#exo gave us a masterpiece
atzupdates · 1 year
[230628] Consequence Article: 10 Dynamic Pop Albums ATEEZ Think Every Music Fan Should Own
1. SZA - SOS
HONGJOONG: I’ve been so into this album lately. SOS itself is so organic, and with SZA’s voice, it’s music that you wouldn’t get tired of even if you listened to the entire album on repeat all day long. I can honestly say that it’s an album that awakened a new taste in music that I never realized I had.
2. DPR IAN - Moodswings in to Order
SEONGHWA: The videos and concept are so fascinating and extremely cool. And the music, of course, is to my taste and preference. I’ve actually been largely influenced by the style from this album.
3. Christopher - Under the Surface
YUNHO: Every single track on this album, even the B-side tracks, are my style! I can honestly say that every song on this album is my type of song.
YEOSANG: This is an ATEEZ album, but I wanted to bring it up because I personally really like the style and mood of the album. I loved performing the title track off the EP a lot, too.
SAN: This would definitely be my personal pick for a top album because it’s one that largely inspired me as an artist on stage. I grew my own dreams of being an artist while listening to their songs and watching their performances.
6. Calvin Harris - Funk Wav Bounces Vol. 2
MINGI: I’ve always been a huge fan of Calvin Harris, but I really like the overall vibe of this album, so it’s my favorite. It’s got so many songs that are great for easy listening, so it’s an album that I’m really fond of.
7. Shawn Mendes - Illuminate
WOOYOUNG: There’s a lot of memories tied to this album, and Shawn Mendes is an artist whose vocals have really inspired me as an artist. I remember when we used to listen to this album a lot as trainees, and even do vocal practices using his music. Each and every single song on this album is a masterpiece! I’d love to collaborate with him one day.
8. Bruno Mars - XXIVK Magic
JONGHO: Every single song on this album is amazing. It’s an understatement to say that his music has given me so much inspiration vocally. This album in particular really makes you think, because it’s simply enthralling how one person’s vocals can express so many different genres! After listening to all the songs on this album, it made me want to work even harder to broaden my spectrum and range.
9. Charlie Puth - Voicenotes
ATEEZ: We listened to this album a lot in the car on our way to and from different work schedules during promotions, so it brings back a lot of memories. Definitely one for the road that brings back a lot of memories we’ve had together as a group.
10. EDEN - RYU : 川
ATEEZ: This is an album that we listened to a lot as trainees that gave us comfort. We learned and gained inspiration from this album during our early days as a group. And though we work with him frequently now as our producer, it wasn’t as easy to see EDEN back then. We would listen to his songs, study them, and receive comfort from them.
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notjoril · 1 year
Thanks, Kai for releasing yet another masterpiece! I found it hard to write this down, as I'm so stunned with so many emotions (good one! don't worry!)
I've been listening to this album on repeat since its release. I love it so much. Every song is such beauty. Kai's vocal is also improving a lot, well I don't know much about vocal technique, but Kai sings in a way he never did before. It's also lovely to know Kai's personal taste in this album. He has great musical taste!
Anyway, I recently claimed some traits I have instead of treating them as a mistake or something to fix. Some people in my life used to treat those traits as something I needed to overcome. But my friend, Ethan, encouraged me in this process of choosing myself. I'm thankful for him. I may be unable to explain this in a better way though. I'm not sure if I could.
Sometimes I'm not good with words, but I still want to try to express these emotions. This is like one of a promise to myself (and EXO), that I'd walk alongside them as now they're active again. As EXO is busy with their work, I want to try my best in life too. It's like, both EXO and I are doing our best.
I've been listening to EXO. I always do, but lately, I pay more attention to the emotions that their songs gave to me. It gives me the energy boost that I needed. Both their music and their vocals helped me to feel certain emotions that I needed to keep going.
I always have trouble maintaining my focus, and I easily get overwhelmed. Life often gets so difficult. Sometimes, there are too many things happened at once. I always want to just focus on things that are actually important to me. But yeah, it's difficult with all the unnecessary distractions.
Sometimes, my life is filled with too many scenarios that weren't even mine. I always long for shifting my focus back to myself and my life. But, it's so difficult to do. Sometimes, my brain isn't cooperating well with me.
But, since I know EXO will be active again, I made that promise to myself. Since then, I feel like the universe is helping me out. It's like, all help is laid out, and everything is within reach. I know EXO is far, and probably will never know me. But, their songs help me greatly.
Their songs helped me to maintain focus, and also reminded me that I have to stay within my own path. They remind me of what's really important to me. Did I explain it well?
Suho said Kai will open the door to EXO's comeback. I'm looking forward to it. Meanwhile, I'll listen to Rover a lot. Hehehe. I hope I can do this often. I want to write as much as I could, especially about things that are important to me.
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leaving-fragments · 3 years
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shimmy shimmy kokobot...
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sichengtual · 3 years
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meeting taeil under the falling snow was your one long-standing traditions, tending to your feelings until they, like flowers, were ready to bloom in full.
— pairing: moon taeil x reader.
— au: soulmates.
— genre: fluff.
— word count: 1767.
— playlist: more than words — extreme; on the snow — exo.
for @seodami​, from your @neoculturechristmas​’s secret santa! i had a lot of fun writing this for you, and i hope you’ve been enjoying enjoying your holidays! here’s a little something for you 💓
You had always known both you and Taeil were creatures of habit. 
It had been clear, since the very beginnings of your relationship, that part of the reason you understood each other so well was because you functioned so similarly in the first place. You had met in between previously set scenes, noticed each other purely because of the way you blended yourselves right into each other’s lives so naturally, it was hard for you to tell when you had started to blend into one cohesive picture to begin with. 
He felt like a childhood friend and a mysterious stranger all at the same time: with the sense of familiarity that could only belong to a bond that has been created in the course of a lifetime, and the excitement behind getting to meet him almost once again every time he showed you a new side of himself. You had always known it was special, how he could make you feel known yet undiscovered with a single look, with something in his eyes letting you see the exact point where both outlooks intertwined. You had always felt it was unique, with the calmness behind his smile and the thrill behind his voice — and you had always been sure he had felt it too. 
Despite the brief four years of knowing each other, in a way, it almost felt like he had always been there. Like he had always belonged in your life just like you had always belonged in his, your meeting being the final piece of a puzzle that had been many years in the making, the finishing touches of a life’s work masterpiece. Him being in your life, somehow, made sense. 
And, as such, it became hard to imagine what it would have been like if he wasn’t. Looking back, there were so many things in your life you could connect back to Taeil, even when at a simple glance, none of them had really anything to do with him. He was just there, sunk so deep in the back of your mind that he was the sole protagonist of your thoughts and dreams even when he’s miles away.
The two of you held mirroring tattoos in the exact same way you had mirroring souls, each one of the lines drawn on your skin signaling the other that you were there.
But as much as Taeil lived inside of you as you lived inside of him, accepting the soulmate bond meant having to live life as two instead of one. It required commitment, and even though the two of you already knew you were gonna end up together, you agreed that feelings, just like flowers, can’t be pressured into blooming.
Taeil always met you at the Winter Carnival at exactly 7 p.m, as if on clockwork. He always waited next to the tallest lightpost, a bag of toasted chestnuts you’d share as you walked along the hundreds of small, fairy lights clad tents. Taeil would often stop and look at the little trinkets that were offered in the small shops, not buying anything unless you liked it.
“I just like doing it,” Taeil would always say. “It’s not that it’s anything big, it’s just something for you to think of me.”
You were sure he bought them to remember you, too. To look back and think of the colorful little trinkets he had purchased, recalling the memory of your hands brushing together as you walked side by side just as night started to fall. 
It was just you and him, meeting each other once a year before it got dark. In a sense, it was a sort of sign, reminding you of each other right before the new year rolled around. It gave you something to hope for, a sort of beacon at the end of the way. 
Just like that, just as time passed, you had started to fall in love with Taeil in the way people were expected to fall in love with their soulmates: completely and whole-heartedly. It almost felt like diving head first straight into the ocean, breaking through the icy waters in the promise of finding something so precious on the other end of the shore it gave you a rhythm to follow, a path to swim by. 
And you finally decided to tell him. 
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Snow has just started falling when you leave the house.
It’s no different from every other carnival day: cool gusts of wind, warm spiced scents, bright flickering lights. People pass by you as you make your way into the fair, barely even brushing shoulders before they go back to being just a part of the background, holding no more significance than a brief locking of sights. Noises mix in together like an intricate score, voices and melodies composing an accompanying piece that set the beat not only to your steps, but to the scene as a whole. 
You’re surprised by how different it makes it feel; feeling happier with laughter and more neutral with the lack of it, occasionally setting your attention in the background accompaniments such as the soft ring of a bell or the muted honk of a horn. In complete honesty, it’s a picture perfect rendition of a scene only seen in movies, and it doesn’t help feeling like both you and Taeil could set its entire course with only a change in conversation. 
He’s waiting for you, holding a small white paper bag, like he always does. He’s dressed in warm, layered clothes, a smile on his lips only growing with each and every step you took in his direction. Small, almost translucent snowflakes are beginning to fall over his head, adorning the strands of hair that fell over his forehead, and you couldn’t help but think of just how much the current scene resembled one straight of a frame belonging in the Louvre. 
“It’s nice to see you again,” are the first words he says when looking at you. They carry a weight behind them, an actual sense of longing produced by the cruel passing of the time in which you were apart. 
His voice feels warm. 
“You got a haircut.” 
“Yeah,” he smiles. “Do you think it suits me?” 
“I think you’re absolutely rocking it.”
It’s not unusual for Taeil to grow shy. Even after the years and years you’d known him, he still blushes at your compliments, no matter how hard you try to convince him your words spoke nothing but the truth. He knew that, though, because your voice made everything sound like something he’s always been aware of. 
“Here, have some,” Taeil offers you a sheepish smile before he extends the paper bag in your direction. “They’re still warm.” 
Still looking at him, you take one of the chestnuts from the bag and propped it into your mouth, the salty top layer in the snack immediately melting in your mouth. Moving closer to him, you let your hand brush against Taeil’s free one, immediately following his steps as he starts walking. 
And, in all honesty, the atmosphere never stopped surprising you. Out of the corner of your eye you can see the light reflect upon Taeil, illuminating his face in an ensemble of warm, combining colors. You can only imagine the effect it must have on his eyes, bringing out their own natural glow in the exact same way it painted them in a kaleidoscope of different shades of Christmas. 
It’s funny when you recall this is the most magical night of the year. You think of having felt just that in Taeil’s embrace, having heard magic in his voice. You’re sure that his presence in your life is exactly what makes it magical, and get to feel just that when he takes your hand in his. 
“I’ve been thinking a lot about us,” Taeil says, his voice bringing you back from your haze. “About what we’re gonna do from now on.”
You nod, trying to get him to continue. You want to tell him you’ve been doing the exact same thing, thinking about moving forward, finally taking a step. But you wait until after he speaks, wanting to know what his stance is in the matter, getting to know both sides before pulling together a story. 
You can’t really make out what it is, but there’s something about Taeil’s voice that gives you hope. You keep walking through the growing crowd, having to move closer together to walk next to together next to the waves of people. Somewhere in there, Taeil finally laces your fingers together, feeling your heart growing warm.
“I know we decided to wait before we finally accepted what we are, and what it means for us,” he says. “We took what fate gave us and let it grow on its own accord, and now it doesn’t really feel like it was something made for us. It feels as if we’ve the ones that made it, growing closer because we wanted to, and not because it was simply imposed on us.” 
Taeil gives your hand a squeeze. 
“I’ve fallen in love with you the way it should be. It feels like I’ve been dreaming, somehow being happier in a dream that I’ve ever been while awake. And all this time, I was only dreaming of you.” 
You’ve reached the middle of the fair, coming to a stop next to your bench, right in front of the brightly lit carrousel. There’s a live band playing somewhere near, music reaching your ears right as you stop walking, and a strong scent of warm cider coming from somewhere in the tents. You turn to look at Taeil, looking at all the snow that has gathered on top of his head, and the slight blush on his cheeks that you can’t tell if it’s a product of his words or simply a reaction from the cold. 
You decide you don’t have to know.
“I’m in love with you too,” you say. “And not because of fate, but because of you. Fate only helped us find each other, but the rest grew from here. From us.” 
Taking a step in your direction, Taeil finally kissed you under a thousand flickering fairy lights. It was a change in the routine, a new tradition only but growing from an already existing one. Maybe the meetings under the snow were coming to an end, but you’d take a thousand sunny days by Taeil’s side over standing alone under the rain. 
Right there, with snow falling right on top of your head, you had never felt so warm.
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mary-and-a-flower · 4 years
𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭’𝐬 𝐎𝐤𝐚𝐲: 𝘈 𝘚𝘰𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘚𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘕𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯
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“So don’t hide yourself, will you show me you?
Be comfortable with the way you are
That’s right; it's okay to be okay”
            Emotions are inevitable. We feel weary, we feel very energetic. We smile, we shed tears. We laugh, we feel miserable. Innumerable emotions are there, free to feel; and that is very normal.
           There are circumstances that we can’t just control. Stressors and pressures are everywhere leaving us very exhausted. Insecurity devouring every single part of our system, with our own mind telling us we cannot reach a certain point. And everyone around us anticipating for something that is just too much for us.
           Year 2019, on the July 1st, EXO’s D.O. released a comforting song entitled That’s Okay. The masterpiece by then enlisting member of the South Korean-Chinese boy group is an R&B pop song which harmonized perfectly with warm acoustic guitar and minimal drum beats. It was presented to the public as a gift from the singer to his fans, the same day of his enlistment.
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           With the meaning of comforting those who feel unwell, D.O.’s warm voice is very perfect you feel like crying. I particularly like this song for his voice and how the message of the song squeezes your eyes and heart at the same time. As a matter of fact, out of my cups in my life, slow, comforting songs are my biggest cup of tea. Being the emotional person I am, I often find comfort in such songs. Gladly that D.O. presented such a great song.
           Aside from fans and supporters, other Korean artists expressed their fond for the song. Analyzing its lyrics, we are certain that it’s for everyone, regardless of our state or job.
           These occurrences prove that everyone experiences drowning in the ocean of sadness, that we just feel tired of existing. In the hope of lightening everyone’s heavy heart, D.O. gave us this beautiful song.
           On that note, I am wishing for everyone’s peace of mind. If you feel like crying, cry. If you feel like bursting out, scream all your exhaustion. Just make sure that tomorrow you’ll stand again, with a big smile plastered on your face. We are all a beautiful soul that deserves the whole world.
           There is no such thing as nobody. You are somebody.
 “The troubles you couldn’t talk about
The spots with deep scars
The time passing at the same pace
Like always, I'll wash them away
So it's okay to live like flowing water
It's just okay to be okay”
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You can listen to:
Youtube, Spotify and VLive
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lamechellephotog · 3 years
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It's been 1 year since Boss Baek's masterpiece DELIGHT dropped! 🍬 It broke hearts /records! 💥 Changing the face of kpop! 👏 He gave us everything!🍭 BaekHyun is the standard wbk! 💙 @baekhyunee_exo @weareone.exo 🍬 🍭 🍫 🍬 🍭 🍫 🍬 🍭 🍫 🍭 🍫 🍬 🍭 🍫 🍬 🍭 🍫 🍬 🍭 #BAEKHYUN #백현 #엑소 #ForeverOurDelight #omg #1SweetYearWithDelight #EXO #byunbaekhyun #delight #candy #cute #vocals #duality #sexy #king #powerful #happyanniversary https://www.instagram.com/p/CPS3Th1h2LC/?utm_medium=tumblr
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goodnightkisseu · 4 years
Do Kyungsoo - A Quiet Love
→ request: @prettywordsyouleft​​ “ Final one I promise! #51 - “You didn’t have to marry me, you know.” with Kyungsoo please! Possibly either arranged marriage au or enemies to lovers! Thank youuuuu ”
→ pairing: do kyungsoo x reader
→ genre: fluff
→ word count: 2034
→ warnings: none~
→ summary: growing up with wealth meant that everything was decided for Kyungsoo before he was even born. But the one thing he never thought he would easily find was love. And yet, how he felt for you was just so... effortlessly simple...
→ masterlist // exo masterlist // goodnightkisseu’s 1k follow drabbles
note: after spending the entirety of December planning for what to do in the coming months, I’m finally back with another fic! Things may be a bit slow for a bit as I ramp back up, but I hope that I can provide all of you with some wonderful stories. This particular drabble request was timely as today is also Kyungsoo’s birthday! So I hope that you all enjoy this one ^^
- ash <3
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Navigating a normal life within regular social norms was already hard enough. Trying to figure out if your behavior was acceptable, how others perceived you, as well as where you stood with someone was trying. Add wealth, power, and greed to this, and you had the complicated web of relationships that Kyungsoo had been trying to navigate ever since birth. Kyungsoo came from a well-off family. His great grandfather had built a business that skyrocketed in success about fifty years ago. Though his family didn't have the type of power to run the country, as some would hear of others, they were still quite renowned.
This, of course, meant that Kyungsoo grew up differently than other kids. He had his life mapped out for him before he was even born. He was sent to the most prestigious institutions for his education so that he could take over his portion of the business when the time was right. Every day was packed with additional coursework outside of schoolwork, the family priming him to be a well-rounded individual. Sometimes, he would get to play with his friends, but that wasn't often. And honestly, he could never tell if his friends were really his friends or just people that wanted to befriend him because of his family. Though as complicated as this all was. There was one thing that Kyungsoo was sure of.
He loved you.
Kyungsoo had loved you for a long time, likely before he even knew the meaning of the word. Many things in Kyungsoo's life were already etched in stone, and one of them, in particular, was his engagement with you. Your family was also rather wealthy, and it was projected to be a union that would help both families. But as children, neither of you understood this. You just enjoyed your time playing together, running through the large homes and gardens, playing hide and seek. You didn't have a care in the world back then.
But as you grew older, the two of you started to understand. You understood your roles in your families, as well as your future roles towards each other. Strangely, it didn't bother either of you. By that point, you were already close. You spent a lot of time with each other every day, so it was natural for you to depend on the other. And whether you knew it or not, that might have been when those first seeds of love were planted in your hearts.
Still, even if everything was planned, growing up was hard, mainly through the teen years. Although Kyungsoo expertly navigating these new social circles, like many of his peers,  he noticed that you were having a much harder time. You were naturally rather shy, to begin with, and everything that was changing probably didn't help. Whereas girls your age were developing into beautiful swans, using makeup to enhance their maturing features, Kyungsoo noticed you shrinking away. You wore more clothes to hide, grew quieter, and this was what got the school talking.
Kids were cruel, and you were subjected to a handful of baseless rumors. Kyungsoo shot every one of them down, but that didn't stop people from talking. Amongst the sea of wealthy children who spent their family's money to get into all sorts of trouble, the only person you had left was Kyungsoo. But honestly, he was all you needed. All of the drama in high school pulled the two of you closer. Your bond grew stronger.
Kyungsoo didn't leave you for his new group of friends. Instead, he found himself spending more time with you. You would always do your coursework together. You would still eat together. And most importantly, you spent your free time together. While you pursued your passion for painting, Kyungsoo would be nearby, face buried in a book. Those small seeds of love were blossoming into beautiful flowers that thrived on your support for each other.
Age eventually led Kyungsoo to start working for his family's business. This was expected, but it did mean that the two of you spent less time together. Your engagement was kept quiet for the time being, allowing you both to focus on your new jobs. You also worked at your parents' company, though a lot of the work you did was behind the scenes. You never really got over your shyness, and you preferred to handle business that didn't require you to be in the spotlight, and your parents respected that. It did make things a bit harder in some respects, but you all worked through it the best that you could.
Though you were both busy, Kyungsoo had worked hard to maintain that connection the two of you had over the years. Because as much as he wanted to be there for you, he appreciated you being there for him too. He wasn't going to let the stress of his family's work get in the way of your relationship.
Naturally, after the two of you grew comfortable with your roles, your families were back to talking about your marriage. For something that had been agreed upon so long ago, there wasn't much arranged for it.  So all of the wedding planning had to be completed within a few hectic months. This did make some things difficult, of course. While you were trying to plan the wedding, old friends and the general public felt the need to comment on the arrangement. They posited that someone as successful as Kyungsoo could have found someone better, someone more fitting for the limelight. These comments were hard to see, even hear, but Kyungsoo stayed close. He knew what you needed, and not once, over all of these years together, had that changed. And eventually, the chatter from your social circles died down.
That night, Kyungsoo arrived home a bit later than usual from his business meeting. He had some people coming from overseas, and due to some flight delays and overall time differences, the meeting ran for longer than expected. He was exhausted now, and he figured that you probably would have been asleep yourself. From what he had gathered from your messages throughout the day, work had been hectic for you as well. Yet, much to his surprise,  you weren't. The moment he walked through the front door, he saw the light of your studio, the yellow hue dancing across the floorboards of your hallway. With a faint smile, he dropped off his jacket and bag by the door before he made his way over, eyes peering into the gently lit space to see what you were up to.
One of the first things that the two of you did when you moved in together was to set up this little art studio for you. Something that hadn't changed since you were children was your love for painting. Even now, your brush effortlessly danced across the canvas as you laid down the first layers to your next masterpiece. Though art was always a hobby, you had sold a handful of pieces under a pseudonym. And though it made Kyungsoo happy to see others appreciating your work, part of his did wish that you would make yourself known… instead of hiding behind a façade.
"Looking lovely as always," he stated, his low voice cutting through the calming music that you had playing in the background.
Though you were startled, you had learned not to jump. One, for the sake of your painting, and two, because this was pretty typical of your husband. Kyungsoo was always rather good at sneaking up behind you when you least expected it. As much as that bothered you sometimes, you were glad when he was around.
"Are you talking about me or the painting that I'm working on?" you inquired, turning around a bit in your stool so that you could get a good look at him. He smiled when your eyes met, and you received a chuckle in response.
"Both. Though, I think that your painting may outshine you this time," he teased, watching as your eyes narrowed slightly, a scoff leaving your lips in return. Kyungsoo's smile spread as he made his way across the studio, the space much more natural to traverse now that the two of you found some proper shelving for your supplies. He gave you a gentle kiss on the cheek, and the moment that he felt your lips pulling into a smile, he knew that you weren't upset. His hands found their way to your shoulders, and his eyes gazed at the piece of art before him.
"The colors are really nice for this piece. You went for warmer colors than you usually work with. I think it's stunning," Kyungsoo complimented.
You gave a small nod before resting your head against his arm. "I wanted to try something a bit different this time," you explained. "Since I'm usually partial to cooler colors, I wanted to step outside of my comfort zone, work on something that can bring warmth to a room."
"Will we be hanging this one up, or will you be looking for a buyer for it?"
You hummed softly, your mind trying to come up with the right decision. "I think I'd like to keep it. I think it could look really nice in our living room, in that one empty space along the back wall. I always thought it felt a bit cold, so this could help?"
Kyungsoo nodded. "I think it would look really nice there," he agreed. "Maybe someday, we could actually tell our friends that the artist they are so in love with is you…"
You let out a quiet sigh, knowing what Kyungsoo meant. He always wanted you to be more confident in yourself, to share your passion with others. Though you had become more comfortable in your own skin, it was still hard for you to in a room with too many people. He wanted to be able to bring you to events, but extravagant events were always too much for you. Small ones were fine, but when they reached a certain level, it was hard. "You know that isn't like me…"
"I know," he said softly. "Part of me wants to show you off to the world, to show off your talent to others. I think people feel like I purposefully keep you hidden away. I... I just want others to appreciate you the way that I do…"
"You didn't have to marry me, you know," you reminded him. "You could have chosen someone that liked the spotlight more than I did. They would love to go to those big and fancy events and have people ogle them…"
Kyungsoo nodded, his hands gently sliding down your arms as they reached for your hands, helping you up on your feet so that he could slip his arms around you, holding you in his embrace. "I could have. My parents told me that there were a lot of other families that were interested in an arranged marriage," he told you truthfully. "But, I know that I could never have the same connection with any of them that I have with you. We grew up together. We were there for each other, and you managed to take over every inch of my heart, little by little. You didn't do anything big, but each of your little gestures showed me how much you cared. I couldn't find that anywhere else…"
You couldn't help but the smile that crept onto your features, the way that the heat rose to your cheese. "You, Do Kyungsoo, have become very cheesy since we were kids," you stated, your own hands finding their way around his neck.
"Only because I love you so much," he reaffirmed. "Our parents may have arranged this marriage, but what I feel for you isn't fake. If I had to marry anyone else, I wouldn't feel the same. I don't want you to ever forget that."
"I won't," you told him earnestly, as he leaned down to seal your lips with a kiss. Though your lives were anything from average, Kyungsoo wouldn't have changed this quieter and more private love for anything in the world…
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najatheangel · 4 years
Hello!!! ✨ And here I am again!!hahaha I can't, I really love your ships!!
Can I have a written ship this time? With Nct 127, Exo and Got7, please? 🌸
Here is a description of my personality!
I'm really shy and extremely awkward. I'm not good at expressing myself talking, I speak in a low volume, I get really insecure because of it, and it takes me sometime to open up, so people need to be a little patient to get to know me. Sometimes I fear I'm a pushover because of my shyness and akwardness, although I try my best to not freeze at social interactions ahahha. I have a great fear of hurting people with my words and my actions, so I think a lot before I do something. But I'm actually friendly, I'm always smiling while talking, and I accept everyone with my whole heart. I never judge people, and try to understand every point of view. When I'm comfortable enough, I'm really goofy, playful and unintentionally funny. My friends say I'm an adorable cute little person (but weird and random too). I'm naturally quiet, a good listener,sensitive,kind, understanding,calm and open minded.I always try to be positive. Even though I don't speak much in a discussion, people always ask my for my opinion, and take the things I say seriously. I like making people's life easier and happier, so I'm usually silently doing little daily things for them. The feeling that I'm useful to someone keeps me going. I'm really grateful for everyone who likes me. I prefer to be around chill, fun and simple people, because my mood gets easily influenced by the mood of the people around me. But I'm always up to help everyone. I'm a really simple person, that enjoy simple things. My hobbies are drawing,crafting,painting and cooking (I'm specially into arts). I enjoy reading too, specially detective books. I like staying home, but I don't mind going out with friends to get some food or taking some night walk. I love animals, of all kinds. Hate mean and rude people, conflict, prejudice, injustice. I'm loyal to my friends and family, and value them a lot. I need to be friends first before falling in love. But once I'm in love, I'm selfless, and give my everything. But I enjoy my freedom and privace, so I don't like too jealous people, who want to control everything I do. To me, trust is the most important thing in a relationship.
That's it!
Thank you so much again!
I hope you're doing well! Stay safe, healthy and happy! ✨
Hello love it’s nice too see you again my dear. It was nice getting to know you more. You seem like a very sweet and angelic person. Sorry for the long wait my dear here’s your ship. 😊💫
From NCT 127, I ship you...Taeil
Positive Side: The next Sun & Moon 2.0! Both of your personalities favor and work so well together. When you first meet NCT 127, Taeil was the first member that caught your eye, because of his shining presence and his sense of humor that made you smile so much. After months and months of getting close as friends, it developed into a wonderful love story. The members helped him set up a mini concert at your house singing your favorite sing with backup vocal line Haechan, Jungwoo, Doyoung and Mark. Since Mark is apart of every unit. You’ve gladly accepted his invitation whole heartedly and the rest was history. As far as hobbies, this man will do anything as long as you were apart of it. He would be a big supporter of your artwork and would even ask for a private art class so he can make a portrait of you. And Win win lol. He would even look up art project ideas with you on pinterest and start creating things with you along with Dreamies. Taeil can also be very adventurous by walking with you to the bookstore to buy detective books or take midnight walks at the park. Lastly, when you have your moments he would be the first to knock at your door and not leave your side until he made you smile. He is an affectionate person and would cry with you while cuddling you when you pour your emotions out to him whether good or bad. Although this man is small and acts like a precious baby sometimes, he would be saving all his love for you. 
Negative Side: Once you both started dating, it was still a long yet hard process to adjust to. Whenever it came to dealing with the haters that didn’t support your relationship, it would get to your head sometimes and you would be afraid to get too close to Taeil sometimes so it won’t cause confrontation with the media. One time the small amount of harsh comments led you to ignoring his phone calls and he caught you crying alone in the bathroom which made him upset. He tried to run to you to hug you, but you wanted to deal with this problem alone so he wouldn’t suffer with you. “I’m alright Taeil.” As patient as he normally is, he wanted to respect you by giving your privacy until you felt like you truly needed him. At that point he just sighs and walks in the living room. “Okay, just let me know if you need anything.” 
But...: Later that day you’ve realized it was for the best to confess to Taeil what emotions you’ve kept inside about everything involving your relationship. At the end of the day he was someone you can trust with all your secrets and can get you through this situation. After having the talk with him, he was so understanding and relieved that you finally wasn’t afraid to depend on him anymore. He gave you the tightest hug and the most passionate kiss that night reassuring you that everything was going to be okay as long as he was around. “No matter what part of the world I am, I will always run back to you.”
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From Exo, I ship you with...Suho
Positive Side: This man is trying to make you his wifey for lifey. You both share the same goals when building friendships with people, being sweet, taking care of people around them and helping those who are in need. The devolopment of your friendship was so fast, but just like Taeil, becoming a couple was one hell of a ride. Deep down you both loved each other, but wanted to wait until the time was right and you both knew for sure the feeling was mutual. He would be the ultimate gentleman when your going out together, always going to art exhibits with you, taking millions of photos cause your his masterpiece ;) and even attempting to dance with you in public along to their music at the grocery store, but ends up feeling second hand embarrassment. I would too lol, still cute tho. He hardly feels awkward doing those things and just embraces it. He’s even suprised you with your first baby kitten and you both name him Buttercup. Lastly, you both share strong loyalty with each other no matter what. Overall this bond is too powerful and would be hard to tear apart.
Negative side: Suho would also find it hard to separate from you sometimes because he loves being with you most of the time. As far as dealing with your emotions, he wouldn’t want you to hide anything from him whether good or bad. He expects you two share everything together in the beginning of your relationship including thoughts, but it wasn’t that easy. Suho for the most part was understanding, but another part of him couldn’t stand leaving you alone to deal with those problems.
But...: Suho learned that he can’t pressure into speaking from your heart until the time was right. He also learned that he can’t baby you so much, because your his woman not his child or sister. Once you’ve started opening up more to him, he felt like the happiest man alive and gave you the tightest hug shedding tears. “You don’t ever have to deal with this alone, that’s what I’m here for. You got that?” The more comfortable you both communicated about your emotions, the easier it was to release instead of keeping it inside.
Anddd I’m deceased 😭😭👏🏽
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From Got7, I ship you with...Youngjae
Positive Side: I remember shipping you with him before visually, but personality wise I ship it 10x harder. First of all, two shy innocent angels falling in love is straight k-drama vibes I’m getting. The more confident you’re around each other, the more flirty you two love birds become. He would always share home cooked meals with you, tell funny stories about how he’s always goofing off with crack7 and have heart to heart talks about any insecurities he has amongst himself. This bucket full of sunshine sometimes have his cloudy days as well and can relate to you in that sense which balances out. If one person was feeling down, the other lifts that person’s spirit up and encourage them to think positively. Youngjae would admire how you would take care of the other members and his cutie baby pup coco. Your the love of his life and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Negative Side: The only problem I can honestly think of is when your both having a bad day, you both tend to keep it to yourselves and not bother the other person about it. You both handle confrontation the same way, but it either can go good or bad. Youngjae on the other hand is worse at dealing with his emotions, because he doesn’t want to be sad infront of you and tends to lie only so you won’t worry about him so much. Once you find out either way your hurting for him and start “It’s not a big deal sweetie, it was just a few hate comments.” “It is a big deal Youngjae, I just can’t sit there and let those mean people do that to you. It’s disrespectful.”
But...: In the end, you don’t want to leave each other wounded and left alone to deal with the pain, so you come into his room leaning your head on his lap rubbing his thigh in silence until he was ready to talk. Even silent treatment would work for you two as long as you were next to each other, anything was possible. What makes it even better is that he’s not upset for too long and attacks you with warm hugs and pepper kisses your cheeks. “What would I do without you y/n? I feel so much stronger and better with you here beside me”
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Out of everyone, I ship you with...either Taeil or Youngjae. Again couldn’t decide 😣
@thechoppersan My friend I hope you enjoyed this ship and it made you smile. Feel free to come back anytime angel. 😉☀️
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fuckyeahexofics · 4 years
Fic Search #213
1. Wrapped Around Your Finger (Junmyeon/Sehun, NC-17) by FanOfTA 200516. hey! im searching for a fic where a member dates their sisters boyfriend and one of the members is junmyeon i think, there is a kiss scene where they kiss in front of the door and his sister sees them
2. 200517. Hi! This fic may be deleted or taken down, but I was wondering if you could help me find the fic that had exo members as orphans and they went to this orphanage but like the twist was, this orphanage gave them illnesses of older people? and it was super angsty , i cant remember if it was on aff/lj/ao3 but i remember it had multi pairing
3. 200523. A while ago I read this fic that was inspired by the song Masterpiece by Vinyl Theatre, I think it was Baek/Jongdae and it was about painting on skin. It was definitely NSFW and angsty. I mostly read on AO3 so I guess it was on that platform. I really can't find it anymore, does anyone perhaps know where I can find it again?
4. 200524. Hey guys, I've been looking for this fic but I only remember bits of the story: It started with Kyungsoo dating Junmyeon, who cheats on him with Baekhyun, and Kyungsoo ends up in a friend's with benefits relationship with Jongin. I wish i remembered more but that's all I can come up with. Any help would be greatly appreciated 😁
5. 200524. I completely forgot where I saw it. I think AO3 or AFF #SEKAI (sehun-kai) -Taemin is the boyfriend of Kai. Taemin is supposed to meet the parents of Kai, but he doesnt show up and make lots of excuses. Sehun was working in that cafe and Kai accidently grabbed sehun's hand thinking it was Taemin. His parents like sehun. In the end they got together. Other characters (as in other members or kpop groups)- could also be LJ
6. 200531. Hi, I'm looking for a fic that I read on AO3 before. It's Junmyeon/Sehun. Kris used to be a king of an empire, and Junmyeon was his queen. But he didn't favour Junmyeon. Then Kris passed away. His younger brother Sehun became king. As king, Sehun would need a new queen. He goes to Junmyeon to discuss this. He asks Junmyeon to marry him, but Junmyeon assumes that Sehun is asking him to only be a consort, when in fact Sehun was asking him to be his queen. Any help is appreciated. Thanks very much!
7. 200531. hi! i'm looking for this sekai wolf/abo verse fic i read on ao3 recently. sehun &kai grew up together and i think there was a rivalry, but when sehun became an alpha and kai became an omega it was tense bc kai realized that sehun was now physically better at things than him. and suho was the only other omega and w/ kai going into heat made him go into heat too. kris (the leader) had to help them but didn't touch kai and sehun was just angry about it lmao. THANK U i'm running out of space
8.  200601. Super long shot, but I’m almost certain I found it on this blog and it’s a chankai. It’s a size kink (?) but jongin has a small dick and chanyeol kinda humiliates/teases him about it. But they’re married and he only does it during sex, kinda like makes him admit he has a small dick. I think chanyeol was also a doctor in this fic(?) And older?? Do you Happen to know this fic? I’m certain it was on LJ as well!
9. 200601. Hello, I'm looking for a kris/suho werewolf au. Suho, I think, was going to meet friends but his car broke down on a road in the woods. Kris can turn into a wolf but he struggles controlling himself. Kris lives in a small shack in the woods and let's Suho stay the night then helps him fix his car. All along Suho tries to figure out what Kris is, it's cute. I hope this helps lol I haven't read it in years so it's kinda blurry. Thank you!
10.  200602. Hi! Hope all the admins are doing alright :D I need help searching for a ChanBaek fic i read once, Baek was a League of Legends pro player, Chan was not, but at some point in the story he does get a proposal to join the team. It's a vague description so I hope this makes it easier to find it, i remember the fic had a part that talked about how baek's bedroom was simple and made people think it lacked personality when in fact his personality in itself was like that
11.  200606. hiii i’m having a bit of trouble finding a fic i could’ve sworn i subscribed to but anyway it was on asianfanfics and the ship was xiuhan yixing was luhans brother while yifan was minseoks owner xiuhan run away from both of them and go to the city where they jump from hotel to hotel for a couple of days until eventually yifan and yixing find them and take them home it was rlly fluffy and funny do you have any idea what fic this is? also minseok was a cat hybrid ty!!
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jenmyeons · 4 years
ok so i was tagged by @dropsofletters to do the “top ten kpop songs” and @koribantes tagged me for the “top ten heavy rotations tag” so i decided to just mash them together lmao. i did “top ten kpop songs” a while back but love talking about my faves and felt like i missed a few good ones on that so i did it again. leaving this under the cut so i won’t clog dashboards.
Top 10 Kpop Songs
1. universe / exo i have shed countless tears to this song, it’s a true gem and the entire mini album is amazing without a single skip. i love turning on universe, close my eyes and just enjoy the mastery of this song.
2. playing with fire / blackpink one of the first kpop songs i truly, truly fell in love with. catch me doing all those little arm movements whenever i’m listening to this song because i just never get tired of it.
3. mr. mr. / girls’ generation ok but can we talk about how mr. mr. is a timeless bop? i have come to terms with the fact that some days i just need to hear ’my mi-mi-mister rock this world’ on repeat.
4. russian roulette / red velvet iconic, show stopping, never the same, concept queens. red velvet hasn’t released a single bad song and russian roulette a prime example of this.
5. lights out / exo genius vocalist and in this case also lyricist kim jongdae made me fall in love with this song all over again when he chose lights out for his solo during exploration. vocal line really put in the work and the meaning behind the lyrics is absolutely beautiful. i know i said the last time that i could make an entire list of just exo songs and lights out just has to be one of my top ten exo songs i will love this song until the day i meet the light.
6. if you / bigbang i cry damn near every time i hear this song and it’s also one of their best songs period. the whole made album was just hit after hit and bop after bop but if you always hits right in the feels.
7. wow thing / seulgi, sinb, chungha, soyeon so this is a bit of a wildcard but i feel like this song is my baby and i have been loving it since the second it dropped. this is an sm station that deserved promotions and collab stages on every damn award show and it still feels like a robbery that we got none of that.
8. want / taemin this is a slutty bottom bop and it set the tone for 2019 when it was released. it almost feels like an equally slutty sister to move and i don’t know i just never get tired of this. a bonus was the stunning stage outfits and the countless smokey eyes that miss want gave us and i don’t think we appreciate her enough.
9. sassy me / red velvet one thing i simply cannot comprehend is how this song wasn’t the title track of the RBB EP instead of RBB because this song is a goddamn masterpiece. it brings out my inner thot and maybe the reason why they didn’t make her the title track is because the people simply wouldn’t have been able to handle the power of miss sassy me. this EP/mini album is their best to date it never fails me 10. solo / jennie do i even have to say anything? it’s all in my url. it’s my girl, the first gg member i biased and holy smokes she really was a shining solo! i think my love for this song isn’t really all about the song but the vibe and the growth she went through with it. this was around the time of her ’jennie is lazy’ scandal and she really released this 2 minutes 48 seconds bop and proved everyone wrong with those solo stages.
top 10 heavy rotation tag
based off of recent repeats!
1. heart stop - taemin ft. seulgi
2. thumbs up - momoland
3. diamonds and pearls - prince
4. ya ya ya - exo
5. stay up - baekhyun
6. sour diesel - zayn
7. psycho - red velvet
8. getting closer - seventeen
9. magnetic moon - tiffany young
10. lalalay - sunmi
no idea who has done this and who hasn’t and if i tagged you for top 10 kpop songs the last time around then feel free to ignore but i’ll tag
@abunnycotton @guitaristbfjae @chogi-wae @ohsehundipity @pastel-kpop @suhoerections
i’m thinking you can just pick and chose which tag you wanna do? and anyone else who feels up for this can consider themselves tagged by me💗
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youngnari · 5 years
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Hello my beloved 🐰 anon!! 
This is coming from me, long overdue! I wanted to say how sorry I am on not participating too well and frequently in the project. I didn’t expect my whole schedule to crash, but that should never be an excuse! 
So, I decided to make this entire missions into an extra one *I hope*. Thank you for being my anon, always so sweet, hyper and adoring!!! I simply couldn’t get enough on how much joy I got when your first message pops in my asks, and throughout the entire project I seriously have a lot of fun!! 
And i hope you have fun also, this is for you. 
From me, Nari! 🌻
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#Mission 1 - Welcome to My Blog, Anonie!
My handwriting is considered small, to the point I can blind people. This is a small welcome note for you, to officially welcome you to my blog! 
“Hello anon! It’s me, Nari!
We lived quite some timezone here, but I am glad we can still hit it all off! Thank you for being one of the sweetest anon, you are sincerely adorable! Here is one small gift from me to officially welcome you to my blog - Enjoy! Much Love!
-From Nari”
“Who Got Your Back?”
I always had always started stanning idols way before or since they debut, such examples are from EXO, IKon, Seventeen, and NCT are also no exception. I knew NCT since they weren’t even NCT aka smrookies, and Hansol was my bias *I love him, UGH*. I never got into them too hardcore when they debuted, but I remember that Taeyong is my v first bias. I was so into EXO and IKon that time too invest much time on NCT. But then Cherry Bomb rolls in, Johnny became my man. It did not end there, Lucas snatched my wig in Boss and I was already questioning everything, including my loyalty. 
You might know the whole type I have in my bias, and yes I stan mostly rappers. BUT! Yes, But! Touch came and that was the first time my eyes were opened by Doyoung. And this bunny did nothing, HE HASN’T EVEN OPEN HIS MOUTH TO SING - HE SMILED... he smiled and now I am forever his, loyal.
My blog on the other end, I met a lot of amazing people when I started the blog and even when I was still thinking of making youngnari happened.
From @softtm who radiates the whole crackhead energy, @zhengtongue my forever mom, @hyukcieee forever sister hypeman and my love, and @dimplyjae who is my ult girl crush *did I mention I stalked her to the point her blog did encourage me making an NCT blog??*. But there is also @gemihyuck whom I met throughout my journey as a NCT blog or an IP blog, murdered me with her masterpiece, crackhead conversation, to me making her soft by confessing my love to her smh. @dahyunmingyu who is my angst queen, literally loving me with her angsty writings and her love to encourage me to stan Skz and hyping my life oh wow woman.
There are a lot of my mutuals who played a big role who are now a part of my life, a part on how I still want to make a new blog and maintain, to continue writing. So... This is getting too sappy sksksksk!!! 
But yea, Love you all!!! 
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#Mission 2  - Playlist Tag
Wish You Were Gay by Billie Eilish
I remembered the last time I heard this was when I fought with my ex. I always thought the song is good and pretty relatable. Somehow during that time, when this suddenly and randomly played in shuffled, I cried hard. I cried the entire night and seriously felt worthless the next day, but it was the song to which gave me the encouragement to really think about my rl that time. Without knowing or srsly blinded by love, I realised I was caught in a toxic relationship - and ended it
I’m So Tired... by Lauv, Troye Sivan
I love Troye and Lauv, that’s it. When they decided to collab and release this song, you could bet I ham myself to listen to it repeatedly for 3 days straight. 
Fallin’ All In You by Shawn Mendes
This is just a reminder on how sweet falling in love can be. I always appreciate how mellow and calming the vibe is.
Sucker by Jonas Brothers 
2019 is saved by Jonas Brothers okay, there that’s it! I will forever replay this like there is no tomorrow and I do not regret it! Yes, I love the whole Happiness Begins album! Sucker tho, forever a bae.
Idontwannabeyouanymore by Billie Eilish
I used to not like this song, it was a reminder towards me that I had to live with flaws. I always hated myself, badly. When I decided to listen to the song again, it gave me a realisation that I was the one dragging myself down - not the people around me. Yea, it’s quite shitty but Billie can do things to my emotions.
Real Friends by Camila Cabello
This was a hard reminder for me, on how people who comes into your life doesn’t always stay. Some hurt you, slam you hard, use you to oblivion, make you feel worthless, a lot of stuff. And in the end, you still have to act you’re fine and smile to everyone
Bite by Troye Sivan
Troye is forever my baby and yes, this song!! I like the way he sang here, and how the whole song vibe can go either settling to unsettling. It’s like a nursery rhymes when I first heard it, my top list!
IRONY by Jeong Sewoon
I... decided to flung in some Sewoon
Only Human by Jonas Brothers 
Another one of my love from Happiness Begins album!!
Don’t Need Your Love by NCT Dream
I bloody cried when I listened to this on the plane. I didn’t even realise that the song was already released. So the moment I played the whole playlist for NCT and listened to them, I lost it. They grown so much but they will always forever be our babies!!
What a Heavenly Way to Die by Troye Sivan 
I just... like it, I really don’t know how to explain why I like this song tbh
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#Mission 3 - A Match Made in Heaven
This took more than enough elimination from my NCT bio list, and I put all the calculation and equation from... idk, my imagination????? 
But yes! After all the contemplation and scenarios playing in my mind, I decided to ship you with the one and only
Na Jaemin
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I feel that you and Jaemin might go well to one another. I had a small assumption that you might be a shy person on the first meeting and Jaemin too, but he will probably be the one to break the ice. From there, you realised he has his way to charm people and ease them into a conversation.
Just imagine - late night drive, netflix night under your fluffy comforters, his lame jokes and flirts, cuddling up, takeouts from McDonalds and late night talk about EVERYTHING. Be playful with one another!!
Other than that, I think Jaemin will be a good soulmate. Since he seems to be very understanding and will put respect when you tell him about your boundaries. And he would do his best to give you life advice, comfort when you’re sad, or just some playful conversations!!
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gamerwoo · 5 years
I hate to disagree here, but look at JK Rowling? She tried to throw in so much so late and everyone became annoyed at her for it. Also, Imprinted is based upon request, so if you’re so concerned about it, why not request diverse mates yourself? If someone just says “Chanyeol, fluff” since Rocket is a female, chances are, she’ll write a female. Rocket puts a lot of time and effort into writing for us, and I personally find it rude that you ignored the masterpiece she just gave us 1/2
To say that she isn’t representing enough people. Rocket has gone above and beyond and still is. She has three whole groups she still has to write for, one of which is NCT. Which has over 20 members. She literally posted one person for one of these three groups. One. Out of almost forty people. Chill dude. Give her a chance, she is trying and is doing more than most people do. Sorry, that’s just my opinion. 2/2
Okay, okay, I really appreciate everybody who’s like, told me that I should do what feels right but I really don’t want to start anything over this and I’ll try my best to find that happy medium like I always do
But I also wish I saw this before I tried to explain to that other anon how I figure out writing the requests because you kind of explained it better than I did. I do try not to default to female, but it’s what I’m used to I guess??? (But I’m also used to writing for shorter people even though I’m 5′10 so????? I also forget my point so moving on)
But yeah, NCT has 21 members, and I still have EXO ones to do, and Monsta X, and I don’t have a mate planned yet for Seungmin, and there’s still some people from Pentagon, so yeah if anybody ever wants a specific kind of mate, I can try my best to write it!!!
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productivewriting · 5 years
Inevitably Entwined *In Progress*
Chapter 1 - Exo & NCT Mafia
I’ll upload as regularly as I can, this is mainly an Exo fiction, though many groups will end up mentioned as characters. Please keep in mind that however anyone is depicted in this fiction has no relevance to how these people are in real life and is not how I personally view them. It’s just for the sake of the story line.  I hope you enjoy if you’re reading it <3 (The next chapter will be on my profile until I can set up a better system of linking them into one post)
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  Chapter 1 - Prologue It was already getting dark by the time the two dark figures wandering with little sense of direction up the cracked and worn pavement found their heavy feet leading them back to the house they had both insisted to one another they would never call home.  But there was nothing else like this place, a house built by their family, protected by their family.  The slightly taller of the two slammed a tired fist into the solid wood of the door that stood between their freedom and their imprisonment. Unlike most jailed, they were walking straight into their prison, knowing that if they stepped in here now, there was no coming out.                                                                                                                 * * * Chapter 1 : Everything Started Here -  The sun had disappeared from the sky hours ago, taking away the warmth in the air with it, consequently raising goose bumps along the pale skin of my exposed arms and legs as I forced one foot in front of the other down the quiet street.  The city was never lifeless, even at this hour, but the air hummed with less intensity than the day and anyone else wandering the streets quickly disappeared from view.  It wasn’t the first time I’d been out here at this time and so the unnatural lack of bustle and activity didn’t overly bother me.  It had been almost 3 days now that I had been alone, and though I was aware of my capability to look after myself, it was surprising how well luck had held out on my side for the last 72 hours.  The throbbing in my left ankle was a harsh reminder that however well I’d thought things were going, they were no longer going in that direction and the need to find somewhere to lay low for a few hours and even catch up on the sleep that my body desperately craved and needed itched deeply in my weary bones.  I hunched my shoulders forward and turned my face to the side as a young couple, probably too engrossed in one another to even notice me anyway, wandered past.  Too many people were out for me to continue at this pace and hold onto my sanity. Every passing figure could be someone from my family, the city was full of people like my family, people that would gladly murder me on sight if they could see the dark ink masterpiece of our family emblem on the my left shoulder, forever claiming me to something I wanted no part in.  I might have scoffed on a normal day at the minor inconvenience of coming from generations of mafia men, a family orchestrated into a dirty business sometime years before I was born. The aspect that I belonged to a family that insisted on referring to themselves as ‘NCT’ as if having a name to direct the blame of blood, pain and death that followed them was something to wear proudly on my sleeve, was a joke that I’d lived with until now.  A bubble of laughter remained trapped in my throat - I’d always stuck out like a bright yellow flag in our family, amiss of the violence that most of them had acquired either by circumstance or blood. Despite my disregard for our family business, NCT had created quite a record for themselves throughout the past and not only in the dark world of drugs. No matter how hard I tried now to escape my duty to the establishment, it was inevitable that I would be unwillingly dragged back into it.  A neon lit sign dangling haphazardly above a nearby doorway into a less than appealing looking building grabbed my attention and I slowed my pace to catch what the brightly lit words said.  ‘Cheap rooms’ Of course, the first option that came along was a building that looked like it was barely standing in the strong wind that was buffering around it.  Some of the windows were smashed whilst others had ominous boarding over them that indicated either damage to the glass panes or suspicion that damage would be caused; both options a source for concern if I was going to be spending a night in one of them.  However, I was desperate, and this was the best option I was probably going to find tonight or at all and it would be incredibly stupid to pass it up when the heaviness of my limbs was making each step a fresh difficulty to face.  I swallowed down the nauseatingly ominous feeling that the building gave me and shouldered my way through the heavy wooden door that creaked loudly in protest, clearly rarely used and not very well secured on the hinges.  A young woman, maybe only a few years older than my 20, looked up from the fold of her arms where her head had been resting comfortably at the sound. Her wide brown eyes betrayed her surprise as she stood up slowly, proving beyond a doubt that this was a rarely frequented place that I should be running away from, not eagerly asking for a cheap room to spend the night in.  “What brings you to this kind of place to spend the night?” She asked casually as she handed me the room key in exchange for the bundle of change that I passed over the counter that barely qualified as anything more than a long-abandoned school desk. It was the first exchange of words between us not strictly related to the renting of the room I was gripping the key to in my sweating palm.  Whether my skin was sweating because I was nervous or because my muscles trembled with the need to have my weight off them I didn’t know.  Her words were casual, but her eyes were curious as I shoved the key into my back pocket, ignoring the hard throb in my foot as I shifted my weight to display my discomfort at her question, hoping it was enough to dissuade her from asking more.  “I’m desperate.” I murmured, avoiding eye contact with her. As easily as I knew the right groups of people on the street to avoid ending up in a conflict, I knew that it was stupid to place any trust in anyone I spoke to outside of my family.  At the best of times even my family were beyond trusting. Though this woman with her soft rounded face and smile lines looked like someone you should be able to trust, coming from a family like mine meant you knew that people like her were the exact ones to worry about.   People that smiled and spoke in sugary voices, all soft edges and seemingly carefree questions; they were the ones who would trade you without hesitation for money, for sex, for that drug that they were addicted to. There were few people that you could trust on instinct when you grew up knowing things that young girls shouldn’t know and there were few things that could shake you when you grew up with that knowledge.  So although my soul ached with a childlike need that had never been filled to lean against the young woman in front of me and unleash the dam of tears and thoughts, I knew better.   She shrugged and nodded easily at my response, either knowing better than to prod at the less than satisfactory answer or not caring enough to get herself involved in someone else’s worries.                                                               * * * The inside of the building was a haven compared to the outside, the hallway carpeted with plush red coverings and the walls a soft creamy white that emanated a clean smell rather than the horrible scents I’d been expecting to find.   Though the doors looked a little worse for wear, they were intact and seemed functional enough at a glance.  A small set of ten steps led up to another floor, the one the room I’d booked was located on, at my request. The height gave me a slight sense of an advantage, I would be able to hear anyone coming up and down these creaking steps in the night.   It shouldn’t be something that a 20 year old needed to worry about, whether members of her own family would find her in the night and either kill her or take her back to the last place on earth she wanted to ever step foot in again; home. Alas the world worked in strange and often horrible ways, so tonight would no doubt be the longest of the past three I had spent running. Now stationary and not having the advantage of moving constantly from one spot to another, I was more vulnerable than I had been since I started running from them.  After a few moments of pauses in front of various doors to check the metal numbers displayed, I found the one with a number matching the silver key in my hand.  A pleasant and vague smell of vanilla hit my nose as I allowed the door to swing open, keeping a cautionary gaze fixed on the inner darkness of the room as I sought out a light switch, fingers fumbling numbly for a few moments before finding it and flicking it up.   A warm glow flooded the room, highlighting the small kitchen that I was moving into, kicking the door closed behind me, and the open layout of the entire room. Just beyond the edge of the kitchen tiling a dark carpet covered enough space for a double bed, small closet which I suspected was probably empty save for a few spare towels and bed sheets and a table that looked barely big enough to seat two people despite the four chairs squeezed around the solid wooden furniture.   A door was slightly ajar at the far side of the bed, bathroom appliances gleamed beyond it with a clean glow, looking ironically to be much less crowded than the rest of the room.  An airy sigh of relief expelled out of my lungs on a breath that I hadn’t known I was holding until it was released, and I slumped down into one of the rickety chairs, stretching out my legs gratefully.  If my bones could have creaked with the movement, they would have been. 
Somehow it seemed like I’d been blessed with one of the better rooms with a window that was neither broken nor boarded up, adding to my mounting relief. The muscles in my legs throbbed at the sudden lack of my weight on them and fatigue gripped me in its clutches now that I was finally sitting down. With the sudden and unexpected peace all of the emotions that I’d been running from nonstop for the last three days loomed dangerously close under the surface of my calm façade. 
Though this was the first time in days that I’d stopped for longer than a minute to think about the choices I’d made, the last thing I needed was to begin to drown under the weight of my choice. 
Leaving that house, that family, wasn’t a choice I had made lightly or on a sudden whim but the consequences of leaving were nothing to laugh at. 
Especially if I got caught.  
The last three days had been hard, adjusting from the comfort of a luxurious life thanks to blood money to walking without stopping and surviving on energy I didn’t have had been hard. 
But it was harder to stay in a house where innocent people were turned into monsters, where good people did bad things because it was what they had to do to get their next paycheck to stay alive. 
Every room had a different story of death or heartbreak and every member that walked through the silent halls had blood staining their soul. My skin rolled with disgust at the memories of the things they’d done to people. 
At the sickening smile on Jungwoo’s otherwise sweet face as he choked the life out of a young boy who insisted he wasn’t the one behind the drug drought or the distraught look on a woman’s face as Taeyong stared unforgivably coldly down at her dying child in her arms. 
A child he had let die in a bust gone wrong, someone he had been responsible for but cared nothing for when they died at his carelessness. 
Physical nausea writhed in my gut as memory after memory like that ate at me, memories that weren’t even the ultimate reason I’d left. 
Of course not every single person living under the NCT name were doing the things they did for bad reasons, not all of them enjoyed doing the things that had to be done. 
A lot of them hadn’t even been born into the family. Not like I had, with the history of a whole mafia family lapping at my heels and urging me down a path of destruction. 
No, most of them were there because my grandfather had taken them in as impressionable children with nothing left for them. He’d promised them a roof, food, safety amongst our family as long as they promised in return to one day work for him, to protect us the way we’d protected them. 
 What kid would turn down such a harmless offer? 
The thoughts in my mind refused to stand still even as my head dropped down onto the table and sleep claimed my exhausted body. 
The gentle vibration in my pocket drew me out of the restless slumber and I sat up, instantly alert and tense. 
Though nothing about the room seemed out of place I forced myself onto my feet, using the brisk search of the room to wake myself up properly. 
There was still things to do before I could rest properly. The vibration ceased and I pulled the offending device from my pocket, surprised that it even had any dregs of charge left in it. 
Hundreds of messages, some threatening and some concerned, lit up my screen and I scrolled until I found the name of the only person that I cared about messaging me. 
There it was, that stupid little green bubble that indicated a missed message followed by the name of the only person in this world that I’d ever trusted more than myself. 
Kim Sana.
Not only was she the only person I had ever trusted, she was the prodigy of NCT. 
Since a young age Sana had shown an adeptly wide range of skills and abilities that far exceeded most full grown adults in the mafia game. 
Despite this, she was the only one I’d ever met who, like myself, had refused to be sent out on heists or missions.
With a low tolerance for bullying and violence, she stuck out alongside my bright yellow like a vibrant red in a sea of black and white shades.
I prayed to whatever gods were listening that she hadn’t done something stupid yet, as was highly possible given her volatile sense of decision making. 
It was her call that had pulled me from the brief and blissful sleep I’d been getting and I hesitantly pressed the screen to return to missed call, preparing myself for the coming conversation. A whole day of sleep wouldn’t be likely to prepare me for her anger. 
I hadn’t told her when I’d left, both because there had been no time and because it complicated things to involve the most wanted 19 year old in the underground world of Seoul. 
“Choi Eun-Jae! Where the hell are you?” She barely less than screamed into her phone after the second ring and I moved the device further from my ear in an attempt to protect my eardrums. 
The high-pitched complaining continued for the next few minutes before silence fell and I returned the receiver slowly to my ear, letting out a quiet sigh. 
“Hello to you too.” My eyes drew to the window, taking in the solid pane of glass with vague curiosity as I spoke. “I had to leave, things were getting out of hand and- I just couldn’t stay.” 
Interestingly lucky that I’d been given one of the few good rooms. 
“I know Eunnie.. But you shouldn’t be out there alone. What about when Johnny finds out, what the hell will you do then?” I couldn’t help the small snort of amusement that came out of my lips at her words despite her serious tone and could easily picture her rolling her eyes and putting her small face into her hands in exasperation at my inability to take the situation seriously.
Normally the roles were reversed. 
“Johnny doesn’t scare me.” The wind buffered at the window pane, making the glass panes rattle loosely in place and the sound set my nerves on edge, filling me with an uneasy apprehension.
The small hairs on the back of my neck rose as I leaned forward in my seat, a frown beginning to furrow my eyebrows and crease my forehead. 
Abruptly the sweet vanilla that had previously filled my nose seemed sour and the open layout that had earlier felt so liberating and comforting seemed like a trap designed to give me no space to hide. 
Sana was quiet for a moment, the silence stretching too long as I struggled not to become immersed by deranged worries.
Despite years of training for being out in the world alone, I was not amiss to the fact that I was the least prepared for being out here alone with only my own skills to rely on. 
“Maybe not, but Donghyuk and Seungri should.” Her voice was quieter than before when it finally came again and slightly muffled now. 
Her words were laced with the worry and concern that were continuing to grow in the back of my own mind.
I rolled out the growing tension in my shoulders and stood quietly, making my way quickly to the window with the phone pressed to my ear carefully by the pressure from my shoulder. 
More than likely the bad feeling eating at me was nothing. She had a valid point, though.
My family’s business leader Johnny should be the most intimidating and worrying person for me and yet right now his side man and woman, Yoon Seungri and Lee Donghyuk were much more formidable problems. 
It was highly likely that if Johnny even knew I was missing, he wouldn’t care enough to pursue a skinny 20 year old whose skills were sub par and wouldn’t be missed greatly. 
Johnny had always been gentle and even tempered, coming into the top position by unfortunate events raher than desire and he left much, if not all, of the decisions to his most trusted members. 
If Donghyuk and Seungri weren’t in charge, things would be very different for me, maybe for all of the family.
“Eunnie?” Sana’s affectionate name for me echoed emptily in my ears as I peered out through the glass into the dimly lit street below. 
Just like when I’d dragged myself along it an hour ago, it was dark, and the sidewalk was cluttered with rubbish and cars that looked like they’d been parked for longer than this building had been standing. 
Despite the heavy sense of abandonment and the almost foreboding darkness that the lack of streetlights created, it seemed safe enough. 
Probably not a street a normal teenage girl would turn down at this hour and to the naked eye there were no obvious warning signs.   
But finding the most minute details in the safest looking situations was just one of the things I’d spent the last ten long years of my life training for and something about the seemingly peaceful street below didn’t feel right. 
Two sleek black cars parked at the very beginning of the street, neatly and slyly blocking the road against any passing vehicles immediate view, caught my eye and I tilted my head, peering intensely at them for any sign of movement or an understand of why the sight of them made my skin crawl. 
But if there was anyone sitting in the expensive interior of the cars I couldn’t tell, the tinted glass windows paired with the darkness of the night made it too difficult to see anything, leaving me clueless as to why they were even there. 
These cars did a poor job of blending in to their surroundings, indicating there was no urgency to remain unnoticed and yet there was no obvious reason to block off an entire street with two cars. 
As my gaze continued to flicker around the street, searching for anything else out of place, the growing feeling of suspicion reached an undeniably stressful height.  
Despite it being a twenty-four-hour hotel offering up cheap rooms, the neon lit sign was now no longer casting its light on the street. It could just be coincidence that the lady downstairs had turned it off. 
Or it could be something more. 
My knuckles turned white as I gripped the window sill hard between my fingers and palm, ignoring the pain it caused. 
There was no logical business reasoning to turning off the only marketing a twenty-four-hour hotel had going for them. 
“Sana, they’ve found me.” I said more calmly into my phone than I felt, swiftly turning away from the window and heading towards my discarded jacket, the only thing I’d brought with me. 
With every step my ankle screeched in protest at the weight being put on it, magnifying my dread. 
If it was a struggle to walk then how was I going to get myself out of this situation. 
“Get out of there.” She hissed into the phone, sounding somehow more on edge than I was feeling. I forced the jacket on, patting the pockets to ensure nothing had fallen out; the familiar lumps of the items I’d shoved into the pockets, including my money, remained comfortingly in place despite the hell that was about to break loose. 
“Sana, be careful at home.” The soft warning barely left my lips before I hung up and shoved my phone into my pocket, heart pounding heavily in my chest now. She didn’t need to be told to be careful, Sana was careful even in her sleep, so the words were more for my sake than hers. 
The hallway outside of my room suddenly seemed thick with tension when I stepped out into it, casting my gaze warily left to right. 
There wasn’t exactly a lot of escape options in the small building and so far the only exit I’d seen was the entrance which I couldn’t just simply prance out of like I’d walked in. 
“Idiot.” I reprimanded myself below my breath, heading down towards the end of the corridor that I hadn’t yet been down, hoping that an answer would show itself in the form of an open door or fire escape to the outside world. 
It had been stupid to slow down, to let myself breath for a moment and if I couldn’t find a way out of this hotel then I was going to pay with it for my life. 
As strong as my family’s bonds are, leaving them had always been an unofficial but very real death sentence. 
That’s why everyone stayed, enduring the messy life of mafia rather than abandoning it and living out a normal life. 
There had been very few people who had ever attempted leaving and even less when those who did were killed or befell tragic
The heartbroken face of Ten, who nobody knew the real name of, flew unbidden to my mind as I paused at the begging of the steps upward to the next floor. Poor Ten who had lost everything in one swift blow of a rival gang’s fist, forcing his youngest brother’s skull into the hard concrete where he’d died instantly. Naïve Ten who had come running to Donghyuck, begging him to help or give him time to grieve. 
Ten who had been broken by the simple withering stare Donghyuck had thrown at him before leaving the room with little more than a ‘people die, get used to it.’ The once annoyingly cheerful Ten had fallen to his knees, head in his hands as he screamed that he couldn’t stay here, couldn’t be a part of this family anymore. 
My stomach rolled nauseously yet again at the memory of Sana and I holding his sobbing body through the night, doing our best to ease his pain. 
He hadn’t left, because he knew that leaving was a suicide mission and slowly over the weeks his gentle face had lost its compassion, replaced with the hard reality of losing someone every few days and of sacrificing things for those that mattered little to you. 
He appeared less and less around the big mansion that we called home, preferring to spend the little time he wasn’t underground or undercover with exotic women who helped him forget the family he continued to lose each day. He was no longer the young man who had screamed for his brother, he was just a well-oiled machine orchestrated by Donghyuck and Seungri to go through the motions, to get his own hands dirty on their behalf. 
I shook my head to rid myself of the haunting thoughts. 
Almost every member of our business had a similar story. 
Losing people was a daily occurrence, loving was not an option. 
It was enough to make anyone lose their humanity. Everyone who was a part of it was bound to end up a monster, whether it was who they were or because it just happened that way. 
 There was no running from that, becoming a monster was all that was in store for any of my family. 
 And I was one of them. 
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monstaxbless · 6 years
All of my favs comebacks this year:
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Monsta x:
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femikpop · 6 years
Fan Signing
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Tittle: Fan Signing Words: 1,6K Pairing: Mia/Everybody; 10th Member of EXO Summary: What happens at Exo’s fan signing events.
Fan singings exents are second favourite things for Mia, if you would ask her. First were, of course, concerts. She loved singing and dancing for thousands of people. Hearing crowds screaming her name and song lyrics were giving her goosebumps. Sometimes it would make her eyes water or even cry. That’s the power of Exo-Ls. And if she forget the lyric? Don’t worry, they always got her back. 
And although there’s still a lot of hate on her for joining boy group there’s a lot of support that she’s getting and it would always make her emotional. As being the most emotional of the group nobody’s really surprised at this point. If you go to YouTube you’d probably find many compilations of Mia crying. Award shows, concerts or just being pranked by boys. You name it there’s probably a video of it. 
Fan sighings, however, are totally different things. For hour or two you get to hang out and talk to people that support you every single day. And as I said before, because of the hate there’s been some unpleasant situations, some gross words were said that made Mia feel awful. But there were only few of those situations. There were also a lot of people that come and say how much she meant to them. How much she helped them or gave them confidence to go through their days. And that what keeps Mia going till this day.
This fan sighing was in Seoul. They were all set up on long table, waiting for people to come up. Mia was sitting between Baekhyun and Xiumin. She and Minseok were talking about everything going around, looking at fans and pointing out some of their cute outfits or signs. This is what they loved to do. They loved to see their fans and maybe gossip about them a little. 
Every time Minseok would say something to Mia, she would pull back and laugh a little, covering her mouth with her hand. And right after they would hear scream from the area they were talking about few seconds ago. 
‘Look!’, Minseok patted Mia’s arm vigorously. He pointed at cute sigh that two girls were holding. It wasn’t big but you could clearly see what was on it: huge light up sign ‘Xiumia’ with hearts all around and their hugging photo at the bottom. 
Mia’s mouth dropped and she formed heart with her hands, which it something she does a lot. Both of the girls started to jump very energetically and she could hear their scream from this far. 
Minseok continued to point at other fans, laughing and commenting on everything when Mia felt tickles on her palm. She turned around just to see Baekhyun drawing something on her hand. It was his thing that he did a lot, especially on the singnings. They were usually waiting a lot and Baekhyun is a person that needs to be entertained all the time, he’s bored very easily. 
‘Can you please don’t draw anything inappropriate at least?’, she asked. Baekhyun just looked up and sent her his mischievous smile. ‘Baekhyun! We’re in public place, there’re children here!’, she shrieked, taking her hand from him, almost hugging it to her chest. 
‘I won’t do anything bad. I promise.’, he smiled once again. This time it was a sincere one. Or at least she thought it was. Mia just squinted her eyes and put her hand on the table. You could already see few things on her palm and you wouldn’t call it a masterpiece. ‘What even is this?’, Mia asked, tilting her head a little so maybe she would see it better. 
‘You can’t see it?’, Baekhyun asked, backing away from her. He put hand on his chest as if he was offended and closed his eyes for few seconds. He took a deep breath, which made Mia giggle a little, and when she shook her head he started once again: ‘Well let me enlighten you then. This is me with your cat, Miso, talking on a phone to Mongryoung and right next to us is a letter about how much you love me.’, he grinned as if he was so proud of his masterpiece. And probably he was.
‘That’s Miso?’, Mia raised voice and opened her eyes really wide. ‘Now, I’m offended. The last time I saw her, she had four legs instead of two and a half and she doesn’t have any stripes on her her tail. Also your letter literally says: I love Byun Baekhyun and then it’s your autograph. This is not even a letter.’ 
‘That’s because I know how much you love me, you don’t need to say anything more.’, he stated. Baekhyun took Mia’s hand and kissed her right under his sign, like girls do when they end their love letters with their lipsticks, which caused another wave of screaming from the crowd. Till this moment they almost forgot that they were in public place, around hundreds of people. Both of them just laughed it off and Mia hit him lightly in the head, which caused laugh from fans.
Shortly after fans would start to come up to them. Some of them were really , happy, then the other ones were on the edge of crying, but everything was going alright. As aways they would bring a lot of gifts, which all of them would be so grateful for. All of the members would always say that it’s so nice of them but it’s not necessary to bring anything with you except thing you want to sign. And that was actually the truth: fans gave them so much that anything else is not needed.
A lot of fans knew favourite things of Mia. She loves food, especially sweets, so they would bring her few packs of her favourite gummy bears, marshmallows or cookies, sometimes from other countries. She would always try to hug them despite the wide table between them and then putting the packs in a box right behind her so she could take it home. Mia also loves to get jewellery, especially the one that fans made by themselves. There’re a lot of cute handmade bracelets and necklaces. She would always wear them during the fansigns, sometimes it would start to look really funny since she had a lot of on her hands. The she would always take them home and keep it in special drawer, so when she’s sad she could go back to them.
But there’s one thing that fans would always associte Mia with, especially at fan sighs. And that’s stickers. For some reason fans would bring stickers, usually the one they’d think she’d like, and stick on her. Sometimes when other member got one too they would stick it on Mia. Nobody really knows where this came from or when did it started, but now it’s just a thing. 
Few fans had already go passed Mia. Now she was just sitting and waiting for another person. Few bracelets were already on her hands, some of them were blending with Baekhyun’s. Cat ears were already on Mia’s head and cute heart stickers were on both of her cheeks, when next girl came in.
‘I don’t wanna offend you, but were actually the reason that I convinced my boyfriend to EXO.’, she said a little bit shyly. Her cheeks went red as a boy next to her, probably the boyfriend, took her hand. 
‘How could I be offended? I’m honoured! I’m so glad that I could help in any way.’, Mia said with a big smile of her face. She loved to hear stories from fans how they got to know EXO and if she could help in any way, it was the best thing then. 
‘And since you’ve done so much for us I thought I could return a favour.’, boy said and gave Mia a little package. She took it from him and when she opened it beautiful smell hit her. Mia immediately started to screaming, bringing attention from boys beside her but also from those who were sitting a little further. It was the smell that was in her house every Christmas when she was still living in France few years ago. Cookies that only were made for Christmas and only by her step grandmother. It was a big surprise for Mia since she didn’t really mentioned it many times.
‘What is it? What is it?’, curious Baekhyun looked inside. He tried to put his hand inside to take one of the cookes, but at soon as Mia saw what is he doing, she quickly slapped his hand. Few people laughed, including cute couple in front od you, and Baekhyun just pouted.
‘It’s not for you, Baekhyun.’, Mia said gracefully, putting cookies away. ‘Thank you so much, sweethearts.’, she smilled to them, giving them hugs. They went to Minseok and as Mia was about take another thing so sign she heard:
‘Mia, you’re so hot!’, few of the fans screamed at the same time. It was hard to say if they were male or female, maybe mixed.
‘Hey! Hey! Hey!’, the voice came from other side ot the table. And then somebody run right next to Mia, hugging her from behind. ‘Don’t you dare talk to her like this, you understand?, Jongdae yelled to the microphone, still holding Mia. It’s like he was protecting her from everybody in the room. ‘She’s mine! I’m not sharing her! How disrespectful? I can’t believe, honestly.’, he added and whole room laughed at him, including Mia. 
And that was only the beginign of the event. You can say that the fansights were never boring and now you could, even just a little, understand why they were one of her favourites.
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x-exo · 3 years
Lolol I had st first thought maybe you were busy so I didn't send right away but then it was getting long with time so I tried once, then twice and another until I gave up thinking either the app doesn't like me or maybe I annoyed you djajdjajdsj BUT you made that post and I gasped. Quickly sent an ask which you got so yay!! *happy dances* i must ask how are you doing!? I hope well, I see you made another sideblog hehe. I support
Now onto our beans!! First monsta x, ahhhh just, perfection. Literally monsta x always delivers with perfect style and music. Legit if you want some mafia themes with some sxhmexy spice then monsta x is for you lol. I'm a bit sad to shownu didn't join the promos *sigh* but i understand! Hyungwon and jooheon did a great job covering his part (which I was surprised to hear their vocals because usually in my experience they would either lip sing to the backing track or leave the spot empty for the missing member so to hear them sing was a surprise!) No wins sadly but its alright, the boys did amazing nonetheless and am proud of them! Fjakdjak me with secrets as well. I'm bopping and am thinking 'wait, why do I understand what they are singing' then I noticed it was in English as well haha. Gambler is on repeat alot I just cannot get enough of it
Now onto exo, the kings. The legends, the boys are back *insert the boys are back from hsm3* this comeback is everything. I legit cannot say anything bad about the title track nor bsides, they are all great and fun to listen to! No skips, the fact they even worked on it to make it like a gift for the fans. I'm going to cry ndkajdja. CAN WE TALK ABOUT LAY VEING FULLY HERE LIKE !?!? HELLO MISTER LAY, WELCOME BACK! I legit thought this would be like tempo but worse because while news was saying a 'full' exo comeback, no news for lay for a while and while I was happy to see his teasers (forever am salty we only have one album of lay at all which is the jewel case version. I understand things might be tricky but still ya know?) I was fishy lol. I had no trust with sm but to our surprise we hear lay more properly. Sure he could have more lines but he isn't pulling an nct winwin so I'm not complaining!! I will take this over tempo lol. Apparently they shot the mv during minseok and his bday so that made me extra soft, exo won over butter so I'm happy dancing. As they should, as they should. Records were broken so all I can say is stan exo for a better life I guess.
Now seventeen!! Its finally comeback time so thoughts on the comeback? Ngl I at first didn't bop to ready to love, I feel bad because always their comebacks were ones I always enjoyed and liked right away but yet, this time around I watched the mv and listened to the song and was sitting there confused like ??? That was all, I felt a bit like there was something missing within the song but I couldn't tell what and it was bugging me for a week njdjajd. However, I had the song on repeat and it grew on me!! Which is very much ok I think, while I did feel bad, im human and we all have different tastes and not everyone will like title tracks! The chorus is super catchy and the guitar? I think it is the guitar lol, that you hear is fantastic. I still think the song is missing something but this might be just me being nit picky. It is a huge summer bop, very much fitting for seventeen.
Ok that is all for me, I shall be going! Let us hope this also sends or else I am fish slapping my phone lol
I did... for pentagon... lord help me 🙌 good thing they're not releasing anything anytime soon so i can focus on my OTHER sideblogs fuihdiufhif
yeahhh it's a pity he couldn't join promotions :(( but anything for his health and wellbeing (but maybe they could have let him do the naiver now lives and fan signs but 🤷🏻‍♀️) it was so cute seeing him go to the concept store thingy and getting his albums and photo cards and visiting his boys during music shows pls he's so endearing i lov him!! I feel bad they couldn't even get one win with gambler bc it's sooooo good omg it's really one of the best title track releases this half year but since music show wins don't care about quality but only quantity...yeah SAD but I it's nice seeing jooheon so happy with his baby song I hope he's super proud of the masterpiece he's made!
EXO. SEXTUPLE MILLION SELLER EXO. They did THAT! without promotions whatsoever and without stepping a foot inside any music shows!! sciuhsdicudfvb legends only 💅🏼 same! i'm glad we could hear yixing in all the songs omg sm could have made it worse so i'll take what i can get and i'll cherish it! and now we've got THE KYUNGSOO making his solo debut!!!! aaahhhhh I can't wait to listen to all his songs omg i bet they're all so nice and good 🤧 also apparently he filmed his mv back in his hometown and with kids and stuff so yeah PREPARE THE PAPER TISSUES!!
WELL. I don't really vibe with this comeback tbh idk RTL sounded good in the teasers but then the mv dropped and the album dropped and I- idk i wasn't feeling it (not gonna lie and say i haven't been singing the "runaway" part on repeat in my head FOR DAYS) but idk it doesn't feel like a seventeen song if that makes sense??? as for the rest of the album...I only like Anyone tbh...I feel bad for not vining with the rest but as you said we're human so all we have to do is wait for the next comeback! not gonna talk about the mv bc it was pretty meh for my taste tbh (coming from home; run... now they give me super saturated images, no story and a rain scene that makes it impossible to even see the members...) but yeah also it's so sad all that's happened during this comeback period... first minghao not being able to participate on the choreo, then the covid and quarantine thing not allowing them to step out of their rooms for ten day right after they had their first offline fansign with carats and now coups falling and injuring himself and not being able to end promotions on a high note... this comeback feels kind of cursed :(( but after all they seem happy so that's what really matters! (I'm living for seungkwan's ending fairy moments tbh lmaooo)
That's it for today! sorry for taking so long to answer fiuhfguyfhn i'll be fast next time I promise! I hope you're good! 🥰💕💖
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