#evil espio
montydrawsstuff · 1 year
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My sketchbook broke fully last night so expect crummy art from it from here on out
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harbinger-of-chaossss · 8 months
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Was no one gonna tell me that there voiced by the sane guy or was I supposed to just find that out my self?
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reinafish · 3 months
Espio and silver are on an island and you can only save one! Who do you save???
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Both. Silver uses his telekinesis/psychokinesis (i cant remember which one it was) to save Espio too.
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true-blue-sonic · 6 months
I imagine Espio messes up a recipe but Silver eats it anyway and thinks it's fine (he's eaten worse)
I get the feeling Silver would quite like cooking and baking, but just not in moments wherein he is busy or on a mission. And since that is often, I figure he'll just throw whatever he can together and eats that, if he gets that far in the first place. Thus, he'll probably have consumed a whole matter of things that were... unique in their combination, haha. But I think he really does not care so much about it! Food is food and time wasted is time wasted. So when Espio comes in with a recipe that's not exactly what he had desired, Silver will just down it with little complaint. And I figure he'll be happy to help out later and see if they can make it better together <3
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pikafleetsyolo · 1 year
my graphic tablet is… kinda on the fritz right now so i'll be posting the first round of doodles from the requests! i was hoping to post all of them at once, but oh well. full canvas of each one under the read more!
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lea-andres · 1 year
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A Sonic villain with a electric aesthetic before Surge - Lightning Lynx!
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sonknuxadow · 1 year
i am so conflicted i dont want starline to win but i dont want scourge to win either i dont think either of them deserve this
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emoangel44 · 7 days
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Most people interpret these lines as Silver not understanding trash talking but I'd argue that's not the case.
He doesn't understand trash talking as a sport because every time he 'does it' himself it's his completely honest thoughts, not an attempt to get under someones skin or poke fun. Every time Silver is smug or rude or an asshole he is not putting on an act. He's doing it completely unconsciously because he has zero filter.
He answers “Okay.” to “I'm so gonna own you.” because he does not register this as playing. He registers this as a statement, and an incorrect one at that, which isn’t worth his attention.
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It's like in Sonic Rivals 2. He expects Espio to believe him unquestioningly because, in Silver's perspective, it is the truth. He doesn't understand why he would say it if it wasn't true, or why Espio wouldn't believe him because he has no reason to lie.
The thesis here is that what Silver doesn’t understand isn’t trash talking- but lying. Specifically people he views as 'good' lying because of his own default honesty and tendency for black and white thinking. He understands that ‘evil’ people lie to hurt others but he cannot conceptually get why him or one of his friends, who are ‘good’, would say something that is dishonest- even if it's just as a joke.
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tezzbot · 11 months
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Was thinking abt the fact that IF Vector and Espio found Charmy when he was a baby, taking their "canon" ages into account, Vector would have been like mid-teens and Espio like. a preteen at the time and I love a good 'You're the age I was when we met/I did [X]/etc.' Soooo woe! That upon you Espio, it's always fucked up and evil the passage of time LOL
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montydrawsstuff · 2 years
Some vecdad and his daughter and
Romantic Sonic
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Espio gettin his smooch on with the hedgies
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Cute manipulation with adorable heart palms but he still got that middle aged accountant ass voice
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And lizz chillin
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emthimofnight · 5 months
learning that mirage has a bad relationship with his dads makes me so sad :( are they sad? do they feel disappointed? do they stay up late at night wondering where they went wrong? those poor guys have been through some shit
I'd say they are more exasperated than sad?? Silver in particular is always trying to reach out and connect with Mirage, but Mirage finds him annoying more than anything else. Both Silver and Espio have a pretty strong sense of justice, so the fact that their son is a morally ambiguous spy who has no real allegiance with good or evil stresses them out LOL
Mirage is just a very intelligent, aloof, and independent person. He gets along a bit better with Espio than he does with Silver, mainly because Espio knows when to back off. Silver definitely mourns the days when Mirage was an itty bitty little lizard that only wanted to hang out with daddy, HAHA! 😂
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flygutzz · 4 months
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Me n @nortsauce 's characters!
nort: Davy & Chime Mine (Fly): Wivie & Blink
more about them under the cut!
Name: Wisteria-Vineyard "Wivie/Wivy/YV/Wist/Vinny" Rose Age: 15-16 Pronouns: he/him Basic Description Wivie is an empathetic and upbeat hedgehog created by the master emeralds as a counter weight to a great evil that was spawned in the world. he was found by knuckles and adopted by Amy. Hes obsessed with legends and becoming a hero. unfortunately he kinda sucks at everything and has a lot of work ahead of him. He has a high emotional intelligence and wishes to help people any way he can. After discovering his special abilities he trains under sonic to become control his powers and protect his world and the ones he loves
at first he looked nothing like a mobian when he was first found but as he grew he seemed to to take a more hedgehog like appearance
Mama’s boy!! Always suspicious abt any of Amy’s girlfriends
Loves skirts and dresses.
can read tarot cards thanks to his mom aswell as palm readings
can skate/hoverboard
Name: Davy “Jokes” Leavian Age: 15-16 Pronouns: she/her Basic Description An aggressive and headstrong girl. She's tough and a skilled fighter and is always ready to show off her talents. She doesn’t talk about her past due to her not trusting who’s in the Codfather’s mafia gang that she is in deep trouble with. She’s obviously connected with the forbidden parts of the deep sea in mobius but never questioned why. She lives on her own, and has trouble keeping friends, but wants to prove herself. Can be blunt but means well.
Leviathan child
Glows when powered up
can shoot her back “petals” to poison or grab things
Name: Chime (Chee-Mei OR just Chime either works) Age: 15 Pronouns: she/her Basic Description Chime is an excitable girl of few words who is an apprentice of Espio. She’s not always silent but prefers to be as quiet as possible, hard to do when she’s got 100 pound weights on her hair and a bell she never takes off. She’s loyal and loves making friends, but she also is very skilled and deft with any sharp object. She’s precise and cunning, but her lack of any sort of magical or enhanced physical abilities make her a little insecure. She’s said to be a part of a group protecting… something.
Very Fast and Agile
Skilled in “cutting” weapons (knives, swords, any bladed thing)
Very quiet
likes tea parties
due to her being very quiet and skilled many people feel threatened by her but she's a sweetie
She’s also forced to wear the bell bcs she kept sneaking up and scaring people
Name: Blink the Hedgehog Age: young??? Pronouns: Gender fluid, changes any chance they get Basic Description: Blink an eccentric kid who wants to become as strong as they possible can be. They love to run around and mess with people with pranks, especially at Team Dark. Blink has some violent tendencies because of how they were raised by mercenaries and a war machine, so Shadow tries to keep them away from a lot of people. They have a close but complicated relationship with shadow and a distant relationship with sonic, with either of them barely even knowing that each other existed for the first few years of Blinks life.
slower than sonic but higher endurance
calls his parents "pops" or by their names interchangeably (great relationship guys 👍)
has a clock on their right glove and a compass on their left glove: this helps blink control and reorient themself after "blinking*" through time and space
Blink*: can bring them in and out of existence as a form of "teleportation"
Speed break: bursts of speed that allow them reach point A to point B in less than a second (tracer from OW)
No-Clip (lol) : can phase through objects (generally used during speed breaks)
Time Control (Only With a Chaos Emerald)
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I Meant to post these Awhile Ago and Simply Forgot . Silly Me. Anyways these are Mostly just AU Design Concept Scribbles. That I May or May Not have Changed my mind about Already 🙈
Notes are Once Again under the Cut:
Gave Shadow his Riders shades (but Yellow) and made the underside of his gloves black like his cuffs. I mean his Shoes follow that logic, so Why Not his gloves?
Updated Rouge to be more akin to her Heroes appearance -- I really like the Purple Gloves and Shoes.
Changed the color of Silver's eyes to match his powers -- it just Felt Right. The belt is Entirely Pointless as of now, and the Gloves being black is Inspired by his Secret Freedom Fighters outfit (which Yes I know is originally a Thing from Sonic Rivals but . I mostly read the Comics as a kid Okay)
Shard's... shard, doesn't change color with his eyes in this AU. He also has.. TWO hands??? Gasp??? (But they Both can now turn into Various Things) Enjoy the Evil Fisher Price Color Scheme (for when you are Evil and have Yet to learn the Error of your Ways)
Espio the Chameleon is a character from the Sonic the Hedgehog Comics.
Big the Cat is a character from the Sonic the Hedgehog games.
Changed Nicole's outfit once again, the one I came up with Before didn't feel very Sonic-like to me. I gave her some Chest Fluff because I thought it would be cute and match her Face Fluff better (which itself was changed to look A Bit more like a Lynx.) I overhauled her Design a Significant bit to try and fit my Outfit Criteria ... I do love her Original Gloves and Shoes from the Reboot Archie Comics however.
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skaruresonic · 2 months
I want to point this it. The person defending the comic unknowingly completely eradicated any ground their argument could have stood on.
"Criminals don't deserve to be free if they're gonna hurt people"
Then why does IDW Sonic keep letting his villains run off scott free when he himself acknowledges that they're gonna continue being evil and hurting innocents?
The single real and true answer is that this comic has abysmal writing. But stans don't want to accept that. They'd rather make up increasingly baffling conspiracy theories.
Exactly. It gets even worse when you realize Sonic presents himself as an arbiter of freedom: he wants people to do what they want, as long as it's the "right choice."
He is the one who decides what is right. He may not explicitly come right out and say so, but that is what he says through his words and his actions. And rather than accept the notion that some people will choose something other than what he wants, he'll punish you by chewing you out or beating you up, despite any mitigating circumstances, such as Surge's abuse at Starline's hands or Metal Sonic and Eggman TELLING HIM THE KILLER ROBOT HAS NO FREE WILL.
The only thing more dangerous than an authoritarian is an authoritarian who's a fucking idiot.
That may or may not be the comic's intention, but that's what ends up being the takeaway when we're given these lengthy lectures about the supposed sanctity of freedom, only for Sonic to betray his own principles.
He doesn't give a shit about anyone's pain. That much is clear.
He leverages Shadow's trauma against him to win an argument.
He ignores how Espio is grieving the loss of his friends to obnoxiously argue "oh so we should murder everyone, huh, Espio? is that what you're saying? we should never give anyone a chance?"
He makes fun of Belle at several points and even looks annoyed when she's angsting about her situation in one instance.
He claims he'd be willing to give "even [Eggman and Starline]" a second chance, only to eulogize Starline with "big oof."
He ignores Surge's pain just to say he'll kick her ass, then eulogizes her with a line so cold you'd think it came out of Eggman's mouth.
He shuts down Tails' misgivings about Metal's release not once but twice.
He drops the "Surge is dead" bomb on Kit without any real tact or follow-through to make sure the traumatized child is okay.
He tells Kit that Surge is "hurting herself."
Yet he throws a fucking pity party for himself in issue 23 about how Eggman "makes him pay" for daring to believe in the "good in people" every day.
Cry me a river. Kick rocks. Get bent.
IDW!Sonic lacks the emotional intelligence to distinguish when someone in pain is lashing out vs. a bona fide unrepentant asshole killing people for fun.
To him, both are the same errant children in need of a paddling. Just as he'd lack the pragmatism to seal the Erazor Djinn in the lamp because muh freedom, he'd lack the empathy to comfort Shahra afterward.
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