#epically if they just want to be friends that flirt sometimes and then the tension bro what is up with the tension
george114 · 1 year
I think I might actually like someone.
Even the bad pickup lines work.
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richincolor · 1 year
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Book Review: Nigeria Jones 
Title: Nigeria Jones
Author: Ibi Zoboi
Genres:  Contemporary
Pages: 384 
Publisher: Balzer + Bray
Review Copy: ARC by publisher
Availability: Available now
Warrior Princess.
That’s what Nigeria’s father calls her. He’s raised her as part of the Movement, a Black separatist group based in Philadelphia. Nigeria is homeschooled and vegan and participates in traditional rituals that connect her and other kids from the group to their ancestors. But when her mother—the perfect matriarch to their Movement—disappears, Nigeria’s world is upended. She finds herself taking care of her baby brother and stepping into a role she doesn’t want.
Nigeria’s mother had secrets. She wished for a different life for her children, which includes sending her daughter to a private Quaker school outside of their strict group. Despite her father’s disapproval, Nigeria attends the school with her cousin, Kamau, and Sage, who used to be a friend. There, she slowly begins to blossom and expand her universe.
As Nigeria searches for her mother, she starts to uncover a shocking truth. One that will lead her to question everything she thought she knew about her life and her family.
From award-winning author Ibi Zoboi comes a searing, powerful coming-of-age story about discovering who you are in the world—and fighting for that person—by having the courage to remix the founding tenets of your life to be your own revolution.
Review: Ibi Zoboi’s newest is really a telling of revolution - specifically individual revolution. It is a moving story, one experienced by many teens, as they desire to break away from their parents and find their own path. Those moments are crucially developmentally, but are often fraught with tension as parents and teens battle in a conflict for independence. Teens want more, want to express who they truly are and parents only wish for their child to be safe, to accomplish the dreams the parents had for their child. By setting this novel amongst a Black separatist group, Ibi Zoboi really highlights this conflict between child and parent. 
Because of her mother’s disappearance, Nigeria is at an age where she is starting to question everything, including her father who is the leader of their Movement. She’s always believe what her father has taught her, but now she wonders if maybe his beliefs are too extreme and maybe there is a different way to bring about change. Having her mother missing, Nigeria starts to see how patriarchal the Movement is and how some parts of the Movement are toxic. As she searches for the reasons why her mother left, she learns more and more about the world outside of her little bubble. She begins to push back against her father, creating some epic arguments, and sneaks out behind his back. She decides to attend the same school her cousin Kamau goes to and her world is broadened. She meets all sorts of different people, including being around the most White people she has ever been in her life. She experiences micro-agressions and must decide how to react (sometimes she gets it right, sometimes she doesn’t) and eventually begins flirting with White boy named Liam, whom she knows if her father were to find out he would lose his mind. I actually loved Nigeria’s revolution because her story showed that not all revolutions result in a teen acting out. Sometimes they just want to find their own path, create their own destiny. Nigeria was torn between the love of her little brother, her friends in the Movement’s Youth Group, and even the love she had for her father. She knew she was fighting against her father’s expectations of her but she made those decisions anyway. Nigeria’s parents had raised a very smart, head strong young adult, and when Nigeria decided to break away from the Movement it was not just an emotional decision, but one she had truly thought over. Her growth throughout the story was truly inspiring. 
There is a plot twist in the novel that I could see coming, sorta, because I was wrong about what actually happened, but when it was revealed my heart broke for Nigeria. At the same time, though, I realized the twist is what set her on her journey of revolution and she would be stronger once she understood what happened with the twist. I know that my last statement doesn’t make much sense, but you just have to read the book to find out. 
I absolutely love Ibi Zoboi’s novels and Nigeria Jones is no different. This is a moving story that will drag you in with the wonderful characters who fill Nigeria’s world and her fight for independence. 
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Season 2
Ep 10 - What's My Line (Part 2)
So, where were we, oh right, a new vampire slayer, Kendra.
Oh so that part is right there's supposed only one and now there is two(possibly two)
Oh snap, I forgot about angel, someone save this guy.
Yes Buffy back off, Kendra is hotter than you .
OHHHHH, buffy died, right, yeah, so that's why Kendra is here.
Finally, tell them where is angel.
Wait, wtf, someone kill this janitor. Oh cmon now spike, find other vampires to bother .
Oh yeah, Jesus I forgot that Cordelia let this monster inside. Run, RUN Cordelia and Xander.
Yes, Xander gets it, Time to Run.
Dont trust the janitor.
B: "I don't listen, I do things my way", Kendra: "No wonder you died". BITCH the way I chortled, Lmao Kendra, youre hilarious.
Gonna say, no matter how cringey, Drusilla's acting is damn God.
I love dorky Willow.
We are gonna meet OZ again now are we ?
Lmao Giles found his match.
Buffy, you can never have normal life.
Xander and Cordelia are gonna kiss now aren't they...
I love when they fight, the tension, the build up. The sex is gonna be absolutely epic.
Yesssssss OZ!!!
Willow: "Your hair is brown", Oz: "Yeah.. Sometimes". LMAOOO I love them so much.
Also, who says the first thing that your hair is brown, only our willow.
Oz is my spirit animal, "I am not work kind of person or any kind". I get you.
I love their interactions, they are so dorky and nerdy. My kinda people.
WTF, CMON NOW, AGAIN! Stop shooting.
Two women fighting, my bi-panic
"Damn that guy got a major neck in his days", LMAO Xander.
"but nobody messes with my boyfriend ", Damn buffy. See this is what I am talking about. The superior ship.
No offense or anything but Angel deserves whatever Drusilla is/will do to him for what he did to her.
Now they are flirting instead of fighting, how long before they fuck.
Angel stop riling them up.
Angel is bragging too much, bro spike is gonna fuck buffy so calm down buddy.
Is Angel gonna die or like die but not really? Like maybe they will complete the ritual and angel will lose his soul.
Buffy really is a would.
I kinda want the Drusilla to wake up again. I want them to complete the ritual.
Why is spike is funny and Kendra hot.
I love when women fight.
Yesss Kendra kill them for ruining your fav shirt. Priorities.
Did they complete the ritual?.
Why am I disappointed that they saved the angel?
I love when their interaction so much.
"You have the sweetest the smile I've ever seen" OZ MY GUY😭😭😭😭😭
Their interactions oh my God 💕💕😭
Xander and Cordelia are back at it again.
X: "It never happened", C: "Good", X: "Good"; they kisses again. Good going.
I hope we see Kendra again.
Drusilla is alive against isn't she... YESSSS!!!
YESS and carrying spike like a badass.
Alright, I loved this episode, especially the second half. The first half was a little slow and I was wondering if it would be able to match up to the last episode and alas it did.
The two hot women fighting bad guys, what more can you ask for. The ultimate dream. Angel, angel, angel, you deserve whatever Drusilla does/do to you. You've literally ruined everything for her, I am sorry but I am on her side. I mean buffy saved you because she loves you but like you would've deserved to die by her hands.
Oh my Drusilla is alive again. Lmao I am really excited for that. Like, if we're gonna support morally grey guys then were supporting woman turned villain too. It's fair. So yeah this is "I support Drusilla in whatever she will do to Angel" Club.
So they saved angel in the end, which was nice, kendra is gone now, hopefully I'll see her again.
Now, my Babies, my OTP Oz and Willow, bitch we finally have them, they're interacting, they're talking, they're laughing, they're becoming friends, yess bitch, I am here for it. Their interactions *Kill me*, they're so nerdy and so cute, soulmate type shit. I know how they end up which is bittersweet and I am gonna cry eventually but you know what i will live in denial and in my head they end up married. Thank you.
I guess, that's it, I am really excited for Drusilla.
See ya in next one, cheers 🥂.
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terapsina · 3 years
Ship Questions (questions borrowed from @dammnitveronica)
1. Favourite Ship?
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To be honest my favorite ship changes from a day to day basis but Parker and Hardison was (and is again) the couple that never disappointed me and got their happy future and so they just hold a very special place in my heart because of that fact alone.
2. First Ship?
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I think. I'm pretty sure anyway. Either them or Jarod and Miss Parker but I think Cory and Topanga preceded The Pretender.
3. First Ship You Were Crazy For?
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Some of my more embarrassing teenage memories involve me gushing to friends about this ship.
4. Newest Ship?
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I've had some mini ships since then but Hope and Lizzie is the latest ship that's gotten me good enough to make me write fic for them.
5. Ship You Like But No One Else Does?
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I mean I know there are other people who love them but it kinda sometimes feels like that's not the case. But they really are beautiful and epic and I want to see more of their future.
6. Ship You Wish Was Endgame?
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There are so many to choose from but this was literally THEIR SHOW. I am still really bitter about this.
7. Ship You Wish Had Screen Time?
Alright, this one's hard because literally all my ships have had at least SOME screen time together. But I guess if we enter into hypothetical ship territory, then I think that Faith and Tara could have made for a very interesting and potentially even healthy couple in a world where Faith never went bad and stayed in Sunnydale long enough to actually meet Tara.
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(OMG what? The actresses have been in a different show together? I didn't think I'd have a gifset for this one)
8. Ship You Wish Had More Screen Time?
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They did have some utterly amazing moments but I do wish they'd have had more of them (I wish the show had lasted long enough to have had time for more of them).
9. Ship You Wish Had Been Canon?
*manic laughter* sooo many but...
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Adorable, stupid bastards deserved their goddamn love story getting realized at the end.
10. Ship You Want To Be Canon?
I don't want to use the same ship as answer for multiple of these points (but if I did it would be Hizzie). Instead...
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The tension. The sweetness. The aggressive flirting from one side and the rolling eyes and hidden amusement from the other.
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choiceofgames · 2 years
New game! Social Services of the Doomed, by Fade Manley
New game! "Social Services of the Doomed" by Fade Manley is now available on Steam, iOS and Android. It's 25% off until June 30. Please reshare this with friends!
They have magic and fangs. You have red tape! In this epic conflict between fantasy and bureaucracy, will you save your city, or sell your soul?
Social Services of the Doomed is a 400,000-word interactive urban fantasy novel by Fade Manley. It's entirely text-based, without graphics or sound effects, and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.
As an employee of the Department of Supernatural Social Services, it’s your job to mediate when a dispute breaks out between vampires and werewolves. Which is pretty often, these days. Tensions are rising in your city: not all supernatural citizens think that they have to abide by the law. Flocks of harpies are crowing prophecies of doom; wizards are slinging fireballs; trolls aren’t just having peaceful chats about tunneling technology anymore; there are demons in the werewolf dive bar; and something is up with the ley lines. Sometimes it feels like you’re the only one standing between the supernatural factions and a city in flames.
On the other hand, some factions are willing to cut a deal on the side, so if you really want the city to be in flames - and if you feel like that civil-servant paycheck isn’t stretching as far as you’d like - you could make that happen. Every faction knows that you could be useful to them.
How will you handle it? Will you sneak, fight, negotiate, confuse, or just whip out some obscure county regulations? There’s always more paperwork to be done, and if you fall too far behind, your boss might call you in for a chat about your monthly metrics. (Also, your boss might be a constellation. Don’t ask.)
• Make your way through the city as a demon, troll, wizard, or completely mundane human. • Play as male, female, or non-binary; gay, straight, bi, or asexual. • Advance your career, sink your rival's career, or try to play nice with all your coworkers at once. • Romance a troll, a demon, a werewolf, a vampire, or your office rival. (Who’s a snake person.) • Chase demons out of the cubicle farm before everyone gets back from lunch. • Thwart the dastardly plans of Hell’s minions, or sell your soul to them…or just flirt with a cute demon.
Demons and trolls, vampires and werewolves, wizards and harpies... and you're standing in the middle with the most fearsome thing of all: paperwork.
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Hi! So, an advice that I usually get is that every scene in a story should have a conflict, but I really struggle with it, like, i don't know if you get what I mean, but I don't know how to find conflict for EVERY scene or I don't know what it should be... I don't know if you can help me with that, but thank you anyway <3
Conflict in Every Scene?
Sometimes good writing advice gets lost in translation, losing its context and meaning as reverberates through space and time. This is one of those bits of advice, because when you take it at face value, "conflict in every scene" sounds ridiculous... like you need to have an epic, high stakes confrontation in every scene, and that's just not true.
Part of the reason this happens is because we tend to interpret words like "conflict" and "action" as meaning that 200-foot tall stomping robots descend on the city, or hungry grizzly bears charge into your character's beautiful wedding ceremony, but the reality is that "action" just means that something needs to be happening (it can't just be dialogue and description), and "conflict" just means something needs to happen that drives the story forward, either by advancing the character's internal journey (internal conflict/change arc) or the external conflict via your character's pursuit of the goal.
If you know the following about your story:
external conflict
character's resulting goal
internal conflict
motivation (why pursuing the goal matters to them)
stakes (what they have to lose if they fail)
antagonist (creates obstacle/s between character & goal)
Then you can figure out how to address one of those things in each scene. For example, part of one scene could be your character learning something devastating about the external conflict. That creates tension and moves the story forward. Part of another scene could be your character doubting their ability to reach their goal. Some other scene could be the stakes being raised in some way... like, maybe they learn one of the hostages they're trying to save is about to go into premature labor, and that gives them even less time to rescue them. And, some other scene could have your character attempting to overcome an obstacle but failing in some way.
In other words, you don't want to have a scene where your character drives to the grocery store, bumps into a random friend, buys some ramen on sale, and goes home to answer e-mail. That's boring. Nothing is happening there. It doesn't advance the story in any way. But if the friend they run into says they ran into your character's high school ex at a restaurant the previous night, and then your character goes home and finds an e-mail from said ex asking if they're free to meet for dinner and catch up, and then right after that, the neighbor they have been mutually flirting with shows up and invites them to go on a walk, that creates tension and it moves the story forward. That's conflict. :)
I hope that makes sense! ♥
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yikestripes · 4 years
Dirty Little Secret
a/n: pennywise taunting richie tozier or epic song title by the all american rejects? that is for you to decide, my pretties. (jokes on me it’s not even an IT imagine it’s a crim imagine heheeeee)
here you go, @hommoturttle !! i had a much easier time writing this than i thought i would LMAO. i really hope you like it!!!
You should have known that going to a party at Rossi’s was going to involve not only alcohol, but the relaxed atmosphere that you never got to experience with your co workers, let alone your supervisor. At Rossi’s, although you mostly referred to the others by last name out of habit, if you slipped and called him Aaron he didn’t bat an eye. Not only that, but flirting back and forth was not un-welcomed either. As a matter of fact, he initiated sometimes. Hotch took another sip of his beer before laughing at something Morgan said.
“Okay okay, we have to try that some time!” Morgan was saying to Prentiss, in regards to some wild drinking game she had been telling everyone about. Hotch was laughing at how eager Morgan was to play a drinking game. It didn’t exactly come as a surprise to you, but then again, nothing really did with this group of people.
“I’d LOVE to try that,” Garcia purred, mostly to Derek. Derek raised an eyebrow, but grinned in her direction.
“Dear God, Woman.” He said. Garcia rested her hand on his forearm and wiggled her eyebrows, causing the table to break out in more laughter. These were the moments you lived for, being able to see your teammates so relaxed.
You chugged the last few sips of your Twisted Tea and made your way to the kitchen to grab another. When you returned, the conversation had taken a sharp turn, and you couldn’t believe your ears as you approached the table.
“That’s a KINK?” Derek asked, incredulous. Hotch choked on his beer and poor Reid just looked confused.
“Oh yeah, baby. It’s actually quite popular.” Garcia grinned, inching slightly closer to Morgan. He took it in stride, grinning back.
“Well, we’ll just have to see about that.” He said in a low voice.
“Alright alright, where in the HELL did kinks come up?” You asked, sitting beside Hotch.
“Well, first we were talking about that drinking game, and then we started talking about how the different types of alcohol can cause different reactions in certain people, which led to the discussion of how tequila makes Prentiss cry and makes Garcia, um, more sexual, and then we started talking about things of, uh, that nature.” Reid looked more uncomfortable the more he recited. You shook your head and took a long drag from your drink.
“Ooh, you know another wild kink? Bondage.” Prentiss said, her eyes wide. Derek grinned and Reid made up some excuse to go to the kitchen, Rossi following closely behind him.
“Alright little miss, you’re pretty quiet.” Penelope turned her attention to you, causing your own eyes to widen. “What’s your dirty little secret?” She grinned evilly.
“Uh, I don’t really have any.” You said, shifting uncomfortably in your seat. An obvious tell that you were lying. Being surrounded by profilers was suddenly worse than usual, and all eyes were on you.
“Bullshit, (Y/N)!” Derek said with a laugh. “Everyone has somethin. Come on, I'll share if you do.” He looked at you over his glass, raising his eyebrows, begging the question.
You looked to Hotch to save you, but he looked away, cheeks pinkening.
Interesting. You thought to yourself. He’s hiding something too.
“Come on, out with it!” Garcia pushed.
“Uhh… roleplay, I guess.” You said in a small voice, taking a few more sips of your tea.
This seemed to satisfy Garcia and Morgan, as they began discussing Derek’s sadism kink.
“That seems pretty on par, don’t you think?” Hotch’s voice said beside you. You looked at him and raised your eyebrows. “Morgan’s, that is.” He said quickly, realizing what you were thinking.
“Yeah, it sounds about right. Did Penelope happen to share hers while I was in the kitchen?”
“Yeah, the same as Derek.” You giggled a little bit, starting to feel the alcohol take effect. Spencer and Rossi returned, having cleaned up the entire kitchen in the time it took for the conversation to finally move forward.
Some time had gone by, and Rossi had retired to bed.
“If you can’t think straight, you can’t drive. Help yourself to a bedroom.” Rossi said, holding his hands up in surrender as he retreated up the stairs. Reid had gone home a little while ago, complaining of a raging headache. Alcohol sometimes had that effect on him, so it definitely wasn’t the first time that had happened. JJ couldn’t make the party since it was her only night off and she wanted to spend some family time with Will and Henry. That left you, Hotch, Prentiss, Morgan, and Garcia.
“So, Hotch, how does it feel to know the sexual history of not only your friends, but your employees?” Derek grinned, raising his eyebrows again.
“Well, it’s different. I thought I knew you pretty well before, Morgan, but now I know you a little too well.” Hotch laughed a little, a rare sound.
Morgan shrugged, moving a sleeping Penelope slightly.
“I guess I should get her up to bed, she’s starting to drool.” As he said that, a small snore came from Garcia. Morgan frowned as he guided Penelope upstairs, who was complaining about how she wasn’t sleeping, she was just resting her eyes. Morgan shut the door behind them, leaving behind just you, Hotch, and Prentiss.
“Well,” Prentiss slurred. “How about another round?” She tried to stand up, but began swaying. Hotch grabbed her arm before she almost toppled onto the floor.
“I’ll be right back.” He said, guiding her to another room in Rossi’s endless mansion. You picked at the skin around your nails, something still bothering you. Although you’d shared your sexual preference, Hotch never really commented on it; he was clearly thinking along the same lines as you. Could you possibly get him to admit it? Technically you were alone now. A small, evil grin crossed your features as he descended the stairs, rejoining you in the dining room. You were about 4 Twisted Teas in, and all your inhibitions had been successfully lowered. Hiding your crush on Hotch was at the back of your mind, if it was on your mind at all.
“So,” You began, scanning Hotch. He raised his eyebrows as he took a couple gulps of his beer. “You never told us what your kink was, Mr. Hotchner.” He grimaced slightly.
“No, I didn’t.” He said, his voice even.
“Mmm.” You hummed into the quickly emptying bottle. “You can tell me. I won’t share.” You cocked an eyebrow, encouraging him.
“And how do I know that?” He said, lowering his voice as he inched a little closer.
“You’ll just have to trust me.” He scanned your face for a moment to gauge how truthful you were being, and ultimately decided you were being truthful.
“Alright, I’ll bite. Remember what you said, about roleplaying?” He asked. You nodded. He sat back and smiled a little, without another word. Now your attention was piqued.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah.” Your faces were so close, you could close the gap and be kissing him in mere seconds.
“Hmm, now that is interesting.” You said, resting your hand on his thigh. He didn’t move and you could cut the tension in the room with a knife. Your eyes flicked down to his lips and back up to his eyes, and he closed the gap. You were kissing Aaron Hotchner. You kissed back excitedly, allowing his tongue to explore your mouth a little bit before breaking away for some air.
“You need to go to bed.” Hotch said with a small laugh as you pouted.
“Why?” You asked, sounding more like a small child instead of a grown adult.
“Because, you’re drunk.”
“Am not.”
“Yes, you are.”
“Am not!”
Hotch took a few steps back.
“Walk over here without tripping.” It sounded so much easier than in practice, because you immediately tripped and fell into his arms. You melted at his touch and he helped you stand up, raising his eyebrows as if to say “I’ve made my point”. Before you could process what was happening, Hotch picked you up bridal style and headed up the stairs, plopping you down on a bed. He turned to leave when he felt a hand grab his wrist.
“Stay.” You whispered, looking up at him, your eyes sparkling. Hotch glanced from you to the door, weighing his options. He ultimately decided that it was safer to stay, he didn’t feel drunk, but he wasn’t exactly sure how many beers he’d had since arriving 6 hours ago. Granted, he had eaten, but there was no telling what could happen.
He laid down beside you, as you laid your head on his chest, allowing his steady heartbeat to put you to sleep. He kissed your head and drifted off himself.
The next morning, you woke up in the spare room by yourself, to the sound of people shuffling downstairs. Your head was aching, but from what you could tell, you didn’t throw up the previous night. You didn’t even feel nauseous; you even felt hungry.
“Thank God.” You muttered to yourself. Throwing up was by far the worst part of a hangover, and you’d managed to avoid it. You considered that a win. You threw a hoodie on and made your way downstairs; Prentiss looked a little pale, and was drinking water sip by sip. Clearly, she hadn’t been so lucky. Hotch stood by the island, drinking coffee and chatting with Rossi. He glanced over at you and sent you a quick wink before returning to his conversation with Rossi. You smiled to yourself and kept your dirty little secret, and his, to yourself.
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moonseyeastrology · 5 years
Venus / Moon / Mars synastry  (conjunction, square)
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Venus conjunct Moon synastry is considered a true love aspect. If at a tight orb the love will be mutual and likely emotionally fulfilling.  Both parties tend to be very sweet to each other. It can be sickening to outsiders sometimes. They very much understand each other's emotional and security needs. They enjoy doting and spoiling one another with back rubs and gifts. They are each other's side kick and best friend. They care for each other deeply, and selflessly. The Moon finds beauty and warmth from the Venus. The Venus feels greatly understood and nurtured in return. Long walks, hand in hand and cuddling. They look into each other’s eyes and feel their spirits lift. Simply being in one another’s presence heals pain. It feels as though they are wearing a favorite comfortable sweater. They are a classic and romantic pairing. In non-romantic relationships this aspect will still be good to have.  They joke around and behave goofy.  Venus feels like being romantic with the Moon. The Moon draws out their creative and organic self.  They are allowed to be themselves in this relationship. They hardly will notice other people when they’re with each other. If one of them do give anyone outside of the relationship more attention than the other party will feel left out in the cold. There can be jealousy but generally they want to make each other as happy as possible.  Going about their individual daily routines won't normally clash too much. Always look to the rest of the chart to determine.
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Venus square Moon indicates a rather strong emotional and sexual connection. Instead of the conjunction and softer contacts which show mutual understanding and good feelings. The square creates friction and a restless energy. Venus square Moon in synastry shows two people who usually are very much in love, or attracted to one another but are very different in how they each express their emotions and go about romantic gestures. Frequent likely arguments can become the couples natural form of foreplay.. Such paring indicates an off and on again relationship. Similar in some basic ways but different in other important ways. They argue about little petty things. This can even be the case in the early stages of the relationship, but since there’s a strong attraction both parties will try to ignore the irritation or awkwardness felt sometimes. This aspect will generally play out when they couple is out socializing together or having company over to their home. They can have differences when it comes to raising their children, or have conflicting views on marriage and children. Such as one person may want kids and a big family while the person person although aren't entirely turned off by the idea, is not completely sure that is something they want. They may want to travel and never considered children. Their moods generally two don’t match up well. One person will want to have sex and the other seems to be caught up in something else they’re doing. When the two do sync up, there is emotionally driven sex. 
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Venus conjunct Mars is considered to be a marriage and major sexual attraction aspect. Especially when it is at a tight orb. This particular aspect’s potency depends on other mars and venus contacts going on in the synastry charts. When Venus conjunct Mars, there is an immense sexual chemistry between two people. Venus is the feminine and Mars is the masculine, so together they have found their ideal match. They view each other as the mate they always wanted. Mars is compelled to touch and flirt with Venus. They really like to touch one another, especially early on in relationships. They may feel like they haven't been as fulfilled in the bedroom before they met each other. Mars is usually the initiator and behaves like Venus’s knight in shining armor. They feel compelled to win Venus over. Venus in return feels completely in her feminine energy, but being chased after by Mars. Mars really make them feel like a woman. Not only is there simply a sexual/romantic attraction, there is mutual respect. Both parties do not mind going out of their way for one another. In fact they may want to team up and tackle projects together. People  see the couple as an ideal match. They physically look good together and are charming. This is a good long-term aspect because when two people are sexually compatible it makes them less likely to wander outside of the relationship.  Candle lit love making and passion are all the name of the game. If there are any negative contacts connected to this one, then beware of jealousy.  You don’t need to be around each other 24/7. Give each other some room to breathe or this can turn platonic.
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Venus square Mars there is either an immediate repulsion or attraction towards one another. In many cases it is both. The way that the Mars person advances on the Venus person can make them flat out uncomfortable.  However that is where the tricky-ness occurs with this aspect. There is a fine line between dislike and like. Love and hate. They irritate the hell out of each other sometimes, which ironically fuels the attraction. Venus see’s Mars as aggressive or inconsiderate. Mars sees Venus as soft and beautiful physically, but Venus is overly sensitive or does not react how the Mars wants when they pursue. Mar’s wants to dominate and conquer Venus, so they can come off as desperate or overbearing.  It can take longer then the conjunction/opposition for these two to form a relationship of any kind because of how much they drive each other crazy. They can be be that couple who has some fiery, epic arguments. Screaming at each other in a very public place. All because one of them said/did something the other person didn’t approve of. Other people will take notice of the tension between them, especially in the beginning. Some issues this contact also ensures is sexual disharmony. They are attracted and horny, just at different times. When they do have sex it’ll be aggressive and passionate. Think of Brad and Angelina in Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Loud make up sex isn't uncommon.  
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Moon conjunct Mars in synastry is a baby maker aspect. This is because of the impassioned physical responses from both parties. There is a great deal of libido responses when around each other, making them more fertile. The moon persons emotions are drawn outward, making them feel vulnerable initially in front of Mars. the mars can go into fits when the moon becomes overly sensitive or emotional. At the same time there is a lot of understanding about what both people are attracted to in an intimate relationship. The moon in the beginning is intimidated by the mars yet finds their domination and strength to be very sexy. It causes much steam. The kind which burns underneath the skin. This attraction is primal and instinctive. This aspect puts both people in heat.  They want to engage in sexual activities or mate. The sex is likely to happen quickly. Mars does the chasing and wants the Moon person SO badly. Both planets feel primal and primitive traits of animal and man. There can be an animalistic quality to the sex. It is common for the Moon person to want to have the Mars children.  The female in this contact can become more fertile like those mentioned above. Mars makes the moon feel safe and protected. Mars is indeed protective of the moon. They go into total warrior mode when anyone messes with their lover. Although they may respond heatedly to each other, any outsiders should beware trying to pull that nonsense. This is another good long-term contact to have if there’s other positive aspects. Similar to the Venus/Mars conjunct, there is great sexual relief and satisfaction.
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Moon square Mars in compatibility normally brings on irritation at first interaction. They feel this irritation which lends to sexual emotions. Moon square Mars causes friction naturally on its own, that just puts people on edge. There can be an attraction, with other supporting aspects. So when there is a romantic attraction involved, these people will seriously annoy the hell out of each other, but they do love each other. Their interactions in the initial beginning of the relationship will be emotionally hot and perhaps feisty. There can also be interactions to do with manipulation. The Mars person can physically manipulate or be more aggressive which makes the Moon cower back. Overtime the Moon will fight back which is where the square energy really comes in. The Mars can pick and poke at the Moon so the Moon eventually will begin having outbursts. They can feel like the Mars is emotionally abusive in some extreme situations.  Normally however it can just simply be the Mars teases the Moon, and finds them to be overly sensitive.  They sometimes wish the Moon was not so sensitive. There can be a lot of sex in beginning of relationship because of the level of friction aroused when around each other. In the beginning this can be kind of sexy to have. It's definitely an aspect which brings pure emotional responding to each other, especially in the heat of the moment.  Both parties need to watch out for manipulating each other to get what they want. It's not about each other's individual selfish needs, it's the needs of both parties that matter. This aspect can drain two people over time and other people around them.  Each other's parent's can definitely be a stress. The Moon persons mother can interfere in the relationship perhaps and Mars gets angered by this. Or vice versa. Regardless of the fighting and heated moments, there is obviously love for each other even if they are at war. The War is always started by petty things said and done too, so try not to be completely immature with this aspect. It can tend to make people act in childish ways simply because the other person drives them nuts.  
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lambourngb · 4 years
the universe is a mighty big place, we’re still on a journey- series & wips
Day 6: As someone who very rarely has short, flashfic ideas, but instead is constantly under the weight of epic-length plot bunnies- I get it completely, sometimes the story has to be told in multiple parts. Here’s just a small sampling of stories I have subbed to and haven’t recced yet this week. Also, as writer who finished an epic this summer, I can tell you the next chapter does come a tiny bit quicker when you received a new comment on a story expressing delight, or a sweet ask in the inbox (I never thrived from the ‘please update’ pleas so please don’t send those.)
Invisible string by @adiwriting (67,000)  - I have a tag that says ‘haven’t cried about Michael in 8 hours so thanks’ and I swear, this series demands it at every turn. This is a unique and heartbreaking take on canon that Michelle Valenti opened the door with in 2x08- Max was the disturbed child, and Michael protected him in the group home, but it takes it up a notch by having Michael emerge from the pod as a deaf child, only able to psychically communicate with his siblings or someone who knows ASL. I’ve been slowly reading it, because it’s so well done I want to savor every word. After the first story murdered me with sad Michael feels, the second story disembowels me with sad Alex feels. It’s wonderful. Then they team up together to knock you over with angst and love and a really cool soulmate concept.
Vague Space by @aewriting (33,800) This is another mind the tags, but I absolutely love how original and angsty this space AU is. It takes elements of canon, but it doubles down on how separated Michael and his siblings were from their culture by being raised separately from Antarians. There’s a wealth of pain that comes from that ignorance, some seriously bad things have happened to Michael. Even with all the hurt, there’s a beautiful story of healing, of recovery not being linear, but also this gorgeous determination by both Alex and Michael that they aren’t going to let go of their love, even if it pulls on scar tissue.
The Cowboy Vigilante by @el-gilliath(13,400) I aboslutely love this little series, that combines elements of Gotham dark with the flirting aspects of Lois/Superman.  Alex is supremely competent here but charmed despite himself by the antics of Cowboy, the plot is starting really kick in now with Alex’s dad being awful as usual and Michael being a protective idiot as usual. Five stars for the banter and the tension, especially over the secret identity.
Scream in there by  @usbournejez  82,094) I’m sure this story was recced all over the place this week, but I don’t care, I’m gonna rec it some more. The first story is some heavy angst, depicting Alex on the brink of a breakdown and then just past it. Michael is dealing with his own shit, finally seeking out counselling. The rest of the story universe depicts one of the most beautiful found-family, this-is-my-person stories I’ve read in RNM with a realistic alien child to boot. The other part that I really enjoyed here, was the story allows the space to see just how much baggage is tied to the physical location itself and that the recovery isn’t linear. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read this series and pulled out a new detail to muse over, from Alex’s internalized homophobia, to Michael’s need to be perfect, to the complicated relationship with Max over River, to how Maria is written in their lives in the wake of 1x13. It’s just a lot, and it cuts no corners in feels.
It Only takes a taste by @spaceskam (17,355) - a college AU that hits a trope that I could read about 50 more times, but ‘friends with benefits’ turning into feelings??? Like the pining, the “sure I’m cool with this” act that Michael has, Alex being so controlled but yet completely unraveled by Michael?? This whole series a true joy of angsty feels and dumbass boys.
The story of two cosmic clowns who fell in love by @litwitlady (9,600) : So a disclosure, but my IRL job is very close to Alex’s, so when I stumbled on an AU with that, I literally screamed and scared my cats! Anyway, this story has flirting, pining, tropey misunderstandings, both of them being emotional disasters, etc. It just got updated so go read it and love on it!
Orion by @planetsam (15,000) a heartbreaking AU where Michael’s mother is allowed to raise her son under the watchful eye of the government, and Michael falls in love with Alex Manes, the son of her jailor basically. This is a Romeo and Romeo story sure to grind your heart into pieces. Michael learning just what happened to her mother, and figuring how where to go with his feelings about Alex- oof, it gets me every time. Warnings for Jesse Manes being his typical awful self.
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areiton · 4 years
drowning in love - stony
Read on AO3
The thing is that he doesn't keep his words hidden. They're delicate chicken scratch that he used to trace when Howard left his bruises and when Maria couldn't bother to be around him. 
They were a promise, that one day, someone would be glad of him. 
And then Rhodey spilled into his dorm room, took one look at Tony, sitting cross-legged on the floor and unassembling a lamp and he'd grinned, wide and white and pleased. 
"Oh good, you're here." 
Tony's eyes had gone wide and he'd dropped the lamp and blurted, "It's you, platypus, holy shit." 
And that wide pleased grin went wider. 
He doesn't hide it. 
He's got the best fucking soulmate in the world, his platypus, and he's never wanted to hide that. 
But when the giant blonde guy smiling at him while he orders coffee catches sight of his words, all watercolor splashed blues and red, his face goes still and sad and his smiles stop. 
Tony doesn't say anything else, just keeps that smile firmly in place, shoves a tip in the jar and takes his coffee as he retreats. 
Rhodey loops an arm around his shoulder, words brushing Tony's arm and tingling. "You gonna come with us tonight?" 
He flicks a look at them--Rhodey in his jeans and tight tshirt and that smile that he only gives Tony, his words a brilliant splash of color. Carol with her long hair blonde and curling, stunning in that tiny red number, her words a curling lick of black. 
"No, I'm gonna study, I think," he says, smiling. 
Rhodey's grin dims, just a little and he steps closer. "You ok, genius?" 
"I'm fine, platypus. Go. Have fun." 
He hesitates, but let's Carol drag him away. 
This is the thing: words are black, until you meet your soulmate, and white if they die. 
Most parents register a word or phrase, something unusual or distinct, with the ISMD--but Tony had never registered platypus, and Rhodey had never bothered at all. 
This is the thing: soulmates trump wedding vows and military orders, trump laws of man and god, have ended wars and marriages and toppled kingdoms. All in the name of cosmic love. 
This is the thing: not all soulmates love each other. 
The blonde watches him. His nametag says Steve, and he’s tall, with these impossible shoulders and tiny fucking waist, giant hands that are so careful when he’s working the levers and machine, deftly creating art in the top of Tony’s drink. 
He doodles, too, when the coffeeshop empties out and it’s just the two of them, him behind his counter and Tony behind his tablet, a million lines of code and four watercolor words between them. 
Because Tony--he knows what those heavy-lidded, guilty stares mean. 
He knows that Steve wants him. 
But those heavy-lidded guilty stares always slide from his ass or his lips, from his eyes and his long fingers--to the words on his arm that he’s never, not once, hidden. 
And they drop away. 
“What are you drawing today?” he asks, while Steve presses a panini for him and he inhales the first delicious sip of coffee. 
It burns in the best possible way, chases the chill of Howard’s disapproval and Boston in January away. 
Steve blinks at him and Tony smiles. “I’ve been in here every other day for over a semester. You think I didn’t notice you sketching?” 
Steve tips his head, studying Tony. His words are still covered by the long sleeves of Rhodey’s sweatshirt, and maybe--maybe that’s why. 
Steve slides the sketch pad across the counter, and Tony looks at it. 
It’s--his table, an almost watercolor sketch, the blacks and greys blending with the whites in a way that immediately calls to mind the watercolor splash on his arm. 
But it’s his table, his tablet discarded and long fingers wrapped around a cup of coffee, the shape of his shirt in the background. 
Tony looks up at him, and Steve is staring back,bright-eyed and hungry and his heart does this thing--flips and twists--
The door swings open, and he hears, clear as day, “Oh good, you’re here.” 
The color drains outta Steve’s face and he shuffles back, looking sick, and Tony huffs, twisting to look at Rhodey. “Oh my god, platypus.” 
Rhodey’s grin is sharp and pleased. 
He loves Rhodey. And Rhodey loves him, this deep and abiding sort of love that settles him when he feels like he’s shaking apart, that feels like home when nothing in his life has ever felt like home. 
But he’s not in love with Rhodey. 
He thinks it’d be easier, sometimes, if he was. If they could be that, too, 
They aren’t. They tried, once--Tony tried, crawled into Rhodey’s bed and pressed a wet drunk kiss to his lips and Rhodey had sighed and wrestled him down, forced him to sleep. 
He was gentle, when he explained to Tony that they were never gonna be more than this. More than friends, brothers, soulmates. 
And it didn’t sting, the way he thought it would. It was right, settled next to that home and safe and loved feeling that Rhodey always gave him. 
In a world that saw soulmarks and equaled up to epic love--it was damn complicated. 
“Your soulmate,” Steve says, and his words are stiff. Almost angry. 
It’s the first time Steve’s talked to him in weeks--even the glances, all sweet and longing and conflicted--had slowed. 
Tony blinks at him. 
“You should talk to him.” 
He frowns. “Why--did something happen?” 
“Just--this--talk to him,” Steve almost begs, and drops a chocolate croissant on the table before stalking back to his counter. 
Panic clawing at him, Tony bolts for home. 
They wore them, the words that marked each other, like badges of honor. 
Tony didn’t get it, really, why Rhodey never complained about being tied to Tony. He just smiled and shook his head and once, when Rhodey dragged Tony home--he understood, just a little bit. 
Because Rhodey was the middle child in a family of five, the one who was peacemaker and forgotten, the son that everyone expected to succeed and no one celebrated when he did. He was loved, deeply, the kind of love so deep and abiding it didn’t need to be stated. 
But he wasn’t seen, really. 
Not until Tony stared at him, bright eyes fixed on him like he was the only star in the sky. 
Tony swings into the cafe, and the dark haired burly guy is behind the counter. 
“I need to talk to Steve,” Tony says, abruptly. 
“Stevie ain’t here.” 
“That is very clear. I’ll just sit here and wait for him.” 
The man snorts, and digs in his pocket for his phone. “Your boy is here. No, I don’t think he’s gonna move. Just get your ass down here, man.”
He huffs, and pockets the phone. Eyes Tony sharp and serious. “You better not hurt him.” 
They never said--not publicly--what kind of bond they shared. 
It was no one’s business but their own. They were close, Rhodey falling into Tony’s space and Tony curling into Rhodey’s lap, easy affection and teasing nicknames, and people made their own assumptions. 
They never cared. 
Steve’s gaze immediately tracked to the big guy behind the counter, and Tony, tucked into his corner, watched, the way they communicated without a word, the tension easing in Steve’s shoulders, and the little smirk, cocky and knowing, on the other man’s lips before he pushed off the wall. “Gonna close up early, punk.”
And he knows, he knows what that kind of easy intimacy and closeness means, what that word means, heavy hung in the air and easing the tightness in Steve’s eyes. 
“See ya at home, Buck,” Steve says, his gaze finding Tony, and something sure and hot settles in his gut. 
He’s asked about it, sometimes. He’s never made a secret of his mark, never done anything to keep it tucked away or hidden. He’s asked about it, when it gleams bright and beautiful at the world and his date sways, blonde and beautiful and not his. 
But Tony may not hide his mark--might flaunt it, because his Rhodey loves him, wants him, needs him and there is not a single person in the world better to be loved by--but he’s never once answered questions about the mark. 
He merely smiles, when they shout questions, while Howard stiffens and Tony flirts and slides his way out of the questions. 
Because the words--they were a promise, that one day someone would want him--and he did, Rhodey did. They were his armor, the shield between him and a world that only wanted him for what he could give them. 
Rhodey though--Rhodey was his, and Tony? He’d always been fiercely jealous and bad at sharing. 
“Show me your mark,” Tony demands. 
Steve stared at him, his head tipped curiously as he watches, as Tony pushes out of his corner, and into Steve’s space. 
His mark is brilliant, a splash of blue and red and hues of gold shot through. It’s bare and glaringly evident, the sleeves of his sweatshirt shoved up over his elbows. 
Steve hesitates, and Tony reaches for him. “You watch me. You stare at it, and you stare at me.” 
“You’re wrong about him,” Tony says, and he smiles, fingers running gently over the dark blue band around Steve’s arm. “He’d never hurt me. He’s not--we’re not like that.” 
Something bright and hopeful flickers in Steve’s eyes and Tony murmurs, as gentle as a caress. “Show me?” 
Steve sighs, and he strips the band away slowly, his shoulders and jaw stiff. 
His word--just the one, scratched in rough hurried script--is pale. Is white. 
Tony’s stomach drops and Steve shakes his head. “Bucky--when he lost the arm--it went white. He’s--you met him, he’s fine, but--” 
“But you keep it hidden,” Tony says, softly. Steve nods, and Tony licks his lips. “Do you watch mine because you miss your own colors--or because you want my words.” 
“I love my soulmate,” Steve says, soft, fierce. 
“I love Rhodey,” Tony says, and steps closer, a long line of warmth draped across Steve’s chest. “But not all love is romantic, sweetheart.” 
Steve’s eyes go wide, and his hands--his big, broad hands that are so gentle and so capable--close over his hips. 
The kiss is soft, a gentle brush against Tony’s lips that feels like moth wings and a promise as intoxicating as the one written on his arm. 
Rhodey is his home, has been since they met and his wrist burned and brightened and warmed. 
Steve--Steve isn’t his home, isn’t written into his soul and skin. 
But he holds Tony in the dark, and his fingers tangle with Tony’s in the bright green spring, and his eyes are soft and warm, when he stares at Tony, when he murmurs promises and praise against Tony’s lips, and fucks him hard. 
Rhodey glares and huffs and threatens Steve, once, when Tony is in the bathroom. Bucky does the same. He’s not terribly surprised--he is a little pleased. 
They are very good soulmates after all. 
When they marry, years later, their soulmates stand with them, and Steve’s mark is pale white and faded and Tony’s is a riot of watercolor, and they’re sandwiched between the two who loved them first and last and always. 
Tony kisses Steve, a ring burning on his finger, and words burning on his arm, and drowning in love. 
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holylulusworld · 5 years
Give me a wing (rewritten)
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Summary: Sam tries to get your attention. Taking too long to ask you out, he risks you will start liking someone else.
Pairing: Sam Wilson x Reader
Characters: Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Thor Odinson, Bucky Barnes, Wanda and Vision (mentioned), Natasha Romanoff
Warnings: angst, terrible tries to flirt with a woman, jealous Sam, tension, fluff, and some fun, mutual pining
Divider by @writeyourmindaway​
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 “Hey…can you give me a wing?” Sam asks and you lift an eyebrow, wondering why he could need your help.
“Excuse me…what?” looking at Sam, expectantly you tap your fingers onto the kitchen counter.
“Can you give me a wing. I mean can you help with this thing…machine…uh,” gosh he’s cute while being flustered. Sam looks at you, hoping you will interact with him.
“The coffee machine? You don’t know how to handle it?” you ask suspiciously, hiding the grin that wants to form on your lips.
“Yeah…I mean no…uh,” Sam stammers, nervously playing with his fingers.
“Sure wait. Which one do you want? Black or with milk. Do you want Espresso or rather something else?” while you watch Sam find a way to ask you out, he fails epically once again as the words he wants to say just don’t want to come out of his mouth.
“Just a simple coffee, black without anything,”humming you turn your attention toward the coffee monstrosity Tony bought months ago.
“Okay, look. You press this button to choose the sort and then this one as you don’t want any ingredients. Then you place a cup here and just press start. Voilà, coffee black is on its way,” you say and Sam nods eagerly.
“Thanks. I’m a bit clumsy when it comes to Starks inventions,” you huff at Sam’s poor lie. You know first hand that he’s capable of handling any technology.
“It’s a coffee machine. You are using those high-tech wings to fly, Sam. What do you really want?” you blur out locking eyes with the handsome Avenger, hoping he will finally find the guts to ask you out.
“I really don’t know how to handle the machine. I swear, Y/N,” Sam stammers nervously, eyes squeezing shut as he tries to separate him from the situation he got himself into.
“Okay, if you say so. Have a great day, Sam,” you give him a soft smiling, hiding your disappointment, walking out of the room.
“You really should ask her out or she starts believing you are dumb, man,” Clint chuckles. “What is wrong with you around Y/N?”
“It’s not that easy. Look at her…she’s so beautiful and smart. A doctor, Clint. I’m just-,” desperating Sam looks at the coffee you made for him.
“An Avenger who saved the world more than once. A guy flying around with high-tech wings. Believe me, she likes you,” rolling his eyes Clint pats Sam’s shoulder.
“How do you want to know?” Sam mutters.
“I know, dude…I just know. I’m married, I know how women think. Ask her out,” waving Sam’s doubts off Clint gives Sam a shrug and a grin. “Grow some balls, man.”
“She’s perfect, is all...”
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“I’m sorry to ask you for help again but how is the password for the system?” Sam asks playing nervously with his fingers, not meeting your gaze.
“Seriously? I gave it to you two weeks ago,” clearing your throat you try to force Sam to meet your gaze. “What happened?”
“I kinda lost it, sorry to bother you,” he looks so lost right now and your heart flutters as you know, it’s because he likes you.
“Let me reset your password and you can choose a new one. Alright. Overwriting password settings…hacking account and here we go. Choose a new password and then press enter,” you smile to yourself when Sam steps closer to look over your shoulder.
“Thanks a lot. I’m just too clumsy sometimes,” Sam lies.
“Hmm…why are you so nervous around me?” meeting Sam’s eyes you place your hand onto his forearm, causing him to shiver.
“I’m not nervous. Just a bit … uh…I chose the wrong coffee and now I’m high on caffeine,” for now, you accept his lie, but you won’t play along for much longer. If he doesn’t ask you out soon, you’ll take matters in your hands.
“I see. Next time ask me to help you with the coffee,” you say squeezing his arm. “I’m glad if I can help you, Sam.
“That would be great. Thanks for the help, Y/N,” stumbling over his words Sam smiles wildely.
“I got to go, but don’t hesitate to call me, Sam,” walking toward the door you chuckle lightly. “You got my number right?”
“No,” he gets his phone out, dropping it to the ground before he gets the chance to hand it over.
“I got yours, Sam. I’ll call you later to make sure you get technically support whenever you need it,” Sam nods, simply watches you walk out of the room.
When you left the room Sam curses…”Should’ve asked you out…”
“Indeed my friend. This lady is a wonderful dove. I wouldn’t wait for too long or another competitor will pick your flower,” Thor says watching you walk away.
“Pick my what? Can you speak English for once?” Sam mutters, glaring up at Thor. “Not everyone understands the meaning of your words.”
“How do you Midgardian say this…steal your girl,” Thor shrugs.
“You won’t steal my girl!” Sam’s competitive side got woken the moment he fears someone else could steal you away.
“It’s not me stealing your girl, my friend. I would watch your Captain if I were you,” Thor chuckles leaving the room.
“Steve? No way!”
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“That’s all for today,” Steve says smiling at you.
“Great. If anyone needs help with the new battle suits just tell Stacy. The membrane should protect you from getting injured by bullets and any kind of knives even better now. It’s elastic too,” you explain.
“Wonderful my dear but I’m afraid I will not fit in this…whatever you called it,” Thor rumbles. “Can I get a larger one?”
“Don’t worry. Halfgods like you do not need that kind of armor,” you chuckle placing one hand onto Thor's biceps. When the Asgardian starts smiling Sam clenches his jaw to the point of pain, not liking you ignored him today.
“Alright. Any more questions or can Y/N and I have our lunch now?” Steve asks and Sam’s eyes widen. Thor was right! Steve tries to steal his girl.
“Sam? Are you alright?” you ask. “Do you need anything?”
“Peachy,” Sam spats and you flinch at his harsh tone. Usually he’s kind and friendly with you around but right now, he acts like a douche.
“We should talk about your suit later. It has some more specific additions the other suits do not have,” trying to talk to Sam you furrow your brows when he huffs audibly.
“If I find the time,” Sam mutters almost storming out of the room.
“What’s wrong with Sam?” Steve asks.
“He might not like the fact you and the pretty lady are going to have your meal together. Sam is a competitor in the fight for Lady Y/N’s heart,” Thor says and Steve shakes his head.
“That can’t be true…Did he still not ask you out? Seriously, it’s four months of pining by now,” Steve groans. “Even I know by now how to ask a girl out.”
“He’s nervous around me Steve. I think I should skip lunch and talk to Sam instead. Do you know where he might run off?” your voice trembles as you fear you waited to long for Sam to ask you out.
“Training hall or his room. Or he’s running to let some steam off,” Steve worriedly replies. “I think it’s for the best you talk to him. I don’t know if he’s not going to get angry at me if you don’t explain we are only friends.”
“Why are men too stupid to ask a girl out? I’m sending him signals for months by now. Hell, even Thor recognized my shameless flirting,” grumbling you cover your eyes with your hand, shaking your head.
“I recognized your beauty, my dove. If you want to reject my fellow brother you can always come to me. I will fulfill your needs with pleasure,” the Asgardian says with honesty in his eyes.
“Thor, I appreciate your offer. I mean… I really do but I like Sam…a lot. Now I should hurry and set that guy straight,” ushering toward the door you sigh again. “I gotta ask him out, I guess.”
“Go get him, tiger!” Nat chuckles watching you running out of the room.
“What does that mean, Lady Natasha?” Thor asks curiously.
“It means to get the guy…you know,” Natasha explains while Steve tries to sneak out of the room, not wanting to get involved in more drama than he already did.
“Ah, lure him into your bed. I see…interesting use of language. I will keep that in mind,” Thor nods thoughtfully.
Bursting into laughter at Thor’s serious expression Natasha can’t hold back the tears spilling out of her eyes.
“That was a good one, Blondie,” she gasps.
“Good one? I do not understand the meaning of those words but I assume you tried to make fun of me. Clint told me about your habit to do so. I’m honored Mylady for your try to make me feel like part of the team.” Thor says politely and Nat stops laughing.
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Running through the hallway you try to decide where to search for Sam first.
Training hall!
Opening the door you see Bucky smashing his fists into a punching bag while Wanda throws things at Vision.
“Have you seen Sam?”
“No!” Bucky yells.
“Okay. If he comes here tell him to call me. It’s urgent.”
“Will do so!”
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Walking toward Sam’s room you hear his favorite music. He’s in his room then. Taking one last deep breath you knock at his door.
“Door is open,” Sam mutters and you step in.
“Hey…can we talk, Sam?” you carefully try. “I think we should speak about a thing or two.”
“Don’t you have a date with Cap?” still pissed Sam mutters under his breath.
“Sam, I do not have a date with Steve, Thor or anyone else. Why are you too blind to see I’m trying to flirt with you since we first met? Everyone else sees I want to go out with you,” you groan, stepping closer.
“You do? I mean…seriously…you want to go out with me?” Sam smiles widely, now stepping closer to grasp for your hand.
“Sam, you are smart, funny, a goddamn avenger also hot as hell,” you blur out.
“Y/N…would you go out with me for dinner tonight?” Sam finally asks.
“Give me a wing, Wilson. I think I did not understand your question,” you tease, poking a finger into his chest.
Stepping closer he tilts his head to capture your lips in a soft kiss. His lips move with yours and you need to break it after a few moments due to the lack of oxygen.
“Best first kiss ever,” Sam mumbles.
“Well, Falcon…will you give me a wing and help me out with another kiss?”
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atc74 · 5 years
Anything You Can Do
Square(s) Filled: Girl Power for @spnfluffbingo2019
Warnings: playground antics, flirting, fluff, ahhh, IDK, it’s fun! Implied sex as payment (it’s REALLY not what you think)
Summary: Jared opens his man-child mouth and it’s on! It’s a karaoke battle for the ages and the ladies are in it to win it! But, when this crew shows up, there are no losers!
Pairing: Reader x past OC, Rob x Reader, Jensen x Briana
Word Count: 4455
Written for: @spnfluffbingo2019
Beta’d by: @alleiradayne​ who was crazy enough to support this idea from the beginning and my dear @amanda-teaches​, whom I would be lost without. 
A/N: I wanted to do something really fun and who of us wouldn’t be up for some of this on a Friday night???!!!! All the songs were painstakingly chosen for reasons. There are also some shameless plugs for my boys Louden Swain. 
Also a shout out to my friend Beth @brooksba, who took all the amazing photos found in the graphic below!
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It was a rare convention weekend when all the guests showed up on a Friday. The green room was fuller than normal as Jensen, Jared, Rob, Rich, Briana, Kim, Y/N, Ruth and the boys from the band sat around shooting the breeze. The green room always had a relaxed and playful atmosphere and this time was no different. 
“Oh come on! You cannot burp the alphabet!” Jared scoffed as Briana picked up a warm soda from the table and opened it. 
“Why, cause I’m a girl?” she challenged him and the room exploded with the disbelief of all those in attendance that Jared dare say such a thing to her, or any of the women on the convention circuit. 
“Well,” Jared looked around sheepishly, waiting for someone to help him. 
“Nope. You’re on your own with this one pal!” Rich slapped him on the back. “You have awakened the beast.”
“I just mean, you’re little and…” Jared tried to come up with another reason. Christ, Gen was going to kill him when he got home. 
“I may be little but I am fierce, Jarpad,” Briana grinned and chugged the soda. It wasn’t long before a symphony of belches in the form of the alphabet song erupted from her. “Anything you can do I can do better. I can do anything better than you.” She sang as she high fived Kim and Y/N. 
“No, no, no. Not this again,” Jensen chuckled, shaking his head. 
“Oh yeah! I am so down for this. And this time, a wager perhaps?” Rich went into full on emcee mode. “What do y’all say about a battle for the ages? A karaoke battle, if you will. It is Friday after all.” 
“Yesss!” The women shouted. 
“Winner picks the losers costume for the next convention?” Rich continued, knowing he had the ladies all in for this. “Fellas? You gonna back down from a challenge?” 
“Hell no! I’m in!” Matt Cohen raised his hand. 
“Yeah, I’ll do it. I mean, I am a professional,” Rob joined him, making eye contact with Y/N shyly across the room.
“Can’t leave my fearless leader in the wind. I’ll do it,” Mike Borja threw his proverbial hat in the ring, looking at the last three. 
“Don’t look at me! I don’t sing!” Jared backed away slowly. 
Jensen glanced to Jason, then back to the women, all with shit eating grins on their faces. “I’m probably gonna regret this, but okay. Jason and I are in.” 
“Wait, how did I get wrapped into this? I’m not an idiot like Jared!” Jason defended. 
“No, but you are a team player buddy and we need you if we’re going to stand a chance,” Jensen replied, looking to Briana with a wink. 
“Splendid! The rules are simple. I, and only I, will pick your songs. No one else will know what you are singing but me. Now, go. Be gone. Out damn spot!” Rich grinned ear to ear as he pulled out his phone, making the most epic list of his convention career. 
“Y/N, girl, are you gonna tell him or not?” Briana asked her pointedly when they got to Briana’s room to get ready for the Karaoke Party.
“Yeah, did you see the way he was looking at you?” Kim chimed in. 
“You guys, I just ended a really bad relationship and he’s my friend,” Y/N said. “I don’t want to ruin what we have.” 
“Then don’t. Just ruin him for all other women!” Ruth giggled. 
“Oh my god Ruthie!” Y/N hid her flushed face behind her hands. 
“And may I point out that you didn’t ‘just’ end that relationship. It’s been over for weeks officially,” Kim reminded her. 
“And you gotta get back on that horse sometime. No time like the present I say!” Briana laughed. 
“Come on, Y/N. You’re an overachiever! Just go out there tonight and be amazing; sing your rock song. This is real life, babe and if you’re lucky, you’ll get a leg up on him and he won’t know what hit him!” Kim encouraged. 
“All’s fair in love and war and karaoke battles,” Ruth chirped. “This is how you’ll win the big one, Y/N, ready steady.” 
“Okay, okay okay! I get it. Gosh, you all sure know a lot of their songs,” Y/N rolled her eyes as Briana dragged her in the bathroom to curl her hair. 
“Aha! You know all the songs, too!” Kim shouted. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Y/N smiled at Briana in the mirror. 
“You’re gonna knock his socks off,” she smiled back. 
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Friday Night Karaoke! Boy oh boy, do we have a special treat for y’all tonight! During some green room antics earlier, a challenge has been issued,” Rich paused, waiting for the audience to quiet some and let him finish his intro. “Tonight, with you good people as witnesses, will be a battle to battle all battles! The ladies versus the men
of Supernatural will battle it out for bragging rights right here on this stage!!” 
The crowd exploded in cheers and applause. Rich drew a slip of paper from the bowl and the first few fans sang their songs to roaring applause. Briana, Kim, Rich, Rob and Matt all joined in on stage for the fun. 
“Please may I get a warm welcome for Miss Y/N Y/L/N!” Rich announced. 
Y/N walked through the curtain, kissing him lightly on the cheek and whispering in his ear. “I know what you’re doing Rich. I’ll get you back for this.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about darlin’. Now go, sing!” Rich shooed her from his side. 
The beat started and Y/N started rocking her body with its rhythm. “Yeah!”
“I’m coming up so you better get this party started!
I’m coming up so you better get this party started!
Get this party started on a Friday night
Everybody’s waiting for me to arrive
Sending out the message to all of my friends…” 
The crowd was going wild, bouncing and singing along as Y/N worked them into a frenzy with her first song of the evening. If this was any indication of how the night would go, she didn’t care who won, she was having a damn good time, and she made sure the crowd was too as she finished her song. 
“Well, well, well, I guess we really got this party started now!” Rich laughed, pulling another name from the bowl. 
“Please give it up for Miss Briana Buckmaster!” Rich shouted as Briana walked forward. 
Briana took center stage in front of the screen. She was holding her breath, praying Rich didn’t pick something lame. When the screen lit up and the music started, she gave it everything, knowing they had this shit in the bag. 
“Step back gonna come at ya fast
I’m driving out of control
And getting ready to crash
Won’t stop shaking up what I can
I serve it up in a shot
So suck it down like a man
So baby yes I know what I am
And no I don’t give a damn
And you’ll be loving it up
Some days I’m a super bitch
Up to my old tricks
But it won’t last forever
Next day I’m your supergirl
Out to save the world
And it keeps gettin’ better…”
From the first word, the crowd was loving it and singing along with her. Jensen watched discreetly from the side of the stage, cursing Jared for opening his gigantic mouth, but loving the view. Man that girl could sing! And the way she moved…mesmerizing, and he couldn’t take his eyes off her. It definitely keeps getting better. 
Briana finished off her song and Rich stepped up to announce the next name. “You know, Robby, we’ve been doing this for how long? Four, five, sixty years?” 
“Oh about sixty I think, from how old I feel at the end of a convention weekend,” Rob quipped, the audience breaking out in laughter.  
“And never, in all that time, has this next person ever, ever, graced us with his presence on a Friday night. Did you know that?” Rich asked Rob. 
“Never, ever?” Rob repeated. 
“Never. So without further ado, please welcome to the karaoke stage for the first time EVER, Mr. Jensen Ackles!” Rich stepped away, letting Jensen saunter on the stage. The crowd was deafening and could not believe that Jensen would not only attend the Karaoke party, but actually participate!
“Thanks buddy. Don’t make me make you regret this,” he chuckled as the music started and he shook his head. He looked to the side and made eye contact with Briana, a knowing grin on her face. 
“Revvin’ up your engine
Listen to her howlin’ roar
Metal under tension
Beggin’ you to touch and go
Highway to the danger zone
Ride into the danger zone
Headin’ into twilight
Spreadin’ out her wings tonight
She got you jumpin’ off the track
And shovin’ into overdrive…”
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Jensen was never one for karaoke, but loved to sing and did so with everything he had. The song, while not special to him in any way, held a new meaning after tonight. He looked out among the crowd and was energized by them. 
“Out along the edges
Always where I burn to be
The further on the edge
The hotter the intensity…”
Jensen closed out his song with vigor, feeding off the fans, much like he does at a Saturday Night Special Concert. He tossed Rich his microphone and practically bounced off backstage. 
“Robby, I think you know what I’m going to say,” Rich paused for dramatic effect. 
“Rich, I might play God on television, but I don’t know what you’re going to say. I might actually be afraid of what you’re going to say,” Rob turned to face the audience, a knowing look on his face. 
“Well Bobbo, we’re gonna turn it up a notch. Please put your dirty little hands together for the one, the only, Miss Kim Rhodes!” Rich roared and the crowd went nuts. Kim ran out onto the stage, a smile splitting her face from ear to ear. She was always a fan favorite at karaoke and Rich knew with the song he picked, this would be no different. 
As soon as the music started, Kim threw her arms in the air and started stomping her feet along with the beat. 
“County road two thirty-three under my feet
Nothin’ on this white rock but little ol’ me
I’ve got two miles till he makes bail
And if I’m right, we’re headed straight for hell
I’m goin’ home, gonna load my shotgun
Wait by the door, and light a cigarette
If he wants a fight, well, now he’s got one
And he ain’t seen me crazy yet
He slapped my face, and he shook me like a rag doll
Don’t that sound like a real man?
I’m going to show him what little girls are made of
Gunpowder and lead…”
“Come on! I can’t hear you!” Kim screamed. “Let’s make sure everyone knows we’re having a fucking good time tonight!” 
“Well, it’s half past ten, another six-pack in
And I can feel the rumble like the cold black wind
He pulls in the drive, the gravel flies
He don’t know what’s waiting here this time
 I’m goin’ home, gonna load my shotgun
Wait by the door, and light a cigarette
If he wants a fight, well, now he’s got one
And he ain’t seen me crazy yet
He slapped my face, and he shook me like a rag doll
Don’t that sound like a real man?
I’m going to show him what little girls are made of
Gunpowder and lead…”
The decibels were so high, it was a miracle anyone could hear anything after Kim finished, whipping the crowd into an even higher gear. 
“Well, Kim really knows how to put on a show doesn’t she? You think she gets that from Zach and Cody?” Rich turned to Rob, who could only shake his head at his friend. 
“I will end you Speight,” Kim’s voice carried through the PA system. 
“Well Bobbo, I guess it’s your turn!” Rich quickly got back to business. 
“Well this should be fun,” Rob commented, waiting somewhat awkwardly for the music to queue.
Now, the Black Crowes were a good band, a great band, but Rob wasn’t sure if this was the kind of message he wanted to send. But he undoubtedly knew it was exactly the message Rich wanted him to send. 
“Baby here I am
I’m the man on the scene
I can give you what you want
But you gotta’ come home with me
“Girl, you have no idea how into you he is,” Briana cooed, her red lips just inches from Y/N’s flushed cheeks. “I couldn’t have picked a better song myself.” She just smiled, throwing her arm over her friend’s shoulders as she watched Rob work his magic on the crowd, and Y/N.
I have got some good old lovin’
And I got some more in store
When I get through throwin’ it on
You gotta’ come back for more
Boys will come along a dime by the dozen
That ain’t nothing but ten cent lovin’
Pretty little thing, let me light your candle
‘Cause mama I’m sure hard to handle now, yessir'am
Action speaks louder than words
And I’m a man of great experience
I know you’ve got another man
But I can love you better than him
At first Rob felt dirty singing this, knowing Richard’s intent behind it, but by the end, stealing glances at Y/N throughout the song, Rob threw caution to the wind. He ran to the side of the stage and sang directly to her. It was no secret to everyone that Rob had a giant crush on her. It was only lost on her. Maybe he could get her to notice. 
Take my hand don’t be afraid
I’m gonna prove every word I say
I’m advertising love for free
So you can place your ad with me
Boys will come along a dime by the dozen
That ain’t nothing but ten cent lovin’
Pretty little thing, let me light your candle
'Cause mama I’m sure hard to handle now, yessir'am…”
Y/N was blushing furiously, her mouth agape as Kim and Bri led her backstage for her next song. She looked like she could use a stiff drink. Or two. Ruthie was headed out just as they walked in. She winked at Y/N and skipped behind the curtain as Rich called her name. 
Ruth was a great entertainer and sang a fun filled rendition of Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, getting the whole crowd involved, even pulling a few fans up on the stage. Mike Borja even joined the fun, then followed it up with ZZ Top’s Sharp Dressed Man. The crowd went wild for Matt Cohen as usual when he came out rapping Macklemore’s Can’t Hold Us like a beast and Jason slowed it down a bit with Tom Petty’s I Won’t Back Down. 
“We’ve got a few more songs for you good people tonight and I know I appreciate you letting these fools take over your karaoke party. Whaddya say we get Jensen back out here?” Rich addressed the screaming fans and it got even louder when Jensen made his way back through the curtain. “Oh Ackles, you’re gonna love this one!”
Jensen gave everybody the most epic bitch face that ever bitched when he realized what song was playing. But, ever the consummate performer, he rolled with it and knocked it out of the park in a way that only Jensen can do. 
This hit, that ice cold
Michelle Pfeiffer, that white gold
This one for them hood girls
Them good girls straight masterpieces
Stylin’, wilin’, livin’ it up in the city
Got Chucks on with Saint Laurent
Gotta kiss myself, I’m so pretty
I’m too hot (hot damn)
Called a police and a fireman
I’m too hot (hot damn)
Make a dragon wanna retire man
I’m too hot (hot damn)
Say my name you know who I am
I’m too hot (hot damn)
And my band 'bout that money, break it down
Girls hit your hallelujah (whoo)
Girls hit your hallelujah (whoo)
Girls hit your hallelujah (whoo)
'Cause uptown funk gon’ give it to you
'Cause uptown funk gon’ give it to you
'Cause uptown funk gon’ give it to you
Saturday night and we in the spot
Don’t believe me just watch (come on)
Briana watched from the wings, her skin heating up as she watched Jensen dance his dorky self across the stage, high-fiving fans, slapping Rich on the ass and stealing Borja’s hat. He could never pretend to be grumpy for long, and she got the feeling he was loving the whole experience and getting closer to the fans that the normal concert allows. 
Before we leave
Lemme tell y'all a lil’ something
Uptown funk you up
Uptown funk you up
Uptown funk you up
Uptown funk you up uh
I said uptown funk you up
Uptown funk you up
Uptown funk you up
Uptown funk you up
“You better go jump on that!” Kim pushed her out onto the stage just as Jensen made his way over to where they were standing. Briana stumbled right into Jensen, but he easily caught her with one strong arm and pulled her with him to center stage. Briana was never a shy one and she wasted no time doing her worst as Jensen finished the song out, his eyes never leaving her  grinding body on the stage next to him. 
Come on, dance, jump on it
If you sexy then flaunt it
If you freaky then own it
Don’t brag about it, come show me
Come on, dance
Jump on it
If you sexy then flaunt it
Well it’s Saturday night and we in the spot
Don’t believe me just watch come on!
“Well that was incredible wasn’t it? Watching two of the world’s most beautiful people get their freak on in front of a couple hundred people? But damn if it wasn’t a good time!” Rich laughed, his body rolling forward as Jensen and Briana made their way off stage. “Oh no Miss Buckmaster! You get that fine ass back here! Might as well bring him with.” 
“Richie, can I at least pick?” Briana pouted, standing close enough so only RIch could hear her. 
“Oh no sweet cheeks! The whole idea was for me to pick the songs!” Rich reminded her. “Besides, the ladies are totally killing it!” 
“Yeah, we are!” she smiled. “Fine. Let’s do this.” 
Briana killed Whitney’s I’m Every Woman, all the ladies coming out to join her, as they tormented the men, Jason even pulling Jared on stage, so he could see how they were getting beat down by a bunch of girls. 
“Brother, it doesn’t matter the competition, women will win every day of the week and twice on Sundays,” Jason slapped him on the shoulder as he headed off stage. “I need a drink.” 
“So Rich tells me I’m up for another one. Hit it Maestro,” Y/N smiled. The music started and she knew she had Rich to thank. This song had become her anthem. He had been a good friend and better listener over the last several months and she was grateful for him, grateful for all of them. She could never picture her life without the crazy family she had found. 
“This is for every single one of you that has been through hell and came out the other side…like a Winchester,” she grabbed the microphone and readied herself. 
“You know the bed feels warmer
Sleeping here alone
You know I dream in color
And do the things I want
You think you got the best of me
Think you had the last laugh
Bet you think that everything good is gone
Think you left me broken down
Think that I’d come running back
Baby you don’t know me, 'cause you’re dead wrong
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn’t mean I’m lonely when I’m alone
What doesn’t kill you makes a fighter
Footsteps even lighter
Doesn’t mean I’m over 'cause you’re gone…”
Y/N laughed as she danced around the stage, much like she did alone in her apartment or trailer. She finally felt like herself again. 
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, stronger
Just me, myself and I
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn’t mean I’m lonely when I’m alone
Thanks to you I got a new thing started
Thanks to you I’m not the broken-hearted
Thanks to you I’m finally thinking 'bout me
You know in the end the day I left was just my beginning
In the end
Bouncing around the stage, Y/N closed out the song to a standing ovation and ringing ears. She had never felt lighter. She hugged Rich, giving back the microphone. “Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome, but I ain’t done yet,” he winked at her. “Robbie, you’re up buddy!” 
As soon as the title card hit the screen on stage, Rob groaned internally. The audience picked up the whistling for the first 45 seconds as Rob gave his best friend a piece of his mind, a smile on his face all the while. 
“Rich! What are you doing? You totally set me up for this. I’m going to kill you in your sleep, just so you know!” 
“Ohhh Bobbo, you’ll thank me in the morning and we both know it. Everyone knows it. Now focus and sing Axl!” Rich slapped Rob’s ass before ducking off stage. Rob looked around and caught Ruth and Y/N off to the side, slowly swaying to the tune. 
“Shed a tear 'cause I’m missin’ you
I’m still alright to smile
Girl, I think about you every day now
Was a time when I wasn’t sure
But you set my mind at ease
There is no doubt you’re in my heart now
Said “woman take it slow, and it’ll work itself out fine”
All we need is just a little patience
Said “sugar make it slow and we’ll come together fine”
All we need is just a little patience (Patience)
Mm, yeah
I sit here on the stairs
'Cause I’d rather be alone
If I can’t have you right now, I’ll wait dear
Sometimes I get so tense but I can’t speed up the time
But you know love there’s one more thing to consider
Said “woman take it slow and things will be just fine”
You and I’ll just use a little patience
Said “sugar take the time 'cause the lights are shining bright”
You and I’ve got what it takes to make it
We won’t fake it, I’ll never break it
'Cause I can’t take it…”
Y/N left Ruth’s side and strolled to where Rob stood center stage, his hand wrapped tightly around the microphone, his eyes closed as he whistled the quick few notes. When he opened his eyes, he found her right beside him. 
Little patience, mm yeah, mm yeah
Need a little patience, yeah
Just a little patience, yeah
Some more patience, yeah 
I’ve been walking the streets at night
Just trying to get it right
It’s hard to see with so many around
You know I don’t like being stuck in the crowd 
And the streets don’t change but maybe the names
I ain’t got time for the game 'cause I need you 
Yeah, yeah, yeah but I need you
Oh, I need you 
Oh, I need you 
Ooh this time 
Rob looked down at the end of the song, the ballroom booming with cheers and applause, to find Y/N’s hand clasped tightly in his. 
“All you needed was a little patience,” she smiled up at him. 
“If I can’t have you right now, I’ll wait dear,” Rob admitted, a blush creeping up his cheeks. 
“Take it slow and things will be just fine,” she squeezed his hand and they rushed off the stage, only to be besieged by their friends. 
“I knew it!” Kim threw her hands up in victory. 
“Well that took longer than it should have,” Ruth giggled, sashaying back to the refreshments. 
Y/N watched as Jared and Matt both slapped twenties in Jason’s hand. 
“You bet on us?” Y/N asked, a mix of outrage and amusement as she looked among her friends, her hand still in Rob’s. His face was somewhere between pride, joy and shame. 
“Hell yeah we did,” Jensen chimed in. “Now pay up Buckmaster!” 
“I’m fresh out of cash, Ackles. Sorry,” she swayed towards him. 
He grabbed her by the wrist, pulling her to him. “ I can think of plenty of ways you can work it off.” His deep timbre practically a growl before he kissed her. 
Catcalls could be heard out on the stage no doubt. Rich poked his head through the curtain. “I missed it?” 
“Told ya you would!” Kim hollered, holding out her hand. Rich, Mike, Y/N and Ruth all slipped her their payment. “Jas and I cleaned up. Come on folks, first rounds on us!” 
“I guess it was a wager in more ways than one tonight, huh?” Rob chuckled, turning to face Y/N, a smile lighting up his face. 
“Our friends may have bet on us, but I’m still a winner,” she grinned, lifting her chin to meet his baby blues. 
“Yeah? How so?” he asked.
“Well, I’m pretty sure I got the guy, but I am still missing my winnings,” she stepped closer, mere inches separated them and she could feel the heat emanating from his lean body. 
“What winnings are those?” he whispered, closing the distance even more.
“I still need your payment on the Buckles bet,” she reminded him. 
“Oh yeah, what do I owe you again?” he feigned innocence. 
“Let me think,” she murmured, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her lips to his in a sweet and slightly heated first kiss. “I think about a thousand more of those would be a good start.” 
“Seems like a steep wager, Miss Y/L/N,” Rob quipped. “But I think I’d like to up the ante.” 
“You’re on. Just remember, anything you can do, I can do better,” she giggled under his steady gaze. 
“It’s going to be a fun weekend,.” Rob mumbled, grabbing her by the neck and kissed her harder this time, leaving her breathless and wanting more. He pulled away, her lips chasing his. “Patience, my dear. Just a little patience.” 
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wayward-pendragon · 6 years
Klance Rec Part 2
Hello and welcome back to another Klance rec! Since the last rec was a success I have decided to make another one. I just wanna say a huge thank you to everyone, you were all super sweet and enthusiastic about the last list :)))). For any newcomers, I will link the first rec list here. Without further adieu, lets begin!
Roommates by manamune 
Summary: (13:24) Lance: Thank you!! Love you, Keith!!!
(13:55) Keith: I’m screenshotting that for the next time you deny it.
One of very first Klance fics!! Klance become roommates and they’re hella cute. Idk what else to say that’s really it. 
Would You Like Fries With That? by DeerstalkerDeathFrisbee
Summary: “Hello, welcome to Burger King, can I take your order?” And that’s about when it all comes crashing down on him, and like a tidal wave of terrible, Lance realizes, on an emotional level, how truly awful his day was. For no good reason at all other than here’s a human voice – steeped in apathy perhaps, but not overtly antagonistic – and literally all he wants is a little human comfort… he starts sobbing in the Burger King drive-thru.
Keith is a junior in high school just trying to get through working the midnight shift at Burger King when Lance staggers into his life. The course of true love is a freaking disaster.
I laughed my ass off holy. I can picture this happening so vividly it was such a fun read. Plus, high school klance is fricken cute as hell so squishy and fluffy. 
it had to be you by Redburn
Summary: Keith and Lance are both professors at Garrison University.
“... I remember Lisa saying it was when you ship two people together, romantically, for your own enjoyment. I’m sure…” Shiro trails off when he sees Keith’s eyes start to grow impossibly wide. “Uh, Keith?”“What the fuck?” Keith manages, his heart suddenly beating faster, his face warming up despite himself. “They ship Lance and me romantically?”
YOO. Basically all of Keith and Lance’s kids ship them and its a good time. I love oblivious Keith honestly, oblivious Keith is the best Keith. 
Dorks by GriffinRose
Summary: Inspired by a post on Tumblr!
Lance is the only one listening to the current presentation, and oh boy is it something to listen to. The kid has been rambling on about aliens for ten minutes and he is trying so hard not to laugh. So hard. Turns out the kid didn't even think Lance was paying attention, so when he finds out Lance was he books it. Like, as fast it takes Lance to turn his head, that kid was gone.Keith wants to die. The Hot Guy in his bio class was actually listening to him talk about aliens. That's it. He's done. Kill him now. Poor Shiro is just trying to keep his little brother sane.
AGAIN YO. You know how I said oblivious Keith is the best? Whelp embarrassed Keith is also fuckin great. Honestly now that I’m in Uni I relate to this so hard, its really a fun read. 
Hearts Don’t Break Around Here by klancekorner
Summary: Lance and Keith have been best friends since first grade. Lance’s brain is always on overdrive and Keith’s blunt, realistic ass can never keep up. They both come to realize that sometimes you can learn a lot about loving yourself by loving someone else.
So this is a longer one, its over 130K but don’t let that deter you please. This fic is so good and everything a friends to lovers klance AU should be. I cannot scream about this fic enough its like a young adult romance novel, honestly I’m shitting its so good.  
Better than coffee by Anonymous 
Summary: Lance can’t help but linger around a perpetually grumpy-looking employee who works at the nearby teahouse. Keith, despite all the Yelp reviews, turns out to be surprisingly kind. Lance starts coming every day—although he insists it’s only for the boba.And to complain about the customer service, of course.
Hehehehehe grumpy and soft Keith mixed with Lance being Lance. A shorter fic to last one on this list its really sweet and fluffy please enjoy. 
Shut Up and Dance With Me by wittyy_name
Summary: Lance and his friends have been regulars at the Altea Dance Studio for years. Not just for classes, but to hang out, practice, and spend time with good people who love dancing. Every year, they audition to be one of the few representing Altea at the regional dance competition. Lance always auditions solo, but this year he misses out on auditions and blows his chance to participate. And so does his self-proclaimed rival, Keith. Luckily, Shiro comes up with a brilliant plan: convince Lance and Keith to audition as a duo. With a little convincing, and a lot of effort, these two might just be able to pull it off and go to regionals... or they might crash and burn.
This fic is the real deal holy crap. wittyy_name my god istg one of the best klance writers out there. The relationship built up from enemies to lovers and the sexual tension omg this fic is a masterpiece js. I cannot stress enough read anything klance by wittyy_name and you will be happy. This fic also has art!!!
All the Way Down by speaks
Summary: “You make it sound like we’re going into battle,” Hunk laughed worriedly on Lance’s other side. “I thought this was like, some kind of carnival.”A chortle bubbled of out Coran’s throat as he slapped his side in amusement. “Some kind of carnival, he says! What an understatement! Allura, I think it’s high time to show the paladins precisely how and where we’re going to be spending the next three days. After you, Princess.”A happy, childlike grin rapidly overtook Allura’s regal professionalism, and then a brilliant chink of light shone into the castle hall as she opened the front doors to the mountain they’d landed on twenty minutes ago.Lance went slack-jawed as his eyes adjusted to the white-blue light of Krossin’s distant neutron star, and he almost stumbled as he and the other paladins followed Allura and Coran out onto the grass to take in the view laid out before them. This place was a utopia.
This is a more recently written klance fic in comparison to some others on this list but oh man. Basically klance being all cute out on a date on an alien planet. The build up omg and fluffffff I was squealing. 
Red is the Coldest Color by EnglishCivilWar
Summary: Keith’s startled look had quickly turned to one of annoyance. “You’re in my way,” he stated. Lance blinked uncomprehendingly. Keith let out a groan. “Lance, MOVE.”(In which Lance is an epic fail at flirting, Keith is an oblivious walnut, and the rest of the team collectively groans and sighs.)
Oblivious Keith is back kids!! 
Love Bug by Cour104
Summary: While exploring an alien planet, Lance get's bit by a strange bug whose venom causes him to fall in love with the first person he sees. Of course that person had to be Keith. I've seen a lot of fics based the Love Bug AU where Keith is bitten by the bug and I thought: What if Lance is bitten?
Literally out of all of the fics I’ve read about klance and the lovebug AU this one wins. It’s almost always Keith that gets bitten but I really loved reading the story from a POV of Lance being bitten it was great.
Make Me Your Home by Reader115
Summary: “Oh my god, Keeeith,” Lance wheezed. “Keith you’re the best drunk space cadet I’ve ever seen.”“Space cadet,” Keith mumbled. He repeated the words again although his eyes had zeroed in on Lance’s hands and Lance offered no resistance when Keith picked one of them up and pulled it possessively towards his lap. He began to gently trace over Lance’s fingers, sending shivers up Lance’s arm and down his spine. “You have looong fingers,” Keith murmured after a few moments.Keith’s face perked up then, as if he’d just had a brilliant idea, and Lance could almost not wait to hear what new obscure thought had entered Keith’s pretty head. He was prepared to laugh, and instead found himself shivering again as Keith leaned far into his personal bubble, lips practically touching Lance’s ear when he spoke next.“I bet you could reach all kinds of things, Lance.”
Set in season 2. These boys crushin hard even if they don’t realize my god. 
Your Love Has Shown Me Proof by freshia
Summary: “This situation is a bit more complicated than we initially realized.”Lance raises an eyebrow, but Pidge is the one to question that. “Define complicated.”Allura takes no more time beating around the bush, “Well, I received a transmission. Keith and Lance--from the future, that is--would like to have their daughter back."or: Lance and Keith deal with a walking spoiler, in the form of a little girl who just wants to get back to her own home.
Klance and a kid oh my god. Watching the teenage versions of klance deal with a child was so pure and their reaction to them being married in the future, priceless. 
time out of mind by aknightley
Summary: Keith and Lance wake up married. In the future. He lays there a moment, processing the faint throbbing in his head, a strange bitter taste like lemons in his mouth. When he opens his eyes, the room spins wildly into a kaleidoscope of colors, so he closes them again, breathing in and out until he feels less like he might throw up. He suddenly registers a warm weight over his waist, and lifts his head to see a brown arm thrown over him. It looks startlingly familiar, but different, bigger than he remembers, more toned. Keith turns all the way around and comes face to face with Lance sleepily blinking his own eyes open.
Another future marriage fic. These awkward little beans omg its really cute. 
Cheeky by rideahorse 
Summary: Keith pinches his eyes shut, slamming the book down again and swiveling to face Lance. “Oh my god,” he groans, standing up and crossing the two feet between them before Lance can get out a word. He grabs Lance’s face between his hands (perhaps a bit rougher than needed, but hey, he’s always wanted to slap Lance’s stupid face) and the last thing he sees is an expression of pure surprise before he leans down and presses his lips against Lance's.It’s a peck, and it lasts a second, and then it’s over. Keith leans back, releasing Lance’s face, and hisses, “There.”
Cute and short fic basically just klance kissing with some feelings involved. The summary really says it all. 
Well, we’ve made it to the end of this rec list. As always, please rec me fics I love getting recommendations. I loved reading all of your comments from the last list so please keep them coming, I love to hear from all of you, so feel free to message or ask a question. Hope you’re all doing well, until next time :)
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dyaz-stories · 6 years
22 inukag??
Send me a ship and I’ll write a short fic
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Looks like this one was quite successful x)
Thank you for asking, I hope you’ll enjoy it! I may write a smutty second part; I wasn’t sure if you and the people who had asked for this prompt would be comfortable reading it so I didn’t want to add it here (I know there is smut in Oblivion but, y’know, just in  case…)
Sometimes,you can avoid things that you find deeply unpleasant, and sometimes,you just can’t.
Forexample, Kagome had been able to avoid going back to her high schoolfor the ten years reunion, because she reallydid not want to see Hojo again, nor to hear her friends’ gossipabout her love life, or lack thereof. However, she hadn’t been ableto find an excuse good enough to avoid coming to her sister’swedding.
Shehad seriously considered breaking her leg, but she didn’t like theidea of pain all that much, so here she was. Watching theever-better-sister getting married to someone who was apparently areally successful lawyer in a huge lawyer.
Helooked extremely shady if you asked Kagome, but had anyone asked her?No. No, she hadn’t found out about her sister being in arelationship until she had received the invitation to the wedding,and even then, she was pretty sure it had mostly been to annoy her.But she knew their mother would have been so disappointed if shehadn’t come, and Kagome couldn’t find it in her to hurt her mom,who was already so sad her and Kikyo basically didn’t talk anymore.
Kagomewas sad too, to be honest.
Shewas sad because she didn’t miss her sister. It had been too long,and there had been too much shit between them for her to regret eventhe good times. And that made her sad. To think that she had really,completely lost her sister, to a point where they weren’t more thanstrangers.
Shedid feel some emotion stir in her during the ceremony though. Kikyolooked… Maybe not happy exactly, but satisfiedcertainly. Her and her new husband would probably wreak havoc outthere, and the thought amused her. Yeah, she could say a lot aboutKikyo, but she wouldtake over the world. Apparently, that Naraku was the guy she hadpicked for that, and well, Kikyo was rarely wrong.
Whenshe was, it took some absolutely epic proportions, but Kagome didhope that this would go right for her.
Shehad the nagging suspicion that tonight would be the last time shewould see her sister, and well, this would be her goodbye gift.
Hersincerely wishing that everything would go for the best in Kikyo’slife.
Somethingshe seriously doubted Kikyo would ever do for her.
Whythe fuck did I come here? Oh, that’s right. ‘Cause I’m a moron.
Therewas something seriously masochistic about coming to the formerlove-of-your-life’s wedding. Sure, she had invited him, but thatwas a very Kikyo thing to do. She probably hadn’t thought he’dactually come, she just wanted to throw in his face that “I’mdoing perfectly fine without you” and make him feel sorry forletting her go.
Likehe didn’t feel like that all the fucking time already. Like hedidn’t think about her every single day. Like he could forget shewas the best thing, the only good thing that had ever happened tohim, and apparently he’d been too much of a dickhead to manage tokeep her.
Okay,that was all a bit delusional. Things hadn’t been easy, and therehad been a lot of crap on both sides. She really couldn’t get overhim being a half-demon — but then, here she was, marrying thatguy — and he couldn’t behave normally around her. At least shehadn’t cheated. Kikyo was a lot of things, a lot of choice words hehad told her on that last day, but she certainly wasn’t a cheater.
Shewas, however, a bitch, otherwise she clearly wouldn’t have invitedhim to her fucking wedding with a guy who was so much more successfulthan him.
Anotherthing she’d constantly reproached him. What could he say? He didn’twant the flashy lawsuits. Yeah, he was a half-demon, and people likehim neededhelp they couldn’t afford more often than not. He wasn’t sorryfor picking a side; but he had never expected her to understand that.She worked only for some of the best companies out there, havingeasily climbed to the top.
Andshe had soon lost interest for the half-demon who only cared forthose at the bottom of the social ladder.
He’dbeen out of her life and of the apartment they shared before hecompletely understood what was going on. Heart in pieces, prideshattered, only hoping he’d managed to hurt her half as much as shehad.
Thenhe had received the letter.
Whyhad he come here, exactly? Had he seriously thought it was a smartthing to do? He certainly hadn’t planned to stand up at the “speaknow or forever hold your peace”, hadn’t even thought about it. Hedidn’t… He didn’t really regret the time when him and Kikyowere together. He regretted having someone,and there had been good moments between them. But it was definitelyall over now, and he just felt hollow watching her smiling at her newhusband.
Maybehe just wanted to prove her he wasn’t affected. It would haveworked better if he’d showed up with a date though. He could haveasked Sango; she would probably have said yes just to help him, buthe hadn’t had the time this week.
Hissocial life was a fucking mess.
Thesecond the ceremony was over, he bolted out of his seat. Thank God.He was going to drop at the buffet after, grab something to drink andto eat — knowing Kikyo, it would be expensive and good and hecouldn’t remember the last time he’d had something other thanramen —, maybe say something petty to her, and then get the fuckout of here.
Hisplan was perfect.
Exceptfor the smells. This was why he hated large gatherings, why he hatedthe city, why he hated the modern life, even if he hadn’t knownanything else. His sense of smell was extremely heightened due to himbeing a half-dog-demon, a capacity that was no doubt useful to hisancestors, but a fucking nightmare to him. Dudes clearly hadn’tplanned on all the pollution and all the perfumes and shit. Or maybethey had, but they’d been able to avoid it, which he couldn’t.
Everyonehere was wearing expensive perfumes, but that didn’t make it muchmore bearable for his sensitive nose.
Heresisted leaving immediately, and walked as calmly as he could to thefood, trying to resist wrinkling his nose.
Apparently,today was Bad Decisions Day.
Hewas helping himself to some champagne when he caught some movement atthe corner of his eye and spun around. Kikyo?
Butno, it definitely wasn’t her, though the young woman did vaguelylook like her. She wore a cheap dress — although a verynice one,if you asked him — and though she was definitely wearing perfume,it also wasn’t the expensive ones Kikyo usually had. He could smellthrough it, too, could tell that there was something really niceunderneath it.
Kindamade him want to know what it was like when she wasn’t wearinganything el— Nope, no, his brain was notgoing there right now.
Theyoung woman looked up and gave him a somewhat tense smile that didn’tsurprise him. Most people didn’t like interacting with half-demons.He’d probably made a lot of people uncomfortable just by showingup, and that was a really satisfying thought.
“Notthe bride,” she said with a nod. “Just the sister.”
Oh.She’d thought he was mistaking… Wait, Kikyo had a sister?That felt like a blow to him. She had never mentioned it, barely evertalking about her family, and certainly never introducing him tothem.
Henodded back at her. “The ex,” he answered.
Fromthe way the woman’s eyes widened, his ex hadn’t thought he wasworth mentioning to them either. Which, you know, awesome.Just what he needed to feel even shittier. Had he had family left,they would definitely have heard about her. No, his shittyhalf-brother didn’t count.
Then,her eyes scanned him with a little more attention, and he would havesworn there was a glimmer of appreciation in there before she quicklylooked away. A bitter laugh escaped her lips.
“GuessI didn’t know my sister that well. I’m Kagome, by the way.”
Heblinked, then gave her a hesitant grin. “Inuyasha.”
Shesmiled and it softened her face, easing some tension off her. “Youguys must still be friends, then?”
Maybe,if he had been a little more used to, you know, flirting and all thatshit, Inuyasha would have noted the inquiry in her voice, or the wayher body was swaying just a little more in his direction. ButInuyasha was fucking terrible at reading human behavior, unless hewas in the court, in which case all of his senses were directed onmaking the enemy bleed.When he was in that situation though, his human part took controlagain. And humans were badwith instincts.
Sohe scoffed and shook his head, looking at the woman who had just madeher appearance, having changed from her white dress into a vibrantred trouser suit. “Nah, not exactly.” He glanced at the womanstanding next to him, wondering what exactly he could and couldn’tto her sister. “Pretty sure she invited me just to fuck with me,and I fell for it.”
Kagomechuckled softly. “Yeah. Pretty sure she invited me just because itwould make our mom happy, and I just couldn’t refuse.”
“Youaren’t close?”
Shelet out a long sigh and shook her head. “We just… We have radicalvisions of life and, you know, all that stuff.” She waved her handdismissively. “We were never that close, but… I kinda regret thatthere’s just nothinghere. It feels… It feels wrong.” She shook her head like she wastrying to wake herself up, and smiled apologetically. “I’m sorry,I…”
“No.I know what ya mean.” He looked at his ex-lover across the crowdagain as she was getting ready to dance with her husband, remembering how his heart would flutter whenever she smiled,how his skin would heat up when she touched him. “Nothing thereeither.”
Kagomelooked up at him, wondering how true it was, how true it could be.She had known Kikyo for a long time. People liked her, and notwithout reason. Kikyo was incredibly smart, and she had that… Thatglowthat just attracted people. They disagreed on pretty much everything,but even she could recognize that.
Well,apparently they agreed on one thing though, because that man —Inuyasha — was reallyto her taste. His silver hair contracted nicely on the dark suit thatmost definitelygave justice to his broad shoulders and his biceps, but it was theears on top of his head that had gotten her attention first. Once shewas over how cute they looked, she realized he had to be ahalf-demon, like some of her students in the specialized school whereshe taught. It probably explained partly why he looked thatuncomfortable, though she could now assume that it also had to dowith his relationship to her sister.
Then,there were his eyes. Golden and surprisingly warm despite his coldattitude. She was convinced they would tell her so much about him, ifonly she could read them. It definitely made her want to try.
Andshe couldn’t believe she was finding herself to get a crush on hersister’s exat herwedding.What was wrong with her? Had she done something really, really wrongin a previous life?
Thenhe turned back toward her a gave her a somewhat hesitant grin. Hehadn’t truly smiled so far, just vaguely lifting a corner of hislips in a poor imitation, but she actually liked the way it revealedhis fangs. She noticed him examining her, swallowing harshly andglancing away briefly, his cheeks heating up a little.
“Er…Wanna dance?”
Shesmiled, both at the question and at the hesitant note in his voice.The man oozed defiance, looking like he was ready to beat up prettymuch anyone, but she wasn’t surprised to find him different when hewas showing even just a bit of vulnerability, as he was now, openinghimself to get rejected, almost sounding like he expected it.
“Sure,”she replied warmly.
Kikyowouldn’t blame her, would she? She was getting married,and if what he had said was true, then there was nothing left betweenthem. Of course, she didn’t know him yet, but Kagome liked to givepeople their chance.
Whoknew, maybe she would realize that in a previous life, she hadactually done something really, really right. And that Inuyasha washer reward for that.
Looking at him right now, as he gave her his first smile of the evening, nervously, and watching the sincere emotion appear in his eyes, she definitely wanted to believe it.
Just about the couple: it was almost SuiKik, because I do think Kikyo doesn’t deserve Naraku, and I considered it being SessKik because it could have been fun, but I like the idea of NarKik as a power couple. Hope you liked it!
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eternal-love-song · 6 years
Storyteller On My Skin
Your soulmate couldn't lie to you, but they could lie to everyone else and those lies would show up on your skin. 
[Loki/Darcy] [Soulmate AU]
Darcy learned to lie from a very young age.
When she was younger, she didn't understand the strange stories that were scrawled along her skin. She didn't understand her mother's insistence on covering her skin or why she told so many tales about it.
"My Darcy, she just gets so cold."
"She has a little rash, I want to keep it covered."
"She's sick. I want her to sweat out her fever."
She didn't understand why her mother would say such things. Not until she learned about soulmates. Not until she learned the stories on her skin were lies from her soulmate. Not until she learned that most people didn't have paragraphs of lies on their skin. Not until she learned that her mother was embarrassed for her.
Your soulmate couldn't lie to you, but they could lie to everyone else and those lies would show up on your skin. Once Darcy learned that, she started reading everything that appeared on her skin. On everyone's skin. Lies didn't last forever. They stayed on your skin for maybe a day or two, then they were gone. There was a lot that could be learned from that though. How often someone lied and what kind of lies they told.
As she grew older, Darcy thought it was telling that her father was never around and the one lie that appeared most often on her mother's skin was "I love you."
Darcy refused to be ashamed of her soulmate before she'd even met them. Especially not for something like lying. Her mother had lied most of Darcy's life and she still loved her. She would not continue her mother's strategy of covering herself up though. Instead, she wrote her own lies. Funny stories that she made up or lies she copied from other people. Sometimes there were no lies on her skin or very few and she didn't feel right unless she filled up the empty space.
She learned that her soulmate was not Luke, Luna, Loptr, Bragi, Theoric, Ikol, or a whole host of other names that they apparently introduced themselves with. Her soulmate had a penchant for pretending to be people they were not. Her soulmate frequently lied about being sent to places or set on task that they were not by other people.
Her soulmate told stories a lot. Maybe more than they told small lies. Darcy started to tell stories too. She told stories about why her homework wasn't done, how things got broken in the house, why she was at home by herself so often. She didn't really care about getting caught. It was fun to see what people would do in response to her when she said things that were more and more ridiculous. Lying was fun. She couldn't understand why her mother never seemed to be having any.
Sometimes Darcy would put herself to sleep on her soulmates tales. Silly stories about someone named Fandral making a fool of himself or a man called Volstagg going on an epic quest for food. Harsh stories about murder or betrayal that left her scared in her bed or fun adventures to steal things that don't belong to them. Darcy would try to write them down sometimes and read them later, they were so funny and it got awkward trying to read thing wrapped around her arm or leg, downright impossible to read the things that ended up scrawled across her back. Some days she was covered with lies head to toe and sometimes it was only one or two things on the palm of her hand. There didn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to where things ended up, as if the words fell out of the sky and landed on whatever part of her they touched. Maybe there was a neat paragraph on her stomach Monday, but a tale that twisted around her waist on Wednesday.
She took up photography once she was old enough, taking pictures that sometimes straddled the line of being provocative just so that she'd be able to see all the words that twisted around her body. It fun and interesting. She started saving them so that she could eventually give them to her soulmate. She didn't know why, but part of her liked the idea of presenting these photos of herself marked with her soulmates words. It felt like a claim. It felt like bragging.
Darcy switched majors twice, trying to chase down what her soulmate spent his life doing. There were a lot of references to mythology, but those happened in the form of stories. There was talk of kings and politics, which lead her to political science and honestly explained a lot about her soulmate. Politicians and royalty (and Darcy nearly couldn't fathom the possibility that her soulmate was royalty) would explain why her soulmate lied like they breathed. She wondered if she had learned any secrets among the lies her soulmate told, but there was already so much to sift through that she was never really sure.
When Jane hit an attractive blond with her car, Darcy didn't really think anything of it. Not at first. Something nagged at her though and eventually, she realized why. "Thor" was a name that she read before. A name that she was really familiar with actually.
"Wait, your name is Thor?" Darcy questioned with wide eyes.
"As I just said," he responded.
It would be a long shot, that this crazy person (was he crazy?) might know her soulmate. Darcy couldn't really stop herself from asking.
"Um, this might sound kinda weird, but do you recognize any of these names?" Darcy listed off the names she remembered from her soulmates stories and Thor nodded at more than a few of them.
"Aye. How do you know of them?" he questioned.
"My soulmate told me," she said. "Kinda. He tells a lot of stories." As proof, she held out her arm which held the more recent lies from her soulmate. Thor frowned as he read the words twisting along her skin.
"Do you... what else have you seen?"
Something like hope ignited within her. This man could possibly lead her to her soulmate! But what would that mean? She put her questions aside as she presented a notebook that she'd used to record her soulmate's stories. Thor only had to turn a few pages before he closed the book and handed it back to her.
"Your soulmate, you said?" he asked her.
Darcy nodded. "So, you know them?" she asked impatiently.
"I believe that I do."
She waited, but Thor didn't say anything else. "Well, don't leave me in suspense!"
Thor looked as if he were contemplating something before he answered. "I could be wrong..." she silently urged him to continue. "My brother, Loki. I believe that he is your soulmate." Thor's voice dropped and he looked away. "I was under the impression that he did not have a soulmate."
Darcy... didn't know how to feel about that. "I guess I'll have to wait and see."
Darcy didn't have to wait nearly as long as she though she would have to. Four strange people showed up barely a day later, all with familiar names. Even knowing that all the stories she'd heard about them were lies, Darcy still felt as if she knew these people.
"You're just as charming as he told me you'd be," Darcy flirted, lied, to Fandral once he'd wandered a bit off from the others.
Fandral laughed. "Oh? Thor has been spinning a yarn about me, has he?"
"Actually," Darcy began, hoping that this gambit wouldn't go horribly wrong. "It was Loki that told me."
"Loki?" Fandral's eyes were wide with surprise, but not disbelief. "I can't imagine his words were too flattering."
"That's a matter of perspective," she told him. Fandral smiled, charmed, and Darcy smiled too. She repeated this process to the others with varying results. Her hope was that Loki would eventually see the lies she was telling and come to see why.
The weight was much longer this time, but she didn't find herself disappointed. Loki was tall, very tall, and Darcy wanted to climb him like a tree when she saw him. He was immaculately dressed in a suit and a scowl. He looked nothing like Thor and that made her hesitate before deciding that this was Loki. But the only other knew people to show up had been connected to Thor, too, so it wasn't too much of a stretch.
His eyes traveled up and down her quickly. "And you are?"
"Fairly certain I'm your soulmate," Darcy answered with a grin. "But I guess that's only if you saw me telling lies to Thor's friends."
Loki's eyes widened and he appraised her again, this time taking in the words wrapped around her. "Name yourself," he demanded.
Darcy could have been offended by that, she wasn't. This was a lot to take in, she would excuse him if he was a little short with her. "Darcy," she answered. "But you might recognize a few other names? I started borrowing them from you after a while because I thought it was fun."
Loki's lips began to lift up into a smile. "Did you, now?"
"Yeah, I did." Dracy stepped closer to him when it seemed he wasn't going to and Loki chose to meet her halfway.
"Little Liar," he breathed out fondly, leaning down to press his forehead to hers. "I've looked forward to this day."
"Right back at you."
Whatever he'd one for seemed all but forgotten. He wrapped her up in his arms, lifted her to level where she wrapped her legs around his waist, and whispered, "May I kiss you?"
Just to be sure, Darcy decided to lie. She started to say 'No" but what came out instead was, "I was hoping you'd ask that." She felt delight curl inside her with the realization that she couldn't lie and when she moved forward to claim her soulmates lips, she could feel the tension in his body drain away completely.
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smollandtoll · 6 years
HC: 5Hole
TW: this headcanon mentions other people in the NHL including certain Blackhawks and Capitals you might not want to read about. You can skip this one and won’t hurt our feelings OR just read until you get to the section divider that indicates the rest of our HC that doesn’t particularly involve just Sid/Geno.
Have you ever listened to Ariana Grande in the shower and immediately come out with an entire head canon about a Gay Hockey Bar called 5Hole? No? Just me?
So imagine Mario owns this establishment of course and Sid works there as a bartender. He’s perpetually single, mostly because he is super awkward, but also a little because his lower half is always behind the bar. There’s also the fact that he’s hopelessly in love with a regular named Geno and no one wants to get in the middle of whatever epic romance they’re figuring out together.
Geno’s story goes something like: he tried to work at 5hole, but was literally always late, and drank too much while on shift, and was generally the worst bartender because he'd get distracted flirting with patrons instead of y'know working. So he turned into a regular, and is ALWAYS dating someone new/constantly with a boyfriend. Cue Sid being like terribly in love with him from afar for 8 years.
We love a pining Sid - meanwhile Geno’s like, “Sid's good friend! Very cute boy. Weird little bit, but fun to chirp. Flirt with Sid all the time. He never show any interest.” See why no one wants to get in the middle of that? Besides you never know if Sid’s going to do something to one of Geno’s date’s drinks. Like he hasn’t so far, because he’s Sid, but sometimes he looks long and hard at the way they giggle up at Geno from under his arm and takes a really long time to set their drink down on the bar. Anyway Geno's busy having a great time and being young and a mess and missing his family so fiercely he doesn't even think his heart is capable of love any more it's so broken, y’know casual. So he's not looking, not even thinking to look back at Sid because sometimes someone just doesn’t register as a prospect.
Meanwhile Geno is like so scary to Sid, like he's so bright and bold and fearless and like he's got so much drama, with all the people in his life and like the on again off again friendship with Ovi and all the other shit, the Russian politics, the constant internal struggle against self-hatred. He’s always in and out of the bar, always laughing brightly at someone pretty or giving his friends shit and then turning his smile on Sid, and Sid just can’t help but be so drawn to him. Geno is so much, and Sid is so little, he doesn’t think he could compare at all, he doesn’t have deep thoughts or an interesting background, he’s not sexy or silly or fun or any of the other things Geno seems to look for in a date.  
He definitely wouldn't know what to do even if some miracle happened and he managed to capture Geno’s affection and attention. To always have the weight of Geno's gaze and possessiveness on him? Like it'd be so nice, but also when he flirts even just a little, Sid always FREEZES. It's been years and he still doesn't know how to handle it. So he’s writing himself off.
But other than the Geno drama, Sid actually really likes being a bartender. It suits him because he can’t flirt (that well) but he can quickly and efficiently prepare drinks when it’s busy af and it’s easy for him to stay low-key and focused. He’s actually the best, he's quick, his eyes never miss anything (he's definitely caught a few doctored drinks), he remembers an infinite amount of orders, he's clean, he's no nonsense, and he's pretty enough to make really decent tips when he smiles even if he can’t flirt worth a damn.
Mario is definitely grooming him to take the bar over - sending him to business school, letting him stay with him indefinitely (this is definitely one of those stories where Sid was like wayward, but not in a terrible way, just a little at loose ends and in need of a decent paying job and Mario swoops in with all the experience and convenient answers). (At this point we got deeply excited by possibilities of other people in this universe and our adorable Sid/Geno plot went off the rails. We just have so many faves, guys!)
Other things about the bar/patrons (stop reading here if you don’t want other people):
Mario is one of those old gays that realized late in life that they COULD be gay, like long after they had a wife and four kids and a career and things. Mario's “one that got away” was probably Gretzky (like, okay, in retrospect, I was in love with him and very in denial about it) and Jagr was probably a young coworker that got along well with him and occasionally experienced a tension-laden moment at a conference or two after a few drinks and was DEEPLY IN LOVE WITH HIM despite Mario explicitly saying "BACK OFF I'M VERY HETERO AND HAVE A WIFE AND BABIES I LOVE." But you know how it is when someone is in so much denial about who they actually are, and Jagr knew, he KNEW. But he also wasn’t self sacrificing enough to stick around waiting only to get burnt over and over while Mario always prioritised his wife.
Basically in this universe, NHL = gay(/bi/pan/poly/aro/ace/various other QUILTBAG abbreviations/occasionally straight because they can’t ALL be gay but like just most of them!). There are a lot of regulars at this bar, and they float in little interest groups and cliques depending on who is dating who and who has what in common - you know like real life. Here are some of the groups and what we think about them.
Jonathan Toews is the other bartender who works in tandem with Sid, because we just imagine this being a super Canadian bar. Jonny is hot and serious and deadpan and if Sid’s the shy (but incredibly competent) one with a great smile then Jonny is the intimidatingly tall and hot one. Regular bar patrons occasionally give guys the DL on the Sid <3 Geno situation - if someone is interested in wooing Geno feel free to hit on him, make out with him, but they usually get warned to grab their drinks from Tazer.  
Patrick Kane is one of those self hating gay dudes who comes to the bar to pick up and fuck in the bathroom and then goes back to saying f slurs with his finance bros. He’s probably very angsty and Tazer probably serves him a lot of water and stern looks.
Jamie Benn is one of those gay boys that has no style and doesn't know how to be gay at all. Sid feels for him deeply when he first starts coming in with just the solidarity of his straight brother who kind of abandons him to hustle at pool and watch hockey (hockey is always playing at 5Hole). Tyler Seguin probably swoops in early, takes him for haircuts and makeovers and long late-night heart-to-hearts they pretend are just bro-chats but no one is surprised when it turns out they’re secretly in love with each other.
Flower and Tanger are in some kind of open or poly relationship. As far as Sid can tell, Flower is married to a woman, but a couple times a month he and Tanger come to 5Hole and Tanger goes off to pick up a third guy for Flower’s inspection while Flower shoots the shit with Sid at the bar.
Phil Kessel genuinely comes in for the beer and the hockey and to not hear gay slurs while enjoying them. At first Sid thought maybe he was in the wrong bar and tried to warn him they weren’t a normal hockey bar, but Phil didn’t even look up from the beer menu and scathingly told Sid that he didn’t have his rainbow ID card with him that day, his apologies. After a while they all got used to him being gruff at the bar, focused on the TV more than the company, but still getting hit on relentlessly by like Hags. Phil usually tells him "SURE KID WHATEVER. YOU'RE TOO PRETTY FOR THE LIKES OF ME, MOVE ON." But Hags likes him, and thinks he’s cute and is slowly eroding Phil’s disbelief. Phil deserves love too.
Whenever Hags feels like he’s starting to cross the border into being harassing however it’s okay, he pays for Phil’s drink and then retreats to the corner that is occupied by mostly blonde swedes. Taken into Horny’s open (usually bare and glistening) arms, hair ruffled by Erik Karlsson.
The rest of the Swedes are a small contingent and insanely hot. They usually all break into their individual cliques and return every so often to Nicklas Backstrom’s table where he watches over them all with a stony expression of love, and makes sure the babies don’t get drugged (looking at you Willy Nylander).
There is a similar table of Loud Hot Russians, that is mostly lead by Ovi, and, depending on where their on and off friendship is at, Geno. But obviously Ovi is always like "SID! NICKY HERE?" literally any time he comes in. Ovi is just SMITTEN from the beginning, loving that beautiful impassive man, seeing the WARMTH WITHIN NICKY knowing he NEEDS OVI'S JOVIAL NATURE IN HIS LIFE. Whenever he can say something that gets Nicky to smile it’s 100% worth all his scathing looks and comments and he drunkenly pledges that he’s going to spend the rest of his life trying to make Nicky smile as much as possible. Nicky thinks he’s certifiably insane, but eventually caves and starts hesitantly dating him, and they are definitely instantly the new old married couple at the bar. And then all the Russians and Swedes get strangely intermixed a lot. Geno and Horny being brothers etc.
The Bi Guy club is mostly just Tyler Seguin, Paul Bissonnette talking shit and giggling in a corner and occasionally leaving 5Hole to pick up down the street at the straight club.
IF ANYONE was gonna be part of the drag act that comes in on the first Friday of the month it'd be PK and his Predators. Roman Josi in drag would be so beautiful. Baby gays Kevin and Juuse, longtime queens Pekka and Shea (#denial). Those Preds are so pretty.
Johnny Hockey would be that twinky kid who is like actually maybe too afraid to have sex yet but acting all mature and like he can handle it but he's sEEN SOME FUCKED UP PORN, HE KNOWS ASSHOLES CAN JUST RIP AND HE'S SMALL he's just ANXIOUS. It doesn’t help that he’s deeply hung up on Sean Monahan who runs in the Fuck Boy circle with Tyler Seguin, Tom Wilson, Michael Latta, and Brady Skjei. He is afeared. It’s okay though, Jeff Skinner, and Beau Bennet comfort him and take in Mitch Marner when he wanders in on his 18th birthday.
There’s definitely a kind of low self-esteem but thicc as hell club? President Tyson Barrie, VP Nate Mac, Treasurer Jamie Benn. THEY ARE ALL SO SHY AND WEIRD BUT SO JACKED AND FUNNY??? Gabe's gotta always be tagging along with them because he thinks he fits right in, not because he's ugly or they're ugly but because he thinks they are all smart and funny. And also Tyson is super cute and he is INTO IT. But it like PEEVES Tyson like no other because GABE DOES NOT BELONG.
Tyson: Why does he not spend all his time with the hot swedes, he gets to be hot AND FUNNY. RUDE. Gabe doesn't know how to stay in HIS LANE. THERE IS SUCH THING AS TOO PERFECT GABRIEL. LOOK GABE, GO BACK TO YOUR HOMELAND, LOOK, THAT ONE WHO LOOKS LIKE A PIRATE PROBABLY IS MISSING YOU. 
Gabe just exchanges looks with Nate and buys Tyson a very sugary drink (basically anything that ends in -tini) and smiles at him a lot to see him turn increasingly fluorescent shades of red.
Tom Wilson and Michael Latta despite their best intentions as part of the Fuck Boy clique are those guys who have been in a high school sweethearts level committed relationship for EVER AND EVER and everyone is like "maybe you should play the field" and they're like ....I don't think I need to. Because they have everything they need in their meathead bro! Solid sports understanding? Companionship? Twice the wardrobe? A+ blowies??? Done, done and done.
There is also the older distinguished extremely handsome gentleman's society aka Henrik Lundquist and Patrick Sharp. They’re biding their time, eyeing up future Gabe and Holtby. Ovi occasionally tries to set up shop with them and they're like "Good try, you might be silver but you're still like 28."
Thennn idk probably plot would happen like Geno would start dating someone and drama would occur and someone would have to force Sid to talk about his feelings and Geno would realise that he could have had Sid all along BECAUSE WE NEED LOVE. 
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