#exo alternate universe
glorianamultistan · 1 year
The General and The Prince
Park Chanyeol x Male Reader
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Contains:- mentions of wars, blood, and kidnapping.
<Part 1> <Next>
A little over a week ago, y/n's life was all over the place, and it still is; the difference is that now he is married to the vilest person he could have probably thought of while imagining a married life.
But life changes happen often so abruptly that one is found sitting in an emptied ballroom, with a burnt-up piece of dress shriveled up in hands clutching it tightly while the castle palace all around collapses.
Y/n was well aware of the fierceness of the General who was the primal cause of every defeat his kingdom had suffered; the end result of the war was pre-destined the day enemy troops crossed the inner walls of their most secured military base, but for it to come to this was never imagined.
A surrender was in process to safeguard the capital; y/n's father was hellbent on not letting the enemies cross the gates of the capital and destroy it like they have left ashes and misery in the path they have followed.
Yet General Chanyeol was not satisfied with it; he had to take the main palace down, and that was his aim, swearing which left his country.
Y/n sat there, ashen and mute, staring at the embers still there all around him; his clothes were still intact, he had a few cuts and burns throughout his hands and that was it; he sat as if in a trance, without any emotion on his face, so still that to an observer it would be a photograph symbolising doom.
Chanyeol saw y/n sitting there, he knew who it was and he knew why it was important to not touch him still; something in him was calling out, a melody, rising, rippling like an unknown sea coming up from the depth of the earth; it was the very last step which brought him so close to y/n that he was able to clearly see the tear stains on his cheeks that made enough metallic noise to break the young prince's trance and look up; there it was, the face that he denied to dance with at the last winter ball, still looking unfazed, 'let's get out of here your royal highness' said Chanyeol, with a proud grin, that is all he remembers before blacking out.
'Is this really the only thing you are going to ask for, General?' The King was shocked, and the Queen and the princesses too; everyone was ready for General Park to ask for rank promotion; the King even decreed a Dukedom, only for winning over the major ports and cities of the enemies, but to ask to marry the prince of the enemy was unprecedented.
'Yes your majesty, this is all. Now, if you may permit, I will take my leave.' Chanyeol left the murmuring throneroom and made his way to the room housing y/n, it was the fourth day since he arrived with the prince there, and he was informed that the younger regained consciousness last night.
'Leave.' As soon as he entered the room, he ordered all the attendees. He went forward and sat on the chair next to the bed facing the wall opposite to it. The prince was leaning on the headboard with his head down.
'So, your royal highness, how do you like our facilities here?' Chanyeol cocked while turning to look at y/n. No response. After a few minutes, the older continued, 'We will give the inner territories conquered by us back, and you will be marrying me for that to happen.' Y/n knew this was coming; all the threats the General made for years to make him dance with him whether he likes it or not, to marry him and only him, they were all real which y/n took in jest as he was too proud to accept such an invitation.
'You know, keeping quiet will not lead you anywhere, so say what you have to now, I am here to listen, I grant you a wish too, as is the ritual here, ask for anything but return.' Chanyeol was suddenly all perched up, looking at y/n. 'Respect' y/n whispered; his throat was still hurting due to all the smoke he inhaled.
'What?' 'I ask for respect; if you can grant that, I will say yes to the marriage.' There was a stretched silence, the fountain of the connected gardens was all one could hear, then a deep inhale, 'Okay, if that is the only request you have, you will have titles here too, I have been granted a Dukedom and you will be living comfortably, nobody will disrespect you, even at the court. I will assure you that.' 'I want respect from you too; you have taken, vehemently snatched everything, still you are returning the territories, so I will say yes, but I want respect from you too.' 'Will I get the respect back my prince?' Chanyeol smirked; he knew how irritatingly ambitious he was, 'Yes.'
The only win here seemed to be that of Chanyeol; it was the completion of his grand plan, the final nail in the coffin; this is what he has been dreaming about since he set his eyes on y/n a few years ago during a festival, he was just a mere soldier back then, he bloodied his hands to get to the level of a reputed General to be asked in a ballroom full of aristocrats, then too he was denied the chance to be with y/n as the prince knew how ruthless the General was and y/n hated wars and murders.
After a few days of convalescence, all of which were accompanied by Chanyeol, who updated him about the upcoming marriage and all the preparations, y/n was free to meet his family.
A troop was sent with him to the castle on the farthest side of his kingdom where his family was currently staying after the attack on the capital. His father was annoyed and his older brother was not helping with the mood too; they were all dejected that it had to come to this but none of his relatives even suggested going against the marriage.
'We will gain back our territories; think about your brother's future as a limited king; you need to persuade your fiance to let go of all the territories and not just the inner ones.' 'I am doing no such negotiations, I am already becoming the reason for you to get back what you lost shamefully, do not try to depend on any of my upcoming relations, have some self-respect father.'
'Self-respect!?' Y/n brother screamed making him bounce in shock a little, 'It was your deranged idea of self-respect that caused this war; if only you could have given him a chance he would have never attacked us like this. And look where you stand; you are forced to do what you never really wanted and did whatever you could to stop it.'
'Well, brother, you do remember who it was who first denied me to dance with him, don't you? 'A self-obsessed lowly General' is what you said when he asked you for a dance with me the very first time we went there for the Royal Ball.'
'But later he became a threat so I urged you to give him a chance too, then you were the one who was hell-bent on denying him!'
'Enough! Stop arguing about what has already transpired and think about the future. Y/n, son, you must not waver and make demands; you are a prince, he is a General, and the rank difference must come into play.'
'Update your information father, because you seem to be having none; he is a Duke now, and even if I am a prince, of a mostly fallen kingdom I must remind you, I have no intentions of making any more deals for and on behalf of this marriage. I will leave now, I am not waiting for dawn to have another fruitless discussion, farewell your majesty, brother.'
With a solemn bow, y/n left as he came, with the metallic clinks and rustles of the troop.
Reaching the other kingdom he was informed that rather than going to the palace, he would be going to the new manor of Chanyeol, which was now decked and ready for his arrival. He was greeted by the whole household and finally met his mother-in-law, who opposite to what he had expected, was too sorrowful to handle without any prior preparation.
'I am ashamed to be hosting you like this, your royal highness; please find a way to ignore all the mess; the house is still not up to date with all that is necessary to be having you here.' The lady wouldn't even raise her head, 'Please sit now Lady Park, I have no reservations as such regarding the place, I am pleased that I am not in a prison after a war, and please do not make a fuss about the titles, you are going to be my mother-in-law so we can work things out.' 'Oh no sir, I do not accept any of this, I am more of an apologist for my son's actions right now in front of you; he paid no heed to my requests and did what all his swelled-up ego allowed him to do. I don't know how will I ever get over the fact that my son forced you into such a situation.'
'Lady Park, I just had this conversation with my father and brother too; let us please move on from what has happened and try to resolve the situation peacefully and think about how the path ahead can be one that is less painful to go by.' 'You are as kind as the rumours suggested sir; please let me know about any trouble you have here, and I will look into it right away; let me take you to your room for now; you must rest before tomorrow's ceremony.' 'I am not a guest here Lady Park, I am supposed to live here, so please do not be at your tip-toes around my comfort; let us go; it is quite late now.'
Y/n's room was, for now, pretty well arranged; he could run away pretty easily from here, the manor was secured but if he asked Lady Park to help him, he was sure that she would do all in her power to let him go without a scratch; but it was useless to do so, he had nowhere to run and if somehow he managed to cross over to the other kingdoms there was no guarantee of his survival, he had no money of his own or any possession, so he sits down on the bed and flops, to stare at the roof and think, think about tomorrow when at a private ceremony he will accept now Duke of Sandria Park Chanyeol, then he will be living with that man under this roof, as his husband, for the rest of his life, was respect the right choice?
The rituals were over; they were married, no gala, no ball, a peaceful summation of more than five months of unrivaled violence. Y/n was sitting in his room, with a book open as a distraction while looking out of the giant window; the land surrounding the manor was beautiful, and the hills were lush green and mild dew which the mist caused made it all look fantastical.
'Come in.' Y/n answered the knocks and did not look back at the door, thinking it was some maid or servant who came to take his belongings, or gifts as they were, away, 'You looked beautiful today, Mr Park.'
Y/n stilled for a moment, then closed the book and turned back. 'Why did you knock at my door? This is your house.' 'I believe privacy should be respected too; you have all the right to say no.' 'I believe I lost all the rights to deny anything the moment I said yes to you today.' 'Don't make it more miserable than it already is dear, I have no intentions of hurting you, I just want to talk to you before going to my room.'
'Oh? I will get a room of my own?' 'Until you are ready to share a bed with me, yes, you will have a room to yourself.' 'Then I guess there will be no more direct descents for the Dukedom.' 'Time will tell. Well, if you have any requirements tell to my mother who is pretty much willing to serve you food if you want, (he sits on the bed) I will be going on a tour soon so we have a week to spend together and unfortunately my sister will be coming to meet you too.'
'You know, I feel like this is all a dream; as absurd as it may sound, it has yet to settle down on me, because I never thought I would be taken away from one prison to another like this. I knew my father wanted to marry me off as a peace offering to any kingdom willing, but it happened so that I was actually picked up, like a garbage bag.'
'Don't demean yourself; you are the crown jewel I snatched, and this is not a prison; you can go anywhere you want, do anything you want; you do not need my permission for anything, just remember to come back otherwise there will be useless wars again.' 'Don't worry, I will not run away, I will stay, and live, but do not expect me to reciprocate your feelings, whatever they may be, and we will be fine; a lot depends on this marriage, I do not want my people back home to suffer because of my foolishness.' 'Ah well, I will go now; also, try to accept people here too; they see you as a prince and no less; good night.'
The next few days were calm, weirdly bland, and nothing happened, which made y/n realise how calm life can actually be; back at home before the war all he did was read and attend events or be locked in the palace; there was nothing to do, he was not allowed to go anywhere too since the threat of people kidnapping him was always looming, which he never understood why, kidnap the crown prince why the other one.
On the third day Lady Kim, Chanyeol's sister, arrived, and she was like her mother in a grave mood, fidgeting while meeting y/n; he did not understand yet again, why such courtesies for a snatched prince, 'Your royal highness, I am sorry I was not able to attend the wedding, I live quite far away from Sandrian region and it was such a shocking and sudden news.' 'It is alright Lady Kim, please do sit down, you too Lady Park, I have said it to you multiple times don't wait for me to sit, just sit; let us cut back on some formalities insides these walls at least, we are a family now, forced indeed, but I have not a drop of vengeance in me, if you ask me honestly, I used to live like this back at home too, so, let us just be comfortable.'
'How are you adapting to the changes, sir? It gets colder than your kingdom here, I hope my brother has made arrangements for you to be at ease.' 'I am doing well, I have always adored winters more than the humid summers we had, so I can say I am better off here in some sense.' 'Oh it is good to know; we can all go and skate over the lake once it freezes and you can attend the winter festivals; we have a lot of them throughout the empire, I am sure the public is eager to meet you too.'
Lady Park put down her cup and said 'They are eager indeed, I have more than a dozen invitations for the balls and dinners already, and all asking specifically for his roya... I mean, y/n to join them.' It was as hard as biting a bullet for her to let go of the formalities in which she had soaked herself into the bones.
So it went on, and a week went by, full of still awkward lunches and dinners and a few guests to be entertained; throughout the week he did not see the head of the house anywhere, technically he was the head too but he liked Lady Park being in command more as he was not used to being the one in authority of a household.
One Saturday, after almost two weeks of disappearance, Chanyeol knocked on y/n's room around the ungodly hour of 1 AM. Y/n was a bit scared by the knock; he was writing a letter of reply to the crown princess as she had invited him to the palace for a private visit and did not expect anyone to be up this late. 'Can I come in?' The rasp was the giveaway, 'Please wait a minute, I am not presentable.' Y/n was not; he was in his robes; he quickly put on a loose shirt and trousers the said 'You can come in now.'
'Why are you up so late your royal highness.' The courtesy was more sarcastic than respectful, 'I have not been able to sleep, I have weirdly a lot of correspondents to reply to so I thought why not do that.' As he finished speaking and arranging paper on his desk facing the grand windows, he turned to look at Chanyeol and was shocked to see blood all over his clothes; for a moment he was stunned; y/n was not a fighter; he hated the very sight of blood when his brother would come from his military tours and right now, in front of him was a man almost soaked in blood, in his room talking to him, and he felt scared for the man, so much so that without thinking about who he is talking to, he had to verbalise it.
'What the hell happened to you!? So much blood!? Why are you here!? Go to a damn hospital for god's sake!' He almost screamed the last part, and was shaking so much that Chanyeol had to walk from the door side to hold him. 'Calm down, it is not mine.' 'DO NOT TOUCH ME LIKE THIS! I HATE BLOOD!' Y/n screamed in whispers while shutting his eyes. 'Okay! Okay. Will you try to calm down please, wait just turn around.'
Chanyeol took off his pads and shirt and gloves and threw them out of the room, then shut the door to come back in and saw y/n standing still, 'you can turn around now.' The glory of the human body was never so well available for y/n to look at like this; his brother was muscular and well built but nothing he can imagine, even the Commander in chief of his kingdom's army was not comparable to Chanyeol, yet he had to control himself once again. 'What happened? You are still wounded you know, I see the cuts on your arm, not that they should do anything to such a great General, but get treated I guess.' Y/N had already turned around again flustered.
'Nice to know you care, and sorry for coming in like this. I had no idea you would have such a reaction upon seeing blood. I will keep that in mind. I came to check up on you as I was attacked on my way here by some people who were allegedly from your father's kingdom, so I thought why not check up if you are safe or not.'
'Oh. Don't worry, my father does not want me back; they would never come for me; rather, they might kill me as it was pretty clear that I caused the war that destroyed them.' 'Something's wrong with your family, I have never seen anyone react like this to all the events that have happened.' 'Well, why dwell on it. I am here; you survived another attack, and all is fine.' 'Nice to know my survival is fine for you.' 'Don't get ahead of yourself; my survival depends on your survival, do not forget that you brought a prince from your enemy kingdom after a war. You must survive, I plan on living a long life.' Y/n turned and looked straight into Chanyeol's eyes.
There was an understanding between them that some lines are put up and they shall not be crossed, and respect was mutual. 'I will be staying for some time; we have to go to the palace soon, a private invitation. I hope it won't be a problem for you to attend, I have yet to accept it.' 'I was writing to the crown princess; we can go, I have no problem, just keep your mother here; she will probably fall sick due to all the stress she will take about a royal visit.' 'You like her?' 'I never had a mother; she is a good company, but frail for her age; you never thought about her while fighting wars?' Now y/n was sitting on his bed, and Chanyeol was in front of him on the chair where a y/n sat writing letters.
'I thought of her; that is why I never told her any trouble or wound or failure I ever had, and I had a retinue of servants to look after her.' They were again staring at each other; where will all of this arrangement lead them? Nobody had any idea; it was a day-to-day event still.
'Well, I will take my leave; you should sleep, I will ask them to serve the breakfast an hour later than usual.' 'Don't do that; your sister and mother should eat on time, I will just get up early.' Chanyeol was surprised at how well y/n was settling in; it was as if for the first time he had somewhere to hold on to. 'Okay then, good night my prince.' Chanyeol smirked closing the door, and left y/n flustered again.
P.S.:- If you liked it, you can support me by buying me a coffee; link's on my page.
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jung-shook-iieee · 2 years
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Pairing : Jungkook x reader (f)
Genre : angst, breakup drabble?!
Warnings : tbh none, it's angsty...... ( we have a special guest here btw. Lol!!)
" So this is it then? " You nodded your head with tears filling your eyes.
" It is... I never meant to hurt you y/n." He swore and his doe eyes widened when he heard you sob.
" But you did. You did jungkook. " You whispered.
A/N 1- I can not pin point the emotions I feel towards jk here. He lost something very dearly to him just because of his immature behavior.
You noticed how things changed from the beginning, a part of you had always known that the relationship with jeon jungkook was meant to doom. You ignored the nagging voice inside your head telling you that he would never love you as much as you love him.
He would never reciprocate the feelings. He gave you hope even when he knew he would never keep his promises. He made you laugh like no one else did. He had a soothing scent that felt like home to you.
He ran to you whenever he needed a shoulder to cry on but never comforted you in your lowest days. But you didn't dwell on that too much. His eyes held those sparkling glint which you admired the most. He looked so innocent, so pure when he asked you to stay with him. He promised you that he would never leave you and you believed him. You were happy and so you thought that maybe... Maybe you are enough for him just like he's enough for you. But you were wrong, you never were enough for him.
How could you be enough for him when he never gave you his heart? He gave his heart to someone long ago! And he just needed someone in the meantime to hang on. Someone he could escape to, someone who would love him in the meantime. And you naively thought that he wouldn't go back to the same person who wounded his heart so bad. You never thought that he would grab the opportunity of going back to that same person. You never thought that he could use you so damn well.
" You'll never come back. Right? " You asked quietly. he stopped dragging his suitcase towards the door.
He didn't speak for a second and somehow he looked guilty. Maybe guilty for leaving you alone, maybe guilty for using you and your love. Maybe... Maybe...
He bit his lower lip and shook his head. " Y/n...you know I can't. I-"
" So this is it then? " You nodded your head with tears filling your eyes.
" It is... I never meant to hurt you y/n." He swore and his doe eyes widened when he heard you sob.
" But you did. You did jungkook. " You whispered.
" No. " He said firmly and came where you were sitting. He didn't sit beside you on the sofa, but on his knees while holding your hands softly. Making you look at him, you still found him soft. " You know y/n I would never hurt you, it's the least I would do. If I had met you first I thi-. "
" So just because you met her first you'll leave me.? " You pulled your hands back looking at him in disbelief.
" No, I didn't mean that y/n list-. " He furrowed his brows and tried to hold your hands again but you didn't give him your hand this time.
" You forgot how she cheated on you gguk? Not once, not twice but for three freaking months. Even when she met you first she couldn't keep you happy. I was the one who held you when you cried jungkook. " Your tone was harsher this time.
Jungkook's jaw clenched, he diverted his gaze and didn't respond.
" Pleas-ee gguk. Don't do this. She hurt you and you're still choosing her. Why I'm not enough gguk. Why? I gave you everything... Everything I had..... Then why are you pushing me away.? " You sobbed... It fucking aches inside your chest to see someone slipping away from your fingers. Someone whom you loved dearly.
He hugged you and you cried your heart out on his chest. He felt warm. Safe... He always felt like home to you. But probably this is the last time you're feeling him.
" I loved you y/n please don't forget that. Please don't hate me. She needs me and I-I don't- " He stuttered but you didn't let him complete and pulled back. You knew he is not in love with you anymore but hearing him say the same thing from his mouth...fucking hurts. And He has told you this stupid reason a thousand times.
" Please jungkook. I love you. Please do not choose her over me. Please stay we can sort-. " You were babbling and he cut you in between shaking his head in a no.
" I would never forget what you did for me. " He walked back a few steps.
" Please... " You begged, your voice was shaking by now.
" I know you'll be happy y/n. You are strong you'll move on. " He tried to console you but you were tired, exhausted from his fake hopes and intentions.
" STOP! Fuck you, Jeon. " You screamed and started smacking his chest so hard that you were sure that your wrist would hurt later on. He didn't budge, letting you do it because he knew he hurt you real bad this time. This situation broke you, said the unsaid things, he thought you weren't worth fighting for.
Your tears slowly slowed and faded, you regained your sense and walked away from him. Suddenly his presence was making you nauseous.
" Fine. Be happy with her and don't you dare take your ass back here when she fucks with you again jungkook. " You spoke coldly not even looking in his direction.
" Y/n don't do this. You're angry and don't hate me please. " Jungkook again walked towards you and tried touching your cheeks.
" No... This is over. This is it. You said yourself. " You smacked his hand harshly and your tone was getting cold.
Jungkook looked defeated, frustrated, and more like guilty. " I can ask yoongi hyung to- "
" I don't need your friends to watch my back when you were the one who stabbed me there. " You gritted your teeth. You realized your voice was way harsh when he flinched.
" You said this is over. So leave.! " You said showing him the direction towards the door.
" Y/n, please. " He again tried to speak but this time you aren't having his shits.
" Get out of my house Jungkook-shii. " You said plainly and he nodded accepting his defeat.
You watched him walking, grabbing his things, and moving out of your house.
your body had switched to autopilot, feeling numb as you laid on your bed. Thinking about what could go wrong. you were feeling drained as you stared at your ceiling. Slowly sobs left from your mouth as the realization hit you.....there's no more love, no more jungkook,s presence, no more his face would be the first thing you'll see in the morning. No one to call yours.
You shifted around your bed and found a photo frame of yours and jungkooks on the nightstand. It was a candid shot....your favorite one.....he looked so happy around you in that picture and you were staring at him lovingly. Jungkook didn't know the photo was being clicked, neither you did. You know it'll be hard to move on but you can't sit and grief over a person who didn't even fought for you. Who didn't gave a second thought before leaving you behind?
later you thought of asking for a transfer from your superior, maybe moving onto a new place would help you move on. You had skills, a talent so you'll be able to survive. You had no friends no family to start with...not even jungkook's. Indeed they were great guys but they didn't contact you after jungkook left. And that's when you realized that they never considered you in their group....just an outsider...a stranger. You never fitted between them and that proved jungkook's theory of not choosing you. His friends only tolerated you because of him. you never belonged there.
After a few days, your transfer request was accepted and you were all ready to leave the past and move on to a new city, a new place. You still got those flashbacks of jungkook's memory but you didn't dwell on that too much. It wasn't the time to grieve and cry over him but to let go. It was time to let go of those hurtful memories.
" why isn't she here yet? " Jimin asked irritatingly.
" patience isn't your thing Jimin. Is it? " yoongi replied as he sipped on his drink.
" no, it isn't. Our precious jiminie can't be patient for too long. " Taehyung teased Jimin as Jimin scowled.
" she'll be here soon. " Namjoon replied as he looked towards the door waiting for someone to enter.
It was almost four years to the day you left everything behind. They didn't contact you because of jungkook and when jungkook realized that he did mess up big he came back searching for you, only to find that you were gone.
He never thought that you would leave. You didn't have any close friends just your colleagues who didn't tell jungkook where you went because...let's just say that you asked for a favor for the first time and they did help you. You changed your number, your bank account, you weren't active on social media either so it took time to track you down.
" Are you sure she wants to see us.? " hoseok asked frowning in confusion. Because no one would call them great friends on your part.
"I don't think so. We did her wrong and we didn't even meet her because kook told us not to. Her heart was broken so I guess she did the right thing " jin replied walking towards the crowd.
" Hyung is right. I don't even know why jungkook is so reluctant on meeting her. She probably hates him and us. " Jimin stated the facts while trying to find jungkook in the crowd.
Just after that, you entered the ballroom like a cinderella indeed. almost every head turned towards you. You were beautiful as always in that baby blue gown and a soft and calming smile rested on your lips. You looked younger than before. You felt everyone's every on you and it made you nervous. But you didn't mind that much and walked towards the center. The waiter gave you champagne and you thanked him.
" wow...she looks - " taehyung gaped at your sight
" happy. " namjoon interrupted in between completing his sentence.
You sipped on your drink as you glanced around, several eyes were on you. It made your ears turn red. You were not a big fan of crowds and today you were the center of it. You just wanted to turn your back and hide in your cozy apartment. as you turned around you gasped...eyes widened as you saw who was standing in front of you.......
The sight in front of you froze you. You never expected to see the same pair of eyes again. Jungkook looked more manly and good in his fitted black suit and eyebrow piercing. He looked good there was no doubt in it, but what more shocked you was that how was this possible? how can he be here?
" you look beautiful y/n," he spoke with a small smile on his face and sparkles in his eyes.
Suddenly you felt at the loss of words. All the old memories, emotions flooded back making you nauseous. You could've done anything everything for him if he asked you to. But that was all in past, you've moved on. or maybe not.
" What are you doing here. ? " you replied as your grip on the glass tightened.
" I came to see you," he answered. Honestly.
" well I don't want to so please if you'll excuse me," you spoke coldly as anger erupted inside you.
He shook his head in a no as you were about to walk away. He almost held your hands softly to stop you. You pulled your hands away and frowned.
" It's just not..me...everyone's here..to see you. " His voice was rather soft as he gave you a piece of new information.
" look you need to leave...all of you." you gritted your teeth as he mentioned everyone. Why are he and everyone even here after so long? that makes no sense.
" We just got here y/n..and it's been- " Jungkook tried convincing you but he frowned when you didn't let him speak.
" Yes, it's been four years...four fucking years...jungkook...And I don't want to have any sort contact with you jungkook so please leave. " You snapped raising your voice by now.
Jungkook frowned as you dodged his advances. He still thought you're the same lovesick puppy who'll listen to everything he'll say. " You aren't going to give me a chance to even explain myself? " He said coming closer.
" What chance.? What chance are you talking about Jeon? You left me. That's it. End of the story. " You answered.
" I left I know... But.. I came back but you weren't their baby. Please listen-" His eyes showed some emotion. Which honestly you didn't want to acknowledge.
" I don't care. You have to leave jungkook, please. " You said softly as you don't want to make a scene here.
" Please y/n.....just 5 minutes please.? " Jungkook begged through his doe eyes. Years ago you would've done anything to take that pain away from his eyes but today you felt like you didn't care anymore. It's not your business.
" Jungkook no. Leave. " Your voice was Stern. That's it you won't entertain him anymore.
" Just a dance at least? Please-" He cupped your cheeks softly as you struggled with your inner turmoil.
"Jung-" You were about to say something but then he spoke again.
" I made a mistake I know let me -"
" Excuse me?..... Mind if I say something? " A deep voice cut in between taking both of your attention towards the voice.
Jungkook glared at the person and his displeasure was written on his face. " Yes. We aren't done talking yet. " Jungkook spat harshly.
" Jungkook. " You warned him.
" Oh is he jungkook?. " The same person spoke questioning you.
" I don't know you. So please excuse us. " Jungkook spoke as he glared at the person.
" Jungkook... Meet him. Kim Jongin. My fiance. " You introduced.
A/N2 : personally, I'm very proud of our y/niee.:)
@yellabella77 @bri-mal @sweetwolfcupcake @g-o-bs--fanfictions @miyaohyeahh @dearbambideer @favfanfictsbts @emojkluvr @abcdefjklmno123 @stannorr @kooookie @realhotficshit @sweetlovesjk @kookieboo @sublimekidoafknight @bonny-kookoo
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insywrites · 2 years
Story Masterlist ♡
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Note: This is a work in-progress list. Currently all are linked to my twitter but will slowly migrate them here. I just need to figure out how. lols.
Safe Place Pt.1 (Seulgi x Sehun | SeulHun)
Still and Always Be Pt.2 (Seulgi x Sehun | SeulHun)
Sagot sa mga Tanong (Seulgi x Sehun | SeulHun)
F.R.I.E.N.D.S...? (Seulgi x Sehun | SeulHun)
The 5 Times You Made Me Smile and the One Time You Didn’t  (Wendy x Kyungsoo | WenSoo)
We’re Fine (Wendy x Kyungsoo | WenSoo)
Broken Sonnet (Wendy x Kyungsoo | WenSoo)
Paean (Wendy x Kyungsoo | WenSoo)
SMTOWN at Suwon: Taking Advantage (Wendy x Kyungsoo | WenSoo)
My First and Last (Wendy x Sehun | WenHun)
Bake It with You (Wendy x Chanyeol | WenYeol)
Seryoso Ako (Wendy x Chanyeol | WenYeol)
SMTOWN at Suwon: Overcoming Excuses (Irene x Suho | SuRene)
Roadtrip (Kyungsoo | Kai | Seulgi | Wendy | Sehun)
Hate to Love You (Seulgi x Sehun | SeulHun)
Not Anymore (Joy x Jaehyun | JaeJoy)
Mark Me In Your Heart (Mark Lee x Yeri | MarkRi)
SMTOWN at Suwon: Not That Little Boy Anymore (Mark Lee x Yeri | MarkRi)
The Thorn That Came Along (Seulgi x Taeyong | SeulYong)
Hygge (Seulgi x Taeyong | SeulYong)
It Started with Kimchi Jjigae (Winter x Haechan | WinHae)
Fall Hard (Karina x Jeno | JenRina)
NYFW  (Karina x Jeno | JenRina)
M.U. (Ningning x Chenle (NingLe)
Sorry, Heart (Ningning x Chenle (NingLe)
Let’s Pay Pretend (Ryujin x Jaemin | JaemRyu)
Valen-whut? (Ryujin x Jaemin | JaemRyu)
▹Multi-group character:
To All The Flings I Have Before (Seulgi | Taeyong | Sehun | Yixing | JayB)
 JohnDy’s Playlist (2022 Valentine’s Day event feat. different writers)
To All the First... (NCT Dream one-shot series)
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sasukelandia · 7 months
if i were the one to form exo in 2012 it would be like this:
dyo, chen, and baekhyun as main vocalists of course
absolutely no rapline. chanyeol will join suho and luhan in the sub vocalists division as a needed baritone. suho is still the leader and luhan will be the pretty boy stan attractor on top of that.
zitao, lay, and kai are the main dancers— with zitao specializing in wushu flashiness
exo-K will be made up of dyo, baekhyun, chanyeol, and suho & exo-M will be made up of chen, luhan, zitao, and lay. kai is a dual member cus he’s The Key (← that’s lore stuff btw)
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crymewatermelon · 2 years
hello tumblr! idek what im doing. but here i am, a complete tumblr nooby trying to save whats left for my au writing hobby 😬
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alijoydc · 2 years
Hi, paano po ba gamitin to😭 for backup lang incase i fail tayo ni twitter🥺
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velvetyexo · 2 years
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We're VELVETYEXO and we write fanfiction for EXO & Red Velvet!
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gusulanbaby · 2 years
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aphroditelovesu · 10 months
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⤷✿.。Since you voted yes to commissions, so here we are. I was a little unsure about the price, so I researched and tried to make it as fair as possible. I hope you agree with this! ❤️
Also, this is completely optional! If you don't want to, you don't have to request a commission! All the other requests works the same way!! ⤷♡.+ n a v i g a t i o n.
⤷♡.+ Status: OPEN.
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What I would write
I write for any gender, both character and Reader/OC, be it female, male, neutral transsexual. Any.
Yandere!Character x Reader, Yandere!Reader x Yandere!Character, Yandere!OC x Reader and Yandere!OC X OC.
Dark!Au, Gore, Disorders, Smut/NSFW, explicit language, soft!yandere, alternative AU, Horror, Age gap (depends on how much).
Romantic, platonic and general Yanderes, as well as more specific themes; example: yandere x depressive!reader.
Stockholm syndrome.
Pregnancy, childbirth and death in childbirth.
Non-Con, Dub-Con, BDSM.
Fluff; non-yandere.
Monsterfucking, specific kinks.
What I DON'T write
Any kind of NSFW content with children, anything with children will just be platonic.
I don't write NSFW with characters that have a childish appearance or personality, just platonic.
I don't usually write ships because I consider it something personal, but I can do it if someone wants to.
Age play, scap.
Minor x Adult (only platonic).
Prices (in $ and R$)
2,00 $/R$ 2,00 for 500 words;
6,00 $/R$ 6,00 for 1000 words;
12,00 $/R$ 12,00 for 2000 words;
NSFW content adds an additional charge of $3,00/R$3,00.
Imagines, Scenarios, Reactions, Oneshots, Prompts
3,00 $/R$ 4,00 for 500 words;
10,00 $/R$ 13,00 for 1000 words;
18,00 $/R$ 18,00 for 2000 words;
20,00 $/R$ 20,00 for 3000 words.
NSFW content adds an additional charge of $5,00/R$6,00.
My list of current fandoms, but I can always add more:
Attack on Titan, Amensia, Death Note, Demon Slayer, Diabolik Lovers, Fruits Basket, Haikyuu!!, Hakuoki, Hunter x Hunter, Jujutsu Kaisen, Kamigami no Asobi, Naruto, Mirai Nikki, One Piece, Blood of Zeus.
Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, A Song of Ice and Fire, Pegasus and The Flame of Olympus (series), IT., A Court of Thorns and Roses (ACOTAR), The Bridgertons, Twilight, The Lord of the Rings, The Cruel Prince: The Folk of the Air, The Bridgertons, Twilight.
Genshin Impact, Detroit Become Human, Mystic Messenger, Time Princess Dress Up (TP: characters), Yandere Simulator, My Candy Love (Amour Sucré), Arkyos Angel, A Plague Tale.
BTS, BLACKPINK, GOT7, EXO, BIGBANG, TWICE, AESPA, Stray Kids, ITZY, Hyuna and Dawn, Red Velvet, NCT, Monsta X, Taemin, Dreamcatcher, LE SSERAFIM, (G)I-DLE.
Series/TV Show
Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon, The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf, Supernatural, Outer Banks, Friends, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Euphoria, Reign, Bridgerton, The Flash, Supergirl, Outlander, American Horror Story, Wednesday, Riverdale, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, The Sandman, Lucifer, Winx Club, Ragnarok, The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, Invisible City (Cidade Invisível), Shadow and Bone, Adventure Time, The Witcher, Rebelde MX (RBD), Heartstopper, Hannibal, Criminal Minds, The Last Kingdom.
Disney Universe, Marvel Universe, DC Universe, Maze Runner, Halloween, Friday the 13th, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Transformers, How to Train Your Dragon, Miraculous, Ever After High, Monster High, Barbie Universe, Christmas Movies, Maze Runner, Avatar, Twilight, Star Wars.
My Demon, Bussiness Proposal, Doom At Your Service, Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha, Crash Landing on You, My Name, Mr Queen, King the Land.
Greek, Egyptian, Norse Mythology and Brazilian Folklore.
Historical Characters
Alexander the Great, Cleopatra, Caesar Augustus, Julius Caesar and etc...
Additional Information
I accept payment via PayPal and Pic Pay only (PayPal = Ko-Fi)
Payment must be made before I start and I will always send you updates if you ask me.
I write in English and Portuguese.
I have a deadline of 5 to 10 days to complete your commission, however, if something unforeseen happens and it ends up being delayed, I will inform you.
If I write more than what was asked, obviously there will be no additions.
If you are interested, DM me with details and feel free to ask me anything.
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kpop masterlist
🍓 = fluff themes
❄️ = angst themes
🚧 = smut themes
🤸‍♀️ = slice of life / bish idek what theme this is
🚀 = crack fic themes
🎩 = dark and/or violent themes
🏩 = genre fic, i.e. mystery, horror, fantasy, etc
🍳 = slow burn
🦕 = personal favorite
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back to main masterlist
Memory | 🍓❄️🦕 Kim Byeongkwan x Reader + Park Junhee x Reader (University AU) [Blurb]
Only One | 🍓❄️❄️❄️🍳🦕 CEO!Choi San x Reader
It’s An Act [WBU I] | ❄️ Choi Seunghyun (TOP) x Reader
Smoke | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Choi Seunghyun (TOP) x Reader
Runaway | 🍓❄️🏩 Mafia!Kim Seokjin (Jin) x Reader (Mafia AU) Preview 1 2 3 4 x
Mah Boyfriend | 🍓🍓🤸‍♀️🦕 Jung Jungkook x Idol!Reader
Hidden Heart | 🍓🍓🍓🤸‍♀️🚀🍳 Lee Minhyuk (HUTA) x Idol!Reader [Headcanon]
A University Dilemma | 🤸‍♀️ Kang Younghyun (Young-K) x Reader (Univeristy AU)
What A Joke | ❄️ Kang Younghyun (Young K) x Reader + Park Jaehyung x Reader (University AU) [Blurb]
So... Haha... I Like You | 🍓🦕 Park Jaehyung x Reader (Fake Dating AU)
Wheel Of Fortune | 🍓🍳🚀 Park Chanyeol x Reader [Headcanon]
Welcome To The Jungle | 🚀🚀🚀🏩 Park Chanyeol & Oh Sehun (Jungle AU)
Maybe We Still Have A Shot [WBU III] | 🍓🍓🏩 CatHybid!Oh Sehun x Reader (University AU)
Unrequited Attraction | 🚧🏩🍳🦕 Mafia!Kim Jongdae (Chen) x Retail Worker!Reader
Color Palette | 🍓 Byun Baekhyun x Reader [Blurb]
Brown Leaves | 🍓 Kim Jongin (Kai) x Reader (University AU)
One Million In One Day | 🍓🍓❄️❄️🍳 Sugar Daddy!Jackson Wang x Reader Preview ~ Alternate Moodboard ~ Moodboard Teaser  1 2 3 4 5��6 7 8 9 10 
Car Rides | 🍓 Jackson Wang x Reader [Blurb]
Juice Box | 🍓🚀🏩🦕 Kunpimook Bhuwakul Bambam x Reader [Blurb] (Pre-Schooler AU)
Somewhere In Between | ❄️❄️Civil Engineer!Park Jinyoung x Reader + Architect!Henry Lau x Reader
Trading Secrets | 🍓🍓 Kim Yugyeom x WangSis!Reader
Winning Losses | ❄️ Kim Jaejoong x Idol!Reader
Monsta X
Introspect | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Lee Jooheon x Reader [Blurb]
Letting Off Steam | 🤸‍♀️ Lee Hoseok (Wonho) x ArtStudent!Reader (University AU)
December Dates | 🍓🚀 bf!Seventeen x Reader [Headcanon]
The Stroke Of Midnight | 🍓❄️🏩🦕 Mafia!Kwon Soonyoung (Hoshi) x Reader
Here's My Problem: I Can't Get You Out Of My Head | ❄️❄️❄️🎩🎩🎩🏩🍳🦕 Detective!Jeon Wonwoo x Actress!Reader
10 Ways To Get Over Gyu | 🍓❄️❄️❄️🍳🍳🦕 Kim Mingyu x Reader + others (Childhood AU)
Half Of My Heart | 🍓❄️🤸‍♀️🍳 Kim Mingyu x Reader + Jeon Wonwoo x Reader (CEO AU)
On A Thread | ❄️❄️ CEO!Joshua Hong (Hong Jisoo) x Nurse!Reader
A Final Offering | 🍓🍓❄️🏩🦕 Deity!Kim Inseong & Child!Reader + Baek Juho (Zuho) x Mom  
What Does It Mean? | 🍓❄️🤸‍♀️ Kim Inseong x Reader + Lee Jaeyoon x Reader (University AU) 
16th Floor | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Kim Seokwoo (Rowoon) x Reader (Office AU)
Understand This |❄️ Choi Minho x Reader I Don’t Understand [Understand This II] | ❄️ Choi Minho x Reader
It’s All A Big Joke [WBU II] | ❄️ Lee Taemin x Reader
Th-that’s Not | ❄️❄️🚧🦕 Lee Taemin x Reader Regrets [Th-that’s Not II] | ❄️ Lee Taemin x Reader
Angel Bride | ❄️🚧🏩🦕 Pirate!Lee Taemin x Reader
Noona, You're So Pretty | 🍓 Lee Taemin x Noona!Reader
Stray Kids
Professional Boundaries | 🍓❄️🚧🦕 CEO!Bang Chan x Pre-School Teacher!Reader + CEO!Hwang Hyunjin x Pre-School Teacher!Reader 1 2 3 4 
Bootylicious | 🍓🚀 Bang Chan x Idol!Reader
Super Junior
The Soup | 🍓🍓🚀🚀 SuJu x SuJu Maknae!Reader [Headcanon]
Secrets Of A Maknae | 🍓🚀🚀 Kim Heechul x SuJuMaknae!Reader
The Boyz
Gentle With Me | 🍓🍓🤸‍♀️ Lee Sangyeon x Reader
Pitter-Patter | 🍓 Jung Yunho (U-Know) x Reader (Pre-School Teacher AU)
The Art Of Deception | ❄️🎩🏩 Shim Changmin x Reader (Secret Agent/Spy AU)
Forget About It | 🍓❄️🤸‍♀️🍳🦕 Choi Soobin x Reader (University AU)  
I’m Not Playing | 🍓❄️❄️ Gangster!Song Minho (Mino) x Reader 1 2 3 
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wthelvetica21 · 1 month
Shadewalker Alternate Universe
TLT SkullGuy (from Love I Need) world Fanon
- 🏞World Overview
In a distant land of Grimms Hill province of the country of Téllti, there has been a strange occurrence of souls lingering among the living for unexplained reasons. Many try to help them pass on via rites but for some odd reason they simply can’t pass on to the Everquiet. To ease the regrets of these restless disembodied souls, a mysterious guild of warlocks came up with a solution. It was a form of necromancy where their souls are attached to their bones with a sigil engraved into the sternum. This however comes at a price; the name of the shadewalker’s living name and life is eroded away from their memory once the ritual is complete. They still retain some of their memory of what led to their untimely demise and aspects of their past lives but never a full picture. When they visit their graves, shadewalkers get into a dissociative daze and/or get flashbacks of their own deaths.
- 🪦Second/Final Death
A shade-walker will only recall their name and who they once were upon their regrets getting eased before their bones resolve to spectral dust as they finally pass on leaving the skull behind still tinged in color but inanimate. Out of respect for the shadewalker's long journey to settling their unfinished business, those close to them place their skull in a hole in the tombstone and etch their shade walker's name onto it as well or in some cases the previous name is scratched out completely with their name as shadewalker etched above it.
- 🩻Anatomy
Being undead, shadewalkers can’t withstand direct sunlight and need to have an underlayer of bandages and/or fabric to sustain a more corporeal form. Without one they are a figure of simi-solidified shadow with a skeleton of the soul’s body. As a result, they can present as any gender regardless of their birth sex because the shadowy mass is heavily malleable and dependent on the self-image of the soul attached. Their skulls also gain color and able to express emotions. Their voices project out of their skulls like a speaker because their lack of a jawbone (they are often not found for unclear reasons.)
However the spell which animated them is also vulnerable in this state. The fulcrum of the spell is etched into the sternum; if tampered or broken the shade-walker loses their corporal form and is left wondering as a shade once again.
- 📜Culture & Lifestyle
Being undead themselves, shadewalkers don’t fear death. They see it as another milestone or opportunity to not just tie up loose ends of their past lives but to live more as the person they want to be instead of what was expected out of them while they were alive. Given their undead status, shadewalkers are for the most part nomadic. Only settling down into a settlement if they feel it’s safe or among other shadewalkers who have similar goals. There is a sizable settlement between Hél Falls and Lovelorn woods called Tombaria. It’s ruled by a duke and a console of thirteen whom have exo-glyphs amplifying their innate magic.
- 💬Miscellaneous Facts and Meta
* While most shadewalkers are content with passing on after getting closure, a handful are at peace with staying around as long as they please. One such example is a frequenter of taverns calling himself gLich.
* For every tombsona that does exist, a shade-walker parallel exists too. In fact a handful of them know of their tombsona counterparts. Madam Lamia is one herself since she was able to decipher the exo-glyphs when alive.
* They have their own written language which is derived from mysterious artifacts called exo-glyphs which have magical properties to them.
* Strangely enough while not needing sleep or food, shadewalkers still partake in both to maintain a state of normalcy. The food and drinks become completely subsumed into their void-like innards. Some even say that they can taste the ‘feelings’ of the cook who made the meal.
* Most shadewalkers are stumped as to why their jaw bones are not found once their bones are excused from their tombs. Some assume it’s part of the bone binding spell to make the ink of the seal. While others whisper about a grave robber who steals jawbones.
* A close equivalent to a first aid kit to a shadewalker is a sowing kit since their ‘bodies’ are made of fabric and/or bandages.
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hellohailu · 1 year
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exo suho (수호) — kim junmyeon (김준면)
• gold / nude ocean aesthetic moodboard
• it's for a merfolk alternate universe that i have in my head and will probably never finish...
hope you like it, and please don't hesitate to send me a request if you'd like a moodboard !
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thefirstknife · 2 years
Do ALL humans have a ridiculously long lifespan in the Destiny universe??? Like is that just an alternate universe where humans have naturally very long lives, or was that a result of the Golden Age and advances in science and medicine prolonging life? If it was Golden Age, then wouldn't any Guardians who died BEFORE then have a normal life (accounting for existing advances to ward off death from disease and injury)? Did they manage to modify all humans so that going forwards they naturally age slower and love longer? I would have thought the increased lifespan was only accessible with GA advancements and that not all of that would be possible anymore (though some definitely)
Humans got their extended lifespan due to the Traveler's gifts. Probably also a combination of some of the advanced technology allowed by the Traveler's arrival. But it's generally seen as the Traveler uplifting us in pretty much every way.
Micah Abram also confirms that this definitely only started with the Traveler (the "you" in the last sentence is the Traveler):
I read that before the Golden Age, people only lived to 100 years old if they were lucky. And by then, they'd be so sick, they couldn't get out of bed!
Good thing you came along.
The Traveler probably did something to us innately by coming here and spreading its gifts and Light along with terraforming. Since the Traveler (paracausality) is involved, it's incredibly hard to say how this works. Most likely, this also affects Guardians that died back before the Golden Age. Since they're rezed now, in the time of the Traveler and are also personally imbued with Light, the extended life span probably still applies.
Advanced technology also definitely helped. We know that Clovis was basically being sustained with tape, hope and pig organs. He was also alive all the way until close to the Collapse, but it's also implied that he may have been alive before the Golden Age as well. How do we know? Well, the first ever Speaker, the one that existed before the Golden Age and was the first one chosen by the Traveler as a Speaker, noted:
The clinicians at BrayWell call it "interplanetary relocation maladjustment psychosis": a psychobabble catch-all for mental disturbances that they can't explain.
This was in response to the first time he got visions from the Traveler and nobody understood it. Apparently there was a "BrayWell," possibly some sort of medical establishment that was fully established and equipped to treat this person as soon as the Traveler arrived, which implies that the Bray brand existed before the Golden Age which would also imply that Clovis has been around that long.
This would possibly have him exceeding the 300 years limit, which isn't surprising given that he needed frequent organ transplants and was dying every other day back during his work on Europa. It was always sort of implied that he was exceptionally old then and falling apart. This is also why he wanted the Exo program to work as fast as possible.
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diabolocracy · 2 months
I was lurking Reddit for a laugh and came across the general paraphrased sentiment, "Proship fictionkin make no sense because if fiction doesn't affect reality how are they fictionkin?"
The answer is very simple, granted I can only answer for myself:
The blorbos I make do terrible things in writing and art aren't one-to-one representations of 'me' as I was in a past life, even if they are vaguely based on me as I was in a past life.
Alternatively (in at least one case): those things happened but I don't have exotrauma I have exo-wowie-that-was-hot-:3. (Mind you, in the case that I am vaguely referencing, I was the one who made it happen multiple times and found it hot as it was unfolding--as the 'victim'.)
That isn't meant to discount those who end up with exotrauma, mind you. I have a kintwin who can't look at certain ships (one of which I happen to like, personally) due to differences in our past lives/canons. Even so, we're still friends. It's understandable and I don't bring it up in conversation because he set that boundary. It's that's fucking easy, folks!
I'm also able to recognize that in this life these characters are just fictional. If I make a terrible thing happen to [name], it isn't actually happening to [name] (unless you're of the mind that creating an idea = that event is unfolding in a different universe; or that ideas = channeled events from different universes; basically 'fictional reality' wherein stories create new realities or are channeled from alternate realities in some way - something akin to 'fictons' from The Number of the Beast by Robert A. Heinlein; a very good book btw, especially for you incest lovers, lol).
Essentially: the characters I'm playing with? They aren't me even if they are modeled after 'me', nor are they those I once knew. What I do to them, or make them to do each other, has zero effect on me in the present or 'me' in the past.
The fan creations that I or others create relating to my kintypes has only the effect I allow it to have upon me and I can recognize in 99.9999% of cases that writing or art or headcanon or whatever isn't about me even if it pertains to my kintype. That very minuscule percent otherwise is created by me, for me.
I've observed that that differentiation is a challenge for some to make. Personally I find it silly, 'cause like, who the fuck are you? No one knows you. They aren't targeting you. They're making shit about the blorbo from their shows. Not you.
Bluh bluh bluh. I've lost my train of thought. Bye.
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the-casual-cheesecake · 11 months
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WHAT A GREAT QUESTION, ANON! I have been wildly (and uncharacteristically for me, an ex omegaverse hater) obsessed with omegaverse Exos since I got into Exo, and my thoughts on them recently changed drastically, so what good timing you have! 
I’ll first start with saying that I don’t like betas, and never include them in any thoughts about omegaverse. I just think they’re boring– though I do have friends who have managed to make them VERY interesting; I just think I don’t have anything insightful or interesting to say about them myself.
And for a second note, I think it’s important to describe what I think omegaverse is for really: because it has many meanings that change based on who’s writing in it. For me, omegaverse makes most sense as a formalization of power dynamics. One could make the argument that it’s inherently kinky (and in fact, I do). It’s less about inherent sexuality OR gender, and more about inherent power structures and how someone could play with them. This is not to say that interesting discussions can’t happen in omegaverse about sexuality or gender– because they absolutely can and do, but I think mostly, it’s about biological power, in a way that our actual society thinks exists and tries to enforce (violently and forcefully), that is actually made real via omegaverse.
For the Fandom Olds among us, this interpretation would not come as a surprise, considering omegaverse took the place of BDSM AUs in fandom!
A third note, all of my omegaverse content always and forever will be poly! Poly packs 5eva!!! 
[vibrates] they are pack, your honor… 
Pack alpha: Minseok
Alphas: Junmyeon, Jongdae, Chanyeol, Kyungsoo
Omegas: Yixing, Baekhyun, Jongin, Sehunnie
As the oldest, and from the fact that Minseok in canon refused to be Exo-M’s leader, it just makes so much sense for him to be the pack alpha but not the band leader. He has the character of a supervisor dom. He’s not involved with everyone in the band and entangled with them– because, frankly, they are too loud and too messy, and he has no energy to deal with so many people needing his attention and involvement. But he is a steady presence that they can all depend on. He listens to their problems and pets them about them. He scruffs the alphas into place when necessary (and reassures them that even if they fuck up, he’ll be there to help), and spends time with the omegas when they need him, and makes sure that their needs are taken care of and that they don’t feel too lost in the pack. 
I’m pretty sure that even in omegaverse, Minseok is queer, and he probably prefers alphas to omegas; less mess, and more satisfaction in bringing them to heel.
Naturally, the person he’s closest to in the pack is Jongdae, this is canon in any and all universes. They’re the gossip husbands, drinking late at night and talking about the rest of the band like two intensely invested aunties, but being steady and gentle with the others the rest of the time. They probably sleep together, but they’re definitely not monogamous, and as in canon, probably are both aware that Jongdae would actually like to settle down with a mate at some point.
Minseok spends the omegas’ heats with them if they want him to, as do all the alphas– because the Exos are all very very busy and alternate being with the omegas depending on their schedules. His favorite is probably Sehunnie though, because Sehun is whiny but pliant and obedient in heat; the rest are complicated (will get to them!)
I imagine him to be as neurotic in omegaverse as he is in canon. He’s a sadist and is terrified of this fact. He takes his job as leader so seriously that it fucks with his head and makes him make very strange personal decisions. He’s an alpha and a dom, but the fact that he’s so scared of his sadism makes him show his belly to his pack and try so hard to be gentle and soft that the overcorrection makes him seem awkward instead. 
I think, if I were to transplant canon onto omegaverse, that Junmyeon did not overcorrect so hard until a while after debut; because at first he would punish the Exos for mistakes as harshly as a supervisor, and oooof that probably gave him such a headrush that it turned into kink for him IMMEDIATELY.
Junmeon is Like This in canon really, so what makes omegaverse so much worse for him is that it formalizes all the power dynamics in head in a way that makes it so easy to take advantage of. And he is so convinced the sadism makes him a bad person, that having omegas begging for him in heat, crying and in pain without him even having to do a single thing to them except be there, simply would take him to pieces. Just imagine canon Junmyeon with the power to bite someone and claim them biologically forever… the man wrote the Exos’ names on his damn body, he would lose his fucking mind!!!
Anyway, I think therefore, that Junmyeon is terrified MOST of Baekhyun and Yixing, the resident omega masochists in the band– and to an extent, Chanyeol, who is a masochist but not omega. So, I would imagine him being SO WEIRD with all three of them. Too strict and mean to Chanyeol, and so wary as to almost be avoidant of Yixing, and strangely both overprotective and overconfident in Baekhyun.
Hilariously, he and Sehun click very comfortably, because Sehun isn’t a masochist or a sub. He’s just very into being indulged and having things done for him and to him, and it makes him vibe enough like a sub that it’s hot, but not enough to terrify Junmyeon or cause him to have intense sadistic emotion about Sehun. This also means they’re not super compatible actually lmao, they’re just comfortable enough that they stick together.
I think Junmyeon and Minseok have an interesting relationship, where Minseok would like to be hyung and head alpha for Junmyeon but Junmyeon is too weird about being perceived to be submitting to anyone that whenever Minseok tries to support him, Junymeon just pretends to be Fine™ harder.
Generally though, Junmyeon is a good leader. He’s incredibly competent when it comes to the band’s relationships with management, and he’s incredibly protective and invested in the wellbeing of his pack members. All of his weirdness sort of impacts him internally, but it works to present him the way he desires his image to be externally.
[vibrates] He… the baby… 
He’s an omega and a sub. He came into the band with much Trauma™ (familial, as in canon D: ), which made him need so much affection and love that it makes him seem hungry. He pushes himself so hard that it makes him ill often, and it makes it difficult to care about him, because to do so means people have to constantly love him and see him be hurt. He doesn’t have the instincts that lets him trust people to catch him if he falls, so he simply always feels that he’s on his own, even if he isn’t.
In omegaverse, he probably has very difficult heats. Trauma and hormone fuckery do not go well together in any universe, so his heats probably fuck with his emotions massively. And the fact that most of his injuries are spine-related, means that his pelvic floor is just fucked, and would mean his heats actually physically hurt!!!! 
The emotional part means that during his heats, he clings so hard to the people next to him to make sure they don’t leave, that he leaves bruises and scratch marks. He probably cries and howls if any of the alphas get up to get him food because he’s scared they’re not coming back and that he’ll be abandoned. He probably wants to be mated and sobs when he isn’t, even though outside of heat he would know it would be a bad idea to mate.
The physical part means he’s in miserable (very unusual) pain throughout.
This makes it a large ordeal to deal with for the pack. Especially considering they are all so tired and so busy and barely have time to rest anyway. And the fact that they have a rotational system for alphas spending time with the in-heat omegas so they don’t miss schedules, which in Yixing’s case simply doesn’t work. 
They do love him, but he’s difficult to help. It stresses everyone out and makes the alphas feels horrible and bad at their jobs.
Yixing probably gets on suppressants at some point and simply never comes off them, especially when he starts spending more time in China without any pack around :( 
Outside of heat, he smells sweet and is comforting to be around. He’s so skin hungry that he’ll always want to cling to a pack member when they’re home, which they are only happy to do. And he’s good at being hyung to the younger members. He’s also massively good at his job as an artist, it just, you know, kills his body oops… TT
Being away from the pack does make everything worse for him, though. It’s a sore subject for Junmyeon and Minseok especially, that they let one of their pack omegas run off that way where they can’t help him at all. It makes everyone sad.
[Cake lies down on the floor] Yeah… Yixing… 
He’s an omega, a sub, and a sadist (masochist too, fun combo!) Baekhyun is highly invested in being important to everyone. He wants to be loved so much that he wants to own all the Exos and be owned by all of them, but he’s very aware of how this sounds so he’s just privately insane about this, but publicly all jokey and fun, rather than deeply intense.
The fact that he’s a sadist makes him a strange omega for alphas. So, I bet Baekhyun enjoys being with the omegas most often– bet it almost makes him think he’s like Minseok, and likes omegas more than alphas; but that’s not true. What he really needs is an alpha who would put a hand on his neck and put him in his place but also lets him bite and scratch and be mean to them as well. He needs to sub for his health and well being, but he also needs to feel that it’s safe to sub by being allowed to do horrible things to his alpha/dom and feel like he has power in the relationship. Subbing is so so vulnerable for Baekhyun, it makes him terrified to his bones, but he also wants it really badly.
Anyway, as in canon lmao, Minseok finds Baekhyun too messy and difficult to deal with, so he just flirts and toys with him a little, and probably sleeps with Baekhyun during heats if he’s needed, but doesn’t really let Baekhyun in his bed outside of heat. 
Chanyeol is too vulnerable to deal with Baekhyun’s barbed wire words and pointy claws, he takes it too personally, and Baekhyun has to be careful around him. Though when Baekhyun is careful, they’re good friends, and Baekhyun does enjoy sleeping with him and toying with him a little. 
Sehunnie is probably Baekyun’s go-to for sex outside of heats (points to the unreal amounts of Baekhyun biting Sehun photos in canon.)
Junmyeon and and Baekhyun are insanely compatible but they have no idea. Junmyeon is terrified of being too much and hurting people but if he actually does hurt Baekhyun (sexy), Baekhyun would lose his goddamn mind. Because Baekhyun needs intensity most of all, he needs to feel like his partner is obsessed with him: and Junmyeon is the most intense person in this band.
Kyungsoo and Baekhyun probably have good sex, but Kyungsoo has absolutely no tollerance for Baekhyun trying to exercise power– which is hot! But you know, it doesn’t let Baekhyun relax entirely with him. It’s the same with Jongdae probably, except Jongdae is nicer about it. 
He’s an alpha but he’s not interested in holding power over people, it makes him deeply uncomfortable. He’s not a dom, and not a sub, but he does enjoy power games when they’re meant to bring people closer together and build trust. 
He frequently goes through periods of being super insecure about how he presents as an alpha, and trying to be more masc and domineering, but it only ever ends up making him feel worse. And during those periods, he often feels like going to the other alphas for help and support is a weakness and tries to do everything himself, including figuring out his own mental blocks– this almost never works.
He clashes with Junmyeon a lot, because he both wants Junmyeon’s attention and admiration and praise, and wants Junmyeon’s to see him as an alpha and respect his authority, and Junmyeon is, as stated before, WEIRD about power things!!!
Though Minseok knows how to be good to Chanyeol and often compensates where Junmyeon fails. So does Jongdae, though he spent a while not really understanding why Chanyeol is the way he is and why he struggles with the things he struggles with. 
Kyungsoo’s steadiness and assuredness in himself makes him a good friend to Chanyeol. It helps to look to Kyungsoo when Chanyeol is in flux and feels like nothing is static enough to hold onto. 
Sechan are like canon Sechan, naturally. They are weird about power dynamics together in a way that helps both of them. It makes Chanyeol feel at ease that he’s not holding any power via the fact that he’s alpha or hyung over Sehun, and it makes Sehun happy to feel like he holds Chanyeol’s leash and can make him do whatever he wants. What Sehun often wants Chanyeol to do though, is to take care of things for him: take care of food and buying things, and making sure Sehun is comfortable, to fuck Sehun well and not make Sehun do things, and to praise Sehun in front of other people and let Sehun bask in the fact that he’s getting everything he wants. All of this makes Chanyeol feel good and useful and like a good alpha! It’s great! 
He’s one of the people I hesitated for a very long time before assigning an omegaverse dynamic to. I eventually settled on alpha because he’s a caretaker and – although subtle– is actually a little bit of a control freak. He also finds too much contentment in, for example, calming Baekhyun down and making him behave, for him not to be some sort of flavor of dom. 
He and Minseok fit well together because they both respect hierarchies a lot, and they respect inner pack workings. They also have the same casual but firm way that they approach their own internal moral compasses. They’re both stubborn and hard to convince to change, which makes them both comfortable, considering they are also both very influential and find it easy to change other people just by being around. They make each other feel safe to exercise the full breadth of their inherent power without the threat that this would affect the other in any way.
The fact that they are both doms, however, makes them incompatible long-term as sexual and romantic partners, even though they adore each other and probably do sleep together often. It’s a fact they are both aware of– though I am unsure if they both feel the axact same way about it. I change my mind often about this. Is Minseok sadder than Jongdae about this? Are they both just Fine? Don’t know. I’m not a Xiuchenist for real, but I do believe in them! So, I find myself thinking about this often. 
Jongdae, like Minseok, finds Baekhyun too much to deal with. But he finds Junmyeon funny and gets less stressed out about the fact that Junmyeon won’t let him help than Minseok does. Because Jongdae isn’t the pack leader and he’s younger, he finds it easier to insert himself into Junmyeon’s business and meddle sometimes, without stepping to hard on Junmyeon’s toes. 
He is soft with Yixing, and is sad for him, but Jongdae is very strict with himself about things which he cannot change, so he doesn’t let himself dwell on this often. 
It took him a few years to understand Chanyeol’s little neuroses but he did eventually, so now he knows how to care for Chanyeol and that satisfies him greatly.
He’s generally very gentle and full of advice and pets for all younger and older pack members.
He has a stroke of sadism in him, but it’s not consuming like Junmyeon’s is, and he’s Normal about it. It’s very to do with sex for him, rather than his personality.
He’s an alpha, and he’s possessive as fuck. He’s also a very sensible person, and has decided very early on that he will not be getting romantically involved with any of his members because they’re all insane and they’ll drive him out of his mind if he wants to go full possessive alpha on them! 
He does think Jongin is incredibly hot and is very soft with him. He’s also known to be soft with Sehun, though he’d never admit to it. 
He’s a neutral party in the pack, though he has a deep sense of justice and will stand with whoever he thinks is wronged in an argument. 
I don’t have many Ksoo thoughts, he gives me a headache, his personality is impenetrable! Sorry 🙈
You might have noticed I’ve not spoken much about him with the other members, and that’s because I firmly believe that, while he is a part of this pack, he’s bonded to Taemin. Taemin is his alpha, and they are each other’s persons. Jongin only spends heats with the pack when Taemin is unavailable.
In the Exo pack, Nini is soft and baby. He lounges over the alphas and scents the other omegas and takes care of them. But he’s also stubborn and strong, and because he’s been mated for such a long time, thinks that all the others and their weird relationship problems are so tiring and silly! 
That’s why he gets on with Kyungsoo a lot. Kyungsoo does not have weird relationship problems, because he simply has no messy relationships in the band XD They get to make fun of the others from their little cocoon. 
Nini knows how to depend on the others to help him, and he’s very good at being a stabalizing and sensible influence in the pack.
Him and Taemin make each other so much better, and take care of each other’s needs so well that Nini effectively doesn’t need a pack. They just add to his life and he adores them. It makes him a very steady presence.
He effectively takes the role of a pack omega but not because he needs it, because the pack does. It’s good for them to have someone they can spoil and love this way. He gives them the opportunity of all feeling like they get to take care of him and be good for the pack by doing so; and by doing so, he gets to comfort them and take care of them without them feeling like they’re asking for care. 
Sehun has large emotions about the pack, he needs all of them, and feels like they all need each other. He’s mostly quiet about it, though, he’s not a words person. He just flops in someone’s lap when he’s having emotions.
As in canon, he’s been in love with Chanyeol for years, but it takes them an insanely long time to work out what they are to each other. This lands Sehun in Junmyeon and Baekhyun’s beds often. 
He’s an omega, but not a sub or a dom. Like Chanyeol, he enjoys toying with power dynamics broadcast trust. Though he would melt into the center of the earth if Chanyeol bit him and mated him. And he would die if Chanyeol had a collar on and let himself be ordered around by Sehun. It’s all very deeply unusual and not standard bdsm XD 
I feel like I talked about Sehun’s relationships with the other members throughout the answer above, so I won’t repeat them here! 
Anyway… wow that was long. Anon, I am so sorry if this is way more than you expected!!! I hope you enjoy it regardless!!!!!!!! I have many thoughts about this, clearly! XD 
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alexiososp · 3 months
Susceptible to You by and with Inari
I am Alexio Sospranio, and you're listening to the kaisoo fic podcast.
For new listeners, the kaisoo fic podcast is a space where we discuss literature found in the kaisoo world. Where we have authors on the show to give them a platform to talk about their writings and journey as an author in the fandom. 
Just a brief rundown of what will happen in this episode. This episode is a two part episode. First part is today, dated the 12th, second part will be on the 14th. Special kaisoo dates!
Today, the first part we will discuss a fic from the author of the day, followed by questions regarding the fic. The second part, on the 14th will be slightly more personal questions to get to know the author a bit more. 
If you, dear listener, have been up to date with the podcast episodes, you will find that there will be similar questions to other author’s sessions. Each author brings in their own different perspectives and experiences. By asking similar questions, we get to see how diverse yet united kaisoo fic writers are. 
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Brief Intro and Technical Aspects of STY
Joining me today is author Inarichi.
Now introducing a bit on InariChi before we talk about the fic of the day:
InariChi’s works on ao3 amount to 51 fics on EXO.
InariChi has been in the fandom since 2015, that's about 9 years now. When she was drawn to Baekhyun and Kyungsoo. Became an EXOL when she heard Call Me Baby back in 2015. InariChi is currently into Stray Kids. 
Susceptible to You by InariChi, has 19 chapters with a word count of about 51k words. 
Set in an alternate universe where kaisoo are in college. Prim and proper professor Jongin is bad boy Kyungsoo’s music theory lecturer. Kaisoo ends up in a little teacher-student relationship. Content warnings include smut (topsoo) while the general tags set by the author includes romance and angst. But if i may, i would like to just add tags of domestic violence (kaisoo is not being abused by each other, which i think is the most important thing to note and the thing that actually gave me the push to read because the violence is not kasioo to each other). 
That was the technical background of the fic. 
Fic of the Episode
Now, Inarichi, hello there! Would you maybe like to start us off for those who are not familiar, what is Susceptible to You?
Susceptible to You is a slice of life college au with a relationship between a student and teacher. The playboy, Kyungsoo is challenged to seduce his professor, Jongin, who actually hates him. Along the way, some things don’t go as planned for Kyungsoo. 
Things most definitely don't go as Kyungsoo had planned…Kyungsoo after assessing the situation of his slightly uptight professor, he tries to appeal to Professor Kim by studying a bit more to show that he is serious about having his professor tutor him. Slowly, it becomes apparent that there is so much more to what meets the eye. 
What was your favorite part of piecing up a story like ‘Susceptible to You’? 
My favorite part was making the characters, their personalities and flaws. I think that’s always been my favorite part of my writing process. Characters are fun! And they’re the driving force of the story. If your characters aren’t interesting then neither is the story in all honesty. But also, I love to worldbuild, second to making characters. So for STY, making the characters was my favorite part and I really enjoyed exploring a different side of Kyungsoo as the rebellious, playboy type but with a soft heart. We hadn’t seen that often, if at all, in the kaisoo community at the time. 
Jumping in on characterisation for a bit, your characters are very in-depth and well thought out. 
Kyungsoo for instance, has a tough exterior and we learn that his piercings and tattoos are a persona, of someone who is strong and never afraid. Kyungsoo’s backstory… is tragic, to say the least, no spoilers, but when his past gets revealed… I cried… and as humans we always try to cope the best we can with the negative experiences we are put into.
Now, in all these dramatic moments we see kaisoo be put in, what was the most challenging part of writing about this particular college AU? 
I’ve written a lot of aus! And I think what was most challenging about this college au was keeping the characters grounded and real. I really wanted them to feel human, for them to make human mistakes and learn from them as everyone else does. And I also wanted them to have wants and needs that we typically crave as well, making them relatable. It’s always difficult to gain perspective of a character for me, but I do try my best to put myself in their shoes. 
Putting yourself in their shoes… making them relatable, by giving them wants and needs… Hopping onto that idea, kaisoo here have …  made decisions for themselves and the choices these two characters make, reflect their wants and needs as you mentioned. 
For instance in the chapter where Jongin came knocking on Kyungsoo’s dorm room. That choice, correct me if i'm wrong Inari, reflects his comfort in being vulnerable in Kyungsoo’s company, yet is reluctant to fully lean into the comfort because of their status as teacher and student. It’s that conflict in wanting what they want versus knowing that on some level it is wrong, and that makes characters very interesting.
To provide some context, the chapter prior to this scene was a dramatic moment. Kyungsoo attended to Jongin’s wounds, a very touching moment. But soon after it escalates when Sean calls and kaisoo get into a heated argument because of that and then Kyungsoo is forced out of Jongin’s apartment…but not without Kyungsoo giving him reassurance that he can rely and gain support from the younger. Kyungsoo is in agony when he believes he is thoroughly fucked after what happened. 
But Jongin surprised Kyungsoo by appearing at his doorstep…this particular choice Jongin made reflects his want to be with Kyungsoo and the sudden need to be as far as possible from Sean.
One of my favorite smaller moments of this fic is when Jongin is reluctant to have coffee with Kyungsoo, and Kyungsoo pushes a bit more and he asks, “You can't? Or you won't?” This moment puts Jongin in a spot where if Jongin were to lie about not being able to spend some time with him, Kyungsoo would be able to tell. 
Those are just my two cents on how your characters reflect humanistic wants and needs, but could you maybe talk briefly about that scene? Or any other scene that really displayed their human mistakes and have their wants and needs?
This scene really challenges Jongin to question why he holds himself back or what he’s really facing. Actually there’s a deeper meaning to this question, pertaining to Jongin’s situation with Sean. How this situation has worsened, and Jongin as the victim of the abuse tells himself that he can’t leave. And though leaving an abusive relationship is difficult, unfortunately, it seems that Jongin was refusing to help himself leave the situation. That he chose to stay there. Asking if can’t or he won’t is a way to ask him if he’s willing to do what he needs to survive. “Can’t” is for someone who doesn’t have control of their choices. “Won’t” is for someone who has a choice but refuses not to act upon those choices. 
Another scene I would say really displays human mistakes or moments of wants vs need is when Jongin and Kyungsoo are talking while Kyungsoo addresses his wounds. And they talk about why Jongin chooses to stay, and he admits to being used to this life and being unable to do so. As for Kyungsoo, he needed to learn to accept himself and his past that he ran away from. I believe his confrontation with his father really demonstrates what Kyungsoo needs. He was vulnerable and raw, and all of emotions were out of control. Which was something he so desperately sought. But he couldn’t be in control of everything and he couldn't withstand all the secrets anymore and he needed to let go. I suppose Kyungsoo’s internal conflict was about accepting what happened, forgiveness and letting go. And that talk with his father opened up a chance for him to do. Although it left him bruised even more inside his heart, he was able to let a part of himself be at peace. 
My next question, well not really, more of a request. If there was a moment in the fic, be it a defining moment, or a scene you think about when you think back to the fic, what would that scene be? And it would be an absolute honor to have you, Inarichi, the author of ‘Susceptible to You’ to read an excerpt of the scene of your choice.
Oh you’re asking the hard questions. I have a few scenes but when I think about this story, the scene where Kyungsoo calls back to Baekhyun’s words comes to mind. And also the scene where we learn what happened to Kyungsoo’s mother. 
With blurred vision and harsh breaths, he ran until he tripped, falling numbly onto a thin layer of snow. Rolling onto his back, he looked at the dazzling stars which twinkled above. Crystal tears sparkled in the corner of his eyes before strolling down the sides of his face.
Don't get hurt. Baekhyun's words echoed inside his head, and he thought, it was far too late. It was always too late.
“When we were in that car, you want to know what she said to me?” Kyungsoo quickly wiped at his eyes, “...you want to know what her final words were?” his voice cracked pitifully and he spoke faintly between his shallow gasps of misery, “She told me to close my eyes, she was going to make it all go away. She wanted it to stop, she wanted everything to end... So when she purposely whipped that wheel, sending us into oncoming traffic!—” he choked on his words, “...I closed my eyes.”
Thank you for that… that was absolutely brilliant because nothing beats having an author reading from their own works… And I have to agree with your choice of moments of the fic. The recalling of baekhyun’s words inside his head just goes to show how far kaisoo have come to a point of almost no return. Ad of course we have Kyungsoo’s mother’s suicide that was one of the turning points in Kyungsoo’s life.
Now that we have heard from you in this manner, I would just like to ask if this was the original idea you had in mind when you first drafted the fic? How much has the story grown or changed while writing?
When I first started writing this, I had the bare bones of an outline. I had no idea what drafting was. There was no draft. I would write it out and then kind of edit, and then post it. The “outline” was one page long and it had the main story beat: Kyungsoo being challenged to seduce his professor and then that was pretty much it. It grew for me when I added Kyungsoo’s backstory that paralleled what Jongin was going through currently, and also how they started to fall in love. I think the story wrote itself at that point. I think my writing improved overall while writing the story until the end, and I could see the changes and how far I’ve come because of it. It’s my baby. I’ll never forget this fic and how it felt to complete my first chaptered story.
Oh wow, this is your first chaptered story? 
Talking about backstory and what Jongin goes through… My own belief on everlasting love is that it blossoms when partners have a common experience together… but in ‘Susceptible to You’ as you said, Kyungsoo’s backstory parallels what Jongin goes through and that makes the characters relate to each other in such an intimate manner, and i'm not talking about sexual intimacy. Intimacy here is where Kyungsoo was able to share his thoughts on his feelings of wanting Jongin to leave Sean. Intimacy here is the shared experience of the abuse they go through and how they are able to find each other and be each other’s support.
As this is your first chaptered story, what did your writing process look like?
An absolute trainwreck. I’m all over the place. LOL. You know when you have train tracks that break off and go opposite directions? Like that. LOL. I’m literally hopping everywhere between scenes, simply nonlinear. And because my mind is everywhere, I have to plan. So I’m a planner (if you can believe that) I like to know where my story is going, and I have to know my ending. If I don’t know my ending then I won’t be able to begin writing. Now, I use outlines, but it’s subject to change and I will always change it. Always. My words are never cemented into anything, I can literally throw entire chapters away and start over from scratch at any time. I begin with the characters and the world and setting, and then build from there. There’s always one scene that begins everything, and then the rest fall in place. 
You mentioned your writing is always subjected to change and you can throw entire chapters away and start over from scratch at any time. 
Now that we know you had many and different types of drafts with different possibilities, were there any moments that did not make the cut to the final draft but you wanted to put in even after posting the fic? If so, do you mind sharing a snippet of it?
I wish there was but actually, everything that I wrote made it inside the fic. Not one scene was wasted. I wrote it as it came to me and I loved how quick pace but also steady the story is. So there was never a scene that I simply dealt away with. All of them that were there, needed to be there. Great question!
That is actually very nice to hear! It is like you're fully satisfied with the outcome, and i think i speak for all readers, that we all are as well, fully satisfied with the story. No loose ends, there is a conclusion for everything, even the bet and all. It’s a full story. 
Last question for this first half of the episode: Did you see any reflection of your own life in them? Be it the plot or the characters? You don't need to go into intimate detail, maybe just a brief snippet of what inspired you in real life to write this fic.
In my longer works, I always leave a piece of myself. A story is as honest as you make it. In Susceptible to You, I had a moment to really add a reflection of my mom’s burial in the story. The part of the story when Kyungsoo visited his mother’s grave, that was very personal for me. Because my mother is also buried in a field and when I have a special someone in my life, I will also bring them to meet her, just as Kyungsoo did with his mother. I see myself in that moment. I see myself in his emotions to be happy and to let his mother know that he’s alright now, that he was content. Because she would want to know, and I would love to tell her that. So my stories always have a small piece of my heart in them.
That is very touching. What you hope to see in your own personal future, you project it into the fic. It’s like a promise to yourself in some ways? 
And with that, ladies gays and of the like, we have come to the end of the first part of two for this episode. 
This first part, Inari shared with us challenging moments while writing this fic, read us an excerpt from her Susceptible to You and we end this first part with learning that Inari leaves a part of herself in her longer works.
Now Inari, let’s take a pause here before getting to know you a bit more. Second part will be uploaded on the 14th! 
Thank you for listening, have a good day, dear kaisooist, and we look forward to tomorrow’s tomorrow’s episode. Stay tuned.
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