#ewewewewew get off
sp1derw1re · 11 months
why did i just see a proshipper here 😰
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(part 4 of November Paramedic; part 3 is here and the AO3 version is here.)
Eddie wakes on the following Saturday with an itch beneath his skin. It's been there for days now. Warm and at times aching; an inflammation.
He hasn't seen Steve again. He's been thinking of him and talking about him (or rather listened to Gareth talk about him – he's not convinced Gareth doesn't want to fuck him). But he hasn't talked to him. He could rectify that by asking Max for his number, but that'd mean facing her little freckled self-satisfaction. He's not that desperate (yet).
The bedroom is blue with mid-morning light. Outside the window, some poor bastards drive to their weekend shifts. Technically, Eddie is one of them, but he doesn't start until the afternoon, so he's taking his time yawning and stretching out of his sleep-rumpledness. The cover has pooled around his waist and his t-shirt is rucked up; he scratches the exposed skin, the itch deepening as his fingertips ghost the area above his dick.
He slides his hand down and cups himself. The first caress over his boxers punches a sigh out of him.
The calendar is in the porn drawer, but Eddie doesn't need to have it in front of him – he knows every pixel better than the furrows on Uncle Wayne's face (ew, he shouldn't think of Wayne when palming himself, ewewewewew!). Even if he wasn't so familiar with the photo, he'd be okay. After all, he's sat opposite the subject. He's seen him up close and in four dimensions. Watched him lick salt from his fingers and wrap his lips around paper straws.
The itch now burning, he lunges for the near-empty lube bottle on the nightstand and delves his hands into his shorts. Shifting so the cockhead pokes out of the waistline, he starts stroking in earnest.
He likes to go slower, stop and start and prolong it, but this time it's like a fucking race. He grips the shaft, twists, squeezes the head, pulls, while his other hand rubs his balls. Sweat beads on Eddie's face as his breathing speeds up. He needs to calm down or he'll finish before he's even started.
It's hard, though, especially as the image of Steve is solidifying at the foot of the bed. Kneeling, legs spread, Eddie's thighs resting on top of his. He's wearing the paramedic uniform, zipper down and shirt open, sliding off his shoulders. And he's smiling like that, a hungry glint in his eyes.
Fuck, what would Steve be like in bed? Would he take charge or be passive? Would he be flexible? Does he like giving oral? A guy who looks like that must be getting laid constantly; he has to be good with his mouth. And his hands, they're big, surely big enough to envelop Eddie's around his cock. Eddie prods at his taint, imagining his fingers were longer and thicker as the flats of his knuckles rub through to the muscle. The pressure is building, the tingling lighting up in his chest and legs.
Would Steve let Eddie restrain him? Tie him to the headboard, hook his knees over Eddie's shoulders, and fold him in half? Or would he prefer to hold Eddie down… push him into the mattress, palm splayed between his shoulder blades, and open him until he begged to be fucked. Then he'd spread Eddie's thighs, split him in half on that cock and pound until he screamed-
Eddie screams, hips lifting off the bed. Sizzling waves of pleasure roll over him, leaving him spasming. It came faster than preferred, but fuck it, he's too spent to be mad about it. He should have expected it anyway – November-paramedic always does this to him.
November-paramedic. Steve. Steve could do it to him, too. 'If he was straight, Max would've said so', right? The only thing to worry about then is if Eddie is his type.
(Catching himself in the bathroom mirror, blotchy and shaggy and with spunk on his shirt, he can't see himself being anyone's type.)
Someone knocks on his front door as he prepares to step into the shower. He's not expecting anyone, so he ignores it, stripping and tossing his dirty clothes in the hamper while waiting for the water to get warm.
The knocker doesn't relent. They get louder. Frantic. Shit, maybe it's someone in trouble?
When they bang hard enough to break through the door, he turns the water off and rushes out. Stopping only to grab his sweatpants from the couch, tugging them on as he walks, he reaches the door and yanks it open and
stops dead in his tracks.
There's no emergency. No serial killer running amok and no fire, unless one counts Max's flame orange hair. It's in twin braids today, and she's wearing loose gym shorts and a tank top. She has a tote bag on her shoulder and a smile on her face, but nary a sign of distress.
He slumps against the doorjamb, glaring at her. "What."
"Do you play basketball?" she asks.
"Does it look like I play basketball?"
He gestures to his lanky, shirtless frame. She gives him an unimpressed once-over. Exactly. He's about to ask if she's filled her quota for inane questions this fine morning when she looks at him with unscrupulous eyes.
"Steve and Lucas like to play at the park. I'm not as good as them, but it's pretty fun so I join in. They're competitive and go really hard. Gets sweaty. And they always wear these tiny basketball shorts-"
"Okay, so?" he says, interrupting before the picture gets too detailed and the blush reaches farther down his chest. He crosses his arms even though he knows it won't hide anything.
Max rolls not just her eyes, but her entire head. "I'm throwing you a bone here, dumbass! Do you want to join or not?"
"Why would I want to join?"
Her reply is a mere look, but the 'are you fucking kidding me' is louder than her voice could ever be. His hands, needing something to do, begin rubbing his upper arms.
"What do you get out of this?" he asks. Because he can't think of anything. Is it simply out of the goodness of her heart?
"Meddling in your love life is the closest I'll ever get to becoming God." (Ah. Egomania. Of course.) "So?"
Eddie sighs. On the one hand, there's Steve, panting and sweating while wearing short shorts. On the other hand…
Yeah, no, there's no discussion here.
"Yeah, I'm in."
"Great. We have," she looks at her phone, "fifteen minutes until they're here."
"Fifteen minutes? Max, I haven't showered yet!"
Seventeen minutes, one change of clothes, four spritzes of body spray, and half a can of dry shampoo later, they're sliding into the backseat of Steve’s ludicrously expensive car. Eddie had been skeptical about the dry shampoo – he didn't use fancy products for his hair, didn't need them. Plain regular shampoo and conditioner were good enough, thank you very much. He'd rather it be stringy with natural grease than artificially stiffened. But Max swore by it; after covering his scalp with the dandruffesque stuff and combing it out, he has to admit it looks and feels fine. The breezy smell isn't terrible, either. He might ask her where she bought it.
"Hey, guys," Steve says, already putting the car in gear. "S'great that you wanted to join, Eddie!"
"Uh, yeah," Eddie, who was going to apologize for springing his appearance on them, says. But neither Steve nor Lucas seem surprised he's there? He shoots Max a look. She ignores him as she's rapidly texting. "This isn't really my thing, but it'll be fun?"
"We won't go all out," Lucas says. "Max doesn't play either, so we know how to take it easy."
"Mmm, yeah, they're both okay teachers…" Max says, distracted, like she's barely paying attention to the conversation. "Lucas usually helps me, so you and Steve can have each other."
"I'll be here if you need me," Steve says, flashing a front cover-worthy smile in the rear-view mirror.
Eddie just laughs weakly, already out of breath. They've hit traffic now, and masked by the thrum of tires and Steppenwolf playing on the radio, he leans over to Max's side to whisper:
"Stay out. Of my. Love life."
She raises a brow. "You mean the love life that wouldn't exist without me?"
"It would exist."
"No, it wouldn't."
"It would."
"No, you're hopeless. Have you even been on a date before?"
"Yes, I have!"
"Did Gareth ask the guy out for you?"
Sure, there had been this one time at a party when Gareth drunkenly announced to a guy that Eddie had been checking him out the entire evening. But that's the closest either of them has ever come to asking someone out for the other. And it doesn't count anyway because it didn't lead to a date, just a mediocre makeout session. The other guy's personality turned out to be the equivalent of a toolbox full of dicks, and he wasn't hot enough to make up for it. However unbelievable it may seem, Eddie does have standards.
Max sighs, powering down her phone and slipping it into her tote. "If I asked you in advance, you'd have the time to get cold feet and cancel."
"I wouldn't've done that."
"I wasn't risking it." Her lips curl with distaste. "Steve always gets so pouty and puppy-eyed when he's disappointed. It's gross."
"Me canceling wouldn't disappoint him!"
She gives him a long look. Pitying, like she thinks he's so stupid he can't even realize how stupid he is and is sad on his behalf. "I think I'm better at judging whether or not it would."
The park they stop at is nice and big but otherwise nondescript. A dozen or so other visitors are scattered around the area, most of them walking their dogs (or in one case, cat). The adjacent basketball court is empty, however. Unsurprising given the early hour, and also relieving – the fewer people who witness this, the better. Because Eddie really doesn't play basketball. Sports, in general, is incomprehensible to him. How do you do it? Why is it 'fun'? He doesn't get any of it, thus has accepted he'll make a bit of a fool of himself today.
Except he doesn't. Not as much as he thought, at least. Steve and Lucas are both so nice and enthusiastic about it, explaining and demonstrating and explaining again. They're not playing sports, per se; more like playing games that involve basketballs and sometimes hoops. They run, dribble, shoot, steal the ball from each other, try to catch one another, all without keeping score or declaring winners. They just… play. Carefree, like children.
If high school PE had been anything like this, Eddie would've passed on the first try.
It's still exacting. After two hours (hours!) of playing, Eddie is feeling it in his legs and lungs. It's good, though, the sting and the burn. He's slick with sweat and his hair is frizzing out of its tie, but he's accomplished something. When the muscle cramps hit later on, he'll be happy about it for once.
He's still quick to agree when a rosy-cheeked Max suggests they take a break. Sitting on the edge of the court, sharing the water she brought, they watch as Steve and Lucas play for real. And it's, wow. Poetry in motion. Eddie knows nothing about basketball, but he has to assume they're both good. By his analysis, whatever it's worth, Lucas has more natural aptitude but Steve has the experience, at times pulling feints that stump Lucas. This conclusion is vindicated when they at several points stop so Steve can coach Lucas through the maneuvers.
They're both impressive. Mesmerizing. When they first arrived, seeing them step out of the car did a number on Eddie's poor, gay heart. Those shorts are short, and their jerseys display just enough arm and throat to tantalize. And now? When they're getting into it? Giving each other a run for their money, giving their all, until they glisten and their clothes stick to their skin?
No wonder Max likes to join them, the little pervert!
"Do you play basketball now?" Max asks, snapping him out of it.
He squints at her. "You're a voyeur, Mayfield."
"You're the one who's drooling."
"Am not," Eddie says and surreptitiously wipes his chin, just in case.
"Sure." Max pushes to her feet. "Hey, Lucas! You're supposed to help me with my throws."
Steve and Lucas, in a battle for the ball, break it off. Lucas beams at her.
"Yeah! Let's do it!"
Max and Steve switch places, Max grabbing the ball on the way to her spot in front of Lucas, and then Lucas' hands are all over her. On her shoulders, her elbows, her hips, correcting her grip and her stance. She's smiling like a cat with a canary dipped in cream, pressing her back to his chest. He's basically embracing her, and by the time she shoots they've melted together.
Jesus. How can these children be bolder and smoother than Eddie ever has?
"Cute, aren't they?" Steve says between sips from his water bottle.
"Yeah. What's their deal?"
"They used to date. Shit went down and now it's complicated." A bit of water dribbles out the corner of Steve's mouth after an especially sloppy swig. Eddie's stomach is one big butterfly. "I think they belong together. Just need to find each other again first."
And then it happens: Steve offers Eddie the bottle. His breath hitches; he accepts it with a trembling hand. Raises it to his mouth and puts his lips where Steve just put his lips. Hoooooooly shit. There's a metal festival going on inside his ribcage, his pulse like a bass drum in his ears. Beat a little faster and he'll risk cardiac arrest. 'Death by indirect kiss' has a kinda romantic ring to it.
He swallows and asks at a higher frequency than usual, "You known her for long?"
"She was thirteen," Steve says, too busy staring wistfully at the kids to notice Eddie's newfound resemblance to a dog toy.
Eddie rolls the bottle between his palms. Maybe he can smuggle it away when Steve isn't looking. Take it home and cherish it forever. Never pour the water out or wash it. Put it on a pedestal and give it a plaque that said 'I have Steve Harrington's spit in me' and be envious whenever he read it.
(Christ, he's a creep.)
"How did you get to know them?" he asks, giving it back. He doesn't trust himself with it.
Steve drinks again, so now they've both gotten a taste of each other. Cool! Third base, or whatever. "I was kind of their babysitter."
"Yeah. No. They were too old for babysitters, it was more like… giving them rides. Being there when they…" Shaking his head, he fully turns to Eddie. His face is dead serious business. "Like, these kids are nerds. Or just troubled. Or both. It was hard sometimes, so they needed someone."
"And that was you?"
"Not always. Remember Nancy and Jonathan? They're Mike and Will's older siblings, respectively. They did much more. But, y’know… Nancy and Jon have ambitions. They're going places. They've been in those places, and now they have new ones!" He smiles, sweet but with a hint of bitterness. "They were busy. So I filled the gaps. Also, not everything was… Like, Nancy is the toughest, strongest person I know. But she's also a bookish, 5'4 girl. She couldn't break up brawls or scare off bullies. Not permanently at least. And Jonathan, he packs a punch when he wants to. You won't think so when you see him, but he does. But he still needs to get into the fight. I don't. I could just show up and people would leave. Because I'm bigger and, uh, my reputation kinda precedes me."
"Really?" Eddie makes a show of looking Steve up and down. He's strong, anyone can see that, but he doesn't look like the type of guy who gets in that kind of trouble. "You got a rep as a fighter?"
He realizes too late how rude he's being. Fortunately, Steve just snorts good-humoredly.
"More like I got a rep as someone you can't win against. If someone said 'Steve Harrington beat us' I could say 'no' and that's it. Even with two black eyes, people would believe me. Jonathan, though? He could have an airtight alibi. Eyewitnesses, security footage, the works! But if he was accused, people would find a way to pin it on him."
As he speaks, Steve's voice gets louder, the words tumbling out. He sounds upset, like he knows what he says is indisputably true, but he's not yet used to knowing it. The fire he spits it out with must surprise him, because his eyes grow a size before he reels himself in. Kicking at the ground, he clears his throat.
"But, uh, it didn't happen often," he says. "S'not like we fought every week. Mostly it was stuff like him dropping them off at the arcade and me picking them up. Or I let the kids use my pool for their birthday parties and their families had me over for the holidays when- if my parents weren't in town. That stuff. Just helping each other out."
He looks at Eddie, his smile tight at the corners, but shrugging like it truly isn't a big deal. Just helping out. Just being kind. Because these people, these kids, mean something to him, so how couldn't he be good to them?
Eddie's head is spinning. He recognizes that 'being a paramedic' and 'caring about people' typically go hand in hand, and he shouldn't be left in a fucking daze over the revelation that Steve is nice to his friends. Yet. The confirmation has turned him into a bubble floating in the wind.
"You wanna go again or get something to eat or…?" Steve asks, popping the moment. Eddie blinks the shimmer off his retinas.
"I haven't eaten yet, so I'm starving."
"You haven't eaten at all?"
"Uh, no? I woke up and, um, I- I mean, and then, Max was there and she kinda sprung this on me fifteen minutes before you arrived?"
Steve stares at him. Eddie stares back. The basketball thumps against the asphalt. Steve's expression screws into annoyance.
"Fuck," he groans, dragging a hand down his face. "I'm so sorry."
"You didn't… If you didn't want to come today-"
"No! No, I did, it's been fun!"
"Really? Because they keep doing this. Trying to set me up."
Eddie chokes on his saliva. "S-set up?"
Steve nods, rolling his eyes. "They think I don’t have enough friends my age. Which I do! Not many close friends, but I don't need any! I have Robin." His face gains a pink tint. "Um, but that doesn't mean I don't want to get to know you better. I do."
"Cool," Eddie says. The world is spinning again. "Me too."
"Well." Coughing loudly, Steve waves to catch the kids' attention. "Let's get something to eat."
The remainder of their time together passes in a leisurely blur that Eddie watches from the sidelines. Not as in he doesn't engage with the others, but as in he engages with them on autopilot while his actual consciousness hangs around like an apparition. They get tacos from a food truck and ice cream as dessert, courtesy of Lucas who talks Steve into it. Something about Steve owing his little sister, but since she isn't there he should buy for Lucas instead, or something. Despite his grumbling, Steve doesn't seem too perturbed about paying.
It's a little past one o'clock when Steve drops them off, saying they should do it again before driving off. Max smirks at him as they reach their apartments, saying 'you're welcome' and tossing her braid over her shoulder. Eddie flips her the bird, which she doesn't see since her door is already closing.
The first thing Eddie does after stomping inside is collapse face-first on the couch. The second thing is groan into the cushions as he remembers he still has work this afternoon.
"Dude," Gareth says later that same evening. Half-filled character sheets and messy notebook scraps are spread before him on the kitchen table, where he's finishing the description of his character so Eddie can sketch it. "You went on a date."
Frowning, Eddie stirs the pancake batter harder. It's all mixed, but the stove is from circa 1860 and takes forever to heat up.
"No we didn't," he says. "Max and Lucas were there too."
"Dude, you went on a double date."
"It wasn't a date! I'd notice if it was."
"He said he wanted to get to know you better!"
"As a friend."
Gareth sighs, tapping his pen on the table and leaving ink stains behind. "He's a guy. Guys don't say 'I want to get to know you better' when making friends. That's flirty talk."
"It's… not," Eddie says, unsure. It's not, right?
Gareth plants his chin in his palm, fondly shaking his head. "This guy is into you. I'll make you see it. Just wait."
Eddie doesn't know if he should interpret it as a promise or a threat.
Part 5
Tag list: @rougenancy, @raisedbylibrarians, @yourebuckingkiddingme, @swimmingbirdrunningrock, @emma77645, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @eddielives1986, @stevesbipanic, @the-redthread, @fandemonium-takes-its-toll, @henderdads, @gay-little-bitch, @lordofthepointygerbils, @lenore1232, @imzadidragonfly, @zerokrox-blog, @eddiemunsonswife, @cherrycolas-things, @ediewentmissing, @princess-eddie, @atombombbibunny, @ajamlessbaby, @dogswithforks, @grimmfitzz, @cutiecusp, @cuips-not-cute, @manicallydepressedrobot, @messrs-weasley, @madaboutmunson, @mightbeasleep, @suikatto, @brassreign, @snapshotmaestro, @bea-sayan, @courtjestermunson, @csinnamon-fox, @steveisabicon, @spectrum-spectre, @spinmewriteround, @just-super-fucking-gay, @escapingthereality, @oneweirdcryptid, @deehellcat, @misticageri, @lovelyscot, @olivethenerd16, @linkydinky06, @rynnytintin, @anything-thats-rock-and-roll
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ballercollective · 4 months
i have so many regretevator ocs and i have all their current info under cut. WARNING THERES A LTO AND NORMAN'S ISN'T FINISHED [they all have designs i promise. also if you remember my old charades art NO YOU DONT]
Name/Nickname: Charades [No NN] Age [Optional]: Early 30s Pronouns: They/Them Gender: Nonbinary Sexuality: Pan Ace Personality: A very shy person when out of their town, they try their best to help others, yet it’s hard for them to reach out at first. They struggle with social situations, especially awkward/sad moments. They’re a big fan of catching bandits and being the hero. They’re pretty anxious about a lot of things. Occupation: Sheriff Species: Cat; Grey And White Tuxedo[?] Etc.:
Has anxiety
HEAVILY implied to not be a cat at all
Phrase when walking in is “Meowdy! Haha.. get it?”
Birthday is July 27th ————————— Gets on at: Minefield, Other Elevator [Rare] Gets off at: Two Stud Camp, Slide 4 Admin Can be killed?: Yes [MR] Can damage?: No If full..: Minefield: Hop the fence and start running away Other Elevator: Stand still If MR is on..: Minefield: Walk on a mine and explode Other Elevator: Fall apart
Idle: “This place.. isn't very big on the inside.” “I hope I can get back home soon.” “Are you a bandit?? If yes.. can I arrest you?” “I gotta hang in there!” “I’ve always hated elevators.. Where do you think we’re going?” “Fun fact! Us sheriffs, we don’t actually carry guns a whole lot!” “oh god please don't talk to me-” “Uhm.. you seem nice enough.” “Fun fact! I only have 7 lives! “S-Sorry ab-meow-t how.. nervous I am.” “Agh.. I can’t stop thinking about.. that nya-ghtmare…” Leaving: “Bye!!” “I’m outta here- way too spooky!!!” “I should get back to town… later.” Petals: “Oh… thanks.” “purr” “They’re getting stuck in my fur!” “Well, aren’t you sweet.” “What purr-etty petals… Please tell me you got the joke..” “I-Is this some sort of confession?? Sorry, but no..” Spray: “HEY! CUT IT OUT!” “Ughh.. I hate getting wet.” “Ew ew ew ew..” “What did I do wrong??” Snowball: “AIEE!!!” “Brrr.. so cold.” “OW!” “Please don't do that..” Tomato: “EWEWEWEWEW!!!!” “Leave me alone!!” “It looks like I’m covered in blood, hAha…” “STOP IT.” “I’M SORRY!!!” C4: “THAT REALLY SCARED ME!!” “WHAT DID I DO??” “I-I didn’t even do anything to you…” “That reminded me of a bank heist..”
Name/Nickname: Kirnamii [Kirn] Age [Optional]: 264 Pronouns: She/Her Gender: Female Sexuality: Agatic Personality: Laid-back and talkative, she loves making friends and meeting new faces. She’s sort of forgetful, but she tries her best to make every time a good time. Occupation: N/A Species: Ghost [Human] Etc.:
Loves talking about dance
Phrase when walking in is “Boo!” or “Sup?”
Phrase when walking in when MR is inside is “oh.”
Birthday is November 1st ————————— Gets on at: SharkCo Mall, Shop Space Gets off at: Happy Home, Backrooms Can be killed?: No Can damage?: No If full..: SharkCo Mall: Float around Shop Space: “Walk” around If MR is on..: N/A, no difference in entering.
Idle: “Why are there so many floors??” “BOO!! Did I get you?” “I keep trying to think about my life..” “This place is full of WEIRDOS!!” “When does a man become a monster?” “I could leave anytime I want, but I'm too tired.” “Did you know I used to love to dance? I can’t anymore, but.. It was fun.” “Hey.. do you know what happened to Kasper?” “Last night, I dreamt about going to a party!! But.. it wasn’t fun for long. That beret..” Leaving: “See ya!” “I guess this is my stop.” Leaving [Happy Home]: “I know I’m not invited, buuut..” Petals: “Wow, these are really pretty.” “I’d toss petals back at you, but.. Y’know.” “Even though they go right through me, I appreciate the gesture!” “Yeah, no thanks, keep your petals.” “Are these.. fresh? How are they not dead??” Spray/Snowball/Tomato/C4: N/A
Name/Nickname: ID_INVERT.EXE [Invert] Age [Optional]: N/A Pronouns: She/It Gender: Supposedly agender, unconfirmed Sexuality: AroAce-spec Personality: Kind-hearted and suspicious, but tries to get friends. It’s hard to trust them. Occupation: N/A Species: Chemically charged computer program, technically a robot. Etc.:
Related to Unpleasant somehow
Has implied that it kissed Bive a few years ago in a conversation with her
Phrase when coming on is “[]”
No confirmed birthday, but it’s implied to be when “The Thing [1982]” came out, aka June 25th ————————— Gets on at: FNARB, Dodge Teh Teapots Gets off at: Cardboard Mansion, Two Stud Camp, Infected’s Apartment Can be killed?: Yes [If sprayed] Can damage?: Yes [If MR is in the elevator] If full..: FNARB: Fade away Dodge Teh Teapots: Walk the other way If MR is on..: FNARB: Walk out one of the doors. After a second, all of the power cuts, which basically guarantees Reddy going in the office. Dodge Teh Teapots: Get on the elevator and play a ticking noise, exploding after 5 or so seconds, killing all NPCs and players in it. Including MR.
Name/Nickname: Erick [No NN] Age [Optional]: N/A Pronouns: She/He Gender: Nonbinary Sexuality: Trixic Personality: Just Poob and Infected mixed together. A lil bit of Split too. Occupation: Science/Math teacher. Species: Epic face, “Epickani” Etc.:
Constantly says random references, such as repeating “The president’s shoelaces.” during a conversation with Flesh Cousin
It’s implied he bites you after you hit him with 16 snowballs, with the lines “Yummy!!” and “Om nom nom!!”
Phrase when coming in is “HAI!!”
Birthday is December 13th ————————— Gets on at: Gumball Machine, Skyblock Gets off at: Slide 4 Admin, Tumblr Ballpit, Backrooms Can be killed?: Yes [MR] Can damage?: Yes [If hit with 16 snowballs. -25 hp.] If full..: Gumball Machine: Jump on top of the elevator Skyblock: …Also jump on top of the elevator If MR is on..: Gumball Machine: Run up the machine quickly, standing near where the player enters to beat the floor Skyblock: Jump off the side
Idle: “Do u liek teh color of teh sky?? :3” “JINKIEZ!!! @_@” “Pineapplez r in mah headdd… ^_^” “Beep boop!!!! I look 4 accidental haiku postz!!!! Sometimez I mess up.. :3” “Do u evn understand color theory???? xD” “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7…” “Blu canary in teh outlet by teh lightswitch!! :33” “Mah stupid dreamz let dat THING in again!!! >x[“ Leaving: “SRRY YALL!!!! FOMO!!!! x3” “#StayWoke!!!” Petals: “Woa.. u could b mah bae… :O” “ILY!!!!!” “Teh rosez of romance!?!?!?” “woa.. this is so kewl…” “Kiss mee!!! Kiss me wif ur eyez closed!!!! X3” “RAWR!! <3” Spray: “I will smack dat bottle STRAIGHT outta ur handz. I’ll do it." “grrr…” "This is how 2 b a heartbreaker.. </3” “Ur such a n00b.” “Who do u think u r??? Teh queen of mean???” Snowball: “grrrrr…” “Spleef moment ^_^” “I used 2 eat snow :7” “This makez me hungry..” “Dat felt liek a mallet :[“ “Don’t throw so hard!!!!!” [After 16]: “Om nom nom!!” “Yummy!!” “I said DON’T THROW SO HARD!!!!!” “If ur hp gets 2 0, u lose!” “grrr BARK BARK." "I'm cold >:/" Tomato: “Ah, a classic!! :3” “I feel liek a hospital floor now…” “I’m nawt a jester!!! :[“ “BOB!?!?!? :O” “Nawt very epik…” C4: “Plz don’t scare me liek dat..” “C4.. more liek.. c u l8r.. xD” “KABOOM!!!!” “TACTICAL NUKE INCOMING!!!!” “AIRSTRIKE!!!!”
Name/Nickname: Pot [No NN] Age [Optional]: 20 Pronouns: She/Her Gender: Cis Fem Sexuality: Pan Personality: THE KINDEST LITTLE GAL YOU'VE EVER MET. SO GENUINELY SWEET AND CARING!!! She’s really big into gardening, and she loves to plant clovers and daffodils specifically. Occupation: Gardener Species: Plant Pot Etc.:
Her pot can either have clovers or daffodils in it
Phrase when coming in is “Well hello there!”
Phrase when entering Pick-a-Plant is “Welcome to my shop! Have a look around!”
Birthday is April 22nd ————————— Gets on at: Bugbo Gets off at: Two Stud Camp, Cardboard Mansion, Pick-a-Plant [Fanmade Floor] Can be killed?: Yes [MR] Can damage?: No If full..: Bugbo: Stay at stand [she replaces the rock stand btw] If MR is on..: Bugbo: Same
Idle: “What’s your favorite flower? Mine’s the stock!” “I should grow some more clovers when I get back..” “Maybe I shouldn’t leave my plants around those bug-folk.. Eugh..” “I’ve tried to advertise my plants, but I don’t get many orders.” “I have this one client who keeps asking for apples. She’s really nice!” “I keep hearing rustling near my shop.. I hope it’s nothing.” “Sometimes, I’ll see a figure in my dreams. We talk a lot!” Leaving: “I need to check on my flowers!” “Did I forget to feed the venus flytraps!?” “I have to water my plants!” Leaving [Pick-a-Plant]: “Here we are!”/“Buy whatever you’d like!” “This is my shop!”/”You can browse if you wanna!” Petals: “Aww!” “Oh, are these rose petals? Adorable!” “Did you pick these yourself?” “Thank you!” “How lovely!” “You’re very nice!” Spray: “Thanks a bunch!” “How refreshing..” “That really helps!” “Now my plants are watered!” “Oh, I forgot to water these earlier! Thank you!” Snowball: “Yikes..” “I hate winter..” “That feels weird!” “Why’d you do that?” “If you’re trying to water my plants.. Don’t do that.” Tomato: “Oh no!” “Y-You dropped it!” “AYE!!” “The poor tomato…” “sniffle” “You could’ve really hurt me with that!” C4: “Woah! You nearly scared me to death with that!” “Yippee!!” “I’m really fragile..” “That’s a really mean prank!”
Name/Nickname: NO-R-MAN [Norman] Age [Optional]: N/A Pronouns: He/She/Any Gender: Male Sexuality: Hype-Bisexual Personality: {WORK IN PROGRESS} Occupation: N/A Species: Warning Sign [Robot] Etc.:
His face changes when talking.
Phrase when coming in is “Good evening.”
Birthday is Jaunary 1st Gets on at: Suspiciously Elongated Room Gets off at: Backrooms, Tumblr Ballpit, UES Can be killed?: Yes [MR] Can damage?: No If full..: SER: Doesn’t appear. If MR is on..: SER: As soon as she gets in front of the elevator, TARMITE crushes her. The floor ends after.
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Trigun Maximum 7.1
Me: Okay, I rush quickly through the volumes to catch up.
Also me: *rambles your ear off*
Trigun Ultimate: 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 Trigun Maximum: 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2, 7.1, 7.2, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 9.1, 9.2, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5
Happy Days
Dunno, how that can be a happy day when the ships are nearly falling down. Don’t worry, they stay in the sky… for now.
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And Rem’s obvious fear that is strong enough for her to take time to call the twins WHILE the ships have an emergency and Vash’ constant cautiousness make Knives worry, too. If the twins are such an exceptional appearance, why didn’t Rem wake the other watchers?
But Knives has more important things to do than worry! He seems intrinsically connected to the emergency at hand.
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I… watched too many sci-fi-horror stuff. My first thought when seeing the hand was: ZOMBIES!
And ewewewewew, needle in neck. NOOOOOOO! EWWWWWWWWW! I am so icked out.
They have no brainwaves when being frozen. We learned that in the last chapter. So, they are dead. Imagine being nothing and suddenly… BAMM! You’re back! Cold as hell and need to act immediately. Fuckity.
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Hi, Conrad! You look exactly like 150 years later. Tell me your skincare routine.
Three years. I shall make a note, this seems important.
Eh, typical crew banter. At least it is not like ‘98. Brrrr….
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Knives, what did you do?
And the crewmembers are sus. Do they know? Why would they know? But they zoom in on something, maybe something that happened three years ago? But Rem lies. And suddenly that friendly crew banter seems less friendly and a predatory feeling added.
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Rem does not accept. She thanks the crewmate, but she does not accept it! With the sus scene before it reads like Rem is shielding the twins from the crews knowledge. And it looks more and more like Rem is hiding something like fear and mistrust behind her friendly face. (Also, I think it is somewhat funny that Rem and Wolfwood act so similar. Both don’t truly lie, they avoid and distract.)
How did Rem not see Conrad not going into coldsleep? She had to be pissed at Knives at that moment to err like this! XD And we get the confirmation that Knives was the cause for the emergency and that’s why he is so locked onto his little tablet.
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A year… later more to that.
I think Rem’s handling is a bit naive. She just wants to take the twins into coldsleep with her. That’s okay. But how does she think her crewmates other than Conrad will react? Does she have different pods for the twins? Isn’t there a high risk that one crewmate would see two more pods in use? Or does she want to take them in the same pod with her? Then they would be discovered at the next emergency. Conrad seems to be on her side, while not completely okay with her violating the rules, he tolerates it. And while in coldsleep, Rem is unable to act if some crewmate decides to… whatever. 
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Vash’ expression. He does not believe it immediately, but Knives makes him believe and trust Conrad’s words and in a peaceful existence. It is so weird to see Knives being the hopeful and excited twin. And in the current timeline, both are full of pain and despair. Just Vash is masking behind the smile he learned to wear.
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I think of her like an echo, like the image of Conrad was one when Knives killed him. The twins do not know. They think of their little crush instead and need to check her pod first. They cannot discern if the image is real or not.
An abandoned, medical wing with a fresh, cut flower. A memorial for someone or something and it is taken care of. Maybe Rem or Conrad (since it seems he just went back to sleep) put it there. With the distrust for the other crewmembers, I doubt it was one of them.
Tesla, the name is not foreboding at all. Like Tesla the inventor without whom our day and age would not be possible, but who was duped out of his inventions, who was used up until he died poor and isolated. (The man loved pigeons and I know I would have vibed with him just for that)
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Yeah, the subject… the dehumanised subject. The person being able to perceive, feel and hurt that is just a soulless subject. The subject that is able to speak! How did it take ONEHUNDRED days for someone to pipe up about the ethical questions of: Cutting the child up! I didn’t get it in the first read through, but she got tumours most likely because she was scanned so much. Do you know how much you need to be x-rayed for that to happen? Many, many, many times. Daily... And they did not care… Tesla was not able to perceive pain in their warped view. 
We only see three of the five crewmates loom over Tesla. With the dispute and everything, we can assume that Conrad and Rem weren’t involved, but also weren’t able to stop it. Either because they weren’t able to get through to the other crewmates or being overruled.
The question of ethics is an important one for me. Even distancing myself from the horrible feeling I have about all of this and look at it more rationally, why did they do this? Yes, curiosity mixed with dehumanisation. But I mean not only that, aren’t there protocols and behavioural standards that they have to keep up? *points to Germany and Japan in the 40s* There is a reason those exist! The SEED project has to have rules for behaviour and for emergencies! How to act if something unforeseen happens! And human rights do not stop working just because you are in space. These people played god, they played with a lifeform! A lifeform they were able to perceive as conscious! There are so many things that can be tested without vivisecting her! And besides that, do they even have the training to do so? Their work is to keep the SEEDS ship on course… Sorry, but engineering stuff and ship stuff to VIVISECTION… that’s a far jump. What was even their goal in this? Because I don’t read any here. I just read someone ripping off the legs of a spider to see what happens. Understanding Tesla and her power is not their goal! There is no hypothesis, there is no thing they want to prove. Even the simple idea of: How does Tesla work/perceive stuff… Because for that… they could have talked and used tests that aren’t… *stares at the picture* ripping out her heart to see what happens. We see them use EEGs! Some close friends work in research. To make a study that contains humans they need to get through a dire evaluation process, and an ethics committee and more often than not they get denied because some wording is slightly off. Hell, they had to go through hell to get a study with pigeons approved! (granted… the pigeons were euthanized and their brains were cut up into small slices).
Tesla didn’t even reach her first birthday. That’s why it is so important that the boys are a year old to Conrad.
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Even in death they did not leave Tesla whole. Her brain is separated and her angel arm, too. The rest of her body is torn apart and left floating in a tank like a medicinal specimen.
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But I like these panels. “Someone just like us.” Interrupted by the very personification of grief and regret. Then Vash seeing what happened with Tesla.
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Yeah… yeah…
What do you think? How long did Knives and Vash stay in the room, staring at Tesla in terror? Vash looks dehydrated and starved… How long did it take for Rem to look for them and find them, much less retrieving them.
Separate Ways
I… wouldn’t call that weakness, Rem… I know the wording is meant to resemble a prayer… but… Weakness is me binging on a chocolate cake, weakness is falling back into a bad habit, weakness is lashing out at someone in pain, weakness is letting someone step over your boundaries because you are too afraid of rejection. Weaknesses are things that make us fallible, that make us be at odds with each other and that make us imperfect, but still loveable beings. Weakness is not cutting up and killing an innocent child in slow motion. That was a continued active decision to be horrible. They did not reflect upon their actions at all. 
“Forgive us in our weakness.” And Rem cannot ask for forgiveness for her colleagues. They aren’t the least affected by what they did, okay, Conrad. But asking for forgiveness is nothing you can do in proxy. And it should not be on the boys, too. They need to work through their pain and grief. The only person who could forgive is Tesla, but she is dead. Rem needs to work through her guilt herself, not that she is really good at it. Vash truly takes after her.
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Oh, how the turn tables.
Vash goes full Knives. Understandable. Vash is the more cautious brother. Even then he was hopeful, it was always with Vash staying reserved and awaiting rejection. And with the last chapter of volume 6 in mind, his way of thinking gets constantly affirmed. Though the question is what changed from this little Vash to the adult Vash. Because adult Vash does not allow himself those thoughts, while he is rejected by humans most of the time. The thoughts are there, they make him and they make his behaviour. But he denies himself these at the same time, ignoring his feelings and hurts.
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Vash going for the throat. Not unjustified, but still hot damn.
Rem was at least a bystander in Tesla’s death. Either she, Conrad or the both of them voiced the ethical questions, but it took 100 days until it was dire enough for it to be written in the report. But we don’t know for sure. Rem’s and Conrad’s involvement is kept in a pretty vague light. Maybe she even experimented on Tesla at the start? We can’t know. But we know it haunts her.
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Interestingly, Rem’s grief is about herself. It is not entirely about Tesla, but her involvement in her death. It is about her not having enough power in any way to stop the crew. Adult Vash mimics Rem in this with his martyrdom. This whole situation of Rem’s guilt makes me think of the base ideas behind the Milgram-Experiment, Asch-conformity experiments and peer pressure, while the torture itself reminds me of the banality of evil. There are of course complicating factors here, like that in this situation there is no higher authority figure and we don’t get a code of behaviour, the isolation of the crew members and more.
I… pity Rem, I feel for her, HELL, I get how isolated she feels from her peers, how (from what we can gather) she was powerless to stop the torture. I feel the dilemma she was in, I feel for her. But at the same time I judge her for her words. While Vash is lashing out, he has points! How can he trust Rem right now? He knew of his otherness the whole time and now he was confronted with what happened to others like him. Rem hid that from him. Somewhat rightfully so with him being a child, but still… Vash does not know how she tried to stop this or if she tried to stop this at all! He doesn’t know her pain and this is not the moment in which it should be about her guilt. But she makes it about herself. Rem is there for them because of her guilt. She wants some kind of forgiveness for her being unable to protect Tesla. The twins cannot give her that. No one but herself can give her that. But having her guilt towering over their whole relationship makes it unhealthy and quite frankly Rem a bad role model. Rem hides herself from the twins, giving them an incomplete picture of a person to look up to. This lashing out from her is a rare occasion of showing her true self and I don’t believe adult Vash has a grip on the real Rem at all. He mirrors her, but he is unable to see that the role model he had is very unhealthy and ill.
In the end, Rem wants to do some kind of atonement for her involvement with Tesla (be it by being an active torturer, by being a bystander or being helpless to stop it) and she uses the twins to get it. I don’t think of her as a monster, but she was in no position to be a mother to the twins and it shows. She was an everywoman that got dealt a hand that was way beyond her abilities.
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Peach! A peach is an interesting symbol. It can mean life and immortality. Considering the following scene starts with a peach and how impactful it was…
It is also interesting that they don't seem to talk really. Rem does not really open up there, she puts on a mask and tries to wittle down Vash to get him to eat. She doesn't help him through his pain like this. Ignoring the others position is not the way to help people.
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Ugh, Vash sprouted the same thing to Wolfwood. It is so fucking judgemental. And like Vash’ similar lines in that talk (the other with the devil are total hits), these lines totally miss the mark. What about this is too light?! I know Rem says this, because she cannot help Vash with his trauma here. She wants to help Vash, she wants him to live and she is out of any helpful options. But those lines are so empty… It is the same with the typical depression sentences that people get: “Have you tried not being sad? You are just lazy. Other people have it worse than you.” They are voiced frustration, they are a cry of helplessness, but they are the opposite of helpful. They are without empathy. They deny validity to Vash’ feelings, they push them aside. And I hate that. Worse, these lines just make Vash’ mental state so much worse, which ends with this.
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And this is the pivotal moment for Vash. He got his revenge. He got his anger out. And it is empty. Revenge is nothing, it leaves you a shell. His hurt clouded what and who he truly cares for. And now his action finally takes him out of his stasis. 
And that’s why adult Vash tries to not kill/hurt in anger. Because it leaves you empty, it doesn’t solve anything. The person you hurt is gone, but you are still hurt. He learned it the hard way. Rem is the example of people trying to change, if people who hurt you are doing better by you. And because she did it, everyone else has to be able to do that, too. (Well, everyone is able to change, but not everyone will change, but that is Vash’ fallacy here, not mine.)
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Oh, Alex is finally mentioned. Rem was so deeply depressed. Look at all the alcohol bottles. Alcohol as coping mechanism runs in the family -_-
Rem has been depressed, her loss made her. She should be able to emphasise with Vash in his stupor. But if you are that deep in it… getting out of it needs to come from yourself. You need to be wanting to get better, you need to get help in therapy or with medicine or better both. She cannot force Vash to get better. She should have known. (Sorry, but that is something close to my heart, I am miffed at Rem here!)
I like and I don’t like the blank ticket. For once it symbolises that you can start anew at any time. You can choose where to go, your past does not bind you down. But… for some people it does. The blank ticket only works if you are unbound by responsibilities, by community, hell, by money. There are limits. And Vash never got to understand that. Rem wasn’t there to teach him. Well, she was. But the lesson did not stick. Because, yeah, her ticket was blank, but he chose her responsibilities to all the people. She chose to try and save as many people as possible. She could have jumped into the rescue pod and flee with Vash and Knives, but she didn't, because her responsibilities bound her to this place. And I don't feel Vash understands that.
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Oh, he knows.
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He looks so dopey, I get cuteness aggression.
But with the chapter title in mind, this is where Vash and Knives drift apart.
King of loneliness
Front page showing Vash and Wolfwood. Nice.
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Okay, we finally get more info. Nothing about if Conrad and Rem were part of the experiments in the beginning, but at least now we know who started opposing. And, yes, it is the right thing to inform Knives. I still feel split about it, since they are a year old, they do not have the emotional maturity to handle it/Rem has not the abilities to handle child trauma, but then again they are able to understand so much more, would hiding really work? Let them make informed decisions and they get to.
Making my rounds back to Conrad. That is why he wanted to stay with Knives, even after betraying him. Because that was his kind of atonement. He feels guilty for being unable to help Tesla, he projects that onto Knives, too. I groaned at him betraying Knives that late, but it makes sense. Giving Knives a new body, trying to help him, he was acting out of his guilt. Still massively stupid and in complete denial, but there is some sense in it.
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Because that’s healthy… Rem and Vash feel something is off about Knives, maybe more than just the shock about Tesla. But they trust him. And he shows emotions, he cries. While he isn’t his chipper self, there is the old Knives. But is it just a mask? I am not sure. Towards Rem, maybe not, but Vash gets some more sinister vibes.
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*stares at adult Knives, who hides his fear behind aggression and anger* Yeah, fear is completely pointless… Sure… No way you are going down the rabbit whole of genocide right now.
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Again, NIghtow’s brilliant display of two different emotions in one face. Fear, sadness and hurt vs. anger and madness. The current Knives takes over the small, fearful kid.
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*stares* Much rational, so emotionless, no fear at all. I always laugh at this sentence. He is so far gone in this moment...
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Porque No Los Dos?
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Those numbers… make no sense. If 802 of 1.000 ships got destroyed, then there would be 60 Mil casualties and 20 Mil missing due to the ships being still lost. Or are the missing persons just the people who aren’t known to have died or have been lost after the initial crash?  And how many survived? We could at least take a shot in the dark and math an estimate of survivors..
Okay. 80 Million lost or death. Taking that the death toll and lost are both directly caused by ships lost/destroyed and not the aftermath. 
802 +124 ships gone. 
80M/926 would be people per ship. 
= People survived in emergency landings 
around 10.713.000 survived the initial crash.
We know much death and strife followed until humanity stopped stumbling that much. So, I assume that the population took another downfall and is now back to where it was.
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Knives, you are able to reflect enough that you did an oopsie by killing your sisters, too. But you are unable to understand that fear hides behind your anger or that you abuse Vash… Man…
Knives is not completely wrong about his assumptions about humanity as a gross. But that makes it so difficult to get through to him. Yes, his sisters are exploited, but he is a big cause for this. Should humans just give up and die? And he ignores the blatant devotion the plant engineer showed, he ignores how many of his sisters are well taken care off. 
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Did his sister truly merge of her own will? Or is it another moment of Knives ignoring others autonomy because he is so rational?
“And from that moment on, the world was plunged into chaos.” I… think it was chaotic before that… but yeah, rat in a corner-Knives is another level of deranged.
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watchingspnagain · 11 months
Rewatching After School Special
Welcome to “Stay Gold, Jenny Thunder: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
Up today, s4e13: After School Special
Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
[and we begin:]
When a high school girl drowns a bully in a school toilet and insists later that she felt like she was possessed during the incident, Sam and Dean are on the case. And the high school in question? Just so happens to be one they attended briefly as teenagers. The boys go undercover in the school as a janitor (Sam) and a P.E. teacher (Dean) to see what they can find out. As more students are hurt by possessed classmates, the boys discover that the culprit is the ghost of a boy named Dirk who attended the school with Sam and Dean and was horribly bullied after they were no longer at the school. Through a series of flashbacks, we learn what Sam and Dean were going through themselves at that school, and see that Dirk had been a bully to Sam and his friend until Sam knocked Dirk out in a fight and labeled him with a moniker that would become the focus of the bullying directed toward him. Sam and Dean rid the school of the ghost, but not without a considerable amount of fraught. And in the end when Sam seeks out a teacher who had been important to him to say thank you, the teacher asks if Sam is happy. End episode. It’s outsiders all the way down, man.
what a bitch
ug terrible high school kids
welp, she’s a bitch too
(this was not my experience of high school. there was definitely meanness and cliques but if that level of awfulness was happening, I wasn't aware)
also, no one got possessed and drowned anyone
well, sure. Although, to be fair, again, we don’t KNOW for certain that no one got possessed
and no Sam and Dean ever showed up
yeah we would have known about that
(god, I would have DIED at Dean Winchester when I was 17)
mmmmrf Sammy in that white v-neck
she thinks she was possessed but Sam's crazy? come on, child
honey. you’re in the nuthouse and you’re calling Sammy crazy?
commit to the bit
Swedish exchange students?
I need to hear that accent
this is 1000% not what Dean looked like at 18. he was Jenny Thunder in his dad's leather jacket trying to be cool
like I buy the bravado and the attitude but he was PRETTY. I will not be convinced otherwise
The Outsiders. subtle, writers. subtle.
he would have that teacher eating out of his hand
Hm. I kind of like the idea that he hasn’t perfected his game yet
mmmmm. yeah, okay. he hasn't quite learned what level of sass he can get away with yet
yeah, Dean wouldn’t slam that kid like that
Sam in a work suit does things to me
he would have every one of these kids doing physical activity, enjoying themselves, and feeling better about themselves
and he would go help that kid
is he possessed by John or what?
oh ewewewewewew
I can't with hands in blendery things
Sammy’s concerned face is so adorable
it IS
Dean in his track suit
those shoulders
and he looks so COMFY
I think someone should quality check that zipper
it’s all talk to annoy Sam. he would never
and maybe he's actually uncomfortable being reminded of high school and is leaning into the persona?
(or this one was written by someone who wasn't as invested in Dean and just got him a little OOC. it is a Sam ep)
(i agree that the writer doesn’t know Dean, but I think it’s pretty equally and Sam and a Dean ep)
Oh Dean. trying to act like it's cool that he doesn't have a parent looking out for him in a normal way
yeah, I had forgotten about this other stuff with him. I mostly remembered the sam and the bullying stuff
I love that this kid does Baby Sam so well
poor Sam
poor both of them
oh Dean
John Winchester has so much to answer for
big brother Dean I love it
oh Dean. he's so twitchy.
and baby Sam just wanted to be normal
AND baby Sam has a VERY cool jacket
Dean has definitely stolen Sam's copy of The Outsiders and read it after Sam fell asleep
he has a crush on Darry
Did Dean just reference Dead Poets?
That boy watches EVERYTHING
aw the way he's holding the girl that was possessed
oh i love the parallels here with Dean being all big brother again
OMG Dean yelling the same thing!
yeah, I was worried another adult would come out and see it
oooof, yeah
they are so very sketch from the outside
they are
"ghosts getting creative. well that's super"
like, hanging out on a school bus with a sawed off shotgun
"ghostie ghostie"
do not name your kid Dirk if your last name is MacGregor, come on
ooof it's being called freak that finally sets him off
this poor father
Sammy do NOT feel guilty, the kid WAS a dick
Dean knows that a whole load of upset Sammy is coming
Sam, you were fourteen. this was not ON you. SHOCKINGLY, the adults around you failed
“all of him?” DEAN
Dean trying to act like this is a normal question and he's just a normal guy asking normal questions
21 Jump Street
he watched it for Depp
"bus driver sells pot"
he DID
the way they turn the bullying thing around
(i don't think it was Sam's fault, but. just the flipping of the outsider bit)
Sammy is giving SUCH good sad face
(i get it)
ooooof Dean
ooof she is hitting him where it hurts
you’re a kid, honey
John shoulda left the boys with Bobby waaaay back
and never come back
I just love that moment so much. that Sam takes the time to go talk to the teacher and the teacher is still seeing things in him others aren't
and the way in both the past and the present, Dean is being supportive in his own way but not really GETTING the issue Sam's dealing with
and the teacher, probably because HE is outside their group, DOES see the issue
such a nice little moment
I think it’s because he’s good at spotting the outsiders, which is what good teachers can do, not necessarily because he’s outside their group because if that were the case then lots of other people would see what’s going on and they clearly don't
oooo, YES I like that
and yes SUCH a good skill in a teacher
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meowmeowmessi · 4 years
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cloudninetonine · 3 years
A Player's Aid: Chapter 5
You were not an early riser.
Sure, back in the day you could jump out of bed at 7 to get ready for school no problem, but with age came maturing and with maturing came the crippling exhaustion of reality itself, your body heavy after contemplating the meaning of your existence and where you stood in society the night before or from merely spending time for yourself in the darkness because it felt like the only time within the day you could truly be at peace.
So, yeah, you weren't an early riser.
But could anybody blame you? No! Life was hard to wake up to, the repetitive boring routine of classes and work- of course, you were gonna be tired! A majority of society was tired!
So you woke up late, with a concerned-looking Hyrule staring over you who sighed with a whole lot of relief when you glanced his way, smile melting onto his face before greeting you with a ‘Good morning’ that you returned with a yawn “You had me worried for a second”
“Worried? For what?” There was a sound to what you could only describe sounded like magic, soft flutters followed by whizzing and coos when Gilda zoomed into your field of vision, slamming into your cheek to gift you with affection that made your heart soar in delight “Heya my favourite fairy”
You had to shield your eyes momentarily to keep her jovial glow from blinding you.
“You slept in pretty late” The man explained, grabbing the flask of red potion he had left on the nightstand to pour into another clean shot glass “I tried to wake you earlier but you wouldn’t get up. Would have been concerned if it had not been for the shaking snores and muttering - never would have guessed you talked in your sleep”
Now his grin was evil. The mischief dancing in his eyes made you freeze on the spot, turning to face him while Gilda began to cackle, pointing towards the look of absolute horror on your face with embarrassment reflecting off the surface of your eyes. “Say. Sike. Right. Now”
The hero bit his lip, snorting “So, birds aren’t real?”
Sparing him one more haunted glare, your hands raised from the covers, pulling out your pillow from under your head then pressing it into your face, inhaling so deeply to the point of almost choking on your air before releasing it in an embarrassed scream, luckily greatly muffled by the material cushion “OH MY FUCKING GOD”
Oh, God. Had they all seriously heard you wheezing all night long? You weren’t super loud but you also weren’t quiet, just choking on your breath every minute or so before once again evening out, it was a normal thing but it still caused your face to grow hot at the mention of it. Not to mention, talking in your sleep. It was rare but it wasn’t something you were practically fond of. Just thinking about it brought back the memories of your friends howling on the sidelines when you had your sleepovers, partaking in the oddest of conversations while still in the land of dreams that had you mocked the next day.
“Hey (Name), what’s your favourite animal?” “..Hmm…Marmalade”
On more than one occasion had you awoken to your friends’ wall-shaking laughter.
It was fine though, you always got them back.
“Don’t worry” The pillow was gently pried from your hands, Hyrule’s face slightly tinted red from his laughter and a smile pulled at his lips. “I was the only one to hear your rambling”
You felt your embarrassment dissipate but you sent a warning glare the Hyalian’s way, brow twitching with faux annoyance when he let out another snort, covering it with his mouth as he handed you the red potion shot “You’re lucky you’re cute, elf”
Satisfaction bloomed when his eyes widened, catching himself on his air and bursting into a fit of coughs, your hand quickly grabbing the drink to down it during his hysterics only to cringe once again at the disgusting tang hitting your tongue (ew, ew, ewewewewEW- Fucking nasty-), following after the hero as you began your ritual of tutting your tongue in hopes it would rid of the taste.
“Karma” You were able to tease, shaking your head as if the red potion would shake off your tongue along with it before leaning over to pat his back “You okay?”
“I’m fINe”
“Ohhh, voice crack, very attractive”
This was nice. Domestic even. This friendship you had quickly formed with Hyrule was already growing on you and you had only really known him for about a day. You couldn’t help it though, he was sweet and it made you feel better knowing you weren’t alone, his presence a comfort while you still tried to wrap your head around your position here. The others were distant, even when you offered your friendship towards Wild while you knew he only really returned it because it only would have ended awkwardly for him to refuse. Hopefully, during your stay, for however long, what you had shaken upon would become real and spread to the rest of the group.
In time, you told yourself. It would probably take a while, you got lucky when Hyrule remembered you but it could take a lot more compared with the other heroes, especially Legend after last night’s…tension. You’d do it though, you could be patient and you’d rise from the ashes of your social anxiety with determination.
You lightly traced the bottom of your eye. ‘Heh, DETERMINATION’
“Does it hurt?” Another set of fingers gently brushed against your cheek, Hyrule’s gaze shrouded with concern all over again as he studied the scar (? It was the only word that felt appropriate to describe it) “Do you want me to pour you another glass?”
Your eyes bulged “God no- It’s fine! I’m okay, Link. ‘Was just thinking about it, that’s all”
He nodded, pulling away “About that- I was told to bring you back to Purah to see why this happened, she wants to check out the results of the rune and make sure you’re okay also”
That made complete sense “Fine by me! Shall we get going, my hero?”
You were already getting out of bed by the end of your question, the covers pulled to the side with your feet resting on the floor with the intent to stand when your shoulders were grabbed, a quiet exclamation of ‘woah!’ coming from Hyrule as he pushed you back down until your butt met the bed “Slow down, you were completely incapacitated yesterday and we don’t know if you’re fully okay yet. Even if you feel fine, let’s wait a bit to see how you are- also you need breakfast! Wild left you a plate, so let me grab it”
Hyrule stood, leaving you alone with Gilda, still sat on your shoulder from earlier as he made his way down the stairs.
You leaned back on your hands, taking in the details of Wild’s home once more as you waited, Hyrule humming a tune that you didn’t recognise as he arranged your plate out of sight-
“Isn’t he the sweetest?”
You tensed, your head turning at the slowest rate possible to look to where the voice came from.
Gilda had arranged herself comfortably on you, elbows on knees, head in hands as she stared off into the distance- she looked content, her face creased with affection and you would have smiled at the sight had she not opened her mouth again to speak. “He’s always been so sweet, even back in our own Hyrule where danger lurks around every corner. Link has always had a sweet soul, I like to think it’s because we raised him that way”
She turned to face you but her expression of affection dropped at the sight of your bugging eyes, head moved back to get a good look at her and lips sucked in to keep yourself from screaming “...What. The. Fuck”
Gilda’s expression was quick to mirror your own “...Oh”
You didn’t bother to hold back anymore, neither of you did as your shared screams shook the entire home.
Nothing like a good shriek to wake yourself up in the morning.
“It’s rearranged the biological makeup of your hearing? I see” Symin scribbled some notes down onto the clipboard within his hands, glancing back up to meet your scrambling gaze with a sympathetic smile “Anything else?”
“Hylian. Um, I can now read Hylian script and-” Your eyes slowly trailed over to the corner of the room, Symin following then nodding his head in understanding, placing a hand on your shoulder to bring your attention back to him.
“Yeah….” More notes were written.
It was one thing after another. Your screaming attracted some of the boys nearby, The Hero of Skyloft and Hero of Winds running back to the house only for you to come tumbling out with Hyrule and Gilda hot on your heels, turning to the sign at the front and pointing to it in a panic, watching as the words scrambled around until they finally set into words you actually understood.
‘Link’s house’
“Uh, yes-”
It happened in town too, your eyes ran over the pinboard for the town, every single one jumbling about similar to the sign until they laid out in perfect English (Damn did this village gossip) and next you were sprinting, a funny sight to some as three heroes chased after you calling your name in a confused panic (Had Hyrule told the others your name? Probably) with a Fairy just as equally freaked latched onto your shirt in a death grip while screaming for you to slow down.
You did feel bad for slamming into the doors of Tech Lab and scaring both alchemists half to death, but you were too frantic as you slid against the floor to kneel before Purah, hands clasped together in pleading “SOMETHING’S HAPPENING AND I DON’T KNOW HOW TO FEEL ABOUT IT-”
The Heroes made it up the mountain just a few minutes later, The Skyloftian panting as if he had just squared a marathon in under two minutes (Which in reality, he had), collapsing to his knees while clutching his chest, the pirate didn’t look much better neither did the traveller and you prayed for their forgiveness with your thoughts.
So here you were, sat on a chair still partially in a state of shock while the boys talked with Purah just a few steps away. Symin was instructed to obtain information from you, taking notes and Gilda hovered just a few inches from your ear, muttering to herself worriedly and patting you ever so often to inform you she was still there for you, she wasn’t going anywhere.
The runes were loud though. Made you shift, made you nervous, your gaze always seeming to fall back to the magic stones that whispered things too low for you to catch, too many voices speaking all at once to decipher, feeling both ominous and wise in your predicament. You had no idea if the whispers were trying to talk to you or Sheikah magic simply sounded that way, but it didn’t matter, both answers didn’t settle right in your stomach and you hoped to God that you could tune them out or it would just stop-
“Able to hear fairies, read Hylian and Sheikah script. That’s impressive” Purah waved Symin away, dragging a chair to settle next to your own then hopping onto it, seating herself comfortably with her leg crossed over the other “I’m no biologist but it seems that the rune has indeed affected you- and in a way that shouldn’t be possible”
She leaned closer, not really in your face due to her height but you still leaned back a little, nervous and a little scared when she spoke again, her grin deadly “That is- if you were of this world”
You blinked “You knew?”
And she huffed out an almost offended laugh, falling back to rest against the wood on her seat “Of course I knew, I’m a Sheikah, not to mention the older sister of the Elder of our clan, I know much more than my dear sister, I simply chose the road of an Alchemist instead of the one of a leader”
You nodded stiffly “That makes sense”
“Also it doesn’t take a genius to see how different you are. Your mannerisms, your clothes, the device I’ve been studying, it’s so obvious that you aren’t from around here, other people just aren’t smart enough to deduce that around here, means the whole world, not just the country”
Yes, it made perfect sense that out of everyone, Purah would most certainly be a person to notice just how much of a sore thumb you were. Giving yourself credit, you weren’t that dumb, you could see the villagers stare at you differently, whether it had been from confusion or curiosity, your dialect differed from the Heroes as well, the few occasions of awkward silence following after you said something a little too complex for them to understand and finally, of course, Purah would notice the lack of magic in your Switch, the components weren’t that of anything she’d ever seen before and it didn’t make any sense how it could run without some sort of sorcery- your toy was something indeed otherworldly.
“That or you’re some sort of spiritual being, but from your actions alone I can tell that isn’t the case” She smiled, her glasses glinting “Tell me, does your world even have magic?”
You shrugged “Not like your world, at least”
“Oh, tell me more!”
“They seem to be having a nice conversation” The Knight smiled gingerly, glancing between his companions then back towards where you and Purah were talking animatedly, waving your hands about and laughing loudly in a way that made Hyrule’s heart squeeze with relief, falling back to leaning against the wall from his earlier tense position at the sight of your discomfort. “I’m glad our guest is much more comfortable compared to the other day”
Wind’s elbows were leaned onto one of the research desks, hands holding up his head while he studied the scene with his own interest, face pinched in interest like his usual expressive self “D’ya think they’re telling the truth about all that other world stuff? The Vet seems convinced that they’re lying but the Old Man doesn’t even want to hear it”
Ah, he didn’t even try to sugarcoat it. That was the Hero of Winds for you.
The Skyloftian sighed, crossing his arms over his chest “I think the Vet is just a little…spooked, as we all are, he just wants to find the logic in their words when there isn’t any. I can’t blame him though, even I’m still trying to wrap my head around that my mission was only a…game to them-”
Hyrule’s hand turned to fists “It wasn’t just a game”
The other two glanced his way in surprise, noting the hardened look on his face as he continued “(Name) cares about us, don’t you see? Every word they have chosen has been as careful as one can be, they have tried so hard not to confuse us or cause panic, what happened yesterday was only a mistake made from their fear. They’ve been ripped from their world by a force that shouldn’t be a possibility to them and haven’t been treated with the same kindness they’ve shown us. I’m sure there’s so much more that they have to say, that they know about our lives but is holding back so that we’re comfortable-”
“Wow, you really are obsessed with them- no wonder everyone else is worried about you”
“Sailor-” The Hero of the Sky started but was interrupted again.
“But I can’t exactly blame you, I think we can all tell just how harmless they are” The boy shrugged loosely, “Everyone’s just acting cautiously because it’s the only natural thing to do, but in reality, you can look at them and the only thing that comes to mind is that they’ve never fought a day in their life- I mean, we all saw how they handled that spear the other day”
It was almost comical that Wind was the voice of reason here, the youngest of the all being the only one to see past all that had flown out with the reveal of your existence to conclude that you weren’t anyone to worry about. Maybe it what his childish innocence, even though he bore the mark of the Hero and his name, the boy was still just that, a boy and it was a child’s nature to see the good in people before the bad, or maybe it was because he had befriended pirates, the fiends of the sea and figured ‘If bad people like them also had some good, why wouldn’t (Name) have it too?’.
“I know it sounds stupid, but I trust them” However his face was quick to scrunch up comically, arms crossing “But if they betray us in any way-”
“They won’t” Hyrule was quick to add “They won’t betray us”
The Knight looked his way once again “And how are you so sure?”
He took a few moments to answer, trying to find the right words. Subconsciously his hand raised to grasp at his chest, phantom memories of a white light pulsing with a feral laugh after they had completed another dungeon together, chanting his name with glory that made his whole face heat up in a blush.
“Look at you go, Hero! We’ll save Princess Zelda in no time!”
They didn’t know you like he did
“...I just am”
“I want you to return to me if you feel any more different or if something else happens!” Purah demanded, pulling something from her desk and handing it to you: your Switch “I made sure to be extra careful with it!”
A large smile broke out on your face when you turned it on, the familiar screen of your console staring back at you as you held it to your just happily, a grateful spark reflecting off your eyes as you stared down at the beaming Alchemist. “Thank you so much, Purah”
“I promised, didn’t I?” Her wink was cheeky before she was gesturing for you all to move out, following the four of you to the door “Now off you all go, I’ve got a lot of research to look forward to now! Also, I expect you heroes to inform your leader of my findings and he can come to me if he wants to speak more! Goodbye!”
Your voices were cut off by the slamming of the double doors but you weren’t too upset, she was a busy woman and you understood where her priorities lay, so no harm was done.
Taking in a deep breath from the mountain air, you sighed. “Well, that was enlightening!”
Careful with your console, you spun around to face the boys, hands-on-hips with a smile born from adventure carved into your cheeks “What’s on the agenda now, fellas? Cooking? A good old fashioned fistfight with a Stalfos? Maybe a spot of hiking? I’ve got lost energy running through my veins that needs to be released somehow”
The three boys glanced between one another, raising eyebrows before the Hero of Winds jumped up, a daring grin on his face “A race!-”
His hand pointed towards Hateno Village, sitting peacefully at the bottom of the hill “-To the Inn!”
“You’re on Windy boy! Hyrule-” You gently tossed over your Switch to him, smiling in relief when he caught it without another problem then tucking it under his arm for safekeeping “Take care of it, please! Also, Gilda! Be our Judge won’t you?”
From her perch on your shoulder, the fairy laughed “You got it!”
“Perfect! Let’s go!”
“Hey- No fair!”
The Chosen Hero and Traveller watched as the Sailor chased after you, your laughs catching the wind as mischievous cackles when you both disappeared down the dip of the path, Hyrule quickly scooting over near the cliffside to watch you both sprint, the Hero of Winds catching up to you faster than you had expected it seemed, by your panicked squawks.
“You seem to care about them a lot for someone we just met”
Sky’s voice wasn’t accusatory or demanding like the others had been the night before. It was inevitable that his way too sudden friendship that had formed between you two would garner the attention of the others. Asked (More forced) to sit down as they all studied him, asked him questions, tried to pry the answers from him- but that wasn’t going to work. They all knew that after hearing the subtle details from the Traveller during certain moments they had an idea of what his adventure had put him through and it wasn’t going to be so easy.
However, their patience wore thin, he could see it from the twitch of Legend’s scowl or the frustrated sigh from the Hero of Twilight- their only explanation for his actions would result in a bad outcome, having you interrogated again or something worse that he wasn’t sure about. Hyrule didn’t think any of those men had a bone in their body to do wicked, but for the possible greater good, or the (incorrect) assumption you were somehow controlling him-
He told them the truth.
Well, partly. Hyrule knew the complete truth wouldn’t stand with them.
“I had a friend, during my travels” He explained, meeting the eyes of the men who he had come to call his brothers without an ounce of hesitation in both his voice and his stare “A good friend- who I lost because I wasn’t able to protect them. (Name), this…person resembles them down to the way they speak. Same face, same voice, same personality- I don’t know if it’s the same case with your friend, Malon, Old Man but it’s them just different and I….I couldn’t stay away. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you all earlier but it was private and I didn’t want to relive any of those memories…”
His jaw tensed as he remembered a fleeting memory, the sound of your voice lost to its usual sass or jovial cheek. It was melancholic and soft, his entire being submerging in ice-cold fear when you spoke.
“It’s time we part, Link”
Hyrule was brought back by a hand on his shoulder, the Old Man looking down at him with understanding “You needn’t say more”
They left him alone after that.
“Like I said” Hyrule watched as you stumbled, falling to the dirt. The Hero of Wind exclaimed but you rushed back up, a call of “I’M OKAY!” then resumed your running “They resemble my old friend and- I miss them. Our guest doesn’t seem to mind, anyway”
The older Link hummed, nodding his head in acknowledgement then beginning the trek down the hill “I’ll be here when you’re ready to tell me the whole truth, Traveller”
Hyrule stared at him, thoughts running rampant through his head before following after his friend.
“I can’t believe you let yourself roll down a hill just to beat the Sailor”
“All's fair in love and war” You responded, Wind (Which you had dubbed him) still red in the face from laughing at the sight of your body tumbling down the remaining length of the path that lead towards the Inn, jumping back up as if nothing had happened while the locals stared at you comically, your embarrassment trifled by your own laughter at the mental image. “I’m also a sore loser, there was no way I was gonna let him win”
Gilda huffed like a mother scolding a child, her arms crossing over her chest as he raised a brow “So hurting yourself was better than losing?”
“Yes, do you know how mean kids are when it comes to them winning? They’re cruel when they sense weakness”
Wind burst into more giggles, wiping away at his face to get rid of the tears “That was the craziest thing I’ve ever seen! It almost rivals the Cook’s! Oh man, my friend, Tetra would love you!”
You weren’t entirely sure about that but it did warm your heart that the small hero thought of it that way-
“Where have you two been?”
The Hero of Time stood on the other end of the bridge, his intimidating height already adding more to the tension his whole stance gave off. Shoulders squared, hands-on-hips, face pinched with a look of vexation- he looked pissed, similar to how a father would be when their child misbehaved and you weren’t so subtle about your movement behind Wind, the kid just as tense as you.
You leaned over to whisper to your companions “Should we run? I think we can outrun him while he’s got all the armour on”
“It’ll only be worse when we eventually come back” Wind muttered in return, still eyeing his leader “It’s best to just face his wrath head-on”
Gilda coughed into her hand “Good luck with that you two”
And she zoomed off.
Lucky enough, Hyrule and The Chosen Hero were only a few paces behind the both of you, gently moving and heading further down the bridge, your friend gesturing for you to follow while the other Hero began your shared explanation, the older man relaxing slightly with each word. “We were just with Purah, we’ve discovered that the rune has affected them”
The man sighed “You didn’t think to leave a note?”
With an evil grin, Wind nudged you “Yeah, (Name), didn’t think to leave a note?”
You lightly kicked him, turning away from his teasing smirk with a bashful expression plastered on your face. “I am not responsible for my actions”
“Is that so?” Time challenged and you made yourself smaller under his stare.
“No, sir”
The three other heroes shared a look; the eldest looked just about done with all of it.
“We have things to discuss” Was all he said before walking towards the house, the four of you following behind.
The tense atmosphere was still very strong among the other heroes, it seemed when you hobbled into the home only for all eyes to fall on you. You were getting tired of it now, in all honesty, you hated people watching you, felt as if they were constantly judging you in their mind for something you either had no control over or had no idea you were doing. You wanted it to stop, wanted their eyes to fall onto something else and it wasn’t helping that Legend seemed dead set on glaring at you, his face screaming distrust.
You weren’t gonna fall under pressure though, who knew what would happen if they knew just how weak you actually were?
Instead of taking a seat at the table, you stood just a few paces away with an awkward expression on your face. Naturally, your hands moved to your jacket pockets, swinging your body left and right as you waited for everyone else to take their desired position until finally everyone was settled and their leader was speaking once again.
“We have all talked,” He started, his eyes flying over all the boys in the room then settling onto you “And have come to an agreement that we should take you on our journey. The Shadow chased you for a reason, one we are unsure of at this moment in time but we do not plan on letting it get what it wants-”
The idea that Dink- the Shadow- whatever the fucking entity went by was a terrifying one. You thought back to the night it had chased you through the streets of your home, lamp-posts your only solace in the darkness of the winter night as you pushed your body past its limits, the sound of its feet pounding against the pavement behind you- you had never been so scared in your life. The only thought in your mind was that you were going to die that night or be beaten into an inch of your life, or dragged off to never see your mother or your friends again.
The idea that it was probably waiting, watching for one slip up from the heroes to take you away made bile rise to your throat.
The Hero of Time stood, walking around the table as he continued “-We’ve been hunting the Shadow for a while now, it’s been terrorising innocent people, building an army of monsters from different timelines and hasn’t shown any signs of stopping. It has something to do with our meeting but we’re not sure, however, with your arrival we know at least something about its plans, so it is best we have you with us not just for your own safety, but for the safety of the people around you-”
Could your presence possibly do that? How? Only two days ago were you a literal nobody, you weren’t of any importance- working a normal part-time retail job, attending an average university, living a life that probably more than a million other people lived- but now you were in an alternate reality, talking to magnificent people who shouldn’t even be physically possible and probably being hunted by a fucking shadow.
Step out of the way Naruto, you were the main character now.
The Old Man stopped in front of you, towering over your smaller form as he studied your sweating expression “-So, what do you say?”
Once again, this man wasn’t actually giving you a choice.
Leaning to the side, you glanced over the room.
Legend was still glaring, eyes narrowed awaiting your answer, The Hero of Hyrule Warriors (You needed to catch his name), Twilight and the Skyloft Hero were looking passive, so did the Hero of the Four Sword, who raised a brow your way when you met eyes. You were quick to lead to the three remaining heroes, Wild who sent you an encouraging nod, Wind with a toothy grin and hearty thumbs-up, then to Hyrule who merely sent you the softest of smiles and waited.
You met the Hero of Time's eyes again.
He used to be so lively when he was younger. That could be said for many people- yourself included- but it just didn't feel right seeing the stoic position he held now. Maybe it was because you didn't see the Kokiri boy standing before you, you saw a stranger born from very valid trauma that was forced upon him when he was younger. Maybe it was because you couldn't let go of what he once was, the game (and the manga) depicting him as such a jovial soul- a prankster, a friend, family, a hero- nothing prepared you for what the Link, the Hero of Time had become.
But then again, how could it have ended any different? These were real people, not characters (anymore), they dealt with real traumatic experiences and they had to face the real (metaphorical) scars associated with such horrors. Every single person in this room probably has their own demons that they faced because of the tragedies that befell them. It was obvious in someone like Time or Legend, but Wind seemed to be keeping it all together, as well as Wild, their experiences affected them differently.
Staring up at the older man, you really hoped you could do some good with joining them.
“Um, yes, Time- sir”
Time nodded, turning away to face the rest of the boys “We set out tomorrow- anything that you all wish to do should be done by the end of today, do I make myself clear?”
They all called out a confirmation and that was that everyone disbanded, Hyrule Warriors Link and Twilight went out the front door with Legend and Wind following behind. The Four Swords Hero along with the Hero of Skyloft began a conversation about something you had no idea about. You saw Hyrule stand, making his way in your direction only for his shoulder to be grabbed by Time, the leader asking for the information from Purah and leaving you alone to stand awkwardly in the middle of the room.
What the hell were you supposed to do now-
Wild nudged your shoulder softly, gesturing towards the upper deck of his home “Follow me, I’ve got something for you”
Your heart fluttered. Something? For you? When had he done that? When they were all missing that morning? Heat made its way up to your face as you followed giddy behind him up the stairs to the first floor of his home, holding out your hands when he asked you to and feeling a giant smile grow, bouncing on the tips of your toes unconsciously when he placed a small pile of clothes within your grasp.
“Some are just old things of mine” He started, his hand moving to the back of his neck to scratch it “The shirt is new though! Along with the cloak. I hope it’s okay-”
Wild grunted when your arms flung around him, clothes flung back onto the bed as you squeezed him with the might of a mighty warrior, your face stuffed into his shoulder while beaming ear to ear. Even though you tried to fight it, your voice cracked slightly when you spoke “Thank you so much, Wild”
He stood for a few short moments, his arms outstretched before slowly they came to wrap around you in return, a small grin growing in place of his surprised expression as he relaxed into the contact, his heart lifting at the sound of your genuine gratification.
“It’s no problem”
Hey....how ya'll doing
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remuscore · 3 years
Remus, spilling out a bunch intrusive thoughts: And sometimes when I use toothpicks to get gunk out of my teeth, I want to shove the pick into my gums. Or I think about shoving it down my throat to make myself throw up. Most of the time I just eat it. Speaking of gagging, sometimes I think about Roman and I—
Remus, cutting himself off and cringing: Oh… oh ew. Ew ew ewewewewew—
Janus: Do you want me to start a bath for you to wash that thought away?
Remus, still cringing and grabbing at his hair: Yes please.
Janus: And you won’t try to drown yourself?
Remus: I can’t promise that.
65 notes · View notes
It's Emmerdale time and its been awhile but let's get on with this disaster of an ep!
EWEWEWEWEW 🤮🤮🤮🤮 W*ndy should have never been aloud to call Vic 'love' or touch Annie's ashes
Jaime really has gone downhill since the affair was blown. I'm ready for someone to kill him off
And Belle has been looking miserable since then as well
I hate Aaron’s hair so much!
Also he needs friends! Someone else to talk to about his life. Not Liv
And that was awkward! It didn't look like Aaron was 'checking out' Ben. It looked more like Aaron noticed he was there while he was talking to Liv
That was just weird. You're in a public place Jamie, maybe you should be the one to leave...
Honestly, I'm just so confused by this whole Vic and L*ke stuff. Where the hell is this all coming from?!?!?!?! They were avoiding each other the last I remember (of course I was also fast forwarding through a lot of their scenes). But even if they had been on okay terms, why are they already confessing their love for each other?!?!?! THERES BEEN NO BUILD UP!!!!!!!
It's really obvious that Jamie's only playing fair to keep the secret hidden.
And there it is!
🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 family tea 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
Honestly the seconds of silence was awkward as fuck between Aaron and B*n. I do wonder if I am being too harsh because I'm still and will forever be a Robron fan, but that was bad. Aaron looked like a grump for someone who has apparently been eyeing him for awhile. And I do get why B*n was acting the way he was. But that's only because of the spoilers. To the general audience, this makes absolutely no sense!
I do have to say, if there are more scenes between Aaron and Al if the Chas rumors are true, I'm so ready for that! It was just too seconds but if there are any arguments between them, I think its going to be good 😉
Well, I made it through this god awful ep. It really felt like it jumped all over the place and most of the actions that the characters were taking didn't make a whole lot of sense.
If you didn't see my earlier post, I really did a great job at becoming a casual viewer. But decided to jump back in and start writing this lb again. I don't know if it was because last week was such a good week of eps, or that I knew I was going to have problems with Aaron’s new sl. I don't know how often I'm going to keep this up, but I also can't look away from a train wreck 😅
I hope everyone has a great day!
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trashyswitch · 5 years
Creepy Crawlies
Jackieboy Man is cleaning his room, when he discovers a family of the single creature he fears the most: Spiders. Discovering that the fearless superhero goes ballistic at the sight of a harmless little creature, Jameson Jackson takes advantage of the situation and makes fun of him.
WARNING: Some swearing in the beginning! (Mostly cause Jackie doesn't wanna deal with ANY spiders...)
Jackie whistled a song to himself, as he dusted the top of his dresser. He had been rewarded a day off for his hard work and as a result, decided to clean up his room a bit. After dusting a few more surfaces, he was ready for sweeping. Jackie placed the disposable dust rag into the garbage, and grabbed the broom and dust pan. He would've normally vacuumed his room to get rid of the dust, but the vacuum consisted of a big heavy hose, and a big vacuum head. Despite how strong he was, he was too tired to even consider lifting such a thing. So, he settled for the next best option. He placed the dust pan onto his bed and started sweeping. He swept the overall floor area, under his chair, under the dresser, under his desk, and in the corners of the room that were filled with dust and dirt. He swept all the dirt out of the corners, and into little piles throughout the room. There was a pile beside the closet, in the middle of the floor, in one of the corners of the room, in front of the dresser, on the side of the chair, and a pile starting on the floor near his bed. For the last part of the room, he had to grab the smaller brush to reach under his bed. With the smaller broom in hand, he started sweeping all the dust bunnies, dirt piles, and bits of garbage out from underneath the bed. Once it was all in a pile, Jackie grabbed the dustpan and swept the dirt onto it.
Placing aside the dustpan, Jackie double checked under the bed, to be sure he collected all that he could find. It was a good thing he did, because there was still a big dust bunny left under the bed. Jackie wrapped his fingers around the broom, and reached for the dust bunny. The broom bristles managed to touch it, but not enough to pull it out. After a bit more reaching, Jackie managed to get a good grip on the dust bunny and pull it out from under the bed. Upon closer inspection, however...it wasn't a cobweb...it's a spider web...Jackie's eyes widened as the realization slapped him across the face. readying his reflexes for the worst, Jackie reached out the broom, squeezed his eyes shut, clenched his teeth, and poked it...
He poked it a few more times, before opening his eyes again. Upon looking down again, Jackie just about died at the sight below him:
There were baby spiders covering his feet and pants, with the mama spider standing on his knee...inspecting him with those dozens of eyes...
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH! GETOFFGETOFFGETOFFGETOFFGETOFF!" Jackie screamed, frantically swatting away as many of the baby spiders as he could, before taking off in a quick sprint, right out of his room. Closing the door behind him, Jackie continued following his fight or flight response out to the living room. Terrified at the thought of all the spiders following him, he looked back at the ground to see if his thought had come to life. Thankfully, it hadn't.
"Okayokayokay...Uh...fly swatter? No, not enough. Fire extinguisher? No, I'm not gonna waste that." Jackie thought aloud, trying to think of a good weapon for going into combat against the army of spiders taking over his room. Looking around, he happened to notice a box of matches, and an idea popped into his head. He ran to the kitchen, picked up the Barbecue lighter. Then, he ran up to the door, kicked the door down and turned the flame on. Thinking he could set the spiders on fire and burn them, he ran towards the bed where the spider home was, and placed the flame under the bed and into the home. Suddenly, instead of burning the spiderwebs like he had hoped for, a second army of spiders had crawled away from the flame, and in all opposite directions.
"OOOOOOOOH MYGODTHERE'SMORE! HOLY SH- NO! NOPE, NOPENOPENOPENOPENOPE! NO-FUCK THAT SHIT! I AIN'T DEALING WITH THAT SHIT!" Jackie shouted, dropping the lighter and sprinting out of his room once again.
This time however, Jackie's fight or flight responses were about to be interrupted by a mere person walking, completely unprepared for the accidental tackle he was about to receive.
Before they both knew it, Jackie's body was laying on a man, dressed in a tuxedo shirt, a vest, and a pair of dress pants. Jackie had an idea of who it might be, but checked the body's face to be sure. His suspicions were correct: Jackie had just ran into Jameson Jackson.
"Oh my GOD! I'm SOOO SORRY Jamie! I didn't see you there, I should've been looki-" Jackie yelled frantically, before being shushed by a finger on his lips.
'It's okay.' Jamie signed with his dominant hand. Jackie could feel his cheeks heating up slightly from embarrassment. 'what were you running from?' Jamie asked.
Jackie let out a few nervous chuckles as he scratched the back of his head. "uh...it's nothing. I can take care of it on my own." Jackie reassured hesitantly.
'take care of what?' Jamie asked. Jackie's forehead started to sweat at the thought of dealing with such creepy crawly demons.
"Uhhhhhhhhhh...There may or may not be...an army of spiders living under my bed..." Jackie explained awkwardly, stuttering at the thought of those long legs crawling all over him.
Jamie's eyes widened from pure surprise. 'how long has your room been left uncleaned for?' Jamie asked, genuinely curious.
Jamie cracked up at the silly nickname. 'Why the brutal nickname? Are you afraid of them?' Jamie signed teasingly.
Jackie gasped, offended at the accusation. "Excuse me?! Are you assuming that I, the fearless superhero from Ireland, would be scared of such a tiny, harmless creature?" Jackie attacked in an egotistic fashion, before striking a dramatic pose and closing his eyes. While standing in his heroic and confident stance, a little creature happened to be using a piece of web to descend from the ceiling...riiiight in front of the cocky superhero.
*snap* *snap* Jackie heard, from his mute friend. Opening his eyes, he was about to ask what he wanted...when a daddy long legs had decided to climb down, right in front of him. The spider stared at his eyes for not even 3 seconds, before...
"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHH! EWEWEWEWEW! OH MY GOD KILLIT! KILL IT!" Jackie screamed, stepping backwards fast enough to trip on his own feet and fall backwards. Despite the desperateness coming from Jackie's voice, Jamie proceeded to laugh and point at his reaction.
'Your face! It's priceless!' Jamie signed as he doubled over and silently laughed.
"JJ! WHAT THE HELL?! KILL IT ALREADY!" Jackie shouted, becoming annoyed by Jamie's antics.
'what?! no! Why would I kill a spider?' Jamie signed, before letting the spider stand on his finger. Jackie's jaw dropped, as a high pitched, fear induced cry left his mouth. 'See? Harmless.' Jamie concluded.
"Okay, technically you're right: It's harmless. But that doesn't mean they're not creepy-looking..." Jackie defended calmly. Jamie nodded as he turned away from the superhero. He walked up to a nearby window, opened it, and placed the spider outside to live the rest of its life. "Okay! That's one spider gone...out of THOUSANDS! And I'M NOT DEALING WITH THAT HELLHOLE ON MY OWN..." Jackie warned.
'Who would've thought that a superhero, known for his bravery in the toughest situations, would be so scared of a few spiders?' Jamie mocked.
Jackie stuttered at the sight of the last sign Jamie used. "Stop-...stop signing that word...P-Please..." Jackie begged.
'What sign? Spider? Is the spider sign disturbing you?' Jamie asked, signing the word 'Spider' a lot more dramatically and creepily.
"Yes! Yes it is! Now, stop!" Jackie demanded.
'Alright, alright. I'll stop.' Jamie replied, holding his hands up in surrender. Jackie breathed a sigh of relief, flopped his upper body onto the couch, and closed his eyes. For a few moments, Jackie was able to calm himself down a bit. That was, until he felt something crawling on his arm. Thinking it was another spider, Jackie let his instincts completely take over his actions. his whole body jumped, his arms flailed around to knock off the spider, and a fear-induced squeal was freed from Jackie's mouth. Looking towards the side, he realized that Jamie (who had been making fun of him from a few feet away), had inched right up to the end of the couch. Gazing his eyes upon the glimmer of mischief in Jamie's, Jackie gulped and backed away as best he could.
'5 creepy spiders...' Jamie signed. The number five was signed the same way anyone would represent five: using all five fingers from one of your hands. Meanwhile, the word 'Creepy', was signed by making his right hand crawl up his own left arm. '5 creepy spiders...' Jamie signed again, tiptoeing closer to the frightened man. Jackie, nervous about what was coming, backed up as best as he could on the couch.
"Oh god, PLEASE DON'T!" Jackie begged, covering his mouth in nervous fear.
'see how they crawl...see how they crawl...' Jamie continued, stepping closer and closer, in a creepy fashion. By now, Jamie's face was very close to Jackie's, and his hands were right below his face, to frighten Jackie further. Jackie didn't have anywhere else to go (or so he thought), and his fight or flight responses were starting to take over once again.
'Crawl crawl crawl...' Jamie signed. However, Jamie didn't use the traditional sign for 'crawl'. Instead, he signed the word 'spider' over and over again as he leaned his hands towards his body. As he got closer and closer, Jamie separated the wrists, and continued to wiggle his fingers in a teasy fashion. 'crawl crawl crawl...' Jamie inched his separated hands even closer, aiming for the open, vulnerable spot in front of him... Jamie smirked as he landed his hands, on his sides. 'crawl crawl crawl crawl crawl crawl crawl...' Jamie signed, as he skittered his fingers up and down Jackie's sides and ribs.
"NAAAhahahahahaha! Hehehehehehey!" Jackie bursted out, flailing his arms everywhere and rolling back and forth frantically.
Jamie wiggled both sets of fingers just like spiders, up and up and up to...Jackie's exposed armpits!
Jackie instinctively clamped his arms down. "NO! Nohohohohohohahohahahahaha!" Jackie laughed gleefully. Jamie's eyes widened. That wasn't supposed to happen! He should've expected his hands to get stuck. But: he didn't, and now he's in a bit of a pickle...He tried pulling his arms out, but that didn't work at all! It appeared both of his hands were stuck between a rock and a hard place! So, he gave up, shrugged his shoulders and wiggled his still movable fingers.
"Jahahahahahamie! Hahahahahahahahaha!" Jackie called through his laughter, tensing his arms instinctively as he squirmed left and right. Jamie lifted his head slightly, and acted as if Jackie had only now gotten his attention! He turned his head to the side to show him his ear, as if to tell him 'I'm listening' through pure facial expression. "Knohohohohock it ohohohohoff!" Jackie instructed.
What's this?! If Jackie trying to order him around like a sidekick of some sort? How dare he! You'd think that he'd know to keep his mouth shut when he's vulnerable like this! Perhaps Jamie could put him in his place? But how would he do that? His hands are stuck, and he can't really 'talk' in the same sense...but...he does have a mouth...
Though quite a childish move, Jamie decided to treat the superhero like a little baby. he gave Jackie the most mischievous facial expression man has ever seen, before lowering his face down to Jackie's stomach...and nibbling at his stomach! He gave Jackie the whole treatment! He moved his face back and forth like a famished monster, and made gobbling, growling and nibbling noises, like he would to a baby.
Jackie threw his head back as an ear-piercing scream left his mouth. "AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAT THE FUHUHUHUHUHUHUCK?!" Jackie yelled, both confused, shocked and utterly offended that Jamie would treat him like a baby.
Jamie gasped. He just said a bad word! The NERVE of this man! Jamie stopped the tickling, and made a scowling face to show his distaste before shaking his head in disapproval. Jamie removed one of his hands from Jackie's armpits, and waited for something to appear onto his hands. In no time at all, a puff of smoke covered Jamie's whole hand and when it faded away, Jamie's hand was covered in...origami paper claws?
"Uh...heheheheh...Why?" Jackie asked, staring at the paper claws, created out of what appeared to be black construction paper. To answer his question, Jamie folded all his fingers in except for his index finger, which he kept out and wiggled teasingly in the air. That single movement seemed to send a chill down Jackie's spine, and a few unanticipated giggles to leave his mouth. He could not even IMAGINE what those claws would feel like...
Luckily for Jackie, he didn't have to imagine! Because before he knew it, Jackie was feeling some poking and spidery crawling, moving up and down his ribs. Jackie let out a yelp, and looked down to see Jamie moving the claws the same way a spider would move its legs. Sure, there were less legs on this 'spider', but it was still creepy looking and most of all: SUPER tickly!
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! THIHIHIHIS FEELS SOHOHOHOHOHO WEHEHEHEHEIRD!" Jackie complained through his laughter. Jamie dropped his jaw, before turning it into a wide smile. It was working! Jamie continued to use these makeshift claws onto lots of different spots! He tried them out on his stomach:
"EEEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHA! AAAAH! WAHAHAHAHAHAIT!" Jackie reacted, pushing at Jamie's paper fingers as his stomach was poked and prodded.
He tried out the belly button while he was there:
"ooOOOOOOOH NOOOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO! NAHAHAHAT THERE! NAHAHAHAT THEHEHEHEHEHERE!" Jackie yelled frantically, giving up on pushing away the claws, and instead covering his mouth and tensing his fists.
He also tried the feet for a few minutes:
"OHOHOHOHO MY GAAAHAHAHAHAHAD! OH GEEZ! OH NOHOHO! PLEASE, NOT THERE! I'M BEHEHEHEHEGGING YOU!" Jackie reacted, becoming jumpy and more dramatic in his facial expressions.
He also tried his toes while he was there!
Jackie let out a high pitched scream and covered his mouth with his fists. his squirming became even more frantic as he tried to kick the claw off his sensitive feet.
It appeared that Jackie was ticklish just about everywhere!
And lastly, Jamie revisited his armpit! With a restraint, or course...
Jamie had lifted Jackie's arm above his head, and started clawing and prodding at Jackie's exposed armpit.
"NOHOHOHOHOHO! NAHAHAHAHAT AGAIN! PLEHEHEHEHEASE! IHIHIHIT'S SOHOHOHOHO BAHAHAHAHAD!" Jackie pleaded. It was here that Jamie decided to let up on the man, because he was just making fun of his fear of spiders! Not full on tickle torturing him! He removed the claw fingers, placed them aside and stepped back to give Jackie some space. But that extra space didn't do anything except exist. That meant that no matter what, Jackie would've broken the space between them anyway.
"You shouldn't have done that..." Jackie warned with a big, evil smirk on his face. Jamie's small smile had turned into a paranoid frown, as he realized what might be coming for him.
"Do you know just how bad that tickled? You practically brought a gun to a sword fight. And now..." Jackie trailed off as he reached for the claws. "...you're gonna know how it feels..." Jackie concluded with an evil smirk, as he put the last claw onto his dominant hand.
Before Jackie could launch his revenge attack, One of the finger claws fell off his fingers. Both Jackie and Jamie looked down at the fallen claw, before making eye contact with each other again.
"How the hell did you keep these on you?" Jackie asked, both curious and surprised. Jamie giggled at the question. "I'll need to tape these claws onto my fingers...Which means you get a few seconds to run and hide, my little lee." Jackie teased with an evil voice. With no second spared, Jamie took off running. He ran around the house, looking around for a place to hide. As he ran, he flew by a closet. Skirting to a halt, he pulled the door open, and shut it as quickly, but quietly as he possibly could. he sat onto a shelf in the closet, and listened carefully for any footsteps.
When no footsteps were heard, he let out a big sigh of relief. He was hidden and safe for a few minutes. Gosh...Why did he think that teasing him and tickling him would get him off Scott free?! Gosh, he felt like an idiot. Though, hearing the laughter from Jackie, was kinda worth it. Jackie had such an energetic laugh! His laugh alone, could make a group of sociopaths laugh along with him. It was THAT contagious! Even thinking of his laugh was making him laugh...dammit. He had to cover his mouth to stop the giggles from leaking through. Though, he had to worry more about making physical sounds, than making verbal sounds. One wrong move or loud noise, and he might be done for.
Or so he thought...
Out of nowhere, Jamie just about jumped 10 feet at the sound of loud, rapid knocking against the closet door. The door quickly opened and sure enough, Jackie was on the other side and ready to pounce. Jamie covered his face with both hands, curled in on himself at the sight of Jackie, and curled even further in when he watched Jackie wiggle his clawed fingers. Jackie pulled Jamie out of the closet by his legs, and started his tickle attack right there.
He decided to imitate the skittery spider fingers Jamie had done on him, on his stomach first. He remembered it felt very tickly with his hands, so he couldn't imagine how tickly it would feel with the claws involved. Jamie's mouth was open, and letting out quiet laughter as he squirmed away from the claws. But even when he squirmed away, the claws would follow him and cover him in more tickles. It seemed like there was no escaping those evil claws.
Jackie decided to move around a little bit, and tickle his sides for a bit. The claws started skittering at the left side first. Jamie reacted by curling into the tickling and laying onto his left side. If it weren't for Jackie's quick reflexes, he most likely would've gotten the claws stuck under Jamie's left side. But, he didn't! So, he took advantage of that by skittering the claws onto Jamie's exposed right side. Surprisingly, the right side gave him a lot more of a reaction than the left side did. When the left side was tickled, all he did was squirm towards it. But when the right side was tickled, Jamie had thrown his head back, and started assaulting the couch with his feet and fists. His right side was doing everything he could to stop the claws, but of course, failing entirely.
"Do you happen to be more ticklish on your right side?" Jackie asked casually, as if Jamie wasn't laughing in front of him. Jamie stopped his hands and used them to answer.
'yes! more tickles right side!' Jamie signed, his grammar slightly off, thanks to the tickling affecting is ability to think straight. Jackie chuckled at the funny grammar, and smirked as a teasy phrase came to mind.
"'Yes, more tickles right side'? Well, if you say so!" Jackie announced, before tickling the left side with his average fingers and increasing the skittering of his clawed fingers. Jamie's squirming increased ten fold, his feet kicking madly as his laughter turned into cackles. The feeling of slightly sharp paper pokes against one of his worst spots, was driving him absolutely insane. he had re-continued punching the couch with both his hands, and a large, toothy smile had taken over his lips. While tickling him, Jackie couldn't help but notice the adorable dimples Jamie was showing to the world.
"Look at those adorable dimples! I could squish them! Squish, squish, squish!" Jackie teased in a high pitched voice, removing his normal hand to lightly squeeze his dimples. Jamie's face started to turn a hue of red as he stopped his punching fists to cover his face. "Awwww! Is de wittle tickwish boy embawassed?" Jackie whispered in Jamie's ear, using baby talk to be more teasy. Jackie watched as Jamie's face grew darker and spread to his ears and neck. "AWWWW! He IS! How ADORABLE! Say, what would happen if I tickled your neck?" Jackie asked aloud, before removing his clawed hand from his right side. He used the index clawed finger to scratch the side of his neck first. Jamie's shoulders shot up, and his head curled towards the claw, to trap it and attempt to stop the tickling. But the claw stayed there, scratching mercilessly.
Then, Jackie moved his clawed finger under Jamie's chin, and lightly scratched there. Jamie's chin curled into the top of his chest, and kept his shoulders raised to stop the claw at all costs. But, despite all his attempts, he couldn't stop the claw. The claw just kept on scratching, and scratching, and scratching...and scratching...
Till finally, it stopped. It finally stopped. Jamie took a moment to increase his breathing, so he could make up for all the energy he had lost. Jackie smiled and watched him, completely hypnotized by how adorable he looked, all tired and flustered beyond belief.
"So: You gonna help me take care of those creepy crawlies?" Jackie asked. Jamie took in a few more breaths, before nodding his head.
'Yes. I will help you get rid of those spiders.' Jamie replied, signing the word 'spiders' in a teasy motion one last time. Jackie stuttered at the sight, but let it go and stood back up.
'follow me.' Jamie ordered, before going to the sink. Once there, he opened a corner cupboard, and pulled out a jug of vinegar. Handing it to Jackie, Jamie walked over to the bathroom, while Jackie followed suit. Jamie pulled a dollar store spray bottle out of the closet, removed the lid from the vinegar jug, and poured some vinegar into the bottle. Lastly, Jamie topped it up with some water, placed the lid on, and rapidly shook it with his hands.
"What are you going to do with that?" Jackie asked. Jamie let a wide smirk grow onto his lips, before pointing the end of the spray bottle at Jackie's face.
Jackie's hands immediately shot up to cover his face. "HEY! DON'T YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT SPRAYING ME WITH THAT!" Jackie threatened. Jamie laughed before pointing it away from him.
'I would never.' Jamie replied, before walking over to Jackie's room. 'Where is it?' Jamie asked. Jackie pointed under his bed.
Jamie followed Jackie's finger to the hole at the bottom of the wall, and lifted his eyebrows in surprise. there was a big collection of adult and baby spiders crawling around a small hole in the bottom of the wall. Walking up and kneeling to the target, Jamie pointed the spray bottle at the hole, and pulled the trigger once, twice, a third, a fourth, and a few more sprays around the hole. When hit with a whirlwind of vinegar water, all of the spiders piled into their hole, cowering away from the terrible scent. Lastly, to end it all off, Jamie grabbed a rock from Jackie's room, sprayed some vinegar water onto it, and placed it in front of the hole to prevent them from coming in again.
'This'll be fine till we get the hole fixed.' Jamie explained.
Jackie gave Jamie a big hug. "Thank you. Thank you so much." Jackie said, relieved for his room to be spider-free once again.
Just to end things off in a funny way, Jamie skittered his fingers under Jackie's sides.
"AAAH! HEHEHEHEY! YOHOHOHOHOU AHAHAHAHASSHOHOHOHOLE!" Jackie reacted, resting his head against Jamie's shoulder as he pushed Jamie's hands away.
'Sorry, sorry, sorry. I couldn't resist.' Jamie replied as he laughed at the reaction. Jackie narrowed his eyes, and stared the man up and down.
"I don't think you are...not one bit..." Jackie replied, before turning Jamie and wrapping his non-dominant hand around Jamie. "...And may I just remind you that I have the CLAAAAAWWW?" Jackie teased evilly, before starting yet another tickle fight.
Though the spider thing was very silly originally, it actually brought the two men together! Now, whenever Jackie sees a spider, he uses the spray formula that Jamie had taught him. And it was a good thing too! Cause now, Jackie's less likely to burn the house down! Hallelujah!
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dollsonmain · 5 years
So..... Whatever this is on Samantha, it is NOT coming off.
I’ve washed and washed and washed her wig, conditioned, was straightening, and it’s still all goopy and waxy and nasty in the middle.
So I had to “get serious”, and rubbed some TA into the worst areas. Hopefully that got it out....
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hob1tual-remade · 6 years
alphabet tag
tysm for tagging me @hwagaemkt + @monjoonie 🥰
a // age: 16
b // birthplace: new york
c // current time: 3:32 pm
d // drink you had last: water
e // easiest person to talk to: my best friend
f // favourite songs: the songs on my favorites playlist rn are 나,나-the stray , wake up in the sky-gucci mane , lucky strike-troye sivan , u + i-JAIE , No Role Modelz-J. Cole , Gotta Go-CHUNG HA , and One of Those Nights-KEY but i listen to different songs every day lol
g // grossest memory: idk the grossest but one time i full on just stepped on a slug without realizing it and ewewew it was like between my toes ewewewewew im sorry ew
h // horror yes or horror no: horror movies are my favorite !!! i usually can’t pay attention long enough to other movies so i like the supsense n all that :)
i // in love: lol no idek what love is
j // jealous of people: i try not to be if i can help it? if that makes sense? but even when i do i would never ever in a million years show it
k // kids of your own someday: hopefully!! but not for a while lol
l // love at first sight or should i walk by again: i think you can be attracted to someone at first sight but not in lovelove
m // middle name: its grace and it is sooo ironic :)
n // number of siblings: none :(
o // one wish: literally to just be happy again, in whatever way that happiness wants to manifest itself, i’ll take it
p // person you last called: my dad
q // question you’re always asked: ‘are you okay’ cuz apparently instead of a resting bitch face i have a resting sad face but i swear im not actually sad im just thinking really hard about what im gonna eat when i get home
r // random fact about you: i know the entire ddu du ddu du choreo lol
s // song you last sang: shallow by lady gaga, it’s sooooo good
t // time you woke up: 7 bc my alarm didnt go off >:(
u // underwear colour: i wish i could say black but theyre just gray with white polka dots :\
v // vacation destination: spain!! or any spanish speaking country i guess! ive been learning spanish since i was 4 and ive had opportunities to go to places like puerto rico and colombia but i never actually did it and i really wanna know how well i can get by with the spanish i know
w // worst habit: cracking my neck bc sometimes it wont go and then i just look weird rolling my head around lol
x // x-rays: yeah i broke my thumb once
y // your favourite food: bananas, chocolate, and peanut butter yuuum! oh and oatmeal !
z // zodiac sign: saggitarius. also scorpio moon and cancer rising :))
i’ll just tag some of my mutuals💕: @joons-uwu @euphoriacancer @jhoppalover @bearjoonie @dontwonwoocry
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aqours-remade · 6 years
"Hey guys, you're not going to believe this!" Nico burst through the door leading to the rooftop. "I got amazing news!" She was grinning. "Now, don't pass out on me or anything when you hear this… But it's finally happening! After years of stagnation after Idols valiantly destroyed the old, corrupt industry, it's finally here! This summer! The one, and the only! The School Idol Festival!"
There was silence.
"… Love Live! Why aren't you excited!? What the hell is wrong with you-"
"We already knew that," Maki replied.
"Don't think it's that easy," Minami said. "I have one condition for this," and with that they all turned back. "In addition to the fact you must enter the top 20 as Kotori said… you are not to neglect your studies as well. If any one of you should fail your final exams, even just one of the seven of you, then Love Live will have to go on without you," Minami said. "Do we have a deal?"
"… W-we have a deal! Just watch us, Minami-sensei!" Honoka assured. "Just you wait, we're gonna be just fine!" Honoka said, with a nervous laugh, heading over to a corner. "W… we'll befine…"
Nico and Rin were also in despair as well.
"Oh God, we're doomed," Maki whispered out loud.
"Screw that!" Nico's, Honoka's, Umi's, and Hanayo's attention were all drawn to 「Circus」 as she manifested, tapping her foot. "Honestly, this is disgraceful! And you call yourself Idols!? How can such an amazing Stand like me belong to someone like you, Nico!"
"S-shut up!"
"Kayochin, what's going on…?"
Hanayo leaned in. "Nico's Stand just appeared. She's really mad at all of you…" And Rin frowned once more.
"I refuse to be the Stand that couldn't go to Love Live because her idiot owner was too stupid to pass her exams! So rest assured, I'll look after Nico so you can focus your efforts on those two idiots!"
"Hey! I'm not an idiot! I'm just bad at math!" Honoka defended.
"If she called Honoka an idiot then she called me an idiot too I bet!" Rin replied.
"And it's not just her…" With a quick motion of her hand, 「Circus」 whip tied around Nico, fully constricting her.
"W-whoah! Hey! What the hell, 「Circus」!? … Wait! Dontdontdont-" but her pleas were for nothing as she quickly undid her constriction, spinning Nico like a top until she crashed into the room.
"I didn't get to use this technique fighting Honoka… but from now on! Anyone who slacks off… will be subjected to extreme spinning until they puke!" 「Circus」 declared, Honoka seeming on the verge of tears while the rest look confused.
"「Circus」 said if Honoka, Nico, or Rin goof off she's gonna do that to them too," Hanayo explained to Maki, Kotori, and Rin, much to Rin's despair.
"EW! EWEWEWEWEW!" And she stomped on the floor besides her.
"N-Nico-senpai!?" Both Kotori and Hanayo asked.
"Spider! Ugly one, too!" Sure, enough there was the squished remains of a spider right next to her. "Just… ugh! I hate bugs so much!"
"Hey! What did the bugs ever do to you?"
The girls turned around to face a girl sitting not too far away from them. A short girl, but probably around their age. A freckled face, curly hair, and extremely large glasses. But what drew Hanayo's attention was the dyed red streak in her hair. It reminded her of the enemies from a few days ago… "Bugs are amazing, I'll have you know!"
"W-who asked you!?" Nico asked. "Those things are disgusting! And it was ready to start crawling on my shoe… gross!"
The girl adjusted her glasses, walking over and leaning down. "That species of spider is probably iwogumoa insidiosa. Its rare to see one away from stone, they love making their home in stone walls and paving stones… of course you squished it so hard its hard to tell…" Kotori gagged as she pressed her finger against the spider's remains, with Hanayo shivering.
All three paled when she brought the spider's guts to her mouth to taste it. "Yeah… iwogumoa insidiosa alright. I can tell by the taste…"
"You're nasty, lady!" Nico jumped out of her chair, shivering. "Who the hell knows what a bug tastes like!?"
"Kyahahahaha! Did ya think the creepy insect lady just liked yapping for no reason?" Kobayashi taunted through her ants. "Revealing a few secrets to catch you off guard was totally worth it! It's a gamble to reveal this much about my Stand to an enemy, but by the time they realize they're isolated I've already won!"
"... So you were telling the truth?" Hanayo asked. "You didn't lie even when you could?"
The ants' laughter all paused. "... Uhhh..." Came after the awkward silence. "... Anyways! Join us or suffer! I have no more reason to talk now that you can't contact Kousaka Honoka! It's your only chance... you can be super Idols through us! Wealth! Power! Its more than you deserve! How about it, Yazawa? We know about your unfortunate first year in highschool..."
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liveblog: “naruto shippuden: the movie“
this is the last movie that’s available on netflix (they only have eight naruto movies) and really thank the fucking lord for that, because all of them have really been snoozefests, though i’ve managed to spend 1.5hrs on each of them (minus the “crescent moon” one. i’m glad i’m about to put myself out of my own self-induced torture.
tldr: dragged, but actually coherent; naruto suffers no consequences from having disobeyed his captain multiple times because he actually ends up saving the entire world from destruction
starting off with some action against a... tentacle monster???
oh, ideas, ideas...
purple against orange?? is that a sasunaru reference????????
all i ask is that this movie is actually entertaining. i am asking for NOTHING but that
i’m sorry is that a gravestone for my sonshine??????
well  now i need to know how naruto came to die, so i’ll give this movie props for interest
“dark medical ninjutsu”
tell me more about this actually!!! this shit sounds cool!!!!
this dude gives me orochimaru vibes
hm. have i seen this movie before?
this temple that they’re at reminds me of the ruins somewhere in, like, jordan or iran?
love the combo of the fire and wind jutsus though...
(so... to be a shipper, that’s a sasunaru parallel)
hm... a heavily sealed mausoleum looking thing that’s been guarded in the middle of hte desert that, oh, has dark purple tendrils and an evil voice?
yeah shit looks like a good ida
jesus fuck yeah some serious orochimaru vibes this dude deadass doesn’t have organs inside himself fucking ew
ah getting terracotta soldier vibes
okay and here’s where fuckup #1 (because i’m sure there’ll be more) has happened, and that’s the evil spirit wanting to hae a priestess killed before getting his body back
like bro you gotta get your strength before attacking the one person who can killl you/?
me as the civilian girl standing lost
-sighs- i was really hoping to see sai
“lee’s filling in for sasuke”
what ridiculous!!! insult to lee i cannot believe i had to hear that
how... the fuck is naruto scared of demons when he has kurama sealed insdie him? knows gaara??
a scroll with flowers! very pretty
i love rock lee wow
how do they have time to talk when they have to go find a priestess
all so we can see tnesion between naruto and neji?
fucking please as if neji doesn’t actually respect the hell out of naruto and naruto doesn’t feel the same way
there’s “defensive jutsu”???????????
“naruto never gives up”
um, rock lee???? they’re treating you so bad i’m sorry
ewewewewew wat the fuck are those leech/reptile things
idk these people but those arrows ain’t gonna do shit
hm yeah no those weird leech things are like chakra crack?? bye
so that dude reminding me of orochimaru is correct
god bless naruto but subtly... is not hiw strong suit
bless the english va for natutp but i also fucking hate naruto’s voice
kay so these pasty peeps don’t have their own chakra?
oh so that wasn’t hinata who screamed earlier then cool
realistically, it’s truly amazing that naruto has never been taken to heel about his behavior because it’s honestly so fucking ridiculous sometimes
me too sakura
you’re relly telling me that an induced rock slide wouldn’t take out parts of the ghost army? i mean the ghosts are inhabiting stone bodies, which can be destroyed... so... it should be able to happen
“your back is uncomfortable. you should try to stay more feminine”
like... i fail to see the logic but okay priestess
also i feel like she’s acting bitchy because she’s scared and worried about the ghost king and the death(s) she’s predicted to happen
imagine throwing perfectly good food on the floor because you don’t like it?
fucking ridiculous
yeah i would shun the priestess if all she ever did was predict death
also... naruto on a swing... damn
you’re realy trying to tell me that naruto doesn’t know the word “initiatives”?
fuck they make him so stupid
neji putting the priestess to sleep... so... that couldn’t have been done earlier???
i forgot how cool rock lee looked while fighting
oh nope
never insutl gai-sensei
ugh fuck me why do villains always have to do gross crap
oh but it sounds like he did something baaadd
i love all the floating that happens as if we’ve completely ignored the fact that they actually need to bounce on the branches
but actually i accept it since the action matters more than the reality
lee’s about to eat a whiskey bonbon that gai gave him i’m fucking ready for this
so that was... sad and now i need to watch the kimimaro fight so i can see drunk!lee
also how he hell was neji slow to stop the enemy ninja?
oh so nevermind what i was about to say
it’s really fucking weird how emotionally dense they make naruto when he’s actually one of the most emotionally sensitive characters in the entire series?
like you’re telling me that naruto wouldn’t recognize that the priestess is jusut putting on a cold front so she doesnt break down?
naruto? the same dude who at 12yo could recognize that a little kid was acting like a brat because his father had been murdered?
naruto? the one who somehow empathized with haku?
naruto? the one who could see that gaara was suffering?
naruto? the one who literally shares his fate with sasuke?
it’s so ridiculous that they make him, not only fucking stupid, but an idiot
i need a paper with citations to explain to me how the priestess fell off naruto’s back
what the fuck shoujou scene was that just not
oh so that’s why they kept showing the pin
oh this is actually interesting info
hm maybe not?
um no
huh so maybe the evil dude did have important info
was that kakashi’s voice????
what is it good for? absolutely nothing
i have issues with this movie
magical girl transformation!!
that was fucking abrupt ohmygod
fuck yeah shikamaru
it ended with a rasegan of course
i’m liking this ending song
naruto and the priestess created a volcano wow
this is the fucking scene
naruto really said he’d be willing to have sex with the priestess byeeee
my son is so fucking stupid
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