#everything's just a jumbled mess
cordeliawhohung · 30 days
i just wrote like 300 words for pet!au and i hate every single one of them :/ gonna delete and start over. i'll post the trashed part under the cut if anyone is curious. consider it a really shitty sneak peek.
At night, you sleep in a cage.  Simon refers to it as the kennel, as if you’re some misbehaving dog, but it’s most definitely a cage. Thick metal bars line the sides and top of the cage, much too close together for you to fit your hand through. It’s larger than anything you’ve ever seen, certainly much larger than any dog would need, and it’s plenty spacious. Obviously jerry-rigged, but not cruel.  It’s nestled into the far corner of the bedroom, and you’re provided plenty of pillows and blankets to brace your body against the metal bottom. Johnny had whined something terrible the first night you were locked in there, and Simon assured him that it was only temporary until he could get you ‘fixed.’ Still, it didn’t prevent the poor man from sleeping by your side on the floor half the night, rather than in that monstrous bed with Simon.  Simon unlocks the cage every morning around seven when he wakes up, and everything else after that passes by in a blur. On the days when Simon goes to work, you and Johnny are left to your own devices. It’s then that you learn that you oddly have more freedom than you had anticipated, given your situation. You can wander the house and sit by open windows. There are plenty of movies on DVD and even VHS for you to pass the time with. You can even shower whenever you want, though you try to remind yourself to keep it short, as there’s no lock on the door.  There are only two things it seems you’re not allowed to do: don’t remove your collar unless you’re bathing, and don’t go outside without Simon.
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levinbolts · 2 days
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he needs a shirt that says "glasses: on. day: over."
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Thinking about the Ted Lasso finale again and how I feel like it does pretty much land everyone at a satisfying place, just occasionally fumbles getting them there.
And I was thinking specifically about Beard, and how, if we ignore the Jane of it all, Beard and Ted separating IS such a great place for Beard to end the show because of what we learn in Mom City and how it puts so much about Beard into new context.
Beard basically lost all of his relationships when he went to prison. When he got out, he went to Ted because he remembered Ted as a nice guy who he'd had a good relationship with for a time, (and frankly, possibly because he thought he could take advantage of that kindness) and when Ted helped him more than he ever expected, it seems that Beard just stuck with him from that point on. Ted was Beard's ONLY person, and while their friendship is so sweet and wonderful, I think it is so important for Beard to end the series at a point where he feels safe choosing to go a different direction from Ted. He has friends now, a job he's very good at, a community (and, yes, unfortunately, an incredibly toxic relationship that the show can't ever make up it's mind on whether it's a good or bad thing).
In the finale, Beard wants to go with Ted because he's been following him ever since Ted vouched for him with the police, but he wants to stay more because he's finally found connections outside of Ted. And as right of a choice it was for Ted to go home to his son, it's as much of a right choice for Beard to stay in England, a place where he can start anew.
(The problem is that it gets framed as being only about Jane and relationship we don't support. But like SO MUCH about s3, when I actually look at it it WORKS so well for his character, it feels so right post-Mom City's reveal, it just gets messy in the framing/execution. s3 to a T.)
(anyways, I was specifically thinking about Beard because of how many post-canon fics I've read that just casually retcons it so Beard went back with Ted, and I'm like....I don't actually think that's best for him, I think he found a lot more of a life in London than he'd had in America)
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hey friends is it normal to just feel. numb. because I think that maybe it is not. but what would I know anyway.
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mirchloe · 5 months
to whoever wrote donatella's pn wiki, i just wanna talk.
#i don't really believe *everything* raz says about his dad was just him misinterpreting events#and no this doesn't immediately equate augustus was abusive as he's clearly shown to have worked on himself and accept raz#if they were good memories i wouldn't have run away is extremely revealing line about the depths of augustus' anti-psychic sentiments#and how his behavior directly impacted raz and also dion and frazie in how they treat and ostracize raz out of perpetuated fear#and how all of this would create a whirlwind of negativity for raz while living at home because augustus *did* make him feel unwanted#also i think the 'scary psychic campfire storytelling time' is pretty telling of augustus too in how he would instill fear in his children#about psychics and how in turn this would make raz feel like he isn't wanted by his dad as he tried to explore powers that his father hates#yes they had 'secrets' and augustus wanted to 'protect raz' but that feeling of being unwanted and fearing his father was in there for pn1#and it was a good thing that augustus immediately changed his tune! tho he as the dad didn't properly talk to his kids about his change#so dion and frazie are left with a jumbled mess of feelings about psychics and raz and etc#but please tell me how donatella is actually the most emotionally abusive woman in the world please inform me i just wanna know#edit - what she did do wrong was not stop augustus from spreading those very inflammatory anti-psychic sentiments#but to her defense - she was of the belief psychics harmed her husband and cursed her children to die in water#it's a reasonable and tragic fear and it's still on augustus' shoulders for how he treated raz and strengthened raz's fears of his own dad#donatella
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terrorbirb · 2 months
Work. God I experience mortification
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blanketforcas · 1 year
thank you for letting me grow (up) here
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xuargent · 5 months
sup guys idk why but over the past few months i've found myself using this sideblog less and using my main for what i used to put on it more so if you like my blog maybe consider following my main @concerto-roblox okay thank 🫶🫶
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problemeule · 1 year
once again academically challenged by my academically challenging degree
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kadoodles-on-ao3 · 1 year
Thought it would be fun to share that for Christmas my bf got me a custom-made Xenoblade-concept-art puzzle and we're working on it together :)
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statementlou · 11 months
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george114 · 1 year
I think I might actually like someone.
Even the bad pickup lines work.
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swordcoasts · 2 years
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fabulouslygaybean · 2 years
its weird being in like,, a spot where i am severely touched starved, but im so not used to touch that getting it feels wrong
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mikurulucky · 1 year
You know, I realized I only sometimes have to look up a word whenever I'm reading these kids comics in French. At some point, I should check out some other reading sources. As far as reading goes at least, I think I'm starting to get better at it.
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gremlinhourz · 1 year
i have so so so so so so so so soo so much work to do but i dont have the motivation? attention? focus? ability? discipline?? to do any of it like im just sitting hear with it open staring at me and even worse i dont want to do anything that would normally 'cheer me up' besides things that i will for sure not stop? put down? listen to a time limit for? just to do work
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