#experiencing at that point in the movie
midwestgender · 3 months
worst thing about midsummer is watching Josh start to realize what’s going on. he’s clearly well studied on the type of neo-pagan Germanic beliefs that the harga ascribe too and he KNOWS they have white supremacist values (exemplified by him having that book about the secret nazi language or something which has a little more focus in the screenplay) but he trusts his friend and probably went into it thinking he’d experience racism but I’m sure he was like. well that’s everywhere for a black man! And he’s an anthropologist and really genuinely cares and is interested in this topic. But then he goes and it’s just this slow dreadful realization that this isn’t a culture, it’s not a religion, it’s a cult. And he is in far more danger than he realized.
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Just thought about how the ATLA kids probably never got to be kids again, even though the war was over. Even if they wanted to be (which I don’t see them thinking they could just step back after everything) their circumstances and the people around them (not in a malicious way of course) just wouldn’t have let them and that thought hurts my soul
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juniperberrypipebomb · 2 months
Decided to log into twitter (hell) and outside of everything going to shit as always i found this piece of shit as my banner
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I dont even remember when i made this but i do remember that i did and i remember how i made it
I saw a picture on twitter w some kind of caption and decided that i could make it look like a banner
i tried to add the fire flaming text that i saw on some reposted to twitter tumblr posts where someome makes a grammatical error and someone corrects them in a form of flaming (sometimes animated) text (never change guys, gals and all of you magnificent pals lol) but at the time i didnt know the website that you all used so i tried to improvise and google
I remember half way thru the making of this text being so upset that it looked like shit but after taking a break for 20 minutes i said "fuck it, it is way funnier this way" and i kinda glad that back then i decided to "fuck it we ball" it
It looks disgusting and i love it
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mcnuggyy · 10 months
feel like the older I get the more complex and weird my gender feelings get… I can’t tell if it’s me understanding myself more and more and seeing just how outside of average peoples ideas of gender I am, and how much I do not belong or feel comfortable in extremely binary gendered spaces (pretty much everywhere let’s be honest lmao), or that adulthood comes with its own very specific and weird “genderedness” like being a woman in her mid 20’s is such a specific thing, a specific thing that I am NOT. And yet everyone can only see me in that context that I very much do not fit in any way shape or form and I don’t think even many Cis women do… like idk man. I’m getting older and tired and I just feel very out of place the more comfortable I feel with myself which is kind of weird and ironic maybe? Like I know who I am and what I am is just so not any of “this” and it’s very very hard to exist in a space that is very much flatland when I’m a whole fucking sphere, excuse my high school geometry reference LMAO
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whiskrz · 1 year
one thing i dont see people comment on often is how in this shot
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the applause sign is flashing. like, look! this is what you wanted! you can start cheering now! while there's a bloodstained animal picking over the shattered remains of a fake home and a half-corpse on the floor in view.
also, the audience is gone at this point. that sign is flashing for us. the viewer. because this IS what we wanted. something interesting to look at, which these days, is often something exactly like this: a tragedy
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forerussake · 8 months
just finally watched lost in the stars for the first time and i think i need to go lie down for a bit.
like. i had seen just enough spoilery material that i could piece the whole thing together the second they mentioned manman about 10 minutes in and yet i was still on the edge of my seat watching it all play out, and the ending still gutted me regardless.
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mintconditiondean · 9 months
In 14x16 Jack says that he's seen Lost Boys like 36 times due to Dean repeatedly picking it for movie night. Assuming they've been doing movie nights for a year, that means Dean makes everybody watch Lost Boys every 1.5 weeks or so.
I dunno. I just think about that quote a lot.
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peapod20001 · 9 months
I’m the type that can and will cry if think too hard <3
#random post#me tag ∠( ᐛ 」 ) |/#I’m not an overly emotional person in the stereotypical way. but I do get in my feels when thinking about life and the experience of living#I’m like. constantly explaining things to myself cus there’s never really a time or place to talk about it#also my method of explaining things is very not coherent sometimes. so it takes me a bit to really get my point across in a comprehensible#way. I’m a big thinker. I have many thoughts and ideas a views. a daily thing of mine is noticing problems#and then fixing them in my head with thought out explanations and motives and outcomes#it’s like I’m talking to someone else. much like how I format my text posts. that’s how my inner monologue is#me talking to myself is actually me talking to someone else. someone that isn’t real#anyways it’s a daily occurrence. every day of my life is spent with thoughts similar to those breaking down a movie#lots of thoughts from adhd. compulsive thoughts from ocd. overwhelming thoughts from autism. distressing thoughts from bpd#ya. this isn’t a vent I just need to like. see the thoughts in writing so I can do smth else. like eat this muffin ive been staring at for#over an hour now <3 mmmbfbg yea muffins are hard to eat now cus I had some with mold and food mold especially is a big nono for me#spend like. five minutes examining the damn thing before I even consider taking a bite. I’m very hungry an thirsty </3#when your mouth is so dry you can taste your own mouth 👍 I’m experiencing#nothing in particular. just experiencing. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I like having an experience and living#drank my tea and I had like. hallucinations of like an alcohol prep pad. I’ve been using those in my ear cus. tmi. had a pimple that’s#causing problems so mom suggested that. it burned! which means it worked so word. I’ve noticed lately that both me AND my family have been#using ‘word’ a lot. dad says we’ve been saying it but no we haven’t. if we had I’d have BEEN saying it. maybe we’ve used it before for a bit#but now it’s back. idk. I’ve said it in class on more than one occasion lmao I don’t look like the type to say smth like that but whatever#it’s like when I used to say bro after every sentence like 10 years ago lol. we’re a family of parrots we repeat eachother a lot#I started saying I love you out of no where and they started doing it too. we whistle at eachother from across the house. sing ear worms#together. quote funny things at every opportunity and drive the joke into the ground. everyone in this house is a different kind of mentally#I’ll and it’s the most beautiful clash of personalities because we’re all so annoying and we love eachother so much and also our#communication is shit because some ppl have hearing loss and another is a short fused child and some are quick to interrupt and some dont#get a word in and some just can’t explain and some can’t understand. we get there eventually at some point. we don’t get the full grasp of#how much we love eachother yet. but we’re gettin there. anyways this went into several different directions but they’re all good ones#I think. if you read all this good on you! this is my brain 24/7/365 haha ok love you
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wild-at-mind · 3 months
Every International Women's Day, you will find that progressive publications publish their manditory IWD article about how we should focus more on women in the global south and yet we can't because upper class white women have their pink cupcakes and their CEO jobs exploiting the working woman by being customers and crying about Barbie not getting an Oscar nomination. I always read it and think....I have really good news for you, journalist writing this, about what you could do with the article you're being paid to write!!
#IWD#honestly where is the sport in these tired rhetorical touchstones-pink cupcakes or pussy hats- it's tired#and fyi everyone i saw talking about the barbie movie oscars thing was clearly not being fully serious/serious at all#i am not clear how wealthy women in particular are exploiting people by being customers-#IWD isn't a public holiday that the low paid still have to work#anyway look class disparity is really important to talk about and CEOs as a concept are not value neutral#but women being CEOs not just men is value neutral- as in it's not worse when women do it#i just get tired of the same point being made every year and them never doing the thing they could be doing- spotlight global south women#i really feel strongly that people only like doing this if they can make snarky tweetable points- for it's own sake it's nothing to them#if you read the guardian's IWD article i'm sure my examples seem very familiar!#I recommend 'feminism and nationalism in the third world' by kumari jayawardena#it covers the history of activism thought and gendered struggle of women in specific asian and middle eastern countries#it's a dense and very factual read- definitely not a snarky tweets book#though my edition has a foreword addressed to western feminists that's the only area it even slightly overlaps with that kind of book#oh yeah forgot to say it only goes up to the 1980s (was originally published in '86)#but it's sooo interesting to see the tension between nationalism and anticolonialism and women's liberation laid out#and how the different classes of women experienced it differently
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seeminglyseph · 3 months
Why is it that adaptations of “children’s” media for all ages or more mature audiences somehow involves “removing subtext” and “explaining everything in simple and plain dialogue to avoid misunderstandings by the audience”
It’s like the media targeted towards a more mature audience has even more hand holding and fewer mature themes than the media targeted towards children.
Like, yeah I watched Avatar when it came out as a young adult, and it has an adult fandom. But like many children’s media that has an all ages fandom, it was made with children in mind but was good enough that everyone could enjoy it. That’s the mark of good all ages content. Why are we making it more mature by like… taking *out* the messaging and subtlety and lessons and putting *in* really blunt dialogue that explains themes no longer present in the media and violence that enforces a message that runs counter to the theme that worked so well in the original media.
Like. Why is it that remakes targeted towards older audiences seem less mature in their storytelling? I know it’s technically “mass market appeal” but still, it feels like the assumption is that adult audiences are more ignorant and incapable of understanding media and difficult subject matter than children, so adaptations more likely to have adult or teen audiences need things explained and the lessons learned more explicitly family friendly and reductive.
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general-sleepy · 6 months
Horror movies really underestimate the degree to which I would be willing to disbelieve my own senses. Like, if I hear weird sounds at night, I will come up with an infinite amount of excuses. If I straight-up see ghost activity in my house I'm gonna immediately conclude I'm hallucinating. Off to therapy; prescribe me some antipsychotics. Someone's like, "It's all in your head!" And I'm like, "Yup, sounds about right! No argument here."
That ghoul's gonna have to rip my heart out and show it to me or whatever the endgame is before I'm hopping onboard. Hell, if it's one of those "feeds on your fear, gets in your head" fellas, I might actually make it through.
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bandtrees · 1 year
sorry for more aceposting but. maybe this is just me coming from the perspective of “autistic, asexual, and sex-repulsed”, but i really really don’t… understand why sex drives fan content as much as it does? whether it be “the overabundance of porn on ao3” or “seeing sexual violence injected into stories seemingly just to fill Obligatory Sex Quota Because This Is A Fanfiction And We Need To Have At Least One Sex Reference Or We Will Die” like… if characters have any kind of relationship it has to turn sexual, if there’s threat of violence it has to be sexual, and i just don’t… get it?
is this how people see the world and think of things? is sex genuinely that important to most people or do fandom people just tend to be really horny and want to inject it into everything? the overwhelming amount of sex stuff in fandom spaces just… confuses me more than anything - and i can give passes to people who just write smut because even if i don’t necessarily relate i get that people just wanna get their rocks off and write porn, and of course sex is a very big thing for people and it makes sense unmoderated storytelling will want to write about it but… the injection of it constantly into stories and making conflicts always About Sex In Some Way baffles me to no end. if characters engage in violence towards eachother expect a rape/non-con tag because that seems to be the only way some people can process conflict.
like, i don’t wanna sound like The Pretentious Ace Person Who Thinks They’re So Much Better Than The Horny Allosexuals™️ of course i understand that sex is important to people even if i personally Don’t Get It and i obviously don’t think i’m inherently superior or smarter or whatever than the average allo ficwriter, but like… why is sexual violence seemingly disproportionate in fanfiction compared to every other type of media. why is shipping considered the default state of fanfiction. why are most tags used on ao3 sexual in nature. why is sex so ingrained in fandom culture. why are most of the fandom glossary terms on sites like fanlore about kinks or smut tropes. Is This Weird To Anyone Else
it gets to the point where it feels almost alienating to participate in fandom as an ace person because i just don’t… understand? between the crazy amount of porn in fandom and the seeming constant of sex in fanfiction spaces (this post inspired by reading an in-universe political essay fic and finding a random graphic sexual violence reference in there???) it sometimes feels like the rest of fandom lives in a different world and will always prioritize something that’s completely meaningless and uncomfortable to me.
or maybe i just happen to find some strange Types Of Guys, idk
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s0fter-sin · 1 year
finally figured out the reason it’s been difficult to get back into reading books after reading fic for so long is so many fantasy books are just self inserts and the mc has no personality beyond the bare minimum
#i dont want to imagine myself in the characters place#i didnt just spend 30 bucks for you to give me a long form imagine#i can do that by myself#i dont want a blank shell i want a character#like you read fics and they feel completely different depending on whos pov youre reading from#i think its why sp is still my favourite series despite it being ya#val is arrogant and selfish and she fucks up and doesnt get the boy she wants#her relationships constantly fail and theyre not the main point the plot always is#she has so many flaws and that helps serve the narrative#shes a character and im reading her experiencing things#not me vicariously experiencing things with the blandest possible reactions so i can pretend theyre my reactions#damn near every fantasy goes the same way#im new to this world/my powers and i need help/cant control them and the mysterious boy everyone tells me to stay away from and is super#mean to me has begrudgingly decided/is forced to help me and i discover hes only mean bc of tragic thing and he opens up to me#and the powers/world are never the point except that im secretly royalty and/or the chosen one that will end this war/battle without#really doing much#and i learn to master my powers by believing in myself and my emotions bc its 2023 and fem characters still have to fall into this trope#i want an interesting mc that drives the plot and is equal to the love interest#or better yet the love interest is so far in the background its only brought up in book 4#lay some ground work for fucks sake theres no time limit this isnt a movie#heres hoping the bunch i bought the other day do that and get me back into it#or ill just re read the same four series ive been reading since i was 12#and stick to fic as my main source of entertainment#it hasnt let me down so far#coming out of my cage and ive been doing just fine.txt
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one in a million when i watch smthing in the horror genre and don't end up disappointed to/and/or pissed off about it so like "also yeah i liked it. ooo" is like relative to that an off the charts rave review of media of the millennium. also i did think about mh a lot along the way so would recommend its affect/effect if you like mh's horror too
#i didn't realize at first that's the director/creator tim's qrting. thought a rando went ''i love mh'' & he went ''& i love smthing else''#saw this a few weeks ago while also like writing or drawing or smthing like oh good plot's beside the point? b/c i'm splitting this focus#even checking in w/recaps was both like oh ok i missed that / didn't realize xyz could be a Thread or something but each of the like three#or four recaps i went over Also saw points differently in terms of even like; who was there or said what lmfao. or noting sm detail at all.#i went ''oh worm?'' at some early shot that may or may not have even gone mentioned by any of them. depending lol. doesn't matter#anyways we don't have time for tags media analysis except that i'll count this as: once again horror for children wins. even tho it's...#not rated? well anyways you know. probably generally not advisable for children as a direct audience lmao. however#like yes as per the premise as a child we've all experienced this [the media] anyways. perturbing summons dreams we've all had em#anyhow fr i'd even struggle to think of horror movies i'd say i mostly liked / would or did rewatch but still wasn't like. i disliked major#elements / choices to the point of being pissed off abt it. so many movies i can't be bothered to watch b/c i already know specifics like#i don't like or respect any of you people. or choices or elements or premises or executions or effects. not even interested fr like lord...#but often what has better odds are mediums that Aren't straightforwardly tv / film. like i'd compare mh to a series of several movies and#that's also imo largely a more apt categorization than saying it's an ARG or smthing but anyways like i'd recommend it to someone sure....#rare to be like yeah a movie was enjoyable. & if you already liked mh then that's a useful reference point here#which like usually i'd use mh as a categorical tag but idk i guess actually it's actively popular nowadays lmfao i really don't know#posting is already exhausting like whew but this one's for whosoever happens to follow me i guess#which is possible? nonzero ppl arrived for mh but unlikely lmfao. but also ppl see it on their own anyways coincidentally.#and you never know who observes the posts like hell yeah for an anon enjoying niche akd theatreposting who is to me ambiently out there#really odd the other day seeing an mh reblog like ''??? huh. i made that eons ago; then'' & people in the tags talking abt some repost like#on the one hand that Original Source post is two layers of deactivated blogs so a repost could be archival. but if they don't say as much#i.e. that it's even from a different source then that's not exactly it then is it. but also that even finding an original document For OP#is like. oh yeah that's me actually. but then knowing & technically saying as much doesn't / didn't actually affect me as that op lol#just kind of archival on both ends then. vs someone else in the tags saying they saw it on fb 9 yrs ago? definitely didn't post it there#my true op experience: keeping it nicheposting & just kind of saying sm shit & maybe some people are out there nodding thoughtfully#oh also in case fyi. that's tim as in actor playing [also tim] in mh. & did some writing for mh & other such behind the scenes efforts also#every time i look at the text in this post i notice a new typo of mine. get it tgoether (organic typo there. so; lol)
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joelletwo · 10 months
😵😵 okay idk if id understand ice ova plot on first watch or if im helped by having read the tvtropes page after last time helping me sort out whats going on but its actually not as nonsensical as id assumed. it is also. Good?
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frick-yes-dragons · 11 months
saw Barbie!
I have been Fundamentally Changed
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