#excuse the different art style
the-parentheticals · 1 year
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Alright, let’s get officially started with our prisoner 001! A bit of a note, some of their crimes are easy to guess if you already have knowledge of their backstory, and some of them are difficult even with that. This one…probably would fall into the difficult category.
Also, feel free to provide judgements of what you’d vote for them, what you think their crime was, and all that.
Name - Ritorin Fuyushi (とりん 冬しり) (the first character in his first name means “winter” and the others are all katakana)
Age - 21
Gender – Male
Birthday – Feb. 21
Height – 170 cm
Blood Type – AB
Image Colour - #0A1172
Occupation – University student, part-time skier
Personality – He’s a rather laid-back person who doesn’t worry too much about being in Milgram, but if he’s questioned too much, he has a tendency to become short-tempered.
He typically speaks bluntly and is rather unwilling to talk with others. He doesn’t see much of a point in giving too much energy to anything.
He doesn’t usually interact with the other prisoners beyond what’s necessary, but he is willing to be civil during any ordinary conversations.
“Hey there. The name’s Fuyushi Ritorin. I’m a university student, and I also ski in some competitions in my free time. I’m sure as hell not getting out of here anytime soon, so we should try to be civil with each other, at least.”
“Leave her alone! She had nothing to do with it!”
Canon Cover – Throw Down (pretty similar to canon, but with a lot more of a classical flavour)
DECO*27 Cover – Rooter’s Song
Vocaloid Cover – Kagerou Days (Jin) (I was gonna go with something else, but this one’s honestly kinda spoilery enough)
MV – The List
His song has a classical flavour, heavily featuring piano and violin, and the lyrics discuss planning and building something that will bring good to the world.
The MV starts with an extreme close-up of him watching something not shown on screen, and his eyes go wide.
Fuyushi runs after a little girl with light blue hair through a snowy field. Although the girl doesn’t leave any footsteps, Fuyushi does.
The next scene is of him standing in an old-fashioned library, doing research. There’s a montage of him going through maps, highlighting routes, and looking at law books.
He pushes a stack of research across the table to someone, waits a beat, then smiles.
The next scene is in the field, where the girl is gone and Fuyushi is fixing up a hastily constructed snowman.
It cuts to a fancy party, where Fuyushi’s talking with an older man and looking very pleased. The camera cuts away for a few moments, and the man disappears. Fuyushi appears scared for a moment, but then becomes calmer and walks away from the scene.
Red and blue lights start flickering, and Fuyushi panics, pushes the camera away, and starts running.
The scene cuts back to the field, where Fuyushi collapses in the snow, a pool of red under him. Blood is splattered around and behind the girl, but none of it is on her.
The MV closes on a similar shot as the beginning, this time with an older version of the girl, and it’s revealed she has light green eyes and freckles.
He claims to be innocent, although when asked about who really killed his victim he becomes rather tight-lipped.
Murder is his only major crime.
He’s double-jointed.
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soosoosoup · 3 months
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Strawberry Swap
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flowerakatsuka · 10 days
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soybean-official · 9 months
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It's going to hurt every time
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koddlet · 2 months
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taipril day 3. bit messy but that's okay
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missholoska · 10 months
day 5 of Soriel Week year 8: dreaming 💤
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"but what are they dreaming about", you ask:
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hotdogs and snail pie for dinner + several hours of late-night puns = a recipe for weird dreams about each other 💭
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darqx · 4 months
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Based on a real game I used to play with my friends/cousins when we were little lol. You hold the firecracker for as long as possible before throwing it. Don't try this at home.
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elnotwoods · 6 months
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temptation accomplished
<someone pls check on Aziraphale>
inspired by this post
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salty-an-disco · 20 days
Concept: While Quiet remains stagnant across the chapters, Hero (the voice) always changes slightly to match the princess they're facing. Not necessarily the voice we get in the chapter, specifically the princess.
He gets more draconic in Adversary's chapter, more 'princely' in Damsel's chapter, more ghostly in Spectre's, and etc etc. Kinda as a way to show visually how malluable his character is, and to parallel the princess/Shifty herself, since I headcanon him as being the closest to Shifting Mound's nature.
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kuulpenguin · 3 months
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”Look at the sky! It’s looking back!”
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humming-fly · 9 months
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wanted to doodle more orbs and figured I'd adapt one of the fun sequences of events from my recent group cosplay, whereupon @nymphofnovels may or may not have become briefly (and accidentally!!) impaled on my prop weapon
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tobisaw · 7 months
twiddles my fingers shyly kicks a rock what about some jefferem and benry
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holds both of your hands and looks at you with a solemn expression and a twinkle in my eye For you bro
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soosoosoup · 1 month
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scrapped john dory and branch
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microsofttothemax · 28 days
“i can’t draw poc in my art!! it clashes with my artstyle!!!” maybe pick a new style then idk
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mel-loly · 2 months
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-Happy Easter..💛
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more alt L? more likely than you think
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kinda liked my base colors
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