#exile tribe meme
simpforchuchu · 3 months
The Rampage Members:
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banqanas · 12 days
Fanta and RMPG members's reaction to Keito's new drama 🙈
Source: RamFan Quest Episode 6
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eribeen · 8 months
I guess, I won’t take any meds from now on 😆
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hopkei · 6 months
It's not an illness, old man. Who Cares About Old Men's Underwear! - Episode 1
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emeraldbabygirl · 11 months
I MADE A MEME. With the phone and not Snapchat unfortunately but behold! @atinystaypixie @halalhyungwon @jaejoongs-nipple-piercing @dmbjwhxre @wh0sthe5pecial0ne
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vixendoesstuff · 5 months
Fuck it, I'm embracing the cringe
Trolls AU where everything is relatively the same except Branch is a Techno Troll, purely for the reason that those guys are my favs out of the tribes and nothing else
Like maybe his egg somehow washed up to the Troll Tree from some event I haven't made up yet, and he's found by maybe John Dory or Grandma Rosiepuff and was brought into the family
Same thing happened after he's hatched, he got into BroZone as the weird looking but funky Troll baby Bitty B, the thing happened, the band broke up, leaving Branch alone with his grandma
Then she got eaten (cue the meme)
Poor Branch then turned grey due to the trauma he went through, like
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More or less he looks like this for 20 years, with the addition of his pixel heart being split in two for added angst
Same thing happened as in canon afterwards; Branch is the village grouch and self imposed exile, except maybe his treatment is sort of worse here 'cause he's not like the others. Evidence, he has fins for legs, fins for ears, his hair can't stretch like all Pop Trolls can, and just generally the "don't sing or dance or hug" thing. Hence, he's a bit more bitter and more towards the village and more willing to lash out more than he did in canon (or atleast what we're shown on screen anyway)
I don't think his poor treatment would go too far since I see King Peppy sort of protecting Branch as best he can by redirecting the villagers' anger away from him. Maybe due to him thinking his treatment from the civillians were too cruel, or it's 'cause he knows Branch is a Techno Troll and felt bad for suffering this fate from the other Pop Trolls and being separated from his own people, so he did his best to accomodate Branch (doubtful, but no one is perfect I guess)
(Will Peppy tell Branch the truth about him, though? Lol, hell no, he's too much of a wuss to do that)
So I guess in a way, he's more or less on good terms with King Peppy, but not enough for him to consider him a friend or anything. Branch just trust Peppy's judgement a bit more than in canon (still think he's an idiot, though)
But anyway, same thing happened, Poppy hosts the biggest and loudest party ever and got raided by the Chef Bergen, Poppy and Branch sets out to Bergen Town to rescue the kidnapped Trolls, set Bridget up to a date with the king, Branch explains his sad backstory, Creek betrays them and got the whole village snatched up, they all lost their colours, Poppy and Branch sings True Colours to get their colours back and subsequently got Branch's colours back (which I'll make a drawing referencr later 'cause I'm still debating on what he'll look like), and they sang to the Bergens to make everything sunshine and rainbows, The End
So yeah it's all the same with the added edition of Branch being a Techno Troll. Other than gags and jokes about him being different and a sprinkle of added stuff to his lore on why he's different, nothing really changes
But when World Tour happens
Oh boy
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missing-sock-misto · 2 months
Tuggoffelees for the ship meme
29-one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart.
30-one headcanon about this OTP that mends it.  
29. A headcanon that breaks my heart
If Misto hadn’t become friends with Tugger, he would have fallen prey to Macavity, much like Demeter did.
Now this is based on a particular set of headcanons that I have. But, basically;
After Macavity ‘leaves’ the tribe, young Misto finds himself treated with suspicion, like a ticking time bomb. Macavity had physical magic more powerful than anyone, perhaps that’s what corrupted him? So now people murmur, ‘what if Misto turns out just like him. What if he becomes a monster?’
So Misto hides his magic, makes it less than what it is. “I can only do lights. Nothing else.”
But he still needs to use it. He feels Wrong if he doesn’t. So he practices, alone, far from the tribe.
Eventually, Macavity finds him. He convinces him that the stories about him were inventions, slander. He offers to train him, to help him.
At first, Misto refuses, terrified. But he comes back. The promise of having someone Show him how to do control his magic is too enticing.
He is a good target. Already a bit reclusive, the aftermath of Macavity has made him an outcast. He’s lonely, craving guidance, craving someone like himself. He has a good heart, and is willing to believe Macavity’s stories. He’s naive. He doesn’t understand that people lie.
Macavity shapes himself into everything Misto needs. A friend, a mentor, a companion. But at the same time, he chips away at his supports.
No one else can be trusted. “Look at how they treated me. I lost control once, and they rejected me, exiled me. And I was the honored heir. What do you think they’ll do to you?”
It isn’t hard. Misto is already painfully aware of how the others look at him. Victoria is the only person he can trust.
And then there’s an accident. An accident that he causes. And in the aftermath, he hears the whispers. “Just like Macavity.”
Misto runs. He runs to Macavity, cries that he should have listened to his warnings, that no one could be trusted. He could only trust Macavity. He begs him to take him away, So he does. Macavity spirits Misto away to his own clowder. Waiting are a pair of mischievous calico twins, a beautiful ruby haired queen, and a golden queen with anxious eyes, all ready to be his new family.
But now that he has what he wants, Macavity no longer needs to play nice.
30. Something that mends it.
But this isn’t what happens. Instead, Tugger finds Misto in the outlands, practicing his magic.
And so, he’s the one who helps Misto. He too has grown up in the shadow of Macavity. He too has a chip in his shoulder.
He becomes Misto’s friend. He admires his abilities, his talents, encourages him. Though lacking overt magic of his own, his passion and excitement give Misto confidence.
He believes in him. He fosters trust. He thinks the others will accept Misto, and if they don’t, well then he’ll make them see what he sees!
So when Old Deuteronomy is kidnapped, that’s exactly what he does. “I will show them the you that I see. I will make them see you for who you are. And you are going to show them exactly how brilliant you are. I know it.”
(I did get inspired, I had already wanted to write a fic exploring these dynamics. If I ever get around to finishing them, I’ll reblog this with an Ao3 link. I have 3k of the AU scenario XD)
Thank you for the ask! 😁
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francesderwent · 2 years
Pls help I finally got a new library card and I'm drunk with power and the need for more books except I have no idea what to read next after finishing The Queen's Thief. *hands out like Oliver Twist* pls, miss, can I have some book recs??
AHHHHHHHH I am ALWAYS so excited to talk about books!
So first of all, my condolences. You have so many amazing books ahead of you in life—we all do, God willing!—but nothing will ever be the Queen’s Thief again!! And that’s a moment I think we need to acknowledge.
With the one data point of the Queen’s Thief, there’s not very many obvious places to go, since there's nothin' else like it!! So basically what I’m going to give you is Cate’s Greatest And Most Approachable Hits. Some of the stuff I love is weird, and I recognize not everybody is going to care for it! But the stuff on this list, I would pretty much recommend to any and everybody!!! You might not like it, but hopefully you won’t think I’m crazy for recommending it lol.
[One asterisk has references to adult content, two asterisks has some skippable sex scenes on page.]
The Goblin Emperor, by Katherine Addison.* This is the one and only book I recommend in relation to the Queen’s Thief, specifically if you really liked King of Attolia. The Goblin Emperor is about a forgotten and exiled distant royal who unexpectedly inherits the throne. There are so many characters and so many names and everybody uses the formal “we”, so it’s not a quick or easy read, but this book is about love discovered where you least expect it and man oh man it makes me cry.  
I’m going to make my own weirdo transitions based on perceived similarity like a very drawn-out version of the "I've connected the dots--I've connected them!" meme. And from The Goblin Emperor and its unloved monarch, I’m going to move to:
The Hero & the Crown and The Blue Sword, by Robin McKinley.* These are the only Robin McKinley books I’m putting on the list, because they’re just the best ones, and because Aerin is my heart. The Blue Sword was written first, but The Hero and the Crown is a prequel, so you can read whichever one first. The Blue Sword is about a young woman who moves to an outpost of a barbaric land of horsemen tribes and then is kidnapped by a barbarian king. It’s about the meaning of home. The Hero and the Crown is about an extraneous princess who tries to carve out a place for herself in the country that hates her by taking care of pests, i.e., small dragons. It’s about service. They’re both so, so good.
From extraneous princess I’m taking us to:
The Two Princesses of Bamarre and Ella Enchanted, by Gail Carson Levine. You may have read them as a kid, but I’m here to tell you, they hold up!! Two Princesses is about one adventurous sister and one timid sister, but when the adventurous one falls ill, the timid one has to go on a quest to find the cure. Ella Enchanted is a Cinderella retelling, but Ella was cursed at birth to always be obedient. It’s one of the best fairytale romances there is! If you’ve seen the movie, forget it! Nothing alike! The book has a heart!
From retelling to retelling:
Princess of the Midnight Ball and Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow, by Jessica Day George. These are more recent than Levine’s retellings, but they were an instant classic for me! Princess is a retelling of the Twelve Dancing Princesses, told from the perspective of the oldest daughter and the under-gardener. It is so sweet and so romantic. Sun and Moon is an East of the Sun, West of the Moon retelling, it’s kind of a wacky fairytale but she totally makes it work. I love George’s depiction of sibling relationships in both of these books!
From retelling to retelling to retelling:
Spinning Silver, by Naomi Novik.* This book follows three women: one a Jewish moneylender resolutely freezing her heart to drag her family out of poverty, one an eldest sister trying to survive her father’s plans and her mother’s fate, and one an unattractive noblewoman whose father wants to marry her off to the czar. It’s a Rumpelstiltskin story. It’s a faerie story. It’s perfect.
And one more retelling because I love them:
The Goose Girl, by Shannon Hale. It’s kind of The gold-standard fairytale retelling for me?? All the elements of the original are there, and there’s some exciting twists, but it all hangs together. It’s just a good novel.
I'm gonna transition to another Shannon Hale novel:
Austenland, Shannon Hale. You may have seen the film, and I like the film! But the book is better. It’s about a woman who’s had a string of unsuccessful relationships and keeps running back into the arms of one Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy. She has the opportunity to attend an immersive regency experience, with costumes and actors as the Austen-esque heros and rules about who goes into dinner when. Will this last hurrah get the fantasy out of her system? What does reality have in store for her?
From Austen we’re gonna move to Heyer:
The Grand Sophy, by Georgette Heyer. Georgette Heyer is The regency romance author, and I think The Grand Sophy is probably the best starter book. I don’t think Heyer is dumb, and I don’t think Austen isn’t funny, so I’d say Heyer is Austen plus shenanigans. Sophy moves in with a family whose lives are all run by the relentlessly practical eldest brother. Sophy doesn’t take direction.
From regency romance to regency fantasy:
Mairelon the Magician, by Patricia C. Wrede. I don’t think you can go wrong with Wrede, but this book and its sequel are probably my favorite of hers. Street urchin Kim is hired to rob a performing magician, but it turns out he’s actually a magician, and he takes Kim along to help him unravel a plot. I’m a massive sucker for “regency England but with stuffy wizards” and Wrede just does it best!!  
From Mairelon I’m moving to Wimsey, which makes perfect sense to me but might not make sense to anyone else:
Clouds of Witness, by Dorothy Sayers. This is the second book in the Lord Peter Wimsey mysteries, but I think I would recommend starting here. A murder takes place in the Wimsey family home and Lord Peter has to bring his disreputable talent for detecting home. Wimsey is hilarious, and also if you read enough of his books you will fall in love with him a little, but the Wimsey mysteries are all also just really good mysteries!
Classic detective to classic detective:
The Beekeeper’s Apprentice, by Laurie King. Young orphan Mary Russell happens across a retired Sherlock Holmes and thus begins a lifelong partnership. This book is lovely, meandering through small stories of childhood and little cases to something more dramatic at the end. It’s about finding a kindred spirit and coming of age.
The transitions have been fun but at this point they are getting Difficult. Let’s transition from a book about a young girl to another book about several young girls:
The Penderwicks series, by Jeanne Birdsall. I think you’ve read these already, but I would hate to leave them off, since this list is my gift to posterity! The Penderwicks is how Little Women felt when I was a kid! Sisters who love each other! Mischief! A Very Interesting Boy! I love the way Birdsall writes children so much—it makes me remember what it felt like to look at the world like that, and it heals something in me, it really does!
I can make this work! Batty is an animal lover, so we’re gonna transition to:
Protector of the Small series, by Tamora Pierce.* This is the third of three quartets set in the same universe, and previous characters will definitely show up, but these ones are both the best written by far and also the ones where Pierce’s second-wave feminism gets in the way the least. If you like these I fully support going back and reading Song of the Lioness as a prequel! First Test is about Keladry of Mindelan, the young daughter of diplomats who’s the first girl to openly be trained as a knight, after her heroine Alanna made it by pretending to be a boy for years. Kel is a no-nonsense kind of person, and a brilliant tactical thinker, but she also has a heart for the helpless—she befriends the sparrows at her window and hates bullies and protects servants. She’s a fantastic heroine.
The last book in Protector of the Small and the last book in the next series are *handshake emoji* but I can’t tell you why, sooo
Scholomance trilogy, by Naomi Novik.** Nobody will shut up about these books, including me, and there is a reason why!! They’re astounding! Galadriel Higgins is a student at the Scholomance, a death trap of a magic school that wizards send their children to because it’s at least better than being constantly in danger in the outside world. El has made her peace with the competition of life—not everyone is going to make it, you can only look after yourself—but then she has one too many run-ins with the school’s shining hero, Orion Lake. She has a real talent for death and mass destruction and alienating people; he has a real talent for killing monsters and forgetting people’s names. Magic demands balance, after all…doesn’t it?
From here I’ve got no choice but to go to:
Folk of the Air trilogy, by Holly Black.** Spiritual sisters with the Scholomance books: why? Because I said so. These books are a fairytale about love and power, and they’re absolutely modern but totally true. Jude’s parents were killed by a Fae when she was a small child, and her parents’ murderer brought her and her sisters back to court with him and raised them as his own as a matter of honor. She’s a human where humans are playthings and servants, the only home she’s ever known is full of dangers for her, but Jude is determined to prove her worth. If she can’t be as good as them—she’ll be so much worse.
Folk of the Air seems like it’s making fun of notions of goodness and true love and then quietly subverts our expectations by making them more true than even we thought, which brings us to:
Discworld, particularly Guards! Guards!, by Terry Pratchett.* Guards! Guards! is dedicated to the members of the palace guard who appear in one scene in every adventure to run at the hero one by one and then be cut down. I’m really struggling to describe it. It’s about a tiny group of cynical, jaded guardsmen who have given up on their city, until two things happen: a young, hopeful new recruit joins the ranks and doesn’t know yet why laws are flimsy things to be swept under the rug. And a dragon attacks. You can famously start Discworld anywhere, but I’d start here.
And finally, last because it’s unsortable:The Scorpio Races, by Maggie Stiefvater. I can’t in good conscience recommend the Raven Cycle because it’s so unsatisfying and also it will ruin your life, but the girlies deserve a little Stiefvater, as a treat!! And Scorpio Races is the only book of hers I’ve ever read that has an ending that seems fitting. Puck lives on a small island famous for one thing only: in November, bloodthirsty horse-like things come out of the water. And islanders capture them, and train them, and race them—even if it kills them.
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sinfcrged · 1 year
very brief blurb; originated from a very small sect of force sensitives / force users hidden away in a distant part of the galaxy. their particular specialty is absorbing the corruption of the dark side be it from people, places, things. they were once far more prolific but during the era of the old republic the sith empire took it upon themselves to eradicate any that practiced this ability as they saw it as a threat to their very existence. only a few survived and fled. the knowledge has been passed down through the matriarchal line of her people for many many generations.
while not from the same region of space as the death maidens that @maidencfdeath 's oc originates from the two secs do know of each other and occasionally come to the aide of each other if one of their members is in danger.
fin is currently exiled from her homeworld and tribe after she interceded on behalf of a wayward youngling that had been given into the care of the tribe; a young girl ( @orphanedshadow ) who they deemed a danger to themselves and to the balance of the force when they realized that she was not simply corrupted by the dark side of the force but seemed to be some form of conduit for it. when they realized that kara could not be cleansed, but would only continue to seep dark side corruption into their world and any world that she existed on, they intended to banish her into the in between realm. fin protested, defending kara and saying that there were no mistakes in the force, that all things would come to balance and that clearly there was a greater destiny at work. when the matrons refused to listen to reason, she stole the child and fled.
she and the child travel in a small freighter that she 'requisitioned' from her homeworld. she roams mainly through the outer rim, looking for odd jobs, small transport jobs, migrant work here and there, mainly trying to stay out of the galactic struggles and keep out of trouble. it doesn't usually work, but she tries!
ooc: all that said, while i highly encourage checking out cas & kara's blogs, fin typically doesn't bring kara into places that she can't guarantee her safety and doesn't talk about her or her ties to her own sect or cas' so neither of them are necessary to interact with ic or ooc to plot with fin. there is plenty of room for random encounters with anyone in the star wars universe, at any point in the time line, force sensitives or not so please don't hesitate to come poke me if you'd like to plot! always open to memes or random starters as icebreakers.
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banqanas · 7 months
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watch out sotasota you better sleep with one eye open tonight
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hopkei · 8 months
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when you finish all your assignments
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[🧸, ✨, 🔮?]
Headcanon Symbol memes - Accepting
[ 🧸 ] does your muse keep anything sentimental? if so, what do they keep and why?
Her mother didn't leave behind many material things when she passed - being a priestess, most of her things ultimately belonged to the temple and its attendants. However, she did leave behind her notes on various religious texts which are the first thing Nabooru will save from a fire, earthquake, and would frankly give her life for. They're mostly dry, occasionally working through various religious paradoxes and such, but every hundred pages or so are notes Nabooru feels are specifically about her as a child - "she likes this passage, I should use it more often" or "She just learned this prayer by heart -  April 10th, 505." Nabooru's mother was distant, so notes like these were a kind surprise after she passed.
[ ✨ ] what aesthetics or symbols do you reference when writing your muse? are these backed up by canon, if your muse comes from a canon? is there any specific relevance to these choices?
I do lean into the Persian amazon trope quite a bit. I'm sure Crow remembers my battle with Bachoven's Motherright (Derogatory) but I did pick up a few things! I've especially taken the snake imagery of the Gerudo Goddess (Penthislea for future use)  and developed that. Cobras, especially King Cobras, are wildly intelligent snakes, but more importantly, they protect their eggs and even their young after they're born - this is unusual for all reptiles, not only snakes. This is often why they're venerated in historical and present-day religions and folk myth, so I've scooped that up. Penthislea is colloquially known as "the lady of protection" in everyday conversation, and she's accredited with leading the Gerudo to the desert after being exiled from mainland Hyrule. Even more than other Gerudo, Nabooru wears more of her symbols than the rest of her people do, and she associates herself heavily with gold, red, and green, which represent their people's unity, the earth beneath them, and Farore, who they believe created the Gerudo. This is all canon-compliant, but I don't have a ton to work with, so it's up to philosophers how much it backs up these aesthetics.
[ 🔮 ] what is your muse’s relationship with religion and spirituality? were they raised in a certain religion? have they stuck with the same set of spiritual beliefs all their life, or have they changed over time? are they settled in their spirituality now?
As Nabooru's mother was a priestess, she was raised with that destiny in mind. It's lucky for her that she immediately took to the Gerudo faith as her own identity. I can go on for pages about the Gerudo religion, but to keep it bare bones, they believe (as most of Hyrule does) that the Golden Goddesses, Din, Nayru, and Farore created the world. They believe Farore specifically created their ancestors, as Din created the Gorons and Nayru the Zora, but then that the goddesses largely left Hyrule alone. Whether or not they believe in Hylia is immaterial - whether she exists or not, she doesn't exactly protect the Gerudo. Presumably she does, or at one point did, or there wouldn't be all these Hylians running around.
They also practice ancestor worship. A Gerudo is meant to pray to her ancestors for guidance, for their safe travel through the stars, and to make sure they are remembered by the current tribe. They believe all protection from elements and enemies alike comes from their star-wandering mothers (and, at one point, fathers). Penthislea worship is an extension of this, as she was considered the first Desert Chieftain. The combination of the gradual loss of Gerudo men with Hylian expansion pushed them into the desert, but Penthislea safely led early Gerudo to the cliffs that became the desert fortress. She and her husband, the last of the Gerudo men, fought back against the Hylian forces though they were greatly outmatched and created the uneasy truce that the Gerudo live in today. Coincidentally, they also believe that the sole Gerudo male born to their tribe every hundred years or so is the reincarnation of her husband, whose name was lost to time centuries ago, but he is sent in their time of need to guide their decisions - thus, making him king.
Nabooru entirely believes in her people's history and religion and is perfectly content to be the steward of their faith. She happily leads service and ministers festivals. By the time she's 18, due to tribal tragedy, she's become the heirophant of the temple and plans all festivals, calendar services, and most blessings before traveling. As a result, she rarely leaves the desert. She has, to some degree, grown out of the more childish aspects of her faith - certain natural events like lightning being the work of the divine - but she still believes in Penthislea as strongly as she did when her mother passed away. She will point to every constellation and describe which past leaders make up the stars and celebrate to the point of crying when a new one appears.
As she gets older, she starts receiving visions - especially as they retreat further into the desert after Ganondorf's defeat or banishment, timeline respective. She tells few people about these visions, but allows them to guide her major decision making, and it generally works out for all involved. If that's not a reason to remain religious, I don't know what is.
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pontevoix · 6 months
hc + music for nobara from this | from @mindsafe
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headcanon | nobara + music
history:  her  family  shared  a  computer.  it  was  the  early  2000s.  it  was  a  bulky  thing,  &  when  nobara  was  really  little  ?  she  couldn’t  care  less.  she  started  to  care  more  when  she  started  school,  &  she  learned  that  she  make  an  email  account  when  her  parents  weren’t  looking.  she  started  to  care  more  when  she  listened  to  music  on  the  radio,  saw  it  on  variety  shows  on  tv.  she  had  a  small  portable  radio  that  looked  like  a  toy,  that  came  with  uncomfortable  earbuds.  she  stashed  it  into  her  backpack’s  front  pocket,  &  she  loved  it.  even  she  mostly  just  listened  to  static  from  the  radio  stations  rather  than  crystal  clear  music.
nobara  felt  rebellious  &  free  when  she  joined  the  era  of  youth  downloading  songs  from  youtube  to  the  family  computer.  her  parents  reprimanded  her  for  it,  &  still  the  library  on  their  window’s  music  player  kept  expanding.
even  so,  she  wasn’t  really  ever  .  .  .  music-driven.  she  played  the  music  at  home  through  the  computer,  hummed  along  to  songs  when  it  came  on  the  radio.  nobara  owned  a  purple  cd  player,  &  she  burned  cds  sometimes  that  she  listened  to  in  her  room.  she  knew  the  words,  &  she  sang  them  a  little  flatly  beneath  her  breath.  but  .  .  .  she  never  invested  in  an  ipod  &  didn’t  care  to.  they  were  expensive,  &  there  were  better  things  that  she  wanted  to  spend  her  money  on.
of  course,  this  does  not  hold  true  for  her  smartphone.  when  nobara  gets  her  cellphone,  it’s  a  prized  possession.  she  downloads  music  from  youtube  again  &  she  downloads  the  pandora  app  to  her  phone.  she  still  uses  pandora.
she  has  a  brief  phase  where  she  tries  to  come  use  music  as  customized  ringtones  &  alarms,  but  she  quickly  gives  up.
as  far  as  the  type  of  music  she  likes:  i  will  say  that  nobara  has  the  wii  music  stuck  in  her  head  a  little  too  frequently.  if  she’s  tired,  then  she  hears  it  playing  in  her  head.
but  !  beyond  that,  she  really  does  like  j-pop.  she  doesn’t  have  much  patience  for  western  music.
recent  listens  include:  kokoro  aoshima,  hinatazaka46,  kaori  ishihara,  aimer,
she  likes  bubblegum  things,  but  hates  it  when  she’s  working  out.  when  she’s  working  out  she’ll  call  it  trash,  but  with  love.
other  listens  include:  misamo,  reol,  the  rampage  from  exile  tribe,  wagakkiband
but  she  also  remembers  music  her  parents  listen  to;  she  has  a  pandora  station  for  pink  lady  &  taeko  onuki.
nobara  also  has  a  deep  knowledge  of  meme  music.
musical  talent:  nobara  isn’t  the  worst,  &  she’s  not  the  best.  her  singing  voice  is  a  little  off-key,  but  she  has  a  good  time.  she  sings  with  confidence.
she  started  learning  some  instruments  a  couple  times  (  her  mother  played  flute  for  a  while  ).  nobara  didn’t  take  to  it.
she  has  a  great  sense  of  rhythm  though.  if  she  played  an  instrument,  she  would  thrive  on  drums.
she  likes  to  dance.  let  her  dance!
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apotatowhenever · 2 years
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Good bye Christmas, hello New Year 🥳
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krumping-chihuahua · 4 years
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jpopai · 4 years
An Incorrect RAMPAGE Quote:
Kaisei: Hey, Riku! Wanna go to the gym????
Riku: YES!!! *High five
Kaisei: Anybody else wanna go??
Almost everyone: *Raises their hands
Almost everyone: *Walks out of the room to go to the gym
Kazuma: Well, Kenta, Shohei, it appears that we are the only ones in this group who are willing to do shirtless live streams without spending every spare second at the gym.....
Shohei: *Starts filming a live stream
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