#ew imp
ask-imp · 1 year
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statiicstag · 5 months
❛ if you want me to go, then you have to tell me to leave. ❜ @fastestfingersinhell (Charlie invited a random street busker to entertain, perhaps?)
To be the lowest beings in all of Hell, it seemed that imps always maintained a certain level of audacity, uncaring of who they were speaking to and how they were speaking to them. It would almost be admirable, if there were any admiration to speak of. Alastor has found he is all out.
❝ I'm afraid that's not my choice, ❞ he deadpans, and unfortunately, it is not. He can't much trample over Charlie's questionable choices, even if he'd like to—he offered his help but in the end it is, in fact, her hotel.
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❝ Had I been giving the impression that I would like for you to? ❞ he asks, all innocence, as if he hadn't been delivering a sneer dark enough to strike a sinner double-dead from across the room the entirety of the time Nico had been there.
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zitgrimes · 4 months
I would honestly rather be tied to a board and electrocuted than have to rewatch the tritter arc I hate him so MUCHHH
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wellore · 2 years
I feel so unbelievably pathetic rn, I want someone to worship me 
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horse-shit · 2 years
hello random face hair??
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buttered-bearcat · 2 months
I honestly don't see why some people insist that Stolas is a rapist.
Was the relationship he had with Blitzø toxic? Sure. Was their relationship transactional? Of course it was. But he realized what he was doing was wrong and tried to make things right by giving him an Asmodean crystal so he could go to Earth without breaking the law. (Of course, that didn't go nearly as well as he hoped it would.)
Blitzø never really seemed too uncomfortable with the idea of having sex with Stolas, (Though he did say "ew" when Stolas assumed he broke into his mansion to ravish him when they reunited as adults, but we can chalk that up to imps hating the upper class in general.) just indifferent at worst. And besides, he didn't have to have sex with Stolas when he tried to steal his grimoire. He could have just ran off after tying him up and never looked back, which he probably would have done if Stolas didn't chirp about how happy he was to be wanted sexually by someone he saw as his "first ever friend." Blitzø even seemed to be internally debating what to do, and chose to have sex with the bird out of pity.
Although, I will grant that Stolas could have (and probably should have) picked a much better time to establish their arrangement than when Blitzø was in the middle of a mission and being shot at by cannibalistic, Satanist hillbillies.
There's also the fact that Blitzø is shown to really enjoy having sex with Stolas in the episode "Full Moon" when he's talking/singing about how he's perfectly fine with their arrangement.
If Blitzø really hated having sex with Stolas so much, he could have just never given the grimoire back or looked for alternate methods of going to Earth, like stealing an Asmodean crystal off some some unsuspecting succubus/incubus before killing said succubus/incubus (or killing them and then taking their crystal). Sure, he might be annoyed with the prince when he flirts with him in public or calls him when he's busy with something important (i.e. roleplaying with dolls he made of his employees), but I don't really see that as him being unwilling to interact with him sexually.
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trashogram · 9 days
How did Viv spoil Asmodeus x Fitzzarolli? 😱 spoil me please
This is a Your Mileage May Vary kinda thing, but Viv introduced the pair as confident showmen that liked to give shit to people they looked down on — Moxxie when he tried to sing a love song at a show in the Lust Ring and Stolas on a date with an imp, to be specific — and were relentless about how love was for losers. At the same time, there were obvious hints to the two having romantic feelings for each other, pinning them as total hypocrites.
It was amusing in a dark yet silly way. Pure fun. And then Viv saw how popular the ship was and decided to expand on them in the only way she knows how: make one of them a total woobie being abused and the other an overprotective supporter. She turned Fizzarolli into an insecure, panicky mess and Asmodeus is all about Fizz’s welfare and has no weight to his title or character anymore. He’s gung-ho about Stolas and Blitzø as well, which — ew.
Viv does this all the time. And it’s so wasteful. I wish I could say that the characters/ships she doesn’t care about were safe from such derailment but looking at Striker, this clearly isn’t the case.
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People say that Stolas and Blitz were a childhood friends but like...they weren't? Blitz was literally BOUGHT to entertain Stolas for one day, stole from him and diped (as he should lol) and as for as we know Blitz didn't even face any consequences from stealing.
Wouldn't it make more sense if we got a scene like Paimon (?idk if i spell that correctly) catches Blitz on stealing and then Stolas defends him and Blitz realizes that Stolas actually values him as a person and not just some imp playmate?
They met as kids 10-20 years ago for one day and we are supposed to think they had this epic friendship together lmao. Its like that girl you met at the beach to never see her ever again. Such fated to be childhood friends.
Yes this is so true child Blitz did not GAF hes just like "ew man whatever" at St*las and it was ONE DAY like 😭. And I think whats really fascinating is the way this change/retcon to make them supposed "childhood friends" actually reinforced one of the worst things about their relationship, which is Blitz constantly being used to fulfill St*las' wants and happiness regardless of how Blitz feels about it and what he himself wants.
From the moment they laid eyes on each other, it was Blitz wowing St*las and making him feel good.
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Meanwhile, this was another day of work to Blitz. He's a child worker doing what his father has told him. As a child relying on their parent of course he's gonna just do it and be in the circus, and his lack of choices in life and being put in a role that did not suit him and that he was shamed for not fulfilling correctly gave him so much trauma and such bad self esteem in the end. Blitz actively disliked and chose to break away from being a performer because of all this, he worked hard to seek a better life elsewhere. Likely he had to, to have a shot at any kind of real happiness and self fulfillment. So many of Blitz's issues are because of his childhood in the circus, that's where it all started.
Yet this scene is less about that stuff than it is about St*litz. You really can see the problems with this show when you break down whats being focused on and what isn't, especially when focusing on the class elements. Blitz has trauma from heavy expectations hes faced all his life, he always needed to be a product that to be sold to others and make them happy... and then St*las wanted him so that he could be happy, so much so that he goes ahead and sexually extorts him once they're adults. Once again making Blitz be a product for someone else's happiness. St*litz actively goes against effectively resolving Blitz's issues and whats best for Blitz. It once again confines him to a mentally damaging role that he didn't choose yet still feels pressure to perform well enough in.
Wow this sure is a great childhood lovers ship! /s
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Tim is Kon's sugar daddy this, Tim is Kon's sugar daddy that TIM IS KON'S BABY DADDY!
Kon is cringe, a tik toker, and a 90s kid Tim's contact name in his phone is 'baby daddy 🐀' the rat emoji is cuz he thinks Tim looks like a wet rat.
Here is the incredible scientific evidence I have written to support this.
Exhibit one, it'd be funny as fuck
Exhibit two, depending on how u headcannon Kon's kryptonian reproductive organs it could be a true or facetious statement
Exhibit three, this fic snippet I wrote.
" well how about you Kon?"
Cassie scoffed " you're gonna ask him for relationship advice"
Conner, who'd been engrossed with eating his way meticulously through a box of YinYan, looked up and flipped off Cassie.
" We're Gucci, you know how it is with me and Tim, he's my baby daddy and all that"
From the couch came a large hacking cough as Tim half sprayed half swallowed zesti. Most of the spray landed on Bart who, distracted with their Mario kart game, forgot to move and gave an ungodly screech at the rain of corn syrup and carbonation.
" No the fuck I am not." Tim choked out between coughs. The kryptonians face warped into comical insult and shock. He twisted around to face his boyfriend faster then a speeding bullet.
" Timothy Jackson Drake, I let you hit it RAW!"
" EW!" Bart exclaimed, nearly swerving his kart off of rainbow road.
Tim's face went thru the five stages of grief( and horny) before landing back on an 'I just choked on my zesti' expression.
Kon narrowed his eyes at him " So you're my what?"
Tim sighed his shoulders rolling forward like he'd truly lost it all " I'm your baby daddy" he muttered.
" DOUBLE EW!" Bart gagged.
"It's not ew imp, it's feminism." Kon said and turned back to his conversation with the girls.
Cassie's face was red from trying not to die laughing, she was gripping the table with effort "this- this is why you don't ask Kon, Cissy"
Cissy, whose face was red from mortification, put her hands over her mouth in silent shock.
I rest my case.
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ask-imp · 1 year
Wait!! i noticed fracture and torn look really similar do they have similar dna makeups or something?
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cannebady · 5 months
who are we to fight the alchemy
They've been taking it slow, which Blitz knows is necessary but also feels so fucking stupid considering they've had their tongues inside each other probably hundreds of times over the span of their agreement.
But after a truly spectacular round of competitive communication issues, they've settled on wanting to be something and in order for that to happen, apparently, both Stolas and Blitz have to spend some time with the heads on their shoulders calling the shots.
Based on Stolas's encyclopedic knowledge of all things shitty romance, "It's the proper way of doing things," and while Blitz couldn't give less of a single fuck about proper, he gives a nonzero amount of fucks (one might say a fuckton, in fact) about Stolas, so they've been courting or fucking dating or whatever and definitely not doing any kind of fucking.
It's gotta be at least partially karmic considering how often Blitz complained about fucking the bird. In all honesty he'd loved almost every second of that aside from the feeling like a plaything bullshit and it's fucking fantastic feeling seen and wanted and shit, but also so fucking hard (seriously, very. Fucking. Hard.) to be so close and unable to touch, and lick, and, well. Ugh.
Otherwise, though, it's been kind of nice. They have dinner a few times a week, and Stolas will bring him an iced coffee and lunch at IMP and then Blitz will take him to a shitty bar with M&M. It's fucking nice okay? He's never had nice before and now, suddenly, he gets long conversations about nothing and everything, and holding hands and fuck, okay, he's in love like a little bitch. It's just that Blitz just also kind of wants to fuck, ya know?
He feels a little like a dirtbag because Stolas is holding it together so fucking well. Based on his initial impression (and hands on experience) of Stolas as His Royal Unhinged Horniness, Blitz kind of figured he would've caved a while ago. He won't admit he'd been kind of counting on it; but it's been two months and to his internal horror and shame, it's Blitz who feels fucking feral. They sleep in the same bed, bodies entwined and while it's definitely the best sleep Blitz has ever gotten, it's keying him up and up and up with no release.
Just this morning he'd burned almost an entire loaf of bread trying to make toast because all he could think about was taking his stupid hot boyfriend back to his ridiculous bed to fuck him through his mattress. So there he stood, mortified, erect, and toastless while Stolas hummed and fed his giant toothy plants looking edible and sexy and Oh Satan it was becoming a fucking problem.
The other problem is that Blitz can't solve this the way he wants to. Or, rather, he doesn't want to solve it like that.
He could grab Stolas by the chain holding his starry cape on and stick is tongue down the bird's throat to kick things off, and he probably will do that when his patience runs out, but he's also started to fantasize a bit about a version of their dynamic that casts him with less of an emphasis on Dom and more as the qualifier of Soft.
He wants to do some sappy shit that involves caressing and no toys and maybe also sweet nothings whispered into Stolas's ear until his feathers puff out and his face is a mess of honey blush and desperation. Fizz would call it making love and he's right but also ew. Ugh.
Thinking about that definitely didn't make him less erect, so with a "Mornin' pretty bird," and a squeeze to a feathered thigh (fuck his bird has good thighs) he portals home to shower (because he can do that himself now which is fucking cool), give himself a hand, and then 86 a few human fuckers so he can get back home and remedy his dick problem.
By the time he gets home he's riding high on successful hits, Moxxie's fairly excellent espresso (not that he'll ever tell Moxxie that, he'd be insufferable), and the fire still buzzing in his blood from having someone to fucking waiting for him to come home (and not to kill him, for once).
He forgoes the front door and his shiny newly minted key to, instead, scale the wall to Stolas's bedroom because he wants to put the bird in mind of a sexy, sexy rendezvous and, once over the balustrade, is quickly hit with a wild turning of the tables.
Stolas is laid in the bed, not even his robe on his body for modesty sake, and is desperately trying to rub himself off. The air is humid and smells like sex and home and stuff Blitz was sure he'd never have and even if he hadn't been hard enough to cut glass for weeks, this visage would've done it alone.
Stolas's head is turned away, muffling himself into a pillow and Blitz can hear moans and aborted pleas stifled by cloth until he hears a loud groan that sounds an awful lot like his name.
Oh. Ooohh, fuck Blitz feels crazy. The last vestige of his self control was held by Stolas's own and if his pretty bird is as desperate as he is then who is Blitz to deny him?
He's gifted in stealth for his job and from years of precision movements honed in the circus, so he slowly disrobes to his boxers, only making his presence known when he's right next to the bed.
And fuck the vision is even better up close. Stolas's feathers are a fucking mess, like he's been writhing and edging himself for ages, just waiting for Blitz's hands and tongue and his fucking touch. Like he wants as much as Blitz does.
He clears his throat and four sanguine eyes snap to his, wide and shocked, pupils visible but the heat in them is fucking palpable. He climbs on the bed and leans over Stolas, letting his body touch as much of him as possible, fucking finally.
"Whatcha up to Princess?" he asks, pitching his voice low and rough the way he knows Stolas likes. The moan he gets in reply is like music to his fucking ears and a spark in his veins and there's a blazing inferno before he knows it.
He hums and bites at the feathered neck presented to him before grabbing both of Stolas's wrists and pinning them above the prince's head before speaking directly into his ear, "You lookin' to get split open pretty bird?"
Stolas's whole body shivers and he arches up so beautifully into Blitz that it'd bring tears to his eyes if his entire brain hadn't migrated to his dick and set up camp.
"Please," Stolas whimpers plaintively, legs wrapping around Blitz's hips perfectly, and how could he deny his bird anything?
"You get whatever you want tonight, baby, want you so fucking bad," he murmurs and kisses a flushed, feather cheek before applying himself, rather liberally, to pleasing his love.
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rowretro · 7 months
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✧taglist✧: @baevsxii @nikisdubblchococake @manooffline
✧warnings: Yandere themes, toxic themes, unhealthy love, mentions of blood, kissing
♡synopsis: Nishimura Riki. The Robot created by Yang Jungwon himself, a robot that is insanely human like, inside and out. No one could tell he was a robot. However, the Robot had possessed demonly powers, from Satan himself. So I guess you could see it's a half robot. Yang y/n, the younger sister of Jungwon finds herself stuck to this robot 24/7 no matter what she tried, he will always be by her because she's his muse, his world, his love, his obsession.
(PART 3)
Saturday night. A time to party to one's heart's content, and drink like there's no tomorrow, make bad mistakes that you won't regret while under the influence. While everyone was out, Y/n was stuck in a big bedroom, cuff to her wrist. The other to the headboard. Y/n sighed. The chain was long enough for her to go to the joint restroom in her bedroom, so at least she can move about a little bit.
"Y'know... us humans call this kidnapping." Y/n said as the robot didn't even glance back at her. "Well I'm not human so this isn't kidnapping." He coldly said as Y/n groaned at his response. "You can't keep me chained like this forever" She added as the Robot's head turned to face her, his eyes staring intensely into hers. "But I can." He said as he slipped on a sweater. Riki wasn't planning on keeping her chained up forever, but he really needed to enforce his security system.
"Kay... I'm pretty sure it works." Jungwon simply said as he descended from the small ladders. Hearing this, Riki walked back into the bedroom, his hands uncuffing her easily as she stood up and stretched her arms, running out of the bedroom. "What the fuck are on the doors and windows?" Y/n asked as Jungwon threw her a pitiful look. "Sorry... I had no choice... Riki bot wanted this new security system enforced..." Jungwon said as the girl screamed into a cushion. "To be fair, you hid a lot from me. Why didn't you tell me about those perverted motherfuckers???" Jungwon asked as Y/n started smacking the robot with the cushion, Riki remaining unfazed by the soft attack.
Jungwon eventually left the room. Around 27 minutes passed, and Y/n finally got exhausted, using the cushion as her pillow, and Riki as her bed. The robot smirked to himself as he twirled her hair. "Look at you, you're already so used to being mine~" The male smiled. Hearing him say this, Y/n pulled away roughly. "No! never- ew- Leave me alone freak. I wouldn't have hated you to this extent if you took over the world and waged war with your metal friends." She exclaimed as Riki stared at her.
"Metal friends? more robots?" Riki asked as Y/n scoffed. "Like I'd want anymore of you to exist, I wish you never existed idiot. I meant microwaves, toasters yada yada yada" Y/n sassed as she walked off. That sass wasn't going to last long though, Riki had a lovely plan up his sleeve. A plan that will have her calling his name out, heck she'll be screaming for him.
"NISHIMURA RIKI GET YOUR ASS HERE!!!!" Y/n screamed as the robot appeared within seconds. There in the shower was Y/n covered in soap, therefore unable to open her eyes. "The shower stopped- make it work!" she exclaimed as Riki yawned. "But I don't feel like helping you." He said, sounding unbothered by her troubles. "NI-KI bot?" she asked as the robot yawned yet again. "Ugh what do you want me to do then?!!!" She asked, annoyed, the soap making it's way into her mouth, as she spluttered it out, onto poor Riki's shirt.
"Let me take you out on what you humans call a date..." He asked as Y/n immediately agreed. That moment, he switched on the shower, kissed her forehead and walked out of the shower. The very moment he walked out of the shower, Jungwon saw him, he could hear y/n singing in the shower, putting 2 and 2 together, he held his head. "NI-KI bot. please learn to make a good impression to your sister's brother... I'm not just your creator- Im also your uh- y/n- girlfriend? yeah your girlfriend's brother." He warned as Riki just ignored him.
Y/n dried her hair as she walked out of the shower, dressed in some comfortable clothes. She walked down the stairs squealing in shock when a tiny clunk of metal started yapping at her. Riki snickerred as he saw the way Y/n hopped onto the sofa, refusing to let herself near the tiny metal pup. "I found it in a shop-" He simply said as Y/n frowned. "One robot replica of a living creature is enough thanks. get that thing out of here!" She exclaimed as Riki immediately crushed it with is bare fists.
"WHA- I- NOT KILL IT- I MEANT RETURN IT-" Y/n facepalmed as she walked away from him. Robots are a lot more work than one would think. Specifically this handsome freak of a Robot Cyborg. However, he's undeniably handsome. While he was charging, Y/n couldn't help, but gently trace his soft, human like skin with her finger. Her index finger stopping at his lips. Pretty, plump lips. The girl pulled away a ran out of the room, finding herself crazy for even finding that robot attractive... but facts aside, he seems so human. A psychotic human to be exact.
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defectivefanboy · 2 years
hey i’m just asking maybe could you do dating head canons for crimson from helluva boss? nsfw or sfw i don’t mind <33
Absolutely. I love how the fandom is already down bad for mafia man.
hey i’m just asking maybe could you do dating head canons for crimson from helluva boss? nsfw or sfw i don’t mind &lt;;33
Overall notes: Stories written on this blog are GN until specified. While this story uses they/them pronouns, and I don't mind female readers on my blog, I do not write for y'all, and if you are a fetishizer fuck off????????????????? ew.
C/W: Possible OOC, Mentions of kidnap, abuse, torture, murder, death threats, mentions of sexual assault, cursing, spoilers (duh)
Notes: I tried making it as close to mafia man without him just beating you low-key /j, the first part of this I made into a small story without realizing, I hope that alright. Just some build up to it. <3
Prior to the relationship
"Earth Hell Angel"
Let's ignore the fact he would probably, most definitely never come into contact with any of us. Point blank.
You would have to be making some kind of deal with the Knolastname family, born into riches, or work for him. (I have stories for each in my head)
But let's tinker with the process shall we
The way you two met was by young Moxxie
You were a musician playing at one of the very few operating clubs in greed, operating meaning wasn't just a front for something else.
Moxxie was a teen at the time and being a teen felt a little rebellious. Like of course who wouldn't rebel against their mafia father.
Only issue was, Moxxie was in the middle of a mission when he decided to rebel leaving his father's men to find him in a club listening to a singer.
Crimson was just gonna burn the place down, maybe this time Moxxie would learn to not fuck with him anymore, but he wanted it to run deeper.
He wanted to kidnap who ever the singer was and torture them in front of the young imp to properly ingrain the lesson into him.
What he didn't expect was to be seated at a table each passing night, lit cigar in hand as he waited for the performer of the night.
It slowly became routine for him, and he slowly become your top patron. Enough to were you didn't need to preform so much.
That was until you met a bright eye imp with a tune for music...
And his devilish father
The young imp for express his passion for music, which you could only respond with the same enthusiasm, if It wasn't for the menacing eyes scanning over your body as he whispered to the shark behind him, eyes never leaving you.
This went on for months, moxxie would come and talk to you after shows and show you some songs he made. Though it wasn't just Moxxie paying you visits.
If it wasn't moxxie in your dressing room after a show, the older Knolastname would take his stay.
He often made snide remakes on working in, as he would say, "The only place where even the roaches don't wanna go" while he made himself comfy on the couch in the room.
Originally he had body guards posted around the room, outside the door, and around the outside of the building.
But that ended when one of his men tried to make a move on you while he was on the phone.
Oh boy the look on his face when he came back into the room and saw you being held down by one of the guards.
He doesn't know why, but when he saw the scared look on your face, a silent plea for help was all it took for a whole new line of guards to be instated.
"One bad apple can rot the rest. So its only best he gets rid of them all right?"
He was gonna need a LOT more walls in his home for plaques.
From there on out the only people that were allow in your room were him, Moxxie, oh and him, did he forget to mention that handsome imp right there? yeah him, oh wait thats him, whoops.
It became routine, well, as much as mafia work can be routine.
Each week he'll ask you when you're preforming, then not respond to any other text or conversation after that, because why would he? That's not what he's asking for.
Don't worry though, he still actively listens and pays attention, even making mental notes here and there on some things, but nothing else matters.
He's just going through his mental calendar of the week to make time for each show. <3
And if he's unable to make it, he'll either send Moxxie or a goon with a stack of money to make up
Though half of it just goes to the person who delivers it, you tried sending it back once and the poor goon had to walk back to the club with a bullet in each knee
Soon after moxxie was the only one allowed half the money
He found out the goons were given half the money and were made to give it back, half alive of course.
Dating Crimson
This old man only realized he liked you when he was in an argument with Moxxie.
Moxxie had a date with chez, but Crimson wanted to send him to the club with yet another stack of money.
"Sir, this is the third time you sent them money today. I think they are well off for the night."
"I didn't call you here to think, boy, I called you here to go to that club. I don't want to repeat myself."
"Well, sir, I don't think sending your son with a stack of money is gonna win their love."
The air grew still in the room as silence over took them
"Get out."
Moxxie needn't think twice with that one, as he raced off to his fishy lover (pun intended)
Jesus and thats just before the relationship, I couldn't even imagine what it would be like to date him. (yes I can thats why im here, albeit VERY OOC cough you're not abused cough)
When this man finally has you in his grasp, I hope you don't like traveling far.
He is a possessive lover, like Possessive lover with a capital p.
As much as he hates it, he'll allow you to play at the club, it's not like he owns it or anything.
He does, he bought it awhile ago when he overheard how your boss talked to you. good to not he's not missing... side eye
Oddly enough (I say as I write) he's very touch starved.
He is very handsy the moment you allow him to be, a hand is always on you, if you're not already held close to his side.
"What are you talking about? I keep you close to me so you don't get lost. Can't have you winding up in an unsavory deal down here."
His favorite thing to do is come into your dressing room and hug you from behind as you get ready in the mirror.
Face buried in your neck as his body slumps and his tail wraps tightly around your leg.
Only looking up when your hand runs through his hair and you let out a light giggle, a soft glare pointed at you through the mirror.
Another has to be when you're sitting on his lap in your dressing room, music playing in the background as you softly sing the words to him while you chart your hands through his hair
Crimson never cared for music, to much of a sinner thing for him, mostly because he did business with other hell-born and never interacted with them, but he could appreciate it a bit if you came along with it
Especially when you give him that look, one that would carry the seven rings of hell alone, and it was all for him.
God, he would lock you up away from all of hell in an instant if you let him.
He actually tried once, though it went over quite quickly when you threaten to no longer give him kisses or attention in general, he surprising backed down quickly.
Though his next statement was for you to move in with Moxxie and him. No, not a question, Yes, a statement.
Your belongs had already been moved while you had this conversation. Hope you don't mind.
Oh Oh OH did this make Crimson happy. The first morning he felt a warm body wrapped in his arms, he dug his face deeper into the source.
He could call off his meetings for the day, not like they could do much about it.
Not when he has what he wants right in front of him.
He may never encounter an angel from heaven, but why would he need to, he had his own right here.
Crimson only truly realized this when you barged into his office one night, grumbling incoherent insults carrying a plate of food in your hand.
"You know for someone who gets on me for not eating right you always take it above and beyond."
placing the food on his desk you pull a chair around and sat next to him reaching into your pocket.
"I hope you're not planning on killing me, darling."
"You have a headache, don't you?" "huh?"
"You've been at work for over a day, you gotta have one by now."
Placing a bottle of pain killers on the desk you picked up the fork and softly blew on it to cool it down, before bringing it to his mouth.
Yeah, he could get use to this, he could get really use to this.
And yeah he may not be his son's biggest supporter, but when he sees Moxxie and you gushing over whatever nonsense that came to mind, his home no longer felt as cold like it once did.
C/W: Marks, Degrading, Collars, Choking, Smoking,
Did I mention he was a possessive lover? Because he's also a jealous lover, and it tends to end with a few REALLY obvious marks on your body
From the dark and almost concerning hicks that adorn your neck, to the red and angry claw marks that riddle your thighs, the guest started to wonder if you were mauled by a bear.
or a cannibal... Say, did he sound like a radio host?
He doesn't even want you looking at anyone else and if he found out anyone was trying to be with you it would mean their head was mounted on the wall
and yours was planted in the bed... <3
"To think we would go through this again, it's almost as if you want to be treated like a dog"
Mind you he's still an old timer, he isn't one for anything fancy. Aka: you brought up toys in bed and he got a little too jealous at the thought of you cumming from something that wasn't him
"Saying I don't fuck you well enough? That's funny, because if I do recall, your pretty little head was cock drunk before I even did anything, or are you just that much a whore that you need more then one?"
The thought of getting an Ozzie's Mold your own Cock kit did pass his mind once or twice.
Remember how I said he was handsy, I don't know it's because he's a murderer or not, but I do see him being very fond of choking.
It reminds him of a collar in a sense, getting you one has passed his mind too
You would wear it for him right? At least when you two are alone? Just for a bit.
Long enough that he can take some photos of your blissed out face saving it for later, as the metal tag shines slowly with each rise of your chest.
But in all honesty his hand looks much better wrapped around your neck as he ruts into you from behind, growling in your ear as his grip tightens.
Crimson is literally the definition of Grr, bark and growl, and they all happen at once.
It started out with a low growl from him as you talked to a male coworker, soon it turned to him barking orders at you to get on your knees in your dressing room.
What? It's your fault you decided to talk with that low life. He should be rewarded for letting him walk away with half his vision.
I must say though, the old school charm does such wonders.
Especially on date nights <3
He may have already been in your pants, he still goes out of his way to treat it like it's the first time.
Compliments thrown your way as he pours you a glass of wine, all of it over looked by a sneaky tail trailing its way between your legs in the middle of dinner.
You ARE at Ozzie's after all
Those nights end up with you slowly riding him, his hand on your jaw to keep you looking at him.
"Something the matter dear? Do you need help finishing? Just ride me a bit more, yeah? You've been doing so good for me."
Crimson's strong suit... is definitely not his praise, but he does pick up on the small noises and movements you make each time he does.
Yet, he saves it for those soft and affectionate nights. He's still a mafia man at heart, but hey, he's coming around.
One last thing that will set this imp off is you smoking, as random as it may seem. Be it weed, a cigarette, shit, even one of his cigars, his lips(?) are on yours inhaling the smoke you exhale.
You did mention a band named cigarettes after sex at point. Why not put it into action.
Talking about after sex.........
He's fucking terrible at after care. You would be lying through your teeth if you said he was.
He's gotten better after a few months, few meaning over half a year. He's gotten better at least?
It's not everyday a Mob lord is on his knees cleaning up after himself, or running to fetch a glass of water.
Though he makes it up with more trips to the lust ring~
He can't help it, they have the best clubs in all of hell <3
“I never learned to like something, darling. I only let it consume me.” 
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bleucaesura · 6 months
“F*ck! Moxxie! Get off my a** already. Unless you want me over there on yours *wink* *wink*” Blitzø sassed into the phone as he sat in his van outside of Stolas’s.
“Ew! No! Satan’s sake, Sir! All I’m saying…” Moxxie started.
“I know what the f*ck you’re saying!” Blitzø cut Moxxie off. “See you tomorrow at work.”
Blitzø hung up the phone. He stared down at the screen.
What f*cking business is it of yours anyway, Mox? Just cuz you and Millie have the perfect f*cking marriage, don't project that sh*t like you know anything about me and my life.
Blitzø sighed, feeling a little guilty about his sh*tty thoughts towards Moxxie. Mox was a good guy. He really needed to cut the guy some f*cking slack.
Blitzø rubbed a hand down his face trying to wipe away his exhaustion. He wasn't ready for this sh*t. He looked at his phone and thought of canceling. Just dropping the grimoire on the front steps and leaving.
Just then a text came in from Loona
“Octavia’s mom is being a c*nt so she's coming over to hang. So don’t f*cking come home. Not that you do on the 🌚🍆💦. I don't want you f*cking embarrassing me”
Blitzø smiled to himself. What a sassy little b*tch his Loony was. She made him so proud.
“Huv fun! ❤️😘❤️😘” he responded. To which he got many middle fingers and eye rolls. Yup. That was his Loony. He beamed inside. Satan, he loved that pup.
He sighed and smooshed his cheek onto his steering wheel. Sulking, he looked across the van, out the passenger window to the looming doors of Stolas’s mansion.
Guess there's no backing out now.
Blitzø grabbed the grimoire, opened his door and practically fell out of his van - junk from inside tumbling after him. He walked around the van, then stood leaning against the passenger door, staring up at the mansion. His heart slamming against his chest.
Stop it you stupid f*ck. He said it was no big deal.
Blitzø felt like he couldn't breathe…
And you brushed it off like you always do. Pretended like it didn't hurt that he rejected you in front of everyone at that club.
It did hurt. But it doesn't matter. He's never cared for me as anything more than a f*ck-doll.
Then why did he come to Earth to save you? Why call you, comment on your photos, ask you how your day was, or laugh at your stupid f*cking jokes when it's not part of your contract? Maybe he does care? Even lo-
It doesn't matter! Everyone I’ve cared for or loved gets f*cked over, hurt, or dies!
Grow a pair you f*cking coward! Just TALK to the guy! Look what happened when you actually f*cking talked with Fizz. He doesn't hate or blame you anymore. You were f*cking honest and you got your best friend back after fifteen years!
That… That's different.
And Moxxie. You opened up to the little f*ck and you finally know he cares and won't leave just cuz you're a chuckle-f*cking idiot.
Mox is a tender little sh*t. He’ll forgive anyone. Except his dad I guess… But that dude is f*cked up. Anyway, Fizz and Mox have nothing to do with Stolas!
If you DON’T say anything to Stolas you could lose him and your ticket to the human world.
F*ck off. It’s not about the book. I’m not that f*cking petty.
Oh? You actually care? And yet he almost died and you weren't there.
Shut the f*ck up.
You almost lost him and you were still too selfish and scared to go see him in the hospital.
“I said, shut the f*ck up!”
Blitzø startled himself out of his panicked spiral when he realized he'd yelled aloud. He'd slid to the ground, knees to his chest, clutching the grimoire, tears streaming down his face. He was gasping for breath.
He quickly stood and brushed himself off. He looked up at Stolas’s mansion.
“F*ck it”
He wiped the tears from his face and eyes then stomped up the steps to the looming gilded doors. He hesitated a moment, remembering he was actually pretty early, then he lifted his fist to knock.
The door cracked open, Stolas’s tiny imp butler stepped back, and gestured for Blitzø to enter. When the butler gestured to Stolas’s study, Blitzø nodded politely and headed in that direction.
Blitzø liked to act like he was better than everyone, but in this place, he certainly didn't like being rude to any of the imps on Stolas’s staff. It felt demeaning. To both him and them. He felt ashamed to be served by them in any way.
Blitzø reached the study doors. Normally he would have just burst in. But today he couldn't breathe. He was nervous. His palms were sweaty. His heart was beating out of his chest.
Swallowing the lump in his throat., Blitzø decided to knock. He waited. He knocked again. Nothing.
He pushed one of the massive doors open a crack.
“Helloooo?” Blitzø called quietly into the study.
He dipped his head inside and called again. No one answered. He pushed the door open further and slipped inside.
Stolas’s desk was straight ahead in the center of the room. It looked like it filled the entire room with the golden rising staircase that led to a platform behind it. The waxing and waning of the moon was a repeated motif gilded across the desk and up the staircase.
What's with this bird and the moon?
Usually, Stolas was seated in the high-backed throne of a chair behind his desk. So it looked strange sitting there so tall, stark and empty.
I wonder where he is?
Blitzø had been in Stolas’s study before, though only briefly, so seeing it now, without Stolas’s room-filling presence felt overwhelming and awe-inspiring.
Busts and intricately framed portraits of the Goetia family lined the walls and door passage that lead into the study proper. Blitzø discovered the room itself was larger than his apartment and office put together.
F*cking rich-a** royals…
Books filled shelves floor-to-ceiling on either side. It was more books than Blitzø had seen in his entire life. Beautifully bound. Well cared for.
Stolas loves his books.
Blitzø thought back to the first time they'd met. The adorable little f*ck had been so excited about all his books. Showing them off like Blitzø actually gave a sh*t about anything he had to say then. Blitzø blushed thinking about how cute Stolas had been as a kid. And how much fun he'd ended up having that day, in spite of himself.
Blitzø smiled to himself as he reminisced and looked blankly up at the books. When he saw a shimmer of light on the spines of the books he turned to the far wall to find its source and he realized it wasn't a wall. It was a floor-to-ceiling stained glass window. It began at the top of the small, balcony? Platform? Blitzø wasn't sure what to call it. Another level of the room that sat behind Stolas’s desk that had two sets of stairs leading up to it that looked as if they were arms protecting Stolas’s desk. It seemed to serve as a platform to reach the crazy a** chandelier that hung in the middle of the room.
As Blitzø’s eyes trained up on the chandelier he almost stumbled and fell backward when he saw the chandelier led up to what he - at first - thought was the night sky. It took a moment for him to realize it was just a painted ceiling. Constellations and the deep blue of space. Blitzø crossed to Stolas’s desk in awe, transfixed, never looking away from the ceiling. He felt like he was falling into the beautiful void of space.
Is this what Stolas does? He said he studies the skies and their prophecies. He never said it was this beautiful.
Blitzø stood in wonder. He began to feel small.
He's so important. To be in charge of something this beautiful… So f*cking powerful.
Blitzø hugged the grimoire tightly to himself like a shield. Remembering Stolas’s rescue and his full demonic manifestation. Blitzø had thought he was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. But he'd been terrified at the same time. Not of the fact that Stolas could hurt - even kill - him easily with his power. No. It wasn't Stolas’s power he was afraid of. Blitzø was petrified of how Stolas had made him feel. Safe. Wanted. Worth saving.
How the f*ck could he care for scum like me? When he has all of this?
And then Stolas had rejected Blitzø in front of everyone.
He's ashamed of me. His dirty little f*ck doll…
Tears welled in his eyes. He fought them back as he tore his gaze from the ceiling and the infinite beauty and sorrow he'd found there.
Blitzø’s eyes slammed shut in pain as he remembered Stolas’s tail feathers passing by overhead. The gurney. The hospital. The crowd. The shouting.
“Stolas got hurt bad.” Millie’s words rang in his ears like an echo in a haunted well, beckoning him into its depths.
“He can get hurt?” Blitzø had heard himself say. He’d felt like the earth beneath his feet was sand slowly trying to pull him under. Nothing made sense anymore. Stolas is Goetia. Goetia don’t get hurt. Goetia are basically gods. Weren’t they?
What did I do? Stolas is really hurt. I should have been there. He called me. ME. And I blew him off. I could have rescheduled Loona’s appointment. The f*ck was I thinking?! Oh f*ck. F*ck f*ck f*ck!
Blitzø’s heart hammered in his chest. Remembering that day and every day Stolas had been in the hospital ripped at his heart.
Stop it. Satan f*cking dammit. Get your sh*t together you stupid f*ck. You decided to talk to him so you'll f*cking talk to him you f*cking p*ssy!
Blitzø pried his eyes open and took deep measured breaths trying to calm himself. Once he’d gained his composure, he released the death grip he hadn’t realized he’d had on the grimoire and took another quick look around the room to see if there was anywhere Stolas could be hiding. Or maybe reading and too involved to notice his surroundings.
Blitzø chuckled to himself remembering the times he’d scared Stolas because he’d been too beak deep in one of his books to notice Blitzø sneaking up on him.
But no. Stolas really wasn’t there.
Blitzø stood by Stolas’s desk wondering what to do. Stay there? Go look for him?
Then something caught his eye. A box.
The f*ck is that?
Blitzø looked about the room shiftily. He checked the door to make sure no one was coming. Once he was satisfied, he tiptoed around the desk to get a better look.
It felt strange being on this side of Stolas’s desk. In a strange way it made him feel both smaller in station and yet closer to Stolas.
Blitzø tossed the grimoire on the chair and heaved himself up onto it. For a moment he just sat there. Feeling smug.
So this is what it feels like.
Blitzø ran his palms along the edge of the desk, feeling the richness of it. He felt unworthy.
Sighing, he turned his attention to the box.
There, in the middle of the desk, sat a beautiful blue box. Blitzø reached for it but pulled back abruptly like he’d been stung.
Is that?
Blitzø’s heart began to race as he reached out a shaking hand and picked up the box. He traced the glowing sigil that adorned the lid.
Blitzø’s ears began to ring and the whole world dropped away as his vision tunneled on the box in his hands.
He could hear Verosika whispering in his ear, “I told you what this is.”
Blitzø gulped, hands shaking, cold sweat dripping down the back of his neck.
“You know what it does” Verosika purred with venom.
Blitzø slowly opened the box’s lid.
Please don’t let it be… Please, no…
Blitzø’s eyes stung with tears as he looked down at the Asmodeon crystal nestled inside the silken lined box. One of the Lust Demon Lord Asmodeus’s all-access passes to the human world. Usually reserved for his succu-b*tches to do their lust-sucking work on the humans. Stolas wouldn’t need something like this to traverse realms - Blitzø had seen that himself. That meant…
Verosika cackled “Oh you pathetic f*ck! You know what it means! He’s done with you! Throwing you away like the trash that you are!”
Blitzø shut the box, slamming it onto the desk.
No. No no no no no… This can’t be right. We have a deal…
Blitzø started shaking. He gathered himself onto the chair, trying to make himself as small as possible. He wrapped his tail tightly around himself and looked up at the ceiling as tears stung his eyes.
He doesn’t want me anymore. I can’t believe I ever thought… and now he’s just f*cking throwing me away.?
“No…” Blitzø whispered as he stared wide-eyed and unblinking at the ceiling; letting himself be swallowed by the void.
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Hiya! I noticed ur requests were open and I was wondering if u could do a stolitz fic with stolas as the lee if your comfortable? Have a silly In return ^^
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Of course! And thank you ^^
Relation Tension
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Summary: Blitz and Stolas’ “relationship” is starting to become a little strained so Blitz tries to resolve that problem
Small C.W: Lil bit of swearing, gets a little intense at the end
Oh he screwed up and he screwed up bad.
Blitz paced around his office, tail snapping nervously behind him as he thought about the argument with Stolas that he just had at the palace.
“Sir?” Moxxie poked his head in, Millie and Loona’s poking in above his. “Are you okay? You’ve been in here for hours..” Moxxie asked him, voice fading off at the end as he saw the look on his boss’s face.
“Y-Yeah I’m fine, just..leave me alone.” Blitz told them and they nodded before exiting and shutting the door. Blitz wanted to talk with the prince again and apologize but after that fight they had Blitz was sure Stolas wanted nothing to do with him…
With a defeated sigh Blitz walked over to his desk and sat down, picking up the picture of him and Stolas from the desk and gazing at it. “What am I supposed to do now..?” Blitz muttered to himself, looking at the picture a moment more before placing it back and resting his face in his hands.
He had an Asmodian Crystal now so there was no reason to go see Stolas again and he was sure the prince knew that, but he wanted to go see him again, to apologize. But how could he after just blowing up at him like that?
He supposed he could go to Envy to get something for him, maybe go talk with Octavia about what to do and then head to the palace to go talk to Stolas, yeah he could do that!
So with a new look in his eye Blitz stood and walked over to the door before banging it down catching the lobby’s attention. “Blitz? You seem to be in a better mood what are you doing now?” Loona spoke up from her phone, asking the question that had been hovering in the air.
“I have some errands to run I’ll be back tonight, Millie you’re in charge.” Blitz told them before snatching his keys off the rack and heading out the door.
Now having a plan of action Blitz climbed in his van and shut the door, starting the engine and driving out of the parking lot and down the road. He had to get to the station, he checked the train schedules and the train for Envy left in 20 minutes.
Blitz continued driving down the road, swerving out of the way of the occasional drunk driver until he finally reached the station, turning the van off and climbing out, shutting the door and walking to the train platform where the train for Envy was boarding.
Once he reached the platform he climbed on board quickly and found his seat right as the train took off down the track. After it started to move Blitz thought to himself.
“Stolas is a prince, what the hell am I supposed to get for a prince?” Blitz muttered to himself, “Oi keep it down back there!” A random demon from ahead yelled back at him which he replied with a middle finger towards the grumpy demon.
After that interaction Blitz settled up against the window as the train continued, thinking to himself on what he needs to do.
“What do you think Blitz is doing?” Millie piped up in the quiet room, “Eh who knows.” Loona replied, not looking up from her phone.
“Well he said he had some errands to run and I know he was hung up about what happened with His Majesty.” Moxxie told her, placing a hand on his chin in thought. “Yeah maybe he’s out trying to figure out how to patch things up.” Millie told herself, smiling at Moxxie.
“Yeah he probably is, nothing to worry about.” Moxxie smiled back, kissing the top of his wife’s head. “Ew get a room!” Loona called from her place at the reception desk making the imp’s laugh
“Finally!” Blitz exclaimed, walking off the train and away from the platform as the Ring of Envy met his sights. “Now, time to find a shop.” Blitz told himself, grinning as he started down the street in search of a store.
He walked along the streets for about 10 minutes before he finally found something that could work. He walked up to the doorstep and opened the door, immediately being greeted by the sight of a large shop full of demons and a variety of items, perfect.
Blitz looked around a moment from the doorway before walking inside, glancing and pausing at all the items in the store that caught his attention. So far nothing was of interest to him, Stolas was a prince he needed to get something nice for him until he saw it…
Blitz saw something glimmer from the corner of his eye and his tail flicked curiously before he turned and walked up to the object. It was a gold studded ring with an owl surrounded by stars engraved on it, this was perfect!
Blitz grinned, happy to have finally found the perfect thing as he grabbed the ring and walked to checkout to buy it. Once he’d payed for it he walked out the door and continued down the street in the direction he came.
His work in Envy was done now but there was still one more thing he wanted to get from Pride before going to speak with Octavia so he left back on his way to the train station, arriving there a few minutes later and sitting on a nearby bench to wait.
“Do you think Stolas will like this?” Blitz muttered to himself, pulling the ring out and gazing at it with uncertainty. It was beautiful sure but would Stolas like it? He wasn’t sure.
His thoughts were cut off soon later as the train back to Pride arrived at the station and began boarding. Blitz jumped up and walked to the train, climbing on and quickly finding his seat and resting his head against the window as he waited for the rest of the demons to finish boarding.
Once everyone was on the train the whistle blew and the train jostled forward, making its way down the tracks and back to Pride. Blitz sighed in his seat, Pride was about a 10 minute train ride away and that made him a little nervous.
“Once I do everything in preparation and I go talk to Stolas what am I supposed to tell him? What if he doesn’t even want to see me?” Blitz muttered to himself again, growing nervous as the train ride progressed.
“No what am I thinking, of course he’ll want to see me.” Blitz told himself but there was still a pang of uncertainty in his chest making his tail swish back and forth nervously.
Blitz’s time to ponder over the matter quickly ended as the train pulled into the station. Huh? Had he been zoning out for that long? He didn’t have any time to think on that when the last of the passengers were exiting the train so he got up and scrambled out the door just as the train took off again behind him.
Blitz looked back at the empty tracks for a moment before flipping the station off and grumbling as he walked towards the ring. Now back in Pride Blitz wanted to get Stolas his signature basket of cheese and wine so he went to look for the store that usually sold that.
Once he arrived at the store he walked in and the cashier at the counter looked up. “Ay Blitz! Good to see ya again, you here for the basket?” The cashier greeted, placing the basket on the counter as Blitz sauntered up.
“You know it.” The imp grinned, “And who’s it for this time? One of your friends?” The other asked Blitz, ringing him up while making small talk. “Uhh, nobody important trust me.” Blitz waved him off, giving him the currency and taking the basket from the counter.
“Alright then, I’ll see ya around!” The cashier called as Blitz walked out the door, okay. That obstacle is done and over with. Time to find Octavia.
“My best bet for finding her would be going back to the I.M.P to ask Loony to contact her.” Blitz told himself, placing a hand on his chin in thought as he walked back to his van.
Once he arrived at the van shortly after he unlocked the vehicle and placed the two things delicately inside so they wouldn’t fall over or get damaged before rounding to the driver side and climbing in, shutting the door and starting the engine before driving out of the lot and down the street.
The I.M.P was about a 5 minute drive from where he was so let’s hope Loona could get ahold of Octavia before the sun set.
“Ughhh! I’m so bored!” Millie called from the couch, slumping down in her seat and draping her tail over the arm of the couch to further show her boredom.
“It’s okay Millie I’m sure he’ll be back soon.” Moxxie piped up, placing a hand on her thigh to reassure her. “Yeah, he’ll be back eventually, no need to worry.” Loona chimed in, talking to them but not looking up from her phone.
“Thanks guys, you’re right i just have to be patient!” Millie told herself, standing up and climbing on the couch to stand on it and Blitz chose that moment to walk in the door.
“Millie don’t stand on the couch do you know how expensive that was?!” Blitz scolded with a groan but Millie’s face only brightened, “Blitz you’re back! How were the errands? And what’d you do?” Millie asked him but Blitz turned to Loona.
“I’d love to stay and tell you Millie but night is only a few hours away and I need your help Loony.” Blitz told her and the hellhound turned to Blitz with a half annoyed half intrigued look. “My help? For what?” Loona asked him and Blitz’s face broke out into a grin.
“I need you to contact the princess for me, Princess Octavia? You have her social don’t you?” Blitz asked Loona and her ear flicked and she raised a brow. “Yeah? But what do you need me to contact her for?” Loona asked the imp, getting a little suspicious.
“I need to ask her about Stolas, he…doesn’t exactly want to see me right now.” Blitz told her sheepishly and the hound’s features softened slightly in understanding. “Alright, do you need me to ask where she can meet you or something?” Loona asked Blitz, turning back to her phone.
“Yes please thank you Loony!” Blitz told her and went to join the other two imps on the couch as Loona texted Octavia. “So guys I want your opinion on something.” Blitz turned to the couple and they turned to face him.
“What is it sir?” Moxxie asked and Blitz pulled the box out of the bag and opened it to show them the ring he’d gotten Stolas. “I got this for Stolas but I’m not sure if he’ll like it what do you think?” Blitz asked them and Millie visibly got starry-eyed.
“Oh that ring is beautiful Blitz! The prince will love it I assure you.” Millie told him, her words easing some of his nerves. “Alright Octavia agreed to meet you at the nearby cafe about 6-7 minutes from here.” Loona called from the reception desk and Blitz grinned, placing the ring back in the box and grabbing the basket of cheese and wine before heading towards the door.
“Thanks Loony you’re the best!” Blitz called as he swung open the door and left, shutting it behind him and going down into the parking lot. “Okay I have a limited amount of time to meet her, let’s see how this goes.” Blitz told himself, walking out to his van and unlocking it.
He placed everything in the passenger seat and climbed into the driver seat, shutting the door and starting the engine before leaving the lot and going down the road. Blitz knew of the cafe Octavia was talking about but he was surprised she chose a cafe of all things, he remembered the young Goetia to be quite introverted.
Nonetheless Blitz headed to the cafe, arriving there a few minutes later and spotted Octavia sitting at one for the outside tables on her phone, damn she got here quick. “Hey Via.” Blitz called to the owl, sitting across from her as her eyes flicked up to meet his.
“Ah you made it imp boy.” Octavia smiled, “Now what did you want to meet me for?” The princess continued, “I wanted to ask you about Stolas.” Blitz told her and she nodded, “I see, is this about that fight you two had?” She asked him, folding her arms in front of her.
“Kinda sorta, I want to apologize to him but I don’t know how, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t even want to see me..” Blitz trailed off, Octavia stayed silent for a moment before sighing.
“My father is an ass sometimes but I don’t want to see him sad so I’ll help you. The first and most important step is to apologize of course, make it sincere and genuine otherwise he won’t believe you.” Octavia told him and he nodded.
“Well I did get him this, I don’t know if that will contribute to anything.” Blitz told her and her head cocked to the side curiously as he pulled out the small box and opened it to show her the ring.
A small smile lifted on the heiress’ face at the sight of the jewelry, “He does appreciate things like this so I can tell you he’ll like that. I’ve got a meeting in 20 so I need to go but I’ll tell you this, my father’s not selfish so if you provide him a reason to listen to your apology he will most likely listen to reason, good luck Blitz.” Octavia told him, standing from her chair and walking to the now waiting limo on the street.
Blitz watched her as she climbed in and they drove off, pondering over her words before standing up with a confident smile. “Alright! I can do that.” Blitz told himself, standing up from the chair and walking over to his van.
“Next stop, and the last..the Goetia Palace.” Blitz told himself but he couldn’t help a little bit of nervousness seep into his voice, no. He could do this he will do this!
Blitz got to his van and opened the door, climbing in and shutting the door before taking a deep breath and starting the engine, “I can do this, I can do this.” Blitz told himself as he pulled out of the parking lot and started down the road.
While he drove he glanced at the gifts for Stolas in the passenger seat and he sighed, he’d gotten approval from his team and Stolas’s daughter, he was sure he’d like it but he still had a pang of fear in his chest.
Blitz was so caught up in his own thoughts that he didn’t realize he’d just pulled into the front of the palace until he looked up. With shaking nerves Blitz turned the van off and climbed out, rounding the front of the vehicle and grabbing the basket and slipping the ring box in his pocket before heading to the door.
Once he arrived at the doorstep he gently pushed open the door to the palace, shutting it behind him and starting down one of the nearby corridors, tail swishing behind him.
Blitz followed the corridor until it lead him to an empty room, Blitz made a sound of annoyance before turning around and going down a different corridor, this time he wound up in Stolas’s library, he didn’t see the prince at first and he was about to turn around before he saw Stolas’s feathery tail disappear behind a bookshelf.
Blitz rushed over and rounded the bookcase, catching sight of the prince quickly. “Stolas!” Blitz called and the demon in question squawked in surprise, nearly dropping and fumbling with the book in his hands that made Blitz smirk a little before Stolas regained his composure and placed the nearly dropped book back on the shelf and straightening his cloak.
“May I help you Blitz?” Stolas asked him coldly, turning to face the imp. “L-Look Stolas I need to talk to you.” Blitz told the other and he swept past him into the main area of the library, Blitz following until Stolas stopped by a small table.
“It better be good, I have things to do you know and I’d prefer to go do them instead of standing here chatting.” The prince informed Blitz and he felt a small surge of anger rise in him but he pushed it back down, no he needed to be patient.
“Well…” Blitz began making Stolas raise a brow before the imp held up the basket he was holding causing the prince to crack a small smile. “Is that for me?” Stolas asked, cold demeanor returning but visibly softer than before as he delicately took the basket and placed it on the table.
“Yeah..it is, look Stolas I wanted to tell you-“ Blitz began but Stolas cut him off, “If you’re here to rub in my face that I’m this ‘fancy royal that doesn’t give a shit about you’ then I don’t want to hear it, goodbye Blitz and thank you for the gift.” Stolas told him, starting for the door.
“Stolas wait!” Blitz called, rushing in front of the owl and gripping his sides firmly to keep him there but what Blitz didn’t expect was for Stolas to squawk again and jerk away from the touch.
Blitz retracted his hands quickly, worried he’d hurt the prince but then he got a look at Stolas’s face, his eyes were as wide as Blitz’s were and the fainted trace of a smile was present on his beak, his face was also tinted pink, that’s when it hit him.
Blitz smirked and stood up taller to look Stolas in the eye. “B-Blitz…don’t look at me like that..” Stolas began, backing away but Blitz only followed until he’d backed the owl against the wall.
“Ticklish Stolas?” Blitz grinned, placing his hands on Stolas’s sides again and relishing in the way the owl jumped under the touch. “N-No I have no idea what you’re talking about, release me at once!” Stolas tried demanding but Blitz only shook his head.
“Mmm no I don’t think so, now maybe you’ll learn to hear me out instead of trying to leave me again.” Blitz stated before digging into Stolas’s sides and grinning at the way he yelped, curling in on himself as he tried to keep his giggles in.
“Stubborn one aren’t you?” Blitz spoke, “Then I’m sure you could handle it if I did this?” Blitz taunted, hands going lower and drilling into the prince’s hips. Stolas tossed his head back with a muffled whine, doing his absolute best not to break but when Blitz switched from drilling into his hips with wiggling over the area he broke.
“Blihihihitz! Dohohohon’t do thahahahat!” Stolas cried out, gripping Blitz’s hands with his own but making no move to push the other away, something Blitz took mental note of.
“Well why not? You didn’t want to hear me out before so why should I hear you out?” Blitz asked him, grinning cheekily as he moved up to vibrate into the divots of Stolas’s ribs making his laughter jump an octave.
“Behehehecahause- AHAH! Blihihihihitz!” Stolas yelped when the imp moved back to graze and lightly wiggle his fingers over the backs of Stolas’s ribs, “Oh what’s this? Bad spot?” Blitz teased, moving back to scratch firmly over that spot making the prince’s laughter louder.
“NOHOhohohOHOHO!! BLIHIhihihITZ!!” Stolas howled, kicking his feet as much as he could in this position. Blitz then felt something fluffy brush up against his leg and he looked down in confusion to see Stolas’s tail sweeping side to side and it just so happened to catch Blitz in the leg.
The imp smirked and turned back to Stolas who was too busy laughing to notice Blitz’s discovery, “You enjoyin this Stolas?” Blitz grinned as Stolas shook his head, “Nohohohoho?! Whahahahahat mahahahakes you think thahahahahat?!” Stolas pressed out, cracking an eye open as Blitz pointed down, referring to Stolas’s tail.
Blitz laughed as Stolas’s face flushed red and he tried to will his tail to stop but it didn’t work, especially not with the near-scream Stolas let out as Blitz moved up to dig his hands into the owl’s underarms.
“B-BLIHIHIHIHITZ!!” Stolas cackled, legs kicking behind him, “Yeah Stolas?” Blitz smirked, giving the owl a break by moving down to trace and skitter over the prince’s sides.
“Ihihihi forgot…how ruhuhuhuthless you cahahan…be..” Stolas pressed out, regaining his breathing but still being kept in a constant state of giggles as Blitz scribbled lightly over his feathery sides.
“Yeah? Well I’m determined to get you to listen to me, will you hear me out?” Blitz asked, raising a brow but Stolas only turned his head away, remaining defiant as ever.
Blitz only chuckled, a sound that sent shivers going down Stolas’s spine before the imp’s hands snaked to his back, scribbling and scratching over the owl’s upper back.
Stolas arched away with a squawk before straightening out again and curling in on himself, bursting into loud cackles immediately. “BLIHIHIHIHITZ NOHOHOHOT THEHEHEHERE!!” Stolas screeched, the feeling of Blitz’s fingers lighting up his nervous system.
“Not where? Here?” Blitz replied, moving down to the small of his back. “T-THAHAHAHAT’S EHEHEVEN WOHOHOHOHORSE!!” Stolas pressed out through his bouts of laughter.
“Well are you ready to listen or do you just want me to continue tickling your sensitive back?” Blitz grinned, switching to wiggling his fingers over the sides of Stolas’s back, that’s what finally broke him.
“OHOHOKAY FIHIHIHINE BLIHIHITZ YOU WIHIHIN I’LL LIHIHISTEN JUHUHUST LEHEHET ME GOHOHOHO!!” Stolas cackled and finally after a few more scribbles Blitz released him, stepping away from the prince who closed his eyes and slumped down the bookshelf until he was sitting on the floor, regaining his breath.
Stolas didn’t hear the retreat of footsteps or the opening and closing of the door until he finally regained his composure, stood and opened his eyes to find the imp gone.
Stolas made a small noise of confusion, looking around the room until his eyes landed on the new objects on the table that were not there before, an open ring box and a letter.
Stolas swept over to the objects and picked them up, the box in one hand and the letter in the other. Inside the box held the most beautiful ring he’d ever seen, a gold encrusted owl with diamond stars around it.
Stolas smiled and took it from the box before slipping it on his finger, fit like a glove. Then he set the box down and opened the letter, unfolding the piece of paper which he assumed was what Blitz had wanted to talk about as he read the first line.
“Dear Stolas…”
(Woah long one, I really like writing the visit to other rings scenario, it’s one of my favs so sorry it’s in this one too and sorry I took so long to get it out but I hope you enjoyed!)
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horse-shit · 2 years
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