#evil fun hurt comfort hours your honor. i have too much of this. all of it brings me sooo much joy.
palismet · 1 year
you leave your home behind, but you take your ghosts with you. don't you see the problem? how the story has already begun to unravel, before your eyes, in your hands: the way the world is too gentle, the light too bright, how your reflection doesn’t really look like you? hunter expects the human realm to be at least somewhat similar to that of life on the boiling isles. it isn’t, and he struggles to come to terms. or: times hunter does domestic human things the wrong way, and how over time he begins to get it just right (in his own way, which means kind of, not really, not at all).
hope u all enjoy some time in the human realm + trying to adjust to it after king's tide angst n comfort vibes. i have a handful of chapters for it lined up and outlined further so far, so buckle up, we're in for a ride >:)
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draculovemp3 · 7 months
HIIIII what are your top 5 fav horror movies!!!!!?!!!? And top 5 fav horror characters (protagonists, final girls, villains, all count)!!?!!
HEYYYY i get this asked sm & I love answering every time… I’ll start w movies:
1. MARTYRS 2008 DIR PASCAL LAUGIER!!!!! So required so tough reading material to understand who I Oscar Marthammasters am as a person.
2. evil dead 2 likeeeee screw objectivity it’s so silly and bloody and fun and comforting. Every time.
3. The fly 1986…. ohggmmm my god this movie. So many quotes and scenes and. Moments that drive me crazy
4. May 2002 …. It’s so like . Painful how genuinely may is like myself or how I feel like I navigate the world…. Id do all that shit too.
5. Mandy 2018 is WILDDDD and also so wonderfully painful and the gore/deaths are amazing
Honorable mentions bc I can’t leave my babies out: house of 1000 corpses, bride of chucky!
As for characters:
1. I <3 YOU ASHLEY JOANNA WILLIAMS. My angel asshole who ill kiss then stomp with a comically huge hammer
2. Can i say lestat de lioncourt …. Tragic FREAK of a nolongerman who hurts my heart so much. I imagine an ideal me and it looks/dresses like Lestat Any version of him.
3. Tiffany valentine i love you forever deranged bi sexy woman-and-sometimes-doll
4. Jason voorhees 🏒love this entity so muchh I have a hockey jersey from spirit Halloween of Jason he’ll always be iconique!
5. Playing loose w these rules clearly but I’m sayinggg Leon Kennedy. America(me)’s sweetheart
Honesty hour, seriously ask me whatever the fuck you want to.
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chocolvte · 3 years
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NCT REACTION — the 127 members’ best friend comes out to them as lesbian
REQUEST — hey! if you're taking requests, just wondering if you could do an nct reaction where the reader comes out as a lesbian to them?
LISTEN TO — love so sweet by cherry bullet
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the most supportive of besties!
he seems like the type who would buy you the entire target price collection out of very misplaced but still golden hearted love <3
like he really doesn’t know anything about being gay (well . . debatable but let’s not start that here) but he wants you to know that he will always love you no matter what
he listens to all of your struggles
and he does his best to offer good advice, even though he doesn’t always know what to do
he’s that friend that you have a secure enough friendship that he can make fun of you about it and you know he doesn’t mean it
like you’ll tell him about a new girl you’re talking to and he’s like: oh cute! when is she moving in?
and you’re like: shut up 😠😤 . . but also i’m moving in with her on tuesday so i need you to help me lift boxes 😌😚
at the end of the day, he’s a good best friend who would happily gut punch anyone who has anything negative to say to you
i think he would feel so honored that you told him. like he makes you feel comfortable?? to the point that you told him this deeply personal thing about yourself?? he feels all happy and glowy about it inside for daysssss.
and of course he hates it whenever you struggle with anything
so hearing about any negative or just plain evil comments that you get from others makes his heart hurt
he’s your rock, always there for you when you need a shoulder to cry on or someone to vent with.
would definitely take this as an opportunity to tell you in great detail about all of his latest ventures with his love interests
honestly prob opens up to about being bicurious or something lmao
like i can definitely see the two of you having big queer bestie vibes
absolutely no romantic love between you, but a very strong bond. nothing is breaking y’all apart because you know everything there is to know about each other
he seems like he would already be a great ally and does his absolute best to be really supportive of you!
he would even go to a book store or do research online about the LGBTQ+ community so that he can be a better friend
no one would be a better bestie than doyoung
he’s also always there for the tea whenever you have a talking stage to dissect. he wants all of the screenshots, all of the play by plays. he’s down to talk it out for hours.
i think jaehyun would listen very attentively and try to be very calm and kind in this moment because he knows you’re being vulnerable.
he wants you to know that you can trust him.
and so he would do his best to listen well and respond in the way you need him to
because honestly he doesn’t care too much about your sexuality. to him, you’re just y/n and no matter who you date, he’ll always love you.
his response would definitely be a giant hug and him telling you how proud he is of you about a million times
bc he really is so happy that you told him
but it prob wouldn’t affect your friendship that much in the long run
y’all keep it moving and just continue to hang out and do the things you always do
but you’re definitely closer now that you know he wouldn’t hate you if he knew (an irrational fear you’d been harboring for a while)
i think mark would be confused a little
big “i thought you were american” vibes
but he’s still got the spirit, like he loves you as a person and so anything that makes you happy also makes him happy for you.
once this new info has processed, he’s back to being your best friend again like always
he seems like he’d be kind of stupid sometimes like if he found out another person he knew was a lesbian he’d be like “omg y’all should date” but his heart is still in the right place 🥴
with hyuck, i think coming out would be a really lighthearted thing. he’d prob make some dumb gay joke and, later, text you that he loves you just so you know he does take you seriously even if he doesn’t always show it.
and then it’s project matchmaker immediately
he texts you every day with a new girl he’s found for you to date.
“you WILL get a girlfriend, y/n, and i WILL be the one who makes it happen.”
but you know that if you ever actually did get a girl, he’d whine and complain that he’s been replaced and you’ve forgotten all about him (jokingly ofc but he’s still an idiot LMAO)
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aikidoheroine · 3 years
Tenmaki -Understanding-
Backflip, backflip, backflip
Tenko Chabashira, Ultimate Aikido Master (Or a variant of it anyway) kept twisting and edging backwards in fluid motion; sounds of air cuts passing by her. If one were to slow down, they could see knives being the thing making the sound through the air. Knives courtesy of Maki Harukawa, former Ultimate Babysitter, current Ultimate Assassin.
The two are locked in what was going to be a simple spar, but it grew to become a heated battle because Tenko is as aggressive with her mouth as her kicks and punches entail.
It all started 1 minute ago.
“Say Maki-chan, being alone and aloof from everyone else…that is no way to live! You should make friends and try to unburden yourself! If you like someone, you should be able to trust them, right? That’s what friends do. They trust each other.”
Tenko had no idea what caused Maki to explode, but she found herself dodging knives. Where is Maki even keeping those knives, Tenko has no idea. She lost count after 29. Doesn’t Maki carry 30? usually? At least, that’s what Kokichi said once. But who knows if that was lie. Almost everything out of that clown’s mouth is a lie in some sort of fashion.
After the 7th flip, Tenko lands on her feet, thankful that she felt the knife rain finally come to an end (that’s going to be a mess to clean up later), but the rain of pain came to her. Maki, despite her thin body shape, is surprisingly agile. Agile enough to close in on Tenko in seconds with another knife (There’s the 30th one), and strike at Tenko.
While Tenko acknowledges Maki is faster, and possibly stronger (Tenko witnessed the girl lift a 100 pound rocket launcher like was nothing), Maki lacks in ways Tenko excels at.
Namely, reflexes. Tenko already knew Maki would have closed the gap between them; its what Maki does, unconsciously or not (Assassin perks, maybe). Even before Maki began the strike, Tenko moved just as fast and with one hand, grips Maki’s wrist holding the knife, and the other one, she strikes an open palm right onto Maki’s chest.
The impact was quick. Maki dropped the knife and coughed her breath out. But she wasn’t out, not by a longshot. She didn’t earn the title of Ultimate Assassin by cowering under simple blows. She retaliates as quickly, leaping; she catches Tenko’s neck with her legs and twists her sideways, pulling both of them down. Tenko landed on her back (Thankful for the mats, otherwise that would have hurt), while Maki lands on her 4 feet like a cat. She grabs the fallen knife with her teeth (What are you Maki, a dog?), and leaps onto Tenko’s lap, about to swipe again at Tenko.
Tenko’s reflexes save her again, able to block the swipe by forming an X with her hands, and pushes them on Maki’s neck; narrowly avoiding the swipe and keeping Maki back. Maki however, persists and pushes forward, twisting her mouth and lips to grab the knife from the hilt and pushes down to try and stab Tenko.
“This is…ridiculous!” Tenko yells, teeth grit. She’s able to move her legs and lifts them back to wrap around Maki’s neck, and then pushes back with both arms and legs. “Off Maki!”
Tenko’s strength and position helps in this case, and she’s able to get Maki off her, one last push gets Maki to flip backwards and skid a little back; though she sprints back at Tenko with no intention of letting the Aikido Master get up.
Tenko does manage to get up. As soon as she got Maki off her, she spun herself in a manner similar to breakdancing, then users her legs as a weight, and lifts herself back up like a trampoline swing. “Aha!” And quickly, back on the defensive she is, as Maki dropped the knife from her mouth, back to her hand and goes for a flurry of strikes and swipes.
Tenko thankfully is skilled enough to parry each one, hands balled to fists, she punches the strikes away from dealing any real damage; though the constant clashes, and being pushed back got to Tenko.
She formulated a plan; simple and to the point. ‘Steady…steady…now!’ finding just the right time to counter, Tenko instead, ducks under one of Maki’s swipes, and sweeps her leg, knocking Maki off-balance. Tenko then leaps and grabs Maki by her sides and slams her down “HAAH!” no mercy for the Assassin.
Once Maki hit the mats (and pretty damn hard. Tenko did not hold back that one time), the force of the impact gets her to drop her knife, and Tenko then sits on Maki’s lap and holds her two arms by her wrists. Neutralization, success.
“…Phew.” Tenko let out a sigh of relief. Now that the 'spar’ finally stopped, she realized just how fast her heart is racing, and the sweat she fells all over. It was a quick fight, but still, it put her on edge. Maki was using real knives. It could have hurt her, or worse. “I would normally say that was fun spar Maki-chan, but you were using real weapons! I could have been hurt!” Tenko said with a frown. “I apologize for any rudeness in my earlier comment, but I meant what I said.”
“…You actually managed to beat me.” Maki said, surprised. She didn’t make any motion to try and get out; she admits defeat. “…I guess that makes it 2-1 for now, still leading.”
Tenko would have been flattered, under normal circumstances, but not this time. “Please don’t flatter me Maki-chan; especially when you don’t mean it.”
“…” Maki grumpily stayed quiet, not even looking at Tenko anymore. “I don’t rely on others Chabashira. I’m an Assassin, get it? I kill people; for a living.” she sighs, and decides to look at Tenko “Whether my target is innocent or guilty, it doesn’t matter. I silence them forever, get paid, move on to the next one. I don’t feel anything, I shouldn’t, feel anything; especially friendship or…anything deeper than that.”
“…You don’t believe that.” Tenko said. “I can tell Maki-chan. Not just by words, but your body. You put on a brave face, threatening anyone, always trying to be intimidating…but I see it. At the table, at the trials, when you see other people talking like friends, like Shuichi and Kaito. You have that look of sadness in your face, showing your true emotions.”
Whether Tenko’s words hit Maki or not, Maki didn’t show it. “Its not your problem to solve.”
“Maybe not.” Tenko admits as much. “But this isn’t an assassin’s mission, is it Maki-chan? We’re trapped, with other people. People that regardless of how you and I feel about, have to work together to get out of this mess.”
“Akamatsu tried. You saw how that worked out.”
Kaede…It may have been more than a week since then, but to Tenko, its like it happened hours ago. Its still vivid in her head. The imagery, Kaede’s look of despair as death slowly took hold of her, and nobody was able to do anything about it. Spectators to an execution no one wanted, for a crime Kaede didn’t even want to commit.
To Tenko, a defender of justice, protector of the weak; it was an insult to her pride and honor.
“I don’t need to be reminded of that.” Tenko said. “But I have never doubted Kaede-chan’s words. To get out of here alive, all of us.” her eyes drooped a little. “…I admit that while I don’t show it, I am afraid of what may come next.”
“I’m not.” Maki replies bluntly.
“Liar.” Tenko frowns again. “In this fight we just had, you told me otherwise.”
Maki didn’t say anything to that, staying strangely quiet. Tenko took this is a queue to continue. “Every swipe, stab, every movement you did…it wasn’t normal for you. Your movements were quick, but sloppy. With determination, but no end goal. Every attack has shown to me that you’re afraid, desperate to exit this confounding prison that Monokuma created against our wills.”
“If you were really aiming to kill me Maki, you would have done so much easier than what you showed me today. I know full well your capabilities to end a life. You did not end mine…so I know, that you are afraid too, for what comes after death here, is facing your own death; and that terrifies you.”
“As strong as you are…facing death, that should never be done alone.”
Maki bit her lip, annoyed and…admittedly showing her fear now, if only a little. “Strength of my own is all I know Chabashira. I never had to rely on anyone else but myself.”
Tenko nods. Her grip on Maki loosens “I know this…I know you are strong Maki-chan.” She lets go of Maki’s wrists, and looses her own hands, relaxed…comfortable. “But someone that has always fought alone, will never know the strength of fighting alongside others. The kind of strength Kaede wanted from us.” Tenko gets off Maki’s lap and stands up, still staring at her, but now a gaze; A strange mix of sorrow and hopeful “The kind of strength I want to hope, can get us to escape with no more victims or murderers. Back to where we belong.”
“…” Maki didn’t move from her spot, though relieved Tenko got off her at least. “…You never spoke with Akamatsu. Why are you holding her in such a strong regard?”
“…” Tenko takes a step forward and slowly sits next to Maki, looking opposite of where Maki is. “It is true…we only spoke once, before the murder of Rantaro. I suppose its not really about Kaede herself, as a wonderful person I’m sure she was; rather…” Tenko bit her lip. “What she represents to me.”
Maki raised an eyebrow, confused. Clearing her throat, Tenko continues.
“As someone that upholds protecting the weak, the innocent, seeing Kaede die the way she did, in such a cruel, unfitting matter…God you have no idea how badly I wanted to crush Monokuma and those damn cubs of his. But it would have been for nothing. I know that, I felt that…but I still wanted to. Because Kaede deserved better; killer or not of that degenerate Rantaro; she wouldn’t have done that if Monokuma had forced us to this evil game of his.”
As she spoke, Tenko’s sadness turned to grief, to anger, to hopelessness. Tears nearly threatened to leave her eyes, and they did. “This killing game goes against everything I believe in; and I hate it. I hate the very idea of it. Comrades and friends being forced to kill each other for some sick proof of an ideal is no way to live; no matter if the whole world wants to think that way, it being acceptable doesn’t mean that it should be ok for anyone to not question it. We question drugs, we question the morality of mental health, but we don’t question abuse? murders?” Tenko shook her head. “We are Ultimates. We bring hope to those that can’t do so, in odd ways, yes. But we still do our parts every day, with hard work and determination.” Tenko shook vividly as she said this. “Monokuma took that hope, and twisted it to something of pure evil; all for laughs.” she stood up again, wiping her eyes from the tears and the sniffs. “I can never forgive a person like that, or anyone that supports such actions and ideals. So for that…I have to fight to keep us together, to work together and live another day. Kaede would have wanted that. I, want that.” Tenko greatly emphasizes in her grief.
“…” Maki didn’t know what to say. What could she say? Tenko’s speech caught her off-guard. In truth, Maki never really thought of it that way. A simple life, compared to Tenko’s complex one. To kill, and to protect.
’…Would killing the mastermind truly end this?’ Maki thought to herself. 'Who’s to say someone else will take their place? Someone with equally twisted ideals?’ history shows as much. You kill one dictator, 2 more pop up someone else. Its like killing ants in a way.
’…Have my killings served any purpose, I wonder…’ Maki mused. 'Were they for the greater good? Or for the selfish ambitions of another? …did my actions caused others to die?’
…Well, whatever the answers to that, it doesn’t matter now. Too late to look back on done deeds. But maybe this once…
“…Hey.” Maki got up, and grabbed her knife. She pockets it. “…Tomorrow, same time?” Maki pauses for a moment. “…No knives.”
Surprised, Tenko looks at Maki wide eyed and mouth agape “Maki-chan…?”
Maki stands up and dusts herself off. “I’ll see you then…Tenko.” With that, Maki leaves the Gym, leaving a flabbergasted Tenko behind.
Though once she left, Maki looks at her knife, her own reflection in the silver blade. ’…Fight for others…its not my thing. I doubt it could ever be my thing.’ Maki pockets it again. 'But…maybe just this once…I can try, if only for Tenko, and Kaede. I am an assassin, that will never change. …Yet, would the kids at the orphanage…would they admire me if they knew what I did? What I’ve done?’
Himiko, Angie! I made friends with Maki-chan! I got her to acknowledge me as a friend!
That’s great Tenko! Atua has blessed you indeed!
“Oi, don’t let it go to your head!” Maki yelled angrily, yet couldn’t help herself to smile…if only once.
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“Wow, thank you so much, Goryuck! I didn’t expect something like this, but this is such a sweet surprise! I’m going to cherish this forever!”
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Cozy library in one of their houses, LOTS of cuddles for a hurt/comfort insecure!Loki with Tony and Stephen comforting him and like reading to him while he falls asleep knowing they love him
Thank you for this lovely prompt!
I had a lot of fun writing this story, hope you’ll like it! I also posted it on Ao3: Morpheus
Surprisingly, Loki loved Midgardian fiction. More precisely fairy tales, fantasy and all stories of foreign and fantastic worlds.
He could spend hours, if not days, reading these books. Escaping through them while staying in the comfort and security of the library.
Tony has been worried in the beginning, seeing his lover isolating himself and reading until he forgot to eat or to sleep. Even though he was far more resistant than humans, Loki still needed to rest and eat. Retreating himself this deep into his own world was far from healthy.
It was Stephen who reassured Tony by reminding him how much peace and comfort Loki could find in books.
The library was Loki’s sanctuary. It always had been, to be honest. Even back on Asgard, Loki always found refuge and comfort in the middle of this comforting and almost mystical place that is a library. Books always have been his confidents and best friends in tough times. Allowing him to escape loneliness, bitterness, distress. They taught him the most precious of his knowledge : magic. They reassured him through the entirety of his life, it was no surprise that even if he now lived on Midgard he still found such comfort in reading.
Stephen, too, found comfort in reading. But, contrary to Loki, he found this comfort through learning more about magic, science or whatever subject he was currently interested in. He did read fiction and diverse other books but the real comfort to him was perfecting his craft and knowledge. He always found comfort and peace in perfecting his knowledge and skills. Books have always been a means to improve himself.
Tony realized he completely understood his lovers. After all, he too found refuge in his own sanctuary, though it was his lab and not the library. He too spent days working on his inventions, forgetting to sleep and eat. He too felt immense relief and peace working on his suit and inventions, surrounded by his tech in the familiarity and comfort of his lab.
They all found different safe places throughout the years, when they needed solitude and comfort.
That said... Maybe it was no surprise that Loki specifically loved Midgardian fiction so much. Well, of course Tony and Stephen were always astounded to see a god who saw thousands of marvelous and mysterious worlds in his life being as amazed as a child each time he read Midgardian stories. But, all these experiences he lived were certainly precisely why he loved these books so much.
There was a feeling of profound familiarity despite a cruel sense of loss and disorientation with these tales. Midgardians’ collective imagination found his roots in myths that were somewhat closely familiar to Loki, because he often knew the truths behind these myths. It was fascinating, as much as disorienting, to see how these truths had been changed into something totally different throughout the centuries. The truth had been shaped and metamorphosed through means that had nothing to see with lies or intentional manipulation. It was only the results of oral transmission and romanticization. Humans were always exploring their history through fiction. Truly fascinating. Midgardians really were amazing story tellers.
Asgardians legends never equaled the beauty of Midgard stories in Loki's opinion. Oh, for sure, there were hundreds, if not thousands, of legends narrating Aesirs' most glorious and epic fights. There was the wise and profound philosophy hidden behind poems. There were tales of love and adventures sung. But it was nowhere near what stories were in Midgard.
Stories were more to Midgardians than mere glorification of the past. Of course, their tales took their source in humans' history. But while Asgardian legends were just pleasant memories that warriors loved to tell again and again and again, for Midgardians it was something totally different that was at stake.
Transmitting their history was absolutely crucial for Midgardians, way more than for the immortal Aesirs. There was always the threat of death and of the erasing of their heritage. They always were one disaster, one tragedy, one pandemic away from the loss of an immeasurable heritage. Humans' memories and myths were not the words of rambling elders thousands of years old, there were lively and diverse stories continuously changing and transmitted.
In Loki’s eyes, it was why the Midgardians gave so much importance to telling stories. Storytellers were in a way the guardians of humanity's whole history and heritage. These fantastic and fictional worlds were more enthralling and mysterious than anything else Loki saw in his life and despite this, these stories were vibrating with infinite echoes of the past. Midgardians stories were as diverse and wildly lively as their creators. Full of dreams, of hope, of memories. It was like a cauldron for changes and evolution all the while transmitting elders’ memories and thoughts.
Loki could not help but be simply amazed. It often left him dreamy. How sweet it must be for midgardians children to be soothed with such beautiful and fantastic tales. It was nowhere near the legends of his childhood. The Aesirs always related the same stories of glorious victories, of fierce and valourous heroes and of the, oh so incredible, conquests of Asgard through the Nine Realms. The Elders always loved to narrate these same tales of war and conquests. Especially those about the Jotnar and their Realm.
Oh, how many times did he hear how the brave and mighty warriors of Asgard defeated the terrible and truly monstrous Jotnar? How many times did he hear how Odin defeated Laufey? How many times did he hear these stories of heroic war, of glorious violence, of marvelous destruction?
He always hated these stories. It wasn’t the preservation of a heritage or fantastic tales meant to inspire like in Midgard. It was just old chauvinistic warriors patting themselves and the back for war memories already narrated and heard thousands of times.
Perhaps it was bad faith. After all, war was obviously central in Asgardian culture. All the children learnt early how to fight and defend themselves and their Realm. Those not able to fight like respectable and heroic warriors were… weren’t.
It surely was not a surprise to see this theme being this preponderant in Asgard’s myths. Since the dawn of time until Ragnarok. It simply was a very long life made of glorious fights, feasts and wars.
Asgardian mentality was always about being the most powerful and brave warrior. Tactics? Cunning? Magic? Oh no! The only power was strength. Physical strength. Submitting your enemies with your sword, or your hammer, was the only true and honorable power. How could you ask for respect and consideration if you were not even able to show the strength of a true Asgardian warrior? How could you be worthy of being a warrior? How could you be worthy of being an Aesir? How could you be worthy of being an Odinson?
The answer was easy.
You could not.
And in the end, they were right. They were so right.
He never deserved to be a respected Aesir warrior nor a true Odinson for he was nothing more than a Jotunn runt after all. A weak, evil and monstrous Jotunn, one of those that Aesir parents warn their children against, when they narrate them the wondrous Asgardians legends.
He would never be worthy in the eyes of the Aesirs. In the eyes of the warriors. In the eyes of his brother. In the eyes of Odin.
A monstrous creature. Directly from Aesirs’ most known stories.
A stranger.
An imposter.
His whole life was made of lies and horrific legends. He wasn’t him, Loki. He was a Jotunn, a creature made of ice, evilness and violence, as narrated in the legends. Sometimes he couldn’t figure himself as real. Sometimes he forgot he was something else than a monster feared and hated. Sometimes he was losing grasp on reality. Sometimes he was feeling like an outsider. Observing life and reality from the exterior. Like a simpte fictional being allowing people to shape him as they wanted. Just an horrific tale and a sweet lie.
A lie as sweet as the lips that were softly kissing his forehead. As sweet at the tender hand caressing his hair. As sweet as the perfume of books, cinnamon and fire floating in the air. As sweet at a profound and soft voice he could hear.
But these sensations were nothing like lies nor fiction.
As he was reconnecting with his body and reality, he could feel more and more of those sensations coming to him. The soft warmth of the fireplace. Someone holding his hand and softly caressing the back of it with his thumb. His lovers by his sides. A whisper.
« We’re here, Lokes. We’re here, I promise you. » Another kiss. « And you’re here with us too. »
A reminder.
The other voice never stops reading. The hand in his hair doesn’t stop either.
It probably hasn’t stopped since the beginning.
But which beginning ? When did the voice start ? When did the caresses start ?
He didn’t know.
He hasn’t even been aware of being disconnected from the world. He hasn't been aware of being cuddled by his two favorite people in the world. He wasn't aware of the comfortable room he was in.
Maybe it has been hours since his lovers, worried to not have seen him in a long time, joined him and took him in a warm and loving embrace.
It felt like an eternity. Or an instant. Or just. It felt just good. Timeless. But good. Immensely good.
Stephen softly caressing his hair while he was snuggled to his side. His soft voice never stopping from reading.
Tony cuddling him softly, his eyes closed, while he was listening to Stephen's voice too.
The Cloak was carefully covering them and they were comfortably settled in the couch, surrounded by soft cushions. The room's warm colors were only adding more to the feeling of peacefulness and cozyness that Loki felt each time he was in the library and in his lovers' arms.
Anxiety, sadness and dread were already disappearing. Oh, they would come back, sure. They always did.
But for now, he was safe and loved. In the security of his sanctuary and in the comfort of his lovers’ embrace. All was well. He knew his lovers were here for him. And he knew Stephen would never stop reading and Tony would never leave his side, not until they were certain their lover was ready to leave this little bubble of peace. He could allow himself to rest now, lulled to sleep by Stephen’s voice and Tony’s soft caresses.
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smutty-ki113r · 3 years
Could I please have a romantic matchup?
I’m an introverted she/her Virgo (Leo cusp) and I'm bicurious.
I'm 5'5 with long dark brown (almost black) hair and coffee brown eyes. In terms of body shape I’m a less extreme version of an hourglass with thick thighs and comfortable size tiddies. My style is summed up as a tired college student who rolled out of bed.
I tend to have a very stoic appearance at first sight, but I’m usually a wreck inside. I’m a huge romantic with a passive personality. I’m so touch starved, I just want someone to cuddle with me and tell me it’s all gonna be okay.
Super insecure about a lot of things, but the main ones are my acne scars. I have really bad impulse control and I can’t help but to pick. By the time I finally realize I should stop, it’s usually already too late.
I love playing all kinds of games, whether it be monopoly, resident evil, or solitaire. I’m one of those people that’s almost always listening to music regardless of genre (except heavy metal). But I’m a super big sucker for a sweet love song or some cavetown. If there were an award for overthinking at all hours of the day, I’d definitely be at least an honorable mention. Super into baking with an insatiable sweet tooth.
My obsession with psychology is also there. Horror and all things creepy never fail to intrigue me. I love the outdoors, but I never seem to actually be able to drag myself outside.
Loud noises and yelling scare me really bad to the point I start to tremble and tear up. But I have a hard time handling silence too unless I’m with someone who can quiet my mind.
I carry a good bit of trauma with me. It can be overwhelming, and there are days where I can’t bring myself to get out of bed. Days where little things send me spiraling and I have panic attacks over what seem like nothing.
I’m usually pretty good with people even if I don’t like them. I have a really hard time voicing my opinion, so I can and do get put in situations I don’t want to be in. I’ve always been the therapist friend even if I didn’t like someone. People I DO like get a million and one chances no matter how many times they hurt me, I just never seem to learn. That means that when I do finally give up, everything has been shattered with 0 chance of ever going back to normal.
My ideal date would be going to a cafe on a snowy winter day. We’d get warm drinks to go (preferably hot chocolate) and then walk through the fancy neighborhood in town hand in hand looking at all the lights. Inevitably we’d come across some mistletoe, and my partner would look at me with the dopiest grins and they’d drag me under it. Oh whoops! Looks like we have to kiss!
I’m literally so worried this is not going to the right place. I’m sorry if it isn’t, obviously feel free to delete it if that’s the case.
Thank you for taking the time to read and give me a matchup <3 Looking forward to it.
P.S I absolutely adore your writing and the blog’s aesthetic. It’s super calming and easy on the eyes.
You’re all good it’s def in the right place. After a lot of consideration I match you with…..💗LAUGHING JACK💗
For a lot of reasons actually, I feel like overall he would be a lovely and caring partner for you.
Touchstarved? Jack is your guy, once you get him to warm up to you that is. He’s been like that for a while and once he finds out you like him he will not let you go. I fully believe he would be the kindest to their s/o to you’re in good hands claws. He’s really attentive and could help you realize that you’re anxious, for the acne scars too, probably holds your hands and gets you to focus on him.
Jack likes games too, probably board games or hide and seek. Anything sort of childish, it’s actually really fun. SWEET TOOTH? Yeah there’s not a better guy for you. Provides you with any and all candy and saccharine things you would like. Jack could drag you outside, probably to the forrest where he’d play tag with you. I warn you, you’ve got to run for your life because once he catches you he will lift you off the ground and give you a bear hug.
LJ is naturally a loud guy but he keeps a soft tone around you, he dosen’t want to scare you. Everyone else, yes. You, never. Trauma you say? Jack has a fuck load of trauma too, you guys can probably trauma bond. But you both take it out in different ways, Jack is more violent, towards others obviously. It would be a nice change of pace for you to have someone to lean on, that’s what Jack would do. He’s not one to use a therapist friend.
For sure, Jack will take you out in the winter and make your the tastiest hot chocolate. Giving you sideglances as he takes your hand and leads you through the snow to a beautiful winter wonderland of trees decorated with lights. Since he’s so tall he would probably hold the mistletoe himself and give you a nervous smile, hoping you want to kiss him. It will be a passionate one filled with joy and warmth, he’s never been happier. He only hopes you feel the same.
THANK YOU! I spend so much time organizing my blog, one day I literally sobbed over my master list because I thought it was disorganized. But anyway, whatever happened to you, I’m sorry, you didn’t deserve that. It was not your fault and I’m here to let you know it’s all going to be ok. Ive got a bit of trauma myself, can’t remember most of my childhood. Your panic attacks and breakdowns aren’t for nothing, and they’re not stupid. I know it must be hard but try not to throw yourself into other’s problems, it can be so draining. I know you just want to be a good person but being the therapist friend is exhausting, I should know. And then you never say anything because you don’t wanna come off as rude and you feel like a burden. You deserve better than people who are going to use you and then throw you away.
*gives virtual hug* it really is all going to be ok, I promise. I love you.
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Darkest Of Nights
Connor Walsh & Michaela Pratt (How to Get Away With Murder)
Warnings: Sexual Assault, Vomiting, Swearing, Spoilers for Season 1 of How To Get Away With Murder
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Platonic Relationship
Summary: On the night of Sam’s murder, it’s safe to say everyone is traumatized, looking for comfort and solace. However, one of them gets the complete opposite: Michaela is only offered more pain and trauma, bringing her to the brink of insanity.
Requested by 🐢 Anon, but also meant as a birthday present for an Anon who recently reached out to me. Happy birthday dear Anon! Hope you have the best one yet! Here’s the fic you requested - I hope it lives up to your expectations! It’s been such an honor to be the person to write you a birthday present and I can only hope I’ve done my job well! Love, Vy ❤
She’s still in utter shock and disbelief. She’s shaking like a leaf as she navigates the roads back to her apartment. It pains her that she’ll have to pass by the Keating house again tonight, knowing what happened there just hours ago. She squeezes the jacket tighter around herself, glad to not see any familiar - or rather any faces at all. The bonfire has gathered every college student, graduate and fan of the sport around itself, giving the streets an emptiness Michaela hasn’t seen before.
Michaela Pratt has always liked planning out her life, having her future laid out in front of her always at her disposal for changing and modifying. She’s always seen herself a successful, envied lawyer in the future, someone other lawyers fear and all wrong-doers want. Because who doesn’t want freedom? She’d pride herself on being the one to bring them that freedom. She’d pride herself on owning a title like Annalise’s - a bitch, a beast and a boss in the courtroom.
However, just like she had everything laid out in front of her eyes, she’s watching it all fall apart. Fall into that very bonfire her and her classmates went to take pictures at to own their alibis. To save themselves from possible suspicion. To paint the picture that they aren’t murderers.
That realization will never soften its blow to her chest and stomach. Every time she repeats the word ‘murderer’ in her mind, her heart skips a bit and her stomach turns, threatening to make her release everything in it onto the pavement she’s walking on. She feels disgusting and dirty, not only because of the ash and mud she has all over herself following the venture into the woods where they dismembered Sam’s body, but because she took part in it. She may have stood aside, crippled by shock, disbelief and disgust, but she’s now a part of it nonetheless.
With her heart and mind racing faster than she’s able to comprehend, she finds herself unable to turn that corner and get onto the street which the Keating house is on. She feels that if she sees that place she might just faint right there on the street and if that doesn’t raise a few questions, nothing will. Instinctively, she continues ahead, heading down the street that will inevitably lead her to where the mob of drunk or half-drunk people are surrounding a huge fire, celebrating something Michaela is less than disinterested in. She feels it’d make for an extra alibi in case the pictures they posted aren’t enough proof of their faux innocence. 
Michaela squints her eyes at the brightness of the fire nearby, sensing both a cough and a sickening feeling climbing up her throat. There are reporter trucks everywhere, ones she sees as the perfect hiding barriers to prevent her from being seen by anyone in case that sickening feeling morphs into an urge to throw up. She quickens her pace, eager to find herself in the safe space between two of the reporter trucks and attempt to calm her heart that’s threatening to beat out of her chest. She’s still visible to anyone walking along the street, but as it was established earlier, the street’s vacant and it seems it’ll remain that way for a little longer so she feels almost invisible and tiny in comparison to the two truck that serve the purpose of her protectors in this very moment.
Placing a hand on the wall of the truck, she doubles over, preparing for the inevitable when she hears a whistle from somewhere close by. Or, more specifically, directly behind her.
“What a view baby!“ A drunken slur of a male voice follows that whistle, causing her to straighten up and turn on her heel as fast as possible. “Is that how women ask to get some nowadays?”
Her stomach’s now in knots and she can’t find her voice to say anything. She’s frozen with fear of the man’s silhouette that’s now approaching her. His features aren’t visible in the dark so even if she did know him - which she’s sure she doesn’t - she wouldn’t be able to recognize him. Not that it matters, recognizing him or not, this man’s intentions are more than clear and more than threatening.
“Silence means yes in my book, babe. So...why don’t we have some fun?“ Before she can even register his proximity, he’s grabbed her wrists and pushed her against one of the trucks. The disgusting fucker holds her wrists at either side of her head, firmly holding them there, ridding her of any chance of escape.
The events she’s had to go through have already weakened her enough but even with that put to the side she’s no match for this guy - he’s a lot stronger and bigger in size. He’s basically towering over her like a predator looming over its prey, toying with it before going in for the kill. And when he does, when she feels his lips on her neck, that’s the final straw.
The need to relieve her insides finally takes over and she starts gagging, causing the son of a bitch to pull away and let go of her. And then she throws up, all over him, earning her the perfect distraction that will buy her enough time to get the fuck out of there. Despite the shaking of her legs and her still-turning stomach, Michaela takes off running, feeling sweat drops forming and running down her forehead. She can hear the cursing of that gross fucker behind her, but luckily she doesn’t take notice of another pair of running footsteps, suggesting she isn’t being followed. Even with this knowledge, she doesn’t stop running. Her brain understands she’s somewhat safe but her heart is racing, her heartbeat echoing in her ears warning her that there’s danger all around. So, she keeps running until she’s less then two blocks away from her apartment complex. 
Her adrenaline levels refuse to lower but her legs have basically turned into jelly and she can’t find it in her to even keep walking, let alone running.  She collapses, a mess of tears, sobbing and fear on the sidewalk. It’s too much. All too much and all too soon and all out of nowhere. She feels violated, vulnerable, unsafe. She feels both fragile and like she’s already been broken into shards. She feels alone and worst part is, she feels like she deserves it. She sees what happened between those two truck as a punishment for having participated in a murder and the gruesome disposal of a dead body.
Michaela Pratt always knew karma would catch up to her, she just never expected it’d be this cruel. 
She got taught the hard way that in the darkest of nights, the most evil of demons attack.
                                                                *  *  *
Connor Walsh is known to be laid back and nonchalant to the point of irritative. However, right now, he’s anything but.
He’s anxious, he’s nervous, he’s still under shock and in mild panic mode. He’s restless, pacing the living room of the Keating home while running his hands through his hair, desperately trying to ignore and push away the memories of the events that took place in this very room less than twenty four hours ago. 
“Where the hell is she?!!“ He takes a portion of his anger out on the wooden coffee table with a punch that will for sure bruise his knuckles. His eyes skim over the two other accomplices who have never looked so out of it: dead, bloodshot eyes carrying a thousand yard stare, neither of them reacting to his rage nor sharing it with him. “How the fuck are you so calm?! How can you just sit there and-!“
“Cause there’s nothing we can do!“ Wes suddenly snaps, “You heard Annalise - she called in, saying she wouldn’t be able to make it. So what, you want us to exhibit even more suspicious behavior by thrashing and yelling all over the place?“
“No, no, no. She had said she couldn’t make it because she had something to take care of. That ‘something’ could be reporting us, how do you not understand that?!“ Connor lashes out again, his fists only tightening this time, not finding a victim to take their hits.
“Michaela wouldn’t do that, she’s not stupid. It’ll immediately tie her to it too. She’ll go to jail like the rest of us.“ Laurel says, much calmer than the two men in the room though it probably has to do with the lack of energy due to the lack of sleep.
“You never know what’s going on in the brain of that selfish woman!“ He mutters, suddenly getting up and grabbing his phone. He storms out into the hallway, already dialing Michaela’s number.
With the device pressed tightly against his ear, the dial tone piercing his head like a screech straight from hell, he runs a frustrated hand over his pale as a sheet face, squeezing his eyes shut. The call eventually goes to voicemail, but that doesn’t stop Connor Walsh. He keeps trying, each attempt falling through, each call getting sent to voicemail after about five rings. Each time his anger boiling hotter.
“The hell do you want?! Can’t you catch a hint?!“ His seventh attempt is proven successful when a familiar female voices answers from the other line.
“Oh, I’m sorry, Princess. Am I bothering you? My most sincere apologies! I just wanted to know if you feel like ratting us out to the police, but if I’m calling at an inconvenient time, please forgive me.“ He sneers, his sanity restraints breaking one by one under the pressure of frustration, fear and the anxiety attack that’s been building in his chest all day today.
“Listen here, Walsh.“ Michaela hisses threateningly, though Conner doesn’t fail to pick up on the fact that there’s something off about her voice. He doesn’t dwell on that, too over-occupied with his worries of future jail time to care. “I’m not in the mood for your selfishness or for dealing with any of what happened last night so save your shit-talking for a more decent time. And as for the ratting part, I ain’t that kind of scum, though karma will catch up to each and every one of you. Just like...“ her voice suddenly cracks, the words sounding more like a sob than a threat, “Just like it caught up to me last night.“ That sentence is spoken through a cry, which is the last thing Connor was expecting to hear from the woman he deemed so high and mighty and so full of herself she can’t see the world around her nor how she’s affecting it with her selfish decisions.
That last sentence of hers is what the call ends on and what anchors itself in his head. Connor’s left standing in the hallway with a sickening feeling in his stomach that wasn’t there before and a little voice telling him that something is very wrong with Michaela. Her words were all her trademark, expected and explainable phrases but her tone, and that final statement were odd and far too out of place for him to just brush off. That last line she spoke felt like the most sincere and vulnerable thing she’s ever said to him. To anyone, really. There was no show, no tough act in those words. It was nothing but the confession of a broken girl who’s never felt like her life isn’t her own until now.
With that alarm ringing throughout his head and no good explanation, instead of turning and heading into the living room like he originally intended to, Connor storms out the front door of the home with fast and determined steps, heading for the destination he never thought he’d go to.
                                                              *  *  *
Having ordered food twenty minutes prior, Michaela doesn’t find the doorbell sounding throughout her apartment to be weird or unwelcome despite the fact it made her jump and shudder in her seat. With the comfort of the tiny pepper spray bottle in the back pocket of her jeans, she makes her way to the front door, resting one hand on the handle before pushing up on her toes to check through the peephole that the person she’s expecting is indeed the one who’s on the other side.
Her stomach drops and frustration rises through the roof when the peephole reveals the familiar, somewhat distressed face of Connor Walsh.
“GO AWAY!“ She yells turning and placing her back against the door, now not at all willing to open it.
“I’m not going anywhere until you tell me what’s going on with you!“ She hears his voice coming from beyond the door, sounding strangely honest and deeply concerned.
“Why do you care anyway?! I already told you I won’t rat you out, you’ve got nothing to worry about!“ The lack of hostility in her voice seems to encourage Connor to speak a bit more freely.
“Come on, Shooting Star. Students who kill and dispose of bodies together share problems together.“ He says sarcastically but with true gentility behind his words.
That hint of honesty and a bit of harmless humor is what makes her slowly inch her hand toward the doorknob once again. After briefly hesitating, she pulls the door open, not at all bothered by the fact her rival is seeing her the most unpresentable she ever remembers being: hair a mess, homey clothes she can’t even recall the age of, no make-up, eye bags - the whole pack.
“Don’t like a Princess or a Shooting Star, do I?“ She attempts the same amount of humor he used but coming from her it sounds rather dead and flat, not that it’s not to be expected after everything she went through.
“You look like someone who has seen and been through some shit.“ He says truthfully, still standing in the hallway, unwilling to go inside until she gives him the green light for fear she might suddenly snap at him. “And I’m not only talking about what happened with Sam.“
Michaela’s eyes gloss over with tears immediately, mentally cursing herself for being so obvious. In order to avoid eye-contact, she steps aside to allow him inside.
“Thank you.“ He mutters as he makes his way past her and down the hall, arrogantly comfortable in the new surroundings.
By the time Michaela has started regretting her decision of letting him in, she realizes it’s already too late so she shuts and relocks the door before following after him in the living room where she finds him already situated in the armchair like it’s his 100th time visiting. Hell, like he owns the place.
She takes the seat on the couch closest to him, not bothering to offer him any hospitality in the form of drinks and snacks. Such offer feels ridiculous under these circumstances.  Speaking of ridiculous, the circumstances themselves are ridiculous - her biggest rival, and now one of her partners in crime is chilling in her living room with a smug look on his face.
“Karma’s gonna catch up to me, huh?“ He suddenly speaks up, reminding her yet again of how bad of an idea inviting him in was. “Yours caught up to you, you say. Though to me it seems like it beat and battered you too.“
Michaela’s never been a crier. In fact, she’s guilty of silently judging people she’s witnessed crying, thinking of them as weak and spineless. But here she is, fighting back tears at the memories she’d much rather forget.
“It did, but it had the opposite effect. I’m glad we ridded this world of a piece of scum like him. One less man who feels entitled to everything. Who feel free to take anything he wants anytime.“ Her throat feels dry as her eyes fill with tears despite her best attempts at holding them back, “Take a girl’s virginity, take her dignity, her safety, her life, take everything away from her. And all that when she’s most vulnerable and scared and helpless and...“
Her words come to an abrupt halt when she finds Connor has repositioned himself and is now sitting next to her on the couch, has turned to face her and has placed a reluctant hand on her shoulder, “Michaela, what happened to you?”
That’s when she breaks down for the fifth time today. Since that breakdown on the sidewalk on her way home, she’s found it infinitely harder to hold her tears back, keep her emotions at bay. So, instead of easting her energy holding back, she’s been wasting it sobbing into the comforter she had wrapped around herself like a safety cocoon until Connor rang the doorbell.
Instinctively more than intentionally, Connor wraps his arm around her shoulders as she tries to get a few words out in-between sobs, “This guy....h-he t-tried to....” she can’t even finish the sentence without the entire scene playing out in front of her eyes, causing her stomach to tighten and her sobs to grow louder. “But, I-I got away in time. But Connor, what if I d-didn’t? Oh God, what would’ve happened to me if I didn’t?”
“It’s ok, you’re ok now. You’re safe.“ He murmurs, pulling her closer until her head’s resting on his shoulder, “You’re ok. And don’t you ever think of it as karma, you hear me? You didn’t deserve that. No one deserves that. That was in no way your fault or your punishment. That guy’s gonna meet his punishment if I ever lay my eyes on him though, that’s for sure.“
“I-I didn’t see his face, i-it was too dark.“ She manages to say through the subsided sobbing that has now reduced to crying with the occasional sniffle. “I just heard his voice.” Despite having calmed down, she surprisingly doesn’t feel the need to pull away from Connor, create some distance between them. She doesn’t even dwell on how out of character this is for the both of them, nor does she dwell on the slightly off-putting thought that she’s actually glad to have him by her side. To have someone comforting and reassuring her that what happened is not a result of her own bad actions. That thought haunted her all night, preventing her from even thinking about falling asleep.
“Well, if you ever recognize his voice anywhere, you know you have three experienced killers and dismemberers you can contact to, you know, do the job.“ He says comfortingly, his tone light but still serious.
She can’t help but scoff, “One kill and you’re suddenly hitmen?”
Connor chuckles, “When someone messes with one of our own, we sure as hell are.”
That sentence feels like a bandage on one of Michaela’s many invisible wounds. That one of our own line fills that hole her loneliness drilled into her last night on that sidewalk when she felt so lost and alone and broken. When she felt she had no one to turn to and no one to seek comfort in. 
Among the many things she saw, heard and learned, the most valuable lesson these past twenty four hours have taught Michaela is that after the darkest of nights still comes morning. A bright morning, a new beginning and a helping hand with it. A helping hand, a safe embrace and comforting words. Bonus lesson is that one can never guess where, or rather from who those three elements will be given. These two are a crystal clear example: never did Michaela think she’d find a helping hand, safe embrace and comforting words coming from Connor Walsh. But here they are.
It may be odd and it may be temporary, but she’s not complaining, he doesn’t appear to be doing so either.
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thetierdslytherin · 4 years
The Avatar’s sister pt.2
Bolin x reader
this is a continuation of the avatar’s sister and it’s also based off of  season 1 eipsode 2 of lok
2.2k words 
        I'm woken in the morning by an incessant knocking on my door. I try to ignore it by pulling a pillow over my head but after the knocking doesn't stop I'm forced to get up and answer the door “what!” I throw the door open coming face to face with.“Korra! You better have a good reason for getting me up before the sun is up.” I cross my arms standing in the doorway waiting for her explanation
            “I do! I have training in 30 minutes and you know Tenzin's rule I can't leave unless your with me so we gotta go so I can be on time, get dressed” Korra pushes me out of the way entering my room “come right inthen” I say sarcastically shutting my door following her to my closet as she goes through it throwing clothes in my direction “Now get dressed and cleaned up. We don’t have a lot of time. Plus the sooner we get there the sooner you get to see Bolin” My heart beats a little faster at the mention of Bolin as I change into some of my water tribe clothes then brush my teeth and fix my y/h/c hair into a braid.
           “Well even Bolin isn't enough to make me move fast this early in the morning and I just met the guy. Besides you only to see Mako” I tease as we head out of the building to the shore “Korra i’m well aware i'm not your mother or in charge of you but please be careful I don't want to see you get hurt” 
          “psh y/n i'm gonna be fine your making a big deal out of this”
           I sigh and stop walking, Korra stopping with me. I look into her eyes before saying “Korra I know guys like Mako, i've dated too many guys like him I just don't want you to get hurt”
           “Yeah well maybe you just start minding your own business like you said you're not my mother and you're sure as hell not in charge of me so let me live my life for once!”Well,That could have gone better. We spent the rest of our journey in silence only speaking when we ordered breakfast. Maybe I am being too controlling. Korra deserves to live her own life and make her own mistakes. But we did just meet the brothers yesterday and know literally nothing about them. But I know Korra and if I push the issue any more she’ll just cut me out of her life until she's over it. 
          “Your late” Mako doesn't even turn to look at us when we enter.
           “Okay yeah true but we brought food so lets call it even then?”
            I move to one of the tables setting their food down “yeah Mako look at this y/n was nice enough to bring us food so let's just take a break and enjoy the food” Bolin says starting to make his way over 
          “ we haven't even started yet so let's not. C’mon on Bo, Korra we have a lot of training to get through” The three of them run through drills for the better part of an hour before moving to the cool downs.
           “What's the big idea making me train this early in the morning? The morning is evil” okay dramatic much Korra? The three of them move into a triangle passing a weighted ball around.
          “Were the rookies so we get the worst time slot in the gym” Bolin passes the ball to Mako
          “And you're the rookiest of us all, we gotta get you up to speed if we want to survive in the tournament deal with it!” he passes to Korra 
          “You deal with it” she passes the ball back to Mako sending him flying backwards 
          “Children, children can you please not hurt each other this early in the morning. Alright let's not make this any more unbearable then it has to be” I pass by them to check on Mako and other than a sour look on his face he seems perfectly fine.
          Bolin pipes up “uh y/n not that i'm not happy to see you I really am it's just why are you here? you're not on the team?” 
          I glanced at Korra and said, “you didn't tell them?” she shakes her head I guess she just thought I would “tenzin's one condition for her joining the team. Wherever she goes I go so that means you're stuck with me, pretty boy. and you too mako… I guess” I go moving to stand by Korra. 
          “There are my hard working street urchins, it's an honor to finally meet you avatar” a muscly man in his mid thirties approaches us.
          “And you are?” Korra says crossing her arms.alright then just go ahead and pretend like i'm not even here.
          “Butaka I run this whole pro bending shabang. Anyways here your winnings from the match” Mako goes to pocket the cash but before he can Butaka stops him. 
          “First you owe me for the avatars new gear, gym and equipment rentals for last month, rent on your apartment, and a personal loan on groceries” By the time he's done there no cash left. Is it always like this for them?
          “Oh uh one more item of business the Fire Ferrets need to ante up 30,000 yuans for the championship pot” Damn ok that's more than I make for 6 months at my job and the brothers definitely don't have that kind of money just lying around.How are they gonna come up with it?
          “30,000 yuans!” My thoughts exactly Bolin
          “Sorry kids you have till the end of the week to pay or your out” with that final statement Butaka leaves along with the fire ferrets chances of playing in the championship.
          “The two of you wouldn't happen to have a secrets bank account filled with gold would you?” Mako and Bolin look at us with hopeful eyes 
          “No sorry boys I mean I have some money I could pitch in but not 30,000 yuans”
          “I've got nothing. I've never really needed money, I've always had someone taking care of me” Korra shrugs, giving a small smile. 
           “Then I wouldn't say you've had nothing then” Makos words carries no venom though, just distant sadness packing up his gear throwing it into a duffle bag.
           “I'm sorry I didn't mean-” “no its alright its just ever since we lost our parents we've been on our own” Bolin says giving Korra a sad smile shuffling towards us
           “Bolin, I'm so sorry that you had to go through it” I put my hand on his shoulder trying to offer some sort of comfort.
         “So anyway how are we gonna come up with the money?” 
“Ooh ooh I got it. I've been training pabu to do circus tricks now people would pay good money to see that” Bolin raises pabu into the air twirling him once.
          “C'mon bolin we need serious ideas” the smile immediately falls from bolins face and I can't help but stand up for him “that is a serious idea Mako. When we first came from the water tribe I know I would've paid to see pabu perform” 
          “ don't worry about it, I'll figure it out. I always do” and after that Mako walks out of the training room presumably to ‘figure it out’.
          “Hey korra why don't you head on back to the island bolin and I are gonna hang out for a little bit” he looks at me confused“we are?” I give him a nod “we are”. 
          “Yeah okay y/n just don't stay out too late you know how Tenzin gets” I give her a smile and a ‘of course’ then it’s just bolin and I left. 
          “So Bolin, how about you show me some of pabus tricks and you help me eat the rest of breakfast that Korra and I brought?” “um yeah but can i get a quick shower first im kinda gross?”
          “Only if you let me join you.” spirits his eyes almost bugged out of his head at my comment stammering to get an answer out before I take mercy on him “i’m teasing you Bo” 
          He clears his throat “right right yeah totally know that” That leads me to where I am right now Bolin and I on their couch eating cold pastries.
           “Hey Bolin” he pauses his eating for a second to look at me “why don't you tell me something about you. I mean we basically know nothing about each other except our shared love of pro bending and food” he looks thoughtful for a moment “Pshh not true” I shoot him a look saying ‘you sure about that’
            “Well I know you're a waterbender and that you have a sister and where you live...and that sounds way creepier than I meant it. I just mean you know you live with Tenzin who lives on air temple island not like I've been stalking you because that would be weird...” i've noticed he does this thing whenever he's embarrassed he’ll scrunch his whole face up for a second and start playing with his hands, which he's doing right now
          “Well okay but I don't know any of the important stuff” I say leaning in propping my chin on my hand 
          “What's the ‘important stuff?’”
          “Like your favorite color. You know a person's favorite color will tell you a lot about them”
          “Whoa hey now you just stepped over a line. I can't possibly tell you that” we make eye contact bursting out laughing at the notion.
           “ok fine I don't really have a favorite color” he scratches the back of his neck giving me a half smile
           “well maybe instead of telling me your favorite color you tell me about your parents” after seeing the look in Bolins eyes I quickly backtrack “you don't have to though I imagine it's a touchy subject I was just curious” he sighs setting his food down turning to me
           “no it’s not that it’s just not a very fun story to tell” he takes a deep breathe grounding himself “when Mako was 7 and I was 5 we were at home with our parents one night and a fire bender broke in trying to steal from us… he killed them right in front of us y/n, after that it was just mako and I. It's been that way ever since” he looks down trying in vain to keep me from seeing the tears in his eyes. I grab his hand running my thumb over his knuckles. 
          “Hey bolin why don't we go and set up for pabu to do his tricks” he glances at me “we could set it up under fire lord zuko's statute?” he laughs wiping the tears from his eyes
           “yeah y/n that sounds perfect” 
          We're both sitting on the base of zuko's statue on a carpet with two cups and a plank for pabu to walk on.Bolin and pabu have matching get ups and bolin has a fake mustache. while I sit beside Bolin bending water into different shapes to amuse myself. “Come one come all see pabu the fantasstic fire ferret as he crosses the ladder of peril upside down” Pabu then crosses the plank and flips landing on one paw which i'll admit is cute but not 30,000 yuans cute. “Thank you folks you are too kind too kind” Bolin says as a man passes by dropping 1 yuan into the cup. 
          Bolin looks a little upset by how far we still have to go “Hey Bolin look its a start you don't have to get all the money yourself i'd be happy to pitch in and i'm sure mako found a way to make some money” he sighs “yeah i'm sure mako has” that's the problem isn't it? I bet bolin is tired of his brother always solving his problems or better yet being the one who gets them out of ruts. 
          “Hey bolin is that you?” I Look up to see a well dressed man with urban water tribe clothes on getting out of his sato mobile 
           “oh hey shady shin” he waves at the man and I urgently whisper to bolin “by any chance is this leader of the triple threat triads shady shin?”
           Wow since when did bolin run with gangsters? “I hear you're a big time pro bender now. Not bad.Anyways lighting bolt zolt is looking to hire some extra muscle” 
           “I don't know shin Mako told me to stay away from the triple threats” 
           “it's just some security work nothing crooked” he pulls out a fat wad of cash and throws it in Bolin’s cup he's about to agree before I cut him off before he can agree “double it and were both in i'm a water bender and a healer plus i'm good at ‘security work” 
           “Alright kid deal don't make me regret it” he puts another was of cash in the cup “now let's get going” Bolin and I follow him and get in the back of his sato mobile. What a mistake that was.      
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bangbangchanie · 5 years
New Year's Love ~ Mark Lee
Summary: The new year brings a new love confession
Pairing: Mark Lee × Reader
Warning: I don't think there's any??? Kinda cheesy though
Word Count: 1.6K
~ Admin Peachy🍑 (your friendly neighborhood mark lee enthusiast/lover)
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A soft thud pulled Mark out of his sleep. He wasn't sure what time it was, but he knew that it was too early after he went to bed well after midnight after ringing in the new year with friends. Letting out a groan, he rolled over onto his stomach and pulled his blanket over his head.
Another thud, this time louder. What was going on? His parents weren't home...they went to Jeju for a little vacation. They had been a bit sad at first to not ring in the new year with their son, but they knew his friends from college would be more than happy to have a party at their house. 
The thought that someone had stayed over crossed his mind, but he clearly recalled saying goodbye to the few people he invited. It hadn't been a wild party at all. 
"Mark!" he faintly heard his name being called out. It sounded muffled. "Mark! Wake up!"
Sitting up, he turned his head as he tried to find the direction of the noise. Another thud, but this time he was able to see what it was; snowballs against his window. He watched it slide down as he climbed out of bed. A fresh layer of snow had appeared overnight, but he didn't care about that. Instead, he was entirely focused on you.
You looked adorable in your oversized coat. Your cheeks were tinged pink from the cold and you had a wide smile on your face as you waved your arms at him in greeting. 
Unlocking his window, he slid it open. "Nice pajamas," you giggled.
Glancing down, he realized he had forgotten he wasn't wearing a shirt. He was quick to cover his chest, feeling his cheeks heat up from embarrassment. "Shut up," he whined, turning back to grab a shirt and pull it on.
The two of you had known each other for a long time, so you never knew why he was so embarrassed about going shirtless around you. Even when you guys would go swimming, he'd seem hesitant to take his shirt off.
"Come out and play with me!" you exclaimed, referring to playing in the snow. 
Of course, he couldn't refuse you. It was rare for him to turn you down...he hated to see you unhappy. "Okay, give me a second."
Shutting his window, he went to grab socks and his own coat and gloves. He put them on before bounding down the stairs, shoving his sock clad feet into his boots. Going outside, he met you at the side of his house.
"When did you get home?" he asked after giving you a hug.
You had gone to Busan for the holidays and couldn't make it for his party. He had been bummed about it, but what could he do? "Just a couple of hours ago. I was gonna come then, but I figured you'd be too tired."
He felt his chest tighten with happiness. The first person you wanted to see was him? Truly, he felt honored. "Miss me that much?"
His tone was playful but the question was genuine. "Pft, you wish," you joked, beginning to make a snowman.
A smile appeared on his face. Even if you didn't say it, he knew you had. "You so did," he chuckled, going to help you. 
Glancing at you, he could see a small smile on your face. Your cheeks looked pinker than before, but he wasn't sure if it was just because of the cold or something more.
Your snowman turned into some sort of evil snowman. You guys didn't have much to work with, so you ended up using rocks for eyes and seeds for teeth, making it look a bit more evil. Mark snapped a picture of it before he felt something hitting his back.
Turning around, he found you a bit behind him, trying to hide your laughter. "Oh, you're so dead," he breathed out as he began making a snowball.
Many snowballs were thrown, only a few actually hitting either of you. Your laughter probably woke up the neighborhood, but neither of you cared. It was wholesome fun and you were enjoying yourself. 
As you were running from Mark, you tripped in the snow, falling on your back with a laugh. He rushed over, sinking into the snow as he stood over you with the ball. Falling to his knees, he thought about how it was a perfect moment to kiss you. If only you guys were dating.
Your laughter died down as he dropped the snowball, falling onto his back next to you. "Yukhei told me he likes me last night," you confessed after a small period of silence.
Mark froze. He knew Yukhei liked you...it was the main reason he had yet to confess his own feelings. Even though he had liked you long before either of you met Yukhei, his tall friend had told him about his feelings for you. After that, he knew it was pointless. Yukhei was far better than Mark. He was tall, unfairly handsome, and the two of you seemed to get on amazingly well. 
"Oh?" he questioned, panting slightly still from all the running. "What...what did you say?"
Honestly, he was terrified of your answer, but his curiosity outweighed his fear. "I turned him down. I felt bad and I still do, but I like him as a friend."
That made Mark feel a bit better, but only just a little. If Yukhei wasn't good enough for you, there was no way Mark had a chance. 
"You want some hot chocolate?" he asked, standing up.
You blinked up at him, somewhat surprised by his sudden change of topic. He held his hand out and you took it as he helped you up. "S-sure," you stuttered out before following him into his house. It was quiet as you removed your jacket. "Are your parents still gone?"
He nodded as he finished taking his boots off. "Yeah. They're coming home tonight, though."
Walking into the kitchen, he grabbed two mugs. You followed after taking your own shoes off. Something about Mark's actions and movements as he made the hot chocolate seemed frazzled and almost rushed. 
"Are you okay?" you asked. He seemed lost in his own thoughts as he didn't show any sign of having heard you. Reaching your hand out, you placed it on his, halting his actions. He looked up at you. "Is everything okay?"
He took his hand away from yours and turned away from you. "I'm fine," he mumbled, filling the kettle with water.
You frowned. Something was obviously bothering him. "Mark, you know you can tell me anything, right? I mean, what are best friends for?"
"No, not this time. This is...this is different."
How was it different? Sure, there were things that Mark didn't feel comfortable sharing with you, but he would have told you that. 
It was almost frustrating. "What can you possibly not be able to tell me?" you asked, sounding baffled.
"I like you, Y/N," he suddenly confessed, shocking you beyond belief. "Not as a friend or a best friend, but as more. And I didn't want to tell you because of Yukhei...I couldn't tell you."
You didn't know what to say. All you could do was sit down and try to understand the new information given to you. "I mean, it doesn't matter anyway. If you turn down Yukhei, why would you even bother with me?" he added in a helpless tone.
Your eyebrows furrowed as you looked at him. "What? What is that supposed to mean?"
He shrugged slightly. "I mean, Yukhei's perfect. He's tall, handsome, has the body girls go crazy for, and x, y, and z. I'm nothing compared to him."
"Don't say that! You're not nothing...you're my best friend and I think you're amazing," you told him. "And I don't care about that stuff. I turned Yukhei down because I like you."
His head shot up in your direction. "You like...what?" he questioned, seeming in denial.
You nodded. "We're like Chandler and Monica...at least I've always felt that way. There's always been something between us but our moment hasn't come yet."
"You're, like, my lobster," you added with a sweet smile, making his heart pound wildly.
He had pictured this moment about a million times. Sure, he never imagined it to happen like that, but that didn't matter. "What about Yukhei?" he asked.
Despite everything, he would never want to hurt his friend. "He knows I like you; I told him last night. He supports us. I'm not sure just how much his heart is into it, but he told me he always thought you liked me back and that I should go for it. I guess he was right."
That made him chuckle. He was glad to have such a cool and understanding friend like Yukhei.
"I-I know this isn't romantic or anything like I wanted, but will you...will you be my girlfriend, Y/N?"
You smiled happily, glad he finally asked you. "I'd love to, Mark," you told him, making him smile such a cute smile that you thought your heart would melt.
He finished making the hot chocolate before the two of you went into the living room to watch movies. It wasn't surprising that Mark seemed shy to go beyond your typical cuddling, so you took matters into your own hands.
"Mark," you spoke, making him turn his head. Immediately, you placed your lips on his own.
At first, he was shocked, but his eyelids soon fluttered shut and he began to kiss you back. Not only was it the first day of the new year, but it was also the first day of you two.
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erin-bo-berin · 5 years
I’m back with another smutty Spencer fic. This time it’s a combo of fluff and smut. Also sorry for the crappy quality video. I couldn’t find a gif of the scene that inspired this fic, so I just attached the video of the scene. Enjoy!
Spencer Reid/Reader
Word Count: 2,499
Rated: M (Smut)
Your entire body shook, terror making you tremble as if it were freezing cold in the room. It was actually the opposite, in fact. The room was too warm making you feel like you were suffocating. If you weren’t going to die by the knife that was currently pressed against your throat, you were sure you were gonna suffocate. 
“Put the knife down Cooper,” came the stern voice of the FBI Agent only a few feet from you and the monster that had a death grip on you.
“You don’t have to do this,” a second voice said. You barely registered that the statement came from a young blonde woman; also FBI.
“You don’t know shit about what I have to do!” Spat the man from behind you. His voice was enough to make your skin crawl. You wished you could be anywhere but here. Maybe it was all some sort of sick dream and you were gonna wake up to the sound of your pesky alarm clock at any moment.
Your eyes pleaded, saying everything you couldn’t voice aloud to the two agents.
Help me. Please don’t let him kill me. I’m terrified I’m going to die right here.
The first of the two agents’ eyes flitted to your face. You noticed them soften just the slightest before his eyes snapped back to the figure behind you.
“We don’t want to shoot you. All you have to do is drop the knife and let her go. She has nothing to do with this.” His voice was firm, his gun still pointed straight at the perp.
“Lies, lies and more lies,” he tsked, not loosening his grip on the knife.
“Either you shoot me or you arrest me and send me to prison. Not really a winning deal now is it?” You could hear his sick, twisted grin in the words he said. You’d already seen enough of it and wanted to forget it forever.
“Living is better than being shot dead isn’t it?” This from the female.
“But...” Cooper paused, “I don’t get any fun out of either.”
The next few seconds happened in a whirlwind. A searing pain came from your stomach immediately followed by a warm, wet feeling. You cried out, hands flying to your stomach not fully understanding what had just happened. He was going to kill you, he was killing you.
You woke up to screaming, hands shaking you. He was back, he was going to finish you off.
“Y/N, Y/N, it’s me. It’s me. You’re okay.”
It took a moment to realize that the screaming was coming from your own lips, the shaking coming from your boyfriend, Spencer. Your breathing was heavy, your heart was racing faster than it should be and you were sweating. You knew the signs of your panic attacks almost better than anyone else. Except for the individual in front of you.
“You were dreaming. You’re safe. Focus on your breathing.” His hands were on your shoulders, taking deep breaths with you as your heart rate finally slowed and you felt like you could breathe again.
“Thank you,” you whispered.
Spencer pulled you towards him, his embrace feeling like the safest place in the world at the moment.
“I’m sorry I woke you,” you mumbled into his chest.
“Don’t apologize.”
He pulled away, his index and thumb fingers immediately pulling your chin upward so you could look him in the eye.
“Was is the dream again?”
You didn’t answer with actual words, only a nod.
“You want to talk about it?”
“Not really,” you mumble even though you knew your therapist had instructed you to. It was to aid you in separating your dreams from reality; to keep you from bottling it up.
“Would mint chip ice cream make you change your mind?” he smiled softly, knowing your weakness for the minty chocolate treat.
“I suppose it would.” 
You got up, following him down to the kitchen and sat at the island as he fixed you both a bowl of ice cream.
“Good thing I always have an emergency carton of it then,” Spencer smiled.
Your heart warmed watching your boyfriend scoop ice cream. He always knew how to take care of you.
A bowl of three scoops was set in front of you before he joined you, sitting in the chair next to yours, facing you.
“Okay, go ahead,” he prompted you.
With a shaky sigh, you began to recount your dream.
“I was back in that room again-“
You had been the last victim of a notorious psychopath only referred to as Cooper. You didn’t want to know his full name and you’d never asked. He was known for kidnapping his victims and brutally torturing them with his favorite tool of choice: knives.
It was a stroke of luck that Quantico’s Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI was already elbows deep in the case when you became his next target. They were closing in on him and he had no idea. Their raid came just before you were too badly injured. When they arrived you’d only sustained a couple dozen shallow cuts on your arms only having spent less than a few hours with him.
That was, until guns were pointed at him and his knife was at your throat. He’d never slit any of his victim’s throats simply because it was too quick. He much more enjoyed the slow torture of bleeding cuts starting from shallow to as deep as he could manage without killing the person. You had never been and haven’t since been so terrified. But there was also a part of your dreams that was always left out. It was torturing you in a new way, trying to make you believe you were still in danger, that danger never really went away. But the next part was crucial to your story because it changed your life.
Milliseconds after the searing pain came a gunshot. It sounded far away from where you were. A heavy, dull thud sounded next to you, but you didn’t pay any attention to it as you sank against the wall behind you, sobbing so hard your whole body was shaking. Arms came around you and a hand rubbed your back, a gentle voice reaching your ears.
“It’s okay. It’s okay.”
It was Spencer who had held you while you sobbed. Your bloody hands still pressed against your stomach, your tears soaking the collar of his shirt. It wasn’t until after you were at the hospital that you found out the thud you heard was made by Cooper. One wrong move on his part cost him his life and you didn’t have one sorrowful bone in your body for him.
Spencer didn’t leave your side the entire time you were at the hospital. Your slashed stomach fortunately wasn’t life threatening, but was still deep enough to need stitches. You still had the scar to this day, even long after the ones on your arms had faded.
You didn’t see Dr. Spencer Reid for a while after that. But you were so grateful to him, to the whole BAU that you eventually sent a thank you note to them just to express your gratitude for saving your life. You also sent a separate, more personal one to Dr. Reid, letting him know how much he meant to you for all that he’d done. 
It wasn’t long after that that the check up phone calls ensued. Spencer would check in with you just to see how you were recovering even though the stitches were long gone and most of the physical pain had disappeared. Phone calls somehow turned into meetings thus blossoming into something neither one of you fully expected.
It was exactly a year later that you two shared your first kiss. Unsurprisingly, your relationship began not long after.
It had been four and a half years since that day and you were doing a lot better, but the dreams still happened occasionally.
“I guess I just still feel guilty sometimes,” you concluded your monologue, Spencer sitting attentively while still eating his ice cream.
“Baby, why?” His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “None of it was ever your fault.”
“I know. I just feel guilty that I survived and a lot of others...didn’t,” you whispered.
“Y/N, if this job has taught me anything it’s that bad things happen. I don’t know why and I know it’s not fair. But what I know is you can’t dwell on the bad because then it steals your joy. And there’s no better way at defeating the evil than letting it know it can’t have your happiness too.”
You smiled, the gesture chasing away the remnants of fear your dream had left you. Your boyfriend may have 3 PhDs, but you secretly believed he was a philosopher in a past life. 
“Besides, you were meant to survive to come into my life,” he smiled, his hand brushing back a loose strand of your hair.
“I mean, I know I’m not terribly exciting, but it’s kind of an honor to know that you were meant to survive for someone as great as me,” he joked, earning him a gentle shove from you as you laughed and disagreed.
“But I’m serious,” he said, actually becoming serious once again, “I never expected to walk into that house and have my entire life changed forever.” 
“Well technically I thought for 3 months you were dating J.J. before I found out about Will.”
“Do you know she actually laughed for a good five minutes when I told her that? I don’t think I’ve ever seen her laugh that hard,” he shook his head, picking up the dirty bowls to deposit into the sink.
“Hey, how was I supposed to know?” you defended, “It kinda looked that way from afar.”
Your laughter died down as you watched him rinse out the dishes in silence.
“Thank you.”
“For what?” He looked surprised. It was his nature to take care of his loved ones when they were hurting, it always had been.
“Just for being you.” You smiled as he leaned over the counter and kissed you gently.
“Why don’t you head up to bed while I finish up here? I’ll be there in a second.”
You nodded and headed towards the stairs. You stopped just out of view from the kitchen and watched him as he was finishing cleaning the kitchen. You could feel your heart swell with love just watching your boyfriend doing a menial task.
You were seated on the bed, phone in hand when Spencer returned.
“Hey you, why aren’t you asleep?” 
You shrugged, “Just waiting for you.”
It was true, his cuddles were amazing and his presence in itself was so much more comforting than you could explain.
He sat down in front of you, taking your phone from your hands and setting it on the nightstand next to the bed.
“You doing okay?” His hazel eyes searched your face as if looking for any physical trauma, even though yours went further than skin deep.
You smiled as he took your face in his hands and rested his forehead against yours for a moment before connecting his lips with yours.
If a picture could say a thousand words, this kiss could too. All your pain and all your love for Spencer melded into one as you kissed him, falling back against your pillow.
He pulled away momentarily, gazing down at you with such love in his eyes you could feel your entire body flush with warmth and happiness. Here, in this moment, no bad memories could reach you.
It happened slowly, really without either of you knowing, but pajamas came off piece by piece, hands exploring gently, lips touching every inch of exposed skin.
Your pajama top was the last to come off, his hands slowly moving up your sides, his lips descending downward to meet his hands. He paused when he got to your scar and your breath hitched. Not only were you self conscious about such an ugly scar, but it was a constant reminder of what you had experienced.
You watched as his fingers traced it lightly before he kissed it gently.
“You’re beautiful,” he said, looking up at you as your hand ran through his hair and gave him a small smile.
He returned to your mouth, kissing you sweetly before moving his lips to your ear, whispering, “I won’t let anything happen to you ever again.”
You inhaled sharply, both at his words and at the fact he’d almost effortlessly entered at the same moment. 
It wasn’t often that sex with Spencer was slow and on the lovemaking side, but it was as if you’d done it a million times the way your bodies seem to adjust to the slower pace instantly. Your arm was around his neck as his hips moved slowly, more in a way of prolonging than agonizing. He pulled your hand off him, lacing your fingers together before resting your connected hands on the bed beside both of you.
“Spence,” you gasped softly, your eyes fluttering closed. You didn’t know a slower pace could feel so good. 
“I’m right here,” he reassured, kissing your collarbone, hand squeezing your own. You knew those 3 words meant more than just him physically being close to you.
Your legs pulled him closer and deeper within you, your silent gaps becoming moans. You felt him shiver once when your moans had become desperate pleads of wanting more.
His own groans became more decipherable as both of your bodies moved in a sweet dance, bringing you both near the edge of a sweet bliss.
“Oh my god Spencer,” you moaned, louder than you had meant to, your climax approaching rapidly.
Your eyes found his face as he completely shattered above you, his eyes closed, a moan falling from his lips. You bit your lip to keep from crying out as your own release wracked your body, a string of expletives that probably weren’t as appropriate in the tender moment, escaping you. 
He was panting as he nudged his nose against yours, flashing you his thousand kilowatt smile. He kissed your cheek and then your lips before pulling away completely from you and laying next to you, his head propped up by his arm.
His fingers traced circles on your hip as he watched you trying to catch your breath.
“I love you, Y/N.”
Your entire body felt warm and tingly, like you had just consumed an entire mug of hot chocolate while under the comfort of a cozy blanket. You felt your eyes sliding closed as sleep threatened to take over.
“I love you, Spencer.” You smiled when you felt him pull you closer to him, his arms wrapping around you like he once did on that fateful day, so many years ago.
“Guess what?” You whispered, your voice heavy with drowsiness.
“That chased the nightmares away.”
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vore-scientist · 5 years
Reward (safe/soft - GT - M/f-fluffy - platonic - vore)
A (mini) tale of the mystic woods
Premise: uhhh belly rubs good! Just a sweet story with my wizard Yonah and the Princess Sophia! 
Warnings: NONE!
In her hands she held up the golden-green spherical treasure, the noon sunlight glancing off the polished surface. 
“You ever think of selling these at The Market?”
Sophia had to wait for an answer as Yonah chose that moment to take another bite out of a perfectly ripe dvashi apple. And another. He finished the apple.
By Sophia’s count that made 15 apples eaten. Which at his normal size wouldn’t have been impressive but at his reduced size… it still wasn’t impressive. Still massive, she was sure he could still eat a bushel of apples. And bushels abounded, the trees sagged with apples. According to Yonah the trees flowered and fruited all year round, but still favored their normal season best of all. Surely Yonah didn’t plan to eat all of these apples? He could, but growing so many small apples was a silly thing to do if you were a giant. Maybe he would turn them into preserves!
And besides! He grew some varieties to be larger, about the size of his reduced head. Massive apples. Yonah said that he could grow them much larger, but by trial and error he found that sweet spot of size without compromising flavor.
“I do sell enchanted ones! But those are made to order.”
“I’m talking just the apples! They’re amazing and it’s not like there are many orchards in these woods.”
He looked thoughtfully down at the princess in his lap. Sophia wasn’t sure if he was actually considering her question or just thinking about how adorable she was.
“You know, I have never thought of that. Though I like to leave the trees full for the nomadic gnomes. The majority move house around this time.”
Sophia didn’t know that. She only knew city gnomes, who definitely didn’t move into new houses every year. They did take extensive vacations to places of cultural importance, probably to honor the tradition they gave up in the city.
“I do make preserves with the ones that can’t be eaten in time. I dont sell it, I normally take it on patrols and give it out”
HA! She silently congratulated herself for being right. But also DANG!?
“Aren’t you Evil!? You just… give away magical apple preserves? Isn’t that like, the opposite of evil? How do you manage to maintain your reputation?”
“I’m not that kind of evil,” Yonah said, getting a 16th Apple. “I’m not after money or power. I’m the cantankerous hermit Mage who curses people for looking at my flowers wrong. And the grumpy giant who terrorizes people for fun.”
“You do like to eat people, that’s for sure.”
Sophia suddenly didn’t feel like eating another apple.
Yonah did, as he took his 17th.
“Not my fault you smallfolk taste so good!”
He chose that moment to take a crisp bite of the apple and wink at her.
She elbowed him for his cheekiness.
At least if he was eating apples he wasn’t eating her. For now… she had her suspicions. And they were never wrong. But she knew he told the truth when he said he doesn’t eat people and food at the same time. Of course… that’s because normally he has to spit them up so quickly that he’d be spitting up his food too, what a waste and also… gross. With her ability to sit safely in his gut for hours that’s plenty of time for the food to be gone before she needed to be released. Thus it would only be gross for her.
So far that had only happened once, and it wasn’t completely purposeful. She didn’t like to think about that incident, and not because of the brief time spent sitting in food as it digested around her.
Ok enough of that line of thinking. This little picnic, even if it was just apples, was her reward for doing so well in today’s lesson! Changing the color of objects. That was really fun. She started out merely changing a white painted cube green, but in just a few hours turned the black ink of a letter to her father a shimmering pink! That level of precision was apparently very impressive, and should have taken her a week to learn. If Yonah hadn’t been lying to bolster her ego, and she was fairly certain he wasn't… Because she had studied ahead of time, having sneaked a peak at his lesson plans.
It wasn’t easy. With the giant’s sense of smell he could often tell when she’d been somewhere she normally didn’t frequent. But she spent more time by his mail than normal in preparation for her snooping.
Paid off! With a great performance in a lesson, he didn’t “punish” her with a time out in his stomach.
Instead she rested her arms and head on his pillow-like middle, rising and falling with his even breaths. The wind rustled the tree canopy, causing the sunlight to dance across the princess and the wizard. She let him wrap a warm arm around her as he lay back against the tree and closed his eyes.
When she awoke she felt no more wind, and there was considerable pressure pressing down on her, and she was laying on a soft squishy surface. And it was intensely warm.
For a moment she thought Yonah had swallowed her in her sleep. Before realizing how ridiculous that would be. There’s no way she could sleep through being literally shoved down his throat. And she was dry, and still made of flesh.
Yonah had returned to his normal size while they napped and now she was lying underneath his heavy palm. He was sound asleep.
Adjusting her stiff limbs she found a much better position, and promptly returned to her nap.
Yonah woke slowly, first noting that his arm was no longer wrapped around the princess, for she was snoozing under his hand. All curled up, just her head poking out so she could breathe. So serene and happy. Gosh she looked so adorable.
And smelled… so delectable.
His mouth watered. The apples seemed so long ago now. Especially now he wasn’t so small. That was the problem with size changing. He could fill up on food so easily when reduced, feel so full but never satisfied, and then feel so empty the moment he changed back.
However… he didn’t have to feel this way. But he didn’t want to spoil his appetite.
He fiddled with the bottle of glass paste on his belt. Sophia looked so peaceful. He didn’t know if he could disturb her… Then again. She can just as easily sleep inside his stomach as on top of it.
Gently, he applied the smallest amount of paste to his fingers and stroked Sophia’s side. She moved but did not wake.
Even when he uttered the spell. And….
Opening one eye he found the princess snoozing as if nothing happened.
She did not wake until he delicately picked her up and brought her to his face. And didn’t fully wake up until her torso was in his mouth and he was licking her thoroughly.
He ignored her screaming.
The problem with turning Sophia into glass is she tastes like… Well… glass. At least, after he licked off the lingering layer of delicious human flavor! Mmmmmmm. Savory beyond belief.
Of course, as he licked off the flavor he had to swallow her down to reach the parts un-licked.
She was fighting against him, knowing she wasn’t strong enough; though it was a bit uncomfortable as her glass limbs scraped his teeth, sending shivers down his spine. But he didn’t care, as he worked the form into his throat and swallowed. No problem. The struggles and the stretching hurt, and not insignificantly but not enough to worry him or cause him to panic. The kicking feet were at his lips and he held them between two fingers as he gulped down more of the princess, the feet entering his mouth for him to enjoy, her glass shoes slipping off into his hand.
Soon there was no more human in his mouth, she was all in his esophagus. Well mostly, her arms made it to his stomach at the same time her feet dropped below his collar.
It was comforting that once she filled up his stomach she didn’t continue to scream and instead made herself comfortable. Lots of movement, feeling around his stomach for the best spot to flop down, and give him some nice kicks and punches.
He liked to watch his stomach as she did this. Marvel at how well she fit there, just full enough to be noticeable. Her moments occasionally visible as fleeting and minuscule dents. Once she settled he put a hand over the spot. The solid mass was still moving around, just less forceful.
There was a considerable amount of grumbling.
“Something wrong princess?” Yonah said in a soft singsong voice.
He earned himself some kicks with that remark.
“You mean other than the fact that I’ve been eaten alive?!” she growled, “I was enjoying the nice day, with my friend, outside!!”
“Well, now you can enjoy it inside your friend!” he pat his stomach affectionately, which made it bounce a bit, causing Sophia to unbalance as she bounced too. In his mind he imagined her smiling or frowning. Both were equally cute options.
“It’s not the same, Yonah!”
Now he could picture it perfectly, and he rubbed at the spot where Sophia was once more curled up. Her glass form made her much more solid, and sat much heavier in his gut. It was a pleasant weight. She pushed back against his fingers. Poking himself in various locations, Sophia scrambled about to attack each spot, a little game that continued for an amusing minute.
“You don’t seem too mad with me,” he finally said, wanting to make sure.
The princess had done incredibly well in her lesson today. That meant she avoided detention in his gut. That didn’t stop Yonah from rewarding himself for a job well done.
“Yeah, well,” Sophia mused, playfully, “I saw the look in your eyes earlier. Would have appreciated you giving me more warning, even just nudging me awake first. ”
As she spoke she turned her back to the front of the stomach and pushed an open palm into the stomach walls, which forced her to stretch out as far as she could, stretching the stomach. Then she dragged the arm down and up. And down and up. She repeated this with her other hand as well. There was a rewarding shudder all around her.
Yonah closed his eyes, his face the picture of soft bliss as the princess stroked his insides. It wasn’t often she was this tender with him.
“I know you like messing with me,” she continued, and felt his little chuckle, “And you know I’ll get you back for this,” she switched to using her feet, bracing her arms to keep herself stretched out.
Yeah… He didn’t expect to get off scott free, but he really didn’t expect to be rewarded with belly rubs! Yonah pressed his fingers against Sophia, stroking her as she did him, letting her know he appreciated this gift. How he had ever lived without this he didn’t know, and it had only been a few months ago when he had!
Of course, when he first got this job he had never eaten a small folk, only tasted them. In fact, he couldn;t imagine ever eating one. Until the thieves started arriving. It hadn’t taken long for him to get used to the occasional snack.
But the princess was not an adventurer. They cried; she playfully protested.They panicked; she massaged. Thieves had to be spat up before they died (he prided himself in usually getting them out before they were harmed at all). Sophia could snuggle with him for hours, and she had. He could fall asleep with her tucked safely away within him, and she would fall asleep too.
Waking up with a still full belly… there was nothing quite like it. And he fell asleep looking forward to when he would.
It took Sophia a few more minutes to settle down to continue her rudely interrupted nap. First, she knew that she could put him to sleep fast by keeping up the massaging. Second, she wasn’t ready to sleep just yet. Turns out, stewing in your captors stomach provided the properly motivating environment to think up some sweet sweet revenge.
Even as she released the tension in her limbs and leaned back. For a few minutes she let the pulse soothe her, it was strongest at her back. She let the gently flexing walls rock her to and fro; slick and soft and warm, she let the heat of his body seep into hers. She had to admit, it was nice. Intensely, intensely weird, but nice.
This still warranted payback. She’d heard of a way to melt wizards, and according to those sources it didn’t kill them, it didn’t even hurt them.
But… she could think… later… sleep… now.
[Thanks for reading! please reblog/message me with feedback! for more mystic woods go to vore-scientist.tumblr.com/tagged/+mystic+woods+story or search ‘mystic woods story’ on my blog! For thief stories only search “MW Thieves”]
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koi-sims · 5 years
Do Sim Evil Better.
I’d been knockin’ this idea around for a long time, and after collecting (or making, in the case of the CAS background) all the right cc, I decided to do something fun and unrelated to my stories and make the most handsome, most ingenious, and most evil man to ever exist in a narrative, Corin Deeth III (who actually named the Corin in my current storyline - Corin with two “r”. #bigFan).
Reader, you may or may not be familiar with the story of Kakos Industries and if you aren’t you truly are missing out. It is the best podcast I’ve listened to since The NoSleep Podcast, and to be honest...I think it actually one-ups my beloved NoSleep. It is a very fun and witty podcast with some great humor, greater hijinks, and can I just mention how alluring Corin’s voice is? Just sayin’. The storyline is awesome, too...so many great characters. I want to make Jr. and Malantha next~ I’ll leave some links at the bottom of the post for those who may be interested. Anyway, without further ado, let’s meet the man of the hour, shall we?
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Well hello, Corin~.... Now, I may have missed the mark, but I always envisioned Corin having short, trendy hair that still embodied professionalism and and air of slight douchery. I have seen a lot of fanart where Corin has long hair and perhaps that is canonically true. If so, I apologize Corin, please do not send me a pair of exploding sneakers. I may have missed his eye color too, but I went with a very piercing blue-green because that’s just my personal taste and light eyes with dark hair is so badass.
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Corin’s traits came pretty natural - evil, confident, and I picked hot-headed because it would best help his in-game aspiration (Criminal Mastermind) moreso than him being hot-headed in the canon. He is actually always as cool as a cucumber. I admire that.
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And a little in-game blurb for him because why not? Am a ridiculously enamored fangirl? Maybe. (I spelled his name wrong up top, but I fixed it AFTER I took that and the next cap - whoops)
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And just for fun, this personality notice about Corin popped up when I went in to do his photoshoot. I just love it and the look on Corin’s face at the time - Ah, the taste of accuracy.
Now, on to the main event. I’ve always wondered what Corin’s sense of fashion was like, and now having listened to 99% of the podcast (it was so fun to catch up, I’m pretty much stalling on finishing what’s out now because waiting for the next is gonna hurt so bad) I’ve gotten too curious and decided to raid his wardrobe. What’s in there, I wonder??? Let’s find out.
Everyday Wear
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Oh of COURSE Corin looks dark and dapper in a suit for everyday. Look at that little splash of color! I bet you used the blood of insubordinate employees to make that tie custom, didn’t you? Magnificent. What else do you slip into on the daily? Maybe when you’re home relaxi-
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Oh. Um. Well...You do wear a cowboy hat very well, Corin! I mean...they match the boots and everything! I...I’m sure there are a lot of experimental abominations to wrangle around the office so why not dress the part? Not gonna lie, that shirt looks breezy and comfortable as hell. Maybe take a trip to the mountains with King Leopold sometime? (I...I know what happened in the story, and I refuse to let it go. #OTP.)
Formal Wear
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Ah. The natural snazz comes out around the time of the Shareholder’s Ball and the CEO Festival, doesn’t it? You didn’t strike me as the bowtie type of evil CEO but I’ll be damned if it doesn’t look amazing on you. I see you’ve forgone your gloves for formal wear. Hard to eat the deviled eggs and tiny cheeses in those, non?
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...This must be the suit you wear to the CEO Festival. That’s really the only explanation as to why it always turns out to be...what it usually becomes. I am going to assume that this suit belonged to Mr. Corin Deeth I and you wear it in his honor. I sure he is looking down on you, pleased but also wondering why you haven’t indulged in what is (still) in the right-side inner pocket.
Athletic Wear
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You cannot be a successful CEO of an evil megacorp if you let yourself go. Hence why you slip into nothing but basketball shorts for a long, strenuous...sweaty...satisfying...workout. Between culling unnecessary employees and flawlessly delivering the shareholder announcements, you’re deadlifting 400lbs and making 1st in marathons, aren’t you? Of course you are.
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And then there’s jazzercise. Cardio IS important and I mean...just running can be a bit tedious, yeah? You’re so well-rounded, Corin, golly. Honestly, I’m not at all mad at your fashion choice for this one. You don’t have to hide it, we are all friends here. The 80′s were a great time and I am happy you’re keeping the impeccable athletics fashion alive.
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Even mega evil mega CEOs need rest from time to time and nothing beats resting out topless and in trackpants. I see you are wearing ADIDAS, the most evil of brands. Not much else I can say. I am too busy admiring what jazzercise has done for you.
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Uh oh. It must be one of those days. Malantha has flustered you again, Dirk is texting for more life advice, and Jr. is sending way too many...um...”special photos” to prove his is thinking hard on how to best contribute to the company. Good thing Brosephus is totally awake at 2am and ready to video chat about all of this. It’s SOOOO LAAAAAAME, right?!
Party Wear
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Rollin’ up to the New Year’s Festival feels good, especially when you look this mighty fine. Nothing like finally getting past Yule and Anti-Celebrating by finally cutting loose again and making those ultra evil resolutions. Again with the gloves, I see. Well, I guess better safe than sorry. There’s no tell who’ll feel your wrath after four Blue Motorcycles.
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Hm. This is quite the uh...departure, Corin. I mean, nothing ever looks bad on you but where on Earth would you even wear this to? Where would it even work??? ...Oh, right! The Festival of Adorableness! Awkward or not, you’ve made it work. I’m willing to bet the Division of Subversive Cute helped out with this ensemble. Kudos to them! I’m sure burning it afterwards was incredibly satisfying for you.
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Why are you looking so bedeviled, Corin? How, when you look that prepared for a pool party, can you possibly be in such a foul mood? Oh...oh wait. Malantha has hidden your sunblock, hasn’t she? Goshdarnit! How can you possibly be evil without being as pale as your skin tone will allow?! That Malantha...she truly is evil, isn’t she?
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Welp. I guess if you’re going to get a tan, might as well hit every spot you can. Suck on that, Malantha! (....) Also, breaking out the zebra print speedo wasn’t the worst idea you’ve ever had, and I both applaud, and ready my binoculars for, you choice of white swimwear. No booty shot? Ugh. Fair enough...gotta leave something to the imagination, I guess. #disappointmentOverdose
Warm Weather Wear
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This is the look of a man about to take off on his mega evil yacht and never look back. That shirt, unbuttoned down to where it is suggestive but not desperate, those shorts, defining the thighs while still looking professional, those boat shoes that scream class and bless you for not wearing socks with them. There is a thin line between evil and insane and you ride it perfectly.
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Apparently, even evil knows it wouldn’t be summer without an obnoxiously bright Hawaiian shirt. Ain’t even mad. Oooh, and white pinstripe pants....why yes, dear, they do make you look taller and thinner! I can almost hear you now, as you swagger out the front doors, “I’m off to the Maldives, screw y’all! Also, if a single brick is out of place when I get back, I’ll kill you.” You tell ‘em, Corin.
Cold Weather Wear
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Brrrrrr. Generally, evil is always cold, dark, and hateful but sometimes even the weather puts up a good fight. Stylish as ever, you have broken out a very elegant scarf and jacket, expertly layered as to properly insulate all of the darkness within. No hat, though? Of course not. Evil does not get that chilly.
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Corin: “What you mean I didn’t win the Ugly Sweater Contest?!”
And that concludes are journey through Corin’s wardrobe! This really was a lot of fun to do, and I’d be ever so pleased if the fine people who bring the @kakosindustries universe alive enjoy it too! I’ve also redecorated Corin’s in-game home (the Alto Apartment’s unit that was formally Lobo’s #sorrynotsorry) and I would like to share that one day too, if I get around to doing the photo tour. I will share some links below to a few relevant sites for anyone whose interested in Corin and the Kakos Industries story. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Cheers!
WCIF: Kakos Industries
Kakos Industries Home - where it’s all laid out
Kakos Industries on Tumblr - contains information about episode releases, fan-created content, and other candid goodies
Kakos Industries on TVTropes - [SPOILERS] a nice place to gather info about the series and related tropes therein
And of course you can find Kakos Industries on Facebook, Twitter, and any podcast service worth it’s salt.
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tuanyiems · 6 years
The Space Between Your Fingers 09
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Mark Tuan x OC Genre: Fluff, slice of life Words: 2.5k [Masterlist] [Series Masterlist] a/n – A bit early but here’s a chapter in honor of Jackson’s birthday month  - [RECAP] “They showed up after she came to stay here,” Yugyeom continued. “Ahnmi, her parents, no one talks about it.” “Is...she still…” Mark’s voice trailed off as even the thought seemed to hurt them both. Yugyeom’s voice was small and unsteady. “I…I don’t know.” Mark walked over to Yugyeom who had his head in his hands now. He patted the younger boy’s back comfortingly. “She was really happy today,” Mark said, trying to lift Yugyeom’s spirits again. “From now on, we’ll give her even better memories to remember.” Yugyeom nodded his head, cracking a smile again. “You’re doing a good job, Yugyeom.” Mark encouraged. “And I, too…I’ll protect Ahnmi’s happiness.” - Ch. 9: Happy Birthday Jackson! Ahnmi giddily stepped out of the house at 6AM, scurrying to Mark’s place. He was already standing outside his door, complete with a black hoodie and snapback. He smiled sleepily at her, before gesturing to follow him to the side of his house. “You can drive?” Ahnmi gasped as they approached the black vehicle. “Yeah, but I don’t do it that often since everything here is in walking distance,” he explained casually. He walked over and opened the door for her, softly placing his hand over her head as she went in. He walked back around and sat in the driver’s seat. “Are you excited?” he turned to her, already seeing the giddiness in her eyes. Ahnmi grinned. “I could barely sleep last night.” Mark smiled as he leaned over and grabbed at the seatbelt by her side. Ahnmi stopped breathing for the two seconds that passed like hours. His jawline was alluring and she couldn’t help staring at the small stubble on his chin. She gulped, trying to act natural.
“I-I can’t wait to see Jackson’s reaction,” she said softly as he pulled away, securing her seatbelt and then his. Mark smiled again. “I know, me too! We should film him. I’m pretty sure he’s going to cry.” Ahnmi chuckled at Mark’s evil, high pitched laugh. She was happy to see Mark laughing. For a few days, after she had left Mark and Yugyeom at the park the other night, the two had been rather glum. She wondered if they had had a fight, but they hung out together like normal so she never thought any more about it. “Should we stop for coffee?” he asked as they went off onto the road. “Mm, I don’t want to crash later. I’m good.” “Alright, then take a nap. The drive to the airport is long.” “No, no, I’ll keep you company,” she insisted. However, after ten minutes had passed, Ahnmi began nodding off. Her eyes fluttered to a close as her head leaned onto the window. Mark chuckled softly, before gently reclining her seat so she could lay down properly. He reached for the fleece throw Bambam had left in the back seat of his car, his eyes still on the road, and placed it over her small frame. She tilted her head giving him a view of the small smile on her sleeping face. He was glad to know she was having happy dreams. Mark drove, enjoying the quietness of the road. It was a beautiful spring morning and though he was tired from having slept very little himself, he had a feeling it was going to be a good day. Jackson’s parents’ would be touching ground soon and his car smelled like sweet apples. What else could he ask for? As he pulled into the parking lot, Mark took a minute to just sit there. Ahnmi was still sound asleep and he wasn’t sure whether he should wake her up or just let her sleep and greet Jackson’s parents alone. He leaned over to move the loose strands of hair away from her face. He knew Ahnmi would hate it if he didn’t wake her up. Although nervous, she was also very excited to meet Jackson’s parents. Absorbing the moment with a sharp inhale, Mark let out a breath before softly nudging her shoulders. “Hey,” he spoke softly. He smiled at her surprised face. “Morning Sunshine.” She turned cherry red, sitting up abruptly. “I-I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to sleep the whole way. You should’ve woken me up.” He chuckled, ruffling her hair. “It’s okay, you need your energy for the rest of today.” She fingered at the fleece blanket on her lap shyly. “Thanks, Oppa.” Mark grinned. She was starting to call him Oppa more often now, though only when they were alone. He didn’t understand it himself, but hearing Ahnmi’s voice echoing “Oppa” made him happy. He was glad she was growing more comfortable with him with each passing day. “Shall we go then? They should be landing in ten minutes or so.” With an excited nod, the two left the car and headed towards the airport. Just as expected, Jackson’s parents came just in time, waving brightly towards Mark and Ahnmi. “Hello, hello!” they greeted Mark, before pulling him into a tight hug. He chuckled at their eager embrace before hugging them back. “This is Ahnmi, the new girl we were telling you about.” Mark introduced in Mandarin. Ahnmi bowed politely towards them. “She’s cuter than you guys described!” Jackson’s mother cooed, pulling Ahnmi into a hug. Ahnmi blushed at the sudden embrace but was happy to be accepted by his parents. She glanced at Mark who gave her a reassuring nod. “I’m glad you arrived safely. I hope the plane ride wasn’t too long,” Ahnmi smiled, taking Mrs. Wang’s luggage from her. Mark translated for her, making Jackson’s parents squeal with delight. She could see now why Jackson was such a bright guy. “I want her as a daughter-in-law, she’s adorable!” Mr. Wang laughed. Ahnmi looked at Mark curiously. “You’re cute,” he said simply, making her blush. Mrs. Wang looked at Mark with a twinkle in her eyes. She nudged her husband. “I think someone else has his eyes on your daughter-in-law, Dear.” Mark’s eyes widened as the two laughed together. “No, we’re just friends.” Mrs. Wang winked at him. “Raymond and Dorine will be so happy.” Mark flushed with embarrassment, grabbing Mr. Wang’s luggage and rushed ahead to the car while they laughed loudly at his reaction. Ahnmi looked on curiously, smiling at their laughter even though she didn’t know what was going on. She found it cute how flustered Mark seemed though. Jackson’s parents seemed just as funny and bubbly as their son. She was glad they could all gather today for Jackson’s birthday. Today was going to be a good day. - Jackson smiled as he woke up to the sound of his phone vibrating. He brought his phone close and just as expected, it was his friends sending him cheerful birthday messages. He chuckled at Bambam’s memes and then laughed even harder when Ahnmi joined in with a photoshopped image of him as an old man. “Happy Birthday Jackson kekeke” she texted afterwards with a cheeky emoji. Throwing on a sweatshirt, Jackson got out of bed and opened his door for his daily newspaper and milk. To his surprise, beside his usual subscription was a plain blue gift bag. He giggled to himself, grabbing the things before scurrying back inside to his living room where he plopped onto the couch with his items. He quickly turned the gift bag upside down. A small leather box and its accompanying paper note bounced onto the couch. He lifted the piece of paper and chuckled. “Happy Birthday Bro! –Mark” Jackson felt his heart warm up. Of course Mark would be the one to leave his birthday gift with the morning mail. Considering the guy barely slept, the gift had probably been sitting there for hours. Putting the note aside, Jackson grabbed the box eagerly. His eyes widened as he opened it. In the box was a shimmering silver watch—the one he had been looking at for months every morning when heading to school. He immediately took off his black watch and replaced it with the new one. Grabbing his phone, he quickly took a snapshot and sent it to the group chat. “TUAN YI EN!!!” he texted. After another thought, he added. “How could you leave this outside with my milk? What if someone took it!” “Early bird catches the worm.” Mark replied. “YOU REPLIED TO THE GROUP CHAT!!!” “Only because it’s your birthday. K bye.” Jackson looked at his text blankly, before smiling again at his new watch. He couldn’t wait to show it off at the party. Speaking of which, he should probably be getting ready now. Chugging down his milk, Jackson rushed off to the bathroom. - “SURPRISE!” Jackson jumped back at the sudden cheer after opening the door to Yugyeom’s house. He laughed at all the familiar faces. “Guys this isn’t a surprise party! I already knew about it!” Jackson yelled back, laughing as he stepped into the house. “We’ll see about that,” Mark muttered under his breath, making the others smile. Yugyeom quickly placed a party hat on Jackson, pushing him into the living room with everyone else. “Happy birthday, Jackson!” Yugyeom’s mother cooed, squishing the boy’s cheeks. “You’re all grown now!” Jackson smiled, squishing her face as well. “No one can stay as young as you!” Yugyeom’s mom squealed with delight, earning a scowl from her husband. She laughed loudly before taking her husband by the arm and ushering him into the kitchen. “You boys have fun!” “But not too much fun!” Yugyeom’s father warned, looking specifically at his son and glancing back at Ahnmi. Jackson laughed. “Don’t worry, Yugyeom Appa, we’ll make sure Ahnmi has the most fun out of all of us!” “Look out for this one especially,” he ordered Yugyeom while pointing at Jackson before laughing and disappearing into the kitchen. Jackson took a seat between Jinyoung and Jaebum. Nudging them while showing off the silver watch. Mark smiled shyly. He was glad Jackson liked his gift, but he really couldn’t wait to give him the best present of all. “Well, the rest of us aren’t living the high life like Mark,” Bambam started as he pulled out a box from behind his back. “So this one is from all of us.” Jackson’s face brightened at the sight of more gifts. “Aw guys, you shouldn’t have!” He opened the box to find a plain mason jar filled with paper. “Guys, you really shouldn’t have,” he said jokingly before breaking out into another smile. “Since you love being praised so much,” Jinyoung explained. “We wrote 365 compliments and stuffed it into the jar.” “This is a priceless gift, Jackson. It’s not every day you get a year’s worth of praises,” Jaebum insisted. Jackson chuckled. “Thanks guys, you know me too well.” “Read some!” Youngjae shouted. Complying, Jackson took out a strip of paper and grinned. “Oh! This one is from Yugyeom! ‘Hyung, you are the most caring person I know. Thanks for always encouraging me to be a better person.’” Everyone oo’ed and aw’ed as Jackson wiped a fake tear from his eyes. Yugyeom blushed in embarrassment. “Read another one!” Yugyeom yelled. “Okay, this one is from Ahnmi!” Jackson announced, earning a cheer everyone. He laughed loudly when he read the strip, causing everyone’s curiosities to grow. “’Jackson Sunbae’s biceps are #1!’” Jackson winked at Ahnmi. “You want to feel them again?” Ahnmi blushed, hiding further behind Mark who was sitting beside her. Mark laughed at her shy reaction, making Jackson smirk. After seeing Mark’s expression during the picnic, he couldn’t help notice all their small interactions. Sure, he was probably overanalyzing things, but that wasn’t about to stop him from messing with the two. “But Ahnmi, before you can say a compliment like that, you should feel Mark’s biceps first.” Mark’s eyed widened. “Yah!” Bambam nodded in agreement, nudging Ahnmi. “Actually, it’s true. Mark has really strong arms.” “See, I’m not lying. You need to feel his arms before you can say mine are number one.” “No no no!” Mark yelled back, moving away from Ahnmi. He looked at Bambam. “My arms aren’t strong anymore. It goes away if you don’t work out.” “What are you talking about, you were at the gym with me last night!” Jaebum interjected. Mark shook his head stubbornly. “Still, they’re not like before. I just started working out again.” “Oh, are you feeling insecure about your body? Or are you just shy about Ahnmi touching you?” Jackson teased. “Yah!” Mark looked alarmed at Jackson’s behavior. “Shy or not, you can’t just be offering my body for others to feel!” Ahnmi giggled at their exchange before quietly interrupting, “Guys, who said I wanted to touch any of you?” This earned a burst of wild laughter from the guys (especially Yugyeom and Bambam), leaving Jackson and Mark dumbstruck. “Anyways, I’m hungry,” Jaebum spoke up after the commotion had died down. “You hungry, birthday boy?” “I can eat.” Taking this as a cue, Ahnmi left the room for the kitchen. All the guys exchanged knowing smiles before turning to the oblivious Jackson. “Is your mom cooking or are we ordering food?” Jackson asked Yugyeom. “It’s a surprise,” Yugyeom responded, trying to keep a straight face. Suddenly, the room went black and out came Ahnmi with a brightly lit birthday cake in her hands. She smiled at Jackson as everyone began singing the birthday song to him. Jackson grinned like a little boy, eyeing the chocolate ice cream cake in front of him. “Now close your eyes and make a wish!” Mark ordered. As Jackson closed his eyes, the guys began silently moving around, ushering bodies back and forth. And as Jackson blew out the candles, Ahnmi walked away after wishing a final happy birthday. The lights were turned back on and to his surprise no one was in the room anymore. “Guys?” he asked aloud. But as he got up from his seat on the couch his body froze at the sight in front of him. “M…Mommy.” Ahnmi and the boys watched from the crack in the kitchen door as Jackson and his parents wrapped their arms around one another, erupting into tears. Ahnmi’s heart clenched at the sight of the ever smiling Jackson becoming a sobbing boy in the arms of his mother. Without even realizing it, tears began streaking her face as well. She backed away from the door, taking a seat at the kitchen table. Jackson must have missed his parents so much. How did he endure this whole time without seeing them? Her chest hurt even more as tears continued to slip from her eyes. She realized just how brave and strong Jackson was. “Hey, hey,” Jinyoung whispered, noticing her first. He sat next to her and put his arm around Ahnmi. “You okay?” Ahnmi smiled with tears swimming in her eyes. She nodded, trying to explain but the words got caught in her throat. Jinyoung smiled, taking a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped at her wet cheeks. One by one, the guys turned around to Ahnmi and Jinyoung, revealing their own shimmering faces. Only Mark remained at the door, his phone fixed on recording the whole moment. It wasn’t until she heard a loud sniffle that she realized Mark was no longer focused on recording. Getting up from her seat, Ahnmi walked up to Mark, her hand resting softly on the small of his back. She quietly took his phone away and replaced it with Jinyoung’s handkerchief. She rubbed his back softly, as more tears slipped from her own eyes. Tonight, they were all missing their parents. But hearts were warm knowing that Jackson could finally be with his. - Thanks for reading! This series updates ever Friday and Saturday 8PM EST.
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kamino-ink · 6 years
Brawl | Lee Minho [Disney!au]
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✧ Genre: Disney!au, fluff, cheesy as fuck Minho, suggestive bc its Minho how can I nOt-
✧ Summary: You’re not exactly the most interesting of people, at least not your eyes; but one of the biggest delinquents in town, the son of Ursula, insists on defending your honor no matter what.
✧ Word Count: 2.6k
✧ Want to read other parts of this series? Check out my masterlist!
you weren’t the child of some important fairytale character, rather you were simply a normal citizen growing up as normally as anyone else
sure life was interesting enough watching the children of important figures in the land of fairytales and stories, but you preferred to mind your own business in the solitude of your home by the beach
you’d moved out from the main hub of town about a year ago, deciding that you didn't need to rely on the financial support of your parents after graduating
and even if you didn't say it, a lot of people who knew you personally were well aware that you were content with living in the town of magical or powerful beings; while others craved to leave the land in favor of exploring the rest of the world, it was essentially impossible
some of the founders of the land arranged a sort of plan to keep the coming generations safe from harm - if they were all trapped in one place, they couldn't harm innocent people outside of their realm or vice versa
so basically all of you were stuck on a single island, meant to inhabit it for generations to come
but none of you were allowed to ever leave the island, as doing so would alert normal humans of your existence; one could never trust their intentions
so while you were technically a child of a couple in the universe of Peter Pan, you didn't really care about your status
on the other hand, those who resided in the central part of town consisted mostly of the children of characters who played big roles in their stories; from Mulan to Merida, almost every character written down in the books had been cast into the real world so they could live in peace
so here you were, fresh out of the comfort of your parent’s home, sat sipping on some herbal tea to clear your sinuses by the beach
miniscule grains of sand snuck between your toes, but you didn't quite mind, choosing instead to let your body relax into the sand
you had come out here for a reason; to be free of the binds in town and live your own peaceful life of utter solitude
“Jisung you moron, I cannot believe that you got us kicked out again!”
“Listen Seungmin, its not my fault that they couldn't handle my bare-chested sexiness-”
“I am this close to hexing you, asshole. Just because your dad never wore a shirt in his goddamn life doesn't mean you need to be the same.”
it was mostly a life of solitude, not counting the occasional intruders who would freely walk down the shore of the beach just in front of your cozy hut
you recognized the pair arguing just feet away from yourself; they were the sons of Tarzan and Maleficent, respectively
oh my god if they're here, I bet that dickhead is here too-
“Morning, gorgeous. I was wondering when we’d pass by your... hut.” Lee Minho himself hummed with an amused smirk, his piercing gaze darting down to your more than exasperated expression
ah, Lee Minho was a peculiar case indeed. He was the only son of Ursula, having been born merely a month before the island founders transported everyone here
while most parents, good or evil, tried to make sure all of their children would get along with one another, it was as if Ursula had thrown that idea out the door and encouraged her son to do the things he did
he was enticing, owning a voice of gold that would make anyone’s heart to backflips if he spoke to them
he was also known to be one of the most cunning, strongest people on the island
Minho frequently picked fights on people of all shapes, sizes, and ancestry - he didn't give a flying fuck if you were the love-child of a famous prince and princess, he could and would initiate a brawl if he wanted to
while a good portion of the community looked at the man in distaste and fear, you knew he was a good man deep down
he only ever picked fights with people who really deserved it
for example, when a group of kids in high school had been making fun of Changbin’s parents since his dad was bisexual [in this day and age? wild] Minho was the first one to throw a punch, helping his friend beat the shit out of them
yeah they were suspended and nearly expelled, but from that day on you couldn't help but admire him in a sense
you’d grown up side by side, but since you weren’t too important, you weren’t really involved with anything the other big-leagues did
while Minho was captain of both the swim team and the dance team, you were usually found in the background, simply minding your own business
of course you felt an odd connection with the man, as well as other kids older than yourself and those born in the same year as you
all of you had been born before the transportation to the real world, and while the youngest included the likes of you and Minho both, just born months ahead of time - each of you wondered what life was like in the world of fairytales and fictional stories
but something inside your head convinced you to approach him all those years ago back in high school
you’d been watching him and the son of Cinderella since the start of their swim practice, admiring how easily he moved in the water
which was because he was practically made for it, considering his ancestry
“hey, Minho,” you’d called out to him, still leaning against one of the walls when he glanced over to you in surprise, “come here for a second.”
and he’d done just that, walking over to you in all his glory, water dripping down his bare chest and arms, his black hair wet but still somehow looking neat and presentable
“uh, hi?”
“could you - could you teach me how to fight?” you’d stuttered out to him in sheer panic, his own eyes twinkling in curiosity at your request
“I um - you see, well, I have to walk home alone after work most nights and it isn’t exactly... safe, I guess.” which isn't a lie, in all honesty
in the late hours of the night, you worked at a measly grocery store to get some easy cash, but having to walk home alone was incredibly scary
even though all of you had been, for the most part, raised in the human world, there were still low-life's and downright villainous people residing on the island
knowing that you could possibly run into someone like that alone with no way of defending yourself was a daunting thought
“yea, sure, why not.” Minho had agreed almost immediately, much to your surprise
ever since then, after school, the boy would drive you to the gym and train with you
whenever you got off of work he was right outside the front door where you would walk out, waiting so he could walk you home each night
you were a bit confused, since you had been training with him so you wouldn't feel defenseless by yourself - but he insisted on making sure you got home safely no matter what
over the years the two of you grew to be quite close, so much so that you'd been nominated prom king and queen
you still had the picture of you two dancing in celebration, red solo cups in hand as he had been in the middle of twirling you on the heels of your feet when the candid photograph had been taken
“What? Too distracted by my dashing good looks to talk?” He pressed on smugly, snapping his fingers just inches in front of your face to snap you out of your daydream
“In your dreams, Minho,” you retort with a roll of your eyes, accepting his hand lent out to help you stand from the sand you’d been sitting in, “I was just... thinking.”
“Ouch, that must hurt.”
“Shut it, octopus.” You hiss, flicking his forehead while Jisung and Seungmin made their way towards the two of you.
“Anywho, Chan is throwing some huge party tonight and invited you to come.” He informed you with a bit of bitterness to his tone, much to your amusement
it was painfully obvious how Minho had a... thing, for you, to say the least. while you didn’t know if it was a short-lived infatuation or genuine feelings, it was hilarious to witness him become jealous over the smallest things
like one time where Felix, the son of Belle, had been helping you with schoolwork in the library
his head was close to yours, bent down so he could quietly explain how to work out the difficult problems [what? he is a genius, so you didn't mind the younger boy helping you out at all]
then Minho had sauntered in, almost immediately spotting two of his closest friends so close together with the smart Felix whispering something to you
despite your protests, Minho had insisted that he help you instead, sending Felix away by reminding him that they had a dance competition in just a few days - the freckled boy had gasped and rushed out quickly to the studio just for some extra practice, trusting the older boy to help
needless to say, you had failed that assignment horribly
“aww, is little Minho jealous?” You asked him in a teasing tone, wiping off the remnants of sand from your sundress, making Jisung and Seungmin snicker behind you
the black haired man glared at you playfully, though his lips were curled into a pout
“Y/N, I am not jealous - oh, forget it, I was wondering if you wanted to come to town with us while we picked up some food and shit for the party.”
you shrugged, knowing full well that you didn't have anything else to do for the rest of the afternoon besides sitting in the sand or wading in the water
“Sure, just let me put on some shoes- Minho!” You squeaked in surprise when he doesn't even give you the chance to finish, as he’s easily picked you up and thrown you onto his back
you huffed and puffed at him, gently smacking his head as he lead your small group off the beach and up the path towards the main part of town, ignoring your squeals of protest the entire time
about an hour had passed and you were still stuck on Minho’s back, even after all that shopping and going through shops to find food
Jisung and Seungmin were walking just a few feet ahead of you two, carrying the light bags of food for the party in their hands while Minho lagged a bit behind them, his hands supporting your legs still wrapped around his waist
“Goddamn, look at that ass!”
“You think her boyfriend will get pissed if we snap a pic?”
you gawked in disbelief at what you were hearing, turning your head to see two younger boys cheekily winking at you
you had completely forgotten you were still wearing a sundress, and while your backside was protected by shorts, it still left little to the imagination
you felt Minho pause abruptly in his tracks just so he could slowly turn around and face your disgusting catcallers
“Say another word about my girl and I swear to god I’ll snap your limbs like twigs.” He threatens the mischievous boys lowly, his voice dead serious and intimidating
as if they were wanting a death wish, the pair of boys rolled their eyes and sent not-so-discreate winks to you, completely ignoring the boiling man carrying you
“Hey lady, if this weirdo isn’t giving you what you need, we can solve that problem for you.”
with a deep breath Minho gently slid you off of his back, pushing you behind him while Jisung and Seungmin made their way back to you two, clearly wondering what had happened to make their friend so eerily pissed
“You two shitheads need to learn some fucking respect,” the tall man growled in a growing fury, his fists clenching and unclenching at his sides, “or would you like me to knock some common fucking sense into those empty brains of yours?”
“Alright alright, we’ll back off man.” One of them gave in with a roll of his eyes, holding his hands up in surrender as he started to lead his partner past you and the two boys still staring in curiosity
then, as they made their way past you, one of them reached out and squeezed your ass invasively, smirking at your gasp of shock and disgust
he didn't have time to even blink before Minho had swung at him so hard that he’d been knocked out
his friend looked back quickly, his eyes wide in fear at what just happened
if he decided to fight back, you were sure that Minho would turn the confrontation into an all out brawl
“Take him away before I decide to make the bastard bleed.” Minho growled, now standing in front of you protectively while the boy nodded comically fast, picking his friend up with one arm and waddling away
that night you decided not to go to the party - the confrontation from the shopping trip still had you a bit zoned out, and you knew that if you had gone you would've been too anxious with so many drunk, hormonal people crowded into one space
“Minho, you didn't have to stay with me.” You sigh to the man, glancing over to him and watching as he clenches his jaw, still clearly upset at the event earlier that day
you could tell that he blamed himself for whatever reason; he probably thought he could’ve prevented the sick guy from touching you, but none of you could’ve predicted that he would have acted so rashly anyway
“Too bad, princess, you're stuck with me.” He huffed back, not sparing you one look in fear that he might lose it and freak out about the incident again
you let out a deep, resounding sigh before you scoot closer to him on the stairs of your porch, resting your head on his shoulders comfortingly
you could feel one of his hands trailing up your bare thigh, his fingertips lazily tracing your skin as you both watched the ocean waves lap at the sandy shore of the beach
“Let me... let me be the only man who can touch you, Y/N.” Minho blurts out suddenly, though his voice is oddly serious and quiet
your cheeks heat up quickly at his blunt statement, though you can’t seem to comprehend exactly what he’s suggesting
“When that sicko touched you today, I was so close to ripping his head off. You didn't give him permission so that’s why -” he breaks off with a gulp, his fingers now squeezing your thigh, as if he was testing his boundaries, “that’s why I’m asking for your permission. Please, princess, let me touch you.”
you find yourself letting out a soft, nearly inaudible ‘okay,’ and within milliseconds the man has tilted your chin up with the pads of his fingers and thumb, his serious gaze boring into yours
“Are you sure?”
“I - yes, I’m sure, Minho. You were my hero today, and shouldn't heroes get a proper reward?”
you watch with red cheeks as his tongue darts out to wet his lips, now parted as he leans in closer and closer, until your noses are touching and his pink lips are grazing yours
“Princess, you are going to regret those words when I’m done with you tonight.”
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anistarrose · 6 years
More Alike Than They Realize (Gravity Falls One-Shot)
Word Count: ~1700
Summary: Stan finds a jittery, apologetic Ford up late one night, and the following conversation doesn’t go anywhere near where he thought it was going. Post-Weirdmageddon.
Warnings: None
Contains a lot more fluff and meta jokes than the summary suggests.
For the first time since Weirdmageddon, Stan woke up knowing exactly who, where, and when he was. The bulk of his memories, especially the enjoyable ones from the past summer and his childhood, had returned within about forty-eight hours, but six days later he was still having occasional lapses, the worst of which occurred upon waking up – until now, apparently. He hoped it would last.
He rolled over and looked at his clock. 12:15 A.M. Well, that was less cause for celebration. His head hurt – not unusual lately – and his mouth was dry – not anything to worry about, but still unpleasant.
Careful not to make any sound that could wake Ford or the kids, he made his way down to the kitchen. Warm milk usually helped him get to sleep.
I hope there’s still some left, he thought. The kids and I have been going through a lot since –
“Stanley, is everything alright?” Ford had been sitting at the kitchen table in complete darkness aside from the multi-colored glow of his laptop screen. “Do you know who I am?”
Stan hurriedly rushed to the fridge. “Don’t worry, Sixer, I remember fine. Just wanted get somethin’ to drink before I go to back to bed.” Ford’s concern was pretty reasonable given the state Stan was usually in when he wandered the Shack at night, and had Stan actually been in the middle of a lapse his brother’s presence would have been appreciated, but at the moment he didn’t want Ford worrying about him. He wanted to sleep.
“That’s great to hear,” Ford told him. “But Stanley, we need to talk.” He put himself between Stan and the door. “I was a fool, I realize that now. I hope you’ll forgive me.”
“Ford, you already apologized,” Stan replied. “About a hundred times. I promise, I’ve forgiven you –”
Stan suddenly noticed Ford’s eyes were bloodshot and his hair was even more of an unkempt mess than usual. “Stanford, are you feelin’ okay? You look… paranoid. Do you need to run more tests to make sure Bill is –”
Realization dawned on Ford’s face – and then he chuckled sadly, like he was laughing at himself rather than Stan. “Oh, no, Stan. This isn’t about Weirdmageddon. I didn’t worry you too much, did I?”
“Wait, then what is it –” Stan noticed the bowl on the kitchen table next to Ford’s laptop. “Is that popcorn? How the hell did you make popcorn at midnight without waking up the whole house?”
“It’s just simple sound-wave cancelling technology I picked up in Dimension B-56,” Ford replied automatically. “But the point is, I need to completely and sincerely take back what I said to you and about your… taste in entertainment on my second full day back in this dimension. I made a hasty judgement based on the show’s… target demographics, and I see now that I was wrong. So very, very wrong.”
“Sixer, you’re not making any… wait.” Stan suddenly remembered what had aired on Ford’s second day back in Gravity Falls. “You started watching Ducktective, didn’t you?”
“I did, Stanley! And it’s so much better than I was emotionally prepared for! After you saved me from Probabilitor that one day, I asked Dipper if I could join you watching the new episode, but he said it would be full of spoilers and showed me how I could stream it from the beginning when I had the time – and now I’m addicted! I can’t believe I called it a kids’ show; the mysteries of the overarching story transcend age demographics like nothing I’ve ever seen before! I’m nowhere near caught up and I already have so many theories! I’m not even sure if the younger Ducktective we saw in the time travel episode was actually him!”
“Whoa whoa whoa, Poindexter, slow down.” A grin was spreading across Stan’s face. “How far in have you gotten? Ten episodes?”
“Twelve,” Ford corrected. “I just finished the one where his rival Pete the pelican was wrongly accused and came to Ducktective for help –”
“Hey, that’s a really underrated one!”
“Wait, who didn’t like it? That was some of the finest comedy I’ve seen in the entire multiverse!”
“Dipper said Pete’s change of heart was unrealistic! Can you believe it?”
“If I wasn’t indebted to him for introducing me to the show in the first place, he would be dead to me,” Ford agreed in an overly dramatic tone.
“You gotta watch the next couple episodes right now, Sixer. Episode 13 is a goddamn emotional journey, and Episode 14 – well, I don’t want to spoil it. It needs to be seen to be believed, anyways. And then rewatched multiple times after learning what happens in the season finale.”
“Are you going to stay to watch alongside me?” Ford asked as he sat back down in front of his laptop.
“And miss you tearing up?” Stan pulled up a chair. “Pass the popcorn, would ya?”
“We’ll see about that,” Ford replied, but when Ducktective was finally reunited with his long-lost partner Steve, he couldn’t help but shed a single tear. Stan shed quite a few more, despite having seen the episode at least twice before, but Ford didn’t rub it in his face.
Ford was a bit confused, however, when the town erected a hyper-realistic statue of Ducktective to honor him for his continued work, and Stan bawled his eyes out seeing how Ducktective refused to look at the monument for longer than a few seconds.
“He’s just not used to the attention! What’s so sad about that?” Ford asked.
“You don’t understand,” Stan sobbed. It took all of his willpower not to explain that the statue reminded Ducktective of his long-lost twin gone evil. Ford had more or less guessed the twist already thanks to the time travel episode and the extra room in Ducktective’s childhood home, but Stan was drawing on all his con man power to act like Ford’s theory was crazy.
During a lull in the action in Episode 17, Ford paused the video and said: “I’m getting a little tired, but I can’t stop watching yet. Do you mind if we go sit somewhere where I won’t wake up with back pains in case I do fall asleep?”
Stan was also very tired, but there was no way he was going to miss Ford’s reaction to the next episode’s reveal. “While we’re at it, let’s go someplace where you won’t wake up the kids when you scream. There’s a big plot twist comin’ up.”
Ford closed the laptop. “I’d suggest the basement, but it’s probably pretty cold down there. We can go to my private study.”
Stan frowned. “Not exactly a lot of comfortable furniture in there, is there?”
“No, especially not after I cleaned it out. I was thinking we could bring blankets – wait, you’ve been in there? It’s supposed to be a secret!”
Stan snorted. “Sixer, I lived in this house for thirty years. Now go get those blankets.”
“Great Uncle Ford? Grunkle Stan? Are you guys okay? What are you doing down here?”
Stan tried to sit up, but something above him slipped, and several surprisingly heavy blankets fell on his face. Besides, he didn’t really want to get up. He was reminded of the good old days when he and Ford would hang some blankets from the top bunk, then sit on Stan’s bed together reading comic books, telling ghost stories, and generally making a mess with snacks.
“Morning, Dipper,” he heard Ford mumble. “I’m sorry we didn’t make breakfast…”
“Grunkle Ford, we were so worried about you!” Mabel yelled. “We thought you got kidnapped by gnomes or one of the last few eye-bats or something! But this whole time, you were just down here in your secret room?! You even built a whole blanket fort without us!”
“Oh, I’m so sorry.” Ford pulled his laptop out from under his blankets. “I didn’t even consider the possibility that you wouldn’t realize where we were. We just didn’t want to wake you with our reactions to Ducktective.” He glared at Stan. “I can’t believe I predicted Ducktective’s twin brother almost a whole season in advance and Stan just pretended that my theory was ridiculous.”
“Hey, what was I supposed to do, spoil the ending of the best episode in the whole show?”
“How about simply not making fun of me for ‘looking too deep’ into everything?”
Mabel shook her head. “I can’t believe you nerds.”
“Hey, you can say that about Ford, but not me,” Stan complained. “I’m not like him and Dipper, not at –”
“You kind of are, though,” Ford told him, trying and failing not to laugh. “Obviously not to the same extent as myself, but we did just stay up until three in the morning watching a children’s show and discussing elaborate conspiracy theories about it. We’re more alike than you realize, Stanley.”
“So? It was one time!”
“I seem to recall we did this kind of thing pretty often when we were kids. Obviously not on a laptop, but with equally nerdy works of fiction nonetheless.”
“You’re an honorary nerd now whether you like it or not, Grunkle Stan,” Dipper added.
Stan shook his head. “Ya know, I was gonna apologize for making you worry, but now I’m not so sure.”
“You should apologize for ruining our blanket fort, Stanley,” Ford chided jokingly. “It was an absolute marvel of engineering before you decided to drag down the roof.”
“A real marvel of engineering wouldn’t let its roof get dragged down that easily!”
Ford frowned. “Uh, let’s go get breakfast. Kids, do you know if there’s any pancake mix left?”
“Ha, so you admit I have a point!”
“Honestly,” Mabel interrupted, “I’m not mad anymore that you guys disappeared into the basement to build a blanket fort and eat popcorn and watch your show. I’m just mad that you didn’t invite us.”
“Yeah!” Dipper added. “I wanted to see Ford’s reaction to the season finale.”
Ford smiled. “Well, we still have about… ten episodes before I’m caught up?”
“Eight,” Stan corrected. “Plus the shorts. But yeah, you kids could join us.”
“Will there be popcorn?” Mabel asked.
“Of course!”
Mabel and Dipper exchanged a look.
“Are we forgiven?” Stan asked.
The kids nodded in unison. “You’re forgiven.”
Thanks for reading! Ford’s reaction to Ducktective is loosely based on my own reaction to Gravity Falls: skeptical when first learning of it, then genuinely interested after hearing good things, then way too emotionally invested in it.
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happysmilebtr · 6 years
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hello, hello! @jaewwoo tis i, auntie anna aka your secret santa for this event! ^_^ it has been an honor to be your secret santa (even if there were some minor bumps here and there hehe) i do hope you have a fantastic christmas if you celebrate it along with a happy new year! you are seriously a sweet person that is funny and lovely to talk to (go and follow them btw c;) i do hope we can chat some more in the future! 
so here is your christmas gift, two in one! the first is this lovely moodboard that i hope you like! :) you mentioned yuta being you bias (for now lol) so i went ahead and centered around a soft christmas moodboard with prince yuta himself! not gonna lie, it was tricky! i wanted a very specific theme based around yuta’s picture so finding christmas aesthetic pictures to fit that wasn’t easy but i think it turned out lovely and does fit well with your second gift, a small lil written work hehe. enjoy the two in one love and merry christmas! 🎅
drabble inspired by these two prompts; “Muse a being a butt and putting their cold hands on b’s warm neck” &  “would you like some hot cocoa with your mountain of marshmallows oh my god are you TRYING to put yourself into a sugar coma?“
Sometimes the Christmas holiday’s plans aren’t always the most traditional. Sometimes, sometimes for the holiday's you just have to do something unexpected. Do something out of the ordinary. For example, go out for a drive and watch the snow fall from the inside of your car. Sometimes, that's just how the holiday's can be
Fio's Christmas was just that this year. It wasn't the typical get dressed up for the family is coming over. No, this year's Christmas was a last minute plan that involved a close friend that goes by the name of Yuta. Less then 24 hours ago, the lad had decided to go ahead and strike up the suggestion on if the idea of a small road trip would be something she would be interested. She had agreed but what she didn't expect was to have this roadtrip happen on Christmas! Fio had truly expected this to be some new year's bucket list or whatever people call it these days for Yuta and honestly it sounded appealing. Not often she has the chance to travel of any kind really. However...Christmas? And at 7 in the morning of all times!?
Oh Yuta should be counting his stars that Fio had a generous heart. That she wasn't kicking him out to the curb and instead dressed herself up for this plan of his
"So, still hate me my darling?"
Fiorella glanced over to the other side of the car when hearing the sickly sweet voice ring out, followed by an innocent smile. Letting out a faint sigh while shaking her head a bit "oh shove it" was all that she had mumbled. Even though the female beauty was indeed, quite annoyed at the fact of how this idea of a trip was planned out -that and also her precious sleeping was screwed over thank you very much. Goodbye good sleep- the gal wasn't entirely disappointed with the turn events
Key word, entirely.
"If by that, you mean am i interested in shoving my foot to your pretty face for the lake of beauty sleep? Yes, yes i still hate you Yuta" Fio replied with a faint snort, smiling softly when hearing the laugh from the male himself
"Ouch, i never knew you were such an evil person?"
"There's alot of things you don't know about me Yuta" the female beauty answered, flicking -and failing- her hair dramatically
An eyebrow arched up behind the male's bangs as he stared at the female "mhm...like?" he asked. Curious to see what Fiorella would tell him and what fun fact was he going to learn about her. At that, she shifted herself around in the car seat to get more comfortable and folded her hands on her lap
"Like how i am a fantastic comedian and before you argue back mister, i actually have a joke prepared to prove my comedy skills" the female quipped "what is barbie's favorite sauce?" she asked, watching as the dark blonde male shrugged his shoulders at the question
"barbi-que sauce!" she exclaimed, grinning at the joke she had made -while possibly trying not to laugh at her own joke- and awaited on the reaction from her friend who simply just made a face of confusion. Probably a bit unsure if he should laugh at the poor attempt of a joke or pretend it was never said
"Get it? Barbie...sort of sou-"
"Maybe leave the jokes to the professional's"
At that, the gal huffed and threw her beanie at the male who chuckled, "rude. that joke is brilliant that even the world's greatest comedians would approve of that" she mumbled, sticking out her tongue out childishly. Sadly, this little action had turned into one of a fight so to speak between the two. In retaliation, Yuta went ahead and poked her sides gently. Earning a small squeak from the female. Fio went ahead and returned the gesture with poking him back, thus their poking fight began. Pair these two together and it's like maybe watching a 'Tom & Jerry' episode sometimes.
Children stuck in grown up bodies
But someone had to put the stop to the poking war that was ensuing within the car. Who was brave enough to do such a task? Someone that holds the name Nakomto Yuta of course. "Hey, is that a deer?" was the first step of Yuta's plan. Easily this distraction had worked cause Fiorella had turned her head to try to spot this so called deer the male claimed to have spotted. Next, came the action
While distracted, Yuta quickly placed his hand behind the gal's neck. This action may have seemed, well, lame in retrospect. on the contrary, it was the perfect plan to get the upper hand in the situation...cold hands for the win.
At that spine chilling feeling on Fio's neck, she jumped in her seat, mumbling a string of colorful words and started to swat and smack the male's arm to try to get the source of the cold. Yuta? He was donning a Cheshire smile on his face.
"Get your ice cold hands away from me you jack frost!" hissed the gal. Sending a laser glare over at her friend
"Alright, alright. How about a cup of hot coco? Call it a peace treaty if you will"
Fio stared at the dark haired blonde while he reached out from behind him, pulling his hand off her neck to grab ahold of the thermos that contained the pre-made hot chocolate. Shaking it in his hand for a moment in question. The female clicked her tongue once as she crossed her arms in front of her. Still sending him a stink eye no doubt
"You've got to be kidding me here? Do you truly believe that I would go ahead and let you off the hook for doing that? I could have gotten frost bite from that you know!"
Ok, no she wouldn't have. Still doesn't wash away the fact the male and his hand was far too cold my dear friends!
Yuta snorts at the reaction and rolled his eyes, "Fio...overreacting a bit there?"
"I am serious here mister!"
"Yeah, yeah and I'm sorry for my kind of-"
"Kind of? More like hella lot"
"As i was saying...do you want this hot coco that i have worked hard for?"
Fiorella narrowed her eyes for a brief moment, not saying anything as if she was trying to come up with a decision to this very crucial decision -note the sarcasm-. "Are there marshmallow's as well?"  
"Of course!" Yuta commented and scoffed, placing his hand over his heart "I'm hurt, how would you think i wouldn't include something as important as marshmallow's?" the male had replied. The female simply shrugged her shoulders and held out her hand, making a 'gimmie' motion with her hand. Yuta simply chuckled and poured the liquid into the cup
"Enjoy m'lady"
"This better be the world's best hot chocolate Yuta"
"Oh it is, i poured my blood, sweat and tears into this coco for your information"
The female beauty snorts at the dramatic comment made by the male, shaking her head. Boy did like to be a bit dramatic at times, sometimes it can be confusing though because there are times where she stops to wonder whether or not Yuta is actually serious or not? You can never be too sure with him
She took the packaged of the squishy sweets after she placed the cup on the dashboard of the car so it wouldn't spill while opening the package. Any normal person would grab a few droplets of the marshmallow's but Fio...
Oh boy
Instead, what the female had done is she went ahead simply grabbed a handful of it. Not once, but twice handful of marshmallow's! Sure, this did make a mess inside the car considering that amount spilled over the cup though she didn't care because she was content with what she had done. Yuta, he stared in disbelief at his friend and what he was seeing
"What?" Fiorella asked innocently, picking up the cup as if nothing had happened
"You know what! Fio...child...you cannot just simply have a cup full of marshmallow's with hot coco"
"Says who? Who said there was a rule for this anyway?"
"No but that doesn't mean you have to put yourself into a sugar coma or something!"
Fio giggled at her friend who was truly worried over the amount of sugar she was about to consume "Aww, I'm flattered to know you are worried about me Yuta but I'll be perfectly fine" she assured the male, reaching out to pat his knee to calm his worries. Ok sure, maybe the mountain full of marshmallow's is not the most...healthiest option right now but you know what they say. There can never be too much sweets in the world right?
"I swear you are going to make me lose my mind one day" Yuta mumbled
Fiorella hummed softly and popped a marshmallow that was overflowing into her mouth before she reached over to place a gentle kiss onto his cheek
"Hopefully it would be in the Christmas spirit" she mused
At that action, Yuta's eyes widened for a brief moment a bit too comically and cleared his throat. Nodding his head a few times while shifting in his car seat. This was...a bit rare to say the least. To see a flustered Yuta. Usually the male never really shows a crack in his appearance like being nervous fully, covers it up with his confidence but it seemed like a kiss was enough to make the male be red in the face like Rudolph himself -but she will spare her friend and not tell him that...now at least-
"Uh-you know what? It's bit warm in here, let me open the window a bit. Yeah?"
"Yeah, sure Yuta" Fiorella replied with a small chuckle. Throwing a marshmallow puff at her friend with a small smile
How cute
"Thanks though"
Yuta turned back at the female and furrowed his eyebrows for a moment "For what?" he asked
"For this Christmas roadtrip of yours...this is nice Yuta" she smiled. It was different than the usual holiday plans but it was something new. New doesn't entirely mean something bad afterall. New can bring in memories to think back later on in time. Plus, the holiday's are about spending time with loved ones isn't it? Yuta fits that description afterall.
“Heh, and you originally wanted to chop off my d-”
“Oh shush now!”
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