#everything else was secondary
hawkssucks · 1 year
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You are not immune to propaganda.
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heartorbit · 2 months
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catch us if you can! ☆
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dykealloy · 8 months
just a silly little guy
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shripscapi · 1 month
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Recently cleaned up some oc portraits so that I could update their lore post for the few people that are interested <3 I'll give the same disclaimer as before that I'm not a master worldbuilder or even a very good writer tbh. these are just my dolls I play with for fun.
anyways long post ahead here is your introductory guide to the characters of fitaly (fake italy) a fictional duchy set in the early 16th century.
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Antonia de' Farona Antonia is the eldest child of the Duke Niccolò de' Farona. Though they interact infrequently, she has a wretched relationship with Andrea Bernardi, her sister's betrothed. She finds him dismissive and condescending and is suspicious of his behavior around her maid, Lucia. When she is wed, she brings Lucia with her to her husband's villa. The marriage lasts roughly 5 years until her husband passes (I haven't worked out from what yet, but it's not particularly integral to the story.) Seeing as they have no children, her husband's family contests her right to retain his properties and she returns to her father's palazzo, Lucia in tow. She is largely reclusive as a widow and prefers to remain in her apartments, despite having more relative freedom than her sisters. She sees Andrea as undeserving of her father's affection and believes that had she not had the "misfortune" to be born a woman it would be her in his place, and truly loathes him after her return. Despite this, there is a brief attempt by her father to offer her hand in marriage to Andrea after the death of Isabella, but she wholly refuses and begins spreading nasty (but not entirely untrue, nor undeserved) rumors about Andrea throughout court to deter further pursuits.
Isabella de' Farona Second child to the Duke Niccolò. She has been betrothed to Andrea Bernardi since they were both children. She finds him less objectionable than her sister Antonia does, but she is certainly not enamored with him. Isabella is a vivacious and charming girl, though Andrea seems entirely immune to her charms. She dies abruptly at the age of 16 (allegedly after suffering an acute illness, but circumstances are suspect) before she and Andrea are ever wed.
Maddelena de' Farona Maddalena is the Duke's third daughter, and she's rather meek but sweet. She's not particularly pivotal to the story, but it IS important to note that she too has already been betrothed, hence why Marietta had to resort to trying to marry Andrea to her widowed sister.
Paulo de' Farona Paulo is also not particularly relevant, but he's currently the Duke's only surviving male heir (thus far), so he's very doted on.
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Lorenzo de' Bassani Administrator in the court of Duke Niccolò de' Farona. Lorenzo was instrumental in arranging a marriage between his young nephew Andrea and Isabella de' Farona with the intent that they would wed when they reached maturity. He hosts Andrea more and more frequently as he gets older, and secures him secretarial work at court.
Andrea Bernardi Andrea was betrothed to Isabella as a child as a means of satisfying his mother's political aspirations. Andrea is educated and ambitious but somewhat dour for his age. He leaves his family's villa to seek employment at court when he's 16, which he secures with the help of his uncle Lorenzo. He coerces Antonia's maid, Lucia, whom he is infatuated with into entering a relationship with him while at court, but shortly thereafter Antonia is wed and takes Lucia with her. During this time, he is taken under the wing of Duke Niccolò, who sees his younger self in Andrea's ambition. Several years later, when Lucia returns to the palazzo after the death of Antonia’s husband, he resumes their relationship while Antonia grows even more resentful of him. Isabelle dies before she and Andrea can fulfill the marriage contract. He is in no hurry to find a new match, but his mother immediately proposes that he marry the Duke's eldest, widowed daughter. Niccolò is inclined to agree, but Antonia causes such a fuss about the matter that it's quickly abandoned. Andrea leaves court abruptly, and takes Lucia with him, much to Antonia's dismay. Meanwhile, his mother secures the daughter of a Spanish ambassador to be his wife. The two have a very brief betrothal period before they're wed and Ysabel goes to live with him away from the eyes at court.
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Ysabel de Torres y Mendoza Ysabel is the daughter of a Spanish ambassador and overall a very reserved girl. She finds herself somewhat isolated outside of Spain. Initially, she is tentatively pleased by her marriage to Andrea— she assumes he is keeping a respectful distance to allow her to acclimate— but it becomes clear over time that he is genuinely disinterested in her, and she has to fight for any semblance of affection from him. He makes no secret of Lucia as their marriage progresses, and young Ysabel chooses to make Lucia the object of her loathing rather than confront her unfaithful husband. Overall, it is an unhappy marriage from the outset. Despite this, she and Andrea eventually have children together, whom he is similarly uninterested in, except for their son.
Lucia Lucia is my favorite oc I will not even pretend to be unbiased... She is Antonia's servant and a notorious flirt and gossip. Though several years older than Andrea, she unwittingly gets his attention and is pressured into a relationship with him when he first arrives at court. Having been humiliated by the discovery that her former lover was already married with a wife and children at home, she found Andrea's overwhelming attentions a consolation for her wounded ego and a refreshing change of pace. However, by the time of Antonia's marriage, she's grown restless and is ready to leave Andrea's immature behavior behind. During her years away, she takes another lover (with some unexpected complications) but once again leaves him behind when she and Antonia return to the palazzo. Upon her return, she is surprised to find that Andrea even remembers her— even more so that he again pursues her— but she believes he's matured and acquiesces to further relations with him. After Isabella's death and the disastrous marriage negotiations with Antonia, Andrea offers to offers to take Lucia with him away from the palazzo. She accepts, and briefly experiences a honeymoon period where he freely showers her with affection away from prying eyes. Unfortunately, the arrival of his new wife complicates matters, and tensions begin to escalate as Andrea fails to satisfy the wants and needs of both his wife and mistress all under the same roof.
Bartolomea Lucia's mother (and only known relative) and also a palazzo servant. She claims that Lucia's father was a craftsman who died shortly before Lucia's birth, forcing Bartolomea to find work in the palazzo to support herself and the expected child. The story about her father is 100% not true, but Lucia believes it. Neither she nor her daughter are literate.
I think that’s all for now.. it is hard for me to figure out how to introduce them bc I have a lot of lore backlogged but hopefully everything here makes sense <3
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vulpinesaint · 1 month
back on the topic of eddie brock never being the first choice. crazy to me to think about the origin of the venom symbol which is that the symbiote Was With Spiderman First. the venom symbol is a slightly creepier version of the spiderman symbol with an extra bend in the legs cause it's the symbiote's best approximation of what it thought spiderman wanted. and when spiderman rejects the symbiote and venom shows up it's still the same suit just on a different person. the symbiote learned emotions from peter parker and it is angry and hurt at not being wanted but it stays in the form it thought he wanted... peter parker disarms eddie brock once by telling the symbiote that he wants it back and attacking once the symbiote starts to leave... eddie has such a hard time throughout the comics with the fact that the symbiote Will Leave Him if prompted by the right person. and be so honest. what would you do if you were eddie brock and no matter where you went or what you did there was a symbol that you were somebody else's second choice emblazoned across your chest
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haunted-xander · 1 year
You ever think about how Ryne probably got a more honest yet closed-off Thancred while Minfilia got a more disingenuine yet open Thancred?
Like, the Thancred Minfilia knew and grew up with was the one we saw in arr, the flirty, teasing and sassy but friendly man who was clearly not very honest seeing as no one- not even Minfilia- noticed how worn out he was from his constant work. Even just by hw he's noticably more prickly and. not quite rude but. more outwardly cynical? He's always been kinda cynical, but in arr his teasing and banter hides it well, which never disappears but is more. natural? genuine? now. Krile directly points out that he's much more brusque than she expected of him based on how Minfilia described him.
And sure, you could attribute that behaviour to his grief and stress (which is certainly a part of it) but considering he acts much the same in ew, when he's finally moved on and come to terms with everything (and is also post-shb character development), I think it's safe to say that this is the most honest we've seen Thancred be.
But this is all Ryne has known him to be. She's never seen Thancred be flirtatious or as social and friendly as he is in arr, she's only seen him be brusque and cynical but still teasing and kind. But he's also far more closed off from her (and others) bc of That Whole Deal going on. Urianger has told her more about Thancred's true feelings than Thancred himself has. and even that's not a lot, for Urianger is not only not a mind reader and doesn't know everything that goes on on Thancred's head, but also is reluctant to share more than is necessary since it's not his place to divulge these things (and also he himself is not free from the folly of emotional self-isolation).
With Minfilia though, he's open enough that she's never doubted that he cared for and loved her even when he couldn't spend much time with her, and she felt comfortable enough to admonish him when he did his usual self-destructive behaviour (you know, becoming an alchoholic at 17 and All That Entails)
Just. food for thought
#theres a lot of these parallels between ryne & minfilia in regards to their relationship with thancred#like. the way things are so similar yet so *different* from each other#same same but opposite ya know#like how thancred blames himself for warburtons death and by extention minfilia being orphaned even tho it was in no way his fault#vs how he knowingly took ryne away from ran'jit bc he knew that whatever other life shed live would be better than what she had#when minfilia first experienced the echo thancred knew wat it was but didnt tell her (for circle of knowing related reasons)#whereas he told ryne everything he could in regards to her powers and circumstances#he gifted minfilia her dagger for self-defense but never taught her how to fight#but ryne was not only gifted daggers by him but also taught how to properly fight and fend for herself with them#and he trusted minfilia in the main care of f'lhaminn while he took a more secondary support role#but he assigned himself the primary caretaker for ryne while the others (read: urianger) became secondary ones#(granted due to rynes situation he kinda had no other choice at the time)#(but im sure he wouldve taken the same role even if he could theoretically have safely handed her over to someone else)#also just to be clear thancred IS genuinely social and friendly even hw & up#just not as extroverted#he spends a lot of time either by himself or with fellow scions/other close companions#rather than with whatever lady hes trynna impress next#anyway. yet another day of being Completelt Normal about this complicated family situation#thancred waters#ryne waters#minfilia warde#final fantasy#final fantasy 14#final fantasy xiv#ff14#ffxiv#xander rambles#xander being insane about ryne
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panlight · 5 months
I hope that in any AU where the Cullens are some different kind of supernatural creature, Carlisle is STILL a doctor. No matter how nonsensical it gets (I mean, vampire doctor is already pretty nonsensical which is why I love it so much).
Mermaids? Merman doctor.
Werewolves? Werewolf doctor.
Ghosts? Ghost doctor.
Aliens? Alien doctor.
Fae? Fae doctor.
Centaurs? Centaur doctor.
And by 'doctor' I mean, a doctor who treats humans, not whatever species the Cullens are. Centaur doctor in the OR with hospital booties on each hoof. Werewolf doctor who can't schedule appointments on the full moon. Ghost doctor who the nurses complain about because he can't do anything himself because he literally cannot manipulate material objects because he's incorporeal.
Nonsensical supernatural doctor. The best idea.
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ratwithhands · 5 months
i wonder when anyone is going to tell the league (in Battle Addict au) that straight jackets are actually pretty bad at keeping people actually restrained when they can think clearly hruoiehgboerhg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivuuJxX1hXg (when praciced, its even easier to get out of than shown here lol)) but this au is incredibly interesting! fascinating looking at how the public reacts to things in the extreme and how the people who they target suffer for it, and how much misinformation is spread. really got me curious how they sped their time and how this effects emmets mental state. it cant be easy with everyone acting like hes a monster. and while ingo doesn't get the majority of the attention- if must be so hard to see his brother suffering like this. and im sure he isn't spared so scorn as well. really really fascinating- and a verrrry clear reminder of what people used to think mental disorders were like and how people with them were treated.
Funny thing: that’s partially why there’s some minor edits to Emmet’s straitjacket. There’s a narrow bar that his arms have to slot through, as well as a set of belts tied to his upper arms to keep them from moving too far from resting position. Homeboy weaseled out of the first one after like two weeks and they said "ok do it again this time mf" and handed him the new one.
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The league would probably put Emmet on "leave" (house arrest) if they saw him get out of another one/realize the strait wouldn't work. That is probably what's keeping him from breaking out more than the actual jacket is.
As for mental state,
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The household is certainly seeing more absences and mental health days. The worst part about the diagnosis for Emmet is that everything he used to enjoy has lost its worth because any time he sits down to study, he's just proving he is crazy and battle obsessed. He forces himself out of his old habits but he doesn't have anything to fill the void so he's stuck in a perpetual state of being exhausted and disinterested. Ingo may or may not be subconsciously picking up these beliefs as well
Thank you for your ask! Took a while to respond cause of school, but I do hope to outline more about their lives and habits when I get free time. I gotta run though, so see you guys later ^^
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samdeancrimespree · 5 months
it’s time to overanalyze the impala destruction scene <3 with actual screencaps this time. my analysis of the shot will be Above the screencap. hopefully that makes sense
so sam tries once again to talk to dean about dad. dean yells at him again for suddenly wanting to do what dad would’ve wanted and sam opens up to him about feeling guilty. then sam says he’s dealing with dads death, but dean isn’t. dean doesn’t say anything, just looks at him like This.
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we don’t know yet, what john said to dean before he died. but it’s hanging over dean. i think sam’s reaction to dad’s death makes dean want to keep johns words a secret even more. if he tells sam that’s what dad wanted, sam might go along with it.
every time someone brings up john, dean hears his words again, and he feels even worse. he can’t deal with dads death because that means acknowledging what he said, and it’s just too much. he already lost dad, he can’t lose sam too.
sam says “i’ll leave you alone.” and walks away. we only hear a few steps, but that might just be for clarity. who knows. or he just. took a few steps then stopped.
either way, dean turns around and calmly picks up a crowbar. he smashes the window of a random car. takes a few breaths.
as he turns around, he looks up from the ground. looks at something in front of him. it seems for a second like he’s going to stop.
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then he looks down at the impala. he glances back up, just for a second. right where sam was standing before. it looks like he’s making sure sam is watching him. you want me to deal with it? fine.
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“next time someone asks me if i’m okay, i’m gonna start throwing punches.”
so he goes crazy on the impala. we all know that part.
he destroys the car right after he fixes it. specifically the trunk of the car, where they keep their hunting arsenal. maybe that was just the closest part, or maybe he’s had enough of his family dying because of hunting. he didn’t want to find the demon if it meant sam would die, but now sam might die anyway. no matter what he does, the car/his family will be destroyed. he can’t fix it, and it’s futile to even try. all his work, all the time and love he put into sam might have been worthless.
when he finally stops, he looks wrecked. this is the most emotion he’s allowed himself since dad died.
this is the last shot of the episode. him staring for a good 10 seconds, still on that same eyeline. he seems like he’s looking at something.
he lets himself look sad for a second, but he doesn’t turn away like he normally would. he wants sam to see. this was all for him. it’s like… there. i’m upset. was that enough? can you stop asking now?
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then his expression hardens, shutting down and covering his emotions again. it’s like he’s warning sam. dean can’t be sad, only angry. only destructive. this time, it’s the car. next time, it might be sam. the two things he’s supposed to look after, both ruined. and dad isn’t here to fix it. dean has to figure it out on his own.
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it looks like he’s asking sam to just leave it alone. don’t ask me about this. i can’t talk about it. and for now, sam believes it’s just about dad dying.
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and then the episode ends. i genuinely cannot tell if im supposed to think sam is there or not. but like its the same eyeline!!! and the shot is pushed in and to the right!! sam could be standing in the same spot for all we know !! also what else would he be having a silent convo with in bobby’s junkyard? the dog? his own reflection? the only thing that makes sense to me is that sam is there. that he’s doing this For sam. maybe this is something everyone noticed but me until rn but. im going insane
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kirarahoshii · 10 months
i'm not a big fan of people who completely write off the complexities of mizu's character simply because they disagree with certain headcanons...
like. there's nothing wrong with interpreting mizu as trans. yes her identity is a result of trauma, but that doesn't make her story any less relatable to a trans audience! characters who have to present as a different gender is not a new concept, and stories like mizu's are always going to be tied to queerness. her identity is inherently queer simply because she has such a complex relationship with her gender.
i completely understand people who still see mizu as a cis woman. the way she navigates the world because of her gender is obviously a major plot point. the creators are, as far as i'm aware, cis woc. whether they recognize mizu as cis or possibly trans, i don't know. either way, mizu is very clearly in a gray area. her identity is not a black and white issue, and watering this whole thing down to "she's cis!" or "she's trans!" is reductive. her identity is complex whether you see her as cis or trans; shooting down one viewpoint simply because it doesn't fit your personal interpretation is crazy. there's no reason to fight over what's "canon" or "correct".
why can't mizu just be mizu? must you people always be so quick to shove someone in a box?
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snackleggg · 2 months
God's (The Voltron writers) favourite punching bag (Shirogane Takashi)
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tangledinink · 1 year
The Gemini twins are probably MUCH better fighters than they are in canon, huh.
Absolutely. These two kick ASS. They've been training in combat since they were eight, and that's absolutely been the main focus of their lives since then. They fight nearly every day. They have absolutely hideous amounts of experience under their belts and they are a force to be reckoned with.
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roblogging · 6 days
I’m so so sorry if this is too personal/invasive please don’t feel pressured to answer!! But how did you like know that you were trans? I feel like I would really like being a guy sometimes and like he/him pronouns and would love if I looked more masculine but also sometimes I like looking a little fem and it feels like I’m faking it? I think I would like to be more masc and use masc pronouns but I’m so scared of being wrong
i get this !! as we know, i'm a very feminine trans man so for a while i thought i was doing it "wrong" and wasn't "really trans"
but none of that matters !!!
for me it was really just that he/him felt the most comfortable, and i knew i wanted a more masc voice and body - hence T. like she/her would make me feel so bad and they/them just didn't feel like enough. and i was SO envious of my cis male friends, SO envious !! i didn't know what it was at the time but it was just the desire to be them.
i met an openly trans man my very first day at sixth form and he had makeup on which was my actual "oh? i can do this?" moment.
if i could give ANY advice, literally ANY advice, it would be separating gender identity from expression. which seems counterproductive i know, maybe even hypocritical because i'm getting surgery etc, BUT !! if cis men can be feminine, why not trans men? i feel like everyone is so for dismantling gender norms until it comes to trans people.
if the trans identity and he/him pronouns fit you, then they fit. whether or not you wear makeup is completely irrelevant. whatever fits fits, and all these boxes are so unnecessary.
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hannigramislife · 1 year
Wangxian love story this, Jin Guangyao's dubious morality that— girl, I'm literally here to read fanfics where Jiang Cheng is loved and nothing else
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tanktop-lou · 11 months
If you just let it go and learn to like louis for the person he is maybe you'll know peace
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chloecherrysip · 1 year
Saw your 'Mario has PTSD too' post and I love it. The idea of him trying to pretend that everything is fine for Luigi is just so... augh. I love this trope of a character botteling up their feelings for the sake of others until they can't anymore. May I add a little something? Mario also had a near death experience from getting exploded from the rainbow road and then being eaten by an eel. So I guess he would have PTSD from this too
(Referring to this post!)
Thanks!! It really gets to me too. I just think Mario is very much wrapped up in being The Strong One, The One Who Protects And Makes Things All Right and Can Be Leaned On, and he WANTS to be that post-movie more than anything because goodness knows Luigi needs it (not even just from a mental perspective, but physical too, considering the poor thing hardly slept or got any food/water for what seemed like multiple days!) but there's also his own exhaustion and the dawning realization of how close things were, how his brother could have very easily died if one little thing happened differently, and the guilt, so much GUILT for essentially being the reason all this happened - it's a lot!! And then the guilt would compound once he starts to slip and knows that Luigi can probably tell, and he doesn't want to make him MORE worried when his little brother's already going through his own struggles, so that just makes him try HARDER to seem Totally Normal and Fine and In Control, and it's not a good cycle. :( (But it doesn't take too long before the inevitable breakdown and the brothers getting to cry it out together. Sometimes you just need to do some messy crying and hugging to feel better!!!!)
And yeah, I think that makes sense! Mario didn't have a cakewalk of a time either, that's for sure, even if there were some nice/peaceful moments in his journey. I saw in one fic someone theorize that maybe loud sounds would instantly make him shift into danger mode and being really on edge because of the blue shell for a little while, and I think that makes sense. And man, the eel stuff really does get more disturbing the more you think about it!! DK and Mario sniping at each other is funny, but I still really wish that scene had been given a little more room to breathe and resonate as a stronger, sadder Darkest Moment in the movie. Especially the line "at least your brother's not gonna die because of you!" which is heavy stuff, man! Mario's clearly angry and upset and feels like the situation is all his fault and he's never going to see Luigi again (heck, he'll never see the rest of his family or his home again either) and he tried so hard but he's finally reached a truly hopeless state where he just wants to wallow in how he's let everyone down and be left alone, which is rare for him. It's a brief moment, but a rough one for sure.
(And maybe once it's all over, he closes his eyes and sometimes still sees himself there, wet and cold and broken down, and there's a moment of blind panic where he's convinced he's imagined everything that happened past that point and he's about to be digested and die down here at the bottom of the ocean, with the horrible certainty that Luigi's dead too, that his brother died alone and scared all because of his stupidity, and he can't breathe, he can't BREATHE - and then he wakes up/comes back to the moment and it's all okay, he knows rationally that it's okay now but he still can't fully calm down because what if NEXT TIME.....)
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