#except qifrey
inkyriot · 1 year
has anyone done this yet
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lunarharp · 6 months
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warming back up..with silliness.. watching shrek 2 again & Dreams . cause i have a lot of dreams that are weird
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actualbird · 2 months
tried to see if there were similarities to explain to myself why im so entranced by qifrey and
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merchantarthurn · 8 months
it was really considerate of astarion to be a Twink That Compromised Me of 2023 right at the last moment because im overdue a nice bear in my heart. like halsin is in orbit but in the same way pluto orbits the sun rather than like the moon around the earth y'know? moon bear where are you. resolution for 2024 we keep the twinks at bay
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monstrsball · 1 year
sorry i don't usually get into popular things until after they have ended
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mauxanhduong · 1 year
wahhh i want to color some witch hat atelier panels but idk which ones
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hyperbolicangel · 10 months
aaaaaaa, i wish i was able to draw
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xreaderanonaccount · 7 months
Interrupted (Qifrey x Reader)
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Tags: Suggestive slight NSFW
Qifrey let out a deep deep sigh as he entered his room. The girls were so excited to learn a new glyph that Qifrey and Olruggio had to help them out, a lot. By the time they were done the sun had set. You on the other hand did the small chores around the atelier. Doing laundry, whipping up some lunch, or whatever needed to be done. The girls helped out here and there whenever they got a chance but you were content with how life was. The best part of the day is when Qifrey comes back to your shared room. You had already completed the task you set for yourself today and now you were relaxing on the bed with a cozy book in your hand. You heard a soft groan from the bottom of the steps. Looking over the loft you spot Qifrey walking up the stairs. Stripping his outer coat till he was just in his black turtleneck and his loose pants. He flopped down on the bed, making your body slightly jump off the bed by the sheer force.
“How was today dear?” You asked, smiling as you set the book down. Qifrey didn’t say anything but just a muffled groan. You run your hand through his curly white hair. You smiled as you could see Qifrey’s shoulder slump as his body ease. You thought that this night was going to be like this until you felt a strong hand grab your ankles pulling you down on the bed. You were pinned as Qifrey hovered over you. 
“Qifrey?” You asked looking up at him, his face unreadable as he leaned down capturing your lips with his. His lips were soft and warm as you felt his lips trailed down your body. 
“I’ve waited so long to do this.” You heard him mumble against your skin, his breath fanned your exposed skin as continued his trail of kisses. You felt his hand play with the belt around your waist. You drape your arms around his shoulder as you pull him closer. Taking in his scent of soft floral and wood. As he started to unbuckle your belt, soft raps on the door made you two paused. It was late, no one except maybe Olruggio would be up at this hour. You felt Qifrey heaved a deep sigh before getting off of you. He muttered an apology before telling the person on the other side of the door to come in. You peered over the loft seeing little coco coming inside. She seemed a little sleepy but still determined. 
“Professor, I was trying to work on the glyph we did earlier the day but it seems like it didn’t work.” Coco sounded defeated as she sat on the steps of the loft. Qifrey glanced at you as you gave a soft smile. Silently telling him to deal with his student’s question. Qifrey smiled as he slowly slid down the stairs sitting a couple stairs above Coco. You leaned against your arm as you watched Qifrey expertly explained the glyph again to Coco. It only took minutes after Coco entered the room for her to be out thanking her professor for helping her. When you heard the door close with a soft click, Qifrey was immediately back on you. This time more passionate as he cupped your cheeks, giving you a passionate kiss. He muffled a moan as he silently asked permission to access your mouth. You opened your mouth slightly giving him a silent agreement. You thought Qifrey would go nice and slow but Qifrey quickly shoved his tongue down your throat. You bit back a moan as Qifrey continued his relentless attack on your mouth. He trailed his hands down your sides cupping your bottom as he gently set you down on the plus mattress. Qifrey pulled away from you, you watched as he crossed his arms grabbing the hem of his turtleneck. As he pulled his shirt halfway over his body, getting a sneak peak of his tone chest, another soft rap against his door. Qifrey let out an annoyed sigh as he pulled his shirt back down before telling the person to come in. You could hear Olruggio come in to complain about something. Qifrey tried his best, you can really see, but his face did show some signs of annoyance. 
“Alright I’m heading to bed, Goodnight Qifrey,” Olruggio said before leaving, but he stopped before and said goodnight to you. Which made the two of you face flush a bit. Olruggio isn’t dumb, he knows that you're there. Even though you had your own room, ever since you and Qifrey made it “official” you’ve been staying with him. After hearing another soft click of the door you looked up to Qifrey who just sighed settling down on the bed. You watched as Qifrey laid down next to you. You smiled to yourself as you climbed on top of him. Settling on his lap you can feel his bulge against you. 
“We’ll try to make this quick.” You mumbled as you slipped your shirt off, Qifrey gently placed his hands against your hips drawing small circles with his thumbs. 
“Please.” Qifrey whispered, rocking your hips back and forth, you muffled your moans as you connected your lips with his. The muffled moans filled the quiet room as Qifrey continued to guide your hips against his hard bulge. You sighed as you  pulled away. Whispering sweet nothing to Qifrey you moved to remove your bottoms. As you started to slip it off the door swung open. You couldn’t react quick enough but Qifrey did. You let out a small yelp as you were flipped, now your back against the plush mattress and covered by the soft blanket. Qifrey looked down at you with a now annoyed expression. You can tell Qifrey wanted to just spend a nice moment with you. Nice is putting it lightly. 
“Richeh is everything okay?” You heard Qifrey asked, a mask of worry was heard from Qifrey.
“Richeh had a nightmare.” You heard Richeh mumble. You frowned slightly, feeling bad for the little witch. Discreetly slipping your shirt back on you sat up and patted on the bed.
“Aw don’t worry Richeh we’re here come on up.” You smiled, Qifrey glared at you, quietly asking you what you were doing. You heard Richeh’s foot softly thumb up the stairs. You watched as the little witch climbed up the bed b lining to you engulfing you in a hug. You quietly stroke Richeh’s head as you lower the both of you back on the bed. Cuddling into her. You glanced at Qifrey who had an not amused look. You smiled at him patting at the open area next to you. You heard Qifrey sighed as he moved next to you. Slipping his arms around your waist. You felt him pull you closer still reminding you that there was still something that you guys were doing. 
“Richeh where are you?” You heard another voice called up. Before you two can say anything you spotted Tetia ascending up the stairs. 
“What! No fair you get to cuddle with the professor and miss (name)!” Tetia complained, but before anyone can say something Tetia climbed up the bed settling next to Richeh. 
“If you guys are gonna have a sleepover then Tetia should be invited!” She exclaimed, You chuckled at how Tetia is. But you felt Qifrey heaved a deep sigh into your back. You can tell he’s trying his best. He loves his students, he truly does, but sometimes he just wants peace and quiet. And some time alone with just you. 
Sooner than you thought, somehow some way you had all four girls snuggled up with you and Olruggio sleeping near the foot of the bed. Everyone was fast asleep leaving just you and Qifrey alone…ish. 
“I’m sorry things didn’t go as planned.” You whispered to Qifrey, turning to him to play with his hair. Qifrey just sighed into your neck pulling you closer.
“It’s…fine.” Qifrey said but you can tell it still bothered him. 
“We’ll get back to it someday.” You whispered, Qifrey just nodded his head as sleep finally took over you both. The soft crickets in the night lure you into a peaceful sleep.
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falling-violet-petals · 6 months
I spent the last two weeks reading every single witch hat atelier chapter (except for 77 which was published yesterday lol) and it has consumed my entire life.
I am obsessed with Qifrey just the idea of a really sweet professor who is also very morally grey and has a very dark past taking in all these traumatized little girls as his witch apprentices to protect them from the same experiences he went through and being so so understanding of their experiences and emotions and worrying about them and never pushing them to do things they don't want to do and letting them experiment as much as they want while providing guidance when they need it. And especially his relationship to Coco with how strongly she resembles his younger self and how they parallel each other but this time as her professor he is trying to keep her away from the pain he suffers and he's trying to make Coco have hope in magic in a way that he himself doesn't have. And the way he acts towards the girls actually makes them trust him SO much like (spoilers) Coco has been keeping the whole Custas ordeal a secret at the request of Tartar but in the more recent volumes she has finally decided to tell Qifrey because of how much she trusts him and Qifrey not only patiently listened to her and allowed her to do what she wanted even though it was dangerous because he knew how important it was but he also actually wanted to help Custas and was willing to talk to him instead of immediately fighting him for doing forbidden magic like the other adults (sorry Lulucy). And like idk it's weird because I'm used to seeing characters that are morally grey like him but to having a character like that just be such a genuine and good teacher/father figure. And granted he actually does have selfish reasons to want to have Coco as an apprentice and that's a big part of what makes him morally grey but a great thing about it is that he doesn't actually let these reasons change the kind of father/daughter or professor/apprentice relationship he has with her like he doesn't treat her any differently than his other apprentices and he very much cares about her beyond just being a lead to the brimhats and he constantly shows it with his actions.
Also his relationship to Olruggio is also so perfectly contradictory. Like you can't convince me they aren't in love. Personally unlike some of the fandom that likes to say they are just married but haven't said it I like to believe that they are both in love and are vaguely aware of the fact that the other likes them back but Qifrey refuses to confess because he doesn't think he deserves it for obvious reasons and he also thinks Olruggio would realize his intentions even sooner if they were romantically involved and Olruggio on the other hand is so used to Qifrey's secrets and dodgy personality and refusal to talk about serious things that he's afraid if he confessed Qifrey would just completely shut him off (we all know he would actually do something worse but shh 🤫). But even without the shipping if you just (for some reason) see them as friends there is still so much to say about their relationship like Olruggio clearly cares so deeply about Qifrey that he spent his childhood with him and then moved with him to his atelier and still lives with him after all the crazy things Qifrey pulls off (like spontaneous adoption) and he also forgives Qifrey for everything no matter what and (spoilers for chapter 40) still Qifrey (who is very much still affected by his trauma on the daily) is so closed off that he is not able to accept all of this affection and acceptance that Olruggio is willing to give to the point that Qifrey is actively harming him and violating his personhood by erasing his memories whenever he finds out about Qifrey's search. And like... the fact that Qifrey is so traumatized that in "self-defense" he's turning around and doing the exact thing that traumatized him to the person he loves most and the fact that Olruggio loves him so much that he would be willing to forgive even this... I don't even know what to say anymore because they just make me want to scream.
Anyway yeah I like Qifrey a normal amount I swear
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kustas · 2 months
what do you/others dislike about WHA? unfamiliar with it but also curious
i've not seen people vocally dislike WHA at all, mostly because i don't hang out in anime communities outsides of me and my friends! i've seen mild criticism but nothing too harsh. here we go though:
the tone. WHA' "important" messages (stuff with high emotional stakes and/or ties to real life activism) come off as extremely preachy. i am a grown adult able to understand subtext so it's really damn grating to read through. i have a friend who hard agrees on this one with me, but asides of them i've not seen it echoed much in the community
the character art (NOT designs, art) i find generic and not to my taste. comes with anime sameface and same body types, the big eyes/small nose combo i don't like, and the blushy wushy expressions. it's getting worst and worst as the series progresses - the first volume i dig the look of, after that eeeeehhh. i'm the only one i've seen dislike the character art, but people have agreed with me on the sameface stuff
the current art feels badly handled. it's insanely long and keeps placing new plot elements it doesn't resolve, instead going for more threads with no resolutions or offscreen, underwhelming shut downs. i don't like stories with high stakes and it also added that a lot. this is a majority opinion in the community if the monthly update reddit discussion threads are to be taken as an average sample
this last one is a bit sensitive to handle but WHA is a series that wears messages of acceptance/condemnation of mistreatment of social minorities on its sleeves and tries very, very hard to be diverse, but it's not always...great at it. in the grand scheme of things i like that better than not trying but some stuff makes me eyeroll, like the author not having a single old/fat/brown or black char in the main cast and mostly using them as one off set decor designs (there's exceptions ofc), making the only gay guy thus far a violent cop, making the violent cops very poor meowmeowy in general and giving most of its monologues about the state of the world to big baddy puppy kickers, which aint ideal to correctly portray a world built on a shitty system to condemn said shitty system.
whys qifrey always th eone on the floor wet and panting and not the male characters i could actually find attractive
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petrichorium · 1 year
i am not vic but ohhhmhyyogofr your post about gojo and his greatest fear of getting you (us???) pregnant is making rounds in my head. if u would like to share more of your thoughts please know i will be SEATED!!!!
I will not lie the thing I have written is more about his mother and how he projects her onto you wrt his fears abt getting you pregnant so it’s v much a gun Ive cocked and aimed at vic specifically LMFAOOOO
But there’s many angles to his refusal to have kids imo so I’ll ramble abt a few of them. If this is going to hurt ur feelings DO NOT open the read-more it’s not a happy take on motherhood
he does not believe he’d be a good father point-blank. I think his dad was p much nonexistent in his life—in fact I can’t decide if I think he even knows who his dad is/was—and in general he keeps too much of an emotional distance between himself and everyone else for him to be comfortable with the idea of being responsible for raising a whole child. His role as a teacher is not paternal to me, in contrast to chars like Aizawa or Qifrey who are paternal in their roles. JJK is very explicit in its depiction of sorcerers as people who do not have long lifespans, and the majority do not make it past high school. The teaching role in that sense is less a father figure and more someone raising cattle for slaughter. He can’t afford to become too attached to his kids; the vast majority are going to become Haibaras or, if they’re strong enough, Getous. It’s a hard life. He firmly believes he’d treat his own kid the same way. You are the exception, and sometimes he still has to distance himself from you—a kid doesn’t deserve that from its own father.
he is RADICALLY oppositional to everything that has to do with the old conservative way. This includes providing his clan more breeding stock—because frankly, that’s what his children would be. There’s no chance of him passing his powers down (only one person can have Limitless at one time, a power that isn’t even that enormous without the Six Eyes and he’s the first person in 600 yrs to have them both) and he’s also aware that either he or his kids will die first, and if it’s him there’d be nothing to stop his clan from just taking them away to use them to breed another one of him. Idk how any decent person would be comfortable having kids knowing that or assassination would be their fate, but hey I’m kinda an anti-natalist so I’m pretty biased LMFAOOOOOO
BUT FINALLY. THE PART WE RLLY CARE ABOUT (and the most important part to him—again those first two points are why he’s always been terrified of having kids but this one shows up when he realizes he wants you for the rest of his life) if there’s anything worse than being gojo in a situation where he’s had a kid, it’s the poor soul he impregnated. Because like. He’s GOJO he’s untouchable but you, no matter who you are but esp if you’re not a particularly strong sorcerer/a non-sorcerer straight-up, are absolutely touchable. Like the odds of you being outright assassinated (during the pregnancy by other clans or after the pregnancy by his OWN as a power grab) are so high that the chance alone would be enough to make him get snipped. But having his children would erase you. You’re no longer you the moment it happens; suddenly you’re the mother of gojo satoru’s children, and you bear the burden of everything that entails.
You’ll be blamed when his kids are powerless even though everyone knew it would happen. You’ll have them stolen from you the moment you let your guard down. You’ll be ridiculed and shamed and dehumanized until you’re a shell of who your used to be. And it won’t matter that unlike his father he’ll stay by your side, because ultimately he’s the one who did this to you. It won’t matter if you do everything right, their lives will still end in tragedy. It won’t matter if you truly genuinely wholeheartedly always wanted children and always loved them… you’ll end up resenting them. And him. And yourself, for your resentment. And if you’re like his mother………. you won’t be able to take it. Nobody would be able to take it.
He cannot allow it to happen
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magpiesbones · 3 months
Agott has known she liked girls since forever, probably, and was fine with it. Whatever. She had bigger problems, such as making all of her spells perfect all the time. And then there was Coco.
And it wasn’t that Coco was her first crush, but first it was that Coco was breaking the rules and then it was that Coco visibly loved magic in a way that Agott never had, never had even thought to. Magic was like her hands: it was just a part of her. It was something she could do, like breathing. Why would she love it? Coco taught her how.
When she confessed, almost a year later, they were close enough that they stayed friends when Coco said, haltingly, that she didn’t like girls. Agott was her best friend, and she was Agott’s, and that was more important, actually. Also, they were thirteen. Agott knew it wouldn’t have lasted— if she didn’t then, she knew it later. It was easy to dismiss the wants of your childhood self, in hindsight— anyways, everyone knew there was no such thing as a good decision when you were thirteen. Being best friends was much more comfortable, anyways— Agott didn’t have to think about that squirmy thing in her stomach that surfaced at the thought of involving herself in romance, or (ew) kissing.
It didn’t mean she wasn’t jealous, when Tartah was Coco’s first kiss, but she got over it quick.
Things kept happening. They went for the third trial; Coco and Tartah had a dramatic but painless breakup; Qifrey took them on a repairing tour; they went for the fourth trial. The years kept passing. Coco got a new boy, except this one sucked, and didn’t last very long before he got in an enormous fight with Tetia Agott regrets not being there for and was summarily dumped. Coco was always a little awkward, talking about what led up to the actual dumping.
Coco went for the fifth trial. Agott didn’t.
It took a long time.
There was a conversation, with Olruggio. One of many, but this time it struck Agott, who was ready to think about it, ready for it after years of the slow unlearning of all the unspoken rules. After learning what could and couldn’t be changed.
Olruggio had been a girl for a while, as a child. He wasn’t anymore, sometimes said that he wasn’t sure he’d really ever been, but he did like to talk about it with Agott. He let her sit in on his inventing sessions, just watching, studying how he solved the problems, until she was ready to ask.
Agott figured himself out in a slow slide, and a sudden and merciless impact. It felt like learning magic was something he could love: his body was something he could like. Something that he could change.
He’d been writing to Coco— he’d wanted to keep up their friendship, while she was away at the tower and he was alternatingly touring around the land fixing things with Professor Qifrey and completeing what totally wasn’t an apprenticeship with Olruggio except he was teaching him all of the tricks he’d learned in his own career of contraption-making.
He’d forgotten to mention the gender. He wasn’t sure why— or how— when a quick ‘oh by the way, I’m a guy now’ could have been appended to any one of the many letters they sent. It was so important that it just— slipped his mind once, and then well of course he’d told Coco, because he told Coco everything, and of course everything included his gender.
Really it was probably because around the time he was figuring it out Coco was trying to decipher this one really interesting book and well. Magic was cool, and more interesting than the boy thing. Especially because Coco thought that one of the symbols should be able to form magic into brushbugs.
It was a little— more than a little— embarrassing to call out to Coco and see her not recognize him, until—
“Agott!!” She was running to him, and then they were hugging, and he was taller, now, wasn’t he? He hadn’t noticed, but either he was taller or Coco was shorter. “Agott, is that you? You look so happy!”
“Yeah,” He said. “It’s me. Hey, wait, you said you’d show me that new installation—“ And it really was all the same, wasn’t it?
Coco passed the fifth test, deservedly so, and Agott continued to not take it. It felt transgressive of him, every day that went by where he didn’t. He didn’t want to.
Coco moved back into the atelier, and it felt nice. Good. Right, almost: of course it would be the four of them. Qifrey, very politely, didn’t kick them out, but suggested that maybe they’d like to see what it was like being witches in a town for a while?
It was partly that, and also partly that Coco got a letter from Tartah inviting her to come and see the shop he’d recently set up in a space that was separate from his grandfather’s, and also help out because he was just swamped. So Coco went to help, and Agott, because he didn’t really have anything better to do, went with, and— well. He had been making contraptions, and now he was selling contraptions. And it was pretty good.
He pretended not to notice the way Coco would glance at him. He tried not to think about it. They were best friends. Coco, categorically, didn’t like him. Anyway, they lived with her ex.
Probably Coco just forgot he was a guy now, and it surprised her sometimes. It still surprised him, when he caught glimpses of himself in the mirror, the way it made him feel real.
He mentioned it to Tetia, once— how it kind of seemed like Coco liked him, sometimes, but he’d confessed and been rejected already so he was probably imagining it.
Tetia had reminded him that they’d been thirteen, and also had all thought Agott was a girl at the time, and ALSO also like ten years had passed, and people changed. Feelings changed.
Agott’s feelings on the matter kind of hadn’t, much. Except for the squirmy thing in his stomach that turned over when he considered it, and found it to be the vestiges of discomfort at the thought of loving someone in a body that wasn’t really his and that he didn’t really like.
It wouldn’t have been serious, when they were thirteen. It would have been the summer, maybe, and then nothing. It was serious now, though. It could be.
He’d never been good at hiding how he felt, or beating around the proverbial bush— he did just ask her. They were cooking together, and Coco was— watching him peel turnips, and— he’d always been good at shutting up, except around Coco.
“Um,” she said. “Yeah. It doesn’t have to mean anything, though.”
Agott kind of wanted it to. He said so.
They made it mean things.
later, Coco said she had liked him, not when he’d asked, but later, around when she was dating that boy whose name neither of them actually remembered. She’d been so confused, because she didn’t like girls, hadn’t ever been attracted to another girl, so it did make sense Agott wasn’t one, honestly, she could really see it, even back then, and— (coco had buried her face in her hands, before she was able to say it) the confidence was hot.
Agott had blushed to the roots of his hair at that. He got it, kind of— Coco was very attractive ink-smeared and exultant— but Coco was always like that. she loved magic. She’d taught him how to break rules.
sitting there, on Agott’s bed wrapped in all of the blankets he owned, he thought that they were going to live forever.
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lunarharp · 2 years
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witch moments
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shiftycryptid · 2 years
One thing I find very funny about both qifrey and reigen is the fact that they are both completely untrustworthy with anything /except/ the safety and wellbeing of children. I would not lend them $5 with the expectation of getting it back, but I would hire either one of them as babysitters.
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these-detestable-hands · 10 months
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Blorbo for each letter of the alphabet challenge! It's an art challenge from the 2021 fire emblem fandom. Style is simpler than usual so I wouldn't get burnt out drawing it. Full list below the cut + some other stuff I wanted to say
Abbacchio - Jojo's bizarre adventure
Bonchien - to your eternity
Castti - octopath traveler 2
Diego - Jojo's bizarre adventure
Emporio - Jojo's bizarre adventure
Fushi - to your eternity
Godot - ace attorney
H'aanit - octopath traveler
Iris - ace attorney
Josuke - Jojo's bizarre adventure
Kai - to your eternity
Lucy - Jojo's bizarre adventure
Messar - to your eternity
Nightfall - spy x family
Osvald - octopath traveler 2
Partitio - octopath traveler 2
Qifrey - witch hat atelier
Rohan - Jojo's bizarre adventure
Seteth - fire emblem three houses
Thorfinn - vinland saga
Ubuyashiki - demon slayer
Valentine - the count of Monte Cristo
Winnehild - octopath traveler
Xatu - pokemon
Yuri - spy x family
Zelda - breath of the wild
Other stuff:
I only did Iris and Xatu because my alternatives were Ignatz (fe3h) and Xander (fe fates) and I didn't wanna do either. Iris is also cool though so it worked out fine. I'm also not very far in the TCOMC anime but I chose to draw Valentine's anime design because I haven't seen any movies, the musical and I didn't wanna make my own design just for this.
I also did it in spring of 2021!
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Most notably, 2021 had 6 aot characters due to a then recent hyperfixation, Xander who is my OC cause I didn't know any characters that started with X except Xander fe, Cyrus because this was like 2 weeks before the Caellach obsession hit like a freight train and also some PJO, Hades game and Shera characters that I don't really care for at all anymore
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olive-schmolive · 1 year
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WOW this took longer to make than I thought it would, but I think it's neat! I've enjoyed seeing this artist trend and wanted to do it with cosplay as well :)
🎈Highway Man - Over the Garden Wall
🎃 Phi - Zero Time Dilemma
✨️ a dress I made lmao. I was running out of cosplays 😅
🌿 Blathers - Animal Crossing
🩵 Mizuki - AITSF nirvana initiative
🫐 Luxray armor - Pokemon
🟣 Qifrey (casual robes) - Witch Hat Atelier (except I was wearing it to ren faire and wasn't in full cosplay lol)
🌷 Nia - Gurren Lagann
All photos are either taken by myself or my husband!
With the exception of Luxray, photographed by swallowtailphotostudio on IG
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