you’ve just moved in together already.”
Laughter echoed as you shot Katie a playful glare. The spotlight was on the two of you, and everyone seemed curious about the weekend’s charade. Vic decided to get straight to the point. “So, spill it. How’d it go? Your parents buy the whole lovey-dovey act?” She asked.
You nodded, trying to play down the attention. “Yeah, they bought it.” As you moved to take a seat next to Leah, Alessia found her own place, and the atmosphere in the room buzzed with curiosity. Beth couldn’t resist chiming in, “Really? You actually pulled it off?”
“Alessia here was playing the ideal daughter-in-law. Perfect performance,” you said with a smirk, earning a few chuckles. You were hoping to leave it at that, which was of course too good to be true. “So what’s the next act? Break up after a while?” Vic inquired.
Before you could respond, Alessia jumped in, “Actually, Y/N’s sister is getting married in Paris next month, and we’re going together.” Jaws practically hit the floor. “Paris!?” Katie exclaimed, clearly taken aback.
“Yeah, why not? Always wanted to go, and it’s a free trip with a friend.” Alessia said with a casual shrug. For some reason, the word ‘friend’ hit you like a sudden jolt, though you knew she wasn’t lying. You noticed yourself zoning out as the conversation continued on the other side of the room. “Hey, are you okay?” Leah suddenly asked quietly, noticing your distant expression.
“Yeah, fine,” you replied, but the truth lingered beneath the surface. You busied yourself with your shoelaces, gaze straight to the floor. “You know, I’m surprised your parents bought your little act. You’re not exactly a great liar Y/N/N,” she said as you both got up to leave the changing room, clearly not fooled by your tough act.
The rest of the month leading up to the dreaded Paris trip went by a lot faster than expected. You and Alessia seamlessly transitioned back into your roles as teammates, though there was an undeniable shift in your relationship. To everyone else, it appeared as if a new friendship was blossoming, but to you, it felt like a delicate dance between savouring your time together and avoiding getting too close.
You enjoyed the conversations you had with her and the occasional playful teasing. Yet, you set unspoken boundaries. The line between friendship and something more blurred at times, and when the teasing veered into the realm of flirtation, you found subtle excuses to distance yourself from the situation. It was a self-imposed rule, a defence mechanism to keep your emotions in check.
When the dreaded weekend arrived, it started on a high. You had won the London derby, the roar of the crowd still echoing in your ears as you and Alessia boarded the plane. An hour and a half flew by as you chatted away about the hard-fought victory. When you landed in Paris, the city of lights welcomed you with a glow that mirrored the spark in Alessia’s eyes.
Stepping into the hotel lobby, Alessia’s hand found its place on the small of your back. It was a simple yet familiar touch, a signal that the roles were back in play – girlfriends for the public eye. In that moment, a surge of conflicting emotions washed over you. The elation from the match, the allure of Paris, and the gentle touch on your back created a concoction of feelings that you knew you would have to suppress all weekend.
When you swung open the door to your shared hotel room for the weekend, you couldn’t stop your jaw from dropping as your eyes scanned the room. Soft, warm lights adorned the walls, casting a gentle glow across the room. The scent of vanilla and lavender wafted through the air, creating an atmosphere that whispered of indulgence and intimacy.
The centrepiece was a double bed, adorned with satin sheets and a multitude of plush pillows, rose petals scattered artfully across the bedspread. The suite, beyond the bedroom, featured a cozy sitting area adorned with plush armchairs and a low coffee table holding an assortment of gourmet chocolates and a bottle of champagne on ice, complementing the romantic atmosphere.
“Well, they really went all out on the couple vibes, didn’t they?” you remarked with a faint grin, glancing at Alessia. She chuckled, seemingly unfazed. “Seems like it. Guess we’ll be embracing the honeymoon suite feel.”
As you walked in, you found a little note sitting on the bedside table. “Your first romantic getaway little sis! Have fun you lovebirds. x Charlotte.” You snorted as you read it out loud to Alessia. “Typical Charlie turning her own wedding into a romantic getaway for someone else,” you remarked.
Alessia giggled as she walked up to the window, taking in the gorgeous view, whilst you found yourself staring at the double bed, only now realising its implications.
“Hm, so,” you cleared your throat. “Since they gave us only one bed...” you paused for a moment as Alessia turned around to look at you. “You can take the bed, and I’ll take the floor. I’ll go request some more blankets.”
Alessia raised an eyebrow playfully. “Come on, Y/N. We’re not twelve. If you’re okay with it, we can share the bed. If not, I’m more than happy to take the floor. Your call.”
“Yeah, sure, no big deal,” you mumbled, trying desperately to sound casual. Alessia flashed a warm smile. “Great! As long as you’re comfortable.” She looked at you in anticipation as if checking once more if it was really okay with you. “Absolutely, all good,” you replied, maybe a bit too quickly.
That night, you had planned to meet your family in the lobby for a drink, whilst Andrew, your sister’s fiancé spent some time with his own family. Alessia, charming as always, effortlessly endeared herself to your family.
The night was a success, with your parents clearly appreciating Alessia’s company. Your brother, Colin, and his wife found her delightful, and even your sister, the bride-to-be, was glad to see you with such a wonderful person—a relief, since Charlotte had a tendency to be very protective over you. Alessia’s ability to navigate through conversations, blending in with your family seamlessly, only solidified the image of her as the perfect girlfriend.
As you all left the venue, there was a warmth in the air—a promise of a beautiful wedding day and a sense that Alessia had, once again, proven her mettle in this elaborate charade. The only challenge, it seemed, was the quiet struggle within you as you continued to suppress the feelings that once again had begun to blossom. Or maybe they had never really stopped.
Later that night, your hotel room was hushed, illuminated only by the soft glow of your nightlight. You sat up against the headboard, engrossed in a book, the occasional rustle of pages filling the silence. Alessia lay beside you, already cocooned in the sheets, her rhythmic breathing like small waves washing over the stillness.
When you had first started reading, Alessia was still scrolling on her phone. Now, however, the sound of soft snores broke your mind away from the captivating narrative of your book. Your eyes wandered to where she was peacefully asleep beside you, and you couldn’t help but let a warm smile form on your face, matching the warmth you felt inside at the sight of her.
With a tender touch, you pulled the blanket further over her, shielding her exposed shoulder from the chill. But as you lingered, you found yourself entranced by the subtle rise and fall of her body with each breath. Your gaze lingered longer than intended, tracing the contours of her form.
Reality snapped back as you became aware you had been staring at your friend for minutes now. In a hurried response, you left your book on the nightstand, turned off the nightlight, and shifted your body down to let your head sink into the pillow.
You briefly stared at the ceiling, but found yourself distracted by the slightest of movements still visible from the corner of your eye as your eyes adjusted to the darkness. Fighting against the current of your emotions, you turned onto your side to face the other side of the bed.
However, even in the absence of her sight, you could feel her presence like a magnetic force against your back. With a racing heart, you stared into the black void, and when the internal struggle reached its peak, you made a decision. Quietly, you slipped out of bed, hoping not to disturb her peaceful slumber. However, Alessia, even in her sleep, seemed attuned to your movements. She stirred slightly, her eyelids fluttering open.
“Everything okay?” she mumbled sleepily as she reached for her nightlight. You hesitated for a moment before replying, “Yeah, just can’t sleep.” Alessia, still in a drowsy state, offered a comforting smile. “Tea?” she suggested, the word accompanied by a gentle stretch.
She hardly gave you a chance to protest as she got up to turn on your hotel kettle, returning moments later with two cups of chamomile tea and a soft, sympathetic smile.
A quiet and peaceful minute later, with the cups emptied, Alessia encouraged you to lie back down. “Now turn to your side,” she added. A sense of vulnerability washed over you as you pondered which side, and you hesitated. You ultimately decided to face away from her again, knowing the possibility of feeling her breath on your face was simply too much for you.
Shortly after you moved, however, you felt an arm softly land on yours, gently wrapping itself around you. You tensed up a little at the unexpected contact, but you slowly felt your body relax as Alessia hesitantly edged closer to you. “Is this okay?” she whispered.
The gesture was unexpected, and you felt a mix of emotions. Somehow, it felt right. “Yeah,” you whispered back, your voice barely audible, and she held onto you a little tighter. Had you not been as sleep-deprived, your judgment of the situation might have been different, but in Alessia’s embrace, the room seemed to still, and you gradually drifted into a more peaceful state.
The morning of the wedding greeted you with a soft glow, sunlight streaming into the hotel room. As you opened your eyes, you found yourself in Alessia’s arms, her warmth a comforting presence. The gentle rise and fall of her chest against your back momentarily lulled you into a sense of security.
However, you were quick to resist the allure of the moment. With a silent sigh, you carefully escaped from Alessia’s embrace, not wanting to disturb her peaceful slumber, and slipped into the bathroom.
After your shower, Alessia had woken up and did the same. As she occupied the bathroom, you used the mirror in the bedroom for your little morning chat with yourself. Today’s chat was more of a tirade, spoken with a stern whisper, since the main character was just a door away. You kept it short, deciding to use the time to get dressed.
Earlier this year, prompted by your sister’s wedding announcement, your family had visited to a tailor, which had resulted in a cohesive theme threading through each member’s attire. A shared fabric choice subtly connected all of you in the celebration. Opting for a suit, you added a personal touch underneath—a graceful camisole that exuded both elegance and individuality.
The jacket was expertly tailored, cinching at the waist to accentuate your silhouette. The trousers were tailored to perfection, elongating your legs in a tasteful manner. As you turned back towards the mirror, you felt a sense of confidence wash over you.
However, said confidence disappeared in an instant when a little while later, Alessia emerged from the bathroom. The sight of her took you aback as she looked nothing short of stunning. Her outfit exuded elegance and grace. She wore a floor-length dress with a fitted bodice that accentuated her figure. The colour was a soft, muted tone that complemented her skin beautifully and matched the shade of your camisole. The dress had delicate lace detailing, adding a touch of sophistication. Her hair, styled in loose waves, framed her face with effortless charm. She looked beautiful.
Moments must have gone by as you stared at her before she spoke up. “How do I look?” she asked nervously, eyes moving up from the floor to yours and a shy smile on her face.
The words caught in your throat for a moment before you managed to reply, “Absolutely breathtaking.” The sincerity in your words was undeniable, even as the underlying complexity of the situation lingered. Alessia’s smile widened, appreciating the compliment.
“You look great too,” she said, scanning your suit. “I’ve never seen you in a suit before. It’s— different,” she added. You felt your cheeks flush as every drop of confidence left your body. Different? What on earth did she mean by that?
She must have noticed your slightly somber expression when she added, “Good different, I mean. It’s— I really like it.”
“Oh, thank you,” you said shyly, a soft smile creeping its way onto your face. “So, you ready, marshmallow?” You asked in an attempt to lighten the mood and she giggled. “There’s no way you’re calling me that when I look like this,” she said, crossing her arms.
“Fine. Are you ready, beautiful?” You really meant for that to sound sarcastic but were pretty sure that’s not how it came across. “Yes I am, gorgeous,” she retorted. You extended an elbow and she quickly took the invitation, intertwining her arm with yours as you left your hotel room to meet up with your family.
The ceremony itself, while undoubtedly beautiful, proved to be a bit of a blur. As vows were exchanged and the union was sealed with a kiss, your mind occasionally drifted to the subtle touches exchanged between Alessia and you. All of them part of your charade, of course.
The reception was where the day truly came to life. The venue sparkled with twinkling lights, and soft music wove through the air, casting a dreamlike aura over the celebration. Tables adorned with delicate flowers dotted the space, and laughter echoed as guests mingled. You found yourself mostly sticking by Alessia’s side, introducing her to friends and family.
Caught up in conversation with your cousin, you momentarily lost sight of your pretend girlfriend amidst the laughter and chatter. An undercurrent of panic flitted through you until, scanning the room, you spotted her engaged in a lively conversation with your mom.
As dinner unfolded, the atmosphere transformed with each heartfelt speech. Stories were shared about Charlotte and Andrew, from their initial dislike towards each other when working together to an accidental cooler confinement that changed everything.
Eventually the microphone found its way into your uncle’s hands, who fancied himself a poet after a few drinks. “Life is like music,” he began. "We all navigate through the complex cacophony that is the world as our own melodies. But it’s when we listen to those around us that we find unexpected harmonies.”
Glancing at Alessia, you found her eyes already on you. A shy smile passed between you as you related the poetic metaphor to your own story— the harmony between you and Alessia, unexpected yet undeniable.
“It’s the unexpected that makes both music and life beautiful, but love is not just about one simple harmony,” your uncle continued. “It’s about finding a way to move your melodies in sync, with whatever tempo, pitch, or dynamics the world throws at you. Charlotte, Andrew, I can’t wait to listen from afar to the next movements of the symphony of your love.”
Cheesy as the speech was, your uncle was right. No matter how much you felt the two of you harmonise when you were together, her melody wasn’t in sync with yours. It was with someone else’s.
After dinner came the highlight of the night— the party. The crowd gathered in the grand dance hall, and the band kicked off with some casual tunes. Your sister and her newly-wedded husband valued family a lot, so they wanted you all to be part of the first dance. The newlywed couple would start with a slow song, and as it progressed, close family members would join in. Then you all would do a small routine together to another song.
The original plan was for you to share the dance with your brother, a strategy devised by your mother to prevent you from being on your own. However, with Alessia as your date, plans swiftly changed. Your mother broke the news mere minutes before the grand moment. You attempted to protest by saying Alessia didn’t know the dance. However, unbeknownst to you, when your mom had briefly taken Alessia away during the reception when you whilst chatting away with your cousin, she had quickly taught her the routine.
Nerves began to bubble within your stomach as the band’s singer instructed everyone to form a large circle, with the newlyweds taking center stage. The chosen song for the dance was “Finally // beautiful stranger” by Halsey, a bit of an inside joke as it happened to be Andrew’s ultimate guilty pleasure and a challenge for him to hold back tears.
Nevertheless, to his credit, he continued slow dancing with Charlotte, and your turn was approaching. “Are you sure about this?” you asked Alessia, who responded with a nod, extending her hand for you to hold. You complied, and she practically dragged you onto the dance floor.
Not a fan of the spotlight, your face started heating up as you felt everyone’s eyes on you. Alessia must have noticed your flustered state as she quickly directed your hands to her waist, wrapping her own around your neck. She slowly guided the two of you, swaying to the music as the band launched into the final chorus.
“Beautiful stranger, here you are in my arms And I think it's finally, finally, finally, finally, finally safe For me to fall”
As you looked around you, you felt your palms getting sweaty and your throat closing up. Sensing your nerves, Alessia whispered softly, “It’s okay, just look at me.”
You did as she said, and although her bright blue eyes did not make you any less nervous, her encouraging smile made you temporarily forget about everyone else’s eyes on you, hers the only pair that mattered. Alessia became your anchor on the dance floor, subtly guiding you through the steps.
As the night unfolded into a lively party, drinks flowed freely, and the dance floor beckoned. Your pretend girlfriend, being the new addition to the family, soon found herself surrounded by eager relatives, each wanting to share a toast or pull her into a dance.
You were in the midst of a conversation with your aunt when Alessia suddenly whisked you onto the dance floor. Guiding your hands to her waist once again, she inched closer, and the dance felt different from before, carefree in a way. Her hands explored your body more intimately than usual, and you decided to attribute it to the influence of alcohol and chose to savour the moment.
Just as you were becoming lost in the dance, your brother Colin’s playful interruption cut through the enchantment with a teasing grin. “Hey, lovebirds, mind if I cut in?” His comment, though light-hearted, momentarily disrupted the dance’s spell.
Another interruption followed when Alessia’s phone chimed with an incoming call. She gracefully excused herself, walking away to take the call with an apologetic smile. However, you couldn’t help but glimpse the caller ID on her screen—Dan, accompanied by a little heart emoji.
“Who’s Dan?" Colin inquired, raising a suspicious eyebrow. It seemed you weren’t the only one who had caught a quick glimpse of the screen. “He’s just a friend of Alessia’s,” you quickly replied.
“Why did she add a heart to his name?” he persisted, unwilling to let the topic go. “They’re good friends, like family almost,” you offered in explanation.
“Family? Really? Would you take a photo like that with me?” he skeptically questioned. He seemed to have gotten a better look at the screen than you had thought. “Y/N what’s going on here?”
“Nothing is going on. You’re just looking for drama, that’s what’s going on!” you retorted, shoving your brother away as you headed to the bar, eager to escape the conversation.
Fortunately, Colin didn’t follow you, and you settled onto a barstool with a glass of water to cool down. 
“Hey, did I do something wrong?” Alessia asked when she found you at the bar a little while later. “I just ran into Colin. He was being weird. All of a sudden, he was telling me I can’t hide anything from him,” she explained.
“Shit,” you muttered before pulling Alessia into the hallway and explaining your encounter with your brother. “I don’t know what to do, Less; he might be onto us.”
A hushed silence fell between you as your minds raced to find a solution. “I think I might have an idea,” Alessia suddenly broke the silence, and you looked at her expectantly.
“It’s a bit weird, but don’t freak out please,” she said and you nodded nervously, but you both jumped when Colin’s voice suddenly rang from around the corner, calling out your name.
“Shit okay, no time to explain,” she continued, turning her body towards you. Her blue eyes locked onto yours as she took a deep breath. “Y/N, can I kiss you?”
Perhaps it was the alcohol, the rush of the situation, or simply your brain short-circuiting at the question, but whatever it was, you nodded almost instantly. “Yes?” she asked, seeking assurance, a warm hand cupping your cheek as you closed your eyes.
The approaching footsteps neared the corner of the hallway where you stood when you suddenly felt a pair of soft lips crash onto yours. For a moment everything around you disappeared. Your hands found her waist once more like on autopilot, and her hand moved to the back of your neck. She slowly walked the two of you backward until you felt your back connect with the cold wall behind you. The kiss was hungry and a little sloppy, nothing like how a first kiss was supposed be, yet you never wanted this moment to end.
Had your brain still been functioning you would’ve realised the heat of it all was due to Alessia trying to perform a convincing drunken make-out. But your brain had little to do with what was happening right now. For a moment, you didn’t think. You disappeared into the kiss easily, as if the two of you had done this numerous times before. Harmony. Synchronisation.
Alessia broke away from you what must have been minutes later, your brother long gone. As you felt your heart all but beat out of your chest, you wondered whether she had noticed that just moments ago when she had you trapped against the wall.
“You think he bought it?” Alessia asked, her warm breath mingling with yours as it took you a while to form an answer. 
“I would assume so,” you finally answered, only now remembering the reason behind the moment you shared.
The party continued in a blur of lights, laughter, and music, but your mind remained in a state of disarray. The hallway kiss with Alessia left you dazed and confused. What did it mean? Why did she do it? The questions swirled in your mind, each one more bewildering than the last. One thing was certain; it didn’t feel like nothing.
As the night wore on, you and Alessia eventually decided to call it a night. The world outside the grand dance hall seemed quieter, and you both made your way back to the hotel room in a companionable silence.
Once inside, the question that had been nagging at you surfaced. “Hey, about the call from your boyfriend earlier, is everything okay?”
Alessia nodded, “Yeah, it’s fine, just had a planning issue,” she explained. Curiosity brimming, you probed further, “Is he really okay with all this?”
She hesitated for a moment. “Yeah, he’s... not really the jealous type,” she finally responded. The air grew heavy as you dared to ask the question that hung in the room, “Are you gonna tell him about the... you know, thing we did earlier?”
“I guess so,” she mumbled casually. “Doesn’t really matter anyways…” Her voice trailed off, and her gaze seemed distant, as if already lost in other thoughts.
That admission hit you like a stab to the heart. It was a stark reminder of the insignificance of the shared moments, at least from her perspective. You fell silent for a while, processing the weight of her words.
“Y/N? Are you okay?” Alessia’s voice was filled with concern. You forced a smile, “Yeah, all good. I’m just gonna take a shower.”
In the confined space of the bathroom, the sound of water cascading drowned the noise in your head. You let the water cleanse not only your body but also the lingering confusion and hurt. As you stepped out, Alessia was nowhere to be seen. Perhaps sensing the need for space, she’d let you be.
When Alessia returned, you were already in bed, eyes shut, pretending to be asleep. You remained still when you felt her quietly slip into the other side of the bed.
The next morning was a quiet one. You both packed your belongings and left for the airport, the atmosphere heavy with unspoken words. The flight was silent, with occasional glances at each other, a mixture of confusion and hurt and still, for whatever reason, curiosity in your eyes.
Neither of you dared to broach the topic of the previous night’s events. Was it a mistake, a game, or something more? Or was it really nothing? Were you making things up? The questions lingered as the plane landed, and you shared an Uber to take both of you home.
The Uber dropped Alessia off first. As she gathered her things, she turned to you. “Hey, want to come in for a bit?” The question hung in the air, loaded with unspoken implications. You hesitated but agreed, curiosity overcoming your reservations.
Inside her place, the tension was palpable. Alessia attempted to break it with a joke, "So when’s our next performance?”
You forced a chuckle, “Don’t worry, I can come up with excuses for you for the next couple of family events, and after a few months, I’ll just tell them we broke up or something.”
Alessia’s expression shifted, sensing something beneath your words. “Is everything okay, Y/N?” She asked, a concerned look on her face as she tried to catch your gaze, which you avoided.
“Yeah, fine,” you lied. “I’m just not going to drag you to every family thing ever just because you said yes to it once. It was really nice of you to help me, but you should get to spend your time off football with your actual boyfriend.”
“Right, Dan. Y/N, I—” she started but the keys jingling in the door interrupted her. The door opened, and in walked her boyfriend.
He greeted Alessia with a hug and a kiss on the cheek, and your heart sank a little as you watched, unable to shake the tinge of jealousy. You wished you could hate him, find some flaw, but he was genuinely a nice guy who had done nothing wrong. Still, you couldn’t help but wish you could recreate the intimacy you shared with Alessia just yesterday, a privilege he seemed to enjoy effortlessly whenever he wanted.
When Dan asked you if you wanted to stay for lunch, you politely declined, saying you already had plans and you excused yourself, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible. 
You shut the door to Alessia’s apartment and with it your pretend relationship. Why did this fake break-up hurt so real? 
One thing was for sure, it was all your fault. And still you had a lingering feeling that this wasn’t the last chapter of this strange tale.
Note: Hi! Just wanted to let you all know that I love hearing what you think about the story thus far and what you would like to see happen next so feel free to leave a comment/ask/message!
-> Chapter IV
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mapileonxputellas · 1 year
Player (Leah Williamson x Reader)
Request can be found here. I'm loving writing for some new people! 2.8k words x
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You weren’t exactly proud of your reputation but you also had nothing to be ashamed of.
You liked having a good time and your teammates were included in that, they always knew what the deal was and you made sure no-one ever got hurt. You had rules and you stuck by them, the biggest of them all to never get feelings and never make it to a second night.
When you got the chance to move to Arsenal from your hometown club of Wolfsburg it definitely wasn’t a decision you took lightly. Everyone knew of your situation there, they were like a family to you and never judged you for all the bad decisions you made. But you lived your life so far taking risks and you never backed away from a challenge, so that’s how you found yourself stood outside the Arsenal training centre on a sunny August morning ready to start the preparation for the new season.
“Y/N, hey!” The unmistakable voice of Katie came out from nowhere startling you from your thoughts. “You just going to stand out here?”
“Very funny.” You muttered bringing her in for a hug. “It’s nice to properly meet you.”
“You too.” Your move was announced just before the Euro’s and your former teammate in Noelle had added you to the club group chat. The players had introduced themselves on there and you had the odd friendly chat with players after a game in the tournament but this was the first time you would be properly meeting everyone.
“Come on, everyone’s excited to meet you.”
Katie informed you on the way that everyone would be in the dining room for breakfast before training. Having played in the final for Germany you would be joining the England girls as the last to arrive back for pre-season, knowing you would just be in the gym today.
You must have been the last to arrive as you walked into the crowded dining room. “Guys.” The Irish woman grabbed the attention of the room, all eyes immediately focusing on you. “This is Y/N.” There was a general greeting back to you as you scanned the room trying to make eye contact with all the friendly faces.
Kim being the captain was the first to come over, breaking your scanning of the room as she went with you to get a morning coffee, talking you through what was going to happen. You got the idea that the team always had breakfast together before moving to whatever that day entailed in training. You had joined slightly late but she assured you that there was enough time for the coffee.
There were very few seats left but you found one free next to your fellow defenders in Jen and Lotte.
“Hey,” You said taking a seat. “It’s nice to meet you all.”
“Not quite the circumstances we met last time.” Lotte said referring to your place on the losing side in the Euro’s final.
Thankfully even though you wouldn’t consider yourself to be fluent, your English was very good so you could understand everyone. “Not quite.”
3 weeks prior: Euro’s final
The final whistly had blew, it wasn’t enough. Your dream was over.
120 minutes of giving it your all only to fall at the final hurdle.
It was as if the energy had been zapped from your whole body, your legs giving way as you fell to the floor. Every emotional just flooded out of you as you buried your head into the grass hiding the tears streaming down your face.
You felt a hand on your back, slightly lifting your head to find an unknown England player’s boots as they knelt down beside you. “You gave it everything. Let’s win the Champions League together.” Of course it had to be the England captain herself, a player you admired so greatly.
You couldn’t bring yourself to make eye contact with the captain however you sat up enough to bring her in for a hug. “Congratulations, go and enjoy it.”
“Thank you.”
You shared a short conversation with Beth before she was whisked away for all her duties, Lotte the final player to make her way over.
“Congratulations.” You once again said bringing her in for a hug now you’d stood back up. “This is some atmosphere.” The majority may have been cheering against you but you couldn’t help but soak in all the people here to watch you play.
“It’s incredible. You were too by the way, I’m looking forward to working together.”
“Thank you, enjoy tonight for me.”
“I’m sure we will.”
You watched them lift the trophy and despite your overwhelming sadness you were excited to play with these players and have a new start.
You’ll never forget the first time you properly met Leah. Probably because to this day you were still embarrassed about the whole thing.
Lotte and Beth led you to the gym area where you would be for the rest of the morning which annoyed you to no end, just wanting to get out onto the pitch again after the final disappointment.
Though there were some drawbacks, for the majority of the time you prided yourself on your confidence. It helped you make friends, allowed you to show off your qualities and to put it bluntly it usually helped with the girls.
That’s how you found yourself in the weight section, clad in just a sports bra and shorts rolled all the way up as you wiped the sweat from running down your forehead.
“So….” You leaned against the bar and watched as Beth ran on the treadmill. “Is it true? About you and Viv?”
“Is what true?” The English woman questioned back.
“Has she got in before I got the chance? Who knows maybe I can still persuade you to go to dinner with me?” You could see the other woman trying to process what you said in her head so you put her out of her misery. “I’m joking, don’t look so worried.”
“So the rumours are true then…”
“Depends what rumours you’re talking about.”
“That, no offence, you get around.” Katie again appeared from behind you. “Again, no offence.”
“None taken, I mean if you’re surrounded by beautiful women all day then you appreciate them a little bit more and they were all very beautiful.”
“Who’s beautiful?” Another voice questioned and you turned to face the one woman you’d yet to meet, the one who you’d been waiting to meet. The woman you’d had probably the biggest crush ever on since you’d met her that day in Wembley.
“Oh, uh…” You stuttered. “Well you see Katie was just asking-“
“Y/N was just explaining her love of dogs.” It perhaps wasn’t the most believable lie but you were thankful for Lotte making that up on the spot. “I think you probably meant to say cute.”
“Well it’s nice to meet you.” God what was happening to you. This was so embarrassing as Leah leant over to give you a hug and something just took over your whole body. It was like you couldn’t move your arms as you almost stayed like a statue. “Have you had a good break?”
“Uh, yeah I just spent a few weeks with my family. Caught the sun.”
“I can see that.” Where was the confidence now as Leah very obviously checked you out her eyes running over your tanned arms and legs. “Fancy coming on the bike with me? I’d like to get to know my new partner.”
“Yeah sure.”
“Is that the only word you know?”
“What do you mean?”
“Ah so you do say other words than yeah, I swear that’s been your answer to like all my questions.” The blonde teased getting on the bike next to you as you both started at a gentle pace.
“I’m sorry, I’m just a bit, I don’t know.” Any normal person would say nervous but you didn’t get nervous.
“It’s ok to be nervous, it must be a lot when you don’t know anyone. Well you know Noelle but you get my point.”
“Mm.” You couldn’t help but get a good look at Leah as she faced forward. Her whole appearance was just so commanding from her serious expression to her classic high ponytail and chiselled jawline.
“How was it back in Germany?”
“Huh?” What had happened?
“After the final.”
“Oh.” Get a grip. “It was incredible, maybe not on the same scale as in England but thing have definitely changed.”
“Why now then? Why not stay in Germany at your hometown club?”
“Why not?” You questioned back. “I’m 25 and it feels like now is the best time to go, my family were very encouraging.”
The two of you spent a lot of time together over the next week or so. You’d often make the excuse that you needed to get to know your defensive partner, learn more about each other but the two of you just got to know each other. You learnt about her family, you told her about your own, she gave you the low down on all your new teammates and you told her about your ambitions.
The blank moments though continued, it was like it would only happen in specific moments, when she would make eye contact with you, when she’d sub-consciously touch your leg or graze your arm. Your mind just couldn’t concentrate on anything else. You’d been doing weights together when you suddenly forgot the name of your family dog back at home and what you’d had for dinner the previous evening.
Thankfully no-one else had yet to be witness to these moments. Until now.
You joined the rest of the team out on the pitch, Lotte and Jen had joined you as first out that sunny morning as you started playing with the free balls. This was when you were most confident, flicking the ball up in the air, showing off all your tricks. This was your comfort zone.
Your one touch football was something you prided yourself in and that’s why you flicked the ball up in the air in a series of moves receiving whistles from the two other girls only to be interrupted by a third voice.
“Impressive, maybe you can give me some lessons someday.” Damn the eye contact and one again you almost seemed to zone out, completely forgetting about the ball which you’d just flicked up in the air and therefore came crashing down on top of your head, breaking you out of your daydream.
It wasn’t anything serious and your teammates knew that which meant they all just burst out in laughter, your hand coming up to rub the slightly delicate spot on the top of your head.
“Very funny.” You told them.
“Maybe I don’t need the lessons after all.” Leah teased snatching a ball from your feet. “Come on let’s see what you can do with your feet this time.”
It didn’t get better. In fact maybe it got worse.
In the following month you’d managed to spill your drink on her during breakfast, skied a penalty when she jokingly placed herself in the net and made countless errors in drills when up against her.
You’d played your first match together at the weekend and thankfully your game plan wasn’t affected by your growing crush. In game you were the serious defender you were known to be, sweet talking your way out of a few dubious tackles with the ref and denying a massive chance for the opposition in the final minute to close out the win for Arsenal.
“Y/N do you fancy coming round for dinner tonight?” Leah asked when you sat down the next morning with your toast and a coffee.
You could feel your heart start racing when she asked that question, what did she mean? As a date? As a friend? “Yeah, maybe we can order something in, as a treat.”
“Great, I think that’s seven of us now so we could all get a takeaway.” You didn’t let your face drop as you realised for better or worse that it wasn’t just going to be the two of you. “I’ll text you my address.”
“See you tonight.” You whispered as you watched her walk away from the table, instead coming to meet the eyes of Lia and Katie sat opposite you.
“I’m watching you.” Lia smirked. “I see that look in your eye.”
“Someone’s got a little crush.” Katie teased.
“Shut up.”
Leah had stayed true to her word and messaged you her address for that night. You all agreed to a takeaway but of course you couldn’t turn up empty handed and that’s how you turned up at her door with a wine bottle in one hand and a box of chocolates in the other. Thankfully you’d also all agreed to stay casual, your yoga pants and a sweatshirt suitable for the evening.
Lia opened the door for you, once again smirking as she let you into Leah’s apartment, a scowl from you enough to keep her silent.
“Y/N.” Leah said as you walked through into the lounge area where the group were congregated, the England captain the one to stand up and pull you in for a hug. Her arms were barely round your waist for a few seconds but that was enough to get your cheeks as red as a tomato something not missed by your sniggering teammates.
“You alright there?” Katie asked from her position on the sofa. “Something on your cheek.”
“It’s just a bit hot out there.” You muttered. “I need a drink.”
The night was going well, you’d all enjoyed a Chinese and enjoyed a few drinks, though you were only a tiny bit tipsy, before moving back into the living area to play a few board games.
Sadly first up was the worst of them all. Twister.
“Y/N left hand yellow.” That smirk was almost a permanent feature on Katie’s face as she read out the instructions and saw your current predicament. It would have been a simple move had Leah not been in the way. The only way to get your hand down was to basically hover or straddle over her waist as she basically did the crab underneath you.
If it was anyone else in this situation you probably would have laughed, sadly it was you and that red flush was coming up again. You moved across, avoiding eye contact with the woman below you as you tried to avoid eye contact with the woman.
“When I said I wanted to get to know you I didn’t quite mean this.” Leah whispered, her head mere inches away from your own. “Is it getting too hot in here again?”
“Something like that.”
You let everyone else have their turn before it came back around to you. “Y/N left hand green.” You’d done well so far to avoid any actual contact with Leah’s body before this instruction which meant you basically had to reach underneath her body to reach the green dot.
Your balance was good but not this good and before you could save yourself you fell straight onto the woman sending the both of you toppling onto the floor. In trying to save the both of you, you tried to reach down for the floor but instead of coming in contact with the carpet you instead you just grazed Leah’s chest being met with the bare skin from her cropped shirt.
“I’m so sorry.” You immediately jumped up. “Leah, I’m so sorry.”
In a stark contrast to your panicked face Leah couldn’t keep the laughter in, hunching over almost in tears with the rest of the girls. “Don’t worry about it honestly.” She said before moving in to whisper in your ear. “Maybe we could go on a date to make up for it?”
“Seriously.” She confirmed before moving out of the room, leaving you alone with all the curious faces as a little happy smile came up on your face.
“You’re such a loser you know that.” Katie teased as you sat down next to her. “You know you practically couldn’t keep your eyes off her the whole meal.”
“How on earth did you ever get laid by so many women when you can’t even think when you’re around them.” Beth teased.
“You have no game.” Lotte agreed.
“That’s how I managed to get a date with her then.” You teased back your confidence rising. “What can I say Leah is just unique. Very unique.”
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reevesdriver · 9 months
You Kiss Your Mother With That Mouth? (NSFW)
Anon request: "Reader is working on the ranch as a cowgirl alongside Rip and his boys, she’s like a female version of Rip. Filth mouth and she’ll argue with any man she come across if need be. I’m thinking Reader gets into a verbal fight with someone on the Ranch and Beth Sees and asks if she “kisses her mother with that mouth” and Reader responds with “No but i can fuck you with it?” maybe smut??"
Word count: 867
Reader: Female reader
Character(s): Beth Dutton
Warning(s): NSFW / 🔥🔥🔥 / Oral Sex (F Receiving) / Mentions of fighting / Vulgar Language / Misogyny / Homophobia /
Support Me: Kofi
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You were up earlier than anyone else in the bunkhouse which was nothing new. By the time you'd showered and dressed everyone else had started stirring so you made a fresh pot of coffee and stepped outside to have your first cigarette of the day.
"Mornin." Rip said as he stepped out and came to stand beside you holding a cup of coffee out to you. You echo his greeting and take the warm cup from his hand. "What's the plan for today?"
"We gotta put the horses in the corral so we can muck out the stables." He says and you nod. "I'll finish this then get the horses moved."
"Don't you wanna wait for the rest of em'." He says motioning to the bunkhouse door.
"It's fine, sooner it gets started the sooner it's done."
"Fair enough."
Finishing your cigarette and coffee you hand the cup back to Rip and grab your jacket from off the rail. Crossing the yard you unlock the door to the stables and flick the lights on making the horses huff and tap their hooves on the floor. The day seemed to go quickly but that's mostly since you'd barely stopped, working kept you fit and distracted but you knew you would be aching in the morning.
You and the other ranch hands had moved the horses, mucked out the stables and slowly returned each horse until there was only one left. Looking to the corral you eyed the last horse who was galloping round and smiled. You entered the corral and the horse crossed over to you, its neck resting on your shoulder as you stroked its mane.
"You getting some last minute fun in huh?" You spoke to the horse which huffed in return. The sound of someone spitting onto the dirt behind you made you look over your shoulder. Fred stood with his hands on his hips staring at you. "You actually gonna do any work Fred or just fucking stand there gawking at me?"
"Nah you seem to be happy doing everything yourself like you own the damn Ranch."
"Go fuck yourself."
"You could fuck me if you weren't a fucking dyke." He raises his voice and before Lloyd and Rip have time to get between the two of you you'd crossed the corral and lurched forward so your forehead connected with his nose with a loud crack.
"Fucking say that again you ginger cunt, go on, fucking call me that again." You spat at him as he held his, now bleeding, nose and tried to stand back up. Rip and Lloyd stepped in and ushered Fred away back to the bunkhouse so he could clean himself up. Spinning around once more you stormed back to the lone horse in the pasture and walked him back towards the stables.
You led the horse into his own stable and worked on filling up his bucket of food as he sniffed at the fresh bedding. "Well I think you've officially made every ranch hand scared of you after fucking Freds face up." A voice brought your attention from the bucket of food.
"I would've done worse if Rip and Lloyd weren't there." You shot back with a laugh.
"I don't doubt that, hell of a vocabulary too, you kiss your mother with that mouth?"
"No ma'am, but I can fuck you with it." You report without a second thought. Beths slightly shocked expression made you realise what you'd just said but more importantly, who you said it to. She entered the stable and walked up to you as you tried to apologise.
"Prove it." She says with a whisper and slowly lifts the hem of her dress up until she exposes her bare pussy. "Go on, fuck me with that dirty mouth."
Your knees buckle under you and you drop to the floor, the bedding for the horse offering some padding to your kneecaps. Grabbing Beths thighs you pull her to your face, laughing softly as she stumbles towards you. Your mouth is on her pussy in an instant and her hands fumble as she tries to hold her dress up as well as dig her fingers into your scalp.
Your tongue expertly flicks her clit making her throw her head back in pleasure as a moan falls from her lips. Your breathing becomes deep as you focus on making her cum, you switch between circling her clit with your tongue and lapping at her hole that leaks cum.
Her thighs clamp around your face and you hear a sharp intake of breath as Beth cums on your tongue, her legs shaking slightly at the pleasure and she fights the urge to collapse onto the floor in front of you. You stand with a smile on your face and Beths cunt on your breath, your knees ache but the blushed face of your bosses daughter makes it all worth it. "It's a good thing you don't miss your mother with that mouth." She smiles as she drops her dress down.
Turning she stumbles out of the stable and passes Rip who is entering the building. "Hell of a mouth on that one." She winks as he passes her.
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