#ex-cerberus oc
shadowsshowdown · 2 years
Deus Ex: Human Revolution Shadow's Showdown: Chapter 1
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The Grumpy Cerberus.
Detroit, Laura’s apartment.
It was late afternoon when Laura’s smartphone started to ring. She didn't want to answer the call, but Pritchard didn't like to wait either. Besides, she needed a job, so playing too much with her boss wasn't a good way to keep it. Luckily Laura managed to know Frank enough during those few weeks of working under his command so that she was aware of how far can she push the line.
"Laura it's urgent! See you at my office, you've got 10 minutes!" Frank yelled from a loudspeaker as he always does.
Laura was forced to leave reading her favourite book about hacking tricks for later. She lazily put it back on the table and finished cold coffee. „Archn3rd0 can wait a few minutes. There’s always a lot of fuss about nothing.” She thought while slipping into a green turtleneck, and a blue high-waist skirt. „Farewell, comfy clothes.” That’s what seemed to express her face. Finding shoes was a great challenge. Laura’s apartment may be luxurious, and not cheap at all, but at least she can keep it messy because nobody visits her. Laura Werner talking to you live from… Mordor. That's a good way to describe this mess.
"Stalker, you idiot!" She growled with fury at her black cat. Because of him, she would almost lose her teeth.
Fighting with long, brown-reddish hair consumed most of the precious time. Frank interrupted that battle with text messages. Asshole sent ten of them within a minute. Finally, she pinned hair in a bun, giving the final touch with a magnolia-shaped hairpin. Soon Laura was ready to go. With few books under her arm and a file in her teeth, she locked the door with the key. Miss Werner was an old-fashioned girl, a weirdo, they say. Going down the staircase, she heard the Newmans yelling at each other. The Cornwel family apparently had a party downstairs. Loud music was pouring out on the corridor, mixed with laughing and raised voices. Maybe she would drop by, but the track list wasn't really what Laura likes the most.
Before walking down the wide street, she looked ahead, admiring the Chiron apartment building for a moment.
„They have such a great life.” Thought with a heavy sigh.
On the way to her working place, she was passing by a dark alley, where groups of shady types were making the deals. The reek of weed, cigarettes, and spilled beer was terribly annoying. She always tried to avoid places like this one. You can't tell what those guys can be capable of. Prostitutes were leaning against the walls of gloomy skyscrapers raised on both sides of the road. People were talking about the weather, politics, and mostly about augs. Some of their chatting were muffled by passing cars. Laura looked up, longing for the blue sky, which was barely visible because of dense clouds.
„When I’ll be old I want to live in a small house with a garden, somewhere in the middle of nowhere. I will sit on the porch, drink cocoa, and stroke the cat occupying my knees.” Warm thought made her smile to herself for a short moment. Sadly, these are only dreams.
She hated all those blinding lights, neons screaming from every corner with advertisements, electronic books, and newspapers. Everything. Good old days are gone - That was the greatest sadness consuming her thoughts. What’s more, she’s alone here in Detroit and not eager to make any new friends. The mission must be completed, and after that, she’ll be gone for good.
Sarif Industries headquarters - The monument of a new era, a place where all of your dreams come true. If you have money of course. Laura passed by the wing-shaped installation lit with bright yellow lights and followed to the front door.
“Great world, here I come!” She almost screamed out loud when the glass door opened before her.
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Sarif Industries headquarters. Lobby.
Two months, before the first attack.
Forget, disappear, do not exist. She wanted it so much at that moment, the moment that changed her life forever…
Nothing extraordinary used to happen on the way from the door to the escalator. And Laura didn't expect that something will today. Same as yesterday, and days before, she was passing by some workers busy with gossiping about unimportant things, security guards keeping order, and people coming to sign contracts to supply prostheses from Sarif Industries. Today, however, everything was completely different.
"Do not use this code!" She screamed at her colleague through the speaker of her smartphone. "Do I speak a foreign language? Didn't I make myself clear enough?!" She pressed. "Great!" She muttered, ending the call. "Idiot…"
At the same time, Laura felt like she was bumping into something or someone. A pile of books fell on the floor and scattered around her feet. She lost the grip on the paper coffee mug so it soared up high, pouring out the wet brownish content. She momentarily saw that big, wet stain on a dark brown, cotton turtleneck and part of a black coat. Her body seemed to scream an order to run away as far as she could and hide deep underground. But she couldn't. She was just standing like a pillar of stone, unable to move or say anything. She must have looked stupid at that moment, but the victim didn't seem to notice.
"From zero to zero cool? The code has you? The dark side of the code?" Laura heard his voice for the first time in her life and it was the sweetest melody she’s ever experienced. He was kneeling in front of her, mumbling book titles like nothing really happened. "Working with Pritchard is quite a challenge, miss…" He paused and raised his head up giving Laura a long careful stare with his hypnotic blue-gray eyes.
"Werner" She replied after a moment of silence. "Laura Werner. I am very sorry, Mr. Jensen. I really am. I'll pay for the cleaning, please send me the bill."
Adam was so formal and cold, but yet there was something that pushed her towards him. Luckily she did some research, and thanks to this she knew something about him.
"Nothing really happened." He replied with a rough tone of the head of security. "Was your boss the one you were yelling at?" Jensen asked handing over her books.
"No, not at all. After all, he's my boss, I'd get fired for such impertinence. I like my job so..." Hearing every spoken word Laura realized that she’s talking without any sense.
“So, you work in Cyber Security and I don't know you, but you know me. How is that possible?” Adam has changed the subject smoothly, and his tone has become colder.
“I insist, Mr. Jensen. Your coat is dirty because of me.” She just tried to spin around that stain and buy some time, but Jensen wasn't fooled.
“We’re not talking about my clothes Miss Werner. I asked you a question, so please answer.” Listening to him was almost the same as talking with a cop during interrogation at the police station. The only difference is that Adam is handsome as hell and most of those flatfeet not.
“It's simple." She shrugged. "Sarif Industries has many employees in the CSec, but there is only one head of security – You, Mr. Jensen.” Laura said without hesitation, looking straight into his eyes.
“Point for you, Mrs. Werner.”
For the first time, she felt victorious, but it’s only a false feeling. Jensen agreed with her what’s more, he must be tired cause making such a trivial mistake doesn’t fit his professional look.
“Miss.” She couldn’t resist and pointed to that mistake, though she didn't manage to baffle him. Adam was so determined, almost desperate to know the truth, and nothing could possibly stop him from doing so.
“Miss...” Jensen repeated slowly like he had realized his failure. “So how long have you worked at Sarif Industries, and why I know nothing about it?!” His voice changed from ice cold to thunder strike. Laura felt overwhelmed and cornered with one swift stroke. What if he already knows the truth? Impossible...
“I...” She started slowly, trying to choose her words carefully. There’s no place for a mistake. This is now or never.
“The clock is ticking, Miss Werner." He urged.
She felt that her legs are bending under the weight of his words like a willow tree. Laura didn't know what to say exactly, because no one had ever asked her about such unimportant things. He interrogated the suspect with a precision of an old cop, or maybe he used to be one?
“Since the simplest question remains unanswered, the rest of the conversation will take place at my office and I’m afraid that personal search is unavoidable.” It was hard to say if he just tried to scare her off or simply he was serious. Before she regained control, an unexpected rescue appeared.
She was more or less 5'2 tall, green-eyed brunette, wearing a fancy grayish tunic, black leggings, and high heels. With no doubt, she had a big impact on Adam’s behavior cause suddenly he smoothly transformed into a nice guy. If Laura was not mistaken in her evaluation, this is doctor Reed.
“Finally, Megan” Adam sighed with disapproval. “You said it would take you five minutes, and that was a quarter of an hour ago.” He complained.
“Oh Adam, you know that my research is important and everything has to be done perfectly before DC.” Megan tried to explain herself and her sweet talking made him melting like snow in the spring. “I’m free to go now, you must be starving.”
“Mhm, I am. But we'll drop by into my apartment on the way to the restaurant. I have to get changed.” After saying this, Jensen looked at Laura once more. „We���ll end this conversation tomorrow at my office, Miss Werner.” She wanted so badly to just stick out her tongue at him or say something stupid, but playing with this grumpy Cerberus was simply unwise.
She gazed at Adam until his silhouette had disappeared, then she sighed with relief, leaning her back towards the tall neon cuboid with an advertisement of Neuropozine. She’s been watching Jensen carefully since the beginning of their conversation. Without a doubt, he was a grumpy professionalist with a poker-face, who knew his job very well. He was rough in his relations with strangers and seemed to be inaccessible, but every firewall can be bypassed. All you have to do is take the right approach, and he will eat from her hand. If this is a "Song of Ice and Fire" then Laura is the fire that will melt the ice. She promised herself to destroy the wheel and break the chains. Adam won’t stop Laura from doing her job.
Yet with every second, a strange, unknown feeling was growing stronger and it was hard to fight with. She couldn’t resist it much longer, but the message codded in her mind reminded her that superiors don’t pay for fondness. She’s a hacker, the best one, and getting pieces of information is what she’s good at. Laura stood a while longer, looking at Sarif’s face smiling at her from another tall cuboid advertising this company. Finally, she considered that pushing the line further is very risky, and may evolve into an unwanted storm, so she stepped onto the escalator which took her to the first floor, straight into her boss's jaws.
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All  chapters can be found: [AO3], [dA], [Wattpad] and [Tumblr]
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benisbeansart · 1 year
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Repost: Sonic.EXE - Cerberus (THEHELLSPAWN.EXE)
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dr34m3r-dr4wz · 2 months
❌EXE OCS inspired by acts (1/7)❌
🔥💀H.S. the cerberus💀🔥
He is like the bodyguard/guard dog of Sonic. Exe!
Inspired by act hide and seek
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lemonisherelol · 2 months
My MU Sona/Ocs
• Two Freshmen that fell in love at first sight, needed up losing each other.
• Cyrus and Luna never got to see each other since Mike and Sally arrived to their first day of college.
• Poor things that Cyrus was never able to speak up against Johnny and his fraternity brothers, especially after snapping and beating up Johnny after he attempted to replace her…
• Poor things that Luna watched the entire show go down, feeling trapped and not being able to see her girlfriend…
• This time, after the scare games…Luna and Cyrus are finally together as they promised…not being able to see each other.
Name: Luna Shiningstar | Cyrus Bones
Nickname: Psychopath, Freak, crazy girl, Lucifer, Daughter of Hell. | Hellhound, freak, dog, pet.
Age: 19 | 20
Height: 5'4 | 7'9
Weight: 122 lbs | 200 lbs
Species: Chimera (acts like a cat) | Cerberus-like hound (based off of it)
Gender: Female | Female (Butch with male features)
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers, It/Its, Xe/Xim | She/Her, Dog/Dogself
Bio: Luna is a chimera-like being who is known for her psychotic behavior, and her actions. She is known for her last name, Shiningstar…referencing her great great grandfather. She is neutrally good. | Cyrus is a Cerberus-like hound who was on Roar Omega Roar’s team since freshmen year. She got kicked out due to her behavior such as being aggressive and biting, nearly getting expelled before moving on to join another fraternity team, Oozma Kappa.
Fun facts!!
Luna ~ !!
- Luna is lesbian, dating Cyrus and currently married to her in MAW!
- Luna is based off of Charlie Morningstar, Lucifer Morningstar (Bible ver !!) and wants to be Pride just like her great great grandfather was. (Making her in the Pride section lolll)
- Luna’s jumpscare is Manipulation, getting into others mind and manipulating them into believing their worst fears are true. (Ex: She knows Johnny is insecure, using that against him..)
- Luna’s design is based off a Chimera…she has cat-like eyes with frog blinking.
- Luna is known for her psychopath behavior such as choking someone and stabbing another student with a pencil. Considering how MU hasn’t expelled her at all.
- Luna’s roar is based off Po phase 2 from slendytubbies
- Luna’s roommate is Sally!
Cyrus ~ !!
- Cyrus has ears that have mouths, she can talk but doesn’t anyway.
- Cyrus had no love interest in Nikolai (coming soon!!!) because Cyrus had a girlfriend.
- Cyrus is assumed to be a male, and viewed as one considering she’s a butch. Cyrus is called he/him pronouns…she doesn’t speak up about it due to her paranoia.
- Cyrus was originally going to be a male and be Sally’s lover, but changed it to a female with a girlfriend.
- Cyrus’s roar is based off Scythe tubby. (Slendytubbies mentioned YOOO!!!)
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dubb0-g0ldfe11 · 5 months
I'm going to be cringe. So here's a family tree of my OC's with some of my favorite pokemon characters
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First up, Andromeda!
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Andromeda is the submas twins older half sister from they're father's side
Ingo and Emmets father and Andromeda's mother where a couple in highschool, and when her mother suddenly got pregnant with her. they were still in highschool, so they decided keep it a secret from there parents and put her up for adoption when she was born, but they went they're separate ways once they graduated from high school
Andromeda had a hard life but not a difficult one, she had problems with bullying but she always managed to scare them off
She is a MASSIVE NERD she is always burying herself in books not caring for people
She found an abandoned Pokemon egg when she was 7 and took care of it until it hatched into a shiny Ralts! Which evolve into a gardevoir in later years
She was adopted by a lovely woman at the age of 8 years old, the woman so happened to happened to be a Pokemon professor, Andromeda was fascinated by all this new information and knowledge about mythical Pokemon and their power and so eager to learn
She became a Pokemon professor but she also writes books about dark fantasy and mythical adventures in her free time
Then she met her ex-husband Cerberus, a young, extremely handsome, and charming guy,
They dated for around 3 years and where married for 10 years
Cerberus seems like a nice and charming person on the outside but in reality he is a horrible person
Cerberus soon showed his true colors after they got married, he was a narcissistic piece of shit I believe he can do no wrong in his life
But Andromeda was so helplessly in love and so desperate to provide a father for her children that she was blind to the signs
But one day she finally had enough and left Cerberus for good, when she found out that he was beating her children behind her back
Her children are too scared of say anything in fear that Cerberus might harm their mother
But when her daughter Selene went missing without a Trace, after the four of them left him 8 years ago, she went haywire, immediately diving into her research to bring her daughter back no matter what
Soon she found out about her half sibling Emmett, who was looking for his brother Ingo
Both of them soon met up and realized that her daughter and his brother's disappearance were connected
And with each other's help along with her sons she managed to bring both her daughter Selene and Emmett's brother Ingo home
Next up to Polaris!
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Polaris is Selene's older brother he was 20 years old before Selene went missing
Polaris is a very casual and calm dude, he rarely ever gets angry but when he does, he becomes an unstoppable force
He is married to Natori and got married to her when they were both 18, Natori is Alder's granddaughter
Polaris took most of Cerberus's abuse, back when his family still live with him
And back in his younger years Polaris was a MASSIVE dick, he didn't know how to regulate his emotions so he took out on everyone
But luckily he soon found error his ways and became a nice huggable, lovable, and beautiful person that is always ready to lend a hand when needed/when he wants to lol
When his sister Selene went missing, he went through a brief period of isolation.
He become really depressed and blamed himself for her disappearance
But luckily he decided to do something about it and helped his mother Andromeda and uncle Emmet they brought her and Ingo home
Next Zeke
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Zeke is Selene's young brother he was 17 years old when Selene went missing
Zeke is a very quiet person prefers to keep to himself
Zeke is a Pokemon professor taking interest in his mother Andromeda's work
He took the lease to of Cerberus's abuse, mostly because he just kept quiet and did what he was told, didn't tell anyone this but that's the main reason why he keeps himself and why he is so quiet
He absolutely LOVES video games and spends lots of his free time on his computer playing all sorts of different games
But when his sister Selene went missing... He panicked, it was the biggest and worst time of his life
Constantly checking constantly looking for a sister having little to no leads
After the second year he began to slowly give up
But with the help of his family he managed to push through and bring his sister back home
Next Selene
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(this picture is of her after she came back from the Hisui)
Selene is a very loud person who isn't afraid to share her opinion
She was a very troubled kid, getting into fights, stealing, ECT due to her father's abuse
But through lots of therapy she managed to pull through and become a better person for herself
Selene was 18 when she was transported into hisui and takes place as the MC in the pla storyline
Selene was VERY PISSED when this happened
But when she met volo the first time, two of them immediately clicked
The two of them would walk and talk and just laugh all the time whenever they were together throughout Selene's adventures
Soon they became a couple but then the Red sky happened
Volo tried his best to be there for Selene bringing her gifts, talking to her about myths, he tried everything to make her smile
But then volo tried to we create the world, he bagged and pleaded for Selene to join him
But when she refused Volo could only see red
The final battle was more vicious than anything either of them have I ever seen but in the end. Selene came out victorious
And without thinking volo just yelled at her
He just berating her telling her how much he hated her, and how much she wanted her dead, every single awful thing you can ever think of he said it to her
Both of them cried as Volo yelled at her and ran off never to be seen again
But little did volo know, Selene given birth to his child a few weeks back
Selene kept it a secret because she knew something was wrong with Volo, and that he was plotting something
Selene gave birth to her son Gesshoku right before the end of her exile and the battle with Palkia and Dialga
Only the people of Pearl Clan knew about her pregnancy and her son, after being sworn secrecy by irida, and was placed under Calaba's care and after she got better in recovered was placed under Ingo's care
Selene lost a lot of blood when she gave birth to Gesshoku and actually nearly died but was luckily saved by Calaba
After the battle of Volo, she just started sobbing uncontrollably, and when Ingo and the other wardens asked what's wrong she just explained everything through pained tears
By then Volo had already fled Hisui, but when Selene finish explaining EVERYONE was out for his blood
Selene stayed in Hisui with Ingo
Last but not least Gesshoku!
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Gesshoku is a very happy and optimistic child
He gets his blonde hair from his father Volo, and his white streaks from Selene, the reason why he has blue in his hair is because he asked his mother to die at Blue to match her.
The reason why his eyes are blue is because he gets it from Selene's brother Polaris
People commonly mistake him as a girl because of his long hair, he just calmly corrects them that he is a boy not that he cares he just thinks it's funny
Gesshoku did ask once why he didn't have a father, and Selene was honest and tried to explain the best she could
She basically told him that he didn't love her and he didn't know about him and that's why he doesn't have a dad
Gesshoku seem to accept it just fine, as he was just curious, but he had to admit he was a bit mad at his father...who could do such a thing?
Gesshoku was 3 years old when he left Hisui and to the present day with his mother Selene and Ingo, who he lovingly refer to as Grandpa or Pop-Pop
It was a hard adjustment for him he was so used to the calmness and quietness of hisui
He would only sleep whenever his mother was around because he was so unsure and scared of everything around him
Although it was a hard adjustment for him and even though he missed everything and everyone it back in Hisui he ended up loving everything about the present
How did everyone react to Gesshoku?
Andromeda was very surprised/shocked when she first saw Gesshoku, but even more heartbroken but most importantly absolutely furious when she found out the story of what happened between Selene and Volo. But besides that she absolutely adores her grandson, spoiling him rotten every time she sees him. It wasn't easy getting his trust however as it took time. But when she did Gesshoku would always want to go to her house, and hang out with his grandmother anytime he could
Polaris was also very surprised when he first saw Gesshoku, he made a joke about beating teen pregnancy and then immediately got sucker punched in the jaw by Ingo, no one did anything about it because he absolutely deserved it Polaris would also agree with that statement, but with all jokes aside he absolutely loves his nephew, teaching him how to pokémon battle teaching him about different types of video games and even introducing him to his wife Natori! His favorite thing to do with Gesshoku is to tell funny stories about his and his siblings childhood to Gesshoku. And even letting him in on family lore when he is older.
Zeke had more of a quiet type of shock reaction, he had to leave the room because he was getting over stimulated that the fact that his sister had a child while she was missing, he felt that he ripped her away from her new family even if it hurted him deeply inside, but after some reassurance from Selene and feeling him in on the story of what happened between her and Volo, all he did was hug her tightly, in whispered that he was sorry that happened to her. Even though he has mixed feelings about Gesshoku, he still loves him and cares for him very deeply even if he has a quiet way of showing it. His favorite things to do with his nephew Gesshoku is to tell in about all sorts of pokémon how they work down to the very last detail, Gesshoku it's always happy to learn something new from his uncle
Cerberus, what's the last to find out about Gesshoku he was doing time for crimes that he committed when he was working for team plasma, when he finally got out Gesshoku was 6 years old, to say he was shocked with being understatement. He desperately wants to try to have a relationship with his children again, but Polaris, Selene, and Zeke want nothing to do with him especially after all he's done, Cerberus really wants to and desperately wants to have a relationship with his grandson, Selene told him once Gesshoku was 18 only then can he see his grandson, Cerberus knows that he has a lot of work to do if he ever wants to have a relationship with his children again, but he's willing to put in the work, even if it takes him his whole life.
Emmet, he was the most shocked to relieved and had the most mixed emotions about everything, first find out that he had a half sister, second finding out that he is technically an uncle, thirdly but finally being able to hug his brother after the many years of searching for him, so did say that it was a lot for him would be an understatement. When he saw Gesshoku he didn't know what to feel, but overall he still cares deeply about him, and upon building a closer relationship with his half sister Andromeda he finally and truly feels like he's part of the family now.
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chaoticspacefam · 11 months
I know it is the end of the spooky season but would any of your OCs enjoy dressing up for Halloween and what in your mind would their costumes be?
I am almost too late to post this in time for "spooky season" woops, been a busy week/day, you know the drill! Thank you so much for this ask Raven, it made me grin and start giggling like a little kid as I started thinking about all of this hehe. Alas, I don't have enough juice to do any doodles to go with it so I'll just be using descriptions and a handful of screenshots where I have specifc ones in mind to hopefully illustrate :3
Off the top of my head, the Ahaszaai twins are both absolutely dressing up for Halloween!
Kas would go all out, I'm talking a proper fancy, handmade costume. She'd probably go for one of the classics like a demoness, and would 100% "over"do it compared to everyone else. Ya girl done made her nails up all fancy with red rhinestones and they look hella ✨aesthetic✨ but incredibly impractical for actually you know....holding things. Ex: (link to the artists Insta by clicking on the picture, I don't claim to have done these I'm not that coordinated or talented with nail art LMAO)
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(I have these saved specifically as "Kas way overdoing something for Aesthetic and/or Intimidation factor and I feel like they'd go really well with an OTT Demoness costume for Halloween ngl - she's probably made horns to match and everything. Andronikos has been roped into a couple's costume as a devil or Hades or something, to sell the look and he'll do it without complaining because holy shit does his wife look hot *wink wink* haha)
Saarai would dress up in one of those classic tacky vampire costumes - but she owns it so well that she somehow pulls it off? Reason for the vampire costume being that when she and Koth were still sort of in the "awkward trying to be nice to eachother" phase, he once asked her, with all seriousness "so you don't drink people's blood?" and Rai has NEVER let him live it down since. She's a tacky ass vampire every Halloween from then on, Koth isn't sure whether to laugh or cry anymore and Lana goes to bed early every Halloween to avoid getting involved in whatever ridiculous inside-joke-annoying-prank thing her partners clearly have going on. She does NOT want to know LOL Rai has also 100% gathered up every kid on the Oddessen base and is 100% chaperoning them while they go trick or treating <3
Aria would dress up too, not with the express purpose of scaring people OR going trick or treating but just because she'll use any excuse to show off and be extra as hell. She's got a whole tuk'ata-themed armour set (which tbh she probably wears sometimes even when it's NOT halloween....) and because Chwûq and Taral tend to follow her around and are almost as tall at the shoulder as Ari is at the waist they end up being a pretty convincing Tuk'ata-Cerberus. Vano doesn't dress up but she does tag along to try and mitigate some of the frights that unsuspecting passersby would get in seeing three tuk'ata heads appear out of nowhere XD
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lea-andres · 1 year
Aight I'm interested in all your OCs but I'mma limit myself to the three who took my interest the most with your short descriptions and one question each
For Cornelius I ask 22
For Happy 14
And for Maria uhhhh 2
22. How are they with technology?
*Wild laughter* He's an old ass man. His go to method of using technology is poke and prod the mad scientist teenager until he leaves the Prohibition Era wine cellar turned Secret Lab on the property and fixes the thing for him.
14. What makes them the happiest?
You picked this one just because her name's Happy, didn't you? LOL. Happy's a romantic that kinda deprogrammed herself out of her previous abusive relationship by realizing that if her life was a rom-com, her ex would be the guy you're rooting for the main girl to NOT get together with or to dump to be with the main guy. So I think having her dream come true rom-com romance with Brutus (even though he and his siblings are FUCKING CRAZY) might be it.
2. Powers/Abilities?
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I will answer this, with one warning prior: This question is a massive spoiler to my entire Chaos Specimen #91 Arc. All of my fics are going to lead to the creation of *this character*. There's foreshadowing of her in WtDMtN if you know what you're looking for. And there's no way to answer this question without spoilers.
So, if you STILL wanna know... Meet me in the Read More.
Okay, SO-
A little background. Shortly before my lore started, Commander Tower of GUN retired, and a new guy named Commander Wilson took his place. Wilson doesn't like Sonic, the Restoration, my OCs Team Cerberus, literally anybody that doesn't grovel at the feet of GUN and follow all of their orders without question. I have a fic literally called "the Catalyst" way later in my line up that the events of that fic make Wilson put his foot down and go "Fuck Sonic and his friends. We're gonna make our OWN SONIC!" (With blackjack and hookers! /ref)
Everyone reading WtDMtN, remember when Fang casually mentioned when we heard what happened to him during the Metal Virus that GUN forced him to hand over some of his blood? They had been doing that to EVERYONE that got through the Metal Virus without getting infected (or at least as many survivors as they could find). They were originally using that blood to see if there was some biological or medical reason THOSE people made it through the Virus. But Wilson figured hey, we have all this DNA AND THE ORIGINAL PLANS FOR PROJECT SHADOW LYING AROUND, LET'S MAKE A SUPERSOLDIER OUT OF THAT!!!
As you probably guessed by her name, Shadow's her dad. He's got the biggest percentage of DNA in her, he steals her from GUN and goes on the run for three years when he finds out about her, Shadow's her dad. She didn't get *everything* of his though.
Maria/CS91 can NOT use the Chaos Emeralds, because that ability is not hereditary. That's pretty much the big one she's lacking.
But the rest of her powers and abilities are as follows:
-Immortality* (She's got Renesmee aging rules... I should slap myself for saying that but you figure out a better way to explain that.)
-Super speed
-Super strength
-Super agility
-Super stamina/durability
-Military hand to hand combat training
-Military melee weapon training
-Military firearm training
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frankie-the-undead · 2 years
I never realized I gave my oc Edgar a brief glow up. I should give context to his ref sheet but for now, imma make it super brief:
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Human gets killed and resurrected, but two other spirits are now sharing a body with him so he was nicknamed Human Cerberus.
This is "Edgar in a nutshell", the other two spirits are Isak and Blondie, I'll let you guess who is who.
The blonde guy with a blue t-shirt is his still alive and human ex Adam, they didn't break up, Edgar just died and stayed dead for a while but they decided not to continue dating, especially after the two other spirits made themselves known.
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Regan & Teegan Pt 8
Teegan's lost track of Takmor during their patrol in the lower catwalks - but the Adjutants aren't far away. A mad dash for safety has him bumping into the last ally he'd ever expect.
[ Hello HELLO they've met TADA I did it. Also on AO3! ♥]
The lower catwalks have always given Teegan a bad feeling - It’s even worse now that actual monsters roam the station.
He grips his rifle a little tighter, an irritated hum following his careful path onwards - forever listening and watching, all senses on high alert and biotics pulsing faintly beneath his skin.
Ever since Aria had disappeared and Cerberus had taken lead, things had been a mess.
The Talons had never been a big-name Company, yet now they’re somehow the only ones still trying to wrangle in control - looking after Civilians, trying to keep people safe from the looming threats.
Nyreen, their new leader, definitely has ideas and ways to implement them - they’ve been twice as effective under her lead - but sadly, not even she can work miracles.
Teegan freezes at a sound off to his right, going absolutely still. There’s no other sounds - no metallic scents or growling or any sting of alien biotics on the air.
After a moment of still, plate-prickling silence, he cautiously continues onwards.
Dammit, Tak, where are you??
He doesn’t dare call him - doesn’t want the comm to go off and alert any creatures. The Krogan had split off at one of the previous t-sections, reasoning they could meet up again at the next intersection. Shouldn’t be far down the way, just keep yer wits about yah.
So far, there’s been no sign of his friend, and he’s praying the lack of battle cries or chilling shrieks means Tak is just lost.
Several quiet moments and another empty intersection later, Teegan hears it; claws dragging over metal, labored breathing and the click of jagged teeth.
Fucking shit!
He immediately takes off at a run, stealth be damned with one of the beasts already on his tail - confirmed by a hiss and clicking behind him, making him run faster.
Teegan knows these halls like the back of his hand, but it’s harder in the dark - he stumbles over still forms that he refuses to look at, not daring to look back as he moves.
He skids around another corner and nearly shouts in triumph at the light flooding the hallway ahead - the dim red of emergency pods illuminating everything in a sickly sort of hue, but it’s a sign of power and a possible escape route from the Adjutant.
A noise close behind sets Teegan running again, trying to remember this area of the station - I can’t remember where this goes, oh, Spirits, Fuck, it’s a-
He shouts in surprised as he’s yanked down into the deadend, landing flat on his face with a string of curses - jumping at sudden turret fire behind him. Aimed right at where he’d been standing just seconds before.
“What the hell…?”
“Idiot!” the same voice hisses, quiet but angry, “You blew my cover, and nearly got your head blown off. Great work, genius.”
“Hey, I was just running from a fucking creature, alright?!” Teegan shoves himself to his knees with a grunt of pain, eyes locking on his assaulter and narrowing, “Cerberus?”
“Ex-Cerberus.” the woman corrects, turning her back on him to fidget with her omni, “Defectors don’t exactly get a choice of new armor.”
“Defector?” Teegan’s pushed himself up into a crouch, now, rifle back in his grip - but his gaze is flicking back and forth between the human and the hallway, senses still on high alert, “Didn’t think Cerberus had many of those.”
“Only the people that have a conscience.” the woman snorts, frowning at something on her omni before shooting him a look, “Let’s just say, I’m not a fan of the shit they’ve been pulling on Omega, and leave it at that.”
“Ah, good to know-”
They both fall silent as hulking, metallic footsteps ring down the hall, the overwhelmingly alien scent of foreign biotics a putrid sting in the air around them.
“Fuck.” is all the woman says before her visor flares, and orange barrier rising around them both just as the thing shrieks and launches itself into their corner.
The turret goes off right in the Adjutant’s chest, making it reel back with an enraged shriek before swatting it aside and going for the barrier - sparks flying as Teegan throws his arms up and adds his own biotic barrier to the woman’s, mandibles clamped tight to his face.
The barriers are strong, but the Adjutant is clearly out for blood - theirs, going by the way it’s claws are trying to dig into the shields.
“Fucking hell!” Teegan’s growling, mind spinning with panic, “This thing won’t give up!”
“You think?!” the woman’s typing frantically on her omni, teeth grit, “Can’t you do something?!”
“Like what?!”
“Shoot it?!” she finishes typing and her visor flashes with commands again, hand shooting out, “Do I have to do everything?!”
Something pops right in the creature's face, a burst of static that makes it stumble backwards with a noise of pain - Teegan’s throwing biotics even before the woman shouts now!, barely noting the shockwave that ripples out from her own hands.
He’s firing his rifle in it’s face the second it’s backed off, listening to the things dying gurgles with raised hackles - not daring to move even once it’s on the ground.
The human is half-slumped again him, panting and staring at the downed creature - and he wonders, suddenly, how long she’s been hiding out down here.
“Nice biotics.” he says after a moment, feeling stupid.
The human scoffs, straightening herself with a wince, “You, too. Mind shooting that thing a couple more times?”
“You read my damn mind.”
Teegan extracts himself carefully from the corner, taking only a couple of steps outside of their safe zone before levelling his rifle with the beast's head and firing off three quick rounds.
When there’s no responding movements or sounds, he shifts his attention back to the human - noting that she’s managed to stand but otherwise hasn’t moved.
“Thanks.” Teegan scans her space, frowns at the lack of supplies, “How long have you been down here?”
“Two days. I think.” she grimaces,” Didn’t exactly get to stop and grab supplies, when I ran.”
Shit. She’s gotta be starving. He winces, Plus, if she’s Ex-Cerberus…. She might know something about their plans.
Teegan also just really doesn’t want to leave her down here alone to die. Not after she’d just saved his ass.
“You should come with me, back to Talon Base.” he keeps his posture neutral as he speaks, grip slack on his rifle, “Nyreen’ll be interested in any intel you can share… and travelling together would be safer. Plus we can get you some food.”
“I’m in. I’ve had enough of this damn corner.” the woman glances at her destroyed turret and mumbles something, visor swapping screens as she meets his gaze again through the brilliant orange, “Lead the way - er…”
“Teegan.” she repeats, and somehow it sounds even better in her voice, “Alright, then. I’m Regan. Let’s get moving.”
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
A Redemption Earned Masterlist
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Heather Dunbar x fem!reader The third installment of the Classified Affairs Universe
It's been six years since the chaotic and disastrous events that surrounded the 2016 election. Six years since Heather has set foot in Washington, minus a very brief stint where she thought she was ready, but clearly wasn't. She's watched from afar as Jackie moved into her second term as VP, her wife Natasha by her side for every moment. Though politics aren't something Heather’s kept up her sleeve, it's a piece of her past, and a past that she's very eager to forget and let go of. Heather's put in the work over the past six years, distancing herself from the toxic woman that she used to be. Now, her work has brought her back to Washington, presumably for good. She's back in the same city as her family, her old peers, the question remains, will they cross paths? Will Becca and Rob actually forgive her or continue to hold her behavior over her head? Has she made enough progress to actually earn her vindication? The even bigger question comes up as you casually stroll into her life and nearly knock her off her feet. Does she know how to have a healthy relationship? Is that even something that you want? Could someone possibly ever see past all of her baggage and love her for her? Stay tuned.
Spotify Playlist Here
The Houses of the Dunbar’s & Co
(obviously for the sake of this series, y/n1.0 from CA is moved into being the OC of Nat.)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Series Completed!
Tagging those who might be interested.... @fighterkimburgess @alexusonfire @when-wolves-howl @annegilletteslostwh0r3 @bookpillows @momlifebehard @jamiethetrans @holycrapraewth @ms-calhoun @naturalxselection @yesterdaysgone @hbkpop @giftedchildturns40 @borg-queer @swimmingstudentchaos891 @natasha-danvers @imlike-so-gaydude @oliviaswifey @bumblebear30 @svushots @cerberus-spectre @drduckthief @imaginaryoperagloves @whimsicallymad @ex-uallyactive @poisonedcrowns @wannabe-fic-reader @dead-of-niight @addictedtodinosaurs @multifandomlesbianic
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Obey me oc
The template is from @fandom-scatteredthoughtsonpaper
Her face
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Her body
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"Have you tried to kick start your braincells?"
[Name]: Eleanor Désirée Beauregard
[Nicknames]: Elly (by everyone), Beloved, Dear, Love, My heart, Brat (all by Lucifer), Babe, Baby, Babygirl, My Human, Treasure, (all by Mammon), Henry, Player 2, My Normie (all by Leviathan), Kitten, Dear, Dearest (by Satan), Darling, Sweetie, Sweetheart, Snugbug (by Asmodeus), Pumpkin (by Beel) Angel (by Belphie), Lady Eleanor (by Barbatos), Big sis, Mom (by Luke), Human, Little Lamb, Sweet Sheep, Els.
[Race/Species] Human
[Age] 21
[Birthday] Feb 19
[Height] 166 cm
[Fingernail Polish Color(s)]: Clear
[Appearance]: Elly has a beautiful diamond shaped face with large doll-like dark gray and dark blue gradient eyes with long lashes and neck length cotton candy pink hair tied into space buns by white ribbons with side-swept bangs. She has snow white skin and a petite and chubby build.
[Casual outfit]: Elly usually wears a white off shoulder peasant top, blue jeans and brown suede boots. She accessorizes with pearl earrings and a white bow choker.
[Formal/Party outfit]: Elly wears a one shoulder dress, the inner part is a blue ombre resembling the night sky while the out layer is the same but the bottom fades to white and littered with white sequins like stars. She accessorized with sapphire and silver earrings and a matching necklace and wears silver pumps.
[Pajamas]: Elly wears a gray sleep shirt and shorts.
Personal - In-depth
[Gender or no | Pronoun(s)]: Female she/her
[Sexual/Romantic Orientation] Pansexual
[Occupation Before Devildom Life] College and waitress at a small cafe.
[Favorite Color(s)] Silver, Indigo, Navy Blue, White
Ennagram: Six
Zodiac: Aquarius and Pisces cusp
Personal -
[Likes] The brothers, her loved ones, swimming, food, fluffy things, card games, reading, cooking, baking, flower crowns, starry nights, anime, listening to music, singing in the shower, knitting, TSL, video games, playing the violin, Luke being too cute, playing with Cerberus, teasing the bothers, Barbatos' cooking, gummy bears, fluffy slippers, sunflowers, her boyfriends' familiars, Henry 2.0, arrogant and bitchy people getting their karma, gardening, slingshots, shooting games, archery, guns.
[Dislikes] Arrogant demons, her parents, racists, misogynists, cheating, being underestimated, being a disappointment, her size called out, Ryan O'Malley, Fabian getting heartbroken, Issy being too cruel, Gabi going to far, Dani wandering off without telling, people flirting with her boyfriends, people trying to break them up, Astrid whacking her boyfriends on the head, having problems not-related to her dumped on her.
[Positive Traits] Compassionate, sweet, honest, playful, flexible, adaptable, witty, friendly, ,creative, empathetic, maternal, determined, patient, open-minded, funny.
[Negative Traits] Nosy, reckless, too blunt, gutsy, stubborn, has no self-preservation, perverted, lustful but only to the brothers, cynical, sarcastic, slightly vindictive, possessive.
[With Demons]
Lucifer - Loves, polyamory with the brothers
Mammon - Loves, polyamory with the brothers
Leviathan - Loves, polyamory with the brothers
Satan - Loves, polyamory with the brothers
Asmodeus - Loves, polyamory with the brothers
Beelzebub - Loves, polyamory with the brothers
Belphegor -Loves, polyamory with the brothers
Diavolo - Friends
Barbatos - Friends
[With Angels]
Simeon - Close friends
Luke - Has a sister and brother relationship, he accidentally called her mom.
[With Humans]
Solomon - Close friends, loves to tease her in front of the brothers.
Fabian - Older Brother
Issy - Best friends
Gabi - Best friends
Dani - Best friends
Astrid - Bestfriends
Nathan - Best friend, ex but cool.
Noah - Best friend, dated once due to contest.
Favorite Things About the Devildom
[Favorite Job(s)] Hell's Kitchen as a waitress
[Favorite Place(s) to Hang at] The House of Lamentation, Lord Diavolo’s Castle, Purgatory Hall and Hell's Kitchen.
[Favorite Food(s)] Devils food cake and cream puffs
[Favorite Class Subject(s)] Demon History, did research on different mythologies and botany, loves to take cars of plants.
Least Favorite Things About the Devildom
[Least Favorite Job(s)] The Fall, too many remarks on her weight.
[Least Favorite Places to Go] The darkwoods, has a creepy vibe there
[Least Favorite Foods] Rotten food
[Disliked Class Subject(s)] Demon language, still has a hard time.
[Stuff that Can be Considered a Negative About Devildom] Too arrogant demons
Personality Chart
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pigeontheoneandonly · 3 years
OC Profile
Tagged by the ever-lovely @ghostxofxartemis.  Thank you!!!
Tagging: @dr-ladybird, @swaps55, @rpgwrites, @pushingsian, @dafan7711​, @awhellstothejoe​, @pip-n-flinx​, and anyone else who would like to share.
I haven’t done any Nathaly shit in a loooong time so let’s go!
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My favorite art of her ever, by the insanely talented @kauriart​.  Seriously I still stare at this thing an embarrassing amount of time.
I’ve responded to all of these prompts as of her current statuses in Labyrinth (my ME2 novelization).
Name: Nathaly Zelena Shepard
Alias(es): Zey-Zey by her dad’s family, Nath by people who refuse to acknowledge her hatred of nicknames, Bo by her N7 peers, Nathabee by her ex-fiance Todd (and I can feel the murder rising in her disclosing that to you all)
Gender: Female
Age: 31, currently
Birthdate: April 11, 2154
Place of birth: An Alliance Kodiak en-route to Arcturus Station.  Her mother was reportedly Very Surprised.  The unfortunate private caught on the same transport was reportedly in therapy for years.
Hometown: None, but Phoenix back in UNAS on Earth, or Hellas Naval Base on Mars, probably come closest
Spoken language(s): English, Spanish, and Prothean (thanks Cipher) natively; Dherak, Hessarin, and Vinassi fluently; can get by or communicate a bit in a bunch more.  She did well enough in her basic language primer while training in spec ops to get recommended for additional training at ALI, and she kept taking lessons remotely up until her death, more-or-less for fun.  As she puts it, languages are “her sole academic talent”.
Sexual preference: Bisexual
Occupation: Currently mercenary.  She hates it.
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Red
Height: 6’4”
Scars: Cybernetic and surgical scars from her resurrection.  The damage to her body mostly obliterated earlier scarring.
Color: Changes by the week
Hair color: She likes her natural color well enough, but as a teenager dyed it all kinds of unnatural shades
Song: [I haven’t developed nearly enough headcanon around music in ME to begin to answer this]
Food: Tamales, the way her abuela made them
Drink: Scotch, cold with ice. No, she doesn’t care how it’s supposed to be served.
Have They-
Passed university: She has a degree in philosophy from New Stellar University, an online school, which she earned during her first few years serving as a marine
Had sex: yes
Had sex in public: …yes, technically, though she believes/hopes nobody saw them.  Not her finest moment.
Gotten pregnant: yes
Kissed a boy: yes
Kissed a girl: yes
Gotten tattoos: yes (sadly, also lost, though strangely not thanks to her death)
Gotten piercings: yes, though currently only her ears are pierced, the others closed up
Been in love: yes, more than once
Stayed up for more than 24 hours: yes
Are They-
A virgin: no
A cuddler: Not really.  Sometimes when she really needs it, but she’d never admit it
A kisser: Absolutely
Scared easily: lol no
Jealous easily: Not… really
Dominant: no
Submissive: no [sidenote: that one fic is a very particular dynamic in a specific context, and I wouldn’t overall characterize her as a sub]
In love: yes
Single: Hell if she knows
Random Questions (tw for self harm/suicide mention)-
Have they harmed themselves: Not intentionally
Thought of suicide: No
Attempted suicide: No.  She’s occasionally wondered if there’s something wrong with her that she hasn’t ever considered it, given some of the shit she’s been through. (What can I say, her issues run deep but occasionally have stranger manifestations.)
Wanted to kill someone: The better question is how many times she’s wanted to kill someone and acted on it.  The answer is not zero.
Have / had a job: She flipped “burgers” at a fast food joint at the Hellas Spaceport as a teenager (Phytoburger, “Home of the best beef that’s never lived!”).  She then enlisted as an Alliance marine at age eighteen, and served until her death at age twenty-nine.  Right now, she will firmly insist she’s not employed rather than make any claim of working for Cerberus.
Have any fears: Lots, most unadmitted to herself. But a big one is a fear of leaving people behind
Sibling(s): None
Parent(s): Hannah and Paul Shepard.  Hannah still serves in the Alliance, while Paul was medically discharged after an accident when Nathaly was fifteen, and currently lives on Mars
Children: That’s a fascinating question! And oddly not especially related to the one about pregnancy further up.
Significant other: Kaidan(?) Shit’s complicated
Pet(s): Several fish, her favorite of which is a VERY grumpy walking catfish
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ellynneversweet · 3 years
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Whichever side of the ‘Dante counts as fanfic’ debate you fall on, you’ll think better with a coffee in hand. These mugs feature a mashup of mid-century paperback and contemporary site design and two original logos, overlaid with meme-tastic summaries of The Divine Comedy in four versions (Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, and Omnibus) that should not under any circumstances be mistaken for study guides. Available on Redbubble.
Additional pictures and transcriptions of the back text below the cut:
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Inferno Part 1 of The Divine Comedy Dante_Alighieri The Bible, Classical Rome RPF, Greek Mythology
   Dante Alighieri&Publius Vergilius Maro, Paolo Malatesta/Francesca da Polenta,  Dante Alighieri (OC), Virgil,  Homer, Charon, Lucifer, Ulysses, Diomedes, Nimrod, Cerberus, Jason (The Argonautica), Julius Caesar, Judas Iscariot, Brutus, Cassius, King Minos, Thaïs, Nicholas III, Brunetto Latini, Farinata degli Uberti, Pietro della Vigna, Count Ugolino, Archbishop Ruggieri of Pisa, Filippo Argenti, Ezzelino III da Romano, Guido da Montefeltro, Bertrand de Born, Master Adam of Brescia, Mordred (Arthuriana), Ganelon (The Song of Roland) burn book poetry, afterlife!au, philosophy, theology, self-insert protagonist, everyone you love is dead, ensemble cast spanning all of recorded history, angst, damnation, torture, gore, vore, BEES, hell freezing over, demonic possession, rains of fire and rivers of blood, shapeshifting, rocks fall everyone’s already dead, dead dove do not eat, never meet your idols, rap battles, cool motive still adultery, in which the author borrows heavily from Aristotle, Boniface VIII has sacred offices if you have coin, calling out the Church, author doesn't believe in the Church's Temporal Power and will die on that hill, demonic ass-trumpets, suspiciously specific prophecy, Florence is empty and all the assholes are in Hell, Pisa’s magistrates are as crooked as their bell tower, face God (until He twists your head around) and walk backwards into Hell, abseiling off Satan’s back hair, stars in their multitudes
"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."
Lost in the woods on Good Friday, Dante encounters a ghost.
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Purgatorio Part 2 of The Divine Comedy Dante_Alighieri The Bible, Classical Rome RPF, Greek Mythology 
  Dante Alighieri&Publius Vergilius Maro, Dante Alighieri/Beatrice Portinari Dante Alighieri (OC), Virgil, Beatrice Portinari, Cato the Younger, Manfred of Sicily, Belacqua (OC), Rudolph I, Ottokar II, Philip the Bold, Henry III, Currado Malaspina, Nino Visconti, Oderisi of Gubbio, Guido del Duca, Marco Lombardo, Adrian V, Hugh the Great, Statius, Forese Donati, Bonagiunta Orbicciani,  Guido Guinizelli,  Arnaut Daniel, Cimabue  burn book poetry, afterlife!au, philosophy, theology, self-insert protagonist, everyone you love is dead, ensemble cast spanning all of recorded history, waiting for God(ot), making amends, saints and sinners, redemption, courtly love, confession, second chances, hurt/comfort, mountain climbing, spiritual boot-camp, it’s not technically torture if they don’t have a corporeal form, but being told to walk through a wall of fire is still pretty alarming, student surpassing the master, in which the author posits that sin is just love inverted, pride vs humility, envy vs generosity, wrath vs meekness, sloth vs zeal, avarice vs moderation, gluttony vs temperence, lust vs chastity, suspiciously specific prophecy, magically-induced memory loss, gardening in Eden, stars in their multitudes
As ants, in their dark company, will touch their muzzles, each to each, perhaps to seek news of their fortunes and their journeyings.
Dante and Virgil come to the shore of Purgatory at dawn, and once more start to climb. Dante learns of challenges he has yet to face, and rediscovers a love he’d thought lost forever. 
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Paradiso Part 3 of The Divine Comedy Dante_Alighieri Dante Alighieri/Beatrice Portinari
  Dante Alighieri, Beatrice Portinari, Piccarda Donati, Constance I of Sicily, Justinian I, Charles Martel of Anjou, Cunizza da Romano, Folquet de Marseilles, St Thomas Aquinas, Albertus Magnus, Gratian, Peter Lombard, King Solomon, Dionysius the Areopagite, Orosius, Boethius, Isadore of Seville, The Venerable Bede, Richard of Saint Victor, Siger of Brabant, St Bonaventure, Cacciaguida, Joshua, Judas Maccabeus, Charlemagne, Roland (The Song of Roland), Godfrey of Bouillon, King David, Hezekiah, Trajan, Constantine I, William II of Sicily, Ripheus the Trojan (The Aeneid), Peter Damian, The Virgin Mary, Peter the Apostle, St James the Greater, John the Apostle, St Bernard, The Everlasting Gardener burn book poetry, afterlife!au, philosophy, theology, self-insert protagonist, everyone you love is dead, ensemble cast spanning all of recorded history, suspiciously specific prophecy, extensive discussion of virtue, Deus Ex Machina, HEA, meeting the man behind the curtain, revelation, further up and further in, all dogs go to heaven (except Cerberus), improbably large marching band formations, ineffable astronomy, O, swear not by the moon th' inconstant moon,  stars in their multitudes 
Loveliness which, even as we climb the steps of this eternal palace, blazes with more brightness; were it not tempered here, would be so brilliant that, as it flashed, your mortal faculty would seem a branch a lightning bolt has cracked.
Virgil returns to Limbo. Dante prepares to meet his Maker.
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The Divine Comedy Dante_Alighieri the complete work: Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso The Bible, Classical Rome RPF, Greek Mythology
Dante Alighieri&Publius Vergilius Maro, Paolo Malatesta/Francesca da Polenta, Dante Alighieri/Beatrice Portinari Dante Alighieri (OC), Virgil, Beatrice Portinari, Homer, Charon, Lucifer, Statius, Ulysses, Diomedes, Nimrod, Cerberus, Jason (The Argonautica), Julius Caesar, Judas, Brutus, Cassius, King Minos, Thaïs, Nicholas III, Brunetto Latini, Farinata degli Uberti, Pietro della Vigna, Count Ugolino, Archbishop Ruggieri of Pisa, Filippo Argenti, Ezzelino III da Romano, Guido da Montefeltro, Bertrand de Born, Master Adam of Brescia, Mordred (Arthuriana), Ganelon (The Song of Roland), Cato the Younger, Manfred of Sicily, Belacqua (OC), Rudolph I, Ottokar II, Philip the Bold, Henry III, Currado Malaspina, Nino Visconti, Oderisi of Gubbio, Guido del Duca, Marco Lombardo, Adrian V, Hugh the Great, Statius, Forese Donati, Bonagiunta Orbicciani,  Guido Guinizelli,  Arnaut Daniel, Cimabue,  Piccarda Donati, Constance I of Sicily, Justinian I, Charles Martel of Anjou, Cunizza da Romano, Folquet de Marseilles, St Thomas Aquinas, Albertus Magnus, Gratian, Peter Lombard, King Solomon, Dionysius the Areopagite, Orosius, Boethius, Isadore of Seville, The Venerable Bede, Richard of Saint Victor, Siger of Brabant, St Bonaventure, Cacciaguida, Joshua, Judas Maccabeus, Charlemagne, Roland (The Song of Roland), Godfrey of Bouillon, King David, Hezekiah, Trajan, Constantine I, William II of Sicily, Ripheus the Trojan (The Aeneid), Peter Damian, The Virgin Mary, Peter the Apostle, St James the Greater, John the Apostle, St Bernard, The Everlasting Gardener burn book poetry, afterlife!au, philosophy, theology, self-insert protagonist, everyone you love is dead, ensemble cast spanning all of recorded history, angst, damnation, torture, gore, vore, BEES, hell freezing over, demonic possession, rains of fire and rivers of blood, shapeshifting, rocks fall everyone’s already dead, dead dove do not eat, never meet your idols, rap battles, cool motive still adultery, in which the author borrows heavily from Aristotle, Boniface VIII has sacred offices if you have coin, calling out the Church, author doesn't believe in the Church's Temporal Power and will die on that hill, demonic ass-trumpets, Florence is empty and all the assholes are in Hell, Pisa’s magistrates are as crooked as their bell tower, face God (until He twists your head around) and walk backwards into Hell, abseiling off Satan’s back hair, waiting for God(ot), making amends, saints and sinners, redemption, courtly love, confession, second chances, hurt/comfort, mountain climbing, spiritual boot-camp, it’s not technically torture if they don’t have a corporeal form, but being told to walk through a wall of fire is still pretty alarming, student surpassing the master, in which the author posits that sin is just love inverted, pride vs humility, envy vs generosity, wrath vs meekness, sloth vs zeal, avarice vs moderation, gluttony vs temperence, lust vs chastity, suspiciously specific prophecy, magically-induced memory loss, gardening in Eden, extensive discussion of virtue, Deus Ex Machina, HEA, meeting the man behind the curtain, revelation, further up and further in, all dogs go to heaven (except Cerberus), improbably large marching band formations, ineffable astronomy, O swear not by the moon th' inconstant moon,  stars in their multitudes 
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ao3feed-shakarian · 2 years
I Told You I was Okay (But I Was Lying)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/tAai9qb
by AlexRylie
Artemis Shepard, a brief series of events told by the eldest Shepard sibling.
Words: 2677, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Mass Effect Trilogy
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Athena Shepard, Female Shepard (Mass Effect), Original Human Character(s), Original Female Character(s), Artemis Shepard, Jeff "Joker" Moreau
Relationships: Female Shepard/Garrus Vakarian, Female Shepard & Original Character(s), Jeff "Joker" Moreau/Original Character(s), Jeff "Joker" Moreau/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: The Joker/OC is mostly one-sided, Shepard Siblings, Shepard Twins, I really like naming my characters after myths, twin!au, It's somewhat of a reincarnate OC, not finished, Short, basically me opening a doc and throwing words onto a page about Mass Effect, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Implied Relationships, the title is a Demi Lovato song, Phantom!OC, ex Cerberus!OC, this is a short one folks
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/tAai9qb
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smokedanced · 2 years
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tentative mass effect verse ideas for my ocs that i hopefully someday will properly think through,
iris: definitely working for cerberus. if her default doctor who verse she is thoroughly manipulated by ex-torchwood one after she lost her brother in the battle of canary wharf, and ends up on opposing sides from the doctor, in mass effect? she’s not important enough to be hugely paid attention to, but her recruitment for cerberus is definitely something to do with someone using her brother’s death to coax her there (potentially will’s death is some petty crime casualty people refuse to look into, cerberus spots someone easy to recruit with “we will bring you justice”). probably doing some low priority intel since years before me1.
ever: works as an independent professional dominatrix on illium - wanted to be where her being human would cater to more specific tastes, probably does have a base on the citadel as well for travel, connected with a trusted colleague - decently wealthy, has big name customers = may have information that the normandy crew would need/that ends up being war assets, etc.
ella: i did have the very vague thought that her empath/being moderately psychic in the “catch people’s emotions/touch an object and see its history through different emotions that have been around it” could be some biotic freak accident somehow tracing back to the prothean ability to sense things, only of course her being human it’s much, much less, and also i have a total 0 of ideas of how to justify this XD
i don’t make au verses for jillian because her mainverse by nature can have her in any universe at all as the whole character concept is that she glitches through universes and could therefore end up anytime, anywhere, but also i know this is off-putting to a lot of people and it’s entirely cool with me if people aren’t interested in her randomly being in a universe she’s not originally from/supposed to be in. but jillian mixes with literally any fandom by default.
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softsmallanddainty · 4 years
Hi!!! I’m looking for friends who are also obsessed with Monster High so here are some questions to get to know you better!
Warning: I will talk about relationships!
(I’m also including my answers for fun and as examples. Answer as many as you’d like!)
Monster High Q&A
Who’s your favorite monster high character?
Draculaura, we both have a special diet (she’s vegetarian, I’m pescatarian), we’re both very short, and we both love pink and black!
2. Who’s your favorite MH character who doesn’t go to monster high?
Probably Honey Swamp (frights, camera, action) or Mouscedes (boo York)
3. Do you have a favorite background character?
Yes! Iris!
4. When did you start liking monster high?
I remember being on the MH website watching the webisodes back when it first came out! Very clearly too since I had to stay home after I broke my leg and it was the only thing I could do at the time.
5. What’s your favorite monster high doll that you own?
I’d say my original Venus or Operetta
6. Do you collect monster high dolls?
Of course! I love collecting them, especially since they work with my creepy cute aesthetic
7. Have you read any of the books and if so which one is your favorite?
I remember checking a book out in the library about Cleo in middle school but I don’t think I ever got the chance to actually read it. I had a lot of homework and clubs to do so by the time I got home I just went to bed most of the time.
8. What’s your favorite monster high episode?
The one where Ghoulia invents an AI therapist
9.What’s your favorite monster high movie?
Friday Night Frights! Because I love roller derby!
10. Do you have a favorite outfit from MH?
I love the pajama outfit Draculaura has, it’s adorable
11. Who do you think would be your best friend?
Draculaura since we have a lot in common
12. Do you have a MH OC? What are they and who are their monster parents?
This is a local legend that I love from my town :
a young girl goes to a party and dances with a handsome man only to look down and notice he had hooves, not feet. He revealed himself as the devil and ran away. So I think it would be fun if they fell in love and I was their kid who had to balance being human and being a monster like Hyde.
13. Where would you or your OC be from?
I don’t want to give my location away so the Southwest USA
14. Does your OC or would you date anyone from monster high?
I like Abbey and Andy Beast and I have no idea who to choose
15. Favorite MH song?
Fright Song
16. What kind of pet would you or your OC have?
Since I would be half Demon I’d love to have a Hellhound like Cerberus
17. Who’s your favorite monster high teacher?
Not a teacher but Bloodgood is such a nice principal, she’s so encouraging it all of her students
18. Where in the MH universe would you want to live/ visit?
I’d love to see Scaris
19. What would your spooky talent and special abilities be?
Since I would be a demon I’d like to be able teleport places and my talent would be dancing (kinda a callback to how my mom and dad met)
21. What MH club or sport would you join?
The skulltamate roller maze and a ballroom dancing club or even musical theater!
22. Which MH universe timeline do you prefer? The original or the new?
The original. I don’t understand why they changed it. I love the story line that Frankie is new girl at an already established school, it’s good world building and can be relatable to kids who’ve moved schools before. It also makes more sense that there’s monster cities parallel to our human cities (ex: Paris= Scaris). Because in the newer version Dracula’s house becomes monster high and it’s just like? So if it’s in the same human world and humans discriminate against monsters why is there giant metropolis areas that aren’t discovered?
23. Who would be your biggest enemy?
I think it would be Gory Fangtell and the girls from the vampire academy
24. How do you/OC feel about the other schools like granite city, vampire academy (belfry prep) , crescent moon high, haunted high, graveyard prep?
I’m indifferent. They’re competition during roller maze.
25. What would you do after you/ OC graduate from MH?
I’d want to become a famous choreographer for Hauntlywood and Bloodway and also be an activist for half monster half humans everywhere
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