horrorland-nuiscance · 11 months
Consider me helping you all out to be us getting even.
Now that I have my magic back, I can just about clobber most of these freaks, heh.
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down-thedrain · 2 years
im gently holding cheri shes so important to me thorne. you dont understand. shes everything to me. she casually calls her friend "gorgeous" she lies for fun she doesnt have a family except she does she needs a fucking hug
SHE'S MY FAVE OF THE EVER OMG!!!!!!!!! mentally forming a hear with her hand and mine i think
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pandaimitator · 22 days
Dear Hollywood excecs (who obviously scour tumblr for new ideas)
In addition to
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Can we please have a movie with Brandan Fraser and Cary Elwes called Swashbuckling Adventure Time and be them just reacting off each other with physical comedy?
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Thanks for listening, ok bye
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Hearing Anakin guide Ahsoka through a podrace is basically their relationship in a nutshell. You have to love these two. Anakin couldn't even pretend that he wouldn't have done the same thing. Especially since "reckless and irresponsible ..but well excecated" is basically how Anakin lives his entire life as a Jedi.
The comic is Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Crash Course
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Writer: Henry Gilroy
Artist: Fillbach Brothers
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lexosaurus · 2 years
do you think bitch hartman would get any money if i bought that shirt?? it looks cool but only if he doesnt get a single penny
tl;dr is I Don't Know. I don't believe he would (not even sure the extent of Nick's involvement in this shirt's existence or what licensing/if there were any used), but I have no way of knowing this for sure since I have not read his contract.
But I see general confusion as to Butch's involvement in the show now in the modern era so I wanna just touch on that.
Nickelodeon are the owners of Danny Phantom. They exist under their parent company, Viacom, who owns the IP to Danny Phantom. That's why if you make a video edit on Youtube and it gets dinged for copyright, Viacom is the one who will ding you, not Nick. Butch no longer works at Nickelodeon.
Butch Hartman was the creator and executive producer for the show. As the executive producer, he also wrote for the show. In his contract, he would get some sort of residuals during his time with Nickelodeon and the show's run (and, presumably, while the show was rerunning after). The extent of these residuals would have been discussed in his contract. Since I'm not an excec at Nick, I don't know what the common practice on the merchandise side of residuals would be written into his contract too and how far it extends.
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freshluxbreeze · 4 months
i only kept up at a causal level with gaming news as a kid whenever i got a hold of a magazine or online news sites but looking at it now is just so sad and stressful because of how its literally just constant layoffs, greed, players being seen as pure cash cows publicly and unshamefully for games that look like copies of eachother back to back almost daily like what is the breaking point for the excecs? do ALL the employees need to leave on strike atp?
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The one major flaw in the last of us show I cant ignore is the zombie virus being spread by bites and originating in flour based products. But once the world has fallen to shit we don't see high level celebs anywhere bc you know damn well that no member of the backstreet Boys leaves home without a bodyguard and Beyonce hasn't touched a carb since 1999
This goes for any zombie media really. No body guard worth their salt is gonna let Snoop dog get bit by a zombie. The only reason we don't see celebs play themselves in zombie shows is be excecs are cowards and Miley Cyrus is too expensive.
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shimohikagami · 8 months
Are video games art? Heck yes! And here's practically a TED talk-length YouTube comment I ended up making regarding two games (unintended) influence on my views regarding irl events at the time. (Reformatted, hopefully, for better readability here.)
Why not both? (Being both fun AND a powerful work of art) I'd say video games could similarly allow you to experience perspectives outside your own like books or movies...but, even more interactive!
To the point that it'd be relatively easy to associate those simulated experiences with those of your own (outside the game).
Weirdly enough, in retrospect, I can name two games in which my experiences with them could be considered factors in my current stance regarding what's going on in Gaza (That the Right-Wing Government of Israel is carrying out a genocide against the Palestinian people, and that's a bad thing.)
More specifically, that keeping the Palestinian people in an open-air prison is also bad.
And that targeting civilians to try to get them to "turn on Hamas" is stupid and highly likely to backfire. (Not that Hamas is in any way good, both them and the Right-Wing Government of Israel are the bad guys in that conflict.)
In (what's known in the US) as "Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor", you and your friends have to do all you can to survive...even though the Japanese SDF (with the assistance of Angels) are using military force to prevent anyone from entering or leaving the area "Quarantining" the area so aggressively that anyone who gets "too close" to the blockade is shot to death. And emergency supplies are only rarely air dropped in. So people absolutely swarm the containers (like a particular something else that's happening irl). There's also how fast polite society and it's rules and customs get thrown away in the face of...dealing with literal demons. Oh, look. The military's basically treating everyone within the quarantine zone as though they *are* demons themselves. (Like the IDF behaving as though all Palestinian civilians are part of Hama). Not to mention cutting the electrical power to the entire area (The Right-Wing Israeli Government also did this...but, with the water as well). Basically...forcing people to "live" in an open-air prison's cruel and inhumane.
As for that second game... Well, that's the opening of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. I'm sure most reading this already know. You get captured by Imperial soldiers (for whatever reason) and are about to be excecated alongside Stormcloak soldiers when...a mother[fudge]ing dragon interrupts it and you have a choice on who to follow to escape. Do you follow the Imperial Soldier? Or the Stormcloak one? I'm not sure about you, but, I'm sure as heck NOT going to join the same side as the people who LITERALLY tried to KILL ME! (Except...that's the rather weak tissue-paper like excuse The Right-Wing government of Israel's going with for their current actions of carpet bombing everything in Gaza... What!?) I wouldn't be surprise if this's the sort of "logic" The Empire's going with. But... That ended up with me joining the Stormcloaks! (Oh look, like how more Palestinians are joining Hamas in reaction. *facepalm*)
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darklingichor · 2 years
A Billion Years, by Mike Rinder
I've said it before, I am absolutely fascinated by Scientology. Because, it is a pyramid scheme that has been classified a religion in the United States.
I mean if you want to argue the point you can call a lot religions pyramid schemes, in the abstract (I'm not arguing that point and I don't feel that that is true) but Scientology is *literally* a pyramid scheme.
You have to buy stuff to get anywhere, and you are expected to get others to buy stuff and those people are expected to get others to buy stuff. Only instead of selling make up or granola bars or something, they are selling the spiritual. This is evil genius because you have to pay real money to get something intangible, and the end goal keeps moving, you can't reach the end because more is always being promised, or something was wrong with how you did a section you passed, now you have to go ( and pay to) take it again. You are required to devote yourself to it every day because the goal is to save the planet.
And this is just what happens to the everyday or "public" Scientologists. It's the Sea Org or "clergy" of Scientology, that uses what is recognized as cult tactics. Don't get me wrong, all of the people are being manipulated and hurt, but in the Sea Org, people are derived of sleep, and food, subjected to hard labor, and abuse.
I've read a lot of books on Scientology but this one is the first one I have read from someone who was really high up,and goes into detail about their depth of faith and what it took to finally break it.
Mike Rinder was one of the public faces of Scientology, he joined the Sea Org at 18 and was put on a ship.
I don't want to go into a blow by blow of everything, so I will say a few things that struck me most about his stories interacting with the highest level of the organization.
First, I really admire Mr. Rinder for coming forward and apologizing for the things he did when he was a top excec. As the person deployed to handle the media, he often was tasked with spearheading the attack methods that Scientology uses against critics. These tactics are designed to destroy a person. He says again and again, how sorry he is to all the people that he hurt, when he was tasked to protect Scientology. Second, the way his family was torn apart is heartbreaking. That has to be the worst thing that Scientology does, and I'm not even talking about the policy of disconnection when someone leaves.
The Sea Org weakens family bonds to the point that they are easy to snap. Kids are separated from their parents (this was at a time when Sea Org members were allowed to have kids). Parents are far too busy trying to save the planet to actually spend any time with their children, and this is justified because, yeah, this person is your kid in this life, but the Thatan that occupies the body has had thousands of lives and they weren't your kid in all of those. (This logic is applied to all family ties). And besides, your work is going to make a better world, don't you want that for your family?
Husband's ans wives are routinely kept apart most of the time, so that leaves the relationship vulnerable. At the same time, family is used against members. Yeah, your wife is in another city and you've only seen your kids in passing, your parents and siblings haven't seen you in years, but in theory you can go up to them and they will speak with you. If you leave, that goes away. Everyone you love who is still in Scientology, Sea Org or Public, will hate your guts for all eternity if you leave. To have such a tenuous relationship with your loved ones, but it is all you have? I can't even imagine the type of suffering people go through.
Third, when talking about the whims that would get people punished and tormented, I just kept thinking of the mad monarchs of history. It's batshit at the top.
Mr. Rinder really did believe in Scientology, believed that they were doing good, and that for all the suffering that he and others were going through, that the ends justified the means. It took hideous treatment to finally crack the faith he was raised with, and get to the point when he had to run even when he had nowhere to go.
He now works to expose the abuses in Scientology and help others.
I'm glad I read his story
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fxlgurkinesis · 6 years
“How come I always end up calling you when I can’t fall asleep?”
“ well - i hear from time to time that i can give some pretty okay advice.” she hums out in response, ear pressed to her shoulder to hold her phone in place as she moved around in her bed - pulling the blanket up over her knees as she curled up against the head board. 
there was still sleep in her eyes - and she was only somewhat awake - but she wasn’t going to let that get in the way if someone had needed some assistance. “what did you need, exactly ?”
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himbeaux-on-ice · 3 years
“Hi Mark, Max was kinda hyping you up a bit there, so I’ll let you hype him up a little bit. He had his 300th career goal tonight, what’s it been like for you especially playing with him on a line for about two and half years now, and seeing his wrist shot in action that time?”
“Um, yeah. I mean, I’ve said this numerous times, he’s the best shot I’ve ever played with... probably the best goal scorer I'm ever gonna play with...” (12.04.2021)
query: are Mark Stone and Max Pacioretty the NHL’s most underrated enemies to friends to lovers lineys narrative? what are your thoughts and why am I right
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mintbees · 6 years
in 20 years theres going to be a gritty and dark steven universe reboot its going to be awful i cant fucking wait
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tiptapricot · 2 years
TO BE FAIR to MK S2 not being announced for phase 5, I think phase 5 was the stuff they already had solid when phase 4 started airing, just like phase 6 will probably b solid when phase 5 starts, so the excecs probably couldn’t know how MK was going to b received or if a S2 was worth it/possible, but as of now w it being so popular I bet (or at least hope) it’ll be put on the roster for phase 6 or even 7. If DD can make a comeback so can MK.
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imposterogers · 3 years
Secret Invasion rumors:
Apparently Sam will appear in the show and he's gonna be a skrull.
@ marvel excecs lurking on the internet: WRONG CAP! And really? Sam is to be revealed being a skrull right after becoming Captain America? REALLY? This don't sit right with me at all...
I swear to god this rumor better be fake
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cat-with-no-name · 5 years
having a physical existence is a scam how do I get out of it
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sm-baby · 3 years
Okay no, but I'm someone else with post traumatic stress disorder. As much as the response may not be okay, the way you're treating the fawn response is absolutely inappropriate. I went to look back at it and seeing a character with trauma, infantilizing them, and being like awww at someone being "the definition of the fawn response" is completely garbage. If anyone did that to me I'd be absolutely enraged. Giving a character trauma and infantilizing them because of it is horrible behavior.
I appreciate you actually telling me what to do over "lmao I could kill myself over this". I will not defend myself, it was a very valid criticism, and I will do better with how I write him.
But again, I'd like to add, I HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING WITH HIM YET. That is fair! The way I introduced him would have been excecated with much more respect. But please also know that I'm not done
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