#evil mirtala
barakuma90 · 2 years
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Did evil Mirtala in one sitting. I can finally say that the evil family is done and hopefully will make a render with all of them together before Halloween.
There will not be an evil Nona, but evil Raz should be happening in the future.
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scarletgemstone · 3 months
what if meme
what if the aquatos were in evil dead rises
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rinboking · 1 month
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I made this to demonstrate what I think Mirtala would look like if she had an evil version like Augustus. I don't know, I thought it looked cool and wanted to post it... 👉👈
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Ranking Aquato family members by how likely they are to commit tax fraud (least to most)
8 - Razputin Aquato
Of all the members of the Aquato Clan, Raz is currently the only member confirmed to be working for the government. He's the absolute model of a federal employee. The kind of agent they would make naively optimistic 50s movies about. The kind of hero who is everything J Edgar Hoover was not. Honest, caring, loyal, hardworking, excited to chase the call of adventure alongside his heroes, who are also employees of the federal government. He's not a slave to authority, but he could best be described as "Lawful Good" in D&D terminology. As such, Raz would never commit tax fraud. He only wants to help people, rescue their brains, and occasionally commit arson and kill animals. But only when its cool. Also, he hates math.
Likelihood: Never.
7 - Dion Aquato
Dion is a contentious character. Some people hate him because of the way he bullies and insults Raz. Others like him because they see past that and see him as depressed and anxious teenager who's taking his insecurities and pain out on his little brother out of jealousy and the fear of his entire world changing around him. But we're not here to talk about that: we're here to ask if he'd commit tax fraud. The answer is he's simply not smart enough to. We're talking about a guy who heard from his toddler-aged brother that real living human beings reproduced via eggs. He simply isn't smart enough to figure it out. He'll either need a caregiver or spouse to file his taxes for him, or he'll download a terrible app on his phone that he can just barely navigate and might still have to go through an audit just because he got stuff wrong.
Likelihood: Too dumb to commit tax fraud. Even if he were smart enough, he'd probably get frustrated and bored very quickly.
6 - Augustus Aquato
Auggie won't lie to you, the thought of cheating on his taxes has definitely crossed his mind. There's a lot of overhead on a circus, even a small one. With how much the family struggles financially, the temptation has always been there to write off a few fake expenses. But he never has, because he's a responsible father and husband, and would never want to endanger his family by putting their finances and freedom in jeopardy.
Likelihood: Highly unlikely. Good dad energy too strong.
5 - Mirtala Aquato
The member of the family we know the least about. She seems kind enough, though often times sarcastic and smart-alikey. A spirited and adventurers young lass, she might find certain parts of the Internal Revenue Code to be arbitrary, annoying or overly cumbersome. The thought might occur to her to commit tax fraud, but its doubtful she'd ever go all the way through with it. The potential jail time and fines would likely be enough to make her decide against it.
Likelihood: Might do it under pressure, but very unlikely otherwise.
4 - Donatella Aquato
A very passionate Italian mother, often times theatrical. Also very uncool about guilt-tripping her kids! Not cool, Donna! Though in fairness it's treated as a gag, and seems to just be her way of burning off the conflicting emotions she's going through. Still, sometime in the VERY near future she needs to give her son a hug and an apology! Moving on to the tax fraud, she's most likely faced the same temptation as her husband, but likely has weaker moral reservations. Donatella strikes me as the rebellious type, the kind who'd angrily stare down the head of a government agency for talking shit to her. Were it not for Augustus reminding her of the dangers, she'd probably get "creative" with her return filings.
Likelihood: Possibly. Similar motivations to Augustus but less moral apprehension. It'd take some pressure before she gives in.
3 - Frazie Aquato
She's a bitch but I like her. She throws shit around and says fucked up evil things. But she still clearly has a heart, can have a pleasent conversation with Raz, and even admits she misses him. Like Dion, she's a dumb teenager with issues, she's just slightly less douchey about it. Slightly. Would she commit tax fraud? This girl breaks into private government property, tosses pinecones at people and skulks around in trees like a spider monkey.
Likelihood: Would commit tax fraud, but doesn't make enough money. She lives in the woods.
2 - Queepie Aquato
This child is an agent of chaos. He runs around in the forest at the age of like 4 and is under no threat by wild animals. If anything, the wild animals are scared of him. His mind conjures up insane and silly conspiracies about psychics that he doesn't even believe and tells his older brother just to fuck with him. This kid will claim his toys and dependents to help fund his pirate radio station.
Likelihood: Already commiting tax fraud with his co-conspirator Morris Martinez.
1 - Nona Aquato
Nona has been committing massive tax fraud for decades, but only by accident. She's been filing as her dead sister, whose identity she unwittingly stole. By now, she's in her golden years, and I'm sure she figures it's too late to stop now. Might as well go the extra mile and fudge some of those numbers. Especially since she recently reconnected with her friend Cassie O'Pia, infamous criminal counterfitter. The stuff Cassie knows about cooking books will be instrumental to her fraudulent claims.
Likelihood: Serial tax scammer
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doodle17 · 1 year
Hmm okay, what do you think each Aquato's mind looks like?
Obviously Augustus' would be a HUGE circus theme! Basically, I think his mind would be similar to the meat circus but without the meat. I was also thinking that all the Aquato kids are portrayed as little kids, around the ages 6-9, because no matter how old they are, he'll still see them as his little ones
For Donna, it's be kiiiind of a Victorian Era type world, with a little circus elements sprinkled in. Everything is being perfected has to be just right. And unlike Augustus, she sees the the kids as a lot older than they actually are. But every once in a while she seems them a lot younger.
Frazie's mind, to me, would have a kind of "bursting at the seams" kind of feeling. She tries to cover up her psychic abilities with various circus themed things, but ultimately failing
I can't remember who posted it, but there's a post about Dions mind being a type of fast moving caravan packed with stuff to symbolize all the pressure put on him. And I kind of like that idea so I think that's what his mind would be like
Queepies would be kind of like Psi-kings sensorium, a little toned town, obviously, but it's full of bright colors and music!
Mirtala's would be a huge princess/midevil themed world. Her parents would be the kind and queen (duh) Frazie and Raz would be portrayed as knights in shining armor, and I think it'd be funny if Queepie were portrayed as a dragon, and Dion was some kind of evil wizard or something
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erigold13261 · 2 years
to be fair to frazie, she is shown to have really good aim with those pinecones. and she deserves nice things, so why not let her be good with throwing knives?
you can't convince me that a younger frazie wouldn't do that evil little girl cackle whenever she hit the target. you can't. the girl is chaos incarnate, ofc she had that little girl cackle when she was younger
She would take those wooden skewer sticks and use a lighter/fire (or pyrokinesis) to heat up the stick and bend it, then take an elastic band and put it on the of the stick in a make-shift bow and arrow setting. Then she’d shoot all her siblings.
It is this event that makes Donatella teach Frazie how to throw knives and the two learn how to do archery together. They end up adding a segment to the show every so often where Frazie shoots a flaming arrow at an apple on top of Mirtala’s pigtails along with the knife throwing she does at Augustus!
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spitblaze · 6 years
Which of the Danganauts would punch an evil baby?
maxim is contractually obligated to protect lucrezia, unfortunately
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duckapus · 3 years
So like I mentioned in the first post about the Pokénauts AU(yes I’m calling it that now) all the Aquatos have Dark Type partners.
-Raz I’ve mentioned, he’s got a Sableye that likes learning psychic type moves.
-Augustus has a Weavile. No real reason I just think it would be cool.
-Lucy had her Malamar, but after the whole Maligula and Astralathe things she doesn’t have any Pokémon on hand until she finally comes back to herself at the end of the game.
-Donatella has a Grimmsnarl who takes one look at Raz’s Hattrem and decides that it’s his babey, typing be damned. As a fun contrast to Dona’s fierce adherence to the “fortune tellers are evil” mentality.
-Frazie has an Absol for thematic reasons, since despite being pure Dark Type they’re actual fortune tellers thanks to their disaster sense. There’s actually a bit of friction between Frazie and Dona in this au since Raz running away to join the Psychonauts didn’t actually register as a disaster until the Linda fight. She also has Sugarcube, the world’s smallest Ponyta...who Raz “borrowed” when he left and gives back to her when the Aquatos descend upon the Motherlobe.
-Dion has an Alolan Rattata. That is all.
-Mirtala and Queepie are still too young to get their first Pokémon, though since they set up in the Questionable Area? there is a Seedot that’s been following Queepie around and bobbing along with him to the music he’s listening to.
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maskyartist · 3 years
Bad Trouble Trio: Nona had some of her memories as Maligula and helps her strongest grandkids embrace their power
oooh thats very interesting.
honestly, in a sorta "evil Aquato au" situation, i think Lucricia manages to keep her memories somehow. maybe even stay as Maligula. she's bundled up constantly so it's hard to see her face, and she still raises Augustus and such. he meets Donatella, things like that dont change, but once they start having the kids that's when the plot sorta shifts.
instead of the family forcing them to stay away from Psychics, the kids are taught to embrace their powers for all they are. Dion clings to Electrokinesis so easily, Frazie can set things on fire with Pyrokinesis from miles away, but Raz got to keep the instinctual gravitation towards water with the Aquato family's Hydrokinesis. Mirtala's good with Levitation mostly, while Queepie's got some more sneaky skills like Invisibility on his lil baby side.
the Trouble Trio get more attention from Nona, but none more important then Raz, who's taught not to fear the water, but embrace it as part of himself. the water isn't a curse, it's a blessing.
since Augustus would either keep his memories as well or maybe even be gaslit gatekept girlbossed by Lucricia/Maligula into believing his parents were bad people which is why she yknow axed em, he'd be able to use Hydrokinesis as well. this means the Aquato family wouldn't have to give up their water acts and continue to be a rather popular show, albeit a bit small in size.
hell, they'd probably add their kids powers to the acts. Frazie is amazing with juggling flaming knives and jumping through firey hoops, while Dion can move electricity with such practiced ease it's almost like magic.
they wouldnt fear the family name, they'd embrace it for all its worth. and i think that'd be the scariest part.
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sxrrandomfanfics · 2 years
If you were to do a good to evil ranking for Ash's arena in the same style as wicked binges videos how would you rank the characters including all the members of both clubs and alador
Jeeze lou-fucking-ise.
There's too many characters to really do that with. Could I analyze all the characters? Sure, but honestly that sounds like a ton of work. They're very human and flawed characters. While you can judge different sins of characters in say, the same universe (example: The Aquato family, with Mirtala, Raz, Augustus, Queepie, Frazie, Donatella, Dion, and Lucrecia Aquato), but this would be me trying to figure out a story that is DEFINITELY not fleshed out enough for me to do that!
However, I may be able to do that for my other stories, like RRR when it's finished.
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
I still remember when the family finally opened up to the whole psychic thing and the Psychonauts suggested all of us should get checked over, just to see if we had any psychic potential. I didn't, thankfully (or what little I had wasn't worth mentioning), but it still scared me a lot to think about.
Because yeah, I was starting to pull away from the idea of "all psychics are totally evil" but I still hadn't let go completely and I couldn't help but worry that I could have been a danger to my younger siblings. Like, what if I did have pyrokinesis or something? I could have set our caravan on fire! Or I could have burned one of my baby siblings on accident! Dad shouldn't have ever trusted me without fully knowing whether I had powers or not!!
I mean, it's silly to think about now, but still. I was basically a third parent to Queepie and Mirtala (and, to a lesser extent, Raz). I'd hate to ever put them in an unsafe situation - Dion Aquato.
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barakuma90 · 2 years
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Evil Donatella is finished and with Mirtala left the Meat circus family will be done hopefully before Halloween (Because I thought it would be the perfect time for it)
Might make evil Raz too...
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