#everything happens so MUCH
zhouxiangs · 26 days
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izyuumi · 8 months
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How are we feeling crows.
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our sunday visitor's family guide to movies and videos (1999)
“happy pompeii bread day”
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ministarfruit · 2 years
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junithena week day 7: roleswap au ☀️
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hotvampireadjacent · 2 years
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source https://www.bosshunting.com.au/sport/superbowl-snipers-nest/ 
i was looking for a more reliable source and business insider credits 4 chan for the photos?????? since when did business fucking insider use 4chan for a source of anything ???
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khaotunq · 2 years
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something something hands something behind the scenes, from p'golf's twitter (x)
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drdone · 7 months
sometimes by the break of CR I think 'damn I'm gonna be so sleepy at the end of this episode, I'm so tired' and without fail, whenever I think that, fuckshit happens and by the end of it I'm fucking ready to vibrate into another dimension
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Campaign sketch dump!
It feels like an eternity since I actually finished a drawing of them. But have some Holy Kingdom shenanigans! Absolutely terrifying experience! Loved being a caster in a kingdom that only allows the clergy to do magic. 10/10 would not recommend.
Also PSA if you steal a False Hydra they CANNOT be sustained by Goodberries alone! They need the flesh of mortals to sustain themselves I do not care what your Druid Health Class taught you!
As always, Diana : @wolfy1298
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trashlie · 6 months
I saw a theory about Mr. Kim being Kousuke's real father. Makes me want to throw up. And then I saw another comment on that thread how the real thing that would break Kou is realizing that Nol is no longer his brother.
And omg ew? Sang Chul would be??
And I'm never getting over Nol's plastered smile. The sneer. The humans suck line.
The "Convince Me" line.
Girl I'm going thru it.
You totally called it on the theories.
The WORST kind of "OH GOD I KNEW IT" weeks have been happening for me when it comes to ILY lmaoooo and I NEED QUIMCHEE TO GIVE ME A BREAK AND LET ME CATCH MY BREATH!!!!!!!!!!!
Gonna drop my thoughts below the read more! Spoilers spoilers spoilers!!!!!!!!!!
When Elle and I talked about the "Rand isn't Kousuke's father" theory on the fourth episode of our podcast I even talked about how as much as I don't want the theory to be true for Kousuke's sake, narratively it's SO compelling and it just makes SO MUCH SENSE. I remember the first time I read the theory, too, how initially I was like "no way, this feels really out there" but it just stuck with me. I couldn't let it go, I kept going back to that panel, the "you're the sole heir" speech bubble over Nol's face and I think I've just always felt that it meant something, you know? That quimchee would NOT have done that if it didn't mean something, if we weren't supposed to read into it, if it wasn't meant to be the earliest of foreshadowing of this theory.
And to have it actually confirmed!!!!! Just has me SCREAMING but absolutely anticipating what it means for everyone!!!! Because not only does it mean everything Kousuke has ever worked for - the only thing he's ever had to his name, the only career option he's ever had - is taken away from him and thrust to someone who may not even want it, someone who wants to be as far away from this family and this coldblooded, bloodthirsty rivalry as he can get.
Neither of them get any reprieve.
Kousuke never had any other option, and is left with nothing.
Nol will likely be thrust into the heart of everything he wants to excuse himself from, everything he's come to resent and loathe and GOD it's insane to see how it's all unfolding, after all this time!!!!!!!!
I think, too, in thinking about the fact that Nol isn't even Kousuke's brother is that it means re-examining the rawness of 212 and what it means for Kousuke, who believes that he got none of the good traits of Rand that he sees in Nol, the good parts that he's never been privileged enough to see in Rand himself, and that he was left with only the worst parts of him - the cold man with his back turned to him. But it's worse, because none of that was his.
(Please know that I am saying this SO VERY LOOSELY, in the sense of how I imagine Kousuke is thinking this. I'm not a fan of the "Rand suspected Kousuke wasn't his son and that's why he was so cold with him" theories. Frankly, I think they're disgusting and it shows an interesting bias in people in how they perceive biological family to be more worthy over, say, adopted family. I think it's very evident that Rand loves both of his sons and has done the best within his means, but has been dealing with an incredibly controlling tyrant of a wife who has ensured that he had little chance to provide the nurturing he wanted to, who ensured that there was a gap between him and Kousuke so that Kousuke would be forever chasing after him, because she needed him to stay focused on her goal. I refuse to humor conversation that implies Rand loves or favors Nol more because that's his biological son and because Kousuke is, currently suspected to be, the son of a Kim, he has less love for him. That's a disgusting mindset. Biological love does not make someone inherently love their child more. Yui herself proves this. And in that same vein, not being Kousuke's biological father does not excuse Rand's part in Kousuke's neglect and that it was the commodification of his love that has factored into how Kousuke has come to view love in this transactional manner and why he struggles to see his father's true love for what it is. Regardless of whose genetic material fathered him, Rand is the man who raised Kousuke as his son, the man Kousuke saw as his father, and therefore he is Kousuke's father.)
Kousuke has modeled himself after his father in every way, tried so hard to emulate him, to be someone who will make his father proud, who can earn his affection and feels like he hasn't succeeded at that yet - and to find out that the man he has spent his entire life emulating is not, in fact, his father? Is going to CRUSH him. Not because it changes the fact that it was Rand who raised him and Rand to whom Kousuke looked up, but because it's yet another lie in a series of Yui's lies, yet another lie that she has used to manipulate him, to mold him into her pawn, to create him into a likeness of something of her own desire, rather than ever allow him to be his own person.
She lied to him about his father. She whispered paranoia to him about his brother his brother's mother. She made him believe that everyone is out to get them, to tear them down, that because they are better than everyone else he can trust no one. She used these tactics to isolate him and played upon the paranoia and fear that she created and instilled upon him so that when he did rebel and stray from her, when he did try to be his own person and have friends and a life of his own, she could pull him back to where she felt he belonged, at her side. She smothered and suffocated him and manipulated and lied to him and nothing she has done to or for him has ever been honest and even his father is a lie. Even his goals and motivation is a lie.
I know a lot of people still hate Kousuke but it fucks me up. It has me choked up, to think of what it must be like to be him, and to have this bombshell thrust upon you, that everything you believed has been a lie, that your mother has been manipulating you for your whole life, she's been drugging you, you have finally grasped the gravity of the harm you have caused using the justification she has equipped you with. To come to the realization that everything you ever justified was never truly justifiable, that you caused harm that cannot be undone.
How do you come back from that?
How do you deal with that?
And then, to find out that the man you've believed was your father isn't. That the only person who ever offered you unconditional love, whose relationship you've destroyed isn't even your brother, and has no reason to ever turn to look your way ever again.
Kousuke was right. He has no brother.
And it devastates me lmao ;____________;
And I do really think that it means his father is Gun Kim. All of the comparisons to Sangchul and Kousuke have haunted me as much as this theory.
Actually no you know what was the FUNNIEST thing to me about Nol and his humans suck line? THE FACT THAT MY GIRL SHINAE IS OUT HERE BLUSHING.
She is DOWN BAD. SO FUCKING BAD. LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i can't stand her I love her she's a whole hot mess express I really need to gather myself and drop some thought dump posts over here finally because generally my reaction to all of these episodes lately has been [SCREAMING CAT]
i'm two for two on "dark theories i didn't want to be true but knew in my gut are" and listen. I DON'T KNOW IF I LIKE IT ;_______; HOWLING
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chicago-geniza · 24 days
Somehow I ended up in this train car with
A group of tourists and their 10+ total children, all screaming shrilly in French
My Boss
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red string corkboard map of alyx, penny, summer, the hound, the jabberwalker, the ever after, the relic of creation, the god of light, ascension, the blacksmith, little--
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lithiumrox · 2 months
Me bellowing at my tv YESSSSSSSSSSS. I literally had a dream 2 nights ago that Robbie came back and now we get ALL OF THEM? AND AABRIA???? Is Sam's new PC going to join the crown keepers??? These fucks. I'm so excited.
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rad-roche · 2 months
i think it's very flattering that a few of you guys are curious about what i think of the ending and some plot stuff, but it hasn't even been a day. that's eight hours of television, a little more. i'm not doing that to my brain
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wine-dark-soup · 4 months
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coquelicoq · 8 months
those jokers in greek mythology are always getting punished for their hubris but at least their hubris is over impressive stuff. it's all "fly too close to the sun" this and "be really really really good at weaving" that. whereas my hubris is always shit like "this tampon will last for another hour" and "surely i paid that bill already" and "i'm actually not very depressed"
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