#explain its like i was all ready headphones in and then my sister came to sit in the same room
julioclaudian · 1 year
every so often im like “im totally normal im not even neurodivergent” and then something hyperspecific related to my Behaviours happens and it makes me so stressed i get a headache and so angry i have to physically hit something or stomp my feet. but im totally normal
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basicjetsetter · 4 years
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Part II
♡ Pairing: Peter Parker x Black!FemaleReader
▹ Warnings: Language, Mentions of Death, Depression, Triggering Content, Suicidal Thoughts, Suicide Attempt
▹ Words: 3k
▹ A/N: ATTENTION! This is an emotionally heavy part. Please DO NOT READ if you know you will be affected. For those struggling with depression, I see you, I care for you, and I love you. You’re not alone and you are undeniably worthy of love.
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-Five Years and Twenty Nine Days Later-
You don’t want to get up.
Your phone’s alarm clock is rounding on its tenth circuit, if your counting is correct… and there’s a good chance you blanked out for fifteen minutes while watching a strip of sunlight lethargically inch down your blanket to the foot of the bed, so your number may be off by six or seven.
It’s not that you’re tired or anything, or maybe you are and that’s beside the point. It’s just that your bed is far too comfortable for your own good and you know today is Saturday, the busiest day at Hal’s Diner, and it just so happens you’re scheduled for an 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. brunch rush. If you had a choice, you’d stay in bed.
But you don’t. And you’re running twenty minutes late… for the fourth time in two weeks.
I’ve got you.
Shut the fuck up.
You wearily snarl, snatching your pillow out from under your head and slamming it against your face, uselessly stuffing it over your ears as if that would somehow miraculously block out the words. 
Usually, the voice stayed quiet. After three years of the repeated promise drifting around your brain like a lost ship at sea, you had finally figured out how to anchor it to the deepest, darkest, most unchartered recess of your mind. Every now and then, though, they’d find a way to rattle the chains, just to remind you of their eternal presence, but it never lasted long. You didn’t acknowledge them anymore. They no longer fooled you.
But, twenty-nine days ago, something reinvigorated the voice, giving them a renewed sense of purpose and a reason to break free.
Twenty-nine days ago, on the exact anniversary of their disappearance, everyone came back. 
Out of the blue, in the middle of the day, all of the people Earth mourned for five years reappeared to a very, very stunned world. Celebration rocked the streets of New York and all over the globe. Lovers lost returned. Mothers. Fathers. Sisters. Brothers. Babies. Friends. They all came back. And the voice in your head broke free of its chains, rampantly bouncing around your mind as if they were on pure steroids, ready to charge forward and find the one your Destined Words belonged to. 
Everything reverted back to normal.
Except, besides your newly released Destined Words, nothing changed for you.
You weren’t there when… when your best friend rematerialized in your previous apartment. You moved to a smaller, modestly priced place six blocks away. It was great for what little money you had, and your landlords, a lovely couple that always leaves you a present outside your door for Christmas and birthdays, were generous enough to accommodate for your lack of funds.
You just couldn’t keep your parents’ apartment. Not when you knew they weren’t coming back. 
No one ever speaks about the casualties of the ones lost that day, the ones who perished from the effects of the blip. For a long time, you just couldn’t cope with the fact that a swerving hit from a rogue truck whose driver turned to dust was all it took to take your parents away. But you had to move on.
Ever since that day five years ago, you’ve been on your own.
You’re sure your friend tried looking for you by now, continually calling up a retired cellphone number, searching through deleted social media accounts, maybe even asking your old high school for your whereabouts to no avail. Even though you’re not far from home, she’d never find you. 
You don’t want to be found. You like being alone.
With a great, gusty sigh, you roll out of bed, grab some clothes and undergarments, then pad to the bathroom, ignoring the chiming circuit of your alarm clock. It can wait. You go through the motions: washing up, putting your hair in its regular bun, brushing your teeth, and staring at your unaged face in the spotted mirror.
It’s not vanity, though it’s common knowledge that your features will be impervious to aging for a long while. You literally haven’t aged a single day since the blip.
It was an intriguing phenomenon after the first two years. Everyone your age who had heard their Destined Words but had yet to meet their Soulmate just stopped aging, and when the younger generation hit the age of eighteen, they stopped aging as well. For some, like you, the effect was felt rather than seen. Ever since the string inside you snapped, you knew that cosmic time would stand still until you connected with your other soul. You’re not holding your breath for that anytime soon.
As you step out of the steam-filled bathroom, your alarm blares out its last chime before switching to the Vmm Vmm Vmm of an incoming call.
You pick up on the sixth ring. “Good morning, Hal.”
“This is the fourth—”
“The fourth time. I know, I know. I’m on my way.”
Hal grunts into the receiver, “Don’t get smart with me, little lady. Just because you’re my best server doesn’t mean I won’t fire you.”
That’s precisely what that means, and he knows you know it. You blow out a sigh, “I’m seriously almost out the door. Like two steps.”
“Uh-huh,” he says, a hint of a grin in his quizzical noise. “Well, hightail it, would’ya? The joint’s packed already and I need all hands on deck, so scoot.”
“Scooting,” you confirm, snagging your bag off of your sofa and grabbing your keys. “Who’s with me today?” Please don’t say Wendy. Please don’t say Wendy.
“Chris and Wendy.”
You groan as you shut the door behind you. “Come on, Hal. She’s dead weight in the morning. I might as well be working with a zombie in an apron.”
Hal grumps, “At least the zombie gets here on time.”
“Have you had coffee yet? You’re not you when you’re decaffeinated.” It’s true. Even with your truancy, Hal wouldn’t hold it over your head more than twice. He’s usually as chipper as a dog in a dog park at this time, bustling and joking up a storm.
He takes a loud sip, then says, “We’re slammed, is all, and I’m missing my best hand.” Two disgruntled heys ring in the background and Hal immediately issues apologies. “Just get here, will ya?”
Before you can remind him again that you are on your way, he disconnects the call.
You’re wondering if it’s too late to go back to bed.
The little, infamous family diner is only seven blocks south of your apartment building, a nice walk when the weather’s good and a pain in the ass when it’s not. You used to enjoy the quiet mornings and the stillness that came with it, but ever since things went back to normal, you can’t survive the walk without a pair of headphones jammed in your ears and your music’s volume turned all the way up. Everyone’s just so… loud.
Thankfully, today, the walk is a straight shot and you’re in the doors within fifteen minutes.
It’s like stepping into a den full of ravenous animals. Worse, it’s like stepping into a den full of ravenous animals and being stuck with the task of serving them.
“Look who’s finally decided to show up,” Wendy chides, stifling a yawn as she shuffles to a table and places down three menus. She’s twenty-two years old and likes setting your teeth on edge.
You deadpan, “Did the cat drag you in from the front door or the back?”
“Knock it off, you two,” warns Chris, walking by with two arms balancing four plates of the Sunrise Breakfast Special. He looks at you, then jerks his chin back to the kitchen. “Boss is about to blow his top.”
Nodding, you make your way to the back, giving a small wave to some regulars. Out of breath and sweat running down his reddened neck, Hal is moving like a man caught in a whirlwind, flipping eggs and pancakes and sausages and hash browns and bacon while checking orders and filling plates. As soon as he hears the kitchen door close and sees you, he visibly sags in relief.
“Don’t bother clocking in. Just put your apron on and get out there.”
You nod. Set down your things. Put on your apron. Arrange a plastic smile.
Go through the motions.
It’s all the same thing every single day. Wake up, work, school, sleep. Repeat. Unlike the other constants, school is something you’re temporarily trying out. It wasn’t your original plan, the whole four years to a bachelor’s degree, then some more years for a master’s. You gave that up long ago. Right now, you’re just taking a free weekend art class at a community college. Oddly enough, it’s something you’re beginning to look forward to on Saturdays and Sundays.
Work, while you’re great at what you do, is never a highlight. 
Hal was right. The diner is slammed, and you’re swept up in the current of rude, demanding customers, snide remarks from Wendy, cheerful shrugs from Chris, and barking orders from Hal for six whole hours. You work through your two fifteen-minute breaks. No one reminds you. You slip on spilled hash browns. No one helps you. You bring back a plate three times to satisfy a customer who kept finding fault with their eggs. No one thanks you.
Everything is back to normal.
I’ve got you.
“Fuck off,” you snap, slapping a hand to your mouth when you see the elderly woman you’re serving knit her brows in revulsion. “Oh, no, ma’am. I’m-I’m sorry, I was—”
She stands and marches out of the diner before you could explain, snatching her ten-dollar tip off the table.
“… talking to myself,” you finish under your breath.
She’s the last of the brunch rush, leaving only the regular afternoon crowd and a few stragglers. The clock near the cash register reads 2:13 p.m.
You brush off the disappointment of a lost tip and head to the kitchen to grab your things and leave, Chris and Wendy following you. Hal’s two other workers, the ones here till closing, cover the floor well. Not like they had much to do.
Hal is whistling a jaunty tune when you walk in, stopping to salute you, Chris, and Wendy with an exhausted grin. “Nice work out there, you guys. See you tomorrow.”
Wendy is out the door the instant she clocks out.
Chris catches your arm as you grab your bag from your small locker. “Hey, um, I sort of heard your little outburst, and I was wondering if you were okay.”
You nod, gently shrugging his hand off. “Yeah, it’s just a tip. I made enough.”
“No, not that,” he shakes his head, clearing his throat and pushing a hand through his choppy beach-blond hair. He ineptly bends his head down a little, getting close enough for a private conversation you do not want to have. “It’s just… you’ve done that before and I just want to make sure everything’s alright with you.”
You can’t put the plastic smile back on, he’s seen it too many times to know it’s not real, so you half-heartedly grin. “I’m fine. Thanks for asking.”
“Yeah, anytime. Hey, so, me and a couple friends are hanging out tonight. There’s gonna be a music festival in Cunningham Park. Wanna hang?”
Chris tries this every week. At first, you thought it was his bashful attempt at asking you out, but he’s a happily taken man with a big heart and a lot of friends. Every customer he meets, boom, they’re friends and soon loyal customers of Hal’s. It’s a gift. You just wish he caught your not-so-subtle hints of evasion.
Tonight, though, you had the perfect excuse. “Can’t. I got class.”
He tilts his head in confusion. “On a Saturday night?”
“Yeah. It’s a free course. Get it where I can take it, you know,” you awkwardly laugh, hoping Chris wasn’t offended as you take a couple of steps back towards the exit.
His smile doesn’t falter. “Maybe next time, then.”
Not likely. “Sure, yeah. See you later.”
You duck out before he says goodbye, dashing out the front door and speed-walking home.
I’ve got you.
I’ve got you.
I’ve got you.
You stop dead in the middle of a sidewalk.
Where did that come from? It’s never said it three times in a row before. Does… does that mean something?
Your breath quickens at the thought, and you spin around, scanning the vacant street. You’re the only one occupying the sidewalk, you and a curious squirrel sniffing at the crisp air. There’s not a person in sight. When you’re certain you’re in the clear, pivoting a glance around one more time for good measure, you pick up the pace, practically running the rest of the way home.
Once you’re in your apartment and the door shuts, you desperately whisper to your mind, “Don’t say it anymore. I don’t want them, okay? I don’t want a Soulmate.”
“I know you hear me,” you bite out aloud, forcefully shoving back the urge to yell. “Stop saying the words.”
Still nothing.
Silence rings hollow in your mind like the voice is waiting for your temper to cool down. Like it knew it upset you and felt chastened enough to back off and take a time out in a corner.
You stand immobile in the middle of your cramped sitting area. Tense. Waiting. Waiting longer than you care to admit. The urge to fight deserts you as quick as it comes, but you’re still standing there with your fists balled up, feeling more and more defeated as the minutes drain away.
The voice isn’t going to leave you alone. You know that. It’s here to serve one purpose, and the only thing holding it up is you. You’re meant to meet whoever those words belong to… but then what? They magically fix you? They love you back to normal? Five years ago, you may have believed they can do that. But, the problem is, you’ve gone through enough life-altering events in the last five years to last you a lifetime, and this one person, this person destined to pair with your soul, won’t be your wave-of-a-wand solution.
You just want it to stop.
I’ve got you.
A lone tear slides down your cheek as you trek to your bed and climb in fully clothed.
For a long time, you simply stare up at the ceiling as the tears leak out the corners of your eyes. You make no noise, and your chest doesn’t jerk up and down with sobs. The tears gather, and then they fall. Gather and fall. Gather and fall until there are no tears left. You continue staring at the ceiling.
You think back to the days when those godforsaken words and the future they foretold brought you happiness. What a wonderful promise, pairing with someone who will always be there for you in some capacity and will instantly love you. You can’t recall any Soulmate story not working out. Maybe they just never speak about it. Why mar the fantasy?
The sun dipped below the horizon a while ago, and now the moon shines bright in the night sky. You missed your art class.
Your body is as stiff as a board when you sit up. There’s a tight pounding in your forehead, either from crying or lack of food, but you aren’t bothered enough to deal with it. Instead, you move to the only window in your room and pull back the curtains to gaze at the stars. Not many are out yet, but they glitter like gems around the moon, and the night sky nears a lovely shade of midnight blue.
The sight is so pretty; you find yourself grabbing a couple of paint bottles, brushes, and a small canvass, then heading out of your apartment, walking up six flights of stairs to reach the roof.
It’s quiet when you get up there, save for the noise of zooming cars below. The first time you came up on the roof, just out of curiosity, you loved how solitary it felt, loved the view overlooking the building-strewn skyline and the overall height of the complex. It became a nice place to visit when you wanted to be by yourself.
You walk over to the edge of the building, sitting your supplies down on the ledge, then look up at the sky for the best angle to capture the moon and the stars.
The sky is vast. So endless. So open. So free. You stop scoping out for the perfect angle and just admire the shining moon when your eyes land on it. It’s waning, only a sliver of its surface visible as it prepares to transition into a New Moon. Then you gaze at the stars as they dimly twinkle back at you… like they can see right through you.
Like they can see your sadness.
You step closer to the ledge, each step laden with the weight of smothered grief. You lost everyone. Your parents. Manda. She’d never recognize the person you’ve become.
You step onto the ledge, not looking down but up, trying to memorize the image.
You lost your Soulmate. That broken string in your chest never felt the same, even after everyone came back. Maybe you were too far gone for any connection.
You turn around. You’d thought you’d feel numb, but acceptance fills you. It’s okay to let go.
You lower your eyes, slowly lean back, and let gravity take over.
Air sails past your ears in a rush as you fall, and you can’t really focus on anything except your erratic heartbeat. You don’t struggle as your body wants. You just fall and wait.
And then, in a sudden flash of red and blue, you’re propelling sideways and swinging upwards, a strong arm pressing you against a hard chest.
“I’ve got you.”
As soon as he said the words, you knew who they belonged to, as if you knew this entire time. Even with the mask covering his face, you knew. But it still doesn’t stop you from incredulously saying, “Peter?”
His masked face snaps to yours. A small part of you tries to pin his surprise on you correctly guessing his identity, but something bigger assures you the reason for his alarm is a match to your own.
He knows you’re his Soulmate.
Part III
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morningfears · 5 years
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Rating: M | This is [kind of] smut.
Summary: “I was wondering if you could do a blurb of tattoo artist!calum where the reader is the sister of one of the other guys and comes into his shop to get her nipples pierced and they both get really flustered and you can figure out how it ends. Thank you sweets ❤️❤️” for anon | ft. Tattoo Artist!Calum, brother!Ashton, pining.
Word Count: 2.3k (...I know. I know.)
The bell above the shop door rang, signaling a client’s entrance, but Calum paid it no mind as he focused on the sketchbook laid open in front of him. He’d finished his appointments for the day, his last client had left less than thirty minutes earlier, and he had no intention of taking on a walk-in when the shop was only open for another fifteen minutes. He was content with letting Max, the shop’s new apprentice, deal with any annoyance that refusal would cause and turned the volume in his headphones up just a little higher as he continued working.
He remained lost in his work, his hand moving steadily over the sketch pad as he shaded in a piece unrelated to his work, and had nearly forgotten he’d even heard the bell chime when a hand touched his shoulder and sent his pencil skidding across the page as he jerked in surprise. “Fuck,” he groaned, both in surprise and annoyance, as he stared at the errant mark for a moment before he pulled his headphones off and turned on his stool to face the culprit. However, much to his surprise it was neither Max nor a persistent client.
It was you.
Standing before him was his best friend Ashton’s younger sister. You looked remorseful as you stared at the obvious mistake on his sketchpad. “I’m sorry, Cal,” you apologized, your eyebrows furrowing and your lips curving into a frown as you turned her gaze to his face, “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
Much to Calum’s chagrin, every ounce of annoyance he’d felt at both being interrupted and making a mistake disappeared the moment he laid eyes on you. You had a way of making him forget himself, of making him lose his train of thought, and it had been like that from the start. He had never been able to be annoyed with you, regardless of how badly he wished he could, and it drove him crazy. So, instead of telling you to fuck off like he would have Max, he shook his head and reached for the eraser he kept on his desk.
“Don’t worry about it,” he mumbled, his voice quiet as he carefully worked to erase the mark and diminish its obviousness, “it’s not inked yet.” You were quiet as he brushed at the eraser shavings, watching him fix what he could, and likely would’ve remained silent had he not asked, “What are you doing here? Ash left a few hours ago.”
“Oh, I know,” you told him as you grabbed one of the stools from a different station and took a seat. “I’m not here for him. I’m here for you.”
At that, Calum turned his attention away from the sketch completely and turned to face you. He stared at you, the confusion clear on his face as he studied you, and raised an eyebrow at your statement. “Me? You didn’t break anything else, did you?” You lived with your brother - something you’d both decided was your best option as you had had nothing but a string of bad luck when other roommates were concerned - and had come to Calum once before for help after your broke a music box that Ashton had found in an antique shop and loved more than anything.
At that, you rolled your eyes and shook your head. “No, not this time,” you denied as you twisted in your seat, a mild look of discomfort on your face as you averted your gaze and stared at the wall behind Calum’s head, “I have a different kind of favor to ask of you.”
“I feel like I’m going to regret this,” Calum mumbled, more to himself than to you, “but go for it.”
Calum watched as you shifted in your chair, your foot tapping against the black and white checked floor, and felt himself grow slightly uneasy as he waited for you to share your request. He knew that you would never ask him to do anything that would get him into trouble, you would never ask him for anything that would hurt Ashton, so your hesitation felt strange. However, it was explained as you blurted, “I want you to pierce my nipples.”
Calum blinked at you, surprised by your request, and opened his mouth to speak before promptly closing it. He wasn’t sure how to respond to the request. On one hand, piercing was something that fell under his job description and piercing nipples was, while not the most common piercing he did, something he did often enough. On the other, the person asking him to pierce them was his best friend’s sister. 
Ashton was, admittedly, a little overprotective. Despite only being two years older than you, Ashton felt that it was his duty to protect you from the dangers of the world and freely admitted that sometimes his rationality was lost in that pursuit. One of the first rules he’d laid down when you moved in with him and began spending more time around the guys was that none of them were allowed, under any circumstance, to pursue you romantically. And though piercing you was in no way romantic, it would only further weaken Calum’s resolve and push him closer to crossing a line he knew he shouldn’t.
And, though he hated to admit it, Calum had dreamt of you in ways that he knew he shouldn’t. Seeing you topless would only exacerbate those dreams and the feelings he’d been harboring for you. So, he refused you.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” he answered after too long a silence. “But I can recommend someone. She’s good. She pierced Luke and Michael and they liked her.”
“Um, if you’re talking about Sam, I can’t go to her,” you informed him with an awkward smile as you continued fidgeting in your chair. “She pierced my nose and she, like, put her hand on my neck to steady herself and I kind of moaned and I’m so embarrassed that I can never look at her again. And out of everyone, you’re the person I trust the most. So, please?”
Calum’s mind reeled with the information you’d provided him - and the mental image that came along with it - but he did his best to push all those thoughts to the side as he shook his head. “I don’t particularly feel like dying any time soon,” he reasoned as he breathed a sigh and closed his sketchbook. “There are plenty of qualified piercers in the city. I’ll help you find someone else.”
“Come on, Cal,” you whined as you rolled your stool across the short distance and bumped your knee against his, “please? It’s literally your job. I’m going to pay you. And Ash doesn’t need to know! It’s not like I’m going to go home and be, like, ‘Hey, guess what I did today? Got my nipples pierced. Oh, by the way, your best friend is the one who did it. It was fun. What did you do today?’ No, fuck that.” Calum watched as you grimaced at the mental image of telling Ashton what you’d done with your day and realized that you had a point. He knew that you weren’t going to relent, not when this was something you clearly wanted, but he let you continue as you said, “He won’t know. Just, please?”
Although Calum liked to think he had decent willpower, he was weak when it came to you. It took very little pressing for him to agree to pierce you and, when the front door was locked and Max was gone for the night, he guided you through the shop and into the back room where he hoped you wouldn’t feel so exposed.
Though Calum had pierced more than his fair share of nipples, it was different with you. You were someone he saw on a regular, almost daily, basis and someone that he’d wanted to be more than friends with for nearly a year. He liked to think that he was a professional, that he could put his feelings aside and give you the piercing you’d requested, but the moment you tugged your shirt up and over your head, leaving you standing in just a black lace bra in front of him, he felt his cheeks heat and his heart begin to race.
You, too, felt the implications of your actions as you dropped your t-shirt onto the counter and reached for the hooks on the back of your bra. Calum’s crush was not unrequited, though you were half certain he would never try anything for fear of upsetting Ashton, and you realized just how much he would be seeing as you shifted your weight from one foot to the other.
“I, um… this is,” Calum paused, unsure of what he wanted to say, and shook his head as he reached for the box of gloves. “Fuck, okay. Um, you can take your bra off and have a seat.”
Calum looked and sounded just as flustered as you felt. It was no secret to anyone - other than Ashton who Calum believed remained consciously oblivious - how the pair of you felt about one another. He refused to look at you as you pulled the bra from your body and dropped it onto the pile with your shirt. It took a moment for him to gather himself enough to turn and glance at you, his eyes going to your face before they dropped to your chest, and you appreciated the brief moment of respite as you waited for him to begin.
It felt strange, having Calum’s hands on your body, but you quickly adjusted to the heat of his palms as he marked where the barbells would go. He spent a moment ensuring they were even, although it pained both of you to have his face so close to your chest, before he moved away and reached for the needle. “Alright,” he sighed as he returned one hand to your ribcage and braced himself, “you ready?”
You found yourself unable to speak as Calum sat so close to you, your chest on display and your heart beating wildly. You knew that he could feel your racing pulse, that he could see the effect he was having on you, but you said nothing to encourage or deter him from acting in any way other than professionally. Although your mind raced with fantasies of him leaving marks along your skin, of his lips brushing your nipples and lavishing your breasts with attention as he kissed his way down your torso, you didn’t want to make him uncomfortable and you knew that if you opened your mouth, a moan would likely slip free. So, you simply nodded your head and waited for him to begin.
Calum himself was having a hard time concentrating. He wanted nothing more than to touch you in the way he’d dreamt of, in the way that he’d imagined several times before, but you were trusting him to provide you with a service, not ogle you, so he tried his hardest to keep his fantasies under wraps as he pierced your right nipple. The sharp intake of breath, the way your hand moved to his shoulder and pressed him just a little closer, made his heart race and his mind move in a million different directions. He’d pieced two and two together, imagined that pain was something you liked, but feeling your nails dig into his shoulder for a brief second before you pulled yourself together was all the confirmation he needed and it sent a rush of blood to his cock as he willed himself to focus on threading the silver barbell through your nipple.
The second nipple passed much like the first, with a sharp gasp and the stinging dig of your nails into his shoulder, but Calum didn’t mind. If anything, he wished the moment would last forever as you shifted in front of him and squeezed your thighs in search of relief. It took every ounce of willpower he had to pull away from you, to keep from doing something he wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to stop, and he noticed the almost disappointed look on your face as he averted his gaze and nodded.
“I, uh, that’s… they look good. You should keep an eye on them. You know how to take care of piercings so be mindful of them. If you have any questions, you know where to find me,” Calum told you as he tossed his gloves into the trash and kept his eyes on the wall, waiting for you to pull your t-shirt back on.
Though you’d felt as if he would finally make a move for a brief moment, it was over just as quickly as it had begun. Instead, Calum was keeping you at arms length, as he had for so long now, and you breathed a quiet sigh as you tugged on your t-shirt. “Yeah,” you nodded as you slipped your jacket on over top and shoved your bra into your purse. “Thanks, Cal. I appreciate it,” you told him as you decided to be bold, leaning in to press a quick kiss to his cheek. “I’ll see you later.”
“See you,” Calum nodded, his own disappointment filling him as he watched you step through the door with a final glance over your shoulder, a small smile on your lips. He felt a flurry of emotions - disappointment, sadness, excitement, lust, longing - and each of them hit him harder than the last.
Author’s Note: I know these were supposed to be drabbles. I’m very much aware of that, thank you. This, for this concept, is a drabble. If I’d gone full fic, it likely would’ve ended up 5-8k. Anyway.
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Chapter Eight: Spaces Between Us
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Life for Ashley was weird, although they were keeping their distance from each other, Harry insisted that a car came to pick Ashley up for work each morning, he was fearful that she would end up in a situation out of her control, and her safety was ultimately his main priority. Since Ashley ended things they had tried to remain as civil as possible, if they were going to be co-parenting a baby, they needed to at least be on good terms. She sat in the back of the car as it drove through the streets of London, the city that once felt like another world, had become the place she called home. The streets she once feared were now the places that held some of her fondest memories.
Roman greeted Ashley with open arms as she entered the studio for her last day at work, “Morning Ash, how are you feeling about today?” He asked.
“Scared, but I’m ready, I’m excited to focus all my time on my little ones, well Daisy isn’t so little anymore, she starts big school on Monday, it feels like yesterday I was standing in that kitchen with you when my waters broke.” Ashley reminded him.
“It’s been incredible working with you for the past few years, I know you’ve gone through a lot of shit since you’ve been here, but if you ever need anything, you can call me. I think of you like my younger sister, and that’s a bond for life.” Roman smiled.
“You’re a soft bugger Ro.” Her heart skipped a beat, that’s what she once called Harry, before life got all kinds of complicated. “We best get the show on the road then.” Ashley declared, taking a seat at the studio desk and putting on her chunky headphones for the final time.
“Good Morning! You’re listening to the breakfast show on Capital with me Roman Kemp, and for the final time Ash Hanson.” Roman told the listeners, “Seeing as it’s her last day on the radio, Ash has complete control of today’s tracks, so Ash what’s your first song going to be?” Roman asked.
“It’s a personal favourite of mine, and I think the lyrics are something we could all do with a little bit more of in our lives, this is New Rules by Dua Lipa.” Ashley announced just before the track began to play.
“That wouldn’t be a bit of shade thrown at a certain boyband member would it?” Roman whispered, now that they weren’t on air.
“Maybe.” Ashley smirked.
Flatpack furniture had always confused Harry, even though it was supposedly extremely simple to assemble, he found the instruction manuals no help at all, he had spent the first part of the morning trying to construct a crib for the baby. Although he wouldn’t have full custody of the baby, Harry felt that it was right for his future child to have a bedroom in his house. So here he was, random pieces of wood scattered across the floor, he had no clue what went where, or how to assemble it properly, he was losing his mind. The sound of the radio made up for the lack of silence in his house, since Ashley let him go, Harry had been listening to the breakfast show every morning, simply so he could hear her voice. He was meant to be meeting her at the hospital for an appointment at 11am, and wanting an excuse to abandon his flat pack furniture endeavours, he decided it would be best to pick Ashley up from work instead. 
Ashley left the Capital offices for the last time armed with several bouquets of flowers and gift bags, making her way to the underground car park where the Addison Lee usually waits for her, “Let me help you with that,” She looked up to see Harry smiling warmly at her.
“What are you doing here?” She asked as Harry took a couple of the bags from her.
“We  have that hospital appointment, and I didn’t like the thought of you getting the tube there.” Harry explained as they climbed into his car.
“I am a fully capable woman Harry, just because I’m pregnant it doesn’t mean I can’t get myself to the other side of London.” Ashley told him as Harry pulled out of the car park.
“I know that love, but if anything ever happened to you or the baby I could never forgive myself, I don’t want the press finding out and swarming you, especially when I’m not here to look after you.” Harry replied.
“What does that mean?” Ashley asked.
“I won’t be in the country when the baby arrives, I’m going to be in another film, I won’t be back until December.” Harry told her.
“It’s like that is it?” Ashley sighed, she had hoped Harry would be there when the baby came, she desperately wanted him there when Daisy was born, but that never happened.
“There’s nothing I can do about it Ash, I can’t ask you to come to America with me, Daisy starts school next week, I don’t want her to miss vital months of her education.” Harry explained as they pulled into the hospital car park, still overly concerned about Ashley’s safety, Harry was paying for her to go to a private maternity hospital, meaning details of her pregnancy were much less likely to be leaked.
“Hello you two, how’s everything going today?” Kirstie, the midwife asked as she entered the consultation room where Ashley and Harry were waiting. 
“Wonderful.” Ashley answered bluntly in response to Harry’s previous revelation.
“So we’re here to talk through the birth plan, have you decided what’s happening? Mr Styles you’re most welcome to be there.” She explained.
“He’s out of the country when the baby’s due.” Ashley said bitterly.
“That's okay, is there anyone you want there with you?” Kirstie asked.
“It’ll probably have to be Lou or Harry’s sister Gemma.” Ashley replied.
“That's good, as long as you have someone who can be by your side, that's all that matters.” She assured her, “If you hop onto the bed, we’ll do that scan we talked about.” Ashley climbed onto the bed, pulling up her top to reveal a perfectly round bump, Harry moved his chair to sit beside her as Kirstie squeezed the cold gel onto Ashley’s stomach. She slowly moved the scanner across her stomach, the baby appeared on the screen, the sound of it’s heartbeat echoing through the room. “That’s your baby, there's it’s hands and feet, I’ll give you two a minute alone while I go and print that scan for you.” 
Ashley turned from where her gaze was transfixed on the screen displaying her baby to where Harry was sat on the other side of her, his eyes glossed over, “You alright?” She whispered, wiping the gel from her stomach.
“That’s our beautiful baby, a beautiful little person who is going to be loved not just by its family, but by thousands of people across the world, in the same way they love Bear and Freddie.” Tears began rolling down his cheeks, “I let you down Ash, I need to be someone you can depend on, whether we’re bringing up our child in a relationship or not, I promise you, with every inch of my existence, that I will always be beside you.”
When they made it back to Ashley’s house, Harry insisted on helping her take her things inside, she put her key in the door and dumped all her stuff in the hallway, “Do you want a cup of tea?” Ashley asked in an attempt to offer a lifeline.
“I’ll make them, you go and sit yourself down and get comfy.” Harry smiled.
Harry walked down the corridor to the hallway, so Ashley proceeded into the living room, “Surprise!” All her favourite people were gathered in her living room, the One Direction boys and their respective partners, Harry’s band, Gemma, Lou, Lottie and Lux. Roman and Nick had also come along, as did both Anne and Linda who had made the trip down from Holmes Chapel. The living room was decorated with various decorations in pastel shades of yellow, green and lilac, pictures of both Ashley and Harry when they were babies scattered the room.
“Did you know about this?” She asked Harry as he returned from the kitchen. 
“I’m legally not obliged to say.” Harry chuckled.
“Mummy!” Daisy ran over from where she had been sitting on Gemma’s lap.
“Hello princess, how are you?” Ashley asked, crouching down to look her in the eye.
“I helped Auntie Gem and Lou get it ready, and I made you something, Harry has it.” Daisy took her by the hand, leading her into the kitchen where Harry was waiting. Harry handed Daisy a box which she gave to Ashley. Ashley opened the box, inside it were four homemade bracelets, Daisy had made a blue one for Harry, a purple one for Ashley, a pink one for herself, and yellow for the new baby. “It’s for our little family.” Daisy smiled as she sat in Harry’s arms, bringing Ashley to tears.
“You are the most precious little lady I could ever ask for Daisy Darling,” Ashley held her tight, as both Harry and Daisy wrapped their arms around her, none of them ever wanting to let go.
The party had died down and only Niall, Gemma, Sarah and Mitch were left, the group were sat together in Ashley’s living room, scrolling through old instagram posts, filling Sarah and Mitch in on the One Direction days. Ashley sat beside Niall, her head resting on his shoulder, and although Harry knew it was completely platonic, he wished it were his shoulder instead. Niall clicked onto Twitter briefly, intending to reply to a fan’s tweet about his latest golf project. “Hey what’s that?” Ashley tapped on a tweet from The Sun, ‘HARRY’S NEW BABY MAMA?’ flashed up on Niall’s screen. “No, no this can’t be happening.” Ashley rested her head in her hands. 
“Ash what is it?” Harry asked, taking the phone from Niall, “Hey love come here,” Niall stood up allowing Harry to comfort Ashley, “Gem can you take Dais up to bed, I don’t want this to worry her.”
“Of course, come on Dais, shall we go and find one of those pretty bath bombs and get you ready for bed?” Gemma asked, taking Daisy’s hand and leading her upstairs.
“I’ll call Jeff and ask if there’s anything he can do.” Sarah told Harry.
“What does it actually say?” Harry asked Niall.
“It just says a source close to the pair exclusively revealed the news of Ash Hanson’s pregnancy.” Niall replied.
“Who is it Harry? Who have I wrongly put my trust in? It could’ve been someone who was here today, someone we’ve had in the house?” Ashley panicked as her breathing quickened.
“Hey, Ash, look at me darling,” Harry whispered as he cupped her cheeks, “We’re going to sort this out, but I need you to slow your breathing, it’s not good for you or the baby, breathe with me angel.” Harry soothed, demonstrating to Ashley how to breathe calmly. “That’s better baby, much better.” He assured her, holding her head close to his chest and stroking her hair gently, knowing that it always made her feel calm. 
“Your PR person is working on a statement at the moment Harry, they’ll send it to Jeff and he’s going to have it circulated, he says not to worry.” Sarah explained.
“I’ll make sure you have extra security Ash, so they can’t get close to the house, we’re going to do it together.” Harry told her, not daring to let her slip from his embrace. He wanted to protect her more than anything in the world, but he didn’t have the power to stop people selling stories and spinning lies, so for now, his only power was to hold her and promise he’ll never let go.
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chachkayes · 4 years
The Perfect Christmas
IT’S DONE! With 5 minutes to spare on Christmas day, the Merhayes fic is finally done. I won’t ramble too much, but this is super fluffy and domestic, and I think I’m happy with the result, despite my lack of a festive mood today. I hope you all enjoy!
“Momma! Hayes! It’s time to wake up!” Ellis Shepherd yelled as she knocked furiously on the door to her mother’s bedroom. A few seconds later, her brother and sister came scampering up behind her and started pounding on the door along with her. It was 6:30am on Christmas day. Meredith had woken herself and her boyfriend up approximately 15 minutes before she expected her young children to come barging into the room, demanding that they open presents.  “Right on time.” Meredith said with a laugh as she got up to open the door. This had become routine for her since Zola was old enough to understand that Christmas morning meant she was about to get spoiled rotten. Then, of course, Bailey joined her, and now Ellis was finally getting to the age where she understood the magic around Christmas.
Cormac Hayes hadn’t had to deal with children pestering him to open presents since his boys were much younger. He had been able to set boundaries and rules with them. Christmas hadn’t really felt the same since Abigail had passed away anyways, so their festivities hadn’t been incredibly spectacular in the past few years. That all changed when he fell in love with Meredith Grey. They’d been together for almost 4 years, but this was their first Christmas living together with their family under one roof. Previous Christmases were usually spent apart in the morning, then going over to one of their houses for dinner and gift exchanges in the evening.
Meredith opened the door to her room and the children bolted in, immediately jumping on the bed. She returned to her side of the bed and laid back down, just as Ellis flung herself onto her mom. Meredith laughed and hugged her youngest daughter. “Can we open presents now?!” Bailey said as he laid down dramatically at the end of the bed. “Austin and Liam aren’t up yet. We have to wait for them first.” Hayes reminded Bailey with a smile. “We also have to wait until after breakfast.” Meredith added on. Ellis had fully sprawled herself out over her mother’s body and was hugging her, and Meredith gladly kept her arms wrapped around her and snuggled with her baby girl. Zola sat herself up at the top of the bed, which was her usual spot. “What time are we making breakfast?” Bailey questioned. The two adults looked at each other and laughed as Bailey kept asking more and more questions. “Soon, buddy. Why don’t you and your sisters go play in your rooms for a little bit, while we get dressed, and then we’ll call you guys down to help us make breakfast when we start.” Meredith’s kids loved helping her and Hayes in the kitchen, so she knew that by offering to let them help, they’d listen and give her enough time to properly wake up.
As she suspected, the kids sat up eagerly, and after a chorus of eager okays from the three small children, they jumped off the bed and darted to their rooms. Meredith stretched and moved over into her boyfriend’s embrace. “I know I told them we’d get up, but I really do not want to move.” She said as Hayes wrapped his arm around her waist, and she nuzzled her head into his neck. “Well, it won’t hurt to stay here for a few more minutes.” He told her, kissing her forehead. So, for a few more minutes, they laid together in complete silence. They liked to take a few moments every morning and treat it as if it were their first time waking up next to each other. It’d only been something they’d started doing 7 months prior, when they first moved in together, but ever since then, neither of them could remember a period of time where they weren’t waking up beside each other, cuddling and kissing. “Merry Christmas, I love you.” Meredith whispered before closing the gap between their lips. “I love you too. Merry Christmas.” He whispered back as they pulled away. “I guess we should probably get up and get dressed now, shouldn’t we?” Meredith said, rolling over in their bed. Hayes caught her waist and rolled her back over, kissing her again on the lips and on her neck. “Okay, now we can get up.” He said with a laugh as he pulled away from Meredith and pushed himself out of bed. Meredith tried to glare at him with no avail, since she immediately broke out into a bright smile the moment he turned around and caught her gaze.
Finally, they’d both gotten up, and the younger children had met them eagerly downstairs. Breakfast that morning had consisted of Belgian waffles, bacon, sausages, strawberries and blueberries, as well as orange juice. All of which was made by either Hayes, Zola, or Liam, who’d be woken up by the sound of Bailey and Ellis scream giggling as they poked Meredith and ran away. After breakfast had been made, all the kids eagerly made their way into the living room and crowded around the Christmas tree, which had been stuffed with presents. Each kid had gotten 2 big gifts, and several other smaller gifts; Liam had received a brand-new Apple watch as a joint gift from his dad and Meredith, and a new gaming PC that was just from his dad. Austin had received a new skateboard, and the new gaming console he’d been hinting at Hayes to buy all throughout November and December. Zola received a new iPod, and a swinging rope hammock chair that she could hang in her room. Bailey got a new remote-controlled car that both Meredith and Hayes knew would find its way into every room in the house at some point in the next 2 days, along with a Nintendo switch that he could play Mario Kart on. Ellis had gotten new rose gold Beats headphones, along with a new guitar that came with promises for lessons.
After almost 40 minutes of going around and letting each kid individually unwrap all their presents, there were only 2 gifts left under the tree. Meredith and Hayes’ gifts for each other. Meredith passed the box over to her boyfriend and smiled as she watched him unwrap it. It was a new watch that he’d been eyeing for a few months, that had been engraved with “C, M, L, A, Z, B, E – to new beginnings,.” with a small heart on the bottom.
“There’s also a little A on the hand dial for Abby.” She pointed out. Hayes quickly wiped the tears forming in his eye as he looked over the engravings. “Oh, I love it so much. I love you, thank you.” He put it on his wrist, and then kissed his girlfriend in front of all of the kids, prompting ‘ew’s’ from everyone, which they laughed at and then kissed again. Hayes leaned over and grabbed the small box under the tree that was for Meredith and took a deep breath as she unwrapped it. She opened the lid of the box and her jaw dropped. She silently looked over at Hayes and then back at the box, eyes wide. Two tickets to Zurich, Switzerland. 
“Oh my god.” Meredith said once she finally processed what she was looking at. “What is it mommy?” Zola asked. “Tickets to Switzerland.” She responded breathlessly. “Like it?” Hayes asked, with a slight laugh and his signature smirk. “Like it?! I don’t know if anything could have been more perfect. I love it.” She said, hugging him. “We leave in two weeks, and we’re there for 2 weeks afterwards. I figured while we’re there, we could take a couple of days to go to Paris, and then take a flight to Ireland. I want to introduce you to my family. They’ve been begging me for the past 2 years to take you.” He explained. Meredith was rendered speechless. “I can’t believe this.” 
“Believe it. And don’t tell Yang, it’s a bit of a surprise. Also, even though it’s totally cheesy, we’ll likely be in Paris on our anniversary.” Meredith kissed him again. “You really know how to one up me on gifts, don’t you?” She asked sarcastically. “Mm, I have to be better than you at something.” He fired back through a laugh. “Thank you. I can’t wait, for everything.” Meredith meant what she said – she really didn’t know if she could wait another 2 weeks to travel and see her best friend, meet her boyfriend’s family, and spend their 4th anniversary in Paris (which, she agreed, was totally cheesy – but she didn’t care). She was also incredibly excited to get some alone time with Hayes. They’d definitely be making the most of that. “Merry Christmas” He said as he kissed her forehead and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “Merry Christmas, my love.” She said, resting her head on his shoulder.
The rest of the day was spent helping the kids set up all their new toys and technology, as well as get some things ready for dinner with Amelia, Link, a now 4 ½ year old Scout, and their 6-month-old daughter Charlotte, as well as Maggie, Winston, and their 5-week-old daughter Dianna. The whole day was filled with laughs and love, and they couldn’t have asked for anything more. This truly was the most perfect Christmas Meredith and Hayes could have dreamed of.
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angst-king · 3 years
Stuck in this Static Void pt 6
(TW: mention of hanging) Fuyumi had done her packing while Enji had been detained. She’d also found herself a place to stay that could keep her safe from Enji. She was bringing Shouto’s suitcase in to be checked to make sure she packed items that wouldn’t be taken away from Shouto. “I think all of these will pass the bag check. So are you already Shouto?” Asked the doctor, Shouto had been allowed to dress in his casual clothes once his iv’s were taken out and his arms were rebandaged. He had on jeans, a white t-shirt and a zip up jacket that was a little over sized and tennis shoes with straps no laces. Nodding, Shouto looked at his brother and sister with a small smile. They both embraced him warmly, one sibling on his left, the other on his right. “We love you so much Shouto, we will try and visit as much as we can alright.” Spoke Fuyumi who brushed her fingers through his hair. “Yeah we’ll try and find time okay, you just focus on getting better and we’ll try and find a way to keep you away from him”  Natsuo vowed while nuzzling his younger brother sweetly, Shouto replied with a quiet “Okay, just be careful..please.” He was still obviously worried for his sibling’s safety hoping his father wouldn’t seek revenge but. They all knew how ambitious Enji could be when he wanted something. “We will Shouto, we promise we’ll be careful.” Fuyumi reassures him with a loving smile as Natsuo pats his head. 
The paramedics came over with a bed ready to take Shouto. He’s helped onto the bed after his last goodbye and he’s whisked away into the ambulance that is destined for the psych ward. Taking Shouto’s bag they put it next to his gurney and strap it down to keep it from sliding around while Shouto lays on the cot. The ride is silent and it gives Shouto time to think. ‘What medications would they put me on?’ ‘Will they watch me shower….like come in the bathroom with me?’ ‘Will they be in the room while I change?’ ‘Will I have a roommate?’ ‘Will I have to talk to them? Probably not, I hope I don’t. I don’t need to make friends, I need to get in there, get better as quickly as possible and get out.’ ‘How am I gonna do classwork? I’ll fall way behind if I can’t complete my assignments.’ The more the thought the quicker time went by and soon. He was interrupted by the doors of the ambulance opening. He was helped down from the ambulance and down its small ramp. One paramedic followed him up to the door, opening it for him and letting him inside.
It looked like the waiting room of an urgent care, cream colored walls in the corner there was a desk with a nurse sitting behind it, three major hallways leading towards many others. There were chairs and small benches along the walls of the main entrance towards the front desk. Pamphlets neatly placed on small tables between the benches with small summaries of who knows what and they seem to be untouched. The paramedic who escorted Todoroki inside told him to take a seat while he went to talk to the nurse. Sitting down Todoroki relaxed into the seat, it really was setting in that he was being admitted into a psychiatric hospital. It was really setting in that he was getting away from his horrible excuse of a father, and that...he was gonna go through the same thing his mother had. But maybe he’d turn out better, maybe he’d turn out completely fine? Maybe he won't even be here that long? Maybe-Oh here comes the nurse, she walks over and kneels down a little.
“Hello you must be Todoroki Shouto, hi I’m Jitkimi, I am one of the nurses on the floor and will be taking you to your room.” Looking up at the woman who introduced herself he listened tentatively. “O-okay then” “Now I’m just going to warn you, you will have a roommate, both of you actually new to the psych ward...well your roommate has been here for a week but in a different wing. Still a doctor will come in to you both and will explain to you the rules of the psych ward and the schedules. Now why don’t we get you to your room.” She says as an invitation for the peppermint haired boy to follow her lead. Getting to his feet, Shouto nods and grabs his suitcase of items.
She guides him down a hallway that’s blue in color with various shades of the hue. As he walked he noticed many doors that were spaced out like apartments, they had the names of their patients. Five sets of doors that were opened not all the way but cracked open enough to poke your head in. Five sets down and Jitkimi stops at the sixth set of doors, she knocks on the one to her left. Even though it was partially opened she knocked which showed she had some sort of decency. “Hello Mr Midoriya, I’m coming in with your roommate.” She warns before opening the door completely.
The room was a little bit better than what Todoroki assumed it would look like.
It had two beds separated by a large cubby-like night stand with four cubbies and charging ports for devices they’d been permitted to have. On his roommate’s side there was a large window that had blinds that could be pulled by a turning stick. There are duplicates of desks, and closets, one for each person. Of course the desk had chairs and the closets weren’t huge but it's not like they’d need something too big right? The beds were plain, no back board but the base was a completely smoothed wooden bottom. The floor was a series of light blue tiles like the hallways. The bathroom door was left open and Todoroki took note of the top of the door being slanted off. He was confused as to why that was but had a feeling that he knew why.
Sitting up a boy with a mess of dark, mossy green and black hair, and sunken in matching colored eyes stared at him tiredly. He was wearing headphones that he’d slipped off his head to show he’d acknowledged the presence of Shouto and Jitkimi. Jitkimi took this as the cue to introduce the two. “Izuku, this is Todoroki Shouto. Shouto, this is Midoriya Izuku.” Izuku gives a shy wave to him, Shouto just gives a small nod to him. “Go on and get yourself settled in, the doctor should be in soon the both of you will meet with them and will talk about rules and routines and such. There are emergency call buttons around the room in case of emergencies like one of you having an anxiety attack or something…I'm gonna leave you alone now” Jitkimi says soon leaving the boys alone only closing the door a little bit still leaving it the majority open.  
Making quick work of himself he organizes his belongings, he was a little surprised to find a small tablet in the bag with a short charging cord. Still he appreciated it, and went on exploring the bathroom and deciding to keep his body products in the closet, there wasn’t anywhere to put them in the bathroom anyway. He went back to his bed and went through his suit case finding a comforter and a soft fuzzy blanket. Running his hands along the fabric, it felt so warm and inviting, he was tempted to wrap himself up in it. He was still tired, drained from his short trip here, exhausted from the weight of depression holding him down. 
Not only did he feel the weight of his depression but he also felt that someone was staring at him. He felt a pair of eyes watching his every move, and he knew there was only one person in his room. Looking up at his roommate from his position on the floor from his suitcase he catched Midoriya watching him. Todoroki delivered a glare, why was he watching him? Did he want something? Did he want to be friends or something? If so then that wouldn’t work, he wasn’t here to make friends, he was here to get better and out as soon as possible.  
“What do you want?” He asked, making the other pale a bit, the smaller was about to open his mouth but was interrupted as Todoroki got to his feet. “Look, we don’t have to talk, and we’re not going to be friends. Cause I’m not here for that. I want to just get in and get out as fast as I can. So just keep to yourself and whatever is wrong with you and I’ll keep to myself.” It came out sounding rather harsh and made Izuku freeze up, as if answering to a strict boss at work, he silently nodded. Sighing Todoroki goes back to unpacking which didn’t take long. As soon as he was done there was a knock on the door and then the doctor walked in. Todoroki’s eyes immediately darted towards him. “Hello, you must be our new patients here, Midoriya Izuku, and Todoroki Shouto?” They nod at the same time, another man comes in, he has messy black hair that is put up into a half ponytail leaving some of it down around his shoulders. He has a scar underneath his left eye lid just above his cheek bone. He’s a bit pale and his eyes held an exhausted look as if this man had hardly slept in days. His lips couldn’t hold a smile but he still had some sort of warmth to him. “Hello I’m doctor Diasuki, this is Mr Aizawa, he will be your 1-1 nurse. He will check on you during showers, nights, and during the day. You will also have another 1-1 nurse. His name is Toshinori, he isn’t here today but will be here soon.” As Dr Diasuki spoke the boys were quiet, their eyes remained on him giving him their full attention. 
“We have rules here and we have reasons for the rules especially considering you guys are on 1-1 right now. Your door must remain open, it doesn’t have to be wide open but, enough for a nurse to peek in and check. When you are going to take showers or use the bathroom, you are welcome to close the bathroom door. The only reason that door is allowed to be closed is because it does not have a lock and. That large cut out slant over there allows a staff member to be able to check in on you without having to open the door.” 
The doctor continues to explain more things, explaining that they will have a schedule to follow throughout the day. That they will have different types of therapy offered to them along with normal therapy sessions and groups. “You also will have your vitals taken daily at least three times a day. Mornings, afternoons, and nights. That will usually happen after medications are taken. Getting your vitals checked is just your basic, blood pressure test, temperature, heart and breathing check. For some it may include checking your blood sugar, weigh-ins. Though weigh-ins for those who need it, like you Midoriya will get that twice a week and as you make progress that will soon be downgraded to once a week.” Midoriya blushes as he’s pointed out but doesn’t say a word. More rules and things are explained to the boys until over the PA system a soft chiming sound rings. Midoriya jumps, seeming startled but the doctor explains. “Calm down kid, it's just the PA bell, it's dinner time right now. Come on, we'll show you to the cafeteria.” Quickly Izuku got off his bed to go with the adults while Shouto tiredly got off of bed. 
Dr Diasuki opens the door, Aizawa is the first one out with the two boys close behind him and the doctor follows suit behind them. As they walked Diasuki asked the boys questions, some both could answer, some were targeted towards them as individuals. “Midoriya, do you still have your feeding tube?” Izuku quickly answers “y-yes” “You’ve been in the ED for a week, you’re still on a liquid calorie diet?” “mhm” “Alright so I assume you know what you’re getting for dinner?” “y-yes” “That’s good, have you been put on medication yet?” “I-I...um..” Izuku was starting to get anxious about being questioned and was having a hard time getting his words out, afraid of what the reaction would be. Aizawa senses this and stops. He turns around to face the teen and says in a soft voice. “Look kid no need to get scared, now just answer the question.” Izuku just shook his head and quietly said  “Th-they haven’t y-y-yet, s-sorry.” “Hey don’t be sorry Izuku, this isn’t something you’ve done. It's not like you have any control over that. They usually aren’t this slow in medicating patients.” The doctor mutters the last part as if thinking out loud before he speaks more directly to Izuku. “If they don’t have anything prescribed to you by Sunday let someone know okay.” Todoroki was next “Also Shouto if you’re not talked to by a psychiatrist or psychologist by monday don’t hesitate to ask Aizawa or Toshinori who can see if they can get you in.” “okay, thanks''
The walk to the cafeteria wasn’t too far, and boy was it big! It looked like a large high school cafeteria filled with kids of different ages. At the front there serving stations and cafeteria assistants, nurses were scattered about to keep the chaos to a minimum. “Alright boys go ahead grab something to eat and find a table. I’ll see you around sometime.” Dr Diasuki says before leaving Aizawa with the two boys who look around. Sighing Shouta starts walking towards the serving stations. “Come on you two, lets get dinner,” Although Todoroki didn’t feel hungry at all he listened and went with Midoriya and their nurse. Waiting in line Todoroki kept his guard up in case something went down. He could see how fidgety Midoriya was, he took more notice of his features.
He was still a sickly pale color, even if he was on a liquid diet, he shouldn’t be sick looking. There were purple-is grey rings under his eyes, his tired eyes that held an anxious look in them. His lips were pasty and being nibbled on, his teeth pinning down his lower lip. The pants Izuku had on really showed how thin he was. His bony fingers grasping tightly onto the cuffs of his sweater making paws out of them. As well as the feeding tube that dangled from behind his ear and above his shoulder.
The line didn’t take too long, and soon the three of them were next in line. Midoriya knew what he needed to get, so he grabbed a bottle of juice then waited for Todoroki and Aizawa. Even seeing the food in front of him, Todoroki couldn’t feel hunger but. He knew he had to eat, so he got a couple of things to satisfy the nurse and keep concern low. They found a table and sat down together, the table was quiet as Aizawa could tell that his boys didn’t seem to be conversation makers and. This was their first day in the psych ward unit so he was rather patient. Todoroki forced down what he’d gotten for dinner, it was good but he just didn’t care. Sitting at the table without the worry of being screamed at did make him happy.   
After dinner Aizawa walks the boys out of the cafeteria and leads them down to a larger room filled with kids and teens. “This is more of a lounge area and a place to hang out during free times after meals. It's to monitor you guys in a less invasive way and allow you to interact with people. Also it keeps anorexic patients from trying to go and purge what they eat.” He states the last part bluntly making Izuku blush but he still says nothing, keeping his hands in his pockets as they walk. “You’ll only be there for maybe only thirty minutes to an hour.” Izuku nods and goes to find a place to sit, Todoroki is a little more awkward but he goes to do the same. 
Izuku sits himself on the floor, he brings his knees to his chest getting himself comfortable. The room wasn’t quiet yet it wasn’t unbearably loud. Still being around people, Izuku was on edge and uneasy. Arms wrapped to keep himself as small as possible, hoping no one were to notice him. Izuku would rather be invisible to the world than be noticed. Being noticed was never usually a good thing so keeping to himself and remaining alone should get him through this. Izuku didn’t have anything to distract himself with though, no tablet, no pencil or paper. He just sat there with a tired yet blank expression on his face. Time went by slowly, it felt like they had been there for hours when they’d only been there for a few minutes. They both just sat there, looking around and watching others interact or do the same thing they were doing, or even do their own activities. This room was orange and blue, with other colors that weren’t the main focus.There were kids playing board games, cards, or just talking, or even keeping to themselves with their own agenda. Izuku struggled to interact with people out of fear and so he’d much rather keep to himself even if he wanted friends, he knew that wish was a selfish and suicidal one. Shouto never was very social at all, he didn’t really know how to interact with kids his age after a long history of abuse. He was never allowed to play with any of the kids in school, or after school, it was focusing on studies and being Enji’s strong protege. So interacting with people was out of the question, he’d rather observe those around him besides he’s not here for friends anyway.
Todoroki noticed his roommate didn’t interact with anyone either, and he also was rather curious as to why the boy had a feeding tube and was on a liquid diet. It must be because of how skinny he was and they were trying to re-feed him without hurting him, yet. Why did he only have juice at dinner? He consumed that by mouth so why not just give him a liquid substitube drink? Why was he even thinking about his roommate’s needs, they weren’t his concerns or business. Maybe he was just bored? Well finally the time had come where Aizawa arrived and came over “hey, let's go back to your room.” He’s rather quiet but both boys can hear him, so they get up from their spot in the room and head over to Aizawa. Following the man together back to their room, back down the multicolored hallways that soon became different hues of blue once more. Blue, the color of the sky, water, blue sometimes represented sadness, it also represented freeness yet. To the boys blue was their hallway, these blue walls would be their home whether they liked it or not.
In their room Todoroki saw an IV pole next to Izuku’s bed, it held a small machine on it and next to it was a cart. Todoroki didn’t have any time to truly question this when Aizawa suddenly asked “Alright, who's taking a shower tonight?” Todoroki raised his hand, he usually took his showers during the day but he felt gross from not showering much at the medical hospital. “Alright then, Midoriya you showered this morning right?” Izuku didn’t even look at Aizawa and just nodded. Oh great Midoriya is a morning showerer too?! Another thing Todoroki and he were gonna have to deal with. Todoroki was hoping for little interaction with this guy but if they keep clashing with schedules they might have to. “Todoroki, why don’t you get into the shower take care of all your bathroom needs, then Izuku since he will shower in the morning.” Todoroki just sighed and agreed, grabbing some pajama clothes, a tooth brush, tooth paste, and hair brush, he headed to the bathroom wordlessly. 
Which left Izuku and Aizawa but well, Aizawa had to stand guard of Todoroki while he was in the bathroom. Todoroki knew the other had to somewhat ‘watch him shower’ yet Aizawa didn’t stare at him through the open door, more so he would watch the other every so few seconds before looking at Midoriya who was changing into his own Pajamas in the corner. Either way neither boy tried to do anything to harm themselves while doing either activity. The shower was special to say the least, it wasn’t a normal shower. It didn’t have a true shower head, more like a rounded spout system like shower that wasn’t very big yet did produce a good flow of water. The lack of a real shower curtain set was brought to Shouto’s attention when he accidentally took it down while getting in, the shower curtains were held up by magnets.  Hearing the clattering sound Aizawa looked over seeing an apologetic boy looking at him bashfully. “It's fine” The man sighed “you just have to push the magnets back to the ceiling….can you reach?” Aizawa asked as he stood up, yet was a little surprised that Todoroki could put the curtain back up, he wasn’t all that tall, then again the ceiling wasn’t all that high either. So now Todoroki could continue his shower, closing the curtain was rather see through for the adult who never watched for too long since he had another patient to look after.
Shouto wasn’t a person to really bask in the shower even if it felt great to see the hot water against his skin that felt so oily and gross from not being able to properly clean himself since his medical admission. The soap washing those gross disgusting feelings away would be a dream come true, yet it did wash away the sticky from the bandages during his hospital stay. When he got out, he quickly dried off and washed his face and brushed his teeth. He decided he’d brush his hair when he was in their room. He didn’t need to take up anymore of his roommates time being in the bathroom, he tried to be a considerate roommate.
When he got out, Midoirya grabbed what he needed and quickly went in. Shouta spoke to Izuku and Shouto as they continued their nightly routine, “Izuku once you’re done I’m gonna set your feeds, then I’ll check your guys' vitals.” Izuku quietly nodded and Shouto gave an “okay then” as he brushed out his wet hair. Izuku only had to brush his teeth, and wash his face. So he was done quicker than Shouto, getting out of the bathroom, he heads over to his bed and goes through one of the cubbies where his art entertainment stuff was. Sitting his stuff out onto his bed he organised everything while Aizawa got started on Izuku’s feeds. Going through the car Aizawa grabbed a feed bag, one can of meal real placement ‘drink’ and one can of electrolyte replacement. Taking off the blue seal of the feed bag, Aizawa then opens the cans and pours them into a the small feed bag, mixing them together he closes the bag and hangs it up connecting it to the small machine before priming the pump until it was ready to connect to Midoriya’s feeding tube. Once it was hooked up Aizawa adjusted the IV pole’s placement before going through the medcart and then bringing it to the between area of Shouto and Izuku’s beds. 
Mr Aizawa started checking vitals, he had everything he needed on the medcart to do it. It was like when you go to the doctor and the nurse checks you over with the thermometer, then the heart rate finger clamps, then he listens to breathing, before taking blood pressure. It was a very long process, just a little awkward seeing as they were mainly silent during this but. It was fine, there wasn’t really much to be said. Izuku did flinch a couple of times but he was okay after a little bit of reassurance. Aizawa was very patient with Izuku seeing as he seemed to have a little more difficulty with being around people than Shouto.
Once vitals were done Aizawa told the boys that lights would be out at around 10:30. It was only 9 oclock by now so this gave them free time to settle in and relax. Leaving the boys to their own devices, Izuku went back to drawing, he was using his tablet for a reference picture of something he was drawing, he seemed to be rather focused. While Shouto just played on his tablet, it had a few games on it which did preoccupy the red and white haired boy for a while but. It still wasn’t enough to last him the whole duration, yet he wasn’t all that tired. He couldn’t help but watch his roommate. He didn’t understand why his eyes always wandered towards Izuku, maybe it was because he’d never been able to be alone with someone his age and allowed to interact with someone? Maybe he wanted to talk to Izuku but he didn’t know how to? Maybe he didn’t wanna try and make friends only to find out the other would take advantage of him? Whatever the reason was, Todoroki didn’t take his eyes off of Midoriya who sketched away in his book.
Those tired emerald eyes went from the screen to the paper as his hands scribbled and flowed across the page with his pencil. Wondering what the other was drawing, Shouto was close to asking the other but, then he remembered what he’d said earlier to the boy about not having to talk to each other, and not making friends. Maybe he was being a little cold towards Izuku who hardly could say a word to anyone? But it was too late now, he may have already scared his roommate away.
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thatbitchassstay · 4 years
Lee Know smut #3
This is so fucking long so yea
If you want the whole story and not just the smut scenes go to my wattpad @thatbitchassstay If its not there than they took down my account lol.
You waited outside your school with 10 other people. Your school had organized an overnight trip to an amusement park as a bonding experience for your grade. There were 5 busses. Each bus held about 20 people (except for one which only held 10), and you happened to be on the last bus, which was the smallest bus, which had no other girls on it.
You look around at the people who will be on your bus ride. You saw 8 of your classmates, Chan, Jisung, Minho, Hyunjin, Jeongin, Seungmin, Felix, and Changbin. There were also two chaperones on your bus Professor Woojin and the bus driver, your principal; Park Jin Young.
Once everyone was ready, you all got on the busses and drove off. The bus ride was going to be 5 hours, so you decided to see who you would be sitting next to. On the bus, You sat next to Minho. He was a strange kid. He only seemed to open up around Jisung, and what he posted on his Instagram was honestly questionable. You two had been lab partners before, so you knew that he was smart and liked to insult other people for fun. You knew everyone else on the bus pretty well.
After around 1 1/2 hours You felt the bus slow down and you saw the busses in front of you pull away. You buss slowly puttered to a stop and everyone took out a headphone to see what was happening. JYP (that is what everyone called your principle) stood up and said "we seem to have run out of gas. I will call a replacement bus to come, but I will expect that it will take up to 3 hours, at least 2." You all groan as he and professor Woojin walk out of the bus.
You are about to put in one earphone when you hear Minho say "Well, it is a good thing I am sitting next to a cutie." You turn really red. "Confident much?" you ask still blushing from his remark. Then professor Woojin gets back on the bus for a second. "We just called a replacement bus, they should be here in 2 1/2 hours. For now, you guys can go to the convenience store just down the road. They have some tables there for you to sit at while you wait."
"Ok, let's go." chan says as everyone stands up and gets some essential things before getting off the bus. You walked for about 2 minutes before getting to the store. You all took turns in the bathroom and bought some food before sitting down at the tables.
After about 10 minutes you heard the cashier call out to the back, "Mark, your shift starts in 5, get changed already!" you then heard a male voice yell out "Fine, give me a second!" The guy had a slight Canadian accent you noticed. You didn't pay too much attention to this though until around 5 minutes later when a guy came up to your table and asked "I am sorry, but how long do you guys plan to stay here?" You looked up and saw his face. You almost said the word handsome out loud! "Sorry, our bus broke down and we are waiting for a replacement. we should be here for another 3 hours at most." He looked satisfied enough with your answer. "ok, my name is Mark Lee, you can just call my name if you need anything!" He then turned around and walked away from you "Mark..." you said "Yes?" he turned around "Nothing, I just really like that name, it suits you!" there was some pinkness on his cheeks when he said "Thank you." and walked away towards the cash register. The only person who didn't seem amused about you flirting with the employee was Minho which you did not realize till later. After another 30 minutes, you got bored of playing games on your phone and decided to go and talk to Mark, who also seemed bored.
You walked up to the cash register "hey mark!" you said. He looked up at you, "Hey, do you need help with anything?" "No, I am just bored." "Honestly same...." You looked at him for a few seconds before realizing that you never told him your name "Oh, my name is Y/N by the way." "Y/N, that's a way better name than Mark!" he joked with you "really, I like Mark better!" You two playfully flirted for 5 minutes before he checked his watch. "I am on break now for 30 minutes, you want to take a walk with me?" "Yea!" you replied enthusiastically. "K, let me change back into my regular clothes, these are really uncomfortable!" "Ok, I will wait outside!" You started to walk out the door when you got stopped by chan "where are you going?" he asked, "I am going on a walk with Mar, don't worry I will be back in max 30 minutes!" "Ok, I will text you if anything goes wrong." He said as he allowed you to go outside and wait for Mark.
He walks out of the building wearing an oversized white shirt and some jeans looking a little bit scared. "Let's go!" he says trying to shake it off. He and you walk for few minutes just talking and laughing when you had to ask "What happened inside that made you so shaken up?" he averted his eyes and said "The guy with the blond hair and Australian accent, the tall one. He scares me..." "What did Chan do?" He laughs and says "He told me that if I was mean to you and didn't shows you a good time that he would break all my bones and tie me in a knot." "yea... he kind of thinks of me like I am his sister, to be honest, all of us are his family so that probably why he was so protective!"
Mark suddenly grabs your hand and leads you underneath some cherry blossom trees. There is a slight breeze and you feel yourself blush as you look at your hand that he has not yet let go of. "Wow!" he remarks "Everything here is so pretty!" "Yea, these are some of my favorite trees!" He then turns to you with a small smile on his face, You could not tell if he was blushing or if it was just the lighting, "I was not just talking about the trees..." He walks a little bit closer to you and you feel you here rate go from 100bpm to around 1000bpm. He then grabs your other hand and leans in. You do the same and as your lips touch, you felt something. like this represented more than just a kiss. Then he pulled away. "Sorry, I just really like you." This time you knew it was a blush "I like you too." You say you find his phone in his back pocket and use the face recognition to open it. You then put in your number in his contacts.
"We should probably start to head back. Chan is expecting us soon." He continues to hold one of your hands as you walk, "yea, let's go."
Minho POV
You watch as he kisses her. At that moment you had never been more mad. Of course she likes mark, she does not like you! you yell at yourself as they walk away hand in hand. Chan had sent you to check on them, now you wish he would have sent anyone but you!
This is why we don't have crushes... you tell yourself as you start to walk back to the convenience store.
Once you and Mark got back he had to change because his shift was starting soon so you went back to your table. "where is Minho?" you ask Jisung because he is the closest one to him "ah, I don't know. he should be back soon though." A few minutes later you hear the door open, You look over and see Minho walk-in. You see him glance at You before approaching mark in a menacing manner. Your eyes widened as you thought that Minho was going to yell at him. Instead, Minho brought him outside, past where you could see. Everybody looked over at you as you started to panic. 
"Y/N, are you ok?" Hyunjin asked as you realized how terrified you must look. Did he see the kiss? does he like me? Why did he approach Mark? what is happening? what are they doing? all of these thoughts blasted through your head as you found yourself say "No, I am not fine!" You tried to get up from the table but Jeongin put his hand on your shoulder, "What happened?" You almost broke down in tears as you explained everything that happened, From when Minho called you cute, to when you got back to the convenience store. The whole time they looked at you kind of baffled. 
"Y/N, You really are an idiot." You turned around to see that it was Chan who said that. "Excuse me!" "Omg Y/N, They both obviously like you! And from what I understood, Minho was flirting with you, he probably thought that you two were going to go somewhere! If he did see the kiss, imagine how mad you would be!" You started to understand as everything clicked in your head. You put your head in your hands and started crying. "Y/N, what the hell? Why are you crying?" this was from Changbin, "I just feel bad!" you blurt out in a slur of words. You hear someone laughing, and you feel Felix's hand on your shoulder. "S'all right mate, why don't you go get yourself cleaned up in the washroom?" you nodded as you wiped a tear from your cheek. "ok." you stood up to go to the bathroom when Minho walked into the store. 
He spotted you, grabbed your arm, and took you out of the store.You had been walking for around 15 minutes in silence. a few minutes ago he let go of your arm, so that was a small relief. When you were starting to wonder where you were going he stopped and turned around to face you."So, You and Mark huh." He looked at you straight in the eye as he said this and it felt like someone had just stabbed you. His glare went straight through you. "Are you going to respond or are you just going to stand there?" There was also a lot of hostility in his voice this time around. 
"Um, well I am not sure if we are a thing yet..." you respond "ok, I will make sure to tell Mark that." "Wait, don't tell Mark I said that!" "Why, do you like him?" "Well yes..." "Then why are you not being honest with me?" "I am being honest!" "So did the kiss mean anything to you?" "Yes!" "So are you a thing!?" With this last comment, he stared at you kind of hurt. Not knowing what else to say at this point you just blurted out "I guess so, yes! But why would you care anyway, It's not like we are even friends!" He stared at you open-mouthed for a few seconds. Then he shut his mouth and eyes and said "You're right, sorry." and started to walk away. 
"Minho, Wait I didn't mean it like that!" You try to run after him and put your hand on his arm but he pushes you away. "Why are you touching me, it's not like we are even friends right." and he continues to walk away. You stop running after him when he is about 30 feet away from you, he too stops, and for a split second, You thought he was going to say something. But then he just shook his head and kept walking.You got a notification on your phone, It was from Hyunjin.
Hey, the bus is here, can you and Minho start heading back?
Sure, we are on our way right now.
You started walking back in the direction of the busses. You walked fast, so it cut your walk time down to around 6 minutes. When you got to the bus everyone was already there.
Minho gave you an icy glare before everybody got on the bus. The rest of the bus ride was pretty silent. You sat next to Hyunjin and listened to music the whole time. By the time you got to the hotel, everyone split off to go to their room. You and Minho were the only ones on your bus who were on the top floor. 
After everybody got off, you and Minho stood there in awkward silence as you waited for the elevator to stop. As it slowed to a halt you both got off and started walking to your rooms. At room 37-10 you stopped and pulled out your key to go into your room while Minho kept walking. not being able to handle it anymore, you said: "But why do you care if I am with Mark in the first place."
 Minho stopped dead in the middle of the hallway. You saw him take a shuddering breath as he turned around He looked you in the eye and you could have sworn that you saw a small blush on his face. "Because... Look. I like you." You stood there, frozen not sure what to say. You didn't know what to do! You wanted to reject him, but you felt your heart telling you not to, so you just stood there looking him in the eye. Now you could definitely tell that he was blushing. 
"Yep, that's how I thought you would react. Forget it, Good night." He turned around to start walking again, and before you realized what you were doing, you ran up to him, turned him around, and kissed him.You were scared because for a moment, He didn't kiss back, But then he started kissing back. You two stood there in the hallway, the only time your lips were not touching was when you needed to breathe. You grabbed his hand and lead him into your room while you locked the door. 
You two started kissing again as his hand ran along your back lifting your shirt up. The two of you started to strip until the only clothing that was left on your body was your underwear and bra. you lead him to the bed and he leaned over you. The two of you started making out again as his hands started running the length of your body. He started kissing your neck, leaving a trail of hickeys as you arched your back in pleasure. he then stopped for a moment, "I am sorry, may I?" he gestured to your undergarments. "Only if you take off yours also." He smiled as he first took off your bra and panties, "No, You take mine off for me." You sneered and put your teeth of the elastic band of his underwear as you pulled it down. 
he then pushed you back so that he was lying over you again. He leaned down as his tongue teased your entrance.He started to lick and you felt his wet tongue run through your folds and you moaned with pleasure. He then pulled away and without warning started to finger-fuck you. 
You arched your back and moaned even louder. He pulled his fingers out and spanked you "We are in a hotel princess, don't be too loud..." you nodded aggressively just wanting him to stick himself inside you. He started to finger you again when all of a sudden he thrust in a third finger and hit your g-spot. It was so hard for you to not moan. He then took his fingers out and had you sit up."Suck." He commanded as he put his dick in front of you. You started lightly sucking your tongue rolling all over it. Then you took it out for a second and started stroking it. He then started to moan ever so quietly when you decided to go all in. You stuck it in your mouth and started to deep-throat it. You saw the surprise in his eyes as he obviously suppressed his urges to moan, he grabbed the back of your head and pushed it further into you, you were suppressing your urge to gag. 
"I am going to cum~" he said quietly before you felt the white fluid coat the inside of your throat. You swallowed. "Good girl!" he said as he leaned you down again and positioned his member at your entrance. "Just before I do this, I want to ask you a question. Are you and Mark a thing?" You violently shook your head. "good, either way, I am going to fuck you so hard that you won't be able to walk tomorrow." And just like that, he was inside you. (A/N yes, he has a condom on)At first, it was painful because of his size "Ahh, Y/N! You're so tight!" "Sorry!" you say as he starts to thrust in and out of you and you get more accustomed to him. After a few thrusts, he starts hitting your g-spot harder and after. "ah!" you moan and this time he does not even care. You feel the pleasure rip through you as you feel him thrusting in and out of you. "I told you you would not be able to walk in the morning!" he says slyly as he keeps thrusting in and out of you. When he pulls out, You cuddle right next to him, exhausted. And just like that, You fall asleep on top of him. "Haha, good night princess~" he says finally before sinking into your bed and falling asleep.
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pof203 · 4 years
Rockababy Halloween (Short Story)
This is a short story for Rockababy with a few OCs. I also like to apologize in advance for turning Boomer’s housewife outfit into a costume. It was just too convenient. Also, my OC, Rosa-Maria, is not in this. This story is in case I don’t finish her story in time. Also, the end scenario is based off one of the stories from Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark.
It was a crisp Halloween morning. Brick had just gotten up and was about to get ready for school when his neighbor, Mrs. Gowan, came to him in the front of his house.
“Excuse me, Brick,” she said. “Can I ask you a favor?”
“What is it, Mrs. Gowan?”
“Well, me and my husband are going to a Halloween party at my sister’s in the next town and we can’t take our daughter, Martha, and her friends trick-or-treating.”
“What about her friends’ parents?”
“Sally’s mom has an extra shift at the hospital and Patty’s dad has a bad cold. And we can’t hire any sitters because they already have their hands full for tonight. So I thought, if you’re not too busy tonight, do you think you can take them? We’ll pay you.”
“Are you sure? You know how your husband feels about me… and Boomer.”
“True. But it was either you or ask his sister, Daniel, and she hates kids. But I convinced him. So, can you do it?”
“Well, I guess I can. If you don’t mind, I’d like to get my friends in on this.”
“I don’t see why not. I’ll bring her by later tonight before we leave. Thank you, Brick.”
With that, she leaves and Brick goes off to school.
At school, Brick tells the other Bozos as well as Richie and Ace about what his neighbor asked him.
“I think it’s sweet you want to help your neighbor,” said Boomer. “I think it would be a good idea.”
“He’s gotta point,” said Ace. “Besides, we have nothin’ better to do tonight and I don’t feel right about letting three young girls go out on their own.”
“What about that Si-Fi movie marathon on TV?” asked a disappointed Richie.
“Hey, there’s always next year,” said Shifty.
“I suppose. Besides… I think I have an idea for a costume.”
“Like what?” asked Ace.
The bell rang and Richie left for class, looking back to his friends with a smile and a wink saying, “It’s a surprise.”
Later after school, Shifty was at home with Buttons. He was looking in the mirror trying to decide what he should be for Halloween.
“You got any idea?” he asked her.
She just squeaked. This was to be her first Halloween.
“I guess I’ll try something.”
Shifty shapeshifted into some detective clothing. He was wearing a dark grey suit, a silver watch, and a gun holster under his coat. He completed the ensemble with a cigarette.
“Just like Bones, huh?”
Buttons laughed.
“But then again, Bones might be going as this. Next.”
Shifty shapeshifted into some kind of space raider. Some of the marks from his alien form would act his tattoos and had a lollipop in his mouth.
“I got the idea from one of Richie’s movies. What do ya think?”
Buttons squeaked in agreement. Then, he looked into the mirror.
“On second thought, this might be a bit too much. Next.”
Shifty was now a nerd just like Richie. To really sell it, he put on some headphone, had glasses that were blue in contrast to Richie’s red ones, and even a band aid on his cheek. Looking in the mirror, Shifty was quite impressed.
“This get-up makes me look young.”
Buttons makes a gesture like she was saying “Richie”.
“Yeah, I think this may be ahead of its time.”
Shifty decided to go for the big guns. He shapeshifted into the scariest thing he could think of… A square jock just like Ace. He was wearing a blue letterman’s jacket with an S, a blue tie, and even changed his hair style. To make it even more convincing, he had a football that Ace left behind from his last visit.
“What do ya think now?”
Buttons just stared a little confused.
“Yeah, this could be bad for my rep, even if I told ‘em that it’s just a costume.” He changed back to his usual greaser clothes. “I’ll think of something on the way. Right now… Let’s get on with your own costume.”
Buttons squeaked in delight.
First, Shifty dressed Buttons like some Russian beauty with a coat. But, the eye lashes made her look too sassy. Next, he dressed her up like a wizard. But he was afraid it would make her stick out too much. Then, he dressed her like some school teacher complete with glasses modeled after Richie’s, a pencil, and a balloon apple with a worm coming out of it. But it was way too simple.
“What would be good for you?”
Then, Buttons goes to a chest. She opens it to show his skin that he shaded some time ago.
“Huh. I thought that would have rotted away by now.”
Suddenly, Shifty got an idea. Taking the skin, he cut it up and sewed it up until it was a little version of Shifty’s alien form. It was just Button’s size and put it on her.
“Cool,” Shifty said with a smile.
Buttons squeaked in agreement.
Shifty looked up at the clock on the wall.
“Looks like we better go.”
Buttons got into Shifty’s coat and they set off for Brick’s house.
The Bozos assembled at Brick’s house in costumes. Brick was dressed as a martial arts master, complete with a pair of nun chucks and left his coat open to expose his chest which Boomer really liked. Speaking of Boomer, he was dressed like a housewife with a red dress, an apron, red heels, and even a frying pan. Ace was dressed like a 1940s detective. He also borrowed Ace’s magnifying glass to complete it. Ace claims that he came as a teen vampire. Basically, it’s just his regular clothes with his letterman jack and a pair of fake fangs.
“Hey, it was the best I could come up with,” he explained.
“You could have a least wear a cape,” suggested Boomer.
Shifty and Button arrive at last.
“You still ain’t found a costume?” asked Boomer.
“I couldn’t decide,” Shifty explained. “But look at what I did for Buttons.”
The guys couldn’t help but fond over how cute Buttons looked in her Shifty Alien suit.
“Where did you get the stuff to make it?” asked Ace.
“You don’t wanna know,” said Shifty.
Then, the familiar sound of Richie’s motorbike came in. The others turned only to drop their jaws. There was Richie… as a greaser.
“R- Richie?” asked a stunned Shifty.
“Tell me about it, stud~,” he responded.
Shifty nearly changed back into his alien form, but managed to hold it together while trying to keep Buttons in his jacket. But it was no use, and just like that, Shifty was back in his alien form. However, his coat remained.
“Holy crap, they’re coming!” said Brick as his neighbors’ door opened.
Shifty quickly took out a pair of sunglasses and put them on, hoping Mr. and Mrs. Gowen wouldn’t get suspicious. Mr. and Mrs. Gowen were dressed like Alice and the Mad Hatter respectively, Matha was dressed like a princess, Sally was dressed like a cowgirl, and Patty was dressed like a witch.
“Shifty?” asked Mr. Gowen. “Is that you?”
“Y- Yes?” said a nervous Shifty.
Mr. Gowen was silent in thought for a while. And then…
“It’s perfect!” he shouted in glee. “An alien greaser? Now that’s original. I never would have thought that.”
Shifty sighted in relief.
“As for you, Richie,” said Mr. Gowen. “I’m impressed as well. Can you really see without your glasses?”
“I got contacts,” said Richie.
“Well, as long as it’s just a costume, I guess it’s fine.”
“I don’t know; I may keep this look for good… What? Can’t a guy change his style every now and again. But don’t worry. Even if I really do become a greaser, it’s still me.”
“Okay. And you, Ace, you’re not wearing a costume?”
“I am wearing a costume,” he said, pointing to his fake fangs. “It’s all I could afford at the moment.”
“I see. I guess with what happened to your father-“
“Jerry,” said Mrs. Gowen, sternly.
“Sorry. And…”
Mr. Gowen stopped when he saw Brick and Boomer.
“You… You look… Unique.”
Brick and Boomer didn’t whether they should laugh or be offended.
“Why doesn’t Dad like Brick and Boomer?” asked Martha.
“That’s not true,” said Mrs. Gowen. “It’s just that… People like Brick and Boomer make your father a little nervous.”
“But don’t worry, sweetie,” said Mr. Gowen. “I’m slowly but surely accepting it. I mean, the world is changing. Might as well change with it.”
“That’s true,” said Brick.
“By the way, Martha,” said Boomer. “I like your costume. You look just like a real princess.”
“I really wanted to be a pirate,” she said. “But Dad says that’s for boys.”
“And besides,” added Mr. Gowen. “I looked in every costume shop. They’re sold out. I guess pirates are the most popular this year. But don’t worry, we’ll try again next year.”
“Now,” said Mrs. Gowen. “Let’s go over the rules again. What’s the first rule?”
“Stay with Brick and his friends and don’t wonder off,” said Martha.
“Don’t talk to strangers,” said Sally.
“Don’t enter the houses,” said Patty. “Unless it’s the house of someone we know.”
“Take only candy that’s from houses, not off the streets,” said Martha.
“Keep the flashlights with us at all times,” said Sally.
“After getting the candy, don’t doddle, keep going,” said Patty.
“And most importantly…” said Mrs. Gowen.
“No eating the candy until after we get home,” the girls all said in unison.
“I’ve never heard of that rule before,” said Brick.
“After what happened last year, you never know what you mind find,” said Ace.
“And be sure to be back by nine,” said Mrs. Gowen. “I already made a lasagna. Heat it up when you get back.”
“Actually, I think I can make something just as good,” said Boomer.
“No,” Mr. Gowen. “I mean, you don’t need to trouble yourself. I’m sure things will be fine.”
“I can assure you, Mr. Gowen, Boomer’s a great cook,” said Brick. “Your daughter and her friends are in for a treat, if you pardon the pun since it’s Halloween.”
“I suppose… I mean, he has a frying pan.”
“Jerry, we’re going to be late,” said Mrs. Gowen.
“Right, “I’m late” is the White Rabbit’s line, not the Mad Hatter’s. Coming, Ella! Well, we’ll see you girls later. Stay safe.”
“Thanks, Dad,” said Martha.
“Thanks, Mr. Gowen,” said Sally and Patty.
With that, Mr. and Mrs. Gowen got in their car and left.
“You actually looked good in that, Boomer,” said Sally. “Nice legs.”
“Thanks,” said Boomer, proudly. “Just remember these legs are for someone else.”
He winks at Brick who was blushing happily.
“Actually, I like Shifty’s better,” said Martha. “He almost looks… sexy.”
Shifty was unsure what to say. But he could tell Buttons was stirring in his jacket in jealousy.
“You’re… Not actually falling for me, are you?” asked a nervous Shifty.
“You wish,” said Martha. “I already have a boyfriend. Just don’t tell my dad, okay?”
“Your secret is safe with me. Believe me, I can keep one.” Shifty winked with a smile and he could tell Buttons was happy.
“What’s that in your jacket?” asked Patty.
Shifty took Buttons out of his jacket as she pretends to be a stuffed toy.
“I just thought it would make it more convincing,” lied Shifty.
“I think it’s really cute,” said Patty.
“Can we go now?” asked Sally. “The good candy is always the first to go.”
“Right,” said Richie. “Let’s get going!”
With that, the Bozos, Richie (who by now is probably a Bozo himself), Ace, and the girls left for their candy quest
They went from house to house, gathering candy wherever they go. . Many people were a little confused about the Bozos’ costumes. Especially Brick and Boomer, but they ended up liking them anyway. In the upper class neighborhood where Ace once lived, he had to hide his face in hopes no one would recognize him. It would be a bit humiliating if some of the guys he once hung out with at school saw him and laughed at his current situation.
After what seemed like hours, it was time to head home.
“It’s really getting dark,” said Bones. “We should get going.”
Suddenly, it began to rain.
“We need to get inside somewhere,” said Brick.
“How about there,” said Boomer.
He was pointing to… an old abandoned house.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” asked an unsure Ace. “And of all the nights, a dark and stormy Halloween night?”
“Do you see anywhere else?” asked Shifty.
Ace knew this was true. So, they all went inside the house. It was dark and dusty.
“Abandoned is right,” said Brick.
“I can’t imagine anyone living here,” said Boomer.
Bones looked around the house for a bit. Suddenly, he went as pale as a ghost.
“You guys,” he said with dread. “I think I know where we are.”
“What do you mean?” asked Martha.
“I don’t get it, either,” said Shifty.
“This was before you girls were born,” said Bones. “And before Shifty came to town. It was back when we were just kids around your age.”
“Can you tell us?” asked Martha.
“Okay,” said Bones, grimly. “Just hope you like… ghost stories.”
The group sat down and listened to Bones’ story.
“Many years ago, when we were just kids, there was a rumor going around town that this house was haunted. Every night, a bloody head would fall down the chimney… That chimney.”
He was pointing to a nearby fireplace.
“Because of this rumor, the owner would not stay in it. However, one day, he announced to the whole town that he would give $5000 to whoever was brave enough to stay in the house for one night. But no one would even dare. They were just too damn scared.”
Shifty scowled at Bones for saying damn in front of three little girls… Four, actually. But Bones continued.
“But then, a young man and his dog came up. He said that he would take the challenge on the condition that he would be allowed to bring his dog with him. The owner agreed.
Later that night, the young man and his dog arrived at the house. He lit a fire in the fireplace to keep warm. As it got later, the young man was starting to think that the rumors were just made up and was about to head up stairs to sleep.
But just as he was about to get up, he heard a voice singing a sad song…
Me Tie Dough-ty Walker…
The young man thought it was probably just some drunkard singing gibberish. But no sooner had he brushed it off… his dog responded.
Lynchee Kinchy Colly Molly Dingo Dingo.
The young man was startled. He had never heard his dog utter a word, never mind singing. Suddenly, the young man heard the singing again, but this time, it was closer.
Me Tie Dough-ty Walker…
A bit afraid, the young man urged his dog to remain quite… But to no avail.
Lynchee Kinchy Colly Molly Dingo Dingo.
The young man didn’t know what to think. Then, the song was song again. This time, it was real close.
Me Tie Dough-ty Walker…
And like before, the dog responded.
Lynchee Kinchy Colly Molly Dingo Dingo.
The young man wanted to leave, but he couldn’t. Something just wouldn’t let him get up. Then, he heard the singing again, only this time, it was right on the other side of the wall.
Me Tie Dough-ty Walker…
The young man once again urged his dog not to respond, but like before, he did not listen.
Lynchee Kinchy Colly Molly Dingo Dingo.
Then, the young man heard something climb up the side of the house. Then, it was on the roof as it continued its song. Only louder.
Me Tie Dough-ty Walker!
The young man tried to silence the dog with his hands, but he only growled at the young man. When he kept his distance, the dog responded. Only louder than before.
Lynchee Kinchy Colly Molly Dingo Dingo!
Then, whatever was on the roof went into down the chimney and sang so loud that it was almost deafening.
Then, the dog responded with the song, but now really loud almost like a howl.
Then, something fell down the chimney into the fireplace, missing the fire, and landed next to the dog… It was a bloody head. The dog took one look at it and fell over dead from fright. Then, the head turned to the boy, opened its mouth, and…
The Bozos, Richie, Ace and the girls were now shaking.
“The next morning, the owner came to check on the young man. But when he went in, he found the young man lying next to his dead dog. His hair was completely white from shock and his was uttering gibbering. The ambulance came to take the young man to the hospital. When the owner asked the young man what had happened, all he could say was…
The Jangly Man is coming.
The young man is still in the asylum to this day. And every night, he sang the same song…
Me Tie Dough-ty Walker…
The end.”
Bones could tell that the Bozo, Richie, Ace, and the girls were now scared.
“Of course, it’s just a story. It may or may not have happened.”
“Well I’m havin’ a hard time not believin’ it,” said an upset Boomer.
“He- He’s right,” said Sally. “It’s just a story. My mom said a head can’t live without a body.”
“Well, I did say it was a ghost story,” said Bones. “But don’t worry, we all know there’s no such things as ghosts.”
“That’s what they said about aliens,” Richie whispered to Shifty. Buttons was listening, too.
“So don’t worry,” continued Bones. “There’s nothing to be scared of.”
But no sooner had he had said it, they heard something faint outside.
“Me Tie Dough-ty Walker…”
“You were saying?” said a doubtful Ace. “I’m not sticking around here for a bloody severed head.”
But just as Ace was getting up, something fell down the chimney and out of the fireplace. Ace, the Bozos, Richie, and the girls just stood silent for a moment… They screamed and all ran out of the house. None of them ever saw that was fell out of the fireplace… was an empty bird’s nest. And none of them even noticed that the singing was just an owl that was hooting something that sounded like singing.
After calming themselves down and realizing that it had stopped raining, the Bozos, Richie, Ace, and the girls all headed back to Martha’s house.
Boomer heated up the lasagna (adding a few touches of his own) and fed it to the girls as he, the other Bozos, Richie, and Ace checked the candy. Thankfully, nothing had been tampered and was all safe to eat. The girls, the Bozos, Richie, and even Ace helped themselves to their loot. Shifty secretly gave some to Buttons. They spent the rest of the evening watching movies on the TV and the girls fell fast asleep.
Later, the sound the Gowens’ car was heard outside and Mr. and Mrs. Gowen came in.
“It looks like you had quite the adventure tonight,” said Mrs. Gowen, taking some money from her purse and gave it to Brick. “I hope they weren’t too much trouble.”
“Not at all, Mrs. Gowen,” said Brick.
“You know,” said Mr. Gowen. “You boys are all right. You can watch Martha anytime. Thank you.”
“It ain’t no prob,” said Shifty.
With that, the Bozos, Richie, and Ace all went next door to Brick’s place to stay for the night.
None of them will ever forget that eventful Halloween night…
And Buttons won’t forget that it was her first one.
The end.
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Blinding Lights || Pokemon Drabble (Gym Leader OC)
Summary: Not being able to sleep for whatever reason sucks, but at least in Galar most other towns are within walking distance when you need a change of scenery A/N: I’ve seen quite a few nice oc x canon things floating around the pokemon fandom so I wanted to write some of my own so I just -slides this into the tags.
Honestly this is the first time I actually fully want to introduce an OC to the fandom while I have her pine for my favorite character in the game so I’m actually kinda nervous about this lol
Song is ofcourse The Weeknd - Blinding Lights because it just vibes right, yknow?
All she heard was the soft ticking of the clock in her room, and her own racing breath as she tried to calm down from jolting awake in the middle of the night.
She had never been particularly fond of the way she dreamed, everything too real and too tangible even if it happened during her slumber.
Levyna’s phone buzzed awake when she grabbed it, the Rotom in in making sure the phone was full of battery life whenever the user needed it, even if that was at half past one in the morning. Scrolling through her contact list, she hovered over one of the names for a while, before pressing down and calling the number.
 “Sorry, I can’t come to the phone right now. Leave your message after the beep and I’ll call you when I can,” informed the voicemail. Figures. Not many people would be up and about at this time.
Stretching her body a little, Levyna sat up and slipped her legs over the edge of the bed. She turned a little bit to look at the sleeping pokemon at the foot of the end- or at least, she thought it had been asleep. However, her Espeon had been silently watching her from the moment she had jolted awake, and gave a curious purr as he felt the eyes of his trainer on him.
“... Do you mind going on a walk with me, Illusion?”
The pokemon stretched as well, before elegantly hopping of the bed and sitting at the door with an agreeing noise. Levyna nodded, getting up and turning on the light in the room so she could see what she was doing while getting dressed.
For a moment she considered taking her headphones along with her, but really, where she was going everyone would be asleep or not even around. So there was no real need for it, was there?
Followed by her Espeon, she made her way out of the small, minor league village of Bellfair, quietly setting foot on the road away from her home.
“Come on, Illusion. Route 7 isn’t far from here. We’ll be there in no time. ” She knew perfectly well why the dilapidated state of Spikemuth didn't sit well with its Gym Leader. Truthfully, nobody would be too happy to see their city fall off the map the way Spikemuth did, to where only 29 residents remained. The town she came from wasn't much bigger in size, perse, but Bellfair got plenty of attention even if it kept flip flopping between being minor or major League.
But to Levyna, Spikemuth was heaven. With team yell on the road to support Marnie in her journey, only a handful of people remained in Spikemuth; most of them asleep around this time as she had expected.
She sighed in a sense of relief when she got to the main stage, momentarily deserted and with most of its neon lights turned off. Sitting down and leaning back on the steps up to the stage, she soaked in the silence around her.
No conscious thoughts to hear aside from her own. No expectations. Just blissful silence, while softly petting the delicate fur of her Espeon who had curled up in her lap.
Illusion however suddenly sat up, letting out a thrilling noise and looked at his owner with a tilted head. A sign to Levyna that he wanted to explore the area, but was unsure if he could leave his owner by herself when he did.
She smiled, very softly petting his head, getting another purr from her partner pokemon.
“It’s okay. You can go explore if you want. I’ll stay here until you’re back, okay?”
Illusion let out a happy noise, slightly wiggling away from her lap before trotting off in an elegant and quick pace. He did momentarily halt and look back at his trainer, as if to make sure she remained where she was, before fully allowing himself to explore the city of Spikemuth.
There were lots of nooks and crannies in the city the Espeon could have explored, but he stuck to most of the main road until said road took a turn left before the entrance of the town. Illusion halted there, seemingly thinking for a moment, before taking the left turn and peaking around the west entrance of the town that was surrounded by high grass, some fencing and some metal containers.
Illusion purred at the shape he saw leaning back against the biggest container at the entrance to the left, going closer to the shape and sitting down next to it.
Piers watched the pokemon from the corner of his eyes, raising an eyebrow as the lilac feline pokemon sat down beside him. Eeveelutions were an uncommon sighting in Spikemuth either way, but an Espeon seemed an far more unlikely eeveelution for any resident to have than an Umbreon.
“Hm. You’re not from around here, are ya, mate?”
He couldn’t help but smile a little as the Espeon purred, leaning over with a hand reaching over in a relaxed way so the pokemon could sniff it. He didn’t plan on petting it necessarily, he just wanted to show that he was not a threat.
“You must be Levyna’s Espeon, then. Didn’t see her coming in. Mind bringing me to her?”
He stood up straight, pressing against one of his shoulders before rolling it back a little, only to follow the pokemon back into his town and along the main road to the stage where he often held his concerts.
Seeing Levyna there in the middle of the night was not much of a surprise, and he didn’t mind keeping her company on the nights she came to Spikemuth if he had been struggling to get to sleep as well.
“Hey,” he greeted, casually, watching as the Espeon that guided him crawled back into the lap of its trainer.
“Hey,” she greeted back, moving just a little bit so there was enough space for him to sit down next to her. Not that there wasn’t, or like Piers took up a lot of space anyway, but it seemed like the polite thing to do.
“I was planning on calling you back, you know. Missed call and all? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, just.. you know. Sleeping got hard, wanted to ask if I could come over. Decided to do so anyway. Hope you don’t mind.” “Of course I don’t mind. Beats standing outside on my own.”
A silence fell between them, but it was hardly an awkward silence. In fact, the gaps in their conversation seemed more comforting than anything else. To just sit there, besides one another to enjoy the company offered, in the calm silence of a town that was asleep.. It seemed to calm both of them down, even just a little.
To share space without the expectation of much else was a luxury neither of them could really afford to have more often during the buzzling hours of the day. Not with their responsibilities as gym leaders, and Piers’ responsibilities towards his music career to boot.
Still, Levyna picked up vibes. Bits and pieces of the thoughts and worries on his mind, despite her trying not to listen in on his thoughts out of respect. However, hearing the thoughts of others was something she couldn’t fully block out without her headphones. Still, maybe if she asked it right she could offer some help?
"You seem worried."
"Same goes for you."
… Fair enough. While Piers didn’t share her telepathic abilities, he seemed to know better than anyone else when something was bothering Levyna- maybe it was some body language thing that she never really seemed to understand as it was something she didn’t particularly needed to focus on herself.
Levyna was never too sure how she felt about Piers’ ability to tell when something was up with her. She knew that sounded bad coming from someone who could literally read minds if she didn’t try her best to block out thoughts that weren’t hers, but still. "You're in the major league, Piers. Does… Does it bother you to be a major league gym?"
"I don’t know. Does it bother you to be a minor league player this year?”
"Not particularly... In the background maybe, but... you know what I'm like."
"Mhh… Actually, it’s more… It’s Marnie. She’s at the age where she's ready to take on the gym challenge, so…"
"She'll do great."
“I know. That’s not what I’m worried about. Just.. letting her go, I guess. Letting her go and travel Galar all by herself, cause I’m stuck here being part of the gym challenge she’s going to take.”
Levyna nodded, very lightly patting his shoulder to try and offer sympathy. It was no secret that Piers was protective over Marnie and wanted her safe, especially as he had been more of a parent figure to her than just an older brother. Levyna could only imagine it was hard for him to let her go and spread her wings even if it was the best thing to do for her.
Another silence fell between them as she withdrew her hand to go back to petting Illusion, hoping she had at least given him some comfort.
“… You just want to be there for her when she battles, huh?”
“Yeah. Wish I could be.”
“I don’t think she’s going to hold that against you. She knows you have responsibilities you can’t shake, no matter how much you wish you could. Plus, well, I don’t have siblings, but I bet it’s going to be fun for her to try and beat you on your home turf.”
Piers gave a slight amused huff. Levyna did have somewhat of a point there. He’d be lying himself if he said he wasn’t looking forward to try and beat his little sister himself, and knew she would put up a great fight against him as well. And for Levyna to have so much faith in Marnie making it far into the competition anyway meant a lot to him.
He knew his sister would make it far. But to hear that same faith in her from someone else was nice.
However, that didn’t explain something else that was on his mind. He looked at her, watching as she silently petted the Espeon in her lap. The purrs from the pokemon were the only noises that broke the peaceful silence between them.
He decided to first place a hand upon her upper arm, much like she had offered a similar kind of affection while they spoke of his worries. “So… why are you here, then? I know something's on your mind, Lev. And unlike you I can't exactly peek in to see what's going on. You can tell me anything, you know?"
She looked at the hand that ever so gently had been placed on her upper arm. She wondered if he even knew how much his slight touches calmed down her racing mind.
".... It's nothing. Nothing huge, anyway. Just too many thoughts making the process of actually shutting down my brain and getting some damn sleep incredibly hard and... I mean this in the best way possible, but Spikemuth is.. calm. quiet. I can actually hear myself think around here. I know how that's not something necessarily positive though. Makes me feel like a wandering Absol."
"Didn't realise disaster omens came in hues of purple."
That drew a small laugh out of her as she lightly swatted at his shoulder, fully aware that it was just a joke between friends.
"I'm glad you can find some peace and quiet here, Lev. At least until the gym challenge starts, I suppose."
They sat there together for quite a while, just talking about the upcoming gym challenge and the differences between the major league qualifications and leader responsibilities in comparison to those of a minor league gym, talking about Marnie and the journey she was soon about to make.
And talking about just anything in between that came to their minds until rays of the sun slowly started to creep through the cracks of the ceiling that kept the whole of Spikemuth protected from the cold weather blowing around route 9. With the hours slowly creeping towards the daylight, Levyna decided it was about time for her to go home and get some rest there. Even just a light nap would help her get through the rest of the day.
Illusion left her lap as she gave even the slightest motion that she wanted to get up. She patted down her clothes a little to make sure there were no weird folds from the way she had been sitting, readjusted her gloves and pulled her fingers through her long blond hair to push it back into shape. She thanked Piers for keeping her company, which he assured was no big deal as he thanked her as well for doing the same for him.
As Levyna told him to take care, she started to walk towards the main entrance of the city. She halted, however, as she got a few steps onto the gym floor where Piers usually held his battles or kept his audience during concert. She bit her lower lip for a moment, thinking about something else she had been wanting to tell him. "Piers-" she started, turning back around towards where he still sat, and immediately held back what she wanted to say. He looked up at the mentioning of his name, looking at her curiously.
".... Let me know if there's ever anything I can do for you, okay? You... help me with so much of my problems, and I know you don't do it so I owe you but... I want to help you if you need me to."
"... Thanks. I'll keep that in mind."
With that they said their goodbyes for then, and Levyna walked along the main road before leaving Spikemuth through the main entrance. Standing out on route 9, she sighed before pressing her back against one of the brick pillars that held the shutters in place. She stared down at Illusion who had followed her along, sat down beside her and now seemed to be disappointedly glaring at her.
".... Don't you judge me," she muttered.
"Let's just go home. I have to get some rest before starting the day, anyhow. Hmm… Maybe I could try to visit Milo somewhere in between my breaks. Speaking to him would be nice.”
Illusion just purred in agreement as he followed his trainer home.
 I said, ooh, I'm blinded by the lights. No, I can't sleep until I feel your touch
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afternoonteawithme · 5 years
Messy Crayon Wishes
(Read it on AO3)
As Levi started up the path towards the creaky old two-story home that held Eren’s daycare, he was glad to see the kid didn’t seem to be showing any signs of distress. Sitting on the porch swing beside his favorite teacher, he looked animated as ever, with his mittened hands waving through the air while he chattered away at Petra.
When her patiently amused gaze shifted up to meet Levi’s, Eren’s head whipped around.
“Levi!” Eren’s face lit up. Scooting forward, he slid off the bench and started running.
The brat hadn’t bothered to put his shoes on again.  
With the ease of long experience, Levi moved quickly to catch the kid before he threw himself off the porch.
Lifting Eren up onto his hip, Levi glanced up at Petra as she stood on the top step, her arms wrapped around herself against the cold.
“Are we all set?”
She nodded. “Yes, Mikasa called and let us know you’d be the one coming for him.” As Eren’s adoptive sister’s biological cousin, Levi wasn’t legally related to him, so even though everyone at the daycare knew their situation they all had to observe the formalities.
“Good.” He looked down at the kid. “You ready?”
Eren threw his hands up in the air as he beamed up at Levi. “Let’s go!”
Levi raised a brow. “Uh-huh. What about your boots?”
Eren’s mouth formed an ‘o’ of surprise as he stuck out a foot and stared at his bright blue sock.
“Oops.” He looked back up, and as the surprise slid away, the look that replaced it told Levi exactly what he was planning on saying next. “Shi-“
Levi’s finger under his chin cut him off.
The brat grinned up at him. “Shoot!”
“Right.” Shaking his head, Levi leaned forward to set Eren back down on the porch. “Go put on your boots.”
“Okay.” The kid scampered back inside, and Levi looked up at Petra.
She had a hand over her mouth, but he could still see the smile on her face.
“He’d better not be doing that all the time.”
She shook her head. “No. Only when you’re around.” She laughed. “But I think he might have overheard Zoe today when they dropped a jar of paint. I saw him mouthing something to himself afterwards, so I’m pretty sure he was memorizing some new words to try out.”
“Great.” Levi huffed out a breath. “I’ll avoid taking him anyplace with too many people for a while.”
Levi shook his head. “He’ll forget it all soon enough.” In any case, both he and Mikasa slipped enough that he was surprised the kid didn’t swear more. “And thank you for keeping him so late this afternoon, Mikasa told me you were supposed to shut early today.”
“It’s okay. He’s a fun kid.”
“He is that.”
“Um, by the way. About tonight.” Petra tightened her arms around herself. “I guess you won’t be able to make it, after all?”
Levi blinked. “Why not? I told Mikasa I’d already promised to do something this evening so I could only look after him for a little while. You said you needed help at your new place, right?”
Her eyes searched his face for a moment, before shifting to the side. “Well actually, I have a thing tonight. So I can’t.”
“A thing?”
“Yeah. A thing. With my parents. Christmas Eve and all.” She laughed, though it sounded a little odd. “I’d forgotten all about it.”
“I thought your parents were driving back into town tomorrow afternoon?”
Her eyes flashed back to his, and she looked surprised, for some reason. She huffed out a laugh. This one didn’t sound quite so forced. “I got it mixed up.”
She sighed, and glanced back at the still closed front door before moving down to the bottom step, only a foot away from Levi. “Eren was acting a little strange this morning, so I called his house to find out if he’d had one of his fevers, and Mr. Yeager-” She cut herself off as Eren came stomping back out with boots on.
“Got everything?”  Levi leaned down to pick him up and settle him back on his hip.
Levi looked up at Petra. She’d backed up a step and was shifting uncomfortably. “Mr. Yeager sounded…unwell.” Glancing down at Eren, she bit her lip. “And a little upset. So when he didn’t show to pick up Eren when he was supposed to I… and Mikasa told me she’s on the long shift today. I just was thinking it’d be better if Eren had another place to stay tonight.”
“Got it.” Levi felt the small arms tighten around his neck, and a wave of familiar anger ran through his gut. Petra was saying – as delicately as possible – that the bastard had sounded drunk, and violent with it. She had no way of knowing that Eren was well aware of all the euphemisms for his father’s particular illness. “Then it’s lucky your parents are in town this evening, after all. Let me know If you still need help with the heavy lifting. Or I can come over one afternoon and get it done while you’re at work, if that’s easier.”
“Sure, Levi.” She smiled softly, even as she retreated backwards, up another stair. “See you around.”
 “You idiot. That had nothing to do with ‘heavy lifting’. She’s been trying to seduce you.”
“That’s impossible, Mikasa.” Levi glanced in the rearview mirror. Eren was staring out the window, his lips moving and his feet bopping along to whatever music was coming out of the headphones Levi had jammed over his head before they’d set out. “She just needed help moving some stuff, that’s all.”
Mikasa snorted, the sound clear and disdainful as it poured out of Levi’s phone on the dash of his car. “It’s Christmas Eve, moron. She pretended her parents were out of town. She moved into her new place months ago and now all of a sudden she has all these still packed boxes she needs help moving? Petra? I don’t think so.”
“It’s not like that. She said she just needed some help with the last few boxes, and then she wanted someone to test the dinner she was making for her parents for tomorrow, since she’d never made it before.”
“Yeah, and then she’d probably pull out a bottle of wine and be all like ‘Oh you’ve helped me so much, let me treat you to a glass as a thank you.’” Mikasa’s voice lilted in a bad imitation of Petra. “And then she’d say ‘why don’t we just finish this bottle?’, and then she’d strip herself naked and drag you off to bed for a fun night of Christmas sex.”
Levi shot a glance back at Eren, relieved to find him still staring out the window. The distraction wouldn’t last, he knew, but at least he wouldn’t have to explain that particular word just yet. “Petra isn’t interested in me like that.”  
“Uh-huh. This is the woman who ‘tripped’ over nothing and landed in your lap at last month’s reading night at the library?”
“That was an accident.”
“Right. And that time you went over to fix her leaky pipe that turned out to be nothing, did she or did she not call you into her bedroom to help her zip up her dress, said dress being almost completely nonexistent and her wearing nothing but skimpy undies underneath?”
“It wasn’t underwear, it was some sort of lace slip thing. And the zipper really was stuck.” Levi ignored the sound Mikasa made as he continued, “I think I’d know if she was trying for me.”
“Yeah, sure. For a smart guy you’re a real idiot when it comes to shi- to stuff like that.”
“You’re not exactly great at reading signals, either.”
“And that’s just one of the many reasons both of us are single on Christmas Eve.” Mikasa sighed, and Levi heard a burst of noise in the background. She’d be in the nurse’s breakroom, he knew, taking what escape she could from the madness that was a hospital during the holidays. “The poor girl has been trying to get in your pants for forever, and you just keep blowing her off. She’ll start taking it personally soon.”
Levi thought of the look on Petra’s face, just before he’d walked away. He shifted a little uncomfortably in his seat. “Maybe.”  
“Still, she’s a good person. Giving up her hot date so you can be with Eren. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do.” Mikasa paused, sighed again. “It’s flu season, so not only are all the wards full, but we’re shorthanded too.”
“Its fine. I don’t have any shifts for a couple days, and no classes until after New Years.” He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. “Will your dad cause trouble if we keep Eren away from home for a bit?”  
“Not my dad. Grisha.” Mikasa corrected absently, as she always did. She was quiet for a long moment, and Levi heard the noise amp up as a door opened in the background again. “Is the nosy one occupied?”
“Now you ask? If he starts asking me what Christmas sex is, I’m telling him to ask you.” But Levi glanced in rearview mirror to double check. “Yeah, for now.”
“I went by the house, when Dad didn’t pick up Eren, just to make sure he hadn’t keeled over. No such luck, but he’d trashed the tree, ripped all the decorations off the walls all over the house. Took the cupcakes some nice neighbor dropped off and smashed them on the kitchen floor. I asked him what I was supposed to tell Eren. He said he didn’t give a fuc- a fudge, it’s his house, his tree, his kid, he pays the dam- darned bills. Blah blah blah.”
As always, she didn’t seem to notice she’d called her adoptive father ‘Dad’. And, as always, Levi didn’t mention it. “Being his usual wonderful drunk self, then.”
“Yeah. I told him to go fudge himself, and that Eren was staying at a friend’s house for a few days. Didn’t mention you by name, of course, since he hates your guts.”
“Break someone’s nose once and they never let it go. Did he trash Eren’s presents too?”
“No, I kept those hidden in the trunk of my car, since the nosy one gets more nosy by the day. I’ll bring them over after my shift finishes. Supposed to be nine, so way things are going I figure I’ll see you maybe by eleven.”
“Ok. Tomorrow it is, then.”
“Hah-hah. Man, I hope not.”
Even as Levi hung up, he saw something bright and orange out of the corner of his eye. Almost as soon as he realized what it was he was pulling the car into a tight u-turn and parking at the side of the road. He opened the back door to find Eren scowling up at him, the headphones in his hands.
“Why’d we stop?” He stretched in the carseat, looking around the outside of the car warily. “This isn’t your house.”
“It’s a surprise.” Levi eyed Eren’s bare feet. He’d managed to pull his shoes off again, and this time his socks had disappeared too. “But you have to wear your boots to find out.”
Eren puffed out his cheeks, eying Levi suspiciously. “Do I really have to?”
Levi nodded. “But if you don’t want to know what the surprise is, you can just stay like this and we’ll go home.” He moved back, as if to close the door again.
Eren let out a long-suffering sigh. “It better be a good surprise.”
Socks, boots, coat, scarf, hat, and favorite backpack finally back on, they walked hand in hand down the street and into a small Christmas tree lot, surrounded by orange plastic fencing laced through with strings of lights, glowing dimly in the winter sunlight.
Eren glanced around the almost empty enclosure, clearly not understanding why they were there.
Levi squeezed his hand. “Okay, Eren. Let’s pick one.”
“Pick one?”
“Right. Pick a tree. This will be our tree. Yours, Mikasa’s, and mine.”
Eren’s tiny hand squeezed Levi’s fingers as he stared up at him, his wide eyes fastening onto Levi’s face. “Ours?”
“Only ours?”
“Right. We’ll put it up and decorate it so Mikasa can see when she comes over.”
Eren hesitated, and moved in a little closer to Levi’s leg before asking, in a much quieter, softer voice, “Is Dad coming over, too?”
The look on his face almost broke Levi’s heart. “Not this time, kid. It’ll just be the three of us.”
“Alright.” Eren nodded slowly, and then smiled up at Levi. “Then we have to pick out the very, very best tree, okay?”
“It’s a deal.”
 One huge tree and one relatively inexpensive trip to the store later – it was already Christmas Eve, after all, and almost everything tree related was on sale – they finally had the thing up in Levi’s apartment. It was so big that the top branches bent over against the ceiling.
Dancing with excitement, Eren darted around the tree, directing Levi as they hung the baubles they’d picked up.
“No, higher!”
“Are you sure? We have a lot of empty space in the middle now.”
“It needs to go high up.”
“Okay then.” Since Eren could only reach about halfway up, and since he’d insisted Levi hang all his decorations near the top, there was a good two feet almost entirely empty of decorations in the middle.
But hey, at least the kid was happy.  
“When will Mikasa be here?” Eren asked, for possibly the millionth time.
“Your sister is coming late tonight, after you go to bed. You’ll see her in the morning.”
“But what time after I go to bed?”
“What does it matter? You’ll be asleep.”
Eren stopped dancing around long enough to scowl up at Levi. “Just answer the question, will you?”
Levi felt his lip twitch, and quickly turned his face away so Eren wouldn’t see his smile. It was always best not to encourage the brat. “She said work might keep her late, so she wasn’t sure.”
“She’ll be here before midnight, right?”  
“She’ll try.”  
“Okay.” Eren nodded to himself, evidently satisfied, and stood on tiptoe to hang a sparkly bauble on the lower half of the tree.
 Long after Eren had fallen asleep on the couch in front of the tree, Levi poured boiling water into two mugs as Mikasa hitched herself up onto the counter beside him.
He shot her a look. “That’s for food. You’re not food. Get off.”
“Don’t be so fussy. You’ll hose it down before you cook anything on it, anyway.”
“That doesn’t mean I want your ass on there in the meantime.” But the shadows under Mikasa’s eyes were deep enough that Levi let it go, mostly. He pulled out a bottle of bleach wipes and pointedly set it next to her hip. “Wipe it off when you get down. Thoroughly.”
She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah. You’re such a clean freak.”
“And you’re such a heathen.” Levi lifted the tea bag from her cup, strained it.
“And proud of it.” Mikasa rested her head back against the cabinet behind her and smiled ruefully at Levi. “Who would believe we’re actually related?”
“It’s a mystery.” Handing Mikasa one of the mugs, Levi took his own, leaning back against the oven as he studied her. She really did look tired. And there was something else in her eyes. Something sad.
It made him want to break something.
He’d tracked her down mainly out of curiosity, but it had taken less than an hour of her prickly company for him to realize he actually liked her. It hadn’t taken him much longer than that to realize she wasn’t happy. Over the years she’d become his family, and since he’d do anything for his family, he’d rearranged his life to try and make hers a little better.
And then her baby brother had wrapped his sticky little fingers around Levi’s heart, and the family had grown by one more.
“It must have been a bad scene, when you went back home today.”
“No worse than usual. I just thought- Dad hadn’t been this drunk in a while. I was starting to think maybe something had changed.”
“It won’t be that simple.”
“I know it.” She stared down at the steam rising out of her cup. “I just- I had to leave for work early this morning. Mr. Arlert called me and said Eren was waiting outside the house, by the street, when he came by with Armin to pick him up for the daycare carpool. He wondered why we’d let him outside on his own. He said Eren was a little quiet, nothing too alarming, but just- quiet.”
She lifted her gaze back up to meet Levi’s, and he saw there was guilt mixed in, too. “I think Dad must have done at least some of the house trashing while Eren was home. And from the garbage he spewed out when I was there, he maybe said something to him too.”  She shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m just not sure we’re doing the right thing.”
“This isn’t forever. When we have the resources saved up, you’ll file for custody.”
“And in the meantime?”
“Eren’ll be okay for now. He’s got us.”
“He does. He always will” Her chin jutted up, and Levi was relieved to see heat start to replace the complicated mix of emotions in her eyes.
“See? It’s just a matter of time.”
She blinked, and then cocked her head at him. “You’re pretty smart for such a stupid guy, aren’t you?”
Levi paused, mug halfway to his lips. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me. You and Petra, huh?”  
“There is no me and Petra.”
She lifted the cup he’d handed her, took her first delicate sip. “She wants there to be.”
“So you say.”
“Come on, Levi, I was mostly kidding about the stupid. Even if you are signal-blind, you have to have figured it out, now that I said something, right?”
Scowling down into his tea, Levi shrugged. “Maybe. So what? It wouldn’t work, anyway.”
“Not with that attitude it won’t.”
“I’m not interested in a relationship right now.”
“It’d just get complicated. There’s too much going on.”
Mikasa studied Levi for a long minute, and then shifted her eyes away as she took another sip from her cup. “Bet you wish you’d never tracked me down now, huh?”
Levi stretched a leg out, kicked at Mikasa’s foot. “Knock it off, Mikasa. I don’t regret finding you, or Eren, and I never will.”
She wrinkled her nose at him. “That’s so sappy. I think I’m gonna vomit.”
“Not in here you won’t.”
She laughed, and he knew she’d gotten over the worst of the sadness. “We’ll keep him here as long as possible. Dad’ll sober up, remember he’s supposed to be a father. I’ll have to bring him home.”
“And then when your dad gets drunk again we’ll-”  
“Not my dad.” She interrupted him.
“Sorry. Grisha. When he gets drunk again we’ll-”
“Which hopefully won’t be for a while.”
“When it does,” Levi continued on, “We’ll step in. Bring him back here for a while.” He considered for a long second, remembering that afternoon. “I think by next year I’ll have to find an apartment with taller ceilings for the tree he’ll insist on. I had a hard time talking him into this one.”
Mikasa grinned at him. “He’s a great kid.”
“Levi?” Eren’s voice made them both turn towards the door of the kitchen. Scrubbing at his eyes, hair stuck up all over his head, Eren wandered in. His eyes landed on his sister and he brightened. “Mikasa!”  
“Hey kid.” She slid off the counter and moved to scrub at his hair, turning it into even more of a mess.
He ducked away, grabbing her hand and tugging urgently at it until she crouched in front of him. He side-eyed Levi as he whispered loudly into her ear, “Did you bring it?”
“Bring what?”
“The thing. You know.”
Clearly playing with him, she tapped a finger on her lips and looked up at the ceiling. “What thing would that be?”
She grinned at him. “Aren’t you happy to see me?”
“I am, but, Mikasa.” He was almost dancing in place from impatience.
She kissed his cheek with a loud smooch, making him giggle, then turned him to face the living room. “It’s in my purse, by the door. Don’t look in the other bag, oh nosy one.”
With another giggle, Eren ran out of the room.
Mikasa shot Levi a look as she stood. “I bet you’re gonna cry.”
“I am not.”
She picked her tea back up, took a slow sip. “Bet.”
Eren dashed back in and handed Levi a brown envelope.
Slowly, Levi ripped it open. There was a sheet of paper inside, folded in half. When he opened it, he found a hand drawn message, written in messy crayon over neat pencil lines.
To Levi. Happy Birthday. I like you a lot. Thanks for being my family. Eren
Levi ran the pad of his finger over the waxy crayon, and felt something burning the back of his eyes.
“Mikasa helped me write it, but I picked the words.” Bouncing on his toes, Eren watched Levi’s face. “I had to wake up tonight because I had to tell you happy birthday as soon as I could, and give you your card.”
“Thanks kid.” Levi folded the paper delicately, treating it like the treasure it was. “It’s the best birthday card, ever.”
“Yeah.” When Levi crouched down and wrapped Eren in a hug, he looked up at Mikasa.
And wasn’t even mad when she mouthed ‘told you so’ at him.
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erikismybitch · 5 years
Waiting In Vain: Chapter 18
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“Would you like to Meet my dad ?”
Erik never thought he would hear that question come from Marley’s mouth but it did . And he was thrown off , knowing exactly what he put her through . Why in the hell would she want to go Down this path .
“He and his wife reached out. My Therapist said I should go...Meet with him maybe unveil some hidden wounds or some shit like that”
“Its whatever you want to do” He told her.
“Then I can decide if I want to explore a relationship with him or let him go completely “
Erik , who was very protective over this girl , didn’t want her to get into this situation. Marley had a pattern of forgiving and being too nice to people who hurt her . He hated that trait , he only wanted her to be that way when it came to him. Erik was confident that he had her best interest . Her knew that if he told her not to go, she might do the opposite. And just in case her father decided to hurt her again, he’d be there to back her up. Or fuck him up.
“Yeah I wanna meet that nigga”
So there they were . In Erik’s car driving through mountains of redwood trees and narrow peaks that made it hard to maneuver through . The altitude was so high that the XM radio only spit a static sound . Just to reach her dads property . This definitely wasn’t where he lived when she was younger . Erik asked her if he was rich “or something” Judging by the private driveways hidden with gates and greenery , this new living situation was a total upgrade .
“This is it” he squinted at the tiny lit up address on the side of the steel gate . It was already open so they didn’t have to buzz the intercom that was door level .
Erik drove down the long brick passage, until he got to the circular driveway . Each brick perfectly placed in between healthy green grass . A slight waterfall in the middle , and surrounding it was a Tesla and a Mercedes . Both license plates saying his & hers. Marley grew sick to her stomach when she read them.
“This man , and his wife living an an estate in the mountains with matching license plates” she said in utter disbelief, but she mumbled . The two of them both met outside of Erik’s car and began to walk up to the huge doors. She took a breath and Erik held the small of her back.
“I swear you just say word and we can leave, I’ll get a hotel and everything” Erik could tell she was becoming upset already . He’d sacrifice though , even if the drive was roughly five hours from where they stayed .
“It’s okay . I can do this”
After Erik knocked obnoxiously hard , what Marley thought to be her Step brother opened the door . He had gotten big since the last time she saw him .
“Hi” He said , he had gaming headphones on his ears, and he walked away in true teenage fashion . Uninterested, and trying to get back to the technology. They both walked in, his sister , Marley’s stepsister was walking past . She smiled , waved and went about her business elsewhere . She was nearly a toddler the last time Marley seen her . Her birthday was the day before Marley’s . She remembered because they were always better than hers.
The lady of the house came into view . She wasn’t as dashing as she used to be. It amazed Marley that her father was clearly still smitten by this woman. Marley didn’t know if she just aged badly because she had no melanin or if it was karma for her ruining her life . Karen was her fucking name .
Marley hated Karen more than she hated her father . Her therapist told her not to blame Karen for the actions of her father . Marley would argue that if Karen never had come around , her father wouldn’t have left . To her therapists rebuttal, he explained that her father is who he is, no matter who he married . But Marley didn’t care . Karen did it for her .
Erik held her hand still. Karens eyes bright with surprise. Marley didn’t tell them that she would be bringing her boyfriend , but she wouldn’t have came alone ... they should have known that .
“Hi , how have you been ?” Karen asked her. Marley was fake , she smiled and told her that she was doing well. “You look great , you’ve grown into a very pretty girl”
Karen touched her arm and attempted to be chummy . Marley tensed . She felt so ugly growing up in that old house.
“This is Erik” Marley snapped back and introduced him. Karen looked him up and down. Seemingly pleased.
“Cutie” she said in a tone as if he was a toddler. All that was missing was a cheek pinch. Erik nodded and raised his brows when he looked at Marley.
“Hubby’s on a call, he will be out in a second”
Marley fumed At Karen’s Botox filled expression . Her hubby ?
Marley looked around at how nice the inside of the house was . The high ceilings with two crystal chandeliers that towered over the dining room table and the living room center . The table itself was something out of Game of Thrones , large and royal looking . Heavy and expensive. The hardwood floors sparkled like they had just been polished, so clean you probably could eat from it. And It smelled good in there , Karen was preparing dinner . That was something Marley forgot about Karen , she could cook. Whenever Marley was in the mood to come out of her room and eat , it was good.
“I seen pics of your mom , she look way better than her” Erik was able to whisper without anyone hearing , but even if they did . He wouldn’t care .
Marley laughed , but it was shortchanged . She didn’t even want to bring her mom up . In fear that her spirit would be upset that she would even entertain these people . She wondered what kind of haunting her mother had done to her father. She hoped he had nightmares .
Her father had walked into the room with a smile. Erik could literally see that dark cloud of fear hanging over her . She wasn’t ready for this , and he knew it . He wanted to grab her and take her out of there. Marley felt twelve again . Like a shell who couldn’t move . Erik spoke up for her, he introduced himself .
“Christopher” he spoke and shook Eriks hand firmly , he grip wasn’t as tight as Eriks . Which sent him into alert right away . Her dad was light skinned , with a bald head and beady eyes. Much taller than Erik but not a threat at all. He eyed this guy who was with his daughter . Up and down . His fashionable outfit and those stupid expensive shoes that his step son recently begged him for . He thought his hair style was comedy , the kind that dumb young punks get . Back in his day , they would never fly .
“You some kind of artist or something?” Christopher guessed .
“So you got you a man with some money, huh?”he joked . Before Erik could respond , Marley had built enough confidence to speak to him . Especially before he offended Erik too much. Christopher nudged Marley in her shoulder like they were old friends .
“H-hi dad” she spoke softly . She didn’t even think he heard her, until he gave her an uneasy side hug .
“Hun, the phone!” Karen came from another room holding his cell phone, Christopher excused himself and took the call.
“Marley, how about a tour?” Karen suggested , as if that would make her feel more at “home” . “I guess” slipped from her lips as she drifted away from Erik . She felt cold now , but he grabbed her arm before she walked away . Pulling her against him, he kissed her quickly . Then she was off to trail along side Karen. Who already seemed to be chatting enough for his liking .
“Aye dude , you play FIFA?”
Marley’s step brother asked from the living room . He was sitting on the plush couch , facing the Tv that was so big , it could be a projector . Nobody else was there but the two of them. “I do”
Erik ended up playing a game with the boy, getting his ass kicked by the teenager who had nothing better to do. Every game system was at hand , he had everything . “Erik right ?” He asked , right before blocking the op team from scoring .
“Yeah , didn’t catch your name though”
“It’s Simon”
“Aight Simon, you too good at this shit... you got 2K?”
Simon nearly rejoiced at Erik’s question . Within seconds he ended the game and switched it to 2K. “Glad I can play this with someone because my dad is trash” he admitted . Erik was taken back
“Yo’ dad ?” He screwed up his face.
“Only dad I ever knew”
Heather took Marley on a tour of the house . The outside did no justice . It was even bigger behind the doors . She toured the guest rooms, the chefs kitchen , their family rec room, their home gym and now Karen’s daughters room .
It almost brought tears to Marley’s eyes . It was everything she would have wanted as a young girl . The walls were covered in pink sparkly wall paper . She had a small white vanity filled with jewelry and makeup . In the center of the room was a huge gold canopy bed with white tulle draped over the top . A room fit for a princess . “Oh my god” Marley mouthed to herself .
“ If it’s worth anything” Karen started to speak , her skinny hand touching Marley back made her feel awkward. “I didn’t want to to go stay with your aunt”
Marley let go of a loud breath , almost like a cough. She didn’t expect this to be a topic . “That lady... is your friend” Her words cut through Karen
“I-.” She stuttered “I really didn’t want to send you . But it was out of my hands” Karen blamed her father.
“You have no idea , at all about what happened to me there” Marley turned to her quickly , her eyes were watering. Before she knew it , a tear fell down her cheek . She was pissed that she even gave Karen the satisfaction of seeing her upset . In her eyes, she was just as guilty as her father . Marley walked away , not exactly knowing where to go . She just wanted to be away from all of them .
“So how was it around here, when Marley lived with y’all?” Erik decided to dig, since Simon took to him quickly. He knew he could get the kid to talk .
“We didn’t live her , we moved here after she left”
“You were young , you probably don’t remember much , huh?” Erik kept going .
“Not as young as my sister . I remember her being really quiet . We stayed out of her way, dad told us too . Then one day she was gone . I thought she was dead until my dad needed a kidney”
Erik stopped himself from tossing the game controller . He didn’t want Simon to sense anger , in fear that he would stop spilling the beans. So he pretended not to be bothered . “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah ,they have the same blood type or something , that’s why they asked her here . To ask her”
Erik spotted Marley outside in the backyard . He excused himself from the game . He walked to the French doors and opened them . As he was about to tell her the real reason her father invited her, Erik noticed her face . She had been crying . He knew she shouldn’t have come . Before he could get a word in, Marley began to speak . Telling him about thought fake apology from Karen. And how she tried to blame everything on her father , like she didn’t play a key role in her outcome.
“Erik they have a pool , look at how these kids grew up . They aren’t even his kids” her voice cracked , Erik grew angrier by the minute .
“I slept in a basement , a fucking basement . Like, why didn’t everybody hate me? I was just a kid”
Erik saw her dad inside now . He told her to hold tight and get some air , he would be back for her .
Erik went inside and made sure to shut the door. He caught Christopher in the living room, mid sentence when talking to his son. “So you abandon your daughter , steal from her and then bring her here to save you, my nigga ?”
“Excuse me ?” Christopher glared at Erik, then back at Simon.
“You tryna’ Get her kidney right , that’s why she here?” Erik was jumpy , he slammed his closed fist into his open hand . He lunged toward Chris .
Simon paused his game and rushed to his room . Christopher would deal with him later .
“This ain’t got shit to do with you”
“Nah, Marley is my business”. He pointed to her sitting beside the pool , she didn’t have a clue about what was goin on between the two of them
“You may not care , but that’s what you missed out on . She’s special , she’s smart , she’s funny, and she matters to me . And everyday I see this fucking sadness in her and I couldn’t figure out why . But now I know it’s because of you . You fucked her up , but I’m here now, and I’m changing that”
Christopher stood up , he was taller than Erik but he had knocked down bigger and younger . Erik would kill him, without thinking or feeling remorse . He looked him dead in the eye, Christopher looked to the French doors and softened . Marley had come in.
“Don’t call her no’ more” he said in this tone, that only the two of them could understand .
“What’s going on?” She came towards the duo .
“Marley lets go” Erik didn’t shout but he didn’t have to. He couldn’t hit him, or beat his ass like he wanted to . He would have to tell Marley the reason and he wanted to spare her.
She didn’t argue, Erik was her man and meant more to her than anyone in that house . She grabbed her purse off the table and took his hand . They left , leaning the door open behind them. Erik drove off as soon as they fastened their seatbelts . Marley cried , she just sat in her seat and cried on the journey home . About twenty minutes in, Erik reached over and grabbed her chin. He leaned her over and kissed her a few times to calm her down . “Chill out, try to stop crying aight ?”
Marley took a deep breath and nodded her head . Erik decided that he would never tell her about the Kidney. That was something he’d take to the grave .
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soranihimawari · 4 years
Coltrane & Classics
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𝚂𝚊𝚠𝚊𝚖𝚞𝚛𝚊 𝙳𝚊𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚒& 𝙾𝚗𝚘 𝙶𝚒𝚛𝚒
Welcome back to another wonderful tale added to the Ono-sama Adventures. This is the third installment of the Hinata Natsu & Neighbor!Ono-san story. Suffice to say this story does have it’s official pairing in the script above.
Ono-san is my [y/n-san]
Word count 3.3k
Taglist: @tkags & @m0nstergeneration20xx @smolbludandelions
𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐞 & 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬
Daichi Sawamura understood a variety of things in life: being a good older brother, having a good head on his shoulders, building a strong foundation for his team, being a virtuous senpai, and how his crush asked him out for a cup of tea after they exchanged phone numbers.
“Ono-senpai asked you out?” Hinata asked his captain during the walk to the gym. They had been talking more recently since Hinata’s neighbor had come to observe their practices twice before with Natsu. 
“Mmhm,” Sawamura said, a fleeting smile dashed across the captain’s face. “She did. You know more about Ono, I’d figured I’d ask you for some advice?”
Hinata blinked at his senpai unprepared for how bashful the third year actually was. It seemed like the captain was a bit thrown out of his element because for the first time, someone who wasn’t Shizumi-san actually liked him. Not that Sawamura would ever admit to this, but he daydreams about the first time they met when Natsu brought her bubbles to their practice. 
The captain of the Karasuno VBC often refers to being called out by Tanaka & Noya for flirting whenever they were beginning practice once Sugawara or even Hinata was within earshot. Teasing their captain was a pastime up until their coach along with Takeda-sensei arranged a private practice with the Nekoma team. Natsu quickly ran off into the gym as soon as her babysitter for the day went into the dark room to retrieve her bento. Sawamura-san wasn’t expecting this visit by you nor did he anticipate how his crush deflected the Nekoma captain’s flirty calls by sticking up for his team. Upon further inspection, that day was the day Sawamura knew he was infatuated by Hinata’s neighbor (& part time pastry chef). 
“Alright, captain,” Hinata said with a genuine smile. “Ono’s family runs the cafe down the street from Ukai’s shop, but I think it’s in the opposite direction. Wait, why am I telling you this? Shouldn’t you just ask her yourself?”
At this Sawamura let out a nervous chuckle. “You’re right, I’ll just contact her later.”
They unzip their ebony jackets, readying themselves for another day of training.
I sat in my  class during break with a sewing set on top of your desk. In my hands was a small crow plushie that needed some repairing (Natsu had asked me to make one for her to take to preschool for show & tell. Unfortunately during recess, the plushie suffered a minor tear on the swing set. The Hinatas’ mother called my mom over the weekend asking to mend the toy since Natsu claims that it’s her brother on official game days).
My phone laid atop my desk with the headphones attached playing my most recent playlist of classical jazz giants as a radio station. Currently, I was listening to ‘Funny Valentine,’ and was so immersed in my mini-project that I didn’t hear my class representative say there was a visitor outside. 
The captain of the volleyball team asked if he could come inside instead and when he made his way toward my seat, he crouched down to meet my focused gaze. The needle in my hands was about to rethreaded until I noticed my personal bubble was being shared; the music was paused and headphones were removed (I rolled the wires away neatly next to the sewing kit container). Others in my class began whispering amongst themselves either silently wishing to witness a mutual confession or even envied how their fellow classmate enraptured the volleyball club captain’s heart from the rumors swirling around the two of us.
“Oh hey Sawamura-san, everything ok?” I asked. On occasion, I give him some advice about reeling in the high caliber members of his team making his job a bit less stressful. At one point, when Hinata and Kageyama consistently bickering, I mentioned that even siblings need to fight in order to strengthen their ties (on and off the court).  However, when I finish my last blanket stitch before giving any attention to him, I place my hands near his.
“Yeah,” Sawamura replies. He scratches his cheek with his right hand, but as soon as he does so, he feels his left hand being held onto by my own hands. I wears a warm expression on my face.
“Alright then, seeing that we’re on the same page, I wanted to let you know the answer is yes.” My voice was like a melody to his ears; that smile of his could kill his opponents, yet I think even he had hit his limit. Crushes are hard to ignore in general, but seeing that we brought to each other a sense of tranquility in the interim did have its charm. Sawamura is momentarily paralized by my statement before he finds his center of gravity when he stands up; a blush forming beneath his sheepish grin. 
“I see.” 
“Come by after classes are over for today, ok?”
Sawamura squeezes my hand gently before letting it go. He nods, making his way toward the door; a celebratory smile of pride on his face. Right when Sawamura leaves, I am suddenly surrounded by a handful of classmates cooing at the suave way I had handled that exchange (only if they could hear how my heart was beating faster than I’d like to admit).
A couple of hours later, true to his word, Sawamura found his way back to my emptying classroom. I didn’t have cleaning duty today, however I did manage to complete amending Natsu’s little plush. 
“Ono, Sawamura’s here!” the class rep announced. My eyes shot the rep a surprised look before meeting them at the doorway.
“Himari-san, don’t you have to turn in some forms to the student council office?” I reminded her in a calm manner.
“Thank you for reminding me, Ono-chan,” Himari the class rep says clasping her hands on both her fellow third year shoulders. She pushed us out the threshold of the door with saying, “You two should go and enjoy your date!”
The door immediately shut behind us after she pushed me through causing Sawamura to catch me in a soft embrace before either of us could formulate a proper reply. 
“Well, that went well, don’t you?” Sawamura asks me before breaking into a mirthful laugh.  The sound of his laugh was what caused my own actions to finally snap into focus on my end as he moved to hold my hand. By the time we had arrived to the cafe and much to my surprise, there was a steady hum of conversations mixed in with the ambiance of an espresso machine grinding coffee beans and the automatic citrus juicer doing their jobs efficiently. My coworkers waved me down once Daichi and I found a table to set our belongings down.
“I’ll be right back,” I say to him. “The menu board is above the cake displays if you’re interested.”
It takes me only a few minutes to head toward my coworker’s station who was delighted to know I had brought a classmate.
“You were holding hands with your classmate,” he teases. “Did he confess first?”
“That’s none of your business Shiki-kun,” I reply sticking my tongue out at him in a ‘blep.’ “Besides, I wouldn’t it past Sawamura to set aside a lot of time since the volleyball club is advancing to more prefectural matches.”
“Bet you a week’s worth of macaroons he would set any amount of time for you,” Shiki nods back to the table after saying this. 
“You think so?” I ask before I leave not really wanting to know the answer right away.
That was first date Sawamura and I had at the cafe where all we kept things simple because we both wanted to pursue whatever this was.  The funny thing about being bitten by a love bug when you’re seventeen is that now everything we both saw was starting to be blurred with a hint of pastel hues of pink. 
I was cornered one afternoon a couple weeks after the “Nekoma incident” as my tea party host called it. We sat down in her backyard mini garden, our tea set scattered around us. Hinata was out doing an errand with the team while Hinata’s mother was heading out to the store for a couple of hours. Since I had came home early from classes that day, I volunteered to watch Natsu again. I told her the story of the first afternoon at the cafe with Sawamura. Her capricious nature was an endearing quality throughout this ‘tea’ party.
“I think he ~likes~ you,” Natsu’s tiny hands grasped her tea cup. I took a sip from my own cup with a thoughtful hum. I had brewed a kettle of a friendship tea blend I purchased with my share of the tips that week from the cafe.
“I hope he does Princess Natsu. After all, I’m considered like family to your brother thanks to all the tea parties we have together, little one.”
Natsu pushed her cheeks together with a lovely smile that could move mountains. Honestly, I thought Shoyo was exaggerating when he mentioned that his sister would not stop asking him if ‘Captain Daichi’ really loved me like how princes do in fairytales.
[20XX//15:42// Tuesday]
I found myself walking side by side with Daichi retelling the story from earlier that weekend with Natsu. I explained things as she saw them and if in the eyes of Hinata Natsu, the prince and princess all wind up together (whether they are friends or lovers, she doesn’t mind because ‘everyone needs a friend’.)
“I like your laugh,” I tell him.  I shook my head while combing behind a few stray strands of my bangs behind an ear shortly there after.
“I like yours too,” he releases me from his hold. “C’mon, I’ll walk you home.” 
Sawamura led the way with me next to him one-hundred percent of the way eventually holding my hand out of it becoming one of our habitual contact at this point. Funnily enough, he tells me a story about a few rowdy members of the team right before we are face to face with the door to my place.
“I didn’t think I’d be receiving advice from either my vice-captain and Asahi,” he says. 
“But you did, didn’t you? C’mon, Daichi,” I say. “I get my love advice from my neighbor’s kid sister every once in a while too. She does give pretty sound advice. Sometimes I think Natsu-chan’s advice is more solid than Shiki’s at the cafe.“
“I guess you’re right,” Sawamura has this bashfully amused look on his face before he takes a deep breath. When he exhales his voice is more lighthearted than I thought it could get, yet here we are. “Would you like to go out to the autumnal lantern festival with me?“
I nod excitedly before I know it, I feel his lips come into contact with the right side of my face before he tells me he’d pick me up on Saturday at five.  
As far as dates were concerned, attending a house party at Noya’s house did have its charms: there was music, good food, and even better drinks. This celebration was a long time coming since Daichi and me had our first date that afternoon studying at the cafe I worked at. I made a few parfaits for him to try and in return, he took me to his favorite spot on his private jogging route (it was a field of violets and lavender that took over an abandoned lot not too far from his place).  Since those two dates, the crow captain and I have come together organically, but it was thanks to his best friend’s encouragement.
“I’m sure she’d say yes if you ask her. You’ve been dating her for a little over month. You took her to the lantern festival and half of the team nearly lost their minds because I’m pretty sure Yamaguchi and Yachi kept giving us updates in the group chat,” Sugawara had this stern look wash over his eyes during a short water break at practice. “Besides, Daichi, If you don’t ask Ono soon, I will. You’re not the only one she wished luck to when we had that little scuffle with Nekoma months ago.”
“Suga, I know. I just don’t—”
SMACK! Sugawara slaps his captain’s shoulder with an approving nod. 
“She likes you, you dumbass! Don’t overthink it man, hah. Her liking you is not going to change any time soon.”
Hearing the words spoken by Mr Refreshing, the captain chuckles. It was so simple yet he laughed at himself for over thinking the emphatic truth. 
The music blaring at the patio deck of Noya’s house echoed around to where Daichi and I were having a small discussion. Kisses between the two of us were rare and saved for pre-and post-matches; sometimes it was to give him an encouraging word during a hard loss, and other times it was to comfort me for surviving a busy day at the cafe. Spending time together was never taken for granted, just like this time at a party. I chose to wear my casual attire consisting of wide leg pants and a lilac long sleeve shirt to the party; Daichi had opted to wear a beige shirt and black jeans paired with an orange creamsicle dyed hoodie of his (slightly unzipped for the summer breeze to caress his figure). 
“Can I kiss you now?” I ask, wrapping my arms around his sturdy shoulders. His oak-colored eyes wandered down to my pout. My smile is apparent when I titled my neck teasing the lad as his meets mine , his arms snaking around my waist. 
“I thought you’d never—”
I finished his sentence for him when lips pressed gingerly on top of his. My lips were soft and alluring while his moved on his own to push back in similar fashion. Sawamura kisses me back with a hunger I knew was being fulfilled one encouraging chaste kiss at a time. The impact was enough to knock the wind right out from under us. With each inhale and exhale, both of us smiled at each other albeit our breathing was a little labored. 
Daichi pulled me closer to him, my head resting against the fabric of his hoodie like a comforting pillow. The sun’s fading warmth surrounded us away from prying eyes. The laughter and conversations murmurs from the party happening on the other side of the patio cemented the days of our youth.
“I’ve missed this,” my voice conveyed an aura of innocence. 
“Me too, baby. Me too.” 
Daichi rubs small circles on my back allowing me to arch my back to his touches. Yes, he may be an athlete, but it was honestly the subtle things like this or even the texts we send each other in good faith (to drink water and eat snacks before/after work or practice since we had agreed to work around our hectic schedules). 
[According to Shizumi, Hitoka, and even Azumane and Suga, they coordinated cute impromptu dates between their captain and his ideal match enough time to be there for each other. They saw first hand the affect of having me close by especially during grand wins and tough losses (we don’t mention the first loss to Seijoh because that in of itself was a lesson), yet I was one of the first people in the crowds Daichi sought out after the match against Shiratorizawa. 
“Ono-senpai!” Hinata’s voice exclaims with a wide toothy grin. Daichi and I were chatting amongst ourselves confirming plans for our much needed movie night.
“I’ll meet you at your place later, Daichi. For now, you should celebrate with your team,” I said before turning to where Shoyo was. “I’m proud you little tangerine. You played really well.”]
In the present-moment, we had our silent commitment to each other remain intact at the forefront of our relationship. Daichi and I were old enough to understand if we wanted this relationship to work both on and off throughout our third year, it was going to take work. Sure, we had a few disagreements sporadically, but we both made sure to talk things out and work through the difficult times because better things were to come. 
“I don’t know what I did wrong,” I explain to Shiki-kun during my break at the cafe. 
“One must be fire and the other water when there is an argument to be had,” Shiki-kun quoted a dead relative’s advice. “You and Sawamura are still young, but you know forgiveness is also a sign of love, Ono.”
“Learn from this and grow,” I said. I pulled my phone out of my apron pocket, thanked my coworker for the advice before I called Sawamura. I don’t think he had heard me sound as kind as I did on the phone before and when he realized I had apologized for misplacing our anger toward each other, I could hear him breathe a sigh of relief. 
“Ono, I do want this to work, but we need to get better at this,” Daichi stated matter of factly. 
“I know babe. Well then I’ll keep this brief,” I stared up at the ceiling of the cafe break room with my eyes closed. “We don’t have to explain everything right away. We can always cool down first before we say or act on impulse. Does that sound fair to you?”
“Alright. Text me when your shift is almost done.”
I laugh briefly, “Sawamura, you’re one of a kind and I’m lucky to have you.”
Once, Sawamura asked me once if it bothered me at all when he felt the responsibility to lead take a toll on him, to which I told him when he escorted me home after the club practice ended early one evening:  “Life isn’t a spectator sport. Hold on to this feeling for as long as you can, Sawamura.” 
That was the one statement he took to heart whenever he felt our relationship was becoming a bit one-sided: “If you’ll have me, stay here with me for as long as you need, darling.” 
“Always, you know that,” I said gently. “You’re emotions are valid. After all, I’d be more than glad to hold all the good whenever you need me to.”
It was nearly nine in the morning on a weekend, his hands were rough and calloused when he held my face in his hands before he kissed me the first time one morning when he spent the night at my place since my folks had to get their shopping lists ready for the farmer’s market we all were going to was a couple hours drive away. These were the days we both ideally missed and craved more of.
Back at the party, we realized that our fondness for the other was never an issue and neither was time given the fact that we may have disappeared for a few minutes already.
“I know we’re at Noya’s celebrating you guys’ advancement toward the spring tournament,” I started to say, slowly shuffling out of Daichi’s hold. “Albiet it’s been like a week and a half after all the make up exams you guys had to do…” 
“Do you want to get out of here with me?” 
Daichi takes my hand in his before walking ahead softly leading the way back to the main floor. I pause for a moment before we switch places and turning to face him, my voice decided to have its authoritative sarcasm slip through.
“My captain, I thought you’d never ask.”
Granted sleeping over at Sawamura’s place occurred during midterm exam all nighters (as well as on my end when he’d come to the cafe to escort you home on the weekends) was loads of fun, tonight was a little different. For starters, as soon as we arrived back to his place, he closed door to his room behind me, he made a sign to keep quiet. He took out his phone from his pocket and pressed play on his music streaming service. The legendary jazz artist Coltrane’s Giant Steps filled our ears, a decisive glint of mischief washed over Daichi. 
A wicked grin emerged on my face before I reached out to my partner for the evening. The abruptness of my actions caused Daichi to be caught off guard long enough for me to initiate this kiss: his warm lips pressed against mine. It takes him approximately three seconds to realize I was kissing him back with a vengeful vigor. My eyes have fluttered shut and in the darkness we envision the glow of the streetlights exploding. His lips are chapped from the change in temperature over our home city; he tasted of coffee grounds and dark chocolate compared to my “Lightning opal” tea leaves and peach blossom mochi. All of our focus that evening was going to be each other. More so to dispel any lingering waves of uncertainty. 
Upon the soft moan escaping my mouth traversed to his ear, made Daichi’s heart beat even more erratically than before. My hands made quick work of unzipping his jacket with the utmost haste; there was no time like the present.
“What are you doing to me?” I whisper against him when he rests his forehead against mine.
“Being loved by me gives you strength, while me loving you gives me courage.” his lips touch my cupid’s bow lightly, teasing me as I struggle to find my voice.
“Lao Tzu sounds so much better when you say it,” I stifle a laugh when his lips latch onto mine again.
There was an intoxicating feeling of diving head first into an erupting volcano and most of all, the way he tastes like cotton candy and midnights under turning galaxies caused me to lose myself over and over under his hold. This kiss is prolonged by his wandering hands finding their way stealthily to my face; my own sense of touch reacted like a forgemaster honing her skills of the trade. His mouth carries the weight of a burning star and I knew my heart is his. 
"Shh." I murmured, before moving my finger, and pressing a hand against Daichi’s cheek. The act of service gave him more support to push my body towards him, and connect our lips again. Daichi bows his head slightly before harshly whispering in my right ear to ‘jump.’ I reward his order by doing what he asked with a gleeful smile and approving nod. 
For the amount of time we have been together, Daichi had been known to pick up and twirl his girlfriend around a few times ever since Tanaka and Noya saw how smitten their captain had become. According to the managers, their captain’s demeanor had changed subtly whenever I was seen in the stands talking to Saeko, Akiteru, and Shimada at the official matches. Every day, on the train ride to the sports arena, it had become a ritualistic habit I developed with Natsu. She asked me to make a few more little crow friends to go along with her ‘little giant’ crow plushie and with the excess yarns, I had braided the colors of our school into my hair do. The orange strands really stood out and it was a subtle reminder which team I was there to support. 
Game days meant that Tanaka and Noya took notes at how their friend and leader treated the ground I walked on as though it were made of gemstones. Sometimes I would get a bit embarrassed, but if anyone asked me in private, especially when Natsu told her brother that I really did liked those lift hugs, it’s what I looked forward to post matches.
Daichi switched his center of gravity to give me the foundation I needed to jump. My arms rested atop his shoulders allowing us to momentarily catch our breath; on the other hand, he used both of his arms to hold me steady by the small of her back.
“You really are strong, have I told you that before?” I inform my date playfully when I place a chaste kiss on his brow.
“Once or twice, but so are you baby girl.” 
Daichi walks steadily to have a seat on his bed, upon which I currently readjust my legs to sit comfortably on his lap in a straddling position. My hands found comfort in holding the collar of his shirt in my hands. With a sturdy pull, our lips touch briefly, allowing them to bask in each other’s presence a little while longer.
“I missed you so much, you have no idea,” Daichi says in a raspy tone. He rests his head against my collarbone prior to shifting off to have his eyes wander about my face. A fraction of his strict tone had slipped out, which made me a bit curious. I chose to not bring any attention to it. I drag my bottom lip through my teeth to see if I could make him fall for the ruse. He quirked an eyebrow at me before they set their focus on the sides of my face, so instead I raised a  hand and turned his face upward toward me.
“If that is true, then Sawamura,” my breathy voice fans his face cooling the blush he had on his flushed cheeks. Daichi leans back farther than expected, allowing the laws of gravity to assist in us adjusting our bodies to be positioned in a much more forgiving cuddling manner as I succumb to how love-drunk he makes me. “Kiss me like your life depends on it.”
“OK, love,” Daichi says, peppering the sides of my face with his kisses. “OK.” 
Giant Steps finishes playing only to be replaced by the enigmatic Sketches of Spain by Miles Davis as soon as his lips brushes over mine in such a way that would leave my thoughts elsewhere because as it stands, we were old souls making up for lost time.
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3 notes · View notes
tvdiaries-imagines · 6 years
Old Flame: Pt. 3
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2248
Before proceeding, you insisted that the three stooges—Rebekah, Stefan and Damon—take you out for a drink to clear your mind. It’s no surprise that Kai wanted tag along. He wouldn’t take no for an answer. Rebekah wasn’t a huge fan of him so she had him sit farthest away from her at the bar.
After a couple of hours of sipping slowly to cool off, you finally agreed to do this favor for the Mikaelson family. Kai was not pleased at all by your decision. He had the idea to tag along with you but you denied him up until he brought up the favor he did for you yesterday. You owed him.
Rebekah explained how ruthless her brother can be and that if he sees Kai, there’s no doubt Klaus won’t grant him any mercy if he says one wrong thing to him. So you ordered Kai not to be within a mile radius of Klaus, no matter what.
“Ha. I can take him.” Kai implied.
You groaned. “It’s not about who’s tougher than who. Just do what I say for once. You’re lucky I’m even agreeing to this.”
“God you’re so hot when you’re frustrated.” Kai smirked and you rolled your eyes. “Oh fine. I’ll keep a close distance.”
No response came out of you. You parted ways and got to packing for god knows how long.
Rebekah informed you later that evening that she has important matters to attend to. She plans to take a different jet and will meet you in NOLA.
You were fine with sitting in coach, but Rebekah already had a private jet ready and waiting for you the following morning. When the jet took off, you threw on your headphones and allowed yourself a nap to pass the time.
When you landed, you called Rebekah straightaway. You scoffed when she sent you voicemail. But you received a text from her not a minute later with details about what to do next.
At first Rebekah planned for you to stay with her family at the Mikaelson compound. But, you rejected her plan and chose to stay at Kai’s hotel, no matter how much you are dreading it.
Later, you and Kai checked into the hotel suite, followed by grabbing food in the French quarter. “Wow this city is nothing like Mystic Falls.” Kai mentioned as he’s sitting across from you. He frowned when he noticed you constantly glancing around at everything except him. “Hey.” He placed his hand over yours on the table, snapping you out of it. “I can hear your heart beating like crazy.”
You briskly moved your hand away to your lap. “Mind your manners, Kai.” Your eyes narrowed at the heretic before continuing on your meal.
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“This ex really did a number on you. Tsk. Tsk.” He shook his head as he signaled for the waitress. When the waitress appeared with a smile strewn across her face, Kai flickered his eyes around, assuring nobody is paying attention so that he can compel her. “Be a good girl and slit your wrist into this cup for me, pretty please.” She obeyed to his command and a few seconds later, he brought her attention back. “You’re a doll. Go bandage that up now.” The waitress covered her injured wrist and disappeared to cover it up.
With his fingertips, Kai pushed the glass of blood towards you. You didn’t say a word, bringing the glass to your lips.
A moment later, your phone rings and it’s Rebekah. “Hey.” You said.
“Hello my lovely sister.” She greeted softly. “Meet me here at the compound. I will text you the address.”
“Okay. I’ll see you in a bit then.”
“Allow yourself in when you reach the gates.”
“Sure.” You ended the call.
Hearing word for word of your phone conversation, Kai sighed dramatically after you hung up. “I guess this is where we part ways. Temporarily of course.” He pouted.
“Quit being dramatic, Kai.” You let out a chuckle. “You’re in New Orleans. There’s plenty of activities to do and plenty of women who will swoon over you. Especially on bourbon street.” You stood, reaching for your wallet in your coat pocket.
Kai snorted as he halted you, swiftly pulling out his wallet as a gesture to pay. “I got you, girl.”
“Thanks. See you later.”
You brushed past Kai and mapped walking directions to the compound using the address Rebekah provided for you.
The city was always moving and there was never a dull moment. Jazz music all around brought you to contentment during your stroll. You couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear as you take everything in.
A figure beside you cleared his throat as if to get your attention. You shift your view and learn that it’s Elijah Mikaelson, dressed to the nines in one of his many finest suits. “My dear, Y/N.” He greeted with a soft smile.  
You briefly gazed at him. “Long time no see, Elijah.” You cleared your throat, narrowing your eyes. “Have you been following me?”
Elijah sustained his view straight ahead. “I was tending to an important matter and it just so happens I am granted by your presence on my venture back home. Though, Rebekah and I are especially grateful that you are here to help Niklaus.”
“Y-you’re welcome.” You ended the navigation on your phone and threw it in your back pocket, you shrugged your shoulders for a moment. “I just...I don’t know exactly what to do and what to say to him.”
“We only ask that you spend as much time as you can with Niklaus. However, I wish to warn you that we are unaware as to how he will react to your presence.”
You stopped in your tracks and Elijah did too, but with grace. “So you’re saying that he doesn’t even know about me coming here?” The bewildered expression on your face was hard to miss.
“Indeed. But no need to be alarmed, Y/N.”
“Elijah, do you know how long it’s been? What if he tells me to leave?” Now you’re starting to feel like a fool for coming all the way here.
“If my brother does strike you with such words, I assure you he will not mean it.” Elijah gently placed a hand over your shoulder to calm you. “He is going through a rather difficult time. All Rebekah and I ask is for your patience.”
You swallowed, leisurely nodding your head. “Okay sure.” You sighed, continuing your stroll to the Mikaelson compound.
“Rebekah has informed me that you’ve brought a friend along on your journey?” Elijah asked in a casual tone.
“Unfortunately. But he knows to keep his distance.”
“So…” You paused. “Where’s Klaus?”
“I’m afraid I do not have an answer. I have been rather busy all day.”
“Oh.” You glanced at the gravel. “By the way, I’m sorry about the loss of your niece. I can’t imagine what you’re all going through.”
“Yes. It is rather unfortunate.”
The remainder of the stroll lingered with no words exchanged. Shortly after, you are met with an enormous building here in the French quarter.
“Of course you guys live in a huge house.” You were in disbelief. “This is bigger than the old mansion in Mystic Falls.”
“Why yes.”
You followed behind Elijah as you enter the compound step by step. The sharp creaking sound of the gates closed behind you and there is utter silence up until you are in the center of the compound. You also noticed Rebekah is nowhere in sight.
“Elijah! You must know that tonight is another full moon!” Came an all too familiar voice that you felt like you haven’t heard in ages.
A voice that has expressed its love to you many times and many moons ago.
A voice that is feared amongst many. Except you.
Your heart skipped a beat and your eyes were suddenly glazed with a glassy layer of tears.
You froze like a statue, stunned at the hybrid before you. He still looked handsome as ever.
Elijah’s lips parted at your disorderly state before peering up at his brother who is making his way down from the second floor, completely oblivious of your arrival.
Klaus sees Elijah’s presence first, but as he reached the last step, he finally noticed you. He gripped onto the railing. His expression was as if he saw a ghost, eyes wide open and mouth dropping to the floor.
He attempted to speak, but the words could not form, so he closed them together to avoid any embarrassment.
You still stood there stiff as a log with your hands clenched into fists at your sides, sustaining your stare. A peep could not come out of your mouth either. You were self-conscious at your uncontrollable reaction. It’s as if you were on autopilot.
Klaus’s eyes abruptly flooded with tears. “My love?” His voice broke.
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Your breath hitched in your throat, unable to get a hold of yourself. So you vampire sped out of the compound in the blink of an eye.
Klaus remained still, bottom lip nearly trembling as he attempted to keep his emotions in check. His brows furrowed as he continued to stare at the spot you once stood at. He even wondered if you were truly here in the flesh? It also stung him a little that you left so suddenly.
Elijah leisurely stepped towards the immobile hybrid. “Niklaus.”
Klaus blinked rapidly, allowing the built up tears to drip down his cheeks. Instead of giving Elijah the time of day, he turned on his heel and marched back up towards his bedroom, allowing the door to slam behind him. He needed time to process what just happened.
Elijah waited a matter of minutes before proceeding to Klaus’s room.
He turned the knob carefully and announced his arrival. “Brother.” Klaus’s bedroom was an utter mess with numerous blank and half finished canvases.
Elijah found his brother on his balcony, overlooking the quarter as he’s gripping onto the railing. “Elijah. What the bloody hell is she doing here? Is this your doing?”
“Y/N is here to help you. As a matter of fact, this is Rebekah and I’s doing.”
“I do not need help.” Klaus implied through clenched teeth. “And even if I did, she’s run off. She’s not coming back, Elijah.”
“Brother. You must understand that seeing you after all this time is rather difficult for Y/N as it is for you. Give her time.”
“Was she compelled to come here?” Klaus asked, turning his view to Elijah who is now standing beside him. Klaus’s eyes widened and he drew his lips back in a snarl. Elijah’s brows creased together in confusion. “Answer me!” The hybrid snapped.
“No brother. We would never resort to such actions. Y/N has willingly agreed to come here. For you.”
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Klaus turned and started slowly pacing inside his room, pondering. “I see.” He finally said after a minute of silence. He hadn’t realized how much he truly missed you until he saw your presence displayed before his very eyes. It’s a lot to take in.
Elijah reentered, shutting the doors to the balcony. “Do you wish for me to retrieve her?”
“No Elijah. I’ll await her return.” Klaus said with distress. If it were up to him, he’d go out and search for you. But he cannot because he needs to stay locked in the compound as he continues to sell his grief to the world.
Elijah’s cell phone buzzed in his jacket pocket. It’s a text from Rebekah following up with him.  
As soon as you were out of the compound, you walked as fast as you could and as far away as you could. You sloppily wiped your tears with the backs of your hands.
After frantically walking a few more blocks, you passed Kai, who is busy flirting with a random girl he just met. You were too distraught to take in your surroundings but Kai just so happened to notice you speed walk past him. He immediately ditched the girl to catch up to you.
“Hey hey. What’s wrong hunnybun? Did he hurt you?” Kai asked with obvious concern. You slowed your speed walking.  
If you weren’t so upset, you’d scold Kai for that ridiculous nickname. You sniffled before responding. “Oh hey, Kai.” You took in a deep breath, managing to pull yourself together. “Well. I saw him.”
”Seriously, did he hurt you? We can go back so I can beat up that son of a-”
You placed your palm up for a moment to cut Kai off. “No. He didn’t do anything. I saw him and I freaked out and ran away like an idiot.”
“Oh.” Kai unclenched his fists. “Do you plan on going back?”
“Of course, Kai. We flew all this way. I just need to cool off and get my emotions in check.”
“Gee. Well I’m just surprised the sister didn’t chase after you.”
“Rebekah wasn’t even there. I haven’t seen her since the grill.” You started to wonder where Rebekah could be, however, you won’t even bother to call her because she’ll just ignore your call. Without hesitation, you entered inside the nearest bar named Rousseau's. “Anyways, I need a whiskey or two.”
A/N: Whoa! So much happened here :) I’d love to hear your thoughts on part 3! And in case you’re wondering, there will be a part 4!
TAGS: @ynm1505 @ravenmoore14 @xdontxcare @seasiren96 @anyasthoughts @woodworthti666 @agentmarvel13 @miss-lumiere @elizabeth-ann1090 @physically-a-cheesecake
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god-hunter · 4 years
Things Have Changed Too Much
It’s only been a month since I moved in and already so much has changed.  Too much has changed!  Remember how I said last time that by the end of this, we’re gonna come out in a completely different place?  Well... I’m in the different place.  And I hate everything about this Future/Now.
Almost everything...  There are Silver Linings.  And an Orange little ball of light that entered my life, 3 weeks ago.  But I’m getting ahead of myself.  I want to balance the good with the bad, and run you week by week as best as possible.
Forget dates, but we’re ranging from 4/12 - 5/11.
In that first week of living in my new pad, I’ve been owning the whole single bachelor lifestyle.   After the pizza ran out, I had a well-stocked fridge full of frozen meat and other basic essentials, thanks to Mom.  I needed to buy more pans and stuff though, so off to Target, I was.
Within those first 2 weeks, I was going to Target like, every other day.  Always thinking of something new, or buying something that caught my eye.  I’ll spare the details, but I will bring up furniture.
As I brought up in the last entry, I didn’t have a couch anymore...  So I tried to rock that Amazon Prime, and order a quick comfy chair to get the job done, while I take my time to research and order a good couch with the correct Dimensions to get through my narrow door...
Well, ordering that fucking chair was a mistake, because it took forever to come through.  So long, in fact, that I found a better thing at Target for less money and just picked that up instead.
So in week 1, in my living room, I was rocking two kitchen chairs.  One served as my sitting chair and the other was a make-shift table...  In week 2, I got a tufted comfy chair from Target, which was the shit.  It absolutely did the job, as my back was KILLING me, once again.  [This happened during my last move as well].  I’d be on the phone with my parents pretty much nightly, and my Mom told me that I’m probably doing so much without realizing it.  I did do a lot within just 3 days alone. I definitely recall taking a break to recuperate.
That make-shift bed was a disaster too.  My Dad pulled out the mattress from their couch and let me borrow it to give myself more back-support when I sleep.  So now I had a couch and a bed to research, but I was not up for it yet.
In week 3, the original comfy chair I ordered from Amazon came, and it was.. mediocre.  But paired right next to the Target chair made for an interesting make-shift Loveseat, while the other two kitchen chairs buffed around the sides to serve as end tables, almost.  Soon enough, I bought an inexpensive leather ottoman from Target as well and my Living Room was starting to get a little cozy.  I might have ordered my couch at that point and I was just waiting for it to come in.  In another day or so, I was finally ready to look into getting a proper bed delivered.  That process was a train wreck in itself, but... I found something I really liked.  I took a gamble on a hybrid mattress.  Half memory foam, half spring coils.  Time would tell if this was a good choice, but at the very least, I was very happy with the bed frame and box spring.
That same week, something magical happened.  This one merits a date.  On Wednesday 4/22, I got a Kitten!  It wasn’t planned, but the Ex caught word from her sister that an Orange Cat needed a home and I hit her up instantly. That day Fate intervened man.  Suddenly I was a Cat Dad for real, and I couldn’t be happier in that regard.  But... we’re not done...
The next day, my parents were really excited to meet my Kitty cat and see the apartment for the first time. A couch was still on its way, unfortunately.  We were even half-expecting it to arrive that day, but that didn’t happen. Well...  After my Mom walked up a flight of stairs to my 2nd floor apartment, she was winded and needed to sit down.  This surprised us, as she didn’t look well. She was kind of gasping and didn’t even take her coat off.
After asking if she was alright, she said, “No...” and explained that she felt faint last night. She’d been having trouble breathing since the night before.  This made me really worried.  She didn’t think it was Covid though.  Just something we’d all keep our eye on.
I got her water, and in 10 minutes she felt better.  Good enough to walk around and check out my rooms.  And hold the baby kitty cat. We went to his 1st Vet appointment together, which entailed a lot of sitting around and waiting in the car, since they don’t let you in.  It was good to chill in the car with them while my little boy was getting taken care of.
We got back in the apartment and AGAIN, she was winded.  This was bad... When they left, I felt really bad and I was really worried about Mom. Our phone calls became daily from that point on. It was definitely somewhere in this period that I was calling her and updating her about my bed purchase, which was a pain in the ass.  I was definitely yelling, and upset, because my online order didn’t go through and I hadn’t figured it out yet. That next morning I was able to update her with good news that I was able to place the order on the phone and it even cost less.  She was so happy for me.  It was a really good conversation.  She even went over all these changes I’ve been through since February, and how bit by bit I’ve been taking each of them on like a champ.  She expressed how proud she was of me, which wasn’t unlike her.  But... sometimes I wonder if this was precautionary... I think... I had the couch delivered, I just didn’t put it together yet.  I think she knew about that.  She also knew that I had a bed coming that week on Thursday that was going to be fully put together and set up for me.  I remember her feeling really good about that.
Well, it was absolutely on Tuesday morning - 4/28 that I put together my couch, with minor issues, but I got it done.  I was SO happy.  The kitty cat was playing with the giant box and foam stuff that it came in.  I filmed it for FB.  It was really cute.  I went to the bathroom, and I was washing my hands, I got a call from the house phone.  I was really excited, because I was just about to call her!
Only... it was Dad, and he had terrible news.
That morning at 5AM, Mom had another breathing fit. [One of 3, which I had not known about!!!]. My Dad decided enough was enough.  He was calling the Ambulance.  She agreed.  This was an Emergency and needed to be looked at.
The ambulance got there within half an hour and gave her oxygen.  She immediately felt better as they took her away.  My Dad was not allowed to go with her.  He kissed her on the forehead and told her that he’d see her later.
My Dad received 3 phone calls that day.  I think I’ll just spare the details and say that on the 3rd call, they told him that she didn’t make it...
The rest of my week was a nightmare. Nothing mattered anymore...
My Middle Brother took on the role of calling up the Hospital for as much information as possible and organizing the Funeral Arrangements for her.  I was the emotional support for my Dad and Oldest Brother, who was a pain in the ass this whole time.  My Middle Brother mostly had it together, but I was there for him too of course.  There were a lot of Zoom phone calls late at night now.  With both Family and Friends.  The Cousins reached out and really made us feel better, simply by talking about it.  We weren’t alone or so distant, despite our vastly different locations.  We were connected.
I Zoomed a lot that week, and that’s important, but we’re not done yet.
My Mom’s Funeral Service was put on Zoom, for my friends and family to attend.  The Service was limited to 10 people only.  Everything sucked.
The same day we put my Mom in the Ground, the Honeymoon was officially over at the Apartment.  My Landlord’s Brother took it upon himself that day to complain for a 2nd TIME that I had been zooming at night with phone calls that are so loud that its as if I’m in the same room with him.
I apologized and explained my situation.  But I was more put off and upset at this.  How fucking dare he!?  Does he have ANY IDEA what I’ve been through!???  The short answer is no, but also... he doesn’t care.  It doesn’t change the fact that I’ve kept him from sleeping for at least 3 nights in a row.
For that I apologize, but these 2 go to bed at 10PM!!  I’m sorry, but even when I’m working, I go to bed at Midnight.  We’re under Quarantine, dude...  I get tired between 12 & 3 now...
I told my Landlord that I don’t want his brother knocking on my door to complain to me anymore.  I’m standing up for myself. But the other part of that discussion was that they’re going to Soundproof the Ceiling of his room so he doesn’t have to hear me.  I am taking it upon myself to do the same to the room above him, which is my studio.  It was a project I was going to take on anyway, but...  I never would have worked on this right after my Mother’s death...
GOD!  Are you fucking KIDDING ME!!!?
These emotions are raw, folks...  I’m still so perturbed by the fact that the 1st two Zoom calls were in my LIVING room.  I was talking NORMALLY.  I wasn’t yelling.  Yes I was laughing at 2 AM.  100%.  The third time was even with Headphones on!!!  But again, we’re under quarantine and we’re all adults.  You gotta be fucking kidding me.  So that’s what I said to my Landlord in a very respectful text.  We need to respect each other’s lifestyles.
That bed came in by the way...  2 days after my Mother had perished.  I was numb the whole time.  Here I was getting this beautiful gift and I was no longer in any mood to receive it.  I couldn’t tell her about it... Same goes for the couch.  Right after I set up that couch, I got the bad news, so I didn’t enjoy it at all.
Now it’s a little better.  I’ve gotten over it.  It’s quite comfortable actually, albeit a little small for me.  I’ve definitely passed out on it a bunch already.  Which is exactly what I was TRYING to do, when the Landlord’s fucking brother came at me a 2nd time about the Zoom calls. The 1st time was enough!  No new information was exchanged.  I already knew they were gonna do the soundproofing thing!! He was probably really trying to impress upon me that it’s disturbing and to try to not do that, but guess what.  You’re not my Dad Motherfucker.  In fact, you’re not even my Landlord.  And then I came to find that he doesn’t even fucking pay RENT.  So his Say, is NOTHING...
FUCK THIS GUY. Absolutely.  Whole-heartedly.. Fuck Him.
There’s more reasons why I am saying that, which are none of my business, let alone yours.  I found out a lot about him from my old Co-Worker - the very same one who hooked me up with this apartment.  Which almost segues perfectly into the latest development in my life.  This Co-Worker tried to set me up with a new girl that she knows.  This one’s a 32 year old Single Mom, and she’s got a cute face.  I don’t know the rest of her body, but I know she’s a bigger Woman. That doesn’t really bother me, but after my Ex, that kind of thing is important to me.  Because if you don’t have your Health...  I can’t really take care of you...
But I’m getting ahead of myself.  This is truly, the newest development since about 4 or 5 days ago.  My Mom has passed...  I’ve been working on this Fucking Soundproofing project.. and something came over me, that...  I think I’m ready to meet new people.
On paper it’s only 3 months since we broke up, but it feels like longer, because week:month ratios are funny like that.
On the Female Front, I haven’t really been trying.  I had mentioned before that things have gone cold with almost all parties. When I was living alone, I fell into a pattern of playing WatchDogs2, watching Wrestling Reviews and even enjoying Manga Readings of DragonBall Super.  It was becoming a reliable little routine, before the kitty came into my life.  I was it’s savior, but then a week later when my Mom died... this little guy is my savior.
I never thought about it, but I really do believe that animals come into our lives for a reason now.  Exactly when they’re meant to.  Someone or something knew I was going to need this comfort in my life...  And I’m so grateful for that.  This is the sort of thing that could even get me to believe in God. But... I already believe in a higher power, so that’s enough...
This entire Era, really fucking sucks.  Now I’m my Dad’s emotional support partner.  Who counts on me and asks me to visit all the time.  And... that’d be fine if he wasn’t so hard to talk to.  All he wants to do is talk about himself.  When she was alive, he talked about how lucky he was to have met Mom...
So now those stories are just grating, frustrating and Exhausting!
But... he needs me.  And I guess I need him... The brothers need to be united too.  My Oldest Brother I’m worried about.  He’s always been the angriest amongst the 3 of us.  And most reliant on my Mother for help.
But I was talking about Women for a second...
Like I said, most of the novelty of keeping in touch has faded. My Social Distancer, might still want to go on that catch up date when this is all over, but when we talk, I don’t feel the warmest of vibes from her.  I feel like I annoy her, which is the worst thing to ever bring up to a girl you’re talking to. Almost the same goes for Canada Girl.  She’s practically off my radar, we talk so infrequently.  The vibe is definitely cooler, and fuck knows if she’ll ever want to really come over like she said she did. Zombie Mama is really sweet, but we barely talk.  She receives my messages very warmly and has definitely still expressed interest in getting me out of the house when this is all over.  So I love it.  I’ll absolutely take her up on that. In the exact contrast, you won’t be hearing about Bakery Girl anymore... I decided to hit her up again for the first time since she found out about the news.  I tried to have a normal conversation/re-ignite flirting, but Nope.  It was a short conversation that dwindled fast.  And when I brought up that I’d like to stay in better touch and text more if that’s okay, she absolutely said, “Aww that’s sweet, but I’m such a terrible texter.  I’m not the one, lol.” That terminology was so weird.  Did she catch my vibe?  Was she politely letting me down??  I caught that vibe and didn’t make it a conflict.  But I did say, “In other words don’t count on you?” And she was like, “Yup, lol.” ::shaking my head::  What the fuck ever... [I also looked it up and that’s absolutely a thing that girl’s say when they’re not interested, so...  fuck it.]
I actually shared that with Original Crush Twin, who was surprised, but also reassured me that she wasn’t looking for anything and always just sort of did her own thing anyway.  I’m not broken up about it.  It’s just annoying. If anything it’s given me more of a direction.
I can pretty much forget about everyone else. Gamer Girl is just a friend, Green is a bad idea and way too Polyamorous... Significant Party has had their own problems with the other half and I’ve stayed out of it.  I’m there, but it’s none of my business.  When they found out my Mom died, they were very supportive and told me to call whenever I needed.  I haven’t needed to vent at 6 AM, although the gesture was really sweet.  However, one night of flirting wasn’t really received due to bad timing from their own  drama and... I just can’t with that right now.  That’s the type of shit that fucked up this relationship last time.  But they know how I feel and we’ve been in touch a lot this week. We’ve definitely been naughty in other ways, so...  I think our Open Friendship is just fine  But now I have other things going on.  And I need to start focussing on moving on.
Which brings me to new girl.  We’ll call her Mama Girl. Its too soon to tell how much chemistry we actually have.  This person has a 3 year old and Dad is out of the picture, although it’s not without its own drama apparently.  I’m still learning her.  As my Co-worker said, she’s definitely sweet and silly.  She laughs at basically everything, so she seems easy going enough. But as she is a Mother, she’s busy for most of the day.  At around 9:30 the kid goes to bed, and that’s when it’s go-time to talk.  We have a window until about 11.  Sometimes she’ll push to midnight to stay up, but she’s already shot by that point and is quick to excuse herself for the night. One thing that I like about her is that I know when the conversation is over... But last night, I found out that this bitch is moving in 2 years!  Like Away, not to another town.  So should I even bother???
Right now I’m taking it with a grain of salt.  She’s a new person to talk to, is a self-proclaimed open book, has a million stories and is happy to hear mine.  She knows about Mom thanks to good old Facebook...  She apologized for the news and said she’d never mention it again unless I wanted to talk about it. She’s really sweet.  And she sends little hearts when I say things she likes, or even when she says goodnight.  Last night she used the emoticon with all the hearts around it when saying goodnight, so... I guess that's something, lol.
So not only does she like my pictures, but I guess she likes me.  She definitely likes the company and talking to another adult.  I can only imagine what it’s like to deal with a 3 year old all day.
But I can certainly say that waiting for 9:30 for whatever minimal conversation we can squeeze out is a fucking drag.  So...  I’m trying to take it in stride.  It’s not like we can actually go out anyway...  This Social Distancing World we live in is indefinitely prolonged until further notice.
But...  Today is a new week.  I’m on my 7th week of Unemployment, I’ll have had my kitten for 3 weeks this Wednesday, my Mom hasn’t been with us for 2 weeks - tomorrow, and I’ve been split from my Ex-girlfriend for 3 months.  I’ve had a place of my own for 1 month, and soon I’ll have known this new girl for a week...
Who knows what the future will hold...?
I’m not excited for it.  At all...
Finances are no longer a Fear... My Mom’s investments had investments... She is leaving us Well Off!
But that is hardly a silver lining at this time...
My New Normal is going to suck. The World is in peril. And I swear to God, every time I actually think about it, I swear I want to just crack.  I feel fucking defeated man...
But, it’s not over.  And each day, I remind myself that too.  And somehow I find it in me to move on.  One fucking moment at a time...
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theavaevans · 5 years
INVOLVED: Samuel Evans, Ava M. Evans, Blue Evans, Siena Evans, Phoenix Evans, Luca Evans TIME FRAME: Tuesday, December 17, 2019 LOCATION: Evans Family Home; Seattle, Washington SUMMARY: Samuel calls a family meeting, which goes wrong as per usual.
Samuel sat on the couch among everyone as he looked at his watch as they all waited for Blue to join them downstairs. The girl only truly had one more second to surface, respectfully he asked for a moment of their time. The thought of her moving when she got ready was pissing him off greatly and he was trying to mask it behind the rubbing of his lips and the sideways glances he gave his wife who sat comfortably next to his broad body. He couldn’t be upset he knew that; he couldn’t get upset, that he knew even more. His anger had gotten the best of him with his wife months back and he vowed that that would never happen again with anyone. But right now? He was reaching his peak.
Ava sat on the couch beside her husband, humming softly to herself as she scrolled Facebook on her phone, reading various stories and watching many videos as they waited for their eldest child to join the family meeting. In all honesty, Ava was curious to figure out what was going on herself, however she wasn’t going to question it. Her husband was just up to something and like their children, she was going to have to wait to see what it was.
With a huff of annoyance, Blue finally came trotting down the stairs to join the family. Beats over her ears and music blasting through them as she text Ariel, already thinking whatever was going on with the family was stupid. It had to be if her father was calling an unscheduled meeting. At the thought she rolled her eyes as she moved into the living room, socks sliding across the hardwood as she plopped down on the couch beside Siena, turning the music down in her headphones but not taking them off.
Siena looked to Blue as she finally joined them, glad that she did. She was actually anxious to hear what her father wanted to talk to everyone about and by the looks of things her mother had no clue either. But she did know her father wasn’t as vocal as her mother, he stayed quiet and she always wondered why that was, however he was getting ready to speak before them now, so she assumed she’d better listen. “What is this all about dad?” she asked quietly.
Luca looked to his parents fidgeting slightly, his parents had made the mistake of not giving him his medicine that morning and no one caught on. He was on edge, a hyper ball of energy that was bursting at the seams. He bounced from one seat to the next before he ended up on the couch with his mother and father. Luca laid his head on his mother’s lap, feet curled up as he toyed with the hem of her dress humming to himself playfully. His head popped up when Blue surfaced and he slid across his mother’s lap, as a baby would to its mother as he looked to his father expectantly. “Father has a secret to tell” he babbled as he tugged at his mother’s dress.
Sitting on the couch, Phoenix curled up in the corner with a blanket and her phone as she scrolled Instagram, smirking and giggling to herself at certain posts. When Blue finally arrived, she sat her phone off to the side and snuggled up under her blanket even more as she looked to her father expectantly.
As Blue surfaced, Samuel gazed at her long and hard. He would have sneered if he was sure his wife nor his other children would have heard him do so. Pulling his eyes away from the girl he said “we all know the rules here. No electronics” he said in a gruff voice “headphones included” he added looking back to Blue. “Great that you asked Siena. I called this meeting to talk about Christmas this year. It’s vastly approaching, and I need you all to know that, it won’t be spent here” he told them.
Looking down at Luca, Ava gently stroked his hair with her freehand as he shifted and fidgeted and wiggled while he played with her dress. She eyed him carefully, wondering why he simply couldn’t be still. Especially when he climbed over her lap. “Luca, what are you doing?” she asked him softly, sitting her phone down as she cradled the 11-year old in her arms.
Blue rolled her eyes as she pulled the headphones around her neck. “I can hear you,” she said with a huff as she folded her arms over her chest and at the announcement, Blue moved to stand up. “Whoopity doo,” looking between her parents. “I don’t care where we spend it, can I go now?”
Siena looked to her brother oddly, what was up with him she didn’t know it was like he had reverted back to an infant like state of mind. As her father spoke her eyes grew “yes, where are we going dad?” she asked him happily. As she looked to her sister, she sighed heavily. Blue always had to put a damper on a family moment.
Luca licked his dry lips and he looked to his mother letting her dress go, “nothing” he said to her with a smirk. As he shifted, despite his long limbs he rested in her arms gently cuddling up to her bosom as his dad spoke. He wasn’t interested in grown folks talk; he was just here because he had to be. He didn’t care where Christmas was spent as long as he got gifts.
Phoenix looked at her father as he began to explain what was happening. “We’re going on a Christmas trip?” she asked curiously. “Jazlyn and I were going to go see the light show this year, her dad agreed to take us.”
Samuel allowed everyone to speak and he looked to Blue “please sit down, I don’t have it in me to deal with you irrational and misplaced attitude” he said in a deep voice. “No” he replied to his daughters easily. “You all are going to your grandparents’ home this Christmas and your mother and I will be going on vacation. That is part of her gift from me. We are going to the Bahamas for two weeks” he said “I, sadly enough, do not care about any plans. Sorry Phoenix. You aren’t vacationing anywhere, you guys can’t even comprehend the need for a vacation, sorry Siena” he said exhaustedly. “I just wanted to make you all aware, of what’s happening” he told them.
Stroking Luca’s cheek, Ava watched him carefully before she slowly shook her head at the rest of their children. Blue’s attitude was out of control and they really needed to do something about it. At Samuel’s announcement that he was taking her to the Bahamas, she looked at him shocked. “Baby, I have to work… you know the holidays are the busiest time of the year.”
Blue let out an exasperated sigh as she plopped back down. “GRANDPARENTS?! Nah, I’m good. I am old enough to stay here by myself,” she voiced out-right. “Send them,” she said fanning to her brother and sisters, “not me.”
Siena looked to her dad and then to her mom “what?” she said disappointedly as she sat back pouting. He owed them all a trip he’d promised it a while back and fell through. Looking at her siblings, she sighed and quietly watched on.
Luca looked back to his dad, his head tilted upwards, he held his mother’s plush body and looked to the rest of the crew. “I love grandma and grandpa’s though” he said quietly.  
Phoenix pouted, poking her lip out. “That’s not fair,” she mumbled dejectedly as she pulled her blanket even tighter around her, now sad that she wasn’t able to see the light show with her friend.
Samuel looked to his wife, he expected her to be excited for this trip. It would be two weeks without any kids to worry about and it was a vacation for work after all. Something they both needed considering how much they worked. Looking to Blue, who he’d never get any respect from. Then looking to Siena who clearly hated the idea of not being able to go on a family vacation. Then there was Phoenix who was upset that she couldn’t be with her friend this Christmas. Looking to their son, he silently got up from the couch and walked off from the group. That was the tip, the very peak, and the crack in the dam that he did not want them to see as he removed himself from the meeting he actually called for.
Ava frowned softly at their children and their responses. Of course, they had holiday plans of some sort, they were teenagers. What was Samuel thinking? As her husband got up, she looked at him, shocked. “Baby,” she said gently as she stood up, Luca on her hip now and she let out a grunt at that. He sure was getting heavy. Never mind the fact that he was 11 and far too old to still be riding on her hip. She sat him on the couch before she said to the children. “Meeting over, you’re all dismissed.” With that, she went after her husband. “Sam…” she said as she moved in the same direction he had.
“Yes?” Samuel said simply to his wife as he moved to find his briefcase, there housed all the information for the vacation he booked. It wasn’t too late for him to cancel the plans and at least get a portion of the money he’d spent back. Once he located his briefcase, he moved towards his in-home office.
Ava sighed softly at her husband’s curt response. “Baby, I’m sorry,” she said honestly. “I had no idea you were planning this,” she said as she moved behind him swiftly, placing a hand on his back. “If I had known, I could have made arrangements,” she breathed out gently. “I can still try if you really wanna go,” she said already thinking about who she could call to cover her.
“Nope, it’s fine” Samuel replied easily as he searched for his cellular phone on his desk. “It was my mistake for trying to surprise you, my mistake for not putting all of my kids wishes and desires before my own” he said agitatedly. “I’ll cancel the plans, maybe I’ll get some money back from it. I’ll call my mother-in-law and tell her we aren’t going, and that will be that” he said never looking to her as he opened his briefcase and pulled out the itinerary information along with the resort, he booked information.
Ava sighed out listening to her husband and she was slightly taken back by his tone. Did he honestly have an attitude with her? Watching him as he moved around the room, looking for something, she nodded slowly. She wasn’t about to do this with him. “Okay honey…” she said as she turned to walk out of the room.
“Ava!” Samuel said with authority laced in every syllable, he shifted in his seat. Leaning up her told her “we can talk about this, I’ll calm down, and you don’t need to walk away from me” he voiced.
Turning on her heels slowly, Ava looked at her husband, one eyebrow raised as she stepped back into the room and closed the door behind her. “Okay,” she said softly as she moved to perch herself on the side of the desk.
“I’m angry because I wanted to surprise you with a trip, just you and I. No kids, no responsibilities, no problems” he said. “Why did you automatically dismiss it? Do you not want to go?” he asked her. “You don’t think we need a break?” Samuel asked her.
Ava leaned on the desk slightly, looking at her husband as he spoke, and she sighed. “Of course, I want to go,” she said thoughtfully, “and I didn’t mean to just dismiss it but…” she sighed once more. “I do have things to think about when I get surprises like this,” she said softly. “I’m already set to scrub in on surgeries and the holidays are the worst when it comes to emergencies and walk-ins…” she explained. “I need to make provisions... “
“I’ll just change the date” Samuel said defeatedly, when did their jobs control their every move to the point where they couldn’t even make the executive decision to live there on lives he didn’t know. But the thought annoyed him greatly.
At his solution, Ava shook her head and stood up, walking over to him. She placed a gentle hand on his chest. “No, don’t, I’ll figure it out,” she said gently. “I can get someone to fill in for me,” she told him gently.
“It’s not going to work; they always call upon you for everything at that hospital” Samuel said sadly. He just wanted a little peace, he needed it right now. Especially considering he made a very irrational decision lately and he knew his wife would kill him for it when she found out. “I quit…” he told her “last Friday” he breathed “and I just wanted to get away.”
“They can live without me for a week or two,” Ava said thoughtfully. She did need a vacation. They had both been working like crazy in the last few months and she was tired. Rubbing her husbands’ chest softly, she gazed up at him, her face changing from one of admiration to one of shock and confusion as her fist balled up his shirt. “What?” she asked shocked.
Samuel sighed heavily, “I couldn’t do it anymore Ava” he breathed out to her. “They didn’t appreciate me there anyway….”
Gazing up at him, Ava was blown again. She couldn’t believe it. Her hand tightened around his shirt and she pulled him down to her slightly. “Where in the hell have you been getting up and going every morning?!” she asked him as she released his shirt and pushed him away slightly. “Every damn morning!” she asked as she turned her back to him shaking her head.
As she tugged at him, he stumbled and he looked to her, his fidgeted with his hands much like a child when they were being chastised by a parent. Samuel looked to her before he dropped his head and he shrugged lightly “to uh… Maya’s house to clear my head and think…” he said.
Turning slowly, Ava looked at her husband, her eyes wide and her nostrils flaring slightly. “MAYA!” she screamed at the top of her lungs. “YOU’VE BEEN GOING TO THAT WOMAN’S HOUSE EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR A WEEK AND A HALF FOR NINE HOURS A DAY?!” She was livid. One because her husband had clearly been lying to her and two because he was spending his days with another woman. She could actually kill him right now. “WHAT THE HELL DO YOU DO OVER THERE SAM?! COMING HOME ALL TIRED AND WORN OUT?!” She questioned him. “I OUGHTA…” she trailed off shaking her head as she took a deep breath through her nose trying to calm down.
Samuel kept his head low, as she raised her voice at him because he deserved it. It sounded crazy leaving his lips though he hadn’t in his mind before. “Yes” he confessed to her softly, “I was just clearing my mind getting clarity from her. You know she’s a very insightful woman. Wise beyond her measure she was trying to help me figure out a way to tell you. Because I know for sure you would have been upset” he said. “I wasn’t really worn out” he said quietly under his breath. Though that is the lie he told her more than once.
A headache was forming in Ava’s temples because she was that upset. How could he be this idiotic? “A very insightful woman?!” Ava questioned him as she rubbed her head slightly. “Have you lost your mind?” she asked him harshly as she now began to pace the floor. “I’m not even upset that you quit, I’m upset that you lied, then continued to lie!” she yelled. “And on top of that with Maya?!” She fussed. “You know I don’t like that woman!” she huffed as she turned to look at him once more, it taking everything out of her not to slap him for simply being stupid. “I can’t even stand to look at you right now!” she said with a roll of her eyes. “So, what great plan did you think up with Maya?” she asked curiously. “The woman that you apparently don’t share a bed with, clearly don’t have kids with, haven’t made a whole life with, what plans did you create with her?”
“No, I haven’t” Samuel said confused “you know Maya is my best friend Ava” he reasoned. “You don’t like her?” he asked taken back. “Well, we uh. Went fishing a lot, played a lot of drinking games, worked out at the gym….” he breathed. “We didn’t come up with much… outside of the vacation…” he told her stupidly.
Ava licked her lips slowly and cocked her head to the side. “Best friend? She’s your co-worker, damn near your assistant,” she clarified for him as she sat down in a chair because she must sit for this. You went fishing… played games… got drunk… and went to the gym…” she said as she rested with her body against the arm rest, her hand holding her face up. “And the best you could muster up was a vacation, to cover up the lies you’d been telling?” she questioned him as she stood and nodded slowly. “You make me sick,” Ava said as she walked right over to him and slapped him across the face. “Do you hear me?! Make me so damn sick!” she fussed angrily. “I am your wife!” she said holding up her hand to show him the ring. “You come to me! Not some young, stupid ass whore that clearly wants you in her bed!” she screamed.
“We haven’t worked in close proximity in over a year Ava” Samuel corrected her. “Maya had other ideas that I should have taken more seriously but I did not and yes the vacation was a mirage and maybe even a delicate way to smooth it over and tell you at the same time,” he told her. “Huh?” he said, confused by her words. How was that so, he was a good husband he hardly did wrong but every now and again he makes a minor mistake. As she slapped him, his expression changed and he looked down at the floor, she’d never hit him before, and he didn’t know how to take the aggressive way she’d done so. It was hurtful, did he deserve it? “What?” he said at her lasting statement as he looked up at her “Maya is a lesbian, Ava” he said.
“A lesbian?” Ava responded out of shock, her neck jerking back a little. “Really?” she asked him, softening a little, feeling extremely bad for hitting him. “She’s always lingering around and remember that one party we had, she couldn’t keep her eyes off you, I was watching her!” she said trying to make sense of it all.
Samuel looked to his wife “she’s only dated women as long as I’ve known her. She’s the manliest woman I know” he said his eyes to the floor. “I am sure that wasn’t the case…”
Ava sat back down confused now. “If she wasn’t looking at you, then…” she trailed off as it hit her. “She was looking at me, I was on your arm the whole evening…” she said thinking it over. “Wow…”
Samuel furrowed his brows “huh?” he said to his wife, he didn’t know if that was true. Maya was his friend she wouldn’t secretly lust after her this whole time right before his eyes.
Ava began to laugh softly because all of this was just so ridiculous. Shaking her head, she moved to stand up, walking over to his husband she looked up at him with soft eyes. “This whole thing is stupid,” she said speaking of their argument. “I’m so sorry for hitting you baby,” she said honestly. “I just… I was so frustrated…” she admitted as she gently reached up and caressed his cheek.
As she laughed, he stood there, Samuel didn’t find the humor in any of it but often he didn’t. At her comment he stood there silently, she said she was sorry but that didn’t make him feel less like a little bitch.
Gazing up at her husband, Ava leaned up on her toes, kissing his cheek gently. “Baby, I’m so sorry,” she breathed once more, honestly feeling bad about hitting him. “Did you give Luca his medicine this morning?” she asked him, that still on her mind.
“I took it out for him yes” Samuel said ignoring her second apology as he stood there.
“Hmm,” Ava said softly, “I don’t think he took it,” she said gently. “He’s bouncing off the walls,” she told her husband as she stroked his beard lovingly.
“Okay” Samuel said back to her “it’s too late for him to take it now…”
“Well yeah…” Ava said knowingly with a sigh as she continued to stroke her husband’s beard. “Just gotta make sure he takes it tomorrow.”
“Will do” Samuel breathed to her as he pulled her hands away from his beard, moving to retreat from the office all together.
As Samuel pulled away from her, Ava frowned. “Sam…” she sighed out gently as she followed behind him. “Baby, I’m sorry,” she pleaded.
“I know, I know” Samuel said in response to her, he got it she was sorry. “Doesn’t make me feel any better though” he told “I’ve never put my hands on you,” he said.
Frowning, Ava looked down as the floor. “I know,” she whispered. She was honestly ashamed of herself. She let jealousy and a little bit of upset pull her out of her character. “I can’t apologize enough,” she said knowingly. “I don’t know what came over me…”
“I think I am just going to go to sleep now, if it’s okay with you?” Samuel said to his wife.
Ava’s frown deepened even more but she nodded slowly. “Of course, baby…” she said in the tiniest voice ever. “I’ll be up in a bit,” she whispered even softer.
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zdbztumble · 5 years
“Jewel of the Seven Pokemon!” Chapter IV
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The writing’s slowed down more than I would’ve liked - this is an insane time of year to be me - but we’re still more-or-less on schedule for Halloween. Who’s ready for some battle action?
Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III
The drawing room wasn’t the only set in the soundstage, though it was the largest. All the sets related to the mansion of Jewel of the Seven Pokémon were housed here; the bedrooms, the attic, the kitchens. The production design on all of them was delectable, and under other circumstances, Cilan would have loved to pour over them in detail. At the moment, however, the only thing he was looking out for was any sign of a Cofagrigus, and none was forthcoming.
We really should look into more Pokédexes for our little group, Cilan thought, not for the first time. Not that he needed the encyclopedia’s entry on Cofagrigus to tell him anything, but its scan function might be helpful in detecting their presence. Left to what the naked eye could perceive, all he could discern from the corner of the bedroom set he was inspecting was that the art department deserved commendations for their choice in authentic period bedspreads. Cilan was sure Misty wasn’t having any better luck rummaging through the cabinets behind him. She was really quite good at ratiocination, considering that Oshawott never left her arms and kept trying to claim her attention through hugs, cuddling, and tricks with his shell.
She wasn’t much better than Ash and Iris for patience, though. “Why don’t we just go outside and wait for Ash?” he heard her groan. Cilan didn’t even look up from under the bed, but raised a hand and waved off the notion.
“A detective must make a thorough examination of a crime scene,” he said. “The smallest detail may lead to a critical deduction. Leave no stone unturned, and no tool unused.” He held his magnifying glass to a strange mark on the bedpost; a bit of glue residue, as it turned out.
“Well, I’ve already deduced what tools we’ll need,” said Misty.
“Oh?” Cilan sat up. “And what might – where on earth did those come from!?” His partner was standing in the middle of the room, beaming, with a gold talisman around her neck, a ceremonial teapot in one hand, and Oshawott holding what appeared to be a scroll of papyrus in the other.
“They’re to ward off the spirit of the jewel,” Misty explained. “Here’s tana leaf tea, a talisman from the lost civilization Cofagrigus are supposed to come from, and the Scroll of Life! That one’s just a prop, but all the hieroglyphics on it are authentic.”
It took a lot for Cilan to choke down all the retorts such superstition deserved. She’s more helpful than Mr. Hampton, he reminded himself. The director had – as best as Cilan could understand him – volunteered to serve as a look-out from the drawing room set, then promptly slapped on a pair of headphones and started head-banging to rock music.
“I think we can move on now,” Cilan finally said, beckoning for Misty to follow as he moved behind the set. On an initial glance, the only thing back here was the generator for the soundstage, but it was the one place they hadn’t looked yet.
“You know,” Misty said as they walked, “you wouldn’t be so skeptical if you saw some of the things I have.”
“I suppose that’s a stronger argument than Iris’s ‘sixth sense,’” Cilan replied. “But I repeat – any supernatural event has a scientific explanation, and given the facts we do have, that explanation is likely to be misdeeds by the seven Cofagrigus. It wouldn’t be the first time we’ve encountered mischievous Ghost-types.”
“So what’s your scientific explanation for them?” Misty asked, her voice dripping with a sour smugness. Cilan tripped at the question, only just managing to keep on his feet. It was a common comeback to supernatural skepticism, and Cilan despised it – an utterly fallacious, tasteless statement. Of course there was a scientific explanation for Ghost-types! They were a type of Pokémon, after all. Yes, a very simple explanation would suffice for them. And as soon as I think of what it is, I shall return to that subject, Cilan vowed, and kept on walking.
“You traveled with Ash through two regions, didn’t you?” he asked, just to make conversation.
“Three regions,” said Misty. “Actually, I only stopped because I needed to take over the Gym for my sisters.”
“Mm-hmm. It all worked out for the best, but the day we found out, I was so upset that – ”
There was an unpleasant zap sound, a harsh flare from the work lights, and then black, a total and encompassing black thanks to the soundstage’s lack of windows. “Ah – t-the generator must have b-blown a f-f-fuse,” Cilan stammered, embarrassed by how weak his voice sounded. There was a good reason for the cut-out, surely. Of course, they were quite close to the generator when the lights failed, and there was no sign of anything wrong with it…
“W-Well, w-we were already in the d-d-dark about the case.” Misty’s voice was somewhere between a stutter and a giggle. Oshawott was whimpering, and Cilan felt them brush against his left. “D-don’t worry,” said Misty, her voice strengthening a little. “I’ve got this. Go, my steady!” The flash of a Poké Ball went off. It wasn’t long enough for Cilan to get a good look at the Pokémon, but he could tell it was massive. He hoped it didn’t damage any of the sets.
“Flamethrower, Gyarados!” Misty commanded. “We need some light!” The Pokémon gave a low, agreeable grunt, and a steady stream of flame appeared high above them. It was just enough to illuminate themselves, the generator on the wall, and Gyarados itself.
“What an incredible taste,” Cilan whispered. Even under the circumstances, he couldn’t help but admire Misty’s Pokémon. “We don’t see many Gyarados in Unova. And to have taught it Flamethrower!”
“Not bad, huh?” Misty winked. “But just wait until you see this – Misty calls Starmie!”
“Hyah!” The Mysterious Pokémon seemed to know what its Trainer wanted as soon as it appeared. It took a position, lit up its jewel, and shot a Thunderbolt into the generator. A moment later, the work lights were back up. Misty stood proud with her Pokémon on either side (and Oshawott pouting in her arms.) Gyarados was smiling as well as it could, and even without a face, Starmie gave of the unmistakable taste of pleasure at a well-done Attack. Exquisite! thought Cilan. He wasn’t a stranger to type specialists or to unorthodox move sets, but Misty had achieved something unique with her Water-types. “I have a brother who would fall head over heels for you,” he told her.
Misty laughed and ran a hand through her ponytail. “Of course, the world’s greatest beauty is flattered –”
“Osha?” Oshawott squeaked. He looked up at Misty with big, watery eyes and trembling lip. Misty smiled down at him, pulled him into a tight hug, and nuzzled his face with her cheek. “But you’ll just have to tell your brother I’m taken,” she giggled.
“I see,” Cilan laughed. “But Pikachu is quite taken with you too.”
“It’s a price to pay for being cute.” Misty winked, then gave a small, rather staged shudder. “Even one of Ash’s Bug Pokémon liked me.”
A third one of Ash’s, is it? Cilan tapped his chin with his magnifying glass. While it was a common claim that Pokémon could reflect the feelings of their Trainers, that wasn’t universally true, or a surefire insight into anything. But it was impossible not to notice a certain playful dynamic between Ash and this oldest friend of his. Ash and Iris had their banter and bickering, of course, but not in degree or in kind. This is Ash I’m thinking of, Cilan reminded himself. But perhaps…even if it’s only on her end…
“Misty,” he said. “If you don’t mind my asking – when you call Ash your ‘best friend,’ does that really mean ‘boyfriend?’”
It was a miracle that Oshawott and the supposed curse repellents didn’t go flying. Misty shivered, spun around on one foot, and then went stiff as a board, a furious blush across her cheeks and nose. “W-W-What g-gave you th-that idea!?” she shrieked.
Take your pick. Cilan grinned and tilted his cap to the side. “Well, well…what a curious flavor this is!”
“I – I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Misty insisted. Her blush grew even stronger. “It’s ridiculous, to think that I’d ever…do you hear that?”
“Really, Misty, you’ll have to better than that to avoid your –”
“No, really!” she hissed. “Listen!”
She was right; the whirring sound was back. Above them, to either side around them; even right in front of them, where the generator and a solid wall stood, it seemed to come in all directions except below. And the last time the sound came, there soon followed –
“COFA!” Misty’s tools did scatter that time, as she scurried away from the Cofagrigus emerging from the wall. Cofagrigus plural – there were now three of them. Each had a Will-O-Wisp prepared in one set of hands, while the other reached out with unfriendly fingers.
Misty looked over at Cilan and grinned. “If you battle the way you talk, we’ll be here all day,” she joked. It was quite the change from her nerves when the blackout first came, but Cilan could understand; actually having a foe to face made it easier to feel brave. He gave her a wink back and drew a Poké Ball.
“You forget – you’re not the only Gym Leader here,” he said. “Go forth, my precious Stunfisk!”
“Right!” Misty pumped a fist. “And us too! Gyarados, Starmie, use –”
“Oshawott!” Ash’s Pokémon jumped down from Misty’s arms and ran up in front of the Cofagrigus, paws on his hips and head held high. He spared a moment to look back and wave at Misty, then moved into a battle position. Misty and her Pokémon looked baffled; Cilan shared an incredulous look with Stunfisk.
“Osha!” Oshawott hurled a Razor Shell at the Cofagrigus on his right. He shot Water Gun at the one on his left. And he charged with Tackle at the one right in front of him. The right Cofagrigus dodged the Razor Shell, the left took the Water Gun with little issue, and the center Cofagrigus, being a Ghost-type, felt nothing from the Tackle. Oshawott bounced right off it and landed on his back. He sat up, blinked twice, and took a long look at the Cofagrigus – all of them slowly advancing, Will-O-Wisp still in their hands – before recovering his shell and retreating behind Misty’s leg.
“So that’s what Ash meant,” Misty sighed. “It’s OK, Oshawott. We’ll take care of this. Waterfall, Starmie! And Gyarados, Crunch that one on the left!”
“Mud Bomb, Stunfisk!” Cilan ordered. “Blind them all!”
All three Pokémon moved to carry out their Attacks. Starmie spun to the left, Gyarados reared up as high as he could in the stage, and Stunfisk flattened himself down to the ground. But before any Attacks were let loose, the Cofagrigus on both ends burst open. Out from their bodies emerged two human figures with slick hair, crooked glasses, and business suits barely visible underneath reams of bandages.
“Who are they?” said Misty.
“They must be the missing producers Sir Bela mentioned,” said Cilan. “Anyone who gets too close to a Cofagrigus…”
“…Gets turned into a mummy!” The mummies before them said nothing, but ambled slowly from the bodies of the Cofagrigus. As soon as they cleared the lids, the Pokémon closed back up and their red eyes lit up. A faint blue light surrounded the mummies, and they lifted off the ground, floating in between the Cofagrigus and Cilan and Misty’s Pokémon. They were being used as shields.
“That’s no fair!” Misty growled. “Let them go and fight us yourselves!” The Cofagrigus all gave nasty snickers that stood the hair up on the back of Cilan’s neck. They threw their fire-filled hands forward, and their Will-O-Wisps combined and formed a spinning ring of fire around Cilan, Misty, and Oshawott. The flames were so large and so fast that there was no hope of jumping or dodging through or around them, but that wasn’t much of an obstacle. Even if Misty weren’t at his side with Water Pokémon, Cilan had his Stunfisk. All he had to do was call out for Water Gun, and –
The Cofagrigus on the left moved first. Keeping its mummy between itself and Misty’s Pokémon, it rushed Stunfisk with Energy Ball. Just one hit left Stunfisk down for the count. The second Cofagrigus moved on Starmie, with Ominous Wind. The Mysterious Pokémon was thrown into the back of the bedroom set. Its jewel didn’t go out, but it was clearly damaged. The one Cofagrigus without a mummy flew right up to Gyarados’s face, performed Astonish, and circled around as the Atrocious Pokémon flinched.
“It’s headed for the drawing room set!” Misty shouted. “Mr. Hampton! Oshawott, you need to put these flames out!” Ash’s Pokémon was still holding on to her leg, with his head turned into it. On Misty’s words, however, he slowly let go, waddled out, and used his Water Gun on the Will-O-Wisp. Besides dousing the fire, it created a thick, humid mist that engulfed the remaining Cofagrigus and their mummies. Misty scooped Oshawott up and led the retreat. She recalled Starmie as she ran; Cilan did the same with Stunfisk. A roar and a tremor in the ground told him that Gyarados was close behind them.
They found Mr. Hampton right where they’d left him, in his director’s chair with terrible posture while listening to music. His sketchpad and pen were back out, and he was drawing in large, sweeping motions as if keeping tempo with the music in his headphones.
“Mr. Hampton!” Misty cried, waving her arms to try and claim his attention. “The Cofagrigus are here!” The director looked up, gave a quick wave of his own, and turned back to his drawing.
The Cofagrigus materialized directly above him. Its body opened wide, slammed down upon Mr. Hampton, and snapped shut, spitting the chair, headphones, and sketchpad out. The Coffin Pokémon rattled about violently, fell to the floor, and rolled around the set. Cilan had never seen, nor knew no one who had, a Cofagrigus mummify a person; it hadn’t occurred to him that they could resist from the inside. He started towards the shaking casket. If Mr. Hampton can hold out long enough, and if we can reach him…
The lid swung open again, and Mr. Hampton lurched out, covered from head to foot in black, rotting bandages. The glow of Psychic surrounded him, and he was raised up before Gyarados could make a move. The other two Cofagrigus, and their mummy shields, appeared from the sides, circling around Cilan and Misty to line up with the other, but they kept spread out enough to prevent an easy flanking. It was a difficult and bitter taste they presented, and Cilan couldn’t see a ready way to sweeten the situation.
“Could Gyarados make it past the mummies?” he whispered.
“I don’t know,” Misty muttered back. “He would never mean to hurt them, but there’s so little space here, and they’re so fast.” Gyarados gave out a low, frustrated growl. The Cofagrigus laughed again, floated up above them with their mummy shields, and began to form Shadow Balls in their four hands each. With them up in the air, the view of the far wall was clear, and Cilan saw the controls for the loading door.
“Recall Gyarados,” he urged Misty.
“What!?” she hissed.
“For now,” he said. “We need to get out into the open. Recall Gyarados and have Oshawott distract them.” He jerked his head in the direction of the controls, as subtly as he could. Misty’s eyes flicked over that way. She bit her lip, but she nodded, and slowly bent down to pick up a trembling Oshawott and whisper into his ear. He shivered, but when he looked up into Misty’s eyes, he took a breath and nodded himself.
“On my signal,” Cilan whispered. “Three…two…one…”
The middle Cofagrigus swept down toward them, dipping just below his mummy shield. Misty held Oshawott up high, and he fired a Hydro Pump that caught the bottom of the Cofagrigus’s body. Oshawott leapt up and spun around, his Attack drenching mummy and Pokémon. No damage was done, but the distraction was just what they needed. Misty recalled Gyarados to his ball, and Cilan made a dash for the controls.
I know we get lost all the time, but how did we get lost on a movie set!?
Ash had been asking himself that for the past fifteen minutes, and he still didn’t have an answer. There were so many twists, turns, drops, and slopes in the cave set that it was hard to understand why the film wasn’t just using a real cave. Mr. Christopher said it was built in a stage with a big water tank, where lots of famous musicals had been shot, and it was drained now so that the cave sets could go downhill and underground. That was pretty cool. And unlike the other stage, all the movie lights were still around for the cave, and they were on, so the set really was a dark, spooky cavern with shafts of pale light and a few red lamps rigged up by the characters in the film. But that just made it harder to get around in the set.
Another thing that didn’t help was that, instead of helping Ash and Pikachu find the right way around, Iris kept trying to get Mr. Christopher to talk about that Dragon Squad from the war he was in. “Did they have Druddigons?” she asked, hovering at his elbow. “What about Noivern? You said you were stationed in Kalos – there had to be Noiverns, right? Did you ride any Noiverns?”
“There were, and I did,” said Mr. Christopher. After everything he’d been asked throughout the day, he was finally starting to sound impatient. “But I’ve told you, young lady, that I was not a member of the Dragon Squad, only attached to them at times throughout the war.”
Iris frowned and put her hands on her hips. “What’s the difference?” she asked.
Mr. Christopher banged the bottom of his cane on the floor. “It means I didn’t have the eyesight to be a proper dragon rider,” he snapped. “I served as an intelligence officer for the GAF, and as I’m gifted in languages and connections all over the world, particularly in Kalos, I was seconded to units like the Dragon Squad to assist with –”
“Wait – intelligence officer?” Ash spun around. “I know what that means – that’s spy stuff, right?” Those were some of Ash’s favorite movies – the big action films with gadgets, secret agents, and crazy Pokémon battles. He’d met a few people who were into that kind of work in his travels, but it was always amazing to hear more about it. “Did you go on any secret missions?” he asked Mr. Christopher. “Did you use your Dark Pokémon to steal messages and sneak around enemy lines?”
“Did you fly any Dragon Pokémon on your secret missions?” Iris asked. Axew was sticking out of her hair, eyes wide, and Ash could feel Pikachu’s toes curling with excitement on his shoulder.
Mr. Christopher let out a long sigh, looked both ways, and leaned down. “Can you keep a secret?” he whispered.
“Yes!” Ash and Iris hissed back. They were both on their toes, and Ash balled up his hands into fists. Mr. Christopher raised up one hand, his index finger held high.
“So can I,” he said simply. Iris slapped a hand over her face and fell over, and Ash fell right beside her. “Now may we please get on with this – this – is that whirring sound back again?”
“Huh?” Ash pushed himself back onto his feet. “Yeah…yeah, it is.” It wasn’t the same as in the other stage, though. The noise was still muffled, but it was definitely coming from just one direction, straight ahead. “C’mon, Pikachu,” Ash whispered. “Let’s check it out.”
They tiptoed down the path. The gaps in the plaster rocks that let in “moonlight” disappeared the further they went; everything they could see was from the red glow of the lamps. The path ended in a solid wall of rock, but Ash could just make out, about seven feet above his head, an opening rimmed in red light. The whirring sound was strongest just below it, and Ash could hear another sound – a soft, steady chant of “cofa, cofa, cofa.”
That’s gotta be it, thought Ash. I could get the drop on them if I could figure out how to get up there. Let’s see…Snivy has Vine Whip. She could pull us up, but I don’t see anything she could grab onto to pull herself up. But maybe – “OW! Iris, what are you doing!?”
“Shh! You want them to hear us? Now hold still.” Iris pushed down hard on the back of Ash’s head, put a foot on his back, and pushed herself up until she was standing on his shoulders. Pikachu snapped at being knocked aside, and Ash bit down hard on his tongue to keep from shouting. His knees started to shake, and he put a hand on the rock wall to keep himself steady.
“This isn’t fair,” he hissed. “I want to see too!”
“Quiet!” Iris tapped the side of his face with her foot. “There’s three of them. The Cofagrigus – they’re all together, circling around something. I can’t see what.”
“It must be the jewel.” Mr. Christopher came up beside them. Even at his height, he couldn’t quite see into the opening, but he released Shedinja, who floated up to be level with Iris’s head. “That part of the set is where the ceremony is conducted in the story. There should be an opening in the top, with a light to represent the star that awakens the sprit inside the jewel.”
“I see it,” Iris reported. “And it’s not just the lamps making that light – the thing they’re circling is glowing red too.”
“Are there any signs of Bisharp?” asked Mr. Christopher. “Or any other Pokémon?”
Is there any sign of a way up? Ash wanted to shout. I can’t hold on much longer…
“No…and I can’t see anything that would be making that sound – HEY!” Ash couldn’t keep steady. He stumbled forward, fell on his face, and winced as Iris landed on his back. “Ash!” she snapped, poking between his shoulders. “I was trying to see what’s going on!”
“Well, I’m not a ladder!” Ash hissed back. “Or a chair, so get off!”
“You are such a kid!”
“I am not!”
“You are too!”
“Quiet!” Mr. Christopher’s voice was quiet, but that somehow made its anger even clearer. Ash bit down his next comeback, and Iris rolled off him. Mr. Christopher gave them a cool look, then pointed to the opening with his cane. “Shedinja, I want you to slip inside there and have a good look around. Stay invisible and keep to the shadows. See if you can find where that sound is coming from, but most of all, look out for any sign of Bisharp.”
“Shedinja.” The Shed Pokémon gave a nod with its entire body, then vanished. Ash shook his head and sat upright, Pikachu claiming a spot in his lap. I guess this counts as spy stuff, he thought as he scratched Pikachu’s head. It would’ve been nice to be able to see what Shedinja was up to, but it was still cool. I wonder if Mr. Christopher had Shedinja in that war he keeps talking about? He said it wasn’t an actor Pokémon. That probably wouldn’t matter to Misty, though; she’d still be scared of it.
Ash wondered how Misty’s search with Cilan was going. She knew more about all this stuff, and Cilan was…well, Cilan. If they didn’t have the whole mystery solved by the time everyone met up outside, then they’d at least have a clue or two. If they don’t get caught up in all their movie talk, anyway. I’ll probably have to go see this movie with one of them, if it ever gets finished. Ash still couldn’t get over that ending Misty told him. How was it supposed to be romantic if, at the end, the heroine ended up –
It came up from the floor, without a sound. The Cofagrigus threw its four arms out, seized Iris, and threw her into its open body before she could even scream.
“Hey!” Ash sprang to his feet and caught the lid of the Cofagrigus before it closed completely. “Give back my friend!” Pikachu cried out and grabbed the lid as well, from the base. Together they pulled as hard as they could, but the body was straining against them, heavy as a rock, and slick in Ash’s grip. He could hear Iris banging and kicking on the inside. “Don’t worry, Iris!” Ash grunted. “We’ve got ya…”
“HERE!” Mr. Christopher moved fast for an old guy. He spun his cane around and swung the silver Zacian head so that it caught between the lid and the body. He pulled back on the stick like a lever, and the Cofagrigus started to open up –
Three loud cries all sounded together, and something small and hard flew from the cave opening into Mr. Christopher’s chest. It was Shedinja, out cold. The three Cofagrigus who had been circling the jewel floated in from the opening, each with a Shadow Ball ready. The one on the left hurled the Attack at Ash, catching him low in the stomach. It was like winter air made into a solid ball, with all the cold soaking inside him. He fell and rolled back until he hit the side wall. Pikachu was small enough that the Shadow Ball struck his entire body, and he slammed right above Ash. Mr. Christopher managed to dodge the last one, but he had to let go of the cane, which did take the Attack and spun through the air until it struck Ash on top of his head.
The Cofagrigus they’d tried to open slammed all the way shut. Its three fellow Coffin Pokémon circled around it, facing outward, with another set of Shadow Balls ready. Ash could see the middle Cofagrigus thrashing around, and he could hear Iris’s muffled yelling. But he could still hear the whirring sound too, an awful mechanical whish-whish-whish-whish, and it was spreading to fill the whole set…
The three guard Cofagrigus floated up and out, and the one in the center swung open. Iris stumbled out, her arms outstretched, her half-shut eyes rolled back in her head. There were bandages wrapped around her from head to toe. Axew was sticking out of her hair; he was wrapped up too, with the same rolled eyes.
“Iris!” Ash moved towards her, but a hand took him firmly by the elbow and pulled him back.
“We have to get outside!” barked Mr. Christopher, as he recalled Shedinja. “We need light and space to fight them!” Ash didn’t want to run, or leave his friend, but he couldn’t argue either. He scooped up Pikachu, gave Mr. Christopher his cane, and followed him down the path.
The Cofagrigus and the Iris-mummy were following – Ash could hear their awful laughter, and Iris’s moaning – but he didn’t look back. Now that they were being chased, Mr. Christopher seemed to know the way around the cave set. They went left, right, left again, up, down, around an arc and through a tunnel. A Shadow Ball went past Ash’s shoulder and just missed Mr. Christopher. A nasty howling sound came with a sudden breeze that nearly took Ash’s hat off – Ominous Wind, it had to be. The set lights started to flicker on and off. “I don’t even want to see this movie,” Ash muttered. “How’d I end up in it!?”
Another left, another right, another right again, and up a sloping path. There were more Shadow Balls, and a spit of blue flame that nearly caught Pikachu’s tail; one of these Cofagrigus knew Will-O-Wisp. The laughing and moaning were getting closer, the whirring sound louder. They couldn’t make it – they weren’t going to make it –
“A-ha!” the sunlight hit Ash like a slap in the face, but Mr. Christopher took his arm again and pulled him through the side door. They spun around to face the stage (a little too quickly; Ash felt dizzy) but instead of following them outside, the Cofagrigus just laughed again and pulled the door shut.
“Hey, what are they up to!?” Ash yelled. “Give back Iris, you creeps! We’ve got to save my friend, Mr. Christopher!”
“Let’s find your other friends first,” he said. His hand was gripping his cane tightly, and his breathing was heavy; all that running must have taken a lot out of him. “They should be out here by now.”
Ash looked all around. “I don’t see them. You don’t think –”
They came from around the far end of the stage, down the alleyway. Ash slumped down onto one knee, and Pikachu had to push his jaw shut. He couldn’t help it, though; seeing three Cofagrigus, with mummies floating around them, making a quick retreat from a snarling, slithering Gyarados with Misty, Cilan, and Oshawott on its back, was just too weird.
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