#extra stuff for mira's stories lol
mirahuyooo · 2 years
Stranded [Why Dionysus?] | jhs
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[masterlist] | check out [Elysian Tales] & [BTS as Greek Myth Icons]!
have you read [Stranded]?
A/N: As promised, here's the messy "rationale" and the melting pot of ideas i had for writing Stranded! Again, TAKE EVERYTHING WITH A GRAIN OF SALT bc i may be wrong with some of the mythology parts ✌😭✌
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I get that Hoseok is mostly depicted as Apollo in these sorts of AUs, but Dionysus, man! DIONYSUS—Olympian god of wine, vegetation, pleasure, festivity, madness, and wild frenzy. 
I know it’s usually Jimin for this type of thing too, but at the time (when I made this series lol) it just screamed JUNG HO SEOK to me somehow, you feel?
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Albeit, we all know how drunk Hoseok gets now (at the time I didn't lmao), I feel like since he'd be a god in this AU, he's bound to have greater alcohol tolerance 😅👌 BESIDES, Hobi would be all up on that dance floor! I just really thought that having him as Dionysus would be a nice change and it was v v fun (ToT)/~~~💖
Also, the love story of Dionysus and Ariadne gave me quite the uwu, so I thought I could add a bit more to the story for some cute shit 🥰
When it came to the whole sacrifice to the Minotaur thing though, I made a lot of shit up because some say that Athens had to bring tributes every 9 years, but some said it was every year??? (I AM CONFUSION 😭😭😭)
Anyways, to fit my fictional narrative (a.k.a her seeing the start of the downfall of her family), I had to do the some maths and vague research AHAHAHHA  i.e. searching how long it takes for a calf to turn into a bull (two years according to Google) bc Asterion started causing real trouble as he grew older lmao (he’s a beast raised to be a monster after all) + the fact that Theseus joined the third batch of the tributes to slay the Minotaur + Ariadne!Y/N being in her 20s???
I ended up settling for “every five years” (making Y/N 24-ish by the time she ran away, if Asterion the Minotaur was born when she was around 7 and he was locked up in the labyrinth when she was 9) 
P.S. I was planning to have (Y/N) die, since it’s part of some version of myths abt Dionysus and Ariadne, but it felt like it would be a repeat of Yoongi’s story so uh… i just left her at a near-death experience 🤪🤪🤪 
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Again, there are a lot of versions of this mythology.
With Ariadne’s upbringing, it was hard to get conclusive points??? All we know is that it’s in Crete, she’s a princess, her mom fucked a bull as a result of a divine curse, and her dad’s an all around j e r k LMAO I was also shocked to find out that the Minotaur had a name???? I kinda felt bad after ngl lmao 
AnyWAYS, several sources called Ariadne “mistress of the labyrinthe” (and that she might actually be a goddess too??) and that either way when Theseus came she fell hard like a SIMP ✋😭 She and her sister, Phaedra, both did, but it was Ariadne who helped Theseus with a thread (a clew) to let him know his way out of the labyrinthe after slaying the Minotaur (some sources say she was clever enough to do it on her own, but some say she asked Daedalus for help) 
Theseus, so glad that this chick is here to help him out, asks her to marry him once he returns successful, but some sources say that Ariadne asked him to. Another version also said that she asked him for marriage as protection since she's committing treason for helping him.
Either way, when the beast was slain, they obviously had to book it out of there before anyone could discover that they unalived the Minotaur. 
In Hesiod (and most of the other versions), Theseus abandons Ariadne on the island of Naxos after she had helped him and had fled Crete with him. Other accounts claim that Theseus was told (by Athena or Dionysus) to leave her there for the wine god as a sacrifice, because the island was Dionysus' territory. It was said in the Odyssey that Theseus had “no joy for her”, and had no issues with leaving her to Dionysus. Although, there are still some accounts that do depict him being distraught about the abandonment. Either way, he still left her there. 
So, with that, I had opted for the route of him being told to do it, but is still a jerk about it lol.
(This decision was fuelled by my utter anger for the myth where Theseus and his best bud, Pirithous, decided to kidnap daughters of Zeus to marry. Theseus chose to kidnap Helen of Troy, who was twelve at that time, and intended to keep her until she was old enough to marry—bLEGHH)
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Theseus is a hero, yes, but he was still a bastard lmao (SO i went ham on making him the (sort of) villain in this story WHAHAH i am petty and biased, I'm so sorry)
Alas, his kidnapping of Helen of Troy seems to have happened long after his time with Ariadne, so as much as I wanted to trash on him, I couldn’t do so very much :DDDD
Phaedra (her sister), on the other hand, ended up being the queen of Athens because she was either abducted by Theseus or arranged for political marriage with him by their oldest brother King Deucalion (bc at this point, their dad, Minos, got murked in Sicily looking for Daedalus lol) She then proceeds to later get cursed to thirst after her stepson, Hippolytus :DDD 
Anyways, at Naxos, Dionysus saw Ariadne and fell in love with her, deciding to put a ring on it. Ariadne had many children with Dionysus and she was said to be faithful to him, but according to some myths, she killed herself because of Theseus before they get to meet??? Other versions say that she was killed—either by Perseus (with medusa’s head) or Artemis (at Dionysus' request?? Bc she and Theseus banged at a sacred grotto or cave or something—ig this is probs in the version where he doesn't love her yikes). 
Also, (in the myths where they are lovey dovey but Ariadne, for some reason, dies) Dionysus, after becoming a full-fledged god of Olympus, goes to the underworld  to get his mother and wifey back (sacrificing either a grapevine of his first love (Ampelos) or his thyrsus—this one's a bit unclear so I decided to omit it from the storyline lol) and went to Mount Olympus to be with her forevs. He also made her into a deity along with his mother, and then put her wedding crown to the sky as the constellation Corona Borealis!
Dionysus is a bastard of Zeus (a lot are LMAo) through his priestess Semele, and was the first god to be born a deity even with a mortal parent. He’s unwelcomed in Olympus though (mostly bc Hera is v v salty) and so he lived his life on Earth, at some point getting dismembered by Titans and/or going insane from a curse by Hera, and getting reborn because of the shit he goes through. He becomes the last god to enter Olympus after his cult fully establishes itself in Greece, and this part (I read) happens AFTER he met Ariadne (that’s why the plot is the way it is lol). This is also why there are sources that say Ariadne accompanied Dionysus in his travels, helping him spread his cult and influence. 
Also, also, the animals associated with him are panthers (leopard), tigers, bulls and serpents, and is often depicted as riding a leopard or a chariot drawn by leopards. (I made up the name Agrios though!)
This has been a rollercoaster and my head is pACKED Imma need to sit down whEW!! 
Thanks for Reading!
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flutteringfable · 1 year
horse girl (gender neutral) kaeya hcs bc i am also a horse girl (gender neutral)
oh yeah baybeeee time to be a horse nerd for the benefit of my fanfictionssss <3
kaeya isnt a huge favorite character of mine but as an equestrian myself i love thinking abt his own horse experiences lol. also soft-ish ragbros content because i desperately want them to be happy *shakes fist at hoyoverse*
warnings: mentions of character death, major spoilers for kaeya and diluc’s story (mostly what’s covered in the manga), and possible contradictions to the canon timeline? like idk if i got stuff right about the timeframe/age of kaeya being adopted, joining the knights, etc but hopefully it can be overlooked since it isn’t a major part of the hc list lmao
kaeya has loved horses his whole life
both his original father and diluc’s had horses, so he’s been around them a lot
when he was little, he spent all his time playing in the stables
by the time he was around 10-12, a little bit after he was taken in by the ragnvindrs, he could care for the horses by himself
crepus would ask him and diluc to help him name new foals
he started learning to ride almost immediately after getting better at caring for the horses
diluc and kaeya would follow crepus on horseback through the wilds of mondstadt sometimes when they accompanied him for errands
after crepus died, kaeya taught himself, and surprisingly became rather skilled
i like to think that there was a period where kaeya and diluc were close immediately following crepus’ death before they drifted apart
so, kaeya taught diluc a lot of what he knows now about horseback riding
when kaeya joined the knights of favonius cavalry, he felt right at home
he learned some vaulting and one-handed skills from training with the other knights
so now he’s REALLY good
he excitedly tells diluc everything he learns whenever he can
diluc listens, but this is during the period when they started to drift apart, so he feels the smallest twinge of jealousy
regardless, a small part of him is proud of kaeya, and he does his best to voice this since he doesn’t want to dampen his brother’s mood
nowadays, kaeya likes to go for quiet rides around windrise on his days off
(context + horse nerd rambling incoming!
for those of you who might not know, most horse’s “names” are nicknames! domestic horses have what i can only describe as “legal names” or as they’re more commonly known, “show names.” these names are typically structured similarly to actual names, with two words (“shooting star”), but some people will use phrases (“a walk with grace”) or titles of movies, songs, etc (“dark side of the moon” “candy crush”). i don’t wanna bore you with the details here, but if you’re interested just look up how horses’ show names are chosen! okay back to the kaeya horse girl hours)
kaeya bought his own horse about three years after he joined the cavalry
she’s a fresian (very pretty breed i love draft horses so so much mwah my big fluffy babies) named shining miracle
kaeya calls her miracle or mira for short
everyone in mondstadt knows mira
kaeya sometimes walks her through the city on patrols, and will almost always be stopped by people leaving gentle pats on mira’s neck and saying hello
during the windblume festival and weinlesefest, kaeya likes to braid cecilias and windwheel asters into her mane.
mira is gentle and soft tempered, so even in the most chaotic of festival settings she will stand quietly
during festivals she gets lots of extra treats, and bakers in mond have taken to making special horse-friendly treats especially for her
needless to say, she’s very well taken care of by both kaeya and the entirety of mondstadt
sometimes, when he’s stressed or otherwise upset, kaeya will take mira out to the shore and gallop her up and down the beach
(with breaks, of course. no matter how pent up he may be, kaeya would never push mira to exhaustion because of it)
okay if anyone has more questions about mira and kaeya i would be so so happy to answer them i’m kind of obsessed
hoyoverse give us horses to ride ingame challenge (IMPOSSIBLE) (look i know that would make it feel more like a zelda clone but come ONNNN i want a pretty horse)
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catastrothy · 1 year
here is a little chronicle of my sickness journey btw. bc i feel like i need to write this down because its been hilariously awful lol
warning 4 gross stuff, oversharing, and me bitching, unsurprisingly
back in early august i got sick with what i thought was a cold. basic symptoms, fever, achiness, runny nose, etc. things are relatively normal at first, i've gotten sick dozens of times because i'm particularly prone to sinus and ear infections so i brushed it off
And Then The Hives Began.
all over my limbs and very rarely on my torso and neck. even had one on my face. at one point my throat got very itchy and i had a panic attack thinking i would get anaphylaxis for the first time in my life. thankfully i took a shitton of claritin + pepcid + benedryl and it kicked in fast enough that i was okay
i go to the local urgent care. the doctor is amazing and gives a shit and prescribes me some steroids + recommends i keep taking what i've been taking. tells me to follow up with my primary doctor and to come back if things get worse.
Things Continue To Get Worse.
i go to my primary doctor. she is not very helpful. i've been thinking of switching providers anyway because i'm moving and this has kind of solidified this decision because i'm told "well that's weird! just uhh. keep taking your antihistamines and don't go out in public. good luck :)" the only thing is its been a hot minute since i switched providers and i dont really remember what the process is like and i will inevitably get social anxiety about it.
this continues for a while. i'm managing, i feel like shit. but i am managing. now here comes the really gross part. this morning (9/15/23) i am chilling on my computer. i go to scratch my stomach, only to find... there is crust. around my belly button. why is my belly button so crusty? what? it turns out there is discharge of some sort coming from there. why? who knows! it's not too painful but between the fact my fever is now higher than it's ever been (although still a low grade one) and i have this unexplained discharge it throws me into one of the worst panic attacks i've had in a while. all the worst case scenarios (sepsis, my second greatest phobia besides anaphylaxis) are running through my head but i remind myself every time i've thought shit was mega fucked it turned out okay. mira also helps comfort me and im able to collect myself and go to the urgent care (again). also on top of this i have like 3 cold sores and my period going at the same time so i am extra suffering!!!!!!!!!!
the doctor there is again really understanding and wonderful. i love this woman. she tests me for flu, covid, strep, and mono. she says she tests for mono specifically because a lot of other doctors miss it and make patients suffer for no reason. all tests come back negative thankfully (or maybe unthankfully... because we still dont know what the fuck i got). she puts me on like 5 new different meds (antiviral, antibiotic, steroid, nausea meds, and an antifungal to help if i get a yeast infection while on the antibiotic). at this point i am genuinely wishing i could make this lady my primary doctor but alas, 'tis not to be.
i am now given 1 shot each of antibiotic and steroid. one in each butt cheek. my ass hurts so badly. sitting is vaguely uncomfortable.
i am given some gauze and also told to buy dial soap for the belly button infection. i go home and lay on the couch. and thus this is where we are now
also my electric company charged me like $200 for electricity which we do not have atm so thats a cool cherry on top
anyway moral of the story is that my immune system is garbage and i wish it attacked the virus instead of me <3
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deadwatcrs · 4 years
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⟨  tom holland  ,  non-binary demiboy  ,  he/they  ,  22  ⟩   there  goes  ARTHUR ‘ARTIE’ HART  after  the  opposing  team’s  flag  ,  the  child   of  APHRODITE  who  was  claimed  to  CABIN TEN  eleven years  ago  .  wielding  their  SPEAR  ,  and  their  inherited  TELEPORTATION  at  the  ready  ,  they’re  sure  to  lead  their  team  to  victory  .  after  all  ,  it  was  their  demigod  prowess  that  proved  to  be  vital  during  the  arduous  and  decisive  JOURNEY TO FIND DAEDALUS AND THE MAP OF THE LABYRINTH  (  demigod  18  )  they  ventured  on  in  the  past  .  don't  let  their  feat  fool  you  though  ,  it  was  during  this  quest  that  they  were  challenged  by  their  FEAR OF ABANDONMENT AND LONELINESS  .  perhaps  that  is  the  reason  they've  chosen  to  side  with  the  titan  army  .
hello hello !!! so excited to be here with everyone :-) !!! i’m mira, i’m 20, i use she/her pronouns nd i live in the gmt+8 zone, so u can expect me awake when no one else is KJEHHSEJK i’ve been a fan of pjo since like,,,, i was 12 nd was literally convinced i was a demigod so u can imagine !!!! that when i saw this rp i was like !!!! [screams] 
anyways !! this is arthur ‘artie’ hart nd they are New so i’m still working out a lot of their story, but im v excited to see where they’ll go :-) i have a few connections regarding his story nd also just ,, slapped som stuff down from the app into here HEKJHESJK 
name: arthur ‘artie’ hart. prefers to go by artie, as arthur is what his aunt calls him. age: twenty-two. zodiac: born on july 21st, 1999, making him a cancer sun, scorpio moon and leo rising. gender & pronouns: nonbinary demiboy. uses he/him and they/them pronouns. romantic orientation: bisexual.
positive traits: compassionate / perceptive / mild-mannered. negative traits: pessimistic / evasive / easily jealous. mbti: ENFJ - the protagonist. moral alignment: chaotic good. what is their motivation?: artie is motivated, primarily, by the desire to never find themselves abandoned and alone. growing up with an absent goddess of a mother, a mother deep in her memories of a lover she’ll never see again and an aunt who tried to give them a foundation to grow from meant that their life was more or less marred by the concept of loneliness, of abandonment. 
artie wants, more than anything else, for no future demigods to feel the same way they did — and if that means tearing down olympus and getting rid of the gods, then they were willing to turn the other cheek, to contribute bare bones to take on the least amount of blood and ichor. aphrodite had never made a move to acknowledge him other than the obligatory favor of claiming him as her child, and the knowledge that she too had abandoned him pushed him to the side of the titans.
the choice to do the bare minimum is rooted in the fact that they are still very much attached to camp half-blood and everyone within it, as they had been there for half their life. it is a decision rooted in wanting the best for the camp and its campers even if the decision is a difficult one. after all, what have the gods ever done for the hundreds of children they’ve brought into the world?
what was growing up like?: for starters, artie appreciates that his aunt tried. their mother was far too wrapped up in memories of a lover long gone, and aphrodite had never once made an effort beyond dropping them off at their mother’s doorstep and then claiming them as her child eleven years later. growing up was difficult. like any demigod child, there were instances that could never be explained, like the time artie was in his room one minute and the living room the next without ever having touched his closed door and the time his backpack was torn to shreds while he was still wearing it. still, they had to push through childhood, often seeking comfort in the arms of their aunt when the monsters got too close. at eleven, a satyr brought artie to camp half-blood after discovering their teleportation ability (it was a stupid incident, and one artie is reluctant to tell again, but it ends with falling asleep while their foot was in a toilet bowl while walking to class). 
camp half-blood was a haven for artie as their heritage was unraveled. aphrodite claimed him a week after he arrived at camp, and he was immediately drawn to the change in lifestyle. it was a relief for all the pieces to fall into place, for artie to realize that they weren’t different. at thirteen, they became a year rounder camper after their aunt had encouraged them to stay, knowing their mother couldn’t keep them safe. their time at camp was divided into learning how to fight with a spear (a weapon that quickly became their go-to, the one weapon they were actually proficient with) and learning how to manage their ability. however, worry constantly nagged at them, as they realized they were only putting off a life alone. artie may not have been different, but there were very few people who lived like they did.
ambrosia tastes like the cranberry-walnut cookies their aunt used to make for them.
they have a little mp3 player because they absolutely cannot live without listening to music. it’s not connected to wifi or data, just a little device that hosts illegally downloaded music.
interchangeably uses he and they pronouns. gender identity was something artie struggled with growing up, as they never felt totally connected to their assigned gender at birth but didn’t feel totally disconnected from it either. it took a lot of google searches, long late night talks with the nymphs and his aunt and encouragement from their fellow siblings before they realized they were non-binary, and furthermore, a demi-boy. they do have a preference for people to refer to them with ‘he/him’ pronouns, while they tend to use ‘they/them’. of course, they don’t really mind what people use as long as it’s either he or them, and ultimately, artie is just happy he’s got this part of himself figured out.
handy with a spear. they tend to spin the weapon around their hand as part of their signature move, and yes, it is just to show off how good he is at spinning it.
pinterest here.
i.    this house burned down and we’ll take the memories with it.
this would be the person who artie is closest to and considers family. they would’ve been there for his every milestone, the person who had his back more often than not and vice versa. however, after artie is revealed to be part of luke’s army, betrayal strains their relationship. i can see this connection (in current times) focusing heavily on the fact that they’re both on directly opposing sides but want the other to be by their side, but being unable to switch sides themselves. this connection is also one heavily steeped in years and years of friendship, as artie has been at camp since he was eleven, and then switched to being a year-rounder at thirteen.
ii.    and where have the gods gone? taken by rainier gang.
artie didn’t want to switch to the titan’s side at first. he was convinced over a long period of time, and this connection focuses on the dynamic between artie and whoever took the time to convince him to switch sides. seeing as one of artie’s deepest fears is ending up alone and abandoned, maybe this dynamic focused on that aspect! honestly, i’m open to however this connection develops since it’s a pretty open-ended one.
iii.     for these are shared wounds. taken by emri kyung, salem poe.
in short, they have been artie’s sparring partner since he was a new camper. as a child of aphrodite, there was always that expectation that he’d be useless in a battlefield and this person took a chance on him, showing him everything he now knows about how to fight. they aren’t close by any means but there is comfort in intimately knowing what they’re like on a battlefield. how this dynamic develops depends on which side (or none, if they’re neutral!) the other person is on.
other wanted connections:
literally anything my brain is tiny LOL
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the-kings-of-games · 4 years
i’m not popular enough to get tons of asks, but I pushing off zine work and secret santa so fanfic writer asks! (YGO only)
1. What’s your favorite character(s) to write for? 
Answered here
2. What character(s) do you find the most difficult to write for? Why? 
Characters that don’t get much of a reaction from me from the beginning or at any point, and characters I have never considered writing before (like Bruno). Never feel like I’d write them so I never put thought in their character and stories. 
3. Do you have a favorite scene you’ve written from [Fanfic Name] story/chapter? 
Yeah, from Two Fingers Crossed Over Your Lips, Chapter 8: Domestics (Orinthoptershipping). It’s when Crow is laying on top of Bruno on the couch, and they share a kiss. Crow is flirty, and Bruno is cute. I think this is the best example of my portrayal of Crow, lol. 
4. Did you have any ideas that didn’t make the final cut of [Fanfic Name]? 
No, for the most part, I end up using pretty much everything I write out. I’m the kind of person to go back and cut out entire scenes because I tend to write out scenes I like/want to do and find ways to connect them together. It can be kind of counterproductive because some scenes might actually pull you away from the plot you wanted, but I never never plot before I write, lol. 
It doesn’t mean, however, that that I have never ended up writing something bigger than I expected. Currently, it’s The Supreme King’s Husband (Prologue) because I just wanted to add in Yūsei and Kizuna, omgs. QWQ
5. Do you listen to music when writing? 
Yes, I do. It both keeps me focused and distracted at the same time. 
6. If you listen to music when writing, what [do] you listening to when writing [Fanfic Name]? 
A lot of Joji, Jack Strauder, Oliver Tree, CUCO, and the like. Pretty much this mix. 
7. What story/headcanons do you feel the proudest of? 
I really love my headcanon of Crow being masculine leaning genderfluid afab (assigned female at birth). It’s really fun exploring this headcanon, and I always write Crow with this in mind. However, it’s only 5D’s Crow, not Arc-V Crow. They are both Crow but, in a lot of ways, are essentially two different characters, and I’m very attached to the former. Crow didn’t start doing he/him stuff until he was, like, nine, and Yūsei and Jack have been super supportive about it since the beginning. Crow was she one day, and he the next day. Still Crow. ^^ This is from one of my many Crow WIPs:
"It doesn’t matter how I look or what I call myself, I’d always be their friend, and they’d always be my brothers. The bond we share is irreplaceable, and I’m thankful to have met them in the first place. They’ve always supported me, and they know it’s my right to tell people about me, when and how. If I wanted it to be different, they’d be the first one to know. As it is right now, though, I’m happy with the way I am."
Crow has two feminine outfits he wears occasionally: a yellow dress with red flats (a gift from his girls), and a yellow blouse with a green plaid skirt and black knee highs. To go with these looks, he wears his hair down with his headband around his neck and shiny lip loss Trudge bought for him. 
8. Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi chaptered stories? 
One-shots by a long shot, lmao. That being said, I sometimes don’t finish one-shots either. 
9. If you had to assign a theme song to [Fanfic Name], which would you assign?
I don’t think in music. I do that thing where you pick a song and write a fic with it but not the other way around.   
10. What is the line you’re proudest of from [Fanfic Name]? 
One of my favorites, from the aforementioned Chapter 8: Domestics (Ornitoptershipping):
Closing his eyes, Bruno was taken back to the beach, the one he woke up at with no memories, but this time, he didn't feel the confusion, nor the faint touch of grief at the bottom of his heart. Instead, he only felt the quiet crash of the waves on his skin, the sun shining brightly over his head. This was now a memory he remembered twice.
(I really like this one-shot a lot, lol.)
11. How would you describe your style? (Character/emotion/action-driven, etc) 
A lot of dialogue, stream of conscious narrative. I think. I never really thought about it. 
12. Who is your favorite author? 
I don’t really have one at the moment. I don’t read a lot, lol. 
13. When did you start writing fanfic? 
I got more serious about it in high school, but I think I started during middle school? KHR was a thing then, lol.
14. How do you feel about your older work? 
Answered here
15. What is the fanfic you’ve written that you’re most proud of? 
From YGO, probably The Distance of Time which features Orinthoptershipping. It’s very dialogue heavy, but it was a lot of fun. I’m very thankful of the people who took the time to read it, and even more those who commented and gave feedback. 
16. What fanfic tropes do you avoid writing for? 
I don’t do gore, violence, or torture. I don’t dislike them, I just don’t write them (so I don’t have any practice either). 
17. What fanfic tropes do you gravitate to writing for? 
I love ones that explore the idea of soulmates. I’m a big fan of the soulmates AU, but I love the different ways that people just complete each other that borders on more realism than trope. I mostly write fluff though, and attempts at humor because I think I’m funny. 
18. Do you prefer editing as you write, or waiting until it’s finished? 
I edit as a I write, which is bad because I don’t edit afterwards and miss typos (lol) and sometimes makes writing take longer to finish. 
19. What words do you think you tend to use the most? 
Epithets probably; otherwise, I don’t know. 
20. What feedback makes you the happiest to hear? 
I love comments that think my pacing is good and my character interpretations are great. If someone tells me that they can imagine this happening in canon, I’m over the moon. 
21. Is there an idea you’ve always wanted to write, but haven’t yet? 
Yes, and they’re all WIPs. 
22. Do you enjoy making OCs for your fanfics, or prefer sticking to canon characters? 
I mostly stick to canon characters and don’t like doing OCs (unless they’re extras or side characters). Writing OCs makes me a little uncomfortable actually because I fear veering into self-inserts which I cannot write because that’s even worse than doing OCs. The only OCs I like do are OC babies of my favorite ships. 
For YGO, I currently have two: Sky Hogan, the daughter of Crow (Papa), Jack (Father), and Yūsei (Dad); and Mira Princeton, the daughter of Chazz (Mama) and Jaden (Dad).
23. How much do you stick to canon? 
I try to write characters based off of canon as much as possible. If I don’t see a character doing something, then I don’t write them doing that thing. I’m more about filling in blank spaces than trying to rewrite inked ones. 
24. Do you prefer AUs with the characters, or sticking to the original universe? 
I do original universe most of the time. 
25. What scene in [Fanfic Name] took the longest to write? What was difficult about it? 
Smut scenes because they are pretty much one continuous scene, lololol. There’s no scene changes for the most part, so keeping up momentum is a must and a difficulty. 
26. Are titles for your stories easy to come up with? 
I suck at making titles. I can have whole fics done but back petal so hard because I forgot to give it title. 
27. What time of day do you prefer to write? 
Past bedtime. 
28. Is there a part of [Fanfic Name] you’re surprised no one has picked up on yet? 
I’m not sure what this is asking, lol. 
29. What part of the writing process do you enjoy the most? (Brainstorming, outlining, writing, editing, etc) 
Writing it. I don’t brainstorm or outline, I just write what comes to mind. I brainstorm only if I need to connect things together. Finishing it is a close second. 
30. Do you write down all your ideas? What makes you decide to write one versus the other? 
I never write down my ideas; it’s either I start on a WIP or I don’t. What I decide to write depends on my mood. 
31. What was the development process of [Fanfic Name] like? 
I write for three hours and produce only a thousand words, smh. Agony. 
32. What story do you think showcases your signature style the most? 
Fluff with subtle angst, I guess. 
33. Have you ever stopped yourself from writing something? Why? 
Yes, because I already have so many WIPs, I shouldn’t start on another one. (Does this stop me? No.)
34. Have you felt emotional while writing a scene before? What scene was it? 
I might have, but I have terrible memory. U_U
35. Where’s your favorite place to write? 
In my bed in the dark, on my phone. (Computers tire me out after a while.)
36. What fanfic of yours has the symbolism you’re proudest of?
I’m not sure what symbolism is. 
37. Would you ever collaborate with another writer for a story? 
Yes, but it will be a really big learning experience because I’m using to have most, if not all, control over my writing. I try to be open, but getting used to new things is hard, you know?
38. What story of yours are you surprised that people liked as much as they did? 
Honestly, for YGO, any of them. The feedback for YGO isn’t a lot, lol, or it’s because I write characters/ships/tropes a lot of people don’t go for? I’m just glad I now know the people who like my stuff. I know my writing is good, but I won’t force people to read it. 
39. What area of writing do you feel strongest in? 
Characterization, if I’m not being too big-headed, lol. 
40. What area of writing do you want to improve in?
I need to stop feeling the urge to rush ending and give the settings more details. 
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soyoursoulisgreen · 5 years
Hells yeah thank you
Okay so I’m just gonna dig down deep into the old plots that I started but never finished, so we’re talking anywhere from around age 12 to age 16 (I’ll call age 9-12 the First Stories Ever Phase; 12-16 the Weeb Phase/Extra Credit Phase; and 16-20 the What Do You Mean Invader ZiM Stopped Airing Almost Two Decades Ago…Phase. Lol)
So from the Weeb Phase I had a tooooon of stories but one of my favourites of the bunch was basically a story called My Uncle, Little Brother and it was an absurdist slice-of-life manga-esque comic about a 12 year old kid’s mom getting married into a pretty posh family, where the next youngest kid was 19 years old, except rather than that guy (Orima) being like an uncle to the younger one (Mira), Mira ended up, by the person his mom married, being Orima’s uncle instead. The main joke of the series of course being that Mira was a very straight-laced no-nonsense RBF studious kid who acted much older than Orima who was mostly a goof-off Life Is Good kind of person with a prodigy streak and Family Money that let him coast by on easy mode. Their personalities clashed but they got along decently well. 
I think the climax of the story was that Mira’s mom had dropped him off to live at Orima’s place until she and his little sister had fully moved in to where they’d be living from now on with Mira’s new stepdad, so he’d be leaving after they’d really started to like living with each other, and that big house starts to feel empty, y’know, tropey stuff like that. I never finished it :P but I did reboot their characters a few years ago. Haven’t touched ‘em since tho, I was never able to find the original notebook I drew them in :’(
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My MtF~H.R.T. -- My New Family
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     I once dreamed of a time when I was caught in-between two ordeals:
     Love for the family that raised you, or love for the family that loved you.
     I wanted both, but was denied as the family that raised me ensnared me in my home whereas the family that loved me, changed me into someone new. This dream came again-and-again, stronger and stronger, vivid and warning me that it would happen after a terrible snow fell on the ground. Only problem, we were in a warming period and snow was pretty much non-existent! Then, like fate, the weather changed and a storm dumped over 2 feet of snow in one night...snow that the Puget Sound has never seen before. It was a once in the thousand-year event!
     My dream warned that once the snow fell, I would become near-death sick, and unable to leave...I would depend on the family that loved me to heal me and care for me...and this would begin the transformation. And sure enough, my lungs seized, my mucus turned green and I was fighting pneumonia with no access to antibiotics. My family, all over them, worked diligently to help clear the mucus from my lungs as we were trapped over a week in our home.
     I would lay there as the white icy snow fell outside my window as I thought to myself ‘My God...it is actually happening! I am living the part in my dream!’ I flipped through the pages as I looked for more clues of what would happen. The dream warned that I would have to face the end. The divide as I faded from my family and became someone new. The man that came for a week stay, would leave as a woman, a daughter of the family. It stated that I would attend their wedding, become part of the family and then...I would become part of the family, forever.
     Mira Carlene Messinger was my new name. The shadows of David remained, rekindled by friends who stopped by, but they did not disturb the fabric of reality as they all came to accept me as a transgender female. I no longer looked the same...it was a painful transformation...but in the end, I appeared younger and a reflection of the daughter that saved my life.
     Not only had my body changed. Mentally, I would begin to change. No longer longing for the family I left behind. My focus would be on the family I have.
     Unconditional love is a powerful vice!
     Back in May of 2018; the biggest doubt I faced with being transgender was that I was going to go through this all alone. That is why I created this blog, to voice my thoughts that I would have voiced with my family. There was fear of being discovered and the consequences that would befall my coming out. However, the Lord has blessed me with a new family, who loves me for who I am, even if it is Mira and not David.
     As I was writing this blog, Michelle message me with some exciting news that I have yet to consider.
Michelle: How was your day?
Mira: Not too bad, had garbage to burn and cleaning the garage from the Christmas light mess. Day started with driving my grandmother around, and almost fell asleep at the wheel. I remember saying to her, ‘I don’t understand, this is a new tank, but I feel nothing!’ as I pulled at the cord and found that I shut my oxygen cord in the door! Lol! Even with this dilemma, still had to drive! Otherwise, a nice day, how has yours been?
Michelle: Felt exhausted today, not exactly sure why. Was so happy to get home. Made some dinner and now just laying in bed watching some TV with Mitch.
Mira: I am looking forward to moving out that way...been gathering my belongings to bring in small waves. Tools, personal items, lights, books...things I don’t want to lose. I have been considering the process of moving and how to adjust...and to be honest, I look forward to it!
Michelle: Did you want the bookshelf in the bedroom for your books? If not let me know and we can take it out.
Mira: It is the cloudy weather that makes people exhausted! I tried to sit and work on my stories and reflection on the future...did not get far as work always finds me!
Michelle: I also have an extra nightstand in Logan's Room to put on the bedside that has 2 drawers in it. And then the closet has shelves for we can always figure something out for a dresser if need be.
If you wanna put tools in the barn, you can or anything like tools that you would use on a regular basis we have the cabinet in the old laundry room downstairs that we could use. I also want to clean out the cabinet in the bathroom so you can put toiletries and such and that bathroom.
Mira: I like that bookshelf and also wish to keep Amanda’s shelf on the bottom shelf (if that is okay with Mitch).
One moment to consider...I have not considered room design yet.
Michelle: You just let me know what you want moved out and what you want to stay and will make it work.
Mira: A dresser would be nice, have not had one of those in 15 years!
Michelle: Mitch is asking if you've told anybody yet?
Mira: No, I have not said a word about moving, waiting till our trip to the ocean is through, so I can focus on digging clams. It is a probability, but I fear that information could lead to terrible conflict...reason why I am gathering my supplies just in case.
Michelle: So you know, I did have a conversation with Lexi. She is very excited for you to move in with us as she feels that you stay much healthier when you're in our home. I did let her know about the changes that you want to make in your life and she is very happy at the fact that you will be free with who you are and that we are able to help you through the process. She is so open minded so I knew that this would be her reaction.
Mira: That sounds wonderful! I did not know what Lexie’s thoughts were. She is a very accepting young lady.
Michelle: Well you have a house key, so feel free to drop off anything you need to, here. Or come here and rest in the middle of the day if you need to or whatever the case may be. Also we can create storage in the loft if you have items that are bigger that you don't wanna keep in your room. There is also a wardrobe with a drawer up there. Better answer, I will try to get to that closet this weekend so that you can have places to put things. I also have baskets that can go on the shelves to hold different things. As far as your medication, you could always keep that in the top of the cabinet in the bathroom.
Mira: Perfect! I keep all my meds and equipment on a shelf in my room and extras in a closet. I use to keep it in the bathroom when my grandfather was alive, but since his death, I am only allow to keep everything in my room or in the living room. It is nice I can store extra stuff in the loft...don’t have much, but I’ll bring things that are important to me and can be used to help the family.
As for converting my name and identity; still too dangerous to do that publicly I feel. Once things settle and I feel secure in my new life, then I’ll ask to convert my name. We’ll have that conversation, but I see it happening probably by summer or just after.
Thank you to all of you for being so willing to adopt me (if that is okay to use); I believe Lexie (is it Lexi or Lexie, I am uncertain) is correct, my health is so much better there. Unconditional love is a powerful medicine!
Michelle: It’s Lexie :) Yes it is. Love is the Way.
Mira: Perfect, been spelling it correctly! Certainly, love is the way...just took me a year or so to realize that! Thank you for always reaching out, I know you mentioned it last night and I wanted to thank you and Mitch...again, it is something I’ve never experienced...and I cherish it!
Michelle: I didn't get a chance to ask you last night, but wanted to know if you plan to go through a complete sex change through surgery? Also meant to tell you, when you get the date of your port being placed, I'd be happy to go with you if you want.
Mira: I had plans to do so...as I see my HRT physician this month; but it probably won’t happen as my health is too poor to go under General. But much of my discomfort is because of my anatomy. It is weird to explain. Also, I feel that it is a family decision too, so we’ll cross that bridge when we get there. / I’d be honored to have you come with me for my port placement...still waiting on the surgeon...I am shooting for sometime in May.
Michelle: 👍  I hope you have a good night tonight David and I hope you sleep . We'll see you tomorrow.
Mira: I wish both you and Mitch the same, Hope tomorrow brings renewed energy! I will see everyone tomorrow! Have a pleasant night! 💜
Michelle: 💞
     All moments of life can be easily broken down into moments of transition, regret and revelation. There is a terrible darkness that we must struggle against; it is the darkness of the soul that has lost its faith. The darkness is not power or principalities...it is chaos and despair! Great than the death of flesh is the death of dreams and hopes. Against this very peril, we can never surrender to the darkness. Our future is always around us, waiting in moment to transition, to be reborn in moments of revelation. No soul knows the shape of that future, or where it will lead us...all we are certain is that it is always born through pain.
     Just watch a few episodes of Babylon 5 and you will have enough philosophy to fill your life!
     There is a truth to the saying; all moments of transition and revelation must be traveled along the path of pain. Pain is what reminds us that we are alive! As I’ve endured, the death of hope and dreams is the worst conviction any soul could endure!
     As I transition through my old life and into my new life...I know that before the end, I must first pass through the gardens of Gethsemane (the place where Jesus underwent pain and torment and was arrested the night before his crucifixion) which ironically is my biological family and the beautiful garden I have created at home. There will be suffering, pain and in the end...death! Like Jesus, I shall be crucified for my actions and beliefs in my true purpose...but the death of David isn’t the end...there is a revelation in the end. Rebirth! A renewed life as Mira. From the darkness of my faithless family, to the loving light of my anew family.
     Sadly, like Jesus, I know when the end will happen and how it shall happen...yet, I must let it come to fruition...for the sake of my family, the sake of my adoptive family and the very sake of my life. The future is unknown to me, my new family is young...enduring, but lives on uncertain grounds. All I know is that my future is paved with pain.
     At first I was uncertain, scared to move...I have always returned home! Even during my college years in Tacoma. Home was always between the morning and evening sun. Yet, with the fragile nature of my illness...if I remain here any longer, I will die here...alone...or in a hospital, alone.
     There is so much potential as Mira! So much potential as Messinger. Even though I struggle against it; I’ve already been reborn as Messinger, since my near deaths of 2015...if it wasn’t for Amanda to constantly remind me to get checked for cystic fibrosis, I would have drowned on my own bodily fluids in the hospital. The treatments between asthma and CF are not the same...never even considered! Since then, my whole life has been an awaking, a re-purposing. A life to repay a life.
     Now, with the moment only days away...I no longer feel the grip of fear nor the cloud of doubt. I have began the process of preparing for my passing. I know that once my family is aware...the noose around my neck will be tightened! I have turned to another song to comfort me...
David:‘Where once was light...now darkness falls (my family after the death of my grandfather). Where once was love...love is no more (my family has abandoned joy, love and compassion for sadness, grief and disappointment).
My Biological Family: Don't say goodbye, don't say, I didn't try (my family’s rebuttal).
David & Mira: These tears we cry are falling rain (meaning that they mean nothing). For all the lies you told us, the hurt, the blame (the treatment my family gives as reward)! And we will weep to be so alone (in fighting cystic fibrosis and being transgender). We are lost! We can never go home.
Mira: So in the end, I will be, what I will be (my tribulation and awakening as Mira). No loyal friend was ever there for me (referring to my blood family as they never would come to the hospital unless I almost died, then only sometimes). 
David & Mira: Now we say, goodbye; we say you didn’t try (leaving my home for a new life, without remorse)! These tears you cry, have come too late. 
Mira: Take back the lies, the hurt, the blame (as I don’t want it no more)! And you will weep when you face the end alone (as a forewarning to my family to heed the path they are on).
My Biological Family: You are lost (as they disown me)! You can never come home.
David: You are lost! You can never go home (as sung to Mira).
     May is so far away...but also, so close! May...that is when I die! The old life of David, sacrificed and I will finally see the true spirit of my family. They may be able to recover from my genesis, but they will never survive my coming out. That is why it is imperative to gathered what I want to restart my life...as after May, anything left behind will be lost to the flames!
     It will be important to be strong, as a new sickness will set in: Remorse and homesickness. My new family must be strong, I must be strong! For what comes next will be harder then leaving home! I will begin the second month recovering from homesickness and face the revelation of presenting myself to the world. Most of my old friends...will leave me! However, new friends will be made. Then, comes to pain of holidays...the threat of a new sickness presents itself: depression.
     It is important to be true to myself, to allow myself to be loved and to love the family I have adopted.
     In order to stay on track, I will have to be diligent to follow through:
     1) Gather all the tools that are my property, and gifted upon me to avoid legal conflict. This includes my drill bits, tool cases, power drill, Croana tools, shovels, rakes and camping gear. All this must be delivered to Messinger by 4-3-2019. Along with Christmas lights I have purchased. My rock hammers and first load of crystals and rocks. Basically, I need to fill my backseat.
     A second trip will be made on Friday morning (4-5-2019), prior to my trip to Silverdale to pick up my oxygen equipment. This load will consist of clothing and book. This load is important to keep simple as I will be operating around my grandmother, who could turn my genesis against me, but turning the family against me.
     (4-9-2019), Pack up my Mount St. Helens belongings for storage. Pack more clothes. Pack my nature books and more rocks. Pack camping bags and tents. Pack metal detector and DvDs.
     (4-10-2019) Last of the rocks, books, awards, vital papers and plants (if the weather is wet).
     (4-19-2019) Begin packing up items in my upstairs room...to maintain the illusion that I am still around. Begin moving things I don’t want to take to the attic as no one will go up there...only I.
     (4-26-2019) Last trip to Messingers with final articles of clothing, CPT machine, lamps, more Christmas lights, my cactus, poinsettia’s, bedding, fans, Krampus, books, extra medicine.
     The genesis from my family begins as I am expected to depart for the Messinger’s as agreed to...however, once a week has passed...then the news shall be presented that I have decided:
     For the sake of my failing health:
To move into a home where I am not stressed into sickness,
Pushed into doing things that my doctors tell me not to do,
To remove me from the temptation of the outdoors which gets me sick,
To remove me from driving to the hospital which has almost got me into wrecks and lost,
To rely on the wisdom and experience of a father who has knowledge of end-stage cystic fibrosis and to prevent possible terminal sickness that I miss,
To remove me from the household which seems to be always sick due to their work,
Having a father and mother who is willing to perform CPT and healing,
Awareness of my failure to take my enzymes and to keep me on my oxygen that I don’t use always at home,
Can advocate for me when I am in the hospital and willingness to visit without me begging.
And a ever-growing network of friends who offer up prayers for my healing and have expressed genuine compassion and love for how I am...
     And for my transgender health:
I need a family who’s fundamentals are based on love and not deeds,
I need a family who has not lost their faith in God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and community,
I need a family that focuses on being a ‘family’ and teaches community service like our family once did,
I need a family that appreciates me for not my deeds (as my health makes me pretty much useless) but for who I am,
I need a family that will not belittle me because I am transgender (nonconforming / fluid),
I need a family that will allow me to live my life as Mira, who has given me purpose and happiness...but is willing to guide and support me,
I need a family that will allow me to develop new interests and talents without making me feel bad,
I need a family that will allow me to correct my physical and chemical identity,
I need a family that will work with me, not use me as a workhorse, or denigrate me for things I can’t control,
I need a family where I feel safe as Mira and will not retaliate or physically and/or mentally harm me.
     To The Bruer Family:
I am aware of my end-stage nature and know that you can not take another possible death, after the death of my grandfather and Kiera...you need time to heal without my distraction,
As noted, I place a burden on the cost of food, thanks to my digestive failure, and my absence will reduce your bill and allow you to eat what you like. This will help your limited budget and save you money. This will also benefit me, as I need to loose weight for my lung transplant and as I am adjusting to a Messinger diet, I have noticed that I loose weight,
With my absence, my constantly running oxygen equipment, CPT, computer, machines and lights...this will greatly improve your light bill,
With my absence, you will not have to endure my changing body and feminine nature that I have chosen. You will not be required to use my name or face the backlash of my uncles like Mike and Lee who are ‘near-violent’ against the LGBTQ,
With my absence, this gives you back the living-room and sun porch to make use as you like.
     Once I have announced that I have decided to leave--with the following above--then begins the change. By the mid of May, I will begin to change my media platforms to my new name. This will begin on April 26th 2019 with me using my new name at my new PCP who will oversee my transgender health. I expect to lose 20% of my social network to the change.
     I am expecting to battle homesickness, but the adoption of my new last name will be me adjust and I will spend most of my time at the gym, at gigs and working on my new property.
     My second month living with my family, I will begin the process of legally changing my name.
     Make a decision about my care at Cedar River Clinics, and announce my new intentions and good news. Have my blood draw to measure my estrogen and testosterone levels.
     Decorate the property for the 4th of July and tend my new garden.
     See how the Messinger’s celebrate 4th of July.
     I celebrate my re-birthday on July 21st. This is my first year anniversary on hormone replacement therapy and begin to consider SRS by next July. Set up my 2nd appointment with Dr. Worth.
     Head to the Christmas Light Swap to find stuff for Christmas and Halloween.
     I attend Mitch and Michelle’s re-wedding, this time part of the family. I celebrate Woody Woodstock 9 ~ Mitchapalooza 4 as my Grand Coming Out with our closes friends.
     File my name change application.
     Become part of the Messinger family and attend the Bonding Ceremony. Face the winter months ahead. I will open up to Ryan and allow him to do my hair and make-up (something I never though I would say.)
     Photograph Josie’s wedding.
     Plan a romantic outing with my girlfriend, Ruth, to rekindle our relationship.
     Apply for new birth certificate and social security card, change my bank ID, notify all my debtors and medical providers.
     Begin decorating for Halloween and winterize my garden.
     Month six with my new family, I should expect a beckoning from my biological family to return home to do property maintenance. I will reopen a new offer to her periodically. Set up my 3rd appointment with Dr. Worth.
     Celebrate my birthday.
     Prepare for Thanksgiving. 
     Begin to set-up for Christmas.
     Celebrate my first Christmas with the Messinger’s.
     Begin looking into SRS.
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