#except for maybe Rickon lmao
moonlayl · 2 years
The Stark and Hargreeves siblings have a special place in my heart because it’s so rare to find characters in western media that have more than two siblings, and even rarer where they’re all relevant to the plot and so widely different. 
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thewingedwolf · 2 years
“Aegon called his dream ‘A Song of Ice and Fire.’ This secret, it’s been passed from king to heir since Aegon’s time. And now you must promise to keep it. And to carry it. Promise me, Rhaenyra. Promise me.”
A lot has been said about this so i won’t reiterate. i will say that what stood out to me was the darkness of the scene, and of course Ramin’s wailing dragon strings in the background playing just as Rickon Stark pledges his loyalty. Knowing Cregan will honor his house’s word and stand with the blacks, knowing Jon will be born (whatever the exact context of how they get there is) of a Targaryen and Stark - a little bit of a musical and visual nod, almost, to what comes next. Ramin, I would die for you lmao. But on rewatch, what immediately came to mind during this scene was Ned and Lyanna.
“He could hear her still at times. Promise me, she had cried, in a room that smelled of blood and roses. Promise me, Ned. The fever had taken her strength and her voice had been faint as a whisper, but when he gave her his word, the fear had gone out of his sister's eyes. Ned remembered the way she had smiled then, how tightly her fingers had clutched his as she gave up her hold on life, the rose petals spilling from her palm, dead and black. After that he remembered nothing.
Ned’s grief being this monster that still consumes his every thought even now 14 ish years after Lyanna has died just gets me. I think why I am so fond of Ned and Lyanna is bc GRRM really understands the sort of heavy beast that losing a sibling is, and he writes it very well.
But - GRRM had a big hand in the pilot right? A man as obsessively detailed as him would surely notice he’s phrased this “Promise me (beloved relative), promise me.” pattern considering how often Ned’s promise to Lyanna is echoed throughout the first book. But maybe not! It’s not like he hasn’t had some continuity errors before right, and the show and the books Will be different, tho we don’t know in what exact ways yet. EXCEPT THEN WHEN ROBERT IS DYING:
“Serve the boar at my funeral feast,” Robert rasped. “Apple in its mouth, skin seared crisp. Eat the bastard. Don’t care if you choke on him. Promise me, Ned.”
“I promise.” Promise me, Ned, Lyanna’s voice echoed.
“The girl,” the king said. “Daenerys. Let her live. If you can, if it . . . not too late . . . talk to them . . . Varys, Littlefinger . . . don’t let them kill her. And help my son, Ned. Make him be . . . better than me.” He winced. “Gods have mercy.”
the parallel stuck in my head. Viserys, grieving and alone and afraid, making Rhaenyra promise to always understand that the long night is coming and they must be ready. Ned, grieving and alone and afraid, first promising something to Lyanna, then promising to protect a Targaryen child and Robert’s son. Clearly, there is the parallel here that Lyanna likely asked Ned to protect her own targ baby, and that parallel is definitely there for that reason at least. But we all wonder what exactly Rhaegar said to convince Lyanna to leave everything she knew behind to escape a betrothal that makes her feel trapped…only to run off with a married man and become literally trapped in the Tower of Joy. But we know Rhaegar knew at least a bit of the song of ice and fire, in whatever way it exists in the books (seems likely Aegon did have a Dream, considering GRRM’s hand in the pilot, the Targaryen propensity for prophetic dreams, and a bunch of other little clues that seem to point towards Aegon conquering the realm for a reason not solely related to power. but also, it’s not canon until it’s canon so i’m aware there’s a chance this prophecy plays out differently in the books). But i’m reminded of what Aemon knew of the prophecy and his own relationship with Rhaegar:
"No one ever looked for a girl," he said. "It was a prince that was promised, not a princess. Rhaegar, I thought . . . the smoke was from the fire that devoured Summerhall on the day of his birth, the salt from the tears shed for those who died. He shared my belief when he was young, but later he became persuaded that it was his own son who fulfilled the prophecy, for a comet had been seen above King's Landing on the night Aegon was conceived, and Rhaegar was certain the bleeding star had to be a comet. What fools we were, who thought ourselves so wise! The error crept in from the translation. Dragons are neither male nor female, Barth saw the truth of that, but now one and now the other, as changeable as flame. The language misled us all for a thousand years.
“Barth saw the truth…the language misled us all” clearly Aemon is talking of more than just him and Rhaegar shooting the shit when he includes Septon Barth and a general “us.” He’s discussing knowledge that was known and passed down by someone for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years.
And Dany’s dream of her brother Rhaegar sitting with Elia after Aegon has born:
"He has a song," the man replied. "He is the prince that was promised, and his is the song of ice and fire." He looked up when he said it and his eyes met Dany's, and it seemed as if he saw her standing there beyond the door. "There must be one more," he said, though whether he was speaking to her or the woman in the bed she could not say. "The dragon has three heads." He went to the window seat, picked up a harp, and ran his fingers lightly over its silvery strings. Sweet sadness filled the room as man and wife and babe faded like the morning mist, only the music lingering behind to speed her on her way.
Obviously that prophetic line (if it exists in the book in the same or a similar way) is broken at some point. Maybe it’s the dance of the dragons, maybe it’s the sudden death of nearly all the Targaryens at the Tragedy of Summerhall, maybe it’s Robert’s Rebellion.
What’s clear is that Aemon knew about the prophecy despite never being an officially named heir, only asked to be one at a few points, while Daemon and Aegon II (in the show) are never told of the prophecy because Viserys never considered either a real heir. What’s clear is whatever it is Aemon and Rhaegar knew, it was not something that was passed onto Dany. And also clear is that Rhaegar had no issues running his mouth about this song of ice and fire, because Aemon knows, and Dany sees him discuss it briefly with Elia, while the show makes a point to have Viserys discuss his Dream of Aegon II being crowned as Rhaenys escapes on Meleys, but not bring up Aegon the Conquerer’s Dream until he’s completely alone with Rhaenyra and naming her as his heir.
But “Promise me, Rhaenyra, promise me” in a dark room filled with candles said after Aemma is murdered in the birthing bed, and “Promise me, Ned, promise me” alone in the Tower of Joy in a room that smells of blood and roses just as Lyanna is dying after something leads her to her too early death in a birthing bed.
…so what if Rhaegar told Lyanna at least a little? Telling the terrified 15/16 year old that she’s been chosen to have a baby that will help to unite the realm and save it from the Long Night, something Lyanna knows is a very dangerous threat because she’s of the North, that he’ll take care of her, of the baby, that her fate is something so much bigger than marrying her brother’s slutty best friend and being his miserable, lonely wife. Does Lyanna attempt to say something to Ned as she’s dying or has she stopped believing after the murders of her father and brother, the deaths of Rhaegar, Elia, and baby Aegon and Rhaenys? Does it slip her mind, in her fear of her own impending death and the threat to her son? Maybe, maybe do Lyanna’s last words give a hint that will lead to Jon or Bran or Sam or Dany or whoever the hell piecing together the entire prophecy? Or am i going absolutely crazy waiting for the winds of winter which will probably never be released anyway lmao
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hilarychuff · 2 years
ok just for the heck of it some sansa/jonsa au casting ideas that are very much up for discussion bc i haven’t figured them out enough on my own to hoard privately to make into one of my au graphics or i just probably never will make it into an au graphic but think it’s a fun idea
just dumping A BUNCH of them under the break (like basically everyone except those i am hoarding for later/have more concrete ideas about that i might actually execute in some way) enjoy this peek into my google docs xoxoxox
13 going on 30 Jenna - sansa Matty - jon  Cat - margaery???? cersei???
Panic Heather - sansa (alayne) Lilly - robin Ray - jon Bishop - harry Natalie - myranda Dodge -
Panic Heather - arya Ray - gendry? Bishop - gendry?   Natalie - sansa Dodge - jon Dodge’s sister - bran
Hocus pocus au max - jon Allison - sansa Dani - arya Thackery binx - aegon? (or brandon?) Emily binx - rhaenys? (or lyanna?) Winifred sanderson - cersei Mary sanderson - tyrion??? Lmao Sarah sanderson - jaime lmao
Big little lies Daenerys is Renata (or is Cersei Renata?? Would leave space for dany to be celeste) Margaery is Madeline Jeyne is Celeste?? Daenerys is Celeste?? Sansa is Jane?? Arya is bonnie??????
Timeless Sansa is the historian Jon is the military guy Ygritte is his dead ex Sam is the science guy Theon is the villain guy who later becomes the love interest
Dead to me Jen - arya (not cold but very firmly not warm, resting bitch face, might kill sansa but also might kill for sansa) Judy - sansa (bleeding heart, bad men, so much guilt, more than a little confessy when she’s wronged someone, potential to be kinda gay!) Ted - ???? Steve - harry hardyng? Littlefinger himself? Ramsay? Joffrey? Maybe joffrey works best? Ben - gendry (work if he’s joffrey’s “half-brother” or w/e)
Saved au Mary - sansa Cassandra - arya Roland - willas? Tyrion? Hilary Faye - Margaery? Cersei? Patrick - jon? Pastor skip - ned Mary-Louise Parker - catelyn Dean - loras? Theon? Mitch - renly? Robb? Tia - Veronica -
Don’t look under the bed Frances - sansa Darwin - bran after he falls/is pushed Albert - robb? Joann - jon with modifications so that he is a potential love interest at the end for sansa Larry - theon Zoe - margaery? Parents - ned and cat
Hunger games Katniss - jon tbh lmao Peeta - sansa Gale - ygritte? daenerys? Prim - arya? Or does it have to be bran/rickon since jon is a boy?? Maybe it’s not a boy/girl tribute thing maybe it’s just any two tributes Haymitch - tyrion? Dontos? Mance rayder? Wyman manderly? Thoughts to be thunk here with who would be in what district if we want to really get crazy Effie - varys lmfao???? Finnick - jaime lannister Johanna - daenerys? Ooooh but could be brienne if you leaned into it maybe President snow - mad king aerys? Beetee - tyrion? Rue - satin?
Grease Sandy - sansa Danny - jon Kenickie - tormund? Mance? Roger - sam Other greasers - pyp, grenn, etc Rizzo - ygritte Frenchy - gilly? Val? Idk ygritte for rizzo is really the only one that resonates i just love grease Fuck actually ygritte as the rizzo to sansa’s sandy is so good that this is worth giving some more thought The wall boys are such lil fucking nerds that they feel right for the delinquent greasers, too Although lbr jon is more of an alfalfa in the he-man woman haters’ club than he is a danny zucko Theon is more of a danny zucko but i don’t know if i want this for theonsa Anyway sansa’s whole family moved and robb is now doing athlete shit with whoever that athlete sandy briefly dates is (harry hardyng?) Is chacha val?????? Maybe arya falls in with the pink ladies first and then sansa gets sort of reluctantly dragged along Arya sings sandra dee at first and then when rizzo starts to join in she’s like wait only i get to make fun of sansa
Mama mia Meryl streep - sansa Pierce brosnan - jon Swedish guy - theon Colin firth - loras tyrell Christine baranski - margaery tyrell Other friend - jeyne poole LMFAO catelyn as cher i just cackled why is that so funny even though it doesn’t make sense
Harry Potter Sirius - jon James - Robb Lily - Jeyne westerling (except is she maybe more of a james figure politically) Petunia (but nice) - sansa Peter - theon Remus - samwell Tarly Vernon (but just dating) - Harry Hardyng Madame hooch - arya Weasleys - sam and gilly
New girl Jess - sansa Cece - margaery Nick - jon Schmidt - robb Winston - theon
10th kingdom Virginia - sansa The wolf - jon Jon larroquette - ned
Goodbye earl Maryanne - sansa Wanda - jeyne Earl - ramsay
Bring it on (for the gays) Torrance - sansa Torrance’s lil brother - arya Big red - margaery // cersei? The clovers - the sand snakes Missy - mya stone? // margaery? Cliff - gendry // willas/loras? Aaron - daenerys
Teenage bounty hunters Sterling - sansa Blair - arya Debbie - cat Dana - lysa Bowser - the hound?
Buffy the vampire slayer Buffy - arya Cordelia - sansa Willow - bran Xander - jon Angel - gendry Amy - jojen (or is jojen tara?) Dawn - rickon (robb is already away at college?)
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raviposting · 5 years
All right after like 2 freaking years and like 5 unanswered headcanon requests in my inbox I’m going right ahead and giving you what literally no one asked for: shitposts of The Afterlife Squad(TM): 
Robert, Ned, and Rhaegar are like, almost always together. Or, more like, Robert and Rhaegar are constantly arguing and following Ned around asking him what he thinks. 
Rhaegar suddenly looooooves Ned because he knows Ned kept Jon safe and Ned is just like *side eyes* “I didn’t do it for you you dildo” but he also can’t say anything so whenever Robert asks why Rhaegar cares about Ned’s opinion Ned just kind of sighs and shrugs and says maybe it’s his punishment and Rhaegar gets this evil grin on his face and goes “You’ll see”. 
This inevitably gets Robert pissed. “See what, you asshole?” and out breaks a new bit of arguing. Ned is tired(TM) and no one else in the afterlife will talk to them. 
Cat comes through for a hot second and Ned is super excited but then just like that she’s gone and Beric Dondarrion is in her place and they just stare at each other.
Ned: “Well. This sucks.” 
When Robb and Rickon both come through Ned hugs them ofc and they have a nice moment and then he just goes “Okay now go before they get here.” 
“What? Father, I just got here and you want me to go? We have so much to catch up on!” 
Ned, who is having war flashbacks to Robert and Rhaegar arguing about lapels for 5 hours: “Trust me. You Don’t Want This.” 
Someone said that the two days Jon was in the afterlife he and Robb did tequila shots and honestly? Canon. 
They love watching what’s happening down below!! Robert didn’t talk to Ned for a blissful 2 months after finding out about Jon but then Gendry and Arya just had to sleep together and Robert was suddenly buddy-buddy with him again about how they were going to join their houses. 
Arya rejecting Gendry’s proposal: Robert was screaming, yelling about how this made no sense, and dammit why did Ned raise his daughter like this? 
Ned, softly: Oh thank god 
Watching Jon and Dany is #rough and Robert keeps being so righteously smug about everything and Ned and Rhaegar are suffering 
“Ha, the Targaryen queen is mad after all. I should have killed her when I had the chance, shouldn’t I, Ned?” “Hey, that’s my sister, you prick, she’s being a Targaryen it doesn’t make sense for her to be this mad she hasn’t shown the signs!” 
Ned & Robert in unison: “Shut up Rhaegar.” 
Ned: “.......but yes he’s right this doesn’t make sense.” 
Ned multiple times watching his children s5-8: *looks out window in the afterlife* ‘Did I somehow end up watching the badly written play Arya was watching?’ 
Ned in the finale, watching his children come into strong positions: *holds up Westerosi equivalent of a camera and multiple signs* I Love My Children 
Also lmao Robb and Rickon. Robb is Sansa’s biggest cheerleader and he Loves Jon greatly but by god does he get frustrated with him. 
“No, Jon, this is - NO! LISTEN. TO. SANSA. Holy fuck Jon thank the gods I didn’t legitimatize yo-SHE’S YOUR AUNT YOU - JON! JON!” 
When Sansa gets crowned he literally tears up and starts shouting “Queen in the North!” and won’t shut up about Sansa and everyone’s like, Okay, Damn, We Get It(TM) 
Rickon: “Hey Robb! I love Sansa too but oh my god. Shut up!” 
Robb, wearing a “Proud Brother of Sansa Stark” t-shirt and slowly lowering his Queen In The North signs with Sansa’s face on them: “Sorry, have I been mentioning that Sansa became queen in the North? I guess I didn’t notice haha.” 
Rickon’s response to everything in season 8: “Hahahaha this is fucking dumb.” 
Rickon was bitter when Viserion died bc he became a wight but then Rhaegal died and everyone else was shocked and Rickon is jumping up and down because fuck yeah time to ride a dragon in the afterlife. 
I feel like meeting the significant others would be super fun??? Like Margaery is there and she starts talking about Sansa and Robb is like “:D” and then he starts realizing that she definitely liked her and he’s like “huh. She doesn’t seem bad but I only have 13-year-old Sansa’s taste in guys to go with here soOOOOO.....” 
Robb always wondered if Bran liked Meera or Jojen and Rickon lowkey wondered too but then they meet Jojen again and he’s So Fucking Weird that they’re both like. Oh yeah. Why was this ever a question. 
Lyanna and Elia are both in the afterlife but for the most part they hang out with each other and ignore everyone else except for snide commentary. 
Whenever Cat does comes back she’s more than a little peeved at Ned. “Didn’t think I could keep the secret, could you? I hated Jon, and you couldn’t bother to go, ‘Oh, hey, Cat, darling, he’s not my son????’ You couldn’t, Ned????” “I’m sorry, Cat, I was sworn to secrecy -” 
Lyanna, eating popcorn in the corner: “Oh I meant don’t tell Robert or anyone with you know, power. I thought that was pretty obvious don’t blame me for you being too hardcore about it.” Ned: “Yeah you’re right I guess I should have assumed you were fine with it after all you NAMED HIM AEGON!” This causes a “hey” from Rhaegar and Lyanna, and Robert just says that it is dumb and the trio starts arguing. “Oye, Cat, amazing that they can’t even get along in the -” “I’m not talking to you, Eddard.” “Oh, Cat, I’m sorry. You can’t be mad at me forever.” “Actually I can!” “Caaaaaat.”
Rhaegar, watching Arya be Azor Ahai while Ned & Robert cheer in the background: *eye twitching* 
Elia: “Huh. Guess you really did All That for nothing, huh babe?” “Don’t.”
Robert: “Lyanna loved me, tell him my love, we were betrothed!” 
Lyanna: “I’ve told you a million times I never loved you.” 
Rhaegar: “HA!” 
Elia: “You were a boy toy, hun.” 
“Elia! That’s -” “Unfair? Is it?” “Yes!” “Oh, sorry. Does it make you want to annul your marriage to me and directly cause our children’s deaths and put me in immediate harm with no real protection because you want to go after a fantasy story? Honey?” “....sorry.” 
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adecila · 5 years
Game of Thrones - 8x03 preview analysis + speculation
Or the moment I realise I am blind as a bat and I need glasses.
Busy week, but hey we’re still 3 days away from what has been advertised as an episode that will kill us. At a whoopin’ 80 (ish; 82 according to some websites, 79 according to others so I’ll just say 80) minutes and advertised as the longest battle in television (surpassing LoTR) I am ready to die! 
Wait wait does this mean it will be 80 minutes of stress? 80 minutes of fighting?  80 minutes of me yelling at the screen JON NO and KHALESSI NO until my throat is sore and I barely have any voice left? Yeah, probably.
Anyway- this is probably more on the speculation and prediction side since we don’t have that much to go off of…. 
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Unlike the preview / promo / trailer –whatever you want to call it– we got for episode 2, episode 3 gave us a big fat nothing. Mhm, basically. 
But first the famous 6 photos EW gave us: (also a big pile of nothing!)
S.ansa looking worried, sitting, maybe glossy eyed - interior? exterior? Who the hell knows. Technically, as per episode 2 S.ansa is to stay in the crypts with the other women and children.
Ser Brienne of Tarth and Jaime fookin’ Lannister and some Knights of the Vale (noice shields) - this looks like an actual screengrab from the episode, and from their faces something it’s INCOMING. I am trying not to read too much into it, but tbh their faces can be just from seeing the huge ass army coming at them. 
Jonno mah man, my stupid son (and I say this with all the love in my heart) lookin’ sweaty, and rough and shooketh and I cannot help but to think something BIG is happening. Could it be something as simple as coming face to face again with our main boss the Night King himself? Could it be another “bitch watch me use your fallen men against you” moment? Could it be someone he cares dying in front of him? Could it be the dead surrounding them? Honestly guys this preview is giving me nothing, except anxiety. There’s some fire burning behind him, it can be dragon fire or it can just be fire they made in order to keep the dead at bay (as seen in the next pic). It is snowing and we can see fire behind him. Also also this pic clearly proves that HBO intentionally darkened the trailer since in the trailer we see the clip with Jonno running and this pic is from that exact scene. Gosh, his face tho - LISTEN he looks terrified. 
Jonerys overlooking Winterfell, but from the North-West side? So clearly at one point in the battle they get to this vantage point so they can see better. I am assuming that it’s quite early into the episode, since Jon still has his furs on, whereas in the previous photo he had no cloak and looked like he had already fought for some time; we see the forces spread out exactly like on the map (as I explained it in my 8x02 analysis when the war council happened), and oh my it looks glorious. We also see some fire strategically lit and it looks beautiful. Now BURN IT TO THE GROUND. Jk but also not jk; asoiaf theories on how Winterfell is meant to be destroyed at one point in the story are a-plenty ! Last night @muttpeeta asked me if I could see the dead in this pic and I said bitch I can’t see shit. I guess in the right down corner are just trees, so maybe the dead are in the trees (lmao just imagined them in the trees). On the other hand, @thescarletgarden1990 said she could maaaaybe see something in the left dark corner… gurl, I still can’t see shit. Uff notice how Jon x Dany suddenly have a space in between them? Ah, remember when we had nice things like when they had no idea what “personal space” meant? Hang onto your hats for the angst, bitches.
S.ansa x Arya on the battlements. Is it just me or is there something like a bar or blade or maybe a bow on Arya’s left side, almost resting on her shoulder? The spear Gendry made her? Maybe it’s an optical illusion. Also seems pre-battle, also seems quite early in the episode, when we have still time for dialogue. Hmm.. maybe that first S.ansa pic is in the same scene, but before? S.ansa looks a bit worried and shit I would be too. Scratch that, I think the first S.ansa pic is after the discussion with Arya. 
Tyrion x Varys in the crypts, chatting to kill time whilst everyone else is getting killed. I also expect this to be in the very first part of the episode. 
See, exactly what I said, they gave us something without giving us anything.
Now, onto the preview:
“The most heroic thing we can do now is look the truth in the face” - voiceover by S.ansa, as the screen flashes to: the troops, Grey Worm, Jonerys at the vantage point, Sam, S.ansa x Arya on battlements, Davos on battlements, women x children x Varys x Tyrion in the crypts, Jorah. Interesting line though, what truth is she talking about? Jon’s parents? I doubt. The fact that the dead actually exist? Remember when I said S.ansa doesn’t seem to believe Jon much?…
“The Night King is comin” - voiceover by Jon - we see Jon scared shitless, (from the photo we also got), the army in position, Arya running (from the trailer), Unsullied marching in formation, Beric x the Hound (INSIDE WF? WHAT???), Dany on Drogon in a blizzard, more Unsullied, Theon with a bow with fire in the Godswood, Jonno pulling out Longclaw in the Godswood looking a bit too sad/disturbed/scared??? 
Jonerys at the vantage point, face to face, Dany saying to Jon “The dead are already here”, she looks angry, Jon looks … emo :D 
Ser Brienne yelling to her flank “Stand your ground”
Now, let me regroup all my thoughts now that I made a general break down of the photos and the actual preview, let’s discuss what I think it will happen. This time I am heavily relying on speculation since tbh we don’t have much to go off.
About Jonerys:
Yeah, I don’t think they are just going to get over the parentage reveal that fast. My guess, based on how 8x02 ended and on the way Dany says “The dead are already here” is that there is going to be some tension. A lot of it. My best guess? the conflict isn’t going to be solved until 8x04 at the earliest. 
I told @smoldany I am thinking Jon wants to stick to the plan (contrary to what he did in BoB) and Dany will maybe see her troops getting smashed. As I mentioned, they make the vanguard so they will get hit the most. I imagine Dany is still shook from the reveal and when Jon will tell her to stick to the plan, she will go KHALESSI YES and mount on Drogon and go fuck up some wights and WW and protect her people because that’s what she does. Maybe Jon tells her something along the “The NK isn’t here” and she replies that exact phrase we hear in the preview. 
I am expecting some sort of rift between them mid battle. I know, I have mentioned it, but that’s what happens when person A and B go into a fight for life while they are also fighting. 
I mentioned in an ask how we will get a parallel to the scene beyond the wall where Jon falls into ice water in front of Dany. I am expecting something like this to happen, but reversed. This time it will be Dany falling and Jon running, watching something in horror. Maybe she falls off Drogon, maybe she falls with Drogon, but something happens, because I swear that Jon pic where he looks horrified it’s all I can think of. Plus! We haven’t seen Dany in armour yet! What if the Red/Black Dragonstone dress from the teaser is actually her armour? Maybe she gets injured and they finally decide she should get armour. Why? Well, I cannot stop thinking of what Tyrion said in season 7, that it only takes a well shot arrow for it to be all over. I also think that if this isn’t the moment she gets injured on Drogon, it will come later, probably in 8x05. 
Plus, c’mon, they have to make us think (even for a few minutes) for maximum angst ™ that one of the two heroes may die. 
If we get Jon carrying Dany to safety I will be the happiest. 
If what I said happens, we also have all the chances of getting the I THOUGHT I LOST YOU kiss I keep mentioning. D&D do not fuck this up for me. 
The Crypts or “sure, the Lich Night King is coming, you know what would be a good idea? To go sit in the motherfucking crypts where the motherfucking dead are kept.” 
Look. Do I believe the dead will rise in the crypts? Mmmmm not really. Except maybe Rickon, because he is the freshest dead person to be put here. There is a lot of foreshadowing in the books that the dead in the crypts may rise in a form or another, but… I don’t think it will happen in the show. 
However! Since the crypts have been mentioned a lot, I am inclined to thing something BIG will happen. My best bet? The dead push through the gates and the Mormont forces and they make it to the crypts. AHA but you will say - “UMMM aLiCe but the people are then sitting ducks” - well, not necessarily. There are a lot of secret passages in Winterfell, if you remember, that’s how Bran escaped ! So if the dead are to invade the crypts, I am guessing at least some of the people will flee through the tunnels. We just have too many big characters there for them to die so soon, at least Tyrion. Let’s be real, Tyrion won’t die now. He has to flee somehow. 
Winter FELL
I told my friend @tomakeitbeautifultolive once that I thought the fight for Winterfell is doomed from the start. Imo, this keep is meant to fall, and the NK will have a victory here. 
While we’re on the subject of Winterfell, lemme bring up my theory that it will be a sort of Culling of Stratholme situation from WoW. In case you’re interested, click on that link, the lore is so rich in this game, but I digress. I think the bittersweet part if they don’t get slammed and pushed to retreat or die, it will be a sort of decision - aka if we don’t burn as much as the fallen as we can then we are just adding more forces to the AoTD. So… I am thinking there will be a point where the dead are clearly winning and they cannot take any more chances, so they burn as much as they can, living and dead, especially inside of WInterfell. Or maybe I am just too MUCH :D
Regardless if Winterfell is being sacrificed or not, our heroes will be forced to retreat. Because if you think the NK is going to be defeated in episode 3/6 …..
Where the fuck is the Night King then?
Funny how we haven’t seen the NK in the trailer, nor in the preview for this episode, nor at the end of episode 2 - we just saw the WW on their horses.
Will he even be at WF? Idk man their plan looks pretty dumb. And as far as I remember, the NK could see Bran. The NK knew Dany was coming and was prepared with spears for dragons (and chains!). So why the fuck would he not be able to see this shitty ass plan??? 
I told some of my friends that I think the NK will fool them, send his forces to WF while he will either stay on the sides for as much as he can in order to bait Dany and/or Jon… (so he will swoop in let’s say mid battle - maybe that’s why we see Dany on Drogon in a blizzard, or idk, we saw the weather change also when WW are present, so you never know) or go to the Isle of Faces because I think he may want to destroy some big important weirdwood tree… or maybe I am thinking again too much about WoW and I am getting Teldrassil vibes 
Bran Starkashian waiting for his date with the NK under the weridwood tree
Uff I think this is the part of the plan that will backfire the most
I am 99% sure this is where Theon dies, while defending Bran because the dead are gonna come to the Godswood for Bran’s sexy ass
I told @tomakeitbeautifultolive that Jonno looks too distressed and oddly calm when he is drawing Longclaw and he looks to also be in the Godswood - oh gosh what if he mercy kills someone ? Oh gosh what if it’s Theon… or Rickon…
But Alice, what about Cersei and her GC? And Bronn?
I honestly don’t know. Weird how Cersei seems to have a plan in place. So what happened to Euron after ep 1? Did he get mad when Yara got rescued? Is the GC just gonna sit in KL and wait for an attack? Are they marching North? Are they gonna also arrive in WF while the dead are there? 
I just want to mention that in the trailer, when Arya does her spear thingy, it seems there is blood spatter from one of the people she hits… “but wights don’t bleed, Alice,” - I hear you say. Exactly, buddy. EXACTLY. So who the hell is Arya killing? just something to keep in mind. 
Last thoughts: 
Jorah will die - as Theon, his arc is fulfilled, and especially after his heart to heart with Dany in 8x02 I am 99% sure he dies. 
Grey also may die. Listen, I was surprised he made it alive out of Casterly Rock. I don’t think he will get to take Missandei to Naath…
I’m thinking 5-ish minutes of intro + 60 ish of action + the rest is the retreat
The jonerys conflict will most likely continue into 8x04, where it may get solved - if not, 8x05 for the makeup sex.
Beric dies; either Podrick or Jaime die, but not both
Edd dies
ALIVE: The Starks + Gendry + Dadvos + Missandei + Lyanna Mormont + the Hound + Sam + Gilly + Little Sam + Brienne + Ghost + Tormund
I am still holding off for Nymeria and her pack! 
Bottom line is, I am pumped for this episode, it is gonna hurt as hell, so yeah! Asks and dms are open, as usual, so feel free to ask questions if there is something I missed. See you on Sunday! Bring wine and food! 
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janiedean · 5 years
So what do you think Sansa's plot might be in the next 2 books? I've heard speculation that she stays in the Vale and Bran becomes KITN (personally I refuse to believe Bran becomes KoT7K in the books because it's just too terrible of an idea). I'm of the mind that she won't escape some personal calamity at some point, though obv not exactly the same thing as it was in the show.
my rough hypothesis is:
post-lady stoneheart jaime and brienne go to the vale (remember that brienne was on that track before she ended up following the wrong one), stop at the quiet isle, sandor finds out and joins them
while she’s in the vale she ends up deciding to not stick with littlefinger’s plot to murder sweetrobin because she has a conscience also the situation with harry most likely ends up in another botched wedding or smth of the kind
jaime brienne and sandor get to the vale and either snatch her away/help her overthrow lf/something that makes lf end up falling off the moon door or smth anyway lf is not surviving WoW for sure
at that point I think that if she’s unmasked and so on, she could get the vale army same as happened in the show just with sense behind it
at this point most likely jonc/aegon have conquered KL/cersei’s trial happened and that’s where I say that jaime could get back to KL for widow’s wail/trying to save tommen but would make it in time just for the sword or doesn’t go back at all and WW ends up with him somewhere else idk but I’m firmly in the camp aegon dethrones cersei and at this point I thought it was me crackpot theorizing last year but sounds to me like my idea that he was younger and more beautiful wasn’t so crackpot
anyway if jaime gets back to KL then he definitely goes back north when it’s time to rejoin the fight for the dead/to go back with brienne but that’s another point entirely
regardless of whether jaime’s there or not, sansa/brienne/sandor/whoever else bring the vale army to winterfell for the equivalent of the battle of the bastards and HAHAHA SAVING THE DAY IS MORE LIKELY THAN YOU’D THINK
at this point davos most likely brought rickon back and bran might have come back from beyond the wall or is about to, but anyway we should all remember that robb’s will disinherited both arya and sansa and made jon his heir and at that point jon most likely got resurrected and joined stannis at the battle of wf (like hell stannis is not fighting in it lmao) and the person who has a copy of that will is, wait, howland reed, who is coincidentally the one person bar bran who knows that r+l=j, so I’m of the idea that the targ ancestry is coming out sooner than in the show and jon gets legitimized stark automatically and then strikes a deal for which he’d be regent for rickon or bran, except that I think that  role eventually goes to sansa as an ending - like, I don’t absolutely buy that she’s queen in the north when bran is a deconstruction of the fisher king archetype but I absolutely buy that she counsels everyone else post-leaving the vale because at that point she’s learned enough to play the game but she hasn’t turned into... whatever she was in the show at the end and so could do it while retaining her kindness and goodwill. like at the end I think she’d be some hand of the king/regent equivalent for whichever in between bran and rickon gets to rule (bran most likely but maybe rickon’s children inherit idk) while jon gets the south (which I always thought was the case) with swornshield!sandor and she also could keep relations because she’s in actually good relations with... about everyone and everyone loves her/doesn’t hate her/owes her - I mean, if tyrion gets casterly they’d be in good relations, the tyrells have no reasons to hate her all the contrary actually, sweetrobin is her cousin and trusts her etc.
I mean, that is tentatively what I think might happen with her, then I might be wrong but it’s been my two cents for a while XD
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bisansastarks · 5 years
okay so the ghost hunting thing was somebody (I FORGOT WHO IM SO SORRY SOMEDAY THIS FIC WILL BE WRITTEN BC OF YOU) asked for a camping trip fic and I was like ya I can do that. 
Except I know nothing about camping. But I know a lot about ghost hunting lmao. So they are camping....on haunted grounds...to talk to some ghosts. Basically Robb and Theon always did it, (Theon the believer, Robb  the indulgent skeptic) Last year Robb died in a car crash and Theon fucked off to fuck up his life in grief and the Starks + Jon are all mourning. 
But its tradition and Sansa doesn’t want to let it go.  Robb would want someone to go to this...famous haunted place (they scoured tickets before his death it would have been the coolest place they had ever been blah blah blah plot shit)
So Sansa asks Arya who is like no fucking way, I’m dealing with my grief other ways. Bran would be a bit hard to do all the moving around with his wheel chair and Rickon is too young. ENTER JON SNOW other childhood best friend and unofficial Stark (and star of teen Sansa’s innocent high romantic day dreams) who offers to go even though Sansa wouldn’t have asked because they’ve never been close and also maybe Sansa took some of her grief and shoved it into mild anger at Jon who never talks about anything while she can’t help but cry over everything. 
And then they go camping and explore ghosts and their feelings about grief but also about each other. Also theon shows up at some point. 
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dachi-chan25 · 7 years
Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6 Recap Pt. 3
WARNINGS:SPOILERS; not a D@€n€r¥$ fan; Jonsa shipper ( I still believe)
6.- Back on Eastwatch, we have this morons trying to not freeze, too late for Thoros tho, I mean dude was a walking corpse since the Hound had his fire vision, he was completely obtuse for the plot so they got rid of him. I feel nothing. Guess his conversation with Jorah (that I totally skipped cuz boring) was heartwarmming but still I knew he was dead as soon as the bear got him. They burn his body with his own alcohol.
7.- An invitation arrives for Sansa to go to KL, amd she is like LMAO I think no you trick ass bitch, my girl is not an idiot and there is no way in hell she’ll go, if Cersei wants to make her prisioner again she can damn well bring her ass to the North and try, and she sends Brienne in her stead, Brienne doesn’t want to leave her on her own with LF, Sansa has to snap and her and basically throw her on the street to get her to go (god Jon is gonna have a hissy fit when he sees Brienne at KL and knows Sansa is alone at WF with LF) very wise decision knowing LF wanted to get Brienne tagled up on his schemes.
8.- In Dragonstone Tyrion is trying to stop D from going to the rescue cuz he doesn’t want her to die even tho he is fine with the man that volunteered for this stupid ass mission that was his idea dying (consistent characterization where art thou?) but she goes anyway cuz #YOLO
Also this unsubtle shift to white clothes now that she is gonna do an heroic thing, she honestly looks kinda like Elsa from Frozen, where does she get this clothes anyway, did she brought a new wardrobe from Essos? Are the Dothraki sewing and knitting clothes??
Where are the Unsullied and the Greyjoys????
7.- Yeah so they just kinda waiting around for their Uber, but the Hound is taking none of this boring but safe bull, let’s throw rocks at the wights for funnsies. So he does and the wights get angry? Annoyed? Who knows really? And they begin to close in our heroes.
Jon thinks they’re doomed without D’s help but Beric points put that not really (Beric and his sexy ass voice are winning me over)“as long as they kill the Night King everyone else is gonna be detroyed (this sounds waaaaaay to convinient, almost as if d&d want to get rid of the WW as fast as possible so they can focus on the political/human problems) but Jon is not so optimist. So yeah we get some fighting in, and things are beginning to look real bad for the Wight Hunters when boom Khaliisi comes in rising and burning wights (and ice) as she goes! They are saved OMG what a relief! (excuse my sarcastic ass) everyone is getting on the Dragon choo choo, except Jon (guess we’re saving the dragon riding for laters) who keeps on fighting.
Now I guess this is relevant, he thought they were doomed until D arrives, she is burning her way through th wights like you couldn’t believe and Jon is visibly relieved, he is getting the hope that maybe they can win this war, he is clearly trying to fight his way to the NK, I thought he wanted to end it right there, go for the NK and be done with it that is why he refuses to go.
Now his hopes get dashed away when NK throws at spear at Viserion and kills him, now I’m really worried, did I broke something inside me? Why is it that I don’t care? Oh right we never got a scene with Viserion alone, if he had bonded with Jon last episode instead of Drogon (Jon still thought this giant lizards ugly af tho) then Hey maybe I could have cared, but this feels like super dramatic and emotionally manipulative from the writers tbh. I feel the whole purpose of killing him off was to have "Cool Ice Dragon” and for some rushed J/D moment (I have a lot to say about it) D is stunned by grief I guess? Jon gets angry but I don’t think it’s cuz he cared about the dragon or for D, i mean of course he must have felt sympathy for her she stated that she loved them just last episode, but i think his rage comes from the frustration of knowing he can’t end this right now, he can’t prevent more people from dying and now with a dragon in the army of the dead…
So yeah Jon tells them to go away cuz the crazy ass bitch wants to die I guess, and he doesn’t want anymore Dragons joining the wights.
The lake gives away, but Jon comes out of the water freezing to death, the Wights surround him but he is too weak to fight, when BAM! Magical convinient Uncle Ben saves him, Jon is clearly surprised and emotional at seeing the uncle he loved so much and thought to be dead (dammit those Starks are hard to kill) but Benjen is having none of that cuz he has to be a martyr saving your ass Jon! So he gives his stupid ass nephew his horse, Jon gallops away while seeing his uncle dying (OK my emotions are back, I love uncle Ben even if D&D made him this protagonist characters convinient saviour).
8.- Back at Eastwatch, you know the actual castle, D is waiting for Jon looking hopefully at the horizon, while Jorah is trying to save her the heartache (I mean if this had any realism anymore Jon would be totes dead) but here he comes riding and all that jazz.
Before we dive into that scene (you know which) I’d like to stablish some thoughts:
-I believe D’s feelings for Jon are real, but they are not based in real things. First let’s ask ourselves why is she even in love (if we can call it that at this point) with him? She is clearly attracted yes, but Love is different than lust, so yeah he is a great guy I guess? But she hasn’t really seen him at that, everything she knows about him is based on the stuff Tyrion knows about him: his brothers are dead, as well as his father,he was at the Wall, he has a wolf?? I dunno if Tyrion mentioned that cuz the only one who remembers Ghost exists is Sansa, and the mystery about the dagger to the heart. And that’s where I think this fixiation comes from, this man could be her equal he is not afraid of her and stands his ground (on her POV) and maybe he is as magical as she is, Drogon let the man pet him!!!
But what she sees vs what actually is, shows she doesn’t know this man at all, what’s more Jon doesn’t want her to know him.
-She talks to him about her brothers when she is telling him the names of her Dragons, perfect oportunity for Jon to talk about Robb,Rickon and Bran(Jon thought he was dead as well) but doesn’t.
-She is talking about Ned on her big speech on their meeting, yet Jon his biggest admirer didn’t jump to defend his beloved father??
-When she is talking about her Dragons he could have very well mentioned Ghost yet he didn’t
-Davos jumped to defend him, and was telling D all Jon went through but Jon stopped him, she asked directly about the dagger to the heart and he said nothing.
-She was happy for him when he finds out his siblings aren’t dead, but Jon doesn’t show any emotion about it.
-As a matter of fact he never símiles or seems at ease in her presence. Fuck it even jondry has more build up in their two episodes together. Jon smiled at Gendry and talks with him about Ned. (not to mention Sansa, she makes him smile like no other.
It all feels almost like he has no goddamned interest in getting to know her (she is always the one to share this information without him asking) as a person, he doesn’t want her to know him. Why???
Reminds me about this quote:
“When you are attracted to people, it’s because of the details. Their kindness. Their eyes. The fact that they can get you to laugh when you need it the most.”

- Jodi Picoult, Sing You Home
Jon has never laughed or smiled near D, and that's the most telling stuff about this whole romance debacle in my humble opinion.
9.- Boat time! so Jon is just waking up (I knew my son didn't decided for himself to ditch WF and go to KL instead) and D is there (no I was just joking about the Twil1ght and 50s0g last week stop staring at people while they are asleep and shirtless is creepy) Honestly her eyes when she saw the scars on his chest made me uncomfortable (I could practically see her delusions about how magical Jon is and barfed, cuz yeah Jon is pretty magical, but the amazing thing about him is that he wants none of that he doesn't want t be a hero or a god, hells he didn't even wanted to be King!!) Anyway Jon's eyes focus on her and the first thing that comes out of his mouth is that he is sorry about Viserion?For real? Uncle Ben died to save you and you care about this? Of course not! Have some faith in Jon ffs! Goddamn it he got killed by the NW when he rushed from his office cuz Uncle Ben had returned!!! He loved uncle Ben, why would he care about Viserion?? He does not! This is another 'they are gorgeous beasts" he is bullshiting her so hard it's obvious.
She thinks he is her equal and defy her and all that jazz, but in all their interactions (except that time he said I am King to get away from DS) he caters to her, he is never sincere with her, for he has learned she doesn't listen.
She says she'll fight the WW and about how the dragon are the only children she'll ever have, doesn't mention a thing about kneeling everything seems almost too perfect, so why would Jon bullshit her?? Maybe I am just a salty shipper, but point is I don't think Jon trusts D a lot, oh yes he talked about trust when he wanted to get away from DS, and he did show trust going to meet her without weapons or a proper guard, but I stand by what I said last week she betrayed that trust the moment she called him a rebell and took his boat making him prisioner in all but name, not to mentionhe saw in frist row how she blamed Tyrion(her hand) for things going wrong and he doesn't have the luxury of having her turn on him, she is alright now but if another Dragon or one of her friends died what then? She could just go back to Essos, he can't afford that.
So he calls her Dany, and she laughs (bitch me too the fuck) but he doesn't smile at all, and he takes her hand, this gave me serious flashbacks of the Jonsa scene Back on S6 when Sansa takes his hand, or the scene from 7x01 when she takes his arm and he looks down, just his time positions are reverted, Jon is the one touching D (this gesture he has come to learn is very effective to have someone listen to you) and D looks down on their joined hands but Jon doesn't, he looks almost pained and guilty (he is an awful liar) Jon goes as far as to call her my Queen and saying he would bend. Seriously y'all think he was being sincere, why would he go from calling her stranger just last episode to being all Dany my Queen with no development in between the very next? No this doesn't make sense at all.
Why do you all think all this random ass conversations about Honor=Dead and "bending the knee is OK if you do it for your people's life" if not to foreshadow this? Jon himself said he went on the mission for the North, why would he seriously ditch his family and people for someone he just met? You can scream he is attracted to her all you want, I personaly don't see it, but it's a disservice to Jon to think he could mean any of this, he is not above using sex and romantic feelings (Ygritte) to do his duty, even if he developed feelings in the last situation he choose his duty and he will again because he loves Winterfell and he loves the Stark shipping aside. It would be ridiculous to have Lord Glover talking about foreing whores, Sansa warning about to be smarter than Robb and Ned, Tormund going on and on about Mance's pride, Jorah and Jon's conversations about Jeor and Ned and Beric talk about how thrones and Queens don't matter if Jon is suddenly gonna forsake it all in the name of a love we have no proof but Tyrion's and D&D's words (that we shouldn't trust cuz it's not likely they would give away such a twist) that it exists at all.
D eats it all up (I kinda feel bad for her, almost, only if she weren't such an entitled brat) and she tells him to rest. Jon clases his eyes and as soon as she is out he stares at the ceiling and sighs, again not subtle at all.
Anyway that is just what I think.
10.- The wights are getting Viserion out of the lake with some big ass chains, where do they even get this stuff? Hardhome? The had this big ass chains? A convinient again. Anyway so Viserion's out and his eyes open, and they are blue. Real talk the NK has had more bonding with him in this 2 min than D in all the seasons.
That's all I hope the finale is a bit better cuz this episode was hella boring.
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janiedean · 6 years
Idk if anyone already asked this but: what about ASOIAF/GOT characters and opera? Who are the experts, the casual fans, and the one who don't care but get dragged along anyway? Does anyone relate to a particular character? *cough* Is Tyrion the biggest Rigoletto fan? *cough* And/or, does any OTP relate to a particular opera pairing? :)
(spoilers: you can find 80% of the following or will find it in my amazing opera singers au series)
lannisters & partners
tyrion is 100% an opera nerd and he identifies with rigoletto in frankly worrying ways - he’s like me with la traviata and cries at rigoletto’s first aria every single time and then at the ending PERIOD I DO NOT MAKE THE RULES but he also likes unconventional stuff ie russians/20th century germans (TYRION LOVES ALBAN BERG YOU CAN PRY THAT FROM MY DEAD HANDS)
bronn is the friends he drags with but the only character in any opera that he likes is sparafucile
cersei only listens to wagner because everything else is for the plebs and ofc her favorite is the valkyrie YES YOU KNOW THE ONE WITH THE TWINCEST she’s the biggest sieglinde stan
jaime likes it tho not as much as tyrion but he hates both dramas and wagner and tends to like comedies/stuff that ends well better and he and brienne meet bc tyrion set them up and sent them to see fidelio with his tickets and YOU KNOW THAT JAIME AND BRIENNE ARE 100% LEONORE AND FLORESTAN YOU DON’T CHANGE MY MIND ON THAT EVER IT’S THE MOST JB OPERA THAT EVER JB-ED
brienne also likes more the happy stuff than the sad stuff but yeah fidelio is Their Thing okay
tywin went because joanna liked it and then he stopped 
starks & partners
ned & cat are that couple of nerds who goes to the opera for their anniversary and likes just about most stuff except a few single things they find boring but not as much to argue about it. for themselves, cat tends to like those donizetti operas with sopranos who at some point 100% lose it, ned is more into verdi and probably would agree with tyrion on rigoletto because y’know, FATHERS RELATE
but they also wanted their kids to get into it so their family tradition is that all go to see the magic flute together bc it’s kid-friendly and it worked bc all the stark kids love it ;)
robb’s totally into the comedies and hates the dramas and not counting the magic flute which ofc he loves because IT WAS HIS FIRST his fave is 100% rossini’s cenerentola FOR REASONS
addendum to say that theon is the friend he dragged with and thought would be boring but instead loves it and ends up converting and theon’s favorite - bc he’s a nerd - is most likely le comte ory ie THE ROSSINI CRACK OPERA WITH THE THREESOME WHERE THE TENOR IS CROSSDRESSING AS A NUN AND THE MEZZOSOPRANO PLAYS THE GUY AND THE BASS SINGS AN ARIA ABOUT STEALING ALCOHOL
but their ship they see themselves into are carlo and rodrigo from don carlo because lmao IT’S THEM
(robb prob. also have a soft spot for la clemenza di tito bc he and tito are the same person but nvm)
jon’s like 100% into dramas ALL THE DRAMA ALL THE TIME his fave is 100% la forza del destino ie the most terribly dramatic telenovela in history of dramatic opera
(he introduced it to ygritte who ofc is instead into all the rossini comedies with the a++++++ main lead ie italiana in algeri, barbiere di siviglia and so on which is a cause of endless amusement on her side because then they have to compromise)
(sam doesn’t need to be introduced because he’s 100% a nerd who cried over la traviata too but he likes all kind of stuff and who’ll go to both sand and fun operas and HE ALSO LIKES CENERENTOLA BEST THO)
sansa ofc is into THE ROMANCE so her fave is totally la traviata but she and robb totally agreed on cenerentola as well basically she robb and sam are the cenerentola stans cinnamon roll brigade
arya isn’t that much into it but she’ll go to most fun stuff and admittedly she has a soft spot for la fille du regiment because she totally identifies with maria (and tonio’s... well tonio is gendry let’s be real lmao)
(gendry is the friend she brought with once bc she likes that one and he immediately noticed)
bran goes with the others and he’s fine with it but he’s more into symphonic and not opera but he does like the family magic flute xD
rickon at some point got dragged to see the firebird when he was like six and everyone thought he’d sleep through it and instead he comes out of it like ‘guys I want to play the drums when I grow up’
baratheons & partners
robert thinks it’s boring af and wouldn’t set foot inside an opera ever, he just went once with ned to see don giovanni as a compromise
renly thinks it’s boring af and never went, then turns out that loras is 100% into it especially ACTUAL older stuff ie gluck and he totally dragged renly to see iphigenie en tauride BECAUSE ORESTES AND PYLADES ARE THE TWO OF THEM and renly had to relent and actually liked it
stannis is The Opera Nerd. he has a subscription to the local theater, he knows everything there is to know, he has a knowledge of minor baroque authors that would scare music professors, he also always goes alone because robert and renly wouldn’t go with him IF they cared, and his favorite is 100% rossini’s guillaume tell but only in the original french version WITH THE BALLETS or it’s a travesty
and he realizes davos is His Guy For Real when he shows up for their anniversary with tickets and then realizes that maybe someone who never went won’t want to see SIX HOURS OF FRENCH GRAND OPERA but davos just blinks like ‘k sure I’m open to everything’ and actually likes it (spoilers: davos’s fave becomes rossini’s la gazza ladra after he gets into it bECAUSE HE TOTALLY RELATES TO THE GIRL’S FATHER WHO SHOULD GO TO JAIL BUT IS ACTUALLY A GOOD GUY but he also likes le nozze di figaro bc YOU FEEL THE LOVE FOR THE LOWER CLASS)
all of them used to go with olenna so all four are into it
loras as stated is into early-mid 18th century stuff ie gluck/handel/the likes (he’s the only one who actually likes julius caesar)
willas totally is into romcoms he cried the first time he went to see l’elisir d’amore and he’s been mercilessly mocked since
garlan is a sane person and likes more or less everything except extradramatic stuff
margaery is into bellini don’t tell me norma isn’t her fave
lysa never was into it bc cat was and so she always refused to go
brynden totally introduced cat to it but he’s a man of not much taste for EXTRA DRAMA so while he likes his verdi he just wants to relax with his mozart gdi but his fave is something totally overlooked ie PROBABLY IDOMENEO BECAUSE WHY THE HELL NOT HE’D LIKE IT
edmure totally went with cat & brynden and also was more into comedies turns out that his favorite is eventually falstaff and he’s always grumbling that verdi shouldn’t have made just ONE comedy ffs
viserys prob is a nerd but just of his favorite stuff and he’s either into countertenor stuff OR obscure shit or french grand opera AT BEST, he’s probably the only person other than loras who likes julius caesar
dany’s into it but very casually, she probably likes il trovatore because fire imagery everywhere tho
rhaegar is 100% into verdi drama like jon took ONE thing from him and that’s it, he probably is the kinda person who likes othello best for the Sheer Drama Factor
balon and victarion legit hate it
euron is the only person other than cersei who actually willingly would go to see the ring and loves wagner
asha only goes with theon but she doesn’t mind it also bc alannys is 100% crazy into it that said she hates drama
alannys loves it her fave is la traviata I don’t make the rules
oberyn’s the hugest don giovanni stan in existence I DON’T MAKE THE RULES HE IS HE IDENTIFIES TO A T
elia’s chiller but the martells have the best taste and so they’d all like mozart she’s prob. into le nozze di figaro best because she totally relates to the countess
arianne likes così fan tutte and would punch anyone who says it’s sexist
other ppl:
sandor was dragged by sansa and he had been like WHAT DO I EVEN DO IN A THEATER HELP but then she picked something like gounod’s faust which he would like, turns out that then he ends into the most obscure SAD stuff and likes boito’s mefistofele best lISTEN HE’D BE INTO FAUSTIAN DEALS OPERA
lf is the kind of person who says they love opera but then criticize every single thing in every single staging and keep on saying opera should have died with maria callas
pyp/grenn/edd/the nw crowd went with jon once to watch something REALLY fucking sad TBH IT’D BE ERNANI and they’re like ‘jon wtf this is the worst’, then when sam learns it he goes like GUYS NO LET’S RECTIFY THIS and he brings them to l’italiana in algeri or SOME rossini fun opera and they change their mind
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raviposting · 7 years
I saw the Buzzfeed Unsolved Legends of Tomorrow AU headcanons you did so I couldn't help but wonder:Do you have any headcanons for a Buzzfeed Unsolved+the Starks(and possibly friends) AU?
Oh my god yes????? Also I feel like this turned into a shitpost whoops sorry I don’t know what this is 
So, basically everyone believes in the supernatural tbh except for Jon, and Rickon. 
Even with them they believe in the supernatural and maybe some gods but not ghosts or anything. 
Sansa is kind of a neutral “yeah sure okay ghosts exist” person - it exemplifies when they’re actually ghost hunting lmao. Arya is the one who’s neutral and just like “yeah if I see evidence I see evidence.” 
This is a huge debate in the GOT world lmao: 
Jon: “I D I E D and came back to life and there was NOTHING, kiddos. You just D I E.” 
Bran: “I’m the three eyed raven, bitch????” 
Robb and Rickon have been the ones who decide to take the siblings ghost hunting. They go to a closed down asylum and Bran rolls a ball down the hallway, only for it to stop at the name “Brandon.” 
Everyone is collectively losing their shit and there’s Bran looking straight at Jon and going “I told you.” 
Rickon and Arya are the ones who have the grand old smart idea of locking each sibling inside rooms and having like, a minute of alone time with ghosts or demons. Sansa was close to losing her shit in there. 
Sansa is the type of person who jokingly mocks demons and ghosts and goes “HELLOOOOOOOOOO GHOUUUUUUUUULS” or “these ghosts ain’t shit” but the second she hears a noise it’s straight to “oh my god I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I didn’t mean that you ghosts are the shit - I’m sorry don’t kill us.” 
Jon refuses to do anything that has to do with witches or ouija boards because even though he claims that ghosts don’t exist he is never gonna mess with that stuff ever again after Melisandre. 
Bran is just hardcore into this tbh he’s the only sibling who I can imagine being like, really intense about it? He brings all the equipment and makes Robb carry it all, and makes sure the EVP and audio recorders are all running and obsessively combs through the footage afterwards for even a hint of a voice. 
“Listen - guys, it’s clearly saying, ‘gone to the pier’! It makes sense - he’s telling us where he died!” 
Jon: “I don’t hear anything bud.” 
Arya: “Oh, no, no I hear something?” 
Bran: “Really???”
Arya:”Yeah, but it’s more like, ‘ghosts aren’t real’” 
Bran: “I hate you.”
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