#mantra to reverse negative energies
Mantra to Reverse Black Magic Spells | Protection from Black Magic | Remove Evil Eye | Black Magic - Insider Meditation Mantra 
For long hours, beautiful relaxation music, meditation piano music, stress reliever piano music, check out our YouTube playlist. 
Thanks for tuning in to our relaxing sleep music! Introduce yourself to the Insider Meditation Mantra community in the comments section and let us know where in the world you’re listening from. Enjoy! Love. 
Lyrics in Sanskrit :- 
देव दानव सिद्धौग पूजिता परमेश्वरि || 
पुराणु रूपा परमा परतंत्र विनाशिनी ||
Lyrics in English :- 
“ Dev Danav Siddhaugh Pujita Parmeshwari || 
Puranu Rupa Parma, Partantra Vinashini || Om ”
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taureantarot · 13 days
Pick A Card
What negative force have you overcome?
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(Piles 1-3, bottom to top) Using “Roast Iconic”, “Moonology” and “Golden Mantra” decks.
1) Cherry Wine by Hozier
“Get Fucked, Influencer, Feral, Legend”
Bottom of the deck says “Red Flag”
Oh, you’ve been a problem. Like Natalia Kills, “That girl is a problem, problem, problem”. You’ve snapped on people who have siphoned your patience and hope for their own cruelty; I sense really intense bullying and hatred here; you got some jealous bitches on your back and you’ve set that B.S. good two-shoes record straight. They say only god can judge us, and god is PROUD. Your behavior was entirely unacceptable and uncalled for but it was exactly what was coming for ‘em. That’s all I know. You did good. You will influence people around you to do the same, you’ve made changes in your circle without even knowing, and you ARE looking up to, but won’t be just as easily accepted. It’s the price of being a boss bitch. Whine to your therapist about it while rejoicing over freedom from energy vamps.
Don’t Let Your Past Hold You Back — I know you’re in some very big shoes in a very big way. You got to push forward. You got to take up space. You’ve made yourself known, don’t let your past cycles with these bullies (I get that very strongly) suppress your spirit. You hold the reins and you have more support than you know. I love you. You have love waiting for you to grasp on your end, too. Cherry Wine is important. But great fucking job. Be a bitch.
2) this is me trying by Taylor Swift
“Feral, Unicorn, Love + Gaslight, Privilege, Narcissist, Legend”
I see someone who isn’t at rock bottom, sorry. But you are no less worthy of empathy. I see you are working against years of abuse. Narcissistic feeding on your heart, your dreams. You haven’t been a good person, frankly. But you were not drinking from a good well of wisdom. Perhaps you have generational wealth or are a WASP as they say, no judgement here, but you ARE a legend for fighting back against that programming. Spirit is proud. I see this could be a very toxic relationship or set of relationships, cutting people off (space between by Sia), you’ve made a rift in a home base. But you are special. You ARE worth it. Be YOU. Not what is wanted of you.
You And Your Loved Ones Are Safe / Conclusions Are Within Reach — It’s painful now but this is necessary evil of gaining respect. You will thank yourself in good time. Just heal for now. I think it was an ugly conflict. It isn’t over, your family loves you. Whoever that is. But this was necessary.
3) Believer by Imagine Dragons
“Red Flag, Bitch, Snack, Vampire in reverse, Get Fucked, Stay In Your Lane, Fashion Witch”
I see someone proved “magic” is real. You had enemies. Real, genuine, bad juju sent your way. Possible abusive relationship here. Second song is “River” by Bishop Briggs, so this is definitely a relationship. You SURVIVED, bitch. You killed that fucker. I can feel it in my gut burning. Your rage, your hunger, your survival. You look good, you are what you said you were. I think someone wanted a piece and got burned playing with the wrong one. It wasn’t very respectable, you weren’t kind, but they were evil. You fucked around and found out about a crazy mofo on the other side of the coin. STOP PLAYING WITH YOUR LIFE. You aren’t the witch you need to be to play with evil. You’re lucky you’re protected. And don’t start with me. ;)
Hold Your Vision /Believe In The Impossible — Your energy will gain more ground. You will find love. You will be happy. Don’t be ashamed to grieve, but what you truly deserve is on its way. God says so. For now, don’t hurt yourself anymore. That’s your only job. Forget that cute witchcraft and learn some shit. You’re a badass. Don’t make it go to waste.
Last song “We Found Love” by Rihanna.
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Bonus message for my new followers.
“Crush on You (feat. Lil’ Cease) — Remix” by Lil Kim
Celebrate and welcome the suitors that are coming correct. Just have fun. And follow, go to my ko-fi ;), dm requests. We both know you liked what you saw. Happy to serve. I’m the real deal. Stick around, and have some fun after your win. Don’t be ashamed to care for yourself. Love freely.
“Smuckers (feat. Lil Wayne and Kanye West)” — by Tyler the Creator
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jjwho · 10 months
What you Need to Heal Right Now
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Collaboration with : @amionatea
Pile 1
Cards pulled out: four of wands reversed, three of cups, the empress, page of swords
So Pile 1
What I see is that in the past you mgihtve never felt included or welcomed. People mightve canceled on you a lot of you could have a lot of family members who don't like you or cut you off. What you need to feel is your insecurity and instability and your self doubts. These issues have most likely caused you to be inable to go to requires or party's or to just have fun with people or just to feel comfortable with yourself being in an area with people without being so subconscious about yourself. You need to Heal by getting more buturingveuth yourself and to be more in tune with you feminine energy. You need to find balance in yourself and have patience with yourself. You should communicate more and be assertive and direct. Don't overthink anything.
Why should you heal this issue?
Nine of cups and King of cups
You'll finally have your dreams come true and finally feel fulfilled with yourself and feel accomplished, you might even meet more emotionally mature people who are patient and tolerant which can help you a lot.
@amionatea s turnnn
Pile 2
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For pile 2-
You are in need to heal your connections, both personal relationships as the connection to yourself.
You seem to be stuck isolating yourself, turning a blind I to well meaning connections meant to blossom.
The hurt you've endured in the past keeps you from opening up towards like minded individuals, offering you a harmonious relationship or simply showing interest in you as a person.
Your inner dialogue keeps repeating the same mantras of vigilance and distrust while your need for vulnerability and unity is at a constant high leaving you fighting an inner conflict.
This has exhausted you both mentally and emotionally.
As of now you are asked to face your fears of betrayal and slowly work towards connecting with your surroundings.
You have already made progress in the right direction,you just need to push yourself a little.
Step away from your inner turmoil and allow people to get to know you for you,not for what you perceive them to want from you.
Yes, you have encountered negative people in the past and your need to keep yourself safe from future disappointments and hurt is understandable but not only are you stunting your own personal growth,you are denying yourself of the love you yearn for.
You are meant to experience safe and loving connections and they are there for you to explore if you are brave enough to cross that bridge.
Pile 3
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Pile 3-
Are living in a lack mindset?
The first two cards in your pile paint a picture of some on constantly over burdening themself in hopes of gaining more.
You seem to be working towards emotional fullfillment, longing to have it all in the near future ,thereby forgetting to enjoy your blessings and achievements in the now.
You like to be prepared for the unknown,as much as possible and not wanting to experience certain live situations again has lead you to become a hard and disciplined worker but you can't seem to see yourself as such.
You are stuck viewing yourself as someone aimlessly drifting when you have clearly worked past this aspect of you.
You are in need to work on both yourself Image and your perception on "being of value".
You do not need to be on top of everything for people to love and admire you.
It's okay to not be prepared for everything and relay on your loved ones, especially in regards to emotional situations.
Back to me😌
Pile 4
Cards pulled out: The star, ace of pentacles reversed, nine of wands reversed, seven of cups reversed
Pile 4.
You need to Heal your creative and positive energy. You need to let your healing energy do its job and heal and not stop it from healing.
You need to start healing these issues so you won't make bad financial decisions, you need to recognise how badly you're spending money and being stingy at the same time. You need to stop being so stubborn and not accepting the help that is offered otherwise you'll be left with nothing and shit options left because you don't accept the help and you don't let yourself think positively and don't you let yourself get hope that you need. You need to work on your issues where you avoid your problems and being too focused on superficial shit.
Why you need to Heal these issues?
Eight of cups and knight of pentacles
So you can finally leave these issues and be given and get stability, security and good financial opportunities.
STOP BEING NEGATIVE OH MY DAYS. You're in a bad situation because you're stubborn and don't let yourself have hope and be positive. Let yourself heal and be positive and hopeful. My days..
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sunlon-brightspring · 3 months
The blunt smacks of bandaged fists hitting padded dummies echoed in the courtyard of the soon-to-be-built Thalassian Monastery.
"You are intense today, Sun." His mentor stated.
How could he not be? He had fallen for a noble who swept him off his feet, only to have his heart broken. His previous teachings provided no mantra for heartbreak of this nature. His only recourse was to channel that energy into something productive.
He paused, staring ahead at the dents he'd left in the padding of the dummy. "My thoughts are clouded lately, Master. I know the Sha are no threat here, but I still feel the urge to tame my emotions in some manner and want to channel that into my training."
The other elf hummed in thought. Sun sighed, and began to center himself, focusing on his breath. Meanwhile, basking in the sun atop an awning, Petrichor, Sun's cloud serpent pet, cooed in concern. Every sound of frustration that came from Sun elicited a worried noise in the serpent. It wasn't often that its master was in a mood such as this.
Whether Sun wanted it to be true or not, he could not fight off the negative emotions. He knew this. He needed to do more to process them.
"Sun'lon. Come sit." Without breaking his stride, the Elf Master pulled out a chair from an outdoor table and then headed inside. Sun took the seat, looking down at his hands and the fraying bandages that were there for protection. Petrichor flitted from its roost and draped across the monk's neck with a curious murp.
He was left in silence for the moment, slowing unwrapping his sore knuckles as those golden eyes began to mist over.
He wanted so badly to be as wise and stoic as his many teachers. There was more to monkhood than strength and agility and combat prowess. It was an entire lifestyle, all interconnected, and this too was a trial he'd need to learn to navigate.
But damn it sucked.
He hadn't even noticed the tears falling until he saw them hit the bandages. He let them flow, hitting the finger where a ring had once been. Grief had many forms, some easier to cope with than others. But one from betrayal and deceit? This one was much more difficult.
Eventually, his Master returned, setting down a tray of tea and food. "I think that's enough today. Why don't we enjoy the weather for a bit?"
Sun didn't look up for a minute. Testing to see if chi had the ability to reverse the flow of tears so his mentor did not see them. He took a big breath, but no amount of chi work could change the fact that his eyes were puffy and swollen.
"You won't find any judgement here. If you need to cry, then do not stop yourself. You'll feel better for it. But I haven't seen you eat all day, so do try to do so. Your punches lacked the oomph they usually have." He teased. Sun chuckled weakly and pulled the tray closer, splitting off a sandwich so he could hold a bite out for Petrichor. The serpent took the bite, its body wiggling in delight at the treat.
"Is this your first heartbreak?"
"Of this nature? Yes, Master." Sun replied as he slowly ate.
"I apologize that I have no true, concrete teaching on how to heal yourself, my student. I can only tell you that you are much stronger than you think, and you have plenty of those who care for you to hold you up. When you had first arrived at our doorstep, you had this light in your eye that did not come from the cleansing of the Sunwell. It's something much deeper and personal to you. Even now it's there, behind those tears and darkened thoughts. You are no less a monk for this, either. We are not immune to any of life's trials. They are just presented to help us strengthen ourselves so that we may then help others find their way."
The more words that poured from his master's lips, the more Sun felt himself getting choked up.
"Do not let this dim you. You have more worth than a betrayal. Beating at that dummy may help give you an outlet, but do not forget to afford yourself the kindness we are meant to give others." The man stands, walking past to squeeze Sun's shoulder.
"We and many others are here for you." Petrichor seemed to echo this sentiment, rubbing its face against Sun's.
"Thank you, Master. I will take this to heart."
The man smiled, "Good. I am going to order some pastries from a local bakery, then invite others to indulge. Some company should help, if you want it."
And with that, the man disappeared further into the monastery. Sun took another breath, feeling his chest loosen a bit.
"I got this." He smiled, scratching under Petrichor's chin.
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ninjasmart · 3 months
"Do you have any concrete question?"
I think the main one would be, what is their dynamic now and their feelings about having a baby together? Will a baby save the relationship, or ruin it?
Also, since the beginning of this public relationship, readers have been saying they don't see major love between them, and an ending is happening, yet here we are. I wonder what is keeping them going still? Especially on his part. What are their reasons?
I remember you said once in an old reading about his FS, if he meets someone who seems to have a good career or looks like they have strong authority, it's not the one. I wonder if this applied to his current relationship. You also describe his next relationship to be unorthodox, and next thing they're seen together 😂
Things have developed lately for sure, overall, I'm wondering why were readers picking up on the breaking up energy all the time, and still nothing happened. not like I believe tarot is set in stone, but It's interesting that almost 90% of readers get the same energy from them.
Re-writing this message too. This self-reffesh function is testing my patience.
So. The tarot readers are not wrong in picking up dead energy between them. But it's not that simple. At his age it is so much better for his career to have a relationship - even if it doesn't go anywhere - than to be branded bachelor. The stigma is that if you are handsome and rich and talented - there must be something wrong with you if you can't find a partner.
That's why so many people in Holywood choose to go through contract relationships and marriages. Plus after a certain age men continue to find roles if they are in the respectable position of a family man.
Anyway - he remembers the pain of what it was before, when he was single and he doesn't want to go back to that. This is what prolongs this relationship till it's necessary. Now - here's some hot tea from the cards.
He is not looking for a way out but he is still looking for a partner that he likes. He does it in a very sneaky way (The Moon and the King of Pentacles reversed). It's possible that he is in the dating apps with fake profile picture, presenting himself as a very ordinary nerd. There maycbe even glasses involved in his profile pictures.
The advice for him is to stop being meticulous with plans and to start trusting spontaneity. Especially now because he's guided by the tiny forest magical beings callec leprecauns to get lost in order to find himself.
He will also need to start practicing the "Let them" mantra and stop involving himself into situation that take away from his energy. This is the only way to meet his queen of Swords reversed. The timing of when is 10 of cups - I'd say - this summer, on a lawn where many families go to have fun.
Let me tell you about this queen. She is practicing this mantra already. She is healing a broken heart and the hurt from being gang stalked and backstabbed.
Meeting her is - hiw can I say it. Karmic justice. It comes as a reward when you've been through the rings of hell and you still did not denounce God even in your hardest time. So - this meeting will happen. The question is - what will he do about it. He can't show off with his fame. He can't spiral into negativity. He can and should remind himself that he is deserving to receive. That all of who he is is not a magnet for the wring crowd or a baggage for the right one. All of him is enough.
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kalsarpujjain · 1 year
Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Puja
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The "Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Puja" is a special religious ceremony performed in Vedic astrology to mitigate the effects of Kaal Sarp Dosh. This puja is conducted by qualified priests or astrologers and is believed to help neutralise the negative influences caused by the positioning of Rahu and Ketu in a birth chart. The primary aim of this puja is to seek blessings, appease the planetary energies, and bring harmony and balance into the individual's life. During the puja, specific rituals, prayers, mantras, and offerings are performed according to the guidelines mentioned in ancient scriptures. The puja's effectiveness is a matter of faith, and individuals who believe in its power undertake it as a way to address the challenges associated with Kaal Sarp Dosh.
What happens to a person with Kaal Sarp Dosh?
The Kaal Sarp Yog is a scary phenomenon that can cause utter misery in one’s life. A person under the affliction of this yoga leads a life of pain and misfortune. This yoga has the capacity to cancel out all the good Yoga’s of the chart. A person having the Kaal Sarp Yog in his/her Kundali often dreams about snakes. They visualise themselves getting bitten by such reptiles and get the feeling of someone trying to strangulate them. They also repeatedly see their deceased relatives or their corpses in their dreams. A possible solution to get rid of this problem is conducting a Kalsarp Dosh Nivaran Puja.
Who Should Perform This Puja?
Individuals who possess this Dosh or Yog in their natal charts should revere this Pooja.
The one who is terrified of high-altitude places and has a fear of the dark should perform this Pooja.
An individual suffering from Partial Kaal Sarp Yog or Dosh should observe this Pooja.
If a young child suffers from Kaal Sarp Dosha or Yog, then the Pooja can be performed by his parents.
Benefits of Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Puja
The main objective of performing this Puja is to reduce and reverse the ill or negative effects of the Kaal Sarp Yog into positive ones.
The puja also provides personal and professional stability.
It removes possible hurdles and obstacles in the path of one’s success.
It also promotes harmony and peace of mind.
It solves problems related to delay in marriage.
It eliminates hurdles in one’s education field that may be caused due to Kaal Sarp Dosha.
It resolves all issues related to finances and properties.
Aacharya Sagar Ji is an International Celebrity Astrologer. For all kinds of Dosh Nivaran Poojas contact Aacharya Sagar Ji. Aacharya Sagar Ji has been successfully conducting Dosh Nivaran Poojas for a long time. He prosperously brings joy, spirituality and harmony to their client's lives. For the last 17 years, he has been organizing Pujas. He also has a Big team of Specialized Pundits for different Poojas. Best astrologer on astrotalk.
We have a team of Pandits in Ujjain for both Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja Ujjain and Mangal Dosh Puja Ujjain.
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psychickalideva · 1 year
Bad Luck Removal Astrologer in New York
In the city that never sleeps, where dreams are made and fortunes are won, there are times when individuals find themselves trapped in a cycle of unfortunate events and negative energies. In such moments, a guiding light emerges to dispel the darkness and restore hope. Psychic Kalideva, renowned as a bad luck removal astrologer in New York, has dedicated her life to helping individuals break free from the clutches of misfortune. In this article, we explore the extraordinary abilities of Psychic Kalideva and how she has become a beacon of hope for those seeking to reverse their streak of bad luck in the vibrant city of New York.
Understanding the Impact of Bad Luck:
Bad luck can cast a shadow over every aspect of life, affecting relationships, career prospects, financial stability, and overall well-being. It is a force that seems to attract further negativity, creating a cycle that is challenging to break. Psychic Kalideva understands the deep impact that bad luck can have on an individual's life, and she offers her unique expertise to help individuals overcome these challenges and invite positive energy back into their lives.
Psychic Kalideva's Approach:
Psychic Kalideva employs a multifaceted approach to remove bad luck from her clients' lives. She combines her innate psychic abilities, astrological insights, and spiritual practices to identify the root causes of the negative energies and create a personalized plan for transformation. By thoroughly analyzing the planetary influences, karmic imprints, and energy patterns, Psychic Kalideva offers her clients tailored solutions to break free from the cycle of misfortune and invite positive change.
Astrological Remedies:
Astrology forms an integral part of Psychic Kalideva's bad luck removal process. By studying the positions of celestial bodies and their impact on an individual's birth chart, she gains valuable insights into the karmic imbalances and cosmic influences that may be contributing to the streak of bad luck. Based on these findings, Psychic Kalideva recommends specific astrological remedies, such as gemstone recommendations, mantra recitations, and planetary rituals, to harmonize the energies and restore balance in her clients' lives.
Psychic Insights and Intuitive Guidance:
As a gifted psychic, Psychic Kalideva taps into her intuitive abilities to provide deep insights and guidance. She connects with her clients on a profound level, offering clarity and validation to their experiences. Through her empathetic nature and compassionate approach, she creates a safe space for individuals to express their concerns and fears, ensuring they feel heard and understood. This personal connection allows Psychic Kalideva to offer practical advice and guidance tailored to each individual's unique circumstances.
Spiritual Practices for Positive Transformation:
In addition to astrology and psychic insights, Psychic Kalideva guides her clients towards spiritual practices that foster positive transformation. She encourages individuals to embrace meditation, mindfulness, and self-care techniques to purify their energy and cultivate a more positive mindset. By incorporating these practices into their daily lives, clients can align themselves with higher vibrations, attract positive opportunities, and break free from the grip of bad luck.
Empowering Individuals:
Psychic Kalideva's ultimate goal is to empower individuals to take control of their lives and shift their destiny. By providing them with the tools and knowledge to counteract negative energies, she enables her clients to regain confidence and navigate their lives with renewed optimism. Psychic Kalideva's guidance and support instill a sense of hope and resilience, allowing individuals to face challenges head-on and create a brighter future for themselves.
In the fast-paced and unpredictable city of New York, Psychic Kalideva stands as a beacon of hope for those seeking to overcome a streak of bad luck. With her unique blend of psychic abilities, astrological insights, and spiritual practices, she offers personalized solutions to remove negative energies and restore balance in the lives of her clients. Through her compassionate approach and empowering guidance, Psychic Kalideva provides individuals with the tools and knowledge to break free from the chains of misfortune and embrace a future filled with positivity and abundance.
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reachlovenheal · 1 year
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Mind and Body Healing In Pune
Mind and Body Healing 
Mind and body healing is a holistic approach to health and wellness that recognizes the interconnectedness of the mind and body. It involves practices that promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being, and can help you achieve optimal health and vitality. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of mind and body healing and provide tips on how to incorporate it into your daily routine.
What is Mind and Body Healing?
Mind and body healing is a holistic approach to health and wellness that focuses on the connection between the mind and body. It recognizes that physical health is closely tied to emotional and mental well-being, and that a healthy mind can promote a healthy body. Mind and body healing encompasses a variety of practices, including yoga, meditation, mindfulness, acupuncture, massage therapy, and more.
Benefits of Mind and Body Healing
Reduces Stress and Anxiety
Stress and anxiety can have a significant impact on our physical and mental health. Mind and body healing practices, such as yoga and meditation, can help to reduce stress and anxiety by promoting relaxation and a sense of calm. It can also help to reduce the negative effects of stress on the body, such as high blood pressure and insomnia.
Improves Physical Health
Mind and body healing practices can also help to improve physical health by reducing inflammation, improving immune function, and promoting better sleep. Yoga, for example, can help to improve flexibility, balance, and strength, while acupuncture can help to alleviate pain and improve circulation.
Enhances Mental Health
Mind and body healing can be beneficial for those who struggle with mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety. Mindfulness practices, such as meditation, can help to promote a sense of inner peace and can improve overall emotional well-being.
Boosts Overall Well-being
By promoting physical and mental health, mind and body healing can help to boost overall well-being. It can improve mood, increase energy levels, and promote a sense of vitality and zest for life.
How to Practice Mind and Body Healing
There are many ways to incorporate mind and body healing practices into your daily routine. Here are a few methods to consider:
Yoga is a popular mind and body healing practice that involves physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation. It can help to improve flexibility, balance, and strength, while also promoting relaxation and stress reduction.
Meditation is a powerful tool for mind and body healing. It involves focusing the mind on a specific object, sound, or mantra to promote relaxation and inner peace. Meditation can help to reduce stress and anxiety, promote mental clarity, and enhance overall well-being.
Massage Therapy
Massage therapy is a form of body healing that can help to alleviate tension, reduce pain, and improve circulation. It can also promote relaxation and stress reduction.
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine practice that involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body. It can help to alleviate pain, improve circulation, and promote overall well-being.
Mind and body healing is a powerful tool for achieving overall health and wellness. It can help to reduce stress and anxiety, improve physical and mental health, and boost overall well-being. By incorporating mind and body healing practices into your daily routine, you can achieve optimal health and vitality.
ReachLovenHeal Pvt Ltd ( Reiki Healing, Reiki Courses, Black Magic Reversal ), Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Lovenheal Reiki healing Center in Pune is one of the best places for Reiki healing in India. The center offers Reiki training, healing sessions, and workshops. It has a team of experienced Reiki masters who have helped many people heal from various ailments. The center also offers distance healing for people who cannot visit in person.
Lovenheal Reiki healing Center in Pune is experienced Reiki practitioners who provide healing sessions to clients. Lovenheal also offers Reiki training for those who want to learn this technique.
The team of Reiki masters at the center is dedicated to helping clients achieve physical, emotional, and spiritual balance.
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celi1208 · 2 years
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rosesloveletters · 3 years
The Archer.
pairing: Heath Ledger Joker x Reader
word count: 1,716
warnings: language, general anxiety, negative self depiction.
summary: Reader reflects upon their flaws and what J sees in them. Alternatively, reader is the polar opposite of J and struggles with accepting this.
notes: inspired by the taylor swift song 'the archer'. i think i wrote something similar to this in the past, but it's something i've been struggling with lately and i wanted to write it all down as some sort of self therapy. this fic only conveys a fraction of what i wanted it to, but i haven't written for J in a hot minute, so i did the best with what i had in me.
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Reclamation of spirit preceded J’s cognitive dissonance, yet the principle eluded him; far too many of the emotions you experienced passed right over J’s head, not by want or the desire to remain indifferent, but because he processed them much differently than you. J saw not what others appeared to be, but who they were, right down to the fundamental values each one of them clung to, for one reason or another. His painted visage masked himself so that his talent for uncovering the truth could not be reversed, never one to play fairly was he, but he never claimed difficulty seeing through those around him. From one fleeting glance, he perhaps knew you better than you had ever known yourself and it did not make sense to you, that if he could truthfully see you, what his fascination might be.
You did not fit properly within the mold of societal constraints your community of peers attempted to place the weight of upon your shoulders, that much was true, yet you protested not once to any of whom might hear. If the roles were reversed, you could not envision J making such a fuss, if your only grievance was how isolated you had let yourself become.
He thrived on his own, took root and established himself upon the fringes of society like tangled vines of ivy which clung vigorously to any solid structure it could climb upon. J sapped the energy out of all he encountered, drained them of their innocence and marveled at how quickly he could break them. He took what he needed, that which allowed him to grow, to survive, and left behind nothing but devastation. J was a parasite that leeched onto any unsuspecting host and bled them dry; you were no exception.
Or so you had thought.
You were different than him, some would say the two of you were polar opposites; the amount of critical thinking it would take on your part to reason with the intelligent part of your brain that warned you against people like J would be enough to blow a circuit. You were so far removed from his lifestyle that you came to no definitive conclusions as to what he saw in you. What kept him coming back for more? You were not afraid of the dark man whom you had taken for a lover, but some intrinsic need to keep quiet and not give a voice to your impeding thoughts or maybe it was self-preservation, kept you from asking him for an explanation each time the thought crossed your mind.
It was only your anxiety come to life, you repeated to yourself like a mantra. That was what anxiety felt like to you: waiting for that relief to come, the ascent to the top of that hill only to come plummeting back down to earth on the roller coaster ride of your life, except that drop never came. That feeling never faded; once you reached that pinnacle, the finish line extended and you had that much further to go. That feeling alone was enough to make anyone crazy… or at least turn them cruel, dark-hearted like the troubled antagonists that haunted your television screen who could somehow never win despite their best efforts to prove that the world they had been born into could never accept them because they were just too ahead of the curve.
‘Perhaps we all have our crosses to bear…’
“What’s eating ya, sweet cheeks?” His gaze bore through you like acid and the words themselves were like an arrow straight through your heart; like a skilled archer upon horseback J had once thing in common: you were the prey he was after.
Can you see right through me?
The words stuck in your throat as you tried to speak them, “I…what am I to you?”
There were speeches scrawled hastily on crumpled bits of paper ripped from the pages in your mind that you knew you could never tell him. You could not explain it in a way he would understand and you had no desire to try. You searched for his dark side and like the phases of the moon, he was ever-changing, but that celestial body unveiled herself for the whole world to see, if only after she was born anew. J himself was like the new moon: black as tar and invisible to the naked eye, yet he is there.
J understood what it meant to be different, but did he know how to love in spite of those differences?
Did he know how to love…?
Even if you knew how to love, you knew not how to hold onto someone like him. J was like the wild winds that whipped across your face amidst the rising storm carried on the dark, distant clouds. He alone could change your course of direction should he choose. He was the greatest force of nature for you to reckon with and it was a wonder that you did, but that was what it meant to be true to yourself. You would cut off your own nose to spite your face; you could hear him laughing like mad.
“What do ya wanna be to me?” his inflections sounded like gravel under tired and felt like sandpaper rubbing skin raw until it bled.
“I don’t know,” you answered truthfully, “despite my better judgement, I care about you, J, and I’m a little offput that you seem to feel the same way about me.”
The man said nothing as the words sunk in, washing over him like dark waves carried on the current, but it was you who had been dragged under and he was merely a bystander idly watching as you coughed up salt water. He did not know what it meant but the implication was clear: you placed no value on yourself. You handled yourself without care because no one else had shown you what it was supposed to feel like. You might have been the easiest to understand, but you were the hardest to read. Your words were clear to him, but he still had to squint to read between the lines as though they were concealed in lingering layers of smoke and ash.
You felt like a fruit rind left out in the sun to rot and decompose, to return from when you had come, but even though you accepted your fate it still felt unceremoniously desolate. You were not lonely; you only wished you were afforded the attention you had seen others receive. You wanted to know what it felt like to be on the receiving end of that innate human connection that you had sought after for years and years. Your trust in the wicked led you down this path and you were desperate to climb out of the viper pit without being bitten.
“What makes ya think that?” J blinked slowly at you, like a cat lounging in the glare of the late afternoon sun. He knew better than to put words in your mouth and he certainly was not offering you a way out either. Pieces of the puzzle were beginning to fit together and he wondered if you were starting to see that not everything was so black and white. You wanted to matter to someone; you no longer wanted to think that if you were to cease to exist that no one would miss you.
But even more, you wanted to know why J would ever give a fuck how you felt, anyway.
“You keep coming back, right?” you asked rhetorically, “I guess you wouldn’t do that if you weren’t getting something you needed out of it.”
The tension in the air could cut like a knife and something within J’s stoic exterior snapped and one corner of his crimson lips twitched, the jagged scar tissue across one cheek pulling taut; he almost looked incredulous, “you think…I keep comin’ around just because you have somethin’ I need?”
You peered at him from across the room. Something had stirred within him, phantom emotion rising from the grave, “I don’t know, J. It doesn’t make sense to me any other way. Why would you have any interest in someone who has nothing in common with you?”
“No, sweets,” he snapped the nickname at you like a cobra striking venom into its prey, “I don’t take advantage of what is already mine.”
If J could tell you what it was that kept him around you, he wouldn’t, and that was all right because even when you worried, he was there to calm your nerves. Your best friends had long become your greatest enemies and sometimes you feared that J would become one too. After all, who could you say had come into your life and not left out of the betterment of both of you? You could not remember the last time you had not clung so desperately to the ones you held dear out of terror that they would leave just as all those before had done. The most heart wrenching part of who you were was what you had grown to accept: you were on your own. There was no one coming to save you from yourself. The perception of you was not a reflection of the truth but still it tormented you, like a vengeful spirit.
You carried on, you concealed and most of all you did not speak of it; if no one else ever noticed then you had done the job well.
Make no mistake, you loved who you were, how could no one else?
You reached for him and J took you into his arms like all of those times before you had forgotten what it felt like to call him your home. Your face fit perfectly against his neck where the paint didn’t touch, right where you could taste the sweat on his skin and where he reeked of the man underneath, the one he kept hidden from anyone but you. His long, thick fingers dug into your hair at the back of your head and his right arm around your waist pressed you closer to him.
Heart to heart, being to being…who could stay with you like this, forever?
Who could stay?
You could stay.
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Protection from Dark Energies | Evil Eye Mantra | Black Magic | Evil Eye Removal Mantra
Protection from Dark Energies | Evil Eye Mantra | Black Magic | Evil Eye Removal Mantra
Lyrics in Sanskrit :- "देव दानव सिद्धौग पूजिता परमेश्वरि || पुराणु रूपा परमा परतंत्र विनाशिनी ||"
Lyrics in English :- "Dev Danav Siddhaugh Pujita Parmeshwari || Puranu Rupa Parma, Partantra Vinashini || Om"
Translation :- "Salutations to the Goddess who is worshiped by gods, demons, and sages || She is the ancient form, the supreme, and the destroyer of all obstacles || Om"
This mantra is dedicated to the Goddess or Devi, who is revered as the supreme feminine power in Hinduism. It acknowledges her as the one who is worshiped and respected by various celestial beings, as well as by humans seeking her blessings. The mantra describes the Goddess as the embodiment of the ancient form, the ultimate reality, and the one who removes all hurdles and challenges from the path of her devotees. The chanting of "Om" at the end is a sacred syllable representing the essence of the universe.
Please note that Sanskrit mantras are often considered sacred and hold different interpretations within different religious and spiritual contexts.
Please note that proper pronunciation and intonation are important when chanting mantras. It is advisable to learn from a knowledgeable person or a spiritual teacher to ensure accuracy.
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vindelllas · 4 years
the beauty of jyeshta 🐇🏹:
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🐇 alexa demie: jyeshta surya
*TW// i do discuss a few triggering topics i.e. abuse and drugs. some of the jyeshta natives i exhibit and talk about are known for terrible behavior and scandals. i do not condone their offensive and ignorant behavior. they are simply being shown to solidify my opinions on the nature of this nakshatra*
as you read this post, please listen to this jyeshta playlist i made for the full experience: https://open.spotify.com/user/a95141rv0vjdg8lqcggilvcxm/playlist/3gzS9sXWs71yb2i9EiBhSY?si=xtP4mnRnR7ahXfN09KwiRw
🏹 they key to unearthing the energies of jyeshta lie in studying it’s associative deities. before we dive down the rabbit hole of the jyeshta nakshatra, let us understand the representative mahavidya of buddha. it is traditionally believed that the tantric goddess tripura sundari is associated with buddha. tripura sundari is also known as the goddess shodashi. the goddess shodashi is said to be the most beautiful in all three worlds. the goddess shodashi is also known as lalita and rajarajeshwari. lalita means “the one who plays” and rajarajeshwari means “queen of queens”. the tantric goddess tripura sundari is a form of mahalakshmi and, therefore, symbolizes wealth and abundance. according to tripura sundari’s dhyana mantra, her complexion radiates with the light of the rising sun. she emanates a rosy color which is representative of her joy, compassion, and illumination.
🌌 tripura sundari is depicted with four arms and holds five arrows of flowers (remember this number for later), a noose, a goad and sugarcane for the use of a bow. her holding a noose represents attachment, the goad represents repulsion, the sugarcane bow represents the mind, and the arrows are the five sense objects. in the sakta tantra, she is depicted as the supreme mother who uses the gods as her instruments of passion. with the aid of the instruments of passion, she presides over the creation, sustainability, and destruction of the universe—the three phases of life. she overlooks the layers of our shadow states, self-concealment and self-revelation, that lie in-between these three phases of life (bhoo, bhuva, and swa). self-concealment is the predisposition to actively conceal from others personal information that one perceives as distressing or negative. self-revelation revelation of one's own thoughts, feelings, and attitudes especially without deliberate intent.
🔥tripura sundari represents the state of awareness that is called “sadasivatattva”. this state of sadasivatattva is said to be based on the belief that “i am this” (aham idam). that, as we evolve through our cosmic destinies, we have an outward flow of consciousness, or pravritti. spiritual practice reverses our state of physical consciousness and cause us to revert to our true being. the action of coming back to our origin and finding attainment within, is a theme of jyeshta’s scorpio rashi itself, the sign of realization. it is the divine understanding that our experiences in this universe lie within the unity of consciousness itself.
🌳many believe that tripura sundari is the beauty that precedes the three worlds. that she is divinity in its infinite meanings, embodying the different aspects of the phenomenal world. tripura sundari is the beauty that we see in the world around us. she is the beauty we find in everywhere we look. modeling the captivating beauty of tripura sundari, jyeshtas naturally are externally perceived as beautiful beings who, solely with their appearances, draw the collective desires of hearts deep within. this is the essence of jyeshta’s features. they enshroud you with an abundance of beauty and over-stimulate your senses to near exhaustion. because jyeshta is symbolized by the jewel or earrings, they adorn their features with jewels and sparkling products to appear otherworldly. most notably, jyeshta natives seem to pay great attention to the forehead, neck, skin, and tongue (as buddha is said to rule these facial features). jyeshtas love to particularly adorn themselves in gold chains (i.e. jyeshta native nicki minaj and her extensive gold chain collection). remember that scorpio is co-ruled by ketu, which is remedied by brihaspati (who is remedied by gold). so the adornment of gold will be very prevalent and calming to these natives.
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🐇 fka twigs: jyeshta chandra
👅another interesting characteristic of jyeshta is tongue piercings. because buddha rules the tongue and scorpio rules the blood, we see these natives naturally have quite a great deal of emphasis in their tongue area. they are inclined to/consider piercing their tongues. some examples of this are, willow smith (jyeshta shukra atmakaraka) who infamously got a tongue piercing at eleven-years-old. christina aguilera (jyeshta buddha atmakaraka) had a tongue piercing during her most notably “promiscuous” time frame in her career (aka her “dirrty” years). in the movie “thirteen”, evan rachel wood (jyeshta shani 1H) plays a young girl who gets her tongue pierced as a sign of rebellion. one thing you will notice about these jyeshta natives is that they are always under scrutiny for the changes they make to their body. however, the vimshottari buddha-ruled nakshatras embrace rebellion in the gandanta knot of deadly restriction. after all, mercury was named “the trickster” himself. this correlates back to the trickster archetype of poking out your tongue to make fun of another person. jyeshta natives most frequently pierce their tongues as a clap back to societal standards or parental authority. in this sense, they are quite literally sticking out their tongue for the purpose of mockery. these natives also prefer sticking out their tongues in photography. examine the common photos of jyeshta natives like princess nokia, nicki minaj, and rosalía (jyeshta lagna). you will notice they prefer to playfully stick out their tongue when around others. in the bible, it states “death and life are in the power of the tongue” (proverbs 18:21). meaning the tongue can either be used as a weapon to harm and destroy others or as a tool to build and heal. this is the common unraveling of jyeshta...
♏️ jyeshta lies in the final portion of scorpio. scorpio’s ruling planet is kuja, the mahavidya associated with kuja is bagalamukhi. bagalamukhi is commonly referred to as “the goddess who seizes the tongue”. once, a demon named madan undertook austerities and won the boon of vak siddhi. anything the demon said came to be true. the demon abused this power and killed many people. the gods were enraged by the demon’s wrongdoings, so they began to worship bagalamukhi to invoke her help. baglamukhi stopped the demon by taking hold of his tongue, which was the source of all mischief, and silenced his words. however, she did not kill the demon, because he asked to be worshipped with her and she agreed. this is why the demon is depicted with her. she is repeatedly portrayed with holding the demon’s tongue with a club in her other hand. by stopping the demon's tamasic tongue, she exercised her power over speech and her power to freeze, stun, or paralyze others.
🔪 bagalamukhi is also associated with magical powers, which can sometimes be referred to as siddhis, "accomplishments" or "perfections." among her epithets in her hymn of a thousand names are she who gives the eight siddhis. the invocation written around the edge of an amulet containing her yantra in the tantrasara states: "o bagalamukhi, please arrest the speech of wicked people, paralyze their faces, fix their tongues and destroy their intellect."
⚫️while jyeshtas are fond of displaying and emphasizing their tongues from a physical standpoint, this emphasis does not stop here. as you may have noticed, most of the jyeshtas featured in this thread have gotten into some serious scandals and allegations. for example, jyeshta natives like nicki minaj who married a s*xual abuser/predator, tyra banks (jyeshta surya) and her many blackface scandals, sabrina claudio who has said many offensive racial slurs, brigitte bardot who was known to be heavily racist and abusive to her child, naomi campbell who has been linked to epstein, etc.. their interviews and words are often misconstrued and taken to the extreme, as the public takes every word of their’s as the truth, much like madan (who had the power to speak things into existence). because every word these natives say is treated as the truth, they become either hindered or freed by this power. jyeshta’s have the ability to thrive in the dark abyss of scorpio and yield their words to sway the minds of others.
💎we see the public grasping jyeshtas by the tongue, much like the tantric goddess baglamukhi, and holding on to every word they say. valuing the belief that the powers of life and death lie within the words we speak. once the dark abyss consumes a jyeshta native and they no longer rely on the glamour of the tongue, we truly see how flawed and sorrowful their lives can be (despite their abundant beauty).
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🐇 sabrina claudio: jyeshta chandra
💔 jyeshta means “the eldest" or "the elder". she is the goddess of inauspicious happenings and misfortune. as her sanskrit name suggests, she is regarded as the elder sister of lakshmi (the goddess of good fortune and beauty). unfortunately, jyeshta is frequently associated with sinning, laziness, poverty, sorrow, ugliness and the crow. because of her inauspiciousness and crow symbolism, she is sometimes associated with alakshmi. due to jyeshta representing the bad wife and lakshmi representing the good wife, jyeshta is often worshiped for women who wish to keep her away from their homes, as she is said to cause marital disturbances.
🌊 most astrologers agree that jyestha's birth took place during the churning of the cosmic ocean. she was said to be born when the poison, halala, flows from the ocean, while her sister, lakshmi, is born when the elixer of life emerges. symbolic of jyeshta being in the debilitation rashi of chandra, modeling the shadow state of the new moon. whereas, lakshmi is symbolic of the plump, elxir-like full moon that lies in the exaltation rashi of chandra: taurus.
🌀 based on the linga purana, vishnu divided the world into the good and the bad. he created lakshmi and jyestha, both born from the same origin of the cosmic ocean churning. lakshmi marries vishnu, but jyestha is married to the sage dussaha. dussaha soon discovers that his jyeshta (described as his “ugly wife”) cannot bear her senses being exposed to any auspicious things. he then complained to vishnu or the sage markendeya (depending on the version). vishnu (or markendeya) recommended he take jyestha only to inauspicious places. jyestha is told to stay away from religious people. it is at this point, jyeshta became described as the "one who is inauspicious". dussaha became tired of her anti-social nature and abandoned jyestha in a place where heretical rituals are performed. jyeshta then sought out vishnu for relief. vishnu decreed that jyestha would be sustained by offerings of women who wish to keep jyeshta’s presence from homes.
⚔️ like the goddess jyeshta, jyeshta natives spend life lost and surrounded by inauspicious people and environments. they stick out like the symbolic jewel they are, moving around from one place to another. while we see jyeshta natives being intrinsic and extremely self-focused and determined, much like the antisocial jyeshta goddess, they feel at home in their wanderlust lifestyle. as their nakshatra yoni is the hare, an animal who is always on the run and quick-footed. the hare is always prepared to run from dangerous environments, which they frequently find themselves entangled in. they can quickly become surrounded by harmful environments like drugs, unhealthy relationships, and demonic presences. for example, jim morrison (jyeshta surya) was infamous for his hard partying lifestyle, filled with fast money, sexual pursuits, and hard drugs, as the bunny always craves more stimulation. but jyeshtas know how to use their gifts, their charming words and beauty, to their total advantage. buddha is considered to be the quick, discriminating intellect. this is why buddha’s overruler is vishnu (“the maintainer”). vishnu maintained a source for jyeshta to channel and tried to solve her marital issues. buddha needs the sandpaper-like energy of vishnu to buff out and refine the rigid nature of buddha. with buddha’s intellectual mastery and scorpio being symbolic of the motivation and ability to work on ourselves and to help transform others, we see these natives eventually learning from the unfortunate circumstances of jyeshta and growing to surpass even the three worlds (like tripura sundari).
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🐇 sevdaliza: jyeshta chandra
⛓because jyeshta is described as the “bad wife” and scorpio is associated with the dusthana house of obstacles (eighth house), we frequently see jyeshta natives personify their issues with love and self-perception in their songs. in the chorus of “girl like me” by alexa demie (jyeshta surya), she sings: i think i need a present, man. i’m just out here doin' the best i can. you think a girl like me gon' be single for long. your wrong. you think a girl like me gon' be trippin' for long. dead wrong. you think a girl like me, goddess like me, gon' be trippin', you'll see with a girl like me.”. demie’s song describes a woman who was once mistreated in her past relationships and learned to embody the natural goddess she is and not settle for the inadequacies of her past lovers. she learned from her sorrowful and toxic past relationships (like the goddess jyeshta) and recognized her worth (the evolved state of the eighth house). this is similar to the character alexa played in “euphoria”. she played a teen in a broken and abusive relationship who continuously kept perpetuating the cycle of inauspiciousness and eventually learned to step back and realize the amount of harm she has experienced. in the song, “ego death” (starring skrillex, possibly jyeshta chandra) we hear fka twigs (jyeshta chandra) sing: i let my ego down and then I rise back up. i let my ego down and then I'll be stronger. i’m armed, to let a sucker step up and get bombed. by a beat created by my producer, i am losin' my mind 'cause your heart's so blind. when you left me outside, i’d be losin' my mind. i am losin' my mind 'cause your heart's so blind. when you left me outside, i'd be losin' my mind. it’s gonna cost you to be great. you will have to sacrifice something to be great.”. again, we see the jyeshta native falling into the cycle of mistreatment and harm and learning her worth. she eventually grasps the concept of sacrifice and realization. she thrusts herself into the purifying abyss of scorpio and hopes to never turn back. recently, fka twigs came forward and discussed the abuse she faced at the hands of her ex partner. in a recent interview with “elle”, fka twigs strongly told her story to the reporter and spoke with passion and truth. in the song “human” by sevdaliza (jyeshta chandra), she sings “been in and out. and in front of my judgmental eyes, my precious disguise. business so cold. can’t cope with my own. how to not fail.”. in the entire song, sevdaliza realizes the cold disguise she once possessed, only to peel back the layers to find a mere human. a flawed being predestined for a life of more flaws. she finds artful peace in knowing this. in the music video for “human”, she is depicted as a temptress who lures men. she embodies the conscious choice of mastering buddha’s trickery. instead of breaking away from the cycle, sevdaliza finds enjoyment in inauspiciousness. this correlates to the dull state of the new moon.
☂ the umbrella is said to represent jyeshta. it is reflective of jyeshta’s state of reflecting what other’s project onto them. the full moon is associated with receptivity and harnessing light/energy. scorpio is the debilitation of chandra, as is cancer is the debilitation of kuja, because the energies of kuja and chandra oppose each other. kuja is rigid, hard, powerful, and tamasic. chandra is fluid, malleable, inward, and auspicious. with scorpio’s kuja rulership, we see jyeshtas acting cold and distant when they become used to harmful environments and develop the coping mechanism of allowing other’s energies to bounce off of them, much like how an umbrella protects you from the rain. rain is also symbolic of nourishment and bountiful energy, as it nourishes all the beings on this planet. this is why water is linked to feminine energy. in scorpio, a water sign, we see kuja blocking the receptivity associated with water and jyeshta bestowing this receptivity when it’s time. only when the jyeshta native distances themselves from a life of strife and never-ending cycles of abuse, may they learn to close their figurative umbrella and swim in the rain of multiple emotions and influences. an example of the symbolism of the umbrella is elle driver (played by jyeshta native daryl hannah) in “kill bill”. as she walks down the hospital hallway to kill the bride, she is adorned in a nurse costume and has an unopened red umbrella in her hand. the unopened umbrella represents her allowing the floodgates of outer influences to open. she no longer cares about her perception and is shown in her rawest form. she is no longer the illusionary and illusive character who hides in scorpio’s mystery. she is now revealed to be an evil cut throat being. the umbrella’s red color is symbolic of kuja and denotes her revealing her true tamasic nature and her carrying the collective blood of her enemies.
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🐇 nicki minaj: jyeshta surya
🌩 the deity who rules the jyeshta nakshatra is indra. he is the deity of lightning, thunder, and rain. he is considered to be the king of all gods and heaven. indra rules the sky and and wields the power of rain as his weapon. he is also considered to be the god of battle. prior to each of his battles, he drank a vast amounts of soma. soma is a divine juice that strengthens him to accomplish his deeds in combat. it is he who defeated the serpent vritra who had swallowed all the waters of the world spurring a tumultuous drought. indra split the belly of the serpent with his thunderbolt, releasing the waters and generating life. by killing the serpent, indra separated land from ocean, and caused the sun to rise (this act of land separation is comparable to the god zeus and the christian god). indra slicing the belly of the serpent, recalls how jyeshtas must retire their umbrella to generate life in their lives. however, there is another item they will find to be particularly important during their journey in this lifetime.
🧿 every jyeshta i have ever met holds at least some significance for a form of the talisman. this is because jyeshta is also symbolized by the talisman/evil eye. this all correlates to jyeshta being the cosmic jewel, the shiny emerald who captivates their truest beauty. it’s green color honors the symbolism of buddha and is reminiscent of the blue or green evil eye. the concept of the evil eye exists in many cultures from hinduism to islam to turkey.
🔮 the overall concept of the talisman is called "apotropaic" (which is greek for "turns away"). talismans are believed to turn away or turn back harm, like an umbrella, bouncing off the influencing waters. disks or balls, consisting of concentric blue and white circles are generally representative of the evil eye in common talismans in west asia. however, this emblem is most commonly found in turkish cultures. this blue or green eye can also be found on some forms of the hamsa hand (which is also known to ward the evil eye of others). The word hamsa, also spelled as khamsa and hamesh, means "five" which refers to the fingers of the hand.
🤚🏽 in jewish culture, the hamsa is called the hand of miriam/mary and, in some muslim cultures, the “the hand of fatima” (fatima being the daughter of the prophet muhammad). it is primarily the muslims in the near east and mediterranean regions that believe envious looks can contain destructive power. the talismanic power of the nazar defends against this destructive energy. this is why the pure virgin mary or fatima is said to ward off these negative influences, recalling baglamukhi who was called to aid the other deities in the slaying of the demon.
🥚 the evil eye also heavily exists in hispanic and latinx cultures. it is referred to as the 'mal de ojo' and it is very prevalent in spanish culture throughout history. in most of mexico and central america, infants are considered at special risk for the mal de ojo and are often given an amulet bracelet as protection. this amulet bracelet typically contains an eye-like dot painted on the amulet. to also ward against the mal de ojo, it is customary to allow admirers to touch the infant or child. one popular traditional cure in my old hometown and in parts of central or south america involves a curandero (otherwise known as a folk healer). the curandero sweeps a raw chicken egg over the body of a victim to absorb the power of the person with the evil eye. once this is finished, the egg is later broken into a glass with water and placed under the bed of the patient near the head. it is usually checked immediately to see if the broken egg appears cooked. if this happens, it means that the patient did have the mal de ojo. after this ritual is completed, any pains or sickness from the mal de ojo is ceased. the concept of the egg is also closely linked to the bunny (jyeshta’s yoni) in some european cultures. most notably, the easter bunny.
🐰 easter is a religious holiday, but a great deal of its american customs are linked to pagan traditions. the egg itself is an ancient symbol of new life/re-birth. it has been associated with pagan festivals celebrating spring. many christians view easter eggs as a representation of jesus’ emergence from the tomb and resurrection. in orthodox christianity, it is traditional to have ‘the octave of easter’, essentially an eight day celebration of easter. during this celebration, the surya usually moves from revati (the final nakshatra) to ashwini (the first nakshatra). before i continue any further, i am not the first one to find this correlation, i believe the lovely @/shravishtamoo and @/365chimera were the first to talk about this on twitter. out of respect for not taking credit for their work, i will only lightly graze over this topic and solely share my opinion on this.
🌸 revati is under the vimshottari dasha rulership of buddha and the aries rashi of ashwini is ruled by kuja. kuja is overruled by bhumi, the cosmic mother or earth goddess. bhumi is usually depicted with four arms, holding a pomegranate, a water vessel, a bowl containing healing herbs, and another bowl containing vegetables. she is sometimes depicted with two hands, the right hand holding a blue lotus known as kumuda or utpala, the night lotus, while the left hand may be in the abhayamudra, this is a pose meant to mimic the tail of a horse. bhumi is symbolic of the cosmic flourishment. her pomegranate, healing herbs, and water vessel are symbolic of the fruitful tides and nature of the cosmic mother. much like how easter is linked to the pagan festival/celebration of the spring equinox (the day the surya enters into tropical aries). ashwini is the birth of the nakshatras, but bharani is considered to be the cosmic yoni. bhumi’s stance represents the horse ashwini and the cosmic egg. as bharani represents inward fertility, like the ripe pomegranate and cooling, feminine waters of the yoni. whereas, jyeshta, who is also ruled by kuja (rashi-wise), models this seemingly fertile abundance on the surface. like how the octave of easter combines the energy of buddha and kuja, we see this internal need to ascend their constant negativity, like how jesus died and arose from the death. jesus was betrayed and beaten brutally, similar to how many jyeshtas will find themselves continuously hurt by others. i understand this may sound redundant but look at the jyeshta goddess, baglamukhi, indra, tripura sundari, the octave of easter, and bhumi. they all required ascension, forgiveness or rebirth, which are necessary when such a tamasic planet like kuja and poltergeist-like spirit of buddha operate in their shadow state.
even bunny-like formations have been known to pop up on the planet mars itself: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/mars/images/odyssey-image_feature_295.html
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🐇 naomi campbell: jyeshta chandra
5️⃣ the number 5 is very important and reoccurring in the lives of jyeshta natives. the number five is said to be representative of buddha. as you have read through this post, you will notice the number five has reoccurred constantly. such as, tripura sundari’s five bows, the five-finger hamsa symbol, jyeshta natives like mick jagger and jay-z who are both life path 5s, and even some of the jyeshta names i have included in this thread total to the number five (such as, nicki/onika = 5 and tyra lynne banks = 14 = 1+4 = 5). because this number is symbolic of buddha, this number is said to denote intelligence, constant changes, and business success. however, the number five primarily shows a free-spirited and lucky nature. this is why the number sequence of five is said to be incredibly auspicious. i would like to focus on the fifth book of the bible: deuteronomy, a book filled with rebellion and imposing laws. a quote i think particularly describes jyeshta is deuteronomy 28-14: “If you fully obey the lord your god and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the lord your god will set you high above all the nations on earth. all these blessings will come upon you and accompany you if you obey the lord your god: you will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country. the fruit of your womb will be blessed, and the crops of your land and the young of your livestock – the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks. your basket and your kneading trough will be blessed. you will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out. the lord will grant that the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you. they will come at you from one direction but flee from you in seven. the lord will send a blessing on your barns and on everything you put your hand to. the lord your god will bless you in the land he is giving you. the lord will establish you as his holy people, as he promised you on oath, if you keep the commands of the lord your god and walk in his ways. then all the peoples on earth will see that you are called by the name of the lord, and they will fear you. the lord will grant you abundant prosperity – in the fruit of your womb, the young of your livestock and the crops of your ground – in the land he swore to your forefathers to give you. the lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. the lord will make you the head, not the tail. if you pay attention to the commands of the lord your god that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom. do not turn aside from any of the commands i give you today, to the right or to the left, following other gods and serving them.”. essentially, if you follow the teachings of your deity (operating in your light state), you will reap the bountiful crops of spiritual abundance and find freedom within (the theme of 5 in vedic teachings). the outer influences of others will no longer affect your inner being. jyeshta becomes the flowing waters of indra and bhumi, abundant in the freedom these natives onced crave. while jyeshtas appear to have an abundance of freedom, as they continuously bounce from one situation to another, it is insincere if they do not learn how to alter their surroundings, set boundaries, and learn to love again, reminiscent of the number four.
4️⃣ another number jyeshtas see quite frequently is the number four. the number four is said to be ruled by rahu, the head of the serpent god. recall in the aforementioned bible quote, “the lord will make you the head, not the tail”. this is the essence of the number four. it symbolizes the need for/ability of staying grounded, stability, worldly achievements, and secrecy. buddha was said to be one of the only deities to tame rahu. when a number of the nature of four occurs in a jyeshta’s life, it means the native must learn to tame their inner being and focus on staying grounded and not share their accomplishments with others. as discussed previously, buddha-ruled natives struggle with the immense power of their tongues. because they are able to have their words believed by the masses, if they say they will do something and it does not happen it brings a great deal of distrust around them. the art of secrecy is said to be something rahu thrives in, due to his natural illusionary background. embracing the illusion will help them ward the evil eye, with or without an amulet or talisman. if these natives do not share their plans or accomplishments, others cannot impose their hatred or jealousy against that native.
9️⃣ it is interesting to note that once the number of freedom (5) and secrecy/achievements (4) come together, they make 9. nine is the number representative of kuja. nine denotes strength, leadership, knowledge, and fire. it is a number described as “a man who walks with the torch of intelligence [buddha], in a road full of blood stains [kuja], not seeing the snake below his feet [rahu].”. modeling the fiery and strong spirit of indra, slaying great beasts in battle, much like how the owl is one of the only animals to beat the snake into submission (rahu).
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🐇 mädchen amick: jyeshta surya
🦉 recall from the earlier paragraphs, jyeshta is considered to be linked to the goddess lakshmi (the sister of jysheta’s comparative goddess: alakshmi). lakshmi is depicted as sitting on an owl. this owl is why jyeshta is associated with the supernatural owl. owls are said to symbolize knowledge, wisdom, and dread. the owl is also closely linked to the dawn of death and misery. the differences of the spiritual associations of the owl is symbolic of the axis of jyeshta/alakshmi and lakshmi. due to their rare and majestic nature, many cultural myths associate owls with the presence of a higher being, such as guardians, spiritual guides, and vahanas. their ominous hoot is an anamnesis of being lost in a dark forest reeking of danger and the scent of pine. the owl may either be your beacon of light, carrying the auspicious powers of lakshmi into your life, or bringing detrimental, loss and death to your dearest beloved.
🐦 the name of lakshmi’s vahana owl is known as uluka. uluka is considered to be another name for lord indra (the deity ruling jyeshta). the combination of the goddess of wealth (lakshmi) and the king of heaven (indra) personifies the auspicious, wealthy, and powerful spirit linked to the owl. because the owl dwells in the night, it is also a symbol of the darkness of ignorance (avidya). the owl’s aversion towards the daytime is indicative of turning away from the solar path to embrace the feminine forestry of the night. the is why lakshmi is said to guide one to open the eyes to the light of wisdom residing within themselves. she is said to guide you to the goddess saraswati, who is said to rule our knowledge, alphabet, and the tongue (recall jyeshtas penchant for the tongue). uluka becomes lakshmi’s vahana when she blesses wealth and prosperity. the owl asks of lakshmi’s devotees to not be trapped by the illusions of wealth (444), warning against the dangers of arrogance and stressing discipline. when her wealth is used by humans for inauspicious activities, one is said to be blinded, like owl who can longer tolerate the bright rays of surya. it is then uluka embraces the antithesis of the axis and becomes a bird of ill omen flying the goddess of alakshmi around to your door-step, bringing darkness, disgrace, inauspiciousness and misfortune.
🏔 the show “twin peaks” is heavily influenced by the jyeshta nakshatra, as approximately 25% of it’s cast and four directors have prominent jyeshta placements (surya, chandra, lagna, or atmakarala). it centers around a small logging town filled with murder. in this show, nothing is as it seems, intuition is valued, and your dreams guide you. a common phrase in the show is: “the owls are not what they seem”. in the show, there appears to be two paranormal realms, the black lodge and the white lodge. these realms correlate to the lodge spirits, who are unable have physical bodies. because of this, they are limited in the ways they can travel outside the lodges and usually require a host/vessel. while other spirits exist in various mediums, like wood, electricity, and running water.
⛰ the owls are said to be a physical medium of the watchful eyes of the lodge spirits. the owls are theorized to control the entire narrative of the story, invoking harm or bliss. they serve as a barrier and channel between the illusionary twin peaks and the deeply uneasy spiritual lodge realms. in the show, they literally serve as a mask to cover the face of a harmful spirit. thus, the owls are not what they seem. they may channel the deity they please and bring the essence of lakshmi or alakshmi to your door.
♟the owls are reminiscent of the nature of scorpio. scorpio is representative of the eighth house of the zodiac. with kuja being it’s rashi lord, we see a strong amount of strength, energy, achievements and inheritance in the lives of these natives. because scorpio is the watery dusthana, they have a strong intuitive nature when they let their guard down. in twin peaks, you will see many characters try to appear strong when, in reality, they are some of the weakest and sensitive characters in the whole show. an example of this is shelly (played by jyeshta native mädchen amick). shelly married an abusive man who expected her to only do domestic chores and be subservient. she tries to appear fine and cover the bruises to protect her other lover, but quickly her illusion is shattered. she becomes lost and scared, only to regain her confidence via her other partner. another possible jyeshta co-star, kimmy robertson (who played lucy), struggles with handling her romantic endeavors and is quite stubborn. once she feels she has met the right partner, her stubborn nature corrodes like a boulder chipping away from a cliff, only to reveal a sweet, pleasant waterfall of love. due to the scorpio rashi’s strong intuition, they generally have fixed ideas and tend to relentlessly follow them out of faith in their perception of the unknown. the deputy chief (played by jyeshta buddha atmakaraka native michael horse) is known for following his intuition and, due to this, he eventually ends up saving the lives of many others. scorpios also tend to value a small, close-knit friend group. we see the small town of twin peaks frequently coming together to help each other in need.
🌟 the eighth house is associated with the unveiling of deep secrets. this is why scorpios feel the immense need to get to the state of raw purity (the cosmic egg) to examine the situation in it’s purest form. throughout the entire series, mysteries are repeatedly being discovered and solved. however, these mysteries do not solely require the analytical mind. they also require the help and guidance of outside and unexplainable sources. in order to solve these mysteries, you must channel the nature of the owl to evaluate both sides. the eighth house/scorpio is also said to rule the genitals, whereas, kuja is said to heavily influence the sexual organs. in the entire show, sexual pursuits, pr*stitution, and kundalini energy is rampant. sexual energy abundance and accumulation is the cause of adoration. this is why we see jyeshta natives, like the fictional character holli would, nicki minaj, or fka twigs, exciting the sexual passion within others and enticing the masses with their trickster nature. you will often notice many jyeshta (and other buddha/kuja natives) natives create a great deal of sexualized content to express their untamable and playful skill. they embody indra in combat and wield their bodies like a cosmic sword, exciting the virility in others with their sharp nature. however, jyeshta natives do not care for pleasing the average partner, they wish to dominate them with their seemingly submissive nature. they thrive in an environment of underestimation and want you to assume they are a surreal illusion. much like the ashlesha nakshatra, jyeshtas are either tamed or dominated, but—more frequently—they are the one’s to dominate, as many people do not know to handle such icy, hot energy and are simply in mere awe of their beauty. this issue with knowing how to work along with jyeshtas and rise to their level is something many people struggle with. instead of wishing to see the jyeshta flourish and glow with passion, they will try to drag them down to their own low vibrational level, reminding jyeshtas of their original gandanta point of sorrow.
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🐇 princess nokia: jyeshta chandra
💧water and, thus, the color blue holds great power in the lives of jyeshta. the jyeshta goddess herself was adorned with blue-black garments and is said to hold a blue lotus in her right hand. the color blue is said to be associated with shani and the lotus is representative of the vimshottari evolution of shani. the many shades of blue are reminiscent of the azure of a clear sky. shani is the planet of hard work, determination, and respect. if you honor shani, you will likely be at the zenith of life. shani is debilitated in the bharani nakshatra (representative of the famale yoni). bhumi is said to mount the elephant and jyeshta’s nature is often compared to the elephant (the yoni of bharani). we see water personifying their internal struggle of diligence and sexuality. the element of water itself flows and crashes with it’s feminine luster. it denotes cleansing, rebirth, and vital energy. the practice of swimming and watery movement is said to excite the feminine spirit and remove all negative energies that encompass the individual. think of how you take a refreshing bath or wash your face. the act of cleansing and the alignment with the water element is energizing and refreshing. recall the christian practice of baptism. baptism is said to be a christian rite of admission. it uses the rejuvenating power of sprinkling, pouring, or entrenching the devotee with water to wash away their sins. this behavior parallels to the churning of the cosmic ocean to produce the elixir of youth, as christians believe baptism saves the youth/innocence of your soul.
🌿 jyeshtas are often forced to grow up quite early in their lives. the often harsh and toxic environments they are surrounded by do not yield a balanced and cleansed individual. it is destined for them to put on a mask or illusion cope with this (recall the demonic spirit who used the owl mask in “twin peaks”). it allows them to feel protected, as how harnessing their sexuality brings them great power. but deep down, they are innocent and youthful spirits. paralleling the goddesses jyeshta and alakshmi who lived lives of great strife but had a kind soul. their aversions to auspiciousness is something they could not control. it was their destiny. the life of jyeshtas are said to be incredibly karmic and destined. they cannot control the terrible and harsh energies of those who may come and go in their lives, but they can choose to walk through the smoky abyss or deep, cleansing waters to see if there is light on the other side of life.
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🐇 brigitte bardot (left): jyeshta lagna
🐇 jane birkin (right): jyeshta surya
🚬 it is not uncommon to see jyeshta natives enjoying a good cigarette or cigar. as i once discussed in my magha exploration, natives of the gandanta points enjoy the symbolism and release smoke brings. this is because gandanta points are where the water and fire elements meet and cross. water is symbolic of the divine feminine (4H, 8H, 12H) and fire is symbolic of the divine masculine (1H, 5H, 9H). these elements are complete opposites. when water and fire collide, the water subdues the fire and we are only left with smoke. in the song “smoke on water” by deep purple (who has five members with prominent jyeshta placements), we see the nature of this smoky elemental intermingling under the co-rulership of ketu. the promiscuity of water and purification of fire combines and forms the infinite knot. ketu is the south node, representing our past lives and karma. whereas, buddha is the planet of awakening the discriminating intellect between benefic and malefic actions, essentially good and evil. the harsh, polar forces of water and fire (rashi elements) coupled with past lives and karma (ketu) and knowledge (buddha), create this need for escapism. the need for stimulation to calm the ever-present sense of anxiety or physical ailments gandanta natives are prone to. the use of cigars, cigarettes, or cylinder-shaped products of other smoky varieties (🌿) as a way to ease their anxious nature. as the dusthana houses are uneasy, ketu is unstable, and buddha plays tricks on the mind.
🌫 the cylinder shape of these smoky, stress-relieving products is symbolic of yang energy (the phallus). while this may sound odd, the intoxicating (yin) energy of tobacco and the yang shape of these products creates the perfect balance of water and fire to attract these natives. this is reminiscent of the nineveh cylinder. this cylinder is designed to be a message to the universal one and directs the eyes are set upon it. it is only the eyes that contain an energetic consciousness who will be able to understand the cylinder’s message. you must be able to feel and think to be integrated into the powers of the cylinder and hence the have the power to ascend. one’s energetic signature then changes and only then may the individual have the ability to receive it’s messages or symbols. this acts as a cosmic safety valve to prevent the duality of the lower dimensional worlds from contaminating the higher dimensions that reside in cosmic unity (indra). it represents achieving the human ability to go within your self and untie the knot/noose of tripura sundari within to balance one’s intention, focus and willpower. the symbol of latter is an upward or downward pointed triangle. this triangular figure is symbolic of completion, the three worlds tripura sundari transcends. the journey for jyeshtas is long and hard, filled with fire and water, smoke and mirrors, and lightness and darkness. the cylinder of nineveh invites jyeshtas to walk through the smoky abyss, through the yang passage of the cylinder to untie their inner knot of restriction to be finally free from the harsh realities of this world.
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🐇 ‘holli would’ as played by jyeshta surya kim basinger in “cool world”
💋 as always, i am open to any constructive criticism! i tried to touch on the deities’ involvement in the appearances, manifestations, and symbolism of jyeshta. to be quite frank, studying the story of jyeshta brought me to tears. it’s unfair the amount of harm and difficulty they experience in their lifetimes, but their determination and wit pulls them through. studying these many deities, symbolism, cultures, and religions for this post has been so honoring and humbling. as i was making this post, a bunny approached my window and i do not live in an area where rabbits are common. i just thought that was a lovely sign, i’d be a fool to think this is merely a coincidence. if you are looking for more information about jyeshta, get to know the overrulers and supreme deities of kuja, bhumi (the earth goddess) and skanda (the war god), and buddha, vishnu (the maintainer) and narayana (the cosmic person). also—and i cannot stress this enough—familiarize yourself with the deity of this nakshatra: indra. if any of my placements or information are incorrect please feel free to let me know! also, i am fully aware of the origins of vedic astrology and if i was in anyway disrespectful to hindu culture, i will take down this post immediately. i am incredibly honored to know such lovely vedic astrology enthusiasts. you all mean so much to me xx
**all of these placements were found using astrotheme/.com and/or astro-charts/.com. it is important to note that some chandra (moon) placements may be off by up to 6 degrees and lagnas (risings) as well, due to the fact that many websites do not have 100% accurate birth times for the given celebrities.
**i take absolutely no credit for the invention of vedic astrology-based appearance profiles. please watch claire nakti on youtube or look into @/cn0bles, @/lovejustlied, @/dh4nishta, and @/vanillemercure on twitter for more in-depth analysis on vedic astrology xx
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star-maiden · 4 years
Weekly Tarot Forecast
For the week of August 29th, 2020 - September 4th, 2020
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This is a weekly tarot reading by zodiac sign for the collective. Please use your sun, moon or rising sign to find the message that resonates most strongly for you. May these readings serve you well in the week ahead! 💜 
♈️ Aires - Strength Reversed: We are seeing a return of energy that was present around you near the beginning of August (strength reversed was pulled for aires in the weekly forecast for the week of the 8/10/20). Repeating cards mean that the message is amplified. Aires, in this coming week it will be very important for you to play close attention to where you are placing your energy. Take care to not allow yourself to fall into patterns. If something is not working out for you, don’t waste your energy. Try a different angle, or a new endeavor completely. You have so much inner strength, and sometimes that strength is best expressed by knowing when to walk away.
♉️ Taurus - 3 of Swords: There’s some dissonant energy around you this week. You may find that there are arguments or hurt feelings among your close relationships. You may even feel that a situation is hopeless, likely due to a situation or conversation you will experience with someone close to you. This could be a warning against gossip. Taurus, remember where your power is. You are resilient and practical in your approach. There is a lot of wisdom to be had in standing your ground. If you feel that your needs are not being met, say so plainly, but take care not to be argumentative. Do not engage in petty arguments or word games with others. They won’t get you anywhere, and will likely prolong the drama. A refusal to engage in the drama is response enough, and sends a powerful message.
♊️ Gemini - 3 of Wands: There is some really big, expansive energy brewing this week! If you have been working on a project, this is the week where things are going to start really taking off. If you are considering something. your prospects are looking pretty good. Stay focused on your end goal and keep moving forward, and you should see results. This card may also indicate an opportunity. If something pops up this week and you aren’t sure if its for you, this card tells you to go for it. Take advantage of what is being offered to you, but be prepared to move beyond your comfort zone. Growth and success are likely, but you’ll need to step beyond your current beliefs and self-held limitations.
♋️ Cancer - The Empress: A world of beauty, prosperity, happiness and indulgence in the senses are your themes for this week. Overall, you should have a fairly harmonious experience. To take advantage of this Empress energy, spend some time close to home. Focus on self-care and creating an environment of elegance and luxury in whatever capacity that means for you. You may find yourself greatly benefiting from taking time to appreciate all of the beauty around you. This is an important time to to reconnect with your inner empress. What are you being called to create? How can you stay with this energy until your work is done?
♌️ Leo - The Tower: This week brings some big changes. This could be an internal change, as old beliefs and paradigms crumble away, or it could be more literal. If the latter, you may find yourself standing in the ruins of something  that was once a major part of your life. Don’t be scared of this energy. It is not inherently negative, even if it may seem like a disaster on the surface. The message of the tower is an opportunity to rebuild, reform and create something that is truly in alignment with your spirit, passion and life path. This is your clean slate. You can go anywhere  and do anything you’d like from this point. What will you build in the tower’s place? Tower energy comes into our lives when we are ready to change. The possibilities for how your future will unfold are endless. How will you choose to move forward?
♍️ Virgo - 6 of Swords: This week, brings a dream-like and peaceful energy. Any conflicts, worries or fears that you may have previously experienced are starting to fall away. Their energy has dulled, and you are now moving toward a new sense of calm. Alternatively, if you have been experiencing any negative self-talk or distracting mind chatter, this card is telling you to let that go. It simply isn’t true, and you are ready to move away from that mindset. Take some time to relax this week, either through an activity you enjoy, or something more spiritual (like meditation, yoga or by practicing mindfulness). Relax into the moment. You don’t need to act right now. See where the current takes you.
♎️ Libra - 4 of Pentacles: The energy around you is very stable this week.You should be feeling pretty secure in areas related to the material world. This could be in relation to finances, personal safety or your home space. You have worked hard to make this stability a reality for yourself, but also take care not to hold too tightly. There is the possibility of letting things get stagnant. If you find yourself unwilling to budge or reach consensus with others, it may be time to consider a different perspective. If you find yourself feeling stuck or bored, let some new ideas in and see where the fresh outlook takes you. There’s no harm in at least considering new angles. You can choose to act on them (or not) when you are ready.
♏️ Scorpio - 4 of Wands: Your home life will be at the forefront this week, and the energy is looking very supportive and stable. Keep in mind that “home life” may be your family, your living space or even the people who are closest to you. I’m hearing very strongly that, for some of you, you will be experiencing this family-like energy with roommates. Overall, it’s a very positive energy. There is a very prominent sense of safety and feeling as though you belong. All heads are working together well, and things are running smooth. Take advantage of all this support and use it as an opportunity to rest and recharge. You’re in good hands.
♐️ Sagittarius - Queen of Cups: This week, you may find yourself needing to connect with your emotions to make a choice or to see a situation in its entirety. If you encounter any difficulties, uncertainties or situations that require you to interact with others, be sure to source from within. Go deep, like the Queen of Cups, and listen to the ebb and flow of your emotions. No one knows them better than you, and you will have exceptional emotional clarity this week. Use that as your mantra. Tell yourself “I can clearly see and understand my emotions.” Let that be the light that guides you forward. Don’t try to rely solely on logic this week. A softer approach may be needed. You are strongly connected yo your inner wisdom this week. Breathe into the feeling. You’ve got this!
♑️ Capricorn - 8 of Wands: There is a lot of movement around you this week. This may be literal movement for some of you, such as travel or mobility in the work place. However, for many of you this card is referring to the movement of information. Messages are arriving and situations that were once shrouded in uncertainties are now becoming clear. Pay close attention to any signs or messages you receive this week, as they will contain important information for your benefit. If you have the opportunity to make a choice this week, do so immediately. This is not the time to be waiting around. If an opportunity presents itself, act on it. You don’t want to run the risk of missing out on something wonderful. At the same time, be sure to be sourcing your decisions on a foundation of clarity and understanding. Make sure you know what you’re doing. 8 of wands energy runs the risk of being scattered. Don’t go chasing after things willy nilly or you won’t get the results you are hoping for.
♒️ Aquarius - The Moon: This week, you may find yourself walking the delicate balance between the dream world and cold logic. You are deeply connected to your intuition this week, and that connection can be a great source of inspiration and guidance. However, it will be necessary for you to fact check at times. If something is making you react with fear, anxiety or worry, that is a sign to examine the matter a little more deeply. What is clouding your judgement? What preconceived notions or deeply held beliefs are influencing your reactions? Once you uncover the answers, the way forward will seem much more clear. Additionally, don’t allow fear to make decisions for you. You need to move beyond the literal, and get to the real heart of the matter. This may be done through questioning, soul searching or by simply being tenacious about a situation. 
♓️ Pisces - 6 of Cups: You may find yourself feeling nostalgic this week, or experiencing a deep longing for the way things used to be in the past. It is likely that these memories hold a deep sense of comfort and security for you. It’s alright to take comfort in them and to use them as a source of strength, but take care to not cling too much to the past. You may find that clinging too hard to the past will prevent you from moving forward. We all reminisce at times, but do not forget that your power resides in the present moment. For better or worse, we cannot change the past. It is in the present moment that you can determine where you life will lead you. Take action steps that align you with what you want to achieve.
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linastudyblrsblog · 4 years
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Burnout, unfortunately, is everywhere. If you haven’t experienced it personally, you probably know someone who has self-diagnosed.
 Defined by the World Health Organization as a syndrome “conceptualized as resulted from chronic workplace stress,” it causes exhaustion, “feelings of negativism or cynicism,” and reduced efficacy. That’s a big umbrella, and the condition has become something of a catch-all for chronic, modern-day stress. 
Here are 11 of our favorites to help you create your own escape plan:
1. Figure out which kind of burnout you have.
The Association for Psychological Science found that burnout comes in three different types, and each one needs a different solution:
1. Overload: The frenetic employee who works toward success until exhaustion, is most closely related to emotional venting. These individuals might try to cope with their stress by complaining about the organizational hierarchy at work, feeling as though it imposes limits on their goals and ambitions. That coping strategy, unsurprisingly, seems to lead to a stress overload and a tendency to throw in the towel.
2. Lack of Development: Most closely associated with an avoidance coping strategy. These under-challenged workers tend to manage stress by distancing themselves from work, a strategy that leads to depersonalization and cynicism — a harbinger for burning out and packing up shop.
3. Neglect: Seems to stem from a coping strategy based on giving up in the face of stress. Even though these individuals want to achieve a certain goal, they lack the motivation to plow through barriers to get to it
2. Cut down and start saying “no.”
Every “yes” you say adds another thing on your plate and takes more energy away from you, and your creativity:
If you take on too many commitments, start saying ‘no’. If you have too many ideas, execute a few and put the rest in a folder labeled ‘backburner’. If you suffer from information overload, start blocking off downtime or focused worktime in your schedule (here are some tools that may help). Answer email at set times. Switch your phone off, or even leave it behind. The world won’t end. I promise.
3.  Give up on getting motivated.
With real burnout mode, you’re too exhausted to stay positive. So don’t:
When you’re mired in negative emotions about work, resist the urge to try to stamp them out. Instead, get a little distance — step away from your desk, focus on your breath for a few seconds — and then just feel the negativity, without trying to banish it. Then take action alongside the emotion. Usually, the negative feelings will soon dissipate. Even if they don’t, you’ll be a step closer to a meaningful achievement.
4.  Treat the disease, not the symptoms. 
For real recovery and prevention to happen, you need to find the real, deeper issue behind why you’re burnt out:
Instead of overreacting to the blip, step back from it, see it as an incident instead of an indictment, and then examine it like Sherlock Holmes looking for clues.
For example, you could ask yourself: What happened before the slip? Did I encounter a specific trigger event such as a last-minute client request? Was there an unusual circumstance such as sickness? When did I first notice the reversion in my behavior? Is some part of this routine unsustainable and if so, how could I adjust it to make it more realistic?
5.  Make downtime a daily ritual.
To help relieve pressure, schedule daily blocks of downtime to refuel your brain and well-being. It can be anything from meditation to a nap, a walk, or simply turning off the wifi for a while:
When it comes to scheduling, we will need to allocate blocks of time for deep thinking. Maybe you will carve out a 1-2 hour block on your calendar every day for taking a walk or grabbing a cup of coffee and just pondering some of those bigger things. I can even imagine a day when homes and apartments have a special switch that shuts down wi-fi and data access during dinner or at night – just to provide a temporary pause from the constant flow of status updates and other communications…
There is no better mental escape from our tech-charged world than the act of meditation. If only for 15 minutes, the ability to steer your mind away from constant stimulation is downright liberating. There are various kinds of meditation. Some forms require you to think about nothing and completely clear your mind. (This is quite hard, at least for me.) Other forms of meditation are about focusing on one specific thing – often your breath, or a mantra that you repeat in your head (or out loud) for 10-15 minutes…
If you can’t adopt meditation, you might also try clearing your mind the old fashioned way – by sleeping. The legendary energy expert and bestselling author Tony Schwartz takes a 20-minute nap every day. Even if it’s a few hours before he presents to a packed audience, he’ll take a short nap.
6.  Stop being a perfectionist; start satisficing.
Trying to maximize every task and squeeze every drop of productivity out of your creative work is a recipe for exhaustion and procrastination. Set yourself boundaries for acceptable work and stick to them:
Consistently sacrificing your health, your well being, your relationships, and your sanity for the sake of living up to impossible standards will lead to some dangerous behaviors and, ironically, a great deal of procrastination. Instead of saying, “I’ll stay up until this is done,” say, “I’ll work until X time and then I’m stopping. I may end up needing to ask for an extension or complete less than perfect work. But that’s OK. I’m worth it.” Making sleep, exercise, and downtime a regular part of your life plays an essential role in a lasting, productive creative career.
7.  Track your progress every day.
Keeping track allows you to see exactly how much is on your plate, not only day-to-day, but consistently over time:
Disappointing feedback can be painful at first – research shows that failure and losses can hurt twice as much as the pleasure of equivalent gains. But if you discover you’re off course, reliable feedback shows you by how much, and you then have the opportunity to take remedial action and to plot a new training regime or writing schedule. The temporary pain of negative feedback is nothing compared with the crushing experience of project failure. Better to discover that you’re behind and need to start writing an hour earlier each day, than to have your book contract rescinded further down the line because you’ve failed to deliver.
8.  Change location often.
Entrepreneurs or freelancers can be especially prone to burnout. Joel Runyon plays “workstation popcorn,” in which he groups tasks by location and then switches, in order to keep work manageable, provide himself frequent breaks, and spend his time efficiently:
You find yourself spending hours at your computer, dutifully “working” but getting very little done. You finish each day with the dreaded feeling that you’re behind, and that you’re only falling farther and farther behind. You’re buried below an ever-growing to-do list. There’s a feeling of dread that tomorrow is coming, and that it’s bringing with it even more work that you probably won’t be able to get ahead on.
List out everything you need to do today. Try to be as specific as you can…Next, break that list into three sections. Step 1: Go to cafe [or desk, a different table in your office, etc.] #1. Step 2: Start working on item group #1…Once you finish all the tasks in group #1, get up and move. Close your tabs, pack your bags, and physically move your butt to your next spot. If you can, walk or bike to your next stop…When you get to the next cafe [or spot], start on the next action item group, and repeat…
When you’ve completed everything on your to-do list for the day, you are done working. Relax, kick back, and live your life. Don’t take work home with you because that won’t help you get more done – it will just wear you out.
9.  Don’t overload what downtime you do get.
Vacations themselves can cause, or worsen burnout, with high-stress situations, expectations, and sleep interruption. Use it to help in recovery from burnout instead: 
Make a flexible itinerary a priority. [A] study from Radboud University found that effective vacations give you the choice and freedom to choose what you want to do. That means two things: Try to avoid structuring your vacation around an unbreakable schedule, and plan on going somewhere that has multiple options to pick from depending on the weather, your level of energy, or your budget.
10. Write yourself fan mail.
Seth Godin uses self-fan mail as a way to keep motivated instead of burning out on a project that seems far from completion:
I define non-clinical anxiety as, “experiencing failure in advance.” If you’re busy enacting a future that hasn’t happened yet, and amplifying the worst possible outcomes, it’s no wonder it’s difficult to ship that work. With disappointment, I note that our culture doesn’t have an easily found word for the opposite. For experiencing success in advance. For visualizing the best possible outcomes before they happen. Will your book get a great testimonial? Write it out. Will your talk move someone in the audience to change and to let you know about it? What did they say? Will this new product gain shelf space at the local market? Take a picture. Writing yourself fan mail in advance, and picturing the change you’ve announced you’re trying, to make is an effective way to push yourself to build something that actually generates that action.
  11. Break projects into bite-sized pieces.
Taking a task on in one entire lump can be exhausting and provide little room for rest in between. Breaking up your projects into set chunks with their own deadlines provides a much healthier, and easier, way of completing a large project:
The default take on deadlines is typically to consider them to be cumbersome and stressful. Yet, from another perspective, a deadline can be viewed as a huge benefit to any project. Without the urgency of a hard deadline pushing a project to completion, it’s easy for you, your team, or your client to lose focus. We’ve all worked on agonizing projects where the timeline just bleeds on and on, merely because the flexibility is there…
It turns out that the manner in which a task is presented to someone – or the way in which you present it to your brain – has a significant impact on how motivated you will be to take action. A study led by researcher Sean McCrea at the University of Konstanz in Germany recently found that people are much more likely to tackle a concrete task than an abstract task… It seems to me like the difference between being handed a map versus following the step-by-step instructions of a GPS device. Not everyone can read a map, but everyone can follow the directions. By breaking your project down into smaller, well-described tasks, the way forward becomes clear and it’s easy to take action.
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educationtimesblog · 4 years
Ms. Aanam Verma  | Head of Department | Asst. Professor Biological Sciences  |  CPSM College of Education | Gurugram
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Most people get upset simply because they don't know what to do when they experience anger in their daily life. Sometimes aggressive behaviour may get their needs met in the short-term, but there are long term consequences. Your words might cause lasting damage to the relationship or even lead to its demise. So here by, I will like to share some simple tips how to tackle the ghost of ANGER.
When calm, express the anger
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As soon as your thoughts are clear, express your frustration in an assertive but non-confrontational way. You must state your concern and needs in a direct and clear way, without hurting others or trying to control them.
Physical Activities
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Physical activity like yoga, stretching, aerobic exercises reduces stress which is the cause root of your anger. Neck rolls and Shoulder rolls are good examples of nonstrenuous yoga like movements, which controls your body and harness your emotions. If you feel your anger escalating, go for a brisk walk or run, or do some enjoyable physical activities like cycling, hit a few golf ball, playing your favourite  game.
Relaxation Exercises
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There are many relaxation exercises but the key is to find the one that works best for you. Breathing exercises and Progressive muscle relaxation are two common strategies for reducing tension. Your breathing becomes shallower and speeds up as you grow angry. Reverse that trend  by taking slow, deep breath from your nose and exhaling out of your mouth for several moments. In Progressive muscle relaxation, try to tense and relax slowly your different muscle groups in your body, one at a time, along with slow deliberate breathe. Eg. Closing tightly & relaxing your fist along with breathe in & out respectively. You can use kids small smiley ball too. Stress balls are also available in the market. Relaxation exercises take practice. At first, you might feel as they are not effective, but with practice, they will.
Warning signs
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Be alert & aware of the emerging signs of anger like fast heart beat, red & hot face, clenching of fist, unable to think properly etc., so that you can take control and prevent it to reach the boiling point. 
 Identify Triggers
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Take stock of things that trigger your anger like traffic jams, sarcastic comments, messy room, work not at time etc. You must structure your day differently and prevent the triggers to take place. 
Be aware of your feelings
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Think critically what real emotions are lurking beneath your anger. Sometimes anger act as a mask to protect you from more painful emotions like embarrassment or disappointment. Acknowledging underlying right emotion can help you to get the root cause of problem. For an example, if someone cancels a plan on which you were so excited, chances are you rush in anger but underlying emotion is disappointment, so you can explain your feelings of disappointment instead of making the scene. Be honest with your feelings, then only you can resolve the issue. Responding in anger just push people away.
 Keep your mouth shut 
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When you are provoked, you may speak rubbish, which will worse the situation rather than any positive result. So, in an argument tightly close your lips as they are pasted. This will help you to take time to collect your thoughts and respond in a mature way.
Repeat a mantra
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                                                          When your temper flares, repeat a mantra or calming word or phrase, that will help you to calm down and refocus. Repeat that word again and again to yourself when you are upset. ‘Relax’, ‘take it easy’, ‘you will be o.k’ or ‘everything will be fine’ are good examples.
Picture a stop sign
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 The universal symbol to stop can help you calm down when you are angry. It’s a quick way to help you visualise the need to halt yourself, your actions and walk away from the moment. You can put any symbol on your back of your hand which will remind you to STOP & control your anger.
Find a creative channel
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You can turn your anger into a tangible production. Consider digital creativity, painting, writing poetry or journal when you feel upset. What you can't say,  perhaps you can write. Jot down what you are feeling and how you want to respond. Processing it through the written words can help you calm down and reassess the events, increases understanding and more possible solutions. Emotions are powerful muscles for creative individuals. Use yours to reduce anger.
Practice Imagination
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                                                                                                                       Just step into a close room, close your eyes, and imagine yourself in a relaxing scene. Focus on the details of the imaginary scene. Colour of shedding leaves.... movement of water….brightness of the rising sun etc. This practice can give you calmness, peace, serenity and of course strength.
Keep a calm down kit
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Make collection of objects which helps to engage all your senses. When you can see, hear, smell and touch the calming things you can change your emotional state. So, prepare a calm down kit which may include scented hand lotion, an image  of serene landscape or any relaxing scene, Audio- Video spiritual passage or quotes, a few pieces of your favourite candy. Just include all those things that you know will help you to remain calm. You can create a Portable calm down kit  that you can take anywhere. For example, calming music  and images, guided meditation or instructions for breathing exercises etc. to be stored in a special folder on your smartphone. Keep your bag loaded with hand lotion, perfumed wipes & candies.
Change the focus
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The best way to calm down is to change the focus immediately on something else. It’s better to distract yourself with an activity. Do something that requires your focus and makes more challenging for negative thoughts to creep in. For an Example, organising the wardrobe, deep cleaning the kitchen, weeding the garden, sign a petition, write a note to an official etc. Pour your energy and emotions into something thats healthy and productive which keeps your mind occupied and won’t able to ruminate on the things upsetting you. 
Listen Music
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Let the music carry you away from your frustrated feelings. Put on your earbuds, move to the park or drive the car and listen your favourite music, humming & bopping your anger away.
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Feeling angry, countdown up to 10. If your anger touching the peak, start slow backward count. By the time you count, your heart rate becomes slow, and your anger subsides slowly. 
Sharing with a friend
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Instead of whirling in the episodes that made you angry, you must have a long talk with a friend who is trustful, understands you and your all perspectives and also help you to get rid of the problem. 
Write a letter or Email
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Write a letter or email expressing all the events, even minute emotions which made you angry. After that, delete it. This will help you to release the suppressed emotions and make you at ease. 
Rehearse your response
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Rehearse what & how you are going to say when the same type problem approaches you. This rehearsal period  gives you chance to role play all the  solutions coming to your mind.
Practice empathy
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Fit in other persons shoes and see the situation from their angle. When you narrate a story according to their perspective, you may gain a new understanding and can overpower your anger. Think like a scientist, not a lawyer
Feel the anger but avoid action
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In anger person loses judgement and problem solving skills which makes him rigid & blunt. Ambrose Bierce rightly said “speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret”. Anger drives us to aggress , confront,  take revenge and retaliate. It’s better to go to bed  angry, before sending angry email  keep it for few days, just walk away when fight arises.
Self reflection
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Some person are proud of their anger. Even they achieved nothing, they experience a warm inner glow of self satisfaction .They believe they have accomplished something tough, powerful and righteous. But that's not.  One must see or hear himself in anger once in life. Tennis great  Roger Federer  who was a racket smashing brat in his junior years, was watching himself throwing tantrums on TV that put him off of it throughout the life. 
Take care of yourself 
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Factors like alcohol, pain, fatigue, stress, sickness, unmet drives like hunger, thirst, lust, etc. act as a fuel to anger. Reduce these variables as much as possible. Take proper sleep, make routine timetable, take some time off, streamline your week, delegate, relax, and have nutrition rich diet. 
Stick with ”I”statements
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Criticizm or blame game will always  increase tension. So, use ‘I’ statements while presenting the problem. Keep in mind to be specific and warm. Example say ‘I don’t feel good when you leave the table without keeping the plate in sink’ instead of saying ‘you never help in housework.
Take short breaks
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Give self short breaks during stressful or overloaded days. A few moments of quiet time will help you feel better, focused and prepare you to handle what’s ahead without getting irritated or angry.
Work on solutions
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Instead of focusing on what made you mad, work on resolving the issue at hand. Always remind yourself that anger won’t fix anything and might only make it worse.  
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Learn to Forgive. If your anger overpower your positive side, you find yourself dipped in bitter & poisonous fluid. But by forgiving someone who made you upset will make both of you to learn from the situation and strengthen your relationship. If it finds hard to forgive the person who has done wrong to you then imagine to forgive him. This way your anger slip away.
Evaluation of anger
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Analyse  whether your anger is a friend or an enemy. If you see your right is being violated, you are suffering an unhealthy situation or emotionally abusive toxic relationship, then your anger can do justice. Here, you can change the situation rather than changing your emotional state. Anger gives you the strenghth & courage to take a stand and make the right  change. Another case, if your anger is enemy, it will destroy your healthy relationships and make you upset. So, evaluate your anger is positive or negative for you.
Humor, the best medicine
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Lightening the situation can diffuse the tension. Humor can give you insight that what’s making you angry or having any unrealistic expectations. Avoid sarcastic comments, it only hurt the feelings and also make situation worse. Diffuse your anger by looking for ways to laugh, whether playing with your kids, watching  stand - up, or comedy movie. 
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End of the day, always be thankful to life, what positive things it has given you, even under hard situations. Just ignore the negative part and enrich more with gratitude for right things in your life. Anger will get no attention & will try to eliminate automatically from your life.
Know when to seek help
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Learning to control anger is a big challenge. Seek help or consult a psychologist if your anger seems out of control, causes you to do more harmful things you regret. 
Aanam Verma
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Weekend Edition: Self Care
In her 1988 book,  "A Burst of Light: Essays" Audre Lord stated, “Caring for myself is not self-indulgence. It is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare."  In that spirit, here are a few titles to help you care for yourself so that you can be at your best as you do all the things you do! We also recommend that you browse SearchOhio, Ohio’s public libraries consortium, for even more ideas for topics like exercise, gardening, crafts, meditation, and cookbooks. Set aside some You Time this weekend. 
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Yoga : the Spirit and Practice of Moving Into Stillness  by Erich Schiffmann ; photos by Trish O'Rielly World-renowned yoga master Erich Schiffmann now offers an easy-to-follow, exciting new technique - the first to combine hatha yoga and meditation - to all who are seeking healthful beauty and inner peace. Through simple instruction and essential illustrations, Yoga reveals more than one hundred poses and yoga routines for all levels of ability that will slow or even reverse aging, increase stamina and strength, and slim and tone the body; a complete program of meditation to promote self-realization, decrease stress, and promote creativity and love; yoga's secrets of stillness and movement that will enable you to radiate energy and feel an inner luminescence throughout your body; exercises that will awaken joy, allowing you to feel good about yourself and experience happiness; and techniques for mindful breathing and conscious physical immobility to wonderfully transform your perception of yourself and your world. Discover how to feel balanced, centred, and coordinated, increase flexibility, eliminate pain, and become free of life's negativity through the spirit and practice of Yoga.
Everyday Calm : Relaxing Rituals for Busy People by Darrin Zeer ; illustrations by Cindy Luu A quarter of a million readers have relaxed in the workplace thanks to Darrin Zeer's Office Yoga and Office Spa. Now Everyday Calm offers over 50 fun and simple ideas for daily stress relief no matter where you are. Start the morning with a Yoga Yawn to wake up your face and feel energized. Rely on the contents of a Spa on the Go bag to turn waiting in line into a pampering escape. And make ReinCARnation work for you when you can't find your car in a crowded parking lot. Using his expert knowledge of yoga, meditation, aromatherapy, massage, and feng shui, Zeer creates effective stress-busters that are easy to do on the way home from work, at the supermarket, and even at the movies. Packed with Cindy Luu's charming illustrations, Everyday Calm delivers anytime-anywhere stress relief.
The Body Is Not an Apology, Second Edition by Sonya Taylor "To build a world that works for everyone, we must first make the radical decision to love every facet of ourselves. . . . 'The body is not an apology' is the mantra we should all embrace." -Kimberlé Crenshaw, legal scholar and founder and Executive Director, African American Policy Forum Humans are a varied and divergent bunch with all manner of beliefs, morals, and bodies. Systems of oppression thrive off our inability to make peace with difference and injure the relationship we have with our own bodies. The Body Is Not an Apology offers radical self-love as the balm to heal the wounds inflicted by these violent systems. World-renowned activist and poet Sonya Renee Taylor invites us to reconnect with the radical origins of our minds and bodies and celebrate our collective, enduring strength. As we awaken to our own indoctrinated body shame, we feel inspired to awaken others and to interrupt the systems that perpetuate body shame and oppression against all bodies. When we act from this truth on a global scale, we usher in the transformative opportunity of radical self-love, which is the opportunity for a more just, equitable, and compassionate world-for us all. This second edition includes stories from Taylor's travels around the world combating body terrorism and shines a light on the path toward liberation guided by love. In a brand new final chapter, she offers specific tools, actions, and resources for confronting racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, and transphobia. And she provides a case study showing how radical self-love not only dismantles shame and self-loathing in us but has the power to dismantle entire systems of injustice. Together with the accompanying workbook, Your Body Is Not an Apology, Taylor brings the practice of radical self-love to life.
Restorative Yoga for Life : a Relaxing Way to De-Stress, Re-Energize, and Find Balance by Gail Boorstein Grossman  Written by instructor Gail Boorstein Grossman, E-RYT 500, CYKT, and published in partnership with Yoga Journal, Restorative Yoga for Life teaches you how to practice restorative yoga--a form of yoga that focuses on physical and mental relaxation through poses aided by props. It's a gentle yet empowering style that helps you de-stress and re-energize. While restorative yoga is beneficial for your entire body, Gail also shows you how to treat more than twenty ailments, such as headaches, digestive issues, and anxiety, through specific yoga poses and sequences. Guided by step-by-step instructions and beautiful photographs, you will gently ease your way into inner calm and better health with powerful yoga sequences. Whether you're having trouble sleeping, suffering from backaches, or just want to unwind after a busy day, you will find balance throughout your body, soul, and mind with Restorative Yoga for Life.
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