#extremely sus
pulquedeguayaba · 2 months
The fact that Haniyeh was assassinated in Iran of all places
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Ok but why are "Sand" and "Ray" wearing the exact *same* boots?! You can't fucking tell me poor as hell Sand can afford Ray's boots. What's going on here hmm 🤔
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blueskrugs · 1 year
I simply cannot stay up until 1am tonight but I NEED to know what miss taylor swift is up to tonight
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beemovieerotica · 1 year
Hey... so there now appear to be AI-generated science articles on .org websites that are giving biologically incorrect "facts" on basic, for-children topics
The title is "Are There Freshwater Octopus Species?" which should be an incredibly straightforward thing to answer: No.
The article starts out decent:
"Despite their many fascinating features, there is no evidence to suggest that octopuses can survive in freshwater environments."
Cool. Okay. Next section.
"While most people associate octopuses with the ocean, there are some species that can survive in freshwater environments."
Wait. What?
"Freshwater octopuses belong to the genus Amphioctopus, which includes several species that are found in brackish water and estuaries. These cephalopods have adapted to life in freshwater environments and have been observed in rivers, streams, and even hydrothermal vents."
One species of freshwater octopus is Amphioctopus aegina...Another species, Amphioctopus marginatus...
THESE GUYS LIVE IN THE OCEAN. [Scrolls 2 more sections]
Freshwater octopuses are still a topic of debate among scientists. While some researchers claim that they do exist, others argue that there is not enough literature to support their existence.
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sunderwight · 5 months
Thinking about a scenario where (pre-Plot Happening) Mobei Jun and Shang Qinghua have a tiff, and Shang Qinghua goes back to his peak and honestly he isn't trying to make MBJ apologize first or anything, he just gets so busy that he doesn't have time to grovel (kind of forgets they had an argument in the first place because it's not like MBJ is going to kill him YET unless he does something really egregious, they're on a schedule), but Mobei Jun is just fuming in his ice palace like "that asshole thinks I can't replace him, I can absolutely replace him, he's sooo replaceable" and etc.
So Mobei Jun tries it. He's going to hire himself another evil advisor. Another groveling rat minion. Maybe a dozen groveling rat minions! He's a demon king, these sorts of people are not hard to find. They can't all be working for his shitstain uncle!
And they aren't, of course. Finding a minion who is loyal to Mobei Jun (well, relatively) rather than any of his rivals actually isn't that hard. Mobei Jun is the most promising demon strength-wise of his generation, he's the direct heir, and he's less absent from court than his father and less treacherous and scheme-y than his uncle. There's a whole crowd he appeals to, who serve him readily and have no motive to turn on him.
Turns out that there is a specific combination of traits which Shang Qinghua brought to the table, and none of his new groveling sycophants have it. The ones who are the best at sucking up also tend to be the worst at having actual skills. The ones who are good at their assigned tasks don't have much of an interest in complimenting his tits or telling him this or that cloak really brings out his eyes. The ones who do tell him those kinds of things also keep turning up in his bed, which is unwelcome and annoying. No one can offer him nebulous sort-of-prophetic insights to the goings-on of his realm either, or if they try to, they turn out to be hacks and charlatans with woefully low accuracy rates. A lot of them just outright lie to try and manipulate him against their rivals or enemies.
Within a week Mobei Jun is frazzled, exhausted, and finally ready to apologize.
He shows up on An Ding Peak and slaps Shang Qinghua across the face. The most self-debasing sign of desire that he can extend. Open palm and everything. He's practically on his knees begging Shang Qinghua for forgiveness (he's not actually, though, after all he's still extremely arrogant demon royalty).
Several years into the future, Shang Qinghua will dimly recollect the incident after actually learning about demon courtship customs (he wrote them, doesn't mean he was actually paying attention to them) and ask what that was about, and Mobei Jun will have a Hollywood style PTSD flashback both to that and to the second time he and SQH had a big fight and SQH left, and not properly answer him.
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extrashortshorts · 1 year
Hi there, it would be so nice if you could draw some femmes au (like Koby or Zoro, or idk... Buggy? maybe some Sas) please bring me some joy in these difficult time 👉👈
You're a brave one for asking that, so i will. Times really are difficult
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😔zoro got lost
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lotuslate · 2 years
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to be loved is to be changed!
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theoncomingchaos · 1 month
Finale vs the Book
This episode had the largest amount of original content in the entire series, but that being said there were still a lot of parts that were the same. Huai'en's rescue, Xiaobao's healing, the parents devoting themselves to Buddhism, etc. are all still the same basically.
Things I wish they'd kept:
We were SO CLOSE to the really sweet talk about how Huai'en likes Xiaobao chubby because he's softer, but he loves him no matter his shape and size. (It should have come after the part about his collar bone.)
Zhao Cai apparently having a romance with a maid off screen and deciding to propose to her. It's not a big deal, but it was a nice thing for him and after putting up with Huaibao and Sibao he deserved it. That being said, I LOVE his new friendship with Xiao Yu.
Comparing the actual endings:
The extra chapter in the book has some nice moments in it, but the original content they made for the series was MUCH better in my opinion. It focused on character growth and a look into the characters' futures together. It was very hopeful and beautiful. The book (final chapter AND extra chapter) ends in sex. Like A03 levels of detailed sex. Pick your poison basically.
Things I am SO happy they added:
The talk between Su Yin and Xiaobao showing understanding and acceptance on both sides was such a great addition. Their friendship is really beautiful. I do wish the show had found a way to show the flashbacks to their childhood, but I'm still very satisfied with how their relationship was portrayed.
All of the Xiao Yu & Zhao Cai stalking Huaibai around the house was adorable. Frustrating, but adorable.
Helping the citizens was SO GOOD. It gave so much closure and showed such beautiful character growth for the whole family and Huai'en as well. It gives Xiaobao and his family a real chance at starting over and doing things right.
A proper (and hilarious) goodbye between Jin Bao and his family. Also, the promise of seeing them soon.
The happy family with the new home ending. I was really glad to see the shadows there as well.
The tiny glimpse of the dynamic we can expect in the future between Huai'en and Shao Yu.
Overall, this series was so good and it really did represent the book very well. For those who want more depth into the character's minds and can handle the multitude of trigger warnings for the first half of the book, I would recommend it. If not, hopefully there will be a lot of fanfic for us.
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carrot-felisidad · 2 months
What did they say about the thing when parents are awful, the children are very close and protective of one another?
*squints at Yunmeng Trio and Lan Brothers*
(and I feel like if Jin Zixuan gathered his brothers and Qin su, he would be an overprotective Da-ge, too)
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legend-of-cupcake · 9 months
Tsukasa works FOR Sakura
Now this is very likely me just being slow and not connecting the dots until now, but chapter 109 has made me realise that Tsukasa is not the one in charge of the "destroy all yorishiros" plan... It's Sakura.
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It's this line here that's made me finally see the light, Tsukasa has to "help Sakura, by destroying the yorishiro." He is not actively desiring the yorishiro to be destroyed, he's just doing his part in the plan. In chapter 106, he wasn't even phased that Nene didn't want to destroy the yorishiro and the only reason he persisted was because it was "his job."
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Even way back in chapter 93, Sumire describes Sakura as the one No. 6 serves. Sakura gave him the job of destroying his own yorishiro, not Tsukasa.
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Sakura is the one who wants the yorishiros destroyed, she's been trapped inside the school for 100 years and is tired of it. She wants to leave whatever duty is keeping her bound
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And she is more than willing to make sacrifices to make her wish come true
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Sakura is behind everything, she is the reason that Tsukasa was freed from where he was trapped (very likely Hanako's boundary).
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She is also the one altering the rumours.
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Tsukasa, as cunning and intelligent as he may be, is probably a bit too impulsive to be the brains behind the entire operation. His intense curiosity for things would likely get in the way, no matter how well he means or how serious he's being.
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And again, it's clear Tsukasa is not as invested in destroying the yorishiros as we are initially led to believe. Again, he really doesn't mind that Nene no longer wants to destroy yorishiros anymore
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In fact, it's Natsuhiko who worries Nene won't destroy them. Keep in mind Natsuhiko is 100% loyal to Sakura and not necessarily to Tsukasa. If this was Tsukasa's plan, I doubt he would be worrying over whether Nene will keep doing her part as the kannagi
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The only reason we even initially thought this was all Tsukasa's doing, was because Sakura painted a picture that she was in a similar situation to Nene.
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Sakura gives the impression that she can't go against Tsukasa, that he is her master. But that can't be right, because we know Sakura was the one who appointed the 7 mysteries in the first place. And she was also the one who freed Tsukasa, so how could he be the "master" in this relationship?
I think, Sakura said all this to gain Nene's trust.
Nene, being the modern kannagi, is absolutely vital in the plan to destroy the yorishiros. So having her trust Sakura would help out immensely.
So overall, whether it's the price he's paying for having been freed-- or for some other reason entirely-- it's quite clear to me now that Tsukasa is not the one in charge of the "destroy the 7 mysteries" plan. He's absolutely a major key player, with his cunning and curious mind clearly being an advantage (figured out the fastest and easiest route to stopping time so he could access the clock-keeper's boundary with Nene). But he is doing all of this to help Sakura, it's not for himself.
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nugatorysheep · 27 days
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Some Sven doodles. He's an anxious fella
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luckylunatix · 2 months
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I'm starting to think I have a type and that type is "silly little green guy with a hat/hood and some kind of accent"
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shoutout to Frank, he's gonna fall for / has fallen for the most suspicious puppet in the neighborhood
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emmcfrxst · 3 months
do you think charles could be a sub? i dont think ive ever seen him being written as anything other than a dom
oh my god yes. to me charles is 100% a switch. he’s such an accommodative/adaptive lover because nothing really matters to him except for having you close to him, in his arms, where you belong. he’s really not one to fight for dominance like AT ALL, he follows your lead and listens to your needs so every single moment of sexual intercourse is different and special. there is no repeat with charles; he’s so willing to do anything that pleases you (because it pleases HIM to please YOU) that sex is a new experience every time. the only constant is the love and care he puts into it, and honestly he’s more than happy to let you take the reigns so you can use his body in the way that makes you feel the best physically, but also emotionally and spiritually
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razzle-zazzle · 1 month
Wait sorry movie Cole’s identity reveal? Will there be repercussions about that?
OHOHO you bet! Garmadon's generals didn't recognize him at all, but there is some shaky civilian phone camera footage of Ghost-possessed-Cole fighting them all off, and the Ninjago City Internet pretty much just explodes from there with all sorts of weird theories. And the movie ninja aren't even in Movie Ninjago while all this goes down!
Some more details vaguely in order:
Cole gets doxxed approximately three hours after the footage goes up. The news straight up says this minor's full legal name and everything—Lou is on the phone yelling at them for that for about an hour (he is going to sue and he is going to WIN)
Chen and the other cheerleaders all chilling together trying to process one of Garmadork's Garmalosers being a member of the Secret Ninja Force. They get so close to realizing that the rest of Lloyd's group is the SNF—one of the cheerleaders even suggests the idea before they all turn it down. They were SO CLOSE
The theory that the cheerleaders/other kids at school come up with? Cole's only friends with Lloyd's group because it's the perfect cover, and to spy on Garmadon through Lloyd. Yeah, that's right, the answer is right there in front of them but the hateboner for Lloyd is so strong that nobody can see the forest for the trees here. The theory goes up online and most of the city accepts it wholesale.
Well, most of the city. Koko and the other parents realize pretty quickly that if Cole is the Earth Ninja, then their kids fit perfectly as the others. And remember, all six of those kids are currently missing due to being stuck in showverse! Garmadon's volcano may not survive Lady IronDragon's wrath
Speaking of Garmadon! He was not expecting the ninja to be high school students! He is about to have the worst week of his life, starting with the news going on about how this high schooler is his son's friend (but his son is bald and has no teeth, he's pretty sure... does he need to call Koko? no wait she's already here—WAIT SHE'S ALREADY HERE????). Between no ninjnerds showing up to fight him when he invades the city again and Koko giving him hell until she realize he ALSO has no clue where Lloyd and the others are (and Wu fending off his attack), Garm is NOT having a good time.
Koko, in full Lady IronDragon regalia: WHERE IS OUR SON Garmadon, clutching his bowl of cereal:
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When Koko realizes Garm genuinely has no clue where their son is, she turns to Wu. And how does Wu explain that he a) trained his nephew and his nephew's friends in ninjitsu so that they could act as the city's heroes and b) they all disappeared into what might have been a portal and he's not entirely sure where they are? By playing his flute, of course. Koko punches him.
Between all of this there are still tons of theories about what the fuck Ghost was/is and why there was a glowing green ghostly guy hovering by and then jumping into m!Cole in that shaky civilian phone camera footage. And plenty more speculation as to how and why the Earth Ninja was suddenly able to tear chunks out of the pavement and make the earth shake a little. Yes it should be obvious but. Well. The internet's gonna internet.
And again, the movie ninja are not there when all of this is going down. Their parents are looking for them, Wu is looking for them, Koko tears up Garm's volcano and then joins Wu in tearing up all his research on portals looking for them—to seemingly no avail. The whole city being weird and invasive about Cole following the identity reveal doesn't help.
When the movie ninja finally do return we get this interaction:
M!Cole, head in his hands: my life is ruined S!Cole, patting his back: don't worry, it's not the end of the world! S!Cole: there's not enough nindroids or pythor for that
tl;dr cole got outed bc footage of him fighting off garm's generals while possessed was uploaded online and then picked up by the news, but bc the city hates lloyd garmadon so much pretty much everyone but the parents fail to realize who the other ninja are. bc it's funny
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“y'all want toxic ships in media but you couldn't even handle c//a!!”
hate to break it to you but you're not thinking of the same people.
c//a antis aren't the ones who want toxic relationships in media. most of us want to see healthy relationships that are built on mutual trust and understanding.
and let's just say, even if we do want to see toxic ships in media, we want to see them as they are. not romanticized, not sexualized, not framed as anything but a toxic relationship.
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