#exploding snap 2021
evangelineshifts · 3 months
(This has been sitting in my drafts since feb)
I just had the weirdest shifting (?) dream ever???
Warning: sorry if this is confusing I’m literally losing my mind trying to process this. It probably won’t convey as dire as I’m making it out to be but I’m very disoriented still
Basically the dream started out normal (which for me isn’t normal at all) I was in my living room with my family when all of a sudden my front door slammed open and in comes my older brother- my older brother who DIED SIX YEARS AGO. I did have it in mind to manifest him being alive again but I was gobsmacked. He comes in and everyone acts normal as if he’d never left and I audibly went “oh my god” in the most horrified voice ever and they all looked at me and I ran upstairs to my room (which also hasn’t been my room up there in years) and went to grab my phone which was still like modern to these times. My Lock Screen was different and stuff but like I could read everything on the screen. Which is weird cause in dreams you shouldn’t be able to do that. Everything was clear I read the date it said it was Wednesday, December 8. I fuckin lost it I was going insane. I was like crying cause I was overwhelmed and I went to google and I searched up what year it was (idk why I didn’t just go to calendar but I was distressed). It said it was 2016 which I thought was a bit weird cause I didn’t manifest I wanted to go back to 2016 I wanted to go back to 2021 when I was 15 but I didn’t complain cause my brother was back. (Woke up and checked if Dec 8 was on a Wednesday in 2016. It wasn’t but it was in 2021 😭😭)
So I went to snap chat and checked my friends list and there where tons of new people that I had sent pics too but I was looking for one in particular- the girl I script to be my bsf in every DR that I wanted to manifest was real here and lo and behold, there’s her name “Savanna 😊🙈” i was 🫨 so anyways the dream goes on and looking back at it, it didn’t make as much sense as I thought it did at the time but I was sort of confused then too cause things weren’t how I wanted only half like it. So I told someone (who I think was meant to be savanna but looked nothing like her) about what was going on and I told her “I haven’t always been here” and she went “yes you have 🤨” and I went “no like this current awareness, this consciousness hasn’t always been here” and she just looked at me blankly and went “ok” and kept walking while I was loosing my shit. I saw friends from my dr that I wanted to manifest into this reality and my bf from my better cr dr and he called me over to him and he literally just held me and looked at me with the biggest smile but then I realized he didn’t look like my boy. Like his hair was lighter and his eyes were brown not bluish green like usual so I like decided to go away and look for other people. I found Jules (Leblanc) and she’s my best friend in a ton of my drs and ran over to her like practically sobbing cause I was so confused cause everything seemed clear and yet not at the same time and it feel like my brain was exploding and she just hugged me and listened as I babbled on about how I just woke up in the wrong year and my dead brother was suddenly alive and nothing was exactly how I wanted it yet it was close???? I was just so confused and overwhelmed and everyone was really supportive and trying to comfort me as I was literally losing my mind but I could visibly see the confusion on their faces which made me more distressed cause I didn’t understand. And then after awhile the dream got. all weird again. If anyone and I mean ANYONE has any ideas of what the fuck this could’ve been I’d be open to theories cause a whole month later and I still got nothing 😊
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<a href="https://bribri66.tumblr.com/" style="text-decoration:underline;">bribri66</a>: <p>Hey there’s this straight bodybuilder that made fun of me for being fat in high school so do you think you can change him into a gay fat gluttonous pig and turn me into an even bigger bodybuilder then he was and the best part is we’re boyfriends and I feed him and tease him for being a fat pig, do you think you can help me with that?</p>
Are you sure that you want to be in a relationship with someone that teased you for being overweight ? Or is this the true sense of evil that I am seeing now. It seems fun though. But there is going to be a price for this one and I’ll let you find out the cost on your own. Making you two room mates was easy. A snap of my fingers and reality shifted making you you too live together. But this is going to be a slow change for you two. That way changes really set in and make your tormented really afraid for his life that is going to be spinning out of control. For you two I’m going to make him fall in love you. And his purpose is going to be getting you in shape ! That’s sounds fun right !! But the twist? You’re going to be slowly draining all the muscle from him. And he draining all the day from you. At first it’s not something you notice. But you then see him walking around the kitchen with his shirt off and see his abs have started to disappear. He is so happy that you’re starting to slim up and get some muscle that he doesn’t even notice the effect that is happening to him. But when he does notice. It’s not good….well for him at least. You see he noticed he was gaining fat as his muscle got smaller and all the while you were getting bigger. More ripped. And so he started working out harder. Pushing himself further which only made your own body start to literally explode with muscle growth. The he feels moons. And you couldn’t help but laugh at him and jiggle them when you walked by and tease him. You’re personality slowly being that of the alpha jock that he once was.
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You even started to get darker as your hair started to grow thicker on your chest. While you’re body became more masculine while he still continued to diminish under the curse. You soon take to eating horrible foods right in front of him knowing full well that whatever you are that was unhealthy would not effect you but would him. A whole pizza for dinner and a side of beer ? No problem !! He sat at the table eating his salad with tears rolling down his face as his stomach churned and expanded out slightly further. So when is it going to end ?
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Of course teasing your fat boyfriend now is part of the normal as you’ve swapped roles in the relationship. You’re the alpha jock and he’s the fat one that Dan seem to lose the weight.
August 8th, 2021 8:51pm
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babycalsgyalisback · 19 days
Bored and want some drama?
Here's a MASSIVE vent related to a one-sided fight I had with my friends and how I just never talked to them again!
TW: mention of Sh and Ed
Okay, so I've always been very introverted, and I also have a REALLY HARD TIME when it comes to expressing my emotions and feelings (I don't know why, but I have my theories) I don't really make friends, so I had been in the same friend group since I was 15 (I'm 23 now, 21 when the fight had place)
The problem here is that I've been sh-ing since I was 14 and NO ONE in that group ever noticed that, not even a friend that knew me since we were 3 (so she knew me BEFORE my mental health started declining)
Things became worse when I relapsed into my €d in june 2021. We were hanging out through that summer, and I was lighter every time I saw them. No one noticed either. (Pics of how I looked by the time I got to my lw)
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BMI 16, LW 42kg/92lbs. 7 of us went on a little trip for a couple of days. That trip was far from good, but one of the things that bothered me the most was basically that 4 of them went to fancy, elegant rooms while 3 of us shared a REALLY bad and cheap one, without calefaction (in december!!!) and dirty af, and one of them kept commenting and making fun of how terrible the room was. But since we splitted the bill, we all paid the same, even though that room was significantly cheaper. (There were a lot of other things that just kept adding up, but this is already long enough)
I snapped when, the day we were leaving, they were talking between them about things that felt so strange (investing in crypto and a lot of things like that) while I was completely alone there like 🧍‍♀️. I started thinking if they were really my friends since they never noticed anything. Not even when I stopped hiding my sc4rs, even when I lost 12kg in 5 months.
When we came back they were talking about splitting the bill for the gas of the trip and I mentioned that it was better to not do that, just pay depending on who went into which car (we used 2 cars and they had different gas consumption) since we already splitted the bill for the hotel and it was unjust for 3 of us.
They started talking about how I was exaggerating, how it wasn't that bad, or that it wasn't that much of a thing. The girls who I shared the room with, (who happened to be my "bffs" and when we were there kept complaining about the room), SAID NOTHING, like, I didn't even want them to fight with me, but dude, at least a "that room was actually terrible" would've been nice, just to feel I wasn't crazy. One kept saying "well, next trip will be more balanced, just let it be" and the whole group was basically ignoring (literally, they just changed the subject while I was still writing about it) what I was trying to express.
In a rage rampage, I told them not to worry about it since I wouldn't go with them into a trip ever again and left the chat. One girl (the "nicest") sent me a message just to tell me how terrible I was for doing that and how fighting over such a minimal thing was absurd and disappointing.
Never asked why I reacted like that. Never asked if everything was okay. No one found strange such reaction. My supposed bffs did not send me a single message, and we just never talked again.
I get that I can't blame them for not realising what I tried so hard to hide, but at the same time, I keep thinking, "Who wouldn't notice?". My feelings just keep accumulating, and I found the perfect excuse for leaving the group, so even if the reason I left might seem nonsense for them, I actually had a reaaally big baggage with me that exploded there.
It has been 2 and a half years since that. I am totally isolated now, I miss them so much (at least at some of them, my ex-bffs can actually fuck off). But every time I think about it, I feel my body build up in rage for how invalidated they made me feel. I want to tell them all I haven't, but at the same time, I just get freezed when I try to (during all those years I tried and always ended up not doing so).
Also it would be weird as fuck if I just came back after two years and said "hey, remember I left because of nonsense? Well, actually I'm very mentally ill and I need help ASAP and I just used an excuse for yall to ask me if everything is okay since I wasn't able to just say something was wrong because I wanted you to notice!"
Any recommendation is welcomed😭
If you made it here, thank you so so so much!!🥰🩷🩷
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joyful-enchantress · 1 year
Sappy End of Year Post Incoming
So, 2022 was actually my first full year on Tumblr. I joined towards the end of 2021 basically for the sole purpose of consuming more Tom Hiddleston content.
The first person I met and befriended on here was @youlightmeupfinn and I couldn't be more grateful. Our friendship expanded in 2022 beyond the bounds of the Tumblr-verse into snaps, texts, calls, FaceTime, and Skype dates... and ultimately led to us meeting in person this year. Meeting Taylor and getting to HUG her IRL is definitely one of my top moments for the year. I already can't wait to do it again in 2023.
I spent most of 2022 as a lurker/consumer of Loki and TH content, and discovered some amazingly talented people along the way. @sarahscribbles you come to mind specifically as someone I am so glad I've gotten to know. Your work is exquisite and there are several of your pieces that I seriously revisit over and over again. I love you so much.
Then towards the very end of this year, I dipped my toe into writing for the first time ever. In November and December this year, I've written and posted 3 fics in total. @lokisgoodgirl I have you to thank for inviting and encouraging this lurker to begin writing. I never would have done it had it not been for your Winter Warmers post/invitation.. and then the subsequent enthusiasm when I said I MIGHT write something.
From there, my immersion into the community exploded and I've met so many wonderfully talented, supportive, amazing people. I love being part of this crazy community on this little corner of the internet. I'm so thankful for all of you and I'm looking forward to entering 2023 with an entourage of sorts. Love you all!!
@gigglingtigger @coldnique @muddyorbs @fictive-sl0th @springdandelixn @lokiprompts @michelleleewise @mochie85 @vbecker10 @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @holdmytesseract @holymultiplefandomsbatman @wheredafandomat @simplyholl @maple-seed @loopsisloops @give-me-a-moose @thomase1 @lady-rose-moon @anonymousfiction211 and anyone else I may have forgotten to tag -- I'm so sorry if I did!! I have plenty of love to go around, and any exclusion was not intentional!!
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ifunboxdownload · 1 year
Don't Look Up - Movie Review
Don't Look Up - Two astronomers go on a massive publicity tour to warn people about an incoming comet that will destroy planet Earth
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Hello and welcome to the Cinemagic Recaps. Today, we'll watch Don't Look Up, which will be released in 2021. In the movie "Startup," Kate Dibiasky, a doctoral candidate at MSU, uses the Subaru Telescope in Michigan to find a previously unidentified comet. Dr. Randall Mindy, her professor, gave the comet Kate's name, and the calculations that followed It will collide with the Earth in approximately six months, according to her lecturer Dr. Randall Mindy, and it is big enough to wipe out the entire globe.
The chief of NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office, Dr. Teddy Oglethorpe, accompanies Kate and Mindy as they deliver their findings to the White House when NASA validates their findings. President Janie Orlean and her son, Chief of Staff Jason, do not respond to them.
Teddy implores Kate and Randall to inform the media about the situation, which they do on a morning talk program. Kate loses her cool and shouts about the threat when hosts Jack Bremmer and Brie Evantee approach the subject lightly. The general populace approves of Randall's appearance. Actual information regarding the comet's threat receives little public attention, and Jocelyn Calder, the director of NASA in Orlean and a major supporter to the city with little astronomical training, dismisses the warning.
When information about Orlean's sexual relationship with her Supreme Court nominee Sheriff Conlon comes to light, she uses the scandal to her advantage by verifying the threat and revealing a plan to use nuclear weapons to strike and redirect the comet.
The expedition is launched successfully, but Orlean abruptly cancels it after learning that the comet contains rare-earth metals worth trillions of dollars from Peter Isherwell, the millionaire CEO of BASH Cellular and another major supporter. The White House consents to employ BASH-proposed technologies in an unreviewed plan to fragment and recover the comet from the water in order to economically exploit it. Orlean appoints Randall as the National Science Advisor while ignoring Kate and Oglethorpe.
Kate makes an effort to organize public opposition to the plan but gives up when Orlean's government threatens her. Randall establishes himself as a leading voice in favor of the comet's business potential and starts dating Evantee.
There are three main schools of thought in the world: those who see the comet as a serious threat, those who reject alarmism and think that mining a destroyed comet will provide jobs, and those who reject the comet's very existence. When Kate returns to her Illinois home, her parents throw her out, and she starts dating Yule, a teenage shoplifter she meets at her retail job. Randall's wife leaves him behind and heads back to Michigan after confronting him about his affair.
Isherwell becomes enraged when Randall asks whether his technology will be able to disintegrate the comet. Finally snapping and ranting on live television, Randall finally loses it with the administration, questioning humanity's indifference and condemning Orlean for downplaying the imminent disaster.
As the comet begins to be seen from Earth, Randall makes up with Kate after being cut off from the administration. In an online protest, Randall, Kate, and Teddy urge people to "Just Look Up" and urge other nations to carry out comet interception operations. Orlean launches a "Don't Look Up" anti-campaign at the same time. Russia, India, and China prepare their own combined deflection mission after Orlean excludes them from the comet mining contract, only for their spacecraft to explode. Everyone realizes that humanity is doomed when BASH's attempt to shatter the comet also fails.
Inadvertently leaving Jason behind, Isherwell, Orlean, and other members of their elite group board a sleeper starship intended to locate an Earth-like planet. Randall declines Orlean's offer of two spaces aboard the ship in favor of one last evening with his friends and family. As predicted, the comet collides with Earth off the coast of Chile, resulting in a global catastrophe and an extinction-level event. Everyone in Randall's house perishes when the shockwave hits the building.
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liminalweirdo · 1 year
this is really sudden but any movie recommendations, im in a bit of drought for this to watch right now and i’m up for anything, especially if it’s horror related, or gay or can be interpreted as gay you know what i mean?
Horror and gays, two of my favourite things. Here's some movies that are mostly both.
My top choice is not-quite horror, and you've probably seen it, but just in case you haven't, Stand By Me (1986) is one of my favourite movies, and it's Stephen King, so it definitely has horror vibes, even if it's never out and out scary.
As for horror that's kinda gay? (I'll try to get the obvious ones out of the way since I'm not sure which ones you already know about.)
Ginger Snaps (2000) and Ginger Snaps: Unleashed (2004) feat. my favourite probably autistic, definitely (gender?)queer Brigitte Fitzgerald.
I know it's really popular now, again, but the old Interview with the Vampire (1994) was pretty queer for its time. Obviously the show outshines it in terms of queer content, but hey, I love these two idiots.
Tomie (富江) (1998) from Japan is pretty cool and queer. In a similar vein, Wishing Stairs (2003) (which I think is the third? one in the Korean Whispering Corridors series) still sticks in little queer teen me's mind.
Obviously Jennifer's Body (2009), this is like my comfort film lmao.
The Quiet (2005)
Excision (2012) feels pretty queer to me, but others might disagree. At the very least, Pauline is so wonderfully weird she's basically queer in my books.
All Cheerleaders Die (2013) was a lot more fun than I thought it would be.
also, maybe it's not overtly queer enough for other people, but the friendship in The Battery (2012) which is one of my FAVOURITE ZOMBIE FILMS OF ALL TIME is a pretty good one. It could be homoerotic if you squint??
Lyle (2014) and What Keeps You Alive (2018) are a very specific brand of overtly queer horror that is specifically, canonically queer, but not my favourite type of queer, if I'm being honest. I don't want to spoil anything so I won't say more. Lyle is an incredible film, and not just because Gaby Hoffman is so so beautiful and absolutely just knocks it out of the park. What Keeps You Alive is... less good, but fun to watch with pals, I guess. It's that kind of horror.
Speaking of beautiful people, Don't Kill Me (Non mi uccidere) (2021) Alice Pagani and Silvia Calderoni I'm sorry? My gender exploded. I don't know why it has such a bad rating on imdb. It wasn't amazing, but it was fun and unique. Worth a shot, imo.
The Perfection (2019) what a fucking ride. Pretty queer. Maybe don't eat first.
The Midnight Swim (2014) isn't quite horror and isn't quite queer but it is female-centric, and I don't think enough people have seen it. It deserves a watch.
The Blackcoat's Daughter (2015) was a girl's boarding school which already made it queer enough for me haha. Some good scares in this one. Better than anticipated.
And, speaking of boarding schools, The Silenced | 경성학교: 사라진 소녀들) (2015) is a Korean movie set during the Japanese occupation of Korea in the '30s and idk man. Beautiful, weird, gay. It was good. If you like this one, you will probably like A Tale of Two Sisters (장화, 홍련) (2003) which is (probably) not queer but very, very good horror and very beautiful.
They Look Like People (2015) is another one like The Battery. Could be homoerotic if you squint. Obsessed with the male friendship in this one, and the mental illness factor. I really love this movie. This is the movie I would maybe double-feature with Super Dark Times (2017) for top five fave boy-friendships.
Raw (Grave) (2016) arguably not queer, but certainly queered desires or 'othered' desires. Another female-centric horror. I love this one. Blue My Mind (2017) feels Queer AF. It's like if Fucking Åmål (1999) was a horror movie. I also recommend Fucking Åmål, but it's not horror, it's just queer.
Thelma (2017) actually queer. Beautiful, extremely well-done, not crazy about the ending.
Would it be weird of me to mention The Shed (2019) Maybe I just wanted it to be queerer? I can't actually remember if it was now, just that the potential was there.
And, not quite queer but definitely good horror, check out Magic Magic (2013) if you haven't seen it. Girl Asleep (2015) is horror adjacent, not super queer, but also just... so weird and good and fun.
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ladysunamireads · 11 months
The Butterfly's Blessing
The Butterfly's Blessing by RarepairKai22
There is only so much a person can take before they snap.
When Abuela accuses Mirabel of hurting the family, a decade of self-repressed pain, anger and sadness explode like an overheated pressure cooker.
Mirabel rips Abuela apart, blowing her wrongdoings out for everyone to see, and it is the final straw.
Casita begins to collapse, and while trying to save the candle, Mirabel accidentally falls off the roof. In a desperate bid to save her, the magic grants Mirabel her own miracle, but not without great cost.
Waking up in an unfamiliar city with no memories of who she is, Mirabel navigates a world of heroes and villains, superpowers called “quirks”, finds a new family and creates a new identity, all while the family she left behind grapples with her loss and everything they once knew.
Words: 1284, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Encanto (2021), 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Mirabel Madrigal, Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Class 1-A, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, U.A. Faculty, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Kurogiri, Shirakumo Oboro, Sensei | All For One, Eri, "Abuela" Alma Madrigal, Julieta Madrigal, Agustín Madrigal, Pepa Madrigal, Félix Madrigal, Bruno Madrigal, Isabela Madrigal, Luisa Madrigal, Dolores Madrigal, Camilo Madrigal, Antonio Madrigal, Mariano Guzmán
Relationships: Mirabel Madrigal/Shirakumo Oboro, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Mirabel Madrigal & Midoriya Izuku, Mirabel Madrigal & Midoriya Inko, Midoriya Inko & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Eri, Félix Madrigal/Pepa Madrigal, Agustín Madrigal/Julieta Madrigal, Mariano Guzmán/Dolores Madrigal, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Additional Tags: Amnesiac Mirabel Madrigal, BAMF Mirabel Madrigal, BAMF Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk, Midoriya Inko Adopts Mirabel Madrigal, Good Parent Midoriya Inko, Midoriya Inko Adopts Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Yagi Toshinori | All Might Bashing, Bakugou Katsuki Bashing, Married Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Adopts Eri, Kurogiri is Shirakumo Oboro, Kurogiri Becomes Shirakumo Oboro Again, Todoroki Shouto is Bad at Feelings, Todoroki Shouto is a Dork, Guilty Madrigal Family (Disney), "Abuela" Alma Madrigal Gets Better, Fall of Casita (Disney: Encanto), No Incest, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Crossover, Crossover Pairings, Canon-Typical Violence, Non-Canonical Character Death, Age Regression/De-Aging
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48444280
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I posted 135 times in 2022
That's 101 more posts than 2021!
42 posts created (31%)
93 posts reblogged (69%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 135 of my posts in 2022
#reblog - 91 posts
#mcyt g/t - 75 posts
#tw language - 54 posts
#l speaks - 33 posts
#tw vore - 26 posts
#my writing - 25 posts
#mcyt - 22 posts
#dream team - 21 posts
#tw vore mention - 21 posts
#dragonshifter story - 21 posts
Longest Tag: 76 characters
#so i copied the text from this into notes and deciphered it letter-by-letter
My Top Posts in 2022:
(tw: vore below the cut!)
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Submitted by Anonymous:
“Hi!! I really enjoy the story you've made and totally forgot to send this when I made it (I think it was sometime before the second part was done) but this is just a little sketch I made based off the designs you made :0) Hope you like it and I'm excited to keep reading the story!”
Dude I am in LOVE with this. The accuracy of the designs paired with the beautifully detailed linework, it’s just gorgeous! also George’s grumpy little face is sending me
I can’t thank you enough for creating this, Anon!
14 notes - Posted September 26, 2022
Chapter 35 - Dragon Hunters
[Previous] ~ [Next]
[Word Count: 2638]
[Content Warnings: Injury and Blood, Non-Graphic Treatment of Wound]
The dragons had both swiftly rushed in to snuff out the fiery monsters, all while more continued to ignite from the spawner. At every opportunity, the Enderfolk was loosing arrows that almost always met their marks, while the human would hold them frozen in place so someone else could deal with them. Before long, Sapnap had managed to fill the satchel with a couple dozen rods.
“Dream, I don’t think I can fit any more blaze rods in here,” he mentioned to the green beast, who had just been poised to strike as soon as the next wave of living infernos appeared.
“We probably have enough, then,” Dream mentioned, relaxing a bit as he knelt down further for the dark-haired man to climb up, “let’s get outta here.”
The blue dragon did the same, though his wither-scaled paw moved gingerly. It still hurt somewhat, but it also felt partially numb, and that almost worried him more.
“George, you good to fly home?” the other beast inquired suddenly, concern in his voice.
“Yeah, I think so,” George hummed, standing as he felt Bad get situated on his back, “I have no idea where we came from, though.”
“I know the way,” Dream declared, unfurling his wings, “just follow me.”
Respective wingbeats sent the two dragons soaring upwards and away from the fortress, warm thermals rising beneath them and bearing them back the way they’d come.
The red, cavern-like landscape sped past on all sides. The flight was shaping up to be just as uneventful as it had been the first time through, though the group did notice a pale, ghostlike creature floating lazily in the distance, barely visible through the thick fog. It didn’t pay the pair of dragons any mind, which was probably for the best.
Soon enough, the giant black-bricked bastion came in view once again, and the two beasts took a sharp turn to follow the bend in the cavernous terrain.
They had just barely gotten past the crumbling structure when a thunderous roar rang out all around them.
George let out a startled shriek, jostling Bad as he faltered in mid-air, frantically trying to look around to see what could have made such a sound. Was it some giant creature that they had somehow missed entirely? Was it what Dream had really been afraid of in the Nether?
The green dragon had panicked momentarily as well, slowing his flight to drop behind the other beast as he glanced quickly around for the source of the terrible roar. To his ears, it was vaguely familiar, but it had sounded nothing like George. Were there more dragons nearby?
And then, the faint snapping of a crossbow string heralded a sudden pain exploding in one of Dream’s hind legs, something hard and sharp piercing through his scales and embedding itself in his flesh.
There was a second, terrible squall – and this time, it had come from him.
“Dream!” Sapnap shouted from his back, panic and worry in his voice.
“What was that?!” he distantly registered the Enderfolk questioning.
“What happened?” George demanded.
They needed to get out of here!
“Go, just go!” the green dragon bellowed knowingly, flapping his wings to propel himself faster, thermals be damned. “Back to the portal, hurry!”
He peered behind them as they sped away, briefly catching a glimpse of two humanoid figures – one appearing mostly beige and the other one light blue. They definitely weren’t Piglins…
Up ahead, the portal was a gleaming beacon of purple that shone through the red, ember-filled haze. They were nearly home! They just had to survive a little longer, and then they’d be safe!
George glided down ahead of Dream, landing somewhat shakily, but not losing his footing this time.
The green beast came down to land beside him, but as he prepared to meet the ground, white-hot agony surged through his stricken hind leg. His wings wavered as he tried to steady himself, flapping clumsily as he descended the last several feet. As his strength gave out entirely, he ultimately crashed down hard against the uneven crimson stone underfoot.
Thankfully, the human perched on his back hadn’t fallen off despite the rough landing, instead hurriedly scrambling to climb down and figure out what was going on.
Dream didn’t get up, his aching leg stretched out to the side to avoid aggravating it further. Streaks of red glistened in the lava-light as they dripped down the once-pristine green scales.
See the full post
15 notes - Posted October 1, 2022
Chapter 23 - Dragon Fire
[Previous] ~ [Next]
[Word Count: 2355]
[Content Warnings: Fear | Brief Smoke Inhalation]
After the Dragonshifter’s disappearance, Nick couldn’t bring himself to pick up magic again. It just wouldn’t feel right, knowing the two of them had gotten so far, only for everything to come collapsing down. He hadn’t even told his family what had happened, fearing what terrible things they might say about Clay out of ignorance.
He had only been a part of Nick’s life for a little while. And while he still cherished the memories, time marched on. No more spellcasting. No more best friend to share it with.
He spent a while trying to figure out what he wanted to do with his life. He’d considered the town guard, but he didn’t really want to be associated with the same people that took his best friend from him. A few other small jobs came and went, but nothing really spoke to him. Finally, he took up simple sewing and stitching. His mother was already one of the best tailors in Hearthview, and with his sisters picking up the trade in order to branch out into embroidery and dressmaking, he was in a good position to learn.
As his sisters found success, the whole family would end up moving to a few other towns, each with bigger and better opportunities than the last. One way or another, they ended up in Bronzechill. It was a fairly large settlement, and business was even more booming than it had been at the prior town. It was less than a day’s walk to a large city, Knightport, which boasted a rich and thriving market district. His family was ultimately aspiring to run a market stall there, or even better, a whole brick and mortar shop!
Nick helped wherever he could. He would help with a lot of the busywork, such as pinning patterns, cutting fabrics, and stitching seams together. That wasn’t to say the rest of his family didn’t work hard, though – in fact, they were probably far more involved in the process than he was. They’d poured their hearts and souls into their work, but he could never seem to do the same.
One night, after he had retired to his room and attempted to get some embroidering practice in before bed, he faintly registered a knock at the door of his family’s home. He didn’t pay it much mind. Sometimes people would stop by late at night to see if they could get a seam mended or a hole in their clothing patched.
From the other side of the house, he could hear his mother talking to someone. Everything sounded friendly enough, so he turned his attention back to the scrap of shoddily cross-stitched fabric, leaning back in his bed as he attempted to block out all of the outside world.
He would’ve succeeded as well, had the door to his room not suddenly been pushed open. Nick quickly sat up, raising his head to regard the person standing at his bedroom door.
His eyes widened nervously.
During his family’s several moves over the last few years, he’d heard many accounts of dragon slayers across the continent. They came and went wherever they pleased, slaying dragons for profit and for glory. These people were heralded as heroes, their names being passed around with the same reverence typically reserved for deities. Many villages had tales to tell of the slayers that hunted down the dragons that had attacked them for years, complete with the typical embellishment that came alongside each retelling, of course. Usually it was easy to disprove the wild claims, or at least figure out which parts of the story had been exaggerated in the telling.
And then there was the figure known only as ‘Dream’. Whispers of this mysterious slayer had spread far beyond many of the towns he had apparently rid of dragons, and the stories that came with them were very different from the standard tall tale. The slayer was said to wear shades of green, always had the hood of his cloak pulled over his head, and was never seen without his bizarre white mask emblazoned with a smiley-face.
But the strangest part of the stories was how in-line they remained with each telling. It didn’t matter who the account came from, they all seemed to match up in one way or another – where most slayers carried swords and bows, Dream carried a wooden staff, and he felled the dragons by magical means. Additional details came and went, about how he could bring down the beasts with ease, how he could track them for miles if they somehow got away, how he never let a single one live…
And now, that same terrifying slayer was standing in the doorway to Nick’s room, staring him down with that ever-smiling mask.
“Hello,” spoke the mysterious stranger, “may I come in?”
“Uh, sure,” Nick choked out, setting his work down as he hurriedly stood up, still unable to take his eyes off of the masked figure. He was in awe at the fact that the slayer he’d heard about in so many stories was standing before him.
But there was also a small sliver of worry twisting in his chest – after all, he’d once been friends with a Dragonshifter, and he didn’t imagine that fact would go over well with this individual.
“Nice place you’ve got,” the slayer commented, the end of his staff lightly thunking against the floor as he stepped forward into the bedroom. “Your mother said you and your sisters are doing clothing, mainly dresses. Your family seems very nice.”
Nick couldn’t come up with a reply, having no idea where Dream was going with this. The way he spoke seemed off, like there was some hidden intent behind his words. The way he carried himself was just as strange, appearing far too still and deliberate for it to be natural.
“…did you ever tell them?” Dream went on after a significant pause, his head tilting slightly, his body language unreadable and unnerving.
“W-What?” the teen asked, baffled.
“About your Dragonshifter friend,” the slayer answered with a slight edge in his tone. There it was. The one thing he’d been most scared to hear brought up.
“Uh,” Nick tried to stifle his shock and confusion, aiming instead for cluelessness, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Oh, don’t you?” the stranger’s tone lowered, and he leaned forward threateningly against his staff.
“Um,” panic bubbled to the surface as he struggled to find his words.
“Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten, Sapnap,” Dream huffed.
“I-I really don’t—” Nick had begun, only for his mind to blank as he processed what the slayer had just said. “Wait. How do you…?”
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22 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
Chapter 24 - The Dare
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[Word Count: 2527]
[Content Warnings: SOFT/SAFE VORE, Mouthplay]
[Once more, the following chapter contains VORE – feel free to skim, skip, or block the tags ‘tw vore’ and/or ‘extreme cuddling’ if this makes you uncomfortable!]
Something was wrong. The blue dragon hadn’t paid much mind to his wings at first, whirling and flapping after his target with reckless abandon, flames breaking forth from his jaws whenever opportunity favored. The art of flight was coming much more easily to him these days, which made sky-battles like this far less one-sided, and a lot more fun. But as Dream once again whipped around to slap at one of George’s wingtips with his own, the appendage suddenly felt as though it had been struck by lightning, white-hot agony surging through his whole body for a moment.
“Dream—!” he shrieked, faltering in mid-air, before managing to even out into a glide, but that didn’t stop his wings from hurting.
“What?!” the green beast called back, circling back around to steady his flight alongside George.
“My wings,” he whined, “they hurt…”
“You should take a break, then,” Dream replied matter-of-factly, “give your wings some time to rest. Why don’t you head back to where we left Sapnap?”
The blue dragon nodded, eyes skimming over the range before managing to spot the ledge where they’d left the human. He started to bank towards it, only to realize that the other beast was veering off.
“Where are you off to?” he questioned.
“I’ll be right back, gotta check something,” was the only explanation he got, before Dream gave another powerful flap of his wings to speed away, soaring toward the direction of Aureus.
As he slowly came in to land, he saw Sapnap perk up, quickly standing to move out of George’s way. At least the human had that much common sense. Pain flashed through his body once again as he gave a couple quick wingbeats to slow his return to the ground. Soreness pulsed through them as he finally landed, tucking them back up against his sides.
“George!” Sapnap exclaimed loudly. “Where’s Dream think he’s going?”
“He said he had to check something,” the dragon replied, rolling his shoulders in what was almost a shrug. At that, he settled down into a sitting position, deciding not to transform back right away. In the distance, he could barely make out the winged form of Dream, now a dark speck that could easily be mistaken for a bird.
In the midst of his staring, he was startled to feel something land on one of his paws.
“Wha—Sapnap!” he yowled, glaring down at the human that had jumped onto his right paw, lying splayed across the back of it and giggling like a madman.
George sat up slightly, raising his left hand and moving it closer. He’d been about to pry Sapnap off of his other paw, but he couldn’t help but pause with uncertainty at the sight of his dark gray claws. His hands were so much larger in this form. If he wasn’t careful enough, if his grip was too loose or too tight, if he just happened to twitch wrong—
He’d apparently hesitated for too long, since he soon found the human pouncing on his raised paw, grabbing ahold of the topmost finger and leaving his legs dangling.
“Cut it out,” Geroge hissed, lowering the paw closer to the ground so Sapnap could properly stand, “you’ll hurt yourself.”
“Make me!” the human retorted challengingly, whirling about to wrap his arms around the beast’s thumb, pushing against the ground with his feet as he tugged at the scaled digit.
George blinked, stunned. Was Sapnap actually trying to wrestle with his hand? He’d seen the human play-fighting like this with Dream in his dragon form before, but George had never even considered doing the same. It was far too risky, and he hadn’t had nearly as much practice at being so careful as the other beast had.
“C’mon, fight me!” Sapnap bellowed insistently, twisting his whole body as he grappled George’s thumb. It was then that the dragon realized the position that the dark-haired man had put himself in, and he felt the faintest spark of boldness surge up within him.
He promptly tipped his paw over on top of Sapnap, effortlessly pinning him.
“Ay!” the human yelped indignantly, though he was still laughing under his breath as he squirmed under the scaled palm.
George snorted in amusement as Sapnap shoved fruitlessly against the paw holding him down, grunting with the effort. He wasn’t getting very far though – the hand was just too heavy to move, even if it wasn’t exerting enough force to do more than hold him down. At last, he slumped defeatedly against the ground.
“Geoooorge,” he wailed, “lemme uuuuuup!”
“Hah, no,” the blue beast chuckled, before glancing back towards the last place he’d seen Dream, scanning the distant sky in search of where he’d gone.
The next thing he knew, he felt a firm pinch against the side of his pointer finger, and he reeled his paw back with a loud shriek.
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26 notes - Posted February 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Chapter 21 - Trapped Together
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[Word Count: 2620]
[Content Warnings: SOFT/SAFE VORE, Mild Fear]
[Once more, the following chapter contains VORE – feel free to skim, skip, or block the tags ‘tw vore’ and/or ‘extreme cuddling’ if this makes you uncomfortable!]
With a flickering lantern in one hand, Dream had led the other two down the dark staircase and into the connected cave. Everyone was utterly exhausted after the prolonged game that Dream had sprung on them, especially George, who had not had the hour or so to rest that the slayer had, and was already feeling phantom pains in his currently nonexistent wings and tail. At least they’d all taken the time to eat dinner before Dream got his ‘reward’.
At the base of the stone staircase, the man in green rushed several paces ahead of the other two, setting the lantern down in the center of the cave before shifting back into his dragon form. He carefully turned around on the spot, settling down and letting his legs stretch out to the side.
“Hang on,” Sapnap murmured, reaching up to untie his headband and toss it aside, also tugging off the tunic he wore with orange and yellow scales sewn into it. He was left wearing his dark trousers and long-sleeved undershirt.
“You should take off those glasses, George,” the green beast added, “and probably your amulet, too.”
The other Dragonshifter tensed a bit, but regardless obeyed, pulling his tinted glasses off of his face and removing his fire amulet, setting them alongside where Sapnap had left his own possessions.
“Alright, who first?” Dream asked, glancing between them both. George visibly shrank back, whether he meant to or not. That settled that. “Sapnap?”
The human rolled his eyes, stepping towards the dragon. It wasn’t until Dream was about to open his mouth that Sapnap suddenly jumped and landed on top of the green beast’s snout, pinning his jaws shut.
“H-Hey!” the dragon huffed, having to lift his head a bit to be able to talk – and the dark-haired man was still holding on.
“Ooohohoh, you thought!” Sapnap goaded, grinning like an idiot and kicking his dangling legs without a care in the world.
Dream let out a playful growl, angling his snout downwards and shaking his head slightly to break the human’s grip.
As soon as he’d let go to plop back onto the cave floor, the beast was swiping a paw down towards him, which Sapnap dodged without much effort. The second swing came much faster, lightly bowling the human over.
Sapnap yelped, rolling to the side to avoid the clawed hand that came down where he’d just been, and he hurriedly staggered to his feet to face the dragon.
The beast’s jaws closed over him before he’d had time to react.
As quickly as it had happened, it was still an incredibly careful and calculated move on Dream’s part, if the tongue resting between the bottom teeth and Sapnap’s legs was any indicator. In any case, he found himself pressed gently to the roof of the mouth as the world around him tilted, gravity shifting to slide him entirely into the dragon’s maw.
He struggled halfheartedly against the tongue as it proceeded to slather him in drool, answered only by a deep thrumming note that rattled his bones. The human chuckled a bit under his breath, allowing himself to relax into the soft, cradling warmth. All the while, he was carefully lapped and prodded at with nothing but necessity and care.
As the rippling movements began to slow, he knew exactly what was coming, and he promptly stretched out and went limp. There was no need for any further communication – the two of them had done this often enough that it was basically second nature.
The tongue squeezed against him as everything turned sideways, and he was swiftly swallowed up with ease and sealed away from the rest of the world.
George was at first relieved that Sapnap had gone first, wanting to savor his last few breaths of fresh, cool air before he was inevitably shoved into a cramped, sweltering, and terribly muggy space, probably for the rest of the night. Though he couldn’t fully suppress his horror at seeing the faint bulge traveling down the dragon’s throat.
Even with the knowledge that it was safe, it was still rather disturbing to watch.
“C’mon, George,” Dream called softly, his verdant eyes gleaming in the light from the lantern, “your turn.”
The other Dragonshifter stiffened as he approached the green beast, his golden-brown eyes were lowered towards the floor as he attempted to hide how scared he was. The dragon bent his head down, letting out a gentle rumble in an effort to reassure his friend.
“How do you wanna do this?” he asked. George looked up, surprised. Dream went on after a pause, “I could let you climb in on your own, or I could put you in, myself.”
“I think… I think I’ll crawl in,” the other Dragonshifter managed to choke out. The beast offered him a concerned look, but nevertheless rested his chin against the stone floor, stretching his jaws wide.
He’d had to shove down the wave of instinctual terror the moment he spotted the massive, glistening fangs, resisting every part of his being that was telling him to run as far and as fast as he could. For several seconds, he couldn’t even move, paralyzed with indecision and dread – it was a wonder he didn’t pass out.
But at last, as the dragon patiently continued to hold still, George made up his mind and approached warily.
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30 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
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innocentlymacabre · 1 year
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I posted 321 times in 2022
That's 321 more posts than 2021!
68 posts created (21%)
253 posts reblogged (79%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 201 of my posts in 2022
Only 37% of my posts had no tags
#writeblr - 46 posts
#fiction - 35 posts
#dark academia - 31 posts
#dark academia aesthetic - 31 posts
#bookblr - 29 posts
#chaotic aesthetic - 28 posts
#writers of tumblr - 24 posts
#books and libraries - 24 posts
#chaotic academia - 21 posts
#light academia - 20 posts
Longest Tag: 112 characters
#i haven't stepped foot in a single library in singapore because they're all 'modern' and 'sleek' and all that bs
My Top Posts in 2022:
The streetlights flickered out one by one, starting with the one furthest from Jade. She stopped dead in her tracks as the one directly above her shattered, immersing the whole street in darkness. An eerie, cold chill descended onto Essex Street, making it much colder than it had any right to be, even for late autumn. A pile of leaves, collected at the foot of a tree, rustled and began to whirl around like a tornado. Jade’s head began to spin; she clung on to the nearest streetlight pole to steady herself. She didn’t want to fall to the ground. She knew what was coming, she had experienced it before. She couldn’t let herself be found slumped on the ground in front of him.
Suddenly, the leaves picked up speed and all turned crimson. Dust joined in in the swirl and a draft began to blow. The elements bundled into an eddy of blood red and orange, then exploded, the leaves and dirt flying around in all directions. A man now stood next to the tree. He wore a well-ironed matt red tuxedo and a black shirt underneath. A white tie added an extra splash of colour to his attire. In his right hand he carried a cane that bore a skull for a handle. It was sleek black, save for one scarlet line running down its length that matched the colour of his tux. He rapped it on the ground as he proceeded towards Jade, but didn’t seem to be using it for support.
‘Hello, Jade,’ he said heartily, raising a gloved hand. Jade, however, didn’t shake it. She kept to herself, not wanting anything to do with this fiend.
 ‘Whatever it is, I don’t want any of it.’
‘Ever so cold, Jade. A little niceness won’t kill you, you know.’
‘No, but you might.’ Then, shaking her head, ‘What do you want, Samael?’
‘A favour.’
‘Nope. No more deals with the devil. No more bullshit that I’ll surely lose out on.’
‘That’s why I’m giving you your soul back – so you won’t lose.’ Jade had sold her soul to Samael years ago in exchange for his help in fighting tuberculosis of her lymph nodes. She learnt that she should have just taken her chances on her own the hard way.
‘Why, so you can just take it again? I’ll pass, thanks. Besides, I’m doing just fine without it.’
‘Are you, Jade? Are you really?’ Samael waved his hand through the air, causing yet another cold draft. Jade’s body shivered and doubled over itself, but somehow, she avoided falling to the ground. Slowly, her skin peeled back to reveal a fleshless skeleton, with mere sockets for eyes and no nose.
‘I wouldn’t really call this doing just fine,’ he mocked. ‘You’re scheduled to die, you know. Reaper’s been notified and everything.’ Samael feigned pity and worry. ‘I could delay that though. Give you a few more years.’
‘Again, pass.’ Samael clenched his fist in fury. Jade began to choke, even though he hadn’t made any physical contact. ‘Go ahead, kill me,’ she managed through forced breaths.
‘You never were too bright, Jade,’ he sneered. ‘You’ve been dead for a long while. Your sister, Catherine, though. Well she’s quite the other, isn’t she? I could visit her with the snap of my fingers.’ Samael raised his hand and pushed his middle finger and thumb together.
‘What do I need to do?’ She’d fallen for the devil’s snare once more.
Suddenly, Jade could breathe freely again.
‘Knew you’d come around!’ With that happy remark, Samael set the street right, and gave Jade her human appearance back too. ‘But telling you is much too hard. Let me show you instead.’ Samael conjured a ball of red smoke and sent it hurtling towards Jade’s chest. When it reached her, no physical damage took place, but her mind had become permanently unhinged.
A powerful lust for a strange woman flowed through her, making her feel a passion like no other. She had thick locks and mesmerising green eyes. Her body swayed perfectly in time with the wind, as her chocolate brown hair swept across her face, the sunlight creating a glistening interplay of glowing wisps. Around her neck, she wore a tiny, rusted key that had some words engraved on them. Jade couldn’t quite make out what exactly they were. Her whole world was centred around this person she couldn’t even remember seeing, let alone actually meeting. But then it all came crashing down. Love turned to angst. Passion, to hatred. Jade screamed in pain, but her body stayed still. There was no relief after the pain. Torture, worse than before came bearing down on her. When it was done, all it left was a gaping hole, leaving her with nothing but a feeling of hopelessness and despair. Just before it ended though, the key appeared again – this time, ablaze.
At that moment, Samael called the smoke ball back to him, and touched it to his head, the ball disappearing once again. Jade gasped for fresh air, bending over and grasping the pole for support. It felt as if her guts had been ripped out, poked holes in, then stuffed back in – all within a second.
‘What the fuck was that?’
‘My memories. A few of them. Just the ones I needed you to see for you to understand.’
‘That woman, she meant something to you, didn’t she?’
‘Yes. I suppose you could say that.’
‘But then she left you?’
‘She left me, yes. She left me and took everything from me. Even my ability to grieve for my losses.’ Silence ensued, both unsure of what to say next. But then Jade remembered,
‘And the key? I saw it repeatedly. What does that mean?’
‘Good job, Jade! Good job! You cracked the case.’ Suddenly, Samael was all jumpy. ‘The key is what you have to get. Go to Sammirah and get back my key.’ Jade assumed Sammirah was the woman she had seen.
‘Why can’t you get it yourself?’
‘Let’s just say it’s a little bit out of my reach.’
‘That’s not enough. If you want my help, you’re going to have to tell me everything.’
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40 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
"Indescribable" is such a peculiarly powerful descriptor. A feeling so intense words quite literally can never hope to do it justice. Poetic multitudes concealed and contained within the one word. A visceral feeling, ringing deep within oneself, explainable only in the abstract.
A message that says, I know what I mean even though I can’t say it, and a reply that says, I know what you mean even though I can’t hear it.
60 notes - Posted November 8, 2022
if anyone has any resources on pirates, piracy, pirate culture (at sea, at port, in towns), lives of people at the time who weren't pirates / were pirate-adjacent, I would be most grateful
106 notes - Posted October 30, 2022
Reminders to help out your supernatural friends: everyone needs a helping hand now and again
A dragon’s den can get quite stuffy, what with the being underground and the constant fumes they exhale so make sure they’ve got a good ventilation set up. Maybe poke some holes in the ground to help them.
Zombies will be disoriented when they first wake up, it’s only natural. Make sure their graves are clear of any obstructions so they can fall easily back in when they (rather quickly) tire out their undead muscles.
Do not give zombies your literal hand, no matter how much they ask for it. They aren’t bound by the rules of the fae, so you’re free to retract your offer should they trick you into agreeing.
Vampires don’t feel the cold. Remind them to put a jacket on when they leave the house so they can blend in more easily.
Vampires also now show up on film, and have shown up since digital cameras have been a thing. Remind them that next time they go to photobomb a stranger with an embarrassing pose that was old a decade ago. Or don’t — it could be fun.
Werewolf transformations are incredibly painful. Consider preparing a hot bath, maybe a heating pad, and some warm comfort food for the night after.
Witches are especially busy this time of year. Offer to help run small errands like fetching them that frog they need (leave the eye extraction to the professionals). Mason jars are also appreciated.
The tree beast clacking and scraping on your window isn’t trying to scare you. They just need a nail cutter.
The forest nymphs making those noises aren’t trying to shoo you away. They’re attracted by all the chatter and the light of your campfire and they just want to be a part of something.
Remind banshees that while their warnings are appreciated, most people would likely respond very rudely to being screamed at. Maybe just help out those that get it.
A simple hat can help your elvish brethren blend very easily, and with all the different types of hats to choose from, you don’t even need to sacrifice style.
Clogs are a comfortable and stylish way for satyrs to hide their hooves. Long pants should easily take care of any furry legs, but if shorts are their choice of garment, a simple mind your own business, pal will wear off any nosy strangers.
Minotaurs, depending on how much man and how much taur they are, could likely benefit from the tips for both satyrs and elves.
Messing with electrical devices tends to make people more angry than scared these days. Try brainstorming some better haunting ideas with ghosts.
A mask, a big hat, and tinted sunglasses can allow your more skeletally-inclined associates to blend more easily by hiding 95% of their face.
Remind everyone to come up with an at least semi-plausible backstory for their “costume” on Halloween so they can just go as themselves. It’s been a hard year for everyone.
Read Frozen Summer, a speculative horror book, for free!
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274 notes - Posted October 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Thinking about Sunflowers by van Gogh again and yes, the painting is intrinsically full of hope and beauty and, much like its infinitely more famous cousin, Starry Night, it does speak to the way van Gogh saw the world; I won't talk about that here because I'm sure people far better versed on the subject than I am have already done so.
What I want to talk about is that I think it speaks loud volumes about the loneliness he weathered too.
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Take a look at that painting. There doesn't seem to be any apparent light source - no apparent sun, so to speak. When sunflowers can't find a sun to reach towards, you know what they do? They turn to each other. They swivel and contort and face each other and become one another's sun. They're a group species to the core.
Yet, despite there being no sun for these sunflowers to reach out to, none of them face each other. In fact, they almost go out of their way to not have to deal with their neighbours.
I truly believe this was one of the more overt markers heralding his eventual end and was definitely one of his most expressive pieces.
Even if he didn't intend any of this - overtly, subconsciously, or otherwise - I think there's a kind of beauty in finding meaning where even the creator didn't see it.
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377 notes - Posted November 4, 2022
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noloveforned · 2 years
how is it august already? tune into wlur at 8pm for a new show. fingers crossed that last week's show is setup to reair at 10pm! if it doesn't you can always stream it below!
no love for ned on wlur – july 29th, 2022 from 8-10pm
artist // track // album // label haim // want you back // something to tell you // columbia love is all // never now // two thousand and ten injuries // polyvinyl alise joste // filozofs // šākātā // josali beach bunny // oxygen // emotional creature // mom + pop cloud nothings // no headphones // january 2021 ep // (self-released) hole // awful // celebrity skin // dgc eggy // fill in the blanks // with gusto // flightless xtc // this is pop? // white music // virgin floodlights // matter of time // from a view // spunk leopardo // i wanna tame you // is it an easy life? // le pop club try the pie // last of you // a widening burst of forever // get better the burning hell // no peace // garbage island // you've changed hortense ellis // cry together // i'm still in love with you // studio one kitchen cynics // dr guild // beads upon an abacus // the trilogy tapes ben kamen // purple shadows // watershed // anonymous monk catherine derain // les crocodiles // spirit of france compilation // spiritmuse sean ali, michael foster, cecilia lopez and eli wallace // thermosphere // the inflatable leviathan cassette // tripticks tapes resilient vessels // infinite structures // live at the cell // rr gems the awakening // march on // mirage // black jazz r.a.p. ferreira // brother mouzone library card // the light emitting diamond cutter scriptures cassette // ruby yacht emma-jean thackray // the rings of saturn // yellow (deluxe edition) // movementt stimulator jones // arrive // round spiritual ring // stones throw raydio // rock on // rock on // arista 81355 // maroon // this time i'll be of use // 37d03d adiós amores // sol de ayer // sus mejores canciones // snap! clap! club almond joy // candy // oh henry! 7" ep // k 3 a.m. again // just like we do // let me take a picture // subjangle exploding flowers // stumbling blocks // stumbling blocks // the beautiful music field school // loving me was never gonna work out // it's only everything cassette // small craft advisory owls of now // powers // episode four cassette // for the sake of tapes bmx bandits // kylie's got a crush on us // life goes on // creation
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brookstonalmanac · 1 month
Events 4.21 (after 1950)
1950 – The Nainital wedding massacre occurs, killing 22 members of the Harijan caste. 1952 – Secretary's Day (now Administrative Professionals' Day) is first celebrated. 1958 – United Air Lines Flight 736 collides with a United States Air Force fighter jet near Arden, Nevada in what is now Enterprise, Nevada. 1960 – Brasília, Brazil's capital, is officially inaugurated. At 09:30, the Three Powers of the Republic are simultaneously transferred from the old capital, Rio de Janeiro. 1962 – The Seattle World's Fair (Century 21 Exposition) opens. It is the first World's Fair in the United States since World War II. 1963 – The first election of the Universal House of Justice is held, marking its establishment as the supreme governing institution of the Baháʼí Faith. 1964 – A Transit-5bn satellite fails to reach orbit after launch; as it re-enters the atmosphere, 2.1 pounds (0.95 kg) of radioactive plutonium in its SNAP RTG power source is widely dispersed. 1965 – The 1964–1965 New York World's Fair opens for its second and final season. 1966 – Rastafari movement: Haile Selassie of Ethiopia visits Jamaica, an event now celebrated as Grounation Day. 1967 – A few days before the general election in Greece, Colonel George Papadopoulos leads a coup d'état, establishing a military regime that lasts for seven years. 1972 – Astronauts John Young and Charles Duke fly Apollo 16's Apollo Lunar Module to the Moon's surface, the fifth NASA Apollo Program crewed lunar landing. 1975 – Vietnam War: President of South Vietnam Nguyễn Văn Thiệu flees Saigon, as Xuân Lộc, the last South Vietnamese outpost blocking a direct North Vietnamese assault on Saigon, falls. 1977 – Annie opens on Broadway. 1982 – Baseball: Rollie Fingers of the Milwaukee Brewers becomes the first pitcher to record 300 saves. 1985 – The compound of the militant group The Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord surrenders to federal authorities in Arkansas after a two-day government siege. 1987 – The Tamil Tigers are blamed for a car bomb that detonates in the Sri Lankan capital city of Colombo, killing 106 people. 1989 – Tiananmen Square protests of 1989: In Beijing, around 100,000 students gather in Tiananmen Square to commemorate Chinese reform leader Hu Yaobang. 1993 – The Supreme Court in La Paz, Bolivia, sentences former dictator Luis García Meza to 30 years in jail without parole for murder, theft, fraud and violating the constitution. 2004 – Five suicide car bombers target police stations in and around Basra, killing 74 people and wounding 160. 2010 – The controversial Kharkiv Pact (Russian Ukrainian Naval Base for Gas Treaty) is signed in Kharkiv, Ukraine, by Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev; it was unilaterally terminated by Russia on March 31, 2014. 2012 – Two trains are involved in a head-on collision near Sloterdijk, Amsterdam, in the Netherlands, killing one person and injuring 116 others. 2014 – The American city of Flint, Michigan switches its water source to the Flint River, beginning the ongoing Flint water crisis which has caused lead poisoning in up to 12,000 people, and at least 12 deaths from Legionnaires' disease, ultimately leading to criminal indictments against 15 people, five of whom have been charged with involuntary manslaughter. 2019 – Eight bombs explode at churches, hotels, and other locations in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday, killing at least 269. 2021 – Indonesian Navy submarine KRI Nanggala (402) sinks in the Bali Sea during a military drill, killing all 53 on board.
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Tuesday, 19 March 2024:
Bang! World Party (Seaview) (originally released in 1993, this reissue came out in 2021)
When Karl Wallinger died this past 10 March, I immediately began playing his work. I also snapped up all five of his albums on vinyl. Wallinger had obtained the rights to all of his music once again and in 2021 he reissued everything on vinyl his own label Seaview. I once owned his first two albums on vinyl but for some unknown reason I also got rid of them. I've always had his work on CD which I began buying with this release back in 1993 because that was right around the era when US record labels began no longer pressing every artist on vinyl, instead, opting for CDs.
Above you see the album cover and the back of the album. The cover you see above is evidently Wallinger's original choice for the album cover. Evidently the record company preferred the exploding head cover and of course they did. (I'll show you that cover as the final shot in this entry.) Below are both sides of the inner sleeve.
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The next two shots show you the A and B side of the record label.
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Here is a shot of the album cover as it went out before Wallinger regained his rights and released it with the cover up top in the first photo. I'm on Wallinger's side here, this cover, which I've known forever, is dreadful.
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slowtravelingcat · 4 months
Special Edition: Reflections on a year of work and diversity annual reports 
Monday, December 13th, 2021
CAL - I ignore this morning’s alarm as I lay stretched out in the center of the bed. Michele, my best friend, and roommate lays next to me. She stirs quietly, as she reaches for the snooze button. I creep up to my favorite spot as my whiskers tickle her face and I start to purr. This is how we start each workday. 
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My story starts around this time last year when I was first introduced to the idea of “work”. Michele brought me along to her job to celebrate National Bring Your Cat to Work Day (which everyone knows happens on the 3rd Friday of every December). During that pivotal day, I followed Michele to all of her meetings, learned about her job on the diversity, equity, and inclusion team, and even made a cameo on some of her video conference calls. I enjoyed the day and wrote a blog about it that evening. What I did not know, however, was that day would change my life forever. 
As a result of my performance, I was allowed to attend more and more meetings. Before I knew it, Michele was offering me a job as an Associate Program Manager. She said that she had work for me to do on something called the Diversity Annual Report. I would be paid in head scratches, belly rubs, and unsalted turkey jerky. Those are my three favorite things; I could not believe my good fortune!
Before I could finish celebrating, however, the roller coaster had already begun.
Under my supervision, we started the project like any good cat – by making friends. We met all sorts of new people across the entire company. I could quickly tell who was a cat person and who was not. I advised Michele using my animal intuition and, together we navigated one disagreement after the next.
Just when I thought things could not get any more difficult, our workload seemed to explode. We took on the task of literally herding cats. Yes, I too did not believe that was a real job, however, it’s actually written in the fine print when you accept a role on the diversity team. Luckily for everyone else, I was uniquely suited for the role.
The project progressed, but it felt like every step forward resulted in two steps back, but such is the nature of herding cats. I told Michele to be patient, forge ahead, and trust that everyone was going in the same direction. There were many late nights during this time period, but the head scratches and unsalted turkey jerky never ceased.
As we neared the deadline, it seemed like nothing would ever come together. I knew it was finally time to teach Michele a very important lesson, a lesson that all cats are born knowing : Bossy bitches get shit done. 
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With knowledge of this new truth, Michele took on a new persona where she emailed, texted, called, slacked, and snapped each project team member at all hours. She demanded answers to important questions and stipulated work to be completed off-hours. Time seemed to stand completely still in the last few days leading to the report’s release. I thought it would never end. 
However, time marched forward. Eventually, life was breathed into the diversity annual report, and everyone on the project team collapsed into exhaustion. As I watched the accolades pour in, I took great pride in my role as the unsung hero behind the project’s success. Everyone knows it takes a cat to pull something like this off.
As I drift in and out of dreams of diversity reporting glory, Michele gently shakes me awake. She informs me that it’s time to start a new diversity annual report. I feel conflicted as I know the work will be hard, but I also know that I will be surrounded by friends. I outwardly complain to cover up the sense of warmth that slowly spreads across my heart. It’s time to push ourselves to create something truly remarkable… a little bit of progress. 
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rezdragon · 4 months
Okay, let's talk about Hurt.
Normally I save these "Deep Dives" for Patreon, but I think I'm gonna stop doing that. This was one I even said I would share on Patreon back in 2022 and just never did (I'm very bad about this).
This video doesn't appear like it would be anything significant, especially compared to the stuff I would make later that year, but this video is actually very important to me.
Nine Inch Nails' Hurt was a song I actually said I would never make a video out of, I didn't feel like there was anything else I could add to it. Then August 20th happened.
I won't get into what specifically happened on August 20th, but it was the moment that broke me for good. August of 2021 was, and still is to date, the second most traumatic time of my life (the first being Fall of 2010 because I still can't fucking talk about that without shaking). I spent most of 2021 in denial, and August 20th of 2021 is where I finally snapped and plunged into depths I hadn't known for 6 years.
From 2013 to 2015, I struggled with suicidal thoughts to dangerous degrees, especially in 2015. 2015 is the one and only time I truly attempted suicide via gassing myself out in the garage. I was in bad shape, and there didn't appear to be any end in sight.
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I got better in 2016. I had friends, medication, and support. Come 2019 though, I had to stop taking my medication because it almost killed me (literally). I've been unmedicated since, and I spent 2019 and 2020 trying to figure out what I wanted to do to fill the void in my soul. At the beginning of 2021, I realized I wanted to return to art, so I did. I thought everything was fine. I was in better shape than 2015, I could return to art and handle new things. I got back into Smash Machinima, gave myself a new name (RezDragon), and got involved in the community.
And that all exploded in my face in August of 2021. I spent about two weeks in denial that I was hurt. I toughed through it, I was fine, nothing was wrong, I was stronger than I was before.
And then August 20th happened and I cracked harder than I ever have in a long time. I hadn't had a crack like this since 2012. I shut down completely. I was filled with so much fucking depression, I felt like a black hole collapsing on itself. In this moment, a voice in my head then said: "Play Hurt." so I did.
And I just burst into a sobbing mess on my desk.
I went dark for two hours. My friends kept trying to call me, worried since I suddenly disappeared. GSlayer called me 8 times. I went into Vegas and poured all of this pain into the video Hurt, but it was also extremely difficult for me to make. It's why its so stripped down. Even when I made custom frames for it:
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This was all I could muster.
Hurt represents a break. It represents me truly returning to form, that form being the depressed person of the group. My mental health tanked so badly after this day.
I felt so hurt to be turned away. I hurt the people close to me. I hurt strangers, I hurt anyone near me, and my enemies wanted me dead and they almost succeeded in killing me.
And yet, I still live.
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warningsine · 8 months
After the electoral authority declared him the victor and socialist rival Luisa Gonzalez conceded defeat, Noboa vowed that "tomorrow we begin work to rebuild a country that has been severely hit by violence, corruption and hatred."
Long a peaceful haven between major cocaine exporters Colombia and Peru, Ecuador has seen violence explode in recent years as enemy gangs with links to Mexican and Colombian cartels vie for control.
The fighting has seen at least 460 inmates massacred in prisons since February 2021 -- many beheaded or burned alive in mass riots.
The bloodbath has spilled into the streets, with gangs dangling headless corpses from city bridges and detonating car bombs outside police stations in a show of force.
In August, the violence claimed the life of anti-graft and anti-cartel presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio, mowed down in a barrage of submachine-gun fire after a campaign speech.
He had been polling in second place.
A state of emergency was declared after former journalist Villavicencio's assassination, and Noboa and Gonzalez both campaigned, and voted, in bullet-proof vests and with heavy security details.
On Sunday, Noboa told supporters in his home town of Olon in the southwest his goal was "to restore peace... to bring back education to the youth" and create jobs.
'Destroyed' country
Ecuadorans voted for 10 hours Sunday with no reports of violence, watched over by some 100,000 police and soldiers.
"May we elect the best president because (he or she) will govern a country that is destroyed... to address all these problems such as insecurity," Indigenous voter Ramiro Duchitanga told AFP in Cuenca in Ecuador's south.
"It is a critical election," added Freddy Escobar, a popular 49-year-old singer in Quito, citing crime as his main worry. "I am voting in fear, not knowing what will happen."
The main concerns of Ecuadorans, according to opinion polls, are crime and violence in a country where the murder rate quadrupled in the four years to 2022.
Noboa, who obtained some 52 percent of the vote according to a near-complete count, was elected to only 16 months in office to complete the term of incumbent Guillermo Lasso, who called a snap vote to avoid possible impeachment for alleged embezzlement.
Under the law, Noboa can run again for the 2025-29 presidential term, and the one after that.
Both runoff candidates were relative unknowns in politics.
Noboa is the son of one of Ecuador's richest men, who himself has five failed presidential bids to his name.
The president-elect, whose only political experience is two years as a lawmaker, calls himself "center-left" but embraces neoliberal economic thinking.
He ran on the ticket of the brand-new National Democratic Action alliance, which incorporates parties from the center and left of the political spectrum.
Ecuador has a poverty rate of 27 percent, with a quarter of the population unemployed or holding down an informal job.
Opinion polls list unemployment as voters' second concern.
Noboa reiterated Sunday that he intends to "give progress to a country... that has all the elements to be a global example."
Gonzalez was the handpicked candidate of socialist ex-president Rafael Correa, who governed from 2007 to 2017 and lives in exile in Belgium to avoid serving an eight-year prison term for graft -- another major concern in the country.
From eight candidates, Gonzalez took the most votes in the first round in August with 34 percent, followed by Noboa with 23 percent.
On Sunday, she offered her "profound congratulations" to Noboa, "because this is democracy."
Addressing supporters in Quito, Gonzales also said she would not be claiming fraud.
With 13 lawmakers in his corner out of 137 in parliament, Noboa will not have an absolute majority backing his legislative projects, and with only 16 months in office, will face an uphill battle to push through any reforms, analysts say.
Voting is compulsory for 13.4 million eligible voters in the country of about 18 million, and the election authority said turnout was above 82 percent.
After images on social media showed a person appearing to fill out multiple ballots in favor of Noboa, the head of the National Electoral Commission, Diana Atamaint, promised an "immediate" investigation.
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ao3feed-tododeku · 11 months
The Butterfly's Blessing
The Butterfly's Blessing by RarepairKai22
There is only so much a person can take before they snap.
When Abuela accuses Mirabel of hurting the family, a decade of self-repressed pain, anger and sadness explode like an overheated pressure cooker.
Mirabel rips Abuela apart, blowing her wrongdoings out for everyone to see, and it is the final straw.
Casita begins to collapse, and while trying to save the candle, Mirabel accidentally falls off the roof. In a desperate bid to save her, the magic grants Mirabel her own miracle, but not without great cost.
Waking up in an unfamiliar city with no memories of who she is, Mirabel navigates a world of heroes and villains, superpowers called “quirks”, finds a new family and creates a new identity, all while the family she left behind grapples with her loss and everything they once knew.
Words: 1284, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Encanto (2021), 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Mirabel Madrigal, Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Class 1-A, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, U.A. Faculty, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Kurogiri, Shirakumo Oboro, Sensei | All For One, Eri, "Abuela" Alma Madrigal, Julieta Madrigal, Agustín Madrigal, Pepa Madrigal, Félix Madrigal, Bruno Madrigal, Isabela Madrigal, Luisa Madrigal, Dolores Madrigal, Camilo Madrigal, Antonio Madrigal, Mariano Guzmán
Relationships: Mirabel Madrigal/Shirakumo Oboro, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Mirabel Madrigal & Midoriya Izuku, Mirabel Madrigal & Midoriya Inko, Midoriya Inko & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Eri, Félix Madrigal/Pepa Madrigal, Agustín Madrigal/Julieta Madrigal, Mariano Guzmán/Dolores Madrigal, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Additional Tags: Amnesiac Mirabel Madrigal, BAMF Mirabel Madrigal, BAMF Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk, Midoriya Inko Adopts Mirabel Madrigal, Good Parent Midoriya Inko, Midoriya Inko Adopts Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Yagi Toshinori | All Might Bashing, Bakugou Katsuki Bashing, Married Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Adopts Eri, Kurogiri is Shirakumo Oboro, Kurogiri Becomes Shirakumo Oboro Again, Todoroki Shouto is Bad at Feelings, Todoroki Shouto is a Dork, Guilty Madrigal Family (Disney), "Abuela" Alma Madrigal Gets Better, Fall of Casita (Disney: Encanto), No Incest, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Crossover, Crossover Pairings, Canon-Typical Violence, Non-Canonical Character Death, Age Regression/De-Aging
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48444280
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