#evil eye removal mantra
Protection from Dark Energies | Evil Eye Mantra | Black Magic | Evil Eye Removal Mantra
Protection from Dark Energies | Evil Eye Mantra | Black Magic | Evil Eye Removal Mantra
Lyrics in Sanskrit :- "देव दानव सिद्धौग पूजिता परमेश्वरि || पुराणु रूपा परमा परतंत्र विनाशिनी ||"
Lyrics in English :- "Dev Danav Siddhaugh Pujita Parmeshwari || Puranu Rupa Parma, Partantra Vinashini || Om"
Translation :- "Salutations to the Goddess who is worshiped by gods, demons, and sages || She is the ancient form, the supreme, and the destroyer of all obstacles || Om"
This mantra is dedicated to the Goddess or Devi, who is revered as the supreme feminine power in Hinduism. It acknowledges her as the one who is worshiped and respected by various celestial beings, as well as by humans seeking her blessings. The mantra describes the Goddess as the embodiment of the ancient form, the ultimate reality, and the one who removes all hurdles and challenges from the path of her devotees. The chanting of "Om" at the end is a sacred syllable representing the essence of the universe.
Please note that Sanskrit mantras are often considered sacred and hold different interpretations within different religious and spiritual contexts.
Please note that proper pronunciation and intonation are important when chanting mantras. It is advisable to learn from a knowledgeable person or a spiritual teacher to ensure accuracy.
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What’s Daigo’s tattoo supposed to be?
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It’s Buddhist deity Fudo Myo-o/Acala the Unshakeable! Since we’re here, here are some fun facts. Under the cut:
“Myo-o”, or The Mantra Kings, is actually a group of violent deities. In addition, they are meant to represent wisdom, knowledge, and are meant to remove objects that may prevent enlightenment.
Acala is often depicted as sitting on a stone, representing their immovable resolve. The sword in their hand is meant to subdue demons and “cut down” ignorance. The rope is meant to bind evil spirits. Their halo/aureole is often depicted on fire to represent the “burning away” of material desire. 
Like in Daigo’s tattoo, Acala is sometimes depicted as having the dragon king Kurikara on their sword. Kurikara is another symbol of Acala, as in some accounts Acala would take the form of Kurikara. Most notably was one story where they threatened to consume the sword a heretic was disguising themselves as
Furthermore, Acala is often depicted with an upward fang and a downward fang, a trait meant to depict reality’s dualities such as yin and yang and the two realms buddha inhabit. The upward fang is meant to represent enlightenment, while the downward fang is meant to represent the enlightened descending to teach the unenlightened.
In some depictions, Acala is depicted with a third eye to represent their wisdom.
The two eyes Acala has now one is shut. Similar to the asymmetrical fangs they have, Acala’s shut eye is supposed to represent the duality of life and reality.
Acala is one of the thirteen deities of the Shingon Sect, one of Japan’s major Buddhists schools. In this role, he presides over the seventh day of memorial service subsequent to someone’s death.
Acala, serving as one of the Five Great Kings (deities meant to serve the Buddha), is the only one to bear a ferocious and menacing face. Acala’s frightening demeanor is purposeful, as their purpose is meant to eradicate evil, protect believers, and to frighten nonbelievers.
Although Acala’s elemental symbol is commonly associated with fire, it’s not uncommon for people to want to wash and bless their money underneath statues of them. The precise reason for this association with water isn’t exactly certain, though Kurikara being a dragon (dragon’s are often associated with water in Asia) may be a possible reason, as well as Kurikara and Acala commonly being depicted by scenic water sights (i.e. waterfalls, rivers)
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astroscience · 10 months
Ward Off Evil with Powerful Nazar Dosh Remedies: Your Ultimate Guide to Protection
Are you feeling the negative effects of the evil eye? Nazar Dosh, also known as the evil eye, is a common belief across cultures, signifying the harmful impact of jealousy and negative energy. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the world of Nazar Dosh and provide you with effective remedies to shield yourself and your loved ones. Read on to discover the secrets to safeguarding your well-being and prosperity.
Understanding Nazar Dosh:
Nazar Dosh, often referred to as the malevolent gaze, is a powerful concept deeply rooted in ancient traditions. It is believed that when someone harbors envy or jealousy towards you, their negative energy can cause harm to your health, happiness, and success. Recognizing the symptoms of Nazar Dosh is crucial for taking preventive measures.
Common symptoms of Nazar Dosh include: 1. Unexplained health issues 2. Frequent financial setbacks 3. Strained relationships 4. Lack of mental peace and clarity
Nazar Dosh Remedies: Banishing Negativity with Positive Energy
1. **Nazar Dosh Yantra:** — The Nazar Dosh Yantra is a potent tool for deflecting negative energy. Place this sacred geometrical symbol in your home or office to create a protective shield against the evil eye. — Regularly energize the yantra by offering prayers and positive affirmations.
2. **Protective Crystals and Gemstones:** — Harness the energy of protective crystals like black tourmaline, obsidian, or blue sapphire to create a shield against negative influences. — Wear these crystals as jewelry or place them strategically in your living spaces.
3. **Nazar Dosh Removal Mantras:** — Chanting powerful mantras like the “Nazar Dosh Nivaran Mantra” can help dispel negative energy. — Consult with a spiritual guide or priest to learn the correct pronunciation and frequency of these mantras.
4. **Lemon and Chili:** — The combination of lemon and chili is a traditional Nazar Dosh remedy. Hang strung lemons and red chilies at the entrance of your home to absorb and ward off negative energy. — Replace them regularly to maintain their effectiveness.
5. **Salt Cleansing Ritual:** — Take a bath with salt water to cleanse yourself of negative energy. — Sprinkle salt in the corners of your home and sweep it away after some time, absorbing the negativity.
6. **Burning Camphor:** — Burning camphor in your living spaces purifies the air and dispels negative energy. — Perform this ritual regularly, especially after encounters with potentially envious individuals.
Online Selling of Nazar Dosh Remedies:
As the world embraces digital platforms for shopping, finding authentic Nazar Dosh remedies online has become easier than ever. Numerous e-commerce platforms offer a wide range of products designed to protect you from the evil eye. Here’s what to look for when buying Nazar Dosh remedies online:
1. **Authenticity and Source:** — Choose products from reputable sellers or websites specializing in spiritual and holistic products. — Read customer reviews to ensure the effectiveness of the Nazar Dosh remedies.
2. **Customized Solutions:** — Look for online stores that provide personalized Nazar Dosh remedy kits based on your specific needs. — Consultation services with spiritual experts can add value to your online shopping experience.
3. **Educational Resources:** — Opt for platforms that offer informative content about Nazar Dosh, its remedies, and the proper usage of protective tools. — Knowledgeable sellers can guide you in selecting the most suitable remedies for your situation.
Protecting yourself from the malevolent effects of the evil eye is a timeless practice rooted in centuries-old wisdom. By incorporating these Nazar Dosh remedies into your life, you can create a shield of positivity and repel negativity. Whether you choose traditional methods or explore the convenience of online shopping, remember that the key lies in your belief and commitment to maintaining a harmonious and protected life. Embrace the power of these remedies, and let the positive energy flow!
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featherlouise · 2 years
[cracks fingers] lets DO THIS!! and since this has a lot of punctuation and my anon mark will mess it up i'll preface this by saying this is indeed evil anon. ichor is the blood of the gods in greek myth so that what i use instead of blood for *poeticness*, and also my interp of gijinka pk would still have four arms so thats why he's described as such
The Pale King cannot breathe.
He's only felt like this once in recent memory, when the first husk was brought before Him and His court, and He'd recognised the burning light in it's eyes - undoubtedly, Her attempts at returning.
It's different now, yet exactly the same. He braces himself against a wall, trembling with ichor-loss and exhaustion and dread and pure *grief* as His vessel lets out a terrible, lurching scream from it's throat - no, their throat, they're alive, it must be true, She couldn't have taken them if they were alive - as their nail slides in and out of their chest, through carapace and chitin to the soft void-flesh underneath. Back in, back out, until the carpet underneath them is stained with their ichor.
And what's worse is that He can see Her infection briefly leave their eyes before they crumple to the floor.
After a few moments hesitation, He gingerly crept towards them, placing one of His hands on the wound while another supported their head and another their back. He cannot find it in Himself to speak, for He cannot even find the words. He could not say those simple placating mantras offered to wounded footsoldiers on the battlefield, the simple "You'll be alright" and "Everything will be fine" of the common dying bug, because in His heart He knows that it isn't true. His child - for that is what they were, His child, His baby, not just the bars of Her prison cell - was going to die in absolute agony, and it was His fault for not realising sooner.
But perhaps a small, desperate part of Himself had known all along. The fountain in Hallownest's Heart was proof. You do not create memorials for a tool, you do not erect statues in honour of an empty thing. You create them for a life, a living breathing being with thoughts and feelings and *hope* and-
A strange, hacking noise interrupts his tram of thought, and He realises it comes from the Vessel - is that really what He should be calling them now? - as they cough up a mixture of Void and Infection, night-black and orange dripping down their mouth and onto His robe. It streams from their eyes, too, Her cruel mockery of tears which He had never designed them to shed. Then, they begin to make a strange gurgling sound, and He looks at them in confusion for a few seconds before He realises they're choking on the foul mixture, too weak now to spit it out. Gently, He tips their head ever-so-slightly to the side, so the fluid can fall out with relative ease, and then back again.
And then it happens. The Vessel shakily removes His hand from their wound and onto the hilt of their discarded nail. Almost as if they were asking Him to.. no. He won't do it. He wouldn't dare, there may still be a chance, He *won't.*
The shaky, rattling breaths that they're still able to take begin to slow, and the King can only watch as it stops.
He sits there for a few seconds, staring blankly, before He begins to cry for what must be the first time in His life. The hall outside the door is suddenly rife with activity, before it opens and He is met with Hornet's shocked face. Then the Beast whisks her in her arms, burying Hornet's face in her neck so she doesn't see any more. Her face twists into an angry, accusing glare that not even He had witnessed before.
"What in the ever-loving *fuck* happened here, Wyrm?"
I HAD to read this out loud and I'm genuinely crying holyyyy fucking shitttttt
I don't think I brought enough tissues imma be honest
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the-hem · 14 days
"The Eye of the Fire." From the Devi Upanishad, "the Exploration of the Mysteries of the Device".
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The Upanishads blur the gods together at times, even when it is their duty to clear things up. In the following section the text alludes to the unity within the mind that is caused when the goddess replaces all the rest as the primordial source of wisdom and intelligence:
17. Divine Mother ! Salutation to you; protect us in all possible ways.
18. She, here, is the eight Vasus, the eleven Rudras (the beatitudes), the twelve Adityas, (The Adityas are responsible for protecting the world from chaos and ignorance, and for maintaining order.)
She is the all-gods, (those) who drink Soma and (those) who do not; she is the goblins, the demons, the evil beings, the ghosts; she also, beings super-human, the semi-divine. She is Sattva (the saint), Rajas(ambition)  and Tamas (delusion). She is Prajapati (the maker of creatures), Indra (the intellect) and Manu (mankind).
She is the planets, stars and luminous spheres. She is the divisions of time, and the form of primeval Time. I salute Her ever:
19. Goddess who banishes distress Grants pleasure and deliverance alike, Infinite, victorious, pure, Siva, Refuge, the Giver of good.
20. Seed all-powerful of the Goddess’ mantra, Is sky, conjoined with ‘i’ and fire, With crescent moon adorned.
Worship of God and the gods requires the mind. There must be a sense of I and mine and the presence of a god who is willing to pay attention to us and spoil us. We worship Kali, the final fire in hopes of realizing the mind is playing with us when we pray and to give up birthing more gods.
Before one can have gods, one must have no other gods. Whereas the worship of the god Shiva employs the kindness of the Self, the worship of Kali removes any dependence of the Self on any other aspects other than its own. One should not need Shiva to be kind or engage in the beatitudes.
One needs nothing at all.
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trimbapandit · 1 month
Understanding The Significance Of Narayan Nagbali Puja At Trimbakeshwar   
In the Hindu religion, Narayan Nagbali puja at Trimbakeshwar is a puja done to get rid of sins or crimes that the natives or their ancestors must have done. This puja is done only at Trimbakeshwar as it is the best place for performing Vedic pujas. Also, in Trimbakeshwar, there is no shortage of pandits and purohits who can help you with this puja. Furthermore, here is everything you need to know about Narayan Nagbali puja. 
Importance of Narayan Nagbali Puja at Trimbakeshwar 
Wondering about the importance of doing narayan nagbali puja Trimbakeshwar? Doing this puja in the holy land is considered to bring positive effects. Trimbakeshwar temple is the most spiritual and promising place as it offers salvation to every visitor. The place is dedicated to Lord Shiva and has the Ganga Godavari River. 
Inside the temple, there are images of various deities and also has three lingams including Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva that reflect divinity. Being among the 12 jyotirlingas, performing this puja in Trimbakeshwar is highly beneficial. From hurdles in business, financial loss, poor health, bad mental state, and failure in education to sudden accidents, performing this puja allows one to get rid of all these problems. 
Who Should Perform the Narayan Nagbali Puja at Trimbakeshwar? 
Wondering who should perform narayan nagbali puja Trimbakeshwar? It should be done by Pandits and Guruji who are experienced in this field. Because it includes chanting mantras, taking holy baths and many other procedures, doing this puja on your own will be beneficial.  
However, the only thing every individual who wants to do this puja must focus on is finding the right pandit. To help you and save you from fraud, a pandit you can rely on is Vidyanand Guruji. He has performed many Narayan Nagbali puja and has helped people gain positivity in life. The best part is that he keeps his charges transparent. 
What is the Duration for Narayan Nagbali Puja? 
To perform, Narayan Nagbali puja in Trimbakeshwar takes around 3 days. From invoking deities, prescribing vidhis, worshipping, and arranging Samagris to offering sacred items, a lot is done in the three-day procedures. However, you must talk to the pandit performing this puja about the materials. The best pandit to consult is Vidyanand Guruji for proper guidance and advice. He makes sure you thoroughly understand every procedure and every do and don’ts.  
Benefits of Doing Narayan Nagbali Puja at Trimbakeshwar 
Being a holy land, doing Narayan Nagbali puja Trimbakeshwar comes with a wide range of benefits. This includes:
It helps to prevent harm from ghosts or evil eyes. 
It provides support and achievement in professional life and fulfils business goals. 
It helps to remove curses passed on by a deceased family member. 
It is highly beneficial for couples facing problems in childbirth. 
It helps the native get rid of snake-related dreams. 
It helps to reduce the sin of killing snakes, especially cobras. 
However, for all these blessings it is important to do this puja with pure dedication and great devotion. This is where experienced pandits like Vidyanand Guruji come in. He is well-versed in all the mantras and holds in-depth knowledge of the procedures. Relying on him for this puja means resting assured your life will be free of dosh and its negative effects. Also, don’t forget to check out this guide about Narayan Nagbali Puja Trimbakeshwar to get more insights.   
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sivashri · 3 months
Pratyangira Homam: An In-Depth Exploration
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Pratyangira Homam is a powerful and significant ritual in Hinduism, specifically dedicated to Goddess Pratyangira, a fierce and protective deity. This Homam is performed to invoke the blessings of the Goddess for protection, relief from negative energies, and spiritual advancement. The ritual is deeply rooted in Vedic traditions and is revered for its potency in dispelling evil forces and bringing about peace and prosperity.
Origins and Significance of Pratyangira Homam
Goddess Pratyangira is often depicted with a lioness face and a human body, symbolizing her ferocity and protective nature. She is considered an incarnation of Goddess Shakti, the divine feminine energy, and is associated with the destructive aspect of Lord Shiva. The lioness face signifies her strength and the ability to protect her devotees from harm.
The origins of Pratyangira can be traced back to ancient texts such as the Markandeya Purana and various Tantric scriptures. According to legend, she emerged from the third eye of Lord Shiva to combat the demonic forces threatening the universe. She is believed to possess the power to annihilate all forms of negativity, including black magic, evil spirits, and other malevolent influences.
Pratyangira Homam is performed to invoke her divine intervention for various purposes:
Protection: To safeguard against physical, mental, and spiritual harm.
Negativity Removal: To cleanse negative energies, black magic, and evil eye.
Health and Well-being: To alleviate chronic illnesses and mental distress.
Success and Prosperity: To achieve success in endeavors and financial stability.
Spiritual Growth: To enhance spiritual awareness and progress on the path of enlightenment.
Preparations and Procedure of Pratyangira Homam
Preliminary Arrangements
Selecting a Date: The Homam is usually performed on auspicious days, especially on Amavasya (new moon) or Pournami (full moon), and during certain festivals dedicated to Goddess Pratyangira.
Venue: A clean, serene, and sacred space is chosen, often a temple or a specially prepared homa kundam (fire altar) in the home.
Priests: Knowledgeable Vedic priests or Tantric practitioners are invited to conduct the ritual, ensuring adherence to traditional practices.
Ingredients and Offerings
Homa Kundam: The fire altar is prepared with specific geometrical designs and purified with sacred substances.
Firewood and Ghee: Special types of wood, such as mango or peepal, and clarified butter (ghee) are used as fuel for the sacrificial fire.
Herbs and Spices: A variety of medicinal herbs, spices, and special items like red chilies and mustard seeds are used to appease the Goddess.
Mantras and Hymns: Sacred chants, including the Pratyangira Mantra, are recited to invoke the deity’s presence.
Ritual Procedure
Ganapati Puja: The ritual begins with the worship of Lord Ganesha to remove obstacles.
Kalasha Puja: Water-filled pots (kalashas) are consecrated and used to invoke deities.
Invocation: The priest invokes Goddess Pratyangira through specific mantras and invites her to preside over the Homam.
Fire Ignition: The sacred fire is lit, and the offerings begin with chanting and specific gestures (mudras).
Main Offerings: Various items are offered into the fire, accompanied by the chanting of powerful mantras. Each offering is intended to please the Goddess and seek her blessings.
Purna Ahuti: The final offering, considered the most potent, is made to mark the completion of the ritual.
Prasad Distribution: The remnants of the offerings are distributed as prasad (blessed food) to the devotees.
Symbolism and Benefits of Pratyangira Homam
The Homam symbolizes the divine intervention of Goddess Pratyangira in the lives of her devotees. The fire represents purification and transformation, burning away impurities and negativity. The offerings signify the devotee’s surrender and devotion, seeking the Goddess’s grace and protection.
Protection: Devotees experience a sense of safety and security, free from the influence of negative energies and evil forces.
Healing: Chronic illnesses, both physical and mental, are alleviated, promoting overall well-being.
Success: Obstacles in personal and professional life are removed, leading to success and prosperity.
Spiritual Growth: Enhanced spiritual awareness and progress on the path of self-realization.
Peace: A harmonious environment is created, bringing peace and happiness to the household.
Stories and Legends
The potency of Pratyangira Homam is illustrated through various stories and legends. One such story involves the great sage Vishwamitra, who performed this Homam to overcome the powerful demon King Vritrasura. The Goddess, pleased with the sage’s devotion, appeared and vanquished the demon, restoring peace and order.
Another legend speaks of Lord Narasimha, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, who was calmed by Goddess Pratyangira after his fierce battle with the demon Hiranyakashipu. Her presence pacified the wrathful deity, demonstrating her ability to control even the most intense energies.
Contemporary Relevance
In modern times, Pratyangira Homam continues to be a revered practice among devotees seeking divine intervention in their lives. It is particularly popular in South India, where many temples are dedicated to Goddess Pratyangira. The Homam is also performed during times of personal crisis, societal disturbances, and for general well-being.
Role in Mental Health
The ritual’s emphasis on chanting, meditation, and the sacred fire has a profound impact on mental health. The rhythmic chanting of mantras induces a meditative state, promoting calmness and reducing stress. The fire’s warmth and the aroma of the offerings create a serene atmosphere, aiding in mental relaxation and emotional balance.
Community and Social Impact
Pratyangira Homam often brings communities together, fostering a sense of unity and collective spiritual pursuit. The communal aspect of the ritual, with shared participation and distribution of prasad, strengthens social bonds and promotes a sense of belonging.
Environmental Impact
The use of natural ingredients and the eco-friendly nature of the ritual highlight the traditional wisdom of sustainable practices. Homam's emphasis on purity and cleanliness resonates with contemporary environmental consciousness, encouraging a harmonious relationship with nature.
Pratyangira Homam is a profound and multifaceted ritual that embodies the essence of devotion, protection, and spiritual growth. Rooted in ancient Vedic traditions, it continues to offer solace and strength to devotees facing various challenges. The ritual’s powerful symbolism, coupled with its tangible benefits, makes it a revered practice in Hinduism.
By invoking the fierce yet compassionate Goddess Pratyangira, devotees find not only protection from external threats but also inner peace and spiritual advancement. The Homam’s enduring relevance in modern times attests to its timeless wisdom and transformative potential, bridging the ancient and contemporary worlds in a sacred dance of faith and devotion.
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Mantra to Reverse Black Magic Spells | Protection from Black Magic | Remove Evil Eye | Black Magic - Insider Meditation Mantra 
For long hours, beautiful relaxation music, meditation piano music, stress reliever piano music, check out our YouTube playlist. 
Thanks for tuning in to our relaxing sleep music! Introduce yourself to the Insider Meditation Mantra community in the comments section and let us know where in the world you’re listening from. Enjoy! Love. 
Lyrics in Sanskrit :- 
देव दानव सिद्धौग पूजिता परमेश्वरि || 
पुराणु रूपा परमा परतंत्र विनाशिनी ||
Lyrics in English :- 
“ Dev Danav Siddhaugh Pujita Parmeshwari || 
Puranu Rupa Parma, Partantra Vinashini || Om ”
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nnb17 · 4 months
To rid any house of chaos, mental tension and misery – thoroughly clean each nook and corner of the house – throw away the waste and get rid of any useless items, in the house – light a with mustard oil lamp in the home temple and near Tulsi plant
For wealth benefits ,hoist a yellow ,triangular flag atop a Lord Vishnu temple – is such a way that it continuously flutters – you shall have amazing wealth benefits – but it should be kept in mind that the flag should be permanently placed – if need be ,it should be changed from time to time.
Never pluck, Tulsi leaves [Basil] or the leaves of the ‘Bail Tree’ [Wood- apple tree] on Amavasya – if they have to be offered on the deity, ensure that you pluck them a day before
Pouring a spoon of milk on the earth, will help you get rid of hurdles, stopping the progress and every day wok. Also if barley is washed in milk and flown down in running water, then fate will always favor you.
To subdue the ill-effects of Saturn [Shani Dev] – every Amavasya ,offer mustard oil ,black ‘urad dal’ [black pulses],an iron piece ,black cloth , and a blue flower to the deity and chant the Vedic mantra of Lord Saturn – 101 times – “OM NILANJANSAMABHAS RAVIPUTRA YAMAGRAJAM . CHAYAMARTANDSAMBHUT NAMAMI SANESHCHARAM” –
Every Amavasya, offer five different kinds of fruits to a cow – the atmosphere at home shall always remain auspicious and happy.
Feeding wheat flour balls, to the fishes on Amavasya, bestow upon a person, his ancestors blessings and the blessings of the gods – issues / obstructions pertaining to incoming wealth, are also nullified.
If there is a person who is chronically ill – wake up before sunrise, post your bath – pull a strand of thread from any clothing, worn by the patient – with some additional cotton , make a wick of this strand of thread and cotton and dip it in a lamp filled with mustard oil – light this lamp and place it in front of an idol of Lord Hanuman and chant the ‘Hanuman Chalisa’ –
Take a fresh lemon and cut it into four halves – throw each half in each direction – i.e four halves in four direction –issues pertaining to unemployment shall be finished – please ensure, that you stand on a crossroad with four directions and also it has to be done secretly.
On the Amavasya night , take 8 almonds and 8 ‘kaajal’ boxes, tie them in a black cloth – and keep them in a box filled with red vermillion powder – very soon ,you shall be rid of financial problems.Change it every amavasya.
Feed a Brahmin on Amavasya. This shall keep the ancestors happy – obstacles shall be removed and there shall be no dearth of prosperity – and the house-hold shall be immune to the ‘evil-eye’ and other forms of black magic.
For gaining the blessings of the ancestors and getting freedom from the malefic effects of ‘pitr-dosh’ – pouring water ,milk, gangajal ,black sesame seeds ,sugar, rice all mixed together , in the roots of a ‘Peepal tree’, and offer flowers and the sacred thread ,chanting ;”OM NAMO BHAGWATEY VASUDEVAYE NAMAH” and circumbulating the tree, seven times .
The ancestors should be offered water on ever Amavasya – the right way of offering water is – In a copper vessel, water, mixed with gangajal , raw milk ,sesame seeds , barley ,Tulsi leaves, a grass blade , honey and a white flower – should be offered – facing the south direction , calling out – TAPRAANTAYAMI , TAPRAANTAYAMI , TAPRAANTAYAMI – thrice – the water should be poured out along the side of the thumb in to a vessel below – this does provide contentment to the ancestors – Remember to pour the collected water into some plant – do not throw this water any where in the house or outside – it should only be poured in to the roots of a plant.
According to the ‘Shastras’, the ancestors visit their homes, every Amavasya – so every person should donate to charity – as much as he can afford. Keeping a meal under a ‘Babool Tree’ [Acacia Tree] in the name of the ancestors also pleases them.
Ancestors have a special liking for ‘Kheer’ – [sweet porridge of rice and milk] – every Amavasya, preparing kheer and offering it to a Brahmin with his meals begets one of a thousand virtues. In the evenings, keeping a small portion of the ‘kheer under the ‘Peepal tree’, in the evening, helps in removing instability, from one’s life.
To avoid sudden mishaps and tame the enemies, can be fulfilled, by feeding a black dog, a chapatti smeared with mustard oil.
Install a Horse Shoe [of a black horse] on the top of the main door, on Amavasya; the open end should face the ceiling or above/up, if it is in your house; if, it is at the workplace, then the open end should face the floor or below/down – this saves one from the ‘evil-eye’ and stability of finances and happiness is ensured.
On Amavasya never start a, fresh business, journey, transaction, or any auspicious work.
Sai Numerology,
Neetu N Bhansali
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salasarjigemsllp222 · 6 months
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Natural 9 Mukhi/Face Rudraksha (Nepal Origin)
9 Mukhi Rudraksha :- Navamukhi Rudraksha  ( nine faced Rudraksh) is blessed by Devi Durga (the goddess of power). Durga who is also called Jagdamba has the power of all the 9 goddesses known as Navadurga  ( Shailputri, Brahmacharini, Chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Skandamata, Katyayani, Kalaratri, Mahagauri and Siddhidatri ).  They are specially worshiped during Navratri. The person who wears it becomes fearless and stress free. It makes the wearer strong and self-confident.
Ketu is the ruling planet of 9 Mukhi Rudraksh. The troubles given by the planet Ketu can be solved by wearing 9 Mukhi Rudraksh.  If Ketu is malefic, a person suffers from lung diseases, fever, eye pain, intestinal pain, skin related diseases,  etc. By using Navamukhi Rudraksh, all these defects can be removed.
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Who can wear 9 Mukhi Rudraksh – Those who have fear of death or any other kind of fear, they should certainly wear  Navamukhi Rudraksha. If worn along with Dashmukhi and Ekadashmukhi Rudraksh it becomes a tremendous means  of protection.  9 Mukhi (9 faced) Rudraksh is recommended for both males and females alike. It  can be worn especially by career-oriented females to attain success and growth. They can wear it alone or with other mukhi beads. A devotee of Maa Durga who wears 9 Mukhi Rudraksh is blessed with good luck, happiness and prosperity in life.
Benefits of 9 Mukhi Rudraksh – This bead symbolizes  Devi Durga who is considered to be all powerful. Wearing 9 Mukhi Rudraksh helps in eliminating all sorts of fears and evils. Worshipers of the Supreme Divine Power must wear it. It provides the wearer with the armor of Maa Durga, which protects him from all kinds of untoward incidents. This is one of the most useful Rudraksha for women, because Maa Durga’s armor is impregnable. Navmukhi Rudraksha  increases self-confidence and makes one fearless.
The mantras for wearing Navamukhi Rudraksha are:
Om Hree Namah (Shivpuran)
Om Hum Namah (Mantramaharnav)
How to activate 9 Mukhi Rudraksh – You should wear only after properly cleaning the original holy Rudraksh with Panchamrit, raw cow milk and Gangajal. There after the mantra should be chanted 108 times to energize or activate the holy Rudraksh. It can be worn as a pendant or around the neck as mala in silver or gold capping.
Contact Detail - 222, Agarwal tower, I.P.Extension, Patparganj, Delhi, 110092 Mob No. 7042891757
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kawoyaa4 · 9 months
Black magic removal specialist: instantly removal Black magic
Black magic, an insidious force, progressively impacts your emotional, mental, and social well-being with each passing day. Dr. Kawoyaa offers powerful mantras and yantras to shield you from these malevolent acts, providing a swift escape from their effects. Dr. Kawoyaa adeptly dispels the consequences of black magic, voodoo, evil eye (drishti), and conducts analyses such as horoscope readings,…
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trimbapandit · 3 months
Step-by-Step Guide to Performing Rudra Abhishek Pooja         
When wanting to win God's favour, the Hindus who abide by the Vedas carry out several rituals. And Rudrabhishek is one of them which helps individuals to appease Lord Shiva. Based on Rudraksha, it is well known and comes with great advantages. The main purpose of the puja is to worship Lord Shiva in his most well-known Rudra form. In this Rudra Abhishek Pooja, the 108 names of Lord Shiva are recited. To find out more details about this puja, stay tuned until the end.
What is Rudra Abhishek Pooja and Its Types? 
Rudrabhishek puja can be understood as a Vedic Hindu ritual where the 108 names of the Lord Shiva are chanted. He is worshipped in his Rudra form, given a holy bath with flowers and other sacred things. The purpose of this puja is to make sure that God is appeased, the evil spirits are driven out and prosperity can be attained. Many types of Rudra Abhishek pooja are conducted including
Rudrabhishek puja
Rudra Samhita Path Yaghya 
Maha Rudrabhishek 
Laghu Rudrabhishek 
Shiv Mahapuran Path Yaghya and 
Avirat Bham Bham puja 
Benefits that Comes With Performing Rudrabhishek Puja 
Several benefits come with performing the Rudrabhishek Puja. These benefits include the following
The puja can protect an individual from all types of evil forces and bad deeds.
It can help one by guarding their financial dangers and bringing prosperity in life. 
By conducting the puja, peace can be attained in life.
The puja can help in eliminating the planetary doshas.
It helps in achieving career goals and removing obstacles in life. 
Who Should Be Performing the Rudrabhishek Puja? 
The Rudrabhishek Puja is not necessarily performed by anyone. People dealing with certain issues are required to opt for it including
Those who want to get rid of the evil forces or potential hazards in life. 
To obtain wealth, pleasure, prosperity and good health.
It must be done with the motive to achieve harmony.
To eliminate obstacles and delays in life.
To get peace in life and at home, the puja can be conducted.
What is the Process Behind Conducting Rudrabhishek Puja?
Understanding how the Rudra Abhishek Pooja is done is crucial before conducting it. This will help you understand the complete process and carry out the puja correctly. 
Firstly, the Shiv Linga is given a bath using materials like milk, yoghurt, butter and honey
Then, you must decorate the Shiv Linga using flowers, Rudraksha and more.
The priest appoint will begin chanting the mantras like Laghunyasa followed by Shivopasana. These mantras have their own significance as the Laghunyasa offers protection to health and the Shivopasana offers protection from the evil eye. 
In the next step, the Ashtottara Shatanamavali is recited which means chanting the 108 names of Lord Shiva. 
Then, the slokas from the Yajur Veda are read out specifically the Sri Rudram part. The participants of the puja must be attentive throughout.
To wipe out the sins, the Sri Rudram is chanted which purifies the atmosphere around.
Which is the Best Day to Perform the Rudra Abhishek Pooja?
There is no such specific rule when the puja of Rudra Abhishek must be conducted. You can consult with the Pandit Ji and perform it on an auspicious Muhurat. 
However, the best days when the puja can be performed are on Mondays and during the month of Shrawan as well. Performing the puja on an auspicious day can help to get better outcomes.
Get the Rudra Abhishek Pooja Done at Reasonable Costs 
Based on your beliefs, you can perform any type of Rudra Abhishek pooja that is required. To get the pooja done in the right manner to benefit mostly, you can come to us at Trimbakeshwar Pandit Ji. Our pandit ji Narayan Shashtri is not just educated but also certified having more than 17 years of experience. 
When you count on our pandit ji, you can rest easy knowing that he is authorized to conduct all types of puja in the Trimbakeshwar temple at affordable prices. All you need to do is contact us to book the puja and get it done in a hassle-free manner.
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chaitanyavijnanam · 11 months
Worship Maa Mahagauri - Mahisasura Mardhini Devi on the 8th day of Navaratri
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🌹. Worship Maa Mahagauri - Mahisasura Mardhini Devi on the 8th day of Navaratri 🌹
The 8th day of Navaratri is dedicated to Maa Mahagauri, the 8th Avtar of Maa Durga. The legend has it that Maa Mahagauri liberated the world from evil forces. She has three eyes and four hands. Her lower right hand holds a trishul and the upper right hand is in the mudra of allaying fear. Whereas her lower left hand is in a pose of granting boons to Her devotees and she is holding a damaru in Her upper left hand.
She has extremely fair complexion and therefore Maa is compared with the conch, the moon and the white flower of Kunda. Radiant and compassionate, Maa Maugauri is usually depicted in a white or green saari and riding a bull. She is also known as Shwetambardhara. Maa Mahagauri purifies the souls of Her devotees and removes all their sins. She has a calming effect on the lives of Her devotees and she also helps them improve their knowledge.
Worship Maa Mahagauri to be free from the clutches of the material world and to remove sorrows from your life, for She will lead you to the path of virtue and inner power.
🍀. Spiritual Significance 🍀
Mahagauri is the kriya Shakti of existence . Kriya means action , the energy which creates motion in static matter is Mahagauri . She is the eighth manifestation of Goddess Durga who is worshiped on Maha Durgashtami . She is the beloved wife of Lord Shiva , who is meditated upon seated on Nandi , the bull . She has four hands in which she holds a trident , damru , abhaya and Vara mudras. She is saumyamukhi or has blissful expression on face .
Mahagauri also represents the union of Shiva with Shakti . She completes him by merging him with herself , which makes him Ashutosh . Shiva grants auspicious boons to his devotees only when he is United with Shakti , without her he becomes dispassionate and has no purpose in existence . The reason Mahagauri plays a Damru represents that divine union of Shiva and Shakti . Their union is considered auspicious for continuance of existence , so Mahagauri embodies the greatest Auspiciousness.
She is the creator of life , the Yoni from whom the creation takes birth . She is mother to all life forms . Her worship grants experience of oneness with all lives . When one feels the same amount of love and compassion for everyone , the oneness can be felt . This oneness is auspiciousness of Mahagauri , as it reduces friction and stress in our surrounding and creates acceptance and Harmony , for smooth functioning of life . The purpose of spirituality is to reduce external friction to go deed inside your spiritual self . Mahagauri provides this kind of transformation with her worship .
🌻. Mantra and other Facts 🌻 Recite the below-mentioned Mantras to get the blessing from the almighty Maa Mahagauri.
ॐ देवी महागौर्यै नमः॥
Om Devi Mahagauryai Namah॥
या देवी सर्वभू‍तेषु माँ महागौरी रूपेण संस्थिता। 
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः॥
Ya Devi Sarvabhuteshu Maa Mahagauri Rupena Samsthita। Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah॥
The devotees should perform the eighth day of Navratri puja with huge devotion and pure mind so that Devi Mahagauri fulfils all their desires. You can also attain abundance and bring happiness to your life by worshipping a Meru Prushth Shree Yantra. Maa Mahagauri vanishes all the previous sins and wrong deeds of the devotees and purifies their life. Goddess Mahagauri leads them to the path of truth and happiness.
🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹
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vaikunth · 1 year
Benefits of Chanting Lord Shiva’s Mahamrityunjay Mantra
In the Hindu religion, the Mahamrityanjay Mantra holds massive significance, as it is known to remove the fear of untimely death, ward off calamities, and protect people from evil eyes and negative energies. It is a blessing of Lord Shiva that originated from the Rig Veda. By chanting this holy mantra, people can benefit in multiple ways and protect themselves from the perils of malefic planet placements.
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Read more: 10 Benefits of Chanting Lord Shiva’s Mahamrityunjay Mantra
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masterguruswami · 1 year
Improve your mental health by using a renowned astrologer’s spiritual healing service
Black Magic Removal In Scarborough is a crucial service that can protect your loved ones from the harmful effects of dark magic. With Astrologer Guru Swami's expertise in black magic removal, you can rest assured that he will use his extensive knowledge and experience to eliminate any negative energies or spells affecting your family members. The process involves a thorough analysis of the symptoms and signs present, followed by powerful mantras and rituals to break the spell's hold on your loved one. Whether it's a curse, hex, evil eye or possession, Astrologer Guru Swami has seen it all before and knows exactly how to handle each situation with care and precision. By seeking his help for Black Magic Removal In Scarborough, you are taking an important step towards securing the well-being of those closest to you.
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rudrakshkailasha · 1 year
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KailashaRudraksh Deals in 100% Natural Lab Certified Rudraksha and Gemstones Natural Healing Crystals Natural GIA Lab Certified Basra Pearls, Navratna Gemstone, Birthstone Stone Beads, Rudraksh, Gauri Shankar Rudraksha, Rudraksh Beads , Healing Bracelet, Healing Stones etc. All Rudraksha and Gemstones are certified by reputed Gem Testing Laboratory.
10 mukhi is of rare kind as per bhagwatkupuran this rudhrash is blessed by lord Vishnu the creator. It is protects the wearer from the ill effects of black magic , evil eye and unnatural death. The vastu dosh in home , office or factory or also nullified by wearer this rudhkrash, this should be worn by peoples who have poor concentration ,lack of vision in life and business
10 mukhi is of rare kind as per bhagwatkupuran this rudhrash is blessed by lord Vishnu the creator. It is protects the wearer from the ill effects of black magic , evil eye and unnatural death. The vastu dosh in home , office or factory or also nullified by wearer this rudhkrash, this should be worn by peoples who have poor concentration ,lack of vision in life and business3 Mukhi Himalian Rudraksha. 3 Mukhi (Three Face) With Lab Certified Size 15.40 x 16.10 x 17.30.2 Mukhi Rudraksha Himalian Original With Lab Certified Size 18.50 X 15.00X12.80 MM.3 Mukhi Himalian Rudraksha. 3 Mukhi (Three Face) With Lab Certified Size 17.30 x 15.20 x 18.20.
10 Mukhi Nepali Rudraksha -Dashmukhi Rudraksha is one of the rare types:-According to Nirnaysindhu Mantramaharnav and Shrimaddevi Bhagwat Purana, it is blessed by Lord Vishnu. According to Rudraksha Jabalopanishad, it is blessed by Yamraj (the god of death) and ten digpals (lords of ten directions). It removes the malefic effects of Navagrahas, Betals and Brahmarakshasas. It protects the wearer from witchcraft, evil eye and premature death. It also protects from ghost. This Rudraksha is blessed by many deities, namely Vishnu, Mahasena (Kartikeya), Yamraj, ten Digpalas and ten Mahavidyas.Vastu defects of home, office or factories are also removed by this. It is very helpful when there is litigation, discord and enemy-nuisance.An interesting point is that this Rudraksha unites the Vaishnava and Shaivite sects and brings relief from inexplicable troubles like evil spirits, witchcraft, jealousy etc. by combining the powers of the two great deities.
Who should wear it:-Narayan Kavach made of 10 grains of Dashmukhi and one grain of Ekamukhi is an effective means to defeat any opponent. Combination of Dashmukhi Rudraksha is a means to get rid of the effect of Vaastu defects, adversities and witchcraft etc. Dashmukhi Rudraksha is very helpful in insomnia, restlessness of mind, lack of direction in life, instability in choosing profession, etc. By keeping it in worship, the grace of both Hari and Har can be obtained. This is the first Rudraksha above the control of all the planets, so this Rudraksha is effective to avoid the suffering of any planet.
The mantras for wearing Dashmukhi Rudraksha are:- Om Hree Namah Namah ,Om Hree Namah
Dashmukhi Rudraksha has the ability to influence the ten directions and all the planets. Lord Vishnu is pleased with its holder. It pacifies the nine planets. The sins of all the organs of man are destroyed by it.
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